#thekla <3
jillian salvius i WILL succeed in drawing you
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tossawary · 2 months
I mentioned before that I think DA2 is perhaps the most appealing to me for a Time Travel AU. This is in part because Hawke as a protagonist doesn't have to worry about an impending apocalypse in the same way that the Warden and the Inquisitor do, so there's arguably more space for slow-moving character work, and I think it would be fun to explore Hawke's relationship to Kirkwall.
You can take Inquisition-era Hawke, sacrifice them in the Fade, and then handwavy magic happens there that sends Hawke back for a Time Travel Redo. (If it's irrelevant to the rest of the story, let's skip going into depth on the time travel method! It does not matter!) If you want to avoid time paradox concerns, given that time magic actually exists in this series, this can actually be a Dimension Travel AU as well, sending a Garrett Hawke back in time to another dimension where there's a Marian Hawke instead or something. Two Hawkes!
I prefer sending a mage Garrett Hawke "back" into this alternate dimension because he is absolutely going to look like his own father, Malcolm, to the young Hawke family trying to escape Lothering. And that's some delicious angst.
Another reason that I think Hawke in particular would be interesting is that I think it would be interesting to have a time-traveler (dimension-traveler) be upfront about what had happened to them. A tired Garrett Hawke reveals at least the basics of the "future" to his friends and family (all of whom are strangers to him and it hurts) because he wants to keep them safe, and then the butterfly effects of canon divergence ripple out from there.
There are so many time travel fics where the protagonist confides in no one or only does so very late in the story. There are often reasons for this. 1) They will not be believed. 2) They are surrounded by enemies. 3) They are focused on changing a very specific event and do not want things to change before that. 3.5) They are unwilling to share their knowledge and give up some measure of control over the future. (These control issues are often in-character!)
Sometimes, I am persuaded by these reasons and find them compelling and sympathetic. Sometimes, I find the protagonist's insistence on doing everything alone frustrating and even cruel.
I think that if Hawke had the chance to do a Time Travel Redo, it would be incredibly cruel if they did not at least TRY to share some of their knowledge with their companions. I don't think Hawke's companions would believe them immediately, of course, but they live in a world with strange magic. If Hawke was willing to be calm and vulnerable, they could at least give their future friends some potential leads in their individual quests (being open about the fact that this world may be different to their own).
Like, let's look at Fenris. Fenris would not trust some strange mage talking about fucking time magic, of course. But after knowing each other for a month or so, Hawke might be able to approach Fenris and say, "Hey, I have a really weird story to tell you." And then Hawke could share what they know about Fenris' past according to their own world, so that Fenris can maybe look into that and prepare himself. Because keeping that information away from Fenris is a dick move! Fenris deserves to be able to decide what to believe, what to investigate, and what to do for himself.
I also don't think I could suspend my disbelief if Hawke let Anders and Justice just... play out again over the course of years. I think most Hawkes wouldn't be able to resist confronting Anders in some way! Even Hawkes who end up saying, "I'm going to personally murder Meredith this time." Is a mage-friendly Hawke just going to let characters like Karl Thekla be made Tranquil and be killed again?
Do Merrill and Isabella and Varric and Aveline not deserve to try and avert some of the tragedies in their own lives?
Like, it is totally reasonable for Hawke to be focused purely on their own family or the companions they like, rather than try to save every person in the city. I think it's more than fine if there are tragedies a protagonist just doesn't care about averting. Hawke is not even going to remember everything.
And it is VERY normal for people not to want to give up some measure of control over their lives, especially someone as traumatized as Hawke. I do often find it realistic that a lot of time traveling characters in fanfiction are kind of "control freaks" who don't want to be vulnerable, even if it's "safe" to be. I'm imagining that this future-sharing from Hawke would stem in large part from 1) exhaustion, 2) loneliness, and 3) Hawke being used to celebrity, due to the "Tale of the Champion", and somewhat blasé by this point about all the fucking shit they've been through.
And I think that spilling everything (or even just the basics) would not necessarily go well for a Hawke. I think Varric would take even limited information about Bartrand's future very badly. As strangers to Hawke, I think all of the companions would be upset and disbelieving. (I'm currently imagining a mage Garrett Hawke who previously romanced Merrill, so that he and Past!Fenris were barely friends, because Fenris didn't like this mage Hawke hanging out with a blood mage and Hawke kind of thought Fenris might turn him in to the Templars someday. Past!Fenris was more Isabella's and Varric's friend.) I think these new companions might go on to make some BIG mistakes trying to avoid the future that Hawke has described, as much as they might avert tragedy.
I also imagine that Hawke's relationship with this new Hawke family might be very strange and awkward, even if both Carver and Bethany live. Garrett looks like Malcolm and everyone thinks it's weird; Leandra is probably the happiest and most practical about it, but Garrett can't forget how his own mother died horribly and also blamed him for his own Bethany's death. Neither Garrett nor Marian know what to do about each other; Marian doesn't like some new person waltzing in and taking control of situations. Garrett unconsciously treats this Carver as older and Carver loves it, but Marian doesn't like it. Bethany likes having a mage sibling, but Garrett is awkward because he's used to Bethany being the Hawke family's perfect dead sister. And Leandra's shitty brother is not fucking helping any of this!!! And what's that about Leandra maybe getting murdered by a serial killer in the future???
By saying all of this, I mean to make clear that I really don't think "communicating" would immediately fix every problem for a perfect "Time Travel Fix-It". I do think it would fix SOME problems. Emotional conversations and immediate canon divergence also appeals to me because I like reading those things.
