#the same oxygen that gave us life was just as quick to take it. but we were dumb. we were ignorant
runningatypufullspeed · 6 months
Guys (HAHAHHAHAHA OH MY. GOOOOOOOOOGGOGOD GUY. LIKE FROM *GETS TORN APART BY A MECHANICAL HOUND*) if I go completely off my rocker and start shitting out scythe content like as in from the book arc of a scythe DONT PANIC I’m still into f451 it’s just that my school’s cruel and unjust hand is FORCING me to move on from my dear late wife also known as my current hyperfixation FAHRENHEIT 451 which to be clear I am NOT READY TO DO but because of HORRIBLE and UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES I will most likely be taking to the LITTLE FREE SPEECH I HAVE and unloading all of my SCYTHE RELATED PSYCHOLOGICAL TURMOIL into the WILDLANDS OF MY SHITTY ACCOUNT. (they’re making me draw something for scythe, but I’m still into f451) so if you see me scytheposting it’s because. It’s because I HAAAAVE TO. I HAVETOI HAVETO I HAVETOIHAVTEOTHAVTEOHAVTEOHAVETO NO CHOICE IN THIS MATTER I HAVE TO I
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Love Me Like You Do
Juice Ortiz X Reader Fic
*Hello my dears! Please be patient with me as this is my 1st SOA fic! Thought I’d try it out here with you wonderful peeps! Now, a little about this story:
Reader is Opie’s half little sister (we’re going to say they share Piney as a dad, she has a different mother than Ope)
She returns home to Charming to own her own business
Reader is plus sized (since that is what I identify as and can write from personal experience)
This may not follow the seasons. It’s an idea that popped in my head from the song it’s named after. I hope you enjoy it! Please, feedback is appreciated!*
~He was the missing piece I didn’t know I needed until he walked into my life. The day I returned home, that’s when I met him. That was the day my life changed. ~
I stood in the middle of the old building, just coming from signing the paperwork to make it mine, for a cheap price I might add, from the old man who used to own it. I couldn’t help but smile. My smile grew bigger as I heard the motorcycles pulling up out front. This is what I had been waiting for.
My back was still turned to the doors as they opened, sending a ray of sunlight in, illuminating the place better.
“We’re looking for the new owner of this old place. Know where I can find him?” A deep voice boomed in the almost empty space.
I chuckled. “Yeah, but it’s not a him. I just bought it off of old man Sinsom.”
“I know that voice.”
I smiled as I turned to see my older half brother Opie and his best friend, Jax, standing in front of Jax’s stepfather.
“Hello, boys. It’s good to see you.”
Opie laughed as he strode over and pulled me into a hug. “(Y/N)! When did you get back?”
“Today. Well, last night actually. Drove up so I could sign the papers making this place mine.” I waved my hands around me.
“It’s good to see you, Darlin.” Jax said as he hugged me tight.
“You, too.” I stood back and looked at them. “I see you grew up and got VP Teller.”
Jax nodded. “Yeap.”
I looked at the other guys standing behind them. “Well, I’ll be damned! Is that Tiggy?”
Tig smiled and opened his arms. “Hey, baby. It’s good to see you all grown up.”
I gave him a hug, him being my second favorite when I grew up around here. “It’s only been three years since I last seen you.”
“Hi, Bobby. It’s good to see you, too.”
“You, too, sweetheart. You’re old man’s gonna have a fit when he sees you.”
“Speaking of, where is he?”
Bobby nodded his head towards the door. “He’s comin’. Takes him a few to get around with the oxygen.”
Just then, the doors opened and in walked Piney. The man still looked the same as he did three years ago. I couldn’t help the smile on my face when I seen him.
“Hi, daddy.”
“My god. (Y/N). You’re back. Come here, sweetheart.” He smiled.
I gave him a hug and just held him. I had missed him the last few years, I missed them all. He held me in front of him by my shoulders and looked me up and down. “Still as beautiful as ever.”
“Oh, Opie. You didn’t tell me he’d went senile.”
Opie laughed. “He gets that way sometimes.”
“What? No love for me? I’m wasting away over here.”
I turned to see Clay with an arrogant smirk on his face. I gave him a quick hug. “It’s good to see you, Clay. How’s Gemma?”
He shrugged. “She’s good. Be glad to see you.”
I nodded. Before I could say anything else, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat.
“Oh, shit. Sorry, man. (Y/N), this is Juice. He’s been with us a few years now. Juice, this is my baby sister, (Y/N).” Opie said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
I held out my hand to the younger of them. “Nice to meet you.”
He nodded. “You, too.”
He took my hand and I swore I could feel electricity run through my fingers at his touch. I cleared my throat and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
“So, sweetheart, what brings you back to Charming?” Dad asked.
“Well, I came back to get a new start. Mom’s pissed at me. Grandfather passed away a few months ago and left me everything. And I mean everything. She got pissed when he left her out the will. Saying, and I quote, ‘I leave all my monetary and physical possessions, including the house and vehicles, to my only granddaughter, who was my world when no one else loved me in my final years. To my daughter, I leave you with nothing but the hopeful guilt you feel for abandoning your family. May you rot in hell.’”
“Holy shit! Seriously?” Jax asked, amused.
I nodded. “Yeap. And the best part is, she cannot touch anything. I sold the house after he died. It was just us the last three years and I wanted to come home. So I sold the house and all but one car.”
“So, what are you doing with this old place?” Clay asked.
“I’m going to do what I’ve always wanted to do. Own my own business. And what better way than to open up a roadside bar on the outskirts of Charming?”
“Really? That’s what you’ve always wanted to do?” Tig asked.
“Yeah. Got my business degree online while I was taking care of Grandfather and took all the right courses to get all my licenses. Found this place while looking to come home and here I am.”
“What do you need from us, darlin?”
“Some labor. I got to get this place up to code. I’m calling tomorrow to get people in here to work on the wiring and the old kitchen. I just need some help to take everything out and clean up. Plus I got to find a tech wizard to help me set up security cameras.”
“We can do that. Got a prospect that can come and we got our own tech wizard.” Jax clapped Juice in the shoulder. “Juice here is the best when it comes to all that techy shit.”
I looked at the young Puerto Rican and smiled. “Well, Juice, looks like the two of us will become friends if your as good as they say you are.”
He gave me a shy smile. “Yeah. Maybe so.”
I clapped my hands together. “Well, as wonderful as this family reunion is, I want a shower and some takeout.”
“Where you staying?” Dad asked.
“Place has a little house out back. It’s semi furnished enough to stay in tonight until my stuff arrives tomorrow.”
“Why don’t you come to the house. Surprise Donna and the kids. Have dinner with us.”
“Okay. I’ll be there. Seven?”
Opie nodded. “Yeah. See you tonight.” He hugged me and kissed the side of my head.
After hugging all the guys, minus Juice, I waved them off, noticing Juice was the last one out. I smiled to myself as I walked out the back door to my little apartment house to get ready for dinner.
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
I Love You
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are together. Spencer was a bit insecure, but you helped him through it, with special words at the end.
-Warnings: Fluffiness
-Word count: 711
-Note: (Repost from Wattpad, feel free to send requests!) A little, relaxing one today.
In my fresh relationship with Spencer, I've learned a few things.  Physical contact is limited is one of them. Another one, is that you have to be patient. Spencer doesn't open up that easily and you have to gain his trust. What I do my best for.
However, I could see he was getting more comfortable in my presence. We would cuddle more often, or he would tell something more about his life. He needed some time, but I'm willing to give him all the time he needs.
Spencer's soft breathing against my skin is something I would contribute forever. His arms were loosely around mine, while I tried to escape the comforting hug. He whined, trying to pull me back in his embrace.
'I'm going to grab us some water.' I explained, causing him to let me fully go.
'Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for.' I told him, with a small smile.
I was quick in taking two glasses and pouring water into it. I returned back to the couch, handing Spencer a glass of water. He thanked me, before drinking, but I could see he looked a bit sad.
'Is everything okay?' I asked the genius, as he placed his glass on the little table.
'Y-yeah, I am. It's just-' he paused for a moment, struggling to find the right words.
'I-I like cuddling with you. It's just something, I'm not used to. It's all really new for me.'
'I know, just take all the time you need. I want you to know that you can tell me anything. If you want to cuddle, I love it. If you want me to hold you and comfort you, I love that too. If you want to talk about whatever, I love it as well. Just let me know what you need.'
'Thank you, I really appreciate that. It goes the same for you, by the way.' we gave each other a genuine smile, but suddenly his expression changed into a more doubtful look.
'Can I ask you something?'
'Can you may hold me?' his voice was insecure, almost scared for my reaction.
'Of course! Come here, gorgeous.'
He smiled at the nickname, before gently resting his head in the crook of my neck, while I played with his messy hair. With the other hand, I drew random patterns on his chest, as he relaxed more and more. After a while, he spoke up:
'Thank you for being patient with me. I know, I need a lot of time, before I can fully trust a person. And, I know, I don't open up that easily. Sorry for that.'
'Sweetheart, you have again no reason to say sorry. I completely understand, and I will give you all the time you need. Just know, that I'm always here for you.'
'I-I love you, (Y/N).' for a minute, I froze. It was the first "I love you" in our relationship. Of course, he noticed my sudden stop in movement and voice, causing him to slowly pull away, to examine my face.
'Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It's probably too soon and-' I stopped his nervous rambling by pressing my lips against his. The kiss was sweet, soft and just perfect. It felt like forever, and I didn't had any intention to stop. But, when my lungs began complaining because of the need of oxygen, we both gently ended the kiss.
'I love you, Spencer.' I locked eyes with him, his insecurities ebbing slowly away. His cheeks were rosy, blushing sweetly, as he couldn't hide the huge smile on his face. I could've sworn he never looked this beautiful in my eyes.
The next moment, Spencer contently rested his head back into my neck, snuggling deeper into me. I hold him tighter, pressing soft kisses on his head. We both enjoyed the company of the other, knowing both, we loved each other.
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dp-marvel94 · 16 days
Graveyard of Identities- Chapter 2
Danny should feel lucky to be alive. After a month held captive by Vlad, barely remembering his life before, and nearly dying in his escape, he is finally safe, with friends in the Far Frozen. And yet, dread gnaws at him- a massive revelation at the edge of his consciousness, forgotten until the dead of night. It was a lie. All a lie. His past, his memories: all false. Amity Park, his friends and family: all real but… not his. The secret locks in his throat, unthinkable. He stays silent while the yetis welcome him as one of their own. But they do not know. And he can not tell them. He is not the Danny they think he is. He is not Danny at all.
Word Count: 4138
Previous Chapter-> Next Chapter
Also on A03
Danny awoke some time later to find himself in darkness. He blinked rapidly, eyes adjusting to the dim. Where was he?
Square sets of drawers, a tall round stool by his bed, a metal pole with clear bags attached to it. Something beeping just behind his head… oh, right. 
He was in the medical room, in the… Far Frozen? That was what Frostbite called it just before he left, right? Danny’s stomach twisted. It felt like that was something he should have remembered.
The boy shifted slightly in the bed, starting to sit. But… he winced, pain throbbing down his limbs. His body hurt, less so than when he’d first woken up, but clearly whatever the yeti chief had given him had started to wear off. 
Ugh. And he was still tired. Maybe he could just sleep it off? For a long few minutes, he closed his eyes, trying to drift off. 
Eventually, Danny gave up with a sigh. His eyes popped open, narrowed at the ceiling. His body was tired, every inch of him dimly pained, but his brain, of course, was wide awake.
The boy huffed, vaguely annoyed. But… his stomach twisted, the feeling giving way to a familiar unease. Something… was nagging at him. Earlier, there had been something massive he was forgetting. Something more than Vlad almost killing him.
Vlad, the man who kidnapped him, who kept him captive for weeks, who hurt him repeatedly, who tried to take away his memories, his very identity…. That man had tried to kill him. But… that fact was not the thing turning his insides in knots.
Vlad had tried to kill him and now, with the initial shock passed, the knowledge that the man had not succeeded, the half ghost was not surprised. Plasmius claimed to cherish him as a son, coveted his role as mentor. But really, Vlad saw him as a prize to be won, a tool to be used, a toy to be played with. There was no love there. And at the same time… 
The older half ghost was quick to anger. He acted rashly, determined to get what he thought he was owed. And… the look of furious panic on Vlad’s face as he pressed the button and saw the ectoplasm welling… 
The man hadn’t meant to almost kill him. The revelation tasted like bile on his tongue. But Vlad had been just as shocked when he started melting. Danny chuckled, sickly amused. Served the fruitloop right. Plus, if he hadn’t all but destabilized, he wouldn’t have escaped to the Far Frozen. 
And now he was safe. The boy let out a breath, wanting to let the surety settle him. Now he was with friends. He was safe, taken care of. He was still alive, still half human. He would recover. His body would heal and he would be able to go home. He would be able to finally see his parents, sister, and friends. 
The knowledge should have been comforting. It should warm his heart, ease the burden off his shoulders…. So why did it feel like a block of lead ice lodged in his stomach? 
That hazy shape of something un-remembered. The gaping holes in his memory… what was it? 
His mind replayed the past in moments. Lying in his too empty room. Vlad’s harsh ‘training regiments’ and evasive answers. Piecing together his memories in the books in the library, the plants in the garden, the picture on Vlad’s desk. He’d found the lab and-
His own face, covered in an oxygen mask.
Danny recoiled with the shock. How… how had he forgotten?! His clone! Vlad had cloned him again. He’d discovered that from the man’s computer files. He’d remembered Vlad locking him in a box, his wicked grin, electricity forcing him to change. Vlad had cloned him again. And…
Danny had gone back for the boy. That was why he’d been in the lab, why Vlad had caught him. He’d gone back to free his double, to take the other half ghost home with him. 
He remembered. His arm around his clone, a confused voice babbling his name, telling the other boy to hide while he confronted Vlad, and…
The older halfa… hadn’t been enraged but smug, sickly amused. “I suspected this morning that you had discovered something incriminating but I never suspected this fabrication.”
Back in his bed, Danny’s insides turned to ice. His own words echoed in his mind. “I’m not stupid! I know what’s going on.”
And Vlad’s hateful reply. “And yet you still think you’re real.”
Not real…
The idea tickled at his brain, darkly insidious, but… “No. No. That can't…”
“Come now. You must at least suspect by now that something is wrong with your memories.”
His memories… the gaps burned, ragged holes in his mind. Vlad had done something… something to him.
“It is unfortunate really. It appears I did too good of a job on you. I managed to embed those obnoxious memories of ‘your friends and family’ very deeply…”
“No.” Danny shook, the feeling of revulsion rippling over him. Violation, his very mind ravaged But… so much worse than that.
 “...but failed to erase them completely.” Vlad tsked. “There’s always next time.”
He felt sick. That dark possessiveness, Vlad using him, changing him so casually…. 
“You still don’t understand, stupid boy.” No, that wasn’t it. Dread wrecked his chest, breathe beginning to quicken. The man hadn’t just desecrated his mind. He’d… “Your ‘memories’ are just copies, belonging to someone else. They are not real.” 
Deeper, down to his very core, his very self. “You are not real.”
“No. That’s not.. That’s not true.” The boy furiously shook his head, his pounding heart in his throat. “That’s not true. I’m… I’m real.” 
Panic bloomed.
Vlad’s grip tightening oppressively. Biting back a scream. The crack of his wrist fracturing. 
“Please. I..I just want to go home.”
“No. No. No.” Hands seized his head, balling in his hair.
“You don’t have a home” Vlad’s wicked smile.  “I made you, in this lab.”
That… that wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. But… 
“You. Are. A. Clone!” Every word punctuated by a kick to the abdomen. 
Clone. The hateful word echoed in his mind.
But… locked in the glass and metal chamber, laying in a puddle of green, his limbs turning to ectoplasm.
“No. I’m… I’m not…” He panted, tears starting to fall. “That’s… a dream. A bad dream. I’m… I’m real. I’m me. I’m… I’m…” The name he’d clung to, that was his. Not Daniel, never Daniel. “I’m… I’m Danny.”
The image hit like scalding water, like an ectoblast to the head.
Dragging himself forward with one weak arm.Then freezing at a quiet whine. His head jerked up and eyes met.
“No.” The word was the sound of a car crash, of a world consumed in fire.
Eyes, familiar icy blue eyes, held a serious expression. A thousand emotions and… they were so familiar.
Back in the room, the boy cried. Weak limbs curled to his chest, his body shook.
Fear, guilt, pity behind those familiar eyes. Like he knew the color of his own eyes, the creases of his own palm… He knew that expression. He… he knew the boy behind those eyes. 
“Vlad was… was right.” The man who… who made him was right. “I’m… I’m a...” A clone, he was a clone. He hiccuped, tears blinding his vision. “I’m… I’m not..” His voice couldn’t say it: the name that was his, was supposed to be his. “No, I’m… I’m still…” The person he had to be, the only person he could be. “I’m… I’m still Danny.”
But… the memories were fake, imperfect copies. They weren’t really real.
Vlad’s voice yelled in his head. “You’ve wanted a home and a family so badly you bought your own lie.”
The sob choked. His rocking, a futile attempt at self-soothing, froze.
“No… they’re real. My… my parents, my friends. Ja… Jazz.” A desperate echo of his argument in the lab. “They’re… they’re real. I… Amity Park. I..I belong with… with them.”
“They are real.” Vlad’s words punctuated his mind. “But they. Are. Not. Yours.” 
Something in him died. 
The boy crumpled, curled on his side. He rocked, arms wrapped around his front, knees pulled to his chest. Darkness deepened, impossibly heavy and oppressive. The outside world dissolved, drowned by this… this crushing feeling.
He whimpered. He babbled. He sobbed. He screamed, everything lost in wordless grief. 
He was alone. Totally, terribly alone. He had nothing, no one. He was nothing. He was no one. It was over. Everything was over and… 
Alone in that bed, the tears streamed for minutes, hours, years. And for no time at all.
“Shh. Shh. Danny, you are safe….” 
The flicker of light, soft and white. Furry white arms reached and enclosed. A rumbling, consoling voice. Lifted so easily, like he weighed nothing, he was pulled to a broad chest. 
Just like his dad’s. 
The thought just made the boy cry harder. His mind filled with neon orange, the memory of strong arms… 
“It is alright. You are safe, little one.”
Little one… a pet name. Like his Mom’s sweeties.
“I…I want my Mom.” The words choked out. “I want my Dad.”
Except they weren’t his parents. Maddie and Jack weren’t his mom and dad. He’d never even met them. They’d never held him as a baby. He’d never even been a baby.
“They’re… they’re gone.” He felt it slip, the solidity, the surety. All the memories he’d been clinging to during those lonely nights at Vlad’s. Those pillars holding up his identity, his very self crumbled. Those last vestiges of hope….
Jazz’s smile. Dad’s hugs. Mom’s forehead kisses. Tucker’s best bros fist bump. Sam’s laugh.
“My… my family. My friends, they’re…” Real, too real. But never, never his. “They’re gone. It’s… it’s all gone.”
The hand stroking his back paused but the boy barely registered.
The Nasty Burger, the park, the arcade, Casper High. “Amity Park….” His voice sobbed, breath short. “I can’t go home. I can never… never go ho… home.”
He had no home. He’d never had one. Just Vlad’s mansion, the tube he’d been grown in.
“My… my family. My home. I don’t… I don’t have…” He shook, teary face pressed into the furred chest. “It’s…all gone. I have no.. nothing. I’m… I’m alone. I’m…”
“You are not.” The forcefully certain voice wrenched the boy’s awareness back. Finally registering the arms around him, he looked up and tearfully met the yeti’s gaze. It was Frostbite, eyes determinedly narrowed, then softening. “You are not alone.”
“No, you don’t understand.” The boy vigorously shook his head. “You don’t-”
Danny cut himself off, a huge yeti paw raising to cradle his cheek. “You are not alone. All that I and my people have is yours, not just as your allies.” A finger wiped a tear from his cheek. 
“I..” The boy’s stomach flopped, queasily confused. “What are you..”
“I am sorry, Danny.” At the name, his heart throbbed and ached in equal part. The arms around him tightened, drawn back into the hug. “I know my words fall vastly short in comforting you in your loss.”
“My… loss.” The word came out shaky and numb, confusion curling an icy suspicion.
“To lose one’s home, one’s loved ones is… heavy beyond belief.” A huge paw cradled the back of his head. “Anything I offer is insufficient but offer I do, not as an ally or devotee of the Great One, but as one who cares for you.”
His voice locked up. Frostbite thought… he thought his friends and family were dead, Amity Park destroyed. 
“Great One?” The yeti questioned, gently pulling back. 
“I…” His heart pounded in his ears. “What do you mean?” The question came out quiet and shaky.
The yeti’s brow furrowed, mulling over the words. Then… “Perhaps it is too soon, but I care for you so I must offer: the Far Frozen as your home, if you will have it, and we as your people.” Frostbite lowered his head, ears back and voice somehow growing even more tender. “I would welcome you into my home, as I would my own cub.”
The boy’s face paled. The offer should have been comforting but… the horrifying ugly truth hung. Terror. Mouth dry, it stabbed at his heart, the fear of discovery.
“You need not agree just yet.” Frostbite must have seen the panic on his face. He smiled gently. “But know that you are not alone. The Far Frozen will always welcome you.”
“O… okay.” The word stumbled out, more impulse than decision. “I… thank you. I don’t know what I’ll do but…” He looked down, hands wrung nervously. “I guess I’ll stay.”
The yeti let out a sigh. It almost sounded relieved. “Yes, good.” 
Silence fell, a long awkward pause. The boy’s stomach churned all the while, guilt and fear flushing his skin.
When Frostbite spoke, the worry was audible in his voice. “Forgive me. In my eagerness to help, I believe I overstepped. You are welcome here, in whatever capacity you wish. And if you wish to speak about your loved ones’-”
“Can I get something to eat?” The boy interrupted. 
He… couldn’t listen to this, couldn’t look Frostbite in the face. Not with….
“Yes. Of course.” The yeti stood, as calm and gracious as ever.
“I… sorry.” His insides twisted guiltily. “I’m tired. I… I just want to eat something and go back to sleep.” His shoulders fell, voice quieting. “Maybe when I wake up, this will all have been a horrible dream.” That was the truth, at least.
“There is no need to apologize.” A comforting paw on his shoulder. “I will bring food. Another dose of medication is in turn as well, I believe.”
With another worried look, the chief left. Before the boy had any time to begin panicking again,  he returned with a plate. A simple bowl of soup and sandwich laid out in front of him, a cup of various pills to the side.
The half ghost ate quietly, while Frostbite explained the medications he and the other doctor’s prescribed and their various uses. It was better than the silence of his own thoughts at least.
A few bites in, the boy pushed the food away. “I’m not hungry anymore.”
Again, wide concerned eyes fixed on him. “Is it not to your liking? I can bring different foodstuffs.”
“No. It’s… it’s fine. I’m just…” An arm wrapped around his stomach, head fixed down. “Please. Just let me sleep.”
For a moment, Frostbite looked like he would argue. Then, shoulders falling, he stood. “Very well. A nurse will return in a few hours to check on you.” He motioned to a button on the arm of his bed. “Press this to call the nurses for assistance. Do not hesitate should you need anything.”
With one last sad look, the chief left. And the clone boy was alone.
The half ghost did not sleep. His stomach churned queasily, a dozen emotions raging. 
Frostbite’s soft, worried eyes. Sturdy arms embracing him. The yeti’s words rang in his head. I would welcome you into my home, as I would my own cub. And the boy felt sick.
The offer… it was based on false assumption, a double lie. His friends and family weren’t gone. His home was not destroyed. They were never his in the first place. And that was even worse.
His core throbbed painfully. He wasn’t Frostbite’s ‘Great One.’ He had no idea what the title even meant. He’d never been here before. He knew nothing of their history, how this allyship started, how the yeti chief could come to care for him…. for the real Danny so much.
He winced, icy guilt plunging through his insides. He should tell Frostbite right now. It would be easy, just press the button to call the nurse and ask for the chief. He should call him and tell him the truth, but…. 
His body trembled, a stab of fear. Tell him what? He… he wasn’t really Danny. He was a fake. An imposter. 
He imagined it. The betrayal on Frostbite’s face, the distrust. It hurt. His heart twisted painfully at the thought. But he’d lied. He’d lied from the start. Everything about him was a lie. He would deserve that anger, that mistrust, wouldn’t he? He was nothing, just… a clone with fake memories. 
His throat felt thick, tears welling. A clone with nothing. This felt worse than the thought of his family and friends just being dead. Then, there would be a life to mourn but…
He shivered with revulsion. None of it was even real. The wisps of memory, the dreams, the emotions, they weren’t his. But….
They felt real. The sob bubbled up and he covered his mouth. The first uncovered memory came unbidden to his mind.
Bright light, blue-green ocean, white sand. Someone, no, two people are holding his hands. He looks up. The man in orange is on his left and he's laughing. The woman with the red-brown hair is on his right. She smiles. The two are gently swinging the boy, as they walk towards the water.
The first day he’d woken up, he’d seen the picture of Vlad and the man and woman in his captor’s office, and… the memory bloomed. Distant and fuzzy, but real, so real. 
And that night after, writing his thoughts on his bed, putting together the pieces. Another memory had arisen: getting ready for the school dance, the woman fixing his tie, the man proudly patting him on the back. 
He’d seen himself in the couples’ faces. The man’s blue eyes and black hair, the woman’s slender build. And his eyes had watered with joy. Those were his parents.
That joy was real. Those feelings every unearthed clue brought. Excitement playing video games with Sam and Tucker. Sweet comfort as Jazz held his hand and whispered his name. Even the terror of the portal accident. Everything he felt was real. 
And… didn’t that count for something?
Shakily, he brought his palm up to his face, staring at the familiar lines. His twice new hands. Everything was new, made first in Vlad’s lab some months ago, and then remade in the nebula. But wasn’t it his mind that mattered? 
If he remembered loving his parents, sister, and friends. If he missed them right now… wasn’t that real enough?
Maybe… it wasn’t over yet. The boy lifted his head, daring to hope.
If he looked at his human face, he’d still have his father’s eyes. Jack and Maddie’s blood still ran through his veins. He was still their son, still Jazz’s brother.
He could still recover and find his way to Amity Park. His heart ached, wide misty eyes far away. And he could see it. Standing at the front door of Fentonworks, a tentative knock. The door would open and Maddie Fenton’s face would peer through, her brow at first wrinkled in confusion. 
Then… her eyes would widen, surprised, overjoyed. The boy imagined her embrace, calling for Jack and Jazz. Exclaims of relief. His friends would hurry over, joining the hug. He’d… he’d finally be home.
And then what? His hope crashed, reality again hitting. 
What would he do then? Throw himself at the real Danny’s mercy and… beg that he tell their parents his secret? His stomach turned at the idea. He himself had decided to do that while at Vlad’s, to go home and tell his parents all of his secrets, including about his “clone”. But would his counterpart? What if he refused to tell?
And what if he did tell them? The clone’s nose wrinkled, a dark bitterness pricking his heart. Sharing his family, his friends with someone who had his face. Who talked like him, thought like him, acted like him. 
Sharing his room, or being relegated to the guest room. The image had his stomach in knots, sick with envy. Someone else wearing his clothes, reading his books, sleeping in his bed. All the while he slept in another impersonal, empty room. Out of place, a stranger in his own house.
