#the twins that finish each others sentences in a gay way
jupiterjunebug · 1 year
Being in the comics g! J0e fandom is an exercise in constantly reliving the "is it problematic to sexualize hydra" discourse in my own head abt the guy who, in the original marvel comics, pops sig heils and is a thinly veiled reference to kkk/neo nazi shit
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deathnguts · 1 month
Pls…Go into HEAVY Detail about the Lestrange brothers I’m a very curious bastard…very curious 👀
((Sorry in advance for our difference in writing for these disasters but I’m gonna use this to explain my idea of them but know that I still think yours is very cool and interesting and I genuinely love it so))
Ok I think the best way for me to make words about this is to try and compare them to something. So I’m gonna be the only person to ever talk about Orion Black ever yet again and say with my full chest that Alphard and Orion were more twins than Rabastan and rodolphus the same way Rabastan and rodolphus were more brothers than Alphard and Orion. Lemme explain.
Alphard and Orion are not twins, technically. They were born ten months apart, so they didn’t share the womb but they are the same age. They look exactly the fucking same because of those mixed genes and they were expected to do the same things as the oldest heir blacks. Since they were both the same school year, neither was really treated like the older brother by the rest of the family which lead to them growing up pretty much in tandem to share the title. They were never perfect non-twins, like they didn’t only like each other or finish each other’s sentences or anything, to everyone watching it seemed they didn’t get along at all? Like Alphard was constantly teasing Orion and putting off all his work because he knew Orion would do it and Orion was easily flustered and complained all the time about all the work his brother made him do. But like… if they hated each other than why did they live in each other’s skin. Alphard literally never left Orion alone, he was always there and always had his arm slung around his brother’s shoulders or something. He said it was under the guise of ‘looking out for his little brother because he’s socially inept and has no friends’ and Orion would always just say ‘I’m not your little brother we’re the same age.’ Like there was a bunch of other things being said that he could be worrying about but he just chose to be a brat and that was pretty much their whole relationship. They stayed attached at the hip until Alphard was to be wed at around sixteen and that was the thing he refused to do (because he was gay) and Orion did not understand his firmness on the topic that was really just another duty in his eyes (because he was aroace) and that was the first real divide they had. They never had a divide before so they didn’t know what to do. Alphard wanted to run away, he asked his brother to come with because he didn’t know how to live without him, Orion said no. Alphard had his doubts about his brother valuing their relationship and himself over his family confirmed, Orion had his doubts that Alphard was a childish selfish brat confirmed. Alphard left and they never saw each other again.
Sorry for all the exposition but here’s where I put it to use!
Rodolphus and Rabastan are twins, technically. They shared the womb but were born on different days, Rodolphus first and then Rabastan two days later. (I imagine the pure bloods are very traditional in their treatment of pregnancy and probably have never even heard of a C section, if they baby’s not coming out then the mother just has to wait.) This proved to be a premonition for them as people because just like their birth, Rodolphus was handed off to their father while Rabastan stayed with mommy and got to experience her warmth for so much longer. Rodolphus came when expected with little fuss, Rabastan had to make his own scene and cause so much trouble for his mother in the process yet she continued to love him anyway. They have different birthdays. They are different people. They were raised differently because their mother wasn’t exactly all there and claimed that because her second son stayed with her in birth (forgoing how he nearly killed her doing so) that means he was hers despite him being a boy (traditionally the mother would take charge of the daughters and the father the sons once they come of age, but the Lestranges didn’t do that clearly) ((also cue that TikTok audio where the mother’s like ‘a boy would be the son of France, but you shall be mine’)) and their father didn’t really mind because he has his own son too. The couple weren’t in love but they didn’t hate each other, so they truly didn’t mind raising their children pretty much separately since they both had vastly different ideas of being parents. Rodolphus was raised to learn to be quiet and keep his head down because he went to work with father ever since he learned to stop crying all the time, Rabastan was raised as the center of his mother’s universe while acutely aware she was crazy because it didn’t exactly feel good to have her crazed attention at all times so he learned to act out as much as he wanted becaus he could get away with it and his mother deserved it in his eyes. They saw each other at dinner and were allowed to play whenever they wanted, which they took advantage of when they were young. Rabastan learned early on to resent their father because he was always the one who took rodolphus away, Rodolphus learned early on to resent their mother because she never even looked at him. But as they grew into their chosen parent’s faces, they learned to resent each other as well. (Again cue the TikTok audio for Rabastan that’s like ‘thank you, I look just like my mommy’)
By all accounts they weren’t twins. They stopped even really being brothers when they started hogwarts, if you looked at it a certain way. They lead entirely different lives, adorned completely different faces and roles, anyone who didn’t know them didn’t know they even knew each other. They weren’t like the black brothers where they fought in halls and made a spectacle out of being different, they weren’t like the black sisters who could ignore their differences like an elephant in a room and play pretend that they were sisters despite the looming threat of difference, the lestrange twins were just… nothing. Barely even twins, barely even brothers. They lived in the same dorm room (since I imagine that Slytherin isn’t as populated of a house of that of gryffindor and probably means there’s less kids per dorm, two or three but I usually lean towards two) and it was like all conversation was silenced when they were together. Rodolphus would read on his bed late enough into the night to witness Rabastan stumble through the door with the stink of stolen liquor on him and neither said anything. Rabastan would watch through a key hole as all his family but his mother learned to favor the ‘better brother’ and talk in hushed tones of what their mother’s boy was growing into with Rodolphus in the room and the quieter twin say nothing to deter them. Rodolphus resents Rabastan for having things people value in life that he never even considered having for himself (freedom, love, living in truth) but doesn’t mind enough to make a deal do it because, in truth, Rodolphus doesn’t want those things. The only reason he cares is because his brother them (like true siblings tend to do.) But Rabastan resents Rodolphus for having everything he’s always looked for but never had (praise, adoration, love from someone who wasn’t crazy) and he truly didn’t regret or hold back that resentment because when had he ever regretted or held back anything?
But the reason I chose ti compare the failed twins to the broken brothers is because everyone expected them ti have the opposite relationship. Pure blood twins should be closer than anything, close enough to cause unease in how they are when alone, their seperation should be a disaster. Pure blood brothers should be… quaint, at best. They don’t owe anything to each other, their lives will be completely separate once they marry and have to start fighting for the title of Heir. But it was the last generation’s Black Brothers that were close with the shaking falling out and the Lestrange Twins that were a never kindled fire. And they did follow in their older Black Brother counterparts foot steps in many ways as adults. Alphard broke himself off from the family but kept his own money and power, which he used to live for himself and look out for a younger pure blood child (Sirius) that he saw soemthing worth change in and knew others would seek to destroy. Rabastan distanced himself from the family but kept his own money and power, which he used to live for himself and look out for a younger pure blood child (Regulus) that he saw soemthing worth change in and knew others would seek to destroy. Orion dedicated himself to the role he knew he was born to play and did what he was told when he was told to, no feelings for fuss about it, and was revered as a business man for it but despised as a family man for the same. Rodolphus dedicated himself to the role he knew he was born to play and did what he was told when he was told to, no feelings for fuss about it, and was admired as a business man for it but almost mourned as a family man for the same because Rodolphus didn’t have a family, he just had a wife that he never spoke to.
But at the beginning I said that Rabastan and rodolphus were more brothers than Alphard and Orion as a teen of endearment for them, implying they did have that brotherly idea of each other, and where have I shown it? No where, so here it is now. Where Black siblings always seem to have some huge falling out with a lifetime of silence to follow, most families aren’t that dramatic. Sure Rabastan and Rodolphus were never eveyrthing to each other, but they were still family. When Rabastan feels he has no where else to turn and he can’t stand to look in his mother’s ever fading eyes, he goes to Rodolphus. And just like their school days, Rodolphus will hold his hair when he vomits and have a guest room prepared without a fuss at all. When Rodolphus is at a loss for a scene of people being just so hard for him to understand, unsure of what to do but sure he doesn’t like it at all, Rabastan takes it like he used to take Rodolphus’ veggies under the table. Most things Rodolphus doenst understand are easy enough to either explain or dispel completely by just being his dramatic self and getting people to fall into the line Rodolphus understands again.
Rabastan and Rodolphus don’t parallel one another like good twins, they parallel brothers that could have been better then them. And in some ways, they actually succeed at being the better family to each other. It’s just complicated, because when is family not?
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badbookworm · 10 months
Small Cursed Fates rant/appreciation? (overall ZA book 5 thoughts)
For a dark romance/fantasy, the best parts of Zodiac Academy rly are when nothing dark is happening, huh.
Just finished book 5. And like. Within 5 books, they have undoubtly build very solid and detailed characters, and all who have interesting and different dynamics with each other. I love seeing them interact and hang out since book 1.
Most of book 5 is heavily character focus. The heirs and the twins started the book on a neutral ground, entered a truce, and the heirs plot is coming to terms that they actually like the twins' company, and to hangout with them. And that's cool as fuck, it was very fun to see the friendship develop, the plan to get Darius and Tory together, it was straight up good. I ate that shit up.
ALSO RANDOM NOTE, I DID NOT EXPECTED SETH AND CALEB TO ACTUALLY BE A THING?? AND IT WAS GREAT??? I made a bingo for this book with things I thought would happen, and one of them was just "Seth and Caleb do something gay". I marked that square 10 different times, it was wild 💥💥 I saw a goodreads review say that straight Caleb was his flop era, and now I GET IT. BC IT'S TRUE. Sorry Tory, but the Caleb and Seth side plot is much more engaging then Caleb being a 2° option plaything fr.
Ok, going back. With the comment at the start it might instigue a "it's a bullymance, what did you expect", but because the way the saga gone with turning the bullying into romance in taking it's time, along with all the fighting back and the leading to it is interesting, I'm hooked, genuinely interested and caring for these characters. It's all the other edgy fantasy stuff which stinks. The vibe was ruined the moment Orion was sentenced and it never picked back up. At least in this book, it was boring. I already don't love Orion character, he doesn't appeal to me in any way, and the though of him carrying a solo, brooding, plotline is the most boring thing this saga could've come up to me.
And then the ending came, it was like a cold water splash to remind me what kind of story this is, but it felt like "oh, the cool parts are over now?". I cannot give a shit about the whole thing going on with Clara, I'm sorry, I tried, it's so messy and nasty, and having to see Lionel be the villain for 5 books straight has drained him from any intrigue I had. He's just an villain shaped hole of a character. He's signifies a bad omen, not a character, you see Lionel and you know that something will go badly so the plot can progress, I cannot tell you 1 thing about Lionel besides he's evil. Oh, and the ZA finales are always chaotic and cramped with action and twists, the authors halt all the on-going plots so they can solve and drop them at the last 7 very short and fast chapters, but this one felt extra edgy and fast? I was so done with it with 4 chapters left still. And it feels like book 6 will keep on this trail of the edgyness.
I'm low-key scared of entering book 6 and being bombarded with any forced Tory and Lionel stuff, because I can't find any thorough review of book 6 to ensure there's no SA or anything like that involved with this plotline. The 1 thing that had kept me going with this saga was that, despite a lot of the nasty stuff, the sexual content has kept itself in a mostly consentual territory, sometimes vaguely consentual. But Lionel forcing Tory to say she loves him has already made me physically gag, and seeing Lionel and Clara (which also made me incredibly unfomfy and disgusted) makes me dead ass scared to see the next Tory povs. Non-con is my only big nono in taboo stuff.
Does it get the point across about Lionel being evil and all? Yes, ig.
Anyways, gotta finish what I started. BRB.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Okay I have a lot of non-writing things to do today but I’m going to list out all my WIPs here and y’all can send me questions about them or tell me to write a sentence for one of them or a scene you’d like to see or whatever and I’ll work on them for wip wednesday
Proposal fic
Eddie proposes after Buck wakes up from the coma, despite them not being romantically involved at all. About them falling in love but also about Buck, like, working through trauma and gaining the power of self respect as he deals with lasting repercussions of being struck by lightning. Also this is secretly set in the same universe a few years in the future.
Proposal fic sequel fic (dear god why, finish the main one you fool)
Conversations Eddie has with fathers. First Michael about coming out later in life, then Bobby about how frightening it can be to care about Buck sometimes, then a shovel talk from Chimney, then coming out to his own dad, then coming home to Buck.
ER nurse Eddie au
Nurse Eddie Diaz sees firefighter Buckley many times over the years. Snapshots of (almost) every emergency on the show that lands Buck in the hospital seen from Eddie’s perspective.
take you in and make you mine chapter two
Buck and Eddie wake up, get a little handsy and a lot sappy, Maddie stops by with breakfast and is surprised at first that her presumed-straight brother and his best friend are giggling and holding hands (is that a… hickey on Eddie’s neck…..) but then is so so happy for them and like… duh Buck and Eddie… of course, buckandeddie…
with love comes strange currencies
A sequel to take you in and make you mine. At the firehouse Eddie has a conversation with Hen about the joy he finds in being horny in a gay way, and Buck has a conversation with Bobby about how happy he is to be in love in an Eddie way.
Quilt shop au
Eddie works in a quilt shop run by Pepa (and his abuela until she moved back to Texas recently). Buck comes in for quilting advice about making a baby blanket for Jee-Yun. Buck’s beginner’s luck improv adhd disaster method of working stresses neat and tidy and crisply ironed Eddie out, but both of them end up learning from each other, and, of course, falling in love. Also him and Shanon go on twin journeys of gay awakening and love and support each other very much.
I think that’s all of them sdfgsdf there’s other scraps of aus floating around up there but these are the ones I’d like to focus on currently
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foreignerabroad1994 · 2 years
Another Love: Writing Prompt Short Story
My response to the following writing prompt to u/London-Roma-1980 on the WritingPrompts subreddit:
[WP] The Museum of the History of Love has a new exhibit, which it calls an Alternate Future Coupling, but everyone calls the Ship-O-Matic. Two people sit in it, and they see a minutes-long vision of what their life as a couple would be like.
Bailey groans at the long line to the machine. He wasn't surprised when, about three beers in and on their way to the next bar, Joe could not resist the tacky, pink-and-red, love-hearts-covered exterior of the museum. The rest of their group laughed him off, but Bailey knew Joe would probably end up stumbling into the museum on his own and right into some jail cell. And, if he's honest with himself, he doesn't care much for Joe's friends. He only agreed to go on this stupid "bro trip" because Joe insisted, and both Sarah And Lin, their respective girlfriends, had already planned their own girls' trip to Cabo. Letting Joe drunkenly roam the museum on his own while he has to suffer through their endless talks about crypto and tits didn't sound like a better experience than walking through some tacky, tourist-trap exhibit.
It didn't take long before Joe zeroed in on the poster of the giant machine, which is still hidden from view. The long line stretches around the bend of the makeshift corridor. The walls are covered in tacky prints featuring all kinds of couples in various ages, floating in blurry clouds of promises and potential futures.
"Do we really have to do this?" he asks, peering over the shoulders of two very tall Dutch girls in front of them. They have at least thirty more minutes to wait, and he already needs to pee.
Joe puts an arm over his shoulders amiably, jostling him a bit too hard. "Of course we do! I can't sleep at night without knowing what my life would look like with you, my soulmate." He finishes the sentence with a flourish, a hand on his chest and the other on his forehead. Always so dramatic.
Bailey wants to say this is stupid, because it is. But he looks at Joe's goofy, toothy smile, and he doesn't want to tease him any more than his dumb friends already had. "Fine, but you're buying the next two rounds of beer."