What I mean to make clear is that I think it would be fun to write something that explores autonomy, authority, agency, and control. There are many issues in the world that stem from people unwilling to give up control of a situation for a variety of reasons, and other issues that stem from people believing they have the authority to dictate other people's lives.
What right would a new Garrett Hawke have to withhold information and try to manipulate all of their strangers' lives? Especially from people like Anders and Fenris, whose stories are so deeply concerned with freedom of choice? To conceal backstory information from someone with amnesia, like Fenris, is a choice, and I think it's a cruel one, even if Fenris might not like what he hears and might react badly. Can Garrett Hawke really claim that he "knows best"? What if he doesn't know what's going on with this version of the world? What do you do when freedom means standing back and allowing some of the people you like and love to make "bad" choices?
Some time travel fics seem to me to be incredibly lonely. The protagonist trusts in no one. The other characters can be written as predictably following a timeline to the point of being shallow caricatures of people. It's just not to my taste.
It could be nice to explore Hawke finding new sides of companions that they missed in their previous "run" (which was very much not perfect and full of strife). It could be nice to explore an exhausted Champion learning to trust in other people and have them step up to help solve these shifting problems. DA games are so much about making choices for everyone around you: on behalf of your companions, on behalf of entire kingdoms, on behalf of the entire world. It might be fun to explore an exhausted older Hawke giving up some control and being pleasantly surprised on some fronts as paths diverge.
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Dragon Age Sexyman Masterpost!
Follow the links to vote! Round 3 is currently in voting!
Note: These polls contain women, too, but fret not. Sexyman is a state of being, not gender.
Round 1:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Oghren
2. Alistair Theirin vs. Aveline Vallen
3. Leliana vs. Carver Hawke
4. Morrigan vs. Bethany Hawke
5. Fenris vs. Briala
6. Anders vs. Gaspard de Chalons
7. Merrill Sabrae vs. Celene Valmont
8. Tallis vs. Brother Genitivi
9. Marian Hawke vs. Sigrun
10. Sebastian Vael vs. The Iron Bull
11. Cullen Rutherford vs. Loghain Mac Tir
12. Cassandra Pentaghast vs. Wynne
13. Anora Mac Tir vs. Thom Rainier
14. Solas vs. Andraste
15. Dorian Pavus vs. Raleigh Samson
16. Josephine Montilyet vs. Meredith Stannard
17. Sera vs. Ser Rylen
18. Bodhan Feddic vs. Jethann
19. Felassan vs. Corypheus
20. Varric Tethras vs. Karl Thekla
21. Abelas vs. Inquisitor Ameridan
22. Isabela vs. Delrin Barris
23. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi vs. Orsino
24. Jowan vs. Marric Theirin
25. Flemeth (GILF) vs. The Architect
26. Flemeth (Swamp Lady) vs. Sten
27. Flemeth (Dragon) vs. Scout Lace Harding
28. Nathaniel Howe vs. Vivienne de Fer
29. The War Table vs. Tamlen Sabrae
30. Teagan Guerrin vs. Warden Duncan
31. Garrett Hawke vs. The Arishok
32. Bianca (The Dwarf) vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
Round 2:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Alistair Theirin
2. Leliana vs. Morrigan
3. Fenris vs. Anders
4. Merrill Sabrae vs. Tallis
5. Marian Hawke vs. The Iron Bull
6. Cullen Rutherford vs. Cassandran Pentaghast
7. Thom Rainier vs. Andraste
8. Dorian Pavus vs. Josephine Montilyet
9. Sera vs. Bodhan Feddic
10. Felassan vs. Varric Tethras
11. Inquisitor Ameridan vs. Isabela
12. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi vs. Maric Theirin
13. Flemeth (GILF) vs. Sten
14. Scout Lace Harding vs. Vivienne de Fer
15. The War Table vs. Warden Duncan
16. Garrett Hawke vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
Round 3:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Morrigan
2. Fenris vs. Merrill Sabrae
3. Marian Hawke vs Cassandra Pentaghast
4. Thom Rainier vs. Dorian Pavus
5. Sera vs. Varric Tethras
6. Isabela vs. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi
7. Flemeth (GILF) vs. Scout Lace Harding
8. Warden Duncan vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
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How my love for Warrior Nun ended up getting me a published novel
So like many of us, i am a huge fan of Warrior Nun. Like a somewhat smaller number of us, I am a big Doctor Superion shipper. Can't be helped. Mature ladies getting it together is my jam. I have written fic about them and of course a lot of Avatrice and Lilshotgun.
Anyway, I saw this picture of Thekla Reuten and
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I thought "oooo, detective!"
Not long after, I encountered this photo of Sylvia Defanti:
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And I thought, "ooo, detective wife! Wait no! DETECTIVE EX-WIFE!"
And then I thought, what if ART Detectives?? Picture them chasing an art thief around Europe while bickering and lowkey sniping at each other and falling back in love despite themselves and their whole opposites-attract yin/yang thing?
Plus, you know, Europe:
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The more I thought about the idea, though, the more I realized I needed to change the characters too much for it to work as a fic. So because I was writing a lot of screenplays at the time, I wrote it as a screenplay. Let me tell you about these women...
Fleur van Beekhof
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So yeah, you can see the shades of Jillian, obviously: cool, pragmatic, strategic and unflappable on the outside. Inside, a total disaster: heartbroken, career stagnating, struggling with a gambling addiction and still not over her ex-wife,
Renata Cellini
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Renata quit the bureau after their divorce and went to manage a friend's art gallery in Bologna. She's passionate, sometimes harsh, wears everything out on her sleeve and is 100% in it for the drama, leaping into danger and looking annoyingly hot while doing so. She's Fleur's sole choice for all 3 options of "f*ck marry kill."
