#the worst part of this is usually when I'm reading things I have videos on in the background
uncommonsunlight · 5 months
Holy shit this situation is so unreal. Someone posted the patreon letter on reddit and guess what? PATRONS GET SCREWED TOO.
so people who were already giving these guys a minimum $5 a month are now getting downgraded content AND being asked to subscribe for regular content too! What a fucking set of balls on the watcher team!
here is the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1c7yxmq/comment/l0c3fu2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
I also saved a copy in case it gets removed because WOW. For them to shaft us plebes is one thing. But for them to shaft the real ones, who were putting their faith and money in their company already? (/s obviously no one should be shafted and yet...) WHOMST thought this was a good idea???
ALSO I just found out that by the time I joined the circus they had walked it back but apparently ALL their videos were privated this morning and the intent WAS to remove content from youtube until the backlash started.
AND Steven Lim is being incredibly salty and rude about it on instagram because he doesn't like how many people watching them aren't rich and fuck us I guess. FUCK these clowns. eta: Steven Lim's post has nothing outrageous in it, other than marketing. People are making things up in the comments of the various posts. Someone is claiming a cat account is the social media manager and other off the rails things. It's easy to get riled up in this kind of drama but I don't want to spread false information.
Also Steven may have been spearheading this idea, but the other two owners of the company had to agree. As I'm reading more threads I'm seeing a pattern and I don't like this piling on one guy just because he isn't a ghoul boy. Be fair, they all pulled that gold-flaked lever together.
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bonefall · 4 months
Thoughts on Wasp? I like the idea of cats joining that turn out that the Clans aren’t great… but also it feels… weird? Like it seems like another “lazy cat bad” on some levels. I don’t mind him not joining the Clans but these “outsider learns they’re not fit for the Clans” things always give me a pause from the Erins. Also interested in how you would handle him!
Moonkitti's video on him is really well worded, if you haven't seen it yet. I do think he's different from the way that other books tend to portray outsiders in that they are saying that he was driven away by the xenophobia of the Clans... but.
They still make him extremely disinterested in Clan life while he's in ThunderClan. I think that was a massive blunder to write, if the thing they're trying to say is "XENOPHOBIA PREVENTS OTHERWISE ENTHUSIASTIC MIGRATION"
It would have hit harder if it was Wafflepaw who tried to run to RiverClan, got assaulted, and then didn't want to be a Clan cat anymore.
Wafflepaw WANTS to be a warrior. Wasp did not. It reads more like Wasp getting hate crime'd was a "last straw" more than THE reason why he won't stay.
That's where you're getting that vibe they're saying "lazy cat bad," imo. It's a bit different from usual, but it still seems like the narrative is saying that Wasp really didn't belong here anyway.
(no, Nightheart's moment where he looks at the camera and says "he could have been fine!" doesn't change that they showed, in their text, with the actions they wrote, that Wasp was not enjoying being part of the Clans anyway. If that was their intended thesis, their writing was sloppy.)
It feels especially weird that Bee didn't go with Frostpaw. Bee was the character with a lot more setup and that strange dream. A lot of people were confusing Bee and Wasp when the book first came out and I don't blame them.
Most importantly, you can't talk about Wasp without also mentioning one of THE worst lines I think has ever been written into a Warrior Cats book. The part where tigerHeartstar says, "Those cats who just committed a hate crime were perfectly good people before the evil dictator took over. If we kill the evil dictator, I'm sure they'll CHANGE BACK"
CHANGE BACK... me bringing my evil dollars up to the villain store and exchanging it for racism coins... change back...
So when I get around to it, I'm going to evaluate if Wasp is even actually necessary in the form he's in. BB is already about xenophobia and bigotry and the harm it does. Frostpaw has no shortage of examples to witness what Thistle Law is, and what it does to those excluded from Clan Culture.
When I first made my Family Tree for RiverClan, I actually ended up making Splashstar's MOM, Havenpelt, an ex-rogue. I think seeing him order a hate crime against his own mother would be a LOT more impactful here, actually.
What Frostpaw DOES need is allies and friends. I'm already starting by expanding her little "DND Party," a word I'm using to affectionately refer to some cats who will be following her home from her pilgrimage to the Park. 99% chance that Nightheart is going to become a permanent member of this party, joining RiverClan at the end of ASC. Waffle will be another. She'll probably also pick up a Tribe cat.
Wasp will be on this party, but I won't decide what happens to them until I see what that last book has in store. Who knows, he might come back (though I hope not, run as far away from these ghouls as possible Wasp!!)
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z0mbi3k1d · 7 months
Romanticizing life part 1
School 📚
School sucks it's probably the worst part of anyone's day but Hot girls romanticize everything so life becomes more fun and enjoyable. Here are some tips and tricks for romanticizing school!
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In class🖊
Do your work!! It's even cuter to be smart and attractive
If you finish your work you can read or doodle
Try and work with friends, it makes the work more fun
Listen to music! Make a playlist specifically for school (I'm not gonna link mine because it's not specifically for school it's just my music taste)
Get cute supplies, your favorite colors or ones with cute little characters on them
Notes 🧷
Highlighters and pens!! They make your work look sooo cute!!
Stickers! They also make your notes look more aesthetic and adorable
Practice handwriting, PLEASE omg my hand writing is so bad I have to practice too but your notes will look so cute
Look up borders on Pinterest and use those on your paper they look so cool fr
Organize your notes, weather it's boxes, bullet lists or lines. It just makes it look neater
Social stuff 🖌
Stay out of drama!! It's not cute!!
Use manners and be polite at all times, no body likes someone with an ugly personality. And if they do that's someone you should satay away from
Have good relationships with teachers, say hi and smile to them, it could make a worlds difference!
Have a positive attitude, not everybody is terrible!
Find a club you enjoy, it's easier to make friends with people who have similar hobbies!
Confidence!! 🖇
Be confident you're hot so act like it!!
Keep your head up high, I know it's scary but you'll look more approachable
Pretend you are your favorite character, act like them
Listen to music that makes you feel confident
Wear clothes that make you feel confident, confidence>>looks
Fun little things 📌
When listening to music in the halls pretend your in a movie/music video
Take pictures and record videos with your friends during any free time for memories
With your friend take a paper and write down sweet things about each other, my friend and I do this and it's really fun
You can also pretend you're the main character in a shojo anime!!
Look good, feel good 🖍
"Life isn't a fashion show" yes it is!! Wear things that make you feel like yourself and you'll win!!
Please wear perfume smelling good is a must!!
Make sure your hair is brushed/fixed and looks good
Make sure your bag looks clean please!
Lunch 🍱
Try and pack your own, it's definitely healthier
Please eat lunch, it's important for you to stay adorable!
If you don't have friends sit near people you think are cool, they might end up talking with you!
If you don't want to do that then you can sit by yourself, people don't usually tend to care if you sit at their table as long as you don't bother them
Links ✂️
Cute Amazon school supplies list:
Upcoming posts 📖
Romanticizing gym class
Downtown girl aesthetic guide (rq)
Thanks for reading!! 🩷
Have a great day pretty girl, stay safe and drink tons of water!!
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lightlycareless · 2 months
I saw this video and it made think of Naoya and Naohime. I can imagine she learned that vocabulary from Naobito lol
Omggggg another video that isn't here anymore jfc I'm so sorry 😭 but from what I was able to recall it was a (with a daughter or granddaughter) and he says a bad word and she ends up saying the same thing lol it was kind of funny tho 😂
I wrote a little something inspired by it :) though I ended up writing it mostly on Y/N's perspective, cause she's the one that usually hangs around the kids the most (though a protective Naoya does appear, as well as Naomi)
warnings: none. Naobito is a bad influece tho. but overall domestic fluff.
also: a little bit of context regarding Naobito and his relationship with your and Naoya's youngest child.
Happy reading!!
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It should come to no one’s surprise that Naobito is Naohime’s biggest, worst influence for a thousand reasons.
And why wouldn’t it be? Honestly, they spent almost every day together, with Naohime constantly following him everywhere, or more like Naobito bringing her along everywhere, citing that his favorite granddaughter had to be there for whatever important clan meeting he had for the day.
By his side when watching anime, or just spending the whole evening sleeping, a little Naobito on the making! It was only a matter of time before she began to mimic him…
Which was a very frightening statement for you and Naoya to ruminate on. To have a child so involved in serious manners is just the tip of the iceberg; both just want her to live out her childhood as happily as possible! 
But, oh, well, at least his father had the decency of not drinking in front of her—yet, this following incident finally made you and Naoya realize how spoiled Naohime had actually become, and how urgent it was for the two to step in.
It happened right after dropping off your children at school, with Naohime by your side since she was too young to attend yet (another matter that worried you—Naobito wanted to homeschool her, you and Naoya wished otherwise. Will this debate ever end?) accompanying you to your newest duty.
Apparently, the Zen’in were to meet a highly prestigious client, and you, wanting to do your part in making a good impression, headed right over to the kitchen to help arrange such an important dinner.
Stress to make this moment as perfectly as possible inevitably befell the staff, especially those that were still new to the (dubious) work ethic of the Zen’in; thus, it wouldn’t take long before one of them eventually crumbled, making a mistake that was easily fixable, but with the pressure of doing everything right the first time, believed otherwise.
“It’s ok, don’t worry—we still have more ingredients, right?” you quickly intercept, the cook nods. “See? Nothing to fret about! Now we just gotta—"
Little Naohime rarely involved herself in your activities, always kept occupied by her toys or any other activity you thought of beforehand, but something about the anxious complains from the staff members struck her with familiarity, like she’s seen this before somewhere else, and knew exactly what to do…
Cue your worst nightmare becoming a reality, having you inwardly screeching, skin pale at the notion of her imprudence.
“Stupid monkey!” Naohime says, with no hesitation, no second thoughts, nothing—just a reckless, albeit innocent, replication of her surroundings.
“Naohime!” you quickly retorted, shocked to hear such an awful sentence coming from your adorable daughter! “Where did you learn to say that?!”
But your daughter, instead of providing an answer, just continued giggling, thinking of your reaction to be a joke, as if you were entertained by her actions and not genuinely upset; it’s how Naobito reacted whenever she did that, after all, obviously the culprit behind it all.
“No, young lady, this is no laughing matter!” you insist once more, she does not budge. “Naohime—you will apologize to the staff right now for saying those awful words!”
“Lady Y/N, it’s fine—she’s just a child. She doesn’t know what she said.”
