#there are far to many Spider-Man stories where Peter is in high school
itschr1spy · 2 years
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Finally drew Peter Parker, lets go
I took inspiration from Peter's Designs from TSSM and SM: TNAS in order to make this boi come to be
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The Amazing Spider-Man #7
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Published: December 1963
Containing: "The Return of The Vulture"
Synopsis: The Vulture returns with an augmented magnetic flying device immune to mechanical interference, and goes on a new series of heists as Peter has to deal with a sprained arm after blindly going into battle.
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@frankendykes-monster : This might be the lightest issue we've covered yet in terms of narrative depth. We have officially reached a point where a "standard" Spider-Man story that's easily recognizable regardless of date of origin or medium is born.
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The Vulture is making his second and final stint as a solo villain in this run, and admittedly I might miss him. I think many adaptations miss something by not focusing on the fact that he's a machinist, probably a consequence of so many Spider-Man villains existing now that it's easy to shuffle around characterizations and motivations, not that this original incarnation of the character is three-dimensional or anything. I feel like this is one of the first major instances of "lost in translation" between Ditko and Lee because that's the only explanation I can muster up for me just not getting exactly how The Vulture's powers work. I assumed that the magnetic device is basically levitation and that the wings are for steering in mid-air, but the wings being gummed up at the end nullifies his ability to fly? Who knows. His hands being free and thus him being able to hold a gun is a chuckle worthy sight.
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Betty Brant is thrust a bit more into the role of Peter's primary love interest of the run as of this issue, with the finale being a focus on them and their burgeoning taking-notice of one another. It feels natural as we're still in the very early stages (read: the talking stage). While the letters pages usually don't reveal anything of note that needs to be brought up here, I do find it funny that one reader asks that Peter have a proper girlfriend that's a bad bitch and up to date on the latest music trends. Give it a few years, Sidney, it's coming.
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Probably the most notable thing about this issue is how much Ditko gives it his all in terms of fleshing out the environments, the fights across the skyline or inside the Daily Bugle make the similar brawl inside the high school from #4 look downright drab in comparison. There's a lot more time dedicated to onlookers unable to do anything in the face of costumed persons fighting in mid-air above them, it lends itself to a great realization of three-dimensional space even when page space only has room for the fight or the reaction to it. We finally find out that Peter lives in Forest Hills, in Queens, on Long Island, which furthers highlights how huge NYC is and how quaint it must be in some way to see Spider-Man and The Vulture fight above rooftops overhead.
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@duel1971 : Fun! I think about half of my favorite Ditko art I’ve seen on this journey so far is contained in this one issue. Every panel shines with a brilliant grasp of anatomy, action, weight, proportion… it’s awesome. The Vulture is sort of a boring villain on paper, in my opinion, but his striking visual design and the incredible action sequences made me forget that entirely. We also get our best close-up yet of Spider-Man’s web shooter, showing off how nifty and clean its design is.
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The best action set-piece in this story involves Peter fighting the Vulture in the Daily Bugle offices while the staff scrambles for cover and Jonah has a breakdown. If I’m not mistaken this is the first time a villain has come directly to JJJ’s office, making a somewhat historic precedent.
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There’s not much to talk about here in terms of new story developments (other than Peter sharing a moment with Betty Brant) but the action and script are so tight and well-done that it’s hard to say anything negative about it. This issue to me feels like a well-earned victory lap after eight issues of consistent innovation.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
Re: Marvel questions... What do you think will happen in the next Spiderman movie now that MJ and Ned don't remember Peter, and do you foresee Ned ever getting to rediscover and develop his magic skillz?
At no point in time have I ever had any idea what Marvel is going to do with their Spider-Man stuff! Part of that's because I have very little investment in Peter Parker or various Spider-people in general (whether MCU, comics, or otherwise) and partly because MCU!Peter is so far off comics!Spider-Man that it's near-impossible to predict what they want to do with him.
If I had to guess, I think we're at the point where the MCU has to bring in some version of OsCorp -- I know NWH has Norman Osborn say that OsCorp doesn't exist in the MCU, but obviously that guy was lying about many things, so there's no reason to treat that as gospel truth. For whatever reason, NWH also did not bring in any version of Harry Osborn, so I would not be surprised if the next phase of Spider-Man films start bringing in those more classic Spider-Man characters that so far haven't been introduced in the MCU, like Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy, either as regular Gwen or as Ghost-Spider. Ghost-Spider (a.k.a. Spider-Gwen) is hugely popular and she is a multiverse character, so I could see her appearing either as an alternate universe character or, if that's too close to what they already in NWH, I could see the MCU introducing her as an Earth-199999 (or MCU Earth-616, however we want to go with it) character. Just because she's a multiverse character in the comics doesn't mean she has to be in the MCU. Or bringing in Cindy Moon (Silk); love an Asian superhero and we can always use more of them in the MCU. (Please bring in Silk.) (Huh, according to Wiki Cindy is in Homecoming and IW...did not pick that up.) I would not be surprised to go a full Spider-Man movie without seeing MJ and Ned, but see them pop up in a different MCU film/show before they're reunited with Peter in Spidery 5.
If I was to write Spider-Man 4, what I would do is go back to the thing that the MCU has actually never dealt with, which is Peter Parker's origin story and where the spider came from. Statistically speaking in the MCU, the original spider was yet another attempt to replicate the super soldier serum. One could either have that be OsCorp or someone else (I've theorized it might have been Hammer Industries, which we know from IM2 is headquartered in Queens). Peter, now that he's out of high school and no longer associated with Tony Stark or the Avengers, now has the freedom to go back and look into what happened to him when he was originally bitten and what the circumstances leading to that were. Which uncovers a Conspiracy that he has to deal with all on his own, because now he doesn't have any friends or allies; this could lead to him finding other in-universe Spider-people who got different versions of the Spider bite/serum/whatever, maybe being used by Mystery Company or working for the Department of Damage Control or out there on their own. Peter's MCU appearances to date have all been so large-scale that it would actually be a huge shock to go back to something really intimate that is solely focused on him and New York, and I think that's the way to go -- to really play up on his isolation post-NWH.
As for Ned and his magic...I got nothing. Like I said up above, I would be very surprised if the next tie we saw Ned and MJ was in a Spider-film; I would expect them to show up either as cameo character, post-credits, or supporting characters in another MCU film/show first. I have no idea which one that would be; magic might suggest Agatha: Coven of Chaos, but that doesn't seem very likely. If I had to guess, I'd say we'll next see them in Ironheart, but really, it could be anything.
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tga-ines-soares · 9 months
Steve Ditko
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Steve Ditko was an a great artist of comic book artist and writer, best known for creating Spider-Man and Doctor Strange for Marvel Comics. He had a unique artistic style that captivated readers and brought these iconic characters to life. Ditko's creative contributions helped shape the comic book art industry, and his work continues to inspire artists and writers in the field today. His legacy remains a significant part of the Marvel Universe and the broader world of comics.
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Spider-Man, created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, tells the story of Peter Parker, a high school student who gains superhuman powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. With his newfound powers that enhanced strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls Peter decides to use his powers for good. Initially, he revels in his newfound powers, but after a tragic event involving his Uncle Ben, Peter learns the iconic lesson that "with great power comes great responsibility."
Balancing his personal life with his superhero duties, Peter Parker faces lots challenges, both as a masked hero fighting villains like Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Venom, and others, and as an ordinary person dealing with everyday problems such as relationships, school, and work.
Spider-Man is not just about action-packed superhero adventures, it also involves themes of morality, sacrifice, and the struggles of a young person trying to navigate life while shouldering immense responsibilities. His relatable human struggles, coupled with his heroic feats, have made Spider-Man one of the most beloved and enduring characters in comic book history.
I like this comic design because it looks like that's he flying and the spider webs on the suit is like gliders about so spider man doesn't fall to the ground so fast and injury himself.
Jack Kirby
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Jack Kirby is often referred to as "The King of Comics." He was a legendary Americans comic book artist, writer and editor as person. He is the best known for creating iconic characters as superhero and its significantly to the comic book industry.
Jack Kirby took part in a pivotal role in creating characters as such as captain American with joe Simon, the fantastic four, the X-Men, the Avengers. Thor, the Hulk, and many more during his time at the Marvel Comics there known as the Timely comics.
Jack Kirby was not only an artist but a visionary storyteller who used his art style. His influence extended far beyond his own creations, shaping the entire superhero genre and inspiring generation of artist and writers.
Later in his career. He has moved on to the DC Comics, where he has worked on the titles like the "Fourth World" series, creating character like the Darkseid, Mister Miracle, and The New Gods.
Fantastic Four
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The Fantastic Four is groundbreaking Marvel comic which is series created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. It revolves around a team of four random people who gain superpowers after they were exposed to cosmic radiation during a scientific mission in space. The teams members are: Mr Fantastic is Reed Richards: He is a brilliant scientist, he can stretch his body to an impossible length and weird shapes. Invisible women is Susan Storm: She is Reed Richard girlfriend but later through the comic, she will be his wife. She can turn herself and object invisible and creating force fields. Human Torch is Johnny Storm: He is Susan's brother. He can make himself into flames and fly. The Thing is Ben Grimm: He is Reed's best friend. He can turn massive things. He's rock like being with incredible strength.
I like that the main character is in red. I like that there a lot of mini character on the comic around it. I like all the colours and the shadows on the comic.
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I like to think of the three Spider-Man movies (with Tom Holland) as a cronic of a boy growing up and learning how life works the hard way and that in the end, you just hold on without really knowing what drives you.
"Spider-Man: Homecoming" is a lot about High School stuff and popularity among his classmates. There's a girl Peter likes and even goes on a date with. The movie is pretty thrilling because Peter is so excited to be a part of the Avengers that it blends over everything that happens. There's a sort of euphoria throughout the movie because Peter has fun chasing the "big guys", solving a mystery and "righting the wrongs". It's a high school kid exploring, so it's a pretty cliché-ish movie, made for teenagers because it's a teenager telling the story. The world is viewed through, some would say, naïve eyes and all he sees is himself and the people around him. Someone hurts the people he knows, so he has to beat the enemy. It's no big thing or saving the world. It's a small fight but it matters to him personally. He proves himself for himself, proves himself worthy of being Spider-Man.
"Spider-Man: Far From Home" is darker in its tone because Peter is lost. He lost Tony and learned fighting in a grand war, for saving the world. There are different parameters to pay attention to and it's important not to make mistakes because they matter. He fought alongside Tony who guided him through the grand task he was a part in solving. In "Spider-Man: Homecoming", he learned how to fight with the "little guys" and Tony was there for him to not mess it up later on in "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame". But in "Spider-Man: Far From Home", Peter is alone. His villain is bigger now, but he doesn't have the same guidance. Not that he needs it but all this grief lets him struggle so much, he can't see his worth. He makes a big mistake he has to fix. Still a High School kid but with a lot wider horizon and now he knows how much mistakes matter. He learns from it and is a lot more independant now. In "Spider-Man: Homecoming", he asked Tony a ton of questions concerning every little detail and choice. Now, Tony is gone and Peter has to manage on his own. He is independant and that is scary. That's why he clings to Fury. It's someone he knows, someone who knew Tony. But that doesn't help. Peter learns he has to work on his own, need to grow up to be a proper Spider-Man. But Mysterio knows how much he's struggleing, uses it and destroys Peter.
There are many people Peter clings to. Happy is one of the most important ones because he's a relict of Tony and he knew Tony. He feels what Peter feels - in a way. And Peter clings to the idea of being Tony's heir because the world wants him to be exactly that, so he works with S.H.I.E.L.D. But now in "Spider-Man: No Way Home", he works alone. Tony's AI doesn't work any longer and he has to make his own tactics without help from a dead man. In a way, he's still a High School kid because he wants to go to college alongside his friends but he learns to take responsibility, learns consequences can't be ignored and will only lead to more drama. A death becomes meaningless then. And when he makes his last decision, he knows the consequences and is ready to face them even if it hurts like hell because he knows it's no longer about him. It's what he learned so far. He can't be selfish, not like a Teenager because he's an adult now. In the end, he's alone which can also be seen as a sort of metaphor for his growing process. He had people around him, shielding him, letting him escape, but now he faces he cold world his life is and keeps going. It's like he arrived where he was headed to as a person. He grew up.
"Spider-Man: Homecoming" was about a boy figuring out his powers. "Spider-Man: Far From Home" was about a young man trying to find comfort in the easier past. "Spider-Man: No Way Home' is about a man facing consequences and living with the outcome because he takes responsibity.
He learns how to work on his own, makes his own decisions like Teenagers do. They learn how to life without their parents and with Peter it's the same. Though there's much smore trauma, sacrifice and selflessness involved but we see him not feeling worthy enough to go to MIT whereas he definetely has the potential to do so. As a Teenager growing up, you struggle to find your worth as well.
That's why "Spider-Man: No Way Home" hits so deep and doesn't seem misplaced even though Peter carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. They don't fail to address the journey every young adult goes through, so everyone can kind of relate and feel sympathy for his struggle.
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doitwritenow · 4 years
Supreme Super family gets sucked up into WandaVision(let's imagine Tony's alive in this or is from the multiverse). Ironstrange think they're married with a high school kid. Tony is a science teacher, strange is town doctor, and peter is a regular kid. No memories of they're real life. Rhody, Pepper, and Aunt May and Morgan could be added to this too if you wanted.
OHHO! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this; I had to finish the show, for one thing, and then my brain started going all sorts of places with the prompt... and well. I have on heck of a ramble coming, so buckle up! 
(Also, spoilers through the series, so watch out!) 
— — —
It starts with a question on Vision’s job application.
That’s all. So simple, so innocuous, so innocent. Vision is casually recording information that he doesn’t yet realize he can’t remember, and he arrives at a line that asks his family history. It’s nothing complex, left on the application only because Wanda’s subconscious had glossed over the question. So does Vision’s, as a result. But he wants this job. They want to fit in, and so they answer the question truthfully.
Vision writes ‘Stark’, unaware. ‘Tony Stark.’
And pop. Just like that. 
On the edge of Westview, there suddenly is and has always been a small, well-kept mechanic’s shop. It’s run by an aging man with a bright mind and a brighter smile. He’s lived here since he came back from the war, but no one knows for how long. And he has no memory—no memory at all—of what came before. 
Of the round scar in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t need to know. No one needs to know; he’s just a side character, after all. Just the answer to a line on a job application.
Just so that something, anything, about Vision’s life here isn’t a lie. 
Yeah, so Tony gets manifested within the Hex—but because he’s one of Wanda’s creations and not someone being mind-controlled, he is able to exist with agency within Westview. He has no reason, however, to believe anything is amiss; he’s been resurrected only to play a character, and his memories and surface-level motivations only extend to the limits of that character.