What else was he supposed to do? The anger roiled, nails driven into his palm.There were two of them now, another Danny in his home with his family. And the boy simply did not measure up. He barely knew what powers he had, let alone how to use them. Meanwhile, his counterpart had fought Vlad to a standstill at least. 
He remembered the crashing of metal crumpling, the shatter of glass, arctic cold. All while he wept on the floor, his body literally falling apart. The jealousy rose, a sour taste on his tongue. Why couldn’t that have been him? He’d lived in fear for weeks, walking on eggshells and terrified of sending Vlad into a rage. In an actual fight, he’d had no chance. But his counterpart had beaten the man so easily.
None of this was fair! His muscles tensed, shaking. This was not how things were supposed to go! He was supposed to go home and reunite with his friends and family. He’d tell his parents about Phantom and they’d stop hunting him. Maybe they’d even help with all the ghosts. His friends and sister would help him with the amnesia, with the gaps in his memory. He would heal and Vlad’s mansion would grow into a distant nightmare. 
But he’d gone down to the stupid lab. He’d found the chamber, found his counterpart, and just had to be selfless. He'd risked his safety, his chance to escape going back for the other boy. And for what?
He… he should have just left him there. The thought lashed out, dark and hissing. He should have just driven away, just worried about himself. If he’d just left well enough alone, if he’d just taken his chance, then… then he’d be at home now. He’d have his friends and family, his home. 
His insides wouldn’t feel like they were shaking apart, the awful truth eating him from the inside. He wouldn’t be alone, with nothing. He wouldn’t have to fight for His family, His home. 
“It’s not fair.” The rage built, darkly possessive. And he lashed out with a fist. 
It impacted the side of the bed with a sickening crack. The sidebar crumpled. It fell off the bed, crashing onto the floor.
The boy froze, icy horror evaporating his anger. A shaking hand raised, sparks dancing between the digits. He forced the electricity to dissipate, his breath to slow. When had he started panting? 
Trembling hands planted in his lap. What was…. What was that? Disgust roiled in his gut. What was he thinking? Wishing he’d left the real Danny behind, that he needed to fight him for his place in Amity Park? The boy shook his head, as if he could wipe the thoughts away. That was… was some evil clone thinking. And he might be a clone…was a clone but… but he wasn’t going to be an evil one.
The boy breathed. In. Out. No, no, he couldn’t go home for now but… maybe he could figure something else out, once he’d had some time to deal with everything. Despite the dark thoughts… his home sickness still felt real. He still wanted Amity Park as his home, Jack and Maddie as his parents. Maybe they could figure out a place for him. But for now…
His eyes flitted to the door, ears twitching for sound. No rumbling yeti voices, no rush of pounding feet. His gaze swiveled to the broken side-bar and he winced. It was a miracle no one had come running yet. 
That was better at least. He didn’t want to talk to anyone, didn’t want to explain why he’d been angry enough to… to…
He sighed. He would have to explain it at some point though. And… he winced, stomach twisting guiltily. Frostbite still thought his loved ones were dead. The yeti would want him to talk about what happened. If his story had been the truth, talking through his pain would have been the wisest choice. But his real secret….
The boy swallowed, biting at his lip. He had pretended to be the real Danny. Anxiety twisted his insides. Fear of rejection, a bitter clawing desperation. No, not the real Danny. The… the other Danny. 
His emotions were real, even if the memories weren’t. He was still Jack and Maddie’s son. He wouldn’t… he couldn’t give up everything he’d fought for, everything he’d learned, his very identity.
His… his name could still be Danny. People had the same name all the time. He could still be Danny. He… he was still Danny, just…. a different one than Frostbite thought.
And that was it. Danny leaned back in his bed, eyes drifting to the ceiling. He was still Danny, even if… different now. Still, water misted in his eyes, even as his lips pressed closed. The secret buried deeper and deeper, digging into his heart. 
He was still Danny. He had to be.
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mushroompoisoning · 2 years
Welcome to wali posts about love at almost 2am by the time this is posted probably!!!
So. I have a lot of thoughts on love. Mostly on what love actually is, where it is, how it's shown, etc, etc. I wanted to make a post about it so! Here we are!
It's 130am right now, please bear with me here this might get a little incomprehensible. Rest below cut because it's gonna be long.
Sometimes I feel like there isn't any love in the world. Like nothing and nobody loves me. I've found a few ways to combat that if you feel the same.
If you ever feel like your life is devoid of love, go outside. Go out to some nature; a field, a forest, a lake, a beach it doesn't matter, just somewhere.
Look down at your feet. The ground is holding you. It's supporting you without even knowing. The Earth is always giving you a place to stand, rest, sit, etc. Is that not, in it's own way, unconditional love? The ground doesn't know it's holding you, but it is anyway.
Look up at the sky. It's beautiful, isn't it? Whether it's sunny, starry or cloudy, it's beautiful in it's own way each time. You get to look up at something so big and vast and beautiful with no conditions. You can let your mind wander as you look up at it and it'll hold there. The sky will always be there for you, even if it's not aware of that. Is that not, in it's own way, unconditional love?
Look at the plants; the trees, the grass, the flowers if there are any. They're keeping you alive. They produce the oxygen you breath, they show that the land is healthy, they tell us the season, they help us. Plants have always helped us, even if they aren't aware of it. They help us and ask for nothing in return. Is that not, in it's own way, unconditional love?
If you feel like there's no love in the world; like nature is cruel in every way, stay outside. Take another look around.
There's mushrooms and moss and bugs on that old, rotting log. They're breaking it down, returning it to the Earth. Do you not think that the log loves them? Do you not think that the log appreciates their help? They love the log, the log gives them a place to live and feed; would the log not love them back for allowing it to harbour more life?
The sun is passing through the leaves of some trees, shining onto the ground. Do you not think that the trees love the sun? That they aren't letting it through? Do you not think that the trees love the plants on the ground? That they aren't wanting to help them grow? Do you not think that the sun thanks the trees? That the sun doesn't love any of the plants?
The birds are singing songs for each other. They love each other. They want love, the same as some humans do.
Nature is not unloving, not if you look at it right.
What if humans are unloving? What if humans are cruel?
Go to somewhere public. It doesn't matter where; could be anywhere as long as there's people. Take a look around.
There's an old woman shopping. She has bags filled with toys. It's her grandchild's birthday soon. She loved her grandkid, she wants to make her grandkid happy. That old woman loves her family.
There's a tired young mother pushing a stroller. She's exhausted, but she loves her baby. She's exhausted because she's giving so much to her baby because she loves them. She's working hard to make her family happy. Whatever else happens, she'll have her family, and she'll love them.
There's a young boy is nervously shopping for his new girlfriend. His older sibling gave him tips. The boy can't be any older than 15; it's young love, and you know it'll probably be over fast, but it's undeniably there. Some may say he only thinks he loves her, but he knows he does. Love, even quick, is love. It's there. He wants to make her happy, he loves her.
Someone is holding a bouquet of flowers. They look excited. You can't tell if they plan to give it to someone, or if someone gave it to them, but either way they're happy. They love something, even with no further details you can see it. Maybe the flowers are for themselves, maybe they just love the flowers.
A group of friends giggle and knock each other around. They've been friends for years now, you can tell. They share an inside joke nobody but them will get and lose their minds laughing. They've created their own small community with each other. They love each other, even if they wouldn't define it that way.
Someone has a pride pin on their shirt. They're smiling, walking with confidence. They love who they are. They love their community. They love in ways that may not be accepted by many people but they love so much that they aren't scared.
A dog guides a blind man as he walks. That man loves his dog, and his dog loves him. They have a bond built up over many years of keeping each other alive, and they love each other.
Everyone is filled with love, everyone loves something. Even in the people you can't see love in, you know they love something.
If you're ever worried there's no love in your life, think about it differently. Sure, maybe the type of love you're looking for isn't there, but there is love regardless.
Everywhere you go, stop and look for love. After a while, you might not be surprised how much of it there is anymore.
Thank you for coming to my now 2am word vomit.
The End
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erigold13261 · 7 months
*climbs out of hole* okay okay okay we must hear about your ideas about Riko (hopefully she's alive), Yuta, Rika, Gakuganji, Yaga, Noritoshi etc...
Yes! Okay! Just gonna try and give a quick list because I am writing a lot of this stuff down on DeviantArt and need to compile it in my google docs at some point. Some of these will be just quick notes! (I lied, most of these are long rambles lol)
-Riko: Still alive! She was a rejected engagement to Satoru before Shoko (blue rejected her because of age and not wanting to be married). The way he rejected her was to be an ass to make her hate blue, which worked pretty well, however also gave her motivation to take more control of her life.
Unfortunately this caused her to reject more engagement proposals and end up on someone's bad side where she was now being hunted by assassins. One of which was Toji!
She is a space elemental I think, but also being a star plasma vessel adjacent thing, where she is like the perfect anchor for storing LOTS of magical energy around her in a contained manner. She can even charge qwasas just by being near them.
-Toji: Uh, pretty sure I'm gonna have him get his ass kicked by Satoru and friends in Malaysia when he goes after Riko (who runs to Satoru after hearing how blue defeated Miguel and changed). I like the idea that he brings Megumi and Tsumiki with him and leaves them at the airport in Malaysia lol.
He ends up in a coma and Satoru adopts Megumi and Tsumiki because their dad is in a coma (also because blue realized Megumi would have been sold to the Zenin clan, or at least given back to them, and with how Satoru's life was hell with the Gojo clan, blue was not letting these kids go to the Zenin clan).
This is actually what truly sparks Satoru to start Jujutsu Tech, was because blue ended up adopting Megumi and Tsumiki. Blue was already thinking of going back to Japan and starting the school, but now it was a much more tangible task blue wanted to do.
-Yuta and Rika: Still debating on what I want these two to truly be. I was thinking that Yuta's feelings for Rika were so grand, as well as his magic output in general being so big, that he ended up creating his own entity version of Rika. So in this case Rika herself would still be alive while Yuta now had a entity Rika by his side.
Either that, or I was going to have Rika still die but Yuta's love and magic kept her around and she turned into an entity. In this scenario I was going to have ghost pokemon exist (possibly other types, but definitely ghost), which are usually theorized as people who have died and become ghost. So Rika in this version would have become a ghost pokemon entity (pokemon in the Eriverse are basically like curses and mobs, so no pokeballs, at least not at this time in life).
Yuta has a copy ability similar to Suguru, except instead of copying powers he copies elements. He can gain the natural body and base powers of any element he copies (fire resistance as a fire elemental, need less oxygen as a space elemental, less water needed as a cactus elemental, so on and so forth).
He does get a specific power when he copies an element, but that is what his NATURAL power would be if he was born that elemental. He can only use that power if he is purely that elemental. So while he can mix element types, he wouldn't be able to use his natural power of each element when being those elements at the same time (so the only reason he would be multiple elementals at once is if he isn't in combat and just doing it for the aesthetic, or if 2 elemental types would work together in a defensive way).
Rika I don't have much to think about her at the moment since I am still deciding on what I want her role to be. If she is still alive I will need to figure that out, if she isn't then she's basically just curse Rika.
Also genderfluid Yuta! :D
-Gakuganji: I'm having him as a past musician. I like the idea that he initially left Japan because of how the traditional powered families were using their power for greed and control (like the Gojo family). Or he might have just left because the musical prospect was much better in other countries like Malaysia.
Since he's older than Tatiana by like almost 16 years (him being 76 while Tatiana is about 60 post time-skip) I also like the idea that he was a judge at her Lights Up Audition when playing as the Goolings (perhaps he was also a judge at Neon's Lights Up Audition as well, but probably not since the two are like 7 years apart and Neon went as a young teen).
If he was there for Neon's Lights Up Audition, he'd be 22 and probably played the music genre of the time well enough that he was able to get to be a judge at such a young age. He also probably rejected Neon J at first because rock was way too new, something he would come to regret as he grew to love the genre.
At Tatiana's/The Goolings' Lights Up Audition, I like the idea that The Gooling's also failed the same way Tatiana failed Bunk Bed Junction. The judges based their merit off of bias and not off of the skill of the musicians (the only difference is that there was no NSR controlling the Lights Up Audition, so it literally was just a show to show off and not a gateway into a political job as a Megastar at the time).
Gakuganji was one of the only ones to vote FOR The Goolings' in the judging process. He decided to fully quit being a judge for the show and instead went to play rock and other genres he loved for himself and not for others. Basically the same reason he initially left Japan was also the reason he ended up leaving his judging spot.
Also, possibly he was friends or even a teacher to the Master Grove of Musicians. Most likely he was more of a teacher or musician friend/acquaintance with them instead of close friends. Meaning that he knew Rubato and Catherine as they were good friends with the Master Grove. And because of THAT I also see him knowing of Miguel, so he possibly worked at Nueva York for a bit before also seeing the same problem with Nueva York as Japan and the judges had of control.
Though, what would be cooler to think about, is that Gakuganji actually started to change his mindset to be of how we see him in the anime/manga, ore controlling and reserved, following orders and doing what he thinks is best for the higher ups BECAUSE he started to work under Miguel at Nueva York.
At first he wouldn't have agreed with Miguel's methods, and deep in his heart he actually still doesn't, but he started to become complacent and follow orders because his mind has just changed over the years as he got older and prefers things like order (kinda like how Tatiana turned out! :D).
At Nueva York he probably became kinda friends, more like acquaintances, with Yaga (more on him after Gakuganji) as well as getting to know Satoru and friends there. Though he wasn't too hands on with Nueva York, I kinda like the idea that he would have been the "teacher" for Hobie to learn guitar even though Hobie didn't need a teacher as they already knew how to play.
Hobie being bitter to Gakuganji until seeing that the two have similar powers, and because of that Gakuganji breaks the rules a little and lets Hobie play full force, and if anyone asks what happened Gakuganji just says he was showing off. I think this would be a neat way to have a positive light on his character that Satoru would look back on and think would be a good fit for Jujutsu Tech (since blue would be on much better terms with Gakuganji in this AU than blue is in the OG story).
And so Gakuganji becomes one of the front principals for Jujutsu Tech (so that most people don't know that Satoru is the one in charge considering how young blue is).
-Yaga: Another one like Gakuganji's potential reasoning for leaving Japan, I see Yaga as not liking what he is seeing the traditional powered families act like and so chooses to leave (and this is actually his reasoning for leaving Japan while Gakuganji's could be this or the musical prospect version, either works). Either that or he was divorced and needed a change of scenery (or a combination of the two of these reasons).
He ends up in Nueva York because he thought that limiting people's powers would be a good thing considering how he hated seeing people misuse their powers to hurt and control others (which he grew to regret that kind of thinking since as long as you are enemies to people who can suppress your power, no matter how "good" you are with your powers, they will still find something "bad" that you did to excuse stripping your powers away).
So because of this, as one of the counselors at Nueva York, he truly wanted to help the residents there. He was able to realize that things were not right either soon as Miles arrived or once the revolution started (though he always had an idea this place wasn't the best). Which means that he was one of the big helpers in the Power Revolution with the arachnikids and JJK gang (which is why Satoru would specifically ask Yaga out of everyone, outside blues friends, to come and teach at Jujutsu Tech).
Speaking of powers, Yaga has the power to bring accelerated sentience to a non-sentient robot! So, if Yaga created a robot it will gain sentience much faster than any robot no matter how good the AI is for it. Most robots need at LEAST a few years before gaining sentience, as time goes on it takes less and less time, but Yaga's creations can gain full sentience in months, even weeks!
And it's actually not just related to robots/tech. What he does is basically creating entities by infusing dolls with magic. Something he didn't even KNOW he could do until he made a doll for Peni (SP//dr) to show kit some kindness.
The doll came to life without Yaga meaning to, and once Peni brought that to his attention (after kit and the rest freaked out) Yaga had to make sure nya didn't let people like Miguel or Liv know because if they don't think he can control his powers (which he can't control that specific part of his powers at the moment) then he'd end up like them and wouldn't be able to help them, so they all kept their secrets and he helped them in the Power Revolution.
After the revolution I see him quitting Nueva York because he can't work there anymore, and decides to go and find a place he can hone his powers. So he goes to Vandelay Tech to work there! Unfortunately he also ended up in the crossfire of the Tech Revolution.
I don't think he directly helped in this revolution, but I do like the idea that the robots he did help make ended up being sentient (so perhaps Brute is one of Yaga's "kids" lol) and would later help in the construction of Robot City over the timeskip. Something like that.
Either way, he leaves Vandelay Tech as well and does something over the time skip until he was asked by Satoru to join Jujutsu Tech and actually helping people learn to control and grow their powers (directly siting Nueva York as a reasoning for creating this school as a safe place for the next generation of powered kids to have). He joins and becomes a front principal with Gakuganji.
-Noritoshi: Vampire. That's it..... /j
No but seriously, Noritoshi is basically like a vampire as I liked the idea that the Kamo's clan of blood manipulation is still a hereditary technique (or I guess trait) but comes with the cost of also having a skin condition that makes the family weak to sunlight. Like easily burned and hurt by sun, they aren't gonna burst into flames and die by being in the sun, just more like a allergy to the sun.
They also need to eat a lot more meat, possibly drink blood, because their own blood is not enough for them? Or something like that (sucks to suck if someone in the Kamo clan wants to be a vegetarian or vegan).
Honestly it probably doesn't make much sense in the context of the Eriverse to have a vampire, but it's more like vampire adjacent if that makes sense. I see the Kamo clan as having super strength and durability because they can manipulate the blood in their bodies (like Flowing Red Scales), but perhaps not manipulating it outside of their body except for rare instances like Noritoshi? (and the Chosbros, but Choso and his brothers are even MORE of an exception to the rule for reasons to come).
So yea, the Kamo clan is kinda like a clan of vampires, with Noritoshi being one of the stronger ones who can manipulate his own blood outside of his body. Though he needs to be out at night or wear big sunhats (Mai buys him a bunch lol).
Also goth Noritoshi who loves going to Europe to eat blood pies and blood sausages and stuff like that (Ex-Jay takes him under their wing because of their connection with Satoru through Hobie, and show Noritoshi around England and stuff like that).
-Momo: Only thing I have for her right now is that she is distantly related to Noir because of their wind powers (and the fact that Momo's dad was American).
They aren't even closely related enough to really find out about themselves being related unless they did like an ancestry test or something like that. So Noir is related to Momo somewhere on their mom's side, and Momo to Noir somewhere on her dad's side. Perhaps their parents were like second cousins or something, idk.
-Mimiko and Nanako: Adopted by Suguru like how Megumi and Tsumiki are adopted by Satoru. Though I am still figuring out the timeline because I don't think the twins would have really gotten to know Megumi and Tsumiki before Suguru started going off the rails and left with the twins to join the entities.
Though considering that Megumi and sis get adopted about 2-3 years after the Power Revolution, that would mean the twins are adopted about a year later I think (so 3-4 years after the revolution) leaving 6-7 years before the events after the timeskip start happening, and I don't exactly know when things would have STARTED going down in Entity Town quite yet.
I do have a general reason right now for why Suguru ended up going off the deep end, which does definitely start before the timeskip ends, so I can see Suguru taking the twins and leaving Satoru and Jujutsu Tech right as it is getting started and before the twins have time to bond with Megumi and Tsumiki.
Anyway, the twins have a kind of gravity powers. I have 2 versions of their powers I am thinking of doing.
Either they are very powerful but specific, like Nanako being able to bend electromagnetic waves through gravity that affects pictures which then affects reality to a certain extent, and Mimiko being able to affect people's personal gravity to make them more.
Or they are weak and just general gravity powers, but Suguru gives them psychic powers to compensate for them. Nanako being able to control tech (and reality to an extent) and Mimiko being able to influence people's minds (like Gayatri's voice but without speaking).
I wish we knew how their cursed techniques worked in canon, it would make coming up with their Eriverse powers much easier (they have gravity powers because I have a neat idea with Kenjaku being their teacher alongside Suguru when the three go to the entity's sides of the fight).
There's also a whole thing I am going to do with the twins alongside my OCs of Eve and Purl fusion (Ber1) and Sayu and Eloni fusion (Kiw1) but I'll explain that later since this is more about the canon JJK characters and not OCs.
-Mechamaru: Um, still trying to figure out what to do with him. I think he is a passing non-elemental, but in reality he is a robot elemental (which is why his body is breaking down but also fully rejects any actual outside cybernetics or foreign metal, meaning he can't get permanent prosthetics and even temporary ones are not good for him all that much).
As for his heavenly restriction? I think him and Toji/Maki are opposites in regard to someone like Riko. See Riko is a constant power source but is not actually expelling magic out into the world, though she is still expelling energy. Instead she is an amazing anchor that attracts all kinds of magic to herself keeping it contained and not floating freely into the world unattached to anything.
Mechamaru, Maki, and Toji though are black holes for magic. They suck magic out of the world around them and into their like souls or something, never to release it into the world (in Mechamaru's case he holds it inside of him, for Maki and Toji they destroy the magic entirely, but either way it does not return to the world even if killed).
This is actually an amazing thing to have in a world overflowing with untamed magic. If Suguru could find a way to do this, he would have gone with this plan, but instead he has to try and make anchors himself with Mahito's help (like if he could get rid of all magic through anchors like Mechamaru, Maki, and Toji, he would).
Mahito I think can't fully change someone who has a heavenly restriction placed on them. He can kinda alter them, but their souls are literally always sucking magic into them, so trying to use magic DIRECTLY on a heavenly restricted soul would be incredibly difficult to impossible as the soul would drain the magic much faster than you'd be able to produce magic to change a soul.
That being said, I think I like the idea that Mahito is still able to change Mechamaru enough to make his life bearable and finally be able to move around (still no right arm, or legs, can't walk, and though he might not get burned by the moonlight, he'd probably still get burned by the sun like Noritoshi).
Oh right! Powers! I was thinking of Mechamaru having a combination of Margo and Peni's powers. He can project into any technology like Margo but also keep his body moving like Peni does when kit takes over a robot.
So like, Margo literally leaves bits body when bit uses bytes astral projection, leaving bits body exposed. Peni can't project INTO a robot while still moving her body, but instead give it commands and share space in it's AI or manipulate/influence it's AI (and just fully take over if there is no AI or if kit tries hard enough to take over when there is an AI). Mechamaru on the other hand can take over any tech or robot and completely erase the AI entirely to have full control of the body/tech, all while still moving his physical body.
This means that Mechamaru can't just put his body into a coma and be in charge of a robot, or hide in a robot since he is always aware of his physical body. Margo could lose her body and if she gets to an empty robot in time still survive (which is something very rare that only a few other people can do, such as Sukuna). Peni can't leave kits body at all mentally, so if kit loses kits body it's game over. Mechamaru can't hide in a body entirely, but enough to be like Margo in a robot body just also with the ability to move around (well if he could actually move around).
So basically Mechamaru can split his mind up between robots (I guess kinda like White Diamond can do with her mind control powers would be a good comparison, just more permanent than WD's powers when used on robots with AI).
-Kiara and Hakari: Kiara is a space elemetnal based off of the constellation of their cursed technique (the cross or something?) Well more like half elemental or an elemental that can pass as non elemental to the average person.
Hakari is a metal elemental like Quida and Matvey, except also in the same boat as Kiara and passing as a non elemental (kinda like Adder actually, who is a snake and metal elemental but doesn't show it except in his teeth and powers).
He also probably has some technomancy, or is possibly a psychic with technokinesis (it would be cool if he was such a weak psychic but with a specialty in technokinesis that he didn't even know he was psychic at all).
Also they are either T4T or NB4NB :3
-Ijichi is a death weapon and shadow elemental. He was one of the rare few of his generation to be a death weapon (or whatever I am going to be calling them in the Eriverse, just gonna stick with death weapon for now), but definitely not the only one, as the rare few that were around ended up making the Meister Academy for the next generation of death weapons and meisters (which would be a lot more in the next few generations).
As the Weapons Meister Academy and Jujutsu Tech were being made, Ijichi had the option of picking where he would go. Though the WMA would have been better suited to his specific power needs, he instead chose to go to JT because the WMA was more focused on combat and learning to fight with your powers (probably because they had an insider knowledge with the Psychonauts about recent entities forming here and there), and so Ijichi chose to go to Jujutsu Tech as it fit him better.
I talked about veils very rarely with a Jogo vs Tatiana fight, and this is where they come in. I said veils were made with a machine made by the Psychonauts (or Nueva York or Vandelay Tech, I don't remember). Well the whole reason they even came up with that technology was because that is Ijichi's natural power.
Most likely Nueva York and Vendelay Tech worked together to make the veil tech, with ijichi's permission, as a commission from the Psychonauts who knew this would be great for containing dangerous enemies from escaping before being stopped.
The reasoning for this is because with entities popping up everywhere, Ijichi couldn't be in every spot to lay down a veil, so having machines that could do it without him would help in the upcoming fight against entities.
Ijichi also became a volunteer teacher at Jujutsu Tech once he graduated the program (something he did quickly as he already had full control of his powers) so that he can help bring in the next generation of powered individuals and elementals.
-Akari and Arata Nitta: Arata's ability to stop the wounds on someone from getting any worse inspired me to make him a time elemental? Or like he has time powers (since time elementals aren't really a thing humans can be, though an entity probably could, or if Mahito made one). He keeps that power but instead it is based on time and not really a technique? Does that make sense? Basically he pauses people's injuries, same in canon.
Akari on the other hand has the opposite power where she can accelerate someone's healing. This only works with what the injured person's natural body can do. The worse the injury the longer her ability will take to work (and she has to be constantly touching you for it to work, unlike Arata who can place his power and go).
So if you cut off your arm, she can't reattach it like Shoko can. If you get a deep cut she can speed up your healing process as far as your body would heal it naturally (meaning there would be a scar or even some meat missing if it was really bad, while Shoko could real it fully with no scar left at all).
Basically Akari is an off-brand Shoko lol. Shoko is much faster, more potent, and can do things Akari can literally never be able to do. However, Akari will never be able to over heal a person like Shoko can do, possibly injuring or even killing a person in the process of healing them (especially if Shoko is in a rush, it has to make sure to concentrate to not repeat the incident that got it and its friends thrown into Nueva York all those years ago).
Akari joined Jujutsu Tech for her brother, to see if it was a better place to be than the horror stories she heard about from places like Nueva York. Once she realized this place was legit and honestly trying to help everyone, she let her brother join the school while she became a volunteer teacher like Ijichi.
And I think that is all the main people I have right now, or at least that is all the characters I can write for tonight since it's late. If you have more specific characters, or want me to go even more in depth with these ones I mentioned here, let me know!
I will get to it.... eventually lol :3
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Note: This is the 2nd part after "We hate you."
Summary: the aftermath of Nick's betrayal. Nick's pov.
Pairings: Nick Fowler x wife! Reader, Bucky Barnes x reader.
Warnings: Angst.
Sequel of "We Hate You"// ''We love you'' (alternate ending of Ruin)
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I felt pathetic at that time. Felt weak and hated myself that couldn't do anything. I hated that I wasn't a good mother and couldn't protect my unborn child. It didn't even take its first breath and I couldn't ever hear its voice calling me 'Mama'. I wanted to cry. But I couldn't let them enjoy the moment of seeing my pathetic state. I took a deep breath in and said what I wanted to say with all my strength left in me cause I knew Nick loved me and what will he feel when he will look into the gift I chose for him. I knew Nick very well or not. I don't know but still I had to say it. "You know don't ever be sorry. I trusted you. Gave my whole heart. My mistake, not yours" I said as he looked at me as if his whole world crumbled down but he was quick to cover it under his cold eyes . That's why I choked out with all my strength left in me "We hate you but still forgive you, after all, I loved you . Hope you love your gift I chose for you, Darling. " and then I let darkness engulf me thinking about the family we could have if this didn't happen as I felt the world disappear under my closing eyelids.
