#then i’d go walk on them & i could feel the bone screaming but it was sooooo SAFISFYING TO FEEL IT
bibleofficial · 4 months
i’ve been using those toe spacers for my tailors bunions & it’s like damn …. yall rly just walk like this ??
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suosgirl · 3 months
Keeping It Cute (& Dangerous) - Hayato Suo x Reader | Ch. 4
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Word Count: 4970
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Pairing: Hayato Suo x Reader feat. Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Taiga Tsugeura, Mitsuki Kiryu, Hajime Umemiya, Kotoha Tachibana
୨ৎ Warnings: mdni, f!reader, manga spoilers (?), ooc (?), loss of loved one, slowburn, teasing, misunderstandings, fighting, grief, swearing, ptsd, 2 stubborn idiots falling for each other – if I’ve missed one, I apologize + please let me know!
୨ৎ Note: Long ass chapter. Why? Because I'm a sucker for relationship development – that's all! (๑>؂•̀๑)
୨ৎ Keeping it Cute (& Dangerous) Masterlist
“If I could describe you in one word, Suo, I’d say that you’re –” “Intelligent? Patient? Cheeky?” “Insufferable.” He laughs lightly at your words as if you hadn’t just offended him, before gazing down at you with a look that screams mischief and something else that you can’t quite place yet.
It’s funny – before all of this, you didn’t think life could go any other way for you but the path you’d chosen. 
You were fine with being alone. If it guarantees the safety of your hometown, then so be it. If your brother could make sacrifices, then so could you.
And you did. 
Leaving wasn’t supposed to be easy, that much you knew. Walking away from the town meant you were leaving the memories you’d made there and the people that you’d grown to love. 
Was it lonely at first? Of course. But as with everything in life, it just took time for this to become your new normal. You knew what you had signed up for when you left – so were you really that shocked that you began missing the presence of others or the feeling of being needed?
Everything was fine – at least, that’s what you told yourself.
But, being here, in Makochi – you didn’t think you’d ever experience those feelings again.
That feeling of being wanted, needed, and loved.
And suddenly – you weren’t so alone anymore.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It didn’t take much longer for the other boys to finally find where you and Suo were.
They came running in a frenzy, eyes wide and out of breath, and you couldn’t help the small chuckle that left your lips at the sight.
Did they really care that much? They didn’t even know you. But … they wanted to, and that meant more to you than you’d like to admit.
… It was getting harder to ignore the budding warmth in your chest and the crinkle in your eyes.
Whether it was due to Suo’s words or the overwhelming feeling of being, for the first time in what felt like forever, seen and understood – you allowed yourself, just this once, to hope again. 
Fine. If they wanted to, you’d let them. You’d take Suo’s words for face value, and meet them first with your head held up high, like a tiger would. Were you afraid? Absolutely. But – you were hopeful, and that made all the difference.
They stare at you, their faces expecting the worst, and you pity them just a bit. It wouldn’t do them any good to worry – and you were every bit gracious and kind, so you throw them a bone.
You were, after all, weak to dreamy guys.
“Alright,” you let out a deep sigh, “Who wants my number?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It starts with a simple invitation through text. 
Nirei messages you first, inviting you to meet him at a place called Café Pothos, and you genuinely consider saying no and that you’re busy – but then, you remember the puppy dog eyes that he has so diligently mastered, and you just can’t find it in your heart to say no to a face like that. 
(Unbeknownst to you, he’s quick to catch on. This would become your downfall.)
When you arrive, you recognize it as the place that they had brought you to before. Back then, you’d been in a much more hectic headspace, so you hadn’t taken the time to appreciate all the little details about it. Now, though, you were able to admire the flourishing plants all over the café and the aroma of coffee in the air. 
Upon entering, you see a girl behind the counter, and you’re quick to take a sharp inhale because – she’s pretty.
You weren’t sure what the people in Makochi ate, but it was terribly unfair that everyone here happened to be blessed with the most spectacular genes that you’ve ever witnessed in your life.
It was, quite honestly, so fucked up.
As you glance around the café, you notice that you’re the only one here – and that she’s staring at you with a good-natured grin on her face.
She’s warm and inviting as she beckons you over, asking what you’d like and if you’re from out of town.
(You make a mental note to gain some sort of backbone against attractive people.)
You easily fall into a conversation with her as she prepares a cup of coffee for you, and you learn that her name is Kotoha and that she’s over at the café more often than not. 
“You could easily be a model, you know,” you tell her earnestly, and she blushes as she waves off your comment.
Once you introduce yourself, her face lights up with recognition – and now, it was your turn to blush.
“Oh! That’s you! I’ve heard about you! In fact, they haven’t stopped talking about you –”
You should’ve expected this, really – but you didn’t. It had been so long since you were on the receiving end of showered praise like this, and you’d already gotten your fill a couple days prior. So, to say that this was overwhelming was an understatement.
“...And,” she continues with a wink, “You’re as pretty as they said you were.”
Your fingers shoot up to cover your lips – partly in shock but mostly in disbelief because you can’t wrap your head around the fact that they’ve been telling people that and – 
“Oh! What’s got you looking so red, bunny?”
You weren’t sure if you were going to make it long enough for Nirei to arrive.
Actually, you weren’t sure if you were going to make it long enough in this town.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
To your relief, Nirei comes soon after, and you’re saved from the onslaught of the two biggest instigators that you’ve ever met.
The minute he walks in, you’re immediately jumping out of your seat to greet him, and he matches your energy in a heartbeat. He’s greeting you just as enthusiastically, though you don’t have it in you to explain why you’re so happy to see him. And – you notice that he’s tacked on “-san” to the end of your name.
(If you squint, you can almost make out the furious wagging of a tail.)
The eyes of Suo and Kotoha glinting with sadistic delight behind you only serve as a reminder of the hell that you had once endured, and you silently thank whatever higher power is out there that Nirei has the heart of an angel.
“Thank you for meeting me here! I meant to ask you this when we first met, but you just kept running away!”
On second thought, you’re not so sure now about that last tidbit. 
He begins bombarding you with questions, from your height, to your blood type, to what you look for in a partner, and you briefly wonder if the town of Makochi is hell personified.
“How about we sit down first, Nirei? At, uh – the table right over there in the corner.”
Nirei nods, and you’re so glad that he’s at least a good listener – until he spots Kotoha and Suo.
In the same fashion that a puppy would, he instantly goes over to greet them, takes a seat, looks at you, then pulls out the seat next to him – and pats it with his hand. 
“I –”, you stumble over your words, shaking your head at him. 
Oh god, were you the puppy?
… No. You were NOT a puppy (or a bunny).
You would stand your ground, and give him an ultimatum. That’s what you would do.
But then he starts giving you the eyes, the puppy dog eyes, and you feel yourself start to waver — but you must persist. 
When faced with a challenge, when standing in the path of uncertainty, you must prevail and —
Kotoha and Suo join in, though their eyes don’t quite hit that same twinkle of desperation that Nirei’s does.
Still — you admit defeat.
You sigh before slowly trudging over to the chair that had been so kindly pulled out for you. You really had to pull yourself together. 
Tomorrow, you tell yourself. Tomorrow. I’ll have a backbone by tomorrow.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You do not, in fact, build a backbone.
At this point, you’re not even sure you know what a backbone even is anymore.
What you do know, though, is that – 
Muscle Power is one of Tsugeura’s favorite food joints in Makochi. You personally really like their banana pound cake – and he knows this. So, whenever he’s in the mood to go when everyone else conveniently can’t – he knows that he can always count on you to keep him company. 
You also find out that he’s really into wrestling, though you’re not so sure if this was much of a secret in the first place. It had all happened so casually too, and honestly, you hadn’t even noticed when you chimed into the conversation. 
The 6 of you were sat at the café, though you were sat at a table separate from theirs as you calculate your budget for the month. You thought it’d be a peaceful experience, just you in a corner and Kotoha behind the counter, but once one of them starts filing in, they all file in.
You try to block them out as best you can as you do calculation after calculation, but you were never that good at multitasking. As your concentration shifts to focus on the numbers in your notebook, you subconsciously start picking up on their conversation. 
You hear Tsugeura go on a tangent about BxB Hulk, a wrestler that both you and your brother had really admired, but he seems stuck as he tries to remember the year he made his debut.
“...2005,” you say absentmindedly, deep in thought as you stare at your notebook, “... with the Dragon Gate Dojo.”
You go to circle something, but Tsugeura’s gasp of shock makes you jump instead. You go to give him an accusatory look, but they’re all looking at you in a similar fashion. 
You blink at their reactions before tilting your head, “What?... I’m not wrong, am I?”
You had no idea that those words would give you a permanent spot as Tsugeura’s #1 person to talk about wrestling with – and you’d never admit this but – you were just as passionate about it as he was.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You learn that Kiryu is stupidly good at crane games – though, you’ve been able to win a couple stuffed animals for him too so you’d say it’s even. He also teaches you some of his favorite hairstyles, and you do, in fact, confirm that his hair smells as good as it looks. 
When you find out about his older sister, everything suddenly clicks for you, and you understand now why you’re so comfortable around him and why he’s so good at being able to pick up on even the smallest changes in you.
Whenever your time of the month came, he’d seem to always be stocked up with chocolate, an extra pad or two, and ibuprofen. If you did something new with your makeup, like a new lip color or a different pair of lashes, it’d be the first thing that he comments on when he sees you. And – he always checks in on you. If it’s been a couple of days since you’d last seen them, he’s sending you a quick text asking if you’ve eaten or inviting you to a casual hangout. 
There seems to be no end to his thoughtfulness, and it’s something that you learn to appreciate very deeply. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Sakura, despite the attitude he portrays and the things he may say, is a huge softie (you belatedly find out that the pink, sometimes red, on his face that blooms at the most random of times is in fact not a skin condition but indeed his blush).
And, you’re glad to learn that he’s as strong as he says he is.
It begins with a petty argument – something about vegetables and how he doesn’t eat them – but you’re both so stubborn that your harmless comment eventually turns into an all out confrontation. And, when he asks if you want to take it outside – you say yes.
You admit that you were worried that he’d be the type to pull back his punches in a fight because you’re you, but you’re pleasantly surprised when he, instead, runs towards you with all the strength of a bulldozer.
As you dodge and evade his moves, you realize how talented he truly is. You had a feeling, of course, but to see in action the way that he has total control of his body is a different beast altogether. 
When you get in close to try and land a kick to his head, you see a smile on his face as he blocks it with his arms. But his smile isn’t condescending or mocking. No, this is a smile that shows that he’s having fun, that he finds you worthy – and you don’t try to stop the smile that’s growing on your face either.
He really reminded you of your brother.
Your sparring only lasts for a couple of minutes before Nirei pulls out those damned puppy dog eyes, but it's enough for you both to find newfound respect in one another. 
And, as he goes to fix his jacket, he mutters a quiet, “I took that seriously, y’know.”
You grin, a radiant laugh bursting from your lips as you look up at him and say, “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
To your surprise, Nirei has a sharp memory and an even sharper tongue.
You’ve tried to lie your way out of several hangouts – he always calls you out with no remorse.
(“Ah, man, I’d love to, truly, but I forgot that my laundry is out drying so I really should –”
“You said you folded your clothes yesterday, remember?”)
But as much as you hated it, you couldn’t help but also appreciate the way that he genuinely cared for his friends with his heart on his sleeve. He was earnest, loyal, and caring – everything that you’d soon come to admire about him.
And, when he finds out that you enjoy going to secondhand stores too? Oh, he blows up your phone at least 3 times a month asking if you’d like to join him on yet another “hunt”. This, though, was a hangout that you’d never say no to. It was always so fun getting to dig around together to see what you could find (your brother was never one for shopping), and you enjoyed this time because you got to know even more about the other boys through Nirei, who spoke about them with shining eyes and pride in his voice. 
He really was an amazing storyteller – and an even better friend.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Kotoha is as honest as she is loving – and you’re so grateful to have grown so close to her within such a short time. After your initial meeting, you find yourself hanging out at Café Pothos way more often than you’d like to admit, and you come to admire how diligent, hardworking, and compassionate she is. 
Your friendship with her blossoms naturally, and at some point she begins to join you and Nirei on your little thrifting trips. She becomes someone that you feel comfortable with confiding in, and you’re delighted to find out that it goes both ways. 
And aside from all of this – she also manages to help you get a job at Café Pothos alongside her.
When you’d mindlessly mentioned once that you were running short on your funds from your last job (as a result of all the hangouts that you were, regretfully, indulging in), Kotoha was the one who offered to see if there was an opening available at the café. When you came in on your first day for training – she was the one showing you the ropes and guiding you with her hands.
And, when you finally met her brother, well – 
The first time you meet Umemiya, you (understandably) burst into tears, and he (understandably) freaks the fuck out.
Nirei, with your tearful eyes and a nod of approval, clues him in on your backstory.
By the end of it, you’ve managed to slow down the crying to only a few tears, a fond look on your face as you listen to Nirei speak.
You open your mouth, ready to apologize but Umemiya beats you to it.
He has a hand gently patting the top of your head, and a smile on his face.
But that smile – it says so many things all at once.
So many things that you haven’t felt in so long.
“He would be proud of who you’ve become.” 
And, for the first time since his death, you finally let your body relax.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
But Suo, despite all of this, remains ever mysterious and tight-lipped.
You still don’t know too much about him, and you’re not privy to prying for information either (though you admit that you’ve asked Nirei about him once or twice). What you are able to gather, however, is that Suo is a huge pain in your ass. The teasing never ends, he always has his eye on you at all times, and – 
At first, you think he’s just being nice.
A warm hand on your lower back guiding you through the bustling crowd of the town. 
A sweet smile on his face whenever he greets you or catches sight of your familiar head of hair.
A passing remark about how pretty your eyes look that day.
But then – 
You notice his hands linger just a bit longer than normal, and they’re starting to gravitate just a little bit lower or just a bit higher, until the resting of his hand on your waist or your hips becomes a new normal.
His smile, you realize, is much more than just sweet. Sometimes, you’ll catch a hint of endearment or amusement, as if he’s in on a joke that you know nothing about.
And the remarks? They progress from just being about your eyes to your hairstyle that day, or your outfit, or your smile, or your laugh.
But it doesn’t just stop there – it seems that, if you’re not working, he’s got to be touching you at all times. Your legs pressed firmly together whenever you sat next to each other. His hands wrapped around your waist when he moves around you. Your arms always touching when you’re standing beside each other. 
And any chance he gets, he’s whispering in your ear. It could be anything, from explaining something that gets brought up when you’re with the group, to casually talking about the weather.
But sometimes, with his lips so close to your ear that you can feel the warm puffs of his breath, he’ll lower his voice just the littlest bit, make his words sound the tiniest bit breathless and then – 
He pulls away, with that stupid little smile on his face and mirth in his eyes.
Everytime, everytime he does it, you’re left flustered and alone, with a hand held up to your ear as if to hold on just a little bit longer to the sensation, to the feeling of his lips so close to you.
And he never ever calls you your name. In fact, you don’t think you’ve ever heard it leave his lips – at least not when he’s around you. 
“Wow bunny, you’re so strong!”
“Bunny, play nice –”
“Oh bunny, you’re here!”
All the “bunny” this and “bunny” that messes with your head. So much so that Suo could say it in a crowded room and you’re already turning your attention to him to see what he wants.
(And if you were to think about it a while longer, you’d realize that no one else uses that affectionate name on you. You’d realize that people have tried, but when they look up, Suo’s already got an eye on them and a tight-lipped smile on his face – and it sends shivers down their spine. Not like you’d recognize that they’re calling you though, your ears only attuned to the way that Suo calls it out.)
Working at the café doesn’t help.
From the moment you clock in to the moment you clock out, you can expect Suo to pop in at least once during your shift – twice if he comes early in the day to have a cup of tea with Sakura and Nirei.
And everytime, everytime you clock out – he’s patiently waiting to walk you home.
It starts on your first day – and you were not prepared for the sight of him, in all his lovely glory, to be standing outside with a smile on his face as you locked up the doors. It was such a shock that you’d dropped the keys in panic, and he quickly bent down to grab them before handing it to you.
When he grabs your hand and gently drops the keys in your palm, you don’t miss the way his thumb caresses yours.
His hands were so damn warm – and soft.
“I – what are you doing here?”
“Is it a crime to escort you home?”
Your lips part in surprise, and you can feel the way your breathing is starting to quicken in response.
“No, uh … it’s not. But –”
He laughs, and you notice that he’s still holding your hand in his.
You don’t make a move to remove it.
“Everyone’s been hanging out with you. I just wanted some time for myself, that’s all.”
His words catch you off guard, and he takes that silence as an invitation to continue.
“Besides – I’m the one who convinced you to stay. Shouldn’t I be able to spend time with you as well?”
You … don’t have a good enough reason to say no.
So, you let it happen.
During the walk, you talk about all the mundane things, from how your day went to what you had for lunch.
And, if your shoulders occasionally bump into one another or your fingers accidentally brush, well –
Neither of you mention it.
When you finally make it to your apartment, he follows you right up to the door. You feel his looming presence behind you, and the warmth emanating from his body, and it takes everything in your power not to drop your keys again.
And, once your door finally unlocks, you feel a shift behind you.
Suddenly, his hands are on either side of the doorframe, caging you in, and your back is pressed flush against his chest.
And goodness did his chest feel strong.
He’s so so close that you can hear his lips part and his soft inhale as he whispers coyly into your ear, “Sweet dreams, bunny.”
Before you can react, he’s already taken a step back with his hand waving goodbye and an innocent smile on his face.
You think about it for the rest of the night.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It goes on like this for months, and you’re not sure what sick and twisted game he’s playing at, but he never explains his behavior, never confesses his feelings, never addresses the elephant in the room.
And you – well, you’re not sure how to even bring it up.
It’s not that you’re mad about it (quite the opposite), but every touch, every whisper, every smile leaves you wanting more.
But you weren’t sure if you could handle more. Not if it was going to be like this. Your poor heart wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Suo had started a craving that you weren’t sure could ever be satisfied, but no matter how much you tried to ward him off, he remained persistent and stubborn.
“You really don’t have to do this, Suo — though I appreciate the gesture,” you remark, your head tilted up to gauge his reaction as he walks in stride with you.
“But I enjoy doing it, so what’s the issue?”
“The issue, Suo, is that I’m perfectly capable of walking home alone. Shouldn’t you be – oh, I don’t know – spending your time with people who might actually need help?”
He takes a moment to think about this – at least, he acts like he does. But, you know better. You’re starting to be able to differentiate when he’s being sarcastic and when he’s not, and right now, as he brings his finger up to tap “thoughtfully” on his chin, you can’t help but feel the urge to humble him just the tiniest bit.
So you do.
“If I could describe you in one word, Suo, I’d say that you’re –”
“Intelligent? Patient? Cheeky?”
He laughs lightly at your words as if you hadn’t just offended him, before gazing down at you with a look that screams mischief and something else that you can’t quite place yet.
And, with an air of casualty, as if you’d both just been talking about the different blends of tea, he responds with – 
“If you find me insufferable now, I can’t imagine how you would describe me as your lover.”
You come to a stop, your eyes blinking rapidly as you try to take in what he’s said but he cuts off your train of thought.
“Looks like you’re home now, my little bunny. This was pleasant, as always.”
Looking around, you deflate at the fact that he was right, you’d stopped right in front of your door, but you needed answers – now.
You go to open your mouth, but he’s quicker – “Oh, sorry, but I really can’t stay and chat. I’ve got to, oh, I don’t know, see if anyone needs my assistance.”
That … shut you up real quick. 
You hated when he made you eat your words.
Biting back your tongue, all you can do is huff as you make your way inside, his eye burning a hole into the back of your head – and, if you weren’t so deep in distress, you’d hear the soft twinkle of satisfied laughter in his wake as he walks down the street.
God, he really was insufferable. 
That night, you sit up with a sudden realization as it hits you.
You knew that look.
That was the look that he gave his opponents –
The one that would dare them to fight him, to challenge him, to provoke him.
He was challenging you, daring you, provoking you.
He wanted to see if you’d break first.
He wanted to see if you’d give in.
You laugh so hard that your eyes start to water – and it’s full of disbelief and shock and amusement.
Like hell you’d let that happen.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You are your brother’s sister, and his stubbornness and competitive streak had been passed down to you tenfold. 
So, you catch up to Suo’s speed – fast.
Now you were the one initiating contact, touching him, teasing him.
Whenever he walked you home, you made sure to hold onto his arm, running your fingers up and down his bicep as you conversed. 
And, you don’t just let go.
No. You were better than that.
Instead, you’d run your hand down his whole arm as you separated, until you got to his hand – then, you’d hold onto that until all that was left was the tip of his pointer finger.
You’d give it a gentle squeeze, thanking him for walking you home, before letting it drop from your grasp.
You don’t miss the way his eyes follow the path of your hand every time, as if entranced by the feeling and the sight. 
Anytime he came into the café with Sakura and Nirei, you’d make sure to briefly touch his shoulder whenever you passed him, or hold onto his hand just a beat longer when handing him his tea.
(And, without fail, Sakura and Nirei erupt in striking hues of red and pink everytime. Though, Suo and you don’t pay them much attention. Kotoha will give you a knowing look, but you feign ignorance.)
You were no stranger to sugar coated words, either – so, you make it a goal to compliment him at least once every time you see him.
And, of course, you give him a nickname too. You take your time when you think of it because you really want it to stick – you really want it to have the same effect on him as it has on you.
So, you start calling him by his first name – and it works. 
“Hayato, you smell so good today.”
“Oh my Hayato, aren’t you looking handsome~”
“Ah, I missed you, Hayato.”
And, the first time you whisper in his ear, light and airy and sweet, you feel dejected when it doesn’t have the same effect on him as it has on you. You’re brought back to the night that he had confronted you, and you’re honestly a bit sad that it seems things haven’t changed.
You begin to pull away, but something catches your eye. So slight and so small that you wouldn’t have noticed it if you weren’t so close. It’s the way his jaw tightens, the way he presses his lips together hard and restrained, the way that he clenches his fists until the whites of his knuckles peek out under the heated skin. And, you hear it – that sharp intake of breath.
His reaction makes you sway just the tiniest bit – and you want to see more. You want to see him flustered and flushed and desperate in the same way he’s made you.
You wanted him to lose his composure.
But – you and Suo keep it cute and casual and friendly.
Simply waiting for the other to break first.
If anyone is brave enough to bring it up, well – 
You both shake your heads in denial, a quick “no” rolling off the tips of your tongues.
