#then turning around and hating on queer players
txicyuri · 1 year
i think it’s about time we eradicate straight men from the overwatch fandom. they’re always making EVERYTHING about them.
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WIBTA if I start giving some very *very* Christian family members religious pamphlets from non-Christian religions as gifts?
To be clear, I am writing this while firmly believing I'm NTA but I am angry and don't trust my own judgment too much right now.
Background and Players: My Son (19) was adopted out as a baby by his incubator behind (my husband, 40) his father's back. He was abandoned at 4 by his adopted family because of behavioral issues related to what his incubator was putting into her body while she was pregnant with him, and went into foster care with people I will call Amom and Adad. Adad is a pastor in his 90s and Amom is a pastor's wife in her 80s. When Son was 13 and I had been with Husband for 5ish years, we had been told (by someone from his incubator's family but we didn't know that at the time) he was non-verbal and "mentally an infant" and that trying to pull him out of the routine he had would just be incredibly harmful to him, so we had given up hope of finding him and having a relationship with him. We got a phone call one day, a worker who was looking for a medical history for Son. Husband spent close to 3 hours on the phone with her, answering questions and asking anything he could squeeze in. Turns out, we had been lied to about his mental health just... completely. He's impossible to shut up and he graduated high school last year despite, you know, *gestures vaguely at everything* and I am incredibly proud of him. Half an hour after that call ended, she called back and told us Son might be interested in meeting us, was it okay for her to pass on our contact info. A month later, Son, Amom, Adad, Husband and I were sitting in a restaurant together and a month after that we went to their place for a week to spend Christmas with them. This is when they informed us that they had finalized his legal adoption a couple of weeks earlier. 2 years after that, my QPP moved in with us, and another year later 16 year old Son asked if he could move in with us. He still does.
The Issue: Son wants a continuing relationship with Amom and Adad, but due to the previously mentioned substances used by his incubator, he has memory and time management issues so I have to regularly remind him to contact them. I have no problem doing this, but the contact we have had with them over the last few years has soured me on their company. I've got no problem reminding Son to contact them and organizing rides for him to visit (usually QPP and I driving him, the trip is a couple of hours each way) but I'd rather never speak to them myself if it can be avoided. It didn't start out this way, but over the years they have made it very clear that they don't respect anyone else's beliefs. Not just us, like there was one night where they were going off about some Danish surgeon saying publicly that he was Muslim first, Danish second, and they were trying to convince us to be terrified by that. The conversation ended awkwardly when Husband asked if Adad was Nationality or Christian first (because that's different you see). We have found books on the bookshelves in the guest room about how any kind of queerness at all is demonic possession, one of which they wrote. They talk about things like being sent on a mission by their god to save as many (and I hate that these are quotes) "brown heathen children" by making them Christians as possible (Son and his adopted siblings are all First Nations, Amom and Adad are as white as I am), or how Jewish people are evil for stopping Christians from claiming their suffering because "Jesus was a Jew so aren't all Christians also Jews?". Amom once spent a week trying to convince me to go to church with her and share the details of my childhood sexual abuse with the entire congregation because "it will show God you are ready to be forgiven". QPP is a shintoist and after they found that out, we started seeing more literature about the Japanese, specifically during WWII, around their house when we visited.
We have politely made it clear that we are not interested in Christianity, especially not their version. Multiple times. We thought it was finally over after Son had a meltdown at them at his graduation ceremony because he wanted JUST ONE conversation with them that wasn't about Jesus. He was in tears trying to explain that to them, and their response was to tell him he needed to come back to church so they could lay on hands and chase all the demons making him say these horrible disrespectful things to them out of him. He was supposed to stay with them for a few days to visit after that, but by the time I tracked him down and got him calm, he didn't want to go anymore. They seemed to stop after that, like they actually backed off and I think I got maybe 2 emails that didn't mention God or Jesus, not even a "God bless" in the sign off. We were optimistic. Son was late organizing it but we dropped him off (at his request, he's worried that Adad won't make it to next Christmas and wanted to see him) at their place on Boxing Day. We did not hang around, we did not send gifts, we didn't even reply to the Family Christmas Email (it had a video of a Jordan B Peterson rant embedded in it and I've told them before that we are not interested in anything that sack of hateful arrogance has to say please stop putting him in my inbox). We have done everything we can to make it clear that we do not want a relationship with them for ourselves, including outright directly telling them politely to their faces that we will not stop Son from seeing them but we don't feel comfortable around them and don't want a relationship with them for ourselves. Son came back with "gifts" from them - a study guide for a specific Bible book (I got John, Husband got Michael, QPP set his on fire before we saw who it was) and a bag of candy that looked like it came out of a thrift store (I got the same one they always get me, which I laughed off the first and second and third time and explained I couldn't stand them because my abuser used to give me one when he was done. Husband is diabetic and got York Patties. QPP actually got something decent though, $20 for gas).
I have managed to keep my "I'd rather you hadn't bothered actually" rantingvto Tumblr, which i don't think they even know exists, but I'm still pissed about the Bible crap as "gifts". I am considering changing tactics completely and being super friendly, mirroring their energy, and giving them the same treatment they've given us. I want to make excuses to visit so I can explain the finer points of shintoism and Celtic paganism in every single conversation. I want to give them books for gifts, books like The Tao of Pooh and The Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I want to wrap cash in pamphlets about The Invisible Pink Unicorn and leave it on their fridge.
QPP and husband think I should give myself more time to calm down and just keep ignoring it and playing nice when I'm forced to play at all but like, IT'S BEEN 6 YEARS.
What are these acronyms?
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middlingmay · 3 months
Well. That display at the Euros was embarrassing. So here's some professional football (soccer) AU headcanons because that's the last match I'll ever watch.
Feel free to add your own!
John plays for a team in one the lower leagues (say, League One). Everyone comments on the fact that he's built like a rugby player. But he's an excellent defensive player in midfield.
He's also an excellent striker, but no one wants to put him up front because they think he's too bulky to react at the speed they need from attackers.
But the fans love him and so does the media. He's an openly queer player and a brutal, honest player, too. He hates diving and calls it out when he sees it. He wipes dirt off his knees and gets back up, and drives his teammates to play good honest football.
But he hates the media. Hates that whole side of the game and constantly refuses to give any kind of interview, despite Kidd begging him because it would be good for the profile of the club.
Gale is a sports journalist. Not as a career, just for the pay cheque. After years listening to his dad talk about the strengths and weaknesses of teams and players, he has a knack for it. His dispassionate impartiality goes over a storm with readers too and he's gained a bit of a reputation.
They send him to cover a League One game. Gale quite likes them. The players still love what they do, but there is far less ego.
He's late, though. He's had a hell of a morning. His car is on the blink, and he can fix it but he doesn't have time so he runs for the train and catches it by a hair. He's stuck between a snorer and someone who stinks of meat. When he gets off the train the drizzle starts when the forecast had said sunshine.
But he has a job to do so he fishes his pass out of his coat pocket and fumbles with his bag strap.
At the gate to the sideline area reserved for journalists, the steward asks for his pass and Gale's stomach plummets when he realises the pass that was just in his hand is gone.
He frantically pats his pockets when he hears a cough behind him.
He whirls around to see a man in shorts high on his thigh, strong, muscled legs that trailed down into unlaced trainers. His jacket is only half on, and he's wearing a vest tight across a broad chest, and he's holding Gale's pass between his fingers.
The steward seems to recognise the man and teases him. "Cutting it fine, Bucky."
Bucky grimaces and turns back to Gale pressing the pass into his hand. "That yours?"
Gale nearly deflates down into the ground in relief. "Yeah." He finally looks the guy in the face, and somehow it's worse than his dishevelled clothes and the body on display underneath.
He's covered in freckles, his mouth is wide and his lips look thick and his jaw is strong. And his eyes are dark blue and full of mischief.
Gale barely manages to get out a stammering thanks before someone's barking at Bucky from behind the gate and the man near jumps a foot in the air before he's barrelling through Gale and the steward.
He calls to the steward, though, before he vanishes. "Upgrade him, will ya! Tell Kidd I give, so long as it's him." And he points at Gale.
Gale then finds himself, after the game taking rising star John Egan's first ever interview.
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rowanthestrange · 3 months
So we know the main theme of the season is ‘you created the problem’:
Space Babies - Booger monster, story.
The Devil’s Chord - A human had to play the chord first, more broadly Fourteen gave the Pantheon ability to manifest.
Boom - The mudmen aren’t real and your ambulances are putting you down.
73 Yards - Dead Ruby becomes The Woman.
Dot & Bubble - You were so racist the robots chose genocide - person creates robot, robot creates or enables slugs.
Rogue - Depending on how surface level you are, anywhere from ‘the Doctor set the trap’ to ‘if you’d proposed to the Master before running away he would have given up being a Time Lord for you’.
The start of The Church On Ruby Road looks like Ruby dropping herself as a baby, so we’ve presumably got at least one layer covered. If it’s a Pantheon member behind it, two.
I was wondering for era-arc (we’re not dealing with the Pantheon once and for all now, no way, this is an introductory season), do you think we’re going to swing round to the Doctor getting the Pantheon to turn on their father/head of the family?
By the sound of it, the Toymaker has created legions of offspring. A terrible father who presumably made them for the sole reason of having someone to play against while being kept from the universes. He makes toys. And when they don’t amuse him anymore, he discards them.
Certainly the Maestro has a poor opinion of him, “Daddy was bad to me,” and yes, I can imagine. The basic literary (and life) dynamic that is the creative queer child of a competitive shit dad. Their specialty is music, and they are summoned as a set of rule-breaking ‘wrong’ notes. But they’re not about playing it and expressing it for everyone, they want it all for themselves. Which makes a lot of sense if your daddy is constantly playing with you, forcing you to bet, even though he wins he always wins. You don’t get to own anything. So you become the owner of the unownable. Playing but in a new way. Playing pianos and fiddles and drums and instruments, a playing you can’t win or lose.
And if Rogue is The Rogue, their specialty also fits. D&D is a roleplaying game. A thing you can play but there is no winning. It is structured, there are rules, as they would have been brought up with, not quite as loosey-goosey as Playing Pretend, but not so strict that creativity is punished. A DM has control but any bullshit moving the universe around to get what you intended is bad practice - perhaps tired of a dad that will literally make the floor lava ‘that’s not cheating that’s just the game’. They love roleplaying because it’s not about winning, but about the experience. And again, a queer offspring as per literary and life dynamic.
Is the Toymaker the root? Is there a worse parent above him? Possibly. Probably. We at least temporarily dispatched him at the start so he doesn’t hold much sway as the Biggest Bad. The Maestro refers to a he/him ‘The Oldest One’ though that could be the oldest sibling. The One Who Waits (it/its) could be that - but it seems included in a list of new players the Toymaker had access to, so perhaps not. (And if it’s something like Love, well, the Toymaker doesn’t play games with love perhaps? Too messy).
But Russell saying abused kids, queer kids, have a right over their shitty parents? That feels like a good and thematic way to end the Pantheon stuff.
(What else do you play? Well a play obviously - would fit either Susan Twist or Mrs Flood, acting-to-a-crowd. Musical same vibe. You can play with people’s minds. Sport would be funny - a child the Toymaker hated less until for some reason they couldn’t do it anymore. Literally play perhaps, the essence thereof, one with no goals, more silly, innocent, more abstract a creature than the rest with their humanoid forms - too esoteric for the Toymaker. If The One Who Waits isn’t Love, then Love who was raised to play games…but actually doesn’t want to...)
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla
This story includes a lot of original characters. Photos of characters and favorite scenes will be drawn. You can find their photos on the masters list along with the prologue and past chapters.
( MasterList )
Original Characters : Veve, Puck, Volk, Steinfield, Valentina, Calypso
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 7
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The music was now loud and the event was almost ready to get started. Key players were still missing like a certain corrupt priest and the vampires this whole training practice was for though. You growl into your pre-saved essence bottle as you were getting impatient. Did they really not care to get you or Laddie back. You knew it was just a plot to get them all out here in one area but it was genuinely making you upset the thought that they blew your fake rescue off. It didn't help you had been surving off pre-saved essence right now because after your date with Paul and Marko you suddenly lost the appetite for anyone else.
You chuck the empty bottle glass exploding on the ground before you feel Veve start to rub your back. “ Hey, hey. What's got you upset girlie? Did Volk not get you fed earlier? “ You turn your head face heating up as your tail wraps around your leg nervously. “ I just wasn't in the mood for it. Not that hungry. “ You can feel the sweat dripping down your face as Veve examines you closer. You know you can't hide it from her but you're hoping you don't have to admit it out loud. After feeding off the boys no one else was tasting as good anymore. Even Volk, your favorite snack, became stale and boring to you. Not that his bed game was getting bad, just his soul's flavor. 
Were you pissed off because David and Paul saw into your nightmare? That you and Marko had drunk sex you couldn't remember? Or were you actually pissed because you hated to admit you wanted them. Teeth grinding, even the mere idea of craving David had you pissed. Why couldn't he just keep being a manipulative snarky bitch.. He just had to be secretly sweet. A heavy jeweled hand pulled you in close as a tall Latina witch pulled you into her side. “ (Y/n) ! How's my favorite organ donor doing? Been a while since you got your prescription filled.” The woman hands you a pack of pre rolled cigarettes with a strange red sparkling herb in it. You immediately open the pack putting one in your mouth getting ready to light it before Veve is protesting.
“ Are you serious ( Y/n )! You know all those things you do is numb you. Just because devils root and angel tear petals can medicate you doesn't mean you should. “ Veve goes to snatch the cigarette from your mouth before you hand it to Valentina who gladly takes a puff. “ Don't worry, Veve I've got our girl taken care of. It's the pure stuff I promise. I fixed her dosage as well so she won't experience any of the bad side effects of the devil's root. It's like weed. She'll be okay. “ Veve still growls in response, not so happy with your little fight club friends enabling your self destructive behavior. “ Sure but all these herbs are for her is another way to self-destruct. There a bonified crutch for her and she's been doing good recently I don't want to find her so medicated she can't form a single thought. “ You feel a sense of guilt for a moment at the cigarette in your hand before you think about the last 24 hours.
“ Please Veve. I can't possibly make it through the night sober. I promise I'm only smoking them to calm me down not to numb me to the point I can't think. “ Your cousin looks at you with a glare before her eyes soften. She's been with you since the night you were attacked and ran off. She's been through so many of your highs and worse possible lows. How many times you've run away and isolated yourself from even her, falling apart till she found you putting you back together slowly. You were like her sister, the only person who truly knew you but she just wanted you to be happy and finally stop being tormented by that oni bastard who dared to call himself both your childhood friends. “ Okay. For tonight but if I catch you comatose again I'm having Volk pump your stomach and we're confiscating these. “
You smile being pulled into a big hug by her before she places her forehead against yours. “ I'm going up to the stands. I think our quests are finally showing up. Don't do anything stupid you hear me!” You turn to the entrance of the arena where lycanthropes are gathered hollering and hooting, antagonizing the vampires as the group confidently marches to where you are. Laddie looks from where he is eating with Puck to notice Dwayne glaring him down while Star looks disappointed. The boy instinctively curling up in on himself before the blonde lycanthrope let's out a nasty growl. “ So glad to see you two are having fun. Did you enjoy your day out? Enjoyed hanging with these flee bags more than us. Well it's time to honor your side of the deal (Y/n). Or did you forget your promise. “
Your arm mark stings as your eyes roll, leaning into your high from your cigarette. “ Don't get your panties in a twist David. I'm here aren't I. If you're mad about Marko getting sex and not you, don't feel bad I barely remember it. “ Marko seems hurt by this comment as his hands ball into fists but then again he didn't remember the night either. “ Your both coming home. Now. “ Dwayne growls as the time for games was over, your apparent attitude is not endearing. He motions for the boy to come to his side before you raise your hand, Laddie freezing in his tracks as Volk pushes In Front of the vampires. “ I don't know if your sleep caused amnesia boys but they're not going with you. They're staying with our pack since we can actually take care of them unlike the likes of you. Ferals. “ A smirk plays on your face as you whistle into your cigarette not facing the vampires staring into your soul.
