#the scream that almost escaped when I saw the picture in my notif………
the-nation-of-today · 8 months
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Boy why are you so girl
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seabass17 · 3 years
All that’s left | Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
A/n: So, this is... a different reader in comparison from the one in the first part but I kinda like it? Anyway, Im considering making a third part and im thinking it'll contain some smut. I used google translator so please don't judge me. Tell me what you think. Happy reading.
All that's left pt. 1
Warnings: angst, mentions of scars, swearing, implied smut?
Word count: 3.263
Summary: After moving from her life in New York, away from the Avengers and him, she finds happiness and a life that she actually enjoys, but that seems to last little when she spots the familiar jet on the roof of the building she lives in. Is she ready to face them? To face him?
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*Three months later*
The warm air surrounding my body made me take a deep breath and unconsciously smile. I was happy, I was free, I was whole. I was with my neighbor drinking coffee in our usual spot, which was a cafe near the main street of the place that I decided was going to become my new home.
“Продолжай рассказывать мне о своем боссе, который сводит тебя с ума” (Keep on telling me about your boss who drives you crazy) Andrei said making me laugh and shake my head.
“Не о чем говорить, он просто засранец, который дает мне слишком много работы и заставляет меня плакать” (Nothing to talk about, he's just an asshole who gives me too much work and makes me want to cry) I laughed. I had met Andrei a week after I moved in and there was an immediate connection. No, it wasn’t in a romantic one, god no, we were just really good friends that had a lot in common.
“Now now, that was not what i saw the other day when i went to pick you up from work” He said with a playful smirk plastered on his light brown face. I gasped, a fake indignant expression on my face while my hand went to my chest. He laughed loudly. “Don’t play that card, I saw you!” he added
“I don’t know what you are talking about” I said, trying to fight the smile that tried to come out but failing miserably, we both laughed.
He and I had become quite close in the little time that we had known each other. He was an American with a Russian name. He explained that his mother was from the states while his father was a russian spy, they fell in love against all odds and eventually, Andrei was brought to this world. When he was fifteen his father died and he and his mom went to America, where he finished high school and surprisingly, entered the military. He did two tours before he decided that he had enough and returned to Russia. Hence why he could speak both Russian and English fluently. As for me, I told him that I was in some sort of organization that worked for the government, and that’s why I knew russian. He believed me, thank God,  I didn’t want to talk about how I was part of the Avengers and why I left. Obviously I will tell him when the time is right and I know that he can be fully trusted.
“Oh, come on Ames, are you going to tell me that you don’t like him one bit? Not in the slightest?” he asked, smiling and I shook my head. He stayed silent for a second and stared at me, like he was considering whether he should ask me something or keep quiet. “Is it because of him?” he finally asked, watching me closely to see my reaction. I felt my stomach twist at the mention of him. Of course it was because of him, because of them, I couldn’t afford getting hurt and betrayed one more time. Andrei didn’t know his name, or theirs for that matter, so I smiled weakly and nodded.
“Yeah, I know it sounds stupid but… I just can’t afford getting hurt, not again, not anymore” I said looking at my hands.
“I understand, believe me I do” he said, his hand reaching out to hold mine. I looked up to find his brown eyes looking for mine, I saw nothing but genuine love -the friendly kind- in them. I smiled and squeezed his hand. He was going to say something but his phone rang; a notification. He withdrew his hand to look at his phone and the moment he did, people around us started getting up and running in the same direction. I looked at him confused to find him frowning at his phone.
“What is it?” i asked.
“The Avengers are here…” He said and my heart skipped a beat and my body went rigid. Andrei noticed. “What 's wrong?”. Well, there’s no use keeping him from the truth anymore.
“So, remember when I told you that I worked for an organization for the government? Okay don’t freak out and hate me but, here it goes” I took a deep breath. “That organization was called The Red Room were they trained me from a very young age to be a perfect cold-blooded killer, years later i escaped and was on the run until i got a new identification, name, address, new everything and then joined the avengers to amend the wrongs I made in the past. To my luck, it didn’t go great because it ended up breaking me the same way The Red Room did, so I left to find a fresh start and came here where I met you. Please don’t hate me” I concluded in one breath. Andrei was silent with a straight face, which was hard to read, and eventually after a few seconds that felt like an eternity and shrugged his shoulders. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN.
“Believe it or not, I've heard worse” he simply said
“Worse than finding out that your best friend is a train killer and former avenger?” i asked incredulously and he tilted his head and smirked
“US Agent mother and Russian spy father” He said. I laughed and he followed right after. “So, I'm guessing we are running away?” he asked. Say what now?
“We?” I asked, almost in shock to which he simply nodded, “You don’t think im just gonna let you go like that, please, is not that easy to get rid of me” he snorted. “And I'm supposing Amelia is not your real name either, given the fact that you ran off,” he added. Damn, he is good.
“Y/n, y/n y/l/n” I said and he slowly smiled
“Well y/n, nice to meet you, my name is Andrei Petrova” he said, extending his hand, i repeated his action with the same smile. “I’ve got to say, I like the name y/n more than Amelia '' he added and laughed. We were brought back to the matter at hand when the screaming of the people were getting louder. I snapped my head up and saw the familiar jet on the roof of the building where I was living.
“Here’s what we are going to do, I’m going to my apartment and buy us some time while you go get a car and,” i handed him my card “you are going to get all the money from my bank account. I will meet you in front of the cafe that’s two blocks away from my place”
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked with clear worry in his eyes. I smiled and nodded
“Yes, I promised. Now go” I said before he got up and ran. I sighed and went to my apartment. Was I really going to do this? After months, was I ready to face them, already knowing the truth? Well, guess I'm going to find out.
Once in the building I decided to programmed the lights to go out in 50 minutes and then I went to the elevator, wanting to appear as normal as possible even though I felt like my heart was going to explode from how fast it was beating inside my rib cage. When the elevator stopped at my floor I walked until I was standing in front of my door. I didn’t need to wait and confirm, I knew they knew I was here, now there’s only one thing left to do. But before I did anything, the door creaked open.
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*10 hours earlier*
Bucky paced from one side to the other, finding himself incapable of staying put. Natasha sat silently on her chair, Tony was in the front with his head in between his hands, Steve was resting on the side of the wall looking at the floor, Bruce was just standing there holding his chin analyzing everyone in the room. Sam sat on the couch looking through his phone, Vision was sitting next to Wanda on the other couch, while Clint and Thor were sitting on the other chairs. Peter had some school stuff to deal with like the teenager that he was. They’ve been looking for her for the past three months, and about a week ago, a picture was found of someone that looked exactly like her, all except her hair that was a bit shorter and the color was different, but other than that, it was practically her.
Not wanting to get their hopes -or rather enthusiasm- up, they decided to look deeper and found out that the picture was taken a month ago in the city of Magadan located in Russia. They found out that before three months, the name Amelia Agapov, didn’t exist. The more they looked into it, the more they were convinced that it was her.
“The mission report from Agent Carter arrived, should i put it on the screen?” the voice of the AI filled the room. The team had been waiting for that report for days, the nerves of the question that lingered in the air ‘was it her?’ being present for that time only grew stronger as Stark asked FRIDAY to project the report on the screen.
Pictures were shown, most of them were about this woman buying in the market, having coffee with a guy, but there was one, where her face was looking straight into the lens of the camera, and it was that picture that left the people in the room absolutely rigid. It was her.
“We found her…” Tony said in a whisper. Everybody kept their gaze on the picture on the big screen. After months looking for her, they finally had found her. To everyone, it was like someone just discovered something new, a kind of relief and anxiety all at the same time.
“Suit up, we’re going to get her” Steve said to the group, but see, it was the choice of words from Cap that Bucky found unsettling.
“Get her? Like she is some kind of criminal?” he said, looking at his best friend dead in the eye. Steve opened his mouth to say something but Tony beat him to it.
“She was trained by The Red Room to be an assassin, we can expect nothing more from her '' He said, trying to calm Bucky down, but instead it only caused him to get angrier, and not only him.
“So was I” Natasha said, her voice low that could scare anyone to the bone if they weren’t so used to her.
"It's different" Tony said
“How is it different?” Wanda said this time, “It wasn’t when you practically recluded me after I helped Ultron and tried to kill you all” she added.
Tony sighed and looked down, realizing that he might be overreacting.
“Let’s just get suit up and get on with it” Steve said, cutting the rather awkward silence that filled the room.
The avengers were suit up and on the quinjet in less that forty-five minutes, and they were in Madagan in nine hours, it took them an hour to find her building, and once they found it, Clint landed the jet on the roof and they all got out and looked for her apartment. Funny enough, it was the same number as the one she used to live in New York; 108. They waited for what seemed an eternity until they heard footsteps just outside the door. Suddenly, the air felt thick with anticipation, but Bucky couldn’t wait any longer so he crossed the living room in two steps and opened the door. She was standing there. Silence took over the entire apartment until she broke it.
“Well, are you going to move so that I can get inside my goddamn apartment Barnes?” she said expectantly. Bucky realized that he had been staring at her since he opened the door. Her hair was different, more wavy and a shade or two lighter. He moved to the side and she was able to see the rest of the team. This was going to be one hell of an evening.
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Breathe. In… and out…
It was hard. Fuck. Okay i can do this.
“Well isn’t this nice. All the team back together again!” I said with sarcasm dripping from every letter.
“What the hell did we ever do to you?” Steve said firmly.
“Damn, getting straight into it. That’s okay” i shrugged as I went to my room but the sound of the blasters of Tony's suit stopped me.
“Stop, don’t take another step” He said, lifting his hands and I smiled.
“Really? Well unfortunately i have to change, so i’ll leave the door open if it makes you comfortable” i said as i continued to walk to my room, and like I said, i left the door open.
“Y-you don’t have to do that, you can…” Wanda said but trailed off. I had taken my shirt off; my scars were shown.
“So, Steve” I broke the silence as I put on a black shirt, “the thing that you did wasn’t as bad as tin man over there, but you still let Hydra take me the day we took out the helicaries” i added. His face got pale and started shaking his head.
“What? No, you made it out safe, you-” He started saying but i interrupted him
“You sure? Who do you think stopped Rumlow when he tried to interfere with the exchange of the chip when you were in the helicarrier with Bucky?” He started thinking for a moment until he realized what I said fell into place. “Yeah, I took one hell of a beating, and if that wasn’t enough, I fell to the water. I fell thirty floors down, and I alone got myself out, because I didn't have anyone to cover me or have my back” i concluded.
“Your scars…” Tony said this time and i turned to him
“Yeah, thanks to you Mr. Stark” i said and he looked at me. “Doctor said that 74% of my body is covered with scars, along with one or two burns”
“You were that girl in The Red Room” Natasha said, causing me to turn my head to look at her and I smiled cynically, “You are Eliza” she finished.
“Давно не виделись с Натальей” (Long time no see Natalia) i said and she looked at me in pure surprise in her faced. That’s something coming from the famous Black Widow.
“What about the rest of us y/n?”  Sam said this time, redirecting my attention from Natasha to the rest of the group. Thor was standing there holding his hammer, Bruce was next to the fridge, Clint was by the sink, Wanda was with Vision beside the kitchen table and Bucky was by the door. They were all looking at me. I took a look at the clock, I have to leave in less than thirty minutes.
“Long story short, Clint, Bruce, Sam, Wanda and Vision are the ones that didn’t do anything, so just chill out, you are still on my good side” I smiled and waved my hand.
“Hold on, but what did I do?” Thor asked and I looked at him.
“God it really is unfair how such a little thing can cause such a big problem. The first time you came down to earth, met Jane, bla bla bla… when her stuff was under custody of shield, and you took that notebook; they blamed me. I know it may seem weird because, how? Thing is, I was undercover at that time inside Shield, so when the notebook disappeared, guess who was the one that got beaten for it. I couldn’t move from the pain.”
Thor was standing completely still.
“Lady y/n…”
“How is it possible? I was there  and never saw you” Clint interrupted Thor.
“It was before the avengers, i was on the run and a girl's gotta eat. Don’t worry, I never gave them anything. Got the money and then killed them, they were nobodies” I shrugged off.
“So, that’s all you needed to know, so if you please leave my…” I said but then he interrupted me.
“No” I would be lying if I said it didn’t send shivers down my spine at his tone, and I hate even more that he noticed it. “You’re missing one doll” Well fuck me
I turned to see him and he was walking painfully slow towards me and I was praying for my legs to not give out.
“Barnes” I simply said, thanking God and all the saints that it didn’t come out as a whimper. I took a look at the clock once more. I have to leave. Now. “Such a shame, wish you had fought for us, I would have gone through hell and back for you, Buck” his eyes were looking straight to my own and I felt like he was staring at my bare soul. In a way, he was. I smiled and I saw behind my back that the team was looking at us, we’ve never been this close, not in public anyway. I standed on my tiptoes and reached for his right ear, he instinctively reached down so it was a bit easier for me.
“If you want to know, you’ll have to find me first дорогой” (Sweetheart) I whisper. Next thing, the light went out just like I programmed it to and I slid beside Bucky to reach out to the door and to the hall. I could hear the team screaming ‘what the hell just happened’. I ran to the emergency stairs, and once out I could still feel him behind me, getting close. I went into an alley, having to detour, knowing that he eventually was going to catch up to me and I couldn't have him follow where I was really going. A few seconds later, I felt him caging me to the wall on the alley, both of us breathing heavily. His flesh hand went to my throat and his metal one rested on the wall.
“Given a different occasion, I would have loved this, don’t get me wrong, I still love how you…”
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked huskily and I smiled.
“I told you, you’ll have to wait until you find me again. Alone.” i said
“Come on Barnes, do you really think that the charade of being your personal fuck toy would last forever?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It wasn’t like that, i…” he said but trailed off. The pain in my chest starting and clenching my heart.
“There it is…” i said lowly, the hurt in my voice evident, “listen, i’d love to keep talking about how you used me, but like i said,” i got close to his face, my nose touching his, “find me to found out” after that,  I raised my knee kicking him right in between his legs.
He let out a pained groan and fell to the floor, causing his grip in my neck to give out. I took advantage and ran. Two blocks away, I saw Andrei. When he saw me running to him, he immediately got in the car and turned the engine on, then I got in.
“Drive, fast” it was the first thing i said
“Where?” he asked while we took off. I smiled and looked at him
“You’ll see”
@silentkiller2374 @vikingqueenlove @girlfriday007 @supraveng
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jaewin97 · 3 years
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This year for his birthday, Jaehyun’s only wish comes true.
Words: around 1k
AN: this is my first written post so please bear with me! I wanted to create something for my valentine baby on his special day <3. 
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   Jaehyun sighed as he finally sat inside the designated car that was supposed to drive him home. He took off his mask and reached for his phone quickly turning it on to be met with the time reading 8 pm and your smiling face staring back at him. 
He noticed he had a notification of a new message from you and he quickly unlocked it and opened it already feeling his heart rate pick up.
"hey baby, I know you're probably still filming but I wanted you to know that I spent the whole day thinking about you. I hate that I can't be with you on your birthday but know that I love you and I am always thinking of you.
your birthday gift should have arrived by the time you get home. get some rest babe I'll call you tomorrow.
happy birthday my Valentine baby ❤"
   Jaehyun felt his heart flutter as he saw your message, answering you quickly about how much he loves and misses you and thanking you for your sweet message.
His heart hurt knowing you were miles away and he couldn't see you because of the current pandemic. He missed you so much and despite calling, face timing, texting, and even sending pictures and voice recordings to each other constantly it wasn't enough. He had to have you by his side. He truly didn't realize how much you meant to him until he hadn't seen you for almost a whole year. He realized that he never again wanted to spend time away from you. 
With a tap on his shoulder he was snapped out of his thoughts as his driver informed him that they had arrived at his dorms.
   Jaehyun walked out of the elevator once he reached the 10th floor and made his way to his door quickly inputting the code and entering his dorm.
The lights were all off which he found extremely weird seeing as though it was still fairly early and his members usually were up until late at night. 
‘They probably went out to eat’, he thought as he took off his shoes and placed his backpack by the door.
As soon as he stood back up the lights flickered on and a chorus of "Happy birthday Jaehyun" and "Surprise" were heard.
To say he was startled was an understatement. All 22 of his members were standing in the middle of the living room with party hats and confetti poppers which were being aimed at him. He couldn't help but laugh as he realized his members had set up a surprise party for him.
   One by one his members went up to him and congratulated him.
"Wow you guys really caught me off guard" he laughed as he pulled away from Taeyong who was the last member to congratulate him.
"Yeah it took a while to plan and organize because everyone kept forgetting what they were in charge of," Taeyong laughed as he pulled away from the hug and turned towards the members as he spoke.
Jaehyun finally noticed that they had hung up birthday banners with his face on them and had blown up balloons and placed them all around the dorm. Seeing all the efforts his members went through he couldn't help but feel extremely touched that they did this for him.
"We even have a special gift area since there were so many presents," laughed Mark as he joined in on the conversation, quickly pointing to a corner near the living room window where Jaehyun saw all the gifts Mark was mentioning. There were different sized bags, fruit arrangements, gift baskets, and a huge box was right in the middle of everything wrapped in a bright red paper with white hearts everywhere. 
"OH which reminds me, it's time for the gifts!" Taeyong shouted as he turned to gather all the members.
"Already?" Jaehyun questioned "I just got here" he laughed as Taeyong grabbed Mark by his arm and dragged him towards the living room.
"Yeah just open them right now that way we can eat after" Kun said as he made his way to sit on an empty seat on the couch.
"Okay" Jaehyun said as he tried to make his way towards the corner of the living room where the gifts were, carefully maneuvering his way around his members who were sitting on the floor since the couch was full.
"Here I'll help pass you the gifts" Winwin spoke as he stood up from the floor and made his way to Jaehyun. 
"Open mines first!" Jungwoo screamed from somewhere on the living room floor "it's the bag with a whale on it." Jaehyun spotted the bag and opened it revealing a new hoodie.
"Ah thank you Jungwoo! I needed a new one" he smiled at the younger boy.
"Open the big box next! it was already here when we arrived I'm curious as to what's in it" Johnny said from the couch.
"Oh really? I think it must be from yn then" Jaehyun spoke feeling himself get giddy at the thought that it could be from you.
"Wow look he mentioned yn and he's already blushing" Haechan laughed 
"Shut up" Jaehyun responded earning laughs from everyone else.
He stepped closer to the box and waited for Winwin to finish moving the other gifts that were surrounding it.
"Okay open it" Winwin said as he moved to the side and pulled out his phone, earning a questioning look from Jaehyun "it's so yn can see you received it" Winwin laughed .
"Hurry on now" Doyoung encouraged with a bright smile.
Jaehyun nodded as he reached for a corner of the wrapping paper that was slightly ripped.
He ripped it off revealing the top of the box and before he could go any further the top flew open earning a startled yell from him.
He nearly fell on the floor if it wasn't for Lucas who quickly grabbed him from behind. no way, he thought, this is a dream! he shook his head and cleaned his eyes with the back of his hands and looked back at the box only to be met with you staring back at him with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
"It's real" Lucas laughed, making Jaehyun realize he was speaking out loud earning laughs from all 22 members.
"Get yn out of there Jaehyun!" Yuta laughed.
Jaehyun quickly snapped out of his trance and basically pounced on you the moment he and Winwin helped you out of the box. 
You pulled away a little bit and were face to face with a teary eyed Jaehyun.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" he said as he engulfed you in his arms.
“I came to surprise you for your birthday, but why are you crying baby?” you teased him as you wiped away a tear that managed to escape and roll down his dimpled cheek.
“I’m just so happy you’re here. I missed you so much I feel like I’m dreaming” he whispered as he leaned into your touch, completely forgetting you had an audience watching. At this moment in time there was no one else there but you and him. You were the only thing he saw.
“You’re not dreaming angel, I'm here.” you smiled as you pulled your hand away and instead wrapped it around his neck pulling him closer to you and finally feeling his lips on yours. 
Jaehyun relaxed into your touch and quite literally felt like there was an explosion going on inside his body. 
“I’m never letting you go” he whispered as you two finally pulled away to catch your breath, putting his forehead against yours. “Stay with me. Please”
You pulled back and watched him with wide eyes, not quit believing what you heard.
“I mean it. Move in with me, marry me. Just please don’t leave me again:” he said staring into your eyes and grasping your hands for dear life.
“I love you. All this time that I couldn’t see you I realized that I never want to go through this feeling again. I want to be with you forever. I want to wake up with you by my side and I want to do it everyday for the rest of my life.” 
At this point your tears had started running down your face. No words can explain what you are feeling or even begin to grasp what’s running through your mind. The only thing you know is that you love Jaehyun and you want to spend the rest of your life with him too. So with a watery smile you nod a yes, not trusting your voice to say anything.
Loud cheers are heard throughout the dorm as Jaehyun quickly twirls you around and kisses you passionately as he sets you down. 
When you pull away you’re met with the rest of NCT clapping, whistling and even crying.
“I can’t believe we just witnessed this” Ten cried into Johnny’s arms as the elder rubbed his back and tried to calm him down.
“Wow, our Jaehyunie is growing up” Taeyong said with teary eyes.
    The rest of the night was full of laughter about how the members helped you and almost knocked you over while getting in the box, congratulations and hugs from your new family, and loving touches and kisses between you and your forever love.
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with Ezekiel ‘EZ’ Reyes.
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Warnings: NSFW, this is pure smut and I'm not sorry.
Word count: about 3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @angels-reyes
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💬: i wanna lick the veins in your arms
You're sitting close to Angel, enjoying a talk with Coco, Gilly and Creeper about motorbikes, because you need to buy a new one since yours is too deteriorated. And they're the best to advise you. But for a moment, you looked at your boyfriend and noticed how much his veins are marked on his skin, because of the effort moving the heavy boxes of beer from the floor to the bar. Leaving one of them over it, he takes his phone to check the recent notification. Sideways, you can see him reading it twice before putting his eyes on you with an incredulous gesture.
