#there are also ships i really want to write but am afraid to approach for KLJFGKDF SO IM LIKE
comfortless · 6 months
syl. *grabs you and shakes you* syl. i woke up in a cold sweat thinking of like… könig. already off to a great start ik. but space opera könig. (not like star wars or anything) but think like 70s aesthetics all bright and colorful. he’s a bandit in a stolen ship, formerly part of a military group making peace with other planets but something went awry and he’s just having fun now!
reader is part of a small research group that has landed on a planet he’s camped out on and he’s just like “ok” followed by “i want that”. steals all of her supplies and then her. doesn’t care how much she protests when he just hauls her over his shoulder, pats her butt bc he thinks THATS going to calm her down and throws her into his ship.
she’s happy he’s not some creepy alien but at the same time who really knows what’s under that hood anyway hmmmm and she wants to hate him but also all that’s playing in her head is that one rah band song. messages from the stars lmao please. there is something in the way you write that is so special to me and if you were to come up with a full blown story for my dumb idea i think i would scream for 20 hours straight.
lil wisp….. you have no idea what this has done to me. i am going to be thinking about this for an eternity. let’s cook.. i see your vision and i would love nothing more than this too!!
content/warnings: implied violence, abduction, dubcon groping?
König’s been on his own, drifting through the stars for so long. Only raiding the ships he comes across for food, supplies, and when he stumbles across a mechanic he puts them to work with a silly laser rifle pointed right at their head (because let’s face it— when you’re a wanted space pirate who in the universe is going to fix your ship for you??). He’s put all of human etiquette far behind him, and now his life is quite literally just one relentless adventure. He wouldn’t have it any other way!
That is, until his ship is fucked up again, displaying about thirty bright red warnings on its silly hologram screens that he just can not make sense of. The thing is old, has been shot at more times than even he can count, and it’s finally failing him if the loud sputtering and incessant orbital beeps are anything to go by. He considers his luck has run out when he lands the damned thing on some hunk of rock out on the outskirts of a galaxy most don’t even bother with, because there’s nothing out here.
Thankfully, his frustration is short-lived because a smaller ship lands only a few days later; painted in the bright, pearlescent blues and pinks of your standard peace-keeping, research vessel. It’s the perfect craft to steal and it wouldn’t even be difficult… the three humans that exit are so much smaller than him and entirely unguarded. They’re just here to study a few minerals, maybe haul some back to their little camp a few worlds over for fuel and research. He won’t even get into too much trouble for it, he thinks, because even his trashed ship could take them back home. See!! He isn’t all that bad…
At least, until he notices her, bent over admiring some silly, little cluster of crystals in her skin-tight jumpsuit that makes him see stars. The heavy boots that rise up to her knees making her look like little more than a fauness, and she’s so pretty he just can’t help but get a closer look while her teammates are off chittering away and exploring the nothing planet.
She isn’t even afraid of him when he approaches. Just straightens up with her hands clasped in front of her and a smile on her face. She hasn’t seen the holograms of him, displaying a sizable bounty for his veiled head, doesn’t take a wary note of the massive rifle he has slung over his shoulder; she just sees another person. He hasn’t been looked at like that since long before he left home!!
This sweet woman has no sense of self-preservation either, because she immediately asks him if he needs food or water; gestures over to her brightly colored ship with that pretty smile ever-present on her face, and that’s all it takes for him to decide that not only is he taking the craft, he’s taking her too.
He doesn’t say a word when he lifts her up over his shoulder, and the poor thing must be shocked because it takes her a moment before she starts squirming in his grip. König does well to remove the little radio strapped to her hip, giving her ass a firm squeeze in the process before tossing it in the dust behind him. That’s all it takes to shut his little prinzessin up before he hauls her back into her ship and demands she turn off any tracking systems. Her knees are a bit weak when she fumbles with the control panels, and he’s unashamed of his own erection when he slides in behind her to lean over the console as the ship starts up.
She whines about leaving her friends stranded, of course, but he’s in a world of his own when he grabs her by the hips and seats her in his lap while she pilots. Never mind the others, he’ll take good care of her, honest!!
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the-fluff-piece · 11 months
heyyyy idk if your follower milestone event is still happening but can i get 1😭 Law?
Like Law doesn't think he's worthy enough. ANGST BUT FLUFFY
love your works!!
For you the event will be eternally running!
Sorry I am taking forever to finish these!
For the now closed follower milestone event.
Also check out my other stuff:
My Masterlist - Short and Multichapter stories
Headcanon Masterlist
I also didn't forget about the other request, so I will write that, too.
Law knows that he is not very sociable, that he's absolutely broken inside and has more emotional luggage than any other.
It never bothered him, though. He was comfortable keeping his distance: to his crew, the straw hats, everyone. Until he met you, and he felt like an empty loser unfit to make you happy Contains: negative self talk by Law, hurt/comfort, angst
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Since Law and you became a couple, the devil powered, tattooed bad boy revealed so many facets to his character, you felt like he would forever stay a mystery. He was sometimes moody, sometimes, on rare occasions, he was giddy, he loved to tell you about his obscure interests. And sometimes, he just wanted to stay silent, not talking but insisting on staying near you.
And since you were visiting the strawhat crew on the Thousand Sunny, he was like a brooding child and almost a little bit hurtful in his isolation. He almost seemed mad.
You decided to let him have his alone time and enjoy your stay on the beautiful ship. They sure had a lot of commodities the submarine didn't have: a bar, a big bath, absolutely delicious food! You knew that a tasty treat was awaiting you as the handsome cook of the strawhats danced toward you, set a small masterpiece of a dessert in front of you and kneeled down to kiss your hand. You had to giggle - his small beard tickled your hand and his campy flirtiness did the rest. What a strange guy! He made a bit of smalltalk as you enjoyed the tea and dessert before he moved on to woo the women of his own crew.
You looked around for your boyfriend, who had decided to sit down in a dark corner and be grumpy. This amount of brooding was strange, even for him. You decided to finish your afternoon snack and sit down next to him to see if you could find out what was bothering him.
"Hey" You said softly as you sat down next to him in the lush grass. He didn't answer, instead, he lowered his gaze so that his hat obscured his face.
You got a bit closer and put your head on his shoulder, like you often did - he shrugged you off and moved away.
"Law?" You got a bit irrited at his behavior.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?" You asked, already thinking about possible reasons for his reaction to you.
She looked lovely out there in the sun. The blonde cook courted her like the goddess she was - while Law could only sit in the shadows, watching like the creep he was. He looked down on his hands and read the letters on his fingers. Death. The only companion he ever really had. He looked at his inked hand and for the first time in his life, he regretted it.
The cook didn't have tattoos. His skin was light and smooth, his hair shone golden in the sun. He made her giggle and twirl her hair around her finger. She looked so cute, so full of light and life. Unlike him.
Death. That was all he could tell about and bring to others. No joy, no life. Sometimes he battled death, when he saved a patient. But he was still using his power primarily to hurt. He felt like a monster next to her kindness and softness.
He thought about everyone he lost - everyone he failed to save. His family. His town. Cora-san. He was afraid he would loser her, too. Would it hurt more if she left him for the blonde one? Or if one of his enemies sliced her open before his eyes? He made a lot of enemies.
Lost in thought, he didn't even register her approach until her beautiful voice graced his ears. Not now, he couldn't be who she deserved right now, could only be the surgeon of death, incapable of flirting or kindness. She got nearer, her scent and warmth, usually a ripping him out of his brooding, painfully reminded him of what he would lose if she realised who he really was - what he had done. How broken he was.
Her small head lay on his shoulder, he didn't deserve that, he moved away. He had to protect her from himself and the pain he reliably brought to those around him.
"Law?" She asked, irritated. "What's wrong? Did I do something?"
You're too perfect. You're too nice. Too everything. That is wrong.
"Just leave me" He told her, already feeling the deserved ache of loneliness in his heart. Now he did it, he basically told her to go. Unable to bear her presence any longer, he got up and left, sitting down just a few metres away from her on the bottom of the mast, looking away.
"Fine!" He heard her say and she stomped back into the sun, to the others.
Stupid Law. Whatever he was bitching about, you didn't need to punch it out of him. He should talk to you like an adult or leave it. Sanji already threatened to beat him up for making you sad, but you declined.
For the rest of the afternoon, you felt his presence like a sting in your neck. He didn't move, didn't talk. What a diva. But it wasn't your job to get him out of there if he didn't want to. Instead, you savored the time with the crazy members of the straw hats and ended up having a small feast on deck as sanji brought out a grill, Zoro got kegs of sake from storage and Brook began to fiddle a happy song. It seemed like they were always one step away from a small party.
Law stayed where he was. Until Luffy didn't allow that anymore.
"Tra-guy, you have to wear a party hat, too!" He screamed as he stretched his arm to fetch law - he got to grip him on his belt and almost pulled Law's pants down, it was absolutely hilarious. You had to laugh and were just glad that Law had changed his expression from brooding to annoyed - at least some kind of reaction.
"Leave me be!" He growled at the other captain.
"Yeah that's stupid" Zoro chimed in, holding a mug full of sake. "You should drink with me" He added and already held out the mug.
"Not in the mood!" Law snapped at the swordsman.
"Eat some cotton candy and you will feel better!" Chopper tried.
"I hate sweets!" Law bellowed, trying to walk away, but he was surrounded.
"Let's all sing together" Brook tried to soothe the irritated Law, resulting in the direct opposite, he looked like he would explode soon.
"No! I am leaving!" Law desperately said, looking for an opening.
"You've been a drag all day, you should be with your girl!" Nami berated him, quickly followed by Sanji who added: "You're not worthy to be with such a beautiful girl" which stopped him dead in his tracks.