Marko roughly grabs Volk by his shirt collar as all the demons gather around the scene. “ You want to say that again fleabag. I'll put your ass out for that. “ Marko gets ready to punch before Volk tilts his head signaling for you to get your man. In a split second you knock Marko out on his ass easily pulling him away and slinging him on the floor. The curly haired vampire doesn't even have time to react before a bone heel is pressed into his chest keeping him down. Your cigarette barely affected as you take a long drag surprising the vampires before Paul makes a lunge at Volk as well. Without missing a beat a whip of bone wraps around his foot roughly dragging him to your pile of Vampires as you lean down blowing a mix of medicated smoke and pheromones in the pairs face.
“ Why would you betray us princess? I thought you were on our side.“ Marko says letting out a groan as you pile a confused Paul on top of him placing your heel back on top of them. “ I am on your side. You were gonna do something stupid so I stopped your dumbasses. Don't take it so hard sweethearts I just like playing rough. “ You smirk down at them, eyes lighting up as you blow more smoke in their face, whip laying at your side. Dwayne growls at you. “ You're breaking your promise. I won't stand by as you hurt us. “ Your heart stings at this, your teeth grinding as your heel pushes further down on the chaos duo earning a squeak from them. “ No, your breaking the promise Dwayne. How the hell am I supposed to feed off y'all or even learn to love you if I can't even trust you guys to keep Laddie safe. I just stopped these two from attacking the werewolf's pack leader effectively causing a turf war. You guys would understand the importance of that if you weren't a bunch of ferals. They are right to call you guys that since you became vampires joining our society but you can't even take the time to learn how things work.”
David's eyes flash red as he pulls you off the two by your arm roughly glaring daggers into you. How dare you talk to them like that after all the care and worry they have shown for you. The effort they made to win you over. “ Just cause we have a deal doesn't mean you get to lash out on us when we're trying to love you. “ You glare back into red eyes before grabbing David by the throat both Micheal and Star now becoming worried. “ No you don't get to love me. I can't protect you all, the way the coven is now. Micheal hates you and doesn't trust me. Star is so lost she's doesn't feel like she has a voice. And you four don't even know that with how you all are now your all in danger of being killed by the vampiric high council if they find out you fucking exist. While I'm over here taking responsibility for what I did to Laddie you have proved you can't take care of him or me.”
Confused eyes soften on you as Michaels face washes with guilt and confusion. David freezes, loosening his hold on you before you kick his feet out from under him, effectively maneuvering yourself to put David in a headlock with your thighs. The blonde struggles a bit trying to claw at your plush flesh while the adrenaline mixed with your scent hits his nose riling him up. He feels wrong for getting turned on by this but something about this position and your strong demeanor is doing something for him. “ So no Dwayne I didn't break our deal. And I haven't hurt the blondes either. If anything I'm fulfilling my end since y'all wanna boast about me not needing to feed on anyone else then leaving me starving all day and night. These three are my snacks before I spend the next few weeks beating your asses into shape. You don't wanna be labeled ferals fine. Just let me fulfill my duty to protect you guys. “
You feel three taps on your shoulder from Volk as he's thoroughly satisfied with the demonstration given to everyone. The demons of the club sit patiently observing before cheers and hollers erupt. Valentina swiftly helps you up as she steals the last of your cigarette. “ Really short stack, these are the boy toys you want us to teach. I can work with the girlie. I sense she's got potential in my department but these men are hopeless.” You laugh shooting your stylish friend a look. “ Hey. You know my type of men is big, tall and stupid. But watch it. Only I get to give them shit.” Veve smiles down at the scene In Front of her. You definitely were catching some sort of feelings. This made her extremely happy to see you healing finally. Hopefully you'd eventually admit to it but she knew this was just the beginning of your journey. The woman hands Laddie a fruit she sliced for him as she keeps the boy calm.
“ Do they not like eachother? Are big sis (Y/n) and the others gonna fight again? “ The boy looks down worry lacing his face as the woman laughs. “ No she's likes them a lot. If she didn't she wouldn't go out of her way to arrange this for all of you to get stronger. She just fights David so much because she wants the best for him she's just too stubborn to admit it. Now why don't we make her proud by continuing to work on that homework. “ The boy looks to his book he was studying in as the pair go back to his education. You were currently pressuring said blonde vampire to strip his clothes in the makeshift locker room. “ Just put the damn work out clothes on. It's not gonna kill you to show a bit of skin David. “ The blonde huffs as he holds the short shorts up, staring at them and the tank top he thought was tacky. “ That's easy to say for you. Your kind doesn't even like clothes. “ You roll your eyes as you chase the man. “ So you can read. Bravo. Now strip. Or do I have to coax them off of you the old fashion way. Oh please David remove your layers of black clothing and put the fucking uniform on you pastey asshole. “
David's face morphs into a sneer as you pull at his clothes. “ This is not how I was imagining the next time I took my clothes off for you was gonna go. Though I guess you're wearing a lot more than I personally like you to be wearing in my fantasies . “ This comment is met with you harshly punching David as you start forcibly ripping his clothes off him threatening to tear them if he doesn't cooperate peacefully. It takes a bit of struggling and a lot of staring in shock from Micheal who's worried you'll do that to him next so he changes without question. “ Did you guys eat before you came here? Micheal, how are you feeling right now, no cravings or urges?” Shocked by the sudden gentleness of your question he shyly shakes his head.
“ No, by the time we got to the cave they dragged us all the way out here. I am feeling a bit sluggish from it. “ A soft smile finds its way to your face as you pat the brunette's arm. “ Well we have food so don't worry. I even made sure to get food you can eat. You may just have to fight the lycanthropes for the prime rib or steak. “ The man grabs your hand as you walk him out the locker room, an intrigued David watching like a hawk. “ You don't mind that I'm not ready to change fully?” You stop in your tracks staring up into Micheal with a gentle yet firm look plastered on your features. “ I'm sure Star has already told you and the books I gave have confirmed it. You can't go back from being a vampire. But you still have a choice of when and what vampire you'll be. I don't mind helping like I did with Laddie but I won't intervene with your choice unless I think you're going in a direction you don't want. “
“So if I almost attack my family you'll stop me. Or another human. “ Your hand pulls him to your chest staring into his deep baby blues. “ If that's what you ask of me then I will. Though I barely know you and you barely know me so I'm sure you don't know whether to trust me or not but why don't you let me show you with my actions rather than my words. “ You finally get to the table piled high as you start digging in now that you have an actual appetite again. Micheal looks to Star for direction but she's busy talking to someone else so he turns to his side to see Volk piling food on his plate. Dwayne comes behind you pulling you in close leaning his head against you. “ I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were doing this for us. “ You chit your teeth together before handing him a glass bottle. “ You can apologize and suck up to me after you actually understand the importance of things. This should have been your sires job but obviously everyone can tell he doesn't care. “
Dwayne is hurt as you pull away from him examining the bottle before opening and smelling your blood. He starts chugging it down desperately like if he stops it will disappear his body tensing as he feels like he's getting high from it. “ Don't drink so fast you'll throw it up. I didn't make a ton of bottles for you guys to go through it in one night. “ Marko looks up with Paul as both are four bottles deep and David is on his second. “ We can't help you taste amazing” Your face heats up as the demons around you snicker, Volk almost spitting beer out his nose as he's chatting with Micheal. Suddenly gloved hands feel your legs up landing on your hips before a familiar voice is in your ear. “ Isn't she marvelous? A whole new species of succubi with the durability of an insect demon. Truly an intoxicating genetic mix. “
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Your face is red as you feel your anger snap quickly tossing your assaulter over your shoulder placing them in an arm bar. “ How many times do I have to tell you not to grope me unless you're paying you bastard priest!!!?” The holy man starts to laugh before kicking his legs saying uncle trying to get you to let him go. Paul's glass shattering in his hands as he's pissed this guy was blatantly feeling you up while Volk shakes his head sighing motioning for the three boys following to come closer. “ I told you she attracts weird ass clients. Micheal this is, Father Stienfield. He is Santa Carla's head exorcist and also the teacher of these three apprentices. These little shits were running around saying they were gonna kill the vampires so I sent them his way.” Edgar trys rescuing his corrupt teacher from the angry succubus but can't unlock her limbs from trying to pry the man's arm out his socket.
“ I told you boys my tamer demon was a genetic beauty. '' Allan and Sam join in trying to rescue him as Steinfield continues laughing between his pleads for help. “ Preteen apprentices, are you serious Stienfield! I mean I guess it's better your creepy ass likes groping demons and not young choir boys!” Eventually you let go of the priest as the young boys sigh. “ She sure doesn't seem to like you Father Steinfield. Again are you sure she's your familiar she just tried to pry your arm off. “ Sam says exhausted from the amount of work has to be put in to rescue him. “ Sam!?” The boy looks up only to make eye contact with his older brother. The same brother for the last few weeks he's been giving the cold shoulder to after he discovered he was a vampire now. “ What are you doing here!?” Both say in unison pointing accusing fingers at each other. “ No I asked first! What in the world are you wearing!?”
Micheal pushes past the group of demons now standing Infront of his brother who's dressed in a peculiar formal priest outfit embellished with red accents. “ For your information it's my apprentice exorcist uniform. Now answer what you're doing here fang face. Here to betray your family even more. “ Micheal's face twists into anger and hurt as he goes to grab his brother on the collar before a white light burns his hand. “ Not so fast blood sucker. Keep your undead hands off our brother in arms. “ Allen says confidently pointing his finger at Micheal with a glowing rosary tightly wrapped around his knuckles. Edger grabs Sam, yanking them back to safety before shoving a cross up between the three and a very angry Micheal. Volk sighs while the vampires minus Star start to get riled up. “ These were the dweebs threatening to kill us in our sleep. “ Marko says standing in front of Micheal.
You help Steinfeld up looking at him with silent confusion in anger as he raises his hand motioning towards you to stop the fight from escalating. With swift motion a line of blood whips between the opposing forces as Steinfield stands confidently giving you the command to part the seas. A wall of blood shoots up covering the parties' views of each other as giant hands push the groups away causing shock and confusion but successfully breaking the fight up. “ Well it seems like we've hit a conflict. My apprentices versus the vampires they have sought retribution from for turning Sam's brother into a creature of the night. Now my lovely servant from hell, how do you think us mortals should seek contributions?” You stand by Father Steinfeld's side looking at Volk. Those sneaky bastards hid the kids from under your nose this whole time.
You process the information you've received by gritting your teeth as you know you would have killed them without realizing Micheals brother was one of them. You promised to help Micheal out and here it appeared you set this up to antagonize him. The said half vampire turns to you waiting for an answer you don't know how to give but you steal your emotions. “ We will train the Vampires of Santa Carla till they hit the status of not being ferals. They have committed no crime by adding to their ranks but as his vampirism is incurable it will be up to the victim to decide his fate rather he becomes a day walker, a regular vampire, or chooses execution to preserve his human integrity. I've arranged this month of training to break the vampires from their ignorance and convert their last members so they aren't a danger to the public's safety.” You turn your head away from Micheal as you can't look him in the eye as it sinks in that he has a month left of being a half vampire and his humanity is truly gone.
Volk moves to your side squeezing your shoulder as he looks up on the underworlders and humans. “ The apprentices will get plenty of time to train their skills as well as take their frustrations out on the vampires till it seems that a settlement has been reached. As a leader of Santa Carla I announce the punishment for The Vampire coven is to take place in rehabilitation training till they understand our society and rules so they may not cause chaos to us again. “ Father Stienfield smirks standing tall as the crowd of creatures look upon him with hatred and curiosity. “ And I as head exorcist take full responsibility for the ignorance of my apprentices. For even their threats of taking a underworlders life unjustly had threatened the thin layer of peace between us mortals and the society of underworlders who inhabit this pardoned land with us. For centuries us humans have been at war with forces we can not understand nor compete with but thanks to people long since gone we have found peace in places like Santa Carla. So let's repair our peace through the language of learning and battle. Something we can all understand “
The crowd erupted into cheers and chants as the vampires looked upon the three apprentice exorcists before the first night of hell began. Sam and Micheal are not even able to look each other in the eyes as they are pulled away by separate groups.
“Are you serious! Why do we have to spend the whole month with these creatures from hell. “ Edgar says as The werewolf's stand before him ready to take him away for quality time. “ Because You three decided to run around announcing a genocide in a pardoned town. I've already explained this lesson to you. Exorcists are the protectors and peacemakers for human kind. The gods have blessed us with this ability to bridge the gap. I cannot allow you to run around with this biased hatred for creatures you don't even understand. “ Edgar tries to stand his ground before he's tugged away while the witches take off with Allen leaving Sam standing next to you. “ Why do I get assigned with your tamer chick? Don't succubi kill humans. She protects the vampires who took my brother from me. “
You sigh flicking your tail. You were ready to do flight exercises already as the vampires are being stretched and warmed up in ungodly positions by Veve who decided watching was boring. “ If you don't want to that's fine by me. But your brother isn't gone. You are just choosing to push him away. “ Sam turns your direction, glaring at you. “ Would you butt out demon. I'm trying to talk to my mentor here. How would you know anything of what I'm going through? “ You turn to the boy leaning down slightly to mock him as your eyes glow with intensity. “ Your right pipsqueak, I don't know what you're going through. Not at all. But then again you don't know what I've been through. I've been alive for 200 years. I've lapped human lifetimes like it was a joke so I know a thing or two. Your having a tough fucking time because you care about your brother. If you keep damaging your relationship though, someday you'll die and regret it. You could say something you regret and because human and even demonic life's can be cut short he’ll be to fucking dead to hear your apologies.”
Sam's face is white with fear and guilt as your low threatening tone rings in his ear. “ I just don't want my mom to get hurt. I don't want my brother to change. “ You let out a sigh as your heart hurts. This was a kid you were talking to a mortal one at that who can't possibly understand the complications of vampirism and immortality. You ruffle his head as you walk him over to the group. “ He's always gonna change because everyone grows up and changes. Even demons like me. It's the gift that is life and the thing that connects every living being and that's change. Your brother is a vampire now there's no going back but that doesn't mean he still can't be as close to human as he can be. If he becomes a Daywalker he can still walk in the sunlight and he can live off demon blood instead of humans. But you have to be open with him right now because he's just as lost as you. He's just a dickhead who hides it. “
Sam seems to worry a bit less at your kind words but is still upset with the vampires though. “ What about David and them? They did this and they deserved to be punished in some way. They made him into a monster. “ You tilt your head looking at the young exorcist. “ Punch them in the dick. I don't know. Sure seems like effective payback. Or just keep bullying them till you get your preteen anger out. Hey I'll even give you brass knuckles if you want or I'll hold David down. “ This makes Sam laugh. Was the person who was supposed to be protecting the vampires, a creature of the night, really telling him to just punch David in the dick till he felt that was a good enough punishment. “ What if he attacks me? What will we do then. “ You grab the boy's shoulder pulling him in close as you join in his laughter.
“ You're my partner in crime for a month, kid. If you think David's gonna out fly me you're wrong. If he fucks with you he's fucking with me and then I'll kick him in the nuts. “ The two of you finally are standing In Front of a pack as they look thoroughly tortured from Veves stretching training. “ Bodies are not supposed to bend that way. “ Micheal says flopped on the ground holding his thighs from the torture he just went through. “ I don't think my bones are in their sockets. “ Marko mumbles trying to limply crawl away. “ Welp looks like Michael's brother is my buddy for the month so everyone this is Sam. He's technically my responsibility like Laddie is so if anyone fucks with him I'm obligated to kick your ass even if David and me have that binding vow. “ The three blondes growl in response but you stare them down with a silent threat.