(They’ll simply nod at your responses, but their eyes stay glued to the spot under the table where Suo’s got his hand splayed out on your thigh and the arm you’ve got wrapped around his to keep him there.)
… Who knew a friendly competitive sparring match amongst Bofurin would be his downfall?
୨ৎ Chapter 5
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Author's Note: My period started, I had some feelings, wrote some established relationship fluff/smut; enjoy!
Content Warnings: Rhys uses his daemati powers for a quickie (because he absolutely WOULD and you cannot change my mind on that)
It was a mistake to go back to work this soon. My whole body aches, the newly accepted mating bond pulling on my bones like it’s a living thing crawling around beneath my skin. I can’t escape the searing heat of it, not even with the office windows thrown open, the dark lace curtains billowing in the soft autumn breeze. I should be cold enough to wear the sweater I’d stolen off the armchair this morning, but it sits draped over my desk chair instead. 
Rhys had been called back to the Hewn City two weeks before we were scheduled to return from our retreat. Or as he was so affectionately calling it “The Mating Bond Sex Romp of the Century”. We were supposed to have a whole month to ease into newly mated bliss; the extra time was supposed to help with the chafing and general irritation that would come when we inevitably had to separate and return to civilization. And of course Keir had gone and fucked that up for us. We’d flown in last night, and Rhys was gone before dawn this morning. The empty Townhouse was going to drive me insane and training with Cass and Az would have driven Rhys insane, so my only solution was to come into work and handle two weeks worth of paperwork. There’s certainly enough to keep me occupied for the day, except I can’t think straight! The words in front of me blur, the meaning of them nonsensical. I shouldn’t be here! I should be tangled up with my mate; the only thought in my head should be how much deeper I can take him. 
I lean back in my chair, palms pressing into my eyes with a groan of frustration. Stupid fucking Kier! The only sounds I should be hearing right now are my mate’s as I run my lips over his chest, tracing tattoo and muscle and that dark little patch of hair that leads me down…
“Well isn’t this a pretty little thought to walk into.” Even his mental voice is enough to make the bond shiver in delight and I throw down my shields with abandon to let him in further.
“Come here and I’ll make it more than a thought,” I return. We are beyond pretense and formality now. I want-need-him. My body feels like it might burst into flame if his hands are not roving every inch of my skin. I knew the bond would be intense, but not to this degree. I could live or die with just his touch alone.
Night chilled shadows swirl around our shared mental ground like a cat brushing up against its owner. The gesture alone makes me slump down into the seat and sigh. “All worked up, aren’t we?” He purrs, but his voice is strained. 
“I’ll rip Keir’s throat out for this. We were supposed to have more time.” I snarl.
The longer my shields are down, the better my mental view of him becomes, until it looks as if the two of us are standing on an adamant bridge, surrounded by endless starlight. Like this he has free reign to all of me, mind and soul; a brush of his fingers and he can walk into any memory he wants, a flick of his wrist and he can take complete control of my body and I’d be powerless to stop him. We are equals and he makes sure I never forget it, but like this, when there is no damper on his power, when he doesn’t have to hide behind a courtly mask, all his power untampered and wild--there are few things I love more. I love him like this. I love being able to surrender to the power of him, yield my own and let him take control so that I do not have to think beyond the pleasure he’s capable of ringing out of my body.
He reaches out and brushes his fingers over my cheek and I could scream under the heat that flares through my physical body. It’s not quite the touch I want, but it’s enough to make my blood sing.
“I know, love, and I’m sorry.”
I turn my head and press my lips into his palm, catching his wrist so I can keep him right where I need him. “Please,” I whisper, because even here in this space I can’t shake the desperation that claws its way up my throat. “Just for a few minutes. I need you.”
A growl sounds in the back of his throat as he leans in and crashes his lips against mine. It’s a flurry of tongue and teeth, his free hand threading into my hair and I drop his wrist in favor of tossing an arm around his neck. There are too many clothes between us, even here, and I claw unabashedly at his shirt until he gets the hint and magics it away.
There is no feeling like the warmth of his skin against mine. Only when we’re chest to chest, my own top disappearing, does the fire in my veins finally turn from painful to pleasurable. I am warm everywhere he touches, no longer consumed by this insistent ache. I sigh contentedly as I nip at his lower lip.
“Better?” He asks as he slides an arm beneath my ass and lifts me so I can wrap my legs around his waist. My back hits the handrails of our shared mental bridge, the cold stone biting into my flushed skin. 
“A little,” I say as I press soft kisses along his mouth and chin.
He rocks his hips against my still clothed center, the friction so heady it makes me toss my head back and moan, giving him the perfect access to nip and suck at my throat. “I only have a couple minutes, we’ll have to make this quick.”
I don’t want quick. I want that slow rhythm we’d found that first night in the cabin, his hips slowly rocking into mine, his cock dragging through my dripping folds, my nails clawing at his shoulders as he drew moan after moan out of me, until I had begged him to finish inside me. I want the lazy roll of his hips as he holds me against the mattress, taking his time, teasingly nipping at my throat as he tells me how pretty I look around his cock, as he drags out every stroke and thrust until there is not a single thought in my head but him. But the burning beneath my skin is returning, and I can feel the pull of his duties in the back of his mind as if it’s calling to me instead. This is all the time we have right now, I will have to take it.
The rest of our clothes disappear in a rush and he slides right into me, all the way down to the hilt and I let myself scream into the endless darkness of our bond. 
He presses his nose into my neck, where it meets my shoulder as he lets me adjust. Not that I truly need to here, but the gentleness of the motion, how concerned he always is for my well being, makes me want him even more. “I’ll make it up to you tonight. I promise.”
I pull him in for another searing kiss, my hands tangling in the silky strands of his hair. “Make it up to me a couple times?”
He slides almost completely out of me before thrusting back in, stealing the air from my lungs in a rush. “As many as you’d like, Darling.”
With the way I feel right now, I don’t think any amount will truly satiate me. I think I may just need him like this for the rest of my immortal existence. 
Pleasure licks up my spine as he speeds up his movements, the stones at my back biting into my skin, keeping me grounded for a few seconds longer. His hands squeeze at my ass, kneading my tender flesh as the motion spreads me open a little more for him. 
“Fuck,” he hisses into my neck. The stars overhead spin and swirl like a glittering storm, darkness leaking off his shoulders as his wings threaten to appear. I rock my hips into his, matching his pace with a swirling motion I know drives him crazy. “Maybe I really should just kill Kier.”
The sound that comes out of me as he hits a spot inside me that makes the bridge shake as my mental grip on the psychic plain slips is more moan than laugh.
“Then I could fly right home and take you like this against every surface in the house.”
I clench so tight around him at the thought that he growls and sinks his teeth into my shoulder in retaliation and I let my head fall back further to grant him more access to me. I want his mark everywhere, to the point no collar of the sweaters I’ve stolen from him can hide them. 
“If you’re asking my permission,” I bite out through a gasp as his fingers slide between my legs, teasing at my clit, pushing me closer and closer to that glorious edge. “You have it.”
His thrusts grow sloppy as his speed increases, his own release barreling towards him as I slide a hand out of his hair and down between the valley of his shoulders. I’ll leave my own marks tonight, so everyone knows he is as much mine as I am his. If his wings were to make an appearance, then this would be where I would trace the thin membrane until I find that spot that drives him crazy. But he’d never bring them out for a quickie, they are too sacred for that. I will settle for his shoulders for now.
My chest brushes his as I gasp for breath, so close to the edge I can feel it in every nerve ending in my body. The bond between us glows warm and bright, filling up every bit of me as he hits that sweet little spot inside me. My eyes screw shut, thigh muscles tightening around his hips as he hits it again and again and again.
“Love you,” he murmurs in my ear. “Love you so much.”
One last thrust and I’m gone, his own release chasing mine as I whimper out his name. 
From somewhere outside of us I hear a male voice call his name, demanding to know if he’s listening. 
Rhys grumbles nonsensically into my neck as he holds me for a moment, my body trembling as it comes down from its high. This is the first time all day I feel like I can breathe and I cling to his shoulders for a moment, begging for more time.
“Better, love?”
I press my lips to the underside of his jaw. “If I say no, will you stay?”
From somewhere outside of me I hear a knock, probably the company’s billing department wanting those expense reports I was attempting to work on earlier. Seems the real world needs things from both of us, regardless of our wishes.
My heart sinks in my chest as I slowly unwind my legs from my mate’s waist and touch solid ground. He is High Lord and despite his protests, I hadn’t been ready to let go of my job, even with a title of my own to deal with, this was territory we would have to deal with eventually, even if we’d had the month we were supposed to.
I stretch up on my toes to kiss him again, gently this time, but there is no less fervor in his response than before. Perhaps that pulling beneath my skin was not just my own need, but his, calling to me from across Velaris. 
“I love you,” I say as that knock rattles the bridge, our mental grip slipping as reality beckons, louder and louder. “I can grab dinner on my way home.”
He steals another kiss like it’s his last meal. “As long as I still get you for dessert.”
And then he’s gone, nothing more than a star flecked shadow curled in the corner of my mind as reality comes crashing back in for both of us. 
I try not to fidget at the uncomfortable wetness between my legs as I straighten the papers on my desk and tell the incessant knocker to come in. I won’t be doing anyone any favors if I start dishing out the same judgment my mate is on Kier here in the office. 
“You got those papers for me?”
I leaf through the stack on the desk, using a bit of magic to hide the glaring scent of my arousal. I just have to make it a couple more hours. Then, Rhys is all mine, and I’ll have to find some creative ways to keep him in our bed until the bond finally settles.
If it ever settles.
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shhhsecretsideblog · 2 months
7 for the prompts, maybe a car birth?
I love a car birth, it’s such a good trope! Thanks for the request. Apparently my brain isn’t capable of simply writing a regular car birth, had to add a little twist- it’s not technically a car. Enjoy :) [3k words, fpreg, clothing birth] Prompt: “I don’t think the baby is gonna wait that long…”
We All Scream For Ice Cream
My contractions had started this morning and after three kids perhaps I should have known better. Yes they were consistent but they weren’t strong and were completely manageable. I’d called my parents to tell them my labour had started and they came to collect the kids so I didn’t have to worry about watching over them as I laboured. I spent the morning pottering around the house doing laundry and some cleaning, working through the steady waves whenever they washed over me. But after a while I started getting frustrated being inside the same four walls; I needed some air and space. It was the height of the summer holidays and you were up and out early for work to maximise our income during your busiest time of year. I knew you’d only taken the ice cream truck to the local park, you stopped going too far afield as I got closer to the end of this pregnancy - you wanted to be close in case I needed you to come home. I decided a nice walk through the park would do me good and would help with the contractions. Plus it gave me a chance to see you and let you know baby number four was on the way.
The breeze felt wonderful on my hot and clammy skin as I waddled my way down the residential streets cupping the underside of my heavy baby bump. If I pressed into the stretched skin just above my pubic bone I could feel the head of the baby sitting extremely low, perfectly in position and ready to be born. I was excited to tell you I was in labour again, maybe you could finish work early today and come help me through it this afternoon when it would inevitably ramp up.
I suffered a couple of contractions on my way to the park but they didn’t phase me - after three births I was all too familiar with the tightening and contracting of my muscles. I simply stopped, bracing my hands against a neighbours fence or a nearby street lamp, and swayed and hummed my way through them, letting the waves wash over me.
By the time I reached the park I was getting pretty hot and sweaty, but it was a warm day in the middle of summer and I was 9 months pregnant. Overheating was just par for the course. I saw your truck parked on the opposite side of the field next to the kids play area. I never thought this park was very big but right now, with my labouring belly, the journey across the green seemed a mile long. I sat on a bench to catch my breath before making the journey, watching you hand ice creams to all the kids and families that filled the park. You had such a sparkle in your eye as you handed the ice cream to its recipient, seeing the glee and excitement in each and every child’s face when they got their summery treat.
A contraction tore me away from watching you, its sharp and insistent pain coursing through my hips and legs. “Hoooooo… take it easy there…” I softly said, rubbing the large circumference of my belly as the baby kicked and shifted even lower.
A stranger walking by asked if I was okay, but with the look of panic in their face I told them it was just a kick. I didn’t get the feeling they’d handle it well if they knew a labouring mother was out here on her own in the park. After the contraction was over I awkwardly pushed myself up, cupping my low belly, and started walking over the luscious green grass. A long queue had formed for ice cream, you were busy rushing around the truck getting lolly’s out of freezers or adding sprinkles to soft whips. You didn’t have the time to notice my approach.
I thankfully didn't have a contraction as I waddled across the park but I could feel one coming as I approached the truck. I hurried past the line and nipped behind the vehicle, only just managing to make it away from the crowd before the intensity peaked. I quickly planted both palms against the truck and leaned into the contraction, taking deep long breaths, in and out, bracing through the pain and breathing the baby down. My hips were circling instinctively and I was glad no one was on this side of the ice cream truck as it would be very obvious I was in labour.
I waited for the line of customers to go down, riding out a few contractions during that time, before I rounded the corner and stood in front of the window.
“What can I get- Honey! What are you doing here?” Your eyes lit up and you broke into a wide smile, surprised but happy to see me.
“I thought I’d come and say hi.” I said, one hand rubbing my tight stomach.
“Where are the kids?” You asked, seeing that I was alone.
“With my parents.” I answered with a knowing smile, waiting to see if you’d put the pieces together.
“With your…. Wait, are you-?” Your eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you looked directly to my very pregnant belly.
“Yup, I’m in labour. Contractions started this… this m-morning…. Hoooooo” Another wave creeps up on me and I’m forced to grab on to the little shelf at the bottom of the window, hands gripping tight as the pain lances through my body.
You jumped out the back door of the van and were standing behind me in an instant. You held my hips and squeezed hard, pressing into the pressure points that would ease the pain, knowing exactly what I needed from our previous births. I let out a soft and grateful moan as I relaxed back into you.
“Oh honey, you could have just called, you know.” You laughed and kissed the back of my neck.
“I like seeing your reaction… hoooo…. when I tell you I’m in labour.” I manage to say, though the pains were starting to make it difficult to speak.
“What, so you can see me panic?! You’re evil, you know that.” You joked affectionately.
When the contraction faded you released your grip and I turned around, your arms quickly wrapping around me.
“Baby number four eh. So what was your plan after coming to tell me?” You said in my ear, giving me a squeeze.
“I figured I’d go back home, and then call you when things get more serious.”
“How long do you reckon for this one then?”
“I dunno. It’s definitely progressing faster than the others.”
“How fast?” You arched an eyebrow and looked down at me with concern.
Before I could answer, another contraction struck. My hands laced around your neck and I buried my face in your chest, unable to contain the groan from my throat.
“Jeeze, hun, that was quick. It's okay I’ve got you.” You added, feeling my knees dip slightly. “Just ride the wave, deep breaths.”
I couldn’t speak, consumed by the heavy weight that was sinking lower and lower and lower…. My hips circled and bounced, my fingers tightly gripping each wrist as I practically hung off your sturdy frame. Your hands were on my ribs holding me steady. Groaning rumbled my throat, getting deeper as the pressure in my pelvis skyrocketed, and the noise ended with a grunt.
“Fuck, babe - was that a push?” You asked with panic, surprised at just how deep into labour I was.
“No…. I don’t think so but- hoooooo- there’s so much pressure. Baby feels really low-oooohhhhh!” I whimpered.
“Have your waters broken?” You asked and I shook my head against you in response.
“I don’t think this labour is going to last as long as you think, judging by those sounds.” You warned, your thumbs affectionately rubbing my ribs while you held me steady.
“Hooooo…. I swear it wasn’t this b-bad when I left the house…. Feels like it’s come out of nowhere.” I say, feeling the pain dull enough for me to stand on my own and release my arms from your neck.
“Well they do say it gets quicker with each birth. Right, I think we need to get you back home. Then we can pick up the hospital bag, jump in the car and drive over there.”
“I… I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk back home…” I admit, holding my bump with both hands, the weight and pressure felt constant even without a contraction.
“Okay… erm… I’ll take us back in the truck?” You suggest hesitantly.
“What? No way. There’s only a driver's seat - what am I supposed to do - get in the back with the soft serve?” I gripe with a roll of my eyes.
“It’s only a few minutes back to our house. You got any better ideas?”
Another contraction steals any response I could make and I’m suddenly hunched over, hand bracing my thighs, and groaning behind closed lips. You offer your arms as support but I wave them away, the combination of heat & pressure overwhelming, I didn’t want to be touched. Instead you jumped in the truck and I could hear you banging around, closing freezer drawers and locking cabinets, but it was all background noise to me. My heartbeat thumped in my ears, the pressure between my thighs was worsening making me grunt. My fingers gripped my legs and I pushed my hips backwards, my body acting solely on instinct. Before the wave of this contraction was over I felt something give, my legs squatting, and a puddle started to form at my feet.
“Ooooohhhhh honey- my waters have broken…” I grunt out. Gosh, I could feel the baby’s head on my cervix and I really started to worry about how long we actually had before our fourth child made their appearance.
“We need to get going, babe.” You said jumping out the van and coming over to support me. We waited for the contraction to fade and you then helped me crawl into the truck. I was glad to be wearing my maternity leggings and a thin top; it made manoeuvring into the vehicle much easier than if I was in one of my summer dresses.
“Right, I’ve locked everything away so it all should stay put on the drive, you won’t get covered in ice cream don’t worry.” You try to joke as I huff and puff my way into the cramped truck. “Why don’t we get you sitting down on the floor..?” You suggest, climbing in after me to try to help me get comfortable.
“Ooohhhh no… can’t sit down. Baby too low… fuck.” Crawling on my hands and knees I settle near the large rectangular freezer that was directly under the window booth. Staying on my knees I sit back on my heels and rest my arms on my legs, my bump sitting between my widened thighs. “I’ll just… stay like this. Drive carefully though…”
“Of course I will, precious cargo.” You said with a smile before giving me a kiss.
You shut the back doors of the ice cream truck behind you when you left, ran around to the driver’s seat and quickly started the engine. “Hold on sweetie, we’ll be home soon.” You said, putting it into gear and setting off.
We barely made it out of the park and onto the tarmac road before the next contraction struck, and without my waters it soon became apparent just how close this baby was to being born. Leaning forward and grasping the top ridge of the freezer in front of me, I tried to breath through the building pressure that was pulling and squeezing my insides. My moaning was instinctual at this point, my body’s way of riding the crashing waves of pain. Whether it was the motion of the truck or my kneeling position, but something triggered a need to push. At the end of each groan I could feel my body bearing down.
“H-how long to get to the h-hospital once we get h-home?” I stutter.
“Hospital is about 35 minutes from our house. Why?”
“I don’t think the baby is going to wait that long…. Hooooo…” I breathe, hips lifting and rocking in circles just above my feet. “Go straight to hospital, don’t go via home….”
“But we don’t have any of the stuff, for you or the baby?” You question, but still follow the instruction immediately altering our journey.
“Doesn’t-matter-nnngghhhhhh!” I gruff out before lowing deeply, bearing down again, my knuckles turning white with my grip on the freezer.
“Are you pushing??!!!” You shout.
“Shall I pull over?” You panic at hearing the familiar sounds of me pushing a baby down.
“No! Just- hospital- now!” My head dips as the wave ends and I try to catch my breath in between contractions.
We were still navigating the residential streets so thankfully weren’t going fast, but that meant we were still a way off from the hospital outside of town. My knees wide on the floor and arms stretching up gripping the fridge were the only thing keeping my body and my mind grounded. I closed my eyes, taking long deep breaths and disappeared into myself. Stay calm, you've done this before, I told myself.
“How we doing?” You asked nervously after a few minutes of silence.
“Just… drive…” I exhaled heavily, preparing myself for the next wave to hit.
And hit it did; suddenly every part of my being squeezed and screamed at me to push and I had no choice but to comply. My legs widened as far as they’d go, I pulled my body closer towards the fridge, lifting myself up and hanging off the ridge with my forearms. The head was starting to peek through, I could feel it, and there was no way I could hold off from bearing down. My hips tilted backward and I pushed with everything I had. A long and guttural moan sang from my lungs as I pushed, the head slowly crowning into my underwear. We weren’t going to make it!
“Stop!!!!” I screamed. “Pull over!”
“The head-is-coming out…. Pull over now!”
The truck rocked and shuddered as you brought it to a halt. You sprang from the driver’s seat and on your way accidentally switched on the jingle sounds of the ice cream truck, the tune ringing from the speakers on the roof.
I barely noticed the doors to the truck being opened and closed, or you climbing inside - all my energy was focused solely on getting this baby out of me.
“What can I do?” You frantically asked, but only got more guttural noises in reply as I continued to bear down.
Releasing the push with a huff, I panted quickly saying “I think it’s crowning… hoooo…”
“We need to get those leggings off babe. Are you able to move? If you can get on all fours I should be able to roll them down.” You were as white as a sheet but you squashed your fears, knowing I’d need assurance and confidence right now.
Following your instructions I moved to all fours, and I soon felt your hands around my waist pulling at the tight fabric trying to roll it over the large bump and down my thighs. We had to stop part way for another contraction and another round of pushing. The baby’s head was stretching me so wide and I could tell it must be showing through the fabric when I heard you gasp.
“Oh my god, the head is coming out!” You exclaimed.
“I know that! I can feel it.” I snipped sarcastically.
“Sorry honey. You’re doing amazing. But I still need to get these leggings off you…”
I grunt, bearing down once more with the contraction, and I can feel the resistance of the baby hitting the wall of my stretched leggings. When the push was over I cried out “Go! Do it now!” and you scrambled at the waistband of my clothing and rolled the elasticated fabric down my damp thighs.
“Do you want me to take them completely off?” You asked but I could barely think, the next wave was already here and all I could do was push.
I wanted to widen my knees, to open up my burning hips to make the required space for the baby to pass through, but the tight fabric of the leggings pulled around my knees was preventing any further movement. I whimpered in my struggle; I needed to open my body wider and push but I simply couldn’t. In my desperation I went from my hands down to my elbows, my forehead touching the floor, my backside raised to the sky and I pushed with everything I had. I needed to get the head out and I had to get it out now.
“Easy babe,” you said softly, and I could feel your hand over the baby’s emerging head. “Take it steady, it’s crowning. Try and pant if you can, let it come on its own.”
“Hooohooo- oh fuck- I need to get it out…. Can’t hold off- oh I need to push!” I screamed.
