#the whole appeal of the movies is how hilariously bad they are
ghastbutlikegay · 2 years
ive realized that nothing is stopping me from making a hermitcraft final destination au AND that it doesnt even have to be good because it’s a final destination au
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foodfightnovelization · 3 months
Foodfight! The (OFFICIAL) Video Game
Yes, you read the title right! No it's not the fangame I made a couple months ago, this is the real deal, the whole enchilada, the ACTUAL Foodfight! tie-in game! Shortly after ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight was released, its creator Ziggy, myself, and everyone else in the Foodfight! community thought we'd found everything there was left to find. After all, we'd uncovered the workprint, the novelization, almost all the original footage, Ziggy had interviewed countless people who worked on the movie, some character models had even been found...so that was it, right? But as I hinted at in my last few posts, the Foodfight! story wasn't quite over yet.
Reese, a friend of Ziggy's, had reached out to one of the developers involved in the Foodfight! tie-in game that was set to be released alongside the movie, and shortly after ROTTEN came out, Ziggy also managed to get in touch with them. One thing led to another and we were sent a HUGE 10GB folder of art, documents, models, and footage related to the game. What you see above is a concept submission trailer created to show off the game and what it'd look like, similar to the pitch reel created for the movie itself. Needless to say, this blew our minds! If you've read my previous post on the subject, you'll know that up until now the only thing anyone had EVER seen of this game was a few seconds of grainy footage from E3 2006. To go from that to a whole stockpile of material from its development was INCREDIBLE! To learn more about how this found its way into our hands, I'll direct you to a blog post from Ziggy himself, explaining a little more about the game's developers (and relaying a truly hilarious story about Larry Kasanoff)
However, I want to talk more about the INCREDIBLE plethora of material included in the folder that was shared with us. Ziggy uploaded everything he was sent to archive.org, so I'll link it below if you'd like to peruse the files yourself, but keep reading if you want to know more about what's included!
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Just to start off with, the footage from the above concept trailer and the assorted screenshots- doesn't it just look awesome? It's way more visually appealing than the finished movie ended up looking, for one thing, and it's seemingly inspired more by the early pre-motion capture footage than anything that came later on. It's also just mindblowing to finally see all this, to suddenly go from knowing basically nothing about the game to knowing so much about it! And best of all...doesn't this just look EXACTLY like a movie tie-in game from the mid 2000s? I mean, that shouldn't be too surprising, that's exactly what it is, but tie-in games of that era had a very specific look and feel and this just takes me right back to that. Remember the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory game where you're racing around on a trashcan lid, the Spider-Man game where you're running around Oscorp avoiding security robots, or the Incredibles game where you're rushing through a burning building fighting guys with flamethrowers? Doesn't this just look EXACTLY like one of those?
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And you might be thinking "it's too bad we only have a few minutes of footage and some screenshots, I wish we could know even more about what the game would've been like". Well, your wish just came true! Buried deep in the files is a copy of the game's design documents, telling us EXACTLY how each level would've played out! (If you're struggling to find it, it's in AUDIO> Final Drop> FF> Docs) So not only do we get to see a ton of what the game would've looked like, we also get to see how the whole thing would've come together, with 26 action-packed levels consisting of a variety of different gameplay types. Looking at several other files, it seems like the number of levels may have been cut down to 15 later in development, but hey, it's fairly common for design docs to be more complex than the finished game. Regardless, reading about everything they had planned...this really is the ultimate stereotypical tie-in game. I mean, just look at some of these level descriptions! Isn't this every movie-based game you've ever played, all rolled into one? You can bet your boxtop if it had made it all the way through development, it'd easily have the honor of being one of the few tie-in games BETTER than the movie it was based off, although considering how the finished film turned out maybe that's not saying much.
Based on what the developers said in the article linked above, it's unclear exactly how much of the game was finished before it was cancelled, and unfortunately it's incredibly unlikely they'll ever be able to compile a build together to send our way. However, there's just SO much included in this folder it's hard to complain. Not only do we get basically a complete picture of how the game would've come together from all the documents, screenshots, audio, cutscenes and footage included, there are all kinds of additional files that are both interesting and incredibly useful.
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Not only are there models and environments from the game itself (unfortunately the only character model included seems to be Dex), there are also models of the ENTIRE CAST taken directly from the earlier version of the movie! Every main character is here, from Dex to Sunshine to Mr Leonard, as well as a bunch of other models such as Dan's plane and cockpit. This is HUGE, and I can't wait to see what talented artists will do with all these resources. At the time I'm writing this, someone already ported several of the models into SFM (Source Filmmaker) and another made several animations in Blender!
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I'm sure even more will happen soon, but right now this is pretty incredible. Who thought this would EVER happen? That one day we'd have models of every main character, a complete workprint of the movie from 2005, a tie-in novelization, footage of the long-sought after videogame, and so, so much more. In the span of less than a year, Foodfight! went from some of the most obscure lost media of all time to some of the most well-documented lost media of all time. We have so much there's no way I'd ever even be able to discuss it all, that's how far we've come in the past few months.
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Seriously, I've barely even scratched the surface of what's in this folder. There are 3D cutscenes from the game, 2D cutscenes, concept art for the planned toy line, footage of prototypes of those toys in action, MORE gameplay footage, previously unseen storyboards not included in the workprint, raw audio of Charlie Sheen's voice sessions from the movie, tons of songs from the game, the entire score from the movie, and that's STILL not everything! I mean, holy chips! I STRONGLY encourage you to download the folder for yourself and take a look...maybe you'll even find something I haven't yet?
I really think that with this folder now out in the public, this is as much closure on Foodfight! as we'll ever get. I know I always say that and then there's some amazing discovery a few months later, but this is just such a huge smorgasbord of material that I don't even think we can count Foodfight! as lost media anymore...okay, we haven't found absolutely everything so it's partially found media at best, but could you really ask for more than all this? We have countless models from the movie, design docs and footage from the planned tie-in game, early drafts of the script, we know EXACTLY what the movie and game were going to be like before everything collapsed... now, if you're so inclined you can take all that and make something out of all of it, but me? I'm pretty satisfied just having the knowledge. Knowing what could've been before it all fell apart, getting to see so much I never thought I'd get a chance to see... right now, I'd say my Foodfight! cravings have been satiated. Unless another monumental discovery is unearthed anytime soon (at this point I wouldn't be surprised), I think there's really not much more to say. If nothing comes up in a month or two, I'll make a post showing off my personal collection of Foodfight! merchandise, an epilogue to the past year I've spent obsessing over this movie. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy the absolute treasure trove of Foodfight! material that's been discovered! Dig through it all! Make something out of it! There's so much in these files, you could create your OWN Foodfight!, with blackjack and hookers!
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philipjohnclapp · 1 year
dudeee could you write headcanons on a female cky member who’s dating knox? it’s literally my dream but i’m terrible at writing my own stuff 🥹
( it would also be sick if you write about how her relationship is with everyone — especially vito cause he’s fucking hilarious — cause i imagine her being on cky and jackass *the tv show and movies* )
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CKY member dating Knoxville Headcanons
A/N: I have zero idea what I’m doing, but I decided to include my favorite of the cky guys. Circulated towards more CKY as a whole and not Jackass simply because I didn’t wanna portray what is overdone already with Y/N. I hope you are satisfied, and once again my inbox is open. I love doing headcanons! Remember I’ll write anything for any fandom. I’m willing to do another part with more CKY, or turn this into a fic, also, I could do another part with the Jackass guys. Been working on this for a while, my bad for taking so long.
CKY Band Headcanons:
- Knoxville is jealous, I mean since he saw you in CKY. He gets jealous because of how close the guys are to you, and overall because of how much time they spend with you.
- Going along with the jealous thing whenever any of the guys are touching you in any way he gets all snappy and jealous.
- He makes it obvious too, and the guys have definitely gotten their asses handed to them a few times.
- Most of the time you intervene before it can happen.
- For the life of you, you can’t get Knoxville to like Jess. He doesn’t hate the guy, but even when things are just normal he’s still pissy.
- Knoxville definitely wishes you two met sooner, and he rambles on about it even if it wasn’t physically possible for you to meet sooner.
- He often jokes about making his own band just with you in it so he could have you all to himself.
- Definitely finds you being in a band sexually appealing.
- He’s absolutely amazed whenever you’re playing an instrument or singing.
- Sometimes he likes to join in even though he can’t sing or play for the life of him. At least he thinks he can’t sing, when he tries it sorta has a southern drawl to it and it just drives you wild as well.
- His accent is definitely more heavy when you’re around, and he’ll exaggerate it just because he knows how much you like it.
- When around the guys he always is touching you in some shape or form.
- He’s like a helicopter mom.
- Will try to go to every one of your concerts and definitely owns at least three of every merch item.
- Can't fight, but WILL fight fans who are creepy to you.
- Whenever you’re touring with the guys and he can’t go with you, bet your ass your phones are ringing non stop off the hook, and if you don’t answer? Well, he’ll harass the guys.
- He’s definitely gotten blocked by some of them.
- Definitely tried to make a shitty song for you once for Valentine’s Day; it was horrible, but you loved it.
- He definitely burns CDs with different songs for you.
- Try to listen to heavy rock and such to fit in with your music taste, and in return you listen to some of his country shit.
- Most of the time y’all just bounce back to The Ramones and such.
- You two listen to a whole bunch of parody music together, like an ungodly amount.
CKY Movie Headcanons:
- Before you two met you were already in CKY, so you bet when you two started dating he rewatched the first few movies practically a million times.
- With the newer ones he always follows you around set, he’s definitely like your runner boy.
- When the guys go too far you bet your ass there’s clips of him going to the extreme.
- Definitely gets super jealous, especially because of how hansy the guys can be with you.
- If you and the guys are going drinking you bet your ass he’s tagging along, because of his jealousy and the fact he always wants to be around you.
- It’s also because he may or may not trust most of the guys you hang around, but he does trust Bam's parents.
- Always I mean ALWAYS french kisses you, and just overall gets heated with you around the guys.
- Has no shame, even one time he made a joke that they could watch.
- One night when things got specifically really heated, Bam tried to redeem that card. It did not go well, he got punched in the jaw.
Relationship with other CKY members:
Bam Margera:
- You two are tight, no surprise there cause you are.
- He hates that you’re with Johnny and when he’s not around he always asks you why you’re with him.
- He definitely secretly likes you.
- Even though he doesn’t like Johnny, you two are still close because all in all you were close with Bam before you ever were close with Johnny.
- Bam definitely brings that fact up when he’s talking to Johnny, Johnny absolutely hates it.
- He says he wishes he met you sooner [even though he grew up in shit fuck Tennessee.]
- You definitely were the one to teach Bam how to do his eyeliner, made him fall in love with it too.
-You did eyeliner for the first time on him as a joke, he was supposed to hate it, but he did not. Surprise!
Jess Margera:
- Your boyfriend likes him a whole lot more, and Jess doesn’t overstep boundaries.
- You love him to bits.
- You two platonically cuddle all the time, and it gets Bam so jealous.
- By now Johnny figured out that he really couldn’t do a thing about it, he’s over it.
- Sometimes if you two end up cuddling Johnny will just straight up join.
- Yor some reason he always calls the middle, it’s weird.
- Jess introduced you to most of your favorite singers (somehow)
- You two definitely have similar music tastes.
Ryan Dunn:
- Definitely drink together.
- He’s like a brother to you, like cmon.
- Definitely protective over you, but in a sibling type of way.
- He’s like your ride or die.
- Twin flame for real.
- You definitely bash him for his music taste.
- He bashed you for your taste in men.
- So far (he believes) Knoxville is the best guy you’ve dated.
- You’ve dated a lot of shit bags.
- Definitely pranks the shit outta you.
- Steal your cigarettes, like you never have any.
- You two do a lot of stunts together, Jackass and CKY.
- Still, you won’t share a room with him. He reeks.
- He’s like an uncle to you, or a second father in his own weird way.
- You definitely do a whole lot of pranking to him when with Bam.
- Though, you of course do a whole lot on your own too.
- He can’t ever hold a grudge against you.
- Though he has tried (and failed) running after you one time, while Bam jumped on him from behind.
- It was funny.
- Still, you two have a good bond.
- Definitely watch different television shows together.
- Gets along with Knoxville.
Chris Raab:
- Let’s be honest, he is like an annoying little brother to you.
- Though, sometimes you call him Sid jokingly because he looks like the Sid from Toy Story.
- He got tired of it, it was funny at first though.
- Definitely do odd things together. Always up to the most weird things.
- You probably wear his clothes, sometimes.
- Definitely like to sit and listen to music together though.
- Even though Chris Raab probably falls asleep halfway through it.
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grungekitty-77 · 11 months
SRMTHFG! Trick or Treat Fic exchange!
@creepyclue @sweetcircuits
I'm not overly proud of this, but I was shaking off a lot of rust in writing for these characters again and my October was a cesspool of personal problems and drama
Without further self deprecation, here's your spooky Spova. (Fair warning: It turned into fluff. I don't know how it happened, but I guess I defaulted to my old style.)
Nova sighed and rubbed her arms. The only thing she hated more than fall, was the winter that came after. Every year she glared at the changing leaves.
She really didn’t understand why it appealed to so many people. She wanted to curl up and hibernate instead of going shopping.
It was cold. It was windy. It was wet.
And Sprx was jumping out from behind the corner with a jack-o-lantern on his head.
“BOO!” he shouted.
Nova just sighed.
“Sprx. Get the pumpkin off your head!” Nova scolded.
Sprx struggled for a moment before his head popped out. Then struggled to rub the pumpkin guts off his face and spit out seeds. Nova almost laughed at him, but decided she was too cold for humor,
“Come on, Nova! It’s Halloween! Where’s your holiday spirit!?” Sprx asked, once he got himself sorted.
Nova rolled her eyes.
“It’s frozen.” She said, exaggerating her shivering.
Sprx pouted. Then a smirk crossed his face.
“I know the cure to that!” he said.
“Soup?” Nova asked hopefully.
It was something she didn’t hate about the colder seasons.
Sprx shook his head.
“You just need a good scare!” Sprx said, waving his hands for emphasis.
Nova rolled her eyes.
“What!? It’s the whole point of Halloween!” Sprx.
At least he started walking again so they could finish their chore.
“Good luck.” Nova said “I don’t scare easy.”
Sprx just smirked wider.
“Was that a challenge?” he asked.
Nova didn’t dignify him with a response.
“How about a bet?” he asked “If I manage to scare you before Halloween then you have to do all my patrols for November!”
“And when you don’t, you have to drop everything to make soup whenever I ask until March.” Nova responded.
Why not? It wasn’t like Sprx was going to pull it off.
“You’re on!”
Nova will admit that her heart skipped a beat or two when she saw a roach in her cereal, but she didn’t react. It only took a second of thought to realize the thing wasn’t moving. It was probably fake, and probably Sprx’s. No one else had noticed the thing yet. So, Nova had an opportunity.
Feeling mischievous herself, Nova carefully picked the thing up without anyone seeing. (It was in fact, rubber) Then she carefully snuck it into Gibson’s bowl and went back to her breakfast.
Sprx was eyeing her with suspicion, but she just waited. He was clearly wondering if she had found the fake roach.
Gibson’s scream was glorious. He shrieked like a wild monkey and flung his bowl into the air. It sailed over the table and landed on Sprx’s head, drenching him in milk.
Sprx pushed the bowl off his eyes and glared at Nova. She just laughed.
Sprx’s plan to prime her with a horror movie was smart, albeit transparent.
Too bad it backfired.
Nova hadn’t been the only one to see the movie. When Otto used the bathroom before her, he turned on the light and saw the life sized sticker Sprx had put on the mirror.
He ran out screaming and crying. Nova gave Sprx a smug look when Otto clung to her and begged for her to deal with the ghost. Sprx had to apologize and assure Otto that the ghost girl hadn’t escaped the movie.
Luckily for Sprx, Chiro found it hilarious. Otherwise Antauri would’ve launched into a lecture.
Nova didn’t have any time to react to the formless that appeared in the hallway. Chiro was already launching into an attack by the time she noticed it.
Scraps of cardboard went flying and Nova could hear Sprx sighing.
“Keep trying! This is pretty funny.” Nova said.
Chiro finished dismantling the false alarm. Sprx started to stutter out an apology, but Chiro cut him off.
“It’s good to keep me on my toes. Now we know I’m ready if a formless ever does sneak in to the robot.” Chiro said, flashing a cheeky grin and a peace sign.
Sprx sighed in relief.
“But you’re going to get yourself in trouble eventually.” Chiro added “Just admit it! Nova is unscarable!”
