#theloise fanfiction
viscountess-nila · 2 months
A little chaos - Theloise oneshot
Set in the social season after the season Polin gets married. Benophie could or could not be happening, that is up to you. In conclusion, Lady Danbury's boredom can lead to quite a few amazing things.
It seems that even gossip can become boring when it is a person's only source of entertainment.
It was truly a phenomenon that shocked Lady Danbury, and that was not something that happened often.
It had started gradually, a few months into the off-season, as the effect of Lady Whistedown's reveal (something Lady Danbury has suspected; the now Mrs Penelope Bridgerton was a genius indeed) slowly lessened, the excitement of secrets and scandal gradually faded away.
Now as the next season was to commence, the ton made their way back to London, and sitting in her glamorous carriage, Lady Danbury had concluded that gossip would not be enough, the season would only be the slightest bit entertaining with something more.
But what?
Lady Danbury sighed, completely stumped (a first for the intelligent matriarch), and looked out the blinds to see the huts and smoke of Bloomsbury.
And just like that, a plan clicked into place within her devious mind.
A grin unfurled, 'Entertaining indeed'
A few hours after the next dawn, Lady Danbury arrived at an edge of Bloomsbury, a list of successful worker's names.
The ton had been lacking both drama and population, and Lady Danbury would quench both deficiencies. And it would also align with her opinions on the imbalance of power between the high-fashioned ton of Mayfair and the hard-working citizens of Bloomsbury, who faced blatantly unfair discrimination.
So, starting now, every year, Lady Danbury had decided to provide for 4 of the most successful from the town, so they may also get a chance of the glamorous life Mayfair was born into.
Give them the chance to marry into it. Or to gain powerful influences from it.
Yes, part of this was fueled by the matriarch's guilt of the unearned privileges of her birth, but mostly by the need for something chaotic, something beyond glamorous life.
She looked down at the carefully acquired list of names of the newest members of the ton
Miss. Elina Bernard - silks and velvet merchant, best quality material Violet has used
Violet's clothes were quite impeccable.
Mr. Jacob Clint - import business, from America to Asia, freshest and most authentic Indian products Kate has purchased in London
The new Viscountess could not last a lifetime in London without mangoes and had hunted down this businessman almost immediately.
Miss. Esther Addams - doctor, provides service free of cost and always guarantees recovery, saved Lady Mary in her initial years
Life had not been kind to Mary Sharma in the years after her marriage, but this doctor had been.
However, Lady Danbury's favourite recommendation was the last.
Mr. Theo Sharpe - Printer, most successful in Bloomsbury due to being Lady's Whistledown's preferred printer
Now all that was left was teaching them the basics and introducing them at her ball, the first of the season.
This was going to be fun.
Theo Sharpe, a man of hard work and dedication did not expect a Countess summoning him to take part in the ridiculousness the uppish ton called a social season.
Two years ago, he would've scoffed in the Lady's face, niceties be damned, for he did not need her charity work or pity.
But then a maddeningly beautiful and terrifying intelligent woman had entered his life (and left, quickly), leaving a mark in his heart that nothing could erase.
And taking Lady Danbury's offer would give him the chance he thought he'd never get, to see Eloise Bridgerton again.
She, evidently, did not think of him every waking moment the way he had these last two years, but being able to see her once again would sustain his feelings for the rest of his life.
And maybe an apology for his damning words the last time he saw her, to erase the guilt of how he's broken their friendship.
And maybe-
She deserves better than you. She deserves better. She deserves better.
Theo watched as Elina, Jacob and Esther accepted Lady Danbury's offer, all varying shades of wonder, shock and scepticism, then their eyes turned to him.
A few seconds of silence then-
"Yes, I'll do it"
I can see Eloise Bridgerton again
Eloise Bridgerton had come from Scotland's mountain views and brimming libraries, back to London's bustling ton for the sole reason of her mother's masquerade ball, two weeks from now, and had no intention of setting foot in a ballroom that was not hosted by her mother or Kate.
But then she had received Lady Danbury's invite to her Introductory ball, which had boasted a phenomenon that had never been seen before, and now Eloise was intrigued.
From anyone else, that claim would've been untrustworthy, but from Lady Danbury...
It was something considerable indeed.
And so, Eloise sat in a carriage, donning a simple blue dress, riding towards the introductory ball of her 3rd season.
From her right, Benedict asked, "Is there any reason you decided to join us last minute, sister?"
Eloise turned, her eyes showing her confusion.
"I mean, anything or anyone...", the rest of his question trailed off into nothingness as Eloise fixed Benedict with a deadly glare.
He immediately assumes it is about love
Anthony, who was seated beside Kate, grinned, "No brother, Eloise simply wanted to see Lady Danbury's grand phenomenon, as the invite stated"
Her glare and Anthony's grin did not die down until they reached the ball.