Clearing your throat, trying to hide licking your bottom lip and laughing about something funny Coco said, you unlock your phone again.
💬: i wish i were those boxes so you would lift me up like that
Your boyfriend bows down his gaze to the new message, shaking his head and chuckling in silence, before keeping his phone in a pocket.
💬: ez don' ignore me
💬: i want you to fuck me wearing only your kutte
He's trying to not laugh hearing the ‘dings’, placing the beers inside the fridge under the bar. Pursing your lips, you decide to send him one of those pictures you take for him, when he has to leave Santo Padre for more than one night. And you are ready to die, when you watch him having a sip from his beer, unlocking again his phone. Spitting the drink all over the floor and drowning with his own coughs, everybody in the clubhouse turns at him.
“Eh, boy scout, you okay?” Coco asks, having a drag from his cig.
He just nods, hitting his chest with a palm trying to recover his air. Then, when everything comes back to normality, he kills you with his dark eyes frowning.
💬: im fucking wet right now
💬: stop am working
💬: and that make it funnier
💬: i can feel my skirt soaking
💬: and my pussy throbbing
You can see him cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand, leaning towards the bar and resting his forearms against the edge.
💬: look at these fingers
💬: they feel so good inside me
💬: fucking me
💬: making me cum
💬: crying your name
💬: shit ezekiel
💬: im gonna fucking kill you
💬: yeah choking me daddy
💬: hard on the pool table
💬: deep against templo's table
💬: or rough on this couch
Ezekiel rubs his face with a hand, trying to think what he can reply to you, to calm yourself. Taking a deep breath biting his lower lip by the middle of it, he looks at you smirking, crossing one leg over the other really slowly, provoking him.
💬: i can imagine how much those jeans are clenching your cock right now
💬: you wanna know something?
💬: no
💬: aint wearing nothing under this dress
His look turns to a surprised one with parted lips, perfectly watching him gulp.
💬: jeez i would love to feel you deep inside me
💬: fucking me hard till make me cry again like last night
💬: because youre so fucking thick
💬: so fucking big
💬: please stop
💬: not until you cum inside me papi
“So, what do you think about Yamaha?” Angel asks leaning against his chair.
“Yeah! I saw one in Santa Madre that… fits in what I'm looking to ride to”. You reply naturally, locking your phone and having a sip from your beer.
“The black one?” Creeper asks a little excited, pointing at you.
“Yes!” You chuckle. “We went together last saturday, and that's pretty good. The engine is a fucking monster. I really liked it, and it was, ahm…”
“Four k”. The half-mexican adds.
“Not bad. I would buy it”. Gilly says nodding.
“I probably will”. You nod then. “I'm gonna take some air, guys”.
“Okay, mami”.
Getting up from the couch and putting your dress well on, you walk towards the outside carrying your phone in a hand, and not looking at your boyfriend just to tease him a little more. You have a clear destiny with clear intentions, leading your steps through the scrap alley, until reaching EZ's roulotte. Turning on the main light, you type his number by heart and setting the speaker, so you can undress yourself in the meantime. The heat is running all over your body, feeling how it suffocates you hearing the call tones.
“I'm naked. Sitting on your bed. With my legs opened. And you know what?”
He doesn't reply, but you can hear his shaky breath on the other side.
“My thighs are fucking wet, just like my pussy”.
“Are you…?”
“Fuck, yes…” You moan, lying on the pillow and easy sliding one finger between your warmth folds.
“I know your… fingers feel better, but… oh, fuck, EZ…”
“Ju—Just… give me… give me five minutes”.
“Hurry up, baby… I'm fucking desperate”.
Your boyfriend hangs up the call and, even if you could play with yourself a little more, you decided to wait for him imagining and thinking about all the things you're going to ask him to do. Ezekiel lives to please you, as you live to please him, whenever you need each other's body. So at the moment you hear his heavy steps coming closer, you sit over your forearms with your legs opened. Coming into his roulotte, he licks his bottom lip, looking at you whilst closing the door.
“Fuck… You're gonna pay for that”. He growls rubbing the rock under his tight jeans.
“And you're gonna enjoy it, daddy”. You reply with a naughty smile on your mouth, biting your forefinger.
“Show me what you were doing, when you called me”. His voice is hoarse, and his orbs are burning in lust, resting a shoulder against the wall.
Touring your breasts down to your abdomen, you lead your right hand to your needy pussy tucking in two fingers. A soft moan escapes from your throat, pulling it back to pulling it in, once and again. Keeping a slow pace for his delight. You can feel some tickles in your low belly, with his dark eyes fixed in yours, enjoying the private show.
“Faster”. He mumbles, seeing him barely swallowing.
Moving your wrist as he demands, the pleasure intensifies and your vocals become a little higher. Taking off his kutte to leave it over the table and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, EZ kneels on the mattress settling himself between your legs. His lips goes straight to one of your nipples, sucking and licking it with the tip of his tongue, maintaining your gaze while his huge and callous hands paw your whole body. You can't help but speed your moves, fingering yourself deeper.
“You wanna cum, baby girl?” He asks then, traveling down his thumb to stroke your swollen clit.
“Ye—Yes, daddy…” You nod using your most innocent tone of voice.
Grabbing your wrist, Ezekiel forces you to pull out your fingers, making you sob disgusted. Until you watch how he brings them to his mouth, taking into it in all their extension to lick and taste your clingy juices wrapping your skin.
“On top of me, baby girl”. He orders you, before sitting up by your side with his back against the wall.
Sitting on his lap, your lips crash against his, looking for his tongue in a pulse of dominance. Your hips are swinging over him, rubbing your clit with the rigid fabric of his jeans, finding out that your boyfriend is harder than actually looks like. You know exactly what he wants, soaking a little more his pants with every move and drowning all your moans into his mouth. While one of his hands is clinged in your ass, the other strongly slaps it making you squirm under his grip.
“C'mon, baby… fucking cum like the needy bitch you are for your daddy's cock”. He grunts, slapping you again provoking you to speed up.
“Fuck, EZ…” You almost cry with your fingers on the back of his head.
Sinking his face in your neck, you can feel his teeth biting your skin without mercy, marking his territory on you all over it. And the heat running down your abdomen, flooding in the longed-for orgasm screaming out his name, barely breathing.
“Such a dirty girl… look at the mess you made”. He smirks with that charming smile, wrapping your throat with his fingers to stand you up.
Walking backwards until your waist hits the edge of the table, he urges to sit you on, spreading your legs over his shoulders while he kneels in silence. His tongue licks your core, reaching your throbbing clit with the tip of it, catching it between his lips to suck it hard.
“Oh, fuck, daddy!” You yell out, placing both hands on his head, while his are nailed on your waist.
He's going to make you cum again, being easier with your pussy being so sensible because of the recent orgasm. His mouth devours you delighted, focused in your center with his tongue touring you completely. Moving slightly your hips by arching your back, you start a low pace riding his face, feeling the tickles of his moustache and his goatee scratching pleasantly your skin. And you don't need anything else to finally fall again between sobs and groans, biting your lower lip.
You're pretty sure that if he asks you to put on your feet, your shaky legs will not respond. And he knows it too, grabbing you by your waist and lifting you up to bring you back to the bed. Cleaning his wet mouth with a hand, he uses the other to undone his jeans.
“You said something about sucking, didn't you, ah?”
You just nod, trying to catch some air.
“Beg for it, baby girl. I know you're praying to fill your mouth with my cock”. Ezekiel says with a rough tone, taking off his shirt to throw it somewhere over the counter.
“Please, daddy…” You mutter leaning forward to kiss his pelvis, touring his sides with your nails.
“Not enough. And I can't hear you”. Tangling one hand in your hair, your boyfriend pulls you closer.
“I want you to fuck my mouth, daddy… I fucking need it… I've been thinking about it the whole day”. You say somewhat loud, while EZ pulls down his stained jeans and his boxers, freeing his hardness.
You let him stroke your lips with his reddened glans, teasing you. Until he forces them, impaling his cock against your throat and holding it in, feeling your mouth buzzing because of a soft arcade that makes him groan, closing his eyes for a second.
“Fuck, baby girl… You're so fucking warmth”.
Moving his pelvis back, he digs again his erection into your mouth, causing you the same sensation of pleasing suffocate you. His pace becomes rudely, pushing your face until your nose collides with his abdomen in an erratic and anxious dance, while your tongue licks all his extension and your lips get closed wrapping and making some pressure. One of your hands is fixed on his lower back, using the other to stroke his balls between your fingers, slightly squeezing them. EZ's moans flood the roulotte, knowing whoever is walking closer can hear how good you're sucking his cock, figuring out why he left the clubhouse so quickly.
“Fuck, baby girl… look how you take it all… shit”. Leaning back his head, he holds yours with both hands taking a step towards you, to pound your throat again. “I want you to put in four, right now”.
You obey without complaining and knowing how he likes it, you kneel before lying down your chest over the bed. Your legs perfectly spreaded for his delight, feeling the mattress sink slightly behind you some seconds after. What you aren't expecting is to hear a soft buzz coming closer, before feeling the cold metallic vibrator clenching your back hole, while EZ rubs his wet glans on your pussy. The wall of your ass molds itself around the small toy, producing a nice vibrating roaming your anatomy.
“EZ… Fuck, EZ”. You whimper, sinking your face between your arms. “Please… Please, fuck me… I fucking beg you, daddy”.
Make you cry because of the pleasure is his new favorite thing in the world, since he discovered it. And you're aware that he's going to do it again. Slowly sliding his cock among your lips, nailing his hands on your waist, he lies down over your back enjoying how wet you are yet. Pulling your hair aside and pressing his hardness to your limits, you can feel his lips gently kissing your nape.
“You're a delight for me, mi amor”. He whispers into your ear, softly sobbing at him, moving your ass to look for any touch. “I'm gonna fuck you so hard, that you will have to call tomorrow to your boss, 'cause you won't be able to walk”.
Leaning back, he almost pulls out his cock, to push it inside you again with all his strength. His thrusts become hard and deep, hitting you without mercy and without any intention to stop. You're fully filled up, rolling your eyes and screaming his name, as only he could do. Loud and clear. Pleading for more every time he impales you, crashing his pelvis on your buttocks. His desire increases, bewitched with the wet melody that your pussy produces in every move he does. He will never complain about the dirty situations you put him in, loving that confidence of asking for whatever you want him to do. You have known each other since one year ago, and feel like you have known each other since ever.
“Harder, daddy…” You beg him almost crying, with the vibrator wreaking havoc in your body.
“My dirty baby girl… You're fucking insatiable”. He laughs for a second with a deep tone of voice, after tangling one of his huge hands in your hair to pull it back.
Making you kneel over your shared bed, you feel how the toy gets somewhat in, loudly moaning because of that. Wrapping your throat with his hand, the other travels down your abdomen easily finding your clit. The rapturous pounds don't stop, killing you because of the pleasure hitting your body, once and again.
“Oh, fuck, daddy… I fucking love it… I love your cock, daddy… You fuck me so good, like no one before”. You cry out, noticing how your gaze begins to be a little blurred because of the tears stuck in them. “Please… make me cum again, please, daddy”.
Your fingers surround his forearms, nailing himself into you, feeling your walls pressing his sensitive skin about to fall into the edge.
“I wanna see your face, baby girl”. He mutters against your neck with a broken thread of voice, biting it and provoking you the imperious need to take a deep breath, drowning another loud moan.
Pulling out his cock, complaining about the emptiness, he turns you over the bed to place your legs on his shoulders, curling them to your chest. His right hand comes back to your throat, while the other is placed in one of your thighs, squeezing it under his grip. And he pounds you harder, knowing how close both are to cum, seeing the tears of pleasure running down your cheeks, with your heart racing inside your chest. It doesn't take you much more, when your anatomy begins to softly shake while the lash of heat drives your body straight to the orgasm. Again, you're crying as he was expecting, watching the satisfactory and proud smile getting drawn on his lips, a second before filling you up with his seed. The pleased howl echoes inside the roulotte, collapsing over you and pressing his pelvis against your pussy as much as he can, feeling the soft buzz in his balls. You're trembling inevitably, when his lips find yours to devour your mouth in a filthy kiss, letting you know that the night just started.
“Fuck, EZ…” You cry biting your bottom lip, surrounding his neck with both arms.
“Hold it a little… more, baby girl… It feels so fucking good”. He gasps with his fingers nailed on your thighs, pushing them to his own body.
“I have to… come back to work”. Your boyfriend whispers, touching your nose with his. “I want you to rest, because I will… fuck, seriously… it feels so fucking good, mi amor”.
Much for his regret, he has to pull down his semi-erection and the toy inside your ass, getting up from the bed while you cross your legs with both hands over your pussy; pressing it and trying to calm the throbs in your clit.
“I will be back in an hour”. He just says, looking for a clean pair of jeans, taking off the one he's wearing yet. “And I will fuck you again, baby”.
You're already counting the minutes left, trying to sit up over the mattress, cleaning your tears with the sheets watching him changing his clothes.
“I love you”. Your boyfriend says, once he's ready to let you rest, leaning towards you to slowly kiss your lips with his hand caressing your chin.
“I love you, EZ”. You mumble, showing him a soft smile drawn on your lips.
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Long Nights - part 2
Neil x Reader
Chapter 2: Praise you
(see chapter 1)
summary: you found tremendous joy in coming up with new ways to make the lockpicking sessions challenging. And entertaining. 
...even if the last part was mostly a one-sided thing.
warnings: 18+, explicit language, teasing, implied smut I guess? oh, and of course - ✨hand content✨
author’s note: Took me a while, but it was fun to write! Didn’t expect it to get this long, but here we are - over 4,2k words of shameless hand content
The song for this chapter is Fatboy Slim - Praise you
Anyway, enjoy! All feedback is greatly appreciated, let me know what you think?
Tag list: @vaneilla @gallifreyan-uprising​ @ergunbilge @invertedneil @wanderedaway​ @truly-insatiable​ (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list)
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You cracked it.
It took you a good while, though. A whole sleepless night, even.
And half of the morning after that.
But maybe the absolute exhaustion was the key, pun intended.
At first, it boggled your mind so much that you were dangerously close to using brute force just to examine that lock. You tried every technique that you could think of - to no effect. It wasn’t like anything you’d seen before. The mechanism wasn’t responding as usual, it was more like a thing from goddamn Upside Down, or however the fuck that was called.
It became a matter of pride.
The sun had risen over an hour ago and the sunlight was pouring through the gaps in the blinds. Grasping at the last strands of sanity, you decided to take a break. You put on your headphones and danced around your apartment to the sounds of a song with that one bloody line that somehow seemed fitting for this madness.
Is it worth it? Let me work it, I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it
Because it felt exactly like that was what had happened to it. And no amount of cursing and switching tools would help in the face of glitched reality.
And when you sat down at your desk again, with your head so empty that your last brain cell was amusing itself by yodeling and listening to an echo, you bound the first pin. The sound was so distorted it almost startled you. The last thing you needed right then was to break the hook inside the keyway, so you leveled your breath and continued, even though your fingers cramped painfully. That wasn’t enough to stop you. Not as you finally got proof that the task was actually within your reach. 
With every click like a backwards version of the sound you knew so well, the next pins got set quicker and smoother. And when you opened the lock, you couldn’t help the cheerful scream that escaped your mouth.
“Fuck yes!” You punched the air, the adrenaline rushing through your veins, the biggest grin lighting up your face.
That’s when you knew there was no way you were going to sleep anytime soon. Besides, you still didn’t know how you managed to convince that device to cooperate. You had to prove to yourself that it wasn’t dumb luck, and should you ever come upon a bloody nightmare like that, you’d be able to use the experience to crack it open. Because of that, you spent the next couple of hours reverse-picking it (which turned out to be another level of bonkers) to lock the damn thing, only to open it back again. And again. And then three times more. When you got comfortable with the process, your eyes were burning, your fingers stiff and trembling, but the immense satisfaction was worth every bit of it.
You were about to crash on the bed as your phone buzzed, and you glanced at the incoming message.
//did you pick it?
At first, you assumed you got it from Mahir, but as you were typing in a long rant, you realized that there was no history of the previous conversations on the screen, so you checked the sender again.
You’d exchanged the numbers the day before, but you didn’t expect to hear from him until they got everything ready to start the lessons. Oh well. You snapped the picture of the open lock and sent it back, adding a short message.
          //that was fun, hope you have more of them
As you faceplanted on the bed, the phone buzzed with a reply.
//N: you bet
You couldn’t wait to get all the answers about how they managed to manufacture the most bizarre and mind-bending thing you’d ever seen, but there was no point in asking those questions over the phone. Plus, you really needed to get some rest.
          //awesome! now excuse me, imma get some Zs - let me know when you  guys are ready to start
After a second, you typed in another text.
          //ps. how’s your nose?
//N: will do, sleep well!
//N: as for my nose...let’s say I’m glad it wasn’t the straightest one in the first place
That cheeky bastard.
          //hey, don’t try to guilt-trip me, i’m trying to sleep
You almost drifted off, but you couldn’t resist checking that last notification.
//N: ...I wouldn’t dare
Snorting, you rolled to the side.
Then you fell asleep, dreaming of the impossible locks.
It took them another day to prepare all the stuff, and after several further messages you got a date and location.
The building looked like a contemporary tenement house, definitely standing out from two older ones at its sides. You always assumed it belonged to one of those fancy start-ups, but apparently it was some sort of temporary headquarters of your new associates.
It didn’t surprise you that you weren’t given a tour of the place, you assumed you needed to have some sort of clearance to walk freely through the area. For now, you were restricted to the ground floor, or rather to the lobby and your classroom - a rather cozy space, but equipped with everything you needed to begin.
Neil turned out to be a fast learner, at least when it came to covering the theoretical side of lockpicking. You walked him through the basics, but you couldn’t help the itch in the back of your brain. After the encounter with the preposterous lock, your mind started to question everything that used to be unshakeable.
And of course you asked Neil about that bloody device as soon as you saw him, but he just smiled lightly and said that The Protagonist insisted on telling you all that himself when the time was right. So you had nothing left to do but to continue with the lessons, hoping that you the man himself would decide to grace you with his presence sooner than later.
You propped the chin on your hand and watched as Neil grabbed the tools. Your gaze wandered over his outrageously long fingers as he gave the lock a try, but apparently, the most idiotic grin on your face didn’t go unnoticed.
“Hey, eyes up here,” snorted Neil, and you looked at him just to meet his amused face. He caught you shamelessly staring, and there was no point in denying it.
Trying to salvage your mental coherence, you choked out, “Dude, your hands are--”
“What?” he asked, tilting his head.
“...huge,” you finished, the wide smile not leaving even for a second. You bit your lip and glanced back at Neil. “Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna stare for a bit longer.”
A hint of a blush crept upon his cheeks. My, oh my. Blinking rapidly, he cleared his throat and proceeded to bind the first pin, pressing his mouth into a thin line in an attempt to keep a composed demeanor. The sparkles in his gaze were quite telling, though.
The sight was utterly adorable, but more importantly, it planted a rather gut-busting idea into your head.
You stifled a giggle.
All in due time.
One of the perks of the location was a small cafe on the other side of the street.
Neil took you there on your second day during a break, walking in with a confidence of a true regular. He knew the staff by name and vice-versa, so it didn’t surprise you as he charmed his way through the conversation.
“I’ve got this,” he said, raising a hand to stop you before you could place your order. “One black coffee and one--...” he hesitated, still preventing you from chiming in. You crossed your arms and watched as his forehead creased, the confidence leaving him with every second passed. He narrowed his eyes, and you could almost hear the gears grinding in his head.
Whatever he was doing, or trying to do, it was time to put him out of his misery.
“Iced mocha for me, please,” you said, wondering which one of you had a more puzzled expression. “Cat got your tongue?”
Neil shook his head.
“No, it’s just…” - he let out a small sigh - “I can’t read you.”
“Good,” you snorted. “Why would you want to, anyway?”
The young barista smiled, putting the first coffee on the counter.
“Oh, your colleague here has a thing.”
“Oh?” You arched a brow. “Do tell!”
“It’s nothing,” said Neil, cringing slightly, but it wasn’t enough to prevent the enthusiastic answer from spilling from the barista.
“He likes to guess the orders of his companions, but this is prolly the first time I ever saw him freeze like that. Can’t wait to tell Doris!”
Neil groaned, avoiding your amused stare. “Spare me, Max.”
“Aww, man, I’m honored to be your first!” you teased, nudging his arm lightly and snickering at the absolutely done face he gave you in return.
That cafe quickly became your place of choice during breaks, but sometimes, if the weather was nice enough, you ordered to-go, just to spend that bit of free time between lockpicking sessions sitting on a grassy hill overlooking a bank of the river. You chatted about everything and nothing in particular, or simply sat in silence, enjoying the ambiance, beverages, and each other’s company.
The last thing took you by surprise, in a way. You’d expected those brief moments of a break during the day to be your sacred moments of solitude, the usual necessity to avoid getting too cranky around people. As Neil joined you on that second day, you found out that his presence was not bothering you, or at least your social batteries weren’t being drained in their regular manner. Sure, it probably helped that he was incredibly easy on the eyes, but a real treat were those moments when you ventured onto a territory he felt strongly about. In a wink, he was ready to drop his typical composure just to go straight into bubbly rants, gesturing wildly, the blue irises lit by the fire that he most often kept under wraps.
There was nothing more boring than people who lacked passion.
Lucky for you, that was not the case with Neil.
Moreover, he made you laugh.
A dangerous combination.
Alluring, even.
Good thing that you were not one to become smitten that easily.
That didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun, though.
“You need to listen to what the lock has to say,” you prompted, pacing through the room and watching as Neil struggled with a new type of mechanism. “It’s all about feedback.”
He pulled out the tools and rubbed his face, trying to hide the first hints of frustration.
“What if we apply heavier tension to amplify it?” he said and glared at the lock as if it was taunting him from its place on the practice stand.
