#you will never hear the end of my ranting about the elves hair
a-sexy-asexual-658 · 2 years
The Twin Sister (Part 10)
We were sitting in the cafeteria when Sophie got up and walked out. I had just zoned back in on to what was happening when she left so I didn't know why so I asked Keefe. "She's just getting my amazing gift from her locker." He said and instead of saying something like 'how did you get in her locker' I just jumped out of my seat when I realized something.
"I forgot my cap!" Then Dex shoved something in my face.
"Yeah you did so I grabbed it before we left." He said as he continued to do whatever it was he was doing.
"Aw Dexipoo thanks!" Keefe cracked up.
"D-dexipoo!?" He practically yelled to the world. Dex scowled, he had never really liked the nickname. I grinned. Keefe laughed as I opened the first gift. It was a velvet red cloth made out of a soft silk. It had silver thread loopy designs on it and a little adjustable bow on the back. You pull it to loosen it then just push it to tighten, the beautiful fabric was long enough to reach a few inches below my shoulders if used as a headband and to a few inches above my midback if used as a choker. It also had a little placement area in the middle. I looked at the note that was attached to the box.
Hey, I noticed how you liked to use clothes for your registry pendant instead of the wires so I got you this. Hope you like it and if you want it can also be used as a headband. Don't want your hair getting caught while doing a prank now do ya! Anyway hope you like it.
I just stared at the cloth rereading the note over and over. It was honestly beautiful and he was right, my hair always did get in the way when I was pranking. I smiled as I took off the blue cloth I was wearing today and put the crystal on the little placement area on the red one. I wrapped it around my neck twice so it wasn't too long but also made sure I wasn't choking myself. I tightened the bow at the end and tuned to the gang.
"What do you think?" I said and I regretted it immediately when Bianna gained that glint in her eye. Scary.
"Beautiful! The red compliments your brown eye like the silver compliments your blue one.-" She then went on a rant about what dresses would go with it and I turned to Keefe with the stare. We apparently were both obsessed with one of our features, for him it was hair and for me, its face and eyes. I take good care of my face, creams, oils, face masks everything. I also spent years training my eyes to look how I wanted them to, sad? Easy. Cold and cruel? Easy. Seductive? Easy. It's how I'm so good at hiding my emotions. . . . . don't read too much into that.
Anyway, Keefe handed me the mirror we always kept with one of us and Bianna was right, the red brought out the flecks of gold while the silver brought out the twinges of blue since alone my blue eye just looked gray and stormy. I smiled and moved to the next gift but Dex shoved something in my hands.
"Wha- wait is this my I pod! OMG!!" I grinned as I opened it and checked on my apps.
"Yup, I made it solar powered so you don't have to worry about the battery and it has a speaker so you don't have to plug those things in your ears." He said as I clicked on all my apps to see if they all still worked. YouTube. Check. Google. Check. Tiktok. Check. Everything else since I'm too lazy to say. Check. And most important, music. CHECK!!
I grinned and clicked on my music, playing my favorite song, oh how I missed you sweet sweet music. I put it on full blast so I could hear it over the whole room but apparently my silent question of what Dex meant that he put I speaker in when it already had one was answered. He enhanced it. The music blasted over the whole room and everyone went quiet to listen to it and turned our way.
Apparently, the elves were innocent little souls, thankfully, and didn't know what the song meant. By the end of the song everyone in the room dancing to the beat of the song and enjoying it. Ah, so music was what was missing from this celebration. Gifts, food, friends, chatting, and finally, I brought the music.
The adults unfortunately knew what it was about and all turned red. I just grinned and started to dance, but then the devil- I mean an angry Sophie walked in. What? She's scary when she's mad.
"(Y/N) FOSTER!" She yelled above everyone and the noise ceased and I froze. Ice practically shooting through my body. I turned around slowly to find my dear sister and Dex thankfully turned the music off noticing the tension to come. Everyone didn't dare make a sound probably experiencing the same fear, after all, she was like a demon when she was mad, she burned everything in her path and everyone made way for her. Scary. She's like honey, nice, sweet, and shy, but when angered or in the case of honey you took too much she was as deadly as, well, the deadliest thing out there.
Anyway, I slowly turned to see her with the most anger-filled face, she quickly converted it into a sickly sweet smile that can fool anyone with empty scary eyes. I shivered all too aware of that face. The last time I had seen it didn't end well, it was when I was ten and I had snuck out at midnight. Y'know that underground ring I was talking about and told you not to think about too much well I had gone there and apparently, she didn't want me going that night and hunted me down. When she found me she stormed past the guards that hesitated in stopping her well aware she was my sister, oh yeah I had a reputation. When she saw me I was sipping on alcohol, and let's just say she was mad. I am not getting into specifics. Too gruesome.
Anyway, she motioned for me to walk over to her as the parents entered the room and stopped noticing the tension. I shakily walked up to Sophie as she brought her hands up and placed them on my shoulders.
"What did I tell you about that song, (N/N)?" She said as her grip got tighter with every word. I grabbed her wrists as the grip got painful.
"N-not to l-listen to it w-without you." I stuttered as Sophie smiled wider. Heh, mom pick me up I don't feel safe anymore.
"And what were you doing?" She asked with a sadistic glint in her eye.
"I was listening to it! I'm sorry!" I yelled and she finally let go. She patted my shoulder a couple times returning to her normal not frightening self.
"Good. Now don't do it again or else." She said and I shivered as we sat back down. Keefe leaned over to whisper in my ear.
"She's scary!" He hissed and I gave him a hard stare.
"Ya think? Try living with her!" I whisper-yelled back and a cold sweat fell over both of us. We turned to find Sophie staring at us sweetly.
"What was that?" She asked.
"NOTHING!" I yelled before the commotion started and Sophie forgot about our argument.
"YOU BOTH PASSED!!" I heard the voice of Grady yell and I smiled. Keefe rose his eye brown at me.
"I passed, like I told you I'm fabulous," I said whipping my hair, which just so happened to be down today, in his face. I walked over to the hugging family and me being a secret introvert when it came to physical contact planned to sneak away or just stand there awkwardly but Grady had pulled me into it before I could escape and we were like that for like two seconds before our guardians released us.
We continued to speak then they forced me into another hug and I definitely did not melt into the warmth of it. Nope, I totally didn't. Just like how I'm definitely not touch starved. Nope, certainly not. I zoned out and as we were leaving Sophie rushed to her locker to grab something and I went on to munch on candy as Edaline just told me to try not to spoil my appetite for dinner later.
Sophie came back and handed me a box. It was black and when I opened it it had a silver pendant with a blue crystal in it. I rose an eyebrow at Sophie as she furrowed hers at the jewelry.
"Your locker was open and I found it inside." She said as she pulled out what looked to be a copy of it from her pocket. "I also got one." I just shrugged it off as we left. But before we left we heard an explosion and a stink spread across the room.
"(Y/N)!!!!" Fitz's voice roared as I snapped a quick picture of him with both my imparter and I pod and then sprinted out as he chased me covered in glue and glitter with a stench of soggy old socks and farts trailing behind him.
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Well here's the next part hope you like it. I thought to leave it off on a funny note since the endings have been a bit bland lately. 
Anyway off to stop avoiding my homework, goodbye. 
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hafren-isolde · 2 years
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is it just me or did they copy and paste steve harrington’s hair onto elrond
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360iris · 4 years
The Invitation (Young!Lucius Malfoy x Reader)
Warnings: Smut, smut, smut! Alcohol comsumption. Finger fucking, overstimulation. Vaginal penatration. Daddy kink, subspace mention. Oral giving and receiving. Pure filth.
Word count: 3,469
Summary: Gryffindor!Reader gets invited to the Slytherin party of the year by her nemesis, Lucius Malfoy. Fun times follow.
A/N: @thotbutpurple​ mentioned my first piece not having enough smut. I hope I delivered! Quite proud of this one, worked on it for nearly a week.
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Admittedly, Lucius had caught you under the perfect circumstances. Equal parts tipsy, horny and momentarily separated from your friends. 
Slytherin house had decided to throw another one of their infamous party’s brimming with free booze and food catered by the school’s house elves. 
Over the years, you, like countless other students, had heard the tales of their untamed nights. Admittance being through invite only; of which were handed out secretly and strategically. 
Up until yesterday’s events, you had resigned yourself to the fate of never experiencing the grandeur of the self-proclaimed Slytherin Elite.
Friday, February 10th, 1978
Cutting off poor Frank Longbottom who was usually your lab partner in Potions, Lucius Malfoy, slips into the seat to your left with a low and harsh, “Find another station, you gormless Muppet.”
At this point, it was your natural reaction from hearing his voice, to let out a disgruntled sigh paired with an annoyed eye roll. 
“What do I owe the displeasure of being in your cologne drenched presence today, Malfoy?” You jabbed, in a soft but clearly inconvenienced tone. 
His gray irises narrowed as his thin lips quirked up to the side in a laidback smirk.
 He enjoyed your pointed jabs. So much so that he would go out of his way, on the daily, to verbally prod you until you couldn’t take being in the same vicinity as him anymore. Your unpleasant interactions with the older boy usually ended with you storming off enraged to go rant to your friends about how much of an absolute cunt he was. 
“I come bearing gifts, Y/N. One of which I firmly believe you won’t be able to resist accepting.” He drawled.
Inwardly, you had to admit, this piqued your curiosity however, you decided to mask it by turning away from his irritatingly, attractive visage and towards a piece of parchment Professor Slughorn distributes to the class.
“And this so-called gift is what exactly?” You questioned, careful to keep your eyes trained off of him. A task that was quickly shoved aside when a pale hand slid a single, silver metallic stamp into view. It was no bigger than a galleon. Finely embellished with the words: Salazar Slytherin’s Spectacular Soirée.
Your eyes bulged and mouth gaped as you couldn’t help but snap your head to look at his face once more. “Lucius!” You whispered in absolute surprise. 
“That can’t be what I think it is.” You continue after a sharp inhale.
He tilts his head as he takes in your clearly enthralled reaction, not replying to your statement. 
You take a moment to compose yourself. Drawing your hands into small fists on the desk and letting out a silent but deep exhale. 
You didn’t need to ask why he would gift this to you of all people. Lucius’ verbal prodding had been getting progressively more consistent once you’d entered your seventh year this semester. 
Like most girls turning 18, your inherently childish ways had vanished; awkward appearances for the most part altered and morphed during the summer spent away from Hogwarts. Hips slowly filling out and breasts becoming distinguished. Meanwhile, your library of insults to throw at him became more deadly and varied. 
You could play his game better than he expected you to now.
You crossed your legs underneath your skirt, steeling your expression. You leaned forward to lay your chin against your right palm and turned your gaze towards him. Making a show of looking him up and down before quietly whispering: 
“All this just to fuck me huh, Malfoy?” His face stills and demeanor changes. Tongue-tied by your change of tone.
You proceed with a nonchalant, “Your mind must be plagued with questions of just how pretty and pink my pussy is. I’m right aren’t I, sweetheart?”
You observe his jaw lock in place.
“Do you want to brag to your spineless lackeys about how you were the first one to fuck that cocky, Gryffindor halfblood? I bet you wouldn’t wait to boost over how all you had to do was touch her once, call her a filthy, little mudblood and she’d come like a bitch without a pedigree.”
His eyes darken and fists clench so tightly that they turn whiter than you thought possible for him; as you inwardly muse over if he was becoming horny or infuriated. Maybe it was both, but you wouldn’t stick around to see the outcome. He was a deadly bomb waiting to go off.
Pursing your lips, looking him over once more, you decide to leave him with, “Nice chat. I’ll see you around then, Lucius.” 
Agilely, you gather your things. Sauntering over to Professor Slughorn and quietly feeding him a contrived lie about how it’s that time of the month and you didn’t think you’ll be able to sit through today’s lecture; effectively earning yourself leave from the classroom.
As Lucius sits, daftly staring at your back as you make your escape. If he wasn’t previously furious from listening to your small beratement, he most definitely is when he glances down to see the silver stamp invite missing from where he had placed it on the table.
 “That bloody minx.” He seethes under his breath.
Having made your speedy getaway and in the clear for the moment, you decide to make a beeline to the Gryffindor common room where you know your friends are spending their free period. 
Remus, who is the first to notice you entering the warm lounging area, stands up at your arrival and walks to meet you halfway. 
“Y/n, aren’t you supposed to be in Potions right now? Did something happen?” He questions, his brows beginning to furrow. Sirius and James who are seated next one another mid-laugh immediately turn their heads in your direction.
Not stopping your power walk, you reach out and grasp one of his hands and pull him with you towards the boy’s dormitory entrance. “Padfoot, Prongs! Up, up!” You urgently whisper in their vicinity. 
Once the door is securely locked behind the four of you, Sirius questions you, “Alright, spit it out. What’s got your panties in a twist this time, Y/L/N?”
You ignore him, haphazardly tossing your book-bag on the floor next to James’ bed; of which you proceed to throw yourself onto the edge of, letting out a cheerful giggle. 
“Boys. I’ve just been bestowed one the greatest gifts a Hogwarts senior could ask for. One of which, you lot would have never been able to get your hands on. So you must now bask in my glory!” You jokingly proclaim, yanking off your school shoes before pulling your legs into criss cross-applesauce. Incapable of caring that your underwear is now in the boy’s lines of sight.
“And what is this gift exactly, oh great benefactor?” James questions, sitting on the floor in front you, folding his arms atop your lap and leaning his head forward on them with a fond smile. 
Your fingers absentmindedly glide and fiddle through his chaotic curls. “I don’t know, you might not be able to handle the excitement. I fear you might faint from the shock of the reveal!” You continue to jest.
“I best take a seat before you continue then.” Remus grins, plopping down next you on the bed, giving you his undivided attention. This of which, causes Sirius to scoff. 
“Dish it already, woman. At the pace you’re going, I’ll be a skeleton by time you finally tell us what the big deal is.” He sarcastically jabs folding his arms briskly. Instead of moving away from the door, he leans his back against it and crosses one leg over the other. His gaze lazily quizzical as you roll your eyes at his apprehension. 
“Sirius, you’re no fun sometimes, but if you’re in such a hurry to cum your pants then here it is.” You reply, reaching the hand that’s not currently tangled in James’ hair, to triumphantly pull out a small, silver stamp from the inside of your bra and present it for the group to see.
There are mixed reactions to the reveal. 
James scrunches his nose up in mock disgust, Sirius freezes and Remus placing one hand on your shoulder, leaning forward to get a better look. And then the questions begin.
“What is it?”
“Oh, it just happens to be a pass into one of Slytherin house’s craziest parties of the year, James dear.”
“How’d you even manage to get your hands on one of these?”
“Like I said, it was a gift, Remus.”
“Be honest, Y/n. What poor sod did you steal it from?”
“For your information I didn’t have to steal it. Lucius Malfoy just handed it to me for nothing.” You say matter-of-factly at which he first gapes before proceeding to fume. 
The conversation that continued from then on took a tiny bit of convincing on your end, but all three boys agreed in the end to come with you. No one in their right mind would let a chance like this go by.
Saturday, February 11th, 1978
“If you think you could pull the stunt you did yesterday and waltz in here today without having to answer to me, you’re gravely mistaken, lionet.” Lucius whispers into your ear and you just happen to be in the mood to challenge him further.
“I don’t think I’ve made even one mistake though, Daddy.” You coo back to him. Batting your eyelashes up at him and with a quick smirk you bring your cup of fire whiskey back to your lips for a sip.
With one hand he grabs your hips and pushes your back flush with the wall behind you. The other reaching under the skirt you’re wearing and pausing right at the hem.
“Prod me one more time, doll. I guarantee I’ll have you crying your pretty little eyes out.” He growls into your neck and this time you openly giggle up at him.
“I thought you knew that’s what I wanted, baby?” was the last thing you drawled out before the next thing you know, he’s dragging you further away from the main party, into a small reading room. 
Closing the door behind you two, he leads you to sit down on one of the ottomans in the middle of the room.
“I’ll let you in on a secret, Y/N. A small part of your observation from yesterday was correct.” He says undoing the tie around his neck and bunching it up. Before you could question him further, he gingerly stuffs it in-between your mouth.
“Can't risk having anyone hearing the cute little moans you'll be letting out for me. I want all the time I can get from you tonight, lionet.” Is all he offers as an explanation.
Rubbing your thighs together to aid in soothing your gradually aching cunt, you watch as he gets on his knees in front of you.
“I’ve spent countless months thinking of this stupid, fucking pussy of yours and tonight I’m determined to have it creaming all over my cock.” He's gazing at you intensely while his hands are reaching to pull off your undies.
Not being able to actually respond around your makeshift gag, you settle for lifting your hips so he can get to pleasing you quicker.
As the minutes pass, the soberer you become but Lucius’ arousing words continue to sway you into a pliant and silent submission. 
Never in a million years did you think you would willing want Lucius Malfoy to fuck you senseless but the closer you get to having him, the more sure you are of it. You pray to Morgana that he leaves your cunt an absolute mess.
Once you’re free from your undergarment, he pulls you by your thighs until your ass is flush against the edge of the couch.
He pushes your knees back against your chest to get full access to your core, “Daddy wants you to keep your thighs nice and wide for him so he can wreck your little pussy, okay?” He questions and you let out a muffled sob of your confirmed understanding.
“Good girl” is all he replies before he gets to work. Spreading the lips with two fingers, he examines just how pink you are down there, seemingly pleased because immediately after, he springs into action.
His mouth cups around your clit, starting off slow and light to ease you into the pleasure before increasing the intensity. 
He begins alternating between sucking and lapping at your bud while a single finger makes its way to your slit. Leisurely dragging the pad in your wetness before sliding it inside you, centimeter by centimeter, until it’s gone as far it can go. 
Thrusting the one finger in and out until he feels your insides are soaked and loose enough for the next. 
By the time you’re comfortablely taking four fingers fucking into you, your arousal is dripping down his wrist and you’re nearing your first orgasm.
“Lu- Lucius!” You manage to drool out through the thickness of his tie, catching his attention. 
“Luci- I’m close!” You try to sob out and he responds by sucking and lapping at your clitorus intenser than before. His tongue rubbing just the right angle and you can’t help but let out a small squeal as your body is raked over with a white flash of euphoria.
He eases you through it with softer and softer laps as you squeeze your thighs to your chest with a vice grip. He licks up the remainder of your cum before coming up to remove the tie from your mouth and pull you into an enticing kiss. 
As your breathing relaxes, he pulls his lips away. “How was that, sweetheart? Did Daddy make your little cunt feel good like he promised?” He coos, caressing your shoulders to soothe you further.
Fighting to get your words back you mewl, “Mmhmm, thank you Daddy. Felt really good, just like you promised. Do you think I’ve been good enough to have your cock though?” you ask looking up at him through wet lashes. His immediate response is a moan. 
How is it that you know just what to say to rile him up? He wonders.
Picking you up, he takes your place on the couch. Pulling off his trousers and underwear, finally freeing his cock, it swings upright against his tummy. Scooting to leisurely lean back, he places you in his lap as you take a minute to admire his member. It’s thick and hard with a raging reddish-pink tip, leaking a small amount pre-cum. 
Your core throbs and there’s no way you’re not gonna suck him off before getting him inside of you. Before you can scuttle off his lap however, his hands are gripping your hips. “Where are you going, love? I thought you wanted my cock?” He questions with a smirk. 
Of course Lucius would make you beg to suck him off, you think, responding with a desperate moan. You try to lean in for a kiss but a hand flies up to hold your jaw in place. Squishing your cheeks and mouth together.
“Ah ah.” He tuts. “You know what to do, baby.” 
You let out a defiant whine and the hand around your cheeks grip tightens. 