Penelope, Kate and Eloise stood together, though the two married women were whispering with grins on their faces, and clueless Eloise could not last without answers.
"What are you-"
"Eloise", Kate replied, not waiting for the question to be completed, "If you wish for Lady Danbury's surprise to be a surprise, then you cannot know what we are speaking of"
Eloise's mouth fell open, "You know?"
"We were part of planning it", Penelope replied with a cheeky grin.
"Betrayal", Eloise shook her head, "Betrayal, by the only two people I actually trust"
A beat passed, and all three women started laughing, lost in the mirth and comfort of sisterhood.
As Eloise opened her mouth to shoot back another playful retort, an announcement rang out asking everyone's attention and silence.
Lady Danbury stepped onto the podium, a smirk playing on her face.
Eloise's mind was reeling, "But surprises are usually not revealed until the end of the ball!"
Kate simply smiled in response, mirth dancing in her eyes.
Lady Danbury's voice echoed across the room, "Within London, there is a section none of us really consider, and yet is the backbone of our society. Bloomsbury"
Eloise's heart clenched at the memories flooding her brain.
No, don't think about him, he's probably forgotten you already
"The people living there are just as strong and worthy as us all"
Eloise's eyebrows furrowed, Where is she going with this?
Lady Danbury's smile grew, and Eloise's heart picked up the pace in anticipation, "And so, I have decided to present four of Bloomsbury's most successful in this year's social season and will continue to do so every year"
Eloise's mouth fell open, her mind blanking, 'What'
Lady Danbury powered through the rising murmurs of dissent and disapproval, her eyes hardening and her voice turning to steel, "Treat them with the respect you give each other, they work much harder than we do and still succeed beyond our own achievements"
Four people walked out of a door behind Lady Danbury, and Eloise's heart stopped altogether.
"Miss Elina Bernard, Mr Jacob Clint, Miss Esther Addams and-"
His eyes scanned the room and found hers, and suddenly the whole room reduced to the two of them.
"-Mr Theo Sharpe"
When he was a child, the colour blue had been a favourite to Theo, whether it was the sky, the oceans he read of, or the cover of the only book he owned at the time.
As he grew, preference in colour didn't matter, only the smell of ink, the feel of parchment and the all-consuming need to succeed in his life as his mother had wanted him to.
Then, one unsuspecting day two years ago, a girl had walked into the print shop with eyes somewhere between the skies and the oceans and that childhood fascination had come back in full force.
And once he was better acquainted with her devious mind and knowledge-hungry soul, the fascination had grown into a raging love, love as natural as breathing.
She deserves better. She deserves better, Theo.
This last year, it had morphed into heartache, dull, throbbing and constant, but as their eyes met over a thousand judgemental ones, all he felt was that maddening all-encompassing love, and a smile formed on his face.
The shock lighting those cerulean blue eyes and the faint blush on her face morphed his smile into a grin.
Oh, how he had missed seeing her.
Of course, he could not walk up to her and brazenly declare their friendship and his feelings, which would tarnish both their reputations and this once-in-a-lifetime offer, but before the night ended, he would speak to her.
She would be the only person he thought of all night.
An hour, it had been an hour since Lady Danbury's announcement, and while most members of the ton were enamoured with Esther's kind smile and caring words (who Eloise had to admit were very pleasant), the 5th Bridgerton's eyes had not left Theo.
It had been an hour. Why hadn't he approached her yet?
Eloise sighed 'He does not care for you anymore Eloise. He has moved with his life and found his success'
Then why couldn't she? Move on, and go forward in her life beyond this pain.
It wasn't entirely her fault, though, for every time she convinced herself he didn't care, his eyes found hers, lingered a little too long for it to be coincidence, his lips curving upwards and all semblance of the belief disappeared.
Why did talking to a friend have to be so complicated?
Maybe because there was a little more-
No. She had decided never to be so careless as to fall in love, she wanted a life of freedom and independence.
But wouldn't Theo give her that?
Caught up in, by her confused heart and raging mind, Eloise did not hear her sisters-in-law approaching until they started speaking.
"You should go talk to him", Penelope's voice rang out from behind her, startling Eloise.
She fixed Penelope with her reproachful eyes, "Yes after my association with political radicals-", Penelope winced, "-that would be an amazing idea"
Kate, who had been clueless until now, lit up with realization, "So this is who you were working with to discover Whistledow-, well Penelope"
Eloise nodded while Pen's expression grew sheepish.
A grin bloomed on the Viscountess's face, "He seems like more than just an acquaintance"
"Yes, he-", Eloise took a deep breath, memories flooding her in full force, "He was a friend, an intellectual, whose thoughts resonated with mine so perfectly it was like debating and talking with myself and yet my best opposition"
Both Kate and Penelope's eyebrows raised in expectation and Eloise blushed, despising the interrogation.
