#the students have never been so confused in all their time at ua
metranart · 4 months
Acting like a bird in heat, Hawks ends up fulfilling his mating cycles with you… but now that his mind isn’t a pool of hormones… why does he keep looking for you?
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Hawks x Student! Reader (Part 1)
Warning tag: obsessed! Hawks, possessive! Hawks, naive! student reader, violation of trust, dubious consent, mating cycles, rut response, obsessive behavior, uncontrollable thirst for reader, manipulation, forced, thigh riding, hormonal minds out of control, sexual content, first time, cock riding, teenage fuck, Dabi's toxically interested in you, Bakugo bestie yet secretly inlove wit you, love confessions, cock-drunk, Hawks trying to be good but failing miserably, gaslighting, HEAVY plot, lots of smut.
The last time you saw him, your fingers dripped in his milky and creamy essence, his cheeks were bright red, and foggy as the feather adorning his back, and his voice held an elusive pant as if trying to catch his breath, along with his actions. Self-consciousness, the new mask for him to wear as he disentangled your hand from his now flaccid cock, almost caringly, half-lidded golden orbs shinning in its post-delirium bliss yet hiding a regretful truth. How the fuck did this happened? And why the hell did he allowed it? What was that new confusing feeling inside his chest?Takami Keigo knew what it was, but had never had such a close encounter with it in his whole life. 
No man, no citizen, no hero... –shall call himself trustworthy, after what he did. After the kind of thoughts that now circled his brain...agh! and he called himself the Number two hero. What a farse.
A steady hand passed through his golden locks, disheveled strands restricting the smooth motion, as he heavily sighed. 
I need a bath, thought mildly annoyed. Maybe that would serve him to clear his mind and untangle the treacherous feeling threatening to drive him insane, a cold shower would serve the purpose of cooling the deep mortification, he was experiencing. Fresh summer wind ruffled the papers scattered on top of his desk and at the same time, refreshed his blushing skin. The memory of his recent untactful sin, raving his brain like a horde of savages attacking a peaceful village. Damn his luck. Damn his choice of actions and must of all, damned the day, he saved you. Hawks could still remember so many details, little yet so endearing details about you. When arrived at the scene never thought for a minute, would become involved in such colorful acts.
Everything went peachy during the rescue; Endeavor handled the Villain with upmost care while incinerating his head right away from his body. Tactful, the winged hero recalled to think quite amused, it would have been a scarring scene, if not were for the villain being a Nomus. Yet, he couldn’t avoid but to think, there still were so many more options to reach the same end. His job in this particular scene was easy, to say the least. Save the hostage. A sweet, scared and highly ordinary young girl who found herself trapped in the crossed fire. UA uniform hugging your figure, as the Nomus paraded itself around you like a bee setting his sting to hurt. There was little time to act, and the moment the flames exploded from the Number one hero, Hawks saw his window open to save the deceptive young girl. Flying through hell fire landed with a soft thud in front of you, displaying his wings to envelop you in a cocoon of feathers, the red flames licking his crimson wings while shielding you from harm.
His gloved hands went straight to your waist in a studied motion, at the same time his gaze fixed in yours asking for permission to touch you, you almost threw yourself at him like a trembling leaf who seek shelter from the chaotic winds. The winged hero was quick enough to pull you into his welcome arms and fly up, taking you both from the ground just in time. The scorching heat caressed his flying form before both were out of reach. The crowd around the sinister cheered the incineration of the villain, and a swift smirk kidnapped the blonde’s lips in a sassy gest.
He knew he have it in him, Endeavor just needed a few notches in the right direction. All those musings were curtly interrupted as his eyes focused on the civilian resting in his arms, your round eyes caught him off guard, nevertheless, was quick to smile and reassure your questioning stare. You seemed in shock, probable still were. These nasty things never left a sweet taste behind. Flying you to the safety of the ground, landed near the scene, but far away to gift you with some privacy to compose. Hawks gently unwrapped you from his chest and placed a comforting hand over your hunched shoulders, reassuring smile always present in his welcome expression. "It´s ok, you are safe now." His palm gently squeezed your shoulder, thumb doing comforting circle motions over the fabric of the uniform. "Breath, in and out, you'll see how you feel better in matter of seconds–" You managed to quirk the edge of your lip up, and your frame stopped shaking, the tremors slowly disappearing the more oxygen you gulped. "Atta girl" The hero cheered, lowly. "In and out, you’re almost a pro." His good-hearted joke reaped the fruits as a melodic giggle escaped out of you, and your tense frame seemed to relax. "T-thank you, Hawks" you timidly stammered, eyes glued to your fidgeting fingers interlacing each other, nervously.
Looking up from your hands met his gleeful stare, and your cheeks gained a dust of pink. Your lips opened and closed as if wanted to say something but didn’t dare to. Hawks pretended no to notice, to save you the embarrassment. 
He was used to have this effect over the female population, every woman in town was one smirk away from his warm bed, but the young hero had grown tired of those kinds of relationships. When you can have all, you can eat, eventually the buffet seemed less attractive, almost boring.
He liked sex, holly shit, he fucking did! as much as the next guy would. But he needed a challenge –   actually wasn’t sure what he needed, but something inside him was unsatisfied and restless, continuingly poking at the back of his mind.
“Don’t mention it, cutie.” The hero said simply and looking around, realized that your home shouldn't be far away.
“If you want, I can take you to your house" he suggested, in a carefree and friendly tone, "flying everything is closer." Cheerfully, added.
Taking a moment to think, nibble your lower lip a bit but you ended up accepting. His amber glasses shone under the rays of the sun and without preamble, he offered you his arms which you nervously climb for him to leave the safety of the ground and surf the sky, again.
"Are you comfortable?” Keigo asked, feeling your body a little tense among his arms, being carried bride style across the sky would definitely woo any girl, nevertheless, you seem more uncomfortable than anything else. 
“M´Ok.” you said, curtly, and hawks, merely nodded. “By the way, are we heading in the right direction?"
A blush swept across your cheeks at the realization of what he just stated, and timidly squeezing his arm to feel more secure, you glanced down and before you could tell him exactly where your house was, you noticed something coating your fingers.
“You are hurt!” You half-yelled worried, looking at your blood covered hand, and then, at his wounds. You had not noticed it because he had not said anything, nor had he complained, but his arm was burned and one of his wings was semi-scorched. To which the young hero, just shrugged his shoulders, not giving it much importance.
"Comes with the territory." He openly joked, but your eyebrows continued to frown. "It's not serious, a few of Endevour´s flames got me... nothing that won't heal in a few days." He encouraged you, but you weren't able to shake the feeling of guilt.
You had been training hard to become a hero, and just when it was time to prove yourself, you froze.
It was so, so embarrassing that Todoroki's father had to save you, that you refused to go back to the dormitory you shared with your class A classmates. Surely, they would be worried, not to mention, you had already ghosted, a few text messages from Professor Aizawa asking if you were okay. But you just kept feeling like you let everyone down. That was why you preferred to go home and cry your eyes out in the solitude of your bedroom, or among your mom’s arms. 
Now, you felt even worse, since Hawks, the number two hero, was injured because of you. Maybe he didn't show it since he was too professional, but that wound was serious and would take more than a few days to heal, not to mention it could get infected.
Ugh! you had to help him, was the least you could do… It was what a true hero would do.
Setting your mind, you decided to use your quirk on him, despite Recovery Girl several warnings. Without a doubt, you could heal him... now the only setback was, not losing control while doing it.
An idea suddenly lights your brain, and catching a glimpse of a well-known hidden alleyway, near your house, you signaled to him that you had arrived.
Hawks landed softly, and let you down, looking around the place. "I'll take you to the door, which one is yours?" The young hero, offered.
“...Is the one on the other side of the alley.” You indicated, signaling a house, close by.
“Oh, fine.” Keigo said, not really understanding why you choose to walk instead of fly straight to your house, but he let it pass. “Lead the way, then.”
Both entered the alley which was being embraced by thin shadows and before you reached the other side, you turned around and looking at Hawks with embarrassment, you fidgeted with your fingers for a moment. Surprise morphed Keigo´s features comically when out of all the requests in the world, you suddenly asked. 
“May-may I give you a kiss?” You asked, timidly and noticing his bemused expression, corrected. “...As a way of thanking you.... for saving me....”
Your timid request took him by surprise momentarily, but soon his features regain his cool, and was quick to nod to then leant down. A kiss on the cheek, Keigo thought it to be innocent enough, not a usual request, nevertheless, a simple one. If this put you to rest, he'll humor you. Keigo was cocking his head for you to place your sweet lips.... it's now or never, you breathed deeply.... if you were going to use your quirk, now was the moment.
Two slender hands perched in each side of the Hero´s face and in a firm, straight movement, you cocked his face in your direction, surprise registered in his face, and his golden orbs popped open at the feeling of your lips locking with his.    
⭕️ In my PATREON you will find NSFW art of this chapter and more spicy MHA NSFW art and exclusive smut fanfiction.... Plus 'Spicy Foreplay tier reward' like: voting poll privilege for the exclusively Patreon one-shot stories where you can choose the couple pairing and kinky mood for the story and NSFW art, along with some naughty animation like THIS ONE ....and my eternal and vast gratitude for your support!!!
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specialagentlokitty · 2 months
Aizawa x reader - fixing us
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Yawning a little, you stretched as you rolled off your couch and picked up your phone.
You had a few missed messages from your friends, a few missed calls from your producer, and an email from UA which caught your attention.
You didn’t have a quirk, and you weren’t a pro hero, so why would the most prestigious hero school in Japan be emailing you?
Giving the email a Quick Look over, you saw it was an invitation to play a few songs during the lunch break at their sports festival, and a call to your producer confirmed this email as real and not some sort of scam.
You didn’t have to take too long to think about it, you had never attended UA as a teen, so you never saw what it was like, and you had always even curious, so you immediately accepted.
That’s how you found yourself standing in the middle of UA a month later, being shown around by the principal as he took you to where you could wait and watch the sports festival.
“Jeez, I never thought I’d see the day I’d be stood inside UA.”
Nezu laughed slightly, clasping his paws together as he looked up at you.
“It’s a spectacular sight is it not? And I know many of our students are excited to see you preform live, along with a few of the staff.”
You grin a little as you carry on following him.
“That’s one tough crowd to impress, gotta say I’m excited to preform for the future heroes, hopefully give them something to relax and ease up too.”
“I’m sure you’ll find it no issue it all!” Nezu beams.
He leads you to the teachers commentators box and gestures to it.
“You should have the best view in here! And you’ll be accompanied by two of our very own commentating on the sports festival! They should arrive soon, and they are aware of your presence. If you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask!”
“Thank you very much!”
Nezu offers you a bright smile before he leaves.
You smile as you look around, standing in front of the large glass window.
It definitely was a great view of the field, and the screens so any events that weren’t taking place in the stadium you still had a perfect view to watch them.
As you were looking around the door opened again and you turned around, a grin slowly forming on your face when you saw who it was.
“No way! It can’t seriously be you!”
“Hizashi!” You laugh.
The pro hero wasted no time in rushing over to pull you into a bone crushing hug, and he laughed loudly as he spun you around a few times before setting you back down on the ground.
“It’s been years (Y/N)!”
Hizashi punches your shoulder lightly.
“Why didn’t you ever call?!” He pouts.
You laugh softly, shaking your head at him.
“Because somebody changed his number and never gave him his new one, and NEVER replies to messages on social media.”
He grins sheepishly.
“Okay, okay, that’s my fault. Oh Aizawa is here too!”
Your eyes widen slightly at the mention of that name.
It had been years since you saw Hizashi, even longer since you last saw Aizawa, not since you guys had an explosive argument and the worst part was you couldn’t even remember what it was about.
“You’re kidding? Aizawa? A teacher?”
Hizashi grinned and nodded his head.
“Yup! He’ll be here in a minute!”
Your eyes widen a little as he says that, and as if on cue the door is pushed open, and a very heavily bandaged Aizawa walks through.
He grumbles to himself as he walked in and paused the moment he saw you, his eyes widening just slightly.
“Jeez, you look like you’ve been hit by a truck.”
Aizawa huffed, rolling his eyes at you as he walked over to sit down at his chair.
“Shut up.”
Hizashi laughed, patting your shoulder and he looked at you, taking in your ear piercings, and he stepped back, crossing his arms.
Copying his posture, you raised a brow in question.
“Tattoos? Piercings?” He asked with a slight hint of confusion.
You laugh sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head.
At the mention of tattoos and piercings Aizawa looked over, looking at the coloured ink that covered your arms, the piercings that lined your ears.
“I forget it’s not really normal here, I guess I’ve been living in the states for that long im so used to how they do things there now.”
Hizashi hummed a little in understanding.
“Well it suits you!” He beamed.
He grinned at you, giving you a knowing look as he sat down in his chair to start the commentary.
You stand between him and Aizawa, listening to what they’re saying and explaining.
While you were stood there Aizawa would occasionally look at you, studying the tattoos that he could see on your arm.
A tiger, some flowers trailing down a vine along your arm, some lyrics to a few of your songs.
He still hasn’t said much to you, and you hadn’t really engaged in conversation with him either, but as lunch came around you headed to get ready for your show.
