#there is NO way for this to fit into canon but i dont care
Hey, I had a thought for the fantasy au! So on one of the previous versions of the WH website, there was a rhyme for the show that went:
A house is a place with four walls and a floor,
with a ceiling above and a lovely front door.
There's a bed to cradle you safely at night,
and windows to bring in the morning sunlight.
Your house is a mirror of just who you are,
A reflection that tells you to never stray far.
Which I thought might make a good incantation for when Wally properly summons Home (I can't remember if that's ever required for Warlocks but hey, it's still a fun poem regardless).
ohhhh this. i like this...
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bonus og sketch! big ol eyes...
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& no capalet because uhhhh eh nah and also i wanted Home's pendant to be on full display!
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beannary · 7 months
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guys you have to trust me I will totally NOT go insane over Desi Donnie I am totally normal about this
(I simply HAD to do fanart for @mudlarkspur's fic it has taken over my whole mind and is ruining my every thought I'm so obsessed with it)
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mephoj · 1 month
nickel and balloon would be so much more interesting if people explored the way nickel became everything awful that balloon used to be but so much worse ironically all in the name of "protecting" everyone from that history repeating. and not softboy tsundere yaoi or whatever is going on in those tags rn
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pumaskulls · 3 months
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Cattails!AU and Bg3!AU refs for Hiraeth are done now! So close to having all the refs I wanted done for artfight finished 😭
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rxttenfish · 9 months
hi !!! sending this on anon because i am rather nervous all things considered <:3 (i am lying to you, i have not considered 'all things'.) one monster prom fan to another (can we be compared using such broad terminology ? i feel as if i am domesticated compared to you... [compliment, or at the very least not inherently negative]) , i wanted to thank you SO SO SO VERY MUCH for giving miranda so much love and thought and mulling her over in your mind in such a ... refreshing way
i also really really really like miri , but i can only aspire to have your level of dedication . it feels almost like we are of totally different worlds... !!!!!
thank you for bringing in real world biology too :3 i absolutely adore your design for her so much (this is most likely not proper grammar, but it is very late and i am very cold and so i will hope with all my heart you will excuse this mistake. one of many, i should assume) - though !!!! i do have a question if that is alright ?????
i cant say that a marine macropredator of a significantly vibrant pink really strikes me as advantageous colouring - does the abyssal environment that you say the merfolk live in negate the need for camouflage and such ????? i apologise for sounding passive aggressive !!!! i am merely asking a question. cocking my head to the side if you will
additionally, i would like to ask something foolish. how do they acquire food? i dont want to say 'hunt', because that might seem insulting. historically were they built for stalking, or high speed chases, or...???? please, talk 'nerdy to me' as they say !!! <- in an entirely normal way befitting two strangers of course.
you know, i would have expected to hit the ask word limit by now. but it seems i have not. yippee !!!!
with my extra space, i shall add this: I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE WAY YOIU WRITE MIRI . GOOD LOOOOOORD IT IS AMAZING HAVIJNG SOMEOENE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING IWIITH HER thank yoiu for making her at least moderately intelligent. i feel blessed <- is this all too harsh sounding???? im a little new to all this letter/ask-writing thing <:3
IN ANY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOIU SO VERY MUCH. AGAIN. drops this and scuttles away
also i believe you can indeed tell, but i drew that in ms paint with my finger .. sorry that it looks like poop <:3
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(moving the image out of the link just in case it breaks-)
AAAAAA THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! this looks so WONDERFUL i love the way that you've shaped her head and how you've captured how Chunky it is... i know its one of the things people have the hardest time drawing with her so its just all the more impressive how well youve managed to capture her!!!
i also love the little doodles eeeee..... please feel free to toss all ocs at miri, its enrichment for her <3 ironically gentle chewing/biting is a Play and Bonding thing for merfolk so she shall happily Bites Bites Bites back-
(also i LOVE her smile!!! you arent anthropomorphizing in the slightest for that - miri often does have very human expressions in a way that's odd for a merfolk, because she effectively got imprinted during her time spent inland... and its politically useful if you smile and match expressions with the people you're trying to work with anyways)
ill also go ahead and answer your questions because i can! very easily clarify on them!
