#then my post is a trashy as this newspaper ^^
realyauza · 4 months
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Non-Japanese speaking players of Yakuza 4 have been robbed! These two newspaper issues you can get through the game are as genius as unreadable (thanks for the low texture resolution).
Saejima Taiga is an alien from Japan's Area 51! Want to know more? Read these hot articles from "Nihon Sports"!
Long story short (not really):
The first issue was about:
"A three-meters-tall alien was captured on film in Kamurocho. A security camera installed on the roof of a building in Kamurocho accidentally captured a scene of what appeared to be an alien creature knocking five strong men unconscious in an instant. The scene of five strong men being knocked out in an instant was captured by chance. The creature, which appeared to be an alien, was more than three sheets tall and appeared to be the same kind of monster as the Big Foot found in the Himalayas, but information from the International Okinawa UFO & UMA Research Institute, which conducts UFO research in Okinawa, revealed that the creature was an alien returned from a mysterious facility called “Area 51 Japan” in Okinawa."
"Surrounded by high walls, the island is said to be a UFO advance base and stands eerily still, giving an intimidating impression to its surroundings. From time to time, sounds like screams and high-pitched metallic clangs can be heard." - an image capture
Then there's a short info about what types of aliens we already know. Saejima is the "beast type" and "Since these aliens have been found not only on the rooftops of buildings, but also in underground parking lots and in sewers, it is thought that they are vulnerable to sunlight." There was also an eyewitness, who called him a Green Alien and was knocked unconscious soon after: The journalist asked one more time, “Would you like to meet the an alien again?" Tanaka answered, “That's not an argument! Of course I don't want to see this again!“ He shook his shoulders and repeated, “Of course I don't want to see anything like this again!"
"We should think about why aliens came to the earth. It is not possible for them to come from a distant celestial body just for the purpose of sightseeing. They must be waiting for some purpose to come to Earth. Depending on the purpose, it is not surprising that they may have brought weapons to Earth. A “beast-type” figure suddenly appeared in front of God. Perhaps he is the first of the aliens to invade the earth." - a professor of astronomy at a famous university summed up to the author of this article.
The second one:
Is it related to violent aliens? - says the title. This newspaper we can get only after Tanimura's meeting with Katsuragi. The main photo captures this moment.
A group of people in mysterious suits on a night trip. This magazine, which was the first to report on UFOs, has once again come up with a scoop: people trying to call UFOs (unidentified flying objects) have been moving deeper and deeper into Kamurocho, which has won the title of Japan's most famous district. At first glance, the scenery appears to be the same as usual, but people with the same characteristics are clearly visible. Dressed in what appear to be uniforms, they are marching towards a point. They appear to be performing some sort of divine ritual.-main image description
A photo of an UFO described as: A UFO suddenly appeared in the sky over Kamurocho. This photo was taken by a photographer of this magazine while he was reporting on aliens. The article was about a small village in Illinois, U.S.A., in 1988.
"He was cool. I was getting tangled up with five thugs, and he helped me out. And they just took our stuff, and they paid us off!” The aliens helped the man. We were shocked to hear this, but it's the truth. What is this alien's target? The story goes on and on. - written next to the Saejima's back
I noticed that a group of men in suits had gathered around the two men who were having a secret conversation. Immediately afterwards, the group "began to mutter and mumble all at once around the man they had seized," and then they "began to walk away. I had an eerie feeling about the ritualistic child, but I could not help wondering what they were doing in the square. Aliens were speaking some mysterious language no one could understand. They contacted an UFO specialist Morikawa to get more bullshit valuable info about this event and reasons why did they come here:
"The Mendurians are not only large, but also very intelligent," he said. If I had told my fellow travellers that I was being held in the Japanese version of Area 51, they would have been very concerned about the situation," he said. As for the group of people in suits who were at the scene, I think it is very likely that they were brainwashed by the Mendoules to call for UFOs.
I hope the next interview will be more interesting. I would like to remind the readers of this article that if you are unfortunate enough to find yourself on the road to Mendul, you are not the only one. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter a Mendurian, seek shelter in a well-lit area immediately, or apologize sincerely from the bottom of your heart, and you may be rehabilitated.
So,where's the truth?
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riansdiary · 2 months
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What would Blair Waldorf do? #1 👑
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You checked the 3d and you're wavering. I'm Blair and you're Serena.
Gossip Girl: Spotted, Serena van der Woodsen getting into Yale? You know what I'm gonna say, I call this bs. I bet her rich mother paid to get her accepted.
Blair comes into Serena's room after her best friend calls her on the phone. Serena seeing Gossip Girl's blast = you wavering.
Blair: S, you said it was urgent. What's going on?
Serena: B! What if I didn't get into Yale with my own abilities? You know Mom could've done that right? (You're wavering and you're accepting the 3d as fact. You think you failed and you don't have your desire because you checked the 3d.)
Blair: Are you really gonna listen to her (GG = 3d), S? She's just saying that to cause drama! We literally studied together for so long for that exam. Believe in yourself! She's gaslighting you, you know that right? Don't let her!
Don't let the 3d gaslight you into thinking you don't have what you want. It's not your enemy though. It's a mirror. It's just reflecting all trashy thoughts and assumptions. What do we do? Yes. Don't take no for an answer. You have what you want but you just let the 3d gaslight you when it's a delusion that you don't have it. Assuming you already have it/being in the state of the wish fulfilled. Guess what? It's done.
(Blair is me telling you to not pay attention to what you don't want. You don't want to not get your desire right? Yeah you want to get your desires so listen. Okay so what do we do? We stop talking and complaining. Turning your head away from what you don't want and forgetting they even exist as you live your life is what you should be doing. Don't care about something that's old news. Ever since you affirmed or did a technique or decided, it's already done in your mind/the 4d. Don't check the 3d because it's a past newspaper. You should focus in the present. If you keep deciding you have it, the 3d has no choice but to reflect that.)
Serena: What if Mom really did that to ensure my future, Blair? (You're entertaining the possibility that it didn't manifest and thinking you failed.)
Blair: Don't be delusional, S! You were so confident when we were taking the exam and I know you knew the right answers to it! Stop! Don't check Gossip Girl, uh uh. You got into Yale because you did great and you need to acknowledge that. Stop paying attention to GG. She's not our problem anymore, okay? Calm down.
(Stop being delusional. You said you had it so why are you giving in and believing the delusion that is the 3d? The 3d is not our problem nor the how. It's old things you thought and assumed in the past. This is especially true if you ruminate and complain about things you don't want. Alright, let's experiment with the law. Try this. When you see something you don't like, instead of immediately complaining and talking about it, close your mouth and zip it. Distract yourself with something you like to do. It's the law of assumption. A law. If you keep up with thinking you have your desires no matter what you see, it will materialize but again, that's not our main goal. It's just a nice bonus prize because technically it's already done.)
Serena: Yeah, I could confront Mom about it but look, she already texted me. She said she didn't do any of that sh*t. She knows Eric will be pissed about that. (Serena getting that text = you checking your mind if you have your desire and you say you have it. You stopped paying attention to the 3d, stopped complaining and continued reminding yourself that you have it. In fact, use complaining for manifesting what you want! Ugh! Why do I already have results when I just listened once to this sub? I really liked listening to this one!)
Blair: Good for you, S. It's time you stop believing everything Gossip Girl is posting about you. It's nothing but trash. Who do you believe more? GG or you? Yeah! You did it, Congratulations! (Congratulations, you have that thing already! Stop believing that the 3d is the true reality. Stop accepting that what you see is the truth. The 3d has no meaning. It's neutral. Okay give it meaning now. From now on, whatever you see, the 3d means you have it. No matter what you see (even if it's the opposite), have brazen impudence. Do NOT take NO for an answer. Make fun of it, laugh at it. "This means I have it hahaha! I don't f*cking care what I see. Read my lips. I have it. It's already done. That's stupid when I have it! I'm choosing to believe that I already have it."
Story Time!
Rian seeing a money circumstance in the 3d: Rian doesn't complain. She stops paying attention to what her parents are saying and instead focuses on her game she's playing on her phone.
Rian's brain: "Bills? Mom, Dad, guys. Oh don't worry about that, I literally have 10 billion in my bank account. I can pay bills in a second."
Rian accepts that her desires are a reality, she thinks that the 3d is stupid and delusional. Assumes that the wish fulfilled is the reality and forgets about the 3d.
Yours Truly,
Lady Rian Whistledown 💋
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I was going to write up a Tumblr post on the names of Radley's and Malcolm's gangs, how they differ between original and dub versions, and the ironic significance of said names.
Instead, Dracula Daily happened and I was so upset I had to get out my feelings in a scene for one of my current fic chapters:
He took out his phone to idly look up exorcisms and other ways to remove restless spirits, but frowned at a notification. ". . . Of all the things to show up right now, I've got a reminder about Dracula Daily starting soon."
". . . What is that?" Kalin grunted. "It sounds like something Scotch would like, but not you."
"It's an email list that feeds you pieces of the novel Dracula each day," Radley said. "It's told as diary entries, letters, and newspaper clippings, and they're sent out on each corresponding day that the entries were originally made in the book. And you're right, it wouldn't normally be my thing. Scotch told me about lots of friendship goodness and got me interested enough to try it last year."
"So did you like it?" Kalin asked.
"Yes and no," Radley replied. "I loved the friendships and other pure love between the characters, but I got so upset by Lucy's fate that it could never be a favorite book for me."
"You cared that much about her?" Kalin sounded disbelieving.
". . . Let me guess, you watched a movie version as a Dark Signer but never read the book," Radley said.
"You're right," Kalin said.
"It seems like all the movies portray Lucy as trashy," Radley said. "She was actually incredibly sweet. She sure never deserved all that Dracula put her through, and then to not be able to get her happy ending. I kept hoping that even after she became a vampire, she could be saved when Dracula was killed. Instead, they had to kill her to stop her." He shook his head. "It was extremely disturbing. I wonder if that's why they changed her in the movies, because you're right that it's much less disturbing if she's a naughty girl anyway."
". . . Scotch seems like the type who'd be upset by a nice character being hurt too," Kalin said.
"He is," Radley said. "He'd read a lot of Internet hype about the friendships. Last year was his first time reading it too. I think he got more upset than I did. After he finished the book, he wrote a fanfiction story where the Harkers meet The Time Traveler—from The Time Machine, you know?—and they go back in time to save Lucy. It was actually really good. Scotch said he insists on believing that's really how the story continued." He smiled. "Scotch loves happy endings for those who deserve them."
". . . That's an interesting premise," Kalin had to admit.
Radley nodded. "It's actually pretty plausible, considering both books take place around the same time and the Harkers and The Time Traveler all live in London. Why not have them meet?"
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comesitintheclover · 1 year
wip wednesday!
okay so it’s not technically still Wednesday where I live but I’m moving so my Wednesday feels like 3 days long.
Thank you so so much @ileadacharmedlife for tagging me! I have no idea what I’m doing but this is fun! :D! I have like 17 WIPs but here’s one of my carry on ones:
Basilton Grimm-Pitch’s 10 Step Plan for Getting Over Simon Snow
^(letting himself be in love with)
Dear Aunt Agony,
Do you have a painkiller the size of a roommate, a war, a vampiric blood disease, and being hopelessly in love with the person who will kill you one day?  (…)
It was that look on Philippa Stainton's face when I stole her voice. Snow was standing right there, and I forgot all about him for a moment, lost in the terror of what I'd done.
(I know, even I surprise myself sometimes). And I hated Stainton - she would follow Snow around giggling, like a moron - but it was her face that kicked in my guilty conscience.
I’d never felt like that before.
