#the romantic matron
jurassiccraft · 6 months
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Begin again.
Happy 9 years :)
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mariocki · 1 year
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Patrick Troughton lays down the law as Italian police Inspector Guido Gambetti in The Saint: Interlude in Venice (5.2, ITC, 1966)
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oathtorn · 11 months
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divine warriors loredump!
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so yeah, the divine warriors! admittedly, i'm fascinated by them - i rlly rlly wish that we'd gotten to see more of them + their powers/domains/abilities in mcd, especially considering that they're a driving force behind the plot. so, i've gone ahead and done some redesigns for the sigils (above) and expanded on the domains and abilities of the divine warriors within the context of ashes, ashes.
more under the cut!
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irene retains her matron title. for her domains, i rlly wanted to lean into her being a deity of life and family; as such, her official domains are  life, light, healing, childbirth and parenthood, fertility, marriage, tradition, beauty, and romantic/familial/platonic love. menphia also has domains over aspects of love (namely over sexual/carnal/manic love), but i wanted them to sort of have an aphrodite ourania (irene) and aphrodite pandemos (menphia) sort of vibe. in terms of the abilites that her relic gives its wielders, its a lot of what's seen in canon mcd: lots of healing and light abilities, but also some dimensional manipulation and time manipulation stuff thrown in there for the shits and giggles.
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for shad, i rlly wanted to play into him being both a mirror and a foil for irene. where irene creates, he destroys; where irene brings life, he brings death. his official domains are that of death, darkness, chaos, the afterlife, change, rot and decay, the Nether, bloodshed, and madness. although he's also a war deity like menphia (and, to an extent, esmund and xavier), he's mostly associated with the worst bits of battle - the blood, the rot, the awful awful deaths, that sort of thing. his relic grants its wielders a lot of destruction-associated powers like disintegration and rot/plague/death stuff, but also some shadow and blood manipulation as well.
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like a lot of other folks, i felt like enki was the best fit for a knowledge deity. he looks after scholars, librarians, witches, and inventors; officially, his domains are those of knowledge, air, magick, prophecy, the weather, winter, reason, and lightning. from here, you'll start to see pretty much all the warriors having some sort of like. elemental association? is the best way i can put it. i've sort of based it off of the minor arcana of the tarot; the suit of swords, which is associated with air, is the suit of knowledge and the mental realm, which i thought was fitting for enki. enki is also one of the four seasonal divine warriors (the others being esmund, menphia, and kul'zak); he gets winter, mostly because of his centre of worship being in gal'ruk. wielders of his relic get air and weather manipulation powers, as well as powers related to memory and access to witchcraft (if they aren't witches already). they also gain clairvoyance.
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esmund! again with the tarot symbolism; esmund is associated with the element of earth and the physical world, hence the mountain in his sigil. his domains are those of protection, earth, wealth, autumn, boundaries, earthquakes, guardhood, and the harvest. the domain over the harvest might seem a little left field but it makes sense i promise! i sort of saw esmund's association with the harvest not only being because of him being an earth deity, but also because i feel like being able to provide is a form of protection, and given the setting of mcd, i feel like being able to provide a good harvest is a part of that. this is also why he is associated with autumn. regarding the abilities that his relic provides, there's a lot of earth manipulation and barrier/force field creation stuff in there; his relic wielders are also freakishly stronger and more durable than those who wield other relics, sort of playing into esmund himself being a tank.
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i changed menphia's title to 'the conqueror' because i thought it'd be a bit more fitting for her, especially considering how i'm working tu'la in ashes, ashes (more on that later). i also changed her colour scheme to more of a blue/copper theme despite her being a fire goddess - i thought it was neat, considering that blue flames are those that burn the hottest. her domains are those of warfare (the glorious bits), fire, soldiers, political power, summer, passion and courage, festivals and celebrations, and sexual/carnal/manic love. i'm still not suuuper sure on the abilities that her relic gives its wielders, but there's definitely some pyrokinesis and emotion/heat manipulation, along with some combat-specific foresight in there. i'm open to suggestions!
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nothing much really changes regarding kul'zak. he's a nature deity and watches over journeymen and particularly sailors, given that he's a water/ocean deity; he's often worshipped by pirates. officially, his domains are travellers, water, animals, the wilderness, the cardinal directions and navigation, hunting, and spring. i really wanted to lean into him being a man of the wilderness and not really having a home in urban environments. as such, his relic grants its wielders a lot of wilderness-based abilities, like shapeshifting, water and plant manipulation, and camouflage, with a bit of teleportation in there for all your wandering needs.
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xavier is probably the divine warrior that i've changed the most. first off, he becomes a divine warrior in ashes, ashes where he isn't in canon mcd. i also really wanted to lean into him being the founder of the jury of nine, hence his title - the justiciar. he's associated with the domains of guardhood (along with esmund), loyalty, metal and metalworkers, justice, balance and order, peace, brotherhood, devotion, and artisans. where esmund looks after the more physical side of being a guard (being your lord's shield and spear, aka the protection side of things), xavier looks after the more emotional side of being a guard - the devotion to your lord and the comradery that you share with your fellows. his relic's abilities capitalise on that, with its wielders being able to both amplify and nullify the magick of the people they're fighting alongside/against. there's also a bit of metal manipulation and a lot of supportive magick in there too.
and, as a fun little tidbit - a lineup of the divine warriors! (the layout is inspired by @star-boi0720 - the way you lay out your drawings like this is mint as 🤩)
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i'm still not suuuper happy w kul'zak or irene's designs but i'll get there in the end i guess :)
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eternal-echoes · 2 months
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The first time I read Ch. 27.1, I initially thought that the letters in cursive were illegible so I didn't even bother trying to read them. But later on someone pointed out to me that it's evidence that Henderson is married and has a daughter since he's writing to his daughter and son-in-law. So while reading the Martha and Henry arc, I already sorta knew that Henry was going to be married to someone else.
This is the way Mr. Tatsuya Endo chose to write the story. While it may have been more emotionally impactful if the audience found out at the same time as Martha that Henderson got married while she was away in the war, but the way the story is being told is through a flashback; Martha recalling old memories and telling them to Becky (and seemed juxtaposed with how Henderson is telling Matron).
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And because she's reminiscing about the past, it reflects how she has already let go of all her bitter regrets for not having told Henderson her romantic feelings for him and how she chose to fight in the war.
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It seems that Mr. Tatsuya Endo wanted to show the nobleness of Martha's character.
And even though Martha wasn't able to marry the love of her life, she was still able to go on living after returning from the war. Considering that there are many people that suffer from PTSD after coming back from the war and sometimes commit suicide, Martha still has a lot to be thankful for
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That even though she was devastated to hear that Henderson got married, she still found something to live for. Especially considering that the reason she went to the first war was because she thought her career as a ballerina is over when the Marlov Ballet was caught in an air raid in Ch. 98.
Do you believe in life after heartbreak? To Martha, it's a resounding "Yes!"
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starhvney · 6 months
would it be possible to ask for a laurance x reader where they share a romantic date stargazing? mcd preferably!
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mcd laurance x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you hadn’t been able to see much of laurance since he had taken on more night shifts for guard duty. you both missed each other's company, so he promised to come get you after his shift to spend a night with you. 
