#the vibes are different but I like this type of shading like it's night or whatever
thebigchips · 1 month
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I colored it after all :]
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evilminji · 3 months
Okay, you know how bird don't ACTUALLY look the way we think they do?
They are far more colorful? But only to the eyes of other birds?
And it has to do with how light reflects off them and how their eyes are shaped etc etc.?
Well..... humans can see the most shades of green, right? But! We sure as shit can't see UltaViolet and InfraRed? Or shades BEYOND those. Ectoplasmic colors. Magical ones. Third eye, need to see with your SOUL type ones.
Danny? Could very well still have lil baby "kitten's eyes who haven't open yet" syndrome.
He thinks the Zone is Green and his hair is white.
But it's not.
His hair is Starlight colored. Frost. His suit is specifically "the void between stars" colored. Which looks... different? Then black? No, no, guys. How can you guys not see it? It looks REALLY different! How did he not NOTICE before?! They're not ever CLOSE to the same shade! It's like calling salmon and hot pink the same. You know... if you were to compare an actual fish and some irradiated, violently glowing version of "hot pink".
His gloves are.... guys, these ares stars. Pressed so close together there's no gap. His body is the night sky, all rearranged. He's wearing SPACE, guys.
*continues to stare at his gloves for the next five hours*
Now... why is this relevant? Because! Danny slowly, as all humans do, adjusts! It's like finally having glasses after years of blurry vision. He... forgets, what it was like, not NOT See Zone Colors. Not completely, mind you, but enough he has to be reminded.
And the Zone? A Realm of the Dead. Specifically, the great catch-all and highway of the Dead. They get EVERYBODY. Misfits and vagabonds. Those who don't quite fit. Funky lil dudes. And of course, assholes, but everybody has those! See, Zone colors?
They're all of um!
It's like looking at the technicolor, stobe light, multi galaxies in one, Sun. Tingly(tm)!!! You get used to it. What helps? Is that as garish as the Zone is? The painting and grand tapestry of it all? Keeps changing. Like weather. If it's too much for you, you can stay inside your Lair until the current Color changes. Until the designs shift. Vibe changes.
There are even glasses for that! "Temperate" areas for people to set up, that get headaches or are just... kinda killjoys. Too each their own. Though the stormy areas? Those guys are freaks. Watch out for those guys. They're the kind who stare directly are stars until their eyes burn out.
Where was I? Oh yeah! Danny!
No longer a wee baby, smol baby, twig-o!
Sad. We miss it.
But he did get used to Seeing The Colors. Got a handle on his powers. And! Finally worked with his parents on how to safely turn the portal OFF. There was much booing. Cries of "kill joy" and "booo! You suck!". But? Like? Dude DID have the right to protect his home. Go to college. What can you do?
Problem with THAT is? Baby grew into his "built like a brick shit house of constantly running off to literally tackle the Supernatural excellence" Fenton genetics. He Tall. Muscles! And he PUMPING out "somethings fucked up with me" Vibes!
Add in his DEEPLY Sus off hand comments. Weird ability to tell when someone has or is about to die. Basic immunity to the cold. Fuckin EYE GLOW?
Ha ha... *Horror movie screams from his college dorm mates*
Clearly a demon!
He gets kicked out. Well... not kicked out. He's a model student and broken no rules. They'd never survive the lawsuit. But... he's? STRONGLY INCOURAGED to finish his education elsewhere. Repeatedly. By like... 15 colleges.
Sam is not just livid, she's actively foaming at the mouth.
Breathe, Sam! Remember what your doctor said! Your mortal body can't handle that kinda Vengance spiral! Think of your blood pressure! Breathe!!! (Were not for the laws of this land... and the weak, fleshy constraints of her mortal form!)
Thankfully? Tucker's been interning, remotely of course, with Wayne Industries. He asked his manager where he could find some of those scholarship forms. (Since Gotham University is just a touch out of Danny's price range.) Manager wanted to know why. And oh! Oh holy shit. Apparently? Danny is the hot new office gossip.
People in the main office are OUTRAGED. Danny's "too spooky"?! Too FUCKIN SPOOKY!? Are you KIDDING THEM? Even juicier, a Meta kid from some wacky ghost hunters turned scientists. From a line of Supernatural hunters. Wants to be a aeronautics engineer.
Ooooooh how SPOOKY! Better watch out! He'll design an ENGINE at yooooou!
Fuckin casuals. Non-Gothamites are WEAK. "Too scary" their collective asses. Yeah, maybe the kid SHOULD come too Gotham. He can be the weird kid. Mildly unsettling or something. His powers won't be SHIT in Gotham. Just remind him to buy a gas mask.
So! Danny gets his Scholarship! Merrily packs his bags for darker, Gothic hellscape hills. Unaware... that Constantine has been following reports of a "demon" that he's? 80% sure is a Banshee but MIGHT be a winter spirt with a shtick? For the past 13 colleges. He's getting closer. And this sucker is a strong one.
Not "this is going to cause me serious, life imperilling danger" strong. But more? "Man, that cat is HUUUUUGE". Could he still get mauled a lil? Yeah. Scratched to all hell and back? Probably! But DIE? Unlikely.
He just needs to know why the FUCK this spirit his hanging around colleges.
Which is made harder... by the fact that what HE sees? And what OTHER people see? When they look at this guy? Separate things. Yeah, he'd LOVE to give you guys a description! IF HE HAD ONE.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hdgnj @spidori @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
It Is Time (Daemon x Reader)
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This is probably the softest imagine I have written and it was so much fun. I was listening to line without a hook so you get the vibe I was going for.
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To be married into the Targaryen was considered a chance of a lifetime for most, however a marriage with the princess of the Summer Islands was a miracle, when (y/n)s father send the raven of her being open to wedlock Jahaerys was the first to respond, offering Daemon as a suitable husband, to align such foreign force was a must for the Targaryens, Daemon at first had retaliated, denying to part take in a loveless marriage with a woman he had never seen to just be a pawn of the king.
That quickly changed when (y/n) visited kings landing, “The diamond of the Summer islands” she was known for her bewitching nature, as she walked next to her father like she owned the place Daemon swallowed thickly at what his eyes were experiencing, it looked like she was a mystical fairy merely flowing instead of using her feet, she was a different type of beauty, a thicker frame with tanned dark skin from the place of endless summer, tall frame and curly hair, her eyes resembled that of a fox, full of mischief and secrets. The daughter of house Truefyre had brought Daemon to his knees with a single glance, once he greeted her and got a hold of her hand he felt shivers down his spine.
“It was the first time I felt like the Gods smiled down at me”
Their wedding was the talk of Westeros, (y/n) and Daemon danced the night away, whispers a of a the union growing strong took over as Daemon was seen tending to his lady wife in every way, shape and form, he was put under a spell that he never wanted to break free from.
“What is it my diamond?”
“I haven’t… bled”
“Oh…. Oh!”
Realisation hit daemon like a stone in the head, Daemon and (y/n) had been every affectionate with one another, Daemon would always have a hand touching (y/n) and there have been rumours of Daemon letting his hand slip in more inappropriate parts, how could he resist? His lady wife was the most perfect creature, his precious diamond that he held close in hopes to protect her forever.
Daemon was not a man of exaggerating declares of happiness, at the news of his wife being with his child he simply smiled and placed a kissed on her forehead before kneeling to be in the same height as her belly.
“I cannot wait to meet you little one”
(Y/n) had wished to reside to the Summer islands, away from duties and pointless dinner with backstabbing lords that would arse kiss in front of her face, her father was gracious enough to offer a castle right next to the sea shore as her wedding gift, Daemon could not deny his love such joy, he also secretly wanted to have a quiet life with his family.
As the morrows came and went (y/n) was changing by the hour, her lady nature kicked in with impeccable strength, compelling the princess to shed tears at the sight of a cat playing with her kittens, her hand was always caressing her growing belly as she sang to the babe while sitting in a swing located in a beautiful orange tree, the breeze passing through her as she rested in the shade and enjoyed the sounds of nature.
“The princess requested for deer meat with… peach jam”
Daemon found himself giving her strange requests to the cooks more than he liked to admit, it was almost a daily ritual for her to wake up in all hours of the night and beg her husband for stuff like plum juice and oysters, strawberry cake and beef meat, he would sometimes think her cravings were the reason of her sickness, although he was smarter than uttering his concern, he would simply nod and go searching for whatever she had asked for.
“I have gotten fat”
“You are with child”
“I am fat with child”
Daemon took in the scene of his wife standing as she watched herself in the mirror, she had gotten bigger as time went on but that was normal for her journey in motherhood. He had been reading a book in his bed when he puffed out a breath and stood up to approach her, (y/n) quickly went to wrap herself with her silk rob yet Daemon stopped her, on her vanity she had an open jar of cream that she would often run her belly with, it soothed her from the itching. Daemon took a small amount and gently went over the stretched skin with care.
“You are a mother, a beautiful woman that is strong enough to carry a child in her with such grace that you make it seem easy, I look at you and I see the world in those dark hues of yours”
“You are going to make me cry”
“I am going to make you happy and when the time comes and our baby is born I will be sure to let them know how infuriatingly gorgeous their mother was when you were carrying them”
“I hope it is a girl”
“I pray that it is healthy, now it is time you rest and no more talking down on your figure, the mother of my child will never be disrespected like that”
Daemon had been (y/n)s shadow, making sure she had everything her heart desires and was happy until she laid next to him with a grin, it was the only way Daemon could drift off, he wouldn’t be able to even sleep for an hour if he wasn’t certain his wife was unwell, especially now that she was risking her life for the birth of their child.
“Daemon, Daemon wake up”
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“It is time”
“Oh seven hells, I’ll summon the maester”
“No, no, take me to the ocean”
“(Y/n) it is not the time to swim”
“Daemon for the love of everything that is holy, take me to the fucking ocean”
Daemon was smart enough to understand there was no room for him to protest and not to even negotiate about it, he simply took his dear wife gently in his arms as she grunted and moaned and safely let her feel the coldness of the ocean waves. (Y/n) was overcome by a sense of relief from her muscles as the water soothed the ache, washing it away with each wave, her back resting against a rock with her legs spread wide open to give the babe access.
“Now may I call the maester?”
“No, I don’t want them here”
“I want you to be the first one to hold it, not a bunch of people who will let me know the gender before the status of the babes health”
Daemon empathised with his love, wet nurses and maesters were known for not quite caring of anyone’s health, only to deliver the next heir of the Targaryen bloodline.
Daemon nodded mostly to himself before he kneeled so he can take a proper look and guide his wife as much as he could.
“Now I am not trained for this but I’ll do my best”
“It’s alright my sweet, I just need you to hold it when it gets here”
(Y/n) was doing a wonderful job during the entire labour, if Daemon did not know any better he would say (y/n) had gotten through labour a thousand of times, the sound of the ocean calmed her nerves and the cold water seemed to come in to use as beats of sweat appeared on her forehead, she would often ask Daemon to splash her in the face or her chest.
���Here we go my diamond, just a little more”
It had been the wee hours of the morning until the babe was released from her, relief washed over her as her legs could finally spread flat and rest. Daemon caught the babe that was greeted by the ocean first before it was finally secure in their fathers arms, the beautiful little star cried while Daemon cut the cord with his dagger.
“Is the babe alright?”
“The dragon is as strong as her mother”
“Her? A girl?”
“Give her to me”
Daemon silently complied, passing the fragile little girl in her mothers arms. (Y/n) had never felt more accomplished before, she delivered her daughter right as she wished, with her husband and with the strength of the ocean.
In her land the sea goddess was also the goddess of fertility, frequently plenty of couples would bring their babes to the shore and let the water caress the babes skin as a thank you to the goddess for allowing them to expand their families, to be able to give birth right in the goddesses home was a dream for a plethora of women.
“How about Ariel?”
“An unusual name for a Targaryen, what will your dear family say?”
“I couldn’t give two shits about them, you and our precious Ariel are the beginning and the end for me”
“you have become such a poet my prince”
“How could I not? dear (y/n) you have turned my life to a living fairytale”
“Help me up please”
Daemon allowed his wife to carry the small child while he carried her, the maester along with the servants were waiting for the couples arrival back to the castle, they were aware of how sacred this moment had been for them and watched from the sidelines, praying that everything would go smoothly.
“Behold (y/n) of House Truefyre and our first born, Ariel Targaryen”
(Y/n) only giggled as Daemon puffed out his chest with pride and carried her to their chamber while all the servants beamed with joy.
“I believe we should take the babe for a bath”
“No maester Gerald I will do it”
“As you wish princess”
“My love, you should rest”
“I would rather be Caraxes next meal than allow someone else experience her first milestones instead of us”
Daemon only leaned to peck his wives lips with the utmost adoration, his diamond was meant to become a mother and he felt a certain sense of honour that she chose him to share her future with.
The servants prepared the bath for little Ariel while (y/n) and Daemon kneeled, the babes first sensation was the ocean so Ariel was peaceful as the warm water was gently washing away the salt of the waves.
“She will be a strong dragon rider, like you”
“Or a graceful princess of the summer islands, like you”
(Y/n) leaned closer to her husband as a way to express her emotions to him. It was Daemons turn to smile at her, (y/n) was everything Daemon never thought he deserved in life, sometimes he would think what would his life be if he had not married her, and the result was just grim and cold.
“We should call the wet nurses my sweet, Ariel will need to feed in a while”
“Wet nurses? Daemon this is not kings landing, we feed our babes here”
He would never imagine he could love his wife more, that is until he was part of the moment (y/n) fed Ariel, such a sacred ritual and bond with mother and daughter. (Y/n) laid comfortably in their bed after she had a scorching hot bath with her favourite scented soap which was lily flowers, Daemon had even braided her wet hair so it will be out of her face and make her feel pretty.
(Y/n) hummed a tune to their little princess, light beaming through the windows on this glorious day and their babe healthy and already loved tremendously suckling on its mothers breast, (y/n) could almost feel the women of her bloodline gather around them and bless the babe with their hands on her shoulders, resilient women who suffered through months of pain, swelling, restless nights, broke their hips for the birth, even produced milk for their children to feed, Daemon had been a warrior who had taken plenty of life’s, his wife was a warrior who created a life.
“It is time for you to rest”
“No, I don’t want to take my eyes off of her, I want to watch her breathe”
“Alright, I’ll sit right by you with Ariel as you sleep, I will watch her for you. Do you trust me with that?”
“I suppose”
Daemon did as such, sitting up in their bed holding the princess while (y/n) got comfortable with her pillow, her eyelids were already heavy but she still fought, Daemon rocking the babe without even realising how bright he was smiling at his daughter was such a gorgeous sight to miss, they were not just husband and wife now, nor prince and princess of anything, they were mother and father, parents that would offer their life for their daughter, a bond made by passion and kept by devotion and love.
She drifted off to sleep with the sound of her daughter cooing at her father, praying that her body won’t be in need of countless hours of sleep, since she looked forward to waking up and be fully capable of holding her daughter again.
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B.F.S Spring Lookbook:
Hey Besties! Spring vibes are hitting different this year, and The Black Feminine Society is all about that fresh, fly wardrobe reset. We're mixing up the style game with our latest Spring Lookbook: Classy Elevated Casual. It's where comfort meets chic, and where every Black woman can find her vibe and flaunt it. Let's get into the trends that are about to dominate your Insta profiles.