(Except for being a vampire). (I always feel guilty for being a vampire).
But at least that I hadn't chosen. I'd done this. On purpose.
I'd switched off the recorder as soon as I heard Stainton speak, but it was too late. 
I wiped at my stinging eyes. The grey skin under them felt like cobwebs and burned at the scrape of my cotton shirt sleeve. No wand, no money, no handkerchief- what had I become? I double checked my jean pockets. No phone. Well, I didn't want to talk to anyone anyway.
I sighed and looked around me. My head aching as I pieced together how I'd come here. The dusty sunlight, grey tarmac, colourful shop windows, the bell on the door, the squeak of my shoes on the linoleum squares floor as I made a beeline for the far corner. Now hidden among trashy tabloid covers, weeks of newspapers, and stacks of magazines. I sat for a while, breathing the gentle air and reading absurd titles. From the front of the store I heard a steady stream of jangling door-bells, crinkling candy wrappers, and casual conversation with the shopkeeper.
This was so much better than Father and Fiona in the dark dining room. (Vampires aren't allergic to unnatural light, crowley, turn the lightswitch on for once).  
I picked up a home improvement magazine with a nice bouquet on the cover and started flipping through the pages. Pretty soon I was engrossed. The lists upon lists! The aesthetically pleasing organising of products! The ridiculous op-eds! The double-paged, big glossy adverts of perfume bottles or cars or women, half in darkness. (Bloody vampires, I thought, grinning, despite myself). But most of all, I loved the few pages towards the back of the magazine:
Dear Aunt Agony
I have lots of other WIPs but this has already gotten long 😅, I’ve been mainly working on a piece for @cruelsummer-ficfest since June, a Neville/Harry song fic with Paris as the prompt, that I’ve titled 2003 Unbearable :D -which I love with my whole heart but have had to fight like 10 demons to work on it. On the final chapter now! I also made art and a playlist for it but I want to post the fic first <3
I’m still pretty new to fandom spaces so I don’t know who to tag but hi @ebbpettier @wellbelesbian @chen-chen-chen-again-chen and anyone else who happens to read this 😊💗💖
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starriva · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by @modernday-jay , thank you!
What book are you currently reading?
For pleasure I'm currently on book seven out of a ten on an alien romance series. It's a 7/10, score elevated for world building. I might of started this series a week and a half ago. Now I'm just invested to finish.
If we're talking actual books on my TBR at the moment it's wuthering heights, catch-22, Mormons and the Swastika, your country and my country And I want to re-read cinder from the lunar chronically again.
For school I just finished reading, class of ‘74 and two presidents Fords bibliographies. Wouldn't recommend very boring and honestly the man was out of touch but hey being out of touch makes for very good minority house speakers who accidentally end up president.
Needless to say I read a lot, a lot for school, a lot of newspapers, a lot of trashy romance books and every so often I get an actual good non romance book in the mix. But it is those romance books that resparked my love of reading so credit where credits is due they are very good at emotional investment.
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theatres this year?
Hands down everything everywhere all at once, that shit made me cry and I bought a second ticket to take my partner to it. Other good movies I saw this year, the new Netflix Pinocchio, the glass onion, Vengeance, and Bullet Train. Some of those are deep, others are just high quality and amusing stories.
What do you usually wear?
If the weather permits I like to wear skirts. Everyone thinks you're dolled up and nice but in reality I'm just lazy.
How tall are you?
On a good day, 5’5.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I'm a Libra and to my knowledge no but I do have a birthday week with one of my parents though. It's nice.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
Just my name, my irl freinds do not refer to me as starriva, just online ones.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
In high school I thought being a history teacher would be cool, not anymore. Bless those brave underpaid soldiers.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Way past the six year threshold for this one, I love him a lot. He keeps me sane, I adore him.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm very good at understanding the American news/politics lol often times family and freinds ask me to update them and explain why the information I included is important to them.
I'm bad at balancing at yoga. Also emotional regulation, fuck ADD.
Dogs or cats?
I'll probably always have a dog until I die but I'm a cat person though and though.
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Creating content for hetalia wether I post it or not has always made me happy. No other fandom really does it for me…..and it's been years I've tried and accepted my fate.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Shitty alien romance. Can't get enough of them, my whole seven week reading streak on KU is because of them.
Edit one week later: finished that series and am now 3/4 on a new one.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Trumps inevitable downfall sue either to Desantias or the courts. I'm pacient I can wait more, also same BOTW 2. Hoping for skyward sword references. Pls pls pls.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I don't think I've revealed that I oil paint to anyone online. Also I'm a cat whisper, I haven't met one that hates me yet.
Are you religious?
No, raised Mormon picked up one middle school history book and lost the faith. I can understand the values that it can bring into a person's life but I did not find any value in it for me.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Time to oil paint.
Thank you for the request! I would like to get to know people in the fandom but perhaps at a more opportune time.
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deancasbigbang · 3 years
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Title: Fan Behaviour
Author: Sheha Sidek
Artist: Scarlett Dixon
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Castiel / Dean Winchester Castiel / April Kelly (Minor) Castiel / Arthur Ketch (Minor) Dean Winchester / Lisa Braeden (Minor) Dean Winchester / Mick Davies (Minor)
Length: 20000
Warnings: Underage, Stalking, Harassment, Obsession,
Tags: Teen!DeanCas, Cas and Dean separated, Lovers to Strangers to Lovers, Pining,
Posting Date: October 26, 2021
Summary: Popular Novelist meets Tabloid Journalist. Dean Winchester loves digging up dirt on the rich and famous. So what if that person was an ex-boyfriend who left him ten years ago without a word? It’s a dog eat dog world out there, and Dean’s willing to do whatever it takes to get Castiel Novak to crack. All he needed to do was to keep his head on his shoulders and not fall for those damn blue eyes again. Castiel Novak has been through some shit in his life. Family drama. Separation from wife. Crazy stalker fans sending crap to his home address for no reason. And now his damn ex-boyfriend has turned up out of the blue in some obnoxious French restaurant at Sunset Boulevard. Cas knows Dean wants some kind of emotional payback for the hurt and humiliation he had to endure. Cas doesn’t mind. All that bluster, snide remarks and dark looks shot his way? That ain’t hate. That’s just fan behaviour.
Excerpt: “Relax. It’s not like I haven’t seen yours before,” Dean said with a dark chuckle. Cas cursed under his breath and tried to finish his business as quickly as humanly possible. Of course Dean had to choose the urinal right next to him, unzipping his jeans then grunting a little as he peed noisily against the white porcelain. “Fuck,” Cas whispered under his breath, shook himself dry, and quickly tucked himself into his pants. “Gotta wash those hands with soap, my friend. Don’t want your girlfriend to think you’re not big on hygiene, do you?” “She’s not my girlfriend,” Cas said in a temper, making a huge show of lathering his hands with soap, scrubbing them vigorously. Their eyes met in the mirror as Dean approached the sink to wash his own hands. “I don’t appreciate you making these insinuations, Dean. You may be used to scraping the bottom of the gossip barrel for your trashy newspaper - but I assure you, if you’re thinking of provoking some kind of reaction from me, you’d fail miserably. Dean snorted as he rinsed the lather off his hands. “Calm the fuck down, sweetheart. You're not as interesting as you think you are. Mick just wants to run a story with your actor bestie out there, so how about we remain civil until then, huh?”  Cas felt himself flush red.  Dammit.  \*\*\* Dean didn’t know why he pushed Cas that hard. Perhaps it’s the long-standing grudge he had against his once-boyfriend, but damn if Cas hadn’t grown some fangs since Dean last saw him. The Castiel Dean knew was soft-spoken, almost shy, and gentle. This… this was something else. To Dean’s dismay, he found that he liked this new part of Cas that doesn’t take shit from anyone - not even from Dean. “I know how to handle myself, Dean, thank you very much,” Cas snarked, “I wish I could say the same for you as well.”  “Hey, it was a surprise to see an old boyfriend popping up out of nowhere. It would have been nice to get a heads up years ago - before he dumped me and just fucked off into the sunset with a wife, but… no biggie right?” Dean said airily as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, trying to fix his already immaculate hair. Cas looked so angry, running his hands through his hair multiple times till he resembled a very irate hedgehog.  “I did not dump you,” Cas gritted out, his voice dangerously quiet. Dean looked surprised for a few moments, looking over his shoulder to face Cas directly since the night began. “Say whatever you want, Dean, or think whatever you want of me - but you can’t say that I left you. I was forced to return to DC, and when I went back to look for you, you were gone. No one knew where you went. I looked everywhere. Asked everyone. You were just… gone.”
DCBB 2021 Posting Schedule
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6 Reasons Why The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Is A Cult Classic
I think my brain just, like, flipped inside out. I always start my blog posts with like a snazzy little, everyday story and then make some mind-blowing connection to a huge, famous horror film that you weren’t expecting. Basically, I blow ya minds and then you guys keep reading.
But no. Today I am the one with the mind that is blown.
So, Tim Curry.
I’ve heard his name before ‘cause he played IT in the original TV miniseries, right? Well, I was shoooooketh to read that he played Dr Frank-N-Furter and thought “wow, this Tim Curry guy is an actual legend of horror. What else has this bloke done?”
Turns out Tim Curry is this guy.
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I nearly died. No, sorry, correction: I did actually die a death. He’s a British actor I’ve seen hundreds of times, like, he’s one of those famous people you see a lot and you don’t know their name but ya just know ‘em.
Turns out he’s done hell of a lot, including Barbie in the Nutcracker, Charlie’s Angels and Home Alone 2.
But before all that, he starred in the original London cast and Roxy (Chicago) cast of The Rocky Horror Show (1973), and reprised the role of the sweeeeeet transvestttiiite in the movie version, The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).  
And that’s what we’re talking about today.
It’s the longest-running theatre release in history with 45 years in the cinemas under its garter. There’s a reason it’s prevailed all these years, and hasn’t even let a pandemic stop it from doing the Time Warp. Well, there’s a few.
Today we’re talking about all the reasons Rocky Horror is a cult classic.
People started returning to theatres to watch it again
When it first hit the big screen in 1975, TRHPS was a flop. It was actually pulled from screens, to begin with. Lots of critics didn’t make unfair criticisms about the film - they often just said, “It belongs on a stage, with the performers and audience joining in a collective send-up.” Despite this, droves of people would fill up the cinema seats. And more often than not, it’d be people returning to see the film yet again.
The following year, at Waverly Theatre in NYC, midnight showings of the film began. It became one of the first ‘midnight movies’, a camp, crappy B movie often screened late at night. It amassed a raucous crowd mostly made up of the LGBTQA+ community, a group finding its voice shortly after the Stonewall riots of 1969. Soon, it found a fanbase among other “misfits” of the era.
These screenings became a safe space for the weirdos of the 1970s. A space they’d flock back to, often dressed up and armed with props to engage with the film in its entirety.
…and then they started interacting with the film
Returning to theatres was only one half of the Rocky Horror ritual - getting in the garb and acting out scenes alongside the big screen was key to making the film a cult classic. Performance groups even lip-synched to the tracks and acted out the dialogue of the film below the screen.
Another notable contribution was the audience calling out funny, alternative responses to the scripted lines. One of the first ‘audience participation’ lines was from a quiet teacher who, upon seeing Janet cover her hair with a newspaper in the rain, yelled: "Buy an umbrella, you cheap bitch!".
They’d throw toast, water and rice at the screen when the lines called for it - but soon, the cinemas banned this due to damage and clear up.