Joe gives him a healthy smack on the shoulder. "That's my boy! You got yourself a deal."
They talk about nothing and anything as the line crawls ahead, and finally, they see the machine appearing in front of them. Only one pair is waiting in front of them - the two Dutch girls, who seem very excited. As he yet again peers around them, he observes the machine. Its exterior is metallic and bright, a shiny red chrome that looks more like a weird transformer than a plastic gimmick. The gaudy sign above it shines in pink lights, promising visitors "a stunning cinematic look into their shared romantic future". Bailey snickers and looks at Joe, who bounces from foot to foot.
"This is hysterical," he says excitedly. "I can't wait to tell everyone what it shows us. Do you think I'd be good at sucking dick?"
Bailey shoves him while the Dutch girls turn around and look at them with an eerily similar, blond-browed frown. They get called by the attendee, who's also wearing an awful red-and-pink vest, and Bailey and Joe step forward to wait their turn. "That's what you're worried about?"
"Well, yeah. If I was gay, I'd be a total pro."
"Of course you would."
"You doubting my skills?"
"Considering the only thing you've ever blown is a banana in 7th grade, yeah, I am."
Joe bursts out laughing. "Man, Ms. Ramirez was not happy with me."
"Dude, she wasn't happy because you couldn't say a word of Spanish and refused to try."
"Hey! I did try!"
Bailey rolls his eyes. "Yeah, when you wanted to hit on that girl, what was her name?"
"I'm surprised you remember."
They reminisce about their 7th grade teachers and classmates for a while and, before they know it, the attendant lets the Dutch girls out. They hold each other, laughing hard, their twin laughs genuinely creepy.
Joe leans in to whisper in his ear. "Are we sure they're not related?"
"Absolutely not," Bailey replies.
The attendant signals for them impatiently, and they walk into the machine. On the inside, it's surprisingly simple - not much more than a barren projection room. Two worn, red leather armchairs sit side by side, with a shared armrest. A giant projection screen is unfurled in front of them, with two giant speakers on either side. The attendant messes with a board full of colorful buttons on the left of the door, before ushering them to the two seats and asking them to sit still. He presses a pink, glowing button near the other side of door, and a giant box comes out of the ceiling. Bright, red lights, like lasers, come out of the box and scan both of them from head to toe a few times, slowly and silently. When the lights abruptly turn off, the attendant closes the door silently and everything goes dark. The box turns around and a projection starts on the screen, counting down from 10.
Joe bounces in his seat. "This feels like a movie."
"I think that's kind of the point," Bailey replies, sinking back into the surprisingly comfortable chair with a smile.
Images start to play. On screen, they see both of them at 13 years old. They're playing a video game, something they always did together.
Joe frowns and points at the screen, "well, that's no different than-"
Before he can finish the sentence, his younger self leans over on the screen and gives Bailey a chaste kiss on the cheek. Young Bailey blushes, but smiles shyly, his eyes still on the screen. They keep playing as if this is completely normal. They say nothing, the sounds of the video game a soft murmur in the background.
They both sit silently.
The next scene is them in high school, walking around the hallway. They look around and at each other, before sneaking into the radio room. They giggle deviously, drop their backpacks, and start kissing tenderly, gangly hands roaming each other's torsos.
Bailey feels Joe squirming in the seat next to him, and it feels as if all the oxygen has been sucked out of the enclosed, dark space.
Their high school selves seem to slow down some, slide down the door, and spend a long, quiet minute touching each other. Bailey gently traces Joe's upper arm with the tip of a finger, a thoughtful expression on his face, while Joe playfully braids tiny, ugly braids into Bailey's mop of long, brown hair.
Should he say something? Should they just leave? Bailey glances at Joe, but Joe is sitting stock still now, rigid. He decides against it.
The rest of their younger scenes are not entirely unfamiliar. They are still attached at the hip - getting into trouble, partying in the woods, trying their first drink and first cigarette. But the feeling is completely different. Because when they narrowly escape the cops, they end up kissing in the bushes of Ms. Bower's garden. When Joe breaks his arm during one of his football games, Bailey is there, putting a straw to his mouth before replacing the straw with his lips, making Joe laugh before wincing in pain.
How much is this going to show? How long have they been sitting here? There's a huge lump in Bailey's throat. Joe is silently vibrating right next to him.
There's a big time jump on screen. They're in their 20's now, only a couple of years younger than they are now, it seems. They're backpacking together somewhere remote, and reach the peak of a mountain. Bailey is grumbling about stupid hikes and stupid mountains. They're both breathing hard.
Bailey smiles privately. He would definitely complain. He still can't look at Joe.
On screen Joe takes Bailey's hand and drags him to a rock facing a stunning, green view. Infinite sky and a lush forest stretch into the horizon, the sun just starting to set. They hug silently, reverently, puffs of air visible around them in the creeping cold. Until Joe sneaks a hand into his own pocket, and pulls out a small, black box.
Bailey feels almost dizzy as he sees himself choking a yes, nodding frantically, before Joe tackles him to the ground in a very characteristic, overly enthusiastic hug. Bailey chastises him there, calling him a big ol' golden retriever and rubbing at his bruised back, before kissing Joe on the nose.
Bailey chokes on air. He can sense Joe is looking at him now, but he can't look back, and soon he feels Joe's eyes aren't on him anymore.
The next scene is much later. They sit in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by people Bailey doesn't recognize. They both have crow's feet. Joe has a deep tan, and a tiny belly. He can see his own hairline receded a bit. They're talking animatedly with a couple of women, Joe's hand casually resting in Bailey's back pocket. He gives a playful squeeze, and smirks when Bailey gives him a reproaching look.
Bailey feels his ears turning red, and he's happy the room is so dark. He doesn't know what to do with his hands.
In another scene, they're both a bit older again. Grey peppers their hairlines. They wear simple clothes on a deck somewhere. A young girl with curly hair runs and disappears into a sliding door. Bailey is reading, his legs in Joe's lap on a big hammock as Joe massages them mindlessly, staring out into a green yard, basking in sunlight. Joe looks down at Bailey, with reading glasses on, before shoving the book into his face, shoving the glasses into his eye sockets. Bailey shouts at him indignantly, and Joe laughs and heaves him up into his lap. He shushes him with a kiss before letting their foreheads fall together. They close their eyes.
Bailey doesn't know how to name this feeling. His chest is tight, and his throat is dry. He finally glances Joe's way, and their eyes meet. Joe's are watery. He looks away quickly, squeezing his fingers together in his lap.
White heads of hair, Bailey's a bit thinner, with a bald spot at the top. They sit at a doctor's office, faces wrinkled and grim. Bailey is stoic. Joe collapses into Bailey's shoulder, crying softly. Bailey puts a hand on the nape of Joe's neck, petting gently. His mouth is in a thin, wrinkly line.
Joe makes a choking sound. Bailey digs into the leather sit.
Joe sits on a bench. He's hunched but dignified, wearing a simple black knit. A woman sits at his side, holding his hand gently, her curly hair in a mess on top of her head. They look at a gravestone together. Wind breezes through.
The projection ends abruptly and the light comes through the now open door. The attendant peaks in. He's about to say something, but he closes his mouth on a gentle sigh. Bailey sits there, his eyes wide, breathing heavily. He dares a glance at Joe, who's aggressively wiping at his face.
"You have to go now, guys," the attendant says gently. "It happens every day here. There's a coffee shop around the corner if you need some water."
Bailey nods. He puts a careful hand on Joe's shoulder, who startles. "Come on," he encourages quietly.
They walk out, silent, right out onto the street. Joe walks to a wall just past the museum, free of reds and pinks, and leans against it like it can carry the weight of a future he never asked for.
Bailey leans next to him. He sighs.
"I don't think we should tell everyone," Joe finally chokes out.
Bailey nods. "Probably best not to."
"Maybe not anyone."
Bailey looks at him. They meet each other's eyes, and every vivid scene plays in the space between them.
"Maybe not."
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Cheryl//this is me trying
Request: Can I request a season 1 cheryl x reader. Cheryl always protects reader from people and r is shy but falls in love with the redhead and some who’s accidentally tells her while she’s having a bad day but cheryl is quick to reassure her then they cuddle after going to pops or something and it’s just fluffy.
hey! happy valentines day gays! and get you, two imagines in one day, it must be the day of love. i hope you all like this because it’s really fluffy and i enjoyed writing this a lot!
Overnight, Riverdale became a shell of its former self. Two months since Kevin Keller and Moose Mason stumbled upon the body of Jason Blossom, and nobody has been the same since. 
The town is riddled with secrets, they’re slowly destroying it like a disease. Nobody trusts anybody anymore, everyone is on high alert, and everyone is a suspect. 
Cheryl usually loves being the centre of attention, she has done ever she was a kid. It’s something that comes naturally with being a twin, you share everything and as much as she loves loved the shared birthdays and friends, she has always loved being the centre of attention.
Now however, she hates it. Her life is a true crime documentary at the minute, and all she wants is for the killer to be caught so the crew can pack up and leave and she no longer has to stare down at the blinding lights being cast over her and her family. 
The only thing that’s kept her sane over the past two months, is you. Despite everything happening, despite the murder and the secrets and the suspicion, you’ve stuck by her side. You were with her when they found the body, and you haven’t really left since. 
The two of you are unlikely friends, she’s Cheryl. Bright and bold and never one to back down from confrontation. But you’re Y/n, sweet and shy and always the first to shrink away from any sort of attention directed at you. 
She knows you hate the constant attention recently, it’s something you get used when you’re best friends with the victim’s sister, but not once have you complained. 
You’ve being questioned by police, journalists and strangers on the internet. You’ve had camera’s shoved in your face on your walk back from school and been asked countless questions about what you know about the Blossom’s. And you’ve also been offered ridiculous amounts of money in order to talk. But no matter what happens, you always just rush past them and join Cheryl, who’s always waiting for you with a sad smile and warm hand. 
Due to the constant hoard of vultures swarming Riverdale High, the two of you had to figure out somewhere else to meet after school so you could walk the long way home. It adds twenty minutes to your walk, but it’s not that well known around town, meaning people can’t bother you. 
Plus, the extra twenty minutes that you get to spend with Cheryl isn’t the worst thing. It’s the opposite in fact. It’s the thing you look forward to, even if you are looking over your shoulder every so often 
But today you’re not at your meeting spot. 
When Cheryl pushes her way through the stares of her fellow students with you and only you on her mind and makes her way through the school basement, back up the stairs and out of the fire exit, you’re not waiting for her with a smile that makes her feel warm and a cold slice of pizza you snuck out of the cafe earlier. 
The only thing waiting for her is a full bin and an empty field. 
“Y/n?” She calls out and looks around the corner. She’s met with three seniors, all of which are smoking with absolutely no care for being caught. 
“She’s not here.” One of them says, her blonde hair and large glasses cover half of her face and Cheryl forces a smile. 
“Hey, Blossom.” A boy says and Cheryl freezes. Who knows what they want, but whatever it is, it probably won’t be nice. It’ll probably be something along the lines of ‘hey, did you kill your brother’ and no matter how many times she’s asked that, it doesn’t get any easier. “Maybe try the bleachers.” He says, ending his sentence with a sympathetic smile and Cheryl nods slowly, not really sure what to say. 
“Thanks.” She forces and spins on her heel. 
“We’re sorry about your brother, Cheryl.” The blonde one says and she turns around again. Each of them look sad, with matching frowns and sorrow swimming in their eyes. 
Jason meant the world to Cheryl, but he also meant a hell of a lot to other people too. And that’s when it hits her. Of course you’re at the bleachers. 
For some bizarre reason, only known by your father. You and your family used to come along every other week to watch the Bulldogs play. For a while you thought it was because your dad was trying to get you and your brother into football and this was a lot cheaper than the actual game, but the older you got the more you figured it was because he was just trying to relive his youth. For 90 minutes he could pretend that he was quarterback again and for those 90 minutes your dad would be the happiest he’d been all week. 
Then one week, a redhead sat beside you. In clothes that were far too expensive to be worn to a high school football game. Her parents looked like they wanted to be there as much as she did, but then a boy with matching red hair ran out on to the pitch and you’d never seen a smile quite like it. 
After that, you made sure to sit beside her at every game. And then one day she sat opposite you at lunch. The first few times she was alone, but then soon she began to appear with a group of other girls, but you were the only one she’d talk to. 
Eventually lunch times and football games turned into group projects and sleepovers. You spend hours braiding her hair and listening to her tell you stories of other worlds and the creatures that live in them. You’d sneak down the dark and creepy halls of Thornhill in hopes of finding a midnight snack, and instead be met by Jason and your older brother in clown masks. 
Eventually, you found a different way to get to the kitchen, one that Jason didn’t know about. And when he’d come looking for you, both of you would jump out  and chase him around the house, much to the dismay of Penelope and Clifford. 
Those bleachers are what started a whole friendship, not only between you and her, but also you and Jason. When you’re brother eventually made the team, thanks to a good word put in my Jason, despite him being a year younger. Him and Jason became as inseparable as you and Cheryl and so it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence to see the four of you hanging out. It also meant that if Cheryl was busy, you and Jason would hang out until she finished whatever she was doing. 
Grief is a hell of a lonely thing, and sometimes Cheryl forgets that other people miss Jason too. With everything going on, she didn’t even think about how you were doing. With all the questions, accusations and crying that constantly fills Cheryl’s house. She never even asked how you were. 
And now her legs can’t carry her quick enough to were she hopes your sat. Because she’s already lost her brother, she can’t lose you too. She wobbles as her heels dig into the dirt, kicking up dust and mud as she runs across the field. Her hair swings behind her, and she can feel the red scrunchie loosen the quicker she runs. 
The bleachers have all sorts carved into them. Initials in hearts, some of them still there, some of them crossed out so aggressively that it’s a miracle they didn’t chop it in half. There’s inside jokes and ridiculous rumours. Codes and dates and everything in between. 
But something new has been added in the past few days. 
cheryl murdered jason
and y/n helped
The writing is small and barely legible, but it’s there and the more you run your fingers over it the more it carves itself into your heart. 
“Y/n?” Cheryl pants breathlessly and you quickly pull yourself away from it. Instead you stand up properly and pull the sleeves of your sweater down over your hands. The y/f/c scrunchie remains still in your hair and Cheryl has to stare at it for a few seconds to calm herself down. “You weren’t at our spot.” She says quietly and you close your eyes. 
You let her down. You let her down. You always let her down.  
“Sorry Cheryl.” You sigh and sit down in the dirt. Cheryl looks around before sitting beside you. “I just wanted some space.” You add and force yourself to look at her. 
The sun sits behind her, but even that doesn’t seem as bright as it used to be. Nothing is what it used to be. For the past two months, you’ve been told that thats a good thing. But what’s good about someone you loved being dead. What’s good about watching someone else you love go through life but not really live. 
Cheryl just exists. 
But she exists for you. 
Because as lost as she would be without you, she knows you would be just as lost without her. 
It’s an unspoken rule now, you always text each other when you wake up and before you go to sleep. It’s something you used to do anyway, but now you make a point not to forget. Because forgetting means that the worst could have happened, and that’s something neither of you can bare to deal with. 
“I get it.” She nods. “I was just worried that’s all.” She adds, trying to sound as casual as she can. But on the inside she’s screaming. Because she thought you had died, she thought whoever had killed Jason had gotten to you too, and the whole reason you’re both dead is because she wronged the wrong person. 
