#the simplest asks
anchoeritic · 2 years
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salty-an-disco · 4 months
Concept: While Quiet remains stagnant across the chapters, Hero (the voice) always changes slightly to match the princess they're facing. Not necessarily the voice we get in the chapter, specifically the princess.
He gets more draconic in Adversary's chapter, more 'princely' in Damsel's chapter, more ghostly in Spectre's, and etc etc. Kinda as a way to show visually how malluable his character is, and to parallel the princess/Shifty herself, since I headcanon him as being the closest to Shifting Mound's nature.
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cordelia-street · 11 months
sooooo on spotify
can't see the lyrics
can't play my playlist because of smart shuffle I'm being forced (???????) into listening songs I don't like because
we can only skip 6 songs per hour
can't go back to listen to a song
can't listen to just a specific part of a song (have to listen to the entire thing)
@spotify anything else???
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genericpuff · 6 months
Uh weird question: Can someone who's from a community that hasn't been oppressed write a character that's from opressed community as long as it's well written? Like for example, a straight guy writing a lesbian couple or a white person writing POC characters.
If they couldn't then we'd have a lot less media out in the world LOL Need I remind y'all that I am a non-Greek person writing and drawing a retelling of a comic that's based on Greek myth ;p So all that said, the following is my opinion as a writer and someone who fits into certain minority groups, but bear in mind that I myself am someone who isn't part of a specific group writing about that group.
I see your question and I raise you a hypothetical. Which would you rather be - a writer who actually challenges themselves and engages with other topics and perspectives for the sake of telling a good story, or a writer who only exclusively writes about things limited by their own perspective and experiences?
Sorry if that's a bit of snark for the day, I understand that people get worried when it comes to writing about other groups that they don't "fit into", but there's a point where you can get so paranoid and over-correct too far that you don't actually branch out and that's how you wind up trapped in an echo chamber (or at the very least, trapped in a cycle of writing about the same stuff constantly lol) which can ironically lead to becoming more ignorant and offensive than if you had simply genuinely tried in the first place and maybe fumbled in a few areas. And white heterocis people aren't the only ones who are at risk of trapping themselves in those chambers, it can happen to anyone who's not willing to branch out. Making mistakes in and of itself is not the end of the world, you just have to be willing to learn.
Part of a very necessary process of writing is consuming content written by and for other people so that you can gain a sense of perspective, understanding, and empathy for others that don't live the same lives as you. Not doing those things out of fear of offending people is how you cause the opposite effect - trapping yourself in a bubble of misinformation because you never bothered to look outside of your own comfort zone and thought it was 'safer' to just keep reading and writing content that could only apply to you. Really all that accomplishes is narrowing your world view and stunting your writing capabilities.
The biggest thing you can do to write characters that don't align with yourself is just doing your research, being open to critique and feedback from the groups you're depicting (best way to write about a character who is not yourself is to ask for feedback from a person who IS reflected in that character!), and not writing from assumptions (as a lot of assumptions are rooted in stereotypes / prejudice / racism / etc.) There are loads of people from communities in need of representation who are willing to offer their help and feedback, don't be afraid to put out feelers for that sort of thing, it's why beta-readers are still so essential for a lot of writers.
And it also depends what your writing is trying to achieve. Are you actually trying to represent these groups, or are you just writing a character who you think is neat who happens to be from a specific group? What messages are you trying to send, what point are you trying to make, what do you want the reader to walk away with? Keep in mind that it's just as important to have characters who simply exist and aren't white/heterocis/etc. as it is to have characters who are fulfilling certain representations for the sake of sending a message / making a point. Because oppression comes in a variety of forms and not every single one will necessarily be as much a hurdle as the last; and just like not expanding your worldview through challenging yourself with new topics, it can be just as harmful to reduce people's identities to just a label and assuming that once they have that label they have to fulfill a specific 'role' within a story (that's how you end up with the "token black guy" tropes) or that if you don't share that same label, that means it's completely off-limits for you to depict in your writing or that they have to be depicted the exact same way every single time. People are not tags on AO3. People are what you're trying to write about. Don't restrict yourself by the labels.