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, it's established you and laurance are lovers (canon), headcanon lore on laurance and ungrth? constellations based on mcd lore
𝐂𝐖: none
𝐀/𝐍: idk how i feel about how i wrote this one, hopefully you still like it! idk i love the prompt but i feel like my brain was scattered writing it (also guys writing kiss scenes is hard btw)
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you had been anticipating seeing him all day, barely able to contain yourself once he came into view. sleepy eyes light up when his gaze lands on yours. 
“darling, it’s too cold out here,” he sighs, his steps quickening when he realizes you’re standing outside of your doorway. “you’ll get sick.”
your hands wrapped around your arms, the thin dress you wore not enough to shield you from the chilled night air of phoenix drop. quickly, he unclasped his cape from his armor, draping the thick material around your shoulders. 
“i’m fine.” you insist, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his broad, armor-clad shoulders. “besides… i couldn’t wait to see you.”
he sighs again, weakly giving in to your argument as he leaned in and buried his nose in your hair. 
“i’ll change first, and then we’ll go.”
he takes your arm in his as the two of you walk to his home, letting him change out of his clunky armor into a soft linen shirt and pants. before you could turn for the door, he grasps out onto your arm, pulling you forward and securing a thick cloak around your shoulders. after he deemed he had fused enough over your warmth and comfort, he places a fleeting kiss to your forehead. soon enough the both of you are walking side by side through the moonlit streets, hands laced together.
he had told you he had a spot in mind, a place he had gone to a few times before to clear his head. as you passed through the front gates laurance pulled you closer to him and scanned along the tree line, something that was probably an instinctual habit as a guard. his hand gently held your own, securing you against him when you passed over ditches and roots along the forest floor.
for now, the two of you didn’t say anything, only listening to the faint bristling of the breeze through the tree leaves, the soft footfalls of your steps, and the distant noise of night critters. finally, the two of you come upon a clearing, the trees breaking their cover from the moon and revealing the clear, constellation-filled sky.
soft white light reflected down onto the grass and beautiful white flowers that sprouted around the small field. laurance doesn’t release your hand, his rough hand engulfing yours as he guides you to the center of the clearing. you both lay back into the soft flora beneath you, gazing up at the twinkling lights above. 
“i used to do this back in meteli.”
you lightly hum in response, squeezing his hand.
“when i was a kid, too. it’s how i met ungrth.” you look over to see him staring up at the stars with a wistful look on his face. “i stupidly wandered too far one night and got lost. i was upset at something that happened at the orphanage.”
“good thing you met him.”
“yeah,” he lets out a quiet chuckle. “if i had entered the territory of another wyvern, it wouldn’t have ended so well. a scrawny kid like me would’ve been easy pickings.”
“he used to point out constellations,” he continued, leaning closer to you as his free hand points up to a string of stars. “that’s the matron, see how it looks like a praying maiden?”
you nod. “was it named after irene?”
he nods, looking at you briefly with a small smile before he shifts his hand over to the left.
“that one over there is the protector, it looks like a knight with his shield. and above it is the wanderer.”
you watch him trace out different constellations, both ones that he was taught and others he has made up for fun as a child.
“it’s beautiful.” you breathe.
“yeah.” laurance softly replies.
you turn to see his gaze already fixed on you, gray-blue irises darting around the features on your face. he lifts his rough and scarred hand—proof of his hard training with no gloves—and brushes away loose strands of hair that have fallen in front of your face.
blood rushes to the surface of your skin, heating your cheeks as his fingers tenderly brush against the side of your face and trail down to your jaw. his thumb lightly traces over your lips, his eyelids heavy.
“the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen.”
he gets up on his elbow, body shifting to lean over you. your eyes flutter shut as his lips ghost yours, breath stuttering in anticipation.
you wait a moment. then another.
“may i?” he whispers.
you grab the sides of his face with your hands, patience running out as you tug him down against you. slightly chapped lips clash into yours, not hesitating for a moment as they quickly mold against the shape of your own. he continues to gently caress your face, his touch stealing your breath away as his fingers trail down to your waist. his hand slides underneath you and lifts you closer to him, as if he couldn’t stand having any distance between the two of you. 
“beautiful.” he whispered.
the kiss breaks, allowing you to finally catch your breath. his forehead rests against yours, your breaths mingling as he leans down to steal another chaste kiss.
slowly, he parts from you, looking down at you as he rests on his elbows. his eyes drift to something above your head, and he reaches out to pluck it from the ground. one of the clearing’s white flowers comes into view, as he spins the stern in his fingers, observing the soft petals closely.
“all of the stars in the sky and any flower i pick couldn’t compare.” he whispers, tucking the sweet-smelling blossom behind your ear.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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leth-writes · 23 days
Rivalry (yandere Aegon x reader)
summary: Aegon deals with a romantic rival
Warnings: this blog is 18+! Normal content warnings for yanderes apply.
The castle was large, and you were only one person. It was hard, you thought, being the servant tasked with cleaning the entirety of the royal rooms. It was difficult, difficult work, yet you had no choice. You weren’t allowed to take a different job, that would interrupt the plans of the noble house of the Targaryens.
Your entire life revolved around them and yet you had no choice but to listen. You were but a toy to be put away when not wanted, unable to change your fate and doomed to die a horrid death one day for your unwanted allies.
It started with Aegon. He was the least favorite among the maids, and as the newest of all the servants, you were on the chopping block. You’d done your job diligently, avoiding any problems. Until, of course, you were forced to wake the king to change his sheets. He was splayed out, completely asleep. You’d never been able to sleep so well, but that was to be expected of a lowly maid. He’d woken and pulled you into him, apparently mistaking you for his wife. It took almost half an hour to wake him up and allow you to leave. By then, it was already too late; he was obsessed. He quickly began following you around the castle, seemingly obsessed with you.
It was horrible and yet manageable, until one day when you were walking toward the servants’ quarters.
“The servant, the new one, I want them to be the only one servicing my room. They’re the only one that can do it properly.” He said shortly, seemingly agitated.
You could not hear the response of the matron in charge of scheduling the servants, though you assumed it would be positive. it wasn’t like they would be allowed to refuse.
Aegon only got worse from that moment on, seemingly emboldened by your new schedule. It got to the point you were only ever scheduled to work around him, whether it was cleaning while he was in the councilroom or making the bed as he slept in. It was tough, corralling the king, but at least you kept your head. it was the only benefit to earning his favour. At least the Queen was kind; a more vengeful woman would have you killed for earning her husband’s affections.
All you could do was relax on your days off. That was where everything truly went wrong.
After a long shift, all you wanted was to relax at the local tavern, drinking away your stresses and sorrows and maybe enjoying a good roll in the hay. In came Aegon with a veritable crowd of guards, annoucning his intent to buy everyone in the tavern drinks. it was a welcome surprise, seeing a member of the nobility out and among the populus without executions following. And yet, you could not relax fully. So, you looked for the nearest distraction, and found it in antoher servant you’d seen around the castle.
The two of you had your fun, drinking and dancing, and you eventually relaxed, forgetting all about your royal troubles.