Say Bye to Basics: Flowy Pants & Trousers Takeover
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Leggings and sweatpants, step aside. 2023 is all about those breezy, flowy pants and trousers that scream "I woke up like this" elegance. Picture yourself in airy wide-legs that catch the breeze or statement prints that pop for that perfect OOTD post. Pair 'em with a snug tank or an oversized tee, and you've got that effortlessly cool look down.
Shorts + Blazers & Button-Ups = Game Changer
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Rethink everything you knew about shorts. This spring, we’re elevating this staple with sleek blazers and sharp button-ups for that ultimate power move. It’s about creating a look that’s as ready for a café hangout as it is for that Zoom call. Aim for high-waist picks and get playful with textures and prints to really stand out.
Long Pleated Skirts: A Must Have !
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The long pleated skirt is having its moment and it's not hard to see why. These beauties add a level of sophistication and fun to any look, swaying with you with every step. Dress them up with a fitted top for that silhouette-snatching effect or go casual with a simple tucked-in tee. Pleated skirts are all about versatility and statement-making this season
Maxi Dresses: The Ultimate Classy Flex
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Maxi dresses are here to claim their throne as the go-to for that flawless transition from day to night. We're talking flowy fabrics that feel like a second skin, patterns that demand attention, and cuts that flatter every body type. Whether you're channeling beach goddess vibes or city chic, a maxi dress is your secret weapon.
Accessorize to Maximize
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The right accessories can take your outfit from 0 to 100 real quick. This spring, it's all about making statements with bold jewelry, killer shades, and bags that pack a punch. Think of accessories as the exclamation point to your outfit – they're there to make your look pop and show off your unique style. So, layer up those necklaces, stack those bracelets, grab your cutest silk scarf and let your personality speak through your fashion style this season!
Spring 2023 is calling, and it's all about embracing that Classy Elevated Casual aesthetic. You're B.F.F, The Black Feminine Society is here to inspire you to mix it up, try new combos, and own your style with confidence. Remember, it's not just about the clothes; it's about how you wear them. So let's make this season about expressing your femininity in the most authentic, trend-setting ways. Let's do this, Spring!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
Hello! Can I request a Morticia reader with Apollo and Leonidas? I don’t remember if you wrote any with these two. Thanks in advance!
-Beautiful, dark, deadly, passionate, loving, unique, all were words used to describe you and all of them were true.
-You were like the moon against the dark night sky, surrounded by pitch black darkness, bright but eerie and quiet.
-You found enjoyment in the dark and macabre, but to you, they were normal, beautiful things, skulls, poisonous flowers, dangerous plants, death, how lovely.
-Many thought you were odd by the way you dressed and carried yourself, always wearing elegant black gowns paired with matching jewelry with spider or coffin motifs. However, sometimes you would wear different colors when it was warmer out, just a slightly lighter shade of black with an umbrella, you didn’t need any unwanted color in your complexion.
-Your tone was always even and deadpan, never showing emotions the way others do, so nobody could ever tell if you were joking or not about feeding someone to your kitty-cat, an actual lion that you kept around who was like a housecat with you and those he knew, but vicious and violent with strangers.
-Many made comments that you would be attractive if you were ‘normal’ but where’s the fun in that? It’s much more fun to keep others guessing- keeping them on your toes.
-Speaking of keeping others on their toes, if anyone was to visit your private greenhouse, they would need to watch where they step or risk losing a few.
-Your garden was notorious for being filled with poisonous and carnivorous plants, and not just little things like little Venus Fly Traps, no you had a giant 4 ½ foot one that would eat people if they got close enough if you hadn’t fed them yet!!
-However, due to their healthy fear of your garden, you didn’t have many visitors, which you liked, less of a risk of your babies getting trampled or damaged.
-Your lover liked you the way you were, you were unapologetically unique, and he loved it, you were so different from other women and that’s what drew him to you.
-At first he did think you were a little odd, intimidating was a word he liked to use, as you weren’t afraid to speak your mind and there was always an air around you, a silent warning, but as time went on, he fell hard for you.
-Apollo- He adored your vibe- as you his opposite, he preferred sunshine and bright colors, while you enjoyed the moon and various shades of black, he was more open while you were reserved, he was honest about his feelings and you… you give the vibe that you’ve probably killed a few people. Apollo adores you, not wanting to change a thing about you, and you admire that he stays true to himself as well- not going to change for you. You accepted him for him, and he accepted you for you- and to him that was the most beautiful type of love. He loved your garden, but does know, now, to keep his distance from certain plants, not wanting to get bitten again. You enjoyed Apollo’s poetry to you, finding it relaxing, as well as his music, while you were so knowledgeable about plants (he doesn’t care that it’s dangerous plants) and he could listen to you for hours. Your relationship with Apollo was one of ‘opposites attract’.
-Leonidas- Seeing the fear in the eyes of those who claim to be powerful warriors was something that always made your day, as the Spartan warriors who had been training near your home had stumbled onto your property, where you dearest kitty cat went to say hello, but they just ran. When you comforted your precious kitty, petting him gently, they were all stunned, seeing you with no fear whatsoever- they had to wonder if you were a witch. Leonidas met you when he had to ‘rescue’ his men from a witch, only finding a darkly beautiful woman instead. Leonidas was taken by your vibe, you were so unique, you found joy in the dark and gloomy, finding happiness in death and morbid things that other would find terrifying. When you commented you loved being looked at with fear, mentioning his men, he couldn’t help but laugh, finding you hysterical. He knew he had fallen for you when you threatened him a gentle but intimidating smile on your lips, when he asked if you would sic your lion on him, “Oh no~ I prefer things to be more personal- I would poison you and watch the light slowly dim in your eyes- dragging out your inevitable death.” Leonidas had never felt such thrill before~
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miela · 9 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter VIII: Lovers at The Gala • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
Chapter Genre: Comical Fluff, AND LOTS OF FLUFF Chapter Warnings: it's a long boi, Extra: this chapter is for the genshin stans and swifties, if you know then you know. I've been excited about this chapter since the prologue I am losing my mind. I wanted to do two chapters this week because chapter viii and ix are my favorites so you're getting one today and one on friday. Word Count: 6.6k
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It was the big day of The Stark Charity Gala. It was being held in the Empire State Building which was no surprise because the theme was Gilded Age, mixed with Art Deco and Art Nouveau elements, according to Miles’ knowledge from being an art student. When Peter brought it up to you and what your inspiration for it was, your answer was nothing short of what he was expecting from you.
“Art Deco and Art Nouveau are eras that disagreed with each other. So I’m forcing them to get along,” you explained. “I added the gilded age theme to it because I’d like to think it’s the company’s own personal gilded age.”
Creative as always, Peter thought.
Peter arrived with his friends in Harry’s limo around seven thirty, a half hour after the gala started. Gwen and Miles both went with the color red for their outfits. Cindy went with a light blue and Harry and Peter went with regular black tuxedos and a pop of color for their pocket squares. Pavitr was meeting them there with Gayatri, who was also invited to attend. 
Before they walked into the area where the gala was being held, Harry stopped them.
“Now, there will probably…no…there will be celebrities and highly influential people here,” Harry began. “So don’t act a fool about it.”
“Get your head out of your ass, Harry,” Gwen started with squinted eyes. “We’re friends with you and Peter’s girlfriend is (Y/N) freaking Stark, who’s hosting this thing by the way. So you don’t have to worry about your pretty little rich boy head.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Peter sighed. 
“Yeah, but she’s the love of your life so what’s the actual difference here?” 
“One, Gwen, fuck you,” Harry stated with a playful look on his face. “And two, Gwen has a point.”
Peter groaned. “Please, don’t embarrass me tonight. I can’t make a proper move when I’m worried all you are gonna be lurking around the corner just to get the chance to bully me in front of the girl I like. I’m just asking for this one night.”
His friends could see the desperation on his face because they all nodded in understanding. 
“No worries, Parker,” Gwen started. 
“Yeah,” Miles agreed. “We’re rooting for you.”
“If you need a nudge or something,” Cindy added.  “Come find one of us. We can help rather than hinder this time.” She looked at Gwen and Harry with a hard look and they threw their hands up in defense and surrender.
“Thank you,” Peter sighed again as they arrived by the door. 
“Ready?” Harry asked and they all nodded before he led them inside. 
The room was decorated to the nines as were the people. There were geometric elements of Art Deco matched with the floral designs and organic shapes of Art Nouveau. There was gold everywhere mixed in with the Stark Industries brand colors. The men all wore tuxedos of different types while the women wore formal gowns. It reminded Peter of a high-class prom or something. He and his friends gawked at lavishness. It was like they walked into a royal fairytale minus the electro-swing music playing in the background which brought a roaring 20s vibe.
The only thing that broke their trance was Pavitr calling out to them. They looked over to see him and Gayatri matching in Indian formal wear in shades of purple. They hurried over and greeted the rest of the group.
“Isn’t this place amazing?” Gayatri asked. “I wasn’t expecting it to be this nice.”
“That’s what happens when you have someone from our generation running things,” Cindy smiled. “She knows what style is.”
Peter smiled softly and looked around to see if he could find you but there was no sign of you yet. He didn’t even see Nika, who was one of the last people he would want to see right now. He debated texting you but he didn’t want to seem desperate either. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously.
“Peter!” He heard a voice from behind and he whipped around with his eyebrows raised. 
He saw Celina wearing a sparkly silver dress waving at him. She was there with Ned and MJ. Ned was wearing a Tux with a silver sparkly bow tie and a sparkly pocket square to match. MJ was wearing a green dress with geometric lines on the upper part of her dress and flowing silk on the bottom half. Peter waved back with a smile which caused Celina to pull the other two over with her as they struggled to keep up with her excitement. Celina wrapped her arms around Peter and instinctively Peter hugged back.
“It’s good to see you again!” Celina chimed when she pulled back and then looked at Ned and MJ. “This is the guy I was telling you about!”
“Oh yeah, we know him,” MJ spoke. “Always ordered the lamest type of coffee when you came into the cafe. You know, I was tempted to add vanilla or something just to give your life a bit of razzle dazzle or something but legally I couldn’t do that.”
Peter smiled in response. Typical Michelle Jones-Watson Communication.
“Jeez, M,” Celina put her hands on her hips and stood in contrapposto as she looked at the tall woman. “Way to greet him.”
“What?” MJ asked.
“Anyways,” Celina said, turning back to Peter. “This weirdo is MJ. And this precious guy here is Ned.” She hugged his arm and he smiled and kissed her temple.
I know. “Nice to meet you, both. Officially.”
“You too,” Ned smiled back. “You know, (Y/N) talks about you a lot. I feel like we all know you already.” 
“Oh my god, Celina?” Cindy popped up from behind Peter. 
“Cindy?!” Celina beamed.
The two girls squealed and hugged each other. 
“You can speak now!” Cindy exclaimed and Peter mentally facepalmed himself for not mentioning it to her sooner. 
MJ’s phone sounded and she checked it and sighed. “Our girl is running late, but she’ll be here in a few.” She put her phone away. “Good, we have time to interrogate you.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Ned suggested. “How about we just get to know him without you grilling him.”
“Well, I didn’t mean literally,” MJ responded. “I know he’s harmless. Gayatri knows him from Pavitr.”
“MJ!” Gayatri exclaimed as if on cue. 
“That’s my cue. You boys play nice now,” and with that, she walked over to Peter’s friend group to say hello to Gayatri and Pavitr. 
It was just Peter and Ned left and they looked at each other awkwardly. 
“Hey, wanna find a table?” Ned asked, pointing over to one of the clothes tables.
“Yeah, sure!” Peter responded. 
After a bit of socializing, Celina invited everyone to sit together which turned out to be the greatest idea. Celina and Cindy were bonding and catching up, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr and Gayatri were talking about MIT culture and Harry and MJ were talking about something Peter couldn’t figure out, but Harry got a smile out of her a few times which seemed like a good sign. His friends were all together and it made him really happy. Especially now that he could see his old friends too. He talked to Ned about MIT, answered questions about himself when Ned asked, and ended up in a deep and intriguing conversation about Star Wars.
He found out why the entire group was here in the first place. Gwen and Miles were there to represent Brooklyn Visions Academy Star Alumni, Pavitr and Gayatri were there to represent Horizon High Star Alumni, Cindy and a girl named Jessica Drew were there to represent Midtown Tech Star Alumni, and Ned and MJ were there to represent MIT Stellar Students. Celina was Neds plus one which made both of your and Peter's friends groups there at the Gala.
“You know, I know I like, just only met you,” Ned started with a smile. “But I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. Is that weird? I dunno. Maybe I’ll take a page out of Celina’s book and say it’s a sign that you’re good for (Y/N).”
Peter’s heart swelled at his words. “S’not weird. I mean I still think it’s weird that you think anyone is better than Obi-Wan Kenobi, but that’s none of my business.” He smirked, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.
“Dude!” Ned exclaimed with a laugh. “Don’t put words in my mouth. I did not say that!” 
“You implied it,” Peter sang playfully.
“Nuh-uh! Obi-Wan is way cool! He’s the strongest force user! The one you should argue with is your Sith sympathizer girlfriend who still has a major crush on Anakin Skywalker even though he went through with order 66. And called Darth Vader, Darth Daddy,” 
“Ugh,” Peter winced. “Don’t remind me.”
They laughed softly for a moment before Gwen interjected.
“Hey!” She whined. “He gets to call her your girlfriend but I don’t?”
“He gets a pass because he’s not trying to put bets on my decisions like it’s a dating sim.”
Gwen stuck her tongue out at him again before there was a rush of commotion outside of the main entryway. They all looked over curiously.
“She’s here,” MJ stated. “God, she’s gonna hate all this attention.”
Peter’s senses started buzzing which confirmed MJ’s claims about you being here. He stood up at the feeling as his excitement to see you was rising. The reporters outside got louder as the outside door opened and you walked in. Peter could feel you getting closer as his senses focused on you. 
When you entered the room, Peter froze.
There you were, in a golden gown that complimented your upper body in ways that Peter wasn’t used to or prepared for. The tattoo on your arm was in full view and the blue of roses complemented the gold of your dress. Your makeup was made up of golden glitter on your eyelids and soft colors that went well with your skin tone. 
Peter wished he was sitting down because he was sure his legs were going to give out on him. Celina was right. If he was busy today with work, he would’ve risked it all just to be here to see you. He thanked the universe that the stars aligned in his favor.
You looked heavenly. 
When you spotted him your face lit up and you smiled at him and started to make a beeline towards him. He watched you the entire time.
“Peter, hey,” You smiled. 
He could smell your soft-scented perfume as you approached him and it relaxed him and he sighed softly in satisfaction, but his eyes never left you and his heart still raced.
He felt like he was in the presence of a Goddess. 
“H-” He cleared his throat before he squeaked again. “Hey, (Y/N)...”
“Snap out of it before you drool all over that tux,” Nika, who wore a green gown that was a similar color to MJ’s, said from beside you guys. 
Peter looked at her surprised that he didn’t notice her. Nika looked at you and held up a black box for you to take. “You left this in the limo. I swear you would lose your head from your shoulders without me.”
You take it with a sheepish look on your face. “Thank you.”
Nika smiled and then turned to greet your friends. You and Peter looked back at each other and you handed him the box. 
“For you.” 
He looked at you wondrously as he opened it. It was a bowtie and a pocket square that matched your dress. 
“Celina made the dress,” you explained as your face burned. “She thought it would be nice if we matched.”
