#the shut up was said affectionately <33
dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
Charlie is Casper's Final Girl (Guy)!!
{cw: chasing, light angst with happy(?) ending, heavily implied/referenced death off-screen, mild possessive n' obsessive behavior, Charlie is scared but kinda into it??}
• • • ★ • • •
Charlie's legs burned.
He was just walking to his old childhood friends house and ended up getting jumped; passing the alley wasn't the smartest idea, sure, but he just got off of work.
His body ached and was inches away from breaking down the moment he stepped out of Pete's. He was tired and didn't want to drag this day on any longer that it had to be.
He just wanted to see his friend again, after all this time apart - Charlie smiled to himself when thinking of them.
Now, the blonde wasn't going to lie and say his feelings towards his friend were strictly platonic.
He had an embarrassingly big crush on them; then again, could you even blame him?
Imagine being a dipshit little kid and getting into so much trouble with other dipshit kids that you're life was balanced precariously on a wire, got it? Now imagine having a friend beat the shit outta the same kids who threw your ass in a locker for stealing a dollar or two from them.
Exactly, shut up.
It was difficult not falling for them, something Charlie failed at and despite not having the balls to tell them that - he didn't think getting shanked was a proper retribution for his avoidance.
Yet here he was; tearing the soles of worn shoes as he was chased by the little gang of miscreants, thinking that their faces were vaguely familiar - back in his rough and tumble days, he'd wronged more people than not so it wasn't weird that his karma was hitting so soon.
But this seems more a matter of life and death than a little black eye.
Despite the tears clouding his vision, Charlie had seen someone calling him through the phone he had wedged tightly in his hand - he ducked and weaved through a few buildings and hit answer under the name, Casper.
" Yo, Chuck - where're you at? "
Their voice through the device turned the waterworks on real quick; Charlie choked back a sob as he ran up on the park, more specifically - his and Cas' spot.
" H-Hey, Cas! " Charlie was almost happy in the fact that he'd die hearing their voice, " I'm sorry but I don't think I'm ganna make it your house - "
Despite the lead the pizza boy had on the gang, he wasn't the most athletic; so charging through the overgrown clearance wasn't the smartest. Charlie trips over a thick root which bursted out concrete floor, smashing into the dense plain with a cuss.
" Fuck! " The blonde grits through clenched teeth, wincing when he tried to bounce back. Shit, he definitely pulled something.
" Chuck! Are you okay? " Casper's worried voice makes him hyper aware of the fast approaching footsteps from behind. " Charlie, where are you?! "
" I'm sorry, Cas - " is all he can muster, feeling dizziness overcome his senses from his head hitting the ground, " I love you. "
Charlie's ears rang over the incoherent yelling from the glowing device hardly clutched in his hand - his weakened body fell lax onto the old stomping grounds of his youth, seeing the rest of the people round up on him.
Slate colored eyes fluttered back into his skull, forcing him into darkness.
A blonde headed man shifted on plush comforters, shoving his face into a soft pillow and inhaling deeply.
Smelling like fresh linen and -
He pins his brows together, and inhales again; it smelled like...Cas?
It was some new cologne or perfume - hell, maybe just lotion for all he knew - that they wore when he first saw them in years; spinning that damn sign drafted most of the scent to him.
A pause lingers in the air as Charlie tries to recollect himself.
Then he jolts up.
Wasn't he literally knocking on deaths door, like 2 minutes ago?? The fuck kinda divine intervention is this?
Thoroughly disoriented, the blonde sits stagnant in the damn near king sized bed, staring at the satin covered pillow he'd been laying on a second ago.
He shuffles a bit and feels something fall off his shoulder - his skin tingling awake at the textures surrounding him - and sees a thick blanket pooling at his lap.
" What the fuck..." Charlie's voice falls short, he eventually decided to push the warm comforter off. He sees his ankle is bandaged.
Swinging his legs off the bed and hanging on the side for a bit; looking around with his head heavy, shoulders pinned up to his ears and back slouching.
It was a nice room; fairly spacious and humble with memorabilia littering everything - records hanging overhead and poster lining the walls.
Charlie heaves a big sigh from his mouth, gently nodding his head in encouragement to sit up and get out.
Standing up was weird, his legs felt shaky and sore and his body hurt like hell. Stumbling to a wall was his only move forward.
The blonde opened the door and leaned on every wall he could, hobbling a bit from the pain striking up his bandaged leg.
The house was pretty big, probably a one story with wider parameters; good space to hightail it if he needed to. Charlie notices that it's dark out, a void having swallowed the sky and dotted it with stars from just out the window.
" You're up. "
The noise the lanky man lets out is between a squeak and shout; accidentally applying pressure to his leg.
" Fuck - shit! "
Charlie almost falls over reaching for his leg, the loss of balance sends him hurling to the floor in a matter of seconds.
But he doesn't hit it.
Instead, he's embraced in strong arms which wrap around him tightly. Charlie tossed his head up urgently and pauses; eyes widening and mind boggled.
" Casper? "
The taller nods and smiles down at him a little - with his heart suddenly thumping in his chest, Charlie scrambles to stand back up. " Holy shit, sorry! I jus - ah! "
The back of his legs are pulled from under him and a support lands at his back. The blonde yelps when he's suddenly in the air, a quick turn of his head proves that he's also face to face.
" You're turning red, Chuck. " Casper tilts their head, lips tugging up more, " something wrong? "
Charlie shakes his head frantically and despite his flailing, they kept an iron girp on him; practically digging their nails into his skin.
" Ah! Uhm - no! Not at all, Cas! " the blonde chuckles nervously, squirming at their intense stare, their smile seems to widen and their breath hitches. He gulps and remembers earlier.
" Uh, do you actually know how I got here? " his eyes widen a bit and he quickly shakes his hands, " not that that's a problem! It's just, a really big change of scenery. "
Casper hummed, walking back to the bedroom as they replied, " I brought you here. "
The response was simple enough but lacking significant reasoning. Charlie fidgeted.
" How? I was getting jumped and like a solid 20 blocks from your house...! " he tried reasoning, letting himself get placed on the bed he woke up in when they past the threshold to the room. " you wouldn't have been able to..."
" I dealt with them, don't worry about it. "
It was reassuring in their voice but something underlyed their words; spite curling around certain letters.
Not at him, he thinks.
" What happen - "
" You know, Chuck. "
The blonde's cut off before he can question them further, their eyes looking dark as the bed squeaked under their added weight; Charlie backed up instinctively, alarms ringing in the back of his head at the smell of metal.
He tried to ignore the racing in his heart and urge to squeak.
" You never let me respond to you, after you said - " Their eyes lid when they lean in closer, " I love you. "
Charlie berated himself internally, feeling the redness spreading to his chest. " I-I know! I'm so sorry about th - "
" I love you too, Charlie..."
The blonde gasps at the sharp point of a knife to his jaw, coaxing him to stare into their blown-out pupils; practically seeing himself inside them.
A liquid dragged down his neck, dampening his shirt; warm and red.
" My forever final girl. "
• • • ★ • • •
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jvnluvr · 1 year
blue lock boys when they are drunk ♡
when the blue lock boys come home drunk, all they want is you.
ft. sae, rin & kaiser x f!reader
author’s note: im a sucker for my favs okay? fluffiest fluff i’ve ever written i almost cried ten different times send help hsish. also thank you all for 100 followers, i love u all sm mwah. i’m working on requests, they will come soon! otherwise please enjoy <33
itoshi sae:
god, he didn’t even know how he ended up in this position. all sae could remember was losing his game, walking out of that stadium with his usual blank expression, but then his legs took him to the nearest bar. he’s so drunk, heck, he even remembers smoking a cigarette or two while he was chugging down everything. he's overcome with a lot of emotions, but then he remembers.
he wants to go home. he’s up, and he’s walking home. it’s late, its dark, yet he’s still able to somehow manage to get to the front step before he knocks on the door, holding onto it because he’ll fall if he doesn’t. that’s when you open the door and sae falls into your arms. "sae-? what happened?" you ask, trying your best to not let him fall while shutting the door.
you already knew he lost, you were obviously watching the streamed game. but when sae loses, he shuts everyone out for a day at the very least. however, it's weird to find him falling onto you, at your doorstep, and incredibly late at night. he smells like cigarettes, and that's when you understand what is going on.
"sit down, i'll get you water." you guide him to the couch, slowly trying to let go of his arm so you can lie down, but he doesn't let go of you. instead, he pulls you down with him so you're lying down on top of him. "uh, what's this about? you gonna talk to me..?" to say you're confused right now is kind of an understatement. sae hasn't spoken a word to you since he entered, just mindless grumbles and sighs until now, where it's almost like he's searching into your eyes for something.
"y'know, you're a whole lot prettier up close, right?"
your eyes probably looked bugged right now. you know he's not sober, but when people are drunk, their true feelings come out. sae's never really been an openly affectionate man, you knew that from the moment you met him. so hearing him suddenly throw a compliment into your face has you stunned to say the least.
"c'mon don't look at me like that... this is new to me too.." he mumbles, a red tint starting to appear on his cheeks. he grabs you by your waist to sit you on his lap, and you start to turn red too. "seriously, what's gotten into you sae?" you ask quietly, you both letting out a small chuckle as you stare at each other.