But Wanda has other regret. Wanda has other anger and understanding and forgiveness and gratefulness, and she knew Tony Stark, once. 
She knew his worst nightmare—and it’s easy to craft a soul from that, really.
(But it’s fine, of course it’s fine. Tony has no reason to pull down the walls of that hidden spirit. He’s content in his role, just like Vision. So it’s fine. 
… Right?) 
Agatha stands at the base of a towering barrier with her hands on her hips. One side of her mouth is quirked up into a considering, scheming smile, and her magic probes out around her curiously. This is the source of the power she’d felt; she’s sure of it. The spell work… the instinctual, unconscious spell work is so intense she can almost taste it.
How is it possible? What’s the secret? 
Agatha must know. And besides; this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to her since the seventeenth century. 
She’s about to reach out, about to cross into the heart of the magic, when she hears it. A footstep. Quiet and dark and making no attempt at stealth. 
Agatha grips her magic. “Who’s there?” she demands. 
Someone steps out of the trees. A human, Agatha thinks, though you can never be sure nowadays. He wears a hood of green and his hands are dark where they hang at his sides. 
“Witch,” the figure declares.
Agatha raises an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” says Karl Mordo. “I rather think you can.”
Okay, cut to New York. Stephen Strange is exhausted, wrung dry trying to keep the edges of the universe from deteriorating now that the stabilization factors of the Infinity Stones have been destroyed. One task runs into the next, one morning into the night. One future into all the others. 
But Stephen likes the work; it keeps his mind in one place. He’s always alert these days. Always listening. 
So when someone calls out to him from New Jersey, he can hear.
It’s Mordo luring him in, of course, but he doesn’t know that yet. After Dormammu, and certainly after all those futures, Stephen has too much experience for Mordo to hope to get the better of. The old Master is still dedicated to his ‘too many sorcerers’ shebangerang, though, so he’s employed help. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone. Two world-threateningly powerful magic users with one stone. 
Stephen follows the call, because of course he does. It sounds like a call for help; what else is he supposed to do? The kelpie situation in the Thames can wait. Wong waves him off, tells him to be careful without much hope of Stephen listening, and takes over the Sanctum for the few hours Stephen intends to be gone.
(It’s not for a few hours.)
But there’s someone else we should mention before we see what Westview has planned for Stephen. See, a certain spider-kid has just had his identity outed, and his only allies once called themselves Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill, Peter discovers, are not Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
“You’re aliens?” Peter demands, his hands warding the space in front of him. 
Of course they’re aliens, part of him sighs. Of course. Why wouldn’t one more thing just go crazy in his life? Why let him remember what ‘normal’ even felt like? Why the hell not? 
“Er, yes,” says not-Fury. “My name is Talos. But we do still want to help you.”
Helping Peter doesn’t go according to plan. See, the Skrull try to approach SWORD for Monica Rambaeu’s help regarding the kid who saved their lives, but Monica has disappeared. 
Talos only turns around for two seconds. Really, it’s only a moment. But when he turns back, Peter Parker has disappeared, too.
Stephen stops, a hand coming up to shield his third eye as he squints into the absolute maelstrom of power swirling in a hexagonal wall in front of him. It doesn’t feel like the Order’s magic—not like something of the Mystic Arts. It’s something far more human and gritty. Stephen’s perception can’t extend through it. He frowns.
He takes a step forward, the Cloak swirling around his ankles, and begins to stitch his mental walls into place. His wards are strong, even unconsciously.
That’s probably what saves him, in all honesty. 
Two strong, human hands plant themselves in the small of Stephen’s back and shove him into the barrier. Stephen opens his mouth to yell, raises his hands to cast a spell— but blue and red are surrounding him now. Devouring him, now. They lick at his mind, slamming against unbreakable walls.
But they are unbreakable too. 
Stephen disappears. 
(Mordo used a portal to get behind him and knock him into the Hex, btw.) 
It’s those hasty mental walls that keep Stephen from being completely consumed into the Westview spells. He is not fully mind-controlled, nor is he left half-animated and frozen like most people near Ellis Avenue. But there is one main rule of Wanda Maximoff’s Westview, and that, Stephen can’t escape completely. 
‘No one remembers outside.’
Stephen doesn’t. In fact, he doesn’t remember anything at all. 
Tony Stark finds the man lying on the side of the road. He’s just finished dropping his kid Peter off at the Westview high school (it hasn’t occurred to him that it’s weird how he never sees the boy’s classmates. Or that Peter never seems to have stories from school. Or that the kid is always waiting in the exact same place that Tony dropped him off at whenever Tony comes to pick him up. Tony has no reason to think too hard; he’s just a side character—right?). 
“Uh, hi?” Tony pauses, the car puffing it’s irritation when he stops it too quickly. He cranks down the window and leans out. 
The man blinks, slowly, at the sky. He sits up hesitantly, like he hasn’t noticed Tony, and rubs his hand across his face. He pulls it away after a moment and frowns at it. Tony wonders why he looks so confused—it’s not like there’s anything wrong with the man’s hand. No scars or anything. 
“Hi, sir,” Tony says again. “Are you alright?”
The man jumps. He looks over at Tony—and there’s something weird about his eyes. Something… really weird. (Color, says a voice in the back of his mind that he hasn’t heard for a very, very long time. That’s color.)
“Who are you?” Tony asks. He parks the car completely now. 
The man looks down at his hands again. “I’m—” he begins. He’s frowning again.
“Come on now,” Tony encourages. “How hard can it be?”
The man tugs at the scarf around his neck—and it must be windier than Tony thought, because the edges of it are swaying as if of their own accord— and swallows. 
“I don’t know,” he says.
So of course Tony brings Stephen back with him. He prods at the man until Stephen manages to blurt out ‘Doctor Stephen Strange’ for no reason either of them can remember. But it makes Stephen relax, a little, to have it on his tongue. 
Tony catches Stephen staring at him after that. A lot. When he asks him why, Stephen has no clear answer; just a vague “you remind me of someone.” For Stephen’s part, all he knows is that seeing Tony gives him an indistinct sense of relief. Like he’d been missing someone deeply, and has now found it again. 
Still. He can’t quite put his finger on it. Just like he can’t quite put his finger on why his hands don’t hurt when he tries to write…
Vision visits Tony, sometimes, whenever he remembers, or whenever someone in the town mentions the old mechanic. He brings Wanda. They have fun, but Vision always goes home feeling slightly baffled. And Tony always feels like something hurts, deep in the center of his chest. 
Vision likes his adopted younger brother. (And Peter gets along just fine with the twins, too, when they come along, so Wanda doesn’t change anything about it). But when the man with the bright eyes stares at him with just a bit too much calculation on his face, Vision starts to be reminded of… things. Of suspicions. Of Geraldine and how she had no home and no history. And he doesn’t quite look Wanda in the eye that dinner. 
“What do you do?” Wanda asks, her voice a little hard, a little suspicious. Vision tries not to wince. Whatever it is she’s not telling him, this man at his father’s dinner table reminds her of it. 
Tony flips his fork, balancing it like one might a wrench. “Stephen’s a doctor,” he says.  
Wanda’s face flickers. “That’s funny,” she says blankly. “Because no one in this town ever needs one.” 
For a while, Tony Stark didn’t see anything amiss here. He was created, was consistent, was emptily and vaguely pleased. But Tony Stark is Tony Stark, whatever character he’s been told to play. Tony Stark wants to help people. 
And this man, this strange doctor with the eyes that would sometimes go blank for long minutes and the tears that would stain sharp cheeks for a reason he claimed not to remember, needs help.
So Tony Stark begins to scratch at Wanda’s walls. 
 “What do you mean he’s here?”
“I mean your little plan didn’t work,” Agatha says. She stands on the edge of Westview, speaking through a mirror of magic to the man outside. She’s liking this sorcerer less and less the more she works with him—but he has been rather helpful so far, so she continues to put up with him. 
“Does he remember?”
“No,” Agatha says. “The dad that Wanda made up for Vision has taken him in. It’s kind of adorable, actually.”
“Hm.” Mordo’s mouth twists. “You’ll finish the job?”
Agatha shrugs nonchalantly. “Sure. When I get around to it.”
“You don’t want to wait. Deal with Strange now, before he remembers how to be a threat.”
Agatha laughs. It’s brittle, fully conveying her hostility. “Ha, my good sorcerer, listen. Unless you want to come in here and do the job yourself, you’ll let me handle this my way.”
Agatha’s way involves getting to the bottom of things, of course. And that’s rather convenient… because Vision has begun to try to do the same thing. 
— — — —
Okay that’s all I have for now? The other bits are still solidifying in my mind, and it’s basically all Horrible Angst. I hope this scratches a little of the itch of your ask, though! Feel free, anyone, to add onto this if you’d like! I really enjoyed the show, and I think it has some really awesome AU potential. 
Thanks for the ask!!!
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traincat · 3 years
I feel like I've read a ton, but I'm honestly still pretty new to comics rn. That being said... What is one more day? Ik we don't like it and it happened a while ago, but that's about it [,=
Time for Spider-Man History With Traincat: Highly Controversial Storylines! And that feeling is totally normal with comics with huge canons -- you can read a ton and still have some fairly big blindspots in your understanding of the total picture. That being said, this is kind of a big one, both in terms of Spider-Man history/canon and in terms of how Spider-Man fandom functions. I would say probably no other storyline has had quite as much impact on how the fandom views and interacts with the source material as One More Day/Brand New Day. It's been the Wild West out here ever since it happened. (Which was in 2007, so like, yes, fairly long ago, especially when you look at how Spider-Man canon has evolved since, but in the grand scheme of things, also kind of recent. One More Day is not old enough to rent a car.)
So when people talk about Spider-Man's One More Day, they're usually actually talking about two related arcs: One More Day and Brand New Day. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to be covering both. For the sake of transparency, I am going to admit that I think One More Day, as a self-contained story, is good, actually. This is controversial! I admit that! But I stand by my stupid opinions on this blog, for some reason. I think One More Day when you examine it on its own, by which I mean you ignore the decade and a half worth of canon that came after it, as a Spider-Man story and as a PeterMJ-centric story holds up under scrutiny and that people who don't like it don't like complicated love stories and might actually throw their own mothers under buses. No offense to the OMD haters. Little bit of offense to the OMD haters. Brand New Day, which is the continuation of One More Day, on the other hand -- largely bad. Very largely bad.
But let's backtrack. One More Day is a four issue crossover storyline that takes place directly after Civil War, during which Iron Man and Captain America got divorced and divvied up the superhero community and Spider-Man made some startlingly bad decisions and made a fugitive out of himself and his family in a manner that got Aunt May shot, and Spider-Man: Back in Black (Amazing Spider-Man #539–543) which examines Peter's actions immediately after Aunt May is shot and ends with him humiliating the Kingpin in front of an entire prison. One More Day consists of Amazing Spider-Man #544 -> Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24 -> Sensational Spider-Man v2 #41 -> Amazing Spider-Man #545. In One More Day, Aunt May is dying, all of Peter's efforts to save her have thus far failed, and, consumed by guilt, he is rapidly running out of time. Approached by Mephisto, a literal demon from hell, Peter is offered a deal: Aunt May will live -- and Peter's identity, which was previously revealed to the world at large during Civil War, will once again be hidden from the memories of all but a select few -- if Peter trades him his marriage to Mary Jane. Peter and Mary Jane struggle with this, but eventually both agree to the deal. The clock strikes twelve, the deal is done, and Peter and Mary Jane's marriage fades into history.
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(ASM #545) A reasonably simple premise for a story that caused so many problems -- most, I would argue, not actually the original story's fault. So obviously, this was an unpopular move -- Peter and Mary Jane had for a long time been a fan favorite Marvel couple, and in a fictional universe where most relationships are doomed as soon as they begin, the enduring Spider-Marriage was sacred ground. And then, with a snap of its fingers, it was gone: Peter wakes up in Aunt May's house, no longer married, with Mary Jane out of the picture. (She would not return to the book on any sort of consistent basis for over 50 issues.) In the wake of One More Day began Brand New Day, which is basically what it sounds like: a promised "brand new day" of "exciting" Spider-Man content and a publishing schedule where Amazing Spider-Man came out three times a month. (Which sounds good on paper but I think in practice caused more problems than it created good storylines.) Peter, newly single again, had new love interests! And also Harry Osborn was alive again for some reason! I generally like Harry's post-BND stories so that part's fine with me.
But overall? Brand New Day is a mess. It knows it wants to tread new and exciting ground with Peter -- tell new stories! ensnare new readers! make them fork out for a book three times a month. -- but it doesn't know what those stories should be. Readers who were invested in Peter and Mary Jane's relationship -- a major facet of Spider-Man comics for decades at that point -- felt rightfully betrayed that the marriage could be so easily traded in and that Mary Jane herself, perhaps the second most important figure in Spider-Man comics after Peter, could be tossed aside. From a personal point of view, I think Brand New Day fails in large part because it abandons what has always made Spider-Man such a compelling series, and that's the mix of Peter's personal life with his vigilante life. BND sees Peter with new friends, new jobs, new love interests, etc -- it is very much a brand new day! But it isn't a better day compared to the stories that came before it. I do like some post-BND stories, especially American Son (ASM #595-599) and Grim Hunt (ASM #634-637), but compared to pre-BND where I think the majority of canon is good, it's a very lacking body of work that is hurt by the way it divorced itself from the PeterMJ marriage as Spider-Man's central relationship.
"But Traincat, I thought you said you liked One More Day?" Yeaaaaah. I do. This is why I keep saying I like One More Day on its own merits, and not on the merits of the stories it opened the doors for. I like a good romantic tragedy in fiction, and the way Peter and Mary Jane's final scene in One More Day plays out is beautiful. I like the idea of Peter caught in this impossible situation, being asked to choose between two women he loves more than his own life. A really common criticism I see leveled against One More Day is that Peter should have chosen his relationship with Mary Jane over May's life, which is -- okay, I think it's weird that people keep insisting on this, not in the least because by asking Peter to sacrifice his aunt's life they're essentially demanding he commit a callous, out of character act in order to further his own interests. It's also weird because the thing is, Peter already chose Mary Jane over May -- that's what gets them into this situation. It's literally in the scene where May is shot:
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(ASM #538) When the gun goes off, Peter's spider-sense kicks in, and he covers Mary Jane, leaving May in the path of the bullet. He does choose Mary Jane over May, regardless of whether he realized what he was doing. And that's why he can't make that choice a second time. His actions in One More Day do make sense for him as a character, whether or not any individual reader likes them, and Mary Jane's actions make sense, too -- after all, she's the one who ultimately tells Mephisto that they agree to the deal when Peter can't bring himself to voice it.
