#then obviously it must be good regardless of how he feels
stephsageek · 1 day
New One-shot Alert
My Five X Lila Strip poker one-shot is finally done!
A Preview:
Five expelled his drink, coughing into his fist afterward.
Lila’s eyes widened as she leaned over, patting him on the back a few times as he gasped and sputtered. “I-I’m sorry—” he wheezed. “I-I thought you said ‘strip’—”
“Oh, no. You heard right,” she reassured calmly.
“What the fu-How can-Are you—?!” Five rapidly protested, suddenly squeezing his eyes shut, his expression annoyed and aggrieved in equal turns. “What am I saying? Of course, you’re insane—”
“Oi! You said I get to pick—!”
“Yes, Lila. I did,” Five admitted, his voice strained as he tried to be patient. “But why would you—?!”
“What? Afraid of losing your precious Puritanical sense of propriety because you’re shite at cards—”
“Two things, senior psychopath. One, I am most certainly not ‘shite’ at cards. You must not have read my file too closely while you were at the Commission, because if you had you would know the identity of the only known person to have bested James Hickok in a game of cards—”
“Wild Bill?!” Lila gasped as Five kept talking.
“—Two, you are my brother’s wife—not to mention my best friend!” Five hissed as if worried someone might hear him.
“Aw, old man, I’m touched—!” Lila fawned, only to be cut off.
“Don’t change the subject! Playing strip poker is practically cheating!” he snapped.
Lila rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease! One, there is no way you are telling me you beat Wild Bill and even think for a second, that we’re not going to play! Two, playing strip poker is most certainly not cheating—”
“How the hell do you figure—?!”
“It’s not like we’d even be touching—”
“We’d be naked—!”
“You might be, loser—”
“Regardless of who might be naked in this scenario, Lila, the point still stands that it is obviously —”
“Have you forgotten that you’ve already seen me starkers as it is?” Lila smirked, folding her arms. “Or am I the only one that remembers?”
Lila watched as a vein began to throb at Five’s temple as he gritted out, “You were trying to kill me; forgive me for being a little preoccupied.”
“Not at all! You honestly ought to thank me for even giving you another chance at eyeing the goods!”
Lila watched in amusement as Five gnashed his teeth in frustration, his face growing red. She was unsure if it was from anger or embarrassment.
“We’re both adults, old man; playing a friendly game! Nothing untoward. You Americans are always so touchy about nudity. There are plenty of cultures where family members see each other naked all the time—!”
“Lila, it’s not because we’re—"
“Besides, the human form is natural; not necessarily only sexual,” Lila reasoned, knowing Five well enough to know that an appeal to his sense of logic would be difficult for him to argue against. Although she could think of one other appeal he’d struggle to overcome: an appeal to his sense of pride.
“You’re just afraid I’ll show you up,” Lila grinned.
She liked the way his eyes blazed when he was truly beginning to lose his patience. The way he clenched his jaw, making a muscle jump in his cheek.
“Or worse, that you might like what you see~” Lila whispered, teasing.
Five’s face went scarlet.
Lila felt her heartbeat quicken.
Lila loved ruffling his feathers, flirting and teasing; taunting and baiting; and disturbing his carefully constructed world.
She loved it from the moment they met, and it had only grown over the years.
She remembered when they'd first been enemies, the way his anger and pain had felt like a balm to her soul.
When his bitterness had tasted so very sweet.
Even now, with his brother—her husband—no one else had ever given her this feeling. That spike of adrenaline and dopamine that rushed through her veins like a drug. That thrill that made her heart race.
Her life felt drab, stifling, and joyless sometimes; like she was dragging her feet through a gray, lackluster existence.
And then Five would come along, brightening her life and splashing her universe in technicolor. If she was Dorthy, he was her Oz and she never wanted to go back to Kansas.
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dirkxcaliborn · 1 year
I'd have to say one of the cutest, novel moments in a romance manga I read recently was when one of the characters noticed the other's behavior and thought it seemed like the other character had feelings for him, but then he told himself off for making assumptions about other people's feelings lol
#coyo speaks#it just felt like something you don't see very often#especially just like... where it's not a moment of him being all cool like I know you're in love with me yada yada#but that very grounded moment of like recognizing the signs but not wanting to make assumptions#I think the only thing I'd really criticize about that manga is that I don't think the sex scene was necessary#it's not that notable ig while reading it#but if you think about it for too long it happened way too early in their relationship#for context the one who caught feelings was a cat who ~wished to be human~#but like... he's been human for like a few months at MOST#He just has a lot less understanding and reference than your average virgin#and he wasn't the one who initiated and he seemed confused the whole time#idk I just feel like a character who has ZERO frame of reference for how relationships work should've properly taken things slower#although that's framed weird bc like I said it's not him that pushed things that fast#and I think it would be different if he was the one who initiated things where like maybe he doesn't really understand it#but he wants it whatever it is#I just really think he should've been setting the pace as the one with the least experience#as it stands I don't feel like he even knew enough to know what he wants#so for someone he has such strong feelings and trust in to be like 'I'm going to show you something good'#he's not very likely to contest that... if his partner says it's good and he can't really figure out his own feelings#then obviously it must be good regardless of how he feels#thinking that hard about random single volume BL manga is never going to turn up great results tho lol
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Lookism Guys: I'm disappointed in you
G/N. (Jakey, Sammy, Goo, Gun, Vin, Ryuhei, DG, Johan, Vasco). Masterlists
You're not pissed off. You're much worse, disappointed.
Hands on your hips, finger dangerously close to wagging and lecturing them.
His intimidating presence does nothing to deter how you feel-
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Jake's face drops and his eyes fall to the ground.
Whether he thinks he did anything wrong is one thing, but disappointing you is more than enough for him to feel bad.
He bows, bending at the waist a full 90 degrees and then some, and asks for your forgiveness. Face sincere and of utmost seriousness no matter how petty the crime.
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Samuel scoffs and leaves. He doesn't need this.
But he tosses and turns that night, daddy and mommy issues playing up. The need for approval and validation from someone he respects gnaws at him, and he doesn't sleep a wink.
The next day he returns to you, bags under his eyes, pretending to be unaffected by your previous disagreement yet trying to get back into your good graces with expensive gifts.
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"Disappointed?" Goo echoes, blinking owlishly, as if he couldn't fathom that he could be disappointing to anyone.
He whines and pouts, and is close to throwing a tantrum. Obviously your words having an effect on him.
In the end he does mutter an apology though you doubt the sincerity, especially if the look in his eyes are anything to go by.
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Gun ignores you though you see the defiant twitch in his jaw from your words.
He doesn't care, why should he.
Except you catch him staring at you the rest of the day or week or until whenever your ire ebbs away. There's a strange awkwardness to his being, like he doesn't know how he should act around you.
The apology doesn't come if he thinks it's undeserved and unneeded, but he also doesn't want to see that look in your eyes again.
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Vin scoffs, pretends he doesn't care. Calls you a nag, a wet blanket, all sorts of frustrating names.
Yet the guilt eats away at him. Your eyes, the playful expression you usually wear is now just replaced with disappointment.
He tries to involve Mary to worm his way back into your good books, she tells him to piss off and eventually he comes to you, tail between his legs and a poorly formed apology (likely as a rap).
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Ryuhei's eyes are suspiciously wet. You think he's sniffling, the tip of his nose turned pink and he's trying to keep a brave face but god, he feels like a complete failure.
He drops to his knees and immediately offers to commit seppuku. When you roll your eyes and tell him to stop being ridiculous, he says he will do anything to make this right. That he would rather die than ever disappoint you again.
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DG, usually ruled by logic but too often bratty and arrogant, considers whether this is a hill worth dying on. It's not.
Considers whether it warrants an apology, and it does. But does he deliver? Not always. Lets you simmer until he presents you with a grand gesture and a winning K-Pop smile he reserves for award shows.
His charm works on you less than he'd like, but more than you'd prefer.
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Johan looks as if he's been slapped, before turning on his heels and leaving.
It takes him a surprisingly short amount of time to come back, feeling contrite. He doesn't say sorry but the unspoken apology runs round and round his mind.
Instead he drifts to your side constantly like a shadow, trying to catch your eye, seek out some of your warmth and hoping for your forgiveness.
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Regardless of what it is you're disappointed with, Vasco Tabasco thinks you are the best. A literal angel descended to Earth that has graced his life.
So if you're disappointed then whatever he is doing must be wrong and is worth apologising for.
He does just that. Offers to make up for it however you see fit. Completely heartfelt even if he doesn't know entirely why.
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slayfics · 3 months
Hello, good morning mate!
So, I don't know if request are open in the moment, you can ignore this request if it's closed :'D
A Bakugou x reader, reader is sick as hell but go training with bakugou anyway, until they almost pass out. Make the reader stubborn as hell! And most importantly have fun ^^
Sorry for my bad english, I'm too lazy to use the translate
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Katsuki gets mad when you push yourself too hard.
700 words
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Your head pounded and your body ached, but you pulled on your hero costume regardless. The illness crept up slowly through the day but was now hitting you hard.
Your head was hot and your knees weak, yet you intended to meet with Katsuki to spar. You both had made these plans earlier in the week. He was going to help you with some of your defensive moves and you couldn't pass up the training.
You had been looking forward to it all day, and being that Katsuki was one of the top heroes in your class you were excited to learn from him.
The thought crossed your mind to reschedule with him but then you imagined the taunts he'd give you. Putting you down for letting a simple cold get the best of you. The way he'd scold you for not being stronger, and question what you would do as a pro. Pros couldn't just let a cold stop them and not taking on a villain right?
You slowly made your way over to the gym to meet Katsuki for training, feeling worse and worse with each passing moment.
"You look like crap," Katsuki said at the first sight of you.
"Hi to you too," you said back sarcastically.
"You feeling alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine," you lied hoping he wouldn't question you any further.
"We can do this another time if you need to rest," he suggested.
"I said I'm fine, just teach me what you've been talking about all week," you responded back shortly.
Katsuki clicked his tongue at your attitude, "Fine if you are so eager, attack me and I'll show you," he instructed.
Katsuki watched as you made a sad attempt at attacking him. Your attack was half the speed it usually was, and your flushed cheeks gave away how sick you must have been feeling.
Barley needing to use his quirk Katsuki easily dodged, "The hell? You're definitely not feeling well. Let's go back to the dorms," he urged.
"No! I was just getting warmed up. Let me try again," you said stubbornly.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Fine, go ahead," he agreed.
You came at him again but then time he easily stepped to the side, leading you to crash down on the floor from the momentum.
"Dumb ass, "he huffed out, quickly extending his arm to help you up. You grabbed his hand, and he pulled you up. "I'm not training with you like this. You're obviously sick."
"I can handle it!" You yelled back.
"Didn't ask you if you could handle it. I said I'm not doing it," he said sternly. "We're going back to the dorms and you're getting rest. How the hell are you supposed to be a pro hero if you can't even take care of yourself?" He said harshly.
You felt your eyes sting at his harsh words. You came to train despite being sick because you didn't want him to think you couldn't be a pro for letting a cold get to you, but here he was telling you the opposite. You needed to recognize your own needs first.
Katsuki's eyes widened at the growing tears in your eyes, "Cut that shit out!" He barked, secretly feeling bad for his outburst.
You ran your hand across your face, wiping off the tears. "I thought you'd give me shit for canceling on you for being sick," you said honestly.
"Hah!? Course not! You're not at your best when you're sick and I only want to spar with you when you're giving me everything you got." He spoke.
You sniffed back tears composing yourself and nodded at his words.
"Besides you can't be a hero and fight for others if you don't look after yourself first... Let's go back to the dorms. I'll make you something to eat and we can try this again next week," he declared.
"Thank Bakugo" you spoke softly.