The next day, you woke up to a throbbing headache and chaos in the servant’s quarters. Evnetually, the matron burst in and grabbed you by the arm, ripping you out of your bed and forcing you to your feet.
“Hurry you stupid thing, and maybe you can save his life!” She shouted, dragging you along. She yanked you through the corridors and to the main hall, where you saw your former bed partner on his knees, kingsguard surrounding him. Aegon stood, high and mighty above him, on the steps, looking angrily down at the rest of the servants.
“Let this be a lesson to all of you!” He shouted angrily, before signalling to the soldier holding a sword to the servant’s neck. With that, his head was severed and rolled to a stop at your feet.
“Ah, you’ve arrived!” He crowed, mood shifting quickly. It was sudden and unexpected, his mood completely shifting without warning, like a switch was flipped. You didn’t have a choice but to go with him.
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whiteladyofithilien · 9 months
Okay here to talk Eowyn and how the slights and disrespect she gets are more annoying than listening to Gollum talk to himself all day...
People who act like Aragorn dislikes/disdains her just because he doesn't return her romantic feelings are living in that incel mindset that women can only be admired as matrons or sexual objects. Aragorn the king of wholesome masculinity admires the heck out of Eowyn. Refers to her as the fairest thing in Rohan. He values her friendship and her place as a fundamental bullwark of her people.
People who act like she's somehow pathetic because she falls for someone who doesn't return her affection are not living in reality. They're lost in some Hollywood/porn centric view of romance where women are always sexually desired and if they aren't well then something is wrong with them. Faramir very clearly lays out what happened. She who had been treated rather like a utility in her household meets the last and greatest of the men of Numenor. Truly a man above all others. And of course she's bedazzled. Then there's the fact that he seems to truly see her (albeit on his side just platonic admiration and desire for friendship) and she matters and of course for someone who has been sidelined to tending to her aging uncle this draws her in. There's no fault on Aragorn but as any girl whose femininity and/or personhood has gone largely ignored will tell you it can be quite heady when someone actually notices you as a whole person, femininity included.
And finally her moment with the Witch-King being stolen from her like she did nothing. Ignores all these facts
1. Merry wouldn't have been there to stab him if not for her
2. It's very clearly a dual credit thing both in the passage and in the appendix footnotes
3. Nothing explicitly says that without Merry and his barrow-blade that she couldn't kill the witch-king. She's not a man while Merry is not a Man. The whole thing was based off of an elven prophecy which prophecies seldom are straightforward in their wording and don't even always come true (ask Treebeard) so there's nothing conclusive to say that her jamming a sword in his face wouldn't have done the trick with or without Merry. His role is certainly important because if nothing else prophecy or no he did distract the Witch-King with his blow allowing Eowyn to press an advantage but absolutely nothing there discredits her accomplishment in slaying the Witch-King of Angmar and people trying to act like Merry "made it easy for her" need to shove a barrow-blade where the sun don't shine
Small note here too. People who want to criticize her cooking are wrong in multiple aspects.
A. That's only in the films and a deleted scene at that.
B. It's sexist as hell to base a woman's merit off of her cooking skills. You go hamstring an oliphant and make a souffle then anonymous dudebro hating on Eowyn
C. If you think Eowyn's only accomplishments are "masculine" she does have a great talent with "feminine arts" as in she's a healer and gardener in Ithilien and by virtue of her spouse she's a freaking princess given Faramir is the Prince of Ithilien
So in conclusion if you want to diss Eowyn for any of the above mentioned off base arguments you can kiss Gollum's scrawny arse
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baldursyourgate · 1 year
Minthara Lore Masterpost
Just putting things in one post so I could come back to it later I guess.
Name: Minthara Baenre - Min/Ran - lesser, minor, second. thara/tar - glyph, marker, rune -> drow name meaning post
Age: estimated born sometime in late 11XX or early 12XX, referred herself to be young when Viconia DeVir was exiled from house DeVir, which occur sometime before 1297 when house DeVir fell. The events of Baldur's Gate 3 take place in the year 1492 -> Estimated she's around at least 200 and no more than 300 years old.
Lineage: Noble of house Baenre, mother unknown. Mentions that mother is alive and remarked "If the world were to end, I think my mother would survive to rule over the ruins.". Speculations ->
Early days: Survived an assassination attempt as a baby. Own mother tried to kill her when she came of age. Expectation of greatness was put on by others since birth. Trained to be a soldier in Lolth's service - while most noble houses seems to largely employ male soldiers, house Baenre has many elite female soldiers/fighters. Lived a life of many luxuries and dangers.
Events that she (could have) witnessed when she was still living in Menzoberranzan: the exile of Viconia DeVir (canon) (happens sometime before 1297 - the fall of House DeVir after Matron Ginafae aided a deep gnome and lost Lolth's favour, destroyed by the Do'Urden), matron Yvonnel Baenre's reign and her death (1358), matron Triel Baenre's reign and her death (1383), matron Quenthel Baenre's reign (1383).
Sos'Umptu Baenre became the current Matron Mother as of the end of Lolth's Warrior, third book from "The Way of the Drow" trilogy. The exact year was not stated, but it happen sometime after 1490 stated in the first book of the trilogy, so the timeline narrows down a little more... The events of BG3 take place in 1492, so she possibly could have been there when Sos'Umptu became matron. Or had missed the entire thing, which could potentially be very hilarious if she went back.
Siblings: unknown, mentioned that her own sibling would've slain her if she set foot back to Menzo, so she must've had at least one. If her name is any indicator (Min means lesser/second), might be a second child.
Relationship: complicated relationship with her own mother. Recognises her mother's abuse, but begrudgingly respect and admire her still - the woman taught her how to survive the ruthless, unforgiving life in Menzoberranzan. Nevertheless, Minthara wants a matricide.
First romantic relationship was with a high priestess of house Vandree. Poisoned her when was ordered to do so, but stayed and "whispered words of comfort as she slipped away". Does not like wizards.
Feel free to add more in the reblogs or replies, I'll update the post when new info comes up!
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lunastrophe · 5 months
Drow Language 🕷️ Glossary from Drow of the Underdark (2e)
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Drow glossary from Drow of the Underdark (E. Greenwood, 1991), a supplemental rules book for use with AD&D (2e). Around two hundred canon words that allow to create simple sentences, messages and the like.
I organized the terms from the glossary into categories, so that the range of topics and the variety of vocabulary for each of them could be seen more clearly. Unsurprisingly, categories with the most words are connected to dealing with people, stealth and fight, travel and exploration, also magic and spirituality.
🕷️ To Be
tlu – be, to be phuul – are zhah – is
🕷️ Pronouns
usstan – I, self (literally, "this one") usstil – one in my place dos – you dosst – yours dosstan – yourself nind – they, them, their, theirs* nindyn – those vel’uss – who
*In fan-created drow language sources, "them", "their" and "theirs" are usually translated differently to avoid confusion.
🕷️ People, Professions, Titles
dobluth – outcast faern – wizard, magic-worker of any race or gender ilharn – patron, title of matron mother’s chosen mate ilhar – mother, to mother* ilharess – matron or matron mother, title of a female ruling a noble drow House ilharessen – matrons jabbuk – master, male in charge of some task or office malla – honored, term of respect qu’ellar – House, titled noble family sargtlin – (drow) warrior valsharess – queen** yathrin – (drow) priestess yathtallar – (drow) high priestess
*Only in a biological sense - "to mother" as in "to give birth to", not "to nourish and comfort". ** Title typically reserved for Lolth.