"i don' know.. it's your fault." you tilt your head as his one hand intertwines with yours. "you have beautiful eyes too.. you know that?" you let out a little gasp as your eyes avert away from him. you can feel your ears getting hotter and hotter as each seconds by. now you're actually worried, since when has he thought of these things?
sae put a hand on your cheek to turn you back to him. he has that soft smile plastered onto his face. your gaze softens as he continues talking to you. "you've always had.. that bright light in your eyes... even the first night we met. 't was what got me so interested in you." you bite your lip at that, small water drops forming into your eyes. it wasn't possible for your heart to not melt as those words. "the only thing.. i could think about.. was how much i liked you. how much my heart yearned for you. for how happy i am, to have you in my life now."
he wipes a tear of yours while eliciting that little soft but deep chuckle you always adored. "c'mon, don't cry, was just being honest.." he hugged you, burying his face into your neck and closing his eyes. you were almost certain that after that the alcohol consumed him, that he was too drowsy to even remember all the words he just said. but it's okay. for the chance you got to see itoshi sae confess his love in his own way. you whispered out an "i love you' before falling asleep beside him.
michael kaiser:
"babyy, i'm homee!" yeah, he was definitely slurring over each word he said. you walked out the kitchen, staring as kaiser almost fell atleast 5 times trying to walk over to you. it was hard to try and not laugh at how adorable he was being all tipsy, it was like he was a little child again.
“michael.” you giggled, trying to get him to sit on the chair but you both fell against each other on the floor. “that hurt!” his cheeks are more than just flushed and his eyes are half open. "who are ya, and where's my girlfriend?" to be honest, you were kind of hurt that he couldn't recognize you even while you were right in his face, but kaiser can be a little slow even when sober.
"c'mon michael, 'is me, your girlfriend." you retorted, wrapping your arms around him in an attempt to get him to sit down on a chair. but of course, kaiser being kaiser doesn't want to be apart from you for even a second, so he pulls you onto his lap. "i know, 'was just messin' with ya. i'm not that drunk, y'know?" you could only blankly stare at him as he confessed to that. even the dumbest person alive could tell that lie straight through his teeth.
"you are seriously not gonna tell me you aren't THAT drunk. you slipped over the fuckin' air." you both looked at each other, slightly grinning at that. silence. ah there it is, you both burst out laughing not even a second after, because you know it was true. "honestly though, you REEK of alcohol, go shower or somethin'." you tried getting off his lap, you really did. but does he care? of course not.
"no, 'm gonna stay here, too tired to shower..." you let out a small sigh at that, but if he wasn't going to get into the shower, you weren't going to let him doze off in his uncomfy chair. both of your backs couldn't take that kind of pain right now. "okay okay, we're both tired, let's go to bed, hm?" kaiser quietly grumbled as a counter, not wanting to let you go. at that point, your sounds started to sound more grumpy. you should have dragged him to bed when you had the chance.
"hiii babyy, i love you." kaiser suddenly said, with a smile hanging ear to ear. you didn't know what he was up to, but you just quietly ignored his statement of affection. "you're really cute when you're grumpy," he added, followed by a bunch of little mischievous giggles. "but you're cute all the time, so it makes it absolutelyyy irresistible to stay mad at you." you're so embarrassed by kaiser's sudden overload of compliments that, you start to playfully hit him? one hit to the arm, one hit to the head, and you continue in order to stop being so flustered by the drunk man in front of you.
"ow! i literally said you're cute, why are you hitting me- stop! ow!" even if you were hitting him, kaiser couldn't help but let out more laughs when he realized why you were hitting him. "aww, you're embarrased, aren't ya?" he pressed you for a kiss, but you just put your hand over his mouth to push him back. you couldn't take being more abashed over your extraordinarily drunk boyfriend.
"if you're not gonna accept my love, let me properly confess it, alrightt?" again, you were too afraid to even blurt out a single world in fear of stuttering and having kaiser coo into your ear about how cute you were. so you just looked at him, waiting for him to continue his speech. "got your attention, pretty? i've had a crush on you since the first time i met you, like the biggest crush ever, like the moment i saw you i swear those hearts appeared in my eyes like they do in cartoon shows." he was stuttering as the alcohol was still rushing in his system, but kaiser sounded like a little boy who had been lovestruck with the mere thought of you.
"you're so stupid sometimes.." you mumbled, but nonetheless giddy with happiness and love. "maybe, but i'm stupidly in love with you." all you could do was let out a sheepish smile before pulling him into a hug. "i love you.." and that was followed with snores. you didn't really plan on how to move kaiser out of this awkward position, but what you did know that he was a pretty cute lovestruck man when he was drunk.
itoshi rin:
rin isn't one to typically get drunk, he's not even one to have maybe more than three shots of alcohol at most. but tonight, he went completely overboard. maybe the drinks just tasted good, maybe he had lost his mind. not the matter of how he got drunk, but he was stumbling into your shared apartment when you just barely saw you peeking through your bedroom door through his blurry eyes.
"rin, are you okay..?" you murmured, slowing walking towards him. "mm, 'm fine, were you sleeping?" even if he was on the verge of passing out, rin was one of those guys who was able to maintain his composure. he didn't like how he felt, so he stride towards the kitchen, aching for a glass of water. "was waiting for you, did you drink, rin?" he turned around to see you standing there waiting for him.
"mhm, sorry, don't know what got over me. wait in the room for me, i'll be in there soon." he replied, turning back around to put his glass in the sink, but when he shifted back, he could still see you waiting his in peripheral vision. "what are you waiting for, [name]?" rin asked, still feeling the horrible effects of the alcohol continuing to flow through his blood stream. "i told you, 'm waiting for you." you knew that if you went back, he would fall asleep on the nearby couch, heck even fall and just pass out on the floor, he was drunk out of his mind.
"alright, c'mon let's go." he slowly trailed behind you, the cold air hitting him in the face when he realized he feels way too hot. rin slowly discards his jacket and his shirt, moving to lie down with you. but the one thing he couldn't help but notice is that you didn't make direct eye contact with him, your eyes are averted in every direction except his, why is that? maybe the reason he hated alcohol so much is because of what it does to him. he wants your attention, he craves for your touch, it's weird to him.
so rin extends his arm towards you, he has a hold on your waist before you're too close to him. "what's wrong..?" he examines you, how you're still not looking into his eyes. "look at me, why aren't you looking at me honey?" he's surprised that it does the trick, because your eyes are finally in his direct field of view, and his heart melts. "nothin', just thought you might have wanted to sleep, so didn't wanna' bother you." you answered shyly, realizing now that he wanted nothing more than you. it's silent for a bit, just the both of you in each other's embrace, lying down in the dark.
"mm, you don't bother me, you know that?" he starts, rin doesn't realize that all of sudden he's rambling to you. "i say you shouldn't be nervous but the truth is.. i'm always a bit nervous around you. we've been together for a while but.. i don't know.. i just.. always want to know more about you. it drives me insane sometimes, 'cause i don't usually care about people like that. but for you i just-" he's pulling you closer into your chest, noticing how your grip tightens on him as he continues speaking. "i just want to know every tiny detail about you. i notice the small things about you. the way your smile goes slightly down, you touch the tip of your eyes when your embarrassed, and you always touch the same spot-" he intertwines his hands with yours, rubbing over the spot he's just about to mention. "you always touch the same spot of your hand when you're focused. i pay attention to those things because i care about you, i hope you knew that."
"rin.." you whisper, it's all you could physically verbalize. but all you could feel were the hot tears you were spilling onto his chest. you felt guilty, quickly trying to wipe them away, but he looked down to hush your sobs. "'m sorry, didn't wanna make you cry. i meant it though, even if i don't say it much." it's undeniable that you just want to be even closer to him than humanely possible, you wouldn't dare think of even letting him go for a second after that. "i think you should get drunk more often," which dragged a small string of chuckles from you two. "being drunk sucks, but we can compromise and i'll try and tell you how much i love and want to be with you more, yea?" rin shared, fumbling over his words. yep, still definitely drunk.
"mhm, go to sleep now, 'kay?" you acknowledged, content with how tonight turned out to be. "you go to sleep too, i love you." and rin let himself pass out in the comfort of your presence. not only until a few moments later could you say 'i love you' back, but he was secretly waiting to fall asleep until he heard confirmation of your feelings.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 3 months
literally can't stop thing about highschoolsweetheart!au where darling is 24/7 clinging onto a slightly annoyed/frustrated könig's arm, autistically chatting his ear off about random things like cute cat videos that she saw, dinosaurs or art, gushing about how much she loves him, how utterly handsome he's looking and that they're absolutely meant to be!! 🥺 always nuzzling him and pressing sweet kisses to his face.
until... maybe he snaps and shuts her up :// not in a nice way. maybe i'm projecting here, but i've been silenced before and it did nasty things to me. (bit of advice for unknowing peeps, don't make autistic people stop rambling, if you can help it. let them down gently if you must 💌)
back to our sheep... she suddenly shuts in. doesn't chat as much as before, slowly sticking to only utilitarian stuff. avoids his gaze oftenly, gradually starting to keep her distance, stops initiating affectionate things. she still absolutely adores him, but she's hurt, heart constricting in her chest. thinks she's doing him a service by listening to his 'request' at shutting the hell up, thinking she's making him happier. she's still itching to babble, making an active effort at stoping herself from going back to her rambling habits.
how would könig feel? react?
imagine what would it be like, if after some time of this distance, at a social gathering or something, he sees a man approaching her. another MAN!! how is this possible?? and he's... he's asking her about things? looking interested in her talk, eyeing her up and down??
would you do me the honour of tormenting this poor man for me? :33
Her ramblings were cute at first, then they started to go in one ear and out the other. König has a budding tinnitus from work and only wants to rest, but she skitters to him like a lovesick cat, climbs into his lap, and starts to talk his ear off about attachment styles and some pop psychology.
The enthusiasm in her eyes is what bothers him the most – he’s hit with envy, bright hot and red, because he has no time for intellectual interests these days. There's nothing but gun oil and gym to keep him busy. He was supposed to become either a philosopher or a fighter, but since they said philosophers can’t get pussy, he chose the other option (and still got little to no pussy), sad wanker as he was back then.
He either doesn’t know what the hell she is talking about or, he would want to discuss with her about the subjects she’s into, so much in fact that it would soon become an autistic competition of its own. But the deeply ingrained memory of being called a scrawny nerd is keeping his mouth shut even now, when he’s approaching his mid-thirties.
