#then turned it up x1000 in 4
esmeralda-juniper · 1 year
the more i play the first game the more i'm over 4's over reliance on the whole 50's retrofuturism being shoved down my throat
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ghoulodont · 5 months
ok i want to make just one post about my thoughts & intentions from my latest fic. based on the tags/comments you all left it seems that overall everyone understood me. but theres one additional piece that i think i didnt represent well because its confusing, and that maybe would be hard to pick up on anyway because, again, its confusing.
i think dew is both aware and in denial in a way that might seem contradictory. he claims to know something is wrong, and that he knows it more than anyone else, but he rejects rains urging for him to actually address the problem. i suppose you could read it as him being deceptive in some way but i wanted him to be very very honest. he is genuinely struggling to wrap his head around these seemingly contradictory thoughts.
my intention was for this to parallel what i perceive to be an inherently contradictory aspect of psychosis. because what youre experiencing feels real to you, it sort of feels normal. it feels like something happening outside you. compare it to anxiety, for example -- both can be distressing experiences out of your control but anxiety is something that happens inside you (perhaps in reaction to external events, but the anxiety itself is yours), while psychosis, generally speaking, feels like it belongs to the outside world. in reality its an experience that isnt shared by others but it really feels like it is, or that it could be. maybe this is sort of obvious based on the definition of psychosis but i feel like just considering the definition doesnt quite do it justice.
and because it feels like it belongs to the outside world it can be challenging to confidently distinguish between things that are real to everyone and things that are real only to you. some external reality checking logic needs to be applied. again, maybe this is obvious. i guess what i really am trying to lead up to is how in this dichotomy between sensory experience and logic, its so hard to not believe your sensory experience, in a sort of lizard brain screaming at you way. it just makes so much more sense if your experience matches reality than to jump through a bunch of hoops reminding yourself why it doesnt. occams razor says you dont have schizophrenia.
this experience, which at its extreme would mean being unable to tell that you're unwell, is considered a core dimension of schizophrenia. people who get really medical and scientific with it will say its because of something happening in the brain (isnt everything?) but i think what i described above fully explains it. its confusing, so it makes sense to be confused.
honestly i think this adds to the conflict, that providers can be very quick to doubt your description of your own experience because they try to correct for this "blindness". its dehumanizing to be viewed this way. i really think it makes everything worse by playing into the "split" between ones thoughts and reality. i find myself not wanting to share things if i know im going to be argued with, and then by pulling away im losing one more point of contact with the outside world.
but besides all that i do think for dew theres an aspect of just plain denial & avoidance as well. a good 20% of the original blur turns to haze fic was about how miserable it is to take antipsychotics but it was mostly focused on the side effects. in my experience even once you find one where the side effects are tolerable its still unpleasant. in the same way antidepressants might cause you to feel somewhat emotionally blunted antipsychotics are like that x1000. they really do feel like a drug you give someone to make them shut up. maybe thats just me.
anyway, this is something i want to focus on in chapter 4 of you will die again...... which i am totally working on. i would be curious to know if this aligns with how you read the fic or not but no pressure of course
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01zfan · 4 months
My top 5 fics are
1. Argue with you series (had to but if I had to do only one…pt3)
2. Hello Anton (cute toothrotting fluffy sexy brainrot hot sex with dom Anton and cute reader what is there not to love)
3. Should have told you (I think it’s what it’s called? But it’s the Anton Fwb fic and honestly fwb to lovers is my favourite )
4. Necklace (iconic and it got me finding out ur blog tbh I loved everything abt it plus the fwb to lovers concept)
4. Paint you (can’t chose between this and necklace tbh but honestly it was so erotic and sexy and the visual using Anton like as one of those Greek god statues or like the god paintings rlly just made it x1000 sexier i think it was one of the most erotic and sexy pieces you wrote the smut was top notch )
5. Anything 4 u (god I love boyfriend sungchan)
necklace is fr how so many people found out about this account! i got so many comments on it too i was so shocked bc it was a quick little thing i whipped up. and also i'm glad u recognize the eroticism with paint you because while i was writing the sex scenes i was like DAMN WHAT AM I DOING RN!! but it turned out really well i'm glad you like it! also i'm gonna guess you are an anton stan LMFAOOOOO
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theoneandonlyelonmusk · 10 months
People who don’t get the omega desantis meme let me badly explain.
1. Omegaverse is about shifting sexism to the male characters that would never have to live thru those type of micro aggressions otherwise but turn it up a notch. Like if the world is lv.1 sexist then make it lv.99 but toward omega
2. Then the author cope via one (or more)of the Big Felling inducing chemicals: Big Horny, Big Sad or Big Funny (my fav and kinda the only omegaverse I read tbh)
(Bad things from reality) amplified to x1000 - (good brain chemical from one of the Big Feeling) = catharisme and feeling better about the shitty world around you cause it could be worse. You could be leaking lube out of ur ass every month or so
3. Then we have a Real Person with bigoted views that could impact the real world and idk bring lv. 1 to lv.3 and that would be bad. This is stressful. So you could cope by:
4. Making a Joke or a meme about Ron desantis on heat suppressant (<-Big Funny is being used here. This is called political satire. A genes of comedy)
Is it sexual harassment to joke about a real person fictional needs for a fictional period pad or them taking fictional birth control? I think it’s up to your interpretation.
Personally I think that if female politicians can cope with people making fun of their own Real estrous cycle while male politicians do nothings about it or step in the joke then a little omegan man from Florida should learn to cope idk. Bring equal opportunity sexist jokes into politics. Joke about forcing pro life male politicians to carry male pregnancy if they like it so much etc etc
Political satire doesn’t have to be tasteful. It just have to be takes so wild you won’t be accused of public defamation
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joy2paris · 1 year
One week so far in Paris...
Wow, I cannot believe it has been a week already.
I find it a little difficult to navigate how to do these blog posts - I want to share everything, but then it becomes more of a diary as opposed to something others are intended to read.
My mum was with me for 4 nights which really helped me settle in. We were in a hotel in the 13th arrondissement and going to Grenoble to visit my friend in the summer really gave me the confidence to order in French!
Spent the beginning just sorting out admin stuff, like getting a french phone number, bank account, travel passes etc (still needs to be sorted because there is YET again, more admin issues).
This is a random idea, but when I properly move into my studio and get into a routine, I would love to draft up perhaps new sketches for these French websites.
I am not going to lie, with the level of nerves I felt before coming, I have been coping way better than I thought I would. In fact, it is not even a coping type thing. I feel really calm and proud of myself? I really thought I would be feeling really emotional and strange. Perhaps that is to come, as it is still early days haha. I am just excited because I am already witnessing much more compassion with myself, as well as having that, "it is what it is mentality", accepting things for what they are and allowing myself to laugh at my mistakes and not take things personally.
On the Thursday, there was an Erasmus Bar night thing which I decided to brave and go alone. In the end, it had been cancelled and I only found out once I was there. Past me would probably have been bummed and felt like, of course that happened to me, and perhaps even embarrassed. But I walked away from there with a smile on my face because I had taken that step! Just the act of doing that was encouraging. The day after I braved another Rugby night event thing alone. It was a bit difficult at first because I was late and people were already in groups. I spoke to these two lovely girls, who ended up being Erasmus volunteers LOOL. So, essentially their role was to be lovely. I felt a bit disheartened by this and was considering leaving. But then a German girl came down alone too and we got chatting! Relating to people on stuff is always a nice feeling - we spoke about the stresses of trying to find housing in Paris and the other hurdles we have to over come. Then, a volunteer let us know there were some other Germans at this event, so she went to speak to them. I asked for her socials and will be nice to meet with her at some point - then I left. I felt a slight wave of sadness but nothing major.
Progress is not linear, however I do feel like I can see myself becoming better at observing my feelings rather than submitting to them wholeheartedly. Like, feeling a slight wave of one emotion and then turning it up x1000 in my brain so that it becomes overwhelming. And also, just learning to deep everything that concerns the situation. Such as, remembering I have been here for such a little amount of time.
The following day was the meeting at my university. There were so many people outside and I got speaking to the sweetest Spanish girl. She was really friendly and had a good energy about her. A group of guys behind us were also Spanish so they got chatting. We got into the meeting and it was a general introduction type session. It's kind of funny - because everyone hammered into me that French people are "rude", it means that I expect that, and most I have come across have been nothing but sweet and helpful. I believe it is just a kind of, no-nonsense bluntness that also comes because of translating. e.g. they are not native English so it can come across ruder.
Went for cocktails with the Spanish people I met in a really fancy room. It was really giving Parisian with its high ceilings and beautiful balcony. I love the architecture here so much. I've realised I am a lot more interested in that than I think, buildings really stand out to me.
The champagne was open bar and canapes are never really filling, and we all decided to go out to a pub type place after so I was really feeling it haha. I think this event was actually for the university I was originally supposed to attend, but they are quite connected I believe? Especially with all of the socialising so there was a lot of exhaustion in the mix. Already, I have learned so much and realised so much. Being from England comes with massive amounts of privilege, especially language wise. The fact that everyone can speak competent English, and that is universal is so wild. I also got to hear more about Spanish politics; I love that coming to quite an esteemed academic place means that those are the kind of conversations that crop up so early on haha. Also semi means there is a sense of maturity from the guys? Unless most UK guys are just very....immature etc. I don't want to bash them as I usually do, but yeah so far I already feel like I have come across European guys here who can uphold intellectually stimulating conversations but also see you as a human before seeing you for your gender?
One thing that is kind of funny though, is that being British, and specifically London, means I got a lot of questions based on the kind of stereotypes that circulate. I got asked if I was "from the ends" and if it is "dangerous" where I am, what I think of Northern Ireland and the referendum, my opinion of King Charles etc. Spoke about Morocco too as one guy was from there and about my experience when I went. I really do enjoy speaking to new people, but ESPECIALLY people that have a good energy about them. I feel that is something I can tell pretty early on. Equally, I can tell when someone is not the kind of person I enjoy having conversations with, or the way they interact with other people etc - it speaks volumes to me.
I felt so drained after that meet up and half napped when I got back to the hotel. Will do a new post for what else has happened!
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alyjojo · 2 years
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The Person On Your Mind in February ❤️‍🔥 2023 - Aries
Whole of their energy towards Aries: Ace of Wands
Aw, they love you 🥹 Definitely someone from your past, they still think you’re fine af and they want to get to the fun stuff 👅 , but that’s not all they’re about either. They want to tell you their feelings too, which comes out as 2 Cups. Loves you. Passion & romance both.
Feelings: 6 Cups
They’re feeling very nostalgic about you, sitting around thinking of the good old days and the clearly stupid things you used to fight about. Literally, stupid fights, Fool rev. One of you could’ve been super egotistical and all about themselves, probably you, being King of Wands. Could also be talking about a Leo. They have regrets about whatever caused drama between you in the first place.
Intentions: 9 Swords
Worry about it, stress, think about you non stop until they drive themselves crazy. They’re heartbroken, they feel like they need you, nothings been the same since you’ve been gone, if you’re gone, they’ll never find another love…all of those sorts of emotions. All you’d have to do is snap your fingers and this person would come running. Idk how you’re feeling about that but if you want them then there you go.
