#the sir wip is just that
ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
I need to write more with reader getting drunk and then diddled. It’s one of my favorites... How heart-breaking. You just wanted to have a good time and now you’re someone’s basement wife 😞 The best part is really the moment when it catches up to you and you realize what’s happening - the regret, the fear. Oh, if only you hadn’t...
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siracethegreat · 11 days
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Sleepiest guy ever doesn’t ever sleep smh (wip)
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sunbudc · 2 years
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[ID: A monochrome black-and-white three-panel comic depicting Sir Crocodile and Emporio Ivankov from Shōnen Jump series One Piece by Eiichirō Oda.
Sir Crocodile holds a cigar and looks offscreen to the left, presumably at Emporio Ivankov, with an annoyed expression. Then, he says, "What, is it not enough you know not only I had a kid with Dragon, but that brat happens to be Luffy?"
A close-up of Emporio Ivankov. They are nervous with wide saucer-like eyes, pursed lips, and visibly sweating. They say, "...".
A similar close-up of Ivankov, now with an additional text on the bottom right saying "didn't know" while an arrow is drawn to them. Their mouth is open as if to speak, but they only say, ".....". End ID.]
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redactedcrowart · 5 months
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tablet broke
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mkstrigidae · 2 months
APWH preview snippet!
Since I'm actively trying to work on getting the next few chapters out, I thought I'd share a little future scene with some hints of Jonsa with all you lovely people! This bit is from like, a few chapters in the future bc it's the in-between that's giving me fits right now :) (Fair warning: this is unedited and subject to change! That being said, it's such a fun scene that I can't imagine ever nixing it :D)
“Does he even know that they have to avoid the press?”
“For the last time-“ Sam sighed, sounding completely exasperated, “Dickon knows what they can and can’t do- he’s got enough practice not being photographed from when our dad was the secretary. Not to mention spending time around you when that exposé on your crazy grandfather came out two years ago.”
“I just-“ Jon sighed, blowing a stray curl out of his face. “You didn’t see how freaked out she was when the press caught us at that performance in White Harbor. I thought she was going to have a full-blown panic attack.”
He was immediately derailed by Gilly plopping little Sam down in his lap and shoving a bottle into his hands.
“What’s this all about?” he raised a brow, adjusting the baby on his lap, allowing him to latch onto the cuff of his flannel shirt and start gnawing at the fabric. “You going somewhere?”
Gilly shot him a withering look, but he saw the amusement in her eyes.
“I-“ she gestured, imperiously, “Have not had time by myself to shower all week-“
“Sorry, love.” Sam winced, looking up from his pile of paperwork. “I can take a break from these-“
“Not your fault, Sam.” she waved him off. “You warned me about this conference at the beginning of the summer.” a grin played at the corners of her mouth. “Besides, it works out well- Jon needs a distraction right now from the fact that Sansa’s on a date with your extremely hot and conventionally attractive brother.”
“Hey!” Sam looked wounded, and Gilly rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“You know you’re my favorite Tarly.” she wrinkled her nose. “How long have you been working on this presentation? You smell like the baby spit up on you.”
“Guess I’m next in line for showers.” Sam said, mournfully. “Unless-“
“Nope- I need my own time right now, Samwell. Did you even hear what I said about why Jon’s bent out of shape?”
Jon had known Gilly since Sam and she had met up north while the two of them were in college. Sometimes, it was hard to reconcile the timid, scared girl she had been with the woman who was currently devoting all of her remaining energy to busting his balls.
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about Sansa with my brother.” Sam snorted, shotgunning another cup of coffee next to him the way Jon was used to seeing undergrads do with jaeger shots. “I mean, this is Dickon we’re talking about. Used to bring wounded animals home to take care of them Dickon? The same guy who cried when we had movie night and Gilly and Rhae wanted to go see ‘Love, Simon’?” He shook his head. “Look, as far as guys she could be out on a date with right now go, Dickon’s kind of the best case scenario. She’ll have a nice time, and he’ll be a perfect gentleman.”
Jon blinked at him, silently turning to look up at Gilly, who rolled her eyes and sighed.
“You’re hopeless, sweetie.” she kissed him on the forehead again, wrinkling her nose. “He’s not worried that things will go wrong- he’s worried they’ll go a little too well.”
“You’ve been spending way too much time around my sister.” Jon muttered, narrowly avoiding little Sam’s grasping reach for his glasses, managing to get the baby to latch onto the bottle before he destroyed any more of Jon’s eyewear. “You even sounded like her just then.”
Sam blinked for a second, his head whipping between Jon and Gilly.“You’re jealous?” He asked, incredulously. “Of Dickon? Wait- you like Sansa?”