The closer it got to Halloween, the more desperate Sprx’s attempts got. He didn’t even care about the bet anymore. It was a pride issue at this point.
He resorted to climbing into the air ducts, waiting for a quiet moment, then dropping down like a spider onto the table.
Antauri let out one very undignified scream.
Sprx didn’t end up saying anything in his defense, and no one asked him to. They were all too busy staring at Antauri and wondering if the high pitched shriek they had heard really did come from the deep voiced monkey.
Antauri didn’t even acknowledge the event. No one wanted to ask him about it. He’d probably deny it anyways.
Nova had taken to making sly comments about how much soup she was going to enjoy this winter. Sprx gave her an angry glare every time, but Nova just smiled. He had dug his own grave in this.
“You know, this has actually been fun. Watching you make an idiot of yourself trying to scare me. Congrats on making me actually excited for Halloween!” Nova said.
“I still have one more day.” Sprx said.
“And there’s nothing you can do that I won’t be ready for!” Nova assured him.
“Whatever. I’ll think of something.” Sprx said, walking towards his transport tube.
“Where are you going?” Nova asked.
“Patrol.” Sprx said.
“Oh, I bet you wish you had a whole month without that, don’t you?” she teased.
It was hard to tell through the red fur, but Nova knew Sprx was blushing.
An hour later and Sprx opened his comms link.
“Hey, Otto. I said I was sorry about the whole bathroom mirror thing.” Sprx said nervously.
“Um…. I know?” Otto responded.
“Right…. So…. you didn’t do anything to my fist rocket in revenge, right?” Sprx grunted.
Now everyone was paying closer attention.
“Sprx, what’s going on?” Chiro asked.
“Brainstrain? I know you know better than to mess with a pilot’s ship, but did you-“
“You are correct. I do know better.” Gibson snapped.
Gibson may not have been as passionate as Sprx, but he was still a pilot. He knew which lines to never cross.
“Right. That’s fine. I may be having some issues with my steering right now, but I’ll figure it out.” Sprx said, some words coming out in forced huffs.
Nova’s heart started to beat faster. Surely this was another prank, right? Sprx was just making it up.
“Sprx. Exactly what problem are you having?” Antauri asked.
To any stranger he sounded calm, but Nova had known him long enough to recognize his distinctive worry.
“A problem I’m trying to focus on fixing instead of explaining!” Sprx said, starting to sound a little panicked himself.
Alarms started to sound from his side. Nova abandoned the idea that it was a prank and started to twist her own tail in fear.
“Where are you!? We’re on our way.” Gibson said.
“I’m about to be in the bay.” Sprx said, sounding downright terrified.
Nova’s stopped breathing. Sprx was about as good with water as she was with cold. There was a horrible, sickening, splash, and then Sprx’s comm link cut.
A panicked twenty minutes is all it took before Sprx was back in the robot medbay, shivering but alive. He only sustained minor injuries from the crash. They were quick to treat. Gibson was more worried about hypothermia than anything else.
Sprx threw a fit when Otto insisted on checking the ship without him.
“Sprx, you are still recovering. You’re in no condition to climb around a fist rocket engine!” Gibson argued, pushing Sprx down.
“It’s my ship! No one touches it without me watching!” Sprx said.
He continued to fight against Gibson until Nova looped her arms around him and yanked.
“Sit down you moron!” Nova snapped.
“I’ll be gentle, Sprx. I promise.” Otto said.
Gibson was rolling his eyes.
“If Chiro and I supervised him, would that help?” he asked.
“I don’t want more people touching my ship!” Sprx snapped.
Nova squeezed, and Sprx seemed to settle under the hug.
“Look, I get that it’s scary for your ship to malfunction like that, but you know Otto isn’t going to hurt it. We need to know what went wrong, and you need to rest!” she said.
Sprx finally slackened.
“Fine.” He said. “but be careful. She’s been through enough!”
“Of course.” Gibson said, escorting Otto out of Medbay.
He turned back in the doorway and glared.
“I expect you not to vacate that bed! Nova, please ensure that he remains under that heat lamp.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Nova said with a smile.
She liked the idea of being assigned to stay under a heater herself.
Gibson nodded and left.
Nova felt Sprx continue to shiver and pulled him close. He was still a little wet, so it wasn’t the most comfortable position. She didn’t say anything about it though. Sprx wasn’t in the mood to be teased.
She thought back to the terror she felt the moment he crashed. It wasn’t even a full hour ago, but it felt like a lifetime. She focused on every breath he took and resisted the urge to feel for a pulse.
“You scared me, you know.” She said.
“I what?” Sprx asked, craning his head around to look at her curiously.
“You scared me! I didn’t know if you were ok or not! I was worried I was going to lose you for a second there.” Nova said.
He tensed in her grip the second she said the word. She didn’t have to remind him of the significance.
“I’m sorry.” Sprx muttered.
Nova hugged him tighter.
“I’m just glad you’re ok.”
The stench of smug started to waft. Nova glanced suspiciously at Sprx.
“What?” she asked suspiciously.
Sprx broke into a large grin.
“I scared you.” He said.
Nova rolled her eyes.
“Yeah. I guess I love you or something. Do you want a parade?”
He shook his head.
“Not a parade.” Sprx said.
Nova didn’t know if she wanted to keep playing this game. He was either flirting or leading up to a joke at her expense.
“Then what do you want?”
“I scared you!” Sprx repeated.
“Halloween is tomorrow.” Sprx said.
Nova waited for more information.
“That means I scared you before Halloween!”
It clicked.
“What- NO! No! That doesn’t count!” Nova yelled.
“I can’t hear you over the sound of my victory!” Sprx said.
Nova was gearing up to punch him across the room when he sneezed. After a moment of clear misery, Nova decided on a different comeback.
“Was it worth it?” she asked.
Sprx sniffled.
“No. I’m just taking the wins I have.”
“That so?” Nova said “I love you.”
Sprx hummed in content.
“But this did not convince me to like Halloween at all.” Nova added, remembering the original reason for the bet.
Sprx laughed.
“I said I was taking the wins I had!”
Nova held him tight. Feeling his warmth and beating heart.
“So am I.”
I hope you liked it! Happy late Halloween!
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There’s a lot of things to love about Tsunade. She’s one of the strongest female character’s in the entire series as well as being a very damaged character who’s fighting just to get through every day.
She comes back to Konoha and takes the job of Hokage because of a kid she has only just met and procedes to lead the village for five years through some of the worst fights it has had to deal with. It’s under her leadership that Konoha works with the other villages, and unlike her Sensei she is actually unafraid to put the elder’s in their place.
Epic moment’s for Tsunade are numerous, but i’ll try not to get too carried away.
(Movie only) Poking Kakashi in the face and reminding him that accusing Naruto of attacking A, and thus throwing him into prison, was HIS idea and he has no right to judge her for being harsh (he looks like a scolded child. I love it. The auntie vibes are STRONG in this movie)
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Speaking of Kakashi, remmember when she found out that he died and she proceeded to destroy one of the pillers on the roof of the Hokage’s mansion? Because i do and i LOVE it. Tsunade has seen enough death in her life but that doesn’t stop her from taking a second to morn Kakashi’s death and literally destroy something in anger (also while looking for pics i saw a conversation about how her destroying that piller wS representative of Kakashi’s death being the destruction of a piller of Konoha and oh boy i had FEELINGS).
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Also, just the whole Pein attack in general was some bad ass Tsunade. I think Hashirama is the only other Hokage who could have protected Konoha and saved as many lives as Tsunade did. Her skills really shone through her as well as her connection with Lady Katsuyu.
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(Anime Only) showing Ino and Sakura what she looked like when she was younger. Tsunade looked so proud of herself while she was showing off her younger look. It’s clear that she just loves looking young and that her keeping herself looking younger has never been about sexual appeal but just enjoying being young. If she could turn back time and be 12 again i think she would, and not just to save Dan and her brother.
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Caving in Madara’s Sussano. This woman stood there and listened to Madara bad mouth her for the crime of not being as talented as her grandfather and instead of crying over it she proceded to destroy every judgement Madara made against her. She got stabbed through the abdomen and cut Madara’s sussano sword and shoved it out if her body. She got cut in half and still healed the other Kage’s using Katsuyu. SHE PUNCHED MADARA’s SUSSANO, A NEAR PERFECT DEFECE, AND SHATTERED THE RIB CAGE. Sure she was never going to win that fight, but damn did she do some major damage.
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The fact that she taught Sakura to gamble? Delightful. Love master and student bonding over non training activities.
Calling Kakashi stupid for how he faced Itachi? Fair. Man didn’t know what he was getting into because he didn’t have all the necessary info, but she’s still valid for calling him out on acting before thinking. He was so protective of Asuma, Kurenai and specifically Sasuke (and then Naruto when he realized Itachi was actually there for him) he just threw himself into a fight. Tsunade had every right to call him dumb.
Telling Naruto his only disease was being dumb XD one of my fav moment’s ever. Boy was not ready.
(Book only) yelling at Gai for ditching his position to catch a ride on the fancy new air balloon/plane. Also, her asking Gai to tell them what Kaiyo looked like always felt hilarious because this man forgets all the faces and i can only imagine that it was a stressful af conversation to have.
(Book only) ‘Kakashi take my job’ ‘no’ Kakashi take my job’ ‘no’ ‘kakashi take my-‘ ‘fine’ ‘ABOUT DAMN TIME’
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artianaiolanthe · 2 years
Shaggy Rogers
The only people who call this man Norville are his parents. That is non negotiable, even his teachers don’t realize that’s supposed to be him.
I don’t think the weed jokes should be confirmed or denied so I won’t do that either.
Shaggy’s metabolism is on a different level. It’s gotta be to consume that much and still have room for thirteenths.
Speaking of which… Shaggy’s specifically here for junk, fast food, and street food. His is no refined palette. He eats dog food for star’s sake.
Shaggy is just a magnet for weird/supernatural happenings. Aliens, monsters, ghosts, unless they’re just rancid beings as a whole they see this fool and think he’s friend shaped. It’s very bad for his nerves.
He is the most likely in the gang to be a magical girl. That’s how I’m going to phrase this point and no I won’t elaborate.
I believe in the extended Rogers family tree first proposed by @the-scooby-gang . Barbie as Shaggy’s cousin. Steve Rogers as a distant uncle. Mr. Rogers, the og. It’s there and it’s beautiful.
Horrible Bullshit Output show race rant; Shaggy being black isn’t a bad thing but the well is poisoned. I don’t know if I could do it anymore. But blah blah it doesn’t matter if he’s white to me he can be whatever race and still be Shaggy. Honestly if anyone reblogs this I want a cultural food that Shaggy would demolish and after I do my research I’ll pick the one that appeals to me most and that will be my Shaggy’s background. I dare everyone else to do that too, pick a comfort food and give him roots to it.
He and Daphne are childhood besties, IDK how maybe they met at Summer Camp
Best Version of Shaggy would have to be Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School for me. I know it’s a bit controversial considering the presence of a certain excitable puppy but 1) I kind of adore the idea that Shaggy and Scooby can get into shenanigans independent of the gang and USUALLY those shenanigans are legitimate instead of faked to cover up crimes and 2) I also think it goes to show how Shaggy can actually be pretty chill with spooky scary stuff. My one possible gripe with the gang as a whole is how they tend to peer pressure Scooby and Shaggy to participate in Mysteries or bribe them when they really don’t wanna be there, but movies like this show that Shaggy can vibe fairly well with anything life throws at him. So it just goes to show for me that Shaggy is perfectly happy and content to work with mysteries (even if encouragement goes a long way) and when he’s had enough he knows how to bail whenever he wants to.
A close second is Scoobynatural, I haven’t seen it but that one set of Screenshots where Shaggy and Scooby were like “Hell is real, damnation is real, none of us are safe. We fucking told you so!” is hilarious and gives me so much life.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Aqua Teen Hunger Force MC Pee Pants Retrospective (Comissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people. So this one's a bit of a breather after some very intensive exausting reviews, some major schedule slippage and before even more intensive reviews. Today we're looking at Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Having gleefully covered Sealab 2021, Mission Hill, and having a whole Venture Bros retrospective on this blog (That I assure you IS coming back, my schedule is just like living in a living nightmare sometimes), and planning to cover home movies at some point after I realize I hadn't because it's purespun gold, observe…
It's probably not a suprise to Kev who comissoined this nor anyone reading whose been with me a while that I fucking love Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It fit the mold for the other williams street shows at the time like Space Ghost COast to Coast (also another one to cover), Brak Show, or Sealab itself: dialouge heavy but entirely bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-anas to compensate for a budget of a paper cup. It's also the longest lived of them by far, going on for most of Adult Swim's lifespan till being abubtly cancled and even THEN i'ts recently came back with a series of web shorts and the first DTV movie from Warner's new adult swim based intitative.
Aqua Teen will never be canceled, Aqua Teen Won't be Dismantled, Aqua Teen Gonna Be Together, Aqua Teen Gonna Be forever! And honestly it's easy to see why it's lasted this long as given the very simple yet inherently weird nature of aqua teen, three fast food mascots with super powers living in new jersey and having weird shit happen to them and their perverted asshole neighbor carl, means you can do just about anything with it from have Shake cause nuclear armageddon to reboot a flintstones pastiche, to the gang unearthing an evil sandwitch, to evangelical fruits showing up in thier house and one going on an alchoholic spiral, to carl getting himself shoved up a trolls ass as part of a metal band's performance, it can be anything. And while the later seasons are a bit weaker, I do think they still have their gems ala the simpsons.
So I was more than happy when asked to chronicle the rise and explosion and rise and slaughterhouse and rise and vamppiric explosion and rise and rise and squashing and rise and swatting and rise and elder fraud of mc pee pants aka sir loin aka little brittle.
MC Pee Pants came about due to Willams Street at the time making good use of comedian and rap god, MC Chris, a nerdy as fuck rapper with bars for days who I REALLY need to listen more of. When doing Improv one night osme of the williams street execs saw Chris, and asked him to come to atlanta nad while hesitant at first, the part of Hesh for sealab, who I assure you will get his own specail one of these days, maybe a heshtober fest, appealed to him and soon Hesh wanted sex and Adult Swim wanted more of him. So i'ts not a huge shock he popped up on adult swim's latest show Aqua Teen Hunger force and would make yearly apperances before vanishing entirely. Why he fell out with the company.. no one knows. He gladly came back for the 100th episode so there appears to be no real bad blood.. he might of just moved out of altanta. Whatever the case while Hesh made MC Chris' voice acting career, MC Pee Pants is easily just as memorable. As for who he is.. well tha'ts best left under the cut as what he is.. is a lot.
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MC Pee Pants MC Pee Pants first debuted in season 1 and our journey begins with him as all his episodes do: with Meatwad blasting his jam box to high heaven and pissing everyone else off. What makes this one special besides being the first is Master Shake is trying to jam a new romantic ballad on the guitar. It can't be undestated how hilarious Dana Synder is and i'm pleased as punch he's still getting work to this day, including a starring role in Ghost and Molly McGee and voicing half of Jellystone.
Naturally Shake's response is to smash his guitar in rage and plan to ram the neck down meatwad's….. uhhhhhhh….. huh. You know I don't think ramming something into meatwad would actually kill him. Maybe HURT him, but i'm not sure ANYTHING can actually kill meatwad short of destroying every last molocule. As long as there's one cell left it'll still be sapient.
Shake CAN still beat the piss out of his hapless roomate though so Frylock, always anti child beating, tries to talk Meatwad down instead. Every attempt is objectively funny. The first is my faviorite: Frylock tries to get Meatwad to listen to classical music. He has such high school band teacher energy here trying to convince Metawad that these were the "real gangsters" while Meatwad looks on in abject horror and just switches back to MC Pee Pants after. Frylock still tries to be patient despite Meatwad having done this for days and does the obvious: has Meatwad use earphones. And I love his happy tone as he says "So master shake won't want to kill you with a guitar neck". I also like the Meatwad hearing loss gag after. Good sound mixing there. Eventually Frylock just tell shim to fuck off with it or he'll let shake beat him which is'nt great parenting but he tried good parenting. Now it's "don't make me let your roommate/brother/tormentor beat you".
Meatwad then tries to get him some candy as the dope new drop from mc pee pants h'es been blasting, I want candy tell shim to. We get a great him as elvis gag (Shake's "Are you the fat elvis" is comic gold as is his casual attempted murder), and ends up getting his fix form carl who true to form has a bunch of easter bunnies he got from the dumpster they just have to wipe off which would be gross but we don't see them actually EAT the things nor what's on them, so it works, especially with Carl's later ask of "Wipe me off another rabbit"
They end up doing this long into the night, and washing Carl's car for some reason. Probably cocaine. I wouldn't put it past carl to have put some on the bunnies and told meatwad they were sugar. Or done so by mistake. It's carl, he's either going to be sad, sleazy, deeply incomptient or all of the above. How is a crapshoot.