"You can thank me by taking better care of yourself. Come on, let's get you some rest," he said motioning for you to walk with him back to the dorms.
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Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy!
sinners: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99 @jays-adventure3
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monsterlets · 2 months
conversation tip for autistic people, from an autistic linguist
if you've ever run into this dilemma:
you are telling someone a story or informing them about something. there is a piece of information that you are not sure if they already know or not, but they need to know it in order for the rest of what you're saying to make sense. you are now trying to guess based on nothing. if you tell them and they already knew, they might think you're insulting their intelligence (or just that it was weird that you thought they wouldn't know). if you don't tell them and they didn't already know, then they'll feel lost
you can get around this with presuppositions
a presupposition is a piece of information in a sentence that is not the main point of the sentence, but that must be true in order for the sentence as a whole to be true. this is very dependent on where in the sentence the information is
for example:
you're telling someone a story about a mutual friend. the only way this story makes sense is if the listener knows that the friend's dad used to be a doctor. you don't know if they know that
this is a direct statement: "her dad used to be a doctor"
the main point of this sentence is "her dad used to be a doctor", but more importantly it's obviously the main point of the sentence. if they think you should assume they already knew that, that is now at the front of their mind. and they might think you're implying that they're not close to your mutual friend
here is a sentence with a presupposition: "when her dad was a doctor, he saw this really weird thing"
the main point of this sentence is "he saw this really weird thing". "her dad was a doctor" is just background information. not only that, but including information as a presupposition implies that you thought they already knew it
if they did in fact already know, they might not even register the fact that you mentioned it again, or if they do it wouldn't seem out of place. they just breeze right past it and on to the rest of the sentence
if they didn't know, they likely won't think that much about it since you didn't call much attention to it, and even if they take note of it they'll at least think you assumed the best of them. at this point one of three things is likely to happen (from most to least likely):
they just quickly assimilate the information into their worldview and move on to interpreting the rest of the sentence
it blows their mind so much that they ask you to explain. which is a great outcome imo
it threatens their worldview so strongly that they cannot move past it. at this point they may get mad at you, but it's not because of what you implied they knew or didn't know - it's because they just strongly disagree with you, and they were gonna get mad regardless of how you said it. this will rarely come up unless you're talking about a particularly polarizing/emotionally charged topic
note: as I said, where you put the information in the sentence matters a lot. coordinating conjunctions connect two main ideas. the sentence "her dad used to be a doctor, and he saw this really weird thing" has two main ideas. and one of them is the one that you wanted to not be a main idea
if you want more examples of the forms presuppositions can take with more technical descriptions, wikipedia has a pretty good list
also note, this is a guideline, not a rule. it's hard to go wrong with it, but if you know what you're doing you can break it
for instance, if I am not talking about anything personal, just telling someone about a special interest, I'll do different things depending on how niche the information is
if I know something is common knowledge (ex: t rex was a predator) then I'll either not mention it, or if I think it's something they need to not only know but be actively thinking about for the rest of it to make sense, then I will remind them with a presupposition
if I know something is not entirely common knowledge, but I have at some point seen people who are not deep into the topic talking about it ("dimetrodon was more closely related to mammals than dinosaurs") then I might just straight up ask them if they know that, since it doesn't say anything about them as a person other than what random information they happened to come across
if it's something you almost certainly wouldn't know about without being deep into the topic, I just say it. if they do happen to know about it it's because they randomly heard it and they probably wouldn't think it's weird that I assumed they didn't know (note: in this situation do not say anything along the lines of "you probably wouldn't know this" "this is so niche". just say the information)
you might have noticed that I haven't been following the guideline in this post either. this is for a couple reasons
I'm not talking to specific people, I'm writing for a broad audience. generally when you say things people already knew in that context they're like "well I didn't need that spelled out for me, but I guess somebody does"
I am not aiming this at neurotypicals, and I assume that you'll appreciate me being as explicit as I can regardless of how much you already knew
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swordsandholly · 2 months
For WIP Wednesday I give you clips from both the next part of Cherry Bomb and Across the Way:
Across the Way Chapter 5
You resolutely march your way across the street - hands balled into tight fists and face set. The open sign in the corner of the window flickers as you approach the shop door. You hesitate briefly, hand hovering over the handle to enter. Are you being annoying? He might be busy. He’s probably busy. You know working all on your own is time consuming. What if he feels like he can’t say no? Deep down, you know you’re being dramatic. They said they’re your friends and neither Johnny nor Simon seem the type to lie about that sort of thing.
You realize, to your shock and horror, that you’ve been hovering in front of the glass door for a minute straight. Oh, he probably thinks your a freak. Part of you wants to turn tail and run - dash all the way across the street and up the stairs and bury yourself in bed. Avoid him and Johnny for the rest of your life after this blunder. It’s can’t be that hard, right? How difficult could it be to skirt around the men across the street in this tiny, tiny, tiny town?
Impossible is the answer.
A weight lifts off your shoulders when you finally step inside, only to be greeted with an empty front of house. Simon must be in the back. Thank goodness he most likely didn’t see your internal crisis in front of his door.
When Simon circles out of the backroom he’s wiping down his hands - the rag obviously stained with unsettling shades of red. His apron is covered in similar hues. He’s rolled up his sleeves today exposing the expanse of his arms. They flex as he moves and it really should not be as attractive as it is to watch him wipe actual blood of his hands like this.
“Afternoon, bird.” Simon grunts casually. He has his usual black surgical mask on, muffling his words ever so slightly.
“H-hi!” You squeak, your planned script getting stuck in your throat. You wish he wouldn’t look at you like that sometimes. That calm, almost bored droop of his eyes as he waits for you to gather yourself.
“Can I get you somethin’?” He cocks his head slightly.
“Uhm…” You shift under his steady gaze, unable to meet his eye and stop staring down at your non-slip work shoes. “I…uh…I made a steak pie with some of those leftovers you gave me and, uh, it’s kind of too much for just me…and I know you usually take your lunch around now and, uh…”
Simon huffs in amusement. “You askin’ me t’ get lunch?”
“I mean, I kind of owe you any-”
“You don’t owe me anythin’.” He interrupts, pulling his apron over his head and hanging it neatly behind the counter. He does that a lot, you realize. Cuts you off whenever you begin to apologize or try to push them away.
Cherry Bomb Part Nine: The Expo
“Are you?” John asks
“Hm?” You hum, unsure of what he’s asking about.
“Happy here?” He leans against the alley wall, cutting the end off a cigar he pulled from the silver box that lives in his back pocket.
In the low light of the alley, his pupils overtake most of his irises. Dark and intense as he looks you over from head to toe. You see it, suddenly. The god that the others do. He’s not as physically large as Simon, or as loud as Johnny, but he fills every inch of any space he enters regardless. You suppose you became so used to being in that radius that you forgot just how much presence he carries. You’ve wrapped yourself in it like a blanket. A shield.
Your cheeks warm and you shuffle your feet. “I… yeah.”
“Good.” John sighs out a cloud of smoke. “It’d be a pain in the arse to replace you. The boys have taken too much of a liking t’you.”
You stare up at him, eyes wide. It’s not like you didn’t know they like you but having it confirmed still makes your chest tight. It makes your eyes sting and you can’t help but break out into a bashful grin.
“John?” You murmur, barely meeting his eye.
“Dove?” He tilts his head.
Some boldness overtakes you - that same one that the others instill in you. Something born from them and them alone. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist, earning a grunt in return, and bury your face in his chest.
“Thank you. For everything.” You mutter, voice muffled. He smells so good - the slight burn of cigar smoke only adding to the depth of it. “I’ve never… been taken care of. Not like you all do.”
There’s a pause. For a moment you begin to panic that you’ve overstepped. That you’ve monumentally fucked up. That-
An arm wraps around you, John’s large hand cradling the back of your head. “Think nothin’ of it, love.”
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therobotmonster · 6 months
Chosen for What?
A short tale about chosen ones.
"There it is."
Johann's voice was barely a whisper but in the unnatural silence of the forest it might as well have been a shout. The knight took a step forward, oblivious to the crunch of his footsteps on the dry leaves or the sharp, almost metallic smell of the coming snow.
His focus was entirely upon the spear. It's shaft was made of white wood, polished so smooth he had mistaken it for marble, and the bronze spearhead was shaped like a elegantly stylized shark.
It was presently stuck within the ribcage of an obscenely oversized humanlike skeleton, which was itself entangled in the gnarled roots of a tree the size of a watchtower. The giant's bones were twice the size of a man's. More remarkably, they were made of pitted, rust-flecked iron.
Johann reached forward.
Johann froze. Even though the salvation of his people was mere inches away from his outstreched hand, he dared not ignore the voice behind him. He felt the wizard's hand grip him by the shoulder.
"You know it is not meant for you." Aldara said. She squeezed hard enough for Johann to feel it through his mail shirt. He remembered her saying that wizards aged only on the outside. He had no reason to doubt her on that point.
"And who is it for?" Johann hissed under his breath. "That scum?"
The scum in question was already walking toward the spear. Galen VonZent, the cutpurse and murderer. Galen VonZent, the spoiled, cruel son of a merchant house who killed his own father and nearly bought his way to freedom. Galen VonZent, who Alex 'sacrificed himself to save.'
"Galan, take the spear. You're ready." Aldara said, her voice heavy with the import of the moment. When Galan moved to obey, she slowly pulled Johann back away from the spear, step-by-step.
The tall, golden-haired man grabbed the spear with both hands, and began slowly pulling it free of the iron skeleton. To Johann's shock and disgust, the shark-shaped spearhead bent this way and that in a swaying motion, aiding in its release.
"The gods must be insane, or cruel beyond reasoning. If that beast is their chosen one."
"You aren't incorrect." The old woman chuckled. "But why say that now? Why not when we found him?"
"I had faith the gods had chosen well, that he'd grow into the role. But since we saved him from the gallows he has done nothing but confirm that he was right to be there. He has been cruel, selfish, cowardly, and petty at every turn." Johann's voice was a barely subdued growl. "And even if you do not believe me, he murdered Alex."
"I told you to give him a chance." Aldara said. Johann braced to be lectured about some hidden goodness or potential for redemption. "I'm glad you took my advice."
"What? You agree with me?" Johann gritted his teeth. "You should have let me at least try to pull the spear free. If he can do it, I certainly can!"
"Why is a prophecy like a worm on a line?"
"Again with your riddles! I don't know!" Johann barely managed to suppress a shout. "Is that why I am unworthy? A riddle?"
Aldara sighed. She smiled in that way that made Johann think of his grandmother, and his anger faltered. She spoke, clear and gentle. "Do you think the Gods would leave something this important up to chance?"
"Obviously not, that's why the prophecy-"
She squeezed again.
"Tell me, how do you ensure that a chosen hero isn't killed before they can save the world?"
Johann glanced back at Galan. The brute had managed to free the spear halfway, and was taking a self-congratulatory break. "Whisk him away as a child to be raised in safety? Assign a wizard to watch over him? Place other heroes along the path to help him?"
"So many moving parts." The wizard laughed. "The gods can try and play us like puppets, but free will is a wildcat in a burlap sack-"
"-you can take it wherever you want until the sack tears." Johann continued the adage. "And you'll get cut along the way regardless."
"The task gets no easier by adding more cats."
"Then how?" Johann asked, somewhere between sullen and frustrated.
"If you need to make sure only someone who is worthy can take the spear, you make the spear ensure that anyone who takes it-"
The wizard paused, a wide satisfied smile on her face. It was not the smile she had worn when they were joyously feasting with the elf-folk five days into the quest. It was the smile she had worn when she made Vorn the Destroyer's blood turn to water in his veins.
Johann's gaze was thusly occupied when the sound of Galan's sharp, anguished scream ripped through the air.
