#the war on christmas
Happy first day of the war on Christmas everyone
Yearly reminder to gentiles that
1. Jews do not recognize Jesus as anything but a human man who probably existed in some capacity at some point
2. We do not celebrate his birthday. He is just some guy to us.
3. It is not a personal attack on you if we don’t celebrate your favorite holiday.
4. Chanukah is not the most important Jewish holiday, its just the only one you know by name because it happens roughly around Christmas time.
5. You can say or do whatever you want, we just think you’re annoying. At the end of the day, you’re still gonna get school or work off on Christmas and Easter while I have to chose between my religion and my schoolwork every year on Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.
6. You are not the victim. However, unfortunately you are usually the main character.
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isaacsapphire · 4 months
No One Gives A Shit That You're A Jesus Freak
It occurred to me that the through line of presenting your demographic as victims as a culture war tactic traces back very clearly to the Religious Right of the Nineties and their drive to be persecuted.
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mistfunk · 2 months
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Mistigram: this #ANSIart rendition of the monstrous feline mascot of indie electronic music publishing company @Monstercat (based, like ourselves, out of Vancouver, Canada) was drawn by The War On Christmas and included in the recent music-themed MIST0224 artpack collection.
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
Why hate Christmas? I get it’s not equal rep for other holidays at this time or other times but it’s the most common holiday and people find lots of joy in it… don’t spend your time being angry, because at the end of the day most ppl that celebrates Christmas would openly invite you to partake in their joy
bc it's fucking obnoxious and people are obnoxious about it
also 1) don't tell me what to do and 2) historically, shitsmas has been used as an excuse to attack my people, which quite frankly i'm allowed to be mad about
fuck you, fuck your shitty ass holiday, fuck how g-ddamn annoying you all are about it, and fuck you for thinking that other people don't get to be annoyed by you shoving your bullshit down their throats even if they aren't part of a group that's been persecuted by xtians in the past
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theunvanquishedzims · 9 months
Okay but someone needs to do a gritty reboot of The Grinch set in 1600s Boston
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leam1983 · 6 months
The Only War we Shouldn't Care About
You know what time it is. December's a few short weeks away, most stores are starting to freak about Christmas, I've already covered my shopping for Walt and Sarah - all that's left is for the seasonal classics to settle in. There's just one classic I don't want to deal with.
Up here in Montreal, the War on Christmas is this absurd Conservative bugaboo we look at derisively, as we tend to wish one another Happy Holidays. Legally, whether you celebrate or not, no matter if you're Jewish, Muslim, Sikh or Buddhist, you'll get a certain amount of time off from your employer, between mid-December and early January. That's all it is to us - time off. If you don't celebrate, your only recourse is to not decorate and, well, maybe show an ounce of patience for TV networks who won't have gotten the message. They obviously won't have; the Western-dominant culture practically demands its yearly re-appropriation of Pagan elements like the effective transformation of a tree into what's effectively a votive symbol, even if you do it from an Atheist perspective. We ask of the right to cling to memories of the last Season of Plenty, as that's what our ornaments are - the brief presentation of an evergreen tree into the affected appearance of a fruit-bearing tree - and I can definitely see how that can be overbearing.
Add to that the more overtly religious aspects - what actually gets the Kirk Camerons of this world crowing about persecution in the most laughable way imaginable; and it's easy to get the sense that for several people, Christmas Season can be, well, too much.
It explains the seasonal blues, the way some workplaces cut the Gordian knot and simply ban seasonal decorations altogether or the way others default to a neutral "Happy Holidays", up here. It's fair of some people to expect the legally-provided time off with no further requirements.
The thing is, some of my remote colleagues are very Christian. Not in the sense you might be familiar with if you're American; they're still a lot more into tolerance and general goodwill than what you might consider the norm for these types - and for them, Christmas isn't quite religious enough, as strange as it might seem. They're not pushing it into Cromwellian excess, but they do get the sense that this is a holiday meant to celebrate renewed hope, spiritually speaking - and I've seen Nicole's WFH office setup start to feature both a Santa Claus figure and a small Nativity diorama. Nicole is the sweetest Compliance Officer you'll ever meet, she's technically retired from the industry but joined us to round out her pension - and she's a hardcore believer, coming from first-generation Sicilian immigrants to Canada.
On the one hand, she's a "good" Theist, in that she isn't overbearing in her spirituality, the same way we avoid discussion topics like war and politics in our workplace-focused Slack channels. On the other, when she says "God bless you", she means it. It's always a bit of a shock, when you're used to everyone and their mother tossing that offhandedly. It makes the less tolerant Theists - usually Evangelicals - that we'll run into while shopping around town, sort of stand out like a sore thumb.