Frylock has concerns. Not about the cocaine, he has a snow mountain in his closet, no he's worried about the lyrics which talk about using the hyper active energy of those who eat the candy to power a drill straight to hell to unleash demons to help mc pee pants with a diet pill pyramid scheme.
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So with the address given in the song, everyone heads to 612 wharf avenue. Which is ana ctual place in new jersey. It's even near Kevin Smith's store.
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Turns out that's EXACTLY Mc Pee Pants scheme and instead of the child on the cover, he's a grown man whose also a giant spider in a diaper and shower cap who talks about how he's insane. Chris unsurprisingly is great in the rolll as MC Pee Pants really makes little sense with his plan, an dis only doing it because he can't get a job.
The resolution is one of the series best: the aqua teens set mc pee pants up for a job interview…. and then blow up an abandoned building iwth him inside. It's just so hilariously cruel and there's no real reason for it. They could just.. take meatwad and leave. He can't really do anything to them. I mean he did domestically abuse dr. weird though.. so fair enough.
MC Pee Pants is a solid episode.. and I got paid TO WRITE THAT. I love my life. It's got plenty of great jokes, chris is terrfiic and I want candy will get stuck in your head guaranteed
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Super Sirloin While the first ep was decent, Sir Loin is even better. With this one Frylock hasn't quite caught onto the formula despite Meatwad once again blasting a song at all hours.. in this case instead of a sugar high he can't sleep because he's worried about the starving children.. and how he goes about helping "the shorties" is also hilarious, grabbing every bit of food and stuffing it into a garbage bag. I also like the runner about Master Shake somehow affording steak and eggs and Duck Alaronge, as well as despite Frylock saying it perfectly, him bitching about Frylock butchering the prounciation. I forget how much subtle humor is dotted aroudn the weirder shit. Carl also spits in a bag and Dr Weird grafts a dear antler to his groin to fit in with the heard so it hasn't gotten too subtle. "Sigh" I really miss Dr. Weird. And C. Martin Croaker.
I also like the runner with meatwad eating sand, which starts with Shake just .. getting him to eat it on a regular basis.
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Despite Frylock being worried about it even though Meatwad is clearly a highlander, and later escalates to meatwad expecting everyone else to for the shorties and Shake trying it with ketchup and deciding this sucks and they need to go see sir loin. Naturally Mc Pee Pants, now sir loin is the best part of the episode. This time he's a cow whose renting patio furniture and is amassing flies to melt down a bank. Once again I got paid to watch a man explain all this and then write about it.
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My faviorite bits are Mc Pee Pants slowing down explaning things because he thinks frylock is dumb, chris really nails the condesnion and the bizzare ness of him talking about the farmer asking "gimme the milk, gimmie the milk" and frylock's deadpan "There isn't a farmer is there. " He's way too used to the nonsense that is his existance at this point. They naturally use a slaughterhouse this time which tops the previous finale as last time it was at least plausable that building was a buisness… I mean not very but he's a giant spider in a diaper man. It dosen't tak emuch. This time it's very transparently a slaughterhouse and the SECOND time they've casually murdered him and will not be the last.
Sir Loin is another great episode, taking the same basic premise but finding even better jokes for it. The result's a classic.
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Little Brittle
So we're onto the final focus episode for MC, and honestly when I was a teen and until this rewatch I hated this one, feeling it was too slow paced and not nearly as entertaning as the first two. On rewatch I expected to still hate it and dreaded getting to this one
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Little Brittle.. is the BEST of the trilogy, and after wondering why MC hadn't come back for more than a cameo till Aquadonk Sidepieces, this gave me the answer: there was no where to go from here. THey already took the formula as far as they could. While other recurrers could be crammed in wherever, MC's episodes relied on him doing the same brainwashing raps and reveal of some stupid plan every time and with this one tearing that formula up they likely just.. couldn't think of a new spin on it. Brittle has the same inciting incident: Meatwad's playing MC's latest rap on loop, only after two times Frylock catches on instantly. Though instead of 612 Wharf Avenue he's at a decaying old folks home, presumibly next to elvis and jfk.
Two things really make this one pop: the subversion of things, which is not easy to pull off: there's a fine line between playing with a formula nad audience expectations and getting good laughs or drama out of it and pulling a swerve bro. It's what seperates the rian johnstons from the vince russos and they pull it off here. Instead of a zany plan MC instead genuinely seems to be a sad old man who just happens to also have a diaper, shower cap and yellow eyes , who misses his grand kids and is dealing with how horribly we treat the elderly. And that's the other sauce: the episode is suprisingly well done satire about how we treat our elderly: the place MC is stuck is GENUINELY awful, wether he's pulling a scheme or not, and Frylock mostly goes along to feel good about himself then abandons Meatwad there with a strange old man because "someone has to" and he dosen't want to be around the elderly because they smell. Shake and Frylock represent the most common ways society treats the old: Shake is just an asshole and is fine with leaving them to die while Frylock is only fine with actually treating elderly people like human beings as long as it's comfortable. Meatwad is only sympathetic because he not only came iwth good intentions but is basically a child unless the episode says he isn't. Little Brittle is a lot and hte fact he powers thorugh and genuinely seems to befriend him again is great.
As is the reveal that of course this is another stupid scheme, this time to have a vampire bite him to become immortal. The reveal he ONLY released come visit me yo in Transylvania is gold, only topped by Meatwad revealing "the import fees were a bitch". What caps it off though and likely sealed this trilogy off.. is that it ACTUALLY WORKS FOR ONCE. No really, Dracula shows up, bites him, and MC actually gets to be a vampire. He dies again, but only because he goes out into the sun and explodes. The ending's also something that grew on me: originally I felt it was random as hell, and while the explosions are, now I can see the setup: after two episodes of a stupid scheme tha tmakes no sense he has one actually work.. and then dies anyway because of the stupidity that got him killed the last two times. Truly brilliant. Shake is also low key great. Carl.. I don't think is in this one much. Dr. Weird is sadly absent altogether as we'd gotten to spacekataz at this point, which was fine and I get stopping the weird bits once they ran out of ideas but god do I miss them.
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Side Pieces
So while they only make the three starring episodes, MC still got to show up a few more times.
First was The Last One that united all the villians legion of doom style… where they procede to get nothing done but adopting a highway by clickclickclickclickclick. MC Pitches a scheme and then dies. It's still nice to have him for this one. Then we have the movie, which like the last one I didn't watch in full, but thankfully youtube had his scene which has Meatwad calling on him to make a rap, and MC coming back as a fly, eating a dog turd and giving us a great rap to stop the insano flex.. before shake kills him because he's needlessly cruel and self destructive. It's a great scene honestly especially the oepning where he has choclate unicorn backup dancers because it's awesome. Chris himself also returned for the 100th episode though rather than play mc he simply did a rap.
Given they played this in all the commericals, it's imbeded deep in my brain… and was also the best part of the episode by a wide margin. So finally we have last year's aquadonk side pieces episode. ADSP was a series of web shorts adult swim did focusing on thet villians, with Carl and the others still showing up. It was great, with this one being tied with the dumber dolls sequel for my faviorite of the batch. It's MC teaching people who to rap the elderly out of their homes. BUT HOW IS THIS LEGAL MC
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Since it's so short I recommend watching it yourself bellow
It is truly fantastic and pure comedy gold.. and also strangely heartwarming? Like this is the happiest ending he's gotten… being adopted by an old man whose house he planned to steal with his original body again. So if you have HBO about to be Just Max, I highly recommend these episodes. MC Chris is the best and I felt it was only right to play us out with one of his tracks and since it is may the 4th.. hit it youtube! Thanks for reading.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
2023 Anticipated BL/GL/Queer Shows
2022 Anticipated BLs & GLs || Thai BL/GL Filming Schedules
2024 Anticipated Series & Movies
Shows released in 2023 I'm anticipating: Released, Releasing, To Be Released (with/without release dates)
Release Dates:
Watch Via: platform link (free/paid)
Status: 👀 To Watch || ⏸️ Currently Watching ||  ✅ Watched || ❌ Dropped
Watch Dates: Month x - y, 2023 (#)
Rating: /10
Initial Impression:
Overall Impression: 
Also Appears In: [Live Blogging, AO3 link], (Month) 2023 Wrap-Up
These are shows that have ended in 2023 that I’m interested in - ordered by their end date. Note: If it finishes in 2023, it’s a 2023 show for me.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 15, 2022 - Jan 12, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 18 - 19, 2023 (#3)
Rating: 5.5/10
Initial Impression: kBL same production as Blueming (KENAZ) and it has reincarnation and curses or something? I saw a few clips on twitter about the first ep and it seems hilarious, hope it’s great bc it’s one of the few kBLs I’m acc looking forward to because of the plot and not just for Korean practice. || After ending, people have been criticizing the ending and also for its messy plot in such a short time but I’m still curious about it so I’ll give it a try (esp cuz so many of the kBLs lately have apparently been meh that I needa add this to the watchlist or else I’ll hardly get any practice done)
Overall Impression: I feel like this should be higher just because it’s got a cool concept and the cinematography’s good but I felt like maybe 1 emotion during this whole show (the hug in the car), which sucks. The writing in the show sucked, both in terms of relationship development (there was none. why were they from A to Z without B C...) and the fantasy/lore aspects. In a better show, Dongbaek’s dying wish to be the one who remembers next time coming true would be a punch to the gut but here, I don’t gaf
tags: the director who buys me dinner
Also Appears In: January 2023 Wrap-Up
The New Employee - DROPPED
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 21, 2022 - Feb 1, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Status: ❌ Dropped
Watch Dates: Mar 27 - 28, 2023 (#8)
Rating: --/10
Initial Impression: I knew hardly anything about this but people have been loving this, esp how queer it apparently is, so I’m excited. hopefully we’ll get another really great kBL from start to finish, I think only Choco Milk Shake was thoroughly well-liked by the masses in recent months
Overall Impression: sad that I've watched worse kBLs but since I had some expectations while going into this, it's more disappointing. I don’t really care for boss/employee romances in general and i think the fact that it’s positioned as wholesome/cute here so far isn’t working for me. if you’re gonna have the boss kiss the intern out of the blue while said intern is drunk, it needs to be framed in more of a rancid way for it to still be fun; dabble more with the weird power dynamics & lean into the bad vibes lol
tags: the new employee
Also Appears In: The New Employee Live Blogging, March 2023 Wrap-Up 
I Will Knock You 
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Nov 18, 2022 - Feb 3, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: May 5 - 31, 2024 (#39)
Rating: 6/10
Initial: this hasn’t started airing yet but I watched the trailer (lol even I do that sometimes) bc I caught a glimpse of it on twitter and honestly it seems good and fun! i like it when the seme/pursuer is younger and also like when one or both of the characters is just rancid and i think it could be interesting and engaging to watch the troublemaker grow and change. also the cinematography or something just looks appealing
Overall: Noey is such a unique character, it was a pleasure to see him on screen. I really like the familial dynamics between Noey, Nid Nhoi, and Auntie Tim/their mother. It was fun and they were always teasing each other but obviously there was love and concern beneath it. And the gang was great too, how they obeyed Noey and were a bunch of goofballs but obviously the fighting was less than ideal. The romance itself was fine, quite dragged out before they even realize their feelings, but I did often have a smile on my face while watching the eps. Great cinematography and colouring and motifs.
tags: i will knock you
Also Appears In: I Will Knock You Live Blogging, May 2024 Wrap-Up
Candy Color Paradox
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Dec 16, 2022 - Feb 10, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: May 11 - 16, 2023 (#13)
Rating: 5.5/10
Initial Impression: I like the concept that they’re reporters and people seem to like the ending.
Overall Impression: Boring, overall. Which is sad because I was looking forward to watching paparazzi/reporters/glorified stalkers in a BL, since it’s a pretty unique synopsis. It started off cute enough but didn’t keep me engaged.
Live Blogging: May 2023 Wrap-Up 
My School President
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 2, 2022 - Feb 24, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Feb 18 - 24, 2023 (#4)
Rating: 7 7.5/10 [April 4, 2023 Edit: The characters continue to give me brainrot, as well as actors, so +0.5]
Initial Impression: initially wasn’t interested in this one because everybody kept calling it a boring regular high school romance, watched the mock trailer around August 2022 and was like omg the trope of making the person you like run errands for you? (ex. True Beauty, We Best Love) + I tend to enjoy simply school shows. Then the actual show came out and everyone’s loving it 3 eps in, so that’s fun for sure.
Overall Impression: I really liked it, especially for what it was: a cute, endearing high school BL with really endearing leads and good acting and sometimes turning tropes on their head. I didn't love it or obsess over it the way some people seemed to but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I also loved so many of their faces lol Fourth and Prom my favourite beautiful faces but Gemini and Satang are beautiful too, not to mention Gun's mother whew! This made me giddy and the OSTs are great and there's clear effort from the cast and crew. I liked the dynamic between the characters, whether it be how Gun and Tinn took turns being bold and shy or the parent-child relationships or Chinzhilla band.
tags: my school president, geminifourth
Also Appears In: My School President Live Blogging, February 2023 Wrap-Up
The Warp Effect 
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 12, 2022 - Feb 27, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV Youtube
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 20 - 26, 2024 (#36)
Rating: 7/10
Initial Impression: there’s a lesbian character. she says the line “trust me. i’m a lesbian.” more than enough reason to watch it. That was my reason for wanting to watch it soon after discovering the OG trailer but recently, I’m excited to see Fah, the show has glowing reviews from the people watching it, and I’m very interested in the sex-related conversations they’re having
Overall Impression: A unique and enjoyable show, it was so fun to see all these characters in their specific situations and how they deal with them. The characters were all compelling, it's wild how I was into all their storylines. how charming each character/their story was, and how the story juggled them. It also made me see a bunch of actors in new lights, New most of all, as they acted in a role outside of their usual wheelhouse. I think the most frustrating part for me was how it seemed like although they were getting at it, they never quite acknowledged that what Alex did to Jean that night was rape. It made me quite angry actually, especially how Alex's actions didn't feel like it actually took Jean's feelings and trauma and requests into account. I was at least glad that in that timeline, Jean doesn't get back with Alex.
It’s in this section of the post because despite Alex being het, this show is just... queer.
tags: the warp effect
Also Appears In: The Warp Effect Live Blogging, April 2024 Wrap-Up
Never Let Me Go
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 13, 2022 - Feb 28, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 1 - Feb 28, 2023 (#1)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: I’m really looking forward to this. why? i don’t know. i guess i developed some sort of attachment to morkpi in FUTS even though I was mostly ambivalent about their relationship? also, i’m curious to watch something directed by p’jojo
Overall Impression: I actually don't care about the plot of this show that much because I was mostly there for the characters and character relationships but it didn't give me what I wanted. I don't like Ben/Chopper and Nueng/Palm felt meh toward the end and also didn't give me what I wanted really. My big problem with this show which is that nothing feels like it gets enough emotion or gravity and instead it's either fixed quickly or we move on quickly. Anyway, idk. I liked the first 2/3 of the series even though it wasn't A Fave but it had some great moments and lots of potentials to me, so that’s why it’s +.5 more than 6. I stopped caring about the characters while watching these last 4 and these last 2 episodes were just so... agh. I just care about Chopper atp and want better for him. This was one of my most anticipated shows of 2022 (which is why I started watching it weekly), so it's sad that it turned out this way.
tags: never let me go
Also Appears In: Never Let Me Go Ep 1 - 4, Ep 5, Ep 6, Ep 7,  Ep 8 Live Blogging, January 2023 Wrap-Up, Ep 9 - 12 Live Blogging, February 2023 Wrap-Up
Utsukushii Kare Season 2
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Feb 8, 2023 - Mar 1, 2023
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Via: Viki
Watch Dates: Apr 18 - 19, 2024 (#34)
Rating: 7/10
Initial Impression: My beloveds! Hope it’s enough to tide me over until the movie is accessible. 