While Hizashi went to get lunch Aizawa got ready to take a nap.
He was already half asleep when your show started, and he found himself lifting his head a little bit looking down at the stage cementoss had created for you.
He had never admitted it to you or anybody but he enjoyed listening to your singing back in middle, and he sometimes found himself listening to your music when he was alone grading his papers.
He could see you having the time of your life, a huge smile on your face as the crowd cheered and whistled.
You only played a few songs before you headed back inside so they could get the stadium ready for the next events, and that’s where you found Aizawa standing in the hallway waiting.
He lifts his head slightly, letting your gaze.
“Can we talk?” He mutters, gesturing to a nearby waiting room.
With a heavy sigh you follow him, and he stands in front of the door once you’re both inside to stop you from leaving, or other people entering.
Aizawa sighs a little, looking at you as you sit down on the table.
“I never thought you’d be the type to get tattoos…” he mumbled.
You raise a brow at him.
“We’ve not spoken in nearly 10 years and you want to talk about my tattoos?”
“No… I just… I don’t know…”
He sighed, leaning against the door and closing his eyes for a moment before he opened them again.
He walked over, sitting next to you on the table with a small huff of pain.
“Look (Y/N) I’m sorry okay…? For everything I said back then, I was stupid, and immature, and I wasn’t thinking.”
With a sigh, you look down at your hands and he looks down at them as well.
“I really do like your music by the way…”
“You, Shouta Aizawa, like my music? You don’t listen to music.”
He rolls his eyes.
“I’m trying to be nice here and you’re making it impossibly hard.”
You grin a little bit at him.
“Call it payback.”
“Why the hell are you so stubborn?”
You simply offer him a small shrug, and he sighs, shuffling a little before resting his head on your shoulder.
He used to do this a lot, he wasn’t much of a physical contact person, but it was no secret to you and Hizashi that Aizawa found comfort in you, and felt relaxed with you.
Reaching up, you carefully place a hand on his bandaged cheek.
“You know, technically we never broke up.” He mumbled.
“Oh my god…” you laugh.
“It’s true, you never actually said the words ‘we are finished’.”
“Seriously? You’re gonna start that now? That we’ve still somehow been dating this whole time?”
“Well have you been seeing anyone else?”
You stay quiet for a moment.
“Shut up…”
This earns you a small rare chuckle from him.
“So there you have it, still dating.”
“You’re so stubborn…”
He hums in agreement, shuffling a little to get more comfortable resting against you.
“You’re mine forever…” he mumbles.
With a soft sigh, you turn and kiss the top of his head.
“You’re so stubborn Shouta…”
He lifts his head a little.
“Before you fully end things between us just give me one more chance, that’s all I’m asking, one more.”
“One more chance.”
He lets out a content sigh, resting his head back on your shoulder.
He’d been trying to figure out how to fix things between you for years but he could never bring himself to reach out to you, now was his chance and he wasn’t about to mess up again
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bbyseok · 2 years
sparks in your eyes
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
word count: 1.5k
a/n: happy new year everyone !! ik i’m a week late but please enjoy this :)
content: soulmate au, ua students setting, everyone are third years, the class is like a whole family :’) we love to see it, newly established relationship, fireworks n sparklers, VERY soft katsuki, swearing yes, very tiny hint of angst, mostly sappy fluff for the new year !!
analysis: as the year comes to an end, you and katsuki enter the new one with sparks in your eyes.
they say you see sparks when you kiss your soulmate for the very first time.
and just with that saying, people dreamt of having their first kiss. of finding their soulmate in their first, if they were lucky enough.
but sometimes, your first significant other wasn’t always your soulmate. it wasn’t always your first relationship. sometimes you’d find them further down your life—sometimes, it’d take a lifetime to find who the universe had destined you with.
the frigid air of the last night of december is a chilling reminder that winter is yet to end, unlike the year.
famed class 3-a, now finally in their third years after long months and adventures of battling villains, are celebrating the new year together.
everyone’s gathered in the common area, conversing excitedly as everyone prepares to head into the streets for the fireworks and the countdown. (iida is doing his infamous hand motions as he makes sure everyone is bundled up properly. momo supplies an extra scarf or two.)
and here you are, nestled into katsuki’s side as the two of you wait on the couch with the rest of his friends. denki’s chatting up a storm per usual, and there’s the sound of hagakure and jirou laughing.
katsuki rubs his thumb over your hand absentmindedly as he deadpans something kirishima says, and you can’t help but snort.
it had taken bakugou a couple of months to muster up the courage to confess to you before it'd be too late. with the new year approaching, so is graduation—and the possibility of losing you as you all are thrusted into the lives of being actual pro heroes wasn’t something he was going to risk.
and it had been worth it. these past few weeks are proof of that. having the privilege of being your boyfriend—walking you to class hand in hand, staying up with you to bury all that studying into your head, sharing warmth underneath the sheets of his bed in his dorm room.
katsuki’s tugging you upward suddenly and you blink up at him in confusion, breaking out of your thoughts.
he catches your stare and scoffs fondly. “c’mon, brat. we’re headin’ out now.” he gestures to your classmates exiting the dorm building before he tugs you alongside him to follow them out.
“sooo..” denki elbows sero and kiri with a waggle of his brows before he glances to the rest of the class as they walk, “who’s ready to find their soulmate tonight? i know i am!”
there’s a few who roll their eyes at his statement while others blush—you can feel katsuki’s eyes linger on you but you don’t say anything as you join in the girls’ giggling.
“as if anyone would wanna kiss your dumb face, sparky!” bakugou barks out and the laughing rises.
the electric student sticks his tongue out at your boyfriend and crosses his arms. “yeah, yeah.”
there’s a few more snickers and the class blends into more easy conversations. it feels comfortable, it feels right to be like this. after all, having trained and lived alongside some of these people, they were bound to feel like family.
once you reach the outskirts of the city, everyone begins to spread out for the meantime to grab drinks, foods, etc. some of the class stay behind to still chat and light up sparklers.
you grab one from midoriya, turning to katsuki with a pleading look. “light mine for me, katsu?” you ask sweetly, twirling the stick in your fingers.
he rolls his eyes but he never can say no to you. “whatever. my explosions are cooler than some sparkler, y’know that, right?” even as he says this, he lights the damn thing for you.
“of course, suki,” you snort. once the sparkler burns, you wave it and threaten to jab it at the blonde. he glares at you playfully.
“watch it, brat!” he tells you with a smirk, “don’t wanna start the new year with some charred clothes, yeah?”
the empty threat has you gasping and you hold the sparkler in defense. “don’t you dare, bakugou katsuki!”
he sends you a stupid grin and you dash. he ends up chasing you around the street and you grab another sparkler for defense, maneuvering around your classmates with a shriek.
eventually, your sparklers die out and bakugou manages to snatch you up with a triumphant laugh. “hah! you thought you could run, huh, dumbass?”
“katsuki!” you giggle, “okay, okay! i surrender, lemme down!” when he sets you down, he ruffles your hair fondly. there’s a sudden flash and next thing you know your boyfriend is wrestling a pink-skinned girl for her phone.
(mina had made it out alive and promptly sent the moment to you afterwards, don’t worry.)
time passes and the countdown is nearing its final digits. things had definitely become more livelier as some of your classmates had returned back to the meeting spot and more people had trudged in.
“katsuki,” you say softly, tugging at his fingers as if to lure him away, “let’s head back to the dorms.”
“don’t you wanna stay with the others?” katsuki inquires, quirking up a brow at you. he seems surprised by your request.
you shake your head. “it’s okay. i just wanna be with you.”
you don’t know it but you make his head all fuzzy, especially when you say such sappy shit like that. his cheeks are red and it’s not just because of the cold. “fine,” he huffs, and he’s leading the way again.
once you’re back inside the heat of the common area, you glance at him, still walking towards the elevators.
“dumbass, where the hell are we goin’?” he questions you but he doesn’t protest as you keep dragging him along.
“the roof, katsu,” you simply explain to him, a bit giddy, “so we can still see the fireworks.”
bakugou hums in reply and is quiet during the elevator ride. the doors open and you take the rest of the stairs that lead up to the roof.
you let go of his hand to stand near the edge, looking over the bright lights of the city. it’s as if the buildings and streets are alive, even from this distance. the city bristles in anticipation of the countdown.
“are you going to kiss me, katsuki?”
the question catches him off guard even though he had been preparing for it all night. and the nights before that. (katsuki has been thinking of kissing you for weeks.)
you hear his light footsteps as he comes to stand behind you. “if you want me to,” comes his gruff reply.
you turn around to face him. the radiance of the moonlight slants over his features and though you’ve never doubted it, he’s the finest man you’ve ever seen. “do you?” you shoot back.
he visibly trembles. “fuckin’ hell, of course i wanna kiss you.”
his ferocity makes you forget how to breathe for a couple of heartbeats. “and what if..” you trail off but the question hangs in the air. and what if we’re not soulmates?
he answers you easily, slotting his hands in yours. they’re still warm. he’s like a walking furnace sometimes. “you think i wouldn’t be able to find my soulmate first try?” he snorts.
you roll your eyes then with a small smile. ever the confident one, he is. “i’m nervous,” you then confess quietly, flexing your fingers against his.
“don’t be, dumbass,” he scolds you. “i’m gonna kiss you ‘n it’s gonna be you. you really think the universe wouldn’t give me the perfect soulmate?”
bakugou doesn’t say words of flattery much—his affection is rather shown through actions and while you don’t mind, hearing his declaration has heat rushing to your cheeks.
puffs of air are visible as you breathe, but they mingle between the two of you. he’s so close. the sudden roar of the countdown sounds.
ten! nine! eight!
“okay,” you hum, drawing him closer.
seven! six! five!
“okay?” he says softly.
four! three!
“okay, katsuki.” you smile. “kiss me.”
two! one!
he leans forward and you meet him halfway, lips on his and then—the fireworks in the sky aren’t the ones you see. there’s a blaze and flurry of sparks that envelop you as your eyes flutter close.
you feel as if you’re on fire, the way katsuki’s lips mold against yours and he draws your body even closer. the brush of his thumb on your cheek has you gasping into his mouth and you know he can see it too.
you can still see them as you open your eyes slowly and barely pull away. you can see the sparks in his eyes, can feel the heat of them in his fingertips.
a silence hangs between you but it feels warm. the affirmation of your bond steady in the air, and it’s like your soul is sated. you had found each other.
“you were nervous, admit it,” you tease, utterly breathless and helplessly in love.
instead of vehement denial, his eyes soften and your heart leaps.
“no.” katsuki breathes and melts against you, entirely yours. “i told you i knew it’d be you.”
and when he kisses you again, the sparks are still there.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Accidents Almost Happen
Aizawa X Daughter! Reader
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The 5-year-old girl skipped her way down the halls of UA, making her way outside to find her father. She had overheard that he was outside with his class, and that the students would be sparring. Though she wasn't sure what this meant, the laughter she had heard from the two teachers in question made her believe it was some kind of game.
Little (Y/n)'s hair swayed as she managed to walk out of the large building, she saw a large group of people that were in a circle. Her father had seen her but, unfortunately, he had spotted his little girl too late. When she arrived Todoroki and Bakugou were sparring. What made it so unfortunate? Todoroki had launched a series of large ice shards, Bakugou had deflected them but this cause several to fly towards the girl.
But someone else had noticed the girl as well, and in moments his large body had engulfed her. All she saw was a flash of red before she was pulled into this hug, with the help of their quirk the spikes shattered on impact. "(Y/N)!" The fight had stopped the moment Aizawa called out, he rushed over as Kirishima slowly stood up. Sure, his back still hurt a little from the sudden impact, but it was nothing he'd complain about.
"She's ok Sensei." Kirishima smiled as the little girl ran right to her father, of course Aizawa had scooped up the little girl and held her close. The class had stared in amazement and confusion, amazed by their sensei's display of emotion and confused as to who the little girl was. Even still Kirishima had been congratulated, he saved the little girl from being impaled.
"(Y/N) what are you doing out here, you know you're supposed to be in the daycare." Being a single parent Aizawa took advantage of the school's day care, many of the teachers had children that weren't old enough to be alone. "I missed you daddy; I heard you were playing a game and I wanted to see." She gazed at him with glossy innocent eyes, unaware of just how much danger she had put herself in. With a sigh Aizawa turned to Kirishima, the young man could see the raging emotions within the frightened father. "Thank you, Kirishima... You saved my daughter despite the risk to yourself."
Kirishima simply smiled to his teacher, bowing slightly. "I'm training to be a hero; what kind of hero would leave a child to die." Aizawa gave a tired smile, the little girl gazed at Kirishima before smiling and reached for him. This of course surprised her father, (Y/N) never usually let anyone else hold her. Of course, Kirishima didn't deny her, he held her close to him and chuckled as the young girl buried her face in the crook of his neck. "You smell good..."
As young (Y/N) cuddled with Kirishima, Aizawa decided it was time to confront his class, who had surprisingly stayed calm and quiet and let the tired man calm down. "Class... This little girl is my daughter (Y/N). I apologize for the interruption; she isn't usually so rebellious." He raised an eyebrow as Bakugou stepped forward, he wore his usual irritated face but there was also a hint of disappointment. "I apologize for placing her in danger, I should have noticed her and been more careful with my actions." This left the class in awe, Bakugou never usually cared for anything but himself. But those close to him know he does have a sense of honor, placing a child in danger so recklessly made him disappointed in himself. He thought he was more observant than that, how can he brag about being the best if he couldn't even see the girl in his peripheral.