But that’s exactly what made this situation not fine. If anything, it made it even worse! Her laughter representing the sour realization that you’ve been too lax on your daughter, perhaps too carefree, freeing her of any necessary limits and discipline simply because she was your youngest maybe, your last child, the one you and Naoya had more time to parent together and yet didn’t seem like it.
You should’ve expected something like this to happen when Naobito got interested in spending time with his granddaughter. Yet, far from growing concerned, deep within, you and Naoya were happy that finally his family was retroactively trying to get along with their children, if only one of them…
But those days of carefree endearing were gone, you needed to put your foot down, and quickly.
“Naohime, if you do not apologize, we’re going to have problems.” She smiles, shaking her head playfully, nothing but a game for her you sadly conclude. “Alright, I don’t like doing this, but you leave me no other choice.
So, carefully grabbing her hand, you decided to go with what she considered the worst discipline ever, one appropriate for her age and situation: a timeout.
A decision she received with loud whines and cries, attempting to free herself from your hold but being unable to do as much as lightly tug at your arm, forced to accept the fate awaiting inside her bedroom; 5 minutes to think of the gravity of her actions, understand them, and hopefully, a genuine apology.
“Mamaaaaaaaa.” She would call from inside, pounding at the door. “Mamaaaaaaa!! Let me out!!”
It hurt you to hear her crying like that, your poor baby, the light of your life, one of the many reasons you loved being a mother—but such, it also reminded you that if you truly loved her, then you would discipline her when needed and set up limits that would protect her.
She was just a child and should act like one! Not copy dubious behaviors from people you’re going to start distancing from! Just as your husband would come to support…
“Care to explain the things you’re teaching my daughter?!” Naoya is quick to reproach his father as soon as you inform him of what happened. Somewhat afraid of Naobito, you usually let him handle these types of matters, but never alone, standing by his side as your protective husband gave him a piece of his mind. “I will not allow you to spend any more time with her if you’re just going to be a bad influence on her!”
“Ah, it’s nothing but a stupid expression! Just something to say to people that are being a bit foolish, motivate them to do better, nothing more!” Naobito dismisses, as always. You press your lips together, seeing the anger building up in Naoya’s face.
“Regardless of what it was, as his father, I do not want her replicating such behavior. So, you either behave for the first time in your life, or I won’t allow you to see Naohime ever again!”
“So now you’re threatening me?” Naobito chuckled. “She’s a much better, promising daughter than any of you ever were. A shame you don’t see it.”
You sigh; it’s nothing but obvious that he’d been drinking, kind of. Alcohol only made his defensive, intolerant nature worse, and subsequently, impossible to engage in a conversation with him.
But it’s not like either expected any different, he’s always been like this and would continue to do so until forever it seems. Thus, after brief consideration, you and Naoya decide to follow through with what both thought best: spend a few days with your father in hopes of giving Naohime a breath of fresh air, a break from the estate, as well as the opportunity to get along with the rest of her relatives, ones both hoped she’d take after.
Something she clearly didn’t like, that much Naomi was able to assess after seeing the tantrum her little sister was throwing.
“No! I don’t wanna leave, no! No!” Naohime cried, fists closed tightly as she thrashes all around her bed. “Mama and Papa hates me!”
“It’s hate Naohime—and no, they don’t hate you, peanut.” Naomi says, carefully sitting by her side and placing her hand behind her back, hoping to stop her before she either hurts her or herself. “You just did something they didn’t like, that’s all.”
“No, I didn’t!” she protests. “I never do bad!”
Naomi raises an eyebrow; so young and already so sure of herself. Well, can’t say they aren’t related.
“You do realize you insulted the staff, right? The same people that feed you every day? How would you feel if someone from our family said the same thing to mama? Or papa? Call them stupid.”
Naomi frowns, disliking the mental image of her parents being belittled—or being told anything ugly! It’s one thing what she does, and another entirely different when pertaining to others. Her parents are off limits!
Regret soon fills her senses, but too embarrassed to admit her wrongdoings, she responds with the only phrase she thinks works the same.
“I don’t wanna leave…”
“…Just apologize, Naohime. That’s all Mama and Papa want from you.” Naomi says, patting her back once more. “And stop mimicking all that the old man does, ok? He’s not good for you.”
“But he’s funny…”
“Papa can be… funnier if that’s what you really want.” Naomi couldn’t believe what she was saying, but here she was, defending her father!
But it was true, in a way; and necessary to stop her baby sister from turning into a small Naobito.
“No, he’s silly…”
Naomi chuckles; well, at least she’s not easy to fool.
“Mama and Papa love you and want nothing but the best for you.”
“…I know.” Naohime eventually admits, finally giving way to the first step of her so-called redemption, an apology that the staff warmly received, her parents briefly taken aback, yet happy.
If not curious as to know why she’d done so in the first place; perhaps a sudden change of heart?
“I just spoke to her, you know. She’s still capable of hearing and understanding.” Naomi says. “Don’t give up without trying.”
“Oh, I know.” You lament, and the notion you’ve been dragging along of being the worst parent ever sank deeper into your mind. “I just… I guess I was just shocked to hear her say that! Something so terrible, and of course, how close she actually was to Naobito. I knew they got along, just not to this extent!”
“I should’ve known, my love. They spend the whole day together, and she rarely listens to us when she’s with him!” Naoya frowns, feeling equally incompetent. “Don’t solely reprimand yourself, I too was at fault.”
“Well, if you must know, she was really upset at the thought of you guys being angry with her.” Your eldest added. “And honestly, you aren’t such bad parents. Maybe a bit… embarrassing, but nothing she couldn’t tolerate and appreciate. She’s still your daughter at the end of the day.”
You and Naoya look at each other, as if silently discussing what your daughter just said before smiling, quickly acknowledging her words as truthful—that no matter what happens, regardless of the issues that would naturally arise as time went on, and everything else… Naohime was still your and Naoya’s daughter: the energetic, joyful, but most importantly, caring girl you raised her to be.
She just needed guidance from time to time, like everyone often does. Some more than others, but even that didn’t lessen your children before your eyes, stop you and Naoya from seeing them as what they really are: perfect.
To be given such wisdom through your daughter Naomi made the two also realize how much she’s grown. The once adorable, rosy-cheeked baby who followed you everywhere you took her was now a woman in her own right: one that is supportive of her parents, as well as a good older sister both always knew she’d be.
Ah, time sure flies by. Best to enjoy these moments while they last.
“Thank you, mochi.” You smile, approaching to give her a quick pinch on the cheek, a gesture that has her quickly flustered, tensing her shoulders as she looks away, hoping no one had seen so. “For being a good sister to Naohime and a good daughter to us.”
“Mom, seriously—can you stop with the names… I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“Hmmm, really? You still act like one though?” Naoya snickers, she rolls her eyes.
“Don’t you two have more important matters to tend to anyways?? Like Grandpa?? He’s been telling me non-stop how excited he is to have us over since it’s been so long since he last saw us and to let him know if there’s any food I’d like to eat over there so he can buy it! And I just promised Naohime you guys wouldn’t take her if she apologized, so…”
“Oh, shit!” You gasped, looking over to Naoya, wide-eyed just as he was, at the notion of unwittingly getting into another problem just as soon as you got rid of the other! “What are we going to do? We just can’t cancel on my dad; you know how upset he gets! And he’s been feeling awful as of lately too… I think he just figured out that Naohime prefers being around your dad over mine!”
“Naohime is going to be upset with us again… and your dad too.”
“Not if you bribe her.” Naomi suggests. And even if it were an idea that would essentially label the two as bad parents, you end up taking her proposal—call it a white little lie, a necessary evil, whatever it took to keep your family happy!
It may have been easier to not spoil Naohime that much from the very beginning… ease Eiichi, your father, from sending her toys whenever one crossed his path; Naobito from badly influencing her, and Naomi from trying to be the cool sister (though she’d always deny it), the one she could always rush to whenever none of the former were collaborating with her, however that may be done.
Well, there’s only so much that could be done in these circumstances—it is simply the blessing curse of being the youngest child.
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:') cool sister Naomi; I can't believe that one day I'm writing her as a baby and the next day she's Naohime's favorite hahahah 🥺 they grow up so fast....
Well, now I gotta turbo those tiktok requests because I fear I will forget them and THEN I WON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITEEEEE
Anyways, this was a treat to write, as always. I love it when you guys indulge in my domestic stuff 😭 the Naohime acceptance makes me very very happy 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖 thank you so much!!! (though I gotta say, I hope we didn't come out as a horrible parent here hahah I don't know much about kids but I know for sure it's impossible for them to be perfect angels soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 🥺)
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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colourprinter · 6 months
Probably too personal thoughts, feelings, and ramblings around Our Wonderland
A couple of warnings, this will likely spoil all of Our Wonderland and this will likely get personal on the thoughts and feelings. It's a personal look (and total ramble) at this game more than anything.
If you haven't played or don't know what Our Wonderland is, I don't know how you found this but you can find it for free on this link.
To keep the spoilers hidden and to prevent forcing , I've put everything in the expand below.
I found this game from the Queer Halloween Story Bundle on itch, I was looking around what was in the bundle and enountered this game. I had already played a visual novel from the bundle that didn't gel too well with me so my hopes weren't too high.
I had no idea what this free game in a bundle had in store.
I was casual during the intro, I don't know when it hit but I knew I was locked in when act 2 hit and I saw what the meat of this game really is.
Something in this game sucked me right in, and wouldn't let me go.
I can't say I remember every detail but I was quickly emotionally invested, trying (and almost always failing) to keep Iggy alive and seeing how this friend group had completely gone off the rails, how their wishes twist around them.
Everything gave me the feeling I believe it was meant to, Gidget's advances on Iggy, Orlam, Buck's outright brutality, Genzou trying to get out alive while throwing the worst words at Orlam (I think he's just like that anyway) and Iggy having the worst time of his life.
While that doesn't sound like much, I don't usually get a reaction from a lot, the mix of visual and words hits just right... or wrong given how horrifying some of this is. Well, some things in the game would easily get a reaction...
For a bit of context for the next parts, I am aro/ace, something I truely discovered myself in the middle of a relationship, not that I hate being in a relationship but I think I'm completely incapable of feeling romantic love, there's just... nothing there. With being ace, I kinda resented the way my brain would react, litrally wishing sometimes that I was ace, glad I grew out of that for my own sake.
I also tend to feel awkward enough around sex in video games. I got goaded into the House of Hope scene, the first time the game crashed to save me and the second time I went dead slient and fixed my eyes down, only looking up enough to see the choices... I've now got an agreement to never have that happen again.
So obviously Gitget's sections got a big reaction from me, I thankfully haven't had any expriences close to anything like that, I could understand Iggy's perspective.