Overall Impression: This season is about Hira and Kiyoi's relationship. They didn't become boring after getting together, they didn't magically end up being a perfect happy well-adjusted couple after getting together, nor were there random issues thrown just because; the struggles and hurdles are true to their characters and dynamics. I liked the themes and dynamics it explored and their character + relationship development and progression. I also smiled a lot and lost my mind a little at certain moments. Strong writing, strong characters, strong acting, what a relief.
tags: utsukushii kare
Also Appears In: Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging, April 2024 Wrap-Up
Moonlight Chicken
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Feb 8, 2023 - Mar 2, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 1 - 6, 2023 (#5)
Rating: 7/10
Initial Impression: Moonlight Chicken: I don't like reading or watching stories about cheating but this one looks so good :0 Also, suchhh a good cast like EarthMix, FourthGemini couples and also Khao and First like I’m expecting great acting and storytelling
Overall Impression: It's a good one! High quality with good acting and interesting storylines that are unique in BL. It didn't hit me as hard as it seemed to hit some other people though and I'm not thinking about it much at all since finishing. I think Jim/Wen's relationship was one of the weakest aspects of the show to me because I didn't care nor did I really feel anything and it might’ve been more interesting if it actually involved cheating. I loved Heart and Li Ming, I enjoyed getting to see Jim grow and also how his relationship with Li Ming changed, I liked getting to see Wen and Alan's flashbacks and to present tense relationship, I like Gaipa showing up once in a while to be bright, I thought Gaipa and Leng's interactions were funny, I loved Li Ming as a character so much, I wished to be him so badly.
tags: moonlight chicken
Also Appears In: Moonlight Chicken Live Blogging, March 2023 Wrap-Up
A Shoulder to Cry On
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 15, 2023 - Mar 29, 2023
Watch Via: Viki
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 28 - 29, 2023 (#9)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: Watched the leaked trailer from February and it seems actually angsty and enemies to lovers and I’m very curious about that
Overall Impression: I really liked the first 5 episodes when there was so much contempt but Taehyun couldn't stop himself from terrorizing or goading Da Yeol and Da Yeol couldn't stop noticing how beautiful Taehyun was, and then the friendship that bloomed in that but still with an edge. I didn't quite get the reason for separation in episode 6 and think the last episode was cutesy but out-of-character sort of. Still, overall a pretty good one; reminds me of a mix of Blueming and Utsukushii Kare. I was giddy so many times while watching this, especially the first half and was clutching my head and curling my toes despite it not being romantic, just full of tension.
tags: a shoulder to cry on
Also Appears In: A Shoulder To Cry On Live Blogging, March 2023 Wrap-Up
Our Dating Sim
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 9, 2023 - Mar 30, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Oct 19 - 20, 2023 (#20)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: People seem to have really liked this, on both MDL and Reddit both, so I’m looking forward to it
Overall Impression: The pacing of this was so good, they managed to give everything needed and timed it well within 2 hours. Well written, well acted, well planned, well shot, nice. I liked and understood the main characters and even the side characters had distinct personalities despite not being fully fledged. I loved how Gi Tae and Wan were so playful with each other, whether it be with the teasing they did and playing hard to get but also the easy affection they often had whether it be kisses, pecks, tickles, hugs, hand holding, just regular romantic touching - a good balance between being strangely chaste and very raunchy. Was cute and I’m glad this is the show that I watched after not watching anything for a while but I won't think about them again, probably.
tags: our dating sim
Live Blogging: Our Dating Sim Live Blogging, July - November 2023 Wrap-Up 
My Beautiful Man: Eternal 
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Apr 7, 2023
Watch Via: Viki
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 19, 2024 (#35)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: Need this so bad, the photos from the shooting are killing me
Overall Impression: Great, fun, though not as emotionally invested as Season 2 because they're in a better place in their relationship in this movie (even if it's not necessarily Perfect). It was interesting to have new people in their lives like Anna and Noguchi and how their stories influenced them. I'm happy with where we're leaving off the characters after ~6h of show/movie but lowest rating so far because it felt like we spent too much time on stuff like Anna’s story or the random kidnapping.
tags: utsukushii kare
Also Appears In: Utsukushii Kare (S1, S2, Movie) Live Blogging, April 2024 Wrap-Up
Destiny Seeker
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Feb 14, 2023 - Apr 11, 2023
Watch Via: :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 23 - 26, 2024 (#31)
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: Not very good, it's kinda non-sensical and has terrible subs and I watched it all on 1.25x speed. However, I was deeply craving a typical university Thai BL and it gave me that with engineer students and enemies to lovers. Sonkhgram and Ai were pretty cute and their pretend enemies while both likes the other for years was endearing ig? The freshmen Pluster and Nano were also really good toward the middle-end, the little gossips and schemers. Meen and Bright were meh, it could've been more compelling. All in all, a mediocre show to watch if wanting something really tropey that requires 0 thought.
Also Appears In: Destiny Seeker Live Blogging, March 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Bed Friend
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Feb 18, 2023 - Apr 22, 2023
Watch Via: uncut on iQiyi, so :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 29 - May 2, 2023 (#12)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: bc it seems interesting and I’m enjoying NetJames in Catch Me Baby side BL. omg after the teaser trailer, alksdfj I need it so bad; a Most Anticipated show.
Overall Impression: It was good and cute but still somewhat nonsensical and I don't know how to feel about the mountains of trauma. Beautiful Net and James, the acting's not bad, the editing is bad though. They were cute, which is the most important thing I guess.
tags: bed friend
Live Blogging: Bed Friend Live Blogging, May 2023 Wrap-Up
The Eighth Sense
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Mar 29, 2023 - Apr 26, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: June 20 - 22, 2023 (#16)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: long episodes and everybody’s been loving it and feeling every emotion under the sun for it
Overall Impression: It was interesting and I think the show had a good grasp on characters and relationship dynamics and progression. I liked that there were friendships each character had and that they existed outside of just this relationship; even some of the friends existed outside of just being a friend, like Yonnwon was a whole human. The female friends were great, Yoonwon is a treasure and I liked how Aeri was so sweet but so mean sometimes, a very clever city girl type. Also, the tension and cute moments between Jihyun and Jaewon (esp in ep 6 and 10) were great. I think it's a good show that's done well but right now, it's not taking up much brain space and it also didn't make me viscerally feel anything.
tags: the eighth sense
Live Blogging: The Eighth Sense Live Blogging, June 2023 Wrap-Up
Our Skyy 2
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Apr 19, 2023 - June 8, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV YT (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 22 - June 8, 2023 (#14)
Rating: 6/10 [based on (6.5 + 5.5 + 6 + 5.5 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 6.5)/7]
Initial Impression: One of my most anticipated out of GMMTV 2023 and MSP, BBS, Eclipse are my top 3 anticipated episodes.
Overall Impression: In the end, some were good, some were meh, some I was disappointed by but oh well. It was still fairly fun and I liked watching it weekly since I get a new story every week. NLMG = MSP = BBSxATOTS > Eclipse > SIMM = Vice Versa
tags: our skyy 2, each show’s tag
Also Appears In: Our Skyy 2 Live Blogging, April 2023 Wrap-Up, May 2023 Wrap-Up, June 2023 Wrap-Up
Love Tractor
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jun 7, 2023 - Jun 21, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Aug 4 - 5, 2023 (#17)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: Think the announcement for this happened like mid-last year or something and I’ve been curious about it since then, hope it’s great.
Overall Impression: Ah, the dynamic is so delicious. Older, colder, richer, more jaded Seoul city man and younger, cheery, puppy-like new adult. Also, ummm I liked how much Yul scolded Yechan, ah + that one time Yechan apologized by kneeling. Yechan is cute, esp his antics after the sexy dream he had about Yul, but I do think he's a bit too childish sometimes, so that's meh. Overall enjoyable but I didn't super connect with the story or the characters and likely won't be thinking about them again.
Also Appears In: July - November 2023 Wrap-Up
Sing My Crush
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Aug 2, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Nov 18, 2023 (#21)
Rating: 4.5/10
Initial Impression: just found out about its existence (apparently it came out all together on Aug 2) and saw ppl say this was another good kBL this year, hopefully it’ll be good
Overall Impression: It was... fine I guess, the plagiarism subplot had me invested because it was so frustrating (as it was meant to be) but I really didn’t care about the main couple. Their relationship and interactions did nothing for me. Also I’m shallow so either they needed to have more chemistry or needed to be more attractive to my tastes for me to enjoy watching it rip. I literally skimmed so much of Ep 4 - 7, especially skipped over the main couple interactions and watched to see the plagiarism issue get resolved.
Also Appears In: July - November 2023 Wrap-Up
Be My Favorite
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: May 26, 2023 - Aug 11, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Nov 23 - 30, 2023 (#22)
Rating: 5.5/10
Initial Impression: listen i know people are like krist homophobe which fair enough ig but i’m still curious from the trailer and i’ll probably give it a try || Once it’s started being released, people seem to be enjoying these beginning episodes, so I hope it’s really good all the way through.
Overall Impression: It is such a tragedy that despite looking forward to this show for so long and enjoying some aspects and moments, ultimately, it fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of this show was objectively done well like the character arcs and acting and stuff but I'm not attached to any of it. The romance didn't make me feel giddy even though I really wish it had like it's strange that I didn't care at all about all those cute moments Kawi and Pisaeng had or the established relationship montages when usually they're some of my favourite aspects of a BL. agh whatever ig at least the show didn't treat Pear terribly.
tags: be my favorite
Also Appears In: Be My Favorite Live Blogging, July - November 2023 Wrap-Up
Stay With Me
Country: China
Release Dates: Jul 7, 2023 - Aug 12, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Aug 11 - 14, 2023 (#19)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: I skimmed the latter half of Addicted in August 2023 and it was very unhinged and didn’t quite hold up but I understood why people were fucking obsessed with 2016 lol Looking forward to seeing a 2023 bromance version + my beloved angsty high school trope is good always
Overall Impression:  Well, this is really as close as BL you can get without saying out loud that they are dating but there are innuendos galore and it's pretty clear (there was lube on their bed, like...). The family aspect was the best, I love that we got to see Su Yu's situation so much and his blended family and the way they were always there together. You can understand why Wu Bi prefers the warmth of their home over the coldness of his, though we got to see progress on that end too. Duoduo sooo cute, little munchkin. The ending is... an ending, that's for sure. Hope we get a season 2 next year but who knows.
tags: stay with me
Also Appears In: Stay With Me Live Blogging, July - November 2023 Wrap-Up
Country: USA
Release Dates: Sept 1, 2023  
Watch Via: :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 1, 2024 (#23)
Rating: 7.5/10
Overall Impression: First movie of the year! Very, very funny and wacky, thoroughly enjoyed it. Hazel is sooo attractive lol, as is Isabel. Loved Josie being a sweetheart and reluctant to go along with antics except then going in wayyy too hard with the juvie stories lol. PJ was insufferable but like in a good way? like yesss, high school girl who says things before thinking and is an asshole! Also lesbian movies where they kill men is always fun, this time it being an actual funny comedic part. The whole movie was ridiculous and I'm glad.
tags: bottoms
Also Appears In: January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Laws of Attraction 
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Jul 15, 2023 - Sep 2, 2023
Watch Via: paid, so :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Feb 3 - 6, 2024 (#28)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: JamFilm new BL! Seems like it’ll have some sort of lawyer or justice type storyline, which is interesting. I’m really looking forward to it
Overall Impression: I really liked To Sir, With Love which was a lakorn and so was different than every other BL I've watched and was hoping I'd similarly love this one, which is also bringing something unique to the BL table. It started off really well for me, I thought Charn was such a fun (morally corrupt) character and was intrigued about what was going on. I liked the lesbians Maya and Rose as well ofc. However, I think toward ep 7 and 8, it kinda became very meh for me (that warehouse live stream scene not counting) because the mystery was too predictable/boring and thus had no tension, people kept making incredibly stupid decisions, and I wasn't attached to the characters enough to care/be emotional about all the wedding stuff. Nawin was a great addition in ep 7 though, so unexpected and fun. Unfortunate that the meh impression ended up being the last ones since that sticks with me more than liking it in the earlier eps.
tags: laws of attraction
Also Appears In: Laws of Attraction Live Blogging, February 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Love Class Season 2 
Country: South Korea
Release Dates:  Aug 11, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 26 - 27, 2024 (#26)
Rating: 6/10
Overall Impression: I liked the main couple: a younger, insistent pursuer to an older, reluctant hyung who was also his tutor when the younger was in high school. I do wish the random stalker, weird hyung wasn't haunting them for so long though because the premise of this couple is so good. I came around to the second and third couple even though if the show was longer or deeper, I might not have. I was bored by the last 2 eps though, so ehhh
tags: love class 2
Also Appears In: Love Class 2 Live Blogging, January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Bon Appetit
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Sep 27, 2023
Watch Via: :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 13 - 14, 2024 (#24)
Rating: -/10
Initial Impression: Originally didn't have this on my list because it has a meh MDL rating but this tiktok of guy 1 liking girl liking guy 2 like guy 1 is fun
Overall Impression: Started watching because the guy1 likes girl likes guy2 likes guy1 tiktok was funny but not high hopes for the actual show. Skimmed through this so hard, honestly shouldn't have even watched it because it didn't seem too good from my skimming. The main two characters were cute-ish in the first half of the show and the Yoon Seobin surprise cameo for 2 minutes was fun, but meh otherwise. Skimmed even the main couple scenes in the last 2 eps because random fighting and misunderstandings. Not rating it because I skimmed through like 60% of it lmfao
Also Appears In: January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
My Personal Weatherman
Country: Japan
Release Dates: Aug 11, 2023 - Oct 13, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 20 - 22, 2024 (#30)
Rating: 6/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 6.5 -> 6]
Overall Impression: The concept is so delicious (messy dubcon d/s overtones and stilted emotions) and the execution is mostly good but I wish it was more fleshed out (never really saw a proper resolution to Yoh being mad that Mizuki doesn't take his manga job seriously and idk if they actually fully worked out their problems in the last ep lol). It was a very fun and exciting watch.
tags: my personal weatherman
Also Appears In: My Personal Weatherman Live Blogging, March 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Only Friends 
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 12, 2023 - Oct 28, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: May 7 - 12, 2024 (#37)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: Insanity based on the mock trailer.
Overall: I'm just glad that I binged this by watching 2-3 eps a day for a week instead of watching for 3 months to arrive at that ending. Great first half of the show IMO (~6 eps), then there's a weird narrative shift there somewhere, then the last 1/4 of the show was dragging and then the last episode was boring and upsetting. SandRay and TopMew feel weirdly happy, artificially happy while Boston is the only character who is left to rot by his friends and Nick. I didn't need a happy ending for Boston/Nick but Boston's storyline felt... cruel and since the only character who wasn't monogamous got a bad ending and had all his faults amplified (while the others just had their faults or mistakes forgiven or never even apologized for them), it felt pointed at Boston's promiscuity.
tags: only friends
Also Appears In: Only Friends Live Blogging, May 2024 Wrap-Up
Kiseki: Dear to Me
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 22, 2023 - Nov 7, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: May 14 - 17, 2024 (#38)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: I've seen it mentioned sooo many times that I thought I'd give it a try.
