#the spelling error is - i regret to inform you all - intentional
queenofbaws · 7 months
a quick little update that will affect probably literally absolutely nothing, but if you're someone who's followed me/faved any of my kingdom hearts stuff over on ao3, you might notice a change going forward..........and that's that i added a pseud!!!
now my kingdom hearts stuff should be listed under the name it was written under: tehicycountess ;P
i don't know why, but lately i've been thinking about my, like, eras as a writer, and it just felt right to me that all my kh stuff should be bundled up with that name. this shouldn't change anything about the fics themselves because they're all still tied to my main acct, but i thought i'd holler it out into the void anyway, just in case anyone noticed!! <3
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remsmoonlight · 3 years
— title : sweeter than candy
— word count : 3k words
— pairing : daryl dixon x reader
— summary : daryl is good at keeping things buried, but when the thought of words left unsaid do you both realise you have both been thinking the same thing about the other. 
— warnings : mentions injuries, mentions of death
“ hi!! OMGG I came across your account and I’m obsessed with your writing!! I was wondering if you could write a Daryl Dixon x Reader following candy coated promises. Where Daryl has developed feelings for reader and following an errand run she gets injured and has to stay in bed. And Daryl find out! If that makes sense! Thank you!!! “
           ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   requests are open ! / requested by anon *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A deep desperation of yearning to be useful has led you to forget the risks involved in the interminable list of things that wish to cause you harm and are able to on such an intense scale. Luck had been on your side for so long, the illusion of life’s greatest ally refusing eluding your group for this long has proved itself to be just that — nothing more than an illusion. Once the burning of fear had dulled to nothing more than a dim ache, all you now feel is the one wound that does not run red yet pours into your veins as if it does. Stupidity. You’d volunteered yourself to go on a run with a small group, you’d spent enough time before the barbed wire fences, that you felt yourself becoming trapped.
A deep regret that would follow you even in death would be if any of your group would, too, meet their chapter’s end too soon by an immense error made on your part.
One thing that lays dormant in your mind, yet unable to completely fade is the fear of becoming too settled in safety. Spending too much time wrapped in a blanket of comfort that provides refuge from the grit the outside world revels in only hands you a vulnerability unsuitable for a reality submerged in death that roams freely. You don’t want to forget how to survive, you’ve come too far for that.
Part of that is how you have ended up being put to bedrest.
Your brain is yet to sort through and file the fleeting images that blend together into one disorientating image instead of a folder of what had occurred picture by picture. In one instance the group and yourself had been rummaging through the shelves that still contained some stock and the next, you’re rushing Maggie out of the way and pushing over shelves onto a growing horde of walkers. Though in the next second, your heart fell a thousand feet below as you lost your balance from the liquid coating the floor from where they’d tumbled and smashed to the floor, with the shards of glass forming a bewitching hazard.
“ your ankle still givin’ you trouble? “
The voice pulls you out of your thoughts, your sight settling on Maggie.
“ I don’t know if that hurts more or if these scratches do. “ You complain, your fingers lightly tug at the bandages that cover the fresh wounds that coat both of your palms, you take note of a number of loose fibres from the material.
“ Glass’ll do that to ‘ya. “ She chuckles, slowly moving into the room. She grabs a chair from the metal desk on the side and moves it next to your bed. “ I never got a chance to say thanks. “
“ You don’t have to worry about it. “ you refuse, shaking your head in turn.
“ I feel it’s my fault you’re like this. “
“ If we’re going to blame anyone, let’s blame my eyesight. I should have seen that wet patch. I should have been more careful. “ Frustration that burns bright in your reply as you turn away from her. Perhaps you’d spent too much time concealed from the harsh reality that constantly claws at you all as it takes refuge in a thick coat of a hauntingly isolating fog as it waits to drag you down with it further into the depths.
Mistakes are synonymous with fatalities now, one moment you’re on top of the world and in the next you can be in a free fall clutching the thin air as if it should be your saviour. Never have moments been promised, and this fact has never shone clearer than when the dead claimed the Earth for itself in an effort to void it of life wholly.
“ Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself. “ Maggie brings a hand forward to squeeze your shoulder momentarily, a comforting smile packaged with it easing some of the self loathing you could feel weaving itself into your being.
“ I don’t have much to do in here by myself, I have to keep myself entertained somehow. “
“ Well, I got an idea.. “ She trails off, a mischievous grin lifting her lips.
“ Maggie.. “ You utter a strict warning, already knowing where the conversation is about to lead.
She pauses for a second, laughter bouncing from grimy wall to grimy wall as she reacts to your cautionary tone, the light in her eyes bursting with the power of a thousand stars as it illuminates her features. Gratitude for the fleeting moments of rare normalcy that reflects a past occurrence in the old world runs deep, for a fraction of a second you can pretend you’re simply two friends joking about something goofy and foolish. For a minute, you’re not sheltering in a decrepit prison as you run from walkers, it’s a perfectly average afternoon.
“ You can’t tell me you don’t realise the way he looks your way now? I know you’ve been lookin’.. “
“ Okay, I think I'm tired now. “ You huff, shifting your body as to your ability with your injured ankle to face the wall that has an array of stains permanently painted into its surface.
Maggie only laughs in response, the sounds of steps dulling into nothing more than a ghost of an echo that informs you of her departure. Her words have pulled a string you’d not wished to pay attention to until it would be absolutely necessary. Needless to say that as much as you’d tried to bury the budding seeds of affection into the dirt, they’d only bloomed in force into a sea of colour with the evidence left to coat your fingertips for everyone to see.
Never had it been your intention to entertain this idea, when anything positive you’ve managed to seize with both hands can be ripped away so unexpectedly that you are left to nurse the empty space left behind of what once had been, grieving the idea of what could have been. However, there’s a dim curiosity that softly grows in size that envelopes around you, compelling a desire to reacquaint yourself with a human intimacy that fell to the back of the queue as the instinct to survive overwhelmed it. You don’t want to fear living, you don’t want to fear connecting to others on a deeper level, but you can’t help but simply.. be afraid.
Had you been in a different reality where the world continued on as normal, you would have probably fallen under his spell sooner.
Only after that one night you’d spent on watch together after he’d gone out of his way to bring you such a simple gift illuminated him in a way that your sight would often lean towards him. Many times you would find yourself analysing his actions on a deeper level, a coy warmth burying itself in the pit of your stomach when realising he’d included you in his thought process. From the chocolate bar, to you being the first person he’d check on if you needed anything before heading out on a run, to even the simple act of being there just to talk when life felt rough. A shape of one Daryl Dixon had been carved out by the man before either of you had realised.
A thunderous groan erupts from your lips as you turn onto your back to stare at the bunk on top with the realisation hitting you like a train threatening not to stop. You completely adore the Dixon.
About an hour away from the Prison Daryl secures the last of the rabbits caught, they swing side to side with each of his calculated movements. All Daryl finds himself wanting to do is to get back to the Prison, unable to push down the inclination of being back to the comfort the life behind those metal fences bring. It’s been a long day and all he’s interested in is getting back to those he holds dear.
That thought is when a fleeting frame of your face crosses his mind. Though he speaks not of which he truly wishes to share, the time you do spend together is something he cherishes more than a billionaire would with all of the money and rubies in the world if they had them in the palm of their hands. The darker side of him, the side that would always listen to those who preferred to taint his waters with their gloom, doesn’t allow the emotions constantly swirling within him to be touched by the burning sun rays as they are laid bare.
Heavy breaths fall without grace from his chest as he’s let through the gates, the stony expressions etched deeply into Carol’s features. No words need to be uttered to know it’s to do with you, Daryl doesn’t even allow a thought before he’s making his way on a path he has walked a thousand times and will walk a thousand times more. Creaks that echo in the darkening corridors that are not lit by the comforting flames of candles, the prison sounding as if it’s more in pain than it appears — still, he pays no care. His only goal is to check on you, he’d be unable to forgive himself if anything were to happen to you and he’d never be able to see you one last time. His brain conjures a number of horrific scenarios and tainted pictures to accompany them as it runs wild in a sea of dread.
The crossbow that had been secured in Daryl’s grip is lowered gently to the ground as he scans your form, a grateful sigh when he sees the slow movement of breathing.
He lowers himself into the chair next to your bed, trying to pinpoint the moment he’d stopped gazing upon your form as a friend to replace it with an aura of starlight — no longer did he see the colour of your eyes, but galaxies full of life and wonderment. Daryl allows himself a few seconds to chase each other by as he considers his next action, though deep down he’s aware his decision had already been chosen, as he threads his fingertips into yours to allow your warmth to comfort the panic that had been raging at the thought of your demise. His thumb traces a circle that is light enough to keep you tucked away in a slumber and as a comfort technique for him, where his mind allows him the time to placate himself.
Before he’s aware of it, the sky blends into itself once more as the pastel hues paint it with dashes of gold from the sun as dawn breaks and he’s hunched over with your hands still connected as one — the position held the entire night. Nothing can be heard in the confined space except a symphony of soft breathing from you both, the serenity only the early hours in which no one is awake brings comfort to the sleeping forms of you and Daryl.
A lengthy yawn escapes your lips as your eyes fight to open as they blink heavily to adjust to the light that invades as much as it can. The weight of something lying comfortably in your hands confuses you, as you distinctly remember there had been no pressure previously, the image before you washes your entire body with the icy grip of shock as you scan the trail leading from the hand within yours to the person it belongs to. Teeth grip your bottom lip as you bite it, attempting to battle away a smile that wishes to break free, you can’t believe the sense of humour that the universe has. Not an inch is moved by any part of your body, you seek to savour the intensity that such a simple action bears, your eyes positively glowing in adoration as a softer side to the man is revealed. Moments like these are few and far between, it leaves you wanting to bottle it up and pocket it forever.
A squeak of displeasure cuts through the serenity the early hours have worked so hard to cultivate as you inch your injured ankle to the side, clearly different positions prove to be the opposite of beneficial. The noise is enough to wake Daryl, his sudden alertness makes you doubt whether he’d truly been in a deep rest, but it’s the least of your worries as he realises he spent the night with his grip connected to yours. The warmth that brought a grounding comfort to your being now is a phantom touch you crave again once an eerily coolness now surrounds your empty palm.
“ ‘M sorry ‘bout that. “
“ There’s nothing to apologise for, Daryl. It was nice. “ You confess, your volume touches the air with a softness of a feather that descends to below in an elegant waltz.
“ Mhm. “ He turns his gaze to the floor, a thumb is chewed upon lightly as he’s wondering what he should say next. “ ‘Was worried about ‘ya as soon as I got back. “
“ Yeah, things just kinda happened. “
“ ‘Ya gotta watch y’self more out there. “ He scolds you with a light scorch of misplaced anger that almost lays eternally with him, a wave of anxiety at the thought of losing you are twins in a realm of horror he never wants to bear witness to.
“ I know, Daryl. “
Poisonous words full of fire and fury born out of dread of your existence in his life being cut short itch to burn your indifference to the situation. As he settles his gaze upon you, all he can see are the stolen moments you both have shared away from the group, where the person he’d created in his head built without even speaking to had been smashed into shards the more he got to know — you’re a fresh breath of peace in an unstable world that thrives on chaos. Quiet moments where all he can hear are the flickering embers of the fire are the memories he finds himself kicking for, all that lost time to never be recovered due to his preconceived notions.
“ Do ‘ya? “ Daryl shakes his head in frustration, his soul a pot of swirling emotions and thoughts blinding him to the point he can’t see straight. “ I can’t lose ‘ya. “
His voice is so low you barely hear it, your brows thread together in the slightest form as they’re unused to the window of Daryl’s vulnerability being so widely open.
“ You won’t. “ A faint twitch of your lips means well, you try to comfort the man. Your touch is delicate as your palm overlaps his with warmth.
“ Y’can’t promise that. “
“ But I can try! “ You argue lightly, a bounce in your response.
“ Forget it. “ Daryl sighs harshly, shaking his head as if to rid himself of the thoughts that run circles around his mind.
“ Daryl! Wait. “ Your voice falls on deaf ears as he’s already halfway towards the exit of the room, for a moment you forget your injury and a burning sensation flies with boundless wings up your protesting muscles and you land in a heap on the floor. The bandages do nothing to cushion your fall, you cry out in pain from the intensity of the throbbing plaguing your body.
“ Why can’t ‘ya be careful!? Damn it. “
Before you know it, Daryl is level with you as you feel his touch grazing your skin — ensuring you’d not injured yourself further. Guilt pools in his stomach at the thought of your current suffering being his fault, his ire now directs itself brightly towards him.