Actions: 4 Pentacles
Not letting you go. Not saying anything, not stalking you, so that’s good, but they can’t let you go either. They seem to know they should, something about this needs to be released, they tell themselves that. But they can’t, and they don’t, you’ve got this person on lock. If you want them. Messages seem like you do.
Their side:
- You mean the world to me!
- You make me so HOT 🥵
Your side:
- Obsessed with YOU 😍
- Mama’s Boy/Daddy’s Girl
Possible signs:
Libra, Capricorn & Leo
If you’re dealing with:
2 Swords & 10 Pentacles could show you’re unsure about the stability of people in your life, or whether they bring stability to your life. You could be doing a big friend review in February, ready to cut some people out if they’re too much drama for you.
Aries - your happiness is a burden on them, or they’re happy a heavy burden is over with
Taurus - moving slowly towards making a decision because they don’t want to make the wrong one, a very practical person
Gemini - thinks about you a lot, how things used to be, and wants to make a comeback, could be this person
Cancer - could have recently given up some addictions, like drinking or drugs, they’re focused on letting the toxic shit go
Leo - has put a lot of work into creating something for themselves, waiting to see how that’s turning out
Virgo - probably egotistical, feels like they’ve won and “beaten” the competition…you?
Libra - very sad you’re not speaking to them, or something is making them sad and they feel there’s nothing they can do about it
Scorpio - stalks you but says nothing, a creeper 👀
Sagittarius - wants another chance, feels like you abandoned them, or they need money
Capricorn - very happy with you, loves you, they might not show it much but they do
Aquarius - wants romance with you, could be asking you out on a date, a new relationship is possible with them
Pisces - stressed x1000 & can’t sleep because they don’t want this to end
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scarletooyoroi · 3 years
I release heavy artillery: 4, 12, 13, 16, 39!
12. what do you think about AUs? 
Okay interestingly enough everyone around me is like x1000 times better in the AU sphere in general. bxdfgdfg I for the life of me, am atrocious of coming up with them on my own, unless the concepts are really easy to go and blend into and I can see that for my respective characters. (Sometimes for the meme is good too.) Whenever I pick a character for a series, generally it’s because I hold a high interest in both the muse and the world that they stem from. So 9 times outta 10 I’m usually trying to find in universe plots to go and utilize with people from that said series.
Modern AUs are probably like the easiest ones I can align up into and give a spin. You for one would know that Ino. 8[
As for AU life in general? It’s a grand concept, I love seeing how people can spin these familiar muses into all sorts of interesting positions. ...Though now that I think about it, in-universe AUs of people in certain positions/walks of life I could be doing a lot easier... Food for thought!
13. what do you think about OCs?
Literally give me all of them. I’ve seen a real creative set from the GenPact line during my stay here! So I’d love to see how people can spin up some fun stories for them, and on top of that, I’d love to give them a heaping, helping dose of Thoma here to see how that plays on out. People while loving canon concepts are still wanting to sprinkle a touch of their own ingenuity into the mix, that there is some backbone I can always go and respect at large. That also goes for people who makes the crossover verses too!
16. what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together? 
See now this one has always been tricky but always extremely simple. LOL. For me, my best ways is to get our muses interacting a spark. Whether it’s an open, meme or crack, then beyond that just take it from there. I have a thing where I like to see how my writing style meshes alongside of my RP partners to just see how it pans out in the long run. If we can let our muses have fun, then I in turn, can always bring some fun things to the table to talk about.
So I guess I need something a little forward? That’s just to get the ball rolling so to speak. That said I also don’t mind if people aren’t really big on talking but just like slide on here and RP. If we can cook up stories together, I don’t mind keeping the position where it’s like semi-professional with a touch friendly, where we just get together for the hobby itself. That said! One thing in general I always be looking for in general in the RP sphere is people with some good passion with their characters. (LIKE YOU. U AND UR AMAZING VENTI.) It makes me just go heart eyes and makes me wanna see a serenade of al their big brain thoughts.
39. what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
Ino, my homie, my racoon from another trash can. Consider this one a work in progress cause I’m still trying to line out the right song for him. Gotta dabble a bit more to find that right piece that balance between a gentle nature with a fighting spirit!
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
101 Greek Mythology head-canons that have little to nothing to do with the “canon”
(These headcanons merely involve my own interpretation of G.M. and the way it’s depicted in my story. It’s okay, if you don’t like them, but please do refrain from nagging into my ears about it, because these are headcanons!)
1. Ares is both Zeus’ oldest and his only legitimate son (Hephaistos is Hera’s son alone, so he doesn’t count). Sometimes he rubs it into his half-siblings’ faces out of spite. The only ones excluded are the Horai (Eunomia, Dike and Eirene) and Athena, because they're (kind of) older and have been born (or conceived) in wedlock.
2. Ares and Zeus have kind of a parental love-hate relationship. Because ... well, it’s Zeus.
3. Athena has a bitter rivalry with both Ares and Poseidon going on. But they do get along sometimes.
4. The Kronides (Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus) have a feeling of reverence towards Athena’s mother Metis. It’s one of the reasons why she’s Zeus’ favourite child.
5. I went with Hesiod’s Theogony on their family tree, so Aphrodite is the sole daughter of the sky Ouranos (or more specifically of his privy parts). That makes her the half-sister of the Titanes and aunt to the 1st-generation-Olympians. Thus she’s the oldest member of the Olympian Twelve (the Dodekatheoi).
6. Aphrodite dresses in pink or red most of the time, but her favourite colour is actually blue. Only Ares, Hephaistos and Athena know this.
7. Every time a god/dess is born, the Moirai (the Fates) and the Protogenoi (primordial gods) come to attend the birth, determine their later life and tasks and grant them the powers required. Most of the Protogenoi typically attend births invisibly, so that only Zeus, Hades and Hekatê can see them.
8. Hera and Zeus have a cold love for each other. They’re still married, because he needs a queen and no one else wants to be. And Hera can watch over the family better this way.
9. Hera is in retirement from being a jealous psycho wife. Now she just gives hell to Zeus, as annoying him is fun, if you can get away with it. Nowadays she’s a bitch for other reasons.
10. Poseidon isn’t the wisest of the three brothers, but he often mediates between Hades and Zeus, when things get bad between them. Over time he has gotten really good at it.
11. The Olympians have three collective no-goes: violation of the laws of hospitality, family murder and cannibalism. For obvious reasons.
12. Hephaistos, Ares and Aphrodite have long moved on from the golden net incident. Hephaistos has divorced Aphrodite and remarried. The three have a platonic affection for each other and joke about the shipwreck that’s Hephaistos’ and Aphrodite’s failed marriage.
13. Aphrodite is secretly a badass. She also has a more of her father in her than anyone could imagine. She keeps it from everyone, because she’s too afraid of what Zeus might do, if he finds out. The only ones who have a hunch are Hephaistos, Ares and Athena.
14. Ares was actually supposed to become a god of vegetation and fertility, when he was born. But no thanks to a curse from Gaia, he got bound to become a god of war instead. He does have green fingers though and secretly likes gardening.
15. Aphrodite had no serious relationship with any other than Ares, but Adonis came pretty close. Ares killed the poor guy out of jealousy, which obviously made Aphrodite upset.
16. Metis still exists. She lives on inside Zeus’ subconsciousness and has born the prophesied son that is destined to surpass Zeus. But they can’t get out, because Zeus placed a seal on his mind, after Athena broke out of his head.
17. Demeter wasn’t actually upset about Persephone marrying Hades. She was angry that it happened without her consent; she’s Persephone’s mother after all. But since things have been cleared up, she gets along with Hades comparatively well.
18. If you make Hestia, Hebe or Harmonia upset, the Olympians will collectively hunt you down and fuck you up.
19. The Greek pantheon is in contact with other panthea. Zeus does most of the international politics.
20. Dionysos once wanted to make it rain wine during Athena’s birthday party. But he messed up the spell and it rained pineapples instead.
21. Ares is possessed by a demon. To be specific by Polemos, the personification and spirit of war itself. It’s one of the reasons why he’s so crazy, but he has learned to deal with it. To him, Polemos is mostly that annoying voice in his head. He can allow the Daimon to take over, but rarely does, because he doesn’t want anyone to know about him and because he fears, that Polemos might harm his loved ones.
22. Hephaistos likes to set people’s hair on fire, if they piss him off.
23. Hermes is a kleptomaniac. Nobody likes this.
24. Ares and Demeter had a one-night-stand once. Their offspring was two serpentine dragons and a warrior, because that’s how hardcore they are. Ares loved his monster babies and was very upset, when they got killed.
25. Hades and Persephone have one of the most functional marriages in the pantheon. Persephone is the boss.
26. Ares’ daughter Harmonia is the only goddess, who has given up her immortality for a mortal husband. She was cursed by Hephaistos, who wanted to get back at Aphrodite, and lived a miserable life, before she and her husband were turned into snakes (in my version it was Ares, who transformed them both). They were sent to the Elysion after finally passing on. Hades allows Ares and Aphrodite to visit their daughter from time to time.
27. Despite being brash and loud, Ares is one of the few gods, who actually get along with Hades. He earned a few points with the King of the Underworld by getting along famously with Kerberos and by increasing his number of subjects more quickly.
28. Artemis is asexual, but in a romantic relationship with Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth and oldest daughter of Hera. Hera only tolerates it for Elileithyia’s sake, as she and Artemis really dislike each other.
29. Apollon used to have a one-sided crush on his twin. It was nothing sexual (he takes her virginity very seriously), but more than brotherly. Artemis knows and was really freaked out at first, but forgave him after learning, that he didn’t want to get creepy. When Zeus found out, he helped him to get rid of that love, and his affection for Artemis returned to being healthy brotherly love.
30. Hermes and Dionysos once tried to prank Hephaistos. His wife Aglaia caught them. They never tried again afterwards.
31. Zeus' mental state alone can affect the atmosphere and weather. If he’s calm or composed, so is the weather. If he’s furious, it’s like a hurricane, even if he tries to keep his temper - the weather just gives away, what he’s feeling. Zeus finds this really damn annoying.
32. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades didn’t draw lots to get their domains. They didn’t even choose them. Their domains chose them.
33. The Protogenoi, aka the Primordials, are to the gods, what the gods are to the humans, although the gods don’t worship the Protogenoi. However, the gods respect some more than others. Like the gods, each Protogenos has epithets given to them by the gods.
34. Each race of deities (Protogenoi, Titanes, gods, Daimones, Nymphai, etc.), has their own language. Only a few of the gods are fluent in all of them. Especially the language of the Protogenoi is often hard to decipher.
35. Aphrodite really hates her father Ouranos. Then again, everyone does.
36. Each one of the Olympians has their own mental issues.
37. Hephaistos was born with one deformed leg, but otherwise would have been able to walk. But after falling off Olympos, his left leg was hopelessly damaged and he needed a crutch. Then Zeus threw him off the mountain in a fit and he’s needed a wheelchair ever since, as crashing into an island has left him paraplegic.
38. Dionysos often gets called “baby of the family”, as he’s the youngest Olympian by far. It irritates him a lot.
39. Persephone wasn’t kidnapped. She went into the underworld by herself, because she was sick of everything and wanted to be alone. And as the underworld is really huge, Hades only found her months later by accident. She stayed with him for a while, they fell for each other and got impulse-married. But when Hermes showed up and explained what was going on in the upperworld, Hades decided, that she had to go back at least for a while. They had a dispute with Demeter and Zeus, arrangements were made, they got officially married and ever since then Persephone spent half the year up and half the year down-under.