So he tells her she should read an actual book about the subject and stop filling her head with nonsense layman theories.
It hurts; it fucking burns, the mute, helpless stare she shoots at him. She scoots away, sorely upset, and won’t come back to him before the evening fall.
There's no cute noises and kisses peppered all over his face, no dangling from his neck and prattling away about the differences between C. S. Lewis and Tolkien; no videos where a cat tries to fish the last pringles with its paw or memes that remind her of him. There's just a broken girl and a knife in his heart, but he’s too ashamed and proud to apologize.
And so she comes back to him when he won't go to her, the deep yearning always overthrowing her pride. It feeds his self loath by gallons: she's better than him, always has been.
She hugs his middle when they lie down to sleep, forehead pressed against his upper back. She’s too small to reach the back of his neck, but she won’t wriggle upwards like an adorable little worm to place a kiss there like she used to. Just falls asleep with a sigh, holding him tight.
His sleep arrives only after hours have passed, and the knife inside his heart has finally done its duty and euthanized the whole organ.
They never talk about it: but she prattles far less nonsense to him now. He nearly breaks the silence one day and asks her about the Myers Pigs test or whatever it was called, see if she would crack open from her shell and laugh. He could coax her to tell him what her newest interest is nowadays, what makes her eyes bright and shiny when he’s away. But he’s too fucking ashamed, too goddamm proud to tell her that she’s annoyingly cute when she talks so much and that he fucking loves her for that. That she’s the silliest girl he’s ever met and if he had a hat, he would take it off every time she wanted to share another monologue.
If he had the balls, he would ask if she had all this madness inside her when they were kids but never had the courage to spill it out… If he's the only person she has allowed to see this side of her without fear.
He returns to the party after having a smoke – a bad habit everytime he knows he's about to down a few beers – only to see she’s engaged in a heated conversation with some other guy.
Or, the guy is asking questions, while his girl is about to burst out of her dress from the eagerness to tell him everything about some new hyperfixation of hers. Something she hasn’t really shared with him; not anymore...
The knife is still in his heart, it seems, because it twists. Violently.
He looks for a weapon to defend himself: an empty beer bottle, a knife on the table, an untended umbrella by the door; his fists, ungloved. It’s just a routine check, a simple habit that was hammered in his system years ago, and of course this is not the time or the place for violence. He just… fantasizes about stabbing that guy in the liver with some blunt cutlery, pounding his ribs to pieces until his knuckles bleed with jealousy. He even fantasizes her screams when she sees what kind of a man he really is: a weak wanker who turned into a pitiful beast of a man.
These flashes take only a second or two, then he squares his shoulders and goes to get his girl back.
“How about we dance,” he offers his hand to her, palm up like the other guy was made of air – or not even that.
Her eyes light up with surprise, pure, undiluted hope, her interest in her chat companion now completely gone.
“You... You want to dance?”
His lips compress into a thin line, his nostrils flaring from the need to either claim her right on this floor or turn and beat the competing dick beside him into a pulp.
Then her hand finds his, her soft little smile pulls him back, her eyes now shining to him and only him.
It’s a slow one, the song, and he only notices it when she lifts her hands and cups the back of his neck. Tingles shoot down his spine and send a curious little twitch down his dick – even his testes pull up a notch. They’ve fucked a thousand times, and still, she has this effect on him... All she needs to do is smile and touch his neck, and his body answers; he’s hers.
“Does this mean you like me…?” She asks with a playful smile when his hands come to naturally claim her waist.
“You saw me with that guy and came to whisk me away.”
He tries to avoid her stare, fakes to steal a glimpse at the other pairs dancing, but it’s challenging when she looks at him like… like that.
“He was drooling all over you back there,” he mutters.
“...Oh? So you came to save me?”
“You have difficulty saying no.”
She's relaxed, while he's stiff, the adrenaline leaving him slowly and with a rising boner. It doesn't help that she's drawing little circles on his skin, right there where it tickles and sends more pulls down his cock.
He tries to breathe deep and slow, but it doesn’t really work much. There are times when he gets a hard-on from her playing with his hair or brushing a set of fingertips across his nipple, and then there are times when he really wishes she wouldn’t do shit like this. Not when they’re at a party and he almost had a temper tantrum in front of everyone.
“König… You never dance,” she says with a weighted stare. He answers it with a heavy glare of his own, eyes that should tell her enough about his true feelings for her.
There’s a thin line between love and hate, but never has he felt this undeniable truth as acutely as he has with her...
“If you don’t stop with the tickling I’m going to have to take you upstairs for a fuck.”
Her tiny little fingers stop immediately, but her eyes shine brighter than ever before. From shock, love, or awe, who knows. Then she picks up that annoying habit again, a bit too keenly to convey any kind of actual fear.
“You’re begging for it, aren’t you...?” He comments with genuine contempt.
“...Yes?” She answers with a breath of a smile, pure love in her stare.
He grunts as if tired, then scoops her up, right there on the dance floor and takes her upstairs when everyone can see.
“You like me. Admit it,” she babbles when he carries her inside some guest bedroom and kicks the door shut, with her snug and smiling in his arms.
“Yes, yes. You can tell me all about everything when I’m done with you.”
“All about everything?” She giggles as he throws her on the bed and starts to take off his shirt. Her eyes shoot to his pecs, then to his fingers when he unzips his pants. There's no lie, no deceit in that stare, just adoration and want.
“First you have to be quiet. Think you can manage that?”
She opens her pink little mouth, then shuts it, starts to nod like a broken doll.
When he eventually slides in, the poor doll whimpers, just like he thought.
"Hush," he gruffs, but doesn't cover her mouth.
He can have a little taste, a sip, a treat... Because the knife in his heart stops rattling only when he makes love to her – he does that often, even if he calls it 'fucking' in his mind.
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tavvattales · 2 years
Hdjaoeif OK so like, hear me out,,,Dottore,,, it's a petty bet with Pantalone since the latter said Dottore pulled no bitches so he decides to prove him wrong if only for that sweet crispy extra funds and ofc somehow reader ends up getting roped into it as his s/o. Then the other harbingers are all like who's gonna break it to them that it's a bet except it would seem Dottore's just a smidge too possessive for it to just be a bet and he absolutely does threaten to poison their coffee of they do not shut up bc god forbid they ruin whatever he has going on with his favourite lab rat<33
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GENSHIN IMPACT Character x GN!Reader Headcanons
Characters: Dottore
Pairings: Dottore x GN!Reader
Warnings: Bets are made, but are hearts broken??? Slight Yandere Dottore, use of Dottore's real name.
Taglist: @stygianoir @kurobakachan @hikomisan @silverwritesthings @minty-stays-tired @genshinparty @sange-de-romane @the-hapi-dm @insomniacwreck (ask to be added~)
If you like what you read, come and check out my Discord!
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Il Dottore
Like making a deal with a demon, Dottore shakes Pantalone's hand in disgust and a roll of his eyes, "Come now, Zandik. It's just a bet. Why the long face?" Pantalone asks with a mischievous glint in his gaze as he smiles toward Dottore who simply scowls at him, "Because if my deductions are correct...you're planning something, but as you say– it's just a bet. Rest assured, this mora will be mine," Dottore replies.
And yet, unbeknownst to Dottore–he will, unfortunately for him, fall hard. Especially since it's you. Finding himself hiding his flushed cheeks behind his mask, he seethes, "It's just a bet, he says. It'll be fine, he says..." Dottore mumbles to himself, making your ears perk up, "Did you say something, darling?" you ask, tilting your head to the side questionably, "Nothing to concern that pretty little head of yours, my sweet," Dottore says in return, placing a gentle hand atop your head and ruffles your hair as you smile affectionately toward him.
"My, my...if it isn't Zandik and his little–"
"If you say ANYTHING, I will poison your coffee."
Dottore says harshly toward Pantalone, who has just arrived. Intertwining his fingers between yours, he squeezes your hand protectively, "Zandik, is everything alright?" Pantalone asks, raising his eyebrow, "You seem...on edge," he continues, knowing full well what has been going on, "You're despicable..." Dottore mumbles in reply.
Seeing Dottore tense up, you glance between the two of them as if they had been hiding something, but knowing what they do, you knew it would be best not to ask questions. After all, they are your superiors, "Zandik, you're upset..." you manage to say, reaching up to touch his cheek, and upon feeling the warmth of your hand, he instinctually places a soft yet hungry kiss to your palm causing you to blush.
"Worry not, my dove. For nothing will ever take you away from me."
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megumisgirl · 1 year
Babee I'm OBSESSED with your work omggg
And ofc I'm in love with Megumi
So if you're taking any requests can I ask for one?
Imagine gamer!bf megumi (live streamer also to add a little spice) who is only obsessed with 2 things
But lately he's not giving you enough attention so you take matters in your own hands
Okayyy this is kinda cringe but I'll let you do your magic on it!
Also sorry if you aren't taking requests you can just ignore this<33
it's me or the ps5 (megumi x fem!reader)
recently your boyfriend, megumi, wasn't paying that much attention to you. first into your relationship, the two of you couldn't get your hands off off each other. but recently, your romance fizzled out. you heard about romance fading away in a relationship, but you didn't expect for it to happen so fast.
megumi was never really that affectionate. yes, he was, but not as affectionate as you. and recently, whenever you'd decide to spice things up, he'd just ignore you. even if you're in lingierie, or a hoodie, it doesn't matter. you would get shut down.
now, he was streaming on twitch, playing genshin as you just scrolled through tiktok. and a certain one caught your eye,
your eyes lit up as you looked at your boyfriend streaming from the living room to his secret gaming room. a knowing smirk creeped up on your face as you went to his gaming room. leaning against the door frame, just enough so the camera can't pick you up.