“ Dar — what’s going on? Why are you acting like this? “ You quiz as your expression contorts into a grimace. You’d not seen him behave like this for what feels like a long century, even more so when directed towards you.
“ Like what?! Huh? “
“ You’re being crazy! “ You state, your finger jabs into his chest.
“ Ain’t it obvious? “ Daryl asks suddenly.
Your head shakes, confusion clouds your features as if it’s an angry storm that has waited long enough for the calm — nothing can be seen through the darkened skies. All you want is for the sunny rays of truth to shed light upon this mess.
“ ‘Ya mean more to me than you should. “
“ Daryl? Do.. do you — ? “
He nods suddenly, unable to hear the words out loud no matter how true they ring, because as real as it is. There would be no taking it back then. Your lips purse as a sad smile lifts itself with no help from you, your heart hurting as you realise this could have been avoided entirely since you both appear to be on the same page. You acknowledge the fact that actions would speak louder than words in this scenario, your fingertips brush through darkened strands of hair as if they play a sheet of music with the aging competence of a commanding pianist. This is one of many songs your mind finds itself conjuring, a burning hope of this forging something more between you. It’s not long before your arms are wrapped around his neck, with Daryl unable to believe the scene in which he finds himself in, you’re a sky full of stars that he finds himself wanting to get lost in.
“ We can take this one step at a time, yeah? “ You question softly, not wanting to be witness to the fleeting images of a set of angel wings.
He agrees silently, a warmth spreads outwards from your cheeks and treks outwards to cover your completely. The moment is sweet, as it concludes with a honeyed kiss on his tanned cheek. In one frame you both are thinking the same thing, just how lucky you are to have fought through your fears of living and given in to taking the plunge into unchartered waters that Maggie and Glenn have already found themselves navigating.
In a world full of the dead, you both agree that to love shouldn’t be a reason to cower and hide.
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the-horned-paladin · 6 years
Beginner Tarot Tips
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Some things that I think are valuable for beginners to know, and some things I wish I had heard when I was just starting out.
1. You don't need to be gifted a deck
I've read from a few different blogs that this idea comes from when tarot decks were not mass printed so it was very difficult to actually get a hold of one. So it was more likely to be gifted one than to be able to get one yourself. Now, I don't knock anyone who wants to be gifted their first deck, but I am sure that anyone who has looked around has seen enough tarot readers go "I buy my own decks and I give readings just fine" to know that this superstition is not law. If you want to stick to that tradition, that's fine! But if you are afraid that if you buy your own deck it won't give you accurate readings and nothing will turn out right, take it from someone who has purchased 5 of their 7 tarot decks and reads professionally. Some people even advise you to buy your own because decks are so personal. It is important to work with a deck that speaks to you, through its art or how its information booklet is set up, etc.
2. You do not need to memorize the definition of every single card
If you want to start learning tarot in a by-the-book approach, you can do that and purchase a traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck and study the booklet. But unless you have an eidetic memory, it will take you a very long time. You can get accurate, meaningful, detailed readings without knowing the definition of the card. Plus, every deck artist who makes a booklet tends to vary the definitions a little bit, and even switch places of major arcana or add major arcana. There is no universal go-to definition. If you're intimidated by the prospect of learning 78 concrete definitions plus reversals, understand that that isn't the only way you can read tarot. There are reading techniques you can practice that will improve your intuition, understanding of symbolism and numbers, and comprehension of the energy of the cards.  I don't know the definitions of all the cards, I didn't have the patience to study that way, but I still read professionally and have helped many people.
3. Hard work is what pays off
Although you don't have to learn 78 definitions x2, even those who have a knack for tarot have to practice. One of the phrases that has helped me gain confidence states that intuition is a muscle. We use it everyday when we talk to other people, reading their expressions, body language, and vocal tone, reading the energy of a room. When tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife, you are intuitively sensing that. You have spent years learning these intricate social nuances and becoming attuned to them. The same goes for tarot, although some people take more or less practice. Divination is a learned skill, it is going to take time to get good at and trial and error to find what works best for you. There are so many decks and so many ways to read tarot. Everyone starts somewhere, and to build that muscle you have to work it. Do daily readings for yourself, read for your friends, offer free readings in return for feedback. Practice, practice, practice, on all kinds of people! And be sure to give yourself ample breaks. Journal about your readings or what connections you develop with the cards. Make it meaningful to you, so that it doesn't become grueling work.
4. Identify what you believe is answering you
This is something I don't often see being spoken about, but I found it very valuable to my practice to figure out who I talk to when I'm using a deck. When I purchased my first deck, I decided that when I used it I wanted to mainly consult my subconscious self, the part of me that knows things that I may not even be prepared to understand yet. I have another deck that I mainly use to read for others, and when I use that deck I'm speaking to the "universe", the world in which this person has lived and experienced life, the world that knows them even though I don't. I have another deck dedicated specifically to consulting the divine, deities, spirits, etc.  You don't have to have separate intentions like I do, but it is valuable to understand who you believe answers your questions. That makes it easier to do #5, which is...
5. Protect yourself
If you reach out to a higher power, to a spirit, even to your subconscious for communication, you are opening a communication portal. I made the mistake of thinking my “little” tarot readings and my simple spell work at home wasn't special and that nothing would happen. I had to banish a not very nice entity from my house this year because I kept fooling myself into thinking nothing was wrong. Not everything out there means you well, and it will be drawn to you as you heighten your energy through the practice of divination. Use a mantra, or a protective phrase. Make a protective sigil. Make wards. Cleanse your deck and yourself regularly. Make sure anyone you communicate with you clearly tell to leave once you're both done communicating. Don't skimp on this, you will regret it later when you're bogged down with energy that keeps you unmotivated, when you have an energy leech, or even a not very nice spirit in your house.
6. Set up a ritual
This is a great way to incorporate cleansing and protection! Set up a ritual that helps center and focus you on divination. This can help you get in tune with your intuition and reduce energy clutter. Start by determining how you want to set up your reading space and what you want to use. I like to choose a few crystals to help protect, center, and focus me, burn some related incense, maybe a candle, and use a reading cloth my mother helped me make. I like to cleanse myself after I do any big divination sessions, and cleanse my deck after those big sessions. This will also help you come down from your highly in-tune self as you set up a beginning and ending ritual. Divination sucks up a lot of energy, so involving aftercare in the ritual is important, such as healthy snacks and drinks for the magick-munchies. (End note, try not to divine when you're tired, sick, or high strung! It's the easiest way to get cards that don't make sense or merely reflect your mental state, which can scare or upset you.)
7. Change how you speak to yourself
I saw a post on here that actually really revolutionized how I look at tarot. It talked about how people always joke about their decks roasting them, and maybe it's because the way we speak to ourselves is demeaning and cruel and our decks just think that's how it is supposed to communicate with you. I experience that my decks tend to hit me with harsh truth before following up with comfort and encouragement. That's how I talk to other people, and how I try to talk to myself. It really works for me in my divination and doesn't upset me. If you've just gotten a deck and it's really ripping you a new one and discouraging you- start changing how you talk to yourself. Stop apologizing for everything. Stop berating yourself. Stop making self deprecating jokes (Seriously, stop it, on some subconscious level you start believing the things you say about yourself). And maybe your deck will change with you.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 12
77: Oct. 6
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 6,2019 1407 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!
Oh this is going to be fun!!😄😁😁😁
the Queen
This is a fun riddle, call it HMTQ Greatest Hits DVD 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 An assortment of HMTQ comments!
“ one can’t choose ones family “
The old saying you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family! In processing, strategizing, meetings etc etc, things have been on overload with madam, Harry, and BOJO, that whole political situation. There has got to be some angry frustrated emotions regarding PA, Harry having been caught up in this mess and how things have dragged on and out! All the hacking, invasion of privacy and just generally very poor choices in life by family members.
“ Philip loves me doing Melania”
I hear HMTQ has a wicked sense of humour and loves riddles and mimicry. I can only imagine her trying to do an impression of Melania Trump, her accent, everything. This is hilarious, PP Is reportedly also having that wicked British wry self deprecating or mimicking others too. Oh how l would LOVE to be a fly on the wall!!😁
“I rather liked Donald “
HMTQ gave President Trump and his huge family a real Royal welcome literally! The time spent the Formal dinner, the dinner apt the U.S. Embassy that PC and Camilla attended. It sounds like she got on well with DT, We know he takes such pride and joy in his Scottish heritage from his mum. We also know that he has great respect for HMTQ, so much so he brought his entire family with him. We also know he brought some intel/evidence with him. Thank you sir! HMTQ enjoyed him and the time they spent together!
“ l frightening Vlad
Vlad is not the vampire, it’s Vladimir Putin. I am a bit confused by this because it seems a word is missing, like l am frightening, or l like frightening, hmmm. I think l will go with, he concerns her greatly.
“ on our day together she never stopped yapping “
This is madam and their train overnight trip together. It was seen as such an honour because HMTQ is rare to invite others along on the train and/or an overnight trip. We know from the videos and photos, how hyper madam was, she cut in front of the Queen and entered the car first. During the performance she looked hypomanic, laughing non-stop yapping according to HMTQ’s words. Poor your Majesty, you were able to endure that trip!
“Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “
As a reassuring loving granny, she took his hand in hers and spoke with him. No one is perfect, yeah he screwed up a few times in life, who hasn’t? He was ensnared in a plot that had done years of planning, reconnaissance, and he had absolutely no idea what he was in, until it was too late. Kind of like quicksand, you slowly get sucked in, and the more you move and wrestle trying to get yourself out the quicker you sink and drown. God bless you, your Majesty!
“ the little one, she’s a fireball “
She is talking about Lottie, our beloved Princess Charlotte! She was trending worldwide with her hairflip her first day of school. She is a real ham for the camera, ham meaning like to have fun when her photo is taken. She has a fantastic personality and watching her grow up will be joyous. I also think Savannah Phillips, Princess Anne’s granddaughter, fits this for sure she and Prince George 🤣🤣🤣😂!
“Camilla says she’s illiterate “
We all know Camilla loathes madam, love the video where she repeatedly asks for help🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Sounds like her opinion of madam is in line with many others about madams skills in the writing, reading, and language usage and comprehension!
“ what sort of name was that!!!!!”
Arche🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I cannot believe to this day, that name, amw!! I know some think LG played a trick with this name being the same as the last Duke of Sussex eons ago!
” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “
Madam is assuming another Christmas with the family she never had. Also that she will still be free and easy, sounds like HMTQ suggesting if she’s still free at Christmas she will be lucky. Lordy please let the handcuffs come soon, let them have their ducks all in a row and clang clang slam, locked cell, orange jumpsuit!
“LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
This whole issue of BOJO manipulating HMTQ, now today’s paper saying he didn’t really apologize he just said regret. He is willing to squat in No. 10 if there is a non-confidence vote and he is ousted as Prime Minister. He said they will have to take him in handcuffs! They are trying to sort out who would be the new PM, Brexit deadline, and if an election it would need at least five weeks. So John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons could be interim PM. It’s all up in the air. The Queens speech to the House is to take place October 14,2019. This is her telling LG in no uncertain terms she is duty bound to do this and refuse to be dragged any further into swaying politics on either side. Her job in weekly meetings with PM , is to be informed what’s happening, offer advice but never ever tell what’s to be done!No one else will be giving her speech except her. In a previous riddle we had something about someone else delivering her speech due to health or stress issues, l can’t recall exactly.
October 6,2019 1445 hrs CST
This is great PG such fun for us all! Love it….and love your personality shining through!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 6th, 2019
78: oct. 7
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
October 7, 2019 1305 hrs CST
Well MM ANON , This riddle looks short but very unsweeten, the usual saying is short and sweet!
Calapornia Dreem-in
We had Calipornia in a riddle the other day. Today it’s Cala pornia .It seems that alleged tape has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes, online, but lots of disagreement on who the female is. I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION of exposing myself to that. Reminds me of my old Sunday school song, be careful little eyes what you see, ears what you hear, mouth what you say..does anyone else remember that song? Dreem -in, a play on the song California Dreaming by The Mamas and The Papas, it was redone by Wilson Phillips, daughter of Michelle Phillips, Carnie Wilson daughter of Brian Wilson, l cannot recall the third member. They were great, remember Hold On! Great music. Anyhow, l digressed, Dreem,from wiki , is a sleep device that monitors, analyzes, and claims to enhance quality of sleep. It’s a miniaturized and autonomous headband that monitors the quality of sleep and then uses sound to help fall asleep faster, get deeper sleep, and wake up at the optimal time through smart alarm. End wiki.