40. As the goddess of spring, Persephone brings it wherever she goes. So when she leaves the upperworld, she brings spring to the underworld. However, as the queen of the dead, she also has the tendency of taking the influence of the underworld to wherever she goes in the upperworld. Persephone tans easily and is therefore very dark, when she goes down to the underworld. But the lack of sunlight in the underworld makes her grow pale quickly. Then she goes back up and the cycle starts again.
41. Persephone wears her hair short, because she liked it on Ares, when they first met. When she found out, that mortal women had the custom of shearing their hair as a sign of mourning, she was like: Huh ... what a coincidence. Demeter needed a while to get used to her new hair style.
42. Ares remembers the birthdays of all of his (half-)siblings, even those he hates. It’s one of the few nice things he does for them.
43. Aphrodite usually appears to someone as the type of person they find most desirable (x1000). That applies to mortals and used to apply to the Olympians too, until Athena asked her to choose a fixed shape for the gods, because she and the other virgin goddesses couldn’t see her. Aphrodite found this hilarious, but complied.
44. Hephaistos once grew a beard, hoping he’d would look less boyish and less like his mother Hera, but shaved it off again, because he was sick of it catching fire and sparks.
45. Out of all marriages in the Greek pantheon, Zeus’ and Hera’s marriage is only the third most dysfunctional; it’s surpassed by that of Kronos and Rheia and that of Ouranos and Gaia. Most other divine couples have more or less functional relationships.
46. At some point Aphrodite asked Ares to marry her, but he only knew the disaster that is his parents’ marriage and refused.
47. Poseidon has a tendency to make sexist jokes. Athena finds it really unfunny (so do the other goddesses, but they’re not subject of his bad jokes often, so they grin and bear it). Ares also takes offense at sexist jokes, which pleasantly surprised Athena and Artemis, when they found out.
48. Literally every member of the Olympians is LGBTQ+ in some way (even Ares; he’s heterosexual, but demiromantic).
49. Aphrodite loves pinching Hephaistos’ cheeks. He finds this really annoying, but tolerates it, because resistance is futile.
50. Hekatê is powerful and knowledgeable even for a Titan. The Protogenoi blessed her even before she was born. The premature blessing, plus her father being the Titan of destruction caused a mutation. Her eyes are not on her face, but she has several dozens of them magically floating around her head, like an ever-shifting halo. She also ages throughout the night (she’s a child in the evening and an old woman in the morning) and regresses during the day.
61. It doesn’t matter how much at odds the Olympians are, they will stand up for each other and stick together, when push comes to shove.
62. Apart from the 3 top tier taboos (violation of hospitality, cannibalism & family murder), each Olympian has at least one thing they would never do. Be it because they have suffered it first hand or just because they think it’s wrong and it’s below their standards.
63. Zeus is an early bird. The only others on Olympos are Apollon, Ares and Hermes. The others are either night owls or just constantly sleep-deprived/hungover.
64. Ares has a twin sister named Enyo. She’s been banished from Olympos after the Gigantomakhia for remaining neutral instead of supporting her kin. She’s crashing at his home in Thrace and mostly accompanies him into battle, together with Eris.
65. If Hephaistos was able to stand up, he’d be as tall as Artemis (she’s the third tallest goddess).
66. Hera couldn’t handle Ares, when he was a baby and asked Eris to be his nurse. Eris agreed and became his nurse under the fake identity of Thero. A few years later , he was kidnapped by Titanes at the age of seven. Hera gave him back to Eris to protect him, appointing the goddess of strife to be Ares’ guardian. When he was ten, he heard, that he had now a little sister (Eileithyia) and wanted to go back to Olympos. By that time the war was over, so Eris allowed it.
67. Eris sees the bonds between people as golden strings. She carries a sickle on herself. To damage a bond, she grazes it with the sickle, to destroy it completely, she cuts it. The stronger the string, the harder it is to cut.
68. The duty of Harmonia (Eris’ opposite) is to repair the bonds Eris has cut or damaged. She performs that duty even in Elysion.
69. Hera and Aphrodite have one thing in common: They both look like Japanese horror movie ghosts, before their morning coffee. Zeus and Ares both make sure that it’s ready, when they get up. Zeus because his wife creeps him out like that, Ares because he loves his girlfriend.
70. The Moirai, or the Fates, are daughters of Nyx. Klotho (Spinner) has a childlike appearance, Lakhesis (Alotter) is a matron and Atropos (Inevitable) is an old hag. Atropos is mute and speaks sign language, while her sisters translate what she says. Klotho is paraplegic and wheelchair-bound. Lakhesis is the caretaker of both. They’re usually incorruptible and pitiless in doing their duty, but sometimes a god manages to elicit a favour from them (for a price, of course). The thread of life of each living being is a glowing string coming from Klotho’s white hair. A mortal’s life thread is white, a semi-divine thread is silvery, a divine thread is golden.
71. Zeus never really cheated fate, when he absorbed Metis. He’s fully aware, that one day his reign will end and has everything planned out. He simply doesn’t want to step down just yet. Not even he can go against the Moirai and they never spared him his fate - they only accommodated him by giving him more time.
72. Only the Protogenoi have the power to really alter someone else’s fate, but it comes at a hefty price. For example, Gaia changed the fate of Ares, when she sealed Polemos inside of him and cursed him to become the destructive god of terrible war. This led to the child being captured and tortured by Kronos, who hoped to make the personification of war bend to his will (because he’s evil!). The irate Moirai retaliated by granting the original Olympians and their allies a devastating victory over Kronos and sentenced him and his allies to everlasting torment in Tartaros.
73. The Titanomakhia lasted for ten Olympian years, which by mortal standards is a century. By the time it began, Zeus was already married to Metis, so his siblings got to meet both of their saviors. But when he found out that she was pregnant, he panicked and absorbed her. Shortly after the war began, he married Thémis, the Titanis of divine justice and heavenly order, who had joined his side immediately. Together they had the Horai, but broke up, when she learned of Metis’ fate (i.e. Thémis got outta there, while she still could). Afterwards Zeus married Hera, so their first child Ares was born a few mortal decades before the end of the war.
74. Zeus and Hera are a complicated set of parents: one day they don’t give a crap about their children and the next day they would tear the universe apart to keep them save. The feeling is mutual.
75. Apollon isn’t actually that unlucky in love. His failed attempts at romance are just more well-known.
76. Ares is actually quite intelligent. The problem is, that he’s extremely emotional and volatile, has no impulse control and is really hostile as a result of his unpopularity and the things he has gone through.
77. The four virgin goddesses (Athena, Artemis, Hestia and Hekatê) are all asexual, but Athena and Artemis are demiromantic, while Hestia and Hekatê are aromantic.
78. Although Athena is demiromantic, she has never been in love as in she has never formed an emotional attachment other than Storge (familiar love) or Philia (deep friendship). She would, however be capable of Agape (unconditional, selfless love) or Pragma (enduring, grounded love). What she isn’t capable of is Eros (passionate, physical love), Ludus (playful love) and Mania (obsessive love).
88. The incident with Medusa getting raped by Poseidon inside Athena’s temple never happened. I went with the version in Hesiod’s Theogony: Medusa was a Gorgon from birth and together with her sisters a daughter of Phorkys and Keto, two ancient marine deities. She was the only mortal Gorgon, probably because of a mutation. Her affair with Poseidon was consensual. The rape account is a late one and comes from Ovid, a Roman writer, who wrote his Metamorphoses as a jab against the authorities (the Metamorphoses portrait all mortals as hapless victims and the gods as bigger dicks than the Greeks themselves saw their gods).
89. Most of the gods have lived for ten thousands of years. So even though to us it looks like they have one tryst after another, for them there can be centuries between each affair and the next. Of course, a century is almost nothing to them, but you get the idea.
90. The Olympians are very hypocritical. Nothing new here.
91. Hermes is closer to humans than all of the other Olympians. He is also the fondest of them.
92. Ares on the other hand is extremely misanthropic. Which is unsurprising, because he presides over the darker aspects of war and gets to see the worst side of humanity all the time. He considers it a kindness to make them kill each other.
93. Since Ares is Zeus’ only legitimate son and therefore his heir, he has to perform a lot of duties outside of his function as god of terrible war. The duty he hates most is going through his father’s mail, because nobody likes paper stuff. The upside is the confidential information he gets out of it. The other gods are unaware, how much he knows about his father or how much Zeus actually trusts his son with.
94. Zeus threatens his family to send them to Tartaros every time they piss him off too much. But he would never actually do it, because that would mean locking them up together with the defeated Titanes. And despite everything, he loves his family too much to do this and he hasn’t forgot, what they did to his son.
95. Though he has no qualms doing this with his demigod children, if they murder their sons and serve them to the gods for dinner (you know who I mean), or with trouble-makers, who kill their guests and capture Death itself, or people who harass his wife and children.
96. Aphrodite is fiercely protective of her boyfriend and children.
97. Once Aphrodite and Athena had a yelling contest. It was so terrifying, that the others (except for Zeus, who does this with Hera all the time) hid under the table and huddled together in fear. The two women only stopped screaming at each other, when Zeus told them to calm down.
98. Persephone and Hades have no children, mostly because she only likes children, if they’re dead (because they’re quiet). The only reason she agreed to raise Adonis together with Hades was that she doesn’t trust Aphrodite as far as she can throw her.
99. The scythe Demeter uses to reap her corn is the very same one Kronos used to castrate Ouranos. But the only thing that would prompt Demeter to use it as a weapon is, if her family was threatened (like in the Gigantomakhia).
100. Hera and Herakles buried their strife years before Herakles’ deification; when he helped the gods against the Gigantes and saved her from being assaulted by one of them. This is why she agreed to let him marry her daughter Hebe, after he became a god himself.
101. There is one deity the gods hold more sacred than all the others: Kháos, the Primordial Mist. Ze is the most hallowed of the Protogenoi, the Void that predates creation itself. Zir presence is felt in the invisible air we breathe and seen in the gloom of fog and mist. Ze is the atmosphere encircling the earth.
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kaylynn-langerak · 4 years
I think my internet might be fixed! Like actually fixed! It’s been shit for the past like 4 months, and we’ve had three techs come out in the past month. The first one was like “you’re too far from the box, so I dropped your speed down to half, that should fix it.”. Which didn’t fix my stability issues at all, and also made it slower. We never even had issues with the speed, it would just randomly stop working, sometimes multiple times in a span of 5 minutes, rendering it pretty much unusable. But the speed was fine, when it was actually working.
The next guy’s truck apparently exploded on the way to my house? (Don’t worry, dude is fine.) But the guy they sent in his stead said the same thing, that we’re “too far from the box” and told us to get a “hot spot”. We’ve had this internet for 3+ years by the way, so it makes no sense to me that we weren’t “too far” for 3 years, but all of a sudden supposedly are?