“Got there in the end.” Gilly sighed, affectionately patting him on the shoulder before going to shower, leaving Jon and Sam behind with four cups of coffee, one baby, and approximately five brain cells total between the two of them.
“You like her.” Sam repeated, like it was a giant revelation.
“What are we- in middle school?” Jon hissed, immediately turning his head down to smile and make faces at little Sam while he fed him, before glaring up at big Sam again. “I don’t- I mean-“
Sam was just shaking his head.“Of course you do.” he laughed. “Should have guessed- red hair and a damsel in distress? You were doomed from the outset.”
“Shut up.” Jon muttered, flushing. “It’s not like that.”
“Then why are you worrying about Dickon for fu-“ Sam glanced nervously at the baby, “-god’s sake? When Gill was meeting my family for the first time, I remember you told her not to worry- that my brother was ‘one of the best guys you know’ and ‘practically a golden retriever’.”
Jon could tell that Sam, who could not raise one eyebrow without the other, was desperately trying to do just that.
“I don’t know.” He muttered, moving little Sam to his shoulder to start burping him. “Look- I’m attracted to her, alright? It’s a fu- er, a giant disaster that I’m gonna ignore for the rest of my life.”
“Stop trying to do that with your eyebrows.” Jon complained. “It’s giving me motion sickness. And yes, seriously. I’m not even going to consider that- it’s just a stupid crush. Besides,” he sighed, rubbing little Sam’s back comfortingly, “Robb’s already dealing with enough right now with this whole Sansa situation- can’t imagine telling him I think his sister’s attractive while he’s being forced to suddenly confront all of his guilt and self loathing every time he looks at her.”
“That whole bro code thing of never dating your friend’s sisters never really made sense to me.” Sam shook his head, gulping down more coffee. “I mean, I’d be thrilled if you decided to date Talla, because I know you’d be good to her.”
“Yeah, don't think she'd quite go for that, mate.” Jon snorted, standing to bounce little Sam around gently. He was just grateful Sam hadn’t said anything else about Robb.
“Eh, wouldn’t count you out completely.” Sam shrugged, smirking. “With that hair, you’re pretty enough to be a girl- maybe that’d be enough for her.”
“You are so lucky i’m holding the baby.” Jon muttered, still bouncing little Sam, who picked that moment to spit up spectacularly down Jon’s back.
“Well, that’s three of us who’re gonna need showers now.” Sam grinned, looking thrilled as all get out that it hadn’t been him. “Wow- his aim is getting better.”
“I’m going to remind him of this when he’s a sulky teenager.” Jon grumbled, wiping spit-up off his shoulder as best he could. “Look- no gossiping with Rhae about this, please. She thinks she’s such a good clandestine agent that she doesn’t always realize that Robb is better at sniffing out her plots than she thinks.”
“Alright-“ Sam sighed, looking back down at the massive stack of paperwork in front of him. “I make no promises for Gill, though.”
“Gilly could give some of my Uncle’s colleagues at the WIA a run for their money when it comes to withstanding interrogation.” Jon snorted.
“Probably true.”
“Where did your brother take Sansa?” Still holding onto a now much happier baby with one hand, he reached down the other to take a gulp of his own coffee.
“He said something about going out towards the Tyrell Estate.” Sam shrugged. “They probably drove out there to see the gardens- he’s said it’s a good road to take his bike out on.”
Jon promptly spat out his entire sip of coffee, staining the front of his shirt as well as the back, and frightening little Sam enough that he started to cry.
“He took her on his motorcycle?”
Gilly picked that moment to reappear, completely clean and with wet hair, blinking at the scene in front of her.
Sam, who couldn’t seem to stop laughing, was desperately trying to calm down the baby, who had started wailing, while Jon’s entire front was covered in coffee and his entire back was covered in baby vomit. Not that he seemed to notice, as his face was white and he was making a series of angry looking hand gestures at her husband.
“I really can’t leave you three alone for five minutes, can I?” she sighed. “Do I even want to know?”