Peter smiled and nodded as he took off the bowtie and took out the pocket square that he was already wearing. “Thanks.”
“Here, allow me,” you stated as you took out the golden bowtie from the box and began tying it around his collar. He watched you the entire time.
There were so many things he wanted to say but his brain was so scrambled that he could only muster up a “Did you get here okay?”  
“Yeah,” you replied as you worked on the pocket square softly. “Traffic was backed up to hell, but we managed.”
When you finished with the pocket square, you patted the pocket area with your hand twice. “There you go.” You smiled up at him meeting his eyes. 
He blushed. “Thank you.”
You smile bigger in response. “Welp, I got a speech to go make and then socialize with the pretentious assholes and organizations that are actually nice. Give me like an hour? Then I’m all yours.”
“No, yeah, yeah!” Peter nodded rapidly and cleared his throat while glancing at the ground for a second before meeting your gaze again and giving you a soft smile. “Go get ‘em, Tiger.” 
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 After a while, Peter went upstairs where it was less crowded. For a while he watched you go from person to person from the balcony with a glass of sweet wine in his hand that he sipped on. He then watched what his friends were doing. He noticed that Harry and MJ were spending a lot of time together talking. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen her smile like that before. He raised his eyebrow wondrously at her out-of-character reactions to Harry. Did she just giggle? Peter blinked rapidly.
Peter sensed you approaching him. 
“Hey there, Stranger,” you smiled and leaned backward on the balcony next to him. 
Peter looked at you with a small smile on his face. “Hey there, beautiful.”
Your face burned and your eyes averted away shyly at the unexpected compliment. “Stop,” you said sheepishly with no real conviction behind your words as you smiled down at the ground and tried to compose yourself. 
Peter's smile widened. “I would apologize, but I’m not sorry.”
You pressed your lips together and turned to face the same way he was. Your shoulder pressed against his. Two can play that game, Parker. “Keep it up and I might leave this circus early and take you with me.” 
“But Celina worked so hard on that phenomenal dress, and Harry got this tux sized for me. It would be a shame to let it go to waste,” Peter smirked. “Plus, Nika would murder us both if you left early with me.”
“I’m sure there’s a secluded room we can go to.” You argued playfully. “It wouldn’t be hard to… share our secrets there.”
Peter snorted. “How romantic. I hate to inform you that I’m not that kind of guy.”
“Even better,” you smiled and took the glass of wine from his hand and took a sip out of it while looking directly into his dark brown eyes. 
Peter looked back into your eyes deeply. He wanted to kiss you right then and there.
But of course, there was an interruption. Like always. 
“So this is the famous Peter Parker,” He heard a man’s voice say. “Right here in the flesh.”
You audibly sigh and roll your eyes as you look at Sam who was standing with Bucky both dressed in tux with serious looks on their faces but mischief in their eyes.
“Hello, Sam.” You said with not much enthusiasm in your voice. “And Bucky.”
Bucky squinted at the two of you and you both prayed to any higher being that they didn’t hear your flirtatious conversation.
Peter cleared his throat to make sure his voice didn’t embarrass him again. “Captain Wilson. Sergeant Barnes,” he addressed them politely. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Sam hummed and looked at the two of you. 
“Well, this was fun but there are some people I would like to introduce Peter to so if you wouldn’t mind-” As you spoke you took Peter’s hand and started to pull him away but were stopped when you felt a tug on your hand. 
You turned to see Peter standing there and Sam and Bucky each had a hand on his shoulder. Their grips were gentle but firm and it sent a chill down Peter’s spine. Despite his senses telling him that they weren’t going to do anything, it didn’t mean they weren’t going to say anything. Especially when they’re like older brother figures to you. You gave Peter an apologetic look as Bucky put his arm around Peter’s shoulder.
“We’re concerned for you,” Bucky stated. 
You sighed deeply. “He’s harmless, guys. I made sur-”
“Oh no, not you,” Sam interrupted and pointed at Peter. “You, my friend.”
“M-me?” Peter asked in confusion.
“Oh yeah,” Bucky added. “She’s kind of obsessed with you. I would be careful.”
You crossed your arms and huffed. “You guys aren’t funny-”
“She’s been researching you,” Sam interjected.
“Investigating, if you will.” 
“We know about you more than we should,” Sam gave Peter a warning look. 
Peter from each man as they spoke and you pouted and rolled your eyes. “Stop.”
“Hey, just trying to help a brother out,” Sam threw a hand up in defense. “Your ass is a little crazy.”
“I am not crazy,” you argued. “Now give him back.”
“Oof! You hear that, Buck?”
“Yep!” Bucky chimed. “Possessive as hell.”
“Stop making me look bad!”
“You’re doing that all on your own.”
Peter couldn’t take it anymore and he busted out in giggles and all three of you looked at him wondrously. 
“I know she’s been doing that,” Peter smiled smugly, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at you. “She just couldn’t help but fall for my charm and cute face.”
You deadpanned so hard. “You know what, never mind. Keep him.” you downed the wine, forced the glass into Bucky’s free hand, turned around, and walked away.
“Wait, (Y/N)-” Peter called. “I was joking!”
“Mhm, sure,” Peter could hear the smile in your voice. “Go be cute and cocky somewhere else with your new bros.”
Peter tried to pull from their grip to go after you, but Bucky kept his firm metal hold on him. Peter looked at him wondrously. 
Bucky gave him a thin-lipped smile. “Take care of her, yeah? Otherwise, you’ll have to deal with us in the not-so-subtle way, Spiderman.”
Peter nodded. “I promise.”
Bucky and Sam let go of Peter and he instantly ran after you picking you up from behind and twirling you around for a moment as you squealed and laughed. 
“Gotcha,” Peter sang. 
“Caught right in your web,” you smiled. “Poetic isn’t it?”
Peter snorted and set you down. “I feel like I should apologize to you about them.”
It was your turn to snort. “Please, I would apologize for them but they are two grown-ass men who can do it themselves. No worries though. I’ll be a brat about it for a few days until they do.”
Peter laughed. 
“Speaking of poems,” you said looking at the time. “I should get ready to give my speech and do the rest of my mingling so I can get that out of the way.”
Peter smiled at you. “Okay. I’ll probably go bully Harry with Gwen.”
You giggled. “You saw him with Michelle too?”
“Yeah.” And I would bully her too if circumstances were different.
“Have fun,” you said.
“Good luck,” He replied. 
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After your speech, you mingled more. One guy got a little handsy with you than you or Peter liked but you handled it with grace. And by grace, Peter meant you took the guy's hand by the wrist and nearly broke it as you told him off. After that Peter lost you in the crowd. He couldn’t find you and he couldn’t sense you. It worried him. He asked his friends and your friends if they had seen you. They haven’t and you weren’t answering your texts from anyone. It worried him more.
He spotted the table where Pepper, Happy and Morgan were sitting and decided that was his next best option, even if Happy was giving him suspicious looks all evening. So he walked over to them with sweaty hands and a racing mind.
“Um…Hello,” Peter said sheepishly. 
Pepper looked up at him. Happy never stopped looking at him. Morgan didn’t acknowledge him.
“Uh…you haven’t seen (Y/N) anywhere, have you?” He asked, rubbing the back of his head. “I’m Peter. Peter Parker.”
“Oh!” Pepper chimed. “She was going to introduce us to you later but fate has other plans I guess.” She smiled as she stood up and went by him. “It’s nice to meet you.”
She held out her hand and Peter shook it politely. “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Stark.”
Pepper wore a blue gown with her hair in a low bun. Morgan wore a pink dress with a black leather jacket that Peter recognized as the very first one that Tony had gotten for you. Happy wore a regular suit. 
“She left like fifteen minutes ago,” Morgan stated. “Typical.”
Pepper gave Morgan a warning look and then looked back at Peter. “She didn’t leave. She stepped out for a moment. She doesn’t do well in crowds for very long.”
Peter was surprised that Happy wasn’t with you, but then again he wasn’t surprised because you hated having a bodyguard with you at all times when you can take care of yourself just fine. 
Peter nodded knowingly in response. 
“She’ll be back in a bit,” Pepper continued. “She let Morgan use her phone.”
He looked to see the preteen girl playing a game on your phone aggressively. 
Ah. “Okay. Thank you.” 
“Aw, man!” Morgan exclaimed. “I died!”
She pouted the same way you did. Her bottom lip sticking out and furrowed brows and it made Peter chuckle softly.
“What game are you playing?” Peter asked.
Morgan looked up at him. “Genshin Impact.”
Peter hummed in amusement. “May I?”
She eyed him with hesitation and then handed him the phone. He took it and then sat in the chair next to her. He looked at the screen and blinked rapidly.
“Dude,” he started. “You’re still in Inazuma? When did you start playing?”
“Like a month ago,” Morgan replied sheepishly. “But I used to play on (Y/N)’s account but I got tired of her zooming through the storyline and I was left with only her story quests and world quests. Of course, she would leave the boring parts to me.”
Peter snorted and analyzed the mission Morgan was struggling with. “You’re fighting Raiden Shogun. Saving Thoma right?”
Morgan nodded. 
“So the goal isn’t to beat her. She’s an Archon it’s impossible to do so,” Peter explained like the geek he is. “And she deactivates your bursts and skills so you’re kind of stuck and rendered useless. The goal is to bring her down to seventy-five percent health and run and dodge when she activates the Vision Hunt Decree. You only need to survive for forty-five seconds after that and you’re all good.” 
Morgan looked at him with wide eyes. “Really?”
“Mhm!” Peter smiled. “Here let me equip you with the right things. Especially with the team you have.”
After clicking around and setting up Morgan’s teams for success, he handed the phone back to her. “If you lose you can kick my butt.”
She took the phone and gave him a tight-lipped smile as she started the mission again. Peter watched her the whole time and was her second pair of eyes. She was able to pass the quest with flying colors.
“Yes!” Morgan cheered and looked up at Peter with a sparkle in her eye. “Thank you so much, Peter!”
“Good job!” Peter chuckled softly and held up his hand for a high five and Morgan smacked the palm of her hand onto his.
He looked up to see Pepper smiling at the two of them and Happy's face was softer than it had been all night. Peter gave them a thin-lipped smile in response. There was still no sign of you. 
“You should go find, (Y/N),” Morgan stated, not taking her eyes off the screen. “I think I got it from here. Oh! But give me your UID and we can be friends on here!”
Peter smiled, gave her his UID, and then he got up. “I’ll bring her back safely.”
“Thank you,” Pepper replied. 
Peter walked out and into the cool New York City air. He glanced around to see if he could spot you but there was no sign of you but he could faintly sense you. Which brought him some relief and comfort. 
"If you're looking for her, she's on the roof." 
Peter whipped around to see Nika leaning up on the wall looking at the roof of a building that was across the street. 
"The roof?"
"Yeah,” Nika replied. “She can only take so much of the public eye, public speeches, and networking before it gets too much for her. So she needs a break from it all for a bit so she can come back down and do it all over again. It took her two months of practicing her speech for the expo before she felt ready. In fact, I don't think she ever was ready for that speech."
Peter chuckled softly and said softly to himself. “Yeah, she’s always been that way.”
Nika hummed in response. 
Peter looked up at the sign of the place that you were on top of. It was a cute cafe with globe lights on strings and plants on the roof of it. He imagined it was a quiet place which is why you choose there to go.
“I’m out here as her lookout,” Nika continued. “Decided to give Happy a break and actually enjoy himself for once.”
Peter hummed amused. “How nice of you.”
“He’s probably shitting himself worried right now,” Nika grinned. “I may be a small girl but I can take down a super soldier like Sargent Barnes any day. I’m more than capable.”
“I believe you,” Peter agreed. “You kinda scare me.”
Peter smiled at Nika and she smiled back.
"Well, what are you waiting for?”’ She chuckled. “Go to her. Be an Avenger Boy and save the day.” She waved him off. “Shoo shoo!"
Peter laughed. “You’re not gonna kick my ass for being a distraction?”
“Nah,” Nika let out a deep breath. “She could use a little…or a lot…of distraction right now. Play your cards right and you might get completely on my good side.”
“Good to know,” Peter smiled and began walking towards the building. 
“You can web up there you know,” Nika commented which made Peter stop in his tracks and turn on his heels to look at her.
“You know?” He replied but it came out more like a statement.
Nika tapped her temple. “I know a lot of things. It’s kind of my job. Didn’t take me long to figure it out.”
Peter nodded in response.
“If anyone sees you, I’ll gaslight them.”
Peter laughed. “No worries, I’m careful.”
Nika nodded and gave him a salute of good luck. He was pleasantly surprised by Nika’s friendly behavior. He half expected her to rip his head off for trying to bother him but she encouraged him. And what was he gonna do, say no? Of course not.
 He went into the Alley of the building and webbed himself up after making sure the coast was clear. He saw you on the other side leaning over the ledge looking up at a billboard with Tony Stark and the Iron Man suit on it. The Billboard read “Gone but never forgotten.”
He took a deep preparation breath and walked over to you. You sensed him, looked back at him, and smiled softly.
"Sorry,” you stated.  “I'm a horrible date."
"You're not," he smiled back with a chuckle and leaned next to you much like how you did with him earlier.
You both turned and looked at the billboard again both of your are hit with waves of emotions and Peter couldn’t tell if he was feeling it from you or if you were feeling it from him, but the comfort of each other’s company kept your feelings in check as you guys silently bonded over the absence of Tony Stark in your lives. 
Peter remembered all his moments with Tony and how much he learned from him. He remembers sitting in the workshop with him while Tony worked on his Spider suit and he, himself, worked on his web shooters. 
He remembers a specific day…
You ran up behind Peter, wrapped your arms around his torso, and gave him a peck on the cheek with a giggle. He blushed with a smile and turned his head to look at you and kiss your forehead. You would be spending the day with Natasha and Wanda.
“Heading out?” He asked you softly.
“Yep,” you replied. “I’ll buy you something.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Let her do it,” Tony said from across the table. “She’s gonna do it anyway. It’s like her dream to be your sugar mama.”
Peter chuckled nervously, unsure if Tony was being serious or not. You rolled your eyes.
“Bye, Darling.” You pecked Peter’s lips and he pecked yours back before you went over to your dad and kissed his temple. “Goodbye, Father.”
“Goodbye Daughter,” Tony replied. “Have fun, be safe, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and definitely don’t do anything I would do.”
You made a pfft sound. “Yeah right,” you replied as you walked away.  “Love you,” you sang.
“Love you,” Tony replied as you disappeared up the staircase. 
Peter watched you the entire time with nothing but love in his eyes. Tony eyed him when he noticed him not focusing on his web slinging gizmo. 
“Y’know, kid,” Tony started as Peter turned to him rapidly from being knocked from his gazing and daydreaming of you. “There’s this thing called a camera. It’s on your phone. Ever heard of it? If you take a picture it will last longer.”
Peter snorted with a smile and went back to upgrading his gadget. “S’not the same, sir.”
Tony sighed and rolled his eyes. “You kids are weird. But I’d take weird over anything else.”
Peter inserted the web fluid into his web shooter and then set it down looking up at Tony. 
Mr. Stark?”
“That’s me,” Tony sang.
“I think I’m in love with (Y/N),” Peter said and Tony stopped what he was doing and looked up at him again. “But ... .I don’t know how to express that to her in a way she deserves.”
Tony’s face softened and he set the suit down on the table and turned completely to Peter listening to him.