"-is worthy."
Johann turned slowly. As a knight he had heard enough death rattles and screams to know that he didn't want to witness the cause Galan's banshee-like shriek.
When he finally did turn fully, his gaze did not meet a horrifying eldritch mutilation as he expected. Instead, there stood Galan, holding the spear reverently with both hands.
Though nothing outward had changed, every aspect that Johann had found lacking was now plainly there in the lines of his face and posture of his body: compassion, thoughtfulness, maturity, competence, sincerity... even hope. Everything was there behind those eyes.
Everything except Galan VonZent.
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xkaidaxxxx · 5 months
Fake love.
Hawks x reader
mentions: Angst, Pregnancy, Baby girl.
1.3k words
“ Keigo you don’t love me.” you said. “ I do love you more than anything,” he replied. “No you don’t…I see the way you look at Macy.” you replied. In this situation you are correct. Macy is one of his sidekicks. She’s so beautiful. She looks like she came out of a princess movie. Her hair flows amazingly. Her laughter is contagious and when she smiles she makes someone else’s day better. She has her own faults. Everyone does but she’s such a wonderful match for Hawks. When he comes home from work he somehow manages to bring her up in a conversation and praise her, even during important events where heroes and their loved ones are invited. There was a specific night that embarrassed you and made you cry like there was no tomorrow. “ Hey Hawks, it's been awhile. This must be your wife?” Macy questions smiling at you. “ No she’s my girlfriend.” he corrected her. “ Hi I’m Y/n. It’s very nice to meet you, Hawks mentions you all the time.” You said and the paparazzi showed up at just the right time to hear what you said. Cameras start flashing, voice records out, and notepads. 
“ Hawks, are you dating Macy?”
“ How long has your relationship been going?” 
“ Is there a proposal coming up?” 
“ Do you work with her because you two are dating” 
“ Give us some updates Hawks.”
“ Macy, do you love him?” 
“ Macy, what type of dates have you gone on with him?” 
And many more questions. 
He didn’t even deny it. Not even Macy. She smiled and walked inside in a hurry. You were pushed to the back by the paparazzi. 
“ You all are not allowed out here. Please leave. I don’t want to call the police here and have you all arrested.” he said. 
“You are in love with her!” 
“ You want her out of harm's way!” 
“ Hawks, are you planning to retire to marry her and have children?” 
He walked inside slamming the door forgetting you. 
You cried hailing a taxi to go home. When you walked inside you slammed the door shut and locked it. “ How did he forget about me? Why didn’t he say he’s with someone else..with me? Why have we been dating for 3 ½  years and he hasn’t asked me to marry me? Am I not giving him what he needs? Am I not good enough?” you asked those heartbreaking questions. “ I am good for him. I give him all my love and support. I love him. I cook and clean and always make sure he’s healing well when he has injuries. I wake up in the middle of the night to make sure he isn’t bleeding when he has cuts. I give him all I have to offer and that’s not enough. He doesn’t appreciate me. He doesn’t love me.” you said. That night and almost all the time your bed felt cold regardless if he was there. You knew that the relationship was loveless so why did you stay?
A week later you were tangled in between the sheets with him feeling happy. Happy because he showed you a bit of love. He was being so gentle and kind. He did start paying attention to you but to him it was almost a job. A task that reminds himself to do. It’s not a natural thing like in any relationship. You picked up on it and it made you feel like a burden. Gave you mixed feelings.
Happy he’s putting in effort and hurting because it’s almost a job instead of being a good boyfriend .
“ I’ll be home early today sweetheart.” Keigo said ruffling his wings. You think it’s cute when he does that “ Okay my love. See you soon.” You replied holding his hand to help you balance has you tip toed to peck his cheek. “ nice energy boost sweetheart.” He said flying away. You closed the door.
You guys are playing house at this point.
2 players
You’re the sad housewife
He’s the breadwinner
You prepared dinner and served it, waiting at the table reading the message that he’s close on by.
5 minutes turn to 15 minutes.
15 minutes to 36 minutes.
The food is obviously gone cold.
Eventually it hit 2am, he showed up drunk. You opened the door and saw his hero friends holding him up.
“ Do you need help taking him upstairs?” Best Jeanist asked. “ No sir. Thank you all for bringing him home.” You replied taking him and closing the door.
“Keigo get up. Now!” You ordered. He stood up leaning against the countertop. “I’m s’hungry. Dinner?” He said seeing the cold food.
You didn’t even bother to talk to him. You simply went upstairs to sleep.
This happened a least 5 times. When he was brought home..each time the guys would ask if you needed help. If you were okay. After all, heroes save people. Each time you said you’re good.
He did suddenly change. He did give you more attention. He’s doing it as a routine. Not out of love but out of pity. Out of guilt .
Things he’d say to himself:
-Okay remember ask her about her day.
-watch her as she gets ready for bed and give her a kiss here and there
-don’t forget it’s date night
-Make sure to buy gifts
-never cause something to upset her
4 months went on by.
“ You’re joking. False positive. It’s a false positive.” You said and decided to take another test. Minutes went on by. “ Definitely Positive.” You spoke trying to calm yourself down. You threw away the pregnancy tests. “ I’m pregnant. I need to set up and appointment.” You said. You were thinking about abortion but you’re creating a baby. A life. That’s something you shouldn’t take away. You decided to keep it.
You were 1 1/2 months along. You were getting signs a week ago. Now you’re showing a bit of a bump.
You’re so nervous and excited to have a baby. You thought Keigo will be overjoyed. You were working on a way to tell him about it.
Straight up test in his face?
You chose to sit him down, saying you have a gift and hand him a pregnancy test.
The day finally came an you were glowing! You changed into something cute and did you make up. You wore the jewelry he had recently bought you. “Sit down very quickly. I have news for you!” You said jumping up and down. “Hey I’ll be away for about a year on hero work. The United States is waiting for me. I leave in 3 hours..endeavor is waiting for me outside..I’ll keep you updated. Tell me about your news later or I’ll be late.”he said leaving a peck on your cheek. “ Don’t promise that you’re going to write or call…you’ll be busy and I’ll only be worried if you don’t respond soon.I love you so much Keigo” you said. “ I’m still going to call. I love you princess. I’ll try and get home early.”he said leaving. As soon as you were about to tell him you're 2 months pregnant this man is saying his goodbyes and leaving“ God, Keigo, just please remember we had it all. I gave you absolutely everything I had to offer you.”You said. “Time for a fresh start.” with that you went on about your day. It took about 2 months to find a new place to live. You now live about 2 hours away from the countryside of Japan. It was peaceful. The neighborhood held a welcome party for you. When you went to your monthly check ups the woman would feel bad for you. You had no husband, not even a boyfriend that could accompany you. “ It’s a girl!” the gynecologist said happily. You looked at the screen with tears slipping. “ She’s going to be such a cutie pie.” you said giggling. When you hit 7 months It was even harder. You struggled washing your clothes, picking up things from the floor, you couldn’t put on shoes, so you wore slippers all the time. You’d have sleepless nights when your baby girl kicked and moved around a lot and when you craved something, you’d have to drive yourself to the store. 
Miu decided to come two weeks early. If Keigo stayed by your side during your pregnancy you wouldn’t have struggled much. He’d be taking you to the hospital, not the ambulance. Miu’s dada wasn’t there to see her be born. Wasn’t there to hold your hand, wipe your tears and sweat away as you pushed. It was only the nurses and the doctor. After the birth of your daughter you still gave her , her fathers last name. 
The worst part of all of it is that you’re young. 19 having a child with a 23 year old man. Not a huge age gap,but you are barely starting your life. Soon after your daughter turned 4, you moved back to get her a better education and you a better job. $9,500 yen an hour isn’t bad for a beautiful home and to raise Miu. Everything is good for you and little Miu. You both had each other and that’s all that mattered.
Love yall
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ridreamir · 9 months
I didn't see the Drayton x Reader hcs before when I sent that ask, I do apologise,
I was also wondering if you could do a Drayton x Reader who's physically affectionate and/or clingy,?
Like, they absolutely love physical touch and prefer to be touching, even if it's smthng as simple as legs touching,,,
Hello there! No worries about the double asks, I don't mind at all! I can absolutely write somethin for ya :^) No established romantic relationship, though it's heavily implied there's feelings that are somewhat sort of being acted upon.
Warning! Potential Spoilers for the Indigo Disk DLC!
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Before you came to Blueberry Academy, it was obvious you weren't one for physical touch if it weren't from one of your Pokemon. You'd bristle at a hand on your shoulder and stiffen if he rested his arm on you. So Drayton saw an opportunity and he took it. Any moment he could, he'd be brushing against you, grazing you with his fingers and pulling at your bag straps just to mess with you. Whatever they were doing to you back in Paldea and Kitakami must've been something since you were so skittish and wary of everyone around you.
He got scolded multiple times by multiple people, Amarys even tried mediating. You've been through some things, they argued, he shouldn't be pushing your boundaries. Sounded like jealousy to him. And you know what? He was right, because after months of persisting, you'd gone and eased into it, adverting your eyes and sinking into his touch which had went from teasing to gentle in an instant.
Your little friend has been nothing but trembling with murderous intent since the first time you subconsciously leaned into his touch. Drayton's not against showing Kieran that he's lost again. Everyone who sees him as lazy can't seem to realize that he's actually just playing the long game. Obviously his methods are the best because who else but the Drayster managed to break down those walls you put up? No one! But... maybe he bit off a little more than he could chew, since you are... a lot. No one's even scratched the tip of the iceberg, but at some point he realized that you're less like a regular human being and more like a weird, unidentifiable creature of some sort in terms of your behaviors and mannerisms. Might be all the weird energies you've been exposed to, or maybe you were always this way. Either way, he's just started to crack the code and maybe it's something he wasn't prepared for.
Now it's hard to keep it on the down-low just how needy you really are. You want to be near him, regardless of the consequences. So much so that you've started to skip out on everyone else.
You're physically demanding, too. It's like the game flipped on him, because now he's the one who's scared you're going to be caught glomping on him and he's going to be hunted down for it. Kieran and his sister have already been brandishing their knives, he can't have the whole school after him! Plus, it all must look so... intimate from the outside. Of course, between you, you're nothing but good buds, but if a teacher saw you both entangled together they'd think the worst, and that'd not be good for either of you.
But, well, he certainly feels smug when you come and sit in his lap while he's playing on his phone. Even more so when the thrill of potentially getting caught could mean a furious little pipsqueak and the news getting out that you're his, his.
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sh4wty18 · 4 months
tiktok pt. 2
some of y'all have def been waiting for this one! read pt. 1 here
pairing: jake webber x reader
summary: the aftermath of hard-launching your relationship with jake through a tiktok.
cw: fluff, a little angsty, language
word count: 984 + edited
It’s been a couple hours since you posted the tiktok, and you’ve been petrified to check your notifications. You even kept your phone across the room from where you and Jake lie, cuddled up together in his bed. He is the big spoon, (of course), and wrapping his bicep around your tummy, pulling you in tight against his body. You fit perfectly there. Like the shape of his body was created specifically to hold yours. His head is buried into the nape of your neck, and he kisses it gently, letting you know he’s woken up from your nap. 
“Good morning, princess,” he whispers through a sleepy smile. Your fingers interlace with the hand he had resting on your stomach, and you turn your head to greet him. Your lips brush against his, and you whisper “good afternoon, sweet boy” before planting your lips firmly on his. 
You stare across the bed where your phone sits on the opposite side of the nightstand. Jake must notice this, because the next words out of his mouth are, “Have you checked yet?”
“No… Jake, I'm really nervous. What if they hate me? What if they’re mean and say… awful things about me… about us? I don’t know if I can do this. I’m not ready for this type of judgment!” 