It’s meta and it’s magical
The Rocky Horror Picture Show was originally based on B horror movies. It even calls out the iconic films from the 1930s to the 70s in the opening song. The writer of the original play, Richard O’Brien, drew directly from the sci-fi and trashy films he grew up with, setting the genre against the backdrop of British Glam Rock.
He explicitly stated that "glam rock allowed me to be myself more", eluding to the theme of freedom and self-expression that made Rocky Horror what it is today. O’Brien actually went on to play Riff Raff in the film, the decrepit caretaker plotting to return to his home planet.
Christ, I’ve gone off topic.
Because the film was inherently based on these low-budget, badly-rated flicks, it didn’t take itself too seriously: it’s got in-jokes, it breaks the fourth wall, it parodies just about every horror cliche that preceded it.
It speaks directly to the audience, and, as we know, they liked to reply.
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It was ahead of its time for the LGBTQA+ community - even if it’s still stuck in the 70s
In a post-Stonewall world, sexuality was finding its feet as a talking point. But Rock Horror wasn’t just gay - it was gender-neutral, too. The iconic red lips were voiced by a man and Frank N. Furter took pride in being a ‘transvestite’. Now, transvestite doesn’t mean trans. Normally, its’s when a person cross-dresses as a different gender even if they don’t necessarily identify as that gender.
These days, people who dress as another gender call themselves ‘cross-dressers’, but I’d still be wary of using this term.
It’s for the outcasts and the dreamers
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is certainly a messy film with a lot of genres, themes and ideas going on. But one of the most popular themes that survives the fishnets, the hit songs and the aliens from outer space is “don't dream it, be it”.
The fanbase that returned night after night were dreaming of a world like this - where it was okay to be different. In fact, different is good! Janet and Brad, our ordinary, straight couple destined to save themselves for marriage before moving into a 3-bed house outside of the city were the outcasts, here.
Dr Frank-N-Furter is technically a Disney princess
We end with an actual meme. As Disney+ (UK) now screens The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Dr Frank-N-Furter now counts as a Disney princess. In my world, anyway.
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What’s your favourite Rocky Horror fact?
Let me know in a comment. And while you’re down there, make sure you like ‘n reblog. Want to see somethin’ spooky every Saturday?
Make sure you hit follow!
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everyonewasabird · 3 years
Brickclub 3.4.3 ‘The astonishments of Marius’ part 2: Combeferre vs. Ducks
I had too many errands yesterday to really tackle the Duck Problem. Now I’m ready.
Marius is out of his depth in these conversations, and that’s fair. This is all really dense, from Combeferre in particular.
Which is a fascinating character note, actually. Combeferre’s intro claimed he was “breathable” and you’d much rather march beside him than Enjolras--and yet, he’s the person who’s most consistently intimidating in these early Amis chapters. The others aren’t tamping down their fiery opinions--nor should they--but they’re being comprehensible to a newcomer. Courfeyrac in this chapter even bothers to explain to Marius what’s going on. Bahorel and Enjolras don’t, but at least they aren’t speaking in like five layers of puns.
Here’s my best understanding of wtf is going on with the ducks. Many thanks to Pilf for helping me sort out some of this.
First, a sort of glossary, as I understand it:
“a tragedy from the old, so-called classical, repertoire” - Theater in France in this era was extremely censored, not just politically but artistically. It wasn’t like England where something as outside the box as Shakespeare had been flourishing for centuries. Neoclassicist stylistic rules were enforced on a line-by-line level, and everything else was rigidly excluded. This was what Romanticism was fighting against, and this is why Hugo’s Hernani was a big damn deal.
Bahorel and Combeferre both loathe this neoclassical theater as stuffy and elitist and tyrannical. (Actual ancient classics were fine and good, hence the unfavorable comparison to Aeschylus.)
“canard” - a trashy, sensationalist newspaper aimed at the uneducated lower classes. Also means “duck.” THIS is a fantastic post describing what these papers were like (apparently the newspaper sellers composed SILLY/GRUESOME PUN-FILLED SONGS TO GO WITH THE GRUESOMELY DESCRIBED MURDERS. AMAZING.)
“There are rough drafts in nature; there are, in creation, ready-made parodies; a bill which is not a bill, wings which are not wings, fins which are not fins, claws which are not claws, a mournful cry which inspires us with the desire to laugh, there is the duck. Now, since the fowl exists along with the bird, I do not see why classic tragedy should not exist in the face of antique tragedy.”
I wish I got all the puns that must be in here. “A mournful cry which inspires us with the desire to laugh” is resoundingly clear, though, given the above.
So, that settled, there’s still the question of sorting out Combeferre’s actual meaning, and that’s.. hard, actually? He’s being extremely sarcastic and dragging both bad theater and bad newspapers while claiming to hold the more moderate position in this argument.
My best guess is that he’s insulting horrible silly theater (highbrow) by comparing it to horrible silly journalism (lowbrow). He doesn’t like either, but he’s not about to take the side of censorship--just the side of extreme snark. And, probably, the side of drawing out Bahorel towards still greater heights of insulting elitist theater.
And actually, his “censorship is wrong regardless of circumstance” position is going to echo his “killing is wrong regardless of circumstance" arguments on the barricade. In both cases, he’s going to be really conflicted about those arguments.
There’s a lot going on inside Combeferre that’s in conflict with the moderate principles he espouses out loud, and that usually bubbles up in the way he talks. The layers of contradictory meanings are very deliberate here; on the barricade they may start to sound quite a bit less so.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
Come Over | Elijah Mikaelson
Hey Lovelies! This is my first post on this profile! If you're curious feel free to pop over to my other handle: @sweetpeasgirl where i write for riverdale! However this blog is for all fandoms! It's all very exciting and I am happy to take on a new project. Anyway this is my first time writing for Elijah/TVD/TO so I hope its good! Also my first smut oh no oh god. Lemme know what you think!
Description: Based on the song "Come Over" by Sam Hunt. Y/n finds out Elijah Mikaelson is a vampire in the worst way possible. She freaks out and runs. Elijah follows after. It comes to a crossroads at her apartment.
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: THIS IS AN 18+ ONLY FIC!!! NSFW, Smut (oral female receiving), 18+ (I feel obligated to say it ;) )
Word count: 3413
Tags: fluff, some angst, SMUT
(Photos not mine but mood board is :) )
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I turn the TV off, to turn it on again
Staring at the blades of the fan as it spins around
The clock on your nightstand reads 11:34. The remote control is heavy in your hand. Nothing on the TV is interesting to you even slightly right now. Your room is sweltering and dark. Your bed is a mess, the comforter crinkled and shoved to the foot. Messy beds are always more uncomfortable. Any day but today you would care.
You glance down at your phone, not surprised in the slightest to see another missed call. That makes 22. Almost a new record. Two more and he’ll start a new one. That’s just his type. Persistent. It’s why you fell in love with him. He didn’t give up. You sigh and block the call, placing the phone face down on the nightstand. Your whole body feels hot.
Clicking again on the remote, you come across a reality show. It's trashy, the accents are harsh, it screams “daddy’s money”. It’s perfect. Maybe it’ll be enough to take your mind off of the events of this evening. Off of him. The girl on the show runs into the arms of a handsome man. You turn the TV off almost as fast as you had turned it on.
You had been picturing tonight in your head for a week. The Mikaelson Ball. Dining and dancing and elegance. Nothing your usual life regularly allowed. It was supposed to be special. The invitation alone was magnificent enough to make you swoon. The dress had almost made you faint. The necklace did. It was all perfect. He was perfect. And then it wasn’t.
Your phone buzzes again on the nightstand. You forgot to turn it off. Or maybe you left it on purpose. Your head feels fuzzy, though, and you don’t want to think about it. You wish his face would get out of your mind. Your eyes drift to the fan above you and you try to count the blades as they go around and around. You lose track easily, and you don’t care. It doesn’t do anything to soothe your molten skin.
Counting every crack, the clock is wide awake
Talking to myself, anything to make a sound
You pick the phone up once more, ready to scream at it. Every part of you feels like it's on fire and seeing his name on the screen pushes you over the edge. You don’t know what you did to get tangled in all of this but you’re ready to claw your throat out. Instead, you throw the phone as hard as you can against the pile of comforters. It stops buzzing but your skin is still sticky. You feel sick to your stomach.
“Why did you pick me, why couldn’t it have been someone else,” your tone is harsh but it’s not like he can hear you, “it hurts Eli. Make it stop. Please!”
Your voice is barely a whisper and it turns to cries quickly as the anger dies out. All you can see, swirling around the depths of your mind, are his fangs. The way his brown eyes died to a blackness. The stark veins against his sculpted cheeks. He had looked every bit as beautiful as ever. Still elegant, still handsome. Still Elijah. But dark. Dangerous. That’s what scared you. Elijah was still Elijah when he was ripping a heart from a chest.
It felt like a blur when you saw it. One minute he had his hand on the small of your back. You had been taking a stroll in the garden. It was like nothing you had ever seen before. Beautiful hedge walls and roses of all different colours and a magnolia tree like you had only ever imagined. The moon wasn’t quite full over your heads. He was finally about to kiss you, something you had been silently pleading for for months now. Before his lips could touch yours, though, there was a hand around your throat. It had squeezed to the point of you almost passing out before Elijah had time to rip you away from your attacker. You didn’t see him move, you just saw his hand break through the mans sternum and rip his beating heart out of his chest. As soon as you saw his face, his eyes, you bolted.
“I’m scared, Eli. I miss you. I’m scared that I miss you and a thousand other things. I need you.”
You look at the dress hanging on the back of your door. At one point it was a delicate, pale pink number. It had off the shoulder straps that, really, had no point but were beautiful. There was satin cream ribbon to lace up the back and the sweetest of sweetheart necklines. Now it was splattered in blood, the satin ribbons stained. One of the sleeves had ripped when you ran. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever owned and it was ruined in less than an hour. Fairytales were supposed to end at midnight, not nine o'clock.
“I wish you would come over.” You mean it.
You just want him to explain. To show up and sweep you off your feet and tell you that he won’t hurt you. You shouldn't even need the reassurance. You know him. That's your Elijah. Somewhere deep down you know that. But it's not making you any less afraid right now. He had been protecting you, but no one has ever ripped out a heart for you before. You’re allowed to be afraid of new things. You’re allowed to be afraid of things that are frightening. That’s what being human is. You still feel like a traitor, though, when you feel afraid of Elijah.
Your voice is silent in the darkness, “I wish you could hear me. Come over, Elijah.”
Your phone beeped. You pick it up in time to read the screen. Call ended.
I told you I wouldn't call, I told you I wouldn't care
But baby climbing the walls gets me nowhere
Call ended. Call ended 12:43. Twelve minutes and forty-three seconds. Elijah had been on the phone with you for almost thirteen minutes. Crap.
You think about how far away the Mikaelson mansion is from your apartment. Twenty minutes tops, and that’s your driving. Elijah’s driving? Ten, if you’re lucky. You could try to reason with yourself. Maybe he hadn't heard you. Maybe he doesn't want to see you. Maybe he hung up because he got tired of hearing you whine. You can’t help the dry laugh that falls from your lips. It’s Elijah. You probably only have five minutes now.
You jump to your feet and begin making your bed, your pulse thumping loud once more in your ears. He’s been in your apartment before, but that was when he was just Elijah. Not the Elijah with fangs and black eyes. Now he’s different. Mysterious. Who knows what he’s seen. What he’s done. You never thought your apparent was shabby by any means but would he? You know your life can’t compare to the wonders he’s most definitely seen.