"if i don't get childe now, i'm burning this house down." his deep voice echoed in the sound proof room as you got on your hands and knees and crawling down to his little table. his eyes were focused on the screen before your hands started to rub his knees. his eyes widened as he looked down. his pretty little girlfriend, on her knees for him, but he's too deep into the streaming. the music started playing on the screen as he looked in it, "oh... i got childe." his voice was monotone, as he gulped, feeling you palm his already hard and huge erection through his sweatpants.
the chat went balistic from his reaction, but he doesn't care. he's too busy on what you're doing. thankfully, he suddenly got a text on his phone and picked it up. something from idatori about his left pinkie being cut off by nobara for experiment, but it was the golden excuse. "guys.." he said, his voice breathy, "need to go. family emergency." family emergency, yes. since he was going to fuck a baby into you right as the stream is fucking over.
you pulled down his pants to free his cock, wraping your hands around it as you slowly work it up and down. his slick spreading all over your palm, some even rolling down to your elbow. you heard some typing and then felt a harsh tug into your hair. he pulled you by your hair, dragging you in front of him as you winced, holding your head in pain.
"what the fuck?" he asked, his hands snaking down to your chin, forcefully grabbing it, making you look up. "you're playing a dangerous game, y/n." he said, his voice low and raspy. a small smile was creeping up on you but you decided to cram it, since he was piissseeddd. "what are you going to do now, hmm?" he kissed your jaw, slowing nibbling against your skin. your hands found their way to his cock again, slowly going up and down like before, but this time your circled your thumb over his tip. he shuddered, feeling his orgasm nearing.
but he pushed you away. you frowned at him. "off." he demanded, pointing at your clothes. you did as he asked, standing naked in front of your fully clothed boyfriend. he pulled you by your arm, making you sit in his lap as he slowly incerted his eight inches into you. you whimpered, feeling him fill you up.
you started bouncing on his cock. his mouth captured your tits, nibbling against the sensitive skin as you twitched. jolting at any simple touch. he lowered his hand to circle over your clit, making you clench around him as he groaned against your ear. his whimpers and moans filled your ears as you did to his. "your doing so good." he said in pants, his dick twitching inside of you. "such a pretty slut," he slapped your ass making your legs shake as you felt your orgasm near.
you came all over his shirt and sweatpants. he tsked as he ran his hand through your hair. "you came all over me." he said in a soothing voice. "how're you going to apologize?"
you didn't need anymore hints. you got off of him, your knees bucking as you kneeled against him. you took his cock in your mouth, sucking it as his hands wrapped around your hair. pushing it further in. you choked, gagging on his dick as he looked down at you. tears falling from your eyes, a soft coat of pink flushed against your cheeks. you felt his cock twitch inside your throat as he came.
you both panted, regaining your breath as he looked at you. "what was that about?" he asked.
you picked your clothes up, wearing your oversized t-shirt as you looked at him with an unreadable expression. and just left.
"y/n!!" he called out, and got no answer. he turned to look at the time, but his eyes widened as he saw the little light behind his camera being turned on. "OH HELL NO!"
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3smo · 2 years
hey es! i forgot to say this earlier but congrats on 1k!! you deserve it, i've always loved your writing <33 and for the event, could i ask for sukuna (jujutsu kaisen) and prompt 2 with male reader?
(Cobgrats again im really uappy for you swkdhsk)
• "i hate you." "no you don't. you love me, don't you?" (#2)
part 2: i forgot to add this to the sukuna (2) ask but for details could it have impact play/slight bdsm (spanking ...) and just rough fucking (affectionate) in general, something like that... and reader is flirty and says harsh things during rough sex but genuinely loves sukuna and yeah im a sap. THANK YOU and sorry i sent this and the actual req in two seperate asks </3
warning: top male reader. light impact play. spanking. readers kinda mean. king of curses sukuna form? yes. bc that actually sounds like a challenge. human reader.
453 words.
1k event
sukuna grits his teeth in embarrassment, two arms gripping onto the arm rest of his throne, the other two wrapped around his abdomen to steady himself. "i fucking hate you!"
your special glasses tip over, your heart pangs at his words. "you hurt me 'kuna..."
sukuna shakes his head, growling out profanities until you bring your hand down to smack his ass. tears pop up in the corner of his eyes, a strangled moan comes from him. "i hate you."
you shake your head. what a petty curse. "no you don't. you love me..."
sukuna's cock twitches, he shuts his eyes. he hears a little hurt tone from your voice that makes him feel guilty. "don't you?"
you force him to sit up on his knees, his kimono drapes off his shoulders, his back pressing to your chest. your hand on his jaw, gripping it.
"tell me you love me, sukuna." you thrust into him, grunting into his ear. his muscles tense up, subconsciously tightening around you. "say it."
stupid human. the king of curses thinks, eyes rolling into his head when you spank him again. it caused him to clench his body and rock against you without meaning to. stupid human with his big, fat cock.
"you won't get to come if you don't." you whisper in his ear, fingers moving to grope his chest, nimble fingers rolling teasingly against his nipples.
sukuna holds in his noises as you pull him off of you to turn him around to face you, quickly sinking him down your cock, already missing his touch as you lean back onto his throne.
said throne was covered in his own semen, he lost count how many times he came, only left with the burning sensation inside him when you continue going. as if you couldn't get enough of him.
he would say you're an adorable human if it wasn't for your insatiable thirst for sex, using him for your own pleasure.
what he hates more than that is the fact that he likes it, and those taunting words that come from your stupid mouth. telling him that he likes it, he likes being treated like shit by a mere human.
you lightly wrap your hand around his throat, "say it, my love..."
sukuna stares down at with teary eyes, he saw the way your eyes sparkle as you wait for his next words. he hated how much of an idiot you are the most, falling for the king of curses as if it was no big deal.
as if he wasn't twice your size, stronger and evil.
"i love you..." he whispers, you smile widely at him as you make him repeat himself. "i love you (name)."
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loserdiaz · 10 months
wip wednesday! 🪐
tagged by the lovelies @transbuck @wildlife4life @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @honestlydarkprincess @thewolvesof1998 @messyhairdiaz @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @prince-buck-diaz @buck2eddie @alyxmastershipper @spaceprincessem @panbuckley @diazblunt @shortsighted-owl @cowboy-buck
The bidding continues for a while— Another mom offers one hundred dollars and then another one offers one hundred and one dollars. 
Eddie snorts at that and shakes his head, Buck turning to him and nudging him in the shoulder as if communicating silently with him. 
And then, 
A very familiar voice offers the highest bidding and when Eddie turns around, he sees no one else but the one and only Maddie Buckley. 
This really isn't as surprising as it should be, Eddie thinks. It actually makes so much sense that it's not even funny. 
"Maddie? What are you doing here?" Buck asks, a small smile playing on his lips. 
"I took some time off work. I wouldn't miss this for the world." 
"Yeah," Buck huffs a laugh and raises an eyebrow. "I can tell." 
"Shut up, Evan." Maddie rolls her eyes affectionately. "At least I go for what I want and I'm not scared to make a move." She says this pointedly, fixing her brother with a stare and Eddie thinks maybe there's some stuff that he isn't privy to, that it isn't being said out loud but that the siblings are saying anyway in a sort of telepathic way or some shit like that. 
(Eddie doesn't think he could do that with Sophia or Adriana, they're ot really that close.) 
And then Maddie is gone, going to meet Chimney as he gets off stage— Eddie watches them beam at each other and hug and then Chimney is talking fast as he guides Maddie to the back of the gym. Something a lot like jealousy but not quite stirs in Eddie's stomach, mixing with all of the other feelings he doesn't want to analyze or acknowledge at all. 
Something a lot maybe like longing. 
"So what was that about?" Eddie asks after a while, turning to Buck. "What was Maddie talking about?" 
"She was just… being silly." Buck shrugs, avoiding his gaze. 
There's a voice in Eddie's head, knocking on his brain and screaming 'Look! Pay attention to this moment, you idiot! Look closer!' And hope jumps into the mix of emotions inside of Eddie (that frankly is getting to be too much to the point that it's actually ridiculous and Eddie should definitely stop having so many feelings) brewing and rising and demanding to be seen and heard until Eddie can barely breath. 
tagging: @lovebuck @housewifebuck @buddierights @monsterrae1 @bigfootsmom @cowboy-buddie and anyone else who wants to do it <33
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d10nsaint · 2 years
Omg dion with a wife thats supper affectionate ( but has her evil moments 💀) and loving like he could breathe and she would be like “❤️😍😩👌🏾✨” i think it would be super cute he would just be there like 🧍🏻 do you think you could write something like that a lil suggestive too
-XoXo (love your writing btw❤️)
I have other requests but how could i not write my beloved dion first??lowercase intended. also tytytytyy <33
Tumblr media
->He would quickly notice your behaviors towards him; i mean, you stare at him like he's a god or a high being, who wouldn't?
->He would love having someone so willing to love him and not try to make him 'nicer' or use him for his looks.
->So, he's very happy to have someone that loves him.
->Say that you both are taking a walk in the garden together, he would be walking next to you and watch you stare at him- no, admire him.
->And if you were both alone, he would listen to you spill endless praise for him, and even talk about the things that you loved about him that he didnt even know.
->You would also quickly notice when he gets slightly agitated.It isn't visible, but you notice when his father sends him a letter that tells him to go on a mission that he doesn't like.
->He loves how you read his mood and know when you could step in,and he loves how you soothe him with your thoughts on him, how elegantly he ate,how he lightly huffed when his mother talked bad about him, how his pee softly trickled in the toilet water this morning...
->With as much as i've said 'he loves', it's obvious he's whipped for you.I mean, you rejected men who could give you an environment that wouldn't deteriorate your mental state like how Agriche would, just because you love him.
->And how he'd listen to everything you say, even a light sigh wouldn't go unnoticed by him.You both basically really love eachother.