Before you could tell me otherwise my body jerked as the head popped out and I groaned at the relief. Lifting my head slightly I bring a trembling hand down my body and between my thighs to feel - your hands were there too, cupping the newly born head of our child. You moved, letting me feel - the ears the nose, the hair - our baby. Your fingers then gently stroked the back of my hand, no words were said as our hands entwined, squeezing each other. The love, encouragement and support all conveyed within that squeeze.
We were suddenly startled by a gentle knocking on the window booth.
“Hey mister, can I have an ice cream please?” The excited voice of a child said from outside the truck.
With the delirium and exhaustion of childbirth I couldn’t help but laugh. You heard my hitched breathing, worried I was crying, and asked “Babe, what is it? Are you okay?”
My laughs got a bit more distinguished as I raised back up onto my hands and twisted to look at you. “This is one hell of a birth story…” I giggled.
“Ha. Maybe this one will take over the family business.” You joke, relieved to see me smiling during this eventful and inconvenient birth. “Sorry kid, no ice cream today.” You shouted through the walls of the truck.
“Oooo- hoooo- babe… mnggghhhh… it’s coming….” I shift and grunt, bracing both hands on the floor and surrendering to the contraction once more. “Fuck… why didn’t we take my leggings off!?”
“Keep going babe, the shoulders are coming. You can do it. Yes!… one shoulder…”
“Grrrrhhhhhhhh!!!!” I groaned loud and long, pushing through the excruciating stretch of the shoulders.
“…two shoulders… and again push honey push!!!!”
“Mnnnghhhh- catch it!!!” I screamed, and a second later the baby fell into your waiting hands and instantly cried.
Tears sprang from my eyes at the sound and I immediately twisted my body and legs around so you could hand me the babe.
“It’s a girl.” You said proudly, putting the slippery newborn against my chest.
“Hi baby… hi.” I cooed, lifting my thin t-shirt and placing her against my chest. “You were in a hurry weren’t you.”
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shadowandlightt · 2 months
Of Nightmares and Memories | Thirteen | Azriel X Rhys'!Sister reader
Series Warnings: Kidnapping. Mistreatment. Cursing. Pining. Violence. Depression. Talks of suicide. smut
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve
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“What the fuck is that?” You demand, stepping forwards once more. 
“None of your concern,” Rhys snaps at you, a shadow of wings beginning to unfurl over his shoulders.
“No,” You say again, “I will not be your pretty little pet. If we are indeed going to war, I will fight. I wasn’t old enough the last time, but I’ll be cauldron damned if I stay out of it again.”
“She has the right to know,” Az spoke up. 
“Damn right she has the right to know,” Morrigan says, “You won’t be able to keep her away from this fight Rhys.” 
“Enough!” He snaps once more, “Enough.” His head is hung low, like he finally understands that you will not be shielded from this conflict. 
Az’s shadows drift towards you, curling around your arm, comforting you in an odd way. But you felt as if the walls of the townhouse were closing in on you. A war was coming. And it would be worse than the one of your childhood. You could feel it, deep in your bones, you would lose those closest to you. 
“I need air,” You forced out before running towards the door. 
Leave them to their scheming. You needed out, you needed the fresh mountain air. Something to remind you that you were no longer a prisoner. Even if Rhys would be more than happy to keep you locked away in Velaris forever, you knew he wouldn’t. He would let you fight, even if it threatened to be his undoing, because he would never be like Tamlin. He refused to let that darker part of him take control. 
You find yourself on the bridge to the Rainbow. Although you still refuse to cross it, much like Feyre, you couldn’t help but come here sometimes to just breathe. Seeing the colors, hearing the music, it still feels like a dream to you. But a very good dream that you never want to wake from. 
“Thought I’d find you here,” A deep, silken, voice says as Azriel settles into place next to you. 
You can’t help the smile that forms on your lips, so softly it almost isn’t even there. But it was a smile nonetheless, and Az didn’t let it go unseen. He saw every part of you, right down to the fingernails you’d ripped down to stubs. 
“You always did read me too well,” You sigh, turning to look back at the river. 
They used to have to drag you from this spot, kicking and screaming you might add. This was your favorite place in all of Velaris. Always had been. But you were whole back then, a full person. Now you felt like a ghost, the shell of who you once were. 
“Care to walk?” He asks, holding out his arm for you to take. 
“Not tonight, Shadowsinger,” You rarely used his title. Mainly saving it for official business. Maybe you were using it in hopes he would vanish, leaving you to wallow in your misery. 
War was coming. People were going to die. People you cared about. And there was nothing you could do to stop it. Az would be in the thick of it, along with Cas and Rhys. Your three men, the ones you loved the most, would put their lives on the line again and again to ensure that the right side would win. But at what cost? Who would you lose? 
The thought of losing Azriel made your chest threaten to cave in on itself. The breath was knocked from your lungs at the thought as you began to shake. You could survive losing people you loved, but losing Az? The one who seemed to always understand you? The one who seemed to see you? You weren’t sure you could handle that. 
“Stop thinking,” Az’s scarred hand gently brushes your cheek, causing you to flinch away for a moment, before reaching up to grasp his hand in order to keep it there. 
“I can’t help it,” You mutter, “I feel as if I’m going to lose all of you.” 
“You won’t lose me,” he promises, turning you to face him. 
“You can’t know that,” Is your only reply, “You can’t even begin to promise that.” 
He lets out a deep breath before he pulls his dagger, Truth Teller, the very one you gave him as a child, from its sheath, “I swear on this dagger, on my life as it were, that I’ll always come back to you.” 
“No, listen to me, Y/N, we promised as children that whatever we do, we do it together. Wherever we go, we go together, and I plan on keeping that promise. We’ll get through this war, should it come, together.” 
Tears burned your eyes. He’s never swore on that old steal before. It was his most prized possession, because it was the first gift he’d ever been given. Not something he had to win in a training circle, but wholly and truly his. You had it made just for him, had the runes carved into it, everything was done with him in mind, knowing what he would one day be. 
“Stop it,” You turn away from him again, forcing yourself to focus on the river as you blink away your tears, “You’re making a promise you know you can’t keep. You’re no death god, you have no power over it. Should the-” Your voice cracks, “Should the Mother choose to claim you for herself, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.” 
“Stay with me tonight, at the House. Give Rhys and Feyre their space,” He begs, “Sleep next to me.” 
“Please,” he says, forehead coming to rest against the side of your head, “I beg you. Just stay with me, so I know you’re safe.” 
You finally nod, giving into him. Like you could ever say no to Azirel anyway. He was your whole being, even if you didn’t yet know it. But you could feel it, the shimmer of a bond that had yet to awaken. 
He flies you to the House of Wind, making sure to add in an extra loop or two just for fun. You don’t let him see how the flight brings tears to your eyes, because the last time you flew was with your mother. You didn’t let him know how it threatened to crack your heart even more than it already was. No, you couldn’t let him know all of that. 
He still noticed the way you pulled away from him the second you two landed on the balcony. Your breath was shaky, as you walked away, wringing your hands. You were trying to figure out how to deal with this. You’d rather face the steps than fly again. 
The thought of flying again made you want to vomit. How could you explain that something that once gave you life and meaning now seemed so vulgar? 
“Are you alright?” 
“Give me a minute,” Was all you could say as you worked your way further into the house and away from Az. 
You hated pushing him away, hating keeping secrets from him. But the scars on your back seemed to burn with a white hot fire. You needed to forget, had you still been in Spring you would’ve had more wine than you should have and then invited Lucien into your bed to fuck you senseless. The rumors of Autumn Court men fucking with fire in their veins was true. 
“What do you need?” Az is behind you in an instant, feeling like you’re longing for something you won’t ask for. 
You never slept with Az. Not in that sense. But it’s the only thing you can think of to make the burning stop. To make you forget about everything. It’s the only thing you can think of to forget. Forget about your mother, forget about that day, and all that you lost because of it. 
“I can’t ask you for what I want,” You mumble, unable to stop yourself from leaning into him. 
You’re half tempted to brave the cauldron damned steps and find a pleasure hall. Surely you could find someone there to please you enough. But the thought of doing anything with anyone other than Az makes you just as sick as the flying did. 
When you were with Lucien it was because you never thought you’d see Azirel again. You never thought you’d see the man who made you whole, the love of your life. Now…now that you’re back, and Azriel is right here….you can’t imagine him not touching you. 
“Ask me,” His voice is gruff in your ear, “Ask me anyway.” 
“Fuck me,” You whine, twisting in his arms to kiss him, “Gods, please Azriel, I need you to fuck me.” 
“You need me to make you forget?” He questions, understanding in a way you could never imagine. 
“Please,” You beg. 
Shadows gather around you, cooling your boiling skin. Within the second, you’re surrounded by darkness as he winnows you to his bedroom. You know it’s his room because you used to sneak into it all of the time. 
Nothing had changed that you could see. Weapons scattered around, various weapon racks and cases along the walls. You’re on his bed before you can think, his hands all over you. He’s wild, like he’s finally let go of that thread that keeps him wound so tight. The little bit of control finally let loose. 
“Shh,” He whispers, capturing your lips again oh so gently, “I’ll take good care of you. I promise.” 
“I’m not fragile,” You remind him, “I won’t break. I don’t need you to be gentle.” 
“You aren’t fragile,” He agrees, “But you are precious, and I want to be gentle with you.”
You moan out, feeling his hands, or maybe even his shadows reach for your breasts. You hadn’t been fucked in what feels like years. Maybe it had been years. When was Fire Night? Was that the last time you were with Lucien? 
Why were you even thinking of another man when you’re with Azirel? You silently scold yourself. Before you cling to him, holding him as tightly to yourself as you could. You wanted everything with him. You always had. But you never thought you’d ever have this chance. 
You thought for sure your father would marry you off to some Lord’s son before you could ever love Az the way you wanted to. Now here you are, hundreds of years later, ready to give him everything you have to offer. 
“I want you,” You whisper against his lips. 
It didn’t occur to you that Cassian could be somewhere in the house. You hoped that he was flying high above the city, and that all of this would go unknown. But the feel of Azriel’s hands on your skin was enough to make your mind go blank. 
The air was thick with the scent of your combined arousal. You could almost taste it. He gets to work on quite literally ripping the clothes from your body. It’s a good thing you weren’t overly fond of the set that Mor obviously picked out. 
“See, more of that,” You tease, nipping at his bottom lip. 
“Enough talking,” He warns, fingers dipping down to your heat. 
It was enough to shut you up, that’s for certain. The feeling of his scarred hands where you’d always dreamt of having them. Having his lips on your skin, working down your body, trailing kisses in their wake. 
A moan is released from your lips as he finally inserts a finger, and then another. You’re far from a virgin, he knows this, but it might as well be your first time. You feel like it is. Feel the need to fumble your way through so clumsily that it’s almost laughable. 
You’re whispering his name like a prayer, unable to form any other words. It’s just him, he’s all you can think about. All you could focus on. Anything else melted away as he sucked on your clit, pulling you closer and closer to the edge. You’re a moaning mess. Clinging to the hair on his head, pushing him impossibly closer to your core. 
You can feel him smile against you, and it sends you over the edge as he chuckles. Your vision goes white and no sound comes out of your open mouth as you convulse. Az keeps working you through it, only stopping once you literally push his head away. 
“You…” He stops and shakes his head, shadows are dancing around the both of you, “You’re incredible.”
“Just get over here,” You mutter, grabbing for him once more so you could kiss him. 
Despite the awkward angle, you get to work on the laces of his leathers, trying to rid him of his clothing just as quickly as he’d taken yours off. You seemed to forget in that moment that you had powers that would make this much easier, or maybe you didn’t care about them. This felt more primal than your powers. 
You free his cock, mouth instantly going dry. You hadn’t expected him to be so big. You never listened to Mor when she used to joke about wingspans, maybe you should have. Truthfully, you weren’t sure it was going to fit, he very well might just split you in two. 
As if he senses your apprehension, his hands come to rest over yours, “I’ll be gentle,” He reminds you, “And if you want to stop, you just need to tell me, okay? You can walk out of here, no questions asked.” 
“I want this,” You whisper, “I want you, Azriel. All of you.” 
His eyes shimmer a little as he swallowed thickly, “Okay.” 
He leans down to kiss you again. Any of your worries seem to just melt away under his attention. But you still can’t help but tense up when you feel him line up with your entrance. He gently tries to soothe you, reminding you that he’s going to go slow, reminding you that you’re truly the one who’s in charge. 
He takes your breath away as he slides in. Your eyes screw shut, hands reaching for anything to grip onto, whether it be the bed or Az. He hisses above you, arms shaking as he tries to keep above you. His wings are flared out behind him, and you don’t need your eyes open to know that. 
“Fuck,” He mumbled, pushing in just a little further. 
“I want all of you,” You force out, wrapping your legs around his middle, feet digging into his ass. 
“I know,” He grunts, “I know baby. Just give me a second, or I won’t last.” 
After a moment or two, he finally pushes in the rest of the way, filling you to the hilt. You’re panting, trying to fill your lungs with air, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Az has his face buried in your neck, breathing just as deeply as you are. Nothing ever seemed to feel so right to you before. That thing inside your chest that always seems to be there for Az just blooms. Growing bigger, begging for more of him. 
“More,” You moan out, holding him tightly to you, “I need more.” 
He nods and draws his hips back before trusting back into you. His shadows are kissing you, moving along your body with featherlight touches. It only adds to the feeling of Azriel inside you. It’s almost too much, and yet still it’s not enough. You want more of him, you need it. You need all he has to offer. All he can give you. It makes you whine out. 
“I know,” He groans, kissing you, “I feel it too.” 
His hips snap a little harder, filling you even deeper if it’s even possible. You cling to him to keep you grounded, like he’s the only one in the world who could. It never felt like this before. This personal, this loving. It takes your breath away in more ways than one. 
“I’m not going to last,” You whimper, feeling the coil in your stomach tighten even more. 
The slow, deep tempo he started begins to become more erratic, thrusts becoming sloppy and harder. You’re a moaning mess underneath him, begging for something, anything. Begging for him. 
“Fuck,” He whimpers, literally whimpers from above you, “I’m gonna cum.” 
One more snap of his hips, and a flick of your clit, and you’re coming with him. Both falling over the edge together. Moaning and kissing and breathing together. You never felt more connected to a person before. Never wanted to feel more connected to anyone than you wanted to be connected to Azriel. 
“I love you,” He whispers to you, kissing your neck. 
You wrap your arms around him, stroking his hair, “I love you too, Az.” 
“Stay with me?” You never heard him sound so vulnerable. 
“I won’t go anywhere,” You promise, kissing his head. 
You fell asleep like that, holding one another. Anything you were worried about before had long since melted away. Nothing else seemed to matter but the beautiful Shadowsinger in your arms. He was all that you wanted, all you needed really. 
But when the early morning sun shone through the window, you felt nothing but guilt. Because as much as you loved him, you used him last night. It shouldn’t have happened because you needed to forget. The scars on your back seemed to be burning again as you made your way from Azriel’s room, dressed, surprisingly, in fresh clothing that the House left out for you. 
You’d forgotten about the magic of this place. 
You’re about to brave the steps when you hear a voice from behind you. 
“Never thought I’d see you sneaking out of here,” Cassian stated.  
“Don’t,” You warn, “Not this morning.” 
“Go back to him,” He urges you, “Whatever fucked up thing you’re thinking, forget it. And go back to my brother. He deserves one good thing in his life.” 
“I’m not good,” You shake your head, “I haven’t been in a long time.” 
He takes a step closer to you, arms wide open, “Whatever happened that day, and what’s happened in the years after, don’t change who you are. You’re still you.” 
A lump forms in your throat, and you rush into his open arms. Needing to feel some kind of comfort from someone who somehow seemed to understand what you’re going through. Somehow he knew, and didn’t shy away from it. 
“You’re still Y/N, nothing can change that,” He promises you, “We’ve all done things we wish we could take back, things we aren’t proud of. But you survived, they tried to break you but they couldn’t. They failed, and you made it out alive. No one can fault you for the things you had to do to ensure that.” 
“No, sweetheart,” He shakes his head, “You lived.”
You can’t help but cry. Because it's the first time someone actually told you that it was okay. Everything you did, everything you had to do…it’s okay. You cry so hard your legs wobble, causing Cas to haul you into his arms and walk you into the living room. He sits down on one of the couches, holding you in his lap, letting you cry it out. 
It could have been hours later, you aren’t quite sure. But quiet footsteps echo through the now silent living room. You know it’s Aziel, because he’s the only other one in the house, but you can’t bring yourself to move. All your strength is gone again. 
“Why is it that I always seem to find you like this?” He asked Cassian carefully. 
“Because believe it or not, I’m good at talking to her,” Cassian whispers back to him, “I think she’s asleep.” 
“I’ll take her to her room,” Az sighs, “How bad was it this time?” 
“Bad enough,” Cas shrugs, “She still blames herself.” 
“Do we need Rhys?” 
“No, not yet,” Cas says softly, “I think she’s figuring it out. Stubbornly slow, but I think she’s getting there.” 
Cassian is silent for a moment before speaking again, “She smells of you.” 
“Don’t.” Az warns, his voice not lacking an edge. 
“No, I’m happy for you,” Cassian clarified, “You two work well together.” 
“When she isn’t running we do.” 
“She’ll come around. She has to forgive herself first though,” Cassian assured him. 
Azriel comes closer, holding his arms out for you. Cassian sighs and stands, helping transfer you into Azriel’s arms. You instantly snuggle into him, humming in your dazed state. Cassian was right, you were mostly asleep. But awake enough to know that you’re in your love’s arms. 
“Take care of her,” Cassian warns Azriel. 
“I plan on taking care of her for the rest of our lives if she’ll let me.” 
With that, Cas turns and makes for the balcony before shooting to the skies. Leaving you alone in the house with Az once more. You mumble something that Az can’t quite make out, which causes him to gently shoosh you. 
“It’s okay, I’ve got you princess,” He promises, “And I’m not going to let you go.”
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angelickisscs · 2 months
we are or we aren’t ~ angst ‧₊˚
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୨ ୧ ˚₊ ~ pairing ~ jude bellingham x reader
summary: Sometimes, you have to be true to yourself even if that means breaking two hearts in the process !
warnings: no happy ending, my sincerest apologies!!
YOUR HEAD WAS in your hands, that nagging feeling of embarrassment pulling on your heart as it inflicted life altering pain like it was nothing. The sound of it pounding against your ears, looking for anyway to escape had you close to explosion.
It was a form of embarrassment you had never felt. Sure, you had tripped and fell in front of masses of people or stuttered while speaking to your superiors but those only kept you awake, searching for a way to make it stop.
This situation had you clawing down metal walls, screaming at the top of your lungs to be heard by no one.
The anger was what stood out the most, however. It was indescribable how this man had been making you feel for months. It engulfed you, flowing through your blue-tinted veins as if it were your own blood.
He had you running in circles around him, clasping at any form of attention he gave you that wasn’t to do with the main reason he associated with you. Sure, it had you embarrassed. But after it lingered in your mind for a simple day more than it should have, it turned into relentless rage. Being taken out on everyone but him because you could not tolerate the thought of hurting his feelings.
You could not bare the thought of making him feel the same way he had been making you feel since the very second you met him.
“Look, I did not mean to upset you. If I’d know this is how you’d react, I wouldn’t have said it.” Jude said, digging the hole he had willingly stepped in far deeper than it ever needed to go.
“What else could it make me feel Jude?” You scoffed, looking up towards him with a slight grimace.
You had done that weird side-stepping thing with people where you would always end up going in the same direction. You had coughed in a completely silent room. You had taken your dog out for a walk where she had started barking at every living being like crazy.
All moments where you had used the expression worst day of my life. But now, it was no longer an expression. It was an emotion so deeply imprinted inside of you that you could feel it soaring in your bones.
“I’m sorry. So sorry.” The uncertainty in his voice threw knives at you and yet his eyes refused to watch as you bled out directly in front of him.
“What for?” You tried, your body standing up only to take a step back from him. The position you had taken on the sofa when walking in making you feel more vulnerable than ever.
Jude paused, reaching his hand up to scratch at the back of his neck. A nervous act that you had swiftly caught onto. “For saying all of that to them. I do not know what I was thinking.”
The silence was deafening, eating not only you alive. It tore you apart limb from limb, taking time between choosing what to go after next.
You knew exactly what he was thinking. A mutual friend had asked if the two of you were dating, something not even you knew the answer too. But Jude did, he was quick to deny the innocent allegation. Explaining that you were just friends and nothing more. And you could do nothing but stand there, eavesdropping on the conversation he was having from afar.
It made each muscle in your body seize, the pain that he had caused not only mental.
“I panicked, it was stupid, and I take accountability for that.” He made an attempt to fill the gap you had previously set between you both. All he needed was a weak hand raise from you to stop in his tracks and you gave him that.
There was not much you could think to say. His weak attempt at an apology like putting a plaster over a gun shot wound. Your heart tightened, feeling everything that he was saying, the shattered pieces of it tearing apart the rest of your body.
Words barrelled against your closed lips, jumbling themselves into sentences that did not even make sense to you. Your gaze drifted towards the hardwood floors that coated much of his house, having falling victim as you stared harshly at them in attempt to not let the tears fall.
Why did you even come here in the first place?
Why would you even get in a car with him? Sitting silently, letting the emotions brew in you like you were creating a mystical potion. That was until he had pointed your silence out, asking sincerely if you were okay.
“I can’t keep doing this.” You shook your head, some silly part of you disagreeing with your own feelings but it was far too late to go back. “We can’t.”
“Doing what?” The crack that split his words in half had you allowing the first tears to break free from the prison they had found themselves inside.
“Whatever this situation is! You said it. We are just friends, nothing more,” Each syllable duplicated the anguish you were feeling. “But then we get back home and then it’s the complete opposite.”
The air that surrounded the both of you was freezing, wrapping you in a not so comforting hug. It circled around the room like a lion encircling its prey.
Finally looking upwards, your eyes met with his brown ones, the pain that filled them so deeply confusing you. Minutes ago, it was the exact opposite. A barrier of some sorts keeping you from seeing what he was actually feeling and now it had finally lowered, you could not help but wish that it had happened sooner.
“I don’t-.” He had begun but you were not in the correct state of mind to listen to why he was not ready to be in a relationship for the thousandth time.
“It’s either we are, or we aren’t Jude. I am exhausted of being some little toy you can play around with, leave, and then come back when you need a fuck or some comfort.” Your voice was exasperated from all the weight it forced itself to carry, your throat begging for any form of liquids, the tears that were now rhythmically falling down your cheeks not doing enough to complete this request.