“Sure, “ - you leaned over the table to rest the chin on your laced fingers - “but can you think of any reasons not to do that, my dear Physics Boy?”
“The higher possibility of breaking tools?”
“Precisely,” you said as you snapped and pointed your fingers. ”Also, you risk binding the pins too tightly and you wouldn’t want that, either.”
Neil sighed and slumped his shoulders.
“So...patience, then?”
“Yes,” you beamed. “It really comes down to one thing - you have to feel it.”
A corner of his lips twitched. “I’ve heard it before,” he said, shifting in his seat.
You shrugged, eyeing him curiously.  
“Maybe because that’s one universally useful advice?”
“Would help if I understood it, too.” He gave you a weak smile, but his expression told you he wasn’t convinced.
You hummed in acknowledgment.
“Listen, I can smarten it up for you, but let me just show you what I mean.” You grabbed the second pair of tools from the table and placed them inside the keyway, but as soon as you opened your mouth to provide some follow-up instructions, you got struck by a better idea. Your eyes flared up. “Okay, know what? I’m just gonna-- if you could scoot back a bit--...” you said, shuffling in his direction. Neil’s brows snapped together in consternation, but he moved back. Without further ado, you sat down in front of him, nestling yourself between his spread legs on the edge of the chair, and let out a content sigh. “Should be easier now. Put your hands on mine.“
Neil tensed, and you could swear you heard him swallowing hard behind your back. He followed your suggestion, wrapping his arms around you and placing his hands on top of yours.  
“Now, lay your fingers on the tools just above mine,” you continued as you slid your digits back to make more room for him. “Great, try not to press them and focus. Close your eyes, if you want.” As you gently moved the tools, you couldn’t resist but to add, “You can breathe though, you know?”
You giggled at the sarcastic bit in his tone and drew a long breath, hoping that Neil would follow it, and focused back on the lock. Purposefully slowing down your movements to allow him to feel how the mechanism responded to your ministrations, you kept sliding the hook back and forth the keyway, setting pin after pin. Neil relaxed after a moment, his shallow breath ghosting over your shoulder got deeper and more steady. His palms rested heavier on your hands, and you marveled at their size again, nibbling on your bottom lip. With all your senses sharpened, you stole a brief moment of self-indulgence, closing your eyes and relishing in the warmth radiating from Neil, the way it enveloped you, carrying a scent of his cologne - airy citrus undertones mixed with hints of powdery musk, a fresh and unostentatious combination you found fitting him so well.
The final click, more pressure and voilà - the lock was open.
“Did you feel it?” you asked softly, weirdly unwilling to move, hoping to linger in the position for a little while longer.  
“Yes,” said Neil, and his husky voice made you turn your head to look at him. As he pulled his hands back somewhat hesitantly, you noticed his dazed expression and slightly flushed cheeks.
“Good,” you chirped, grinning, then reached out over your shoulder and lightly booped his nose, enjoying probably a bit too much the way his eyes widened. “Your turn.”
Days. Weeks. Or was it months, plural?
You lost track of how much time had passed since that morning in the Old Town district.
The progress was counted by the number of models you introduced to Neil, showing him all the tricks you’d learned over the years. You still waited for the meeting with The Protagonist, although, ever since your student spilled a little too much information during one of his enthusiastic rants at the breaks (seriously, how could a person that bad at keeping secrets survive so long in any sort of spying business was beyond you), your initial curiosity itch had been scratched, and you were now in that blessed moment before it got unbearable again and demanded taking further actions.
It also helped that you found tremendous joy in coming up with new ways to make the lockpicking sessions challenging. And entertaining. Even if the last part was mostly a one-sided thing.
Neil was clearly feeling confident that evening. He really started to get a hang of this, and you loved watching him like that - fully focused, blonde strands falling to the eyes, with the tip of the tongue poking out...
It would be a shame if someone was to test his level of concentration.
“You know, I spend so much time looking at your hands that they recently started making cameos in my dreams.”
The blue eyes darted at you from under raised brows.
“Is that so?" asked Neil, switching his attention to the lock again.
“Yep. Mind you, most of those dreams are rather uneventful.” You pouted, sliding from your place on the windowsill. “Still waiting for one that is not so boringly PG-13.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line and swallowed with effort.
Circling the table, you stopped behind Neil’s chair.
"I’m just saying,” - leaning over, you purred right into his ear - ”that such long fingers like yours can give a girl all sorts of ideas--"
You bit back a satisfied smile and smacked your tongue. “Those were perfectly fine tools, you know.”
Neil turned in his seat and gaped at you.
“Why are you like this?” he complained, helpless and flustered.
You shrugged. “I thought it was a high time for a little stress test. Might come in handy later.” Snickering at his puzzled face, you added, “What? You’re not exactly in a stress-free line of work.”
He shook the head lightly and scoffed. “... yeah, I see your point,” he said, a corner of his mouth curling into a half-smile. “But I don’t think there’s a high risk of someone trying to seduce me in the field.”
“Do you think that’s what I’m doing?” you asked, arching a brow, your tone nothing but serious.
The panicked look on his face as he blinked rapidly was more than enough to break your deadpan façade.
“Oh man, I’m just pulling your leg. You should’ve seen your face though.” Giggling, you grabbed a fresh lock from a shelf and tossed it to Neil. He sighed and replaced the messed-up device. “Besides,” you continued, “if there is one thing that the espionage movies have taught me, it’s that the spy always has plenty of beautiful creatures willing to keep his bed warm.”
The playful sparks appeared in Neil’s eyes.
“Is this a very elaborate way of asking me if I’m seeing someone or are you volunteering?”
Well, well, well.
“What if it’s both?”
“Then the first answer is no. As for the second one--” he hesitated, tugging the bottom lip between the teeth. “...a follow-up question - is it a good idea?”
You tilted your head, sitting down on the edge of the table in front of him.
“What if it’s gonna make things… I don’t know, weird?”
You gestured vaguely. “Can’t get any weirder than all your timey-wimey, inverted entropy bullshit.”
“That’s not exactly--”
“I know what you meant,” you sighed and met his darkened gaze, a shade of smile tainting your lips. “And yet, you’re trying to appeal to my reason while looking at me like that.” You left your seat and grabbed your backpack. “It’s getting late. Finish with this one and get some rest.”
Then you left, not waiting for a reply.
It was one of the warm nights and you decided to take a walk. A promenade near the river was not as crowded as you expected, making your journey home way more enjoyable. With your favourite tunes seeping through the headphones, you took in the view, the city lights reflecting in the water only added to the ambiance.
The phone buzzed in your pocket.
//N: I can’t believe you left like that
You chuckled, texting him back.
          //why, you had any plans?
The answer came almost instantly.
//N: maybe
He was adorable. But--
          //have you finished with the lock?
//N: …no    
//N: wait are you gonna use our conversation as some sort of motivational tool now
Even if you weren’t, after getting a message like that?
You just had to.
//N: jesus
          //sex is but a great metaphorical carrot. besides - it’s all about that delayed gratification and whatnot
A moment of silence.
And then:
//N: you’re evil.
That spiteful period at the end got you snickering loudly, earning you some curious looks.
A huge grin lit up your face.
          //gn <3
You must admit, that game was quite exciting.
And Neil was getting better at it, and soon implying became no longer enough to make him lose his focus.
At first, it was relatively easy to prompt a blush or a slight tremble of a hand. But with every next attempt, he grew more and more resilient, and soon, the only indication that he heard you was the fire burning in his eyes.
Then you got really mean, throwing some ambitious tasks in front of him, tricky locks and complex mechanisms, as your teasing got more straightforward.
And descriptive.
It became hard to shake it off once you left the training room. The lingering looks. The accidental touches. The atmosphere, almost electric. In other words - the heat sink was ready to be popped, and it was no longer a matter of if, but more of when.
“4 minutes.”
Neil barely nodded, lips pressed together and brows knitted in concentration.
3 locks in 15 minutes. Difficult, but doable, considering his current level of skill. Too bad he’d slacked at the second one, not leaving too much time for the final push. Sure, you didn’t go easy on him along the way, but the real challenge was supposed to be a race against the clock, so now you just watched him with bated breath.
You checked the time.
“45 seconds”
“Goddamnit!” he uttered through gritted teeth, readjusting cramping fingers on the tools.
“Come on, you’ve got this,” you said, taking a step closer.
Another click.
He didn’t know that there was only one pin left to set. You did, that’s why you tried your best not to reveal it with your expression. Too early to celebrate, anyway.
“Nine... eight… seven… six… five…”
That’s when you heard a final click and you looked up from your phone, only to see the lock giving in and opening up.
“Yeah!” Neil cheered, banging a fist on the table and tossing the tools away.
You smiled, hiding the phone in the pocket. “Good job, I knew--” but before you could finish a sentence, Neil sprung up from his chair and closed the gap between you, then cupped your face with his palms and kissed you hungrily.
You froze for a second, but as your mind caught up, you kissed him back, tugging at the light blue shirt. He smiled against your lips and made you back away until you hit the wall, huffing at the sudden coldness of the surface. But he was bent on kissing you senseless until you both ended up gasping for air.
“You’re so paying for all that teasing,” he panted, running the tip of the tongue through his swollen lips. “Not to mention, you’ve given me a few fascinating ideas, and I’m very much willing to give them all a try.”
You grinned, fighting with your evidently short-circuiting brain for a grasp of coherence as his hands traveled down your body.
“My, my, all of them?”
“The night is young,” - his throaty chuckle sent a wave of heat through your body - “and I’m up for a challenge.”
“I’m counting on it,” you breathed, burying your fingers in his hair, and pulling him into a kiss again.
Actually, the challenge started right away, and that meant getting to Neil’s place, as the company conveniently rented him a room in a nearby hotel. Walking distance, but in your current quite heated state, every distance seemed way too long. Especially when you had to keep up appearances.
At least until the elevator’s door closed behind you.
The dark gaze fixed on you. Your breaths intertwining. His bottom lip between your teeth. The five o’clock shadow under your fingertips. Your hands sliding under his shirt. His knee parting your legs. The intoxicating smell of his cologne. Your quiet moan. His tongue slipping into your mouth--
A quiet sound announced you reached your floor, and you stumbled out into the corridor, giggling, unable to keep hands and lips off each other.
Your back hit the door, barely missing the knob. Without skipping a beat, Neil reached to the pocket of his pants, then into the other one. When he tried the third one, you broke the kiss, your expression nothing but innocent.
“Looking for this?” you asked, showing him a key card.
He furrowed his brows. “Yes, thank you, I don’t know how--...” he started, but when he tried to snatch his property, you hid your hand behind your back. His jaw went slack as it dawned on him and he stared at you in disbelief. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am.”
He groaned.
“You’re unbelievable,” he uttered as he pulled out his wallet. “Credit card?”
“Only if you’re not overly attached to it.” The roguish lights danced in your gaze. “Especially when you’re in a hurry,” you hinted, palming over the bulge in his pants. Neil squeezed his eyes shut, biting back a moan, and you stifled a chuckle. “Try any membership card.”
He glared at you. “You’re so in for it, you have no idea.”
“Promises, promises,” you pouted, trying not to burst into laughter at his wounded expression. “Work it.”
“Gladly, just tell me what to do.”
So you walked him through the process.
Fortunately, Neil really was a fast learner, making the door give way in no time.
“Good boy,” you hummed, and the blue eyes flared up.
He crashed his lips on yours, closing the door behind you.
Then he gave you a taste of what was coming for you.
And then some more.
And then…
...he gave you all.
(next chapter ->)
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2jaeh · 3 years
milky way | youngtaek
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you find unexplainable comfort in the words of your favorite poet, but he has a deeper connection to you than you think.
genre: fluff, a little angst
word count: 1.4k
author lin
Your favorite part of the day was curling up on the couch with a hot beverage, scrolling through your phone and having the television on low, offering great background noise so the apartment felt less empty. When the clock struck 7pm you knew you would be receiving that notification from the one person on Instagram that you cared enough to keep up with.
They were a poet who went by the name April and they were quite popular on the social media platform, despite never revealing any information about themself save for what deep feelings were incorporated into their poems. You found a great sense of comfort in their work and you were always anticipating to read their poems.
That day, April had revealed a poem titled 'Milky Way'. The post contained a plain white canvas with the words scribbled in black ink on the left side and a relevant drawing on the right - the standard format for all of their works. For this particular poem, the drawing was of a shooting star with a tiny person looking up towards it.
The poem described a relationship between two people that was so dazzlingly perfect that everyone around them was envious of how perfectly they were made for each other. Alas life moved to a point where the narrator could barely contact their lover and they slowly drifted out of each other's lives. The narrator still had lingering feelings for that person and could never truly move on. The final words of the poem read, Nothing without you, nothing without you… 
April's poems always hit close to home and prompted you to think about your own life and experiences, but Milky Way in particular felt as though you yourself was the narrator in question. A few years ago you had also been in a relationship that was so full of bliss. The boy was named Youngtaek and you always joked about how he set a standard for any other guy you would ever meet, but it was true. 
He was an aspiring songwriter and rapper and often wrote songs about you. He was someone that you could tell anything to and he would never judge. He always showered you with compliments that helped you find confidence in yourself. He encouraged you to try new things and a lot of milestones in your life involved him. Your first kiss, your first time and even your first experience getting chased out of a movie theater because he screamed too loud at the horror movie onscreen.
People who claimed the honeymoon phase didn't last forever clearly did not see the three years the two of you spent together. However, all good things must come to an end. Youngtaek left for Japan to further his studies while you stayed behind. You stayed in good contact for a long time, until you both started to live your own lives with different friends, different timezones, different lifestyles. It was a mutual decision to just end the relationship and move on, but your feelings for him could never disappear that easily.
Since the poem had tapped into an integral part of your mind, you decided to leave a comment. You never did leave comments on April's work - it was quite pointless considering they were so popular and your comment would just disappear into the swarm of others - but you were running on sentimentality at that point. 
@______: Thank you for this, I wonder if the lover will ever know the impact they had on the narrator… 
You left your phone aside and turned the television volume up to watch whatever game show was going on. Despite your eyes being on the screen, your thoughts were still filled with Youngtaek and the poem. The only thing that was able to snap you out of your own world was a chime from your phone. You grabbed your phone and opened up the notification. 
@aprilpoetry: @______ I think they do now… 
Your eyes widened at the comment before contorting into a confused frown. First of all, April didn't reply to their fans often so the interaction did catch you by surprise. Second of all, what did they mean by that? The message was so short and vague, but you didn't want to read too much into it. April was notorious for trolling and pranking their followers so you shrugged it off.
Your notifications were flooded with people liking and leaving congratulatory words on your comment. It was so overwhelming that you almost missed a direct message notification you had received. You opened the message up and you couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped your lips upon seeing it was from April. 
@aprilpoetry: As you know, I will be releasing my first book this Friday. We'll be having a small party to celebrate and I'm looking to invite some interesting fans to join us. Would you be interested?
@______: Me? 
@aprilpoetry: Of course. Your comment piqued my interest. 
@______: My comment? 
April was typing for a long time and you didn't know why you were becoming nervous. You couldn't even believe this conversation was happening. Your phone pinged and you looked down to see details as to when and where the party was being held. 
@aprilpoetry: I hope to see you there
After days of deliberation, you finally settled on just going to the party. The interaction with April was quite strange and your curiosity really got the better of you. You arrived at the venue - a sleek dining hall decorated in black and white and adorned in pictures of the art that usually featured alongside April's poems.
You floated around the room, taking the drink that a server offered you and inspecting the snack table for anything you might like. Everyone else was already engrossed in their own conversations, presumably about April's poetry. You felt somebody stand next to you, but your eyes stayed fixated on the pink drink in your hands. 
"The mini pizzas are really good." The person next to you spoke and you almost shuddered at the familiarity of their voice. 
You looked up to see Youngtaek smiling down at you. He was wearing black turtleneck with a black blazer thrown over his shoulders. He looked older and much more mature than from when you last saw him. His hair was dyed bright red and his ears were adorned with pretty piercings. He still had the same sparkly eyes that you had adored so much.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a small voice and he chuckled lightly. 
"It's been a while hasn't it?" Youngtaek ran his fingers through his hair with a sheepish grin on his face, "well actually, we've been closer than we think." 
"What do yo-" 
"I'm April, ______," he cut you off and your eyes widened comically, making him laugh, "when I saw you comment on my post I couldn't believe it was really you. 
"I actually refused to believe it was, so I invited you here to find out," he let out a nervous sigh, "I'm… I'm really glad you're here and you read that poem." 
"I've read all of your poems," you admitted and now it was his turn to look surprised, "I've always followed your account and I… really love your work… Milky Way just hit very close to home." 
"I missed you, every day," Youngtaek admitted, stepping closer to you, "every time I'd think I moved on from us but then you'd cloud my thoughts all the time, just like what I said in Milky Way." 
"I missed you too," you smiled at him when you saw his eyes light up, "I guess it's fate that we found each other again." 
Youngtaek grinned at your words before leaning closer and placing his lips on yours. It felt so familiar, the feeling of kissing him while soft music sounded from the speakers, yet butterflies still fluttered in your tummy. His hands came up to cup your face as you gently held onto his wrists. He pulled away just a few centimeters away to admire your flustered face as his cherry lips curled into a smile. 
"So are we doing this again?" You laughed lightly. 
"Only if you want to ______." Youngtaek grinned, softly running his hands down your arms. 
"Of course April Poetry." 
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wastelandcth · 4 years
voicemail - cth
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summary: calum’s tired of hearing his calls go straight to voicemail. 
author’s notes: this is based off of ahora te puedes marchar - luis miguel. i grew up listening to this song and its been stuck in my head ever since tiktok brought it back. i hope you enjoy! 
warnings: mentions of breakup ups, sad calum, mentions of alcohol. 
Calum was sick of hearing her voicemail message. It's all he had heard when he tried calling her for the past three weeks. At first, he had blamed it on the distance, he'd been away on tour for the past three months and time zones were difficult to navigate at times, but at least he had tried to call and talk with her. She'd simply said goodbye to him at their airport and had proceeded to act as if she'd never met Calum before. 
It had been three months of Calum sending her pictures of his travels and sending updates about where they were, what they were doing, and that he missed her. It had also been three months of silence, of not knowing where she was or what she was going. For all Calum knew, she had disappeared off the face of the Earth and was never coming back. They'd been in Paris when Ashton finally convinced him to call her and put an end to whatever game she was playing. That was two months and one week ago, now Calum was sick of hearing the voice mail message he'd almost memorized from hearing it for the past week. 
"Hi! Sorry I couldn't get to the phone in time! I'm probably super busy but I'll give you a call back as soon as I can! Bye! I love you!" 
Calum's jaw clenched as he heard the all familiar beep of her answering machine, a sigh leaving him before he hung up and set his phone down on the couch of the green room in whatever country he was in that day. He was out the door before even Ash could come and get him this time, his daily ritual of calling her with the hopes that she would answer and tell him that she'd been far too busy and something else that would make everything okay. But with every voicemail message he left, Calum felt his love slipping farther and farther away from her. 
Calum remembers when he first fell in love with her. They'd been seeing each other for around eight months, dates filled with sweet kisses, and looking up at the stars. It had been the best eight months of Calum's life, he had never felt so free and so happy than in those eight months of being with her. 
They'd been at the beach cafe he had first met her at, she'd been telling him a story about her family vacation where she had ended up on the beach alone and too drunk to remember where her hotel room was. She was halfway through her story when Calum's mouth opened and the words escaped him before his brain could even stop him. 
She was the woman of Calum's dreams and he wasn't going to let his fear of love stop him from having something he could cherish with her. He would walk through hell and back for her and he was willing to throw caution to the wind ready for whatever love had planned for him. 
Tour buses were a safe haven for Calum. He was away from the screaming crowds and the fans that always seemed to want to pry into his life. He was alone in his bunk, the darkness that enveloped him, and his mind helped him shut off the memories of her and how his heart felt like it was breaking one day at a time. After much begging and giving Ashton a promise that he was okay, he was alone on a tour bus his mind empty as he closed his eyes and tried to let the hum of the engine lull him back to sleep. 
Lately, Calum's dreams had consisted of a voicemail message, and the last time he had seen her, wrapped in one of his hoodies with tear-stained cheeks. He kept hearing her voice, echoing in his mind, telling him to be back soon and to bring her snacks. When he woke up, Calum felt like his eyeballs were going to explode, the pounding headache he'd gotten before he was on the bus still present. He was sick of having those stupid dreams of her voice and her smile and he was sick of thinking about her every day. So the only thing he could think of was to call her one last time. 
"It's me again, I know you're probably sick of hearing me. You're probably sick of me telling you that I'm sorry for doing something wrong that I don't even know what it is. I just, I called to say goodbye. I'm guessing that's what you meant when we talked last, that goodbye meant you didn't want to hear me anymore. I loved you when I left, I loved you when you didn't answer my phone calls, I loved you when you started posting on Twitter about your family vacation again. I loved you when I saw that picture of both of you at the beach, kissing. I loved you, I pushed through my fears and let go of myself for you. And now I lost everything because of something that you won't explain to me. I gave you my heart, I gave you my soul and you threw it away like it was nothing. Shut me out and pretended that I never cared about you and...But I know I'm done now, I know that you didn't know how to love me so now you can leave and I can leave and we don't have anything else to talk about. So I guess this is goodbye, have a nice life, I hope he makes you happier than I ever could." 
Three years ago Calum would've never imagined he'd be sitting at the same beachside cafe where he'd given his heart away. Three years ago Calum was on a tour bus numb to the world as the voicemail message hurt his ear and his brain. But things were different now, he was no longer crying himself to sleep. His heart didn't feel like it would break in half whenever he drove past the cafe. Especially today, when he had walked in holding her hand and sighed in relief when the entire place didn't explode. It wasn’t until he heard the basita call out a familiar name and his entire body tensed up.