There’s a lot of people that don’t like Cheryl, being unliked comes naturally to her. But she doesn’t know how she’ll cope if she’s so unlikeable someone she loves died. 
She has no idea why your friends with her to be honest. She saw you staring at her at a football game once. But it wasn’t a stare she was used to. It wasn’t cold like her mothers or jealous like her friends. No, this was nice. You were staring at her like you wanted to know about her, like when you looked at her, you saw a friend not someone to be feared. 
And so Cheryl clung onto the tiny hint of friendship, the crack of a door into something that could happen, and she shoved herself through it. It worked, and now you’re the only person she’s nice to. She’s mean to everyone else, she calls them names and teases them, especially when they’re rude to you...but you stay. And she has no idea why, but she’s not going to wish it away. 
“Shit, sorry Cheryl.” You drop your head into your hands and Cheryl looks at you confused. She looks around, not really sure of what to do. “I didn’t think, God knows what you thought had happened.” You ramble and she realizes you’re crying. Her eyes widen and you look at her, your eyes red and puffed and your lips pulls into frown. 
“It’s okay.” She replies and wraps her arms around you. You bury your head into her neck, the smell of maple and cherries invade your senses and you let out a shaky breath. 
It smells like home and happier times, and you want to crawl into those happy memories and never come back out. “I was just being ridiculous.” She tries to play it off, to make it seem like she couldn’t feel her heartbeat in her throat and the ringing in her ears. Pretend like it didn’t feel like someone had pulled her heart out and stamped on it. 
“No, no you weren’t. I’m really sorry.” You sob and wrap your arms around her. She falls into your neck, surprised but not upset with how tight you’re holding her. She never wants you to let go. But of course she has to, and so however reluctant, she untangles herself from you and lets out a deep sigh. 
“I’m sorry.” You sniffle. She hands you a tissue and you wipe your eyes with it before scrunching it up in your hand. “I’ve just had a rubbish day. Somebody shoved this in my locker.” You frown and pull a balled up piece of paper out of your pocket. 
Cheryl’s eyebrows knit in confusion as she takes it from you, her fingers graze yours and you freeze for a few seconds. 
who do you think did it? 
cheryl __
y/n __
Jamie __
“Why is your brother on here?” Cheryl asks, her voice rising with each word and you rest your hand on top of hers to calm her down. 
“I dunno.” You shrug. “Your parents are on there too.” You add and point further down the page. 
“What a bunch of dicks.” She grumbles and crumples it up. “Do you know who it was?” You shrug and she sighs. 
“I’ve just gotten tired of the staring and the whispers. So I thought I’d just have five minutes peace before going home and having to listen to Jamie cry in his room but pretend he’s okay. Or for my parents to walk on eggshells around both of us. Neither of them know what to say, and because of that they keep saying the wrong thing.” You ramble and she listens intently, trying her best to find a resolution to all of your problems. 
Unfortunately, she doesn’t know the answer to everything, no matter what her mom says. 
“I just thought five minutes by myself can’t be terrible. But then I came down here and someone carve-well it doesn’t matter what they wrote. What matters is that I made you worry at the worst possible time in your life. I hurt you, and I’m really sorry. Believe me, hurting you is the last thing I want to do you. I feel sick even just thinking about it. I never, ever want to hurt you. I love you too much. I love you more that I’ve ever loved anything or anyone ever. I just love yo-” Your eyes widen when you realize what you’ve just admitted to. 
You don’t want to look at her, but she hasn’t said anything in a while and that’s strange for her. So you force yourself to look at her, expecting the worst. Expecting disgust, disappointment, betrayal. But it’s none of those. 
Instead she’s smiling. And she looks actually happy. Something you haven’t seen in so long, something you’re glad to see, despite the circumstances. 
Oh yeah, you’ve just told her you’re in love with her. What do you say after that? 
“Y/n?” She cuts you off before you get the chance to ruin the moment. She’s known you for long enough to know that when you get nervous, you ramble and when you ramble you say weird things. 
You’re grateful for her cutting you off, usually if she talks over you, it annoys the hell out of you. But this time it’s welcomed and she stifles a small laugh and the sigh of relief you let out. 
But the next thing she says is something that you weren’t expecting, but you’re sure as hell grateful for. 
“Would you like to go on a date?” 
The red lights from outside, illuminate Cheryl’s pale face in the night, painting her in a reddish hue and you find yourself staring at her for far longer than would be considered normal. 
Lucky for you, she hasn’t noticed. She doesn’t seem to be paying attention to anything, not really anyway. Instead she stares down at her food, pushing a few fries around the plate and anxiety rises in your chest. 
She’s already regretting doing this. She’s made a mistake and now she doesn’t know how to let you down gently. 
She seems to sense you nerves because she’s looking at you quickly, a sad smile twitching at her lips.
“Sorry, I just. Jason always used to tease me about the two of us. It’s the only thing we’d take about sometimes. He’d constantly ask me if I’d asked you out yet. And every time I would say ‘no, we’re just friends’ but, well neither of us really believed that.” She says, a small laugh escapes her lips near the end, but she quickly shuts it off. It’s too soon for her to be laughing, too soon for her to be happy. 
“Yeah.” You nod and finish your drink. “He used to tease me too. ‘if you don’t tell her, I’ll do it myself’.” You mimic his voice and a ghost of a smile twitches at her lips as she forces herself to look at you. “I am really glad you did ask me though.” Your voice shakes a little with nerves and Cheryl stares at you confused. “I do really like you Cheryl.” 
“I really like you too.” She smiles softly and you stare at her lips. Sometimes you think the red lipstick has permanently stained her lips cherry red. Even when you guys are a sleepover, she still has bright red lips and the other part of you wonders if that’s just what they look like. 
“Hey.” You start and a sly smile twitches at your lips as you remember an old memory. She leans forward, excited to know what you’re smiling about. 
It could literally be anything, from a musty old book she let you borrow from the Thornhill archive, to a new tv show you started to watch. But whatever it is, she’s excited to hear you talk about it. 
“Can you remember last year. It was Jamie’s 16th birthday and you and Jason were invited over. Jason was there because him and Jamie were planning on sneaking out later that night, and you tagged along so you could keep me company.” You start and she smiles at the memory. 
The four of you sat in the living room, while your mom brought cake and your dad sang ‘happy birthday’. Cheryl remembers how happy she was, and she remembers talking to Jason afterwards, the two of them whispering and wondering if that was what a normal family was supposed to look like. 
You, Cheryl and Jason had each pitched in for the record player he wanted. And even though you all knew that just Cheryl alone could have been able to buy him it if she really wanted, you knew they split it for you. 
Jamie was ecstatic when he opened the box, and then all of the records you’d bought to go with it. He’d played it every single day since getting it, but now you haven’t heard it in months.
“Yeah.” She nods, a sad smiling taking over he face. “Can you remember when Jason pushed his face into the cake.” She adds making you snort a laugh. 
The bell above Pop’s rings and Betty and Archie walk in. They send you a sympathetic smile before sitting at their own booth, and you and Cheryl share a look. 
“Would you like another one?” You point at her milkshake and she nods, smiling shyly. 
The walk home is over far too soon, and it’s only when you’re standing on your porch do you realize you took the normal way home by accident. Either the media has gone to sleep, or people are starting to forget about Jason and Riverdale. 
That thought makes you frown and Cheryl watches your expression falter before you look back at her again. 
“Thank you for walking me home.” You smile shyly and a nervous laugh escapes her lips. 
“It’s no problem.” She shrugs and the two of you stare at each other for a few seconds longer than normal. She’s about to leave when you grab her hand and spin her around to face you. 
She’s surprised for a second, until suddenly she feels a pair of lips on hers, and then the only thing she can feel is them. Everything else disappears, and though the kiss is short and a little awkward, it’s still perfect. 
“Would you like to come in?” You ask and motion your head to large wooden door. The pain is chipped around the metal numbers, something your mom has nagged your dad about for the past 6 months. “We still have the rest of y/f/s to watch.” 
“I’d love to.” She nods and the two of you grin at each other. “But seriously, how many times have you seen that now?” 
“It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen it.” You unlock the front door, giving it a quick kick before you stumble through it. “What matters is that this is the first time you’re seeing it.” You add and she rolls her eyes but follows you up the stairs anyway. 
The sun sets over another day in Riverdale and darkness floods the town. The streets are cold and scary, but wrapped in your duvet and Cheryl’s arms, you’ve never felt warmer. 
191 notes · View notes
I figured out people on mobile can’t see my pages and so cannot access my bbc sherlock meta, ergo a post.
UMQRA = TORCH - Just ONE (+ London Spy)
UMQRA = TORCH - See no more (+ Doctor Who)
What would it sound like if “UMQRA” was replaced with “TORCH”?
UMQRA = TORCH = LOVE, substitutions in the dialogue
UMQRA - Masterpost
UMQRA - Ciphers 1/2
UMQRA - Ciphers 2/2
 ► IOU
I O U = 2 + YOU
I O U - Masterpost
Does John Watson take shorthand notes? (+ ACD Canon)
The Foreman’s Shorthand - Masterpost
The Foreman’s Shorthand - Lines: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Above the 1st
Was the foreman already under threat in the “Shorthand scene”? Is the foreman a Sherlock fan?
Does “You or Me?” mean “John or James?”
YOU = JOHN and ME = MORIARTY in the dialogue
57 and 207 as 007
57even Moffat (+ Doctor Who)
57 as a reference to “The Man Who Was Wanted”
57 STARS + 1 JOHN  (+ Doctor Who, + London Spy)
From 57 to 1 (+ London Spy)
Operation 57 (+ Doctor Who)
A 57 in the licence plate
A 57 in a telephone number
57 and inverted 1895 in webpage
A 189- in the dialogue
11 is a pair of 1s
The Other One/Oswin/Osgood and replacing the Other One.
Up to 11
125 = ABE
The Other 1058 theory
44 = M
2,11 and 4
178H could be 1780 Herschel
Sonnet 14 and STARS (+ Doctor Who)
197 TPH = 1970, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Jesus had a blogger called John
XXX as the sign of the three
Cupid, lions and Omnia Vincit Amor
The Blind Banker: hic sunt leones
Corporal Lyons’ Insignias of Love
The moon is a shark
Who’s who in the Solar System metaphor?
The Moon Lamp and the Sun decoration
Sherlock, his evil twin and the moon magnifying glass
The white bear problem
Hidden Williams in surnames
Hidden Will in The Great Game
MISS M(ary) E(lizabeth)?
MAID M(ary) E(lizabeth)
Shooting and missing
Does the violin miss MI?
Miss me? = Kiss me?
A cock ring
Metaphorical trash = Sherlock and John
Red Bird, Ginger Bread, Red Bride and Ruby Bread = Red Beard
Janine = M-Aggie?
Punch de la Lune
I, the Information Point
Cow = Character A and the A Frame
Human red signal
221 Bring It = 221B Ring It
Sherlock’s high on pot (lost link)
What are you, Mikipedia?
Mycroft as a Weeping Angel
Give James Dancing Lessons
Easter eggs in John’s newspaper
Sharl-like pots in Magnussen’s office
Sherlock and John at falls in Doctor Who
YOU + TORCHWOOD easter eggs
Sir William Gay
Rainbow letters in the trailer (lost link)
Bi The Way
John leaves a rainbow trail.
Bisexual pride scarf for Watson
Human bi flag
The Bi Ball
Alex & Ajay = A lesbian & A gay
Whodunit tricks, Janine’s reaction to marriage proposal and everyone’s reactions to the “Did you miss me?” video
Is Mary responsible for the “Did you miss me video?”
Lady in Red as The Evil Queen?
Is John is the treasure of the game?
Mary = The Other One - Masterpost
Has Sherlock got a sister called Elizabeth? Is she Mary?
“Miss Me?” as Sherlock’s sister theme
Is Mary responsible for the “Did you miss me video?”
Is Lady Smallwood the Other One’s mother? Or is she Mary’s mother? (lost link)
Did the Other One drown?
Is The Abominable Bride a lot about the Other One?
Mary as the Other One, s4 additions
Mary and the Black Pearl
MISS M(oriarty) E(lizabeth)?
Now, Clara. Who’s Clara? (+ Doctor Who)
Sholto and Dimmock as a mirror for John and Sherlock
Why is the bride called Emelia?
Rory Arthur Williams comes from Moriarty and Sherlock
Hey! The flirting villain!
Fairy tales - Masterpost
Sherlock as the White Swan and the Ugly Duckling
Mary and Bonnie as the Black Swans (+ Doctor Who)
Sherlock vs The Swan Princess
Sherlock as Sleeping Beauty
Rosemund Watson as Sleeping Beauty
The Lying Detective as The Sleeping Beauty
Sherlock as Snow White and True Love’s Kiss (+ Once Upon A Time)
Sherlock as Pinocchio
Mary as the Blind Witch
Alice in Wonderland tea cup and Mrs. Hudson as the Mad Hatter
Mycroft as the Little Mermaid
Sherlock and Clara as Jack and the Beanstalk (+ Doctor Who)
Magnussen as Cruella De Vil
Mary As Robin Hood
The Holmeses have sorcerer’s hats
John as Brünnhilde
Episode speculation: The Yellow Trace and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz parallels  
Episode speculation: The Dancing Man and Cinderella parallels
Episode speculation: The Second Star and Peter Pan parallels
The Abominable Bride vs Frozen
Eurus as the Snow Queen
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Abominable Bride vs The Bitter Suite?
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Unaired Pilot vs The Greater Good
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - A Study in Pink vs The Royal Couple of Thieves
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - Series 3 / 4 vs A Cradle of Hope
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Abominable Bride vs The Dirty Half Dozen
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Six Thatcher vs Maternal Instincts
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - Magnussen vs Ming T’ien
Dialogue comparison: high-functioning sociopath
Offensive: an Implication of impropriety (+ Doctor Who)
Dealing with falls = Changing the future = Marriage (+ Doctor Who)
The Lying Detective vs Blink
Sherlock vs The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes - Emile the husband, Emelia the wife
Sherlock vs Rebecca - His Last Vow vs Rebecca
Sherlock vs The Birds - The Hounds of Baskerville vs The Birds
Sherlock vs The Matrix Trilogy
Sherlock vs Dellamorte Dellamore
Sherlock vs James Bond - A Scandal In Belgravia vs Casino Royale (2006)
His Last Vow vs Un Dollaro Bucato?
Haruhi Suzumiya: a reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes as a schoolgirl with supernatural powers? (+ ACD canon, + Haruhi Suzumiya)
The Naked Sun vs The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes vs A Scandal In Belgravia
The phone is a handkerchief
A visual metaphor for a wedding
Cupid in the titles
Visual love triangle
Between My Legs frame
Finishing each other’s sentences
“We” as romantic coding
Sherlock shooting at the Yellow Face as fellatio innuendo
A Pen Holder with Spades
Graffiti identification: an Ace of Spades?
Sherlock’s locks might be inspired by Mr. Darcy’s (+ Pride and Prejudice 1995)
Sherlock likes John in a green coat
How to build a Sherlock
She = Sherlock
Save John Watson = save your love
Eurus = Trapped Woman in The Elegible Bachelor
The Abominable Bride vs Kill Bill: the Death List
To go
Odd eyes = Pirate eyepatches
John = Yellow Face again
2 heads with AGRA got smashed
Gabrielle Ashdown = Gabrielle Valladon
Timeline of 57′s mentions in Moffat’s work
UMQRA = TORCH gifsets: x x x
Gifset: BC Sherlock cameos in My Little Pony: modern version
Gifset: BBC Sherlock cameos in My Little Pony: Victorian version
Sherlock as Snow White and True Love’s Kiss
Sherlock vs The Matrix Trilogy gifsets: x x x x x
Pride flags gifsets: TAB
Gay! I mean… Hey.