Overall: The thing with these crime/mafia BLs is that often they literally have no plot and this show doesn't even bother establishing anything, what even is going on? something with Zhang Teng... but the gangs and the families and the crimes are all so vague and out of sight, it's mostly just about the relationships against the backdrop. However, I really enjoyed the characters and the couples, specifically Zongyi/Ruei in the first half and Ai Di/Chen Yi in the second half. The couples also have some fun tropes that I like (age gap with the younger guy being overly eager, the ChenAi dynamic esp the part where they both manhandle each other so much) and Ai Di is a menace, which is always enjoyable. Is it enough for me to overlook how the show introduces a criminal and crime-life element but does not explain or expand on it? I don't necessarily think so, and thus the meh rating, but honestly, if I'm plagued by the couples or feel the need to rewatch certain parts, I'll increase the rating.
tags: kiseki: dear to me
Also Appears In: Kiseki: Dear To Me Live Blogging, May 2024 Wrap-Up
A Breeze of Love
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Nov 10, 2023
Watch Via: iQiyi (so, ;>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 28, 2024 (#32)
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: The concept is somewhat similar to Our Dating Sim, having a friendship/situationship in middle school, one character disappearing, but then meeting again a few years later. Nothing about this was egregious of anything but it just felt like Dongwook had treated Dohyun terribly and was also being way too presumptuous in the current timeline, so it didn't fully work for me. I just wanted Dohyun to beat Dongwook up lol
Also Appears In: A Breeze of Love Live Blogging, March 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Ranking of Watched: 28
My School President = Bottoms
Moonlight Chicken = Utsukushii Kare S2 = The Warp Effect
Never Let Me Go = A Shoulder To Cry On = The Eighth Sense  = Stay With Me = Our Dating Sim
Our Skyy 2 = Love Tractor = Bed Friend = Love Class 2 = Laws of Attraction = My Personal Weatherman =  Utsukushii Kare: Eternal = Only Friends = Kiseki: Dear To Me = I Will Knock You
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner = Candy Color Paradox = Be My Favorite = Destiny Seeker = A Breeze of Love
Sing My Crush
Dropped: The New Employee
Skimmed: Bon Appetit
Watched in 2023: 15 (until #22)
Watched in 2024: 13
To Watch:
GAP (Thai - Feb 11): First high profile GL, should probably watch it, feeling especially inspired about 23.5. I'd heard mixed reviews while it was airing but feels like the general sentiment is still positive, even if people think that it's a messy/dramatic show lol. I’d actually removed it from my watchlist (see below) but it’s back lol
Rookie (Php - Aug 4): GL, a Phillipino lesbian movie, saw this tiktok and wanted to give it a try
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai - Nov 3): everybody loves it, i just missed the timing for when this was airing and so hadn't added it to the watchlist. I did listen to podcasts and didn't skip when they were discussing this one because I thought I wouldn't watch it, so I'm quite spoiled on the plot lol
Lucky My Love (Thai - Nov 25): GL, wanna watch it cuz it's a GL but unfortunately people don't seem too keen on it :/ oh well, I'll keep it on hand for when I'm craving a GL
These are shows that are currently releasing in 2023 that I’m interested in - ordered by their end date. Tracking both currently watching and to be watched
Currently Watching
To Watch
Pit Babe, Last Twilight, The Sign, Dead Friend Forever but these are all ending in 2024
To Be Released
These are shows that have are planned for a 2023 release, may or may not have release dates (and some might get moved to 2024 lol)
From 2022 - these are rolled over from plans of being released in 2022
MeMindY: Just Say Yes, Past Love In The Future - Cautiously curious about these and I hope these are still happening since it’s rolled forward from 2022. I wanna check them out because they’re from Don’t Say No characters but also I’ll probably check out most MMY shows just to see where I land
Planned for 2023 - these were announced with the plans for 2023 release
2023 GMMTV Shows: Only Friends, Our Skyy 2, 23.5 (GL) are my 3 most anticipated. Will likely watch Last Twilight, the other BLs don’t seem that great. Also, TODO: Go through #gmmtv 2023 and tag the shows properly
BOC: ummm idk I might check out Man Suang (the MileApo movie) and 4 minutes (the BibleBuild show written by Sammon) but I also wanna avoid the KP fandom so bad
kBLs: Gonna keep an eye on all the kBLs, though might not watch a few
GLs: seems like Thai GLs and kGL webseries are starting to be released more, will keep an eye on them (ex. Be My Baby, Reverse 4 You, etc)
Wish You Luck: Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic show :00 seems cool, also has Tonnam who I’ve only seen in comedic roles so far
The Sign: or something like that, it’s not on MDL yet but it’s Idol Factory’s newest BL announcement - it’ll involve the characters in some sort of investigation unit. I like this trend of BLs in crime/justic/thriller type of stories but idk if they’ll actually deliver.
Flirt Milk the series: I don’t have much faith or curiosity about Starhunter shows but I think the “we both change ourselves to fit the other” thing is funny
Het/non-QL shows
There aren’t as many of these I’m interested in, comparatively, so I didn’t have this section last year but might as well try it this year.
Midnight Motel
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Dec 28, 2022 - Jan 12, 2023
Watch Via: Youtube (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 11 - 14, 2023 (#2)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: I’ve been anticipating this since early 2022, especially because I like both Jan and Off individually as actors. Now to see them as a pair! And it seems like a cool concept from the mock trailer. Thank goodness it’s being released on Youtube at the same time as Disney+Hotstar.
Overall Impression: The acting was great, the script was comprehensible and well-paced, the production is good, featured sex work without villainizing the workers or the work itself. I loved Mote’s little fantasies of possible scenarios or of imagining an interaction in a different way (the card game with June, convo with dead Pat). I’m impressed by the creative team behind it. I won’t think about this much after today I don’t think but I liked this little show.
tags: midnight motel
Also Appears In: Midnight Motel Live Blogging, January 2023 Wrap-Up 
Island Part 1
Country: South Korean
Release Dates: Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 13, 2023
Watch Via: Amazon Prime :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 14 - 15, 2023 (#6)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: I’ve started getting into thriller/horror kdramas, think I’m gonna start watching Fantasy ones as well and starting with this because of Cha Eunwoo my beloved. || It’s finished and I know a biiig S2 ending spoiler and the reviews are meh but people loved CEW here, so I’ll watch it still probably
Overall Impression: The main female lead was whatever, wish she was just good at something. Whether it be fighting demons, fighting back via kindness and empathy, or actual power due to her status/wealth/connections. She's not the worst ever because she can still stand up for herself and she has personality but I mourn that they've written her like this. Van is just fucking boring and I don't care. My beloved Johan <3333 I liked his charming, cocky, beautiful character who was so intrigued by everything going on as if he really was 20 and curious about everything but also I liked his apprehension when it came down to it. The storyline with his brother was so T.T Also curious to see the evil brother half-demon Guntan and his sidekick niece Yeom-ji. They're both pretty cool compared to our 2 main characters. I wish the show flowed better in terms of the sequence of scenes and pacing and the main characters were more intriguing.
tags: island
Also Appears In: Island Part 1 Live Blogging, March 2023 Wrap-Up
Island Part 2
Country: South Korean
Release Dates: Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 13, 2023
Watch Via: Amazon Prime :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Mar 16 - 17, 2023 (#7) 
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall Impression: Literally how was it worse than part 1? Especially when we focused more on Guntan and Yeom-ji than fuckass Miho and Van? Maybe because of less focus on Johan (I wanna know his backstoryyyyyy) and also just incomprehensible writing/plot direction. Yeomji and Johan my beloveds + Guntan being cool were the highlights. Hated the dumbass cliffhanger ending. such a forgettable show.
tags: island (Search s2)
Also Appears In: Island Part 2 Live Blogging, March 2023 Wrap-Up
Dirty Laundry
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Jan 18, 2023 - Feb 2, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV YT (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 25 - 28, 2023 (#11)
Rating: 6/10
Initial Impression: seems hilarious and people seemed to like it.
Overall Impression: Personally worth watching just to see the plethora of the gendered terms used with Night in drag/pretending to be kathoey (esp with Momey). Also liked the ending with “but who’s gonna direct?” [look into the camera] [screen with Directed by Jojo’s name] This was really fun and kept my attention well. I’ve seen people say that the humour didn’t work for them but it did for me. Also fun to see actors like Nanon, Film, Pond in these roles.
tags: dirty laundry
Also Appears In: April 2023 Wrap-Up
Prom Pact
Country: USA
Release Dates: March 30, 2023
Watch Via: Disney+
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Aug 9, 2024 (#42)
Rating: 5.5/10
Overall: Annoying characters, but at least I watched with friends and it's fun to have movie nights like that
Also Appears In: August 2024 Wrap-Up TODO
Midnight Museum
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Mar 6, 2023 - Apr 4, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV YT (free)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Apr 5 - 7, 2023 (#10)
Rating: 5.5/10
Initial Impression: not super sure on the concept because I didn’t watch the mock trailer but cool actors, cool vibes; hope it has strong script and production. || 2 eps are out and people have been really enjoying it, so I’m even more curious.
Overall Impression: I liked the first half with the artifacts and side stories more than the second half where they tried to do too much for a short runtime, not too much budget, and mediocre writing skills. I couldn't make myself care about Khatha or Dome and also it was funny how they kept emphasizing phi-nong with words but so romantic in action. I wish the fantasy and magic and parallel universes and time travel and cult and God and whatever else made more sense together.
tags: midnight museum
Also Appears In: Midnight Museum Live Blogging, April 2023 Wrap-Up
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
Country: Taiwan
Release Dates: Apr 15, 2023 - May 13, 2023
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Via: iQiyi (so ;>)
Watch Dates: June 5 - 12, 2024 (#40)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial: wanted something thriller that had a bromance/BL but romance wasn’t at the forefront and was recced this
Overall: A good watch with engaging smaller story arcs (well, some more engaging than others) that play into the larger story (I love that it relates to family), a good cast of characters, good acting, and coherent story. Although, I must say, it's not necessarily that this show is elusive or confusing but sometimes I felt like I wasn't picking up clues or subtext that I would in a different show, so idk what's up with that. I liked the concept of the calligraphy and the "obsession" where these weren't like actual ghosts but beings that were borne from obsession. I didn't really ship Yiyong and Guangyan romantically, though I thought that I would, but I liked their friendship alongwith Chuying; they're a fun trio and the characters well-realized. I will however likely not think about this show and also it was boring/repetitive sometimes.
Also Appears In: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble Live Blogging, June 2024 Wrap-Up
The Good Bad Mother
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Apr 26, 2023 - Jun 8, 2023
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Via: iQiyi (so, ;>)
Watch Dates: Apr 1 - 3, 2024 (#33)
Rating: 7/10
Overall Impression: Lee Dohyun <3 My reason for watching but the show is bigger than just him. It was so addictive and entertaining, watched the whole show in like 2 days and 2 hours. Impressed by the acting of Lee Dohyun and the mother and Mijoo's actors. The show was mostly about the mother and son relationship, with the revenge plot + the Mijoo/Kangho romance arcs in the background. I deeply wish that Kangho hadn't apparently forever loved and understood his mother and did everything for her and sang her favourite song while studying for the Bar or whatever. He went low-contact with her in Seoul even before he discovered the stuff that made him break up with Mijoo, so I think the reasons behind that and the hurt and betrayal that caused him to take such an action should have been focused on more. We got fleeting moments of him being angry or her saying she's bad but it was all explained away or he understood or whatever. Anyway, idk, I think if that relationship was more clear + the ending of the revenge arc was more solid, I would've rated it higher because I did enjoy this but some things bothered me significantly.
Also Appears In: The Good Bad Mother Live Blogging,  April 2024 Wrap-Up
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Jun 9, 2023
Watch Via: Netflix, so :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: June 10 (#15)
Rating: 6.5/10
Overall Impression: Good enough, especially the heart of episode 6 but not something I'll be thinking about at all. The characters didn't resonate a whole lot, this focused a lot on just fighting scenes (more than like strategizing, being clever, etc, which is usually what I'm a fan of), the defeat of the villains wasn't really satisfying at all - especially with how cruel episode 6 went down. Also, I don’t ship Geonwoo and Woojin, sadly.
tags: bloodhounds
Live Blogging: Bloodhounds Live Blogging, June 2023 Wrap-Up
When I Fly Towards You 
Country: China
Release Dates: Jun 13, 2023 - Jun 29, 2023
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Via: Youtube
Watch Dates: Mar 13 - 19, 2024 (#29)
Rating: 6.5/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 7 -> 6.5]
Initial Impression: Saw this Tiktok edit while going through an account for TeeWhite (DFF) edits and the most popular Tiktok of this show made me wanna watch + this one like omg idk why I’m so excited to see him get jealous/grovel I don’t know this man. It also has a really high rating like 9/10 on MDL. Okay wait I saw this (pretend crush) on a reel before, I didn’t know this was from the same drama, no wonder the name seemed familiar.
Overall Impression: This was so cute, I liked the characters and their characterizations, the friend group, and their romance. I liked how they were mutually helping each other achieve their goals and paths in life. It was just cute. They had a 1 year long-distance thing in the middle where they were obviously sad but they got through it. I like that they trusted each other and liked each other and were nice to each other. Love that so much of this was them while in a relationship! Their high school undefined situation, then relationship while in uni and jobs and getting married. I love an established relationship situation and this delivered. They got through situations together, no unnecessary breakup or miscommunication. It's just good and cute and endearing.
tags: when i fly towards you
Also Appears In: When I Fly Towards You Live Blogging, March 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Country: Thailand
Release Dates: Aug 4 - 5, 2023
Watch Via: GMMTV Youtube
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Aug 7 - 8, 2023 (#18)
Rating: 6.5/10
Initial Impression: school themed horror? Could be cool and interesting if they have a good script and good production and one of the only non-queer GMMTV 2023 shows I’m looking forward to
Overall Impression: I wish the wrap-up/ending was done better/explained a bit more like what was that Ajin possession thing? No Ajin past? Why did we redeem mother so easily? Who was the blurry girl in ep 1 (maybe Yiwha?)? I wish the horror aspect continued on cuz I think it was strongest in the first episode but not much after that. It's had me hetshipping and lesbian shipping (Fa/Namsine were literally soooo) and that's a good mark. Good after credits scene to pique interest for a larger story, hope we get a good follow up next year.
tags: enigma
Live Blogging: Enigma Live Blogging, July - November 2023 Wrap-Up
The Worst of Evil
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Sep 27, 2023 - Oct 25, 2023
Watch Via: ;>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: June 21 - 22, 2024 (#41)
Rating: 7.5/10
Initial Impression: Wi Hajoon, police drama. It’s in a lot of people’s 2023 favourites lists and it seems like a show I’d be into based on genre
Overall: Surprised even myself by binging this in 24 hours (10am-10am June 21-22) when I was planning on watching ~3eps/day for 4 days. Intense, interesting, engaging, exciting, thrilling. How fun. It made me feel like when I had just started watching k-dramas or thrillers, and everything was exciting and I'd just watch it for hours on end. Knew Wi Hajoon is in this (the guy who really had me getting into watching shows and dramas). I wasn't on anybody's side - I knew/suspected the cops and Seungho would win because that's just the kind of story but I wanted more and better from each side, I wanted them to be clever and to outsmart each other. When Gicheol did something clever, I was excited and when Seungho did something clever, I was equally excited. I pity Gicheol, he really only had Seungho and Euijeong left at the end but they both were conspiring against him. But Seungho was right that Gicheol didn't need to do all this, it's an excuse, and it's not surprising that others turned their back on him. Enjoyed Seungho-Junmo constantly pushing farther and doing too much just to keep his cover and have the investigation continue. I liked the main romance at the beginning but it makes sense that they divorced or stopped being together after that mission. Euijeong was underutilized, underwritten, and ultimately not very useful, I wish she was more involved. Miss Lee was so good, she played the spoiled and love-sick fool who still had bite and resources and power well, and I enjoyed her with Seungho. The ending was fitting. I'm curious about whether I will remember this show or think about it later on since I binged it so quickly and didn't develop emotional connection with the characters despite finding them interesting and being invested in the plot.
tags: the worst of evil
Also Appears In: The Worst of Evil Live Blogging, June 2024 Wrap-Up
Twinkling Watermelon
Country: South Korea
Release Dates:  Sep 25, 2023 - Nov 14, 2023
Watch Via: Viki (paid, so :>)
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 19 - 22, 2024 (#25)
Rating: 7.5/10
Initial Impression: same reason as My Perfect Stranger (Saw this Tiktok (Twinkling Watermelon x My Perfect Stranger) and ended up watching a few more and idk, it reminds me of 18 Again somehow with like younger version and family stuff), it's also in the same tiktok, and it seemed to be very popular among the kdramas this year
Overall Impression: I'm fucking obsessed with this sort of concept: Parent and child being the same teenage age through some magical concept. It's got a good storyline, hilarious yet touching. I was afraid that they'd make Yi Chan's hearing come back but I'm glad it didn't; it's just something that has to happen to him for no reason the way these things just happen sometimes. The characters were well-crafted and the acting was great. Kinda slow paced, there were certain episodes where I was like nothing really happened, but I guess that's the point of the slice of life aspect in some cases; just watching the characters exist alone and together.I was into the ChCh romance from the get-go and thought they were sooo cute whereas EunEun were a more fun menace pair who I just liked to watch fighting before it gradually became a couple I shipped Very Much. Also, a shoutout to my Se Kyeong (OG, not Eun Yoo) and Chung Ah ship, I can't believe Se Kyeong's first love was her husband instead of Chung Ah. A well-crafted show, good acting, hit some feels and I expect some attachment to it (I'm rewatching and skimming certain parts as I write lol).
tags: twinkling watermelon
Also Appears In: Twinkling Watermelon Live Blogging, January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
Death's Game Part 1
Country: South Korea
Release Dates: Dec 15, 2023
Watch Via: paid, so :>
Status: ✅ Watched
Watch Dates: Jan 29, 2024 (#27)
Rating: 7/10
Initial Impression: Hadn't heard much about it until I saw Pocha Playlist podcast covering it but I didn't listen to that episode. Then I find out that Lee Dohyun plays a (reincarnation) character in it and now I'm like hmm maybe + the rating and reception seems really good on MDL.