Nick's pov
'We, WE! What does she mean by we? wait! Don't tell m...' My thoughts were interrupted by a huge bang on the door with some loud noise outside as if someone was shouting. I gulped down the lump forming in my throat as my breath got heavy.
"Nick we have to go. There's not much time. Our mission is finished. Let's go." Mace said as she was pacing around to clean up all the shreds of evidence that points out to us. Yeah, I should get out of here but for some reason, I couldn't stand. I was stuck in that place.
I looked at Y/n's body beside me. 'It was all an act. It was all an act. Yeah, act. But why the hell am I feeling guilty as if someone just stuck a knife into my chest! Why I was feeling devastated. Why I didn't wanna leave her. Didn't wanna leave her body. Just wanted to hold it tight and cry. Cry for my whole life begging for forgiveness. Why, why, why am I feeling like this? WHY?' I suddenly lost balance of my leg and fell on the floor.
Mace came up to me and asked "What happened ? What are you doing? They are here Nick. Get the fuck up. Com... " but I couldn't hear anything that she was saying. I felt as if I was drowning deep down in the water. Y/n was my life saver and my oxygen when she was alive. She was my only hope. But now when she was gone, I felt like I can't swim at all. I am drowning deep inside and then suddenly I felt a liquid flowing down my cheeks at that time Mace also stopped talking as if she was amazed by the scene she was seeing.
And the next words I heard from her also left me shocked "Wtf! Ar... Are u crying? Are u serious Nick? Why are you crying?"
'Yeah, why I am crying. I don't know. But I didn't wanna wipe those tears that are falling. I felt like I deserved it. I felt like a monster. Y/n she... a gift! Gift! Yeah, she mentioned a gift.' And as I thought I suddenly abruptly stood up and began searching for the gift she mentioned.
Unconsciously, I started murmuring the same word "Gift, Gift, Gift! Where is the gift!?". Without any care, I threw everything that came my way in the search. I felt like I had only one mission 'Find the gift' . I wanted to make sure of my intuition is right or not. I didn't know what I am gonna do if I find out but still I couldn't stop myself as if my body was not my own anymore they were on a spell or something... My brain was telling me to find it but deep down in my heart I felt like I knew what was in that. Still, I felt like I didn't want it to be true. I prayed to whoever was there, not to let my intuition be true.
Suddenly, I was interrupted by someone grabbing my hand as if to stop me. I heard them calling my name telling me to stop and go. I suddenly got irritated and pushed them off my way. I saw Mace falling to the floor. "Are you insane Nick? Wtf! U r doing!? The fucking guy outside will be in here in any second Nick." And as soon as she said the door burst open revealing him.
The guy who had, no, still has a crush on Y/n. Not crush but love her too dearly that he let go of her hand so that she could be happy with me. James Buchanan Barnes. Why is he here? How did he know? I was shocked to see him that I couldn't defend myself when he suddenly punched me. "WHY? I ASKED WHY YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE?" He asked as he punched me hard continuously. I was breathing heavily as I felt my blood trickle out of my mouth nose and everywhere. I saw his face change into a horrified one when he saw Y/n's body, after opening the door, laying down lifeless.
Natasha! Y/n's best friend stopped Bucky by grabbing his hand to beat me anymore "STOP IT JAMES! LET'S TAKE Y/N TO BRUCE. HE MIGHT DO SOMETHING. SHE HAS LIGHT PULSE JAMES. I CAN FEEL IT".
James hurriedly got off my body and carried y/n's body outside with him in his arms. I felt a pang of guilt and jealousy seeing him touching what's mine. My wife she was but I don't think she ever will be anymore. I looked at the ceiling as I breathed heavily and smiled thinking all the sins I did ever in my life must have been paid for now by taking one of the most precious things in my life. Y/n.
Suddenly I felt something thrown on my body. I looked up to see Natasha standing in front of me. "Hope what you did after seeing this, doesn't make you regret it anymore." She said and then went to join James.
I looked at the gift thrown beside me. I gulped down the lump forming in my throat. I didn't wanna look into the gift. I felt tears running down my cheeks as I lay down on the floor guessing what might be there in it. 'Please God. For the first time, I am praying don't let it be what I am thinking. Please' I mentally prayed.
After wiping the tears from my face I got up in a sitting position. I stared at the wrapped gift which was laying there. It looked like a nightmare to me. I looked at Mace who was sitting in front of me devastated. After all, she was her best friend. She had the same horrifying expression as me and then she looked at me and said in a whisper "Everything had ended, Nick. Open the gift. Let's just face the sins we have done Nick. It's no use"
I gulped nervously as I unwrapped the gift with my shaking hand slowly. I couldn't, I didn't want to. I felt as if I can't stop the tears from falling from my eyes. I felt as if I was having an anxiety attack. I took a deep breath and released it and opened the lid slowly.
My eyes widened at the scene. I picked up the letter saying
'HI DADDY! I can't wait to meet you'
with small hand and foot print.
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I started to cry loudly. 'God! What I have done. No! Please. I wanted to die. This was the worst sin I have done... ' I choked out between cries "H.. How can a father kill his child? How! " I couldn't handle this pain. This was the worst I have ever felt. My child! The one whom I always dreamt of with Y/n. Beautiful family living in a small house with a beautiful garden around and swings as I fixed up the house on my own as Y/n with her pregnant bump plays with our child awaiting for our next child arrival into the world. This was the family and scene I dreamt of. Now, it's all shattered. Everything I dreamt of, every scene I thought.
I didn't notice Mace coming near the gift until she said the one word which made me more feel empty "Twins. Y/n was going to have twins" She said as she looked at the sonogram. I hurriedly snatched the sonogram from her hand and looked at it.
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I looked at the sonogram as if I couldn't believe it. I... I was going to have Twins. My eyes widened and I grit my teeth. I didn't notice that I was breaking everything and throwing here and there until I felt Mace wrapping me in her hands to stop me from destroying it. "STOP IT. STOP IT OKAY! YOU ARE HURTING YOURSELF. Y/N NEVER WANTED TO HURT YOURSELF" she screamed as she sobbed.
After hearing Y/n's name I screamed "OH YEAH! SHE DIDN'T WHEN SHE LOVED ME. SHE NOW DOES. SHE WANTS TO SEE ME BEG FOR FORGIVENESS. SHE WANTS ME TO FEEL THE MUCH WORSE PAIN SHE HAD FELT. SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE. Sh...She doesn't love me anymore." I choked out the last sentence as a whisper as I cried. I couldn't handle this pain. Because of me. Just because of me I feel this. Just because I was weak. Just because I was such a pathetic human. I fell to my knees as I hugged the sonogram and cried remembering the moment I should have stood up for her but instead I had to listen to what they told me to do even though I didn't want to.
-"Hello, Nick! Please come and sit" Agent Derek said as soon as I entered the office frowning.
-"Any important mission that you suddenly asked my presence today Me. Derek? I think I had taken a leave today. " I questioned clenching my jaw. Today was my and Y/n's anniversary and by no means I wanna be late. I wanna surprise her today.
-"Well, I hope you know the 'Operation Vittles' is the important mission for ours and Y/n is the main lead as she contains much important information and according to our informer Miss Y/n is being a stepping stone on this of our mission Mr Nick," Derek said.
-I furrowed my eyebrows. I felt as if I knew where this was going. I clenched my jaw and asked, "So, what are you implying Mr Derek?"
-"Well I am saying that if Y/n is ever kidnapped then our operation can be in great danger." Derek said and added "That's why I thought it will be good if you remove her permanently Mr Nick. We don't want any casualties in this mission"
-When he said those words I felt like my whole world came crashing down, "WHAT!" I got up from the chair abruptly and hold his collar and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND! THE WOMAN YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT IS NEITHER SOME KIND OF MISSION NOR AN OBJECT. SHE IS MY WIFE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU MOTHERFUCKER. SO, I BETTER WARN YOU THINK THOUSAND TIMES BEFORE YOU SPEAK." I huffed angrily in front of his face letting his collar go.
-"Mr Nick! I warned you before assigning you to be the bodyguard of Y/n that don't fall in love with her. It's your mistake that you did and about thinking, I think you should think thousand times before you get into action. I am your senior. You better listen to my orders or I have many better ways to make you understand into the thick brain of yours." Agent Derek sternly said fixing his collar. "If you don't, then I have many men in this department who are better than you in permanently removing an obstacle"
-"Why kill? You can assign more men for her to protect her" I gulped nervously and angrily. I didn't know what to do. When he said that my hand itched to remove the safety from the gun and put a bullet in his head. How dare he call my wife an obstacle. She is much more than that.
-"We can't waste any men's time on useless things. Our men have many important things to do and cover-up and if you don't wanna do it, I can assign another guy for this" Derek said standing up and fixing his cufflinks.
My world visibly broke down in front of me. No, I can't let Y/n die and by other men's hands. No way! I can't. She is mine. But...
-"Tick-tock! Mr Nick! Your time is running out. Make a decision quickly" He said interrupting my thoughts.
-"I ... I will do it." I said looking at the floor trying to not cry. I bit my lower lips so hard that I could taste my blood. I wanted to punch this man.
-"Good decision Mr Nick. But I don't trust alone that's why I assigned this mission to Mace too. I hope you do your mission perfectly and don't let me down" Mr Derek shook my hands and went out.
Then after knowing Mace is my assigned partner, I came up with this plan with her. That I will poison her today but I will put a little antidote into it, so, it takes time to speed through her body and the as I know whenever something will happen to her body like any life-threatening harm, her friends are gonna be notified and also make her believe at her last moments that I hate her so that she detests me. But... But about the baby, I didn't know at all. It was never in my plan. I cried more hard thinking about the moments I spent with her. The moment I fell in love with her was when she captured my mind, my heart everything. The moment when I was writing and practising my proposal speech. The moment when we shared our first wedding kiss as husband and wife. I cried and was earning forgiveness from our unborn twins. All of this was my fault. If only I tried harder. If only, I listened to them and didn't fall in love. If only I let her go so that she could be with James. If only I wasn't selfish... She would have been safe then, she would have never felt the pain of losing her children. I cried and cried until I went unconscious blaming myself.
7 years later
Ding dong
I heard the doorbell when I was going to have another bottle of vodka. I sighed and got up from the floor to find that the pizza boy has kept the pizza on the floor. I picked it up and kept it on the table in front of the sofa. I sat down on the floor leaning on the sofa.
It has been 7 years 8 months and 4 days since the incident. Today is our anniversary day. The day which should have been my lucky day became my worst nightmare throughout these years. After the CIA came to know about the little stunt we have done and the incomplete mission, they have been searching for us. Me and Mace. Since then we have both been on run. Yes, incomplete mission! After James took Y/n, Bruce saved her. I sighed in relief at the thought. At least, she is safe with them.
Suddenly I heard the phone pinged with a message. I looked at the notification from Mace:
Family dinner at 8 PM. U should come.
I scoffed at the message. Oh yes, while we were on run, Mace found a perfect guy to settle with and have a family. I sighed at the thought that someone at least is having her dream life.
After closing the application suddenly I found the photo on the home screen of Y/n in her wedding dress with me standing beside her laughing. I caress her face in the picture. 'What an angel! Her smile is soo beautiful. Makes me wonder how she got captured in my messy life.' I smiled at the photo. I kept the phone on the table and took a sip of vodka again playing our wedding night video again.
-"Ok! So, is it working!? Yeah! I think soo, hmmm... Damn! Wow! No shit Nick, your choice is soo good. The camera's resolution is sooo good hubby!" Y/n exclaimed in excitement and I was laying on the bed.
-"Come on Y/n! Come here to your lovely hubby now." I said looking at her while she was rummaging through all the features on the camera.
-"Yeah yeah! Of course." She crawled on the bed and laid on me.
-"So, tell me, Mr Nick Fowler. Do you love Y/n's angry behaviour?" She asked
-"I do" I said feeling sleepy.
-"What about Y/n's old age look?"
-"I do"
-"What about Y/n's brattiness?"
-"I do"
-"What about Y/n's childishness? "
-"I do"
-"Ok! So what about... Mmmmmmm...hm?" Her thinking was interrupted by my light snores indicating I was already asleep.
-She sighed and said looking at the camera "Well fellows! I think the video is going to end here. Your agent Nick who is known to never fail in any mission failed before this 'Wedding night' mission started! Tch" She said slapping her forehead lightly and smiling "Who sleeps on their wedding night!?".she said laying her head on my chest and closing her eyes recording her beautiful angelic sleeping face.
While I was watching suddenly I felt my eyes going blurry. I miss her. I don't even know how is she? What she is doing? Are James and Y/n now dating? I don't know anything about her anymore. I think it's better as it is. At least she will not be in danger. As I was thinking I fell asleep thinking about Y/n laying beside me while the video was still going on. Hoping only one thing:
We will see
Each other
If not in this
Life, then,
In another.
A/n (Author's note): Ending if you are gonna forgive him or not or you are gonna end up with Bucky or not is up to you guys! But I really wanna know your view with whom you guys wanna end with though! I am scared though if u guys are gonna like it or not.
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Note: Hey guys! Hope u like it. English is my second language so if there's any mistake u can inform me by messaging me privately. And PLEASE REBLOG and DON'T STEAL MY WORK. Please like and comment too so, that I can know ur guy's views. Thank u for reading guys! Have a nice day and please comment if u wanna be tagged in.
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Taglist: @angstysebfan @cjand10 @medelinee @adoringsebstan @tapedeck-hearts @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sourpatchspinster @secretdreamlandmentality @queenbrownie18 @urbankaite2
@marvel-fandom23 @marvelogic @harukah2 @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @heavenhatesme @lovely-geek @justsebstan @themorningsunshine @yosoysere
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Memory - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky's a vampire but still manages to develop a breeding kink
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, vampire!AU, creampie, daddy kink, mention of blood because of biting
A/N: this is for my darling cousin @whisperlullaby​‘s challenge, and also my own! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. I hope you guys will enjoy this silly idea of a vampire with a breeding kink 💛 I had a blast writing it! Unbeta’ed because I almost died this week and cannot be bothered to stare at my writing for any longer.
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Okay, let’s play truth or dare!” I groaned as silently as possible at the proposition. One of the downsides of dating someone in college was having to deal with the immaturity of their friends, especially when I was unable to escape yet another invitation for a weekend getaway.
There were only so many encounters a man could refuse before mysterious became annoying, and I knew I was toeing the line, even if my girlfriend never complained.
She understood just how irritating these gatherings could be to me. It would have been easy to imagine if there was a realistic age gap between us, but considering the centuries that separated our birth dates, it was laughable that anyone would entertain the idea of me with a bunch of young adults who only wanted to get laid, smoke some weed and drink their asses off.
Of course, her friends didn’t know my true age, so they only thought I was a little bit irked by their behavior. Y/N knew the truth, and so evidently she tried to get me out of it, but I resisted.
I wanted her to take part in the normal experiences people her age were having. There was already so much that she was missing out on just by being with me - and I wasn’t even referring to the blood that she granted me every night.
I’d accepted to be there with her that evening. I was going to immerse myself in the full experience, if only to learn a bit more about her and those she surrounded herself with.
Her best friend let out a little excited yell when she noticed that we were joining the circle and I forced myself to smile at her. “Alright, let’s do this.” One of the male friends rubbed his hands before reaching for the bottle, making it spin as I frowned. I thought that was a different game, but apparently I was mistaken.
It landed on a girl I had yet to get acquainted with, and so I disconnected myself from the conversation as I watched my beloved laugh and have fun with her friends. It made me feel warm. It made me grateful I had decided to join.
A few more rounds went by without anything of essence actually happening. I was about to excuse myself when the bottle surprisingly stopped while pointing at Y/N.
She gasped as she stared at the man who was responsible for deciding her fate, and I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming next. But she was smart, so she avoided the dare that would undoubtedly enrage me, leaving her to answer a question that I also would have preferred not to hear.
“So… Y/N…” He began, taking far too much pleasure at the situation, and by the way she rolled her eyes, I knew she was thinking the same.
“Yes, Simon.” He opened his mouth to say something, but instinctively looked my way. I was trying my best not to let any emotion slip through the cracks of my perfectly constructed mask, but whatever it was that he saw seemed to make him change his mind.
He closed his mouth and frowned, for a second deep in thought, before he sighed and finally voiced his question. “Just tell us one of your kinks.”
It sounded like he was trying to get this over with, and although Y/N seemed just as confused, she cleared her throat and gave him an answer.
“Oh, I don’t know… I guess.. Creampie?” Little giggles and comments rose around the circle, but nothing really stuck out and they were quick to motion her to spin the bottle so another person could have a turn.
It was a different reaction that I was expecting, especially considering what everyone did for much tamer answers, but the explanation for the lukewarm crowd was made clear by a groaned comment from Simon to the man beside him.
“This is no fun now that she isn’t single.” A small giggle resonated by my side, and I turned in the direction it came from to find my girlfriend trying to suppress her amusement behind her palm.
“Something funny, little one?” I knew they’d take notice of the pet name, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to care, and the fact that she smiled openly up at me showed me that she didn’t, either.
“Not at all.” She pulled me closer to deposit a quick peck on my lips and I was sure if my heart was still beating, it would have fluttered at the way she looked at me. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course.” Thankfully, the game didn’t last much longer - for us, at least. Somehow, the bottle didn’t land on me once, and Y/N started to yawn, her head resting against my shoulder after the third consecutive “Who would you rather bang?” question.
“I think we’re gonna leave for the night,” she excused us even though I knew she wasn’t really sleepy. She really could be an excellent actress when she wanted to.
We walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms were located, quickly getting in what had been assigned as ours for the weekend. She smiled softly at me as she reached for her backpack, no doubt looking for the one shirt of mine she always slept in, but I had a few things in my mind I wanted to ask her about.
“Why do you like creampies to much?” The words spilled out at me so unusually, considering the silence in the room, it didn’t surprise me that it took her a while to answer. When she did though, I was surprised to find her biting her lip, a look between amused and horny in her eyes when she approached me.
“Dunno.” She shrugged, taking my hands in her and playing with my fingers. I knew it was a way to avoid my intense gaze. “Guess I have a bit of a breeding kink, actually. It just felt too personal to share with those guys.”
The answer took me by surprise as I stared down at her, blinking a couple of times as I made sure to really process what she had said.
“A breeding kink?” I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes in that way I knew she did when she was embarrassed but trying to play it off as annoyed.
“Yeah, you know.” She pulled away from me to sit on the bed, legs dangling off of it almost like a child. “I like the idea of being bred. Even though I’m in no way ready to become a mother,” she added in a serious tone, making sure I understood what she meant.
But I didn’t. I didn’t and I guess it was clear in my face, because she quirked an eyebrow and jumped out of the bed, coming to stand before me once more.
“Why is this so weird to you?” She inquired, head tilted in amusement. “You’re over a century old, I’m sure your expectations regarding sexual relationships were related to impregnation for most of your life.”
And I mean… she wasn’t wrong. But I hadn’t thought about that for so long, I guess it didn’t occur to me that there was an actual term for it these days.
“There’s no way you don’t have a breeding kink.” The affirmation sounded almost like a dare, so my instinct was to fight it, wrap my arms around her torso so I’d keep her close to me, but deny it.
“You know I can’t ‘breed’ anyone anymore, darling.” But she wasn’t giving up. Her fingers softly traced my jawline, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glint as she countered, “Doesn’t mean you can’t like the idea of it.”
Even though I didn’t need the oxygen, I inhaled sharply, suddenly fascinated by her every movement, the way she gently unwrapped herself from my arms to slowly unbutton her simple dress, the one she made it look like a fucking gown.
“Think about it, Buck…” Every inch of skin that became exposed to my eyes still had my mouth watering, desperate to taste her all over.
“Wouldn’t you want to see me round with your child?” The question provoked my imagination, playing with her features as I thought about what she proposed. Her breasts fuller, stomach protuberant, and maybe a little feet rubbing against the skin, something I could kiss.
“See me carry your genes, continue your lineage… Wouldn’t you want that?” Her innocent eyes spelled trouble when she stood before me again, close enough to touch.
And I couldn’t deny that the idea did something to my heart - even though it didn’t beat anymore. Most undeniably, it definitely did something to my cock, which now strained against my pants, the arousal that the image of her impregnated by me provoked bursting as I looked at the creature that I loved in wonder and fascination.
“Are you trying to tempt me, doll?” She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling before I pulled it away from her teeth when I took her in my arms again, naked breasts rubbing against my shirt.
“Is it working?” She breathed out, eyes connected to mine while she tried to gather my feelings about her attempt. I pressed her body closer, making sure she’d feel the hardness in my pants before I even voiced it.
“Very well,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way my cold breath awakened goosebumps all over her warm skin. She never complained about the difference in temperature, something that I was profoundly grateful for, since I loved to feel her hot blood pumping underneath my fingertips whenever I trailed my digits over her flesh.
“So tell me,” she pressed, still going for seductive even though she sounded slightly out of breath, her desire evident in the way her pupils had dilated. “Would you like to breed me, James?”
A shiver went down my spine at the question and I closed my eyes for just one second, just to relish in this sensation before I opened them to confess, “You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
My hand easily spread her lower lips, middle finger running between them to test her wetness and finding her soaked, like she always seemed to be for me. The knowledge had me smiling as I lifted my hand to taste her before making quick work of my belt, observing her slowly walking backwards towards the bed as I followed, almost like there was a thread connecting us, keeping us close.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned against my ear as he buried himself inside of me and I clutched at his shoulders, desperate to feel every part of him connected to every part of me.
Only he could get me this way. Chest heaving, mouth open just from the simple act of feeling him stretching me open. It didn’t matter how many times he took me, it still burned the same - and I loved it.
“Tell me, doll,” he panted, hypnotizing eyes connected to mine, unwilling to let my gaze escape his hold. “Tell me you’d want to have my child. You’d look so beautiful with your body changing because of me, wouldn’t you want that?”
I groaned, throwing my head back as James fucked me senseless, his cock ramming against my sweet spot over and over again. He knew no mercy, I knew that. I just never anticipated to have such an overwhelming reaction to a silly little kink I never even thought I’d ever get to explore.
“Answer me, little one.” His fangs came into play then, piercing around the nipple that he sucked, galvanizing me into actually responding, “I would, I would, daddy,” while pulling on his hair without even realizing.
He let go of my breasts to look at me with dark eyes - not because he had come in contact with my blood, oh no. It was clear that this was the reaction to the name that escaped me so easily, waving its way into him until it broke the last bit of his control and left him completely undone, only determined to fuck me.
I watched him lick his lips before he ordered, “tell daddy you want his cum inside of you.” Hearing him acknowledge this other secret kink, refer to himself as it had me delirious, unable to formulate any words to obey him, so I opted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping the feeling of my burning cheeks would satiate him.
What a mistake.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?” He mocked, rubbing his jaw against my cheek as I whined against him. “Want daddy’s cum so much but can’t be a good girl and beg for it?”
I came with a long drawn-out gasp right then, my body twitching underneath his as his cock dragged along my walls once, twice, a third time until it spilled his cum inside of my channel. The act was so hot to me that it had me pulling on his hair, whispers of “I love you, I love you,” tumbling out of my lips.
He silenced me with a kiss, still managing to keep on thrusting until I had to push him away because of my sensitivity.
“Spread your legs for me, little one…” He ordered, brushing his tongue over his lower lip in contemplation. “Let me see the mess I left there.”
I was still a bit nervous about the whole ordeal now that the wave of horniness had left me, but I did eventually spread my legs for him, whimpering as he bit down on his own lip at the sight of his spent dripping from my abused pussy.
“Oh, you look so good like that, darling.” I could barely contain my giddiness as he laid down by my side and pulled me to rest on his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple while he caressed my arm. “But one question remains unanswered.” To my almost sleepy hum, he proceeded, “Why do you like the idea of breeding so much?”
That got me thinking, wiping the tiredness off of my muscles like a bucket of cold water. It felt weird to admit it, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to bare my soul to the man I loved, to have him aware of every little thing about me…
So I admitted, “I like the idea of being yours… in this very scary, slightly territorial way.” At his silence, I giggled, hiding my face on his chest as I waited for his response.
“But you are mine,” he reminded me, and even as I rolled my eyes, a silly smile painted my lips, loving that he felt like he needed to tell me that.
“I know I am,” I recognized. “It’s just another way I’d like to be claimed by you. Besides, I can just imagine how well you’d take care of me…”
Silence filled the room as we both got lost in the images of what could never be. Me with a fully-grown belly, walking like a penguin as he held up tiny onesies that looked ridiculous in his huge hands.
My heart ached for what could never be, surely, but I couldn’t really grieve a future I’d never have while I was so happy with the man who wanted to give me one.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed the back of my hand, and even though he knew it wasn’t exactly what I meant, it was just enough. “I’m sorry that I can’t ever give you children.”
The guilt in his tone was almost palpable, and I wanted to do anything in my power to make it disappear. This wasn’t what I intended when I shared my sexual fantasies with him. They were just that - fantasies. I wouldn’t trade my reality for any alternative version the universe could offer me.
“It’s alright, babe,” I assured him, depositing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be beating for me if it could. “I think the way you want to claim me is just as territorial… and much more final.”
Bucky held me close, breathing me in - even if he didn’t need to do that to survive - before he asked me the last doubt that still hovered in his mind.
“Aren’t you scared?” And as I laid there in his embrace, feeling loved and cared for, I knew the only acceptable answer that I could give him was, “It’ll be worth it.”
938 notes · View notes
gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
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summary: a series of unfortunate (or fortunate, depending whose side you’re on) events brought you to mandripoor seven years ago. it was fun, dangerous and exciting for the most part. a lot has changed, but you are back in high town in the hope of purchasing a rare monet painting, and reuniting with an old flame.
warnings: tfatws spoilers, alcohol, established sugar daddy x sugar baby relationship, smut (daddy kink, dom/sub/switch dynamics, choking, hair pulling, blowjob, fingering, both degradation and praise kinks, spit kink, cum play, marking, unprotected sex). 18+ MINORS DON’T INTERACT.
word count: 2685
gif credit: pedropcl
notes: this (very long) fic is brought to you by zemo’s #1 hoe. for the sake of the fic, zemo’s daughter and wife have never existed. i get it zemo is the bad guy daniel is not your typical hottie but let me live my fantasy and reclaim my crown as the original zemo fan. listen to off to the races by lana del rey and let no man steal your thyme by the pentangle if you want to fibe with me! i hope you guys will enjoy it!!! <3
“If you keep staring at me like this, I’ll mistake you for the Mona Lisa.” You took the last sip from your glass, which was immediately filled by the man standing behind you. You had felt his familiar presence a long time ago, but you were too mesmerized by the rare painting trapped in a cage of glass to bother notifying him. “Your glance has followed me around the room. In other circumstances, I’d find it creepy. Now, it’s just very flattering.”
You heard him laugh through his nose. You saw his reflecting in the glass, lit up by flashing blue and pink lights and vibrating ever so slightly to the sound of the loud music.
