#the speed the small living space the adventure!!!!
cap-winter-barnes · 2 months
Home (Tyler Owens x Reader)
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You're soaked to the bone, clothes torn, bloody and clinging to your skin. Hair plastered to your face, blooding running down your face like tears. The wind still howls around you as you help people to safety, Tyler by your side. The gash on your forehead is numbed by the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You've always loved storm chasing, but this time it's different, too close to home.
That moment in the motel pool, clinging to the piping for dear life, Tyler moments from slipping through your fingers - that was the most terrifying moment of your life. Yet here you are still riding your fears.
As the streets of El Reno begin to tumble and tear apart before your eyes, you push forward, trying to save as many people as you can. With no space in the small number of bunkers, basements & shelters there are, you have no choice but to guide everyone to the movie theatre.
"Y/N!" You turn at the sound of Tyler's voice above the cacophony of chaos around you. You still lose you breath every time you look at Tyler Owens and fall in love with him like it's the first time you met all over again. "Baby Girl, we need to get inside before it's too late." His hand wraps around your forearm, pulling you closer to his side.
Tyler was the one who brought your love of storm chasing to life, made your childhood dreams a reality. Your parents thought you were crazy to go off with the self-proclaimed 'Tornado Wrangler' but upon learning the reason behind his dangerous adventures and of your utter happiness and adoration of the man, they came to terms with your decision.
With a chaste kiss to your forehead, Tyler takes your hand in his and pulls you along hurriedly toward the movie theatre. Gathering the last few families through the doors with you and taking a glance back at the fast approaching tornado, you close the door behind you. Once inside the theatre, hunkered down between rows of chairs, the adrenaline begins to fade.
With the horrendous sound of the rain, wind and destruction echoing around the large space, panic begins to set in. This building wasn't made to withstand such a destructive force of nature. Tears spring to your eyes as your fear takes over. The cut on your forehead still bleeding, throbbing above your eyebrow. "Ty?" He can barely hear you above the roar of the storm above you, chunks of ceiling ripping away into the sky. "Ty?"
"I'm here Baby Girl, I'm here." You feel him wrap his body around yours as you both lay on the ground, arms tightly wrapped around them to keep you anchored. His warmth envelopes you and the smell of him immediately calms you somewhat. "I'm here, I gotcha." Sobs wrack your body as you try to take your mind away from this godawful situation. You should be celebrating your engagement but instead you're fighting for your lives. "I gotcha, darlin'. We're gonna go home after this." He kisses your temple, his body wrapping tighter around yours as the eye of the storm grows closer. "Wherever you wanna call home, that's where we'll go. We'll st-"
What's left of the movie screen disappears as the wall is torn away from the building, debris and innocent people being ripped away with it. Your fear returns tenfold, Tyler holding on with all his strength to protect you. His life, his home. "We'll start that family we talked about, hmm?" He presses his cheek against your own. "We're gonna make it through this, darlin'. I promise."
You turn to face him, noses brushing against each other. "I promise you, baby." You waste no time in pressing your lips to his own, the taste of blood, dirt and tears on your tongue as you press yourself to him.
"I love you."
"I love you, Baby Girl." You rest your forehead against his as you both prepare for the worst. The building shudders and shakes, groaning against the worsening wind speed. With eyes closed tightly, hands wound around each others, both you and Tyler hope with all your might that you survive this. But no matter what, you were home. Tyler is your home.
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luxthestrange · 6 months
Avatar Incorrect quotes#34 Parental Insticts-
Imagen...That when Spider was a young kid enough to wear a smack he managed to get out of the labs to find adventure...Luckily you and Tsu'tey found him in one of your walks and Jake notified you about Spider, Which resulted in...
Baby!Spider*Inside of his fortified room,crying his tiny heart out*
Y/n*Already a distance away and seeing as the doors slammed on their back walking back to the clan* Uh...I really think that we should check that out, you know...
Tsu'tey*Who has no idea of...Human lengths of parental insticts*Ah, just relax
Y/n*Feeling itchy and a lump on their throat*Okay- Yeah, you're right...
Tsu'tey: Ah, you see, the tiny demon has cried itself gently to sleep
Y/n*Looks up into space...and proceeds to have a vision of...your past lives you lived...being a mother holding your crying child and PROTECTING them from harm smiling as you do so*
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Y/n*Panics and runs off to find Jake's Toruk's rides it suprising everyone and....MANAGE to make if listen to you even...if you're a human with no avatar* I-I can't take it! Can't help body movements! Must open check on baby!?!?
Tsu'tey*Panics seeing you think your going to get injured or fall as you make Toruk start to lift you in the air*-Wait! No!
Y/n*As you dont even look back and head to the human settlement at an alarming speed* The baby!?! Gotta check on the baby!?!
Tsu'tey*Gets on his own creature and tries to keep up* DEMON!?-Oh, no! No, no, no! Come back! Come back!?-Y/N!?
Once Tsu'tey arrived to see many scientists either passed out from the fright you gave them...while Norm was trying to calm others down from the surprise...he told Tsu'tey where you are...
Y/n*In a trance like state sitting in the ground smiling at Spider who seemed to calm down* As unbecoming as this is, I found a baby on the side of the trail and could not bring myself to walk away...
Tsu'tey: Demon, We ain't keeping it, I get that you didn't want the spawn to die but we can't-
Y/n*Puts baby spider in his arms, with a blank stare*
Baby!Spider*Blinks sees Tsu'tey up close but squeals happily seeing him and reaching to touch his face and nose with his small hands, nuzzling into his arms*
Tsu'tey*Who maintained his glare ...but his ears and tail are a dead giveaway he...fell for spider* -give him away, This is our baby now, if anyone try to hurt him I will snap your necks...
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juniefruit · 7 months
☆- biker bf minho -☆
y'all, happy almost friday. winter gloominess is kicking my butt fr. p.s, I like motorcycles, so this is totally not self indulgent...
word count: 946
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Before you met, he was closed off and not really all that personable. His friends pestered him about it, too. He would never go back to living like that, though. Just looking at you brings a smile to his face without him realising it. Has he gone soft? Just for you. One thing he loves you for is that you understand his humor. He’s naturally sarcastic and witty. He can let his guard down around you and truly be himself. He knows when it’s time to joke around, or when to just chill out and take it easy.
Bonus points if you have a bike of your own, he would eat that up. Like, you get to go on little motorcycle adventures together? Sign him up. He loves when you can ride side by side looking cool af. 
Granted, he also loves having you on the back of his bike. He tries to act like having your arms wrapped around his waist doesn't affect him, but of course it does. He’s a sucker for physical touch, perhaps even touch starved before you started dating. When he has to speed up and he can feel your arms tighten… he has got to stay focused on the road. 
He looks absolutely godly in his tight leather riding gear. The jacket hugs his torso and shoulders just right, and the pants… (redacted)
If you have your own gear already, cool. If you don’t, he would love to go shopping with you to find something. It has to be perfect (his own words), because safety is the most important thing. 
So there’s this thing called a Cardo, but there's other brands too. It’s like a bluetooth speaker you can put inside your helmet, it can play music or act as a microphone. He got you one immediately. He couldn’t wait for Christmas, or Valentines, or your birthday. He’s too impatient for that. He enthusiastically ran up to you one day, with the box in his hand. For you!! He exclaimed. He helped you set it up, and afterwards, to test it out, he insisted you try talking through it in separate rooms. He was all smiles and giggles for the rest of the day. 
He’s not big on PDA, but he’s fine with holding hands or wrapping his around your waist in crowded spaces. Also, he definitely puts his hand on your lower back when he has to squeeze by or grab something near you, muttering a small ‘excuse me babe’. 
When you’re riding seperately, he will try to annoy you through the intercom. He’ll spew dad jokes, or honestly just make random noises. Until he figures out you muted him and he gets whiny and upset. You pull up to a stop light when he flips up his visor hastily. “Yah! y/nnie, did you mute me? What if I had something suuuper important to say?” 
Even though you constantly tell him to be careful… He knows his limits. As a biker, it’s in his blood to do at least a couple risky things a week. Whether it was a dare, or just to show off, he will pop a wheelie on the road. A couple times a month, he meets up with his other biker friends just to hang out. At first, you were intimidated. I mean, being surrounded by 8 biker dudes doesn’t sound too inviting. Minho promised they were nice, or at least some of them tried to be. He begged and whined, promising to take your share of cleaning the house for a week. When you finally complied, it really only took about 15 minutes but to Minho it felt excruciating. Minho gave you a soul crushing hug while repeating thank-you’s for a good while. Lucky for you, they were actually quite nice, but they take some getting used to. 
He definitely custom ordered sticker packs of his cats to plaster onto his helmet. He was so ecstatic when they came in the mail, and he spent the rest of the day showing off his newly decorated helmet to you. 
He definitely sends you funny videos or selfies of him in his gear while he’s out. He’s a victim of “helmet confidence”. Meaning, as long as nobody knows who he is, he’s 100% doing funny weird shit. It fuels something in him when he sees you flustered or embarrassed, it’s just a part of his nature. 
Motorcycles do require a bit of regular maintenance (if you want them to run properly) and over the years, Minho has learned how to do repairs on his bike at home. It’s cheaper than always going to the shop. He’s well versed in what his bike needs. He’s always offering up his help for your own bike. On bright spring days, the garage to your condo is pulled up, and the bikes are parked in the driveway. The bright green leaves are practically glowing as they shimmer against the blue sky. Minho’s got on a tank top and shorts; with a few tools by his side. When he calls you over, it’s because he made the executive decision to show you how to fix this one specific thing he’s working on.  You lean in close to him. His teaching voice is soft but firm as he’s always checking to see if you’re still paying attention. You’re more so paying attention to the way his biceps ripple when he moves, or the tiny sweat droplets forming on his brow. 
I would like to think that his motorcycle would be all black with a few mint/teal accents. It’s a sports bike, something along the lines of a Ninja or GSXR.
If you like drabbles like this, check out my masterlist :3
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nayziiz · 5 months
Speed | CS55
Summary: In a chance encounter at a gas station, a mysterious woman on a Yamaha YZF R6 catches the attention of Carlos, a charming Ferrari driver. Little did they know the journey they would both go on.
Warning: Smut, fluff
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x OC (Lola)
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Chapter 4
As they arrived back at Lola's home, an hour after finishing their dinner, Carlos followed her into the living room. He watched quietly as she stood and removed her boots the moment they stepped inside, her movements graceful and fluid.
“Let me change into something a bit more... suitable and see if I can find some of my brother's gear for you to wear. Please make yourself at home.” She explained before quietly disappearing up the staircase.
Carlos nodded in understanding, a sense of anticipation coursing through him as he glanced around the cozy living room. He took in the warmth of the space—the soft glow of the lamps casting a gentle light, the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals lingering in the air.
As Carlos settled onto the couch, he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity tugging at him. His eyes wandered around the room, taking in the cozy decor and the myriad of photographs adorning the walls. Most of the pictures featured an older couple, likely Lola's parents, along with Lola herself and a younger male who he presumed to be her brother.
Driven by his curiosity, Carlos stood up and approached the photographs, his eyes scanning each one with interest. In one picture, he saw Lola as a child, her face alight with laughter as she clutched a toy in her hands. In another, he saw her standing proudly beside her parents, a sense of warmth and love radiating from the image.
But it was the photograph of Lola and what he assumed was her brother that caught his attention the most. In it, they were both grinning from ear to ear, their arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace. There was a sense of and affection between them that was palpable, a bond that transcended time and distance.
As Carlos studied the photograph, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Lola and her family. Here was a woman who was deeply rooted in love and connection, surrounded by the warmth and support of her loved ones.
Lola came down the stairs and spotted Carlos studying the photographs. A small smile crossed her face. She hadn’t brought a man over in years and it was strange seeing him in her space studying everything so personal to her and her family.
“Hey.” She greeted him softly, her voice filled with warmth as she reached his side. “Finding anything interesting in the family album?”
Carlos turned to face her, a faint blush creeping into his cheeks at being caught in the act. As Carlos glanced up, he caught sight of Lola in her biking gear, and a wave of admiration washed over him. She had changed into a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her curves perfectly, and she had adorned a leather jacket that accentuated her figure in all the right ways.
He couldn't help but feel a surge of attraction towards her as he took in the sight. There was something undeniably alluring about Lola in her biking gear—a sense of confidence and freedom that seemed to radiate from her every pore.
Despite having seen her dressed up during their dinner date, Carlos found himself liking her even more in her biking gear. There was a rawness and authenticity to her in that moment that spoke to him on a deeper level—a reminder of the adventurous spirit that had drawn him to her in the first place.
“Just admiring the photos.” He admitted with a sheepish grin. “Your family seems really close.”
Lola diverted the topic elsewhere as she glanced down at the gear in her hands, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. 
“I could only find one of my brother's jackets and a pair of gloves, but that should be fine.” She stated, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
Carlos pointed to a photograph on the wall, his curiosity piqued by the images of Lola's family.
