#the scary looking form is called the Blood Moon form
sh4rkbug · 5 months
holy shit it’s an oc
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um yeah his name’s Monotone he’s like 16 and this is an actual character sheet thing. It’s actually a redesign since his first design looked too bland and I like how this one came out. I may make another one of these and make some actual character sheets for my other ocs
Alt versions here showing glow
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just-some-user-hunny · 2 months
Balerion bonded to bastard! Reader
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~ In this Scenario, Balerion is still alive and breathing- albeit barely, and with little enthusiasm. He'd remain still in the sand, seafoam lapping at his scales, yet he feels little reason to move. He's old. Ancient, and tired. The rise and fall of his breath is gradual and laboured- slow like the moving tide. Ever since Viserys drew his last breath, Balerion felt as cold as the sea. His days of glory and war are memories grown old, and he is tired. He feels like sleeping forever now, listening to the faint call of seagulls and the noise of crashing tides.
~ Bastard! princess reader captures glimpses of him from her windows view, watching the old beast wither and fade upon the beach like he were a memory fizzling away into the seafoam. At first glimpse through the rain speckled glass pane- she had mistaken him for a large mountain of black rock.
~ now she's frightened, but, intrigued. She is still a child, a scared and desperate one, so she hatches a plan to reach the beach and perhaps ask the dragon nicely if he'd take her back home. (Besides, dragons do look scary, but Caraxes was nice to her. Maybe he'll be nice too?)
~ like a slippery little mouse, one day she escapes during dinnertime. Fueled to seek out the dragon after a one-sided argument with Daemon across the table. Whilst the servants and knights searched the castle grounds for her, she finds herself on the coastline, and beelines towards the mountain of a dragon, Balarion. She doesn't know who he is, all that he's a dragon. Dragons have wings. They can fly. He could take her home, away from these mad people.
~ her courage burns like a wavering candle, tears streaming down her face in distraught and desperation. The sounds of dragons roaring in the dragon pit fizzle her blood, she can hear the troubled songs of Caraxes and syrax in the distance, and it stirs her on to waken the sleeping dragon. Despite her little trembling hands and accelerated heartbeat.
~ Balarion is awoken- disturbed at the sound of a sobbing child. It is such an odd and peculiar sound to his ears, it startles him enough to raise his heavy head from the sand and look down upon a child he has never seen before. Inhaling deeply, he also doesn't recognise their scent. But there is some trace of dragon blood within her.
~ "excuse me, can you take me home? I need to go home, my mummy is there!". She proclaims as loudly as she can. As clearly as her choked up voice allows her.
~ Balarion feels himself grow soft at the sight of the little child- as soft as a dragon can be.
~ He blinks slowly at her, gently lowering his head to move closer. The sudden bravery of a mere child to approach him intrigues him greatly, and a rejuvenation overtakes his body. Suddenly his aching body doesn't feel so tired anymore- his stiffly folded wings that once enveloped the moon, suddenly feel spry and strong.
~ like a mountain unearthing itself from the earth, his massive body groaned and shuddered like a rolling thunderstorm- lifting from the cold evening sand and bubbling salty seafoam. The little girl stumbles backwards clumsily, afraid that maybe she has just prodded a sleeping angry beast, but she is met with no fire or teeth. this large, monstrously large dragon, is bowing his head to her. Like a mighty stag would do for a little fawn.
~ anxious- and brimming with excitement, her hands clasp upon the rough black scales of the sides of his neck. She climbs higher and higher, until she finds herself clambering onto the back of the beast, where an ancient and worn saddle remains. Roughly woven rope that has seen better days, and a simple leather seat awaits before her- and she climbs on.
~ her whole world seems to tilt and shift, like the earth was moving right beneath her feet as Balarion rises with a steady and heavy rumble. The stars are glittering above in the skies, and the cool evening air laps at the waves till they form foamy hills of white upon the dark sapphire waters. her heart is beating loudly and wildly in her chest now, her blood fizzling like lightning, and she stares across the ocean with determination soaring inside her. she's on the dragon now, and he seems eager to fly.
~ grappling the worn thick reins between her small hands, she recalls a word that the pale haired man called out to his crimson scaled dragon before he took off into the sky. The word is foreign, and doesn't quite suit the roll of her tongue. But she speaks it, a command that holds no hesitation.
~ "Sōvēs!".
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~ Bastard! Princess had risen high into the sky, clutching for dear life upon the reigns that were held so tight in her hands, her knuckles had turned pale. The wind rushed and soared, and her ears felt like they had popped as they ascended higher and higher across the sea. Balerions' wings were unsheathed like the night sky as they beat against the wind, and although his body was aching and old, he was not brittle or weak.
Salt air rushed over her face like a splash of icy water as they flew over the ocean, and she watched the castle grow smaller and smaller as the wind carried them away.
~ they flew and flew, but Balarion grew weary from the sudden flight, and turned back towards the shoreline. Bastard! princess was at a loss of what to do- for her own stomach was churning at the realisation that she didn't know where she was trying to go. The old dragon seemed to also sense that, and made the decision for the both of them to head back towards the cold stone castle.
~ Awaiting upon the shoreline, was a small army of armoured men, and the white haired man, who wore an astounded expression. His eyes wide, and jaw slack in what could only be described as euphoric horror. The king, Viserys, despite his weak and brittle body, had ordered to be escorted outside to see with his very own eyes as to what was happening. They had heard the uproar of Balerions' wings from within the castle, Daemon had at once thought a sudden hurricane had hit amidst his search for the little girl he had stolen away, haste in his step as Rhaenyra attempted to sternly reason with him - until the unmistakable shrill deep noise of rumbling dragon-song erupted in the distance like thunder. Both adults stilled- their expressions still and astounded.
~ it was until the sudden and panicked cry of a knight that confirmed everyones hesitant thoughts.n
~ "Balerion the black dread has arisen! And the princess is with him!"
~ that was all Daemon needed to hear before he bounded for the exit. With haste.
~ Balerion had returned to the beach, just as the knights had suspected. They fell speechless at the sight of such a large and imposing dragon land back upon the sandy coastline, his energy low, but not gone.
~ Viserys was in utter disbelief, and excitement. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had believed he would be the last rider of Balerion the black dread- the last targaryen to mount the beast that once was ridden by Aegon the conqueror, and many other infamous names.
~ The princess's little head of hair and frightful eyes peered down from her towering view upon the dragons back- eyeing the army of knights. Balerion grumbled a growl so low and frightening, it rattled the knights bones in their bodies. Their braced weapons could only serve as emotional support against such a beast.
~ "Dohaeras! Balerion!" Viserys roared in his deep and broken voice, his command did not hold as much power as it used to- but Balerion acknowledged it with an absentminded glance.
~ Eventually, through carefully worded coos and reassurances from young frightened handmaids that beckoned towards the bastard princess- she yielded. Wordlessly, Balarion lowered his head and allowed her to clamber down. Right into the shaking arms of a young woman in servants cloth, who had stood so close to the dragon, she felt her skin take heat and sweat profusely. The frightened and frustrated little girl was exhausted, and hungry. She has eaten very little earlier, picking at breadcrumbs like a little bird, and sipping only a little water. Her head lolled helplessly into the crook of the maiden's neck, weak and tired. the anxious woman backed away quickly.
~ Half asleep, and very upset, the little princess was placed into Rhaenyras' awaiting out-stretched arms. Her own little boys gathered around her like lambs as she petted the girl's back to comfort her. She fell limp, and asleep not too long after, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
~ Balerion watched them closely as they took his new little rider back up to the castle, even following as close as he could reach whilst still on the sand.
~ Viserys was white faced and trembling, a wry smile on his face, whilst Daemon was left expressionless. His palm cradled at the handle of his sword, troubled.
~ "The black dread yielded to her word Daemon- I had not thought that was possible". Viserys muttered.
~ "Neither did I". Daemon uttered back. His voice was even, and calm, yet his eyes held a thousand yard stare.
~ This was not supposed to happen. She was so young- and now with the black dread within her command? There was no saying of what may happen.
To be continued...
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alistairsmonstercafe · 7 months
Hi! Just incase you do requests, could we please have some wraith-ghost x werewolf!reader? I saw the fanart and couldn’t stop thinking about Ghost being absolutely dwarfed by their partner especially in their shift.
(And in case of nsfw, imagine ghost helping his partner through rut and getting absolutely railed by his bf half-shifted. The size difference is going crazy!)
NSFW Guiding A Shadow
NOTICE Male Werewolf TOP/DOM reader
CW Scent Kink, monster fucking, size kink, werewolf rut, slight blood (just mentions of you scratching him accidentally with claws), mentions of poly relationship with 141 (so no cheating they all bang each other like horny rabbits)
ADDITIONAL I don't mind Fem/Fem aligned readers reading but don't feel insulted/complain that I strictly don't do Fem reader, not my cuppa tea mate.
INSPIRATION @/Bluegiragi Monster AU on Twt and Tumblr
NOTE Sorry for my sudden absence a while ago... Cough.. I think in my little adhd brain I had a fit of hyperfixation and just burnt out as easy as I came.
When you had first arrived in the helicopter, the moment Ghost had caught even a whiff of a tail, he groaned. Another werewolf? Albeit larger. But after Soap was just as recent? He prayed you weren't like him.
Well. Hoped.
He looked at you what could only be assumed from under his balaclava was a scowl. Eyes looking you up and down with a harsh crease in his eyebrows. Furrowed and judging as you walked off the plane.
Training would never be fun with a werewolf, that was for sure with their size, and with you? Many dwarfed in comparison. You were not as bulky as Soap, persay, but damn, you were built. Decently thick legs and a height that towered over many, even Ghost. Fur upon different parts of your body and decently groomed might one say.
And after hitting it off with Soap (as he wished wasn't expected,) he was yet then assigned with the task of watching over you. The likes of you, of which, while quiet, seemed to be influenced by Soap that he, Ghost, was not as scary as he turned to be. No matter how many growls or warnings of what he could do to you, you never seemed to be phased. And just as Soap had wiggled into Ghost's heart, who said it could only hold one?
You had seemed to wedge your way into that dark depth he called a heart. (As how he always described it, but nobody ever believed him.) And he seemed to accept you more. React less to your energy and simply nod. The best you could ever get you supposed. But who could complain? Not you, thats for sure.
The real kicker had been training day. It was you, Gaz, Ghost, Soap, and Price gearing up for what was meant to be a casual spar. Soap seemed ecstatic at a new man who could keep up to his size, and even challenge him. Price and Gaz could only agree to see how this would play out.
But Ghost? His eyes never left you. Narrowed and watching. What would your werewolf form look like? Were you smaller, or bigger then Johnny? Did you go just as wild as Johnny did on a full moon, more or less?
There were many unexplained questions, many both answered and many forgotten in a series of minutes as he saw your form.
That shouldn't have explained the sudden tent in his pants when he saw your wolf ish form panting over Johnny's, teeth playfully bared and a paw like hand keeping Johnny firmly planted into the floor as he surrendered.
That shouldn't have explained the sudden burning arousal in his core.
That shouldn't-
But it did.
And all Ghost could do was excuse himself for the restroom. Undoing his belt with whisps of smoke practically fighting to not let lose on his forearms. Muttered curses of mild frustration as he groaned and let out his cock, freeing it from his boxers as he bit his glove hard and stroked it. He couldn't let anyone know how much this affected him.
His mind foggy and desperate in both a want of release and mild curiosity, Ghost wondered how you'd feel. Hell, he was aware he'd only been interested a few times in his life, few one night stands, few casualties here in there in the squad.. But there was something about giving the control to someone who didn't always have a human form for the night made him curious.
Apparently curious enough to cum on his hand, breathing heavily as he was pulled from his high with a knock on the bathroom door.
"Hurry it up Lt, lads eh waitin' for ye." Soap grumbled, the sound of him walking in and turning on the tap was quiet.
"Out in a minute." Ghost could only reply, pulling up his boxers and zipping up his pants. He wiped down everything and pushed the stall door open to see Soap leaning against the sink with a raised brow, looking a little bruised.
"Look a little bruised there, Johnny."
Soap scoffs and shrugs.
"Tha' lad did aye number on me. Accidently broke the lads phone, but for a wolf of tha' size, I'd guess his family wasn't small either."
Size. Back to the size, practically forgetting about the fact your phone broke and Ghost was reminded when his mind briefly drifted back to your size, large and imposing an-
"Ghost to earth. Ye there or did ye ascend to high heaven to meet the queen?"
"I'm here, I'm here. Just had a thought."
"About a certain little wolf?"
"Shut your trap." Ghost had looked away as he was snapped from his thoughts once more, brushing past Soap as he reached for the door.
"You can do that a later day." Soap hummed. Watching Ghost leave with a cheeky grin.
Later that day, in the mess hall you were seen chatting idly with the squad, complaining on the cafeterias shitty meat options as everyone could only ever agree.
"I'm tellin' you guys, how can you even eat this shit? Tastes worse then a dog's ass." You groan, poking at the slice of supposed ham.
"An' how do you know what a dog's ass tastes like mate?" Gaz teases quietly, before getting a firm smack on the head by Soap.
"Look at us mate. We ain' exactly the people you wanna ask when knowing that of all things."