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Sam tugs on your arm trying to get your attention as he hides behind you. “ What's a binding vow?” Micheal sits up letting out a huff of annoyance. “ They're basically playing demonic chicken. If either breaks the promise they will become inverted porcupines. Because I guess that's what underworlders think is funny. “ A frown finds its way to your face as you can see Micheal starting to give you the cold shoulder again. Reaching into your bra you pull out your cigarettes and your trusty lighter. Quickly pulling Michaels face to yours before sliding a cig between his lips lighting it for him as his face explodes into shock and blush by the closeness with you. A heavenly scent he's been keeping away from was so close flooding his nose. God why did you have to be so close he couldn't control himself last night and here you were practically trapping him under you.
He could see down your leotard, your breasts being so close to him along with the way your delicate clawed hands traced against his jaw holding him in place. So tantalizing and arousing. Acrylic nails danced along his lips keeping the cigarette in his mouth. This man was enamored with you in such a desperate and pathetic way as he tried fighting his attraction to you with his anger. It wasn't working though as anytime he was near you a animalistic part of himself he was trying to suppress wanted nothing more than to rip into that soft forbidden flesh. “ You need to chill out, pretty boy. You're so round up tight you're gonna pop a blood vessel at this point. “ Red hot smoke fills his lungs as his eyes don't dare move from the hued animal-like orbs piercing into him through delicate lashes. His muscles relax as his head becomes fuzzy leaving Michaels to feel light and airy before the cigarette is pulled from his mouth and placed between two plump glossed ones.
David stands up moving closer to look at the blissed out brunette as the instructors come to pick their victims. “ What did you do to him?” The blonde says examining the scene in front of him before red smoke blows in his face as well. It was the same herb you smoked the night at the brothel. “ Tch. Same thing I did to Paul and Marko earlier which had you freaking out. Basically numbs someone out before replacing how they were feeling before with a nice high. It won't impair you unless you smoke enough to do that. If he gets too emotional right now he's more likely to go berserk and I know he doesn't want to drink blood so I'm keeping him at a baseline. “ Sam goes to his brother, shaking him by the shoulders. Micheal only responds by trying to bat him away but not really getting angry.
David is suddenly whisked into the air by a hulking ghoul as a Frankenstein-like creature stands next to it.” We call dibs on the cranky one first for boxing. “ The witches encapture Dwayne in a binding spell, floating him in the air towards them and Allen. “ Well we want the quiet one. Magic and Mental training seems like it will be fun with this one. “ Paul tries to run off but is quickly snatched by Puck and Volk as Edgar stands next to them begrudgingly. '' Guess we take the glitz and glam here. Hope you're ready to do lifting laps. “ Poor Marko still splayed out on the floor trying to wiggle away but having no fight in him after stretches accepts his fate as Father Stienfield stands above him. “ Don't worry you'll have plenty of time to rest your body before rotation time. Hope you're ready to take a test on your knowledge. “ The corrupt priest holds a big packet as Marko groans in response.
Star and Micheal turn to you expecting someone to also take off with them before you laugh. “ Don't worry you are on light work since we're trying not to trigger you going berserk and go full vampire. Well of course not till you're comfortable choosing what vampire you'll be. So you're stuck with flight training with me first. “ You wink at the pair as you pull them to your area that's been set up with you and Calypso. “ Sam, this is Calypso. Santa Carla's Ocean protector and ambassador. He's the person who throws all the trash out the ocean and helps lost sailors, surfers, or divers. “ The giant mercraken stairs down at the boy cracking his knuckles. “ And I drown thugs who decide to fuck with my home. Remember that punk. “ Sam gulps a bit at the sight of the giant mercraken as he stairs the boy down before laughing his ass off.
“ You see that (Y/n) I scared the piss outta the kid. Don't worry y'all Emerson's are cool with me. Your mother used to clean the beach all the time when she was growing up so y'all get family passes. “ Micheal and Sam turn to the Kraken, confused looks mirroring on their faces. “ You know our mother?” Micheals interest peaked. It never occurred to him that the underworlders would know anything about his family. “ I don't know her personally though my wife practically baby sat her growing up thanks to Miss Emerson and her being friends. I used to be on "don't let the kid drown" duty when the girls would get together to chat all the time sharing recipes.” Sam jumps at the opportunity to hear more. “ Does Mom know about Santa Carlas under world?! Why would she never tell us. “
“ Because she doesn't know. “ The pair's interest is further peaked by you even knowing something about their mother as they quickly direct there attention to you. “ How do you know that? Have you been in Santa Carla that long. “ Micheal moves closer to you almost trapping you as you fiddle with getting your hair up. “ I've been in Santa Carla for 60 years but my clan has had people in this town since its founding. Santa Carla is the place misfit exorcists get sent since normal exorcists usually get driven nuts by not being able to do much but policing in a pardoned town like this. If your the Emerson's we think you are. You are the grandsons of Santa Carlas previous head exorcist. The one who trained that pervert Steinfield. “ Sam is taken back in shock. He thought he was the only exorcist in the family now the idea that Grandpa was one to gets him excited yet frustrated with not knowing this side of the family.
“ Yeah, that doesn't explain why she doesn't know, especially if grandpa was the head exorcist.” Sam wanted answers since he had family history he didn't even know about. That now he was accidentally following in the footsteps of. “ Us underworlders have no clue. We just know he told us to keep her outta trouble but keep her unaware. He had werewolves, ghouls, witches, and even the fae specifically keeping your mom away from the vampires. “ Calypso set down the finale object for training prepared for the night as he crosses his arms. “ All I know is from my connection to Steinfield. He mentioned one time he was the stand in for Father Emerson's kid because she wasn't exorcist material. You'll probably have to ask him.” You turn your attention to Star who's been uncharacteristically quiet all night as Micheal and Sam pester Calypso for stories of there family. She's barely even talked to you all night and you were worried your talk in the bathroom had scared her away from you.
As you walk towards her she shys away from your touch. “ Hey starshine. You okay? Did I upset you the other night with our chat in the bathroom. “ You whisper to her as you move closer to touch the vampiric fledgling but her body jolts again. “ No no I'm okay. It's just everythings a lot right now. I didn't think we'd only have a month left after yesterday. “ You gently lead her to sit with you on a log as you reach to pull things from your bag of holding hoping to get your hair tied up. “ It's okay. I promise both you and Micheal that I'll do everything I can to help you through this. I don't mind being your support beam right now. God dammit why won't my hair just work with me. “ Star smiles as she gently takes the hair tie and red braided rope from you. Instinctively you look at the red braided rope eyes pinpointing at it as your breath hitches. “ Please be careful with the rope. It's something special to me. “
The girl curiously examines it before giving a gentle nod and smile to you as her delicate hands softly pull your hair up into a messy bun. Star was trying her best to tame your jungle of hair but it too was giving her some difficulty but the time between you was peaceful and almost intimate. “ If you don't mind me asking ( Y/n) what makes this rope special to you. I assume someone who's lived as long as you this rope has some special story. I kinda wanna hear about your life. “ You pause for a minute with soft hands fiddling with the antique ring on your finger. “ It's from someone I loved a lot. It's all I have left of him. “ Star pulls her hands away from your hair cupping them to herself nervously. “ I'm so sorry I didn't mean-” You quickly turn to her, grabbing her hands. “ No no you're okay. You're not the first person to ask. Honestly I'm the only person who keeps their memories alive so I don't mind remembering them. I hope you're not planning to do training with all that gorgeous hair in your face though. Why don't I help you tie up yours?”
Stars face is warm with blush as she accepts the favor. She didn't mean to upset you she just wanted to know more about the women she had a crush on that was dancing through her daydreams. You were harsh and direct but could be so soft with her and Laddie. Your hands tangled in her curly locks felt heavenly as she wanted you to play with her hair even more as your scent wafted into her nose. It filled her with a sense of calm like someone she's known for ever while also somehow being a stranger to her. Your scent reminds her of a warm fall memory, a dream she couldn't quite understand. All she knew was every time she was close something about you had her following behind you wanting more. “ Have you ever loved humans before? Or were all your past lovers demons. “ A soft chaste laugh comes off your lips in response as your hands work.
“ Actually I've never loved any demon before if you'd believe how silly that is for a succubus. A hundred years ago I loved about six different mortals in my life. It's kinda of tragic. There gone and yet I'm still here. No one even remembers them except me and the small objects I've kept intact through time. This rope wasn't even a rope when I got it; neither was the lighter I have. I've altered them slightly so I could always keep using them. “ Stars heart feels heavy hearing the way your voice sounds. For some reason even though your voice is gentle and upbeat she can hear the aching sadness behind it. “ You must have loved them a lot. Is it hard remembering them after a hundred years? Living a long time seems like you'll forget things. “ Stars eyes look to the sky as she thinks of the people she's left behind on her journey. A vagabond always feeling like she doesn't fit anywhere hunting for some sort of passion she's missing. Her life used to be consumed by her illness but after she was turned she realized there wasn't much left to her after that.
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A long pause follows as your voice goes stern, shaking as you stare into the void hearing their screams in your head with a violent ringing drowning the world out. “ Never. I remember every last detail of each one. I- I can't let their lives mean nothing. Because.. they were my everything. “ Your face is void as heavy tears fall down your eyes. Stars head snaps towards you as she quickly goes to wipe your tears away. She's never seen you cry and yet your face didn't have a ounce of emotion on it just heavy tears as she trys snapping you out. “ Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bring up any pain. (Y/n)! ( Y/ n)!” You can faintly hear someone calling to you from the darkness. Your heads vibrating as the screams of your lovers echo your own voice calling you a monster before a light shines In Front of you. You can almost hear Stella and Misha calling for you.
That's not possible. There dead. Gone. Because of you. Because you loved them. Because you couldn't keep away. You were a monster. A killer. How would they ever forgive you. Why would you try again. You couldn't even avenge them or atone by killing your- You're violently pulled back to reality as Micheal and Star are collectively shaking you back. A cold wave of water hits you before Calypso is standing above you as you shake cold and wet back to reality. “ We have training to do you three. We keep goofing around with stories the other vampires may get pissed your on easy time. “ You grab your head pausing before putting on a fake smile, grabbing Calypso's hand. “ Okay well let's see what you two got for the day. Fly up wards as high as you can and come back down. Do that five times. “ The pair looked at your smiling face that was creepily sincere but they both knew there was no way you were okay right now.
The rest of the hour with you not much meaningful conversation happens with the fledglings as you keep to yourself and Calypso. That fake sincere mask still hanging on your face as you teach Micheal to fly on command and he luckily gets it down a little bit. Sam cuts in left and right as you have him practice with his rosary against a spider demon you conjured of your flesh. Once the hour is up you let out an audible sigh as the vampires are rotated around. “ Thanks for bringing me back. “ Calypso sits on the log drinking a thing of rum as he pats your back. “ It's okay. I could see you spiraling and all us fight clubbers know you're working out bad shit. Just proud you held it together while they were here so they wouldn't feel guilty.” You chuckle taking the bottle from Calypso as he offers. “ Everyone's got shit to work out. I just don't wanna add mine to anyone else's plate. Hey I need to blow some steam off though and I couldn't really practice with those two here. Mind helping me before Dwayne makes it over here. “
The giant man before you smirks cracking his knuckles as he stands up. “ We talking all out full force or you want me to go soft on you.” You put your hands on your hips. “Let's give them a show.” Dwayne's head was ringing at this point. He wasn't that talented with magic and ended up pushing himself too hard and threw up. On top of that battling some one's telekinesis sucked and his head and body was sore from being knocked back repeatedly. He was excited to at least be around his favorite girl as he enjoyed just spending time with her but before he could get even close to you. BAM! A huge shockwave backwards and strong gust sent him grappling at the ground to keep footing. A flash of light zoomed from through the clouds going higher and higher.
You were soaring through the skies as fast as you could. Flying makes you feel so free. Something about the clouds always made all your problems seem so small and far away. It probably also helped that the sky was the only place you knew you were truly safe and free. No one could deny your aerial advantage in fights and right now you were gonna go all out to reset yourself so you could focus on the present not the past. A hundred years was enough time for healing to be in better control of yourself and you needed to get better. That's what you demanded of yourself anyway. A feat that was easier said than done. Rain starts falling from the sky around you as orbs begin blocking the path, a smirk coming to your face. About time that damn octopus started the fight.
The sky was rich with battle as Calypso hurled objects at the demonic woman using his manipulation of water to stop the succubus from fighting back by thinning out her blood. “ What are you standing there staring at? You came here to train didn't you. Why don't you start doing laps.” Dwayne looks into the sky at the battle going on, only really being able to see the dark sky illuminated by (Y/n)’s glowing wings. “ How am I supposed to make it between you two. “ A sharp bone spear slices Calypso's cheek as the demon moth flies above the pair. Close enough to where she was just barely visible in the night sky. ( F/C ) Smoke poured from her mouth. Dwayne instinctively tried to fix his eyes on her face. Something was different about her.
It wasn't until she spoke did he realize (Y/n) still had more surprises up her sleeve. “ Cₒₘₑ ₒₙ Dwₐyₙₑ. ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ₛₒ ₘᵤcₕ ₜₒ ₜₑₐcₕ yₒᵤ. “ She drew him in her voice buzzing and reverberating. How could her throat even do that? He thought it wasn't natural but then again the woman who took over his mind wasn't human in the slightest. Sometimes the boys had to remember they were human once and in this new world they have fallen into they are the made ones not the natural born. The underworlders came in human disguise while never knowing a semblance of humanity and it was the same for her. Dwayne wanted to see you kill. He wanted to see what a demon from hell could do and right now he is witnessing the power. Blood morphing to bone shooting down out the sky like darts shooting at a board.
His chest was hurting and the air became harder to suck in. He had to halt his pursuit. “ I've never been this high” Dwayne coughed holding his throat before clawed hands held him in place from behind. The same clawed hand he had seen at the brothel when you tried to rip David's eye out. “
Dₒₙ'ₜ ₚₐₙᵢc. Cₐₗₘ yₒᵤᵣₛₑₗf ₐₙd yₒᵤᵣ ₘᵢₙd. Wₑ'ᵣₑ ₜᵣₐᵢₙᵢₙg yₒᵤᵣ ₗᵤₙgₛ fₒᵣ ₕᵢgₕₑᵣ ₐₗₜᵢₜᵤdₑₛ. ᵢ'ₗₗ ₛₜₐy wᵢₜₕ yₒᵤ ₜₕₑₙ wₑ cₐₙ fₗₒₐₜ dₒwₙ ᵢₙₜₒ ₐ ₘₒᵣₑ ₒₓygₑₙ ₕₑₐᵥy ₗₐyₑᵣ.” The unnatural reflections of your voice sent a chill up Dwayne's spine, something that wasn't easy to accomplish. “ I'll gladly stay up here with you. “ Dwayne kept fighting the burning and tightness in his lungs just to stay here in the moment with sweet monstrous armored arms hanging around him in the sky. “ ₐᵣₑ yₒᵤ ᵣₑₐdy ₜₒ dᵣₒₚ? “ The dark haired vampire nods his head. Armour hands pinned him to your body. “ ₛₜₒₚ fₗyᵢₙg ₐₙd ₜᵣᵤₛₜ ₘₑ”
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As Dwayne's head was now fuzzy from the lack of oxygen up here all he did was let his body limp into the demon's arms as the pair started falling through the sky. It was terrifying like when he first turned but adrenaline was addictive and the trust he had to give you just to not let him fall too far. It was strangely romantic. Further and further they fell ( Y/n) shouting and hollering at the excitement till she let go of Dwayne now spinning him around to hold his hands in a sky diver position. Dwayne's eyes open wide now, finally able to take your new face in. You definitely looked demonic now bone like armor lacing your body and covering your jawline forming tusks around your mouth. Her eyelashes now a Neon ( F/c) hue emphasized by her black sclera and neon iris.