#my writing#my wips#writing wips#just APWH things#jonsa#fanfiction wip#God bless Gilly like for real#YES Sansa is on a date with someone else here#muscleman golden retriever McAttractiveness#Aka dickon tarly#unsurprisingly jon is not having a great time about it!#in fairness to sansa the plotline directly preceding this and kicking off her doing some traveling was pretty rough on her#so our poor girl really deserves a giant muscley golden retriever with a motorcycle#and to just have a good time with someone who isn't wrapped up in all the stark drama/disaster/mess etc.#jon can deal with it rn bc it's really a 'you snooze you lose' kind of situation#sam's usually quicker on the draw but he's very sleep deprived here#and working on some stuff for a pathology conference#not at all going to be relevant nope no sir#writing sam and jon interacting vs jon and robb is so fascinating#they're both jon's besties but there's a very different dynamic to the two relationships#in fairness Robb has like SO much complex childhood trauma and is kind of seriously going through it right now#but his scenes with jon always have this sort of darker edge to them#like an 'i've known you my entire life and know everything about you for better or worse' type deal- deeper but darker#it's more akin to a sibling relationship? but also not? they are both going thru it#my headcanon is that anytime jon starts getting too gloomy and angsty gilly just straight up shoves the baby at him#and then waits like twenty minutes#Gilly: 'it's free babysitting!'#generally it works pretty well#jon's like '404 error does not compute' as soon as sam says the word 'motorcycle'#also when sam says 'the secretary' he means randyll tarly was the secretary of defense
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cold-neon-ocean · 5 months
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He's his own unique brand of chaotic (wip)
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simplegenius042 · 10 days
OC Alignment Test
Tagged by @imogenkol
Tagging Tagging @icecutioner @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @strafethesesinners @rhettsabbott @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @voidika @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @deputy-morgan-malone @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @sleepyconfusedpotato @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @raresvtm and @deputycolt + anyone else who wants to join. Taglist here.
Decided to do ten OCs (five protagonists and five antagonists) from The UnTitledverse, The Silver Chronicles, Life, Despair & Monsters, Wings And Horns WIP and A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore for this quiz here. Results under the cut:
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I think this suits Joaquin. He's helps others, which also benefits himself, and is open to helping powers above himself but is not bounded to them, just taking advantage of the benefits to help his community. He's loyal to his friends and family, and though he has his own acts of mercy, if there is a threat against his family, he's not hesitant to rid of them.
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I don't agree with this alignment. Zachariah's a controlling bastard, and being the second-borne Eldritch that is the Hand at Fate's Table, he believes himself above everything and everyone. He wants to enact his own rule and control over everyone, his own order, because his biases and prejudices against humanity blinds him from seeing their importance in the grand scheme of things. While his greed and hatred (against humans especially) does drive him, he does has reservations towards avoiding to hurt his siblings, as he believes them to be deluded by their love for the humans (and is rather envious of humans taking their attention).
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While I do believe Silva is definitely in the "Good" range, I disagree with Neutral Good. I think she rather fits "Lawful" or even "Chaotic" Good; Lawful because she believes in the ideals of the Tumultites and the Sheriff's Department (and eventually Prosperity and Rush), "Chaotic" because she's a rebel against oppression, both in her youth, in her mid-twenties and in her early forties (she's fought against the Congregation of Adam's Guard, the Apostles of Zachariah, the Project at Eden's Gate and the Highwaymen) and sticks closely to what she believes is right.
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This definitely describes Paul during his revolution days against the Congregation of Adam's Guard. However, that Paul is no longer around by the time he meets Silva again (pre-FC5 and during Old Dusk, my FCND fic). Honestly what would describe him best in present is somewhere around Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil or even Neutral Evil. He's too deep in his own self-hatred and regret (as well as under Zachariah's thumb) to have much good left, though his care for Silva still outweighs his servitude to Zachariah (but not by a lot sadly).
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This is one of the better alignments I think of when describing Haoyu. An alternative would be Chaotic Good, especially later on in Haoyu's arc, however, this is how Haoyu acts throughout most of their arc. Haoyu is not interested with others and mostly focuses on their own or at least a very close circle of their friends/family members (mostly their sister Monika and their friend (and future boyfriend) Icarus and his alters + Hatter). They literally don't want to get involved with the politics or conflicts of the world/s but Haoyu has long since learned they can't get everything they want in life.
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I'm unsure. Malvolio is undoubtedly evil, and he his chaotic in accordance to his status as a Displacement. However, Malvolio also, in his own warped, very ignorant Displacement view, believes all the mutilation and aggressive transformation of the human body will eventually lead to humans evolving "properly" and "to their fullest potential". No matter how unethical the science is, he lacks the morality and empathy to understand what he does is extremely horrific.
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Makes sense, Metatron is the Archangel of Life, his position and species makes him loyal to All-Father God and the rest of the New Gods and their Heavenly Virtues. Even if the extremist he chases after does make particularly good points.
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I don't agree with the "Evil" part. Sure, Xiang does force the removal of soulmate soul-marks off of humans, but it's out of the belief that it's better this way, as well as a bit of justice for his adopted daughter, Jezebel Ba'al, making sure no one will experience what she had. He's... just a lot more willing to break the law and pushes his mission onto others whether they want it or not. I'd say he's rather Neutral, leaning towards Chaotic Neutral.
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Ress is definitely in a "Good" status, despite her flippant attitude which contrasts her more serious half-brother, but I'd argue she belongs in a "Chaotic" Good alignment more.