"Thank you Bakugou, though it isn't your fault. You're still training, and you weren't prepared for something like this, don't be so hard on yourself." Bakugou had simply nodded then looked away, the sound of soft snores had drawn everyone's attention. (Y/N) had fallen asleep against Kirishima. The class struggled to hold their laughter and remain quiet, even after all of this and nearly giving her father a heart attack, it turns out it was all for a nap. The only fraise that could come to mind, like father like daughter.
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"hey Lucid Dreamer make up your mind, caught on the other side."
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"you dream for the one you swoon."
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synopsis// a boy you believed to simply be a figment of your imagination ends up being real.
pairing// izuku midoriya x gn!reader
word count// 3.4k
contents// fluff? maybe like a hint of angst? UA is a hero college, y/n's quirk is never told/explained but plot armor yk.
notes// i feel like this kinda sucks n is kinda cringe bc i wrote this MONTHS ago but i digress !! anyway omg guess what... this is actually inspired by a song... omg i know ive never done that before how unique!!! the song is the dreamer by I the mighty (my fav so good ughhhh)
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You lean against the sink, palms flat against the countertop, your head hovering over the sink bowl, water dripping from your face. You, in a poor and ultimately futile attempt, splashed yourself with water to try and calm your nerves. Tomorrow was your first day at college, but not just any college; no, it was your first day at UA, the ultimate hero college. How could you not be nervous for something like that? You sigh deeply before standing up straight and grabbing a nearby towel to dry your face off; once finished, you begrudgingly shut the bathroom light off and make your way back into your room. You stop at the side of your bed, looking down at your bedside table and the clock on it.
The clock reads one a.m., and you groan; even if you somehow manage to fall asleep right now, you’ll still be completely dead in the morning. You ignore that thought and slip back under your covers, sighing. You lie there for what seems like an eternity with your eyes closed, tossing and turning, trying desperately to fall asleep but to no avail. You quickly return to lying flat on your back before turning your head to the side to check the time. You let out the loudest and most guttural groan in frustration, realizing it’s barely been ten minutes. Once you’ve accepted that you can’t fall asleep and probably aren’t going to for a long while, you decide to just lay there glaring at your ceiling, as if that would help your situation at all. Eventually, your mind starts to wonder toward everything and anything, from your first day of UA tomorrow to your childhood, and you suddenly remember him.
You frown at his remembrance; you haven’t thought about him in ages, nor have you seen him in ages—which makes sense given that the him in question is an imaginary friend from your youth, and typically, most college students don’t have imaginary friends anymore. Now that the first thought of him has occurred, you can’t stop the rest from coming. Recalling how you spent your entire childhood with him. You first met him a few months before you turned five. You had just come to the realization that you weren’t a late bloomer in developing your quirk; no, you simply didn't have one. So it’s safe to say that almost five-year-old-you was absolutely devastated and you cried yourself to sleep that night.
You ended up waking up in a cold sweat, soon realizing that this was not your bed—nor your room, for that matter. There were All-Might posters plastered all over the walls, and even the new sheets that covered you were All-Might themed. After looking around the room in confusion, your attention was drawn to a desk in the far corner of the room and the video playing on the computer that sat atop it. You made your way out of the bed and toward the desk only to find a little boy sitting there, a boy who didn't seem shocked to see you there at all. After a few minutes of talking with him, you learn his name is Izuku, and he’s also quirkless like you, something you were excited about considering how terrible and alienated you felt about it.
The two of you were inseparable after that day, or as inseparable as you and a figment of your imagination could be. Considering that you only ever saw him once you fell asleep, you spent more time sleeping than what would be deemed healthy your whole childhood, constantly sleeping just to spend time with your only (imaginary) friend. You appreciated having him around since he was constantly going through the same things you were at the same time. Like when, you realized you truly were just a late bloomer in middle school, and then that night when you saw Izuku, it turned out he was also a late bloomer. Though it was bittersweet, yes, you appreciated it, but how sad and lonely were you that your brain felt the need to provide you with an imaginary companion for all of your huge life experiences?
Though in high school you stopped seeing him when you slept completely, you were relieved at first to finally feel normal. Relieved to not be the only teenager who still had an imaginary friend, but that relief very quickly faded when you realized how lonely you were without him. Even though he wasn't real, Izuku was your closest and dearest friend, and you missed him so much it hurt. Most days, you'd take sleeping pills in hopes of seeing him again, but to no avail, your childhood best friend seemed to have been completely wiped from your brain. So you accepted it; it took a long time, but you eventually came to terms with the fact that he was just your imaginary friend, and that was all he’d ever be; he wasn't real, and he’d never be, so you stopped thinking of him. Until tonight, when you ended up dozing off while thinking about him. 
You groan as you awaken to a faint light shining in your face. Your eyes shoot open when you remember that you didn't leave any lights on or leave your curtains open.
You’re not in your room.
Your heart begins to race.
You are not in your room.
You sit up straight, anxious yet impatient, and are pleasantly surprised to see the familiar walls filled with All-Might posters and the familiar All-Might themed bed sheets, which you can't help but laugh at because if Izuku ages when you do, he'll be a college student with All-Might sheets. Suddenly, your gaze darts all around the room, hoping to spot Izuku, but he's nowhere to be found, and you frown.
“I can make up his room again, but not him?” you mumble angrily to yourself.
You get out of his bed with a sigh and begin looking around his room; everything is mostly the same as you remembered it, but there are some new things. There are new pictures of him and his friends on his walls scattered amid the All-Might posters, as well as clothes thrown haphazardly on his floor and a messier desk. All in all, it appears to be his room, but a more mature version, which you chalk up to your brain just taking after your own room since it seems like your brain likes to do that a lot. You attempt to pick up some things from his desk only to be brutally reminded that anything you touch here simply ripples away before returning to normal, as if you just touched a puddle of water. Except for his bed, you can't physically interact with anything here. You dont hear the door creak open because you're too busy glaring at the stuff on his desk that you can't touch.
“Y/n?” someone calls out breathlessly from behind you. 
You whip around so fast that you momentarily lose your balance, mouth agape, as you stare at the boy in front of you. “Izuku?”
He cracks the largest grin you’ve ever seen from him. He looks exactly how you remember him, yet different all at once. He still has his curly green hair that messily falls in his face despite his best efforts, and his cheeks are still permanently flushed with his constellations of freckles, but this Izuku is bigger. He’s tall and lean, you can see all the muscles that have grown on him, and you think if you ran a finger down his jawline, it would cut you. But it doesn't matter; you can't touch him anyway; he's not real.
“Holy shit! I can't believe it's you!” He exclaims excitedly, and he looks just like he used to when he would tell you about All-Might as a child.
You can't help but giggle at his excitement because you're feeling the exact same way. “When did you start cussing?” you ask, still giggling.
He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “Ah well, I picked it up from a friend of mine…”
“It’s really nice to see you, Izuku," you mumble softly with a grin as you take a step forward toward him.
Izuku’s entire face turns into the perfect hue of pink. “It's really nice to see you too, Y/n,” he mumbles back, “I missed you.”
He’s not real, what are you doing?
“I missed you too,” you say without missing a beat.
Izuku poorly attempts to bite back from smiling even harder than he’s already been this whole time as he walks to his bed. Once he's sat down, he pats the space next to him, and you go wide-eyed. He remembers that you can only interact with his bed?
You sigh and murmur to yourself, “Of course he remembers; he’s pretty much you, Y/n.”
He tilts his head at you. “What’d you say?”
You shake your head quickly and sit down. “Nothing,” you squeak out far too hastily for belief. 
“Where have you been?” He blurts out quietly, and the way his voice wobbles ever so slightly sends a twinge of agony directly to your heart. God, your brain is very good at making him seem like he has actual emotions.
You sigh and fidget with your hands, which are resting in your lap. “High school was rough, but at least it's over now, right?”
He hums in agreement. “It was rough for me too... Do you wanna talk about it?”
You shrug. Oh fuck it, why not? This is essentially your brain giving you free therapy; you might as well indulge yourself. “I’ll talk about it if you talk about it.”
He nods enthusiastically. “Deal.”
You sigh before lying down, and he does the same, turning your heads to look at each other. “I’m gonna be honest, high school was only rough for like a few reasons.”
He frowns. “You say that like you think it means it shouldn’t have been rough... Any reason is reason enough.”
You give him a small smile before continuing, “One of them was just me pushing myself to my limit to try to get into college, another was just not really having any friends, and uh... The last one was because I missed you.”
You don’t miss how his eyes practically flutter at your words. “Would you believe me if I said all of those reasons were also why high school was rough for me?”
You hum. Yes, because he's literally just made up to make you feel less alone. “Zuku, you have pictures of yourself with your friends.”
“I know, I know! but I didn’t really make them until senior year…” He explains sheepishly. “You mentioned college; you’re going, right?”
You nod. “Yep, I’m assuming you are too?” 
“Yeah!” he exclaims. “What college are you going to?”
You exhale heavily in defeat, remembering that you do, in fact, have college to attend when you end up waking up from this. “UA, I actually start tomorrow.”
Izuku sits up excitedly. “No way! I’m going to UA too!”
Of course he is.
You sit up with him. “That’s great, Zuku! I’m so proud of you for getting in. Not like it’s been the only thing you’ve ever talked about since we were little.”
He laughs, and if you were standing up, the sound would’ve made you weak in the knees. “I did talk a lot about that, didn't I? But didn’t you also talk about not wanting to go to UA?”
Even though you know he’s not real, you're flustered by how much he remembers about you. “Yeah, changed my mind.”
“And what made you change your mind?” he asks, coyly. 
“Definitely not you.”
“Okay, maybe it was you,” you admit sheepishly, mostly because you’re embarrassed at how a figment of your imagination could have such an effect on you.
He smiles at you warmly and places his hand mere inches away from yours. Lord knows he’d love to hold your hand, but he also knows that if he even tries, you’ll disappear. “I never forgot about you, Y/n.”
You go wide-eyed at his unexpected confession, and a lump forms in your throat. “I—I never forgot about you either, Izuku,” you practically have to choke out the words past the lump in your throat.
“You know, we practically grew up together,” he reminisces fondly. “And we've still never actually, um, I don’t know, met in person?”
Cause he's not real.
“I know.” 
“You should find me,” he whispers, his voice deep and low, and his eyes never looking away from yours, sends shivers down your spine.
You swallow harshly. “Find you?” 
He nods, his gaze still unwavering. “At UA, we’ll both be there. Find me.” 
You can’t.
He smiles softly, but there’s a hint of melancholy in it, and you realize why when he says, “One of us is probably gonna wake up soon.”
You feel your heart drop; he’s right; you’ve been here far longer than usual; it’s only a matter of time. “Izuku."
Oh god, this is so humiliating. What has gotten into you? Why are you seriously about to confess to someone who isn’t even real? “Izuku. I lo-“
He puts his hands out in front of him in a stop pose and immediately interrupts you, “Don’t.”
If possible, your heart drops even more; actually, no, it doesn’t drop; it breaks. This is your brain, your imagination. Why is this not going as planned? How is someone you made up rejecting you?
“Don’t?” you ask quietly for confirmation, like you don’t even really want him to clarify what he meant.
“I know what you’re going to say, and I want to say it too, but I want to say it in person.”
Okay, well, that’s never going to happen.
“Please?" he pleads, his expression softening. "Find me and tell me that face to face.”
He can’t help but smile. “Okay.” 
You return his smile before sighing. Oh fuck it, this is most likely the last time you’ll ever see him again. “I’m going to do something, but the minute I do, we’ll wake up.”
He looks at you wide-eyed, slightly afraid even. “Do wh-“ 
He doesn't have time to finish his sentence before you’re pulling him into your embrace, or you would be if you could touch things here, so the minute you do "touch" him, both of you are rippling away like reflections in a pond.
You jerked awake at the sound of your alarm clock, sitting straight up. Your chest heaves as you take in the fact that you’re back in your room and you just saw your imaginary friend, whom you're evidently not over, which is, within itself, embarrassing that you even caught feelings for someone who's not real in the first place, but you digress. You cringe as you have to practically peel your covers off of you from how much you were sweating. You quickly find yourself back in your bathroom, your head hovering over the sink and water dripping from your face. You, again in another futile attempt to calm yourself down, tried splashing your face, but like last time, it didn’t work. Every time you close your eyes or let your mind wander for even a second, you're met with Izuku telling you to find him. You can’t seem to escape how he was staring at you, like he could see right through you, like he was real and sentient. Like he wasn’t just a figment of your imagination. You slap your cheeks softly as if to slap the thought away. 
After a few moments, you take a deep breath and point at yourself in the mirror. “No. Nope. We are not going to be delusional today, Y/n. We have places to be,” you say to yourself, half-heartedly.
And someone to find.
You shake your head at the thought before ignoring it ever happened and getting dressed.