So we have Calapornia Dreem-in, note California is spelt Cala, either way, the sirens currently flashing loudly is this alleged sex tape online. As l speculated the meaning the other day, is she doing a runner to Cali or Cala?? There are definite spelling alterations to confuse, MM ANON🤨🧐🤔.
Is someone having great difficulty sleeping from hobbies, stress, being picked on by the big bad royal reporters? Might the sleep aid device Dreem being in use, hence the addition of in after the hyphen? To clarify a hyphen is the sign here. - It is used to connect words together so they combine their meanings.
Alternatively perhaps Harry is using this sleep aid to help him sleep. We know all the things we have noticed, weight loss, scruffy clothes/shoes, look very sleep deprived, l am sure he is suffering tremendously as he serves this tour of duty for HMTQ.
“ To be ‘ or Not to be…”
MM ANON is taking us back to Shakespeare, Hamlet’s soliloquy on suicide to deal with all that has happened in his life. Has there been suicidal ideation on part of madam or Harry? Madam l highly doubt, a narcissist never goes there except by accident. We have see a slow descent in our Harry over the last two years, Wright loss, hair loss, scruffy clothes, looks sleep deprived etc etc, adding to that, the pain he appeared to be in, stepping onto that stage in SA and her grinning like a Cheshire Cat, sorry Cheshire, at his agony. I have said numerous times now but l hope upon immediate return to London he was given medical assessment and care, as well as emotional assessment and care. I pray to God l am wrong on this, but l have been concerned. He has been under stress like l have never seen, for over two years!
“ I made a bit of a boob”
A boob, slang wise has had different meanings over the generations. A boob can be a dopey goofy person, it can be a blunder or a boo boo, meaning error or mistake, it can be a term for breast. So who made a bit of a boob? I see the usage here being an error or mistake. I would say the first boob was a bootycall and then underestimating who the attacker was.
I think this could also be a cheeky reference to an alleged video online.
“ the real Mc- COY darlings
The saying the Real McCoy, goes back, at least for me, in the old western movies, not sure if McCoy was a brand of saddle, shotgun, something anyhow. So when someone says, it’s the real McCoy it means it’s 100% real or accurate. Here MM ANON has hyphenated the word McCoy, and elevated the word COY. Coys definition is, according to google, especially with reference to a woman) making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring. Ok, interpretation, MM ANON is clearly telling us that any alleged sex/porn video is 109% accurate, correct and the actress in it, is her acting role, is acting very coyly. Yuck, l need a shower!🤮🤮🤮🤮
“ artistic lie- sense
To take artistic license is a common phrase meaning , again l will use google, as l want everyone to be able to understand who may not be familiar, “Artistic license (also known as poetic license, historical license, dramatic license, narrative license, or creative license) refers to deviation from fact or form for artistic purposes. It can include alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or the rewording of pre-existing text.”
I have had a number of comments of appreciation from anons for being more elaborative as we have readers from all around the 🌎 🌍 world.
So example, a movie about Invention of the light bulb, let’s say, they add a romance to it, or drama , l hope l am explaining this clearly.
So here MM ANON says Artistic lie-sense, another hyphenated word. So madam as we well know has exaggerated EVERYTHING about herself, some may say lies. Her age, her number of marriages, not knowing anything about the BRF, fake pregnancy etc etc etc.
So , since this alleged sex video is the hot topic, l am thinking the acting would be very fake over dramatic moaning groaning etc etc, likely a person would, to cover past sins, would be inclined to lie about it, say it never happened or the great song by Shaggy, It Wasn’t Me!
“ not my best work”
Again another commonly used phrase especially, like me, l am so self-critical about how I type my interpretations of the riddles, typing, thinking of something after l have submitted it, or just having a bad day at it , l think l might have even wrote this here, this is not my best work.
Artists, musicians, creative people, common phrase!
So if there were an alleged tape, that proved real, one might use that phrase. A tv show might have been the pinnacle or the height of greatest work!
October 7,2019 1355 hrs CST
Fantastic, thank you so much PG! You make it seem so easy, yet we know there is nothing easy in doing these interpretations! Hats off to you! 😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you MM ANON 💜💜🙏🏻💜💜 This was quite challenging, l find it’s extremely important to me, as this blog of our dear 🐼, has a worldwide readership and l am trying very hard to explain phrases, words, slang etc, as l take this work very seriously, and l want everyone to be able to understand! Also l am, by character, a very verbally elaborative individual 🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Thank you dear 💜🐼💜 for posting this. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Source: skippyv20
12 notes
Oct 7th, 2019
79: Oct. 7
MM Anon
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Riddle Number Two on October 7, 2019 1735 CST
lets move on!!!!
Time to move on and restart life. Put this information out, let the chips fall where they may. I am certain, based on the FIRST riddle today, that Harry is done, he can take no more. Oh my , how will this be handled, l for one would NOT want to , after several years of being a horrible person, want to be on the receiving end of Fleet streets vengeance! How will details , hundreds of them be told or explained to the public, all the things that have been kept secret, the public will perceive being lied to and paying for that wedding, her clothes etc etc etc. Never mind that, the bigger picture of the plot, the backers!
fab unfore-tunate
Fab Four, the original was the Beatles. When madam came on the scene, and video of them, working on a Heads Together, the media, not sure which, dubbed them the Fab Four. As we know their offices have separated as well as their charities also.Rumours of dodgy money being missing from the charity. They are completely separate in every way now, at least publicly, this has caused an uproar because of madam spending and the varied rumours surrounding merching, and hobbies, and other things that have been on fire today! So much beloved was Harry , everyone wanted him to have the dream of family come true. His madam is loathed, that’s putting it mildly. There is so much public distress at seeing the boys, l will forever call them the boys, break up, fight and publicly sever ties.
pre tour panic
Have unexpected security issues arisen on the upcoming tour to Pakistan of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge scheduled for October 14-18/2019?
We know security is a major issue, as in the memo it stated this is their most complex Royal tour to date. I will keep them in prayer. This tour is essential in continuing relationships building.
a fleet-ing vengeance
Remember Fleet Street, how l explained that in a riddle the other day. MM ANON, l take this as the sh** is going to hit the fan imminently, l have felt an agitation inside for several days. Will they lay bare, pun intended, EVERYTHING they have in the dossier. OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PULL THE HANDLE LET IT ALL SPILL OUT!! It’s time! Harry is at the end of what he can take! SO ARE WE! How this will all be done and handled l have no clue but it’s going to be earth shattering across the U.K., the Commonwealth, the EU, whilstBrexit is so precarious, and the world too. I cannot fathom how HMTQ is feeling and how and when to proceed!
“ don’t take this personally”
So who is not to take this personally? This clue mystifies me. My head is so full, is this relating to BOJO non-apology, in that he regrets what happened with Parliament? That HMTQ being tricked, she shouldn’t take that personally because he was trying to get his own agenda through, the Courts over-ruled him. Of course she is going to take this personally! She needs to be able to trust the PM! BOJO , according to the paper, if there is a noncon vote and he is ousted as PM, he will refuse to leave No. 10 unless in handcuffs. So, yes, BOJO HMTQ is taking it bloody personally!
“ you have TWO choices”…
Two choices, go quietly or a fight will ensue. l remember professionally saying this many times. Cooperate or things will be enforced. In this case confess, plead guilty or not guilty. Is arrest imminent, are these two choices?? Oh please , make it so, to quote Captain Jean-Luc Picard! Are the choices, leave the U.K. of face charges. I can’t see that totally but then again a lot of money laundering trials have brought down mob bosses.That song should l stay or should l go now? Is blaring through my head!!
“ get your bloody head out the sand”
Whose got their head in the sand on this? This is definitely PP, might he be taking a stern tone with HMTQ? Action needs to be taken imminently, the press are on the precipice of unloading a ton of very very bad things. It would be easier, although none of this will be easier, but it would be easier if HMTQ gave a public video, like Christmas Day, and as she did with Diana. If they can publicly get ahead of the media, might soften the blow. Perhaps announce a separation, then the press can go hog wild. Either way it’s going to be Annus Horibilus on steroids!!!
“it’s crumbling around your feet”…
The love and loyalty towards Harry is doing exactly that, crumbling around him. If things continue and madam resumes appearances in the U.K. or joint appearances , PARDON THE PUN🤣🤣🤣😂 joint🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 sorry, l need a laugh, this is a tough riddle and the second one of the day!the reception will be vile, also possibly dangerous, such is the loathing at this point. This is having an effect on the entire BRF . The continuing question, why doesn’t HMTQ do something. Thank God for the Cambridges.
“ baby ‘ what baby?”
Oh are we going to play ignorant know?use those fabulous acting skills. I never had a baby, never was pregnant what are you talking about all innocent? Whose baby was that in SA? His or her photo will go down in history as being passed off as a royal baby.This could also be read, as to a lover, baby( name for lover), what baby? Many many people knew it was a fake pregnancy, surrogate used but whose egg and whose male DNA was used? Was it done in SA. Or was that a rent-a-baby? This is all so seedy makes my skin crawl with disgust!
“we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”
Again with the Jaws reference🤨. MM ANON DO I GET A TREAT FIR WORKING OVERTIME DIING TWO RIDDLES IN ONE DAY?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂This hacking lawsuit is going to cost tens of millions, however it may well possibly reveal the identities, the length of time, what they did with the information they gathered,and was it a bad actor or actors who did this. Now when l use the term bad actor, it has nothing to do with movies or tv. A bad actor has become the term used when talking about individuals who betray their country, spy, commit crimes etc, it cal also be a foreign national also. . Has that decision been rescinded, just to pay her off, she can leave go back to U.S. I don’t know, there are alleged crimes, the British people and Commonwealth who haven’t taken the time to look below for the facts still loathe her. How this will all play out without totally destroying the Monarchy l do not know.
As far as paying madam to go, there was a one time deal offered before the wedding, it was allegedly accepted but changed her mind and went ahead with the unhappy day. Is there a chance they have decided to offer again just to leave, the legal case she filed is her problem. Any potential legal problems, or illegal acts that may have been committed and money owed on taxes, all her problem. I can hardly think after all this they would cave in, I HOPE NOT!
… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
I have been singing since l saw this clue. This is from the musical Fiddler on The Roof! The entire song, sang and performed by a poor beggar man living on the slums but he had a fiddle AKA a violin. The whole entirety of the lyrics are him imagining being a man of fantastic wealth and the houses he would build, the life he would live, endless time to do whatever you want, buy whatever you want, just completely unencumbered. This is how many see the royals. Harry especially has taken unbelievable backlash for his spouses extravagant clothes spending, repeated use of private jet, the perception of being preached at regarding climate change . The last straw for the media was that blasting furiously letter , that accompanied the information that he had filed in court, directed at the media after what had by and part, in comparison with the other behaviour was a positively reported visit to various countries in Africa! The last snap though, was his perceived treatment of Rhiannon Mills of Sky News when he scolded her, as some saw things, watch the video, decide for yourself!
October 7,2019 1850 hrs
Great job PG! Wow! If I could, one scenario has been they let MM go, and she is taken care of back in the US….so that might be the reference to two choices…she will NOT walk…she will face justice..in UK or in US! Thank you for doing these riddles today! So appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
It could be any, l am exhausted after two riddles, the last one being extremely difficult in how to word things without opening oneself up to legal issues and to not offend etc etc etc. As for Fiddler on the Roof, l deliberately not bring up his ethnicity because sometimes people do not like that, l bend over backwards, metaphorically, TO NOT UPSET ANYONE or be perceived as judgemental etc. My brain 🧠 is tired, my words aren’t flowing right. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 I do my best, give my all, we all work together. 💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜 Thank you 🐼 for creating this wonderful place💜💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜🐼😊😊🐼👋🐼💜
Source: skippyv20
80: oct 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
October 9/2019 0105 hrs CST
SORRY l am so late, l had a rest day😊💜
fab two ‘ future Queen
Well who on earth could this possibly be referencing 🤣🤣🤣? Of course it is our beloved Cambridge’s, Their HRH Duke and Duchess! Who needs a Fab Four, when we have the FAB TWO? They are brilliant. The Royal tour to Pakistan (unless something happened whilst l slept the day away, haven’t read the news) will be a Master Class in how a Royal, representing HMTQ, conducts oneself. Catherine, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has fully come into her own, in this role and it’s been marvellous to watch her bloom. I think some of us kind of took her for granted until we saw the horrors of the other one. She will make a brilliant Queen Consort, once the time comes.
future king
This could be referencing Prince Charles, Prince William or Prince George. Are we not blessed to live in a time with three future kings? Amazing! Given the pending Royal tour representing HMTQ in Pakistan 🇵🇰, l believe this is referencing HRH Prince William. He too, has come into his own, fabulous, loving supportive wife, they have a beautiful healthy family. Their minds are sound and are raising well rounded children. We will se William, on this tour, conducting himself above reproach, and can envision him well in his penultimate role as His Majesty, when the time comes.
also rans
Let’s head to our favourite friend google for a few definitions, a loser in a race or other contest, especially by a large margin, OR, PAY ATTENTION KIDS😁an undistinguished or unsuccessful person or thing. Now let’s just skip past the first one and jump on the second definition. Undistinguished person, BOJO fits, only because he manipulated HMTQ, but we’re not political. I know without a lot of explaining or elaboration because you have all been passengers on the Skipoy🐼 train, you know of many undistinguished deeds that are public, just you wait Henry Higgins, just you wait, sorry l jumped into a My Fair Lady song 🤣🤣😂😂, can’t help myself!
three weddings and a refusal
Three wedding and a Funeral, the write of that film, Richard Curtis, is working with Catherine on a mental health campaign, l can’t recall what it’s called just now. Anyhow this is three weddings and a refusal. William and Catherine, Harry and her, Eugene’s and Jack, whose the refusal? Are we referencing CD? She goes way back, but …..but…..but…… l am saying no more!