the color: actually, being bright red and pink is actually very common for deep sea animals, due to the way light works at depth! its why i decided miranda was abyssal, because that felt like the most natural way to explain why she's pink, since it's such an uncommon color in nature.
basically, different colors of light have different lengths! red is the shortest wavelength of light, and blue is the longest. water might be clear, but there's a lot of water in the ocean, and the more water you add, the more it filters out light - which is why the bottom of a pool might be dark and shady, but if you hold a little of the water in your hands there's no shade. the ocean is a lot deeper than a pool, and so it gets darker as you go down, but because it's also clear, it doesn't filter out all that light at the same rate.
red, being the shortest wavelength of light, gets filtered out first, so red often gets quickly darker the deeper down you go, until it's completely black! camouflage is dependent on the environment, so their color and brightness has to match the background, but it also depends on the light that's hitting the animal. it's why fawns have dappled spots, or animals might have black stripes, so they can mimic the light of their environment. and when your environment has no red light, well... red's a pretty good color to be!
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because of this, a lot of animals in the deep sea can't actually see red either, which is doubly the reason why you might want to be red! think of it like tigers, and how ungulates often can't see their orange, making them look just about the same color as the foliage around them when they're hunting! miranda might stick out on land, but that's just because we aren't seeing her in the environment she's made for, where she blends in with everything else around her as much as a pure black animal.
(it's also why her bioluminescence is blue - blue is the longest wavelength of light, and the one most animals can see at that depth. if she lights up, then she wants to be seen, and she can even alter her silhouette to appear larger or smaller or breaking it up into multiple shapes if she needs to. it's why her tapetum lucidum is blue when light's shone on it, because there is blue light to be seen at depth, it's just very dim!)
(this is also why giant squid are bright red, and why the stoplight loosejaw fish is so special! the latter actually produces its own red light, and can see red light, which means that it has a secret light that won't reveal where it is but will reveal to it where its prey is!)
food: this is something that depends a lot, because there are actually multiple different species of merfolk, which is mostly my fault because i don't always feel like i communicate this the best. they're all slightly different in how they evolved to capture prey, with abyssals in particular being fuckoff huge ambush predators that attack from below, and others being shallower-water hunters or more adapted for smaller, faster prey - but they all evolved from an ancestor with a fairly consistent prey-capture method.
in short, all merfolk are ancestrally evolved to hunt whales and other large prey items, with all the extant species still holding at least a degree of this. primarily, they were ambush predators who were good at getting in close to their prey before a sudden burst of speed. they would work together in close-knit groups (one of the big pressures for their increasing socialization and larger brains, to coordinate such groups) to all mob a single prey item at once, hitting with force to cause sudden trauma, and then using their claws, double-thumbs, back feet, and mouths to hold onto their prey and refuse to be dislodged. they'd repeatedly claw and use their strong bites and massive heads to rip deeply into their prey, causing further massive trauma and shock, and if that failed, bleeding their prey to death.
think of it like the raptor prey restraint model, just further taking advantage of the fact that they were underwater, where no one else has hands that could potentially rip them off. being smaller and somewhat less-optimized for marine life compared to things like sharks and whales and large fish worked for them, because they had a novel adaptation that allowed them to take advantage of things no one else could, and the numbers to make up for it. this is, likewise, why they never lost their hands and fully developed flippers, instead making their limbs as flipper-like as possible to make up for it.
then as time went on and certain populations became separated from each other, they adapted for slightly different niches, but all remain fairly closely related to each other as a genus.
in the modern day, most merfolk don't really "hunt" for all of their meals, at least not in the same way that we might think. don't get me wrong, they still absolutely hunt and it's a larger part of their lives than it is for most humans, but they have options.
