#the tremaine sisters
hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Tremaine-Westergaard-Stabbington family headcanons updated;
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Trigger warning; child abuse and death.
Hans was spelled by the Trolls.
Anna, upon realizing just how badly Hans’ family treated him when she was visiting the Southern Isles, helped him flee in secret. 
Which allowed him to meet his wife, Drizella, who he went on to have 7 daughters with.
Said Daughters names are; Dorothy, Daphne, Deborah, Delanie, Dixie, Dotty, and Dizzy in that order.
Dorothy’s full name and title is Princess Dorothy Annabel Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she (like Anthony) is 21 by d3. 
Daphne’s full name and title is Princess Daphne Adeline Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 20 by d3.
Deborah’s full name and title is Princess Deborah 'Debbie' Abigail Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles (which she hates) and she is 18 by d3.
Delanie’s full name and title is Princess Delanie Marie Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 15 by d3.
Dixie’s full name and title is Princess Dixie Sonia Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 15 by d3.
Dotty’s full name and title is Princess Dotty Delphine Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 13 by d3.
Dizzy’s full name and title is Princess Drizella 'Dizzy' Sophia Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 11 by d3.
Dorothy is close to her cousins, Cormac and Iggy, and is a beauty guru prankster who will do almost anything for a laugh.
She loves yoga, dancing, and doing crazy hair styles and Halloween make up.
Dorothy is scared of drowning because of a bad experience she had with water when she was 3.
Daphne is a fun loving, playful, beauty queen who wants to take over the family business when she grows up.
She, like her close friend Shan Shiro, is an impulsive pyromaniac.
She was always afraid of losing her siblings because of when Dorothy almost drowned—which was her first memory.
She also loved music and knew how to play many instruments.
Daphne never knew it, but Shiro was in love with her.
She had been bestfriends with Shiro since they were babies basically.
Daphne and Dorothy got along like cats and dogs. Which is to say not at all.
Debbie was a close friend of the Gaston twins and worked out with them.
She, like her sisters, was into being as beautiful as she could be but also liked sports and weight-lifting. She could out drink the Gaston twins even at 14.
She also liked hiking, biking, fighting, and sleeping. She was also never good at doing things with hair—at all. She was the only Tremaine who couldn't do hair. Something no one ever let her forget.
The one thing Debbie was ever afraid of was spiders. Something her siblings found hilarious.
Delanie and Dixie are twins, and get along like peanut butter and jelly. They are the best at braiding and always helped their cousin, Tega, do hers.
They love sewing, knitting, crochet, floral design, and embroidery but they also have their own separate hobbies.
Delanie collected bugs and solved puzzles while Dixie did scrapbooking and Calligraphy.
They like their siblings work at Curl up and dye but they also run a spa out of their home as a side Hustle.
Delanie is scared of snakes and heights.
Dixie is scared of blood and worms.
Yes, this results in many many mean pranks by those who know about said fear of snakes and worms.
Dotty, like Dizzy, is a sweetheart though she can be a bit mean spirited at times as well.
Dotty makes dresses for her dollies and does their makeup and hair.
She loves playing various games, helping out at Curl up and dye, and climbing on things.
She's afraid of the dark and of the tooth fairy and Santa clause because of a mean prank Dorothy, Cormac, and Iggy played on her when she was very little.
The Stabbington brothers' real names are Runo and Rudi Westergaard. Yes, they're Hans' older brothers.
They are number 7 and 8 respectively.
Rudi is the one People refer to as Patchy and Runo is the one people call Sideburns.
Runo/Sideburns married Lady Caine and Rudi/Patchy married Madame Medusa for some unfathomable reason.
No one knows why. And he never gives a reason when he's asked.
Runo and Caine have 2 kids together—Cormac and Tega in that order.
Rudi and Medusa have 3 kids together—Darlina, Iggy, and Rex in that order.
Though only few people know that those are their names since they go by nicknames all of the time.
Cormac goes by "Brunet" because of the color of his hair and Tega goes by "Braids" because her hair is always braided.
Darlina goes by Greeny because of her startlingly green eyes, Iggy goes by Cheekbones because of his prominent Cheekbones, and Rex goes by nosey because of his pointy nose.
Greeny is responsible and bossy, and a no nonsense type of girl who is a master thief. She was the one—aside from Hans and Lady Caine—who took care of the family horses the most.
Cheekbones is a sarcastic, impulsive, cheeky boy who is slightly narcissistic. He is a prankster who can be a bit mean spirited and Greeny's twin. He is always driving her nuts.
Nosey is a shy, meek, introverted bookworm who likes making things and playing board games. He also likes astrology.
Braids is a multi-talented sweetheart who enjoys cooking, gardening, and taking care of animals. She usually hangs out with Rex, Dotty, Delanie, and Dixie.