Calum was in a bad place when he met her. He'd been locked in Ashton's guest room for six months before he even decided that going out to the grocery store would be a nice chance for fresh air. Being on the road for almost a year and then coming home to LA where all the memories of her were still in his house was not something he had prepared himself to handle. Two days into being back home, Calum found himself with a packed bag and Duke in his arms at Ashton's front door. He had laid down in the guest bedroom that day and had never gotten back up. 
"Do you think vanilla or regular oat milk would be better for banana bread?" she asked him while holding up to cartons of oat milk. 
Calum was in love with her smile since that first time he saw it. He doesn't even remember what answer he gave her, just remembers that he looked at her for way too long and probably freaked her out. But he somehow ended up with her phone number and before he knew it he was kissing her during the middle of a crappy superhero movie he really regretted suggesting they watch. 
When Calum saw her for the first time in three years, he felt like he was going to explode with anger. She looked like she had the day Calum her saw her last. She still had the same long hair she always complained about, still wore the gold hoop earrings that he had gotten her for her birthday, and she was still wearing that damn hoodie. 
His fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white and it took everything in Calum's power to not walk over to her and tell her everything he'd been through since she'd left him. He watched as she paid for her drink and walked out of the coffee shop without noticing him. But with a deep breath and his coffee in his hand, Calum walked out to his car and drove off. She might've changed overnight, but it had taken Calum years to change and now that he had, he wasn't going to let his past ruin a good day. 
The text message notification had been on his home screen for three hours. He'd been staring at it every five minutes for the past three hours. He hated seeing it on his screen, hated that she thought she could just text him after three years of radio silence, and expect him to answer. His hands had stopped shaking an hour after he'd gotten the text message but every time he read it over, the anger built in his chest and he had to pace around his living room and groan out loud before he managed to sit back down and start the cycle all over again. 
"You look good. I like the blonde curls. We should meet up, talk about us? I miss you." 
He couldn't help but roll his eyes, three years of radio silence and all he got was a compliment and a proposition to meet up again. His fingers moved faster than ever before as he typed out his reply, all the anger, and resentment of the past three years falling off his shoulders in a matter of seconds. He hadn't even noticed when his fingers had stopped moving, his heart was racing and his breathing was uneven. His eyes scanned over the paragraph that he'd seemingly been holding in his chest for the last couple of years and with a simple tap, it was gone.  
Calum really loved his girlfriend. He loved the fact that after he deleted and blocked the phone number he had hoped to get a notification from for so long, his girlfriend showed up with his favorite Italian food and a bottle of wine. He loved that she held him close while they watched reruns of The Simpsons and she ran her hands through his curls. He loved that she was willing to cancel their date night and just hold him close because it meant that he found someone who loved him just the same. 
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scary-lasagna · 4 years
Trust || Part IV
"Tim was always defensive and stubborn, but you could tell there was so much more precious information than he was letting on. It was information that you needed, something that could possibly save your life. And he was being quiet about it. Why? "
Yandere!Hoodie/Brian x Reader
* * * You woke up with another person in your bed the next morning, unfortunately having to share with Tim. Jay moves too much in his sleep, and it was aggravating for the both of you.
But now the smell of tobacco and nicotine was making you sick. The best option was a simple breath of fresh air. You could only hope that you weren't met with a camera like last time, or worse, a red rope and a newly bought knife.
You kept the door open to the building, breathing in the fresh morning air. You even closed your eyes for a few peaceful moments.
Upstairs, though, Tim noticed your absence as soon as your foot touched the wood of the floor. But after getting up to see what you were up to, he paused at the open computer.
It was the only source of light in the room, so it was hard to ignore when it was half-lit due to a notification blocking the white screen.
Clicking on it, Tim saw it was from that ToTheArk account. It was black and white, a style most of the videos held, with static lining the edges.
It was a person, standing in the window, with [Y/N]'s red jacket. 
"Ṭ̷̓h̵̟͋ȇ̶̘y̷̒ͅ ̸̦̑a̵̖͝r̵̥̔e̶̢̍ ̶͓̈́n̴̩̍o̷̲͝t̴̝̀ ̸̤̆t̷͕̏ö̸̭́ ̴̨̿b̸̥̋ê̶̪ ̶̰̿t̶̰̃r̶̨̓ṷ̴͌s̴̩̔t̵͓̀e̴̯͆d̶͇̚.̵͈͆"
Not to be trusted? Yeah, thanks, Tim knew that already. That's why he was out of the warm bed in the first place. He ignored the video, for now, deciding on watching it later after he herds you back inside. 
He stuffed his hands in his pockets, feeling the cardboard of his smoke in the left, and the smooth texture of the picture in his right. He should give it back, Tim didn't mean to take it, but he panicked when he got caught.
Heavy footsteps thumped against the dull and dirty fabric of the carpet. 
However, they were not Tim's.
A flash of red was the most warning that you got before being dragged to the ground. The rope lassoed past your vision and secured around your neck. A pair of leather hands grasped your frantic arms and pulled the rope around them behind your back. 
And the cool metal of a blade pressed against your neck, "Walk." When you didn't move, the captor simply encouraged you with a harsh push on your spine. You recognized the car as Brian’s. It was one that you always ate McDonald's in after coming home from a class.
You were pushed through the car door, buckled up, and driven off. In the side mirror, you saw Tim, supposedly yelling as he stomped on the dirt and pulled at his brown locks in desperation. Jay joined him with the usual camera he carries, and you caught a glint of it from the lense that caused you to see spots for a short moment.
"Where are you ta-"
"Don't talk," Brian said, glancing side to side before making a turn. You didn't need to ask. You knew he was taking you to Rosswood. Oh god, he was going to kill you. Your own boyfriend. 
The one who you've spent so many long nights with. The one who's slept in your arms while you run your digits through his hair after he had a nightmare. The same heartbeat that calmed your insomnia on most nights would now be the one to cease yours.
Not many people were at the park, the clouds in the sky predicted rain for the day.
The ropes burned your skin, even when you weren't trying to free yourself. "Can I at least say goodbye to my friends and family?"
"No." He picked you up and aided you over a log before setting you back down to walk.
You tried to start a conversation again, to hopefully get an insight of what he'll do so you can start planning ahead, "Where are we going?"
"Shhhhshsh." The man hushed you, turning gently towards you. "Just trust me, sweetheart. Have I hurt you yet?
"Yes. I can recall a few times, actually."
His lips pursed, "Then that'll teach you something." He grabbed your elbow, quickening your pace through the woods in hope to beat the rain. It was hard to keep your balance with your hands tied behind your back.
You passed the cement building you met in before, and waited by a cellar door that the hooded man was attempting to open.
You thought about the words he said the last time you met.
"I'll make your life a living hell if you don't learn to love me."
Maybe if you started pretending now, he'd take it easy on you. Hopefully. "How about Hoodie?" You pondered aloud, causing the dirty blonde to freeze with the crowbar.
"Hoodie?" It was like he was testing the name, wondering how good it would sound once you first say 'I love you' to him. "Yeah, I like it." He spared a soft smile, one that wasn't Brian's. 
The cellar door popped before banging open with Hoodie's help. He held out his hand, flexing his fingers as he stared into the cellar. You could run. You could escape now. So why were you obeying him and allowing him to help you into his dark and creepy basement?
Maybe it's because you thought Brian was still in there, that he'll find a way to take control and help you. You wanted Brian, you wanted to cuddle on the couch with a shitty movie that neither of you liked. You wanted to feel the tender kisses along your neck, and his large hands sculpting around your curves. 
But you couldn't. Brian isn't here now.
Another fucking damp room. If you left rice in here for a few days, it'd be tender.
"It's not the best but it's the safest place."
"Safe from what? Alex?"
"Literally anyone." The scraping of the heavy bar sealed your only exit besides a window next to it. "C'mere." He mumbled, approaching you and fumbling with the rope. 
On the way through the rough terrain, your jacket struggled feebly to stay on. Hoodie ran his gloved hand gently over the bruises and you couldn't help but flinch away from the sharp pain his touch caused.
"I'm sorry, I don't know my strength sometimes." He whispered, stepping into your line of sight. He was still covering his eyes with the mask, and yet his mouth was free to feel the damp air of the cellar.
You reached up, slowly and placed your hand on his cheek. How could you not feel something for this man? It's the same one you've been dating for almost a year. But he feels alien. 
The tips of your fingers inched under his mask and took advantage of Hoodie leaning into your touch. His gloved hand made his way over yours but didn't attempt to stop your advancements.
"I've watched dormant all of these years." Your captor spoke up in a gravelly voice. "I knew you had to love me. But patience was the key."
You could now see the three freckles that flecked under his left eye, along with the baby hairs around his ear.
"I had to find a way to keep you to myself, without Brian." Your eyes twitched at the name but kept on your journey of taking the mask off. No sudden movements.
"I can tell you still think he's here." His large hand gripped around your fingers. You gulped as he pried your hand away from his skin. "He's not here [Y/N]. I'm in control now, don't you see? Can't you trust me to take care of you better than him? To love me?"
"Br- Hoodie, I don-" "He was always letting you go out with people, your family," His tone sounded disgusted, and his grip only tightened. You were starting to grow worried that he might crush a digit. "And he was always letting everyone touch you. He wasn't worried about losing you." The blonde tilted his head up to look at you, and for the first time, you could see the shape of his eyes through the fabric. 
You didn't say anything, you couldn't. Because if you did, you would scream. Scream for mercy, scream for help, scream to just scream. It was hopeless because now you're going to be trapped down here, if what Hoodie says is true. Your eyes must have revealed your thoughts, because his grip loosened, but guided your hand back onto the mask.
You shed the fabric, and what you saw was not Brian. You dropped the stiff cloth that was stained with both blood and sweat. Hoodie's eyes were sunken in, and rimmed with dark circles like never before. Sure, Brian had trouble sleeping, but not like this. But it was the color of his eyes that unnerved you. What used to be a comforting chocolate brown was now replaced with an eccentric auburn.
He sported new scars as well, and his hair was a tad too long for your liking. You wrapped your arms around his neck, you wanted to smell him. To find a trace of your lost boyfriend. It was there, but faint. The smell of the basement overcome the smell of Maplewood and smoke that you knew so well. You used to love sitting in front of that woodfire stove at his place, just to smell the sweetness of the air.
Hoodie didn't allow you to pull away but rather kept you close as he buried his face in your hair. You looked behind him at the dark basement. All of the carpets were torn up and the bricks were painted back. A few paintings and pictures hung here and there, but nothing fancy.
Except for a picture of you sleeping that hung over the TV. That one stood out. 
"Hoodie, if we're to live together we need to sort some things out." You needed to start playing into the illusion more. Flip the cards and give the captor a little bit of hope.
"I-I know that." He nodded, parting the embrace, but not too far. "I've written some down for you." The bastard almost sounded hopeful.
"Not just for me, babes." You craned your neck to look up into his auburn eyes. 
He shook his head with a chuckle, "No, I'm the one in control. I don't get rules." 
"Then I suppose I won't provide you with my end of the deal." You shrugged, unsticking yourself from his grasp. You didn't even get three steps away.
"Deal?!" You whipped around with frightened eyes. You keep forgetting you can't tease as you did with Brian. "This isn't a fucking deal, buttercup. You're here because I'm protecting you.  And you will love me, you'll cherish me, and you'll be grateful that you get it this lucky. Because I could’ve done a lot worse in getting you here."
Your chest tightened and your arms flex with your increasing heart rate, "I hate you. I want Brian." You kept your voice level. You haven't spilled any tears yet and you weren't planning to.
"I'm not Br-"
"I. Want. Brian!"
The hooded man stared at you, and if you blinked you would have missed him launching off of his right foot to fight you to the ground. Kicking, screaming, and even biting were futile. You were stuck against his warm body, and his arms locked themselves around you as you thrashed.
He stayed like that, hugging you to his chest for a good five minutes. Your limbs were exhausted while trying to put up a fight against your captor.
You finally went limp after realizing your fate. The bobbing of Hoodie's chest made you feel the primal pang of guilt and pity you got whenever you felt Brian holding back sobs in his nightmares after an argument.
And the waterworks started for you as well. You had no fucking clue why he was crying, but you knew why you were.
You'd never see your family again. Your mom would wonder why you left without a call, and your father would miss the weird way you scrunched up your nose while you were in deep thought like he always does. Tim...He'd probably miss bickering with you on the daily, and Jay would have no one to tell him to get some rest after editing for 10 hours straight.
Your hands were numb by now, and you were exhausted from the fight you put on. Hoodie seemed to be done crying as well, because he was carrying you into the depths of the cellar, with tear stains along his thin cheeks.
"This is your room." He mumbled, setting you down on the soft mattress. Each time you blinked it felt like someone poured soap into your eyes. After a few involuntary sniffles, Hoodie leaned down and pressed gentle kisses to your swollen eyelids. 
"You'll feel better after you rest."
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blackcloverdatabase · 4 years
English Translation of Novel 3: Chapter 2 – The Man Known as Julius (Part 2 of 2)
Here’s the second half of the last untranslated chapter from Book of Yuno! More Julius, Yuno, Jack, and Charlotte goodness, plus Mereoleona and Marx!
With this, Book of Yuno is now fully translated!
--- The Man Known as Julius (Part 2) ---
And so, in days that followed, they ran into no troubles at all. The days passed by rather smoothly…… Well, that may depend on your definition of “smooth”. As Yuno predicted, Jack and Charlotte frequently dropped by the lake, Graham still didn’t get along with Julius, and each time that happened, Bell would say something insensitive, so Yuno’s training kept getting interrupted. Though their troubles didn’t grow, his worries did.
Nevertheless, Graham’s wounds healed well, and the amount of time he spent near his parents’ tombstone steadily decreased. It would be a little lonely once they do, but, at this rate, they will be able to return Graham to the wild in a few days.
‘I have to find a safe place for him away from humans as soon as possible……’ Yuno thought as he and Bell were shopping in the village of Tonan. It was still early afternoon.
“Oh, aren’t you Yuno-kun?”
Yuno heard a voice call back from behind him as he was walking. When he turned around, he saw a man with his blue hair cut like a mushroom, standing there with a smile.
“Yes. Umm, if I recall, you use communication magic…...”
“Ah, sorry. I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Marx Francois. I’m the Wizard King’s aide.”
He said with a gentle smile on his face as he approached Yuno, seemingly wanting to chat with him.
“I sure do meet a lot of Magic Knights when I’m in an area where patrols are emphasized. Why, just yesterday, I met Captain Jack. A ha ha, it’s surprising to see him buying vegetables like any other normal human being!”
‘I’m still surprised he bought them for Graham……,’ of course, Yuno didn’t say this out loud, instead opting to match Marx’s tone of surprise.
“I’m surprised. I guess that means he must cook, too.”
A more suitable reply. He then tilted his head and said,
“So, what are you doing here, Marx-san?”
“Surveying the field and intelligence gathering. I wanted to see the state of affairs of all areas that have been targeted by those bandits, and I was going to convey my findings to the Wizard King, but…… ah, no, sorry. The chain of command a transmission is supposed to go through got messed up.”
Marx paused for a bit as if to reorient himself.
“For various reasons, the notification that was supposed to go out to each squad was delayed, but half a day ago, we successfully quashed the bandits.”
Yuno couldn’t help but stutter. It’s true that a few days have passed since the Magic Knights were deployed to suppress the bandits, so it was only a matter of time before they would completely quash them, but……
“That’s rather sudden. Incredibly so.”
“Yeah. Since it was possible that the Original Sin was involved in this case, we were searching more cautiously than usual, but…...”
Marx’s face stiffened.
“……Captain Mereoleona said “How many days does it take you to capture a few petty thieves!” and kicked the knights who were investigating into high-gear. I was also participating in the search, and it wasn’t long before those bandits were completely annihilated. A few bandits may have escaped, but it’s just about over now.”
‘I feel sorry for those bandits……,’ Yuno thought to himself as he quietly put his hands together in prayer for them.
“However, when we confiscated their belongings, we didn’t find any copies of the Original Sin. Maybe those rumors about them having one was fake, but it’s possible that one of the bandits who escaped ran away with it…… there are still many things we are uncertain about, so I came here in the hopes of finding some clues, but I’ve found nothing so far.”
“……I see. Thank you for all your hard work.”
Yuno thanked Marx while he internally let out a sigh of relief. Now that those bandits have been caught, this area should be safer now. Since a few bandits escaped, the patrols will probably continue for a little while longer, but the frequency of those patrols should decrease. That means it will be easier to take care of Graham. Yuno continued to feel more and more relaxed, even faintly considering taking a stroll through town, but then Marx called his attention as he put his hand in his breast pocket.
“Ah, wait a second! I’m sorry to ask you this so suddenly, but do you know anything about this magic tool?”
Yuno’s and Bell’s eyes widened. They couldn’t believe what Marx was showing them. What he held in his hand was a red jewel, the very one which wards evil away.
“……Marx-san, where….did you……?”
Marx felt a little uneasy about how strongly the two reacted, but he answered their question.
“Huh……? Captain Jack gave this to me yesterday. He said he felt ill when this tool was active. He thought it might be dangerous, so he wanted me to investigate it.”
“…….Did he say where he found it?”
“Ummm……. I didn’t ask for the details, but if I recall, it was in some cabin up in the mountains.”
Yuno had a bad feeling about this.
“I’m going to take this to the Magic Tool Research Institute, but you go on a lot of special missions, so I thought you might know something about this…… w-wait!? Where are you going!?”
Yuno ignored Marx’s pleas as he used his wind magic to fly to the lake. Jack found the jewel yesterday. The bandits were captured half a day ago. Yesterday, he was only with Graham in the morning, and Julius said he was only with Graham briefly in the early afternoon. It was probably after that when Jack found the jewel. After that, it was possible that runaways from the bandits’ hideout may have passed by the lake…… If they did, Graham had nothing to protect him. They might have eaten him. They might have taken him so that they could sell him. There were all sorts of things they could have done to him.
Maybe it was too early to start worrying, but that was the place where Graham and his parents were attacked before. It was possible that those bandits have used that cabin as a rest stop before. If the remaining stragglers go there to rest……
Yuno felt his agitation increase as he sped to Graham’s location without care for anything else.
Yuno shouted once he arrived at the lake. Usually, Graham would have emerged from the cabin, squealing cheerfully, but……
“……No way …….There’s no way this is happening! You can’t be serious!!”  
Bell screamed as she trembled in anger. A portion of the fence they built was broken, and the cabin was partly destroyed. Worse yet, the corpses of Graham’s parents were dug up, with about half of their hides skinned off their bodies. In this cruel picture, Graham was nowhere to be found.
……Their worst fears had come to fruition.
“W-what should we do, Yuno!? What happened to Graham!? What do we do!?”
Bell begged Yuno for an answer with tears in her eyes. However, like her, the sight left Yuno in a state of confusion. This was almost certainly the work of the remaining bandits, so the most practical option would be to team up with the Magic Knights that were hunting them. However, it would be difficult to find the others in a forest as wide as this, and there probably weren’t many knights pursuing them in the first place. Finding them would take too much time. There simply wasn’t enough people or time. He couldn’t contact Julius, either. He wasn’t sure what to do……
After thinking things through, Yuno closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After calming himself down, he reminded himself of why he was here. After a few more seconds, he opened his eyes and said as he calmly observed his surroundings,
“I don’t see any blood, so I think it’s safe to say that Graham hasn’t been killed. Not here, at least. They must have kidnapped him, probably with the goal of eating him later. While it’s true that they might have killed him en route or seriously wounded him to render him immobile, we can’t let negative thoughts like that get to us.”
If you find yourself unable to move because of all your negative thoughts, it’s sometimes necessary to just try doing what you want before thinking about what you should do…….
This was, without a doubt, one of those times……
“First of all, let’s join up with the knights in pursuit of the remaining bandits and find out where they are in their search. After that, we’ll borrow one of their communication devices and contact the Wizard King.”
They were going to do all they can, believing in the possibility that Graham was still alive.
“Let’s go, Bell……. Full power.”
“Y….. yeah…… sniff!”
Upon Yuno’s words, Bell wiped the tears from her face as she looked him in the eyes. Yuno nodded in response with a small smile on his face. He was about to fly off using his wind magic, but……
“Phew, I finally caught up to you…… Why did you do that of a sudden!?”
For the second time that day, he heard a voice call out to him from behind. When he turned around, he saw Marx approaching him with a broom in his hand and sweat on his forehead.
“Marx-san…… You followed me?”
“Well, if you see somebody’s expression change as drastically as yours and then dash off, of course you have to follow…… wait, what is all this!? What happened!?”
He looked around the lakeshore in a panic. Julius had said that Marx was the last person he’d want to find out what he’s been doing, but this situation was different. Even if this was only by chance, Yuno was glad he was here. With Marx here, he’ll be able to contact Julius right away.
“I’ll explain later. For now, I need you to contact the Wizard King for……”
……He realized it mid-sentence. At present, there wasn’t enough people nor enough time. Even if, for argument’s sake, Julius took advantage of his position of authority to send a large number of knights after the bandits, it would take some time to get that many knights together. There was a faster way to get a lot of knights here, and it would leave him with many more knights, too.
“Huh!? That mischievous magic maniac is…… I mean, the Wizard King is involved in this, too!?”
He was a little intrigued when he heard Marx say something rather disrespectful toward Julius, but, anyway, he quickly conveyed his strategy to Marx, who put it into practice.
 ----- Several minutes later, in a forest on the southwest side of Tonan -----
About ten rough-looking men flew through the forest on their brooms.  
“Hurry it up, you idiots! They’re gonna catch up to us at this rate!”
A bald man named Garo lead the group, spitting harsh words toward his minions behind him, which slowed him down even further. They were the remaining bandits. They slipped past the Magic Knights, and they were currently on their way to their second base, which was in the Forsaken Realm. Moreover, he had a hemp bag tied to the end of his broom. Wriggling violently inside that bag was……
A baby boar they caught by the lakeshore.