“Are your parents home?” He wondered, his tone gentle as he gestured towards the picture. Lola's smile faltered slightly at his question, a hint of sadness flickering in her eyes.
“Uhm, no.” She replied softly. “My dad passed away when I was fourteen, and my mom passed away last year.”
Carlos's expression softened as he listened to her words, a pang of sympathy tugging at his heart.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, Lola. I didn't…” He trailed off, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the right words to express his condolences.
“No, don't apologize. We haven't changed a thing in the house, so it still looks how it did before she died.” Lola added, her voice tinged with nostalgia as she glanced around the room.
Carlos nodded in understanding, a sense of reverence settling over him as he took in the familiar surroundings. He could sense the weight of Lola's words, the bittersweet memories of her mother lingering in the air like a gentle breeze.
“And your brother?” He inquired, his curiosity piqued by the mention of Lola's family.
“Logan's away at university.” She answered, her tone tinged with pride. Carlos nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“You look so alike.” He observed, his eyes scanning the photographs once more. Lola offered him a small smile, her heart warming at his observation.
“Yeah, we do.” She agreed, a hint of nostalgia coloring her words.
Lola handed Carlos the jacket and gloves, a playful glint in her eyes as she led him to the garage through the kitchen. With each step, anticipation hummed in the air, mingling with the faint scent of motor oil and leather.
As Lola flicked on the lights, Carlos's eyes widened in stunned disbelief at the sight that greeted him. The garage was a veritable treasure trove of motorcycles, with four in total parked neatly in rows. His gaze swept over each one in awe, taking in the sleek lines and gleaming chrome.
Beside Lola's Yamaha, he spotted a new Honda Civic, a stark contrast to the rugged beauty of the motorcycles surrounding it. Carlos couldn't help but marvel at the sight, his mind racing with questions.
“Now you know what I drive when it's raining.” Lola joked with a playful wink as she opened the garage door, revealing the impressive array of motorcycles. Carlos chuckled at her remark, his eyes still lingering on the bikes as he took in their details.
“What bikes are these?” He asked, his curiosity piqued. 
Lola gestured towards each one in turn, a fond smile playing at her lips as she explained their origins.
“The Honda is my brother's old bike. He's upgraded to a newer Suzuki.” She began, pointing to the sleek Honda nestled among the motorcycles. “The BMW was my dad's. And the other Yamaha was my old one I crashed with.”
Her tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia as she glanced towards the well-worn Yamaha nestled beside her own.
As Carlos listened to her explanations, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Lola's connection to each bike. Each one held a story—a memory of a loved one or a moment shared on the open road.
“So, where do we start?” Carlos asked, his voice filled with anticipation as he prepared to embark on their ride.
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @notyouraveragemochii @heyheyheyggg
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skywalker1dream · 4 months
bound together by destiny
note: ehh don't know what to say...hope you have good day or night, drink water and eat healthy, loves :3
Jenson Button x reader, childhood friends to lovers
warning: fluff
In the small town, where the rolling hills kissed the sky and the rivers whispered secrets to the wind, Jenson Button and You were inseparable. From the moment you two met on the playground, your friendship ignited like a spark in the darkness, illuminating your lives with laughter and shared adventures.
As you two grew older, your bond only deepened, weaving through the fabric of your existence like an unbreakable thread. Jenson, with his passion for speed and adrenaline, found solace in your steady presence, a beacon of light in a world of uncertainty.
It was on a warm summer evening, with the scent of wildflowers lingering in the air and the distant chirping of crickets serenading the night, that everything changed. Jenson and you found yourselves sitting by the riverbank, the waters reflecting the myriad hues of the setting sun like a kaleidoscope of dreams.
As Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" played softly on the radio, Jenson turned to you, his eyes shimmering with a vulnerability he had never dared to reveal before. "Do you ever wonder what might have been?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
you felt their heart skip a beat, the weight of Jenson's words hanging heavy in the air. "Sometimes," you admitted, your voice tinged with a mixture of longing and regret.
In that moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Jenson reached out, his hand seeking yours in the dwindling light. "I've spent my whole life chasing after dreams," he confessed, his voice raw with emotion. "But the one thing I've always wanted has been right here beside me all along."
your breath caught in your throat, the realisation dawning upon you like the first light of dawn. Could it be that the feelings you harboured for Jenson ran deeper than friendship?
With trembling hands and hearts laid bare, you two leaned in, your lips meeting in a tender kiss that spoke volumes of years of unspoken longing. In that moment, as the world faded away and you two were left with nothing but the beating of your hearts and the rush of the river beside you, Jenson and you knew that your bond was stronger than any force on earth.
For in each other's arms, they found not only love but also the courage to chase after the most precious dream of all: the dream of a future together. And as they watched the stars twinkle overhead, they knew that no matter where life took them, their love would always burn bright, like a guiding light in the darkness.
As the moon ascended in the indigo sky, casting its gentle glow upon the world below, Jenson and you sat in quiet reverence, your fingers intertwined, your hearts entwined in the delicate dance of love.
"I never want to let this moment go," Jenson murmured, his voice a soft caress against your ear.
"Nor I," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "For in this moment, I have found everything I've ever longed for."
Their words hung in the air like a vow, sealing their hearts together in an unbreakable bond. In that sacred space by the riverbank, they shared dreams and aspirations, fears and insecurities, laying bare their souls to one another with a vulnerability that transcended words.
As the night wore on and the stars danced in the heavens above, Jenson and you found yourselves lost in a world of your own making, where time stood still and the worries of tomorrow faded into insignificance. It was a moment of pure magic, a symphony of love played out beneath the vast expanse of the night sky.
And as the first light of dawn painted the horizon in shades of pink and gold, Jenson and you knew that journey together had only just begun.
For in each other's arms, they had found not only solace but also the courage to embrace the unknown, hand in hand, hearts beating as one.
With the promise of a new day dawning on the horizon, they rose from their secluded spot by the riverbank, ready to face whatever the future held, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle that dared stand in their way.
And as they walked hand in hand into the sunrise, their hearts brimming with love and hope, they knew that theirs was a story written in the stars, a tale of two souls bound together by destiny, destined to journey through life as partners, lovers, and friends, forevermore.
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dragimal · 2 years
finally read the book Watership Down several months ago, after having only watched the movie for the last like, two decades, and I keep mourning what was lost in adaptation. this isn’t a dig at the movie at all, I know they had to work within a very small timescale, and I still love it very much, it’s just like
ok so you have this pretty linear movie about rabbits living their lives and experiencing both violence and hope. ok got it
but then the book? there’s an entire extra third of content (maybe even double??) that’s purely Prince Rabbit stories. and at first it’s like, wow this is really cool! we’re seeing more rabbit culture through these stories: what they think about other species, traits they value, the ways they use these stories to soothe one another or learn or connect, etc.
but THEN. then. the very last Prince Rabbit story in the whole book, detailing all of Hazel’s adventures with his original group... and his memory is so gone that he doesn’t even recognize the story as his own
that alone recontextualizes EVERYTHING. it’s not even just that every Prince Rabbit story we heard previously was probably a retelling of a real event, that’s a given. but more fundamentally, there’s this theme that every rabbit’s story is remembered as Prince Rabbit’s story. that El-ahrairah is not just one individual, but the the collective spirit of rabbits to survive and continue on. that every rabbit carries a bit of El-ahrairah in their soul-- his wit, his speed, his loyalty to his warren. that these stories connect so many different El-ahrairahs-- and rabbits as a whole-- across time and space. that in many ways, rabbits are themselves  stories
I really wasn’t expecting a new favorite metafiction from WD, but I’m glad I finally picked it up
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opal-kitty333 · 19 days
@qin-qin16 The brain rot has consumed me. Had to put words to page before I got eaten alive. First time I've written Cross and I really leaned into dog coding so he may be ooc, oops. Hope you enjoy.
It takes far too much fumbling with one hand to actually pull out your keys, let alone turn them in the lock. The recent heat wave made your door expand, so the door has to be pulled on to unlock without your key snapping. A difficult task with a plastic bag full of food in your other hand. It’s a common struggle, an annoying one you hate having to deal with, but you're far too stubborn to set down whatever is in your hands first.
But there’s always one silver lining to taking so long just to open a stupid door.
You can hear Cross' heavy footfalls as he practically marches through the house towards the front door. A small glance to the nearby window and you can catch see him peeking through the curtains out to watch you continuing to futz with the lock before he ducks out of view, embarrassed at being caught. Still, you can see his silhouette shifting in place as he impatiently waits for you to pull it together long enough to enter your own house.
Finally, you finagle the door into unlocking, opening it and quickly making your way past the entry way. You turn, shutting and re-locking the door, and when you turn again Cross is already in front of you. His eyes are wide and excited, all but bouncing on his heels as he fights the urge to pounce on you.
"You were gone for so long. We'd you go?”
You huff at him, but you’re smiling. He doesn’t technically live with you, yet this has become an all too familiar song and dance by now. Leaving for work, or just to wander about, only to return to Cross waiting for you to return. In all his excitement, he shift closer and closer, leaning in till you're all but pressed against your front door.
“Back up. Back up!” You scold, not liking to be cornered the moment you got home.
Cross bows his head, slouching as he shuffles away to let you breathe. He always tries not to crowd, being so much larger, built broad and sturdy, able to easily corner and cage you in without meaning to. Of course, he forgets sometimes, especially when excited, but it’s nothing a quick reminder doesn’t fix.
Now with a bit of space, you do your usual routine when you get home. Off goes your shoes, out your keys and wallet into their proper places, and up in the closet goes your coat. Cross follows, circling and moving all the while, careful to always be in just the right spot to not be underfoot so he doesn’t get scolded again. Diligently he waits for you to give the word, to let him know when he can greet you properly without you getting grumpy at him.
Once you’re all done and ready, you set the bag on the coffee table in the living room. You turn to Cross, opening your arms.
“Come here big guy,” you say with a fond smile.
It’s barely a second and then he’s on you, pawing at your sides to pull you closer, nosing through your hair to try and smell where you’ve been. You’re pressed firmly to his chest, a wall of bone wrapped in soft cloth and fur. He trails down, sniffing and huffing against your skin in a way that's just shy of tickling. He passing your temple, then your cheek, jaw, giving an affectionate nip against your neck just to hear you giggle at him, until he pauses at your shoulder. You can feel his chest expanding as inhales deeply, gathering as much of the scent left on your clothes as he can as he wraps his arms around your back and pulls you all the closer.
You expected this, of course, smiling as you rub your cheek against his. He always loved the smell of the maple trees blooming, so you had made sure to take a slow stroll beneath them in the park at some point on your impromptu adventure, soaking up as much of their scent as you could. You’re sure there’s other things, traces of the pet shop you wandered around in to see all the animals on display, the dampness of rain, sweat from speed walking home as fast as you could so the food wouldn’t cool to much, and of course the indescribable scent of you that Cross can never seem to get enough of.
You pull away, and while he whines at the loss of contact, he lets you slip through his arms despite having the strength and skill to pin you to his chest and never let go. You look up at him to see his eye-lights blown wide, focused solely on you as his jaw trembles in a pout. His head lowers, leaning towards you to try and follow as you take a step backwards, his hands making grabbing motions towards you as he internally fights the urge to yank you back to his side.
You laugh, taking his hands in your own and gently tugging him towards the couch.
“Sit.” You command, and he obeys without question, plopping heavy enough on the couch to bounce and make the springs protest. You don’t wait, nestling yourself into his side, pulling the bag to your lap.
“Ever had mole sauce?” You ask, pulling out two Styrofoam containers from the bag. The plastic is tossed aside to be taken care of later.
He shakes his head, leaning in to see what treat you’ve brought him this time. “What’s that?”
“It’s a Mexican chocolate sauce. It’s savory though. I think you’ll like it.”
You hand him his food along with an unwrapped plastic fork. It’s not piping hot, but you know he’s never one to be picky. He’s always happy to accept just about anything you give him, even when he doesn’t like it. Taking each bit of kindness like it’ll be the last he’ll ever get. Popping open the lid, Cross observes his food for a moment, inspecting the tamales and mole sauce like they’re a puzzle to be solved. Tentatively, he cuts off a small chunk with his fork and brings the bite to his mouth. You smile as he pauses, all but able to see the loading bar in his mind as mulls over the taste of something familiar but so very different.
You start eating your own food, barely even a bite in before he snaps to wolfing down the rest like a man starved.
“Slow down. You’re barely even tasting it.”
He stops mid bite, not even done with the previous before he was going to shovel more into his mouth. He’s bashful as he lowers his fork, slowly chewing instead. It was a bad habit of his, so used to rushing through eating the scraps tossed onto his plate to tide him over before being dragged to do something else. You’ve been hard at work to train it out of him, always making sure he had plenty to eat when you were around. Be it small snacks or proper meals like this, you wanted to make sure he learned to enjoy his food and know the next bite would be just as tasty and filling.