Why me
"Alright maybe, just maybe, mind you", Eloise continued, berating her thundering heart, "I felt a little more than just platonic friendship for him"
The Viscountess smirked, a true successor to Violet Bridgerton, "Very well-"
"But", Eloise interrupted before any plans were hatched, "we broke it off on bad terms, and Theo has probably forgotten all about me"
"You may want to reconsider that Miss Eloise", the voice behind her caused her heart to drop to her stomach, "You make quite the impression"
The girl in question whirled around, and despite her confusion, the rawness of the wound their broken friendship had left on her, the cruel words he had thrown at her last time they had spoken, the sight of his warm brown eyes, the small smirk gracing his lips and the familiar rightward tilt of his head tugged the corners of her lips upward.
The retort came as natural as breathing, "I made an impression on you, Theo Sharpe, because I was the only person who deigned to read your musings and crazy writings"
His eyebrows furrowed in mock confusion, "But were you not the one who came to me for discernment due to the complexity of my ideas?"
She stepped closer to him, tilting his head upwards and relishing the flare of surprise in his chocolate brown eyes, "That was, as I mentioned that day, due to your ineffective communication"
"And as I mentioned that day", he replied, leaning the slightest bit closer to her, "ideas such as those require more exposure to this world of ours", his smirk grew, "and a less fragile mind"
Eloise glared at him, though her smile remained and was about to shoot back another scathing retort when a sharp, pointed cough came from the Viscountess behind her.
Immediately, the two intellectuals became painfully aware of the mere millimetres of space between them and the hundreds of other people in the ballroom with them, jumping back as though they were burned.
A small smile replaced the smirk, "I've missed you, Eloise"
"More like you've missed being in the acquaintance of someone with some semblance of wit, unlike yourself", Eloise's blinding grin at his confession softened as regret passed over her features, "I've missed you too"
Guilt and regret clouded his eyes, "It was my fault, I shouldn't have spoken so cruelly, you can do nothing about your birth and its privileges and...", his voice grew quieter and timid, "Sorry, about the other thing"
The almost kiss
Eloise did not wish to talk of that, she wished to rebuild the friendship she had lost, "No, I- I must apologise. Both of us reacted rashly that day", her ocean-blue eyes met his forest brown ones, "We're not doing whatever the last 2 years was again"
A slight nod and determination shining in his eyes, he offered his arm to her, "Very well, Miss Bridgerton, let us take a turn around the room and discuss Wollstonecraft's Memoir, shall we?"
Butterflies fluttering in her stomach, her grin returning in full force, Eloise took his arm, "I suppose we shall"
Not so far away from this reunion, three chestnut-haired brothers stood beside each other, each holding a glass of champagne and wearing an expression of disbelief, all looking toward their second younger sister.
"Why is he willingly talking to her, of all the people in this ballroom?", sheer confusion laced Benedict's question, though his soft smile at his sister's happiness was in complete contrast to it.
Colin shook his head, unable to believe what he was witnessing, "Why is she so happy about it? Eloise hates conversing with men of the ton"
"How sightless can the two of you be", Anthony sighed, though he was also shocked (pleasantly, that is), by the turn of events, "They are formerly acquainted, close friends judging the way are conversing. If my speculations are correct, then Mr. Theo, was it? He should be the political radical she was associating with her debut season"
Realisation dawned in Colin's face, while Benedict turned to his older brother grinning and surprised at his perceptiveness, "I'm surprised, brother, this is not the kind of analysis I expected from you", his grin widened, "but I suppose Kate and little Edmund have softened you"
Anthony lit up at the mention of his gorgeous wife and adorable son, "You will get there soon, Benedict, I am sure you will"
"I hope I do"
A few moments of comfortable silence passed and was broken by Benedict once again.
"Well, which one of us is going to interrogate him?"
Anthony replied solemnly, "We do not need to, Eloise herself is enough. If he survives her, our interrogation will be insignificant"
A beat passed and all three brothers burst into laughter, all three rejoicing the happiness of their headstrong sister.
Had it been seconds, or had it been years? It didn't matter to Theo, for all he cared for was holding onto his arm, speaking at the speed of light, her eyes lighting up like sapphires in sunlight, emotions from excitement to sarcasm taking over her face as they talked and talked and talked.
In his opinion, beautiful was an understatement.
She deserves better. She-
Theo stopped himself. What was he saying? Who was better for Eloise?
Sure, she would live a more comfortable and influential life if she married one of the ton.
But that wasn't what Eloise wanted, was it? No, she was an intellectual, a woman who wanted to advocate for the rights of others, who wanted to read and read and read and might even want to publish one day.