Is this boss Prince Louis’ name for Archie or the other Cambridge children? We know twitter calls a baby bubs 🤮🤮Or is it LG? Not joking at all about a real child but at the persona created for this infamous fauxmegnancy, fauxmegbirth, fauxmegworld, etc etc etc etc.
a dog with no name
I know , my friend, rescued greyhounds from the racetracks in America where they were , can’t say it, but used and abused, and brought them to Canada. This is a well known animal/humanitarian organization that rescues a variety of animals. The title literally, it means they want no dog to not have a name. When an animal has a name, it gives them meaning, they’re smart they know what their name is and respond to it, maybe not always the way we want🤣🤣😂😂, but they do? So who is the dog with no name in the human form , is it the victims of JE? The ones that have come forth have a name. I know there has to be many more, unnamed to us at this time. Or worse will never be known. When you see and hear VRG speak and tell of her experience it adds the real humanity factor, it takes it from words on paper or hidden abstract to literal, in your face truth! I pray for all the victims of human trafficking known and unknown 🙏🏻.
silent screaming past
Does anyone recall the documentary The Silent Scream? I most certainly do, its about abortion. I wonder who this might be about? I have long suspected there might have been several of those in the past of someone.
🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼
But music and dancing, MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PAUR , THANK YOU MM ANON FOR THIS CLUE. Memories, Fred Estaire singing this, dancing with the unbelievablly gorgeous Ginger Rogers. Fred used to say, or was it Ginger, no, matter, he was talented, but she was amazing because she had to do everything backwards and in heels🤣🤣😂😂.Now interpretation, let’s face the music, it means face your reward but more often it’s face your punishment and own up to what you have done wrong. Here we have it, PA, it’s time for him to not dance but face the music. Sounding like an order from up top has been given, he must comply with authorities, be interviewed, be truthful! Face the music!
“ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “
This is an old saying, does anyone remember the spoof spy show Get Smart? Hilarious, l grew up watching that, about spy who goofed up, had a phone in the sole of his shoe?🤣🤣😂😂 Anyone, the saying is, if l tell you, I will have to kill you. My oh my oh my, what secrets are held, l certainly wouldn’t want to be in this position! But who is!
everyone is scarfing
William adjusting his scarf to avoid interacting with madam, has taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. We know, the entire BRF, to the public, is scarfing, the Harry, and her, l believe 100% behind the scenes, there is plenty of love and support for Harry to get through this horror!
(another private flight)
Have they taken another private flight? And to where? Necker Island?? Or points beyond? I think they any public appearance in the U.K. now would be disastrous especially for a narcissist. I wonder how Prince Harry’s appearances on the 10th for International Mental Health Day will go? I do so hope that he is well received 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Branson island
Sir Kenneth Branson owns his own island as well in the Caribbean, he calls it Necker Island. Do you recall the horrible fire that occurred there a few years back? Kate Winslett, the actress literally went in and rescued either his mum or grandmother. No matter, this island has been a getaway for many celebrities and royals for years. Is there a connection with JE and his island?
Mail on payday
Ha ha, when the storms blows in, they will get a massive payday, of that l am certain. In public opinion, the DM comments are full of loathing and anger, they sometimes have comments that things are not appearing ie comments or they vanish. When the story(or stories, truth) are published ad revenues and sales will skyrocket!!
“ please boo the buggers”
PP voicing his approval for this to happen when a certain couple or individual appears in an official capacity or not, just do as he said!!! Now that would be above Camilla’s video begging help! Help! 🙃🤣🤣🤣
Submitted October 9/2019 0204 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! This again looks interesting…oh what fun lies ahead! Thank you, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
81: Oct. 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 9/2019 1500 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
“ sorry, not today thank you “
Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader, has said today, that the Queen should appoint him as PM if BOJO loses a non-confidence vote. Firstly HMTQ does not appoint leaders, they are elected by the public. So sorry, Mr. Corbyn, not today, thank you.
never EVER explain
Since the Queen mum was Queen, it has been the motto of the way the Royal family has dealt with any rumours or gossip about themselves or their work. Never complain, never explain. This has an extra ever, all caps. So MM ANON is telling us , when this happen, as things unfold legally or with the marriage, there will be a considerable amount of things that will not ever EVER be explained to us. We must prepare for that. They have been playing this game a long time and are champions, the Crown never loses. So we ask ourselves how will things come out, what will happen to madam or Archie, lots of things will remain classified, this is a big thump warning us!
“what happens in house, stays in-house”.
The saying what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. In other words, confidentiality and discretion are key. So whatever may be observed or noted by staff they cannot talk about outside of the house they work in, be it KP, BP, Windsor Castle etc etc. I think LG is running a tight ship, we are nearing the destination of an endpoint in this masquerade and he wants no leaks out , no warning at all of their plans, lest their attackers use that information. Perhaps in reference to Richard Palmer?
a special briefing
Did the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge receive a special briefing regarding their upcoming Royal tour? It would be very important that they be aware of exactly everything that is planned, possible changes and security issues.
another cover-up?
What on earth could this be referencing? Is this related to PA and his connection with JE? There are some conflicting facts that l have read in different articles. The latest l read, was that New York visit, when he was at JE mansion, the purpose of that visit was to end his friendship due to JE arrests and crimes/pedophelia in Florida. Now one would think a simple phone call would suffice. At the time this first arose he denied having been intimate with VRG, the Palace statement reflected that, Met case closed. Many people feel that was washed away. Now it’s come back, he is still denying having been intimate, VRG is sticking firm with her story. And then there is that pesky photograph!!! Is there something else being cleverly hidden? I surely hope not and for HMTQ sake, l wish PA would do the right thing and cooperate. He will drag his feet l am sure, he’s done so thus far.
glowing anticipation
They say women who are pregnant have a special glow about them. Are we anticipating an announcement?? Who could it be? Princess Eugenie, to me, is the most likely candidate. That would be simply marvellous news!
special forces
Is this related to the Pakistan 🇵🇰 Royal tour? I very well think it might be, the security risk is high, we have high ranking royals, and ongoing assessment, along with tightly kept destinations and places they will visit. Safety first!
“unprecedented care”
Is this medical/emotional care for Harry after returning from Africa? Is that the type of care meant here? Or is there unprecedented care and concern expressed for HMTQ and PP through this incredibly stressful time, adding Her Speech to the House this Monday, October 14/2019. Or more concerning yet is this regarding HMTQ or PP health? I think ultimately this means, the Pakistan 🇵🇰 tour, they are undertaking their most complex tour, as per statement on the tour stated, and security and their staff are taking unprecedented care and implementing measures to ensure safety, security and a very successful Royal tour and relationship building.
a very tired PR
I am sure the Palace PR staff are beyond exhausted as madams numerous PR firms are at it, and being well paid. Tired can also mean blah, sedate, uninteresting, repetitive, and that’s what her PR is, the same fantastical stories, fabricated and dull.
public appearance nerves …
Harry will make his first official day of events tomorrow, to recognize October 10/2019 International Mental Health Day. I imagine he is a bundle of nerves given all that has happened on and since his last day in Africa. Not scheduled but l wonder if madam will gatecrash or attempt to.
“we’ll pay you handsomely”
Are they purchasing a video, l thought certain they already had it. Perhaps there is more information from past or lost years on offer, l am certain there would be no doubt if it was authentic and verifiable it would be purchased. Usually when the term pay you handsomely is used, it’s kind of like someone keeps your secret or in tv/film, it’s a private detective digging up dirt and gets rewarded handsomely for his work. MM ANON, l would love to know where some of these clues come from,,they can go many ways and some l can’t figure out!!
“she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
They need madam to do something or appear at some royal event, but she’s terrified of the crowd, if there is a crowd, of whomever is there, what their response will be. There is to be no discussion, she must do this! I just wish l had a clue what ‘this’ was!
Submitted October 9/2019 1605 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! Things are sure getting interesting. Again…in awe of your riddle skills! So appreciated😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 9th, 2019
82: Oct. 10
It’s Thanksgiving weekend, we have a massive snowstorm that is supposed to go until Saturday 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019
1430 hrs CST
corespondents under the radar
Oh dear oh my, madam, and creepy eyes guy have kept in touch. I can only imagine the level of filth, schemings and depravity in those conversations, emails, snail mails, after all she is a calligrapher, roll eyes now. Well this is very interesting!
“MA to MM”
Hmmmm sound abbreviated, oh they’re so clever those kids, surely no one would recognize those initials and connect them back to those two!! I truly wonder what he has been up to, was he the last guest at Misha NoNoo wedding who arrived in big car, huge hat and coat, immediately surrounded by guards protecting him. Where has he been? Good gracious l have a zillion questions needing answered!!
🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼
Old song, l know the song, looked on google for the performer, never heard before but they are called the Box Tops. The lyrics are all about someone desperately longing to be with their baby again, because a letter was received. l think baby is lover, not a baby baby🤣🤣. I think she’s begging him to send her a ticket to leave London !! Anyway anyhow before next week!! To avoid that public appearance? Running scare are we Rachel?
“ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”
It’s lyrics from the same song as previous clue . Letters, plural, the plot thickens. I shall, out of respect for LG, assume that all of their contacts and interactions in every way shape or form, have been well monitored and documented. LG, were l wearing a 🎩 hat, l would take it off to you sir! You played her brilliantly!!
‘ thank you LG.”
Just what l was thinking and just typed. I am sure many have been thanking him, he has played the long game and has won. The timer isn’t out yet, but there is no way for her to win. I think this may be HMTQ speaking to LG. He has returned to serve HMTQ, serving her until the end!
“were in need of another f#@ing hole”
Oh dear, oh dear, how much more horrible trash about madam are they having to bury because it’s so extreme? I know there is so much that will need to be kept classified , buried if you like, for the BRF to recover. What on earth is all going on? There is so much unknown and the British people, all of us who care, are at the end.
Sheeran a common problem
Ed Sheehan, who has massive problems with his neighbors and his building things, that’s a whole other topic. Ed Sheehan , the musician, did a clever bit of humour, GINGERS UNITE🤣🤣😂😂. But in all seriousness, today is International Mental Health Day, Sheehan is a play on the word sharing a common problem. They both have experienced times of depression and feel the strong need to destigmatize it. Whilst here it’s a massive winter storm, as l type this, my power has been out for a good hour, good thing l saved the riddle and charged the iPad. BUT I AM FREEZING 🥶!
I just called the power, they said so many outages they have no idea when it will return😩😩😫😫😖😖I AM 🥶 COLD!!!
” drag her along ‘ your joking”
Prince Harry and madam are due to attend the Well Child benefit October 15/2019. I assume madam has zero or less than zero, great film by the way, l digress, interest in doing anything remotely public for fear of what could happen. Booing, throwing rotten tomatoes? This was referred to in yesterday’s riddle. Harry has been told to drag her along if she refuses to go. He is being given firm order on what he is to do. In no way, shape or form, will she be allowed to NOT attend!
not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!
There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard. With madam, who doesn’t posses a gram of maternal instinct, this is her delight, she can do whatever she wants, a doll can be ignored. However l truly believe this is how the British people and people around the Commonwealth and the world are elated not to see or hear her word salad speeches. Hence the all caps, exclamation marks GOOD!!!