"ROOM" Law screamed and summoned a blue orb from his hand, only to vanish to god knows where. You couldn't see his face clearly- but a tear fell down where he had stood a second before. You've never seen him cry, he was always in control. Always.
"The room was not so big, I bet he's somewhere downstairs" Robin calmly informed you and already pointed to the door on deck that lead down. "We'll wait here" She said as you already ran to the door to search for him.
You were listening closely as you moved down the hallway under deck. You could hear the continued party upstairs, muffled through the planks, until you heard sobbing. This was bad, you didn't know how to handle this. Cautiously, you opened the door to the room where you heard it. Between crates and barrels, Law cowered, small and miserable. He looked up with red eyes as he heard you.
"Go. Away." He told you, his breaking voice betraying his harsh tone.
"I don't think you should be alone now, Law." You put your finger over his trembling lip as he started to protest and he shut up, looking down.
"I know you're not used to this, but I am here now. Talk to me. What's bothering you?" you asked him as you sat down next to him, prompting a louder sob from him.
"The cook is right. I don't deserve you" He whispered.
"Sanji is just talking trash, what does he know about us?" You asked Law.
"He's seeing that we don't fit together" Law said in a weak voice. "I am just holding you back, I bring nothing but pain" he looked at his hands again. Those long, nimble fingers could do so much, you thought. They saved lives, they protected his friends and they lovingly touched you. You wished that he would see that, too.
"You may not see it, but you make me so happy, Law. I am so glad we met. You're so handsome, intelligent and funny" you told him as he avoided your gaze.
"And you're a little weirdo, and I love that, too" you planted a little kiss on his forehead, pushing his hat down in the process. It fell to the floor, unnoticed by Law.
"I can't cook, I am not a gentleman, I don't...party. I am just a...a monster" He concluded, sounding defeated.
"Who told you that?" You asked him.
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, going through his hair nervously.
"You're not a monster! You're my wonderful Law. You saved a whole kingdom, your crew loves you, the strawhats love you. I love you" you told him, taking his hands into yours, "I know it's hard to grasp when you're not used to it, but you have friends, you have me" you desperately scrambled for words to express your feelings to him without sounding too melodramatic.
"Tss" he said and tried to pull his hands away, but you held on.
"It can be hard to accept that things have changed. You are not DeFlamingo's puppet anymore, you are Law, captain of your own ship" you realised that you didn't really get throught to him as his tears flowed freely now. You didn't want to let it come to this, but you were sure there was no other way to pull him out of this. It was a gamble, though.
"Just think, did Cora-san save you just you could sit around here and be miserable? While you have accomplished so much?" you told him and held your breath. Cora-san was sacred to Law, you knew that. You didn't want to bring him up, but you were pretty sure that he would really want Law to be as happy as possible.
Law's eyes widened and he began breathing faster. His eyes darted around as he seemed to think furiously.
Cora-san! Law was furious that she would bring him up now - but he also couldn't help but replay his memories of their short time together in his head. And he couldn't say she was wrong. He dragged Law across the north blue to live, he desperately wanted that small, sick boy to live his life and not throw it away.
It hurt to admit it - but she was right. He couldn't see Cora-san's actions as grooming him for revenge. He wanted Law to be happy, to value the second life he was given. And the sacrifice it took to have it.
"Law?" her voice ripped him out of his memories once again. He was feeling dizzy, his brain foggy.
"I am sorry" he mumbled.
"Don't be. I can only imagine what you have been through, but I will be here for you for as long as you let me." She said.
She was so precious. He took her chin in his hand like he always did and gave her a soft kiss. She smiled. He felt his own mouth curl. Law promised himself that he would work to make Cora-san proud of him.
"Let's get back up" Law said. "But I won't wear a party hat." He stated.
Law was still grumpy, but he sat among the straw hats and took part. He looked at y/n as she enjoyed herself and kept an eye on him. He had an emotional bodyguard now. It was hard for him, in his current state, to be with people. But he had to start somewhere.
A plate with various barbecued foods was put in front of him, he looked up at the grumpy face of ship's cook that was exclusively reserved for men. What he said earlier still stung, because he was right.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you that you were not worthy of her." Sanji apologised grumpily, looking everywhere but at Law. "But I still think you should value her! And I will kick you if you make her cry on my watch! She is so cute and nice and her nose is so adorable-" Sanji got into one of his rants. Law didn't have time or nerves for that.
"I agree" Law interrupted the cooks blabbering.
"What?" Sanji asked, confused.
"I agree. She is the best thing to ever happen to me. If I treat her bad again, kick me." Law stated.
"I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WILL" Sanji promised with a salute, standing at attention like a soldier.
Law immediately regretted that request, but he was pretty sure he would deserve every shoe that landed in his face if he began lashing out at her again.
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So yeah, Law is seeing that he cannot keep pushing people away and he asked Sanji to check on that, because the cook has a magical "woman in distress" radar that will find any misstep by Law and will hold him accountable. I did that and I think it's cute!
I hope you liked it
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n-s4kayaky · 7 months
Satisfying journey Pt.4
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(Notes: Hi! I'm new to writing stories on this app. While I am familiar with writing the occasional one-shot or comic strip, it's been a while. I'm writing this story for my own enjoyment and excitement. I just wanted to let you know that if there are any grammatical errors, I apologize. I'm also more than happy to hear your suggestions and feedback. For now, this is all I can share. I hope you enjoy this story)
Pairing: Buggy The Clown x F!Reader
Summary: From now on, this is your new life! Buggy will teach you your new occupation in his crew as his personal servant. You must be by his side whenever he asks, refill his cup whenever he orders, clean, wash, and help him with his spectacles, as well as maintain his appearance as striking as every day! It's that option or... Die!
Warnings: Depictions of Violence and Torture,mentions of blood, Buggy being a complete jerk and a perv, sexual tension and teasing, romance, humiliation.
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Buggy pulled the chain firmly, forcing you to walk to the bow like a puppy and he was your owner, which at that moment was basically what you were to him and you would even confirm that for his entire crew of circus pirates. He led you almost by the dreadlocks to one of the large tents in the middle of the ship. Once you entered, you observed your surroundings. The tent seemed to be the common dining area, a large wooden table was in the middle of the area, with large benches as seats except for one in particular, which you clearly guessed who that great chair belonged to, if it could be called that. A great throne was in the central area of the table, it was made of a much nobler wood than the others, the seat was padded as well as the backrest, it looked comfortable, and it was covered in velvet fabric. Half of the crew was already seated on the long benches, many of them talking and laughing while others drank as if there was no tomorrow. The table was full of plates of food of all kinds, it was a buffet style where pirates took what they wanted and ate. You looked at the crew and then at Buggy with a mixed expression of confusion and curiosity while said clown sat on the throne, putting his legs on the armrests comfortably. His eyes landed on yours and he smiled again as he tilted his head, making a gesture towards the buffet while winking at you "Come on, darling, my food and drink won't serve itself, will it?"
You blinked several times, were you serious or was it one of your heavy jokes? Is this why you wanted me alive? A small laugh of incredulity and amusement escaped your lips, causing the blue-haired man to raise his eyebrow with curiosity and a hint of anger. "Did I say something funny to you?" He said with a certain tone of irritability in his voice. You looked at him and shook your head with a certain amusement still present. "Really? Do you need me to feed you like a little child, sir?" You said with a certain mocking and full of amusement tone. Buggy's brow furrowed and he rose from his throne while his eyes were fixed on you the whole time. His gloved hands quickly went to your cheeks, squeezing them tightly as he had done before on several occasions, his face approached yours a few centimeters away, his big red nose touching the tip of your nose. "Dear... You're starting to behave like a brat again... And I don't like that too much.." He said as you felt something cold and sharp brushing your chin, your pupils lowered to see what the object was and quickly your eyes widened, his hand was holding a dagger, which he grabbed between his thick fingers while pressing the cold steel against your chin, painfully lowering it down your neck until it reached the softest area of it. "It's a shame, and I thought you were a good girl already... I'm afraid I have no other choice but to punish you to remember how things go around here, doll.." A small sadistic smile was drawn on his face as the sharp dagger was pressed harder against your sensitive neck. You let out a groan, feeling how the tip of the weapon created a small wound in your throat, causing small drops of blood to fall down your cleavage.
Fuck, if it kept going like this, you'd be left without a neck. What was better, to die or to be the servant of the sadistic pirate clown? As tempted as you were, the second option was the best one you could take, no matter how humiliating your life would be from now on. 'W-wait! Wait! I'm sorry...' You croaked quickly, looking at the pirate, who smiled pleasantly and with amusement, gently removing the dagger from the freshly made wound. 'Continue, doll...' 'I-I'm sorry, Captain... I'll do as you order...' The dagger slowly separated from your neck and the clown placed his hand on your cheek, caressing it sweetly. 'Oh, my little doll... See? I knew deep down you were a good girl for me,' he said pleased with your sudden submission. He didn't move an inch from your body as his eyes rested on your face and went down sweetly to the wound on your neck and the drops of blood that ran down it towards the beautiful valley of your breasts. 'Now be my good girl and go get what I asked for... But first...' He lowered his face to your neck, more precisely to the freshly made wound, licked his lips hungrily, and brought his tongue to your wound, giving it a long lick as if the place emanated mead from the very gods themselves. A shiver ran through your body at the sudden sensation of his warm tongue licking the wound he had created himself. But that wasn't all, his tongue slowly went down, causing your skin to tingle. His wet muscle went from your neck to your collarbones and from your collarbones to the path of your cleavage, which was visible thanks to your shirt. He licked your blood hungrily, while you on the other hand clenched your lips tightly to avoid letting out a moan at the sensation. Buggy lifted his face, facing yours again, while a small smile of amusement mixed with a hint of lust drew on his face. 'So sweet...' he whispered in a surprisingly calm tone. 'Now you can go, I wouldn't want you to be seen as a mess on your first day, eh?' He smiled and grabbed the chain that adorned the collar around your neck, pulling you a few inches closer to him as his lips rested on your ear, whispering in it. 'Although as things progress, I would like my men to see you as a mess because of me...' he said with a small purr in his tone and a smile full of mischief.