“You’re like a Monet painting. From afar, you are clear as cristal and easy to read like an open book. From up close...” You marked a pause and stoodby straight. Your eyes never leaving the work of art you had been scrutinizing for the past hour. Water Lilies in Bloom, it was called, an incorrect translation that always brought a grin to your lips. “You are a mystery.” You swallowed thickly the bubbly liquid, recognizing the peculiar taste of champagne.
“It is arrogant but right to think of myself as the pure definition of mysterious.”
You chuckled, throwing your head back in disbelief. Some things never changed.
“After all these years... I managed to find my way back to you. Now that’s a mystery.”
You turned on your heels as you spoke. “Is it, though? Tell me, Daddy. Is it really that hard to believe you’d recognize your property even after all these years. I heard they put you in a pretty little cage. Didn’t have much else to think about than what you missed most?”
He took you in, just how ethereal you looked under the colourful neon lights. You had your arms pressed against your chest, the shiny material of your matching bracelet and necklace twinkled. He squinted slightly, his lips curled into a smirk while he looked down your body, the one thing that kept him sane after all these years in jail (that and the thought of destroying symbols like super soldiers and make the world a better place once and for all). “Nice dress.”
“My Sugar Daddy got it for me.” You did a twirl, showing off your outfit innocently. “You like it?”
He reached up to his neck and pulled on the collar of his purple sweater, like it was a tie he could loosen up. “So you received everything I sent you.”
You clicked your tongue. “Not everything...” Your head turned to look behind you, where your most priced possession was glowing in its full glory — soon to-be yours, you should say.
“Use your words, Princess. Say it and it’s yours.”
It was your turn to analyze him, to take every ounce of cockiness and pride. “You’re playing with fire.” You walked closer to him, erasing the distance but increasing the tension between the two of you. “All the money in the world won’t get you everything you want.”
He was quick to move, his soldiers instincts never left his body, clearly. His delicate hand wrapped around your throat so effortlessly. It tightened, forcing you to manage your breathing. “Money got me everything I wanted already.”
“What is it, Daddy? What is it that you want so badly?” You clenched your jaw, holding his glance which was filled with lust, instead of rage and grudges.
“You never looked so beautiful.” He leaned closer too, whispering the words to your ear. It was liked the loud club music turned into white noise. He could not care less about the stares and the words strangers exchanged as they witnessed the scene. High Town was not his playground.
But you were his plaything.
History repeated itself, in one way or another. Icons rose and fell. Symbols mattered and vanished into oblivion. Originality turned into plagiarism. Winners would lose it all, losers would dig their graves deeper into the abyss.
History repeated itself. The sight before your eyes was the same one as seven years ago, when all that was on this man’s life before meeting you was this stupid Mission Report of December 16 1991. You met him at a party like this, in High Town before he was banned from the land. He caught your attention doing his ridiculous dance moves, sharing his knowledge about the art pieces showcased around the room. Then he brought you to a hotel, the ones so fancy they had multiple rooms and a vintage record player as part of the decor. Only, it worked, and he put on his favourite Édith Piaf records. Rien de Rien, Le Petit Homme, La Vie en Rose, song after song, you were diving deeper in your memories.. He was popping yet another bottle of champagne open and pouring some in flutes you would never touch for the rest of the night. The same night, seven years ago, it changed your life. At the second you regretted setting foot in Mandripoor, he changed your mind and gave you the best months of your life. You would ride around Europe in vintage cars, dine in gigantic mansions you called castles. You admired the old paintings of his royal family members while he brought you a silk bathrobe to change into after a steamy shower.
You’d get lost in your thoughts, he’d get lost in his ambitions. You two were one and the same, in one way or another. That affirmation sent shivers down your spine. You could not tell if it was a good or a bad thing, a shy voice in your head was reassuring you it was the former.
“They call me Baron again, I guess I’m not doing too bad after all.” His voice snapped you back to reality. He was still wearing that obnoxious trench coat. You hated it, it made him look like a pimp. Although that was not too far from the truth, as the mountain of luxurious jewelry and clothes in your closet proved.
“Do you like being back here?”
“I love it here.” The emphasis on the last word was audible. You nodded in agreement. This place was heaven on Earth for some people, hell for others. For both you and Zemo, it was somewhere in between.
“You’re certainly not here for me.” You laughed, setting the still full glass on the nightstand.
He shook his head, mouthing a negative response.
“What is it, this time? Mission report February 32?”
“Something like that.” He answered, after another silent laugh.
“If only you had made me your mission, your life would have been easier.”
“Yours would have been, too.”
You shrugged. You agreed, but you did not need to say it. He knew. The two of you knew that this warmth washing over your bodies was the answer to all of your problems. Yet, you were fighting the urge to surrender and give in.
History always repeated itself.
All it took was for him to set his hand on your exposed knee. You got flashbacks of the numerous times his hand rested there while you two drove deeper in the country side, in some old Chevrolet, Ford, or any other European brands he could find and buy.
“Say it, Princess. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”
You swallowed thickly and fell on your knees. He sat straight, as straight as he could on the comfortable mattress, and spread his legs wider. “I want to go back in time.”
He leaned foward and you opened your mouth, your tongue poking out. He spit in your mouth, and you swallowed. The giggle that followed your actions sent blood to his hardening cock. “Just as eager as I remembered, right? You’d do anything to please me.”
“I’d do anything for you, Daddy.” You repeated, the confession left you breathless.
“That’s my good girl.” He brushed your hair with so much tenderness for a moment, you let out a content moan. He changed the mood real quick when he pushed your head closer to his crotch and unbuckled his belt at lightning’s speed.
Your mouth was watering at the sight, a sight that was tattooed in your memory forever. Whatever relationship you two had went beyond fancy presents and sex, it was a connection that tickled your souls and left you a different woman than when it first started. You wasted no time, stroking him a few times as you spit on his blushing tip. You smeared the spit over his sensitive spot and pulled the sweetest moans out of him, which grew louder and more intense when you finally wrapped your lips around his head.
No one compared to you, to your attention to details, to the way you were taking him all in, inches by inches like you were made for his cock and his cock only. No one compared to how blissful you looked pulling back, choking on your own saliva and the lack of oxygen. “You look so beautiful, Babygirl.”
His praise made you bat your eyes, hoping to receive more compliments. You flattened your tongue, licking him from the base to the top before you deep throated his cock again. You never left him untouched, your hands were massaging his walls or exploring his thick thighs while your mouth almost brought him to the edge.
That was when he pulled on your hair and demanded you went back up on your feet. “I bet you’re soaked. All you need is to see a cock to wet your panties.” You nodded as one hand reached up to cup your face, the other to cup your core from under your dress. He could felt the ever growing wet patch. He discarded of your panties in one effortless pull and pressed his pointer and middle fingers against your sensitive clit. He circled it, studying your reaction.
“Daddy...” You breathed out. “I need you.”
“I’m proud of you for using your words,” his finger slipped inside of your entrance, you moaned out his name. “So greedy and needy and easy for me, like the good whore that you are. Is that right? You’re Daddy’s perfect little whore?”
He was two fingers in, all the way to the last knuckles. He pumped in and out of you slowly yet roughly. You smirked when he finally touched that spongy spot inside of you. “I’m Daddy’s. I’ll always belong to Daddy.”
“That’s right.”
He brushed his thumb over your clit, his fingers stopped fucking your hole to abuse the bundle of nerves until tears started to pool in your eyes.
“Be a good baby.” You looked at him with doe eyes, sucking his thumb between your plump lips. “Do what I want.”
And you reached your high. You had nothing to hold you up, except for your shaky legs that threatened to give in under your weight and the intensity of your orgasm. You sucked on his thumb harder, hoping to quiet some of your moans but your screams escaped your parted lips.
In a blink of an eye, you were pushed against the bed and bounced against the body that blocked your every movement. His pants were nowhere to be found, just like the rest of your respective clothes. Your finger tips brushed over the skin of his shaven cheeks, down to his neck and chest. The intimacy, you had craved it all these years.
“I bet that sweet cunt of yours missed my cock.” He spoke, chuckling mockingly when he pushed himself in your stretched hole. You both let out a long moan of satisfaction. He rested inside of you, adjusting to your warmth and tightness. “I was right.”
“You’re always right.” You flattered his ego, and earned a sloppy kiss in return.
His lips moved down to your neck where he sucked hickeys and left small bite marks as he picked up the pace of his hips.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, hoping to bring him that much closer, and deeper, into you.
Zemo pinned your wrists above your head and pumped his cock inside of your tight pussy like his life depended on it. “So fucking wet for me,  gonna make me cum, Baby.” He had tried so hard to hold back, not to mark you and claim you again.
“Wait for me.” You begged him, and he brought one hand down to your neck again. He squeezed it, choking you deliciously until your eyes rolled inwards. He tightened his grip ever so slightly and he felt it, he felt the way your walls fluttered around him.
He thrusted inside of you, his hips snapped against yours and the sound of your skin slapping echoed in the bedroom. “Cum for me, Princess. Cum with Daddy.”
And you did, your body exploded in fireworks when you felt his release planted inside of you. He kept moving, rocking back and forth. He leaned back, leaving your neck to rub your clit once again. He was a moaning mess, the overstimulation made it almost painful to keep going but he did not want it to stop, not until...
“Fuck, Daddy!” And a second wave of pleasure hit you hard, it left you panting and shaking even more than before.
Zemo had to pull away quickly, and already missed the feeling of being inside of you.
Your fingers reached between your bodies, dipping into your folds and moving up to your lips as they were covered in his seed. You painted your lips with his white cum, before you licked them and your fingers clean as he watched, completely amazed and mesmerized. “Taste just as good as I remembered.”
He laughed, he was always one step ahead of everything and everyone, but you always managed to take him by surprise. You were just that great, that perfect. He rolled to the side and fell heavily on the bed. His skin was glistening under the light of the chandeliers from the thin layer of sweat.
You pressed your legs together, clenching around nothing. You hoped you could keep his load inside of you, as a proof this had really happened and it was not just one of your daydreams where you two would be reunited.
“I missed this.” You boke the silence with a small voice. Your fingers brushed over the bruises on your neck, and you hissed at the sensitive skin.
He turned on his side, worried for a second that he went too hard on you. The smile and joy on your face proved him otherwise. “I missed you, Princess.”
“I missed you so much, Daddy.”
The sun hurt your eyes, he noticed. He slipped out of the bed to pull on the curtains only to hurry back to you so you could lay your head on his chest. You were still wearing your bracelet, he started playing with it.
His mind was racing, just like his heart. You could feel it rumble in his chest like a loud engine. Something was bothering him.
“Oh, Zemo...” You caressed his cheek, looking up to study his features. “You can fool the smartest people in the world, but you’ll never be able to lie to me.”
“I’m coming home, Baby. I’m coming home now.”
You looked down again, taking a moment to answer. “Let me guess, you’ll take me to a fancy house like Rebecca’s Manderley and Jane Eyre’s manor at the Rochester’s. You’ll show me around, make me feel like I belong. And you’ll leave, high and dry. Again. All the money and presents from your people won’t erase the pain I felt. Not this time, not ever.”
He pressed his thin lips together. Pain, suffering, he was used to it. He had his fair share of it, caused even more to other people. The thought of hurting you, however, was unbearable.
“Every kingdom needs its king...” He paused and moved you, so you were resting on your elbows and your face was closer to his. “And an even greater queen.”
332 notes · View notes
anika-ann · 4 years
Just a Human (S.R.)
Type: mini-series turned one-shot, SHIELD recruit!reader
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader     Word count: 8750
Summary: Being a SHIELD recruit was a dream come true, especially with people like Sergeant Barnes or Captain Rogers offering an input to your class’ training.
It was also hard work for many different reasons. One of them being all those guys around; not all of them were exactly fit to become heroes, simply because they were not good people.
Maybe you shouldn’t have pointed it out so openly though. Then again, what would the world turn into if you kept your mouth shut when feeling like speaking up?
WARNINGS: so-so graphic description of assault almost turned sexual, violence and a bit of blood, boys being boys in a real bad way, language
A/N: Steve Rogers vs assholes, round 2. Also, ‘you’ vs. assholes. And Bucky in the mix.
A/N: This was originally posted as a miniseries on AO3, but now edited, I decided to thrown it in as a long, sort-of three part one-shot. Enjoy and mind the warnings.
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(gif source dailymcugifs, divider by firefly-graphics)
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A Handful of Spite
“Can you believe the fucking nerve on him?!” Henry hissed, punching the bag harder and catching your attention. The statement was followed by his companion nodding grimly.
You tried to ignore the walking testosterone jerks; you never liked either Henry or Jim. The reason was simple – they were, as you loved to remind people, an advertisement on toxic masculinity. Bullies on top of that. The kind of people you wanted to avoid at all costs.
You weren’t that lucky to have that chance though.
So instead, you scoffed under your breath and continued your sit-ups series. You had more important things to do than wonder about what they were talking about this time.
It was your regular training session with the other SHIELD recruits led by Sergeant Barnes – which--- oh my. When joining the academy, you had no clue that the director’s ‘you’ll be learning from the best’ meant that of all things; trained by the more-than-once-believed-late James Buchanan Barnes. Everyone here knew his story – or at least some of it. The brainwashing. The murders. His heroics to make up for them as much as he could. His everlasting friendship and a nickname that was tied to it. Bucky; the very best friend of the oh-so-praised Captain America.
Oh, speaking of which, he joined the sessions too. You were being trained by not one, but two supersoldiers slash war heroes. You couldn’t believe this was your life sometimes, but you were not one to dwell on it. You just accepted it as a fact. An abso-fucking-lutely incredible fact.
“He’s just a fucker, man. Forget about Barnes, you have Cassie in your pocket. Just ‘cause he’s all sticky sweet on her doesn’t mean she’ll suck his-“
You made a disgusting face, pushing harder to tune out the conversation. You wanted to gag and at the same time, your blood was boiling.
Could there be a jerk who was objectifying women more than Jim? A guy who was using his lower brain more frequently than him? Doubtful. You really wanted to throw up at rubbish that was leaving his mouth.
Not to mention that he was throwing dirt on Sergeant Barnes who absolutely didn’t deserve it.
“-he’s like that to all of them. The chicks. And they fucking dig him, it’s disgusting. He makes the poor brainwashed kicked puppy face, reminding the sob story of his and they’re all dropping to their knees I swear…” Jim continued, practically spitting the venomous words.
You squeezed your eyes shut, half furious and half guilty; the sergeant did have a heart-breaking backstory and many girls were making eyes on him, their hearts softened by the tragedy and his bravery, yes. And you couldn’t say it wasn’t moving you as well, filling you with compassion – but compassion only. Obviously, Sergeant Barnes was objectively a very attractive man too, but what they were saying… ugh.
He didn’t deserve these insults; he was not trying anything on anyone, he wasn’t offering his ‘sob story’, actually being rather secretive about it for obvious and no doubt painful reasons. He couldn’t really couldn’t be blamed for the girls fawning over him a bit more because of it, could he? What was he supposed to do? Stop breathing? Stop doing what he chose to be his job?
It wasn’t his problem – and thank god for that – that these two assholes had egos the size of Texas and couldn’t handle a little competition.
Seriously. Walking testosterone-filled jerks. You seriously considered moving from the station you had been given, eyeing Captain Rogers, checking if he would notice.
“Well, he’s not. Getting. Any. From. My. Chick. Asshole!”
The bag swung wildly under Henry’s blows despite Jim holding it. You laid off, taking your fifteen second break.
“I bet he’s fucking them all on side. Always so… so soft on them. I bet he’s leaving all the hard shit for bed,” Jim snorted, somewhere between angry at him competition and amused at his own crude joke.
You were gonna puke. You were sure of it.
“And he’s too hard on us. Showing off for them. I would fucking want to see him holding up against us without that metal arm-“
You had enough. You sat up sharply, panting, your face flushed, unsure whether it was from the exercise or the exchange you were listening to.
“Are you serious?!” you hissed their way, earning their shocked glances.
And then, Jim’s face twisted in annoyance and disgust.
“Oh geez, you’re one of them, aren’t you?” he snarked, rolling his eyes. “The fangirls.”
More heat burned in your cheeks. You weren’t kidding anyone; both the sergeant and the captain had showed up in your not so innocent dreams, but you were only human, alright. There was only so much time you could spend with two very fine men like them in one room, a bit sweaty and rough (or just slightly gentler with the ladies) until your brain reacted. Mostly to the captain. Not the point.
But actually crossing the line? Being a part of the thing they were describing if it ever existed? Waiting in the line until one of them picked you for the evening with a promise to do it again after they… Jesus what, tried all the others? No, thank you. You had some dignity left.
Also, you simply couldn’t imagine them doing such thing. Raised in a different era, tried by war and pain and lost, yet remaining the great men they were? Just nope.
“No! Jesus, are you even listening to yourself?” you hissed, minding your volume. You hoped that the low hum of voice in the room, of others working out, giving each other pointers and the noise of the machines would offer you a cover from the rest of your companion.
“What, you wanna tell me they’re not going easy on you? On any chick, really?”
“Yeah, well, maybe because they don’t actually want to break our bones during training. Supersoldiers. Superstrength. Does that ring a bell?” you pointed out, reaching for your water bottle, hoping either of your trainers would forgive you when seeing you only took a sec to have a sip.
Henry scoffed, leaning onto the bag. “Sounds like someone has a crush…”
You couldn’t help the motion of your hands, inconspicuously throwing them in the air in frustration.
Why were you even speaking to them? You should have kept your mouth shut!
“Oh go to hell, Ulrich! You’re just jealous and scared that your girl whom you treat like a piece of shit will run off,” you murmured, wiping your forehead off sweat.
“Yeah, because they’re sure pulling their punches with guys too,” Jim complained again, rolling his eyes as Henry now watched you, eyes narrowed in anger – oh you hit a nail on the head, alright.
You couldn’t but mirror Jim’s action, deciding to stick to Devil’s advocate, because…. yeah, because it wasn’t fair to either Rogers or Barnes. They were good people and didn’t deserve this.
“So they’re not beating the shit out of us like they do with you, get over it.”
“They’re humiliating us! Showing off their big muscles, trying to impress all the chicks-“
You chuckled incredulously as they actually admitted the real reason behind their bitching so openly; as if you hadn’t known the whole time. Ego. Ohhh, the ego was bruised. Call 911, CPR is gonna be needed! God, how did they even live with ego this big? Compensating for something?
“They’re doing their job. Training. Yes, they go a bit harder on you, because your physiology can take it. Did it ever occur to you that they have bigger problems than entering a pissing contest with you just so they could steal the girls? Jeez… just… maybe try to be less of assholes and the girls will be into you too… ”
You missed the hard look Henry gave you, laying down again, this time on your belly to work on your back.
You wheezed when a knee suddenly dug into your back, violently and painfully knocking the air out of your lungs. Before you could react, one of your arms was twisted behind your back, Henry’s voice raspy right into your ear, low and dangerous.
“Listen, you little bitch, you don’t get to talk to me like that. Understand? Huh?”
He was so proving your point, but you didn’t have the time You tried to breathe in properly, and free your arm while pushing up on the free one, your muscles burning with the effort. Shit, he was heavy. You wheezed again instead of the answer.
“Can’t hear you, sweetie. What was that?”
Peripherally, you could see heavy boots approaching rapidly, making a quick guess of who that could be. You gritted your teeth, tears of humiliation pricking your eyes. You were not about to give Henry the satisfaction of proving his point of your trainers being sweet on all the girls even if this so wasn’t that.
“Screw. You,” you let out with the last oxygen left, grabbing his left calf and sharply tugging to the very same side. A half-second later when his weight of you eased just a fraction, you threw your body to the left as well, adding a jerk of your legs.
Both of you rolled over, him ending up under you and you quickly spun away, gasping, desperately fighting for air. As it burned your windpipe, it was as painful as welcomed. Little spots danced inf ornt of your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away – luckily for you, Henry didn’t dare to attack you again.
You shook your head before pushing to sit up, only to meet with Captain Rogers’s strict gaze.
“What the hell is going on in here?” he demanded, sharp blue eyes flickering between the three of you.
Maybe you were hallucinating, but he seemed to be murdering Henry with his eyes. Uh-uh. You would have been glad he was, hadn’t Henry been talking about favouritism only few moments ago. You pushed up simultaneously with him and you both stood straight, facing the captain.
“Apologies, sir,” you stated mechanically, his gaze immediately shifting to you. Your heart stopped. Oh wow, you would swear the blue of his irises was on fire. You gulped. “We had a slight disagreement with Mr. Ulrich. I’m aware I shouldn’t have been talking to him in the first place. I’ll take whatever punishment is given to me.”
“Yeah, I bet you’d liked taking a punishment from him, wouldn’t you…” Jim muttered under his breath, making your gut twist in disgust.
Was he ever not thinking about sex? You prayed the captain didn’t hear him and you had to stop yourself from shooting Jim a murderous glare.  
“I don’t think that’s necessary. Consider it a warning. Mr. Ulrich? You have something to add before you take a few laps?”
You could literally hear Henry’s blood boiling. You opened your mouth to ask for the same punishment, not wanting to have his point proved. You never got the chance to speak.
“No, sir. I only don’t understand why I’m the only one being punished,” Henry questioned innocently and you gritted your teeth.
Maybe because you attacked me, you dickhead?
Captain glared at him for a moment before his gaze shifted to Jim. “You’re not. Mr. Larkin is following your example.”
You pressed your lips together, this time to stop a smile threatening to spread on your lips. God, who knew America’s Golden Boy could get that sassy? You cleared your throat.
“If I might speak, sir, I deserve to run the laps as well,” you noted carefully, earning a curious expression from your superior. You could tell he wavered, a strange spark appearing in his eyes.
You desperately wanted him to let you run too even if you breathing was still a bit difficult; because otherwise Henry would be proved right. Yeah, nope.
“Very well, then. Ten laps around the gym, recruits. Then you move to the station free at the moment. Go. Don’t let it happen again.”
The three of you nodded dutifully and picked up a pace. For some reason, you could feel the captain’s eyes on you while he walked back to assisting his friend with hand-to-hand training. You glimpsed the sergeant leaning to him, probably asking what was that about, but the blond just shook his head.
Towards the eighth lap, you were being overpassed by Henry and Jim, who ran together; faster than you, whether you liked it or not.
“This isn’t over, bitch,” his hateful hiss reached your ears and you picked up speed stubbornly, not showing them that they might intimidate you even for a second.
They wished.
Even when leaving the room after the session was finished, you would swear there was a pair of blue eyes burning a hole to the back of your head. You hoped that you’d soon be free of the captain’s attention.
You sure didn’t want him to watch too closely. You didn’t need him behind your back to see mistakes you sometimes made just like anybody else. Also, it would be harder to admire and ogle him; you did that occasionally, okay. You were just a human, after all.
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A Handful of Mistakes
Shauna, your roommate and bestie from science division of SHIELD, was very patient listening to your lament about guys being dicks; she was awesome like that.
So you vigorously vented your frustration with male population, rolled your eyes when mimicking the silent threat of ‘this not being over’, had a very unhealthy piece of cake at the cafeteria that afternoon and moved on.  
You should have known better.
Henry’s words came haunting you few days later; which was too bad, because you had already forgotten about them, until the very moment they had punched you to the face.
…or rather to your shoulder and it wasn’t even a punch, more like one of those bumps people did, especially when they were being jerks, shoving you too hard for you to believe it was an accident.
“Sorry, didn’t see you there,” you threw over your shoulder sarcastically, continuing your way to the women’s locker room.
In hindsight, that was probably mistake number one; ignoring Henry and not starting a fight right there, not to mention being mouthy.
To be fair, you had no interest in further interaction; you were exhausted from the training, you were sticky and sweaty and all you craved was a shower. You would have just gone to have one at your dorm, but Shauna was having a hot date and you didn’t want to step on her toes. So you had taken your toiletries with you, using the showers near the gym.
Using the gym shower; mistake number two. It meant all of the students being gone by the time you emerged in fresh homey clothes, hair dripping water, because you hated hair-dryers and avoided them unless they were completely necessary.
You had spent much longer in the shower than needed, allowing your muscles to completely relax under the spray of water. That was mistake number three.
The fourth mistake was your pride. When you saw Henry, Jim, George (at least you thought, you weren’t sure, not having many classes with him) and Frank in the corridor, clearly waiting for you, since they bounced off the wall they had been resting against when you appeared, you should have probably been smarter and scream for help right away.
But no, you were being Miss Future Agent and you weren’t intimidated by four equivalents of high school jocks. Yep, this one was definitely the biggest mistake of yours.
“Fellas,” you beckoned to them, passing them gracefully, your bag over your shoulder along with the wet towel.
You barely made a few steps before a hand gripped your arm, harshly tugging you back. Your heart jumped into your throat, but you tried your best not to let it show. You turned to Henry, looking at his face, head tilted back just slightly due to his height.
“Is there a problem, Ulrich?” you asked calmly, earning a lift of his eyebrows at your tone.
“You know there is. I told you it was not over.”
You tried to ignore your pulse skyrocketing and the panic rising in your gut. You were not that stupid – you understood the implications. You knew that with four guys slowly circling you, you would have to fight bites and nails if it came to it and probably still lose. Sometimes it was just better to walk away and swallow your pride; a concept Henry and Jim clearly didn’t understand.
You jerked from Ulrich’s grip, still hoping you could walk away and call it day.
“It is over for me. Now if you’ll excuse me…“
Yes, you were being naïve thinking it would work.
The bag was torn away from your shoulder, your fingers automatically letting go to stay attached to your hand. You gritted your teeth, blood slowly reaching the boiling point.
Also, maybe you were more than just a bit afraid. Not that you would ever admit it to them.
Henry’s hand reached for your chin and your snatched it away in disgust before he could even make contact with your skin. Amusement dances in his eyes along with a flash of anger.
“Oh, kitty has claws?”
You felt another hand on your backside, sending a shudder up your spine, so you grabbed it, shoving it away as well.
Jim. Why weren’t you surprised? Pigs. What the fuck was their problem?
“I’ll let you know when I meet any. Now get out of my way,” you spat, your gut twisting as a sly grin spread on Henry’s face and he made a step right into your route.
“Or what? You’ll scratch, kitty? Or you’ll scream? Like a little girl?” he mocked you in high-pitched voice, his face lowering to yours so you were only inches apart.
“Bet you’d like that,” you murmured, narrowing your eyes when his breath with an unmistakable hint of alcohol fanned over your face. “No, I’ll offer you a breath-mint, because honestly you should do something about your breath.”
Yep, that was the mistake no.5 and definitely an enormous one.
You heard one of the guys chuckle, but you never got to enjoy the thrill of victory.
Out of blue, there was something around your neck, the weight of the towel shifting (add that to the mistake list) and your body flew backwards, colliding with a male one. George was it?
Your hands went to instinctively grab after the towel crushing your throat, but suddenly they were wrested down and pinned to your sides by strong arms. Jim had caught one, Henry another. Fucking cowards.
With your breath coming out short with both lack of oxygen and rising fear, your pulse thundering in your ears, you tried to jerk from their grip, but they wouldn’t budge, having an undeniable advantage.
Oh fuck, fuck, you were so fucked.
“Sassy little mouth, aren’t we?” Henry hummed, wry expression on his ugly face. “So dirty, feels like we should wash it with something. Who wants to go first, fellas?”
Loud alarm bells rang in your head, icy shiver running down your spine, stomach turning over.
Oh no, you don’t.