🕷️ Friends, Enemies, Relationships
abban – ally, not-enemy abbil – comrade, trusted friend* akh – band, group inthigg – agreement, treaty khaless – trust** maglust – apart, alone nau – no ogglin – rival, opponent, enemy*** qua’laelay – argument, disagreement, confrontation, but not yet open conflict quarth – order, exercise of authority quarthen – ordered, commanded ssinssrigg – passion, lust, greed, longing, love**** thalra – meet, encounter talthalra – meeting, council, parley thalack – war, open fighting xal – may, might, perhaps
* At least as trusted as possible in drow terms (see khaless). ** Especially foolish or misplaced kind of trust, since drow do not really believe in genuine trust. *** "Active"; all creatures are considered potential ogglin until proven otherwise. **** Not a selfless, unconditional, romantic kind of love.
🕷️ Non-Drow, Monsters
darthiir – faeries, surface elves, traitors gol – goblin goln – goblins haszak – illithid, mind flayer haszakkin – illithids rivvil – human rivvin – humans orbb – spider phindar – monster, dangerous being, especially a non-intelligent creature
🕷️ Insults
iblith – offal, excrement, carrion* wael – fool
* Often used in reference to non-drow and slaves.
🕷️ Battle, Life, Death
bautha – dodge, to dodge dro – life, alive elgg – kill, slay, destroy elghinn – death honglath – clever thinking, calm, bravery, good behavior jivvin – fun, play, but in sense of amusing cruelty, "animal spirits" kulg – snag, hitch, blockage* kulggen – deliberate rampart, shield, or other barrier luth – cast, throw, hurl phalar – grave, battle-marker plynn – take, size sargh – confidence in weapons, battle-might, strength-at-arms, valor sarn! – beware!, warning! sreen – danger streea – suicide, death in the service of Lolth, a House, or a community streeaka – reckless(ness), fearless(ness) thalackz’hind – raid, attack from afar ultrinnan – conquering, victory, to win or prevail velve – blade, dagger, knife, sword z'ress – power, strength, force, dominance**
* Impediment to will or to plans, but also an actual, material blockage, like debris in a shaft or passage. ** Especially strength of the will that allows a person, for example, to successfully manipulate others.
🕷️ Schemes, Stealth, Shadows
brorn – surprise brorna – surprises golhyrr – surprise, ruse, trap ilindith – aim, goal, hoped-for event inth – plan, stratagem, scheme kyone – alert / alertly, wary / warily, careful / carefully kyorl – watch, wait, guard kyorlin – watching, waiting, guarding olist – caution, stealth oloth – darkness, utter natural darkness or magical darkness ssussun – light, brightness veldrin – shadows, concealment afforded by varying light velkyn – unseen, hidden, invisible waela – foolish, unaware, unwary
🕷️ Magic, Faith, Destiny
elamshin – destiny, the will of Lolth* elend – usual, traditional faer – magic faerl – magical faerbol – magical item orthae – holy, sacred Quarvalsharess – Goddess (title of Lolth) quar’valsharess – goddess (other than Lolth) ul-ilindith – destiny yath – temple, also property, work or decree of the temple Yorn – power, will or servant-creature of the Goddess (Lolth)
* Destiny as unique purpose, connected to the intent of higher power (Lolth).
🕷️ Work, Learning, Exploration
colbauth – path, known way mrimm – guide, key, inspiration noamuth – wanderer, lost, unknown obsul – opening, door, gap or chink ragar – find, discover, uncover talinth – think, consider xun – do, to complete or accomplish xund – striving, effort, work xundus – doing, achievement, work completed or manifested in some concrete result zhaunil – learning, wisdom, knowledge z'hin – walk z'hind – trip, journey, expedition z'orr – climb
🕷️ Wealth, Goods, Gifts
belaern – wealth, coinage, treasure belbau – to give belbol – gift bol – item, thing, an unknown, unidentified, mysterious or important object cahallin – food, but only produced or harvested, including raid-spoils; not hunted game or cooked food
🕷️ Numbers, Quantity
uss – one ust – first draa – two drada – second llar – three llarnbuss – third tuth – both mzild – more jal – all
🕷️ Comparisons
alur – better, superior alurl – best, foremost taga – than ultrin – supreme, highest, conqueror ultrine – supreme, highest (applied to Lolth only)
🕷️ Relations In Space And Time
alust – in front, facing, in the forefront bauth – around, about dal – from del – of doeb – out elendar – continue, continued, continuing, enduring harl – down, under, below izil – as lil – the lueth – and natha – a pholor – on, upon rath – back ratha – backs rathrae – behind ulu – to wun – in wund – among, within, into
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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nika-vincent · 1 year
Long post warning.
I'm trying to put together some thoughts (also based on recent discussions with many great folks) about the romance path with Halsin in the form that it is presented in the game at the moment with the hope that Larian will notice our comments on this. And part 2 about Halsin's personality in the game. Please, fear not, it will be without aggression. So take some tea, my friends, and let's get started!☕
From the very beginning of EA, we had an image of Halsin that stood out not only by his appearance (it was difficult to not notice the thirsty comments of fans about this), but also by the excellent qualities of his character. He is one of those characters who sincerely wants to help us with our parasite and not try to use us in a bad way or even kill us.
He has the impression, you know, of a big adult man who at first glance looks serious and rather harsh, but when you learn more about him, you realize that this is a man with a kind heart, caring, protecting, not leaving you in trouble. He reminds me of Hagrid from the Harry Potter universe. And this image of him was so loved by many people (including me) that we wanted to see more of it when the game was released. There was no limit to my delight when, after the release of the game, we were able to ask about his hobbies. Gods, how all these cute things fit him that he loves honey and carves wood in his spare time.🥰 I want more of this!❤
We began to fantasize about what a romance with Halsin could be, and expected that these beautiful traits of his character would manifest themselves here. That he will be protective for Tav, gentle, romantic and caring. I was incredibly happy that we were finally given the opportunity to have a romance with him and the words during the PFH that Halsin and Astarion had become the most popular characters of EA gave great expectations.
Of course, after the release of the game, many things have remained behind the scenes for now, due to lack of time to implement the rest of things I believe, and I assume that there is a chance of adding this with patches. But let's move on to the things we have at the moment.
What surprised me not in a good way was that I noticed some strange emphasis on Halsin's sexuality and various jokes towards his body in the game itself. I assume that perhaps the developers wanted to make some kind of reference to the thirsty comments of fans about Halsin, which can often be seen on the Internet. But I think it would be better to leave it between fans, and not literally implement it in the game. I do not deny his sexuality myself and say that his arms are made for hugs! But there should be a limit to everything, I think. I can make an exception about the fact that we can ask about why he is so big for an elf. It looks quite harmless and even his reaction amuses.😁
The reference to 'Daddy Halsin' in his ending was great and really funny! It looks unobtrusive and does not create the feeling of awkwardness and discomfort that we got from some of his stories from the past...