mostly, the merfolk theory for their relationship with nature is to invite it in. this is not to say they aren't controlling and pruning it, but they do live underwater, and it's far harder to keep animals out than it is on land, so merfolk accepted it and worked with it. they'll work to promote growth around their buildings and where they live, fostering the growth of sea grass and algae and coral and other sessile animals, encouraging them to set down and grow in these areas, and they'll then let more wild animals move in, further encouraged by these natural sources of food and shelter, on top of merfolk working even further to encourage them in. they serve as a functional cleanup crew for the merfolk in these settlements, being allowed to eat anything that merfolk might drop or go to waste, and even moreso might be purposefully fed at times, or have specific homes for them built. merfolk will keep encouraging them and taking care of them until they become a biorich hotspot, creating unique oasises for wildlife to live alongside merfolk.
however, this isn't just a free-for-all, persay. merfolk will also purposefully prune these populations and control how they form, often removing "problem" animals and encouraging certain behaviors which makes it easier for these populations to live alongside merfolk, not viewing them as a threat, but also not viewing them as an opportunity either. they will directly shape how these areas grow and cultivate them on a physical level, often using them as an easy shortcut to literally grow their settlements and buildings. but they will also harvest from these populations and selectively breed them, until their cities and towns act as massive public gardens full of food to be caught, picked, and eaten at any time
as there are also a lot of (very politically powerful) nomadic groups, they also do this, albeit not always so directly. they'll have specific shoals or "runs" of fish that they will follow behind and take care of, managing as they move through the ocean in accordance with the seasons. this is where the whales still factor in, because the nomadic groups will also take care of the whales, purposefully keeping an eye on their pods and taking care of them and, when the time comes, being choosy and particular in which whale they select at any given time to be hunted, harvested, and eaten.
(there's also the way in which food is distributed and managed throughout the merkingdom, since some food is indeed shipped and moved throughout the different areas, but that's a different story for another time and i've talked enough)
BUT!!!! thank you so much and thank you for enjoying all of this that ive been making with miri, and thank you for giving me an excuse to talk more about her <3
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cdmodule · 2 years
Object Show Mutuals describe ur gender headcanons is great detail (or as little as possible) for ur object faves in the tags. Im curious
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orcelito · 1 month
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I'm at the painful "confession" scene during the kage summit arc. It really is so emotional, but also... hm.
When I was younger, like 13 or so, I was a big Sakura and Naruto shipper. They were the first pairing I read fanfic for even. And in a way, I do still enjoy the two of them together... but it's moments like these that really drive home the fact that it Doesn't really work in canon. Not the way that it's set up.
As Sakura puts it, "Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke! That's all you think about!"
She's told that Naruto has feelings for her and decides to use it to convince him to stop going after Sasuke. She does love him, but not in the way she's trying to confess. The love they share is one of comradery, not necessarily romantic. The love of two people who have gone through such pain together, and who have leaned on each other throughout it all. And the fact that she's turning around and saying she loves him "simply like everyone else", now... it's trivializing. And the fact that she's trying to convince him of this, the fact that she thinks she Can convince him of this, is pretty hurtful. They've come a long way from when they were kids, Naruto the goofball vying for her attention while she yelled at him for being stupid. Sakura respects Naruto so much more than before, and Naruto respects her too. So the fact that she's still doing this... She's desperate, really. She thinks the promise he made to her to bring Sasuke home is what's driving him to let himself be hurt over and over and over again in the pursuit and protection of Sasuke.
But she's wrong.
That may be part of it, but it's only part. Naruto wants Sasuke back for himself, too. He let himself be beat up to avoid selling him out. He chases after him with single minded determination. Sasuke is his entire drive to get stronger, to catch up, to bring him home. Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke indeed.
As it is, Naruto knows she's lying to herself. And no matter what she says, he will keep going after Sasuke. Because that's just the person that Naruto is.