“Shut up, ya damned pig! We’re gonna eat ya the second we get to the base, so sit quiet until then!”
As if to let off some steam, Garo yelled his threats at Graham. Then, one of his followers asked him,
“Come to think of it, boss. Why’d ya take that little flame boar? Even if we sold its hide, we wouldn’t get a lotta money. If we just took its collar, then…… Eek!”
His follower shrunk back in fear.
“……Because…... the base…... was DESTROYED!”
Garo said with a roar as he turned his bloodshot eyes toward his follower.
“All our money and food were taken from us! You realize that, right!? Even if it doesn’t give us a lot of money, I’m gonna steal what I can steal! We’re in this mess in the first place because you’re all slackers!”
“I-I’m sorry! I’m so sor-GAH!”
As the others watched from behind as their boss seized their teammate by the collar and shook him, they looked at each other anxiously.
“……H-hey. He’s been…… kind of…… off lately, hasn’t he?”
“Y-yeah…… it’s like he’s gotten more brutal, or maybe more greedy……”
“Hey! You all sayin’ something!?”
Garo looked back and threatened them as he tried to find the people who spoke so insolently……. And then, by chance, he realized it. There was one too many shadows projected on the ground. When he noticed, he looked up toward the sky. At that moment,
“Slash Magic: Death Scythe!”
Large blades of magic swung down from the sky.
The blades of green obstructed the bandits from going forward as they flew before Garo’s eyes with a thunderous roar. The trees around them rumbled loudly as the ground beneath them was cut so deeply that one couldn’t see the bottom. What would’ve become of those bandits if such a thing hit them head-on…..?
“……Kah Kah. Jeez, I told you to live and grow up to be strong, didn’t I?”
Above their heads, the bandits heard a voice filled with a malice and intent to kill that made them shiver. Standing above them on his broom was a tall, thin man with ridiculously large blades extending from his forearms.
“You certainly got yourself kidnapped by a group that doesn’t look all that fun to cut up, eh, brat?”
His mouth upturned into a grotesque smile as he licked his lips and stretched his arms before him.
“Well, whatever. I’ll cut down 80 percent of them, so watch and learn.”
“D…….Disperse! Everyone disperse!!”
To escape the onslaught of attacks that were fired at them, the bandit group broke away from each other like baby spiders escaping their nest. Garo veered to the left with two of his underlings in tow.
“B-boss! That guy, he’s…… the Captain of the Green Mantis! Why is a big wig like him coming after stragglers like us!?”
“Hell if I know!! Just shut up and focus on getting outta……. Huh?”
Before he could finish talking, he noticed another ominous sight. Before his eyes was a woman of peerless beauty clad in armor, standing around as if she was waiting for them. Under normal circumstances, this fact would have made him ecstatic. However, Garo’s face grew grim. Just like with Jack, Garo didn’t know her first-hand, but he has heard terrible rumors. That face, and the way she held herself…… there was little doubt in his mind that this woman was the Captain of the Blue Roses, Charlotte.
“Briar Magic: Corpse-Hunting Briar Tree”
As if to substantiate Garo’s suspicions, thorny briars grew from the ground with unnatural speed to the left and right of him, piling into cone-like structures until they projected into the air like a tower.
Unable to avoid them, Garo’s two underlings fell victim to her thorns. However, Garo slipped through and escaped. No, he had the feeling that the thorns never aimed for him from the beginning……
“…… Relax. I will not strike you. Graham…… no, a wild boar is in that bag, correct?”
He felt a strange feeling from this beautiful woman who spoke with such a clear, concise voice. Even after only seeing her gorgeous face from a distance, he could tell – this woman was furious.
“Hand that boar over right now. If you do, I’ll have mercy on you and tear your corpse to pieces!!”
His soul practically leapt from his body as he shrieked, trying to get away from her. However, in the direction of his escape stood…...
“Wind Magic: Crescent Kamaitachi”
Four crescent-shaped blades flew through the air with a howl as they cleanly sliced through the trees around Garo. Past the sounds of one tree after another falling to the ground, he heard voices, both male and female, talking above his head.
“With this, nothing is blocking our view…… we can see this scoundrel’s face more clearly.”
“Not that I wanted to! He’s ugly, dirty, and he has a small-fry kind of vibe! That’s three strikes!”
The two voices he heard came from a handsome black-haired boy and a girl about the size of a doll, who was flying around him.
‘What kind of magic tool is that?’ Garo thought.
Moreover, this became evident once his surroundings were cleared, but…...
“……Hey…… What the hell? …….Why the hell are there so many of you!?”
There was a dozen…… no, there were several dozens of Magic Knights, and they had Garo’s group completely surrounded as they stood by on their broomsticks.
“W-we’re just the remnants of a ruined group of bandits…… why, why are you…..!?”
“……Good question. I wonder about that.”
As Garo groaned, the boy swooped down in front of him with a blank expression and said quietly,
“Maybe you took someone’s kid, or their little brother, or their henchman…… perhaps?”
 Truthfully, even Yuno didn’t expect this many people to come. After all, Yuno only said one thing. He had Marx use his magic to report the situation to Julius, and after that, he had Marx contact the headquarters of the Green Mantis and the Blue Roses. Upon getting in contact with them, the only thing he told them was,
“The remaining bandits have kidnapped a baby boar I was keeping at the lake shore and are now on the run.”
That’s all he said before joining up with the rest of the knights in pursuit of the bandits. While they were searching, an astonishing number of Green Mantis knights and Blue Roses knights had gathered. When he asked why they were all here, they said their Captains ordered them to join the hunt. Even the Captains themselves joined the hunt, and they both looked like they were searching for blood.
Thus, their little hunting team became a large and fierce group, and with no hesitation, they utilized their mobility and self-discipline to find and hunt down the remaining bandits in a flash.
“Kah Kah. You damned brat. You used us. You have guts, I’ll give you that.”
As Yuno approached Garo, Jack poked at Yuno’s shoulder with the tip of his blade.
“I didn’t use you guys, I just couldn’t think of another- Ow. That hurts. It’s bleeding.”
“……W-well, it doesn’t matter to me what happens to some wild boar. There have been reports that the remaining bandits carried the Original Sin, so I came here because I thought we should arrest them as soon as possible.”
Charlotte said with a slightly red face as she approached the two of them.
“I just fed that wild boar on a whim……. Huh?”
Charlotte shuddered as if she just realized something very serious. She then grasped the hilt of her sword tightly, summoning briars from her sword that wrapped around Yuno’s neck.
“…….You bastard, don’t tell me…… y-you saw me…… bringing food to that boar?”
“What are you talking about? I saw you two leaving from the lake shore, so I just thought you might’ve met Graha-Ow. That hurts. Um, this really doesn’t suit my character, so……”
“Shit……. Shit! Just a little further…… and yet I get stopped by this group of idiots…… Shit!!”
As he watched those three talk back and forth, Garo cursed in a low voice.
“Ah, I forgot. You’re here, too.”
Bell said, before continuing in her usual loud voice,
“You’re the idiot here! Now, hurry up and return Graham to us!”
“……Wait, Bell. He’s acting stange.”
Yuno stopped Bell, who looked like she could bite Garo at any moment, and studied Garo. His breathing was rough, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was clenching his teeth so hard that a thin trail of blood oozed from his mouth.
‘This is just like that time with Zable……!’
Garo screamed as if he had gone insane. Then, a pure white grimoire emerged from his chest, and from his back spread countless invisible tentacles, which bent and wriggled about. The Original Sin had started going berserk.
At that moment, Graham’s voice could be heard from the bag at Garo’s feet. Just being exposed to this much magic must be painful for him. It must be scary.
Without a moment’s delay, Yuno and Bell activated their mana skin and ran toward Graham.
“H-hey! Don’t be reckless!”
Charlotte called out in an attempt to stop him, but Jack yelled over her.
“No, he has the right idea…… Hey, you all! Stop that bandit’s attacks and support that kid with all you’ve got! Don’t let that bandit lay a single finger on that kid, or the bag at his feet!!”
Under Jack’s command, a massive simultaneous attack from all nearby knights began.
“Shit……Shit, Shit, SHIT!”
Garo’s tentacles repelled every attack that was fired at him as he wreaked havoc on his surroundings. However, each tentacle that tried to reach Yuno and Bell was slashed apart, torn apart by briars, or stopped by some other magic spell. One after another, they vanished before reaching Yuno. Yuno himself used his wind magic to repel any tentacle that made its way toward Graham, but there were too many.
Just as he was only a few steps away from Graham, a single tentacle weaved its way through his attacks and swung down toward Graham. At that moment……
“Time Restraining Magic: Chrono Stasis!”
“…… Huh?”
……. Time stopped.
Garo stopped. The tentacles stopped. Yuno and Bell stopped. All the magic knights around them stopped. They were all wrapped in an absurdly large sphere of magic, where all movement ceased. Before Yuno could begin to process what happened, the sphere of magic slowly converged until it surrounded only Garo. The tentacles had stopped moving, but, before long, they lost their power and vanished into the air.  Yuno was released from Julius’s time prison, causing him to fall on his backside, where he continued to stay as he watched.
“……I see. The tentacles disappear if its owner is rendered powerless…… For caution’s sake, I stopped time over a large area, but it looks like that wasn’t necessary.”
The person who created this situation, Julius, said this smoothly as he descended slowly in front of Yuno.
“Sorry I’m late, Yuno-kun, Bell-kun. You did a great job…...”
He said in an incredibly casual tone of voice. With his tranquil smile, Yuno was…… no, surely everyone was overwhelmed by his presence.
As soon as he got here, he cast such powerful magic over such a wide area and, with surgeon-like precision, imprisoned only Garo. Most of all, he did all this in an instant, with no prep work required. Everyone here knew that he was absurdly powerful. However, they didn’t realize what that meant until they saw his power in action before their eyes. He was the Clover Kingdom’s most powerful Magic Knight – The Wizard King. As Yuno thought, the wall he and Asta had to surmount was absurdly high.
……. However,
“Are you hurt?”
Julius turned toward Yuno and held out his hand. By reflex, Yuno almost took his hand, but,
He reconsidered, lowering his hand and suppressing the light trembling in his legs as he forced his weight upon them,
“……I’m fine. Thank you for your help.”
And stoop up firmly with his own power on his own two feet.
‘Someday, I’ll climb over that wall.’
He held such thoughts in his heart as he stood with his own strength.
“Ha ha. I guess…… you didn’t need my help, huh…….?”
‘I could have sworn I’ve had a conversation just like this with someone else before…...’
Realizing that this wasn’t the time nor place to think about that, he dropped the idea and started thinking to himself warmly,
‘The next generation after me……. Yami, William, and the others are already actively performing great service as Captains. The generation after them have a strong will, and they are growing steadily but surely.’
Through them – through the power of those who have inherited his will – the Order of Magic Knights, and this country, is gradually being reborn into the form Julius has always wished for. Rather than a few decades, after ten years…… no, less than that. In a few years, the future that Julius has wished for could very well come true.
Faced with such youthful power, these thoughts were renewed within Julius.
“……Well, I don’t plan on giving this seat to anyone just yet~”
“……Huh, what was that?”
“Nothing at all…... This isn’t the time for us to get lost in sentimentality. We have to help Graham.”
Julius said as if to end the subject, grabbing the hemp bag and opening it swiftly. Upon doing so, Graham leaped out in an instant, jumping into Julius’s chest with a happy squeal.
“Graham, are you okay!? Are you hurt!?”
“It looks like…… you’re okay. Thank goodness……”
Once Bell and Yuno came closer, Graham squealed cheerfully once more. It was good that Graham wasn’t hurt physically, but they were also happy that the ordeal didn’t appear to wound him emotionally, too.
……Instead, considering all the aftermath they’ll have to deal with, the reports that will need to be written, and the incoming lecture from Marx, perhaps they’re the ones who are going to come out of this ordeal traumatized……. Well, those are minor problems.
“Graham…… I’m sorry. You must have been so scared. You did a great job getting through this.”
Julius pet Graham’s head with a few tears in his eyes.
“You’re safe now, so let’s go home with Papa and-
“Squeal, squeal!”
With full force, Graham chomped down on Julius’s fingers.
 “……Jeez, I’ve just about had it with you! So you were raising an unusual pet, huh……? That the kind of thing an extravagant bachelor with too much time and money on his hands would do! Stop playing around and get back to work!”
“……Yes…… Yes……. Yes……. I’m sorry…….”
The others dealt with the aftermath smoothly while Marx continued to lecture Julius. That said, there wasn’t much for Yuno to do. Transporting the bandits they captured, listening to magic tool researchers, he finished all that a while ago, so right now he was chatting with Jack and Charlotte right next to Julius as he was getting lectured.
“……We plan to release Graham into the wild soon.”
He felt that he should tell them what they were planning to do. As he looked at Yuno holding Graham when he said this, Jack scratched his head and replied,
“I don’t really care, but…… Well, that makes sense. From the start, he’s a wild animal, so he shouldn’t be closed up with humans. Plus, he could get rolled up in some bad news like what just happened today. Once he’s healed up, you should let him go.”
“B-but…….. is there a place where a young boar can live safely without their parents protecting them?”
Charlotte looked a little upset as she said this. Incidentally, a few moments ago, she took Graham away while Yuno wasn’t looking and told him,
“I’m sorry for all the mean things I said earlier. I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t care about you. I love you!”
Bell happened to see this and reported it to Yuno, but……. Back to the main subject. At that moment, Marx finally took a breath in the middle of his lecture, allowing Julius a chance to join the conversation.
“……We both searched extensively, but we couldn’t find a good place for him. Do either of you know of anywhere good?”
Jack and Charlotte glanced at each other before replying simultaneously,
“Well, if that’s what you’re going to ask, there’s someone more suited to answering your question than we are.”
“Moreover, it’s highly likely that she’ll be joining us any moment now……”
Just as Julius tilted his head in confusion, he heard a preposterously loud voice resound through the air.
“Wizard King! I thank you for catching the bandits that escaped!”
The one who descended from the sky with such a loud voice was none other than Mereoleona Vermillion. She was a gallant woman who was serving as a substitute Captain of the Crimson Lions for Fuegoleon. However, before she assumed the role of Captain, she……
“……I see! If I recall, she spends over 300 days a year living her life in the forests and fields of the wild. She probably knows a lot about what we’re looking for.”
“Yes. Then, I wonder if you should give Graham to her.”
As Julius and Charlotte spoke to each other, Mereoleona walked toward them as she laughed heartily,
“And you even managed to capture a copy of the Original Sin without destroying it! As I would expect from our Wizard King! With this, we’ll be able to analyze it easily, and…… hm?”
As she was speaking, her eyes sharpened with a piercing gaze when she spotted Graham. She then licked her lips and said,
“Ho hoh, you captured quite the tasty-looking boar. Once we get back, let’s cook him right away!”
…...For now, at least, they all decided that there was no way they were leaving Graham with her.
 After that, Graham was deathly afraid of Mereoleona, so Yuno and Bell picked Graham up and carried him a little further away to put distance between them while Julius explained their circumstances to her.
“I see! If that’s how it is, then there’s plenty of great places I can show you!”  
Mereoleona struck her chest with her fist as she said this.
On a side note, earlier, Jack and Charlotte guided Marx and the other knights home. Before Jack left, he stared at Graham with a profound gaze. At that moment, Bell dubbed over his thoughts with a whisper,
“Well then, boy. Make sure you don’t lose to those humans.”
Back to the present, Mereoleona continued talking as loudly as ever.
“In the natural realm, there are places that are considered “child-rearing spots”! They are considered as such because they have plenty of food and little territorial conflict. I know of several such places!”
At that moment she suddenly went up to Julius’s face, and lowered her voice as she asked,
“By the way, Wizard King. What kind of trick were you trying to pull this time?”
Julius smiled the same as ever as he replied,
“……..Now, what ever could you be talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me…… with the amount of personal connections you have, you could have easily asked plenty of other people to take care of that boar. And yet, you chose that boy.”
Mereoleona glanced at Yuno before giving Julius a smile filled with hidden meaning,
“You created a situation where you would raise that boar with that kid, the genius chosen by one of the great spirits, so that you could see with your own eyes how he trains and what kind of growth he has achieved……. Am I wrong?”
“……You’re half-right, but you’re also half-wrong. It really was a coincidence that I was found by Yuno-kun.”
Julius had a small smile on his face as he gave up on the idea of keeping it a secret. She, too, is probably just asking because of her own personal interest, and he didn’t want to be that secretive, so he figured it was fine to tell her.
“However, to design counter-measures against the Eye of the Midnight Sun……. I wanted to thoroughly understand how he fights with Sylph, Sylph’s own personality, and how friendly she is toward other humans. Since we would be raising Graham together, I just figured I’d use the opportunity to observe him.”
In truth, he would be able to see how Yuno fights at the Royal Knights Selection Exam, and he can create as many opportunities as he likes to talk with Bell. However, that would just be for “work”. Frankly speaking, the quickest way to learn about someone is to do a task together that requires one to rely on the other. It was a little unscrupulous of him to do this, but he took advantage of that accident so that they could work together. Moreover, keeping the fact he was raising a flame boar a secret was never all that important to him in the first place.  His goal was to get closer to Yuno by sharing a secret together. As a result, he was able to watch Yuno train on several different occasions, and he has a better understanding of Bell’s magic and temperament.
Most of all, he thinks that they are on friendlier terms now. Even though this all happened by chance, he gained so much from it.
“So, no tricks from me. I just nudged things in the right direction, just a little bit. I truly did want somebody to help me take care of Graham.
“……I see. Then, what about Jack and Charlotte?”
Mereoleona happily continued hounding Julius for more. It’s not that she wanted to find his weakness or anything, she just wanted to satisfy her intellectual curiosity. After all, she was a woman who put all her energy into everything she did, no matter what it was.
“You said that they just happened to find out, but…… someone of your caliber wouldn’t make a blunder as foolish as letting your magical power get sensed by someone else. Well, even though Jack having an evil soul and taking away your magic tool was a miscalculation on your part, you got them involved on purpose so that you would have personnel who could take action in the event of an emergency like today’s right?”
“……..I wonder about that?”
“Fu fu……….WAH HAHA HAH! You truly are one crafty fellow!”
She slapped Julius’s back and laughed heartily once more…… At that moment.
“Squeal!! Squeal!”
Graham rushed forward with all his strength and tackled Mereoleona’s feet. Over and over. Though he was terrified by her just a short while ago, he continued to crash his tiny body against her.
“W-what’s wrong, Graham? You’re so riled up……”
Julius picked Graham up, but Graham continued trying to threaten Mereoleona.
“I know she’s often called a boorish woman, and I often wonder why I have to be so on guard around one of my own subordinates, but she’s not an enemy.”
“I’m not sure what you’re trying to say about me, but…… most likely, when he saw me hitting your back, he thought I was bullying you.”
He said as he looked at Graham, who pressed his face into his chest.
It was the sound flame boars make when they want their parent’s attention. The fact he was crying out to Julius in this way meant……
“Ha, ha ha…… that can’t be right. Graham, even now, you keep biting me so hard, and yet……”
He turned his face away from Mereoleona, as well as from Yuno and Bell, who were rushing toward them, as he said this. Mereoleona looked a little surprised before saying,
“Oh? If he was biting you, then that means he really loved you…… Biting is one of the attachment behaviors of young flame boars. The fact he was biting you is proof that he thought of you as his parent.”
Everyone was shocked silent when they heard this. Bell represented everyone when she said,
“Huh? Then…… Graham though of the Wizard King as his father from the start?”
As if in response to Julius calling out his name, Graham made the same cries as before, as if he wanted his parent to dote on him more.
He recalled all the days he has spent with Graham. He recalled watching Graham enjoy his baths, Graham’s sweet face as he slept, Graham devouring his food with delight, Graham energetically rushing up to his feet. Fond memories came rushing forth, one after another…….
‘I want to be with this child forever,’ Julius thought.
……But, even so……
“……We can’t. If a wild animal stays with humans for too long, they’ll remember their time with humans far too well, and they won’t be able to return to the wild……We shouldn’t stay together any longer than we already have.”
Hearing those words, Yuno couldn’t help but clench his fists, and Bell looked down with tears in her eyes. They only started raising Graham halfway through, yet it hurt this much to say goodbye to him. Surely, the pain Julius is feeling right now must be even worse……
“……But, you know, Graham.”
Even so, Julius only wiped his eyes a single time before smiling at Graham the way he always did.
“I’ll never forget the time I spent with you. And, I truly did think of you like my own child…… Even if we are apart, that will never change.”
He hugged Graham tightly but gently, and told him quietly,
“I love you, Graham. Thank you……. For thinking of me as your father.”
“Now then, shall we go!?”
As if to destroy the moving atmosphere between them, Mereoleona declared this as she smashed her fists together. Seeing her behave so warlike, Yuno had a bad feeling about what she was going to say when he asked,
“Go……? Go where? It’s not like we’re planning to release Graham into the wild this very second.”
“You fool! There are several different child-rearing spots! We’re all going to preview each spot together to find out which environment suits him the best!”
She said as she looked at him with cold eyes. Then, her mouth upturned into a ferocious grin,
“All these child-rearing spots lie past strong magic zones and dungeons. Doesn’t that sound fun!? Wah hah hah! Isn’t this splendid!? You can utilize the results of your training while we visit each power spot!”
“Sorry. I just remembered some urgent business I need to attend to, so I need to go home.”
Yuno and Bell ran away with subsonic speed, but it was futile. Mereoleona instantly created fire magic in the shape of two lion’s paws from her head and caught them.
“S-someone save us! We’re being kidnapped! A spirit and human are getting kidnapped by a wild animal!”
“Please say something, your highness! There’s no way this is legal!”
Bell cried out in tears while Yuno, in an act that was very out of character for him, begged Julius to do something. He was the only one in this situation with the power to stop her, but…….