->No matter what, he would always do anything you ask.If you just lightly stuck to his arm, showed a little cleavage, and gave him some tears, he would quickly do what you want.And quickly get hard.
->Even if it's obvious that you love him no matter what, he would still have his little tear fetish.
->Even having teary eyes from dust would make him want to rip your clothes off.
->And he loves that your personality is reserved for him, too.
->You're not lovesick and mushy-brained around other people as you are around him, and he quickly noticed.
->God, he loves watching you shut people up with a few quick words while clinging to his side, grip tightening when something you dont like gets said.
->He also likes to show your body off to others-likes to make sure that everybody knows that nobody touches you like he does.
dion please im a good housewife pleaseplease
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: as the middle child, i would like to say being a sibling is the best and worst thing ever. ANYWAY HERES SOME CUTE LITTLE HCS I WROTE MONTHS AGO PLS ENJOY
WARNINGS: mentions of death, angst and whatever else
calmer one of the two 
levi prefers you over hange ( or so he says we all know he loves hange)
you’re more brawn than brain 
hange is like a mastermind 
you capture titans for hange
Hanges older smfh they won't let you live in peace 
“Can you-” “no.” “IM OLDER”
hanges actually pretty protective they just won’t say it out loud
levi enjoys watching you two fight 
“I SAID MOVE!” “YOU FOUR-EYED FUCK!” while levi’s in the corner enjoying this 
one time hange made this fart noise thing and put it under your seat, and when you sat down it made a loud fart
no one believes that hange pranked you with it so the scouts call you “commander fart” 
you choked hange that night
moblits so kind to you like KING
hange gets all excited and grabs you and shakes you so aggressively 
if something or someone bothers hange you now have to kill the person
when hange loses their eye you’re kind to them but now you just bully hange
“hey look- oh wait” “YOU’RE NOT FUNNY ”
you help hange around with caring for it and stuff 
also help hange through moblits death </3 
you were close w erwin so hanges all like <3333
back to the bullying tho 
hange makes sure you’re safe in the front lines <3
yelena tries to hit on you and hanges NOT having it 
you and hange gush over the guns and new weapons Onyakopon showed you two 
Levi’s trying to shut you two up 
10/10 duo
Annie tried to keep you from becoming a titan so she took it herself 
they ended up giving you another one because you also fought really well 
annie’s all upset cause she wants you to live 
you actually enjoy your time in paradis and annie’s all like “we have a mission stupid bitch” 
one time annie chewed you out cause you hung out w sasha (you’re in love w her) and annie was like “you can’t be doing that, we have a mission” and you were like “FUCK YOU” and annie slammed the door and locked you out for the night. she was not having it 
you and reiner are like twins and annie’s hates you both 
you joined the scouts and ofc annie was like “okay you’re gonna die you stupid fucking brat but whatever no one likes you anyway”
those little night bonfire meetups would just end up in your and annie arguing 
bertholdt takes your side and annie fucking FLAMES HIM
“i mean… we do need someone to bring us information from the scouts. Levi favors them and reiner could just be backup. I could bring the information to you, Annie.” “and who asked you? everytime you speak it makes me want to smash my head against a wall.” 
she just wanted you to live
annie’s actually sweet she just won’t let that show through 
once everyone was revealed from their titan form you had to fight along side w them 
sasha hated you and annie had to comfort you :( 
once annie was in that crystal everyone started targeting you 
“are you a titan too???!!!” and all you could say was no 
annie was your main concern when the rumbling started 
you never left her side after that <33
ofc you grew up w eren around too
it hurt to see mika so in love w eren
you also could fight really well thanks to mika
when you joined the scouts w her she could tell you had a crushhhhhh 
you would sit with sasha and just talk and talk and mika would be like :3
you and armin gang up on her sometimes 
she cuts her hair and you help her <3
she has her scarf and mika gave you this cool bracelet you wear all the time
she protects you with her life and she can be affectionate sometimes <3
you and armin bicker cause he wants to be smart and mika always takes his side 
“mika you only take his side because you like him more than me.” “and?” 
you get mad at her when she gets all worried about eren like girl
you comfort her because she’s an emotional person okay
when the rumbling starts you can tell mikasa has sort of lost herself
when eren said he hated you both you just stared and and blinked at him
ofc mika protected him from armin
when armin got into the fight mika was staring and you had to stick up for that poor boy
you then tried to fight and mika stood up for him again like MOVE 
mad at eren but mika’s like “he has a plan ok:(“ 
mikasa becomes more protective, she can’t lose you either :( 
you’re very mad at eren for causing mika to worry and stuff 
overall, you just want mikasa to be happy but it’s so hard :( 
Levi swears he’s gonna kill one of you one day
you two drive him nuts 
drive everyone nuts tbh 
you, connie, jean and sasha are just uncontrollable 
sasha likes food like she’s never eaten before 
you’re more tame
you always share half with sasha, it makes you smile seeing her eat food like that
sasha’s so good with her bow and you’re better with ODM gear
sasha drives you crazy but you still love her
you killed a titan that almost killed her and you were scolding her and she’s like “I PROMISE TO GOD I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK ME THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME PLS.” 
she in fact did not keep this promise 
she always sleeps on your bed with you 
makes her feel at home
when you guys found kaya she threw you and kaya over that bridge and made you run
willing to die for you
you guys saw your dad and you’ve ever seen sasha so happy
so cute 
sasha knows you have a crush on mikasa YOU CANT HIDE IT FROM HER
when the war of Marley starts Sasha’s all serious 
proud of you all and sasha makes sure to let you know you did amazing 
when you lost sasha you lost yourself 
connie tries to comfort you but tbh you both just sit on the floor facing each other in silence 
you take care of kaya and keep your parents safe <3
 you’re a bit shorter but still tall asfk
tbh yelena doesn’t care that much 
she meatrides zeke and eren so you’re just kinda there to help 
you’re really good at artillery so yelena uses that to her advantage 
you get along with hange so well and yelenas like “you’re fucking up the plan.”
you don't really care you like your new friends 
one time someone pointed a gun at you and yelena didn’t even hesitate to shoot them 
so she cares but she won’t show it <3
when the general broke her arm you fixed it for her and she didn’t even mumble a thank you
you and onyakopon are best buddies
there’s not much to say yelena just bosses you around and demands shit
BUCKLE IN PLS it’s a wild ride 
he makes up these stupid rules like “NO DATING ANYONE” “STAY OUT OF MY WAY”
if Hange or anyone shows a slight interest in you he will go feral
everyone is amazed at the way you talk back to him
“Didn’t I tell you to clean out the cabinets?” “Get out of my face, shorty.” 
he makes you train extra hard bc he hates you (he actually does it to protect you but wtv)
you always reply with “no” to everything he says
you actually clean really well because he raised you like that 
you’re an extremely talented fighter bc of levi
you and levi = deadly duo
when kenny shows up he tries to target you first bc he knows that’s levi’s only weak spot. he raised you and levi together but saw you as the brains more than the fighter 
makes sure that you’re not in complete danger, still lets you fight on the front lines because he knows they need you
he can tell you have a thing for hange 
“do you like shitty glasses” “THEIR NAME IS HANGE AND NO I DO NOT”
sometimes he just needs your presence to feel better 
silence and tea with you is his therapy
he likes seeing you hunched over some book. he likes seeing you at peace 
never says good night but will peek into your office sometimes to check in on you
he smiles (A VERY SMALL SMILE OK) when he sees you asleep on your desk with papers scattered everywhere 
leaves you there bc lets be real he will not carry you to bed 
“Did you get taller?” “That's 100 laps.” 
cannot handle you and hanges energy 
one time you and hange went to jump in puddles and you came home dirty and he was like “you filthy fuck” 
you guys share a love over tea
when the attack on Marley happened you could see the FEAR mold into Zekes face when he remembered there were two of you AND MIKASA??? DEATH.
Levi made sure to keep you safe that whole mission 
was sad at you being upset ab sasha’s death
when Zeke was imprisoned w him you were there too 
you blame yourself because Levi jumped in front of you when the thunder spear exploded 
you thought you lost him
you got minor injuries 
“Levi, you are so fucking stupid i’m gonna kill you!!” “You’re still as annoying as ever.” 
levi lets you know you’re strong and that he doesn’t regret almost dying for you (savor this bc he not letting this happen again)
you tend to his wounds :( 
hange tends to yours and Levi’s suspicious of y’all
overall you love being his sibling 10/10
good god no one even knows your related by the way he treats you omfg
“don’t talk to me, don’t embarrass me, don’t even look at me.”
he actually broke his own rules and talked to you first
“Jean, do you like Mikasa?” “Remember when you pissed your pants? Yeah. Shut up.” 