Peter continued. “I don’t know much about romance…only what they show in movies and what Aunt May has told me but this is my first relationship and I’m hoping for it to be my one and only relationship for the rest of my life. Is that weird? That’s weird isn’t it?” Peter sighed nervously. “I just…I don’t wanna mess it up. I want to find a way to show her how much I love her. Something that she can hold or look at for when we aren’t by each other but I also know she’s not materialistic and she prefers experiences over items. I dunno…maybe I’m overthinking it.”
Tony pressed his lips together and let out a deep breath. “You got a heart of gold, Peter. It pairs well with her heart of Iron. I’m sure whatever you come up with she will love because it came from you and you specifically. That’s all she needs.”
Peter let out a sigh.
“You know I never visited his grave,” you stated softly and Peter looked at you. “I’m afraid of how I’ll react.” You look down at your tattoo and trace your fingers over the arc reactors. “I never expected to take over the stark throne so soon…the same age my dad took over. If I go visit his grave, that’s just a reminder of what wasn’t supposed to be.”
Peter listened to you.
“Kinda shitty of me isn’t it?” You started. “Won’t take on the role of Iron Hero, won’t go visit his grave, can’t hold an event without running away and leaving my date behind. Some legacy I am.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Peter said, turning to you and seeing your eyes glossed over. “That’s not shitty. That’s called being human. You have the right to feel however you feel about it. He was more than just your dad but the person you confided in the most. No one blames you for feeling this way.”
You looked at him and smiled. “Thanks.”
Peter pressed his lips together and lifted himself from the ledge and took out his phone, opening up his preferred music app. You watched him as he set his phone down as the song played. It was one of your favorites, Lover by Taylor Swift. 
He holds out his hand to you with a smile. "Dance with me?" 
You smiled and took his hand. And he walked you closer towards the center of the roof. You wrapped your arms around his neck and clasped your hands together as his hands made their way to your hips. Your senses bloomed at the contact as you guys looked at each other with burning faces that kept you warm from the cool autumn air.
"You look pretty tonight," he stated. "Not that you don't look pretty any other time."
“Thank you,” you giggled. "You should see me when I wake up in the morning. Puffy-faced, looking scary and pissed off."
Peter chuckled softly remembering how you were in the mornings during their time at the Avengers Compound. You always looked like you were ready to fight someone at any moment even if you woke up in a good mood. You got teased for it often. 
"Well, you clean up nicely," he smiled.
"So do you," you smiled. "You look handsome. Not that you don't look handsome any other time."
“Thanks, I woke up like this.”
You playfully hit his arm and he laughed in response with your giggles. 
“You’re conceited today,” you commented. 
“Confident,” he corrected.
You squinted your eyes and hummed in doubt. “Conceited,” you argued. “But I kinda like it.”
He hummed in response and looked into your eyes meeting your gaze. 
You get lost looking deeply into the darkness of his irises. He has such pretty brown eyes. He looked back into your eyes deeply also getting lost in your wonderous orbs. You guys felt the pull stronger than ever before. You glanced down at his lips and Peter stopped moving as he focused completely on you. Like the rest of the world didn’t exist. His senses were all on you.
It was his turn to glance down at your lips as he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth like he was debating on something before making a decision. Pavitr’s words rang in his mind. 
This is it. The moment.
You both lean in. It’s happening. The moment you and your senses have been waiting for. Oh my fucking god, it’s happening. You close your eyes. 
Your lips met his softly.
Your senses jolted and in a quick moment your body went cold and an implosion of warmth flowed through you and. your senses lost control of themselves. Your heart raced in your chest and your brain focused on Peter and only Peter. 
It was like something clicked.
You didn't realize that you had stopped dancing. You didn't know when his arm wrapped around your waist to pull you closer and you didn't know how your hand ended up gripping his hair. You didn't feel the moment when his tongue swiped across your lips and you opened your mouth to invite him in. 
He tasted of strawberry candy wine and mint and paradise. 
It was like your senses remembered him even though your memory was still hazy but in that moment, it was like it was only you two in the world.
His kiss reminded you of your first kiss. 
His hold reminded you of your first dance.
His gentleness reminded you of him.
The Faceless Boy.
You forgot to breathe and your hands slowly moved to his shoulders and you pulled back reluctantly and he chased your lips as if you two were a magnetic force not meant to part. You looked at each other with hooded eyes, slightly heavy breathing and racing hearts.
Before you could think your mouth spoke.
"My sweet boy…" you said barely a whisper.
Before Peter could react you both were interrupted.
"Let's go, Parker!!" 
Peter jumped as did you and quickly looked over with wide eyes. You stopped his hand from activating his web shooter and accidentally webbing someone off the roof. 
Then he groaned softly and he winced and threw his head back in defeat.
His friends and your friends were together cheering and clapping. As Gwen and Harry started chanting the intro to Blitzkrieg Bop.
"Hey, ho! Let's go!" Echoed through the night sky as Cindy and Celina threw finger hearts at the both of you and joined in the chant. Nika was there with her phone out recording the whole ordeal with a mischievous smile on her face.
You couldn't help but snort and hide your face in Peter's shoulder as you shook from giggles of embarrassment, while Peter pouted at his friends in particular. You lifted your head with your lips pressed together sheepishly looking at him.
"We have a fan base."
He looked back at you with an apologetic look. "I'm so, so, so sorry about this…"
"Don't be. I'm pretty sure it was Nika's idea." 
You both glanced over at them again. As they all started cheering “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
I think I’m going to enter my villain arc, Peter thought, being unserious. I asked for one night.
"Let's give them a show?" You asked. 
Peter decided that if this is what fate had in store for you both, he wasn’t going to let it ruin the moment. So he smirked at you and dipped you causing you to squeal softly and your leg to lift. He caught the bottom of your thigh in his hand as he pressed his lips to yours again and you lay a hand on his cheek while the other gripped onto his shoulder. 
The feeling was electrifying and your friends cheered and clapped louder.
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Later that night you arrived back at home with Pepper and Morgan. You say goodnight to them as you go to your room and close the door. You lean back on your door and sigh happily. 
You and Peter finally kissed. And it was twice and it was perfect. 
You bite your lip while smiling ear to ear. You felt like a teenage girl again crushing…probably on Peter Parker, to be honest.
You pull out your phone and text Peter.
I'm home. 
Me too. 
You smile and touch your lips softly. You could feel his kiss on your lips still and it sent a warmth throughout your body. You were knocked out  of your thoughts when your phone sounded.
I had fun tonight 😊
Me too ☺️
Your face burned and you giggled.
Sweet dreams, Peter Parker ♥️
Sweet dreams, (Y/N) Stark ♥️
Your heart fluttered the entire time you got ready for bed. And when you dreamt of the Faceless Boy you imagined Peter's face and when you woke up the next morning, it was with grace. There was no cold sweat and there was no pain. Only a happy heart, clear mind and a smile on your lips where you still felt the ghost of Peter's soft lips.
@chrisevans-realwife @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130 @kindlover @i-have-no-life-charlie @melodicheauxxlovesfood
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vulpisnocturna · 10 months
Another funsie request bc I loved your bonnet hcs, if you have time and energy, of the Akatsuki, who burns or tans in the summer sun? What are their favorite beach time activities?
If you wanna add more characters feel free to!
Ahaha your requests are so fun! I grew up on the seaside (lore on me lol) and believe it or not, I love swimming but hate going to the beach ahah.
Itachi: 100% burns in the sun. I’m thinking British tourist in Mallorca type of vibe. Definitely would try to put sunscreen on but it makes no difference lol. No tanning. Only lobster vibes.
The sun hurts his eyes a lot (relate hard) so he’s not too keen on the beach. Is the type to go for a swim, come back, and bolt from the beach to seek shelter in the shade. Prefers rocky beaches to sandy ones. It’s a bit hard to get away from the beach if your damp body is full of sand.
Pain: lots of sunscreen. Does not go to the beach. I’ll do it for Nagato I suppose. Nagato also burns, but then he tans. Likes to sit on a rock in the shade and watch the waves. Has all kinds of emo vibes to it.
Konan: queen of relaxation. You will see her with a nice book, sunglasses, classy bikini and a mojito under a parasol. Type to go for a leisurely swim and then get a nice tan as she dries in the sun. Tans, but not very easily. Type to bring fruit to snack on at the beach.
Hidan: Tans easily. Shows off his body. Tries to charm girls at the beach. Gets drunk at the beach bar and goes for a swim because who cares if he drowns. Throws sand and splashes Deidara. Fights with Deidara
Sasori: hates the beach. hates burning in the sun like the ginger he is. Freckles. Secretly likes building sand castles, hates that Deidara destroys them.
Deidara: tans, burns a little bit before that, like on his cheeks and shoulders because he thinks sunscreen is gross and doesn’t want to put it on. Petulant child vibes. Kicks down Sasori’s sand castles because art is ephemeral. Fights with Hidan.
Tobi/Obito: beach means no chance to wear his outfit to conceal himself. Will decline. I think Obito would tan easily. He would also like to go for a swim, and if no one was there, he would just float on the water far from the shore because it’s so emo and angsty. Loves moonlight swims. I’m thinking Lana Del Rey type of guy. Summertime Sadness is Obito floating in the water at night with a full moon.
Zetsu: doesn’t go to the beach. Aloe doesn’t grow in the water.
Kakuzu: hates the beach. I’m thinking grumpy old man who complains about the sun, it’s too hot, the sand gets everywhere, the water is too cold, people are too loud, children laughing make him want to kill. Drowns Hidan.
Kisame: is literally a shark??? Kid who doesn’t want to get out of the water vibes. Will stay there for hours. Befriends sea creatures. Doesn’t tan and doesn’t burn (his skin is blue???)
I think that’s everyone lol.
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lurkingteapot · 8 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 1
I watched this last night and was pleasantly surprised! I trust P'Aof with narratives of queerness and with social critique, but disability to this extent is a new topic for him and his team to tackle as far as I can tell, and it's very very easy to catch me on the wrong foot with that even without going to the extent of, say, Fighting Mr Second. Yes, I know Moonlight Chicken treated Heart really well. still. WORRIED.
I mentioned that the final trailer reminded me a little of French comedy-drama Intouchables (2011), especially the interview scenes. I got those same vibes while watching the actual scenes from the show, rather than the trailer, but in a good way -- and already, this is clearly its own thing.
oh I like the blur on the advisory message
urgh what's with this flashiness, that's not great, this ep needs a seizure risk warning (flashing black/white lights right after the adivsory message ends until about 00:00:33)
this seems like a horror film
I bet P'Aof quizzed Mark extensively for this
ffs Day, call a break
the tone of this is so different from what I expected and I think I like it
oh wait I know her face
Phawjai, huh?
sisters named Rung just do not have a good track record in these shows
he's "ba~"-ing that dude, WHAT. that does not sound like a strategy that's likely to lead to success with your probation officer, just saying
he's literally out on probation, huh, they REALLY leaned into that with the ankle bracelet and everything.
oh c'mon clearly-not-professor-Pichai
he's going to just fix the chair, isn't he
man this show does already not pull its punches
I like that they at least tried with the five o clock shadow on Jimmy. He still looks like a model, but they clearly TRIED.
love to see Mawk among all the social worker types
wait wait wait I know glasses, why do I know glasses
adsfasdfasdfasdfasdfadsfasdfasdfasdfsd wow the SHADE I love it
asdfsaf RIGHT BACK AT HIM I love this
Oh god Day is an ASSHOLE and I love it
Night hates himmm and I get it
does Day not even realise he's there on that lift?!
wow lady that's unprofessional
holy shit I get that, on a meta level, this is for the exposition, but exposing someone's medical history like that?! YIKES.
loaded sibling relationship there
wow he's an ASSHOLE
Annnd Night's an ass right back but uh. I kinda get it.
oooh he's in visible distance
I guess Mawk is just used to dealng with assholes, huh
oh my GOD I love this le petit prince quoting bit??? did not expect that!
Mark looks his actual age as night, love that for him
for a second there I forgot that not all doors lock automatically like the hotel doors of all those "apartments" or "dorms" we see and was like, wait, he can just walk back in? just like that?
and that's the foundation: Mawk trusts Day to do things for himself
this mum does NOT look old enough to have kids Sea and Mark's age, what's her secret
I really enjoyed that! strong first episode, already not pulling any punches on the social commentary. I really enjoyed everyone's acting here-- Jimmy especially seems to have improved a lot, I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Now! to unblock the tag and see what everyone else is saying :D
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Desiree Redesign Discussion✨
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Desiree is very well known in the DP community and her design’s one of the most remembered. There’s a lot that’s good such as the blues, purples, flowy genie tail etc. At the same time, there were certain things I really wanted to change, especially when thinking of reintroducing her for a modern kids show.
A huge criticism in her design and in a lot of historical Arabian fashion is that it tends to be portrayed orientalist(imitation or depiction of the Eastern World, a lot of the time very inaccurate to say the least), I wanted to make sure my version was more accurate.
Made her outfit more modest. Another HUGE criticism in her design and orientalist portrayals is that Arabian fashion for women, tend to be rather sexualized, even more since she’s in a kids show. Arabian fashion’s much more modest. With that said, it was also more relaxed back then so I went with a more relaxed type to show she’s from a different period of time in Arabian history, compared to now.
Made her hair from straight black to a more wavy dark blue. Since I was going for a flowy, ethereal vibe in general for her, thought I’d make her hair more like that too. I also added braids, as they were very popular back then as well for Arabian Hairstyles. I made the ends like her genie tail🧞‍♀️ For her outfit, I added gold sparkle decoration for the magic feel and to help incorporate the magic sparkles and flow into her outfit to help separate the purples more and for a magical feel. Added dots, to make it feel like stars in the night.
Made her tail more glowy. Genie tails usually have a sort of mist/smoke effect on them and I wanted to use that! Plus it gives off a sparkling feel to it✨
Gave her a veil. As I said about the modesty, the hair’s also covered and would've been back then as well. Though like back then it was also more relaxed and it varied, some covering completely, others letting a bit of their hair shown, overall having something covering their head. Went for a type with hair shown, I went with that to show the time difference and also cause it looks very flowy and pretty. Went with deeper purples to contrast better with the blues and gold💜
 OG Color Palette- Green, gray, white, black, red, light blue, light purple with different shades for a shine affect and magenta for the lips.
My Color Palette- Light royal blue, dark blue, gold, white, magenta purple and dark purple.
I also wanted to give off a gentler, more ethereal vibe. My version of Desiree’s kinder and overall gentler compared to her canon self so I wanted a look to fit her new character better as well. She seeks to grant wishes so it makes sense she’d want to look in a way that’s welcoming, inviting. I wanted mine to feel calmer and more serene, hence why I added more flowy materials and elements✨☁️
Made her eyes more almond shaped, I think it suits her better than the circles.
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Have both of eyes shown as the top of her hairs braided, so nothings covering them.
Gave her gold nail polish.
 Made her green skin blue to make it easier on the eye and fit with her other colors better.
Changed her purple lipstick and gave her bigger lips, the upper lip black, like the tips in Kim Possible.
Gave her eyeliner. Popular Arabian eyeliner has a lot on the upper lash and some at the bottom. There were shots that had Desiree like that. 
Changed her face structure.
Made her nose bigger.
Went for a deeper, more royal blue as well as darker shades of purples💙💜
Made her pupils twinkle shaped. I thought it’d looked pretty and to give off the idea of her being starry eyed, my version being more idealistic, a dreamer type✨
Made her head and necklace jewelry more elaborate. Added dangly sparkles✨ Gave her small gold cuff bracelets, instead of the purple with blue dangly hoops.