“Daddy just told you to beg, you fucking whore.” He growled, giving your head a slight jerk back and you melt against him. 
Grasping at his shoulders and trying to keep yourself from swooning, you respond with, “Wanna suck your cock, Daddy. Can I make you feel good please? You can even fuck my throat. Let me be a good girl for you.” you whimper through his grip and he just smiles at you before pulling you in for the kiss you wanted.
“That’s all you had to say, little lionet. Come on, let Daddy slide down your throat.” He grins and you practically fly down from his lap to get his penis in your mouth.
Moaning when his pre-cum hits your tongue, you immediately lick up and down his length. Getting as much spit around him as possible before beginning to use your hands to jerk him off. Lapping at his tip all the way to sucking his balls between your lips. 
All he can do is whisper softly  “Fuck fuck fuck, yes- ah that’s a good girl. My little girl is such a good slut for me.”  before you come up to start deepthroating him and then his head is lolled back against the couch, gently holding both sides of your face as his tip hits the back of your throat.
Pulling you off of him by the hair at the nape of your neck, he has to take deep inhales and exhales “I wanna come in you, sweetheart.” He groans, caressing your hair.
Once he’s recovered enough, he lifts you to sit back on his lap, this time facing away from him. 
You lean forward grasping his knees while he fingers you to make sure you’re ready to take him. “Alright, Angel.” He groans, licking his newly wet fingers to taste your arousal once more before reaching around to rub slow circles against your clit.
As you slide onto him, leaning your back against his chest, the room fills with your collective sighs and moans of pleasure.
He begins to set the pace, starting with slow pulls out of your heat before using your weight to pull you back down onto him firmly. Experiencing such euphoria that coherent speech begins to elude you. The both of you too lost in the pleasure to say anything other than “Yes, yes, yes! Right there, fuck me!” mixed with slurred moans and sighs.
His fingers rubbing your clit in circles, fastens in pace and soon your second orgasm knocks into you so hard that all you can do is grip his wrist and thigh, convulsing helplessly around him. 
As you’re climaxing, Lucius fuzzily notices that you’re squirting. All that can be heard from your lips is a fucked out wail and he’s sure he’s in love. 
He’s fucked you through your orgasm and the pleasure is gradually escalating into overstimulation. Your body locking in place as he maintains the same pace, rocking into you. 
“Luci- fuck! Lucius!” You’re crying now, thrown deep into subspace.
“Come on Angel, let me give you one more. Think you can manage one more orgasm, hm?” He asks desperately fucking into you like he’s starved of pleasure.
“Can you handle it, babygirl?”
“O- Okay!” Literally sobbing now from the buildup. He’s fucking you like you’ve never experienced before. 
“It hurts so good, Luci- you’re fucking me so good!” You cry out, both of you racing towards the end. 
One last thrust does it and he grabs you by the waist to bring you down on him. You let a blissed out scream and he’s resting his forehead against your back breathing heavily. Warmth spreading in your stomach as he releases into you. He gives a few thrusts before pulling out.
You’re feeling fuzzy as he cleans your inner thighs and face off. He sprinkles kisses from your legs to your lips, praises peppering your ego. 
“You were such a good girl for me.”
“Look at you baby. So pretty.”
“Good job, love.”
“You were wonderful, little lionet.”
Pulling your panties back on for you, he’s pleased knowing his come is still inside you. “Something to remember me by.” He says before pulling you into one last kiss for the night. It’s slow and soft and as your coherent mind is making its way back into your body, you register how tender he’s being.
Pulling back from his lips, you stare into his eyes. “I hope you’re aware that you can’t fuck me that good and expect it to be a one time fling.” You state smiling, fingers grasping at his sides and he laughs.
“I was never planning for it to be, doll.” He replies, slipping a strand of hair behind your ear. “Now run along back to your miscreant friends. I’ll finish cleaning up here.” He pats your butt, pushing you towards the door and with a roll of your eyes, you head out.
After turning a few corners you immediately bump into Sirius who looks over you with a raised brow. 
“What?” You ask, pulling back.
“Nothing, you just look like you got fucked into next year though.” He barks out. Laughing his head off, pointing out your makeup that’s missing in action and hair completely unstyled. You elbow him in the stomach feeling suddenly sheepish.
“Shut up and help me find the others. I’m in desperate need of a shower.” And you can’t help but chuckle with him, his laugh being undeniably contagious.
“Whatever you say. I think I saw James challenging some random sod to an arm wrestling match.”
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12. All About Bilbo from the POV of...Thorin
And FINALLY I’m done. Thank you guys so much for all the notes/comments/reblogs/etc. I appreciate each and every one of you. If you haven’t been keeping up and want to see all 12 POVs, you can click on the masterlist here or I may just go ahead and post them to AO3. Please enjoy the long awaited Bagginshield conclusion.  😉
Thorin knew after the battle, after laying in that healing camp, after finally being free to have thoughts not consumed by his treasury, there was only one edict he could make as his first one as king: the hobbit had to stay in Erebor. An advisor, a cook, a gardener, he did not care what occupation he took. He would invent a position if he needed to! He just needed Bilbo by his side if he were to be of any use to the mountain. Of course, convincing the hobbit of this was easier said than done.
 In all fairness, Thorin could have gone about it a lot better than all but demanding he stay. The hobbit ranted and raved, he seemed on the verge of lashing out physically (which Thorin would reluctantly admit he would have deserved), and he spent several long agonizing nights in Dale. Finally, Bilbo came back to inform Thorin that he would be returning to the Shire, he would be allowed six months to make his choice, and Thorin would respect it. Balin had to remind Thorin it would be within his best interest to accept. Thorin couldn’t argue with that. In fact, he needed Bilbo to know just how much he appreciated him before he left.
It was their first real conversation since the Battle. Thorin made his apologies and explained just how much the hobbit’s unconventional wisdom was needed both in his kingdom and to the king personally. In return, Bilbo expressed his fears during Thorin’s goldsickness and why exactly he turned over the Arkenstone. It was far from fixed, but it did go a long way towards regaining their former friendship. The hobbit would cite it as what finally convinced him to come back just under two years later. It should have been the happy ending Thorin had been waiting for. He never would have guessed just how wrong he was.
“I’m going to kill him.” Thorin growled.
“You’ve said that before.” Balin reminded patiently.
“This time, I’m really going to kill him. Whose idea was it to make him ambassador to the elves anyways?”
“I believe that would be...yours, Your Majesty.”
Thorin had no energy to deal with Balin’s misplaced amusement as he marched towards the hobbit’s room. He pounded on the door making sure this time that the sneaky burglar couldn’t claim not to hear him.
“I’m not answering if you’re going to be in a mood, Thorin Oakenshield.” Came the muffled response.
“You approved further negotiations after I told you I would not go to that despairing Mirkwood if my life depended on it!”
“Yes, I remember the conversation vividly.” Bilbo sighed.
“Then why…!”
“Your Majesty, if I may?” Balin interrupted. “Perhaps the hall is not the appropriate setting for this discussion.”
Thorin glared at his friend and advisor before turning that look onto the door before him.
“Let me in.” He ordered.
“Only on your word that you will quit raising your voice to me.” The hobbit conditioned.
“I will raise my voice if I please! I AM KING!”
“And with that winning attitude, who could forget?!”
“By Mahal.” Balin swore softly, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
Thorin silently fumed as he glared at the stone before him. Any that claimed dwarves were the most stubborn creatures on Arda clearly have not met Bilbo Baggins. Thorin took a deep breath to center himself before trying again.
“Master Baggins, will you please let me in so we can discuss this in private?” He all but hissed.
It was silent for a moment before the door swung open to reveal the curly haired hobbit who was currently sitting as the bane of Thorin’s very existence.
“There, was that so hard?” Bilbo answered snidely.
Thorin’s fists clenched at his side, and Balin rolled his eyes before turning to go the other way.
“I’m done with the two of you. Fetch me when you’ve figured it out or someone’s dead.”
Thorin gladly slammed the door on the traitor, leaving him and Bilbo alone. However, now that he had the hobbit before him, he found himself unfortunately speechless. He loathed that. As if his mere presence could steal all Thorin’s words away. His rather impromptu first words upon their meeting came to mind. Clearly, he was wrong about this burglar of senses.
“I’m not apologizing.” Bilbo began, crossing his arms. “They asked for a show of good faith from Erebor, and frankly I couldn’t see a reason to fault them.”
“You couldn’t?” Thorin raised a mocking eyebrow. “Clearly you remember our last stay in their wooded halls differently from me.”
Bilbo’s eyebrows furrowed with a scowl. “See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about. If you want this alliance to work, you’re going to have to bury past slights. Goodness, I couldn’t even imagine what the Shire would be if we held onto grudges the way dwarves do.”
“And I can’t imagine the state of my kingdom if I allow flippant hobbits to not hold people accountable for their actions!”
Bilbo pointed a finger at him. “You’re shouting.”
“A'lâju Mahal (Shame of Mahal)! You are...irritating!” Thorin bit back.
“So you’re saying people shouldn’t be forgiven?”
Just like that, the fire that had been steadily building in his breast was snuffed out. Still, Thorin Oakenshield did not bend completely.
“I believe there is a difference when that forgiveness is desired.”
“And I think Thranduil fits the bill...in his own way.” Bilbo shrugged under Thorin’s disbelieving look. “He’s let his son go, he’s lost Tauriel to Dale due to his actions, he’s gotten back the gems he’s been denied. I think he’s ready to make amends. I’m not saying we have to pretend he’s not hurt us. I’m just saying, it would be a good show of...neighborly airs to meet with him and see what he has to offer.”
There was logic in the hobbit’s words, even if Thorin did not want to hear them. And that simple thought probably was the single summary of all their hard feelings as of late. He turned to leave before he had to accept any more difficult truths.
“Fine. Have it your way.” He spat. 
The long disappointed sigh that followed him cut quicker than any blade.
The journey to Esgaroth where they would spend the night before continuing into the dreaded woods the next day was...tense to say the least. Even Dwalin was uncomfortable, and that was saying something. The inn was a welcome sight if only to get an ale and free Thorin of the abrasive atmosphere surrounding the hobbit. The man who owned the inn was tripping over himself to welcome the King of Erebor, and when Thorin was finally allowed peace in his own room, he was reluctant to leave. However, that ale was calling his name, and he waited long enough that surely the hobbit’s final meal was complete to avoid any awkwardness.
That was too little credit to the brilliant burglar. He waited until Thorin was sat down at the bar halfway through his ale before he appeared at Thorin’s elbow as if out of thin air.
“Why are you avoiding me?” Bilbo demanded. “In fact, what possible excuse could you have to be angry at me if you are in fact angry?”
Thorin was choking on the amber liquid that had rushed down the wrong pipe. 
“Well, you see…” He edged around his persistent cough.
“Need I remind you, I’m only doing the job you gave me. Going back further than that, I’m only here in Erebor because you insisted I be.”
“If you would just let me…” Thorin growled only to be interrupted again.
“Is this some sort of punishment for taking the Arkenstone? You lure me back with words of forgiveness and then argue with every single decision I make when I’m only trying to help…”
“IT’S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! You confounded creature!”
Thorin nearly sighed in relief to finally see the hobbit’s mouth had stopped moving. It was as he took in the widened eyes and nervous stance that his words were able to catch up to him. His hands shook as his eyes darted around the significantly quieter room.
“You love me?” Bilbo whispered.
Thorin didn’t want to have to deal with this in front of all these men and dwarves, especially Dwalin’s irritating smirk. Grabbing the hobbit’s hand, he led him into the hallway where it was a little more private.
“You love me?” Bilbo repeated once they were alone.
Thorin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was one secret he had hoped to hold onto for a little while longer. Not that he was never going to act on his feelings, just he was waiting for a little more time to pass. For the chasm between them to be bridged stably once more. But they hadn’t been able to stop arguing! He certainly didn’t expect Bilbo to accept him right now, but he also would not lie to him.
“Yes.” He answered, holding steady for the ire that was sure to erupt.
Instead, the hobbit all but flung himself at the dwarf king, his mouth immediately meeting Thorin’s. It was abrupt, it was warm, it was wet, and it was wonderful. When Bilbo pulled away it was to utter a phrase he never even allowed himself to hope to hear.
“Thorin, take me to bed. Now.”
The dwarf’s jaw dropped at the invitation and the open lust dilating the hobbit’s pupils.
“Wait. Now?” Thorin repeated, his mind whirling but not connecting.
“Now.” Bilbo asserted as he wrapped his arms around Thorin’s neck to kiss him again.
“Shouldn’t we...discuss...this?” Thorin persisted through their kissing, rather stupidly in his opinion.
One that seemed to be shared by the hobbit if his sigh and impatient glare were anything to go off.
“Discuss what?” Bilbo demanded. “I love you. You love me. I’ve bloody been waiting for you to do something about it for months. Now are we going upstairs...or would you rather we postpone until after our meeting with the elves?”
Thorin all but slung the hobbit in his arms making his way as quickly as he could to his bedroom. The sly, conniving, extremely frustrating hobbit. And finally, finally he would be his.
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vminity21 · 4 years
Brittle Leaf | jjk
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Pairing: elf!Jeongguk x Princess!reader, fantasy!au
Word Count: 2,010
Genre: magic/fluff/soft
Warning(s): none other than I did not edit; Rated: pg
Summary: When you are distraught over your future of becoming queen, an elf shows up to give you the magic of adventure, making all of your dreams come true. credit to @suhdays​ for creating such a beautiful cover!
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Elf ears hide beneath the blanket of dark strands bundled into an Archer’s hat shifting through the tall grass until he nears a slight opening. Every day he comes here. Always around the same time when the sun is at its brightest, and the singing birds melodize the atmosphere with songs of exuberance, and the woodland creatures dance along the open paths. Searching the clearing, he finds you in the same spot, wearing a chiffon dress, next to the Giant Tree of Dreams dawning a rose crown, anxiously speaking of frustrations without taking a breath.
Fascination spills over his expression each time he sees you, yet he remains unseen in hopes of one day gaining the courage to approach you. He knows who you are, and he knows one day you will be coronated to rule the kingdom, but with the stresses pouring from your tongue, he has gathered that it is not a duty you wish to fulfill.
“I do not understand why it is my responsibility to rule a kingdom that I know nothing about! I want to create a bakery or a flower garden or-or-or an undergarment facility!” Silence follows from your response as you awkwardly shake your head in evident desperation. “I just do not want to be a Queen! I want to be free!” You speak to the tree as if it can hear you, and the myth of its powers have not been heard of in centuries. The mere beauty of the tree is what draws individuals to visit it, but you always pick a time of the day where you assume you are alone. “I mean really, who wants to listen to a woman like me? I have no desires to create rules or force people to do as they are told. I want to create lemon cakes or roses or lace dresses. Why must I be succumbed to- Ah!” Gasping, your head spins to where the towering grass sways in the light breeze for you heard an unexpected rustle. You do scare easily as your servants have learned to wear bells around their wrists when entering your designated areas of the castle, and your father has never understood your skittish nature nor have you. Eyes sweeping the scenery for any clues, you swallow roughly in preparation to continue your rampage.
“Hello Princess.”
“Oh!” The one syllable scream reverberates into the cloudless sky, jolting to face a timid man who bows at your presence. Furrowing your eyebrows, mouth still horrendously ajar, you observe the gentle way he poises himself upright, a hat gripped within his fingers. “I- Since you seem to know who I am kind sir; may I ask who you are?” Sparse leaves flutter from the tree, nestling onto the ground surrounding the pair of you though it goes unnoticed. Magic zaps through the roots of the tree in response to the moment unfolding for it has not felt an encounter so delicate in what seems like an eternity.
“I am Jeongguk, Madam,” he speaks softly as if to calm you and your pounding heart, “I generally do not make an appearance to humans, but I could not help but notice how distraught you are.”
“Distraught? Me? Distraught is an understatement.” You scoff incredulously to appear tough, but the way his umber eyes greet your soul, you almost feel at ease. Almost. You feel an urge to step closer to him in genuine curiosity, a strong feeling to connect with him, and fear uptakes for you have never felt so enchanted by anyone before. “You say humans as if you are not one. If not human, what are you?”
“I am an elf, Madam,” he replies peacefully, thumbs pressing tightly into the rim of his hat, “I watch over the creatures of the forest. It is my duty to ensure their safety as well as the nature they reside in.”
“You? You are an elf?” Mesmerized by his beauty, you are elated to hear that elves still exist in your world for you have heard of their golden souls but have yet to encounter one. “I thought they had gone extinct! You are responsible for the liveliness of this world. You are what makes this place special.”
A smirk quirks shyly at the corner of his lips at your words, “And you are what makes this kingdom special. That is why you are meant to be queen.”
Doubt clouds your countenance because deep down, you know you are fearful of being a ruler, and you feel as though you need more time to adjust to your hobbies before latching down to be what is expected of you. “I don’t know,” you murmur, sadness etched in your voice. “I hardly think I am ready.”
“What is it you dream of?”
His question sparks you by surprise, and despite him already having some ideas of what you long for, he waits patiently as your eyes flit in concentration, “Adventure.” You reply, finalizing your thoughts with the one simple answer that collects all definitions into one. “I want to bake a pie, grow a sunflower, run through the mountains, design a magnificent dress….” The words die on your lips with the other dream you have always wished for but never have been given the chance, and unbeknownst to you, the Giant Tree of Dreams has heard your every word for the first time since you have stumbled upon it. “And,” you whisper, “I dream to fall in love.”
Love is a mystery to you, especially the thought of meeting a prince that promises to make all your dreams come true. It has never happened- even attending the annual ball, you lounged through the crowd anticipating the sudden lock of a gentleman’s eyes, but alas, it never came. What has ignited your frustrations to be ranted to the massive tree, is the orders your father gives you that makes you dread the day you are crowned Queen. You have not even had the slightest taste of adventuring in the unknown, and it would be nice if your father would let you experience a life before being forever adorned.
Jeongguk is quiet, taking your dreams in when he catches purple sparkles glimmering sporadically along the tree trunk which widens his eyes. He has heard of the myths growing up, he was taught of the old tales by his parents, and one remedy for reviving the tree was the quest of two individuals, who are destined to be together, meet in the one place where both of you are standing. So, it is true, his mind whirls in a cycle of mixed emotions because he never thought the universe would unify an elf with a human especially a human of royal descent. I knew it was you.
“Sir, Jeongguk?” You voice after what feels like an hour of silence, “Are you alright?”
Returning his gaze to you, he nods, “Follow me,” and he offers his hand while confusion enters your expression.
“Wha- Where are we going?”
“Exactly where we are meant to go.”
When he takes your hand, he runs- nearly tripping you in the process, but with the energy booming across your heart, you know this soul before you is about to make everything worthwhile. Magic. You have never felt something so surreal, something so flawless the moment he clutched your hand; running through the fields, he brought you to a bustling town where elves are seen left to right. The tips of their ears exposed through their hair, and their attire coinciding with the country view. When smells of scrumptious delights waft along your nostrils, your immediately turn to him, “Is there- is there a bakery here?” The way he smiles down at you. The way his eyes bring happiness. Your heart leaps in reaction.
“The finest around,”
Giddily, he leads you into a bakery where oversized tarts, cakes, puddings, and breads welcome you among the workers, and you are pleasantly surprised when Jeongguk swoons the women to show you how to bake your most favorite lemony treats. Flour and sugar dust the entire kitchen, Jeongguk flicking some ingredients at you teasingly while you swipe icing across his cheek. The next endeavor brings on a dress shop, where a dainty elf named Hoseok bows at your arrival, sunshine gleaming off his skin while he shows you the latest designs.