Jake cuts you off with a kiss, effectively halting your anxiety in its tracks– a trick he had discovered months ago. “Baby, you are the most beautiful, caring, funny, and ambitious girl I know. Not to mention you’re hot as fuck! If people don’t like us together, or don’t like you, that is one-hundred percent nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them. I’m basically the luckiest guy on the planet to even get to be with you. Plus, if people say shit to you, I’ll just yell at them on stream. They’ll know to shut the fuck up. People are gonna say shit regardless, it’s always gonna be impossible to make everyone happy. But I love you, no matter what.” 
“Thanks Jakey, I love you too. You’re the best to me. What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Jake kisses your neck again, and pulls your body closer to his own, “I could ask you the same thing,” he breathes into your ear, and you feel yourself blushing. “You wanna grab your phone now, baby? We can look together.” 
“I’d like that,” you pull away from him gently, and he releases his grasp on your waist, allowing you to crawl across the bed and grab your phone on the nightstand. 
Jake rolls onto his back and props himself up on his pillow a bit, saving room for you to crawl back into his arms. He relaxes his arm over your shoulders and pulls you into him, so you’re propped up as well and leaning on his shoulder. You open the tiktok app to discover millions of views on your recent post. It has surpassed 2 million views, 567k likes, as well as tens of thousands of comments. You click on the comments, the top one being from Johnnie:
johnnieguilbertreal: wait you guys are dating??
He was obviously joking, and people seemed to catch on. Some even liked the fact that you were friends with Johnnie. You scanned some of the other top comments:
user1: omgggg they look so in love🥺
user2: the way he looks at her??? ok i totally believe him and tara are done forever now
user3: and if you look closely you can see me laying on the highway!
user4: noooo tara is way prettier. this better not be real😭
user5: please tell us this isnt real @/jakewebber9
This was pretty much how most of the comment section looked. There was a lot of support and love for both you and Jake, but there was also a lot of hate. You immediately turned off your phone. “I don’t wanna look anymore,” you say, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Oh, baby,” Jake says sadly. He’s used to this. He’s been on the internet for years, and knows what it’s like. But you haven’t, and he knows this. “I don’t even know what to say, I hate seeing you like this. I’m starting to wish we never even posted the video. I’m so proud of you and us, that I just thought everyone would see what I see in you. I forget what a shitty place the internet is. This is all my fault.”
“No it isn’t,” you respond. “I’m so proud to be your girlfriend, and I wanted to post it. I’m still glad we did… It’s just hard to have so many people hate me. They don’t even know me.”
“Is there anything I can do to help you, princess?” he asks, he genuinely wants to help, but doesn’t know how. 
“Just… be here with me?” you ask.
“Of course. I’ll always be here with you.” he slides back down to lay on his back, and pulls you on top of him, fully embracing you. 
You wrap your legs around his sides, and reciprocate the embrace around his arms, laying your head against his chest. His heart beats softly in your ear, calming you. Your breaths steady, in and out, and eventually you lean up to face Jake, who peppers kisses all over your face. 
He pulls away to study you with a curious look in his eye, “God, you’re so beautiful. Sometimes I look at your face, and I know. I just know there’s no fucking way I’ll ever love another person the way I love you.” 
Your eyes well up again, this time from a feeling of pure and overwhelming joy, not sadness. “I love you so much,” you whisper. 
You press your lips to his, and it is as if pieces of your souls are being transferred to one another. You will always be tethered.
i hope you all enjoyed! likes and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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fiber-optic-alligator · 9 months
Desperation vs. Domestication
Pairing: IDW Drift x Human Reader
WARNING: This story contains soft vore. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this story.
Word Count: 3161
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Summary: Trapped aboard the Lost Light and chosen by a certain red-and-white samurai mech as the perfect sapien companion and tasty snack, you decide to form a rudimentary plan on possibly escaping your robot captors and finding your way back to Earth…while also realizing that spending months living as a pet has messed with your judgment on a greater scale than you previously realized.
This is based off of an ask I saw on Relic’s blog about what might happen if a human trapped aboard the Lost Light tried to escape via an escape pod, and I liked the idea so much that I had to write something based off of it. This is my first time writing for the Tasty Au and the First Contact Au and I must say I am quite happy with the result. This is inspired by Callsign-Relic’s Tasty Au, obviously, and I am so utterly fascinated with the whole concept, as well with First Contact scenarios in general, that this certainly won’t be my last time writing about this sort of thing. Thank you all for reading and thank you to @callsign-relic for giving me permission to write about it!
Also available to read on AO3!
Here is the link to pt. 2!
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Sticky globs of synthetic saliva coat your shivering body as you are carefully slipped out of the massive mech’s cerulean mouth. The red-and-white bot nuzzles you gently with his nose, cooing to you in soft alien words. You don’t understand his language; to your ears, he speaks with the purr of a car engine, the rumble of machinery, the smooth hum of something distinctively much, much bigger than you. And yet, after months of being trapped aboard this titanic starship, surrounded by these massive extraterrestrial robots that have turned your life upside down, you’ve come to comprehend some simple, short phrases your mech typically only says to you: Good. Proud. Love you.
  You hate how you lean into his touch. You hate how you cling to these few words you can translate. You hate how your heart softens for him as he sets you down on his desk and begins to clean you up, rubbing his saliva off of you with a towel. You protest softly when he smushes you gently with both hands, struggling feebly before you reluctantly give up and go still. He chuckles deeply and shushes you. “Shhh, shhh….Safe…Safe.”
  After a few minutes, he nods to himself, satisfied with his work. You stare at him with the deadpan look of a cat who was just dumped into a bathtub while he retrieves a fuzzy blanket from his bed and wraps you up in it snugly. The part of you that still clings to your autonomy wants to scream and shove his fingers away when he slowly rubs your scalp. It wants to curse him out and tell him you despise him, how you are traumatized because of him and the rest of his kind.
  And yet, you can’t.
  You know he won’t understand you. You know you’ve developed feelings for him in your weak, pathetic heart. Your bot cares for you. It is obvious in the way he treats you, and you can tell it’s gone beyond seeing you as a pet. He calls you sweet. Little one. He’s never hit you, never yelled at you, and actually respects your boundaries when you express them…sometimes. There are some days where you have clearly shown you don’t want to be eaten. He listens. Those days are few, but they happen regardless. You can’t help but sympathize with him. Call it Stockholm Syndrome, call it delusion, but you are at war with yourself, one side begging you to resist, the other side wishing to submit and accept the role you have been forced into.
  Your mech scoops you up. For a good minute, he simply holds you, purring deeply while he traces circles against your back with his thumb. It feels good, and you hate that it does. His heavy rumbles are soothing. Despite what one might think, being eaten, massaged by a mechanical stomach for hours, and then regurgitated is an exhausting experience to go through. You find fatigue tugging at the back of your mind while your eyes flutter shut and you yawn.
  The mech coos. “Sleep,” he whispers to you, his voice smooth as honey. “Sleep.”
  If this were your first time, you would have fought it. But it’s not your first time, and you know resisting will get you nowhere closer to escaping. Darkness pulls you into its embrace with the glow of his eyes flickering in the background until it too fades away. It doesn’t take long for you to give in.
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  His name is Drift. That’s the first thing you think when you wake up. His name is Drift, and he saved you from the first set of robots that plucked you from your home and carried you off into space, saving you from one personal hell and thrusting you into another. It did not matter if this particular hell was a rather comfortable one. It was hell regardless. To have your sense of self snatched away from you, to be reduced to nothing more than a pet and a snack, to know you are possibly light years away from Earth and you are utterly alone here is enough to drive you insane.
  You sit up slowly and groan, running a hand through your tousled hair. You're still wrapped up in the blanket Drift gave you, and you're resting on his berth. It’s covered with more blankets and even pillows, all courtesy of the mech who has done what he can to make your life here as comfortable as possible. The lights are dimmed. Drift is nowhere to be seen. He must have had some other matters to attend to and decided to give you a moment of solitude while you were resting. It was considerate of him. The sympathetic side of you feels appreciation. All that’s left is relief he is not here to stuff you back into his maw.
  Drift does not understand you. In his eyes, you are simply an adorable little creature he has adopted. He cannot speak your language, and you cannot speak his. No level of displaying your intelligence will ever prove to him that you are worthy of being considered a true person by him or the other mechs. Oh, he cares. You know he does. He’s not a bad guy. You’ve seen bad, and he’s a welcome change from it. But he will never view you as an equal. You are simply just an animal in his mind’s eye.
  Your fists clench with subdued rage without you even realizing it at first. The frustration bubbles up and leaves a foul taste on your tongue. You’ve screamed. You’ve begged. You’ve done everything you can to show them that you do not belong here. But they don’t listen. He doesn't listen. You're too cute, too tasty. For the first time in your life, you truly wish you had it in you to be a violent person and live up to the horrible reputation humans have given themselves on their own planet. Maybe if you had the power to destroy like the rest of your kind can, the mechs would finally learn to respect you. But human beings only destroy what is theirs. And here? Not even you belong to yourself anymore.
  “Damnit,” you whisper under your breath. You haven’t felt this level of helplessness in a long time. Your chest tightens, and hot tears trickle down your cheeks and drip off your chin. You close your eyes and grit your teeth as a low sob heaves up from your throat.
  “I want to go home,” you say to no one in particular. There’s no one to hear you. Even the gods of your world are too far away to listen to your prayers. “Please. Please. I want to go home. I just want to go home.”
  So why don’t you?
  Your eyes fly open.
  There are escape pods on this ship.
  You’ve only seen them once. Drift usually keeps you perched on his shoulder when he travels around the ship and tends to his duties. He’s walked by them before. They’re towards the middle of the vessel, all lined up in single file. 
  What if you were to steal one?
  A plan begins forming in your mind. It’s stupid. It’s risky. It could cost you your life. But you're so scared, and you’ll do anything to relieve that fear. You could return to Earth…you could go home.
  You look around Drift’s room, taking in how absolutely massive everything is compared to you. The escape pods will be the same. One single little human will have a hard time piloting it. But what other choice do you have? Sit here and live the rest of your life as a pet?
  A part of you actually finds it tempting. But you can’t let that side of you win. You cannot allow yourself to slip into the stupor that is slowly breaking your spirit. You must keep fighting. You must take back what was stolen from you: your life.
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  Drift is not a stifling owner. He does not demand your attention 24/7. He understands you need your space, and usually, if you protest enough, he will simply coo at you understandingly and leave you in his room for a few hours while he leaves.
  You come up with a plan. It’s not a particularly stable one, and there are way too many points where it could go horribly wrong. But you will go through with it anyway, because you don't know how much longer you can take this. You're desperate for release, frantic for an escape from this nightmare reality you are in. You will find a way back home. You can’t give up. You refuse to give up. You are a human being. You belong on Earth.
  As much as your plan relies on Drift leaving you alone, it also depends on his presence too. It’s impossible to traverse this starship by yourself. To be seen without your mech companion would lead to some robotic stranger scooping you up and bringing you right back to square one.
  So, you will have to trick Drift.
  You will use the advantage of your harmless appearance and have him bring you to the escape pods. You could blast away right under his nose and he won’t even know it because his belief that you are just an innocent, adorable little thing who can barely think for yourself is just too strong.
  Guilt flashes through you.
  He has no way of understanding, a tiny voice whispers inside your mind. It’s not his fault there’s a language barrier between the two of you. He’s trying his best. He’s trying. Can’t you appreciate that?
  He views me as a pet, you think back. He thinks I’m an animal. A snack. Is abandoning my will as a human being worth it if it means I please him?
  The realization makes your heart sink.
  Are you really that far gone? Have you become that accustomed to your life here? Have…have you truly been broken in?