Gave her rings💍
Added a cuff bracelet on her ghost tail.
Made her jewelry gold. Aw the color’s very popular in Arabian jewelry, good contrast and cause it looks very cool⚱️⭐️
Added a swirl at the end of her tail as a lot tails are like that.
Made her jewelry more cuff like to give off the subtle feel of being trapped. Specifically being trapped in her ghostly form, longing to be free again in the living world. Ngl seeing Desiree’s cuff jewelry, and genies in cuff jewelry sometimes are portrayed like actual chain cuffs, being trapped to their bottles and duty as genies. Don’t get me wrong, she can change her jewelry and overall likes her jewelry, and I can see her to have worn stuff like that before her death, just something I’ve noticed in a lot of genie designs and thought it’d fit some of her own deep down feels.
What do u think? How would u redesign Desiree? I’d love to know💖
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
Out of all the drivers you write for… who do you think would be the most interested in the wedding planning process vs who wouldn’t care and would just tell you to choose whatever you wanted?
wants to be involved every step:
Charles - would absolutely want to help in any way he can! the sweet boy would spend hours looking at different types of flower arrangements to get the ones with the exact right shade to match your dress and accessories, as well as having a tie made to match. I feel like he would want to make a little cliche wedding scrapbook of all the ideas the two of you find together.
Pierre - have you seen how he reacts to other peoples weddings? he would love planning yours! he’d been so excited in the months leading up to the proposal that he could barely keep it to himself, so he would want to be as involved as possible. the only thing he wouldn’t help with was dress shopping and that’s because he’s not allowed, but he would be super hands on with everything else. he would probably want to get married somewhere like lake como, and he would send you pictures of weddings he found when he was away for race weekends which would make your heart melt.
Daniel - 100% wants to be as helpful as possible, constantly offering assistance at every opportunity. I feel like he would want to get married on his ranch, and the two of you would take evening strolls and he would point out where you could have the archway and hang fairy lights to make it even more beautiful. he knew how stressful planning weddings could be so he would want to make it as fun for the both of you as possible; in the end planning wasn’t stressful at all because you were doing it with your best friend.
Mick - the most helpful boy to ever grace the face of the earth, he would be so excited to plan your wedding. I don’t know why but he gives off the vibe that he would make a Pinterest board for ideas and constantly send you stuff that he thinks you would like. he would definitely take charge in contacting venues and stuff like that so the two of you could look around together. he knew how important this day was going to be for both of you so he really put his heart into planning it.
Seb - he would be the epitome of the perfect husband before you’d even gotten married, and that would include planning the perfect wedding for you both. he would make wedding planning fun by organising little date nights where the two of you would drink wine, eat your favourite food and plan.
more on the chilled side:
Carlos - would of course care about decisions but would be super laidback about the whole process. as long as you were happy and didn’t do anything that he absolutely despised then he would be happy to help whenever you asked and let you plan the perfect day.
Max - I won’t lie, this man is the definition of unfazed. he would be over the moon at the fact you were getting married so he would want you to plan your perfect day. the two of you had very similar taste, it was one of the reasons you got on so well, so he trusted you to plan your dream day together.
George - he would want to make you happy so would just do whatever you wanted. he would be super relaxed throughout the whole process, whenever he could tell you were getting stressed he would give you a back rub and make you dinner while you asked what he thought about stuff. he would definitely care about the wedding but was happy for you to take charge.
Lando - would be so happy that you said yes to the proposal that he basically forgot wedding planning was a thing. he would be so giddy the whole time that he would almost forget to help. of course he would give his opinions on things when you asked him but he was just so love struck that it all passed him by in a blur until you were walking down the aisle toward him.
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Going all out on this because Dot did an amazing job with these questions:
🧩, 🦴, 🥝, ❄️ & 🦷 for the ask game, please <3!
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
9 times out of 10 it’s either first person POV, a character waking up for the day age describing themselves as they look in a mirror, or WALLS of text. Formatting and first paragraph will always destroy my perception of a fic, and it doesn’t matter how good it is even two sentences after that.
Another more esoteric thing is any kind of dad’s best friend or stepfather or barely legal/he’s too old for me trope. I think those are literally the most vile fucking shit, and I just block on site. And I’m all for taboos, and people writing what they want, but I’ve never seen that shit written well nor on a blog that isn’t sparkly and pink and giving off major DDlg vibes. Fucking stomach turning.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Answered this guy here! But I’ll add a few others that aren’t pieces of media dfhj. The words: abattoir, incandescent, butcher, slaughter, dappled. Different deep jewel shades of blue and green. Animal eyes. Bones in odd places. Videos of interesting women cooking. Dreams about: mothers, children, fire, the apocalypse, all my lost true loves, every corner of the town I visit that I should mark on map.
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what’s the most recent lie you told?
I lie quite a bit, but it used to be that almost every word out of my mouth was an exaggerated abs pointless lie dfhjd. Yay growing up in dysfunctional household! These days I’m much more conscientious and purposeful about being honest, and I’m always trying to improve, just going with white lies about stuff at work to make my life easier (“I need to use the restroom” means I’m going for a smoke), or at home to keep things smoother (“They were out of X creamer” means I forgot).
Most recent lie was this evening when I told my sister I had left the store and I couldn’t get her a certain brand of energy drink, but I was in the checkout line and didn’t want to go back through lmao.
❄️ ⇢ what’s your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
HO BOY SO MANY DFHJ. These are more vibes than anything solid sfhj. In alphabetical order:
@alittleposhtoad grieving in a cold place, love that has kindling in friendship, oranges peeled by one set of hands for another, tea in an old electric kettle on a black night, you can always come home here and home is what you call my head on your chest.
@dotcie two weirdos walk into a dive bar, and their mutually assured obsession exhibits as mutually assured destruction, sweating under a street lamp in a town where tourists don’t go at 3am with a man you swore you’d never see again, bedsheets they smell like sweat and home under an open window.
@kastlequill cannibalism as a type of taboo and closed religion, rage wielded elegant and precise like a blade, thought put into evils until they’re extrapolated into facets of humanity, the dichotomy of suffering as holiness and pointlessness, dangerous men they have either accepted or full on love the blood in their mouths, cities at sunset with the lights glittering on.
@parttimeprophet hey babe hehe. Animal hated paid back in animal brutality, cold women with colder determination, hell and religion and the death of god and the apocalypse, lipstick that glimmers like rubies, men that love the collars around their necks.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
More wisdom: take breathers as much as you can in any area of life - steal then when you can at work, in hobbies, in talking, in cleaning - whether it’s 5 mins or 5 months, you need to rest, shit will be waiting for you when you get back. Don’t write down anything you don’t want read. Horses and boats are fun hobbies, but you can have the same financial experience by throwing wads of cash in a bonfire.
More life hacks: if you want to buy a used car, go for a Honda, bc you can beat the dog shit out of them for 30 years and they’ll still run like a clock. To save money, don’t get addicted to coke. The secret to the best homemade fried chicken you’ve ever had in your life is a pinch of cinnamon in your seasoned flour, and to make it crispy add a tablespoon of baking soda. Cream of tartar will make it meringue not break, but if you use too much it will taste hella metallic. 2 drops of dandelion tincture in a shot glass worth of water helps with liver and gallbladder inflammation - that’s Appalachian not crystal woowoo medicine. Don’t whistle outside at night.
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thedeluluverse · 1 year
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This is my first foray into the world of drabbles but please gimme allll the feedback! 😊 I just couldn’t get this damn chair idea out of my head so hope y’all enjoy, let me know XD
Summary: You normally aren’t the type to go home with a handsome stranger from the club but today is different. Stressed with life and a long day at work, you let loose for once! But what will the morning after bring?
Pairing:  idol!Taehyung x cashier!f!reader.
Rating: PG13 ig lmao
Genre: idol!au, strangers to lovers!au, fluff,
Word Count: 1,787
Warnings: swearing, 2nd hand embarrassment, making out, some hair pulling, mentions of smutty night before, customer service job (yes that’s a warning lmao), sleepy pure bean Tae
You have been living on your own for about a year, and so far, so good until you started your new retail cashier job at a little-bit-of-everything store. It isn't the worst job ever, but it tends to attract all kinds of people in varying shades of odd, so it can be quite mentally draining in addition to all the Karens you encounter. Feeling more tired than usual, you don't even notice the tall, handsome customer walk in and head straight to the back clearance corner where the weird things you might find at a garage sale live.
Until the rest of your coworkers leave for the day, and you are alone because your dumbass manager doesn't know how to make a schedule. So, he has no other option to check out besides you. The sound of approaching shopping cart wheels alerts you to look professional. Still, you almost lose your balance once your eyes focus on this customer. Though his appearance is barely seen with a baggy hoody, baseball cap, and a mask, you can tell this is one handsome dude. The flustered sensation fades slightly once you see him place the only item in his buggy up on the counter to be scanned; a chair with more cake than most people that you threw in the back months ago. Gulping hard at the familiar object, you ask,
Y/N: *turning the chair around to find the tag to scan* “Wi..will this be all for you today, sir?"
CM: *raises an eyebrow with an amused look and chuckles* "Yeah, that's it, but you don't need to be so formal; it looks like I'm not much older than you."
Y/N: *you blush b/c omg he looked at me lmao* "Oh…okay… I didn't mean to offend you; just part of my job. *Bags up the item and places it back in the cart* "Have a nice day…well, what's your name Mr. not old."
CM: *has a fake annoyed look on his face* "Someone is quick-witted, I see… well, sadly for you, I'm not keen on revealing such personal things. Not like this, at least. See you around, Sassy." *Leaves store*
You sit back down on the bench with a hand on your heart beating out of your chest from the mere presence of that man, much less you had playful banter?? And did he just give you a nickname?? Taking a deep breath, you are energized by this interaction and start cleaning up the store so you can leave on time to meet your friends at a new club tonight. One other person comes in before closing, so you can leave work at 8 o'clock on the dot for once! Much as you try not to, you just can't help replaying that mysterious stranger in your head the whole drive home. Once you get home, you blast your upbeat boss bitch vibes playlist as you freshen up and get ready to head to the club.
Entering the club, you spot your friends, and instantly, the stresses of life fade away in the aesthetic lights and boppy music blaring through the stereo. It doesn't hurt that you feel fine as hell, either! After about 2 hours of songs and 2 shots, you sit down at the bar for a breather and some water as you were too busy for dinner, so a couple of shots don't necessarily agree with your stomach despite your attitude feeling fantastic. You close your eyes for a moment as you enjoy the crisp water going down your throat, feeling the cooling sensation all the way down. The relaxation doesn’t last long until you feel a presence beside you. This isn't odd since you are in a public space, but it has the energy of someone waiting to talk to you. Turning to your left and swiftly standing up to show you were stable to whoever was near you didn't work out according to plan. Your legs buckle as soon as you are upright, and you can feel your balance slipping from getting up too quickly as you aren't buzzed enough to be unstable. Thankfully, a solid but gentle pair of arms catch you before you hit the ground and slowly turn you to face him to ensure you are okay. Before any words are said, you recognize him as the customer from earlier today. Your eyes widen suddenly, and you are very nervous about how good you look because most men you've met in clubs have been scum. You start to dart away, but his honey-like voice pulls you back.
CM: "Hey, hey, it's okay; you're safe, alright? I was worried when you came to sit down, so I was on standby to protect you.
Y/N: *is confused* “But wh..why? You don't even know me; why do you care?" *slight pause* "Oohhh, right, you're a guy. I bet you are just trying to play the hero card to get in my pants."
CM: *frowns* “I am a guy, but everything else is wrong. Do you not recognize me from earlier? You are the same cashier, right? Sheesh, that'd be embarrassing if you weren't…."
Y/N: *astounded he recognized you* "Woah… I did, but I didn't think you'd remember me!"
CM: *chuckles and shyly rubs his neck* “I mean.. how could I not? Hard-working, funny, and beautiful, it'd be a crime to not commit you to memory."
Y/N: *bibi di nobody bo you’re a tomato* “I..well.I’m flattered.” *looks down, biting your lip, then head snaps back up with hands on your hips* "Wait… so can I know your name now?? You already know mine because of my stupid uniform name tag, so it's unfair."
CM: *tilts head in, 'You have a point'* "Fair enough, the name is Tae. Nice to formally meet you, y/n."
Y/N: *butterflies a flurry in your stomach, hearing him say your name* "Trust me…the pleasure is all mine. So I have to ask, do you really think I'm beautiful? Like, I know I look hot right now but earlier, different story. "
TAE: "I mean what I say and vice versa, gorgeous. I normally don't do this, but I've been going a little crazy since the store. Sooo, would you be okay if I.. again, it's fine if not, I just wanted to ask because..”
Before he can finish the sentence, your arms are thrown around his neck, engaging in a passionate kiss. You don't break away to breathe until about 10 minutes of your hands roaming all around each other’s bodies and through your hair without a care. Communicating wordlessly, you bolt out of there hand in hand to his car, where the makeout continues for another 5 minutes before you agree to take it to his place. You usually are never the type to have a one-night stand, but something just feels so right with this guy. You feel safe enough to let go of your worries and let something other than your vibrator give you release for once.
Waking up in a new place in a baggy Celine t-shirt, the events of last night slowly replay in your head as you goofily grin, feeling elated for the first time in a while. Looking over, you notice Tae is not in bed still. It shouldn't worry you, it's a hookup, after all, but you can tell he's not that type of guy. Curiosity getting the better of you, you wander out of the room, greeted by the cutest little fluffball of a Pomeranian. Squatting and letting it sniff you, it instantly jumps into your arms; walking into the living room, you meet Tae's shocked eyes.
TAE: "He let you pick him up? It normally takes several meetings for him to be comfortable with someone."
Y/N: *shrugs as you release the upper, excitedly panting for his dad* "I've always been good with animals, honestly. What's his name?"
TAE: *picks up the dog and kisses head* "Names Yeontan but I call him Tan for short."
You melt at all the cute you have witnessed in the last few minutes, then you stare off into space, looking shocked about something.
TAE: * waves hand in front of your face* “Hey, y/n, you okay?”
Y/N: *doesn’t blink* “You…you’re…The.. as in motherfucking Kim Taehyung Tae????? I thought you looked familiar, but I wasn't sure about you looking undercover as fuck in the store and then the low lighting at the club. Holy shit… tired brain went away and immediately put the puzzle together, and I… I need to sit..”
He guides you to the couch and rubs your back, making sure you are alright but also thinking your reaction was adorable and is honestly surprised his disguise was that good. Once he feels your breathing stabilize, he kisses your temple and pats your leg as he gets up to make the two of you breakfast. As he turns around to face the stove, he notices you look like you've seen a ghost.
Y/N: “Tha..that wasn’t a gift? You actually wanted that for your own house.. oh my god, what is life...”
TAE: *follows your gaze to the ass chair he bought yesterday and looks confused* "I mean, yeah, why wouldn't I? It's unique, and I liked it so voila! What's so odd about that? Plus, it's Jimin's designated seat when he comes over because, I mean…booty and harder for him to fall out of that one, haha."