You go return to eating, putting extra effort to be methodical and slow, knowing that Cross will follow the example. He does, looking to you for approval the whole time. You’re quick to give it, bumping your forehead against the shoulder with a smile. Crosses expression softens, his tense posture finally starting to relax into the moment with you. He leans back, a smile of his own creeping up as he watches you eat between bites of his own.
It’ll be a long meal, each small morsel savored for as long as possible before moving onto the next, but that’s okay. You’re savoring a more than the food, after all.
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starkysa · 9 months
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Representative Elements:
Mountain Fire, Flame 【Fire】
4.5 billion
Personality (Human | Everyday Form):
Energetic and enthusiastic, occasionally a bit flirtatious, prefers to be handsome
Not very good at emotional control, gets excited easily. But it comes and goes quickly, so it'll soon return to its usual cheeky self.
Walking will have a kind of waltz elegant sense
[Status Uncontrollable]
The third pair of gods born with the lava ALT-Cesar, in charge of flames and light, and also gave human civilization prosperity after billions of years.
Die fast and live fast, because of the fear of water so often teased by the clouds Jonah, but will also burn each other until evaporation in return.
It may appear when struck by lightning or dry air, hot air, or friction [Provided there are flammable gases].
(In mythic form, Fire Cesar does not disappear by being drenched in water)
Will change color (if there are different gases burning)
No weight, shadow, but very faint
High body temperature (minimum 80 degrees, no upper limit)
Smoke comes out of the inside of the hat, but not much
If there is a dry object around, the object may spontaneously combust
Represents the elements:
Wind, Hurricane, Tornado, Atmosphere 【Winds】
4.5 billion
Personality (Human | Everyday Form):
Does what he wants, but is also quite stable emotionally
Doesn't like to talk much, prefers to act before explaining
In a way, actually quite talkative, if He's in a good mood
[Status Uncontrollable]
The second god to be born after Adam the Rock, he was born from wind and gas, created the original atmosphere and air movement and became the god with the closest range of activity to outer space.
No weight, no shadow.
He moves very fast.
In normal circumstances, his strength is small in nature, but in the case of a tornado, hurricane or typhoon, his strength will become enormous.
Hot and cold winds can cause its body temperature to fluctuate.
Although they appear to have legs, they can't land unless they are in human form.
Because the Prayer Formation is not distributed much on earth, it is the one that is most easily called out
Represents the elements:
Rock, Dust, Magnetic Field 【Earth】.
Unknown (not Earthborn)
Personality (Human | Everyday Form):
Stable and calm, cold-faced but good-tempered.
Extremely patient, can stay still in one place for hundreds of millions of years.
Because his origin is from outer space, he is adventurous, but he is stubborn because he is not a human being and nothing will happen to him, and no one can control him if he really wants to take risks, even though nothing will happen to him.
Because of his destructive power, he is emotionally stable in his daily form.
[Controllable Status]
It is the initial birth of the Earth, the original core and magnetic field, guarding the nascent planet, witnessing and nurturing all the gods on the planet
Weight, hardness, color, transparency freely switch
Normally moves very slowly, but can fly by changing its own magnet content to repel the Earth's magnetic field, in which case its flight speed is no slower than that of the Wind God Mark.
Strength depends on the type of rock or sand you have.
Because the body is compressed Earth, rocks on the body cannot be smashed down by external forces. Probably also because it is hard most of the time, other nature gods often come to gnaw on the rock Adam's tail
Possibly because they themselves also represent wealth, they are often summoned, but they don't respond much for the sake of natural balance, but they respond quickly to calls in disaster situations
Represents the elements:
Clouds, Water, Ice, Thunder 【Water】
4.5 billion
Personality (Human | Everyday Form):
Cheerful and talkative
A guy who likes to hang out at other people's invocation ceremonies
He cares about those who know him and have a good feeling about him.
Curious and likes to learn about human behavior and objects.
Can be a bit sloppy in human form
[State uncontrollable]
The last of the gods to appear, controlling water and lightning, the place where life began.
He opens his eyes in the white clouds
The rain weeps.
Thick dark clouds close his eyes; thin dark clouds squint.
When he appears, the air around him becomes moist.
Because the formation for seeking rain is widely distributed on earth, he is summoned as often as Adam, the rock god, but because he is more playful so in many cases when summoned he is still hanging out in a human state, and all the daily summoning does not come out. But if it is a flood, tsunami and storm to save people or creatures of the disaster situation will be very spiritual.
Represents the elements:
Volcano, Lava 【Fire】
4.5 billion
Personality (Human | Everyday Form):
Rakugo person
Quite short-tempered and has a serious history of violent behavior
Often views others with a playful mood
Doesn't like to appear in human form very much, and believes that humans are worthless in the face of nature
[Status uncontrollable]
Born at the same time as Cesar, he's like a twin brother.
Believes that disasters are inevitable and necessary, but has some principles so he doesn't cause them blindly.
He prefers to watch the awe and fear of creatures facing nature.
Unlike Cesar, ALT-Cesar cannot be doused with water.
Very heavy and dense
It's slow.
Always covered in a thick layer of volcanic dust and toxic gases like sulfur monoxide.
It leaves lava wherever it walks, and its legs are essentially molten.
On empowerment:
Nature gods have absolute control over the elements they represent
Nature God has the power to wipe out the existence of things that do not belong to this world.
Natural AU Morphology Conversion
【Each form is not absolute; even in mythological forms, they can retain human physiology; there is no energy consumption or time or place limit for form switching】
Human Form:
【This form may appear differently at different times, for example, in the Cretaceous period, they may appear as dinosaurs or plants】
They have all the physiology of a normal human, with the exception of their eyes and unlimited lifespan, and do not age. In this form, they cannot manipulate the elements, but they can do so by switching to another form.
Although they cannot manipulate the elements, they have an inherently higher level of understanding of the natural elements they represent than normal humans.
[Rock Adam in human-like form would be extremely knowledgeable in geography, and would be able to accurately recognize every type of ore and unopened variety of jade and gem)
They can take damage (including natural elemental damage) and have all the emotions of a human, but if the damage is so great that they are judged to be dead, they will switch directly to their original source
[So it is possible for Fire Cesar in human form to die by fire, only to change back to flame after death]
Will not be affected by the pressure of other mythological forms
Will act according to the human style of doing things (including family, love, friendship)
Under normal circumstances, there is only one human form at a time.
Even in their human form, they know they are not human.
Situations where this form appears:
They use this form when traveling on earth.
Everyday Form:
This is the middle state between the human form and the mythological form. It still looks largely human, but can be distinguished from humans by its ears and eyes.
You will only feel the temperature of the elements when you touch them, but you will not be able to touch them directly.
For example, a Fire Cesar in this form has the temperature of a flame, but still feels like a human when touched.
Some natural elements are not controllable.
[For example, Wind God Mark's weight]
They can't activate high-powered natural elemental mobilization, they can only change the natural conditions in an area.
They can only mobilize or instantly move to the element they symbolize.
[For example, Cloud Jonah can only mobilize clouds, rain and thunder]
Can't be harmed, can't die, have unlimited lifespan, and possess some human emotions.
Situations in which this form appears:
This form is the most commonly used state, and may be used when patrolling the earth or trying to mobilize the elements on earth.
Mythic Form:
The form that is closest to the natural origin, the existence of elemental attachment passive, embodied in touching the mythological form is equivalent to touching the natural elements directly in the physical sense.
[For example, you can touch Cesar's fox tail and ears, but touching these parts is equivalent to directly touching real flames]
There is a certain passive power that awakens a sense of awe and fear of nature in all matter.
It retains the characteristics of creatures that humans can understand and relate to nature [e.g. wind is associated with birds].
This form will break through the state limitations, and will be fully transformed into a state-controllable situation, and there is no power limitation on the mobilization of natural elements, freeing up the limitations of elemental mobilization, and can be manipulated globally, and can instantly move to any place where the same element exists.
Manipulate all objects of the element you symbolize.
[For example, Cloud Jonah in his mythological form can mobilize all the water and thunder elements]
As long as nature exists, they will not be injured, will not die, will have an endless lifespan, will have no human emotions, and will act in accordance with the laws of nature.
Can create and reshape natural landscapes, especially with the manipulation of rock Adam
Situations in which this form appears:
If summoned by a believer or formation, they will appear in this form.
This form is also used when all powers and ability status seals are released.
Origin (native form):
Nature itself, in its original form: fire, water, gale, rock.
Cannot understand the language of intelligent beings or communicate in any way.
It is the most intuitive image of nature
Situations in which this form appears:
Dies in human form
When moving between the elements
Nature treats all matter equally, including humans. It does not take sides with any party, so when there is a human prayer wishing for a war victory type of wish it will simply be ignored, but for something like a prayer for rain there will be more of a response. They may treat things differently depending on their personalities, but they are gentle and merciless by nature.
In the mythological form of the nature gods (nature), there is no such thing as anger, and all disasters are inevitable for various reasons, which they cannot change even as nature gods. The relationship between the nature gods is mutually reinforcing, similar to the five elements (but the reference here is to the four elements).
However, if someone prays at this point in time, just when the conditions allow it, they are capable of saving people. But not in a way that makes the disaster calm down, nor does it appear directly, but in a way that creates redundant terrain or changes the path of the disaster. Similarly if you have an earthquake and pray for Rock Adam, Rock Adam might delineate an obvious safe area or will fall into a triangular safe house just in time for a building rock to collapse, but humans don't notice these details.
So in this AU worldview, there aren't many deaths or injuries due to nature, and it's a state where nature and humans coexist peacefully.
Humans also know exactly what kind of behavior will lead to the wrath of the nature gods (especially in their everyday form), so they don't mess around with it.
Formations invented by humans to invoke the gods. There are different invocation rituals in different regions, but overall it is a way to communicate with the gods. Since nature gods can understand all languages, they will hear if it is indicated that they are needed, but whether or not they respond depends on the content of the prayer and the suitability of the conditions.
About clothing:
【Human form】 Clothing is indistinguishable from normal human, and will be corrupted by natural elements including its own representatives
【Everyday Form】 Appears to be the likeness and material of normal human clothing, but will have its own representative elemental resistance and will not be corrupted by natural elements. Some of the nature god's gloves can also be isolated from elemental contact, ensuring that no natural elemental reaction occurs with the items they touch.
【Mythic Form】 Clothing is a direct manifestation of natural elements, and contact is directly subject to natural elemental attachment.
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 2 months
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Chapter Four - Time Alone Links to One Two and Three here
A/N - I likely didn't proofread this as well as I should. I hope you enjoy it all the same. Things are warming up between these two.
Notes/Warnings - typical profanity, fluff Word Count - 8k
As anticipated, Loren arrived near the designated spot, which was a park just off Bay Street, more than an hour early.  Nevertheless, she was thankful for the extra time since it gave her an opportunity to decompress from the adventures of driving in the city of Toronto.
Loren began walking west along Yorkville Avenue, eventually spotting all the luxury fashion stores that she’s only ever heard about or seen in the movies. One after the other - Chanel, Versace, Balenciaga - Loren felt her excitement grow as she strolled past each store window.  She may never know what it's like to buy anything from these stores or live in the swanky part of the city. At that moment, it didn’t matter anyway. What mattered most to Loren is that she finally felt like she was shedding her old skin. She felt alive instead of just trying to survive the cards she had been dealt.
After treating herself to a small bit of food and an espresso, her heart began to lurch while walking back to the park entrance to meet William. As it approached 2:00, Loren was so engrossed with the sights and sounds of the surrounding city that she had not seen William and his two furry companions as they approached.
William had spotted Loren a mile away.  Despite the area being busy with a ton of foot traffic typical for a Thursday, she stood out to him immediately.  He could not help but grin widely at how adorable she seemed while she slowly paced back and forth in front of the park’s sign.  He saw her smile politely at a couple of passersby that made eye contact with her.   William watched as the two men nudged and batted each other in the arm as they craned their necks back around to look at Loren.
Despite their behaviour while they continued to eye-fuck Loren, the men never said a word to her and kept walking. Loren remained unaware of the spectacle they made as they disappeared down the street.
Loren turned when she heard the crunch of footsteps on the thin layer of gritty snow that had fallen overnight.  Her face lit up as Pablo and Banksy approached her with their tails wagging enthusiastically and then her eyes moved to William’s smiling face.
The pair hugged and diverted their attention back to the dogs who seemed ready for William to say the command allowing them to let loose and tear around the park.   Pablo and Bansky happily trotted ahead of Loren and William as they entered the park while the two caught up from their last conversation.
Although William’s beloved dogs could have been used to help start or end a conversation, William quickly found he didn't need them for that. The conversation between them was fun and easy, just like usual, as they played with the dogs. Loren and William both cheered on Pablo and Banksy as they ran around the park, often racing back towards them at full speed before play-fighting in the open space of the soccer field.
As they walked together, the enchantment William first felt talking with Loren at the skate event had only grown. She seemed wide-eyed and animated about being in a part of the city she had hardly visited since school field trips to the nearby Royal Ontario Museum. Her exuberance made her even more radiant when she asked questions about the area and listened intently as William pointed out some of his favorite spots.