A lot of people also like to nitpick One More Day by going, well, why could (x) or (y) with life saving powers save Aunt May which is like -- yeah, I guess, but if we're going to ask that about this specific comic book near death setup, you kind of have to do it with every single one, and I'm not going to stake every single moment of comic book drama on whether or not that gold kid from the X-Men was busy at the time. Comics are soap operas in flimsy paper form: serialized longform storytelling that relies heavily on melodrama. Sometimes you have to go with things. Sometimes you sell your marriage to the devil. Stuff happens. That in and of itself doesn't make One More Day a bad story -- and while some people blame the Spider-Marriage's dissolution entirely on One More Day, I think that's a little shortsighted when you look at the history of Spider-Man since the turn of the century. It's clear -- and Marvel themselves have been perhaps a little too open about this -- that Marvel in the past few decades has had trouble with the direction they want to take Spider-Man. They WANTED Spider-Man to appeal to a distinctly youthful audience that they didn't think they were actually reaching -- understandable, considering that Marvel nearly went bankrupt around 2000 and was saved by Ultimate Spider-Man, an out of main continuity series which retold Spider-Man from the beginning and focused heavily on Peter as a teen -- but the problem was Spider-Man in the main continuity was at that point in canon a happily married man who was pushing the dreaded 30 whether or not they wanted to admit that. This is also why Marvel has continually pivoted away from Spider-Man having kids, because they feared that making him a dad would age him too much and make him unrelatable to their coveted audience of Teens. (This is also why almost every new Spider-Man property, especially the live action movies, perpetually stick him back into high school, despite that occupying a very small slice of 616 canon.) So around the year 2000, they started trying things in relation to the Spider-Marriage, which was viewed as a major problem -- after all, what's more adult than being married and liking your wife. First, they had Mary Jane presumed dead. Then, they had Mary Jane and Peter separate. Then, when Mary Jane and Peter had only recently gotten back together, One More Day struck. If One More Day specifically hadn't gone the way it had, it's pretty clear that the Spider-Marriage was going to go one way or another -- it's a little bit of a shame it happened when it did, because OMD is the end of J Michael Straczynski's run, and JMS wrote a really beautiful Peter and MJ relationship. But Marvel as a company and especially editor in chief at the time Joe Quesada viewed Peter and Mary Jane's relationship as a major problem in how they wanted to portray Spider-Man and thought that striking the relationship from the books would allow them more freedom in their portrayal of him as younger and more relatable to their Desired Audience of people who I guess really wanted to see Peter sleep with characters who weren't Mary Jane.
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(ASM #546. Younger! Fresher! Less attached! Kissing random women in the club!)
The problem with One More Day has always been in the follow through -- from the content of Brand New Day to the pacing of events to the fact that Marvel withheld key information for such a long time that it allowed misinformation to thrive. After all, what does it MEAN to trade Peter and Mary Jane's marriage to the devil? It altered the events of canon in Peter and the majority of other characters' memories so that the marriage didn't exist, but it left people wondering -- did the relationship as they remembered it existed? How much of Spider-Man canon was altered? And the answers didn't come for over 100 issues of Amazing Spider-Man. One Moment In Time or OMIT (Amazing Spider-Man #638-641), which revealed that while Peter and Mary Jane never got married in the altered canon they did continue their long committed relationship up until just after Civil War, was published in 2010, so essentially readers were hung out to dry without answers for three years. That's a long time to string people along, but not as long as it took Marvel to confirm that the popular fan theory that Mary Jane retained her memories of the original timeline as part of her own deal with Mephisto was also true, which happened this year. I would say, at least from my perspective, a lot of the frustration doesn't come from the individual One More Day storyline so much as how Marvel has continually dragged out the aftermath, using the promise of a Spider-Marriage return to keep fans on the hook. Which is why One More Day continually comes up in discussion of current Spider-Man, because Spencer's run has relied very heavily on imagery from that period with a serious question of whether or not there actually was going to be payoff, something which is still up in the air.
This has been Spider-Man History With Traincat, brought to you by anonymice like you.
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Far away - P. Parker.
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This is an overload of angst, inspired by - and named after - ‘Far Away’ by Nickleback (yes, I’m a nickleback fan, I’m sorry). There WILL be a part two.
No this was not requested, and the gif is not mine. I hope y’all like it!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
WARNING: the contents of this story may be triggering to some readers. This story contains: domestic arguing, mentions of familial death and guilt, mentions of violence, mentions of abandonment, pregnancy, Peter and Y/N both being bitches, and all round angst. Please do not read if this may cause you any offense or trigger you in any way
It had been near 2 months since she had seen Peter. In person, that is.
The relationship between Y/F/N and Peter Parker was an odd one. Best friends through middle school, they were like two peas in a pod. Inseparable to the point where Y/N was adopted as an honorary Parker.
In high school, tragedy struck both of them. Y/N’s mother left, divorcing her father and leaving for California. Ben Parker died, shot by a lawless mugger when he was out looking for Peter. Peter blamed himself. Y/N fell in with the popular crowd, looking for any chance to distract herself from her overwhelming anger. Peter became distracted, finding any and every excuse to escape school once he began an internship with Mr. Tony Stark. Peter and Y/N often vied for the attention of Liz Allen, their crushes on the woman making their anger with one another overflow whenever they were in each other’s presence.
In University, they reunited and decided to start over. One thing led to another and they quickly became lovers, with distance between.
Until she fell pregnant. 7 months into their relationship, she found out about the new life growing inside of her. She was ecstatic, but full of nerves. Peter was anxious, worried for his child and the woman he loved.
Life as Spider-Man was hectic. He grappled with the thought of her getting hurt because of him every day. He had seen the danger that had come to Pepper, what happened to Ben, Ned, almost everybody he held dear.
Her first trimester went by with a rocky start. Y/N fought with her own fears, wondering how she could be a mother when her own wasn’t there to teach her. Nevertheless, she loved peter. She gave her all to him, but he was distant, growing more so every day.
She didn’t want him to go. He had risked his life - and their relationship - far too many times in the past year. He knew it was a risk, he knew his life would be in danger every second he was undercover, but he still went.
Then Tony told him to go undercover.
She was in New York, about to hit her third trimester, and he was in Belgium, unaware of the life growing inside of her.
He broke the news to her of his undercover mission with Clint three nights before he left. That same day, he had missed their scheduled appointment to find out the sex of their baby.
To say there was an argument would be an understatement.
She had printed the picture up, gotten a card for him, and left it waiting on their shared bed for when he got home. Spider-Man was only half of his job, the other half was spent with incredibly long hours at the lab with Tony working on whatever their incredible minds could think of that day.
Sometimes she felt as if their relationship had been mostly made up of her waiting on him.
He had walked in the door, moving to gather his stuff together from the spare room they had in their apartment that housed his gear. They were set to turn it into a nursery.
He told her of the mission as soon as he walked in, immediately erasing the excited grin from her features.
“How long is it going to take?” She fought the nerves from building, knowing that the longest mission he had been on before had been two weeks. Tony told her when her and peter moved in together that Peter wouldn’t be expected to go on a mission any longer than that.
Peter sighed, grabbing a large bag. He had to head back for debriefing, and training before the mission began. He didn’t expect to be back home before he had to leave. He didn’t want to leave her, but he had came to terms with the fact that he was Spider-Man before he was Peter.
“I don’t know, Y/N. At least a month and a half-“
“You can’t go!” She interrupted.
Peter chuckled softly, paying no mind to her growing anger. “Yeah, I do. Clint and I are the only ones that can go unnoticed. Nobody has seen my face, and Clint has done so many undercover missions. He’s practically living a new life every month.” He hustled around the room once again, grabbing every box of spare cartridges for his web shooters. “After all, this is what I do.”
Y/N scoffed. Recently, he had been putting everything before his family. He missed their anniversary in favour of working on a new web formula with Tony. Her birthday was spent alone with nothing but a 10 minute phone call from him because he was on patrol. Now, he had missed the day they had both been looking forward to for months.
She didn’t want to be selfish, she loved him fiercely, but his child needed him too. Every time he left the house with his suit, she feared for his life. Now, she had the baby to think about too. It was about more than just her.
She tried to push down her feeling that he didn’t even want to be a father.
Peter rolled his eyes at her scoff. “Y/N. I’m Spider-Man. That means that I need to help people, not just be here when you want me to.”
“That’s not what it is, Peter!” She exclaimed, eyes widening at his words. “I’m due in three months!”
He rubbed his hand down his face, huffing. “Y/N, can you just stop? Please? I need to go, and you’re not going to stop me. This is my job. Tony and May are here.”
“I thought your ‘job’ was spending hours with Stark and forgetting that I exist,” she snarled, making quotation signs with her hands. Tensions had been high between them lately, the past two weeks turning their house into a war zone. She was sure her news would bring a happier note, but the news was all but forgotten at the time. “We are your family, Peter!
His eyes were blazing with anger, his bags in his hands as he slipped past her to the door. He spared a look at her swollen stomach, almost sadly.
“Peter!” She called after him as he ignored her, stomping through their apartment.
She tried a few more times, latching onto his hand as he got closer to the door.
“Please, don’t go. The last mission you were on, you came back with four broken ribs and a concussion. I can’t lose you, we need you,” he refused to look at her.
“You won’t lose me, y/n. I’m an adult, I don’t need you to babysit me. Enough, I need to go. This is about more than just you, so please cut the crap,” he sighed at her, anger pulling his brows down and crinkling his nose in the way she had memorized.
Y/N had struggled with trust issues since before her mother left, and she had used all of her courage to trust peter, but the anger and fear were too much, her mouth working without instruction. “Why don’t you just fucking admit that you don’t want to have a family, Peter? You’ve made it perfectly obvious that the baby means nothing to you!”
That set him off. “Grow the fuck up, Y/N. This may shock you, but this isn’t about you, for once! Don’t you ever say that I don’t want this child.”
She scoffed at him again, spitting, “you couldn’t even bother to fucking show up for the sonogram today. Our baby is fine by the way, not that it matters, obviously.”
His laugh was evil. “You’re so fucking perfect, aren’t you? I’m sorry that I have a job, unlike you. I fucking save people, every day. I don’t have time to hold your hand through fucking everything because you’re a narcissist!”
She was taken aback by his shout, her next words flying out without the filter between her brain and mouth coming into action. “You know what? Fine!” She shoved his arm away. “If you walk out that door, don’t fucking bother coming back. You don’t care that we need you here, so don’t even bother being apart of this.”
“You’re kicking me out because I’m going on a mission?” His laugh was sarcastic, almost full of disbelief. “You really are selfish, Y/N.” He wrenched the door open with his free hand, not bothering to kiss her like he always did before a mission. No further words were exchanged, only a longing glance at her stomach and a fleeting look in her eyes.
She was left in the quiet apartment.
She trudged to their room - her room, now - fighting the tears threatening to fall. The photo of their baby was sitting carefully on the bed right next to the card.
The dam broke, tears streamed down her face and sobs ripped from her chest.
She picked up the photo of herself and Peter from when they announced their pregnancy. He was on his knees in front of her, hands on either side of her small bump, smiling brightly with love in his eyes, and she was looking at him the same way.
She flung it against the wall, watching the glass shatter from the frame and fall to the ground.
She pulled the card up from its spot, reading over the words inside.
‘I have loved you all along, Peter. Thank you for beginning this journey with me. We’re so far from where we began.
I know that our little girl will be as perfect as you are.
All my love, Y/N.”
The two months has passed agonizingly slow. Her heart wrenched each day when she woke to an empty bed. Their baby grew steadily, now a month away from making her entrance.
Her new routine had been to watch the news every morning before her daily run. Her work hours had decreased, but she filled her schedule to clear her head, in order to stop the pain.
She hadn’t spoken to peter since he left, she barely even knew where he was.
Jedd Walters was on the news, his booming voice echoing through her house as she watched from the kitchen.
“This just in,” his voice grew more urgent. “After months of being undercover, we are saddened to report that beloved Avengers, Spider-Man and Hawkeye are missing after a KGB detonated bombing brought down the building they were in. After two days of searching, neither man has been found, but many Belgium citizens have been wounded, with no casualties as of yet. More information will come available as the story progresses.”
The scream that tore from her throat was full of pain, and the tears that fell from her cheeks burned.
Tag list: @starshonerose @another-lonely-heart @mantlereid @snookiebrookie @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3
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mytwinklelights · 4 years
A Reunion - Part 1 | Peter Parker x Stark! GN Reader
A/N: Remember over a month ago when I wrote this preview and didn’t post again? Oops sorry, I had to take a little break from tumblr because I was reading way too much fanfic. But now I’m back, just to post, still no reading for a while! Umm but yeah, here’s the first part! I can’t guarantee when part 2 will be posted but it’ll definitely be within the next 2 weeks! I hope you like it, please let message me with any feedback because I need validation to stay motivated lol
Summary: Y/N is an Avenger, the youngest Avenger. Then, Peter Parker comes along and they’re happy to finally have someone their age to hang out with, even if it was the boy they spent their senior year of high school crushing over.
Content Warnings: I don’t think there are any - let me know if I missed any though!
Genres: Friends to lovers, Stark! Reader, Frequent cameos from Avengers and them being cute, Slow burn, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 2019
“Alright gang.” Tony begins, standing in front of all the Avengers at the end of a large oval table in the conference room.
“I’m sure you’ve seen these ‘viral videos’ of this Spider-Boy kid swinging around the city and being a friendly neighbourhood vigilante. Well, Happy and I have managed to track him down and he’s agreed to join the team”
“Viral videos of superheroes?” Steve exclaims, looking at Tony whilst tilting his head and looking genuinely exhausted. “I’m still catching up on these keyboard cats and kids biting fingers”.
I giggle. Having Steve around was just the same as having an uncle you saw once the year who lived of the grid. He was extremely sweet, but utterly clueless to anything other than his job. But I mean, that job does include fighting evil aliens.
“Anyway…” Tony continues as the other Avengers chuckles die down after Steve’s outcry “he arrived not too long ago. Happy is next door giving him all the T&Qs and they should be done now. Let me just check and I’ll introduce you all.” Tony then leaves the room, and the other Avengers start to talk among themselves.
I pull out my phone and type ‘NYC spider boy’ into YouTube clicking on the second search result with 20 million views. I have seen this video before as my friend Michael sent it to me around a week ago.
“Do you think there are many other super kids wandering around the city?” Sam asks, whilst looking at the video of my shoulder. Currently the hero is stopping a city bus from off-roading into some confused tourists by building up a wall with his web.