By the time you were finished getting ready, it was already a little past eight in the morning, and class starts at nine, which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that you have to walk. You practically flew out of your house and down toward UA, never stopping for a second, even when you were breathing so heavily that it sounded like you needed medical attention immediately. You start to calm down a bit when you can begin to see UA, but you’re still running, even through the other college students who are calmly heading toward the entrance. But you can’t stop now because, honestly, if you do, your legs would most certainly give out on you and then you really would be late, so it’s either you keep running or you'll tumble to your demise. The closer you get to the entrance, the more people you have to run past and the more crowded it becomes, so it’s no surprise when you run into someone's back just as you're about to enter UA.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” You exclaim breathlessly as you stumble backward from the impact.
The person stumbles forward momentarily before regaining their footing. They turn around to face you, reassuring: “It’s okay! Don’t wo-“ 
Both of you grow wide-eyed when you’re face to face with each other, and you feel your mouth go dry.
You don’t say anything; you simply stare at each other in disbelief until recognition flashes in your eyes, then excitement; your whole demeanor shifts as you realize what's happening.
“Izuku!” you exclaim excitedly as you quite literally jump into his arms, causing him to stumble backwards, falling down and taking you with him. You instinctively cover the back of his head with your hands to save it from hitting the pavement. It dawns on both of you simultaneously that you’re touching him. He’s real, you’re real—and you’re touching him, and he’s actually alive. He’s actually a person, a true thing, no longer just a figment of your imagination.
He smiles up at you, who’s straddling him from the fall, your face hovering over his. “You found me.”
You nod fervently. “You’re real,” you remark breathlessly.
Izuku reaches up and cups your cheek with one of his hands. “You’re real.”
You can't say anything or do anything but laugh with glee; he’s real. His curly green hair is real; his constellations of freckles is real; he’s actually real. You push a strand of his hair out of his face and watch how his cheeks flush scarlet.
“You’re staring, Y/n.”
“How can I not?”
You notice his adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows harshly and brings up his remaining free hand to cup your other cheek, both hands engulfing your face, and you know there's no way in hell he doesn't feel his palms burning from your face growing hot.
“Can I kiss you?”
You go wide-eyed, your mouth falls slightly open, and you catch his attention flit down to it before returning to your eyes. You nod slowly and lean down hesitantly.
Izuku meets you half way by lifting his head off the ground, and with his mouth just inches from yours, you close your eyes, nervous from the anticipation. You can feel his breath fan against your face as he prepares to kiss you. But when he does, he doesn't kiss your mouth; he more so kisses the corner of your mouth before pulling away slightly to see you staring at him in confusion, though you aren't confused for long when he suddenly and roughly crashes his lips against yours passionately, as if he’s been waiting for this, dreaming of this, and who's to say he hasn't?
You can't help but smile into the kiss, and he does as well. You pull away slightly, both of you trying to catch your breath, but even so, Izuku is looking at you puzzled and disappointed. Before he can ask why you pulled away, you lean back in and cover his whole face in tiny kisses, eliciting little giggles out of Izuku that make you kiss him even more just to hear the warmth of his laugh.
“I love you,” you mumble inbetween pecks on his face.
Izuku pulls away from your kisses, causing you to stop momentarily and pout, before he's leaning back in and kissing you all over your face.
“I love you.”
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Anyways my idea was male reader is a student at ua and his father is really abusive and one day his sleeve comes up and aizawa sees it and asks to talk to him after class. And maybe he calls cps. Anyway sorry for asking so late. And could it be a one shot? (I’m so smart I used copy and paste!!)
Sure, request approved.
Aizawa X Abused! Student Male Reader
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This morning wasn't the best morning for you, because you had to deal with your father, who is unfortunately abusive to you before going to school. You aren't the only target however, because your mother has to deal with the constant abuse your father inflicts upon you as well. She tried and still tries her best to get a divorce, but she is under the influence of your father's manipulation to the point where she can't do anything until the right moment.
You didn't talked about this long term situation to anyone, not even to your friends. You try so hard to pretend that you are living a good life, but deep down you just wish you could get out of the hell your father puts you and your mother in.
You were currently in your classroom while completing assignments for your teacher, Aizawa. You were sitting in the front row so it's easy for Aizawa to see what you are doing. You then began to notice that Aizawa is staring right at you, you were confused at first but you soon realized why he was staring at you. One of your sleeves were up, but that wasn't the only thing that worried you, it was the exposed bruises and scars from your father.
Aizawa quickly got up before walking up to you, you covered your bruised arm to hide it from him, but you knew it was too late at this point. "Y/N, do you want to talk about something?" Aizawa asked while whispering, you nodded while looking away.
After that you two walked out of the classroom before Aizawa asked you, "what happened to your arm Y/N?" You looked away before saying, "It's nothing Mr. Aizawa, I tripped while walking to school." He didn't believed this, "I know this isn't true Y/N, please be honest with me." You looked at him while trying to hold back your tears, "it's about my dad," you confessed.
"What about your dad?" Aizawa asked even more concerned, you continued to hold back your tears but couldn't hold back any longer. You mustered up all the courage to answer the question truthfully while crying profusely, "he's abusive, he's the reason why I have all of these bruises and scars on my arm!" You yelled while still crying, Aizawa hugged you tightly before saying, "don't worry Y/N, we'll put an end to this, I promise." You hugged him back before saying, "really?" "Yes Y/N, you don't deserve to have a father like that, you deserve a better one."
After he said that, you felt like all of the weight you've been carrying for most of your life has finally lifted. "Thanks for being honest with me Y/N, I promise I will help you get through this no matter what," Aizawa said. "Okay, thanks for helping me Mr. Aizawa," said while smiling slightly. After that you two went back in the classroom before it ended.
After getting done with school you walked back home only to see police cars in the front yard of your house, you were very confused at first but you realized why they were there. You saw your father being taken to one of the police cars while in handcuffs. After witnessing this scene, you felt free, free from the abuse that you thought would never end.
It didn't took long for you and your mother to finally press charges on him for everything he has done, and the divorce was easy and swift for your mother. Now the pitiful excuse of a father is finally behind bars and will remain there until he dies. Since then you thanked Aizawa for helping you get out of the seemingly neverending hell you've endured for too long.
Years had passed since then, and Aizawa and your mother even started dating before eventually getting married. He may not be your actual father, but he would always prove that he cares for you and your mother and would be there for you when times get hard.
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deathbxnny · 2 months
Sooo i hope you dont mind if i decide to resend an old request..
In the past, I was inspired by my “For you” page that made me to request this, can i request UA Teachers (Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Midnight) react to their s/o making and giving them an Amigurumi? Most amigurumi are animal based, so can you do that but for what kind of animal they each get is yours to decide.
If you dont know what an Amigurumi is, it is a stuffed crochet doll that orginated from Japan. For some reason my “For you” page have been filled with them but honestly i dont really mind.
Hope you have a good day/night!
- Flower Anon 🌸
I'm actually really glad you resent this request, aaaa! I find it so cute and am honestly in love with them, haha! Thank you so much for this idea, and I hope you'll like this, Flower Anon!!<33
Content: Established romantic relationship, fluff, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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He wonders for a moment if it's his birthday, when you hand him Amigurumi in the shape of a black cat. But when you simply express that you wanted to give him a random gift on a random day, he relaxes and thanks you for it calmly. He may not show it outwardly, but he does really love it. He is also very impressed to hear that you handmade it for him, mainly because he could never even come close to replicating it.
Since he's stuck in the school dorms on most days due to his job, he keeps the Amigurumi on his bed, as it comforted him whenever you weren't there. It was nice to have something around that reminded him of you.
He probably also took it to class with him sometimes and puts it on his desk with the most serious expression, as his students give him confused looks. He doesn't tell them where he got it from except that he vaguely hints that it's from you with curt and unclear answers.
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Protect your ears
To say that he is thankful and excited would be an understatement. If his loud yelling of how grateful he was doesn't prove it, then the way he was practically squishing you in a tight hug was enough. He'll immideatly ask you where you got it from, and the excitement continues when he finds out that you made it yourself. His was in the shape of a white cockatoo, which he found awfully fitting.
He expects to have a crocheting date with you now, where you teach him how to make one with you together. He just finds them so cute and is determined to create a matching one for you, even if it doesn't turn out as good. At least he's trying!
With that said, absolutely everyone he knows, including friends, family, and students alike, has met his new Amigurumi friend one way or another. The number of pictures he took of it is insane and he keeps it on his desk whilst he does his podcasts. (He ofcourse also told his dear listeners all about how talented his s/o was!)
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She was also estatic at the Amigurumi that was in the shape of a black swan. Giving you a tight hug and a sly kiss to the cheek, she happily thanked you for the gift and praised you for your talent, leaving you a blushing mess. (Not that that's new-)
She keeps it on her all time, either in her bag to work or on her classroom desk. It's always there with her to remind her of her wonderful s/o! Midnight also gladly shows it off to everyone who cares as well, her chest practically swelling with pride when she sees the awe filled looks of her students.
She'll probably also want to learn how to make one and actually end up being pretty good at it. She'd make you a white swan to match hers ofcourse.
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Meeting the 1-A students!
Character(s): Student of UA Class 1-A (BNHA)
Warnings/tags: Slowburn platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, reader has a healing quirk, the obsessions themes are not obvious here but will happen at one point so just in case I am putting this here.
Little healer here! list
Okay but like imagine the school year starts and like you finally meet the students of class 1-A. Right beside Recovery girl, you were introduced together with her as someone who will be healing them if they were to get hurt. After all the hero profession was never really safe. Shyly you said hello to the students a little more used to it after greeting the other classes. And like most classes, almost all the students started to coo at how adorable you were. Mina was especially fond of you grabbing you for a hug.
You watched them introduce themselves and a few caught your eyes more so than others.
Deku was one of them as you remember him breaking that huge robot at the entrance exam unable to follow Recovery girl that time you sat right beside Aizawa as Mic told you to watch potential future students take the entrance test.
"Mister is very strong! I saw mister on the TV when you punched that big robot!" You gave a huge punch in the air mimicking him. Izuku was flustered at your praises and the fact that you watched him fight the robot wondering if it was really okay for a small child like you to be watching life-and-death scenarios and breaking bones.
After the first introduction Class 1-A always greeted you whenever you guys meet in the halls. You have become a sort of helper to the teachers, moving medic room to the teachers' room sometimes to classrooms often to hand out something another teacher had asked you to give to another teacher or student.
"Aizawa sensei told me to call you to the teacher's office!" You told Mineta smiling brightly at him when he had an expression of dread.
Aoyama always tells you how shiny he was, showing off to a kid his handsomeness which you looked enthusiastically at tho Aizawa wasn't all that sure when you told him about it. Though Aoyama was much more preferred than Mineta all things considered, Aizawa had to sit down with you one on one, one time to have you promise him never to listen to what he says.
No teacher was happy nor was Hawks who called Aizawa stating that you have been saying that big boob heroes are the best because one of his students managed to tell you that when the girls weren't looking.
You were quick to befriend Asui and Uraraka along with Izuku and Ida. Mina too was super fun to hang around with!
The moment they found out that you were adopted by the pro hero Hawks nobody could believe it!
"P-p-pro H-hero H-h-h-Hawks?!!" Deku partially yelled in surprise as he stared at you shocked. "So that was why Hawks was pictured in the news buying kid's clothes," Uraraka said blinking in surprise but way less shocked than Deku really.
"I did see him visit here a few times. Was it to pick you up ribbit?" You nodded at Asui smiling cheerfully. "Mr. Hawks always picks me up after work! If he comes back late then I will stay with Aizawa sensei, or Mic sensei or Recovery Girl sensei till he comes back!"
Everybody was staring at you both in surprise but also curiosity save for some. "Hey! What is it like living with the pro hero hawks?" Mina asked curiously by your side a finger on her chin. "Is he good at cooking?" You were quick to nod at her words, "Mister Hawks makes the best pancakes!"
Questions after questions were asked and you tried to answer them all. Tenya Ida tried to help calm down all the students but it was difficult when all of them were just so excited.
"Hey, I got a question!" Kaminari raised a hand, leaning from his seat to you. His face was curious if not a bit confused. "Why do you call Hawks mister? Since he adopted you shouldn't you call him dad or papa?"
It was an innocent question really, yet it made you silent as other students all looked at you. They noticed it too how you would always call pro-hero hawks mister. Yet it seems that you were taken by surprise and unable to say anything. Fidgeting from your place, quiet and hesitant.
Some students noticed how sensitive this question was. Concern on their face as they glance at you, Deku was about to cut in when they heard a bonk to the head. "Dunce face, what are you an idiot?" Bakugo seemed to have hit Kaminari on the head with his fist. Quickly changing the main character in the room to him. Bakugo immediately told him that he shouldn't butt into other people's personal lives and that it got nothing to do with him. Some students flinched at what he said, seeing that they did ask way too many questions about your life.
You just watched Bakugou yell at Kaminari silently.
Maybe it was then you also noticed him and started following him around when you can much to the annoyance of Bakugou.
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗?