Today the third tech arrived, and he was awesome! He actually listened when I described what was going on, answered my questions, and when he didn’t know an answer he admitted that he didn’t know, which was something I noticed the previous two techs never did. He actually went around with his devices and tested more than just the little box on the side of my house. He drove up and down the road and tested things there. And when I explained that I have a mini weather station in the back yard that allows me to track the wind speed in real time, and that I’ve noticed a correlation with wind speed spikes and shat out interwebs, he actually fucking listened! It turns out the line coming in from the pole was barely hanging and broke in half when he touched it. So he replaced that section and rerouted it so that the tree would no longer be pulling on it.
We’ll see if it shits out again, but I really think he found the problem. Now I just have to call and get my speed put back up where it was because I’ve noticed that watching someone stream who isn’t on my landmass is extremely laggy and barely watchable. It’s buffery in all streams, but it seems the further I am from the streamer, geographically speaking, the worse it is.
Whoops, that became an essay! 
So yeah, Thank You x1000 to Rick @ AT&T!
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robronfic · 5 years
Could you pls do a Big Bang fics round up of sorts? Would be so helpful to find them all in one place. Thanks
swings & roundabouts by dvs/@dvswraatins
summary: “life can be unfair, robert. that’s just life though, innit?” aaron said, matter-of-fact, a kind smile on his face. “but…sometimes it can be good too. it can give you things you weren’t even looking for.” 32k. 
[a wonderful and joyous and absolutely brilliant story that will make you feel so much love your heart may be in danger of bursting! you will fall in love with robert and aaron all over again, and twice as hard - oh - and you will adore the very alive sarah! a fic for a rainy day.] 
serve me your black hand by littlelooneyluna/@littlelooneyluna
summary: after a failed attempt at his life by a very much not dead client, hit-man robert sugden is given an uncertified bodyguard to protect him on the job. 37k. 
[you’re not ready for this fic. you’re just not. it’s intense and angsty and compelling and completely worth losing sleep and shedding tears over. but it’s also soft and delicate and loving and everything robron are - i mean, what’s not to love?] 
breath of ember by some_mad_lunge/@some-mad-lunge
summary: in a society where you are defined by your element, aaron dingle has been marked by the rarest of them all: fire. still, he has built a contented life for himself even as he wages a war with the flame within him. that is until robert sugden, a mysterious air, blows into his life and binds them in an attachment unlike anything anyone could have expected.
and like nothing aaron could have ever prepared for. 19k. 
[i’m quite literally still speechless from this fic so finding the words to explain my love for it is proving difficult. but, just…. wow! what a brilliant and unique story! reading this will make you feel like you are aaron and robert and their emotions are yours - that’s how well their feelings are portrayed. just… make sure you have tissues at the ready, okay?] 
aftershocks by illgetmerope/@illgetmerope
summary: aaron is a mutant working undercover for the sugden family as robert’s bodyguard. jack sugden is writing the bill that will inform how the world responds to mutants, and robert is the resistance’s only hope. can aaron convince him to help the cause? 68k.
[an utterly wonderful and unique fic that will make you feel all the emotions you’ve ever felt x1000. look out for the club scene because that will give you all the feels! you can cut the tension with a knife and can feel the chemistry right down to your fingertips. save this fic for when you want your heartbreaking and putting together again.]
secrets kept, secrets told by raelee514/@raelee514
summary: robert and aaron have always had a connection. 74k.
[this fic has everything you could ever wish for - from a whirlwind of angst, to a generous flurry of love n softness and a whole heap of emotions. it’s an impressive 74 thousand words or pure brilliance. if one fic will make you believe in soulmates, this is the one.]
you only live twice by anythingbutplatonic/@robertsvgden
summary: robert sugden is agent 007, living a life of luxury as MI5′s most prestigious and coveted agent. but when his increasingly reckless behaviour threatens to put his job and his title - not to mention his life - at risk, madame secretary is forced to assign him a new assistant to help him toe the line. but aaron dingle is unlike anyone robert has ever worked with before, and the threat he poses to his place at the top of her majesty’s government might just be the one thing that ends up keeping both his feet on solid ground. 33k. wip.
[there’s nothing quite as beautiful as watching a story grow and blossom and unfold right in front of your very eyes, especially a story as beautiful and brilliant as this one. it’s intense and intimate, yet tender and warm - aka everything you could ever wish for. lorna has created the most fascinating and captivating world here, and i guarantee you’ll be checking ao3 each day for updates!]
love, aaron by dingletragedy/@dingletragedy
summary: sometimes i feel like I’m stuck on a ferris wheel. one minute i’m on top of the world, then the next I’m at rock bottom. for the most part, i’m you typical 19 year old boy. i have a less than normal family, spend my weekends watching footie and drinking more than i can handle, and can’t wait to finally escape this damn college. but i have one huge secret. nobody knows i’m bisexual. sometimes I wonder if I really am all alone in this, or if there’s others out there who feel the same, trying to get by being half of the whole they know they could be. red.- or: a love, simon au with a twist. 43k. 
[this one is kinda alright. i suppose. maybe. maybe not. idk. don’t ask me.]
heaven is a place on earth by sugdingles/@sugdingles
summary: aaron meets robert in san junipero in 1987. how will their relationship progress and is everything really as it seems? black mirror au. 20k.
[a brilliant and imaginative story that will leave your heart aching in the best way possible!!! it’s magical and unique and so, so amazing. it’s just… all the emotions! one hundred percent the kind of fic that’d you want to stay awake until 4 am reading - and you will not regret it one bit!] 
run over by robronsnuggles/@robronsnuggles
summary: robert sugden has reached a high point in his life. born rich beyond his wildest dreams, owns a successful business, engaged to a beautiful woman, everything is just perfect for him, and yet something is just off. what he doesn’t expect is for his life to take a turn for the worse and with a car accident and just a few words from a certain handyman, his life turns upside down.
“i can’t believe he doesn’t remember me. everything’s gonna be ok. now.... i am your husband. my name is aaron dingle”. 23k. wip.
[i mean, who doesn't love an amnesia fic - especially one with so many twists and turns that you’ll find yourself gasping and begging for more! another fantastic work in progress that we’re lucky enough to get to watch grow and blossom and unravel - how exciting is that? such a brilliant and captivating story - you’ll be bookmarking this one!] 
worse than strangers by escapingreality51/ @escapingreality51
summary: as a young businessman, robert sugden meets and falls in love with aaron dingle, a young, passionate rugby-hopeful. however, when aaron wants to make their relationship public, robert freaks out and breaks up with him. robert has been buried in his work and his family life for the past five years, focusing all his energy on work after never truly recovering from his loss. when aaron returns to emmerdale unexpectedly he is a changed man; rich, famous, and he has not forgiven robert for what happened. will robert and aaron find each other again with five years and so much pain between them? 27k. 
[everyone’s favourite jane austen book combined with everyone's favourite yorkshire soap couple, wrote by one of the most talented writers around - pure perfection! this story is intense and brilliant and gorgeous! another one that will break your heart and then put it back together twice as full!] 
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fasa-umich · 4 years
Bea Fandiño, FASA 2020-21 Co-President
One Last Time
We’re gonna teach them how to say goodbye...
Wowee, what a whirlwind of a year. These past twelve months have been filled with so much to be proud of—I even started a list of “Proud Mom Moments” last May so I could document all the small triumphs worth recognizing. It’s as if I’ve been planning out this testimonial since my election into the Co-Presidency, so I only laugh as I try to put all these thoughts to paper the day after my testimonial was supposed to be done (sorry ading Janielle—Filipino time, am I right?).
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“Pick up a pen, start writing.”
I want to start off by saying that this year was not easy. It wasn’t for anyone. Our board came into our tenure hitting the ground running, full of visions and concrete plans for FASA, only to have them thwarted time and time again by circumstances out of our control. Let it be known that if this was a normal year, our board would have absolutely crushed it. x1000.
But it wasn’t a normal year. And you know what? We still crushed it. We changed the game. And while it can be so easy to focus on what could have been, doing so would distract us from celebrating everything that was.
This was the mentality Izzy and I pushed at the onset of the summer. Yes, FASA has traditions. There are certain aspects of our programs that everybody loves and expects to see each semester. But FASA is also dynamic. Every year, boardies are challenged with finding the balance of upholding tradition while trying new things and pushing the boundaries. And with the nature of this year, there was no better time to challenge ourselves to do the latter. Because we wanted to do more than just “survive”—we were ready to reach new heights.
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Pinay Power looking fire as hell
So what exactly was FASA this year? If I had to choose one word, it’s resilient. Bouncing back after each hurdle, our boardies refused to give up on this org; as did our members, who stayed with us through it all. PCN can’t happen in person? Cool, let’s turn it into a frickin’ MOVIE. Can’t have big group gatherings? Okay, let’s leverage our FAM’s to build stronger small-group bonds. Can’t travel to external orgs? No big deal, let’s organize virtual discussions with our Michigan Philippine Student Associations and our fellow Latinx friends on campus. Even in the face of adversity, FASA resiliently remained rooted in culture, tied together in family, and strengthened by our dedication to the community.
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Pop quiz: What are the three ~pillars~ of FASA?
None of this could have been accomplished without the perseverance of our board. Without Janielle’s commitment to high quality. Sean’s willingness to ask important questions. Josh’s contagious, positive energy. Kris’s flexibility and open mindedness. Christine’s constant, uplifting support. Lauren’s willingness to step up for anyone and everyone. Angelina’s dedication to collaboration. Jason’s careful consideration for vision and purpose. Jolene’s innovative ideas. Estelle’s passion for navigating cultural discussion. Kate’s constant communication and initiative. Sam’s critical eye when we’re overthinking things. Kaitlyn’s honesty with what she believes is best. Izzy’s never-ending drive to make sure each person feels heard and supported. To my boardie family, you are an absolute inspiration. Your work ethic is unmatched, your care invaluable, and your determination a force to be reckoned with. It has been a true honor to work with you, to learn from you, and to be your friend.
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“And I know we weren’t perfect, but I’ve never felt this way for no one.”
When people ask me what my favorite aspect of the Co-Presidency is, I actually find a strong parallel with my past experience as Performance Chair. In performance, you get to see people grow throughout the year, building up unique confidence and boldness through cultural expression. As Co-President, I had the honor of seeing that growth extended as I watched those same individuals rise as leaders and come to own their position in FASA. Through the trials and successes, to be granted a front-row seat in that journey is a privilege, and I thank each of my boardies for letting Izzy and me join along for the ride. We definitely took a more hands-on approach this year (hopefully you didn’t get too sick of us, lol), and with that, an even deeper understanding of the efforts and motivations of the people who make it all happen. And being challenged to make the tough calls, actively listen to what people have to say, take action to move forward, and use my voice to stand up for what I believe in, I learned just as much from my boardies as they (hopefully) did from me. Even as Co-President, there is always more FASA and Filipino culture to explore, as well as more to learn from those around you.
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“I wanna talk about what I have learned, the hard-won wisdom I have earned.” -Boomers
On that note, FASA would not be standing so tall—well, as tall as a Filipino can be—today if it weren’t for our general members. To my first years: Your energy is what kept FASA fueled this entire year. To my sophomores: Thank you for sticking with us, engaging with our programs, and keeping FASA a part of your life. To my alpha dings juniors: Literally, I can’t imagine life without you. To my grad student population of ~2 (and growing!!): You are history in the making! Keep the momentum going! And to my seniors: I’ll save the sappy goodbyes for when you leave my life forever in a month (mom and dad, I already know I’m gonna cry and you’d best believe I’m bringing you down with me). But in all seriousness, your constant support over the years has shaped FASA into the community we know and love.