The story of Halsin's sexual past and how the romance with him is presented in the game has been most criticized by players, and there are several reasons for this. We found out that he had many lovers throughout his life (So it is lovers, not special loved ones). And then we also learn that when he was a young druid, he traveled through the underdark and found himself a guest in a noble Drow house, in which the matron and the patron showed interest in him and chained him for three years in their bedchamber, where he played the role of 'guest, prisoner and consort'. Honestly, the last thing I expected was that Halsin would get such a backstory, given that we had kept in mind for so long the image of him which I described at the beginning of this article. It literally took me by surprise. And especially the fact that he talks about it so calmly and even with a note of gaiety, as if this is a common thing that could happen to anyone.
I don't understand the need to add such things to him. Perhaps the developers wanted to show in this way that a man with such an attractive appearance is obliged to have a hot sexual experience and give him an image of something like a Faerun Casanova? If so, it turned out to be quite inappropriate and even creepy, and the players perceived it more as a sexual abuse towards him than as an experience.
It can be noticed that even Halsin himself is not very enthusiastic with the fact that remarks about his physique are the first thing people talk about. Clipping from @lylakoi 's screenshot:
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And all this strongly contradicts how we initially fell in love with Halsin and how we wanted to see him and his romance in the release. The romantic relationship between Tav and Halsin at the moment looks more built on physical attraction, rather than on love, care and mutual respect. Most likely, this is due to the noticeable lack of romance content at the moment and more soft things and scenes will be added to the patches that would dilute it well so that it does not catch the eye. I just wanted the romance to be less fixated on lust, and more on feelings and romantic things between Tav and Halsin.
The most terrible thing that literally brought tears to my eyes is the fact that he can talk about his feelings and love only when we ourselves can behave like an abuser with him, when we decide to break up with him and change our minds. We see how much it hurts him that we are playing with his heart. Because at the moment there are no other romantic scenes in the game in which we can discuss with him our feelings and that we love each other, as it happens with other companions.
Polyamory also does not work quite correctly in the game, because it seems that he wants Tav to be poly in the relationship, not him. It looks something like: 'You're all I want, but don't get stuck on me and find someone else' uhh, what? I only want to romance you, why should I find someone else? This dialogue is appropriate if I was already in a relationship with another companion and would like to be with Halsin too. But if I want to have a romance with him alone, then I believe that the dialogue should be different and not insist on 'sharing' if I have not a relationship with anyone.
Given the whole story that he only had lovers and sexual slavery, I assume that Halsin has never experienced true love with anyone, and only knows how to be used by everyone. If this was the original idea of the writers, which has not yet been brought to its logical end, then the role of Tav in the romance with Halsin here should be quite important in order to see the development of their relationship. The main goal in the romance should be that Tav will allow Halsin to feel what it's like to be truly important and loved. Remember when in the act 2 he was touched by the fact that Tav shared a campfire and their company with him. Screenshot by @lylakoi :
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It is clearly evident that such things that someone does for him are unusual to him and touch his very heart. Most likely, he is used to giving, not receiving.
The bed scene with him is absolutely beautiful, I can even give a standing ovation.❤ I would only add after that a scene where Tav and Halsin are lying side by side, looking at the stars and having a romantic conversation. That would end the night perfectly.🙏
It is necessary to add more soft interactions for Halsin, so that there is more emphasis on the development of his personal qualities. We are well aware of his attractiveness and there is no need to emphasize this once again with strange jokes and stories with sexual abuse.
The Interaction in the camp with owlbear and Scratch will be great for him! Maybe even add some scenes with companions in act 2, where Halsin would try to calm the guys arguing with each other. That would add +1 to his personality traits. Also, more of his reactions to any events or during the dialogues with someone will not hurt.
For a romance, I would suggest definitely adding a scene with a date. Even a scene where Halsin would give an ornament for Tav that he carved out of wood. Maybe some episode in the city that would shock him (For example, he witnessed the rough treatment of animals or orphans) and make him turn into a bear from rage and we would try to calm him down by choosing the option 'reach out and stroke him' (Yes, yes, I mentally create fanfics during 3 am, don't blame me😅) Also a scene where we could hug him and confess that we love him. And now the romance no longer looks focused on lust.
The opportunity to go with Halsin in the ending also deserves to exist. Halsin mentioned that he would like to have a family, so he and Tav could perfectly help orphans together in Thaniel's world.🙏
That's all for today. My opinion about Larian has not changed for the worse, for me they are still great guys who delight me with their positive attitude to the community. Unpleasant situations can happen, it is inevitable. But there is always a chance to fix something. I really want to hope that they will cope with everything and listen to our feedbacks and everything will gradually get better with the patches.❤
Thank you for reading this review to the end.🙏❤ I also suggest joining the discussion to Larian's discord in the 'bg3-feedback' section.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Undersea/Merfolk AU with the Bad Batch please! Can be romantic or platonic.
Stand By You
Summary: You spent your whole life living in the Royal Orphanage of Atlantis. According to the Matron, you were found on the front steps when you were hours old, and no one ever showed any interest in adopting you. You’ve since aged out of the system, luckily, you made some pretty solid friends. Unluckily, you’ve also landed squarely in the crosshairs of a Sea Wizard.
Pairing: platonic TBB x F!Reader, hinted Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 2792
Prompt: Merfolk AU
Warnings: reader is attacked
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I wasn't sure, at first, where I was going with this, and then I had an idea. And then I had to change the idea halfway through because it was edging into Little Mermaid territory. Anyway! I hope you like it~
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“I’m telling you,” You say with a roll of your eyes as you flip so that you can look at Tech while swimming backward, “I am a very poor fit for the Atlantis military.”
“You have not even tried,” Tech points out as he adjusts his glasses, then swiftly grabs your wrist to keep you from swimming into a statue, “You can not continue living in a cave outside of the city.”
A petulant pout forms on your lips, “Watch me.”
He sighs as he carefully tugs you so you’re swimming next to him, “Why are you being so stubborn about this?”
You glare at him and flick your fingers towards your tail. Your very mammalian tail. Unlike the other merpeople of Atlantis, your tail looks more like a seal than a fish.
Tech glances at your tail, and then at you, “No one cares that your tail looks different.”
“Correction, you don’t care that my tail looks different. Everyone else cares a lot.” You fold your arms, “Just because they don’t say it around you, doesn’t mean they don’t say it.”
“Well, that is a good reason for you to get a military job,” Tech tries, “Make people see you differently.”
“It’s like you’re being deliberately obtuse, Tech. Why aren’t you listening to me?”
“I am listening to you!” Tech stops and grabs your shoulders, “You are not listening to me. It is not safe for you to live outside the city. Do you know what it would do to us if something happened because we were not there to protect you?”
You sigh and lightly wrap your hands around his wrists, “Tech. I know you’re only being like this because you care—”
“Because you are family,” Tech says.
“But you’re making me feel like you don’t actually care about what I’m saying.”
He closes his eyes, and drops his hands, “That…is not my intention. I am sorry, vod.”
“I forgive you.”
You fall into a comfortable silence, and then Tech bumps your shoulder with his, “I would feel more comfortable if you moved behind the walls.” He says, “But I understand why you might not want to do that.”