And even the most open-minded of these men would not allow her that life. Theo would.
Theo would do anything for her, but that was another matter entirely.
And the inkling of the thought of her smiling at another man like this had him seeing red.
Yes, economically, she deserved better. But he could not imagine her with any other man, so instead he would become better, for her.
His attention shifted back to reality, where Eloise (still holding onto his arm) had been silent for a few moments, the reason he had let himself spiral into his thoughts.
Eloise's attention had been captured by the dark-haired woman she had been talking to earlier and a man who looked rather similar to Eloise (Theo presumed it was one of her 7 siblings) and despite Eloise's usual distaste for the concept of romance, she seemed rather wistful at the sight.
Theo could see why too. While all the others danced to the music or the steps they had practised, the two of them seemed to be in a world of their own, dancing to a tune only they could hear.
"I thought you would make a remark on how sickening the romance was", Theo asked, "Not stare at them dancing as though you wanted it for yourself"
Eloise rolled her eyes at his remark, though the underlying pensiveness remained, "It is sickening, Theo, one cannot be in the same room as those two at home and want to stay there"
Eloise smiled, "But, the man my brother was before Kate entered his life was a ghost of the man he was before my father died. He became entirely work and duty and protecting us, and existing solely for us, killing the side of him that had fun and read books and debated with me for hours about it and lived for himself"
"She brought it back"
"Yes, she did", Eloise's eyes fell once more, "And that is why, despite my distaste for romance, part of me hopes to find someone-", her eyes flicked up, met his, then went downcast again, "-who might change my life the same way"
"A suitor then?", Theo's eyebrows were raised, carefully keeping his jealousy in check.
Eloise scoffed, "As if any man here would let me live the radical life I wish to live. No, I am afraid these thoughts should remain dreams"
In her head, however, there was one man she had in mind, a man who would let her live the life she wanted. She was standing beside him at that very moment.
But why would he want her after how she had reacted the last time?
And it was because of these thoughts that she did not expect his next sentence at all.
"I would", his cheekbones became light pink, and Eloise was doing everything she could to hold in her smile, "I would live the radical life with you"
A few seconds of silence, and Theo continued his voice barely was whisper.
"If you were fine with it, I would court you, you know", he hesitated, but continued, "I know you aren't comfortable with romance and love, and if you tell me to stop right now, I'll stop"
Eloise wanted everything except for him to stop, "Don't"
Hope lit up his eyes as his gaze met hers and he kept talking, "Until you came into my life, my only opinion of the ton was that they're uppish, unempathetic and selfish. I wanted nothing to do with any of them"
Eloise laughed, "Yes, it was evident with how you reacted the first time you saw me"
Theo winced, "Yeah, let's not bring that up. Point is, when I despise the concept of classes and the obvious powerlessness I will feel as a part of this ton, why do you think I took Lady Danbury's offer?"
Eloise's lips curved upwards, her cheeks turning red, which had a smile blossoming on Theo's face as well.
"For you, I came for you, because your constant talking and crazy ideas and rebellious personality have made me fall in love with you, and two years without you in my life has been horrible"
Eloise's smile burst into a full-blown grin, though her eyes were suspiciously bright. Theo couldn't blame her, with tears pricking his own eyes.
"Well", Eloise dragged out the word, her tone childish, her happiness palpable, "Turns out you're in luck because despite you're mediocre writing skills, I love you too"
Theo laughed at her retort, "Very well, Miss Eloise, I suppose I have your permission to court you, then?"
"I think you will also require my brother's", Eloise directed his gaze to the brother who had been dancing, now standing at the edge of the floor, holding onto his wife, but for some reason looking at them.
Theo tilted his head towards her, "I do believe that to court you, your permission of more important than his"
Eloise nodded, bouncing on the balls of her feet with unbridled joy, "That it is. Now that we've got all the emotional stuff sorted, may we please go back to discussing Wollstonecraft's various wonderful arguments"
"You started the emotional stuff, though"
"And you just gave that gods-damned speech about loving me"
"You loved it, don't lie"
And so, for the rest of the night, though neither of them got on the dance floor once, they too danced to a tune only the two of them could hear.
The next morning, Viscountess Kathani Bridgerton was helping her husband with the ledgers, when a footman entered the room saying a man named Theo Sharpe required an audience with her husband.
The Viscount and Viscountess exchanged a grin, and Anthony left the room, a second after which her mother-in-law entered.
"There's a man calling on Eloise?", Violet asked, her surprise written in her wide eyes, "No, even that is fine. But she seems overjoyed about it?"