Your face immediately heated up, causing your cheeks to turn the same shade of red as Buggy's round nose. He burst out laughing at your state and gave you a spank on your butt, making you gasp as you snapped out of your trance, looking at him with burning cheeks. 'Now go get my food, dollface.' You felt something pull the chain and take you away from Buggy. Quickly, you turned your attention to see what it was. One of Buggy's hands had disconnected from his body and was now pulling your chain, forcing you to walk towards the food area. With nothing to object, you walked behind it until it stopped pulling, simply staying by your side as a reminder that you couldn't escape or anything of the sort. You sighed and approached the buffet, taking a plate and looking at the options. There was all kinds of food on the big table, from meats, fish, and vegetables to fruits and other types of food. Your stomach growled, and you felt your mouth water. Hopefully, after giving Buggy his plate, he would give you the chance to eat something, right? You took some meat, along with a few portions of vegetables, hoping it would be good enough for Buggy. You didn't want him to throw the plate at you or something like that. You walked back to him, standing by his side as you left the plate in front of him. He looked at it for a few seconds and took the cutlery, starting to eat without objections. You let out a small sigh of relief, seeing that there was no scolding from his part. But before you could relax, he raised the hand that was still attached to his body, making a sign to you. You swallowed and approached him a little more. 'Darling, be good and bring me the whiskey.' You simply nodded, but before you could move away, you felt someone pulling you so that you wouldn't move. 'I didn't hear you.' 'Yes, sir, right away,' you said hurriedly, making the man laugh and letting you go get the alcohol.
You walked towards a small area away from the table where the bottles were, with your captain's floating hand holding onto the chain by your side. Once in front of the wide variety of bottles, you looked at all of them, searching for the Whiskey among all the options. Once you found the bottle, you took it and walked towards Buggy, standing next to him with the bottle in hand. Without saying anything, he took a glass and raised it towards you, waiting for you to fill it. A baritone sigh escaped your lips as you opened the bottle and poured its contents into the glass that Buggy had raised towards you, filling it halfway.
A few minutes passed as you stood next to Buggy, waiting for him to finish eating while your stomach growled with hunger. It didn't take long until you saw Buggy take a final sip of his whiskey, finishing it with a small sigh of satisfaction and a slight burp. "That was delicious, good choice my dear. I liked what you picked," he said, turning his head to look at you and winking while smiling. You simply nodded your head as your stomach growled again. You cleared your throat timidly and looked at the pirate. "Um... Thank you, sir... Uh... I was wondering if I could eat now," you said, watching as Buggy looked you up and down before letting out a small laugh. "Of course, darling. Grab something and sit down," he replied. Your face lit up at his response, and you quickly went to get some food, taking a plate and grabbing some of what you could. Finally, you could eat something that wasn't cold or tasteless. As you took the food, you looked around for an empty seat, but before you could decide on one, Buggy's hand pulled you towards him, confusing you as you looked at him. He smiled while patting his thigh. "Go ahead, sit down and eat, darling," he said cheerfully, his eyes not leaving you. You looked at him, somewhat astonished, while hesitating to sit down or not. It wasn't until his flying hand gently pushed you, making you sit on his lap while his arm quickly wrapped around your waist. You swallowed nervously, feeling embarrassed to be sitting on his lap. Buggy raised an eyebrow at your hesitation to eat and snapped his fingers in front of you. "Come on, doll, didn't you want to eat? Or do you want me to feed you?" You quickly shook your head while taking the fork on the table, taking a piece of food and bringing it to your mouth.
A small sigh of satisfaction escaped your lips at the taste of the hot food, your taste buds dancing happily at being able to taste something decent after several days of eating cold and bland leftovers and fruits in the midst of decay. Buggy's hands gripped your waist, gently lowering them to your soft thighs, causing you to release a small nervous jump, swallowing saliva while noisily eating your food. Buggy let out a small laugh as the gloved tips of his fingers circled the soft flesh of your thighs, which were now slightly more visible thanks to your skirt being slightly raised. 'It's all delicious, right, darling?' 'Yes, sir,' you hurriedly croaked as you took a bite of the food on your plate, the lips of the blue-haired man curving into a smile as his hand moved up and down your thigh. 'Of course, everything is perfect in this crew, especially the captain,' he said with his big ego, you simply rolled your eyes and let out a small laugh at his comment. Buggy's eyebrow arched gently and he rested his chin on your shoulder, causing a slight shiver to run through your body at the sensation of his chin stubble brushing against your skin. 'What's so funny?' 'No, no, nothing, sir... You're just right,' you said calmly to avoid angering the man behind you, something you hadn't realized when you laughed was the soft and beautiful smile that drew on the Clown's face upon hearing your small laugh. 'Well, in any case, are you finished? We have things to do, doll.' 'Yes, sir,' you said as you got up from his lap, gently wiping the crumbs that had accumulated on your skirt with small pats. Buggy got up behind you, putting on his coat as he walked ahead, pulling the chain. You followed a few steps behind, walking behind him as he headed towards a door that was certainly eye-catching (as expected). It was a loud purple color, with gold screws that shone in the soft sunlight, above the door was a skull that also seemed to be made of gold, the skull had two crossed bones behind it, it had a big round nose as expected, on top of its head it wore the same pirate hat that Buggy used to wear and to be more exact with the aforementioned hat, two pigtails fell. You quickly knew what that door was for just by the loud decoration; Buggy's office.
The pirate took a large bunch of keys out of his pocket, some shinier than others. He quickly moved from one key to another until he found the right one. He inserted it into the lock and opened the door, making room for you to enter. You were the first to pass through, and your eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. The room was spacious, and a smell of whisky, natural musk, perfume, and a hint of saltwater hit your nose. In the middle of the room was a large desk made of what seemed to be fine wood. It was covered in papers, maps, pens in their respective inkwells, a few compasses, and several empty whisky glasses. Behind the desk was a large chair, similar to the one in the dining room. To one side of the large table was a smaller one, on top of which was a bottle of whisky and a small stack of four glasses. There was a large velvet carpet on the floor, colored maroon. One of the walls had his wanted poster, as that man was arrogant enough to keep his large wanted poster with his reward in plain sight. Something that made your skin crawl were the various daggers that were stuck in the wall, several of them stuck in a wanted poster of a young man with a straw hat. Finally, there was a small table on the other side of the room, where an open chest was filled with several berries, jewels, and gold. The door behind you closed loudly, interrupting your observation of the room. Buggy walked in front of you, heading straight for the desk while taking off his dirty coat, revealing his muscular biceps as he sat down in his chair. He let out a long sigh as he looked at you. "Welcome to my office, my dear. What do you think?" "Um... it's quite eye-catching, sir," you said bluntly as you approached the table. "That's right, I knew you'd appreciate it, darling. Now be useful and fill my whisky glass," he said as he picked up one of the maps on the table. You approached the table where the bottle was and opened it, pouring the alcohol into the glass. Without taking his eyes off the map, Buggy took the recently filled glass and took a sip. You looked at the man with a small grimace. Was he really going to keep you in that room just to keep refilling his glass every time he asked? "Um... sir, do you need anything else?" you asked somewhat confused as you watched him. His blue-green eyes left the map and focused on you. "Yes, be a good girl and stay quiet while I prepare for my next show. I know you can do it, doll," he said. And as you had guessed, that was what you were going to do for the time he took to look at his maps. You sighed dejectedly and had no other choice but to stay by Buggy's side in silence. Hopefully, he wouldn't keep you there for too long.