Brunet is a nerdy party animal prankster who is easily excitable. Bad decisions is his middle name.
Greeny is scared of her siblings getting hurt or dying on her watch.
Cheekbones is scared of being disfigured.
Nosey is afraid of being noticed by people. He just wants to go through life without getting into trouble.
Braids is afraid of her hair getting caught in a propeller or machinery.
Brunet is scared that he'll drink so much one of these days, go to sleep, and never wake up again.
Iggy’s full name and title is Prince Ignatius 'Iggy' Zigmund Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and he is 22 by d3.
Darlina’s full name and title is Princess Darlina 'Greeny' Earlina Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 22 by d3.
Rex’s full name and title is Prince Rexford 'Rex/Nosey' Arthus Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and he is 14 by d3.
Cormac’s full name and title is Prince Cormac 'Brunet' Augustus Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and he is 22 by d3.
Tega’s full name and title is Princess Tega 'Braids' Augusta Stabbington-Westergaard of the Southern Isles and she is 15 by d3.
Drizella and Medusa became best friends.
Lady Caine, on the other hand, steered clear of them both as much as she could because she found them very unpleasant.
Anastasia had four biological kids with the Baker—Anthony, Aaron, Amara, and Anya—before being sent to the isle with them.
She went on to adopt four kids—Ellie, Colombe, Felix, and Francis.
Ironically, four of them became pirates but to different crews.
Anthony (21) joined Harriet's Crew.
Aaron (19) joined Uma's crew.
Amara (16) joined an all girl's crew along with Anya (12).
Lady Tremaine did not like this at all because she says it's a stain on their good family name.
None of the kids care. Their parents don't either.
Anthony is in love with Harriet.
Aaron has no love life and just likes drinking and singing and dancing. Piratey things.
Amara is a fiery redhead like her brothers who fights so much that her mouth is nearly full of Silver teeth. She loves fake magic and is fun loving. Oh and she taught Dizzy a lot of what the little girl knows.
Anya loves gardening and often helps braids fix up her garden. She also loves swimming and reading. Oh and she's an absolute tattle tell who almost always gets the older kids in trouble for swearing.
Anthony is afraid of being disfigured and losing his family.
Aaron is afraid of letting Uma down and of his mom getting hurt. He's also scared of being a familiar.
Amara is afraid of curses but that's about it.
Anya is afraid of King Beast and Maleficent.
The other 4 died.
Runo and Rudi, like the rest of their brothers sans Lars, were horribly abusive towards Hans in their younger years.
They ran away from home at 15 and the longer they were away from the southern isles, the more they realized just how messed up their lives were.
They eventually made up with Hans after running into him when he escaped the southern isles once and for all.
It took time but they managed it eventually, even if Hans was still a bit wary around them.
They encouraged his relationship with Drizella because it made him happy. They soon regretted this when they began living with her and when they got stuck living with her on the isle.
The twins met Medusa and Caine in a bar on the isle and eventually they started dating them.
Unfortunately for Rudi/Patchy, Medusa is just as bad and annoying as Drizella. Especially now that her crocodiles have left her.
Medusa and Drizella have nearly killed their kids several times.
Only to be stopped by Anastasia, The twins, Caine, and Hans every time.
They only stayed together because of the kids because if they left, they'd be homeless and the kids wouldn't be under their protection.
Caine, Patchy, Sideburns, and Hans also work at Curl up and dye but they have side jobs as well.
Like Caine and Sideburns running a bar for instance.
And Patchy running a self-defense course that people have to pay for.
Hans makes weapons.
Patchy fights with Medusa just as often as Hans fights with Drizella. Which is to say almost daily.
Anya looks like her father, the Baker, Jacob Lathyn.
The Tremaine-Westergaard- Stabbington family has several pets.
6 horses and 7 cats.
The cats' names are L, Lord, Liar, Luci, Lu, Lucifer, and Lily.
The horses' names are Sitron, Saturn, Satrina, Axel, Ace, and Arrow.
Also they are distantly related to Nancy Tremaine.
Dizzy and Anthony are the only known human survivors of the Tremaine fire.
The Tremaine fire was caused by a drunken Shan Shiro who was trying to set the barrier on fire.
Dizzy was in her room when the fire started. Anthony was asleep on the couch.
Drizella, Anastasia, Lady Tremaine, and Medusa were all in their rooms when it started. And were fast asleep.
Hans and his two brothers were fast asleep at the table, having fallen asleep while trying to clean up after the party.
The fire happened on Anastasia's birthday. One of the few nights a year where everyone is in the same house as one another.
Delanie and Dixie were asleep in their bed, hair braided and expired face masks on.
Aaron was drunk in his room and singing some old sea shanties.