You joined the Scouts and ofc he joined to watch over you 
“I thought we agreed on the Garrison.” “YOU said that. Not me.” 
he thinks the scouts are pretty fun
“Do you like Sasha or something?” “JEAN THATS ENOUGH.” 
actually gets you and sasha to date <3
you tell connie embarrassing stories ab jean and he choked you 
you laugh so hard and cheer eren on when he fights jean 
jk we are a #jeanfanpage
when your mom visits you get all excited and jeans like “act normal” 
once the war of marley starts you cut your hair and jean lowkey shed a tear #mullettwins
he loves you sm and he made sure you were not in danger the whole time 
when you lost sasha you literally tackled gabi and jean was like :(
you ran to jean and sobbed in his chest while he had one arm around you </3
you call him captain
jean keeps you close and refuses to let you be close to danger <3
jeans a good brother ok:(
you basically bullied his ass  
you deeply care for your little nerd 
he’s actually older but wtv 
you’re the fighter and he’s the brains 
you two are literally a deadly duo 
like he plans the attacks and you execute them like YES
he can tell you like annie 
he’s actually so supportive 
one time you got onto him and he roasted you back so you tackled him
“armin, shut the fuck up.” “remember when you stuttered because-” *table goes flying*
levi gives you both laps like bro chill
you teach him how to fight 
you basically give up but he gets better 
when he died you died but he’s ok and alive now ig
now you can’t fight him cause he says he’ll blow you up :/ party pooper
jk when he’s asleep you and connie pour water on him
when annie’s out of that crystal and you found out he’s like !!GAY ALERT!!
when he got that haircut all the girls wanted him and no one paid attention to your sexy ass anymore
you protect armin with your life <3
“How are they taller, but you’re older, Armin?” “THATS NOT FUNNY JEAN!”
he lowkey is a goat and you just sit back and watch proudly 
now when armin gets stronger he defends you with his life
when eren sits you all down he said if you even move he kills armin
beat armin up and you lowkey got scared so you couldn’t defend armin 
swore to kill eren and he’s like “:| oh i’m so scared.”
eren said that you just defend armin and that was your whole point in life was to defend a “weakling” 
tried to beat erens ass but armins like “it’s ok leave it alone.”
you just love armin and hate to see him hurt 
armins an awesome brother <3 he promised to show you the outside world 
PLSSS pray that no one messes w you
he’s like those corny ass people that are like “mess with her, mess w me” 
reiner pls stop
its kinda cute tho like he cares sm :D
annie crushes on you and reiner is like :o
you can tell reiners like super depressed when y’all get back to marley 
gabi and you try and make him feel better 
you like to sit next to him and trace little shapes on his arm 
hey he’s a big scary man but he just needs to be loved 
protects you w his life
confessed that he also felt like giving up and you made sure to let him know that you loved him
you would have bake offs where you would purposely mess up your food just so he could win 
pieck has a thing for you and reiners like “GO FOR IT” 
when war on marley started he wanted to make sure you were ok :(
begged you not to fight but your titan was strong and they needed you 
you two were flawless out there <3
just pls let reiner know he is loved
be a good sibling ok he needs it
fucking god 
he’s like so annoying and he never wants you in his way
“MOVE” “eren that’s why your ass got beat”
you ofc join the scouts because of him
you’re in love w mika but she’s in love w him :(
when he becomes a titan you get picked on 
levi kicked you cause you jumped in front of eren cause levi was gonna kick him
eren got all mad like woah jamal don’t pull out the 9
you can tell he starts losing himself in all of this
at some point he says things are changing and you two won’t be the same
it upset you :( he was your only brother 
zeke wanted you on his side 
that’s why he tried taking you and eren
you put up fight and told him he would never take you
so eren just told zeke ab you and how smart you were
this made zeke more determined 
NOW levi didn’t let ts slide 
you lost all hope for eren and you became closer to levi and hange and stuff 
when the war of marley started eren looked so different you couldn’t even believe it was him
you were very upset at him you couldn’t even look at him
he stared in awe at you:( you looked just like your mom
all the years he was gone, he missed you a lot 
you stood in the corner looking down the whole time while he talked to you in the aircraft 
zeke was like :3 the whole time bro was just excited to meet his sibling 
you didn’t reply or anything :( it just hurt that he left out of nowhere 
then you found out sasha died and everything came crashing down 
when all the jeagerist stuff was happening you had to find a way to sneak around town 
flotch knew you would refuse to join so eren ordered him to forcefully bring you to him
when eren had y’all sit in at that table oh god nooooo
in a nutshell, he basically said he hated how you follow orders and was willing to die for the scouts. He said you deserved to be free and if you were against him, you were against your own blood.
he made you cry and armin was not having it 
he had you locked up and you literally wanted to cry and scream at him
overall 0/10 hes mean
bros just here to have fun 
you guys are twins 
but you’re cuter (duh)
he knows you have a crush on sasha 
you two make everything into a competition 
you two join the scouts :) 
he’s there to protect you but he just says he wants to beat you at everything 
never a dull moment
you sneak food out for Connie, Sasha and Jean. 
you two can’t be serious 
once the war starts Connie starts being more protective 
he won’t let you fight frontlines, he makes you tail behind him, Sasha or Jean so they can protect you
he’s excited to get some action but at the same time he doesn’t want you to get hurt 
you’re pretty strong so you carry multiple thunder spears 
connie distracts them while you bomb them
badass siblings
once sasha dies you and connie lose it
you lost your gf and connie lost his other twin
you two never really recover yk since she died in your arms and connie was telling everyone sasha was hurt
it was so bad you were putting pressure on her wound and crying and Connie was freaking out and Jean was in shock 
Connie was there for you and made sure you were ok
10/10 brother would recommend 
he’s really cool, as serious as he is
he makes you hanges assistant 
he knows you’re in love w hange that’s why
you still have to salute to him and shit like bro chill
levi thinks you’re pretty cool 
you’re like a mini erwin 
you’re so good at fighting and hanges all like *insert hange blushing*
erwin likes to just sit down and talk to you at night it’s like a little stress reliever 
you scold him for putting to much pressure on himself 
when they said erwin was to be executed you lost it bruh 
once he loses that arm you stay by his side 
you beg him to stay and not go out but he says he would die to find out the truth 
you send levi to convince him but ofc look where that got y’all
you’re so mad at levi for saving armin instead of erwin 
you genuinely thought erwin was gonna live 
but no it was just some short kid with a bad haircut
you lost yourself and just really hung around hange and levi 
10/10 brother you miss him a lot
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part two to this <33
your first week as Dottore's assistant was... interesting. interesting in the way that you'd never seen his lab before this, as the only people allowed inside were himself and the scarce few subordinates he trusted enough to not mess anything up, and interesting how Dottore's segments loved popping up out of nowhere and giving you a good fright.
you learned to listen for footsteps really well afterwards.
other than that, being Dottore's assistant wasn't exactly a joy. Pantalone had been reluctant to give you, one of his most level-headed agents, over to the mad doctor, and now you know why. Dottore was unpredictable and morbidly curious about the world's inner workings, and his segments often started bickering with each other, leaving you to run around trying to complete all the tasks they were supposed to do, not to mention that you're not exactly why you're here in the first place- Dottore hasn't said a word about the strange beast who hugged you in the hall, only making sure you're out of the lab by a certain time.
until one day he beckons you towards a door leading deeper into the lab with an ominous smile, opening the door a crack and shooing you inside, the words "He's calmer today." hissing out from underneath the bird beak-shaped mask. you hesitantly step inside, a deep sense of foreboding blooming in your chest.
then the door slams shut and your heart drops.
you know there's no point in begging Dottore to open the door- when he wants to test something, he'll see it to its conclusion no matter what- but when you hear a familiar growl you almost consider pleading anyways. instead you press your back against the wall, pulling out the small blade all Fatui agents are given even though your hands are shaking with fear. perhaps if you're quick and smart, you'll get out of here with only an arm or leg lost.
claws scrape on the floor as the monster approaches, familiar crimson mask and horns coming into view. but when its- his gaze settles on you, the angry growls from before immediately die into concerned trills, head lowering to your height. you watch, astonished, as the creature clicks affectionately to you, snuggling into your stomach, and you slowly lower your knife and allow it to drop to the ground. tentatively you begin petting the fluffy ginger hair before you, and the beast begins purring contentedly, much like the day you met him, now nuzzling into your lap and forcing you to slide to a sit. but you don't mind, and simply continue running your fingers through his thick coppery hair, a nervous smile twitching at the sides of your lips.
is... the monster crying?
the door suddenly swings open and you snap your head towards Dottore as the monster bristles and growls, leaping to your defense. the Harbinger simply chuckles and places a hand on your shoulder, wide grin showing razor-sharp teeth, and the creature balks, a fearful whimper slipping from his fanged maw as he obediently backs into the furthest corner, single eye trained on Dottore's hand. you hear more than see the Harbinger's smile when he speaks,
"Wonderful, the first experiment with Tartaglia was a complete success."
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blood-mocha-latte · 21 days
okay well you want to talk about loosier so i’m repeating the luztoye question i asked ages ago and asking what leckie and hoosier’s love languages are
genius. brilliant. showstopping. magnanimous. beautiful. standing ovations for all. arthur you genius. in no particular order,
words of affirmation
everything they say to each other is either on the brink of them fucking killing each other or they are bffs there's like no in between. prime examples being hoosier telling leckie to pick a number while looking at him with Eyes. insulting him happily when he gets back from the hospital and looking at him with Eyes. telling him to shut the fuck up with thee most annoyed tone i've ever heard with Eyes (angry edition)
acts of service
i think that they would kill someone for the other but they would not do anything less. i would die/kill for you, but never in one thousand years would i go and get you a glass of water like i'm sorry but survival of the fittest okay. the exception is when one of them is sick, which is then the silent agreement that the other gets What Ever they want because literally what if one of them dies and the last words they hear the other ever utter is 'get your own goddamn flu sachet'
physical touch
see my main thing with loosier is that i simply cannot make my mind up about this. i either feel like they'd be attached at the hip at all times or very much in a sort of personal space mindset. i think leckie'd be rather Unaccustomed to a lot of touch whilst hoosier could take or leave any sort of affectionate displays so they're kind of a hot mess. u know that part in legally blonde where jennifer coolidge bends down to pick up the pen and breaks that one guys nose. does that count as a love language because that's kind of what i'm thinking of here
quality time
i understand quality time being a popular love language i really really do but have we considered the individualistic bitches. the lovers the dreamers and me. they have the vibes of hanging out for 96 consecutive hours and then being like Okay. goodbye for the next week <33. sometimes people need time away from each other and i personally believe they could make it three straight days before both being like okay get out of here for like a day or i'm going to kill you WHY do you wear SHOES in the HOUSE. and other such silly lil arguments
receiving gifts
leckie is stronger than i am because if i threw a can of peaches at someone i care about and then immediately threw up said peaches and then my friends started calling me peaches i think i'd die. does that count as gift giving. i'm not sure
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
This might be a big ask but what characters do you think are dom/sub and top/bottom? If thats too long, just Brett, JR, Glenn. Thank you!
okie im gonna need,, a system,, okie okie okie,,
Brett Hand
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
mostly bc he struggles with being,, Confident and Dominant and In Charge smdnsmd. 