After more than an hour of running about, Pablo and Banksy were sufficiently tired out.  Not wanting their time to end, William finally worked up the nerve and asked Loren if she wanted to come to his place to warm up and have some dinner.
Because she had only eaten a small amount of food that day, the mere mention of dinner sparked ravenous hunger in her. Loren resisted the urge to clutch her stomach as hunger pains rolled through while accepting William’s dinner offer.
William asked if Loren was in the mood for anything specific.  She joked to herself that she was at the point of wanting to gnaw off her own arm, but she kept that to herself.
“I’m honestly good with anything - I’ll leave this one for you to pick…you know what’s good around here,” Loren smiled at William as she silently hoped he would make a quick decision.
“Sushi’s my go to…i probably have it too often but I just love it.  It sort of fits within my diet during the season,” William admitted, as they walked towards the exit of the park.
“God, it’s been awhile since I’ve had it - that sounds incredible…I feel like I'm salivating…,” Loren chuckled.  “Sorry, I haven’t eaten much today,” she revealed with a tinge of bashfulness.
“Oh? Why’s that?” William raised his brows with his query.
“Nerves, mostly…,” Loren admitted with a subdued grin as she looked toward the ground.
“About meeting up with me?” William replied playfully.
“Well, even though we both know Pablo and Banksy are the real celebs here…,” Loren said, tongue-in-cheek. “I'm sure you already know the answer…. and you don't need me gushing about it…no doubt you hear it all the time,” she said teasingly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” William said as a wide smile graced his face.
Loren giggled and rolled her eyes, shaking her head while trying to further contain her smile.
The dogs meandered in front of Loren and William as they strolled down the street heading south towards William’s building.  The afternoon rush-hour was starting to build, and the energy from both dogs seemed to be waning.  William asked Loren if she could carry Banksy and he would carry Pablo, because at their slow pace, he didn’t want to irritate the growing number of pedestrians filling the sidewalks, trying to make their way home.
William watched Loren kneel and gently call for Banksy to come to her, which he did with no hesitation.  She spoke quietly to his black and tan face, as she gingerly brought him towards her chest, cradling his rear with her forearm, and she nuzzled him and gave him praise for being such a good boy.
William scooped up Pablo and the two picked up their pace a little, while he continued talking about things he enjoys doing in the neighbourhood on his off days.
After a few twists and turns down some inconspicuous side streets, they soon reached a large set of glass doors on a towering light silver building. William held the door for Loren as she looked up at the building's sheer size. They set the dogs down, and William waved at the two officers at the security desk as he led Loren to the elevators.
There was a palpable energy between the two as they shyly made small talk during their ascent to William’s floor.   Loren tried not to concentrate too much on her reflection in the dark glossy walls that encompassed them as she pulled off her mittens and dropped them in her soft leather tote.
“Oh - I totally forgot….I have a small treat for the boys, but I wanted to make sure it’s ok with you first,” Loren said, whispering the word “treat” as softly as possible to not alert the two doodles.  In the background, the soft chime sounded as the elevator settled on William’s floor.
“Oh wow, lemme see what you have in there…” William said as they got off the elevator. He hooked his finger on her bag and gently pulled it toward him, trying to look inside. As he pulled, Loren's body followed, and she bumped into William's chest. She was so close to his face and resisted the urge to pull his mouth onto hers. Instead, she just smiled, tucked her hair behind her ear, and took out the two collagen sticks she had brought for the pups to show William.
Loren thought it was a small thing, but William was very touched by her thoughtfulness.
In the days leading up to their meeting, William recognized he was in unfamiliar territory when he thought about Loren.  William naturally had been in love and had been in long term relationships previously.  Over the course of the past couple of years however, he preferred to keep his options open, to focus on continually improving his game and as such, developing a true intimate connection with a woman was of little interest.  There was a plethora of options when William felt like keeping a woman’s company, but like a light switch, it was something William could easily turn on and off depending on his mood.
But Loren drew him in instantly.  When he looked at her, William felt her warmth and kindness deep within him.  She was charming and funny; she had William in stitches with her brand of humour that was like observational storytelling mixed with bits of edginess and sarcasm.   William could not comprehend how Loren was so unassuming yet she could light up a room and would give each person she came across her undivided attention.
William often felt there was a depth and mystery to her beauty that intrigued him. It was as though there was always something new to discover about her, making her endlessly fascinating. Each time William video chatted with Loren, he tried to memorize all the distinctive features of her face.  The freckles on her high cheekbones.  Her eyes, a rich and dark mahogany accented by long thick lashes.  He could almost feel those same lashes tickling his jawline as he imagined her underneath him.  He couldn’t help but to stare at her mouth, longing for the day when he could taste her in a deep kiss.
The only negative part of meeting Loren, which weighed heavily on William’s mind was the timing\. The end of the regular season was quickly approaching, and he was already feeling the pressure with his overall offensive game feeling stagnant. William hated to admit it but deep down, he really was unsure if he could afford a distraction that Loren might present. He decided to shelve those thoughts for now until he got to know Loren a little more.
William opened the door to his home and both dogs barreled through the entrance and immediately leapt onto the couch as though they themselves were inviting Loren to come in.  Loren stepped across the threshold into the spacious living area that was bright and airy with whites and neutrals throughout.  Somehow it did not surprise her at all how tasteful and sleek William’s home seemed to be - those were two words she could easily associate with the man himself.
As easy as it had felt so far spending time with William, the fact she was standing in the living room of his house made Loren’s heart race.  She knew her cheeks were a dead giveaway with showing her nerves; there’s just no way she could hide their vibrant pink hue.
William gave Loren a quick tour and guided her over to the sliding glass doors that led to a small balcony.  William mentioned how stunning the sunsets were in his south-west facing unit, and he hoped the clouds would clear to give Loren a glimpse for herself.
The chatter between the two remained light and free-flowing as William busied himself preparing an early dinner for Pablo and Banksy, who seemed to be waiting for a little extra attention from Loren. She glanced at the dog's sweet faces and made her way over to the couch. As she sat, she curled her one leg under her rear and leaned in speaking sweetly to the dogs as they began to crowd her while reaching up to sniff and lick her face.
William smiled at the sight in front of him.  The girls he occasionally brought back to his place for an evening, or sometimes overnight, might briefly acknowledge the dogs (if at all) but most times, it was straight to the flirtations with William to get their intended activities underway.
Loren continued to rub the coats of each of the dogs as she happened to glance at William as he gazed back at her.
“Shit, I’m sorry - I’m keeping them from their dinner….” Loren said apologetically to William.  “You boys better go and get your grub,” she said, rubbing the dogs behind their ears as she stood up from the couch. “They are the greatest….I mean all dogs are, but these guys…really are amazing,” Loren said, her face beaming with admiration as she smiled at William.  “Is there anything I can help with at all?” she asked as she made her way to the kitchen island where William was rinsing a glass.
“Sure, you can start with telling me whether you'd like red or white wine, or something else to drink?” William said as he leaned against the white granite countertop. “And then, have a look here at the menu and we can decide what to order.  I'm starving too, so go wild,” William chuckled.
“Mm - red wine please and thank you,” Loren said with a polite smirk.  She picked up William’s phone and started to browse the menu.
A slight wave of panic hit Loren as she looked at the menu prices.  She was so unaccustomed to eating anywhere outside of her own kitchen or that of the group home. For years, dining out was a luxury that she felt she could never afford and the sticker shock of that menu was a quick reminder of why.  Loren cursed at herself in her mind for the espresso and pastry she bought herself earlier.  She had no idea she would end up having dinner with William.  Moreover, she did not want to assume William would be paying for her meal, so she scanned the menu for the most inexpensive sushi options.
“Anything you like on there?” William asked, while handing a wine glass to Loren and sliding his phone across the island towards himself.
“Mmm - oh yeah….there's just so much to choose from,” Loren smiled faintly, trying to hide the feeling of embarrassment knowing her bank account was close to being depleted.
William wasn’t certain but he sensed a shift in Loren’s demeanor.
William was cautious with his wording.  “You sure Sushi’s ok?  We can totally order something else if you want?”
“No, I promise - I really do love it….it's - well, I - I'm on a really super tight budget…it's been….,” Loren trailed off as her cheeks blazed red once more, “it's just been a tough time, especially the past couple of months,” she finished quietly.  She took a sip of her wine as her flustered admission momentarily hung in the air.
William could feel Loren's usual luminescence dissolve with that one sentence.  In their conversations, William never broached the subject of why she worked the seemingly countless shifts as it seemed clear that she was more often at work than at her home.  She once mentioned she was covering for a coworker who fell ill, so that is what William continued to assume throughout their talks.
“You came all the way down here, so dinner’s my treat.  You're starving, I'm starving so I'm going to order a bunch of stuff…is there anything you don't like?” William said, as he smiled at Loren, hoping to see her relax more.
“Can I contribute something towards the bill? It's not much but I'd like to put something towards it?” Loren asked.
It threw William off kilter with Loren’s offer to still pay for part of the meal when she could have easily just said nothing and enjoyed being treated.  As perplexed as he was, he set it aside in his mind and came up with a better idea.
“How about we order pizza next time, and you can cover that,” William replied, hoping Loren would take notice of him wanting there to be a “next time.”
Loren studied William’s expression of sincerity as her own face cast a look of surprise, disbelief and confusion.  She quickly snuffed-out the questions surrounding his possible motives for wanting to see her again and as calmly as she could, Loren responded “Yeah, ok…deal…” extending her hand in agreement and acceptance of his offer.
With his eyes never leaving her face, William chuckled lightly as his hand gently wrapped around hers to acknowledge the deal.  He could feel his body react to the skin to skin contact with Loren, even just with their handshake.
Loren delicately withdrew her hand from William’s when Pablo approached her and stood on his hind legs and propped his front paws on the side of her thigh.  She silently thanked Pablo for helping to divert attention elsewhere.  She had not intended to mention anything about her financial situation, but she just felt so far out of her league at that moment, her anxiety got the better of her.
She gently picked up the goldendoodle and walked towards the sliding glass doors to have another look around the city. Loren looked down at the packed streets with cars that were bumper to bumper and never appeared to move an inch.  She watched as people hurried along, darting between the line of vehicles and the subsequent blaring of multiple car horns protesting any number of traffic infractions.
William walked to the couch with their semi-full wine glasses.   He sat down and leaned back against the cushions and chuckled while he watched Loren as she continued to take in all the sights and sounds of rush hour.
“See anything interesting?” he smiled as his eyes slowly ran from the top of her head and settled on her shapely ass.  He had never gotten a really good look at her features below her neckline and he wasted no time reveling in her curves.
“I can see why you take the subway to get to the games on time, although…not to be all motherly or anything but don’t you ever get worried about your safety at all?” Loren asked as she leaned over to set Pablo down.
William was still staring at her upside-down-valentine-shaped ass as she turned to face him.
Was he staring at my ass? She asked herself.
“I’m sorry - I…uh…missed the question, what did you ask?” William sheepishly grinned, thinking he might have been caught in the act.
Loren walked around the coffee table and sat at the opposite end of the couch from William, where her glass of wine was waiting.  As she took a small sip, she smiled and thanked William for bringing over.
“Well, your safety on the subway…I mean, it’s none of my business…and seeing that mess down there, I completely understand why you take it….but when it was the big headline on every news outlet, the first thing I thought of was….you know, a crazed fan, someone trying to mug you, anyone could do something to you.  I guess it worried me - I just hoped you were going to be safe is all,” Loren confessed.
“Oh - you were worried about me, eh?” William said, his eyes bright with intrigue as Loren smiled and let out a slight giggle as she looked up at the ceiling, shyly avoiding his gaze.
William continued as he stretched out his arm across the back of the couch.  “Nah, I get what you're saying but it’s kind of a gamble driving or taking the subway.  If you saw what it’s like to turn into the rink - I’ve had my life fucking flash before my eyes more than a few times.  Absolutely fucking awful,” William chuckles.
“Mmm….yeah ok, you got me…I see it with the traffic for sure.  I aged about 10 years driving Gary down to the skate last week,” Loren said as William snickered, understanding fully what she was saying.
“And yes, I was worried…given you’re the only Leaf that flaunts his bare chest regularly in the media - you gotta realize that every time you go tarps off, the hum of about 8 million vibrators are heard ‘round the world - that alone makes you a national treasure,” Loren winked at William, and took another sip of wine.
William’s eyes widened as his mouth fell open slightly, before a large grin spanned his face, followed by the sound of his unique laugh.
Women he met, or that often approached him in the greater Toronto area, had made explicit comments about his shirtless interviews so William was aware of the added attention he received, whether he wanted it or not.
Loren’s quip made William realize she knew that no matter what he did—winking during games, going shirtless in interviews, or wearing sandals in the snow—he was seen as a sex symbol. Most women he encountered in Toronto and on the road treated him as such, and he is the first to admit, it has served him well throughout his career. Between Models, starlets, singers, and young professionals, William had a seemingly never-ending selection of women at his fingertips.