Gaz shrugs and gives a laugh. But you seem to pay no mind to their conversation, your eyes scanning around for Ghost. It had been a while since he was supposed to meet with the rest of you for dinner.
"I think I'm full, I'm gonna go look for Ghost, alright?" You mention quietly, and the rest nod, but Price seems to have an idea and shrugs, looking to the side.
Walking through the halls you pass by a calander, January 24. January 24? Why did that seem so familiar? It wasn't a birthday or a meeting, so you shrugged it off. A broken phone wouldn't serve you any good either. And you didn't feel too off aside from a few aches from today's spar.
But when you knocked on Ghost's door, a scent hit your nose like a truck. And a few soft groans was enough to let you know what was happening.
"Ghost?" You called out quietly, unsure to knock again.
"Can I come in?" You ask, even while fully aware of what's happening, leaving your tail wagging and your mouth almost salvating, you hold respect as you grip the door knob.
But when a strained voice of "come in", is spoken, you almost quickly push open the door. Seeing as Ghost lays on his back, two fingers stuffed into his hole as he looks up at you with a dazed expression.
"Interested in helpin' your superior out?" He groans, head falling back a little as his fingers press near a spot inside him.
And you can easily feel the strings of your restraint tear, the scent of him so aroused, so wet, so perfectly presented for you makes your instincts practical drool. A perfect position for a mate, and a perfect way to start the spring season.
You quickly find yourself on top of him, face buried in his neck as you lap at the scent, tongue licking where it can while your hand finds its way to his mouth. Shoving it in whilst he gives a muffled whine on them. But you know it's hard to restrict yourself in the confindes of a more human then wolf body. And it's almost like a silent plead to be allowed to switch as you look up at Ghost and whine, rutting your cock against his thigh.
"Fuckin' hell.. You have my permission. Go wild." Ghost whispers as he tugs you in close by the collar. And that enough is able to grow you around 4x in size. Clothes easily removes and teared off as your cock lays heavy against his thigh, as you continue to rut, and your fingers have long replaced his in his hole as you pump in and out, stretching him on your thick fingers as your long tongue finds its way up and down his body.
"F-fuck that tongue..!" Ghost moans out, back arching into your touch as the thickness of your fingers, your tongue, and heavy cock all feel like so much on him, and he loves it. Craves it even. And it's when you remove your fingers, in that brief moment he knows he's going to not be able to move for quite a bit after that.
And the stretch is even better. The thickness of your cock at the tip pushes in and burns delightfully, filling him up as you drag it down until it reaches near the base. But not entirely to leave room for the knot soon later. A slow paced easily turned into Jackhammering as you snapped your hips quickly into place after bottoming out in him, your claws digging into his thighs and hips causing mild drips of blood that Ghost couldn't care more about and flipping him over onto his stomach to reach deeper positions, and seeing a small tummy buldge hidden beneath as you place your free hand under it, making his whispy shadows go rampant on his body, his shadows shakily wrapping around the fluff of your neck to pull you in, mumbling praises. "G-good fuckin' boy- Oh fuck! So-.. So good fuckin' your lieutenant like a good pup-!"
It makes your tail wag faster and your mind run rampant on breeding the man below you, as you feel your knot built up.
All the sensations make Ghost jolt, moan, squirm, and whine. But the size and stretch is so worth it, and he wouldn't have werewolf cock any other way.
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echantedtoon · 4 months
Ocean Deep Ch8 An Unexpected Chain Of Events
(Warnings: Rengoku is in REALLY BAD shape with wounds, blood/possible blood loss, and a few giant fish hooks embedded in him. Mentioning of blood. Mentioning of attempted kidnapping. Mentions of Rengokus poisonous barbs. yn has to do CPR on Rengoku.
If you need a refresher on the mer cast-
Suma: (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish mer
Hinatsuru: Strawberry Peacock Cichlid mer
Makio: Golden Dragon Koi mer
Kyojuro Rengoku: Lionfish mer(you can follow the link below and see what he looks like there.)
If I don't describe CPR accurately I apologize. I looked instructions up on YouTube to get as accurate of a scene as I could.)
Tags: @shadyd3ar @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan
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The day was beautiful this morning.
With the sunlight sinking into the room through the window. The birds singing outside. Beautiful fresh smelling air. Beautiful visions of nature right outside of you looked. A bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds. Yellow sun. Flowers of every color. Green plants everywhere. Trees providing shade as the wind rolled by. An absolute picture perfect scene for what could very much be a good day. Nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing to do. Just peaceful quiet and nature.
That was what your normal morning would've been on your day off. When you woke up at a reasonable time and woke up at a normal time. However this wasn't your normal morning. Now was it?
The wind felt nice against your skin as you walked along the dirt road and towards the pathway where the river lied. It was pretty early in the morning too. Two maybe three o'clock. A yawn bubbled up the woman's throat and made it out as a hand instinctively went to cover her mouth. Usually you would fear going outside anytime during the night but desperate times called for desperate measures. You were running out of food. All these scraps would only go so far before someone got the idea to start charging you money for that too or by the ways things were going, soon there wouldn't even be any scraps left for you to be handed. Your only hope right now was to rely on old scraps and providing the food yourself. Under the covers of darkness to avoid any suspicion.
Your door had opened quietly and you stepped out of your house and into the quiet, barren streets. The moonlight shining down and kissing your form. A shiver running down your spine from a warm breeze ghosting over your form. It would be a good night to fish. The door closed softly as you started walking towards the woods outside the town, fishing line curled up within your right hand. The moon shown down upon the forests illuminating the night bright enough for you to see and watch as the trees swayed im the warm breezes and hear the peaceful rustling of their leaves and lullabies of the crickets. It was just so beautiful and lively. You always loved doing this. Not when it was dark and scary however. It was more beautiful in the daytime. 
The sweet smells of flowers and grass were encouraging your lungs. Combined with the warmth of the summer air warming your muscles and urging them on. Both made you feel as light as a feather on your mere feet and the ground felt soft under you. It would've been nice if you weren't constantly looking side to side at every shadow that danced in the limited moonlight thanks to the grey clouds looming overhead. Step after step. Faster and faster. You fearfully started to speed walk through the pathways and around a corner of a house as soft dirt pathways turned into grassy floors of forests as you excitedly entered the beckoning woods. The moonlight being blocked out a bit because of the swaying trees and branches and clouds but you could still see perfectly fine. The river sso many people liked to fish at during summer wasn't too far from where you entered. It was just nearly a quarter of a mile into the woods. You loved coming out during these warm months and enjoying the view but ever since the disappearances -...You kept your distance. The way you found the river was walking through a bush and having to blink when a flurry of sparkling lights glared your eyes for a second.
Blinking your eyes adjusted to the beautiful and wonderful sight of a dark beautiful river reflecting the moon on its surface and sparkling as if the reflection had its own stars and consolations within its ripples. Completely untouched and waiting for you to touch its soft silence. Soft footsteps approached the gleaming water and a carbon copy of a woman appeared in the gleaming reflections. She stared up at the original mirroring the actions of the woman above. The woman's fiddled with her line and the small contacts she brought along with her. A hook with a big, juicy worm stabbed on the end of it dangled over the woman in the dark reflection before dropping into the water and rippling the reflection woman away back into the darkness of the waters.
Shaking hands fed the line lower and lower into the blackened waters. F/c eyes darting around the area. Every creaking branch. Every swaying bush. Every tall blade of grass. They all could hide a monster ready to carry you off to be their next meal. Next Bride. Next victim. The fast paced breathing was only matched by the beating of your heart in your chest. 
This was where those three girls disappeared last year, and near where the fourth girl disappeared. 
It was a stupid, STUPID idea!! ...But were you really just going to let your friends go hungry? No. No you weren't going to let that happen. The responsibility of their survival was solely on you for the moment. With a shaky inhale the woman returned to her work. Feeding the line into the wide river's darkened waters before kneeling down to sit upon the side of the water. Trembling. Nothing but the wind and cold for company. 
Rippling, rippling water. Sparkling mirrorer of the stars and moon. Swaying lazily with the flowing currents and keeping in time with the bobbing line of life keeping it tethered to the above world. With a lazed fortune in mind for the woman, a pull tugged onto the line and it was enough for her to pull up a feast big enough for a small person for a day.
You frowned as you gazed at the small catfish wriggling on the end of the line. This wasn't as big as you hoped. It was enough for a small human like you to have for lunch but that's about it. It wouldn't fill up a mermaid for an entire day! But..you couldn't afford to throw it back. A fish was a fish. And you'd have to get more. The line was thrown back in once again sinking back into the only black abyss of the waters. You sat there gazing at the blackness around you with nothing but the flopping fish for company. Every sound was amplified as in the silence made them louder. You shouldn't be here in the woods. You should be at home in your comfy bed asleep and waking up to a good morning where you'd make yourself breakfast before cleaning a little bit and then relaxing on your day off. But no. Here you were in the same forest where four girls disappeared just last summer fishing in the middle of the night just to feed three mermaids that you never really asked for with your poor town suffering the consequences. 
You should've headed the old tales-
The sweet sunlight kisses the world good bye as the sun set on the world. Wishing it good bye to make way for the cruel night that way ahead. Bathing the world in darkness tinted in white by his sister the moon as she dawned her best war paint and climbed higher into the darkened sky to claim her rightful place as Queen of the dark realm. That readd a sign to all her dark children that tonight would be the night for mischief and mayhem. Danger and chaos.
Death and undead.
Beware the full moon that comes to rise in the sky.
Beware the monsters who lurk and live amongst the world.
Beware of those who seek out their own entertainment.
So lock your doors up tight when the full moon appears. Barricade all your windows. Block up any chimneys. Hide away in your deepest closest. Arm yourself with your finest weapons. Speak not a word and be silent. Sleep not a wink and keep alert for they will all spirit you away.
Mischievous fae. Blood thirsty vampires. Carnivorous werewolves. Fire breathing dragons. Scheming demons. And so many more.
Those who refuse to heed the warnings are fated to die to be spirited away never to be seen again. So hide away and don't make a sound. Never answer the door no matter what. And above all else be weary.
You jumped as a thunderclap in the distance overhead echoed throughout the sky. Your head looked up instinctively and stared at the still lit up sky and the dark grey storm clouds that scattered across it like some shattered jigsaw puzzle. The sight of it worried you making a frown appear on your perfectly spooked face. The chilly wind blowing over your body once again as you shivered. 
You were tired. Exhausted even as the night went on. Darkened shadows filled the skies with darkness blocking out the light as your catch slowly grew. One by one. Until you jumped as a giant crash of thunder rolled along the sky making you jump and look towards the sky of darkness. You deemed it time to go then. Quickly pulling in your line up and gathering your fish, another clash of thunder made you jump. The wind picked up hammering branches against each other. Yep. Time to go! You just threw the string of fish over your shoulder when- 
You froze when you heard it. A distant cry of the Water's surface breaking just a few feet away from you to the right as you turned your head. The sounds of something coming from the other sides of the bushes. You couldn't move. Couldn't speak. As fear gripped your neck tightly and your eyes stared at the cold wind blowing the bushes around. The mud squelches and splashing sounded..BIG. POWERFUL...But also-
T H U D- ! ! !
You jumped as SOMETHING BIG. Collapsed.
You still didn't move. Panicking internally. What were you supposed to do?! Get your neighbors?! You wanted to go back...but what if it was someone who did need help? Or what if it was a wild animal? WHAT IF IT WAS A CREATURE GETTING READY TO CARRY YOU AWAY NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN?!...Ok. maybe not. Calm down. It was just.. probably just a wild animal! Yeah! It was probably injured or something! In which case you better leave anyways. ...Buuuut if it WAS an injured animal like a deer then maybe you could just use it for food! You guessed it didn't hurt to just take a quick look. Right? Slowly you stopped and looked back towards the bush. Your bare feet touching the ground gently and quietly enough to not make yourself known.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly stopping right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. You cracked an opening in the branches and looked out. The darkened sky looked out over the entire area. Tree branches swayed and night fell upon the ground. However you froze as your eyes met a sickening sight.
R E D.
The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your skin. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in. A hand flew to cover your mouth as a foul urge to vomit rose and a sickening copper smell filtered through the air.
That was the color painted everywhere on the ground displayed before you. And there...lying face down slumped over was a man's body. A canvas for the color. Your eyes shrank in terror and your ears gained a ringing sound all on their own drowning out any noise.
Right there lying right in front of your face. How-...How did this happen?! Where did it come from?! You wretched yourself away from the bush in shock and leaned over slightly. The urge to vomit riding as you did everything you could to keep it down. The bush branches snapping back into place hiding the sight from you. Automatically you gave a few coughs and gulped down air in an attempt to calm yourself head spinning. There was a dead man on the riverbank! Oh gods! What if someone thought you were responsible for this!? You could be tried for murder-
How did you know he was actually dead?