You move to the kitchen, which is, by default, the living room as well, and begin picking up mugs and newspapers and anything else out of order that you can see. You sneak a quick glance out your kitchen window, into the parking lot below, just in time to see a sleek black car speed into one of the only available spots left. You can hear the engine purr from your fourth floor apartment. You know exactly whose car that is and thus aren't surprised when Elijah Mikaelson steps out from the drivers side and slams the door shut, not even bothering to lock the door. You gasp at the bang the metal makes and his head whips up, his eyes locking with yours from the ground.
You close your eyes for just a second. There's no way he could have heard that. When you look back to the ground, he’s gone. Before you can sigh there's a knock at the door.
I don’t think that I can take this bed getting any colder
Come over, come over, come over, come over, come over
You move to the door but you don’t open it. You place your palm on the wood trim and try to picture the man on the other side. He’ll look like Elijah. He’ll smell like Elijah and probably talk like Elijah, too. But is he still the same Elijah?
“Y/n, I know you’re there, open the door. Please?” His voice sounds the same, his accent penetrating the barrier between you and tickling your ears.
“Elijah,” your voice is but a whisper and you know you should be the only one who can hear it, “I’m scared.”
“I know, love, that’s ok. I won’t hurt you, though, and I need you to open the door. I just- I need to see you,” his voice cracks, just barely but it’s there.
That’s all it takes for you to slide the lock and open the door. In front of you, for the second time tonight, is a man you don’t recognize. He doesn’t have fangs and his eyes are his usual deep brown but they look shattered. His hair, usually styled to perfection, is a mess, like he had been running his hands through it for the past few hours. His suit jacket is gone, leaving him in slacks and the dress shirt he had been wearing at the ball, only now it’s untucked and the sleeves are rolled haphazardly up his arms. Elijah Mikaleson looks disheveled and you’re terrified again because this Elijah, hurt and upset, looks further from himself than the Elijah from the garden.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. God, I’m so fucking sorry,” his voice shakes as he stands in your doorway, “please let me explain, baby.”
You swallow at his words. Baby. That's new.
“Eli, you know you can come in whenever you want,” your eyes look to the ground, feigning interest in the knots of your hardwood floor.
“I want to hear you say it,” you can feel his eyes burning into your lowered head, “I need to hear that you want me to come in, Y/n.”
This time it’s your voice that breaks, “of course I want you to come in Elijah.”
He sighs and steps over the threshold, standing mere feet away from you. You feel so small next to him in nothing but a pair of plaid sleep shorts and plain tank top. Your bare feet, for the first time since getting home, are cool against the floor.
He reaches to touch you and you flinch away, “baby, god, no. Please don’t be afraid.”
Your chest aches at the scared look in his eyes and all you want to do is run into his arms but you need answers.
“What happened back there, Elijah?” You feel pathetic at how quiet your voice still is.
“He wanted to hurt me, torture me. And he knew he couldn't. So he went for you, because he knew I would retaliate,” his eyes land on yours and you can see that he still wants to rip that man limb from limb, “he was a werewolf, Y/n. He wanted you dead, I had to do it.”
He sinks to his knees, his voice dropping lower and lower until the last words are just whispers. His words ring in your ears again. Werewolf. A werewolf wanted you dead. You felt faint.
“Why was a,” you say the word carefully, “werewolf trying to hurt you?”
“Because I'm a vampire, Y/n,” his voice breaks fully this time.
You don’t know what to do. Not with the rapid beating of your heart nor the new information you’ve just acquired and especially not with the crying Mikaelson on his knees in your hallway. Your Elijah, the man who pulls your chair out at restaurants and opens your doors and always has a hand on you when you’re around his brothers, is a vampire. You’re not even sure what that means, there are so many questions running through your mind. You want to ask each and every one of them but, seeing the man in front of you, somehow now doesn’t feel like the right time.
Your heart flutters looking at Elijah. His hands are in his hair again, pulling desperately on the strands. Your heart falls into a thousand tiny pieces at the sight. How can you be afraid of someone being so openly vulnerable to you. No man has ever gotten on his knees for you. No one has ever begged on their knees for you. It’s breathtaking, all you need to push yourself into him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“You should be terrified of me y/n,” he chokes into your chest, “I’m not good for you. I'm a monster, baby.”
His words shred at your heart. You run your fingers through his hair, smoothing the soft locks beneath your fingers.
“No you’re not. You're still my Elijah.”
His head lifts from your chest and he captures your eyes with his serious ones. He looks awestruck.
“Your Elijah?” His accent is even thicker with all the emotion.
You smile for the first time in many hours, “of course, Eli.”
He sweeps you up and into his arms so quickly you get dizzy. Before you know what’s happened, he has you sat on your kitchen island and he’s standing between your legs. Your arms are still clinging tight to his neck while his hands hang dangerously low on your hips.
“And you’re mine, Y/n.”
His words makes your body sing, “All yours.”
He closes his eyes, his hands tightening deliciously on your hips, “say it again. Please, baby.”
“I’m yours Elijah. I’ve always been yours.”
His lips crash hungrily onto yours. He wraps his arms around your lower back and you tangle your legs around his waist to avoid falling off the countertop. He kisses you like you’ve never been kissed before, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth and biting down harshly before soothing the sting with his tongue. You're enamoured with this side of Elijah. You’ve seen his gentleman side, it was magnificent, but this side of him? It was everything you didn't know you needed.
He pulls back, only putting a fraction of space between your bodies but it feels like too much, “please don’t run from me again.”
Your lips brush his when you speak, “Never, Eli.”
He pulls your mouth back to his, a hand tangled in your hair tugging gently at the roots. You can’t but moan against his lips and squeeze your legs around his waist. You grab blindly at his shirt, trying desperately to undo the buttons. Your fingers fumble and he chuckles into your mouth. He releases you to pull his shirt off, dropping it mindlessly on the floor, his lips never leaving yours.
His chest is sculpted like the finest marble and you can’t resist running your hands over his skin. He feels strong under your fingertips. He lets out a groan as you slide them back to his shoulders to the nape of his neck. His lips move over your jaw, down your neck, kissing and sucking a trail to your throat.
His hands grip the edge of your tank top bunching the material in his fists, “may I?”
Always the gentleman.
You nod your head before the words can leave your mouth, “please.”
He smirks, his eyes shining, as he begins pulling the tank top tantalizingly slow up your chest. You raise your arms over your head with his movements, lowering them back to his torso when he drops your shirt with his. His chocolate eyes meet yours again, seeking permission. You can’t fight the small smile as you nod. His smile that greets yours is breathtaking.
His eyes flick down, taking in your bare chest like a child in a candy store. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, much like he did to yours only moments ago. His hands slide up the curve of your waist, trailing a new kind of fire wherever he touches. His thumbs graze the sides of your breasts and you just barely stop the moan, closing your eyes to regain the little control you have left.
“I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, you’re stunning Y/n. Absolutely beautiful.”
Before you can process it, his mouth is around your breast, pulling your nipple into his mouth and sucking gently. It sends a spark of electricity to the deepest part of your stomach, building an ache that you’ve felt before but stronger. Blinding. It’s white hot. You don’t try to stop the moans, you don’t want to. His tongue swirls around your breast, teasingly slow, making you feel every little movement. It’s dangerously addictive.
“Elijah,” you breath his name like oxygen.
His lips let you go, moving down your chest, trailing kisses down your abdomen, pulling praises from your lips as he goes. His eyes find yours when he sinks to his knees for the second time tonight. His hands grasp your shorts, covering your hips easily. You’re a wanton mess in front of him, practically fully undone from the simplest of touches.
“What do you want me to do, baby, you have to tell me what you want.” It's good to know he’s breathless too.
“Eli, I-” you moan as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, sucking gently at the skin, his eyes still locked on yours, “I want you.”
He pulls his lips back, “you want me to do what, baby?”
You groan at the devilish smirk on his handsome face, “I want you to kiss me!”
“As you wish.”
He pulls your shorts off first, slowly dragging them down your legs, kissing all the way down and back up again. When you're left in nothing but your panties he presses the first kiss to you. It’s hot and sends shocks throughout your entire body.
“More, now. Please, Elijah.”
He chuckles but does as told, pulling the remaining material down your legs before hooking your legs over his muscular shoulders. He wastes no time attaching his lips to your sex, sucking delightfully. He swirls his tongue over your clit, stoking the fire building in your stomach. He drags his tongue down your slit for what feels like an eternity before he plunges into you. You throw your head back and close your eyes, mumbling praises into oblivion. You can feel his eyes on you, soaking up every inch of you.
Your hands find his hair again, not seeming to want to be apart from him, “god.”
“That's not my name, baby,” he mumbles against you, stopping his ministrations.
You open your eyes and lock them with his waiting ones, drawing his name out in your best attempt at being seductive, “Elijah.”
His eyes darken but this time you aren't scared. No, this time his eyes make him look dominant. Sexy. His tongue attacks your clit again only this time faster and hungrier. It makes the fire in your stomach white hot. He’s unrelenting, bringing you closer to the edge with every pass of his tongue. He's pouring everything he has into pleasuring you and you can feel it, literally. You squeeze your thighs around him tighter, ready to explode
“Come for me, baby.”
With that you fall into something you’ve heard about but never thought possible. All you can see, all you can feel, is Elijah. He consumes all of your senses as you fall apart, over and over again, under his touch. In the midst of falling apart you catch Elijah’s eyes and fall all over again. He looks like he’s in pure bliss watching you come undone because of him. You know in all your falling you murmur his name more than once. You know that he loves it.
As you come down from your high, you go to unwrap your legs from his neck, only to have him wrap you around his waist and pick you up. You can’t help but giggle at his determined look.
When he starts walking toward your bedroom you ask, “what’s on your mind, Eli?”
“Round two,” you giggle again when he kisses your forehead.
“I'm glad you came over, Elijah.”
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zathuraroy5 · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch 2x15
(queued 2021/02/15)
I like how 2x15 starts with a flash back to all the pranks. Lolol good times
Creepy professor is creepy
Bleh. Bleh. Gross gross. Hehe "ghost face" Karma Creep.
AAAAA ITS GABRIEL!!!!. Sp8 omg. Baby face
@adhdeancas: Hell YES. and i'm always surprised by how early he's there too, sp8 really survived a while
I totally forgot which season he was in at first, I thought it was three. Season two baby
Also ya, doesn't Sp8 direct at one point too?
@adhdeancas: and yeah! sp8's a great director in my opinion, sp8 directed quite a few (including 15x18)
OOOO shit so he knows. He KNOWS
Wow Dean lolol
Ohhhh shit that's right, Loki messed with Sam's computer and Dean's car (So I’m just gonna call him Loki here because that’s what we know him as for now)
Now they're just shitting on each other lolol
Question is, did Loki create the legend, or he just used it to create the ghost girl? (I don’t think this question got explicitly answered, but we do see him go through shitty newspapers later on, so he probably heard about the legend and just went from there)
Purple nurples omg
Also the mics are weird in this one? It's like they had to do a lot of post for the sounds? It's very exaggerated with Dean. Like when he was eating on the bed and just now with the shots. The mouth sounds are like... Upped. (Even outside of the “Sam storytelling.” But then it goes back to semi-normal after)
Omg that's right they're retelling the story to Bobby, but they're each exaggerating the other brother. So Dean looks like he's hooking up with a "no good girl". Then it just pauses and he's like "wait a minute, it wasn't like that"
God I love this episode, so happy this show can still surprise me even if I watched it so often. Totally forgot about the way they told the story to Bobby
@adhdeancas: right??? this ep's storytelling was great
Mmmmm... They should have used the same girl... When Dean retells the story, he says it's a classy chick. But it's an entirely different girl then the "trashy chick". It should have been the same girl just dressed and acted differently. Cause now it's like... Some girls are "trashy" and others are "classy"
@adhdeancas:oh you're absolutely right about trash v. classy girl
Like in my super secret good supernatural remake, it would be the same actress lol
Lolol Jensen is a treasure in this one omg
Classy girl "my god, you are attractive". Dean, all smooth and serious "thank you, but there's no time for that. You gotta tell me... About this urban legend" serious smolder
When in fact, we all know if someone actual came out and said that to him he'd be all nervous and awkward and trying not to look it
@adhdeancas: lmao. oh absofuckinglutely
So fucking funny omg
So funny I cannot. Acting super pissy like a Mean Girl.