Overall Impression: Weird to rate just this half-show 4 episodes but really good and interesting, I'm enjoying it a lot. My favourite eps are eps 2 and 4, they balanced a good amount of heart with excitement (for ep 2) and plot progression/answers (ep 4 + ofc Lee Dohyun my initial reason for checking out the show). The 18 Again characters/actors are haunting me with this fr.
tags: death's game
Also Appears In: Death's Game Live Blogging, January 2024 Movies/Shows Wrap-Up
To Watch:
My Perfect Stranger (Kor - June 20) - Saw this Tiktok (Twinkling Watermelon x My Perfect Stranger) and ended up watching a few more and idk, it reminds me of 18 Again somehow with like younger version and family stuff
Ranking of Watched: 14
Twinkling Watermelon = The Worst of Evil
Death’s Game Part 1 = The Good Bad Mother
Midnight Motel = Bloodhounds = Enigma = When I Fly Towards You = Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
Island Part 1 = Dirty Laundry
Island Part 2 = Midnight Museum = Prom Pact
Watched in 2023: 7
Watched in 2024: 7
To Be Released
2023 GMMTV Shows: 
Kdramas mentioned in Certified Noonas 2023 Releases: Murder DIEary (the synopsis is cool and the director is the same as Strangers From Hell but I’m looking at the MDL again and 2024? D: why so far but someone on comments has also been saying that the filming ended recently - Mar 25 - and it can still come out this year)
Lost Interest
Till the World Ends (Thai - Jan 7)
Initial Impression: it’s an end of the world BL and people who watched it enjoyed it, so I’ll try to give it a watch
Removal Date: Feb 01, 2023
Lost Interest: I’ve started watching non-BL/non-webseries kdramas, so I think I’d just rather watch the kdramas with cool concepts and higher quality than meh quality BLs even if it has a unique plot for a BL
609 Bedtime Story (Thai - Feb 3)
Initial Impression: OhmFluke directed by P’Golf (director of The Eclipse) and it’s parallel universes, sci-fi and has 2 endings, seems cool!
Removal Date: Feb 03, 2023
Lost Interest: I’ve started watching non-BL/non-webseries kdramas, so I think I’d just rather watch the kdramas with cool concepts and higher quality than meh quality BLs even if it has a unique plot for a BL. Everybody’s really confused about it too and I don’t care enough
Moments of Love (Thai - Feb 14)
Initial Impression: I don’t actually know what this is about but I saw a gif of SmartJames shotgunning and yeah, I’ll probably watch it. + it’s a movie with Fort, SmartJames, directed by P’Golf, so not much of a time sink and I’ll get to see some people I’ve watched before
Removal Date: Mar 19, 2023
I forgot this even existed tbh but I was adding Laws of Attraction and The Sign to my anticipated list and was like oh? anyway, the movie has a low rating on MDL and apparently all the couples end sadly. After LeonPob, don’t want another SmartJames sad ending tbh even though the shotgunning was hot
Joseon Attorney: A Morality
Initial Impression: was mentioned in Certified Noonas 2023 Releases and it seemed interesting
Removal Date: May 20, 2023 - the day finale aired
Lost Interest: seems like everybody is disappointed by the ending and said the middle/end is bad so rip
Show Me Love 
Initial Impression: Another GL! This time it’s characters who are in the beauty pageant industry played by beauty pageant contestants.
Removal date: June 6, 2023
Lost Interest: heard that it’s not really good or interesting/well-crafted + it’s behind a paywall. good longer GLs whennn
GAP (Thai - Feb 18)
Initial Impression: GL, the gifs of them from Secret Crush on You is <3, i’m shallow and they’re pretty, (one-sided?) enemies to lover? i don’t know but i’m hyped for it, one of my most anticipated
Removal Date: June 2023
Lost Interest: man I was really looking forward to this but ik people say it’s overdramatic and messy by the end and I don’t feel like it
Home School
Initial Impression: first in 2022 and Finally, I think this is the last of the GMMTV 2022 batch and I hope it’s really great. Releasing twice a week, so I also won’t have to wait 3 months to watch it
Removal Date: Aug 5, 2023
Lost Interest: I’ve heard it’s bad lol rip
Middle Man’s Love
Initial Impression: Domundi: Middleman’s Love (TutorYim~ excited). The 2023 showcase happened and the premises for some of these are really good (ZeeNuNew’s prince/bodyguard drama, MaxNat parallel worlds(?), NetJames historical and time travel(?), so I hope the execution is good as well. Haven’t watched mock teasers except for Bed Friend and the ZeeNuNew one, wonder when these will acc come out. Gonna watched teasers (+ showcase in general) after the shows actually come out
Removal Date: Jan 4, 2024
Lost Interest: everybody says it was bad, which is tragic. Still willing to try out ZeeNunew The Next Prince if it turns out well
Initial Impression: has a stacked cast and may or may not be BL (but I think it’s been mentioned that it has queer characters for sure)
Removal Date: Jan 4, 2024
Lost Interest: I heard the first half was really good, not sure about the second half but apparently it’s not BL. maybe i’ll add it back if someone says it’s way too good to pass up
15 notes · View notes
welcometoqueer · 2 years
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I posted 78 times in 2022
5 posts created (6%)
73 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov is a cultural and generational touchstone - 2 posts
#goncharov (1973) - 2 posts
#lgbt - 2 posts
#queer pride - 2 posts
#goncharov - 2 posts
#goncharov deserves more love and recognition - 2 posts
#give goncharov the respect it deserves - 2 posts
#or studio execs - 1 post
#respect for marriage act - 1 post
#tw politics - 1 post
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#*hits studio executives with broom* keep your grimy hands away from our baby!
My Top Posts in 2022:
The U.S. Senate just passed the Respect for Marriage Act which federally protects same-sex and interracial relationships!!
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
It took way longer than it should have but federal law now recognizes that everyone, no matter who they love, is entitled to respect and equal treatment. Love is love and that sentiment will now be codified into law! 🏳️‍🌈🎉⚧🎊
Now, I’ve seen some of the comments in response to this announcement: “Okay, so what? LGBTQ+ and interracial couples have been able to be married before though, why is this so important?”
With SCOTUS overturning decisions such as Roe v. Wade in recent years, it is clear that established precedent is not enough to secure what seem like basic rights.
(Not to mention it’s importance since interracial and LGBTQ+ relationships have really only been accepted within recent history but still face extreme hate and discrimination. That’s another whole tangent though.)
Essentially, this act is important because it serves as a preventive measure against other attacks on peoples’ rights or their access to fair and equal treatment.
The act itself passed with 61 to 36 votes, only 12 Republicans were for the act at all. Even Mitch McConnell, who is in an interracial marriage himself, voted against the bill.
Below are the 37 Senators that voted against the fair treatment and equal access for those in interracial and/or LGBTQ+ marriages/relationships. Note the names of the people who want to strip away freedoms for those who don’t align with “traditional” values.
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1 note - Posted November 29, 2022
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bestie <- blushing screaming crying 🤩
omgay I wonder who it is ahhhh
2 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
I’m worried some studio exec will see Goncharov trending, get the wrong idea, and actually try to make a movie to “appeal” to us…
Now if that does happen, I believe it’s our duty to pretend like it was never a liked/popular thing and to absolutely flame whatever product comes of it.
On the other hand, I think it’d be hilarious to get tumblr an academy award for a completely fake film, I mean, it is critically acclaimed, it should recognized as such.
8 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
is he…ya know…, an
amBIvert ???
good question, misha doesn’t seem to know either
24 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
man, we gotta make like, an extremely long, detailed test people gotta survive and pass before they’re allowed to make a “informal” tumblr account
AND THEN the survivors of that get thrown in a gauntlet where og tumblarians get to watch them fight and panic as they try to figure out how to survive on this site
if they manage to survive all that then I guess, they can stay…I still won’t be happy about it but I won’t be as pissed off if they “pay their dues,” so to speak
no but for real, y’all are doing great work out there, keep those twitter users far away from here!
37 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I knew I wasn’t that active this year cause my life got busy and stressful but not bad
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quietbluejay · 18 days
Scars Five
back to Word Bearer Horror Movie so literally everyone tries to fight vs our intrepid gang of misfits this includes down to trying to attack ceramite with fingernails xa'ven continues to have a bad time
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well they've found a bizarre machine in the depths of the ship can our resident techie figure it out?
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you know i don't know what i expected
yesugei and xa'ven leave henricos to his work it's time for them to question the surviving word bearer xa'ven notices his teeth have been filed to points which was the same as the viewpoint word bearer dude, who is now dead "that must have taken hours" xa'ven is the most normal person on this ship quite possibly in this book yesugei starts torturing ledak (our word bearer) for information, much to xa'ven's alarm it's not working
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we love to see it
yesugei starts going on about how they don't have time and xa'ven-
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WE LOVE TO SEE IT xa'ven: you will become the means you employ im sorry i know i quote that way too much yesugei sith lightning'd ledak multiple times
sidenote re White Scars competency
they're not perfect and they're not being shown as perfect but it's clear that a) Wraight really gets what it is about them that's appealing and is excited to show us b) has enough knowledge or whatever to have verisimilitude in writing them and c) doesn't shill for them and now, Shiban races a mystery brother on the jetbike track/obstacle course on one of the ships for all those motorcycle enthusiasts out there, this scene is for you surprise! mystery brother was Torghun
time for them to share a drink and catch up this is a nice, quiet scene torghun attempts to recruit shiban into the lodge everything is confusing with Jaghatai silent, it's too confusing Shiban agrees to go with him to the lodge dun dun dunn okay I need a new nickname for Word Bearer Horror Hour since it's not really that any more
okay in addition to their other evils, the word bearers are using base-4 truly is their no depth to their depravity we get some humanizing of Henricos who is basically trapped in his armour and having to squeeze into some tight spaces also he really doesn't want to think about Ferrus even among the salamanders, xa'ven is something special lol
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well he found something now over to yesugei, who is freaked out by his own behaviour in the cell
xa'ven and yesugei talk about nikaea yesugei hopes that other legions were less loyal than the salamanders re: getting rid of librarians
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hilarious mental image of Custodian infestation. Clinging to walls.
so yeah this is confirming that, if it's not the general opinion of the wolves among the scars, it's definitely the general opinion in the higher echelons re: my earlier thoughts so Jaghatai wrote most of the librarius rules huh the path between mortarion and magnus was a narrow road on a high cliff and the Khan and the Angel did their best to walk it yesugei thinks mortarion has a "dark soul" and nikaea basically confirmed this for him he thinks if a "warrior-primarch" like the khan had been there that the anti-librarians wouldn't have had the day but alas horus had ordered him away to chondax …which looks suspicious in retrospect isn't there some short story that covers the other side of nikaea, something about russ getting shut up somewhere so he doesn't ruin it or something?
so the question is, if someone wanted the khan to be away from nikaea…who was it? we have no freaking clue
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as usual xa'ven is best boy
oh boy arriving at prospero i know i'm also repeating myself but i love how the burning of prospero is handled just about every time it comes up (ashes of prospero, you don't have rights in this respect) just like, what it did, and how awful it was it's a wound that echoes forwards ten thousand years
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ilya is also staring at it she's the numbers woman
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you know, did Russ and the Wolves ever receive any kind of official censure for it I mean I get that there's a whole-ass heresy going on here, but afterwards also people could figure they suffered enough, which, i guess?
unfortunately the khan is too much of an adult to be petty enough to do anything like even decking russ in the middle of the heresy
the closer they get, the worse it gets
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it's been long enough that my memory on the details of how the battle went down are fuzzy also i haven't actually read Prospero Burns but I'm still wondering how Russ got from "kill Magnus" to "burninate the ENTIRE and I mean ENTIRE planet" since the TS were concentrated at Tisca anyways they can't get down because there's some kind of barrier in the atmosphere so, khan and honour guards decide to teleport down he's gotta see it for himself
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lmao i have also become a collector of helmet moments and now a look at the surface of prospero
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so Magnus told the Khan about caves under the city that's where they'll start
ok back to the misfits Henricos found something really cool
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it's also got warpcraft that Henricos can't make any sense of it's a map of the galaxy! and it's…alive…
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fascinating xa'ven has a really bad feeling about this
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because of stuff like this activation time though
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i think this is the only time i've ever run into anything like this and it's just on a random word bearer ship look what ELSE it does!
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can you imagine how useful this would be live map of the entire galaxy covering this
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xa'ven: uhhh are you sure you should keep it running time to turn it off but it won't shut off
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uh oh
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angelfirstclass · 4 months
X-men 97: My favorite version of the X-men so far
X-men 97 is one of the best Marvel cartoons of all time and certainly my favorite version of a X-men project ever. That is saying a lot since there is the Animated Series, all the movies, X Men Evolution, Wolverine and the X-men and etc., but I stand by it. It is a deep, well written show that speaks to complex, real world issues of racism, gender politics, apartheid and genocide, and etc.
The storyline was rushed, but well written and interesting and the characters were captivating and fleshed out. I enjoy reading the comics, but for someone who likes to see and hear characters I love cartoons and live action movies. They make it seem more real for me. Hearing an accent or seeing an outfit or fight scene in real time makes things more real for me.
Firstly, the story was about mostly adults and not just about the Mansion as a school. When the focus is on the Institute as a school, it makes things juvenile and centered on teenage mutants and their problems. This might appeal to younger audiences, but I'm 37 so it doesn't for me and I also think adult issues are more interesting in general. In X-men 97, there are young people in the show like Roberto and Jubilee, but they aren't the main focus. This show hit hard immediately dealing with hate groups, race wars, and racial unrest. There was no pussyfooting around with high school problems and teen angst.
The problems that the X-men are dealing with are real and serious. Immediately, we see a hate group out to get mutants with sentinel technology. Even if you are unfamiliar with the comics or TAS you know that's bad and reminiscent of hate groups in the real world. Even the first time time you "see" Magneto, it's a simulation, but it's serious and speaking of being nature's favored children and of mutant-human coexistence which is what the show is all about. That topic alone is a big, complex heady one and that's why I love X-men 97. It pulls no punches, it starts off with big stakes for its characters and holds to that standard until the end.
Secondly, the characters are well written and funny. I read somewhere that the humor in X-men 97 is character driven and I agree. Morph is hilarious and it's not just self referential humor, but one based on knowing personality traits and etc. Teasing Scott will never not get old and Gambit throws in some good one liners. Also, Beast and his nerdiness is hilarious! The writers know how to balance humor with the dark or serious topics they write about without crossing a line or becoming corny.
Thirdly, the storyline is compelling and relatable. My only complaint being that the story was rushed a bit and I wanted more episodes instead of less, the story arc was very interesting. I loved Magneto's storyline of trying to redeem himself, the love triangle between Magneto-Rogue-Gambit, the Jean/Scott/Nathan/Madelyn storyline, Gambit's death, Genosha, and Bastion were all very fascinating. The whole series was tied up by explaining that Bastion was working with all the bad guys the whole time trying to undermine and disable mutants. Even knowing that the finale was three parts, I was left shocked and confused and surprised at what happened in them.
Finally, I love the complex and gray way that the writers handled topics and the very concept of right and wrong. I was very confused and conflicted at points of this show, but looking back I think that was very healthy for me. Life is often complex and gray and this series made me think a lot about oppression, human nature, revenge, and redemption. It often brought up more questions than answers, but I think that's ok too.
In conclusion, I loved X-men 97 and think it was a fantastically written show and will stand the test of time for well written cartoon series. It's up there with Batman TAS and Transformers. It made me think, feel, cry, and laugh and at the end of the day it was a cartoon about mutants. I never thought it would be this good when I heard about it, but it was, it really was.
0 notes
jecook · 3 years
Dabihawks Fanfic Recs
I was recently asked what my favorite dabihawks fic is, and I'm really terrible at picking favorites, so I scrolled through my bookmarks and picked out some of my all-time favorites. This list is certainly not comprehensive and also skips anything in the variety of <5k rated E (if you know what I mean ;) ) and also skips the fact that I generally go "I have this author in my bookmarks so if I want more of their work I can just go there" (stupid, short cited.) Anyway, preamble done, these are (a few) of my personal faves in order of when I opened the tab while scrolling through bookmarks.
(Part 2)
By Any Other Name by SatelliteBlue
200k, Ongoing, Series
Through some freak accident of the universe, Dabi has been invited to compete on The Bachelorette. Have they actually seen his face? Surprisingly yes, and they still want him. For this season they apparently need a ‘bad boy’ to both balance out the hero contestant (why in hell is Hawks involved?) and to trash talk the show in interviews to appeal to audiences who don’t like the scripting. Getting sent on a vacation away from his annoying bandmates to complain and eat as much free food as he wants? Sold.