“I have always wanted to design my own dress, but I do not think I will ever compare to the masterpieces you have sewn.” You say in awe, fingers gliding along the fabrics of the most majestic gowns to have ever blessed your vision. “Oh, Sir Hoseok, I must have them all!”
His chuckle brings warmth to you and Jeongguk’s soul as he bows in flattery, “Why thank you, my fair lady. Whatever you wish, I will design.”
“Construct what you feel will make the most beautiful queen in all the land,” you wink wholeheartedly though inwardly any dress he construes will make any woman the most beautiful in all the land.
“As you wish,” he bows one more time before you and Jeongguk exit the dress shop you have seen in your slumbers. It was then, after hours of excitement, you wonder where Jeongguk will lead you next. Fondly gazing at him, you wonder how someone so genuine could make a woman, you assume he has never seen before, so happy to the point that she is flying. And you wonder why he is doing everything in his power to make your dreams, no matter how small, come to life in the most serene way.
You are not even aware of the countless rows of numerous flowers decorating an entire field, even standing as tall as trees, bending over to make a colorful path, because your eyes have yet to leave him. Farther into the lush the pair of you venture, laughter serenading the world as the sun shines brighter, and you hope it never ends. If this is what it is like to find a future of love, you hope Jeongguk will always stay. Grasping his forearms, you plop into the fallen petals while he gapes above you, carefully steadying your rolling frames while his nose scrunches with the widest smile you have ever seen. His indescribable beauty. How did he know to find you?
“How are you real?” You whisper, head spinning with so many questions, yet so little time before you must return to the castle. It will not be long until your father notices your absence, yet you could care less. “How did you know where to find me?”
“I did not know where,” his tender stare leaves you breathless, “I just happened to hear your voice one day while I was checking the grounds. I could not take my eyes off you, and for months, I always came to listen to your heart for I felt that you needed someone who heard your wishes.”
“You have known me for months?” Widen eyes show your honest realization, “But why did you not introduce yourself sooner?”
Sorrow heavies his lids, but only for a moment, “Because I no longer wanted you to doubt your worth for ruling the kingdom… And I wanted to give you an adventure of other depths of the world so you will know who else would bow to your glory. We only want to serve you, my Queen.”
There are no words that form. Rendered speechless, your fingertips move to trace his face that is now lowering a few centimeters from yours, his breath warming your lips, deepening the desire tingling along your skin. “Kiss me,” so quietly for only his ears to hear, completing your final wish, he leans in, capturing your kiss as effortless and soft as a delicate flower petal. Fingertips smooth into his hair while he kisses you- tethering every doubt, mending every sadness, completing every mystery you wished to know.
This is not the end of your future with this beautiful being.
For he has plenty adventures, he is destined to show you.
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maerambles · 3 years
Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7
Keeper of the Lost Cities - Shannon Messenger (October 2, 2012)
I decided to mush these chapters together since it has been a while since my last update.
“It’s not magic. It’s just how it is.” [Fitz] (Ch.4, p. 25) 
What is “it”, Fitzy-boy?
“Lumenaria is where all the other worlds come together. Gnomes, dwarves, ogres, goblins, trolls.” [Fitz] (Ch.4, p. 26) 
Interesting how these are the magical beings that Shannon decided to incorporate. Imagine if KOTLC had vampires, werewolves, mermaids, fairies, nymphs, etc...
“Then they decided they wanted to rule the world - like it even works that way - and started planning a war. The Ancients didn’t want violence, so they disappeared, forbid any contact with humans and left them to their own devices. You can see how well that’s working out for them.” [Fitz] (Ch.4, p. 26) 
Hey, your society isn’t peaches and roses either, buddy.
War, crime, famine – humans had a lot of problems. (Ch.4, p. 26) 
Hmmmmm don’t the elves deal with this stuff too to an extent?
Sophie looked around, surprised she recognized the plain square houses on the narrow, tree-lined street. (Ch.4, p. 28) 
Quick question, but does anyone know how “wealthy” Sophie’s family is? They come off to me as middle class, and from the way the houses are being described it looks like I may be right.
Fitz coughed and glared at the sky. “You’d think humans could handle putting out a few fires before the smoke pollutes the whole planet.” (Ch.4, p. 28)
Didn’t Fintan, an elf, start these fires? Because the elves banned his ability (even though an argument can be made on how dangerous other abilities are, like inflictors, that aren’t banned).
Usually, wildfires in the city smell like barbecue. This time it was more like melting cotton candy - which is actually kind of nice, if it didn’t burn her eyes and rain ash. (Ch.4, p. 28) 
Do wildfires actually smell like barbecue? I googled it but I couldn’t find any descriptions of the smell of wildfires. Shannon is actually from Southern California, so I’ll trust her word on it.
“No. It’s a special ability. One of the rarer ones. And you’re only twelve, right?” (Ch.4, p. 28)
I remember there being a decent amount of Telepaths in the book: Sophie, Fitz, Alden, Tiergan, Quinlin, and Kenric are all telepaths. It doesn’t feel like one of the rare ones, but maybe it’s temporal precedence taking affect since we are looking at the series through Sophie’s eyes.
She frowned. “But... I’ve been hearing thoughts since I was five.” (Ch.4, p. 30) 
Prodigy? Check for Sophie Foster.
“Are you blocking me?” he asked, ignoring her question. (Ch.4, p. 30) 
So Sophie can naturally have her mind never read? Add blocking to the list of abilities that Sophie can do without trying.
“Ugh... stop doing that,” her mom complained, closing her eyes and shaking her head. (Ch.5, p. 34) 
This defiantly has happened to Shannon, lol, considering that one of the traits that Sophie inherited from Shannon was tugging her eyelashes.
She’d been teased and tormented  and bullied her whole life. (Ch.5, p. 35)
For being smart? And young? I wish we got more information on why she was bullied.
You could be normal, like your sister. [Sophie’s mom] (Ch.5, p. 35)
This would have ruined 12 year old me, so I can’t imagine what Sophie must be feeling like. And how is Amy normal? She’s literally eight or nine years old. This book treats her smarts and her medical condition (I presume her family thinks she has chronic migraines?) like it’s the worst thing in the world and that Sophie is less for that.
Amy was Sophie’s opposite in every way, from her curly brown hair and green eyes to her lower than average grades and incredibly popularity. (Ch.5, p. 36)
How does a nine year old have “incredible popularity”? Also, why is Shannon treating the fact that she has lower than average grades as a good thing??? Just ranted about that above so I’m just going to move on now.
Finally, her dad set his fork down - the official end of dinner in the Foster house  - and Sophie jumped to her feet. (Ch.5, p. 37) 
Very traditional/nuclear family I see.
It explained why she always felt so out of place around them—the slender blonde among her chubby brunette family. (Ch.5, p. 38)
One of my close friends from high school was the only redhead in her family so I don’t see how this can be that big on an issue. IDK, this book tries really hard to make us feel bad for Sophie and as a reader I already feel for her, no need to point stuff like this out for sympathy points.
“I brought you some E.L. Fudges.” (Ch.5, p. 38) 
This got a chuckle out of me.
Her parents always tucked her in - another Foster family tradition. (Ch.5, p. 39)
This is sooooooooo sweet.
But the color brought out the gold flecks in her eyes, and today she would see Fitz again. (Ch.6, p. 40)
Random, but I’ve never actually seen someone with brown eyes that had gold flecks in their eyes. I think you need to be directly in the sun for that.
He winked one of his piercing blue eyes. (Ch. 6, p. 42)
Creeeeeeeeppppyyy. Glad Mr. Forkle put him in his place.
Mr. Forkle might be on the old side, but he was a large man, and when he straightened up to his full height, he made quite an intimidating figure. (Ch.6, p. 43)
Woah, forgot Mr. Forkle is supposed to be tall.
A hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into the shadows between buildings. (Ch.6, p. 44) 
Her school has multiple buildings? Fancy. Would have loved to see a chapter or two of what regular life is like for Sophie, as we so far have seen so little of it. How bad is Sophie’s time at school?
Reading minds always caused way more problems than it solved. (Ch.6, p. 48)
It sounds fun to a normie like me!
After her stressful morning it was nice to know she would be safe, but she couldn’t help wondering what they were trying to keep out. (Ch.7, p. 49)
Good question, Sophie. Also, has Everglen ever been (successfully) attacked? The gates must be insanely strong.
“Kidnapping is a human crime. I’ve never heard of an elf considering such a thing - much less trying it.” [Alden] (Ch.7, p. 51)
How would Alden even know that elves don’t think about kidnapping? Just because you don’t hear about it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
“Couldn’t hear her either, could you?” Fitz asked him, sounding triumphant. (Ch.7, p. 52)
I don’t know, Sophie already has so many powers so if in the future someone can read mind would make it interesting. Not that I want Sophie to be more vulnerable, but I just want her to less unnecessarily over powered.
“Only those with the strongest ability qualify for Foxfire, and if you don’t get in, you might as well kiss your future goodbye.” [Fitz] (Ch.7, p. 54)
Are Foxfire and Exillium the only two schools in the elven universe? That means that elves probably don’t have a large population. I’m not sure how many students attend these schools, but if they have one-on-one classes with teachers tells me that not many students must go to Foxfire. I come from a city of about 80,000 and we had four high schools (with a decent amount of students going to all of them) so does that mean that the eleven population must be around ~50,000, taking into account that elves probably don’t have a lot of kids and don’t typically die. Humans can easily take down that amount of elves if we’re 7 BILLION strong.
Dozens of squat, brown-skinned creatures with huge grey eyes tended to a garden that belong in a fairytale. (Ch.7, p. 55)
“So … you have gnomes as servants?” [Sophie] (Ch.7, p. 56)
“We would never have servants. The gnomes choose to live with us because it’s safer in our world.” [Alden] (Ch.7, p. 56)
I have a lot to say about this section.
Firstly, they’re brown skinned? This feels so problematic considering almost every character we have met so far has presumably been white. Just look at all the “official” art for the series. As much as I dislike Laura, this can’t all be her doing since other official artists that Shannon Messenger has contracted have drawn almost all the major characters white/white-passing. It doesn’t feel right, as much as I personally headcanon the Vackers as POC.
Here’s an actual complaint from a Black Author.
Secondly, why is it never mentioned that where gnomes live isn’t as safe as where the elves live, essentially forcing them to live with the elves? Would the gnomes still be there if their homeland was safe? The elves are lazy and are taking advantage of these creature’s kindness, and elves have all the time in the world. They’re literally immortal.
Though everything she’d seen in the elven world spoke of wealth. (Ch.7, p. 57)
Why don’t we share some of that, comrade Alden?
“But our bodies stop ageing  when we reach adulthood. We don’t get wrinkles or gray hair. Only our ears age.” [Alden]  (Ch.7, p. 59)
So many fantasy books are obsessed with youth/staying young. Kids, ageing is good! There’s nothing wrong with it! It also disturbs me that I’m 22 and Alden probably looks only a few years older than me.
“I take it elves are vegetarians.” (Ch.7, p. 59)
“Let’s see how good you are, then.” [Bronte] (Ch.7, p. 60)
I know I’m not supposed to be cheering him on, but gosh I love it when the overpowered “chosen one” characters get questioned about their powers and they’re capability of using. Sadly, Sophie isn’t the only chosen one characters that has a lot of abilities they’ve never worked for/last earned.
That’s all folks!
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luna-helps-writing · 3 years
Heyy, I just wanted to submit a LOTR/TH matchups request! I'm of a slightly short height, with dark hair and eyes. I'm pretty good at playing piano, and I enjoy reading, writing, and drawing in my spare time. Personality-wise, I can be either chaotic/crazy or calm and quiet. I'm a proud introvert. First impressions of me could be intimidating, quiet, weird, or all of the above. I'm also a black belt in karate, and apparently I have a killer glare when I'm focused. I'm pan. Thanks a bunch! <33
Thank you for your ask!
For the Hobbit, I ship you with Fili!
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• He can be a bit crazy too, but unlike his brother, he knows when to stop, as do you. You share a lot of fun times together, whether it’s laughing or talking. Your smile is probably his favorite thing ever, so he’ll always go for giving you a good laugh, but heart-felt conversations are a thing with him.
• Falling back on those conversations; he’s great at them. He’s an amazing listener and offers the best advices. He often needs a place to rant, so he’ll come up to you, knowing you will listen to him.
• He loves to learn about martial arts! He’s so excited in training with you, it’s adorable. Whenever you teach him something, he’s just taken away by the whole technique and will end up staring at you instead of training. It won’t be until you floored him for three times that he’ll pay attention.
• Can’t get enough of your piano. He has always found himself fascinated with the sound of the instrument, but hearing you play it? His breath has definitely been stolen. He’ll just sit beside you, his head on your shoulder, as you’re playing everything. He’ll focus on your hands and the way they seem to flawlessly drag over the tiles. Will never voluntarily stop listening. His excuse is always “one more song”
For Lord of the Rings, I ship you with Arwen!
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• As an elf, she is only really trained in using the bow and the longsword. Physical combat is usually not practiced amongst them. This does not mean, however, she would not want to learn. She saw you fighting once and almost immediately asked you if you could teach her that too. After explaining a few basic steps, you quickly learned she was great at it and could quickly move to a higher level. Great teacher!
• As a surprise, she can’t draw. I like to think dwarf are great at crafting, men are great at sculpting, hobbits are great at drawing and elves are great at making music. Therefor, Arwen cannot draw. She tried once, but it was horrible, really. Even after you tried to give her some tips. Don’t eVER do it again. It’s almost sad, really.
• But, as said, she is great at music. She plays piano too! Sharing pieces is truly a thing for you. It makes great quality time and the two of you can just silently communicate with one another.
• She loves your reading! Maybe not as kind of her, but she sometimes steals your notebooks since you won’t let her read drafts or wips. Doesn’t hold her back. She’ll steal it and won’t return until she complimented your work and read all of it. Thoroughly.
Hope you liked it! Stay safe during these times please❤️
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elderbloodlore · 4 years
Calanthe was not a racist homicidal tyrant: a useless and bitter rant of someone whose favourite character ever got mercilessly butchered.
Well, let me give you a little bit of a backstory. I first read the Last Wish and the Sword of Destiny in 2012, when I was 14 years old. I instantly connected with the character of Calanthe, and after her death, it took me nearly a year to be able to pick up the saga itself. Ever since, she remained my favourite fictional character ever. As a little girl in misoginistic Poland, I was so lucky to have her as a role model. Because she fought for herself, she took no shit from anybody, she had love and respect of the people around her, and yet she had such tenderness and kindness about her that many strong woman-trope characters are missing these days, and that is exactly what happened to Calanthe when she was being translated to the screen. In 2015 The Wild Hunt was coming out and there were rumours of Ciri being included, so you can imagine my absolute glee and the hope I was filled with to have some more content with that one woman that meant so much to me growing up. And you can imagine my disappointment when all we got about her were a couple tiny mentions, even though the events of the Wild Hunt happen not even a decade after her death. Then the show by Netflix was announced and, once again, I had super high expectations. I wanted to see the wise, kind, beautiful Queen brought alive. December 2019 rolls in, and my hopes are being steamrolled. So here I am, 22 years old and crying over a fictional character, because one of the best written female characters ever (in my opinion) entered mainstream as a bullish, racist, homicidal tyrant. So let me address the biggest changes the show made to my beloved Calanthe Fiona Riannon, the Lioness of Cintra.
That was obviously the first thing that threw me off. I was quite enthusiastic when the cast was announced, but then as the first promo pictures were released, my enthusiasm was slowly dying down. In the books, Calanthe’s looks are adressed very often: 
 “As before, the queen wore emeralds matching the green of her dress and her eyes. As before, a thin gold crown encircled her ash-gray hair.” Sword of Destiny. 
I tried to convince myself that Jodhi May won’t be a bad Calanthe so hard that I actually made this poor ass EDIT to feed my delusions and cheer myself up. In comparison, HERE is my personal favourite art of Calanthe that I find is the most accurate to the book portrayal. 
Even when the first trailer dropped I was still trying to convince myself that even though she has none of her Elder Blood features or her iconic emerald green, that she wore exclusively in the books, she couldn’t be that bad. Right? Wrong. 
This is probably the biggest change. Calanthe was one of the wisest, most gracefully-written characters in the entire saga, and I really hoped to see that on screen. She was quick-witted, calculating, but at the same time caring enough to let her daughter choose her own destiny in the end (even if it was to be with a hedgehog-headed man twice her age). Her smiles were said to always be full of kindness, she was acting very proper and clearly cared about her image. I’m not going to be getting too much into it with my own words, let these examples speak for me:
'Ah, Geralt,' said Calanthe, with a gesture forbidding a servant from refilling her goblet. 'I speak and you remain silent. We're at a feast. We all want to enjoy ourselves. Amuse me. I'm starting to miss your pertinent remarks and perceptive comments. I'd also be pleased to hear a compliment or two, homage or assurance of your obedience. In whichever order you choose.' [...]  'Hochebuz,'  said Calante, looking at Geralt,  'my first battle. Although I fear rousing the indignation and contempt of such a proud witcher, I confess that we were fighting for money. Our enemy was burning villages which paid us levies and we, greedy for our tributes, challenged them on the field. A trivial reason, a trivial battle, a trivial three thousand corpses pecked to pieces by the crows. And look - instead of being ashamed I'm proud as a peacock that songs are sung about me. Even when sung to such awful music' Again she summoned her parody of a smile full of happiness and kindness, and answered the toast raised to her by lifting her own, empty, goblet. Geralt remained silent. The Last Wish.
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'Aha,' said Calanthe quietly, clearly pleased. 'And what do you say, Geralt? The girl has taken after her mother. It's even a shame to waste her on that red-haired lout, Crach. The only hope is that the pup might grow into someone with Eist Tuirseach's class. It's the same blood, after all. Are you listening, Geralt? Cintra has to form an alliance with Skellige because the interest of the state demands it. My daughter has to marry the right person. Those are the results you must ensure me.' The Last Wish.
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‘Very well then. As queen, I shall convene a council tomorrow. Cintra is not a tyranny. The council will decide whether a dead king's oath is to decide the fate of the successor to the throne. It will decide whether Pavetta and the throne of Cintra are to be given to a stranger, or to act according to the kingdom's interest.'  The Last Wish.
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'Pavetta!' Calanthe repeated. 'Answer. Do you choose to leave with this creature?' Pavetta raised her head. 'Yes.' The Force filling the hall echoed her, rumbling hollowly in the arches of the vault. No one, absolutely no one, made the slightest sound. Calanthe very slowly, collapsed into her throne. Her face was completely expressionless. The Last Wish.
Guards, armed with guisarmes and lances, ran in from the entrance. Calanthe, upright and threatening, with an authoritative, abrupt gesture indicated Urcheon to them. Pavetta started to shout, Eist Tuirseach to curse. Everyone jumped up, not quite knowing what to do. ‘Kill him!' shouted the queen. The Last Wish.
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In the books, Cintra was often mentioned to be obiding by the rules of the elves: 
‘Dear child,’ said Vesemir gravely, 'don’t let yourself get carried away by your emotions. You were brought up differently, you’ve seen children being brought up in another way. Ciri comes from the south where girls and boys are brought up in the same way, like the elves. She was put on a pony when she was five and when she was eight she was already riding out hunting. She was taught to use a bow, javelin and sword. A bruise is nothing new to Ciri—’ Blood of Elves.
There were many elves and dwarves living peacefully within its borders. Calanthe’s two names - Fiona and Riannon, come from her ancestors that are respectively a quarter and a half elf, and known to be that. Calanthe was the one who taught Ciri that non-humans are not dangerous:
‘I’m not afraid at all!’ Ciri suddenly cried, assuming her little devil face for a moment. ‘And I’m not parrotised! So you’d better watch your step! Nothing can happen to me here. Be sure! I’m not afraid. My grandmamma says that dryads aren’t evil, and my grandmamma is the wisest woman in the world! My grandmamma… My grandmamma says there should be more forests like this one…’ Sword of Destiny.