Kate beckoned her forward with a conspirator's grin, "I do believe you are yet to hear the events of last night's ball"
A few minutes later, once all the information had been transferred from the current viscountess to the former, Anthony walked in and informed his mother, "I believe you have some chaperoning to do"
After spending a mere five minutes chaperoning Eloise and Theo, Violet started planning the wedding breakfast.
They already acted like a married couple, it wouldn't be long until her planning was put to use.
Violet chuckled under her breath. Yes, she was being a bit dramatic but-
What is life without a little chaos?
Thank you for reading this far <3
(Part 2 if you all like it)
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thetypingsiren · 1 year
Chapters: 2/10 Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eloise Bridgerton/Theo Sharpe, Edmund Bridgerton/Violet Bridgerton Characters: Eloise Bridgerton, Theo Sharpe, Violet Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II, Philip Crane Additional Tags: mermaid au, Alternate Universe - Victorian, victorian au, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Sexism, Edmund Bridgerton Lives, Mermaid Theo Sharpe, Eloise just wants freedom!, and Theo can give her that!, i’m having a mermaid hyperfixation and came up with this, Each chapter is a song title!! Chapter Summary:
Eloise can’t help but continue to think about the strange man she saw at the beach, and comes up short when attempting to research him. Just when she gives up hope, a conversation with a certain brother, and a dinner party next to a potential suitor changes things.
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burning-daylight · 2 years
chapter three of i’d be smart to walk away (but you’re quicksand) is posted here!
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theregencywriter · 7 months
Lost in Silence 1 - Theo Sharpe x Reader
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A/n - Okay so I'm obviously rewatching Bridgerton (are we surprised???) and I realised there's really no fics of Theo???? I mean of course there are but not many and I feel like he's underrated so I needed to put this out there! Still not completely sure which direction to take this in so pls message or comment if you have literally any ideas but uh, yeah! Hope you enjoy <3
The air was thick with tension. Y/n’s mother paced back and forth whilst her daughter Y/n, only ten, sat watching. The cobbled streets of London were cold and unforgiving but with no more room available in the room they were forced to wait outside. Hours passed before the doctor came out, his already stained robes marred with a fresh tint of crimson blood. He romoved a glove and placed his hand onto her Mothers arm as he spoke. “The bleeding was too much. There was nothing we could do and yet we still exhausted all options. I’m sorry.”
And then began a shriek from her mouth that young Y/n could swear rattled the nearby windows, as she shrank to the floor. It was odd, Y/n would recall years later, she never believed her mother to be truly extraordinary, and yet seeing her reduced to a blubbering mess on the floor was an unbearable sight. Y/n took off, her feet taking her as if by their own volition, running down twisted streets until she was pounding on a door.
“Y/n?” Theo asked, puzzled and tired as he opened his front door. He looked at his friend, and before she replied he was holding her in a deep embrace. Though he was only two years older than her he was naturally protective of her like no one ever had been. “He’s, he’s, oh my god!” It was as if by saying out loud for the first time it would become real, concrete and solid. “He’s what? Who’s what? Y/n please” Theo begged, his already panicked face deepening with worry. “Father!Oh Father, he was stabbed by a highwayman on his way back from the countryside! He’s gone!” Theo pulled her in closer. He had known that Y/n’s father, a coworker of his own at the butchers, was going out of London to look for work elsewhere. He also knew how worried Y/n was, and heard from his father that she was seen pleading with her own for him not to go, out of fear of a robbery.
Theo held her for a while until her mother came looking, and when he looked at her though mere hours had passed the once vibrant face of Y/n’s mother was sunken and worn. Before Y/n left with her, Theo gave her a vibrant blue notebook. “For company, when I myself am not there.” He smiled, only faintly as she left.
Y/n fidgeted with her bow. “Is it not too garish? I thought so all night” She asked. “Nonsense Miss Y/n, it is beautiful” Her maid replied as she helped fix it into her updo. In the years that passed since her fathers death her mother had remarried to a Lord Reginald Harrington, his wealth only matched by his cruelty. They had one child together other than Y/n, an Arrabella Harrington, now nearing twelve. Her birth was scandalously close to their wedding, yet she seemed to finally snap her mother out of the haze she had been in. To say having Arrabella had saved her would be a stretch, Y/n often lay awake at night worrying what could’ve happened had her mother not fallen pregnant and found a new purpose in life.
It was no surprise to anyone then that Y/n would be treated lesser than her sister by both parents. Y/n’s mother, now Lady Isadora Harrington, saw Arrabella as a second chance, whilst Lord Harrington naturally leaned towards the child that was his through blood. Despite this, Y/n was still sent through the marriage mart each season, attending balls and accepting callers. It wasn’t that she tired of it, per se, as she did find comfort standing on the sidelines with her two friends. It was moreso the matter of feeling like an imposter, knowing if it werent for a terrible accident that she wouldnt be here. That was something Penelope and Eloise simply couldnt grasp seeing as they were born into the lavish life they lead.