“You’re so much more than that to me, I promise.” Jude stated, taking steps towards you so he could place his hands upon your cheeks, wiping away each singular tear. His forehead fell downwards to meet yours, his eyes closing as he did so.
You paused, cherishing the feelings of his skin against yours for what was the last time. “So, we aren’t then?”
Keeping your eyes open, you awaited an answer. The answer you were bound to get from the very beginning.
“No! I just-.” His eyes stayed closed as he spoke but your face moving away from his grip had them opening once again, the panic beginning to set in.
Words failed to fall past his open lips, a sense of urgency fuelling his every movement. His hand moved out to grab yours and yet it could not. The ever-growing gap you were putting between the two of you only now hitting you.
“Please, I just need to figure some stuff out. I want you; I want to scream from the rooftops how much I enjoy being around you. How my mind is filled with thoughts about you every second of the day. I want to be with you.”
“But.” You finished for him making his shoulders slump in defeat. “Theres always a but with you and even if you want all of that, you have continuously failed to give it to me no matter how much I have asked you to.”
Jude’s head began to shake, refusing to process and accept everything you were finally saying. You were ready to let him go but he was not ready to let that happen.
“I will give it to you and so much more. I know I have failed you, just let me make it right.” His pleads fell upon death ears.
Your legs began to take control of your body, your head not in the right space to be able to make any qualified decisions in this second. They took you out of that monstrous room, guiding you seamlessly through the house using a route you had taken far too many times.
Jude was quick to follow you, calling your name but as your pace quickened, his body froze. He had never felt this type of pain before. So deeply and harshly like a million knives had punctured one particular section of his heart.
His eyes followed you as you opened his front door, the shock that overran his paralyzed body finally giving way to the adrenaline so he could chase after your retreating figure.
But it was far too late, just like everything else he had done with you. With nothing to do but watch, that is exactly what he did. From his doorstep on the cold and windy night, his eyes painfully trained on your car as you drove out of his life.
You had stupidly given your heart to the brown eyed thief and would spending the rest of your life in debt for that.
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voiidlizrd · 11 months
“Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago."
- Hozier, From Eden
Summary: The love the Brothers have for you follows them from present to past and to future
Note: MC is gender neutral (they/them pronouns), some angst but relatively fluffy, slight gore (it’s the Devildom), slight POLY MC, demon being a creep to Asmo, small spoilers to Chapter 16 in Obey Me: Shall We Date
A/N: For Satan’s part, I used his frustration and anger in a way of how I’d describe my anger/frustration because it can be hard to express how I feel and it’s like a big bundle of “what the fuck”
Oh, I also based Levi’s excitement to how I’d get really excited cause when I excited I get somewhat violent like “OH MY GOD IM GOING TO EAT THE DRYWALL” excited
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Lucifer did not trust or like you when the two of you first met. You were a demon, he thought at first, and disliked you immediately. Sure, he may be a fallen Angel now, a previous Archangel, but he refuses to compare himself to a demon, to be seen beside a demon aside from Diavolo.
He is more embarrassed of the fact he’d have to rely on you to help him through the Devildom, but maybe he hopes you’ll back down because of the fact, as a demon, caring for the traitors of the Celestial realm would ruin your reputation, or cause you to get in the line of fire with other demons.
But… You didn’t.
You got disgusted looks, glares, and were even spat at because of the fact you associated with them, with him, but you didn’t seem to care one way or the other, just keeping your head high and keeping by his side, not even caring if he did his own glaring and snide comments towards you.
You always came back to him no matter what he said to you.
When learning that you were human, he got a little softer towards you. Perhaps underestimating you sue to your mortality and how fragile you are, always monitoring you as if you weren’t already skilled around the Devildom, as if you didn’t have the power to destroy him with a flick of your wrist, as if you weren’t his own attendant.
Despite him growing protective over you, you always protected him in the end, even if he insisted he didn’t need such from a ‘human’ such as yourself.
“A fallen angel…” a demon had whispered while you two were walking down the street together, you showing him the best record stores in town. “How disgusting. I can smell the Celestial realm on it.”
Lucifer didn’t care, of course. What would engaging with a lowly demon do? But you, your Wrath was clearly showing when you side eyed the demon with a sneer. They seemed to notice you.
“And a demon? I feel bad for them…” Another whispered.
“I’d rather kill myself than be seen near that forsaken angel!” The demon cackled to their partner.
It set you off, even if Lucifer tried to grab your wrist to stop you. You approached the demons, and Lucifer felt his heart lurch. If you got hurt, they would smell the blood on you. How human it was. How soft you were. How pathetically fragile you are. It would ruin Diavolo. It would ruin everything Lucifer was trying to build.
He was about to shout when you grabbed the demon by the horns and tossed them to the ground, an aura about you radiating that made him shiver. You whispered something to the demon in their ear and suddenly their arm was twisted abnormally, as if the bones had shattered themselves at your voice, the skin stretching to accommodate the poking bones.
The demon could only scream, but silenced itself when you covered their mouth. “If I ever,” you said lowly to them. “Hear you utter those words, or any word for that matter, towards Lucifer and his brothers, I will make sure you lose more than just an arm.”
A single glance to the other demon cowering away from you only nodded, understanding the threat went both ways.
You suddenly flipped a switch and walked over to Lucifer with a smile, as if you hadn’t caused a demon to almost piss themselves because of you.
“Let’s get something to eat,” you said with a groan, holding your stomach. “I’m starving!”
He could only follow you silently to Hells Kitchen, unable to speak for a while after those events. He understood finally that you could be trusted to handle yourself, and, to handle his brothers (and himself).
It allowed him to lower his guard around you, to stop seeing you as a soft little human and more of an embodiment of pure, raw power that ended up in a human as kind, as empathetic, as funny and creative and beautiful and handsome as…
As you.
He would never admit his infatuation of you, finding it silly that he would fall for you so quickly. Perhaps it was a moment of weakness because of his Fall. Perhaps he was desperate for interaction with something other than loathsome demons aside from Diavolo. Perhaps it was the fact you were human and the very existence of humans brought him back to Lilith always.
How she gave herself up for them, for one.
It made him sick. It made him hate himself. It made him want to hate you, deep down.
How can he love the very thing that ruined his life? That ruined his brothers’ life? That caused his Father to have to try and punish Lilith for this.
He hated the way his heart throbbed in his chest when you were around. Those eyes gazing into his with a smile so kind, ignoring the harsh words that would escape his lips cursing your existence as a human being, yet you continue to smile at him.
He hates this feeling. He wishes it to go away. He wishes to stop seeing you in his dreams every night, imagining your hands running through his hair, kissing his skin, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He wishes he didn’t want to spend more time with you. He wishes much, much more.
A toxic, bitter disgust settles on his tongue, like eating a sour lemon, leaving nothing but an ache in his heart and a bundle of confusion, anger, and sadness tangled up inside his chest.
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Lucifer sits in his room, idly doing paperwork that seemed to never lessen in their stacks, to him, it only seems to grow more and more. He sighs quietly and drops his quill, settling his face in his hands, listening to the idle crackle of the fire in the background. His shoulders were stiff and so was his back. Lucifer considered for just a moment of taking a break, but there was an itch in the back of his mind urging him forward, that it had to be finished today. If he didn’t finish, it will ruin his reputation with Diavolo.
Just before he picked up his pen, there was a knock on his office door. He furrowed his brows, thinking it was on of his brothers coming to complain about one another again, or to complain about Mammon taking something from them again, he sighed;
“Come in.”
To his surprised (and to his dismay), you entered with a cup of coffee in hand along with a small box balancing on your forearm that held the cup as you opened the door, shutting it behind you with your foot as you grabbed the box in your now free hand. You smiled at him, ignoring his little glare, which would’ve been terrifying if you hadn’t seen it all before.
“This was an unexpected visit, MC.” He said, looking down at his paperwork. “Did one of my brothers tell you to come here?”
“Nope!” You said, setting down the box in front of him, on top of his papers, and the cup of coffee on the side away from the papers, because you didn’t want to annoy him, or spill the coffee. You’d… never see the next day, if you did.
“I came here to see you, Lucifer”.
The ache returned and so did the taste of something sour and bitter, he clenched his hand underneath his desk subconsciously, looking away from you and down at his paperwork, trying to give you the hint to leave him alone.
But you never left, as you never do.
“Aheeemm.” You cleared your throat annoyingly loud, making him sigh.
“Try the coffee I made you!”
“…I prefer to make my own coffee, thank you.” He muttered, pretending to read off of his paper.
“Luciferrrr…” You whined, sitting down in the chair across his desk, sighing loudly. “If you at least look in the box I got you and drink just a little sip of that coffee, I swear to you, I’ll bribe your brothers to leave you alone for the rest of the day. At least until I make dinner.”
He glances up at you and sighs quietly, dropping his pen again. “Fine.” He said, grabbing the box first, “you better hold up to your word.”
You nodded happily and lean forward in your chair to get a closeup of his face. Upon opening the box, he sees Devil macaroons from Madam Scream’s, Princess’ Poison Apple flavored. He’s narrowing his eyes at the name, never hearing of that before, given that you are the one introducing most of Devildom’s cuisines to him, when he ever has time.
“I always think of the Poison Apple like green apples,” you said with a hum. “I mean they’ve never gotten me sick, but they do have a bitterness about them with a hint of sweetness, kinda like how dark chocolate does.”
He barely understands half of what you’re talking about but he shuts the box and sets it to the side, aiming for the coffee. He was feeling a little exhausted, thinking about drinking some of his own brew in a few hours or so.
You look more excited as he brings the cup to his lips.
The taste of incredibly bitter coffee hit his tongue immediately, the warm black brew made his heart quicken, and tongue tingle. But the taste, the horrible bitter taste, it made his nose scrunch up.
Yet it was so warm, comforting, and familiar.
“You couldn’t have at least put sugar in this.” He glares at you as you snicker lightly as his expression.
“Sorry, sorry. But I did.” You said, standing up. “It’s a special bean brew I got from the shop today. The reason it’s so bitter is because it brings out the admiration the maker has for the drinker. That being you!”
His hands, through his gloves, are warmed by the mug of coffee, the crackling of fire filling in the silence that settled between you two. He couldn’t bare to look away from you as the tips of his ears grew warm while staring back into those eyes.
So soft.
So loving.
So perfect.
Lifetimes could go by and he could never be bored. Thousands upon thousands of years and never once forget. Devildom was suppose to be a punishment, a way to bare his sins, but how can this be a punishment when you were here in front of him? A human being that surely was a silent gift from his Father to him and his brothers. You must have been. To be molded so perfectly, to have your soul reflect his very being.
You reach your hand out to him, tilting your head to the side, as if examining him, and settle your hand upon his cheek, rubbing your thumb across it tenderly. He almost melts into your touch, craving it, missing it.
Then the comfortable silence is broken by the sound of yelling coming from downstairs, a mixture of Mammon and Levi arguing along with Satan’s screaming at them. You sigh and pull back, a fond smile on your face.
“Well, a deal is a deal,” you said standing up. “I’ll go take care of that and call you down for dinner, okay? And you can’t say no because I’ll drag you down.”
You leave the room, quickly, in order to stop the brothers from possibly breaking anything. Lucifer, before you opened the door and shut it behind you, almost reaches out to grasp you, to hold you close, to never let you leave.
Then the commotion downstairs dies down as quickly as it started.
You were a human of your word.
He looks to the mug and brings it back to his lips, savoring the bitterly sweet flavor that spreads in his mouth and throat as he drinks it down, never stopping as the warmth continues to burn at his heart and melt him. He wants to savor it, but the greed inside of him wants more and more to drink, to taste more of the feelings you brewed inside the coffee, to feel more of your love.
Lucifer set down the empty cup, his throat tightening as a wave washes over him, a singular tear running down his cheek. He wipes it away gently as he breathes out, shakily, confused.
He wants to drown in this lovely bitter feeling for all of eternity.
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Mammon believes he doesn’t need you. You may be their attendant to lead them around the Devildom, to get them settled, but he doesn’t need you. After all he’s The Great Mammon! He can do everything himself, if need be. It’s what he’s always done. Looking after his little brothers, looking after his older brother. It’s something he’s always done, even if the other brothers seem to hate him for it, or to berate him for whatever reason. They’re his brothers after all, he knows that they love him, even if they’re a little mean to him. He loves them dearly, even if he can never express it, or put it into actions properly.
But you always see through it somehow. Always giving him a playful smile when he unintentionally compliments his brothers. Never taking his little snide comments to you to heart, only lightly rolling your eyes at him, like you’ve heard it all before.
He doesn’t need you.
He didn’t need you to walk with him through RAD, keeping him from running off away from his classes, holding his arm and ignoring his complaining.
“Lemme go!” He struggled, though, not putting much weight into his struggling or fight. He could toss you off if he desperately wanted to.
“UGGHH I don’t wanna go to my classes! If I do, I’m gonna die. I’m actually gonna die, they’re so boring! Ya’ know that too! You were halfway of fallin’ asleep last period!”
“Yeah but I still managed to write all the notes in the class down, unlike you.”
“Nuh uh! I got m’ notes!”
He doesn’t need you to help him. To scold him. He’s already got Lucifer to do all of that. He doesn’t need you he doesn’t.
“Hey!” The sudden snap of your voice caused him to jump as he heard the snickers of a demon running away.
That’s when he saw his wallet being waved around in the demons hand, as if mocking Mammon because of the fact he was robbed blind, barely even registering it.
Mammon didn’t need you, he couldn’t easily just chased after the demon and caught up to them no problem. After all, he was the most fast of his brothers. Fastest swimmer, flyer, runner. He would’ve caught up with the demon if you hadn’t chased after them, sprinting after them and catching up only a few feet away, tackling them to the ground and slamming their head to the ground.
“Get offa me!” The demon yelled, trying to stretch themselves from you getting the wallet. “That traitor angel has Diavolo wrapped around his finger! It’s not like he’ll miss petty pocket change!”
This only angered you further. Mammon could only watch with wide eyes as you, a human, began to plummet the demons face in. Hitting them, scratching them, anything you could do to their face to make then scream and wail and try and fight you off. They tried to shove you, but you grabbed their horns and slammed their head down into the marble, rendering them completely dazed. You snatched the wallet from their loosened grip, standing up with a disgusted grimace, and spit down onto them.
“Next time I see your disgusting face around here again, I’ll curse you to live in eternal agony.” You gritted your teeth, giving a kick to the demons side, and walking off back to Mammon.
He didn’t need you. He could’ve done it himself. He doesn’t need a human to defend him, to fight for him, he doesn’t need-
“Here you go Mams.” You smiled, wiping your bloodied knuckles on your uniform pants. His wallet in one piece. “Make sure to keep your wallet in the side pocket. That way you don’t get your wallet swiped. Trust me, I’ve learned from experience.”
You were snickering as if nothing big just happened, grabbing his arm and dragging him off to the next class as he was in a daze, looking down at the wallet. There was a small bit of blood on the leather.
Mammon’s heart began to race as he wiped the blood off the leather with his thumb, swallowing hard. A warmth crawling up his neck and spreading across his cheeks.
He… wants you to need him too…
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Mammon hated today. He hated everything today. Leviathan blamed him for stealing some stupid figure from his room and complained to Lucifer. Lucifer decided it would be a great idea to string him up on the chandelier again for making Leviathan bother him while he was working and for stealing. Not listening to his protests. He was struggling against the binds as Asmodeus sighed pitifully at Mammon.
“Seriously, Mammon, you need to learn from your mistakes. This is, like, what, the fifth time this week.” Asmodeus looked down at his nails and picked at one of them.
“I told ya! It ain’t my fault! I didn’t steal shit from Levi!”
“Yes you did! Just admit it!” Levi cried. “It was a rare collectible! My prized jewel! I know you stole it, scummy Mammon! Give it back!”
“I didn’t. Steal. Yer’. Stupid. Toy!”
“It isn’t a toy! Monster!”
“Hey!” Your voice was like a saving grace to Mammon when he heard you coming through the door, a hand on your hip. “The hells going on?”
“Mammon stole my ultra Ruri-Chan figurine! I know he did! He was the only one in my room today!”
“Did you?” You asked, looking at Mammon with a raised brow.
“No!” He yelled, tears almost coming into his eyes in frustration, only seeing Lucifer just stand idly by silently. “I didn’t steal shit! Sure I’ll steal somethin’ else from the house but I ain’t touching shit from Levi’s stuff! It’s all junk anyways!”
“You take that back!-“
“Enough.” Your voice silenced their bickering. You stepped forward and looked to Lucifer. “Let him down.”
The other brothers watched in awe at your tone, demanding Lucifer to do what you wanted. Lucifer raised a brow at you, testing you, expecting you to immediately back down. But your little staring contest ended in Lucifer sighing and snapping the rope and letting Mammon fall to the ground. He groaned but looked up at you with admiration, and a gratitude as his eyes continued to water. The frame of your figure was like a sunrise in the Devildom, purely beautiful to him, better than gold. His heart thrummed in his chest violently.
“Hey!” Levi whined. “He didn’t give my figurine back! He didn’t even apologize!”
“Levi,” you look at him and Levi wilted back. “You should clean your room once in a while. I found the figurine box buried under your clothes. It fell from the shelf because of the other figurines on it.”
Levi’s face burst into red, embarrassed. He began fiddling with his fingers, finding his nails more interesting. He avoided Mammon’s gaze the most, more than yours, as you untied Mammon easily.
You give him a little look, a raised brow. Like you were a disappointed parent. Lately you’ve tried to get the brothers to apologize more to Mammon whenever he is accused of things that he hasn’t done. Especially Levi and Mammon. You hoped to bring them closer, or at least stop them from constantly yelling at one another. Also to communicate, even a little bit better with one another.
“I-I know…” Leviathan muttered under his breath, looking at Mammon finally as he stood up. Levi breathed in and sighed.
“I’m sorry… I-I just-“ Levi’s face grew more redder than before, it almost rivaled any Devildom equivalent tomato. “I’m sorry Mammon. You know I get very protective over my stuff… Especially those figurines… I’m-I’m really sorry!”
Mammon couldn’t even feel the anger he felt before, staring at Levi, but his focus was mainly on you, what you did for him. He looked at Levi, than to you. You were more preoccupied looking over his skin and rubbing a loving touch over the slight rope burn on his skin.
“Uhm… Yeah.” Mammon looked down at floor with his face a little red from your soft touches. “It’s fine. Just quit blammin’ me for the fact you’re so messy, Levi. That rooms a pigsty, somethin’ is bound to get lost.”
“Hey! I-“ Levi looked at you and saw a look in your eyes, he immediately shut his mouth and nodded, running off back to his room and shutting the door.
Mammon was silently led by you to his room, much to the complaints of his other brothers, but he couldn’t have felt more proud as they complained, your attention solely on him. You sat down on his bed, looking at him as he stood there. He tried to ignore the drumming of his heart racing, the swelling, the tightness in his throat.
“Y’- y’gonna scold me now?”
“Do you think I am?”
“Then you know my answer.”
Mammon couldn’t hear anything else other than his ramming heart. He couldn’t focus. The pain and frustration of earlier mattered little to what he felt right now. You motioned him closer. He slowly approached and you grabbed his hand gently, sitting him down beside you and tapping your thigh. He settled his head on your lap, awkwardly.
He swallowed as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“You okay?” You asked quietly.
He couldn’t be more okay than right now. He nodded as he buried his face with a turn of his head into your stomach, smothering himself in the smell of your shirt and your skin. There was the scent of detergent along with the sweet scent of you. It was a warmth of you that made him want to cry. You always focused on him, like he was more important and than anything else. More important than money, than gold, higher than any deity. Like he was your everything, and the way you ran his fingers through his hair, he was brought back to a weird nostalgia. As if this has happened many times before. Your voice. Your touch. Your smell. It all felt…right.
He never wanted to leave this. Not at all.
“Yknow,” you spoke up, twirling a strand of his white hair. “Even though you can be a pain in my ass for getting in trouble so much…”
He grunted into your shirt, as if warning you about your words, which was a fruitless threat.
“You’re the best first man I could ever ask for.”
His breath caught his throat and tears welled up in his eyes, now soaking into the fabric of your shirt. His lower lip trembled and he tried to smother himself further into you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, sniffling. That “first man” again… It made his heart soar, it made him want to hold you even tighter, to protect you like you protect him, it made him want to do everything for you, to bring you the joys that the world would have to offer, no matter the cost of Grimm.
“I love you…” He mutters. He wants to say it more. He wants to whisper it eternally, he wants you to feel what he feels, to suffer what he feels and how beautifully his chest aches for you, how there are words he wants to scream out to you.
“I love you… I love you…” He continues. Sniffling. He hates crying but he can’t help it.
He is your first man, as you’ve said. It’s his job to protect you, to provide for you, to give you the entire world, if you asked him to. And he’s more than willing to do it.
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It was your mission to change Levi, even a little bit. By change, you wanted to bring confidence to him, a confidence he never had in the Devildom or the Celestial Realm. Even a little bit of it would go a long way. You’ve made a little progress, which goes a long way in your book, but there are set backs to your hard work.
Like the demons at RAD especially.
It irritated you to no end about how they make fun of Levi, it pissed you off. But Levi didn’t understand your anger. He would sulk constantly because he knew what they were saying, but it wasn’t like you were apart of their comments about him. Levi just didn’t get you.
Especially when you do the things he doesn’t expect people do to for him. You fuel his spirits as an otaku. You buy him mangas you knew he’d love, watch anime with him constantly when you were over at the HOL, playing games with him or watching him play. It brought him a peace he didn’t know he could achieve, it made his heart race, his hands sweat, and face heat up. It was everything he ever wanted and more. Perfect, even. And it was hard to say “perfect” in the House of Lamentation, especially around his brothers.
You two were sitting in the partially empty classroom with other demons taking their seats, waiting for class to start. He was rambling about the new game he hoped to get so you can play together.
“I heard that it’s an open world and there’s so many options you can do as of gameplay that can also build your character and their personality that will affect the choices that will pop up in the game! Oh and-“
“Oh my gosh does this guy ever shut up?” You heard a demon behind you whisper. Well, not exactly whisper. They made it to where Levi could hear what they said.
Levi immediately shut his mouth tightly, looking down at the table, picking his painted nails quietly as his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. This made you grit your teeth, turning around to the demon who continued to idly chat to their table partner.
“Hey, what the hell is your problem?”
“No… MC you don’t have to-“
“My problem? What’s his problem? He’s been going a mile a minute without a single breath and it’s annoying. Plus he was talking too loud and basically made it hard for me to even have a conversation.” The demon sneered at you, leaning their cheek against their hand. “I basically did you a favor by saying what we’re all thinking.”