There was no actual reason nor basis for the showrunners to make her racist and make her murder elves. Having her walk into her own daughter’s birthday party, bathed in elven blood, while she knows that the same blood flows in her own veins, at least partially, was completely unnecessary. Even in the polish version of the show from 2001 Calanthe said: 
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This probably hits me the most on personal level, because I feel like Calanthe had a huge impact on Geralt’s growth as a character, and with such a drastic change to their relationship, I’m unsure as to he will now proceed to develop. Calanthe was, in large, one of the first people in the books that treated Geralt as anything more than a mutant. Here are some of my favourite scenes between the two, in comparison with how their relationship was portrayed in the show:
"At times, no, for years at a time, I deluded myself that you might forget. Or that for other reasons you might be prevented from coming. No, I didn't want anything unfortunate to happen to you, but I had to take into consideration the dangerous nature of your profession. It is said that death follows in your footsteps, Geralt of Rivia, but that you never look behind you. Then... when Pavetta... You know already?" "I know," Geralt said, inclining his head. "My sincere condolences..." "No," she interrupted, "it was all long ago. I no longer wear mourning clothes, as you see. I wore them for long enough.” Sword of Destiny.
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He slowly pushed the cup on the table so that the clink of silver on malachite would not betray the uncontrollable trembling of his arm. "You don't deny it?" "No." She bent to seize his hand with vigor. "You disappoint me," she said, giggling prettily. "This isn't voluntary," he responded, laughing as well. "How did you guess, Calanthe?" "I did not guess." She did not release his hand. "I said it at random, that's all." They broke out in laughter. Sword of Destiny.
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"I will not take it. It is too great a responsibility, one that I refuse to assume. I would not want for this child to speak about you the way... the way I..." "You hate this woman, Geralt?" "My mother? No, Calanthe. I doubt that she was given a choice... or perhaps she had no say? No, she had, you know, enough formulas and elixirs... Choice. There is a sacred and incontestable choice of every woman that must be respected. Emotions are of no importance here. She had the indisputable right to make such a choice. That's what she did. But I think about meeting her, the expression on her face then... it gives me a sort of perverse pleasure, if you understand what I mean." Sword of Destiny.
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A rosebush grew next to the gazebo. Geralt plucked a flower, breaking its stem and then knelt, his head bowed, presenting the flower in his hands. "I regret that I did not meet you sooner, white-haired one," she said, accepting the offered rose. "Rise." He rose. "If you change your mind," she went on, sniffing the flower, "if you decide... Return to Cintra. I will wait for you. Your destiny will be waiting for you, as well. Perhaps not advitam aeternam, but for some time, no doubt." "Farewell, Calanthe." "Farewell, witcher. Look after yourself. I... I sometimes feel... in a strange way... that I am seeing you for the last time." "Farewell, my queen." Sword of Destiny.
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We were robbed of so many epic scenes that truly took away from Calanthe’s millitary accomplishments and showed none of the strength and determination she originally had: 
"The Nilfgaardians dealt the first blow," he began after a moment of silence. "There were thousands. They met with the armies of Cintra in the Marnadal valley. The battle lasted all day: from dawn to dusk. Cintra's troops valiantly resisted before being decimated. The king died, and that's when the queen..." "Calanthe." "Yes. Seeing that her army had succumbed to panic and scattered, she gathered around herself and her standard any who could still fight and formed a line of defense that reached the river, next to the city. All the soldiers who were still able followed." "And Calanthe?" "With a handful of knights, she covered the troops' crossing and defended the rear. They say she fought like a man, plunging into the thick of the battle. She was impaled by pikes when she charged against the Nilfgaardian infantry. She was then evacuated to the city. What's in that flask, Geralt?" "Vodka. Want some?" "Well then, gladly." "Speak. Continue, Dandelion. Tell me everything." "The city wasn't properly defended. There was no headquarters. The defensive walls were empty. The rest of the knights and their families, the princes and the queen, barricaded themselves in the castle. The Nilfgaardians then took the castle after their sorcerers reduced the gate to cinders and burned down the walls. Only the tower, apparently protected by magic, resisted the spells of the Nilfgaardian sorcerers. Even so, the attackers penetrated inside four days later without making camp. The women had killed the children, the boys and girls, and fell upon their own swords or... What's is it, Geralt?" "Continue, Dandelion." "Or... like Calanthe... head first, from the battlement, the very top... It's said that she asked to be... but no-one would agree. So she climbed up to the crenelations and... jumped head first. They say they did horrible things to the corpse afterward. I don't want... What is it?” Sword of Destiny.
I understand that this happened because of limited screen time, probably, but the whole Fall of Cintra had been squeezed into what seemed to be a single day, a crushing defeat for Calanthe’s forces, and probably in some way, punishment for her pride. 
While reading the rest of the saga, these little snipits of people talking about Calanthe, mentioning her, often with respect and reverence, mentioning how her people mourned her and swore revange for her, truly kept me going through. I wished that, at the end, Ciri would find it in herself to return home and liberate it, as back then I had no way to spoil myself the ending. In the books, you can really feel the outrage almost all of Continent feels after the murder of Calanthe: 
[...] Cintra is a symbol. Remember Sodden! If it were not for the massacre of that town and Calanthe's martyrdom, there would not have been such a victory then. The forces were equal — no one counted on our crushing them like that. But our armies threw themselves at their throats like wolves, like rabid dogs, to avenge the Lioness of Cintra. Blood of Elves.
[...] Bear in mind that these men left their homes and families, and fled to Sodden and Brugge, and to Temeria, because they wanted to fight for Cintra, for Calanthe’s blood. They wanted to liberate their country, to drive the invader from Cintra, so that Calanthe’s descendant would regain the throne. Baptism of Fire.
In the show, there is none of that. In fact, people seem to be full of disdain and hatred for her, saying things such as: 
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which, in turn, fills me with dread for the upcoming seasons, because I can already feel all the further butchery coming my beloved Queen’s way.
In all honestly, there is very little the Calanthe from the show has in common with the one from the books, the one I originally fell in love with. Which is not to say that Netflix’s Calanthe is not a great character in her own right, because who doesn’t love a badass sword-wielding Queen, but as a portrayal of the greatest ruler within the Witcher universe, and one of, in my opinion, best written female rules in literature, she falls flat, and that’s what pushed me to write this useless and slightly bitter rant, in hopes to maybe interest more people in the original version of Calanthe and maybe, just maybe, prompt some of you to read the saga or, at the very least, the short stories. 
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Haldir x Reader
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Alright, here’s another one that I’ve had in my queue. I’m working on knocking the things out in my queue, and working on writing things that I’m not super comfortable with. So here’s another.
I longed to be outside, the Kingdom of Lothlorien is known for its ethereal beauty, yet here I am stuck in a meeting. With each passing moment the more focus I was losing in what the council was saying. I think they were talking about the orcs that have become more daring as of late. I know that is important, but I just couldn’t bring myself to focus. I found myself staring past the ellon talking and into the forest behind. I was glad there were windows in this room. The longer I stared, the stronger the longing to be outside became.
“Our march-warden is coming in today and tomorrow will give us a report of the field.” One elf said. I perked up at the thought of the march-warden coming back. His name is Haldir. He’s definitely one of a kind. They then changed the subject to something more about the borders, but the thought of the march-warden had me distracted me once again. Being a princess I am told that I will eventually be betrothed to someone from another kingdom. However, I have found someone I love, who my father would never let me be with. The march-warden. The meeting ended and I could not get out of there fast enough. I rushed right out to the gardens. I felt a weight lifted off of me once I was outside.
I wandered around for a while until I settled in a secluded spot hidden from the guards. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear someone come up behind me.
“Meleth, why are you out here by yourself?” Haldir asked. I jumped when he wrapped his arms around me, almost pulling us into the stream.
“Meleth, you scared me.” I turned in his arms. 
“I heard you were coming in today in my meeting. After I heard that I simply could not focus.” He laughed and shook his head. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I missed you so much meleth.”
“I missed you too meleth-nin.” I smiled and pulled him closer to me. It had been months since we had seen each other in person. We sat down and started to talk about what has happened in our time apart. “The orcs are getting more and more daring. They have been caught trying to sneak over our walls, into our land. We have to fight them off daily. I’m glad to have a break, and to see you.” Haldir tightened his grip on me, like he was scared I was going to be ripped from him at any moment.
I looked up at him, “I’m not going anywhere.” I took his hand and placed it over my heart. He smiled and wrapped his hand around mine.
“I know, your father wouldn’t allow anyone to take you, but I don’t see you enough. Have you thought about talking to him?” I let a laugh escape and stood up.
“Haldir, are you serious? He would have your head, and lock me up in the dungeons for two thousand years! Is that what you want?” He stood up.
“Yes! Yes, I would do anything if it meant that I can be with you. I think you know that.” I turned towards him, just studying him. “I’m not trying to push you, but I want to be with you.”
“If you’re not trying to push me, then why do you always bring it up?!”
“Because I love you, and I want to be with you in public. I want to marry you. We’ve been hiding this for years and-” I cut him off.
“We’ve been hiding this for years, for a reason. I’ve already explained that to you. I love you, but-” this time he cut me off.
“But what? This isn’t going to work? You’re not going to come forward and tell your dad, so what we’re going to hide for the rest of our lives?”
“No but-”
“But what? This isn’t going to work.”
“Please don’t say that.”
“Then you’ll tell your father?”
“Uh, no.”
“Then this isn’t going to work. I can’t keep seeing you.” I reached for him, and he stepped out of my reach. “I want you to know that I do love you, but if you won’t say something, then we can’t be together.”
“I’m just not ready to tell him, and I don’t want you to waste your time on me anymore. I’m sorry.” I turned and walked away leaving him alone in the clearing. I made my way through the gardens and into the meeting room. I went to my chambers and cried myself to sleep. I slept through dinner, and breakfast the next day. The only reason I was up and moving was because the maids came in and woke me  up to get ready. They dressed me in this breathtaking pastel blue dress. It came to the edge of my shoulders, and dipped low in the front and back while maintaining my modesty. My hair was pulled back into waterfall braids, cascading down my back.In thirty minutes our meeting was where the march-warden would give us an update. 
‘I feel sick to my stomach knowing that I’m going to see him today. I wish things could be different. I love him, I really do. If I just had the courage to tell my father, then things would be different. Maybe he’s right, maybe I should just tell him. I’d have to face the consequences eventually.’ I heard someone come in behind me, so I turned over my shoulder to see who it was. It was my father.
“Are you ready meleth-nin?” He asked.
“Yes.” I paused, turning around, “I have a question for you.” 
“Yes?” I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves for what was to come.
“What would happen if I were to fall in love with someone?” He raised his eyebrow.
“Is this someone a noble or prince of another kingdom?” He asked.“No, he is neither, but he is loyal and caring.”
“If he is of lower status than you, then I will not permit it. I will not have this from my daughter.”
“But father, I love him. I think if you-”
“ENOUGH! I will not have this kind of attitude from you. You do not know this ellon, he could be after you for your status. My answer is final.”
“I do know him, I’ve known him for years, and we have been together for 20 of those. He is not after me for my status, I can promise you-”
“I’ve told you that is enough. Now we will discuss this later, but we have to go or we will be late. You will be breaking things off with him.” His voice was dangerous and I knew that the consequences would be severe if I did anything else, so I nodded and allowed him to escort me to the meeting. When we arrived I sat down in my seat and waited for Galadriel and Celeborn to start the meeting. They started it, but I was not focused at all. Then they turned the time over to Haldir, the march-warden, my love. 
‘I wonder if he would take me back? I wonder if I could catch him after the meeting, maybe talk to him. Would he gather me in his arms, kiss me, tell me everything's okay? Would he take me back even-’
“Lady Y/N?” I shook my head, hearing my name being called. 
“I’m sorry could you repeat that for me?” I let out a small laugh, but didn’t miss the way that Haldir looked at me. I almost missed the question again because I was watching him.
“What would you advise for a solution?” one of the ellons asked.
“I believe given all of the facts presented, that the best option is to protect our borders. Not by going out, but staying at the line and defending it there. If we go outside of our borders, then we run the risk of getting ambushed and losing more lives than is currently necessary.” I saw a few of the elves nod their heads, while some looked upset.
“That is not the best course of action, she hasn’t been paying attention the entire time.” I felt my father tense at my side. 
“That is unfounded! The march-warden just told us that the orcs have been staying where they’re at. A few have come up to the border, looking for a way in, but they have yet to find one. I don’t see a reason why we should put the lives of our brothers, fathers, and loved ones at risk, when we are capable of fending them off. Needless bloodshed is not what is needed right now, I think we all can agree on that.” Once I finished my rant, Galadriel called for a thirty minute break, and we would gather after and continue to diplomatically discuss the matter. Haldir was one of the first ones out, I stood to try and catch up to him, when my father caught my arm.
“We need to talk.” He spoke quietly as the others filed out of the room. I gave him a look but waited so as not to spark his rage even more. 
“What is it you needed?” I asked through gritted teeth. 
“When you were speaking, you spoke of loved ones.” I nodded my head.
 “I think we all have loved ones out there, specifically those that live here.”
“Yes, but there is no one that you love, that would be out on the front lines. Unless it is this mystery ellon who you’ve been seeing.” I looked away from him when he said that. “Well who is it?” I wrapped my arms around myself and walked up to the window.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. When I saw him yesterday he asked me to tell you. I didn’t want to.” I threw my hands up and turned towards him, “I was scared. Scared of what you would say, how you would react.” I stood in front of him now, “He broke it off with me. He didn’t want to waste his time with someone who wouldn’t let their relationship be public. So at this point it doesn’t matter.” 
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I didn’t-” I waved my hand in the air.
“It’s fine. I’m going to go now.” I walked out of the room, trying to find him. I stood on the walkway trying to see if I could find him. I saw him below talking to a group of elves. I walked down the winding stairs, and pushed through the other elves just milling about. I stood behind the group that he was speaking with and cleared my throat. The others turned and bowed when they saw me. “I’m sorry for the interruption, but I need to speak with the march-warden for a moment.”
“Of course my lady.” They responded as they stepped to the side. “Would you care to go for a walk march-warden?” I asked, he gave me a look but held his arm out to escort me. “Thank you.” We walked for a bit, and once we were away from prying eyes, stopped. 
“What did you need to talk about?”
“About us. I know that we ended on difficult terms. I’m sorry though that is my fault. I wanted to talk to you about us ending things.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m unclear as to what you are talking about.” 
“You ended things because I wouldn’t tell my father.” He nodded, “Now I am not asking for you to take me back, but I thought you should know that I told him.” He grabbed my arms and stepped closer. 
“You told him? And?”
“He is not pleased. He told me that he would not allow it and I needed to end it immediately.” I looked down playing with the sleeves on my dress. “I informed him that it wasn’t an issue. That it had already ended, thanks to how he would react.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, I just thought that you should know that I still love you. I’m not asking for you back, but I thought you should know that I told him.” He just stood there looking at me, not saying anything. “We should probably get back.” I whispered turning around, and walking away. I could see the others returning to the meeting room. I slowly made my way up the stairs, wishing that things could have gone differently. I was standing in the doorway of the room, when I heard my name being called.
“Y/N! Y/N!” I turned to see Haldir running up the stairs and across the walkway towards me.
 “Haldir, what are you-” I was cut off as he pulled me into him and delivered a rather heated kiss. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. 
“MARCH-WARDEN, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!” My father bellowed causing us to break apart. 
“Father-” He held his hand up.
“I asked the march-warden, did I not?” Haldir placed his hand on my arm and stepped forward. 
“My king, I have been seeing your daughter for 20 years. I love her, and would do nothing to harm her. Nor am I after her status, I truly love her for her.” At this point Galadriel had gathered everyone and moved them out of the room, to give us some privacy. 
“How do I know that your intentions are pure? You did not come to me to ask to court her, and yet expect me to be okay with this?”
“Yes, because I am okay with this and I love him. I do not ask you to understand, but I ask you to be okay with it.”
“I’m not sure that I can do that.” my father responded.
“Please just try to get to know him, for me.” I pleaded. He gave me a look and finally opened his mouth to speak.
“Okay, but I expect you to follow the rules of courting.” I smiled, gave him a hug and thanked him profusely. 
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Stormy Weather || Thor x Reader
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Main Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
‘Would you want to do a Thor x Reader where the reader and Thor are spending the day together in Thor’s place and the reader has to leave to do some work for Cap or Tony but Thor causes a thunderstorm so that she doesn’t leave because he knows how much she hates getting wet (she doesn’t mind though!)’ A/N: I didn’t know whether you meant Thor’s place as in his own house or living in the Avengers tower, but I’m going to set it after Civil War, (we saw Thor looking for different roommates and lets say he managed to find a place of his own. Also mentions of siding with Steve in Civil War soz if you didn’t but I feel like Thor would have sided with Steve.) and just ignore the fact it might not totally fit into the timeline of the movies but hEy I did my best I’m still struggling to accept Infinity War even though Endgame is in like two weeks.  Also sorry if this is too short, I’m trying to overcome writer’s block!
 “You know, when you said you had your own place, I never expected it to look this good.” You said absentmindedly, leaning against Thor as you watched the TV together. Thor chuckled, and you felt it rumble through his entire being – his loud, booming voice was not restricted to speaking, it radiated from his entire being.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, considering my taste in decoration seems to have exceeded your expectations.” Thor grinned at you, moving his arm so that it rested on your shoulders, eyes not leaving the screen infront of the two of you. You smiled at him, eyes resting on the world outside one of Thor’s windows. It was a relatively normal day: the sun was shining, and there were only a few clouds in the sky, or so you could see from your limited point of view. You could hear the world moving as normal around you, the occasional car horn standing out amongst the usual bustle that was the citizens of America.  “I appreciate you taking the time out of your week to come and visit me, Y/N.” Thor’s voice broke you out of your train of thought, and you turned your head back to him.
“It wasn’t any trouble at all, Thor.” You grinned at him. “I’d much rather be here spending time with you than out fighting bad guys and putting my life on the line, which by the way,” You paused, shifting around on the sofa, sitting up straighter. “Is a lot more tiring when you aren’t a god or a super-soldier who doesn’t feel like they might collapse after a few hours of fighting.” You pouted as Thor let out a laugh at your rant.
“You make a good point Y/N, it is certainly much more enjoyable to spend time with someone as ruggedly handsome as me, who would obviously never let anything bad happen to a mortal such as yourself, and is much more experienced and trained in combat than our fellow Avengers.” Thor said, puffing out his chest physically, and also somehow expressing the same vibe when speaking. Loki’s energy has really been rubbing off on him, you thought to yourself as you shook your head, smiling. You found yourself doing that a lot more these days, especially when you were around Thor. He just seemed to have that effect on you, often reducing you to a giggling mess.
“It’s certainly nice to know that I’m appreciated for something other than my combat skills and for actually being a decent human being.” You resumed your position of resting against Thor. It was peaceful moments like this where you forgot that Thor was a god, and heir to the throne of Asgard. He felt normal to you, sure he was a little naïve when it came to realising how this world worked, but he was a genuinely kind and gentle person. You’d watched him grow as a person since you first met him when the Avengers initiative was finalised and launched, maturing over the years and realising that the Avengers never saw him as a Prince, but as one of their own and a relatively normal person. You’d also seen him grow as a so called ‘superhero’, growing used to handling his power in different ways and saving the world multiple times. When you heard about how he saved the world against the Dark Elves you couldn’t believe that it was Thor who had done it. Well, you could believe it but a few years ago, the Thor that you knew then wouldn’t have risked so much to save your world.