Your knee snapped up on instinct to gain the momentum, followed by a swift low kick to Jim’s knee.
He yelped and let go of your arm, allowing you to send an elbow straight to George’s face; and finally, your airways were free as the assault as the towel trap loosened.
You coughed, fighting for oxygen and mindlessly threw the item away to have at least one arm free.
“Bitch!” one of the men yelled; you weren’t sure which one, but you didn’t waste time thinking too much. Survival instinct took over.
Tears prickled in the corners of your eyes and you barely silenced the scream when Henry took advantage of your hesitation, twisting your arm behind your back. Fuck he really had a thing for that, didn’t he?
You tried to kick him, but someone else’s leg somehow managed to swept their leg under yours and you fell on your knees. Sharp tug on your hair caused you to cry out and obediently tilt your head back. Few tears escaped you, but you pushed up in attempt to get up again.
A kick coming from behind threw your body forwards and you nearly fell on your face when Henry finally let go of you. You tasted blood as you bit your cheek, but you managed to at least land on your shoulder instead of face-planting.
It still hurt like a bitch, but at least you still had all your teeth… or you thought so, not having time to check. Catching a movement from the corner of your eye, you managed to roll over before a kick to your side could hit you with full force. Frank’s foot only brushed you, but you were sure you’d have a bruise as a souvenir anyway.
A punch landed next to your face when you dodged it in the last moment, someone grabbing your legs and holding them together. Between your efforts to free them, you didn’t have time to chase away the body suddenly holding your arms as well.
“Fuck--- she’s a handful.”
A ragged battle cry erupted from your throat as you tried to jerk your body from their grip on pure instinct, every self-defence move you had ever learned flying of the window.
“More fun to break her, don’t you think?” Henry purred, his hand sneaking around your waist under the hem of your t-shirt.
Your head spun like crazy at the skin-to-skin contact and nausea hitting you hard. You wanted to puke and scream and punch and you couldn’t make yourself to do either, tears rolling down your cheeks as your body convulsed in a desperate attempt to break free.
There was ringing in your ears, disorienting you, but aware of the hand suddenly covering your mouth you tried to bite it on instinct holding you down.
“Oh-ho, biting!“ you heard, strangely muffled as if you were under water.
“I like them feisty-“
“Playing hard to get!”
“Shit, SHIT-“
The pressure on your legs eased all of sudden and you immediately kicked with all you had, catching the rising figure in the calf, knocking them off balance.
You would swear the floor vibrated, but in must have only been your mind playing tricks on you. George disappeared from your field of blurry vision; you only saw a fist sending him flying sideways.
Yep, your mind was fucking making up things, because there was no way he could have been thrown away like this by a single punch. You weren’t complaining; the relief the illusion provided was almost blissful.
Henry’s body weight vanished as well in nearly supersonic speed as if he wanted to escape the illusion. So you did the first thing that came to your mind; with your hands free, you grabbed his ankle, stopping him from running away. Which, thinking about it, was stupid, because only a moment before, you would have given anything to get him the fuck away from you.
He kicked back blindly, but his sole never met with your body – he was dragged away and… and lifted to the air as if he weighted nothing.
Blinking your tears away, your fuzzy mind cleared.
Only to reveal a very muscled and very much pissed off blond slamming Henry against a wall and then letting his suddenly unconscious body slide down.
You gasped, your eyes catching a glimpse of the fourth figure – Frank – several feet away, running for his life.
“Buck?!” came a shout and before you could question it, a metal arm emerged from behind the corner, stopping Frank dead as he rushed straight into it.
“Yep?!” the dark-haired supersoldier yelled back, sounding almost amused.
What the hell was happening? What the hell just happened?!
You blood sizzled in your veins, loud and rapid thump-thump-thump banging in your ears, face damp with several shed tears, body aching and your mind fucking racing.
You heard a whimper on your left, automatically turning to the sound. It left Jim’s lips, his form crumbled on the floor, struggling to stand up.
The captain’s knee seemed to come out of nowhere, digging into Jim’s back and pinning him down again before you even registered a movement.
“Is it fucking over now?”
“Steve, let him be. Not worth it,” Barnes’ voice tried to reason, sounding rather growly, but not nearly as loud as before. He approached your group in rapid pace and Rogers scoffed and let go.
You gulped at sergeant’s angry grimace, crazily convinced he was angry with you for all the mistakes you made that lead to this; but his expression softened when his gaze fell on you.
“Hey there,” he greeted you almost casually, holding out a hand to help you up. “Can you stand?”
You blinked several times at the suddenly dispassionate tone, even if you still sensed something bubbling under it. You shook off the thought and accepted the offered hand – the flesh one. The detail didn’t escape you, your bran in overdrive. Of course he hadn’t offered you the metal arm. He didn’t want to scare you. He was thoughtful like that-
-or not. The strength he dragged you up with was way too much for you, more so when combined with the speed and your state. You stumbled over your feet, a wave of dizziness messing with your balance.
You awaited the upcoming reunion with the floor, unable to stop the fall, but it never happened. Before you could as much as reel, gentle hands supported you in a firm grip, pleasantly warm against your bare arms.
“Whoa, take it easy,” Rogers’ voice warned you, soothing. For some reason, it felt more like ‘I got you,’ instead of ‘take it easy.’
You took a deep breath, Barnes’ hand letting go of yours as he semi-voluntarily handed you over to his friend.  
“You’re bleeding from your mouth.”
Thanks for the reminder, I noticed.
You swallowed the snarky remark, well-aware of the sergeant’s care. You fought against the urge to spit the blood out.
“Is fine…” you muttered, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Bit my cheek. I’m pretty sure I—“ you quickly ran your tongue over your teeth just to confirm your theory, “-still have all of my teeth.”
Sergeant Barnes gave you a tiny smile, the worried crinkle that had found its way between his brows disappearing.
“Whatever you say.”
His gaze flickered to something behind your head, probably in order of exchanging a wordless conversation with your still present crutch. Not that you were complaining. The weight of what had happened was slowly settling on your shoulders and you were grateful for any support – and who were you kidding, Captain America made for a pretty reliable support.
“Why don’t we leave you in pu- Cap’s capable hands while I-“ Barnes’ jaw clenched, pale eyes scanning the four bodies on the floor, calculating. “-take out the trash?”
You nearly choked at the choice of his words, wincing. Captain Rogers’ hands squeezed your shoulders reassuringly and you nodded, not sure what else to do.
You didn’t want to look at Henry. Or Jim. Or their loyal companions.
So when the captain carefully spun you on your heels, you didn’t protest and your feet started moving on autopilot in the direction he had set.
“You okay to walk without support?” he asked softly, a stark contrast to the voice you remembered from earlier or from the training sessions.
You knew that if you said yes, he would let go of you. Honestly, his touch felt damn nice, firm and yet somewhat gentle, a pleasant contrast to harsh fingers of the men who had the nerve to attack you – you had to swallow bile rising to your mouth at the awfully fresh memory. Fuck, it had been so close, just a minute later and--- you shook your head mentally and tried your best to erase this memory from existence.
You decided not to abuse the kindness the captain was offering. After several indulging steps, you quietly confirmed he could release you. You found out that sensing his large frame by your side as if he was your bodyguard was nearly as comforting. Nearly.
You didn’t have the strength admonish yourself for basking the light of his protective persona. Future agent of not, you still had the right to want to feel secure at times.
After all, you were only human.
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A Handful of Truths
You didn’t realize you were shaking until a blanket was tossed over your shoulders.
You were sitting on a short couch in what looked like a cosy office, hair still damp, body finally registering the ache caused by previous events, just like your brain was slowly taking in what had happened.
Captain Rogers, whose courtesy was to escort you from the hellhole you had been attacked in, had clearly took it as a personal mission to take care of your injuries; it hadn’t dawned to you until you were seated and your mind helpfully supplied you with ‘This isn’t the infirmary’.
He pulled a swivel chair to sit face to face with you, a box of medical supplies left open on the coffee table at your side. You didn’t realize he had moved the chair or dug the box from god-knew-where until the items were simply there.
“How do you feel?” he inquired, attentive eyes scanning your hunched form. You instinctively curled onto yourself, snuggling further into the blanket. You knew you should come up with an answer, but your brain started to hurt with the effort to do so. “I guess that’s fair. Can you tell me what hurts the most?”
You quickly glanced at his openly kind face, his baby blues still watching for any reaction that would clue him. Your throat went dry at the compassion of display and you had to swallow before speaking – and think. What hurt the most…?
You didn’t know what possessed you to tell him what you did, but it came out before you could stop yourself.
“My pride,” you croaked, causing his eyebrows jump just like the corner of his lips.
“That’s probably fair too. Then again, I’d rather know about something I can fix.”
You felt your body relax a little at his informal tone – you might even say a jovial one, but you could still sense too much worry behind it to call it that. You attempted a tiny smile at least to show him that you were more or less fine – you weren’t – and brilliantly failed.
“Landed on my shoulder. Probably gonna have a bruise on my side from when… when they kicked me. Ribs and arms might be a bit tender for few days, ‘cause they were heavy as they--- they’re heavy,” you voice wavered as you saw the muscles on the captain’s forearms clench and his hands curled up in fists. You sheepishly looked up to his face. “I got lucky.”
His eyebrows rose again in a ‘figures’ manner as he leaned back to the chair.
“Nothing else apart from that, your cheek and your pride?”
“I’m a little cold, but you took care of that,” you admitted, taking a deep breath in as you tugged on the blanket pointedly.
Despite what you were saying, you didn’t feel okay, the tremble never quite leaving your body. It wasn’t hard to figure out why. You stared at your knight in shining armour, gathering courage to do what was needed. You tried your best to meet his gaze, feeling so small and embarrassingly weak in front of him.
“Could have been much worse if you haven’t showed up. Thank you.”
He pressed his lips together, shaking his head. He leaned in, his elbows on his knees.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t faster... I should have kept closer eye on Ulrich,” he muttered under his breath, making you wonder if you only imagined it. “Your pride shouldn’t be hurt. You held yourself against them just fine.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the honestly his voice held – and you were honestly grateful for the slight shift of attention. Oh. Had he forgotten how things had been when he had arrived?
You weren’t sure whether you should remind him. You definitely didn’t want to remind yourself, but before you could solve your little dilemma, he clarified.
“You haven’t started training the combat against multiple opponents yet. Let alone four opponents, all of them having both height and weight advantage. You couldn’t exactly go all Black Widow on them if no one showed you how.”
He accented his words with a reassuring smile and you almost believed him. The shivers finally eased, most likely thanks to the warm treatment you were being given in all senses of the word. The inner cold gradually melted and you were left in nothing but pleasant warmth.
Mentally, you patted your pride gently on its head; you couldn’t quite disagree with him. No matter how helpless you had felt earlier and how ashamed for it you were, the truth was you were still learning. You weren’t a finished agent yet.
You breathed in and out, avoiding the gaze that was still on you. It felt like a freaking brand with how intense it was. You couldn’t say you hated it necessarily, you only wished you at least didn’t look so pathetic. No make-up, probably red with a smudge on blood somewhere, perhaps with some bruising already forming, hair wet and messy. You absently ran your fingers through it in attempt to fix it a bit as if it could help.
What had you been talking about? Right… those assholes being cowards and coming at your four against one.
“I… I just fucking hate bullies,” you grumbled darkly, your hand immediately covering your mouth when you realized what you had said. Oh. Language. Still your superior you’re talking to, no matter how nice. “Sorry. Please, pretend you didn’t hear the f-word. I just hate bullies, period.”
“I might have sworn earlier too, so let’s call it even,” the captain offered, one corner of his lips raised. Oh. He had, hadn’t he? ‘Is it fucking over now?’ What did that even mean? “And so I heard.”
“What?” you yelped, your mind racing again in search for the meaning behind his words.
“I mean… I heard you. When you were defending Bucky, in the gym. I’m pretty sure your exact words were about a ‘pissing contest’.”
“Oh god,” you breathed out, your face no doubt set aflame. He had heard you; that was why he had said he should have kept a closer eye on Henry. Oh. Ohhhh.
Also, did he just say ‘pissing’?
“You weren’t wrong by the way. But… neither were them.”
You blinked in surprise. What? “About?”
You knew he didn’t mean the sleeping around with recruits, your gut was screaming that at you, because they wouldn’t, but still, you rather asked for clarification. If he didn’t mean that part, which one then?
“Ladies do fall over for Bucky,” he hummed with a lopsided smile, a playful twinkle in his eyes. It did something to your belly, a strange familiar shift that was very inappropriate, but hell, people needed to cut you some slack. He was impossible not to ogle and you didn’t have the energy to control your reaction after today’s events. “And I don’t really pull my punches when I’m training those two in particular.”
“Why?” you blurted out before you could stop yourself and think better of it.
His gaze bored into yours, burning with intensity and with a glint of something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“I don’t like bullies either.”
Did he lean in even more or were you so focused on his face it only seemed closer?
You weren’t able to look away. His blue eyes simply locked you in, not allowing you to escape. The strangest thing was that it wasn’t scary. It should be, he was— he was a freaking captain, your superior, a superior to a lot of people, which you were constantly forgetting ever since he had saved you from falling on your ass in the hallway and you had to remember that.
Before you could though, your racing mind packed up and let your body, your mouth to be precise, act without supervision.
“Not trying to impress the ladies then, huh?”
His tiny sheepish smile cut off the uprising panic in your chest when you realized how bold of you was to say that. He lowered his gaze, giving a subtle shrug. “Guess I wouldn’t want one falling for guy’s muscles and a show-off of dominance.”
“What for then? Honesty? Sincerity? Kind eyes? Strong moral compass?” you heard yourself prying, internally horrified how far you had come when saying that. Your face was drained of colour when it clicked. You were literally naming things you liked about him, absolutely shamelessly putting them in the open. Oh shit. Fix it, fix it, fix it! “…the sass?”
His eyes went wide and he burst out laughing so loud it startled you for a second, especially as he threw his head back with the outburst. Then you reluctantly joined him, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.
“The sass!” he howled, unable to hold back another fit of laughter and when you peeked at him through between your fingers, you saw his palm resting against his chest as if it could help him stop laughing.
Just like that, blood rushed back into your cheeks.
“Oh god, I made it worse!” you cried out, wishing for the earth to swallow you, frantically looking around for the fastest escape route. “Oh my god, I have to switch schools now… excuse me-“
You hastily got up from your seat, but a quick hand snatched yours, pulling you back.
You stumbled, landing ungracefully right back in your place, this time without the blanket. Captain Rogers was watching you with the corners of his lips high, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Sorry for grabbing you like that. But no, please. Stay.”
Your throat closed off when you heard his soft plea, only traces of humour in it. Yeah, you bet he hadn’t met anyone with such big mouth for a while, so he thought it was better to keep the comic around.
“Captain Rogers, I-I- what I said, it was completely out of line-“ you stuttered, only to be interrupted.
“Were you making it up?” he questioned.
You gulped, your mind screaming at you to say yes to save you the humiliation. And yet, with the cerulean irises staring into your eyes, your mouth did the exact opposite.
“Then why would you go?” he questioned softly. His hand still didn’t leave yours, only easing the grip into a kinder one. You felt like a brand was being burned into your skin. A pleasant one, so you didn’t retreat. Oh, you’d never. But what on Earth was he getting at? “We need someone honest like you. People who stand up for others, even if only to defend their honour. That is the kind of people who should be in this line of work. The good ones.”
You opened your mouth, no sound coming out as his speech shook you to your core, tickling your stomach pleasantly along with your pride. His words seemed to be coming from heart, genuine, which was not helping your blood pressure and suddenly wobbling limbs.
“Even when they have potty mouth and put their foot in it? ‘Cause I seem to excel in that.”
“Especially then,” he chuckled and you could tell there was no pinch of a lie in it.
Something was in the air, crackling deliciously, and you liked it. You wouldn’t be able to describe it properly, the feeling simply too unique, but it was tickling your fancy so weren’t about to complain.
“O-okay. Thank you, Captain,” you whispered, revelling in the sight of the gentle curve of his lips.
“You started with the compliments, Agent.”
And just like that, you wanted to run for your life again, drowning in embarrassment.
What were you even still doing here? Complimenting him? Enjoying his touch? Flirting with him?
Were you nuts?!
Him, a captain— no, the captain. And you, an agent--- hell, you were not even an agent yet!
The captain whose eyes flickered to not-an-agent’s lips for the shortest of moments, widening a fraction before returning to her eyes.
Oh, now you were definitely going nuts. You were hallucinating. You must have hit your head too. He wasn’t into you and you being into him was very stupid.
You should go.
…any moment now.
…just get off your ass for god’s sake-
“Can I ask you something?”
You blinked yourself back to reality, shushing the voice in your head, curious smile appearing on your lips involuntarily. The softness of his voice felt better than the blanket before and you wanted to cocoon yourself in it, postponing the leaving plans to never.
“Sure,” you replied, the smile remaining on your face despite your better judgement.
He lowered his eyes to your joined hands, his thumb running over the back of your hand in a feather-light touch. You heart positively stopped at the moment, your breath hitching. Holy shit, what was he doing?
“This, does it… do you hate it?” he whispered the question, not meeting your eyes as if he was too shy, which was… ridiculous. He had no reason to be shy.
It still felt like a shot through your heart – a nice one, though, it that was possible. The words combined with the way they were spoken, it stirred something in your belly, warming it up and you couldn’t deny it anymore.
You really wanted this man; whatever this was, it was getting beyond a silly crush. Also, for some reason, it seemed as if he was trying to tell you he was interested too, which you thought was pretty freaking crazy.
“Stay honest, please,” he pleaded when you didn’t answer right away.
Did you hate it? The chastest display of affection if you dared to call it that? Your mind raced, trying to figure out why on earth he would ask that. Because the only reason you had come up with so far was completely impossible.
“No,” you said simply, earning a brief glance up before he looked down again. His Adam’s apple bobbed.
“Good. That’s good… and would you… I’m aware this is out of line and I—I want you to answer truthfully without fearing the consequences-…“
It was your turn to swallow loudly, because what? What did he want to ask that he considered it out of line? He was your superior – you could think of thousand ways of how you could get out of line, but him? And why should you fear the consequences?! Did he want you to help him to hide a body?
That’s not it and you know it. You know what he wants to ask, you rational side admonished you.
Oh please, shut up. Since when you switched sides?
“O-okay. What— what is it-- Steve?” you stuttered out, freezing when his name left your lips and his head snapped up, his hand giving yours a squeeze. Oh boy.
“Would you possibly say you like it?” he blurted out and your brain went to overdrive at the hope behind his expression.
Huh. He really just asked that. Oh shit. Oh wow. Your jaw fell into your lap – only figuratively, you hoped –, your ears buzzing, your blood bursting in excitement.
Oh yeah, you understood why he mentioned the consequences. Either you could say no and you’d fear he might treat you differently or you could say yes and you’d ‘fear’ he might treat you differently.
The fire in your insides burned hotter at the idea of the latter.
His hand slowly left yours, giving you a simple choice you still couldn’t believe you were given.
Holy shit. What do you even say to something like that? Coming from someone like him? Your brain froze as you only managed to stare.
Did his— did the corners of his lips turn down? Was that sadness pooling in the sea of blue of his eyes?
Oh no, you don’t.
“Y-yes,” you admitted sheepishly, closing your eyes at the heaviness of your confession.
You could feel the weight on your shoulders as silence fell, only interrupted by your soft breathing that sounded ominously loud.
Your fingers twitched when his warm palm covered them again, your lips parting in surprise. You kept your eyes closed, indulging the strange moment. His free hand caressed your other as well, the gentlest of touches, tender, contrasting with rough callouses on his fingers.
“I like it too.”
At that, you gathered enough courage to look at him, only to see him inspecting your face closely, observing your reactions. It shocked you that it wasn’t uncomfortable as you would expect; must have been the kindness and wonder in his gaze. You forced your lips to curl up in a tiniest smile. Steve smiled back with same hesitance, his face lighting up.
He looked like a boy next door (making it to a modelling agency), shining eyes and happy grin forming on his lips. He was more gorgeous than ever.
Still keeping your hands, he raised his right one, his knuckles brushing your unharmed cheek. The gesture was so tender it brought tears into your eyes, causing him quickly retreat.
You shook your head with a self-deprecating chuckle, squeezing his fingers before he could let go of you completely.
“It’s not you—I mean… it is you,” you babbled nonsensically, taking a breath to gather your thoughts. “It’s just— that was really sweet. No, that’s not-“ Not the right word. “It was beautiful. I swear I never felt so…” loved “-cared for in my life.”
He frowned, a shadow of pain running over his face. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I know that today was… unpleasant.”
Seeing his reluctance and discomfort, you went for the first thing that came up to your mind. You straightened up and pressed a light kiss on his cheek, withdrawing much slowly because once you were in his orbit, it was hard to leave.
His breath hitched, his eyes glued to you intently, flickering to your lips again.
“You didn’t upset me, Steve. That’s the last thing you could do with that,” you assured him, face still inches from his. His name rolled off your tongue easily this time, even though it still left your heart fluttering.
“And if I asked you to have dinner with me?”
Your stomach twisted in a pleasant knot at that suggestion, your lizard brain already thinking about having a dessert for a second; and you weren’t thinking cake or ice-cream.
Yeah, barely. This was a guy ready to treat you right, you were sure of it. He certainly wasn’t about to kiss you now, not afar what happened today, he might go for it after the dinner and that was only if you got lucky enough. You swallowed the disappointment at the idea, quickly shaking it off.
Make up your goddamn mind, woman. You should be glad that men who weren’t thinking with their lower brain still existed and one of those was clearly interested in you, which… yeah, what the hell, that might take a while getting used to. Add the fact that he was being incredibly considerate of how you might feel after being assaulted and you had a winner of your heart. You realized you were actually happy he wouldn’t try anything even nearly ‘funny’.
You were fine with hand-holding and brushes of his fingers on your face, which honestly, the tenderness behind that gesture made you toes curl. You didn’t care much if that made you a freaking sap.
“Still not upset,” you gave an answer at last, deciding he probably liked when you were a bit cheeky.
He offered a closed lipped smile in response, confirming your theory.
“Does that count like a yes?”
You shrugged, the corners of your lips twitching. You had no idea when the change had happened, but all you wanted now was to giggle. And maybe snuggle, but you weren’t about to say that out loud.
“You tell me.”
He licked his lips and shook his head as he retreated. Before you could protest – or have a heart attack, because the motion of his tongue attracted your gaze like a magnet, setting your core on fire –, he sat beside you, leaving enough space in case you didn’t like it.
You liked it, subtly moving an inch closer to his side. Damn, he radiated warmth. Maybe just a bit closer…?
“Cheeky dame, aren’t you?” Steve more stated than asked, reaching for the blanket pooled around you to cover you again.
You didn’t realize you had goosebumps before his hands gently tugged you in, careful not to touch you where you could consider it inappropriate.
Yeah, forget about any funny business any time soon.
You huffed. “Clearly. It did get me into trouble before.”
His eyes darkened a bit, his face noticeably falling.
No, nope, bad move, miss not-an-agent.
“I should walk you back to your dorm,” he remarked, already rising to his feet.
You first reaction was to say no, because you weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. Your second was to say no also, because Shauna probably still had her hot date.
Instead, your hand shot up to catch his, effectively stopping him. He froze before returning to his seat, tiny question mark in a place of his face right next to his soft smile.
You cleared your throat, deciding to give him the latter reason.
“Uhm… my roommate has a date. If I go there, I’ll probably find a sock on the doorknob,” you admitted, biting your lip when he raised an eyebrow and relaxed to the cushions.
“People still do that?”
You chuckled, the fact that not only he was a captain, but also Captain America, which meant he was about hundred years old, hitting you like a train.
“Yeah, people still do that,” you assured him, amused.
He pouted, which you found unfairly adorable and… kissable. Nope, later.
“Sure, make fun of the old man…” he uttered, but a spark of laughter lighted up in his irises, so you assessed he wasn’t too offended. He was most likely used to the teasing.
As an idea of interpreting his words differently popped in your mind, you grinned.
“Is that a permission to make fun of Sergeant Barnes?” you pried playfully, sending Steve into another surprised fit of laughter, not unlike when you had complimented his sass. Your heart swelled at the joyful picture of him and the prospect of seeing more of it in future.
Due to his laughter, you didn’t hear he knock on the door if there was any n the first place. The door simply swung open, revealing the other supersoldier. Speak of the Devil…
Seeing his friend, Steve burst out laughing once more. Sergeant Barnes closed the door with a puzzled look.
You just shrugged in response, opening your mouth without a sound coming out and he took in the scene in front of him again, a smirk appearing on his lips. Under that gaze, you felt your face heat up. You could only imagine how that looked like, Steve cosily close to you, laughing, your hand right next to his thigh as his outburst had sent it sliding from his hand.
The smirk on the supersoldier’s face only deepened when he noticed how flustered he had made you.
“Punk?” he questioned and Steve wheezed once more, raising a palm in the sergeant’s direction, turning to you first.
He offered you a hand to shake. Confused, you accepted as his eyes twinkling in mischief bored into yours.
“Deal,” he mouthed, sending your lips twitching, and only then he shifted his attention to his friend. “Buck?”
The supersoldier had his eyes narrowed, watching you suspiciously.
“I’m gonna regret sending you with her instead of doing it the other way around, aren’t I?” he stated, not actually asking as his gaze flickered between the two of you.
His expression pushed you over the edge and the giggle building up in your chest for the last few minutes finally broke free. You simply couldn’t contain it anymore despite having two superiors in the room. Steve gave you a warm smile as the sound left your lips, clearly not bothered by it.
You hoped you’d be forgiven by Sergeant Barnes as well. After all, you were just human.
“Yeah, Buck, I think you are.”
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S.R. masterlist
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Sorry for the cavities at the end. Or should I say ‘you’re welcome’? Whatever works for you :))
Thank you for reading! 
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Deep Six- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Request: May I request an insert in the episode Deep Six where the titans meet Aqualad?
Summary: Robin makes you accompany this guy name Aqualad and Beast Boy. Will you be able to handle them or will their bickering tear you apart. Also you're a katara kinnie (i know ATLA didn't exist then but still) This episode is Season 1 Episode 8!
Pairings: Platonic!Aqualad x reader, Robin x reader if you squint
Word Count: 4314
A/N: this time i decided not to split up the episode and post it as one! I made them meet for the first time here, so the Aqua kids don't bond much yet, but if you want to see more, feel free to request! (click here for guidelines) Also yes I also ended this one with "anyone up for pizza" thats all i know how to do to end a fan ficbskghs
“Ahhhh, don’t you just love the ocean?” you admired the shallow sea, the blue water flowing by you. The others prepared for launch, reading off the status of the T-Sub.
“Main power online.”
“Oxygen tanks at maximum”
“Defensive system active”
Beast boy hums confidently. “And your new secret weapon is ready to rock.”
Cyborg rolls his eyes through the headset. “Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito.” You stifled a giggle as Beast Boy yells in protest.
“Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater? Uh-uh. Can you be any fish in the sea?”
You shrugged your shoulders and smirked. “Cyborg can’t but I can. And I can breathe underwater without being a fish so I guess I’m just as much of a secret weapon as you, BB.”
