#the protogenoi
hermeneutas · 2 months
Sobre os Primordiais - Gaia, a Mãe-Terra.
Começando esta nova série onde trazemos detalhes relevantes sobre os Protogenoi, iniciaremos por uma das mais populares deidades. Amplamente retratada na mitologia, frequentemente descrita como uma antagonista dos Deuses nestes escritos e sendo uma potência inegável de vida e fertilidade, falamos hoje de Gaia, a Terra. Note que usaremos aqui nestes escritos, propositalmente, o nome das divindades e seu domínio de modo intercambiável, uma vez que os protogenoi são literalmente estes elementos que compõem o Cosmos.
Também chamada Gê ou Géia, a Mãe Terra emergiu do Caos Primordial (mais sobre ele em um próprio post!) segundo Hesíodo em sua Teogonia, escrito que narra o nascimento dos Deuses compilando os mitos em narrativa. Uma grande mãe por excelência, Terra tem inúmeros Deuses, daimones e seres divinos como parte de sua descendência.
Em seu domínio está a terra em todas as suas expressões - desde vãos na terra à cavernas, campos e florestas, pois Gê é o próprio chão onde se pisa. Nas descrições de ritos ctônicos da Odisséia, Gê está entre os Deuses para os quais Odisseu dedica um sacrifício, pois abaixo dela é onde se encontra, segundo os antigos, o Mundo Inferior.
Nas suas representações antropomórficas, Gaia é retratada como uma matrona com vestidos longos, adornada com frutos da terra ou com os karpoi, os daimones dos frutos e filhos dela. Um dos símbolos visíveis também é uma cornucópia recheada de alimentos. Nos vasos de cerâmica, Gaia é frequentemente representada se erguendo da terra.
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Diferentemente da maioria dos Primordiais, Gaia era uma divindade com um culto consistente em alguns locais, presente em santuários menores de outras deidades como Zeus e Deméter. Seu culto estava presente na região da Ática, Lacedemônia, Aquéia e também na Arcádia, mas há poucos relatos de algum templo dedicado inteiramente à Mãe Terra.
Listamos aqui alguns nomes e epítetos de culto usados para Gaia.
Nomes alternativos
Khthon/Khthonie (Χθον/Χθονιη) - É uma palavra alternativa para "terra", origem da expressão "ctônico", ou seja, "da terra".
Meter Panton (Μητηρ Παντων) - "Mãe de Todos" Euristenos (Ευρυστερνος) - "De amplo seio" Megale Thea (Μεγαλη Θεα) - "Grande Deusa" Olimpia (Ολυμπια) - "de Olímpia", uma das cidades do peloponeso com um proeminente culto a Zeus. Havia um altar para ela no templo. Gasepton (Γασηπτον) - "Terra sublime" Kourotrophos (Κουροτροφος) - "Nutriz dos jovens" Anesidora - "Dispensadora de bens"
Como podemos ver, os epítetos de Gê referem-se grandemente a sua fertilidade, capacidade enquanto cuidadora e nutriz de toda a criação.
Nas narrativas míticas, Gaia é frequentemente citada como a sustentadora da vida terrena e seus hinos a descrevem como fonte da felicidade dos mortais. Clamada na Ilíada como testemunha para juramentos e honrada em altares como o poder por trás da vida que fervilha na terra, Gê é de importância inestimável e dá forma ao planeta que habitamos.
Por fim, encerramos este post com seu hino homérico, traduzido por Alexandra Nikaios.
De Geia eu canto, Mãe firme de tudo, a mais antiga, que alimentou a vida na terra, sempre que caminhava no solo ou nadasse no mar ou voasse; Ela sustentou cada uma de suas riquezas. Através de ti os povos são abençoados de filhos e frutos, Ó Rainha, que dá e reclama a vida dos mortais; enriqueça quem quer que te agrade e honre; toda a abundância para eles; que suas terras férteis sejam frutíferas; através dos campos seus rebanhos prosperem; sua casa seja repleta de deuses. Eles regem os estados bem-ordenados com formosas mulheres, e ampliam as riquezas dos que os seguem; seus filhos exultam com júbilo jovial; suas filhas brincam em danças de espalhar flores com o coração feliz, e pulam pelos campos floridos. Tal coisa tu dás, Rica Divindade Sagrada. Então te saúdo, Deusa-Mãe, Esposa do Céu Estrelado; recompense minha canção com um sustento prazeroso! De ti eu me recordo, e de outra canção também.
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mask131 · 2 days
Hey, you all who make Greek mythology posts and videos and whatnot. Could you... stop treating "Protogenoi" as if it was some sort of clear-cut category of Greek mythology?
I don't know through who or when the whole "Oh yeah, Protogenoi is a definitive character-class of Greek mythology" began. I suspect it might have something to do with the Theoi website - which a LOT of person are using as a resource. But it definitively was popularized by the Percy Jackson fandom...
Olympian is a "category" of gods in Greek mythology, recognized both in religion and in poetry/fiction. It designates the gods that dwell on Olympus - twelve in its most limited acception, but many more if you extend it. Titan is also a specific "category", a denomination that isn't given randomly and whose exact meaning is debated (what is its etymology? Why were they named that way?), but it is the name the previous generation of gods before the Olympians received.
"Protogenoi"? Protogenoi is just putting a cap on an adjective that means "The first-borns". It is not a proper name. And I think I should insist on first bornSSSS because "protogenoi" is a plural, so stop using it as a singular. It isn't even a proper qualificative, because sometimes "protogenoi" is never used, other time you have "protogenos" as the qualificative of just ONE god. It is literaly just a broad and vast adjective to mean "they were the first gods". There isn't any official list like the Olympians or the Titans.