@adhdeancas: just thinking of jensen and jared best buds doing this ep together it's even funnier
(me) Acting all bitchy cause that's how Dean sees him right now XDDD
@adhdeancas: also bc I think this was the time when they were living together so they were probably just Like this
(me) Like they must have had so much fun
@adhdeancas: my god yeah it's So Over The Top
Oh god
Like Sam literally just starts saying "blah blah blah, blah blah, blah BLAH blah blah”
Like omfg. There must have been so many takes
I'm pausing every two minutes cause I'm just crying laughing
I love how he was just there the whole time. Ooooo that's how he knew to bust their stuff
Dean with his mouth full lololol cause it's Sam telling
Lol alien guy
Holy shit. This went on TV
"they PROBBED me. Again, and again, and again etc. But that's not even the worst". dean "how can it get any worse" nervous chuckle "some alien made you his bitch, hehe"
Like what is that. The microagressions un this show
@adhdeancas: Oh my god. THE MICROAGRESSIONS
The micro expressions too jesus Jensen
Almost like "shit I know what butt feels like, but again and again and again? Yikes. But oh shit, don't show that you know, make a joke make a joke"
17:30 ish
Seriously if you have it at the ready go see it, I need a second opinion
The "worst part" was the SLOW DANCING. Wtf is this show
Slow dancing is worst then literal rape omg.
Like on the surface I think it's supposed to be funny but seriously???
This has like... So many layers of wrong, I did not study the right field to unpack all of that
Ok wait I'll try
@adhdeancas: Also I agree supernatural did it to say the funny haha being cringe/girly is worst than violence in classic Kripke misogyny but if you look a layer deeper you could see the logic of an abuser doing something tender and nice like dancing was more disturbing and damaging than when I knew they were doing violence to me (Oh see I did not read this response the first time, I was too busy try to unpact the rest, but this is a valid second layer that I did not think about)
The idea that for someone Manly and Macho, affection and intimacy is a worst fate then literal rape. Like 1) it makes me question, like, is that how some men actually view it?? Cause someone wrote that!! It came from someones brain! Which brings me to 2) the fact that it was played as a joke? 3) Dean's face at the slow dancing.... Wasn't of disgust? Like there was a moment of longing in there? (Damn those Jacting Joices) and then it seems he remembers the encounter as a whole and sneers and shivers.
@adhdeancas: Jesus Christ I am too deep in layers. I ALWAYS THOUGHT I WOULD BE A GOOD DANCER
WHAT IS THAT QUOTE. Idk that quote
FUCK. Whyyyyy
I'm making myself cry again, he just wanted to retire and have a simple life and slow dance while cooking in the kitchen. FUCKING FUCK
@adhdeancas. I knowwwww. But it’s FINE. HE’S DANCING WITH HIS HUSBAND TOMORROW (It was the wedding day :DDD )
WHATEVER I'm back at it or imma spiral
@adhdeancas: Lol. yeah go right back to the good times
Lolol I love how now we can tell who's telling the story by who is acting exaggerating
Sam being overtly sensitive while interrogating lolol
I like how Bobby is already figuring out that there's something wrong with the two of them
@adhdeancas: YEP bobby is Always on top of things
Omg alligator in the sewers
Oh noooo the impala
Lolol they are such brothers here good god. J2 have the siblings thing down path it's so good
Just petty fighting on the bed XD. Children
Loki has a doggo!! (I just realized it’s probably not real…)
Oh right they're still fake fighting to make Loki think they're off the trail
Candy wrapper!!!
God I love this scene. Just Loki watching the chaos with his candy bar
Mmmmm if I remember correctly. That's a fake Loki
Yap Yap fake Loki lolol. Nice
God this episode is SO good. One of my top chaos ones good lord
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petekaos · 4 years
I would very much like a play by play if this mike and gunsmile concept
hiiii nonnie! oh my god strap in for the ride because i’ve thought about this ever since i got on my bullshit about manboss. gunsmile and mike have such amazing chemistry from the little we’ve seen of them together and i really want them to have a whole series! 
so the basic concept is this. two twenty-something-year-olds, fresh out of uni and stars in their eyes, learn how to be adults. a slice of life! they both need a roommate and so they find each other through a newspaper ad and decide to room together, as the lease for the apartment is for two years so far anyway and their work times don’t line up. over time, and over heartbreak and job searching and happiness and tears, they become steadfast friends. and somewhere in between leftovers slowly losing the post-it-notes of “this is mine!!!! don’t touch!!!” to “i warmed up yesterday’s rice for you” and the walls turning from clean and white to littered with pictures of them both... they fall in love.
gunsmile’s character: 
his name would be jay! his nickname, at least :^)
he seems super shy and reserved at the beginning. this mostly stems from my need to see gunsmile play a more subdued and shy role at the beginning so we can see more of his wonderful microexpressions! 
because of this, he seems a bit standoffish, but after spending more time around benz (mike’s character) and having him coax him out of his shell and let him know it’s... okay for him to be him, he turns out to be the biggest goofball and nerd who only sees the good in people!!!
he graduated in film and he’s interning at a production company and something that he’s fairly good at is separating his work from his life. whenever he sits down to watch movies, he makes sure they’re the most trashy ones he can get a kick out of.
sensitive! once they become closer, he always makes sure that benz eats enough during the day and cooks for him / warms food up for him when he comes back from work. he’s really good at reading people he’s close to and tries to help them in small ways.
he has the best relationship with his mother :’) they go out for coffee every sunday without fail. benz tags along every now and then and jay’s mum adores him.
Bad At Communicating. he’s the type to keep everything in his own head and overthink and overanalyse things, which leads to internal as well as external conflict. he pretends everything is fine even when it’s not :(
good with animals! i just wanna see gunsmile with a corgi!!!!
mike’s character:
his name is benz!!
himbo. if you look up the definition of himbo in the dictionary, that is him.
he’s super outgoing, but not in... a good way. he socialises a lot and has a lot of friends but doesn’t have close people who really understand him, nor is he truly vulnerable. (also he’s not a player he’s dated like two people in his life and those relationships lasted upwards of eight months)
he’s a huge huge people pleaser which leads to him taking care instead of being taken care of far too often and he pushes aside his own feelings and problems to listen to and take care of other people, but in an unhealthy way, to the point where he just has a whole pile of repressed emotions he hasn’t worked through.
he graduated in marine biology!!! manages to land a job at a biotech company for research which has him working late nights more often than he likes but he always comes home to jay sitting on the sofa with the soft yellow light on and the quiet whirring of the tv. there’s always dinner on the table.
the thing about him is that he’s good at expressing his surface feelings. he wants to talk and sort things out because he doesn’t like other people not getting the closure he needs. underneath it all, benz is insecure as hell about his own self-worth, but in a way that he’s barely aware of it himself.
even though jay cooks more, he’s better at cooking! he makes dinner on the weekends and likes to bake as stress-relief. there’s always leftover cupcakes lying around in the fridge and he just likes seeing jay light up whenever he sees them.
he’s not close with his family. they just... drifted, and were never really close in the first place. he’s still in touch with his little sister who teases the hell out of him any time she can :^)
general concepts: 
them getting a corgi together once their work times allow them to take care of one!
benz is the first to fall in love. but he’s not the first to say it, which surprises both of them, and yet doesn’t at the same time. it was in the early days, when jay was still a bit closed off. he came home a little earlier and saw him dancing to a song through the curtains, goofing around in his slippers and a brush to his lips as a makeshift microphone. he didn’t realise it then, but he’d fallen in love.
jay fell in love gradually, over a period of time, until one day he was in the grocery store putting back his favourite biscuits in favour of benz’s favourite cereal because it didn’t fit in their budget for the month when he realised that he couldn’t picture his life without him anymore.
they have SO MANY inside jokes and bits that they do that frustrates everyone to no end!
cooking together... baking together...
conflict comes in the form of internal conflict and lack of self-worth, as well as the impending end of their lease. many things go unsaid because neither of them know how to say them, or touch each other.
all in all... i picture a soft, quiet series about character development and two men falling in love as their life changes around them and as they have to learn how to make it out into the world themselves. motifs are things like “you’re never alone”, food as a metaphor for love, etc. gunsmile and mike could act the hell out of a concept like this and i wish gmmtv would give them ANY kind of rom-com or series together :((
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lilfellasblog · 4 years
Anniversary Fluff
Summary: This is pure, tooth-rotting fluff that's placed within the Healing Broken Wings universe but can be read as a standalone fluff fic! I put this together to mark the 1-year anniversary of Healing Broken Wings being posted. I also learned literally TODAY that HBW and Thomas posting on Vine for the first time share the same anniversary date?!
This fic was directed by a fictive introject (an alter in a Dissociative Identity Disorder system that is based on a fictional character in the outer world). Specifically, this fictive introject is Virgil from Healing Broken Wings. I hope you love this sweetie. <3
There are no warnings. There is no angst. This is pure fluff. I know, I can't believe it either. But it's true!
A/N: If you liked this, please reblog. It is the only way to help this fic reach a wider audience.
TW: None whatsoever.
Word Count: 2131
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Virgil groaned as he woke to the sound of a loud bird that decided it needed to scream at the sun directly outside his window specifically. He swore upon looking at his alarm clock, which read Sat. 8:48 AM.
Only Logan gets up this early on a weekend. Virgil smiled to himself as an image of Logan’s sharp face entered his mind. The promise of getting to see his cute boyfriends was enough motivation to roll out of bed and expose his eyes to dreaded sunlight. He tamed his hair just enough to be presentable and threw on some black eyeshadow just below his eyes, then threw on his usual outfit, taking a moment to appreciate the soft weight of his hoodie. He balled a little of it up in each hand and pulled it around himself lightly, allowing himself the small indulgence.
Finally, he ventured out into the kitchen. Patton was making griddled pancakes with a frittata and bacon, Logan was sipping on coffee while reading the newspaper, and Roman was setting the table.
Roman saw Virgil first and beamed. “My lovely raven!! You look simply ravishing today!”
Virgil felt his cheeks get splotchy. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“I know!”
Virgil snorted and hugged Roman, who hugged back firmly.
“Breaky is ready!!”
Roman and Virgil pulled apart and went to their chairs. Virgil raised an eyebrow at Logan, who had a soft smile on his face.
“Apologies Virgil. I simply agree with Roman.”
Virgil booped Logan’s nose with Crofter’s jam in retaliation, to which Logan just blinked widely.
Patton giggled at their antics. “Should I kiss it better Lolo?”
Logan met Patton’s gaze evenly. “I would not be opposed.”
Patton kissed Logan for a few moments before returning to serving breakfast. He wiped at his nose and laughed.
“Looks like we both got jam on our noses! I wonder how that happened?”
“I have a hypothesis.”
Virgil smiled at his boyfriends’ antics before he dug into his meal. Roman was gesturing widely, talking about how Thomas would be going to a Broadway play later that night and had all the lyrics memorized, so why wouldn't he sing along with the cast and crew? Virgil had to hide his smile in his food while Logan listed off the many reasons that would be a very bad idea.