Like I said before, FASA is dynamic. It’s ever-changing. But even if the FASA 10 years from now is different from the FASA we know today, the impact we have made on each other’s personal and cultural journeys remains true. That’s the beauty of this family—stripping away the official title and positions, at the end of the day, we’re all just defining our own Filipino American experience together. And though FASA will continue to change, that personal impact is something that will stand the test of time.
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“No matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apart...I just wanna be with you.”
Okay yeah yeah, I know I’m a sap, just let me be Feelings Chair for once. Before I wrap things up, there are a few people I want to acknowledge:
Mai-Ly and Elisa: X FAM BEST FAM!! Seriously, you should be incredibly proud of yourselves as FAM Heads. X FAM broke records this year, and I could not be more happy with the top-tier music videos, hella extra [exclusive] merch (other fams be jealous), COASTERS (lol), and overall stronger fam. Thank you for putting up with my sometimes overly Type A agendas and being so flexible amidst the craziness.
Kris and Josh: Long! Live! FASA! Performance! You guys were faced with a lot of difficulties this year. But in the end, you kept performance not only alive, but also fun and something members looked forward to, whether virtually or in-person. I am so incredibly proud of you and honored to have been your dancer :).
Izzy: The Isa to my Bella, the Pierogies to my Beaf. Thank you for being the absolute best co I could possibly ask for and the most amazing friend in the world. You challenged me to keep the big picture in mind and were integral in helping all of us (especially me) balance hard work and fun. As someone easily caught up in the grind and instinctively expecting others to be the same, you kept me in check and indirectly reminded me to take a breather and make sure board was enjoying what they were doing. I will forever have a love-hate relationship with our three- to six-hour calls, and you will always have a spot in my GCal for a Thursday night meeting-turned-dinner-turned-therapy session. It baffles me to think that we weren’t that close before 12 months ago. Thank you for being not only my inspiration as a leader but also my constant as a friend.
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Team Isabella 4 Life
So where do we go from here? Admittedly, we couldn’t do everything we wanted to do this year. Izzy and I had a vision for FASA, and it can get discouraging when you’re not able to see your vision through. But at the end of the day, we had to accept that we might not be able to reach the end-goal. If the best we could do right now was focus on the present, make the most for our current membership, and set FASA up for future success, then we were gonna give that our all. And if the INCREDIBLE drive and work ethic of our Interns is an indicator of anything, I have full confidence in the passion, leadership, and people that will continue to join our organization and further its growth. FASA is in good hands—I can’t wait to see where it goes next.
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“Your position is so unique.” “So I’ll use it to move them along.”
Looking back on why I ran for board in the first place my freshman year, I remember wanting so desperately to be able to give back to an organization that had given me so much. Thank you, FASA, for giving me the opportunity to do just that. Whether as a general member or Performance Chair or Co-President, I hope I’ve been able to create that safe space that makes FASA feel like home. I said it last year, but I will say it again—FASA, thank you for trusting me. It’s been an honor growing with you.
Mahal na mahal kita,
Bea Fandiño, FASA Co-President
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-oh, you know by now...husbands husbanding (I needed to lighten things up a bit on here):
Jensen (on directing, and about Jared): “I love telling him what to do!”
Hehe, is it obvious yet how much I enjoy director-Jensen? And no I don’t just mean in a directing-episodes way. (clearly) 😏
Also, that reminds me of:
Jared: “I love working with Jensen as a director, because he tells me what to do even when he’s not directing!”
Jared: “It’s nice to get back into Jensen’s very capable hands.”
^ mmhm I bet it is.
Jensen (about Jared): “It takes a lot to keep that body going!”
^ with your capable hands, I think you’ve got it covered!
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Jensen: “You know what they say about guys with long torsos, don’t you?”
And allow me to remind you:
Jensen (about Jared): “It’s his torso that’s oddly long.”
Jared: “And something else...”
Jensen: *nods*
Jared: “-girlfriend, boyfriend, listen love is love.”
Another wonderful Dallas-ism that hasn’t gotten a mention yet!
Jensen: “Uh, you know there’s...uh, there’s many things that I would, uh, tell you about him...that I think are qualities we all strive to achieve, uh...I will pick one, and that is his ability to liven and lighten and make a room better.”
^ I should have included this in my Jensen’s-‘the one’ post!!
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Jared: “That was my love song to you!”
Umm, Jensen being all of us and calling Jared an “energetic, 6’4” puppy.”
Jensen (to Jared): “Want me to lick your face?”
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Jared (to Jensen, Twitter): “I hope you’re enjoying your vacation! I’ll be here with nothing to warm me up other than my ice coffee.”
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^ my only take-away from that is that if Jensen HAD been there, he’d have been the thing warming Jared up.
Jensen: “I think the audience feels how much Jared and I like being together.”
^ super hinty, and yes! We DEFINITELY do!
Jensen moving his chair and Jared being like “where’d you go?” and Jensen immediately moving closer again. (AHBL 10)
^ codependent hubbies!
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Jared (rubbing Jensen): “There’s Jenson on me.”
^ I don’t know what that means, but I know it sounds dirty. And I know I enjoy it.
Jensen (on the bar fight from the super early days when J2 were still just ‘Jensen’ and ‘Jared,’ to us at least...clearly not to them): “I got away first, and then I turned around and then I saw 3 or 4 guys teaming up on Jared. I ran back in and I was fly-kicking some kid, hit another guy, grabbed Jared’s shirt...of course I ripped his favorite shirt, and I was yelling ‘come on, let’s get out of here!’”
^ by the way, my theory about this (since what little they have shared about the specifics has always been super full of inconsistencies) is that they were on a date and despite probably trying to not draw attention to that fact were noticed by some homophobic drunk guys and targeted. Because despite how blatantly couple-y they may seem nowadays, remember how they were back then??? (like x1000)
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^ mmmm, does he, now? Do tell.
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Jared: “I can’t get my tie off on set. I’m going ‘help me, Jensen! Help!’”
And then remember:
Jensen: “So here I am tying his tie in the back seat.”
And awwww, this:
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prorevenge · 5 years
You don’t want me to sleep for 9 months? Ok, guess you don’t need your degree.
So, I wasn’t sure if this story qualified for pro or petty. Everything I do, over the course of this, is extremely petty, but I think it probably is what I would consider a ‘scale up’ from low tier revenge, mostly on account of the last part.
So some backstory. This was about 6 years ago, during my first year at university. In the UK, you basically have two options for accommodations in your first year. The first option is called Halls, you stay in a huge apartment complex with a bunch of different students, you share a floor with about 10-15 people. Or, you go to a student house, which is basically a normal house, that some greedy landlord converts all the available space into bedrooms for 5-6 people (but, this is not always the case, in my second year I lived in a house with 15 people, many Petty Revenge stories there if I find the time to type them out). Anyway, I chose the latter.
I moved into what would be a 3 bed house, turned into a 5 bed. What would have been a living room, was converted into a bedroom below my room. 3 of my housemates were fine, we were civil to one another, but not really friends, we just lived different lives. We would go out for the occasional bevvy, have dinner together, but mostly just coexist peacefully. Notice how I said it was a 5 bed though?
Enter housemate in question. Let’s call her Cathy. Cathy was of African descent, very rich parents, sent to live in the UK to study Engineering, as the educational system in her native country was very poor. She was short, fat and quite obnoxious. When I moved in, I made a point of introducing myself to everyone. My first impression of Cathy wasn’t great. An issue I noticed immediately (of which persists throughout the entirety of our living together) is that Cathy f***ing stinks. You know when you work out for 4 hours but you crash out and forget the shower before? It was like that x1000. It was extensively unbearable. On top of that, Cathy is really rude. She basically starts out by saying she’s been here for 2 years already, and she wasn’t gonna change again this year. This had me a little concerned, but at the time it wasn’t a huge issue, I told her I kept to myself a lot, so she wouldn’t see any problems from me.
The first week or so I didn’t notice many problems. I was out partying hard during most nights (at English University, the first week is called ‘Freshers’ where everyone goes out and gets wasted for a week the week before studies start) other than some of my food going missing, and dirty plates staying on the side. F**k it, it’s week one, it’s fine.
Then Cathy rears her ugly head. So, I’m going to bed at 9pm the first night before studies (I had an hour commute to my campus and 1st day I wanted to be very awake) and I hear her shouting downstairs, she sounds very excited. I would find out tonight that Cathy is an avid gamer. Now myself I love games, I have late night sessions all the time, but I’m respectful of my housemates. I lie in bed, awake until 2:30am, hearing Cathy scream at her monitor and the sounds of a shooter in the background, very loudly. I didn’t want to be a bad housemate, so I let it happen. I barely slept and I went into my first lecture completely exhausted from sleep deprivation. I figured it was a one off, or it might happen every now and again. I was very wrong.
This carried on for 4 days before I said anything. On the Friday, I approach her in the kitchen and politely say “hey, don’t want to be rude, but can you try and keep it down a little late at night, I can hear you loud and clear through the floor and it’s really messing with my sleep. I don’t wanna be rude but I’ve noticed it’s been happening a lot”. She basically tells me I’m overreacting, she’s doing nothing wrong, nobody else has complained so it’s not a real issue. Cathy shares a wall with another housemate on the ground floor, so when she gets home I ask her about the issue. Turns out Cathy gave her the same spiel as to me. We knock on her door and ask what’s the problem, together. She gives us this whole sob story about how hard it is to make friends, that her online friends are her family, they live all across the world and she doesn’t want to break that relationship. I feel bad (stupidly) and tell her I totally get it, but just try and be a little quieter on weeknights. She says “I’ll try, maybe” and we leave it at that.
That night I slept fine. I thought it was over. The next night she’s screaming again, but it’s the weekend, so I get high as a kite and fall asleep in the bathtub. Sunday night rolls around, she’s screaming again, I can hear the sound of her rifle firing in game and she shouting obscenities with every shot. It gets to 11pm and I go downstairs and knock. Nothing. I wait a little while and try again. No change. I try again, same, so I go into the back garden and knock on her window. I hear her shout F OFF a few times and give up. I go to bed, but not to sleep.
This happens for the next few weeks. She screams, I go to confront, she screams at me through the wall till I leave. I approach her in the day, and she tells me she could hear me, doesn’t know what I’m talking about, I must have been DREAMING, think of a bs excuse and it’s probably on the list of things she would say.
So begins the revenge. I start by just going downstairs, flicking the power off and on for the router, and going back upstairs. The house is kind of old and creaky, so it’s pretty obvious that as the WiFi goes down, it’s me. This happens a few nights until she confronts me as I’m leaving in the morning. I tell her bluntly, yeah, it’s me, stop with the screaming or things are just going to get worse. She threatens to call our landlord on me. Great idea. I leave the house, go to my lectures, and after Uni I visit the landlord. I tell him the entire story about everything that’s happening, and how hard it’s making our lives. He says he’ll look into it, please be patient.
More weeks go by, no more pranks from me but no interference from the landlord. The night I contacted him was silent, but after that everything went back to scream-a-palooza. I contact him again, he says trust him, no changes. I try again, guess what no changes.