#speculation nation#fanny watches naruto#i think. naruto and sakura could potentially work out... but probably in a poly kind of situation.#because naruto will never forget about sasuke. and tbh neither will sakura. at least in canon.#of course i think sakura would do well to end up with someone more level headed. like ino.#someone without all the Complications that those two have...#but at the same time. i still do really love the idea of two people supporting one another through thick and thin.#i like naruto and sakura as a pairing of mutual respect. which is why it doesnt truly work as it is in canon.#especially when it comes to things like the 'joke' punches. but that's Everywhere in this anime.#female characters' anger being turned into jokes. theyre 'scary' but its not Actually scary.#naruto taking punch after punch from her for being foolish. yet it's all just a joke.#tbh id want to do away with that trope entirely. sakura has a temper but she's a good person. a kind soul.#i dont like that kishimoto has her being casually abusive with one of her best friends.#yet another part of the misogynistic writing that i hate.#sure enough. as it is in canon it just doesnt work. but ykno what. 13 year old me is still here. and wants to think of a way that it Could.#all things to think about. i wonder if there is any poly fic with the 3 of them. theres Gotta be.#though that brings the question of whether it'd even fit my ideal concept of the 3 of them.#it's certainly not the popular kind of thing lol. most people pick one of the three pairings between them.#but ya kno what. ive always been a multishipper. and poly ships really enable that truth of mine.#maybe i'll look for some poly fic sometime. just to see if theres anyone doing it like id wanna see.#if it's just two guys fighting over one girl or something tho im Outta there.#and ALSO theres something to be said for sasuke and sakura's relationship when they were kids.#there was trust there. confiding. he respected her. & in the end. he thanked her for her care.#cant be Just the two of them tho. for me. bc that erases naruto's significance to them both.#it is perhaps another thing i'll want to write someday. just maybe.
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slingbats · 3 months
Okay and? The canon s5 outfits sucked, we did Not get good post canon nygmobs idk 🤷‍♀️
at least I feel robbed of decent menswear anyway
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uraniumecha · 7 months
five pebbles would do air guitar while listening to music and then get embarrassed if anyone saw him doing it
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abimee · 1 year
i talk about csa and predation in this post jsyk
ive mentioned before as well that in tock tutti's lore things get shifted around for the fact that she is a child, and one thing specific to my interpretation through tock is that mr ballsack prince is a metaphor for a predator, since this is my wol and i get to choose what childhood experiences og mine i get to present
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and what this usually presents itself as is tock seeing zenos as a literal sort of amalgamation of animals/apex predators (seen above ^), since when i was younger me and the other predation victims i met often dealt with their experiences before even fully knowing what happened/how to articulate themselves by drawing representations of these events As something inhuman coming after them, I remember this was something i bonded over with a friend on deviantart with as we were both incredibly young (had to be around 10-13 years old)
this also sets up conflict with the ocs surrounding tock like her mother tatala, who finds out that this man is chasing after her daughter and she can do nothing about it due to his strength and it being a situation out of her control, which goes into something personal about how often a child comes to resent a parent for not doing anything in a situation where the parent wasnt aware or didnt have the power, and the confliction of emotions of understanding yet still regretting/despising.