You found out that you could breathe underwater a few days after you and the others formed the Teen Titans. You were surfing for the first time since that day when you fell off your board. You had accidentally inhaled underwater, and to your relief, you found that you were able to breathe in the ocean water with no problem. You offered to swim outside the sub on your own, but the team didn’t want you to get hurt, so you were stuck in the small confines of your own pod of the T-sub.
Robin ignores you three’s bickering. “We have to find out what this Trident guy is planning,” he says. “If it takes forty barrels of toxic waste, I doubt it's environmentally friendly.”
The engines warm up, the vessel humming to life. “Titan Launch!” Robin exclaims and the T-sub shoots through a tunnel and into the Jump CIty Bay. You watch in awe at the ocean life around you. Now that you had a connection to the ocean, your perspective on ocean life had changed. You clutch your seashell necklace as you continue to take in the view of the ocean, ignoring Beast Boy showing off his teeth and Cyborg turning off his mic as a result. Robin’s voice snaps you back into reality.
“Sonar contact. Beast Boy! Aquagirl! Ready to go?”
You gave a quick smile. “On it.” You unbuckle your harness and the dome unlatched, allowing you to swim out. Beast Boy gave a mischievous smirk.
“Dude, I was born ready. Try not to be jealous.” He aimed the second comment at Raven, who looked at him indifferently. Beast Boy quickly swam out of his pod and transformed into a whale.
“He just put on three hundred thousand pounds. I am so jealous.” she notes sarcastically.
You and Beast Boy made silent eye contact before swimming towards the cargo ship, examining its destroyed remains. He turns into a shark to keep investigating, and you follow his lead. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched, as you swam around the ship. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see a green figure; not a bright green like Beast Boy’s but a sicker, murkier green. You point at the green man as he swam away, and you and Beast Boy immediately bolt after it, the T-sub following behind.
Your black scuba shoes propelled you forward, and you aimed blasts of water towards the figure, but it kept dodging your shots. The monster, whom you now assumed was Trident, fired his weapon at you and Beast Boy, and when you dodged, it hit the T-sub. You forced yourself to continue to chase after Trident, hoping that the vessel was also capable of dodging his shots.
You and Beast Boy were nearing close to catching Trident when a voice rang in your head. It wasn’t yours, nor Beast Boy’s; it was clear, belonging to someone no older than you were.
“Your friends are in danger.” you heard. You and Beast Boy both stopped in your tracks, looking at each other in shock. You realized that the T-sub was no longer following you.
“Our friends are in what? Whoa! How did you say that? Dude! How did I say that? Hey!” Beast Boy also says in your mind. You turn to see the T-sub being attacked, and shot off without waiting for Beast Boy.
“Dude, questions are for later! Let’s go!” You order, not even entirely sure how you were able to talk either. You approach the vessel, which was being destroyed by Trident, who you swore you were just chasing.
Suddenly, a figure knocked Trident down. Trident and the mystery person fought each other, moving so quickly that all you could see of the person was a blur of black and blue
You turn your attention to the T-sub, which was slowly sinking into a fissure on the seafloor. Water was filling up fast and a look of panic settled on your teammates faces (except Raven, who seemed to have accepted death). Your eyes glowed blue as you outstretched your arms towards the damaged vessel. Focusing on the water around the titans, you forced the leaks to cease and the descent into the fissure to stop. Your muscles burned as you kept your stance; holding the vessel in place underwater was similar to holding it up on your arms above ground. Beast Boy raced to help as you struggled to keep grip when suddenly, two whales came and carried the sub on their backs.
You let go of the ship and breathe a sigh of relief. Beast Boy sees you almost passing out and comes to your side, now in the form of a squid. Instead of comforting you, he complains about the whales' help.
"They got it? How come they got it?"
A familiar voice rang in your head again. "Because I asked for their help." The voice belonged to the guy who was fighting Trident before. He comes to your other side and supports your other arm, putting it around his neck.
"You talk to fish? Yeah right. And let go of her!"
"You guys need help, and I'm talking to you right?" He glared at Beast Boy, keeping his grip on you.
Beast Boy was about to reply when you held your hand up in front of his squid face. "Beast Boy, I'm a solid five seconds from collapsing. I'm fine with the help."
The guy in blue gave a small smile. "And it's called telepathy. Let's go."
The three of you swam into a cavern. As you entered, the T-sub was floating on the water's surface and although it was extremely damaged, it managed to keep your teammates safe. You nodded to Beast Boy and the other teen and they let you go as you approach the other titans.
Raven asked, "where are we?"
"My place," the mysterious teen answered. "I told the whales to bring you here."
Raven and Starfire both blushed and gave bashful thank yous. You stared at them. Are they… in love with the new guy???, you thought, confused.
Beats Boy seemed angrier than ever. "He saved you?" He yelled, turning back into his human form. "Hel-lo? I was there too, you know."
Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Were you? Because if anything I remember Aquagirl keeping us from drowning. What, you stopped Trident from kebabbing us with that souped up shrimp fork?"
"Way to go!" Robin said sarcastically. Beast Boy stuttered a response, but the blue teen interrupted.
"Aquagirl, huh? Well, I'm Aqualad. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, we Atlanteans like to keep a low profile."
You shake his hand, now taking in what Aqualad looked like. He was half a foot taller than you, with slicked back hair and black pupils. He wore a bodysuit with blue scales and black accents. He had nice features, but you couldn't figure out why the other girls were drooling over him, so you kept that thought to yourself.
"You're from Atlantis? That's so cool!" You say.
He nodded. "So is Trident." He opens up a hologram from a table in the cavern. "He's the worst criminal in Atlantis, with an ego to match."
He continues a sideshow filled with pictures of the sickly green monster. "Trident claims he's perfect in every way so he thinks he can do whatever he wants."
"Any ideas what he wants to do with all that toxic waste?" Robin asked.
"Whatever it is, it'll be bad for both our worlds. He's already gained some kind of new power. It's like he can be everywhere at once." Aqualad says.
"Noticed that," Raven says sarcastically.
"As long as we're after the same guy, maybe we can help each other." He looks at the six of you.
Your eyes sparkle. "Of co-" you begin, but Beast Boy pushed you out of the way.
"Whoa, hey, no, we're good. Got the whole Trident thing under control. 'Sides, I'm sure there's a school of minnows somewhere that need your--" He rejects Aqualad's offer, much to you and the other's dismay. Robin pulls him back, and the six of you group huddled.
"We're at the bottom of the ocean," Raven notes.
"Our sub is Swiss cheese." Cyborg adds.
"I almost died back there," You say.
"And we cannot breathe water," Starfire mentions.
Robin is the first to break away from the huddle. "We'll take any help you can give us." He says to Aqualad.
Aqualad nods and has some amphibian guy named Tramm fix the T-sub. He turns back to us. "While he's helping you, I'll track down Trident. " He turns to go into the ocean again, but Beast Boy intersects.
"You mean I'll track down Trident," He says, pushing him a little
Aqualad pushes him back a little harder. "That's ok, I can handle it."
"Thanks, but I think I should do this."
"Seriously, I can take care of it!"
The five of you watched as their quarrel turned into an all out brawl, and suddenly you couldn't take it anymore.
"GUYS," You yell, causing a wall of water to shoot up next to them to grab their attention. They both stared at you wide eyed. "Stop. The. Fighting." You say with a stern expression.
"Why don't you two both go track him down together?" Robin offers, but the two teens cross their arms and scoff.
"I usually work alone." Aqualad says.
"Yeah. Me too."
"You do not! You're part of a team!"
"And you hang out with Tramm the fish boy! What's your point?"
"Hey! Arguing isn't going anywhere. Listen, Aquagirl can go with you. That'll make sure you stay on task." Robin commands, and you perk up at the sound of your name. You quickly pulled him aside.
"What the hell man?? They obviously don't like each other, you should have seen how much they fought on the way here!." You argue, and Robin looks at you through his masked eyes.
"You're the only other person who can survive underwater, they're gonna need you. Besides, you're great at handling conflicts; you'll be fine." He says with a smile. You blush a little at his comment, and sighed.
"Alright Rob, you can count on me” You return to the rest of the group and the three of you jump into the ocean.
As you headed towards the bottom of the ocean, you decided to ask Aqualad a question that's been bothering you.
“Hey Aqualad,” you say telepathically. “Before you said that you were able to communicate with sea animals. How come you’re able to communicate with me?”
“I don’t know actually,” Aqualad admits, still swimming next to you. He points to your necklace. “I’m guessing it's because of your necklace.” He stops to examine it. Beast Boy groans and stops as well. It glowed a little in his hand as he read the ancient text off of it.
“The Shell of Poseidon,” He read out loud. “I recognize this from the library in Atlantis. Only Atlanteans can use its powers, so you must be Atlantean then, right?”
“Woah! I’m not Atlantean, I’ve never even been there,” you sputter, absolutely shocked at what the teen said.
“Well, you must have some blood in you,” he shrugged. “Hey, maybe we’re cousins or something.”
You grin. “Aquacousin? I like the sound of that!”
Beast Boy interrupts your moment. “Ok, haha, family is fun and all, but while you were floating around finding out parts of your identity or whatever, I’ve actually found something on my sonar so, try to keep up.” He swims off, leaving you two to follow him. You expected to see the sea monster, but instead came upon a group of dolphins.
“No offense B.B. but these don't look like Trident to me.” you smirk.
Aqualad swims up to the dolphins, focusing on his telepathy. The dolphins swim up together and Aqualad turns to you and Beast Boy.
“They told me where to find Trident. Try to keep up.” He mocks Beast Boy, then swims with the dolphins. You look at Beast Boy, who seemed pretty grumpy, and turn to follow Aqualad.
You tailed behind as the two boys raced each other, Beast Boy turning into various aquatic creatures to catch up with the equally competitive teen. Then you see it. In front of them, Trident swam into view. You and Aqualad stop on instinct, but Beast Boy keeps going.
"Beast Boy! Stop!" You both yell, as he barrels straight towards Trident.
"What's the matter?" He taunts. "Am I too fast for y-"
You winced as you watched him crash into the sea monster and fall to the floor.
"Heh… how's it going," Beast Boy says telepathy to the monster towering over him. Trident growled.
"Keep your thoughts to yourself, you inferior fool!" He pointed his well, trident at beast boy and fires; Beast Boy barely dodges it.
Aqualad tackles Trident and they fall off an underwater ridge.
"Oh no you! This time he's mine!" Beast Boy yells, following Aqualad to the ridge.
"Beast Boy wai-" you yell, but was cut off by something grazing the side of your head. You turn, and see Trident swing his weapon at you. You dodged his next swing, wondering how he was able to get to you right after being attacked by Aqualad. You send him flying across the ocean with your water powers, when you hear Beast Boy yelling. You turn to see Beast Boy in squid form latched onto Aqualad's face. You could see Trident swim away from the corner of your eye as you swam to pull Beast Boy off of Aqualad. Aqualad glares at Beast Boy, his face peppered with red dots from Beast Boy's accidental attack.
“I said, ‘incoming’” he defends himself. Aqualad ignores him and points to another figure swimming into a grotto.
“He’s getting away!” Aqualad swims away, Beast Boy following.
“Wait-” you say, confused. Didn't you just send Trident flying in the other direction? How did he move so quickly? You reluctantly followed your friends into the cavern. You joined them as they observed the two tunnels that split off into two different directions.
“What are we gonna do now?” you think out loud.
“Maybe the question is where were you guys?” Aqualad snaps, turning to the two of you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion while Beast Boy swims forward to be face to face with Aqualad.
“Where was I? Fighting Trident by myself!” He jabbed a squid tentacle into Aqualads shoulder.
“You barely laid a tentacle on him! At least I managed to break his weapon!”
“Dude, that's just wrong. I so broke that fork thing!”
“BOYS!” you yell. “I also fought Trident and I sent him in the opposite direction, and now he's here. There's something going on…” The two began to think, but then perked their heads up. They then point at opposite tunnels.
“There he goes!” they yell at the same time. You stare at the two of them in even deeper confusion. Beast boy swims up to you, making eye contact.
“I saw him! He's that way! I'm right, he's wrong! End of story!” He crosses his tentacles. Aqualad pushes Beast Boy aside so that you were now staring at his dark pupils.
"I'm telling you, he's this way!"
"GUYS, we can just split up," You say flatly, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Aqualad I'm sure you can handle yourself, so I'll go with Beast Boy."
"Aw sweet!- Heyyy…" Beast Boy says to your backhanded comment. Aqualad nods and swims off into the tunnel.
You and Beast Boy were alone in the tunnel when you sighed.
"B.B., why do you keep picking fights with Aqualad?" You asked, still looking ahead. Beast Boy turns to you, acting shocked.
"ME??? It's not my fault Mr. Pretty-Boy-Know-It-All keeps showing off!" He whines.
"Dude, he's just trying to help us. Maybe you should-" you were cut off by a loud booming voice.
"Worthless scum! You cannot beat perfection!" Trident bellowed from behind you. You and Beast Boy turned, already in a fighting position.
"How many of you fork things do you have?" He mumbled as you charged forward.
You dodged his energy bolts, Trident in return dodging your attempts to push him farther back. Beast Boy turns into a turtle, pulling his arms and legs inside. Trident threw his weapon and it bounced off of him, flying into you and sending the two of you hurtling through the water.
"I always win!" You hear him say as you regain your stance. Beast Boy turns into a giant crab, grabbing onto Trident's weapon.
"And I thought Aqualad had a big ego!" He yelled telepathically.
"BEAST BOY GET BACK!" You yell. He swiftly let go, and you shot a jet of water towards Trident, sending him flying into a cavern wall. The cavern shakes, and a mass of boulders come crashing down. All you could see was a crushed trident sticking out from under the rocks. You breathed a sigh of relief until you felt a searing pain in your leg. You look and see a burn mark; Trident probably hit you before you buried him in a pile of rocks. Beast Boy looks at you, a worried expression in his eyes (despite being in the form of an ocean animal).
“I’ll be fine,” you grimace. “Let's find a way out first.” You painstakingly swim until you find a cave similar to Aqualads. You drag yourself towards the land as Beast Boy turns back into his human form. Right after you pull yourself up, you see Aqualad jump out of the water. He sees the two of you, and runs to meet up with you. He and Beast Boy begin to talk at the same time.
“ I just saw Trident!... No, you didn't!... Yes, I did! Cut it out!”
“I don’t care what you say! I fought Trident!” Beast Boy yelled, a vein nearly jumping out of his forehead.
"That's impossible!" Aqualad counters, his fists clenched so tight you thought you saw blood.
They both seemed to be prepared to fight each other. You jumped in between them, holding both their heads back as they flail their arms, trying to get a hit at each other.
"You know," You begin, silencing the two boys. "When Robin asked me to join you guys, I didn't want to. You two are heroes that just met each other and you were already fighting! But he told me that I could handle it and he's right! I can handle the both of you; but it seems to me that you guys can't handle each other. So here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna heal myself because oh right! I got BURNT and you two are gonna talk it out." You let go of the boys, and they watched as you limped over to the edge of the water, plopped yourself down, and started pulling the ocean water to your leg. You listened in a little as you concentrated the water on your leg. It only took a few seconds to heal your burn, it was only surface level and you had gotten better at using your healing powers. They were still talking as you noticed what was in front of you: hundreds of Trident clones and yellow Trident capsules-eggs attached to the ceiling.
"Uh guys…" you say, rejoining them, but they had seen it too.
"One Trident is bad…" Aqualad says.
"... but this is…" Beast Boy adds.
"... an entire …" You say.
"...ARMY!" One of the tridents finishes your thought.
They all charge, and the three of you brace or impact. You raise your arms and a wave of water takes out a small group of the monster clones. You dodge their attacks, shooting jets of water at their heads. You see Beast Boy get flung into a machine, and an egg hatching sequence begins on the screen. You regroup with the other boys in front of the machine.
"Oops," Beast Boy said sheepishly.
"Great," Aqualad groaned as the clones began to close in.
"We need a plan," You mumble.
A group of the clones began to speak.
"My brilliant plan is already a success"
"If one of me was perfect…"
"Why not make more?"
"You can never have too much of a good thing"
"Once my army conquers Atlantis…"
"I will declare war on the surface world! Everyone on the planet will bow down before me"
"And praise my perfection!"
Aqualad whispers to the both of you as the clones cheer. "Any bright ideas?"
Beast Boy whispered back. "Just one. Try to keep up." He turned to the clones. "So if you're all perfect, which one of you is the best?" He asked.
One of the tridents answered. "I am!... Huh?"
As soon as you understood what Beast Boy was doing, you grinned. Aqualad stepped up.
"Come on. You can't all be the best." He says.
"One of you must be better than the others," You add.
One of the tridents step forward. "I am the original!I am the best!"
"You are not the original"
"I am!" Multiple tridents yell at once.
"Nonsense you inferior fools! I am perfect! I am Trident! "
You watch in amusement as the clones turn on each other and the fight turns into a full on brawl. The fight eventually ends, and all the tridents laid on the ground, defeated. Aqualad turns to Beast Boy.
"Great idea," He says. You noticed that there were no hints of sarcasm in his voice. Whatever they said to each other earlier must have made them work better together, you figured.
"Kinda got it from you," Beast Boy says."Now we just have to stop those from hatching." He points to the yellow pod filled ceiling. Right as he said that, the screen on the machine behind you hit 0 on the timer and the word "begin" flashed on the screen.
"Too late!" The three of you yelled at the same time. New Trident clones were breaking through their membrane "eggs". Beast Boy instinctively turns into a hippopotamus and tramples the crowd, creating a path to the ocean. You and Aqualad sprint behind Beast Boy, dodging the clones' outstretched arms. You all dive into the water, the Tridents close behind.
"We can't let them escape! We need to find some way of sealing the exit!" Aqualad yells telepathically.
"Right now, I'm just worried about getting to the exit." Beast Boy replies. You didn't look back, but you could feel the clones closing in. As you got closer to the exit you saw a familiar looking silhouette.
"The T-sub!" You exclaimed as you swam out of the cave. The clones stop in their tracks in confusion.
"Huh?" You hear one of them say.
You moved out of the way as the sub sent beams towards the entrance of the cave. The Blast caused a pile of rubble to fall, blocking the exit. You smile at your team who's cheering (along with Aqualad’s friend Tramm) inside their pods. The three of you turn bad to observe the T-sub’s work.
“Good thing Trident likes himself so much, 'cause I'm thinking he won't see anybody else for a looong time.” Beast Boy says.
You find yourself on the surface again, on the shore of the Titan’s Tower. Raven and Starfire both continue to look at Aqualad with heart eyes as Robin steps forward.
“Consider yourself an honorary titan” he says with a smile, holding out a familiar black and yellow communicator for him to take. “We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks.”
“Right back at you. It's good to know there's people up here I can trust.” Aqualad looks at you and Beast boy. He says goodbye to Raven and Starfire, who blushingly say it back. He then turns to Beast Boy.
“What can I say, dude? You're the best.” Beast Boy says.
“Nah. You're the best.”
“Yeah, you're right. And if you ever want me to prove it, I'm always up for a race.”
“Just try and keep up.” Aqualad laughs, patting his head. He finally turned to you.
“Aquagirl, it's been really nice to meet you. Next time you’re near Atlantis, give me a call and I’ll show you around. There's so much to show you,” he stretched out his hand for a handshake, but you pulled him in for a hug. He was surprised at your gesture, but soon returned it. Raven and Starfire looked at you with pure envy as you pulled back with a smile.
“I’ll take your word for it, Aquacousin” you say, making a reference to your nickname for him earlier. He laughs, then waves goodbye. The six of you wave back as he swims back into the ocean. Robin gently put his hand on your shoulder.
“You did a great job today Aquagirl. I knew I could count on you.”
“You know you can always count on me, dude.” you say with a smile. “Now I’m kinda hungry. Anyone up for pizza?”
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Reminiscence - Second Tempo
A/N: So! Second Tempo is a continuation of the First Tempo posted here. Just like the last, it’s part of the Haikyuu! HQ Server Collab; check out the rest of the work on the flaming smut pile.  ===================================================
“Oi, it’s Ukai. Leave a message.” “Oh, Keishin…” Your body writhed against your fingers, phone pressed against your ear as another gasping moan ripped through you. The pads of your fingertips glided over your sensitive nub effortlessly as you grinned into the phone balanced between your shoulder and your ear. The game of cat and mouse had been going on for well over six months between yourself and Keishin; the ceaseless war of attrition had the teams and your students wondering who would break first. An international volleyball conference had you and the Karasuno girls’ team pulled away from Miyagi, from the handsome coach with those sharp, leering eyes.
“I know you’re away for training camp with the team…But I need you, Keishin.” Lust coated every syllable, each word dripping with desire as your fingers teased over your nipples and dripping folds. Another lascivious moan echoed into the receiver as you slipped a single dainty finger into your twitching hole. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off of myself…god, I wish it was your fingers slipping inside this tight, needy hole…” Sprawled out on your hotel room bed fresh from a shower, your wet hair plastered itself against your neck as you continued to rock into your own hand. 
He invaded your thoughts; like intrusive kudzu he wrapped himself around your senses even halfway across the world. Did he know how you had ruined two pairs of panties at the last voicemail he sent you before the girls’ last match that day? Did he realize how desperate you were to be home? Could he hear it in your voice? 
“Keishin,” you whined out, fingertip just brushing your g-spot. With a soft growl, you snatched your phone from your ear and put the device on speaker so you could angle yourself to reach deeper. With your body able to contort a little easier, the phone rested next to your flushing face against the pillowcase. Your body jolted into waves of pleasure as your legs tensed into your stroking. “Fuck, I can’t wait to come home, oh fuck, oh fuck, Keishin…”
The familiar stars dotted your vision as you bucked into your hand, clit rubbing fitfully into the meat of your delicate palm. You could almost see the flash of bleached-blond hair, the tanned skin stretched across those long, toned forearms. Painfully arching your wrist to drive your curling fingers into that familiar, soft spot you clenched tightly around your thin digits. You couldn’t fight the orgasm that threatened to overtake you quicker than anticipated. “Oh, fuck, Kei…Keishin!” Your words were gasping, breathless sounds, the same sounds he took pride in drawing out of you. 
“It should be your cock I’m cumming on. Why isn’t it your cock, Keishin? Fuck, I…” Another cry left you trembling as you came around your fingers. The ecstacy you felt solo was a pale shade of what you had grown used to with the snarky coach. You whimpered into the phone and shifted the sheets around you, arms hopelessly searching for him in the stark white abyss of your hollow afterglow. 
“I can’t wait to see you, Keishin…Until then,” you closed and hung up the phone. A small grin bloomed over your features as you came down from your brief high. The back and forth of phone tag and stolen video chats for the past week made you long for the thug-faced twenty-something coach fiercer than you could imagine. For the moment, the extra pillows in your bed would have to suffice as a sub-par substitute before you could nuzzle into the warmth and inhale the smoke and sweat from his skin again.
It was a long day of drills and penalties for the Karasuno Boys’ Volleyball Club at the joint training camp with Fukurodani and Nekoma. The boys continued to run themselves full tort against the other two teams, trying to refine and rebuild their skills on the court. Keishin found himself getting frustrated with the lack of progress the team was making, even considering the upperclassmen were bordering on complacency. Daichi assured him they were trying their best and maybe it was time for their coach to take a break. 
He ambled from the gym with a lazy kind of grace and fumbled for his cigarettes and phone from his pockets. His eyebrows shot up in surprise at the voicemail notification he saw across the screen. The tiniest of cocky grins stretched his mouth into a crooked curve as his thumb hovered over the play button. “Damn, must’ve just missed her,” he sighed, pressing play and holding the phone to his ear. The second your moan, your deliciously sinful voice graced his ears his face heated up and his ears flushed a deep red. Your voice went straight to the growing tent in his sweats, an ache he would be sure you repay you for in kind when you returned. The wailing fit on the other end was audible to passers by as the flustered coach turned the volume down with thick, numb thumbs. A dark-haired Fukurodani student passed by, green eyes narrowed at the coach’s flustered appearance and wordlessly made his way into the gym, no doubt to start another four-on-four match with the boys of Karasuno. At the end of your message, Keishin leaned into the brick of the gym and finally lit his cigarette. He took a long drag, longer than he would have normally if it wasn’t for your scintillating voicemail. Once his heart slowed, his thumbs furiously typed out a reply. K- You could have warned me, little girl. Y- And ruin the surprise? You liked it. :)
K- Time and place. Y- Is that all you have to say? :( This different timezone stuff is the worst, Keishin.
K- That’s something we can agree on. It’s just another day, right? Y- I’ll be home the day after tomorrow. Closing ceremonies run until tomorrow afternoon, but flight leaves a day after. K- Text me next time, little girl. And tell the girls to kick ass during their last exhibition match. Y- Does it make you mad that my team’s doing better than yours, Mr. Big Bad Daddy Crow? >:D
K- Just wait, little girl. You haven’t earned your wings yet. We’ll see how much fight you have in you with my hand around that pretty neck of yours and your lips wrapped around my cock. 
He chuckled darkly at the thought of your ruined face, chest heaving, gasping for oxygen as he held your lips against the hilt of his cock. He knew you well enough to know that your face would be about thirty shades redder than his was listening to your siren song after reading his message. God, you were never more beautiful to him than when you were sobbing out for release, begging for him to make you his. Fewer things kept him warmer at night when his wide palm wrapped around his cock than thoughts of you with that lewd, haunting passion playing in your eyes. When you didn’t reply, he shook his blond head and snuffed out his smoldering cigarette filter against the wall. Of course you’d have your fingers stuffing your cunt; it couldn’t compare to his touch. He adjusted his headband deftly and pocketed his phone again, only glancing down at his cock, half-mast for a moment before another distraction pulled him away from his thoughts. Two days were going to feel like an eternity. At least he had your voice in his pocket. 
