#ao3 is back!!
tumbleweedtech · 2 years
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Been hearing this is a problem again. Don't be a dick in bookmarks, folks. And yes while I made this image, I'm giving free rein. Take it. Spread it far and wide. Because I'm hearing that some readers don't know that their bookmarks are visible. Editing for clarity, since it's hit 14k notes and I'm tired of repeating myself:
No, I do not care if you think bookmarks are for readers. They're permanently attached to fic- which means authors see them. Authors, you may be shocked to learn... are also readers. So they also read fics- troll bookmark lists for good fics. They check their own bookmarks, perhaps, or stumble upon them in their search for new fic. It is not censorship to ask for respect. Or kindness. Leave your notes, leave your chapter count, leave your additional tags and thoughts, that's all fine. But you can do that without being mean. Because fandom is a gift we give to each other, shared freely. Treat it with kindness.
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willowcrowned · 3 years
reader LIKED the fic? reader left thoughtful comment because they thought there was something worth analyzing? oh! oh! love for reader! love for reader for one thousand years!
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ao3 is down but on the bright side i am living for the comments on down detector
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(for the record i was looking for a soukoku+living together fic when it went down)
it started working!! Ao3 is back. What a chaotic hour this was. See yall next time.
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ao3-crack · 3 years
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earthtooz · 2 years
clingy, kinda soft bakugou <3 no pronouns are mentioned!
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it's late.
in fact, at this hour of the night, bakugou katsuki would be in bed, peacefully resting his body to prepare for another day of pro-heroing.
or rather, that should be what he's doing. instead, he's dragging his sore, tired self out of bed to find wherever you could be that's not in his arms. he's dearly missed the warmth that came from the other side of the mattress, which you occupied.
footsteps softly trudging along the planks of your home, bakugou discovers you in the kitchen, sitting at the island with your laptop underneath a singular, dim light source that hung over your head. the bluelight glasses that accompanied your face illuminated the screen of the laptop, and in his delirium, the blond notices that you're typing away on some sort of document.
he huffs, hoping that it would capture your attention... but to no avail, and bakugou is absolutely flabbergasted. how could you ignore him?
what could be more important than your lover that just wanted your attention to come to bed?
he tries over and over again, and it's not until bakugou coughs that he finally captures your attention, unfortunately for his impatience.
"you scared me," you sighed, hand going over your heart, "what's up?"
"come to bed, doofus," he grumbles, walking over to where you sat and draping himself over your body freely. you ignore him as if there's no problem, pretending as if there isn't some muscular hero splayed across your back, placing most of his weight onto you.
you continue typing away, irking bakugou to no end, "i'm almost done. go back to sleep without me, i'll be there soon."
"it's 3am."
"and you're not where you're supposed to be, which is sleeping beside me."
a laugh filters through bakugou's ears, and he looks at you with an inquisitive stare, "katsuki, you have work tomorrow. go rest."
"and you have to visit me tomorrow on your day off, and i refuse to talk to your tired-ass that should've listened to me."
that's a lie. bakugou would do anything for you, regardless of whatever state you're in, because even though it seems like he hates taking care of you, but he's always at your beck and call regardless of the teasing he endures from you.
"wow, you really do care about me," you muttered, pretending to act touched as bakugou rolls his eyes, moving his arms to wrap firmly around your waist.
"as if. i just can't sleep without ya there. 'tis all," he grumbles through his teeth, "i don't care about your health."
a smile adorns your face. it's so obvious he's lying, judging by the way he's pressing his face against your shoulder and holding you tightly against him.
you fuel the fire, "and you wonder why i'm not going to bed."
"y/n," he groans, borderline whining.
"bakugou," you mimic, not tearing your eyes from the laptop screen.
"you can't pull out the last name on me, you little shit!"
"i can do whatever i want, bakugou katsuki."
"if you don't get up and come to bed in peace, i am going to resort to violence."
"please don't blow up the house again-"
in an instant, you're being picked up effortlessly and bakugou is carrying you out of the kitchen, shutting your laptop lid and turning off the lights simultaneously, before bringing you to your shared bedroom.
he throws you on the bed in an undignified manner and climbs in not too long after, pushing you down by leaning most of his weight on your body. the ironic part is that he carefully plucks your glasses off your face, gently putting them on the nightstand before flopping back over you, arms wrapped securely around your middle
bakugou sighs contently, melting into your warmth completely when your hands have found their home in his ruffled hair. he shifts his leg to rest over your hips, making sure that you couldn't escape as he continues basking in his paradise.
you almost want to scold him but you know that bakugou does this for you because he knows it's what is best for you. when you forget to take care of yourself and succumb to the feeling of never having motivation, he'll always be there to pull you back.
he's corrected multiple of your deprecating habits; such as going to bed late by forcing you to sleep when he does since he can't sleep without you. on the contrary, you've softened his edges a little, showing the explosive blond what it's like to be able to rely on someone else for a change.
as much of a pain in the ass bakugou was, you wouldn't have it any other way.