Whilst Y/n wasn’t closed off to the idea of marriage and preparing for life as a dutiful spinster, any man who attempted to court her never made it past the first two weeks. There were too many differences, she supposed, in their upbringing. After the first five men came calling it was clear they wanted a wife, not a companion. Seeing how regular people saw love most definitely shaped how Y/n saw the marriage mart. In the lower classes marrying for love was more common, as there were no titles to be exchanged. The marriage mart seemed to be just that in comparison- a business exchange. 
It was after one of these balls where Y/n found herself, being undressed by her lady’s maid. It was a remarkably unremarkable one, where she was once again stood by the edge like a wallflower. “I just don’t understand miss,” Her maid, Rosalind spoke. “Is it not a great honour to attend?” “I suppose,” Y/n replied as wrangled out of the embellished dress “Yet at the same time it feels so futile. There is no use in pretending, it is simple. I am an imposter.” Rosalind looked up, puzzled as Y/n continued. “I do not feel love, or anything. It feels like business there. No emotions to be had.”
Rosalind stopped pulling down Y/n’s stockings and paused. “Miss, I have been attending to you almost since you first day at this house. You have always been so closed off to everyone, were you like that before the?” She quit her sentence but they both knew she meant the accident. “No, not really” Y/n confessed. “I used to be open and vibrant before it all. It wasn’t even the accident in truth it was the whole combined affair. Not only losing my father but just mere weeks after losing all of the people I had ever known by moving to Mayfair. Even now I feel as though I am playing a role, that one day I might return back to the old house.” Y/n was smiling as she reminisced, unaware Rosalind was done.
“Miss, excuse me for speaking out of term if I do, but you cannot return. You have no reason to. Goodnight” Rosalind shut the door behind her as she left. Y/n sat on the edge of her bed and looked up at the vast array of books on the wall to her right. Tucked away, hidden in the very top corner, was a notebook. A vibrant blue with gold embossing on the spine it seemed to shine in the candlelight. Rolling her bookshelf ladder across to retrieve it she ran her fingers across it, taking in the delicate imprints where the gold pigment lay. After Theo had given her the book, she had never written in it. She had never even seen him after he had given it, seeing as they took no callers for their mourning period and soon moved to Mayfair to be with her new Stepfather. Y/n clinched the book in her hand and contemplated.
As she snuck out of her family home’s side door and caressed the dim streets of London it dawned on her the severity of what she was doing. She was unsure what would be worse, to encounter a madman alone of fall victim to the quill of Whistledown writing about an unchaperoned outing. She found her way towards Bloomsbury after several wrong turns, and while some landmarks were vaugley familiar, the majority were not. As she entered the only place on a street that had its lights on, a pub, she asked one of the patrons where to find Corral Street. The patron in return said a couple of slurred words, before turning to the stage and cheering some half hearted gibberish as a woman took to the stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, If I may steal you from your drinks for just a moment, I find myself compelled to speak on a matter of great importance - the rights of women.” Y/n drew closer, as if entranced, and sat on the second row of benches. “In this new age of enlightenment, where minds are expanding and horizons are broadening, it is imperative that we do not neglect the rights and freedoms of one half of humanity simply based on their gender. For too long, women have been relegated to the sidelines, their voices silenced, their aspirations thwarted by societal norms and expectations. Let us not forget the brave women who have come before us, who fought tirelessly for the rights that we now take for granted. Let us honour their legacy by continuing their struggle, by raising our voices in solidarity until every woman, regardless of class or station, is granted the respect and dignity that is her due!”
The place erupted into cheers, and Y/n joined them, though restrained due to her latter years of education. As she rose up and looked around, confused on where to or how to find directions, her eyes fixed onto a man. Though taller and more rugged than the sensitive boy she once knew, it was undeniable. 
It was Theo.
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cervidame · 1 month
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Bridgerton (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eloise Bridgerton/Theo Sharpe Characters: Theo Sharpe, Eloise Bridgerton, Bridgerton Ensemble, Original Characters Additional Tags: Theo Sharpe-centric, Class Issues, Autism Spectrum, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Unreliable Narrator, Slow Burn
Summary: Theo meets Miss Cowper and arrows hit their mark.
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omikki · 20 days
Mary Sharma knows what falling for a working boy will cost Lady Bridgerton
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divinelyvalentine · 2 months
Bridgerton spicy💙 story -
'Spying on Footman John'
(Eloise and Footman John romance love story) Written by me Divinely Valentine
Read the fan fiction on Archive of Our own AO3 here
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islemeadow · 11 months
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We have reached the end of "Aspire - Kanthony's continuation story", dearest gentle reader!