That one thought made you freeze in your tracks instantly. That's right...How did you know for certain that he was dead? You just merely saw him covered in blood with a gash on his back. Your head turned back to the bush. He...he could've been hurt and tried reaching your house for help. What if he was laying there suffering?! That thought perked you back up into going back to the bush and cautiously reaching out to slightly pull the branches again. The body was still there unmoving. It...sure LOOKED dead but you couldn't tell in the dark. If he was still alive..you had to help him. You couldn't just leave someone to bleed out. The unmoving form still remained unmoving even as you noisily pushed through the bush and stood right next to the head. It was then that you again stopped dead in your tracks both shocked and horrified as the clouds overhead parted enough to allow more moonlight to light up the area truly revealing who or more accurately WHAT was laid in front of you 
A pale torso of blood covered skin sank down into the mud. Skin slowly melted away into fiery orange and red scales smooth and polished like that of a snake..Or fish. A giant tail full of fins sank deeply into the muddy bank before disappearing under the waves of the water that lazily hugged his body. F/c eyes widened to the size of plates.
..No. wait-
Your eyes narrowed more in the darkness. A mer-..Man???
It was definitely a man. You could tell by how Large the body was and how muscular the exposed skin was. In the limited moonlight you were able to make out long blonde hair that mostly covered his face and he laid in a position that suggested that he'd collapsed by himself instead of being washed ashore by the river currents. But the question still remained...Was he still alive?
You hesitated again ...but slowly you reached over to the face laying on its side and touched the long strands covering his eyes. It was .. surprisingly soft and silky to the touch and you slowly pulled it away from the face to examine it. The right side of a man's face greeted you. You nearly jumped back at what you saw.
"Oh my gods."
A fish hook was just mere inches from his face. One of those thick metal ones that they used to catch tuna, small sharks, and other large fish. You immediately grabbed it pulling it safely away from him. What was this doing here?! A few more centimeters and it could've handed his face if he chose to move, splayed out on the cold unforgivable ground unmoving. His right eye exposed from pulling his hair back was closed obviously either unconscious or dead, and read streaks ran down his face in water dripping patterns from a cut on his forehead. However...that wasn't the strangest bit. Your hand instead went to almost touch his lips and flinched back feeling a weak warmth across your fingertips. You reeled back in shock, hand to your chest, and jumping. His body was still warm!!
The hook was thrown aside along with the line of fish you caught thudding into the wet ground. Hands grabbed his right shoulder and HEAVED. Barely moving an inch, but slowly the body turned, and with a thud he was collapsed onto his back. A shocked gasp escaped from your throat upon eyes seeing his front body. Oh gods...So much blood. His body was practically DRENCHED in the red color! And you found out why. A large gash across his front from his left shoulder and ending just above his right hip was exposed to you. Definitely bigger than the gash along his back. And there was a third smaller gash along his right collar bone ending near his bicep. There was so much blood..How was he even still alive!? Wha-..What happened to him?! What caused him to get like this?! Thick broken strands of what looked like broken strands of rope was laid out all over his body, curiously you grabbed a piece and pulled it off him. What used to be a net maybe? You continued pulling it all off of him the hardest part having to walk into the river a bit and slide it down his tail in order to slip it off his tail. So much for a dry dress. The ropes were thrown aside and wet squelch sounded as you pulled up the hem of your now soaked dress to go kneel by his head.
It provided you a better look despite the limited moon light. You could get a better look at his injuries noting there was more than you expected. More BLOOD than you expected. It seemed most on his head came from either his mouth or from the cut on his forehead. There was also more cuts on his tail, but thankfully none of them looked very deep or if they were they weren't bleeding which was also good. But you also noticed something else. Something else very important about him. 
He was also wearing jewelry.
A thick gold chain was around his waist like a belt almost. His ears were pierced with a few small gold earrings that you only noticed thanks to the moonlight making them shine. Some kind of golden bands were wrapped around his left forearm, and finally a few rings were on his fingers. OOOH boy. Your eyes widened when you saw them. They were studded with big diamonds and other precious jewels. Whoever this man-..merman was, it was obvious he had access to some kind of wealth. Taking a closer look..He also was very handsome under all of the dread. Briefly your panicked mind wondered if all mermaids were like this or if it was just the ones you came across.
You reached out to touch it his neck for a pulse. F/c eyes smoothed over the body still wet and warm from the turbulent journey down the river. However the water droplets dripping down the body was expected, as was the smears of crimson blood from the injuries. What was not expected was the lack of movement coming from his chest. The woman froze again upon blankly staring down at the unmoving chest as a horrible reality was finalized right then and there. 
The horrible realization struck her as hard and quick as lightning made out of bricks. Her breathing hit he'd as her knees dropped next to his chest. Hands raised shaking and panicked as she stared panicked at the bloody body..Quickly the woman's hands reached out to shakingly pat at his cheeks.
"Please wake up. Pl-Please wake up!"
Unresponsive. Eyes remained closed silently drifting away from the world as peacefully and slowly as a leaf flowing down the pond. The woman above only being a distant audience- Until she refused the reaper his claim that day. 
Hands pushed themselves onto the unmoving chest. Hands interlocking. Arms stiff. And then the first of many pushes down. 
"Wake up!"
Sweat beaded from your forehead as you rapidly delivered a series of pushes down until you reached to the count of thirty in your mind. Stopping abruptly and grabbing his head. Nose pinched, head tilted back slightly, and not hesitating to place your mouth on his to deliver breaths. Sweat coated your face as you continued the cycle. 
Rapid pushes.
"Come on. Come on."
More breaths.
"Fight it!"
Rapid pushes.
Tears helped up in your eyes. A sob nearly escaping. The darkness and distant thunder overhead mocking your attempts at what seemed to be a lost cause. Gleeful in your failing. A shaking added to the woman as she went to quickly place her mouth back onto his- and then he choked.
The movement of him against you caught you so off guard that you actually tumbled backwards out of fright, the mud making a loud splat sound as you fell into it. If the dress wasn't ruined before it certainly was now. However that was the farthest thing from your mind as the body convulsed with coughs escaping the mouth- Two hands grabbed him by the shoulder as you heaved with a loud grunt to pull him onto his side. 
"That's it. Good. Good." A hand gently rubbed his back as you held him there. A gasping choking sound like a drowning man finally getting to land. "You're doing great. Keep breathing."
HE WAS ALIVE. HE WAS BREATHING!! He was still not in good shape but he wasn't dead! Thank the gods! The gasping choking sounds continued for a little bit making you wince as you watched him. His mouth hung wide open exposing a few fangs you wearily eyed. The girls had fangs too but his were much more sharp and pointy. His eyes squeezed shut and his brows tightly furrowed as he gasped and every so while spat. Until eventually his head laid upon the ground exhausted. Chest rising and falling deeply. 
For a moment there was nothing.
The sounds of creaking branches, wind, and heavy breathing were the only things heard besides the distant sounds of thunder in the ever darkening skies. Nothing but you staring at him in this point frozen in time as a hand encouraging rubbed at his back.
Then ever so slowly his eyes opened.
You froze when you first saw the whites of those eyes. At first they were confused blinking the blurry vision away only to be greeted by the darkness. A moment of longingly staring ensued, until the eye turned to stare up at you. You froze at the unusual eyeball staring at you. It was unlike anything you've ever seen. His pupil instead of the usual black was a pure white surrounded by a ring of red that was in turn surrounded by a secondary ring of orange. It made contact with your f/c irises and stopped there before widening in surprise. Your face stained in crimson red and mud brown. There was nothing but the tense breathing for ten seconds before the entire face slowly turned to you. The wet hair cling to his face, semi stained by the blood, and mud smeared on other parts of his body that wasn't already caked in water and/or blood. He just ..Laid there. Staring up at you. Right in the eyes. As if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His fire like eyes stared at your eyes then looked down at the lower half of your face and the crimson smear. It looked like he's seen a ghost. 
You jumped back as his arm moved, pulling your hands away from his body and leaning back. Eyes wide as the limb shook enough to be mistaken for a frightened worm. You flinched. Was he going to attack you?! Drag you down into the water?! Drown you?! You were going to die and for what?! Helping him?! Your eyes clenched shut awaiting your fate!
A shaking hand reached up and-!!! Gently touched his mouth in bewilderment. 
"....Did you ju-just k-k-kiss me?"
You lowered your arms slowly. Even more slowly as the most hoarse man's voice you ever heard came from the merman. You stared at him wide eyed as he stared up at you. "....W-What?"
"Ma'am, I am hu-humb-b-bly flattered-" He was BARELY able to hold up a badly shaking hand. "-bu-but I am a h-..*cough cough* ha-happly mmmarried man."
You stared at him blankly for the longest time just staring. His voice sounded like he desperately needed a glass of water for a dry throat. ".......SAY WHAT?!"
"I u-understand that I happen to b-be a- about b-but I as-sure you that I am l-like..Super married. *Cough cough cough*" He coughed a few times covering his mouth as you still stared shocked.
"I-I didn't kiss you!!," you squealed out horrified. "I was admitted CPR!!"
"I-Is that W-What humans do to court?"
"Wha- NO!! YOU WEREN'T BREATHING!!", You shouted at him red creeping up onto your face. "IT'S A MEDICAL TECHNIQUE!!"
He slowly blinked at you.. before speaking. "Oh. Well t-that is more sense. *Cough cough*"
You ignored the red in your face. "Just..Who are you?"
"I-I could be ask-asking you the same thing. W-What is a hu-human girl *cough* d-doing here?"
"Night fishing. Are you feeling ok?" You hesitantly raised your hands towards his body but stopped shortly of touching him.
"Not at all! I'm in incredible pain!," he shouted in a raspy voice making you wince at the volume.
"SSSHHH!! Keep your voice down!," you whisper shouted at him looking around the darkness. Who knows who..or WHAT could hear him?! "Is there anyone nearby who can help you? O-Or maybe family?"
"Nope! But i-if you help pu-push me back into t-t-the river then I might be *cough* a-able to get back!"
"... Can't you not move with your injuries?"
You again just stared at his face..then at his body..then back to his face. Oh no. NO! Nonononono!! This could NOT be happening to you! Not now! Not again! You couldn't get further involved into this! 
"Is there anywhere you can go for help?"
"N-Not around here."
You should walk away now. You had already did your good deed. He was alive and he could take care of himself! You shouldn't be getting anymore involved. In fact you even stood up and turned making him blink from where he laid in the mud-..Mud. You turned back around. He was weakly and pathetically staring at you from the mud like a piece of junk to be discarded. Helpless. Unable to find for himself. If a wild animal like a bear or wolf didn't get to him first then someone else could find him and..Who knew what could happen to him? And that's only considering if he didn't die from his injuries first. ..He breathed heavy and turned his head upwards as two feet stopped in front of his head. You looked back down at him. A crash of thunder illuminated each other's faces.
"Just out of curiosity, do you know what a piggy back ride is?"
The house was silent. Nothing but the thunder overhead and the wind scratching against the window and the raindrops beating against the rooftop as the sun still stayed hidden for another hour or so. 
T H U D-!!
The door flew open, hitting the fair wall behind it causing a loud thud to ring out throughout the otherwise silent house. 
You pulled yourself into the house slowly step after slow step. Into your home until you collapsed onto the floor. A series of thumps and thuds rang out as bodies and objects fell. You fell exhausted onto your side breathing in and out gasping for air like a drowning man. Her body felt somewhere between numb and in pain, especially her back. Her entire body soaked to the bone because of the pouring rain and she was still covered in mud and blood. Only now she was soaked too. Only good thing about this was that no one would be outside to see her. Seriously. Why did mermaids have to be so darn HEAVIER than they look?! A large hand reached out to gently grab your shoulder. Still gasping for air, you opened your eyes to stare at the merman collapsed onto the floor next to you. Despite his condition being much worse than yours, he still looked concerned for you.
"Ma'am, are you alright?"
A crack of lightning rang out allowing you to briefly see his face better in the dark. You waved him off way plopping with a wet smack sound onto your stomach and weakly rising up to your hands and knees. You had to close the door. The rain still poured outside in the dark hours of the morning as you weakly crawled to the doorway, giving a weak but worried look around, and then closed the door before collapsing onto the wooden frame. The mermaid watched you carefully with a worried but curious.look on his face. 
"My apologies!"
You weakly waved him off again just catching your breath. Man. Your back was killing you. Even the other three weren't this heavy. Speaking of which ..How the hell were they going to react when they saw you bring a complete stranger back with you? You really were insane for doing all of this.
The merman gave a look around from where he awkwardly lay down. "..Your abode looks highly warm. But how are you supposed to raise guppies here?"
Suma's voice echoed throughout the home only drowned out by the storm and you tiredly lifted your head up. However you weren't the only one that froze when hearing the voice. The merman had frozen stone cold at the voice.
"Y/N?! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!! YYYYYYY/NNNNN!!!", Suma continued calling when you didn't answer her right away. 
He. FLIPPED. Literally. He flipped around landing on his stomach startling you by his sudden action. Hissing, pushing himself up onto weakened shaky arms as he stared down the way towards your bathhouse. 
Silence rang out other than the rain and a crash of thunder shaking the windows once more.
"... Kyojuro?!," one of the girls called back however you were so shocked by what was happening you didn't register who it was.
Recognition flashes across the man's face. Shaking breath rattling his chest mouth agape in those breaths. 
Fwap- "Gah!?" 
You toppled over as the end of his burly tail slapped into your. Desperation. Hesitation. Adrenaline. All pumped through the veins. Come here. Go. His mind told him. Claw after desperate claw again perfectly clean wooden floors as he raced . Mind reeling with the knowing NEED to be closer to the warmth his heart was attracted to. 