And hey, if in the time you’d known Thor you’d developed a slight crush on him, who was to judge you? And more importantly, who was to know? You’d never told anyone how you felt towards Thor, although the only person who you thought would know anything about your emotions and what went on inside your head was Wanda, as you’d felt the extent of her powers when you all first encountered her and her brother. The battle of Ultron really gave you some time to reflect on whether you wanted to remain a member of the Avengers, and unsurprisingly, it had been Thor who had reasoned with you and asked you to stay. But then not too soon after you’d made your decision, he’d told you all in one last meeting with some newer recruits that he had to leave to return to Asgard, and to explore parts of the universe to recover things he called ‘infinity stones’. That had almost broken you, losing one of the people you cared most about in the world – well, worlds. So while you’d stayed with the Avengers back on earth, and fought off more bad guys than you could count, there had always been a Thor-shaped hole in your heart, and for a while it had been hard not seeing him every day around the new compound, but you’d made friends with the newer members; Sam, Wanda and Vision.
Then, the Avengers split up. They straight up, boy-band, split up. Like how the Beatles split up, and how One Direction (it still hurts) split up. You’d sided with Steve and met up with Clint again and a new guy called Scott Lang. You’d never felt worse when facing your old team-mates, but you wouldn’t be free if you sided with Tony and signed that damn agreement. It might even have prevented Thor from re-joining the group when he came back. It wasn’t a proper fight – nobody wanted to seriously hurt anyone else, (except maybe T’Challa when it came to fighting Bucky) and when Steve and Bucky made it away from Tony and the reason that the fight had started, the rest of the team had to face the consequences of their actions. That had to have been one of the worst moments of your life, the time you all spent in those cells. It hadn’t helped when Tony came by to visit, and even when he tried to help, you still weren’t sure about him anymore. He’d changed.
Fast forward a few weeks, and you found yourself on the run from the government, accompanied by Steve, Sam and Natasha. You travelled from hotel to hotel, never using the same name when booking rooms, and you and Natasha had had to dye your hair to try and keep your real identities secret. Hey, it had worked so far. You’d run into Thor a couple of weeks ago in a library, and almost had a heart attack upon seeing him. He hadn’t recognised you at first, but as soon as you spoke his face had lit up, and he’d pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. You’d explained your situation to him, and while he seemed to think that the whole event was completely ridiculous and simultaneously offended that you hadn’t thought to invite him along to the fight, he appreciated that you had to lie low for a while, so the two of you couldn’t meet up in public.
So, today was the first day in a long time that you had been able to truly relax, and you immediately got in contact with Thor, because if anyone can make you feel relaxed and safe, Thor can. Bringing yourself out of your memories, you saw that the movie you two had been half-heartedly watching had ended, and the credits were rolling. Without speaking, you reached over Thor, picking up the remote and clicking through the vast selection of movies that Netflix supplied, and once finding a movie the two of you wanted, you pressed play, and set the remote on the coffee table infront of you, and resumed your position against Thor.
“Thanks for letting me stay here today.” You said quietly, only half-focusing on the movie, half-focusing on the literal god sitting next to you. Thor’s hand shifted from resting on your shoulder, and brushed a few shorter strands of hair away from your face, and gently ran his fingers through your hair in a soothing motion. He didn’t reply, simply letting out a long breath, acknowledging your thanks silently. You abandoned trying to focus on the TV, and let your eyes roam over Thor, from his long, blonde hair down to Mjolnir, which was resting on the sofa on the other side of Thor. As you gazed at him, you felt your cheeks flush, as your emotions decided that now would be a great time to express your affections towards Thor.
As if you had spoken aloud, Thor turned his head to look at you, and his gaze softened as his eyes roamed over your face. “You know, my father used to tell me that humans were ugly beings, and were never worth our time.” Thor rumbled, and you sat up abruptly, eyebrows raised, feeling rather offended. I mean sure, you weren’t the prettiest and most good-looking person in the world but now that’s just plain rude. Realising what he said might have come off a bit too harsh and not at all like it had sounded in his head, Thor hurried to correct himself. “And while I did believe him when I was younger, my personal opinions have changed quite drastically.” He shifted, pulling you closer. “You changed my mind, Y/N.” His usual smile graced his features, and for you, it lit up the whole room. “I’ve never met anyone so beautiful, and if I could, I would give you all of my free time, because you are worth all the time in the world.” During his speech, the distance between the two of you had lessened.
“Thor,” You breathed, face even redder than before. “I-I don’t…” You couldn’t find the words to express your reaction to his words, but he seemed to understand what you meant. He rested one of his large hands on your cheek, tilting your head up and simultaneously leaning down towards you. You were so close that if you leant forwards the slightest bit, the two of you would be kissing, and lord knows when you’d stop.
Just as you were about to close the gap between the both of you, your phone decided to say a big ‘fuck you’ and let out the harsh sound of your ringtone. You stayed where you were for a few seconds, and when your phone didn’t stop ringing, you let out a loud groan of annoyance, and heaved yourself off the sofa, grabbing your phone.
“Hello?” You answered, a bit more rudely than you probably should have, considering you didn’t check who had called you.
“Y/N? Is this a bad time?” Steve’s voice rang through the phone and you mentally hit yourself multiple times. “Only something’s come up, and if you aren’t busy we could really use your help.”
“Oh…no, its not a bad time at all,” You answered sheepishly, on full alert now. “I’m…” You looked around at Thor, who was watching you with an affectionate expression plastered across his face. “Hanging out with a friend, what’s up? Let me know where you are and I can probably come and find you guys.” You mouthed ‘It’s Steve, I have to go.” at Thor, hopping around ungracefully on one foot as you struggled to pull your shoe on. Thor frowned slightly, and turned to look outside. You followed his gaze, and no sooner than you did, the bright blue sky began to turn a dark grey, and the rumble of thunder echoed across the sky. You sighed as Thor turned around again, a cheeky twinkle in his eyes as you bit your lip. “Actually, Steve, it’s not looking too great out there and I don’t want to risk getting in an accident trying to get to you guys…and you know I have a thing about getting wet.” Steve sighed on the other end of the phone, but didn’t seem too bothered about you not coming, and you hung up the phone.
“Thor, that could have been an important mission…” You reprimanded half-heartedly, because who could be truly mad at Thor?
“If it was that important, you would have left anyways.” Thor said truthfully, and you knew he was right. Besides, you weren’t complaining that you got to spend an extra few hours with him. You grinned, pulling off the one shoe you’d managed to get on correctly, and resumed your position on the sofa next to him, and you felt your heart flutter as he placed one of his arms around you once more.
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ila9182 · 5 years
Hey! Can I ask for prompt 34, for the dialogue thing? Thank you 💜
Thank you so much @allons-y--spaceman for the prompt! I’m sorry it took me so long to write it. I know it has been months, but with all the mess happening in the world right now and some of my own issues, I haven’t been able to write. I’m not happy with the prompt: this is very far from what I used to write (both grammatically and creatively speaking), but I can’t do better right now. I just hope it doesn’t suck too much.
So here’s the prompt. It’s taking place right after the Christmas Party (3x15 Chain Reaction) and I was originally inspired (then kinda lost my inspiration) by a song “Love Show” by Skye. You’ll find some of the lyrics in the story as well! I hope you’ll enjoy this prompt even if it isn’t really good...
34. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Sharon sighed happily as she looked around her office, making sure nothing was out of place. Her eyes fell on the report she had been writing up before Andy interrupted her with a knock on the door a few hours ago.
“You know, if you can't make it home for the holidays maybe home can come to you.”
A smile crossed Sharon’s features. Andy. He had surprised her with a Christmas party in the break room with her team and her children. It was all his doing – Ricky confirmed it to her during the party – and she had felt and still felt overwhelmed by his thoughtful gesture. Andy. He had shown himself to be a trustworthy friend in the last three years. He had been there for her; a silent support during a bad day, a hand on her shoulder when they worked a tough case, an encouraging smile before a meeting with the Chief, a wink during one of Provenza’s rants. He was always there. Sharon couldn’t believe how far they had come; if someone would have told her a few years ago when she was still working in FID that the hotheaded Lieutenant Flynn would have become one of her closest friends, she would have laughed at the absurdity of the situation. It wasn’t an absurd thought anymore. Without even noticing, Andy had become a constant in her life and Sharon realized she couldn’t picture a life without him in it.  
Sharon grabbed her purse and glanced one last time at her desk before she left her office. She closed the door and turned to leave when she noticed Andy walking toward her. Sharon smiled at Andy and he told her, “Okay, so the Christmas Village is safely packed in your car as well as some leftovers. I tried to convince Ricky to leave the Christmas Village in the break room for the holiday, needless to say he didn’t like this suggestion at all.” He shrugged, a grin crossing his features.
Sharon chuckled and covered her mouth with a hand before replying, “After I threw his old pinecone elves away, I think Ricky won’t trust anyone with his Christmas decorations anymore.”
Andy laughed softly and shook his head. “Now I understand why the poor guy was so worried every piece was wrapped up with care.”
Sharon rolled her eyes and chuckled once again. This was so Ricky she wasn’t even surprised. She could see her son bossing everyone around about handling the Christmas decorations with care. Sharon met Andy’s gaze again and she told him with a grateful smile, “Andy, thank you for everything… for setting up this party, for bringing the kids here, for helping Ricky with the Christmas Village…”
“…that you left in the storage.” Andy cut her short with one of his renowned grins. “Believe me, you’ll never hear the end of it. He’s a sensitive kid, you know.” Sharon rolled her eyes and Andy squeezed her arm, his face turning serious while a soft smile graced his features, “It was a pleasure, Sharon. I know you were upset you couldn’t be home with the kids… I just wanted to do something nice for you… for all of you.”
“Thank you.” Sharon repeated, her tone wavering with emotion while moisture clouded briefly her eyes. She blinked it away and regained her composure quickly as she went on, “And thank you for the present. You didn’t have to get me anything, Andy.” She told him in a serious tone before a smile reached her eyes and she added, “I love it.”
“I’m glad you do.” Andy replied softly.
They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds until Sharon cleared her throat. She ran a hand through her hair and readjusted her purse on her shoulder before she whispered to him, “Merry Christmas, Andy.”
Andy offered her a smile as Sharon let go of his upper arm with one last squeeze and started walking away. He shifted the weight from a foot to another as he watched her walk away and pondered whether or not he should speak. He felt suddenly brave enough – or maybe he was just being foolish – when he called to her, “Sharon?”
Sharon stopped and turned around gracefully, a smile still lighting up her face, “Yes?” She asked him.
Andy opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He suddenly wasn’t brave anymore. As he stared at her green questioning eyes, any strength he felt before was gone. “Uhm, I…” He fumbled, unable to get intelligible words out of his mouth.
Sharon arched an eyebrow. “Is everything okay, Andy?” She asked him softly. She could sense his sudden uneasiness and she couldn’t quite explain the change of mood between them.
“Uhm, yes, yes…” Andy let out quickly, suddenly short of breath. “But listen, I…” He paused and looked away from her insisting stare. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Sharon studied him with a worried look. She walked back to him slowly, her eyes never leaving his figure as Andy started fidgeting with his hands. He was still carefully avoiding her gaze and Sharon couldn’t help but worry. “Andy, what…”
Andy stopped her with a hand gesture. He took a deep breath and met her gaze hesitantly when he started, “Sharon, you… you’re very important to me.” He finally managed to say.
An endearing smile graced Sharon’s lips as she closed the gap between them and put a hand on his arm. “You’re very important to me too, Andy.” Sharon replied softly.
Andy looked at her in the eyes and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “Uhm yeah, but I mean…” He fumbled uncomfortably. “It’s just that… uhm… you’re important to me more than a friend… more than a best friend, more than…” He was rambling, he knew it. He glanced at Sharon and she was still staring at him silently, her hand still on his upper arm. He had to get to the point. “Uhm what I’m trying to say is… I…” Andy paused before he finally blurted out, “I’m in love with you, Sharon.”
Andy met her eyes carefully and he was surprised to find Sharon staring blankly at him. He couldn’t read her face and the fact that she seemed now emotionless worried him. She let go of his arm out of the blue and took a step back before telling him, “I have to go. I don’t want to keep my children waiting.”
Andy knew she was running away. He knew it was her way to escape an emotional situation she couldn’t deal with. He knew it, but it didn’t hurt less. He tried to reach out for her but she was already too far away from him. “Sharon…”
“I need to go.” Sharon muttered before looking down and turning her back to him, “Thank you again, Andy.” She whispered as she was already walking away.
-------------You don't know somebody's aching keeping it all in… ----------------
Sharon stood lost in her own thoughts as the Christmas tree lights reflected off her face. She brushed her thumbs over the small green package she was holding in her hands and her mind drifted to Andy’s confession in the Murder Room. She had run away, leaving him there alone when he had exposed the most vulnerable part of him to her. Andy deserved to be treated better, he deserved better than this. He deserved better than her.
Sharon opened the package to reveal an angel ornament. It shined beautifully in the box; a delicate crystal figure with a golden halo. Andy couldn’t have chosen a better gift; he knew her too well.
“It’s beautiful, Mom…” Emily whispered as she peeked over her mother’s shoulder at the small opened box she was holding in her hands.
Sharon hummed quietly. She had heard soft footsteps approaching, so she wasn’t surprised when she heard her daughter’s voice.
“So that’s the present you’ve been clutching for most of the Christmas party?” Emily asked with a smirk. She didn’t need an answer; she had noticed the small box when her mother had hugged her but she hadn’t managed to see what was inside. Her smile grew wider when she inquired, “It’s from Lieutenant Flynn, isn’t it?”
Sharon merely nodded and Emily smiled at her mother’s unusual silence. “I’m glad there is someone here you can rely on, someone who cares about you…” Emily trailed off, waiting for some reaction from her mother.
“We’re just friends.” Sharon blurted out, turning to face her daughter. She arched an eyebrow as she looked at a grinning Emily.
Emily’s face turned serious when she asked her mother in a gentle tone, “Would it be so bad if it was more than this, Mom?”
Sharon stared at her daughter silently. Was it that bad? She wondered. Of course not! was her first thought, but she couldn’t find the strength to admit it. She felt like she couldn’t speak, the words dying in her throat. Sharon sighed and looked down at the small box in her hands. She brushed a finger over the precious ornament and smiled softly. No, it wasn’t bad at all. She just couldn’t admit it out loud, especially to her daughter.Not yet. Sharon took the angel from the box and turned toward the Christmas tree. She hung it delicately and took a few seconds to admire how the Christmas lights shined through the crystal figure.
“It’s perfect.” Sharon whispered after a little while.
Emily smiled softly as she noticed her mother’s eyes shinning. She didn’t need an answer to her question, she had it already. She squeezed Sharon’s upper arm before replying, “As if it has always belonged here, Mom…”
I’m in love with you, Sharon. Andy’s words echoed in her head and her stomach fluttered all over again. Sharon glanced one last time at the angel ornament before turning around, looking for her daughter. Emily was already heading to the hallway and she stopped when her eyes met her mother’s.
“Honey, I…” Sharon started, but her voice trailed off when she realized she didn’t know what to say.
Emily smiled and nodded her head toward the front door. “It’s okay, Mom, go. I’ll hold the fort while you’re away trying to save Christmas.”
---------------------- Somebody won't let go of her heart ---------------------------
Andy didn’t know what had gotten into him. He didn’t know why he had felt the need to tell Sharon about his feelings. He let himself fall unceremoniously on the couch, trying hard not to think about how idiot he had been. He knew he had ruined everything. Sharon running away from him without a word was a clear indication of how much he had screwed up.
Andy ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He hadn’t even bothered to change into comfortable clothes; he had discarded his blazer on the couch the moment he had stepped in. He had leaned against his kitchen counter with a mug of black coffee in his hand. Drinking coffee late at night was the last of his worries; he knew his mind would keep him up all night anyway, reminding him what a fool he had been.
A soft knock interrupted his train of thought. He stared at the front door, almost convinced his mind had made it up until he heard another knock, more insisting this time. He frowned and walked to the door. Only one person could show up at his house so late at night, actually two people could but Provenza was with Patrice so he was definitely ruled out.
Andy felt suddenly nervous as he was about to open the door. The feeling only increased when he found himself face to face with Sharon. His breath caught in his throat and for a split second, Andy thought she was there to yell at him to never show up at work again. He would have probably deserved it. Sharon didn’t speak and they stared at each other in silence for a little while before Andy found his voice, “Sharon, I…”
Before Andy could even go on, Sharon took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. She put a hand on his upper arm while the other slid behind his neck, urging him to lean down. Her lips teased his hesitantly as if Sharon wasn’t sure her kiss was welcome, and she pulled back before Andy could even kiss her back. They stared at each other in silence, their gazes switching from their eyes to their lips before they closed the gap between them again, with more confidence this time. Andy slid an arm around Sharon to hold her close while his other hand cupped her cheek. He kissed her in a way that left no doubt to his feelings and the corners of his mouth turned up when Sharon moaned in the kiss. They pulled back slightly, their noses still brushing when Sharon whispered, still out of breath, “I’m sorry I ran away…”
“I’m the one who’s sorry.” Andy cut her short, shaking his head. He still had his arms wrapped around her, almost afraid that if he let her go she would disappear and he would realize he had fallen asleep on his couch and that it was only a dream. “I have the worst timing, I should have never said it at work and…”
“No…” Sharon stopped him, putting a finger over his mouth to silence him. She smiled softly at him and pulled back slightly, so she could study his face better. She thought back of his words, of how hard it must have been for him to tell her how he felt. “How long have you been keeping this to yourself?” Sharon asked him gently.
Andy looked down, feeling suddenly uneasy. He turned his head slightly, breaking the contact between them as he tried to pinpoint the moment his friendly feelings changed into something more. What could he say? Nicole’s wedding…?
“Oh Andy…” Sharon added softly as she reached for his face again. She cupped it with both hands, her thumbs stroking his cheeks soothingly. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that…”
“It doesn’t matter, you’re here now.” Andy interrupted her gently, leaning in to whisper the words to her.
“I’m here now.” Sharon repeated with a bright smile before she met him halfway for another kiss.
--------------- But the truth is… it's painless letting your love show ----------------
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Under The Rose {Eomer x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by:@rachelcarroll1819 Wordcount: 2701 Summary: You plan a party with your husband Eomer. Your guests include your best friends, Arwen and Samwise, their spouses, and your brother Legolas.
There were many flowers blooming, despite the rough start to Spring. However, it was the roses outside of your Rohan keep that you were looking most forward to. The roses were what set yours apart from all of the other gardens in the area - everyone knew that the ones that bloomed under your touch and care were always more beautiful, sweet smelling and even longer lasting than any other rose in the Kingdom. There were people who came from outside of Rohan to come and see them when they finally bloomed, including your two best friends, as unlikely as they were. If word got to Samwise Gamgee of The Shire, or Arwen of Rivendell, they could be expected to travel to Rohan with their families - King of Gondor included - to celebrate these roses. And you couldn’t forget about your brother, Legolas, who always came to visit you, roses or no.
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Eomer walked out of the keep to see that you were looking over your garden, and wrist-deep in the fertile soil. You were never afraid to get your hands dirty, and that’s one thing that your husband loved about you. “The dawn’s barely broken, do you ever let yourself rest?” He asked, sauntering towards you, blonde hair hanging down around his shoulders. “Didn’t you stay up weeding, too?”
“Eomer, it’s almost time,” You said, smiling at him over your shoulder. He knew exactly what that meant. Did you stay up weeding because it’s almost time to hold the annual garden party at your home, yes, of course you did. You knew that the garden wasn’t exactly something that he was interested in, but it was important to you so it was important to him. “Sam might bring something up from his own garden for us, so I need to make some space. His marigolds are always gorgeous, I hope it’s those.” You realized that you were ranting, and Eomer was just looking at you blankly. You chuckled, getting to your feet and wiped your hands on the long skirt you were wearing.