Christmas 🧣 scarfs
I wonder if this is going to be a gag gift, l know it has taken a life of its own online! This truly, l believe means, if madam is still around at Christmas, she will be “scarfed” from any Royal family Christmas dinners etc. A general, familywide scarfing, the ultimate! 🧣
🎼Back in the USA”🎼
Old song, classic Chuck Berry, fabulous when no computers for instruments, guitars were needed. This song is entirely about someone returning home to America, describing the sites and sounds of various places. Madam is deeply homesick and wants to go home. Yet she wants a massive celebrity life and fame. She has become infamous, history will tell of this. I think l have said this before but she may just end up in a massive, massive very expensive fully staffed home. However, the home may have locks but she gets no key to it!
“friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”
Shakespeare again MM ANON , again to my favourite , Hamlet. I will share the entire piece.
“Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade.”
Loyal friends, keep them as close as you can. Hold onto them, deeply in your very soul. This can be healthy or a very sick relationship. This is mm and ma, they are interwoven in each other, evil purpose, money, lust, filth, disgust. The hoops of steel MM ANON has challenged us with this before. My, my, my , are these two, who have been bound by this sick relationship going to be bound by hoops of steel aka handcuffs at the end of the day?? Oh l hope so. I want all this filth gone!! Banished!
(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019 1700 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….so sorry about the power outage….the west suffer through these often…….Then again so does the east! The joys of Canada fall/winter. I’m just sorry you are so cold. We too have snow. This riddle is now tying the connection to MA and MM….as is our new Anon…Emails, sexting, and videos. So, we can expect more on the pair! Thank you dear PG, I know it’s been a battle for you today, so much appreciated!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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i-love-charles · 5 years
@i-am-craving-kittens: “I wanted to request something for Javier, something along the lines of a lover he left in Mexico (preferably girl) lover was angry when they found out. And after these years of searching she finds out where they are and comes shouting curse words out in Spanish. If you do decide to take the request the ending is up to you, thank you for your time!”
La Promeso
[I loved, loved, loved writing this. Just want to mention i’m not a Spanish speaker in the slightest, so if you are and you notice a spelling error, i’d be very grateful if you could message me so that I can correct it. Enjoy!]
Notes: Fluff, Angst, Slight Racism, Conflict, Some Spanish, Javier + Female Reader 
Wordcount: 2,612
Nuevo Paraíso, Mexico, 1893
The molten Mexican sun beams down, kissing across every surface it touches; the thin blades of dry grass, the tall and proud palm trees that sway along with the gentle breeze, and the glowing golden skin of the man sat before you. His muscles flex subtly under his thin, white unbuttoned shirt and his hair falls in loose dark tendrils out of his widely shaded sombrero, masking around his face delicately. Your lover's guitar lay at his crossed legs as his fingers work at the tightened cords, creating a sweet and promising melody that whisks around you both in a breezy hum. The field around you lay silent and peaceful, and in this moment, he is the only thing real in your world.
“Sing our song, amorcito.” You plead, meeting his wishful gaze and propping yourself up on your elbows against the picnic blanket beneath you. He obliged by lifting the corners of his mouth in a warming grin and tuning gently at the neck of his guitar. His words came out like honey, the sweetness sending bundles of fluttering butterflies around your stomach.  
“De la Sierra Morena, cielito lindo, vienen bajando, Un par de ojitos negros, cielito lindo, de contrabando.”
Javier looked up at you, signalling for you to join him in singing the chorus together, and when you did your voices melted together in a symphony along with the quick and precise strokes he emitted against the snappy guitar strings.  
“Ay, ay, ay, ay, Canta y no llores!”  
Upon finishing your favourite song, you erupted into laughter together. A church bell chimed in the distance from your nearby village chapel that peaked its way through the swaying trees, proud white brick steeples, beautiful stained-glass windows and large oak doors adorned the small building. You looked at Javier, knowing full well the bells were ringing for one lucky couple after promising themselves to one another in matrimony. As if reading your mind Javier broke your thoughts off softly by placing his guitar at his side and turning his attention to you. “That’ll be us one day, ___.” He spoke whilst kissing at the soft skin of your knuckles before cupping your face between his hands. “We’ll escape, mi amor. I’ll make you my wife. We’ll leave this town together and never look back. Lo prometo, amorcito.”
Even after all these years, his promise still rang around in your head, impossible to forget. That was the last time you’d seen Javier, he’d escaped that night in a disgrace. Your small village was left in shock and destruction in his absence - a wealthy general for the Mexican embassy had been murdered in cold blood by the man you loved, along with a few soldiers that sacrificed themselves in order to protect their regime. Every corner was plastered with Javier’s face, a hefty bounty written in cold black print below. You had avoided the details of his crimes, but couldn’t escape the many stories that were passed around about his new life on American soil. In some he was married, or dead, captured, or a father living as a ranch hand hiding behind a new name and childhood. Truthfully, you were bitter at him for breaking his promise, and even more bitter when you heard stories of him settling down with other women – you hadn’t even looked at another man since he’d left home.
You’d had no intention of ever finding the one that got away before today, but you knew if there was ever a chance of you finding him again and building the life you knew you were destined for, then this way your key – an article named ‘Cornwall Outlaw Train Heist - Valentine’ on the front page of the ‘Paraiso Times’. A grainy image of the suspects was displayed underneath: a group of gunslingers posing by a stagecoach with shiny rifles in their gloved hands, many had their mouths and noses hidden behind dark cloth masks, thus making it near enough impossible to identify them. Your English was only novice level when reading but a certain name did catch your eye – a mister J. Escuella.  
Valentine, New Hanover, America 1899
Stepping from the train, the first thing you notice about the small farming town is the stench of cattle, the persistent trotting of hooves and the constant conversation arising from the wide towns dirtied streets. From studying a map of Valentine on your long train journey across the border from Mexico through New Austin and the surrounding states, you were aware of the general store, gunsmith and the doctor's office – hoping they would have some information to offer you on the whereabouts of your rogue target. In your two small cases you carry the only possessions of worth to you, a few casual dresses and some small clippings of money you’d gained whilst performing odd jobs in your village back home. Although, must of your savings had gone towards the train fair.  
You make your way first to the general store, acting interested in his wares as not to make yourself seem to desperate for his help. You approach the counter with a small tin of biscuits and pretend to drop a folded bounty poster from your leather case.  
“Oh, that reminds me.” You say absent-mindedly whilst unravelling the paper and showing it to the man, his face visibly cracks a frown at the image of Javier and the sum below him. “Señor, I’m looking for this man here. Do you know where I can find him, por favor.” You could hear your voice crack pleadingly to the man before you, but he mustn't find out why you’re really looking for Javier.
His eyes search yours questioningly and then he places the bounty back on your side of the counter before adding. “I’m afraid not, ma’am.” You ask at your next pit stops, the gunsmith and the doctor's office, whom both provide you with little to no information of the whereabouts of your long-lost lover. Maybe he had really moved on? Forgotten about me? Settled down with a women he’d met after finally escaping?  The questions swirled around in your head, sinking you into a regret at ever even leaving Mexico, you’d left home for a man that probably hadn’t even thought of you since you’d been apart. The saloon was the only place you wanted to be, with a whisky in your hand and maybe even a man at your side that would indulge in your need for affection without asking any questions – so that’s where you found yourself.  
The saloon was particularly busy for such a small town, working girls lined the benches of the bar, many walking past with men following quick behind with a pretty penny in hand. You dropped your cases next to your stool at the bar and hailed for the bartender, handing him some shiny coins in exchange for some cheap spirits. You felt relatively safe wallowing in your own regret alone in this foreign town until a heavy and clumsy arm slang across your shoulders.  
“What’s a pretty lady like yourself doing so far north of ‘Me-he-co'?” He spoke the last word mockingly, imitating your own pronunciation. Obviously, your complexion had given away the fact you weren’t a native to the ‘new world’. “How about you let ol’ Harry buy you a few more drinks to make you feel right at home?” His breath smelt like pure liquid intoxication equipped with the usual slurring and clumsy footwork along with a thick sheen of sweat coating his thin, course greying hair and baggy overalls. You’d wanted to attention of a man, but not one that’s going to blatantly mock your nationality and not one that smells like rotting pig flesh coupled nicely with the stench of piss.
“That’s very kind of you, señor, but, actually, I have to get going.” You explain, hurriedly lifting yourself to your feet and downing the rest of your small shot; the strong fluid burns against your throat as you swallow. He meets your hand aggressively as you slam the glass upon the bars surface.  
“Listen here, spic bitch. You gotta’ earn your-” The drunkard was cut off by a clenched and powerful fist to his slacking jaw. Harry drew back in both anger and shock, letting go of your hand to cup the bruise forming on his face, adding insult to injury by facing his competitor and spitting out his words with a sharp chuckle. “Looks like this foreign whores got a greaser boyfriend!”
The fight broke out so quickly that you didn’t have the opportunity to identify the chivalrous gentleman that had protected you, from what you could make out between the flying fists and broken chair legs launching through the air he had a poncho perched around his shoulders, much like the ones that your village that produced back home. The thin wool of his poncho intertwined at his chest to create an image that immediately felt familiar to you, a white building with a bell tower and what looked like stained-glass complimenting its small windows, surrounded by a lining of trees in the distance of an empty and peaceful field. Exactly like Nuevo Paraiso. The mans eyes came up to meet yours, they were a warm wood brown framed by a dark pair of short whispy lashes. His facial hair shaped precisely and perfectly against his jaw and a complimentary widely-brimmed sombrero upon his head. His mouth opened to form an ‘o’ and his eyes blinked rapidly at the sight of the woman before him – the one that’d been the centre of his thoughts from the moment he awoke in the mornings to the moment he’d rest his eyes at night. A woman he’d thought he’d probably never see again, only in his dreams.
You clutched at the handles of your luggage while the realisation and recognition washed over you both, the harsh leather cutting slightly into your palms. Javier hadn’t changed a bit. Even in this saloon filled with screaming working girls and shouting drunkard men, he still looked at you the same way he did nearly a decade ago. The butterflies returned to the pit of your stomach and once again the only things that seemed to matter in this confusing world at the moment were you and Javier. The sweet reunion was short lived, dramatically cut short by a shot fired at the glasses lining the bar at your side. Javier ran towards you, gripping a case in his hand and meeting your free palm with his own before dragging hurriedly out of the saloon and towards his agitated mare hitched patiently outside. Javier hangs your cases alongside the hooks of his saddle and then motions at his horse for you to mount. Before you know it you’re clutching at his torso while his horse rides with the wind away from the gunshots and smashing glasses of the riotous Valentine saloon.  
His horse slows down and leaps it’s way across a distressed brick wall that has lined its way around a deserted crop field, before coming to a sudden halt. Your head was pounding with shock in the aftermath of previous events, the gunshots still ringing irritably in your ears. Javier leaps off his horse, delicately lifting you off the back like fine china and enveloping you in his arms tight and feverishly. His words always came out like honey, now was no different, and they were a melody to your ringing ears.  
“___.” He whispered your name into the crook of your neck as if it was sacred. “Am I dreaming?”
You giggled lightly at his question, meeting his hands in your own and pulling back to examine his face, a few small abrasions and bruises, nothing he probably wasn’t already accustomed to with his life on the run. The thought of it sent you into a silent outrage and you couldn’t stop yourself from connecting a soft palm to the flesh of his cheek.  
“Bastardo!” The word left your mouth without you even thinking.
“Okay, I deserved that.” He acknowledges with a slight nod, a silent moment goes past while you both gather your thoughts, and he was the first to break it. “Amorcito, I’ve missed you more than I can put into words. I wanted to write you but Dutch said –“ he explains.
“Don’t call me that, Javier! Quien diablos es Dutch!” You spit out.
“My mentor, mi amor. He took me in when I escaped. I wanted to find you, lo prometo.” His voice is stained with regret and remorse, his eyes searching yours for some type of forgiveness as if begging. You couldn’t let his honey covered words coax you in as if nothing ever happened, as if he hadn’t abandoned you and left you broken-hearted and delirious. 
“Like the prometo you made to be 9 years ago, estúpido!” You could see his body flinch at your words, as though you’d sent a cold spike straight through his heart. “I woke up and you were gone, Javier. No ‘adios’ or ‘lo siento’. Nada!” Your screamed, tears brimming your eyes and blurring your flurried vision. You wanted to hate him, but simultaneously you understood that he had to get away from his mistake and that going back for you would only be a sure death sentence for him. “We had a life together, Javier. You said it yourself. You left me.” By now the tears were escaping in powerful streams down your cheeks, your voice was becoming hoarse and broken with your emotions.