But enough about the horrible stuff for the moment, I'm not going to explain that, yes, seeing Orlam's and Buck's scenes were also shockers because eating human flesh and brutally murdering people are kinda bad things as well.
What I want to focus on next is something I currently only have one full perspective of, the romance. I usually verbalise everything to myself in RPGs and VNs, doing silly little voices for everyone (doing 6 children voices at the end hurt) so when I was given the choice of an ending... obviously, I chose the Genzou ending. Usually I'd feel awkward and stilted reading out the words but this time, it felt nice, I haven't done the other endings but I'm sure they're just as good, even if they're not, I got at least one good romance which given that this topples my fav VN romance (Slay the Princess which is pratically a joke romance anyway), I'm more than happy with it.
Niceness is over, I have another list topper, worst thing I've ever encountered in a video game, something so bad that even being foribly censored (I'm not checking if there's a visible version this time), it made me sick to my stomach. The tree and the infant in Her branches. Now I've played though and done some horrible things in video games, including child murder, but the way the body is described, the way everyone reacts to it. I can't call it anything below truely horrible and I'm putting this above freaking turn based RPG murdering children, I thought after that nothing would get me again (I think doing it actually knocked a screw loose because I've suddenly stopped being a goodie two shoes in video games, that's how bad that was). I mean this as a compliment but that is the worst thing I have ever encountered in any media.
And I think because I've felt these strong emotions where I haven't been hit so hard before, I've become completely pulled into it all. The fanwork contest was the first bit of my own art I put online in years and that kick started me getting back into art as a hobby, something I don't think I would have gotten back into if I didn't do that bit of Iggy art to prove to myself that I could do it if I put myself into it.
So... Carrot, thank you so much for this game of romance, fun, death and wishes.
If I land on my feet, I'd like to make a game with multiple acespec PoVs one day, much less horror though.
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jiminsass-istant · 9 months
Dipping my feet into a pile of dogsh*t again: JM Tattoo discourse
Okay I absolutely hate bringing this up again, and I wish I could physically, gently hold jkkers hands when they type about this topic again. Maybe hold them hands and look into your eyes with a pleading look. Let's put an end to this, shall we?
One, if you are choosing to 100% believe JK's own words, you are doing the right thing and you can stop reading this as you have already made up your mind.
Now that they are gone, let's consider these facts:
1. JK is an artist. No, he's like a real proper painter and everything. A good one at that. Have you seen him digitally making letters with that cartoonish font? Yeah.
2. JK is a videographer, video editor, photographer, vlogger even. And he's good. You must have heard of GCFs right?
3. Before tattoos are made, your tattoo artist will give you a preview of how they would look. At least you yourself would think and visualise how it would look on your hands. A very visible part of your body. He knew how it would look and be perceived.
4. Crossword formation: JK has a crossword tattoo on his arm. Even primary school children can solve crosswords you know.
5. The JM: Jimin has used "#JM" and "#JMJK" on bts_twt posts since forever. JM in relation to BTS has always been short for Jimin. I don't think I need to bring up the fact the n number of times JK has referred to Jimin as JM.
6. JK is a man of few words. He doesn't churn out lyrics or words or life changing sentences like RM on the daily. His form of expression has mostly been art, music, videos, tattoos, outfits.
About the implications of the tattoo if it is indeed about Jimin:
1. Why would an idol ever reveal that he has his bandmate's name tattooed on his arm if he knows there are very serious shippers in the fandom who would definitely blow this up till the media puts out an article next day?
2. What's wrong with having a bandmate's name on your hand? Now this part is most important to me.
What's wrong with having the name of a man on your hands? The same man with whom he spent some of the worst and best times of his life over the past 10+ years. The same person who JK has repeatedly implied understands him, "we click", and spends a whole lot of time together for a fact. The same person JK goes to spend time with, to share silence and do nothing, after a gruelling day of rehearsals and photoshoots. The same person who he trusts enough to take care of his mental health for possibly the most difficult time of his life for 18 months. If I loved tattoos and had a friend like that, I wouldn't hesitate to tattoo their name on me either.
I heard that 2 members from Ateez, who consider themselves bffs and soulmates also have matching tattoos. There you go. It's not that weird now, is it?
"Then why didn't JK just admit it was for JM?"
Simply because he didn't want to. They are very very aware of the media. Not just k-media. Global media as well. Imagine how the fandom would react if he was that biased towards just 1 member. They'll be doing the usual SCT (screaming, crying, throwing up).
I'll put the JM tattoo issue on the same shelf as GCF tokyo. Something he did despite knowing the implications and how it would be perceived. But did it anyway. JK just does the stuff he wants to, guys. High time you all realise that.
I'm not the type of person who is easily swayed by theories. Either a theory makes sense or it does not. If there are no huge gaps in a theory, it makes sense to me. This is one of those.
Remember how people said JK was lying on Suchwita when he was asked the 'dream' question by Suga and replied he wasn't aware of this segment... because he watched the entire Jimin Suchwita? WRONG. He didn't watch the entire one. In the last segment of Suchwita, our JK was already distracted and went to the kitchen to do something. Then he came back for the ending scene. He actually didn't know about the last questions Suga asks his guests. This is one example of why you shouldn't go with everything the jkkers say.
Anyhoo...i digress.
Final thoughts:
The fandom and even shippers didn't react this strongly when people came up with the BS theory about how the tattoos represented all members. That theory became BS right when JK said that he wished the letters in 'army' tattoo weren't so minimal. The 'A' without the line in the middle was never 'V'. If JK had foresight, the 'A' would have had the line, maybe with a tail and horns on it and flames coming out. You know what I mean. The OT7 theory went out the window just like that.
Just because there's a possibility it means 'JM', doesn't prove or disprove they are 'real'. What it does prove is that they are the best and closest duo in Bangtan. They don't care how their actions towards each other are perceived because they are THAT secure about their friendship/bond. Jimin didn't care when he openly admitted multiple times in 2020 that he spent nights with JK, woke up and saw JK etc. Neither did JK care when he keeps saying they do nothing at night (once in the early years (2014-15), another time when he was asked about the most memorable time of the tokyo trip and it was jm playing all night on phone, and most recently - going to Jimin's room for no reason other than to do nothing (during PTD)).
PS: (fanfic alert)
Jimin notices the JM formation on JK's hands for the first time.
"JM!?.. you love me so much JK. "
"It's not what you think. J is for ...umm JK".
"Where's the K then?"
"It's okay bro, I'll write a song for you one day. That's how I'll repay this gesture, bro."
"Would you feature me in it?"
"So you admit it's JM??"
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boysplanetrecaps · 8 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 1: Team AllRound
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Hey, friends! I’m struggling with writing the recap for episode one of Build Up on MNET because I want to stop and give you the background on everyone, which makes the recap really hard to follow. So I figure I’ll spend some time giving you their backgrounds in four separate posts, to help you get to know the guys. I mention things like where else you may have seen them, if they're in an idol group, who knows who, etc, as well as my opinion of their voice based on their teaser performance. I think it’ll make the recaps easier, both to read and to write. In this first post of four, I’ll be talking about the twelve contestants who chose to join the “Allround” category, as opposed to “Soul”, “Power”, or “Unique.” Let’s go!
Before we go on, I just want to let you know that I’ll sharing my informed opinion on their singing voices. I am going to be a little bit harder on them than I am on singers on Boys Planet, with the understanding that these are all great vocalists. We’re looking for the S+ tier guys amongst a group that is A tier at worst. So if I say anything a bit negative about a fave of yours, understand that I’m not saying that he’s a bad singer! Every guy here is an excellent singer. Cool? Cool! 
I also have to apologize, but most of my screenshots are going to be pretty awkward. The video I'm watching makes it really hard to use because every time you pause it, it opens all sorts of porny popups. When it's paused, it has a huge pause symbol in the middle of the picture. So I have to try to take screen shots while it's in motion. It's not easy! Hope you understand.
Also, I have even less time than usual to proofread these posts, so please forgive me for my inevitable typos. <3 Thank you!
Choi Suhwan
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Suhwan is currently a soloist. He’s released a few digital singles, none of which have really taken off, unfortunately. You might remember him from ProduceX 101, where he made it to episode 11, so the final cut before the finale, finishing in 28th place. Pretty good!
He was V17, doing a cover of Energetic by Wanna One. I wasn’t blown away by that performance -- it sounded a little processed, and I wasn’t completely sure it was live --  so I sought out another one. Here’s a live performance of his song Losing Sleep. Unfortunately, in this performance, I found his voice a little too nasal and affected to be to my taste, and he had serious issues with his upper mix. He’s not a terrible singer, but there are a lot of stronger singers on this show. Or maybe I’m wrong and he’ll do better next time. Fighting! 
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Bitsaeon is 28, and is the main vocalist from M.O.N.T. He seems to have a predilection for soft fuzzy sweaters. He was V36, singing Rose Blossom by H1-Key, and all I wrote down in my notes was “this is just a really nice voice.” I just really liked it. Clean, smooth, easy to listen to.
I think this performance of Creep by Radiohead shows both what I like and what I don’t like as much about his performances. He does a lot of this soft whisper singing in his covers, which seems like a waste of what he can do. I love his full belts -- they’re so good. I want to hear him sing full-on more often in songs, like he did with Rose Blossom.  
M.O.N.T. has a whole complicated dealie that I just don’t have the energy to figure out -- the wikipedia page explains some of it. They’re mainly a three member group, with a leader, a rapper, and a main vocal. They haven’t put out any singles in a while, so I’m not sure what’s going on with them. 
Incidentally, Bitsaeon almost certain knows Jay reasonably well. Jay was involved in this thing called MONT Arena that was supposed to collect more members for MONT, so along the way I’m sure they met. In fact, Jay is still signed to the same agency as them (along with a few other agencies).
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Seunghun is 24 and a member of CIX. His teaser song was V01, Rain by Paul Kim, and his performance was kind of… not my favorite. He sounded at times almost like he had a cold, and at other times I’m pretty sure he went off key -- I don’t know the song so I can’t be sure but it sounded off. He showed a lack of agility on one of his vocal runs, which means that as he tried to sing a lot of different notes all in a row, he had trouble transitioning from note to note quickly and hitting them all neatly. He had to switch awkwardly to falsetto to hit a single high note in the middle of a line, which is kind of not the goal. I think he may just have been nervous or having an off day. 
Seunghun also competed on YG Treasure Box, which I didn’t watch, but maybe you did. 
Let’s talk about CIX, baby! (Ok, that joke relies on you pronouncing it “six” but it’s really pronounced “see-eye-ex,” if you read the hangul). 