You were otherworldly and beautiful. Every look felt like it was piercing through the vampire something that set electricity off in his system. Dwayne couldn't help but join in the fun screaming and hollering. The hour spent dodging objects in the sky, hair raising death drops, and overall doing tricks getting used to turning off and on flight at the drop of a hat. When you finally touched feet on the ground as the time was over Dwayne was over both of you couldn't stop laughing and shouting in excitement. It was like you had been on a thousand roller coasters and your mood has definitely improved. Calypso was glad and Sam was in shock by your change of appearance and skill. You didn't want Dwayne to go but as Paul practically tackled you there wasn't much choice.
“ You look so hot like that baby girl! Also save me! Those werewolves had me lifting heavier and heavier stuff! They made me try and push a huge ass boulder while lecturing me about social etiquette. And don't even get me started those witches forced me to go against them in some weird mental mojo fight and had me trying magic which made me feel so fucking sick. This shit blows. “ Paul was allowed to catch his breath before flight training with him began as well.
First day of training was eventful and exhausting. Even if it was only five hours long consisting of the vamps taking a hour in each course then switching out for the exception of Star and Micheal who were kept together since both hadn't turned yet. It was overall winding down by the time you and David got out the sky as you felt like you needed a bubble bath from all the exercises. The three junior exorcists also looked exhausted by all the stuff that had to do with you keeping Sam busy with his rosary training for the night trying to catch a moving target. “ Dude this shit blew major ass. Do we really have to do this for a month I just feel like this is torture. “ Paul said gingerly taking a cigarette from you as a beer gets tossed to Dwayne who's sprawled on the ground.
“ That Steinfield guy said I should be ashamed to call myself a vampire. Stronzo! What does he know he's fucking human. '' Paul leans over to Marko who's fuming over a bottle of blood as he's soaked in sweat. “ So what score did you get? I got a 30 . Don't feel bad bud. “ Markos face goes pale as he flops against the wall mumbling into his bottle. “ I got a 10. '' David almost spit some of the blood out of his mouth from the bottle he was drinking. “ How the fuck did you get a ten. Please don't tell me that's the total of all the tests. '' Marko turns his face not looking at his leaders face as more shame washes over him. “ What the fuck Marko! '' Paul starts laughing and Dwayne joins in chuckling over his plate of food as David snaps at the other terror twin. “ Your not much better, you got a 30 overall! “
Paul waves his leader's hand away. “ No, that's just on my general vampire knowledge test. I did do shit on the others though. At least I didn't get a ten overall. Ha!” This comment earns him an ass kicking from Marko who's pissed off. “ Well I did better boxing then David. I didn't go down in the first three minutes. '' Marko sticks his tongue out flipping off the others going back to his bottle as David glares. “ Those things don't move like humans do. That wasn't a fair fight. I wasn't expecting the things joints to rotate like that. “ Dwayne mumbles into his drink. “ I actually pushed the boulder. David did better then all of us at telepathy training and Paul actually did the best boxing Marko.” The curly blondes face heats up as he gets up to protest but the said aforementioned flying teacher cuts them off by placing a fat kiss to the side of his face. “ Don't worry Marko, there just mad you did better at flying training. I'll tell you a secret: you're the only person to thread the needle with me. “
“ Okay that wasn't possible, how are we supposed to fly through a rotating car in mid air. “ Marko smirks at Paul. “ We don't have wings. So in theory we can do it. Oh wait guess it isn't a theory since I pulled it off. “ The two start fighting each other before David points to his lips questioning the succubus. “ Why does he get a kiss and I don't. I'm perfectly good to feed off sweetheart.” You lean close enough to David's face, close enough to kiss his cheek but before he can try and turn his head to steal a kiss you blow pheromones in his face. “ Cause Marko tastes better than you and you sir smell like sweat and musk again. Also if I feed off any of you right now I'll put your ass in a coma for the next week and you have training tomorrow as soon as the sun goes down. “ David growls at you before you swipe a kiss on his knuckles to fuck with him before Dwayne is leaning into his beer questioning.
“ What do we do for the rest of the night. What if we decide not to show tomorrow. “ Steinfield startles the group as he cocks a gun in their ear as the three apprentices stand behind him. “ Then we hunt you down and take you out one by one. This punishment isn't really anything you can get out of. I can't allow feral vampires in the town who expose the underworlders disturbing the peace now can I.” This earns growls and groans from the men as (Y/n) threatens to put Steinfeld's gun were the sun doesn't shine. “ Oh you must be flirting with me. Will you be at the brothel tonight I was hoping to pay for the evening with you since Volk has been hogging all your time. “ The vampires glare daggers at the priest with this comment as the man eagerly extends a wad of cash; luckily Veve steps in to not cause a fight.
“ Sadly it's ladies night tonight so our girl is gonna be on stage doing what she's best at.” Dwayne hisses at this. “ Do you really need to keep doing that? We can give you everything you need if you allow us. “ You look at the man as his eyes stare passionately into you before you turn away. “ Damn straight I am. Some old ladies gonna slide a 100 down my bra and ask for a lap dance and I don't really care if I'm in my female or male form. Money is money and I haven't had a good meal in a bit I'm just absolutely starving. “ The boys cringe at this comment but Marko kinda laughs at this even if he doesn't wanna. “ Remember that time (Y/n) when that customer was obsessed with you and swore to high heaven she was having your child. “ Veve giggles at this unable to control her laughter. “ Dumb human broad thought my female form and male form were siblings and would get pissy with me if I was a girl. Then came in pregnant trying to say it was mine. The reaction on her face when I said ain't possible as I was infertile. Made me take a test just to prove it. “
“ I remember she was so red in the face. She got laughed out the building by everyone. Turns out she was popping holes in condoms and thought eventually (Y/n) would get her pregnant instead of her dead beat boyfriend. “ You laugh with your cousin as the men around you look uncomfortable except for Steinfield. Valentina sneaks behind you, hooking her arms around your waist joining in the laughter. “ Yeah I remember exactly what her reply was. ‘ Come back in 9 months baby girl I'm sure the next will stick’ then she proceeded to fake thrust. Bitch never came back.“ You three snicker as David gets upset more and more with the idea of anyone else touching you. “ Actually you think I could convince Star to come to Ladies night. I think she'd have a blast. We can leave little man with Volk so he can take the boys to the arcade. “ Veve slaps your arm as you let out a wolf whistle.
“ Hey hey. I can't help she's exactly my type. Sweet, naive, and she smells so good. I don't even care if I'm just eye candy for her all night. I'll even pay for her drinks and food. “ Valentina pouts at this as you blow smoke in her face. “ Aw. She's gonna take all your attention why don't you be my sugar mama for the night. I want free booze and lap dances. “ The tall Latina sways with you side to side as Paul's jealous he isn't a woman right now. “ Nah you just want my organs like Steinfield. But I will sell you some after I get some energy in me. “ Steinfield gets upset at this. “ Why does she get to buy organs from you! I want more demonic organs to sell to the vatican. “ David stands up pulling the woman off of you in a angered daze your binding vow stinging you on the wrist. The vampire pulls you into his lap as he holds up you and his binding vow flashing it to the pair.
“ If anyone has a say in who's she's giving organs or being a sugar mama to I'm first in line. I have a binding vow and everything. I'll pay for Stars date and I'm taking Laddie to the arcade. “ You turn to glare at the blonde but something about him being jealous was attractive to you. Looking at his serious rugged face and his hypotonic voice it was stirring something in you. But you wouldn't admit shit to this cocky manipulative prick. You place your hands on his chest pushing yourself from him. “ What are you my pimp David? I'm your whore now you're taken a cut of my organ profits. How about you choose my clients next. What gonna tell me to blow Paul. Oh yes pimp David I’ll do my duty as a whore of the night and blow your fellow bitch. “ This little theatrics gains a pinch from David on your love handles as he growls in your ear obviously pissed at you for calling him a pimp.
“ Hey! What's your damage beautiful why am I getting brought into this. I didn't do anything.” Paul huffs out fake pouting as Marko sneers and snickers. “ Probably cuz her brains on about giving you a blowjob. You know succubus get real hungry. “ You stick your tongue out at Marko as you can't free yourself from David. Before you can wiggle your way to freedom one of the witches is running over to the group. “ Hey Valentina. ( Y/N) I don't think the girlie over there is doing well. We told her not to push herself with the grimoire we gave her but before we knew it she was throwing up from mana sickness and she hasn't stopped like the others. “ David immediately released you standing up to go over there but he wasn't faster than you. You're zipping there like a bat outta hell kneeling by her and patting the poor girls back as Micheal is doing the same.
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“DAVID! Grab the girl some water! VOLK! Bring me a rag now!” The men are instantly doing as there told while you and the others attempt to tend to her. “ What's wrong with her?” Micheal says panic lacing his tone hiding his anger. “ Mana sickness. It's what happens when you use magic and your body isn't used to it at all. I'm worried about her being this weak though and the food leaving her system. “ Star continues dry heaving as everything leaves her body but nothing was coming out. She could only be at the mercy of her bodies reaction and her limbs started to shake. “ Hey sweetheart. You okay? “ You take the rag and water from the pair pulling the girl into your lap away from her bile on the floor as you try cleaning her up. She was burning up which you knew wasn't good you were very well accustomed with what this was starting to spell out.
Sam tries to come close to look at what's going on but before he and the others can step closer you've already used your blood to create a huge rhinoceros beetle charging the group away as Star plunges her fangs into your exposed flesh. In a frenzied state she makes a attempt to lunge for your throat but the coller zaps her burning the berserk vampire as you use all your strength and panic to hold her into your chest. You struggle with her for a few moments, no one else's voices registering in your head as you feel her devouring you from your chest cavity inwards. You knew she was gunning for your heart beating in your ribcage gulping blood and using her teeth to carnally rip soft supple flesh to get to it. This would have hurt worse if you weren't accustomed to pain and shutting pain receptors off. People are crowding around attempting to pull her away from you but the beetle keeps them away and so does your thrashing tail of spikes.
Everyone was panicked, even Volk was, the only person not screaming was Steinfield. As he stood silently watching as Star transformed quickly into a day walker. Her strength and teeth changed with each piece of your flesh that slipped through her lips sliding down her throat as she growled animalistical pinning you in place with her hands digging into your waist. She finally made it through your ribcage teeth sinking into your heart as you finally let out a yelp as her eyes started focusing back in. The vampires around you attempting to get towards you fully convinced you were dead or dieing as David screamed at Star to stop. You could feel her stopping her onslaught as the majority of your heart was missing. Blood covered everything around you seeping out from you. Laddie was crying, the boys were screaming and Volk was attempting to throw the beetle away Veve stood silently covering her mouth. She never could get used to your ability.
Gently you trace up the girls back to her hair as you feel fat tears and shock seep into her as Stars vision focuses on the Gorey sight in front of her. Star was panicking that she had killed you. She had taken her crushes' life and she was a monster. The girl started to violently shake not daring to look you in your dead eyes. You laid motionlessly as chaos and pure bliss existed around you. I guess you never really did show Volk the extent of damage you could take. Only Steinfield had the guts enough to torture you to find out how far you could go. It was cruel to torment the vampires around you with thinking you were dead but this warm feeling. It was euphoric. When you turn off pain receptors the only thing left for your brain to process pain is adrenaline and pleasure. “ God gorgeous. I like to be wined and dined before you eat me out. “ Stars eyes darted to your face as she panicked. She had to be hallucinating. Your heart was gone. Most of your chest cavity destroyed and here you were making jokes. A big fat smile on your face as you placed a kiss to the blood girls forehead.
“ (Y/n)! Stop making those gross jokes. Your chest cavity is damaged you asshole. Did you really have to scare everyone. “ Veve yells at you as you laugh at your cousin quickly sitting up with Star dazed and confused as you cradle her in your lap happily. Gore blood and viscera on full display for the horrified vampires and werewolf's In Front of you. You gently held Stars scared bloodied face as before everyone's eyes your blood flowed back to you, organs, bone, muscle, fat, and flesh regrowing Infront of them till you were back to normal not a bit of damage evident. “ Your healing time was impaired. Was it the training or maybe the lack of food in your system. This is such an interesting phenomenon. I must pay for a night with you to test this new development. “ Steinfield happily pokes at your exposed chest that's only covered by bone armor to not scar the children too badly from what's occured.
This prompts Volk to quickly kick the back of the priests head as Steinfield laughs in glee and curiosity running away from the angry werewolf. “ Why do you all look so surprised. Never seen a dead girl walking?”
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( Chapter 8 coming soon )
If you made it this far thank you for reading my little passion project of mine. These series really is all about the creativity that I can do with the ideas I have for the lost boys. I'm happy to share this story I've had in my head for a while and the places it takes me.
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Why did Joon posting that song blow up to such an insane degree, but Taehyung mouthing the n-word seems to have made no noise? I’m absolutely not saying I wanted Taehyung to be at the center of a hate campaign, but I’m kind of surprised? If I understood the meaning of the song correctly, Joon really didn’t do anything wrong or offensive at all, but it blew up and was everywhere for days. I saw so many discussions about it on different platforms. But then Taehyung actually DID do something wrong. But it’s just… crickets. I guess I’m just confused? Why did Joon’s thing turn out like it did, but Taehyung seems to have gotten away unscathed?
I just want to say, first of all, that I abhor this sort of ask for two reasons: (1) because it ultimately taps into the incredibly toxic hyper-competitiveness in k-pop, where everything is seen within the lens of comparison and competition - nothing is sacred; and (2) because I'm Black and Korean, and having to explain the intricacies of how this space creates and engages in the sort of prejudice cocktail one uniquely finds here, especially since I've been into k-pop for this long, is annoying and borderline dehumanizing to experience.
But I understand why you asked it. I know you likely bore no malice in asking it and I can see why the stark difference in reactions could be confusing, so I'll use your ask to make a general comment about general fandom dynamics. It's something I've talked about before, when discussing hate and how Jimin doesn't actually get as much hate as a lot of people think, but that he does get huge amounts of certain kinds of hate. I suggest you read that post with this one please, because I won't repeat all I said there, here.
I often talk about the different players in k-pop fandom, how hate can be manufactured, and that various things have influenced previous scandals blowing up. It can get confusing to fully explain, but I'll try not to ramble and will try to outline this methodically somehow, splitting up the factors I think are important into sub-headings.
The Background/Setting
This might not seem obvious at first, but it's important to know what else is happening in k-pop fandom at the time.
In the case of Namjoon's artificial scandal of recommending a Frank Ocean song about Black queer experience, and unrequited love related to religious truama - a song 10s of idols and people had shared before to zero controversy, and a scandal started in a Blinks GC including BTS akgaes (who were Blinks) - the background context was Lisa getting dragged by most of stan twt for an unflattering picture posted on Popbase, Blackpink getting flayed by several k-pop fandoms for not selling out their latest concert venue, and simultaneously NewJeans taking yet another record from Blackpink. This wasn't the catalyst for the hate on Namjoon, but it provided the background noise for why Blinks were so angsty and pissed. All that happened in one day.