Warnings: Mentions of insecurities, mentions of the reader having muscles and being pretty strong, as per request
Send me the name of your favorite character and I’ll write a drabble for them! :)
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“He’s just so cute, Nemuri.” Toshinori heard your voice mutter quietly from inside the staff room, freezing in place after realizing he stopped by just a moment too late after overhearing the last bit of your gossip to your fellow teacher Midnight. He could practically hear the way your face was heating up as you spoke, sounding so infatuated with this mystery person that he could feel his heart sink in his chest.
You two had been brought on to the teaching staff at UA at the same time, eager and excited to be a part of such an amazing school and to help educate such hardworking, dedicated students. Because you started at the same time the two of you had bonded quite a bit, spending most of your lunches together and chatting when you had the chance. Toshinori had developed quite the attraction to you, in fact, though he never planned on telling you that of course. The poor man’s confidence in his appearance could only be found when he was in his muscle form, and in his mind, there was no way you could like him in his small form, too plain and boring to catch the eye of someone as stunning and perfect as yourself.
These insecurities only deepened after hearing you talk about how cute you found someone else, though he quickly wiped the frown off of his face in favor of making a quick transformation into his muscle form. As much as it hurt him to hear that you liked someone else, he wanted to find out who it was in hopes that it might help him get over you faster, and he was better at concealing his true emotions when in his muscle form.
“Who is?” He boomed, entering the room with false confidence as he smiled brightly at you. Every face in the room suddenly went white at his appearance, however, everyone but yours. It immediately felt as if he had walked into a conversation he was definitely not meant to be a part of, even though you didn’t seem to mind at all. 'Strange', he thought, his self-consciousness returning to him at the unwelcome feeling brought on by his colleagues’ stares.
“Oh hey All Might, I didn’t notice you there!” You chuckled, seeming slightly embarrassed to be caught gushing about whoever you were so infatuated with. “I guess I was talking louder than I realized.”
Toshinori saw the way Mic tried to shoot you a warning glance, seemingly shocked at the fact that the two of you were conversing so easily, but he tried to pay their stares no mind as you opened your mouth to begin speaking again.
“There’s just this guy I’ve been thinking about lately.” The shyness returned to your voice, ignoring the way Nemuri was shaking her head “no” at you as you stared at the floor, completely oblivious to your coworkers’ panic. “Do you… do you know Toshinori? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you guys together before, but I'm pretty sure he started around the same time as both of us.” You mumbled.
“He’s just so… pretty, and sweet. He’s a really great guy, I think you’d like him.”
You could hear the smack every one of your colleagues landed on their own foreheads in secondhand embarrassment from a mile away, each of them going silent all of a sudden and looking at you with a pity that you didn’t understand. What was going ON with them today, why were they all being so weird all of a sudden? Sure, All Might was amazing (he was the #1 hero for a reason, after all) but he was also your friend and colleague, so you didn’t see any reason to keep this information from him like they all seemed to want you to.
You began to wonder if you really had done something wrong, however, when All Might’s jaw dropped open in response to your confession, his face flushing a bright red before he managed to compose himself enough to squeak out a, “Uh… really? Are you sure?”
You were beyond confused at this point, not understanding why even he had started acting strange and doubting you now. Why the hell was he acting this way? And why was the room so silent you could hear a pin drop? You didn’t think All Might and Toshinori had ever even met before, so you couldn’t understand his strange behavior all of a sudden.
As you and All Might stood there, staring at one another in confused, shocked silence, Aizawa made his way up to the two of you, finally joining in on this conversation with a look of pity flashing across his face as he looked at you. “Y/n…” He muttered, pointing towards All Might with a look of pure secondhand embarrassment as he did so. “All Might is Toshinori, you idiot.” 
You froze at your friend’s words, unable to process what he had said and what it meant for you. 
“...They’re the same person?” You managed to squeak out eventually, eyes blown wide in shock as you failed to say anything else. As if on cue, All Might took that as his cue to transform back into his smaller form, the blush on his face only growing brighter as he was unable to meet your awestruck gaze.
Suddenly everything made sense to you, why you never knew what Toshinori’s quirk or hero name was, why you never saw him and All Might together.
Why everyone had gone so silent, and why the atmosphere was now BEYOND tense.
Toshinori could see the realization hit you, however, alongside a wave of shame upon realizing you had just confessed your crush on him right to his face. So, before you could let your embarrassment consume you and run off, he took your firm, strong hand in his, gently linking your fingers together as he gave you a wobbly smile.
“Don’t worry, Y/n. I like you too.” He told you, sincerity flowing through his voice despite the shyness of being watched by all of your coworkers in that moment. “I’ve been attracted to you ever since I first saw you, you’re so strong and your quirk is amazing. I just can’t… I cant believe you like me, in this form. Not as all Might, but just… me.” 
He sounded so stunned, so amazed that you could possibly like him for him rather than for All Might, that all your doubts instantly washed away and you leaned over to press a kiss to the shy man’s cheek to reassure him. You wanted to lift him in your arms right then, to pick him up and show off just how strong you were for him and make him a flustered mess right that moment, but you decided to save that for later. You didn’t want to make the poor man combust, after all. “It’s always been you, Toshinori. I’ve liked you ever since I came here.” You told him, neither of you able to wipe the lovesick grins off your faces at this point. “This was definitely not how I planned on confessing to you, but…” You paused, looking around to see that your coworkers' expressions had shifted from ones of pity to looks of endearment and encouragement. “If it means I get to go out on a date with you, I suppose I can live with the embarrassment.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea, Y/n.” Toshinori replied immediately, beaming from ear to ear as the two of you made your way to a table further in the back of the staff lounge to discuss plans for your first date away from the prying, nosy looks of your fellow co-workers. As embarrassed as you were about the whole situation, you were thankful that none of them had stepped in and stopped you from embarrassing yourself due to your misconception. If they had, you may never have had the chance to go on a date with the man you’ve admired since you first set foot into this school, so you said a silent thank-you to each of them as you and Toshinori began ironing out the details fo your first date.
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Request - Anonymous said: said: Drabble for Toshinori Yagi please? I like the skinny French fry man 😆 Maybe for a new teacher at UA who started at the same time as him, and she's got a blade quiork. She's tall, and has a build sorta like Nana(she's a muscle queen. love her). She's got a crush on skinny Yagi(small might), and she ends up gushing/confessing to fellow teacher All Might about her crush on him(small might), not knowing that they are the same person. Please and thank you!
A/N: …Sorry, this was NOT supposed to be this long lol. I know these are supposed to just be drabbles, but this idea was really fun and I ended up getting just a bit carried away lol. I had a lot of fun writing this though, it was such a cute idea and I’ve been wanting to write more for the pro-heroes lately! I’m sorry I didn’t get to add more about the reader’s quirk that you requested, I just wasn’t sure how to work it in naturally but if you’d like me to write a follow-up including more hero-related things, I can totally do that too! I hope you guys enjoy this lol, if you have any requests my inbox is open so feel free to send them in! :D
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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pocketramblr · 1 year
For 5 ask game: an au where Izuku is a (still quirkless) child prodigy, thus is actually 12 upon receiving 0FA and entering UA
Smallish hiccup, he forgot to mention to All Might he skipped a few grades
1- Izuku has been testing up through school because he realized it's the only way to get a better deal out of there. He won't be moved to a different class away from his bullies, but if he skips a grade he can get a little distance, and more with a second, when he becomes more impressive to the school and classmates who aren't as familiar with his quirklessness. (They aren't nice to him by any means, but getting ignored is better than being exploded on the regular) It means he has to work very hard to study, prioritizing it above all else, and he's hoping to graduate middle school early and then spend a couple years just training for UA. Then, he meets All Might
2- look. They apparently didn't make All Might do any sort of certification or learning program before hiring him as a teacher. He's never taken a child development class! He has no idea how an 12 year old is different from a 14 year old. (PLENTY DIFFERENT BTW. Maybe not at appearance, kids grow differently, but def behavior.) So the fact that this kid skipped two grades is not obvious to him. And Izuku forgets to mention it! (Though his grades are slipping for focusing on training. Towards the end of the school year his teachers wonder if moving up two grades was too much for him, if he'll need to repeat the year. He doesn't, it's still fine.)
3- and then All Might talks about him taking the entrance exam this year, and Izuku just figures it's his plus ultra mindset! Or good strategy, he can test the quirk for a first time in a contained environment, and then have a year or two to just focus on training ofa before he can pass a test he's more familiar with. And uh. Then he gets in.
4- Izuku's muttering during the instructions is complained about by one student, but then a blond boy laughs and takes attention off him, before patting his leg and whispering that it's ok, he and his friend are nervous too. (Next to Mirio, Tamaki is practically curled up in fetal position about the two of them not being in the same arena.) Izuku somehow gets enough rescue points. Yay! He's in 1A, with Mirio and Yuyu, who about fall over when Izuku mentions his age. Which is better than All Might, who coughed up a lung when looking over the student files and seeing young Midoriya's age.
5- after the SF, Bakugou shows up at Izuku's house demanding to know what villain has taken that quirkless kid he slightly forgot about after he ran away to a different school's identity. And how dumb is that villain, to use the name and face of a kid who isn't old enough for ua. Izuku is like "I didn't move schools? I moved up a grade? Two actually? Did you just assume I did when I wasn't sitting behind you anymore and forget about me??" Bakugou would never admit to that so he just yells and then leaves, swearing he'll graduate middle school this year so he can get into UA early too and beat him. Izuku wishes him confused but genuine luck, then has his attention pulled away by Mirio calling to invite him to join he, Yuyu, and Tamaki for lunch as they bemoan their lackluster first SF performance and celebrate they can only go up from there. That makes it a bit awkward when Tamaki nervously invited Nejire, the SF winner along, who wasn't sure how to join the conversation until Mirio cracked a joke about Izuku's age, and then Nejire unleashed a torrent of questions and brightened up, cementing them as more of a group of friends who'd be sticking together a while.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Menagerie part 8
Bakugo couldn’t believe it. Last night, his parents got a call from UA to come in early for a parent-teacher meeting to discuss his ‘behavior’. He scoffed. No doubt Deku came to them crying about him. But Katsuki didn’t have anything to worry about, he never did. None of the teachers cared about Deku anyway. 
That was why he didn’t understand why his teacher was looking at him with disappointment and annoyance. Surely he could see that Katsuki was the strongest out of the whole class, that he deserved to be at UA more than any of those other shitty extras. This was infuriating.
“It has come to our attention that Bakugo has a record of bullying,”Aizawa-sensei stated, and Katsuki clenched his fists in indignation.
“I wouldn’t say bullying,”Mitsuki hedged,”Sure, he’s a little rough around the edges, but Katsuki wants to be a hero, there’s no way he’d hurt someone on purpose!”  
Aizawa gave her a flat stare, before his eyes drifted over to Katsuki, and his blood ran cold. His teacher raised a brow, as if to ask Bakugo if he was going to tell his parents himself. “Tch. Whatever lies Deku’s been telling, it ain’t true,”Bakugo scoffed, but he could feel his palms getting sweatier with nerves. 
“That’s funny,”Aizawa drawled, and Bakugo’s parents shared a look. “Because Midoriya hasn’t told me anything.” 
Aizawa’s words left Bakugo confused, until he remembered the two extras in the hallway. The purple haired one and the scar-face. “Midoriya? You mean Izuku?” Mitsuki asked, shoulders slumping in relief. “They’ve been friends for ages, I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding,”She explained, and Aizawa turned his gaze to her. 
“You think shoving Midoriya against a wall in an empty hallway and using your quirk to burn him is a misunderstanding?” The pro hero challenged, and Mitsuki paled. 
Bakugo scoffed. “The nerd deserved it, he was looking down on me- He had a quirk this whole time! That bastard was hiding it from me,”Bakugo sneered, letting off some sparks in his hands. Aizawa eyed his fists carefully, and he resisted the urge to wipe his hands on his pants. 
Katsuk resolutely kept his gaze away from his parents, knowing neither of them would be pleased with him. He knew they had a soft spot for Deku, they just didn’t understand. Everyone knew he was better than Deku, and now, now with that stupid nerd hiding his quirk from him! That was just too much. 
“Katsuki..”Mitsuki gasped, and covered her mouth with a hand. Katsuki kept his glare on his teacher, the man who should be expelling Deku for hiding his quirk for so long, and cheating to get into UA. It was no wonder he hid his quirk, he had to use other people for it to work. 
Aizawa cleared his throat to get the parent’s attention. “Normally, this is enough to expel him from the hero course,”He said, but put up a hand when all three made some noise of protest,”But because of this incident, I looked into his school records and found some.. Discrepancies.” Before anyone could say anything, Aizawa continued with,”So I requested to take a look at some security footage from Aldera Middle school, and found multiple cases of assault with a quirk, bullying, and suicide-baiting, all directed towards Midoriya or kids with ‘weaker’ quirks.”
After those words, Katsuki couldn’t take it,”So what? None of that is on my record- you can’t fucking expell me over this shit!”
“Shut it, brat,”Mitsuki barked, and her fists curled on the arms of her chair. She turned to Aizawa. “I was unaware that this was going on, but I promise you he’ll accept any consequences you see fit. I thought,”She paused wiping her eyes. “I thought he was just like me, you know? Loud and brash, but.. I never thought he’d stoop so low. Poor Izuku..”