this also makes some scenes read entirely differently for tock, like for instance the fact that the scions let mr ballsack prince chase after tock to the edge of the world --- again, in canon a very different situastion, but in the pure reading of tock's lore i use this for how common it is for people to ''let'' predators through ignore the plight of the child for the benefit of what the predator brings. This is also a specific example of similar to when parents let older people hit on their young children in public in front of them and continue to ignore/let the situation happen, and the child has no understanding of why theyre letting this happen (me thumbsupemoji)
anyway this is an overview of whats up with tocks lore irt the ballsack prince because i dont really talk about it since its one of the more, not ''personal'' in that i dont wanna talk about personal experiences but personal in that its a bit on the heavier side than what i usually talk about and i dont wanna bombard complete strangers who arent used to my usual serious content with Suddenly Dark Post. but if you didnt know my feelings on this man you do now
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yo9urt · 9 months
ball dur's gait 3 is ruining my life
#mine#I THINK I LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF AST4RI0N ROMANCE BY ACCIDENT#AND THE WORST PART IS I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW!!!!!!!#LIKE. WHAT SCENE DID I FUCK UP IN. WHICH DIALOGUE DID I MISS. WHERE DID I GO WRONG#i just got to act 3 and i had the option to ask him why him and my char haven't [ahem] in a while and i decided to click on it#and he finished the conversation by being like 'yeah theres never going to be anything between us'#i insta-reloaded to my save right before the convo because i refuse to accept that as being canon#even though i know the structure of this game well enough to know the fact that i have the option to have that convo#is like a 99% guarantee that i cant romance him#but fuck me man i wanna be a little delusional and keep believing#but if it's really over...............then 1. i'm very upset especially because this is my self insert#(although that is oddly fitting in its own way)#2. i still care him so much and in my heart i want to believe maybe after the events of the game something happens between them#3. im going to kill myself#and 4. on the upside i guess this does offer some interesting story/rp aspects i could play with in my silly mind#but fuuuuuuck me man i was counting on being able to do it i really thought i could get this to work...................#fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man#so many things have gone wrong in this run it's almost kinda funny#i guess this also adds another playthrough to my planned list cause even though i watched the supercut and i know his romance already#i still kind of want to experience it for myself...even if it's not with my insert :(#but then again my tavs and durges will always be a little bit of an insert cause i'm going to project on them and they'll always#have something in common with me#i can try again in the future...#my 2nd run is going to be durgestarion with durge resisting the urges which i think will be really fun#but i guess im gonna need to use a guide LMAO#fuuuuuuuuuuck dude even though i reloaded to make the convo uncanon i feel like me and my little tav guy are sharing a deeply painful momen#ok this is too many tags WHATEVER i have a call in 30 minutes and then i'm playing the game for the rest of the day#even if he doesn't want me i will still care him......#oh i guess that's the other upside is i can see nonromantic dialogue i might not have seen otherwise#i'll probably see friend dialogue in future playthroughs when i romance other characters but who knows
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wieldedhonor · 2 years
/ MAN- there is so much weight on the thirteen seals, it's not just a matter of -who- Arthur is facing and how these should (mostly) apply to whoever he is fighting against, but it's also such a heavy task for arthur himself; like, till how long can he hold onto his values before they backfire on his emotional well being? How much can he keep accepting? How much of his humanity can he keep? Because sure, he's grown to learn to sacrifice almost all of himself but at the end of the day, he hasn't reached a perfectly mechanical nature as Arthur's heart is still human at the end of the day (and heck we get to see this in his legends) so in conclusion, it's like, till how long would he be able to hold onto his ideals of goodness and evil, and till how long could he keep himself detached from his own (not his Knight's) emotions and follow the values of the seals and his knights?
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rivilu · 19 days
I'm fucking sick again! You know what that means!
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Rabbit au Olivia has been slowly taking over the entire oni playlist and I've tried slowing it by cutting songs that I don't care for much but it's not helping much at this rate she's going to make up a third of the playlist while canon Olivia is still stuck with like 4 songs
#rat rambles#oni posting#take that canon in that late statement extremely lightly ofc lol#but yeah its not my fault that its ridiculously easy to find rabbit au olivia songs#jackie has also been building up a decent chunk of songs but thats because she's also easy to find stuff for#anyways ty rabbit au olivia for giving me an excuse to put the common cold by the paper chace onto a playlist#its my favorite part of her playlist because its the point in the timeline where she just rly lets go and leans into ot#but then we go back to her not having fun with it with hello my destroyer by p.h.f. :/#rly the first half is the rougher bit to listen through for me but thats mostly because fine by lemon demon is there#I dont care much for the song but it fits her WAY too well for me to not include it#hey at least rabbit au olivia has the decency to make her section easy to sort based on approximate timeline#cough cough jackie#also raccoon au olivia but thats mostly because most of her songs are vaguely similar story sections#I mean hell she has two nastyona songs out of her 4 total#at least canon olivia has no repeat artists to make my life a bit easier#although its not actually sorted by timeline rn cause then Ill have to adjust to finding a different thumbnail when finding the playlist#congrats to bmbmbm by black midi for surviving all the playlists purges despite being the first song on the playlist#anyways Ive been doing some song hunting to destress and Ive actually found some good songs#putting me in a creative mood. hopefully itll stick around long enough for me to use it lol
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vampireyuuta · 24 days
includes: gn! reader, aged up! boys, i dont know what to put here u get the point
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what are the boys packing?