“It’s not like I want to live in a cave like a sea witch, Tech. No one will hire me. And, without any money, I’m kind of stuck.” He opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off with a press of your finger against his lips, “And don’t even think of saying that I can move into your barracks. There’s barely enough room for the four of you.”
Tech sighs, “I do not like that you are right about that.”
You grin at him, “Relax. I’ve been living in that cave for years now, and nothing bad has happened.”
“Yet. Nothing bad has happened yet.” Tech corrects.
“Well, maybe I’ll be lucky.” You shrug, as if you’re unbothered, “Anyway, thanks for coming shopping with me.” You add as you lift your netted bag.
“You are welcome. Are you heading home?”
“That’s the plan. Tell the others that they can come and visit whenever,” You say as you back away from him, “And be careful at work, all of you.”
“You do not have to worry about us.”
“Truth, I’m going to do it anyway.” You quickly dart in and press your lips against his cheek, “I’ll see you later, Tech.”
“I will tell the others that you say hi,” Tech replies.
You toss him one more grin, and then turn to swim down the path that will take you out of Atlantis proper, splitting from Tech, who continues straight to the military barracks. 
Your home is near the kelp forest, several miles away from the solid walls that mark the city of Atlantis. The location tends to work in your favor, seeing as there’s a lot of food in the kelp forest that you can gather, or catch, without having to pay for it.
On the other hand, your neighbors aren’t the best.
One of your neighbors, a Cecaelia sea wizard, who goes by the name Verdant, has been trying to coax you into his employ for the better part of the last two years.
He’s nice enough, you suppose. He understands what it is to be seen as not normal in Atlantis and has always been your biggest supporter when it comes to helping you advocate for yourself.
Still, you have no intention of working for him. 
You have the feeling that working for him would put you in opposition with your closest friends, and you’d sooner cut off your arms than allow that to happen.
You slow as you approach your home, a single brow arching when you see Verdant, and his two most loyal retainers, in front of your cave. “Something you need, gentlemen?” You ask as you swim over to them. 
“Ah, my dear,” Verdant beams at you as he swims over to you, “I was wondering where you were.”
“In Atlantis,” You reply, “They get deliveries of surface fruit this time of year, and it’s something that I enjoy when I can.”
Verdant’s grin seems to widen, “How wonderful! Tell me, my dear,”
There’s something about the way that he’s grinning that makes your skin crawl, and you begin to regret not taking Tech up on his offer to crash with him and his brothers for the night. 
One of Verdant’s cronies moves so that he’s almost circling you, ushering you closer to Verdant, “Tell me, you’re friends with several members of the Atlantis Military.”
“We grew up in the Orphanage together,” You reply, it’s not an answer, not really, and judging by how his smile fades, he agrees.
Roughly, Verdant grabs your chin, “I want you to convince your friends to look the other way while we enter the city.”
“No.” The answer falls from you almost without your permission. 
“No. I’m not going to help you. Let me go.” You try to jerk your head out of his grip, but he just tightens his hold on you, until it’s painful.
“I have been exceedingly patient with you, child. You have to help me.”
“I don’t have to do anything.” You counter, “Can’t we go back to just being neighbors who sometimes say hi to each other?”
“No.” Verdant releases you and you try to back away, only for the twins to latch onto you, holding you still. “If you won’t work with me, then I suppose you’ll just have to suffer.”
“What do you—?” You’re cut off when you feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen.
“I am a variant of the Blue Ringed Octopus, little one. Your death is going to be very slow and very painful.” He lightly pats your cheek as your vision starts going grey at the edges, “Assuming you don’t bleed to death first, of course. Release her. We have places to be.”
The arms holding you still vanish, and you sink to the ground.
They swim away while you struggle to cling to consciousness. Whatever they did to you, you can’t seem to move your tail, wherever you try, it sends shockwaves of pain through your whole body.
The next thing you’re acutely aware of is a cry of your name. 
Omega leans over you, her hands pressing firmly against the wound on your abdomen, “—ld on, just hold on! Help is coming!”
What a shame.
The last thing you would have ever wanted was for Omega to find your body. The only thing worse would be dying in her arms.
Shame that it isn’t your choice anymore.
You sink into darkness with Omega’s increasingly panicked cries of your name ringing in your ears.
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The waiting room in the Atlantis Military Hospital is silent save for the muffled sobs of Omega as she buries her face in Wrecker’s side.
And while Hunter would usually love the fact that it’s not loud, after six hours of waiting for some news, any news, the silence is beginning to be deafening. 
He drums his fingers against his side for a moment and then swims over to the window, just for something to do, while he tries to stop thinking about what she looked like when they found her.
He wants to forget the blood and how unnaturally still she was.
Hunter wants to be angry that Omega was the one who found her, he wants to rage at her, and tell her that if she just listened to them, this wouldn’t have happened.
But after 6 hours, his rage has been totally extinguished. Replaced with an icy terror.
What is he going to do if she dies?
How is he supposed to keep their family going if she dies?
Hunter flickers his gaze around the room. Omega isn’t crying anymore, though it looks like she’s cried herself to sleep while cuddled against Wrecker. She still has blood on her hands and shirt and streaked down her tail.
Hunter should have helped her get cleaned up, why didn’t he help her get cleaned up?
Wrecker is tense, his hands curling into fists, and then relaxing, before curling back into fists. This has to be torment for him, the sitting and the waiting. He seems pretty calm, all things considered though. Probably because Omega is right there.
Hunter wants to say something to him, to reassure him that she’ll be alright, that she’s stronger that people give her credit for. But, in truth, he doesn’t believe it himself.
So he keeps his mouth shut and flickers his gaze over to Tech.
Tech is sitting closest to the doors that lead to surgery. He’s flipping through a book, very quickly, and a glance at the titles makes Hunter shake his head. They’re books on medicine, surgery, and poisons. Of course, Tech is dealing with the situation in the only way he can. His hands are shaking, though.
Makes sense, Tech was the last person to see her before she was injured. He’s probably blaming himself. No one else here blames him, of course, but Tech has always been his own worst critic. Hunter will have to keep an eye on that, and maybe call Phee if he starts to spiral too badly.
Finally, Hunter turns his attention to Crosshair. Crosshair is folded into a chair, his head in his hands.
Right. Crosshair has always been closest to her. She’s always been very good at handling his mood swings, even when they were kids, and Hunter’s pretty sure that Crosshair’s feelings towards her have long since stopped being simply platonic. 
Not that he’d ever admit it, even to himself.
“You’re staring, Hunter.” Crosshair says quietly.
“Just making sure you’re alright.”
“I’m not the one that was nearly murdered. I’m fine.”
“She’s going to be fine.”
Crosshair releases a bitter laugh, “You don’t even believe that yourself.”
Hunter doesn’t say anything for a moment and then turns to face Crosshair fully. He opens his mouth to say something, only to pause when the door to the surgical suite opens, and the Doctor enters the room.
He looks exhausted, but pleased with himself. 