You see, before Blinks came after Namjoon, they'd actually gone after NewJeans' fandom in retaliation. A blink hacked the NewJeans Global fanbase following the achievement announcement. Look at the date of that tweet. If you were on Twitter you would've seen "APOLOGIZE TO LISA" trending globally. Well, that's what happened. Bunnies are a much smaller fandom but their group is the top girl group, meaning that fandom dynamics make them an easy target to overwhelm that nobody would care to defend and so their pleas that their fanbase was hacked fell on deaf ears, Blinks easily overran them and practically everything that happened to Namjoon two days later, happened first to NewJeans and their fanbase. But the scandal didn't gain much traction and Blinks were like, raging pissed. I'm talking people screaming in various Twitter spaces mad. Just insane any way you look at it.
Then a day later Namjoon said in a magazine interview that BTS would be returning around 2025. That was the catalyst for the hate. Aside from the additional annoyance for Blinks of BTS, well, BTS-ing, BTS akgaes who were also Blinks, absolutely lost their shit. It might seem like such an innocuous thing, but one thing you'll realize is, a lot of people here are frankly insane. I know I use that word a lot but I actually mean it. Much of what passes for 'discourse' here, is actually fueled by people who are very unstable and cannot manage their emotional reactions to facts outside their control. Such is the perpetual plight of BTS akgaes and one such fact is BTS all saying they intend to return in a few years, and so their attention turned to him and he would've had a hate train sooner or later. It was only blind luck that he shared Bad Religion on Instagram the next day.
To contrast with Tae's situation, Blinks were celebrating various achievements yesterday and today. And so, silly as this might be to say, they were less pissed than they were in the lead up to Namjoon's situation. Also, Blinks and most other shooters were pre-occupied with much juicier drama today, which was the blow-up around Bang Chan's room being suspended. Dives and Stays have been going at it, with Blinks and shooters well in the mix. Scandals sometimes never happen the day of the incident. In fact it's more common for something to happen which an anti or rival fandom notices, keeps away, and then blows up at a more opportune moment - such as during the actual comeback. So it's not like Tae's even in the clear. This could still come back to hurt him (and BTS, because that's how these things always play out), though I doubt it, because of the players.
The Players
The fact is that since Tae started dating Jennie, he has less natural predators within the Blink fandom. He's still hated, just not to same degree he was by that fandom when he accidentally followed Jennie on Instagram a year ago. Also, many Blinks are BTS maknae-line akgaes meaning many Blinks are also taekookers and KTHs. In case anyone was unaware. So Tae is likely never going to get as much umbrage from Blinks as he would from Orbits, for example. But just by being in BTS, he's hated by that fandom.
Rival BTS akgaes are also players here who tried to get the ball rolling on the hate train, but in recent weeks I'd seen sympathy from PJMs towards Tae for his abysmal performance numbers, so not many of them joined in right away. JJKs on the other hand, who have been dealing with a lot of flack for Seven's versions/performance, saw an opportunity to use Tae's gaffe to play off his akgaes and the fandom against other akgaes. ARMYs are a bit stupid, as I've said before, and PJMs are careless, loud, and moronic - they've earned a reputation that makes them easy scapeoats, as I've said before too, so playing those factions off each other was very easy to do.
This all left Black ARMYs, who knew that if this blows up, every BTS member would become a target because of k-pop fandom dynamics, whether that was fair or not, especially for a gaffe like this, to contain this somewhat.
Namjoon does not have the benefit (if I can even call it that) of dating Jennie, his akgaes do overlap with some other fandoms but not Blinks, and his crime was not the sort that was very contagious to other members, so it allowed more akgaes to zero in on him and Blinks to let loose on him.
The Crime
There's no pretty way of saying this, but identity 'crimes' in k-pop fandoms are kind of a bitch and can be tricky to understand. In Tae's case, the fact is that the clips do offer him plausible deniability. I can see how someone could persuade others to think he never mouthed it, though I personally don't buy it. But given the fact that racist charges in particular are very sticky and will be used to target every member, from Jimin to Namjoon even if Tae was the culprit, I can see why the fandom approached it this way.
There's also the very simple fact that a lot of people didn't actually notice that Tae mouthed "nigga". I know the song he was listening to so I know what he said, but I could bet you 40 quid that 80% of the fandom is actually blissfully oblivious. And that's how it usually is with these things. Unless an anti or rival fandom blows it up, it might as well have never happened because few people would've registered that it happened in the first place. And because of (1) the background and (2) the players, it was always unlikely that this could turn into a shit storm today. It could still happen for Tae, but it happening today, in my view at least, was always unlikely.
Namjoon by contrast, had a crime that wasn't even one, but religious sensitivities can be very volatile, and the people who eventually believed he was in error and were fanning the flames, were primarily homophobes and misogynists who justify those beliefs with their religion - in addition to some Muslim fans who perhaps felt genuinely hurt. Not Black ARMYs or Black k-pop stans who have likely dealt with exactly this sort of crime before. I mean, this is k-pop, Shinee and Mamamoo for example, well loved k-pop groups still haven't apologized for doing Blackface and Brownface, they've never even acknowledged it, and yet nobody cares. And so many Black fans unfortunately have a sort of resignation or racism fatigue. In a sense.
One other reason is that, for racist or anti-Black accusations, sometimes other k-pop fandoms could be hesitant to join in and blow up the scandal because they’re aware of their own idols being guilty of the same or much worse, and they know explicitly going after BTS will get ARMYs to drag their faves to filth. It would be something akin to mutually assured destruction but ARMYs would possibly overwhelm with share numbers. Comparatively, accusations around Islamophobia aren’t as common, and so more k-pop fandoms could join in to virtue signal on that basis, and blow it up further knowing ARMYs wouldn’t have equal basis to retaliate towards certain fandoms.
I took my time writing all this for a few reasons. One is because I'm very well aware that there's a narrative in some parts of the fandom that Jimin is hated the most and Tae is hated the least. Again as though this is some kind of competition. And that it's very likely for this to be the talking point in this space filled with Jimin biases, jikook shippers, and Jimin akgaes. Not to call y'all out exactly, it's just the reality as I see it. But like I keep saying, if you're listening to akgaes for most anything, you're being quite stupid because you're guaranteed to be misled. In my opinion. There's a lot more things that influence how things play out here, there's so much more nuance into how various patterns develop, that the simplistic and victimizing arguments offered by that point of view, aren't all that helpful if what you want is to actually understand what's happening here.
And while I'm on the subject since this post is already too long and I've gotten asks about how to feel about this, I'll copy-paste here what I already told someone else privately:
I don't hate Tae, and as a Black person, much less a Black person who has lived in Korea with family there, this sort of anti-Blackness, while disappointing no matter where its encountered, even more so since it's from a BTS member in this case, is something many Black people live with.
I understand what you mean I think, and though you say you don't know how to feel right now, I know how I feel: I feel disappointed. Tae mouthing the word on camera, not bothering to show more care around how it could look, indicates to me that it's possible he shows even less care in private i.e. he's possibly comfortable saying the word in private. This could be true or false. And while not the worst thing in the world (I don't for a second think any of the guys are perfect people - it's possible there's a high chance they'd behave like typical Korean men in various situations with all the cultural prejudices and ignorance), it's disappointing that this could still happen in 2023. As you've said, it seemed very unlikely. But then again, unlike some other members, Taehyung himself has never come under fire for this sort of gaffe. Where Joon, Hobi, and Yoongi have been forced to grow in their engagement with Black culture as they're the members that have worked very deeply on hiphop, Tae's always had a bit of a peripheral view. He's never been personally impacted by any of that particular scrutiny, and given what I think his personality is like, I won't be surprised if it never really registered in his mind as something to be cautious about, since he'd never been personally really affected by it. Hence one reason I started out that post by calling him stupid, as harsh as that might sound.
Personally, I never expect perfection from BTS, so while this is disappointing, it does not dramatically impact how I feel about Tae or BTS or Layover a week from now. I listen to a lot of music and a lot of hiphop made by artists who have very likely killed before, so my personal tolerance for 'problematic' artists or things like this could be very different from yours. It's unfortunate that Tae's actions could bring very negative attention to the whole group, and people will have feelings - some people being hurt and other people re-offending in a bid to defend or antagonize him, so I'd suggest trying not to get caught in the crossfire. If you still want to support Tae, that's okay. Personally, I'll be checking out his album and plan to support it with streams and some sales. If you're hurt and want to say that, that's okay too. If you don't feel like supporting his project, that's okay too. Process this in a way where you honour your feelings and beliefs first, based on the facts as you have them. And anyone who tries to make your life difficult about it either way, fuck them. In my opinion.
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munacy · 2 years
A continuation for @stars-a-n-d-scars Part 1 (ignorance) Part 2 (duck)
There is no way this plan can go wrong. It was concocted by the ingenious James F. Potter himself, and James F. Potter does not fail, as a general rule.
"All we have to do, Wormy, is come up with a list of things that gay blokes like, and see if Remus likes those things too!"
Peter's eyes become as round as Galleons. "That's genius, Prongs!"
James is aware.
"Okay, so what goes on the list then?" Peter asks eagerly.
Well, alright, he's not thought that far.
"Hell, I dunno, Peter. How did we know with Sirius?"
"You mean besides the fact that he follows Remus around like a...well, like a puppy dog?"
"No, you're right, Sirius was too easy," James agrees grimly. Then he sighs. "Well, s'not like I'm some authority on queer culture; I've never fancied a bloke before!"
"...Not once?" Peter says slyly.
James tenses.
"...And just what are you implying?"
"That I know that you've given Regulus Black's bare arse a good peek in the lockers--"
"--Okay, not helping your case even a little--"
The following morning, they decide to wing it. Winging things has worked out well for them in the past, and the timing could not be better, as Madame Pomfrey has decided to keep Sirius in the Hospital Wing until she rules out a few magical maladies (although, not once has she let James skive off after being lovesick over Lily, which is a genuine illness). It's not often that they can get Remus alone without Sirius attached like a limpet.
"Watch this," Peter hisses, holding a peach in one hand and a banana in the other. "Gay blokes love bananas."
"By Merlin, Peter, I'm beginning to suspect there's a genius hidden under all of that blue-eyed naivety."
Peter makes a pleased expression before turning to Remus at the breakfast table. "Oi, Moony, I've grabbed two fruit, one for you, one for me. Which one would you like?"
Remus barely looks up from his book before selecting the banana with a muttered "thanks".
James and Peter share a look of unbridled glee, then turn to stare at Remus as he chomps away at the benign yellow fruit. His amber eyes finally drift up to meet their combined intense gaze, and he swallows, looking uncomfortable.
"Are you two alright?...You're sort of being… really weird, right now."
James breathes out a bit shakily. "You really like bananas, don't you, Moony," he says unblinkingly.
"Erm...No, not really. Actually hate 'em,” Remus scowls, clearly disturbed by their laser-focused attention.
"What!? Why did you pick it over the peach, then, why?!" cries Peter melodramatically and clawing the air with his hands.
"Because!" Remus yells back, brows furrowing with increasing bewilderment, "Pomfrey wants me to try to get more potassium in! Says it might help with the cramps around the full!"
He looks between James' and Peter's inexplicably devastated expressions, and scoffs, picking up his tray and leaving to go sit with Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald.
"Fuck," James moans.
"Okay, okay, this is a sure thing," James mutters at rapid-fire. "Gay blokes love ABBA."
"Brilliant," Peter nods, face open and trusting.
"Quick! I hear him coming!"
As Remus enters the dormitory to exchange his Arithmancy book for Ancient Runes, his eardrums are viciously assaulted with the bouncy strains of "Dancing Queen", blasting from their record player with enough magically-enhanced volume to rattle the window pane.
"ISN'T IT WONDERFUL!" screams James.
Remus casts a wordless spell that goes off with a bang, bringing the record player to a tenth of the volume.
"I fucking hate disco," he growls, storming out of the dorm and slamming the door on his way out.
Peter sighs. "Prongs, maybe he just isn't bent? Wouldn't that be such a shame for poor old--"
"PETE! P-Pete, mate, your foot!"
Peter looks down at his traitorous foot, tapping along—completely of its own accord—to ABBA. "Fuck!" he wails. "It's too catchy!"
They have one last idea, but neither of them is enthusiastic about it.
"It's got to be you, Prongs," Peter whimpers panickily, "I haven't got the pectorals!"
And Peter, unfortunately, has never been so right.
But what if Remus falls in love with me instead? He's bound to! Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose? Poor Padfoot, he'd be so devastated.
"Don't think about the ramifications just now," Peter interrupts his internal monologue, snapping his fingers in front of his friend's gold-rimmed spectacles. "We've got no choice, Jamie. At this point, it's embarrassing we haven't been able to figure out this very basic thing about our best mate."
James nods reluctantly.
Into the breach.
That late afternoon finds James, alone in the dorm, exiting a gratuitously steamy shower once he hears that snick of the dormitory door shutting, signaling that Remus has returned from Charms Club.
Took the wanker long enough, I'm all pruney now.
"Oh, Reeemuuus!" James calls in a purr, very loosely wrapping a towel around his hips. "Could you come here a second?"
The door opens tentatively.
"Christ, Prongs, it's like a rainforest in here. How long did you shower for?" Remus accuses, his unruly tawny curls already protesting against the humidity. "And why are you showering in the middle of the day?"
James waits until Remus finally makes eye contact with him to take a few slow, deliberate steps closer, looking up at Remus (damn, but the boy just keeps shooting up) from under his dark lashes.
"And...when do you like to take long showers, Remus?" he murmurs.
"Eh? I dunno, sometimes I like to take a hot bath or two after the full." Remus' brows furrow in concern. "You feeling alright, Prongs? Maybe you've got whatever Padfoot has. Where is Padfoot, anyway?"
James steps ever closer. He could touch Remus. He's about to touch Remus. HIs mouth goes oddly dry with anticipation.
"Don't worry about Sirius. Worry about me for a second," he whispers.
Remus' intense golden eyes finally break their gaze as they subtly flick up and down James' body.
"Oh, is that why you called me in here?"
Gotcha, you lovely, queer bastard.
"Why, yes, Remus, I'm dying for you to--"
An exasperated sigh and eyeroll interrupt what would have been a surefire seduction.
"As I've told you nigh on a hundred times, Prongs, wizards don't get skin cancer. That mole on your lower back looks perfectly normal, as I've already said, and I'm not going to look at it again!"
James can only gape at Remus.
He tuts. "I don't have time for this; you're literally fine. I'm going to see if Pads is still in the Hospital Wing."
Remus exits in a whirl, leaving James reeling in the bathroom--wet, humiliated, and, if he's being completely honest with himself, just the tiniest bit aroused.
"James! James!" Peter bursts into the dormitory with Sirius in tow, moments after James has gotten clothes back on. "Padfoot's out of the Hospital Wing and I've informed him of our mission!"
"Right, mate," Sirius follows breathlessly. "You lot are trying to figure out if Moony's gay, then?"
James moans and put his head in his hands. He feels this close to unraveling. "We've been trying to figure it out all day!"
"Really?? What have you tried?" prompts Sirius eagerly.
"POTASSIUM!" shouts James incoherently.
"Disco, too, louder than eruption of Krakatoa," interjects Peter mournfully.
"Great--" James suppresses a sob--"Great, rock hard pectorals. Prize-winning pectorals. Boy's unflappable. I have no idea."
Sirius purses his lips, clearly between seeking clarification on the gibberish they've spouted and slapping them both silly. Fortunately for all involved parties, he does neither.
"Lads. Here's an idea. Why don't we just ask him?"
Thanks to those of you that have stuck around! <3
Part 4: Thirst
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mortalityplays · 3 months
It's obviously kind of an oversimplification to say Gomorra is 'about' homosexuality. It's about a lot of things. But it's also completely true and I would even possibly argue that it is the load-bearing point of the show.