  The soft whoosh of the room door opening interrupts your thoughts. Drift slips in on silent feet; you still don’t know how such a large mechanical creature can move so quietly. He doesn’t look at you, and instead trudges to the mirror attached to the wall opposite his berth with his shoulders slumped and his head hanging low. Through the reflection of the mirror, you can see him staring at himself with a complicated expression. His mouth tightens and his hand rises to slowly begin tracing the metal beneath his eyes. You watch, with growing concern, as he just…looks. He’s observing his features, taking in every scar, every dent in his armor, every sign of age.
  He vents out a soft exhale. With a surprising amount of weariness, he takes his swords and places them on their display stand.
  “Drift?” you call out to him.
  He turns to focus on you. His eyes immediately soften, and his grimace uplifts into a tired smile.
  He looks so much older than he really is.
  Your heart twists painfully. All of your previous foul thoughts towards him vanish as your empathy takes over and you raise your arms to make grabby hands at him. This is a language anyone can understand: Pick me up please?
  He wastes no time in obliging. Swords and reflection forgotten, he makes it to you in four long strides. Gentle fingers push the blanket aside and free you from your fabric burrito. They curl around you, holding you in his right palm while he slowly lifts you up and slips his left hand under to support you. You no longer feel the queasy flip of your stomach turning circles from the dizzying experience of watching the floor grow further and further away. That reaction was long lost with your time here.
  He presses you to his chest. The metal is warm, and deep within, you can feel the steady beat of his heart. It thrums through your entire body and causes you to shudder with awe. This is an alien being, one you hardly understand. Yet, he has a heartbeat. It connects the two of you, in a way. As your heart begins to beat in tandem with his, you feel so small. Yet…it helps you feel for him all the more, because it proves he is alive.
  After a few minutes of hugging you, Drift lifts you higher. The soft blue glow of his eyes washes over you as the mech observes your tiny face. There’s a moment when he pauses, and then his thumb caresses your cheek, lightly running over the stains decorating your skin from your previous bout of tears. His smile falls into a concerned frown.
  “Little one?” he whispers. He knows what tears are. You’ve heard him cry himself to sleep some nights. So he must understand you are not in a particularly good headspace right now.
  “Drift,” you whisper back. He whines when he hears how your voice trembles. With great sadness weighing his expression down, he brings you close and presses his lips gently to your forehead.
  You automatically freeze, and your eyes widen in shock as you feel the slightly plush metal against your skin. It’s so…intimate. All too quickly, you melt into the embrace, closing your eyes as a fresh wave of emotion washes over you and threatens to unleash the waterworks again. You sniffle and cling to him. “I hate that I’m enjoying this,” you quietly say.
  He hums in response and slowly pulls away. The smile he offers you is so sweet, it makes your heart skip. You feel like a foolish schoolgirl in love. It’s the wrong emotion for the wrong person in the most wrong scenario you could ever imagine, but it feels so right.
  He leans back in, and you think you are going to receive another kiss. But then his mouth opens wider and you have a full display of the squishy segmented tongue that’s shifting in eager anticipation for the taste it desires: you. Strings of saliva connect between metal teeth as large as your head. Inside, there’s light that softly pulses with the same color as his eyes, and it runs all the way down into his throat, illuminating the journey you know you are about to take. Fear jumps through you. “Drift,” you say, pushing frantically at his fingers. “Drift, wait!”
  “Shhhh,” he murmurs. There are some incomprehensible words that, to your ears, sound like the garbled slurs of a broken radio. Your mind works overtime to comprehend. “Little one…safe…comfort…”
  He wants to comfort you.
  You feel absolutely disgusted with yourself when you bite your bottom lip and contemplate his request.
  Unfortunately, Drift doesn’t give you a chance to decide whether to accept or not. Apparently, your tears are really worrying him. With one last reassuring purr, he delicately pushes you into his mouth. You yelp when his tongue curls around your little body to begin slicking you up for a smoother ride. Drift rolls you around carefully, tasting every inch of your exposed skin with happy hums of pure pleasure.
  You want to fight off the large muscle and demand he open his mouth to release you. However, you know there is no point. He’s not listening to you today. He believes this is the only way to bring you the reprieve you need. So, you give in. You go limp and allow your mech to toy with you.
  He presses you to the roof of his mouth and suckles gently. A low moan rumbles up from within him. You are delicious. You know you are delicious. The way he savors you both terrifies you on a raw, existential level, and also makes you feel…wanted, in a way. He wants you. He cares about you. This is just another way of him showing it.
  Eventually, his tongue lowers, and everything goes tipsy as Drift tilts his head and begins to push you towards the back of his throat. You instinctively scrabble at the base of the biomechanical muscle, but you cannot stop yourself from sliding back. When you look behind you and see the pulsing metal waiting to slurp you down into its dark, wet confines, you want to scream.
  One gulp.
  That’s all it took for Drift to swallow you.
  It is extremely unnerving to be reminded of how small you are.
  You are sucked into Drift’s throat with no resistance. The glow of his mouth sticks with you while you are squeezed downward from all sides by the soft, moist walls of his esophagus. You wriggle as much as you can, but it is virtually impossible to move due to how tight the passage is. You find yourself holding your breath as you close your eyes and try to remain calm while you listen to the steady sounds of his internal systems working to keep him alive: the heavy thudding of his heart. A rhythmic intake and outtake of air that is eerily reminiscent of human breathing. There are other low whirrs and hums you cannot identify as well. All consuming. All just for you to hear.
  Space opens up beneath you, and you drop into his stomach with a wet plop. The organ gurgles, welcoming you back like an old friend. You bounce a little as the floor jiggles, then you find yourself sinking into the mesh metal. The walls close in, squeezing you, kneading at you, all while a melody of rumbles and groans fill the space. You pant, taking a moment to catch your breath as you lay on your back and stare up at the soft biolights all around you, filling the stomach with a comforting hue.
  Something presses against you from the outside: Drift’s hand. Above you, the mech says something. His voice is soft, yet loud at the same time. You are utterly, completely surrounded by him. Locked away behind all of this metal, you truly feel like you are his.
  For some reason, this is not as scary as it usually is.
  You sit up and try to wipe saliva off of your face, but only succeed in smearing it all over you even more. Drift speaks again. “Little one?” His tone is urgent, worried. The stomach growls with nervous trepidation.
  You crawl on your hands and knees to the organ’s wall. Sitting up, you press your hand into the wet muscle, watching as your fingers sink into the squishy grooves. “I’m okay, Drift,” you murmur. “I’m okay.”
  You feel him relax all around you. Drift presses his hand right over where yours is and rubs you tenderly. You cuddle up against him and close your eyes, listening to your mech’s happy purrs, enjoying the feeling of being constantly massaged by his stomach.
  It is warm.
  You are warm.
  You no longer want to cry.
  Maybe…maybe you can put off your escape plan. Just for a little longer.
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toomuchracket · 2 months
club nights (literal d word matty x reader smut)
day 16 of summer75!! post-baby, post-dh2 launch fuckery of the anal variety (girly getting it). surprisingly fluffy. enjoy! <3
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the lights are hot on your skin as you dance, pulsing strobes illuminating everything and everyone in the club in stark white; still, they're nowhere near as warm as matty, pressed up behind you with a hand on your hip, your left arm slung lazily back around his neck as you move against him. kelly's set is good, and so is the vodka cranberry in your free hand, bass and booze coming together in your body and making you wanna move. you feel free. you feel happy. you feel sexy, although you're not sure if that's because of the night itself or because of your boyfriend, whose hands have been wandering all over you practically ever since you left the house.
you smile when he kisses your neck, giggling when he blows a raspberry. matty giggles too, smiling into your perfumed skin. “y'having a good time, gorgeous girl?”
“the best time,” you turn to face him, heart fluttering when you re-realise how fucking hot he looks. sure, you've fancied matty for almost a decade longer than you've known him, but lately he's been looking extra delicious to you - then again, you have just had his baby. your hormones must be going mental. “we should go out dancing more often, babe. s'fun when i'm doing it with you.”
matty raises an eyebrow, but he keeps smiling sweetly. “we've literally got a newborn at home, and you want us to start raving regularly?”
“yes i do.”
he laughs, leaning down to kiss you; it's not a long one, but you're woozy when he pulls away regardless. “so do i, darling. kinda obsessed with dancing with you like this, you know?” his hands continue their earlier trail across you, gentle yet eager. “can feel everything. fucking love it.”
oh, if he only knew.
you lean up to peck his lips. “could you maybe possibly feel your way to the bar to get me a refill, baby?”
“‘course,” matty pecks you in return, hands coming up to hold your face while he beams. “m'proud of you, you know. for lyla, obviously, but also for this,” he gestures to the crowds, too busy dancing to notice him. “s'your night too, sweetheart. enjoy it.”
you do just that while he slinks off to get your drink, hugging george to say “we did it!”, dancing with charli, catching up with your friends from the band and bea and amber, most of which is spent gushing over your baby girl, staying at home with both of her grandmothers at present. bea squeals when you show her a picture of lyla, and clutches amber's arm, tipsy-overwhelmed. “she is so cute! oh my god. i mean, she looks like a little doll. i love her!”
“bea, i'm actually obsessed with her,” you giggle. “you're lucky we even made it out tonight - got to the front door like five separate times before either me or matty teared up and had to go back for a cuddle.”
amber laughs. “he was telling me he wished he could've brought her with you.”
“god, he's a nightmare.”
“who is?” matty sidles up to you, handing you your drink and ruffling bea's hair - she swats him away, and he laughs, giving amber a half-hug before wrapping his free arm around your waist.
you smile at him, saccharine. “you, trying to bring our baby to a rave.”
“what? she'd love it,” he elbows you playfully. “she's her mother's daughter.”
“he's not wrong with that bit, to be fair,” amber takes a sip of her drink. “it is actually quite scary how much she looks like you.”
bea winks at you. “well, she knows what's good for her.”
everyone but matty collapses into giggles; he glares at bea for a second, then smiles. “yeah, she does. i mean,” he cups your face, squishing your cheeks playfully. “who wouldn't steal this face if they could?” dropping your face in favour of taking your hand, he turns to your friends. “see you in a bit, yeah?”
with that, matty leads you further into a darkened corner, weaving through vape clouds and various friends before leaning against the wall. you smirk, raising your eyebrows at him and leaning close so he can hear you over the music. “this feels… familiar.”
“what- oh,” he nods slowly, smirk matching your own. “nina's birthday. i remember,” his face softens, lost in a memory, before he speaks, matter-of-fact. “first time i ever saw you in red lingerie, that night.”
you choke on your vodka, eyes wide as you try to regain breath. “matthew!”
“what? m'just being honest. you don't forget a thing like that, darling, trust me.”
“christ,” you shake your head. “you're mental, you know that, yeah?”
“you're even more mental,” he bites back, but the love in his eyes is clear even in the club lighting. “having a baby with me, and all.”
“true,” you down your drink and lay the glass down, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's neck for a cuddle; his find home around your waist, lips softly pressing against your hair. “i miss her.”
“me too. mum says she's good as gold, though. which, again, is all you. my perfect girls.”
you smile into his chest. “love you. we both do.”