There is not, in Greek religion, or even in Greek poetry, a clear definition or any exact limit as to what a "protogenos" is - IF the term is even used! Because, unlike Olympians or Titans or Nereids or Oceanids, it is NOT an actual "religious terminology" or "mythological terminology". Look at all the encyclopedias of Greek mythology before the early 2010s, look at all the lists of Greek gods written during the 20th century... There will be talks of "primordial gods", of "elderly gods", of "first gods" - but you will see nobody using "Protogenoi" with a cap to make them equal to Olympians or Titans. That's... that's not how Greek mythology works.
Honestly, you can just use "primordial gods", it works the same.
And in general people have been completely taking qualifications of the Greek gods out of their context... Like "Chthonian gods". People treat it as if it was a specific clan or family of gods which... is not correct? "Chthonian" was an important religious and mythological concept in Ancient Greece - they literaly invented the adjective - but it was not like the Olympians or the Titans? It was a much broader category - it is literaly the same way you have "sea gods" and "sky gods". Chthonian gods are just the deities below the earth, and of the underworld... Not even of death sometimes (as many like to say), just below-the-earth, literaly "under the world", as opposed to celestial entities. (It is such a broad category that it can be used in other mythologies, and it has been used as such by researchers, archeologists and other historians of religion... Osiris is a chthonian power, a chthonic god! Though after that we enter the whole debate of "Should we use Greco-Roman terms like pantheon to designate gods of other cultures?")
Yes there are specific, clear-cut "groups" in Greek mythology. Clans and families and siblinghoods of gods. Nereids and Oceanids and Olympians and Titans and the Anemoi... But there are other groups which are not as integral to the Greek religion/myths or as clear cut as people seem to believe they are. "Sky gods", "earth gods", "sea gods", "primordial gods" are present as vague groups in Greek mythology but please stop treating them as if they had a distinction as important as the Aesir and Vanir. Greek mythology isn't just one big list or a big catalogue filled with neatly numbered boards. Where is the limit between a minor god and a daemon? Who knows! Not all Olympians are celestial gods: take Poseidon! And some gods literaly break all the established boundaries: for example Hekate, so beloved by everybody here - chthonian and celestial all at the same time!
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nyxshadowhawk · 2 years
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Tartarus by Yliade
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piristephes · 2 months
About the Primordials (Index)
The Primordial Chaos
Gaia, the Earth Mother
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vieillegarde · 1 year
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Akhlys - Nyx - Khaos
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jadinerhine · 2 years
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Trying to get over some sort of block by doing sketches...I had this idea for a fuller illustration, but meh, I can't even get energy up for that. Thus, sketchy, it is.
Nyx, my lil phantom goddess-thief, with her sidekick, Zeitgeist
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The Upper Air is an anarchist community dedicated to the worship of or working with the First Protogenos; Χαος. We like to pride ourselves on being open-minded and accepting, hence we accept everyone including alterhumans/nonhumans/Therians/Otherkins/Deitykin/etc.
It is a requirement to be anti-government.
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opmultiverse · 2 years
Protogenos of the sky, father of the Titans, usurped by his son Kronos.
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Protogenoi 6: Children of Cronos
       The Titan and King of heaven, Cronos, with his wife Rhea, give birth to six divine children; Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. But Cronos receives a prophecy that he will be overthrown by his own son, and in his fear, swallows the first five children. But Rhea, in her grief, tricks Cronos. Instead of handing over her sixth child Zeus, she delivers a stone wrapped in cloth disguised as a baby, which Cronos ingests. On earth below, Zeus is raised by nymphs in a secret cave on Mount Ida of Crete. Here a group of spirits called the Kouretes dance and bang their spears and shields together to drown out the cries of Zeus so that Cronos won’t discover the child.
         Growing older, Rhea helps Zeus to strategize a plan by poisoning Cronos, forcing the Titan to vomit up the siblings. Now free, the Children plot to overthrow their tyrannical father, the Titanomachy war owhich we’ll explore in the next chapter. The stone which Cronos vomited up, known as the Omphalos, Zeus places at Pytho in Parnassus, which later becomes the site for the Oracle at Delphi. The stone, believed to mark the center of the world, and thus the place where heaven and earth met, is later used as a tool for divination by the oracle.
Thanks for looking and reading Tumblrs! xoxo
For more links and etsy print shop: https://linktr.ee/tylermileslockett
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Knight of Olympus: Titan's Lullaby - Chapter 5: Jaune Gets Jumped
Sitting in the white desert on a lawn chair, was a woman who appeared to be in her late 50s maybe early 60s, and behind her was a large tent, and inside the tent, a female figure slept peacefully in the tent.
The older woman's skin was a light tan color, she had raven black hair that was tied into long braids that rested on each side of her shoulders, and a golden headband around her head, her eyes were a piercing gold color, but you would have to look past her light purple circle sunglasses. Around her neck was a gold necklace with the peace sign on it, she wore a white sundress with grape vines on it for the designs, and around her waist was a golden belt, and finally, she wore a pair of black gladiator sandals.
Sitting next to her were two large lions, and in her hand was a book, however, there was no title on the cover, but she seemed to be lost in the world of the book.
However, she was taken out of her reading when she felt something appear not too far away from her, the presence of two gods, and with them was the presence of three demigods, however, there was something else, something that didn't belong and felt...Powerful.
Instantly, she knew what- Who it was, and a smile graced her face. She got up and set her book on her chair before looking at her two lions with a soft smile, "Come boys, we have guests," She said as she began to walk away.
The two lions got up, stretched, and yawned, before following their owner, wondering where she would be leading them, and they left the sleeping figure alone in the tent, as they dreamed about a knight...
"So let me get this straight," Thalia began as she looked at Jaune from the passenger seat. "Because you entered our world, the laws of the ancient Greek world are slowly crumbling away, and not only are the laws being broken and disappearing, but the gods are slowly... dying," Thalia said.
The group had arrived in New Mexico, and currently, they were still driving toward White Sand National Park.