“I’ve expelled students for less,”Aizawa commented dryly,”But there’s no way Bakugo will be allowed to continue at UA. If any of his previous tendencies were shown on his record, he wouldn’t have been accepted in the first place.”
After hearing those words, Katsuki slumped in defeat. He was being expelled. From UA. He was being expelled from the number one hero school in Japan, and he was never going to be able to become a hero, much less the number one. His nails dug into his palms. It was all Deku’s fault. He set me up, Katsuki thought. He ignored the voice in the back of his head, asking if Deku made him hurt him for all those years. 
Katsuki tuned out the rest of the conversation. He wasn’t dumb, he knew when arguing was a lost cause, and looking into his teachers eyes… he knew there was no way of getting out of this. He didn’t hear the three of them talking about therapy, and how if he manages to pass evaluation in a year, they can talk about enrolling into a different hero program. He misses the disappointed, brokenhearted looks from his parents as they agree, taking a list of psychiatrists freshly printed from his teacher. His ex-teacher now. 
Katsuki barely paid any attention as the meeting ended. He held in a scoff when his parents bowed to the pro hero, and was the first one out the door. Bakugo stomped out the school, ears burning in humiliation as he caught sight of a few students on his way out. One curly haired fucker seemed to watch him eerily, and he popped a few sparks in his palms. Soon after that display, his usually quiet father put a stern hand on his shoulder, giving him a look of dismay so strong it made him want to cry. He didn’t though, not when all the nosy extras were milling about the place. 
Tuning out his mom as she lectured, eventually they reached the car, and Katsuki couldn’t help but take one last look at UA as they drove off. He felt nothing but hot, boiling rage that Deku was stealing his dream of becoming a hero in every way possible. 
Rain paused in their exploration, wondering why Bakugo was at school so early with his parents. Ultimately though, he was on a mission, and glanced away almost as soon as Katsuki met their gaze. Not that the blonde could see his eyes from beneath his curly hair. 
Everything was so new and exciting, and he wanted to explore more of the school. Rain wondered if the school was always so bright as he stuck his head through the door to a random classroom. He hummed, noting its emptiness, but taking a moment to breathe in the chalky, pencil smell from the room. 
Then he was off, going down the hall until he came across another classroom. He peeked his head in, only to come face to face with his- mentor? Dad? Teacher? He frowned, settling on teacher. Looking over, he could see Aizawa-sensei watching him with an amused expression. “Present Mic told me you might stop by. How are you feeling?”
Rain hummed, stepping into the classroom and taking a seat in the front. It was Izuku’s desk. “Good. My name’s Rain.”
Aizawa dipped his head in acknowledgement. “Nice to meet you. What’s the notebook for?”
Rain glanced down at the notebook they’d placed onto the desk. “Feelings.” They settled on, offering the notebook to Aizawa after a moment of hesitation. Tension left their shoulders when his teacher set a juicebox down on the desk and gently picked up the notebook. 
Delighted, Rain took the juicebox while Aizawa tried to stifle a smile at the notes taken in the book. There was everything from what the floor felt like to impromptu interviews with a random student passing through in the hall. Looking down at the kid, he saw a content smile as they tapped the desk and sipped at the apple juice. 
“Do you want to participate in class, or do you think Izuku will be too tired?” Aizawa asked, placing the notebook back on the desk. 
Tilting his head in thought, Rain pursed his lips before saying,”Can I join class? Izuku can take a nap during lunch.”
“Yeah, that’s fine kiddo,”Aizawa said, leaning on Bakugo’s old desk. “If you need a break, you or the kids can hang out in the lounge for a bit. I can write you a pass.”
“Thank you,”Rain smiled softly before going back to the juice box. Aizawa hid a smile in his scarf as he made his way back to his desk to continue grading papers. 
The two of them sat in comfortable silence until the rest of Rain’s friends came back from the gym, dressed in their regular uniforms. Aizawa mourned the silence at Kaminari’s boisterous laughter. 
“Ugh,”Izuku grumbled, curling further into the sleeping bag as he lay scrunched on the couch in the teachers lounge. At one end of the couch, Todoroki dozed in a light nap with Izuku’s sleeping bagged feet in his lap. 
“Hey, don’t complain,”Uraraka whispered so she didn’t wake Todoroki,”You chose to stay as Rain for that long, you get consequences.”
Izuku didn’t dignify that with a response, only curling up further to press his face into the soft couch cushions. Uraraka snorted. They’d been able to have lunch in the teachers lounge because Izuku and Todoroki almost passed out when they unfused. Well, Izuku more so than Todoroki, but still. Aizawa had all but shoved them into the lounge for a nap.
Uraraka, Shinsou and Denki came with their lunches and sat around the couch, quietly eating while the two slept. Todoroki seemed to wake up perfectly fine halfway through lunch, if not a bit sleepy, but didn’t move from the couch as Shinsou passed him his lunch. Much to their amusement, Todoroki ate his bento with most of Izuku’s legs in his lap. 
Eventually, Izuku stirred from slumber towards the end of lunch with a loud stomach growl. Sleepily he reached a hand out of the bright yellow sleeping bag and made grabby hands at Todoroki. While the others were snickering, Todoroki picked up a roll of sushi with his chopsticks and placed it gently in Izuku’s hand. It was then unceremoniously and sleepily shoved into Izuku’s mouth with a pleased hum.
“Is he still asleep?” Denki whispered, prompting Uraraka to spit out some of the water she was drinking in a burst of laughter. 
“Oh my god what if he’s sleep-eating?” Uraraka laughed. Shinsou looked contemplative, passing Todoroki Izuku’s lunch box as well and Todoroki had just continued eating. “Will he wake up?”
“How long does he usually sleep?” Denki asked. Izuku’s sleepy hand came back out to make gestures at Todoroki, sending them all in a fit of poorly concealed quiet laughter. This time, Todoroki opened Izuku’s lunch and with his chopsticks, passed over a piece of chicken katsu to place in Izuku’s waiting hand. That too, was shoved into Izuku’s mouth with sleepy bites and a hum of content. 
“So cute,”Denki complained. “But yeah, how long does he usually sleep for after using his quirk?”
“I dunno,”Uraraka shrugged. “Guess it depends on how much energy he used up. Usually when we trained it was later in the day so he could go to bed early and wake up in the morning fine.”
“Aizawa said if he needs more rest he can stay and skip english,”Shinsou reminded them. “After that, he’s on his own.”
“What? I’m sure Aizawa would let him sit out on other stuff- maybe even the whole day?”Denki thought aloud. 
“I doubt it,”Uraraka snorted,”Plus we have hero training today. Izuku wouldn’t want to miss that.”
“Isn’t All Might teaching that?” Shinsou asked, watching Izuku make another grab for food. 
Denki perked up,”Yeah! All Might’s the new heroics teacher, isn’t it cool?! I can’t believe the number one hero is gonna be teaching us. He’s probably really good at it, I bet he has lots of experience with training younger heroes, you know?”
“I dunno, he seems kind of.. dumb,”Shinsou grimaced, not finding a better word for it. 
“Head empty,”Todoroki added sagely from the couch, and Denki clapped his hands together in quiet applause. 
“I’m so glad I taught you memes,”Denki said, wiping a fake tear,”That was perfect.”
Shinsou made a face, looking over and seeing Todoroki oddly proud of whatever that was. “Alright but yeah, All Might isn’t the most proactive hero when it comes to public speaking or advocating for right or anything. I don’t think he’ll be that great of a teacher,”Shinsou drawled. 
“What? But he’s number one! Surely they wouldn’t let him teach a bunch of kids if he wasn’t good at it?” Denki asked. 
“We’ll just have to wait and see,”Uraraka shrugged nonchalantly, but inside she was thinking over what she’d heard from Izuku about All Might. Even thoughts during the times they’d fused were… complicated. She wondered if Izuku would tell her about it if she asked. 
“Wanna make a bet?” Shinsou smirked, raising an eyebrow. “I bet you a dollar All Might sucks as a teacher.”
“You’re on! I bet he’s amazing,”Denki sniffed indignantly. He turned to Todoroki and Uraraka. What about you guys?”
“I think I’m on your side Denks,”Uraraka laughed. Despite what she felt from Izuku, it mostly came across as hero worship. Its not like Izuku had ever met All Might in person, right? 
“Shinsou,”Todoroki added dryly. He didn’t have faith in any high ranked hero. All Might included. 
  Denki hummed. “Guess we’ll have to ask Izuku when he wakes up what side he’s on.”
“Damn,”Denki muttered softly, with feeling, as the class watched All Might fumble to answer the class’s barrage of questions and then pull out a stack of notecards. “You were right.”
Denki could feel Shinsou’s smug smile from under his purple face mask. “Pay up,”Shinsou said mercilessly, taking the dollar Denki pulled out of his pocket. 
“Is this about the bet?” Todoroki asked, inching closer. “I think Shinsou and I won.”
“What bet?”Izuku asked, watching Uraraka huff and pay Todoroki a dollar. “Why are you guys keeping money in your hero suits?”
They turned to Izuku with varied expressions. “You don’t carry money in your hero suit?” Shinsou asked with a raised brow.
“Uh… no?”Izuku said, looking worried. “Should I? Why? How much do I need to have??”
Uraraka snorted. “Nah you’re fine. Maybe enough for a lunch or bus ride just in case you get stranded somewhere, or need to buy something for a pedestrian? You’re fine right now though.”
“Yeah, Uraraka and I just lost a bet,”Denki sighed dramatically. 
Izuku tilted his head in a way that reminded Shinsou of a puppy. “What did you guys bet on?” 
“If All Might was gonna be a good teacher or not,”Todoroki said. “He’s not.”
Izuku let out a mix between a laugh and a snort that made Denki’s heart flutter. “Man,  woulda won then too. He’s kinda…”
“Dumb?” Shinsou added mercilessly, and he heard laughter from behind him from the purple haired girl. 
“Head empty,”Todoroki nodded, and Denki gave him a high five. 
“Yeah,”Izuku smiled, then frowned. “I met him before. It didn’t go so well.”
“What?!”Denki almost shouted, then quieted when he realized the class had turned their attention to him. When the class turned away he tried again, quieter this time. “What? How did you meet him??”
“Ah, he saved me from a villain,”Midoriya said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“How’d that turn into a bad experience?” Denki asked, confused. 
“What, did he tell you you couldn’t be a hero or something?” Shinsou joked, but Izuku just glanced at his feet. “Wait what? Why-”
“I was uh, quirkless at the time,”Izuku muttered, and the other three took a breath of realization. 
“Well if I knew that before I woulda won the bet,”Denki grumbled, and Izuku snorted. “I mean, it’s fine. It was a while ago,”Izuku reassured. Uraraka’s eyes narrowed. 
“How long ago?” Uraraka asked. 
“Uh, end of junior high?” Izuku responded, and the rest of them winced. Except Todoroki, he was busy glaring at the number one hero. He wasn’t surprised the man was quirkist. Shouto had a theory that all high ranking heroes and high class people were. 
Shinsou nudged Uraraka and Denki playfully,”Hey, want to play pranks on him?” 
“Play pranks on All Might?” Denki exclaimed, while Uraraka responded with a resounding Hell yes. 
“I agree,”Todoroki nodded, and Izuku looked on at his scheming friends in awe and a bit of fear. 
“Alright, we can come up with ideas later, but for now just be as uncooperative as possible,”Shinsou instructed, and they all nodded in agreement. Even Izuku, who did indeed want to get back at All Might a bit while supporting his friends interests. 
“Any questions?” All Might asked at the end of his speech. He pointed dramatically to Iida, whose hand was raised. “You there!”
“Why are we being partnered randomly, wouldn’t it be better to work with someone who is compatible to our quirks?” Iida asked, and Izuku had to restrain himself from piping up with the answer. He was pretty sure All Might had a different one anyway. 
“Yes! You will all need to work with a variety of heroes when you graduate, not all of them will work well with your own quirk, but adapting to the challenge is what makes a hero!” All Might exclaimed, then pointed to Shinsou. “What is your question?”
“How come we’re not learning the basics of fighting instead of jumping straight to battle trials?” Shinsou drawled. 
“Because I’ll need to see what level you all are at before anything can be improved upon!” All Might responded. 
“Is this something Aizawa-sensei signed off on?” Jirou piped up. “Cuz when I asked him he said today would be quirkless fighting.”
“Haha,”All Might laughed nervously,”There was a change of plans! Besides, battle trials are a better way to gauge your skillset!”
“What if our costumes don’t fit? Aizawa-sensei said you were going to help us get them modified if there were any problems?” Uraraka chimed in. 
“Well- Anyone who can’t participate with their costume can sit out for now,”All Might stammered, before turning away,”Right! First up is group C as the heroes versus group A as the villains!” 
Izuku and Shinsou exchanged glances. It was them as heroes against Mina and Iida as villains. Ignoring All Might sputtering around the students and herding them into the viewing box, Shinsou and Izuku got together for planning. 
“Are you okay with fusing with me?” Izuku asked earnestly, and Shinsou hesitated. Not missing a beat, he added,”That’s fine. I think All Might would hate to see me win quirkless anyway,”He said wryly. 
Shinsou let out a breath. “Right. Yeah, any plans?”
“A few,”Izuku grinned. 