“Novio,” He coos, gently wiping at the tears that streamed down your cheeks “I made my bed that night, I had to lay in it, but that doesn’t mean you have to as well. I wanted to give you a chance to live a good life. I’d hate myself even more if I stole that away from you for my own selfish gain, mi amor.” His silver tongue constricted in your chest and the love you felt it that moment wasn’t something you could even pu tinto words, but you certainly did your best.  
“I love you, Javier.” You sobbed, his eyes now lighting up at the magnitude you’d sacrificed for him, and he knew you weren’t going anywhere. “I left everything behind to find you, you’re my family now.” As if reading your pleas he lifts your delicate fingers to his soft lips and kisses at your knuckles the same way he had all those years ago.  
“Te amo, ___.” 
The next few weeks passed in a delightful blur, with each night ending with you under the stars with Javier at your side. He still had his guitar, one of the only possessions he’d made sure to escape with, and at every chance you could he serenade you with his talent. The others in camp quickly warmed to you after realising who you were, turns out Javier often made you the topic of conversation, particularly on drunken nights when he was feeling particularly regretful and nostalgic. The girls in camp became the bestest of friends, you’d trade love stories with Mary-Beth and drunken antics with Karen – the men would show their appreciation in their own  ways, often by making little jokes about you and Javier, but you knew they meant well. 
Just like with Javier, Dutch and Hosea took you in as their own, making you a welcoming addition to their dysfunctional yet completely functional family. Within a year Javier had fulfilled his original promise, making you his wife – and the church bells definitely chimed for you both that day.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this, if you’d like a second part then feel free to let me know!
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theaetherwitch · 6 years
Ethics in Magick: A Gray Understanding
- from my grimoire
An Important Thing to Note
As preface to this article, i would like to say these are simply my own opinions. These opinions are based off my own experiences, and things that I have learned throughout the years. This article is meant to be thought provoking and informative, which can make it lean on the more controversial side. Morality and ethics are very complicated and very touchy. There are many ways to view the world around you and this is simply how I personally view things. Don’t ever feel like this is exactly how things are or how they are going to be, because it’s not. Gray doesn’t come in just one shade, it comes in many.
Everyone views the world around them differently, so take this article with a grain of salt.
Things are More Then They Seem
When talking about ethics in magick, it can be easy to see things in a very black and white manner, ie: good is good, and evil is evil. This is why we see terms like “White Witch” or “Black Magick”. At some point during the long history of The Craft, someone felt the need to draw a thick line between positive and negative aspects. If something is one way, then it must inherently have an opposite. The sun and moon, masculine and feminine, light and dark, black and white, yin and yang. These are all things that have a counterbalance with each other. But as time passes and ideals change, these aspects begin to meld to create something entirely different. The color gray, or as my covenmates like to say “Androgynous Energy”. Energy that is nothing and everything all at the same time. It is not good nor is it evil, it exists in a completely neutral state. And that’s where we’ll begin.
Evil Good, and Good Evil
I’d like to really delve into this topic by saying, yes. There are good things in the world, and there are evil things in the world. No denying that at all, but for the majority of things, theres much more to it. A good example would be someone who shoplifts. On the surface, this is a crime and seen as wrong, and I don’t disagree with that, but take into consideration other things as well. Does this person have food, clothing, and shelter readily available to them? Do they have mouths to feed? Can they afford to support themselves? In some cases, no they don’t, and the only way they can keep themselves or the people around them alive is by stealing. This is still very much a crime, and I don’t condone it, but for some people its all they can do.
You can look at magick much the same. Take hexes for example, something that specifically meant to harm another person. But have you even considered why people hex? Sometimes there is someone or something in your life thats toxic, abusive, and just down right nasty to you and you need to find a way to cut it out or make it understand the error of its ways. That’s where a hex comes in, and why they’re not evil by nature. Sometimes harm is necessary for your own, or another persons well being.
On the other side of that coin are regular spells. Something that is usually used for something positive, but even that has gray areas. Lets say someone casts a wealth spell. Are they doing it because they truly need money coming their way, or are they doing it for greedy and more materialistic reasons? These are questions that you must always ask before jumping to conclusions about someones actions. You never really know what someones intent is, unless they explicitly tell you. Good can very much be evil, just as evil can totally be good.
Think about this scenario. You’re a refugee in a warzone and you have a group of people with you, and you’re hiding and trying to escape death or capture. One of the members of your group is a baby and it begins to cry. Do you cover the babies mouth and risk suffocating the baby, or do you let the baby cry and risk the whole group being found and captured or killed?
What would you do in a situation like that? It’s complicated right? That’s what happens with morality in general. Things can get very convoluted and very hard to understand, that’s why looking at things from someone else’s perspective is very important. Nothing is black, just as nothing is white, there is always going to be more to a situation then just what you see on the surface.
Black Magick vs. White Magick
Personally, I do not like these terms. They make people think that these are the only ways to practice their craft, and gives a very limited view. It can scare someone away from magick, and that's the opposite effect we want. The craft has already almost died before, we want it to grow and prosper and that requires people who practice, but that's besides the point. There is no inherant good or bad magick, there are only good and bad intentions of the practitioner.
Think of fire. In the wrong hands, fire can devistate not just a home, but an entire neighborhood or even city. But in the right hands, it completely changed how people grew and evolved. But just because fire can cause harm, does that make fire bad? No. What can make fire bad is someone who is handling it without proper knowledge of how to use it. Magick, like fire, is a tool, and it's up to the person using the tool to use it properly
Ethical Hexing: A Summary
Hexing, while commonly seen as a negative thing can very easily be turned on its head to become something positive. Honestly, Im going to make an entire seperate article on this, but I can give a really good example of how a hex can be positive. And I want you to think about this one and when/if you decide to perform a hex.
One of my covenmates has a hex that he will use if someone has done something majorly wrong to either him or a friend (things like abuse, assault, or manipulation and lying). "May they see the error of their ways" is the name of the hex. Yes, it is still entirely meant to cause harm, but that is only a short term effect. Someone realizing they've done something wrong can be a hard pill to swallow and open up alot of regrets in a persons mind, but in tern that gives them the chance to fix what they've done wrong and start becoming a better person. This hex can help turn someones life around.
If you're going to hex someone, think about how you're going to word it and think about what your true intentions are. Pick your words carefully and really think about how you want it to affect this person. Remember the wise words of the wendigo "The anger in your heart warms you now, but will leave you cold in your grave". Things that go around have a tendency to come back around, so when hexing someone make sure you're doing it for the right reasons, and not to just hurt someone for the hell of it.
And when it comes to hexing, I see nothing wrong with it in the long run. Negative emotions are something that everyone deals with, everyone. And sometimes you need to find a way to express these emotions, especially if there is a particular person who has caused them. Hexing, in the right context, can help you release this pent up emotion and keep you from exploding. Magick doesn't always have to be unicorns and rainbows.
Ethics of Love Spells
This is another place where magick can very much become gray. Love spells are something that I see plently of people on Tumblr practicing and honestly, my responce to that is a positive one, because I haven't seen (so far at least) anyone trying to force a particular person to love them. And thats very important when it comes to any matters in love. When making a love spell, don't try to force a specific person to bend to your will because it has very high chance of failing completely and blowing up in your face. Love spells work best when they're as vague as possible because that gives the universe the chance to bring someone to you that you actually belong with instead of just someone you think you belong with.
If you're making a love spell at a particular person, try to consider that persons feelings too, and put yourself in their shoes. Would you want someone creepily trying to force you to love them? Probably not. Other peoples feelings are just as important as your own. This brings me to my last topic.
Like in the physical world, consent in spiritual matters is just as important. Someones spiritual life and being are sacred to them, and unless they tell you it's okay to start meddling. DONT. Never try to perform any sort of healing or psychic surgery on someone unless they have given you explicit permission, because you could seriously hurt someone in the process. Whether that was your intention or not, it can happen. The spiritual and physical body are heavily connected, and when one is messed up, so is the other. Always, always, always get someones permission if you're doing anything to them other than just sending general positive vibes.
And that's about it! I hope this article made some of you think and that it helps expand your world view a little bit. If anyone has any sort of questions, please feel free to ask.
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adelia-adelia · 6 years
Just a little|| taeyong - l.ty - nct | M
Tumblr media
Type: step brother/sister au! Smut
Paring: taeyong x female reader
Summary: you worked at a sex shop. Your father , new found step mother and step brother all believed you worked at a cafe and oh god did you intend to keep it that way.
(I apologise for any spelling or grammatical errors as I cannot be bothered editing 🤪)
“Taeyong stop!” You yelled as he held your phone above you , way too high for your short self to reach. “Give it back , we need to go to school jackass,” you spat as you jumped up and down repeatedly for your phone. “Calm down , you might cause an earthquake,” he snickered “ are you calling me fat!?” You screamed , you punched into his chest with your tiny fists multiple times , all that came out of him was little grunts and lots of laughter. “Taeyong stop being mean just give me my phone,” you whined. You had just left the house to walk to school with your step brother and unfortunately you were dumb enough to let your guard down and he snatched your phone out of your grasp.
He just moved into your home with his mother. You knew taeyong before your parents got together , he’s one of the ‘popular’ guys at school. He acts like such an angel when I front of the adults but he’s such an asshole!
“If you want it you gotta catch it,” he smirked and held it even higher. “Stop being a jerk and give me my phone before I cause a scene at school about how you tried to cop a feel from a poor , innocent school girl! You wouldn’t want any rumours spreading around would you , how the popular guy tried to take advangtage of me because I was alone walking the streets? Everyone would hate you, it would ruin your reputation,” you glared. “You wouldn’t,” he said with wide eyes “ oh I very much would.” You smirked. He lowered his hand and passed your phone before you snickered and skipped off. And no , taeyong did not try to feel you up. You just needed something to make him hand it back.
✿ ✿ ✿
It was after school , yerin and sohee has left to the bus to go home. You were now walking back home by yourself , taeyong had said he was staying out in town with his friends for a bit before dinner so you had the afternoon to yourself...kind of. As you entered your house you saw your step mother baking in the kitchen , “afternoon , y/n” she smiled “what are you baking?” You asked happily “just some muffins for you kids,” she giggled. Tastings mother was beyond nice , she reminded you a lot of your own mother before she passed. She was so understanding when it came to you and it felt good because going through the teenage phase you didn’t have your mother to help you so finally having her in your life was a big help.
“Ah , taeyong said he was coming home late. He wanted to hang out with friends he said,” you informed her. “Okay , as long as he’s home before dinner, that’s okay”. You nodded and heaved a relieved sigh “well I’m going to get ready for work , I can’t miss this shift , the cafes doing double pay today!” You say excitedly. “That’s good , more money to spend on clothes,” she laughed “you read my mind,” you joked along. “You go get ready , I’ll have some warm muffins for you when you finish work,” “thank you,” you smiled.
Making your way to your room you open the big door and close it. You go into your closet and bring out your uniform. You put on the grey hoodie and black leggings with some plain black vans. You sit at your vanity and brush your hair as you hum to a tune in your head. You apply lip balm and do your lashes before standing up and grabbing your phone that was on charge. “Time to go~” you sing as you walk down the stairs and pass the kitchen “goodbye!” You say lively “have a nice day!” Taeyongs mother yells back from the kitchen.
You walk to the bus station and wait silently for you to arrive into town. After making your way out , you walk down the busy street and into the store you work at , which is not a cafe. “Y/n , just in time. I’ve just finished putting the new stock on show for customers, I’m gonna clock off now. Have a good shift darling,” your coworker naeun said as she made her way to the back. “I’ll try,” you chuckle as you make your way behind the counter and grab your ID card. You put it around your neck and take a seat on the stool. “When’s your next shift?” Naeun asks as she makes her way out from the back “I have Wednesday night , Friday afternoon and Sunday morning,” “hey , we’ll be working with each other Sunday morning. Anyway I’m getting the hell out of here. Have fun babe,” she waves as she leaves the store and you sit in silence.
You grab the blue tooth speaker from the back room and connect your phone , finally replacing the silence with music. You walk around the store and well...it’s just full of sex toys. Dildos , anal beads , chokers , whips , lube , gags you name it it’ll be here. You chill at the counter and serve the customers that come in. After a while it got quiet , you look out the window and see a huge group of guys , you look more carefully and gasp. “Taeyong cannot know I work here,” you put your head down as the loud group passes the store. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were keeping in as they go past.