“………Umm, sorry, you two…….”
Julius said with an incredibly awkward expression on his face as he held Graham lovingly.
“I-I think that being suddenly thrust into a strange area would make him anxious, so…… could you come with us?”
The Wizard King – Julius Novachrono.
He's the hero of Clover Kingdom, a source of inspiration for all Magic Knights and all the Kingdom’s citizens……
“Hey Graham~ You want everyone to be with you, too, right?”
…….He’s a huge softie, overindulgent, and he can be a bit of a bother. He had an ordinary side to him that you could find in any ordinary middle-aged man, but……
That's just the sort of person Julius is.
--- The Man Known as Julius: The End ---
W-what am I supposed to say at the end of this chapter? I’m just too sad that they have to say goodbye to Graham ;A;
I’m also sad that this was the last untranslated Book of Yuno chapter. I’m glad to have finished it, because it’s such a good book, but I…… I want more.
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crimsonshadow323 · 3 years
Ghost Hunt Story Ch 2
Sorry for the wait! I got caught up in other fandoms and the holidays and also my birthday so yeah. anyways hope you enjoy! :)
please note that there is brief talk of a car crash, death and grief. Please read responsibly. 
This now has an Ao3 and FFN
You can see the previous chapter here
   Oliver Davis was not having a good day; in fact, it was rather horrible. From the moment he woke up everything had seemed to go wrong. He asked for tea-- all they had was decaf. He had to give a lecture-- all of the girls tried to hit on him at least once. They had a case--- it was just some complete idiots trying to be funny but only being a waste of time and brain cells. And to make matters worse he got a headache around four and it still hadn’t left yet by the time he got back home around six. All he wanted to do now was go somewhere quiet and away from idiotic people and just read. 
As he trudged upstairs and towards his room, he passed by Gene’s door that had been left open. Not wanting to stop, but being unable to stop himself despite his desire he walked into his brother’s room. And almost tripped flat on his face within seconds upon entering. It seemed the cleaning lady hadn’t come in yet, or she had but hadn’t done a thorough enough job, considering the fact that he had almost tripped over a discarded shirt. Shaking his head at his brother’s less than tidy habits he stooped to pick the garment up only to freeze as soon as his fingers touched the fabric, instantly thrown into a vision. 
He was walking down the side of a lake. The night air was cool and crisp. Crickets chirped in the background and a smile sat on his face as he enjoyed nature. He had one more stop to make in this town before he had to return to Tokyo for a few weeks and then it was back to England. 
To be honest he wasn’t ready to leave Japan. He had felt drawn here and the fact that he hadn’t found out yet what it was that had called him to this place frustrated him. But he had promised mother so back to England he had to go. He only hoped--
Light. Bright light that burned his eyes, the sound of tires screeching on asphalt and then...
His body went airborne, the feeling of weightlessness an odd contrast to the pain that he felt. This pain only got worse as his body lost its fight with gravity. He rolled once. Twice. Three times until his momentum finally slowed. 
As he lay trembling in pain, he heard a car door open, the sharp gasp of a woman before an outbreak of panicked muttering. 
'please help me.' 
He tried to speak, to move... To do anything that would get the attention of the woman, hoping that she would help stop the pain. 
The woman paced, her muttering growing more frantic before she walked to the boot of her car and grabbed something. Unable to see what it was -as he was currently trying to breathe through a particularly vicious bout of pain- he startled when a thick woolen blanket was draped over his body. 
Alarmed and breathless from the pain of the weight settling in his injuries he tries once again to speak. The only thing that came out was a groan.
Shrieking the woman reflexively kicked out and her shoe caught his side with enough force that had him seeing stars. Momentarily stunned he was unable to do anything as she rolled him into the water, after making sure the blanket had been properly secured. 
Ice cold water enveloped him and numbed his senses. His last thought before darkness clouded his vision was...
'I don't want to die.'
“-liver. OLIVER!” 
With a gasp Oliver regained his senses. Dimly he registered that Gene’s room looked like it had been hit by a tornado. Books were flung haphazardly; loose pages littered the floor. The dresser had been destroyed causing an explosion of clothes.
Dazed Oliver turned towards the voice. It was his mother whose face was creased with concern. Oliver wondered if he was going into shock.
“Oliver please say something!” His mother pleaded her eyes wide in both fright and concern. “What happened? Why are you crying?”  
He was crying? Oh. So that’s why his face was wet.
Hah Gene would get a kick out of this. Gene would make a big deal about Oliver ‘finally’ showing emotion that isn’t boredom or contempt. As Oliver thought this his heart clenched and fresh tears slid down his face.
“Gene.” His voice was so ragged it was a mere whisper. 
Luella looked even more alarmed at this turn of events. Martin and Lin, who had both come running when the ruckus had started, traded tense looks. Dread settled heavily in their gut. 
“What about Gene?” Martin asked hesitantly, his heart in his throat. 
“He...I saw...” Words failed Oliver for the first time, it was like they had lodged in his throat and would not come out.
“What did you see Noll?” Lin’s voice stopped his spiraling thoughts. 
“I... I saw him die.”
A tense silence settled over the group as everyone digested the words. For a few moments all Oliver could hear was the pounding of his own heart, but then he heard his mother take a deep shuddering breath, her shoulders shaking in a silent sob. Oliver watched as she started to sway on her feet, but was steadied by Martin.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Luella whimpered from Martin’s arms. “You m-must’ve seen it wrong. Eugene isn’t dead. He... he can’t be d-- he is just in Japan, isn’t he?” When no one answered her plea, she turned to her husband. “Tell him he’s wrong Martin. Tell him!”
Martin didn’t say anything, he just stared at his remaining son with tears in his eyes. As he held Oliver’s gaze his own searched for the answers he so desperately wanted.
“Martin, I think you should take Luella--” Lin started to say but was cut off by the woman in question.  
“No. NO! My son is not dead, I tell you! He’s not! Oliver why would you say such a thing? Why are you lying to me?” Her voice had risen and her body shook with the force of her sobs. “You stop this right now young man.”
Oliver turned away, knowing that he should probably feel something --anger, grief, denial--- anything other than the bone deep numbness that had settled on him the moment his vision had ended. Why couldn’t he feel anything? What was wrong with him?
Oliver looked up his blue eyes meeting Lin’s grey he felt something within him break. Ah. There was the pain.
Lin’s eyes widened and he darted forward to catch his young student as the boy crumpled to the ground. Immediately he felt for a pulse (previous experiences from when Noll used his powers making this almost second nature) and sighed in relief when he found one, weak though it may be.
“Oh my--- Oliver!” Luella screamed, a pang of guilt hitting her as she saw her son fall.  She shouldn’t have said that to him.
“Lin, take him to the car, and fast. Luella, call the hospital and let them know we are coming.” Martin commanded trying to turn his nervousness into action.
“Luella. Now is not the time to argue. Now go.”
As the two left, Lin carrying Oliver in his arms as he did so, Martin was left alone in Gene’s room. With tears in his eyes and his heart feeling as if it had gone through a shredder, he took a quick glance around the room. When he caught sight of a picture that had fallen on the floor, he had to stifle a sob as he looked at Gene’s happy face and teasing grin. 
“My boy...” He whispered thickly. 
 When Oliver opened his eyes and was met with the sight of white walls and the smell of disinfectant, he immediately knew he was in the hospital. Why he was there was another question entirely. As he racked his memory for an answer, he had flashes from the vision.
Pain. Cold. Darkness.
The lamp on the bedside table started to rattle as his breathing picked up and the lights started to flicker in time with his heartbeat. 
“Oliver, calm down.” Lin was beside his bed in a second, his hands on Oliver’s shoulders. 
“He’s gone Lin. Gene is--” A sob escaped Oliver’s lips and stole his breath. 
Lin, although not normally one for physical affection, drew Oliver into a hug knowing that the boy needed something grounding at the moment. Lin’s own emotions were all over the place but that didn’t matter at the present time. He would have to deal with them later, preferably when he was alone. Right now, Oliver needed him. 
He had already sent his sheik to see if they could find Gene but they hadn’t gotten back to him yet, which didn’t give him much hope.  
 Lin walked into Oliver’s hospital room, (the twit had tried to sign out AMA only to be caught by Luella who had ordered him back in bed and to stay there until told otherwise by a licensed professional) while finally looking at his missed calls and texts.  There were a few from Madoka and some from various people that he worked with in BSPR, but the one that caught his eye was an unknown number.
Checking the date that they called the onmyouji felt a jolt of something in his gut. That was the same date that Oliver had his vision of Gene’s...departure. Not sure of what exactly connected the two events, but feeling deep down that they were connected somehow, he walked over to his student’s bedside. 
Oliver looked up, his face blank and rather impassive before looking back down at the book that was his hands. “Hn.”
“Do you recognize this number?” Lin handed over his phone and watched as Oliver looked at it with disinterest at first and then he seemed to do a double take before looking at it closer. 
“I don’t recognize the number but...” Oliver trailed off as he snatched his phone from the side table. Scrolling through his notifications he found what he was looking for. “I got a call from the same number just a bit before you did.”
“Interesting.”  Lin thought for a moment, a spark of hope igniting in his chest. He looked up at his young charge. “I wonder if your parents got a mysterious call as well.” 
“It’s possible.” Oliver hummed in thought before dialing his father’s number. “Father I have a question.”
“Well hello to you too Oliver.” Martin’s voice was a tad sarcastic. “What can I do for you?”
“Did you or mother happen to get a call from an unknown number within the last two days?” 
“A phone call? Well, I’d have to check with Luella but I think I remember seeing a missed call from an unknown number yesterday. Why what is this about?”
Oliver frowned; his brow furrowed in thought. “I’m not sure yet.”
“Well in any case, keep me posted, will you? And remember to stay put. You need your rest.” With that Martin hung up before Oliver could say anything more.
Inwardly sighing at his parent’s mother henning he looked back to Lin. “Father has also received a call, and he’s checking with mother as well.”
“It must mean something. If it had just been one or two of us then it could probably be put down to chance but all four of us, and on the same day...” Lin left the sentence hanging, unable to bring himself to say Gene’s name. “It must mean something.”
“Yes, but what?” Oliver asked, his voice pensive.
“Well why don’t we just call the number back?” Luella’s voice made the two look up. They hadn’t realized that she had entered the room.   
“We can’t just call a random number mother,” Oliver scoffed lightly. “Who knows who would be on the other end of the line.”
“We won’t know unless we try Oliver.” Luella gave her son a look. 
Oliver just gave a sigh before scrolling through his recent calls. Clicking on the number he waited as the phone rang. 
“Hello this is Ava Lionheart speaking how may I help you?”
Brow furrowing in confusion at the voice on the other end. It was definitely a girl’s voice, and definitely American, but it sounded accented as if she were from the south. 
“Miss Lionheart, this is Oliver Davis, I received a call from this number yesterday. I was just calling back to see what it was you wanted.” Oliver’s voice was perfectly polite but there was a hint of coolness in it.
“Oh! Right, hold on a moment. I have someone who wants to talk to you. He’s in the bathroom right now.” There was a muffled knocking and some words that were too low for Oliver to hear before a very familiar voice came on the phone. “Noll?”
Oliver’s breath caught, and if he hadn’t already been sitting down, he would have fallen at the shock from hearing that voice. “G-gene?”
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psycho-slytherin · 4 years
Strangers ch. 42
Yoongi confronts your attacker, and you awaken from one nightmare into another.
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: fluff, angst, idfk
<–– Prev   Next ––>
“What? Who the fuck are you? Get out of my house before I call the police!” The redhead reaches for the door in an attempt to close it, but Yoongi’s hold is too strong. He’s been waiting for this moment for two weeks– and he won’t let the opportunity slip away.
“You don’t know me, Seoyeon? And here I thought you were a fan.” With his free hand, Yoongi reaches up and pulls down his mask. Seoyeon’s sneer falls in an instant, replaced with the look of utter shock and adoration that Yoongi knows so well.
“Yoon-Suga? Wait, oh- oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my-” Seoyeon’s eyes roll up into her head and she keels over backwards, hitting the floor with a heavy thump. 
Well, that was quick. Y/n fainted too, Yoongi remembers, when she first saw him. Looking at the fallen girl, part of Yoongi wants to feel sympathy for her. After all, she’s a fan. 
But then he remembers Y/n shaking as she told Yoongi what the woman in front of him had done to her. He remembers every time he saw his friend flinch at a light breeze, the tremor in her voice when she explained that scar on her leg, and his own fear at finding Y/n’s bloody coat in the river.
All because of her. And so Yoongi lets himself into the house, quietly closing the door behind him as he waits for her to wake up. 
It had taken D two weeks to find Kang Seoyeon’s name and address from nothing more than the photo Yoongi had gotten off of Lisa’s laptop. Only now, as he stares at the woman’s motionless frame, Yoongi wonders if she really could have been capable of hurting Y/n like that. She’s pretty, petite, and vaguely reminds Yoongi of a pixie. 
Another minute passes before Seoyeon begins to shift groggily. “Wha…”
“I’m not helping you up,” Yoongi says shortly.
Seoyeon’s head snaps up, her piercing eyes capturing Yoongi’s own. “Suga. Suga! It really wasn’t a dream?” She scrambles to her feet, reaching forward, and Yoongi suddenly feels as though he’s about to be eaten alive.
“I knew it,” Seoyeon whispers reverently. “Cap said you’d come to me. We’re meant to be.”
Y/n’s right– she’s psycho.
Yoongi feels darkness pooling in his heart, and loathing bubbling to the surface. “I don’t care what you think is meant to be. But there’s someone I do care about– and you deserve to rot in prison for what you did to her.”
“I- what… oh!” Seoyeon lowers her arms, an eerie smile growing on her face, much too wide to seem genuine. “You mean Y/n?”
Yoongi growls– a low, animalistic rumble– as he takes a step closer. “You tried to kill her.”
“But- ah,” Seoyeon seems to wince at the cold fury in his voice. Good. “I did it to protect you! Y/n thinks you belong to her, but you don’t!” Faster than Yoongi can react, Seoyeon’s hands shoot out and grab Yoongi’s shoulders with a grip forceful enough to hurt, the smile never leaving her face. “You belong to me, to us, Suga! To ARMYs!”
Shit. She’s stronger than he expected. But perhaps… 
“Don’t. Touch. Me.” Yoongi says, lacing a note of authority into his tone. Unbelievably, Seoyeon’s grip loosens, and Yoongi uses the opportunity to push her hands away from him. 
I don’t belong to anyone,” Yoongi continues forcefully, watching Seoyeon seem to shrink before him. “And nothing gives you the right to hurt her!”
Seoyeon pauses, and the house is dead silent for an eternal minute. “Nothing?” She begins snickering– quietly at first, but soon enough she doubles over with laughter. “You really don’t know what’s going to happen to your pretty little girlfriend, do you?”
It’s as though Yoongi’s blood has turned to ice. “What?”
“Ooh, you don’t know! Well, Cap said not to say…” Seoyeon pretends to think. 
Yoongi grinds his teeth together in frustration; he knows he’s being baited, but if Y/n’s in danger… “Tell me.”
Seoyeon’s eyes are blown out as she stares at Yoongi, licking her lips. “I’d consider it a favor. I’d be willing to do you a lot of favors, you know. I’m… very good at favors.”
Yoongi’s stomach lurches. He doesn’t want to know what Seoyeon would do to him. “Don’t give me more reasons to call the cops. I could have you arrested.”
Seoyeon laughs again. “For what?”
“Attempted murder isn’t enough?” Yoongi fires back. “You nearly killed Y/n, you bi-”
“There’s no evidence. No one saw anything– I’m untouchable.” Seoyeon advances menacingly. “But you know who isn’t? Y/n.”
Yoongi opens his mouth to– he’s not sure; Question? Yell? Threaten?– when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He winces, unwilling to tear his eyes from the predator before him. Still, it could be Y/n– and Yoongi’s been worrying over her condition. He places himself between Seoyeon and the door before answering his phone, eyes never leaving hers.
“Yo, Gloss, that girl you got me tracking down with the shitty dye job?”
Oh, it’s just his old friend. “D, I’m busy, let me call you later.”
“Nah, man, you gotta hear this. You’re gonna like it.”
Seoyeon stands motionless before him. Yoongi’s time before his driver bursts in is almost up and he hasn’t gotten a confession. “Fine. What is it?”
“Remember that photo of you and your girl that went viral a while back?”
How could he forget? The infamous picture from that night got him and Y/n into the whole publicity mess and changed their relationship forever. 
“I was tracking Seoyeon’s IP address and digging through her socials… dude, the original photo came from one of her accounts.”
Yoongi’s blood turns to ice as D continues: “A bunch of these ARMY girls have backup accounts, and this one’s hers. You’ve got a stalker, my man.”
Could it be true? Had Kang Seoyeon followed Yoongi to the hospital and found Y/n? Were her injuries and trauma his fault?
Yoongi swallows, feeling the wave of anxiety almost drown him before he pushes it away. Not now. 
“Thanks for letting me know,” he manages.
“No worries. Yo, what’s wrong? Are you-” Beep. Yoongi hangs up and shoves the phone into his pocket. “Now, where were we? Oh, right. You were going to tell me everything you know about Y/n and anyone that could hurt her.”
Seoyeon laughs, a pitched, wild noise. “Excuse me? Who said I’d tell you anything?”
Yoongi barely has to lean forward until he’s so close that Seoyeon needs to tilt her head up to look at him. “I did.”
Yoongi can hear her breath catch, practically seeing the wheels turning in her head. If she’s truly as obsessive as he thinks she is… 
After a pause, Seoyeon grins. “Fine. Cap’s gonna hate me, but fine. I’ll tell you everything, and just in case you think I’m bullshitting, I’ll show you I mean business… for a price.”
Yoongi blinks. Is she bluffing? Could Y/n really be in danger? Am I in danger too?
“So? What’ll it be?”
Y/n. It’s for Y/n. But is it worth it?
“Help! Help me!” A garbled, genderless voice yells.
“I’m trying!” You cry, running through the empty streets. The voice echoes around every corner. “Tell me where you are! I don’t know how to help you!”Suddenly you trip, falling hard. The pavement has turned into your bed, your legs tangled in the sheets.
“No one needs help from a traitor,” the same voice says from inside your head. “A liar.”
You struggle to rise, but your mattress seems to envelop you, pulling you in, and instead of soft sheets and down you’re surrounded by ice, unable to find purchase.
“I’m not a liar!” You scream, scrabbling for grip as the ice rises past your shoulders. Goosebumps erupt on your flesh and you begin shivering violently, the only movement the ice will allow. “T-t-tell me ho-w to f-find you!”
“Find me?” The ice finishes swallowing you whole, the gaping chasm closing above your head. You know you shouldn’t be able to breathe but your chest still rises and falls with the desperate action. “All you have to do… is look in a mirror.” The ice beneath your feet disappears and you’re dropped into the yawning darkness. You blink and the area is suddenly flooded with light. You’re in a jail cell, empty except for a large mirror. You feel something dry and sweet in your mouth, and when you glance at the mirror… 
Lisa stares back at you, a pastry between her teeth. You spit it out, reaching forward. Lisa mirrors you, her hand outstretched.
“Where are you?” You murmur, watching as your words escape Lisa’s mouth. Suddenly her lips in the mirror curl into a smirk.
“I’m right in front of you. I always have been.”
“No!” Your eyes fly open, your heart thundering. You clutch at your chest, feeling as though the hand is holding your very being from falling to pieces. Fumbling for your phone, you wince at the bright screen before noticing the time. 4:00– well, it’s longer than you’ve managed to sleep all week. You groan at yet another nightmare, falling back onto your pillow with a sense of defeat. You hate this fear within you, but what can you do? Lisa’s gone and the redhead may have gotten to her. The detective told you not to worry, but how can you not worry? And now your mom is cutting you off, and you might have to drop out, and Lisa is gone, and it seems like the only constant left in your life is Yoongi.
Yoongi. You chuckle hollowly, falling back onto your pillow. He’s the least consistent person you know, but at least he’s always been there for you.
Ignoring your stomach’s rumbling protests, you close your eyes and turn over, praying sleep takes you again.
And take you it does– sweet, dreamless sleep captures you and when you blearily awake again it’s with sunlight streaming through your windows. It must be late in the morning already. Your phone buzzes obnoxiously with what sound like dozens of notifications.
Maybe I should just delete Twitter, you muse defeatedly as you flip over your phone, scrolling mindlessly through your mentions. Right away, you notice something strange:
@bangtan_thotyeondan: yo I hated on @yourname at first but tbh that was a brutal move by #SUGA :(
@armyteez23: I told @queerqueen this would happen! @yourname deserves better umu
@captainkookie21: I told you @BTS_twt @yourname
@dduddudude: Y’all feeling bad for @yourname when the bitch had it coming all along
@bangtan-news: (1/3)BREAKING! #SUGA announces the relationship with @yourname is OVER! A thread:
@bangtan-news: (2/3)In an exclusive interview, #SUGA discussed the break from @yourname and his new girlfriend, @seoyeonnie-loves-bts! 
@bangtan-news: (3/3) @yourname has not released a statement on the situation. Stay tuned!
Your jaw drops. The relationship is over? New girlfriend? What... what happened? You click on the linked profile and check @seoyeonnie-loves-bts’s most recent post– it’s just a photo with a heart caption.
You suddenly feel sick. The- it- it’s… 
“You.” You whisper, all blood draining from your face. “You. And…”
The photo is of a beautiful redheaded girl. Her. She’s beaming, fingers interlaced with those of a very familiar man. 
You stare into Yoongi’s eyes in the photo, trying desperately to see something that isn’t there. You struggle for a second to form words, barely able to breathe. “You.”
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Waiting for Santa Claws
“How long have you been sitting out here?” Marinette hadn’t even heard Alya come up. 
“Dunno. Nine?”
“Girl, it’s almost eleven.” 