Gifset: My wordplay theories
Sherlock’s opening remade like Xena: Warrior Princess’
BBC Sherlcok Modern Pokéverse
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson in The Abominable Gardevoir
76 notes · View notes
csykora · 4 years
A thought about meaningful change
I don’t want to distract from the most recent thing Benn did. I’m going to be talking about several different things, and some might seem smaller than others: I know. I’m not saying that the newest thing isn’t important enough on its own or that everything’s on the same level. But I think patterns can be useful.
(I have also made myself sick with nerves a couple times so I’m posting this as is: sorry for typos, and while I’ll stand behind my ideas there may be some sentences that are a little long or awkwardly worded).
Back in 2015, Jame Benn and Tyler Seguin were doing a radio interview.
Some of you might be thinking, “You want to talk about THIS, AGAIN?” Yes. More of you are probably thinking, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Yeah, that’s what I want to talk about.
cw for discussions of sexual harassment, incest, homophobia, bullying, misogyny and transmisogyny, transphobia
So during this interview, one of the radio hosts asked Benn if he and his brother were ever road roommates. Benn said no, and the host commented that Henrik and Daniel Sedin probably roomed together.
“Well yeah…that’s the Sedins,” Seguin said.
“Who knows what else they do together?" Benn said. Everyone laughed.
“Seriously,” Seguin said.
"Dude, it's creepy," the radio hosts said, "In fact, it's a good example to future brothers in the NHL on how not to do things." Then they reassured Benn, “In no way am I implying that you have a Sedin-type vibe going about you.”
Benn and Seguin laughed. The conversation continued, calling the Sedins creepy for wearing similar facial hair, leaving nearby and spending too much time together.
When asked pointblank, “Are the Sedins weird?” Benn answered, “I don’t know. I can’t say.”
To finish the sentence he didn’t: he was implying that the Sedin brothers fuck each other.
Now, these were shock jockeys. They were almost certainly hoping Benn and Seguin would say something homophobic. That said, even shock jockeys pre-screen an interview. They’re not going to invite just anyone on the air and try this with them, because all it takes is someone saying, “I don’t know what you mean,” or “No, I actually respect Dan and Henke a lot as my colleagues” to ruin that set up. If a shock jockey thinks you’re a mark, you’ve probably said something off-air that made them think you’re a mark. And if they dug a pit in front of him, Benn is still the one who decided to stick his dick in it and make things overtly sexual.
After, the Stars stated that Benn had “reached out” the Sedins to apologize. Seguin did not reach out but was “included” in whatever Benn wrote or said. Neither of them gave a public explanation or apology. As far as I can tell the Sedins never commented on whether they received that message, what sort of apology it was, or whether they accepted it. Henrik Sedin’s only comment was, “I think it says more about them than it does about us.”
Ways that homophobia is working here:
-the idea that two men having any degree of physical or emotional closeness, even family members, is suspicious.
-Benn roomed with his brother. Course he did. The hosts spell out what he was afraid of: that the other men in the room might think he had the wrong vibe. He was so afraid of them thinking he had unmanly vulnerabilities like liking his own brother that he misrepresented the situation and pushed someone else forward.
-the idea that a man having any relationship to another man’s physical body or appearance, is suspicious.
Dressing or looking too similar to another man—which means you’ve paid attention to how another man’s body looks in order to copy him, like you’re trying to take ownership of his body, which = fucking him—is a really common accusation. Gay men are seen as lusting after and trying to copy other men’s real masculinity for themselves (but of course never quite succeeding). A man thinking that another man who he knows or suspects to be gay looks too similar to him, and so must have been watching and ‘copying’ him, is a common spark for homophobic attacks.
-the idea that any of this could have been a joke depends on the idea that two men having sex is wacky and unrealistic. Imagine if that happened, wouldn’t that be weird.
Now, someone might say, “It’s not that gay sex is wacky, it’s that the incest that is!” First, incest accounts for a lot of childhood sexual abuse, so I wouldn’t say it’s wacky either. And while it’s true that people can say awful things to different gender twins as well out of a combination of gender prejudices, in this case there were also homophobic ideas about men and masculinity at play.
Ways that power is working here:
-People forgot this fast. It was treated as settled because the Stars said it was settled. People gave “kudos” to Benn “doing the right thing” afterward, or for seeming to realize what was happening and not saying yes to the final question.
 I would argue that “I don’t know, I can’t say” is somehow a worse answer to a yes-or-no question, because it means that either you want to say yes but you’re scared of the consequences, or you sincerely don’t know what to say. All he had to do was say “No.” After he said “I don’t know,” Seguin continued and said, “They are weird.” If Benn had said, “No, actually they’ve been professional when I’ve worked with them and I won’t comment any more on their personal life,” Sequin might have noticed, and Benn might have encouraged him to change his behavior. Not saying “no” was a direct, demonstrable failure to show any kind of leadership.
-This counts as workplace sexual harassment. I’m not saying a case should have been pursued: that should have been at least partly up to the Sedins (although there should also be workplace rules about what is and isn’t acceptable without the victims having to ask for it). But that’s a word we can use for this, this could have been counted as that. Sexual harassment are actions based on a person’s gender, assigned sex, sexual activity, or other qualities related to sex, not just sexual attraction. I worry that often, conflicted feelings about putting people into the category of “Sexual Harasser” lead people to think that actions “aren’t bad enough” to be sexual harassment when they definitionally can be. In other lines of work, if you talk about your coworkers fucking their twins in the office, there are rules about that: at the very least, you’ll be getting a bunch of trainings and be moved to a part of the office where you won’t see them again.
In the NHL, it seems frighteningly clear that people don’t have recourse for sexual harassment. This was discussed and handled as a “childish insult”, not harassment against two coworkers/employees. Often, there’s a logic that something is just an insult, not a ‘real’ threat, because the person who did it couldn’t possibly be sexually attracted to the person they did it to.
-In 2015 Eric and Jordan Staal were living in identical houses outside Raleigh and ‘playing’ together every night. Seems super suspicious. Unless beefy Canadian boys’ behavior is normal, and European masculinity always has to be questioned as being softer-spoken, slimmer, more intellectual, scared of heavy hitting. There are a lot of reasons you might not call Eric Staal gay—maybe you know he’s bigger than you, more successful on Team Canada than you, more popular with the other Team Canada guys than you. Or maybe you just don’t look at him and think he could be gay. Or both. Eric is positioned so you’d have to punch up at him: Benn tried to position himself closer to that kind of social standing, by pushing someone else who already doesn’t quite fit in further out. This isn’t directly in the words, so I’m not all-out accusing them of xenophobia: what I mean is that it’s always worth asking if and how and why feminization is applied to Those Other People.
There’s the eating out thing. Which he sent to teammate Jason Demers, commenting “I feel like your (sic) the kind of guy who would”.
How misogyny is working here:
-the idea that this could have been funny or interesting or worth saying at all depends on the idea that vulvas are weird. Imagine if someone willing touched a cis woman with anything but their dick. Gosh.
-There’s no good explanation for what ‘the kind of guy who would’ was meant to mean. No one says, ‘Hey, do you do this widely mocked sex act? I don’t, but I think you would, and that’s cool and doesn’t affect your masculinity at all, bro, life is a rich tapestry.’
How power is working here:
-This counts as sexual harassment again. Even if asking a coworker (or really more like someone you shift-manage or who reports to you) ‘how do you fuck your partner?’ wasn’t, saying ‘you seem like you would do ___’ is. Again, I’m not saying that Demers has to feel that way about it, but he should have had options.
-Demers was also in a new relationship at the time, so this could be harassment to both him and his partner, who had no recourse when someone her partner has to work with/for comments on her body.
-I don’t think it was intended as sexual harassment. But there’s not really a nice explanation of what he meant to say. It seems like it was intended as an insult or a ‘warning’: ‘this is the way men are allowed and no allowed to be in our group, do you know your place?’
Around that time, the Stars shared a video of Benn, Seguin, and Valeri Nichushkin. Each were supposed to say a couple lines, including their name. Valeri pronounced his nickname ‘Vall’, with a native Russian accent, more like “Wall” in English. Each time Benn and Seguin laughed and questions him and the producer cut. After a couple takes Benn said, “I thought your name was ‘Val.’” 
Sequin physically turned away from Nichushkin and laughed. Nichushkin, not understanding the comment, and not laughing, turned to Benn for an explanation, but Benn only turned toward Seguin, both continuing to laugh.
It was part of a pattern of comments from observers: “If Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn are having a laugh in the locker room, Nichushkin can only guess what’s so funny.” They themselves commented on how “His English is really not good at all…A lot of times we find him just sitting there.” “(In) normal conversations, he doesn’t really know what’s going on.”
I’ll give them credit—they said they felt pity and “try to help” too. I just can’t find any examples of them doing it, compared to teammates like Sharp or Spezza who can more concretely describe spending time with him.
Nichushkin chose to burn contract time in the KHL rather than Dallas before being bought out, expressing that he no longer felt like he “belonged in the NHL.” He felt that the Stars didn’t “trust” in him, was “nervous” in the locker room, and said his family worried for his mental health because of the culture.
“There is a bit of it because I want to be part of the conversation when someone says something,” Nichushkin said. “But I don’t have enough words I know so I can join in.”
-Is it the worst xenophobia in the world? Nah. It’s not free from xenophobia, when the only joke is that someone speaks differently than you. It’s not Benn joking about his own misunderstanding to invite Nichushkin in. I often point to Tripp Tracy, who asks players to teach him words in their language and then sets up jokes about his accent so they can deliver the punchline and laugh with him.
-Is it bullying? It kind of came off like it, to make a joke about someone you know can’t understand. At least it was unnecessary, and unkind. It’s just reminding someone they don’t belong.
-It’s unimpressive. It’s deflecting. Oh, he doesn’t know what’s going on? What did you do to tell to him? My family communicate through a mix of finger-signing, Scrabble tiles, and interpretive dance: I guarantee you, if you can’t communicate concepts like “we’re going to get dinner now, you’re welcome here, we’re having fun!”, you’re not trying. Which is fine, I guess, you don’t have to talk to people, unless it’s like, your job to work with your teammates.
Wanting to ban trans*feminine athletes from competition is based on a complete misunderstanding of math, medicine, and athletics; it’s unnecessary, unethical, and unkind.
It’s an unsurprising continuation of the ideas that there’s a line between men and women and transgressing it is suspicious, that women are gross, that people who are different are shocking and funny, that social pressure can and should be used to remind people who are different that they don’t belong.
It’s a fascist use of power, which I don’t say to mean that “He is A Fascist in every sense,” but that those beliesf express a desire and a comfort with using power to control other people’s bodies, and which bodies have access to certain spaces, to maintain “purity”.
I’m not saying that anyone should have looked at any of these things and easily decided in that moment, “That’s it, he’s shouldn’t have a platform or power over other players, he’s irredeemable.” You might look at a couple of them and think, “That’s not even a problem at all.” I’ll agree to disagree on some of them, but my point is about a pattern of how this dude uses the power he’s given.
I have a phrase, or more a series of words I sometimes yell when I’m talking about subjects like this—“STRUCK A TIM HORTONS.” I shout this in commemoration of the time that Ryan O’Reilly got drunk and drove his pickup into the wall of a small town Ontario Timmies.
“Struck a Tim Hortons” is a very good phrase to read in a police report. And, also, I’m an ACoA. I’ve experienced impaired driving, I’m terrified to shaking of it, and I know that other people have experienced much worse consequences. This isn’t a perfect metaphor (it’s not an example of prejudice or violence against a class of people, etc) but my point is that I try to hold it in my heart because that’s one case where I know what it’s like to really, really want something to just be NBD. Where part of me wants to just think it was a funny mistake so I don’t have to really think about the serious implications of it, and part of me super doesn’t. I have an instinct to resolve those feelings, to come down and decide that it’s either insignificant enough that I don’t have to think about it, or significant enough that I can hate him and then also stop thinking about it, and then I can have the relief of feeling just one feeling at a time.
I don’t think it’s bad to feel conflicted learning something about someone. I think it’s important.
But the problem is that if one thing isn’t significant enough, and we decide to keep thinking someone is fundamentally Good, we often toss that thing out. So when another thing happens, we only look at the new thing, trying to decide: is this enough? And that next thing might not be enough either. So we can go on and on, until you add up to a lot of things that have each done some harm, but none of them have been enough to change how we see and talk about someone.
Now I, personally, decided that the Timmies wasn’t so bad that ROR couldn’t ever make it up to me. But I didn’t decide to feel fine about it: I tried to just put a pin in how conflicted I felt. It’s been years, and over the years I think his actions have showed meaningful change. He hasn’t struck a Starbucks, a Dunkin, or even a Caribou. There’s a pattern.
I think a lot of people who don’t really like the things Benn says or does or believes have given him a lot of chances to make up for them, because they don’t want him to really mean those things. By which I really mean that I know there are a lot of women and queer fans who liked the guy. I get it (I don’t actually get it get it, but I mean I can try to understand people coming from a very different place than I do about him). 
I’ve read a lot of ways that people who are themselves vulnerable in our society try to empathize with him by imagining him as vulnerable too--he’s also experienced fatphobia, homophobia, he wasn’t expected to succeed, etc! I think that’s a wonderfully human instinct. But often I think people have more empathy for those experiences than he expresses for himself--he agrees that it was Bad to be fat and he’s Worked Hard to fit into the masculine norm, he agrees that it’s Bad to be close with another man and works to avoid it--and certainly more than he has showed in his actions toward others. If you’re going to say I hate him for saying that, I don’t--I want him and everyone in our society not to feel and do this shit!
I see a lot of people starting from the idea he is a good leader trying really hard to spin his choices as a smart strategy when he plays dumb with media, when he doesn’t give specific action plans or give public statements or apologies. (I actually agree with the first one, I think it is a strategy for him to avoid transparency and not do a part of his job that he doesn’t want to do.) It just…it seems like a lot of work to reach a pre-determined goal. It’s okay to like someone and for them to still not be good at their jobs! When I say I think a guy’s not a good leader, that’s not always the same as saying he’s a bad person. And if we keep on promoting a guy as a good leader because we like them regardless of their demonstrated leadership skills…that’s how we end up with a lot of shitty policies in the NHL.
Over the years he has consistently avoided stepping up to his captaincy and using his personal power to say things like, “No,” “Tyler, cut it out,” “This is what I’m going to do to fix a problem,” or “I believe in…” anything, really. 
I really, really want to ask people to be mad as hell and advocate for the NHL to improve its code of conduct and harassment processes. I do. But I’m also tired. I don’t think, if I did ask you that, it would work. I don’t have an argument for why you should be mad at someone who’s mad at my existence. I’m not trying. I just want to encourage you, if you’re feeling the tug of feelings and just want to be able to simplify someone’s behavior and love them in simple terms, to put a pin in the more complicated parts, and remember them the next time, and look for patterns.
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jengajives · 3 years
I very much hope you write more of that modern AU! I love it a lot. But someone’s death scene would be very nice as well - there’s a lot of potential for angst there
So I finally got around to finishing the next part of the modern AU!
Hope you all enjoy!