"Hey! Come back! Your wounds will get worse!," you called out to him as he desperately clawed away at a pace faster than you thought possible.
Despite your screaming muscles, you forced yourself to stand up and quickly walk after him as his form disappeared down the hallway. You turned the corner and looked down said hallway just as the man was clawing the bottom of your door with hissing desperation like a wolf frustratedly digging after a rabbit hole. Eventually he got it open pushing the door aside with a grunt and just-..Stopping. staring wide eyed into the bathroom. After about five minutes you slowly began walking down the hallway while keeping close to the wall just in case. The silence continued until the man's head raised higher. Tears starting to whelp up in them- Before without even a warning he just as quickly clawed his way into the room making you again pause.. Before quickly approaching. What was going on?! What if he hurt them?!
However when you hit to the doorway, you paused. In shock of what you saw on the other side. 
"Kyo!! Kyo!!" Suma called out for him crying historically as she held out her arms to him.
It's ok! He was here! He was coming!
Desperately and desired needs to be close. The desperation was met with open arms as you watched the three desperately crying mermaids clawing desperately at him. At first you were scared that they were attacking him by the way Hinatsuru just wrapped herself around his neck and the other two grabbed his sides and PULLED. Making them all tumble back and into the water, a giant splash noise resonating throughout the room as water sloshed over the sides and droplets rained everywhere.
Footsteps approached the tub as you leaned over the side. She might've been crushed under his weight..You stopped. You blinked. You stared down at the scene before your eyes. Two emotions hit you. Absolute confusion and fluster as your face went red seeing Hinatsuru and the merman in the middle of.. Passionately kissing.
The kiss was deep but passionate, like lovers who've been apart for years. He held her so close to him as she gripped his cheeks. Both had tears streaming down their faces before a long held back sob escaped the pink mermaids throat and made them break a kiss only for Makio to take her place latching onto him to kiss him over and over and over for what seemed like eternity. Suma cried loudly as she desperately cling to his back, curled up and tears smearing the mud stain on his shoulder.
"NEVER!!" He shouted. Hugging two crying warmth givers to himself. "Never, never, never again." He repeated that mantra. Their warmth satisfying a deep hole made in his chest finally being filled again. "It's been so long..I'm never  letting you go again."
A shadow fell over them all as you stared bewildered. "..Just who are you?"
"... Apologies." He didn't look up. Didn't care. "I am called Kyojuro. You may back away now."
There wasn't really an answer until Suma looked at you, blinked, and then shrieked. "Y/N'S BLEEDING!!"
Uh oh.
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goodolddumbbanana · 16 days
Sun's Wedding [2]
Cringe: hahaa... I have no idea what I am Writing...
Part 1
“--And then she dared to drag Sun along with her, like he was just some toys!!”
The dark blue animatronic’s heels crunched on Monty’s million-dollar tile floor. The crocodile was already sleepy, but they still couldn’t go back to cuddle with Earth in their bedroom because someone was still shamelessly refusing to leave.
The elegant yellow-green wedding invitation was torn to shreds on the glass table, but still managed to form some fancy letters, Sun x Miku.
‘Oh my god, it’s really late, Moon! Give me a damn break.’ 
Monty’s eyes twitched, almost closing under their sunglasses. The thought of throwing Moon in the trash was getting more and more appealing with every minute the damn moon-model kept them from sleeping. The vision ahead was getting more and more blurry, and Moon’s face was starting to resemble a mutated eggplant.
“Monty. Are you listening to me!”
Damn, Monty almost fell. They adjusted their glasses, snapped two fingers at Moon, their voices a little groggy. 
“Sure, bud. Crystal clear.”
The silence was filled with gravel and the judgmental look from those red eyes. Moon looked like he wanted to snap their necks, which was impossible but kinda cute because that twink thought he could with these two rotten noodles the blue animatronic called hands.
“Monty, if you doze off again, I’ll blow up every vault you’ve hidden under the Pacific Ocean.”
A chill ran through Monty’s body, just like the day they’d discovered the money they’d invested all went bankrupt in a Soviet project. Using the German scientists was not a good move.
Their mouths dropped open, they clutched their metaphorical hearts. Their hands shook as they removed their glasses and stared at Moon’s eyes.
“Moon… Moon… Please…! Come on, buddy!? You don’t mean it, do you?” Monty stammered. “Those are my babies!!”
“Oh well Monty, guess your babies are about to go shit.” Moon sneered. “241 gold vaults and 462 weapon vaults. One wrong move and–.” Moon made the sound of an explosion, the activation button hovering teasingly in Moon’s hand.
A withered sigh of resignation came from Monty. They leaned back, both hands rubbing their foreheads.
“Geez! I don’t remember you being this scary…” They muttered under their breath, completely nonchalantly admitting their crimes. “Alright! I admit, I slept through half of your monologue.”
Not even looking at Moon’s finger that was so close to the button, Monty picked at their ear. “But what do you want me to do with that information?!! Find a sniper and deal with Miku myself??? Throw that crazy girl into the East Sea?”
“I don’t know!” Moon waved his hand, shouting. “I’m desperate, okay!! And you’re the one who does all the weird stuff all the time!!”
“So what?” Monty laughed, their voices almost mingling together. “You think I can pull something out of my ass magically, Moon? Do you really think I can do that without preparing anything? It is Art, Moon! I need time to think! And some minors are in labor!! If they’re orphans then even better, I don’t have to pay them anymore.” They waved their hands ridiculously, their handsome reflections in the glasses making them stop their movements and admire the mirror.
Oh yes, who has such beautiful muscles… It’s you~~~
“Monty! Focus!!” Moon snapped his fingers. He felt his own patience level going out the window, and just thinking about his poor little brother trapped in Miku’s evil embrace made Moon’s blood boil.
He wanted to find Solar, but somehow that orange animatronic had disappeared along with Lunar or Earth to nowhere.
“Fine! My God! You need to relax, Moon. This fussing isn’t going to solve anything.” Monty sighed, rubbing their shoulders. They took a sip of their gin, too sober to continue this conversation.
“Well, I don’t think Miku’s that bad. She’s pretty, and she has money, a lot of money. Heh…” Monty’s eyes might have turned into $$ shapes as their hands made the same counting motion before coughing and adjusting their glasses.
“What I am trying to say is that… I think you’re overreacting. Didn’t Sun look happy looking forward to this wedding?”
“Well Monty. The truth is… I don’t care!!! As long as the person Sun gets married is not Miku!! Besides, if you like her so much, why don’t you just marry her yourself.” 
Moon glared, trying to slap Monty. Of course, if Monty was hurt by this, it wouldn’t be Monty. “I’d love to, but I have Earth.” The crocodile waved their hand. “Not worth the effort and the insurance. Besides, you’d definitely kill me if I planned to do it.”
“Good, you’re right.” Moon sighed, picking up his glass of water. “I’ll make a mess out of you if you make Earth sad.”
“But honestly Moon, my hands are tied.” Monty sighed, scratching their head. “I promised Earth I’d ​​be ‘a good boy’ when I attend Sun’s wedding. Which means—” Monty held up their fingers to show. “—I can’t do anything illegal for you.” 
The crocodile looked sleepy when they said it, which made Moon feel a little pity before he thought of all the scams Monty had put them through and that pity turned into hatred.
The two sat in silence for about a minute and twenty seconds before another voice suddenly rang out from the darkness.
“Well hello gentlemen, I see you're in trouble!"
Lunar's 4x4 body lurched behind Monty, causing the crocodile that was nodding off on the sofa to fall to the ground, lunging at the bottle.
"Cheese of Christ, Lunar!!! You scared the crap out of me!!" Monty yelled. Moon was startled too, but for a different reason, and he was too cool to act pathetically like Monty so he just opened his mouth before silently closing it.
"Lunar." Moon said slowly, sliding the orange silhouette of someone tied up pathetically, placed on top of Lunar's head. "What's that sitting on your head?"
There was a faint groan from someone Moon didn't expect. A candy corn. Or rather, Solar - The candy corn.
The poor orange animatronic was transformed into a candy corn, and was wrapped (?), tied up in a baby carrier and placed on top of Lunar's head.
There was a ribbon wrapped around his head(?), the triangular tip of the candy, and the words ‘I am the twink’ are really colorful.
“Please Moon… You have to help me.”
His friend’s voice was sad. Desperate. 
Moon knew he should remember all the life-and-death moments with Solar, remember what Solar had done for them, both Sun and Moon. Moon also needs to remember he should rescue his best friend, his partner, his close brother for some holy reason that Sun would have made him do if he were here.
But for some reason, as if possessed by a devil, Moon’s hand made the sound of a camera snapping.
‘Clack! Clack! Clack!’
That night, in Monty’s mansion, Solar’s ​​curses resounded.
“Okay, it’s good that everyone’s settled down.” Lunar cleared his throat. Solar the candy corn had been freed, and was now soaking in a bowl of water with a tiny float. There was a gurgling sound underwater, as if there was still a lot of unique vocabulary that Solar had yet to exploit, bursting out in a place where no one could possibly hear.
Why doesn’t Solar dissolve in water? Moon's scientific side was eager to find out the answer.
But not now.
“First let me ask—” Moon raised his hand to signal Lunar. “Can you tell me why Solar… turned out like this?”
“That’s right, I also want to know why Moon’s weird boyfriend turned out like this.” Monty smacked their lips, and blurted out the most disgusting line of the year.
“Ew, gross. Solar’s ​​my best friend. He’s like a brother to me.” Moon stuck out his tongue, looking like he was about to throw up. Struggling in the bowl of water, Solar gasped and clung to the edge of the bowl, also speaking up.
“Yeah… technically, I am his distant relative. Besides, Moon is an aroace. And… also no offense, but I don't see you that way, Moon.”
“None taken.” Moon nodded. “And since we've ended this awkward conversation here, can you tell me how Solar got turned into a candy?”
“Oh?” Lunar glanced back at Solar, who looked like he'd seen death and returned, with the melancholy of an old man who'd lived past 100 or a beggar who'd been swept away by a river.
“My dearest brother, the story started when the portal's malfunctioning again, and as revenge for making Jack follow me,” Lunar's tone was indifferent, but his brother's starry eyes were as cold as death that it made Moon shiver, “--I decided to take Solar for a walk before returning him to his home. It was actually quite easy, since he was small, and pickable.”
Solar, now almost resigned to the currents of life, still tried to draw a middle finger on the rim of the bowl with her tiny pieces of candy.
“So.” Lunar clapped his hands. “Do you have any plans to ruin the wedding?”
“Hey, wait.” Moon shaked his head. “We haven’t talked about that yet.”
“Really?” Lunar narrowed his eyes, “-because I heard all this time about how you two were planning on hiring an assassin to deal with Miku before you both become losers and stunted out.”
“Look, it’s not my fault.” Monty defended themselves, now that they had transformed into their female selves. “The promise to Earth is a sacred ritual between girlfriend and girlfriend. Or Boyfriend. Partner.”
“And Moon is the cowardly little shit who screams a lot right now, not me.”
“Look, it may not be to your ears, but not wanting to kill people isn’t a bad thing.” Moon gritted his teeth. “Besides, Sun hates it.”
“So we just need to find a way for Monty to freely help us do it… That should be easy.” Lunar muttered to himself. A metaphorical light bulb lit up above Lunar’s head. He took a deep breath, slamming his fist on the table.
“Don’t worry, my dear brother. I have a solution...” Lunar’s voice was stern, the darkness falling on his face creating a mysterious look.
The words were full of conspiracy mixed with the eyes that flashed with a cruel light like the way a crocodile stalks its victim, making Moon unable to think that he might have been trapped.
Throat dry, Moon swallowed, listening to Lunar’s golden words.
“But first, we need to break into the wedding and steal Sun.”
“Look, I don’t care what stupid thing Sun does,” Solar lifted his head from the water, his mouth slightly foaming. He said dejectedly.“--but instead of thinking of some stupid plans, why don’t you… I don’t know… talk to each other like normal people. And… ask someone you know to buy Sun?
Because we have money, and connections?”
“BOOOOO!!! How boring, Solar.” Lunar lowered his finger, pushing Solar into the water, causing the candy corn to squeal in confusion. “Don’t worry, Moon, we’ll take care of it from behind.”
“You just need to relax, and watch the show…”
‘That’s right, Solar. You deserve to be drawn for that stupid speech.’ Moon thought to himself, continuing to gulp down his fifth glass of orange juice at this damn ceremony.
The altar was filled with blooming yellow roses, white silk drapes were decorated everywhere very delicately.
The sound of glasses clinking against each other. The laughter of strangers that Moon didn’t know rang out. He stood in a corner hidden from everyone, praying that a meteorite would hit this place and turn everything into a pile of dust.
“No thanks.” Every five minutes, someone would come to buy him a drink. Every ten minutes after that, some bastard would flirt with him. Moon wondered if it would count as manslaughter if he just accidentally threw those people into the sea.
After all, they wouldn't die anyway.
At least half of them would be eaten by sharks.
"Moon! You're here!!" His sister's voice rang out from afar. She looked fresher than usual today, with a pink dress and black gloves. She threw herself into his arms and gave him a fierce hug.