Anya, Braids, Nosey, and Dotty were all asleep in the corner of Nosey and Braids' rooms after deciding to have an impromptu sleepover that Dizzy wasn't allowed to participate in because she was too little.
Nosey's face was buried in a book, Dotty was drowning in her dolls, and Braids and Anya were snuggling with one of the foals they had managed to sneak in when the adults weren't looking.
Dorothy, Cormac, and Iggy were in the attic, plotting a prank and giggling as they chugged some booze they had snagged from Aaron's stash.
Daphne was listening to music, dozing off while Debbie snored loudly in her bed beside her.
Dizzy was under her bed, fast asleep after crying herself to sleep because of her cousins excluding her from her sleepover.
And finally, Darlina was out in the barn, having fallen asleep while grooming the horses.
Anthony will never forgive Shiro. Never. He refuses to. He hates him for what he's done.
Mainly because Shiro waited four months to tell him he had done it and not Daphne.
Everyone had thought Daphne had started the fire until Shiro admitted he did it.
Anthony has never felt more betrayed than he did in that moment.
Dizzy is the only one who doesn't hate Shiro. Even though she was hurt by what he did just as much as Anthony.
Neither of them have ever been the same since they lost their family.
Anthony stopped cooking after the fire. He actually stopped doing most things.
And Dizzy? Well, let's just say she doesn't do anything that involves fire.. ever.
Colombe, Ellie, Felix, and Francis Tremaine are @idontliketomatoesleavemealone 's ocs.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 12 days
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Summary : ~ ~
Their lonely and scared, huddled together under the bridge, bony knees grazing one another and bodies soaked to the bone. 
Bridget’s teeth clank from the cold, but she can’t bare to move. Fear of Uliana freezing her, and eyes locked in on the girl in front of her. 
Ella is less worried, but still keeps an eye out, brows terse a she tries to identify if their in the clear. 
Bridget should be worried. Should be concerned that Uliana and her gang could find them hiding any minute and do a manner of unspeakable things to them. But all she can focus on is Ella. And the way her curls plaster to her forehead in just the right way that she looks like an angel. A knight in shining armor. Willing to hide for Bridget’s safety. The cold drawing blood to her face and plumping her lips. 
Bridget’s moving in the next second, unable to stop herself. Pressing her lips against Ella’s and getting lost in the feeling. 
Ella startles,  hesitating before kissing back slightly. She pulls away, confused, “Bridget? I-“
“Practice!” Bridget spits out on instinct, her go to excuse for the past five months, “It’s practice Ella. For your future charming.”
Ella nods, although she doesn’t look completely convinced, “Sure… just practice.”
Bridget can ignore the way her unease stabs her chest, can ignore the humiliation of having to hide from Uliana, can ignore the emotions pressing behind her eyes, can ignore it all as long as Ella keeps choosing her. Keeps letting her indulge in this compulsion. Keeps letting her kiss her and keep up the charade that no feelings are involved. 
Bridget can ignore it all, as long as she can keep feeling their lips pressed together. 
tagging literally anyone who might be interested
@strugglingsapphic @c-rose2081 @somedudenamedanthony @tigressartemis @mintylovesredsocks @gayafsowhat
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Sometimes I see people ship these two romantically,  but I could actually see them being siblings.  They are both older in age,  don’t have any type of magical powers, they look alike in their facial expressions, and they have the same personality, keeping their “children” locked up and neglecting them.
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disneyboot · 1 year
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cpyclopse · 1 year
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Shrek the third princesses but with their Disney dresses?
[My art]
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descendantsfan03 · 22 days
You Can’t Pack Your Sister!
*Dizzy and Celia packing for a school trip*
Evie: Make sure you pack all the necessities
Celia: We will! *Picks up baby Mal from her crib*
Dizzy: What are you doing?
Celia: *Smiles and places Mal in the suitcase* Well she did say pack the necessities. I’m not leaving her for a whole week.
Dizzy: Well that is true. But won’t they notice she’s gone?
Celia: Leave that to me *Grabs a baby doll and places it in the crib* There that’ll work I’m a genius.
Dizzy: Okay that works you are a genius
Celia: Told you so
Evie: Where is my baby!
Celia: I don’t know what you’re talking about she’s right there.
Evie: *Holds up the doll* This is not a baby!
Dizzy: Are you sure?
Baby Mal: *Moves around in the suitcase she’s packed in*
Evie: *Eyes widen* Is my baby in your suitcase!
Celia: What no! We would never do something like that!
Evie: *Opens Dizzy’s suitcase* Oh look at that I found a baby in your suitcase
Dizzy: What? How did she get in there? I knew my suitcase felt heavier.
Evie: *Picks up baby Mal and throws the doll at them* Uh huh you must think I’m stupid. Your sister is not luggage! How many times do I have to tell you! You can’t pack your sister!