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captaintrio · 1 month
2-24 even for Shanks 💕
Oh my goodness, thank you bby!! Y'all are gonna hear about Shanks today lmfao. Most of this is gonna be under a readmore bc I've never been able to be succinct but here we goooooo!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love how careful he is about when and how he flexes all that power he has. It was meant to be very on the nose when we were introduced to him via Luffy in the very beginning of the series, but like. His little episode on Whitebeard's ship seemed like he had conqueror's haki out of control, but it was a very purposeful flex, if for nothing else than to show that he took approaching another Yonko seriously. Or the way he chose to handle Greenbull at the end of Wano. Sure it was hard to the new folks on his crew to handle exposure so suddenly, but he sent that like 50 miles out from the ship and hit that jerk in the heart with it. And never even raised his voice about it. Idk I think his restraint and how it manifests is a really interesting part of his characterization.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
it's probably on my mind bc of Bernard Hill's recent passing, but I think Shanks would do so well and have a grand old time being elusive and mysterious in Lord of the Rings lmfao. He's got that Aragorn quality of could be in his 20s could be in his 40s who knows, he and Gandalf would probably get a kick out of each other, he'd fucking love the hobbits I am telling you this. (he also, I am very afraid, has that Aragorn quality of 'doomed by the narrative just not quite yet,' but we'll see.)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
this is hard, I think he's a much more complex and interesting person than I am for the most part, but like. I think it's safe to say he'd mostly rather diffuse a situation than have it become serious when the latter is avoidable, and I am that way too. If the situation is already serious and requires a throw down response that's a different matter, but if we can avoid a serious fight in favor of a little tussle and some drinks, that'd be the way he'd go, and I agree.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
take this one with a grain of salt bc I mostly try not to yuck anyone's yum or argue about differing headcanons, but I really do not fucking like the like. scumbag/villain!Shanks thing that seems to have a semi-popular following. some of that is personal bias, as I think he is a warm, good person who is doing his best, but it also kind of feels like a betrayal of the narrative for him. which I realize is funny coming from the "everything is made up including the source material" guy but here we are. there was a period a few months ago where people were basically just writing him as OP Toji and it made me want to pull all my hair out.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
absolutely, I adore him, I think he's right about a lot of things, our ethics tend to line up where it matters, I think he's funny and would be fun to be around, he listens well and is a warm and compassionate person. I really like him and we'd get along really well I think. (mostly probably through the lens of my OC bc I'm not like. terribly convinced of my actual in person IRL likeability but in theory, absolutely yes.)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've written about it a little before, but I think the reason he let Buggy go without telling him what Roger talked to him about after the execution wasn't because he didn't want Buggy with him anymore or didn't believe he had what it took to complete that mission, but so that Buggy would have a chance to forge his own way and have his own life. Doing what Roger asked necessitated Shanks--who was widely regarded as having the potential to be the next big legend--to drop out of the running almost entirely. He picked up his crew, he made a name for himself, he became the youngest person (at the time) to gain the title of Yonko, but he also spent a decent amount of time having to like. Lay low on beaches and dick around in the East Blue and play balance keeper and chess master until the man Roger was waiting for appeared. There are more spoilery additions to this that I'll leave out for now but yeah. I think he knew Buggy had all that same potential, and wanted to give him an opportunity to strike out on his own adventure without living in that shadow or carrying their mentor's ghost around.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oh take this one with a grain of salt too idk that I know any of the terms correctly lmfao but he's very like. when I picture boho in my mind that seems very him. a lot of linens a lot of light flowy breathable clothes. It's pirate!Boho obviously but like. The man is out there wearing birkenstocks as we speak js.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
same standard issue disclaimer as the fandom stuff I don't like, this isn't to yuck anyone's yum, follow your bliss what people ship isn't my business, these are just the ones I personally do not like. shankslu is at the forefront, but I don't really do shanksbenn either?? a LOT of captains and first mates in this series read that way to me but those two don't for me.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I actually really enjoy his dynamic with Marco. There are some interesting pieces of shared history there but overall the like. Friendly ribbing, amiable hanging out and willingness to cooperate between two of my faves is always very nice to see. c:
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh please I think he'd think Sabo was a ton of fun. I know there's an age difference there that makes peership a little different than between the other mid-40s dudes he usually hangs out with, but think about it. Two very powerful people who are carrying the weight of part of this new era on their shoulders, who have a habit of just sort of fucking off out of the narrative and doing things as they please within their own personal parameters, who will just get up and obliterate a guy when that's what the situation calls for? Funny, weird, intelligent guys that love Luffy, believe in him, and want whats best for him? Even if they weren't besties, I think there's a lot of fun overlap for general friendship there.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
something I like: when people recognize that all that soft puppy silly goofy guy exterior, while sincerely part of him, is something that he makes the decision to externalize every day, and is sat atop a deep well of like. sadness and responsibility. there are a lot of people doing a very good job making him a romantic dopey nightmare man without sacrificing that silliness or his intelligence and sense of personal responsibility.
something I don't like: when people start a fic with the disclaimer "Shanks is in here but I hate him lol so he's a lil ooc 🤭🤪" and then he's like. not only ooc but just someone's ex boyfriend or doflamingo or just off-screen doing heinous shit for no reason. Writing a character you hate: can be fun and compelling! I fucking hate Doflamingo, for example, but as a narrative device, as a villain? bar none one of the best and most interesting. Writing a character you hate with the intention of doing a shit job because you hate them? dumb, annoying, and a waste of everyone's time. why include someone you don't want to write about lmfao just pick a different character and be done.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i'm drawing a blank, I'm going to be real with you. Like, I can think of a ton of mentor characters, but they don't really remind me of him. I can think of a bunch of like. guardian of the new era characters, that still don't super remind me of him. I think again i've got LOTR on the brain rn but the like. Fellowship of the Ring Aragorn is the closest I'm coming up with and even that's mostly in terms of like. the gentle mentorship of the hobbits, the offbeat sense of humor, and that dedication to a responsibility that he might have been scared to face. IDK. Shanks is a pretty unique guy to me. I'm sure I'm gonna sit bolt upright at 3 AM with a list of 20 people that fit the bill but rn it simply isn't clicking lmfao.
And there we have it!!! My (mostly) comprehensive analysis of Shanks, for you my dear friend. Thank you so much for asking!!!
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asherlockstudy · 10 months
Literally one year ago I made a vague post and a few people asked me what I meant, but I felt a little drained at the time and never explained but as GME3 is fast approaching, I am re-emerging with the questionable decision to write my thoughts on GME2. 
Bear in mind that some of the points might be negative as I have explained my conflicted feelings about this show before however don't let that discourage you from reading it because there's more to it than the negative points, trust me. Also, the post is GIF heavy so I put the rest of it under the cut.
GME2 thoughts: 
Rhett and Link can’t tell the difference between an evening show and a soft Only Fans account. I didn’t mind anything in the show (except for that sex doll with the fucked up eyes that creep me out),  I just...don’t understand completely: who came up with this project, how genuinely RandL like it and how it relates to their occasional irritation against shippers. 
In other words, for people who proclaim they don’t understand why people ship them, acting out explicit fanfics is a bold decision to say the least.
Like, the whole concept of the show is for them to drink so their boundaries go down and then when somebody goes a bit off the rails, everyone is like “oh no” and facepalming. What’s up with that? Either embrace the concept of your show or don’t do it at all. I mean, nothing was truly much except for the fanfic enactment which was a bit much, if you ask me, perhaps mostly because I can’t tell how comfortable they are with it. Sometimes, especially Rhett just doesn’t look totally okay with it. So why do it? For the extra fee? Really? Wow. As an example, neither Rhett nor Link felt okay with sucking Chase’s toes and, guess what, Chase didn’t want it either. Who’s the mastermind behind all that... And has Chase gotten his raise yet?
Let’s go to Rhett. I might be wrong but I have noticed that for his size, Rhett is kinda a lightweight. One beer and his eyes are glassy, his cheeks round and red. In the last GME, he had refrained from drinking because he wanted to handle the situation in case Link lost it. This time, 7 shots and a few more drinks during the show weren’t enough to make him drunk, or as drunk as Link, or make him lose himself into the moment and have fun. Conclusion: Rhett is not very comfortable with this project. Rhett is afraid of Link being unhinged. Why is he afraid of an unhinged Link? What can Link say or do that Stevie wouldn’t be able to handle and he would have to step in? It’s plain throughout the show that Rhett is constantly concerned about what Link might say next. What on earth can a Southern ex-hardcore Evangelist married at 20 say that is giving Rhett nightmares?
 Rhett confirming that Link does the fibonacci when he shaves his face lol Do they often talk about fibonacci shaving? Does he remember it from 20 years ago? How often does Link shave in the creative house? Questions, questions, questions...
Rhett fully knowing that Link had a story about hurting his dick. Link clarifying he meant one when he was alone. Rhett warning him “I am just looking out for you”. Thus, Rhett knowing Link hurt his dick when he was with somebody else and considered it a story that Link would regret revealing. So, is Rhett having nightmares because Link hurt his dick when he was with Christy and if so, why? No??? Notice Rhett getting lowkey tortured until Link finally wraps up his silly harmless story. He lost five years of life there. 
Link saying he wishes his Christy buttcheek tattoo faded away... because “this would symbolise the long time they have been together”. Okay... all right.
 Rhett confirmed as an ass man besides a vagina man. Like, just as he was saying he was always so fascinated by vaginas he almost gave them supernatural qualities, he now pretty much said the asshole is divine design! Link bumped Rhett’s shoulder at the mention of anal preference, pointing at him, once more giving Rhett a scare. (BTW the truth is Rhett is an #anything_goes man let’s be real XD)
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Link non-verbally proclaimed them both “team ass” but not with Rhett’s consent. 
Link said at two points in the aftershow that Rhett made him uncomfortable but I can’t for the life of me understand what he was talking about and it seems Rhett did neither. There was probably something that flew over my head entirely...
That’s just funny but Link in the end saying “After fucking all these years, we’re still surprising your ass”. This is not even a Freudian slip, this is a Freudian syntax! Next level shit XD Meanwhile Rhett: 
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#When ten drinks are not enough to save you from Link's syntax
And now let’s go to the sequence I was referring to in the previous (one year old) vague post:
The Bean daddy fic enactment was initially a thing of cuteness, indeed, but I have the suspicion there was more going on. Let’s see it step by step.
The cute thing started because Link somehow played the role of tentative Link shyly revealing his deeper feelings with exceptional skill. It was also cute when Rhett, while still impersonating fic!Rhett basically implored Link to not drop chocolate syrup on his clothes, hair and beard. He was having fun with it and he was being flirtatious and affectionate towards Link, though, again he was still supposedly imitating his fic version.
Link received passively Rhett’s flirty show, with moderate amusement. However, it is very important to note that he was nodding affirmatively throughout Rhett’s flirty request. He had a face saying “okay, I understand, I am not gonna drop the chocolate all over you”. That's important to keep in mind.
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Notice how Rhett asks Link to take care how he'll pour the syrup in character while Link is amused but also nods affirmatively that he does not intent to screw Rhett's outfit.
As soon as Rhett trusts Link won’t screw him like that, he drops his head back and opens his mouth waiting for the chocolate syrup. Then Link tells him seriously to hold on, he immediately changes to a sexy imitation of Rhett’s open mouth, saying something like “I just want to acknowledge…” Rhett raises his head, “Yess???”, still in the flirty silly mood, probably believing Link is improvising within the fic’s context. But Link says: “Don’t assume the position just yet, because I would like to respond to that”. At this point, clearly Link doesn't follow the script. Rhett waits but he is still in the flirty amused mode. Link does this characteristic hand motion which means something very clear “All jokes aside, I want to talk about something serious now”. Rhett takes note of Link’s hand gesture but he still doesn’t drop his flirty persona. Link announces to Rhett: “This is a test.” Rhett is clearly too far gone enjoying the fic enactment. He nods without clearly understanding. “This is a test…”, he agrees, nodding, until finally his brain catches up. “………of whaaaaat?”, he asks half-fic like, half-suspicious.