All three Demigods said was a miracle that they had driven on the open road for so long without any Minster attacks, and Jaune couldn't help but agree, as he had heard it was usual for monsters to get in the way of Demigod's quests, yet, the only thing that had happened to them was Theia's attack at the start.
Jaune nodded, answering Thalia's question, "Yeah... but I don't think the gods are dying," He replied softly
"What else would you describe what Apollo called what he was feeling?" Drew asked with a raised brow.
Jaune shrugged, "I don't know... He said he felt more Human," Jaune replied. "Could it be they're just losing their immortality?" Jaune asked.
Will slowly nodded, "Maybe," Will replied, "Dad's been human plenty of times, but always regained his immortality afterward, maybe this time it's just more permanent," Will said.
Jaune could tell Will was only agreeing with him because the young boy didn't want to believe his father was dying, and Jaune didn't want to believe it either as Apollo seemed like a good God, and if he was dying... then so was Hestia.
Jaune didn't want that to happen to her. Yes, he had met her for a brief moment, but it had left a mark on him. He looked at the gifts he had been given by the Goddess and he thought back to her.
Her bright auburn hair and coal-burning eyes would forever be in his memories, and that loving presence she gave off was something that Jaune had never felt, it was as if his heart and soul were being warmed by her loving fire.
"If this is all true and if the Gods are either dying or becoming human, then does that mean the Titans are feeling the same?" Drew asked.
Jaune thought about it and slowly nodded, "I think so, it wouldn't make sense just to affect the Gods," Jaune said. "Apollo also mentioned that all of this could be because of people called Protogenoi, who are they?" He asked.
Hearing this, the two younger Demigods were shocked.
"Apollo thinks the Primordials are involved!?" Drew cried.
"Primordials?" Jaune and Thalia asked.
Will sat forward as he looked at the two, "Primordials are beings that surpass the Titans, and unlike the Titans and the gods, they are essentially sentient aspects of the universe itself and have absolute and total control over it, so they can never truly be killed, Gaea and Ouranos are two examples, there's a few more such as Tartarus and Nyx but the oldest and most ancient one would be Chaos," The son of Apollo informed them. "If Dad thinks that they are behind this then something big is going on, something that we don't have the answers to just yet..." Will said.
Hearing this, Jaune wondered just what these Primordials could do, if Will was right and they were all powerful beings that couldn't die like the Titans Or Gods, then surely they were a force that one did not want to mess with.
The conversation ended there for the time being as they continued to drive toward their destination, their minds back on the task that lay before them.
After another 30 minutes or so of driving, they had finally arrived at White Sand National Park. Even from the Entrance, they could see the White Sands, and Jaune had to admit, the Oracle's Prophecy was right, it was the whitest sand he had ever seen. They bought tickets to enter the park and when they saw the National park's white sand, the 3 demigods were shocked, as while they did have deserts in the US, nothing could compare to what appeared to be a vast landscape of the whitest sand they had ever seen.
"You know... I bet Annabeth would know so much about this place," Will said.
Drew nodded in agreement, "Yep, her and her monuments and parks," Drew chuckled.
Thalia looked at the two with a raised brow, "Is she really that obsessed with Monuments and Parks?" She asked.
Drew nodded, "Trust me, every time we visit New York and see an old building or statue, she knows who built it, the year, why it was built, everything," She told the Daughter of Zeus.
Thalia nodded and felt a little sad that she didn't know about Annabeth, but a part of her said she couldn't blame herself since the whole Tree thing. Thalia had hoped that when they arrived back at Camp, she could spend more time and catch up with Annabeth.
After buying a ticket, they drove in and around, before finding a secluded spot where they finally parked the Van and got out before huddling up to come up with a plan.
Once out of the Van, Will looked at Jaune with a raised brow, "So, now what?" Will asked.
"We look for a camp, Chiron said that some Titans and Titaness have been calling this place home for a good while," Jaune said.
"So we're looking for a camp... great," Thalia said with sarcasm, "At a place like this, it's gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack!" She cried.
Jaune couldn't help but agree, the amount of campers here was to be expected, and it didn't make their job any easier. "I know, but we're gonna have to do it," Jaune said.
"How do we even know the camp when we find it?" Drew asked.
Jaune opened his mouth to answer her only to realize that he had no idea.
"You have no idea, huh?" Thalia said.
Jaune nodded with a sigh, "Yeah..." He replied.
Drew chuckled, "Guess we're just gonna have to start looking, huh?" He said.
Jaune nodded, however, before they could do anything, they heard the the sound of a motorcycle closing in, and that's when the whole group felt something wrong. The Demigods felt waves of power hitting them, and it sent shivers down their spine, and they froze in place, unable to move out of sheer fear. Jaune quickly turned around when he heard the sound right behind a dune and that's when he saw the Motorcycle fly up in the air, and was about to crash right down atop of them, and thinking quickly, Jaune grabbed all three teens and jumped out of the way, helping the Demigods avoid the near-death experience.
When the three came to their senses they looked at the bike with shock as they and Jaune got to their feet, and looked at the bike along with its driver.
Jaune looked at the man and saw that he looked like the stereotypical biker, bald head, sunglasses, leather jacket, ripped jeans, and black boots. However, what stood out was the greatsword strapped to his back, one that looked too well crafted for some random warrior or a monster.
Jaune had only seen him once, but he knew who he was, he could feel the bloodthirstiness radiating off this man, and for a brief moment, Jaune was reminded of a certain Scorpian Faunus.
"Ares...?" Jaune asked with confusion and shock.
Ares got off his bike and turned to the knight and the three Demigods with a sinister smirk, "Hey punks," He said.
"Lord Ares? What brings you here?" Will asked with a raised brow.
"I'm here for him," Ares said, pointing at Jaune. "See, he's been causing some problems for us Gods that we can't let slide," He said.
Jaune grits his teeth, realizing that somehow, Ares knew about what his presence was doing to their world. "How do you know about that?" Jaune asked.