The only thing that could bring her back to the bureau is the "Fabulous Gustave," the one thief who got away from them, whose escape precipitated Fleur's gambling problem and the unraveling of their marriage.
What's more, he stole a painting by her favorite painter, the one she did her Master's thesis on: "Susanna and the Elders," by Artemisia Gentileschi.
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(Artemisia btw was a badass, a baroque master not fully recognized in her day. She painted women like nobody else... with fury and agency. "Yo check out the head of the Assyrian general who was creeping on me, I just saved my people, you're welcome."
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Anyway, ahem.)
So I had this movie written. The thing about movies, is they take forever to get made, if they do at all. And I adore these women and this story too much, so I adapted it into a novel, and on a hail-mary pass, sent it to one of the bigger sapphic publishers I knew of.
Look! In all its pre-orderable glory!
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The women of Warrior Nun have been and continue to be an inexhaustible fountain of inspiration.
And also, if you feel like it, please support my novel.
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nicogotscared · 1 month
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౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆. Nicollo Miriel !! ⚰️ᣟ݂ ✩͏
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nixvir boyceta bigay and aspec - he/him it/its creep/creepy dead/death and others
pronouns.cc + flag past on pinterest
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MINOR ‼️‼️
I'm not radqueer but I don't mind interacting with
I am imoqueer 📚🌈 (I was the one who created this stance)
emo, scene kid, goth and menhera
POC person !! brazilian 🇧🇷 eclectic pagan
7yo - 15 chrono / INFP /4w5 / 496 / ELVF/ melancholic
self-diagnosed autistic (for now) - hypersexual and likely borderline
Some alternative names I go by: Ciel¹, Emeric², Erin³, Erik⁴, Yael⁵, Artemis⁶, Eros⁷, Acis⁸, Misha⁹, Louise¹⁰, Sophie¹¹, Mykolo¹², Rowena¹³, Aleksei¹⁴, Astrid¹⁵, Astre¹⁶, Alethea¹⁷, Isidore¹⁸, Elowen¹⁹, Achilles²⁰, Myrto²¹, Paklov²², Nyx²³, Shun²⁴, Althea²⁵, Alec²⁶, Maki²⁷, Mylo²⁸, Mirko²⁹, Lenin³⁰, Elita³¹, Aelita³², Thekla³³, Katyusha³⁴, Rafail³⁵
currently in a consensual and mutual obsessive toxic polyamorous relationship <3
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ೃ࿔ kins and irls,,, I don't mind interacting with others of me
Hooni Lee, Yuri (DDLC), Erik "The Phantom of The Opera", Twilight Sparkle, Momoka Sakurai, Mitsuba Sousuke, Edgar Allan Poe, Atsushi Nakajima (og and beast), Kaidou Shun...
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ೃ࿔ hyperfocus !!
bungou stray dogs and riordanverse <3
kokichi ouma, resident evil 7 e village, dark deception, the phantom of the opera, the quarry, sexology, classical literature… SIGMATSU!!!! GET SCARED!!!
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ೃ࿔ other relevant information
proshipper + shotacon + brocon + dadcon
but I don't post anything about my ships (for now)
๑ paras: MANY, but emphasis on auto🗺️ and auto☠️ + urophilia
๑ cisid: dorodere, self h☆⁠rm, demigod, problematic, nico di angelo, fictional, character, latino, brazilian, paraphile
๑ transid: paranoid, gr☆⁠☆⁠med, su!cide, pink blood, corpse, autistic, adonokid, permakid, amorcontrolled, gay, italian, anorexic, pale black eyes, familial, delusion, gothic lolita, menhera, immaculate, good person, ab_sed, IRL
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In short: I'm just a teenager with a headache, I really don't want to hurt anyone (besides myself :3) and if something I do is offensive LET ME KNOW!!
This blog is more for me to study and learn about terms than to discuss or coin new terms, although occasionally I may write some text, create a new flag and a new term.
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Schloss Einstein Staffel 4 Pt. 3
Diese Vampirstory ist so random
Wait, ich les grad bei Schloss Einstein Wiki diesen Ottomar Rodolphe Vlad Dracula Prinz Kretzulescu gab es wirklich, das Schloss hat auch bis 2006 ihm gehört und es gab da auch wirklich Blutspendetermine.
"Stimmt es eigentlich dass Dieben im Iran die Hände abgehackt werden?"
Wolf und Anna haben einfach nen Altersunterschied von 4 Jahren 💀 Die ist in der 7., also so 13/14 und er ist 17/18.
"Zieh doch einfach deine Hotpants an. Darin siehst du mega sexy aus." Es wird immer schlimmer hilfe 💀
Manuela will von der Schule fliegen und erpresst Wolfert damit, dass sie sonst allen erzählt, dass er mal im Knast war
"Wieso outet er sich plötzlich nach so vielen Jahren?"
"Frauen wollen erobert werden. Sie sagen nein und meinen ja." GIOVANNI NEIN!
"Und wie alt ist die junge Dame wenn ich fragen darf." "14...äh 16." Ich bin so froh dass die später wieder Schluss machen
Franz und Josephine jagen einen Serien-Trickbetrüger der Franz' Oma beklaut hat
Jetzt fängt auch noch der Juwelier mit Erpressung an
Wolf wird einfach 18 und hat ne 14-jährige Freundin. Ich kann das alles nicht mehr.
Thekla ist die einzig vernünftige warum hört niemand auf sie?