"i lovb youu, shtupid," he whispers against your neck, muffled. "shay it back."
a small laugh echoes through the space, "i love you too, katsuki."
"good, now go to shleep, or i will be mad."
and as rough as bakugou katsuki could be, he always made you feel loved, even in the darkness of your bedroom with him laying half on top of you.
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mylittleredgirl · 3 years
i was thinking this morning about how i categorize fanfic authors that i enjoy like AKC breeds and decided to share my rubric with you:
the specialist: this author has a favorite kink or trope and has written 80% of the content in that tag. you know exactly what you’re getting. they have A Brand™️. no matter what other traits they display, dedicated rare pair authors belong here.
the chocolate box: essentially the exact opposite. this author will try anything once. they have 80+ works in the fandom with no discernible pattern. the shortest one is 268 words and the longest is well over 100k. this breed of author may or may not be related to:
the renaissance fan: they’ve written three things in your fandom: your favorite fic, your notp, and a bizarre crossover with a show you’ve never heard of. you hit “expand fandoms list” on their author page and have to scroll down twice to reach the bottom. whenever you curse the fact that you can’t legally commission fic writers, this is the author you’re thinking about.
the horn dog: they’re here for one thing and one thing only. if someone’s dick is not in another character’s mouth within 500 words, they apologize for it in the author’s notes. they have one (1) g-rated fic.
the rookie: this writer is usually young, new to fandom, or just got a beta-reader for the first time. their fics are a little all over the place, quality-wise, but you’re excited whenever their name pops up because their unique voice gets stronger every time. you feel a personal investment in their development, like you’re an old man reading the local high school sports page and saying “this kid’s the one to watch.”
the live streamer: the most prolific author in the fandom. their works are all over the front page when you sort by kudos. you have no idea how they generate this much work, and have seriously wondered if they have access to an extra-dimensional time portal. their stories are usually un-beta’d and the characterization varies wildly, but their best works are inspired and you’ve read them 30 times.
the cryptid: this one comes out of nowhere every two years, drops the best fanfic you’ve ever read, and disappears. fifteen months after you left a three paragraph comment about how they changed your life, you get a message in your inbox that just says “thanks.”
the novelist: we talk about “filing off the serial numbers” when someone reworks their most popular story to pitch it as an original novel; this author somehow does the reverse. their fics are excellent, usually long-reaching multi-chapter AUs that have almost nothing to do with the on-screen characters except their names. i’d like to extend my personal thanks to this breed of author because it’s the closest i get to reading an actual book.
the reunion tour: this author wrote some of the most popular works in the fandom, but either moved on to k-pop or burned out when canon took a turn for the worse. they put out one new thing a year, often an old draft that’s been haunting them from under the floorboards. their last six author’s notes all say they never thought they’d write this pairing again and “this will probably be the last time.”
who did i miss?
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trainchomp · 2 years
It's down cause it's bedtime and we're all trying to get our little 50k bedtime stories to rock us to sleep at the same time 😭
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mcworm · 2 years
pov you just got stabbed and woke up in Artifact Storage after the end of the world
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(fic art)
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mediaraiz · 3 years
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At that moment—
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hppjmxrgosg · 2 years
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repmet · 2 years
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I see the way he cares for you. You feel your child's every joy, and their pain. You watch their failings and you see your own. All you want is for their happiness, for them to escape the sufferings of life.
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darcyolsson · 2 years
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im like 99% sure that one of the first things bliss did when her and rowan started dating was look up y/n fanfiction and read it aloud (when they could still see it as a joke instead of a horrible invasion of their privacy)
alternate caption. rowan’s hate for the fangirls origin story (real)
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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accursedvoid · 3 years
Ao3: /does a donation pool again/
Me: /sighs and puts on my armour/ brace yourselves, the anti-Ao3 brigade is coming
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jingerhead · 3 years
My multi-chaptered wip: *sobbing* please....just update me once...it's been 2 months...
Me, writing another domestic-fluff oneshot: no
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kantush · 2 years
L4D Hunter was really something back in the day, its fucked up but Deviantart made him hot bro💀.
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Decided to practice animation. That shit hard af. Was it worth it spending 2 day making fanart of a dead fandom (the irony). No.
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