“The riders are on patrol today, and I don’t have any appointments until the afternoon...” He said, suggestively. By the time that you approached him, he had a grin on his face, not just his usual smirk.
“You mean that I get the King to myself for the rest of the morning?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow. Climbing into his arms, he held you securely in his chest and carried you up the stairs, back into the warm castle that you called home. You pressed small kisses into the crook of his neck, and though of course he was on your mind as he so often was, you couldn’t help but think about the invitations you were going to send out to your friends.
He carried you into the bedroom, humming an affirmative to your question and laid you down on the bed. You laid back against the pillows, hair spread out around you. “You know that means I want the Queen to myself all morning,” He said, returning the kisses that you had given before. You closed your eyes and moaned as the sensations spread from the hair on your head to the tips of your curled toes. You quickly got over the distraction of planning the party, and focused on him and him alone.
Eomer retreated to the gardens outside once the last of his meetings were over. As he was still dressed in his Kingly attire, and had been sitting down on the throne for the last couple of hours, he was feeling stiff, and was looking forward to a stroll around to loosen up his legs. Something was different though - there was a male voice in the garden with yours, making you laugh. He turned the corner to where the benches were, under the shade of the large, sweet smelling trees.
“Samwise Gamgee,” Eomer said, seeing the mop of curly hair. You beamed up at your husband and motioned him to come and join the two of you where you were sitting. Sam stood up and behind him was revealed a just as pleasant looking woman and four young bairns. “Oh - and ... family.”
“There’s another on the way!” You said, cheerfully, laying your hand on Rosie’s round stomach. You always were a sucker for babies, especially when they were young, so having these children here and knowing that Rosie could burst at just about any second was exciting. With Eomer, children made him soften only slightly - he had a tough childhood himself and no one had ever taken it easy on him, so it was hard for him to remind himself to take it easy on them.
“Something for you  here,” Sam said, fishing around in a sack that he had brought. He pulled out some fresh ears of corn from the Shire, shining as golden as the sun above. You stood up and took one out of his hand. “Usually I’d bring more but we’ve been having trouble with the carrots lately,” He said, sheepishly.
“It’s good enough for us,” Eomer said, taking the sack from Sam. “It’s going to make a good meal, once everyone else gets here.”
“I brought Lembas Bread,” Legolas said, coming around the corner that Eomer had just arrived from. He had been eavesdropping clearly, and came straight for you. Over everyone else, you were the one that your brother cared about the most, and he showed it in the way that his arms lifted you into the air as he hugged you. You laughed joyfully and wrapped your own arms around your pretty, blonde brother, having missed him over the past year. Although that year for you and Legolas had been short, it had been long to all the others, and that way of thinking had begun to rub off on both of you. “Y/N, you’re looking well,” He said, once he put you back down.
“As are you, Legolas,” You said, taking in the never-changing appearance of your big brother. “What a surprise, Lembas Bread,” You teased. Legolas always brought Lembas bread to these gatherings, mainly for Sam to take home for Merry and Pippin.
Legolas and Eomer embraced, but only for half a moment before separating. They had fought together in the Great Battles sure, but there was a discomfort in knowing that they both cared about you above all else. It almost made them competitive with one another - at least on Legolas’s end. You usually had to force Legolas to stand down, and remind him that Eomer was only human, after all.
Aragorn and Arwen were the last to arrive. You stayed standing to greet them, though you did bow down just to tease the King, who always insisted that you didn’t have to bow. He stood with the rest of the men while you and Arwen embraced and kissed each other on the cheek.
Arwen was counted among your two best friends, with Sam being the other. You agreed with your husband that it was an odd mixture of friends, but the core aspects of your personalities were the same. All three of you would die to protect your friends and the ones that you love, that was the main thing. You’d missed them terribly, and it felt amazing to have your favorite people back together again.
The next evening was filled with color as the roses finally bloomed at last. You had arranged the large table to be beneath the climbing roses that took over the majority of one of the back walls of the castle. There was an array of red, white and pink, mixing in with the golden buds of the marigolds Sam had brought and that the two of you planted together that morning. This may be the best turn out your garden has ever seen.
Arwen walked noiselessly on the cobbled garden path, holding a large silver pitcher of water for the table. “Is Rosie going to  be able to walk this far?” She asked, setting it on the table.
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“Sam will take care of her, carry her down if he has to,” You giggled, picturing Sam crawling on all fours with his pregnant wife sitting on his back. Arwen laughed as well, it sounding like musical bells against the quiet of nature. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she gives birth here in Rohan.”
“Can you imagine, a little newborn hobbit baby,” Arwen sat down at the table, her cheeks glowing with happy thoughts. The others weren’t due down here for another half an hour, but she knew you would be down here making sure that everything was perfect. Most of the food was still in the kitchens, being kept warm, but you already had the large plates of fruits, cheeses and finger vegetables set out for appetizers. She picked a ripe cherry tomato off of one of the plates and ate it without the littlest bit of juice dribbling from her lips. Nothing less from an elf, of course. Or from the Queen of Gondor.
“It’s nice to hear children running around in these halls - it has been much too long,” You sighed dreamily, remembering some of the laughter you heard. You had started the morning playing with the little ones so that Sam and Rosie could get some rest in. Elanor had wormed her way into your heart, and started acting like a little princess straight away.
“As you are my best friend, I’m going to let you in on something...” Arwen said, leaning in to make sure no one else would hear. “Do you remember that vision I had of Aragorn, and our son?” You nodded and leaned forward, craving the good news. “We’ve been trying - but you cannot tell anyone.”
“You’re worried that I would tell your father?” You asked, and she nodded slowly. “He would be happy for you if it happened, we all would. Or should I say will, since it was a vision and is sure to come true.”
Being an elf with a human as a husband, much like yourself, made it very difficult to have children. You’d been thinking about it since you first laid eyes on the rider on the way to Rohan. It seemed fitting that your best friend was having the same contemplations with her own husband. Despite the hardships that would come with trying, you supported her endlessly, and proved that to her with a hug - something that elves did so rarely.
You held Sam’s hands when he came out of the castle, ready for dinner, with his wife following along behind him. Tonight was what you were most looking forward to - a great meal, great friends, and the blooming roses overhead. It was a great thing that Eowyn and Faramir were in the city, and agreed to watch all of Sam’s little ones. Having them around was great fun, but also greatly chaotic - you wondered how they could handle it at all.
“Sometimes it’s nice being away from home,” Sam said, “if you’re around the right people.” You smiled at that and let go of his hands to lean in and peck Rosie on either cheek. You loved their round cheeks and their sweet smiles - there was something so happy about the couple that was entirely infectious.
“You know you’re always welcome here, and I hope to visit the Shire one day.” Sam and Rosie looked at each other and both started to laugh, making you furrow your brow in confusion. Without asking, Eomer walked behind you and put his arm around your waist.
“Normally, even humans in the Shire would look odd, but an elf?” Eomer explained on the Hobbits’ behalf. It did make sense and you giggled behind your hand. “Y/N, sometimes you forget that other places aren’t like home, don’t you?”
“Can you blame me?” Getting into your seat at the intimate table that seated seven comfortably, you flushed and put your hand on your husband’s thigh. There was no one looking at the two of you anymore, but rather they were all fixing their plates. “You brought me to a perfect home.”
Working on dinner, the seven of you didn’t have much time for chit chat. You had provided them with a feast with all of the foods that they loved. You were particularly fond of the roast pork and vegetables that you had the kitchens whip up, salted of course with salt from The Shire that Sam had sent by rider a few months before. You also made sure that there was plenty of wine - enough to make everyone’s nose and cheeks go rosy, even Legolas’s and he had a very high tolerance for alcohol. Save for pregnant Rosie’s, of course. All around you, the smell of roses hung in the air, the fragrance enriching the senses to where it even seemed to flavor the food.
In true Kingly fashion, Aragorn and Eomer were attempting to out-eat one another. As always, you and Arwen made fun of them, sneaking more food onto their plates when they were too busy looking at each other competitively. Your husbands would be feeling that later, that’s for sure. There was even some surprise as Sam and Rosie were both keeping up, but were taking their time of it. You, Arwen and Legolas, as the elves, were more picky with how you ate, making your plates look clean and pristine once you have eaten the last morsel but you hadn’t had your plate heaping either.
You called for the maids to come clear the table once all of the food had been eaten, and suggested a walk in the gardens to help the food settle. From when they first arrived, you wanted to have some time with just Arwen and Sam, and this was the first time that it was finally materializing.
“Of course you’re the first one out of the Fellowship to have a baby,” You smiled down at Sam as you and Arwen took smaller steps to match his stride. “A few, in fact, unless - oh please don’t tell me that Pippin has reproduced.” Sam laughed at that and shook his head, his curls flying around his face. “No, not yet, but he might.”
You listened as Arwen and Sam caught up with one another, for they didn’t speak to one another as often as they spoke to you. Being more on the quiet side, Arwen mostly listened as Sam talked about his family, the Shire, the love of his home and his friends, and of course - how much he missed his best friend Frodo Baggins.
You slowed down and a hand caught yours, fingers intertwining. No other person would dare touch you like that other than your husband, so you knew immediately that it was him, and squeezed. You looked to your side to see that he had caught up to you, and under the twilight sky, he looked absolutely beautiful. His hair was loose and flowing past his shoulders, golden as the mane of the horse that he rode. His dark eyes sparkled as they always did when he looked at you - only when he looked at you. Since the moment that you first set eyes on one another in the field, while looking for the two young hobbits Merry and Pippin, a connection had been formed that a dangerous war and the risk of impending death did nothing to sever.
“Having a good time?” Eomer asked you, matching your steps.
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You reached just past his ear to one of the rose vines behind him, and plucked a deep red one, narrowly avoiding the thorns. It’s scent was strong, and vibrant. You twirled it between your fingers and caught your husband’s eye once more.
“Nothing in this world could ever be more perfect than tonight has been.” You assured him, and tucked it behind his ear in a teasing manner.
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blankdblank · 5 years
It’s a Head Scratcher Pt 2
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Pt 1 - here is pt 2 for you @deepestfirefun​
All – @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac​
x Thorin – @evyiione​, @deepestfirefun​, @queenoferebor
The warmth of a hand ruffling across the side of his neck had Thorin’s head tilting back allowing the stirring giant dog sweetly from his sleep. Lowly your voice in a gentle hum stated, “It is only a warning for sails.”
“Hmm?” His low grumble followed by the snapping open of his eyes in the slowing of the ships song to the trilling whistle ringing far louder in his ears than yours.
Yet again your hand stroked through his fur and his head tilted again in your hum of, “Back to sleep now. It’s Uncle Maglor’s day to swap the sails.” A final slowing stroke came in your sigh drawing back your arm to lay on your chest promptly covered by his head making you giggle in his wiggle closer to you urging your other arm over his shoulder and onto his back. “Knew you were a softie.”
In a grumble he replied unintelligibly to you, “Watch it.”
Another chime of the clock sounded and as the golden light of the sun poured from the uncovered half of the wall filling the room now including the half formerly cast in shadows now filling with light stirring a flutter from your eyes in your waking inhale. Above you Thorin already was awake, as he had been for the past ten minutes taking in your slumbering expressions. Peeking out at him a soft giggle escaped you and you inhaled shifting to sit up as he hopped up with an eager wag of his curved tail, “Let me get ready then we can get you some food, Thorin.”
Up off the bed he hopped and followed you in your stroll to the bathroom leaning against the counter in watching you brush your teeth and when you left him outside the smaller water closet you could hear him huff and lean against the wall only to pop up again when you stepped out to start undoing your braid you brushed out catching his mesmerized stare up at your shimmering curls you worked back into another braid. Giggling to yourself you went back to your closet to fetch his brush making him wiggle excitedly in your crouch to help work the section of his fur pressed down from sleep.
“As soon as I get my body back I will be returning the favor. I can picture the braid I will give you now.” Giggling in his continued grumbles and soft barking conversation while you returned is brush to your closet where you changed into another pair of grey pants layered with your weapons after adding your socks and boots. A marigold silken sleeveless top was layered by a pale blue corseted top you matched with a corresponding rouged skirt you set aside along with the matching feathered hat.
Through the halls you led the way to the kitchen stirring the eyes of all on you in inspecting Thorin mid rant, at the filling of his food bowl however is conversation halted with a huff as he sat eyeing the wet food you had added to the larger bowl of dry food. Huan beside him tried to comfort him only to hear his ranting on about how he should be feasting in the halls of his fathers muffling with each bite between stolen glances at you enjoying your meal with your family. With Caranthir on dish duty you and Thorin left the kitchen, in a glance over your shoulder you grinned at him saying, “You should see something.”
Along the way to the upper deck passing the sight of Caranthir at the wheel after trading off with Beren to give him the day to sleep you caught the early morning breeze whipping your hair to the side in the cooling ruffle of his own thick wavy fur across his full body making him shiver. Crossing the shimmering metal deck now resembling opals reflecting the sunlight and clouds scattered above you. Right to the half wall you led him and pointed out, wide eyed he looked out over the ocean shimmering and swaying below you under your oddly silent ship swimming towards the island in the distance growing by the moment. All at once however a floating dragon skeleton hanging off to the port side parted Thorin’s lips, the net latched around it and harpoon lodged in its chest the only signs of possible reasons for how it remained aloft.
“We’ve been seeing them more and more, Dragons. That one was just barely to adulthood.” Thorin’s eyes shifted from the body to your face again, “Ada used to tell me these stories, from when he was little. See, he didn’t always live here, these lands used to be part of Aman, then the Kinslayings occurred and these lands were sent away. Our ancestors say this is our afterlife, none worthy of Valinor, having to earn forgiveness from the Valar. Every new moon you can see them, the roots they’re tangled in, the skeletons.” Thorin peered upwards, “Ungoliant assumed she’d destroyed them, the Two Trees, their roots are all around us. You can slice a tree to a stump but as long as the roots are strong it will sprout again. And each new moon the sun and moon meet in the sky and if some are chosen Earendil’s ship is allowed to pass to collect them from the roots gathering them up.”
Again Thorin peered all around looking for the roots then his eyes snapped back to you in your saying, “Naneth was chosen, when I was three. Ada tells me she was beautiful, not like me,” A low grumble sounded from Thorin making you chuckle and stroke the top of his head, “Now now, I only mean I take after Ada. Anyways, the roots, you’ll see them too in a couple weeks. For now, back to the skeletons, Ada says Morgoth in Arda was the ruin of it, poisoned and corrupted our kin stirring up wars, even a few Dwarves too. Mighty kingdoms brought down to ruins of what they once were. They all said he died, the Valar had cast him out of Aman to await the end of things. They said we were safe, but, we aren’t in Aman, and things are darkening and even with uncle Maedhros as President for 12000 years, they still won’t believe. The past few centuries he’s been growing bolder in his disguise, and we have to stop him. Dragons, Balrogs, towns destroyed with everyone missing and all the time his metal puppets flood kingdoms spreading gossip and chaos.”
A giant Goose with a blue smoke jacket clad Wizard soared by with a wave sent your way you returned saying, “Don’t worry, one of the Blue Wizards, I’ve never heard their names or I would share it, Ada says even they get a bit fuzzy on their names from time to time. They patrol the oceans and signal when danger arises.”
A call from your uncle Maglor had you turning away from the outer wall with a stroke of Thorin’s chin luring him after you into the wheel where Thorin eyed the rune coated 20 sided mithril object in a set of floating rings off to the side of the wheel used to control the portal system your ship could tap into to get from one island to another within moments. It would snap open and inside on the spiraling glowing core a hand would be offered as the true name of the island would be spoken with true intention or the portal would refuse to open and the metal casing would snap shut for that user forever.
Maglor stole a glance at Thorin while saying, “We should be arriving soon. A message arrived, there have been a series of fires through the night. Fully controlled within minutes, however, answers are being demanded.”
You nodded saying, “I’ll get my skirt.”
Above the vast green Orchard filled Beleriand just outside the markets you anchored in their dock and joined the others in the lowering platform into the masses of Elves with heads bowing before the wave of complaints began. Straight through the markets leaving the males to the masses alongside Thorin and Huan with Amrod right behind nodding his head to those bowing theirs to you. His walking stick tapping the cobbled path as your heeled boots did the same mingling with the taps of their dogs’ claws that all halted when you paused outside a singed shop. Over the broken frame of the door having been broken in you stepped entering the clock shop halfway singed. Glass and crumbling wood pieces crunched underfoot in your inspection of the damage to the recap of the events from the shop keep.
A sudden flick of your skirt had one of your customized crossbows raised, cocked and aimed, the subtle press of your thumb on the lever on the handle switched the cartridge to another and a tug of your index finger fired a round off. Behind a pair of propped up photo frames flashes of lightning were seen and between the frames that slid a few inches out to the side fell the body of a eight inch tall metal puppet. A second pulse of lightning around its body sent off an unseen but felt pulse triggering the spurts of lightning taking out four more puppets that fell heavily to the floor. Gathered up in the sack Amrod was carrying you strolled out of the shop as the keep began to shout about the cursed puppets tormenting them from some unknown source.
Two more shops added to the pile starting the search of the other shops in the marketplace before you were given the proper welcome they had originally planned. A luncheon stemmed into a wine sampling and tour of the orchards with a series of questioning after for Maedhros lasting up until dinner. To keep an eye out for any more puppets you spent the night and kept patrols once again unable to find out how Morgoth had gotten them here undetected.
Nightly hours of dissection of the puppets led to no discoveries. Yet the sounding of a blaring alarm in your climbing aboard the ship again anchor was raised, and at the end of your race up to the side of the deck Thorin barked. Shouting in frequent barks at the Dragon closing in on the ship, loosely your skirt blew across the deck of the ship to be picked up by Huan, in a hop up you settled into the seat of the harpoon canon rising from its downward angle from your body weight. Exposing your toned arms in a shrug out of your coat you turned it with a kick of your foot on the guiding lever and aimed with a series of dials and wheels you cranked using the handle knob sticking out of the side. Stomping on a pedal the canon cocked, loading a harpoon that in another stomp of your foot after a few moments of your muttered aiming it soared off to crash into the chest of the flying Balrog. “You hit it!”
Loudly it roared out in pain now tangled in the lightning coated net soaring off to tangle in a bunch of unseen roots stirring up loud cheers from far down below you on the ground met with Thorin’s bouncing bark in complimenting you on the machine and aim. “Look at you! I bet none could match your aim upon this contraption!” A muffled explosion silenced him however in seeing the implosion within the net bubble scorching the flash and hide of the Balrog leaving just another skeleton.
Turning your head you eyed a series of flags atop one of the masts Thorin peered up at as well, the trio suddenly stilled then rippled from a harsh burnt orange to a peaceful pale yellow signaling your move to guide the cannon back to its resting position in the side wall of the upper deck matching the others scattered to give a good shot of any approaching threats. On the deck again you pulled your coat back on again and giggled stroking Thorin’s cheeks in his pressing his forehead to yours in a hop up on his back feet draping his paws over your shoulders. “You were amazing My Dearest One.”
“It’s all clear Thorin. Come on, let’s go eat.”