This fic is still ongoing and long but so so worth it. It's hilarious. The story follows Dabi and Hawks on the show, but also ends each week on the show by switching to everyone watching the show back at home. The plot is so much more than the Bachelorette, too, but to explain how so would spoil some of the fun. Everyone is not only perfectly in character, but the conflicts are also just amazingly executed. I can't recommend this fic enough and I am soooo excited to see how it comes together. The twists have been incredible so far and I'm curious to see how it all comes together.
The bird and the bees by Vridelian (@vriddy)
1k, Completed
Hawks may be a garden-stealing gnomehead, but that doesn't mean Dabi will just let him get kidnapped, right under Dabi's nose. A rescue mission told in 100 words drabbles.
What it says on the tin--this fic is short and cute. Vri has a lot of amazing works, but this is the one I read when I'm sick or sleepy. It's like watching your favorite kid's movie when you're down. Also, she's probably going to laugh at me for picking this fic of all her fics to rec or kill me <3
steal your heart by darlingest (@darlingestwrites)
60k, Completed
When infamous thief Hawks announces that he is going to steal the heart of Endeavor's son, everyone expects him to prey on Shoto Todoroki - nobody suspects Touya to be the actual target.
This was one of those fics that even when I dropped off reading dabihawks for a few months, I still consumed every chapter like my life depended on it. They are a delightful mix of flirty and slightly unhealthy in the way good enemies to lovers should be. Also, the end of some of these chapters really left me sweating, and the fic is a nice length, too for long but not too long a read
we could be antiheroes by caandlelit (@caandlelit)
6k, Completed
‘Well. There was this study on intimacy,’ he begins, and Dabi interrupts him, ‘I’m gonna call security if you don’t shut up with that gay shit.’
or; exes sit in a jail cell and tackle 36 questions in order to stop the war
This fic is both hilarious and thoughtful, a favorite mix of mine. Short and excellently paced, I think about this one a good deal.
There and Back Again - A Villain's Tale by Todoroki Touya by RavenHawk
187k, Completed
Quirk History was a mandatory subject in every junior, middle and high school in the world, and Todoroki Touya didn't sleep through his whole education - he'll have you know he almost finished it, too. So he shouldn't be quite so dumbfounded by the news, if, say, he was so fucking stupid as to let the Number 2 Pro Hero in Japan hit it raw in an alleyway in Hiroshima. Really, he should be mature and take responsibility for his own mistakes. Alternatively, he's going to roast a pigeon and feed it to the Hero Commission. And then, have a completely new kind of mental breakdown because he's not ready to be a single parent.
I don't really read mpreg, but man I read RavenHawk's work. They are a phenomenal writer and so so prolific, I could recommend everything they've written. This fic is a beautiful love story and a really wonderful arc for Touya <3
Bamboo arrows and mourning hearts by TheyCallMeBol (@theycallmebol)
5k, Completed
Guard Captain Keigo has been visiting First Prince Touya's grave every single night for almost 7 years now. And no hooded sad excuse of a grave robber is going to stop him now. Or: a not slowburn at all of Guard Captain Keigo and the creepy but oddly charming grave-robber.
Short and beautiful, this fantasy AU is just what the heart needs. Not sure what to say about it other than that you could read it in half an hour, so you should just read it now.
my heart goes vroom vroom boom by crimsonseekers (@crimsonseekers)
5k, Completed, Series
“Right!” Hawks said, perking up. “I gotta be a good brother-in-law, I need to become the favorite Todoroki.” “Well, focus on the end of the season, then you can focus on overtaking my spot as the clear and unsurpassable favorite.” Hawks clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, slouching back in his chair. He opened his mouth to respond just as the waiter came over. “The season’s basically over anyway. ‘S like you said, it’s not as if there’s a big chance of some massive upheaval this late, y’know?”
or, Dabi and Hawks are Formula One drivers. Crashes aren't anything too out of the usual in their profession, nothing too life-threatening, except when they suddenly are.
This is beat for beat an adaptation of a real event, so I suggest reading the fic, adoring it, and then looking up the video + the driver's interview about it afterward. Crim did an a m a z i n g adaptation of what he went through, and it makes for a perfect oneshot.
This feels like a nice number of fics, but I have another seven open in my other tabs still, so I will stop here and make a second post. Let me know if this is something people would want more of from me! Remember to leaves kudos + comments if you read these <3
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eri-cheri · 4 years
Now that we have reached the last chapter of the year. It is time to do a 2020 roll call of what I like to call, “State of the Shippers”:
1. IzuOcha. Status: Placated.
-IzuOcha’s could celebrate several cute tidbits throughout the year. Mini moments as they say.
Anime Highlights: The OVA’s came in clutch with moments for shippers all around and IzuOcha is no exception. We got a cute tidbit where Izuku and Ochako bumped into each other and were flustered.
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Manga Highlights: Christmas kept on giving to this fandom as the AM doll Izuku gave Ochako made many appearances. A cute fist bump between the two was also exchanged and Mina was right there bouncing with y’all.
Heroes Rising: Izuku super man carried Ochako to safety. And was Angy she was injured. Fans could enjoy the small Lois Lane moment.
Troubling Signs?: Ochako said “I would like to be excluded from this narrative” when it comes to her feelings for Deku. She’s a hero damnit! So if they are in for something, probably won’t be while they are still in school.
II. DabiHawks. Status: Yikes.
- Dabi and Hawk’s very public breakup set this fandom in disarray but also kind of disayay?
Anime Highlights: None yet. This fandom was cruelly cock blocked by Bones. Sorry DabiHawks stans.
Manga Highlights: Where to begin, my goodness. With these fans, I guess the good and the bad is a plus in this homoerotic double agent relationship. We have the notion that Dabi may have known Hawks when they were kids, which may be a positive? Hori sure loves his childhood friends. Other than that. The GIRLS WERE FIGHTIN’. Hawks is now permanently scarred by Dabi and I don’t think it was kinky folks. Tokoyami inserted himself in the middle to White Knight Hawks, Dabi broke up with him via YT expose and overall, shippers could anguish in the absolute MESS that this ship endured this year. But I’m sure that’s part of the appeal. So...yay?
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Heroes Rising: They were both in it.
Troubling Signs?: The entire relationship is a troubling sign which again, is part of the appeal. Maybe Hawks will cuddle up with Dabi’s father after the war. That’s troubling! Speaking of...
III. EndHawks. Status: Yearning and Burning.
-If there’s one thing Endeavor couldn’t stop worrying about, it was his hot (in more ways than one) new side piece who probably should have looked at the fine print when signing a contract to be a recurring guest star on “Keeping up with the Todoroki’s”.
Anime Highlights: A fateful meeting finally in high definition for all our eyes to see! Hawks’s unwavering support of his biggest hero was endearing to watch and their shenanigans together spurred the anime onlies to finally jump on the biggest May-December ship in the series.
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Manga Highlights: Endeavor’s admiration and concern for Hawks seeped through the pages as we entered our most exciting arc in the manga yet. Fate split these two up yet entwined their downfall together. And that Fate’s name was Dabi...or should I say ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ or should I just say Touya!
Heroes Rising: “Don’t bite my head off, Endeavor.” Geez, can you flirt a little less loud Hawks?
Troubling Signs?: They say never meet your heroes and Hawks is in for a rude awakening. We shall see just how deep his admiration runs or if Endeavor’s past will split our dynamic duo up for good.
IV: TodoDeku. Status: “Precious”
-Shoto’s “Midoriya is in Danger” radar was highlighted in both manga and anime. 4th User’s quirk, who?
Anime Highlights: “Midoriya hasn’t returned yet.” “Where’s Midoriya?” “Midoriya! Grab my hand!” “Have some of my Soba Midoriya.” Shoto gets it. His emotional support friend is a danger magnet. TodoDeku’s also enjoyed tiny tidbits in the OVA such as a hand grabbing scene. Gotta hold tight to those crumbs.
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Manga Highlights: Two Words. “Precious Friend.” Deku comes in w/o arms or legs fighting for Shoto and Shoto’s honor. These two spent the entire year worried sick about each other, and going against all odds to save each other. Precious Friends indeed. TDDK fans ate.
Heroes Rising: Shoto kicks some dog ass and then faints thinking of Deku (and Bakugo but shh. Let the shippers rejoice.) On the bright side, we have a 3rd movie coming featuring “The Three Musketeers” so shippers of TdDk can HOLD TIGHT to what’s to come.
Troubling Signs?: Shoto still doesn’t know about OFA and he’s gonna have LOTS of questions after this arc. Will Deku finally tell him? If not, it could make or break the ship.
V. TodoBaku. Status: “Shining through the city with a little funk and soul.”
-Who knew the greatest comedy duo we needed was Shoto and his hot headed “friend” or not friend? It still remains unclear to Shoto. Regardless, these two had a fun year.
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Anime Highlights: “I wanna see your cute face”, disco dancing, and more fun in the provisional license training. Plus the OVA added some cute moments between the two such as Bakugo staying behind to save Todoroki during a dangerous excercise and his adorable plan neatly animated for us. I’d say TodoBaku’s really were resurgent and energized this year!
Manga Highlights: Shoto, that is not how you properly Catch a Kacchan, I’m sorry. But at least you did it you mad lad. As with Deku, Shoto spent the year worried sick about Bakugo. While the anime let us have our fun, these two were suffering in the manga.
Heroes Rising: Again, Shoto put a dog down and then fainted with Bakugo on his mind (and Deku but we ignore that. Shush.) TodoBaku’s have the 3rd movie to look forward to which is bound to have some amazing content!
Troubling Signs?: They have a lot of trauma to deal with. And a lot of Deku to worry about. I also imagine Shoto will be hurt about being left out of the OFA secret. We shall see what 2021 has to offer.
VI. KiriMina. Status: Unbreakable.
-Changing your hairstyle to match the gal who inspired you in middle school? Sorry y’all but if Mina were a guy, I’d say that’s gay af.
Anime Highlights: We got that backstory Bois. Red Riot’s origin might as well make him be called Pink Riot. Again with Hori and the childhood friends though I wouldn’t exactly call them friends. They just went to the same middle school but Kirishima was highly influenced by Mina’s Chivalrous spirit! A ship is born!
Manga Highlights: The influence is mutual! Mina creates a move based on Kirishima’s unbreakable and we all let out a collective “awwww”. Also in the war arc, we got Kirishima making sure Mina’s chivalrous spirit shines through right into Gigantomachia’s mouth! KiriMina may just be the unsung MVP’s of this arc.
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Heroes Rising: They were in it.
Troubling Signs?: I can’t think of a single one. KiriMina’s can enjoy a peaceful sailing.
VII: KiriBaku. Status: Crumb Collectors.
-2020 was an uneventful year for KiriBaku but Bones made sure there were crumbs aplenty! Thank God for OVA’s!
Anime Highlights: KiriBaku’s did thrive in one episode! Kirishima reflects on the sludge incident and evolves his quirk based on inspiring words from Bakugo! Hooray! KiriBaku’s can thrive in their blossoming friendship. The OVA also has Kirishima (and Kaminari but shh) once again following Bakugo’s lead when it comes to the training excercise. How can you not? He’s so manly!
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Manga Highlights: Not gonna lie. There is nothing much here this year. I did find a teeny tiny flake in Aizawa’s flashback. Kirishima and Bakugo are sitting next to each other. Oh! And at the hot pot gathering, Bakugo sits next to Kirishima! Eat your crumbs KiriBaku’s! There’s always next year!
Heroes Rising: Kirishima hangs with a lazy Bakugo and delivers the most hilarious line in the whole movie. “Silly Bakugo, there won’t be villains here!” Hahah... Silly Bakugo. Oh you~ KiriBaku’s can inhale the fact that those two sure love to hover around each other!
Troubling Signs?: With great crumbs come little responsiblity. No trouble if there’s no content! 🤔
VIII: KamiJirou. Status: Singing their hearts out 🎶
-If there’s any ship that’s coming close to canonization, I think this is it, folks! “Think of the person most important to you!” Can’t argue with Midnight!
Anime Highlights: Kaminari does non stop encouraging of Jirou and her hobbies! He works super hard to learn guitar for her sake! We love a king who can encourage his queen!
Manga Highlights: Kaminari thinks of the most important person to him and surprise! It’s Jirou! All of the feels can commence.
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Heroes Rising: They were in it!
Troubling Signs?: Kaminari does love his women. And men. Kaminari overall is a huge flirt. But Jirou appears to have his heart strings. ❤️
IX: BakuDeku. Status: Rising. 👑
-Alternative Statuses include Winning, Thriving, Soaring. It’s just been non stop content this year. 2020 is truly the year for BakuDeku. The shippers can rejoice.
Anime Highlights: Three words. Be. My. Cane. The OVA’s helped fan the flames of the BkDk hearts with a surprise! Deku tops! Not only that, we got a lovely shoulder tap of encouragement in the canon material. While in season 4, Deku’s primary focus was Eri. Bakugo and Deku still had their moments to be hella gay.
Manga Highlights: Where do I even begin? I guess we’ll just cut to the chase with Bakugo Katsuki: Rising. We finally saw Bakugo’s true feelings manifest for Deku and if getting stabbed for him isn’t the ultimate showing of love, then idk what is. BakuDeku’s rounded out the year with the Volume 29 cover AND the volume 29 cover drafts to eat at our heart strings. Overall, their relationship got the spotlight in the manga this year. And we’re bound to start 2021 with a dramatic confrontation. Hand holding seems to be the key with these two and it didn’t stop with Heroes Rising...speaking of.
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Heroes Rising: The entire movie. Like....yeah. That’s it. [OP, your bias is showing. You have to be SPECIFIC.] {But random criticizer in my head, if I lay out the entire plot of the movie, my post will be too long} [OP....] UGHHHH Okay okay. The POPSICLE MELTING. THE HAND HOLDING. THE CHARACTER DESIGNS OF WHAT MIGHT AS WELL BE THEIR LOVE CHILDREN. Did I mention? “It’s fine if it’s you?” CAUSE YEAH. Oh and All Might randomly officiating their wedding in their heads like idk. Isn’t it just simpler if I say the whole movie??!
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Troubling Signs?: Well these two’s relationship is extremely delicate and while it has non stop soared this year, Deku might not take too kindly to Bakugo almost dying for him. Will they stop pushing each other away? Time will tell.
That’s all for this year folks! Happy Shipping and good luck to everyone next year!
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citowon · 3 years
spring troupe and gender neutral s/o watch horror movies
about time i finally write for this blog... i was hit with the image of masumi watching a horror movie with his s/o, thought how lovely it would be if there was content of that, then realized i have that power now
word count: 1,935
tags: established relationship, non-detailed mentions of horror themes (gore, monsters, etc)
sakuya sakuma
🌸 when the topic of a horror movie date first comes up, he’s a bit scared. he’s only seen a couple, one of which was for mankai play research.
🌸 when it’s actually showing, though, he’s pretty calm! the anticipation was the worst part, and he somehow doesn’t get scared even during the most terrifying movie of the year. he’s great at reminding himself it’s just fictional in the end
🌸 vampires? not scary. aliens? he thinks they’re cute! gore? well, yeah, it’s unnerving at first but it’s all fake, and once he reminds himself of that he’s fine
🌸 he gets scared at the littlest things though. there might be a continuity error where a knife is in its holder on the counter in one shot and then removed the next, and no one in the movie acknowledges it nor is it supposed to mean anything but he can and will psych himself out thinking about just what moved it
🌸 king of predicting plot twists! he might be very good at spotting continuity errors, but he’s even better at picking out little bits of foreshadowing and putting together the mystery
🌸 gets spooked the most by jumpscares. every time he squeaks a bit (on really bad ones he might scream) and every time he always does the same embarrassed sigh afterwards and goes to squeeze your hand to calm himself
🌸 psychological horror is definitely the best pick for sakuya. he thinks a lot about what’ll happen next in the movie and loves to discuss about movies with you regardless of the genre, so with thought-provoking psychological films it fits him like a glove
🌸 and hey, if things ever get too intense he loves b-list horror movies! he thinks the bad acting is endearing and always finds something to compliment even with the trashiest, corniest flick
🌸 if you ever get uncomfortable, he might commentate in the movie and try to poke fun at it- i mean, the killer clown is kind of funny! look how bright and colorful it is compared to the rest of the set! he keeps his voice light and sunny so you have something comforting to concentrate on
masumi usui
🎧 he loves the idea of horror night. cuddling with you, holding you protectively as the suspense rises, stealing kisses to distract you from the monster and erase your fear...
🎧 he’s only seen a few horror movies in his life, less than the fingers he has on one hand, but whatever. it’s a movie. it’s not real. if he got too immersed he could just tell himself it’s fake and be done with it.
🎧 spoiler alert: he didn’t.