“...why are you here?” Marinette jumped a little. “It’s not that you’re not welcome, it’s just-”
“You weren’t answering my texts and I got worried.” Marinette glanced to the and saw her phone. Message from Alya Lahiffe<3 glowed on the screen when she tapped it. There were at least four notifications from her, and a few from Rose. “Why is that still my nickname?” Marinette shrugged and Alya’s joking smile disappeared off her face. “Look, I…”
“He’ll be here.” Marinette said it very quietly. “He has to.”
“You know the last fight-”
“He’s just late.” 
The akuma had shown up out of nowhere, calling herself Sunblaze, and she hadn’t explained what she wanted or why she’d been akumatized. She just went straight to setting fires, oddly silent the entire time. There was no sentimonster, only the akuma, and the heroes of Paris were there like they always were. They brought the Dragon, Ryuko with them because they needed all the water they could get, but the fires didn’t stop. 
The fight took ages and even the akuma seemed tired, but they cornered her and she panicked.
Chat Noir got lit aflame and he burned for only a few moments, but the scream echoed through the minds of anyone who’d heard it. Alya had. She’d been filming. Ryuko had put him out and they’d found the akuma in the woman’s sunglasses, they’d shattered and cleansed them but Chat Noir had been gone before anyone had seen them, the smell of burning lingering despite the ladybugs, and no one had seen him since. The few patrols that Ladybug had done she had done alone, and she wasn’t answering questions. 
“He’ll be here, Alya.” Marinette said more firmly. She was cradling splinted arm against her chest. She’d slipped and landed wrong in the bakery late one night, up making something for Luka, and she was bearing a cast signed with all her friends’ names. “He will.”
“It’s been two weeks, girl.” Alya said quietly. “No one’s seen him for two weeks. Not even Ladybug.”
“Maybe he’s in hiding or something.” Marinette’s eyes were fixed on the sky. There was a plate of cookies in front of her, the window was open for the early spring breeze and an alley cat. “But he’ll come.”
“You’re going to stay up waiting for him, aren’t you?” Marinette nodded. Alya hesitated. A moment later something settled around her shoulders and she realized it was her duvet from her bed. The door opened and Alya’s footsteps disappeared.
She came back up with dumplings that Marinette recognized from dinner, plus sandwiches, and a pair of soda cans. 
“Scoot over.” Alya said. 
“I’ll wait up with you.” Alya smiled at her and Marinette’s heart warmed. 
“Don’t jump on him with questions.” Marinette managed a playful grin. 
“Girl I would never!”
“Says the reporter who almost fell into a canal trying to catch up with Ladybug to ask questions.”
“That was once!”  
“It’s immortalized in a meme, you can’t escape it.” Marinette had printed it out. It sat on her wall, next to a picture of her and Alya, and she laughed every time she looked at it. Alya made a playfully pained noise, but she slid into the spot next to her best friend and opened one of the sodas. “Does Mom know you took these?”
“Your dad does.” Marinette nodded. They fell silent, one occasionally taking a dumpling or a sandwich. “I feel like I’m waiting for Santa.”
“It’s kind of like we are, isn’t it?” Alya considered that. “You know, the plate of cookies, sitting up with a blanket-”
“Santa Claws.” Alya looked at her, then both of them snorted with laughter. The giggling changed into peals of laughter. 
“That wasn’t that funny.” Alya wheezed. 
“Then why- why are you laughing so hard?” Marinette gasped. They kept laughing for almost five minutes - every time one stopped, the other got them started again. 
They fell silent again, watching and waiting. Marinette’s hands grew very tight around the can. 
“What if he’s hurt?” she asked. “There’s… akumas are never that destructive, but the miraculous cure should’ve fixed it.”
“Maybe he’s just scared? I know I’d be scared if I’d been burned like that.” Alya suggested. She rested her head on the ledge. “But… maybe he’s just taking it easy for a bit?”
“Why wouldn’t he tell people he’s ok?” Marinette rubbed her face. “I-”
“Girl.” Alya grasped her hands, squeezing them tightly. “He’s probably just resting.”
“For two weeks?”
“It was scary. You’ve seen the videos.” Marinette closed her eyes, then shuddered. 
“Look, we can find Ladybug or one of the other heroes tomorrow, ok?” Alya said. “I’ll help you look, they’ll be around somewhere. We can ask her what’s up and tell her we’re worried and everything, we don’t have to know where he is, just that he’s ok.”
“Yeah.” Marinette nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Thanks, Alya.”
“Best friends are for gossip and comforting.” Alya smiled at her again. It was growing late, they had school the next day, and both of them were yawning. 
“I’ll leave the cookies outside.” Marinette decided. “If he comes by, he can take them.” 
“Leave a note?” Alya suggested. Marinette nodded.
Hi Chat,
Hope you’re feeling ok! These are for you. Alya and I stayed up for a bit but we’ve got school in the morning. Come see me when you have a chance ok? I’m worried, but I’ll see you later!
Marinette tucked it under the plate, then joined Alya inside again. 
“I told Mom I’m sleeping here.” Alya yawned. “That good?”
“Yeah, I’ve got some of your clothes left from when you messed up baking.”
“I still don’t know how I turned into a human honeycomb.” Marinette snorted again. They both climbed onto her bed, discussing class and the heroes, but they fell asleep before long.
The next morning, Alya woke up first. She looked outside, then shook Marinette awake. 
“Look, girl!” Alya hissed, grinning, her bedhead making her hair stick out like a porcupine’s quills. She pointed. “The cookies are gone!” 
Marinette shot out the door like a missile, then onto her balcony. She grabbed the note. 
Sorry I missed you, princess. I’ll see you tomorrow!
It was signed with a cat paw. Marinette could’ve sung. Alya was grinning at her from the door, but then her eyes went wide as she checked her phone. 
Thank you for reading!
Marinette and Alya’s friendship brings me joy because it’s wholesome, at least in my head, and best friends should be there for each other. Their intentions are good with each other and if one of them needs them, the other will be there.
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gtseven7 · 4 years
My Seven Idols
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this is the picture mentioned in the story
Got7 as highschoolers as they deal with graduation and college at the same time starting up their own Youtube channel as idols. 
So this is chapter 1. Really, I wasnt supposed to write this thing but it has been bugging me for months and I just cant shake it off okay? I tried resisting thinking, dude you're on your way to the juicy parts of Seven Princes. But whelp I lost a battle within myself and wrote this anyway. I hope you guys like it!
The click-clacking of the keyboard echoed in the room as Y/N furiously typed the remaining subtitle of the video she had been editing the last few nights. Hitting the export button, the brunette could finally exhale and relax. The beach aesthetic video she had been working on was now in the process of being complete. She just has to wait till it loads to a hundred and her hard work will pay off. Smiling to herself, she minimized the editing software and opened up her InstaBook. She scrolled leisurely, seeing the pictures of her peers and some from her photographer idols. Y/N was examining an aesthetic cityscape picture from one of her favorite photo blogs, Def, when her notification alerted her of a great news. Ding! And the words that popped up from the right corner of her screen made her screech. As it was almost midnight, she had to restrain herself and not wake her parents. But she can’t help the giggle that escaped her mouth. She quickly clicked the pop up. It said: pjy_01 updated his profile picture. When the picture loaded, Y/N's jaw almost unhinged. Park Jinyoung a.k.a. Mr. Student Council President rarely posts a picture of himself. His feed was usually just books, food and random sceneries. He did have few self-taken pictures and Y/N was happy with it (some of them are really just bad quality but she’ll take it) but this one? This one’s just beautiful, amazing, gift from the heavens. He was sitting on a comfy white couch, staring directly at the camera with puppy eyes. His white button up was slightly unbuttoned(!!) as he wore an innocent face and a cute peace sign as a cherry on top. Y/N was just about to scream and jump around. But before that, she made sure to save the picture in her Jinyoung Stash folder. “Woah. What is this Jinyoung? You should always post things like this. I’ll be a happy woman.” She sighed dreamily, staring at her screen but missed the notification of her software that finished exporting her video. 
Y/N was rudely interrupted when her phone suddenly rang. Not even looking at the caller id, she answered the call with an annoyed tone. “What?” No one would be phoning her at this time other than her best friend. “Yo chill out Y/N.” Youngjae laughed at the other end, knowing he most likely disturbed her from her hobby. Which isn’t entirely false, he just didn’t know that the hobby at the moment was staring at their president and not videography. ”It’s midnight Youngjae, what do you need?” She elicited another hearty laugh from the guy. Any other circumstance, she’ll laugh along since his laugh is contagious but this time was not it. “Well?”
“Geez, aren’t you such a joy tonight. I’m just gonna ask if you already finished the essay homework due tomorrow.” 
Blank silence. It was then that Y/N laughed at the ridiculing situation. Homework? Was there ever one? And she voiced it out, still half cheerful and half threatening. Youngjae might be pranking her once again. “The essay homework Mr. Kwon asked us to do. The one about Romeo and Juliet. Don’t tell me you don’t remember?” Youngjae chuckled a little too, thinking that his friend was making fun of him. When the only sound he heard was the bark of his cute dog Coco beside him, Youngjae started to sweat. “You haven’t done a single thing didn’t you?!”
“I think I’m gonna puke. Youngjae-ahh~ What do I do?!” 
Y/N's eyes bugged out, realizing that yes, there is indeed an essay due tomorrow. And it is for Mr. Kwon’s subject, her most feared teacher. Oh how that teacher terrifies her whole being. How could she be so stupid?! “Youngjae!!! What do I do? What do I do?!” Panic was starting to rise from her gut, her heart beating too fast that even midnight coffee can’t do. Add the obvious panic in her bestfriend’s voice on the other end, it made things worse for her. “I don’t know! Uh… I can lend you mine? Just modify some parts. Paraphrase things…”  
“Oh my God Youngjae I love you. You’re the best!!” 
“You owe me one Y/N.” 
“I do, I do. Thanks so much.” 
They bid goodnight to each other, Youngjae promising to pick her up from her house so she won’t be late; she once again praised his goodness before hanging up. And as promised, he sent her his homework, Jinyoung’s picture on her screen forgotten. Y/N once again typed relentlessly through the night. 
“I bet Jinyoung never had a problem like this. Y/N you must do better!”
That motivation fueled her to write the essay about Romeo and Juliet even if she didn’t understand what it was about aside from it being a romance story. Little did the sophomore videographer know, her high pedestaled president sat on his chair under the dim light of his study desk at the same time as her. He was hunched in concentration on the essay he stalled on doing days before it was to be submitted. 
No words flowed, his pen stuck mid-air. “Argh. What the heck is this shit about anyway?” Jinyoung huffed as he crumpled his nth paper and tossed it in the bin beside him. His brain was not cooperating with him that night and it’s just frustrating. Why does he have to explain why the economy of their country is not thriving as it used to? It’s just plain bullshit to be honest. He had mountains of council work the past few days and he wasn’t able to attend few classes including the class he was supposed to write this essay for. This is why he hates skipping, when things like this essay arrive, he doesn’t know what to do. He didn’t have time to read up everything that’s why he just went straight to bluffing his way out of the conclusion of the paper. The distracting noise of the instrument app on Jaebeom’s phone didn’t help him much either. “You have your own room, your own bed. Why are you always here?” His housemate just shrugged and continued his melody making. It was sounding good to be honest, not that his friend ever made a bad song but the other’s process was just making the writing too difficult for him. “How can I even finish when you distract me like this?”
“One, Jinyoung, it was your fault for not doing it earlier. Two, you are not distracted by my music. You just don’t want to do that stupid paper.” 
And it hit him too well. He’s right. Most times, Jaebeom’s music calms him but this time his brain just straight up refuses to do a thing. His long haired companion exited the app after saving his work. Jaebeom laid down on Jinyoung’s bed. He patted the space beside him, encouraging the other to lie down with him and sleep. “Don’t push yourself too hard. Get some sleep first, you’ve had a harsh week.” 
“Get out of my bed.”
And with that, Jaebeom closed his eyes to sleep. He’s not a fast sleeper per se, he’s just waiting for Jinyoung to join him but he didn’t. He opened his eyes just a slit saw the student body president scribbling again with a determined face. 
Few hours after, it was almost three in the morning. Jinyoung has to get up at six to prepare for their eight o’clock class. He doesn’t like not sleeping properly but for the sake of that damned paper, he had to sacrifice. He sighed once again and turned off the lamp. Looking to his right, he saw his friend sleeping peacefully, facing him from the farther half of the bed. Jinyoung shook his head in exasperation. He sat on the unoccupied side and stared at his friend of ten years. His face lax and serene. The nose ring glints under the soft glow of the stars from the window. Jinyoung’s hand inched towards the other’s face, stopping midway. He clenched his fist and brought it back to himself. ‘Ah, I really wanna remove that nose ring so badly.’
Morning came and the sunlight was harsh on Y/N’s face. She finished her essay in time, luckily. She trudged along the hallways of their small house, the only thing that woke her up completely was the smell of fresh bacon being cooked. She quickly ate her breakfast, showered and said goodbye to her parents with a tired smile. The sound of the bell announced the arrival of Youngjae by their door. She opened it and her friend almost screamed bloody murder. “I thought a zombie came out to eat me.” 
“Shut up.”
Youngjae laughed and slung an arm on her shoulders. He ruffled her already messy hair further. “Did you finish the write up?” She gave a gloomy thumb’s up while yawning, earning a giggle from the boy. “Ah seriously, you should take care of your studies more Y/N.” 
“Says you. You were up all night long playing. I can see it on the bags under your eyes.”
“At least I finished my work before doing so, unlike someone I know…”
Y/N clicked her tongue in disapproval but she knows he’s right though. “I got carried away with the good shots I had when me and Yeji went to the beach last week. Aah, I made such a good video last night.” Youngjae smiled at her friend as he watched her walk half asleep. 
Y/N and Youngjae were friends since they were toddlers. With their mothers practically sisters because of their closeness, and their houses are just one backyard away from each other, the two developed a close friendship. Oftentimes they’d be hanging out in their places, playing video games or reading comics. Although when they started to grow up more, they drifted away slightly, having different circles of friends. That didn’t bother the two of them though. They thought that it’s better to have their friendship outside school so that they won’t get sick seeing each other’s faces all the time. With this, they rarely go to school together anymore. Their classmates are in the dark about their closeness as well.  
Youngjae pulled out his phone and scrolled his pictures. He suddenly got excited about showing his bestfriend about his dog’s new outfit he bought recently. “Y/N, Y/N, look at Coco. I bought a new shirt. It’s so cute.” He practically shoved the phone on her eyes but it didn’t matter much to her as she was as excited as him. They practically raised that cute dog together. “Omo! Coco’s so adorable!” They were both bouncing on their steps as they look at the dog’s pictures posing differently with each new clothing. The two of them were cooing. “Ah, Coco is such a joy.” 
They both stopped on their tracks when they heard a familiar voice. It was Yeji, Y/Ns other bestfriend outside Youngjae (he’s still the bestest but Yeji doesn’t know that). She happily waved at her two classmates, a teasing smile forming on her face already. ‘Youngjae and Y/N walking together eh? How interesting!’
Yeji’s appearance was their cue to head apart so Y/N smiled at Youngjae and said goodbye. “See ya later in class!” He just hummed in agreement, seeing as his peers are also in sight. He waved at Yeji and parted with Y/N He walked towards his other friends and greeted them. 
"So Youngjae huh?”
“What about him?”
“Nothing…” Which wasn’t true because now she is sporting a silly smile on her face. Probably imagining things outside of this world and conjuring up different ways how her friend and Youngjae fall in love. Yeji is a fangirl at heart and she just ships everybody. She never imposes it to everyone though, she’s just happy to think about it and keep it to herself. Amazingly enough though, the people she secretly shipped usually ends up together at some point. But Y/N knows her too well and she knows the outlandish things going in her mind right now. “We just happened to meet along the way Yeji.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
The school entrance as it always is, was full of commotion. More so today than usual. Y/N saw a hoard of students lining up the gate with annoyed expressions. ‘Ah, it’s probably President Jinyoung.’ She giggled to herself, happy to see him early in the morning. She’s still a little bit over the moon with his latest picture. “Do I look okay?”, that question snapped Y/N out of her daydream (the picture still lingering at the back of her mind). Yeji took out a small mirror and checked herself out. She combed her hair with her fingers, checked her uniform, straightened everything that doesn’t look ironed out. “You know he just nags at those who violate badly. We’ll never get reprimanded.” Yeji breathed deeply as she puts her mirror back to her bag. “I’m just making sure you know. I don’t want those cold eyes stare at me. It’s scary.” Y/N wanted to protest, ‘Jinyoung’s not scary! It’s a part of his charm!’ but a whine stopped her from doing so. While they were talking, they have pushed inside the crowd to get in and not be late for class. They reached the front where Jinyoung was standing sternly, his mouth thinned in disapproval. “Bhuwakul. How many times do I have to confiscate that earrings of yours?!”
“Why are you so keen on getting these anyway? Would I do better in my tests if I don’t wear them?” The boy, with his id lace yellow (which means he’s a *freshie), was so close to stomping his feet. But Jinyoung was not fazed and just stared at the boy with a piercing stare. “If you wear them, would you do better? No right? So hand them to me. You violated the school dress code. Come get it at my office after school.” 
The people around them were murmuring, Y/N even caught what the others are saying. They think that Jinyoung was being unreasonable and harsh for no reason. ‘Which isn’t true! He just cares about what the students of this school looks like.'  The sophomore turned to glare at the onlookers that defamed their president. ‘Ungrateful fools.’ But she was startled when the tall boy (oh my he’s tall) beside the one named Bhuwakul spoke innocently. “Let him be, he probably just wants to wear your earrings.” Even Yuna, the student council secretary, was shocked at the carefree manner of his dialogue. The president just raised his right eyebrow, “Kim Yugyeom, button up your uniform and tie your necktie properly.” and reprimanded the other freshie without hesitation. Yugyeom grimaced a bit but did what he was told. ‘You should be the one buttoning your clothes last night President huhu’
Despite the commotion at the front gate (which happens almost everyday as Jinyoung loves to greet the student body with “Rule # 5 under the clause of the dress code law….), Y/N and the students of their campus managed to get to their class safely. When they entered their homeroom, Y/N and Yeji was greeted by Ga Young, another friend of theirs. It seemed that she had only arrived a few minutes before them. “Yo! Entrance was pretty hectic today.” 
Yeji made a face and flipped her brow wavy hair away from her face as if she was hassled on their way over. “Ugh, don’t tell us. We had to push our way out earlier.” They both giggled and chattered mindlessly about the events that morning. 
“Don’t you think the foreigner freshie earlier was kind of cute?” Ga Young said dreamily, looking at the ceiling as if he could see his face there. “Oh, that one with the earrings?”
“Yep. We’re blessed with another foreigner beauty.” That’s true, the videographer thought. He’d look good on camera. 
“Yeon Seo isn’t a foreigner.” Y/N countered, debating that her friend’s crush wasn’t exactly from another country. He grew up in their city just like everyone else is. 
“He’s a half-half though.” 
“The tall freshie had a face too.” 
Yeji and Ga Young started to talk about the new eye candy they found. Those two are fans of idols, especially the amateur ones they have in their school. Y/N absentmindedly listened to the two’s gossip. Sometimes she thinks she’s in a webtoon or something. These kinds of things exist on books and comics even dramas that she consumes. Y/N still can’t believe such things are in her reality. Aren’t groups of popular boys with a cheesy group name only in fiction? She wondered if it’s possible that this is not a real world. 
“But you know, I heard rumors that Bhuwakul's gay.” 
That piqued Y/N's interest. Not that there’s any problem with being gay, the rumor just caught her interest. Not many people are brave enough to admit their sexuality in their community so it was pretty interesting. 
“Eh? Who told you?”
“My freshie cousin told me. He said that he’s close with girls and gives fashion advice. He’s on the softer side as well.”
Huh… Y/N thought it was a baseless rumor after all. “That doesn’t mean he’s gay though.”
“That’s true.”
When the talk about the foreign freshie Bhuwakul ended, the other two started to talk about their favorite topic once again. The Five Roses. Y/N was just done with that subject and had heard enough to last her a lifetime. She couldn’t even understand why the girls in their school seemed to be under their spell. In Y/N’s opinion, they aren’t that good looking. Heck, even Mr. Cold Eyes Jinyoung was much more handsome. ‘Especially if they saw last night’s picture. How come they don’t talk about it?!’ 
“Ji Woo looked handsome today too!” 
‘Oh come on, even Youngjae looks better than that guy.’ At the thought of her bestfriend, she turned to glance at him. He seemed to have caught her and gave him those warm sunny smiles that made her heart beat a bit faster. Even if she doesn’t consider her childhood friend as a man, she’s sure that he’s a good looking guy. 
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solastia · 5 years
Dear Authornim | 2
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Word Count: 1,862
Summary: You’re a writer of BTS fanfiction. rockstarjin is your favorite reader that you’ve actually come to be friends with…and maybe had a bit of a crush on if you were honest. You’re up for quite the surprise.
Warnings: Not really much this chapter. Single instance of the word whore, but no one was calling someone that. It was just a comment. Semi-vague sort of sexting (you’ll see). 
Notes: I might make a separate chapter after this is done - like a bonus type thing - featuring some comments from rockstarjin, if you guys are interested. I wasn’t sure if everyone would want to see them or if they’d bore you, so I kinda glossed over that. Let me know if that’s something you’d want! Commissioned by @kimseokmomjins
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Being a writer - even if it’s simply for fanfiction - you take comments and reviews very seriously. A good comment or review can lift your spirits and leave you smiling for a whole day. A negative comment often leaves you questioning everything and going over your chapters with a fine-tooth comb. The rare unicorns were the readers that took the time to leave long and detailed comments, stating exactly what they liked and disliked about the latest chapter. Many of these were filled with valuable suggestions and helped you decide the path that your stories would take. 