“oh, i love you both, so much,” matty leans down to kiss you, soft and sweet and slow; there's an undercurrent of lust, though, in the way he lightly bites at your lip and takes his time releasing it. “dance with me?”
you kiss him quickly again. “always, my love.”
and you do. you jump around like maniacs in excitement during george's set, holding hands and giggling and singing along, and when you shriek with total joy as soon as you hear yeah i know, matty cackles and pulls you close for a kiss. you stay like that for the rest of the song, wrapped around each other while you move to the beat, matty's face tucked into your neck in an adorable mixture of shyness at hearing his own voice and emotion about his best friend in the whole world taking such a big step in his career; actually, you stay like that for the rest of the set, so close it's hard to tell where matty ends and you begin, bodies grinding and sparking heat in each other in both the literal and metaphorical senses. by the time the night ends, the two of you are pretty fucking desperate for each other, kissing so sloppily while sharing a cig at the taxi rank that your friends can't help wolf-whistling and cheering and throwing digs like “oh, lyla's about to get a sibling!” at you.
you kiss in the taxi, too, little snippets of snogging and matty's hands roaming all over your thighs in between the driver yapping about this that and the next thing on the way to the hotel. matty does his best to answer politely, reluctantly breaking away from your lips to talk while you giggle behind your hand, but his exasperation is obvious - naturally, you rip the piss out of him for it when he throws you on the bed and climbs atop you to kiss you properly. “babe, i'm not going to disappear if you unattach your lips from mine for a few seconds, you know.”
he licks your nose in response, smiling when you shriek. “how else am i meant to show you how much i love and also fancy you?”
you shuffle down to kiss his neck, enjoying the way his breath shakes, dragging your lips up past his jaw to whisper in his ear. “fuck me.”
“oh, baby,” matty sighs, pressing his forehead to yours. “i wish i could, but, y'know… it's still too soon after you gave birth, darling,” he pulls back, confusion etched on his pretty face. “what are you smiling like that for? that's your sneaky smile.”
it drops, in favour of an expression of bewilderment. “my what?”
“you know, the face you make when you're up to something,” your boyfriend cocks his head, squinting at you. “are you trying to get me to fuck your mouth?”
“that would actually be a lot of fun, but also no.”
“hmmm,” matty thinks for a second, then sighs - you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing at how clueless he's being. “nope, you've got me. explain, please, darling.”
“if you let me stand up for a second, i can show you what i mean.”
matty nods, rolling off you and lying propped up on his elbow while you move off the bed. he groans when you start undressing, slipping out of your cargo trousers and shucking your top off without breaking eye contact with him. “fuck, princess, you're so hot,” he claps a hand over his mouth when you raise an eyebrow at the pet name. “sorry, darling. muscle memory, i s'pose.”
“s'alright, daddy,” you wink, turning away from him to let him get a good view of your ass in your sheer panties; you bend forward, slightly, and you hear his breath hitch. “seems we're both thinking along those lines, yeah?”
it takes him a second to respond, but when he does, it's delicious - a calloused finger traces up from your slick core towards your other hole, and he speaks in a whisper. “you're plugged?”
“yeah, i am,” you toss your hair over your shoulder and your gaze follows, focusing on your wide-eyed boyfriend. “because i want you to fuck my ass tonight, matty.”
for a moment, there's silence, a tension permeating the air that you can't quite name. nerves begin to flutter in your stomach; they're dissolved almost instantly when matty flops unceremoniously onto his stomach, almost inaudibly shouting “fuck!” into the fancy bedding before rolling back to face you with defiant lust in his eyes. “you serious?”
“wouldn't have the plug in if i wasn't.”
he sighs, then smiles almost shyly. “part of me thinks i should be against this, but,” he sits up, tugging you to stand between his legs with a kiss to your stomach. suddenly, you're on his lap, and you can't stop beaming - he is so fucking hard. “who would i be if i didn't give my princess what she wanted, especially after everything she's done for me lately?”
your heart soars, and all you can do is kiss him, an absolute head-melter of a kiss that only stokes the heat between your legs, makes you grind even harder against your boyfriend than you were in the club. “thank you, daddy. love you.”
“i love you,” matty smiles against your lips. “missed you calling me that, you know.”
“more than you've missed being inside me?”
he laughs, the soft chuckle he reserves for the two girls he loves most in the world. “nothing i've missed more than that, gorgeous. can i… now?”
“yeah,” you breathe, desperate. “how do you want me?”
matty thinks for a second. “lie on your back for me, sweet girl, get comfy. that sound alright?”
“perfect,” with a final little kiss, you climb off him, shuffling up to rest your head on the plush pillows. as you undo your bra, the fluttering restarts in your stomach; instead of nerves, though, the butterflies are borne of excitement as you watch matty undress. he looks inquisitively at your weekend bag, and you know what it is he wants. “the lube is in the side pocket, by the way. packed a bullet vibe, too, but i honestly don't know if i'll need it.”
your boyfriend hums happily, climbing back onto you, bottle in hand. “so turned on you only need daddy fucking that pretty ass to make you cum?” he coos, thumb sliding across your lips - when you take it between them, he beams. “my little slut.”
god, you've missed this. “only yours. always.”
“perfect girl,” matty murmurs. “gonna fuck you now, yeah? you know your colours.”
“good girl,” he sits back, tapping your thigh as a sign for you to lift your legs so he can slip your underwear off. his pupils dilate at the sight of the plug, but a sweet smile appears on his lips. “brat green jewel?”
“couldn't not buy it - oh, fuck,” you whimper as matty begins to toy with the plug, every movement sending a burst of pleasure through you. “feels good.”
“yeah? can i take it out, princess?”
you nod enthusiastically. “please. want you inside me, daddy.”
your boyfriend swears under his breath, snapping open the bottle of lube and squeezing some onto his hand; you watch with proper interest as he slicks himself up, practically drooling at the sight of him essentially wanking himself off. he grins when he notices you staring. “you're cute, baby,” he leans forward to kiss you, trailing a hand down your body to play with the plug again. “reckon you'll be even cuter taking my dick, though.”
it isn't so much a word than a whine that leaves your lips. “please.”
“alright, darling,” looking carefully at your face, he begins to gently twist the plug out of you - when you whimper, he pauses. “this okay?”
“yes, yes,” you pant. “keep going, please.”
matty nods, obliging you quickly; you feel the plug pop out, and he moans. “fuck, princess, you look so pretty, all ready for me like that. are you ready, sweetheart? what's your colour?”
as if it could be anything else. “green.”
he beams, kissing your forehead. “good girl. my best girl,” he coos, smiling when you giggle deliriously. “gonna slip in now, alright?”
“hold my hand?”
“always,” he takes your right hand in his left, kissing it before holding it on your stomach. you watch, breathless, as he takes his dick in the other hand, tentatively nudging it against your hole - as the head eases inside you, stretching ever so slightly, you exhale, stuttered, and matty looks tenderly down at you. “oh, my darling,” his voice is just as shaky as your breath, little whimpers leaving his lips the more he inches - well, centimetres - into you. “colour?”
you can barely comprehend him, the intimacy of the moment combining with the pleasure and clouding your brain. but still, you answer, voice nothing more than a whisper. “green. please don't stop.”
“okay,” he breathes, hand moving to your hip to steady himself. “almost fully in, princess. taking me so fucking well, feel amazing.”
you beam, dazed. “good,” your jaw drops as he finally bottoms out, eyes fluttering closed. “oh.”
“i know, darling, i know,” matty caresses your face. “d'you need a second?”
“yes please.”
“anything you want,” his lips find yours, the sweetness of his kiss completely incongruous with the fact the two of you are literally doing anal right now. but it's not totally innocent - matty's lust for you is clear from the way he kisses, and it energises you enough to pull back and bite your lip at him, a silent hint that you're ready for the next step. he takes it immediately. “you want me to fuck you properly, now, princess?”
you nod, doe-eyed. “yes, daddy.”
and that's exactly what he does.
it starts slow, of course, matty gently thrusting into you with his arms braced on either side of your head and his lips pressing soft kisses all across your face; when the desperation gets too much for you to bear and you give him the go-ahead, though, he begins to roll his hips with a bit more force into yours, little gasps leaving both of your lips and foreheads touching tenderly. you don't know whether or not it's purely psychological, more to do with the eroticism and intimacy of the act than the actual sex itself, but you can feel the pleasure jolting through you every time matty's hips meet yours, travelling through your nervous system to the familiar place in the pit of your stomach.
all in all, you can't remember ever being so turned on in your life. matty seems to think so, too, eyes widening when he looks down to watch your bodies joining as one. “fuck, princess, your pussy's so wet right now. can feel it dripping on me,” his voice is joyous; so are you, when he runs a finger over it and settles it at your clit. “you really needed daddy to fuck you, didn't you, sweet girl?”
“needed this too, darling, so fucking much,” matty smiles sleepily above you, kissing you sloppily. “fuck, need to make you cum, too. can i?”
you smile back, equally as fucked. “can do whatever you want to me.”
he laughs, breathy and beautiful. “i love you.”
“i love you,” you pout for a kiss, smiling and gasping into him when he starts to properly work your clit with two fingers. “mmm, just like that, yes. don't stop.”
thank fuck your boyfriend isn't feeling mean tonight - he does as you say, keeping a steady rhythm with his hips and a consistent pattern with his fingers, cooing praises and promises into your neck in a determined attempt to get you off. a successful attempt, too, it turns out; within a few minutes (although your grasp on measuring time is probably dire at present), you're clutching at matty's shoulders, head buried in the crook of his neck, crying into him as you hurtle towards the precipice of orgasm. with a whimpered plea of “cum for me, princess, please”, you fall into bliss, clenching vice-tight around matty's dick and shaking like a leaf. that's enough to set him off, too, and he cums with a hoarse groan and an “oh, i fucking love you”, hips growing weaker and weaker as his orgasm wears off.
he doesn't linger afterwards, though. as soon as he can physically do so, matty's pulling himself up to hover over you, looking intently into your eyes to check how far you've slipped into subspace. despite the gravitas of the night, you're fairly lucid, and he smiles, satisfied with that, as he strokes your face. “you,” he begins. “are a fucking dream.”
“stop it,” you giggle, trying to burrow into his chest. “you're pussy-drunk. well,” you correct yourself as matty laughs. “not quite, tonight. but you know what i mean!”
“i do know, darling, i do,” he kisses your nose. “but you really are incredible. and i'd say that even if i wasn't balls-deep in your ass right now, so…”
“oh my god.”
matty laughs. “my cue to pull out?”
“i think so, yeah,” you grin. “mostly cos i wanna shower and go to sleep, honestly.”
“whatever you want, my love - hold my hand, by the way, this might feel weird… there we go,” matty winces, in tandem with you, as he slips out. his eyes widen as he takes in the sight of his cum dripping from you. “never ever gonna get over that,” he leans back to kiss you again. “thank you for letting me do that, by the way, darling. m'the luckiest bastard on the planet.”
you laugh. “and don't you forget it!”
he smiles softly, and you fall in love with him all over again. “never gonna happen.”