Y/N: *shakes head, trying to process* "No, I get it just..ugh, I swore nobody would know this, but here we are… that used to be mine. So the fact that our tastes are this similarly odd and you own something that my ass used to be on is just a little overwhelming since you may or not be my ult bias since I was like 15… “ *blushes and twiddles fingers nervously*
TAE: "Everything you just said made me that much giddier, and I wasn't sure that was possible… I don't mean to weird you out, but I'd like to see you again. Outside of work or the club, maybe go get boba tea and a snack this weekend if you're free?"
Shocked that this is how your life is playing out but not questioning it too long, you agree. That date leads to another and another until 6 months later, you are officially dating and the happiest you've ever been. You do a lot for and with that man, but no way in hell are you ever using that chair again or getting over the fact that he actually bought your ass chair from you and proudly displays it. He's lucky he's adorable, but even still, you wouldn't want him any other way.
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thinkatoryprocess · 1 year
All right, so here are all of the fic prompts that I could scrape up/remember. If I'm missing anything, let me know. It'll be nice to have a reference post. See below!
Romewilla - Roman and Willa meet at a party, hit it off, and decide to work together as a creative team. Eventually the chemistry is too much to resist. Dead Kendall AU - In which Kendall actually dies in the pool, and everyone tries to cope. Naomi realizes shortly after his death that she's two months pregnant. We see Rava take Naomi in and Roman and Stewy connect as they try to grieve, and separately a story set in the future with Kendall's teenage daughter with Naomi unraveling the real story behind her father's passing. Roman/Stewy Vampire AU - In which Logan is a vampire hunter who primarily keeps Roman at his side as his backup and sometimes literal punching bag. Stewy is a fairly old vampire, and Roman meets him for the first time only to catch himself more intrigued and amused than he should be; the problem is it isn't the first time at all, and Roman's memories cannot be trusted to tell him what he's been through or what he's missed as years have gone by. Roman pulls back from Logan as he realizes how deeply Logan has used and abused not just his body but his mind. Roman/Eduard "Run" AU - In which, during their brief friendship and connection, Roman and Eduard agreed to reconnect at a specific time and place the moment one texted the other the word "Run." Roman catches this text after his dad agrees to sell Waystar to GoJo, and lives up to his commitment to meet an Eduard who's a shade different than he was expecting. They travel together, away from all responsibilities and expectations, but not without complications. Kendall and his two boyfriends, Stewy and Lukas - Or, the throuple fic. Stewy has been in love with Kendall pretty much his whole life. Lukas, however, has been talking to Kendall a lot since the GoJo deal began, late night connections that eventually tilt towards the sexual. Stewy finds out, tries to earn Kendall's heart in a deeply pathetic but sweet way, and just winds up having sex with him again. Eventually… Kendall has two boyfriends, and everyone is chill. Roman/priest!Mencken Fleabag AU - If you haven't seen Fleabag, don't walk, run. It's amazing and if you like my shit you will adore it, it's absolutely my vibe. That said, concept here is pretty straightforward: Roman's a snarky, weird mess of a person, and meets the priest who's going to officiate Tom and Shiv's wedding. The problem is the priest is aggressively hot and over the course of their friendship (he volunteers for a church event, what is WRONG with him) the priest also clearly wants to fuck him no matter how much they talk around it. Eventually the chemistry explodes. Roman/Mencken pro dom AU - This is also fairly straightforward. Total AU where Mencken is a professional dom who Roman is convinced to attend due to struggling to find someone to fit that outlet who he can trust to be discreet. There are clear professional boundaries. Of course no one would cross them. Of course. (Thinking Romewilla as a sidedish for this one - Roman's girlfriend to the world, who he does genuinely care for and would be aware of what's going on. Eventual polyam.) Tabitha/Roman get married AU - I'm not sure how much more to say about this, but, hey, this would be fun to tease out, what can I say. Roman/Stewy LA AU Roman and Stewy genuinely connect in New York when he's visiting Kendall for a birthday. The problem is that Roman has to fly back to LA, so the whole thing should by all rights be pretty short-lived, but even thousands of miles apart neither of them can let it go. (You know how these things go.) I may be missing something, let me know. Anyway, typing everything out made me think a lot about each of these. I'll be looking back at this. Talk to me about any of this if you want.
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windalchemist001 · 8 months
I was rather unamused. But than again how can be ok with this? After telling grim not to he ingored me and made Crowley send us on this trip. And while I do understand he wanted the free food and all, I still was not fond of all this.
But I soon found myself being told to go and though crowely seemed to lie though his teeth about the reason, I knew what it really was for, but I hoped at least for a little bit i could relax, but knowing this school that wouldn't be the case.
Sighing I walked down the hall, I was meant to meet the others here. And from what I recalled I would be in a group with a few I didn't like. The only one I would really like is duece. Though I do get along with ruggie, epel, riddle, azul, silver, sebek and idia though it wasn't so much of friendship, But more of an aquatics type of relationship rather than anything else.
And rook and Jamil are on the hate list for me. Because they both give me an unsettling vibes. Something about them was wrong that it set off all the alarm bells. Maybe because I'm a girl and thus have to be more aware of anything dangerous. (Though I did hate to think like that because gender shouldn't mater but even I know some times being a female meant I thought and did things differently)
Sighing again I made it to the mirror chamber I couldn't hear anything since I did have music playing in my ears as I held to bags for me and grim for the three days two nights getaway. Grim who seemed hyped up had darted off and while i did call for him he had ingored me. So when I did get there I was srupised.
Quickly pulling out the headphones letting the music blaring in the air. As I found myself waving at him. "Hey!!! How are you, I thought i wouldn't see you till I got back!" I found myself quickly moving to to the familiar male as my heart flutter in my chest since this was the guy I had feelings for.
He smiled in a way that had its way at getting to me and was again glad unlike my mother I took my father's darker completion (at least for these moments) which did well to hid any blush since I could feel the slight warmth of my cheeks.
"I was invited, and it seems from the luggage you are coming along as well?"
His voice like always did things to me with how good it sounded. Real asmr that soothens the soul.
"I am, grim despite me telling him no, seemed to do the same thing we did to Leona but to Crowley, ans welp here I am, but honestly im super happy to have someone to talk too." Was it shade, maybe a little bit, but the thought of being able to talk to Horton more made me rather happy. "Oh but I guess that means the letter i left for you might not do any good." I slightly sighed and hummed in thought.
Though before I could say anymore Crowley decided to intrupted us and begin talking which I found myself tuning out. But not wanting to deal with grim I decided to get the pet pack ready to stick him in. Thougu while I was setting it up even getting some snacks for him.
I could hear that one of my favorite professors seemed to be coming along which sort of made me hopeful. And like always i was distracted by the adorable of a feline that lucius was. And I moved to give him a snack which grim was quick to protest.
Rolling my eyes I lifted grim in my arms before lightly tapping his nose. "If you don't want to share than you are going to behave, or I will give away all your snacks."
Grim being grim was loudly protesting before huffing as I moved to put imhim away with his snacks and I apologize for grims behavior once again. Who was now grumbling in the pack. And with grim no longer able to see and with quiet permission I gave lucius a few pets and a little bit of cat snacks.
Unfortunately my happy mood again was intupted by Crowley and he motion us to head into the mirror and honesty it reminded me of the genshin screen that blinded on with bright light, so I did my best to be one of the last ones in and before I knew it we were in the new place.
Looking about I was in awe. This place, had a feeling that seemed familiar to me. Not in the way that I've been here before, but like I've seen it before. Though I could only wonder why for it was like an itch I did not fully know why.
Not to long into looking about I would hear a voice seeming to address all of us ans just a look between all the tall people around me and I found the need to hide myself behind Horton. Something felt wrong.
Not in the way that I sence something wrong with Jamil or rook. No. This felt wrong in a different sort of way. Like a darkness so much more evil. That the alarm bells weren't just ringing they were screaming! And of course the guys didn't sense nothing.
Honestly as their seemed to be all sort of talking and what not the guys couldn't seem to feel it like I can. Girl things I guess. Men do seem to be dumb to danger, while women sense it much to strongly. At least I was able to remain hidden as we were lead on and this guy. (What was his name again? Something flame-o? Honestly I wasn't listing thanks to my music being plug back in around this point.)
We moved along with following glad grim was put in his pack since I'm sure he would have bought attention to me as I did ny best to hide, in fact we made it a good while hidden by everyone while following along at least till after a lot of walking we had to meet my most hated enemy.
Stairs! So I of course went up the stairs feeling tried and wanting to cry while also trying to keep control of my breathing (since I didn't want to look like a loser) and due to the much smaller stature and the fact that stairs are in fact the top five evil things known to man, I took a rather long time getting up to the point grim complain and I decided to let him out of his pet pack and he raced up the rest of the stairs. Shaking my head I took on plug out just to make sure he didn't cause any problems I wouldn't know about.
Though by time I did make it up everyone seemed to be busy with something or another. As they all seemed to be in their own little groups. And all I wanted to do was sit down as my legs hurt and I wanted to relax. Unfortunately my lone visit away from everyone made me a clearly easily seen target. And the guy who I was trying to avoid came up to me.
Demanding to know what I was doing here, and that this was a private area. And me being me, froze like a frighten rabbit. Eyes widen and all thought seemed to go blank as I was scared. Though I didn't have to fear for to long as my favorite teacher spoke, who followed by riddle and duece came to my rescue and informed our guide that I was in fact with them.
And while eyes weren't on me I moved more into the room, hoping to find someone to hide behind, or at least actually look around to examine everything since I did find learning fun. Though I didn't get far as I was addressed and I turn to look hating the fact that my name again having been given put like Halloween candy.
Turning our guide was addressing me and trying to avoid looking people in the eye I did noted the pretty design on the cloth he was using. Mentally making a note of the fabric, that I would love to try and use on a project.
But that was for a side note for later right now I was dealing with this guy who seemed seemed to be waiting for a response. Which honestly I didn't fully understand since it didn't make sense at least at the moment and might need more thought something I didn't have so I simply nodded. "Oh... un ok?"
I was even looking at him my eyes off else where as not to deal with, this. I really rather be else where at the moment. But it seemed the guide's attention was drawn else where and I used that to get away.
And the safest place go me anyway was closest to Horton, why he made me feel like that, I don't know but o do. And it's why I longed to be beside him.
Though since he seemed busy I just decided to plug my headphones back in and just hang out with him and the other two since being a third wheel is better than fully being alone. Though I did reach out and lightly tug at Horton's sleeve.
Horton glanced down at me while I up at him and he seemed to smile and give a soft nod. Glad for the wordless confirmation that I would in fact not be forgotten made sure my music was at a good level and made my way with spending time this group.
And once we begin moving again did we make our way down the stairs to do what I didn't know nor did I care so long as I can remain hidden though grim did seem to return and from his grab-y motions i knew he wanted to be carried this i lifted him in my arms and and carried him the rest of the way down though once he hit the bottom grim shifted wanted to be put down thus I let him down and he walked on his own
I followed quietly and before I knew it we were being lead somewhere our guide seemed to switch to the ones from before, these guys seemed kinder and I didn't feel as stressed or worried unlike before, but I wasn't to fond of being lead somewhere with out knowing and pauses my music to see if I could pick up context clues as to what was going on.
After a bit of putting it together I decided to speak up. As they were leading off a few of the guys to their own changing room asking if it was possible that they would have anything that would fit me and that would we have time to clean them before wearing.
Unfortunately that wasn't the case and decided to use some wipes and some hand sanitizer I carried to at least wipe the clothes they ended up giving me.
And while I had assumed they wouldn't, what with me never been here before the clothes actually fitm which was deeply worry some. But all alone I didn't want to open my mouth to say to much. So with clothes cleaned as best as I can grim dressed and sent put i begin looking myself over. And honestly the outfit was really cute.
It also helps that its sort of hits the type of style I like. So I was throughly happy with it. And not one to let this moment slip by I was quick to snap a few pictures and send them to Horton, Trey, my vp and my only female friend that I've only know from online (I did crop out my face before I sent the picture of me in the dress to my online only friend.)
Once that was set I spent a good while thrilling and attempting to dance with myself as I imagine all sort of things in my head giggling a romantic moment with a handsome man, or even thinking up fanfic ideas till I heard the guys who escorted us to the rooms ask if i was alirght and that it was time to meet the others for I was late.
I hummed and moved to wrap up before heading out the door. I was than lead outside where it seemed everyone including grim was already there. Seeing Horton, I found myself taken aback with how good he looked. Though I also pushed away a thought that should not be acknowledged.
Either way I made my way to him. "Yoi look really good." Why did those words make my face warm up?
I watched as Horton smiled again at me. "I thank you for the compliment, though I am also glad you arrived when you did, since I wish to take a picture of sebek and silver to send to lila since ny own phone broke."
Hearing that I rose a brow. "Broke it again?"
The sound of his laugh sent chills down my spine. As Horton nodded. "Unfortunately I did."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes and moved to take the photo. Once the photo was taken out attention was drawn to our guide and I sighed deeply shifting slightly. Seems we were going to be split up in groups which honestly I wasn't to found of since I had a feeling I would be alone. I just had to hope that wouldn't be the case.
I sighed, even if it was I hope everything goes well.
Unfortunately while not completely wrong also not right. Since I was with the professor, which at least meant i was with someone I can trust i left the guys alone in the city and honestly given the crew we have i was mildly worried that we would be banned from the city and know as swindlers and maybe tax evasion. After a another moment of thought i scratched that and changed mildly to deeply. Because again I fear what these guys will do.
But I couldn't think more on that as every one split off to look around. Though as we looked around I couldn't help but wonder if this would be how it would feel to go to France in my own world, and should I cross that off the bucket list since I'm going here? While not fully sure I just continued to look around. After all not only is this educational, but I get to be with Horton! Though would sort of not like to have Jamil here, but I'll deal.
Soon we would be at the waterway and I found it relaxing sort of something I always wanted to do but was to chicken was to go to things like this and just look about. Though given how everything is and as everyone spoke I felt like something people would use as escape tunnels, to flea.
And while I don't know this world's history to well I know my own and I recalled that France did happen to have a lot of fights for powers. And had changed hand more than once. And while I was lost in my own thoughts mumbling about wars from a world a wasn't in. I soon realized grim was walking away. And with a curse quickly ran after him.
And it seemed no one notice till I manged to catch up and lift grim into my arm's. Grimm though seemed to be distracted and when I noticed what he was seeing I sighed softly again wondering why he tried to deny his cat-ness.
None the less when the group caught up to us i explain grim seemed to be mesmerized by the barber pole. In which everyone begin discussing hair cuts which honestly made me want to roll my eyes cause these guys sometimes were a bit much. Though I was unamused by them teasing grim.
And I asked them to not do so, and I was very clear with it as well, grim for his part was annoyed and somewhat throwing a but of a fit, which given the teasing was fair. But that seemed to be the point where we would have to leave which sucked, since I wanted to spend more time with Horton, but who knows what the others were doing. So it makes sense we make sure they are not doing anything illegal.
Sighing sadly I waved at everyone though my eyes were mostly focused on Horton and the way his smile made my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomch, dance. My face grew warmer as he promised to see me (and grim too but that part is ingored) again. And I promised to see him again. And than turn to follow the professor to where we are going next
And while I didn't not keep track of the time which perhaps I should have. We soon found ourself meeting azul's team. They seemed to be looking for gifts. And I also found myself trying to muffle a laugh at the sky insult, which duece try to say was a joke. But given who was saying it made not so sure.