On a macro level, the whole thing is about the endlessly bloody and destructive struggle of a life in organised crime. But even in that sense it puts a very specific thematic point on the way love, relationships and blood relations are constant casualties of this way of life, and the effect of that relentless human loss on the players who keep choosing war over peace. Ciro blazing his trail by killing women, children and parents specifically is not a 'kick the cat' villain beat, it's the whole point of the material. Genny being perpetually struck down by his own nuclear family because he is competition to them is part of it. Being in the life means eventually sacrificing those you love on its altar. You murder your wife, you send your son to die in the jungle, you send your father-in-law to prison.
As we absorb that, we're presented with this succession of queer characters living in the periphery of the story. One by one they're introduced to us, they explicate themselves as divergent from heteronormative sex and gender roles, and then we watch them die or disappear. It's heavily implied that the 'lesbian' from the tower blocks may be a trans man, but she doesn't exist in a context where articulating that is an option, and she dies in a white wedding dress inherited from her father. Conte's relationship with a trans woman can only exist behind closed doors. He dates her sister in public, he puts off introducing her to his mother, he appeals to his catholicism to distance himself from his own sexuality. Gege panics and folds because he's afraid for his boyfriend and his daughter. What do I care about the guy fucking you in the ass? Genny sneers, before he beats Gege to death with the watch that signifies his connection to a mob family. Much like the harrowing shit the show delves into around race, the message is 'there is no mercy here'. There is no oxygen for the articulation of queerness. It can only survive unspoken, in negative space.
And there's no argument that the show is about the negative space between Genny and Ciro. Neither of them know how to articulate their relationship. They're best friends, they're worst enemies, they grew up together, Ciro raised Genny, they're brothers, they're father and son. They use the word love. They also use the word hate. They come as close as anyone ever gets to putting bullets in each other's brains. They keep taking turns to ask each other can we do this now? and the answer is always not yet. Even when they're on the same side, they can only discuss the nature of their relationship by proxy, through their mutual relationships with others. Pietro is one. And I could write a fucking essay on the Enzo situation.
The negative space is physical, too. They hover around each other. They talk nose to nose. In the first season they can't stay apart, they grab each other, they pepper each other with kisses. After the life erases all of their visible human connections and sets them at odds, they're shot like orbiting planets. Empty space takes up entire frames between them. Ciro is fucking constantly looking at Genny, to the point that shots are composed around his furtive glances. After they finally reveal themselves to Analisa, Ciro catches Genny by the arm to pull him away from the meeting. That's not a gesture we ever see between other characters, especially in a context like that. They are constantly either 1 inch or 12 feet apart.
But most of all, there's negative space in the title. Gomorra. Yeah it's a play on Camorra. Don't worry about it. Don't think too much about it. Just ignore the primary association with that word that floats into your head when you hear it. It's absent from the show, right? It's absent from the life. This is a mafia show about two straight friends.
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mr2swap · 2 years
Not now "Dad"
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-Hey SON look I just finished my routine in the gym, so I'll go a little sweaty for you to soccer practice later, I hope you don't mind maybe we could go for pizza or something later-
FUCK! I can't believe Richard is still playing this stupid game. If it wasn't for the fact that he now has complete control of my father's body I would beat the crap out of him, Richard used to be one of those fagots who used to harass me all over school, he was so annoying that no matter how many times I rejected him he kept confessing his sick love to me every 2 weeks, the last time I told him that I wasn't fag like him and there was no way I could love him.
It seemed like Richard's job was to harass me every day at school, all my friends made fun of me whenever Richard was around us “oh! look, our star player's boyfriend is here ”they told me every time that Richard used to “support me” from the stands each of our practices, he used to record me with his phone to do his perverted things when practices were over he was a fuck psychopath! he had to stop it he had to put a stop to all this madness. he was really upset and not only that, he was fed up with him.
Maybe I should have been nicer, I never knew that Richard had contacts with a bunch of weird queers on the internet because the next day I found "my father" completely naked masturbating while sniffing my used t-shirts from the laundry pile in my room, Richard was completely crazy and impatient to blackmail me, he confessed to me what he had done that he had used a strange voodoo device to possess the hot body of my 47 year old father..
-Listen if you want me to leave your father alone, you better start treating me with more affection SON, now what do you think if you and your old man have a date?-
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Since then Richard hasn't stopped harassing me not only on my phone but also now at our house. I think he has dad's memories because my mom hasn't noticed any strange changes in dad since Richard took complete control of his life.
It's pretty gross having to pretend to be her beloved son while he harasses me every day at home. at dinner yesterday he started touching my dick with his huge feet while we were having dinner and worst of all he is really good at turning me on! I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with him, I've even started to appreciate all the photos he sends me every day, I don't know how but I have to rescue dad, maybe if I tell Richard that he agreed to be his boyfriend he'll stop possessing dad But I doubt it. I think he is really enjoying having power over me and my family.
I think what I hate the most is when every night he sneaks out of his room and brings his thick mustache closer to give me that goodnight "kiss", as much as I want to scream or say something I prefer to stay quiet it would really break my mom's heart that he will find us doing that kind of thing behind his back…
-Not now, dad, I'm in class...-
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it doesn't take a scholar to know how this one goеs (Trobed)
Let’s get one thing perfectly straight: this is a love story. Always has been, always will be. No matter how you tilt the script, no matter what genre the show drifts into, the core of the story remains the same: this is a story about love. All seven types, Abed supposes, if you want to go Greek with it, but love nonetheless. Self-love, familial love, playful love, universal love, intimate friendship love, committed love. Sure, erotic love is a bit missing in the equation, but when he has Troy and Annie and the study group, he can't begrudge himself missing passionate, romantic love that much. He's the side character, after all, the brown queer autistic man. His romantic drama could never drive a season.
And then the zombies attack. The reference here is Leia and Han. The reference here is correct.
And then Pierce tries to steal their handshake but fails. The metaphor here is Indecent Proposal. The metaphor here is correct.
And then he and Troy move in together. The new chapter is a new location. The new chapter is correct.
And then the blanket-pillow war nearly shatters their relationship to pieces. The frame here is a war tearing apart two countries that have never been separated. The frame here is correct.
And then Pierce dies, and Troy has to leave, and clone-Abed can’t handle the feelings building up in his chest, threatening to burst just as viciously as they did with regular Abed-
The trope here is the end of the world.
The trope here is correct.
Wait a minute. Back up. Rewind the tapes. That can’t be how the story ends. That can’t be how the metaphor disintegrates, in a ship sailing off with a Styx song playing and Abed's heart breaking.
Abed shouldn’t have to lose a part of his soul because the story demands it. He shouldn’t have to play the part of the sidekick, the quirky token side character, the man who falls into relationships with a woman because his more-than-friends buddy sails off into the sunset.
He and Troy are the emotional center of the show. The throughline. The heart of the group.
Or, at least, Troy is, and through Troy, Abed is. The director becomes a main player. The voyeur falls in love.
The fanboy gets his happy ending.
The story unravels one by one. A viewing of Star Wars sparks a memory. Indecent Proposal becomes more than metaphor when Troy winds an arm around Abed’s shoulders and their lips connect in the hallway after Ben is born. Troy and Abed move in together and they use the Dreamatorium for makeout sessions more often than not.
A blanket-pillow war breaks open a relationship that is more than platonic in nature and feelings of love-turned-not-quite-hatred (because Troy is furious, because Abed is pissed, but neither of them know how to hate each other because how do you hate the other half of your heart?) are spilled over through text and email.
The first “I love you” in a relationship is shouted in a broken-hearted, “I loved you, Abed, and you broke my fucking heart” during an all-out-pillow fight in Greendale's cafeteria.
The story grinds to a halt as Abed stares, wide-eyed, at his other half. At the enemy. At the hero. At-
Jeff offers to grab friendship hats, but Abed is still staring. He is still trying to understand.
“Do you mean what you said?” he asks, voice uncertain, the story unspooling in a way he never thought it could go. Love? Him? Someone loving him?
And Troy nods, voice as sure as if he’s citing a Kickpuncher fact. “Of course I do,” he says, all righteous fury, all broken-hearted love. “How could you have broken my heart if I didn’t love you?”
Characters aren’t supposed to stutter unless the narrative calls for it, but Abed is stumbling here, grasping for the dialogue. “But you said, in that text-”
Troy’s face is still gripped by fury, but his eyes soften. "I was pissed because you said all those things about me. You weren't supposed to think those things. You weren't supposed to think about me like that-"
"But those are the things I love about you," Abed says, straightforward as always as he lightly whacks Troy with the pillow.
Troy's eyes go wide. "You what?"
Abed nods. "Those things are weaknesses in war, but they're the things that made me fall for you. They're the things that make us work together as friends, as a couple, as a screen duo. Your overemotionality helps me understand you better. How much you care makes me care about you."
"I love you," Troy says, hitting Abed with a pillow for the final time.
Abed's eyes crinkle. "I know," he says, and he hit Troy with a pillow to seal the deal. Both pillows fall to the ground and the two of them step forward to complete their handshake.
Jeff smiles. Annie is crying. Shirley and Britta are cheering. Pierce's face is covered in pillows, but he doesn't quite matter to this equation, so his reaction can remain a mystery.
Abed's supporting cast supports him.
There's a feeling blooming in Abed's chest, a warmth flooding his veins with its lovely embrace as he leans in, grabs Troy's pj shirt, and pulls him into a half-hug, half-kiss. Troy's arms go to Abed's waist and Abed can feel Troy's tears on his cheeks as Troy smiles into Abed's kiss, his relief a balm to Abed's soul.
This is Abed's happy ending, his perfect rom-com ending scene. The perfect boy in his arms, their miscommunication resolved, everyone cheering.
Looks like he was able to check off two genres off his list today.
Fast forward. Scroll to drama with the Air Conditioning Repair School, to Troy only separating from Abed to save the Dean and to give his boyfriend the opportunity to meet a real-life cult. It breaks both of their hearts, but it's thankfully over within a month, with Troy accidentally becoming the One True Repairman and acquiring his own cult in the process.
Scroll to graduation. To L.A. and beyond. Troy and Abed move to L.A. together, Troy's incredibly stable A.C. commissions providing a steady income for the two of them as Abed works his way through the industry.
Abed's first feature film is a sci-fi romance about two boys searching for a ghost that stole their best friend's magical pen, falling in love in the process. His second film is a historical dramedy centered around a 1940s woman who disguises herself as a pilot to search for the man who killed her fiance, only to find out that the man who killed her fiance is actually another woman that she ends up falling in love with when she finds out that the woman completes her better than anyone ever has.
The movie wins three oscars: Best Leading actress for Bethany Goldstein, Best Costuming for Lucia Gonzalez, and Best Screenplay for one Abed Nadir.
Abed gets up onstage and finds his boyfriend cheering beyond the spotlights. Troy is smiling as proudly as Abed once did when Troy came back from the Repair School, the school's new messiah.
This is Abed's best moment. Not the award. Not the crowd. Not the celebrities. But Troy's eyes as he gives Abed the only standing ovation he'll ever need.
And it's cliche, it's so cliche, but Abed can't resist it. He's always been a fan of drama, of history-making moments, of creating new takes on old chiches.
So Abed looks Troy in the eye, thanks the production company, and says, "And to my boyfriend, Troy Barnes, who has been beside me every step of the way, who has built a new Dreamtorium in every apartment we've moved into, who has been the heart at every one of my stories- there is nothing I could do to surprise you, except maybe this." Abed balances the Oscar on one of his suit-clad hips. A confused hush falls over the crowd as Abed pulls a small box out of his free pocket and flips it open.
Abed leans toward the mic as Troy stands in his seat, jaw dropping, the shine in his eyes visible from this far away as some genius swings a spotlight to fall on Troy's beautiful face. "Troy Barnes, will you marry me?"
Troy takes off at a run down the aisle as a cheer goes up in the crowd. Near the front, Abed's leading actress has two fingers at her lips, whistling at the top of her lungs. Behind a tv screen, somewhere back in Colorado, in Georgia, in D.C., Troy and Abed's friends are cheering as well, he knows.
But Abed can't focus on any of those people. For once in his life, Abed can't think about an audience.
All he can focus on is the man jogging up the stairs to the stage, the man who offers out his hand, not for a ring, but for a handshake. Abed sets down the Oscar and takes up his offer, a smile on his lips as Troy says those magical words: "Of course, dude, I'll marry you. This would be a pretty stupid story if I didn't."
The flash of Troy's smile is better than any Oscar ever could be.
So here goes the love story: a boy falls in love with another boy. They go on adventures where one kiss another, where they fight zombies and racists and lava monsters and paintball wars and each other. They break up and make up. They enter every new chapter together, tied to each others' hearts.
The show ends on a happy note and Abed and Troy shift off into post-canon, fanfic territory, whatever the fans decide, whatever they decide.
It's the kind of ending their kind of love deserves.
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keicordelle · 5 months
Idolish7 sexuality headcanons because my head is full of cotton balls and anime boys today
Iori is quietly gay. Mostly closeted but not really trying to hide it, he just doesn't really want to talk about it. Secretly crushing on Riku, but has convinced himself it's just teenage infatuation. (A conviction that helps in no way whenever Riku does something cute or asks him for help)
Yamato is straight but open-minded. Get him drunk enough and he's ready to kiss whoever's at hand. Would be willing to swing the other way for the right person, but so far isn't really interested in anyone at all.
Mitsuki, my ace star! My boy has got no interest in sex whatsoever. He makes a great wingman though, always happy to tag along and talk up his friends. Iori comes to him for advice sometimes, and he always has the best responses to give him. Not aro tho, he wants to find someone(s) to settle down with someday who'll have just as much love to give him as he does them.
Tamaki : this boy is gay and doesn't even know what the closet is. Has never had any compunction about it, no worries, no revelation or coming out, he just is who he is. It's no big deal to him, and he's super perplexed as to why it matters to some.
Sogo spent the first 20 years of his so far in the closet that he's still not comfortable with himself. Only comes out as gay after he joins Idolish7 where he's surrounded by supportive friends. Is slowly starting to accept himself -- Tamaki is a hugely helpful influence with that.
Nagi is the most queer-friendly straight man in existence. An honorary queer. Very much a ladies man but frequently jokes(?) about how it's a shame that he deprives an entire half of the population of his charm. Very staunch trans ally and will hit on trans women just as readily as cis
Riku... I don't think even he knows what's going on inside his head. Had a gay awakening during puberty and straight up forgot about it. An oblivious gay, much to Iori's eternal despair. (Actually Iori's probably fine with it because it means Riku's less likely to notice his crush)
Gaku is bi but fem-leaning. But he's so head over heels for Tsumugi that it hardly even matters. He's Tsumugi-sexual now. Was never really into casual relationships anyway, and really rather hates that people think he's that type.
Tenn has known he's gay since he was very young and is really kind of resentful every time he's required to play up the sexy straight boy act. He's polite to the women he's paired up with of course, but he definitely bitches about it behind closed doors.
Ryu, aroace king. Please free him from the role of sexyman he just wants to go fishing and chill with his friends. He's running out of ways to politely turn people down. Gaku and Tenn come to his rescue whenever they're around, it's practically a routine now.
Momo came to terms with being gay some time ago now. Was a bit conflicted about it in high school, but being gay as an idol is a lot easier then being gay as a soccer player, especially with his partner up on stage with him.
Yuki is the most extremely pansexual man on the face of the planet. Attracted to anyone and everyone, but the attraction feels different from one gender to another. Has had way more casual relationships with women, but both people he's fallen in love with have been men. Maybe fem-leaning sexually and masc-leaning romantically. Or maybe it's just coincidence.
Haruka is a baby gay and still a little awkward about it. Still experimenting, and may or may not land on the gay label. Looks up to Minami for guidance and advice. Could stand to learn a thing or two from Tamaki, but whether or not he will...