It just doesn’t suit him!! Not a fan!!
If he does try to dom, he’s definitely very Soft Dom territory - all cooing and praise, super affectionate and doting!! Maybe some light pinning of your wrists if he’s feeling particularly,, confident.
and even then by the time he’s cumming he’s probably gonna default back to being super submissive.
it’s just so nice not having to think. He can just be soft and safe in your arms, and know that you who can enjoy yourselves without him being put together. 
He can be all rambly and incoherent bc. he knows he’s safe!! He can be vulnerable with you he can be himself!! <333 twue wuv babey!!
I hold strong to the idea that he’s a vers bc not only would he be the Prettiest, Sweetest Bottom known to mankind but. I can just see him adoring getting his lights fucked out?
LIKE RAILING SOMEONE IS ONE THING, BUT BEING RAILED?? Whole different sensation. Completely different flavor of Brain Shutting Off, Nothing To Worry About to enjoy!! <33
Gigi Thompson
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
I was gonna say,, VV Dom but tbh?? I can see her letting herself unwinding a bit and letting smb else take care of her. She likes to treat herself <3
esp when she’s stressed and tired and just. everyone is pissing her off and she wants to be anyone else in the world but Gigi Thompson??
YEAH <333 those are especially the times where she just wants smb to fuck her brains out while she lays face-down in bed. Pure bliss nothing like it <3
But overall,, she’s gonna favor being dominant. she knows what she likes and she knows how to get it <3 and she knows how to make you feel perfect all the while!!
Vers, she loves both to death <3 all depends on her mood, not uncommon to,, switch halfway through and back again <3333
she gets them custom made to match her lingerie - clear and all these different glitters inside so it shines against the glow of her bedlamp <3333 the harnesses are covered in this super smooth silk <3 aaaa <33
She’s gonna have hold of your jaw, to make you’re you’re keeping eyecontact <3 whether shes giving or recieving - you’ll be able to feel the dig of her nails the whole time (stiletto, ofc)
Reagan Ridley
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
she much prefers to be in a,, dominant role vs submissive - gives her more room to maneuver + she’s usually the one initiating, so she can orient herself!! 
She’s very specific about what she does and doesn’t like, so it just makes things easier for her!!
that isn’t to say she’ll never enjoy some submissive stuff - every once in a blue moon it’s really nice to just,,, lay back and let someone do the work.
usually with oral she’ll get more submissive, bc it feels ‘safer’?? She doesn’t have to worry about really unexpected touches or sensations. It’s super straightforward so she can,, just let her brain shut off <3333
But also. Oral is super imprecise so it isn’t usually her go-to
Mostly bc she doesn’t have the stamina to top. Pegging is fun but she doesn’t have the core strength to keep that up for long 
Glenn Dolphman
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
again we aren’t surprised but ALSO,,,, THERES A LOTTA FUN HERE <333
he manhandles like nobody else. It’s like a goddamn tilt-a-whirl with how often he’s gonna be flipping you over, moving your legs, pinning you, etc. You’re gonna feel like a rodeo clown. <333 IF YOU LIKE IT ROUGH THEN HE’S ABSOLUTELY YOUR MAN
AND THE TEETH <333 look at that absolute maw,, he has such a thing for leaving marks!! If you ask he will,, gladly put those chompers to use.
JUST <333 he always gets this amazing Grimace where he bares his teeth when he’s close and. his teeth get so shimmery 
he. does have a bad back though and several other injuries from several things (deployment, surgery, misc injuries he ignored and they’ve just,, got worse) so,,,, riding him will probably be the best for this knees!!
DON’T TELL HIM YOU WANT TO RIDE HIM TO MAKE SURE HE ISN’T IN PAIN THO, HE’LL GET SO HUFFY. He’s too prideful and stubborn for his own good.
Andre Lee
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
with,, the SLIGHTEST lean towards sub - just because he’s a lot more used to it!! 
When he goes to orgies he loves to just,, bend himself over the nearest couch and wait. Tried and true method, never fails smmnmdsnds.
MSNDSMD HE’S ALSO VV EXPERIMENTAL!! He’ll try (almost) anything once - he lives by the idea of Don’t Knock It Till You Try It.
(granted he’s tried almost everything. but. shush.)
he’s just got this Vibe about him of pure excitement and shameless enjoyment.
like whyyyy should sex be so serious,, this isn’t a funeral,, please he wants both of you to be happy and giggly and feeling good!!
So whether he’s dom or sub, he’s gonna be keeping that vibe!! 
Sex with Andre just has this. super Light feeling. Like afterwards you feel all floaty bc you’ve basically spent the last 3 hours,, laughing and cumming. 10/10 he’s the perfect man.
like some ppl are shy about sex, worried what ppl will think of their sounds, etc, NOPE NOT ANDRE LEE BABY
He has no problem telling you exactly how good you’re making him feel. In as much detail as his brain will allow him, the most dazed smile plastered on his face <333
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
YEAH NO BEING SUBMISSIVE IS VERY HARD FOR HIM. He likes having a lot of control - being submissive takes,, some vulnerability so it’s. not ideal.
Having so many tentacles <33 just,, come on, being a top fits so naturally!!!
I have thought very hard about the logistics of how he would bottom and what I’ve come up with is either,
So do with that what you will MSNDMSND
OVERALL THO??? JUST,, THE MOST FILTHY DIRTY TALK. He’s absolutely shameless. Andre’s rambling turned up to 11. He’ll comment on your thoughts, his thoughts, any little details to get you even more fucked-out and eager <33
Idk why I imagine him being pretty rough?? Like wrapping his tentacles super tight around your hands, wrists, thighs, etc. Tight like a tourniquet, as he holds you up against the nearest surface <333
LIKE TEASE AND DENIAL IS ABSOLUTELY HIS JAM. So many tentacles <3 so many fun sensations to play with. 
Jr Scheimpough
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
THE MOST SUBBY BOTTOM TO EVER BOTTOM. we already knew this but COME ONNNN <33333
He may rival Brett in that regard smdnsdm I’m unsure.
he will top,, sometimes,, but that submissiveness never goes away <33 he’ll be begging and apologizing the whole time.
NO IM NEVER GIVING UP ON THE,, ‘JR apology kink’ train. It lives in the walls of my brain. I don’t even know if there’s a specific word for it but this man has such a thing for Apologizing and Begging Forgiveness. Half of his work is groveling. He throws himself on his knees at the slightest provocation. I am a JR Apology Kink Truther.
I would go Full Bottom but,, I feel like he does likes topping, he just lacks the energy most of the time.
He’s always so stressed and exhausted from working around whatever the last disaster was, that most of the time he just wants to get his brains turned to jelly. and not have to do anything. Greedy bastard <3
vv sub - sub - switch - dom - vv dom
vv bottom - bottom - vers - top - vv top
YANNOW,, I was gonna go vv dom but. I feel like you could get this man submissive
His preference for being dom + top is mostly due to
This bitch loves being in a role with power,, having ‘control’ over smth or someone,,,,, it fulfills the same biological niche that Ruling Over The World would occupy MSNDMSND
Oh No Vulnerability Is Terrifying (tm)
If you know what buttons to push, this man will be as pliable as tinfoil for you <3
Praise and/or Overstimulation are the fastest avenues, but there’s plenty of room for experimentation with him!! He’s,, almost always up for a challenge, and he loves seeing how far he can be pushed.
MWA OK I THINK THATS ALL OF EM <333 this was very fun, please lmk if you had something else in mind!!!
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 5 months
32. Who's so affectionate they can't stop touching the other?
33. What is their wedding day like?
34. How do they cheer the other one up during sad times?
for Korvira
32. Definitely Korra. She tries not to do it much in public, because she knows Kuvira isn’t a big fan of PDA. But she takes any opportunity she can get to steal a quick kiss, or touch her/hold her hand. And once they’re alone she’s not shy about touching Kuvira. Which Kuvira doesn’t mind lol.
33. Honestly, I always headcanon them as eloping in private. Whether it’s in a canon setting or a modern AU. They’re both just private people, and neither of them really want a huge wedding. Though they hold a celebration for their family and friends later.
34. Kuvira can be a bit defensive when she’s feeling down. She’s not used to opening up, and will shut down completely if she feels pressured to talk. But Korra’s learned how to get past her defenses. Usually it involves a lot of patience and offerings of Kuvira’s favorite snacks/drinks/books. Eventually Kuvira will feel comfortable enough to seek out Korra and talk.
Korra is the opposite. She’s never been afraid to openly vent her emotions, which has gotten her in trouble in the past a lot. Kuvira usually just listens quietly and lets her vent. Once Korra has said everything she needs to, Kuvira will offer to cuddle with her and let her cry in her arms.
Thanks for the ask!