You opened your mouth to say something else, to argue for Levi, but he grabbed your hand gently. “It’s fine… I mean I was being weird and-“
“You know what.” You interrupted, looking at the demon. “We’re sorry for interrupting your conversation.”
You turned away from the demon’s table, leaving Levi to sit there and stare at you, doubt immediately filling his mind. Did you mean that? Did you agree with the demon? But you were staring at him so sweetly as he explained his game… Was he just seeing it- was-
Then he heard the sound of muffled yelling and the words of the demon desk mate of the other rude demon who interrupted you and Levi’s conversation. Levi turned back to see the demon clawing at their face, mainly their mouth, which appeared to be sealed shut, as if their lips were glued together. Levi turned to you when he saw your slightly sadistic smirk as the two demon deskmates hurried out of the room.
Levi looked at you, then back at the door the demon scurried out of, then back at you. You were smiling, those eyes explained everything he needed to know about what happened.
“We can’t interrupt their conversation if they can’t have one, can we?”
Levi stared at you like a fish out of water, wide eyes and red cheeks as his heart raced, confused thoughts racing through his mind. Why? Why do this for someone like him?
“Levi? Aren’t you gonna tell me more about the game? You have to! We’re gonna play it together, right? I gotta know all about it first so we can enjoy it!” Grinning playfully at him, all thoughts were thrown out of the window as he relaxed.
That’s right, he never wanted anything more than to talk to you.
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“MC! MC YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!” He was practically shaking you before you even stepped foot in his door. Somehow he detected that you were walking down the hallway to his room and he opened the door before you knocked and said the passcode.
“Uh, what can’t I believe?” You gently put your hands on his shoulders to stop him from rattling your brain too much.
“COME IN! LOOK!” He dragged you inside and shut the door, locking it so no normies (his brothers) entered the room.
He pointed to his partially filled up bookshelf filled with hardcovers and manga volumes. There, on a lone shelf with a single hard book, was the infamous TSL book you saw when you first arrived to the Devildom and spoke to Levi.
“There’s finally a hardcover book on Tales of Seven Lords! Can you believe it!? I was the first one to revive the book! The hardcover no less! Look at it!” He grabbed it off the shelf and shoved it in your hands to look at the skillfully crafted art covered front.
“IM SO SO HAPPY! I could die! I could literally die right now!” He squealed and bounced up and down and barely even breathing from his excitement, on the verge of gritting his teeth as he clenched and unclenched his fists to conceal the urge to just explode! “OH! MC, so you know the third lord right!? The lord-“
“The Lord of Shadows.” You smiled at him fondly, as if reminiscing on a memory that was most treasured to you, the day you two first met, gazing at him with just as much devotion as it was in your words.
He stopped slowly, staring at you with wide eyes and he blinked. You knew about TSL? Well, it’s no wonder you knew about it, it’s pretty famous and he did ramble to you about it more than once, and during those rambles you’d always… Stare at him. With those eyes so soft and urging him to continue, never stopping him once. Even when he went on for hours and hours you never stopped him unless you wanted to get a snack or drink or use the bathroom, even then you always came back and would sit down right next to him and just… Listen. Usually incorporating your own thoughts into the conversation, but mainly letting him speak. And in those rambles, you remembered everything. The memories itself made him blush and heart pound, his hands sweating and his legs feel like jello.
Even now, the way you looked at him, it made him feel even worse, as if his legs would give out any moment and he would collapse into your arms and still you would look at him with that expression. So warm and loving, something he never thought in his loser life he’d see. He’s only seen it in anime, never IRL.
“Levi?” The sound of his name snapped him out of his stupor.
“Uh- Huh? What?”
“You were telling me about the Lord of Shadows, yeah? What did you wanna say?”
“I uh…” he can’t speak, his mouth feels dry as tears well up in his eyes, the overwhelming warmth crawling in his chest and prickling his skin. He wants to crush you in a hug, or he just wants to kiss you- okay no too far! He… He doesn’t know what to do with himself. All he can do is breathe shallowly as he stares at you, the tears running down his face.
“Levi?” You furrow your brows in concern, putting the book gently back in its place on the shelf, and stepping forward to him, a hand pressed against his cheek. “You alright?”
Oh the warmth of your skin sends tingles up his spine. He relaxes into the softness of your palm, more tears running down his face. It felt so right, so perfect, like time never passed and it was just you and him in this moment. He never thought he’d experience this normie encounter, this ‘love’, that he always watched or read about in cheesy anime romances, but the way you rubbed his tears away only made it more solid for him, more real.
“Are you okay?” You ask again, more quietly, softly, as if he would lurch away from you like a frightened fish.
“Yes…” He breathed out, sniffling. He shuts his eyes tightly, not being able to look you in the eye, and brings you into his arms, needing to feel more of your warmth, of your pure love. “I just… really, really, really like you. Like… uhm… like like you.”
You chuckle quietly as his embarrassment, running your fingers through his hair. “I like like you too, Lev.”
His blush only worsened as he buried his face in your neck, breathing in the scent of your skin, holding you even tighter.
You always listened to him. You have him all the confidence he could ever want in the world, even if it wasn’t much. He’d promise that one day, he was gonna have enough confidence to let the words “love you” slip from his lips and not in his texts…
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Satan is angry. He was born angry. Angry over what? He never understood why he was angry, he just was. The urge to just destroy, to tear everything he touched, saw, smelled and tasted apart. To rip into everything and make sure nothing would be recognized from it, whether that be a person or an object.
He never understands why he’s like this.
He doesn’t wanna be like this. He doesn’t wanna constantly feel the rage bubbling inside his chest and cause him to clench his fists tight, to make him grit his teeth, to make the unshed tears of frustration well in his eyes and almost fall. He doesn’t want to feel them. He wants to understand why he feels this way constantly, why it gets to the point he wants to rip off his own skin, to claw his way out of his flesh and rip his hair out, to rip anyone apart, even his proclaimed brothers.
Satan was angry at them the most.
Anything they did made him angry and he hated being angry and he hated it when they did it constantly. The yelling, the pointless bickering, the scheming, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. He blamed Lucifer for all of this, for making him the way he is. He’s angry over something that’s now passed and what is his purpose now? What is he supposed to be angry about now? He doesn’t even know why he’s supposed to be angry in the first place, tell him Lucifer, tell him what the point is in being angry over something he doesn’t understand. Was this his punishment for a war he didn’t even realize he was apart of?
He doesn’t understand and that makes him even more angry. He hates being angry. He hates his brothers. He hates everything and it’s a pain because he doesn’t want to. He can only hope that this anger tires him out so he can sleep, the only time ever him and his brothers ever find peace.
But there is no peace or rest for Wrath.
It surges through him as Satan tosses the coffee table to the wall, shattering the glass and causing the wall to crack, leaving an indent in it. He yells at nothing, the animalistic snarls and growls echoing through the living room as he continues to break everything in his sight and throw everything. His brothers can only watch as he destroys the living room.
“Satan!” He hears Asmo yell. “Stop it! You’re gonna throw something at us! If something hits my face you’re so dead!”
“Seriously Satan, calm down! It’s not the serious!” Mammon chimed in, trying to enter the living room but was quickly conked in the head by a hardcover book. “OW! Hey! That’s it! When you’re done with yer little temper tantrum, you better run!”
“Shut up, you imbecile!” Satan yelled, his throat tightening. He hates what he’s doing but he can’t help it. The anger hurts so much he can’t help but destroy. Even the precious books we was starting to enjoy, the thing that taught him what he needed to know about this new world he was created in.
“Satan,” HIS voice finds its way in Satan’s ears and he tenses, gritting his teeth, the anger almost bursting inside of him like a volcano, only worsening at the sound of Lucifer. “Don’t make me have to string you up at the chandelier again.”
Satan turned his head to his eldest brother, a sneer present across his face. They both stares each other down, Satan’s wrath boiling over. He was on the verge of pouncing when you suddenly showed up. You must’ve heard the commotion of crashing and yelling while on your way to HOL and came over immediately, maneuvering your way through the brothers.
Satan stares back at you, the rage inside of him still eating it’s way out of him. He wants to hurt you too. And that’s what makes him hate himself and his sin even more.
“Satan?” Your voice calls to him as he clenched his fists, shaking with anger. The frustrated tears began to leak from his eyes, down his cheeks, his teeth clenched so tight they could break.
“Hey,” you approach him slowly, taking small steps forward, your arms raised and open for him. “Cmere. It’s alright, let’s breathe, okay?”
“We’ve been telling him to breathe!” Asmo said with a pout. “But he wouldn’t-“
You looked at Asmo and he closed his mouth, seeing the look in your eyes saying “not now” and he understood. The brothers were ushered away by Lucifer when you looked at him. Crowding Satan wasn’t helping and you knew this.
“Satan?” You called again, his name sliding off of your lips like it was a name that was only meant for a demon that is important.
He couldn’t answer you as he continued to tremble, his nails digging into his palms.
“Hey…” You motioned your arms a little with a smile, stepping forward, closer to him, only inches away. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
He nods, slowly, swallowing hard as he tries to breathe but it comes off as rapid and heavy, given that he basically trashed the entire living room for half an hour.
Your warm arms wrapped around his torso. He was stiff as a board, still shaking, not returning your hug, afraid of hurting you if he even dared to touch you. Your hold was gentle as you brought his head closer to your shoulder for him to lean into, his heavy breathing hitting your neck as well as a bit of sweat and the tears that went down his face. Your fingers danced through his blonde hair. Your breathing was relaxed, composed, your heartbeat did not skip. It was calm. You were calm. Not worried at all around him, only leaning your head on his as your fingers continued to thread through his hair.
Satan’s shaky hands slowly came up around you, finding their way to your shirt, gripping it tightly, almost close to tearing it from his sharp nails. His face buried itself further into the crook of your neck, the tears hitting your skin hard as he breathed out shakily, biting his tongue to silence himself and try and hold himself together, but his resolve was breaking at the seams from how you held him so gently, like he was the fragile one and not the demon that destroyed everything in the house.
His breath hitched and a choked back cry left his throat, his legs slowly giving out beneath him as he began to crumple to the floor. You followed him, guiding his body down to the ground and still continuing to hold him. He was practically in your lap now, legs tightly around your waist as tightly as the hands that gripped your shirt. His anger began to simmer to a halt immediately, the scent of you overwhelming it, bringing his racing heart to a calming pace as he matched your breathing. The adrenaline coming down, leaving him at an all time low.
It was never usually like this after his rampages… He never felt this much clarity, no matter how bittersweet.
“You wanna talk about it?”
He didn’t give any indication of yes or no, simply keeping still.
“Was it your brothers?”
A slow nod. Yes.
“They say something to you?”
He shook his head. No.
“Mm. Too loud today?”
Nod. Yes.
“I’m guessing you were reading?”
He didn’t even need to nod for you to know. You sighed quietly. You’d have to scold them. But that could come later.
“I’m sorry…” his voice rasped out, muffled by your skin.
“About the furniture? Don’t worry, I got it covered-“
“No. About the book. The book I was reading.” He said, his grip on you getting tighter, like an apology. “It got so loud I snapped it in half… All of the pages were everywhere and that made me angrier… You got that book for me and I wanted to read it in the living room but they just ruined it… They ruined the reading time I wanted and I ruined the book… I’m sorry… I’m so-“
“Hey,” you move your hand up to his cheek, making him reluctantly move himself away from your neck and look into your eyes. “Don’t worry about the book. I’m more worried about you. I can always get another for you.”
You were worried about him. There was no doubt you saw the state of the living room; the overturned, torn couches that bled out fluff everywhere, the scratched up walls with a few dents in them from him throwing everything he could at them, broken glass here and there, splinters, and more. And yet you were more concerned about him.
Satan’s heart pounded softy in his chest, tightening, he swallowed again. He wasn’t angry or overwhelmed with rage, just warm. A good warm. A warmth that could only be described as admiration as the soft look started to get into his head, unable to remove it from his memory, which it was engrained in.
He buried his face back into your neck. He was exhausted and you weren’t making it any easier on him. The exhaustion of his rampage hit him like a truck and the warmth of your words and your body only soothed him further. Is this what the brothers meant by the Celestial Realm? Describing the bliss of it, the clarity, the pure warmth with the sun constantly beaming down on them. You were Satan’s sun in the dark Devildom, lulling him to sleep.
You smile at him and kiss his temple, the flesh tingling after your lips leave his skin. His heart was practically buzzing now.
You always took care of him…
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“MC, is there a reason you’re covering my eyes?”
“It’s a surprise! You’ll know it when you see it! Oh- watch your footing here, there’s a few holes in the pavement.”
Your hands covered Satan’s eyes, leading him over to who-knows-where with a smile on your face, almost mischievous, or maybe it just looked that way due to your excitement. You led him carefully through the Devildom Main Street, going past stores and other shops, mindful of the demons walking past the two of you. Your smile only grew as you made him stop.
“Are we there?”
“Yup! You just need to reach out your hand, okay? Push.” You instructed, leading him to the door.
He followed your instructions and pushed open the door, the sound of a bell chiming and the scent of coffee and tea enveloping his senses, as well as the sudden feeling of something rubbing against his leg. You removed your hands and suddenly Satan’s eyes adjusted to the soft lights, as well as the noise of… meowing?
He looked down to see an orange cat rubbing itself against his leg, purring loudly and chittering as it did so. Satan’s eyes grew wide as he looked at him, a bubbling of excitement building in his chest. He looked at you.
“Surprise! It’s a cat cafe! It opened a few weeks ago and I just had to bring you! They even have a little bookshop just across the way so it’s pretty convenient and cozy, yeah? Oh! Before that!” You grabbed his hand and led him to a booth by the window. “I got us seats reserved beforehand!”
Satan could only mutely follow your lead and sit down at the booth, the orange cat returning to jump onto the table and sit there proudly, a little lazy smile on its face. Satan looked at you again.
“You- You did this for me?”
“Mhm!” A waiter came by and handed you the menus and you skimmed through it, already knowing what was on the menu given that this cafe was there in the future, you having gone to it multiple times before with Satan.
Satan could barely breathe as you handed him the menu, looking down at it and then to the cat, who slowly blinked at him. He slowly blinked back with a small smile. You snickered under your breathe when you practically saw stars forming in his eyes at the orange cat that now lazily laid itself on the table, as if it owned the place, as expected of many cats.
“Thank you MC…” He said, petting the cat on its side with a soft smile. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t.” You smiled. “But I wanted to.”
Satan has always read about love in romance novels, always seen how the author describes love as a bundle of emotions that mix into one, becoming overwhelming, in a way that is painful, but it feels good, the pain, as it is described. Needing to hold the lover so tightly, needing more and more of their mind, body, and soul, needing their warmth, unable to breathe unless speaking their name. And when they speak their name of their lover, it’s like taking a breath in of their existence and exhaling it, needing more and more of their entire being that consumes the mind of the protagonist.
Satan never understood the feeling until now. Gazing upon you as the streetlights beam through the window and cast upon your face, almost like a halo or as if you were descending from the Heavens and in front of him now. Satan could barely breathe, nor think, for the very first time. This feeling he felt, he realized that it would last lifetimes, even more. Seeing you would be like falling in love for the very first time.
He began to thank his Father in the Celestial Realm, a Father whom he’s never met, but thanks him anyway, for creating you, for letting you sit in the booth with him now.
He doesn’t even realize your hand had enveloped his across the table, fingers intertwined perfectly. His fingers closed in on your hand. Oh your warmth… His heart pounded and eyes began to tear up without his notice.
Oh the love inside his chest as he stared at you, never breaking the silence with you and enjoying the bliss of the somewhat quiet cafe, the occasional chatter of demons, the clang of silverware, the meowing the cats. He felt no anger boil inside of him, just peace, peace for the very first time.
“I love you, MC.” He blurted out, the word ‘love’ heavy on his tongue, exhaling your name. He felt like it wasn’t enough.
Your smile made his heart almost stop. “I love you too Satan.”
He firmly head your hand, blinking back the tears that came from the weird familiarity that bloomed in his chest. It’s like he’s known you for decades, even more, and loved you for longer.
“I love you.” He repeats, more softly.
There’s a glint in your eyes, like you know. Like you’ve always known. “I love you too.”
He was born from rage, but you give him new purpose, you complete his newly formed heart. And he hopes that his existence can complete yours, as well.
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Asmodeus is beautiful, everyone knows this. The Jewel of the Heavens, now the Jewel of Hell. Quite literally a diamond in the rough. But somehow he shines despite this, and he knows this, he can tell by the way some demons start to warm up to him, or begin to stare for longer at him than they previously did when he first arrived at the Devildom.
He adores the attention. He craves it. He knows he’s beautiful, but to be appreciated for his beauty is even more than what he could ask for.
But yet it isn’t enough. He loves it yet somehow it… irritates him.
Perhaps it is the fact he’s still seen as the jewel of heaven? Loved for who he once was, not the beauty of who he is now? Maybe they are right with how they viewed him. His old self was probably better than who he is now. No longer as pure as he was, no longer with those beautiful wings and now stuck with the ugly leather and scorpion tail.
He knows he’s beautiful, he does. But yet why does he feel sick looking at himself in the reflection of his mirror, no longer seeing himself as Asmodeus and rather a stranger.
Asmo is torn between his thoughts, trying to find himself among the doubt, the insecurity, the pain of who he is. Give him the attention he deserves, the attention he needs, but see him.
See him… Please.
Love him.
I can’t be the only one that loves myself, can I?
But then you came into his life, to his brothers lives, in all your glory as a human being in the scary Devildom, completely unafraid by the demons around you, their strength, and the strange ingredients and the wildlife that surrounds you.
At first, he thought you would be like most humans he heard demons talk about, including angels. All humans are known for being helpless against temptation, all falling to the urges of power or lust, it was quite simple to do. But with you, it’s like you saw right through him, eyes sharp and looking past the persona he’s built for himself for eons, all in a single glance.
It terrified him.
You somehow could read him as easily as a book and it scared him. You saw past his beauty and it scared him. You saw his insecurities in himself, the occasional doubt, and it makes him almost want to cry. You could easily use this ability to your advantage, take him down a notch, to ruin him in the Devildom, or to use him as your own benefit.
But you don’t.
Instead, you protect him with your life practically on the line, forgetting you are a lone human (aside from Solomon) in a realm of demons, protecting him from the lowlife that try and take advantage of him as the newly established Avatar of Lust.
You two were at Majolshi. You came with him often in the Devildom, acting like a guard dog in a way, and keeping him up to date with a latest Devildom fashion. After all, he’s trying to establish himself in the Devildom as an influencer.
“Hey, Asmo,” you called to him. He looked up from the rack of clothes he was filing through. “I’m gonna go to the register to check these out, okay? If you wanna get any more, just hand it to me, my treat.”
Asmo gave you a surprised look and then pouted. “Darling! I could easily pay for everything! You may be my attendant, but you don’t need to spoil me so much!”
“But I like spoiling you.” Your smile was sweeter than sweet, like saccharine, and it made his heart jump to his throat. It threw all other thoughts out the window and he nodded dumbly, accepting you paying for him.
He looked back at the rack and felt his cheeks heat up, a dumb smile on his face. He was acting as if he were a Highschool teen that had a crush. He couldn’t help but silently giggle to himself as he thought of it, considering it so silly. But he didn’t mind it… He’s always been a sucker for romances. And adding you to the mix only made it worse.
Then suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist. He froze.
The thing about Asmo is that he knew your touch like the back of his hand. Your touch was soft, warm, any imperfections in your hands he has memorized, practically engraved into his skin.
This was not your touch.
It was cold. Rough. Unfamiliar.
It made him sick.
“Hey there,” the feeling of disgusting hot breath fanned on his beautiful skin, causing his nose to curl in disgust. “You’re the Avatar of Lust, right? Asmodeus? Yknow, I don’t understand how the Celestial Realm could get rid of a prize like you.”
Asmo clenched his fists, ready to toss this disgusting filth into a wall and break all of their limb.
“Oh well, more for us here in the Devildom, right?”
The sound of your voice was like hearing a heroine arrive in a moment of bleakness. Asmo perked up but immediately felt his heart drop when you stopped over to him and the stranger, anger present on your face. You couldn’t possibly be thinking of attacking the demon, could you? As a human? You’d surely die! Or- Or-
You punched the demon square in the jaw, throwing them into the ground and immediately tackling them. Asmo could only gasp as you used all your strength inside your body to practically tear this demon apart with your bare hands, gritting your teeth and cursing under your breath. To others, you’d look like an unhinged animal, but to him, you couldn’t he anymore beautiful.
A worker came over and ripped you off of the demon, ushering you two to leave with your paid for items in hand.
You were panting as you and Asmo stood there in the street. Asmo was silent as you looked him over.
“You okay?” You asked, grabbing his hand. Your knuckles were cut open and bloody. He felt his heart break seeing your beautiful skin all torn.
“I should be asking you that…” He mumbled, grabbing your hand with a frown. “You didn’t need to do that for me, I’m not fragile…”
“I know this,” you said quickly, but then blushed a little and rubbed the back of your neck with a sheepish smile. “I just want to protect you! Cause I’m your attendant!”
“But you’re also human.” He whispered, eyes flickering to the people walking up and down the street.
“I know. But that won’t stop me from doing everything I can to protect you.”
Asmo felt his heart skip a beat at your words, his face further heating up, and he squealed quietly and pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face into your hair as you chuckle.
He loves you. He adores you. He loves you so, so much.
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“Lamb, I don’t understand why you want to do this for me. As much as I love and appreciate it, I can do my makeup on my own!” Asmo pouted at you as you applied his foundation, softly dabbing the sponge across his face.
You only smile and pick up the brush to apply the red blush on his cheeks. “I know this but I like doing it anyways.”
It had been only a month ago when he asked you to do his makeup once, opting to know how you’d do his makeup and to brag to his brothers at how close the two of you were. But something changed the day you did his makeup. The way you would stop for a moment, staring directly into his eyes. It wasn’t like you were under his hypnosis or influence, he found that you were immune to it, but somehow you acted as if you were completely enamored by him.
And you were.
Even now, you caressed his cheek and would glance into his eyes, so close to him but not close enough. It started to make his heart race, his cheeks burst with color, and hands grow sweaty. It was strange for the Avatar of Lust to act so smitten with a mere human, yet here he was, completely floored for you.
You applied the blush to his cheeks, the bristles tickling his skin and he giggles lightly, unable to keep still in his seat.