Anyways, this turned into a big post, but yeah, just be willing to look for and listen to feedback, and remember that you're (I'm assuming) someone who's at the beginning of their journey, there's not as much pressure on you as you think there is. As much as I talk shit about people like Rachel front left and center here for all of her problems with representation, it's only because Rachel is someone who's taking credit for representation that just isn't there (or tries to be there and sucks immensely because it comes across as horribly misinformed and almost boomer-like). And then you've got the Cait Corrains and James Somertons of the world, people who literally try and silence the voices of those who belong to the groups they're claiming to be a part of (or aren't, in Cait's case with her review-bombing POC work) all for the sake of their ego. Cait Corrain and James Somerton don't actually care about 'representation', they just want to be the center of attention within the discussion and given all the credit for being progressive, even if it means literally stealing from or abusing the people who are on the same side as them.
All that said, I know I get intense here with how I discuss stories like LO and how they handle 'representation', but I don't ever want to give anyone the impression that they're not allowed to write about groups that they don't fit into or that the answer is "only write from your own perspective ever" because that's just not productive and will, if anything, have the opposite effect to what you're trying to achieve. Representation is complicated and oftentimes more nuanced than people give it credit for. Most average every day writers aren't getting in trouble just for writing characters outside of their demographic, even when they make the odd mistake or miss something in their research; the people who get in trouble are the ones who do it to an incredibly offensive degree and then double down when they get called out on it. Those are the scenarios that wind up being the loudest / most explosive and give budding writers the impression that they shouldn't try writing anything outside of their worldview ever but that's not the conclusion you should be coming to. Just be respectful and put in the effort like you would any other character, and don't use your character writing as an excuse to put yourself above voices from those groups. Be sincere, be humble, and always be willing to learn more.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
What do you think yandere Scara and/or Wanderer's opinion on making out with his darling would be? Would he see the situation as "NoOoOo I must keep my love pUrEeEeEeEe!!!" Or right off the bat would not care and just go for it?
according to his voice line on the tsaritsa, he thinks love is a sin, so imo, purity would never be what he aims for. he'll gladly embrace himself in the muck and mire if it means dirtying you in the process. scara and wanderer would both have somewhat different philosophies
scaramouche sees it as an act of dominance, a way to enforce his will over yours. it’s rough, a clashing of teeth and tongue, unrefined yet immensely pleasurable for him. he’ll try to act indifferent, like this base expression of carnal desire is below him. the urgency in how he bites on your lower lip and growls when you try to pull back gives him away though. he relishes in the disarray of your hair, the bruising of your lips, how your frail mortal form heaves to refill your lungs with oxygen. he thinks you’re oh so cute and he’ll be sure to tell you, ensuring to use that coy voice of his you loathe so deeply. he kisses you like he’s trying to make a point. whether it’s to you or himself, you’ll never know for certain. what you do know is that it’d be nice if he learned to keep his tongue to himself. he tends to get a little eager and forget that you do, in fact, need to breathe. hmph. such petulance on your part. 
wanderer wants to imprint his existence so deep into yours that not even tampering with the divine tapestry of history could let you forget him. he wants to remember it as well, every last detail down to the most seemingly inane. for this reason, he’s slower, ravishing your lips with intention that draws the session out longer than his former self would’ve permitted. kissing is a vulnerable act — he recognizes this and embraces it. for if he is vulnerable, then that must mean you have to be as well. he keeps his eyes open throughout most of the act, which is rather creepy, but he can’t waste the opportunity to see you up this close. it’s intimate in a way few other acts are. 
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listen okay Rasputin has lots of plans other than violence he has a whole toolbox of problem-solving strategies it's just that maybe tools one through three are "orbital strike" and four is "get someone else to do it"
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laurfilijames · 6 months
I didn't write 18,000+ words for you to leave me zero.
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lokh · 2 months
fastest way to piss me off is to try and add something to a task im in the middle of doing because 'youre already doing it so this shouldnt be extra work tee hee' THATS NOT HOW THIS WORKS
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foursaints · 4 months
saints my love answer ur inbox or i will bomb ur house
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sciderman · 9 months
okay so like assuming the budget cuts are somewhat canon, and assuming Peter is Anita's boy toy because of the fanfic, is Wade anything to Olive? Do they have anything established between them? Or has Wade not officially met Olive yet, is he going too?
hooh. hoooh. do i already have a playlist for this too? oh you betcha
wade hasn't officially met olive yet, but we kind of get an inkling to how wade would probably react to olive, just in how wade reacts whenever peter does present more femme.