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Yeah Urias doesn't give a fuck about anyone; not his children, not his brother, not his home, not his protege, not even his Occult, hell, the only reason he didn't screw over Discord was because (1) he understood the power-scaling between him and the Mad Kin of Carnage was not enough to beat the latter, (2) he understands Discord in a way (since Urias is a Displacement while Discord is a second-generation Kin (re: natural-born reality bender), and neither creatures have much fucks to give about human ideals like morality or self-perseverance or even a concept of mortality) and (3) he got what he wanted from Discord and both went off on their separate ways to ruin someone else's day (for Urias it was his daughter's). I'd argue some traces of Neutral Evil but yeah, Chaotic Evil suits Urias.
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k3llyb3an · 2 months
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made progress on the whole giving a cyclops a nose thing
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fanofflames · 2 months
A little side project of mine... I'm making a Chronostasis Funko POP to go with my Overhaul POP.
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Started out with this Ginshi Shirazu POP that I got for BOGO with a Bakugo Funko POP. I removed his bangs, tie, and coat belt with a box cutter, then dremelled the fringes down.
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I sculpted Kurono's hair, face and coat out of foam clay, then used my dremel to smooth everything out once it dried.
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Currently, I'm working on painting him. I have a base layer of white paint down, but I need to go back and sand more. Also, I forgot to buy skin tone paint rip.
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sunbudc · 2 years
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sleep deprivation is certainly something
[ID: A cell-shaded digital drawing of Sir Crocodile and Monkey D. Dragon from Shōnen Jump series One Piece by Eiichirō Oda. Dragon takes after his appearance at 31 to 33 years old and thus lacks his signature facial tattoo. On the other hand, Crocodile looks relatively the same, save for the lack of his facial scar and missing left hand. They are depicted before presumably receiving their respective signature tattoo and injuries, and thus takes place during that timeframe.
Both are visibly disheveled and partially undressed; Dragon is in the middle of putting on a green dress shirt. Crocodile is buttoning up an orange-tan dress shirt and wearing a fur-lined red coat over it. They are also visibly frustrated. Dragon says, "Sorry for guzzling the strap-on down like a Go-Gurt." Crocodile responds with, "Don't talk to me." End ID.]
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r-yui · 10 months
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Skin sets wip. Gotta show what assets he got but also keeping the regal wyvern tail frills.
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ragsy · 5 months
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workin' on a fresh new dnd character! M.A.G. (Maggie) the warforged paladin. who is also kind of a large bug, in a way
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altruistic-meme · 3 days
me, breaking out my laptop: i am going to write smut. it is going to pwp. i will get through this!!
also me, the moment i start writing: *pouring out feelings and angst and emotions and going nowhere near the planned smut*
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turquoisephoenix · 10 months
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What a fun friend group! Sure hope none of them are doomed by the narrative.
MediEvil: Resurrection being ported onto the PS4/PS5 has given me an incentive to draw my horrible idea that these three were all in a lovely little friendgroup-with-benefits/polycule together and that Res!Pumpkin Witch was good friends with Canny Tim as well as Dan.
Sir Daniel is playing a song about how he's going to fell Zarok's demons like wheat before the sharpened scythe. She remains unconvinced.
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space-writes · 3 months
heads up seven up
tagged by @oh-no-another-idea, thank you! an excerpt from A Question of Trust today. A long chunk for just seven sentences, because I have access to semicolons and em-dashes and you can pry them from my cold dead hands
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“These will do far better, salen’cath.” The thing about Elvish was that it didn’t use a lot of pronouns. It used proper names, or left them out altogether—you worked out what was being referred to by context, which made translations without context a headache and a half, and which meant that the aasimar’s use of my was deliberately chosen because she was very obviously his cat, and the emphasis was something no-one who didn’t speak Elvish would notice or care about. Ashenivir spoke excellent Elvish. His cheeks burned and for a moment he was back in Neverwinter, with Rizeth telling him to buy oranges in Common; his fingers on Ashenivir’s lips, the tang of citrus on his tongue—Rizeth had called him apprentice, not Ra’soltha, but for how long now had that been the very same thing? Something beneath his ribs felt the way his hand did without Rizeth’s in it. Ashenivir gripped his collar so tight the links dug into his palm, and turned away, leaning heavily against the side of the food cart. His heart was thudding out of all proportion—it was too hot today, too hot by far.
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no-pressure tagging @morganwriteblr @aalinaaaaaa @revenantlore and @ashen-crest!
Obedience taglist: @foxboyclit @belovedviolence (ask to be +/-)
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peppermint-whiskers · 2 months
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He's a cutie and he knows it
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