“You’re so cute.” He said, wanting badly to just kiss your face, to hold it in his hands, but he had to keep himself still, lest you accidentally apply the blush to his forehead.
You said nothing, grabbing the lipstick, and grabbing his chin gently, as if he were a doll. This gave him a chance to look directly into your own eyes.
He hated it when you applied his lipstick, it forced him to look into those gorgeous eyes of yours and it made him fall even harder than he did previously. He swallowed as you gently moved the lipstick across his bottom lip first, glancing up at him and the way he stared back at you. Your smile only worsened the pounding in his chest. Was the air always this thick?
As you applied to the top lip, he could feel himself drown in the pools of your eyes, like you had his power instead. And the more he stared, the more he didn’t mind being completely miffed by you, being under your control. And it’s even more knowing that as much as he worships you, practically on the verge of kissing your feet, you worshipped him just as much in a way that makes him just want to hold you for eternity.
“Asmo?” Your voice called to him, already done. Though, you didn’t need to do much to enhance his beauty.
“Y-Yes?” He cursed himself for sounding so nervous, demanding confidence. It was so strange how he would become so flustered when it should be the other way around!
“You’re so beautiful…”
He’s heard his many time from others, but from you, it meant more.
To you, the word beauty described his whole being. His soul. His body. His mind. All completely beautiful to you, going past beauty and turning it into something more, something he couldn’t describe. The love in your eyes went beyond his own, somehow, going beyond your years.
All adoring him.
He finds himself tearing up, grasping desperately at your hand tightly, swallowing his spit to hydrate his drying throat.
“I love you.”
Lust was never suppose to love, was it? At least, that’s what he’s heard, as an Angel. Lust was selfish, demanding, carnal and uncaring, but you’ve shown him that it is more than what it was painted. There was a need there, a desire, a craving, an itch you cannot quite scratch. All of it filled him with Love.
You leaned in forward to him, pressing your forehead gently on his, your breath fanning against his lips. He holds your face in his hands, keeping you there in front of him, never taking his eyes off of you.
He begins to realize that Solomon sees this face everyday. To wake up to you everyday.
And he envy’s Solomon. What a lucky man…
“I love you too Asmodeus.”
And it sealed it for him.
He will never crave another body of a demon, human, nor angel as much as he craves you. No one could even compare. All he sees is you.
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Beelzebub is indifferent towards you, at first he believed he was. All that was on his mind was hunger, which irritated him. He loves food, don’t get him wrong, but the agonizing gnawing that comes with Gluttony is both painful and a nuisance. Though, he’s learned to just deal with it now, given that it’s his sin.
Though his brothers don’t seem to understand when he says he’s hungry. They don’t seem to understand the anger that comes with his Gluttony that claws its way in his stomach. It makes him think of everyone as meat, which scares him a little.
“Hey Beel, is something the matter?” Belphie had asked, albeit sleepily.
It was one afternoon at RAD and Beelzebub was bouncing his knee, gripping his stomach as if he were in pain, and biting his inner lip, trying to make the time go by faster. He looked to his twin.
“I’m hungry.”
Belphie was probably the only one who could understand the pain, if only for a little bit. Though, he wouldn’t understand the entirety, he understood more than the others. He pat Beel on the back to attempt to comfort him, but it didn’t do much.
“Lunch is in a few minutes, big guy, don’t worry.” Belphie said with a sympathetic smile.
Beel tried to smile back but it turned into a grimace as his stomach knotted, almost making him think it was eating itself. Then suddenly, you burst in the room, the professor, long since having stopped the lesson and leaving a few minutes of free time, jumped up at the sudden noise.
You matched over to Beel and opened your backpack, throwing out a bunch of snacks on the table of various Devildom chips and chocolates, a few being your favorites. You were sweating like you were running down the hall at full speed, he could hear your heartbeat pounding.
“Here you go Beel.” You huffed and puffed. You sighed and wiped your forehead. “Sorry! I felt that you were hungry so I ran all the way here when my class was wrapping up the lesson.”
“You… Felt I was hungry?” Beel tilted his head at you, eyeing the various treats and his mouth watered.
“Yeah! It’s like a sixth sense. Or maybe… An either sense? I have various senses for all of your brothers. Like now, I feel like Satan is about to flip his lid.” You giggled a little bit, rubbing the back of your neck.
Beel’s heart skipped a beat. “Thank you…” he whispered with a soft smile on his lips, opening up a bag of chips and eating it, he paused when you settled your hand on his head.
“Make sure to eat slowly, okay? I know it’s hard, but savoring it will make the time pass by faster for lunch, okay?”
He nodded mindlessly to you gentle smile, you give Belphie the same headpat, ruffling his already messy hair a bit. He grunted and poured a little but it made you smile even wider, rushing out the room to presumably stop Satan from breaking one of the tables in the classroom again.
Beel stared down at the table filled with snacks, his stomach had stopped its growling, the only sound that filled his ears was the sound of his own heartbeat picking up tempo. Belphie looked to his twin, seemingly sensing what he was feeling.
“You still hungry Beel?”
“Yes…” He gingerly took a chip and ate it slowly, savoring it, like you said. A small smile made its way to his lips. “But not as much anymore.”
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It’s no secret that you take care of Beelzebub a lot, no secret to his brothers that you have snacks on deck, and it’s no secret that whenever you’re around, his hunger seems to be kind to him and calm down after eating away at him. You’re also soft, which fits the dilemma for him as a soft giant. He towers over his brothers, minus Lucifer, who is only an inch shorter than him (though, he likes to smile at the thought, occasional ideas of holding stuff up to where Lucifer can’t reach, but the last time he did it, he was smacked on the head). Depending on your height, he’s relatively taller than you. But you always have had a hold on him in many ways that he didn’t realize.
It was one night where you and Beel were sitting together in the spare room, a room which you said was “familiar to you,” a similar feeling the brothers all had to the room. Even Belphie, who would sleep there more often than not.
The TV went on while the two of you watched a movie, a random movie that Beel had no opinion to it, just the fact it was new. You seemed to enjoy it, so he kept watching it with you. But he was more focused on the mass amount of popcorn in front of him, all in a huge bowl. He munched away at it, already, half of it was gone. You were next to him.
You then suddenly leaned in closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, Beel looked at you for a moment and swallowed the popcorn in his mouth. He was hungry still but grabbed a bit of popcorn and held it up to your lips. You mindlessly ate it, not really paying attention to anything other than the movie, or were just in your own world.
Beel smiled and continued to feed you, completely ignoring his own hunger, finding satisfaction in seeing you eat. It was strange, really. He couldn’t explain it. Every time you ate, he would stare, watching you chew and smile a little at the taste of the food, or look blissfully happy whenever you had something you really enjoyed, like the chocolates from Madam Scream’s or their pudding.
That’s when he stopped, realizing that the half filled bowl started to grow smaller, had he been feeding you all this time? You seemed to notice when your mouth finally realized it needed water.
“Thanks for the popcorn, Beel.” You laughed a little pausing the movie. His face grew a little pink.
“No, no, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it. Thank you.”
Beel smiled a little and proceeded to pull you in closer, your back against his chest, his face buried in the side of your neck, holding you close. He wasn’t sure what to do with this feeling burning inside his chest, smelling the scent of your skin. Being near you felt right. The hunger was silenced and he felt full around you, but he couldn’t help but want more of you. You didn’t seem to mind his hold on you, opting to lean back against him and watch the movie, which was nearing its end, but there was no doubt he would continue to hold you even after the movie.
“You want any more popcorn?”
Surprisingly he shook his head and huffed, tightening his grip around you. Not enough to hurt you given his size, just firmly enough to where you can’t move a whole lot.
“Something wrong Beel?“ You ask. Though you know he’s perfectly fine, you just have to be sure. He’s a strong and loving giant, he can be a bit sensitive.
“Mhm. Just wanna hold you…”
You reach your hand up to put your hand to his hair, tilting your head to the side and kissing the side of his head. His arms tightened again, a smile on his face.
He never felt this way before, this much love all for one person. He loves his family and you being apart of it makes it even better. He doesn’t even believe he knows a world where you aren’t apart of it, nor does he ever want to experience it. He doesn’t want to imagine a world where you aren’t in his arms like this, where he doesn’t feed you or eat meals with him and his brothers.
“I love you, MC.”
He blurts it out without even realizing it until he says it, the word love is so sweet on his tongue. He hears you laugh a little. He can feel your heartbeat close to his ear.
“I love you too Beelz.”
After all he’s been through, he never thought he deserved a moment of peace after what he’s lost, but he’s learning to forgive himself. All because of you.
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Belphie is spoiled. Everyone in the Devildom knows this and everyone in the Celestial realm knows this. Given that he’s the youngest, he’s able to get away with almost anything. Lucifers punishments are akin to a slap on the wrist when it comes to his pranks. Mammon also spoils him rotten, mainly with “mysterious” gifts of soft blankets and pillows and then randomly asking Belphie about them, if he liked them, and trying to justify that is wasn’t him because; “why would I buy somethin’ like that when I can spend it on somethin’ I’d want!” But Belphie isn’t stupid and knows it’s him, but he stops asking if it’s him to keep him quiet so he can nap.
But he’s spoiled brat tendencies never really come out, unless it’s with you.
He pouts and gives you the silent treatment whenever you say you can’t come to the HOL, but quickly gives it up because that takes too much energy when he could spend it talking to you.
He’s also a brat when he comes over to you whenever you are at the HOL and flops himself practically on top of you, smothering you with his body weight, and falling asleep without a care in the world. He’ll only care if you try and get up.
He never was really like this with you, he was mainly indifferent towards you, but after the events of finding out you’re a human and slowly getting closer to you after all that’s happened, he’s was starting to get attached to you, especially when you started cuddling him.
The first time it happened, you had shown up to the HOL to take care of Levi and Asmo fighting this time around, which was surprising since they usually barely even registered one another. It was something about Levi being a shut in and what not, but either way, you took care of it.
You had sat down on the couch after it all, sighing, deciding that maybe you should just pass out from all the running around you had to do. You were an attendant, sure, but you were also a human too, energy tends to deplete faster than you expect.
Belphie suddenly appeared, pillow in arm, eyes all droopy. He’s sleepy, as far as you can tell, but he also looks a bit bitter.
“Move…” He muttered out.
“I said move.” He was sounding like a grumpy five year old with how he was acting, a five year old that didn’t have their nap yet.
You snicker at the thought, which made him pout further. You groan. “Just lay your head on my lap if you’re that tired.”
This made him feel wide awake. His eyes widen a fraction. He never really thought about laying his head on your lap. He mainly only ever laid his head on the laps of his brothers, well, mostly by force, unless it’s Beel. Beel is more than happy to let his twin sleep near him. But then there’s you.
Belphie thought for a moment and then sat down on the couch near you, leaning down to put his head in your lap. You sigh and lean your head back again against the cushions of the couch, hearing the crackle of the fire in the living room.
He was stiff until you started running your fingers through his hair and he immediately relaxed, his eyes growing heavy again.
It was strange.
For a moment it felt like time stilled, like all else had disappeared and it left just the two of you.
He’s never felt more warm in the Devildom before when it feel so cold all around him, so unnatural.
But you somehow make his life feel more normal, more like home. He still felt bitter, bitter towards you, mainly being human, he sometimes wishes you were a demon, but the more he thought about the more he never saw you as a demon in the first place. You are far too trusting, empathetic and considerate and a bit of a smart ass while making a few dumb decisions here and there. So perfectly human.
Was this how Lilith felt when she met her human?
Belphie couldn’t help but feel so bittersweet while laying there, head in your lap, hand against your thigh, letting you run your fingers through his hair gently, partly caressing his face.
He shut his eyes and yawned. His yawn affected you, the two of you growing sleepy together. He could feel it too, your drowsiness. His hand inched closer to yours, grabbing it gently, his pointer and middle finger encircling your own lazily.
Belphie smiled and closed his eyes, quickly drifting off into a quiet dream, a dream where it’s just you and him just together. No words needed.
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Belphie learned he could enter dreams the night he went into yours by accident.
It was an accident, truly. He didn’t mean to enter it. The two of you were just in the attic space, laying on the plush bed with the hundreds of pillows and blankets, sleeping the day away, when he fell asleep.
His dream, rather your dream, was dark. Just pitch black. It was like being in a silent, dark room, searching for a light, but somehow you could see yourself.
Belphie moved forward, though slowly, like moving through tar. He stopped when he heard light gasping, choking.
He only turned a fraction to his left to see it. A figure, closely resembling himself, holding you by one hand, tightly gripping your throat. Veins pulsed and bulged beneath your skin, even he could feel his face throbbing as the breath escaped you.
Belphie watched in horror.
His heart was racing. His stomach at the pits of whatever darkness was beneath his feet. Hands shaking and body strangely cold.
He hated that look on your face, the tears that streamed down your cheeks, how utterly helpless you looked.
You were his attendant, always so brave in his eyes. Not even wavering against Lucifer’s rage, not once.
And yet you were helpless against this strange, black silhouette that held his image, foggy yet so clear.
Belphie charged at his shadow self and grabbed it, tossing it to the side, forcing it away with whatever sheer will he could muster. It clawed, it snarled like an animal, it cursed and yelled but Belphie shut her ears to the nonsense it was sprouting with clenched fists.
He would never do that to you.
He looked down at you, your gasping form, writhing in agony.
He felt like this happened before.
But why?
He wouldn’t hurt you, he would never hurt you! You loved him, his brothers, Beel! You took care of them, you adored them, you spoiled them rotten, especially him. Your care was gentle as your love was passionate. Why would he ever want to hurt you??
You looked up, fear flashing across your face.
Please… Don’t look at him like that…
Belphie shook himself from the dream, waking up with his head on your chest and body in between your legs. You were somehow still asleep, but with a look of discomfort.
Belphie grabbed your hand, firmly, and sniffled against your shirt, shutting his eyes tightly.
He wanted to give you a good dream, you deserved to have that, at the very least. You, of all people, do not deserve to be tortured senselessly for no reason.
As he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb, mostly to calm himself as he listened to your heartbeat growing steady, he heard you sigh and that discomfort left your face, relaxing into a smile.
Belphie took this moment to let his lower lip quiver and a small cry left his lips and a little sniffle. He let go of your hand.
He needed to go. There’s no way he could be around you if… If there was a chance he ever hurt you.
As he moved, you shifted.
He jumped when he heard you call his name, wiping his eyes in a hurried manner.
“You saw, didn’t you?”
It wasn’t a known secret you still had nightmares about that day, albeit rarely. Sometimes it just happens whenever your brain decides to torment you. And these were one of those days. And it was even worse it was with Belphie who really ended up being in your dream, saving you from himself.
His nod only confirmed it, which made your heart break. You sighed and reached for his hand and, just as he grabbed yours, held it firmly.
“…do you really think I’d do that to you…?”
“No. Not now. But would you have when you found out I was human?”
“…I don’t think so? I don’t know.. it was happening so fast then, I don’t see why I would just- just do that. I was a little angry that you lied to me, mostly, but I wouldn’t have-“
“Killed me?”
The word made him flinch. Human mortality was no secret. It never bothered him until now, he never thought about it until now, of how many times you put your life in danger for the sake of his brothers when your life could easily be snuffed out in a blink.
This is how Lilith felt, isn’t it?
“Belphie,” you brought him out of his thoughts. “You guys scare me sometimes, but I know that you won’t actually kill me.”
There’s something that lingers in your eyes that he can’t place. A knowing. You bring your free hand to his cheek and caress it.
“I love you, you know this Belphie.”
Belphie nods with a little ‘mhm’. He feels so pathetic, he should be comforting you, not acting like a little kid. He takes his hand away from you and kneels down in front of you, wrapping his arms around your midsection and burying face in your stomach.
“I’d do anything for you, you know,” he said, a little muffled by the fabric. “You’re everything to us, to me. I’ll throw the whole Devildom upside down if you want me to.”
You chuckle a little. “And not taking a break to sleep?”
“I’d give up sleeping forever if you wanted me to. Id do it if that would make you happy.”
“Woah, don’t need to go that far. I don’t want to torment you!”
“Stop making fun of me, I’m seriously.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. You’re just so cute.”
Belphie blushed and huffed as you continued to lightly chuckle at his words.
“I’m serious. I would do anything you wanted me to. Id cut off my own hands before touching you in a way that hurts you, MC. Just ask me to and Id do it.”
You sigh, running your fingers through his hair, “I know Belphie, and it won’t come to that. I trust you. Do you trust me?”
“Trust you for what?”
“Trust me to believe in you? In your ability to keep me safe?”
He was silent for a moment, then he nodded. “I trust you.”
“Then there’s no need for promises. Let’s just trust each other, okay? Promises can be forgotten.”
“Not for me, I’ll always remember to cut my hands off if you wanted.”
“I have a feeling you’re not.”
Belphie smiled into your shirt and giggled a little, letting you pet his hair.
Whatever that was in your dream, whether it was him or not, he’d be damned again to the deepest, darkest pits of the Devildom before ever hurting you or making you cry.
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katsukismrs · 11 months
i wish i were heather.
platonic!katsuki bakugou x reader
a/n: if you can’t tell i’m not in the best mental state rn💀 inspired by Heather by Conan Gray. this isn’t my best piece but meh
warnings: y/n ran away from home due to abusive family, was left out a lot by friends, bakugou’s sort of the exception???
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“You’re rich, Y/N! Literally if i were you, i’d be spending money everywhere!” Denki exclaimed in disappointment “And you don’t do anything with your money!”
“That’s called not being wise with money, Kaminari!” Ida disagreed wholeheartedly with Denki’s statement. “Y/N’s being completely reasonable with her money.”
Truth is, it isn’t that you can’t find a reason to spend your money, you donate to charity each month and take yourself and friends on shopping sprees. It’s just that the money feels.. empty. It has always been.
It was widely known that you spent the last years of your childhood and your first years of being a teenager in an orphanage, since you strongly disapproved of going back to that hell of a place your family calls home. You were 10 when you ran away from there, the day that marked your freedom.
But you can’t help but feel.. lonely.
Walking around in parks, malls, or any open space makes you see the life you can only dream of having. Children being pampered and loved by their parents can only make you feel like your skin doesn’t fit right over your bones, makes your legs eager to run somewhere far away to scream.
And unfortunately that has gotten to your UA classmates, too. Seeing Midoriya with his mother, seeing Bakugou with his parents, seeing everyone living the life you could never have. But they want to be you. It’s stupid to think about how they’ll trade a life full of security, love, support and happiness for having money and fame. but the grass on the other side is always greener, isn’t it?
There’s a side of you, that envies your classmates so much it could kill them, kill them for the life they potentially stole from you, but you know that isn’t the case and never will be.
And it isn’t with those in UA, either. But all your friends have something in common: they leave you, just like your parents did, just like everyone will.
Your friends left you for others, your best friends were never ‘forever’ as they say, and you hated that, and you hated yourself for it.
You sit in Katsuki’s dorm.
In silence.
With your thoughts. Disgusting, disgusting thoughts.
“I wish i were you, or anybody else.” You abruptly spoke.
“Hm?” He looked at you, perplexed. “What’d ya say?”
“i don’t want to be myself anymore.” you spoke.
“Who do you wanna be then? me?” He joked.
“I want to be anybody else but me.”
He turned to face you. “Because?”
“Everyone thinks i have it perfect because i have money.”
Katsuki stared at you, waiting for you to get to your point.
“But rectangular pieces of paper can’t love like a human can.” you spoke with a monotonous tone.
He waited for you to get to your point, staying silent.
I wish i were Jiro, who has supportive parents.
I wish i were Ochako, whom regardless of financial situation, her parents still love her anyways.
I wish i were Ida, whose brother adores him.
I wish i were Mina, who can make friends anywhere and everywhere.
I wish i were Kirishima, able to make friends stay.
I wish i were Shoto, whose father is trying to make up for the damage he caused him.
But all you can muster out is “I don’t want to be myself, i don’t want to be here as me, i want to be someone else, anybody.”
Katsuki looked at you. “You think you can have it your way every time in life, huh?” He laughed.
You looked up at him, tears threatening to fall as your throat begins tying itself into a knot.
Katsuki sighed “Listen, I’m not the type to come to for this verbal shit, but you’re pretty fuckin’ awesome as is.”
You didn’t believe him, you couldn’t believe him.
but maybe you could someday, but for now?
you wish you were Heather, or someone else who isn’t you.
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lunajay33 · 8 months
Destiny Pt.6🐺 (Bonus)
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her dad and sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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It’s been a week since I moved in with Billy and Jake, and I’ve noticed I’ve gotten a bit better, I didn’t have to walk on eggshells and watch everything I do, plus Paul was able to come over all the time, I really loved Billy for allowing me to stay
Paul was laying in my bed as I was decorating the little room with the things I’ve brought over from my old room
I turned around and he was spread out just looking at me
“What?” I smiled as I jumped ontop of him
“You’re just beautiful” he laughed as he held my hips against his lap
“Stop that you know I don’t like all that attention” I said hiding my face in him chest
“Oh yes you do, I see the way you smile and blush after I say something like, how beautiful your eyes are, or the way you scream when you laugh, I know you love it when *I* compliment you” he poked as he rolled me over on the bed
“I suppose you may be right”
“See that’s my girl”
Those words went right to my heart, I can’t believe he’s all mine
“I love you Paul” I said softly as I placed my arms around his shoulders
He was quiet for a while but I could hear a growl or maybe some kind of purrr from his chest
“I’m sorry it’s too early I shouldn’t have…”
“No, I love you too, you’re my everything, my life” he took my hands and placed them against his chest
“You feel that?” The thrumming and warmth enveloping my hands
I nodded excitedly
“That’s my love for you, the love that will never die”
“Oh Paul how did I get so lucky” I said about to cry
For the rest of the evening we were wrapped around each other talking, sleeping, making out until Jake came barging in saying they had to go and patrol
“COME ON PAUL” Jake yelled from the front door
“You can come back here after patrol tonight that’s if you want!!” I smiled
“I’ll definitely see you tonight baby but don’t wait up for me, but I gotta go, love ya” he said running out with the boys all waiting there for him
I stayed up as long as I could before I had to go to sleep exhausted, I pulled on my matching pajama shirt and shorts and tucked myself in
Hours later I heard the front door creaking open and a bunch of rustling around, too tired to get up I just waited till I felt Paul lift the blankets and pull me against his chest
Feeling his worth lul me to sleep
“Night baby” he whispered as I fully feel into the best sleep of my life
The next morning I woke up to the sun shinning in my face, I groaned roling over to be facing Paul
The sun was highlighting all his stunning features, his brown hair, his tan skin
I ran my fingers through his hair as he started to wake up
“Morning my love” I smiled
“How was your sleep with your personal heater?” He laughed
“Good except for the part where someone snores loudly in my ear”
“Hey I was exhausted from patrol give me a break”
“Okay fine just this time” then the phone rang
I ran to the phone wanting to let Jake and Billy rest longer
“Hello Black residence”
“Y/n is that you?”