“I doubt it, I mean I guess he’s the only one going viral” I answer, moving the angle of my phone so the others who have gathered around me can see “but it would be cool to be able to meet some people my age who do what I do, no offence guys”
They all laugh. Being the youngest Avenger and hanging out with 30+ year olds all the time can be kind of isolating, but it’s like having a super close family. A family who also happen to be in life and death situations regularly together. But that’s a great bonding experience I would say.
“Guys, this is Peter, the Spider-Boy” Tony draws our attention away from my phone to the door where he has just entered.
“Spider-Man” Peter mutters as a lame attempt to correct him.
“Peter?” I question and the boy stood in front of me was not who I expected. I didn’t expect the masked vigilante swinging through New York to be someone that I knew.
“Y/N?” He responds, looking even more confused than I am “What are you doing here?”
“So Tony Stark is your dad?” Peter asks.
After seeing a guy from your school who you shared a chemistry class with last year, walking into a super-secret meeting for superheroes where he will be now joining your team. It is understandable that Peter and I were now talking this out to figure out how this state could be so small.
“Yep” I answer. We were sat next to each other on bar stools at the kitchen island. Wanda made some of her famous fruit smoothies for us and we were both stirring them around with our straws whilst conversing alone in the main living space.
“But your last name isn’t Stark, or Potts?” He continues, genuinely really confused about this whole situation.
“Yeah, well you can’t have the daughter of a billionaire and superhero couple walking around New York City alone, going to a normal school, having normal hobbies. It’s like asking for me to be taken hostage. So, I don’t have either of their last names and the general public doesn’t know I exist. It’s for my safety” I continue, reciting this memorised answer I’ve had to say to multiple people once they find out my existence.
Peter nodded as if he was understanding everything, he probably was, but I guess this wasn’t the conversation he planned to have today.
“And you’re the great Spider-Man” I continued, wanting the change the subject from me to him. “How did that happen? Wait… were you Spider-Man when you sat behind me in Chem last year?”
He began to explain to me the story, it happened to him on our school trip to OSCORP we took last year for our Chem class that happened just before the end of the semester. Something about a radioactive spider. It was strange, kind of the weirdest superhero transformation story I’ve heard. And I’ve heard quite a few.
My story was nowhere near as interesting. I guess having superhero parents who were always around weird alien technology and contaminated substances led to some weird epigenetic alterations of their reproductive cells and then when they had me, I could turn invisible.
They didn’t know at first, I was seemingly a normal baby. Then at my 2nd birthday party when they surprised me with a freaky clown, I was so scared that my body just decided to turn invisible. They weren’t expecting it, the clown definitely wasn’t expecting it and they had to cover up with a very convincing lie.
From then, whenever I was embarrassed, scared or essentially in a situation where I wanted to disappear. I did. Literally. It wasn’t entirely effective though as even though my body tuned invisible, the clothes I was wearing didn’t. I spent the majority of my preteen years of being a walking hoodie and jeans with no head or hands protruding from the gaps. For my 13th birthday Bruce and I got to work on a suit which responds to the activity of my skin cells, when I was invisible, my suit was invisible. It made it a lot more effective for me to actually be invisible when I turned but it also meant my dad let me start training to become an Avenger.
Training was fun, I worked with Nat a lot in our gym in order to become an efficient fighter. ‘Just because people couldn’t see me, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t know how to serve a mean right hook’ she always said. I also spent a lot of time with Wanda, trying to manage my powers. Now I am able to actually turn invisible and visible again on demand. And it only takes extreme embarrassment now to turn me invisible against my will, which is great because mum and dad finally let me, after my years of begging, attend Midtown High and stop being home school. This is where I met Peter last year and now I’m at Columbia studying genetics and engineering. A double major, I know but when you’re around the top geniuses in the world everyday, there is no such thing as too much learning.
“So, I guess we’re the only Midtown Alumni to have these crazy powers huh?” Peter finishes. After a long ramble about his becoming a superhero story. I guess he wanted to ease the tension after I couldn’t really think of what to say after “that’s super cool”. It wasn’t like I wasn’t interested, I really was, but when I wanted to have another person my age to hang out with, I didn’t expect it to be the boy I spent my senior year of high school obsessing over. I had turned shy, like really shy, like my normal levels of shy times 50. I couldn’t think of what to say.
“Sorry, if that story was too long and boring, I’ve only gotten to tell it to one person before, my best friend Ned so I was kind of excited to be able to tell it again.”
“No, it wasn’t boring, it was genuinely really cool!” I say a little too loudly and enthusiastically. I cringe at my tone of voice and speak normally again as I continue “It’s just I didn’t really expect the new Avengers recruit to be you, you know, like someone I know. It’s just kind of weird, but nice? I don’t know, now I’m rambling”
Peter chuckles.
“Umm, so are you going to be staying with us whilst you train or are you going back to Queens?” I ask, hoping this new question will miraculously erase Peter’s memory of what I last said.
“A bit of both, my Aunt is back in queens and I don’t want to leave her completely alone, but this upstate facility is a little too far for an everyday commute. I’m here just for today but once I start training on Monday, I think I might stay for the whole week.”
“Well, I can give you the tour! Since you’ll be staying with us soon, I guess you’ll want to know where everything is!” I say whilst jumping of my bar stool and putting my half full smoothie cup in the fridge. I noticed peter has just finished his, so I grab the glass and put it in the dishwasher for him. He thanks me as I do so.
“So this is the kitchen, where we make our food, different from the kitchen where the chefs make our food for occasions, charity events blah blah blah. And also, this seating area here is kind of the main seating area where we’ll sit throughout the day. Lots of sofas because there are lots of us and this is Bucky’s armchair. Don’t ever sit in Bucky’s armchair.” I say, stopping behind the chair and resting my hand on the headrest.
“Bucky, scary guy with the metal arm right?” Peter questions whilst following me at a slight distance around the room as I show him around. I nod. “Yeah, don’t worry, I won’t be sitting in his chair” he laughs.
I continue to show him the rest of the complex, the gym, the labs and finish up on the floor with all our rooms.
“I’m not sure which one of these rooms will be yours because we have a couple spare ones, but they all have the same layout. Look I’ll show you mine” I walk into my room, then hold the door open for Peter so he can follow me in.
“Uh, so this is my room. Obviously, yours won’t be decorated like mine but It’ll be the same size and have an en-suite attached with a full shower and tub and stuff. You know, the basics” I say, whilst sitting on the edge of my bed.
“I like your room, it’s cosy” he adds whilst looking around and then heading for the bookshelf as soon as he spots it.
“Ah thanks, I mean it’s cool, bigger than when we were in the tower in the city so I can’t complain” I say whilst also looking around. What is it about someone else being in your room that makes you see it with fresh eyes and make you super self-conscious that there is going to be a rogue piece of underwear on the floor? Even though I know I tidied my room this morning.
“Holy crap, Vision you scared the life out of me” I say on an exhale whilst holding my hand to my chest after the large gasp I just made as he enters the room, through the wall.
“Sorry, but your door is open” He continues, “Mr. Stark has told me that your car is here to take you back home Mr. Parker. If you would just follow me, I can lead you there” Vision continues, as if him just floating through my bedroom wall and speaking to the boy from my chemistry class now turned superhero was a normal thing to happen on a Thursday evening.
“Oh… thanks Vision” Peter says with some hesitancy, you can see that this is a weird circumstance for him too. “Well, I’ll see you on Monday then” he says smiling at me and walking towards the door. Which vision doesn’t use to exit.
“Yeah, see you then” I smile as he closes the door and I’m left in my room listening to him shuffling down the corridor.
Part 2
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Bug Bros
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Word Count: 2.4k
Requested by @lina-lovebug: Jaime Reyes x Parker! Fem! Reader? They both have a cruch on eachother and Tye and Ed and Barr tease him a lot about it, and always wonder why he doesn't just ask her out. Jaime just doesn't want to start a long distance since she lives in New York, but when she becomes part of the Young leaguers, now he has no excuse. They go out on a first date, which ends abrupt cuz his friends ended up following him. She kisses him anyway and he walks her back to Mt. Justice.
“Dude, staring at her isn’t gonna do anything.” Eduardo snickered at Jaime.
“There’s this thing called talking, you should try that with her.” Tye shook his head as he tossed the guys a soda, sitting down in the Mount Justice lounge with them.
“Shut up, guys!” Jaime groaned, face burning red.
You and your teammates, Peter Parker and Sam Alexander, were here in Rhode Island on official S.H.I.E.L.D business. This wasn’t your first visit here, so nobody was surprised when none of you had really paid attention to the debriefing back at S.H.I.E.L.D (as per usual), so the trip was taking longer than expected (as per usual). Your twin brother, Peter, was currently trying to work out some sort of deal with Black Canary, you and Sam were not listening. You were both bored, and eventually snuck off to the lounge, where some of the Outsiders were chilling.
“Guys mind if we crash here?” Sam asked them, sitting down next to Bart without an answer.
“Sure.” Tye mumbled sarcastically at him.
“So what do you guys do to avoid meetings around here?” You asked as you leaned against the back of the couch behind Jaime, eyes on the tv, which was currently playing Remember the Titans. Jaime’s eyes widened and he stiffened with how close you were to him, and his friends noticed.
“Usually just run the other direction.” Bart said through a mouthful of chips.
“What’s your meeting about, anyways?” Eduardo asked.
You and Sam both shrugged.
“How many times do we have to visit you guys for you to know we never know what’s going on?” You grinned.
“Yeah, we just follow Web Heads lead.” Sam stole a handful of chips from Bart. “It’s funny how you think we take our job seriously.”
Everyone looked at the both of you, concerned.
“We’re kidding, we take it seriously.” You reassure them. “Just nothing to do with...business meetings.”
“Nova! H/N! Get back here!” Spider Man ordered you. Sam rolled his eyes and took one last handful of chips before putting his helmet on and flying over.
“See ya later, Bug Bro.” You ruffled Jaime’s hair before shooting a web and swinging back over. Jaime’s face was now bright red, and he was clutching his soda can so tight his knuckles turned white. Eduardo and Tye started snickering at him, Jaime throwing his empty soda can at them in retaliation It didn’t affect either of them the way Jaime wanted it to, and they kept laughing at him.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Bart asked.
“Because.” Jaime crossed his arms and pouted.
“It’s a simple resolution, dude.” Tye picked up the soda can and tossed it back at him teasingly.
“Just ask her out, amigo!” Eduardo shouted a little too loud. Thankfully, you were too busy getting scolded by Black Canary and Batman to hear. “She obviously likes you, and even a deaf and blind man would know you like her!”
“I can’t ask her out, guys!” Jaime snapped at them, now actually angry. Now they stopped laughing and looked at him, concerned.
“Dude, whats up?” Tye asked his best friend.
“Looks, she lives all the way in New York. I live in El Paso.” Jaime sighed. “There’s no way it would work.”
“But you’re mostly here.” Bart tried to reassure him. “Rhode Island isn’t too far from New York.”
“Asami lives in Japan, we still make it work.” Tye added.
“Asami doesn’t live in Japan. She moved here last week. Don’t think I don’t remember.” Jaime mumbled.
“But before that we had a long distance thing.”
“For like a month while she sorted stuff out with her parents.” Jaime scoffed. “Y/N lives in New York. She’s not moving anytime soon.”
“So...you like her, but you’re not willing to even give long distance a try?” Eduardo raised an eyebrow.
“Well that makes me sound like el huevón, dude!” Jaime snapped. “Look, it just won’t work, okay? Would you guys just drop it?”
The boys all glanced at each other, shocked at Jaime’s outburst. He was always so chill, would hardly even yell at villains, so they almost didn’t recognize him when he was angry. Even Tye didn’t, and he’s known the guy since middle school.
“What’s the ups, dudes? Change the channel, games on.” Virgil waltzed in, snatching the remote from the coffee table.
Virgil didn’t notice the tense atmosphere until his team scored, and he went to high five Jaime, and didn’t get a response.
“Uhh...don’t leave me hangin, bro!” Virgil said, then finally looked at the other boys’ faces. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Jaime grumbled, getting up and walking out to the balcony.
“What’s his deal?” Virgil asked. “I didn’t think it was physically possible for him to be angry...”
“I’ll go talk to him.” Tye rushed after Jaime.
He walked out to the balcony, Jaime sitting on the rail and mumbling to himself, something he often did when he was nervous. Tye would often catch him doing this before math tests or trying a complicated skateboard trick.
“Talk to me, man.” Tye leaned against the railing, resting his chin on his hand.
“I really like her.” Jaime said, just above a whisper. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, you can either tell her and try, or never tell her and miss your chance forever.” Tye said nonchalantly, staring out at the city.
“Wow. That makes me feel better.” Jaime chuckled.
“Hey, you can always count on me to be real with you.” Tye nudged him lightly.
“That I can.” Jaime playfully shoved him.
“So? What are you gonna do?” Tye raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Bug Bro!” You shouted, before jumping onto Jaime’s back. He yelped, quickly straightening up and holding onto the backs of your legs to keep you up.
“Warn me next time?” He asked, grinning up at you and you leaned over his shoulder to see his face.
“Sorry.” You laughed, ruffling his hair affectionately. “I have news, bro.”
“What is it, bro?” He asked as he continued making his way towards the kitchen for some lunch.
“Fury gave the green light, I’m joining the Outsiders!” You beamed excitedly.
“What? Really?” Jaime asked, eyes widening in shock.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be a counselor too.” You smiled.
“Why aren’t you staying in New York?” He asked as you hopped off his back and walked next to him.
“I need a change of scenery.” You shrugged. “Some space from my brother. I love him and all, but he never lets me do a lot on missions. Thinks I’ll get hurt or whatever.”
“Is it permanent?” He asked curiously.
“Nothings permanent, Jaime.” You giggled. “But maybe. I do want to help people more directly. I love my team but I just don’t have that kind of opportunity with S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“Yeah...S.H.I.E.L.Ds kinda scary.” Jaime rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well, I’m glad to have you on the team, Y/N.”
“Now I’ll be with my Bug Bro all the time!” You grinned, elbowing him playfully.
“Yeah! Totally.” He grinned nervously.
“Dude, what do I even say?” Jaime hyperventilated as he paced back and forth in front of Bart and Tye.
Tye and Bart didn’t really get along, they tolerated each other, but thy weren’t best buds. But when Jaime needed help, they would stop the bickering and work together.
“You got the hard part over with.” Tye shrugged. “She said yes to the date.”
“I know. I thought that was the hard part, turns out it’s not.” Jaime said as he checked himself in the mirror for the thousandth time. “Now I gotta actually make sure she likes me?”
“Well...Yeah?” Bart blinked at his homie. “Dude, just be yourself.”