None the less we found ourself looking at necklace that made that familiar feeling go off. As if I recalled them and even what the man said seemed to make the feeling worse. "Holding the city in your hands" the pain grew a bit worse causing me to wonce slightly as my fingers touched the noting and the stone peice.
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath despite the pain something told me to get one even not for gifts for others but at least for myself. Though when question I said it reminded me of a dream catcher and that reminded me my own home, and that was good enough for me. And though I had said that I hadn't thought of it at first but it was partly true.
And with the necklace in my hands we parted from the group to look for more stuff though after looking about while getting a good history lesson which I found interesting (grim for his part did not)
We bumped into idia's group. Or rather grim ran off and I had go after him which then lead us to meet idia's group.
After some talking we ended up following idia to a stall that seemd to sell both grape juice and while grapes. And I admit I was reminded that grapes have seeds in them, luckily I didn't voice my confusion and looked stupid. After all I was so use to seedless grapes that I was begin to think that was the default.
No mater it didn't happen if I didn't say it. Though I was also reminded how much of a dick Crowley was when grim who wanted both was denied it. And I was about to suggest that grim could have my portion before rook suggested paying the underclassmen, though it seems idia also decided to pay for half and thus grim got his both and o got the juice I had said I wanted. And honestly it was really good.
Though it would be cooler if I put it in a wine glass and pertented it was wine. Though after all France was known for their wine (though here it was the grapes it self but well ingoee that for now)
Oh and in genshin my first husbando liked wine to and his least favorite was grapes juice. Just thinking about it made me giggling to myself at how that handsome fave of keaya would look like if he saw me (if I was the traveler) drinking grape juice. Oh my gosh just thinking of the plot bunnies had me attempting to keep my fangirl self inside.
But like all good thing that had to end and off we left the group to look around for a bit more before we went to the meeting spot. Which i felt happy about because I would get to see Horton again! Which honestly I was always up for that.
Though I also had to admit I did want to sit down for a bit since it seemed we were doing a lot of walking. And the weather while cool was still warm for the layers I was wearing, didn't help that I unfortunately had dark colors as well which did not do well in helping with trying to stay cool. Though at least with my sunglasses (seems unlike azul they didn't have my prescription) it wasn't as bright)
I soon found myself dealing with everyone and like usual the high engery of the group as well as everyone around us, was rather much for me, but by staying quiet I just listened to everyone speak. At least till everyone idia and malleus pointed out a few things happening in some tents.
And while I did feel a bit overwhelmed by both males trying to draw my attention to two different directions i glanced to where malleus had pointed since, how could I deny my crush anything (well I did have my limits yes, but looking wasn't going to kill me)
Turning to see what was that caught Horton's eye I found myself seeing a stilt walker. Grim for his part seemed shocked and amazed at the thought of being so high.
Though grim being well grim begin claiming he would taller than Horton if he were on it which the male seemed to dash those hopes for the feline. And grim not one to give up, decided he would bring me into the conversation, when all I had been doing was watching wondering what made them want to fight about height.
Seeing both eyes now on me I again felt that slight overwhelmed but answer anyway. "That seems kind of scary and dangerous, cause what if we fall?" Not to mention as someone who is rather close to the ground, I wasn't to sure how I would feel much higher in the air.
Horton smirked, which like always did things to me that I had to do my best to hold back. Afrer all no need to make myself look like a shameful idoit after all.
Though he was clearly speaking to grim telling the feline to not do things that would get himself unnecessary. Which was fair, give grim's plain was to use me and the stilts as a boost to try and be taller than the male. Though I found myself wondering what Horton meant by it not working.
Though it seemed that would be unanswered as soon duece. Azul and than grim would bring my attention to other things. Not truly able to decide with azul's choice since between the both of them grim wasn't as much as a threat. So I turn to see what drew azul's attention and found myself seeing tight rope walkers. Which both azul and grim seemed to be fascinated by.
Though I also was interested in it I was also worried since for some reason I very much recalled what happened to Robin's parent's. Which might not have been a good thing to recall while watching people tight rope walk.
Though after that everyone's attention would be bought to the students from royal sword academy, which honestly I didn't care about since I've only knew one person from there and that was trey's cat friend. Though I was also reminded that riddled was their childhood friend. Which while not completely forgotten was never really bought up. And I'm a take more including to recall things involving Trey and Horton. Since I really want the both of them to see me in positive light.
That thought did make me wonder what sort of outfit trey would be wearing if he was here with us. Though I didn't get to think to long on it before it seemed everyone moved to head to the seats and I quickly moved to follow as not to be left behind.
And with out my input it seemed I got voted to sit with professor terin, azul and idia which I wasn't against since they were ones I can get along with. Though I felt my heart soar when Malleus asked to sit near me "but of cor-" though my words were cut of my grim's interjection which made me frown as it seemed that grim wanted to sit by me. Which he could just sit on my lap.
But before I could even mention that tid bit of information sebek begin with his angry expression and booming voice spoke up wanting to take the spot from grim so that he could sit near Horton. And while idia mention someone stepping in, I knew it wouldn't be me. Not when sebek was angry, nope not at all. Rather I was doing my best to make myself look as small as I could and actively trying to hide behind some of the taller guys around me.
But like my home life where their was the ranging fire that was my father, came the calm water like my mother. So too did sebek have his own water, to lower his temperature and calm him down. To be able to take the flames of his emotions to act as his counter balance, and thus helping all around the taller male be more resonable in public society. silver.
Perhaps it was because silver notice my distress (maybe the only one unless Horton notice and hadn't had a chance to say anything) but like my mom would interjected and thus calm, The raging flames of the beast. Silver would.mention that sebek and grim should play a simple game to see who would win the spot. A rather simple solution. Though watching the simple interaction made me long for home again.
Because while not perfect my parents did what they could for me and my siblings. And I grew up rather well, despite all the cards against us. And while not rich, their wasn't a day I wasn't able to eat, drink, with the protection from the elements and even given a few extra things on the special occasions like birthdays and holidays. And even now I am still greatful for all I've have given to me.
Just thinking of my family made my heart ache more, for I wonder would I even see them again? Lost in the thought of home I didn't realize grim and sebek play a round of rock paper scissor, till grim was celebrating his win. And I found myself blinking. Looking to grim and than sebek.
And while sebek was now depressed and voicing it (which was nothing like my father) I mumbled to myself rather confused to how he lost. Since a game with grim should have been rather easy since it is more of a game of fifty/fifty with them stack in your favor. since the feline can only do rock and paper. So the winning way, is to do paper and only paper because you'll he stuck with a tie or a win, and if you paper long enough grim will change the choice to rock thus another paper would win you the game.
None the less now that everything was decided and sebek got pulled talked to sit nearby with the others though it seemed I was unluckily as the out guide from before returned and much to my annoyance azul invited him to join us. And like I thought before azul mention for grim to be in my lap. And of course I was given no room to say anything (not that I would have the courage to say so anyway especially in this unfamiliar place.)
My only blessing was that Horton had moved over to sit next to me thus giving flamey(?) A spot to sit on the otherside of Horton. Sebek of course complained but was shot down by azul and told to quiet down as the main even begin.
Which would be best since its wouldn't be wise to draw unwanted attention to us, especially so since we're meant to be representives of NRC, and I don't want to even begin dealing with Crowley's bull shit when I get back... well about things that aren't necessarily anyway.
Pushing that thought aside I figured i would watch the event after all its meant to be something interesting and new knowledge to randomly tuck away. Which i do love learning. And than pulling out random tid bits like the nerd I am.
What I hadn't expected as the show went on the ache in my head to start and grow wrose, and as I continued to watch the familiar feeling of familiarity to fill me and with that feel the pain and a word slip past my lips, in a soft murmur, but in doing so the pain increase ten folds. And it suddenly felt as if I had been slammed in the head by a metal object.
But it seems my distress wasn't unnoticed this time as a soon found myself pulled to one side and a soft gasp leaving me as I than found a gloved hand upon my face. And everything around me seemed to blur into the back ground while I found myself staring into the other worldly green eyes of malleus. And if not for the fact that my head felt like it was going to split in two, maybe I could enjoy this postion a bit more.
I found myself unable to look away with how close he was to me, and I felt like I would surely faint as it felt that he was drawing closer my eyes seeming to take a moment to look away from his own only to glance at his lips before back into his eyes. And it wouldn't be till he pulled away from me that I would realize that the pain in my head had stopped and that I had seeming to remeber to breath.
"Are you feeling better ----?" His voice scent chills down my spine. As I wonder if he could feel the heat in my face though his gloves though I hoped he hadn't.
"Yeah, thank you." Though he did heal my head, his actions caused my heart to ache as I wonder if I was a fool for thinking he was going to kiss me. How dumb of me, like, he would want to, yet that very thing had given me hope. Not to mention we now were sitting even closer with our legs touching and maybe it was false hope that maybe just maybe with the smallest of chances that he at least likes me a tiny bit.
I was again distracted from my own thought by music and dancing and idia seemed to voice my inner thoughts and luckily it was him being scolded for not wanting to do what I to amd fully in agreement with, but I wouldn't want to admit it, though it seemed I would be forced to do so. I just nodded when asked to get up and pray that no one would make fun of me, a whole reason why despite loving dancing only do so in the privacy of my room or where ever I am sure no one would see me.
So getting up from my seat i made my way to the area where everyone was dancing grim who I had held in mt arms was carefully put down and given a soft pet and making sure I was hidden slightly by the sides I mindful of my movements, doing my best to not do to showy movements as to not draw attention to myself. After to big and I'll be seen, but not moving at all will draw attention as well so small movements.
Bouncing from one foot to the other. A small spin clock wise than some arm motions but not full extended unless pointing downward. Turn counter clock wise. Fluter the hem of the dress a bit. Another spin, another flar of the dress before spining again. Some bouncing from on leg to another. Etc etc. This while not to showy would make it so I appeared to be into it more so than anyone would think, at least at a glance anyway, since I was indeed counting on no one noticing me since I should blend into the crowed despite being at its edge.
Though it was my fake dancing which let me remain in the same spot that allowed me to see grim having the time of his life, which made me happy, as well as to see the guy I liked dancing so nicely. And at one moment it looked like grim and Horton were dancing with each other, though at the end of the dance grim seemed to have taken the spotlight at least for out little group which had me clapping happy for him
I would than cross from the edge where I stood and make my way to everyone. Where we all (or rather they guys talked), well before grim decided to do something stupid, though I noticed maybe a bit to late. As I worried tried to stop the feline only for the are to be covered with fireworks.
And while pretty, it was something grim wasn't meant to do, though before I could scold grim it seemed the other people around us seemed to enjoy it. Still what if something had happened? So thus I begin to scold grim like the naughty cat he was and lifted him in my arms before speaking to him like I would my cats back home. Giving him belly scratches and belly rubs but being rather rough with it as I baby talked him or rather baby scolded him.
After all what better way to scold a naughty cat that to mess with them? And i had been in the middle of smothering grim with love (who was trying to wiggle away) before the sound of more fireworks filled the air. As I looked about my grip losing enough for grim to escape my grasp.
looked about i noted many of the other schools begin using their magic to make fireworks. Frowning it seemed we started a chain reaction of fireworks. Though it seemed like everything was ok given we weren't being yelled at.
Though all I can do was let out a deep sigh of expression. I swear I'm going to end up aging like milk with the rate these guys continue to give me panic attacks and axsity. But at least we're not in trouble, so a small blessing I guess. But I sighed again and did find myself looking into the sky for the fireworks. Honestly they were quite pretty.
Though like always the sound of my name alreted me as I quickly turn to where the voice came from. What had been said before I don't know, but my attention was now draw to Horton. "Join us in the festivities. I'll be right over there." The male would motion to where he was going before walking off. And I felt worth in. My cheeks as my heart flutter. He was inviting me somewhere! Stupid yes. But these little things kept me hooked into believing maybe I was at least tolerated.
Though happiness only last a moment when another voice much to close to me seemed to speak and the unsettling feeling begin to stir in me as I looked to who I had been left with. (For it seemed even grim had left me alone)
Rollo pollo beging speaking like one of the crazy Christians that give us fellow Christians a bad name. Very much reminded of them protesting at the cons I've gone go to or when they crazy west borrows do stupid shit. But rather than answer him. I musterd up my courage or rather maybe just putting on airs as not to seem weak. Glared darkly looking at the male like he was less than dog shit at the bottom of one's shoe, before attempting to walk away.
What I hadn't expected was a hand to grap onto me and the act I was putting on shattered like wet paper. As I looked up at the male with fear. Who demanded i answer him. My voice was stuck in my throat as the fear filled me, but it seemed no answer was not right as the grip on my arm tighten and I manged to find words to his answer.
"Its unsettling, sometimes." My eyes darting back and forth looking for a way out as I kept trying to tug my arm away from the grip that held me. My response seemed like it was good since the hand let go and I was quick to be able to pull my arm free. And the male said something that set the alarm bells off, like something from a movie or video game. And I quickly whipped my head back to the male who once held my arm, which I now protective held close to my chest as if that would protect the limb from being grab again.
As I wonder what in the world that villian line was; grim came to me drawing my attention to him. Before setting off another firework with his magic. He was such a good cat. But not wanting to be here I glanced behind me to see the male still there. And quickly lifted grim into my arms and make my way to where malleus was in hopes to be protected.
And it would take a few hours before the unsettling feeling would go away enough that I was able to have fun again. Only it seemed that the jerk who had assulted me was bought up and as I listened to the two guys from the college speak I couldn't help but frown, since they spoke of someone who it seems they truly didn't know. If the phantom feeling of a tight grip on my hand had anything to say about it. But what would it do me to bring it up? Thougj I really wanted to. Though I had posted it online I haven't bought it up in the physical plane.
Sighing I wonder if I should after all maybe it would be good to let the know. But what if they didn't belive me? Or worse didn't care? That very thought made a lump form in my thorat. After all what importance am I? Soon though we all found ourself caraled like cattle into the collage. Which didn't help me feel any better and I really wanted to grab onto malleus's sleeve, but at the same time I wouldn't want to be a burden.
While now in a large area that reminded me so much of the hall of a church. A catholic church to be more persistence, and while not part of that branch I'm not stupid not to mention I do have a few distinct relatives who are. Not that any of that matters as I found myself shifting slightly in postion unable to really see anything from my position
But that didn't mean I couldn't hear as the mention of flowers were bought up and soon I too noticed flowers that seemed to appear upon the pillars of the room. And from what I could see I soon found myself begin srounded by the flowers. I could hear duece and rook shouting and I froze up and closed my eyes as knew I was going to be hit by this wave of flowers that had block all my exits.
A tick, and second and moment passed by and nothing. Opening my eyes I blinked. Nothing confused and greatful I moved to get away from everything and back to the safety of the group. As I did so it seemed 8 had to pause and grab my sunglasses that fell since I wasn't going to leave those behind, I need to stick those in the pocket of the dress as not to lose them rather than hang then from my neck line. But it seemed that moment of dealing with my glasses trey's (and less extent) riddle's friend was trap by the flowers. Concered I made the rest of the way to the problems in hopes he had the answers.
Which it seemed he did since he called the flower 'fire lotuses' which they did remind me of flames. Though going into detail was not professor trein, rather was malleus who spoke of the flower and what it does, and how it was meant to have vanished ages ago. And I found myself clushung at my arm recalling the villian line, and the unease feeling I had felt, the one of darkness that made me rather fearful.