CIX is a five-member group under C9 entertainment, which is also the home to Cignature and Epex. CIX features Wanna One’s Bae Jinyoung, who is the center and face of the group. As sometimes happens in cases like this, the member who was in the big Produce group is famous and attracts stans, while sometimes the rest of the group just doesn’t get as much love, and the group as a whole suffers. See also: Gugudan, Weki Meki. However, CIX does ok. Per genius.com, “The group has released several Top 10 albums in South Korea, including Hello Chapter Ø: Hello, Strange Dream which gave them their first chart-topper in the country. The group’s singles have also consistently landed in the Circle Music chart.” So CIX is a little bit closer to say, IVE than it is to, say, Weki Meki. 
Personally, I like CIX -- I think the members are talented --  but I don’t love all their songs. However, their song Cinema is so smooth and lovely, it’s like a glass of orange-peach juice for your soul, and that’s in great measure because of their smooth vocals. (Seunghun is the one with the blue hair in that clip, if you want to watch it.) In fact, this is the song I wanted to listen to in the car on the way to the hospital to have surgery a year or two ago when I was feeling pretty scared. My fella said, “This is nice. I like this.” So if you never heard it, give it a chance. I’m looking forward to getting to know Seunghun a bit better and seeing him on a better day.  
Yeo One
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Yeo One is 28, and is a lead vocalist for Pentagon. I don’t have to tell you about Pentagon, right? Another excellent group who lost a member and whose popularity has ebbed and flowed. If you watched Boys Planet, you know about Hui, and you know that I like Pentagon a lot! 
Yeo One left Cube Entertainment just a few months ago, in October of 2023, along with several other members of Pentagon, so though Pentagon hasn’t disbanded, their further activities will be a bit tricky. He had a sold-out solo concert recently, and was profiled in Rolling Stone Korea, so he’s doing ok for a recently solo artist. Yeo One is a lead vocalist of Pentagon, not one of their two main vocalist, and on kprofiles, he actually ranks in last place in the popularity poll. He often would be given pretty brief lines in most Pentagon songs. But we will get to know him and get to love him on this show, right, team? 
He performed a ballad for his teaser (V40) and all I wrote in my note to myself is “I hate songs like this so much I almost can’t think straight.” So, instead, I found this little song that apparently he wrote and performed himself -- it’s light and charming. It sounds like a guy sitting by the fire making up a song on guitar and singing it to himself. He’s not a super skilled vocalist from what I’ve heard thus far, not a powerhouse like Hui, but he has a charming vocal color and is just sort of a generally a lovable dude.  
Hwang Inhyuk
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Inhyeock / Inhyuk (I’ve seen it transliterated both ways -- both would be 인혁 in Hangul) is 26 and is apparently both a soloist and a member of a vocal group called Unison. Unfortunately, I can’t find anything about them since there’s also a Japanese group called “Unison Square Garden” and when you search “Korean vocal group unison” all you get is information about K-pop songs sung in unison, so…. Yeah. Inhyuk is also a composer and lyricist, and has competed on I Can See Your Voice (I’m not sure which season) and Sing for Gold. 
He was V29 and performed a song called The First Day. Again, my perspective is skewed because it’s another feckin’ ballad and no thank you. The opening section when he’s singing in a soft, almost gruff voice is really charming, though. It’s so different from what you’d expect from his appearance and general demeanor. He has a really distinct vocal color, and I think he should have chosen “unique” rather than “allround.” Once he heads into the chorus, which requires belting some higher notes, his voice falters a bit. I just get that feeling that maybe he can do better than what he showed in this teaser. Maybe he wasn’t warmed up properly, or maybe he had a bit of a cold, something like that. The potential is there and I sense training was involved. I’m going to keep an open mind about him. 
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Geonu is from Just B and is 22. In addition to going on I-land, he also went on a show called Dancing High, which also featured Seo Won who you may remember from Boys Planet. God, there are so many of these shows. I kind of remember Geonu from I-land, where he did pretty well, making it close to the end. It’s kind of a shame that he didn’t make it into Enhypen since Enhypen is definitely short on vocalists. 
If you want to check out one of Geonu’s previous performances, here he is doing a duet performance of BTS’s Butterfly on I-land with Heesung (who did go on to debut in Enhypen). 
Geonu has gotten a bit better since then; here is his audition for this show, where he was V10. 
His upper mixed register has gotten stronger and a lot less breathy compared to when he was on I-land, but he seems to have developed an unpleasant nasality. Maybe being on this show will spur him to adjust his methodology. He has a really pleasant vocal color and a lot of potential. 
(I discuss Just B in Bain’s write up.) 
Jang Intae
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Per my online sleuthing, Intae, age 27, is a singer-songwriter and is one half of the duo 415. (Their group is named for the fact that both members were born on April 15th, 1997.) 415 has put out seven digital singles and performed a few OSTs, but their MVs generally get fewer than 10,000 views. I think his general style and vibe isn’t what I personally look for in a musician -- it’s a bit too “acoustic lite” -- but I bet a lot of people would like what he and his duo partner do, if people gave them a chance. 
His teaser performance, V37, was Missing You by BTOB (a song performed on Girls Planet 999, if it sounds familiar to you -- a member of BTOB is on this show's judging panel). It started off really nasal, but got a bit better as it went along. He strained a bit on the high notes, unfortunately. It wasn’t the best performance, but I’m not going to condemn him for 90 seconds of imperfect singing. I hope that as I see more from him, he gets to show more of what he can do.
Jeong Yoonseo
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Jeong Yoonseo is a trainee, and little info is available about him. He’s V32, performing Starlight by Taeil. There are a lot of background vocals -- I think there’s a guide track behind him the whole time! -- so it’s hard to pick out his pure voice. It sounds nice from what I can hear.  That’s kind of all I got! (Side note -- I’ve seen his name listed as Jang, not Jeong, but if you read the hangul, it’s Jeong, so IDK.) 
Hong Seongjun
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Seongjun is 24 and is (was?) a member of a group called BDC, a three member group under Brandnew Music that debuted in the latter end of the pandemic, in September 2020. All three members had been on ProduceX 101. Seongun himself was eliminated in 51st place. They put out several comebacks but never really caught on.
On their kprofiles page, it says “On August 18, 2023, BRANDNEW MUSIC officially announced that BDC will end all official promotions as artists under the company on August 26, 2023, after they mutually decided to end their contracts. Thereafter, the group have been active in Japan and have a fan meeting planned in Korea on December 3, 2023.” I’m not sure what to make of that, but it doesn’t sound great obviously. 
I went to check out their M/Vs and remembered that I had actually listened to Moon Rider for a few months there at some point. Pretty decent song, but it got only 3.6 million views. I think it’s just kind of tough for three member groups. 
He was V27 and sang a chipper acoustic little song by 10cm. For me, him having such heavy backup vocals for so much of the song kind of makes me wonder, why would you do that?  It’s the same thing as the situation with Yoonseo. Isn’t the point to show their vocals? That said, this was a pleasant enough performance -- clean and sweet, with decent agility in some of the runs -- but not something I’m dying to listen to over and over. I think he didn’t really understand the assignment and chose something that would be nice to perform with people watching you, instead of something to sing in the dark.
Jeong Inseong
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Inseong is 29 and is main vocal of a group called KNK. 
He was V06, performing a song called Letting Go by Day6. I looked it up and this song came out on March 28, 2016 -- just a few weeks after Lim Junhyeok had to leave that group. It being called “Letting Go” is a bit… pointed. Kind of like when f(x) did a song called Four Walls as their first comeback (and last) as a four-member group. Anyway… I really liked this. I just wrote in my notes, “ooh, likey.” This is just so good, I don’t even know how to pick it apart. It’s just a combination of stellar technique and smooth natural vocal color. He does have to go into falsetto to hit a super high note, but he transitions almost instantly. This is good stuff. 
KNK debuted in 2016 as a 5 member group. They left their first agency in 2018 but continued as a group at a new agency, losing one member and gaining a new one. Over the last few years, two more members have quit and one more joined, leaving four in the group as of now. 
Their most recent single, Ride, came out in September 2020 and currently has about 1.7 million views on Youtube. It’s so easy to tell when Inseong is singing -- it’s like when Kihyun sings in MonstaX and you’re just like YES, come THROUGH. I threw Ride on my playlist just so I can hear more Inseong. 
Inseong has been in a bunch of music shows, and also participated in Mixnine, so he may know the other Mixnine contestants, Ma Jaekhyung from Romeo and Donghun from A.C.E. However, he had to withdraw early from the show, so maybe not. 
If you want more Inseong, here’s a fun duet he does with the “Korean Madonna,” Kim Wanseon. 
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Taehwan, 30, is the leader and main vocalist of Vanner, and was V13, singing Goodbye by Park Hyo Shin. You probably know by now that I’m not much of a ballad girl, but at least this is sung simply, with a really warm, textured voice. He does sound really pinched on the higher notes, like his throat is closing, and he gets a bit nasal at times, as well. In my opinion, he lacks technique, but has a lot of natural talent. He also has a great smile. 
Vanner is a five member group that debuted in 2019. They had a lot of support as they debuted, and even got significant crowdfunding. They went on Peaktime, as did many other lesser known groups -- and they won! Good for Vanner. Their most recent EP charted very well overseas. Their song Performer, released five months ago, has 8.7 million views on Youtube, and their song Jackpot, released on Jan 30, 2024, already had almost 4 million views at the time of writing, an incredible performance for less than a week. So it looks like Vanner is really starting to take off.
Taehwan may have met Ma Jaekyung, Bitsaeon, and Hong Seongjun when they competed on Peak Time.
Ji Yeonwoo
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Yeonwoo is another trainee I just don’t know much about. Apparently he went on a show called Wild Idol, which I haven’t seen. But I do know that his teaser song, V24, Suffer by Charlie Puth, was great. A great combination of a song I actually liked and a voice I really liked. He has great agility, leaping up into falsetto and back down again. He does get a bit pinched sometimes on higher notes, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t bother me. Maybe it’s just I’m so glad it’s not a ballad!
Ok, that’s enough for now. I’ll see you in the next one, when I tackle Team Soul, featuring everyone’s favorite. You know who I mean.
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bewareofthenewphannie · 9 months
Hello misty! Here I am in your inbox again.
So how do you feel about gamingmas ending? And entering the worst content drought since you became a phannie?
How is your phannie journey going? Have you somehow grown even more fond of them recently? Did you find any new favorite videos/moments recently? Or did you get too distracted by gamingmas and not have that much time to watch anything else?