Toma is a bisexual disaster. Everyone is pretty and he doesn't really know what to do about that. Thankfully he's got more important things to worry about so he just doesn't really think about it more than he has to.
Minami is cool, calm, collected, and fairly openly gay. Is perfectly content to take on the interest of their male fans. Knows what he wants and is entirely willing to go after it.
Torao : aggressively straight. Maybe a little homophobic about it. Definitely makes Haruka a little nervous. Minami just doesn't care. Will probably lighten up eventually, but things are a bit tense at first.
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For that Happy Day
Summary: You (FTM!reader) and Danny have been together for three years. You've were happy being Danny's girlfriend, until you weren't, and being seen as a woman was worse than the possibility of losing Danny.
Pairing: Danny/ftm reader
Warnings: Danny uses readers' dead name (y/dn) twice. At this point, the reader has not come out, and Danny does not know he's dead naming reader.
A/N: this is self indulgent, I've been sitting on it for a while but am uploading it from my phone so we'll see. (Also I'm literally always taking queer requests)
You snuck out of bed untangling yourself from Danny’s arms and going to the bathroom. You pushed your hair out of your face, that had been the first to go, not telling Danny before you chopped it all off. He’d loved it in the end, said it made you look spunky, you were going for masculine but then— your breath shook thinking about all the reasons why Danny didn’t think you you as masculine. You brushed your teeth and then, upon leaving the bathroom and seeing Danny still asleep you snuck to the kitchen to start breakfast. Your plan was to talk to him during breakfast, to keep from worrying about it all day.
First you went to the record player in the corner, putting on Cat Stevens Tea For the Tillerman. It was one of Danny’s favorite albums, one that reminded you so much of him. A comfort when he was gone on tour and right now it was keeping you calm enough to make breakfast. You didn’t have a lot planned, pancakes, eggs and bacon. But it was more than the usual coffee, cereal and a protein bar that you two usually started your day with. 
You had finished the bacon and pancakes when two big arms encircled your waist, pulling you up against a wide, familiar chest. “Morning sweetheart.” Danny mumbled, he sounded sleepy and  was so, so warm. His hair fell around you as he kissed the top of your head, a curtain that hid you from the world. 
“Breakfast and Cat Stevens,” You blushed, you had meant to change the music before he woke up. “Either it’s my birthday and I forgot, or it’s our anniversary and I forgot except-” Danny took the spatula from your hand and turned you around so you two were chest to chest as he towered over you. “It’s not, our anniversary is in the winter, November 12th.” You rolled your eyes and leaned your head on Danny’s chest. It had been three years now and Danny had never forgotten an anniversary. 
“I’m pretty sure my birthday is in the winter too.” Danny said his hands running up and down your sides under the shirt you were wearing. When he started tracing your sports bra you wiggled, not having anywhere to go between Danny and the stove. 
Danny gave you an inquisitive look but moved his hands down, resting on your waist. “So what’s with breakfast?”
“I can’t just do something nice for my boyfriend?” You asked, turning around in Danny’s hold not wanting the eggs to burn. Danny let you go, standing right behind you as you finished breakfast. 
“You can, but I know you hate waking up early.” Danny was less handsy than he usually was in the morning, likely sensing your tenseness, remembering your uncomfortable wiggling. You were glad he hadn’t decided to leave you all together. His familiar weight at your back calmed you down just enough to get you through the eggs. 
“Get me plates, please?” You asked, your voice wavering. Danny kissed the top of your head but did as you asked before getting mugs for coffee and forks, setting up the table as you put together plates and brought them to the table. As the two of you took your seats you felt Danny watching you. 
“Hey, what's wrong?” Danny reached across the table, lifting your chin with his hand. Looking into his deep brown eyes you could feel tears burning in your eyes. You could see the love he had for you in those eyes and wondered if this would be the last time you saw it. 
“Hey- hey sweetheart don’t cry what’s wrong?” You pulled away from Danny’s hand wiping away tears and feeling all too childish. “If you don’t tell me I’ll have to guess.” Danny teased, but you could hear his worry. 
“I love you so much.” You said not looking at Danny, instead looking down at the eggs on your plates. “I’m scared of losing you.” 
“y/dn,” It was not fair that Danny speaking so softly hurt you so much. But in truth that had been part of it, when you realized no matter how softly and sweetly your boyfriend spoke your name, or called you beautiful you hated it. “I’m not leaving, what’s wrong?”
You took a breath, trying to organize your thoughts. It had seemed so easy in your head, you would say your piece and after that— well that was the hard part the after you had no idea what might happen. You might leave this house, your house, and not be welcomed back except to get your stuff. Maybe not even that. 
“Are you pregnant?” Danny asked, his voice was soft, it wouldn’t be impossible condoms broke, sometimes there was no condom to be found. When you shook your head you almost smiled at Danny’s relieved look. 
“Did you cheat?” His voice was the same as it had been for the last question, when you looked up he didn’t look upset, in fact he looked worried and you knew, in your heart, that it would be worry for you. You two had talked about cheating early on, what counted, what didn’t, how talking about it was the best way to resolve issues. When he admitted he’d kissed a girl he met in a club you hadn’t been nearly as angry or upset as you thought you would have been. He’d told you the next day, had sounded sorry. The anger faded quickly when you realized, what ever it was that had gotten him to kiss her it was you he loved. You wished you could count on that love now. 
“Are we,” You watched Danny’s face fall, “y/dn are you breaking up with me?” 
“Please stop calling me that.” You said, not looking at him. He looked confused. 
“Your name? I don’t understand, baby please tell me whats going on.” You took a breath, glad for the pet name in place of your dead name, his tone was one that he would normally use your name with. But, you took a breath, he loved you enough to keep to a request as unreasonable as “don’t call me my name” without any explanation. 
“I’m not breaking up with you, I told you, I’m worried you’re going to leave me.” You said, you wanted to just tell him, but the way he was looking at you, love and worry all mixed up, you didn’t want to lose that. 
“Did you sell my nudes to some sleazy magazine?” Again he was joking but his voice was strained. 
“It’s- give me a second,” Danny nodded. “I need-” You stood up and walked to the record player taking Tea for the Tillerman off the turntable replacing it with your comfort album. Taking a deep breath before going back to the table. This wasn’t unusual for you and Danny, you almost always had music in the background. 
“I’m going to say it all, and I don’t want you to interrupt me.” Danny nodded, holding a hand out halfway between you and him. You were grateful for the life line. 
“Since I was in highschool at least,” You started, never had you meant to go that far back, but you couldn’t start over now. “I’ve known I was queer. I, well this isn’t news to you, my ex girlfriend introduced us.” 
Danny nodded, the worry and love had not left his face, but he sat listening. You knew, from your three years with him he was actively listening. Sometimes you expected him to have a notebook and pen out taking notes, he always remembered what you said as if he had. 
“When I was in college I started, I was queer but I was also- I dated this transgender guy.” You knew your sentences were getting mixed up, but you trusted Danny to follow you were ever you went, at least for now. “And he, the way he talked about his gender it opened something up in me and I-” 
You bit your lip looking down at your cooling food. You hadn’t taken a single bite, and looking at Danny’s plate he hadn’t either. Danny must have seen you looking at the food, he squeezed your hand. “I stopped thinking of myself as a woman after that. We didn’t stay together much longer but I-” 
You closed your eyes, didn’t want to even think about seeing Danny right now. But he hadn’t taken his hand back, and instead was rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand, soothing little motions. “It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal.” you said, “Gender is fake, society made up boxes and some people like those boxes some people don’t and I was just supposed to- I don’t know, be enlightened enough to disdain the boxes but I wasn’t ever supposed to-” 
You took a deep breath, feeling the tears burning behind your eyes again. “When I met you it was still like that. I didn’t care because they were just fake little boxes and we even talked about it once, and you seemed to agree but said you liked your box and I, when I said I thought the boxes were stupid you agreed but I couldn’t tell you I didn’t like my box, not really. So I just,” 
You jumped when you felt Danny’s hand on your cheek, when you opened your eyes Danny was leaning over the table wiping away your tears. He had pushed breakfast over so he could lean forward. You leaned into his hand. 
“We fell in love and I didn’t know how to explain it, didn’t know what was going on or I wanted to think I didn't know what was going on but of course I did. I just wanted to ignore it but it didn’t go away.” 
Danny’s face softened at that, “oh sweetheart,” he whispered. 
“I came out to my friends.” You said, “As nonbinary at first and maybe that’s still it but I, a few months ago I- I heard Josh call Harry his boyfriend and I thought ‘I wish Danny would call me his boyfriend.’ but in that very same conversation you didn’t, of course you didn’t, you called me your girlfriend and I-” You closed your eyes again, knowing that for the moment Danny was blaming himself for your pain, you weren’t angry at him but didn’t have it in you to deal with it, to promise him he wasn’t at fault. 
“I threw up in the bathroom.” You watched Danny bite his lip, could almost see the gears turning as he figured out exactly when this was. “I called a friend to come pick me up and they, well they told me I had to tell you but-” 
This, this was the hard part. You knew, deep down, Danny was not transphobic, you knew Danny loved you very much. You also knew that Danny had dreamed of being a rockstar his entire life, having a boyfriend who used to be your girlfriend might get in the way of that. No matter how much Danny wasn’t transphobic or he loved you. 
“But you’re a rockstar, and I- I’m a transgender man.” your voice broke. “And that makes things hard.” leaned your forehead on the table for just a moment, wishing you could go back to waking up in Danny’s arms, the moment before you remembered you wanted to come out to him. 
“People know about us, and I- I do want to transition physically I don’t know exactly what that looks like yet, but I’ve been looking at hormone replacement therapy and I could just go down to the planned parenthood but what would happen when all of a sudden your g-girlfriend had a mustache or-” you took a breath not daring to look at Danny “I guess that assumes you’re, that you’d be, that we’re still together” You finished. The tears had never really stopped so Danny wiped away a few more, he had not, this whole time, let go of your hand which you wanted to believe was a good sign. 
Danny waited for you to keep going, but you didn’t know what else to say. It was quite for a while, when you looked across the table at Danny he wasn’t looking at you, his eyes were closed in thought. But he never let go of your hand, his other hand too had come to cover your hand. A nice warm cocoon, a smaller version of his hugs. After what felt like forever Danny opened his eyes and looked at you, he didn’t look angry, or even upset. Instead he looked worried again, and so very in love with you. 
“Is it my turn?” He asked and you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak without crying. 
“A few things off the top.” Danny said, “I’m just as in love with you as I was when I woke up, or maybe more in love with you. That box conversation was one of the first conversations we ever had, it’s been more than three years and you’ve kept this all bottled up.” You wondered if Danny understood the way your heart swelled at his language. How he didn’t make it seem like you were hiding something from him or lying to him. 
“I’m also not breaking up with you,” he said very matter of factly, “on account of being very in love with you, it would break my heart if I did that.”  You took a breath, it was shaky, you felt like you weren’t out of danger yet, but what more could there be? He loved you, he was staying. 
“So, first things, you don’t want me calling you the name I know you by,” Your heart swelled at the way he avoided saying it even now. “Is there a name I should call you?” 
“Um, yeah Y/n.” you said and Danny’s face lit up. 
“Y/n,” You felt your heart swell as he said it. “You said, you’d like me to think of you as my boyfriend,  and you said you are a transgender man, does that mean you use he/him pronouns or-” He trailed off and you smiled, feeling your heartbeat out of your chest. 
“Yeah he/him.” Danny nodded, going quiet again for a moment whispering your name to himself, you didn’t catch much else other than the stray pronoun as if he were practicing right there in front of you. 
“This is my boyfriend,” Danny said waving towards you as if he were introducing you to someone, the words sounded odd, like Danny was concentrating very hard on them. “His name is y/n.” despite the way they sounded practiced you couldn’t help but giggle tears forming in your eyes. 
“Baby whats wrong?” Danny asked not for the first time that day, “is it- oh!” he grinned at you as he caught you smiling. “You’re happy.” You nodded standing up from your seat taking your hand out of Danny’s so you could walk around the table and sit on Danny’s lap stradling him. He wrapped his arms around you grinning just like you were. 
“I have about twelve thousand more questions.” Danny said kissing your cheek. “And we’ll get to them but I- I actually have something I was going to tell you tomorrow, that I think-” Danny’s cheeks lit up as he ducked his head, his hair falling around his shoulders. 
“I was going to make you steak tomorrow.” Danny said, “And I was going to put on the very album we’re listening to now, and I was going to tell you that it has come to my attention that straight men don’t, they don’t really ever think of other men when they’re-” 
You giggled, your face in Danny’s shoulder. “Jake says he’s never- well I probably shouldn’t tell you what my band mates think about when they’re going at it solo. It's not that important but Ive thought about, well, men. It was that conversation we had years ago actually that I kept coming back to. Everything you had said about boxes, i thought if it was so easy for gender to not fit in boxes then why should sexuality?” 
You smiled at Danny, urging him on, “Well I was going to tell you that I’ve decided I’m definitely bisexual, and it didn’t change anything but it would be nice for you to know. It still doesn’t change anything but, well, I’ve already had my ‘i’m attracted to men’ crisis, so there’s no need to worry about that.” 
Danny leaned down and kissed you, it was slow and sweet. His hands were holding you at your waist, and you couldn’t keep yourself from giggling. 
“What’s so funny hmm?” Danny asked, but his eyes were twinkling, he was glowing with happiness. 
“Next time we should just tell each other instead of planning on making meals that are just going to get cold while we talk.” You said, Danny laughed, a full laugh as he reached under you, holding you tight while he stood up. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he walked you to the bedroom dropping you on the bed. 
“Next time?” Danny asked leaning over you to kiss you. “I don't know if I can ever handle you that nervous again y/n.” He said your name like it was scared. 
“I’m sorry I-” Danny shook his head leaning down to kiss you his hair forming a curtin blocking out the whole world. 
“Don’t be sorry, I can’t imagine,” Danny trailed off running a hand up your side, when he got to your sports bra he pulled his hand away like he had been burned, as if earlier this morning was finally clicking. 
“We’ll figure everything else out later.” Danny said rolling over and pulling you into his side. “Right now, I’m exhausted because I woke up all alone in bed while my g-boyfriend was making me a breakfast we didn’t even eat.” 
You snuggled close to Danny, there were conversations that needed to be had. But Danny was right, sleep seemed a much better choice than hard conversations about language, and how this would change the relationship in small ways. 
“I love you y/n” Danny said and you grinned. 
“Love you too Daniel.” Danny kissed your head again, a sure sign that he was more asleep than awake, you followed him, letting the late morning sun warm you both as you fell back asleep. 
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fleshengine · 3 months
Woah you look really good on your tummy Tuesday post, how long have you been on HRT and when did you start if it's okay to ask? :0
:P that's a lil personal but I'll talk about it, my story's kind of unique so I think people should hear it. Also this was originally just one giant block of brain-dump text but I decided to split it up a lil, you're welcome.
I've been really trans since I was a kid. Like my sister used to dress me up in her clothes and princess outfits and stuff and parade me around while calling me a feminine version of my name. Which sounds like bullying but like I loved it, so... I also did the classic "play a game and make your player character a girl" thing that a lot of transfems do. I played Halo Reach with my dad (love him btw) and would make my custom Noble Six a woman. There was a bunch of other little things like that, but you get the gist. I also used to pretend to be a girl and got groomed on omegle but that's a different story.
So I came out when I was like 13 or something and my parents were that kind of supportive where they use your pronouns but want you to wait a year before getting on hormones. So I think I was like 14-15ish when I finally got on E (because when we started it then took a while to get on it horray for fucking bone scans). In the time between I came out and finally got a histreline implant and E my voice dropped a ton and my shoulders filled out and I grew a fucken adam's apple. I was on sublingual pills for a couple months but they sort of gave me massive mood swings and I turned into a giant bitch so my parents and I decided I should switch to patches.