"Doesn't matter," Ares said. "I've been given permission to kill you, and that's what I'm gonna do," Ares told him with a smirk.
The young knight glared at the god of war, "Who gave you permission?" Jaune asked.
Ares continued to smirk and Jaune could have sworn he saw an orange glow behind those shades, "My father," Ares said.
Hearing this, Thalia glared at her half-brother, "No Way!" She cried.
"Yes, way!" Ares said with a laugh. "Now, why don't the rest of you lil brats runoff, or else,"
Will stood next to Jaune with his bow at the ready, "Or else what? Are you going to kill us? If you couldn't kill Percy, what makes you think you stand a chance against three of us?" Will asked.
Hearing about his previous loss to the son of the sea God caused Ares to growl in anger, "I'd watch that tongue of yours, kid," Ares told Will, "Jackson got lucky," Ares snarled.
'Percy fought Ares and won!?' Jaune asked himself.
Suddenly, they heard the hoot of an owl and Ares smiled smugly at the group. "Besides, I'm not alone this time," He told them.
Before they could ask what he meant, there was a flash of light for a brief second before appearing right next to him was Athena, all dressed and ready to fight.
"Lady Athena!?" Drew cried in shock.
Thalia was shocked to see the god of wisdom standing next to Ares, and Thalia had a gut feeling she wasn't there to help them. "What are you doing here?" Thalia asked.
Ares chuckled, "She's here to help me," Ares said.
Hearing that, the Demigods were shocked, after all, the two were bitter rivals and could hardly stand each other.
Athena looked at Jaune with her cold grey eyes, "I'm afraid that it has come to this, I would have loved to hear about your world and learn of it, however, your presence can no longer go on," Athena told him, "For balance to be restored, you must die,"
Thalia quickly summoned her shield and spear and stood next to Jaune, ready to fight, "Bring it on," she seethed.
"You're off limits, Thalia Grace," Athena told her.
"Dad said not to harm a hair on your pretty little head," Ares said with an amused tone before he set his sights on the other two Demigods, "But if you two decide to jump in, you're free game,"
Jaune quickly took a step forward as he glared at the god of war, "You're not touching them," Jaune told him.
"Let us kill you and they'll be sparred," Ares said. "Make this difficult, and I'll shove my sword through one of the brat's chests," Ares told him with a small chuckle.
Jaune's anger boiled over as he quickly activated Beauté brûlante and the shield. "The three of you stay out of this for now," Jaune told them, before turning his head to them, "Wait for an opening, Will, then fire, understood?" Jaune asked with a whisper.
Will looked at him and nodded.
Jaune nodded back, "Now get as far as you can, gain some distance away from them, if any of them get near you, they could use you as a hostage," Jaune told them again in a whisper.
Thalia wanted to argue and help him fight but realized that if she stuck with Will and Drew and either Ares or Athena tried to nab one of them, she could step in and fight, as they'd be forced to hold back in fear of hurting her. The three Demigods rushed to gain distance from the two gods, and as they did, Ares and Athena took fighting stances, and both realized what Jaune was making them do, realizing what he had whispered to them.
'Interesting, he very much knew what he might do should Ares or I get ahold of Apollo and Aphrodite's children,' Athena thought, 'But does he truly believe he can hold both of us off? If he does, he's a fool, and my plan should work, that is if Ares doesn't do anything stupid,' Athena thought.
Ares smirked at Jaune, "Ready to die?" He asked.
Jaune glared at him as he took a fighting stance, "Let's just get this over with," He said bluntly.
Ares didn't wait a second longer as he charged in first, closely followed by Athena, and when Ares was closed in Jaune quickly blocked him with his shield and then pushed him away before quickly deflecting Athena's jab with her spear. Jaune then backed up and saw the two try to attack once again, however, when Ares slashed at him again, Jaune simply used his shield to strike him in the rib causing the god of war to lose all the air in his lungs, and Jaune used his shield to bash him in the face.
As Ares stumbled backward, Athena charged in and jabbed her spear at Jaune multiple times but Jaune dodged and deflected each of her jabs, before his back struck the side of the van, and it was here that Athena thought she had him as she pulled her spear back and thrust forward, but Jaune moved his head to the side as the spear pierced the side of the van, and before she could pull it out, Jaune raised his right foot up and then kicked her in the gut, sending her back without her spear.
As the two Gods regained themselves, Jaune looked at them and twirled his sword. "Come on," Jaune seethed, "I'm not done with you,"
Ares stopped and glared at the mortal as he gripped his sword tighter, "Don't get cocky, mortal!" Ares cried as he charged in again.
Ares pulled his blade back and swung at Jaune, but Jaune blocked it with his sword, and then pushed his blade away, before he swung back at the God, however, Ares blocked the attack with his blade, and the two locked blades and glared at one another.
Athena quickly thrust her spear at Jaune's face, and sensing this coming, Jaune backed away, causing Ares's blade to strike the sand and Athena's spear to miss.
"Damn it!" Ares cried. "Stay still you mongrel!"
Jaune glared at them, "For a couple of all-powerful beings, your skill in combat is lacking," Jaune said. "You haven't fought in years have you? Haven't had a single person challenge you in a long time, huh?"
Ares growled, and even Athena glared at him, both unwilling to admit that he was right, and their skills were lacking for a long time, since for the longest time, they had no need to fight.
"I don't care about you trying to kill me, but you threatened the lives of my campers, you threatened the lives of innocent kids, and that pisses me off," Jaune said. "Fotiá,"
Flames burst out of the blade and the two gods were shocked, and both could swear that they could feel the heat from where they were.
"I'll give you one chance, walk away, or I will kill you," Jaune told them as if stating a fact.
Athena glared at him, "You believe you can kill a god?" She asked. "We're immortal you fool, we can not die, not by monsters, demigods, and surely not by the likes of you, human," She seethed.
"Are you sure about that?"