All 22 chapters are now published and available for you to devour on either AO3 or Wattpad via this link.
Luckily, this is in fact not the end... I wish you have enjoyed the story so far and will return for "Burn - Edmund Bridgerton II's story", the second part of this four-part series.
Next week I shall take a respite between these two stories, so "Burn" will launch on November 2nd 2023 with continuous updates every Thursday. Please join me then, to meet all the familiar characters from ”Aspire”, as well as several new ones I hope you’ll love! 🧡
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juju-or-anya · 1 year
"Here I am again, bitches, with more unpopular opinions, headcanons, and fic ideas that I might not write, but I'll leave them here for someone else to do."
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solariaperegrine · 2 years
So one of my readers/followers deleted their account and I am here just really praying they are alright and in good health and not suffering in any way.
I have no way of knowing what happened to this person but I want him/her to know my stories do have a very happy ending (except for this one fic that I wrote to deal with grief)
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torchwood-99 · 19 days
I browsed the Philoise tag on A03 today, and of 370 (aprox) fanfics, I think like one of them actually did somwhat justice to Eloise's character. All the rest either ignored her interests and her dreams and gave her no other personality than that of Sir Phillip/Penelope, or else treated them as flaws to be corrected.
In the one shots and drabbles and shorter fics, or book canon fics where Eloise doesn't have much of a personality other than "quirky and makes Phillip happy"l then fair dos, but in the tens of thousands long show based epics, you'd think they give at least a nod to Eloise's driving passions, but barely any of them recognise them, and the ones that do seem more keen on "putting Eloise in her place" and having her learn to submit to the tradwife life laid out for her.
Creloise & Theloise writers, you are doing the lord's work, for without you Eloise would have no decent fanfiction whatsoever.
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thetypingsiren · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eloise Bridgerton/Theo Sharpe Characters: Eloise Bridgerton, Theo Sharpe, Violet Bridgerton Additional Tags: Chaotic Eloise Bridgerton, Awkwardness, Awkward Conversations, Fluff without Plot, I really enjoyed writing this ngl, Violet Bridgerton Knows Everything, Matchmaker Violet Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton knows all, Violet the Meddler Bridgerton, I love Violet, what a legend, eloise and theo just kind of stare for this whole fic and i’m okay with that, very awkward, very cute, we love them, hoping this will post because ao3 was down!!, crazy times! Summary:
Violet Bridgerton has been having trouble receiving her papers, and decides to go to Chancery Lane herself to sort it out, opting to take her daughter Eloise with her.
What Violet doesn’t know is that her second eldest daughter and the printer’s apprentice have already met. And not only have they already met, but they are well-acquainted, and have recently fallen out.
Seems like Violet has some work to do.
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theregencywriter · 7 months
Lost in Silence 2 - Theo Sharpe x Reader
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A/n - okay so this is embarrassingly short! I had such a chaotic day but I still wanted to put something out so I hope it's still okay! <3
Theo Sharpe was always attractive, Y/n couldn’t lie. Though most of her days were spent alongside her mother doing daily household tasks, on the odd chance she went to her father's place of work and Theo was there the two would play. Running between the printers, throwing discarded paper at each other, the two would enjoy each other's company into the long hours that the printers required. Though by the end of most days the two would be lightly stained with cheap ink, Y/n couldn't help as they both grew older they exchanged stolen glances, and though Y/n had to move away before it could bloom, she always wondered if he thought her as beautiful as she thought him, despite the ink.
Now, presently stood Theo, taller and with a more defined jaw and ears that stretched outwards slightly more than they used to, one thing was the same - his kind eyes. Y/n watched as the woman that was speaking walked off of the stage and hugged Theo. Though her heart sank momentarily, after he handed her a pamphlet she walked off, as if friends.
Was she jealous? No no, she couldn't be. Right? She was unsure of what to do. She had meant to find him and give him back his notebook, a plan she was beginning to realise was riddled with idiocracy. As she turned to leave a man came to her side. “Excuse me miss, I- '' Theo looked at her and paused. He gulped, and Y/n couldn't help but look at his Adam apple as it pulsated in doing so. “Y/n?” He questioned. It was as if seeing him again had reduced her to that same love stricken child she was all those years ago, though now she found herself in quite the predicament. In the heat of the moment she could only think of doing one thing.
“.....Theo? Is it Theo? You seem familiar” She smiled politely as she spoke, pretending to vaguely recognise his face. He stumbled over his words, clearly either shocked it was her or that she apparently didn’t remember him in the same capacity that he remembered her. “Yes, its Theo, Theo Sharpe?” His voice cracked slightly as he spoke, pausing momentarily as if allowing her to try and remember him. “Oh yes! The son of my late fathers coworker.” Y/n had never realised how posh her voice had become, but hearing his again made her sink into her old accent, though more falsified and sounding like a parody. He looked at her and jerked his head slightly back in offence.