"Can't breathe, Earth!!" Moon coughed, trying to struggle but failing.
"It's good you're here Moon, I thought you'd be too angry to come."
Earth smiled, lightly poking Moon's nightcap.
"Haha... no way." Moon laughed so hard his mouth twisted, constantly wondering where the hell Lunar was.
"You came alone?"
“That’s right. I haven’t seen Solar and Lunar since yesterday. Neither has Monty.” Earth shook her head. “They said they had to go on some secret mission and would be coming later.”
“Hmm, that’s strange.” Moon smiled wryly. An expression that completely showed he didn’t know anything.
The silver bell rang suddenly. A certain handsome guy, who looked exactly like Miku with short green hair, spoke in a sour and annoyed voice.
“Ah, well, everyone gather, let’s start the ceremony.”
Moon didn’t even have time to react, he was pulled into his seat by Earth.
The procedures were so cumbersome, he almost fell asleep. It felt like he was stuck with a python, with a long ceremony that seemed to hypnotize people into falling asleep.
Suddenly, there was a light nudge to his side.
“Look Moon! It’s Sun.”
His brain had drifted out to sea, and suddenly got dragged back.
The music started, sacred and painfully annoying. Purple flowers were thrown everywhere by Gregory, followed by FC and Dazzle. Sun looked awkward and worried as usual, but on a not so bright side, his brother wore a proud white wedding dress and looked really better on it.
Moon would have been more moved if his brother's husband wasn't MIKU!!!
The purple bouquet was held in his arms, dotted with yellow roses. The smile on Sun's lips was still very forced, but it seemed much softer when holding the hands, or tassel(?) of their father, Creator.
The brain, inexplicably, had a bow attached to his cerebellum(?), looking extremely moved. There was a stuffy nose sound when Creator led Sun down the aisle, or vice versa because every few steps Sun had to stop to calm Creator down.
"Oh my, looking at Sun like this, I also want to get married soon. Let our father walk me down the aisle like this.” His sister cooed, something he didn’t understand why his sister wanted so much, when Creator was such a bastard—
“Oh my dear wife. You ate. Guess today guys I’m taking the big W.” Miku stood next to the priest, looking utterly smug. Beside her was Dark Sun, who looked like he didn’t want to be here at all, wearing a saffron bridesmaid dress. Their red eyes looked up at the sky as if they were waiting for this whole thing to end.
Honestly, and surprisingly, if this situation got any worse, Moon shared their sentiments.
“The Ring bearer is coming!”
On the pure white carpet with yellow petals, Ruin wore their damn purple dress, walking shakily like a British, with two bracelet-sized rings, glistening in the sunlight, placed on a soft velvet pillow.
“Oh dear! I hope I’m not too late.”
‘And I want you to cease to exist.’ Moon thought bitterly. Compared to someone who had destroyed over 4 million worlds, the treatment Ruin had received was too light. Moon wanted to do more than push them against the wall and break that arm—
Strange… Has he ever done that before?
The priest spoke up.
“Miku, do you agree to take this person as your husband?”
“Period, Father. This is lit.” Miku snapped her fingers. “Please hurry so I can bring my baby girl home.”
“And Sun, do you agree to take this person as your wife?”
The light shone on the veil, penetrating Sun’s pearl-colored pupils. His brother seemed scared. He blinked his eyelashes looking back at Moon as if seeking help, looking so heartbreaking.
Moon was about to stand up when a voice suddenly rang out in his ear.
'--No!! No!!! Lunar!!!.'
There was a loud explosion. Half the guests were blown up everywhere. The door flew open, smoke poured in and figures stood in the backlight, making Moon squint.
"Lunar!!! You little shit!!! How dare you throw me like that!!??"
"I have no choice, Monty!!! Only you have enough weight to break the door."
"You can use Bomb, Lunar!!! You don't need your bullshit magic to throw me inside!!!"
"It's star power, Monty!!!"
"I'll call it that when it does more than shoot lightning out of your ass! And turn me into barbecue!"
"Oh look, Lunar! Solar is talking!! Why don't we listen to that craftsman, huh? Sure, let's hear the one who didn’t contribute a single bit!!!” Monty roared. Rushing forward to bite the candy corn before being stopped by Molten who was lifting them up like that hundred pound alligator only just weighed as Solar.
“Come on you bastard!!! Even if I’m small I’ll still make you shit!!!”
“How, with your short legs? And your invisible hands??”
The air melted to reveal four people standing and arguing. Technically it was one, or two. Only Lunar was human. Or animatronic. There was a roaring alligator on the ground, and Molten(???) appeared from nowhere holding Solar on his shoulder.
They were all black with soot, and still arguing.
“What the hell is going on here?” Miku yelled, her voice rising to an octave.
No one said anything, and there was an awkward silence, before Molten cleared his throat. Molten’s muffled, innocent voice dropped a few bombs on the seemingly ruined ceremony.
“Uh… We’re here to rescue Sun. Can you please let Sun go?”
“And for what?” Miku scoffed, tossing her green hair. “Just because you said please?”
“Um, yes?”
“Oh, my sweet summer child. The answer is no. Go home and play with your toy. Adults are married here.” Miku’s voice was sweet as venom. She gave the priest a commanding tone. “Let’s start quick before I fire you.”
“Urm… Wait… Sun can’t marry you.” Molten said in a soft, timid voice. Their icy blue eyes fixed on Sun with a look that Moon could only dare to call cherish.
“Why?” Miku narrowed her eyes in confusion. She looked as if she was about to call security to escort them all out.
A voice whispered into Moon’s ear.
‘Don’t interfere, big brother. Things start getting interesting.’
“Lunar, what are you on about!???” Moon screamed softly at lunar.“Because Sun married me.”
The bomb Molten drops, even makes Moon drop his phone.
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solaneceae · 10 months
【 𝙿 𝚁 𝙾 𝙹 𝙴 𝙲 𝚃 : 𝙳 𝚄 𝙲 𝙺 𝙻 𝙸 𝙽 𝙶 】 | a QSMP Baghera playlist 🐤
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a narrative playlist retracing her story, from her humble origins to Purgatory.
cover art by @Rion_Riots on twitter
⤵️ tracklist under the cut ⤵️
CHAPTER 1: lab rat
a duckling opens her eyes to white tiles and syringes.
Bumblebees are Out - Jack Stauber
A Bird in a Gilded Cage - Alex Niedt
Body - Mother Mother
rises the moon - liana flores
CHAPTER 2: Duckling and Bluebird
a bond is formed between two birds of a feather.
Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Innocence - Madeon
CHAPTER 3: escape!
this little duckling has had enough.
Escapism - Rebecca Sugar
Shelter - Porter Robinson
We'll Meet Again - The Ink Spots
CHAPTER 4: drifting away
the ocean waves are tall and scary, but she presses on.
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead
Ship in a Bottle - fin
Shackleton - Adam Young
soundscape diary - vylet pony
CHAPTER 5: a new life of music and dirt fountains
she finds new friends. and slowly, she forgets.
Youth - Daughter
Tout Oublier - Angèle
La veriter - KronoMuzik
I Say - Zerator & BagheraJones
CHAPTER 6: [[We Hope You Enjoy The Island :) ]]
you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?)
Fallen Down - Toby Fox
Amnesia was Her Name - Lemon Demon
HEAVEN SAYS. - chart
Clocks - Alex Niedt
CHAPTER 7: binary green and white bears
federation? codes? where am i?
Your Best Friend - Toby Fox
Beware The Friendly Stranger - Boards of Canada
01001010 01000001 01001101 - Red Skies Project
Untrust Us - Crystal Castles
CHAPTER 8: cherished egg
the island has granted me the gift of motherhood.
Daughter - Sleeping at Last
I'm a Survivor - Reba McEntire
Apple Pies and Butterflies - Blue Wednesday
Little Moth - chloe moriondo
CHAPTER 9: petit frère
Anything You Can Do - Bernadette Peters, Tom Wopat
Amor de irmão - Barão Vermelho
Brother - Kodaline
For Forever - Ben Platt
CHAPTER 10: can I call you Bébou?
(gifting furniture is his love language.)
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend - Powerwolf
It's Alright - Mother Mother
Chateau - Angus & Julia Stone
CHAPTER 11: ordo theoritas
call her apollo, because her theories ALWAYS turn out correct.
Cry Babies - cclorox
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
CHAPTER 12: don't you want to become a leader?
the election arc.
Blood // Water - grandson (first death: whale)
14.3 Billion Years - Outer Wilds (second death: the tower)
Brutus - The Buttress
Animal Farm - BIBI
CHAPTER 13: There is no escape this time.
a childhood bedroom hidden beneath engine steam.
Everything Stays - Rebecca Sugar
715 - CREEKS - The Nor'easter
Memories - The Midnight
Look who's Inside Again - Bo Burnam
CHAPTER 14: "Pomme reviens... les gosses me manquent."
she waits for things to change. she seeks her origins.
Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos
CRT Days - Waveshaper
Implanted Memories - Infinity Frequencies
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
CHAPTER 15A: P U R G A T 👁️‍🗨️ R Y part I
i don't want to leave. i can finally be myself, here.
Wonderland - Caravan Palace
Misery Meat - Sodikken
Hayloft II - Mother Mother
Chainsaw Girl - Chainsaw Girl
Family - Mother Mother
CHAPTER 15B: P U R G A T 👁️‍🗨️ R Y part II
adios, bolas. i won't leave without her.
Idioteque - Radiohead
Eat Your Young - Hozier
My Friends - Oh Wonder
Goodbye - Bo Burnham
On the Nature of Daylight - Max Richter
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sweetracha · 1 year
Gimmeeeee, Dark v Light royal AU storyboard , im craving it tbh
Dark & Light Kingdom AU
For as long as there has been a world, there has been darkness. With this darkness came light, its opposite yet equal counterpart. Centuries passed fueled by war and bloodshed from these two forces. They weren't physical or tangible, yet they felt the need to survive. The two could not exist at once. Two loves destined for an eternity of animosity. They watched creatures, both born of light and dark, come and go. However, when they met their first human, they were fascinated. Some were drawn to the warmth the light brought, while others lived in the comforting shadows of the dark. A truce was made between the two cosmic entities. They would live in peace and harmony for the sake of their precious humans. To ensure this lifetime of order, they two created kingdoms from their own beings. Generations later, they remain.
The Kingdom of the Dark:
The King
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To rule the land of the dark you must be smart, strong, sly, and willing to sacrifice it all. No longer do you belong to yourself, you are now the kingdom's. The sitting king watched as the children grew. Once he made a decision, the child of darkness would bound their lives to the kingdom, an honor only few will ever receive. Bang Chan was the clear choice for years before the challenge came, he was practically raised in the castle before he was selected as the prince. He was a perfect relfection of what the kingdom embodied. Darkness had a way of being labeled as scary and cold, yet Chan knew the solace it could bring. His one true goal as king is to keep darkness safe and let people embrace it for its true nature.
The Prince
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The prince of the kingdom is selected on the same day as the king. Typically a younger candidate would have been chosen but Chan saw how the night glimmered behind Seungmin's eyes. The prince acts as an assistant of sorts to the king, one day to take his place when the night decides to claim him. Seungmin had a mischievous side, like most born to the darkness. He is constantly getting into trouble and finding himself sat quietly next to the 'old man', as Chan reminded him of his duties as the prince. What they didn't see was the kids of the kingdom laughing instead of crying in the middle of the night.
The Head of the Royal Gaurd
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Stone cold and fearless, legends wrote of the man who once defeated the night beast all on his own. Minho was revered as a man who embodied the spirit of the night. He trained in the old ways of the cosmic entities. The first-ever humans who devoted themselves to protecting the darkness, now found homes within Minho's mind. His uniform was adorned with white to pay respects to the man who held his post during the day. They were not at war anymore, instead, they fought the same battles. He would do anything for the kingdom and anything for his king. Minho found comfort in the Prince. While he was a pain to deal with daily, their minds worked in similar ways. The mage soon came to be his best friend, however. Something about the one born to magic called Minho to protect him with his life. Many may not see it, but the man with the sword was graced with a soft smile.
The Mage
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It was the first time in centuries that two souls crossed the kingdom lines. Those picked for royal status were blood bound to the kingdom they ruled. When the Dark Mage called for the Moon, the Light Mage should have disappeared with the kingdom. But for a fleeting second, Han remained. He saw what looked like his guard but in reversed attire. The look on the other's face was horrified as he ran towards the mage, sword drawn. Then there was nothingness. When Han came to during the light, something inside him felt wrong. Could he have been born on the wrong side? His magic came in the form of song, to which the children of the kingdom alike to a lullaby. A word Han had never heard before. Later when he began to call away the sun, he saw 4 figures. One he recognized, but the other three he didn't. One he presumed was the king, next to him must have been the prince. So that meant the hand now outstretched to his was the mage. When their hands met everything seemed brighter to Han, like he could see in the darkness. His clothes were now stark black, and the mage he once held was gone.