When breakfast was over, Virgil volunteered to stay behind and help clean up. As Roman was leaving the kitchen, he embraced Virgil in a side hug and kissed his cheek.
"I'll see you later, my love" Roman said lowly while Virgil blushed and Patton cooed. Virgil walked over to the sink, grinning. Patton was sending him knowing looks, which Virgil pretended not to see.
While Patton was focused on a particularly stubborn bit of burnt egg, Virgil swung his hips over and bumped the side of Patton's hips with his. Patton mischievously side-eyed Virgil and retaliated. Eventually, they were both bumping each other's hips back and forth almost constantly, giggling uncontrollably.
Virgil looked into the sink. "Have we done any dishes?"
"Nope!" Patton chirped. This made them both start giggling again.
They calmed down and went back to washing the dishes. Just as they were about to finish up, Patton bumped Virgil's hip again.
"Hey cupcake! Wanna help me make cupcakes?"
Virgil tilted his head down a bit, staring into Patton's eyes. "That sounds great, cupcake."
Patton blushed prettily and giggled, flicking some suds at Virgil. Virgil huffed and flicked them right back.
Once they wrapped up dishes and wiped down the kitchen, Patton got out the stand mixer and ingredients. Virgil raised his eyebrow at the Crofters raspberry jam.
"You'll see!" Patton sing-songed.
Virgil helped by preheating the oven, buttering the sides of the muffin tin, and putting in cupcake holders while Patton did the rest. When Virgil turned around, Patton booped his nose with chocolate cupcake batter. Virgil wrinkled his nose.
"Awwwwwww you look just like a little bunny rabbit!!" Patton squealed. Virgil laughed and wiped the batter off the tip of his nose, tasting it.
"It tastes really good already Pat."
"Thanks cupcake!"
"...are you going to call me that all day?"
"Do you mind?"
A sigh. "Nooo…"
Patton put the cupcakes in the oven, set a timer, and turned back to Virgil.
"Whaddya wanna do while these bake?"
Virgil shifted. "Hmmmmm…"
"Want a hug?"
Virgil nodded gratefully and was pulled into a gentle, loving hug. Patton's warmth enveloped him, and he could smell both chocolate and vanilla. Patton swayed them back and forth gently, and Virgil had to hide his eyes in Patton's shoulder, feeling all of his love for the sweet man bubbling up in his chest.
Patton gently pulled away. "There you go. Wanna go cuddle?" he asked quietly.
Virgil nodded, and they headed to the couch. Patton snuggled against his chest and Virgil nuzzled his hair, rumbling.
Patton giggled. "My little kitty cat!" 
Virgil just smiled. "All yours."
The two men soaked up each other's presence, floating on a cloud of happiness and comfort. Virgil breathed in vanilla, while Patton inhaled lavender. They both jumped when the timer for the cupcakes went off.
Patton took the cupcakes out of the oven and started dolloping strawberry jam and mascarpone on some shortbread cookies.
"Oh, that's not for the cupcakes?"
"No it is! I'm just making Logan a little snack! A little snack for my snack!"
Virgil groaned but chuckled. It was tax season, and that meant another large responsibility on Logan's shoulders. Virgil spied a bit of jam that had somehow made it to Patton's cheek, and kissed it off. Patton turned sparkling eyes to Virgil.
Virgil smirked. "You had some jam on your cheek."
"And you had to kiss it off, hm?"
"How could I resist?"
Patton's ears turned red as he giggled. "Mind taking this up to Logie Bear? I'm gonna try to get these cupcakes on a cooling rack."
When Logan opened the door, he looked frazzled and a few hairs were out of place. However, he relaxed and smiled a soft smile when he saw Virgil. He opened his mouth to speak, but when he saw the cookies with Crofters jam he let out an actual whimper.
Virgil snorted. "I'll give you two some alone time."
Logan gratefully took the cookies with a sheepish look about him. "Thank you Virgil."
"Patton made them, I'm just the messenger."
Logan's gaze turned dark. "I'll be sure to thank both of you later."
Virgil smiled shyly and ducked his head. Logan huffed in amusement.
"I'll see you later darling. Thank you again."
"Yeah, no problem."
With a last smile, Logan disappeared back into his room. Virgil made his way downstairs and walked in just as Patton was setting the last chocolate cupcake on the cooling rack.
"Need any more help? Logan really liked the cookies."
Patton beamed. "That's great!! And I think I'm okay for now! Just need to let these little fellas cool off completely and then we can start the next step!"
Virgil was intrigued, but he trusted Patton to make anything delicious. He thought back to Remy and Saul, who used to struggle with boxed mac and cheese.
"Hey Pat? You good if I go hang out with Remy and Saul for a bit?"
"Go right ahead sweetie! Just let me know if you'll be here for supper! I'm making a pork ballotine with roasted veggies and a beet and goat cheese salad!"
"I'm gonna be here for dinner."
"Awwwww you're too sweet!!" Patton said as he kissed the tip of Virgil's nose. "Go have fun with your dads!"
Virgil sent him a two-finger before he sank down. When he appeared in the Neutral Side, he found Saul and Remy throwing shredded cheese at each other. They stopped long enough to look at him before bursting into laughter.
"Sorry sugar! We are trying to cook!" Remy said through his cackling.
"...I'm so confused."
That just made the two Neutral Sides start laughing again. Virgil shook his head fondly at the two.
"What made you stop down here little one?" Sail asked, still grinning.
Virgil shrugged. "I might've missed you guys or whatever."
"Awwwwwww babes!!" Remy exclaimed as he launched himself towards Virgil. "You can always visit us whenever you want!"
Virgil stumbled but hugged Remy back. "I know, just was thinking of you today."
Remy gave him a final squeeze before letting him go. "It's time for a manicure anyways! Your nails are crying out for help."
"So are your cuticles."
"Excuse you."
Virgil snickered while Remy flicked tea water at him. Remy summoned the items needed, and all three Sides sat down at the table.
"Alright, let's get our fingers soaking." Remy poured scented water into bowls. They chatted idly for a few minutes before Remy removed his hands and started cleaning up his cuticles.
"Always put on your own oxygen mask first."
Once he was done, he worked on Saul's nails next, and finally moved into Virgil's.
"I know Saul's a basic bitch and only wants a clear coat-"
"Love you too bae."
"-but I'm assuming I raised you better?"
Virgil snorted. "Yeah, I-" he thought for a moment. "Do you have dark blue nail polish with glitter in it?"
After watching trashy reality television for a few hours while being cuddled by his surrogate fathers, Virgil appeared back in the Light Side. His mouth watered when he smelled the aroma wafting in from the kitchen. He could hear giggling and kissing, so he cleared his throat loudly before entering.
Roman and Patton were both blushing and smiling.
"Did I interrupt something?" Virgil teased.
"It's okay sweetie, dinner's just about ready anyways! Just don't come in Roman's room without knocking later!"
It was Virgil's turn to blush as Patton continued. "What did you and your dads get up to?"
"Oh, we just did our nails and watched some television."
“Nails?!” Patton whispered, vibrating in his spot.
Virgil chuckled. “Come on over Pat.”
Patton bounded over and looked at Virgil’s nails in awe. “They’re so pretty!!”
Virgil’s face grew hot. “Thanks Pat.” He heard footsteps behind him.
“Indeed they are! Remy did a wonderful job!” Roman declared.
“Ooooooo Logie!! Look at Virgil’s nails!!”
Logan appraised Virgil’s nails with raised eyebrows. Logan had visible tension in his forehead, but had a small smile on his face.
“They are quite lovely, my dear.”
Virgil ducked his head. “Yeah, I know you’ve been super stressed lately and I know you like space, so…” he trailed off, unsure of how to continue his sentence, and just gestured wordlessly.
Logan understood. “That is so thoughtful Virgil,” he said somewhat thickly. “I love you.”
Virgil felt his eyes sting. “I love you too Lo.”
They were staring into each other’s eyes, heat building between them, when the timer went off, causing them both to startle.
“Sorry fellas! Veggies are done!”
Everyone sat down at the table and was drooling over the feast laid before them. Even Roman ate in silence for a few minutes before starting up the conversation. Just before everyone finished, Patton brought out chocolate cupcakes filled with raspberry jam and topped with a white chocolate and dark chocolate ganache swirl. Once they were all stuffed beyond capacity and Patton decided it wouldn’t hurt the dishes to soak overnight, Patton and Roman went up to Roman’s room.
Logan turned to Virgil and smiled. “Would you like to watch Planet Earth?”
Virgil agreed, and soon they were watching field mice do what they do best. Virgil and Logan were holding each other on the couch with a blanket thrown over their legs. Virgil was rumbling intermittently, loving the scent of Logan and loving being held against a firm yet comfortable chest. Logan’s arms around him made him feel so loved and so safe he could cry. He loved having his arms around Logan, knowing that with Logan in his arms he could protect him. And it helps that Logan’s sexy as hell too.
After a few episodes, thanks in large part to the massive meal Patton had put out, Virgil began dozing off. Logan roused him with a gentle kiss to his temple.
“Darling, we’ll feel better in the morning if we sleep in a proper bed.”
Virgil grumbled but followed Logan to the bedroom, only changing into sweatpants and leaving his t-shirt on. He crawled under the covers while he waited for Logan to finish brushing his teeth. Logan got into bed next to a very sleepy Virgil, mint on his breath. Virgil immediately reached out to hold Logan and rest his head on his nerd’s chest. He felt a puff of air on the top of his head and nuzzled against the man beneath him as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
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reesewestonarchive · 4 years
Everyone and their dog has a post about this right now, but:
tips and reassurance regarding creativity during times of uncertainty
Folks right now are faced with uncertainty. Like... a lot. Our situation is unprecedented in modern times, and almost all of us have no frame of reference we can apply it to to make it less emotional.
So, first things first:
if you are struggling, get help. Make sure you reach out to someone to steady yourself. There are text and phone based therapy hotlines you can look into, if you do not feel comfortable talking to your friends or family. Send an email to yourself, or to an old email address you don't anymore, write in a diary--just make sure you have a safe place to port right now.
Limit your news consumption. This is a big one for me. The more I expose myself to news, the more fucked up I get. Keep your reading limited, and make sure your sources are unbiased and well sourced. In general I prefer Reuters; right now, I think the CDC is good too. I also use my local newspaper, because they do a decent job of being factual without fearful. Use discretion: if it uses alarming language, then their purpose isn't to inform, it is to cause panic, and they do not deserve your attention.
Allow yourself a little more wiggle room. I read a post that said "you aren't working from home, you're trying to work from home during a crisis" and I think that's a fair statement. You are important, too. Allow yourself and your colleagues some more wiggle room with deadlines, or project work, especially if you work from an office. If you're a teacher, give your students some leeway. If you're a student, express to your instructors that you are having a hard time. Especially in college, this is good to do; self-advocating is the best way forward.
Don't hold yourself to pre-pandemic goals. If you were planning on writing 100k a month this year, recognize that might not be feasible in this new normal. Allow yourself to lower your goals, and don't feel bad about it. You are taking care of yourself.
For more writing ideas:
Here's the thing: staring at the same four walls all day is bad for the brain. It starts to stagnate, it doesn't get the stimulation it needs. If you are housebound for any reason, try to spice it up. Take a stroll or a roll down the street. Write on your balcony. Setup a desk at your kitchen table. Bring your laptop into the bathtub. Make a writing nest on the floor of your closet and write by flashlight. Find a new place to make words--even if that means getting a little creative in your own home.
On a schedule? Dump it for a day. Not on one? Meticulously plan your day. Switch it up. It'll give the brain some new food.