Iida was excited. Sure he was playing a villain, which wasn’t ideal, but for the sake of the exercise he could act. His brother had taught him a bit about acting when he’d signed him up for a play once. Except, he knew Shinou was his opponent, and that meant he couldn’t speak. He wasn’t sure if Shinsou required a response or just any sound, but Iida wasn’t going to risk it. 
Not long after the exercise started, he heard Mina through the comms. “I hear them! I’m going in for attack,”She said excitedly, and Iida confirmed with the plan. He would stay and guard the bomb while she attacked. It was the perfect plan. 
However, when he didn’t hear back from Mina after a few minutes, he started to worry. Soon after, there were footsteps in the hall leading up to the bomb room where he was guarding. Much to his surprise, Shinsou strolled nonchalantly into view. His costume was a lot like Aizawa-Sensei’s, but purple and black. He didn’t have a scarf, but had a mask covering his nose and mouth and a hooded cape. 
“Where’s Mina?”Iida blurted out before he could stop himself. Shinsou just laughed. 
“Izuku’s taking care of her,”Shinsou said, jerking his thumb back down the hall. “Do you surrender?”
Iida kept quiet, knowing that if he responded the exercise was over. He couldn’t afford to get caught now that Mina was down. They’d both lose. Shinsou only tilted his head before removing his mask, revealing a chilling smile. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to respond to lose. I was only the distraction.” 
Adrenaline shot down Iida’s spine at those words, and he panicked, whipping around to face the bomb. Much to Iida’s dismay, Izuku was grinning right back at him, hand on the bomb right next to an open window. “Checkmate,”Izuku called, and Iida fought back a smile. 
“The hero team wins!” All Might called over the speakers. Iida marched towards Shinsou as Izuku followed, and Mina came running into the room a minute later. 
“Your strategy was admirable! Your execution was outstanding,” Iida called, chopping his hand down as Shinsou’s face went red. 
“It was Izuku’s plan,”Shinsou mumbled, but was bowled over by Mina’s hug. 
“That was awesome! Seriously, memes? That’s how you got me?” Mina moaned. “I bet Denki is laughing his ass off in the viewing room,”She pouted, making Shinsou and Izuku snort. 
“Did you see his costume?” Izuku chimed in, apparently eager to show off Shinsou’s design, much to Shinsou’s surprise. 
“Hell yeah! Dude, it’s badass!”Mina exclaimed as they walked back out of the building. “Purple is a hard color to pull off, but damn, you do it well.”
“Your costume is very stealthy as well, Midoriya!”Iida complimented, and Izuku shot him a smile. It was a bit more brightly colored than Aizawa’s but still had a plain greenish blue design surrounded by mostly black and bits of red. 
“Thanks! It’s a bit plain, but that’s cause when I fuse with people their costumes get mixed into mine. Uraraka said it could look really bad if theres too many colors to mix.”Izuku rambled, and Iida could understand that. He absently wondered what Izuku and he would look like fused. 
“Why did you guys not use Izuku’s quirk?” Mina asked, and Shinsou stiffened. 
“No time to figure out a new fusion quirk, and sides’ we already had a good plan,”Izuku shrugged, and Shinsou sent him a grateful smile. 
“It is true, you did not need to go to such lengths to defeat us,”Iida said, morosely. 
“Hey, it’s just practice, that’s what makes it a learning experience,”Mina said cheerily. “Sure, I’m bummed we lost, but that just motivates me to kick their asses next time,”She said, shooting Shinsou a deadly grin, which he raised a not intimidated eyebrow at. 
“You can try,”Shinsou snorted. 
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Lessen Your Pain
(Started this a long while ago when I first found Golden Hour by JVKE. So have some childhood Shoto)
Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Romantic
Summary: You and Shoto always shared each other’s pain, and you hoped he shared your love as well.
His burn was the one thing he never let you feel. He let you feel every bruise, cut, or broken bone he’d ever sustained, allowing you to share his pain, lessen the damage done by his father to replace with your love and care.
But the burn over his eye? Never. No matter how much you tried to convince him, he never let you touch the burn.
You were confused and tiny bit upset at first, but over time you got used to it.
His mother adored you, from the little time you spent getting to know her, the same for his siblings. His father however was… more neutral towards you.
So long as you weren’t softening up Shoto or disrupting his trading, Enji couldn’t care if you were visiting or not.
As you grew, you wondered if your own parents intimidated the Number Two hero, seeing as they were well respected heroes themselves.
Nonetheless, after you and Shoto graduated middle school, you half expected to not see him for a long time, as he was headed to UA.
So when your own letter from UA came, needless to say you were surprised.
Shoto had been recommended to UA, and in turn he recommended you for a support course.
Your quirk was called Pain Transfer. You could take one person’s pain and share it with yourself or others, lessening the pain one could be in. Extremely useful in calming down people who are gravely injured. The only downside was you could only transfer one persons pain at a time.
You were nervous as you stepped through UA’s grand doors, barely getting a chance to see inside the main foyer when Shoto was there in front of you, giving you a small smile.
To you, it was the brightest one.
Classes passed quickly, and when you returned to Shoto at lunchtime, there he was with a nasty looking scraped elbow, bandaged by Recovery Girl, and doing his best to ignore it and focus on his food.
You sat down, and wordlessly took his elbow, tilting your head in silent question. At his nod, you activated your quirk, splitting his pain halfway. His pain dulled to a small sting, and you gained just as much.
You felt warm doing your childhood ritual again, even if you were holding his cold side.
“Who’s this, Todoroki?”
You glanced over, cheeks full of soba as three students walked up. Shoto glanced up the same time you did, giving a small, tentative wave to the three.
“This is (L/n) (Y/n), a childhood friend.”
The three were two boys and a girl, one tall boy in glasses gazed at you with curiosity and the other rather plain looking boy sported a head of deep green hair, the girl’s brown hair was styled into a bob and her warm smile split into her round cheeks.
“Oh wow, it’s nice to meet you! I’m Uraraka Ochako! The one in glasses is Iida Tenya, and this plain looking boy is Midoriya Izuku!”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, (L/n)!”
“I’m not plain looking…”
The three sat down, the group telling you how the hero course is going as you all are together.
“So I’m guessing you all are becoming friends with Shoto?” You asked, oblivious to your friend’s slight panic.
“Something like that.” Izuku replied, just before your gaze was taken by Tenya speaking up.
“Are you using a quirk right now?”
“Oh! Yeah, I can share or transfer pain with my quirk. So I’m sharing Shoto’s roughed up elbow here, we’ve done this since we were kids.”
Tenya’s eyes lit up as he smiled. “That’s very interesting! That sounds like a wonderful quirk—Midoriya put the book away it’s time to be eating.”
“Oh but c’mon!”
“You can get data later! Where that book even comes from anyway?”
You giggled at their antics, the four of you completely unaware of Shoto’s smile, hidden behind his bowl of soba.
Lunch and the rest of your classes ended soon enough, and just like you’d done since you were little kids, you walked home together with Shoto.
You glanced over at him midway into the walk, finding his expression downcast.
“Are you alright, Sho? You look like you’re thinkin’ pretty hard.”
He turned to you, a small smile forming on his face. “I’m alright. Just thinking.”
“About what? Can I be nosy?”
He hummed to himself, nibbling his lip as his thinking face returned, debating in his head.
“Mmm, no.” He replied, darting forward to peck a kiss to your nose. “You can’t be nosy, and now you’ve got something to think about too.”
You spluttered, face turning red. “Shoto what was that?!”
“Think about it and get back to me?”
A minute of quiet settled between you both, comfortable and not heavy.
“Love you too, Shoto.”
Now it was Shoto’s turn to turn red in the face, but he slipped his hand into yours, a smile still on his face.
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phobiaoftickles · 1 year
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Tickletober day 2: Chase
Summary: Denki and Kirishima decided to prank Bakugo, but what they have in store will make them not do that again.
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“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!!!” Everyone could hear Kirishima and Denki cussing whilst running for their lives with an angry hero behind him, which, unbeknownst, was Bakugo.
“Isn’t this like, what, their 5th time pranking Bakugo?” Mina asked looking back to see them pass the livingroom, but they never came.
“Yeah, you’d think the 1st time, Kacchan would’ve killed them, let alone give them so many warnings.” Deku held his body, shivering at the memory that was bestowed upon him. He, infact, was tortued by Bakugo growing up, wether it be tickling or murder, he would’ve done it. Bakugo only tickles him if Deku’s being annoying and/or pranks him. So he was confused when Bakugo gave the ketchup and mustard duo so many warnings.
“GET BACK HERE YOU TWO!!! YOU GUYS GOT YOURSELF INTO THIS MESS, AND YOU CAN’T EVEN GET YOURSELF OUT?! PATHETIC!!” Bakugo laughed, while he was flying in the air by his explosions coming out of his hands. Denki and Kirishima didn’t know what was gonna happen, all they knew was they better run, and run fast.
They were jumping over furniture, dodging students, being scared out of their mind, with an angry Bakugo behind them with pink hair. Yes, they put pink hair dye in his shampoo bottle, classic prank done to the wrong person.
Kirishima decided to lose both of them and ran upstairs, Denki was way slower than the rock quirk teen, so Bakugo ran after the electricity one first.
Denki ran behind her, using her as a shield, but she pushed him off saying, “Hell no, you guys got in this mess, not even I would go that far as to put pink hair dye in his shampoo.”
“Uhhh… UHHHHH….!” Denki was thinking the most out of the years he’s been at UA, this teen is scared of what’s to come. Then he decided to hide behind Deku. “ Midoriya! Please tell your friend to stop!!! Tell him I’m really sorry, and I won’t prank him ever again!!!”
“You better move, Deku. Remember last time you got in the way?” Deku squeeked and ran away to the other side of the livingroom.
“Don’t worry, Bakubro. I got him.” Sero came out of his sitting position on the couch to fire his tape, trapping him in a burrito.
“I need everyone to leave the room, I need to speak with Dunce face one on one.”
Oh no, Denki doesn’t like the sound of that. Mina, Deku, Sero, Jirou, Mineta, and Ojiro all got up and walked off.
“What do you think Bakugo’s gonna do to him?” Ojiro asked.
Deku knew, but he didn’t say anything, so Jirou piped up, “Probably gonna blast him a couple of times. Make him short circuit, but he’ll bounce back.”
Though, what came after wasn’t a scream of terror, it was scream of laughter. Everyone walking up the stairs didn’t know what was going on, so Sero decided to be brave and have a little peak, but was stopped by a greenette. “Don’t look, Sero, trust me, you wouldn’t like the consequences.”
So they all left to their rooms, while Bakugo was having his way with Denki.
“STOP!! FUHUHUHUHUCKING STOP!!! BAKUGOOOO! AHAHAHAHAH PLEASE!!” Bakugo was tickling the sides of Kaminari, making sure to use his blunt nails to dig in them.
Denki, whilst being tickled to death, was cursing the day he met Kirishima. Putting him in this situation, it was his idea as well, but the electric boy and the explosion boy both later teamed up on a certain red head.
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So in vigilantes, I love the banter that aizawa and present mic have. I wanna try and write what aizawa’s first day as a teacher was like.
Aizawa: “I didn’t apply because you asked me. Nezu asked me.”Mic:
“mmmHHHHMMMMmmmmm And who else has been asking you for years?? Hmmmm?? C’mon aren’t you EXCITED to work with me?” Mic taunted
I dread my productivity rates with you being around constantly. Quite simply not rational.
Mic: “Not rational cuz I’m gonna be distracting you ?” He fluttered his eyes. Putting both of his hands under his chin, his yellow shades sliding down slightly to look down at Aizawa’s slump.
yeah because you never shut up”
NOPE! BECAUSEEEEE you are gonna see me all the time and realize how much ya love meee and teeeaching and Midnight and Vlad and -
His Apple Watch started ringing. “OOP! Gotta run can’t be late on your first day there, Teach!”
Hizashi poked his finger at his shoulder. “Can’t make that impression with your class!”
Before Aizawa could follow up his confused reaction by asking “who was vlad” and then resolving it wasn’t worth the effort to ask, Present Mic had dashed out towards the door, hair hitting the frame of the threshold on the way. Aizawa looked at the clock.
Dammit, he was right.
Mic: “gotta go dash!” He said, a stupid wide grin on his face. (He’s trying to say gotta go fast as a sonic meme but not quite landing it)
Mic was right. He had to go or else he would be 10 minutes late to being early by 15 minutes. Hizashi knew this. He knew this from when they roamed these same halls together. Dammit. “He DOES know we aren’t attached at the hip right?” Aizawa thought to himself. Too much work to focus on something so irrational.
And loud.
Why did it matter who convinced him to work at UA anyway.
It’s simply makes sense to teach the next generation to carry on efficient work. As much as he did at night, he knew better than most that one man cannot solve everything. Not even all might. Working with the same colleagues he has worked in battle with was strategic planning, efficient, and effective. Teaching was just like a fight.
“Yeah” he muttered under his breath, convincing himself.
Getting to the point of the lesson and knowing good team work. Trimming the excess was something he was good at. Regarding teamwork, Aizawa recognized he was garbage at English, (part of the reason he hated press conferences) which is where Mic shines, and even as annoying as vlad king is, he makes a great coach for driving results. He didn’t know press work like Midnight.