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Notice Link's serious gesture and Rhett becoming suspicious literally mid-sentence after Link says "this is a test".
Link starts to mouth something but immediately changes it and says slowly and cautiously: “Of my ability to be your true friend”. Rhett’s amusement is gone. He dismisses Link hastily, mumbling “I believe it” and assumes the position again. Link insists though, inching closer. “Because…”, he starts. Rhett immediately closes his mouth and turns to face Link alarmed. It seemed to me he felt vulnerable to wait there with an open mouth and Link so close.
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Notice Rhett dismissing Link and how quickly he closes his mouth once Link gets closer.
Link continued slowly, trying to fill the lack of words with facial expressions translatable only to Rhett and not us. “Because… the most entertaining thing to do… would be…”. “No, no it actually wouldn’t be”, Rhett countered quickly and still somewhat softly but there was fear and panic in his eyes in that moment. My assumption is that he was still being soft in order to not rile up the mildly inebriated Link too much. Rhett continued: "It would be the opposite of what you're actually thinking".
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Link tries to communicate with faces (including puckered lips) instead of fully formed sentences but Rhett understands. He's neither flirty nor amused anymore. He asserts what Link thought to do - the test, "the abilty of being his true friend", would have the exact opposite result from entertainement.
Link doesn't drop it just yet. He asks Rhett if he really knows what Link is thinking about. Rhett hums affirmatively. But Link says: "Cause I was thinking about being the hero by just putting it in your mouth and not getting it all over you. But now you are just telling me to get it all over you." Of course this is a lie. Rhett spent so much time making it clear he does not want syrup all over himself. Link nodded so many times, making it clear he understood and agreed. He made the gesture meaning "I am gonna talk about something different and more important". So, the test that he wanted to acknowledge that this whole skit was about was something different. But in the end he saw how negative Rhett was to the idea and quickly twisted his statements, now saying it was all about whether he would drop the chocolate on his...true friend or not, which makes no sense whatsoever as statements go and it is redundant, since it was established and agreed upon literally seconds before that he would not do it.. Rhett says something I can't catch, like "no, I know what you were thinking" or "no, you won't do what you're thinking" or something similar. Link then repeats in his twist of words that Rhett essentially urges him to drop the chocolate all over him and he has that rabid look he sometimes has near Rhett. Rhett then, again with his mouth open, says: "Okay, it's time. We've milked this moment enough". Rhett clearly tries to bring Link to his senses and avoid this moment lingering too much in people's memory.
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Link is bummed at Rhett's refusal however not "wounded type" of bummed. I guess it was more like, tipsy Link threw an idea out there, Rhett reacted poorly to it and Link was done like "okay it's on you that this test won't happen" but then got on with everything without more drama.
What was that test?
Well, repeating Link's words:
I would just like to acknowledge... This is a test. Of my ability to be your true friend. The most entertaining thing to do... would be...
Does anyone know whether there was more in this fic? Perhaps something more in it that Link wanted to acknowledge but Rhett didn't want enacted?
Maybe what Link wanted to test as "potentially the most entertaining thng to do" was his initiative alone? And it would be proof of Link being Rhett's true... friend. And Rhett knew what Link had in mind but he was adamant that it would have the exact opposite effect on the audience than what Link expected.
Hmm. I leave you to your thoughts and your mental preparation for GME3.
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pb-dot · 6 months
Yuletide Ramblings
While I'm not religious by any measure, Christmas in Norway is honestly a decently secular experience once you tune out all the songs about Jesus and roses springing from barren fields and whatnot. This is to say that the holidays have always been about family and the people close to me. I may be overstepping my bounds a bit, but let's include my dear tumblr moots and general tumbl-o-sphere in the proceedings and talk a little bit about my 2023 on Tumblr.
If I'm going to be frank, and I want to unless the opportunity to be earnest should present itself, 2023 was a tough year for me. My ongoing journey to finding treatment for my depression stalled out, and my job search has similarly been quietly moved from the "top priority" box to the "it'll happen when it happens"-pile. I've been able to do this much thanks to the welfare systems in my neck of the woods, and although the process has kind of sucked along a number of axises, I do acknowledge it has helped me.
What has also helped me, though, is you guys. After starting using the platform in June of this year, I have found replete friendship and support, an almost overwhelming torrent of commisseration, enthusiasm and the particular brand of weird that seems to be the first language around here. Y'all have helped me get writing and stay writing, and really have honed my "take it easy, but take it" approach to a razor's edge.
While many parts of the internet are slowly but surely content-ifying themselves into a desolate wasteland of human connection, Tumblr keeps going with actually trying out the "social" part of this whole social media thing. Granted, that may be because of incompetence in trying to follow the trends on Tumblr's end. Still, I want to thank all y'all for keeping it personal, for keeping it weird, and keeping it as free of the scourge of "personal branding" as one could conceivably make a site full of artists and freelancers.
Cheerleading social media sites isn't really my bag, but I will concede that I've grown quite attached to the way Tumblr does things, and the weird arbitrary ways it prods us into acting. It's all down to the people, of course, and I've found quite a batch of good eggs on this here site. I almost don't want to shoutout specific users because I'm afraid I'm going to forget someone truly marvelous and even though there's every chance they'll never notice, I will know and the snub will eat at me.
That said, I do want to shout out a couple of people who've made my first half a year of tumblr great. @toribookworm22's timely asks have certainly helped me keep track of the weekdays, as well as helped me with a bunch of worldbuilding and minutiae. @dyrewrites and @teacupsandstarlight have both been great to talk to, and I would be in dereliction of my duties if I didn't at least mention the illustrious @scifimagpie in this context as well. @jeahreading and I seem to mostly pass as ships in the night, but sometimes the distant sound of a foghorn can be just the thing, to torture the metaphor a little. @that-weird-kid-from-your-school is also a joy to talk to, and her palpable enthusiasm is great.
Now for some people whose work I follow who I don't speak to much because I am intimidated by their skills. @canisalbus and their adorable gay dog-men never cease to fill my heart with love. @secondlina and their crows similarly also make me smile. @mlm-blues and @were--ralph have both done wonders for my self-esteem, and it is nice to see and share the enthusiasm for lads on occasion. @shyroism is mostly off-site what with the streaming, but they're definitely an underrated streamer who could do with some more eyeballs on their work. @fidgetspringer is an awesome punk, an awesome artist (shoutout @fidgetspringer-art,) and has a truly magnificent beast of a bird hound. @everythingfox is an endless source of cute animals which is an obvious lifesaver, @bearotonin-international is Important, @raccoon-central similarly does some heavy lifting for my mental health with their lil' grabby hands. @bodhrancomedy is a good lad who does good videos and do the acting real good. @sootchild has good art and I like it.
I'm running out of steam, which is a shame because there are a lot of people who deserve just heaps of praise heaped upon them on here. Hell, if you're still reading at this point, rest assured I think you're at the very least awesome and deserve good things happening to you.
In closing, I would like to once again express my delight and joy for how Tumblr has been in my first half year, and I hope the however long until I get maudling again is just as good if not even better!
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inconmess · 3 months
I really want to write a character study of the people in the Crimson Mirror but I am more fixed on Oscar and Cosmo at the moment cuz it has revived my interest on immortal figures and how they cope. SO back to the Grimm boys. (gonna tag all these speculations under Grimm theories if you want to look up) Also, a continuation of this post is right up here
Again, warning, long rant post.
You know… With the way it is revealed that over 87 years, Oscar has died 7 times prior to Tide and Bone, I wonder how many times he died and came back to life before Candela caught onto him cuz let's face it, no way is anyone going to know immediately after the ship incident about the side effects of the ritual. Maybe Candela does approach Cosmo and Oscar as the survivors of the ritual to know the deets but that should be about it. Even if Oscar died in the shipwreck, only Cosmo would know and the first death can be brushed off as a hallucination or close call because they are at sea.
It is during the second death that either of them knows that something is fishy but let's say due to some convenient shit it is not as easy to suspect it. Another death brushed off. But now it's a little obvious that Oscar does not come out unaffected as he starts forgetting things.
The third time is the charm and this time, his death and coming back from it was totally unexplainable because it should not be possible for him to survive the thing because let's say he was crushed to death or something more severe, but he did. That is when they actually look into what the fuck is going on more in detail because now it is obvious that something is going on in the background and that Oscar is coming back from the dead and missing memories as a consequence every single time.
It is this that sends Cosmo on full gear to research more about why this is happening and what actually happened in the ritual and how to stop this from happening because by this point, everyone has started to notice that Oscar is not aging also since the accident. (I'm placing the third death to be roundabout 10-15 years after the ship incident) I would say Candela catches onto this in his 3rd or 4th death because he comes back to life after a really impossible death situation and also isn't aging a day older from the incident, and Candela have been keeping tabs on them since the moment they mentioned a ritual, so even if Cosmo and Oscar don't tell them their discovery of Oscar and his revivification, they knock on their doors about it.
Dying 4 times over 2-3 decades have notified people that something is wrong but the 5-6 decades after with no answers kinda increases Oscar's recklessness and makes him less hopeful that he's actually going to die, that he'll live on forever without peace, Cosmo, while he's happy to have his father around him also is tired of all the lies and stories he has to spin to keep Oscar close and keeping Candela away from experimenting on the man and trying to figure out answers he can't get...