Hopefully our dads will come back to us soon so we don’t go too crazy. Happy holidays and I hope you have a happy dnp filled 2024
Heyy Sandra, always so happy to see you in my inbox! I extend your wishes right back to you, I hope you are having a nice break right now :)
Again, long answer under the cut!
So how do you feel about gamingmas ending? And entering the worst content drought since you became a phannie?
I honestly don't think I've processed it ending yet. I have gotten so used to them just always being here and us constantly having new things to talk about that it will take a moment to sink in that it's over now. Like what do you meannn we've had a new video every day for 24 days? How is it possible that I can actually scroll through the videos I was here for when they got released?
I'm back home right now, so I have other things to keep me occupied and I don't think I'll notice gamingmas ending as much as I would if I was alone. (Being able to drown unsuspecting victims (my siblings) in information about them has been really fun. I think they have quietly accepted that there is something wrong with me.)
The teeny tiny rational part that's left in me is almost relieved that gamingmas is over now because the daily uploads did take up a lot of mental space, so I think a calmer pace will actually be good for me.
But gods, it was fun and I am so glad I stuck around. Purely content wise it was soso good, I know I will rewatch most of these videos. But what truly made this experience for me was being on tumblr and seeing all the reactions and art and gifs. (If you're reading this gif makers, artists and editors I love you I love you I love you.) Man, it was so exciting, the energy was so cool and I loved how we were all just waiting for it together every evening. I think that's the thing I'll probably miss most about gamingmas, the certainty about new videos dropping and the event-like feeling it had.
Also, I usually really notice my mood dropping in winter but I have been doing really well this december, and while I did lose sleep over them occasionally I think overall gamingmas genuinely contributed to that.
So yes, I will be missing it but honestly, I'm mostly excited to see what the future brings because I think they really found a really great new (?) dynamic (between themselves obv but also with us) and some good new concepts. And I think bored phannie tumblr with withdrawal symptoms will be fun in the next few days.
How is your phannie journey going? Have you somehow grown even more fond of them recently?
I guess you could say I have grown more fond of them but in a different way. I was going to write that that first giddy excitement for them has worn off, but honestly, it truly hasn't. What has changed is that I have gotten...used to them being part of my life now? Like before gamingmas there was still a chance of me getting out of this unscathed but now it is too late. Okay, I know I like being dramatic, but what I mean by this is that now I know they'll stick around. Even if I started feeling more normal about them at some point, I would still keep up with them, I wouldn't stop...caring I guess.
Fandom wise, I keep settling more and more into this tumblr space and have gotten used to and very comfortable with the way things work around here. I really enjoy understanding the references (well, most of them anyways, and if I don't, I know who to ask). I like that by now I can guess which moments will be gifed and talked about. And that apparently the random things I say resonate with other people (I'm very used to just screaming into the void on the internet). Side note, wedding hill has been very entertaining to watch, even though I don't know enough nor truly feel like contributing to it.
Did you find any new favorite videos/moments recently? Or did you get too distracted by gamingmas and not have that much time to watch anything else?
I haven't had too much time (partially because of gamingmas, partially because of irl things) but I did dive into the radio shows a little bit and there are so many great moments in there. When I have some more time I will need to fully get into that. And the old liveshows!
I think the thing that shook me the most though was stumbling across "forever home" while listening to the stereo shows. It hit me completely unexpected (see my initial reaction). Something something happily phorever after, am I right?
(btw, I finally got through all of the stereo shows now and. I. need. more. Live shows, a podcast, something, pleaseee.)
I already have a mental list of things I really want to watch though and my "watch later" on youtube is overflowing, so I am definitely not running out of content any time soon.
So, in conclusion...
I am still very happy to be and stay here, but don't really mind things getting a bit calmer and I am genuinely very excited to see what the new normal they'll settle into next year will be like. And I am so here for the big things that will inevitably come (because something is coming, isn't it?).
Thank you for sticking around with me :)
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card-queen · 23 days
Writer Interview game
Tagged by @dithorba over here!
When did you start writing? - I can't really remember a time when I wasn't reading, writing or drawing. I remember a bit step for me was writing out the introduction for my Inazuma Eleven fan team. I had fun putting together the team's origin and making sure everyone got a spot. But I as for writing in earnest and wanting to/believing I could make something of it, that was only in the last few years after lots and lots of reading & studying.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write? - I love spy fiction and horror that plays mind games. I like stories about messed up people that figure things out in the end. Most of all, I think, I like the heroes that persevere through it all and despite everything, the best part of them is still in tact.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often? - I don't think so. I don't think anyone compares my writing or style to anyone else and I don't want to be like anyone else. I really just want to be me the whole way through.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space? - Noise-cancelling headphones and access to my playlists of hand-picked tracked, mainly from video games, that put me in the zone to write that kind of scene. I've got folders for scenes of wonder, anguish, tension, action, battles, etc. It helps me be in the moment and they're usually from games that captured that moment so well, so it helps!
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse? - Reading/watching bad things. Even video essays on things I don't like. Something about being really annoyed when you're reading something that goes off a cliff or seeing the faults of a project being laid out really gets my mind going. The worst feeling something can give me is apathy.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you? - Let's see... I kinda noticed a pattern of messed up siblings who are vehemently opposed but totally in-sync, to the confusion of everyone else. There is often a theme of twisted love, where it skews into obsession, overprotection or other stuff that is no longer love. Different (plausible) perspectives to events that shape peoples' views. It's all a bit vague but I'm sure some big-brain out there could spot a whole bunch of thematic similarities in what I do!
What is your reason for writing? - Because no one else is doing what I want to see!!! I want MY brand of fantasy, MY style of mystery and I'm not getting it anywhere else so I might as well!
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? - My reliance on analysis. That sounds weird but hear me out! I am not smart, not by a long shot and I am not an analytical person at all!
BUT... I have learned to take things apart and understand the inner workings of them. A character who experiences X would behave in Y way and so to get more oomph out of their scenes, we sprinkle in some Z or pair them up with A. Because I break things down to such a ridiculous degree, I can better write their dialogue, understand motivations, plot out twists and schemes, and time it all just right!
I am also... terminally obsessed with making timelines for my events. Be it year-by-year or hour-by-hour. I will NOT be caught unawares by time paradoxes!!!
How do you feel about your own writing? - Some days, I feel good and some days I feel bad. Whenever I feel bad, I end up reading what I've written and then I feel good again! I cater to my own wants as a reader, which makes me doubt if there's widespread appeal at times but... I'm not making it with widespread appeal in mind. That kind of thinking makes paint-by-numbers, safe, approved by committee stuff that I don't care for. I'm carving my own path that does interest me, and maybe it interests some others too. By make no mistake: I like my writing because I am my own #1 fan.
Time to find some victims... Tagging @noisette-tornade, @vellatra, @reneethegreatandpowerful, @albicantknight, @merwetketet aaand anyone else that sees this and writes. Honestly, if you see this and don't join in, I will hunt you for sport. Be brave!
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sarkos · 5 months
One of the terrible things about a new Special Interest™ is inevitably running into Bad Takes, and I think I'm going to have to break this into chunks, since the last time I did longform writing I was also dealing with a stomach flu, so I was more incoherent than usual.
I watched a Youtube video, and I'm not about to become the kind of person who writes in comment sections. The two most egregious failings were that Chisato didn't get development and he took Majima seriously (That's going to have to be it's own post, so I don't go apeshit over the "Indirect kiss" interpretation.)
I don't have a big gripe, there was some good information (I hadn't heard the "unfilmable" version ended with them drowning the bad guys in a pool of blood, which while METAL isn't going to get a Sanrio crossover like the broadcast version.) The guy has the other brand of brainworms, but some of my most cherished screencaps are from 4chan Toonami liveblogs where anons are talking about loving LycoReco, so insert that "I love this thing"/"Worst guy you ever met " cartoon I usually reserve for gunpla discussions.
I think part of it is not getting "Takina as transfer student" which I got after watching PMMM (Yes, I watched it due to the Homura/Takina post, but that's a photoset in drafts). Chisato is an established character, and we're introduced to her legend and lore (heck we only hear about her dog from a picture) while we're introduced with Takina and see her evolve, in comparison, we unlock Chisato lore, but we see her change in response to Takina .
We're introduced to her having already rejecting assassination for pacifism, having literally built a Coffeeshop AU for herself, and already having accepted her own death (like an actual Stoic) and dedicating herself to being remembered fondly by people she's helped. In a way, we see parts of this in flashback, but it's still there for sequels and Gaiden stories. If we see Chisato go to living her own life AND Takina taking back her agency from DA the story feels used up.
Which isn't to say by not having an "arc" Chisato doesn't change. We see her close the Coffee shop once she gets an actual estimate of how long she's got to live, which again I see people confused by. Given how much we see Chisato lied to, even with her best interests, like Mika's heartwrenching confession scene, she likely hasn't been given an actual life expectancy. It was genuinely horrifying to learn the Lycoris service lasts until 18 from Mika and Yoshi's conversation that that was when her heart would probably give out, and then find out she's 17 during the series. (Which makes Yoshi's plan of attack take place when he knows all the more disgusting).
But she realizes she doesn't have much time left she stops playing a waitress to get her affairs in order, like her "dying wish" to get Takina reinstated in DA she's taken care of (as much as DA can care). Likewise, she violates her code against killing twice, using live conventional ammo to save Takina, and again to throw herself and Majima off the tower while she's disabled and he threatens Takina.
Admittedly, I feel like I'm rehashing my gripe about the RLM Predator video where I complain a lot of people haven't been in a deadly situation, so seeing a depiction of someone in those situations doesn't read right to them, but I've engaged in the least American of Pastimes, contemplating my own mortality and deciding whether my sense of morality is worth my own life or someone else's. So I feel like it's a mug's game to say character development only occurs in an arc just as much as the people who see everything in TV Tropes lists.
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asteria7fics · 5 months
I've got a few questions for ya! Where did you learn to write like you do? I read through your newest fic and I'm blown away from how could you write!
And the other question I have, do you ever get worried? I hurt my brain and went down the SP confession rabbit hole, and now I'm worried about my writing now. I'm afraid of falling into tropes and writing these characters to be one dimensioned. How do you get past that?
First of all, thank you!! I never really know how to react when people compliment my writing as a whole, because truthfully I’m still very insecure about the way I write! It really does help to hear that people enjoy my writing style! (,,> ᴗ <,,)
I have a couple of answers to your first question. Learning to write has been a weird process for me if I’m being honest. I’ve always been told that reading is the best way to learn, and while I think reading lots of different things is a huge factor in being able to write confidently, there’s really no substitute for actually doing the thing.