Nadja so "I can excuse 18-jährige die mit 14-jährigen zusammen sind but I draw the line at Verstöße gegen die Nachtruhe"
"Du denkst wir wollten poppen" HALLO???
"Wolf ist vier Jahre älter als du. Er hat ganz andere Bedürfnisse."
"Nur über meine Leiche." "Einverstanden, tot wärst du mir dabei eh lieber. Dann bewegt er sich bei der Anprobe wenigstens nicht."
"Wenn ihr mich fragt sollten alle Schüler Kittel tragen." RIP Pasulke du hättest Joels grauen Kittel geliebt!
Josh will keinen Mundschutz tragen. Scheiß Querdenker!
"Der dumme Akku ist schon wieder leer." *Giovanni bringt kein Ladekabel sondern ein Festnetztelefon*
Wolf ist so ein Creep 🚩
Und direkt danach fällt ihm ne Kassette runter und er baut nen dramatischen Autounfall.
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stardomtrash · 9 months
Stardom 2024 predictions a la "3 Count"
If you guys haven't seen the WrestleTalk series "3 Count" I highly recommend it. Basically, it's predicting something, or looking back on something, and describing it in three words or less. I wanted to use that format to give my Stardom predictions for 2024. I can look back on these next year and see how many I got right :) Feel free to comment your own or give your thoughts!
Some of these are a little more lacklustre than others. For example, I had nothing for Ruaka to do XD You'll see that a bunch, ones that have the vibe of "creative has nothing for you".
Some of these might be '''controversial'''??? I don't know, but it's all meant in good humour, so please don't @ me with slander cos you disagree with me XD I don't think the Stardom/wrestling community is like that at all honestly, it should go without saying, but nevertheless :)
2023 was a tricky year for Stardom, so I'm hoping for some great improvements and more awesome content in 2024!
Overall unit
Oedo Tai: Never taken seriously
STARS: Consistently consistent wrestling
Cosmic Angels: Reabsorbs Club Venus
DDM: Dissolves/is rebranded
Gods Eye: Gets slightly goofier
Queen’s Quest: Reliable workhorse faction
Club Venus: The experiment failed
Queen’s Quest
Utami Hayashishita: Grows hair long :(
AZM: Kid match - showstopper
Saya Kamitani: Challenges Maika. Loses
Hina: 2023’s most improved?
Lady C: Gets better gear
Miyu Amasaki: DDTs for everyone!
Mayu Iwatani: Drops IWGP belt
Hanan: Unsuccessful Artists challenge
Saya Iida: Fun multiman spots
Hazuki: Grand Prix winner
Koguma: Stuck in midcard
Momo Kohgo: Joins Cosmic Angels
Oedo Tai
Natsuko Tora: Cuts amazing promos
Ruaka: Bonks with box
Rina: Loses title - Hanako
Fukigen Death: Multiple rumble entries
Starlight Kid: Still not pushed
Momo Watanabe: Reliable heel workhorse
Giulia: Leaves for America
Maika: Creates own faction
Thekla: Stays in undercard :(
Mai Sakurai: Character continues improving
Cosmic Angels
Tam Nakano: Returns. Retirement road…
Natsupoi: Returns. Wins Cinderella
Saori Anou: Holds belt ages
Yuna Mizumori: Does pineapple things?
Gods Eye
Syuri: Kisses more girls
Saki Kashima: Consistently funniest wrestler
Mirai: Learns promo skills
Ami Sohrei: Thanks for coming
Konami: Returns full time
Club Venus
Mina Shirakawa: Reignites Tam feud
Waka Tsukiyama: 1 singular win
Suzu Suzuki: Faction with Maika
Hanako: Joins Gods Eye
Mei Seira: Joins Stars maybe?
Aya Sakura: Joins Stars too?
Yuzuki: More pro matches
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dynamitekansai · 10 months
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December 3 Wakayama ◆6 Woman Tag Giulia, Thekla & Maika defeated Natsuko Tora, Starlight Kid & Ruaka
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whollyjoly · 9 months
tag game
✨get to know me✨
thank you @xxluckystrike @panzershrike-pretz @luckynumber4 for the tags my loves 💕
- Name:
em! (although Occasional Cult Leader and Obsessed With Alton More are acceptable as well 😂)
- Pronouns:
- Star sign:
CRAB SIGN CRAB SIGN CRAB SIGN 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 ...no but actually im cancer sun cancer moon cancer mercury, the stars really said fuck you you're gonna be an emotional wreck and they were goddamn right
- # of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
only child babyyyyyyyy ...well technically i have three step-sibs, but they are all older and were out of the house by the time our parents moved in together, so i never really? experienced sibling-ness with them?
- # of pets & their names:
my baby, my child, my little monster, the love of my life, my sweet cat BD-2 💕 she is an absolute fluffy menace, little miss priss, the queen of the castle, and im obsessed with her. nicknames include: Squeaky (cause she doesn't meow, she squeaks), Squeaks, The Squeaky One, The Lord Squeaketh (and The Lord Demandeth the Play), Shrimp Whiskers, Menace, Floof Creature, Angel Who Has Never Done Any Wrong, and Baby 🥰
- Fandoms:
lord i have been in so many fandoms over my many tumblr years...right now its full Band of Brothers hyperfixation season, but I'm watching M*A*S*H for the first time right now and slowly am falling into the rabbit hole also im a star wars girlie from way back (shoutout to all my old clone wars moots who were probably like "what the fuck" when i started posting about wwii men, sorry not sorry) also also: watcher, doctor who, star trek (tos mostly), chernobyl, and various other things, as a treat✨
- Favorite color:
im an olive green girlie, although deep purple has a special place in my heart!