The Doctor’s gaze sweeps the room, and he nods once, “Her injuries are severe, but I’ve managed to repair the worst of the damage, and she has been given the first of three doses of anti-toxin. We won’t know the extent of the damage until she wakes up, but assuming nothing goes wrong over the next couple of days, she’s going to be just fine.”
The tight string of tension that had been running through all of the brothers snaps at the doctor's words as they slump in relief. “Is she allowed visitors?” Hunter asks.
“Not just yet. Give us some time to get her settled in the observation ward, and then you can visit her.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Tech says as he straightens, “This is very good news.”
The Doctor smiles at them and then turns and leaves the room.
No one moves for a moment, and then Omega lets out a delighted noise and she twirls, “She’s going to be okay!”
“So it seems,” Hunter agrees, a relieved smile on his face.
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Slowly, you open your eyes, feeling like you’ve been asleep for far, far too long. You feel warm and comfortable, and it takes you a moment to completely push the sleep away to figure out where you are. 
There’s a quiet beeping noise coming from nearby, and you roll your head to see what is making that noise, momentarily confused when you see a heart monitor next to your bed.
You slowly sit up, the blanket tumbling from your chest to settle at your waist, and you absently tug on the sleeve of the shirt you’re wearing. It looks, and feels, like the soft material used in hospitals. 
And then you remember. Verdant. His Cronies. The stabbing.
You lift the hem of your shirt and peer down at your stomach. There’s a massive wound, running from just over your hip, across your stomach, and stopping just under the breast at the opposite side.
You touch the injury, and aside from some faint pain, it doesn’t hurt.
You must be on some good painkillers.
It’s about that time when you realize that you can’t feel your tail. For a moment you think that Verdant cut your tail off to punish you, though as you move the blanket, you can see your tail is still there. 
White and dark grey with black spots.
The same tail you were born with. The same tail that had you treated as an outsider. 
You stare at your tail as you try to move it. To twitch your flipper, or anything.
But nothing happens.
The door to your room opens, and you turn to stare at the Doctor. He looks surprised to see you awake, but then he smiles, “How are you feelin—?”
“I can’t feel my tail.” You interrupt.
His smile vanishes.
The next couple of hours fly by. Tests and more tests, and long conversations with dozens of different doctors, and they all say the same thing.
The attack that nearly killed you permanently damaged your spinal cord. You’re likely never going to be able to move your tail ever again. And then they leave you on your own, with little more than an appointment with a therapist to help you learn to live with your new circumstances.
And so, you’re not in the best mood when your family arrives to visit you. 
Though, Omega flinging herself into your arms, wrapping her arms tightly around your neck, and burying her face in your hair is almost enough to make you smile again. 
“How are you feeling?” Crosshair asks, as he moves to the other side of the bed, his sharp gaze flickering across you as if searching for any injuries the doctor might have missed.
“I’m…okay, all things considered.”
“Just okay?” Tech asks.
You frown slightly, “I’m going to be in the hospital for a bit longer.” And then you hesitate.
“What’s wrong?” That’s Wrecker, from the doorway. The room isn’t really big enough for everyone.
“Um…well,” You pause, “The attack left some lingering damage.”
Hunter lightly takes your hand in his, “Tell us.”
“I’m paralyzed,” You clench your jaw, to keep yourself from crying. You’re still alive, there’s no reason to be upset. “I can’t swim anymore.” Hunter’s grip on your hand tightens, “The doctors are working on coming up with a way for me to still be independent, but—”
You start when Crosshair lays his cheek against the top of your head, “We’ll help.”
“As much as we can.” Wrecker agrees.
“If we pool our money,” Tech says, “We can afford a place outside the barracks for all of us to live. I will work up a budget.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
“Don’t be silly,” Omega says stubbornly, “We’re family, this is what family does.”
Some of the anxiety fades away, and you flash the smallest smile towards all of them, “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank us,” Hunter says, “We’re not doing anything that you wouldn’t do for us.” He flashes a small smile, “We take care of each other.”
“You are going to have to talk to Marshal Commander Cody about the attack,” Crosshair says, “Everyone is very interested in knowing who attacked you so close to Atlantis.”
You nod at him, “I know. I’ll tell him everything he wants to know.”
Two weeks later, you’re released from the hospital with your new mobility harness strapped around you. You’re going to need help for a while, while you adapt to it, but you’re not too worried.
You have a pretty solid support system, after all.
And they’ll never let you get hurt.
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emergefromthenoise · 2 months
Violent delights and violent ends – a tragic lovers' tale.
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All the world's a stage... Indeed, so the whole theatre becomes exactly that: from the rooftop (a distant and isolated Mantua), to the backstage corridors and fire escapes standing in for meandering streets of Verona or foyer turning into Capulet's house's halls. Use it all. And at the same time focus on the word: darkness engulfing the stage where vulnerable characters bare their desires. Micro expressions on display as cameras follow the actors around. Lights. Camera. A story of love and hate. A tragedy weaved by fate. Timeless tale.
Some raised the alarm as the casting revealed Francesca Amewudah-Rivers as Juliet, claiming it wasn't true to Shakespeare's spirit. Well, I, for one, am glad that it wasn't. Not that I have anything against men in tights, but that would be a different play entirely. Also may I remind everyone we would be subjected to some pre-teen, prepubescent males with their falsetto trying to nail Juliet's voice timbre. And Nurse's too. But then we would have been deprived of seeing such brilliant performances from Francesca and Freema [Agyeman] which would be simply a travesty. And all in a name of staying true to the original text (may I add also well known fact – Shakespeare's not so secret and nice tendency to “borrow” from other's work thus him being not so original himself).
Even though my first reaction to Freema being cast as a Nurse was: she's too young! Because in my head this character is this elderly matron rather than witty and lively Nanny. But that's the beauty of theatre and interpretation: anything goes! And oh, boy how it worked!
Francesca's Juliet is so youthful, gentle, so full of passion. One's heart sinks seeing her heart's woes. Tom's Romeo has boyish charm, rage and love so bound together it boils. His Romeo is impulsive, emotional, he brings laughter and choked silence as one observes his character being played by fate. Let's not forget Juliet is the driving force. She's “yes” or “no”, black or white, ultimatum giving kind of girl. And Romeo? Well, he's both romantic (grand gestures much?) and... well, he's a fuckboy (how fast Rosalind is in his rearview mirror, huh?). But then he's Juliet's fuckboy and heaven is not on their side.
Maybe I'm a cynic when I look at this great romance and frown and childish overreactions and hyperboles. But these two [Francesca and Tom], they're so gentle and pure, so deep, that one quickly invests in their budding feelings and looks upon them with softness knowing too well what's glooming over. The tragic face of star crossed lovers.
But these two aren't the only ones shining bright on that stage. Mercutio always has been one of my favourite characters – flamboyant, fast with words and weapons, mad or is he? Harold Perrineau made such an impact with his Mercutio [in Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet], even though not on stage, there was no other version of this character for me. But I dare to say Joshua-Alexander Williams comes real close or maybe even matches the performance. Which is incredible considering it's his professional debut. Exuberant, cheeky sidekick, cursed... and cursing the feuding families. Seemingly insane with his flowery talk turns out to be the voice of reason and prophecy in the end.