I’ve always loved storytelling, but only really began writing stories down in middle school. Then I started finding RP partners online, and spent several years writing all kinds of stories and absorbing tons of skills from those people.
I’ve also spent an embarrassing amount of time listening to people talk about writing. Story structure, character development, all that jazz. There are several really great YouTube channels that discuss different writing techniques that I’ve taken bits and pieces from throughout the years.
Writing style is a very personal thing though, and while I’ve learned a lot from the way other people write, I’ve also spent a lot of time experimenting with my own voice. I’ve drafted tons of unfinished projects just to see what perspectives I enjoy writing from the most, or what sort of narrative voice I prefer to have. As you may glean from both TSOB and EWILY, I tend to take on a sort of sarcastic tone as a narrator, and for the most part I do that because that’s just kind of how I talk! I’m a smart ass by nature I’m afraid, though I think it also works well in the context of the sillier stories I tend to tell with my SP inspired works.
To answer your second question, yes! I’m always worried that my interpretations of certain characters won’t be enjoyed by the greater fandom, especially as someone who tends to not really vibe with a lot of really popular head canons. My solution to that? I pretend not to care!
Seriously though, I have spent a truly, horribly embarrassing amount of time studying these characters. Between watching the show, playing the games, listening to the episode commentaries, watching character analysis videos on YouTube (I’m a Johnny2Cellos girly myself), and reading some really, really good fan fiction I have put in the time to feel at least a little bit confident in my characterization of the main four boys, and sometimes Butters.
The fun thing about SP is that even Those Bastards play pretty fast and loose with their characterization, though.
Characters like Cartman who tend to have very consistent traits are usually the easiest for me to write. When I ask myself the question “how would Cartman respond to this?” the answer is usually whatever the worst possible response I can think of would be. Then I dial it back a little bit because I’m not trying to get cancelled.
But characters like Stan or Kyle are a lot more fluid. Sometimes they care very deeply about things, sometimes they don’t give a single shit. Sometimes they support one another through everything, sometimes they’re very quick to part ways. Characters like this can be really challenging, especially when you have them alongside characters who are often so cartoonishly villainous like Cartman.
My best advice for writing any characters, but especially for these particular characters, is to lean into their positive traits and flaws equally.
Cartman is actually a great example of this. He’s bigoted, crass and quite frankly kind of terrifying if you think about the things he’s done for more than thirty seconds. But he’s also extremely creative, pretty smart when he wants to be and, in many instances, is shown to actually care about his friends. Balancing all of these traits can be challenging, but it can also result in a more fleshed out, well rounded character.
Another character I see a lot of discourse about is Butters. To avoid making him too ‘uwu sweet baby’, as I often see it said, I balance a few things with him. Yes, Butters is generally very kind and sensitive to others’ feelings, but he’s also extremely gullible and can be a real asshole when he’s around the wrong people for long enough.
Of course, you don’t need to take my advice as gospel. I’m someone who has tried to keep the characters pretty close to canon (less so in EWILY than I did in TSOB, truthfully), but I’ve seen many incredibly written, extremely interesting SP fics that throw much of canon in the trash. Do what feels right for you and helps you to express the kinds of stories you want to tell!
At the end of the day, if you write for you and you enjoy the content you’re creating, then it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks of the interpretations you make. I especially don’t take anything on confession blogs personally, because if one of my head canons really offends someone they can talk to me about it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Thank you so much for this ask! I had a lot of fun thinking about my own journey with writing these fics, and I hope some of my advice will be helpful for you! Much love, anon! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
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mieczyhale · 3 months
note: i spent quite a bit of time rambling, and it truly is rambling, so i have not gone back and re-read any of this.
you can hate someone all you want and say whatever you want about them, but to attack their appearance and a speech impediment is gross. idc who the fucker is. his appearance has nothing to do with his behavior and making fun of the way someone talks?? really?? not only does that also have nothing to do with his behavior, but a lot of people have speech impediments and he's not gonna see your ~jokes~ but they will
go after him for shit that's relevant. go after his actions
dude needs a psych eval, therapy, and anger management at the very least imo. he's never really hidden that he isn't mentally thriving, but there is a lot more going on up there than depression.
as someone who can react aggressively, even violently, when frustrated enough or angry enough - and has said some awful shit in the moment that felt out of my control (there is no brain to mouth contact in that moment) - i know there is shit that can be done to help that. medications, therapy, learning redirection, knowing when to exit a situation before you hit that point, and other shit.
i've been struggling with this again lately as my mental health is shit, but it's still better than it used to be years ago, and i'm aware of it and what a problem it is. bc real talk: i did not think it was an issue. it was like "yeah i'm yelling and screaming and throwing things and breaking shit (not all at once, thank god) but so what?? that's just how i am". you can truly be so unaware of yourself and your own shit it's ridiculous
not saying he's got the same shit in his head but from personal experience i wouldn't rule it out entirely. there are a lot of mental illnesses out there and things that can get messed up in you. nothing excuses his behavior, but there could be an explanation.
once again: explaining =/= excusing
and if there is something genuinely fucked up (well..) then he can get help. people don't like to think about or consider it for some reason, but even people who do abhorrent things can get better and change (if they want to) not that that would make up for anything but it would keep a repeat from happening with someone else. and idk i believe there is good in almost everyone. he fucked up a helluva lot but i don't think he's this unsalvagable evil demon. he's a human being
okay yeah editing one thing in and that is that there could be something mentally at play, or medically, or he could just be an asshole that needs to learn and do better (i'm not ruling it out entirely) or it could be a combination deal. idk. i'm just not a big fan of calling someone a piece of shit with the tone that that IS who they are. the end. that they've always been a piece of shit and they always will be and there is no hope for them.
and maybe that's one of the reasons i'm being so unwell about this. because, top 10 anime betrayals aside, i've seen bits of myself in his videos prior to all of this blowing up - the good and the bad. i've seen a bit of the worst part of me in the clips of his aggression and threats. but despite what i feel and say when i've gotten like that in the past i never meant it outside of that moment. you calm down and you genuinely hate yourself because what the fuck was that shit and you feel embarrassed (and for me getting embarrassed usually manifests as anger) and it's just shit
i dont tend to develop parasocial attachments but in the span of like.. a month maybe here we fucking are i guess. it's not great, i'm not thrilled by it - especially now - but it really got me out of nowhere and bc i have attachment issues (there are many reasons i'm in therapy thanks) that's.. probably also part of the unwellness i've been feeling (i keep calling it "unwell" bc truly i do not have the words to describe it beyond that)
there are people who say they "got a vibe" or "never liked him" or whatever but could not be less me. he quickly became a comfort channel and there was nothing that tipped me off that anything was wrong. his channels spark(ed) joy (serious videos aside, but even then there was comfort in seeing someone get so passionate about things that mattered)
i enjoy him and his content, both solo and joint, and - saying this bc i've seen more than one comment on it - i like listening to him speak and i like watching him speak. his lisp is cute and he has a nice voice. his humor is great, the fashion and vibes were immaculate before whatever the fuck happened that ended up in him removing color from everything he owns. and growing that mustache situation
he's someone who is seriously not well, he did and said godawful trash shit, and he should face consequences. none of this post is me saying he should be forgiven with zero punishment. people shouldn't push it aside just because they're fans
this was not a victimless situation, nor was it a first time, from what some people have said
you can be a fan and admit when the person you're a fan of fucked up / did something awful. being a fan does not mean excusing their every word and action. a*ex is a person. a human being. not a demon but also not a god. and he should be treated as such. stop putting strangers on pedestals. i might be incredibly unwell about things but at least i never thought he was perfect or whatever. anyone can let you down at any time, be it content creators or actors or whatever, so please be careful and be at least a little sane about them)
i'm sure i have more to say about this but my brain really said "we've done enough with serious words for now" and i can't remember where i was going with this - if anywhere. maybe this was just supposed to be a rambling vent - which, if so, mission accomplished. i know it was triggered by people attacking a*ex for the wrong things, bc going after shit like a speech impediment is so low and so not relevant to the situation, and then i just got my feelings and thoughts everywhere. eugh.
i've watched a couple videos on the evidence (sound off w/ captions bc reading vile things is easier than hearing them) (i do the same thing with my voicemails tbh. i never listen to them, i read them. not bc they're vile but bc i just get less anxious if i don't have to hear it. idk) and while each covered the biggest things (so far anyway) i certainly am not going to claim to know it all. but there have been video clips, audio clips, screenshots across them all - each video having some of the same pieces but also pieces the others don't show or touch on. so.. i've seen.. enough.
i really need to disengage from all of this, and i sure would like to, i'd love to not be aware of this level of "drama" regarding someone i'm a fan of as it's breaking, but i can't go back in time and stop myself from clicking on his channel and i can't undo liking his videos so here i fucking am
"he's cancelled!" bitch shut the fuck up. canceling isn't a real thing. look at anyone with a fanbase who has done bad shit. they still have a fanbase, they still do whatever.