So I start getting pettier. So, I failed to mention before (at least in great detail) that Cathy is messy AF. She would eat, then leave all her plates, pots and pans on the side and return to her lair. For the first month, we just washed them up for her, nobody wants a messy kitchen. But, I was pissed off. So I started a new system. If I see a dirty plate of hers, I’d leave it in front her door. This was funny for a few days until I started finding my dirty plates she used at my door. From this point on, all kitchen equipment that was mine would from there on out live in my room until the end of my tenancy. This went on for another sleepless week until I am awoken by my landlord with a police officer. I’m told I’ve been stealing from my housemates and I need to go to the station. I promptly explain the situation, and my other housemates back me up. The officer clearly is annoyed to have his time wasted by us and leaves. Me, the housemates, Cathy and landlord have a group discussion on how to end the hostilities. We demand quiet weeknights and a clean kitchen, in exchange we (though, really it was just me) will not perform passive aggressive petty revenge. Seems like a fair deal right? No. Landlord said he can’t give any ‘preferential treatment’ so we need to stop regardless. I’m glad to say though, even though this guy was an awful landlord, he never interfered again, allowing for further pettiness to ensue.
So, back to revenge. Cathy would run an Ethernet cable from the modem to her computer, along the floor and into her room. I would start by unplugging this cable any time she was screaming. Cathy then started taping the cable so it was harder to pull out the socket. It got to a point were our hallway had a huge mess of tape and wire going across from the router all the way to her room. But f**k Cathy. I bought a roll of the same tape she had used, waited for her to leave the house. I had to wait 3 weeks for this opportunity. When I finally had the chance, I pulled up the tape, took a pair of scissors, cut the cable and taped it all back down. How she got into university was beyond me, as she didn’t figure it out for a few days. I slept wonderfully those nights. She confronted me days later and accused me of my crime. I simply denied it, and slammed the door in her face.
After this it was fairly passive aggressive both sides. Any time I heard noise I’d unplug the cable. She started eating my food (so I ended up buying a mini fridge and storing all my food in my room) and she would regularly throw out my belongings if I left them around the house. It was all getting a bit much. Mid year, I bought a cheap, turtle beach headset. I knocked on her door, and offered it as a peace treaty. I said the noise had to stop, and the revenge was starting to get out of hand. Please, take the headset, continue to enjoy your games, but I desperately need sleep. She took the headset, said thank you and promptly retreated to her room.
(As a side note, I’d never seen her room up until this point. It, was, disgusting. Old food everywhere, wrappers and cans. Her bed was half a space to sleep, half pizza boxes and rubbish. The smell was so bad, that after the conversation I went upstairs and threw up. I would only see the inside of that room once again until I moved)
So, overly generous peace offering? Yes. But I was desperate. The lack of sleep was really starting to affect my work, social life and relationship. I hoped it would turn a new leaf. Well, no. All night that night, screaming. I woke up the next day, and had a smoke in the garden. As I was pacing, I looked over at her window. Hanging out the window, I see a very damaged turtle beach headset. I decided in that moment, to destroy her.
Before I get into the big stuff, here’s a few c***ty things I did on top. I would pour salt into her milk and juice. Any time she left the house, I would cut the Ethernet. I put toothpaste onto her door handle. Any soft drinks she bought? Took them to class and donated them to my friends.
Anyway, so you notice that I said I had to wait 3 weeks for my cable prank? I became very aware that Cathy barely left the house. She was 100% not going to lectures or assignments. I started posting letters to her faculty posing as her parents asking for updates on her studies. After a few weeks she would start to get into shouting arguments with her parents over the phone. I then started ringing the faculty to let them know when she wasn’t in attendance. Our university had a relaxed approach to this, but all courses were expected to have an 85% attendance rating, or you’d face potential problems. After speaking to her staff supervisor, she had a whopping 23% rating. After a few more calls, it was established that she would have a ‘meeting’ as essentially a case for her to plead herself as to why she should stay. I took the time to somewhat befriend her supervisor, and asked if I could be present at the meeting to profess my story to aid in her expulsion. He agreed. As the days to her meeting rolled up, it was clear (due to the arguments with her parents on the phone) that she would not be staying here if she did not keep her position on her course. She began cleaning up after herself, and actually spoke to me semi-civilly begging me not to speak to the university any more. I told her, if she didn’t shout any more all the way to the hearing, then I’d retract all of my previous statements and give my verbal support to her staying. Zero noise. I slept like a baby for 3 days. Thursday night (meeting was the Friday) rolls around.
A final note, whenever Cathy did get up in the mornings, she had an extremely loud and obnoxious alarm clock, which would be on ages.
Thursday night, I give each of my other housemates the run down, and ask them to either skip town for the night and let it run its course. 2 stayed 2 left. Come 9pm, I proceed to invite my entire society around for drinks. 30 people in our tiny house drinking, shouting and playing loud music until 3am. Cathy comes out angry, begging, at one point in tears telling me to stop. But F this B, she had this coming. I go to bed at 4:30am. I wake up at 6am. No noise in the house. Good, she’s asleep. I go downstairs to the switchboard, and cut the power. I go out, eat breakfast, and go to the meeting at 8:30am. Much to my delight, Cathy does not turn up. At 9am I give the committee a full rendition of the past 9 months of hell, and proceed to strongly advise expulsion.
Afterwards, I call my university and fake having the flu, asking for a recovery period of 4-5 days. They accept, and I go back home to see my family for a week.
I return to a house one less occupied, with a few stand out pieces. In front of my room door, the now almost dust turtle beach headset. LOL. But, I ventured to her room. The smell had not left permanently, but it was bearable now. Many of her possessions were gone, but many left behind, most notably her printer and several pieces of balled up paper around it. Firstly, balled up print out copies of flight tickets to her native country, and a flight map. A letter from the university, denoting her immediate expulsion. A letter from our landlord, noting that as per the tenant agreement, if she cannot find study again within 28 days, she will be forced to leave the house. And finally; the creme de la creme. A letter, clearly intended for me and the housemates that she gave up on, telling us how this was all our fault and one day she would come back to haunt us.
(source) story by (/u/Tucker_Design)
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exobyharu · 5 years
PCY - Ch6
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Originally posted by iyeolie
Chapter 6 - If there’s one thing clear
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)
Summary: You don’t die, Junmyeon gives you space, PCY gets unlimited punches, and Baekhyun’s a whiner.
⏰10:49 AM 🌏SM Entertainment headquarters (disclaimer: you didn’t wanna be there) 🌞Too much sun, but that wasn’t what the beach towel’s for 👥 YN, Park Chanyeol, Kim Junmyeon, Byun Baekhyun, EXO’s manager, your best friend Jane (mentioned)
Notes: Happy Birthday PCY! I love you with all my heart! OBSESSION just dropped and I love how there was fire and everything. AND EVERYTHING! I’m so excited for them all. Kai’s moves are to die for. What was your favorite part of the video? Everything? Me too! That’s all kids, bye. (I’ll start doing my face like CHEN’s starting tomorrow)
Words: ~2,200
One of the worst things that can happen to a non-celebrity is to be mistaken as a celebrity. You would realise in a few hours that there were at least a hundred worse things you could name, but being kidnapped from your morning walk in the hotel gardens seemed to top your Most Unfortunate Events In My Life list. You will also realise much later that it was not exactly a kidnapping that happened. But the point was that you were freaking out because you did not know who wanted your person recklessly shrouded by a beach towel and ushered to a tinted van with a startling sense of urgency that made you start hearing your own pulse inside your head.
Am I going to die?
It was nothing close to escalating to an attack of uncontrollable anxiety, however, considering that your brain preferred to panic over much more irrelevant concerns. Death was not something you were wired to fear, but the thought of not knowing what was going to happen next made the experience almost intolerable. There was nothing quite like the distress from not knowing what to do while the rest of the people inside the van fretted about what to do with you.
You did not know whether to yell or cry. No amount of coffee or muffins would make up for how the staff members – whom you had come to know were from Chanyeol’s entertainment company – had essentially abducted you. That stuff’s supposed to be against the law, right?
So, nope. You were not doing as they said. You were not going to make yourself comfortable in this pretentiously minimalistic room and lean back on the steel sofa because the door would be right behind you. You were not going to help yourself to treats that were served because you did not need sugar and caffeine – you needed Xanax. And the wi-fi password they offered? What kind of idiot did they think you were? Why would you trust people who knew your full name and where you lived without having to ask you? You did not need more information about you out there, within their easy access.
It did not matter how many times this guy named Suho, whose alabaster skin and enchantingly stunning face apologised for their relatively unconventional manner of securing you from reporters who were chasing after Biscotti Girl’s true identity. You had just recently lost your trust in handsome faces like his. Falling for handsome faces like his was sooo twelve hours ago.
Not again, you made sure, even though he may as well break his back from all the bowing he would repeatedly do after every interaction you had. Here was another one because he had just finished making a phone call outside the lounge, promptly shutting the tinted doors before a whiny pink-haired guy managed to follow in his steps.
“Forget the phone! I wanna see!!! Junmyeon-ah!”
Despite how it bustled with activity outside with so many people rushing about, it was a rather quiet holding room, with only you and this guy, whose real name was apparently Junmyeon. He bowed again, apologising probably for the twenty-seventh time – because it almost entertained you to count if he managed more than thirty – and he finally confirmed having spoken to Chanyeol. He left it at that, stepping out once more because he probably felt that this morning was already wearing your patience out.
It was the longest two hours alone for you until the glass doors finally slid apart, welcoming a less-startingly tall Chanyeol into the room. He had a sullen mood, as usual. Unconsciously, you braced yourself for another exchange of hostility, mimicking his facial expression. It turned out that the look he had was for the pink-haired guy outside.
“That guy Baekhyun’s a whiner,” he complained, allowing himself to fall onto the couch right across from you. Clearly, he was nowhere near as disquieted as you were. His apparent lack of empathy confused you. You pouted, as there was nothing but plain weariness in Chanyeol. But now, he was relaxed, as if keeping Baekhyun out of the room was all he needed to put everything in his life in order. You waited for him to address the elephant in the room.
He did not.
After a few seconds, the guy sat up as if a thought energised him. With a grin, he rested his head on his hands and faced you, beaming. “I finished the song, by the way!”
“And I can finish you,” you replied, glaring at him with a potent mix of impatience and contempt. You were a couple of twitches away from either breaking into sobs or kicking him where it hurt. “God, not even an apology, Chanyeol? Really?!”
“Calm down, YN,” he interrupted. You expected him to strike back with an even louder yell, but he did not. Instead, he scooted over, took the empty space beside you and placed a light hand on your back. “Okay, I’m sorry. I was just giving you the good news before the better one.”
You swatted his arm away. “And the better news, then?”
“There’s a plan. You can consider this Biscotti Scandal fixed.”
You tried to contain your outrage with a blink. He called it a scandal. Was it officially a scandal at this point? And what a ridiculously named scandal, at that. You went through the usual warnings, keeping your temper in check before responding to Chanyeol, whose only intent was to comfort you.
Be nice. Be nice. Be nice x1000. Your mouth was dry when you swallowed. “So they’ve stopped talking about us?”