I try and conflate Christmas Season, considering all this, into a time where all of us are allowed to be openly spiritual in the broadest sense possible. If you don't practice anything and are a hardlining Atheist, you could say it's a great time for self-reflection and for preparation. It's a great time to focus on the more holistic aspects of existence, as even Skeptics like me could agree that meeting people can be good for the soul. Putting more time down at the soup kitchen isn't a question of racking up more Redemption Points or whatever, it's about meeting people at a time where my potential assistance will be most useful. Nights are getting cold, warm meals are starting to require some investment of time and resources, and if you have no warm place and no kitchen to work in, you're not going to get that. That's pretty much the extent of my spirituality. Unsurprisingly, it's gotten surprised looks out of some colleagues during our Zoom meetings.
"You're not worried? I mean, you lost people, haven't you? Don't you think you have a soul?"
The fact is I just don't know. Considering, why bother imposing my beliefs on anyone else? Why bother trying to pay lip service to anyone else's belief or lack thereof? We'll decorate the condo because Walt and Sarah love that stuff, but I've been the exact time to forget to pull out the boxes of decorations until December 20th. It'll look pretty for a week or two, then we'll pack it all back in - same as Halloween.
Maybe there is an afterlife, but it's not worth any respect if my accession to it depends on my putting the right little Caucasian Porcelain Baby in my Nativity scene made up of equally whitewashed characters in someone else's distorted story of Middle-Eastern displacement.
So, maybe consider putting your chips down on all the other seasonal symbols, instead: the clean smell of the first few snowfalls, the way cold air always feels cleaner than anything hanging in summertime urban haze, the taste of a good cup of hot cocoa after some exposure to the elements, the return of Sweater Weather, the way the season's blithe consumerism always intersects with your younger relatives getting "the best Christmas ever" every single year as their eyes light up at the sight of the One Thing They Wanted - or the way it all translates to base thoughtfulness between adults.
Kindness. Brotherly love. Friendship. The giving of oneself, really. Things anyone of any culture or religious background could agree on.
That, to me, seems essential. Far, far more than anything related to Christianity.
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shnarps-evil-divorced · 5 months
what really upsets me about hbomerguys video on the war on Christmas is, while admittedly he talks extensively about religious erasure from Christmas he neglects to mention the *actual* erasure going on
let me elaborate, what do you see before you?
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Walmart, winners, Michals and the cultural Marxists would have you believe that this is some sort of "Christmas gnome" and this is infact the first result when searching up "Christmas gnome" but *any* certified gnome expert will tell you without a shadow of a doubt that that is no elf, gnome, fay, fairy, pixie or what ever other cryptid big Christmas would have you believe.
this my good friends is a gonk, while yes a gonk is a sub-spices of gnome, a *subterranean* species of gnome that would be ill suited for the high amounts of UV light reflected by the snow in the north pole.
see unlike gnomes, gonks dont turn into stone when exposed to harsh amount of UV rays, gonks will instead evaporate due to the high amount of water in their systems, hence the large hat and beard like hair.
this ofcourse is a large plot devised by the gnomes that run the world to limit the amount of gnome knowledge that is allowed to spread through the internet and other literary sources of media, this my friends is why we must educate ourselves and prepare for the oncoming invasion
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
our best unintentional ally in the war on christmas is michael buble's no-homo rendition of santa baby that everyone hates
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aboutoriginality · 6 months
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I hate Christmas I hate Christmas I hate Christmas
The decorations are ugly the music is annoying the movies are shitty and repetitive and the elf on the shelf makes me want to commit acts of great violence
I’m speedrunning the war on Christmas this year. The first person to look me in the eyes and say merry Christmas will die by my sword
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gramarobin · 1 year
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This is how I felt when I saw MIL sharply underlined the CHRIST in Merry CHRISTmas on her holiday card 🙄🤪🤣
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explosivepies · 1 year
now introducing the anti-mary: getting your period on the 24th of december
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sayruq · 4 months
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existennialmemes · 5 months
Christmas Movie, but it's from the perspective of Jesus Christ, who sneaks back to Earth, and is immediately confused why everyone is celebrating his birthday in December.
He wanders into a Megachurch on accident, thinking it was a mini mall, and hears an evangelist (who lives in a mansion) taking the Lord's name in Vain to guilt donations out of people. Then he gets arrested for rushing the stage and beating that guy with a whip.
A significant chunk of the movie is just his elaborate escape from prison, wherein he starts a riot upon learning how cruelly the prisoners are treated by a blasphemous carceral system.
The movie ends with him using God Magic on the president of the US, and being formally declared the Anti Christ by the Catholic Church
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