However, after signing an 8 year deal with the Leafs worth close to 9 figures earlier this year, he was warned by family, friends, his agent and others closest to him within his current circle that he’ll have to be more careful than ever with who he surrounds himself with going forward.
But this woman in front of him - her unpretentious, sincere and light-hearted disposition had completely disarmed William.  Even though he had not known her for very long, he felt there was no hidden agenda with Loren, and he felt relaxed and at ease with her. William knew it was rare to meet someone like her and he found she was as refreshing as an ocean breeze.
As the two continued to talk - seemingly about a hundred different topics - Loren felt that same feeling she had after William hugged her the week prior.  He was calming to her; she felt a warmth and comfort just listening to him talk.  She was fascinated by the parts of his life that he had divulged to her so far and there were just not enough hours in the day for all the questions she wanted to ask him.
Eventually, Loren excused herself and headed to the washroom, grabbing her leather tote on the way.  With as many overnight shifts as Loren worked, she had become accustomed to having pretty much everything but the kitchen sink in her bag.  Fresh change of panties, hair and makeup essentials, deodorant, and anything else a woman on the go might need.
Her bright pink cheeks shimmered in her reflection in the mirror, no doubt a symptom from the wine and the warm temperature of his condo. Loren stripped out of the thick grey sweater she had on, leaving the white long-sleeved cotton V-neck shirt she had layered underneath.  She momentarily frowned at how simple and basic her outfit looked, with or without the sweater, but then shrugged it off.  She could afford what she could afford, and if William chose to judge her based on her clothing, they might as well just finish things right there.
She touched up her make-up and re-pinned her hair before she stepped back out to the living room.
While Loren finished in the washroom, she heard a knock at his door and William's muffled voice as he accepted the dinner delivery.  A fresh wave of hunger pains seized her stomach and felt as though she would devour it all, like locusts annihilate crops.
Loren set her bag back by her coat that hung by the door, padded back to the coffee table in the living room to retrieve their wine glasses and headed over towards William.  He stood at the kitchen island carefully extracting one take out box after another from the stylish reusable bag which donned the restaurant’s elegant logo.
“Oh, fuck - this smells so…..”, William began to say until he glimpsed at Loren.
His eyes dropped to her ample, round breasts which her cotton shirt had subtly revealed.  Without her sweater on, her slender neck was exposed which was decorated by a delicate silver chain with a small heart pendant.  William swallowed hard and eventually finished his sentence, rather quietly, about dinner smelling so amazing.
With dusk creeping in through the wall of windows, and the lights throughout the condo slightly dimmed, Loren almost appeared ethereal as she offered William his wine.  He had managed to keep any excitement in his pants to a minimum that day, but this time, he felt his cock immediately harden as he did his best to conceal his slight erection under the edge of the island’s countertop.
“This looks - wow…absolutely incredible….and this is just the take-out containers?” Loren said, completely mystified by the ornate gift-boxes that held the  menu selections William ordered.  “I know I sound like a little country bumpkin but this is just wild…”, Loren said while she continued to admire the contents of the bag.
“Oh, well…just wait until you taste everything, the Sushi’s insane here.  It's definitely a favourite of mine,” William smiled.
Loren’s mind wandered for a split second, wondering how many girls had stood in this precise spot in William’s home, and how many had stayed the night, and how many had the luxury of a return visit.
As much as Loren tried to avoid these ideas, her stomach twisted with the thoughts which she had no business worrying about in the first place.
Loren's mind snapped back to the present when she realized William giggled after she didn't respond to his question.
“Shit - sorry, I missed that…,” Loren covered her mouth slightly as she recognized the extra tendency to swear after a few sips of wine.
“Don’t be - I was just asking if you liked the wine?” William asked, followed by another little chuckle.
“Oh!  Mmm-hmmm - it's really good, almost a little too good….it's going down a little too easily,” Loren admitted, followed by an enticing thought of her easily going down on him.
William added a splash more to her glass, respecting that she had to drive, unless of course things between them progressed towards his bedroom later on.  However, he knew he wouldn't push, insinuate or suggest anything of the kind, unless he was 100% certain she wanted to.
William and Loren brought all of the take-out boxes to the cozy dining room that bordered the open kitchen.  They flipped open each of the magnetic lids and visually feasted on the handmade creations.
As dinner ensued, William and Loren’s conversation deepened and the two delved into a more serious level of understanding of each other’s lives.  Loren was fascinated with William’s life; she asked him truly engaging questions that touched any number of topics.  William found Loren to be thoughtful and far more articulate than he could ever hope to be.
Once the leftovers from dinner had been cleared away and dishes were stacked in the sink, Loren kept William company while he took the dogs out for a short walk after dinner.
Temperatures had dropped significantly once the sun dipped down past the horizon, and Loren wished now she had remembered to pull her sweater back on before they walked out.  Although her thick fleece jacket and vest had been plenty warm earlier that day, at that moment, it was not nearly enough against the sub-zero windchill.  She tried not to let it show but her body began to shudder and her teeth chattered.  William quickly offered his coat to help Loren warm up, but thankfully the dogs got their business done quickly and no time was wasted in returning to warmth and comfort indoors.
Once everyone shuffled through the door of the condo, Loren wasn’t certain if William would want her to stay longer.  It didn’t feel like he was anxious for her to leave, but she would never dream of overstaying her welcome.
William simply offered to take Loren’s vest and jacket and hung them up for her, which thankfully was an obvious enough indication that he wasn’t in any rush for her to go home.  Suffice it to say, it felt she could assume he was having as good of a time as Loren was.
Before settling in on the couch, Loren retrieved the dogs’ gift from her tote.   Once the sticks were in view, both dogs jumped up on either side of Loren with their tails wagging furiously as she sat between them, almost in the middle of the couch.
Both dogs took each of the sticks in their mouth, and lowered their bodies to lay comfortably beside her.  Banksy had his front paws in Loren’s lap as he held the stick steady as he began to chew the end.
William returned with a blanket and he grinned widely at the sight of Loren and the dogs sitting next to her, quietly working away on their treats.
“They like those, eh?  I’ll need to get some for myself - they’re amazing dogs but sometimes when I’m sleeping in the afternoon before a game, they’re bouncing off the walls,” William said, as he unfolded the fleece picture blanket which had a large picture of the pups by a lake on it.
When Loren angled her head to have a closer look at the picture, William smiled as he explained that the blanket was a Christmas gift from his sister Ella and was taken at the family Lake house during the previous off-season.
William sat on the end of the couch and spread the blanket across him and Loren, shrouding the dogs in the process.  “You look like you still need to warm up some more…fucking cold out there,” William said.
Loren stroked both dogs' fur as she looked at them affectionately.  William was quietly watching her with a subtle smile on his face.
Nudging Loren’s hand, William asked when she worked next.  Heat rose to her cheeks as William did not move his hand away from hers as she continued to stroke Pablo’s fur, grazing William’s fingers in the process.
“Saturday afternoon at 3,” she smiled and glanced briefly at William’s eyes which she found so exquisite, they always overwhelmed her.
“Awh - that’s too bad, you could have come to Saturday's game, maybe,” William said sweetly.
“Mmm - that would've been so great…I've never been,” Loren said, as she tried to breathe normally.  William still had not shifted his hand and with her fingers still brushing against his as she petted Pablo, her mind could not understand if it meant something or not.
The two fell into another light conversation about hockey in general, spanning topics from the All-Star Weekend to locker-room hijinks.  Despite the ease of the chat, the tension that seemed to be rising between the two was very apparent.  Even William found his stomach flipping with the anticipation of simply touching Loren’s skin, let alone the other ideas he’s had in his mind since meeting her nearly a week ago.
With the dogs now on their backs sleeping soundly, William asked Loren quietly if she could carry Bansky, who seemed to have a real affinity towards Loren, to his bedroom, while he carried Pablo.  As though they were carrying their own children to bed, William and Loren cooed at the dogs as they gently laid them on his luxuriously soft duvet.
Once she saw Banksy was comfortable, she excused herself and went to the washroom.  She took the break to remind herself to not get ahead of herself, not have any expectations no matter how the night ends and try and keep it light.  Loren reached into her pocket, applied some ChapStick which she had stashed in her pocket earlier, popped a peppermint candy in her mouth for good measure and silently decided it might be time for her to head home.
William was heading back towards the couch when Loren returned.  She smiled politely and said maybe she should be on her way.
“Oh…yeah, I mean - if you need to,” William said, trying to not let his disappointment show.  “It’s just you don’t seem to have much of a chance to relax, so I thought maybe you’d stick around for a bit - maybe chill…. you know, watch a movie or something?” William asked, as he approached her.
Loren couldn’t help but look at him and smile as she gently nodded her head. “I just didn’t want to overstay…you know, I was trying to make sure you didn’t have to do the awkward ‘I kind of want you to leave but I don’t want to sound like an ass scenario’,” Loren chuckled as she nervously rambled.
William stood in front of Loren and with his hands gently landing on her waist, he slowly pulled her towards him.  Loren’s mind felt like it was a wild pendulum swinging uncontrollably between thoughts of unleashing her frenzied desires versus enjoying his slow, intimate movements.
William pulled Loren in even closer and her hands, moving solely by instinct, touched his chest covered by the soft fabric of his loose fitting t-shirt.
Looking up at William, the very moment William’s lips touched hers, Loren felt completely weak.  His lips were so soft, warm and beautifully curved, and they brushed slowly against Loren’s mouth as he pressed his body further against hers.
Loren let out a soft moan as his mouth fully connected with hers; his taste was so astonishingly delicious that it made her insides ache, desperate for more.  With each kiss, their mouths formed a deeper connection, and it wasn’t long before William’s tongue began to lightly graze Loren’s. The sensation was so overwhelming and potent that Loren had to break the kiss, and she leaned her forehead against William’s jawline while her other hand snaked around the nape of his neck.  Loren lightly chuckled at her own breathlessness before her lips found his mouth once more.
This time, William broke the kiss, but his lips did not venture far from hers.
“Where’d you get the mint from?” he asked, murmuring against her lips with a sheepish grin.
Her eyes met William's before they trailed back down to his mouth as she returned the grin.
“In my pocket, but my god, you don’t need it.  I doubt there’s anything in the world that tastes as good as you do right now,” Loren said as her lips gently caressed his neck under his jawline.
Loren felt one of William’s hands slowly slide from the contour of her waist towards her front pocket of her form fitting leggings.  He dipped two fingers inside and felt around for the mints, giving Loren a little tickle in the process.  Loren jumped and squealed, holding onto William’s upper arm a little more tightly as he pulled her against him once more while planting gentle kisses along her neck, up to her ear.
His fingers remained inside her pocket as he worked a mint out the package.  He must have known that his fingers were so close to the middle of her panties, which were becoming wetter by the second.
William retrieved the mint and popped it into his mouth, flashing a seductive smile at Loren.
“Better….,” William said, leaning his forehead against Loren’s before closing his mouth over hers in another steamy kiss.
Loren’s mind was spinning; none of this made sense to her at all.  William’s kiss was like no other she had experienced; it made her throat tight with wanting more.  The way William’s one hand was pressed against the small of her back while the other cradled her face as their mouths connected and tongues yearned to meet, made her insides twist with desire.
What started as long, sweet and tender kisses, William and Loren had ignited a furious passion between the two of them in the middle of the living room.  Her bodily instincts made her want to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist and have him carry her to bed.  She wanted his cock in every way possible.  She wanted him to writhe and moan, groaning her name while he cums over and over again, all because of how she makes him feel.
But in her mind, Loren was worried.  She had a complicated viewpoint of sex from her past and she was not willing to bring the terrible experiences she had at the hands of such a sordid person, as her ex-boyfriend was, into William’s bed.
William slowed his kiss down, allowing his mouth to wander across the warm skin of her cheeks, jawline and down the contours of her slender neck.
William looked at Loren’s face and he was more taken with her than ever. The sensitive skin that surrounded her full lips was red from his abrasive stubble; her cheeks glowed pink in the dimmed light from a nearby lamp, and her rich, dark eyes that made his heart ache and his soul melt.
William slowed his breathing, but his heart was still pounding hard in his chest.  He was sure his semi-erect cock had introduced itself to Loren’s midriff and he hoped it wouldn’t be long before William was on his way to a huge release, with Loren in his arms.
William guided Loren to the couch and adjusted the pillows to support her head as she laid down on her back.  William positioned himself between her legs as he gently leaned his torso on top of her while bearing some weight on his forearms.
It was dizzying to Loren to feel the weight of William on top of her as she raked her fingers through his famously illustrious hair, while her hands gripped his T-Shirt and his growing erection pressed hard against her drenched centre.
After her hands and mouth had pushed him as far as he could handle, William got up the nerve to ask her if she wanted to come to bed.
When Loren hesitated and showed her apprehension, his heart dropped as he knew at once it was not meant to be that night.  He could see it pained her to decline his offer as she looked up at him apologetically.  He saw the longing she had for him deep within her gaze, but he sensed Loren’s guard was still up.  All he could hope for is that she saw the same longing William had for her.