Write something different. Usually write fanfic? Try original fiction, or poetry. Write original fiction? Rewrite the ending to your favorite movie. Write a diary. Write only what comes to mind. Write only according to an outline, or fly without one. Be as self-indulgent as you want. Write only for someone else. Switch it up from your regular routine.
Try a new creative hobby. Needle felting, clay work, drawing, painting. Woodworking. The list is endless. Mixed media! Blackout poetry! If it sounds interesting, try it. Don't worry about the end result; enjoy the journey.
Read. Even if it's one post, one page, one chapter. Intake is important too, and often it will help restart your creativity. Reread your favorite childhood book! It doesn't have to be something "age appropriate". Read Winnie the Pooh or Mercer Meyer books!
Indulge in any media that isn't news media. Play a video game, watch a movie, binge-watch ghost hunting shows or Naked and Afraid, or whatever the hell trashy reality tv you can find. Get your mind away and off of the global situation. You are doing the best you can. It is okay to not know every immediate update as soon as it posts. Allowing yourself to get lost in another story can help jumpstart your own ideas.
Remember: everyone else is going through this, too. It's okay to be disheartened by reader response or lack thereof, but energy levels vary day to day. Keep posting, keep reading, keep reblogging, but remember that you can take breaks as you need them and so can others.
These are uncertain times. I can't speak for frontline workers, because I am not one. However, I do have experience with "oh no global pandemic" panic, and I do have experience with not being able to write or read because of anxiety. I have not great response time, but if you need an ear, I'm around.
tl;dr: the world is not the same world it was six months ago. you are not the same you you were two months ago. times change; it is okay to shift with them until you find your new footing. be kind to yourself and others, and the rest will fall into place.
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
@ottomanliest replied: Do you have a link to the article? The only one I’ve been able to find is one that is quoting the Greek City Times’ claim that “Turkey can turn Thrace into an issue like Artsakh.”
I looked into it and you know what, you are right. This was an article written by a Greek analyst, that Thrace could have the same ill fate if we don’t take care. It was heavily referenced in the Turkish newspaper (without stating any objection but also not any opinion at all either, to my understanding) with the only addition that “Greeks must have been very worried”. That was an opinion article though, I don’t think such a connection has been discussed amongst Greeks.
I think it was a case of “Behold even they themselves understand it, we don’t need to add anything” by the Turkish newspaper. But Greek media must have done similar things.
Ah, that’s just trashy reporters. Inflaming stuff for sensationalism. My bad for not examining this thoroughly. I’m gonna take down the post. Not that it is in any way a good sign that it was the topic of a Turkish article but at least it is not an original Turkish writing which is why I will delete the post.
Here’s the Turkish article anyway for anyone wondering:
And that Greek analyst’s opinion:
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Digging through the archives 1: The ReBoot drama
Hello and welcome to one of the first “subsections” of posts I am going to make on this tumblr for the sake of an easier overview. This one is titlted “Digging through the archives”, because it will always relate to something I will find by literally looking for some of the oldest “opinion” or personal related stuff about Dobson that there is. So think of this here less as me tackling his comics and more of my own version of what the Hypocrisy of Andrew Dobson does.
With that explanation out of the way, lets just briefly talk about Dobson and his idea of fan entitlement; If you have followed Dobson throughout the last year or so, you know he has a very low opinion on fans of the original She-Ra and He-Man, 80s cartoons in general and Star Wars, to the point he thinks the people behind it are all potential alt righters (link red flag comic) or basically man children.
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 To anyone who knows Dobson however, it would be no surprise now to learn that he has a tendency to be the same kind of way to other people and creators. Like when he whined to an actual writer on a Frozen related property about the necessity of giving Elsa a girlfriend, which even resulted in Aaron Sparrow being involved at one point, a professional animator and comic writer on the Boom Comics related Darkwing Duck issues. A prime example on how Dobson will literally make himself also unsympathetic to the people he wants to work for/with.
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 But then there is what I found in relation to a little animated series by the name of ReBoot and that is really where both his entitlement and egotism kinda shine.
For those unaware: ReBoot was a computer animated adventure show produced by Mainframe Entertainment and ran from 1994 to 2001. It is actually listed as the first fully computer animated cartoon out there and is fondly remembered by a lot of people. Unfortunately, I myself have never watched it so I can’t give a “valid” opinion on it. All I have seen so far are clips on youtube but I will admit that what I have seen in them looks fun and intriguing, even if the animation at parts (especially in season 1 related content) has not aged that well. But hey, early computer animation, that is forgivable. And any media that manages to make an episode that is also in a way a huge tribute to Evil Dead of all things in a children cartoon is a big win for me.
Now, how is ReBoot connected to Dobson? Dobson has been a fan of ReBoot, a fact he made publicly known when in 2007 rumors of a continuation of ReBoot emerged. Something Dobson, again, the man who is pissed about the entitlement of She-Ra fans, has not been very happy about.
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But Dobson, what is so wrong about being “different” from the past? After all, let the past die! The original show had terrible artwork! And not everything back in the day was good, right?
 Yeah, it is pretty obvious how his complaining and stands against “modern” fans ring pretty hollow when he himself acted as the entitled brat he thinks critics of new She-Ra and Thundercats Roar are, back in 2007 already. Also I honestly feel that at the very least the creators of that idea gave their fans still more “control” than Rian Johnson did. And we all know how much Star Wars suffered in terms of reputation because of it.
BTW, this webcomic continuation mentioned? It is actually not just a rumor that went nowhere, but one of the most fascinating aspects I found when reading up on ReBoot via Wikipedia. The idea was that of the five potential pitches (so again, there was variety given that even could have been expanded on) people could choose one that would be further adapted. Additionally the people behind the idea were looking for more active input by fans, giving people the chance to apply as artists working on it if they decided to submit samples people could vote on. Something Dobson jumped actually on. And tried to manipulate in his own favor
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 The thing that catches my attention at first is how hyperbole Dobson is. Claiming the fate of the show is in their hands and treating voting on this thing like it’s a live or die situation, with pointlessly writing stuff in caps as if we are reading the headline of some trashy newspaper article. It just comes off less as someone who is a fan and more of a fanatic of the show. Second, I just find it hilarious that of all the plattforms online Dobson decided to post that “VERY IMPORTANT” information people should act immediately on, was deviantart. Did he genuinely expect people would flock to what he wrote in order to immediately do something about the vote? Deviantart even back then was mostly for posting fanart, few people read journals and even less people cared for ReBoot. I don’t know if the /co/ board of 4chan existed back in 2007 already, but he would have had more success posting on there and get the information out, than on dA.
 Lastly, the shameless self promotion. Stating he does not care which pitch wins, when only three day prior he whined how they all suck and he wishes the show would be done justice by someone. That someone obviously being him, the person who is so hardcore as a fan, because he already waited 8 years just to watch season 3. Damned be any other artists or pitches that may be better or more popular than him, HE is the true messiah and that is his chance to shine. So don’t be “neutral” and judge fairly based on actual competence, talent and effort, just vote for him blindly or else Trump wins the second term and your beautiful nation turns into the fourth rei- I mean,  Dobson will be a very sad guy who has come to terms with the fact he is not talented enough to work on a reboot/continuation of his favorite children show.
Well, it seemed to have had some impact though, as four day later he posted this
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 And obviously Dobson is pissed his favorite pitch did not win and instead of being grateful for the good ratings some of his artwork got he focuses instead on the fact that his Enzo and Megabyte pic had the lowest rating. Which in my opinion it kinda deserved. I mean, look at those artpieces:
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Enzo is okayish looking but the rest? That is not Megabyte and a genuine background, it is a cola light version of the entire Ripley disaster with the Samus Artwork commission. Also, Enzo’s hands just look weird. His fingers more alien than they need to be and the position of his legs not really adjusting to how the hip is supposed to move. The comic sample page that Dobson drew being okay overall, aside of the fact that Enzo in one panel HAS FOUR INSTEAD OF FIVE FINGERS ON ONE HAND DESPITE HAVING FIVE FINGERS IN A PREVIOUS PANEL. I am also not really a fan of how Dobson puts emphasize on the word “FAN” and “PAGES” in the post, indicating he thinks he is a better and bigger fan than any of the people who submitted their entries too, off handedly praising them but also making it obvious he thinks he is the most fit for the job, because he can also “copy any artstyle” and adjust to the needs of his superiors. Yeah, sure. That’s why you are nowadays and with even more time and effort put into your work so “good” at imitating Ladybug, your comics look exactly like in the show…
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 Now considering that Dobson does not have ReBoot under his resume and likely tried his best to bury any enthusiasm for it, you can imagine how this chance at being an official artist ended up.
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 Not even much of a follow up or introspective in why he may have not won. His enthusiasm died within two days.
And honestly, I am surprised that as a result he did not fake depression and rage quit doing comics for a month or so as he did here and there.
And that is pretty much the end of the ReBoot drama, at least as far as I know.
If you are interested what happened with the comic project, here is what I managed to gather:
The project did actually not die in development, but “ReBoot: Arrival” would be reimagined under the name “Code of Honour” and be published online in three “issues” over the course of the next few months. The comic’s status as “canon” continuation of the show is however very much in the air, as quite a lot of people think it is something of a fanfiction, others think it is a good enough continuation that unfortunately still does not deliver on an “ultimate” ending of the franchise. That said, with additional plans like a movie trilogy never been realized and the “reboot” known as “ReBoot: The Guardian Code” having been perceived as an insult by fans and a disappointment by most audiences (which Dobson was surprisingly silent about) this comic seems to be the best thing fans can still hope for and read.
Yeah, I am not even kidding. The comic is still up. Here, have two links to independent pages if you want to either read it for the first time or revisit it for the sake of nostalgia.
As for Dobson, if he reads this, I just have one thing to say to you: Don’t you ever again try to whine about how entitled fanboys are, if you felt entitled enough yourself you tried to manipulate a competition in your own favor in the hope to become a writer and then exploit ReBoot for your own agenda and benefit.
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satanschild01 · 4 years
No All Might? That’s Alright Prt3
Izuku Midoriya Fanfiction                                                          
A/N: In all honesty this took me way too long just to finish writing this chapter, but I pushed through so I guess it’s fine. I’ve created a AO3 account recently and I’ve posted all of my previous fanfictions there so if you want to check me out, you can find me as SatansChild
Hope you all stay safe and wear a mask if you can't physically distance.Hope to update soon!
Catch you on the flip side ~ Em
Photo used in this fic was referenced from original picture from anime, I did draw this photo jtlyk
Tags for some wonderful feedback😘: @trashys-things @pink-imagines @marvelmymarvel @shikigami-the-paper-spirit @spaced-out-imagines​ @marvelmymarvelmain @writingfreakk
Trigger warning: Talk about death
Word Count: 2633
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3
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After making sure all of the blood was no longer on his uniform, Closing his eyes, Izuku steeled himself to walk into the All Might shrine that was his room. Sure, he still wanted to be a hero, and he admired All Might’s strength, but he couldn’t stand to be surrounded by posters and figurines of a man who couldn’t offer any sort of encouragement to a child who clearly needed it. Izuku pulled some cardboard boxes out from his closet and started filling them with everything All Might. Oboro didn’t make a sound during the time he cleaned out his room, which he was grateful for. Even though he could just feel Oboro wanting to ask questions. 
“So what are you going to do about all this stuff?” Oboro asked as Izuku changed his All Might sheets with regular black ones “You seem like such a big fan...it just seems like a waste just to keep it all in boxes.”