“Bella? Why are you calling” I said nervous as I felt Paul come behind me and wrap his arms around my waist
“Look im sorry for what i said, we want you back”
“Bella you can’t keep using me as your punching bag when you have problems, I deserve to be happy too, and I’m happy here” I said leaning in closer to Paul
“But Charlie talks about you all the time, you could atleast visit him” she said getting angry
“Well I can call him myself and work it out, I gotta go now” I said hanging up
“You okay?”
“Ya I just can’t get a break with her”
“How about I take you to the woods for the day and show you a good time” he smirked
“I’d love that”
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feral-ballad · 1 year
true love is the small stuff that isn’t small. and being silly. always being silly. i never remember the disagreements we have after we’ve talked them through, but i remember all the times we’ve gotten stoned & danced together in our underwear before the shower. i remember all the times he’s pulled me back into his arms to keep me from walking into a spider web. (this has happened like 4 times somehow, i think spiders just love the guy.) i think about all the times we’ve washed each others hair & done each others nails. the time we spend doing day to day stuff together- cleaning, cooking, moving hay, planning for the future, how nothing ever seems hard when i’m with him. and all the fun stuff too, going on walks looking for bones & going out to eat or to parties or concerts or camping with our friends. the nights that we get drunk & giggly & cuddle in bed telling each other secrets & stories about how things used to be. how much better i sleep with him crammed into my twin bed, or listening to him snore on the phone. the long car rides listening to music & talking & sharing cigarettes. i think about the time that i was inconsolably upset & he read me alice in wonderland (his favorite book) until i stopped crying & fell asleep. how natural it is. how safe it is. my first relationship was when i was really young & it was very abusive, so love was always fucked up for me. i was with people that i cared about, that i loved in some way, but it never felt the way people described, it never made my heart pound or my skin feel electric, i could barely be touched, i never felt safe or at home, i never felt like i could be myself, i was never sure, there was always a level of doubt & uncertainty & discomfort. i thought that was just how it was. it’s different with him, in a way i thought i’d never get. there’s never been a moment of doubt with him. i never really believed in love at first sight but i swear the moment i met him everything in me screamed that he was the one, that if i didn’t stop being so scared & go in headfirst i’d regret it for the rest of my life. i fall in love with him more every single day, ive never felt like this before. and the truly crazy part to me is that i know he loves me too. i believe it. even when i’m triggered or having an episode i never doubt that he loves me, he shows me in so many different ways every day that he loves me & that i can trust him. sometimes i just get so overwhelmed with love that i have to kiss every single inch of his face. i want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with him, but even if we don’t get that, if we only get a few years, a few more months, or even if it were to end tomorrow, i will never regret meeting him, falling in love with him, letting myself trust him like this. he changed me & my perception of love for the better in so many ways & also brought back a lot of things about myself that i abandoned a long time ago. i’ll love him forever, and i’ll always be grateful to him for showing me what love is actually supposed to be. (sorry this got so long haha, i just lovee talking about him & i get a lil weepy when i think about how different my life is now)
oh god… tears in my eyes….
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kidney9-9 · 1 year
Just for Him - Kunikida Doppo
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Anonymous asked: Hey!! Hope you’re having a good day, could I request Kunikida with a breeding kink? 🫣
Hi anon hope you enjoy! Thank you for sending this in.
Kunikida Doppo x Reader Warnings: smut, cursing, breeding, cream pie, over-stimulation
You were his perfect girl. Everything about you screamed "breeding type" with your wide baby holding hips, and the curve of your body, the way you were so kind, especially to children. Everything about you made Kunikida crazy about you.
He fell in love with you easily over the course of two years, but he hid his feelings until about now. You two weren't together but there was so much flirting, he could barely hold back his desires for you.
Even his coworkers had told him, "are you two together? You seem like an amazing couple!" Dazai spoke up to him one evening after watching the two of you interact - "you need to ask her soon or she'll leave."
And that you did! You told him yesterday that you were going out on a blind date your friend set up for you. It made him so angry he cracked the screen of his phone after talking to you about it. You sounded so interested and happy about going on a date with a stranger. But Kunikida knew you would have been so much happier if you went on a date with him instead.
So, he was going to sabotage this date before you go on it today. That was his plan. He wasn't completely sure how he was going to do it, but he was tempted to do anything in his power.
He showed up at your doorstep, completely soaked from the rain. He purposefully left his umbrella at home. He knocked on your door and breathed in a nervous breath, hoping that you hadn't gone on the date still.
There you were! Dressed up for the date in a magnificent dress that showed off all your appealing features. He gulped before he spoke up, "Hello Y/n, sorry for showing up without any warnings. My phone died and I didn't recognize where I was until I saw the street name and realized you lived around here."
He was being truthful about his phone being dead, but he was lying about not recognizing the neighborhood.
You blinked in surprise and a kind smile appeared on your face, "Oh Kunikida! Come in, I’m so sorry you got caught in the rain. Come dry off. I'm just getting ready right now."
"Thank you so much, I’ll be in your debt for this." Kunikida bowed slightly before entering your apartment.
Your apartment was sparkling clean, just how he loved it and how he kept his apartment. It was admirable.
"Would you like some water or tea? You could take a shower if you'd like too, it seems like you're soaked through the bone." you told him, welcoming him in more.
He glanced around before smiling at you again, "I’d love to take a shower and have some tea to warm me up, thank you."
He couldn't help but check you out again, watching as you swayed into the kitchen and pointed to the way to the bathroom. Your hips and ass were perfect, he groaned quietly to himself about it.
Those hips - just perfect for holding a baby up.
He couldn't help but think about putting babies in you constantly.
"I’ll make you some black tea, that's your favorite right?" you spoke up.
"It is, thank you for being so thoughtful." he responded, placing a hand on your shoulder lightly before taking it off and sighing as he walked to the bathroom.
"Thank you again, darling." he slipped out the nickname, causing you to look surprised and embarrased.
"O-of course, Kuni', you're so sweet." you told him.
He flushed at the nickname and closed the door to the bathroom behind him. He was glad that you offered him your shower because he got to use your products and he'd smell like you. He loved your smell, it was so perfectly you.
He showered quickly, but made sure to remember the products you used, hoping to have to buy them soon so you could be staying at his apartment.
He stepped out of the shower and dried off, thinking of setting the towel down low on his waist. He did just that, loosely, and walked out of the bathroom, towards the kitchen where you were sitting down with your own cup of tea.
He grinned at you softly, as you checked him out, surprised. He liked the way you looked at him, making him feel certain that you liked him just as much as he liked you.
“Ah, Kuni’, uh, here’s your tea. I’ll go get some spare clothes for you, they’re my brother’s.” You spoke up, eyes avoiding his, but you were definitely checking out his abs. Kunikida silently thanked himself for sticking to his exercise routine.
“Thank you.” He responded, adjusting the towel on his waist loudly. Your eyes dropped to the towel, and you silently rushed off a moment later.
“Here’s some clothes.” You pushed them onto the table, unable to walk closer to him. He did step towards you though, and made you pause as you were drinking your tea. He took another step closer to you, causing you to widen your eyes slightly, it was unnecessary.
“Okay, be right back.” He said, and you nodded back without saying anything. He went to the bathroom to go change again. The clothes fit – well except for the shirt. It was too tight on him, but he put it on regardless. He knew you’d be checking his abs out again through that shirt.
“I’m back.” He spoke up, causing your eyes to shift towards him.
You bit your lip slightly, “I see they fit, kind of.”
“Mm, actually this shirt… well you could see.”
“I definitely can see.” You laughed, eyes glancing up and down his shirt. His nipples were very visible, and his abs were outlined against the top.
He breathed in slightly before taking a risk and saying, “Do you like it?”
“What? Kuni’ – I,” You stumbled over your words.
“I guess you do.” He supposed, shrugging, causing the shirt to drift upwards.
He didn’t bother to fix it. He took a few steps closer to you, holding the tea up to his lips. He drank some and sat the cup down next to yours. He kept silent as he stared down at you, reading your expression as your lips opened up slightly.
“Where are you finding all this confidence? We’re usually not like this, Kuni’.” You spoke up, eyes gazing into his.
“Since you’re going on a date. I thought I’d show you what I thought of you before you left.” He replied softly.
“Show me? How?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
“This is something we should’ve done long ago.” He murmured, and before you could question what, he leaned down and captured your lips into a soft and gentle kiss. The kiss was perfect, that was all he could think of. You responded after a moment of surprise, and stepped closer to him, making him feel the fabric of your dress onto his skin that was showing under that shirt.
“Yeah!” You agreed with a huff of air as you pulled away for a moment before you pulled him close again with your hand sneaking up the tight shirt and pinching his abs softly.
He almost squeaked at that, surprised at your action before he laughed quietly and picked you up with no struggle.
You almost screamed at him as you started to laugh loudly, “Kuni’! What are you doing?” He moved towards your bedroom, grinning down at you.
“I’m showing you why you need to cancel your date right now.” He demanded, and you gaped at him as he threw you down on the bed.
“Doppo! Oh my god, we’re doing this right now?” You laughed, clearly not taking him seriously. He raised his eyebrows at you and nodded.
“Yeah, where’s your phone?” He asked, gazing around the room. You pointed to your nightstand, and he picked it up, and opened your phone, knowing the password already because you told him.
“What’s his name?”
“Asahi.” You responded within a moment.
“Okay, message him right now.” He ordered, pushing a hand onto your stomach. You peeped out a noise at his touch but nodded at him. You took the phone and typed in something and pressed send, glancing up at Kunikida.
“I canceled on him.”
“Good, now we can do this properly. Like we should have already. Right?” He questioned you and you could practically feel the blush warm up your face at his tone.
“Right.” You whispered back. He stood back up straight and started to take his shirt off, accidentally ripping it. You two started to laugh shortly at it, but the laughter quickly stopped as he started to take his pants off.
“Take that dress off, now.” He insisted, tilting his head at you. You did as he said, slowly taking your dress off to tease him, making him gulp as he started to see your naked figure. You weren’t wearing a bra, but you were wearing lacy panties, which made him groan.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful, Y/n.” He spoke up. He left himself with just his boxers on as he leaned down, his knees on the floor and his face by the side of the bed. He spread your legs apart and you squeaked out a noise of surprise.
“Kuni’, sweetie, you don’t need to do that.” You told him, smiling down at him.
“I want to, I need to see what you taste like…” He trailed off, staring down at your covered pussy.
“Only if you really want to.” You shrugged, gazing down at him before you started to slip off your panties. He practically moaned at the sight of your wet pussy as the panties went down your legs. He ripped them off of you and dove right in.
He lapped his tongue over your pussy, making you moan loudly. “Oh fuck, Kuni’!” You cried out as he circled around your clit. He groaned against your pussy, loving the taste of you. He couldn’t get enough of you.
“Call me Doppo or sir. Got it?” He asked, and you nodded, a slight moan falling from your lips again, “Yes sir.”
“I’m going to breed you so well.” He muttered against you as you pressed yourself harder on him.
“Please, sir.” You heard him and responded like that? Fuck, he thought, that was hot. He thought you’d find him disgusting for saying such a thing, but you responded with a “please”?
“Fuck, I’m goin’ to fuck you so hard.” He grunted, rubbing his hand over his clothed cock as he licked you.
With his other hand he started to pump a finger in and out of you quickly, causing you to whimper and moan some more. He sucked your clit into his mouth, making your eyes fall back and you let out a voiceless scream. It wasn’t too long until you started to approach your orgasm.
“Sir, I’m coming!” You alerted him, whimpering when he kept his pace just like that. So many guys would have stopped or tried to do something different, but not Doppo. He knew to keep going and then you’d orgasm.
“Come for me.” He hummed against you, and you let it all out, coming all over his face. It took a few moments to recover, but your legs kept shaking and you felt overwhelmed still.
“Doppo…. Ahh, fuck me please.” You begged, whimpering for more.
He pulled back, pushing your body up on the bed more while he sat down in between your legs. He spread your legs out even more, causing them to twitch a lot. He started to massage them with his hands, and you moaned slightly, wanting to lean into his touch more.
“I will, be patient.” He responded with a smirk.
“Please, Doppo, I really want you. I need your cock.” You begged more.
He shook his head and sighed, “I know you do, just wait a moment. Let me prepare.”
He left you in your room and quickly went into the kitchen to grab his things. In his pocket to his pants, was a condom. He picked it up and opened the package. He unrolled it over his dick after taking it out of his boxers.
He slowly walked back into the bedroom, smiling when he saw your legs closed tightly together, trying to get some relief. Your eyes were shut, and you were groaning his name, and he dipped down onto the bed, sitting down on the edge at first.
“I have a condom on, even though I said that I would breed you. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to take me without a condom.” He explained, letting his boxers fall to his feet, and he kicked them off. You opened your eyes and shook your head.
“Doppo, babe, I’d rather you don’t wear one. I’m on birth control already and I really want to feel you come inside me. Breed me, like you said.”
“Really? I want to make sure.” He responded, his cock twitching at your words.
“Yes, come here and take that thing off.” You pleaded, sitting up and wrapping your legs around his back. He turned around in your hold after he took off his condom, letting it lay on the floor instead.
“You’re incredible.” He sighed, pulling you to him closer, so you’d be sitting in his lap.
You adjusted yourself so you were aligned with his cock, and you glanced up to see if it was alright, after he nodded back to you, you slowly sank down on his cock, sighing together. You started to lift your hips up and down, starting to fuck yourself on his dick. He gripped your back and guided you on his dick, sighing deeply, “You’re so good to me, we should’ve done this earlier.”
“Fuck, oh my,” You panted as he started to suck on one of your tits, roughly fucking you at the same time.
He pushed you down on the bed and changed positions, pushing his dick deeper into you, reaching your g-spot, and causing you to yell his name silently, gasping for air. He grinned back down at your reaction and continued his actions.
He pushed a hand down to your pussy and started to rub his fingers on your clit harshly, making our eyes roll back. Your orgasm came to you quickly, making you shout out his name, “Doppo, sir, I’m coming!”
You groaned loudly as he continued to fuck you over while your orgasm rolled over you. You felt so sensitive and warn out, but he continued, not relenting, or changing his actions, wanting to encourage you into another orgasm.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well right now.” Doppo spoke up, grunting as he started to feel like he was about to finish. He had to hold it off for another orgasm for you though.
“Are you ready to give me one more?” He asked you while you were moaning. Your eyes widened in surprise.
“What? No, that’s too much I can’t.” You whimpered.
He tutted his tongue at you, “C’mon now, I know you can do it, be good and give me another one and that’s it, okay?”
“But I can’t, that was my limit.” You cried out, and he shook his head.
“I know you can do more.” He sighed, slowing his hips down. You were continuously whimpering and twitching, but he wanted more.
“…Fine, I’ll try.” You whispered making him smile down at you. He leaned down and kissed you hard. You kissed him back after a moment of surprise and moaned as he started to speed up again, fucking you deeply.
He started to rub your clit again and then pulled away from your puffy lips, making you groan. He focused on your nipples again, biting down and sucking your tit harshly. You gasped out loud, and held your arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to your tits.
He let go of the tit and focused on the other while he started to pinch your clit harder, making you cry out. You were already about to come again from how intense he was acting, it was insane. You shook your head and tried to warn him, but you couldn’t, all that was coming out of your mouth was whimpers of his name.
He could tell you were about to come when you started to clench and unclench around him randomly, which also caused him to stutter in his movement, wanting to go deeper into you.
“Mm, good girl, go ahead, come for me.” He sighed down at you, and with his words, you finally let it go for the last time. You came hard, crying his name out from your mouth. He leaned down and kissed you passionately.
He started to let go too, and he finally came, pulsating his cum deep into your pussy. He groaned loudly, breaking away from the kiss as the cum continued to push into your pussy.
“Fuck…” He panted out, stopping his movements, but staying inside your pussy. You moaned as you felt his cum travel up inside of you, and you grounded your hips down onto his, wanting to savor the moment.
He pulled out after a few minutes of silence between the two of you and sighed deeply, “That was amazing.” You nodded and agreed with him, “It was.”
He sat up on the bed and stared down between your legs, noticing how his cum was pushing out of your pussy. He groaned at the sight, and quickly moved his fingers without even thinking about it, pushing the cum back into your pussy.
You moaned at the feeling, and closed your eyes, feeling tired.
“Darling, I’ll clean you up, it’s okay to fall asleep now.” He promised you and you nodded sleepily, smiling sweetly at him.
“Thank you, Doppo.” You whispered tiredly.
“Thank you as well, Y/n. I must admit, I’ve been dreaming about this for ages.” He confessed, standing up from the bed. He wasn’t sure if you fell asleep or not but he continued talking, “I have had feelings for you for a long time. When you wake up, it’ll be time to talk about what we are. Even if it turns out that you don’t share the same feelings as I do, I just want you to be happy.”
He wiped your legs with a wet rag and tossed a cozy blanket over you. Then he pressed a kiss on your forehead, causing you to stir slightly and he laid down next to you. He fell asleep shortly after with a smile on his face.
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elenagoeslightly · 8 months
The sun is slowly disappearing from view, the sky a soft orange surrounded by blue.
He regrets leaving.
He regrets leaving, and this is why he’s coming back to Vesuvia, tail between his legs and flowers in his hands.
You see, this is the first time he saw this kind of flowers and their uniqueness made him think of you.
He hides his face in them, blushing.
The pumpkin bread is still hot in his bag, he knows how much you like it when it’s still warm.
Oh, how much he misses you and how he hates fighting with you.
Especially when you are right, and you are.
He admires your courage, your will to be there for the less fortunate, he adores your strength, he-
Asra cannot bear the thought of something happening to you.
He cannot bear it, but he can’t stop you either, so he ran.
You screamed at him that it is what he does best, and how could he blame you?
That’s what he always did, every time his feelings were going to spill out of him, his heart too small to contain them, he ran away.
Faust snuzzle his cheek, and he lightly scratches her chin.
She misses you, too.
He wanted to tell you, he did, but he could never find the right moment; he used to fantasize, to imagine the two of you on an endless stream of adventure, but then-
What if you didn’t want him?
What if you cared for him as a friend, when he-
When he loves you so much.
But this, this was going to end now.
Asra squares his shoulders, moves his hair out of his eyes; he will tell you, he will tell you that he loves you, tell you that he will be there for you even if you don't love him back, his heart is big enough for the both of you and if he has to look as you find your happiness elsewhere, with somebody else, he will.
He grips the flowers when the shop enters his vision, but suddenly-
His stomach drops as he walks faster, twist the knob to enter and you aren’t there.
He breathes, calms himself.
Surely you are at the palace, helping Julian find a cure, ever so selfless.
So he keeps on walking, ignores the way his skin is covered in goosebumps, the way his throat is dry, no matter how many times he tries to swallow.
Of course, everyone at the palace knows who he is, so he enters quickly, his breathing labored.
He sees a dark figure with red hair bent over a desk and his knuckles hurt, the flowers bending.
“Julian, long time no see.” He says, wills his face to smile.
“I was searching for-”
“Don’t.” Julian answers, covering his face in his hands.
“Don’t?” he repeats, his heart running in his chest, eyes wide; he doesn't recognize the uncontrolled edge in his own voice.
“I am sorry, you know that I am sorry! I’d do anything Asra, anything!”
The flowers hit the ground the moment Asra’s hands grip Julian’s clothes, their faces inches apart.
“What are you saying?” he demands, he pleas, and Julian tries to hide his face again.
“The boat went to the Lazaret a week ago. It’s too late.”
Julian’s body hits the ground while Asra runs, runs down the stairs, runs and keeps running even as his knees hit the ground, time and time again.
This isn't happening, you aren't gone because he would have known, he would have felt it deep inside his chest and his bones and his lungs, he just needs to find you and you will be there, waiting for him with that smile that makes him want to live and stay and be back for dinner because you are his home, his family, the only thing that makes sense to him.
He runs to the first boat he sees and begs the driver to take him to the Lazaret, begs him and gives him everything that he has, empties his pockets of all his little trinkets, begs until his voice is hoarse.
The boast goes on slowly and Asra grips the wood with all his might and the moment he knows that the water is shallow enough he jumps and he can sense you, you are here, in this gloomy place, you hate places like this, you hate them and you shouldn’t be here and once when he finds he’ll take you away, he’ll bring you home and he will never go away again, to without you, he will promise you this, he will kiss and cry and promise and he will-
Asra takes a step back, and then another, his head shaking violently because how can he feel like you are right in front of him when you aren’t there-
He drops to his knees.
His fingers hit the sand before he can think about it, he digs and digs and digs and his eyes are so full of tears that he can barely see, the sand moves with shades of red until he finds something, something white and curved and the sand is darker and its almost grey and the smell of burned flesh fills his lungs and the taste of acid covers his tongue as he folds, his face in the ashes of what he loves the most.
He didn't even notice how he kept screaming your name, now barely a whisper.
Asra looks at his hands, at the blood and the ash and the bones-
This will not end here.
His hands close around the ashes, around the sand, trying to hold you to his chest.
This isn’t the end; his eyes are wide open.
He will bring you back.
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babydin · 1 year
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Joel remembers when he was the guy who shot and missed. - Joel Miller x f!reader - 18+, minors DNI! - Grief, depression, death, child loss, trauma, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt - 1242 words - Comments/likes appreciated. Requests are open! - A/N: A recounting of the events after Sarah's death and Joel's suicide attempt from Joel's POV. Written in first person. You are 'her'.
 People act like they know what you’re going through, they think they know how it feels because they have known grief, but the difference in losing your grandma and losing your child is mighty. To be a parent without a child is fucking harrowing. 