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Daeron would probably still be pissed off if the salad wasn’t so damn good.
Seriously. It was so good it was making him question his entire understanding of Noldorin culture.
For a bunch of meat-eating metalsmiths obsessed with the artificial to produce a salad like this was almost unthinkable.
He wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of saying that, though. His mouth was too full.
“This is delicious,” Maglor said next to him. The stubborn desire not to give his hosts the privilege of his visible gratitude immediately melted away and Daeron nodded enthusiastically in agreement.
“So good!”
Fëanor simply inclined his head with pride gleaming hot in his eyes. “The cooks are very good. We have this charming Avari on staff and she makes the most fascinating cuisine. You ever have Avari food, Daeron?”
Daeron nodded. He wasn’t sure ‘fascinating’ was a word he would use and if it was even acceptable to do so, but he could be polite for the sake of the salad.
“Sindarin and Avari food are very similar. Sometimes we do recipe swaps and things like that.”
Caranthir glowered at him from across the table. Before he could snap some microaggression in reply, though, his mother joined the conversation.
“You know, my partner is Teleri, so we eat a lot of traditional meals. I never thought I’d like fish, and I never would have even tried it if it weren’t for her. I think that trying food out of one’s cultural realm is a very unifying thing.”Fëanor pulled a face.
“Oh, that’s very cool!” Daeron said as he took another bite of salad. Maglor hadn’t been kidding when he said most of the family was gay. It was a welcome change, to be honest. “How long have you two been together?”
“We’ve dated about, oh, three and a half, four years now. She’s a lot of fun, you know. Very attentive. Loyal.” She didn’t look at Fëanor as she said it, but he still flinched as if scalded by the remark. Clearly he did not take well to even the slightest implication of character flaws.
For a moment, there was utter silence, except the sound of Celebrimbor’s soft babbles. Finally, Maedhros cleared his throat and tried to restart some form of cordial conversation.
“How are things in the lab, Dad?”
“Not good,” Fëanor said darkly. “I’m no closer to recreating the formula and campus officials still haven’t taken my complaints regarding Bauglir seriously. It’s unbelievable. The man steals my life work and murders my father and still everyone is too busy groveling in front of the other Valar to care. Disgraceful.”
Daeron nearly choked on his drink trying to process that entire sentence.
“We’ll get him,” Mae said in a voice that conveyed calmness very suspiciously. “Don’t worry, Dad. No matter what it takes.”
Daeron, having recovered from his brief coughing fit, managed to creak out a question.
“What is it you do, Mr. Curufinwë?”
“I’m a molecular geochemist.” He flicked something off his plate, rather improperly. “And sometimes a professor because I’ll lose funding if I don’t lecture.”
Daeron looked at Maglor for help, and Mags just shrugged.
“He makes rocks.”
“Stones, son. Precious stones mostly. Other types of geologic matter, too.”
“Yes,” Nerdanel added tiredly. “He does so love his stones.”
Someone stole his life work as a rock professor and then… murdered his dad. What?
When he remembered he should be politely paying attention, he tried to zone in, but the only things he could decipher were that Nerdanel and her ex-husband were now arguing and Maglor looked uncomfortable, so he just put his hand on his boyfriend’s thigh and continued trying to figure out how someone could murder a college rock professor’s dad and get away with it.
Slowly he blinked and turned his head to see one of the twins grinning eagerly at him. He had no idea which was which and, to be honest, he’d forgotten what they were even called in the first place.
“We need your help, dude. What’s the capital of Ligma?”
The other twin smothered a laugh. Daeron stared blankly at the two of them, then glanced at Maglor, then back to them.
Are you serious?
He cleared his throat, speaking deliberately so he could think of his salad in between each word and remind himself this was all worth it. “I don’t know. What is the capital of-“
“Ligma balls!” the other twin bellowed, and both of them erupted into screeching laughter.
Daeron looked down at his plate and counted the chunks of strawberry until the quiet rage died down.
“You two are so immature,” Caranthir muttered. Celegorm gave his brothers a very un-sneaky thumbs up.
Six… Seven… Eight… Oh, I’ve bitten that one, looks like eight and a half…
“Why would I send you something for our anniversary if we’re divorced?” Nerdanel snapped, reminding Daeron that she was still deep in argument with her ex, who he was less fond of by the second.
“Because you miss me,” Fëanor said with such certainty it made Daeron’s stomach churn. Nerdanel laughed coldly.
“Fëanor, I spent about ten years missing you until I realized you didn’t miss me back.”
“I do miss you.”
“Sure. What do you miss more? Me, or your special rocks?”
There was a very long pause. No one else at the table made a sound until finally Fëanor creaked an indignant “You really can’t compare-“
“That’s what I thought.” Nerdanel took a hearty sip of her wine. “When you’re done being in love with a couple of lifeless rocks we can talk. Until then, I don’t want to hear it.”
Maglor looked like he was trying to melt out of his chair into a puddle on the floor. Next to him, Maedhros looked straight ahead with a glazed expression on his face, clearly not listening.
Curufin shifted Celebrimbor to his hip and began to speak in a lazily arrogant little drawl that mimicked his father’s with none of the elegance. “You know, Dad, my wife was just the same.”
Nerdanel made a horrible whine sort of sound. “Curufin, do not start about your wife, you know I’m still upset with you.”
“All I’m saying is that women are very jealous creatures. They have a hard time understanding the passion for one’s work and they tend to take it personally.”
Daeron blinked.
Lot to unpack there.
Nerdanel stood up, slapping her hands on the table. “I think I’m going to go.”
Daeron could not blame her.
“Son,” Fëanor said gravely as Nerdanel stood and made a brisk walk for the door. He fixed Curufin in a gaze like molten iron. “We have nothing but respect for women here. Apologize to your mother.”
“I was just agreeing with what you-“
“You did not have to do it in a way that suggested our companions, mothers, sisters, and wives are any lesser than we are. Apologize now.”
Curufin hesitated, shifted Celebrimbor to his other hip, then quietly and meekly said, “I’m sorry, Mother.”
“It was lovely to meet you, Daeron,” Nerdanel said without so much as a glance at her son.
Daeron nodded, still too stunned by the whole situation to speak.
Nerdanel left, utterly neglecting to reply to Curufin’s half-assed apology.
For a long time there was silence at the table until Celegorm cleared his throat and leaned over.
“So, Mae. I hear you’ve got a new special someone.”
Maedhros’s face flushed, and just like that the conversation bounced right back on track, as if the entire sexist outburst hadn’t happened and they weren’t missing a family member.
Daeron looked helplessly at Maglor, who just looked helplessly back.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
How I Outline: An Example
I am sure I have talked about it before, but when I write my longer stories, I am a plantser. Not quite a planner, not quite a pantser. I need a finished outline before I start to write, otherwise I will get stuck at some point in the story, unsure on what to write next.
The nature of these outlines however ... It's usually no more than a sentence of vague description for each scene. Often it is a dialogue snippet with no indicator of who says it, because only I need to know. Only I need to know the tiniest bit of information (Who is involved in the scene? Whose POV could it be? Where does it happen/what is one thing that does happen, either character or plotwise?).
As an example, and also because I will delete it as I work on the rewrite's outline, I wanted to post the outline I wrote today for my fic Irish Problems. It differs a bit from the outlines I do before I start a project - since I wrote this one based on an existing work, it is much more detailed and notes little details to keep in mind for restructuring. It is still a good insight in how I work and maybe it is interesting for other writers.
Most of all, I hope it will amuse some of you!
Plan for Irish Problems
In Medias Res
1.Nice camera pan and unecessary O’Connel backstory (or maybe …) and everyone else is a caricature of himself. Harry is ranting to infodump to the audience, Paddy is a doormat and Charlie is a flirty airhead with a flair for drama who APPARENTLY WENT OFF AND DECIDED THE BUSINESS FATE ON HIS OWN BC HE RESEARCHED HOW TO GET IN CONTACT WITH VENTO??? HELLO???
2. Illogical and useless meeting at the harbour, using tropes of a genre I don’t even read.
3. The Irish gang shows up somewhere in presumably Palermo to meet Michele and the twins in a dilapidated building. Harry is OOC by not simply smacking a bitch. Business talk that makes no sense and sounds suspiciously like a Parship match is exchanged.
4. Harry and Michele are left alone and Michele is being a fucking creep.
5. Harry has informed the other two about scene 4, the creepiness is sadly played for laugh, Paddy is being a terrible uncle :c There is an insensitive historical reference dropped. I think the English are mentioned for the first time.
6. Michele and the twins are in his office and the twins voice their concern about Michele’s obsession with Harry. Michele continues to be a creep and will hear none about it.
7. Harry wakes up in his Hotel room and describes the view from it in a way that sounds much more akin to Syracuse than Palermo. Soph calls Harry and is thusly very poorly introduced into the main series. Michele has set another meeting at ten, as Charlie informs Harry at the end.
8. The English are introduced and again, everyone is a caricature of themselves. Historical allusions are dropped that no one cares for (rightfully). Robert is sitting on the desk like a Queer [insert homophobic Dachshund] Foreshadow*gunshots*
9. Harry and Michele are on a city stroll date, in a city that again sounds much more like Syracuse than Palermo. Michele is again so much more openly gay than he should be. Some digs at the catholic church are exchanged. Robert is being such a tasteless strawman homophobe. The punch is well-written, everything about how they managed to accidentally come across these two in a random alley and kidnap them in broad daylight is not.
10. Clumsy ass Charco foreshadowing. Stupid ass throwback for Charlie to the first scene that never comes back. They are informed that their bosses have been kidnapped btw.
11. Harry and Michele wake up, Michele continues to be a creep, everyone INCLUDING Tahir wants him to stop. Arthur is being a terribly bargain bin bond villain. Waste of a use of Tahir.
12. First Soph solo scene way too late in the story. Mainly just an infodump why she is sad. Should perhaps still save the flashback between her and Paddy to somewhere, because it still makes me CRY.
13. They are literally just sitting on their asses when they ARE INFORMED THEIR BOSSES, THEIR BEST FRIENDS, THEIR FAMILY!!! HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED BY ONE OF THE BIGGEST PLAYERS ON THE INTERNATIONAL SCENE AND SOMEONE WHO IS THE MORTAL ENEMY OF AT LEAST 50% OF THE PEOPLE HERE!!!! More incredibly SHITTY Charco foreshadowing. Paddy, rn is not the time to indulge your boy, it is never. However, 10/10 for Paddy having to squeeze himself into the Mito and everyone’s reaction.
14. Harry and Michele wake up in the box, bicker and it ends with them starting to try to strip off the zip ties.
15. Robert is being sadistic maniac and again a strawman homophobe while playing with knifes. Honestly, it is just that one scene from Asterix conquers Rome where Caesar tells Brutus to stop playing with his knife. Except Tahir, who is still way ooc as smug sexy knife cat, GAVE him the knives and then left him to it. Also, the entire warehouse thing as temporary HQ without it being an explicit trap is stupid.
16. Charlie and Paddy experiencing Italian traffic <3 No notes. Nothing will rival Neapolitan traffic and Palermo is actually hugely pedestrian friendly, but MAN, rush hour in a bus in the evening sure is SOMETHING.
17. Soph is visited by Niamh, which is nice, but also, the O’Briens deserve a better and earlier introduction in the story, to really firmly ground Soph in the reality of her situation. Also, Niamh, please, Harry is a horrible unattainable-grown-up teenage crush.
18. More Michele and Harry bickering, why THE FUCK is Harry telling Michele about Soph and they both end up out of the zip ties by the end.
19. The twins and the Irish contemplate on how to sneak into the temporary English HQ and Paddy should put his boy on a LEASH, how have Lorenzo and Marco not shot him yet for his terrible flirting.
20. Robert is on the Receiving End of a lotta bad news and it ends with the cheesy, dramatic standdown between Charlie and him, which would be a lot better if Robert wasn’t such a goddamn STRAWMAN.
21. Ian is introduced, the cutiepie, and Soph has a turbulent phonecall.
22. The twins and the Irish hit it to free their bosses, but not after Charlie got spooked by Robert and had half a mental breakdown, which had to be postponed. Soph calls Charlie, who quickly has to tell her he’ll call her later. They arrive at the warehouse at the end.
23. Michele and Harry escape the box, finally. Michele kisses Harry and DOESN’T get slapped. All their right hands are far too nonchalant about it all. This is the last time the laptop Paddy stole in the previous scene will ever be mentioned again.
24. Railey hate-shipbait on MAIN, Tahir and Arthur being condescending assholes, Caito being the archetype of a sleazy mafioso
25. The Irish car scene is just dated pop-culture references you couldn’t torture out of me anymore, Paddy being WAY to chill about Harry and Michele’s thing and Harry tries to call Soph with Charlie’s phone. The memory indulging at the end on Paddy’s part is cute though.
26. The Sicilian car scene is rinse and repeat. A fucking nonsensical Godfather reference. All three of them find out about the betrayal via Silvio calling. Michele has a stupid dream with nonsense symbolism re: harry at the end.
27. Soph wakes up in Niamhs room and discovers she has a missed call by Charlie near the end.
28. Harry woke up, ponders his feelings for Michele, borrows Charlie’s phone to call Soph and gets visited by Michele to be invited for dinner, talking national pride inbetween. Harry says he will get back to him in an hour and bolts out of his room after Michele left and isn’t in the hallway either to talk to the other two.
29. The English are at the hospital, everyone acts as always and Arthur has a batshit solo plan to which the other two should OBJECT if they loved him at all.
30. Michele sits in his office, doing Generic Paperwork, while the twins hang with fuckall to do and they once again argue about his attraction to Harry, when Harry calls and says “Yes” to dinner.
31. The Irish talk about whether or not Harry should go to dinner. Paddy is way too much “I don’t like dudes” “You like dinner” about it all. Charlie is way too focused on the “I do like dudes” part. Ends with Harry getting ready for dinner and him bickering with Charlie ft. some fashion advice.
32. Soph is on her way back home on the train, thinks about her dad and a weird beach day anecdote, then worries about the boys.
33. Lorenzo and Michele prepare dinner, who has a very Sicilian but also tbh pretty unspectacular menu, and have some adorable and very telling interactions while Marco prepares for playing security -cocks gun-
34. Harry is on his way to his dinner date, thinks gay gay thoughts about Michele, who talks cryptically about how haunted his house by the past is (AN: Sexy), they again talk business too vague to make sense and too concrete to be handwaved over the primo and secondo piatto. When it gets personal before they get to the dolci, the scene ends with an eating metaphor for intercourse (AN: SEXY!!!!!)
35. Arthur is putting his stupid bond villain plan into action, bitches about the weather and remembers his childhood and his grandfather, related to a gun, all sadly too misplaced to really matter. You’re on a mission to kill the main characters, stop thinking about the now Problematic Children Books. Also way too vague mention and way too late into the story of Michele’s and François’ alliance.
36. Paddy and Charlie play cards, Charlie contemplates his daddy issues and Paddy reminds him that he has to learn that shit just Is Rough Now. Bringing up the civil war is highly problematic, but could be done well if I think about it now. Ends with Charlie and Paddy getting pizza and Eddie, who is shadowing them with Eliza, regretting once again his career choices.