And it seemed that I was right as malleus than told us to ask someone who than responded to him. As we all turn to see who spoke. And ehyup, bad feeling was rather accurate on this one. And of course villian speech. Right out of a dann book, was this guy reading the same book as senior senior senior?
Anger bubbled inside me as he continued to give his villian speech and which than had us running to the windows to see that in fact the horror of the flowers covering the city. And I could no longer hold me rage. "How fucken dare you! You fucken monster! You God damn sinner! What you're doing could very well end up with people dying! And for what?! Some selfish gain! You fu-" before I could speak more i was hit with another wave of pain as the image of flames appeared in my mind, like a familiar sight.
Covering the city and the church(?) Collage(?) What was this image. As I delt with my own pain it seemed that basted continued his evil speech before the very ground beneath our feet gave way with the sounds or metal.
My life flashing before my eyes as as I cried out reaching out for the male I loved as I cried out for help. While said male yelled out for me. I know not if he reached out for me as I found myself plunge into darkness as I feel and I did the only thing I could do and pray to not die and for use to figure out how to get out of this alive. For all I had was my faith.
Thankfully my prayers were heard and professor trein manged to cast a spell that prevented those of us who couldn't do so to make it out to safety by leasing our landing speed.
Once in the ground we were quick to realize that many flowers seemed to be here as well. An unsettling thought. And I couldn't help but wish I had a sythe to cut all these flowers that seemed to grow like weeds.
Which unfortunately had all of us attempting to pull the flowers out like weeds and honestly it was a shit plain but the only one he had so thus I found myself having to get rid of these things glad to have gloves to yank at the stupid things since I rather not hurt myself.
And what would feel like forever we ended up seeing they sky and being free, though we did find ourselves in a familiar area that we had come to visit before... well some of us anyway. Though from down here we can hear the cries of the people and my stomch twisted in a knot. And I inched closer to malleus wanting some sort of comfort.
Ask the while everyone discussed what was going on and it made a lot of sense I even manged to pipe up about I had been feeling uneasy around Rollo, since the moment he appeared. After a pause i mention how at the festival I had been roughly grab and forced to answer a question I hadn't wanted too. Ingoring the fact that that recalling said thing had my hands trembling.
The discussion went on for a bit longer before the attention was bought to malleus. And before we knew it thunder and lighting sounded as the ground shook and I will only admit to myself, but damn was it rather exciting and very much hot to see this side of the normally relaxed and chill male. It was like the good type of hunter/prey dermatic. The very same thing that made me love zhongli.
Though his attractive and rightus anger aside. Those flowers were getting way to close to malleus, and the thought of them hurting him made me move. Though it felt like I was walking in a moving vehicle.
"Malleus? You need to calm down, please?" I found myself looking at the flowers behind him, and than back to malleus himself. It also seemed sebek and silver were also trying to calm him down. Though before I could grow closer and in great anger after expressing said anger a loud explosion and than dust filled the air and I did what I could to keep from breathing it in though I still coughed rather ugly.
And it took a moment for the dust to clear and to discover malleus was ok that I found myself tearing up as malleus was scolded by professor trein, sebek and silver. I finish making my way to his side and hesitantly reached out for his sleeve. "I... I was worried, you were going to be hurt." I looked up at the male wanting him to understand that the mere thought of him being hurt, caused my very heart to ache. Even if I could not say it in words I wanted him to know how much I loved him.
For a moment his face held an expression that I could assume was surprised before he smiled a soft smile that made my heart skip and beat before the hand of the sleeve I wasn't holding carefully found its way to my head to give me a couple of gently pats.
"Do forgive me, I hadn't meant to worry you."
I found myself softly smiling back up at him. "I know, but I can't help it, you know?" I looked away for a moment as I felt my face become warmer. Though this small moment between me and malleus seemed to be intupted by a cough that was clearly on purpose and I quickly let go and took a step back while turning to who had coughed and I tried to pertented I hadn't been lost in the most lovely of green eyes.
It seemed the moment was for the moment being brushed under the rug for now, while the discussion about the flowers begun. After all the flowers were now wilted and while epel was speaking it reminded me over over watering where the routes would also act the same way.
Though we also learned another unsettling thought, of the flowers draining more magic than one would think from malleus. And it seemed malleus did try to save me, I swear if it wouldn't make me look stupid I might just swoon.
I hummed as we all begin trying to think of a way to save people. And it took me a bit before it clicked while and I gasped sharply as it hit me like a frate train. "The bell."
Though azul and idia got it rather well as well, the bell had to be explained to malleus, and while I did love the man, I did have to agree with idia that my crush did seem a bit spacey (well not the exacted wording idia used but still)
And so while the guys seemed ready to storm the bell tower it seemed that professor terin try to deny them from going up there.
Though it was easily found out he really shouldn't go due to the elder hurting his back. And I couldn't help but wonder if I should go. After all the flowers don't effect me. But those words were caught in my thorat.
And as I tried to work the courage to speak those words it seemed the choice was made for me and it seemed I would be helping professor trein save the towns people, and with a bit of encouragement it seemed grim was on bored as well. Though while everyone else seem to be going to the bell tower, and it seemed the point was made that the jerk was most likely in the tower a possibility I was hoping wouldn't be the case but, most likely it is.
And fearful for everyone's safety and most of all malleus's I reached into my pockets that the lord these type of dresses had a hidden pocket in them. And a bit of a stretch I grab onto the bandana that I sowed my inntals ages ago, and had been my very first project. And while the work isn't the best and the lettering could have been thinner (I hadn't realized I shouldn't use the same method as one would to sow for embroidery)
But it was still something i dare not part with. And would like to not lose it what so ever, so thus it was perfect for what i wanted to use it for. Once I had it in hand I moved to grab malleus's attention by tugging at his sleeve again. Who than paused talking with the others to look down at me.
Despite the nervousness I spoke. "Can you take this?" I held out the folded cloth to the male hoping he would. "I know its dumb, but I think I'll feel safer knowing you'll have to return this back to me." I couldn't look him in the face as a part of me feared he would reject taking something randomly from me, though it seemed the others were going to add their two cents.
And I suddenly felt stupid as I delt with the negative remarks. After all where would malleus put the cloth if he didn't have a pocket. "Um... uh his horn?" A dumb remark but they were pushing me for an answer I hadn't really thought of, and hey his hat can sort of be a hidden pocket right?
Though with more angry responses I wanted to hide. As I felt smaller and smaller. And I couldn't help as a tear fell down my face. Due to all the yelling on top of the stress from the day.
Movement beside me had me turn back to malleus before his hand rested on my cheek wiping away the tear before he got down on one knee while taking off his hat.
"I would be honored to wear your favor" the look on malleus's face and the fact he was on his one knee i swear I this man is going to kill me with this type of shit.
I had to hide my mouth with my hand as to not be seen biting my inside of my mouth just below my lower lip. Because I sweat if I didn't I would make a bigger fool of myself by stretching like a pterodactyl. Rather because of my muffins I only squeaked and not tusting my word I simply nodded.
Ans I honestly didn't care what was being said around me since it was all simply white noise, even sebek yelling was nothing but white noise to me as I was more focused on wrapping and tieing the fabric to his left horn. Though to me it would be on his right side.
Once done I took a step back, malleus return the hat to his head all the while standing to his full hight. It was enough to make me want to swoon, but I did my best to hold it together.
My heart was pounding in ny chest at the expression on his face that I wish to see more. If only I knew how he felt about me, I just wished he would like me the way I did him. "Again please be safe." The words left me and I truly found myself worrying about the male. Maybe if I had been brave I could be the one going to the tower to ring the bell, so that he wouldn't risk getting hurt. But I had been to much of a coward and now he along with the others were going, I just had to hope for the best.
What i hadn't next expected was for my hand to be grabbed and watched as malleus placed a gentle kiss to the back of my hand. "I to ask you to be careful, ----."
My brain having decided to short crucit at this very moment. Only manged to let me nodded as he gently let go of my hand and moved to walk towards the others who had already been walking a bit away. And with that everyone than proceeded to head off to the tower.
While I was left with grim and professor trein though after a moment of finally rebooting I moved to walk some distance to muffle a loud high pitched squeal as I was to over whelmed with excitement and pure joy. Because oh my gosh that was something straight out of manwana! Like ah! And taking a few more moments to try an rein in the crazy fangirl i was. I manged to calm myself down and recall that we were in fact in a love or death type situation and I should act like it. So quickly moving back to the other two I apologized and waited for us to head out. But still I worried for the guys and let put another pray that everything will end up ok.
((Note i will be editing this when the rest of the event realses in English, and this but will taken put to add the rest but for now I wait ))
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Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
These are going to be in no particular order because if there is anything I hate, it's rating my faves or comparing them to each other.
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Geralt of Rivia - Multiple pieces of media
I first saw him in The Witcher series, then played The Witcher 3, then started reading the books. I am definitely obsessed with this man. And if I write too much on Geralt, I'm libel to make headcanons or maybe even an entire fic on just Geralt's hair or the way his eyes seem to glow under moonlight. See? Obsession. He is also my comfort character. I go to sleep and imagine running in the woods to this man. What the actual fuck?
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Walter Marshall - Night Hunter (2018)
Seeing as how I am currently writing fic about this man, I think it goes to show this is a well-crafted yet moldable character and he can do no wrong in my opinion. Unless he dates Rachel, that's wrong in my opinion. She doesn't even have a last name.
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Joel Miller - The Last of Us Games, The Last of Us series
Now I would be remiss to not mention Pedro's portrayal of Joel Miller (and that it solidified his status a my cool slutty daddy). But I must talk about how Troy Baker's voice in the game gave me strong Daddy vibes and gave me my second crush on a video game character after Lara Croft when I was a kid.
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Ethan Hunt - Mission Impossible films (1996-Present)
If you know me, you know I have seen every Mission Impossible film since the first came out when I was 9. I was, and will most likely always be, obsessed with these movies. I love the heart-stopping action moments, the raw emotions, and I really like when Tom Cruise almost dies in every movie.
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Peter Parker - Multiple pieces of media but I will focus on the films
In 2002, I was 15 and liked the older man that was Tobey Maguire (I was a superfan of his and of Peter). I had a Spider-man trapper keeper for goodness sake! In 2012, I was 25 and I was crushing on Andrew Garfield as a contemporary, someone in my age group. In 2017, I was turning 30 and had a crush on what, to me, seemed like a little boy in Tom Holland (he was over 18 but still). Either way, when asked what my favorite superhero is, I always say Spider-Man.
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Bernadine Harris - Waiting to Exhale (1995)
I was 8 when this movie came out and my Momma let me watch it with her. Little did I know, my mother was ready to divorce my cheating father. This character spoke to me and continues to speak to me. I still see my Momma when I watch this movie. She was so badass. And so sexy.
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Olaf - Frozen films
Fun fact: I used to collect snowman figurines and snow globes. Knowing this, my young niece made me watch the first film. Josh Gad as an inept snowman who loves the idea of summer is so fucking dramatic that I watched this movie on my own plenty of times. I love him so much and I just wanted to cuddle him.
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Castiel - Supernatural (2005-2020)
I started watching Supernatural by watching the live airing of Simon Said, the worst episode of the series some would say. But I stuck around. I wanted to see what the kids on LiveJournal were so excited about. Cue season 4 and this son of a bitch just waltzes in with his wings and his coat and his chapped lips that, to this day, have never seen any moisture. And I fell in love. Fun fact: my dad named his dog Castiel.
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Frank Reynolds (but specifically as Ongo Goblogian) - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
I have artwork in my bedroom over my nightstand of Ongo. This entire episode was gold to me. It was early season 8, I believe. Charlie was doing a Richard Grieco thing, Dennis was trying to get his erotic memoirs made into a Fifty Shades of Grey type thing. Mac was in the duster. Dee was in a smut film. Just golden. But then Frank was this Andy Warhol-esque art collector just doing the most. It was beautiful.
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Louise Belcher - Bob's Burgers series and film
Louise, what can I say about this wonderful human that hasn't already been said? Louise is what I wish trauma didn't take from me. Louise likes to slap beautiful people, as do I. She is confused when she likes a boy, and so am I some of the time. And Louise has her comfort clothing item, her hat. I have my froggy robe and my penguin socks. In the latest season that just ended, it was pretty much confirmed that Louise is non-binary, as am I. My fiancee compares me to Louise on a daily basis and I just smile and tell her she's 100% correct because she is. Louise embodies me when I was 9 years old, right before childhood trauma took all of that away and replaced it with an old curmudgeon. I love my sweet Louise and no one can ever tell me that my love is unwarranted.
I would love to tag people to do this, but I know a lot of us are in the same circles LOL. This was too fun!
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kimtaegis · 9 months
i agree with that anon, ive been reading all ur asks bc i agree with some things and this feels like a safe place to accept it ♥lol, and yeah i always think "i dont have to love everything they do" we know even tho they work so good together as bts we know they have different styles and its their time to do whatever they want, personally i feel more connected with the rap line content, not that i didnt love the astrounaut or jimin's album, i was more nervous with taehyung because even if i think his music is so beautiful and i do like it a lot, its not exactly music i would normally listen to, my favorite is rainy days and i still hate the sound of the notifications in it lmao, but whatever... and just like jk, i liked seven a lot but i know a big part of it is that i loved the music video, it was fUN and at first i was like okay okay this song is so radio type, its viral music, and i enjoy it, lyrically i mean there is not so much depth, not that i need it but i know what it is about so i decide that i dont mind and still everytime its on the radio or comes in my playlist i have fun im dancing and singing and im like yeah bro go off!,
..now with 3d :) ... i normally listen to the new songs like once and i go to sleep, this one i had to listen more, i tRIED lol and i dont hate it at all, i do think its different and i WAS expecting something better, as well with the mv, not bc hes naked im gonna be like "oh great vid" LOL, and ive never heard jack before and... okay hi, but honestly the song just doesnt excite me, i love jk's voice i know how talented he is and he shines basically everywhere and im sure i will be singing and dancing whenever its played but thats because its catchy, i knew jk would do this music bc ive noticed what he likes and he says so himself, i know a lot of people throw shade bc hes working with these artists but i like to think he knows what hes doing - and if for some reason hes not satisfied or whatever he'll learn and theres that, hes smart , they all are, we cant know who makes ALL the decisions and if we could.. again, we dont have to love everything, of course were gonna question some of it if were not
also now that im rambling i did see people comparing with justin timberlake and i hate that i totally see it bc i hate him loool, im happy for nsync in general they are veeeeery talented, i just cant stand justin (admitting he is also very talented i loved seeing him as an actor too hes good) , but man ... u_u i see it, i do
anyway, thank you! u are nice, sometimes one can feel weird, it feels awkward wanting to support someone you care about and all but were doing our best and thats okay, we cant force ourselves to pretend something were not we dont have to ♥
im sorry if i dont make sense, there could be errors as im writing this when my bosses are right here lmaooo, ill go
hehe I’m glad you let it all out (I hope your bosses didn’t notice or mind!)! 🤍 I think you also once again emphasised one of the main points of last night’s whole conversation – that it’s absolutely fine to not like a new project of an artist you generally adore and that you’re very much allowed to express that. it’s not always black and white, you can still enjoy parts of it but not vibe to another, it’s okay. it’s really still a huge problem that many armies will make you think otherwise.
I enjoyed reading all your thoughts (had to giggle at the justin timberlake part 😭), thank you for coming here and talk! I hope you have a great day too, lovely 🤍
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