“But a little less nervous.” Tye added.
“And maybe stop sweating.” Bart nodded.
“Quit worrying about your hair, it hasn’t moved since 2008.”
“Try to flirt a little more.”
“But not too much, you don’t want to come off as an idiot.”
“But you said be myself! None of those things is myself!” Jaime shouted at his friends.
“Be yourself...but calm.” Bart instructed.
“How am I supposed to be calm? I-“
“Dude! You’re late!” Tye yelled when he saw the time, 7 minutes past when Jaime was supposed to leave to pick you up.
“Shit!” Jaime snatched his keys from the dish on the side table. “See you guys later! But what if I mess this up-“
“Go!” Tye and Bart both yelled. Jaime stuck his tongue out at ten before rushing out to his car.
Bart and Tye sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, blankly staring at the tv.
“Wanna follow him?” Bart grinned.
“Oh yeah.” Tye nodded. “Let me call for reinforcements.”
“...and then Danny punched a hole trough the wall and hit Sam on accident.” You giggled as you finished a story about your teammates.
“Isn’t Danny supposed to be the chill one?” Jaime chuckled.
“Apparently.” You shrugged. “To be fair, he had a reason to be mad.”
“I suppose. So-“ Jaime opened his mouth to ask another question, but froze when he saw something: a few tables back and on the row across from them, he saw Tye, Bart, Eduardo and Virgil wearing sunglasses, fake mustaches and their hoods. He instantly glared at them, motioning discreetly for them to leave.
“What are you-?” You turned to look where he was.
“Wait Wait Wait!” Jaime shouted, a little too loudly, gaining the attention of several other customers. He smiled nervously and cleared his throat. “Um...you mentioned earlier a time when Sam crash landed into the White House?”
“Oh yeah!” You laughed, and began the story.
Jaime wanted to pay attention, he really did, but he couldn’t take his focus off his idiot friends. First of all he couldn’t believe Tye agreed to the ‘disguises’. Second of all, he couldn’t believe they were spying on him! Had they no regard for privacy and personal space?? Okay, so, maybe he did believe it.
‘Jaime Reyes, I advise you to focus on the Y/N Parker. She may grow angry if she discovers you are not listening. Shall I activate and obliterate the Tye Longshadow, Bart Allen, Eduardo Dorado Jr and Virgil Hawkins so you may focus properly on the Y/N Parker’s story?’ The Scarab asked.
“No! No obliteration!” Jaime mumbled.
“Is the Scarab talking to you?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah, sorry. He’s been yapping in my ear, it’s hard to concentrate.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh. Well, we can leave if you want.” You smiled and waved over the waitress for the check.
“Please, let me.” Jaime set down his credit card before you could even open your wallet.
“Come on, you drove us here.” You sigh as the waitress took his credit card.
“It’s no trouble, really.” He shook his head. “It’s my fault this is ending so abruptly, it’s the least I can do.”
Once the waitress came back with his card he led to back out to his car, glaring at his friends as you passed the table. They all snickered, quickly paying their bill and piling into Virgil’s car.
“Where’d they go?” Bart asked as he leaned forward, between Virgil and Tye.
“Uh...there!” Eduardo pointed ahead. “¡Dale!”
Virgil stepped on it, following close behind Jaime’s black car. Tye looked at his phone when a text alert went off, seeing a text from Jaime: Quit following me! You’re all dead!
Tye just snickered, before responding with: wow, texting and driving? Not cool, man.
They followed Jaime’s car all the way back to Mount Justice, Eduardo and Bart bickering as they tried to see between the front seats, shoving each other. Virgil parked far behind them, just close enough to be able to see.
You were clueless to the car full of idiots as Jaime walked you up to the entrance. Jaime was well aware, and worried that you would notice them.
‘Jaime Reyes, get her inside quick. Once the door shuts we shall obli-‘
“Scarab, Stop!” Jaime scolded.
“He’s still chatty?” You giggled at Jaime as you reached the doors.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You can’t help that the alien parasite attached to you is talkative.” You smile up at him, making him laugh. “Uh...I had a really good time. Even if it was cut short.”
“Yeah, me too.” He smiled back at you, equally as nervous and awkward.
You both stood there for a few moments, not sure what to do next.
“What are they doing?” Eduardo asked as he shoved Batt aside to see better.
“They’re just standing there.” Virgil shook his head. “Is this dude really not smooth at all?”
“Trust me, hasn’t been smooth ever since we were kids.” Tye shook his head. “Doesn’t have a smooth bone in his body.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure your bones are smooth-Ow! What?” Bart rubbed his arm where Eduardo punched him.
“Come on, Jaime, do something.” Virgil groaned, starting to get second hand embarrassment for the guy.
Jaime knew he wanted to kiss you, but was it what you wanted? Would you yell at him? Not return it? Never lack to him ever again? Luckily, his anxious thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly craned your neck up to be able to press your lips to his. It was a quick peck on the lips, just to test the waters. He pulled you in for another kiss, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to lift yourself up a little higher.
“Finally!” Tye shouted, probably loud enough for the both of you to hear if you weren’t so busy.
“Oh, gross! I said kiss, not suck face!” Virgil pretended to gag.
“Dang, they’re really going at it.” Bart mumbled.
“You guys ruin the mood.” Eduardo shook his head. “Is this what it’s like to date you?”
“First of all, watching someone suck face is way different than sucking face.” Tye said.
“Quit saying ‘suck face’.” Eduardo cringed.
“Second of all, I am a delight to date.”
“Ha!” Virgil snorted, then slapped his hand over his mouth when Tye sent him a death glare. “I mean...yeah dude, who wouldn’t date you? You’re just so...lovely.”
“Uh...guys...Jaime’s coming for us.” Bart warmed.
“Crap! Start the car! Start the car!” Eduardo shrieked as Jaime activates his Blue Beetle suit, flying at them with the thirst for revenge in his eyes.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Spiderman from Marvel 1602 // Cosplayer: kammospark
Tell us about Spiderman1602, I’ve seen many versions of Spiderman but  thiis is a new one to me! What led you to this concept of this version of Spiderman?
Well I've always had an appreciation for lesser know outfits of popular heroes. Looking through many wardrobes and outfits, the obscure ones always stood out to me, "Wow, I've never seen this one before!" I'd think to myself, and I figured others who know the characters well would love to see them brought to life too, or even people curious about the stories of them would enjoy seeing it. I feel everyone has a love for Spider-Man; he's such an iconic superhero and has so many suits, and even though they can be quite diverse, they still feel recognizable as one of the Web-slinger's costumes.
While I was looking at different Spiderverse characters for inspiration on a new Spider-Man cosplay, I saw Marvel 1602 and it immediately caught my attention; I thought it was such a fun looking design. Definitely away from a modern or futuristic look, it's charm won me over, and I had to put it together. And as a fan of the fantasy genre in general, thanks to many years as a GM from D&D as well as other media, I also enjoy Ren-faires and wanted something to wear to show my love for Superheroes and Renaissance.
When you wore it out to conventions, what was the response? Obviously they knew you were Spiderman because of the mask but were they confused about the rest of your outfit? What were some of their guesses?
Oh people certainly get a kick out of seeing the outfit. Some people have called Me 'Lord Spider-Man', 'Ren-Spidey', 'William Spider-Speare', a lot of creative names for it that never fail to make me smile as much as it does for them. Whenever I wear a Spider-Man cosplay, I always want to try and take pics with as many Spider-Men as I can find, and most of the time it's the other Spiderman cosplayers that recognize who the character really is. I love having people laugh and get excited over the character, it's part of that Con Magic where people just can't help but feel like a kid when they see something that fills them with joy; its my favorite part of this fun hobby, just making someone's day memorable, even for a moment.
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Besides conventions , I see you wore the costume to a Renaissance Fair. What was responses there? Was it different from conventions?
Ren-faires in general are a great time! And when I started this costume, I was excited just thinking of the reactions from people and how happy they may be. I've taken 1602 to quite a few Ren-faires: Central Coast Ren Faire, NorCal Ren Faire, and Kingsburg Renaissance of Kings.
The first place I ever debuted it was as CCRF, and I was stopped by about 20 people before I could make it past the first 3 booths. It really does feel like a different environment going to faires. D
uring them, I'd be a bit more 'theatrical' and introduce myself as Peter Parquagh, and try my best to make people smile or laugh. I've gotten the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and people with stunning and gorgeous Renaissance outfits. Kids come walk by amazed that they actually got to see a Spider-Man at a Ren Faire.
One instance, a bard played the spider-man theme song on a lute as he traveled around me. At two different faires my presence was requested by the Queen, and I was escorted to her, one even knighted me! Everyone just has a blast role playing and getting caught up in the fun, the energy is so infectious and delightful! 
Take us through how the outfit was put together?
Well, I cannot take full credit on the cosplay. My mother was actually a large part of it. Growing up, my mom was always really involved and loved making costumes for Halloween for me and my sister. And one of her favorite aesthetics is period piece era fashion and she loves Jane Austen.
As I was looking for ideas for a new cosplay and showing her, she was drawn towards 1602 and offered to do as much as she could to help create it, and she loved helping putting it together. The suit is a handmade outfit following a 14th century cavalier pattern. The design called for detachable sleeves and very baggy slops, but we decided to have the sleeves attached and slim down the slops slightly, to give it a mix of authentic and Spider-man's sleekness.
We went looking online and found this wonderful blue velvet fabric with Fleur De Lis imprinted onto it and thought it'd really help the outfit pop! We had to make sure we kept the fabric in the same direction: it has a difference in shimmer if facing a certain way, and we wanted the Fleurs facing the same way as well, so we tried to be mindful of that. We pleated the red fabric in the front and it was quite stubborn, but we tried our best to make it look similar on both sides of the torso. The back has a spider and has legs that lead unto the front; we cut out red fabric and hand-stitch embroidered on, and was quite meticulous.
Me and my mom kept an eye out online for just the right buttons we wanted for the costume. Something antique and era appropriate but also thematic, and after a while, we stumbled across a web-designed antique gold button set. We also looked for a thick ruff rather than the costumes original thin look. The original costume look also called for the mask to have open eye holes, but I opted out of that, and felt that a traditional mask look better complemented the costume. After that I acquired socks and shoes and then it was finished! 
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How did you discover cosplay?
As mentioned earlier, my mom loved making mine and my sister's costumes growing up. She's a seamstress as a hobby, and is so creative and artsy. Halloween was probably my favorite holiday growing up, and I was so happy I got to wear something made with much love from my family. Some of my favorite notable costumes growing up was a knight, an astronaut, and Pikachu.
As I got older, around high school, I still liked the idea of costumes, even bought a cheap Captain America outfit for The Avengers premiere night, but I mostly dropped off on dressing up. I grew up in a very small town, but eventually, after I moved out to the city, I heard about 'conventions' and I was interested and wanted to try and wear something to one. I decided to make a classic Punisher costume, and wore it for the con. It was a small venue, but even then it finally hit me, 'This is a thing people do. People love to dress up, go make friends, bring smiles and show their love for their Fandoms and interests. THIS is what Cosplay IS'. I finally understood what this little hobby of mine was, and I embraced it.
Have you discovered something about yourself through cosplay?
I've always thought of myself as a people pleaser. I'm someone who really only want others to be happy. I'm also someone who loves to share their interests and engage with others about things that we can share and discuss and geek out over.
When I was young, I often felt left out from social circles, due to my often eccentric personality. I found it really hard to make friends, and I am forever grateful for the friends that I have made and been with me for years.
Cosplay has opened up another avenue as far as friends and socializing. My first couple of cons I was initially intimidated, but I have to say that I'm so glad I got into this hobby, for I've met many people with interesting stories and wonderful personalities, and people I still talk to often. It's really helped me feel like I can make good friends and memories, and I'm sure that others have felt similarly and that's something I treasure.
What are your future cosplay goals?
As with most cosplayers I'm sure, I have way too many projects in my head with very little work on a lot of them. I suppose my current goal is to rework the headpiece of a cosplay I finished last year, my Bioshock Big Daddy Doll. The head was massive and too cumbersome so it needs to be redone.
As far as new projects, I would very much like to do a Prince Link cosplay, inspired by the creation of theLostSindar. Another idea would be to do more superhero variants and make a Blue Lantern Flash that 8ve been eyeing for a couple of years.
One thing I definitely want to get good at is working with foam. I am massively inexperienced with foamsmithing, and I strive to learn how to be good at it and learn how to make wonderful things with it. It's just like when I first went to cons; starting off can be a bit scary or even overwhelming before we really get it going, but that exposure to things we really desire is all we need to get hooked and make it our passion.
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therine-watches · 3 years
a Review - Spider-Man: No Way Home
*Spoilers ahead*
Here are a few lessons for myself for the future or the past-me or whatever me in whatever other universe: don't watch all the trailers/exclusive clip beforehand, don't read up the Reddit theories or spoilers, don't re-binge all the past five Spider-Man movies the night prior, and don't walk into the theatre so goddamn excited. 
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Spider-Man No Way Home continues the events after Far From Home and opens up to a world where Spider-Man's true identity is revealed. 
No Way Home is, without a doubt, perhaps the most ambitious crossover since Infinity War and relies on five previous Spider-Man movies to complete the story. And here's the thing: I loved it. But the shift in tone in Marvel movies with excessive CGI fights, cheap jokes slipped in every single dialogue, and the numerous plot holes and plot conveniences really make me wonder how this is considered such a praised cinematic project. MJ and Ned were weak supporting characters and very much reminded me of Awkwafina's awkward role in Shang-Chi; they mostly stood there to impact the climax scene. The movie also underuses the villains and only focus on the emotional dept of two fan-favourites while the other just hang out with lame jokes and motivations and go along with the rest of the crew. Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s presence are vital to the story but fails for Tom Holland to push his character forward to shine properly. No Way Home is the epitome of what Marvel Studios does best and what the audience always fall for: Fan. Fucking. Service. 
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The movie really did have so much potential to what it was leading to; after all, the ending of this movie was the most dark of all previous Spider-Man movies. This was the first movie that Peter faced a consequence for his mistake instead of an unfortunate event. With that in mind, No Way Home did feel a lot like a placeholder to future MCU projects and Spider-Man movies disguised in the ultimate fan service scenes and sub-plots. 
The shots and edits were surprisingly good, and next to Spider-Man 2 (2004), this movie felt most close to a superhero classic film. It successfully detached itself from relying on the Post-Blip excitement and focused soley on Peter Parker’s development, which, I think, many Marvel Studio projects failed to do this year. 