Hopping down around you he bounded halting only as Huan approached passing you your skirt you waited until you were back inside the ship to put it back on again. Celbrimbor hurried into your view and said, “I found something!” Lifting your hem you hurried after him and into the shop you eyed the puppet he was currently tearing apart, mainly the inner mechanism powering it he had drilled through. Bringing it up into your view he said, “The tuner, it’s filled with Hackmanite.” The clear stone quickly turned back to a deep violet shade under the uv cylinder he held between the lantern above his head sending a colored stream of light down on it. “These are from Nan Elmoth. This other puppet, the tuner, filled with Flourite, more specifically, the shade means it has to be on the Eastern shore.” Setting them down he said, “I’ve checked the others, Citrine, Amethyst, Obsidian. All pointing to the Eastern shore, now we know where to start looking for the source of Morgoth’s little hideaway.”
“What does that mean?” Thorin looked between you both in your turn to the map on the next workstation over Celebrimbor joined you at using a few bits and bobs to weight down the edges. Wetting your lips you said, “That’s over 200 miles.”
Celebrimbor nodded and said, “True, however, this upper half I believe is all residential. Couldn’t be able to mine for crystals there.”
Peering down at the map Thorin nodded, “True. I’d wager more towards this cove.”
A sigh from you came at your leaning forward to rest on your elbows propping your chin in your palm, “We’ll have to take it a mile at a time.”
Reaching over he rubbed your back saying, “I’ll keep digging for more markers or clues, Caranthir would be better in mapping than I am.” You nodded and turned for the door heading for Caranthir’s study where he turned in his chair with a spreading grin noticing it was you.
“RinRin. Ooh, what did you bring me?!” Standing up excitedly he crossed the room to you both leaving his book on the chair along with his grey paisley smoking jacket he shrugged out of leaving him in the matching vest and slacks over a pale blue shirt he fidgeted under his waistband along the way. Accepting the map he set in on his sketching table and used the sliding clips on the outer edges to hold the map flat against the tilted surface he covered with a thin sheet of tracing paper, “Doriath, what am I looking for Dear?”
Pointing at the Eastern shore you said, “Cel found crystals inside the inner tuner from this shore. Now we just have to rule out which of the 200 miles it could be.”
Lifting his pencil he traced the shore mumbling, “Well they couldn’t be this far inland,” marking off a sliver of Doriath he detailed. In a quick pull he took the detailed image he carried over to a projector he cranked up to light a stream of white light onto a bare patch of wall you hung a black roll of parchment onto with thick tacks tipped with anchors. Laying the tracing paper on the clear tray he pulled his pencil from his teeth and walked to the wall to copy the enlarged projection of his sketch onto the parchment he traced over in the colored pens you passed him accepting his pencil in return.
Once completed the projector was put away again leaving him tapping his lip with the tips of his first two fingers in a wide eyed glare at the map stirring a chortle from Thorin, moving closer Thorin reared up lifting a paw to tap the cove, “Start here.”
Caranthir shook his head saying, “No.” Thorin huffed assuming to be dismissed upon his current form only to lower and sit peering up as he continued, “That’s a floating reserve for injured sea turtles. Cove would make sense…” Turning to his bookshelf he began to grab armfuls of books he carried back to his desks saying, “You go relax RinRin. Leave this to me, I’ll shrink it down.”
Lost in a soft hum you worked on the lunch for everyone missing Thorin’s creep up to the lone sandwich on the plate farthest to the edge. Jaws parted with head cocked to the side a grumble left Thorin when your sudden glance to offer the quiet dog a slice of meat found him inches from clamping his laws around the sandwich for Celegorm, “Thorin.”
Pulling back Thorin’s face dropped and jaws clamped shut in another grumbling huff “I am your One, give me some chicken, or so help me-,”
The piece of chicken in your fingers perked up his ears as you said, “You don’t steal food. You want some chicken?” Moving closer he came to a stop as you said, “You seem to understand just fine, let’s see what tricks you know.”
“Please don’t.”
His ears drooped and you raised a foot, through the slit of your skirt, “Can you lift a foot?”
Again he huffed, “I have four paws and yes I lift them fine.”
Waving the strip you caught his eyes following it in the wiggle of his nose sniffing the savory temptation you were taunting him with, “Chicken for a foot.”
“Fine.” He lifted his foot and a beaming grin split across your face in offering it to him, a quick glint of uncertainty in your eyes had him stating, “I’m not going to bite you.” Tenderly he claimed the piece easing the worry in your eyes in a weak giggle as you turned back to finish the rest of the meals. “Hey.” A gentle nudge of his head brought your gaze down to him and his wide pleading eyes making you giggle again, “I know more tricks. I want a sandwich.”
Finishing the final one you giggled at his next stroke of his head against your arm, “Alright.” Taking the plate with the rest of the strips you carried to the table “Let’s see what you can do.”
Trick after trick Thorin did chuckling to himself between your giggles and tosses of chicken until the plate was emptied his pride was gone and with his One he let loose of his shame and became focused solely on making you laugh and smile as long as he could manage.
Gondolin was next with more and more chances stolen with Thorin nuzzling up to you or sprawling across your lap to ridiculous results as you spread across your own fainting couch to read through the notes you had for Maedhros on his speech and debate points he would have to expect. Draped across your torso with his head resting at the base of your neck Thorin drifted off to the sound of your voice only to stir the first few times when his first snore would spur giggles from you only to drift off again. “Your position on the pixie problem?”
Maedhros’ brows cinched together and he turned to face you releasing his hold on the strap of his suspender he was fidgeting with, “The what?” He looked to Maglor, “What pixie problem?”
Behind your head your uncle Elurin leaned over pulling the notes closer saying, “It says pixie.”
Elured said, “Pixie glass company?”
Maedhros drew in a breath and nodded, “Yes, the remodel on the factories to get the forges up to snuff.” He began pacing again rewording his imagined answer to the question.
“Bedtime stories.”
At the well known topic of a new wing to the grand library with the traditional reading to the children he delved into his opening speech for the grand opening and flashed you a weak grin making him roll his eyes, “They always love your stories better anyways.”
“They love your stories.”
Maglor chuckled, “They love your voices, and you always get better each time.”
Elurin, “Perhaps this time you read the one about the whales, that one always goes over the best.”
In the distance under the rising sun Thorin spotted the ruby and platinum city casting a pink hue into the already golden sky when he stepped onto the upper deck in search of you. Alone he had woken and curiously he crossed the distance to you in your place lounging against the slanted rope ladder singing to yourself softly in the early morning breeze after having changed the sails once again bringing an end to your peacefully singing ship’s melody. Inching closer against the downwards dangling hand his head stroked starting a round of gentle strokes across his cheeks and chin earning pleased hums from him as you shared more about the fountain filled city known to house artists and musicians.
Down in the kitchen in his move to get a sip of water Thorin paused peering up at Celegorm grinning at him extending a measuring tape between his fingers, leaning in he stated, “Just need a few measurements.” Exhaling softly Thorin turned his head he lowered to the bowl again beginning to lap up the cool water. From the base of his neck to the middle of his back came first, a blind measure of his front came next with a noting of the measurement at the pinched portion between his fingers. Around his shoulders and neck came before the two your uncle was most timid of, around his ribs and sliding lower his waist was next followed by a curious measurement of the top of his head. Back stepping away he scribbled down the final numbers then hurried off to his room freeing Thorin to move back to your side and settle his head in your lap.
Down in the cobbled paths and over the gently arched bridges you took the usual stroll with more and more people flocking to greet you all the way to the grand library. “Ori and Bilbo would love this place.”
Inside the sea of books you settled to your own groups of children while Maedhros held the largest, at your side Thorin stirred more than a few curious stares from your group until he settled down on his side to peer up at you adoringly just as the equally as glowing children. He couldn’t help but notice, those clearly younger, clearly born post Kinslayings shone brighter with only a few noticed exceptions all lacking the usual metal pins marking their former ranks and honors in tiny studded lines in the corners of their jacket collars. Your explanation of being sent here echoed up in his mind again by the Valar, Madame Dior, not Princess, clearly in his heart he would have preferred you bear the proper title. Your father and uncle had been lost in the sacking of Doriath in the second Kinslaying, both shining brightly as you were, clearly discovered and adopted by the Feanoreans upon arrival here.
It was just a whisper, barely noticed by any yet the mention of your being the first of ‘the Open’ was shared between a mother and her child. The explanation after being the first child born in these lands blessed and open to reflect the light of the Two Trees above, something far more sacred to those trapped here, a beacon of hope weighing all the greater in these worsening times. The Silmaril dangling around your neck proving your innocence as even in nearing you to kiss your cheek an easily missed sizzle of flesh from Maedhros had grown far fainter in the time Thorin had dwelled with you, however the clear pause before the kind act revealed it had been far too long he had been unable to do so. Your great prize being the very same stone he had cast himself into a valley of lava clutching from the burn it unleashed in return for all he had done.
Final strolls through the street came with Thorin acting as your shield for men and any not of your kin beyond the children eager to meet you. Around the path scattered empty lots stood in various stages of repair marking clearly where Elves had been snatched away by those metal puppets and their soaring counterparts carrying their spoils off before you could even manage to be summoned.
Doriath, Emerald and rose gold formed kingdom lost in the trees of a vast rainforest. Leaving your long skirt in the ship you strolled out weapons on full display matching the garb of the women dwelling there. Foreign scents wafted in the air and in the distant trees echoes of growls and strange animal calls kept Thorin from inspecting their sources and lured him closer to your side. Your gentle pat did nothing to calm him, “The predators keep to the other side of the streams.” His eyes rose to meet yours, “We keep our borders they keep theirs, only crossing for protected births, we like to keep track of their numbers and they know we feed their mothers well. Don’t be afraid.”
Vast stretches of treetop houses were spotted in your usual touring path yet in the Steward’s manor wrapped around the top of a lone peak between the sideways sprouting trees Thorin’s jaws parted in seeing the face of a familiar stranger. With a grin former King Oropher and his smiling wife Taule, with brightly glowing skin and a little girl between them with her arms fixed around the belly of a golden puppy with most of its body drooping to the ground at her feet with its tail still wagging in greeting Thorin and Huan.
Oropher chuckled saying, “President Maedhros,” his eyes switched to yours, “Madame Dior.” Your heads nodded in return to his, “I am glad to see you. I understand we have a usual schedule to follow, however, I require your expertise in a matter quite precise.”
Maglor, “Spiders again?”
Oropher extended his hand luring a hovering tray closer to his side within your view from along the wall with a mauled metal puppet, “These were found encroaching on a mortar bear den. Crossed the path of two conch tigers, who then proceeded to tear its limbs off then carry it and hurl them over our borders. A few peacocks have crossed our borders, and where they go, the hurricane wolves follow.” In your step forward to inspect the puppet he continued, “Spiders always come before these monstrosities, and webs were seen wafting on our southern borders.”
Firmly you gripped what remained of the chest cavity and tore it open finding the inner tuner bitten open you pulled the metal casing back on revealing the mark of Morgoth in the center of the Citrine crystal core. In a glance to Oropher now with a glare at the confirmation you had been scouring for proof of, “All of them have crystal cores. Cel found them. All from your Eastern shore. Caranthir is working the possible search radius for where his minions are hiding.”
Oropher nodded, “Then we will assist him and upon a proper search radius we will raid it. Until then, I think it best we make use of that ship of yours,” his head turned, “Taule,” his eyes lowered after giving her hand a gentle squeeze and he lowered to crouch beside their daughter, “Marya, my love, best you and Lipte go with Celebrimbor.”
She nodded and you turned to Thorin saying, “Thorin, go with Huan.”
“Like hell I will!”
In his growl your eyes narrowed, “Wolves do not take kindly to Huan, I won’t risk either of you. Keep watch of Marya.”
Heavily he huffed yet at Marya’s trot over and giggle in hoisting Lipte higher in her arms he turned in her pet on his leg saying, “I bet you know tons of tricks!” Thorin glanced between you then turned to follow Celebrimbor back to the ship as you turned the other way for the row of poles you leapt to, gripping it loosely you spiraled your way down the mile long distance to the ground spaced apart. Stepping back you waited for the others facing the distant streams with growing roars and bird calls.
At a full gallop you raced for the distant streams, at which you leapt into the air and all came to a rolling drop on the distant shore. Fluidly you found your feet again and followed Oropher and his chosen team off into the dimly lit paths with crossing beams of sunlight from the swaying canopy above. Miles you ran crossing the paths of the trumpeting conch tigers twice your size sounding your path echoed by the distant call of the hurricane wolves stirring up a mighty wind forcing you behind the sturdy trunks of the seemingly endless trees. Between their calls glowing eyes of mortar bears twenty feet above you from unseen caves sniffed their air and let you pass under the flying sea of peacocks fleeing their usual nests, all nearly ten feet long not counting their tails.
Mazes of roots and fleeing overgrown animals between passing steps of singing oblivious Ents the path was anything but simple yet still you had arrived in the first patch of darkening lands. A scurry from above triggered hands on weapons but it was the first toss of your hatchet that had a spider crashing down into the earth and in the lowering of your hand your modified crossbow was raised to fire off a shot in the sea of grunts and crashes triggering the start of a long weekend trip.
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Huffing once again Thorin strolled in with his assigned group and where he expected to be entertaining the sister of his oh so friendly fellow King, Thranduil, he was surprised at the child eagerly racing off for another distraction only to leave him staring at the tiny puppy now sniffing around the carpeted hall he was left in. “What are you doing?”
With a wag of his tail he peered up at Thorin smiling as he asked, “Sniffing for toys.”
Thorin sighed and reached out a paw nudging the puppy along, “This way.” To the main sitting room he led Lipte and hopped up onto your fainting couch and stretched out resting his head on his paws watching the puppy intently. If he was tasked to watch them out of the trio this one seemed to bring the most possible danger.
“Play!” The puppy rolled the ball over to Thorin only to chase it when his paw dropped to flick it off for him to chase, a smirk and a sigh later and he was sucked into the one sides game he hoped to tire the puppy out only to see him pause mid way and start looking around. As if on cue he hopped up and trotted over to the puppy lifting him between his jaws mumbling around his body, “You will not make water on my One’s sitting room rug.”
Straight to the greenhouse on the patch of grass around the lemon trees he set the puppy down, “There.” The puppy peered up at him and Thorin rolled his eyes circling the tree and lifted his own leg, a demonstration instantly making the puppy sniff out his own spot to claim as his own. Lowering his leg Thorin turned walking back to the path then guided the puppy away from the plants and back to the toys n the sitting room. “Back to the toys, touch nothing else.”
In a roll over the rope toy the puppy failed to fling it around, muffled through his mouthful of rope the puppy called out, “Play!”
Grabbing the other end he raised it just high enough for the puppy to remain on the ground in his useless tugging game. From playtime to a snack break Thorin guided the little puppy, nudging him away from the large food bowl Thorin ate from beside the tiny one brought for him. “That is your bowl.”
Bedtime came next and left on his massive plushy cushioned bed you had bought him the puppy sprawled out asleep as Thorin sat up on the deck trying to catch any glimpse of your return ending with his turn to head back to your bed to sleep hoping you would return in the morning. Morning came but you didn’t, none of you did. No word and not so much as a peep from the now eerily silent rainforest around the capitol city you were anchored over. Each day he would keep watch over the puppy still as rambunctious as ever between watches on the deck above, though no sign would come, not for another four days.
Pt 3
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patchworkideas · 5 years
FiKi Week 2019: Day 4, Pet
Had been thinking about the Fair Folk and Elves some months ago and the idea ended up running away with my two favourite characters. I'm actually pretty proud of this one and after seeing the Prompt I couldn't resist posting this. Hope it's as enjoyable to read as it was to write.
 Can also be found on AO3:
Elves can be tricky, with an otherworldly morality system that no one quite understands.  
Kili finds that out the hard way.  
He has been sitting on the edge of Mirkwood for a few days now and the thought of leaving had been impossible until a few moments ago.  
All that he could think about was his star, his Tauriel. He hadn't even registered the words that echo so loudly through his mind now, as he's running away from a predator that thinks him an easy meal. 
In this unknown body he probably is.  
She bewitched him. Ever since she visited him in the dungeons everyday, he had been lost, unable to think of anything but her. Every time he saw her, just another opportunity for her to get her claws deeper into his mind.  
In the end, he left Erebor. Left his family, everything he cared about, because his mistress asked and he couldn't resist the sirens call.  
How long even did he stay in Mirkwood, a pet among the elves, unable to think for himself?  
If those Rivendell Elves hadn't come, hadn't seen, hadn't demanded that he was set free, he would probably still be there. 
If that thing hadn't tried to eat him, he probably would have waited there until she came to collect her pet back.  
But he has his mind back, he's awake and clear in what feels like the first time in forever.  
He runs, and he hides and he tries to hunt on four foreign paws, his fur dirty and his new senses almost overwhelming him.  
He makes it to the Lonely Mountain.  
He makes it unseen through the back ways, and runs like the devil through the places he can't hide in. Bides his time. He knows he's getting dangerously thin, that no dwarf will look at him and see something worth saving.  
None but one.  
And when the opportunity comes, he takes it. He evades Dwalins hands as he screams his brothers name, just the first syllable, his mouth grating and painful even around that. He evades everything grasping him while he weaves through his legs, hides behind him, calling, calling, calling, crying out through the pain and doing it again. 
Only Fili may lift him.  
May see his puppy eyes look that has never failed before.  
And it doesn't.  
Fili bathes him, brushes his fur, cuddles him close. He loves him, even if just as a pet. Kili returns the sentiment, even as his brother pours out his heart in front of him, crying in his empty room for the brother he thought lost.
He doesn’t understand his cats desperate tries of communication though. Scratched in runes are ignored, ink pots almost impossible to get his paws into before he is scolded and lifted away. 
He watches as his brother starts letters he never finishes, never meant to send. Tells his faithful feline friend that Kili is happy were he is. That he's choosen who he wants to be with and it isn't with him.  
Fili never stops mourning. Kili never stops comforting him, or trying to make him understand.  
Kili makes his choice, somewhere between protecting him from the would be assassin whose eyes he scratches out and the gold digging dwarrowdams that Thorin thinks might cheer up his brother, unseeing that Fili agrees to being miserable for the sake of duty and nothing else. 
He wants to give a tongue lashing to them all, to let it get this bad. It will have to wait, like so much. 
Eventually, it's Ori that ends up seeing a pattern. Of a too smart cat that keeps desperately scratching in the same shapes whenever he can. His runes have become almost readable by then, from all the practice. Fili indulges the Scribe when he sets out a small bowl of ink and an empty piece of paper. 
Kili takes his time, careful to make the runes as clear as possible. With paws a piece of paper is not a lot of room. "Get Gandalf." is what he has to settle with. There's not enough room for more. Not with his blasted paws unable to write smaller. 
Ori brings out another paper, but speaks clear and slow, as if he hadn't proved his intelligence countless times by now, telling him to write the same message again. 
He does.  
He manages it smaller this time, adding a haphazard "HELP!" onto it. Partly to be contrary, and partly to get his desperation across. 
He knows he can't tell them his name. Too much hurt comes with the mention, too much that could distract. 
And if Gandalf can't help... Better not to give hope where there might be none. Kili doesn't know if his brother will survive losing him twice. 
In the end, Fili swears Ori to secrecy and smuggles out a message requesting Gandalf's help.  
King Thorin will be furious, and his cat is already fairly disliked for being impossible to part from him, the Crown Prince, as is. He knows his Uncle allows it because his pet has made him smile again.  
Even though it insist on driving away any possible match.  
Fili thinks about yesterday, how he stood up about not wanting to have children with someone who couldn't even handle a cat, and how cats only live about a decade anyway, would it truly be too much to ask to wait that long to look for a match? 
His King might have been displeased, but it was the first thing his nephew had asked for himself ever since the battle, so his Uncle gave in. 
He asks the raven to hurry, wrote Gandalf the same. 
He doesn’t know how old his cat is, doesn't know how long he has, but after all it helped him with, all the comfort and quiet joy he had thought lost forever, well, they can call him insane and punish him all they want afterwards, he's not going to let his little friend down. 