Two hours go by and it’s already 6. “I have 4 hours left , why did I have to close tonight?” You whine. You hear the door bell jingle and you look up. The person didn’t seem to pay attention to you as they walked around the store in bordem. You took a second look and it’s the exact person you didn’t want here. “Fuck you taeyong,” you whisper. You panic on the inside as he goes through the aisles. Just as you stare at him he looks back at you. “Y/n? I thought you worked at a cafe,” he asked as he walked closer , “I-I do?” You stuttered “is that so? It doesn’t really look the case right now,” he raised a brow. You didn’t know what to say, you regretted working here already. What was wrong with working anywhere else y/n? Out of all places why did you pick a sex shop? “You’re so dead when our parents find out,” he smirked at you , your eyes go wide , you were ready to slap yourself “you can’t,” you nervously panic “of course I can , don’t forget about what you did this morning,” he smirked at you. You but your lip , you were sure you wanted to die at this moment. Your life would be ruined. “This is a sex shop y/n , what would your father think if he knew you worked here?” Taeyong teased “please don’t tell them,” you begged “I’ll do anything for you , whatever you want. anything!” You desperately shout.
He looks you up and down , smiling to himself he laughs. “Anything?” “Anything. Just don’t tell our parents , please. My father would never get over this,” You were in the heat of the moment and you didn’t know how much this would effect you afterwards.
“Alright. Do whatever I say for as long as I want and I won’t tell them. If you refuse by any chance , guess what doll face , Mum and dad are going to put you in the ground” he evily smirked. “Fine!” You give in.
“Alright, follow me,” he said as he walked away from the counter into the lingerie part of the shop. Your eyes widened again and you could not believe him. “You’re going to model one of these for me,” he snickered. You bit your lip to keep your complaints quiet. He picked out a black lace piece. He chucked it at you and winked. “To the dressing rooms,” he followed after you and you sadly closed the door. You stripped out of your clothes and put the piece on. It barley covered anything at all , there were too many strings and the breast areas had strings around them with a thin piece of lace covering the nipples. It had two ribbons around your abdomen and lace underwear. You liked in the mirror and tilted your head. You looked nice , your boobs were large so they filled it out nicely.
“Ready yet?” You could hear taeyong from the other side of the door and you sighed. “I’m coming out now okay?,” you said in a small voice. You flipped your long black hair on your side as you opened the door. Taeyong was leaning against the door as he watched you walk out. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you , you looked stunning to him. Your skin matched perfectly with the dark colour. “Spin for me,” he said with a deep voice. You slowly spun around , you were getting cold due to the lack of clothing. You took another step inside the change room that had your clothes on the sofa inside it. “It’s freezing,” you said as you folded your arms. Taeyong stood behind you and shook his head “it’s not cold,” he laughed. You turn to face him and you glare , “I’m so cold,”.
Taeyong didnt reply , instead he stared at you intently. You watched as he walked closer to you. You were cornered and he had locked the dresser room door. You had no where to go. “What are you doing?” You ask as he gets close to you. “I’m just enjoying what’s mine,” he said in a whisper as he came face to face with you. You looked up at him , lips centimetres apart , so close they could graze if you moved a slight inch. Taeyong put his arms around your back and pulled you closer. He connected your lips in an instance and that’s where it began. A simple kiss turned into a heated make out as you too pulled each other so close there was no more room. His hands felt everywhere , your back , your arms , your tummy and your face. You both pulled apart to catch your breath. He pinned you to the wall and grinder up against you , you could feel his hard member on you. “All for you y/n , this is what you did to me,” he whispered in your ear. You swore you couldn’t get any more wet then you already wore but oh god were you wrong.
Taeyong felt you up , your breasts , your arse. His touch was hot , it lingered on your skin like a spell. Eventually his lips made their way to your neck and they pulled moans from yours. You were sure that you’d have purple bruises all over your neck and colour bone after tonight. “Taeyong...more,” you moaned. He was touching all the right places ,sucking all the right spots. It felt like magic.
He stepped back to take his shirt off and you stripped out of the lingerie. Your breasts fully on display , his eyes on you and his hands roaming your body. It was all in rhythm , Like the perfect melody. You tilted your head giving him more room to explore on your neck , your hands made their way from his back to his chest. moans and ragged breaths left from your mouth.
“Why do you look so good y/n?” Taeyong whined as he came closer to your face. “Me? I’m decent I guess,” you lock eyes with him “I’m decent I guess,” he mimicked. You rubbed your legs together as you stayed silent , you could feel your wet core , it felt like a slip and slide just by doing that. Taeyong got rid of his jeans and all that was left was his raging boner through his boxer briefs. Your eyes didn’t move , he brought his lips closer and gave you a long kiss. He grabbed onto your hips and pushed himself on you , you gave a throaty moan before pushing yourself even harder onto him.
Taeyong licked his lips , he pulled your leg up and kept it around his waist. His other hand went south to your burning core. Your breath hitched as his finger slid up and down your slit. Whimpers and begs came out as he teased your hole , he watched your expression as he filled you with his fingers. You looked a mess , your hair everywhere , your face scrunched up in pleasure and your skin hot. “Moan for me baby,” he ordered in a low voice as he plunged his fingers into you. The squelches of your own wetness turned you even more on.
As your orgasm built up your walls became even tighter and taeyongs last remaining piece of clothing was off. His tip was an angry red as it stood tall , your eyes widened at his size. “What if you’re too big?” You asked a little nervously “don’t worry y/n , you’ll be fine,” he said in your ear as he lined the two of you up.
“Are you ready?” He looked you in the eyes and you nodded , “Yes”. Taeyong dipped the head into you and you whined “I’m not hurting you am I?” He asked , you could sense the worry in his voice and you smiled to yourself , “you’re not,” you said. And with that he slowly pushed the rest of himself into you. You never felt so full before , it was like heaven to have taeyong inside you. He was just perfect. “Please move,” you begged with closed eyes.
Slowly , taeyong started to thrust into you , “please....go faster,” you moaned. He picked up the pace and soon moans were the only things leaving your lips , he continued to suck on your neck only to find your good spot which unlocked a cry from you. His thrusts turned deeper , harder. You loved the way he felt when he plunged into you only to have that strong suction as he pulled out again. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his busy hips worked wonders to make you feel amazing , you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your high.
“God taeyong , don’t stop,” you breathily moaned as you leaned your head against the wall of the dressing room , “I wouldn’t dare to stop those lovely sounds dripping from your lips,” he smirked as he continued in his fast pace and all you could do was grip onto him like your life depended on it as your body felt like it turned to flames due to the immense amount of pleasure that the boy was giving you.
He hit your sweet spot in a deep thrust and you came. Taeyong moaned out as your walls became tighter around his length . your legs spasmed around his waist and you worked on catching your breath. Taeyong rode out your orgasm as he built up his own. You could feel him twitching inside you and little by little you started to become overstimulated, and just as it started to hurt he came within you. The hot spill of his seeds , his deep breaths in your ear , the sound of his moans , it was amazing.
As he pulled out you set your feet on the ground again. You immediately got dressed and with a red face you stayed silent , you couldn’t believe that just happened. You picked up his clothes and shoved them into his arms , “put them on,” you hurried him as you turned around to face a corner. You heard him laugh and you looked down at the floor “no need to look away y/n , you’ve now seen my naked body,” he teased. “Shut up,” you hushed him.
✿ ✿ ✿
That night you didn’t talk to him at all , you avoided him at all costs and in the morning you did the same. “I’m leaving early today,” you said as you rushed through the kitchen grabbing a piece of toast. “Somewhere to be? Or rather someone to get to?” Your father teased , you shook your head “I’m just meeting up with yerin is all,” you said as you made your way to the door. You looked back at the table and taeyong was staring at you , you felt a shiver up your spine and quickly made your way out.
✿ ✿ ✿
As it hit 8.20 more and more students filled the school and you weren’t as lonely as you were half an hour ago. Yerin and sohee has just walked to the canteen to grab hot chocolates for the three of you , you however , decided to stay at the table in front of the school gates. After a few minutes you listened to the school as all the girls started to squeal to what it sounded like their vocal chords breaking. You got out of your seat to see what the big riot was about and you’d never had a more disappointing sigh leave your mouth as you watched taeyong walk through the school gates like a king. In this moment all you could think was ‘ thank god no one knows he’s my step brother ‘ you rolled your eyes and walked away from the crowd. But to your dismay taeyong walked right up to you , you eyed him down and irritatedly asked “what do you want?” . With folded arms you looked up at taeyong as you waited for an answer “I want you to kiss me , in front of everyone. Show everyone that I managed to get with the schools ace student,” he said emotionlessly. You scoffed “and why would I do that?” “Don’t forget that you have a dirty secret I can spill at any moment,” taeyong pulled you closer from your back and you yelped at the sudden proximity “,I basically own you babe.” He smirked. “I-“ cut off by taeyongs lips on yours , you couldn’t do anything but kiss him back. As much as you didn’t want to admit it...you liked him quite a lot. “Taeyong...you can have me as your slave to deliver you food and give you money as long as you have my secret , but instead , you want the school to think we’re together....why’s that?” You ask as you look up at him “I know I suck at these or whatever so I’m going to embrace it. But I’m just gonna say I want to protect you so much that it might kill me,” you raised a brow at taeyongs sudden randomness , “what are you trying to say?” You asked , amused. Of course , you didn’t need to ask but hearing him say it might make you scream internally. “I think you already know, from the day I saw you ,even now , you still interest me strangely. You’re not my type but I linger for your touch, you’re a strange girl y/n but all I know is that I want you,” he whispered seductively. You inched your face closer to his as youplaced your hands on his chest “ you’re one confusing guy , Lee Taeyong,”
“Ho...ly....shit,” yerin gasped , “gee all I wanted was a hot chocolate not some cliche romantic couple,” sohee rolled her eyes jokingly. You turned your head as taeyong held you in his arms , “I swear this wasn’t planned,” both you and taeyong said in unison.
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thedarkbender · 3 years
Steam of Conciousness
The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink.”
― T.S. Eliot
I will be the first to say that my last name is difficult to spell and even harder to say (it’s pronounced Woody, similar to the beloved character from Toy Story). My father’s family hails from Finland, home to a language unrelated to the Romantics. When my grandfather first came to America bearing the name “Elis Wuotila”, he resounded to drop the last syllable in hopes of creating an identity that, when spoken aloud, sounded resolutely American. Despite this modification, my last name is destined to be forever misspelled, mispronounced and misunderstood.
Recently, I came across a situation where my last name was incorrectly spelled. In context, there was no lasting consequence of such a mistake. This paper would not be documented nor recorded in any manner and yet I could not hide the taste of dissatisfaction in regards to such an error lingering in my mouth. When I informed the individual who penned such a small mistake, the response I received was arbitrary at best.
“Does it really matter?”
Yes. Yes it does. It may be an insignificant note, but to me, it is so much more.
My name is as great- if not more so- a part of me as my heritage, family and upbringing. On the surface these answers are trivial and expected. Isn’t it standard that your identity be made up of your past, your present, your culture and your family? But I must say, if such things are so important, then why is a misrepresentation of my name- one of the primary physical manifestations of myself- something so easily shrugged off? Surely my culture, family or history wouldn’t be brushed off as lightly. Who you are matters, so why shouldn’t how?
I am the eldest child and I proudly embody the traits typical of the first born. I speak loud and speak often, yet my words are masked with an air of superficiality. I often refrain from revealing the true depths of my thoughts, choosing to leave the finer details of a conversation to my companions. I am unnaturally observant, but pride myself with the secrecy surrounding this attribute. 
After all, no one expects a loquacious observer.
I do not speak the way I write. This is the direct result of a conscious choice transformed into an unfortunate habit. In my youth, I perceived a world where speaking with a certain air of sophistication equaled speaking with an equal layer of vanity. It certainly seemed so. I can recall one too many instances where my fellow peers mistook my words for insults. As the years went on, I began to understand the root of such a stigma as I came across individuals who assumed that those with a strong grasp of the English language were, without a doubt, arrogant bastards.
My circle of friends during high school was mockingly nicknamed “The SAT club”- a term so aptly assigned, for the members were as selective and snobbish as the colleges who value the standardized score. We called ourselves proud to convince ourselves we were not vain, yet everyone knows pride and vanity waltz in the center of pompous hearts. Soon after graduating, I severed ties between my classmates, acknowledging that a self-built pedestal eventually crumbles. This is a decision I do not regret.
It is humorous to consider the true extent of comfort that words provide. They are a sanctuary, a breath of fresh air, a cold glass of water after a long run. 