Hearing a new voice, all three turned their heads to the source of the voice only to see the old woman and her two lions, and with her were Thalia, Will, and Drew.
Ares glared at the older woman, "Who the hell are you!?" Ares asked.
The woman smiled at him softly, "Ah, I suppose none of you have ever really seen me before," She said. "Well, firstly, a pleasure to meet you, my grandchildren," She said softly.
Jaune was confused, 'Grandchildren?' Jaune asked himself.
Hearing this old woman call them grandchildren, Ares and Athena froze as their eyes widened in absolute horror, as they realized whose presence they stood in. The Demigods themselves looked at the older woman with raised brows at first before coming to the same realization as the two Gods and they quickly bowed on one knee.
The woman looked at the demigods and giggled softly, "Please, there is no need to bow, be at ease, children, we are family, are we not?"
Hearing this, the Demigod children seemed to relax and stand up, and as they did, Ares and Athena also seemed to relax, and when they did, the woman's head snapped toward them and her eyes glowed gold, "Did I say you could be at ease?" She asked.
Athena and Ares once again stiffened as they looked at her, and Jaune swore the two were sweating and breathing rapidly, which made Jaune wonder just who this old woman was.
The woman's eyes dimmed and returned to normal and walked toward the two gods still smiling softly, however, Jaune had seen a smile like that before, on his very own mother, when she was about to be strict and scary, but still kept that sweet and loving expression, which was the scariest thing to all the Arc children.
"Athena, Ares, would you kindly explain to me why you are here, and why you are trying to kill Jaune Arc?" She asked.
Athena looked at her, "You must understand, Jaune Arc is-"
The woman's eyes glowed golden once more as she turned her head to the Goddess of wisdom, "I asked for an explanation," She sternly said. "Not an excuse,"
Athena gulped, "Ares and I came here to kill Jaune Arc because he poses a threat to the order of all things," Athena said. "Father and Hera agreed to this as well,"
The woman's eyes returned to normal, and she let out a sigh, "Of course they did," she said as she closed her eyes. "Leave," She told them.
Ares glared at her, and he took a step forward toward the woman, "Wait a damn-!"
However, before he could say more, one of the Lions pounced on the God of War and snarled at him, bearing its fangs and ready to bite him when given the order.
"Leave," The woman repeated, this time in a more stern tone, one befitting a mother.
Athena nodded quickly and flashed away and the lion got off of Ares and the god of war quickly stood up and did the same as his sister, flashing away along with his bike.
The woman let out another sigh and shook her head slowly, "Ugh, why must my children make everything so difficult?" She asked herself.
"Um... excuse me?"
The woman turned to Jaune with a raised brow, "Yes, Jaune?" She asked.
Jaune looked at her, wondering how she knew his name, but there was a more important question on his mind. "Who... Are you?" the young knight asked.
Hearing this question, the woman realized she had forgotten to introduce herself to the man from another world and a bashful smile graced her lips, "Oh, how careless of me, please forgive this old woman for forgetting her manners," She began. "I am Rhea, Queen of the Titans and mother of the gods, a pleasure to meet you,"
Back at Rhea's little camp, Jaune, Thalia, Will, and Drew, sat in lawn chairs with Rhea, who had them gather around a dead campfire. Rhea sat and petted her lions as she looked at the group with a loving smile.
"It's been so long since I've crossed paths with Demigods, one who happens to be my grandchild and two who are my great-grandchildren!" Rhea said joyfully. "Ah, the fates have blessed me today,"
Thalia smiled at her grandmother, which felt weird to say, "It's great to finally meet you, Lady Rhea," Thalia said.
Rhea chuckled, "Oh no need for formalities, my dear Thalia, Grandmother is more than fine, I'd prefer it," She said with a bright smile.
Thalia nodded, "Of course, Grandma," Thalia replied.
Rhea's smile widened, "Ah, you are so cute! You have your father's eyes! Tell me, have any boys proposed to you yet?" Rhea asked.
Thalia blushed furiously as she looked at her grandmother, "I-I'm only fifteen!" Thalia cried.
Rhea chuckled, "I know, I know, just a little jest," She said. Rhea then turned to Will and Drew, "Now, how have you two been?" She asked.
"I'm doing well, Grandma," Will replied with a bright smile.
Drew nodded in agreement, "Same for me," She replied.
Rhea nodded, "Good to hear, haven't been doing anything too dangerous, I hope?" She asked.
Drew nodded, "Nope," She replied, however, the daughter of Aphrodite remembered something, "Well, except for that little run-in with Theia,"
Hearing her sister's name, Rhea sighed, "Ah, poor Theia," She said. "Please, forgive my sister, she has... not been the same since the passing of her children," Rhea said sadly.
Thalia rolled her eyes, "I'd forgive her when she apologizes for trying to kill us and curing Jaune," Thalia said.
Hearing this, Rhea turned to the older blonde, "Theia cursed you?" She asked.
Jaune nodded, "Yes," He replied. "She cursed me with seeing ghosts of my past," Jaune replied.
"How did she do it?" Rhea asked with a raised brow.
Jaune blushed a little and he could hear Will and Thalia holding back their laughter. "She... uh... well she kissed me," Jaune replied.
Rhea's eyes widened with shock before a small smile graced her lips, "I see... that is, one way to curse a person," She replied.
The dam broke as Thalia and Will began laughing loudly at how their grandmother was also shocked by how Jaune was cursed.
Jauen groaned as he looked to the Queen of Titans, "Is there a way you can remove the curse?" Jaune asked.
Rhea sighed, "Afraid not," She replied. "Only my sister can release the curse, be that by her own volition or her death," Rhea told him.
Hearing this, Jaune let out a heavy sigh as he looked to the ground.
"But I believe you didn't come here just to chat with an old woman, now did you?" Rhea asked.
Jaune looked back up at the Titaness and nodded, "Yeah," he told her. "I was sent here by the Oracle, but I... I don't know why," He told her.