Gandalf does eventually come, though unfortunately Fili can't get him alone before the old wizard strides into the hall and asks what the emergency is. 
Fili knows he can't bring this back into smaller circles, that, if he's wrong, he's going to show his insanity in front of the whole damn Court, but before he can truly worry his Cat jumps from his shoulder and runs away, towards the wizard.  
He has moved after it before he realises it, snatching it up just before it reaches the tall figure.  Every eye is on them, and Gandalf looks surprised for a second before a small smile breaks through.  
"Well, that is an emergency, I suppose. You did good in calling me." 
And he touches Fili's cat with his staff, the top of it just barely brushing it's head before a blinding light fills his eyes and the fur under his fingers changes and he becomes unable to hold him up anymore. 
And it is a him that now rest in his arms. A shape that's burned into his memory with the force of a thousand dragons fire, never, ever forgotten. Fili whispers the name like a prayer into the hair of the dwarf before him, before finally opening his eyes upon hearing what his cat has been trying to tell him all this time. 
"Hey, Fi. I'm home." 
There are long discussions of course, after Fili used his coat to hide his naked brother from prying eyes before leading him to a smaller, more private chamber, with only their most trusted friends around.  
Kili tells the story, how he was enchanted, trapped and how he broke free, finding his way back.  
Gandalf looks caught between sad but resigned and angry and frustrated. 
Apparently making someone love someone else is not considered a crime among the wood elves as long as the person in question doesn't ask for the spell to end. Which was obviously ridiculous, considering the fact that he hadn't even known he was under a spell until his near death broke him out of it. (And didn't that change her appearance in the battle, never leaving his side. She was right there to redo the spell whenever the battle woke him up.) 
Kili knew there would be consequences for that disaster. 
But he was currently more concerned with settling something else, something that had become clear during his time as a pet. His eyes caught Fili's and he sent a short apology to him before he explained in detail why he had intervened in Fili's matchmaking. 
He made sure that both his uncle and his mother knew that Fili hadn't wanted any of it.  
That Fili had never said no to them before, never hid from duty, so how "could they" ask him to marry and act like he actually had a choice in the matter. Why, they were all but selling him off to the highest bidder and Fili would have accepted a lifetime of misery for a short economic boon to the mountain. 
Kili had a whole rant, all thought out, words sharpened over month and months and months of this nonsense, but he didn't need much of it before his family gave him what he wanted, without realising that that had been his goal all along. 
Thorin and Dis insisted that their happiness was their highest goal and that they would not try to marry either of them off. Of course they could wait for their One, or not marry at all if that made them happier. The matchmaking had only been because they had hoped that Fili would feel better with a Companion. 
In the end, it only took a few words in the right places, how Fili would do everything for that bloody mountain so how could they know he wouldn't pretend to be okay with it at a later time, and they had both Princes swear an oath that they would not marry for anything but the love of their One.  
Kili's included a vow to keep him away from any elves in the future. 
His brother was of course looking angrily at him the whole time. He was the only one who still saw through Kili like glass. Knew the Theatrics were deliberate. Knew he had made it sound as bad as possible and that nobody would believe Fili in this matter for quite some time. 
They would fight about it, when all was said and done, and they were finally allowed back to their room, with no eyes to watch them. 
Kili looked forward to it, to the rough and tumble, to the heated words pouring out of both of them, to feeling the weight of his brother in his arms and feel his strength when he reminded him that he saw and heard *everything*.  
That they had promised to never hide from each other and Fili had broken that promise long before the journey. 
Kili had made his choice while kneading his brothers skin with his paws, letting his rolling purr drown out the sobs and his rough tongue lap up the tears while his brother called out to the One he lost, Kili's name on his lips every night. 
He would eventually do the same in his own body, swallowing Fili's cries along with everything else Fili had wanted to give and hadn't let himself, afraid of hurting his little brother. 
But they were equals and Kili would make sure Fili finally understood that. He had their whole life for it now, with the oath to never love anyone but their One, anyone but each other, after all. 
Kili couldn't wait, and behind Fili's anger, the confusion and the fear of losing him again, well, he knew his brother inside out, and he wouldn't have to wait long at all. 
They were One, and nothing would come in between, never again.
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Faerie Fire
I’m doing that story about Divus and Thelnus in the school store that I said I was gonna do last time I posted about the Fantasy Costco. (For any new followers: Thelnus is an old Dwarvish gardener who is like a father figure to Divus.)
Other parts of the Fantasy Costco/Mystery Shop series:
The original headcanons Group Project (Part 1) Group Project (Part 2) Snow and Idia in Fantasy Costco (Introducing John)
Previous Thelnus stories:
Facts on Thelnus Thelnus’s Pies Menthiv
“Menthiv, what were you thinking going into the Fantasy Costco near closing?”
Divus sighed, averting his eyes from Thelnus’s worried gaze. There was nothing worse than feeling like his father was disappointed in him.
“I really needed components for tomorrow’s exam...”
“Next time I’ll get them for-” Thelnus paused, noting the sudden chill in the air. He’d fought enough supernatural entities in his day to know when something was amiss. “...Menthiv... You run,” Thelnus said, pointing across the fey-themed store. “That direction. Quickly.”
“But I can’t leave you-”
“You can and you will! Move, Divus!”
Giving a direct order was unlike Thelnus, which (Divus decided) meant that this was definitely a dire situation. 
Divus did exactly as he was told, racing towards the section of the store dedicated to crystals and amulets. He stopped to catch his breath, wondering if there was anything he could do to help Thelnus when a soft hand grabbed his.
“Hey buddy... Do you need some help?”
A short Elven man stood before him, thin as a twig with snowy-white skin and hair. His lavender eyes were filled with concern for the student.
“Name’s Jamie Avalan. What are you doing in Faerie Fire? I thought Crowley had finally gotten it through to everyone that the school store is dangerous around closing time.”
“...Faerie Fire?”
“My store. The one before...” Jamie shuddered. “The Fantasy Costco. Eugh. What was John thinking with that dumb name?”
Divus found himself calming down as Jamie spoke. The elf’s voice was quiet and soothing, like the sound of rain pattering on the window. “I didn’t know there was a store before Fantasy Costco.”
“Yep! Made it fey themed. People kept thinking I was a fey too! Which is a common misconception about elves, you know! But nope, I’m just a snow elf,” Jamie said with an enthusiastic smile. Divus got the feeling that he was a bit of a know-it-all, but with Jamie it didn’t really feel as annoying as with other people. “I even named the store after my favorite spell. By the way, do you need a potion for calming emotions? You seem freaked out!”
“No... No, I’m okay...” 
“Oh, that’s good,” Jamie looked to Divus’s dorm symbol. “I used to be in Pomefiore when I was a student too. Then I... I saw that thing in the store. And I ended up the new store owner!”
As sweet as Jamie seemed, Divus didn’t have time to entertain the little chatterbox.
“I’m sorry to cut you short here... But I need help! Thelnus-the school gardener-he stayed behind when one of those things showed up!”
Jamie nodded. “That may be bad. Usually when a student sees the Old One, they get marked as the next store owner, but staff members can’t be marked... So...” Jamie started off in the direction Divus came from.
Divus hurried along to catch up with him. “What are you doing?”
“Gonna save Thelnus. Do you wanna tag along?”
“I... I guess?”
Jamie led the way back. They found Thelnus sitting on the ground, with Crowley standing over him. Divus smiled, almost rushing out to greet his adoptive dad when Jamie held out his arm to stop him.
With his other hand, the small snow elf pointed one finger at ‘Crowley,’ firing a Ray of Frost spell directly at its head.
The phantasm disappeared, leaving just the silent Thelnus.
“Looks like the Old One has already been here. That was just a lesser creature disguised as Headmaster Crowley.”
Divus ignored the information, running to his dad. “Dad... Dad, can you hear me?”
“I can hear you, boy! But Berrig and I don’t have any sons...” Thelnus looked up at the ceiling, visibly confused. “Or... Do we have a son?”
“Thelnus... Thelnus, Berrig has been dead for years...”
The old gardener’s eyes widened, staring at him in shock. “Lies! You speak lies!”
Divus’s heart raced in his chest. He couldn’t lose his only parent like this! “No... Dad, you-”
A gloved hand rested on Divus’s shoulder. “I came as fast as I can. Divus, please step away so I might help him,” the real Crowley requested.
“Is he gonna be okay?”
Crowley looked from Divus to Thelnus. “I don’t know.”
Two weeks later, and it was looking like Thelnus had officially gone senile. Sometimes he forgot the people around him, thinking he was still in his glory days and living with his husband.
He needed Divus’s help in everyday tasks almost all the time... Divus had gone from being the child to being the caretaker in mere hours.
After those two weeks had passed, John (the current school store owner) delivered a message from somebody named Jamie. He explained that Divus may not remember Jamie, but Jamie remembered him.
Crowley made an arrangement: He linked a mirror between the old store and Divus’s dorm. That way Divus could talk to someone who understood Thelnus’s situation, and Jamie didn’t have to be alone. It took an incredible amount of research to create the link, but it seemed to help both of them cope with their situations.
“You wouldn’t believe the ridiculous antics the fourth years get up to around graduation!” Divus ranted to his best friend Jamie through the mirror.
Jamie smiled weakly, listening happily to Divus’s rant.
“Honestly, I’ll never get that awful stain out of my coat! And Dad refuses to leave his cabin until they’re gone!”
Jamie laughed softly. “Send them to Faerie Fire. It’d be quite the revenge prank!”
Divus chuckled at Jamie’s dark humor. “God, you’re evil!”
Rubbing his eye with his hand, Jamie sighed sadly. “Divus... I wanna be out there with you. In the real world.”
Divus’s eyes softened, and he rested his hand on the mirror. “I’ll get you out of there someday.... I can’t let my best friend be trapped forever.”
“...Divus... Faerie Fire is gonna disappear soon.”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“A student named Sam was marked as the new store owner. When he graduates, John will be trapped in my place, and I... I’ll disappear along with my store.”
Divus was silent... He... He refused to lose Jamie. He’d already lost part of his father’s sanity to that damn store! He wouldn’t let it take his best friend!
“Then I have quite a close deadline, huh?”
“I won’t let this happen, Jamie! I’m not letting that store take anybody else!”
Jamie only smiled. “Thank you for being my best friend, Divus...” He said as he faded from the mirror. 
Divus tapped on the mirror. “Jamie? Come on, please talk to me! ...Jamie...”
Four weeks later, Mr. S’s Mystery Shop was open for business. And in the corner of the store sat a tombstone, with a framed picture of a snow elf with wisps of white hair and lovely lavender eyes, whose features are forgotten by most as soon as they look away.
Engraved on it were the words: “In memory of Jamie Avalan.”
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rose-gold-romantic · 5 years
Whatever It Takes: Chapter Nine
A Loki x Reader based in the Tesseract fic universe! Avengers: Infinity War follow-up fic. Next in the Tesseract fic series. Links to Tesseract, Lokasenna, What Heroes Do, and Fidelity. Also to my AU Feel You.
I WOULD LOVE FEEDBACK! Want to be tagged in updates? Let me know!
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Just a forewarning, this one has a major POV shift from the past entries, since Reader was Dusted at the end of Fidelity! Keeping with my recent trend in fic titles, it’s named after a track on the official soundtrack. I also constantly watch this Video, and recommend it to hype you up!
When we arrived back at the Avengers Compound, Tony was already hard at work assembling the Quantum Tunnel that we would need for our “Time Heist”. Bruce and Rocket quickly went to work helping, and its assembly did not take long after they had began.
Thor and I came to take a look at it, and Tony was dragging a cart full of material through the room to the Tunnel.
“Drifting left.” Tony warned, walking around Thor and I. “On the side there, Lebowski. How’s it going, Ratchet?”
“It’s Rocket.” The raccoon insisted as he tightened down some bolts. “Take it easy, you’re only a genius on Earth, pal.”
“Well we’re trying to test this sucker out today, so I want to finish.” Tony prodded in return. “You almost done?”
“Yeah.” Rocket sighed. “Woulda been done earlier if jolly green giant hadn’t ditched to go work on ant-guy’s suit.”
“I hope this works.” I mumbled, not intending anyone to hear me.
“Me too.” Tony agreed.
A few hours later, Barton walked onto the Tunnel’s platform in his Quantum Suit. Most of us had gathered around to watch, but Thor had chosen to remain uninvolved for the time being.
“Clint, now you’re gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift.” Bruce warned, prepping the tunnel to activate. “Don’t worry about it.”
Clint nodded, taking his place.
“Alright, Clint.” Bruce said, “We’re going in three… two… one!”
A helmet that resembled Scott’s popped into place on Clint’s head, and he promptly disappeared through the tunnel. In a matter of seconds, Clint rematerialized on the glass platform, breathing heavily and laying face down.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Natasha said as she ran to him, assisting him in sitting up. “You okay?”
Barten held up a baseball glove with a small smile. “Yea, it worked. It worked.”
“Now all that’s left is to figure out where and when to get the stones.” Tony laughed.
“Let’s figure that out now.” Steve said, “Everyone, to the conference room.”
We all made our way to the conference room, my brother included. We all took our seats, and the screens above the table showed the images and information that they had about each of the infinity stones. Tony, Steve, and Bruce stood at the front of the table, taking the lead in organizing and planning.
“Okay, so the ‘how’ works. Now we gotta figure out the when and the where.” Steve said. “Almost all of us have had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones.”
“Well I’d substitute the word encounter for damn well near been killed by one of the six infinity stones.” Tony proposed sarcastically.
“I haven’t!” Scott pointed out, “I don’t even know what the hell you’re all talking about!”
“Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history.” Bruce said, gesturing to the images of the stones.
“Our history.” Tony clarified. “So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in.”
“Which means we have to pick our targets.” Clint added.
“Correct.” Tony confirmed.
“Let’s start with the Aether.” Steve said. “Thor, Loki, what do you know?”
Thor did not rise from his spot in the corner, sunglasses shading his closed eyes.
“Is he asleep?” Natasha asked.
“No.” Rhodey said rolling his eyes. “I’m pretty sure he’s dead.”
I groaned, nudging Thor to wake him, and reminded him of what we had to do.
“Where to start? Umm... The Aether, first, is not a stone, someone called it a stone before. It's more of a... and angry sludge thing, so... someones gonna need to amend that. Here's an interesting story though, many years ago...My grandfather had to hide the stones from the Dark Elves…” Thor wiggled his hands around, and I audibly sighed, closing my eyes. “Wooooh, scary beings. So Jane,” He gestured to the screen as her photo appeared, “Oh, there she is. That's Jane... She's... an old flame of mine... She... she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time... and then the Aether stuck itself inside her... And, she became very, very sick. So I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I'm from. And we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see. I got to introduce her to my Mother... who's dead…” Thor trailed off, his broken emotions pushing their way through again, “and oh you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore, these things happen though you know, nothing last forever,” Tony and I attempted to direct him back to his chair, and he brushed us both off, insisting that he finish his ranting. “I'm not done yet, the only thing permanent in life is impermanence.”
Tony and I finally managed to stop Thor’s continued rambling, Tony suggesting some breakfast for him.
“Awesome.” Tony said, “Eggs?”
“No, I’d like a Bloody Mary, thank you.” Thor grinned, causing me to roll my eyes.
“What I believe my brother meant to say is that the Aether is a volatile stone. It is not always in stone form, as he sort of explained, and in 2013 during my captivity in Odin’s dungeons, his girlfriend Jane Foster became the Aether’s host body, similar to the way that (Y/N) and Danvers host the Space Stone’s power. Jane was kept in Asgard to help her during that time, so it would be best to retrieve the Aether from that time and place since Jane poses no great threat.”
“Perfect.” Tony said, “Thor, Rocket, you guys can get on that. What about the purple one?”
“Can we move into the lounge?” Thor mumbled, “These chairs aren’t very comfortable.”
“Quill said he stole the power stone from Morag.” Rocket said as we all moved to the sofas and chairs.
“Is that a person?” Scott asked, beginning to eat the take-out that Natasha had ordered.
“Morag’s a planet.” Rocket clarified. “Quill was a person.”
“A planet?” Scott asked, excited. “Like in outer space?”
“Oh, look. It’s like a little puppy, all happy and everything.” Rocket said, mocking Lang. “Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I’ll take you to space.”
After the meal had been finished, Natasha began writing down notes for our plan.
“Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir.” Nebula said.
“What is Vormir?” Natasha asked, writing on her notepad.
“A dominion of death, at the very center of Celestial existence.” Nebula continued. “It’s where… Thanos murdered my sister.”
Natasha wrote down what Nebula had said, and the room remained quiet for a moment.
“Not it.” Scott said, intimidated by Nebula’s description.
“What about the other three?” Steve asked. “When is the best point to grab those?”
“Are we even going to be able to get the Time stone?” Tony asked, “It took a lot to get Strange to give it up five years ago, and that was when people were being attacked right in front of him.”
“I’m not sure.” Steve trailed off.
One by one, people left to get some sleep. Eventually, only Tony, Natasha, Bruce, and myself remained to brainstorm.
“That Time Stone guy…” Natasha began.
“Doctor Strange.” Bruce answered.
“Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?” She asked.
“Neurostuff meets rabbit from a hat.” Tony replied. “Nice place in the village, though.”
“Yeah. Sullivan Street.” Bruce said, “Hmm… Bleeker.”
“Wait, Strange lived in New York?” I asked, sitting upright.
“No, he lived in Toronto.” Tony quipped.
“If we pick the right year, there are three stones in New York.” I said, “Two of them in my posession.”
“Shut the front door!” Bruce exclaimed, sitting up.
“But who goes to get which ones?” Tony asaked, “How do we divvy up the teams?”
“Bruce, you should get the time stone.” I said, “You’ll have the easiest time getting across New York during the battle. Tony and Scott should retrieve the Tesseract. Steve can grab the scepter from the shield agents, and I’ll help him with that if needed. If it turns out that he doesn’t need me, I’ll come assist you and Scott.”
“Do we really have it all planned out now?” Natasha asked, smiling. “We can do this in the morning?”
“It would appear so.” I said, allowing myself a smile.
“Rest up, guys.” Tony said, walking to his room in the Compound. “We’ve got a big day coming up.”
As I walked to my room that night, I couldn’t help smiling. We were so close, so ready to reach out and take what we had been working so hard to achieve. In the morning we would be able to rectify and resolve the past five years of struggle.
My dreams intensified my joy, for the first time in years they might be a possibility. Even in the five years since the snap, my mind had never lost a bit of (Y/N). I could envision her perfectly, from the way her hair fell in her face when she was reading, to the way she would smirk before giving a smart remark. I dreamed of reuniting with her, and for the first time in years, I slept soundly.
In the morning, we all gathered and prepared to complete our mission. We all dressed in our Quantum suits, walking up to the Tunnel platform.
“Alright. We have a plan. Six stones, three teams. One shot.” Steve said as Bruce finished prepping the Tunnel for our trip. “Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends… We lost family… We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, but it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we’re gonna win.”
Tony shot Steve a knowing look, smiling.
“Whatever it takes.” Steve continued. “Good luck.”
“He’s pretty good at that.” Rocket observed.
“Right?” Scott agreed, smiling.
“All right. You heard the man.” Tony said. “Stroke those keys, jolly green.”
“Tractors engaged.” Bruce said.
Rocket gestured to the shrunk Benatar that rested in Clint’s hand. “You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.” Clint nodded, “Ok. I’ll do my best.”
“As far as promises go, that was pretty lame.” Rocket grumbled.
Natasha smiled to each of us as we stood in our positions. “See you in a minute.”
The countdown began, and we were all sucked into the Quantum tunnel.
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