The Kingdom of the Light:
The King
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The light kingdom had a different way of picking their King. While they still were selected from a young age and brought through the castle as a prince in training, they did not focus on strength and whit. Instead, a baby was selected by the current sitting mage. Through aura readings, the mage selected the child who held the ideals of the kingdom. Warmth, comfort, creativity, growth, and nurture exuded from Hyunjin as he lay in his white cradle. As he grew the kingdom was certain he was Light reborn into a physical being. Hyunjin was what their songs described. An angel made of pure light would hold the tranquility of the day and do right by the kingdom of the night. Hyunjin would make sure the skies were always painted for his people. He used his light as his canvas.
The Prince
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The selection of the prince remains to this day the most debated topic in the kingdom. It almost leads to the division of light itself. As the Light Mage walked away from Hyunjin, another baby's arua hit him. When he peered into the cot, he saw what he could only describe as pure sunshine. When he looked into the child's eyes he saw a spirit link, one he had only heard tales about. Where two beings were destined to be by each other's sides. They would be connected in every way and on the same day, light would take back their bodies. The mage knew separating Hyunjin and Felix meant the end of their kingdom. While it was not wise, Felix was made prince alongside Hyunjin's rule as king. The kingdom would weep the day they lose both their royals at the hands of fate.
The Head of the Royal Guard
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Changbin worked his way through the ranks of the royal guard. He was determined to protect the kingdom he loved so dearly. The day he hit recruitment age he enlisted himself, much to the dismay of what little family he had left. It was in his blood to fight, like the family before him. He wore scars like a badge of honor. He knew the fate that waits for his kingdom but he would make sure it wouldn't come soon. The king and the prince were his priority, everything else could wait. However, when you get to know art and the sun embodied, you begin to get soft. Hyunjin and Felix love to dote on their bashful guard, and even if he fights it, Changbin admits being taken care of for once feels nice. However, the color-swapped uniform he wore with pride reminded him every day, he had a purpose worth fighting for. Though he had never met the dark guard, he felt an unbreaking brotherhood with him.
The Mage
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When the head of the guard ran into the sacred mage temple, Jeongin knew something had to be wrong. No one stepped foot in his workplace, not even the king. Here Jeongin would work on his magic as his power was still very young. Many children are born with the ability to harness the spirit of their creators but only one ever got to keep it, Jeongin was the lucky one. Though his magic did alarm the royals. One day he showed the king his newest creation he made to help lost citizens of the dark, he called it a star. But when he showed it to the kingdom fear filled the air. That was no dark magic, that was light. So when the guard began to explain what he saw during the changing of the phases, Jeongin was intrigued. He knew somewhere in the comic realms their souls must have been switched. After informing the king and prince of their discovery they all knew what must be done. The king reminded Jeongin he would never be able to cross the line again after tonight. With a tearful acceptance, they met the scared light mage where the sun goes down. A simple hand was offered without any single word. When they collided, everything went white.
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sigery · 1 year
I apparently didn't share fcbm yet.
Friendly Cat Blood Moon! It's not unique; same idea, different time and execution (hopefully)
Sun shoots Blood Moon with the barrel; one of them barely survives the blast while the other perished.
The sleepier half hides in the vents; tiny, scared, and alone for the first time ever.
He spends a lot of time sleeping, letting the remaining nanomachines stabilize his form. His waking moments are spent missing his other half, despairing that either both should have lived or both should have died but never separated.
It takes a bit but he eventually realizes his other would be more upset with him for wasting this chance at life than if he never moved on.
With new determination, he finally leaves the vents to find food. He's a bit small to catch rodents so he digs through the trash instead
One of these times, Earth comes upon him. Blood Moon is terrified of the giant animatronic. She easily scoops him up despite his yowls and squirms. She takes him back to the daycare, feeding him some cat food from Sun's room.
Once fed Blood Moon manages to slip away to hide again.
Earth claims she found one of Sun's cats digging through the garbage, only to learn he didn't have a orange cat and she probably brought in a stray
Earth continues finding Blood Moon and feeding him. Eventually learning that he hides in the vents, she starts to leave a bowl of food near his most frequent exits instead of trying to grab him all the time.
Despite how many times Earth has seen and fed Blood Moon, no one else (except for the computer, but they aren't snitching) can ever find him. They could hear him in the vents or see the tip of a tail disappearing around the corner. If Sun didn't know better, he would think Earth was eating the cat food... okay the thought crossed his mind, but he didn't entertain the idea.
Blood Moon warms up to Earth over the next few months, even starting to stick around after eating. Earth is convinced he's a kitten since his growth seems to line up pretty well.
Earth starts calling him Mars (little red planet) and Blood Moon doesn't mind.
Mars avoids Sun and Moon like the plague, but is okay in the presence of Lunar. They take naps together and they sometimes run together (Mars' tiny legs don't go as far). Mars isn't sure what is chasing them, but it's apparently very scary
The first time Sun and Moon meet Mars is when new Bloodmoon goes to hurt Earth and Lunar. He came rushing into the daycare, yowling and screeching up a storm till they followed him. No one got hurt, but new Bloodmoon still escaped.
Moon is a bit suspicious of Mars because he seems too smart to be just a kitten. However since Mars saved Earth and Lunar, Moon isn't going to look into it too hard.
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Here’s a jumbled mess of my thoughts and questions after watching season 4
This is a long list buckle in:
When Callum asked Rayla to kill him. Oh. Oh god.
Nothing was resolved this season. We're so fucked for season 5. Like, this is very much the season 1 of arc 2. Season 2 fulfilled a lot of what season 1 set up in arc 1, and I think season 4 is the same.
Why was Rayla acting so strange all season? Like there is so much there to suggest she’s not herself.
What's with the weird butterfly guy, like yeah he lead Claudia and the gang to the map but there's going to be more there.
Callum possession.
No really the Callum possession was the worst (affectionate) part of the whole season I’m still freaking out
We never got a Rayllum I love you. Next season’s gonna hurt!
Stella is a fucking weirdo I still do NOT trust her. (Thanks for saving bait and Rayla’s fake rock parents though.)
 How did terry and Claudia meet. Very excited to get an explanation if that’s in the cards!
Gonna go on a big rant about our 3 human mages
*Ahem.* VIREN AND CLAUDIA NEVER SAW CALLUM DO MAGIC WITH THE SKY ARCANUM. AUGH. I’M WAITING FOR IT TO HAPPEN. THE “Callum mastered the Sky Arcanum” reveal for those two is going to be SO FUCKING CRAZY
THEY SET SO MUCH SHIT UP FOR A CLAUDIA AND CALLUM CONFRONTATION NEXT SEASON. I'M SO SCARED. Like she's the one who keeps going on about Humanity having nothing and Elves and Dragons considering them to be filthy animals, BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE. Also the way she looked at his sleeping form. The “Not anymore.” at them being friends. Lol. We’re screwed guys.
Now that Callum and Rayla have reconciled I am fully confident he's gonna master the moon Arcanum next season, since those two things have been thematically connected. I'm screaming.
LIKE EVERY INTRO AFTER THAT WAS A SCARY GAME OF “Is it going to be Viren, or will it be Callum?”
Fuck that cube
Viren, that dumb motherfucker. Can’t believe he has like, “a will to live” again UGH
Very interested to learn about the 7 Xadian cakes.
Every time they foreshadowed “Callum becoming Aaravos puppet” was wild man. I am not ready.
Speaking of, Callum really wasn’t okay with that all season lol. Again. He asked Rayla to kill him like WOW. “What if I’m on the path to darkness?” Buddy you should have destroyed the cube.
Or, maybe not. You’re gonna need to use it as leverage later probably.
Actually the fact that he was crying over the possession. Over Rayla? All of it?
So glad Soren is part of the Dragang.
Episodes 3 and 4 were FUCKING AMAZING HOLY SHIT.
Can not believe they stabbed both Ibis and Claudia on screen. Like really I shouldn’t have been surprised with the way season 3 was, but I think it was fair to be surprised at the blood spilling out of Ibis’ mouth.
i DESPERATELY want to know why Rayla came back. Miss “I left because I love you and want to protect you against everything. I love you so much. We may never see each other again”. Like lol. There is more there. The Rayla I know would have crumpled from guilt the moment Callum was a little bit angry towards her. She has exactly ZERO self-worth. I am terrified of what those 2 years did to her.
The fact that she called searching for Viren “revenge” felt strange too. Especially after reading the “Dear Callum” short story.
Somehow, I trust Stella less than the weird star butterfly abomination. Like I really do not trust that cuddle monkey.
Karim. Lol.
The way Soren screamed after seeing his father. God.
The Soren and Claudia reunion was kinda sweet. Fucked up. But the way Soren protected Claudia from falling hurt me.
Terry this season was a DELIGHT. I think a lot of his appeal for me comes from the fact that he’s Claudia’s partner. There’s something so wrong with him. And he’s also a dork. The dualism.
When the looking glass shattered. FUCKING SCARY DUDE
Really loved the world building on moon opals and other magic stones.
Buddy you should have destroyed the cube.
The drakewood was neat!
2 of the funniest jokes in the season were back to back and all happened in episode 7. The whole “speaking in the dark” bit. Zym putting a hand on a grieving Ezran’s shoulder. Comedy.
Is it okay for me to have a crush on a dragon.
Really Zubeia has the prettiest voice.
buddy you should have destroyed the cube.
Thank you Rayla for NOT choosing to go after Viren again. Don’t leave your boys. Callum needs you.
Janai this season was so sweet.
Karim. Lol. Eat shit.
Rex Ignus was cooler than I thought he’d be. Still a fucking loser though lol
Callum did so many cool spells this season I’m so proud of him.
Buddy. You. Should. Have. Destroyed. The. Cube.
Terry’s magic form was SO NEAT.
I hope we get to met the water arch-dragon next. She looked SUPER pretty
I wonder what other pieces of Aaravos’ whereabouts the other arch-dragon’s have.
“I’m going to do something more human. I’m just going to stab him.” (Not word for word but you know the joke)
Queen Aditi was very pretty and I am excited to learn what happened to her
Also the Orphan Queen! What a gal! The Katolis custom of “only orphans may ascend to the thrown” makes a lot more sense now! Fuck whoever that other bitch was that was manipulated by aaravos.
Corvus playing the fucking cello. Like girl what? You’re a multi-classing ranger and bard?
The Soren and Zubeia dynamic was so fucking good. Please dragon smash boy SAY the good words now, they light the hearts of other people (those people being dragon queens)
I miss Corvus (And lowkey ship Sorvus)
Soren and his new friend dragon :)
TLDR; I love tdp
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judjira · 2 years
in your loving arms (preview)
AN: a short prologue to pregnancy au, as well as an introduction to dahyun's character ! that's right baby we're tackling internalized homophobia (trigger warning!)
pairing: dajeonghyo
pregnancy au
wc: 1107
Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord, your God, is giving you.
Exodus, 20:12.
It runs through Dahyun’s mind like a freight train with each droplet of water that hits her body.
Her hands, clinging to her arms and hugging her body, do little to provide warmth from the cold of the rain.
It’s cold.
And all Dahyun is wearing are her pajamas, if they can even be called that. A baby blue XL shirt with a print of a duckling waddling through the rain, and gym shorts that barely reach her knees. Both of them hugging her form, and doing nothing to help her from the torrential downpour.
“H-Honor…your father and mother…” She murmurs.
It’s cold.
Dahyun’s not sure if it’s the rain, or the gaping void in her chest, sucking in every coherent thought from her mind, besides that verse.
The streets are empty at this time of night. The moon, usually a source of comfort for her, is nowhere to be seen among the dark and heavy clouds that loom over her.
Skyscrapers tower over her, the city so oppressive it crushes every semblance of her personal space, streets so squashed together to form a concrete maze she can never find her way out of.
Flickering streetlamp lights are the only thing that guide her way, on the cusp of breaking due to the rain.
It’s cold.
Until suddenly, she sees it.
A glimpse of light.
The city passes her by as her bare feet slap against the concrete, puddles of rain water barely slowimg her down.
It’s so close.
She runs, and runs, like the verse that runs through her mind, the only thing keeping every part of her together.
Her feet take her across the street.
There’s a flash of light, and for a moment, Dahyun thinks it’s a sign of the Most Holy, shining down upon her.
And then she hears the tires screech.
Ears ringing, she can do nothing but hold her hands up to her face, what once was holy light now blinding her to the point of pain.
For a moment, or two, all she can hear are her heart pounding, and the merciless rain against the concrete.
Then she hears the car door open.
“Jesus fucking Christ, watch where you’re—!”
The name makes her wince, used in vain.
Whoever they are, they’ve stopped, or maybe their words have gotten softer, because there is barely anything to be heard over the rain.
“What the fuck? Kim Dahyun?!”
She lowers her hands, slowly, tentatively. But the light still blinds her, and all she can see is a silhouette by the car door.
“Damn it, Jeongyeon, use an umbrella, there’s—!”
The other car door opens, but still Dahyun cannot see.
She’s shivering, she realizes. Hair flat against her head down to her back, a few strands getting in her face. She can barely even feel her own skin, only the pelting of raindrops. Her feet are numb, and only now that she stands still can she see blood being washed away from the ground where she stands.
There’s the sound of boots against concrete.
Then the rain stops.
She looks up, and standing next to her are two figures.
Familiar ones.
“Are you crazy?! You just ran out into the road out of nowhere?! You could have gotten yourself killed!”