The movie's biggest accomplishment is not the crossovers, but the way it balanced fan service and an ending to two decade long franchises. It successfully - and emotionally - closes off the story with a bittersweet arc, especially for Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man. The story additionally builds on to an arc and ending to famous villains, and, as part of every other Spider-Man's story of loss, No Way Home shuts the door for high-school Peter and shifts off to adulthood as he deal with significant loss and loneliness. 
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That said, I did personally feel No Way Home was a bit underwhelming and if you have not watched the previous Spider-Man movies or even the recent MCU projects of this year, the movie doesn't stand strong by itself and it's easy to miss a lot of relevant references. It’s mainly built up by the audience hype, and I do think that, with time, and with Doctor Strange 2's release, Marvel Studios will definitely start having a difficult time in receiving mass audience like No Way Home or Endgame did. Currently, the Marvel Studios relies heavily on nostalgia and the familiarity of previous characters and I'm not complaining, but it won't be far until they start staggering from the mainstream media.
I did think that No Way Home was a good watch. It was fun to see all the previous villains back and it was nice to see Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man join. No Way Home is a bit overhyped, but it stands entertaining in its promising genre and reminds us that what we are experiencing with Marvel is a cinematic point in history and if anything, I’m thankful enough for to be part of that. 
• Most memorables scenes go to: (1) Andrew-Spider-Man saving MJ, (2) Doc Ock and Green Goblin’s entrance, (3) Aunt May’s death, (4) Toby Maguire, (5) the ending. 
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diazevan · 4 years
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11. Psych 101 “Crying”
While stranded, in the past, Peter crosses paths with a familiar face.
AO3 Link
Following the final battle, which became the ‘resting’ place of Thanos and his children, the world returned to a somewhat, normal state.
A couple of months passed when it became apparent that followers of Thanos, were on the move again, ready to stop at nothing to avenge him.
They were only small squadrons, of brainless beings, that were usually quite easy to take down.
Peter, after weeks of pleading, with Tony and May, was granted permission to tag along, with the team, to help. It gave him peace of mind, being able to watch over Tony, because at least, together, they could keep one another safe.
They managed to direct the fights, to the abandoned site of Sokovia, to make sure no civilians were caught in the crossfire.
Peter was standing alone, disarming the weaker forces of the army, “Wow,” He spun, sending out a laser web, disabling a lone Chitauri, “This isn’t too hard.”
Tony’s voice cracked through the commlink, “Don’t jinx it, kid.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “Didn’t think you were superstitious, Mr. Stark.”
“I’m not, but, it’s good to be careful.”
“Gotcha,” Peter spun, noticing a herd of space dogs, heading straight for him, “Uh…” He hung his head back, “I hate these guys.”
He activated the Spider-Legs, on the Iron Spider suit, and readied himself, for the onslaught.
“Peter!” Wanda flew down, arms raised to her sides, “Stand back.”
He nodded, running aside, “Got it.”
Wanda waved her hand, sending the crowd hurdling to one side.
“Woah!” Peter’s eyes widened, “Thank you!”
He turned, and before his powers could even alert him, a space dog crashed into his chest, knocking him back a few paces.
“Ugh…” He shot a web, rendering it unconscious, he pushed it away, “Gross.”
Rhodey screamed, from nearby, “Spidey-Man stand aside!”
Peter turned, looking around, “What?”
Tony’s panicked voice followed, “Kid, move!”
Wanda squealed, “Peter!”
Peter twirled around, fast, “Oh—” It was too late, Wanda’s blast, hit him square in the chest, knocking him back, through the air, the last thing he saw before hitting the ground, was her haunted face.
“Ugh,” He reached for his head, he blinked rapidly, “I’m fine,” He felt the urgent need to reassure Wanda that he was okay, considering she hadn’t meant to hit him, “Wan—”
He sat up, realizing quickly, that he was no longer on the battleground.
He was sprawled, on the corner of a sidewalk, stuck in the middle of the hustle and bustle of New York, which was probably why nobody had questioned Spider-Man randomly laid across the street.
“Okay…” Peter pushed himself up, onto his feet, “What?” He headed to the closest wall, to survey his situation, “Can anybody hear me?”
Radio silence.
Peter darted his eyes around, when he realized, something wasn’t right.
He was in the centre, of Times Square, but it didn’t look normal.
The people rushing around were dressed differently, mostly in suits, and formal dresses. The cars, on the road, were old fashioned, makes from the 60s and the 70s, ones that Peter had seen stocked away in Tony’s garage.
Peter yelped, “What?!”
He stepped aside, deactivating the Iron Spider suit, he thanked the stars that he wore under armor, which was basically a fancy tracksuit.
He didn't have shoes. 
“Shit…” He turned, making his way down the road, trying to blend in with the crowds, “This isn’t real, this can’t be real...”
He hurried around, until he found a street, that not many people were on.
Peter perched on a brick wall, taking a second to breathe, “God…” He caught a glimpse of a newspaper, hanging out of a trashcan.
He strode over, grabbing it, to check the date.
September 16th 1976.
“Oh, Wanda…” He dropped it, “What have you done?”
He paced, wondering what he could do.
The hairs, on the back of his neck, stood on edge.
He leaned forward, listening out.
The cry of a child came from nearby
Despite, being lost, in the past, Peter couldn’t ignore it.
He circled the corner, “Hello?”
Tucked up, on brick stairs, was a little boy, with neat, combed brown hair, and a puffy red face, he was hugging his knees.
He was well dressed, in a tailored suit, not the usual fashion for a kid, even for the seventies.
“Hey,” Peter kneeled, “Are you okay?”
The boy jumped, startled, “Um…” He looked up, “Mummy says I’m not meant to talk to strangers.”
“That’s true,” Peter shuffled back, “My name’s Peter.”
“Uhhh,” The boy straightened his back, “I’m…” He held out his trembling hand, “I’m Anthony Stark.”
Peter bit down, hard, on his lower lip, concealing a yelp.
“Everybody calls me Tony.”
Peter took Tony’s hand, to shake it, “Nice to meet you, Tony.”
Tony moved his other hand, away from his face, and Peter could suddenly see it.
He’d seen pictures of Tony when he was younger, but he hadn’t recognized him behind the red-rimmed eyes and puffy cheeks.
Peter looked around, “Are you lost?”
“I was out with Mum and Dad…” Tony’s leg nervously rocked, “I tripped over my laces and broke a vase.”
Peter settled, on the heels of his feet.
Tony spoke formally, not like a child should, “Dad got mad, so I ran, and I can’t find them.”
“I see,” Peter nodded, “Well, that wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m—” He stuttered, “I’m not very good with laces…” He ducked his head, “Dad said it’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not,” Peter leaned, tying Tony’s laces, “We all need help with little things sometimes.”
“Thank you.”
Peter swallowed the lump in his throat, “Do you want me to help find your parents?”
Tony nodded, reaching out to take Peter’s hand, “Yes, please.”
Despite not wanting to see Howard, in fear of what he’d do, Peter wanted to make sure Tony got home safe, “Do you remember where you were?”
“I ran quite far,” Tony said, darting his eyes around, “But I think Uncle Jarvis’ and Aunt Ana’s house is close to here.”
Peter’s mind twigged because Tony spoke highly of  Jarvis and Ana, he loved them like they were his parents.
He’d driven passed their old house, pointing it out, gleefully on multiple occasions.  
Peter looked at Tony, with a smile, “Do you know which way?”
Tony swung Peter’s arm back, “Yeah, I think so.”
They wandered down the street, in silence, for a while.
Tony hung his head, “Peter, you’re not wearing any shoes!" 
“Oh,” Peter sighed, “I know, I lost them.”
Tony didn’t question it, “Does the ground hurt your feet?”
“Not really,” Peter said, “I’ll get new ones.”
Tony grinned, “Uncle Jarvis probably has some you can borrow.”
“It will be fine, thank you,” Peter said, “I’ve got some at home.”
“Okay,” Tony sang, he leaped over the cracks in the sidewalk, “Do you read comics, Peter?”
Peter turned his face away, hiding a fond smile; Tony had a knack for changing the subject, whenever he could, “I do sometimes.”
“I like Batman,” Tony smiled, with a jump, “He’s cool.”
Peter snorted a laugh, “One day, you might be a superhero.”
“I wish I could be.”
Only if he knew.
Tony guided Peter around another corner, “What do you do, Peter?”
“Um, I’m at high school,” Peter told him, “What about you?”
“I have tutors, at home,” He shrugged, “And I’m gonna go to boarding school when I’m bigger.” He slouched his shoulders, “Daddy wants me to go to MIT.”
Already thinking of college at age six, was not normal.
Tony truly had his childhood swept away.
Peter massaged the back of his neck, “That’s where I want to go too.”
“It’s very good.”
Peter bobbed his head, “It is.”
Tony stopped walking and pointed, “That’s their house.”
They moved up the stairs, Peter knocked on the door, three times, while keeping Tony’s hand, in his own.
The door clicked open, revealing Ana, she was in her late fifties, but still had vibrant auburn hair, with a couple of grey streaks, “Tony!” She exclaimed, looking at her nephew, “We’ve all been so worried.” She leaned forward, holding out an arm, “You’ve had us running around like headless chickens, sweetheart.”
“Aunt Ana!” Tony rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her legs, “Sorry,” He spun around, waving his hand, “This is Peter!”
“Ah.” Ana stepped forward, holding out her hand, “Nice to meet you, Peter.”
Peter shook it, “Nice to meet you too.”
She kept a hand on Tony’s back, “Thank you so much, for keeping our Tony safe.” She turned, “Edwin, darling!”
Jarvis circled in, the panic on his face morphed into relief, “Thank, Goodness…” He rushed ahead, “Mr. Stark…”
Tony sprinted over, “Uncle Jarvis!”
Jarvis crouched, catching Tony, in a hug, “I’m so glad you’re safe, young man.”
Tony leaned back, rubbing his sleeve over his face, “I’m sorry I ran.”
Ana placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder, guiding him inside, “Edwin, this is Peter, he helped Tony find his way here.”
Jarvis stood, “Peter.” He shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.” He smiled, “Thank you.”
Peter stared, in disbelief, because, for the longest time, Jarvis and Ana were stories, but he was seeing them, for real, “It’s no trouble.”
“Would you like a cup of tea, darling?” Ana asked, “I think you're owed one.”
Jarvis cut him off, “I’m sure, Mr. and Mrs. Stark would like to thank you, in person.”
Tony skipped over, tugging Peter’s hand, “I can show you my room!”
Technically, Peter had nowhere else to go, “I guess I’ll stay then.”
Ana squeezed his arm, “I’ll bring your tea up to you.”
“Thank you.”
Jarvis looked to him, “How do you like it?”
“Um, not too strong, with two sugars, please.”
“Coming right up.”
“Come on.” Tony lead him upstairs, into his room, “Wanna play Snakes and Ladders?” He asked, rushing over to a bookcase.
Peter perched, on the edge of the bed.
He watched, seeing how happy Tony was, struck him, knowing how sad, he grew up to be.
Tony was loved, by so many, but grew up believing he was worthless because his dad never looked at him twice.
Tony laid out the Snakes and Ladders’ board, giving Peter the dice.
They were halfway through their third game when Ana brought Peter his cup of tea and a glass of juice for Tony.
Peter placed it, on the bedside cabinet, “Thank you.”
Ana took out a polaroid camera, “Do you mind?” She asked, raising it.
Peter shrugged, “Not at all.”
She held it up, “Smile boys.”
Tony waved, with the widest smile.
Peter watched him, fondly.
Knocks, at the front door, caught their attention.
“I better go and see who that is,” Ana left, taking the camera and photo, with her.
A woman’s voice echoed up, “Hello.”
Jarvis spoke, “Mr. Stark?”
“Jarvis.” That had to be Howard, “Where is he?”
Tony moved away from Peter’s side, and stood, at the end of his bed, with a forced posture.
Maria Stark entered, “Tony?” She smiled, relief in her eyes, “Honey..”
Tony walked over, hugging her, “Mum…”
“Hello, baby… “ She kneeled, taking his hands, “We were so worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
Howard strode in, chin held high, “Maria…” He barked, “He’s a growing boy, he doesn’t need to be coddled.”
Peter stood, clenching his fists by his sides.
Howard glared, at Tony, “You’re in a lot of trouble when we get home.”
Maria stood, “You must be Peter.” She shook his hand, “Thank you, for helping.”
“Son…” Howard took out his wallet, “Let us…”
“I don’t want your money,” Peter held up his hands, “I was glad to help.”
Howard thrust out the cash, in his hand, “Don’t be modest.”
“I can’t.”
Howard pushed, “Take it—"
Peter answered, through gritted teeth, “I won’t accept money from you.”
Howard stepped back, “What?”
“I can’t,” Peter replied, quick, “Not from somebody who talks to their son, like you do.”
Maria’s eyes widened, she stepped closer to Tony.
Tony leaned forward, peering from behind her son.
Howard stared like Peter had punched him, “I beg your pardon?”
“I lost my parents when I was Tony’s age, but I remember how good they were,” Peter informed him, “My Aunt and Uncle raised me, they respected me, and my—” He stopped, having no idea how to explain Tony’s relevance in his life, it was hard, to put into words, instead he pointed, “That’s what he needs.”
Howard frowned; anger bubbling to the surface.
“Your son is six, and you treat him like he’s sixteen,” Peter snapped, unable to stop, “He got lost, he was scared, that’s not something you punish a kid for. You should be asking him if he’s okay, telling him he can have anything he wants for dinner.”
Howard sneered, “You’re not Tony’s father.”
“I know,” Peter narrowed his eyes, “Maybe, instead of seeing him as an investment, or company property, you should see him as your son.” His voice raised, “He’s scared of the dark, and you keep him in it. You’ll be the one to blame when he grows up to resent you.”
Howard’s jaw dropped, speechless.
Peter turned to Maria, “I better go—”
“Yes—” She leaned over, to mutter, “Thank you.”
Tony rushed over, hugging Peter’s leg, tight, “Goodbye.”
Peter squeaked, tears, in his eyes, “Bye.”
He rushed passed, the startled Howard, down the stairs, where Jarvis and Ana were stood, silent.
“It was lovely meeting you,” His mouth twitched into a smile, “You’re good people, and Tony loves you both very much.” He nervously interlocked his fingers, “Thank you.”
He rushed out before they could say anything.
The sun was setting, and the street was desolate.
He needed to find somewhere, to lay low, for a little while.
He wiped tears, out of his eyes, “Shit.” He bent over, a knot in his stomach, “Wow.”
“Peter, wait!” Maria shouted, after him, running down, “All—”
He spun, “I’m sorry,” He quickly said, “I shouldn’t have shouted.”