The staging is stripped back, functional, raw in it's simplicity, but not dull. Focus is on the actors and the text. Blaring music and flashing lights prevent the audience from being too comfortable in their seat – it's a tragedy after all.
'Romeo and Juliet', a tale as old as overplayed. Yet, always attracting both actors ready to add their version to the pile and crowds eager to see lovers' tragic fate onstage (and/or on screen).
Shakespeare's plays always were the entertainment for the masses, even the tragedies have characters being bigger or smaller 'comic relief'. In 'Romeo and Juliet' it would be surely the Nurse, but thanks to Freema's brilliance this character is so much more than crazy old lady. The wit is her weapon of choice, true, but the emotions and layers that spill out thanks to Freema shine a new light on this character.
It takes a special kind of talent to breathe a new life into the text and a play as a whole (and the assemble did a marvellous job at it!), especially one so well-known, played so many times that people think they have seen it all. But Jamie Lloyd has carved a reputation for himself and his innovative and bold approach (and vivisection) is doing only favours to dusty classics. It is an unmissable event.
William Shakespeare's ROMEO & JULIET.
Dir.: Jamie Lloyd
Cast: Tom Holland, Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, Freema Agyeman, Michael Balogun, Tomiwa Edun, Mia Jerome, Daniel Quinn-Toye, Ray Sesay, Nima Taleghani, Joshua-Alexander Williams, Callum Heinrich, Kody Mortimer
In Duke of York's Theatre, London from 13 May to 3 August 2024
[Photo from Duke of York's Theatre]
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errantce · 8 months
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aaliyah grew up in an orphanage in selvadorada. according to the matron, she was placed on the doorstep on a cold winter night. growing up alienated at the orphanage, aaliyah quickly learned that in order to make it far in life, she must always put herself first.
when aaliyah accidentally stumbles upon a bag of cash that may or may not have been buried by the selvadoradian mafia, she takes the chance to leave selvadorada for del-sol valley.
now, fresh in del-sol valley, she joins the social media career, with the hopes of one day becoming a famous celebrity. and she will do anything in order to achieve her dreams.
full name: aaliyah asaad age: young adult traits: materialistic, romantic, self-assured career: social media (former) | actress (current) favourites & hobbies: colour (brown, orange, black) | spicy food | middle-eastern food | chocolate | yoga & meditation
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cats-of-eden-valley · 8 months
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name: Cypress
pride: Goldspring
role: Speaker
age: Senior
sex: Molly
traits: Cold, stubborn, protective, unyielding, ambitious
parent(s): Morning Glory, Yarrow
sibling(s): Aster, Hibiscus
1stlitter: Basil (heir)
grandkits: Delphinium (1st), Cinquefoil (2nd), Fennel (2nd)
Perch (coldbank)(ex)(romantic)
Arbutus (platonic)(begrudging confidants)
Honeysuckle (close friend)
Firstborn of Yarrow and Morning Glory's second litter, with her littermate Aster. She never met her older brother, Hibiscus.
Has always been pretty serious and bossy, an opposite to her sister's sunny disposition.
Lost her mother at a young age, throwing her inheritance into question. The pride ultimately decided to let Cypress mature into the role of matron.
Her father, Yarrow, joined the pride after his mate's death, proclaiming he would raise their daughters in her stead. He ended up ignoring them, and his relationship would Cypress and Aster degraded until his relationship with Myrtle comes to light.
Aster and Cypress grow close after Glory's death, and she becomes Cypress's biggest weakness, getting away with what others could not.
Cypress pushed away members of her own pride, not wanting to be hurt again, and started forming friendships outside the pride. She eventually invites Honeysuckle to join.
As an adult, Cypress focused on proving her responsibility, quietly ignoring the looming deadline of a litter on the horizon--the last thing she would need to be accepted as matron.
When the time comes, Cypress chooses Perch of Coldbank as the sire, having built a rapport with him over the course of the season. They grow close, and Perch decides to ask his pride to remain behind for the Sleeping Year, where he begins seeing Cypress in secret.
The rains are late that season, and after Cypress's litter of three are born, she realizes she won't be able to feed all of them. In secret, she sends two kittens away to Coldbank, keeping her final daughter, Basil, as heir.
That same season, Aster dies, leaving behind her two daughters and an angry, vengeful mate. As Basil is weaned, Cypress puts her energy into caring and mentoring her two nieces, and much of Basil's care falls to Honeysuckle and Ursinia.
The previous pride Speaker retires, and after Amaranth spends a couple seasons as temporary Speaker, Cypress is chosen for the role.
As a matron, Cypress prefers to stay away from other prides and stick to Goldspring's own business. She pushes new ways to hunt in the trees instead of conflict with Windswept, and prefers to save the pride's resources for themselves. She's progressive in her approach to old problems, but stubborn even when her way isn't the most right.
Fully endorses Hollyhock's family taking over Locust's matron spot, but sympathizes with Locust, especially as a friend of Honeysuckle.
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optiwashere · 1 year
Anotheropti's Kinktober 2023: Baldur's Gay Edition
I'm using the Kinktober 2023 Tumblr Post for prompts, though I mixed up days here and there. Kinktober 2023 is complete for now. I might add fics to it later in order to have 31/31 days, but I don't know yet.
The series collecting these fics is available on AO3 here.
These are all Baldur's Gate 3 ships, and most of them are F/F. Also, a ton of them are trans F/F! I'm nothing if not predictable.
For context for those that never read my stuff: Asheera is my half-orc Tav (AKA my trans fem paladin queen) that I write for constantly.
Days and prompts under the break!
October 1: Leather Kink (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 3: Consensual Somnophilia (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 4: Threesomes (trans!Aylin/Shadowheart/Isobel)
October 5: Collaring (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 7: Stuck in Wall (trans!Karlach/trans!Shadowheart)
October 8: Humiliation (Minthara/Lae'zel)
October 9: Stripping (Isobel/Aylin)
October 10: Orgasm Denial (Orin/Minthara)
October 11: Sensory Deprivation (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 12: Randomly prompted Romantic Smut (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 13: Size Difference (F/M; Karlach/Wyll)
October 16: Gags (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 17: Bathing (trans!Aylin/Isobel)
October 18: Size Difference ROUND TWO (trans!Karlach/Shadowheart)
October 19: Exhibitionism (F/M; Lae'zel/Dragonborn Tav)
October 20: Frottage (trans!Karlach/trans!Shadowheart)
October 21: Panties & Lingerie (Alfira/Lakrissa)
October 22: Bondage (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 23: Facesitting (F/M; Trans Fem Tav/Dammon)
October 24: Strap-ons (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 25: Mommy/Matron Kink (Minthara/Lae'zel)
October 26: Overstimulation (Shadowheart/Asheera)
October 27: Master & Slave (Orin/Minthara)
October 28: Body Worship (Isobel/Aylin)
October 29: Menophilia (Orin/Minthara)
October 31: Breeding Kink (Shadowheart/Asheera)
Fics completed after October:
Sequel to Day 20 (trans!Karlach/trans!Shadowheart)
Some more Extremely Dominant Minthara (Minthara/Lae'zel)
"We're might die here at the end of Act 3, so let me eat you out" (Shadowheart/Asheera)
T4T Minthara/Karlach frotting based on fanart
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