He started to feel small. Tunnel vision started suffocating him. This feeling choked him and made him feel useless, especially being so reliant on his eyes. He looked around from side to side to try to steady but to no avail. What was he doing here? Teaching? Working with kids? Was he worth anything to guide students?
In 2 -3 - 4 hold 2 - 4 - 6 -7 Out 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8.
He stopped and caught his breath, like his mandated therapist from the agency suggested. The only thing that stuck. It was the quickest was to the parasympathetic nervous system and logically can shut down these unproductive thoughts.
The thoughts just like…
Like…Before oboro convinced him he really had a place here among the heroes.
He sniffed and shook he head, shaking out the past and emotions from this fight and hoisted the wrap around his neck to cover to his chin.
“Only rational to work as a team, just like they taught me. I have my strong suits, Mic has his.”
He thought.
He added, almost correcting himself subconsciously, “Err- everyone has their strong suit to teach at UA. You have to in order to work here. The primary objective is to make the best students into the best heroes to protect the future. Even though he preferred individual work, there was value in team effort, and this school called nothing but the best display of understanding your team and pairups.”
“Just rational.” His thoughts continued. “Nothing else. Even if I prefer to work alone, I can excel in teaching these kids that. Teach kids how to know themselves best so they can make a team even more powerful.” He smiled as he walked in to HIS classroom. Nobody could see that smile of course.
The classroom was already set up. He’d been in days before to make sure everything was spotless, seating tags in place, stocked supplies, including his sleeping bag and training clothes. He was nervous to break it out on the first day in case Nezu were to walk by, probably not a good look first day, but packed it before the shift tonight.
He walked around to inspect everything, and read through his class chart at the podium. He glanced at the clock on the wall.
15 minutes.
He turned on the police radio under the podium he had placed so he could spend a few minutes relaxing and planning his route for the night shift. That was much easier than what was about to come. After a few moments, when he turned to sit around at the desk, he noticed a sticky note on top of a pink retangle piece of rubber:
Hey Eraser,
You are gonna do GREAT!
If you want to, we can meet after your first day to talk?
His tired eyes flung open and burned from the sudden wind.
He flipped over the eraser and squinted to study it. There was an address on the back. A local coffee shop. His favorite local coffee shop, actually.
It wasn’t the invite to hang that was weird. This felt….genuine. Not over the top. Preplanned, not spontaneous. Zashi. Not Mic. Friend, not coworker.
They hadn’t been “friends” in so long. It pained him to admit it. Zashi had always tried to keep the friendship open but he…
He…struggled to reach out.
He worked late, woke up early to plan stings, worked out, was on call for police, and had 3 rescue cats and cactus at home.
He barely ate more than coffee, cigarettes, protein drinks, and takeaway.
Maybe Mic - Zashi, knew that? He wanted to reflect back on their relationship. He was taken aback by this small act. He felt perceived about his nerves despite…being himself.
How could he expect to attend to a friendship or relationship? That’s not what this job is -
He stopped himself. He had to remind himself of several lessons that were beaten into him on the significance of teamwork. That line of thinking was not going to get him anywhere.
He sighed.
There was no excuse. Zashi had always tried to keep the line open. Aizawa was the one who never followed up.
Maybe, this job would be good for him. Maybe he wasn’t as stable as he thought~
The door slid open
Ah. My first student.
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scarlet-traveler · 1 year
“Wait, you’re not going???” Eijirou couldn’t help the baffled, wide-eyed expression he sent Bakugou’s way.
To his credit, the blond didn’t react, didn’t even look up from his phone, his body still slouched in the lawn chair on his balcony. “Fuck no, you know that shit ain’t my thing.”
“But- but it’s prom!”
UA’s first prom, to be exact. After the stress and chaos of their first year and start of the second, Nezu decided to let the students have a few more normal school things outside of their usual classwork. Which led to the upcoming prom dance in the middle of the second term.
And Eijirou was psyched! Since he hadn’t been very outgoing during middle school he’d never really gone to any social functions (sleepovers with his bros aside) so this would be his first time going ever! He could already imagine it: the squad would all arrive together in clothes so nice that even Bakugou would agree; Mina would start and absolutely dominate a dance battle, even in the killer five-inch heels she had shown Eijirou the other day; Sero would be helping Kaminari ask either Jirou or Shinsou to dance (both if he was lucky); and when a slow song came on, Eijirou would pull his crush away from the corner he’d be lurking in the entire night and convince him to join him on the dance floor.
He could already imagine the feel of Bakugou’s hand on his waist, the other, slightly sweaty from nerves, clasped in Eijirou’s. Despite being nervous his movements would be steady and sure as he led, and his hair would be matching the multicolored lights in the room, his eyes glowing as they stared into Eijirou’s. It sounded perfect.
But if Bakugou wasn’t even planning to go, he may as well flush that plan down the toilet.
Eijirou slouched over the edge of his balcony, pouting at his best friend. “You can’t even go for a little bit? I won’t make you socialize or anything, promise!”
“Still a no, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou said, still not bothering to look over at him. “I still don’t get why you’re even going in the first place, not like school is gonna stop for it. You’re gonna get so excited you’re gonna forget about your work and get behind.”
Eijirou winced. There was already some truth behind that. Even now his work ethic had been dropping, his mind over the last week plotting how to convince Bakugou to dance with him rather than listening to his friend in the present during their tutoring sessions. He wouldn’t admit that out loud though.
Instead, he stared across the small gap at his friend, making a new, spur-of-the-moment plan. “Why don’t we dance now?”
That got Bakugou to look up, the blond sending him a confused scrunch of his eyebrows. “Huh?”
“We already did our homework for the day, so we’re technically not getting behind.” Eijirou held his hand out across the gap with a grin. “Whaddaya say?”
Bakugou eyed the hand, and in the light of the moon shining above them Eijirou could see the way his eyes softened the slightest bit, and the smallest hint of a smile as he huffed. “You idiot.” He stood up, pocketing his phone, and with the quietest explosions he could manage he blasted himself over to Eijirou’s balcony.
Eijirou stumbled back before they could collide, and he gaped as Bakugou landed where he’d been standing. He’d actually gotten him to agree to this? That easily?? He hadn’t even needed to whip out the puppy eyes!
“You better have music that isn’t shitty,” Bakugou said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the railing behind him.
“Oh, right!” Eijirou swiped up his phone from where he’d left it in his own chair, and soft piano tones filled the air between them as he started up the first slow romantic song that had come up—he may have been listening to a bunch over the last few days as he fantasized about the dance, sue him.
Bakugou snorted as the song started. “‘Course you’d pick a slow song. I’m leading.” He didn’t even give Eijirou a chance to respond as he stepped forward, one hand grabbing Eijirou’s, the other wrapping around his waist and tugging him closer until their chests were flush together, mere inches left between their faces.
Eijirou’s eyes were wide as he stared into Bakugou’s. This definitely felt like what he’d imagined, but was also somehow better. Bakugou’s hand didn’t have the nervous sweats like Eijirou had expected, his palm completely dry, his fingers laced with Eijirou’s. The hand on his back was lightly gripping his sleep shirt, and Eijirou could feel the warmth of Bakugou’s skin seeping through the fabric. He led them through the dance, expertly avoiding the things on Eijirou’s balcony. He also never let any distance grow between them, and he could feel Bakugou’s heartbeat, somehow steady while Eijirou’s pounded against his ribs.
The only thing that could’ve betrayed any nervousness in Bakugou was the pink flush on his cheeks, but he kept his eyes locked on Eijirou’s, his usual scowl gone, expression softened to…something. Eijirou didn’t have a clue of what could’ve been going through Bakugou’s head to make him make that face right now, but he couldn’t look away from it. The moonlight shining down on them softened the edges of Bakugou’s face and made it look like his hair was shrouded in a halo of light. His red eyes still glowed, reflecting the light and pinning him in place. He was captivating. Beautiful.
Neither of them could look away from the other it seemed. Neither paid any mind to the fact that the song had already ended as they swayed in place. Eijirou’s grip on Bakugou’s shoulder loosened, winding to behind his neck, and Bakugou’s hand on his back flexed in return. The night air was completely still around them, time itself seeming to freeze as well as they just stared, red on red, unblinking as they took the other in. Eijirou’s face warmed under Bakugou’s gaze, intense yet so, so soft. Fiery red cushioned by moonlight flicked across Eijirou’s face before lingering on his lips and- 
Eijirou’s breath hitched.
Was Bakugou leaning in?
His eyelids drooped automatically as the gap slowly closed, Bakugou’s breath fanning over his lips, his hand squeezing Eijirou’s-
Laughter, distant but still close, popped the bubble that surrounded them all too soon, and both of their gazes snapped to the school grounds below them. It was just some of their classmates returning from off-campus before curfew hit, but they had effectively shattered whatever had been happening between them.
The grip on Eijirou’s waist and hand disappeared, leaving him feeling cold as Bakugou stumbled back, his face and ears bright red, his eyes looking anywhere but at Eijirou. “I-I gotta go. Night.” The words were short, clipped, and Eijirou didn’t have time to respond before his friend and crush was turning and blasting himself back onto his own balcony. By the time the smoke cleared, Bakugou’s balcony door was sliding shut.
Eijirou could only stare after him, the feeling of his warm breath still present on his mind. He’d imagined a lot of things when it came to dancing with Bakugou. But almost being kissed by him, the full moon above their only witness? That definitely hadn’t been on the list.
Fic written for @krbkevents KRBK Month 2023 Days 18 + 20: Dancing and Moonlight! Also on AO3, let me know what you think!
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This was asked for, I hope I did him justice, it was too long for tumblr, i got a little carried away but here's a snippet. Idk why soft mha as dads is ruining my life rn.
Pairing: Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) x Fem! Reader
Genre: Fluffy/ a little sad
Warnings: Season 6 of the Anime Spoilers, slight mention of insecurities.
Additional Notes: N/A “He’s married?? But he’s sooo loud! His poor wife” you heard two girls in the hallway start giggling while they were talking about what you could only assume was your husband, pro hero and teacher who went by Present Mic. You worked for the biggest support company in Japan as one of the lead designers, always on the forefront of new hero technology. When it came to Hizashi, however, you met him during your time at UA. You adjusted your daughter on your hip as you continued to move down the hallway to Hizashi’s classroom. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” Aizawa asked, looking at you confused. “Shouta, lovely to see you. Hizashi asked me to come, and said something was happening and I needed to bring Kiki with me.” you told him truthfully. A scowl was now present on his face. Hizashi didn’t go into detail but you could sense his worry. The way he cared for you was unmatched. “Oh. That. Yeah, it’s probably going to be better coming from him." His words struck you as odd. “What does that mean?” you asked, tightening your grip on Kiki. “Danger is coming. Things are starting to get bad.” your eyes widen. Hairs start to stand on the back of your neck as you think about what he could possibly mean. “You should talk to him.” Aizawa states. “Talk to who about what?” you feel relieved at hearing Hizashi come up beside you. “Just the man I was looking for.” You hummed. His eyes perk up as he turns to you. “Oh really, for what?” he smirks. You laugh and hand him your restless child. “She has been driving me crazy, your turn. Also you asked me to come.” You spoke as he took his tired child in his arms. “Dada” she mumbled quietly as he got her situated. “Yeah, come on.” he mumbled, placing a hand on your back leading you to his now empty classroom. The kids must be at lunch, you think to yourself as you sit on the corner of his desk. “So, what is it?” you asked, trying not to grow impatient, today was your day off and you didn’t really want to spend it at UA. too many not so great memories. “You know the villain presence is getting stronger since the situation with all might. The liberation front is beginning to cause chaos. Nezu has decided to open the campus as a shelter. It will be safer for you and Kiki to stay here.” His words shook you to your core. You didn’t want to live here, even if it was temporary. “Hizashi I-I don’t want to stay here.” you told him as you rubbed your arm. He sighs. “Y/n don’t do this. You know this place is a fortress. You both will be safe here. If anything happens to either of you because of this I will never forgive myself.” You know he’s telling you the truth. You take your face in your hands and rub it lightly. “When?” you asked. “Tonight preferably.” his response elicits a groan from you. “How long have you known about this?” You asked, growing annoyed. “A few weeks.” He admitted. You cross your arms over your chest. “Why did you wait to tell me?” He sighs “Because you were so busy, and I didn’t think things were going to get this bad.” He shifts slightly, your daughter now asleep in his hold. “How bad have they gotten?” you ask cautiously. He wasn’t a private person, at least not with you. You watched the news, more so recently, but with how the media is you know there are things they are hiding. You know a lot about his students, Aizawa’s, even helped Mae Hatsume tweak some of her work for class 1-A. She is a brilliant child and you were trying to convince your company to snag her once she was closer to graduating. “Midoriya left, the kids want to go after him.” He admits. Your eyes widen “Wh-what? There are children fighting in this war?” You felt tears well in your eyes, you became slightly softer after the birth of Kiki, imagining children in this scenario would rattle even the strongest of wills. “Y/n, please, I am begging you, you need to be here.” He redirects the conversation back. “Fine. Gonna have to let my job know I'll be remote for a while. UA is a decent hike.”
The rest is on my A03! Link attached :D.
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