Although he'd be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed, Loren was special and so unique that what mattered most to him is when he could see her again.
The two spoke softly and gently between kisses as Loren began to ready her mind to depart for home.  Loren also decided that she wanted to let William know how truly wonderful she thought he was, just in case this was her only opportunity.
Even if William turned out to be a total player and just wanted another notch on his bedpost, she wanted to take the chance and say it anyway.  After all, it wasn't unrealistic in her mind that he could decide to move on to another girl the very minute she leaves.
Her words to him, as she gently caressed his face and smoothed his hair behind his ear, helped soothe the disappointment and solidify that he really needed to see her again as soon as possible.
As they arose from the couch, William adjusted his shirt to cover his rigid member and Loren tiptoed into his bedroom to say goodbye to his dogs, afterwards heading back to get her coat and boots on by the entrance.
Loren looked at William with a smile but she was perplexed as he pulled his coat, toque and boots on as well.
William glanced over at Loren’s confused expression.  “What - I’m not letting you walk by yourself into an underground parking lot at night…fuck that…,” William chuckled.
“Shit - I totally forgot…I am so sorry…I can figure out something so you don’t have to go out,” Loren said uncomfortably.
William shook his head.  “Loren….I'll drive you, ok?  It's the garage I told you about, right?” William asked as he reached for her hand, slowly pulling her back into him.
Loren nodded as she smiled, but the smile did little to mask that she still felt terrible for inconveniencing William.
William’s hands travelled up and cupped Loren's face just under her jawline.  He held her face so she had to look into William’s eyes.
“I know you feel bad - but please don’t.  It's like 10 minutes….total…and it's not even late,” William said reassuringly.
He closed the gap between them with a slow and deep kiss.  When it seemed clear that they might stand there forever in a lip-lock, they mutually broke the kiss.  They smiled and giggled at each other as a few more nuzzles and sweet comments were made.  When they were ready to depart,   William called “car” and the dogs  came running down the hallway as fast as they could towards the door.
The elevator ride down to the underground parking garage was over within less than a minute, and William led the way to his sleek SUV parked nearby.  The dogs knew the routine well, and ran towards the door for the backseat.  William draped his arm around Loren’s shoulder as they walked the short distance to the car.
As she slid into the passenger seat, the scent of the interior made Loren clench her pussy walls; it was a perfect balance of William’s cologne, expensive leather and new car smell.  She felt a little nervous still being in such close proximity to William, now in a different setting, but the dogs provided an excellent distraction as they both begged to sit on Loren’s lap.  She managed to accommodate them both for the short distance they had to travel.
A light dusting of snow had covered the ground since Loren and William had last ventured outside.  As they pulled out onto the street, Loren still marvelled at the lights of skyscrapers and William watched as she quietly talked to both dogs, pointing out little things she saw.
Loren turned William on fiercely.  If he thought it was remotely appropriate, he would have turned them back around to his condo, guided her into the bedroom and given her as much pleasure as she could handle until they passed out.  But he could see clearly that something is holding her back and despite what his cock wants him to do right now, patience is what he chose.
William pulled into the driveway towards the garage entrance and with his approach, the door automatically lifted.  He pulled up to the kiosk, grabbed a ticket and Loren directed him to her parking spot.  He pulled into a spot next to her vehicle and asked her for her entrance ticket.  She was puzzled but relented and pulled the ticket from her wallet.  Loren watched as William hopped out of his vehicle and walked over to the PAY HERE kiosk, tapped his credit card and returned to the car as Loren was exiting the car.  Both dogs had their noses pressed to the window and whimpered as William approached Loren.
“Wait  - did you just pay for my parking?” Loren asked, her eyes growing wide with the realisation.
“Yep - we’ve got 15 minutes before the time runs out so….,” William leans over and kisses Loren again. She dropped her bag at her feet and held onto William’s jacket as his tongue slid between her lips and found hers again.
William slowly backed Loren up, pressing her against her weathered SUV; his tongue continued to delicately touch and taste her as he allowed a soft groan escape once he pulled away from her mouth.  She hadn’t even realised that her hands had travelled from the front of his jacket, down to his waist and up under his shirt.  Her hands gently stroked his taut skin and felt the lines of his muscles that led to, what Loren assumed would be, the most gorgeous cock that she could ever imagine.  It certainly felt sizable enough pressing against the waistband of her leggings.
Loren felt breathless as she looked up at William’s face.  He leaned his head down and buried his face in the nape of her neck; the feeling of his lips by her ear and the warmth of his breath sent such a raging jolt between her legs, she almost begged for him to fuck her right up against her vehicle.  She had never, ever had this sensation, this desperation, for a man to touch her; the fact it was William that made her so intensely aroused, it was almost too exhilarating for Loren to handle.
A small group of passers-by in the garage spotted William and Loren at a distance.  The group heckled them and hurled their own suggestive ideas towards the couple.  The interruption successfully killed the mood, and the two quickly realised the 15 minute grace period to exit the garage was soon expiring.
William pulled Loren toward him in a warm embrace, and she thanked him for “the most incredible day”.  He handed her the paid parking stub; that gesture alone meant so much to her, and she said as much to William.
“Call me when you get home…and I don’t mean a quick text.  I want to see you safe in your house, behind locked doors,” William said, looking down at Loren's face.  “How long should it take for you to get home?” he asked.
“Not quite an hour, depending on traffic,” Loren replied as a small grin spanned her lips.
William nodded and watched as she pulled her keys from her bag , unlocked the door and slid into the driver's seat.  She lowered the window and waved good-bye to the dogs who were peering out at her, with their tails wagging.
William walked up to the window and angled his head to meet Loren’s mouth; she brought her hand up to his face, her feather touch brushed against the stubble on his cheek.
Loren smiled against William’s mouth and then pulled away slightly.  “We’d better go,” Loren said and planted one more small kiss on William’s lips.  “And yes, I will call you when I pull in the driveway,” she added as she winked at him.
William chuckled and put his hands in his pockets as he turned on his heel, heading back to his vehicle.  Loren waved as she pulled out of the spot, and followed the arrows towards the exit.  It wasn’t long before William’s almost-too-bright LED headlights appeared in her rear view mirror, and with a honk and a wave, the two vehicles pulled out onto the street and headed in opposite directions.
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malleux · 10 months
freedom. | quest for tyr [IV]
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young adult!atreus x reader
-> synopsis: The only times you had ever experienced adventure was through your books. It was hard to live an exciting life while trapped in Alfheim.
You know you're meant for something greater than wasting away underground.
[loosely based on the events of Gow: Ragnarok]
-> chapter warnings: all chapters contain spoilers, cursing, anxiety, fighting, fight scene not accurate to canon, blood
-> a/n: sorry for the much, much shorter update. this is literally half of what I normally write, but the "quest for tyr" section of the story is over and it's time for "old friends". please enjoy!
You were sick of it. 
Atreus and Kratos, very obviously, had a strained relationship at the moment. It was typical of every parent-child duo to butt heads at times, but couldn't they have done it in private? 
You nor Mimir wanted to hear constant bickering. Atreus wouldn't listen and Kratos wouldn't hear him out. In your opinion, who cares? 
The deeper into the mine you got, the more your eye twitched in annoyance as they argued. It was typical for a parent and their kid to disagree— Hel, you and your father argued often— but this extent was maddening. 
Did you hear that, brothers? I don't think we're alone." Even Mimir had butt in a few times to make them stop, deciding to comment on the weird noises he heard that Kratos and Atreus were definitely speaking over. 
"Ears open. Eyes up." Kratos responded. 
"It came from over here. There's a passage leading out." 
Atreus headed to the other side of the room where the entrance to a small crawl-space was embedded in the wall. You made a face, once more despising the confined space as you watched Atreus crouch down and shuffle inside. 
"Atreus. Do my words irritate you?" 
"It's fine. I get it." Atreus's tone was obviously annoyed. 
"Brothers— wait, is that light up ahead there?" Mimir cut his own sentence off. 
You came out of the crawl-space into another very open area. Laying a hand on your spear, you looked around. Stalactites hung dangerously low from the ceiling, building up from years and years of existence. Across the room was a door, a large lock across the front of it. 
"The door is barred." You commented. "There has to be a reason." 
"You don't lock a door like that to secure spare bedclothes." Mimir agreed. 
Atreus pulled out his bow and aimed it at a lower corner of the door frame, yelling out his spell and releasing the arrow into the weak spot. It cracked, the old wood beginning to crumble around it. He did the same with the next corner, and the next, until the door was loose enough to open. 
Kratos followed after him, walking up to the large latch and grabbing it, readying himself to heave the wood up and unlock the door. 
As he was doing so, however, a loud yell rang across the cavern. You didn't recognize its words, but the thought was quickly pushed away as two large beings jumped down from another entrance in the room. You wanted to kick yourself for not seeing it and securing it earlier. 
They raised their weapons and ran forward, one choosing to clash with Kratos as the other went straight for you. You didn't have time to summon a shield with the enemy's speed, instead choosing to use the pole of your spear to counter his swing instead. 
"Mimir!" You called, "What the Hel are these things?" 
"Einherjar, lass!" He yelled back, as if you were just expected to know what those were. "Be careful, they can use the Bifrost and could get a brutal hit on ya!" 
You heeded Mimir's words just in time as the Einherjar's staff began to glow a bright purple. He swung it towards you again and you dodged, rolling out of the way and standing up behind him. You stabbed the spearhead into his back. The Einherjar yelled out in pain, thrashing to get un-pierced, but the damage was done. 
Turquoise light emitted from the tip of the spearhead and illuminated the inside of the Einherjar, its power sending shocks through his body. He slumped to the ground. 
Atreus and Kratos took on the second Einherjar, Atreus continuing his strategy of staying in the background for long-distance shots while Kratos used his little fire-blade-chain-things. The fight didn't last long-- obviously a god, a demigod, and a half-elf were no match for the Einherjar-- and you were able to take a moment to catch your breath. 
Between the constant magic use and the fact that you were just out of practice from not using your spear in so long, this journey was definitely starting to wear on you. You were beginning to think you had asthma-- did they make a healing spell for that? 
"Clearly they don't want us in there. This has to be it." Atreus, ever the energetic one, was ready to push forward. 
You held a hand up, chest still slightly heaving. "Let's-- can we talk about this? What are we going to do if it is? Just unleash a god of war into the Realms?"
"N-no!" Atreus glanced at his father. You knew Kratos wasn't a big fan of Atreus's plan anyways, so you figured your words might have made Atreus anxious about another argument. "I'm hoping we can talk to him. Explain what's going on with Fimbulwinter and everything. Maybe he can help."
"Help with... the end of the world?"
"Yes, exactly." Atreus reached forward and took your wrist into his grasp. His fingers were rough and calloused, no doubt from years of using his bow. They were warm as well, heating up your entire body. Or, maybe that was the exhaustion from all the exercise. "Let's go."
Kratos approached the large wooden door and inspected it. Obviously, it wasn't able to be opened through normal means. Instead, he dug his blades into the wood and turned around, pulling at the chains over his back. He yelled out in effort and eventually, the door flew off its hinges and splintered across the room. You covered your face to protect it from the wood debris and dust that flew up around you all. By the time you could open your eyes to look around, Atreus was already running towards the entryway.
Inside the smaller room sat a man. A very dirty, very sad man. HIs head hung low, eyes trained on the dirt floor even as Atreus knelt before him. Kratos was not far behind. You chose to stay a bit further back, still holding your spear just in case. Not that you would want to fight a god, but you would if that's what it came down to. 
The man shook his head. "What trickery is this, Odin...?" When he looked up, you felt your heart lurch. His eyes were a glowing white, piercing through the dust and darkness of the room and burning through everything he looked at. Bifrost eyes-- similar to Mimir's. "What game do you play with me now?"
"We're not with Odin." Atreus began, "We're the good guys."
Kratos stalked behind Tyr, just as vigilant as you were, and snatched the thick noose that was tied around Tyr's neck. He sliced it easily, but Tyr made no motions to move. He still sat-- hunched over, face turned to the ground. 
"This is the god of war?" Kratos questioned.
"Those blades..." Tyr eyed the blades in Kratos's hands-- the metal still glowing with heat. "I know you. Godkiller... Have you come for me now?"
You had questions. 
The only time Tyr made any major movements came next, after Kratos sheathed his blades and stepped towards him. He held his hand out, offering help, but Tyr frantically scooted away from him. "Stay away!"
Just how scary was Kratos?
"Brother, let me try." Kratos lifted up Mimir's head to the now-hyperventilating god. "Tyr-- Tyr! Look, you know me, don't you?"
"You-- you killed Mimir!"
"No, no, no, no--"
"We brought him right back!" Atreus butted in.
"Stay away from me, you monsters!" 
Tyr jumped up, pushing his way away from Kratos, Mimir, and Atreus. He rushed past you, attempting to escape, but not before you stood in front of him. You had put your spear away, realizing that having your weapon drawn would only scare him more. 