You yawned as your girls took the court in their last match against the American team. The manager eyed you suspiciously as you blearily watched the game unfold. “Long night, Coach?” You nodded and hummed, rubbing your eyes. The boy stood a whole head taller than you, appraising your drowsy visage. “Must be hard being away from home.” “Mmmhm. It’s easy to miss home from so far away.” “I’m sure Coach Ukai feels the same way, Y/n.” “Toshi!” Your tone was scandalized in your chiding as the younger boy stifled a chuckle. “We should be focusing on the girls. How do you think they’ll do today?” He smiled, pride swelling as he watched his team warm up. “It’s been a long week.” “They’re tired, but they’ll push through. We’ve taken the W with less in the tank before.” It was your turn to feel proud of your girls. It was true– their rise to the top, for the acknowledgement that came with the invite to a tourney on the international stage was huge, even if it was just an exhibition tourney. There was something about the game that kept you grounded despite the tumultuous turns of your life. It brought you back to those long-thought forgotten memories, brought you closer to your high-school crush. Part of you was glad you took on coaching the counterpoint to the boys’ club; it brought meaning to your career to that point. “Michimiya! Remember, it’s supposed to be fun!” you called out to your team captain, Toshi nodding in agreement solemnly from the sidelines. Aihara, your ace nodded and gave a quick thumbs up before the ball went into play. Before the other team had a chance to receive the serve, your attention was pulled from the court to the vibrating phone in your tracksuit pocket. You had half a mind to silence it, leave it ignored and let it go to voicemail. Your attention should have been on your team, your girls, but… You pulled the phone from your pocket and bit your lip at the sight of his name reading across the screen. You excused yourself from the sidelines and made your way to the hallway leading to the locker room, bringing the device to your ear. “You were gonna keep me waiting, little girl? That’s no way to earn your wings,” his voice rasped out between hurried pants. “Oh, fuck…” Heat crept up your neck from your neat, white tracksuit jacket. Suddenly, everything was too hot. You worried your lip between your teeth and fought back a whimper as Keishin growled in your ear. You did some quick maths in your dazed state and gasped into your phone. “You should be asleep, Keishin! It’s nearly two in the morning…” “Couldn’t sleep, not when I had to get you back, naughty little girl. Did it feel good cumming on those fingers without me? Did it satisfy you knowing you were cumming without my permission? Was it worth it?” “I…” “Answer me, little girl,” he continued to groan, the sound of skin gliding across skin caressing your eardrums between his moans. You could practically feel his smug expression over the phone. The sinful breath on your ear had you wishing you could be there to watch, to touch him and run your fingers through his hair as he worked his cock in that large hand he loved to wrap around your blushing throat. “I’m waiting,” he teased. “It can’t compare,” you whispered, striding with hurried steps into the locker room. His voice frayed at the edges and had you practically dripping down your thighs under your track pants. The power his voice had over your body was undeniable. “I couldn’t help myself. I…” “Aw, poor little bird. At least you’re honest.” You tried to swallow around the lump in your throat at the nickname, but struggled. Mouth dry and thighs coated in your slick, you struggled to find your way back to reason, to the here and now. Half a world away, you sunk to the locker room bench and let out a shuddering sigh at the sound of the other coach’s debauched moans. He was close, that much you could tell. How long had he been stroking that thick cock? Was he imagining your lips cradling his glans, your saliva dripping down his balls? Could he see you dragging his head along your lips and your eyes peering up at him through a fringe of dark lashes? How many times did he listen to your voicemail before he thought to call you and dish out a dose of your own medicine? “Tell me you want me. Tell me you need me like I need you, little girl.” “I…I want you,” you whimpered, balancing your phone between your shoulder and your ear. You fumbled with your track pants and slid them hastily to your knees, your practiced fingers rubbing yourself through your soaked cotton panties. “Oh, Keishin, I need you.” You bit back a soft moan, still tender from your activities from the night prior. “That’s it, little bird. Don’t stifle yourself. Let me hear you. Where did that gorgeous voice go?” “I…Keishin, I’m at the tournament,” you gasped, that sensitive nub twitching with arousal under your busy fingertips. He let out a surprised grunt and you swore you could feel him double over on himself. “Fuck…fuck, Y/n, I never took you to be such an exhibitionist. My little bird’s getting brave on me, huh?” The sound of the door to the locker room opening made you freeze for a second before shuffling your pants back up your thighs. “Coach? Coach, are you okay? The other team’s called a time-out. Did you want to do a swap?” Toshi’s earnest voice echoed in the otherwise empty room as you struggled to get the words out without sounding like you were another second away from moaning like a porn star for the man on the other side of your call. “Answer him, little bird. Don’t stop touching that clit for me. Let’s see you earn those wings…” “Ah…yeah, have Watabe swap in. I…I need a minute. Must have been something I ate this morning.” Keishin grinned on the other end, still stroking himself languidly as he listened to you lie through your teeth to your team manager. When you heard him retreat back into the gym, you let out a shuddering sigh, your legs trembling around your hand. “Such a good little bird. I’m close. You gonna come with me?” You nodded as if he could see you, still focused on the sounds coming from your phone. His breath hitched as he choked on his moans, movement stilling on his end of the phone call. You gasped in tandem, fingertips slipping inside your waiting heat. He must have known you were close based on your breathing alone. He let you continue until he howled out his release, leaving you breathless at how completely beautiful he could sound coming undone at the thought of you. “Please, please, Keishin,” you huffed out, sweat trickled down your neck as you ground yourself into your fingers, stretching against your slick, velveteen walls. “Stop.” “But-” “I said stop, Y/n.” “But…but Keishin…” “Naughty little girls don’t get to cum when they’re bad. Mm, I’ll see you tomorrow. Good luck, Y/n,” he teased again before hanging up. You sat in silence, frustrated and slick with your own fluids. Aggravated, you pulled your pants up the rest of the way and stripped off your jacket. Approaching the sink, you patted cool water against your burning skin and stared yourself down in the mirror. So it was another challenge he wanted? You had him eating crow out of your beautifully manicured hands before and you could do it again. Your team wouldn’t be the only ones getting a win. A plan came together, neatly, quickly despite the lingering haze of lust. Spite and frustration cut through your need like a white hot razor, and all you could fixate on was the thrill of victory both on and off the court. “Setters aren’t the only big brains on the court,” you mused to yourself as you reappeared on the court, hands buried deeply into your pockets. Toshi cast a sidelong glance in your direction, subtly taking in the hard set of your jaw and the color rising in your cheeks as you stared down the opposing team’s coach from across the gym. You grit your teeth, eyes dark with determination. If he wasn’t mistaken, he almost thought you were taking this game more seriously than just a simple exhibition match. Regardless of the reason, the team manager found himself grateful he wasn’t the object of your ire. “Hit it ‘til it breaks, Sasaki!!” Your yell rattled the team manager as it echoed through the gym over the roar of the crowd. The puddle in your panties only fueled your frustration the longer you dwelled on Keishin’s denial. You wanted to breathe smoke, to destroy something beautiful just to prove you could. “Stupid, big-brain setter,” you growled under your breath as your team took another point from the Americans. “Coach, why do I get the feeling you aren’t talking about the other team?” “C’mon, girls, you’re better conditioned than that!! Go for the kill!!” “Yeah, you’re definitely not talking about the other team.” The conference couldn’t be done soon enough, and the next two days were going to feel like the longest of their lives. ~ Few things in life brought Keishin Ukai more solace than quiet mornings over a cup of coffee. The only thing that could have made it better was your groggy face smiling sleepily across the table at him. Sunlight bled through the kitchen blinds, staining everything in garish gold and yellow in the pale light. Hair loose, he carded his long fingers through his bedhead with casual grace and absently scrolled through his phone as the coffee continued to brew. It would be just a few hours before you would be home; he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited for your return. In the safety of his home, he could let some of that boyish glee bleed out as he searched through your old photos. As if he could forget your face, the sway of those devastating hips, or the way you’d catch your lower lip between your teeth when you were flustered. As much as he owned you, the power you held over him and his emotions was undeniable. From the moment you stepped foot on his court he was your willing captive. He set his phone aside to pour himself his first of what would be many cups of coffee. He allowed himself a moment to bask in the heady aroma, dark and bitter before it hit his tongue. Relaxing in his seat a little more, he sighed through his nose. The chiming of a text alert pulled him from his brief reprieve. Y- Good morning, Daddy Crow :D! We’ll be home in a few hours. I can’t wait to see you. Keishin chuckled into his steaming mug and took a long sip. Wryly amused and even a little annoyed by your pet name for him, he typed out his reply unhurried. K- We’ll see how tired you are when you get back. Ten hours and change is a long time to spend in the air.
Y- Don’t remind me. No idea what I’m going to do to stay occupied. 
K- I can think of a few distractions. 
He waited, watching the ellipsis flicker over the text banner for your reply, his heart rate picking up in anticipation. What fresh hell awaited him when you finally hit send? Vaguely he had an idea of how badly you wanted to get back at him for leaving you hanging during his last call, but you were too sweet, far too forgiving to want revenge. Y- I’m sure you can. What do you have lined up for today?
K- Not a thing. Just waiting on you. It wasn’t like you to not take his bait; he could practically feel the ice from your reply. Was it the distance? You were only gone for a week, but was it enough time for your relationship to cool? “Shit,” he muttered, rolling a cigarette between his fingers as he reread your reply another six times. “Guess she is mad…” He mused and fussed over your text before lighting the paper tip and taking a careless drag. The blue-gray haze hung around his kitchen like a comforting veil. He waited another moment before he saw you typing another response. He tore his gaze away from the device to ash his cigarette in an empty beer bottle he had sitting on the kitchen table; when he returned to it, the sight that met him had him melting in his chair. Your delicate frame was seated on a sea of white, the barest hint of emerald lace curling in elegant patterns along the swell of your ass. Hair pulled to one side in effortless waves of jet, your bare back was on full display, tantalizing him with the gentle curve of your spine and adorable dimples framing your tailbone. Your face in profile, he could see the faint rose dusting your cheeks and nose, the dreamy sparkle playing in your eyes as you held your breasts away from view. He knew that far-away gaze all too well– it played behind your eyes when you would look at him, when you would think about his strong hands exploring your body. His eyes lingered on the definition of your thighs, all the while longing he could feel them squeezing his head as you trembled into his waiting mouth. It wasn’t the lewdest photo he’d ever seen, but it hit differently when it was you. His mouth went dry and he felt himself get lost in every detail, as if he could memorize every scar, every freckle if he stared long enough. Y- Enjoy your distraction, Keishin.
When did you find the time to take photos? Was that the only one? Questions raced through his mind as he lingered on the picture, fingertip tracing along the swell of your hips. God, he was such a sucker for those wide hips and built thighs. He might have admired your drive and ability to keep up and run drills with your team, but he really wanted to see just how far he could push you until you broke.
“It’s just ten more hours. I can hold out for ten hours.” ~ Six months together and it took a week apart for him to salivate over the smell of your perfume. All the distance, despite the frequent calls and text messages, only intensified his undeniable thirst. You were his meet-cute, the high school crush who got away. There would always be that part of him that wondered how he got so lucky crossing your path not once but twice in his lifetime. If he were a betting man, he’d probably put more stock in fate or soulmates after meeting you, but it wasn’t his style to be so sentimental. Travel always took a lot out of you. Keishin caught you yawning on your way from the baggage claim, only aware enough to know where to step without tripping. Grinning like a fiend, he took his moment and pulled you into an empty lounge. Startled, you swung your first and jerked out of his hold, only stopping your thrashing when you caught the bemused twenty-something rubbing his stubbled jaw. “Fucking hell, is that anyway to say hello, little girl?” “Oh my god, Keishin!” Your hands flew to his face and he could have died a happy man on the spot. “I’m so sorry! You can’t just do that!” Your chest tightened at the rumbling chuckle that reverberated under your fingertips. “Keishin,” you sighed, holding his stubbled face in your thin hands. Studying the sharp planes of his face, your eyes practically sparkled with delight. He was here, real under your palms flashing that same cocksure grin that had you flustered since you first stepped up to challenge him on the court. “You gonna keep staring at me or what, little bird? C’mon, let’s ge-!” Rising to your toes, you pulled him to your lips and left him struggling to catch his breath, your perfume lingering after you withdrew and bounced away, tugging him along from the airport lobby. Head swimming, he followed, allowing you to lead him around until you remembered who drove and the simple fact that you had no idea where the car was. It was easy to forget you were an accomplished adult when you let your excitement take the wheel, but it brought Keishin closer to what might have been before you disappeared when you were still children. He never got the chance to watch you play back then, a regret he tucked away with the first night you murmured his name in your sleep. His single-minded ambition kept him from really seizing the chance to get to know you as a person instead of an idea back then. Packed away in his well-loved sedan, you couldn’t help but fidget in the passenger seat, anxiously bouncing your foot below the dash. Unfazed, he reached over and placed a hand on your knee, halting the bouncing movement with a stern glance. Color bloomed in your cheeks at the gesture, body relaxing just enough under the warmth of his palm. Braver still, he slowly ran his fingertips along the line of your thigh, stopping just below the clothed apex of your leg. Keishin never took his eyes off the road, but he knew just where to brush to make your blood sing. He followed your movements, subtly tracking your reactions to his innocent caressing. 
“Don’t get shy on me now, little bird.” 
The bait was set, almost painfully obvious as you continued to squirm into his waiting palm. “I’m not shy. I’m..”
“You’re what? Use your words,” he smirked, dragging his knuckles against your sex. The motion was so casual you might have applauded him for his audacity if it hadn’t been a week since you felt him touch you. Muddled between your jet lag and the growing haze of lust ensnaring your senses, you fumbled over your words and whimpered something about thinking about how much you missed him. “That’s what I thought.” Whether it was the nonchalance or the gentle pressure he exerted on your core, you felt yourself slip closer into that familiar euphoric headspace. It was almost embarrassing how wrapped around his finger he had you; it wouldn’t be long before he’d have you wrapped around him literally as well. 
You wanted to scream, to gnash your teeth and beat something to a bloody pulp. At least you could take out your frustrations on the court. The girls took the day to strength train in the school’s weight room, leaving you to your own devices in the second gym. You could see his almost-apologetic face, the slight upturn of his lips when he sent you to work with a chaste peck on your hair. 
“I just couldn’t bear to wake you…”
“Tch, likely story. Stupid, big-brain setter!” You hissed through your teeth and imagined it was his disembodied head you were spiking over the net with a satisfying crack. Your attentive team manager threw another ball and watched as you continued to fume. 
“Are you trying to pop a ball, sensei?" 
"Less talk, more throw, Toshi.” He shook his head and tossed another ball, only for you to bounce it off the floor twice to center yourself before your inevitable spike. Unsatisfied, you shook your ponytail and jogged to the opposite end of the gym to practice your jump serve. Toshi watched on, hanging his head as you sent another ball flying in his direction. “Jesus Christ, Himewari!” he screeched, ducking out of the way. You huffed in irritation, barely registering the clattering of gym doors opening. The ball rested daintily in your hand, your eyes narrowed with the smooth rubber leaving your palm before the inevitable punch. Keishin knew better than to leave the safety of the annex when you were serving, but he could watch you soar forever. Leaned against the cool wall, his headband gently digging into his scalp with his blond head resting into the drywall, he couldn’t help the crinkle of his eyes when your hand finally connected with the abused ball. Sweat glistened like diamond dust on your skin, the crop top you wore doing nothing to temper his wandering gaze. As you hung in the air, he hummed to himself, remembering Shimizu’s words when he first saw you serve. “You really do have wings, little bird…” When you landed and reached for another ball he made his presence known, his footsteps falling faintly over your light panting. This was how he liked you best, dark hair mussed and sweat dripping down the valley of your breasts. It was almost a shame, he thought to himself, that he wasn’t the one making you such a mess. He stopped just a few feet behind you only to catch the tail end of your cursing his name for leaving you high and dry on your return. As if sensing the change in the atmosphere, like catching the faint scent of ozone on the wind before a squall, Toshi took his leave and escaped into the weight room, leaving you alone with the other coach. Caught mid-approach, Keishin wrapped his arms around your smaller frame and buried his nose into your ponytail. You froze at the sudden intrusion of your personal space and the ball fell from your waiting palm, its fall echoing through the empty gym. “Thought I’d find you here,” he purred. Hackles raised, you pushed away from him and made a dash for your club jacket. Keishin used his height and longer legs to his advantage and followed close behind. If it was a chase you wanted, he’d give it to you. He let you sprint to the locker room, hand resting on the handle before he turned you by the shoulders and caged you against the wall between his arms. Looming over you, he smirked and licked his lips at the deepening flush creeping down your neck and across your collarbones. He smelled like tobacco and neroli, his cologne making your head spin. The smoke lingering on his breath had your thoughts racing– you were in high school again, fantasizing about being trapped in those arms with those sharp eyes drinking your timid expression so patiently. “What’s the matter, little girl?” he started smugly. His pupils dilated, leaning his head in to bear down on you further. “Can’t rise to the challenge? Where’d all that fight go?” Keishin licked his teeth and breathed into your ear. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you,” he teased, running his nose along your hairline. Your breath hitched; how did he always know how to make you feel so small? The thought incited more anger, more fuel to the fire burning in your belly as you jerked your ear away from his hot breath. “No, you don’t get to do that. I’m not going to let you win that easily, Keishin.” Your voice was low, almost dangerous. The animosity was one-sided, and the other coach snickered at your new-found boldness. “I don’t think you get it, little bird,” he growled, wrapping a firm hand around your thin neck. “I’ve already won.” Swallowing hard, you worried your lower lip between your teeth, his favorite tell, and stared him in the eye. The predatory gleam made you weak in the knees– he knew it. He could feel you falter under his capable palm as he gave your neck a gentle squeeze. Keishin loved seeing you like this– wrestling between reason and your desires, pinned beneath him with that fire burning behind your eyes as if to remind him that you only permitted his control because you knew how completely yours he really was. The nip of his teeth on your earlobe sent you reeling, swooning into his stubbled cheek. “Please,” you whispered. “Not here.” “No? You sure?” As if to capitalize on your wavering resolve, he raised a knee to rest just between your thighs, a silent dare to test him and see just how far he’d make you go. Instinctively, you ground your pelvis against his knee and shuddered at the delicious pressure on your core. He grinned against your cheek. “Because I think this is exactly where you want it.” Hips rocking, your anger slowly melted away as he continued to tease you, still pinning you to the door by the throat. “I think you like the idea of almost getting caught, little bird.” Your whimpers doused kerosine on the slow burning embers he stoked with his teasing. “Keishin,” you gasped, his free hand trailing down your sticky body to pull your hip hard into his waiting erection, grip hard enough you were sure you’d have bruises by the time he was done. “We don’t-” “Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you then.” Your thighs squeezed around his knee, cunt fluttering at the thought of your combined spend trickling down your thighs on the walk home. His grin was sinful, eyes sharp and hungry as you melted into his knee. He could feel your slick soaking through your shorts, the sensation earning a groan you just barely made out. “Mark you as my little crow inside and out,” he purred, long fingers feathering along the waistband of your shorts. “Yeah, I think you like that idea.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” You caught his gaze through your dark lashes, leaning into his hand and waiting hips as if to lay your own bait. Your own hands caught in his hair and pulled his headband down. How you loved running your fingers through those blond waves; you rolled your hips and gave his hair an experimental tug, earning a low groan in return. He surged forward and captured your lips, a fight for dominance to the end. Tongue tracing hungrily along the curl of your lips, he softened his hold on your neck and pulled you closer. Hand on your nape, he let out a hiss when you bit him, a flash of blood lingering on your lip in return with a satisfied grin. “Oh, cocky now?” Keishin gave your shorts a shove over your generous hips. Anxiety and excitement bubbled in your chest as you squirmed against him. He was still hard muscle and sinew despite years away from the court, more than enough to handle you at your worst. “Let’s see you be cocky now, little bird.” His fingers glided along your sopping cunt, earning a sharp moan at the sudden brush along your neglected clit. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Fuck,” he breathed, too enraptured by your responsive body. “Keishin, please,” you whimpered, clutching his shoulders as his deft fingers continued to tap and rub slow, agonizing circles around your glistening clit. “Please, please fill me…” “How quickly your resolve falls apart, my little crow,” he purred into your hair, fingers now sliding into your drooling pussy. You bit back another moan, head arching back into the door as Keishin scissored his fingers against your already fluttering walls. “You’re fucking drenched.” “Please, please…I need you. I need to feel you, Keishin.” Legs trembling, you rocked into his hand, keening at the pressure his hardened fingertips exerted on your g-spot. Even accidentally, he had a way of luring out the most beautifully debauched moans from you. He continued to work you open, trying to make up for a week without laying claim to you in the span of minutes. Keishin growled low, feeling himself get lost in your whining, in the warm squeeze of your welcoming cunt around his fingers, in how completely devoted he was to hearing you moan his name like that one more time. You heard the zip after you felt the lonesome ache of loss, only to be filled again to the hilt with a gasping cry. Keishin grit his teeth and leaned into your writhing frame, bracing himself against the door as you squeezed his cock from head to hilt like a velvet vice. “W-wrap your leg around my hip,” he ordered shakily, peering at you through a curtain of soft gold. You did as instructed and felt him wrap his arm around your back, pulling you closer as he rocked into your heat with a moan of his own. “So fucking tight, Y/n…” Stars faded throughout your vision and left you feeling dazed. “So good,” he moaned, resting his forehead against yours to glance down where your bodies connected. You balanced on your toes, meeting his thrusts with your own. “Keishin,” you cried in return, arching your back off the locker room door as your first climax claimed you. Keishin grit his teeth and fucked you through the first of many, angling his hips to drive his cock deeper still, earning a harsh shriek. “Keishin, don’t stop!” “Wasn’t planning on it,” he groaned, bottoming out with a stutter. “It’s like you were made for me.” You let out another cry, clinging to the coach as tears pricked your eyes. He rutted against your cervix with a pained grin, knowing the longer he pressured against that button the sooner you’d be begging to be filled and defiled. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he sighed, slowing as your walls clenched around his cock with the advent of another orgasm. You trembled helplessly against him, body practically weightless in his arms as he continued to prolong your pleasure if only to draw out his own. When you came down, you brushed your nose along his and gazed at him through half-lidded eyes. Toes curling in your trainers at the devastating sight in front of you, you gave another keening cry and buried your face into his shoulder. “Y’know, for someone so worried about being caught you sure are loud.” He grinned into your hair and hammered his hips into yours, earning another loud wail in protest and in pleasure. Your nails caught the tanned skin of his back, a vicious trail of red left in their wake as he brought you to another peak. “That’s three…” You bucked against him, fitfully chasing again after that same high only his cock could bring you. His name a prayer on your lips, he allowed you to take because you gave him so much in return. Every moan, every gush of your juices around his cock he took and devoured, knowing you wouldn’t be afraid to earn his end in return. “I can feel you twitching, Keishin. You’re close, Daddy Crow.” His hips stuttered as you whispered the pet name into his ear, holding you tightly as he bottomed out in your spasming cunt. “Hard not to when you’re fucking milking me.” He’d never admit it, but he would stay buried inside you forever if you’d let him. Only the unsynchronized whisper of your breathing and the slick slap of skin on skin surrounded the two of you in the empty gym. Entangled with the other coach in the darkened hallway, you found his lips to muffle another moan when your attention was pulled away from your bliss by the slamming of the gym doors. 
"Coach Himewari! We’re getting ready to go!” It was Michimiya your team captain. Her footfalls echoed softly, rubber tapping against the laminated wood. She paused for a moment when you didn’t answer. Keishin grinning sadistically against your lips, he held your hips flush against his, grinding his cock into that spot that frayed the edges of your vision and made your quiver around his girth. “Hm, I guess she already left…” the team captain mused before shuffling closer to the locker room door, only to quickly turn away at the opening of the door. 
“Come on, Yui! Let’s just go! Toshi can catch us up later.” Grateful for Aihara pulling her friend’s focus, you bit down on your lip to keep quiet. Keishin redoubled his efforts, dragging his teeth along the hollow of your neck. Even muffled your moans were music to his degenerate ears. You stiffened against him with the sinking of his teeth into your neck, a stifled cry and final squeeze signaling your end. Keishin wasn’t too far behind, growling into your salt-slicked skin. The heavy doors clattered shut as he moaned out his release, the heat building in your core as he spasmed into your waiting womb. 
“Fuck me, Keishin…” you breathed, half chuckling half panting. He held against you, comfortable in your combined heat as he peppered soothing kisses along your neck and into your hairline. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you like almost getting caught.”
He hissed, slowly withdrawing from your core and watched as his cum slowly started trickling from your pulsating hole down your sturdy thighs. He tucked himself back into his jeans and watched you languish against the wall for a moment, playful grin lighting his face. Deftly he collected the escaping seed and shoved it back into your abused cunt, earning a pained whimper before he pulled your panties and shorts back up to keep the rest from spilling. “Don’t waste it, little crow.” He wiggled his fingers along your lips and you greedily sucked them clean with wide, innocent eyes. Your combined taste coated your tongue, sweet and bitter all at once. “That’s my good girl,” he crooned, planting a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. 
Your anger evaporated, you slumped against him, head resting comfortably into his chest. “I’m ready for a nap, daddy crow…” you whined. Blond hair slicked with swear, he carded those long fingers through and hoisted you up onto his shoulder, carrying you out of the gym with your mess ruining your panties and shorts. 
“Oh no you don’t. As soon as we get home you’re making up for every voicemail and tantrum, Y/n.” It was going to be a long night. 
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introloves · 4 years
Omg you are the love of my life❤️ please please *please* write more of Tendou corrupting innocent Christian girls. It’s my oxygen❤️❤️❤️
— sacrilege + sacrilegious acts in a church + blow jobs + virgin reader + corruption kink + drug dealer! tendou tainting a poor little soul once again + praise + tendou being gross abt body fluids + a bit of choking + f! reader
he thinks you’re lying, he thinks your devotion to the church and god was all just an act. what good little brain dead church girls are so needy for something as carnal and needlessly dissected as sex?
after you asked him- with curious eyes taking shy glances straight at his clothed crotch- what it would be like to taste him, tendou immediately dropped you into your knees.
you hadn’t asked out right- but the question of, “what does a man taste like?” let him know what you wanted, what you needed.
so he takes pity on a poor sheltered little thing, naive to the nastiness in the world. naive to the nastiness and filthy being that tendou satori was. he preyed upon the weak, selling whatever they itched for, supplying them for anything their poor hearts desired.
but he thinks it’s different with you, your pull to him, asking him, depending on him to give you what you wanted makes him stay.
he hopes things are different with you, he doesn’t know what it is. maybe it was how nice and pretty you sounded the first time he fingered you against the church walls. maybe it was how shy you were after, offering him your number with shaky hands, scribbled on a piece of paper with looping handwriting, when he dropped you off at your house.
whatever it was, he knew you were just as sick as him.
he grabbed your shoulders, quickly taking a moment to place a sloppy and hurried kiss to your lips before pushing you down.
the sound of your knees hitting the ground cracked loudly through the chamber. the evening air moved through the empty church, whistled through slightly opened windows and chilled his exposed dick.
the pure lust dropping off the tip of him and right to your chin, makes you whine in disappointment. so close to getting a taste. it has tendou grab your face, forcing you up to meet him.
it makes you cry, makes your eyes glaze over in a look that begs for satori to ruin you against pale, slender fingers that hold your face in place.
the plead leaves your lips like a prayer, quiet, and reserved for only him to hear.
“please what bunny? tell me what you want.”
the pressure from him has you squirming, hands tightly gripping your modest dress.
“i-i don’t know.” you whisper, pangs of arousal painting your poor little thighs.
ever since you met him, he’d be adamant about you not wear any underwear beneath your church clothes. knee length skirts and dresses the only thing keeping anyone seeing the cunt he hasn’t even fucked yet.
he’s been building you up to it, this was lesson two in the short time you’ve been with him. it’s all addicting, he wants to ruin you and you want to be ruined. you’re chasing the same high he gave you when he claimed you against the church that late evening. he supposes that’s his charm, everyone who crosses his path wants more from him. you were the only one he’d give anything for free though.
he was like an angel sent to you, and who were you to deny a gift from god?
he brings the tip of him back to your waiting mouth, watching as you instinctively dart your tongue out to meet him. you look seconds away from panting, acting like a sloppy little girl.
tendou pulls away before you can get a taste. tutting at the way you whimper, wide round eyes looking up in search for a reason for him pulling away again.
“don’t be so eager. what do good, christian girls say before a meal?” he questions, wrapping a large, hand around himself.
“w-we say grace.” you respond, heat pooling at your back, sweat forming along your brow, knowing what he’s going to ask of you.
“that’s right bunny. now, say grace.”
his words have you squirm, bringing to light how filthy you were for the willingness to suck his dick inside a church that counted on you to keep it nice and clean.
it’s remarkable how far from grace you’ve fallen.
but it’s also amazing how good it makes you feel. the thought of him taking you right against the pastors altar has plagued your mind since he’s met you. you can’t sit still during sermons anymore, maybe you were corrupted from the start, what good, god fearing church dweller comes up with such things?
it doesn’t matter, you suppose. not when someone who has eyes and a mouth as charming as tendou looks at you like this, cock hot and heavy, waiting to stuff your mouth with him.
a bead of precum falls to the floor, right next to your knees, staining the carpet.