37. Michele and Harry have dessert and go for a walk after Michele has the twins assure Harry nothing will happen. They talk about their feelings on a way to a cliff, which, where the fuck in Palermo ARE THEY?? Not in Palermo is the answer. They are gay, talk about relationships in a way two grown men with experience would never, and then they kiss on the cliff. AND THEN SHIT HAPPENS!!! (Arthur coming out from behind a bush). Now they all bicker and the scene ends with another cliffhanger after Michele asked Arthur for a final kiss. (To kiss Harry, not Arthur). Also, brief mention of Michele’s father and his fuck-ups and the Vargas brothers as being interested in Sicily. Also, Gavin is mentioned again, for the first time since the second chapter.
38. The twins are chilling on another cliff, doing fuckall, bitching about Harry and getting intel by Alessia about the other two Irish. Then panic when they notice Arthur and it ends with a cliffhanger of Marco’s finger on the trigger of his rifle.
39. SURPRISE!!! Arthur got shot in the foot, Harry and Michele are smooching on the ground, they bicker at Arthur once they got up and the twins get Arthur to a hospital. Michele and Harry get back to the house, way too familiar and end up spooning on the couch. Does it get anymore Fanfiction. This borders on My Immortal Randomness.
40. Soph arrives back home, decides to clean the pictures on the fireplace for a lot of exposition dump on the Irish and the Scots. Ends with something inconsequential that won’t come up except for a throwaway reference last time, but has a lot of mom guilt in it. Alby is mentioned for the first time but only super vaguely.
41. Arthur is in the hospital, reading Sherlock Holmes and remembers the bickering between him and the other two in the hours previously.
Some more structural info at the end: Each numerated point refers to one scene, three of which form one chapter. (I write long chapters). IP is a bit of an outlier, since the first chapter is only two scenes long. In Medias Res is a bit taken from another chapter, which is put at the beginning of the story as a hook. I actually write this one first, picking one scene from the outline for it and later have to integrate it into the scene, come hell or high water! For the rewrite I will write the story first though and then pick my In Medias Res. The Epilogue, is, well, an epilogue. I don't write an outline for it since I often have my Epilogues very clear in my head anyways.
I then use the outline also to compile snippets and ideas in another document which form the basis for my vomit drafts! So this is truly the barest bone skeleton, upon which I then build with each steps muscles and sinew, put skin on it, dress it up nicely etc.
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leedosbunnyboy · 4 years
Yang Hongseok; Wallace In Wonderland
Table of Contents | Chapter 1
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Warning(s): cursing, death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, mention of self harm scars, pills, mentions of rape
"Levantate mijo, you have to get to school."
"Mom, I'm 20. I'm going to college, not the 1st grade." I explained to my mom.
"Yeah, 20 and can't wake himself up, apurale." My mom chided as she made her exit.
I laugh at her joke and get up.
Wish those times could've lasted.
"Ma, did you take your medicine?" I asked her.
"Yes mijo." She said and showed me her pack of pills, the required daily amount missing.
"Okay, I have to go, love you." I say and peck her cheek on my way out.
Wish I could've spent more time with her.
"Where is she?!" I asked as I rushed into the hospital.
"She's in there, but..." The doctor trailed off.
"But what?!"
"The cancer has spread. We thought it would stay in her chest, but it's moved to her brain." The doctor hesitates to finish his sentence.
"She's not gonna make it." He states.
I only nod and head into her room.
"Ma...?" My voice cracked as I quietly called out for her.
"I'm sorry mijo." She sadly said.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked as I sat in the chair next to her bed.
"I didn't want to worry you." She said.
"Well now I'm even more worried." I sob to her.
"Don't cry." She weakly reaches out and wipes my tears.
"How am I supposed to not cry? How am I supposed to go on without you?" I wept.
"You'll manage. You're my son, I raised you strong." She said.
"But if you still need something to remember me, here." She handed me a small necklace with a playing card embroidered on the charm.
"What is this?" I ask her.
"A token." She simply said.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked again.
"It'll help you make some new friends to take care of you." She said.
"Mom, what do you mean? You're making no sense." I tell her.
"You'll know soon-." Her sentence was cut off by a fit of coughs as sirens began to ring.
"Mom, don't go!" I cried as I knew what was happening.
Doctors ran in and two pulled me away from her.
"Sir, we're sorry." One said as we had made our way outside the room.
♤•♡•One Month Later•◇•♧
I sadly look at the charm while thinking about what she meant.
"I'll know soon my ass." I say and throw it af the wall.
The only thing that accomplished was add more mess to my disheveled apartment.
Packs of ramen and mazapan litter my floor.
Along with the wrappers, a bottle of pills stands out to me.
"Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea." I think.
I stand up and grab the bottle.
I open the cap and pop a few into my hand.
"Don't hesitate. Don't think about yourself you selfish bitch. Don't you wanna see mom?" A small voice says in my head.
I sigh and return the pills to their container.
I think back to what she had told me; "You'll manage. You're my son, I raised you strong."
I head to my kitchen and decide to finally eat for once.
I roll up my sleeves and I'm meet with dozens of cuts decorating my arms.
I put it off and start boiling water for the ramen.
Once I'm done, I add the ramen and just sit around waiting for that to cook.
"Just take the damn pills. You know you've got nothing left to live for. You dropped out of school, cut off all your friends, and lost the last family member you had." It continued to pester me.
I ignored it to the best of my ability and turned off the stove as the ramen has finished.
I stared at the bowl of fresh noodles and began to realize how unappealing it seemed to be.
I tossed the ramen and made my way back to my room.
I picked up the bottle of pills and hurriedly opened it.
I took as many pills as my hand could fit and quickly swallowed them.
Before drowsiness could overwhelm me, I noticed the charm shining amidst the clutter of mess.
I picked it up and laid down in bed.
I smiled contentedly and let the feeling of sleep wash over me.
"He's waking up!"
"Shh, you'll startle him."
"Says the giant."
I wake up to the sight of three guys looking at me curiously.
"Umm... Hi?" One says.
"Hi?" I says and begin to observe my surroundings.
Everything is brightly colored and I spot... flowers singing?
"Where the fuck am I?" I blurt out.
"What do you mean?" The tall boy asks.
"I mean, where am I. What is this place?" I rephrase.
"Wonderland; where else would you be?" The boy with blue hair answers.
"Wonderland?" I ask in shock.
"Well yeah, what kind of places have you been to?" The tall boy asks.
"No, you've got to be fucking with me." I defensively say.
"How would we be 'fucking with you'?" A short man with a top hat says.
"Wonderland isn't real. It's just some place my mom made up to tell me stories as a kid." I exclaim.
"Well, I don't know what your mom's told you, but Wonderland is real." The top hat man says.
"Say, don't you think he looks like Auntie Lupita?" The tall boy asks.
"Now that you say it, yeah." The blue haired boy says.
"How do you know Lupita?" I ask them.
"She used to visit us and take care of us when we were little." Blue haired boy says.
"How do you know Lupita?" Top hat man counters.
"She's- was my mother." I retract my original statement.
"Woah, really?!" Tall boy says.
"Come to think of it, Auntie did always tells us about her 'original world', but I always thought she was just telling tall tales." Blue boy says.
"You don't think this boy's Lupita's son from some other world?" Top hat asks.
"I mean, it would be the only logical solution. He did kinda fall from the sky." Tall boy says.
"What's your name kid?" Top hat asks.
"(M/n)." I answer.
"Well I'm Jinho." The top hat answers.
"I'm Yan An." Blue boy asks.
"And I'm Wooseok." The tall boy answers.
"I must be insane. I'm talking to the Mad Hatter, March Hare, and Dorm Mouse." I quietly exclaim.
"Who?" Wooseok asks.
"Nevermind. Do you guys know a way out of here?" I ask them.
"Sorry, but no. We don't even know how you got here." Jinho says.
"Would you like to come with us since you don't have anywhere to go?" Wooseok offers.
I stare into space conflicted.
Yes, I dont know them, and they could possibly just be rapists luring me into some trap.
But that wouldn't explain how they know mom, and I'm assuming this is what her cryptic last words meant.
"Okay." I sigh.
"Yay!" Wooseok and Yan An cheer.
"Come on (M/n)!" Yan An says and takes my hand as we make our way on a blue and pink road.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"To Hui's house." Yan An explains.
"You'll meet him soon." Jinho says, already sensing my confusion.
I nod and we continue on our way towards this Hui's house.
"(M/n), may I ask you a question?" Wooseok asks.
"You kinda already did, but yes." I respond.
"You don't seem like the standard Korean I've met, are you foreign?" He asks.
"Kinda, my dad was Korean and my mom was Hispanic, but I've lived in Korea all my life." I explain to him.
"What's Korea like? Lupita always told us about it, but I just assumed it wasn't real." Yan An asks.
"It's like a little slice of Heaven. Does it have many flaws, yes. But I wouldn't want to live anywhere else." I tell them.
"What do you mean flaws?" Wooseok curiously asks.
"Well, as someone who's mixed, I do face alot of racism. And the fact that I'm gay doesn't really do me any favors." I tell them.
"Well you wont have to worry about that here. Everything is inclusive, and I dont think I've ever met a straight person." Yan An says.
I laugh at his last statement before my gaze lies upon a house made out of a giant mushroom.
"We're here." Jinho says.
He knocks on the door and a man holding a cigar answers.
"Jinho. Did you guys find out what that thing that fell out of the sky was?" Hui asks, colorful smoke leaving his lips.
"Yeah, it was just some kid who says he's from Auntie's world." Jinho explains.
"He also Auntie's son!" Wooseok announces.
"This kid's Lupita's son?" Hui asks.
"Apparently." Jinho sighs.
"Come in. I'll call everyone else." Hui says and invites us in.
His home is decorated with small trinkets and pastel wallpaper.
My eyes are attracted to a tea set used as a centerpiece in his kitchen.
"It's a beautiful set isn't it?" Hui asks me, obviously noticing my admiration.
"It really is." I say.
"Chamomile or Jasmine?" He offers.
"Jasmine please." I tell him, and he heads to start the brew.
He finishes quickly and comes back with a cup of tea.
"Here you go." He hands it to me.
"Hey! I want tea too!" Yan An whines.
"I only offered it to...?"
"(M/n)." I tell him.
"Only for (M/n) since he's my guest. You come here to leech off me every day." Hui scolds him.
Yan An sits and pouts.
"It's amazing." I say after I took my first sip.
"I do pride myself on my tea making." Hui smirks.
Once I finished I brought it to the sink.
"(M/n) there's no need. I could do it for you." Hui offers.
"It's fine really. My mom always told me to clean up after myself." I say and begin delicately cleaning the teacup.
A knock on the door grabs everyone's attention.
"They must be here." Jinho says and heads to open the door.
Four men step inside, each continuing to fit the the descriptions of the characters my mom told me about.
"So this is the mystery boy everyone's talking about." A man resembling the White Rabbit offers me his hand.
"The name's Kino, pleasure to meet you." He says and kisses my hand.
"Hi, I'm Yuto." A deep voiced man greets me.
"And I'm Shinwon." A rapsy voiced man greets me next.
I assumed that these two were the twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
"I'm Hongseok." A man with cat eyes shakes my hand.
"And you are?" The Cheshire man asks.
"I'm (M/n)." I tell him.
"So this is the guy who fell out of the sky?" Kino asks.
"Yeah, he's also Auntie's son." Jinho says.
"Wow!" Yuto and Shinwon exclaim.
"You mean he's from the 'other world' Auntie always told us about?" Hongseok asks.
I nod.
"And I'd really like to return there." I say.
"Well, lucky for you darling. I happen to know a way out." Kino says.
"Really?!" I exclaim. Feeling excited for the first time in a while.
"I hate to inform you that it won't be an easy trip though." He continues.
"I don't care. Anything to get home." I say.
"I don't mean difficult as in a tiring trip. I mean, it's possible you won't make it." Kino sadly says.
"Then I'll be willing to make that sacrifice." I boldly state.
"With that kind of determination, he's definitely Auntie's kid." Hui says
"Well come on darling, and we'll begin our journey." Kino holds his hand out for me.
I take it, and we're about to exit when..
"Where do you two think you're going... without us?" Wooseok asks.
All of them nod in agreement and stand up.
"Why are all of you so eager to help me?" I ask.
"Because your mother gave us so much, and while we never got to directly pay her back. We're gonna make sure to repay her by helping you." Yuto says.
I nod and make my way outside.
"Hold your horses kid!" Shinwon exclaims.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Calm down kid. Let us prepare and we'll start our journey tomorrow." Jinho says.
I nod in acknowledgment head back inside.
"Where will I be staying?" I ask.
"That... is a good question." Hui pauses to think.
"He can stay with me." Hongseok blurts out.
"Would you be fine with that?" Hui asks.
"As long as Hongseok is." I say.
"Alright, head to bed everyone. We'll sleep early to get a head start on our journey." Hui says, and everyone heads to their respective rooms.
"Come on." Hongseok says and grabs my hand.
We step in, and I admire the violet and magenta aesthetic of his room.
"You don't have to worry about anything. I'll take the couch." He says and begins to set up the couch.
"Thank you for this." I say.
"You don't have to thank me. I honestly see this as an obligation." Hongseok says.
"What do you mean?" I ask him.
"Although everyone else had a nice relationship with Auntie, I always distanced myself. I was always quiet as a kid, but I also didn't want to just accept her into my life so easily." He explains.
"Why not?" I question.
"After my parents had died, I was left all alone within Wonderland. I don't know what your mother told you about this place, but it's not all bright and nice. I had to survive by myself in the woods until Auntie found me. She brought me back here to meet everyone else, and I couldn't thank her enough for that. But I was still a lost, angry, and confused child. Now though, I realize she was the best thing to every happen in my life. So now, I'm gonna be your personal bodyguard." Hongseok says.
"Thank you." I say.
Hongseok smiles and ruffles my hair.
"Get some sleep (M/n). We'll get you home soon." He says and turns off the lights.
"Goodnight Hongseok." I say.
"Goodnight (M/n." He replies.
And with that, I look forward to getting back home.
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eleanorstjames · 3 years
not me completely piggybacking off red’s connections masterpost idea
so! i now have connection pages set up for eleanor, miles, and remy, and under the cut i have ideas for more! if we have an established connection, i’d be so grateful if you were to check out your character(s) entry/entries and let me know if you have any issues, particularly if i have misgendered someone as i live in perpetual fear of doing. i’m pretty awful at reaching out to people initially and also at having ideas for connections at the ready, so i’m hoping this will come in handy!