And Candela's increasing scrutiny at the fact that Oscar can't die and them using it to their advantage cuz a man who can't die sent into a undercover mission to collect information with the guarantee that he won't die? Who wouldn't want that? Or who wouldn't want to keep a close eye on an immortal man who has the secrets to unlocking how not to die?
Cosmo also essentially becomes his own inside man in Candela, making connections to keep an eye on what the higher-ups think about Oscar and what they plan to do with him in order to shield Oscar from whatever experiment they might plan to do with him.
The difficulties of having an immortal parent as you yourself grow old, afraid of leaving the parent under the shitty hands of an organization which doesn't really have a moral code when it comes to figuring out stuff and doing what they want to do and just feeling so tired and done of all the secrets you can't tell people...
And the parent in turn feeling shitty as they need to be taken care of by the child as they aren't aging and have to blend in, and even if they are tired oflife, they can't feel their age and time and again and again you hope you will die and stop being a burden, but it never happens. I wouldn't be surprised if Oscar had tried to take his own life in all this mess and it was one of his 7 deaths. I feel for both of them
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Hello how are you ? I've seen you receive match requests. If you don't mind, can you do it for me? Honestly, I couldn't decide which characters to choose. I wonder if a match is possible with all possible characters? If not, I want a match for other Hotd/Got/Harry Potter characters.If you have characters you want to add, it would be fun for me.
I am 1.75 tall (5'8 inch) ,brown eyes, curly dark brown and short hair (up to my shoulders), chubby and white skin. I am 23 years old and I am a Gemini. infp. I'm from Ravenclaw building according to WW test. Most of the time I'm heterosexual, but occasionally I think I'm homesexual. I love writing stories, reading, digital drawing, watching movies and listening to music. I am interested in witchcraft, parapsychology, herbs and crystals. I love animals. (😅 except for the ones I'm afraid of.) I have an understanding, gentle and caring nature. I'm not belligerent. But it's only when my patience runs out. I'm too devoted and I can't say no. I feel that sometimes people really don't understand or don't want to understand me. I am emotional. I am eager to help everyone, but I do not have the courage to ask for help for myself.
Of course. I've chosen two that I think match your description, but if you disagree, let me know what you think: I ship you Hermione Granger and Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen.
Hermione Granger is a protective friend and even more as your girlfriend. She adores you and your personality, although she was shy to make advances on you, she approached after discovering that the two of you have mutual interests, like studying Hogwarts, writing, reading and animals, maybe you'll like Crookshanks. One of Hermione's favorite traits is her intelligence and her kindness, but her kindness can also annoy her. She hates the fact that you always go out of your way to help others, often because of her own jealousy and insecurity, but also because she thinks those people don't deserve her kindness. Only she knows how to appreciate you. Hermione loves studying with you and takes advantage of these moments to get your full attention, whether laying her head on your shoulder or just a few kisses and subtle caresses. She's not the clingy type, but she can become a little bit after falling in love with you.
She's so protective of you that it's cute even if it's disturbing at times.
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Jon Snow is the most loving man you will ever meet in your entire life. And his love, which has been suppressed for years, is fully poured out on you. Jon can and will feel insecure about you, he's afraid that he doesn't deserve you, that he, being a bastard, doesn't deserve someone as amazing and perfect as you. He feels unworthy and this is dangerous as once jealousy and anger take over Snow's mind he will become paranoid and overprotective of you. He doesn't have bad intentions but he is very passionate and doesn't want to be abandoned, he loves you so much he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you and it won't, not while he's alive. Jon will absolutely adore you and he will be very happy if you read to him, the sound of his voice calms him down and he can even purr like a cat if you pet him. Ghost would definitely like you too, which would make Jon very happy. You are a little taller than him and it doesn't bother him, he thinks it's cute and loves to fit in his arms. You are perfect in his eyes, his goodness is bestowed, and he won't let anyone ruin that trait in you.
Love this man and never leave him, please. If you leave him, bad things can happen.
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ellievickstar · 2 years
Bad Days and Cuddly Mornings
A/N: I don’t usually write for Rhys. Usually I don’t write for males that already have mates in their series but since this is a reaquest I know this reader happens to be really into Az so I am writing that instead. And don’t argue “Oh Lucien has a mate” or “Oh Azriel is technically taken” No if Lucien and Azriel had a relationship status it would be “it’s complicated” That’s not taken bitches. Also before you ask “Why haven’t you been posting anything?” Writer’s block. I have four drafts in my file. Writer’s block people.
Ship: Azriel x Illyrian!Reader
Requested: Yes! Thank you for making this request @cityofidek but I don’t really write for taken males unless it’s Cassian or Az. (I’m so sorry) But I knew you liked Az so I hope this is okay! Based on this request!
The anger was practically roiling off him.
Shadows danced around him as he stormed through the room, removing his weapons belt and different leathers. His Hazel eyes were blazing as he huffed and plopped onto the bed. I knew this was serious, not from the lethal calm rage on his face but because of the flicker of sorrow behind his .
I approached the bed and sat beside him, my own wings tucking into my back as I rubbed his shoulder. Are you okay? I asked in his mind.
It’s just that Cassian was being a prick but we got attacked and people died. Azriel’s voice, even mentally, sounded like it was cracking. I shifted myself to sit in his lap as I faced him and kissed his cheek lightly.
That’s never your fault, you know that. I replied in his mind. He sighed outwardly as he gripped my waist so I wouldn’t fall. I hummed as I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face into his neck.
My sweet Illyrian mate, always knowing what to say. His voice sounded amusing but darkness still guttered in his eyes. I pushed him down on the bed as he hugged me and switched our positions so that he was hugging my waist as he lay his head on my stomach. I giggled but rubbed his scalp lightly, hoping to coax him to fall asleep. It wasn’t until his breathe steadied and slowed did I finally stopped, tilting my body to kiss his head as I bid his sleeping form goodnight.
DA NEXT DAYYY (No it was not a typo it’s an inside joke)
Rising to the early morning sun, I was surprised to Azriel still there since Cassian usually dragged him out of bed by dawn, especially after an incident like yesterday. I reached out to caress his cheek but decided against it, afraid to wake him. His hand shot out faster then light as it grabbed my wrist and led my hand back to the path to his face. I chuckled as he cracked one eye open and grinned.
“To think you’d be brawling with Cassian right now,” I laughed as his lips twitched. He tugged me towards him as he buried his face in my hair. My hands were flat against his chest.
“You are so incredible, you know that?” “I know,” I smiled as his voice was muffled, his face still hidden from my view but I knew he was grinning wildly now. As I tilted my head I still saw a flicker of the horrors from yesterday but he looked better.
“I love you, more then you know,” I mumbled as I traced circles on his chest. He kissed my temple as he smiled softly, “I love you too, to whatever end,” He whispered. I smiled as he tugged me closer, fully determined to spend the rest of the day at home.
A/N: Again, I know this isn’t really what you asked for and I can’t express how sorry I am. This fanfiction is kind of terrible cause I’m having serious writer’s block problems. I have four drafts in my files. Four. I have a problem. @cityofidek I know you asked for Rhys but my morals won this debate for me I am so so so sorry.
tag list: @moonfawnx @bankerfrog @younxii @starlit-terror @hideing @flightlesslittlebirdie @menagerofmischief @famousbasementpainter @owllover123 @bookworm-nerd6 @gigisssz @bethany-bee0128
If you want to be added to my tag list, reply to any of my posts and you can add your own requirement for where you wanna be tagged!
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moonvalse · 5 months
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independent; private & slow portrayal of the 'TAV' character from baldur's gate 3. // written by clémentine, 33 +, she/her. --- bio can be found here.
BEWARE! mentions of death, child abuse, murders, violence (all forms), gore, blood, identity theft, dehumanization, ptsd, dissociative state, more tba.
Don’t be a dick. Real life is already hard enough.
20 + only. I’m a full-grown adult so yeah.
Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. won’t be tolerated. The list is extensive, but you get the point: don’t be a terrible person.
I’m slow. Don’t take it personally, really. I try my best but I can’t promise you that I’ll be as fast as (chain) lightning.
I finished the main plot and am currently on my dark urges run. Don’t worry about me if we wind up discussing this specific aspect of the plot because I don’t mind spoilers.
I’m Klém (Clémentine) , 33+, she/her —- nice to meet you. English isn’t my first language, so please be patient too! I’m a nurse, so my schedule is erratic but I’ll try to be around as much as I can.
credits for the icons (psd+border) : somresources !
credits for the banner:  feypacts.
Anything from one-liners to novellas is fine to me. I just love writing. 
I only write with mutuals. I’m OC-friendly & love them. I love other Tav so please, don’t be afraid to gush about your muse with me. I know it can be stressful for some but it’s not my case - still, I respect if it’s a problem for other Tavs to interact so no hard feelings here. We’re all here to have fun.
Do not force me to ship or smut. It’s a big no-no. I believe in chemistry. I also believe in plotting so if you want a relationship with Rhys (romance, friendship, enemies etc…), please approach me. My DM are always open. I’m not against writing smut but only with people I feel comfortable with. 
I love plotting but sometimes, life gets in the way and I have zero time and/or energy. It’s not you, it’s a ‘me’ problem. Just give me some time.
Speaking about ships — I usually follow my partners’ wishes. If they only ship with one version of my muse, I shall return the favor. If they don’t, fair game. I’m not too bothered about it but I want my partners to feel comfortable so I’ll follow your rules on this matter. 
18+ content might occur and will always be tagged. Keep in mind that many dark themes will be explored on this blog BUT they’ll always be tagged. If you need a specific tag for some content you don’t want to see, you can always send me a message so I can tag it appropriately. I’m usually good with tags but mistakes/oversights could happen so yeah.
I do not ship kiddos with adults, that’s a given. Incest is also a big no.
Sometimes I use icons, and sometimes I don’t. Life is full of surprises!