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metalheadmickey · 1 year
thanks for kicking off another tag game tuesday @celestialmickey !! also tagged by @mishervellous @energievie @gardenerian and @ardent-fox !! thank you, friends!
name: jessie 🎃
age: 33
what country do you live in? the united states 🙄
how many blogs do you have? 3
how many blogs do you follow? 281. i try to go through and unfollow blogs that have been inactive for a long time, especially spn blogs, but i haven't checked in a minute.
are you a hugger? yeah, i love hugging my people. i'm a really physically affectionate person when it comes to my friends.
summer or winter? summer ☀️
coffee, tea, soda, or something else? coffee ☕🤎
something about you that might surprise people: i used to draw. like, constantly. i haven't in years. i don't think i've ever mentioned that here before.
if you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be? i'd get work done on my half sleeve situation. i've been giving the artist free reign, with some suggestions from me.
would you consider yourself a private person or an open book? i think i'm pretty private about some stuff, but with some people i can't shut the fuck up and i overshare.
do you believe in soulmates? i like what mel said about this, that the choices we make lead us to the right people. i'm really happy about the choices i've made 💜
would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? i believe i am an ambivert who leans introvert.
tell me something good that happened to you recently: i just got an email saying my wedding dress is now a few stops away from my house and should be delivered in a few minutes 👀
and finally, say something nice to yourself: despite what your brain may tell you sometimes, you're not annoying and you're a very sweet person who your friends enjoy being around.
tagging @howlinchickhowl @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @whatwouldmickeydo @iansfreckles @thisdivorce @squidyyy23 @sleepyfacetoughguy @crossmydna @lalazeewrites @suzy-queued if you guys are up for it 🖤
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kiyoomology · 2 years
something with alphonso + kisses,, i just love him so much ++ your writing is soso good <33
kisses ☆ alphonso hargreeves
Tumblr media
genre: fluff warnings: none besides i kinda strayed from the request, i hope you still like it :) summary: you and alphonso talk about all the kisses you’ve shared over the years. notes: flower anon you’re so sweet!! thank you so so much for the compliment, i hope you enjoy!! <3
a small laugh bubbled out of your throat as alphonso danced in the center of his bedroom, surprisingly decent at the action considering he was trying to be bad at it.
“maybe you should quit the superhero biz. become a dancer.” you teased, smiling brightly as he gave you a mock look of disgust.
“yeah, right. scoot over.” he said, and you shifted so that he could lie next to you on the bed.
your head fell onto his shoulder, mumbling the words to the song that was pouring from his record player. his hand laced with yours, and you gently ran your thumb over the back of his hand.
“do you remember our first kiss?” you asked suddenly, looking up at alphonso to see him looking at you already.
“unfortunately, i do. please don’t remind me.” he replied, standing up to change the vinyl that was playing.
“why d’ya say that? it was cute!” you protested, giggling when he turned to face you with an utterly baffled expression.
“cute? you were dangling out of my window trying to sneak out, and i kissed your chin before i kissed your lips!” he exclaimed, sending you both into a fit of laughter at his recollection.
“it was sweet! you’re just embarrassed.” you huffed, lying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling.
your brow furrowed as you noticed a handful of polaroids stuck to the ceiling, the images too hard to make out from the distance you were at.
“what are those polaroids on your ceiling of?” you asked, head lolling to the side to look at alphonso.
“you and me.” he replied, hands still flicking through his vinyl collection. you got your feet to try and see the pictures better, a soft gasp slipping from your lips as you focused on one of the pictures.
“oh my god, alphonso hargreeves, is that a picture of us kissing?” you practically shrieked, making alphonso laugh heartily.
“it’s sweet, you’re just embarrassed.” he quoted you from earlier, motioning for you to get off of his bed. you slid off of the furniture, into his arms. he had finally settled on a vinyl, angel eyes by abba filling the room.
“care to dance?” he asked in a faux deep voice, making you roll your eyes as you accepted the hand he held out to you.
he led you to the spot he had been dancing in moments before, one hand finding purchase on your waist while the other held your hand.
“if you didn’t like our first kiss, what was your favorite?” you asked softly, lips turning up into a smile when you saw his eyes sparkle affectionately.
“when i finally finished healing from the scars on my face and you kissed the skin for hours. i remember feeling so loved.” he answered honestly, voice becoming thick at the memory. “it meant a lot to me.”
out of instinct, you pressed your lips to his injured cheek, feeling him smile under your lips.
“what about you?” alphonso asked when you pulled away, and you took a moment to stare at his face.
hundreds of memories played in your brain, kisses from the years that you and alphonso and you had shared together. how could you choose one?
“maybe this one.” you said, watching as his brows furrowed. you moved both of your hands to rest on his shoulders, gently leaning into him for a kiss. his hands went to settle on your cheeks, pulling you closer to his chest.
you pulled away with a breathless laugh, the giddy expression on your face mirroring alphonso’s. your eyes fluttered shut as you kissed him again, and again, and again.
angel eyes was slowly coming to a close, but you and alphonso were too enamored with each other to notice.
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mybook1 · 2 years
Fate is a funny thing, both cruel and bittersweet. What you don’t want, usually ends up being what’s best for you. With each good thing, bad things arise. But with each bad thing, good prospers. Friends leave, people die, things happen; but what’s important is who you become through these things. And this, is exactly, what one must learn to succeed.
Legacy <3
It was a cool fall day with a gentle breeze; the most perfect weather welcoming something in its midst.
Legacy Caddel stretched, turning off her 7 AM alarm for school. Her usually perfectly styled wolf cut was now extremely fluffy and flying in every direction. The brown tips barely touching her shoulders, while the rest of her hair was light blonde. As she opened her hazel eyes, she was met by a scary alien. Her mother.
‘’Ready for school today, Legacy?’’ Her mom laughed dryly, gesturing to her bed head.
‘’Never.’’ She grumbled in return. ‘’I’m too tired to Thursday.’’
‘’Too tired to Thursday? I don’t think I’ve heard that one.’’ Her mom laughs, continuing. ‘’Well, what if you invite your little friend group over tonight? Eden’s mom and I were trying to plan something for ya’ll anyways!’’
‘’Wait- Really?’’ Legacy asks in excitement, suddenly caught in surprise.
‘’Of course, sweetheart. Now, GO GET READY YOU DIRTY RAT!’’
‘’Thanks, Mom.’’
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
‘’Hey, L’s!’’ Bria yells excitedly, throwing her arms around Legacy with affectionate force. Bria had deep brown eyes, Honey-brown coily hair that reached to her shoulders, and tan skin with darker undertones.
‘’Good morning, B.’’ Legacy yawns, replying sleepily. Turning to Eden and her other friends, she nodded and said good morning.
‘’Good morning, Legacy! You look super tired.’’ Xander laughed, worrying for her a bit. His gray eyes and long dirty blonde hair made him stand out, while his shyer personality didn’t.
‘’I am.’’ She grumbled.
‘’Classic L’s.’’ Jordan added in, tucking his longer black hair behind his ear; His Korean mullet styled down with gel.
‘’Mornin.’’ MJ mumbled quietly, as he usually did to try and act cold. In reality, he was just a softie. MJ had dark green eyes, tan skin, and long, fluffy brown hair. His bangs seemed to give him a somewhat-fringe hairstyle, complimenting his blonde highlights well.
‘’Stop being so dry, MJ. I already know you love me.’’ She winked, causing him to blush hysterically.
‘’Shut up.’’
‘’Hey, Eden.’’ Legacy nodded again.
‘’Hello, Legacy. Do you think something is going to happen today? I can just feel it..with the feelings I sord’ve have.’’ Eden stated blankly, laughing softly. Eden had straight black hair that reached her shoulders delicately, bright hazel eyes, and thick eyelashes.
‘’Yeah, I’m sure everything is fine.’’ Zena added in, propping herself off the locker she was leaning against. ‘’After all, I’m here so today’s going to be awesome.’’
‘’You’re such a narcissist, y’know that?’’ MJ quipped.
‘’Well, who wouldn’t be if they had cool purple highlights in their hair, played the electric guitar, and did multiple sports?’’ Zena smiled smugly.
‘’Oh, humble yourself, Z.’’ Bria teased, shooting Zena a playful smirk.
‘’Fine, Fine. I’m just saying It’s not my fault everyone’s in love with me.’’
‘’We’re not.’’ All of them chimed in disagreement.
‘’Tough crowd.’’ She muttered, as all of them laughed at her attitude.
Bria <33
Bria was an energetic character. She always felt the urge to play with a pencil or item of some sort. And because of this, He was annoyed.
‘’Can you please stop?’’ A voice behind her demands. Turning her head to put a face to the voice, she smirks.
‘’It’s nice to see you too, Andre.’’
‘’The pencil tapping. It’s annoying.’’
‘’I guess it is kinda annoying, Huh?’’ Bria smiles, deciding to aggravate him further. Being next-door neighbors, their whole lives, really didn’t help them much with their constant bickering.
‘’Nevermind.’’ He grunts, turning the other direction to try and block her out of his line of site.
‘’Aww, is someone mad-‘’
‘’Bria Dempsey, Stop talking!’’ The teacher cut her off, frowning deeply.
And with that last statement, she went back to her work. After a little while, she began to steal glances at Andre. Deep down, she knew she liked him, but to her she always seemed to mess things up.
As she zoned off in his direction, she began to admire his features some. Andre had fluffy black hair that reached his ears, and his bangs went down his forehead a great bit. His eyes were bright green, contrasting well with his darker skin tone. He was pretty lean and toned, probably because of him being captain of the football team.
Bria’s eyes traveled down to his lips, which were parted in a relaxed state.
‘’STOP LOOKING AT HIM!’’ She screamed to herself internally. Before she could look away, Andre caught her stare and smirked without sparing another glance.
‘’Geez girl, how long did you stare at him?!’’ Legacy asked, concerned for her hopeless romantic best friend.
‘’Too long.’’ Bria wailed fakely.
‘’You idiot.’’ MJ laughed, bending over and slapping his knees hysterically. After getting up, he wiped the tears from his face and continued,’’ You’re not smooth at all!’’
‘’Thanks. Real confidence booster, MJ.’’
‘’De nada.’’ He nodded, laughing more.
‘’I still don’t understand Spanish or whatever language that was in.’’ Added Xander, looking confused.
‘’It means ‘you’re welcome’ basically. It’s in Spanish.’’ Jordan commented smartly, like he always did.
‘’I feel like every time I talk to one of ya’ll, I lose more brain cells.’’ Zena joked
‘’Mhm. You can’t lose something that was never there, darling.’’ MJ hummed happily.
‘’Guys.’’ Legacy said out of nowhere, whispering. ‘’Run to my house. Now.’’
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