“Yes, the son of your later fathers-” He trailed off. “I’m sorry? Is that all I was to you?” “How do you suppose?” She questioned. “We were friends, were we not? Or am I misremembering?” His words were tipped with a harsh edge that made her shrivel up slightly. She took in a sigh, “No, no of course not. If I may be honest, seeing you again made me panic.” She chuckled as she said it. It had been the first time in quite some time that she had spoken so freely, unafraid of enunciating or tiptoeing around a subject. “Panicked? What for?” He joined her in a laugh, further easing her state. “I do not know truly. It has been a while hasn’t it?” SHe reached out and placed a hand on his elbow like she had done a thousand times as a young girl, though when her hand was met by a firmer and larger arm by that of man than she remembered she took it off again almost suddenly. “I’m sorry, I forget myself.” She grinned an awkward smile, placing her hand on her forehead as the heat stifled her and took in her surroundings to avert his gaze. “Do not worry, miss Y/n,” He leaned in cheekily “You are not in Mayfair. We may converse freely away from the gaze of that Whistledown.” She looked back at him in confusion. “You know Whistledown? How?” He grinned as if the owner of his own secret. “I print it.” He spoke, confidence beaming from his face. “Well, I say! You must show me where one day, if I am not being too forward.”
“Not at all, why not now?” He asked. For a moment she grinned as she contemplated it, but a sad look soon took over her expression. “I cannot, I’m sorry. I need to be getting back home.” He nodded his head and they hugged, him stroking her back in a manner that she could not help but reminisce about later on that night in bed. As she walked out and entered into the nearest available carriage, she ran her fingers up and down the blue book, still in her possession. Another reason to go back, she thought as she rode off.
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pendale · 2 months
🔪 📚 🪐
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Probably: "What does blood taste like?"
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
This one's a shower thought I had related to my Theloise Hunger Games AU!
Eloise tries to teach Theo how to shoot using a bow and arrow. He fails spectacularly.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I made a breakthrough with my research! I won't get into the details since it's confidential, but I'm working on mathematics + computer science research and it's all very fun. 😋
Rediscovering my hobbies! I've been reading more recently (I recently read The Rose Code by Kate Quinn and I'm currently reading White Nights by Fyoder Dostoevsky). I've also always wanted to write fanfiction but never found the time or energy, so I'm really happy that's something I can do now!
I have the best friends a girl can ask for! I also have some great mutuals <3
Thanks for the ask! <3
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burning-daylight · 2 years
chapter two of i’d be smart to walk away (but you’re quicksand) is posted here!
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adasttrawrites · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you for the tag, darling @darkofthemoonfic ❤️❤️❤️
My five fave (completed) fics that I’ve written:
1. A Year in the Countryside
Hermione Granger has had enough of Rita Skeeter and the rest of Wizarding London watching her every move. The Wizarding world's sweetheart packs up her things and relocates to a tiny town in the Cotswolds in order to escape prying eyes. She's ready to embrace a year living a quiet life of reading her favourite books, making friends with her neighbours, and most importantly, not running into anyone she knows. She is only two days into her new, quiet, very normal life when she finds herself face to face with the very last person she ever thought she'd see at a farmer's market: Draco Malfoy. Chaos, calamity and general hilarity ensue!
I wrote this one in less than 20 days and I am still baffled about how I did that. I could not do that now 😂 But this fic brought me to one of my best friends, who is now a sister to me ( @dramioneswaki ❤️❤️ ) and it also was my first multi chapter fic as a writer within the fandom. I had been a dramione fanfic reader for over ten years before I dipped my toe into writing, and the kindness and support I received while posting this fic really made that transition so pleasant.
2. Wishes and Wizards
It's Hermione Granger's birthday and she's about to get the present she has been wishing for.
This was my first time writing smut!
3. the war outside our door keeps raging on
There are many reasons for Hermione Granger to keep her eyes shut and Draco Malfoy is all of them.
This was a quick oneshot, inspired by @mignon-chignon’s beautiful artwork, that ended up being one of the stories I love the most. It was also the story that made me realise I adore writing wartime angsty fics. I can’t read them without feeling like my soul is being torn to shreds but I love writing them hehehe
4. i’ll bury my future behind
A nightmare.
Surely this is a nightmare.
This was a recent oneshot inspired by my favourite ballet, Giselle, and I like how depressing it is.
5. my dream of you does not end
Theo Sharpe pines for his girl.
I loved this ship in season 2 of Bridgerton and I need them to have a happy ending, even if it is just in fanfic and not in the show.
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