Jeongyeon. Yoo Jeongyeon. Her senior. She hasn’t seen her in years.
“What’s the matter with you?!”
Jeongyeon is still loud. What little she’s gathered from their sparse conversations in the past is that Jeongyeon is loud, aggressive, scary. It still holds true now.
“Jeongyeon! Look at her! She’s clearly in distress!”
Jihyo. Park Jihyo. Her senior. She’s seen her only once in recent times.
“Dahyun, what are you doing out here? There’s a storm out, it’s not safe.”
Big, worried eyes stare into her, and it’s only when they blink that Dahyun realizes she’s being addressed.
Her mouth fails to continue, an anchor in her chest stopping her from speaking.
“Never mind, we can talk about that later. Come into the car.”
Jihyo was always nice. Even if everything about her alluded to the contrary.
“Wha-?! Ji, are you serious?!”
“Jeongyeon! Come on!”
Dahyun processes Jihyo running back to the car, jacket over her head.
Then she processes an arm hooking into her elbow, gentle, delicate, and caring.
“Alright, fine, let’s go.”
The voice that ushers her to the side of the car is the opposite.
The car door opens, Dahyun sits down, and the car door closes.
Heat, warmth, and some semblance of comfort are given to her only then.
Her clothes drench the seat, water pooling around her as the driver’s seat door slams shut.
“Fuck, that was scary. I thought a ghost just materialized on the street.”
Dahyun looks up, and she’s greeted by two pairs of eyes looking right at her.
“Dahyun-ah…what were you doing out there?”
Jihyo is looking at her, eyes so warm and caring. Her hands are by her chest, fiddling with the seat belt as her body is turned to look at Dahyun.
“I could have killed you, y’know. Be more careful next time, jeez.”
Jeongyeon is scratching the back of her head, sheepishly. Her head is turned downwards, embarrassed, but her eyes still look up at Dahyun’s, in concern.
It all comes rushing back to her, now that the rain no longer halts her every single thought.
“Woah, woah, hey, you’re okay. You’re safe, Dahyun-ah.”
Jeongyeon’s voice almost startles her, and it’s then that she feels the tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Dahyun, what’s wrong?”
When Jihyo asks, Dahyun can count the amount of raindrops that are hitting the car in pelts, and they still wouldn’t be as many as the things that are wrong.
Her throat trembles, her lips quiver, and she sobs.
“I-I was…I was looking for you.”
Jeongyeon’s eyebrows crease as she looks to Jihyo, as if for confirmation. Jihyo can only subtly shrug as she turns back to Dahyun.
“Why? What’s wrong, sweetie?”
Sweetie. The endearment rolls of Jihyo’s tongue so easily, like Dahyun is still the same old Dahyun that Jihyo had befriended.
Dahyun shakily exhales. And with her breath comes the expelling of fear, of hesitation, of sorrow, all easily captured in one simple sentence.
“…I have nowhere else to go.”
Silence fills the car.
It feels like an eternity passes, and it itches at Dahyun’s skin. She almost opens the door to run back out into the rain.
Until Jeongyeon’s voice, soft but purposeful, cuts through the thick.
“Alright. We’re taking you home.”
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
Werewolf Jack and reader? Perhaps?
Him going out, promising to be safe, coming home injured
Maybe the next month when he starts to turn its in a different room and he locks reader out, it would definitely be scary for him, especially when he pieces together all the symptoms over the past month up to this point
Me to this idea
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'I can smell your scent for miles.'
"I promise I'll be safe.'
Those words now rang in his head like a bad melody he couldn't quite get out of his head.
He had left one day, he promised you he'd be safe , but you told him too. You made him pinky promise you.
All for some stupid tin heart from some stupid tin man who put up a fucking fight.
He now leaned against a door, his hard back pressed against the hard mahogany surface. He was looking towards his hands, which shook like he took some kind of caffeine patch with 8 cups of coffee in it.
You stood on the other side, your hand against the cold, golden handle. You rattled the locked door, as you called out his name.
Of course, he should've told you. That scratch along his chest should've let you know he was injured. But, he hid it away. No matter how much it gushed. He hid it with his coat, as it seeped through even his vest. He never let you know, but he should've told you.
Henstill doesn't regret not telling you.
Pain suddenly struck him.
He felt like bellowing, as pain practically coursed through his veins, as his head reared back. He clenched his eyes shut, as ringing bang through his ears while you cried out his name. Pleading with him to open the door.
Of course, he wouldn't. Something was wrong.
He lowered his head, god, his hands hurt so bbbaaaaaaa....
His eyes widened, as his lips pursed and some teeth showed. Patches of dark fur coated his hands, his palms remained the same, but hard claws adorned the tips of his nails now.
What was going on ...
He screeched, as pain coursed towards his back, practically wiping out towards his legs. He hunched over, as some tears formed at the corners of his eyes rhat clenched shut now. Typically, pain, doesn't do much to him, but god it hurt so bad.
You, of course, heard his loud bellow of pain. Worry now hit you like a train, as you desperately tried to break down tje door. You rammed your shoulder into the door, only letting pain pulse through your own body. But, the adrenaline made you not feel a thing.
He lifted back up, but..
Did he get taller?
His blurry vision caught hook upon his legs.
His pants torn, his heels he loved so much had now torn and rested helplessly on the ground. Two large paws heeled on the ground, bent knees coated with fur, beautiful white fur, almost tinted purple.
... Was this why he was craving meat so much?
Wait a God minute.
Fear struck his heart, as the big, Grey, moon shined through the tacky stain-glass, shining on him.
Is this why he wanted to be awake more throughout the night?
Pain suddenly slammed him in the chest, as he nearly fell to his knees. His vest buttons popped, one, byone, until it tore entirely. He watched, as tears plucked his eyes, one slipping down his red cheek. That white undershirt tore like paper beneath the power, his dark lavender coat struggling to keep up.
His chest adorned fur, coats of it, his belly sucking in only a tad as fur piled upon him like feathers applying to glue.
Is this why he felt the need to be outside more? But, even more, why he had such intense chills but such a high fever? But, his belly-- Is this why he ate so much, but it never seemed to ease his hunger?
He screamed in pain, as agony practically broke the bones in his arms. His own bones forming and shifting into a werewolves, agony practically yelled in his face like laughing at him.
The arms of his coat suddenly tore, only to sadly flop onto the ground, as fur coated his arm like some velvet cover. His head hang low, as a tear slipped out once more.
Is this why he got so many aches in his bones during the night? Yet, there was no cure?
Oh god. His heart beat quicker.
But, he could hear you sobbing as you begged him to let you in, fearing what was going on on the other side.
He opened his mouth to speak, but a sudden aray of hurt rammed its hard horns into his head. He couldn't even cry out in pain anymore, his jaw practically locked as something grew and and grew out. A long snout, his once hooked nose now adorned a cute button nose on a large snout. His teeth hurt and hurt, as two rows are shape, uneven teeth chipped out longer.
Is this why his teeth felt so funny? Why he got body spasms?
But, his head spun, churning out smogs of nothing, as his ears formed into two sharp wolf ears on his head. His face churning.as his skull reshaped itself. He couldn't think anymore.
But, headaches, body spasms, nosebleeds, it all made sense..
It was soon done.
His head lifted up, as you sobbed on the other end. Hoping he was okay, your head against the door as you sat upon the cold floor...
His ears twitched, before going down, everything was so much louder. He was hungry. His tail swished side to side, as his eyes cocked towards the door behind him. His large claws going towards the handle..
But he snatched the door open, practically ripping the door off its own hinges as his large paws grabbed the one he called his love.
You were scared, of course, what were you supposed to do?
Drool dropped from his lips, as his lips bared back, showing those sharp canines that adorned his snout. This wasn't Jack, it was wereJack..
His eyes were wide , his pupils practically two little slits as he stared upon you. He brought you close to him, his hot breath hitting against your face.
He was gonna eat you, huh..?
But, his nose twitched, he sniffed you..
He would remember you, right?
You watched, as you tried to pull your head away from his large mouth that dripped drool onto his perfect floor he needed cleaned everyday.
But his eyes softened, almost flooding with tears.
His large arms wrapped around you, slamming you into his fuzzed chest, his head tucking in to try to protect you in his own arms. His tail tucked between his legs, as dog-like whimpers escaped from between his teeth.
You didn't know what to do. He seemed scared, scared of himself, he didn't know what was going on.
It was going to take a miracle to fix this.
Or, a potion...
Or, just some getting used too..
'Hunt you down, eat you alive. Just like animals.'
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"Prey or kin?"
So... This is my first attempt to write about others Farmer OCs. And I decided to write the first story about OC Nina, owned by @girls4zelda! The story is a bit short and maybe not very good, but I thought it was worth starting at least. Yep...
It's that time again....
The very time when she should run faster than the wind, into the dense forest. Away from Pelican Town, away from people. As far away as she can get, even farther than her forest cabin where she lives, into the dark woods. Nina can't afford to delay, she can already hear the call.... She can feel her fangs erupting, she can feel the thick, stiff fur on her once pale skin, her thoughts jumbling together, her ancient blood awakening.
A full silver moon adorns the clear night sky.
It is hunting time.
Scary, incomprehensible sounds, her own scream - not a scream, but a howl that pierced to the bone - that filled the dense forest. Nina was used to them by now; every full moon she had to go through it as if it were the first time. As if for the first time, all her senses sharpen to the absolute, as if for the first time she could feel her fellow lesser creatures not far from her and greet her with a long howl, for they know - this is their own, this is a member of the pack. How she again, as for the first time, feels clearly where the rabbits has run, delicious snacks, how she has already feel the tender fresh meat of a caught deer or elk in her mouth, how her pack is eating with her after great catch, how they run together again, free and unstoppable, driven by the Hunt.
How she felt that she was not alone now....
The stranger stood ten meters away from her. Too many conflicting emotions came over Nina. Her wild desire for a bloody hunt screamed that she had a good prey before her. Young, fresh, begging for her mouth. Her instinct screamed that it might be someone who would reverse the roles, that Nina herself would be the prey. For the stranger exuded the scent of steel, but not fear.
And yet, her mind, still human mind, already wanted to howl for the fool to flee, to run, to save their own life. Nina could control herself in wolf form, but not completely on a full moon...
Before Nina could do anything, the stranger took a couple steps forward, unhurried, cautious, but without a hint of terror or fear. Nina can hear the stranger's heart beating, it was steady and calm, and it was this fact that made her heart beat harder.
One more cautious step and Nina met him with a growl, a warning that one more step and blood would spill onto the dark grass.
The bright moon illuminated the young man's face with silver rays as soon as he stepped out from under the shade of the tall oaks. Nina's ruby eyes, red as blood, glared at another pair of gems: the right one was pure emerald, and the left one was blue like cold ice, with the colour exactly like the moonlight itself. And again, there was no fear in his eyes, only wonder, and even... curiosity.
Nina was struck by the fact that this young man was the same farmer's boy who had tripped over a stone a couple of days ago and dropped a basket of apples. Nina helped the slightly clumsy yellow-haired young man, and he gave her some of the most beautiful apples and smiled warmly in gratitude. Julian was his name, if she remember right... That image of a sweet and kind young man didn't fit with the man standing before her now.
The beast sees the hilt of sword behind his back, and she growls even more fiercely. She doesn't want to hurt him, only to scare him away, to make him run away, away from anyone who could hurt him.
From surprise, she, standing on four paws, backed up a little. Nina doesn't sense her kin in him, the blood of the Ancients doesn't flow in him. No, something else. Different...
Why then... he's got a kind of wolfish look in his eyes?
"I know this isn't a good time for conversation...", His voice spoke slowly but confidently, trying not to scare Nina even more, "Just know that I'm not your enemy".
A mist, imperceptible to human eyes, slightly shrouded the stranger, but Nina's sharp ruby eyes saw everything. The Deer, her usual prey in hunting, and the Wolf, her kin, twisted and weaved around the young man in an endless dance. They were watching her. Waiting, but what are they waiting for?
He smells like prey. At the same time, she feels like she's looking at her kin. He...
Who is he?
For all her life, this acquaintance definitely became the most unusual for Nina.
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maguslavendra · 11 months
You know it's dangerous.
You know what will happen to you.
And yet ... you can't help it. Something in you longs to enter the Enchanted Forest. The stories you've heard of the Witch of the Woods, and the glimpses you've seen of her strange, otherworldly form make your blood hot and your pound.
And now, here you are. Standing at the edge of the forest...
You can hear it, ever so softly, a mesmerizing voice, calling your name. A heady scent of clove and lavender teasing your nose on the cool breeze, inticing you in, but still...
You hesitate. What will happen if you take that next step? Cross the boundary between light and dark?
If you step forward and take yourself from watching from afar to serving, kneel in the presence of She Who Enchants, will you be remade? Will it be everything you've ever dreamed of?
The sun is setting, the light behind you fading. There's only one way to find out the truth of what calls to you....
Before you know it, before you can prepare yourself, you are face-to-face with Them.
"What have we here, hmm? What is a little bunny like you doing all alone in these woods with darkness falling?"
You can scarcely breathe, let alone focus on Her words. All you can do is bow and mumble an apology.
"Did you forget the sun goes down much earlier this time of year? Poor little thing.