Izuku shrugged his shoulders.”I’m not much of a fan anymore.” he lied to mostly himself rather than to Oboro, “I guess I’ll just donate the stuff later.” Once his walls were finally bare, Izuku stuffed the now full boxes to the back of his closet and flopped onto his bed. The room stayed silent for a moment until Izuku broke the ice, “I don’t want to intrude on your personal life…but can you tell me about yourself?” he asked
“Well for the fact that I witnessed and helped you with some pretty deep stuff, it sorta would be rude if I didn’t tell you something about my previous life,” Oboro said cheekily
“H-how long have you been...you know…” Izuku paused not really wanting to complete the question.
“...dead?” Izuku nodded “I was in my second year of high school when I died and I would be 29 by now so...close to 12 years I think?”  Izuku sat there on his bed frozen
‘12 years is a long time to be a ghost or spirit to not have passed on, that is if people actually pass onto another place once they die’ Izuku thought to himself
“I was patrolling around Tasomiya Ward with one of my best friends when there was a villain attack...I was working on saving some kids when debris fell on top of me...when I woke up I was like how I am now, I couldn’t find my body anywhere so I just...travelled around…” Oboro seemed to quiet down at mentioning that he never found his body to move onto another life, so Izuku thought of ways to change the current mood of the room.
“So you were a hero in training or something?” he asked, face full of wonder, Oboro hummed in affirmation “What school did you go to?”
“I went to U.A”
“Wait really?!” Izuku exclaimed excitedly, “that's so cool!”
They continued talking and asking questions back and forth, before falling into a comfortable silence. A few minutes past before Izuku took a deep breath
“I...I’m sorry,” Izuku said quietly, slowly curling into himself
"Why would you be sorry kid?" Oboro’s voice was full of confusion. But Izuku only curled in on himself further.
"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be stuck here." As if anyone wanted to be bound to some stupid Deku...like him. And here he thought it was a whole coincidence that Oboro was with him. But instead, he just took whatever type of freedom he had to begin with.
"Hey, no! Stop that. Izuku that's not true! I'm here because I want to be!" The warmth spread all over him and he couldn't help but lean into it. “I said I'd make a hero out of you and I still plan on it."
Izuku looked up only to see the ceiling of his room, lifting his arm up to the sky and let it just float there (like what every kid does while laying on there bed contemplating on what to do next). "I wish I could see you again."
Oboro hummed. Seeming to think something through. "I don’t think there’s much out there since I was only a second-year when I died, but there could be some photos of me with friends or an article"
Izuku seemed to take that as a challenge as he went to his computer. "What did you choose to be your hero name?"
"Loud Cloud."
After scouring the web for a couple of minutes nothing showed up except for an old article from the Nikkei Shimbun newspaper, reporting the death of hero-in-training Loud Cloud. Izuku quickly exited that site choosing to search for something different. “What’s your full name Oboro?”
“Oh that’s right I didn’t tell you my full name, it is Oboro Shirakumo” Oboro replied
“Oboroshirikumo...oboroshirikumooo….here!” Izuku exclaimed pointing at the monitor’s screen. “This photo was tagged saying ‘Curry eating competition at U.A’s School Festival. Winner Hizashi Yamada from class 2-A!’ it also says the names of the people in the photo are; Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, and Oboro Shirakumo.” 
“Oh, I remember that!” Oboro cried out laughing “The curry was soo spicy I was freaking out because I couldn’t find anything to soothe my burning throat!”
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“So that’s you in the back then?” Izuku asked pointing towards a teenager who seems to be freaking out.
Oboro chuckles “Yep, the other two were my best friends!”
“Yamada looks sorta familiar what’s his hero name?” Izukku asked, curious on why the 16-year-old looked so familiar to him
“Unless he changed it before becoming a pro, which he probably would not, his hero name is Present Mic.” 
Izuku sputtered “W-wait you were close friends with THE Present Mic?!” Oboro hummed in agreement while Izuku had his miny freak out “
“Oh my god that is socool!Ilistentohisradioshoweveryday,andhe’ssuchanamazinghero,likeevenifheisdeafduetohisquirkhedoesn’tletitbotherhiman-” He stopped hearing the sound of laughter coming around his room and his lamp flickering
"Aw jeez, that’s amazing Hizashi got to get that radio show he wanted." There was a quick blast of warmth flooding around his back and chest resembling a hug. "Well anyway, you should probably head to bed. You have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow and a long way to go before you can have a chance at being accepted into UA!"
"What are you going to do while I sleep?" Izuku asked, eyes slowly drooping.
"I'm going to see how far I can go without being next to you, and have a look around and exploring a bit. No need to worry. I'll make sure to be careful and be here in the morning." He seemed to pick up on his anxieties. Izuku felt warmth as Oboro slowly pet his hair back. "Goodnight, Izuku." 
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The next morning Izuku woke up to warmth pulsing on his right cheek. "Hey kid it’s time to get up! You have training to do! Up and at ‘em!" Oboro’s voice was overly joyful and Izuku felt very unwilling to get out of bed.
"Mm...just a bit longeeeer." He groaned turning himself over facing away from where he guesses Oboro is standing (floating?).
"Fair warning Izuku my jokes are terrible, everyone at school would always runaway once I started and I haven’t been able to talk to actual people in so long! If spaghetti were to have it’s own action movie, what would it be called?.... Mission im-pasta-ble. What did the pot eat on it’s birthday?....pancakes. What do you call a camel in a drought?....A dry hu- "
Finally, Izuku jerked up, covering his ears. “Okay. Okay, I’m up! No need to finish that.” His face started to burn a light pink across his face, (knowing what the end of the joke was) as he started to kick the blankets off only to turn towards the window and see barely any light outside. "Wha- Oboro!! The sun isn’t even out yet!"
He turned glaring into thin air hoping to make contact with him.
"Yes, it is, Izu. It's just reeeally early in the morning. There is plenty of time for you to get ready and eat before we go out for a morning run!" He was being weirdly energetic about the whole ordeal, but Izuku knew he wouldn't take no for an answer.
Heading to the bathroom, Izuku ran a brush through his wild curly hair and brushed his teeth. Going back to his room, Obroro pipped up. "It's a bit cool outside so I suggest you wear some long sleeves."
The entire way to his closet Izuku muttered incoherent things. In the end, he opted to wear a plain black shorts and a long-sleeved shirt with written kanji saying 'tank-top' with his old dusty sneakers because his red sneakers were still on top of the roof.
Before heading out Izuku ate some toast and an orange. If he got hungry later on their run he could always eat more when they got back. As Izulu started to leave the apartment Izuku tripped over an unmarked box that was just left in front of the door.
"Ooo I wonder what it is!” Oboro seemed quite enthusiastic as Izuku went to open the box revealing his faded red shoes and yellow backpack.
"Wai-how-who found my stuff?" Izuku asked immediately putting the bag by the door and quickly changing between uncomfortable and comfortable shoes.
"I don’t know, when I got back from wandering around the package was just...there."
"Maybe someone found it and found out where I live from my contact info and address was written inside…?” Izuku wondered out loud.
“I guess so,” Oboro said looking to the bright sight of things.
‘But what if it was...All Might. Yeah, I’m glad that I don’t have to go back up there to collect my things but...I don’t want to have to depend on All Might to help me with my own problems.’
“Hey don’t think like that Izu! I know you’re not a huge fan of the guy, but you don’t have to beat yourself down like that. I know you’re better than that” Oboro spoke sternly trying to make a point, but that soon backfired as warmth spread through his body.
“Hold up- could you always hear my thoughts?” Izuku questioned as he started to jog away from the apartment.
“So far I can heat some things. Like your thoughts that way heavily on you emotionally. But it could possibly work to talk to me through your mind. So you don’t look like a freak talking to themselves.” Oboro quickly informs Izuku as to not worry him.
Sighed Izuku. That was true. Though he kept thinking about it as he jogged. As they passed Dagobah Municipal Beach, the sun had started to rise. Taking in a deep breath was the wrong reason as Izuku cringed from the awful smell of garbage. Despite the smell, Izuku took a break, taking a seat at the entrance.
"Oh gross. What is this place?" Oboro asked with a clear sound of disgust in his voice.
"Well," Izuku started."This is Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. It has accumulated trash coming from the sea for years, turning it from a beautiful beach spot into a trash heap for everyone's unwanted or broken belongings." It was really a shame. As a kid, Izuku recalled going to the beach. Lie under a beach umbrella, making sandcastles. But by the time he was tall enough into the water, it was already flooded with trash by then.
"That's terrible." Oboro seemed deeply upset about this actually. It made Izuku want to do something about it. But before Izuku could voice his thoughts Oboro spoke up.
“Hey Izu, could we make a quick visit to a convenience store?”
“Sure...what exactly do you want me to get?” Izuku asked, despite having an idea what Oboro was thinking.
“Well...you’re going to need to get some garbage bags and some gloves.”
Izuku then dashed towards the nearest convenience store with determination in his eyes. A frail-looking lady turned the key to open the doors as he walked by. Causing her to recoil in slight shock, Izuku realized that with his rapid approach he had frightened her. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'd just come to purchase some garbage bags and some gloves.
The older woman seemed to soften something about his face as she smiled and opened his door. "Sure thing, they’re both in the last aisle on your right."
Before she went inside, Izuku thanked her and smiled back. He quickly found what he was looking for and brought a box of trash bags and a pair of workers gloves onto the counter.
"What's the hurry, son? Why do you need trash bags this early in the morning? You aren't trying to cause trouble are you?" the old woman pointed to Izuku with an accusing finger, and he shook his head quickly.
"Oh no, ma'am! I thought that I could just try and clean the beach up! I passed it while I was on my morning run!" Izuku assured, voicing Oboro’s plan
At this, the elder woman gently smiles while scanning the items. “Wow, is that right?” she said astonished, “ You know how long that place has been a mess? What makes you believe you can do it all by yourself?"
Her words weren't really painful, she was just being realistic. He knew she was right. He certainly had no obligation to clean up the beach. He could have just ignored it and easily went about his day. But he knew if he wanted to be a hero then he would need to start off the roots of how heroes came to be. How they used to work. Heroes in the beginning didn’t do what they did for fame. No. They didn’t care for the recognition they would get. They did it because they just wanted to help.
“That’s the thing, ma’am. I thought that it wouldn’t hurt to try. It’s also a great way to work out, instead of having to buy workout equipment or get a gym membership!” Izuku brightly smiles towards the lady as he handed her the money to buy his items.
“Well, I wish you luck, kid. I’m guessing that you’ll need a place to put the trash you collect.” She stated, Izuku smiling sheepishly at her rubbing the back of his head she continued, “There are two dumpsters in the alley behind the store, they get taken every Monday.”
"Thank you, ma'am!" Izuku said genuinely as he headed for the door. He didn't think too much about how he would dispose of the garbage, so it was good to have one offered.
Oboro began to laugh as Izuku jogged back towards the beach. "Cheaper than having to buy workout equipment or get a gym membership! Man, how true that is nowadays!”
The first garbage bags were packed very quickly. broken bottles, cans of beer, old and rotting newspaper, all of it was poured into the trash bag. Plastic, paper, glass, etc. Izuku could take them to a recycling center! He was already pumped about this new project when Oboro spoke up.
“Hey, Izu, before you toss that into the bag” placing his hand on Izuku’s making him feel warmth blossom closest to the soda, can packaging he was holding in that hand. “make sure you cut each circle so if they end up in wildlife again then animals won’t get their heads stuck inside.”
Izuku's eyes lit up as he started to tear apart each loop before placing it in one of the bags used for recycling. Soon Izuku had used up a quarter of the box of trash bags gone and only had 6x5 feet rectangle cleared of the beach.
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