“Well, no. But I–”
“Then you haven’t fixed anything!” you yelled, your composure wavering.
Last night, you were thankful for a chance to see Chanyeol for the final time and leave a good impression. Such impressions no longer mattered, seeing that you may have to spend even more time with him. This was certainly not what you wished for because he kept screwing up everything!
Abandoning restraint, you finally landed a series of punches – the strongest ones you can throw – on his left shoulder, which ended up hurting you more than it did him. The guy did not even show any serious effort to block your hits that probably seemed like taps to him at most. And yet you did not care because you were angry – plain and simple. Not easily tired, you retaliated when he wrapped his palms around your fists, restraining you effortlessly with lights hands. “Listen, will you? You help me this once, and they will stop. I know they will.”
Despite your relentless bawling, Chanyeol was doing a good job at pacifying your bout of anger. With an even face and a calm tone, he let go of your hands and let you punch him some more until you felt foolish for even trying. There was no way the Chanyeol you’d imagined would pull off a stoic face through an outburst like that.
“This is all your fault!” you yelled, as a final attempt to hammer down your point. You were upset with him, and he knew that. You just needed him to be aware of how hard this situation hit you. There were a hundred other places you would rather be, especially after wrapping up what was supposed to be an eventful soul search these past few days. You had an entire day planned with Jane and a mandatory meet up with your parents that evening. And now, this inconvenient morning was too quick to pass and you hated not knowing how much longer you had to stay for.
You were catching your breath, more worn out by your feelings than the colossal waste of energy you just pulled off. And Chanyeol did not say anything, possibly waiting for you to speak first. He could be a gentleman for that, or he could be waiting for your breathing to even out because he wanted you prepared for his next story.
It was the latter.
“I told them that you’re my cousin.”
His preposterous declaration left you frozen for a moment and all that happened after that was in red. You started seeing in red. You realised the next second that your foot had already landed a blow Chanyeol’s shin, and this time, it hurt him enough to make him throw his hands up in defence.
“Yah yah! Before you freak out, just listen okay? LISTEN!”
But you were not going to. You were really starting to think that Chanyeol was sabotaging the whole thing for a hidden agenda. Wasn’t it a thing? That idols like to stir up some scandals for attention when their fame seems to be waning? Wasn’t he popular enough?
Without glancing back, you stood up from your seat, cautiously avoiding Chanyeol who had pretty much figured out that you were on your way to the glass doors. Turning on your heels, you closed your eyes, as you drowned in contempt, savouring the sound of your shoes, stomping against the floor. Words in your head began to string themselves together into a smart parting line that would make it clear that you were not joining him on his bullshit. When you opened your eyes, you stopped, catching Chanyeol’s reflection on the doors.
He was on his feet, shoulders squared with hands fisted on his sides. You took notice of the skin in between his brows, all bunched up whenever he was in a sour mood. This time, it was different.
“They believed me, YN.” Chanyeol’s eyes were begging you. “My manager believed me. Junmyeon believed me. All we need to do is make the rest of the world believe it.”
“Sounds easy.” No to puppy eyes had always been your policy.
But Chanyeol innocently overlooked your sarcasm, and sat down when he finally got your attention back. “Because it is. I just need one afternoon on Instagram to broadcast it. And I need you there, doing your own thing, being you, in your house, with the rest of your family casually–”
“PARK CHANYEOL you leave my family out of this!” And just like that, you were darting back to the center of the room, finding yourself in a rare opportunity of standing taller than him for once. “Me, and my family are not going to help you propagate a lie!”
“Come on, YN. It’s easy to lie to the members. The fans are much harder to convince.”
“Is that your only problem with this plan? Why can’t you just tell the truth, anyway?”
“I can’t tell them I started a fight with a stranger!”
“Then tell them I started it!”
“They won’t believe me!”
“And you expect them to believe I’m your cousin?!”
He made a face. He was loud, but for once, you were louder. It was almost a wonder how nobody had burst into the room with all the shouting. Then again, it was much louder outside and you could not hear a thing.
Soundproof walls: perfect for your table flipping tendencies. You stared at the marble tiles, blinking as Chanyeol’s shadow loomed in front of you now.
“The truth,” he whispered.
You did not believe that you had convinced him at first, but when you glanced up, his smile was resigned. “All right. I messed up, anyway.” And then there was that split-second hesitation that you would have missed if you were not looking at him already. This was not easy for him. “I’m sorry, YN. Believe it.”
He pursed his lips as a faint shade of pink dusted his cheeks. Chanyeol, who was tremendously uncomfortable with the practice of verbally apologising outright, finally tried. This was the sincerity that you needed to appease the part of you that hated him. And it may have felt like a win for you at first, knowing that you had finally settled the matter in your terms, but more than anything, all you could think of was that you were finally going back to your own life, apart from this guy’s.
This was it – the last time and place where you would see him – or at least you tried to convince yourself that it was. Your intuition was usually on point so you merely hoped that it was truly over. True enough, a man you had not met entered the room before you could formally say your goodbye.
Chanyeol squared his shoulders, acknowledging the man who turned out to be their manager. It did not look like good news at all. “Baekhyun beat us to the announcement,” said the man in a suit. He placed a hand on his pink face as he sighed, and it looked like he had just come down from an outburst too. “We want you to confirm this once and for all.”
Just another plot twist that you saw coming two seconds before it happened. Your gift of intuition was as good as no intuition, at this point. You did not even want to look at Chanyeol anymore. He would not say anything. “You better get ready because Junmyeon is going live in thirty minutes and he wants you there. It’s up to you, Chanyeol. You can bring your cousin along, if she wants.”
You sure as hell did not. It was sad to say, but that was the only thing left clear to you now.
💙💙💙 - to be continued -
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End of Season 3
Last one! Then I’ll shut up until October
Episode 51: Moving Into Dorms
•”I won’t make you worry, Mom” Izuku don’t life to your mother like that
•”She reminds me of my predecessor”
“What why?”
“It’s the hairstyle” All Might asbsjienb
•I genuinely just want like a spin off of the kids in the dorms. Like them just being super powered teenagers living together and being KIDS like. Please. Living with all your friends with powers? What could go wrong...? Think of the shenanigans
•Aizawa laying down the hammer wow
•I. Love. Kaminari. Jirou leave him alone
•Kirishima is Best Boi
•Uraraka falling over from shock the entire time and Iida freaking out is so cute
•Tokoyami’s is badass leave him be he tried so hard
•Mineta no
•Leave Ojiro alone he’s comfortable
•Kaminari’s room is literally any teenage boy room. I knew at least 4 guys who had a room almost exactly like that lmao
•The girls are outnumbered. Hate when Mineta’s right
•Bakugo is such an old man he’s already asleep I love a sleepy sad Boi
•Mineta:”I knew I’d get in trouble if just I suggested seeing the girls dorms now I have people to back me up!”
Todoroki:”I’m over it”
•Honestly Kirishima’s isn’t that bad y’all are just mean (except you Uraraka you get it)
•”If I found out my boyfriend had a room like this I’d dump him” HAGAKURE WHAT THE HECK
•Shouji... honey. Your bed isn’t even made. And they thought Ojiro’s was plain
•Okay Sero’s is cool “yup that’s me, always the wild card” god I love you
•Todoroki’s is so cozy
•Sato is so. Sweet lmao we need more of him
•Jirou is so punk I LOVE HER
•Hagakure. So. Pink
•Mina. So. Hot Pink
•Ojiro is so polite he’s so good
•I need Momo’s bed
•Intervention time
•Tsuyu is so pure she deserves so much
Episode 52: Create Those Ultimate Moves
•Mido forgetting he was in the dorm is kinda cute he’s like wait this isn’t my room at home
•”That’s 2 questions. Calm down” Iida it’s too early for this and Aizawa is a tired man
•Everyone’s so intense. Then Mido is just like...I can’t move my arms what the fuck do you want from me
•”How can I fight with these damaged arms?” Well everybody told you NOT to break your bones, Deku
•Lmao they just blew up Midoriya
Mido and Uraraka: BOOOOOOBS
•”I’m Tenya Iida, the man you tricked into to being a walking billboard for you at the Sports Festival!”
“NEVER HEARD OF YA” Hatsume has no chill
•Hatsume doesn’t know personal space lmao
•”My quirk is in my legs you mad woman” Iida is done
•Mido is so soft for his mom’s costume I love it
•Bakugo is literally trying to kill somebody
•”If I’m so worried about using my arms then I’m use my LEGS” what happens when you break your legs again honey THINK
Episode 53: The Test
•Gotta protect those stupid red shoes
•I live for Kami’s choker. But Kiri you added sleeves. But still. No. Shirt. Honey
•Tsuyu’s hair up is *chef’s kiss*
•The girls talking about boys like regular teenagers I love it
•Cue Uraraka watching Deku lmao “it’s not it” SWEETIE YES IT IISSSSSSS
•Inasa is Iida x1000 and with WAY too much caffeine
•Erasure is too emo for love lmao
•”Think about it Erasure, if I was your wife your future would be a life of constant laughter”
“That sounds like a legitimate nightmare” god I love this grumpy man
•I do love Joke and Aizawa’s “friendship” if you want to call it that lmao
•”This charming pretty boy is going to steal our girls” You’re right Kaminari he is
•”Please date me”
“Shut up” I’m both Ms. Joke and Aizawa
•Aizawa has so much faith in his class he’s like I’m not worried about my little shits just watch
Episode 53: Shiketsu High Lurking
•”PROTECT THIS PERV” Mina is my favorite 1A girl I’m not sorry
•Shindo is slutty Deku and I love him
•I am the commentator wow
•”I don’t know why but I’m actually getting pretty excited about this” of course you are Midoriya you big quirk nerd
•”In order to help others you have to be able to take care of yourself” DEKU SAID SELF CARE
•”Midoriya what is this enviable situation you fight yourself in” Serooooo why
•We’re gettin some good Sero content thank god
•Lmao there’s a ninja school
Episode 55: Class 1A
•Todoroki is. As you say. A Badass
•Inasa:”Wait what were we talking about!?”
Poor Random Kid:”I don’t know. You just came up and started talking...”
•This is literally Anime Hunger Games
•Shouji holding Tsuyu is. So pure
•The power group we don’t deserve: Momo, Jirou, Tsuyu, and Shouji
•KAMI AND KIRI FOLLOWING BAKUGO MAKES ME SO HAPPY they love to annoy him and it works but they work so well together love Bakusquad
•Aizawa basically saying Mido and Bakugo are the leaders who help the class work better the most and that he’s honored to teach them is PEAK
Episode 56: RUSH!
•Sooo Shindo’s a sneaky bastard I see
•I need more Baku and Kami interactions tbh
•”Those ugly ass gauntlets of his” love sassy Kami
•Oof Mido takes no prisoners
•It does suck that if you don’t pass the Provisional License exam do you just never get your Hero License? Do you only get a set amount of times you can take it?
•Iida has grown so much
•Bakugo knows your secrettttt
•Jirou says fuck Kaminari lives lmao
•Aizawa shut up you big softie lmao
Episode 57: Rescue Exercises
•Sero why are you starting shit lmao
•Kirishima and Kaminari following Bakugo just because they want to is my favorite
•Momo stopping Uraraka from acting too quickly is great leadership skills. All these kids have what to takes to be heroes they work so well together and in situations like these I love these kids so much
•Shouji and Mineta are a good team because Shouji keeps Mineta in line and I appreciate it
•The fake bystanders are hilarious
Episode 58: Special Episode: Save The World With Love!