Thank you for reading my rules (:
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Hello Lost. I am sad: my fanfics do not receive comments and I am losing the will to write eruri. I know we write for ourselves and that is beautiful, but at the same time, it is nice to know what people think and if they are enjoying our fanfics. I do not want to ask people to leave more comments, it is their choice, but I wish I could find a way to encourage readers. I do not care if it is one comment or hundreds, just one opinion coming from someone’s heart will be enough to me. Do you have some kind of advice, please? Thank you,
Hello Anon, I’m so sorry you’re sad, but I do understand.  No matter how often I encourage people to write for themselves and to be proud of their own creativity, there’s no denying that it is disappointing when you pour your heart and soul into a piece of writing and it gets no reaction.  I feel that way myself sometimes, when I post a piece that I’m particularly fond of and it just gets crickets. It’s impossible not to feel a little despondent. 
Sadly you’re not the only one who's experiencing this.  I’ve seen several surveys about fandom engagement and it seems that comments are drying up right across the board. There are many reasons for this, but most of them boil down to the changing nature of fandom platforms and communities.  Twitter is a particularly bad platform for fandom engagement; it’s hard to build and sustain a community on such a public platform, it’s so fast moving that content disappears quickly and there’s a high probability that people will never see it, it’s hard to re-surface content after the timeline has moved on, and the click through rate is abysmal.  Also because AO3 is an archive, rather than a social media platform, it was never designed to sustain community on the platform.  Quite the opposite in fact, there was always an assumption that fandom communities would exist elsewhere, and that AO3 would archive the content created by those communities. 
There has also been increasing commodification of fandom creativity.  Some fans seem to approach fanfic with the same expectations as published fiction, without taking into account that all fanfiction is a voluntary labour of love, rather than the result of a commercial contractual agreement between author and publisher. This sometimes leads to a mismatch in expectations between readers and writers; writers hope for comments and feedback, while readers expect regular updates, and more often than not everyone ends up a little disappointed. 
There’s no easy way to solve these problems so it’s really important to remember that lack of engagement is absolutely no reflection on the quality of your writing.  I can’t stress this too often. 
There are things you can do though! One of which is to find your own fandom community.  In my experience fandom is *always* best experienced with a small group of like-minded weirdos who share your specific niche headcanons about your favourite characters.  Discord is a good space for small fandom communities, if you can gather together a small group of fandom friends, you can set up your own server with people who hopefully will be only too happy to comment on your writing.  There’s also an Eruri writing discord which I’ve heard great things about.  It sounds like a really creative and supportive space.  @RookSacrifice over on twitter is one of the mods and has passed on an invitation to the server for you. If you DM me, I’ll give it to you.  Also don’t ever be afraid to ask for feedback!  Try reaching out directly to other writers and readers.  If you hook up with another writer, you can even offer to exchange comments on your work.  Something else I’ve suggested in the past is getting involved in ship weeks and challenges.  That can be a great way to encourage fans to engage with your writing.  Though tbh there are so many ship weeks running these days that I have no idea what sort of engagement they get. Still worth a try though! 
I hope this helps Anon, please don’t feel too despondent. Eruri is such a fabulous ship with so much nuance to explore in Erwin and Levi’s characters and relationship, it would be such a shame if you stopped writing.  And please do DM me so I can pass on that Discord link.
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thedoctorlivesey · 1 year
Rare OOC Post
I've been told that there's some really unnecessary drama going on behind the scenes, so I feel I need to clear some things up.
1: Please be patient with me and don't spam me over and over to get me to answer.
2: I try my best to answer all inboxes when I can. I originally wanted to answer EVERY message I got, but I have since had to change this policy due to recent events.
3: There have been a lot of anons sending some pretty nasty things. This blog is a safe space for all ages, so please don't send graphic things. While I appreciate being cheeky and tongue in cheek, I will not reply to overly sexual, violent, or adult messages.
4: Why people have been dragging @missraetaylor into anons I do not know. There seems to be a strange misunderstanding that she is behind this account. I would like to clear that up. She mods my Discord server and makes me emotes and graphics. We know each other IRL.
5: This brings me to my next point - This blog is CANON LIVESEY. [To my view based on his personality in the movie.] A Bachelor. I may be occasionally cheeky towards some OCs, but I try to remain in character with all messages I respond to. While I support people who choose to ship their characters with Livesey in their art and writings, please note that this blog will always be Canon Livesey who is single. This is NOT an OC x Canon blog! I always pledged to keep it that way so people could have their Doctor as he is.
6: In character means I do not converse OOC or as mun as some call it. It means I will always be responding as Livesey as I play him and not the man behind the account.
7: Harassing people through anonymous messages sent to me will not be tolerated. It's passive aggressive and also cowardly. If you have a problem with a person then message them. Do not use me as your mouthpiece.
8: Why people are making drama out of a cartoon movie will never make sense to me. Do not drag me into it. Ever. I am running this blog for fun and other people's enjoyment and would appreciate being kept out of it all.
9: If you have a problem with me or how I run my blog then message me directly. I try to base all my responses on the personality of Canon Livesey with what little there really is to go on and I fill in a few gaps with Book Livesey. I will listen to feedback should you have some.
10: Don't be afraid to interact. I have also been told people are scared to chat or message. Please don't feel scared to approach.
11: I reblog art and other media that I feel fits.
12: My Discord server is for EVERYONE. Not just people with OCs or shippers. There are many fans in there and everyone is welcome. Drama and harassment is never tolerated inside and everyone is nice to each other. If they are not then it is dealt with. Please feel free to join if you want to be part of a fandom safe space.
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catcatb0y · 2 years
I have a lot of shit going on irl, so I am really sorry to anyone if I come across as crass, rude, or an asshole. I come onto Tumblr in order to escape the shit I am going through irl, so I already have very little patience when I am online.
I whole heartedly support TAG CULTURE and ao3. 'Don't like; Don't read.' I don't read a lot of dark(er) fic, because I don't like it, but it's not my place to tell others what to write. It is my place to block and filter out that content.
Please learn about censorship history before you try to push that as a good thing. Especially on Tumblr. The "they banned tits and everyone freaked out" webbed site. The site regularly mocking unalived and k!lled. Please spell out your intentions, so I can use the blacklist function properly.
1f y0u typ3 l1k3 th1s, c3ns0rsh1p 1s n0t my 3xp3ct4tion, but 1 w1ll r34d 1t 4nd sp34k y0ur l4ngu4g3.
Censorship is, and always has been, a slippery slope. The moment you argue something not being "family friendly" or say "think of the children," step back and remember that the same things have been and are still said about queer existence. It's the same thing that led to the fandom purges not too many years ago.
Please think before you regurgitate very obvious conservative and TERF takes (especially of you claim to be against them). If you are or agree with any TERFs, transmeds (people who say that trans existence is purely medical/trans people need medical intervention to be trans), or ""gender critical"" literally just go away. Science and history are against you.
With that out of the way, I don't blorbopost often (save random bursts of fanart or occasional theories (except currently I have a few vent posts)), but I am a BakuDeku fan.
Before that, though, I am a Bakugou fan. I care more about his development, treatment, and character more than I care about his importance to/part in any ship (which is unfortunately even more rare in newer fandom)
If you post jokes or memes about the current Hero Academia spoilers, deadass just block me right now. I don't want to see [redacted] and I don't fucking care. Even if it's just a softblock (assuming I follow you), I'm done. I don't want that shit on my dash.
Otherwise, I'm into a myriad of different shows (mostly anime), but I think I'm honestly done with fandom as a whole? Never be afraid to fandomtalk with me though! I'm very open to asks and DMs and post replies! This post is very harsh, because it's made after dealing with most of the shit I talk about, but I really am nice and approachable as long as you don't come into my house with terminally online takes calling me terminally online.
It's sad and pathetic.
Other than that, I (usually) don't reblog guilt-trip or anger-activist posts with the intention of agreeing with them. There are a lot of issues out in this world today, and nobody has the ability to care about them all. We certainly don't have the power, and 'privilege' isn't some Pokemon game of type weaknesses; it's a case by case issue at best and it can be easily weaponized.
My last pinned post had a better description, but honestly I've just started unfollowing people who guilt trip too much. I come here for fun.
I don't fuck with reactionary bullshit. Please stop and think for five fucking seconds. This is the internet, we have that luxury, and yet people seem to throw it out the window at the nearest chance.
Also if you make fun of (me specifically, but anyone) for writing long posts, you are cringe. Sorry you can't process more than three sentences, but I can. I keepy posts as nuanced as possible and explore man angles.
If I write too much for you to understand (non native English speakers, neurodivergent people, and anyone who has genuine difficulty reading), I will happily break down my points into smaller groups and discuss each part in a civil manner.
But if you say "I'm not reading that" I am putting your clown shoes on the other side of the door and locking you out of my house. That's cringe. Get better reading skills or go away.
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rustyvanburace · 11 months
To be honest, as much as I really do want to write IssaNava and put all my thoughts down in a fic, I think my past shipping experiences has left me really hesitant and even admittedly afraid to.
I can't deny that IssaNava would face a lot of conflict and issue that would have to be meaningfully addressed for them to even work -- same as with WalterJona or any other pairing with conflicted characters, for that matter. It's a ship that I really want to treat right and with the utmost respect. And as much as I like the enemies-to-lovers trope (or maybe conflicted persons-to-lovers would be more apt) as much as everyone else does, it is such a difficult trope to write for and one that requires careful balance. At least, that's what I've learned.
There was a time I had a ship I used to really love. Around that same time I was writing with someone (technically role-playing) who also liked that ship. We aimed for the conflicted-to-lovers approach, but it ran into a lot of serious problems where we both had very different ideas of where it would go despite talks. That in itself is not inherently bad, as sometimes characters (especially in RP) just don't click. But my writing partner was particularly disappointed in me, insinuating that I just wasn't trying hard enough yet also not even acknowledging the more shippy or positive things I did wrote. I was trying really hard and my efforts could never meet their growing expectations. It got so bad that they grew suspicious that every negative interaction between our characters was somehow a deliberate ploy I made. That I "hated" their character.