- Favorite song:
holocene by bon iver ❤️ it's my all time favorite song, the song i listen to when my anxiety feels overwhelming, what i put on when i need to center myself and get out of my head. (someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me)
- Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
sooooo my all-time fav book is Invisible Cites by Italo Calvino!! i am absolutely obsessed with the way he describes physical places and emotions, the metaphors and imagery and the way he describes the feeling a place or person can give you without actually describing it at all? it's both dreamlike and ethereal and grounded and real at the same time, and i just....love it so much. here's one of my favorite bits from the book:
Cities & The Sky [3] Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth screens, the scaffoldings, the metal armatures, the wooden catwalks hanging from ropes or surrounded by sawhorses, the ladders, the trestles. If you ask, "Why is Thekla's construction taking such a long time?" the inhabitants continue hoisting sacks, lowering leaded strings, moving long brushes up and down, as they answer, "So that its destruction cannot begin." And if asked whether they fear that, once the scaffoldings are removed, the city may begin to crumple and fall to pieces, they add hastily, in a whisper, "Not only the city." If, dissatisfied with the answers, someone puts his eye to a crack in a fence, he sees cranes pulling up other cranes, scaffoldings that embrace other scaffoldings, beams that prop up other beams. "What meaning does your construction have?" he asks. "What is the aim of a city under construction unless it is a city? Where is the plan you are following, the blueprint?" "We will show it to you as soon as the working day is over; we cannot interrupt our work now," they answer. Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. "There is the blueprint," they say.
- Favorite fic type:
oh i will eat up...anything. literally anything. BUT if i had to pick, i have a special place in my heart for: soulmate AUs, angst with a happy ending, fake relationship AUs, hurt/comfort, time loops, magical realism AUs (particularly if canon-divergent), and the good old classic, fluffy modern AUs 💕
- Favorite Holiday:
i fucking...love christmastime okay?? i love the traditions my family has for it, like Short Feast on the winter solstice (where we eat Short Ribs and Short Grain Rice and Short Vegetables and Shortbread and put on our Short Pants and drink Short Bottles of Whiskey and go outside to Welcome the Coming of the Light, after the Longest Night of the Year), as well as finding/writing poems on Christmas Eve and walking to the large 600+ year old sequoia trees in our neighborhood to recite them and bring good energy to the new year, to watching It's A Wonderful Life every year. holidays and traditions are so much what you make of it, and i love the energy my family brings into it - nothing is precious, but everything is sacred.
- Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?:
ye, i have a bf!
- Hobbies:
i love to cross-stitch! it helps my adhd ass brain focus on things, so if ever im watching a show or listening to a podcast, i usually have a hoop in my hands. i also love board games - particularly social deception games! and of course - watching tv/movies, reading fic, consuming media, making moodboards, dreaming up fic ideas, and all the lovely things you see me talk about here on tumblr 💕
- Fun facts about you:
uhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont?? know if i have a fun fact?? about me??? OH WAIT okay this is for the bob fans out there - so i was visiting philly not all that long ago, and went to both front street and 17th street in south philly For Our Boys, bill and babe ❤️ and while i was there, i went into a bookstore that was right on s 17th street... and they had a SINGLE copy of bill and babe's book!! i got it of course, and it felt like it was absolutely meant to be!!
tagging, if you want!: @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @coco-bean-1218 @onlyyouexisthere @mutantmanifesto @samwinchesterslostshoe @ewipandora @blood-mocha-latte
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thiefbird · 4 months
I'd love to hear about your otps.
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
I don't actually tend to have OTPs - I am an inveterate multishipper in almost all things. Even the X Files I have some side ships for. But here are a list of my most enduring and beloveds <3 the ones in bold are ones I've written for(not all are on my current AO3 and I will not deliver the name of my old FF.net to anyone ever)!
Jack Harkness/Ianto(Torchwood)
Jack Harkness/Gwen Jones(Torchwood)
Anders/Happiness(Dragon Age)
Anders/Justice(Dragon Age)
(here's an Obscure Rarepair that I've thought way too much about) Anders/Justice/Solas(Dragon Age)
Anders/Fenris(Dragon Age)
Anders/Nathaniel Howe(Dragon Age)
Anders/Karl Thekla(Dragon Age)
Shepard/Garrus(Mass Effect)
Shepard/Thane(Mass Effect)
Shepard/Tali(Mass Effect)
Ryder/Jaal(Mass Effect)
Ryder/Vetra(Mass Effect)
Mulder/Scully(X Files)
Mulder/Krycek(X Files)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter(NBC's Hannibal)
Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin(Aubreyad)
Jack Aubrey/Sophie Aubrey(nee Williams)(Aubreyad)
Diana Villiers/Stephen Maturin(Aubreyad)
Diana Villiers/Clarissa Oakes(Aubreyad)
Stephen Maturin/James Dillon(Aubreyad)
Horatio Hornblower/William Bush(Hornblower)(TV and books)
Horatio Hornblower/Sir Edward Pellew(Hornblower)(TV only)
Horatio Hornblower/Archie Kennedy(Hornblower)(TV only)
Tenzing Tharkay/William Laurence(Temeraire)
John Granby/William Laurence(Temeraire)
Jane Roland/William Laurence(Temeraire)
(here come the crazy crossover rarepairs)
Jane Roland/Diana Villiers
Stephen Maturin/Horatio Hornblower
As you can see: crazyass multishipper. Many of these all sit in my head simultaneously in the same stories!