“bless, o father, thy gifts to our use and us to thy service. for christ’s sake. amen.”
he gives you a smile, eyes shining deviously.
“good girl.”
he presses the glossy head right to your lips, pushing past your teeth to settle against your tongue. he tastes nothing like you’d expect, it’s all salt, a mixture of that and nothing you could compare it to. you can only say it has the taste of a man.
“ah.” the hiss he makes with the way your teeth barely scrape him makes you wanna go crazy. it makes you gush out another obscene stream of arousal.
“put your lips over your teeth bunny. -yeah just like that.” coaches you through it all, a hand placed firmly to your head, moving you up and down on just his tip, not wanting to scare you too bad.
you don’t know what to do, so you let him move against your open mouth. hips slowly warming you up to take more and more. it makes your eyes water, jaw hurting with how wide you have to keep it to fit him in.
but it’s all so worth it, watching his eyes roll the more he gets lost in using your virgin mouth to fuck himself.
“give it a suck.” he grits, greedy with lust. it’s all he needs to cum, the unmoving, dumb look on your face as he uses you got to him more than he thought it would.
you try your hardest, lips sealing around him, cheeks hollowing in to do as you were told.
he shakes, you can see the clench of his stomach, already lithe muscles even more prominent with every contraction.
your eyes widen at the first jump of his dick, but the surprise is short lived as you feel his cum hit your throat.
it makes you gag, chokes you unexpectedly. you try and pull away, but satori is quick to grab you.
“where do you think you’re going.” he spits, watching you struggle against his hand, trying to push away. your hands come up to dig into his thighs, trying to pull away. but he’s strong, still dumping string after string of his cum inside your mouth. it doesn’t taste good, salty and bitter, you want it out of your mouth. but you swallow, not wanting to get his cum on the church floor.
you’re crying, nose running, spit free falling from your mouth with every choke you cough out around his dick.
tendou doesn’t think you’ve ever looked prettier.
finally, once the last drop of him hits your mouth, he lets go. you come off with a sputter, hand coming up to rest against your throat.
he’s on you in seconds, holding your face up to look at him.
“you did so good bunny, made me cum so hard.”
his words make you feel good, make you proud that you could bring him to that point.
he thumbs away tears, spit, whipes your running nose with the sleeve of his jacket, before kissing you. shoving his tongue inside your mouth to lick you clean of him.
when he pulls away, you two are connected with a string of spit and cum.
it’s a reunion of something so human, so disgusting. the seed of man lying deep in your tummy, there’s nothing more holy.
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
↠ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 ↞
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Dream SMP/MCYT:-
CC! Ranboo:
- You guys met at highschool. You were basically a new student who moved into town from Britain! He was basically called to show you around and you two basically hung out with each other the whole day during and after school and became pretty good friends.
C! Ranboo:
- You are basically Phil's daughter and you met Ranboo on his first day in the Dream SMP lands and helped him with the tour along with giving him armor and other supplies he had needed. You two mostly hung around all day and became good friends.
CC! Foolish:
- You are a small streamer and one day you decided to raid Foolish after you were done with your stream. After you raided him, he thanked you and after he finished his stream he DMed you asking if you wanted to colab with him and you answered with a 'yes' and that's how you guys met online and became friends online and in real life after learning you two have the same area code.
C! Foolish:
- You are basically Awesamdude's daughter. One day you were exploring different areas on the SMP until you came across a portal in the Nether which led you to a desert like area which had many ancient Egypt like builds. Then you noticed a figure running around opening chests and as you came closer you saw the person was like a half-totem half-shark person. He seemed to notice you and introduced himself to you and you did the same. He basically showed you around the place and told each other about yourselves and eventually became friends.
The Village That Went Mad:-
Catboy! Corpse:
- You were a traveler and happened to stumble upon the village. Robin basically was the first to spot you and brought you to town to meet the Mayor Jimmy. Cat (Catboy! Corpse) offered to show you around town and you two basically became very good friends in less than two hours.
- You and Cornelius were very good friends when you two were kids. You guys are still very inseparable and some see you two as siblings even though you two aren't but happen to be really good friends!
The Lost City Of Mizu:-
- You met Ranbob after the incidents that took place in Mizu. He wasn't really talkative when you first met him but learned that there wasn't much oxygen left for him to live here so you offered to take him back home with you which he reluctantly agreed after a few seconds of thinking. He really wasn't used to being on the surface but knew eventually he would get used to it.
- Your brother, Benjamin or Benji introduced you to Charles and the rest of his friends. You were basically the same age as Charles but a month younger. You and Charles hit it off really quick and became good friends. Benjamin was secretly shipping you guys along with Isaac and Cletus.
- You two met around town. He was basically carrying a huge stack of books from the library and accidentally bumped into you which resulted him dropping the books. You apologized profusely as you helped him pick up the books and thankfully he wasn't mad and apologized for not looking. Surely you helped him carry the books back home and got to know each other more.
((Author: When it comes to Charles and Isaac none of them died except in the Ranbob one so yeah-  ._.))
The Masquerade:-
- You two met at the Masquerade Sir Billiam III hosted! You were technically the youngest person to attend the Masquerade but of course you weren't younger than 16 or older than 17. Rather than talking to the other guests you would make your way and talk to Ranbutler. He was shocked at first when you talked to him but he enjoyed talking to you. You also may or may not have paid Sir Billiam a good amount of money so Ranbutler wouldn't work for him anymore and technically he was happy about this.
- Like Ranbutler you two met at Sir Billiam III's Masquerade Party. You basically felt bad for James when Billiam asked about his wife who basically divorced him and left with her family. You decided to start a conversation with him hoping that it would make him a bit happy here. You told him a few jokes which would make him chuckle or maybe make him laugh a bit. He opened up to you a bit more which basically made you happy.
((Author: Oh and the Red Egg does not exist in here cause why not? >:) I have the power!))
The Wild West:-
John John:
- You were technically Mason's adoptive sister. You ran away from home since you despised your brother and his friends for being bandits plus your parents could care less about you. You came across this town and thought about staying here for the night before continuing on your journey. You came into the bar to just get a drink but of course nothing alcoholic. You were greeted by the bartender who introduced himself to be John John. You two talked most of the night since no one around at the bar plus helped you sleep in the inn. You met a few people at the town and just decided to stay here.
- Your brother, Flint Michigan aka Connor introduced you to Mason and also to Jack Kanoff. You weren't really a huge fan of your brother's job by being a bandit. Mason was basically two months older than you and you two made small talk and sometimes he would be a flirt and in return you would be flustered and hit his arm to shut him up. You would receive a smirk from him which you really want to wipe it off his face.
((Author: Oh yeah and no one really dies lmao!))
The Haunted Mansion:-
- You two met at school since you guys both have most of the same classes together. You two were basically best of friends. You were later introduced to his twin brother Zachary who was surprisingly taller than Ash.
- You two met for the first time at the AirBNB that your friend Connor invited you to. You really not sure if you wanted to go at first but Connor said there were two boys who were the same age as you so you gave in. When you knocked on the door of the AirBNB you were first greeted by a boy who seemed to be freakishly taller than you open the door. He introduced himself to be Zachary. You even met his younger twin, Ash who was basically a few inches shorter than Zachary.
The Pit:-
- You two basically met at the Gladiator event that Porkius VII held. You were basically down at the area were everyone were waiting to fight against each other. You saw a few people talking to each other except one person who basically looked like an enderman but with green eyes. You were a bit nervous to talk to him but you went up anyways to strike a conversation with him. He didn't talk much but he did listen to you and would smile every once in a few minute or so.
- You were Genevieve's little sister who also joined the Gladiator event. You didn't talk to anyone besides your sister and when your name was called up for the semi-finals you fought against Jackie in which you ended up losing to. Jackie felt bad for injuring you so he picked you up and went back to the others and patched you up. You thanked him afterwards and wished him good luck in the finals.
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acesydneysage · 3 years
Sydney's descriptions of Adrian in each book
@vablappreciationweek Favorite ship: Sydrian
In my Demi!Sydney masterpost I mentioned how, in her first description of Adrian, she notices that he's handsome, but describes him in a more detached way, comparing him to a work of art:
The speaker was a Moroi guy, a little older than me, with dark brown hair that had undoubtedly been painstakingly styled to look messy. Unlike Keith's ridiculously over-gelled attempts, this guy had actually done it in a way that looked good. Like all Moroi he was pale, and had a tall lean build. Emerald green eyes studied us from a face that could have been sculpted by one of the classical artists I so admired. Shocked, I dismissed the comparison as soon as it popped into my head. This was a vampire, after all. It was ridiculous to admire him the way I would some hot human guy.
Now compare that to her description of him in The Golden Lily, after they already have some emotional attachment:
His sarcasm aside, he looked supremely delighted to see us. He had the tall, lean build that most Moroi guys did, along with their typically pale (though not Strigoi-pale) skin. I hated to admit it, but he was more good-looking than he had any right to be. He wore his dark brown hair stylishly messy and had eyes that sometimes seemed too green to be real. Adrian had on one of those button-up printed shirts that were trendy with guys lately, with a blue pattern on it I liked. He smelled like he’d been smoking recently, which I didn’t like.
It's less dramatic, but much more involved, in my opinion. This got me thinking about the topic, and this is now a compilation of Sydney's first full description of Adrian in each book. It gets adorable and it gets sad.
In the plane in The Indigo Spell, when she's absolutely not halfway in love with him already, no sir:
I was watching the attendant fasten an oxygen mask when a familiar and intoxicating scent washed over me. [...] I kept sneaking glances out of the corner of my eye, partly to see if he was looking at me and partly just to study his features. He was the same Adrian as ever, annoyingly good looking with his tousled brown hair and sculpted face. I vowed I wouldn’t speak to him, but when I noticed he hadn’t written anything in a while and was tapping his pen loudly on the tray, I couldn’t help myself.
Don't you sneak admiring glances at your friends?
In The Fiery Heart Sydney is in full hormonal teen mode, unable to focus on the meeting where she's about to join a witch coven because she's distracted thinking about making out with her vampire boyfriend (look how far my baby has come):
After a lifetime of praising myself for stoically adhering to mind over matter, I was kind of astonished that someon as cerebral as me would take to physical activity as quickly as I had. Sometimes I tried to rationalize it as a natural animal response. But really, I just had to face the truth. My boyfriend was insanely sexy, vampire or not, and I couldn't keep my hands off him.
In Silver Shadows, on the other hand, actual physical descriptions are set aside in favor of ripping my heart out of my chest. First looking at a picture:
I had no idea where she’d gotten the picture, and I didn’t care. My heart leapt as I looked into their smiling faces, faces I loved and had missed so terribly. I’d imagined their faces countless times, but there was no substituting the actual image. I took in every detail: the way the light played off Adrian’s hair, the way Jill’s lips curved in a shy smile. I had to swallow back a wave of emotion welling up within me. Maybe Sheridan had meant to punish me by showing them, but it actually came off as more of a reward—until she spoke again.
Then when she actually sees him in person:
They fell out of my line of sight, and suddenly, my vision was filled with the most beautiful image I could have hoped for: Adrian. For a few seconds, that doubt plagued me again, that this was just one more deception on the Alchemists’ part. But no, there he was before me. Adrian. My Adrian, gazing down with those piercing green eyes. I felt an ache in my chest as emotion momentarily overcame me. Adrian. Adrian was here, and I fumbled to find something to say, some way to convey all the love and hope and fear that had built within me these last few months. “Are you in a suit?” I managed at last, my voice choking up. “You didn’t have to dress up for me.” “Quiet, Sage,” he said. “I’ll make the hilarious one-liners during this daring rescue.” His eyes, warm and full of love, held mine for a moment, and I thought I would melt.
The Ruby Circle is still kind of sad, since Adrian got hate crimed, but it's a sweet ending to this compilation:
There was nothing more I could say as I helped wipe blood and dirt from Adrian’s face with a damp cloth, brushing aside wayward pieces of chestnut hair. He gave me his devil-may-care smile and still managed to look dashing, despite his bedraggled state. [...] Looking at Adrian now, I felt a surge of love well up within me, despite our earlier tension. I could no longer imagine a life without him in it. It was impossible.
We start with cute for an evil creature of the night and end with I can't imagine my life without him.
I think the compilation turned out to be a nice little map of their relationship, so here's this quick thing I made, because I got caught up in the day 2 prompt and didn't prepare properly for the rest of the week. TBF my favorite character, ship and platonic relationship were on that fic.
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astranva · 4 years
Word Count: 3.1k
Category: Angst
Warning: Some strong language.
Inspired by lines from Lana Del Rey’s excerpt from her poetry book – ‘L.A, Who Am I To Love You?’
“And also I can't sleep without you No one's ever really held me like you Not quite tightly, but certainly I feel your body next to me.”
Daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings.
 It was suffocating.
Oxygen wasn’t always an ally, at least not there and then for Harry. He had changed t-shirts 4 times after each one got soaked with his own sweat, before finally resorting to taking a shower.
His body felt limp, like it was on auto-pilot mode and he wasn’t in control of it, only watching as his legs dragged him to the room he tried to avoid if it was anything of no necessity.
He remembers a time when he loved the full-body mirror that stood in the room. He remembers the amount of pictures that one mirror caught, the amount of kisses it had witnessed. But as he passed, his stomach flipped upside now.
He had been avoiding seeing his face for far too long, could go as far and say that he hadn’t seen himself since it happened, a month ago.
But he caught a glimpse of himself and he couldn’t help but divert all his attention to the reflection that stared back at him. His hair was greasy, red blotches on his cheeks that seemed to mock him for crying too much for his skin’s own liking, puffy eyes, dry lips that reminded him that the alcohol he sipped at wasn’t what his body needed and that it needed water. He looked…pathetically sad.
But he was okay with it, being sad. Of course he was, how couldn’t he?
He looked dull – dead. Harry grimaced at the sight, his heart seeming to break and shatter even more – if possible – at the sight, feeling as if he couldn’t really recognize himself.
He took a shaky breath, tearing his gaze away from the reflection before moving along with the simple task; showering.
He hadn’t bothered taking out clothes prior to stepping inside the bathroom, wanting to just get it over with.
Harry took off his t-shirt and boxers, throwing them in the hamper before his eyes caught sight of it. Her toothbrush.
His mind was loud, screaming at him to keep his hands to himself, to get his shit together and maybe throw the damn brush away but he shut that off, reaching to grab the vibrant green toothbrush with rough bristles, as if confirming the absence of its owner.
“Fuck,” he cursed, feeling his nose itch before he set the toothbrush back in its rightful place, right beside the hair cream she used to use.
It probably didn’t help that he used her minty shampoo and coconut shower gel, mindlessly doing so. He hated how dependent he was on her, even when she wasn’t there but he didn’t know any better and he didn’t want to.
Harry’s shower was quick, as if he was in hurry to get out of the place that held so much of her belongings. The cold water didn’t soothe his muscles either, it only tensed them more, making him shower with a clenched jaw as he struggled to get used to the cold temperature – it was too cold and he fucking hated how it made sense.
It was all too cold.
Without her.
He had dried his body quickly before reaching towards the cabinet underneath the sink to take out the microfiber towel which she had gotten him,
“The material just causes lack of friction, know what that means? Less frizz. It also dries your hair faster than the cotton ones.” She had said as she dried his hair one night after her trip from the grocery store, the pink microfiber in her hand thoroughly drying Harry’s wet hair before she began scrunching some of the long lockets of hair.
He loved the towel.
He loves her.
Walking naked and barefoot, he opened the wardrobe, taking out a pair of shorts and resting them on his shoulder before opening a drawer to take out briefs. Harry contemplated wearing a top at all, but then reached to grab one – the one right on top.
His movement halted as he felt the material in his hand, looking at the familiar watermelon-printed t-shirt.
“H!” She ran to him the moment he stepped inside their home, a wide grin on her face as she looked at his amused face. How couldn’t he be? She was standing in a watermelon-printed t-shirt and Toy Story-themed shorts. “Look what I got!”
It was that damn t-shirt and the love they made that night that had him write Watermelon Sugar.
That t-shirt.
His chest seemed to clench around his heart, almost begging him to put the t-shirt away, and that time, he listened and folded the t-shirt and put it behind his pile of t-shirts, nonchalantly grabbing another t-shirt before speeding out of the room to put on his clothes somewhere else.
Harry wasn’t stupid, but at times like these, he really thought he was.
He was stupid enough to think that it was the room he could escape when in fact, she was implemented in every little nook, every cushion – everywhere. Hell, even the coaster he had put his cup of tea on in the morning was one she had gotten.
After putting his clothes on, he walked to the kitchen. Surprisingly, he found his phone on the kitchen table, lit up as it released no sound and he was more amused by the fact that he had forgotten he placed it there.
‘Gem’ the screen had read, showing him a picture of him and his sister from when they were kids.
Harry debated picking up the phone. They all had been checking up on him, almost pleading to visit him but he was set every single time;
“I want to be alone.” He had said, every time.
He knew they were concerned, knew they cared about him but he couldn’t not cringe and grow even more melancholic when he heard the pity in their voices and, worse, he knew that in their minds, they probably called him a few names;
He knew they probably liked the state he was in because after all, it was all his fault.
He gulped, taking his phone in his hand before answering, putting the phone on his ear and waiting for his sister to speak first.
“Harry? You here?”
He hummed, “Yeah.” His voice came out hoarse and scratchy, making him clear his throat.
Gemma sighed through the phone and he wasn’t sure what type of sigh was that, but it seemed to be as one of relief. He really needed to assure them more often.
“How are you?”
Harry had begun to hate the question. He didn’t like lying, but how could he reply with the same miserable answer every time? If you wanted an honest answer, he would give you one that went like that:
“Never been worse. I’m sad, I’m hallow. I think I need therapy but I know I need her more. I miss her but I’m a fucking dick.”
But he didn’t settle on that one for Gemma, no. Instead, Harry moved to fill the kettle with water while balancing his phone between his ear and shoulder, and gave her an answer anyone would want to hear,
“’M fine. How are you?”
But Gemma wasn’t just anyone. She wasn’t a distant relative nor was she a friend he hung out with every other year – she was his sister and she knew him better than that.
“You can be honest, you know?” She reminded him, “I understand.”
It assured him, really. Not enough to make him smile, but it felt somewhat nice but nonetheless, he hummed.
So, Gemma went on, “I want to head to the flower market, what do you say about joining me?”
Harry’s movement halted, standing straight and holding his phone with his hand, “Which?”
She was glad he didn’t decline right away, but knew she still had to choose the right cards to play. “Columbia Road’s.”
“Th-I-That’s one of her favorite places.” He commented.
“What are the odds that she would be there, Harry?”
“Yeah, what if she was, Gemma? I-I can’t, ‘m sorry.” He shook his head, feeling anxious at just the mere possibility of seeing her.
“Please,” Gemma said gently, “You love that place.”
Because of her, he wanted to say. It was her who made him love that place despite the amount of people with their phones out, taking picture after picture of the flowers instead of actually buying or learning about them.
“I’m telling you; some people spend so much money on carnations and boast about their blue colors, but they always have no idea that they’re actually dyed.” She had told him once as they strolled through the market, hand in hand.
Gemma knew she was making a risky move, but she took her chances. “What if you see her? What happens if you do?”
Harry’s heart dropped, his palms got sweaty and millions of scenarios raced in his head.
Gemma knew he had heard her, but she wanted an answer, whatever it could be. “Harry?”
“She hates me,” He began, rubbing his hairline in distress as he felt his eyes grow tearful, “I-I can’t see her and see the amount of hate she has for me. It’s already killing me, Gem, I can’t.”
“But she doesn’t,” Gemma said, hearing him sigh in annoyance, “No, you listen to me. You’re feeding yourself bullshit and you’re forcing yourself to believe it. Did she say that? Did she tell you that she hates you?”
“She fucking implied it!” Harry shouted, “She said she regrets falling in love with me, what does that sound like, for fuck’s sake?!”
“Sounds like disappointment to me, Harry!” Gemma exclaimed, growing frustrated with how thick her brother could be. And to be honest, she was getting tired of tiptoeing around the truth – one he needed to hear. “Sounds like she was hurt that the one person she trusted and loved for years decided to tell her one day that she couldn’t fit in his life and he couldn’t fit in hers! Sounds like she was hurt to me, Harry, especially because she didn’t expect you to break up with her, no one did!”
That was the last straw for him. Harry’s tears fell, plopping himself down on one of the kitchen chairs, burying his face in his hand as he cried.
Gemma’s heart broke at the sobs she heard through the phone, but she knew he needed it. “You have been scared to see her, to talk to her since the moment she walked out of that door, Harry, but till when? It’s not doing either of you any good.”
Harry sniffled, “D-Did y-you talk to her? Know anything about her?”
“Yeah,” she said sadly, “She’s not okay.”
Another wave of tears hit him, shaking his head at himself.
“I’m a fucking idiot.” He repeated to himself, over and over.
“I’ll pick you up in 10. I was already on my way before calling you.”
Harry gave her no response except for a sniffle.
He hummed in question.
“I love you, alright? I’ll help you fix this.”
Harry wasn’t lying when he said the flower market was all about her.
Without her by his side, it seemed like all flowers lost their beautiful blooming colors, devoid of the saturation. It seemed like his mind loved playing tricks on him so much that it refused to make him smell anything but her scent, even when surrounded by dozens and dozens of petals.
A pair of sunglasses hid his puffy and red eyes, and he hadn’t bothered to change out of the sweat shorts and t-shirt, only put on a pair of socks and jogging shoes.
Gemma was beside him, walking quietly with a pair of her own sunglasses perched on her nose, her arm linked with his.
She dragged him to one vendor, checking the flowers and bouquets before pointing at pretty, blue carnations. “Look at these, they look beautiful, don’t they?” She asked her brother.
“They’re dyed.” Harry had instantly replied, Gemma more surprised by the fact that he talked than by the statement.
“Ah, you know a secret,” The vendor smiled at Harry, “You read a lot?”
“My girlfriend d-“ He paused at his slip, feeling Gemma give him an assuring squeeze on his bicep, “Someone once told me that.”
“Better hold on to them, not everyone is interested enough to learn about stuff like that nowadays.”
Harry felt bitter, like he wanted to tell the man to shut up and ask him if he knew anything about what happened, ask him if he was mocking him, but he knew that that was his mind playing another goddamn trick on him.
He was getting sick of the tricks and the amount of times his mind mocked his state, because when he turned his head away from the man and spotted her, he wanted nothing more than to have a one-on-one fight with his mind.
His jaw dropped, his green eyes widened from beneath his sunglasses, and he felt like he no longer was in an open-air place.
There she stood, in flared jeans, a half-sleeved shirt and eyes hidden beneath a pair of Seven Wonders sunglasses that Gemma had gifted her when she launched her brand. In her hands was one single yellow daffodil, holding it gently and with care, reminding Harry of the days and nights when she would hold him, exactly as a flower.
“Ha-“ Gemma stopped, following his gaze before her eyebrows shot up. She couldn’t say she was very surprised, because she knew how much Sundays at the flower market meant to her friend and brother’s ex.
Gemma also knew it was the first time since the breakup that Y/N visited the place and she couldn’t be any happier for her friend for kicking herself out of the bed and to the one place she enjoyed being at.
Y/N seemed oblivious to the Styles siblings’ fixed gaze on her, carrying herself with grace despite the ache in her heart and the memories that clouded her mind with that one special someone – someone who was standing nearby.
Time seemed to go slow, as if someone had added a slo-mo effect. She had turned, and she was going to miss him if it weren’t for her double taking.
The daffodil almost dropped from her hands, and her knees almost gave out on her.
As if she was pulling the leash on her heart, she turned away quickly before beginning to walk away in big steps, Harry’s heart aching.
“Go!” Gemma urged him, “Fucking go after you, you shit!” She pushed his back.
“I-“ Harry shook his head at his sister, not being able to tear his eyes away from Y/N’s figure as she walked among the crowd, leaning to the side as to not lose sight of her.
“You can, Harry!” She groaned, before tugging on his arm, making him look at her stern face, “It’s now or never, Harry. Your call.”
More often than not, Harry was thankful and grateful for his older sister; like when she took him sightseeing in London for the first time when he was 16 during the boot camp stage of The X-Factor, or when she would help him with his science and English coursework back when he was at school as a kid.
Like that moment, as he ran after his love.
It was easy to spot her. It was easy to run towards her.
Reaching her, Harry gently held her elbow, halting her movement before she turned, and fuck, 
what now?
He expected her to shout at him, tell him that she wanted nothing to do with him but she was quiet, looking up at him as she waited and Harry didn’t know whether he was thankful or despised the fact that he couldn’t see her eyes – was she glaring at him? Was she not?
He opened his mouth before closing it again, slowly removing his hand from her arm, unaware to her longing for his touch.
“Say anything, Harry, dammit.” She almost pleaded, pushing her weight to her right leg and – finally – putting her glasses on top of her head.
Harry definitely wished she kept them on.
Because the moment he saw her puffy eyes, clearly from crying, he wanted nothing but to cry out himself.
As if to assure her though, Harry mirrored her and placed his own on top of his head, letting her see how the eyes she adored so much, the color she decided was her favorite, was hidden beneath the puffiness and red.
“I don’t know what to say, fuck me,” he cringed at himself, reaching up to aggressively rub his eyes with his palms as to calm himself.
But then she gave him that look, that one look she gave him before walking out of the door a month ago – she was disappointed.
She shook her head at him, eyes judging him. “Forget it.” She was about to turn again when he, again, held her, but that time, Harry’s hand reached for hers.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted.
God, what exactly was he sorry for? What exactly was he apologizing for? Kissing her one moment then breaking up with her the other? Not calling her? Standing in front of her and being a coward?
But she had always been patient with him, and as much as her friends advised her against, she was still patient with him that moment.
“I can’t read your mind.” She said gently, stepping closer to him and looking him directly in the eyes, searching them. “Use your words.”
“I can’t do this without you,” Harry’s tone matched hers, staring down at her and stealing a glance at her lips before going back to her eyes, “I was- No, I am a dick. I’m an idiot. It’s taken me too long because I’m just an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t admit when he’s sorry and,” he shook his head, “But I am. I fucking hate myself for letting you leave, for saying the bullshit I said, for- for disappointing you,” he gulped down the tears that threatened to fall,
“I can’t sleep without you. Can’t eat, can’t function like a normal fucking human without you and I am to blame.”
Y/N listened, eyes getting glossy before she took a breath in, gulping as she tore eye contact before looking back at him, “Would you have said all that if you hadn’t seen me here?”
Harry stared at her a moment.
“Would you have called me? Visited?” One single tear betrayed her and fell, “Because I waited for you, all damn month.”
Before he was even aware, Harry nodded, taking the risk to reach forward and cup her face in his hands, watching as she closed her eyes at the feeling. “I would have.”
“I can’t-” She let out a sob, looking up at him with an almost childish frown, “I can’t afford having my heart broken by you again, Harry, because it fucking sucked.”
His breath hitched in his throat but it didn’t stop him from pulling her into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her, hiding his face in her hair, his senses waking at the whiff of her shampoo.
“Never again.”
Daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings.
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