"his career is over!" maybe, maybe not, i for one can't see the future but i wouldn't place bets that it is. because again: look at what people have been accused of, and have done, and even if they suffered real consequences for their actions they came back from it.
maybe focus on what genuine consequences there could be
OR - better yet - focus on showing support for the victim. yeah actually maybe lets do that. maybe care about a victim more than you hate their abuser. just tossing that thought out there as an option
i keep thinking i've reached the end of what i have to say and then some part of me, the apparently country part that stormed out the saloon doors, comes slamming back through a moment later - cowboy hat waving wildly - with a yell of "AND ANOTHER THING-"
on top of everything else - and i know this is going to sound so shitty and so immature - i do not like being told what to do. to like.. a really aggressive degree. it's one of the traits i got from my mom. if you tell me to stop watching something or stop listening to something, to do or not do something, you have almost guaranteed that i am going to do the exact opposite.
and tbh... if we cut off content from anyone who ever did bad things there would be like.. no content left. which might sound fine to you, you weird purity culture angel fucks, but i personally like to find relaxation and joy where i can get it. i personally like to enjoy life when i can. mostly because it isn't an easy thing for me to do, so if some band's music is a vibe or some guy posts random videos that make me smile or laugh then brother i am in. not necessarily on a personal level but then maybe yeah on a personal level. i don't know. i'm just saying words at this point. not that i don't mean them, but they're a bit of a mess.
i've been awake for over four hours
it is 7:52 AM
i don't know why i'm still trying to get my thoughts and feelings out.
maybe because i want those things to get across as clearly as they can. i don't want there to be a misunderstanding if it can be avoided. i want it to be understood (as much as it can be) why i think the way i do about all this and what i don't think about it all (like no, i don't think a*ex is innocent. do i think we have the full story?? i don't know. probably not. even with evidence we've only heard half directly, but he certainly did more than enough wrong and there should be consequences. real ones.)
all this and i still don't feel like i've gotten out everything i wanted to properly, which is whatever. i can make another rambling vent post later if i have to. i just hoped unloading all of this would make me feel a bit better, maybe a little less anxiety-induced nauseous, idk. it kind of worked i guess
wildly oversimplified and comically surface-level tldr: i'm not an empath but i can be intensely empathetic, as well as intensely sympathetic, to my own detriment and my brother in christ has all of this really driven that home
wildly oversimplified and comically surface-level tldr 2.0: person who is multiple mental illnesses in a trenchcoat and feels Too Much affected by situation Too Much at least partially due to mental illnesses
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
do you have any tips on vitalasy's characterization? he's in a fic im working on but im drawing a bit of a blank
vitalasy is very silly but hes a schemer! have you noticed how often he steals things and hoards stuff. for no reason other than to do it. he dreams big and usually needs a few extra pairs of hands to get things done. makes Noises when happy and also makes Noises when distressed. gets up in people's faces, affectionately. aware of how he comes across to people and tries to manage his behavior (being silly is a Choice he makes) - telling people off for "language" is part of this. it took vitalasy 17 hours of a youtube stream and most of a sleepless night before he cracked and said "fuck" once. (on that note: doesnt swear but loves making questionable jokes, mostly with subz or in the background of his videos. yes this makes people go 🤨) if he and subz ever bicker about something subz backs down first (that's more of a subz note but it matters to me). kind of inclined to leadership; hes probably the kind of guy who accidentally takes over and organizes group projects. I personally think vitalasy is pretty perceptive & can read people. not a great liar, he cracks under pressure and "fumbles the bag", as subz once put it.
hes got a lot of contradictions to him! if you were to assign him to either "sun" or "moon", despite his silliness, hes more of a moon guy to me. keeps his secrets, even if he's smiling about it. loves deeply enough to gravitate toward the same people again and again, but hates deeply enough to not forget it. (did you know he said he could never team with branzy again, ever since the funhouse betrayal? he said that in season 4. months after it happened. too burned: never again.) i think he likes being an annoyance, an inconvenience. can be maybe a bit flighty at his worst; he uses subz as an anchor
if you want reference material for how vitalasy speaks in general you could watch his vods, however his vods so far have not been great for like... ""lore"" content Despair. if you want a few good vitalasy resources I'd recommend any of the 3/3 eclipse vods especially ones from Subz and Zam: Vitalasy deafens to talk to chat a lot and I think it's a little easier to study him as a character when hes more. in the world a bit. does that make any sense? Subz vods in particular are good, I like all of the portal breaking streams!
hope this helps, sorry it's a bit random and all over the place! I don't quite have a grip on how he Thinks yet but I think I'm getting there 🦊
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ronispadez · 1 year
1 for the choose violance ask?
1: the character everyone gets wrong
AUGGHHHHHHH OHHH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! LUCAS 4 SURE. also maybe Gerard and Frank and other Band Dudes, but as for actual fictional characters, PROBABLY LUCAS!
Now, we don't have a clear idea of what Lucas is like post time-skip, if he's still the same gentle cry baby as he was before, in the prologue. But you gotta understand that going on a journey like that has got to change a person. He's def a lot more brave than the fandom, AND FUCKING SMASH BROS BRAWL !!! gives him credit for.
Old fanfics will usually give him t-th-he unre-re-alistic s-s-s-s-stuttering habit, which is sssssoooooooooo hard to read sometimes. I understand stuttering as something someone can have naturally, but in this context, it's something he does because he's nervous or scared or flustered. And he does it almost every time he talks until he finally warms up enough, or he's in a perpetual state of flustered. I'd understand if this was an actual speech thing he had that the author brings up, but no, you can tell that the intention is just to make him look more, ... Im not sure the right word, but more Shoujo shy girl like. Y'know?
Mischaracterization can't really be a thing with Mother protags and other silent protagonist. There can be opinions on characters I can either like or dislike, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that the character is "actually" like that. For Ness and Ninten, no one is really right or wrong... Characterizing them as assholes (COUGH mother 1 novel with Ninten/Ken) or as shy or, well, most of the time people just write Ness as a heroic extrovert and/or complete dumbass which personally is the correct way to me.
But in Mother 3, we get more character from Lucas than we do with any other mother protag, in that he's a gentle boy who likes flowers, and the village sees him as a crybaby, even before Hinawa died. (That one lady Flint talks to during the forest fire, before they knew Hinawa died, called Lucas a crybaby)
But fuck dude, even before the time-skip happened, Lucas came in clutch with the drago to save Salsa and Kuma from Fassad!!! You go, baby Lucas! wth!!!!
Anyway I am fucking SICK!!! I AM FYUCKIMG SICKKK!!!!!!!! Of baby-cant-do-nothin-right-pussy-boy Lucas, characterized in fanart or fanfics. I don't want him to just be a stoic asshole, but I also don't want the crybaby part to be laid on too thick, y'know? Characterize him with thought. He can still be a gentle crybaby, but don't make that his whole thing, who cries at any small thing that happens
As much as I love Brawl, it was the start of this trend. As much as I love subspace emissary, they absolutely did Lucas fucking DIRTY. What the fuck is he doing, getting scared over these fuckin doll guys and the poo-poo gas ??? I do understand that he doesn't have his friends and dog with him, so he's lost faith in his solo battling ability. I guess. Also is this after the game ended, where he's endured the worst fucking battle of his life?? Or pre time-skip, making smash, or at least subspace Lucas, a little baby man who hasnt gone thru character development yet? Most likely not. I don't know. Subspace's characterization with Lucas was fucking foul. It started the trend of writing Lucas like a little bitch because that's how most of the world was introduced to him. Most people haven't played his game, so they see him as this little BITCH BOY AUUHGHHHHH
Sorry, I'm rambling and not finishing any of my thoughts, but this is something I have to properly write an essay on or make a fuckin YouTube video about or something. Jesus
I do have to say I think Ness' character in Subspace was pretty cute. I wanna see more fanfics where Lucas gets upset with Ness because he protects him too much and Lucas proves himself as strong enough without Ness' help. And then they kiss maybe. Maybe even hold hands ..
Also I am RIDDLED with Nesscas brain I forgot that's literally what Lucas goes thru when he's with Red, I forgor. But most people just think about the Ness Died Because of Lucas Scene in subspace, not how he protects himself and Red later. Oughhhhhh
PENIS BLAST let's just start over, all the way back in 2008 everybody, cmon, let's go, into the phase distorter
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orangesunsets12 · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thanks so much to @mentallyundone for the tag, I appreciate it! This was super fun!
Are you named after anyone? No, I don't think so, and I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or not. I love having a unique name in the family, but being named after someone is so cool!
When was the last time you cried? I think...yesterday? I don't cry too frequently, I usually get upset about things by panicking a lot and overthinking, but yesterday was a hard day
Do you have kids? Nope, I haven't even went on a date yet lol. I'm a single pringle, and I always have been! Though, it would be nice to have a boyfriend lol. All of my friends are dating and here I am being all alone lol. But it's not too bad...then I have more fanfic writing time! So, yeah, no kids.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Occasionally, but not too often. I'm not a very sarcastic person.
What sports do you play/have you played? I don't really play sports, I only did gym in high school and nothing more. Though, I do enjoy basketball (I'm not very good at it) and I like curling, too.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Probably their hair. I love seeing the different styles of hair people have, I'm not sure if it tells me much about them, but it's still something that I notice pretty much right away.
What’s your eye color? Blue. It isn't a vibrant blue, it's more dark, and it's not too noticeable.
Scary movies or happy endings? Probably happy endings, as much as I want to, I don't really watch horror movies, I've actually never watched one. But I still want to see some eventually. If anyone has any horror movie recommendations for newbies to the horror genre, please let me know! I don't want anything too scary to start lol. For the question, happy endings 100%, but I love a sad ending, too.
Any special talents? Not really...the only one I can think of is being able to drink super cold drinks faster than most people. Is that a talent, or just a sign that I need to stop drinking sugary, cold drinks and stuff?
Where were you born? I was born in my family home, not a hospital, which I learned early on is a bit strange. Apparently being born at home is rare?
What are your hobbies? I love writing, playing Minecraft Skyblock, and reading, but lately I haven't been reading much.
Do you have pets? Yup! I have three dogs, and they probably my best friends. They're all mixed breeds, so they look a bit goofy, but they're really cute.
How tall are you? I haven't measured myself in a while, but I think I'm 5 foot 9 or 5 foot 10.
Favorite subject in school? Either English or a media class that I took, in which I learned how to edit videos, make movies and stuff like that. It was really fun! As for English, I've always had incredible teachers, so they made it super fun! One of my teachers actually let me write a fanfic for a final assignment lol. But, I don't understand Shakespeare at all. That was the worst part of English class for me.
Dream job? I really, really want to be a full time author. I really want to write books for a living...it would be amazing. But, for now, I'll be working in retail
Thanks again for the tag, @mentallyundone, this was super fun! I may have overshared...but it was fun!
No pressure tags: @idiot-stevie @rockfact @ducky-died-inside @icedteaandoldlace @amethystandemma @angstydeaddragon @outlawcare @targetf0rce @blueskiesandstarrynights @strangerthingfanfic (I didn't know who else to tag , so anyone else who isn't tagged but wants to do this feel free to!)
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megan-loves-surveys · 7 months
Let's go.
1 - Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the reason for it? Christmas lol.
2 - Are you a good cook? If so, who taught you? What’s your favourite thing to cook? No I suck. My boyfriend has been trying to teach me but I'm awful.
3 - When was the last time something in your house broke? Did you manage to fix it or did you need to buy a replacement? Good question, I'm not sure.
4 - Is any part of your body hurting right now? What caused that pain? Not right now.
5 - Do you have anything exciting planned for the upcoming weekend? I'm going to a wrestling show, that'll be fun.
6 - If you could spend two weeks in any city in the world, which city would you pick and why? London or NYC, cos so much to do, I wouldn't get bored.
7 - When was the last time you tripped or fell in public? if there was nobody around to see you, did you still feel embarrassed? Ages ago, I don't think anyone saw me.
8 - The last time you made a sandwich, what did you put in there? Peanut butter.