- mar ❤
dog parent/walker: eleanor absolutely adores her husky, kit, and walks him whenever she has the time/energy. she worries about him on two-show days, and if your muse has a soft spot for animals or even a business that revolves around doggos, she’d adore your muse for looking after her baby!
theater friends: eleanor has a few shows under her belt at this point and has made friends in many walks of the theater world, so if your muse works on/around the great bright way or just needs someone to nerd out with vis-a-vis all things theatrical, she’s your gal!
fellow trust fund babies: eleanor was a shy and quiet child, but she was likely pushed together with her parents' friends' kids at galas and opulent weddings and the like, being expected to entertain each other. she left that world behind when her parents disowned her at 21, but new york is a lot smaller than you’d think
i’ll be honest, miles is a bit of a tough one in terms of established connections, but they're not entirely out of the question!
acquaintances/friends/love interests of his sisters: the wiston siblings are all very close, so i imagine miles would have at least a passing familiarity with many people in holly's and violet's respective lives. he adores his sisters and wants the best for them, but he's wary of anyone with romantic interest in either of them, especially his twin.
regulars at red velvet: miles is at the bakery all the time, fixing things and making upgrades around his sister's shop. he doesn't work the register, but he can often be seen in the front areas of the shop.
connections to an unsavory organization: it's a bit of a long story, but essentially miles was arrested and sentenced to a year in prison for a major art theft at age 19. he fell into a bad crowd and was manipulated by what turned out to be a crime syndicate, who used his eidetic memory and extraordinary intelligence to mastermind a heist. he served his time and moved to the states, but now another faction of the syndicate has resurfaced, and they aren't finished with miles. former/current criminals who might have ties to this group, or anyone in law enforcement determined to take it down would be really interesting!
members of his dungeons and dragons party: remy would be the absolute most devoted d.m. - whether your character is a seasoned player or a newbie looking to roll their first d20, his d&d group is the hottest party in town 😎
regulars at kryptonite: remy is the shopkeeper and still often works the counter at his beloved brooklyn comic store, always thrilled to chat with like-minded admirers of masked crime-fighters and all things funko pop
exes: remy is a hopeless romantic on a quest for his soulmate (he’s bi, so keep that in mind!) and he's gotten his heart broken quite a few times in the process. he isn't good at holding a grudge, and as long as the breakup wasn't particularly acrimonious he's always open to remaining friends. and if it was acrimonious, that'd be interesting, too....
friends/acquaintances/enemies of his brother: remy and shiloh have a very strained relationship (they’re working on it, ok), but remy once thought the absolute world of his big brother and still wants to believe that he’s the same wonderful person deep down. anyone who knows shiloh in any way would make for an interesting reaction!
fellow students or professors: felix is a t.a. to an english professor at n.y.u. and a grad student in his own right. he spends countless hours on campus, and would know many people on at least a superficial basis. 
‘live a little’ influence: a self-admitted workaholic, felix doesn’t get out much - ok, he doesn’t get out at all. but he’s starting to come around to the idea of letting his hair down, cutting loose, painting the town red - or, y’know, other ways to describe having fun that even his grandfather wouldn’t chide him for in sounding too old. that’s where your muse comes in!
hookups: felix only casually dated one or two people before realizing he was in love with his best friend, luna. they were together for five years and he moved to the states for her, until she realized that she was gay and broke things off. obviously he was devastated, and a year later he’s finally starting to put the pieces of himself back together in some semblance of order. he may or may not be (but definitely is) struggling with loneliness, and he’s heard quite a bit about this tinder thing....
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ygio · 4 years
coming up with ways to go about yuugi and atems appearances in modern aus is always bothersome but the one i like the most because of how funny it is is just, theyre just like that. one of Those gay couples that get mistaken for twins because their styles are so similar, you know the ones. like, they didnt even consciously copy each other, it just kinda happened. they finish each others sentences and do that thing where something happens and they exchange glances and you just know theyre nonverbally gossiping about someone right now, or having an inside joke moment or whatever, they probably use plural we whenever talking about what theyre up to and it would be obnoxious af if not for how cute they are
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mtherhino · 3 years
One Side, Two lives
Chapter seven
First Previous Next
Warnings: cursing, suggestive comments, Remus
Remus was freaking out. He liked the fucking nerd of all people! The stupid tie wearing stick up his ass nerd! But he is smart, and he’s willing to explore the undiscovered weirdness of the world. Remus blushed slightly at his own thoughts.
“Dam you Logan Sanders, I did not need this today but apparently emotions say otherwise.” Remus grumbled to himself. He was currently sitting upside down on his bed in his room. Everything in his room had been hit by his mace at least once, so there were scratches on the bed post and a thousand holes in the fabrics of, well, everything.
           The duke grumbled and threw a dagger across the room at a target that was barely hanging on. The dagger struck the middle, just like all the others he had thrown that day. The duke sighed heavily.
Remus wasn’t one who really knew how to deal with emotions. He understood them pretty well, a nice thing about being intrusive thoughts is that he could understand situations and people pretty well since his mind never stoped for one second.
           So, taking that into consideration, the only way he knew how to deal with emotions was by destroying things, but he knew that wasn’t going to work this time, no matter how freaking frustrating that was for him. Its not like he can destroy his feelings or kill Logan. Though that would be easier, Remus grumbled in his mind.
           “Gah, stupid fucking feelings.” Remus groaned as he slipped of the bed, hitting his head on the floor. He laid there on the floor trying to figure out how to deal with this. He knew that Deceit wouldnt be any hep in this situation, he would probably just tell him to get over his feeling or that there was nothing to gain from these feelings. So that only left one option on who to talk to. Remus flipped over easily, and walked to his door, having to jump over the many random items on his floor.
           He waked though the door that led to the light sides corridor and went to Roman’s door, seeing Virgil along the way.
Well, might as well screw with someone while I’m here, Remus thought with a smirk. He snuck up behind the other side who was looking at Tumbler on his phone. Remus was pretty good at being quiet when he wanted to, so he was able to get right next to the shorter of the two without him knowing.
“What are you looking at emo?”Virgil jumped a foot in the air and screeched when he heard him. Remus fell on the ground laughing as Virgil turned to him, still looking like he’d seen a ghost or something. Once he recognized the threat as the duke, his startled expression turned into a scowl.
           “Really Remus?” The anxious side said. Remus was still dying of laughter on the ground.
“Dude what was that?! I literally just asked you a question and you practically flew into the air! HAHAHA!” Remus said, its been a while since he’s scared someone that badly.
           The smaller rolled his eyes, he didn’t find it very funny to scare people.
“What are you even doing here? I swear if you are here to give Thomas more nightmares-!” He didn’t get to finish as he jumped back as Remus jumped up, already holding his hands up in a surrendering manner.
“Chill Virge, I just came here to cause a little bit of chaos.” Remus gave a shrug, trying to sell the lie. “What can I say, I got bored bothering Deceit so I decided to come here and bother all of you.”  He smirked at the end of his sentence and Virgil narrowed his eyes at him.
           “You can’t honestly think I’ll let you get away with that.” Virgil said, trying to look intimidating, though it was pretty hard when the other person was a head taller than you. Remus grinned, coming up with an impromptu plan.
“Fine emo, if you can find me in the next 15 minutes, then I’ll leave. Ready? Go!” As Remus yelled the last word he popped out of the hallway and into Roman’s room, startling his brother half to death.
“Re?! What the hell are you doing here?!” Remus was about to answer him when Roman interrupted. “You know what, I don’t even care, I need to talk to you” Roman said, getting off of his bed. He had been panicking the entire day on what to do about his feelings and was actually planning on leaving his room to find Remus before he showed up.
           “Ok in a minute, my matter is more important!” Remus said. Roman completely understood, but all logical thinking was thrown out the window as soon as he had woken up that morning.
“Remus! I’m having a crisis right now!”
“Well so am I asshole! I’m having a gay crisis and I don’t know how to freaking handle it!” Remus said, now pacing around the room, his hands buried in his hair.
“Well I guess that puts us in the same boat since I’m also having a gay crisis!” Roman said, throwing his arms in the air. It took a minute for the words to sink in for both brothers, but once they did they turned to each other with incredulous looked on their faces.
“My brother, who thinks love is stupid and will gag at any romantic scene has a crush?!?!” Roman said disbelief evident in his voice.
“Um, my brother who barely leaves his room? Liking someone?! Why was I not informed of this immediately?!”
“What did you think I wanted to talk about? But that can wait, who do you have a crush on!” Roman said, his eyes practically shining because he got the chance to play matchmaker.
           Remus blushed, he hadn’t told anyone about his feelings, hell he had never even referred to his feeling for Logan as a crush until now. He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Um well, uh.” Dammit why am I nervous talking about this! I can literally talk about any freaking topic but this!The duke covered his face with his hands, now feeling like he had a hundred eyes on him, when in reality it was just one pair of eyes. He looked and saw his brother, practically jumping up and down.
           Remus sighed heavily, knowing that he had to actually tell Roman who his crush is if he wanted his help.
“It’s uh, its Logan” Remus mumbled the last part, nearly making it impossible for anyone to hear, but somehow the prince heard. To say he was surprised would be an understatement.
“Come again?” He asked his brother.
“It’s Logan!” Remus nearly shouted, his cheeks just ever so slightly pink. Roman thought this over for a second.
“Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting, but now that I think about it it kinda makes sense.” Roman said, his hand under his chin as he tried to figure out why he didn’t try to set the two up earlier.
           Remus on the other hand was kinda taken back.
“What?! How does it make sense?! I can’t even figure out why I like that dam nerd!” Remus said, wanting some kind of explanation. Roman looked over at his brother with a bit of a smile, figured that he wouldn’t be able to figure out why he would like someone. That was just Remus being, well, Remus.
“Well you both have this bit of,” Roman gestured to his brother, “weirdness to you.” After he finished his sentence Remus summoned a green pillow and nocked his brother in the face so that he fell on the bed.
           “What? It true you know, your both fascinated by the strange and disturbing.” Roman shrugged. Although it may have sounded like an insult, neither brother had ever had anything against the others interest, so Remus knew that Roman meant it as a joke.
           The green side sighed loudly, though he couldn’t really refute Roman’s point.
“Still, I didn’t even know I could feel,” Remus gestured widely in an amusing manner, making Roman snort, “feelings.” Remus was disgruntled and sat on Roman’s bed, a small scowl on his face. Roman noticed, it wasn’t like his brother to get upset about, well, anything. To be honest, he wasn’t sure on how to handle this, he usually wasn’t the one people came to for advice.
           Roman hummed slightly, as he sat up on the bed, grabbing one of the pillow to hold and lean his head on.
“How do you feel about, liking him” he asked his brother, carefully wording his question, though it still sounded stupid to him. Remus’s thought for a moment, he wasn’t sure how he felt.
“Confused. I’ve never liked someone before Ro, so this is kinda just confusing and I don’t know how to make sense of it.” The prince nodded, and although it wasn’t shown in any way, Remus knew he was telling him to continue. What could he say, they do have a tiny bit of that twin telepathy bullshit.
“Well I can see why I like Logan, he’s great! He likes learning about everything, and he’s able to keep up with my random stream of thoughts.” Although he didn’t know it, Remus had a soft smile on his face while he thought about Logan. “Like you said, he’s, weird.” The duke finished, thinking about how he and Logan had discussed what aliens would look like and why they would evolve to be that way. Almost everyone would have said that it didn’t matter to think of all the what ifs of the universe, but Logan seemed to disagree. Meanwhile, Roman was so very happy for his brother. He had never heard Re talk like that, there was clear admiration in his eyes and fondness in his voice.
“Ok, I never thought that I would say this, but you are adorable.” Roman said. Remus turned red from embarrassment and anger.
“Hey! No I’m not! I’m the scariest thing you will ever meet! I am in no way adorable!” Remus said, well, more like shouted. He pounded his fist onto the bed, making Roman go into a fit of laughter.
“You, you look like, hahaha! You look like a little kid that didn’t get a popsicle! Hahaha!” Roman said in between fits of laughter.
           Remus pouted a little bit and summoned a popsicle from the light sides fridge just to mess with Roman. Did it take a good bit of energy and make him kinda tired? Yes. Was it worth it to see the annoyed face of his brother? Also yes. Without a doubt. He smirked and chomped into the popsicle, smirking when he saw Roman’s horrified face.
           “How the hell did you just bite into literal ice!” Roman yelled, looking almost disgusted. Remus shrugged.
“You can create glitter whenever you want, I can bite into ice with no consequences.” Roman shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.
“Where getting off track, back onto the subject of you and Logan’s love life.” Remus was so startled by how his brother had phrased that that he fell of the bed.  However he quickly jumped back his feet.
“Why must you phrase it like that!” Roman shrugged.
“I’m just speaking the truth dear brother.” Remus groaned and threw himself back onto the bad.
           “This still doesn’t help my problem.” Remus said, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow. He turned his head to face his brother. “What do I do with these feelings” Roman took a minute to think. Although Roman was the romantic side, that didn’t mean he was actually good with how to get a significant other. That being said, he did have a small idea of what people naturally like and their emotions, especially when it involved the other sides.
           “Well, are you trying to get him to eventually go on a date with you?” Roman asked, it was an important thing to know if he was going to help. Remus blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck. He hated not feeling like his usual cocky and invincible self.
“I mean, I’m not against the idea in any way.” He said. Roman smiled, completely understanding his brother. They where both clueless morons when it came to expressing feelings, so over the years they learned how to read each other better so that words weren’t the only way they could communicate.
“In that case, I would try to take it slow, maybe leave a lot of hints so that Logan can figure out that you like him on his own. I mean it’s clear how much that man likes puzzles so I think that might be the best way to go about it.” The red side said. “On the other hand, you could be direct about it. Logan, as smart as he is, doesn’t easily understand feelings. If you wanted to, you could try to do a bit of both.” Roman suggested, wanting to help. Remus had helped him out more times in the past than he could count, (although the prince had helped the duke many times as well) and he wanted to pay back that debt.
Remus considered all of this, trying to think off a plan.
“So I should try to show Logan how I feel about him, but tell him my feelings sooner rather than latter because, as you put it, he can be an idiot when it comes to feelings?” Roman laughed a bit, imagining his friends reaction if he knew that they had said he wasn’t the all knowing being that he thought he was.
“Pretty much, I just think that could work, but of course you don’t have to if you don’t think it will work.”  The duke shook his head.
“No I think that is the best plan. It better than the one I came up with anyways.” Roman raised an eyebrow at that.
“What was your plan?”            The dark side shrugged.
“To throw sharp objects and run out of the room whenever I see him.” Roman looked like he had seen a book that told a story by smell instead of actual words
“I can’t even tell if your being serious or not.” Remus smiles at that.
“Isn’t that the best thing about me”. Roman was about to give a retort when they both heard footsteps running towards Roman’s room. Remus quickly hid under the bed in case the whoever it was didn’t want to have a dark side around. Just as he was hidden form view the princes’s door flew open, the anxious side standing in the doorway.
           “Roman! Have you seen Remus! I lost a bet and now I can’t find him anywhere! Who knows what chaos he could be causing!” The purple side shouted frantically. Well that’s rather rude, Remus thought, I haven’t even caused an ounce of chaos since I’ve been here!  Roman got off the bed and walked over to Virgil, feigning  concern. It wasn’t that he wasn’t worried for the smaller side, its just that he knew for a fact that Remus hadn’t done anything so there was no real reason to be scared.
“Woah Virgil calm down.” Roman said as he put a hand on the hooded sides shoulders, easing the anxiety in Virgil just a little bit. “What kind of bet did you make?” Roman asked, wondering what Remus must have done.
“He said that if I could find him in 15 minutes then he would leave, but I don’t even know how long its been since then and I’ve searched the entire light sides area and I cant find a trace of him!” Virgil said, putting his hands in his hair. He was clearly frustrated that he couldn’t find the other creative side and stop whatever mayhem that he could cause. Remus chuckled in his mind, it was kinda funny that Virgil had search nearly everywhere looking for him when he was barely even hiding.
           Roman grumbled in his head and quickly formed a plan, smiling a bit when he thought of one.
“Um, couldn’t he have just gone back to the dark side and left you searching for no reason? That just seems like something Remus would do is all.” Roman said with a shrug. A look of realization hit Virgil’s face before he face palmed and groaned.
“God dang it he probably did. It seems just up his alley to make me worried and anxious for no reason. He probably can’t even cause a lot of damage if I called for Logan.” Roman laughed a bit, thinking about his brother under the bed being thoroughly offended that someone thought he couldn’t cause trouble for everyone.