•All Might and David Shield (GAY)
•Bakugo why are you like this
•Midoriya is a giant softie romantic and I fucking love it
•All Might as a villain is just funny he gets so into the roll but he’s also just a bad actor lmao
•Mic needs to tone it down but he’s so funny
•I like Cementos a lot and Midnight is an A1 actress go her
•All Might running away and shattering the kids idea of love is so fucKING FUNNY LMAO
•Nice way to set up the movie
•The timeline of this episode is throwing me off tho since this is before Midoriya moves into the dorms
•DadMight and Deku family vacation SO CUTE
•”You are the real heroes” THEY’RE SO PURE HOLY SHIT
Episode 59: What’s the Big Idea?
•Bakugo you need to calm down babe
•Gang Orca came to play damn
•Todoroki and Inasa are so chaotic together oh my god
•Gang Orca is just like what is up with these damn kids
•”It was a shock to meet your father because when I looked into his eyes the only thing I could see was an insatiable anger aimed at the entire world” imagine being raised/trying to live with that hatred, Inasa
•Lmao Todoroki triggered Inasa into not coming to UA. Endeavor loves ruining kids lives doesn’t he
•Inasa is so. Weird
•”Why didn’t I remember him? He’s so loud and obnoxious” You were so blinded by hate for your father that you were literally blind to other people in your way sweetie
•Highkey love Shindo ngl
•Team Work Boys come on
•Ojiro my fuckin BOYYYY
•Love Hair Dude
•Gang Orca’s actually impressed wow
Episode 60: A Talk About Your Quirk
•Mido passed yesss All Might Jr lol
•Bakugo and Todoroki. Whomp whomp
•B:”Let me see it [review of the exam]”
Kiri:”Ahh how about you worry about yourself”
Kiri’s like please don’t kill me
•Sero:”Hey looks like I’m pretty great at this” I love you Tape Boy
•I love how Iida just picks Mineta up by his cheeks and takes him away from people when he’s being too much lmao Dad Mode Activated
•Inasa and Todo are such an interesting dynamic. I haven’t read the manga but I know the make up exam happened recently and their interactions always make me laugh
•Kinda forgot about Toga but there were hints that it was her the whole time so it’ll be cool to actually meet Camie later on
•Holding his Prov. Hero License:”I have to show my mom and All Might right away” Izuku I love you precious boy
•oh my god One For All shut the fuck UP
•”I won’t be dying any time soon. Especially not by Shigaraki’s hand” if that is foreshaDOWING IM GONNA CRY IT BETTER NOT BE HIROKOSHI
•”We’re gonna have a talk about your quirk” I’m ready to CRY
•Kiri sleeping is so cute I love his hair down. And Iida sleeps stiff as a board I’m laughing reminds me of a friend of mine
•Bakugo please just. Breathe
Episode 61: Deku VS. Kacchan, Part 2
•Kacchan Hon, Deku doesn’t live just to get in your way in life believe or not
•Bakugo DEFINITELY kinda planned on killing Midoriya AHH
•”Why hurt each other when we could just talk things out?”
Bakugo tries to blow him up instead
•The flashbacks are killing me they were so small
•Bakugo’s voice cracking while talking about his anguish and self blame? That shit HURTED
•When he yells like this he looks like a feral wolf oh my god Kacchan
•Kacchan needs a hug. Too bad he doesn’t understand being comforted by other people. So instead Izuku KICKS HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD WHAT THE FUCK
•Feral Bakugo has been Leveled Up
•”Our relationship to one another is completely screwed up” Oh really Mido what made you think that
•These kids wanna fuckin die
•”It’s obvious you’ve always looked down on me even when we were kids” Bakugo you are a BIG DUMB BLIND BOOMY BOY
•Okay but the animation tho???
•”All Might was my hero but you were the one ACTUALLY IN MY LIFE” WHEN I SAY I SOBBED
•When Bakugo’s crouched and ready to strike, Me:”MA THERES A WEIRD FUCKING CAT OUTSIDE”
•A wild Gremlin is loose Aizawa and All Might come get your kids
•lmao whoops never mind
•my favorite MHA ship? Bakugou and Therapy
•Bakugo blaming himself for All Might’s retirement? Kill me
•”Sometimes I forget that you’re children” apparently everybody does THEY’RE 15/16!!!
•”Don’t you dare lose again” you are. So confusing
•Baku’s little exhale tho he had so much weight on his shoulders this poor boy
•”If this secret ever got out, people will wonder where the power went. You idiot why did you tell me about it before” Deku’s like I can’t win with him lmao
•Aizawa with his hair in a ponytail and black V neck tho? Oof when I say I love a man...
•Aizawa is done with this class and these 2 problem children in particular lmao
Episode 62: A Season For Encounters
•My boy Twice
•”Your face makes me want to puke” you get used to it rando villain dude...or noT DABI NO
•Dabi. Babe. Bruh. What the fuck
•Twice and Ectoplasm have similar quirks...TODOROKI WHERE ARE YOU
•Overhaul. I’m gonna hate you so much I can tell. Especially for Season 4 I KNOW YOU you creepy Plague Doctor Asshole
•Kirishima trying to comfort Todoroki is adorable
•SHINSOUUUUUU “looks like he’s bulked up a bit since the Sports Festival” my boy gettin BUFF since he knows Midoriya could’ve killed him if he wanted to lmao
•Kami playing with Ojiro’s tail gives me life
•...You ain’t nothin but a Hound Dog Lmao
•God I love Present Mic
•Sero and Mineta are asking to die I swear
•The first time I saw the scene of Mirio sticking his head through stuff to scare Mido was on Tumblr before I watched MHA and I was CACKLING AND CONFUSED
•The broccoli head was strong in that frame
Episode 63: Unrivaled
•Sometimes I forget how fucking gross Mineta is. Then he opens his mouth and it all comes flooding back
•”He didn’t do that great a job at the Sports Festival last year. Definitely left a strong impression” being buck ass naked will do that lmao
•I relate to Amajiki Tamaki so. Fuckin. Much. I feel you sweetheart
•Kaminari you dumb
•”The futures gonna be!?... Awful” Wow. Mirio gets it
•Tamaki if you could get off the wall you could do what Mirio’s trying to teach these kids I love an anxious boy
•Big Tough Boi Kiri is both badass and soft I love a Rock
•Aaaannd Mirio traumatized a bunch of kids with his dick. Mostly Jirou lol
•Aizawa your whole class was just murdered by a wild naked man
•Mirio has a baby face TinTin but is fucking JACKED
•”I tried to make it so that you didn’t see my willy. Sorry if you did” Mirio you’re so cute I’m going to bawl in Season 4 I’m not ready
•Mirio walks so funny
•...who the fuck is Sir???
•Kiri bringing Baku his trash: “Sure I’ll take it!”
Anybody else bringing Baku their trash:some kind of aggressive phrase
•Oh, you. I heard about you. I know what happens to you... this is gonna hurt, huh?
Whelp that’s the end of my rewatch. I can’t wait for Season 4! Is it October yet???
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benzsparesuae-blog · 6 years
Mercedes Benz Alternator Parts Replacement
Alternators made by Bosch are regular 3-stage, self-redressing type alternators. Bosch 75 through 55-amp alternators use3 negative 3 positive and diodes associated with stator windings to redress current, Bosch 90 and 80-amp alternators utilize 14 diodes. All alternators utilize 3 exciter diodes associated with stator windings, while the motor is running these diodes turn off the alternator marker light and supply capacity to the voltage controller, Bosch controllers are transistorized strong state and fundamental with alternator.
(1) Bosch alternator part numbers are gone before by the numbers 0 120 or starting with an AL lettering a number and completion with a X.
1. You can interface a voltmeter to the alternator "B+" terminal and ground, voltmeter ought to demonstrate battery voltage, if not check wiring among battery and alternator.
2. Turn start on and watch that alternator pointer light goes ahead, if light does not come on, check wiring between notice light and alternator, including marker globule.
1. Guarantee associations at battery, alternator, and starter are perfect and tight, guarantee alternator motor and body are appropriately grounded, guarantee alternator belt is tight and in great condition.
2. Interface ammeter adhering to maker's directions, associate voltmeter prompts battery terminals.
3. Begin motor and keep running at 3000 R.P.M. change carbon heap to acquire most extreme alternator yield, don't enable voltage to go underneath 12.6 volts.
4. Alternator yield should level with alternator appraised yield, short 16-20 amps, if perusing is 16-20 amps beneath alternator rating, supplant controller and retest, whenever yield is still excessively low, fix or supplant the alternator.
Diode Assembly
1. Place ohmmeter scale on x100 scale associate ohmmeter leads crosswise over "B+" terminal and 3 stator terminals each one in turn, switch drives, ohmmeter ought to show congruity one way as it were.
2. Reconnect ohmmeter leads crosswise over negative and 3 stator terminals each one in turn.
Turn around leads; ohmmeter ought to demonstrate coherence one way as it were.
3. Interface ohmmeter leads crosswise over "D+" terminal and 3 stator terminals each one in turn.
Invert drives, ohmmeter ought to show progression one way just, if diodes are observed to be blemished, supplant the diode get together.
Fig. 3: Diode Assembly Test Diode gathering for 55 amp alternator is appeared, others are comparable.
1. Spot ohmmeter on most minimal scale, interface ohmmeter crosswise over stator drives, opposition between leads ought to be 14 15 ohms for 55-amp alternator and .09 10 ohms for 65 through 90 amp alternators, if obstruction is off base, stator has open or shorted windings and must be supplanted.
2. Spot ohmmeter on X 1000 scale. Associate ohmmeter between stator center and stator lead, no progression should exist, if congruity exists, stator is grounded and should be supplanted.
1. Spot ohmmeter on most reduced scale, associate ohmmeter crosswise over slip rings, opposition ought to be 3 4-3.75 ohms for 55 amp alternator and 2.8 3.1 ohms for 65 through 90 amp alternators.
2. On the off chance that obstruction is excessively low, rotor has short out and it must be supplanted if opposition is endlessness no congruity, rotor has open circuit and should be supplanted.
3. Spot ohmmeter on x1000 scale, reconnect ohmmeter between either the slip ring and rotor center, no congruity should exist, if coherence exists, rotor is grounded and should be supplanted.
4. Clean slip rings utilizing a fine sandpaper, rings which are worn or set ought to be turned on machine, least ring distance across is 1/16" 26.8 m.m. in the event that slip rings are unrecoverable, supplant slip rings as delineated in stages 5 and 6.
5. Expel back bearing from slip ring end of rotor, unsolder wires from slip rings and twist up finishes of rotor twisting, pull off slip rings, guarantee closures of rotor winding are not harmed.
6. Supplement the closures of rotor twisting into slip ring and press new slip ring onto rotor, slip ring end must be 9/64" 3.5 m.m. from end of the neckline, patch rotor twisting to slip ring terminals, turn rings on machine and retest rotor, most extreme slip ring run out is 0012".03 m.m..
For more information please visit www.benzspares.com
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