Rhea smiled, "I know why," She said. "You're here for answers as to what is going on and why your mere presence is affecting our world... and you came for her," Rhea told him.
Jaune nodded and when he heard the last part of Rhea's sentence, he looked at her with a confused face, "Her?" He asked.
Rhea nodded, "Yes,"
Before Jaune could ask who the Titan Queen was referring to, he heard yawning coming from the tent and heard someone cry out, like a baby would try calling out to a mother without actually using words.
"I'm out here, dear," Rhea said with a smile.
"Oah!" Cried the person inside the tent.
The flap opened up fully and the person inside stepped out of the tent and revealed themselves to the rest of the group, the moment they showed who they were, Jaune stood up quickly in shock, knocking over his chair in the process.
Standing barefooted before the young knight, in nothing but a long white nightgown was Penny Polendina, who looked as cheerful as she always had before.
Penny's eyes landed on Jaune and a bright and big smile graced her features as she rushed over to him and leaped toward him. Jaune was in shock but quickly caught her as she wrapped her arms around her.
"Oah! Oah!" Penny cried as she held him tighter.
Jaune was shocked that she was hugging him, but he began to wonder why she was speaking like someone who could formulate words or speak any language, his eyes fell on the Queen of Titans and he looked at her with a questioning look.
"What... happened to her?" Jaune asked.
Rhea sighed, "You may want to pick up that chair of yours, Jaune Arc," Rhea began, "You are gonna need it," She told him, looking at him with her golden eyes, which now looked sad.
I am sickened guys, I'm absolutely disgusted! You know why!? Because Warner Bros. fucking shut down RT meaning RWBY, RvB, and Gen:Lock is in Limbo! That just fucking blows!
But no! Not only did I learn RWBY was now in Limbo waiting to be bought for god knows how long, no I learned that Akira Toriyama had passed! Like what the fuck!?
This week has just not been my week... This is also why I'm also choosing to torture you guys as well. (It was part of my plan for the story anyway~)
Hey! You agreed to be a part of the ride the moment you began reading and made it this far, don't back out now!
Anyway, Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know you'll be back for the next one, after all, how can you leave now with this major cliffhanger~?
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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KHAOS (Chaos) Talon Abraxas
KHAOS (Chaos) was the first of the primordial gods (protogenoi) to emerge at the dawn of creation. She was followed in quick succession by Gaia (Gaea, Earth), Tartaros (the Pit Below) and Eros (Procreation).
Khaos was the lower atmosphere which surrounds the earth--both the invisible air and the gloom of fog and mist. The word khaos means "gap" or "chasm" being the space between heaven and earth. Khaos was the mother and grandmother of the other misty essences--Erebos (the mists of netherworld darkness), Aither (the ethereal mists of heaven), Nyx (the night) and Hemera (the day), as well as the numerous emotion-driving Daimones (Spirits) which haunted it. She was also a goddess of fate like her daughter Nyx and grand-daughters the Moirai (Moirae).
As the goddess of the air Khaos was also the mother of birds, just as Gaia (the Earth) was the mother of land animals, and Thalassa (the Sea) was the mother of fish.
Late classical authors redefined Khaos as the chaotic mix of elements which existed in the primordial universe, conflating it with the primal "Mud" of the Orphic cosmogony. The modern English word "chaos" derives from this.
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
NYX - Goddess of the Night
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NYX is the Goddess of the night. According to Greek myth, before there was life there was Chaos. Nyx was born of this Chaos as the personification of the night. She is the only one Zeus fears as she is older, and he is unaware of her powers. Sometimes her children were referred to as "The Children of the Night" embodying aspects of darkness. These include Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), and Nemesis (Retribution). Not all of her offspring are dark entities. She lived with her daughter beyond the horizon at Tartarus. Hemera was the personification of Day. They crossed paths twice a day as each went off to perform their respective duties of bringing about night and day.
Origin - Ancient Greece
Dominion - Prophecy, rest, revealing truth, Oracles
Symbols - Stars and Moon
Colors - Dark Blue and Purple and Black
Tarot Cards - The Moon, The Star, and Death
Workings- Divination, Prophetic Dreaming, Manipulating Dreams, Astral Projection, Deep Meditation, Astrology, Self-Discovery, Shadow Work, and Mental Health Healing
Prayer for NYX:
"Spangled lady of the darkest skies, Mother of sleep, dreams bringing balance to the world, we honor you in the sunless hours, the stillness your hymn, the stars your votive offerings. We offer you our day-weary minds, vessels desperate for the transformation, of your soothing black weight, end our attachment to that which is easily known. Please show us the beauty in the inky darkness, allow us to see the things that hide in the day, bring us your mysteries, your shadowy knowledge, and soothe us with the rest when we are weary"
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
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Ancient goddess of the Night Court
So I stumbled upon the Feyre + Rhys bonus chapter of ACOSF a week ago, 2 years after finishing the book. I read the other one but missed this one, in which they are cuddling and decide to name their son after the lost deity. SJM took Nyx directly from Greek mythology.
and I am totally enraptured.
Nyx was the goddess of the night, one of the primordial gods (protogenoi) who emerged as the dawn of creation.
She was a child of Khaos (Chaos, Air), and Phanes (the Void)
She eventually coupled with Erebos (Darkness) my girl
Alone she spawned a brood of dark spirits including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.
Nyx was usually envisaged as the very substance of the night--a veil of dark mists drawn across the sky to obscure the light of Aither, the shining blue of the heavens. Her opposite number was Hemera (Day) who scattered the mists of night at dawn.
Anyways, I really enjoy how SJM strings in mythology to her stories. I keep thinking of how she paired TOG characters with certain deities, ( Aelin/Mala, Hellas/ Lorcan, Anneith/Elide, etc.) I can't help but to think the goddess Nyx, born of the Void, might shadow Elain, who can see into the Void. I like, really need them to hang in the ether at some point. Just ignore me, nerding over here.