I guess my only real OTP is Hannigram, but thats less because I think its perfect and more because I think they should never involve anyone else in their dynamic ever for the sake of everyone else lmao
I hope surgery recovery is going well, and that you're getting back to your preferred level of Normal <3
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thejonymyster · 9 months
What's your favorite game you played this year?
2023 games i havent played many of them this year have played some more recently as i have started streaming on and off gives me permission to play games instead of not doing so mental health issue etc
Games that stand out
Mosa Lina:
Groundbreaking new indie physics based "puzzle" platformer / "immersive sim" featuring aggressive randomization which ends up being intrinsically rewarding as a result of no challenge feels artificial as none are designed they simply occur
Level editor support increases continued play value but replay value without is already very high dev currently still supporting with updates to main game
Premise simple there are 24(asofnow) Tools and (i dont know how many) levels. 9 tools are selected from the pool of 24, to be put into your "deck", and 9 levels are selected from the pool of many. Then, you are placed in one of the 9 levels at random, with 3 random tools from your deck. You must collect or destroy all fruits in level and make it to exit portal. if you win, level is removed from pool. if you lose, level remains in pool. Either way, you are sent to a random level in your pool with another random set of 3 tools from your deck. Go nuts. You win upon defeating all 9 levels.
Tools are clever and engaging level designs are varied Game feel is great soundtrack is ambient game is good go play
(costs money)
Trouble In Terrorist Town:
incredibly modular first person shooter turned social deduction game, fun to play if you can arrange with friends, have been playing with discord server for thekla's the witness Some issues in that gameplay can of course annoyingly devolve from logic but can be frustrating as there is no voting system - players vote by action you simply kill the "impostor" group. Recommend minimum 5 players, Ideally 6-8. Not much to say else. Funny premise. "You are an innocent terrorist."
(costs money)
I Wanna Be The Guy: Remastered and I Wanna Maker:
I wanna be the guy - famous "unfair" precision platformer long time one of my favorite games of all time remastered not my first time playing remaster but recently revisiting and greatly enjoying game again nice to have less crashes. need to dive into alternate characters. newfound appreciation for retro collage style art of game and booby trap idiosyncracies. Recently watching lots of kaizo mario rom hack play throughs newer hacks have strayed away from what i find ideal in genre in older entries like Kaizo Mario World 1.
I wanna maker custom level editor game for i wanna be the guy type games interesting but weirdly feels limiting in ways i didnt expect despite massive customization + simple scripting options - feels almost too clean rejoyced when they added blood splatter death previously was unsatisfying poof now i have my character set to visceral blood explosion upon defeat but everything else still feels wrong often find myself using (one of?) the only tilesets present in original iwbtg everything else feels inappropriate or misplaced not sure i think theres a different sort of charm to being hit by mario paint plane vs making fake version in copyright safe form. great game constant updates cool features but just makes me want to just program a full game...
Cat Planet and Super Cat Planet:
cat planet random indie game fun floaty "platformer" (you mostly fly around so its a platformer in the sense that flappy bird is a platformer or like underwater mario) collectathon, very good easy thing tbh go play. Super cat planet fan sequel made by unaffiliated group boosts difficulty and depth of gameplay introducing light "story" elements and many secrets to encourage more exploration
super cat planet MUCH hrder than cat planet by large margin definitely would consider it a *precision* platformer. cool that it exists at all, go play if you feel up for challenge
additional notes sorry i still havent played retrush it looks really good will add to my stream list will most likely motivate me to play it as previous barriers prevented most gameplay in general
played many paper puzzle genres which i would not consider video games
played celeste wasnt always what i was looking for but still solid
started playing dustforce havent gotten far in enough to really review but so far so good
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justcallmecappy · 2 years
Annulments, Harrowings, and Tranquility: Methods the Circles use to assert control over the mage population of Southern Thedas
I have noticed that it's not really common knowledge among the Dragon Age playerbase how terribly mages have it in Southern Thedas -- I'm still seeing takes where it's implied that Circles are benign 'magic schools', so going to use this post to elaborate on three widespread methods the Chantry uses to control and cull the mage population:
1 - The Right of Annulment is a form of group punishment where all mages within a Circle are put to the sword, including children and the elderly. A Grand Cleric or Knight-Commander may invoke the Right of Annulment if "a Circle is deemed irredeemable" at their own discretion. As of the events of DAO, the Right of Annulment has been invoked 17 times, and an additional 3 times afterwards. That's potentially 20 Circles purged of all mages since the inception of the Circles.
Even if you are a "good" Circle mage who has never stepped out of line, has done as you are told, and has never once broken a single rule your whole life, you could also be executed just for the crime of being born a mage, and being in the same Circle as "guilty" mages. (For additional context, group punishment is considered a war crime in the real world, for the reason it is inhumane -- you do not collectively punish the many for the crimes of the few.)
2 - Harrowings are more than just a "magic test" that determine who qualifies to become a full mage. Apprentices are not given any time to prepare for it, are not told of what the test consists of, and are taken at random in the middle of the night to fight a demon in the Fade. Not everyone survives and those that fail their Harrowings are killed and their friends are not informed of what happened to them. All Circles in Southern Thedas enforce Harrowings on their apprentices. Apprentices who refuse their Harrowings are made Tranquil.
3 - Tranquility is a form of magical lobotomy that strips a person of their autonomy and ability to feel emotion, essentially robbing them of their minds and free will.
Players in the real world might have trouble grasping this concept, but think about making someone unable to refuse anything you ask them to do, or unable resist anything you do to them, making them more susceptible to abuse.
It is against Chantry law to make full-fledged mages who have passed their Harrowings Tranquil -- and yet, Karl Thekla did not escape this fate, and was illegally made Tranquil to be cruelly used as bait to capture Anders.