“My husband is a grown man.”  She stopped, in front of him, “He can take it, and you know what? He deserves it.” She nodded, “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
“There’s something about you, that’s peculiar…” She scanned him, “Have we met before?”
He shook his head, “No.”  
“You speak about Tony like you know him.”
Peter didn’t know what to do, but he could see the desperation, in her eyes, and the love, she held inside, for Tony, “Can you keep a secret, Mrs. Stark?” He asked, “That nobody else can know.”
She nodded, “Yes.”
“I do know Tony…” Peter told her, “Just not yet.”
“Excuse me?”
Peter tapped his arm, activating the Iron Spider armor, but he kept the mask off.
“What—” She stepped back, “What is this?”
“It’s my suit,” He hiccupped, “I’m a superhero.”
She raised an eyebrow, “Like in real life?”
“Yeah,” He nodded, “Tony’s one too.”
“He’s a child.”
“Not yet…” He stumbled, “In the future.”
She laughed nervously, “Are you saying, you’re from the future?”
“I know it sounds crazy.”
She tilted her head, to her shoulder, “Honey, it’s delusional.”
Peter tapped his arm, “Karen, are you still working?”
“Yes, Peter, I am running on backup power.”
Maria looked around, “Who was that?”
“The suit.” Peter answered, “Karen, can you show me files on Tony Stark?”
“Of course, personal or work?”
“Personal, please.”
Karen projected a picture, of Peter, Tony, and Morgan, sprawled across the couch together.
“That’s extraordinary,” Maria pointed, “He looks just like my father.”
“That’s Tony,” Peter said, “In 2023.”
She shook her head, “2023?”
“Yeah,” He moved his finger, “That’s my sister, Morgan.”
She looked at him, with wide eyes, “Your sister?”
“Karen, play, please.”
The video played.
Tony jumps onto the couch, ruffling Peter’s hair, with his hand.
Peter whines, “Mr. Stark…”
Tony shakes his head, with a laugh, “What movie should we watch?”
Morgan throws her arms, into the air, “Finding Nemo.”
Tony grins, “Again, really?”
Peter closed it and lowered his arm.
Maria blinked away tears, “That’s my Tony?”
“And you’re his son?” She asked, “My-My grandson?”
“Basically,” Peter nodded, “He took me in…”
“And he’s happy?”
“He gets there, in the end.”
Maria leaned up, pulling him into a hug, “Thank you for showing me.”
Peter tangled his arms around her, “It’s so good to see you.”
“It’s lovely to meet you, honey.” She leaned back, “You tell him from me, that I’m proud of him, and all he's done,” She cupped his cheek, “And you give your sister, a big hug from your grandma, okay?”
“Okay,” Peter’s face contorted, “I don’t know if I-“
Wanda’s voice echoed, from nearby, “Peter!”
Peter turned his head.
“Peter, it’s me.”
He breathed, “Wanda?”
Maria frowned, concerned, “Are you okay?”
“I think my friends have found me,” He squeezed her hand, “I have to go.”
She kissed his cheek, “Stay safe.”
Suddenly, he was flying, through a blanket of red.
He landed, on a laminate floor, with a thump, “Woah.” He was inside the training room, of the Headquarters, surrounded by the team.
Scott cheered, from behind the quantum tunnel, “He’s back!”
Cheering filled the room.
Rhodey applauded, “It actually worked!”
Peter looked around, his eyes finding the one person he wanted to see, “Tony…”
Tony bent down, pulling Peter to his feet, “Oh, kid…” He dragged him, into his arms, “That was the longest week of my life.”
Peter peeled back, stunned, “It’s been a week?!”
“I’m so sorry, Peter,” Wanda stepped out, “I didn’t even know I could do that, I was trying so hard-“
“It’s okay, I know,” He leaned over, hugging her, “It’s fine, I’m back.”
“You’re lucky, that Friday recalled something, from my archives,” Tony held out the polaroid picture, that Ana had taken, “Turns out, you’re real,” He laughed, “Thought you were imaginary.”
Peter laughed, “Surprise.”
Tony tugged him into another hug, kissing his cheek, “Thank you.”
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thompsborn · 4 years
sorry for anyone who doesn’t love parksborn but not really because i love parksborn and decided to write them a little thing
harry always says his full name.
eight years old, on the playground of a public school in queens because emily osborn wanted her son to have as normal of an upbringing as possible despite their wealth, holding hands under the slide so that no one can see and whispering, like it’s a secret, “you’re my best friend, peter parker.”
ten years old and blinking back tears in an airport because emily is no longer in the picture and norman osborn was never equipped to be a father, hugging each other and gasping for air when it feels like their chests are caving in on weakened lungs and crumbling rib cages and repeating a mantra of, “i’ll never forget you, peter parker,” and “i’ll always come back.”
eighteen years old and wearing a pair of sunglasses to hide the way his eyes are shining with so much emotion that he feels like he’s choking, forcing a cool tone after the shaky question of when did you get back? and responding with, “yesterday,” before putting on a believable grin and adding, “been a while, peter parker. you got taller.” and rejoicing in the sound of peter’s spluttered sort of laugh.
nineteen years old, norman is gone, and spider-man is a thorn in his side but under the mask—
“peter parker,” harry breathes, horrified, even as he pressed peter against the concrete and stares down at those tear filled eyes that are pleading with him, blood trickling from a broken nose, black eye already forming. “you...?”
and peter tries to shake his head but his entire body seems to be trembling with some sort of heavy, suffocating kind of dread. “harry—you don’t—you don’t understand, okay? i—!”
harry presses peter down harder, sucks in a rush of oxygen that burns his lungs, then flees, ignoring the desperate call of his name.
twenty years old and drunk off his ass and trying to run a company and pretend he’s managing it well when he isn’t because there are so many things—so many things, all the time, never a moment of rest—and, in a drunken moment of despair, throwing pebbles at a second story window until a random elderly man opens it and yells at harry to leave and he does, stumbles down the street and around the corner and pulls out his phone and dials that number that he’s sure will never answer his call but he should never assume because—
it rings—rings, and—
and it’s that voice that he hasn’t heard in so long because he’s avoided it ever since finding out who spider-man is and just that one word, his own name, spoken in a quiet question of disbelief and hope and—
god, harry just—he just—
“someone else is in your house,” is what he slurs out. it’s easier than the truth, anyway.
a short pause, a lapse of silence that stretches on just long enough to make harry fear that peter hung up entirely, until there’s a puff of air that’s almost a laugh and peter is telling him, “yeah, well, we moved. a while ago.”
harry sits on the curb, legs extended in front of his and shoulds slouched. “but—that’s your house. that’s always been your house.”
“harry, may and i moved when we were fourteen.”
another lapse of silence, this time heavier on harry’s part, before— “no, i—i would have known that. why wouldn’t i—how do i not know that? i would—peter, i would know that.”
the sad smile is almost audible in peter’s voice when he says, “it was after we stopped sending letters, and when you got back to new york, you were so caught up in everything else that you just didn’t—didn’t realize, i guess.”
“but i—i always realize stuff when it comes to you. i always—i always—always—”
“it’s flattering that you think that,” peter says.
harry doesn’t know what to say to that, so he simply leans back until his upper half is on the sidewalks, legs stretched into the street, staring up at the clouds. “why?”
there’s shuffling on the other end of the line, a distant voice and a muffled reply before footsteps and a shutting door. “why what?”
“why did you move?”
it’s not what harry really wants to ask, but it’s close enough, he supposes. “couldn’t afford the house anymore,” peter replies. “after ben...”
harry wets his lower lip and says, “oh.”
“yeah.” peter clears his throat. “why are you—i mean... you’ve been ignoring my existence for over a year, harry. why are you...?”
peter asks the questions he means to ask. harry blinks away tears while staring at the sky in a random street in queens because he didn’t know life long best friend moved six years ago. something about that makes the honesty bubble out of harry’s chest in the form of a very quiet, very broken, “i miss you, peter parker.”
this third silence is filled with something indescribable that feels almost electric even through the phone, tingling the palm of harry’s hand. then, softly, like he’s almost afriad to admit it— “yeah. yeah, i—i miss you, too.”
twenty two and in their shared apartment that’s halfway between oscorp and stark industries because they both decided they don’t want to live where they work and despite having other friends in the city, there’s just no one else they can imagine rooming with. harry is on the sofa and watching a random movie on netflix with all the lights off and a bowl of popcorn in his lap, a light breeze blowing through the room, when peter suddenly tumbles in through the open window and lands on the floor with a thud.
“oh, shit—!” and harry is on his feet, bowl of popcorn a last thought as he shoves it onto the coffee table and leaps over the back of the sofa to skid on his knees by peter’s heaving form.
“hey—ow—” peter tugs off his mask with a visible wince and offers harry a sheepish kind of grin that’s somehow still endearing with the blood on his teeth and the several rips and tears in his suit. “it’s not—not as bad as it looks.”
harry glares at him, reaching over to grasp him by his upper arms and helping him to his feet. “bathroom,” he says, tone clipped and to the point, leaving no room for argument.
peter shakes his head. “no, i’m—”
“if you try to tell me that you’re fine when i can literally see you bleeding all over our expensive carpet then i will personally kill you with my bare hands. and i know your weak spots.”
“that’s—” peter stops, brows raised high. “okay, that’s kinda—kinda terrifying, actually.”
harry grins, even as he leads a staggering peter down the hall. “good, it’s a threat.”
“you’re not supposed to threaten me,” peter pouts. “you’re my—my, um—my harry—”
a laugh pushes out from the center of harry’s chest, loud and unabashed, though peter looks flushed and embarrassed when harry lowers him to sit on the closer toilet lid. “your harry?” he repeats, incredulously. “that’s what this is?”
“no, i—i mean—”
“you’re an idiot, peter parker,” harry tells him fondly, trails gentle fingertips down the side of his face while peter stares up at him with sparkling eyes. he taps his thumb against peter’s chin and matter of factly says, “but i’m not kissing you until your busted lip is healed.”
twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven—the years kind of blur together when you don’t really bother to keep track of time. their apartment is now a penthouse because peter has a high enough position at stark industries (“that i earned,” peter says, defiant and defensive even though harry has always known that peter always earns what he has. “mr. stark didn’t just give it to me. i started at the bottom and i worked my way up without his help.”) and can afford half of the rent without relying at all on harry’s endless fortune. oscorp is finally partnering with stark industries because of a late movie night somehow turning into an idea dump and then becoming an all nighter of blueprints and planning and creating theories. it’s slow dancing in the kitchen and proofing each other’s work and kissing on the balcony when they decide to watch the sunset.
twenty eight and morgan stark is only a year and a half old and when tony and pepper decide to go on vacation, they trust peter and harry to watch her, and she—she is delicate, precious and fragile and beautiful and breakable and peter is terrified of doing something wrong. he’s held her before, played with her and knows her and grins when she recognizes his face, but he has never taken care of her like this.
“you won’t hurt her,” harry assures him, lightly bouncing morgan on his hip with a kind of natural ease that is almost scary. morgan giggles and grabs harry’s ear to yank on it before reaching her other hand out towards peter, who hovers a few feet away, his heart thudding heavily in hard to explain fear. harry smiles softly. “see? she even wants you.”
peter swallows roughly and takes a shuffled step forward before taking two large steps back. “i can’t,” he murmurs. “i just—i can’t.”
there’s years upon years of trauma packed beneath those words and harry knows it, but he doesn’t point it out, just makes his way forward and watches as morgan happily grabs at peter’s shirt as soon as he’s within her reach, eyes warm and fond and soft. “you’re amazing with her. she loves you, okay. you gotta know that.”
“but i could—accidents happen, and i’m not—”
morgan gurgles and lurches forward in harry’s arms, clearly too impatient to sit there while the adults talk. peter reaches forward just in time to catch her, his eyes reflecting how terrified he is as he swoops her in his arms and hugs her to his chest, curls around her protectively. harry’s heart is beating far too fast from the fear of morgan getting hurt, but he reaches forward and settles his hand on peter’s shoulder and shakes him, just a bit. “you see that?”
peter is breathing heavily against the top of morgan’s head. “oh my god,” he rasps. “mo, you can’t just—oh my god—”
“she’s fine,” harry reassures him, moving closer until they’re a little bit of a huddle, morgan curled up comfily between them. “that’s you, okay? she’s fine because you caught her. even when accidents happen, you’ll keep her safe.”
harry tucks a stray curl behind peter’s ear and tells him, “you’re so good, peter parker. when are you gonna catch up with the rest of us and figure that one out?”
peter rests his forehead against harry’s shoulder and lets out a shaky breath, but he doesn’t respond.
(at the end of the night, morgan is snoring on peter’s chest while the heffalump movie plays on the tv. harry is curled into his side and watching the movie and idly comments, “you know, we’d be pretty good at this whole thing.”
peter looks at harry. “what whole thing?”
“the—y’know, kids. having them. taking care of them.”
peter blinks at him, seemingly speechless, at least for just a moment, before he lets out a little laugh. “did you just casually put becoming parents on the table? we’re not even married.”
“yet,” harry says with a shrug. “pretty sure it’s obvious that it’s gonna happen, though.”
“still,” peter says, “that’s a big step. are you—i mean, are you sure? kids? with me?”
harry lifts his head and presses a kiss to peter’s lips and lingers there, lets them both enjoy it for a moment before pulling back with a smile and bumping their noses together. “it’s you,” he murmurs. “why wouldn’t i be sure about you?”)
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Important please read!
OOC: So I love Spiderman and one of the things I really like is the different variations and portrayals. I love how the writers of Spider-Man based stories feel free to play around with the character, his backstory and his story lines. So I'm going to have some fun with my version of Peter Parker. He will be a combination of the Toby Maguire version of Peter and the MCU Tom Holland version. I will also put in some influence from the comics as well. Obviously to have that all make sense i`m gonna have to get a bit creative with his background. I hope you guys have fun interacting with Peter as much as I enjoy writing him. Please read his bio since there will be a few things that will vary from the movies.  For the most part with my muse, it will be as if the MCU Spider-Man had grown up to be the Toby Maguire Spider-Man. Don't worry I will explain everything! Here's his story:
Muse Bio:
So Peter`s parents died when he was very young and he was raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Both of whom he is very close and love very much. His Uncle Ben was someone whom he looked up to and longed to grow up to be like. Uncle Ben and Aunt May, both taught Peter good morals and how to always be kind. 
As a child he was close friends with the girl next door, Mary-Jane Watson. The two were inseparable and from the moment he saw her he knew he had fallen in love with her. He could never tell her though, he feared that she would not love him back, or worse that it ruin the friendship they had. So rather than take the risk, they remained friends. They spent almost everyday together: talking, doing homework, going to local spots. The summer after they graduated middle school, Mary-Jane moved to another state with her parents. Peter and her tried to keep in touch, they even visited each other a few times during the first few year. Yet eventually the distance made them drift apart. 