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wade's starving for olive. he's so, so... SO... just. be-yoing. cartoon boner sounds abound. wade's brain cannot function around him. his blood's just too busy flowing in the southernly direction.
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i think olive delights in actually having the upper-hand in this dynamic. wade gets stupid. like. legitimately stupid when he's around olive. verbal diarrhoea. jaw stupidly agape. wolf sounds. salivating like pavlov's dog at dinner time.
yeah. yeah.
i'm kind of obsessed with peter and olive treated as two entirely separate identities, in the same way wade and anita are - so when peter goes on a date with anita - peter deals with anita as though she's an entirely different person to wade - and wade consents to that relationship, as though it were a polyamorous sort of a deal. peter's out on a date with anita tonight, and wade just has to wait at home for peter to come back, and he'll ask him how it went. it's just - it's cute. and similarly, wade and olive have an act going where wade has no idea it's peter. even though there's no mask and no arrangement or agreement between them - wade commits to the bit immediately on impact with olive, and honest to god, you'd believe it's genuine. he can't put two and two together – olive's so different from peter, there's no way they're the same person.
i think the hilarious thing is wade and olive's dynamic vs peter and anita's - god. peter is so, so respectful of anita - they take ages to get past first base, because peter's so sweet, and cautious, and also so respectful over wade's emotions, because - because he doesn't want to betray wade. spoilers for a peter/anita follow-up fic that i might finish. one day.
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wade is no such gentleman. he cheats on peter immediately. peter ceases to exist when olive is around. peter? who's peter? i don't think olive cares all too much. and peter legitimately is none the wiser. while wade's aware of anita and introduces peter to her - peter genuinely has no idea about olive's existence. peter is getting cucked by olive and he doesn't know about it. please, please don't tell him.
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tayloralisonswift · 2 months
i understand that it’s easy to get caught up in the coincidences. last year i fell into it for a bit and i don’t judge anyone for that because if you’re in a vulnerable place, a fandom conspiracy theory can seem like a safe community and a place where you have meaning.
but ultimately, in order to be a late stage kaylor, there are things you have to believe that on paper do not seem remotely realistic. you have to believe that taylor’s friends were forced to like tweets about karlie betraying taylor, then karlie was forced to go on scooter braun’s yacht and forced to post on instagram about it. and you have to believe that taylor is secretly a mother, but she was forced to write about hating karlie’s baby on evermore. and you have to believe that taylor made the pr choice to date matty, like that has to be fake and for some reason tree thought that would be good for taylor’s image. and you have to contend with karlie fake converting to judaism (not a simple task) and taylor joking about it by naming her cat benjamin, which objectively would be an awful thing to do. then there’s all the numbers; you have to believe that everything taylor does is about karlie’s birthday or her birth month instead of the numbers just being an interesting coincidence, because coincidences exist.
idk, there’s a difference between being vulnerable and trapped in a conspiracy theory and being an influential person, an adult, who is actively encouraging conspiracy theory behavior
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kociamieta · 8 months
Oh I do have a question about your rain world oc's !!! I've been staring at the colour pallets of your lil guys (for no specific reason) and their lovely and I'm a bit curious about how you pick colours for your oc's? Do you just go by heart or do you think about it for fifty years or?
Hope you don't mind a more non-lore question ^-^!!
im afraid i mostly go by heart here, and i will keep changing how they look until i’m finally happy with it (hence why SDA’s clothes keep changing color). and since i’m often too lazy to look at their refs the colors aren’t really consistent - BROS is Blue and purple in my head but the exact shades will vary. TFB is a yellow-green with reddish brown ……Unless….? and so on. I love inconsistency for real
basically… assign them 2-3 colors and keep messing with that forever
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wendigoblinsblog · 6 months
Should I start watching Doctor Who?