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serenedolly · 8 months
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Nyx - Goth Greek Goddess-
NYX was the goddess of the night, one of the primordial gods (protogenoi) who emerged as the dawn of creation.
She was a child of Khaos (Chaos, Air), and coupling with Erebos (Darkness) she produced Aither (Aether, Light) and Hemera (Day). Alone she spawned a brood of dark spirits including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.
Nyx was an ancient deity usually envisaged as the very substance of the night--a veil of dark mists drawn across the sky to obscure the light of Aither, the shining blue of the heavens. Her opposite number was Hemera (Day) who scattered the mists of night at dawn.
In ancient art Nyx was depicted as a either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with an aureole of dark mists.
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catofadifferentcolor · 10 months
Terrible Fic Idea #59: Percy Jackson x Lord of the Rings
After my last two terrible fic ideas, I challenged myself to come up with other PJO/HOO/TOA crossovers that shouldn't work but just actually might be onto something. And have I got the least likely - yet somehow not crack - crossover for you yet.
Or: What if Percy Jackson was dumped into the First Age of Middle-Earth?
Just bear with me:
According to the Ainulindalë, Eru Ilúvatar sang Middle-Earth into creation with the Ainur, a subset of which went on to become the Valar and Maiar who are the gods of that world.
But who is to say Middle-Earth is the only world Eru created? Maybe it was his masterpiece and he created a bunch of smaller, less well-planned and well-loved worlds for practice. Maybe some of the Ainur decided they wanted to get in on the world-building action after Middle-Earth was shut off from the rest and created our world as a playground of their own. Who knows? Regardless of details, because of this the Riordanverse exists in the same multiverse as Middle-Earth, with the protogenoi (Gaea, Chaos, Tartarus, &c) being some flavor of Ainur.
Because of this connection, it is possible to travel between one world created by Eru and another - if you have enough Ainur blood and no pressing desire to ensure you survive the journey or will be able to find your way back to your original world.
Just imagine it:
Echoing Son of Neptune, Percy Jackson washes ashore on the coast of Nevrast in Beleriand near Vinyamar in the year 495 of the First Age. He has no memories and carries nothing but the clothes on his back and a grief so heavy it would take the life of an elf.
He encounters Voronwë and Tuor on their way to Gondolin. They travel together for a while, but share no common language and part before they reach the hidden city. The pair name him Airëran, or Sea-Wanderer in Quenya.
Years pass. Percy wanders, spending most of his time alone by (or in) the sea with this grief. He eventually encounters Voronwë again after the Fall of Gondolin (FA 510) who brings him to one of the elvish settlements. By the Destruction of Bereiand (FA 587) many believe him to be blessed by Ulmo as Tuor was, but when the extent of Percy's demigod powers are made clear, they state that he is clearly half-Man, half-Maia, possibly even the son of Ossë himself.
Percy and Voronwë - now called Aerandír and Bronwë respectively after the Sindarin shift - spend most of the Second Age either at sea or in the Grey Havens. They travel farther than even the Númenorians, charting much of the world - but never travel West, in deference to Voronwë/Bronwë's failed voyage before they met. When the war against Sauron begins, they offer what naval assistance they can and fight at Dagorlad in the Last Alliance.
At the start of the Third Age, Percy and Voronwë/Bronwë set out to remap the oceans after the Changing of the World (SA 3319), lightheartedly grumbling about all their previous cartography being undone. Again.
Throughout all of this, Percy remembers nothing of his original life or family. As far as he's concerned, he is Airëran/Aerandír and always has been - except for the overwhelming, nameless grief he carries with him, though he's learned to live with it over the centuries. Snatches come back to him in dreams, but only ever the worst parts, which he actively tries to suppress.
That is, until c. TA 300, when Percy and Voronwë/Bronwë are caught in a great storm at sea. Percy is swept overboard - and encounters Ossë in the deep.
There is some info-dumping - mainly that Percy isn't Ossë's son, but something like his nephew given his ancestry, and that Percy must allow his suppressed memories to return for the good of Middle-Earth - before Percy is allowed to return to a panicked Voronwë/Bronwë.
Over the next thousand years, Percy eventually gains access to most of his memories.
Long story very short, the consequences of holding up the sky and traveling through Tartarus effected Annabeth in a way they never effected Percy, and within two years of becoming a professional architect in the mortal world she was diagnosed with stage-three cancer. She died six months after - and Percy's grief was homeric. He tried all the usual demigod tricks to get her back, but all the doors were shut to him - especially after Poseidon, not willing to have the same thing happen to the son of which he is so proud, gifted Percy with immortality and a position in his court. At this, Percy raged - but even this soon turned back to grief as his mortal family dies in a car accident and his demigod friends are killed by monsters and/or another divine war in which he can do nothing to help. He eventually found a spell that should allow him to go back to the start - but instead of taking Percy back to his fist day at CHB, it took him to the first world Eru created, Middle-Earth.
Most of the Third Age is Percy coming to terms with his past and using what he's learned with the elves all these years to get a handle on his grief.
He and Voronwë/Bronwë do, however, show up to fight at Pelennor Fields (3019 TA), and instead of commandeering the ships with black sails, Aragorn and company arrive to find they've been beaten to the task - and that Percy's fleet carries many Easterlings and Umbarians who'd rather fight against Sauron than for him.
When the Last Ship sails West, Percy and Voronwë/Bronwë join them and continue their adventures in Aman - and it's here that Percy's memories of interfacing with the gods in his first life are important, as Eru is taking more and more umbrage that the creatures he created in his image act like him and create things with their free will and don't always follow his plan. (Think What Song Can Fell the Mountain by CaveDwellers and Rhinocio.) But how that falls out is dealer's choice.