“Yah, Logan is pretty good at handling Remus.” Roman said. Virgil nodded.
“Sorry for disturbing you Princy, thanks for the help.” Virgil said before giving the prince a warm smile. Roman was caught off guard and blushed as he laughed a bit awkwardly.
“No problem Virgil! I’m, uh, I’m glad I could help.” Roman said, returning the smile. Virgil waved and walked away, the creative side not seeing his bright red ears.
           As Roman closed the door and faced the bed he saw his brother with a smug grin on his face.
“Soooo~” Remus said in an almost mocking manner. “Virgil’s the one you have crush on. I didn’t take you for the type that likes angsty and emo guys.” Remus smile only grew when his brothers face lit up red.
“Well, um, yes Virgil is who I have a crush on but one annoying word and you’ll wish you had never been born.” Roman said while glaring at his brother. The creative side raised his hands in a form of surrender.
“Fine fine, but its still surprising. Didn’t you used to hate him or something?” Remus said, raising an eyebrow.
           Roman grumbled lightly and crossed his arms.
“I never hated him, I just used to find him annoying since he always shot down my ideas, but now..” Roman wasn’t sure how to finish. His brother raised an eyebrow, clearly wanting some sort of explanation.
“I don’t know, he’s just a lot more open and kinder now. He’s really considerate and overall just a good person.” Roman said.
“Bleh! Your so sappy Ro.” Remus said, pretending to gag.
“Oh don’t you even go there Mr. ‘I think Logan is amazing and the greatest person in the universe’.” Roman said. Remus threw a pillow at him.
“I didn’t say any of that!”
“But you we’re thinking it.” Roman said with a smirk.
“Careful there Roman, you know I’m more creative than you when it comes to teasing, especially with relationships.”Remus said, a sinister smile on his face. “I could easily just make you think about you and Virgil-“ he was quickly interrupted by Roman smacking him in the face with a pillow and smothering the rest of the sentence.
“Nope! One word out of you about Virgil and I will cover your room with so much glitter you will go blind.” Roman threatened.
“Alright alright I won’t say anything just get off me.” Roman gave his brother a glare before he got off him, punching him in the arm one time for good measure. Remus got up and dusted himself for no reason.
“Well, I should probably head back, its lunchtime and there’s some meat that just expired two weeks ago that I’ve been meaning to eat.” The prince gave the duke a disgusted look and shook his head.
“How in the world are you able to eat stuff like that?!” Roman asked, Remus gave a very helpful shrug. Remus walked out the door, his brother behind him.
“Well, see yah brother.” Remus said as he started down the hallway. “Good luck with your BOYFRIEND!” before he disappeared he saw his brother turn bright red and start to scream but he got away before his eardrums busted.
Remus chuckled to himself as he walked down the hallway back to his room. As he opened his door only for something heavy to fall on his head.
“What the fuck!?” The duke lifted the item off his head. A bucket?! He thought to himself. He looked down at at his outfit and saw that it was covered in. Hot. Pink. Glitter. He looked at the rest of his room and saw that it was in the same state. There wasn’t one thing that wasn’t pink at this point.
“Oh that fucking bartered is so dead.”
I’m so sorry this took so long! I have had a lot of testing lately and a big project to deal with. I still have a few test to finish but I’m going to try and get the next chapter out earlier. Thank you for reading this, have a good day humans, bye!
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who said disaster
(how is this so gay, Helena is @alex-fa-ch 's and Bretta's is @scarcovy 's)
“This was a mistake, Helena,” Madison muttered. He was sitting on his couch, leaned over himself, clutching his head. Helena, his twin, let out a massive sigh.
“She’s on her way, and I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just ask her to spend the night! Since you want her so badly.” Helena said, a bit of sarcasm in her voice while she spoke. Madison looked anxious for Bretta’s arrival, not sure what to do. He looked down at his feet, and Helena sighed.
“If you’re gonna be that way I’ll just leave you here alone.” She said. Madison looked up at her and shook his head.
“Okay, I’m sorry…” he said, running his fingers through his hair. He sighed again, and Helena sat next to him.
“You’ll be great. I’m sure.” Helena insisted.
“No buts.” She said, interrupted him before he could finish that sentence. Madison sputtered for a bit but ended up just being quiet and scrolling in his phone, trying to calm himself down for Bretta’s arrival. Then suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“Do I have to get it…?” Madison asked, putting his phone away and looking very anxious, butterflies filling his stomach as he looked at the door.
“Yeah. You’ll be great.” Helena said, actually smiling at him for once. Mad finally got up, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Bretta stood there, a small smile on her face. Madison smiled back at her, both looking quite nervous.
“Hi, Madison…” Bretta said, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Hi.” was all Madison said, seeming very nervous and sweating a little. He honestly looked like he was about to pass out.
“Are you… okay?” She asked. Madison tried to nod a little, to save face, but suddenly fainted and fell backward onto the floor. Bretta gasped a little, and Helena ran up to him and sighed. She looked up at Bretta and muttered something unintelligible under her breath.
“...well, I can definitely say he’s never been like this around someone.” She said. “Come on in.”
Bretta stepped inside and looked around a little. She smiled at Helena, who had moved Madison to the couch again. Bretta sighed, taking his hand while he slept. She looked at her.
“Who are you?” Bretta asked.
“Helena Montana, the other Montana. And he’ll be fine. When he faints he’s usually up in about… ten minutes. He might have fallen asleep though, so just watch out. He’s got narcolepsy.” Helena explained, looking at Bretta. “He just refuses to go on meds or go to a doctor.” She added, with a grumble.
“Why would he do that…?” Bretta asked, looking down at the asleep Madison. Helena didn’t answer, and the two of them stayed quiet for a bit.
“There’s something else.” Helena finally said. She looked over at Bretta.
“What is it?”
“If you lay a wrong finger on my brother I’ll break every bone in your body.” She said, looking over at Bretta, a deadly serious expression on her face. She nodded and looked away from Helena.
“I won’t hurt him. I… I don’t know why you would think I would, but I promise I won’t.”
“I don’t think you will. But I know how Madison is and. Let’s just say another brother of mine made a few bad choices in love.” She explained, also looking away. She got up. “I’m gonna go, though. You two be safe and use protection.” She said, with a small laugh. Bretta looked rather embarrassed, as Helena got up and walked to the door. “And you can wake him up.” Was the last thing she said before leaving.
“Oh. Well.” Bretta said, looking back over at Madison. She gently shook him, in an attempt to get him to wake up. He woke up pretty quickly from that.
“Helena… go away…” he muttered.
“It’s me, Mad,” Bretta said, making Madison immediately perk up. He sighed softly, looking at Bretta.
“Did I faint?”
“...sorry.” He said, sitting up completely and facing her.
“No, don’t be… it’s not your fault.” She explained, keeping her voice very soft. Madison found himself smiling just from listening to her.
“...if you say so. How’ve you been? I missed you…” he admitted, laying his head on her shoulder. She smiled as well.
“I’ve been well. I have some new information. Do you wanna hear about it?” She asked, and Madison nodded and closed his eyes. He loved hearing her talk. She cleared her throat a little and went back to her normal way of speaking.
“So, I found out about a series of letters between two men called Vincent Richmond and Markus Annapolis! It’s alluding to something having to do with… the Civil War, I think? I tried reading the letters but the handwriting was bad and the picture was low quality. But historians think they were arguing about the Civil War. I just found it strange that they have the last names of state capitals… that’s a state feature, right?” She asked, Madison nodding, really seeming to enjoy her little speech about the letters.
“Mhm… we usually have the last name of our state capital. Mines Helena.” He explained.
“Why are there two Montana’s?” She asked, looking at Madison. He looked down for a moment.
“I’m… not sure.” He said, looking very sad and not continuing to talk. Bretta got that it was a touchy subject, and kissed him on the forehead and took his hand.
“Well, there’s not much else I learned. Just a few reports of a woman from Massachusetts who can apparently light fires on command…” she said, rubbing behind Madison’s ear. He seemed to calm back down rather quickly, smiling wide. He looked at her, suddenly leaning towards her and taking her other hand. Mad turned red.
“What is it?” She asked.
“I…” he muttered, leaning in very close. He closed the small gap in between them, pulling her into a kiss. She seemed a little shocked at first but soon ended up melting into it and pulling him closer. They pulled out after a bit, not even thinking about much else. They just looked at each other for a few seconds in amazement, not saying a word. Before Bretta finally said:
“That was nice,” Bretta said, smiling at him.
“Yeah,” Madison said with a nod, still a dark shade of crimson. They just looked at each other happily for a while. But, Bretta eventually pulled Madison into a hug, where he gently put his chin on her shoulder. They were so calm together, all the nervousness from earlier long gone.
“Do you wanna stay the night?” Madison asked. Bretta smiled a bit wider.
“I would love to.”
“Do you maybe want some hot chocolate?” He asked. Bretta happily sighed.
“I would love that too.”
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Aristocats Au (Pt.2)
Patton awoke to the sound of singing, he ran his tail along the kittens bodies before slinking out of the basket.
Patton had never had the best hearing for a cat, but lucky for him, he could see the cat who was sounding off the noise.
He was large, with matted brown fur, there was a burn scar across one section of his face, his eyes were an odd honey yellow color. Patton smiled as the tom's eyes locked with his own, following his gaze to a nearby tree, laughing as cherry petals fell upon his fur.
"Abraham Delacy, Giuseppe Casey, Janus O'Malley, Janus, the alley cat, and I'm very proud of that," Janus said finally as he hopped down from the tree.
"Well monsieur, your name seems to cover all of your ups," Patton said with a laugh.
"And might I request yours?" Janus said, raising his head slightly with a smile.
"Patton," the smaller cat responded.
"Patton, beautiful. . ." Janus' eyes fell on his own.
"And your eyes- the shine like sapphires, radiant, and light," Janus said, circling Patton a few times and brushing his tail along his fur.
"You're quite the flirt, arent you Janus?" Patton responded.
"Well it's not every day a damsel like you shows up in my neck of the woods now is it?" Janus purred.
"Well I wouldnt know, I'm not from here," Patton said, now remembering their situation.
"Oh?" Janus' tone quickly switched to one of worry.
"Sanders Manor, I havent got a clue how far from it we are, though," Patton responded, tail swishing anxiously.
"Oh! You mean that big building in the fancy section of town!" Janus exclaimed, his ears perking back up again.
"That'd be the one," Patton said with another laugh.
"Oh I can get you there, we can fly over a paris on a magic carpet, just we two," Janus said, smiling at Patton.
And suddenly, Roman was sitting next to Patton.
Then Remus.
Then Logan.
And then Virgil fell out of the basic with a thud.
"Six," Janus said, mildly astonished.
"I suppose you only had in mind a magic carpet, built for two?" Patton said sadly.
"I wouldnt take up much room," Roman said, looking between the two older cats.
"No no darlings, its alright, let's not bother Monsieur Janus, theres far to many of us to worry about," Patton said, ushering the kittens away with a flick of his tail.
Janus sat there for a few minutes, looking sullen. Until finally he decided to chase down the retreating cats.
"You know what? I promised a magic carpet, so magic carpet you'll get," Janus said as he reached them. He stopped short of a nearby road, trotting over and marking something in the dirt with his claws.
"And its gonna stop right here," Janus said as he moved away from the spot.
A few minutes later a car came rumbling up the road, Janus leapt out in front of it, jumping up onto the window and causing it to veer of course, allowing the other five cats to hop into the bed while the driver was distracted.
"Monsieur Janus! You could have lost your life!" Patton scolded.
"All in a days work for an alley cat," Janus replied. Patton held the kittens close as the truck started up again, watching as Janus began to shrink, still saying his goodbyes.
"Goodbye Monsieur Ja-" Roman's sentence was cut short as the ginger and white tabby was booted out of the truck bed. Quicker than Patton couldve hoped for, Janus had rushed over, picking the kitten up and placing him gently back in the truck, climbing up himself shortly after.
"Oh Roman you scared me half to death!" Patton said, circling the kitten with a worried gaze, checking for injuries.
"I didnt mean to do it," Roman said.
"Thank you again Monsieur Janus- we must seem like awful trouble for you hm?" Patton said.
"Oh come on Pattie I've seen worse, believe me," Janus said, checking over the other three kittens.
"Papa I'm hungry," Remus said with a groan, stretching the front of his body slightly.
"Oh really? Well I think I have a solution," Janus responded, slinking back to the front of the truck bed.
"All you have to do is close your eyes," the kittens followed the instruction.
"Wiggle your nose," they followed again.
"Rub your stomachs," and as the kittens finished the last step, Janus pulled a milk jug out from under a cloth. He and Patton sat together to keep watch on the kittens, so none fell in.
But of course, he'd failed to account for the rearview mirrors. The truck came to a screeching halt as the driver raced to the back and chased the cats back into the wilderness.
"My! What a horrible human!" Patton said as they reached an abandoned building, pressing his nose to each of his kitten's foreheads to calm them down.
"Well some humans are like that," Janus replied.
"Alright, theres train tracks up ahead, we'll follow those," Janus said, ushering the kittens into a line, with Patton following close behind.
"Virgil's the caboose!" Remus said from the front, letting out a laugh at the offended look on Virgil's face.
For a while the only sounds were the fake train being generated by both Remus and Logan, but soon they became all to realistic.
"Under the bridge! Quick!" The cats leapt onto a wooden plank under the tracks, holding the kittens closely.
Soon enough, the train had passed, only to replaced by a different sound.
"Papa papa!" Virgil had fallen into the river. Janus leapt down from the wood and into the river, while Patton ushered the other kittens to safety.
"Hold on Virgil!" He called, swimming as fast as he could. Virgil latched himself onto a nearby log, Janus pushing it towards the shore, before sinking under the water.
Patton waited anxiously at the bank before he saw Janus, leaning on the backs of two geese, being carried to the shore.
Janus let out a grumble and shook himself off when he reached the shore.
"Oh Monsieur Janus are you alright?" Patton said, rushing over to check on him.
"He stayed upright quite easily," said the goose with the pink bow around her neck.
"Sunk like a log at the end there though didnt he?" The black bowed goose said with a HoNk of laughter.
"Thank you for rescuing him for us," Patton said, laughing, earning a disappointed glare from Janus' direction.
"Well of course! It was the least we could do," said the pink-bow goose.
"Oh- we havent even exchanged names yet have we?" She continued.
"My name is Aphrodite Sable, and this is my sister, Adrestia Sable," Aphrodite said.
"We're twins! You might say we're related," Adrestia carried on. Patton laughed, Janus merely made a confused face as he left to check on the kittens.
"Your husband doesnt seem to have a sense of humor does he?" Adrestia said.
"Oh he's not my husband-" Patton said, the geese's facial expressions seemed to change, they leaned closer to each other and began whispering.
"Hes taking us back home! Court Avenue," Patton replied quickly.
"Oh how wonderful! We're heading that way as well, to meet our Aunt Melpomene," Aphrodite said.
"Do you think you could escort us?" Patton asked.
"Of course," the geese replied.
The octet continued on in a v-formation, Logan spouting facts about bird migrations as they went. Virgil had fallen asleep, and so Janus had decided to carry him on his back. Things picked up after their meeting with the geese's aunt, which had put Janus in a much better mood.
"Well, it's getting late, we should probably find a place to stay," Janus said, and they continued down an alley, Patton and Janus talking more and more, and Patton feeling much more distressed at the prospect of having to leave him once they got home.
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