"Tyr, we're not here to hurt you--" 
"And you kidnapped the half-elf! What more can you do?" Tyr cried out, going around you and running through a different tunnel. He smashed through the wooden planks blocking it, more debris flying everywhere. 
"We need him!" Atreus yelled, ignoring Kratos's calls to wait and chasing after Tyr. 
Before you both could follow, several more Einherjar jumped down. They must have sensed your presences-- or heard Tyr yelling. You drew your weapons and quickly defeated them, following after Atreus through the tunnel. 
Many Einherjar stopped you along the way and you were only guided by the echos of Atreus's voice as he pled for Tyr to listen. Eventually, you were able to back the god into a corner. Tyr was still begging to be let go-- to be shown mercy, as if he was expecting Odin himself to rain hellfire upon the mines. 
Atreus threw his hands up as you and Kratos approached, as if asking 'What now'?
"This is my father, and this is Y/N. We help people." Atreus tried once more. 
"I don't belong out here. Please. It's worse when he's angry."
Kratos suddenly grabbed Tyr off of the floor with superhuman strength, pinning him to the wall. "Are you not a soldier? Are you not a leader of men? Answer me! Master yourself. My son brought us here to this place for you. Look at him."
Tyr's gaze flickered to Atreus, who was trying to subtly use puppy-dog eyes. You bit back a laugh. 
"You...? Why? You don't know me."
"We know of your past endeavors." You shrugged, "You did good. You helped the Giants. We're just... returning the favor."
"We are leaving. Are you coming with us?" Kratos waited for Tyr to nod before releasing him back to the ground. 
Tyr took a breath and stood, finally reaching his full height. You craned your neck up to look at him, and then made eye contact with Atreus. You raised your eyebrows to convey "I'm surprised this worked".  He returned the sentiment. The look didn't last long as Atreus fumbled around for a second, unhooking a spear from his back and holding it out to Tyr. 
"Here. Your statue in the lake had a spear, so I figured you might want a--"
"Walking stick? Oh, a kind thought, but no thank you." 
Another look was shared-- this time, confusion. 
Tyr crouched down to Atreus's height, laying one hand on his shoulder. "I ran earlier because I don't always know what's real. Sometimes, there's a... uh..."
"There's no shame in that, brother. We live in strange times." Mimir tried to comfort. 
"Everyone hears him talk?"
Kratos ignored it. "We must return home."
He began leading your little group further, probably feeling a wind or something that could lead to an exit. It was a bit awkward-- having a new giant god join the group, but it was still comfortable. Tyr was still wary, but nobody could blame him. 
"Are there names by which I should call you?" He broke the silence. 
"I'm Atreus. You already know Mimir. That's my father, Kratos, and then there's Y/N." Atreus looked at you and smiled reassuringly. "You're not the newbie anymore, Y/N."
You huffed out a laugh. "Considering I've only been here a few days, I still think I'm new."
"A few days? Had I not known any better, I would assume you were apart of the family."
You knew Tyr didn't mean anything by it, but the wording still stung. It was a reminder that you really weren't apart of any family. "Uh, no. What-- um, what all do you know?" 
You were nervous to ask, considering you never even went into detail when explaining everything over dinner those days ago. 
"I know that there was a half-elf being housed in Alfheim for many years. There wasn't much word once the fighting began, but goodness did you cause a ruckus when you left. Dark elf soldiers being dispatched left and right to find you and bring you home."
"They--they're looking for me?" 
"Why wouldn't they? You're not supposed to exist."
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the-offside-rule · 9 months
Liam Lawson (Mugen) - The Art of Decorating
Day 20 of Christmas
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Liam Lawson, known for his speed on the racetrack, found himself in a different kind of race this Christmas; a race against time to create the perfect decorations for his apartment and determined to surprise his girlfriend Y/n as he embarked on a festive DIY project.
In the midst of the glitter, ribbons, and tangled Christmas lights, Liam's artistic vision took over. The living room transformed into a chaotic workshop, a reflection of his creativity. All was going well until in and around 5 o clock, when Y/n walked through the door after a long day's work. Her eyes widened at the glittery disaster that awaited her.
"What happened here?" Y/n exclaimed, shocked at the mess. Liam, with a sheepish grin, tried to explain his ambitious holiday endeavor. "I thought we could make some decorations so I went to Asda and bought glitter and ribbons and-" As Liam continued on, think he was doing a good deed, Y/n, usually the calm one, couldn't contain her frustration. "I appreciate the effort, Liam, but this is a disaster! I can't believe you made such a mess." She scolded, a rare moment of tension between them.
Liam, sensing her disappointment, took a deep breath. "I just wanted to make our Christmas special. I didn't mean to create a mess." Le apologized, his sunny demeanor overshadowed by a tinge of sadness.
As Y/n processed his words, she noticed the genuine sincerity in his eyes. Softening, she realized the effort he had put into making their holiday memorable. "Okay, let's clean this up together." Y/n replied a lot calmer now and a small smile breaking through the frustration.
As they tidied the room, Y/n began to appreciate the handmade decorations scattered around. Liam explained each piece, his excitement contagious. The atmosphere lightened, and Y/n couldn't help but fall back into her love for Liam's infectious joy. "How about we hang these up? I actually like some of them." Y/n suggested. Liam's sunshine demeanor began making its return and with each little glitter picked up, be became happier and happier.
Once the mess was cleared, they began hanging the decorations. The twinkling lights, glittering ornaments, and paper snowflakes took on new life in their shared space. With each ornament placed, the tension melted away, replaced by laughing at how bad the mess was and humming along to Christmas songs together.
By the end of the evening, the tree was up and the whole place was decorated. Y/n stood back and admired each and every square inch of the place and looking lovingly at Liam as he added the final touches to the mantlepiece. Liam's warmth and love had turned a messy situation into a beautiful Christmas memory, reminding her that he was her sunshine, even when things seemed a bit stormy.
As they stood back to admire their festive masterpiece, Y/n wrapped her arms around Liam, grateful for the unique holiday adventure he had given them. "I'm sorry I gave out earlier." Y/n whispered. Liam smiled and kissed her head. "No need. We got it all sorted in the end, didn't we?" In that moment, surrounded by the glow of homemade decorations, they embraced the joy of Christmas and each other and uttered a quiet 'Merry Christmas' amongst themselves.
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pathfinderunlocked · 6 months
Gargantuan Linkserpent - CR11 Kyton
If you hear a chain rattling and feel the ground rumbling, it’s too late to run.
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Image generated on Artflow.ai.
I normally do my best to find an artist to showcase with each post.  For this one, though, I had an idea and couldn’t find any real artwork that was even remotely close, sorry.  It bothers me enough that I don’t think I’ll do it again.   It kind of makes sense, though, considering that the monster creates illusionary terrain that you could very easily flavor as looking like an AI-generated image.
This is a lower level version of a CR14 creature I made some time back, the Colossal Linkserpent. As the name implies, this weaker version is one size category smaller. If your adventure is a few levels lower, it might be more appropriate.
In the Shadow Plane, it’s perhaps fortunate at times that distances between location are fluid and long distance travel is somewhat dreamlike, because that leaves an infinite amount of space for the Gargantuan and Colossal Linkserpents to roam.  They never seem to reach settlements, but in the bleak and lifeless wilderness, Linkserpents hunt down travelers and torment them.  They are capable of causing a traveler’s journey in the Shadow Plane to stretch out endlessly by circling around them beneath the ground.
A relatively small number of these creatures are believed to exist - maybe a hundred or fewer in the world, although it’s impossible to tell for sure.  The animal-like intelligence of a Gargantuan Linkserpent is unusual among kytons, but this creature enjoys inflicting pain and torment just as much as the more intelligent kytons with humanoid appearances.
Unlike many kytons which wear the chains that were used to bind or torture them, a Garguantuan Linkserpent’s entire body except for its head is made of a great number of living metallic chains, which were given life and melded together by other kytons after being used to bind or torture other creatures. The difference between a Gargantuan Linkserpent and a Colossal Linkserpent is simply how many chains the kytons are able to gather when creating it.
Gargantuan Linkserpent - CR 11
Made of interwoven metallic chains stretching more than 30 feet long, this enormous serpent-like creature bursts from the ground with a rattling sound.
XP 12,800 LE Gargantuan outsider (evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful) Init +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 1 mile; Perception +15 Aura stretch terrain (120 ft.)
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +14 natural, -4 size) hp 138 (12d10+72); regeneration 5 (good weapons and spells, silver weapons) Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +8 DR 10/silver or good Immune cold SR 21
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee bite +18 (3d6+15) Ranged molten steel spit +11 touch (4d8 fire plus hardened steel, 30 ft. range increment, see text) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks constrict (4d6+21), enwrap, unnerving gaze (30 ft.; DC 16)
Str 31, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 1, Wis 18, Cha 8 Base Atk +12; CMB +26; CMD 39 (cannot be tripped) Feats All-Consuming Swing, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Climb +20, Perception +15 Languages None
Enwrap (Ex) As a standard action, a gargantuan linkserpent can coil its body around a creature at least two size categories smaller than itself, attempting to hold it in place.  This functions as a grapple combat maneuever, and provokes an attack of opportunity, except that if successful, the gargantuan linkserpent can maintain the grapple as a move action each round and can continue to make bite attacks.  A creature grappled in this way is moved into the center of the gargantuan linkserpent’s space, instead of adjacent to it as normal for a grapple.
Molten Steel Spit (Ex) As a standard action, a gargantuan linkserpent can spit a glob of molten steel.  This is a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 4d8 fire damage.  A target struck by this attack is entangled, and its weight increases by 120 lbs.  Both the entangled condition and the additional weight last until the target removes the steel, which immediately hardens around the target.
A flying target struck by this attack must succeed on a DC 25 Fly check or immediately plummet, and takes an additional -10 penalty on Fly checks on top of any penalty it takes from the added weight.
The hardened steel has 10 hardness and 30 hit points, and can be removed by dealing enough slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, acid, fire, or force damage to break it apart or melt it.  Acid or fire attacks against the hardened steel also damage the entangled creature.
Stretch Terrain (Su) As a free action, while in an area of natural terrain on the Shadow Plane, a gargantuan linkserpent can cause creatures within 120 feet to be unable to escape a 120 foot radius around the gargantuan linkserpent.  Creatures and objects which attempt to move further than this distance away seem to be moving, but their distance from the gargantuan linkserpent never increases to further than 120 feet.  Even teleportation effects are unable to move further than this distance, although plane shifting works normally.
A gargantuan linkserpent must be able to take a free action each round to maintain this aura.  The aura ends at the end of the gargantuan linkserpent’s turn if it is helpless or otherwise unable to act.
Unnerving Gaze (Ex) A creature that succumbs to an gargantuan linkserpent’s unnerving gaze has all of its movement speeds reduced to 0 for 1 round as it imagines being strangled in the coiled chains of the linkserpent’s body.  This gaze effect has a range of 30 feet and is negated by a DC 16 Will save.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Voidslug (Monster)
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(Art by Der-Reiko on deviantart)
CR4 NE Medium Ooze
A voidslug is a living tear into the plane of negative energy, the coagulation of its entropic energy given wretched animation. While a dedicated adventuring party can take one out easily, it leaves a path of dead animals, withered plants, broken structures, and barren soil behind it as it wanders; a single voidslug can render a small area inhospitable if allowed to exist too long.
Mindless undead are naturally drawn to a voidslug, and the creatures seem to tolerate their presence, often worsening a zombie infestation. Particularly nihilistic or destructive intelligent undead may keep a voidslug around as a source of healing and strength, but those who desire the material or interpersonal usually recognize the voidslug’s potential for collateral damage.
Inside a voidslug is a solid, gemlike mass of crystalized negative energy. This gem can be used as 1,000gp worth of Onyx Gems for the purpose of Animate Dead, Create Undead, and similar spells, or towards creating any construct that has the aforementioned spell as a component.
This creature resembles a living wad of black phlegm, and it leaves behind a trail of thick fluid and dead plant life.
Misc- CR4 NE Medium Ooze HD6 Init:-1 Senses: Perception:+3, Blindsight 60ft Aura: Malevolence 60ft (DC15) Stats- Str:16(+3) Dex:8(-1) Con:22(+6) Int:4(-3) Wis:17(+3) Cha:14(+2) BAB:+4 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:57(5d8+35) AC:14(-1 Dex, +5 Natural) Fort:+7 Ref+3 Will:+7 CMD:16 (Can’t be tripped) Immunity: Cold, Acid, Lightning, critical hits, flanking, precision damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stun, and visual effects Special Defenses: DR3/-, Negative Energy Affinity, Sundering Tar Offense- Slam +7(1d6+5 plus Energy Drain) CMB:+7 Speed:20ft Special Attacks: Energy Drain (1 level, DC15) Feats- Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack (-2/+4), Toughness Skills- Stealth +4 Special Qualities- Compression, No Breath Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Aklo (Can’t speak) Organization- Solitary, Lure (1 Voidslug, 2-4 Zombies) Treasure- None Special Abilities- Aura of Malevolence (Ex)- A voidslug is constantly leaking negative energy into its surroundings; a living creature that starts its turn within a voidslug’s aura take 1d6+1 negative energy damage, DC15 will save for half. Undead creatures are instead healed 1d6+1 damage. This will save is HD-based. Additionally, undead within an aura of malevolence gain a +2 profane bonus to melee attack and damage rolls. Sundering Tar (Su)- A voidslug is made of a thick, corrosive tar that degrades all material it touches. Any weapon or other object that touches a voidslug must make a DC12 Fortitude save or be broken; broken weapons that fail this save are destroyed. This save is charisma-based.