One such unicorn was named rockstarjin, a reader that had been following your work for nearly a year now. His first comment had practically been drabble-sized, and had covered everything from his enjoyment over how realistically you characterized Kim Seokjin to how he was certain he would never use the “W” word (he literally typed out “W” word instead of whore, something you still teased him over to this day). 
That first review of his was only one of many. He took the time to give detailed reviews on every single chapter you posted until you discovered that in your head you were practically writing for him. It had even gotten to the point where several of your stories were ideas that the two of you had chatted about on tumblr for months, working through every detail. He still seemed a little iffy on the smut, but he’d gotten you to consider the idea of writing Seokjin as “Less aggressive” in the bedroom. 
Your friendship had grown until you were now friends on practically every social media app - nevermind that his profiles were always suspiciously void of personal information. The more that you talked to “Rocky” (you started calling him that months ago since he didn’t seem excited about telling anyone his name, though he knew yours), the more you looked forward to interacting with him. 
You couldn’t even explain really why you were getting so attached to some blank face behind the screen. You didn’t even know all that much about the real him, just small observations from chats. Like, you knew that he seemed similar to Seokjin in a lot of ways, which is probably why he claimed him as a bias. 
Rocky was very fond of puns and dad jokes, often sending you one first thing in the morning on KKT instead of a hello or good morning like a normal person. This morning it was, “Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.” You were ashamed that they always made you laugh at least a little bit, but it made you happy that one of the first things he thought to do in the morning was send you something. 
He was also fond of talking to you about food and recipes, acting affronted whenever you mentioned not knowing what something was. He would literally bully you into going to the grocery store and buying the ingredients he’d list out, demanding pictures of the final product like he was Gordon Ramsey. You had to admit he had good taste in food, even if you didn’t think your cooking skills were quite on par with his. It sometimes made you wonder if he was a chef, but the one time you’d brought it up he’d claimed to be too damn tired to cook and was living vicariously through you. Of course, that led to you asking what he did that got him so tired and he gave you another vague answer, stating he was in entertainment. Whatever the hell that meant. 
It bothered you sometimes that even after all this time he was disinclined to tell you anything, but you couldn’t help it as your feelings slowly evolved from those of friendship to...well, something more. You were a little hesitant to use the L word, considering you only knew what he wanted you to know, but you definitely had a crush at least. Not surprising considering he seemed to be everything you were looking for. He was considerate and compassionate, funny, creative, and so many other things. However, the fact that he was so very loud and proud about his love for Seokjin made you avoid looking at your feelings too closely. Because while you were over here pining for him, the only person that praised Seokjin more than Rocky was Kim Seokjin himself. And that could mean any number of things. 
Even when he helped you with smut ideas he got you excited. He had slowly gotten you to lean away from always writing Seokjin as some powerful dom - something your other readers had begun to notice and comment on - and now most of your scenes had him as being the more submissive one. He seemed to like it best when the main character was more of a soft dom, willing to take charge and take care of Seokjin. Rocky claimed that a man like Seokjin who was always working hard and worrying about one thing or another would relish the idea of being taken care of. You had to admit it made sense. 
You sigh and glance at your phone again, noting the lack of notifications. Your morning pun was the last you’d heard from Rocky today, something that had been happening for a few days now. Considering BTS was on tour right now, you’d expected a lot more messages about how he thought Seokjin was especially handsome today. Instead, for almost a week it had been nothing but your morning jokes and once he sent you a picture of his fancy looking dinner complaining about the portion size. You were beginning to really miss him, but you figured he must be busy. 
You wanted to scream with him today, considering BTS was finally going to be in your city in a couple days. You’d bought the tickets months ago, and Rocky had even convinced you to get pit tickets, something you never do because it’s basically a gladiator stadium up there. You were currently waiting for one of the boys to show up on vlive since the last concert before they traveled to your city had just finished a bit ago. It had been a fantastic show and Seokjin had looked as beautiful as always. You hoped he would be the one to go live, but that was rare unless he was with another member. 
Suddenly, your phone beeps and shows a message on KKT. 
Rocky: Kill me
You smile widely, excited flutters starting in your belly. It was ridiculous how pleased you got just to hear from him. 
You: Is there an option B? 
Rocky: We could run away and start a new life on a deserted island. Our descendants will become known as the most beautiful people on the planet. 
You blush and force yourself to cough to cover up the giggle that threatened to escape. 
You: Is that so? 
Rocky: Naturally. They all take after me, of course. 
You: Of course. 
You: What brought this on? 
Rocky: I’m so damn tired. My body hurts and I just want to sleep for a week. 
You: Oh no! Do you have time to soak in the bath? Epsom salt works wonders.
Rocky: I’ll be able to soak later. Right now I’m just forcing myself to stay awake long enough to eat. I feel like a zombie. 
Rocky: Hey, why did the zombie cross the road?
You: Why? 
You: 🤭 
You: Really though, take care of yourself. I don’t want you getting sick on me. 
Rocky: How would you take care of me?
You gasped, peering hard at the phone. This was new. Of course, you could be reading this the wrong way, and he’s simply asking to ask. 
You: Depends. Are you asking for tips or in the white boy “What would you do if I was there with you” way?
Rocky: Let’s try it this way. Say I’m Kim Seokjin. I’m tired and hurting after another long night of performing. You’re waiting for me in my hotel room. How would you take care of Jin?
You: Omigosh, are you voluntarily helping with a smut scene? 
Rocky: Sure 
You: Ok, let's see. This scene can’t get too crazy if he’s tired like that. I think mostly I would focus on his comfort. 
So, he’d show up and I’d already have a bath waiting and food on the way. Maybe some aromatherapy candles are lit and some quiet instrumentals in the background. I’d let him soak until the food got there, hang out in the bathroom with him and let him vent to me if he wanted. 
After his meal, I would put a towel on the bed and have him lay on top so I could rub him down with massage oil. Naked, of course ;) 
I’m sure he gets it from professionals, but I think he’d appreciate it right after a concert and bath. 
Then, it would just depend on what kind of story it was. I could either rub him down like that until he falls asleep, or it could go the smut way. There are lots of options for that too depending on the story. I could give him a handjob while I talk sweetly to him, I could ride him and tease him, maybe peg him if he’s into that. Anything that would keep him soft and pliant, because the goal is to get him comfortable and happy. To show him he can just let go with me, let me be in charge of his pleasure. Show him he’s loved and cherished.  
Rocky: Fuck
You: Too much? 🙊 
Rocky: No
The phone was silent for a whole two minutes. Surely he’d heard worse from you, so you didn’t think you’d freaked him out or something. When another message came in you breathed a sigh of relief. 
Rocky: So, I’m gonna be in your city for the concert
You: No shit?! I can suggest so many great places for you to eat!!!
You: Or if you wanted, we could meet up? No pressure and I totally won’t be offended if you don’t want to. Stranger danger and all that. 
Rocky: You know what
Rocky: Let’s meet
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Best Mistake of Your Life
Characters: Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader, Gwen (OFC)
Word Count: 1,392
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You accidentally send a snap to a stranger that may or may not be famous...
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
This is the December 16th fic for my 25 days of RPF Christmas with the prompt: I sent a selfie of myself in the tub to the wrong number and you responded back with another selfie. Holy shit you’re really attractive au
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“Yeah, I’m finally in the bathtub. I’ve been looking forward to this night all week. Work has gotten me so stressed lately,” you rant to your best friend Gwen.
“You deserve it. I wish I were you right now. I can’t tell you how bored I am over at Steven’s place. Like, I love his family to pieces, but I’m ovulating right now. If we have any chance for a baby, it’s right now.”
“I suggest you drag his ass out of the house and take him home. You’ve been trying for so long.”
“Honey! We’re starting the game now!” you hear Steven faintly say on the other line.
“Got to go. He’s making everyone play flag football. Like I really want to be out there right now.
“Fake an injury. If anything, come to my house. I can’t help you make a baby, but I can help you relax.”
“Tempting. I’ll consider. Bye,” she says and hangs up.
The bubbles around you finally settle all around you. You put too much soap into the bath, so there are a lot more bubbles than there needs to be. If you were with your baby niece, you would be making beards out of the excess bubbles. Just thinking about her brings a smile to your face. The bathroom lights are off, leaving the five lit candles around the tub to be your only source of light. Soft music flows from the Bluetooth speaker on the counter. It’s really hard to get good ones since there are so many knock offs, but you found one at the apple store for a really great price. It was too good to pass up.
You felt bad for Gwen since she and Steven have been trying to have a baby for a long time. Every time they think they landed one, she gets her period a few weeks later and the disappointment settles in. She wants to take every chance she gets, so you understand why she’s a little upset he’d rather be playing flag football.
Luckily for you, you don’t have this problem. You’ve been single by choice for a few years now since you wanted to focus on you for a change. Ever since sophomore year of high school, you’ve bounced from relationship to relationship, with the longest lasting two years. You haven’t given yourself a chance to know what it’s like living completely single with no one to worry about. You got your own place, cook your own food, do your own laundry, pay your own bills, and work hard for the money you earn. It’s nice not having anyone to answer to, especially when most of your boyfriends were needier than you.
Which brings you right back to Gwen and Steven. She really needs a night away from him and his family, and you have just the thing to tempt her with. With your phone in your left hand, you sit up and position the bubbles to cover half of your breasts. Your hair is in a messy bun, and you make sure to position yourself for maximum sexiness. You open up Snapchat and type her name into the search bar since you just got a new account and haven’t remembered to get everyone’s name.
Your old one got hacked and stalked, so you deleted it and made a new one. This account is only for friends and family, but you know Gwen’s name by heart. After putting in her name, you took a sexy picture of yourself. Once you liked how it looked, you sink back down into the water and type, “you don’t know what you’re missing ;)” and send it off.
She’s going to open it and see it and feel obligated to join you. Your bath is big enough for two people, and it’s not like you two haven’t seen each other naked before. This gets the awkwardness out of the way and leaves room for awesomeness. Almost immediately, your phone chimes, and you look to see a snapchat notification from her. You open it, and your eyes pop out of your head in shock.
In your relaxed state, you must have typed her name wrong because what you just opened is not her or Steven or his family… it’s a very attractive man with whiskey brown eyes, curly brown hair, and a jawline that just won’t quit. You have no clue who this man is, and you feel yourself heating up from embarrassment. You read what he wrote on his picture, and suddenly, you’re heating up from something different now.
i’d like to know because damn, i wasn’t expecting that.
What do you say to that? Do you just ignore him and message Gwen like nothing happened? Do you message him back and see where this thing goes? Gwen’s voice is hanging in the back of your mind just screaming, “Go for it! He’s so handsome and you’re single!”. You’ve been single for so long, that maybe it’s time to jump back into relationships now. No, no, wait a second. You don’t have to date the man. Just see where this leads to, and if it’s either of your beds, then so be it. Just be casual about it. Your inner voice calms you down, and you open up the chat section with his name and just start typing.
I didn't mean for that to go to you. It was meant for my friend, but… do you like what you see? ;)
i wouldn’t have said what i said if i didn’t. it’s a shame those bubbles are covering you though.
Well, aren’t you bold?
i’m sorry, is this not okay? I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. i don’t normally do things like this, but you’re very beautiful.
No, keep going, I like it. You know, this bathtub is big enough for two people, and I sure am lonely.
darling, i wish i can be there. i’m across the country from you right now, but i like your energy. save it, and in two weeks, i’ll be back home.
How do you know where I live?
your location is on.
I knew that.
i’m sure you did. i’m matthew, and bathtub or not, i would really like to get to know you.
Well, then, in two weeks, you can. My location will be on, you’ll know where I am.
do i get to put a name to the face i saw?
well, y/n, i’ll see you in two weeks then.
Yes, you will.
You don’t normally do things like this, but you can’t get his face out of your mind. He would know if you screenshotted his snap, and you didn’t want to creep him out like that, so you just left it alone. It’s okay because his face has been imprinted on your brain until you get to see the real thing. He could be someone else for all you know and just used someone else’s picture, but you pray to God that’s not the case. You’ll take safety precautions to make sure he is who he says he is, and if he is, then you’re going to have a hard time keeping your hands off him.
He looks familiar though, and you rack your brain to try and remember where you’ve seen him. You would remember meeting him somewhere else, so it must have been a movie or a film. Is he an actor? You pull up Google and type in his name along with a description of what he looks like. It’s a long shot, but you go to images with the hope that he’s on there.
It’s endless scrolling, and it’s mostly just models and famous celebrities that cover your phone’s screen until you get to what you’re looking for. Holy shit, you found him. Holy shit, he’s on Dollface, 68 Kill, and Suburban Gothic. Holy shit this is Matthew Gray Gubler! You just fucking messaged Matthew Gray Gubler.
The loudest possible scream escaped your mouth, and you kicked at the water excitedly. It splashed over the edge, but you didn’t care because you talked to Matthew Gray Gubler. You’re getting out your excitement now so when you meet him, you’re cool and collected. You can’t wait to tell Gwen this since she’s a big Criminal Minds fanatic.
Best. Mistake. Of. Your. Life.
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
I Hate U, I Love U
Warnings: 18+ only, strong language, fighting/name calling/sorta bullying, mentions of cheating, alcohol consumption, and smutty mcsmut smut -- unprotected (wrap it before you tap it, it’s the responsible thing to do)
This is just a piece of fiction and don’t necessarily believe that Rami is truly like this, but we’ll never really know. I got a request, so I wrote it. That is all.
This is combining two requests that I’ve had, one for a while, the other just came in. This is for @lablanchett (sorry darling, that it took me so long to get this one out for you. I had another piece that I’d been working on and I just couldn’t make it work the way I wanted, and then I accidentally drunkenly deleted it- I hope this makes up for it) and @aulile for their requests: Rami and gf fight and have steamy makeup sex, and Rami and gf have a fight and Rami says some mean shit. Hope this fits in with the idea of whatever it was that you both were looking for. 
Word Count: 1890, again this is actually just a reallllllly long HC.
“I don’t fucking believe you!!” you yelled.
“Seriously, how fucking stupid are you to not believe it?” he questioned.
“Obviously verrrry stupid, because you can’t make me believe any of it! You’ve lied to me before, how is this any different?” you countered, trying to prove your point.
“When did I lie to you?”
“When you were in London. You fed me some ‘oh we’re just friends’ bullshit.”
“That was different than this.
“How? How is this different? You cheated on me once, why should I believe you now?”
“Goddddd… YN you are such a fucking bitch. I don’t have the fucking time to deal with your temper tantrums today.”
“Then don’t. I’m gone. You’ve lied, lied, lied, and I’m fucking done!”
“Fine! But you’ll regret this if you walk out that door!”
“I don’t give a fuck anymore Rami, I don’t! I’m tired of being the faithful, loyal servant to you… or shall I say to you, your fucking royal highness. That Oscar win did sure go straight to your fucking head. You’ve become the ‘I can do whatever I want because I’m rich and famous’ type that you always said you hated.
“YN, seriously?”
You stormed off in the direction of your bedroom. You refuse to put up with this shit any longer, you need to escape, to get away and start fresh somewhere.
He followed you into your shared bedroom where you were grabbing a suitcase out of the closet and began chucking random items into it.
“So you’re really leaving me, is that it?”
“What the fuck does it look like. I told you that I’m done, so I’m fucking done.”
His demeanor completely changed, his body stiffened, his mouth set in a hard line, when he turned on his heel and stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the bedroom door in his wake. You watched a picture fall off the wall and shatter into a million pieces on the hardwood. 
You could hear the garage door open, followed shortly by the sounds of his car tires squealing out of the driveway.
You almost broke down in tears, but you had to stick to your guns. You weren’t actually entirely sure that he had done what you had accused him of, but you couldn’t handle the stress that being with him entailed anymore. And you couldn’t take back any of the hurtful words that you spat out.
You love him, very deeply, but sometimes he makes your blood boil.
Throwing whatever other random shit you think you might need, you slam the suitcase shut and zip it closed, you take off to the garage, get in your car and you certainly don’t look back
It took you a solid twelve weeks to stop crying, but eventually the hurt turned into more of a constant dull ache. It had been over seven months now since you’d seen him, and since then you’d flourished at work, gotten the promotion that you’d been working towards, and had made a bunch of new friends. 
You still talk to some of your old friends, the shared friends, but most of the communication with them died the moment you shut down all of your social media accounts.
Life was great for you, even though the hurt was still there, and despite the fact that you were living in a tiny ass shithole apartment in a shit part of LA, you were happy. You told yourself you didn’t need him, and you believed it
You had closed all your social media accounts, and turned off any and all notifications that came up with his name on your phone. You’d changed your number, and blocked his  just for good measure. You did this for your sanity. 
Your boyfriend was famous and you didn’t want to see all the shit that was being said about you online. You two had plenty of naysayers online and it would have dealt a crippling blow to your mental health.
So you honestly avoid using the internet at all, unless it’s necessary.
It was when you were nearing the eight month mark in your breakup that you saw him for the first time since you’d left. 
You were out for drinks with some of your friends, who were at that moment in time giving you shit for not being on any social media, when you saw him. 
You fought the urge to run and you kept your head down, not allowing yourself to openly stare like some of the others around you. Though you couldn’t help but notice that he looked kind of like shit. He seems as if he’d aged dramatically in nearly eight months, he looked too thin, and very worn down.
It was your turn to buy the round of shots so you made your way to the bar, standing on the opposite side from where he was sitting, occupying one of the stools.
You thought you’d remained out of sight until you heard a familiar voice behind you say your name.
You sighed audibly and turned around, ready to fight if necessary. You’ve done well without him, not sure you could say the same for him though.
“Yes?” you snipped, turning around to face the one person that you really didn’t want to deal with.
“I thought that was you. Wow, you uhhh… you look good.” You knew you did, but you couldn’t say the same for him. 
“Looks like I can’t say the same about.” you replied.
“Wow. You still are that same feisty woman that I knew and loved.”
“What the fuck do you want Rami? How can I help you tonight? I’m out with some friends and it’s just my turn to get the drinks.”
“I don’t want anything. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you is all.”
“Rami, I miss you too, every day. It took me three months to stop crying, and I really wanted to apologize for everything I said that day, but I can’t take it back and I’m not sure I want to.”
“I wanted to apologize to you too, and to tell you that you weren’t wrong. The things you accused me of doing. I did cheat, and I got caught. I tried to lie, but I should have known better.”
You suddenly felt as if you’d been hit in the stomach and all you wanted to do was cry. 
“Thank you for finally admitting to the truth. I appreciate it. Look…. Oh God.. I’m going to regret this, but I’ve changed my number and I’ve blocked your old one. Is your number stilll the same?”
“Give me your phone.” you demanded.
He doesn’t hesitate as he hands you his phone, you still remember his unlock pattern, so you swiped it and went into his ‘CONTACTS’ section. You entered your name and new number.
“Please Rami, don’t make me regret this.”
He smiled, a genuine toothy smile, the same one that he was famous for as he took his phone back.
“Can I give you a hug?” he asks.
“Sure I guess, why the hell not.”
He wraps his arms around you and squeezes tight, probably tighter than he should have, but you breath him in and a flood of memories came rushing back. The good, the bad, the truly ugly; you just wanted him back.
“Thank you” he says, with a smile.
He didn’t make you regret your decision to give you his number and over the next five months you’ve slowly allowed him back into your life. You’ve not been intimate but you’ve remained good friends. He slowly started to look healthier again, less gaunt and looking much more like he used to before you had left him. 
One day mid-September you suddenly started to feel really sad, and then you remembered. Your anniversary. You two would have been celebrating five years together.
You randomly call Rami and to see if he was available to come over, in which he stated that he was. You were nervous as he’d never actually been to your place before. It certainly wasn’t what he had become accustomed to over the past few years. This place was a dump. 
When he finally showed up, he just slowly walked around your apartment, not really commenting unless it’s a casual,”I like what you’ve done with your space. It feels so homey and so very you.”
He appeared oblivious to the reason for your sudden need to see him, and with an urgency you didn’t expect you pounced on him.
He was caught off guard by your sudden grip on his collar as you pulled him to you which resulted in him nearly tripping over the rug you had on the floor in your living room, your lips crashing into his with a force that almost made your teeth clash together.
Lips locked in a heated kiss, that had you whimpering with need in no time. You could feel him erection straining against his pants.
Moving towards your bedroom and wasting no time in shedding clothing, both of your hands going everywhere before his find out core, his fingers working their magic on you as you bucked your hips furiously against his hand. Your moans filling the small room. 
You came around his fingers with a cry of his name.
Looking up at him, silently begging, you felt him line himself up with your entrance as he slide into you roughly.
His hips pounding into yours, fucking into you with an animalistic urgency.
The bed rocking violently, headboard banging into the wall, like a beating drum
Your hands clawed at his back, and your hips moving in time to each others thrusts
His hands on your hips holding you steady as your walls began clenching around him for the second time that night, 
With another scream of his name, you came undone, body quaking, as you felt his cock twitch and he followed shortly with a shout of your name as he spilled his warm essence into you.
He collapsed on top of you, both of you just tangled together a sweaty panting mess
“That was the best possible makeup sex ever” he laughed into your hair.
“Yeah, like thirteen months later.” you pointed out, before somehow dissolving into a fit of giggles.
“So, what brought this on?”
“It would have been our five year anniversary in a few days, and I was sad. I decided that I wanted you back. You’ve proven to me that you’ve changed, and I still love you. So… can we almost pretend that these last thirteen month never happened? Do you really want me back Rami?”
He never said yes or no, instead he captured your lips in another kiss before he mumbled,”Give me a few minutes, and then we can really piss off your neighbors.”
You just giggle again, snuggle into his chest and tell him that you are happy to oblige, as you hate your neighbors. Because at least three times a week they have really loud fights, intense fights followed by what sounds like really intense makeup sex themselves. So that can’t even begin to judge you for getting laid in the year that you’ve lived here.
@txmel @xmxisxforxmaybe @itsme690 @mrhoemazzello @ramimedley @free-rami @r-ahh-mi
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