Doctor Who is one of, if not my all-time favorite TV shows. It has a lot, and I mean a lot, of depth into its lore, and sometimes it just breaks its own Canon for fun. The only things I have to say are:
1. Be prepared for silly little alien shenanigans
2. Be prepared for the most soul crushing angst you will ever witness
3. Trust me dude, just don't get attached to like... any of the characters
4. You're going to be in this fandom for a long while if you do get hyperfixated, so you might as well get comfortable
5. If you are planning to watch Classic Who, watch it first
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iraprince · 1 year
Hi Ira! If I remember right, you mentioned that you bought an arm mount for your tablet for use at your desk. Do you have any recommendations? I'm trying to get a "dream office" list together and honestly my neck would appreciate a break from all the shrimping I do while I draw. Have a lovely day! 💜
i can definitely recommend the one i use, because i love it and have had no problems with it, but as a heads up i've never used any other arm mounts before so i can't give any accurate insight on whether it's better/worse than others!
that being said, i'm using a gas spring mount, and especially if you have or intend to get a large/heavy screen tablet, i really recommend it. the way the gas spring arm works is basically when setting it up you can adjust the amount of like, pneumatic force/resistance offered by the central support of the arm to be exactly matched to the weight of the tablet monitor (this sounds technical but is really easy, u just follow the instructions in the setup manual), and then basically the tablet will just Stay wherever you move it -- barely requires u to apply any force at all, and no fiddling with loosening and tightening a bunch of knobs whenever you want to make an adjustment, which has been the experience i've had with cheaper arm mounts for stuff like microphones etc!!! i'm sure there are non-gas-spring mounts that are somewhat easily adjustable, but my experience with the gas spring one so far has been that it's SO easy that i don't even have to think about it. i move mine a lot so i can sit different ways, angle the tablet surface based on the level of detail i'm working at, etc and it's also really nice to be able to just swing it completely out of the way and tuck the tablet away to the side when i'm done drawing digitally and want to free up my desk; if the arm was sticky or rigid or required Any extra steps to readjust stuff i think i would get annoyed really fast.
(if my office was not such a fucking disaster rn i would take some pics so you could see how i have it set up and some of the ways i can move it around. unfortunately it is a fucking disaster. maybe i'll get a chance sometime and i'll loop back to this!!)
it also feels really sturdy, there's an extremely tiny bit of wobble when i'm drawing bc i have a tendency to push really hard sometimes and that made me a little nervous on the first day but i don't even notice it now (and the wobble seems to just be from general/necessary flex in the arm overall, not a certain joint or component of the clamp being loose or lacking integrity). i would definitely recommend looking at reviews and carefully picking something solid; u will make urself miserable if you're not confident that your arm can Hold your very expensive and precious tablet, or if the clamp is wobbling on your desk or whatever. also, MEASURE THE SIDE OF YOUR DESK and try to find dimension info to make sure the clamp on whatever arm you're getting will actually fit!! i have a weird desk that has a kind of thick inset bit on the underside/edges, and a lot of standard clamps do not fit over it; i was lucky enough that the one that came with my tablet was adjustable enough to fit, but it would really suck to order an arm and then find out it's incompatible with your desk.
i can't seem to find a listing for the exact mount i use -- sticker on the side says huanuo. i got it bundled with my huion when i bought it, so here's just a link to a similar bundle; it looks a little different than the one i got, but this amazon listing for a gas spring mount from the same brand looks the same, so i think i just got a version that doesn't have the cable management loops on the bottom.
ANYWAY that's about all i can think to say -- like i said, this is the only arm mount i've ever used, so if anyone else wants to chime in with info or experiences abt other varieties that would be great!! i hope this is helpful, gl getting your dream office together :D
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mayuurx · 5 months
What are absurdist and nihilist like with each other?
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Nihilism reacts to Absurdism the same way it reacts to literally anything. "Get in the hole." Funny blackhole creature literally only cares about one thing. Endless mukbang.
I think Nihilism is very apathetic about most things/others. The hole is likely neutral to all of them more or less.
Absurdism gets along very well with most other philosophies (cough unless your name is something like Dogmatis-). Easy going guy. Fun to be around. When asked to get in the hole, perish, or void simply politely refuse.
Disappointed hole noises but it will respect that. Maybe one day they'll see its point.
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