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spyglassrealms · 8 months
Spy's OCs: Zak Kaiyo
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art by my good friend, the wonderful @wildegeist!
Realm: Arcverse Species: Tokaya Homeworld: Terotewaukia (Teroteaumia system) Age: 26 annua (29 Earth years) Gender (human analogue): cismasculine (he/him, xe/xen*) Height: 1.8 m Weight: 72.5 kg Occupation: Captain and pilot of the starship Free Spirit; freelance cargo-hauler; occasional mercenary; jack-of-all-trades [Suggested Listening: Burn Out Brighter by Anberlin]
Zakane "Zak" Kaiyo is the co-owner, captain, and pilot of the heavily-modified light hauler Aum Hara (otherwise known as the "Free Spirit") and the leader of a small band of freelance spacers that make their home aboard the ship. He's just one more spark in the great spiral; one more restless soul trying to make a living doing what he can in a galaxy that's always moving and yet always standing still. From the Tyrian Shallows to the Drift and everywhere in between, Zak and his small but loyal crew of misfits can be found anywhere something interesting is happening.
Zak's talented -albeit reckless- piloting skills earned himself and his copilot Arkto a spot in the Galactic Spacecraft Pilots Association Hall of Fame, having broken the record for the smallest crewed ship by mass to exceed 10 million times the speed of light with a hyperdrive. His performative stuntwork is also renowned, and he frequently attends the annual Galactic Pilot Convention.
Most of the "swashbuckling freelance ace pilot" tropes apply to this space hobo, whose personal creed is "do good recklessly." His confidence, determination, and cheerful sarcasm make for an extremely charismatic, if reckless, leader. He's very mischievous and likes to get into trouble, but can be relied on to get out of it as quickly as he gets into it… most of the time. Zak acts fearless but, go figure, this man has Attachment Issues. He hates the idea of getting tied down to one place or thing, yet at the same time he is fiercely protective of his crew. (Shhh. Nobody tell him.)
Zak's homeworld is a backwater: connected to the galaxy and participant in its affairs, but hardly anyone there actually got out beyond the system. He was constantly told that he ought to be happy on Terotewaukia, fixing up interplanetary haulers and maybe going to the outer moons of the system once in a while. He and his two best friends always wanted more. The three of them had plans to quietly fix up one of the written-off hauler derelicts on company time and get the hell out, making their way around the wild starry yonder to see what could be seen.
And then one of them decided they wanted to stay and settle down.
That was the last straw for Zak. As soon as the opportunity arose, he and Arkto (his other bff) took off in their souped-up light hauler and never looked back. But once they were out there... Zak came to realize that the galaxy isn't a really adventurous place.
See, Arcverse is a universe that everyone thinks has been more or less figured out. Galactic civilization has been around for something like a million years or so, and the Arcadian Order have been sort of running the Galactic Assembly for about that long (mostly because they got off their planet first and they do a pretty decent job of wrangling the rowdier civilizations with diplomacy). The entire galaxy is, broadly speaking, at peace. The clash of titans already happened; the fate-of-the-galaxy-level stakes were sorted out thousands of generations ago. All the major starfaring powers, while independent in principle, are constrained by the bureaucracy of the Galactic Assembly. There's mild internal turmoil —and there's always an underbelly— but it's still quite tame. There's a whole galaxy out there with lots to see but nothing to really strive for in it.
Zak Kaiyo is someone who desperately, fundamentally, needs to strive. He wants to live fast and die young in a galaxy where everyone lives at a reasonable pace and dies basically never. He exists to challenge the stagnancy of a world that's as close to utopia as it can reasonably be. Zak wants so badly to save the galaxy, but he lives in a galaxy that doesn't need saving. And that's tearing him to pieces.
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mermaidmoose · 1 year
Inspired by @montyuh & @callsign-relic first contact AU oneshots - here’s the first fanfic I’ve written in literal years so uh, it’s a bit rough.
Soaring through the depths of space, far beyond the reach of man traveled a ginormous starship- the Lost Light. Measuring 15 miles long and 10 miles wide it was certainly spacious enough to comfortably accommodate a large crew … and one tiny new resident.
Back on Earth, you had signed up to be part of an expedition to an inhabitable planet far from home. In exchange for food, shelter, and the adventure of a lifetime you eagerly packed your bags and said your goodbyes to loved ones. The trip was supposed to take a few years total give or take. Nothing too strenuous.
To quote Murphy’s Law: “What can go wrong will go wrong”. The company responsible for creating the expedition’s starship had cut corners- lots of them. When the starship jumped into warp drive it shook so violently that your whole body was rattled and smashed into the ceiling of your capsule bed. You were lucky to get away with only severe bruising and a bloody tongue. Exiting the jump left the ship stranded, drifting aimlessly as everyone scrambled in the dark to collect themselves. With several of your more experienced crew-mates dead or injured, you and the few survivors chose to route the ship’s remaining power to fuel the escape pods to try to navigate back to Earth.
After a week of travel (according to your pod’s calendar) you were carefully navigating through an asteroid field when a large shadow fell over you. While you are grateful the giant-ass starship that appeared out of nowhere hadn’t obliterated you and your escape pod, you weren’t expecting to be kidnapped either. By giant alien robots no less! With a language barrier! And no sense of personal space or boundaries! Shit! You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the situation.
Well, you had tried quietly crying about it while wandering down one of the vast halls of the Lost Light, until a blue mechanical horror emerged from an adjacent hallway. To you, Whirl looked like something that had stepped out of a horror movie, with his gangly inhuman build, long neck, and large yellow optic that felt like it drilled right through you.
Whirl barely gives the fleshy creature a cursory glance, noting that it had stopped moving and making those weird noises. He hardly knew what all the fuss was about over such a small, fragile, stinky creature. One misstep and he’d be cleaning gunk out of his foot for several cycles. As he looked away and began ruminating on who he could heckle at Swerve’s a sound made his antennae twitch. It was the pitter-patter of tiny feet running away from him at a frantic yet pathetically slow speed.
Ok, so maybe he could gain some entertainment out of the thing at least. “Hey? Where you goin?” He drawls as he slowly follows after you. It was almost comical how slow he had to walk to not catch up right away. Did you really think those tiny legs could outrun him? “If you don’t pick up the pace I’ll pinch ya!” He leans forward and clacks his pincers menacingly at the empty air behind you.
You were scared shitless. Once Whirl started plodding after you, you contemplated if this was the end. Murdered or eaten by a metal alien monster and all because you wanted to explore beyond earth. ‘I wish I could go back in time and throttle myself’ you seethe as another pinch draws closer. ‘I wish I had never left home. I wish-‘ pre-death regret-thinking is cut to a halt by the appearance of a gap in the wall paneling. In an instant, all thoughts disappear as your body bursts forward with a surge of adrenaline. With a quickness neither of you were expecting, you squeeze yourself into the gap.
You heave a sigh of relief at your successful escape. Your victory is short lived however when Whirl’s optic comes into view and blasts you with what feels like the light of several hundred light bulbs. “Ow! Bastard!” you snarl. Without even thinking you blindly lash out and slap the offending optic. Whirl jerks back in slight surprise, not expecting to feel … whatever that was. Was that an attempt to fight back? Damn, this thing was pathetic. “Oh? Think you’re a tough guy? You’ll need to hit harder than that!” He jams one of his pincers into the gap above your head, trying to wiggle the wall panel open.
As Whirl is focused on the wall panel, you desperately squint around, looking for some means of escape. Thankfully, his loosening of the panel opened another gap on the opposite end. You make a break for it and rush out of the gap, not daring to look back. As you feel a rush of wind and the thrumming of danger (or is that the vibrations of something running?) a shout breaks through the chaos.
“Whirl! What do you think you’re doing!?” Before you can even register what’s happening a smaller, orange mech runs up and scoops you into his hands, holding you in a protective grasp. Though muffled you can still hear what you’re pretty sure is angry robot speak.
Rung rolls his optics at Whirl’s theatrics and sighs. “We’ll discuss this further at your next session. And don’t think this will go unreported- Ah, poor thing, you’re shaking” his attention is drawn back to you. The mech softly coos, gently running a finger along your back in soothing strokes. Truthfully at this point you’re shaking from a mix of adrenaline and relief, not fear. But you lean into Rung’s finger and note how much gentler he is compared to the other bots you’ve met so far. Orange eyebrows bot is now #1 in your book … whatever that means (god your brain is fried. you want a damn nap).
“Are you trying to kill the poor thing? Organics are much more fragile than us Whirl, even enough stress can kill them. Such as being chased by a giant mech! And don’t think I didn’t see you try to grab them!” Rung hardly raises his voice at others, but if Whirl is going to be a threat to the organic, he needs to intervene now.
“Tch! Relax eyebrows, we were just playing around. Y’know, bonding and all that slag. That’s what the captain said we were supposed to do right? Well,” He clicks his pincers. “This is how I bond. Bet we’re already besties! See?” Whirl stretches his neck out to get a closer look at you, but all you do is cower further into the orange mech.
Whirl lets out a dramatic gasp and places one servo over where his spark would be. “Did you see that doc? Rejected! Betrayed! I’m never gonna emotionally recover from this!”
“…It wasn’t that bad” the blue mech grumbles, somewhat affronted by Rung’s scolding and the weird itching at the back of his processor. “Whatever, I’ve got better things to do than hang with you two losers. Like getting drunk!” With that, the blue mech takes off with a cackle, leaving you and Rung in the dust to process everything.
‘I need to find my escape-pod as soon as possible, or else I’m gonna die here’ you morosely conclude.
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seokjinsonlyone · 3 months
ok to add a little more spice, what would you realistically do if you’re trapped in an elevator for a few hours with a bts member of ur choice
im being so fr when i tell you that if im trapped in an elevator with kim taehyung by the end of the first hour i will be in his lap and his tongue will be down my throat like there’s no way you give me that broad of a time all alone with that boy and im not getting in his pants i swear i can seduce him and it would Nawt be hard
as for the rest of them…
actually i’m seducing namjoon too we may do more talking than making out but i think i May be able to get a lil kiss out the deal depending on my cleavage to thigh ratio at the very least however i think he’d definitely be at least a little in love with me like he’d have to write a song about me to get it out of his system if we part ways without a valid means of communication
i think i’d seduce jungkook by accident like hed spend at least 15 minutes hitting things and poking around and talking to the buttons asking them why they’re not working and once he accepts the fact that we’re stuck he’d check on me and i’d just be chilling on the floor and he’d be nosy and then we’d be watching tiktoks together joking laughing we’d eventually be singing all our favorite justin bieber songs and by the time we finally get released we wouldn’t be ready to part ways so we’d hang out some more and yeah he’d be in love with me but he wouldn’t realize it until like 3 months later
it’d be the most awkward with yoongi bc i don’t think he’d make any effort to communicate aside from like the initial check in of my mental and emotional wellbeing after getting stuck he may complain a bit or give the occasional survival tip but other than that he didn’t come in that elevator to make friends and so we’d leave as complete strangers however i do believe that if i outed myself as an army we could yap about bts for the entire time but at the end of it we’d still only have that idol-fan relationship nothing more nothing less
jimin would feel the most awkward out of everyone he’d be acting like how he was during his face live or how he was when hobi was chopping it up with becky g just like visibly out his mind he’d have random silly concerns that he’d voice out like if we’d run out of air and we’d probably spend a good 3-5 minutes searching for an outlet bc his phone is only on 13% but no matter how awkward it starts out i feel like by the end of it we will have bared our souls to each other like i’d come out feeling emotionally lighter bc of the baggage dropped would we ever speak again??? i cannot say for surely but it would def be a story to tell at parties later on for both of us
hobi is so large and in charge i feel like he wouldn’t allow us to be trapped for more than an hour like it’s simply unacceptable so he would somehow get that worked out immediately but i think he’d be so friendly making sure im alright and between his threatening phone calls he somehow manages to get through there’d just be a lot of small talk like we’d be flying through topics like we’re speed dating but they’d be oddly in depth and we’d probably have a date set up to go shopping and get lunch by the time we get out
seokjinnie <333 my brethren in anxiety either i’d have to talk him off a ledge or he’d have to talk me off one bc i been getting claustrophobic lately like straight up panicking if i don’t have enough space but knowing im with mr wwh would probably cure me and we’d use his hotspot to play hello kitty island adventures on my phone until we get out he would consider me a close friend after the encounter and would invite me to his house for dinner two days later
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