The Tranquil are apparently immune to demonic possession, but this was proven wrong in the novel 'Asunder' when the Tranquil mage Pharamond was possessed by a demon. The Seekers of Truth have also been keeping the cure to Tranquility a secret, so that it may continue to be used as a method to keep mages under control.
Tranquil mages are also members of the Formari, a trader's guild under the Circles, creating and selling potions and enchantments to line the Circle (and Chantry)'s coffers. It is therefore profitable for the Circles to keep making mages Tranquil to ensure a steady supply of trade goods to sell leading to a steady stream of revenue.
Besides this, I have also found it's not common knowledge among the DA player base that Circle mages are not allowed to get married, not allowed to have families or relationships, and if they get pregnant while in the Circle, the child is taken away from it's parents to be raised in a Chantry orphanage after being born. All these are rules enforced by the Chantry to keep mage populations under control.
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theklaapologist · 11 months
So I have been using Tomà since I don't know greek (for your first name you have listed I can't copy paste on mobile from your bio) but I've seen you using Thekla in your tags sometimes. So I just wanted to double check if I'm using the right name or if you would prefer Thekla? 🙏💜
Yessss the first name on my bio is Thekla written in greek!! Thank you for asking but I have both of them because I’m ok with being called both :3 I just use Thekla more cause that’s how most people refer to me on tungle (my mutual started it in 2021 when I first changed my url to theklaapologist so shout-out to them) <3 but my mom calls me Tomà regularly cause he used to be one of her blorbos and it resembles my actual name very much :D so just go with whatever you like more! also can we appreciate my boy Toma he looks so majestic
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lesetoilesfous · 1 year
“And I can hear the sirens but I cannot walk away.” For Kanders?
Aaaaaaah such a good quote (also hi!! <3)
(If you’d like me to write you a da2 fic, send me a prompt from here!)
Pairing: Anders/Karl Thekla
Characters: Anders, Karl Thekla
Tags: urban fantasy AU, the circle is fucked, so police brutality, discrimination, traumatised people trying to stay alive
Rating: Mature
The problem with Anders is that he doesn't actually care if they kill him. Karl stares at the tall, wounded, beautiful, furious man in front of him. "What do you mean you punched him?"
Anders' teeth flash like lightning in the dark when he grins. "I mean I broke his fucking nose." Outside of the alley they're hiding in, traffic rushes with an oceanic roar like blood pumping through the veins of the city. Anders' hair pulls across his face in strands of bloody gold. Every muscle in Karl's body aches.
"On the street? In public?" He asks, dumbly, because there's nothing else to ask. It's so cold he can feel it in his legs through his jeans.
Anders is nothing but restless movement, bouncing on worn sneakers which are peeling apart at the seams like old scabs. "Well I wasn't exactly going to let him touch Brianna, was I? Not after what he did."
Karl's heart drops like a stone into his stomach. "What did he do?"
Anders snorts, and the sound is sharp through his long, thin nose. He waves it off with a flurry of long fingers, long since bent crooked through breaking. "What didn't he do? Templar shit, I don't need to tell you." And at that his brown eyes find Karl's, bright suddenly with unsettling sympathy. Karl looks away, swallows, steadies himself.
"No, I mean, what did he do to you?"
Anders shrugs, and his broad shoulders are a little too wide for his malnourished body. "Same as everyone else." But the wind falls out of him a little, and he shoves a hand into his stone-bleached, too-tight skinny jeans. His expression is furtive now, and he leans back into the shadows. He won't meet Karl's eyes.
That's enough of an answer. Karl isn't sure whether he leans forward or the world just tilts, understanding that in the story of this moment there is no law of reality that will allow he and Anders to be parted. Anders crumples onto and around him, half a foot taller than he is but far too skinny for it, and Karl carries him easily, as he has always done.
With Anders' long arms wrapped around his back like clinging vines, Karl feels his heartbeat settle. The cotton and sweat smell of his boyfriend has some chemical impact on his body, and the magic in it, and both ease feeling him here, warm and safe and alive. Karl cups his hand around the back of Anders' head, stroking his warm, dirty, tangled hair and pressing a kiss to his cheek. It tastes of salt.
Karl says, calmly, "I'll kill him, if you want me to."
Anders snorts again, this time muffled against Karl's hoodie, though his arms tighten around him. Then he turns his head, resting his cheek on Karl's shoulder but looking away from his face. "He really isn't unusual, you know."
Karl squeezes Anders' back, and imagines he can feel his scars through the patch-quilted fabric of his jacket. "That doesn't make it better."
Anders shifts, turning to face Karl. There's a grazing of light gold stubble scratched around the sharp-line of his jaw and shading down his throat. He opens his mouth, and goes to speak.
Sirens cut through the dark: different from the police, the fire department, even an ambulance. Whatever Anders was going to say dies in his throat, and he pulls himself roughly out of Karl's arms. Karl feels as if he tears something out of his body with him.
Anders bounces onto the balls of his feet, peering out at the street over Karl's shoulder. "I have to go, I can't be seen with you." He moves to start running and Karl stops him, pushing a palm into his chest. He can feel the thrumming of Anders' heart like a hummingbird beneath his skin, barely slowed by his touch. Anders' mouth pulls down. "Karl, this is dangerous."
Karl feels as if roots are spreading from his feet into the bones of Kirkwall itself. He feels as if he could stand in front of a hurricane and not let it move him. "I know. I'm not leaving you."