Pills gave me a decent amount of breast growth and it was pretty awesome but patches slowed that down. (I didn't really notice at the time but nerve remapping also happened and now my dick doesn't work right lol.) It's probably something with my skin or whatever, but patches just did not work for me and while I was on them I saw very very little development. It didn't help that they were an absolute pain in the ass, would get sticky and leave gunk on me and also come off in the shower sometimes. I've heard they work for some people but they were not the right fit for me. It doesn't help that during that time I started to struggle a lot with internalized transmisogyny and also a sort of... trauma based aversion to femininity?
So I made the kind of stupid decision to just... quit E and detransition to be nonbinary. No hate to people who detransition, or enbies, it was just me being a dumb kid again. Thing was I still had a histreline implant in me keeping me from producing T, and I actually got it replaced during this time, so I just had no growth hormone in me. I was Very Androgynous and it was pretty cool to ask people what they thought my agab was. When I met my current roomy and his partner apparently they had an argument where they disagreed on my agab. Which tickled me pink when I learned about it months later. Anyway it really should've been a hint to me that it always pleased me immensely when people thought I was born a girl. Like... I'm genuinely impressed at how unperceptive younger me was about that. You poor little idiot, you like it when people pick up on your feminine traits, go back on E.
It wasn't until the last bit of my second year of college that I started using they/she, I had finally gotten a group of Very Queer friends who supported me and I guess I felt that experimentation would be okay. I also ummm... started being active here on tumblr? Surrounding myself with weird transfems helped me feel more normal about being a weird transfem. So like... thanks girlies :). From there it was a pretty quick pipeline from they/she to she/they to she/her to she/they/it. Honestly the it thing didn't really start as a trans thing, I had a dnd character (that I later realized was a Identity Crisis Character) that went by it/its exclusively and my dm started using it with me outside of dnd and my brain liked it.
Anyway, after some quick phone calls and blood tests and bullshit I got back on E in December of 2023 and I've been on since then. I'm doing injections now and even though they're a little scary I really like them. Oh I also got my histreline implant taken out and I'm on spironolactone now which is fun. Maybe it's because I'm an adult but I find the mood swings lessened as well as the headaches. I've also noticed a decent amount of growth since I started as well as more nerve remapping and I finally have those puffy nips everyone talks about all the time. Currently I think most of the growth is going to making my tits wider as opposed to adding depth, which is fine with me. I really want to get on progesterone so they can grow nice and big, but my old doc said it was a bad idea and we should wait for the early structuring to finish because starting prog too early can cause nip deformities. My new doc has no comment because I haven't talked to her yet lmao.
Anyway that's where I am rn. Got my E raised again a couple weeks ago >:) Thanks for asking, sorry if this is rambly. My journey of self discovery had an entire death and rebirth like I'm a hero or some shit.
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loverboy1717 · 10 months
First, I have not seen it yet and if I end up being wrong I’ll eat my words and say so. So don’t come for me in the comments yeah?
Second, I’m sincerely wondering if the people who are saying Next Goal Wins is transphobic are saying it cus it actually is or because it was honest and portrayed transphobia in sport.
I’m wondering if these peeps have any understanding of how fucked up organized footie is? I wonder if they’ve ever seriously followed international soccer or know it well. Cus anybody who does would not expect there to be no conflict or shitty behavior towards an out queer player.
Im not saying it’s okay at all that it happens. Im just saying a world without gender identities being mishandled in soccer does not exist.The sport itself is beautiful. I started playing at four years old. I played competitively from ten all the way through senior year in high school and then quit when I came out and nobody wanted to change in front of me in the locker room anymore. (Being a cis white queer woman sucked. I can’t imagine how much worse it is/was for a player on the international stage as a gender non conforming person of color.) I found my way back in my mid twenties and still play in competative rec leagues at thirty one. This sport is something I could not live without. There are moments of sheer fucking joy and magic and catharsis and banter and shit housing and community. I truly feel kinship with other people who love this silly game as much as I do. But it can also be a trashcan fire of bullshit and hate. It isn’t fucking Ted Lasso my dudes.
And this movie is about FIFA qualifiers for a low af ranked team. It’s about a supremely underfunded and written off team made up of PoC. It follows a white head coach who is gonna come in and turn them around more for his own redemption than for the teams success. This was never gonna be a completely light hearted romp no matter how it was marketed. Fifa fucking sucks guys. The corporate side of soccer fucking sucks. The coaches trying to make names for themselves or don’t think they will have to pay for their actions fucking suck. That doesn’t mean there are not meaningful stories to tell about players.
What I’m trying to say is I’m curious to see if this is transphobia because it’s transphobia or if it is accurately depicting some transphobic bullshit that happened and people online are mad about that existing in a movie they wanted to be safe and gooey and silly. Basically, I remember when people said Jojo Rabit was antisemitic and it absolutely isn’t. So forgive me for taking some of the bad reviews with a grain of salt.
Like I said I’ll eat my words and own being wrong if I end up being wrong. I just don’t trust media literacy these days and am gonna wait to see for myself because I’ve been jazzed as fuck for this movie for months and months.
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okay this was originally going to be a prompt response but then it stopped making sense for that so im just going to post it by itself. enjoy.... whatever this is.
(ao3.) (pre-canon snippet)
Seeing Colin Hughes kissing his fella in an alley wasn't the first time that Trent Crimm made the conscious choice not to out someone. Or: Trent Crimm is a disaster and a dork whenever he tries to do nice and good things.
Trent doesn’t generally go “out” a lot, even to gay bars. Maybe especially to gay bars. But he was feeling especially maudlin, and single, and it seemed right to just try and put himself out there for once.
He regretted it almost soon as he arrived. It was loud, he felt out of place, and coming somewhere like this alone somehow felt pathetic, even though he wouldn’t look twice were it anyone but himself.
He’s thinking about this, and about how it’s altogether far too crowded for his comfort when he looks up and sees him.
Were this a romantic comedy, he would be seeing some handsome man his age who was looking right at him with an almost comically smoldering sort of look, and time would bend as all the dancing bodies around them would slow midair.
It is not a romantic comedy, however, even if Trent very much feels like he’s the butt of a joke, so time remains stubbornly flowing onwards at a normal rate, and the man staring at him, while probably considered handsome, is both not Trent’s age and very much not looking at him with anything resembling attraction.
No, he’s staring at Trent—very recognizable in the right circles, what with the hair and all—with huge eyes, something like anger and fear in his eyes.
Trent’s breath catches in his throat, because, well. that is a very famous football player, currently in a gay bar, and—who’s that coming up behind him but a player on his own team, who laughs and kisses him on the cheek and then turns to see what he’s staring at and freezes, too, going pale.
Trent—well. the thing is, for the briefest of moments, for less than a fraction of a second, considers it. He hates himself for considering it, but he does, because this kind of story could be very, very good for his career, and it would be so easy to try and convince himself that it would be better, really, for all the queer kids who look up to football players, seeing someone like themselves up there.
But he rejects the thought as soon it spawns, feeling disgusted with himself, because it’s a story, but it’s not—it’s just—
Trent Crimm is standing in a gay bar, a place for community and connection, and two people are staring at him with actual fear.
Anger, too, but fear.
Trent has always tried to wrestle his way into being respected, being untouchable, even dangerous—so that no one can hurt him first, so that the comments he’s always heard don’t touch him and he deserves them anyway, because he’s earned them, now.
But he’s never wanted anyone to be afraid of him. Not really, actually afraid.
So in that split second, Trent already knows he won’t write this story. He’s not a tabloid writer, and while two players dating is undeniably something that could affect a game, it’s not—it’s not anyone’s business. And even if Trent did everything right, was kind and sensitive in his own article, they would quickly be torn to shreds.
He can’t do that. No one has to know he saw them tonight. No one has to know at all.
But, of course, he can’t communicate all of that across a crowded bar full of dancing, happy people, and he certainly can’t shout it, and he even more certainly can’t approach them and be listened to, let alone without being decked.
At a loss as to what to do to get them to understand that he won’t, can’t, do what they fear he will, to reassure them in some way so they’re not waiting for the other shoe to drop, Trent Crimm—
Okay, well, honestly, he panics. His mind goes totally blank. So instead of doing anything clever, or even mildly suave, Trent Crimm, ruthless reporter, well-known for his sharp tongue and intimidating presence in the press room, gives them a thumbs up.
There’s a rainbow bracelet on his wrist, which he vaguely gestures to.
The fear fades into just plain confusion, and one of them tilts their head as if to say what?
This is, perhaps, the most humiliating moment of his life.
Alright, well, no saving this interaction. Trent turns and basically just runs away.
They’ll get it, right? He was wearing a rainbow bracelet, he was, you know, at the gay bar, so. they’ll get it. This is fine. This is fine!
He collapses in his bed when he gets home, not even bothering to take off his leopard-print shoes, and screams into his pillow.
Across the city, a star football player turns to his teammate/boyfriend and says, “Did Trent Crimm, the Independent, just give us a thumbs up?”
“Y’know,” the other man says, “I think he did.”
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Coach Knight
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Featuring Basketball Coach Bob Knight
I was a 6-foot-1 point guard for the Indiana Hoosiers in the late 1990s under Bob Knight. Nicknamed "The General", Knight was a hero to the Indiana faithful, loved or hated for his incredible success and his fiery temperament to millions of college basketball fans. And a jerk who threw a chair to most officials. “The General” led the Hoosiers to three national championships, 11 Big Ten championships and one National Invitation Tournament title. And I wanted to be apart of that until one faithful day.  
It started back at my dorm room last night, when Coach Knight found out the hard way that one of his players was gay. He had caught me blowing an older man that I had met. Knight was so upset, he tore up room before grabbing the guy by the neck and kicking him out.
"You better not let me catch you with him again!" He said staring daggers at me be for leaving.
The following night, we played Purdue at Assembly Hall in Bloomington. We were down by a point with under three minutes to in the game and I just made a careless turn over. Knight exploded, uttering an obscenity, resulting in technical.
"Collins!" shouted Coach Knight, "Get over here!"
As I begrudgingly walked over to him, I couldn't help but admirer him. He was wearing his famed red sweater which cover a slight gut; his tan slacks tented where his manhood lie and pair of brown loafers covered his masculine feet. His silver hair contrast his now red face from throwing a tantrum. His blue eyes and pearly-white straight teeth were the finishing touches on this god-like stud of a man. Coach was one hundred percent USDA "grade A beef."
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We ended up winning the game against Purdue, but Coach Knight was still mad, tearing up the locker room. The team scattered about the locker room alcoves trying to avoid the coach's eyes as he cursed and lectured us about our bad play. But I felt his anger towards me as he grabbed me by the arm after the rest of the team had finished showering and left post game.
"So what was your fucking problem tonight Collins?" Coach asked, staring angrily into my eyes.
"Coach! Come on. I was trying. I'm just a bit distracted."
"Distracted huh?" Coach said as he turned and headed toward the bathroom.
I expected coach Knight to shut the door when he entered the bathroom, but he didn't. He just walked up to the nearest urinal, unzipped his tan slacks and pulled out his cock.
"Were you thinking of sucking someone's cock?" He asked as he stared down at his dick while I watched a strong stream of piss shot out.
"Yea." I answered without even thinking as I was so taken aback.
"So one of my point guards is queer? A cum slut? A fucking pussy boy?" The old man added as the piss stopped flowing from his dick before he started shaking it back and forth.
"Yep, and I take it in the ass too." I said as I thought I was about to get my ass kicked. Coach Knight was a large man at 6′ 5″, very masculine and is infamous for his angry outbursts and violent incidents towards his players like choking or punching them.  
"Really?" He said as he glance at me.
"Yeah!" I said angrily as I prepared to defend myself.
Suddenly Coach Knight turned toward me with his dick still sticking out of his shorts and said, "Get on your knees boy."
"DO IT!" He added as he stood there shaking his dick back and forth as it swelled up.
I don't know why I dropped to my knees in front of him. Was it fear or his thick penis staring out at me from a forest of salt and peppered pubic hair. In spite of hating myself for giving in to the urge, I moved in front of Coach Knight. He grabbed my head and pulled it forward so that the head of his dick bumped my nose and said, "Suck it!"
I glanced at his face and found a look of disgust mingled with sexual excitement. Quickly I reached up, took a hold of his shaft and took the head into my mouth wrapping my lips around it, circling the underside with my tongue. I heard him taking in air in a gasp of shock at the pleasure. Again I looked up into his eyes as I sucked him. The look on his face was one of disgust at what I was doing. He even mumbled “fucking queer” several time as I worked on his dick. I remember wanted him to smile at me or say something nice but he just kept staring down at me disapprovingly.  
Suddenly he was fucking my face, driving his long slim pecker as deep into my mouth as it would go. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the smell of his crotch, the wet sounds of my lips sucking an erect shaft and Coach Knight moaning his approval as continued fucking my face.
"Wait let me pull my balls out." The old man said as he pushed back causing his dick to slip out of my mouth. He reached into his fly and pulled out a nice set of low gangers.
"Suck them. I try to get my wife to suck my balls, but she won't." Coach Knight said as he grabbed me behind the head and pulled my face back to his crotch.
I took one of his hairy balls in my mouth and suck gently on it as he moaned his approval. I worked him into a frenzy as I moved back and forth from one of his hairy balls to the other and then back again. Just then, I wanted the old straight man to fuck me. I wanted to feel his pussy-poking dick inside of me. So I quickly stood up and jerked my shorts down as my dick sprung up and stood straight out from my body. Then I leaned over against the nearby wall, jetting my butt in his direction.
Without hesitation, Coach Knight got behind me, gripping my hips and spread my ass cheeks with his thumbs. He rubbed the head of his cock along my crack and especially my pale pink button of an asshole. I heard him spit into his hand then felt the pressure as he pushed the head into my man pussy.
"Take my cock your fucking queer." Coach said almost angrily as he rammed his dick into me.
Then he slowly pulled his 7" cock out of my asshole until only its head remained inside. Then he rammed his dick back inside as far as it would go. I was in heaven having my hole stretch by his hard cock, feeling his heart beat inside me though his pulsing manhood. He gripped my hips firmly and began to stroke in and out of me. Suddenly I want more of daddy’s long dick inside of me. I push my ass back against his crotch each time he slammed his pecker inside of me.
“Damn queer boy, take my pecker! Take it all!” Coach Knight called out as he pumped his dick in and out of me while I fucked him back.
“You like it, huh? You like my dick up your ass?” Coach Knight asked as he started pumping his long dick in and out of me with powerful brutal strokes than had me bucking and moaning.
"Yes, fuck me. Make me yours." I answered.
"Fucking queer. But damn, you've got one hot pussy." The silver-haired coach said as he fucked me harder and faster.
I went crazy while the old straight man fucked me, pushing back against his thrusts enjoying the sound of skin slapping together and that hard dick pounding my ass. I felt my balls tighten up to my body and my cock felt like there was an electric charge running through it. I wanted desperately to turn my head and kiss him. But I knew better.
"Damn, I'm cuming!" The old man cried out suddenly as he thrust fully into me and grunted, holding himself deep in me.
He began spraying my insides with his hot cum. Too soon for my liking as I was just getting excited and starting to enjoy it. The thought that I was just fucked by Coach Knight brought my own climax and I spewed my seed onto the wall before me.
After coach emptied his balls inside me and then pulled his pecker out and hurried out of the locker room without saying a word.
Knight was fired by Indiana University during the 2000 season with the school president citing an "unacceptable pattern of behavior." But he enjoyed having me at his behest when he is having a legendary outburst on something and bending me over his desk and having his way with me.
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