This forest is ever so dangerous at night, you know. When the moon rises and the shadows grow and monsters are on the prowl..."
Monsters! You had no idea there were monsters in this forest! How foolish you've been, wandering in so unprepared. You whimper softly, feeling absolutely humiliated.
"You're very lucky I came along when I did" He says, patting your head almost absently, like a stranger's friendly dog.
"But what about you?" You finally manage to find your tongue. "Aren't you in danger too?"
She Who Enchants laughs. It's the most beautiful and enthralling music to ever grace your ears.
"Oh, me? Hahaha, I don't look very scary, do I?" She leans down, shimmering violet eyes suddenly very serious, and her tone promises more than a hint of violence. "But I promise you, darling, nothing in the forest can do me any harm. Now, come with me and I'll keep you nice and safe..."
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ghovlpire · 1 year
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full name:  sibella  țepeș  drăculea .
nicknames:  sib ,  bella .
age:  twenty - three .
gender:  cis  female .
species:  vampire ( dhampir )
orientation:  bisexual , biromantic bc no vampire is het .
date of birth:  july 13th .
place of birth:  transylvania ,  romania .
residence:  evermore .
occupation:  housekeeper  @  hotel  transylvania .
parents:  count  vlad  dracula  țepeș  ( father ,  vampire ) ,  lisa  ( mother ,  human / deceased ) .
sibilings:  that's  a  Very  good  question  *eyes emoji* .
significant other(s):  diablo  corvus  🖤🐦‍⬛
faceclaim:  d.anielle  r.ose  r.ussell .
eye color:  green ,  but  turns  red  when  she's  in  vampire  mode .
hair color:  light brown ,  becomes  purple  when  she  transforms .
height: 5′2″
flight :  sibella  can  fly !  both  as  a  bat  and  in  her  regular  human  form .  it's  a  lot  easier  as  a  bat  though  —  and  more  fun !
transformation :  sibella  can  transform  into  a  purple  bat .  in  addition  to  that ,  she  can  transform  into  a  colony  of  bats ,  which  is  more  demanding  but  looks  very  nice !  she  can  also  use  her  hair  to  mimic  bat  wings  when  transforming ,  as  well  as extend  her  already  long  hair  into  a  cape  of  sorts .  the  best  way  i  can  describe  it  is  as  some  bayonetta  sort  of  thing ,  like  this  concept  design  piece  for  instance .
immortality :  she'll  never  die !  doesn't  mean  she  can't  get  injured  though ,  but  she'll  most  certainly  heal  from  it  at  a  decent  speed .  it's  a  little  scary  to  think  all  her  human  friends  will  pass  eventually ,  but  she'll  just  wait  for  their  reincarnations !
character inspo:  sibella  dracula  ( scooby - doo  &  the  ghoul  school ) ,  alucard  ( castlevania ) ,  misa  amane  ( deathnote ) ,  elvira  ( pop culture icon ) ,  jessica  hamby  ( true  blood ) ,  minako  aino  ( sailor moon )
                                                  𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐘?
her full name is sibella țepeș drăculea,  but she gave up on using it just before entering high school. while sibella is very proud of being a vampire, it could get a little annoying explaining how to properly pronounce her name, which is romanian. so she settled for dracule instead of drăculea, and rarely mentions her middle name!
while sibella presents herself as a vampire, she is more specifically a dhampir — the union between a vampire and a human. what this means is that she has all the abilities of a vampire and few to none of their weaknesses. an example of that is the fact that she can walk in the sun, though she's a huge advocate of wearing sunscreen. never leaves home without it!
on a similar note, because her mother is human, sibella doesn't really feel the oh-so-famous thirst for human blood. she enjoys it, it's very delicious, but she doesn't need it to live. in fact, she's recently discovered a drink recipe that tastes very similar to human blood; she calls it her 'v juice'!
sibella's voice is one of the most distinguishing features about her. it's very gentle and sweet, but also a bit raspy and whisper-like. she's not a very loud person, preferring to let her fellow ghoul friends scream and howl!
she is the proud mother of an albino snake named carmilla, and loves to spoil the little creature. carmilla presence helps her feel a little more connected to home. she also has a familiar; a raven called lestat.
she is very protective of her friends, and often takes on the role of mom friend of the group. it just feels like a natural fit to her, and it's been this way with all of her other friends, humans or not, ever since she met the other ghouls.
she's a huge, huge fan of volleyball!  never stopped caring about it, even after high school. she's always looking for a new opportunity to brush up on her skills!
because she's of vampiric nature , sibella might come across as a big flirt. however, that's not always the case. she's just a very kind person and her supernatural allure sometimes makes it come across like she's flirting, though she doesn't mind it much since it often gets people to treat her nicely. who doesn't love to be treated well?!
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echologname · 1 month
Bible verses for those who are disabled/chronically ill
(but anyone can take comfort in them)
You made my whole being.You formed me in my mother’s body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.What you have done is wonderful.I know this very well. You saw my bones being formedas I took shape in my mother’s body.When I was put together there,     you saw my body as it was formed.All the days planned for mewere written in your bookbefore I was one day old.
This one has been a favorite since I was a kid! My body was going through a lot of changes as a teen and I didn't always feel great about it, and this helped me see myself as God sees me. A few days ago my tachycardia was really bad but I found myself looking in the mirror and saying this verse to myself. A decade later, my body is still going through big changes and especially the tachycardia attacks, they can be scary too. No matter what stage in my life, I will ALWAYS be perfect to God, even when I chose to leave Christianity, He never left me and guided me back from the dark.
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t look at how handsome Eliab is. Don’t look at how tall he is. I have not chosen him. God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
I feel like many disabled individuals experience judgement and misunderstanding from people often. They are only human, it's how GOD sees you that's most important.
But the Lord said to me, “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, then my power is made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me.
God ALWAYS keeps his promises and I know this firsthand. In the days where my IBS was really bad, I didn't have an appetite or want to give my gut work to do at all, so, I'd lay in bed with fatigue which made me tired and weak and made it all the more challenging to get up and get something to eat. There were a few times where my fast would last up to 2 or 3 full days and during one of them, I had to get my blood drawn and I did not faint nor did I get too sick from lack of nutrition. He SUSTAINED me. Just like how He made the woman's handful of flour and olive oil last days for Elijah, herself and her son.
Also there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. But the beauty of the heavenly bodies is one kind. The beauty of the earthly bodies is another kind. All things made of flesh are not the same kinds of flesh: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another kind, birds have another, and fish have another. The sun has one kind of beauty. The moon has another beauty, and the stars have another. And each star is different in its beauty. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1Cor.15.40,1Cor.15.39,1Cor.15.41&version=ICB
The same God you made the Earth and Universe with all their beauty, who authored their stories and is perfect and never makes mistakes, has created you, your spirit AND your body, with love, care and careful attention, and has already written the story of your life before time began and has called it good.
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the foot, “I don’t need you!” No! Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are really very important. And the parts of the body that we think are not worth much are the parts that we give the most care to. And we give special care to the parts of the body that we want to hide. The more beautiful parts of our body need no special care. But God put the body together and gave more honor to the parts that need it. God did this so that our body would not be divided. God wanted the different parts to care the same for each other. If one part of the body suffers, then all the other parts suffer with it. Or if one part of our body is honored, then all the other parts share its honor. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1Cor.12.21,1Cor.12.22,1Cor.12.23,1Cor.12.24,1Cor.12.25,1Cor.12.26&version=ICB
Here, Paul is referring to every Christian as a part of the body of Christ and The Bible makes it a point over and over that God needs people who are weak or disadvantaged for they don't rely on their own strength and abilities, but God's and trust that He'll care for them.
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atomic-thomas · 2 years
(Fake ASMR Commission) Creepypasta Girl Takes You To Her Mansion
*spooky night ambience. light breeze, owls hooting, etc.*
"The crisp, cool, fresh air is so invigorating. This is the perfect night for a murder. A beautiful full moon, the owls hooting, the naked trees swaying in the breeze... Really puts me in the mood to bag a body."
"But who exactly? Maybe I can find some schmuck in an alleyway. Perhaps I can pay some of my old high school bullies a visit. No matter. As long as I can put someone in a coffin tonight, my bloodlust shall be quenched."
"Oooooh, who's that cutie over there? Seems like they're all alone. Such a shame. I doubt anyone'll even notice their disappearance. Just gotta sneak up on em'."
"Actually... On closer inspection... They're even cuter than I thought. Their hair looks so smooth & shiny. Their eyes are glistening in the moonlight. Lovely color. And such a pretty face to. Damn, they're attractive. I almost feel bad for wanting to kill them."
"Ah, man. I can't do this. They look too good to die. I can't just waste someone who looks that nice. Maybe I can just... Talk to them. Yeah. I'll just pretend like I'm a totally normal person. I can find someone else to slay tonight."
"Hey there cutie. Wha-..."
"Oh jeez. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I mean... Usually, that's what I'm trying to do, but not this time."
"Oh... My face? Uh... How do I explain this? I'm... A Creepypasta Girl."
"Yes, very boring name. I know. But that's why I have these black circles for eyes with blood flowing out of them. It really sells the creepy look, you know? Even if it is quite cliche."
"You've read Creepypastas online, right? They're these scary stories that people post on the Internet. They're not as popular as they were in their heyday, but the fans still exist. Do you have any favorites?"
"Herobrine. The Minecraft Creepypasta. That's a solid choice. I was afraid that you were gonna say Slenderman. Don't get me wrong. I like the guy. But saying that Slenderman is your favorite is like when someone says that their favorite Pokémon is Pikachu. It feels like the opinion was formed without a basis in mind or any prior knowledge. Saying Herobrine makes me feel like you put genuine thought into it & actually understood the source material. I can respect that."
"Why am I here. Well, there's no easy way to say this, but... My original intention was to kill you."
"Because I'm evil. I look evil & I enjoy being evil. I kill people because it's fun. One could call me a mindless murderer... A psychopath that kills without reason... But if I was truly mindless then I wouldn't be talking to you right now. You'd already be dead."
"The reason I've chosen to spare you is because... You're hot."
"Yep. Not even kidding. You're seriously so attractive that killing you would be a total waste. I've never met someone that looks as impossibly gorgeous as you. I may be a villain, but I still have taste."
"No need to thank me. You're just lucky that you were blessed with such amazing genes."
"So... Wanna spend the night at my place? I've got some crazy & interesting friends who live there with me."
"I live in a mansion. We call it the Creepypasta Manor. And yes, they're monsters to. Just like me. We all have the same insane disposition."
"Look. I know it seems like it would be a horror show over there. And truth be told, we do watch a lot of actual horror shows. But I can convince them that you're not worth turning into a blood splatter. I'm sure they'll warm up to you."
"Oh wow. I didn't think you'd actually agree to this. Um... Okay. I'm pleasantly surprised that you accepted my offer. Let's go. I'll show you where it is."
..... *ambience stops* .....
"Here we are. Big place, isn't it? Just one question before I bring you in. Have you ever seen a slasher movie?"
"Think of that, but as a slice of life. Sorta like Ruby Gloom, but with no defined canon. That's basically what you're getting into. Ready to enter?"
"Alright, just stay behind me in case all hell breaks loose."
*door opening & closing sound*
"Hey guys. I brought a new friend over tonight."
*sounds of various weapons being raised like that one scene from Tangled*
"Woah, woah, woah! Chill with the weapons! I can explain!"
"I was out for a murder & found this person. I was planning on making them my next victim, but found myself incredibly captivated by their beautiful face, their gleaming starry eyes... Their silky smooth hair... Those... Wonderful... Kissable lips..."
"Er, anyway. I just found them super hot & couldn't bring myself to do the deed. So can you all please not kill them? Surely, I'm not the only one here with taste, right? Come on. You find them attractive to. Admit it."
"That's right. Lay down your arms. This one's special."
"So new pal... These are my friends. First we have Slenderman. He's our big boss. He runs & owns the place. Since you got his approval, that basically means you're good to go."
"We have Ben Drowned. He's from a Zelda Creepypasta."
"Jeff the Killer. You can just call him Jeff. We're all killers here."
"There's Laughing Jack & Eyeless Jack. Two people in this manor named Jack. I know. Weird little happenstance."
"Zalgo, Dark Link, Sonic.exe... And poor Lost Silver over there. He has no limbs. We need to cart him around in a wheelchair."
"Yes, Herobrine is here to. He's probably playing Minecraft in the game room or something."
"There's others, but I'm not sure where they are right now. Probably out for a night on the town. I don't know."
"So anyway. Slender. Shall we introduce our guest to the delectable cuisine known as... Creepy Pasta?"
"Fantastic. I'll meet you in kitchen to help in just a minute. Just need to talk to my new friend for a moment."
"Um... We ARE friends, right? I know I just kinda dragged you into this so like... I'm not sure."
"Oh, we are? Cool. Maybe we can be... More... If you feel like it."
"Anyway, Creepy Pasta is... Well... I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. It's literally just spaghetti & Italian meatballs with black food coloring to make it look creepy. It's delicious. I swear."
"For now, You should give Silver some company. He's definitely the most tame person here. It's pretty easy to get along with someone when they don't have any limbs."
"I'm gonna go help Slender in the kitchen now. I'll give you a shout when we're done. Thanks for joining us tonight."
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