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crossguild · 2 months
one piece as a series actually displays an INCREDIBLE sociopolitical awareness that i think gets undersold because lol shonen and man i was NERVOUS about the slavery plotline with the fishmen but in hindsight mr. oda really hit it out of the park because it's not just about 'slavery bad' or 'heroes good because they oppose the bad thing', it's about an entire system that exists to protect and uphold it for the benefit of those in power and really digs into how those cycles of violence are so difficult to break.
op doesn't try to portray the fishmen as perfect victims who're deserving of not being oppressed because they're all actually good and kind people, and it doesn't try to say that liberation and justice is easy or that it comes without cost, nor does it even say that everyone who participates/has participated in the system as an oppressor is actually irredeemably evil. it's clear in that regardless of the good people in power, regardless of the shitty people being oppressed, people can (& must) do what they can to liberate others even if it's hard, even if it feels small or you face setbacks. and even from drum island, we have the message that kindness isn't enough-- you have to be able to leverage that kindness in a meaningful way, which i know twitter activists hate to hear lol.
a less sophisticated series would position luffy as a Hero who is the First Person who has ever thought that the system is bullshit and who has tried to change things and have him succeed in kicking off the great revolution, but OP could not be clearer about how many gears and levers were already turning, how many people were fighting and struggling and living despite that struggle, how much blood and sweat and tears were shed to bring things to a point where luffy COULD be that catalyst to set things in motion.
it sets up all these players who have been building and doing whatever they could with what they had. whitebeard planting his flag to protect FMI, for example, an imperfect solution that ties their safety to his life rather than true liberation, but it's all he could've done at that point and it was an important & meaningful gesture that made such a huge difference to so many people that the fishmen truly considered him their only true human ally. even by the end of fishman island, it doesn't show that luffy has brought freedom to FMI, but that he's helped to take one step in a series of steps that were taken before him and must be taken after him to repair relations between fishmen and humans.
and obviously all of this is analogous to certain real-world historical events which have repercussions to this day and draws heavily from the actual civil rights era of the USA, and we can quibble about how giving that narrative to a super-powered non-human sentient species to deliver a message about Slavery Wrong is a little tired, and i would agree with those criticisms, but somehow this absurdist action-comedy adventure series for boys 13-15 years old manages to nail those themes and stay on message without being preachy or ham-handed. fishman island isn't even my favorite arc but it definitely lives rent-free in my head
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mousfri · 4 months
do you mind talking about will's narcissism? i see ppl talk about that aspect of hannibal far more. also are you drawing a line between will being narcissistic and hannibal being egotistical for character analysis reasons or just to vary word choice? if it's the former, why do you make that distinction?
part of the reason you won't see much of will's narcissistic traits being mentioned is because a concerning number of fannibals like to misrepresent him as caring and selfless. it's highly ironic given his entire character is based around how desperate he is to pretend he meets that ideal of a loving, stable entirely conventional person.
i do tend to lean towards making a distinction between will's narcissism and hannibal's egotism, but it's not so much in relation to differences in their definitions as it is the meanings i associate with each term. you could probably use them interchangeably if you were going off dictionary definitions, but it's a good way to separate how and why hannibal and will each make self-centred decisions.
hannibal's egotism is grounded in his sense of superiority. he thinks himself better than others, and so he will nearly always prioritise his wants and desires over the wants of others. he is highly capable of observing, understanding and analysing the emotional responses and actions of others - it's what makes him such a good manipulator. he knows EXACTLY how to frighten or comfort or confuse someone. he knows what they want. he simply doesn't care. he does what HE thinks is best regardless of whether the object of that action would agree. selfish decisions are made in the conscious knowledge that he is better and so he MUST BE right.
this is what makes decisions like saving will over killing alana and choosing to give will the benefit of the doubt when he smells freddie on him particularly interesting. it's evidence of will's creeping influence on him, the significance of the opinions and actions of a man who he cannot predict but who he cannot help but hold in the highest regard.
will's tendency to be self-centred predates hannibal's involvement. it's much less evident when he's sick, but it is there. beverly basically tells him as much, although in much nicer words that i'm about to use. with jack telling will it's necessary he works on one side and hannibal trying to convince him he's too mentally ill to keep functioning on the other, you really can't justify why will chooses to keep working through his illness. he knew he was sick, he knew how often he'd begun to hallucinate violence, murder. he knew he was losing whole swathes of time, where he couldn't account for his whereabouts but was clearly competent enough to drive and navigate. despite that equal jack-hannibal dichotomy, will decides that upholding the ideal of crime-fighting, innocent, capable fbi agent will graham was far more important than the potential danger. sacrificing his health in the process was not selfless (particularly not in a universe where there are no long-term impacts of nearly becoming brain soup), it was an expression of how much harm he was willing to do to maintain his false sense of self. but he mostly hurt himself with this one. and abigail, obviously.
speaking of abigail, there's only a couple examples with her i'm going to bring up, but their entire pseudo father-daughter relationship was a projection of that false sense of self (caring, loving father figure) onto abigail. it was an expression of that particular brand of narcissism - he didn't see her, he only saw who she COULD BE in relation to who HE could be.
firstly there's the fact that he knew he was sick and yet risked going to an isolated area with her alone anyway. that obviously went super well. and then there's him telling her how ugly killing is. yes, he didn't know she'd killed yet, but where was all of that graham patented empathy when she was so clearly guilty about SOMETHING. again, his ideal is more important to him than her feelings. he doesn't actually stop to think about her at all, only how he expects her to feel, how he WANTS her to feel. how HE wants to feel. i mean even hannibal was judging him for that one,,,
moving on to s2, we've got matthew brown and related shenanigans occurring. now i'm not counting his interactions with beverly as particularly problematic because it was a fairly even relationship, and she mostly involved herself in his business (sorry bev i love you but sneaking into hannibal's house???). but matthew was a little different. quite frankly i don't care about will manipulating him, just as i don't particularly care about will manipulating hannibal - you can easily justify those decisions because lying is hardly the worst either of them have done. BUT. will knew about matthew (or at least suspected) far before the 'we're hawks, mr. graham' speech, which meant will (who by this point in the season has chilton hanging on his every word out of self-preservation, and jack slowly and surely moving in the right direction) knew matthew had killed and would kill again and did NOTHING.
matthew was more useful to him close than locked up. it would've been easy for chilton (yk matthew's boss who is totally willing to commit a little malpractice) to getting him fired at least, locked up at best. but nope, because matthew is useful to will and unlike hannibal he hasn't actually tried to manipulate him at all. it's not will's job to catch him, the ideal of will as stable and innocent seems further away than ever with bev dead, so why would he try? who cares about any innocents that get killed while he keeps matthew nice and free to be used at his convenience?
and THEN he lies to jack from the very beginning. he really says, out loud with full confidence, that nothing he did or said caused matthew to try and kill hannibal. and the insane thing is that he believes it. to an extent - in his mind, hannibal has earned this. pain, preferably death, at his hand by proxy. in his mind, he's washed his hands of it. he can still convince himself that this is not proof that he is just as murderous as hannibal sees him, and that he knows who he is (certainly not a killer, because it's not really murder if hannibal deserves it, is it? (idiot)).
comparatively to hannibal's egotism, will's narcissism is much less conscious. he often makes choices based purely on the impact it'll have on his plans, without ever stopping to consider who he harms in the process.
but my favourite example is chiyoh (<3).
he does not care about her prisoner. he does not care about chiyoh's duty. what he cares about is the fact that he wants her to go with him to find hannibal. he acts as if he's entitled to it - he sees her use to him, sees their similarities, and decides he must have it for himself. will cares so little about how she feels about killing him that he somehow STILL manages to perceive himself as some kind of victim in the aftermath. regardless of whether chiyoh kills the prisoner, will has either made her a murderer or ended a decades long commitment to hannibal lecter. fannibals who argue that will is in any way naturally caring or selfless should go rewatch that whole sequence and come back to me with a caring and selfless explanation for that move.
there are plenty more examples of this happening through the rest of the season too. will's immediate change of plans upon finding out hannibal loves him (confirmation he is wanted, finally ready to claim his prize through whatever means necessary). how easily he gives up on repairing his relationship with walt (because really he could've made ANY effort to explain). his framing of chilton as his 'pet' to get francis to respond (i mean REALLY?? man's been through enough goddamn).
the manifestation of their narcissistic traits is very different, but they're present in both of them. ultimately it's the fact that they are often exceptions to each other's rules that makes them so good together, and so compelling to think about too.
thank you very much for the ask!! as usual it has given me an opportunity to infodump about hannigram, which i always love and appreciate.
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wolfnlamb · 2 years
Can I touch you more?
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Suwa Rei’s never been intimate with anyone before until he starts dating you.
Disclaimers: under 18 do not interact. Rei losing his virginity. Rei's the age he is in the anime, about 25. Fem reader, reader has long hair, wears a dress, vaginal intercourse, male receiving, fingering, established relationship, it’s not mentioned but reader takes bc. Word count: 3k. Crossposted on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45403453 Thank you @brujaovermoxy for beta reading and always encouraging me to write <3
Rei lays in bed nervously, still fully clothed in his hoodie and blue jeans. He tries holding eye contact with you from the foot of the bed, but his nerves get the best of him, looking away. He eyes your naked thighs and bare shoulders. You wore a strapless dress this afternoon, the one he always says is pretty, knowing it'd be easier to take off once you both were alone. 
You wanted his first time to feel good; have him relaxed and feeling safe. He was a different kind of man; quiet, a little uncomfortable around large groups of people, and always insisting on staying in for date nights. You knew he loved gaming but if you could convince him to leave the house, he always enjoyed walking around the aquarium or the zoo. It took a few dates before he reached for your hand; it happened one day while you both gazed at the tropical fish exhibit. You expected the first kiss that day too, but it never came. 
Soon after, he admitted he’d never had sex before. You could see how much it embarrassed him to tell you that night. Of course, this didn't bother you at all. The information tied all your suspicions together. You explained to him that whenever he was ready for more, you’d be ready too. 
Rei decided the very next day, he was ready. A soft, reassuring smile lit your face when he finally looked back at you, and his jaw relaxes. You crawl across the mattress towards him, and he scoots to the side to make room for you. Laying on your side facing him, you prop your head on your arm.
“We can do whatever you want,” you softly tell him. 
Rei hums, the vibration deep in his throat as he contemplates what exactly he does want. He isn't sure where to start. He knows what sex is and how it works, obviously. He's seen couples passionately kiss in movies, he's heard musicians sing about wanting to touch their lovers. Some of his video games even have scenes where the characters are being ‘intimate’ (He plays those at night when everyone is sleeping) But he doesn't know how to mimic them…how to show this same passion to another. More so, he's worried he’ll fuck it up. 
While Rei’s lost in his thoughts, you place your hand on his chest gently, and it brings him back to the moment. 
“Do you want to kiss for a little bit?” 
Kissing. A kiss. Yes. That's what he wants. 
Rei nods slightly and turns to face you. His blue eyes look a little bloodshot, and his hair’s a bit messier than usual. But he looks beautiful, regardless. So sweet. You brush his fluffy bangs back from his forehead, caressing him softly and his eyes flutter. Knowing he may not make the first move, and wanting to take the pressure from him, you lean in and press your lips to his. Your noses smash together by accident, not expecting him to lean in abruptly as well, and you laugh. Panic spreads across his face for a split second and he apologizes quietly, but you return his apology with another kiss before he can continue. 
His lips are chapped, and he smells like cinnamon. He must have eaten a mint beforehand, you think, which makes you smirk into your kiss. You slip your tongue across his lips a few times, urging him to part his lips. 
The softness of your tongue on his lips has him in a trance, and the thought of touching each other's tongues sends a jolt from his abdomen down to his crotch. He opens his mouth and lets you swipe along his, and he moans involuntarily. Still, with eyes closed, you search for his hand and bring it to your hip, and his fingers dig into the softness of your flesh, scrunching the fabric of your dress.
The afternoon light seeps in between the blinds above the bed as you two continue kissing, becoming more feverish for more. You want so badly to push him back and climb on top, to grind down onto him desperately. But you're going to take your time with him and go at his pace. The more he gets used to your lips, the way you tilt your head to the side and he follows your lead, the more he eases into the rhythm. His hand grips your hip more, and he pulls you closer to his body, letting his fingers slowly gather the material of your dress. Soon your ass is exposed, the coolness of the room drifting across your skin. 
Rei pulls away just a few centimeters, lips swollen and a deeper hue than before. 
“Can I touch you more?” he asks, his deep voice ringing in your ears. 
“You can touch me however you want, Rei,” 
His hand grazes across your exposed hip, sliding down your thigh. 
“Will you tell me to stop if you don't want to do this anymore?” he asks, his eyes diverting back down to your mouth. He can't bare the thought of you not wanting him at this point, the humiliation of fucking up a perfect moment with you burning unto his cheeks. What if he ends up being really bad at this, and you find him pathetic?
You notice the blush appearing on his face. 
“I won’t want you to stop, trust me,” your giggle makes his lips curl up into a smile. 