They think I don’t hear them.   The ‘what’s his problem?’ followed by the ‘he just lost his daughter’ and the sorrowful grumbles that follow. I don’t want pity, I want Sarah. I want to close my eyes at night and not be reminded of the pain in her eyes as she looked up at me so desperately, begging me to do something and I did nothing. I did nothing. Tommy told me she was gone and I wailed and screamed so fucking loud that I hoped she’d hear me on her way to heaven and turn around and come back to me. People ask me how I’m doing with so much fucking pity it makes me sick, and I lie through my teeth and tell them I’m fine because I don’t have the energy to tell some motherfucker I barely know ‘I set a place for her at the table yesterday and when I realized she ain’t sittin’ at it I wanted to put my head in the oven’, ‘I haven’t been doing so well’, ‘My babygirl died in my arms how do you think I’m fucking doing?’ People act like they know what you’re going through, they think they know how it feels because they have known grief, but the difference in losing your grandma and losing your child is mighty. To be a parent without a child is fucking harrowing.  And there is nothing more kick-you-in-the-nuts offensive than thinkin’ you know what’s best for someone. I wish I could say some days are better than others but they’re all bad days. I didn’t mean to snap at her, but she sure as shit means to snap back when she says “I lost her too, Joel”.  I wake up every morning and the weight of another day is heavy on my chest and I ask whatever powers keep this rock spinning, why it was Sarah’s time and not mine, whatever situation we’re in these days seems to be getting worse and I wonder why I’m even fighting.  What exactly is it that’s keeping me alive? She tries her best with me, I know she does and I can see how much I hurt her. I try and be tough but some days it’s too fucking much. She finds me sitting in bathtubs of water that I allowed to go cold because I cried out all my energy and can’t pull myself out of it, she holds me through my bad dreams, she makes up bullshit about how Sarah will always be with me, or she’s got her Mama takin’ care of her now. 
    I listen, and nod, and try and force a smile like what she’s saying is balm but every breath I take burns in my lungs because my heart is fucking shattered. One day I wake up and the pain cuts through me like a knife. I’m aware of every single bone, and every single muscle in my body because there is an enormous weight crushing every inch of me. I eat breakfast and I consider putting rocks in my pockets and walking out into the ocean, but I don’t want to suffer. I’ve suffered enough, my pain has gone on long enough,  if I’m going to die I want it to be quick. I don’t remember if I woke up with a specific goal of ending my life but by 11am I had no intention of living until dinner.   I decided I was going to do it in the bathtub; thinking about the clean up maybe? Blood, I’d learned, was a fucking persistent stain. Suddenly the pain went away and I loaded a single bullet into my pistol and I didn’t feel a drop of fear. I was ready. A comforting hug, a hot coffee on a cold day, a cold tea on a hot day; Lady Death would’ve been very much welcomed. I thought about her bullshit, her bullshit about Sarah being with her Mama now and wondered if I was on my way to them too. My heart was poundin’ as I put that barrel to my temple but I wasn’t scared, I was so ready. I cocked it and took my last breath and I don’t know why. Then came her voice as I squeezed the trigger,   “JOEL!” They say right before you die your life flashes before your eyes. And I always thought it was a fucking cliche but hearing that shrill, squawk of my name, it really did. I remember the day I got married, I remember the day Sarah was born, when she took her first steps, the first time she spit up in my mouth, I remember the day I had to tell her that her mother died and how it was just us for so long. Then I remember her, and how she had only wanted Sarah to like her, how she had loved her like she was her own but never wanted to erase her mother’s memory, how she had cried with me when I had to tell her what happened to her, how she finished her eulogy because I couldn’t, all those nights she’d cried with me, been there for me, force fed me, made me drink water instead of booze. It was her. She was the thing keeping me alive, against my will it felt like sometimes, but she needed me just as much as I needed her.  The realization makes me flinch, she screams and pain still sears through my head and I can’t help but wonder if I’ve done it. She races to my side and climbs into the empty tub with me, there’s a pain and a fear in her eye that forces an apology out of me almost instantly as she pulls my head off the tiled wall and applies pressure to the part of my head that hurts the most. I can see her lips moving but I don’t hear a thing she’s saying because there’s a ringing in my ears so loud. It takes her pushing me into her chest to realize there’s blood dripping down the side of my face and the ringing subsides just enough for me to hear her beg me not to leave her. All I can do is whisper apologies, the pain has subsided and I don’t feel a thing, my fingers cling to her; I silently beg for her help, I hope that somewhere through her wailing she can hear my heart beating like a frightened steer, she pleads with me again not to go anywhere and I can’t find the words to ask her the same but I hope she hears it somehow.
  I must’ve blacked out for a hot minute because I opened my eyes and she’s putting bactine on my head. The feeling comes back. Whoever invented bactine can go all the way to hell. I apologize again and she tells me it’s okay but in such a way that I know it’s not okay at all but she puts steri-strips on the gash in my head and for a second I might actually believe that eventually it will be because this is where she’s always been. Holding me through my nightmares and being my guiding light on the other side. My reason for waking up in the morning, for fighting, for living to see the other side of whatever shit show is going on with the world right now. It’s her.
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Slow dance {Billy Hargrove x F!Reader}
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Your prom date is a jerk
That’s all you could think as you rushed out, your little heels clapping an tears falling. I’m the heat of the moment you ran right into Billy Hargrove. “Watch it-“ he looked down to see your shaking, crying figure. “What happened?” He gritted his teeth. He didn’t give into feelings but ever since he had got here your the only friend he can call a friend. “N-nothing..” you sniffled. “Who.” He growled. “Derek and his friends laughed at me because he stood me up and said he never would go to prom with a girl like me.” You explained.
Billy grabbed your shoulders gently. “Go to my car.” He put his suit jacket around your shoulders and ushered you on out. As soon as you were out he walked into that gym.
“DEREK!” He yelled. “Your gonna fucking pay for doing this.” He punched Derek a few good times before leaving him bloody on the ground. He taught him to not fuck with his girl. He soon strutted out to you. “Let’s get out of here princess. Let me make tonight up to you.” He quickly pulled out of the parking lot, peeling out with screaming tires.
“I just wanted a dance.” You whispered so soft. “Then a dance is what you get.” He whispered back to you as he pulled into the grass near the lake. “Take those heels off princess.” He turned to you, wiping your smeared makeup and tears.
“Don’t let that ass ruin your night.” He have a reassuring squeeze to your jaw. He was gentle as he reached into the dash and pulled out a CD. “I hope you won’t mind the music taste.” He put in a CD before getting out. “Cmon.” He opened your door, taking your hand. “Your getting your dance.” He slowly swayed with you as the first song played, a slow rock song. “You look beautiful.” He whispered into your ear as he held your figure. “Thank you..” your voice was nearly nothing, but he heard. He gave you a twirl before smiling.. a big, actual.. beautiful Billy smile.
“This is Bon Jovi right?” You brought up, making him proud. “Yes ma’am. ‘I’ll be there for you.” He twirled you again, brining you back and dipping you. “You left me drowning in my tears and you won’t save me anymore.. I pray to go you’ll give me one more chance girl.” He sang along, holding your hands. “I’d love and I’d die for you, I’d steal the sun from the sky for you.”
Billy had turned the night around for the best. You both danced for hours. Slow and some fast songs. Billy watched your eyes, the way they lit up whenever one of your favorite rock songs came next in the mix tape. His lips were almost close to yours until “bed of nails” by Alice Cooper came on. He chuckled and watched you twirl yourself around. “OUR LOVE IS A BED OF NAILS! LOVE HURTS GOOD ON A BED OF NAILS, ILL LAG YOU DOWN AND WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS ILL DRIVE YOU LIKE A HAMMER ON A BED OF NAILS!” You belted out. Billy chuckles. “I’m gonna get a cig.” He informed you before grabbing them from his car. He also grabbed something else.. a camera. He recorded you on it for awhile before putting it away. Once the song ended Billy smashed his cigarette into the ground. “One more dance please!” You begged grabbing his hands. “One more..” he smiled. “Let’s let the mixtape choose what song.”
The song to dance to was REO speedwagon. ‘Keep on loving you.’ Billy took your hand, pulling you in by your waist. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you right now. He loved you he loved you so. You seen past the bullshit, past his ass attitude. You saw the good in him and brought it out. You laid your head on his collar bone as he held you close. “And I’m gonna keep on loving you..” your soft hun was heard. “I don’t wanna sleep, I just wanna keep on loving you.” Billy gave a soft smile down at you.
Once the song had finished you smiled up at him and went to the car, sitting in it. He stood outside for a moment, looking into the lake. He was trying to find courage to say ‘y/n I love you.’ But he couldn’t. He couldn’t find the words, instead he just got in and started up the car. “Your house?” He asked softly. “Mhm. Unless you have other plans for us.” You told him. He usually took you to a late night movie or something.
The ride home was slower than usual. He never drove slow like this home. Everything rose has its thorn played in the background. Finally pulling into your driveway he cut the car off, coming around and helping you out. He walked you to the door, rubbing his foot on the ground. “Hey Y/n?” He asked softly. “Yes billy?” You asked with a smile. “I love you.. I’ve been in love with you.” He let it out. “If you don’t love me that’s fine-“ he was cut off by you kissing him so softly. Your lips were what he imagined and more. “8 o’clock on Saturday. Don’t be late.” You smiled. “It’s a date.” He nodded. “Okay.” He looked like a kid that got candy. “See you then.” He kissed you again before hopping in his car with a smile. He watched you walk in before pulling off. Man was he shy.
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vibratingskull · 10 months
I am so wildly soft for the way you write Thrawn and especially your fics that revolve around his growing family! I particularly loved your most recent piece about his pregnant wife while stranded on the planet with the Chimaera crew. If you’re interested and have the bandwidth, I would love to make a request because I am so in love with this little AU that you’ve created and I’d love your thoughts on this. How would Thrawn react when his wife goes in to labor and they have to give birth on the remote planet? He specifically mentioned not having a lot of access to proper equipment, so I’m so curious if you think he’d be more cool, calm, and collected, or if you think he might panic and worry a bit more at seeing his beloved in so much pain? Especially if it’s a surprise they’re twins 🙈 Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful writing with the rest of us Thrawn Lovers 💙
I bow down to you, my dear. It is my pleasure to share my silly stories with you all! Big kiss on your cheek ❤️
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Tag: Delivery, death of a character
You deeply breathe through your nose, holding your back.
It is time.
The Force is calling for you, murmuring to you time has come.
You are not stressed in the slightest, you’ve already given birth and the Force is here to support you, everything is gonna be fine.
You know it deep down your bones.
“Sweetheart,” You catch your daughter’s attention, “Could you go find your father for me, please?”
“Why?” She asks, barely raising her head from the wooden figurines Enoch so nicely carved for her.
“Your siblings are coming.” You rise from your seat and sigh.
She looks up at you in shock before jumping on her feet and sprinting through the corridors of  the Chimaera.
“Daaaaaaaaad!” You hear her screams from the depths of her lungs.
You can’t help but chuckle, she’s impossible sometimes.
You calmly walk through the corridors towards the med bay, until you cross path with Enoch focused on his datapad.
“Good day milady.”
“Oh, it will be good, Captain.”
“Why?” He finally raises his helmeted head from the screen.
“My waters just broke.” You chuckle
He remains still for a second, taking in the info before immediately putting down his datapad and offering you his arms as support.
“Are you alright?” He asks worriedly.
“I am very well, thank you.” You smile, amused by his distress.
He escorts you to the med bay and orders the droids around. You peacefully lay down the bed, taking deep breaths in as the droids start plugging their monitors and prepare the transfusions. You see Enoch agitating himself with his comlink, getting annoyed by anyone he has on the other side.
“I don’t care if you have orders, find him and tell him his wife is giving birth! Now!” He shouts.
You place your feet in the stirrups and wait for the morphine to kick in.
Everything around you is messy with agitation, but you feel very relaxed and calm. Your babies give you a hard kick in the stomach, making you groan in pain.
“Is everything alright?” Enoch asks.
You can’t imagine what Thrawn would do to him if something went wrong under his care, you understand his stress.
“It’s okay, Enoch. Just a kick.”
He seems completely out of his element right now, you can imagine his distressed face under his helmet right now, making you chuckle. He’s more used to death than birth, the poor man.
“Mom!” Your daughter bursts through the door, out of breath.
“Sweetheart, did you find your father?” You gently ask.
“I am here, Cha’cah.” Thrawn appears behind her. “Is everything alright, my love?” He immediately comes to your side, seizing your hand in his.
“I am well, do not worry.” You smile at him “You want to feel them?” You place his hand on your tummy to feel the kicks.
His shoulders seem to relax instantly.
“They are so energetic.” He sighs.
“Yes. Soon you will meet them.” 
He looks at you with love and adoration in his eyes while your daughter just looks worried.
“You are shining, cha’cah.”
“It’s because I am happy. Our family is growing, love. I have a present for you.”
“You giving birth is enough of a present for me.” He purrs.
“You’ll see.” You wink.
He leans in to kiss your forehead and you feel a hard contraction in your core.
“Enoch, take Thiroy outside.” Thrawn orders.
Enoch takes your daughter's hand and escorts her outside the med bay.
The droids place themself around you, monitoring your vitals while Thrawn leans to circle your shoulders with his arm.
“Alright, cha’cah. You got this.” He supports you.
“Of course I got this, I am a Jedi.” You clap back.
You hear again the Force gently calling for you.
You got this!
“Heartbeat rising.” Note one of the droids. “You are dilated, we can proceed.”
You take the iron bars in your hand, ready for the pain to explode any minute now. The contractions get closer and closer, more and more painful each time but you are ready.
Pain suddenly explodes in your stomach, you feel a mass starting to go down, slowly pushing your entrails out of the way. You cry in pain but push with all your might.
“Here we go!” Says one of the droids.
You’re a jedi. You’re a warrior. You’ve already done this, you can do it again!
You grip the iron bars in your fists as you push. As you stop to take your breath back one of the droids takes out a towel under your legs soaked with blood to dispose of it.
“Heartbeat rising.” The second one reiterates.
You grit your teeth and push hard. Even with the morphine this is so painful.  You can’t receive a normal dosage to preserve the Chimaera’s stock of the rare drug. Your lighter dosage can’t keep the pain at bay, just slowly numb your nerves. An epidural is unfortunately impossible in your situation, you’ll have to do without.
Thrawn presses a fresh towel on your forehead to mop the sweat, you weakly smile at him before the contraction starts again. The droid takes out another towel soaked with blood while the other seems to agitate himself.
“There is the head!” it chants.
Thrawn kisses your cheek and heads towards your feet to welcome your baby. His face instantly hardens and he looks concerned.
“Is that normal?” He asks.
“What? Is the baby okay?” You ask between pushes.
“The baby is fine, Cha’cah. Keep pushing, you are doing great, love.” He comforts you.
But you can clearly see his worried expression.
It's harder than you remember.
“We don’t have the proper equipment to assure a safe delivery, my Lord.” The droid answers back. “We will do everything we can.”
You’re in so much pain.
Thrawn gives it a black look before turning to you with hopes in his eyes.
“Their head is out, love. Keep pushing, you are almost there.” 
You push with a powerful scream, determined to deliver a healthy baby.
You let yourself fall on the pillow as you hear a baby scream, you look between your legs to see Thrawn holding a blue baby in his hand, looking at them with so much love. The droid gives him a blade to cut the cord and he comes to you to show your little miracle.
“Hey…” You say to your baby, exhausted beyond measure.
“It is a boy.” Thrawn purrs, presenting you with your son.
“Oh Maker…” You just mumble, already feeling love puffing up your heart, “My baby boy…”
But your relief is short lived as the second one is ready to come up, tearing you apart.
“We have a second one.” The droid places itself immediately ready to receive them in its mechanical arms.
“A second…” Thrawns starts before turning to you with sparkling eyes.
“Surprise!” You weakly exclaim through the pain.
“Oh Maker, Cha’cah. Two children?”
“Are you happy?” You groan between contractions.
“I am the happiest man alive!” He presses his forehead with yours, purring deeply.
The second droid comes to take your baby to examine him while the other keeps monitoring you while getting rid of another soaked towel to place another one. Thrawn comes next to it and his expression worsens.
You don’t have time to worry about anything as your baby is determined to come out NOW!.
You push with your last strength, feeling the blood running down your legs.
Maker, this is so painful.
This is a real trial.
“Continue, Cha’cah. I am here with you, nothing can go wrong.”
Hearing your husband’s voice is so reassuring and gives you more strength.
You can’t wait to meet your other baby, you want them in your arms now!
The droid takes out another bloody towel. Your head is very light and you feel really, really tired. You can’t wait for it to be over.
“Do not close your eyes, Cha’cah. Stay with me!” Thrawn orders. Is that worry in his tone?
But you’re so tired, your eyes close themself.
You feel your grips on the bars loosening as you doze off.
“Are they here yet?” You ask with a little voice.
“Not yet, Cha’cah. Please stay with me.”
You sigh, exhausted. Between your half-closed eyelids you see another towel getting thrown off.
That’s a lot of blood, you think, amused.
“I am so… sleepy…” You murmur
Despite the atrocious pain, slumber is taking you.
“No, Cha’cah, stay with me. You hear me? Stay with me! Thiroy is waiting for you! Stay with-”
You don’t hear the end of that sentence, losing consciousness, following the Force’s call.
Thrawn stands still, stiff like stone, Thiroy in tears next to him. He gently caresses her head with his large hand, trying to console her.
But how consoling a child who lost their mother?
He leans forward to place a flower in your cold hands, a last present before closing the coffin. Thiroy presses herself against his leg, soaking his pants with her tears, he kneels and hug her, murmuring sweet nothing in her ears to appease her pain. She circles his neck and cries in the crook of his neck.
Everyone remains silent.
Everyone is here for your funerals, all the officers and stormtroopers behind their Grand Admiral, paying homage to the woman who kept their leader grounded in reality, who carried all their hope. You were never popular among them as a Jedi, but all wanted to be present to support their Admiral and his family through these hard times. All know this could have been any of the women pregnant in this room, this exile really propulsed them in their hardest trial, but it had to be you. The one keeping Thrawn sane.
They are all very conscious that something broke within him that day, a light has been extinguished in his eyes to let place to a more cold and calculated personality, with less regards for the lives under his care. The last remnants of his mercy seem to have definitively disappeared forever.
When the coffin is sealed the troops bow respectfully to their Lady, a final mark of respect for the warrior that you were. 
Thrawn remains eerily silent, with a very calm and composed expression it looks like he just buried a nobody. None is able to see the storm raging in his inner being. None could appease his solitude. He just lost the most precious being in his life, the one who gave him three children to brighten his existence.
But you are not here anymore.
And he is just an empty shell, the shadow of the Grand man he once was. 
Now stands a broken, merciless man. 
Is sanity is on the verge of collapsing, the only thing keeping him here is his three children, his three jewels, his three treasures.
He will let nothing harm them.
He failed you, but he won’t fail his children. No matter the cost, no matter the number of lives he has to sacrifice, he will keep them safe!
The ceremony ended, the hall is slowly emptying itself in a death silence. Nobody utters a word, to not make him snap.
Thrawn kisses the forehead of Thiroy and let her to her nanny, despite her cries to stay with him. He silently heads towards the nursery where is two baby boys are waiting.
You didn’t even have time to give them names…
He chose a variation of your own name, to always remember you.
Like he could ever forget his true love.
They are peacefully sleeping, unaware of the distress around them. He takes their little hands in his, squeezing them gently. They coo in response. They are so full of life. He looks at his second born, the one he also almost lost when you died with a smile on your face.
He was this close to lose both his wife and child.
But the med droids managed to save him, it’s the only reason he didn’t destroy them right there and here in a fit of rage and pain.
They couldn’t even save your life, what good are they for?
But they could save the life of someone else like they saved his son. So he didn’t destroy them.
He deeply inhales and kneels before the bassinets, breaking down crying.
He couldn’t let his daughter see him in this state, so he waited.
But now that he is alone, he lets all his bottled up emotions go free.
With his sons for only witnesses.
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rowiewritesstuff · 5 months
Yandere Prompts
Feel free to use as long as ya ping me. Give me a number and a character (in asks) and I'll see what i can do.
Some are uhhh Yeah. TWs are MILD but still there. Some of these made even ME uncomfortable lol
Worst Numbers: 5. 7, 13, 16, 20, 25, 26
Violence: RED
Toxic and Uncomfortable words/insults to make you hate yourself/get self-conscious: GREEN
“Don’t you get it? You can’t go outside! You could die, or get sick or something worse! Don’t worry, I’ll go out for you.”
“I know it hurts, but you had to be punished. Why don’t we fix you up and then get ice cream?”
“You think you can just…leave? No, as soon as you accepted that ring you became mine. There’s no leaving.”
“SHUT UP! I can’t stand your damn whining. You should have thought of that BEFORE trying to run off like a pathetic little coward.”
“If you ever run again, I won’t just break your legs- it will be much, much worse.”
“It hurts me to see you like this, but you brought it on yourself.”
“You want to see other people? No one wants used goods.”
“Shut up before you get hurt.” 
“(name of Partner)…? No, WE’RE together. Are you cheating on me?”
“I wouldn’t have to do this if you just behaved.” 
“Tch, you think I’m stupid or somethin’? You’re so damn predictable.”
“I’d never hurt you! I’d just hurt your family, friends, and anyone you love.”
“Oh sweetie- you’re just not smart enough, so just stay home. It’s for the best.”
“Red is just so beautiful on you.”
“I know what’s best for you, trust me.”
“If I have to break every fucking bone in your body, I will. You’re. Mine.”
“Your friends did what? Aw, baby, I’m so sorry. You don’t need them anyway- you have me.”
“Our love is like fire! I’d burn the world to keep you in my arms.”
 “Don’t you see? Your family was in the way, I had to do it!” 
“Maybe if you were prettier he’d like you.”
“Stop fighting me! I don’t want to hurt you!” 
 “Leave me?” (Laughs) “Baby you have nothing left. No money, no home, no family… what would you do without me?” 
“We’ll always be together, even in death” 
“If you die before me, I’ll eat your heart so it will always be near mine.”
 “You fucking asked for this. This is all YOUR fault, and now you’re crying?”
“You think you’re special? You mean nothing to anyone. You were forgotten, and everyone’s moved on.” 
“‘Don’t’? Are you serious? I warned you over and over again and now that you’re facing consequences you care?”
“If you look at another man one more time I’ll pluck out your eyes so you’ll only look at me.”
 “I see. You need a reminder of just who I am- don’t worry, I’ll make sure you never forget.”
 “Scream all you want- no one cares. This is the world I made for us, and no one can stop me.”
“I’m the only one that loves you. Your family all but sold you to me.”
“I’ve given you everything! Food, clothes, jewelry- EVERYTHING! And you think you can just walk out that door? No, you’re staying here.”
 “Love? No, you’re just a pet- a plaything.”
 “Sit down before I make you.”
“Packing? Going somewhere?”
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