I can't hold too much ill will against them as they had their own poor experiences and there were moments where I could've written better. But trying really hard to make a ship work and receiving so much dissatisfaction and even outright suspicion, it really fucked with my confidence as a writer. More than just that one ship though, I got the vibes that they saw me as a bad writer in general. I literally couldn't write anything after that.
Needless to say, that whole experience completely ruined that ship for me as now all I can associate with it are my own failings. And even though I still like the conflicted-to-lovers trope, the very potential in two characters who are in conflict yet are able to see beyond that and become friends and then something more -- I am so hesitant to write that now. I need to treat it delicately and with the utmost care. If I cannot get the ship right and write them perfectly, then it will never suffice. Anything less is not acceptable. ...That's the kind of thinking I get roped into.
IssaNava is very much a ship I really, really want to treat right in respect to their class differences and their struggles. They would realistically have conflict that cannot just be swept under the rug. I suppose I have a much easier time now, because I would be writing them alone and can direct any story as I please. But even still, there is that lingering fear that my writing will never do them or their circumstances justice and that anything I output will be unsatisfactory. Or worse.
In the same light though, queer ships are inherently messy and raw. They cannot just be made to fit into a neat little box. And Navarre and Issachar are very, very messy characters. Is it also even fair to me to be held by the expectations of another who was never truly satisfied with anything I wrote?
This doesn't just make me adverse to writing my ships, despite deepdown really wanting to, but also even from wanting to share them on a close level. I cannot ever get back the love I had for that old ship ever again and I never want to lose that with the things I love now.
Clearly the answer is that these things should all be for myself first and foremost. Lately I have been trying to do more for me and to allow myself to be selfish. Even still, I don't think I can just easily shrug off the perfectionism and fear of failure that has been deeply instilled in me. Maybe I will never actually bring myself to write IssaNava. Maybe I am just not cut out for writing fanfics. But, those also doesn't have to be a bad thing either.
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Congrats on your 600 followers, your writing is amazing, i loved the rhaenyra x shapshiter reader especially. Mind if i request a match up from game of thrones(romantic)?
I'm a lesbian with she/they pronouns, I'm INTP 5w6 aquarius. I am 5'4 with very long black hair and dark brown eyes, I'm a bit of a tomboy but i don't mind wearing feminine stuff often. I like wearing darker clothes but i also like wearing soft colors like light blue or pink even. I also have black nails and black stud earrings.
I'm a very timid and quiet person. I have social-anxiety and i rarely talk to anyone unless it's my close friend or family. Some people might think I'm mute because I'm so silent. Besides that I'm pretty level-headed, kind, friendly and like to help if i can. Though at times I might hurt someone feelings since I'm brutally honest, I apologize after. I'm also the type of person to go with the flow because i want to take things easily and not make a big deal out of it, I'm a neutral person when hearing people's opinions unless it's questionable. I'm kinda slow to process some jokes and i zone out a lot since I like to be on my mind and because my sleep schedule is messed up. I like listening to my friends talk!! I hate to see my friends hurt or upset and try my hardest to comfort them. I cheer them up by doing things for them or taking care of them (my love languages are quality time and acts of service)
Interests: Reading, Horror Books, listening Music (classical and metal), sleeping, I'm a fan of oolong tea and passion tea, I like relaxing in quiet places while listening to music or reading, I like well-clean things and spicy food.
I don't really like trouble and like to stay out of it. I dislike loud people or insensitive people. I also don't like crowds and prefer to be alone. I get nervous when i meet people i don't know and pushes myself to a corner hoping they won't see me, I hate being disturbed when I'm relaxing or when i'm tired then I might come off grumpy, I hate being made fun of even if it may sound like a harmless joke, i get moody after, I really hate when things are out of place or unclean. Oh yeah i don't like cake too 😭
Hobbies: I really like reading books, especially mystery or horror(maybe even romance). I'm also good at painting/drawing but i get fustrated because I get artblock. Other times i like making things out of paper like flowers, birds, etc.
Other info: I have an uncontrollable strength, I don't work out it's just that when I pinch people payfully slightly they say it hurts really bad 💀
I think that's it, have a good new year and a good day ♡ 👧
hi! thank you for participating :)
i ship you with sansa!
especially in the later seasons, she became a lot more reserved. i think she’d need someone calm and on the quiet side, someone to keep her company. i think she’d be afraid to get involved with anyone, especially after all that happened to her. but i think she’d be drawn to you. you’d remind her of home, and quiet peaceful evenings she had as a child, maybe with her father. it would be one of the things she missed most, even when she returned to winterfell, and you’d be a small piece of the life she used to have. you’d be an instant comfort. you being quieter, she’d have to be the one to approach you first. you’d intrigue her, and she’d find herself doing things to spend time with you. you’d warm up to each other fast. you’d be an excuse for her to get away from her responsibilities so she could be with you. you’d know how to comfort her when she needed it, and she’d feel comfortable talking to you about anything she needed to get off her chest. she just wants to be in the north with her people, separate from the rest of the world. she’d be content to do that with you, it would be so easy. she’d love talking to you, telling you stories or explaining how her day went, appreciating that you were actually listening.
she had to grow up so fast, she’d be such a different person compared to the girl she was before she left winterfell the first time. you’d understand that, and she’d know that it didn’t bother you. shed have a much sharper tongue, able to stand up for you or correct a situation if she needed to. she’d seek you out during the day, wanting to sit with you while you read or did your art. she’s quite the artist too, making her own clothes. you could sit together and work on your projects, either helping each other with them, or just being content enough to work in peace next to each other.
maybe one day, she’d be sitting with you, telling you about home. somehow, you’d get to the topic of sweets.
“lemon cakes are my favorite. i miss the way the cooks made them when i was young.”
you’d pretend to like cake, and she’d be absolutely appalled once she found out you don’t actually like it.
“what? how can you not like lemon cakes? that is absurd, we have to make them now.”
you’d spend a day in the kitchens, making her laugh and smile. she wouldn’t even care that you’d scrunch your nose up at the taste when they were finished, just happy that she got to spend the day with you.
“i may not like cake,” you’d say, resting your hand on her arm. “but i do like your dress. you’ll have to show me how you made it one day.”
she’d smile, happily agreeing to.
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islandofmuses · 1 year
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This is a low activity blog
*Hello* everyone, my name is Sandra, you can call me Sandy or by my full name, as you wish, I’m 34 and I’ve Rplaying on tumblr since 2012, took a break around 2016 as my real life got in the way, and I’ve been back since late 2020.
I like to think of myself as a friendly person, I’m always willing to chat.
My ask is always open, I’m willing to do cross-overs and fandomless threads for my muses, I’m more than willing to write with ocs, everyone is welcomed! never be afraid to poke me of you wanna write, also if we’ve been interacting for a while feel free to ask for my discord!
Rules under the cut!! 
Muses & Muses
Open Starters
Rules under the cut!
Frist of all, I’m a very opened person so never be scared to ask me for plots, even if you think they don’t fit, I’m sure we’ll be able to come up with something.
I’m of age and so are all my characters but I will not write smut. If our characters are in a relatioship, I’m okay with the leading up to, but there’s a point I’m going to ask you to fade to black, please respect that, I do not like to write full on sexual scenes do not push me into this. Goes without saying, if you’re a minor then, I’m sorry but as 34 year old person, I’d rather not write with you.
If you have any questions, want to chat, want to plot ALWAYS feel free to reach out.
Replies will be slow, I am adult with a job and other hobbies and blogs, so sometimes its going to be hard to catch up, feel free to poke me if I’ve gone too long without replying.
I am willing to do Discord RP, but I need to have interacted with you, at least ooc a couple of times to feel comfortable doing so
It goes without saying : NO FORCE SHIPPING!!!!
English is not my main language, please understand and excuse me if I make any mistakes, as much as I put in the efford sometimes it happens.
My opens are mutuals and non-mutual unless stated otherwise. And always opened to be picked up at any time.
As for following, I’m not that selective, usually I always follow back, however if I don’t, please don’t take it personaly, it’s either me not wanting to approach certain plots, or wanting to take myself away from certain things for my own sake. If I follow you and than unfollow after a while, it simply means we probaly never interacted and I want to keep my dash clean, which leads me to the next point, I will unfollow if you don’t cut post and I have to scroll trough a lot, I’m sorry, its nothing personal, but its a bit annoying to me. However this doesn’t mean I won’t write with you.
Regarding Fcs, as long as you’re not using someone under 18, someone who asked not to be used, or has done some really bad things then its fine. You should be able to pick whoever you want, and I don’t chery pick fcs, I care about your character not the FC you use for them. If you have low resources or none at all, its not really my place to not write you over that, I’m okay with not using GIFs, icons etc. In the end we’re here to write, right? 😁❤️
I also ask of you not chery pick my fcs either. I understand if you’re a fan of someone I’m using, and of course I will write that character with you, but please look at the character not their face. I’ve had some bad experiences with this, which is probably why I like to stick with mostly underused fcs for my characters.
I’ll do my best to TW anything I see that can cause triggers to other, but if you see anything in my content that I’ve forgeten to, pease feel free to tell me.
I like ships as much as everyone, but I don’t usually plan ships, unless with my closest RP friends, I usually go with chemistry.
Goes without saying I do not tolarate any kind of drama, I’m only here to write and have fun, so please be respectful!
That is all, thank you so much for reading all this, the rules as mainly for you to know what I’m opened to, so there’s no confusion on any of the parts, have a good day and happy writting!!
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