9 - How many hours sleep did you get last night? Was that enough for you or could you have slept for longer? 6 hours and 40 mins, I could have had a bit longer but eh.
10 - What’s your favourite time of day? What’s your favourite thing to do at that time? Evenings, that's my free time! I listen to music, watch wrestling, play video games, talk on Discord etc.
11 - Where did you go the last time you left your house? I went to work, then after work I went out for a meal with my Mum.
12 - Are you tired right now? Will you be going to bed anytime soon? I'm alright, and no it's 12:26pm xD
13 - How many times a week do you get takeaway coffee, if you get it at all? I mostly stay away from coffee cos caffeine does a number on me.
14 - What radio station do you listen to the most? None.
15 - If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? What sauces or sides do you like to go with it? I don't.
16 - Do you prefer sweet or savoury pancakes? What toppings do you have on them? Mixture - I get them with bacon and maple syrup.
17 - Are you someone who cracks their joints a lot? Which one(s) do you tend to crack and click the most? Yep, especially my knees and my fingers xD
18 - Have you ever taken medication or tablets to help you sleep? is this something you do on a regular basis? No.
19 - For you, what’s the worst thing about getting up in the morning? What about the worst thing about going to bed tonight? Actually getting up, after I do, I'm fine. And going to bed is annoying cos I have to haul all the plushies off it xD
20 - Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Definitely diet, regular is usually too sweet.
21 - What do you tend to wear if you’re just hanging about the house for the day? Depends on the time of year - in summer, it'll be a jumpsuit, summer dress or tank top & shorts. In winter, it'll be comfy yoga pants and a hoodie with ugg boots.
22 - When was the last time you dyed your hair? Did you do it yourself or get it done at a hairdresser? December, I went to the salon.
23 - Does having to wear a mask stop you doing things? Is this because you struggle wearing one or you just don’t like it? We thankfully don't have to wear them anymore, but we did have to wear them for months in 2021 and 2022 - inside any buildings and on public transport.
24 - Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Or have you perhaps been involved in one yourself? Were you at fault? Does getting hit by a car count? LOL.
25 - When was the last time you baked a cake? What cake was it? I don't bake.
26 - Do you like wearing bows or accessories in your hair? Nah.
27 - How many books do you read in a year? Do you enjoy reading or do you have to really force yourself to sit down and read? Not as many as I should. I've read two this year so far lol.
28 - If you have pets, where did they come from? A breeder, a rescue or maybe a friend who bred their pet? No pets.
29 - Do you make your bed every morning when you get up? Yep.
30 - When was the last time you got takeaway food? Was it good? I had KFC on Friday if that counts.
1 - Who was the last person to knock on your door? Were they there to see you? My boyfriend, he usually texts me to let him into our complex but the gate was open last time and he was able to come in on his own.
2 - Have you left the house yet today? If not, do you have plans to leave the house later on? Not yet, and yes, I'm heading out to a concert later this afternoon around 3:30 or so.
3 - What’s your favourite brand of chocolate? What type of chocolate bar from that brand is your favourite? Any Belgian chocolate, Whittakers (NZ brand) and Cadbury's.
4 - Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Oh yeah, quite a few of my friends were online friends first, then later on we met in real life.
5 - What was the last thing you used a blender for? We don't own a blender.
6 - Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about? Oh, loads of times. They're usually about wrestling xD
7 - When was the last time you cracked your joints? Is that something you do often? I do that way too much.
8 - What time is it right now? If you weren’t doing a survey, what else would you be doing right now? 1:25pm. I'd either be at work, at the gym or watching wrestling or playing a video game haha.
9 - If you had ten minutes to run around an empty supermarket and fill your trolley for free, what’s the first aisle you’d go for? Chips! Haha.
10 - Aside from Tumblr, what websites do you visit the most and why? last.fm, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube. All the usuals.
11 - Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal? No, Covid isn't really a problem anymore. It's still around of course, but it doesn't affect stuff as much now.
12 - What’s your favourite flavour of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake? Any! And I suck at baking.
13 - Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? Sour.
14 - What colour is your favourite fruit? Is this a fruit you eat often? Yellow, cos it's bananas haha. And I don't eat them that much really.
15 - Is your favourite restaurant an independent place or a chain? What is it that you love about it so much? Porterhouse Grill, it's independent as far as I know. It's expensive but the food is so good and the staff are so friendly.
16 - Are you genuinely a fan of Starbucks or do you think it’s all hype? I love it! I go at least once a week.
17 - Do you own a Christmas jumper? What design/pattern does it have on it? I do, I have two, they're both wrestling ones - one is Seth Rollins, the other is Roman Reigns. I can't wear them at Christmas though cos it's too hot, so I wear them in July lol.
18 - What’s your favourite fit/style of jeans? Skinny jeans.
19 - What was the last non-essential item you spent money on? I dropped a bunch of money on backing the Broken Sword kickstarter haha.
20 - Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules? No, they lifted those in 2022.
21 - What did you last leave the room you’re in to do? To go downstairs for lunch.
22 - Have you ever read any self-help books? Did you find them useful? No.
23 - What’s your favourite programme on the Food Network (if you watch it)? If you don’t get that channel, what’s your favourite food/cookery show in general? I don't like cooking shows.
24 - Do you still watch cartoons? Yep sometimes.
25 - Who do you know with the most number of siblings? Would you ever want to live in a huge family? Ngawari, my BFF. She has 9 brothers and sisters! And no.
26 - Are you a fan of garlic bread? Yes! Yummy.
27 - Do you own any personalized clothing? What’s the reason for getting it? No.
28 - Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to? No, my Mum is downstairs.
29 - What colours are you wearing right now? Does your wardrobe contain a lot of those colours? Only black haha. And yes.
30 - Do you like adding condiments to your food? If so, what are some of your favourites? I am a condiment addict, I use so many different ones. But I def use tomato sauce/ketchup the most, with mayo in second.
This past year…
who were your favorite singers, musicians, or bands?
My most played artist on Spotify was Taylor Swift, lol. But on last.fm my #1 was Ayumi Hamasaki, like she is most years.
what were some of your favorite foods?
Mac & cheese, always.
what was your favorite dessert?
Iceblocks or ice cream.
what was the best thing that happened to you?
I got permanent work finally! It started as a temp job, but my boss liked me so much he offered me the permanent position. Yay me!
what was the worst thing that happened to you?
Dunno, 2023 was pretty good, all things considered.
how have you grown as a person?
what have you learned?
That a temp job can turn into a permanent one if you work hard enough and impress.
how old did you turn?
what did you do for your birthday?
I had dinner with my BFF on my actual birthday, then the next day I went to lunch with my Mum and then went out for drinks with my boyfriend.
what did you accomplish?
Got a permanent job, went to the gym regularly for the whole year etc.
where did you live?
I've lived in the same place since 2016 lol.
who was your best friend?
Ngawari, we reconnected in a big way last year - she was inspired to join the gym by me and now we go together every week.
This past year, have you….
made a new friend?
lost a friend?
Yes :( My friend Zoe passed from cancer.
made a new best friend?
lost someone close to you?
attended a funeral?
No, cos Zoe didn't have a funeral, they just had a get together and I couldn't go cos we lived in different cities.
attended a wedding?
gave birth to a child? 🤰
“came out of the closet”?
God I wish.
felt depressed? 😔
felt suicidal? 😔
felt happy? 😃
felt at peace? 😊
felt overjoyed? 💃
felt blessed? 😇
felt amazed? 🤩
fallen in love? 😍
I was already in love <3
had your heart broken? 💔
got a new car? 🚗
graduated? 👩‍🎓
experienced something miraculous? ✨
had a better year than last year?
2023 was way better than 2022 for sure.
had a worse year than last year?
been to see the doctor? 👨‍⚕️
I didn't, lol.
been to the hospital? 🏥
had a severe allergic reaction? 🤧
had COVID? 🦠
I think I did, I got sick twice in two months - once was a cold, the other was prob Covid.
found out someone you knew had COVID? 🦠
used an epi pen? 💉
had a fever? 🥵
had a migraine? 🧠
Too damn many.
gone on a date? 🌹
written in a journal or diary? 📔
given someone a hug? 🤗
cut your hair? 💇‍♀️
No, but I dyed it a few times.
danced around your living room? 💃
prayed? 🙏
worshiped Jesus?
read the Bible? 📖
discovered a new favorite book? 📕
gone to church? ⛪️
went for a walk in the fall? 🍁
set up and decorated a Christmas tree? 🎄
threw up? 🤮
almost threw up? 🤢
discovered a new music artist you really liked? 🎤
discovered a new song you really liked? 🎶
seen snow? ⛄️
seen beautiful fall foliage? 🍁
gone to the beach? 🏝
rode a bike? 🚴
rode a horse? 🐎
swam? 👙
worn makeup? 💄
done a craft project?
made a scrapbook page?
written an essay? 📝
painted something? 🎨
drawn something? ✍️
sketched in a sketchbook?
written someone a letter? 📝
been to a concert? 👩‍🎤
Yep, I went to see the Vengaboys last year.
driven a car? 🚘
kayaked? 🛶
gone on a cruise? 🚢
made a big purchase?
Depends what you consider big.
moved to a new home? 🏡
got a new pet?
lost a pet?
gotten a tattoo?
gotten a new piercing?
started a new hobby?
worn a mask? 😷
We didn't have to wear them in 2023.
felt afraid to leave your house?
celebrated your birthday alone?
celebrated Christmas alone?
went for a long walk through the neighborhood?
Favorites of this Year (Pick one for each.)
Hard choice, probably CuteBad - Provocateur
TV show:
Raw or Dynamite.
Youtube channel:
I have loads of faves, but prob Call Me Kevin. He's always funny no matter what.
Mac & cheese.
Starbucks mocha java chip frappe.
Ngawari or David.
Thing you did:
Saw the Vengaboys or going to wrestling shows.
Place you went:
Nowhere lol.
Person you spend time with:
My Mum.
Thing you did for your birthday:
Gone to eat.
Jon Moxley.
YouTube or last.fm.
Laughing crying face or heart.
Purple & blue.
Porterhouse Grill.
Tea flavor ☕️:
I don't like tea.
Final Questions!
Would you say this past year has been a good year overall?
Pretty good, yeah.
What are your goals for the new year?
Keep going to the gym, mainly.
How old will you turn next year?
Did you make any big mistakes this past year?
Do you have any big changes coming?
How will you be celebrating New Year’s Eve this year?
I just hung out with my boyfriend and his friends and we had some drinks.
What was the best day of this year for you, and why?
Hard to pick.
What did you spend the most time doing this year?
Working and going to the gym, lol.
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