Bonuses include: 1) The slowest of slow burns between Percy and Voronwë, with Voronwë falling in love with Percy by their second meeting and Percy taking the next couple thousand years to realize oh, yes, I'm in love with him, when did that happen? This should be very much an exploration of love not needing physical intimacy to be real, as well as an acknowledgement that the shallow love Voronwë felt at their second meeting is dwarfed by the love he feels for Percy after getting to know him. All of Arda would breathe a sigh of relief when they get together, except most of them think the two have been together since Bereiand and just hadn't gotten around to physical intimacy until late in the game; 2) Random appearances of Maglor throughout the ages on various coastlines across the world - the last being when he joins Percy and Voronwë as they sail to Aman; and 3) Percy gaining a collection of names which should rival any and everyone in Middle-Earth with their size and number. These should be listed at some point for the eager hobbits after the Ring is destroyed and some brief telling of his deeds given, with Percy - and perhaps Voronwë - interjecting things like, so-and-so wasn't actually that impressive or wait, that guy was the king of those people? I thought he was just a jerk.
And that... was surprisingly more detailed than I thought it would be. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you ever do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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alovelyburn · 1 year
I wonder if Griffith was partly inspired by the Orphic deity Phanes. Phanes was an androgynous, two-natured, dualistic winged being who was born from a cosmic “world egg”. His parents were the concepts Chronos (time) and Ananke (fate) & his name literally means “to bring light” (which is appropriate bc Mr. Hawk of Light was inspired by Paradise Lost’s Lucifer aka Mr. Lightbringer himself). In some myths he’s known as Eros (desire), whom the Gnostics believed existed between light and darkness.
Sorry it took a thousand years to respond to this - I wasn't very familiar with Phanes (Eros yes, Phanes no) so I wanted to read more into it, but I have no time ever.
So here's what I found, which I imagine is more informative to people who arent you, anon!:
"Aion, Time or Eternity personified, brought into the existence the world egg. From this egg emerged Phanes either with or without the intevention of Chronos (time, who might or might not have been Aion) and Ananke (inevitability).
Phanes’ name means “light bringer”, but in the Orphic tradition Phanes was the Greek god of Creation and Life, from whom all subsequent life developed. If comparing the Hesiod and Orphic traditions, then Phanes might be equated with the Protogenoi Eros.
It is perhaps incorrect to called Phanes a god, for he was considered to be both male and female, beautiful in appearance, with golden wings, intertwined with a serpent’s tail." Source
The Orphics equated Phanes with the elder Eros (Desire) of Hesiod's Theogony. "A mystic divinity in the system of the Orphics, is also called Eros, Ericapaeus, Metis, and Protogonus. He is said to have sprung from the mystic mundane egg, and to have been the father of all gods, and the creator of men." - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Source
And then a whole load of stuff from, of course, Wikipedia:
Phanes was a deity of light and goodness, whose name meant "to bring light" or "to shine"; a first-born deity, he emerged from the abyss and gave birth to the universe.
In the Orphic tradition, Dionysus-Protogonos-Phanes is a dying and rising god. Eusebius tells us the story of his death and recreation:The Titans boil the dismembered limbs of Dionysus in a kettle, they roast him on a spit and eat the roasted "sacrificial meat", but Athena rescues the still-beating heart[13] from which (according to Olympiodorus)[14] Zeus is able to recreate the god and bring him back to life.
The roasted "sacrificial meat" of Phanes may be associated to the Cannibal Hymn. The Cannibal Hymn preserves an early royal butchery ritual in Ancient Egypt, in which the deceased king , assisted by the god of wine Shezmu, slaughters, cooks and eats the gods as sacrificial bulls, thereby incorporating in himself their divine powers in order that he might negotiate his passage into the Afterlife. These sacrificial bulls are also referred to Mithraism. Through Mithraism and its lion headed figures, Phanes could also be associated to Ahura Mazda.
Also this is him:
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Okay so. Obviously not a 1:1, but we have a lot of common elements with Griffith for sure:
-An androgynous entity that emerges from a cosmic egg. It's also interesting that in some versions Phanes emerges along with or helped by Inevitability and Time, which also seems relevant.
-A god of light born from the Abyss.
-Equated with a god of desire, who exists between light and dark.
-The image of a winged being entwined by serpents is very reminiscent of the Holy See's symbol.
-A dying-and-resurrecting god whose initial death starts with torture and then descends into cannibalism, recreated by the will of the King of Gods (or in Griffith's case the only God, but if you consider the Godhand to send in for ancient deities as it seems they may, then I suppose IoE would be the head of the pantheon)
-I also think it's incredibly interesting that Phanes seems to be embroiled in a leadership cycle where one generation passes the holy scepter to the next, each of which seems to come with its own pantheon - the Titans for Chronus, the Olympians for Zeus. That seems very reminiscent of one of the major theories of the Godhand cycle.
-Also interesting that Phanes himself is a primordial/first God, but is also associated with the theoretical heir to the throne of Zeus, Dionysus.
-Phanes is the creator of man - Griffith isn't obviously the creator of man, but he is the embodiment of man's will and perhaps in charge of creating the next era. Because of the theory that Femto is the heir to Void's role basically.
-Semi-bird themed and helmeted.
Yeah, I think it's a pretty good bet that Griffith was inspired by Phanes. Particularly because when you look at the old set of Godhand from Skull Knight's flashback you see some variants on Hellenic deities (Artemis of Ephesus).
I actually wonder more about the belief that Griffith was inspired by Lucifer. I mean he was inspired by Ryo Asuka who was inspired by Lucifer, but I've never actually seen any statement that Miura was directly inspired by Dante rather than being second-hand inspired through Go Nagai. I did look around for info on this but the only thing I found was someone kind fo arbitrarily associating circles of hell with random enemies in Berserk.
Not that I would necessarily disagree particularly as Miura was obviously very interested in religious iconography and classic works. I'm just wondering if that's an assumption because of some of the shared themes or if Miura said something about it at some point.
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