Nevertheless, even with this passion, my future is an ominous void empty of plans and intentions. My five-year plan is nonexistent and I am overly generous when I claim to possess a one-year one. The only truth I have is this: no matter what the future may hold, I desire happiness above all else. However this may be accomplished is a mystery not yet revealed and to be quite frank, the prospect of the future scares me.
In five, ten, twenty years’ time, will I be able to look back in good conscious at the life I have constructed for myself? Will I still, for all essence and certainty, still be me?
For who am I now? I am the daughter of a successful businessman, a generous housewife and the once ostracized sister of my best friend. I am a lover of music, critic of religion and firm believer in the value of coffee spoons as currency. A woman with a strong Hebrew name, despite lacking lineage of such kind. I am rather foul mouthed and will stand by Holden Caulfield regarding the unconventional value for swear words.
I’m quite good with words and quite bad at people.
I do not think as I write, nor write as I speak and so desperately wish that the valley of words embedded in my brain could cultivate with the same level of propriety as the sentence I now pen.  
Those unfamiliar with my prose may do a double take upon reading to see if it is indeed my name upon the page. I assure you, each word is mine, carefully selected before being written down. The ideas scrawling on the page are more myself than I, for what I write is a true extension of myself.
There is no truer form of identity than the thoughts one etches across a page, particularly if these thoughts are rambles conceived in the moments where silence overtakes the world and the mind is allowed to run. In this context, each letter holds as strong a value as each thought. It is this subtle difference that provides the blatant difference between such words as desert and dessert. If this can elicit such a dramatic change, then why is the equivalent modification to a name considered so insignificant? I am significant, if at the very least to myself. I am as significant as the words I choose to pen- words penned intentionally and with the utmost care. Should these words be misspelled, they would not have the same life. All I ask is for the same respect as the words I so dearly cling too.
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shortandanxious · 8 years
...Are you gonna keep us in suspense about how your last name is a clerical error? Sounds like a cool story
Well ok friend I can tell the story, but I can’t say it’s very cool. mostly it’s just disappointing, for me and for anyone who expects a thrilling tale.
Warning: this is a long post because my life is a constant failed struggle to be concise.
So if someone has been following this blog for a very long time and has an exceptionally powerful memory or has been recently snooping around in the personal tag of this blog (no judgment–gathering info on people’s personal life is what i do on a regular basis for kicks), then that person might know that i was born in 1995 as part of a set of triplet girls. Both of these things are important. 
The 1995 part is important because everything was shittier in 1995 (I say this lovingly, but also seriously.) The clothes were worse. New Kids on the Block were a thing. But more importantly this was right before computers really hit their stride in the mass market. So what I’m suggesting is that my hospital, situated in one of the crime capitals of America, probably wasn’t benefitting from the organizational aid of the highest level tech that we know and love today. (Also of note: my parents didn’t even buy a desktop computer that had Internet access until 2003. This doesn’t have anything to do with the story. I just think it’s embarrassing.)
The triplet part is important because 1) it means my hospital room was a very happening place with like a whole team of baby doctors trying to make sure i got out of there okay (spoiler alert: i did), 2) since multiple births are killer my mother was put on plenty of fun painkillers both before and after she was cut open to welcome my disappointing ass into the world, and 3) there were two whole other babies who entered the world with me who were similarly in need of names.
So let’s bring all these pieces together. There I am, chilling in a NICU incubator (actually i was probably doing the opposite of chilling but whatever), probably about the size of a decently proportioned hot dog, and somewhere in this overburdened metropolitan hospital some woman is responsible for creating the paper trail that proves my existence. And part of this involves getting one of my parental units to sign off on paperwork declaring my name.
Now the biggest question I have today is where my dad was at this crucial point in time. Was he celebrating his newfound fatherhood with friends and family? Was he taking a selfie in a scrub room mirror? (This is actually a reference to a specific photo of my father, clad in an ugly ass scrub cap, somehow managing to take a perfectly angled and framed selfie despite the fact that his camera was the kind where you had to hold it up to your face to get an estimate of what the image would look like. Incredible). But regardless, he was off somewhere, so some overworked health provider finds my mom in her hospital room, stoned out of her mind on the good stuff, and asks her to help fill out the birth certificate information.
So this was my parents’ plan: my sisters and I were supposed to have our dad’s last name. simple enough, right? and we each had a unique middle name picked out for us (of course, i could tell a whole other story about how my middle name is the only one that has not caused my parents some amount of regret over the years, but I won’t get into that).
Now the tricky part is that my mom, ever the feminist, had insisted on having her own last name included in the naming process (she kept her maiden name, so this was a logical next step). It wasn’t to be part of a hyphenated last name, because that would just be impossible for a five year old to learn how to spell, but would instead serve as a second middle name that my sisters and i would all have in common. This is an uncommon practice, but I actually knew some twins in high school who both had their mother’s maiden name as their middle names (but it was Hyman, which I always thought was unfortunate). So the nurse or clerical worker or whoever this crucial stranger figure is comes into the room, asks my mom a few questions, and my mom, higher than she has been since that time in the 60s when she dropped acid and got stuck overnight in a tree, does her best to respond. She signs some forms and that’s that.
Three months later my parents are trying to do their taxes and the IRS calls them up (actually idk who called them but it definitely involved tax records) to tell them that there is no record of triplet girls born in 1995 to their household with the name/identity information they have provided. Turns out that my infant self has been living under a false identity because the name my parents have given me is not the name on my birth certificate.
(Now, my parents probably should have figured out what was going on sooner. A couple of months earlier my grandparents had called the hospital or something, wanting to check up on their grand babies–we were premature, so we were there for a while–but were apparently told that there were no patients at that hospital with the last name they were providing.)
Long story short, someone somewhere fucked up, and instead of having two middle names I have two last names (my mom’s last name first, and my dad’s last name second). In the grand scheme of things this isn’t so bad. At least they’re actual last names. And at least there are only two. But on the other hand I legit didn’t know my full last name until I was 7 years old, and my last name is so long that my first name always got cut off on roll sheets at school (which turned out to be more stressful for substitute teachers than anyone could have anticipated). Of note: there’s a Hispanic naming custom that involves giving a child both parents’ last names. Except the father’s last name is supposed to come first. And then for practical reasons you only use that one name. So even though my mom’s Chicana she can’t even pretend that this was the intention.
But the biggest tragedy of all: the damn thing isn’t even hyphenated. Whenever I have to sign shit or put my name on assignments, people just think I’m some weirdo who writes her middle name on things for no reason. And that hurts me in my soul every single day.
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innainkorea · 7 years
Welcome to Korea!
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Hello friends! I apologize for the social media radio silence. I had every intention of making ‘daily’ posts, but we have been SO busy.
*Please forgive me* 
Here is a a brief synopsis of what I’ve been up to:
Wow! I can’t believe I am actually in Seoul. Sitting in bed, with Thao & Caeli, eating macarons and watching Boys Over Flowers. Life is so good right now.
We have been in South Korea for a full week. They aren’t kidding when they say time flies when you’re having fun! Our travels from Indianapolis went smoothly. After a couple of hours in Toronto on layover, we were off on our merry way to Incheon International Airport. The plane felt spacious and was fairly comfortable, especially for economy class. I watched movies and TV shows to entertain myself, but I also found myself looking out the window a lot. We flew over northern Canada & Alaska for a long time and the landscape was breathtaking. We could see vast mountain ranges capped with snow, emerald forests, and even massive river networks frozen over with ice. That in itself was a cool experience and a humbling reminder of just how much of this big, beautiful planet I have still yet to see. I also have never been so well fed on a flight before; 3 meals, constant beverage service, and snacks at your beck & call. I definitely recommend Air Canada for your air travel needs. 
Inna’s Travel Tip #001: Neck pillows are you (& your butt’s) best friend! Making sure to reposition yourself at least every 2 hours to avoid painful pressure spots will make a huge difference during your in-flight experience.
For those of you who didn’t already know I have been given the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Seoul this summer! For the next two weeks, I will be participating in a number of educational experiences with the goal of learning about health care and behavioral health care in a global context. I was also appointed as one of IUPUI’s newest #GlobalJags, by the Office of Study Abroad. This blog will be home to a personal travel journal I’ll be using to chronicle my time here. I’m so excited to share my thoughts and photos with you all! Stay tuned for daily(-ish) posts and please send me ALL & ANY questions/requests :)
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Inna Ayos, IUPUI Office of Study Abroad Social Media Ambassador
DAY 1 [5/22/17]:
This is our first official program day in Seoul, and we have a full schedule ahead of us! Thao & I started our morning in the hotel room with a plate full of fluffy scrambled eggs and mini cheese hot dogs. This set the precedent for what I knew could only a fantastic spent afternoon at Ewha Womans University.
For lunch, we were honored with a welcome luncheon hosted by Ewha’s President of International Affairs. They shared information about Ewha’s many opportunities available to international students, both men & women. They were so incredibly kind to us and enthusiastic about our arrival. We all left our meeting with full bellies and a cool new tote bag & reusable water bottle.
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Lunch Menu: bulgogi (beef), rice, & banchan (Korean side dishes) It was so good, I could’ve cried.
The next activity on our schedule was a campus tour. This was our chance to get a feel for what Ewha’s campus was like and learn more about the historical significance of the university. So you may have noticed that the school is called Ewha Womans University. Is that a grammatical error you wonder? It is not. The spelling was chosen with purpose. While the university of course wants to encourage women as a group to innovate and take on the world, it’s a reminder that the mission has always been to help each individual woman to achieve her goals and reach her fullest potential.
Ewha was originally founded by Christian missionaries from the United States and still continues to teach it’s students the same original three cardinal virtues: truth, goodness, and beauty. Students are also required to take a chapel class, that isn’t necessarily a catechism class (everyone is free to practice & study whatever doctrine they please), but merely a chance for students to learn more about how they can apply the three cardinal virtues to themselves and the work they’re doing. It was so moving to learn about Ewha’s origins. The school started with the tenacity of 1 teacher and 1 student, and to see it’s growth to it’s size today is impressive and awe-inspiring. Female leaders who will lead us to a better tomorrow are being educated within their hallowed halls, including one of our instructors, Ewha alum Dr. Michin Hong.
We also had the awesome opportunity to attend a lecture by Professor Sophia (can’t remember her last name oopsies) who leads an english-taught social welfare course. Today’s topic was about the effects of an aging population on a society. We learned that as the world population continues to grow, and with people now living longer pretty much everywhere, our elderly population is also booming and with that will eventually outnumber their younger counterparts in the near future. What this means is that the need for elder care is going to increase as well, and as our society stands now, we may be ill-equipped to meet that demand because there is simply not enough younger people who are willing to take on these care positions. 
After the lecture portion, we were broken down further into groups to discuss what stigmas exist against older adults. Our group talked a lot about how there are many different perceptions that exist. Some people think of the elderly as grumpy, “out of touch”, and anti-progressive. Others think of them as wise and as key-players in leading the young. We found that it really depended on the individual and in what context you interacted with them. I brought up Erikson’s Stages of Development in our discussion. Now that I think back to it, I’m not sure I explained it in the best way, because I couldn't remember some of the specific verbiage off the top of my head. But I do believe I was able to give them a good general idea of how to interpret it. Essentially, at each stage of life, every person faces a specific psychosocial dilemma. And depending on what they’ve been able to accomplish developmentally until that point determines what stage they're in. For older adults, 55-65+, they either have “integrity” or “despair”. The adult has achieved “integrity” if they feel contentment having led a full  & meaningful life, perhaps leaving a lasting and important effect on the world they will eventually leave behind. For those who may harbor regrets in their life’s directions or the decisions they have made, “despair” is more evident. I thought this could potentially explain why there is such a dichotomy in the perception of our elderly counterparts. It was overall a very stimulation discussion and I enjoyed getting to know a small group of Ewha students. One cool thing about this class was there a lot of international students, from all over the world. There was a girl from the states and another from the Ukraine in my group. This added to the diversity of perspectives in our conversation, which I really enjoyed. 
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Overall, it was a really long first day, but a strong & impactful start. I cannot say enough how enthused I am to have already learned so much in such a short amount of time. But I still have a TON of stuff to share with you all!!
I will continue to post about all that we’ve been up to, but it’s going to come in more sporadic bursts than I had previously anticipated. So keep an eye out for more blurbs & pictures!
Inna xx
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PS I also wanted to take this time to say thank you again to all of you who supported me to make this happen. I quite literally could not have done it without your love & care of me. I am eternally grateful <3 
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