Anders blinks, and his eyes glitter like rhinestones in the half-dark. Then he leans forward, long, uneven, cold hands pressing tightly on either side of Karl's face as he kisses him. His nose presses stiffly into Karl's cheek, and his stubble grazes his chin, and Karl doesn't care because he's hot and sweet and wet with life, and when Karl breathes he breathes the same air that's filling Anders' lungs.
Time dilates. The traffic slows. Karl imagines the waves, far below them at the base of the cliffs, freezing in iridescent shimmers, caught in the act of shattering.
Then Anders shoves him, hard, away from him against the alley wall, and sprints. Karl stumbles, hitting his head on the bricks, and gasps, dizzy. By the time he's collected himself more than 10 seconds have passed, and Anders in all his long-legged glory has disappeared into the dark.
For a long moment, Karl just stares into the night: at the empty, trash strewn street and the cars parked along the curb. At the shops shut behind steel grilles and tattooed with old graffiti, itself covered over with more ink like layers of sediment. Discarded needles and canisters and broken glass glitter like snow beside the flecks of mica in the pavement. Karl's chest aches.
Headlights illuminate one of the cars, turning them alternately molten gold, and Karl presses himself back into the alley, heart hurling itself hard enough into his throat to make him gag.
A Templar patrol car cruises slowly down the street, engine purring like a big cat. Karl presses his palms to the bricks, and blinks rapidly against the sudden salt stinging of tears in his eyes. The car slows almost to a stop at the mouth of the alley, and Karl realises abruptly that he's trapped. He wants to throw up.
Then there's a chime, like a bell, a shattering and sudden huff of flame as a molotov cocktail explodes on one of the cars behind the templars. Anders' voice rings into the night, laughing, "Hey, assholes!"
The car screeches into pursuit, tires squealing against the road, and by all rights its engine should have drowned out the slap of Anders' shitty old sneakers on the tarmac. But Karl hears them, keeping time with his heartbeat, until long after the car's motor has faded into the night.
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vigilskeep · 2 years
what kind of gifts would minerva like to receive for approval points if she was a companion?? same question for keir !
omg cute question
for minerva
any sweet delicacy
soaps. she likes cleanness and neatness and the road is rough, let her have this
the ironbark armour you can get from master varathorn
lots of the books you give to wynne agshsjsjs im always thinking “minerva would keep that”. the HOF has to choose a favourite
tevinter grimoire. found with the slavers in the denerim alienage and unlocks a conversation about her backstory. you can convince her to burn it or to take back their knowledge for herself; if the latter, she gains exclusive new blood magic spells
minerva’s phylactery. at high enough approval, she will mention that it is stored in denerim. if you find it, give it to her, and encourage her to destroy it, her epilogue slides will say that the warden has been facing pressure from the templars to help them locate the missing blood mage, with her either rumoured to have been spotted in orzammar or (if she and zevran are unromanced) in antiva. if she survives the game but for any reason her phylactery is not destroyed, she will return to the circle, and her epilogue slides will say that she was later outed as a maleficar and made tranquil. either fate will be referenced in anders and wynne’s dialogue in the awakening dlc, and mentioned by anders, cullen, karl thekla and isabela in da2
for keir
lute. idk how hawke being a companion works lmao but he would want a lute if he didn’t have one! giving him the gift will unlock banters with the other companions where they try to coax and/or goad him into playing for them and get increasingly gruff answers
high dragon’s blood. harvested during the act 3 bone pit quest. will unlock bonus reaver abilities. on rivalry the game railroads you into accusing him of consorting with demons but for some reason this still involves you giving it to him
hefty tome on the fade and the school of spirit. available for purchase at the gallows. on rivalry he will assume you are making some kind of joke at his expense, but on friendship he will be surprised and touched you have noticed his genuine appreciation for magic. if both he and anders are unromanced he will have an extra line of dialogue about hoping the book will help him better understand justice
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starchbean · 7 months
Squish Collection
Left to right, top to bottom:
Baby Squad: Peter the Pig with the 2024 Easter print tummy 8 inch Lune the Loch Ness Monster Clip Lune the Loch Ness Monster 7 inchDottie the Sea Slug
Atop the tree of Gondor alone sits 5 inch Antjuan the Sea Monster
By my bed are 8 inch Kenny the Dragon and Maggie the Stingray, also known as Lil Grandpa and Lil Grandma, since they share my maternal grandparents' names.
Confined to their prison cell are 8 inch Bethuna the Mystical Creature and Umberto the Clown.
Below them dangle most of my clips: Theotto the Cthulhu Yekaterina the Bigfoot Clown 2024 Valentine's Eden the Bigfoot Noro the Cthulhu (The mushroom and plague doctor are not Squishmallows and do not have names, but I still love them <3)
Up in the net are some 5 inch flying friends: Gabourey the Flying Squirrel 2023 Valentine's Baiden the Dragon 2023 Edition Gio the Gargoyle
5 inch Capri the Grapefruit gets a hexagon shelf of her own. Officially, Squishmallows says she's an orange. I overrule them, she's a red grapefruit :P Orin is the real orange Squishmallow end rant.
8 inch Tonya the Boar feels safest hiding in the greenery near our entryway.
Jayden the Beluga Whale Squishville lives up on Tiny Shelf with Azurill and other non-squish creatures.
And finally, the Pastel Rainbow Squad lives under my Hythlodaeus poster: 7.5 inch Leonori the Winged Lion Micromallow Cleary the Strawberry Cow Squishville Risa the Cat 7.5 inch Noe the Sea Bunny Squishville Thekla the Polar Bear Squishville Naya the Fox 5 inch 2024 Valentine's Cyrena the Bear (with custom embroidery)
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