You drape your leg over his hips, straddling him, and he slides his hand up your thigh again. He wants to squeeze the plushness of your ass so badly.
“I promise, I’ll say something if I need to. But you have to promise you’ll tell me if you don’t like something, alright?” 
Rei nods quickly and hums. “Mmmhmm.”
And with that, he grabs your ass tightly, kneading his fingers at a steady pace. You both continue kissing and groping on the tiny bed, Rei letting you suck and kiss his neck while sliding his thigh between yours. The pressure of his jean-clad leg against your core makes you whimper, grinding down on him. 
Eventually, the pulling and grinding of each other makes your dress slip down, exposing your breasts just barely. Rei sees your nipples peeking from the top, and he dips his head down to kiss them. He licks at the pebbled skin, kissing around the sensitive nub. The sensation has you panting, soft moans escaping your mouth, making his cock twitch in his tight jeans. Rei sucks one of them between his lips gently and you grab a handful of his hair. 
He pulls your dress down more and cups both of your tits, massaging them sweetly. He loves how soft you feel in his hands, and how you whimper each time he licks them. He isn’t thinking about how bad he might be at this anymore. All he can think of is how he’s making you feel good, and that makes his cock even harder. 
He snaps out of his trance when he hears your voice, worried he overstepped. He looks up at you.
“Take your shirt off,” 
You both lean upright in bed and he quickly throws the blue hoodie off then begins pulling his old gaming T-shirt up over his head. He struggles a little, getting his arms caught awkwardly and you help him lift it off completely. Your laugh puts him at ease, a little smile appearing on his face just before he cups your face for another kiss. 
The tent in his jeans is so glaringly obvious as he sits on his knees while kissing, hands trailing down to hold your tits again. It keeps poking between your legs each time he moves, and soon you realize he’s rutting his hips instinctively against you. 
You pull him back down into the bed, kissing his scarred chest. Your lips lead all the way down to his belly button, his happy trail appearing just beneath his waistband. Rei’s breath hitches in his throat as you kiss along his waist, gently planting your lips across his skin. The warmth of your breath so close to his cock has him inhaling deeply. His needy breaths make your core ache even more, the slickness soaking your panties thoroughly. 
You lean back while straddling him and pull your dress over the top of your head. Rei’s eyes trail down your body and land on your panties. They’re so sheer, letting him see your bush. His heart starts to race faster. There’s a small gossamer strand connected between your thighs, glistening in the sunlight. 
“Do you want to take these off?” you drag your hand along his jeans as he nods, his own hands working to undo the stubborn button at his waist. 
At the foot of the bed, you help shimmy his jeans down while he lifts his hips up, thinking maybe you’ll leave his boxers on for now, and keep easing into the moment with him. But Rei hooks his thumbs under the waistband and pulls them down too, letting his cock spring out of its confines. 
You don’t shy away from the sight and take the time to admire him: his girth is perfect, laying against his abdomen, thick and hard. There’s a sheen on the tip of his cock, so shiny with his arousal. 
Rei watches you stare at his cock, wondering what you could be thinking. A blush appears on his cheeks again, spreading to his ears. You slide your hands up his thighs, feeling how muscular he is, and how soft his leg hairs are. Standing back at the foot of the bed still, you tell him how good he looks. 
“You look so sexy like this,” your voice laced with a playful lust. 
He scoots closer to the edge of the bed towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses your tummy, thinking about how beautiful you are and how he can’t believe he gets to touch you. 
“You're the sexy one, I can't believe you’re with me right now,” he says
As you run your fingers through his hair, he lifts his head and rests his chin on your stomach. His fingers start to slide under the strings of your panties. You help him, placing your hand over his as he pulls the lingerie down to your thighs. Your slick is sticky, clinging to the fabric as Rei watches. 
You’re both completely naked now. Rei runs his hands up your legs, the curves of your ass, and up your sides, admiring you. 
“Lay back down again,” you tell him. 
Reluctantly letting you go, he scoots back and lays his head against the pillows. You crawl between his legs, pushing his thighs wider so you can nestle between them. Rei’s thoughts begin swirling in his head rapidly. Your face is inches from his cock, and it can’t help but pulse at the sight of your pretty face so close to it. He might cum right there. 
“This will feel really good, if you’ll let me,” you say, your breath fanning across his erection. 
You rest your cheek against his thigh.
“Can I touch it?”
“Yes,” his reply is husky, filled with anticipation of what’s to come. 
Still resting your head, you take his cock in your hand, squeezing it gently as you slide your fingers up his shaft. You can feel him pulsing under your touch. 
“Just relax, we have plenty of time,” you coo at him. Rei closes his eyes, bringing the back of his hand to his forehead. Maybe if he keeps his eyes closed, he can settle down. Seeing you stroking him between his legs, feeling your hair draped across his thigh is pushing him over the edge. He doesn’t want to finish too soon, especially since he hasn’t gotten to please you yet. 
Lazily you stroke him, watching your fingers glide across the velvety skin of his cock, squeezing the tip to coax his precum out. Your index finger toys with the slit of his cockhead, spreading his arousal languidly. Rei moans softly and opens his eyes again to gaze at you. Smiling, you press your lips against his shaft and kiss him sweetly. 
“Does this feel good to you?” 
“Yes it does, it feels so damn good.” 
You press his cock against your lips again, kissing and licking up from the base. At the tip, you take him into your mouth. Rei’s stomach flexes, and the sensation of your wet mouth on him makes his eyes glaze over. He’d imagined so many scenarios of this exact moment before, but nothing could compare to the actual feeling. The soft but firmness of your tongue encircling his cock. Or the sounds you make as you hold him in your mouth. Or the look in your eyes each time you gaze up at him. The thought of how willing you were to please him made his chest burn with desire and happiness. 
Rei’s hands make their way to your face and brush the few strands back that keep falling. He can feel your chin pressing against his balls with each bob of your head, and the swirl of your tongue around his shaft. Rei’s mouth falls open as he gapes at your mouth, full of his cock. 
“Wait—wait, slow down,” Rei brings your face off of him, your lips swollen and glistening. Something takes hold of him and he pulls you closer, kissing you deeply. He tastes the mixture of your tongue and himself, sweet and salty. It leaves him feeling dazed and pulls you to this side, slipping his hand down between your legs. He traces his fingers across your lips, spreading your slickness. Rei feels the urge to spread your lips apart and plunge his fingers into you. He knows this is something you’d probably like, but he hesitates. He presses his forehead to your temple, his breathing somewhat steady again:
“I wanna finger you,” he says slowly just before pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth. You giggle. 
“Go ahead, I want you to.”
You place your hand over his own, atop your pussy, urging him to rub his fingers up and down your slick. Rei’s eyes dart down to watch, lips parted as he tries not to pant. You push one of his fingers down between your lips, and he can feel how much more wet you are at your entrance. 
Rei works his finger into you, slowly, feeling the inside of your gummy walls. He slides it in and out curiously, listening to the sounds of your slick and the whimpers escaping your mouth. You’re so warm and wet…and slippery. His finger slips in effortlessly with each stroke. His mind wanders to how his cock would feel sliding into you, making it twitch against your thigh. Your hips buck into his hand at one particular swipe of his finger, hitting your spot just right. 
“Does it feel good right there?” he asks breathily against your face. You whimper and nod, spreading your legs wider. Rei presses his palm down firmly to your clit and you sigh. 
“Put another in, please,” you plead to him. Your skin feels so hot and sweat collects across your brow. His long, slender fingers seem to reach perfectly inside you. Rei does as you ask and slips his middle finger in. He shoves his face into your neck more and nips at your sensitive skin while curling his fingers inside you. Your moans become repetitive, telling him how good he’s doing. Rei’s hand works a bit faster, matching the speed of your moans. He wants you to cum so bad for him. 
“Oh fuck, that feels so good–” you mewl. You slip your hand down to your pussy and begin rubbing tight circles on your clit. Rei looks down to watch, noticing your movements, trying to mentally take note. 
“Go faster,” you tell him. Rei pumps his fingers in rapidly, but the angle of his wrist begins to hurt. He leans up beside you where he can thrust faster. He can feel your pussy tightening around his fingers, watching his ministrations, hand glistening from your slick. 
You can feel a wave building up inside your core as Rei finger-fucks you for the first time. You're amazed at how quickly he caught on to what he was doing; how he watches you intently with each buck of your hips and tightening of your pussy. As he leans over your side you admire his lean arms as the muscles contract, the many scars scattered across his back, and the tiny moles dispersed along his back and hips. You're enamored by him. 
“Mmmph–Im gonna cum,” your voice cracks as your orgasm approaches fast. Before another word can escape, you shake uncontrollably as it hits you. Rei watches how you shake; the way your skin ripples and hips gyrate upwards in awe. With his fingers still inside you, he feels you spasming, sucking them in further. Grabbing his arm tightly, you cling to him, digging your fingers into his skin. 
“Come here,” 
Rei climbs on top, careful not to put his entire weight on you. You reach down to his cock, still so hard and flushed a darker hue than the rest of his skin. You give him a few pumps before he reaches down too, dragging it across your still-sensitive bud. 
“I want to fuck you so bad, can I?” he whispers.
You nod, and he begins pressing his cock against your folds, sliding between them and searching for your hole. He struggles, pushing in at awkward angles, and you caress his arms reassuringly. Rei’s blush appears again and he stutters. 
“M’sorry, I–”
“Here, it's okay,” 
You grab his cock and guide it, sliding it down until it catches your entrance. Smiling, you grab his face and as he pushes in gradually. 
“You can move fast if you want, I like it,” you tell him between kisses. Rei sheaths himself completely in and you clench around him. You nip at his lips a little harder, trying to encourage him to let go of his inhibitions. He’s lost in the feeling of your tight pussy, feeling so connected to you, cradled inside. Below him, you're lost in ecstasy; so open to him, pleading with your eyes with parted lips. His hips begin rutting into yours instinctively.
You pull him down on top, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. Rei gives in, letting his full weight lay across you as your legs wrap around his hips, too. He doesn’t know he lasted this long up until this moment, but he’s never been more thankful. 
The sun has set more by this time and the rays shining into the room are a deep orange. The room is filled with the sound of the creaking bed mixed with your moans. Rei’s panting picks up more; deep and gravelly, occasionally cracking from how good it feels to fuck you. He can't stop kissing you; always pressing his mouth to yours between his heavy breathing. 
He can feel a tightening in his core, steadily rising as he continues thrusting deeply. He’s losing his composure, wrapping his arm around your head to hold you in place. The chanting of your voice, begging him to keep fucking  you rings in his ears. 
Before he can get the words out, he’s cumming in you, hard. His cock pulses as his hips rut erratically.
“Oh fffuck, fuck,” he whines into the pillow, still holding you tightly. 
You hold him close still, keeping him inside you. His bangs are stuck to his forehead and the nape of his neck is drenched from his sweat, too. You kiss him, a few pecks to his panting mouth and he chuckles. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. A silly question at this point you think,  but endearing. You laugh while nodding.
You both lay in the messy bed together, trailing your hands across his chest, caressing his face as his eyes start to show that familiar sleepy look. 
“That felt amazing…you felt amazing,” he says, breaking the silence. Grinning, you lay your head on his shoulder and he drapes his arm over yours. 
“Good. I wanted this moment to be perfect for you.”
Rei pauses.
“Do you think I was good at it?”
You laugh by accident, snorting through your nose and Rei gives you a perplexed look. 
“Um yes, I’m gonna say you were really damn good. I don’t think I can go very long without you now…”
Your hand snakes down his abdomen and playfully cups his balls, making him jolt. You both giggle at each other just before Rei kisses you deeply and pulls you on top of him. 
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luffyvace · 6 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
Tumblr media
Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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