Teenage years
High school started and Peter attends Midtown School of Science and Technology where he easily becomes friends with Ned. On a school field trip Peter is bitten by a radio active spider and gains his powers. At first he used his powers to gain money to help his family. Yet when his uncle is killed by a mugger, Peter decides to use his powers to fight crime and keep the city safe. After Uncle Ben`s death Peter and Aunt May grew to lean on each other and provide one another with love and support. They become closer than ever because they were all each other had left.
Eventually Peter is recruited to help Tony Stark fight the other Avengers in the superhero Civil War. Which Peter finds exciting and thrilling. Shortly after, he is anxious to work another mission with Tony but nothing comes along. So Peter decides to go off on his own mission using the tech Tony gave him. So from there everything from Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and the other MCU movies with Spider-Man happens according to the movies in regarding to his teen Spider-Man adventures. 
During his freshmen year of college, Peter meets Harry Osborn, whom is his roommate at the New York Institute of Technology. The two of them quickly become close friends. Harry would eventually become a life long friend of Peter. Harry is a loyal friend to Peter and they confide in each other with their thoughts, feelings and secrets...well expect for the secret that Peter is Spider-Man. Ned is still the only friend that Peter had trusted with that secret. Ned is still Peter's best friend and he also follows Peter to the same college. Ned choose to dorm with his girlfriend instead. Ned and Peter have weekly DND games and movie marathons together. While in college Peter works a part time job at the Daily Bugle as a photographer, mainly sending in photos of Spider-Man. Mr. Jamerson, the editor of the paper seems to really hate Spider-Man and wants to tear him apart in the press, which he does. Yet many dont seem to pay his speculation much attention at first.
During his early college years him and MJ break up. He spends a year being heart broken, but is able to move on and start dating again with Harry and Ned as his wing men. Harry tries to teach Peter different ways to charm a women, none of which actually work for Peter. Often his shy and anxiousness get the better of him. 
Then one day Peter runs into Mary-Jane Watson at coffee shop near his work and he is overjoyed to catch up with her. The two sit at a table and chat for hours. They catch each other up on everything that has happened in both their lives. The conversation felt natural and easy. They talk to each other like close friends again and he realized his heart still longs for her. The two of them pick up their friendship where they left off and continue to spend time together as they build on their friendship.
As Aunt May is getting older in age Peter is her primary care taker. He quits his job as a photographer and works at Stark Industries, which Pepper still runs. He helps build different kinds of tech among other prominent scientists and inventors. Peter also continues to do hero work. 
   Johan Jamerson, the editor, and publisher of the Daily Bugle still seems to think that Spider-Man is no good and starts a smear campaign against the hero. While working and still doing superhero work, Spider-Man continues to be a favorite a hero of the city among the members of the city. However cops and some civilians begin to feel unsure about the hero. Some tended to believe the things they read in the papers and rumors that spread about his past and current alliances.
Harry begins to date Mary Jane whom he too found attractive, even though he knew how Peter felt about her. He sees it as a way to get even with Peter as Harry feels his father admires Peter more than his own son. Harry takes Mary-Jane to a fair where the Green Goblin attempts to kill her and she is saved by Spider-man. Spider-Man also saves many people at this event. Then Peter goes through the events of  Spiderman, Spiderman 2 and Spiderman 3.
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Becoming A Stark (18)- Peter Parker X Stark!femReader
Word Count: 2434
Warning: Swearing
Author Note: Yes, yes I missed Wednesday’s update. To be honest- it completely slipped my mind with classes. I’m going to have to set an alarm to remind me or something lol. Anyway, let me know what you think of probably my favorite chapter of this story and if you want to be added to the tag list.
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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“Kid, we have to talk. What have you been thinking?” Tony is pacing around the lab as Peter sits on the stool. He should be working on his physics homework, but Tony needs to talk to him. He’s been fighting on and off with you, he had to rescue Peter from a lake and now the DC stuff. “You could have blown Spidey’s cover so many times in the past weeks plus the alien tech stuff on top of that? You’re supposed to be neighborhood Spider-Man, not running off to DC Spider-Man. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that people needed help and I was there.” Peter says, swinging his leg, not looking Tony in the eye.
“Not good enough.” That makes Peter’s head pop up. “I looked up your suit info. Don’t lie to me. Your suit doesn’t even show being in DC after say nine thirty six pm on Friday night which is weird seeing as you were videotaped at the Washington monument on Saturday. So either there’s something off with the suit, or you messed with it?”
“There was, um, some faulty wiring?” 
“Nice try. Plus Y/N got pissed at me that I introduced you to Spider-Man first since you were trying to use him as a party trick. And then I had to rescue you from a lake. So either you need to explain what’s going on, or Spider-Man goes back to being a kid in a onesie.”
“Wait you’d take the suit away?”
“I’m trying to figure out where you’re at. None of this seems like the kid that told me he wants to help the little guy.”
“I’m trying to help the little guy, but there is also more I could be doing and you’re not listening. You’re too focused on everything except what I’m telling you. I’m trying to keep the little guy safe from this guy with the wings and you won’t listen. You don’t even seem to care about what I’m actually doing unless it involves Y/N.”
“That’s because she’s my daughter.”
“Who I happen to like a lot and all you care about is keeping her to yourself. You want me to keep a million secrets from her and that’s fine. But you’re making me hurt her and I won’t do it anymore.” Peter snatches his homework off the table and shoves it into his backpack before walking out of the lab. Tony can only watch as the kid walks out of the lab. This conversation went nowhere near where he thought it would go.
And the next few days don’t go any better for Tony. He tries to do what he thinks will help the situation so that Peter doesn’t have to worry about it, but when he has to rescue the entire Staten Island Ferry from being split down the middle, he’s pissed off. So yeah, he takes the kid’s suit. Because he’s worried. And nothing seems to be going through that kid’s thick skull.
Your dad was in a mood when you got home from Betty’s house that afternoon. “Let me guess you weren’t even at Betty’s house studying?”’
“I’ve been at Betty’s since school let out. Happy literally picked me up from there. What’s your problem?” You drop your backpack on the floor.
“My problem is you kids running around like you can do anything in the world and thinking that us adults won’t help you if you just reach out. Instead you have to skirt the rules and make up things. Then we have to come in to save the day all the time.”
“Clearly I have no idea what you’re talking about. But if you’re in a shit mood, quit taking it out on me. Because I was having a relatively good day until now.”
“I was having a relatively good day until your boyfriend messed it up.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend so I have less than zero idea what you’re talking about.”
“Well Parker made his intentions about having feelings for you clear when he stormed out of the lab the other day clear so I thought he would have made a move by now. Then he goes and makes a huge mess that I have to take care of.”
“What are you talking about? There is nothing going on between Peter and I. Honestly if he was having a relationship with any Stark, I would guess it would be you since he spends way more time with you than he does me. But if he did something that you had to fix, that’s on him, not me. So quit taking it out on me.” You grab your backpack and storm up the stairs to your room. Twitter is full of stories about Spider-Man and Iron Man saving the Staten Island Ferry. He goes and makes a huge mess that I have to take care of. Holy Shit. Peter doesn’t know Spider-Man; Peter is Spider-Man. 
Grabbing a pair of sunglasses, your wallet, your phone, and your purse, you make your way downstairs. Your dad is still pacing around the living room, mumbling to himself. He doesn’t even look up as the front door beeps, which says something about how far in his head he is. The brownstone is better than the tower at one thing- the paparazzi haven’t swarmed it yet. So you’re actually able to get out of the building without being swarmed like when you leave school. You should call Happy. He at least knows how to get you where you want to go. But you don’t want him to say no or worse tell your dad. So you’ll figure this out. 
“FRIDAY, can you pull up directions to Peter Parker’s apartment?” 
“Certainly Y/N.”
“FRI, can you not tell my dad where I’m going?”
“He has the ability to override your settings, but unless he does, I will keep your trip a secret.”
“Thanks FRIDAY.” You look at the map on your screen and start walking towards the subway station. It’s been months since you rode the train, but it feels like coming home. You used to ride the E train all the time to go to Betty’s house and school, so this feels like going home. According to the map, Peter lives only four blocks from Nana and Pops’ anyway. It’s going to take some time to get there from where you live now, so right now you plug your headphones in and let your I Hate My Life playlist start playing. Song to Sing When I’m Lonely by John Frusciante plays and you let your head bob back and forth as the train clicks and clacks over the tracks. 
You look at the number on your screen one last time before knocking on the door in front of you. “I’m coming.” A voice from the other side calls. A female voice. Not Peter’s voice. “Hi?”
“Hi, is Peter here?”
“Uh, he is. I think he’s in the shower. Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of his. I’m Y/N Stark.” You realize it might be safer to use your old last name, but you’ve gotten so used to saying Stark now, that it’s too late.
“Oh. Peter told me.”
“Told you…?”
“About how he lost the internship. He never mentioned that his friend Y/N was related to your dad though.” Peter lost his internship? That’s news to you.
“My dad is trying to keep it kind of low key.” Not that he did a good job at that.
“Come on in.” The woman motions for you to follow her into the apartment. “I’m May, Peter’s aunt.” You follow her through the kitchen into the living room. “I’d offer you a snack, but I’m not much of a cook.”
“I’m good. My dad is kind of strict about what I’m allowed to eat anyway. No GMOs, all organic, no high fructose corn syrup, all those crazy rules. It’s kind of annoying to be honest.” May looks at the teenager sitting in front of her in a printed graphic tee that reads ‘I like coffee and maybe three people’, a pair of denim shorts and a pair of galaxy high tops. Much more summery than the fall weather that was starting to roll in but a cute outfit nonetheless. Before May can say anything in response, the bathroom door opens and Peter walks out in nothing but a towel. 
“I might have used all the hot water, May. Sorry.”
“That’s ok. Your friend stopped by.” Peter looks up to see you, but you can’t help but look at the abs he has somehow managed to hide the entire time you both have been friends. 
“Y/N? What-what-what are you doing here?” His hand falls to grasp the towel that's wrapped around his waist.
“Maybe you should put some clothes on before you try to have a full on conversation?” May suggests.
“Clothes. Right.”
“Boys.” May rolls her eyes. “So you go to MSST?” You nod. “Are you as into all the sciences as Peter is?” You shake your head.
“It’s probably the biggest disappointment about being Tony Stark’s kid is that I hate science.” You can’t help but scrunch your nose as you say this.
“Well thank god, because I can’t follow half of what Peter talks about.” May says with a smile. 
“That’s how I feel when him and my dad come up from the lab. I never have a clue what they’re talking about. But books, most movies, pop culture, I’m good with that.” 
“Well I’m pretty good at following those as well.” May smiles as she talks with you about some of your favorite books, movies you’ve seen recently, and even some news until Peter comes out and steals you. You follow him into a room that has a bunk bed and a ton of tech. It all screams Peter. You don’t know what to say to him, but luckily, Peter starts the conversation.
“I thought your dad would have told you we can’t be friends anymore.” Peter says crossing his arms and kicking some of the legos that Ned had left here across his floor.
“Why ‘cause you lost your internship? When did that happen by the way?”
“Today.” Peter looks at the floor.
“Right when you and him had to save the Staten Ferry right?” Peter’s eyes jump up to look at you.
“I feel like an idiot for it taking so long to connect, but you’re Spider-Man. Which makes total sense. I never should have sent the video to my dad in the first place.”
“Wait, your dad found the video because of you?”
“You think my dad knows how to find Youtube videos?” You can’t help but laugh. “He’s good at science and stuff, but Youtube is not his forte. So why didn’t you just tell me? I know like half a dozen if not more other superheroes. Knowing one more, wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.”
“Your dad made me promise not to tell you.”
“Well he seems to have no problem telling me that you have feelings for me, so why is telling me about your alter ego a big deal?” Peter’s face falls, turning red at the same time.
“He what?” You step across the room, reaching out for Peter, but dropping your hand at the last second.
“It’s not a bad thing. It honestly makes me feel so much better about the fact that I may or may not have been feeling quite similarly about you. But I didn’t want to be that girl that had feelings for the guy a year older than her.” You shrug and your hand tugging your hair forward, trying to find something to fidget with. But Peter’s hand comes up to push your hair away from your face.
“So you’re saying that if I told you I like you…” His hand rests on your cheek.
“Then I would say I like you too.”
“God, Y/N, you’re making this awful day a million times better.” And before you know it, Peter’s leaning in to place his lips on yours. Peter’s kissing you- you should be kissing him back. He takes your lack of movement as resistance and starts to lean away from you, but you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him back. You could keep kissing him until you needed air, if your phone wasn’t going off in your back pocket.
“Hold that thought.” You whisper into his lips as you pull out your phone, seeing your dad’s picture. You take a deep breath before picking up the phone. “Yes.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Stark, where the hell are you?” Tony’s voice is harsher than you’ve ever heard it.
“I didn’t even know you knew my middle name.”
“Y/N I’m in no mood for games. Where the hell are you? You didn’t ask me to go anywhere and you didn’t ask Happy to drive you. FRIDAY says you requested I don’t ask where you went so I’m giving you a chance to tell me before I just override the system. Where are you?”
“I had to run an errand.”
“And that is at what location?”
“I had to run to Peter’s.”
“Does it really matter? You apparently fired him, so he’s no longer your intern. He’s just my friend.”
“It matters because you are fourteen and you left the house without telling anyone which you promised you wouldn’t do. Security risk remember? I’m sending Happy to pick you up. So finish your conversation by the time he gets there.”
“And know you’re grounded.”
“How is that any different than how you already make me live? I’m literally allowed to go to school and come straight home?”
“You went to a party did you not?” And you have to bite your tongue to not spoil where you actually went.
“Ugh whatever.” And you hang up the phone.
“You snuck out to come see me?” Peter asks and you look up at him in confusion. Was your phone that loud? “Spidey Senses. I can hear way more than I’m supposed to.”
“Ah. Yeah, kind of snuck out. It’s not like it was really a secret. My dad could have easily hacked my phone if he wanted to.” You run a hand through your hair before looking up at Peter. “I don’t really want to talk about my dad.”
“There’s a better way we can waste the ten minutes until Happy gets here.” You smile at him, and Peter’s hands wrap around your waist.
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway​  @iamaunicorn4704​   @furiouspockettoad​  @daughter-of-stark​  @eternalharry​  @huntective-kyeo​ @riiis-stuff​ @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb​ @sovereignparker​ @bbarnestan​ @teenwishes08​ @iamthescarlettwitch​ @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365​ @a-mnd​
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick​
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