🎧 masumi did not, and i repeat, did NOT expect to get so invested??? even if you’re scared, he’s definitely the most terrified
🎧 that’s not to say he’ll show it. he’s doing everything to keep a neutral face, and you’ll probably assume he’s holding to you tighter during the scary parts like he’s protecting you.
🎧 (it’s actually because you’re the one [1] thing grounding him. you’re protecting him, not the other way around! in hindsight, he likes being cared for even when he thought he’d be the one spoiling you, not the other way around. he just wishes it didn’t have to be during such a scary movie, that’s all)
🎧 will take his fear to the grave... unless you ask him directly about it. please hold him and tell him the monsters aren’t real, even though he’s a heavy sleeper he will stay up until 3 am, his mind reminding him how creepy the movie was every time he’s about to drift off
🎧 so does not fuck with ghosts, if he didn’t believe in them before he certainly does now. the poor guy looks up how to ward away spirits and ends up carrying around a salt packet on him for the next two weeks
tsuzuru minagi
📖 tsuzuru’s not exactly a horror fan. he claims it’s brainless and pointless
📖 (admittedly he’s a little scared of them, but he still thinks they’re dependent on shock alone, and have zero rewatch value since the writing is more focused on in-the-moment spooks than actual plot.)
📖 he’ll roll his eyes and tease you a little but eventually he’ll go along with watching a horror movie
📖 to psych himself out of his fear tsuzuru decides to watch them critically and note what plot points to do (or more likely not to do) for future plays
📖 this works out for the beginning but by the middle of the movie he’s enraptured. he can’t tell if it’s actually good or if it’s a car wreck he can’t help but watch
📖 does the corny move where he yawns and wraps an arm around you, and you’d almost buy it from his earlier cynicism but then the killer shows their face and he tenses up like hell and you just know
📖 gets embarrassed every time he’s scared- he even turns pink, and gets even redder if you try to hold his hand or cuddle him closer (even though there’s nothing he’d want more after something that creepy)
📖 by the end he’s got a few new ideas that might go to autumn or winter troupe’s latest plays, and admits okay, fine, maybe horror isn’t so pointless after all
itaru chigasaki
🎮 screw movies, you’re playing horror games instead!
🎮 most of itaru’s horror games are single-player, so one of you takes the controller while the other sits next to the player, but itaru’ll drape his arms around you from behind in a back hug the entire time you play
🎮 he doesn’t really shut up. the entire time, he’s either cracking a joke or trying to freak you out more, if only so he doesn’t get in his head and overthink the creepy atmosphere
🎮 asshole only quiets down when the game gets tense, and then suddenly puts his hands around your shoulders or neck to scare you. regardless if you fall for it or not, he always laughs at himself and just-so-happens to break the tension as a scary cutscene plays
🎮 still commentates when he’s the player, but gasps or jumps even at small atmospheric scares
🎮 itaru definitely overthinks the game. he gets super cautious over tiny details and makes the missions way harder than they should be since he keeps overestimating the enemy line of sight and how noisy the avatar is
🎮 if you happen to be playing a co-op horror it’s a constant “no u” battle over who should do the scariest tasks
🎮 “reader, we need to cleanse the room next. you should do it” “no, you should do it. you have the quartz item remember” “i can give it to you since you have the ghost ward” “the ghost ward doesn’t apply to this quest, besides, you’re better at this ghost attack quick time event than me” “no it does, and you’re more optimized” “i can just give the items to you-“ “no you should do it” “no you” “no you” “no you” “no y-”
🎮 you both lose
🍋 citron loves horror movies! he thinks they’re... comforting?
🍋 turns out he’s only seen movies about cursed dolls and b-horror, which explains a lot- he loves dolls too much to be scared by them and he thinks b-list horror is hilarious- but he’ll still proudly proclaim he’s unflappable and swear to protect you from the bad guys
🍋 when you’re actually watching the movie you can’t tell if he’s faking his reactions or not. he’s very noisy
🍋 he gets scared enough during the gruesome and horrific scenes to hold you close and tight like a teddy bear, and during the worst of it he might muffle a scream by diving into the crook of your neck, obscuring his vision until the scene changes
🍋 and yet, he laughs at the next scene’s unrealism, and manages to poke enough fun at the movie that you giggle and his terror disappears, he loves your laugh way more than he can be afraid of monsters
🍋 can’t do gore for the life of him, but when it comes to the actual plot, he’s rather critical of characters acting dumb. he catches on to nonsensical writing quick, but usually asks you to clarify the plot holes before realizing that he found a loophole in the writing
🍋 whenever you’re scared and not even his goofy reactions and commentary can help, he plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, strokes your hair, and holds you close to his chest until the fear goes away. he’s surprisingly good at protecting you from the movie
🍋 after the movie he’ll say his country has a similar legend to the movie monsters, but he claims the legends are true in zafra, and zafrans have a very specific tradition to prevent the monsters from attacking them
🍋 the movie also gave citron the idea of creepily standing behind you silently until you turn around and get startled, or occasionally chanting in a strange, cultish language and pretending he didn’t say a thing, or making a doll with the same markings as the clown puppet from the movie...
🍋 citron continues to be even scarier than the actual horror movie, but can’t wait until the next horror night! maybe watching it was a bad idea after all...
chikage utsuki
🌙 chikage just doesn’t get the appeal of horror. it’s just a fake movie, why do people get so creeped out by terrible sfx and unrealistic monsters?
🌙 he’s seen scarier things than any werewolf pack, zombie outbreak, or witch coven can throw at him. if you insist on watching a scary movie, fine, he’ll be happy to let you sit on his lap, just don’t expect to creep him out as well, or else you’ll be sorely disappointed.
🌙 he analyzes the movie more than he watches it, but doesn’t speak up even though the fight scenes look pitiful. if this were real life, he’d sweep the whole brood of shambling monstrosities in record time and be back home in time for izumi’s curry
🌙 chikage runs his hands under your shirt whenever the monster’s on screen to scare you. it’s actually really creepy- his fingers are light and quick and always makes you flinch, even if you know it’s just your boyfriend
🌙 he’ll listen to your thoughts about the movie, but doesn’t have strong opinions himself. he thinks the scares are mediocre at best, even without considering his background, but won’t mention how unrealistic it was unless you mention it first.
🌙 psychological horror, however, is a whole different story
🌙 maybe chikage can’t get scared by generic spirit halloween monsters but once you introduce thought-provoking plot, questions and dilemmas, now he’s hooked
🌙 he really likes wondering if the protagonist is actually the good guy and making theories about the origins of the monsters and why they’re so destructive, even if he forgets about them once the movie’s over.
🌙 love love looooves the “the monsters were harmless creatures before humans dished out the first blow” trope. he knows how common it is, but there’s a lot of ways to go about it, especially on a subtextual level, and he just can’t get enough
🌙 the deeper the plot is, expect a longer conversation about the ins and outs of it. they get surprisingly thoughtful and introspective, even if chikage throws in a few bullshit stories related to the movie just to watch you squirm
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
Black Widow thoughts SPOILERS!!!
Before going into spoilers I just have to say I really liked this movie. There are few things that I’d change. But overall, the good compensated the bad. I am satisfied.
What i absolutely loved:
The opening scene was great! Just like I expected, it’s so like The Americans. If you haven’t watch that show, it’s just the best spy series ever. And this scene felt a lot like that.
The opening credits scene WOW, again so much like The Americans. It’s so moving I almost cry. I really loved it. It’s shocking. I’m going to be listening to that cover repeatedly for the next few days.
I loved Mason, I always love to meet the person who helps these characters get all the IDs and everything they need. I love their relationship. O-T couldn’t shut up about his ship, he so wants Mason and Natasha to be a couple. He could have a crush, but I’m not sure she reciprocates. But I love Yelena saying he’s sensitive. He’s a softy, bless him 🥰 I hope he makes cameos in other movies.
Natasha vs Yelena OMG That fight was so raw, I don’t think we’ve ever seen a fight like that before! I mean, I suppose Disney + shows have that kind of fights, but it’s great to see it in a movie and in this particular movie!!! Often you see really well-choreographed fight sequences, but you don’t feel the punches... but here... I mean these women really went for it. It hurt watching them.
Natasha calling Dreykov’s daughter “collateral damage” was great. When Loki mentioned her I imagined a young adult, but it was only a child! And Natasha was willing to sacrifice her! I think that was great for a Marvel movie cause there’s no way of justifying it. She was just a little girl!!! And it plays with the whole “girls are expendable” narrative.
The traces of Clint and Nat playing X and Os was hilarious. I need a Marvel one-shot about that. It would be amazing and I bet they would have deep conversations to kill time.
I loved Red Guardian, he’s so pathetic. He only cares about himself and his glorious days. Loved his tattoos, I saw Yelena and Nat’s name, and Melina + Lenin and Marx!
I also loved to see the 3 generations of widows.
Melina reminded me so much of Elizabeth from The Americans. Her saying that the mission went great cause they fooled everyone... she was so indoctrinated.
YELENA BELOVA... everything.
She has 3 running gags: the vest, the cool way to die, and the pose!
“Why the aggression?” in deep Russian accent. lol
I liked the way they addressed the hysterectomy. The way Alexei makes this sexist comment about her period and Yelena takes this to talk about it and how graphic she was!
Ok but Yelena blowing up a tower and causing an avalanche!
The dinner table scene!
Can everybody please stop hurting Yelena! First Alexei talks about their family as a dreadful thing, then Melina talking proudly about “unlocking free will” and Natasha saying that the family was fake! 🥺
Natasha was only indoctrinated and it’s because of her that Dreykov decided to control them fully. That’s why Yelena’s story is more heartbreaking + she’s the baby of the family and she got it worse! And each and every one of them had part of responsibility in her suffering. Nat never looked back, like at least she should have made follow up to the status of the widows.
Is Yelena truly Russian? What if she was taken from somewhere else?!
Good job Natasha appealing to Dreykov’s fragile masculinity!
Taskmaster was great. I loved the twist that it was Drekov’s daughter.
THAT POST CREDIT SCENE left me speechless. I couldn’t breathe! Why would Val tell Yelena that Clint was responsible?! I’m assuming they told everyone about Natasha’s sacrifice and that’s why her grave have so much flowers. So, what’s Val’s plan?
I love every time they curse in Russian
The not so nicely done:
Why do they keep calling her “Romanoff”? I would expect that the Russian characters would call her “Romanova”
Also, if they were posing as an American family, why were her names still Russian. We don’t see them interacting with anyone, but Melina says “Yelena”. It’s not even that hard to do it. Call Natasha --> Nataly and Yelena --> Elena (that’s actually the name but the pronunciation changes it).
I wish they would have brought back Julie Deeply as the leader of the Red Room. 
There’s no way, none, Natasha and Yelena would have survived that crash. I mean, the car exploded, rolled, and then both are still fit to run!
Couldn’t Renner made a brief flashback scene? I appreciated how much he was mentioned, but I would have loved seeing him. I’m not even sure that’s his voice in the flashback.
Ok, but why was the guy at the gas station so chill? 😂 They were talking about being killers and I find a bit mean that he didn’t recognize Natasha. They literally said she was an Avenger. Maybe because they were talking in English. 
Some of the science makes absolutely no sense. There’s no way of “serving the nerve” like that. The pheromones either.
The floating base doesn’t make sense either.
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formulaorange · 2 years
Spring 2022 Anime Review
Alrighty! This season I actually ended up deciding to watch the majority of the shows that were airing so here’s my run down of the 20+ series for the 2022 Spring anime season! (I will likely never do this again because I 100% burnt out) Edit - That being said, the last week before the finales aired, I decided to use my time to watch some of the ONA's and holy - they honestly stole the show. Both series I watched were at least 9/10 and blew me away, so I'll be starting with those.
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Vampire in the Garden Spring 2022 ONA - 5 Episodes I've linked my main review in the title but here's a summary. This series was absolutely stunning. It was whimsical and upsetting and overall one of the best stories I've experienced in a while. 10/10 - Masterpiece
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Spriggan Spring 2022 ONA - 6 Episodes This was based off a movie in 1998. I went back and watched it and please don't bother... The concept is amazing but the new series takes that concept and expands on everything the movie was missing. It also covers the same story in episode 2 but makes it significantly better. Right from episode 1 you can feel the 90s aesthetic build into the world and I absolutely love it. The story is neat, the style is great and they have a super interesting combination of modern and classic styles of animation. 9.5/10 - Amazing
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Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes   (Posting this before the finale since it's literally the last thing to air) I think a lot of people went into this series expecting a similar vibe to Dress Up Darling and I think that was the problem. This show was actually really wholesome. It starts off with a healthy relationship and amazing friend group. The focus ends up being more on the group as a whole and their interactions rather than just the couple and to be honest, this made the slice of life aspect a lot more believable. I loved watching the episodes and ended up growing really fond of the whole gang. 8/10 - Very Good
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Komi-San Can’t Communicate - Part 2 Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes I was pleasantly surprised by this part 2. This is actually just as good as the first part, if not better. I swear second parts pretty much always fall off, but man am I glad that this was consistent. I really liked Komi san, I don’t think it’s S-tier or anything but I think it’s still really enjoyable. I love the slow burn romance and I’m overall very satisfied with the rest of this season. 7.5/10 - Good + (Enjoyable)
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The Rising of The Shield Hero - Season 2 Spring 2022 - 13 Episodes This was a show that I was genuinely hyped for when I found out there was going to be a continuation. The first season felt complete and had everything you'd want out of a series, proper character development, story completion and an actual ending. I really felt disappointed by the first 6 episodes of this new season and man was it rough. It throws you right into a totally different narrative and somehow you're in the middle of a war by episode 3. It really wasn’t until episode 6 or 7 when it started to get back to what was relevant to the first season that it felt the show was even worth watching. Because of how drastically different the two halves of the season were I’m splitting this into 3 ratings. Part 1 - (Episodes 1-6) - 4/10 - Bad Part 2 - (Episodes 7-13) - 7/10 Good Overall - 6/10 Fine
Before getting into the rest of the season here's the links for the top series that are 100% worth checking out: Spy x Family Paripi Koumei Dance Dance Danseur Additionally, there’s a few that I’d like to add to this list but will be continuing to air into the Summer 2022 season so go check those out: Aoashi & Summer Time Render Now back to your scheduled programming:
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Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai Desu (Mobuseka) Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes I actually found this concept hilarious. I was a little concerned that the initial appeal would wear off but I found that the spite of the character really held his own throughout this story and I ended up enjoying each episode. 7/10 - Good
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Skeleton Knight in Another World Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes This has honestly been a refreshingly simple isekai. I love how they didn't try to add any twists or make it exceptionally different. Thought as it comes with the territory, it did feel like it started to trail off near the end and the story ended up being a little plain.   6/10 - Fine
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The Greatest Demon Lord is Reborn as a Typical Nobody Quitting Heroing Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes Each Combining the standard “isekai/fantasy” genre shows. Of course, there had to be a few of these in the season. Now I’ve seen my share of horrible isekais and standard fantasy anime over the last few season and I’d say 90% of them are tastefully trash, that said, these 2 barely scraped by. Quitting Heroing was technically something we haven’t seen before and I was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the series and the characters. As for the Greatest Demon Lord, this is a hard copy of Demon King Academy with some obvious alterations to make this ✨unique. It really wasn’t worth watching, everything that was decent in this you can get 5x better in Demon King Academy. (Especially since season 2 has been announced for that, this one just isn’t worth it.) Quitting Heroing - 6/10 - Fine Greatest Demon Lord - 4/10 - Bad
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Aharen-San wa Hakarenai Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes Each I’m combining these two as they’re incredibly similar in terms of my thoughts on it. They’re both wholesome series. Regarding Aharen-san, I really hated that they decided to try and take the romantic route.. could’ve just left it how it was and it’d just be a decent wholesome series. In the end, both of these series were cute but to be honest, really nothing special about them that we haven’t seen before. Maybe this kind of show just isn’t for me. 5/10 - Average
Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road (The Executioner and Her Way of Life) Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes This was unexpectedly disappointing. The concept was strong and the character design visually looks good but I felt the story ended up being really weak and didn’t really go anywhere. 5/10 - Average   Mahoutsukai Reimeiki - Dawn of the Witch Spring 2022 - 12 Episodes Frankly I should’ve just thrown this one in with the other two fantasy ones. Again, not a new concept, Black clover covers the lack of magic aspect and the outcast witch has also been done before. Ok story, ok animations and ok characters, some of the ecchi in this series made me seriously uncomfortable on top of everything else. 4/10 - Bad   There you have it, the majority of the Spring 2022 anime season. I have lots to look forward to for the summer but hopefully I'll be able to pick and choose rather than stupidly pushing through all of the mid shows.
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