MEGUMI — perrrrrrrfect like the rest of him
6.50 inches, reasonable girth, uncircumcised, curve to the right, pretty pink tip, one big fat vein running on the underside of it. it's very nice. like i said, it's perfect. he fits so snugly inside you, reaching the most head-spinning spot inside you. you don't need two hands to give him a handy, but you definitely struggle to take him in your mouth. his tip is super super sensitive also. he blushes every time you ogle it like it's the most beautiful thing ever, but he stops caring when you absolutely worship his perfect cock.
TOGE — short boy, short dick
4.75 inches, on the thinner side, circumcised, oh so subtle curve to the left, light salmon pink tip, veerrry veiny (like big fat veins that he NEEDS you to lick). it's cute! it fits! to his credit, he is great with it and it fits just right in your pretty mouth. not too much, not too little. he makes up for his lack in size with his tongue and hands, don't worry. he’s a little embarrassed about it being too small, but, of course, you reassure him. though he wouldn't mind if you made fun of his size a little.
YUUJI — a great size <3
5.50 inches, really fat, circumcised, no noticeable curve, tip is really pink (especially when you tease him for hours), also extremely vieny but they're less prominent than toge’s. the length is perfect and cozy tight inside you, but his girth stretches you out until you're seeing nothing but stars. same with your mouth—it is a challange to stuff all that thickness in your throat. he leaks like a lot. a gust of wind will have this bitch leaking pre like a waterfall. his balls, too, are super fat. please play with his balls!!!
YUUTA — wtf? freakishly huge??
8.25 inches, super duper girthy, uncircumcised, curves to the right, the most beautiful pastel pink tip, a few cutesy veins. like many before me, i declare that huge massive dick yuuta is canon. it's scary, terrifying even. he’s muscular—can't be the second strongest without being musclar—but he’s still pretty lean and lanky, but he has such a long, fat dick that it is insanely jarring. a shower, for sure, but that's okay. he’s so humble about it; “is it really that big?” he blushes when you're gawking and rambling about how there's no way it’ll fit your first time with him. spoiler alert, it does not fit. it stretches you out and splits you open like nothing else ever could. he feels so guilty about it, yet it always makes you cum so hard you almost pass out so he feels a little better!
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
hmmmm.hmmhmhmhmhmhmmmmmmm i think ive figured it out
#vague#<- but its broader fandom stuff so no worries or anything#anyways. this particular pairing just isnt doing it for me and i know the CORE reason#but another reason is... literally everyone collectively seems to be completely fucking wrong?#not to say im better or smarter but in this instance everyones like.... fandomized it TOO much.#to the point where the nuance and shite from canon that actually couldve intrigued me simply. isnt there#theyre interpreting them so strangely when its like. no you idiots these two fuckers have way too many layers for you to dumb down#to things like ohh flirt and flustered. ohh has a crush but mad about it.#like... i guess???? if youre having fun go for it?#but usually theres at least a few people who refer to the actual material and in this case ive found NOTHING#i went out searching in the wild bc i truly do wish to be convinced#but even the most analytical meta posts i saw were... still pulling at straws quite frankly#maybe its bc i havent interacted with the fandom as much?#so instead of interpreting material to fit my previous assumptions and headcanons or whatever#im seeing it how it is Or. something.#neither of these two are that straightforward and pretending they are is....#you have SO many other options who actually do have the dynamic youre projecting#these two are a little fucked up. you all who claim to be such fans have... somehow fallen for the masks#which again deeply intriguing but not something i feel like dealing with#and i also dont care about the pairing enough to correct people unless someone else convinces me its worth it#so ill just sit here and go :/ constantly i suppose
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