Dizzy and Celia: Dang it!
*A few weeks earlier*
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Dizzy and Celia teaming up together in my baby Mal series. My baby Mal series goes with my story The Real Mal which I am hoping to update soon it’s been a while but I promise I have not abandoned it. 💜💙
(All edits and pics are my personal family pictures that I have permission to use.)
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I love putting characters in situations
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thatjessiwills · 2 years
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sInG sWeEt NiGhTiNgAle AhHhHhHhHHHhhh
Feating Joanna Bert, Tory Vagasy and Jessi Wills
Photo by Jon York
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hanyuleum · 2 years
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2022 roundup part 2
Photos: Nejire - buddahchen Dorothea - atomicnetwork Marcy - feelsbender
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Question, when did my Dead Beauty AU go from "Isle teenagers with no survival instincts getting into relationships drama and maybe regicide" to "Isle teenagers with no survival instincts getting into relationships drama and maybe regicide, going absolutely feral when their younger relatives are in danger"?
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
CJ is the flower girl at Harriet and Anthony’s wedding.
Despite the fact that the role is traditionally given to a much younger girl. She insisted.
Harriet triple-checked the basket, the flowers, and the dress to make sure they contained nothing flammable, explosive, could not hide anything, and could not conceivably be combined to form anything flammable or explosive.
“Don’t you think this is a bit much?” Anthony asked when he found Harriet taking apart a rose petal by petal, to be glued back together later, just in case.
“Have you met my sister?”
“Point taken.”
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mr-walkingrainbow · 10 days
PART TWO OF “So this is love? Cause love ain’t it.”
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Summary :
~ ~ Those key years we never got to see after the prank. Where Bridget descends into mania, cruelty, and revenge.
The past few years of her life had been uneventful, If you didn’t count in the carefully articulated executions of individualized revenge. Her first crimes as a Villian if you will. 
It had felt odd in the beginning to think of herself as one. But it soon fit like a glove. And she proudly wore the title till this day. She was royalty of course. That would always be her legacy. But what they called you in the shadows didn’t matter as long as it was a whisper of terror.
{edit} forgot to tag my descendants besties !
@c-rose2081 @strugglingsapphic @somedudenamedanthony @tigressartemis @mintylovesredsocks @gayafsowhat
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No Propaganda
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Spoilers for "Cold-Hearted" by Serena Valentino IV
Just finished the book last night and omg wow. Sir Richard was such a jerk (putting it very mildly)! I was seriously in shock and kinda disgusted that he was such a bad man 'cause like I always thought he was a very kind man in the movie so I had to mentally sit down. (Yes I'm aware the book and the movie are different but still.)
He definitely manipulated Cinderella into telling him Lady Tremaine was leaving since I think she genuinely cared about her stepmother and stepsisters. Poor thing had tears in her eyes. Also like tiny Cinderella kinda being a little turd for a bit threw me off, but then I thought "well she's a kid, but still, sweetie why?" and just moved on.
ALSO LIKE THE ODD SISTERS PLUS CIRCE (I love her T-T) POPPING IN AT THE BALL??? HELLO??? AND THE TRIO COMING IN BEFORE THAT??? (And me and my dusty memory of the series almost forgot who Nanny was. 🥲Irony.) I have complicated thoughts on the Fairy Godmother but that's another "book vs movie" thing. Anyway I seriously felt for Tremaine when she asked for the Fairy Godmother's help only to be denied it, even if she did mistreat Cinderella.
Oh and don't even get me started about how Sir Richard treated Lady Tremaine and her daughters because I was SO upset how he gradually began to belittle and mistreat them. Like it was literally unfair. Also like she was still evil even though technically she was a victim of circumstance and abuse BUT STILL. I seriously felt bad for them. (Meanwhile tiny Cinderella's doing damage control in any way she can. T-T)
On a related note, both Sir Richard and Lady Tremaine were still chained down by the memory of their deceased marital partners, and it affected them differently to a certain degree. Nonetheless both of them did cruel things, stepsisters included. I kinda don't wanna put Cinderella in the same slot (as much as I love her), but her very first interactions with her stepfamily was kinda unintentionally rude—even if she was likely still recovering from losing her mother. I do, however, think that her father did manipulate her in some way, as mentioned previously. But she did get along with them later.
Either way, everyone had a role in the mistreatment of one another, however big or small, intentional or not. I can understand why they mistreated each other, but that doesn't mean I'm condoning it. Except Sir Richard. I felt real betrayed with how differently he acted between meeting Lady Tremaine and when they got to the Many Kingdoms. He can just take a long walk off a short pier (sorry Cinderella but your dad's not the greatest T-T).
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stubborngods · 13 days
added pages for anthony and reed to my site. currently writing more bios and trying to finish my page for cass :)
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Camilo Inspo
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