#there is a case for both approaches
shredsandpatches · 5 months
I mean in an actual opera of Good Omens I'd definitely make Aziraphale a countertenor
...although if he were just a regular tenor you could cast Michael Spyres in the part he was born to play and just throw in some crazy-ass high notes for funsies and because you have Michael Spyres to sing them. Hmmmm. Now I am extremely torn about this opera that does not exist and that my always-dubious-even-when-I-wrote-music-regularly composition skills are not up to anyway.
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basslinegrave · 2 months
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whatchu thinking about. nothing? just the changes to garys design and his character evolution and growth and everything. 24/7. you know. and the fact that even if he changed, hes still the same at his core!
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renaoriflamme · 1 year
Veronica WIP
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i was gonna do some other stuffs i should be doing but i spent like 4 hours for this wip, i dont regret it tho, love her xoxo
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spidergvven · 1 year
thinking about colin saying he doesnt want to be a spokesperson in contrast with sam embracing the opportunity to be a spokesperson, how even though being closeted in an extremely heterosexual and homophobic environment is a painful experience colin can blend in but thats never been an option for sam or any other black athlete. sam is obviously the type of person to speak up about injustice whether he's obligated to or not but in many ways he doesnt really have a choice, not in the way colin does as a white guy.
even within the queer community a cis masc white guy like colin is not going to experience the kind of bigotry a gender non conforming or trans queer person would. and thats not to say that being closeted is a privilege (it is so very very not) or that the homophobia people like colin face isnt awful and painful but it's just. different. and we see this all the time in real life, there are so many white queer celebrities who feel the same way as colin about being a "spokesperson" but really no one wants to be a spokesperson, no one wants to have to fight just for their right to exist but we're not exactly given a choice.
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hvlcy0n · 2 months
gym bf togame >>>>
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mordremrose · 2 months
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More little blurbs of lore, this time with my light armor boys! Macadeh and Draikôs! Tried to do them digitally this round, but idk if i'll do the others like this tbh
Typed out the handwriting below the cut :]
Macadeh - He/him, mesmer - Cylla & Chary are his snake(s), rescued from a human circus. One head produces a deadly venom, the other produces the antidote. He hasn't tested which. Macadeh strongly identifies with carnivorous plants as well as poisonous and venomous creatures- but the snakes have quickly become his favorite. Awakened during the attack on the Pale Tree, Macadeh struggles to connect to the Dream but he does try to still follow the Dream, despite his humor and interests sometimes leading him to be mistaken for a courtier.
Draikôs - he/him, Tempest - Unlike most sylvari, whose empathy is limited to other sylvari, Draikôs has a natural sensitivity to emotions of other races of Tyria as well. As an elementalist, he has an affinity for storms- both ice and electric- that he tries to include in his stage presence as a fairly popular singer. When hired to sing at more private events, he's developed a bit of a reputation for being quite the flirt.
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izvmimi · 3 days
i think it’s interesting cuz i feel like sometimes you can tell if the person writing wanted to write a specific plot vs if they wanted to write a dynamic
both are valid but i’ve noticed selfshippers tend to be more invested in the dialogue and dynamic and general x reader writers tend to care more about the actual plot (obviously there’s overlap and an element of both in this)
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randomnameless · 1 month
What do you think about the fics where children of nabateans and humans are either humans or nabateans?
Fics are fics so it's basically the author's interpreration and fantasy being written, but as far as personal taste goes, it's not really my cup of tea!
Where's the fun with fantasy settings if you can't come up with mixed blood humans who sekritly (or not so sekritly) descend from some sort of other race of beings and got super powers from that deal ?
I think I ranted about it in a french post some months ago about this but it was kind of salty.
The only setting in FE where half human children were developped is Tellius with the Branded and... well, let's not go there, after all, it's the verse that tells you that racism is BaD, but miscegenation is also BaD...
In Elibe, fwiw, bar having weird mystical powers and longer lifespan than humans, but shorter than full blooded dragons, hybrids aren't generally developped (and that's taking into account Al from the manga).
That being said, in the particular context that is Fodlan and some characters' pov about Nabateans, their blood and a general discussion about what is "humanity" used to "other" sentient beings that are despised because they are "others"...
The "kids are either humans or nabateans" isn't really something I'm fond of.
But hey, fics are basically someone's takes on canon and there's no point about arguing headcanons !
Like, even with half-lizard Lycaon AUs, some people could try to explain his "died from a sudden illness" in different ways : he can be inherently prone to sickness because he is a half-lizard, or, in my hodgepodge of an AU, the "dies from a sudden illness" is a cheap cover up story to hide his assassination, at the hands of members of his dad's family because they wanted the throne and because he was a half-lizard.
We basically have two different takes, coming from two different people about a thrown away line, which creates, in substance, two differents AU/HCs/fanfics!
So, to reply to your question anon, it's not the HC i came up with and not one I like because of all the racial implication and tensions Fodlan, as a setting, has regarding coexistence.
But I'd be really pissed if anyone went to comment on a fic to say the author's headcanon is "wrong".
Now, if we're talking about people claiming to write meta or to comment canon, it's another story - but in the end, the canon answer is "10k years of lore" so we're pretty much quickly entering headcanon territory, and when people try to pretend their headcanons are canon, that's how you end up with 5 years of discourse lol
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danmeichael · 4 months
How do I become a man
there is a man in your head. you desperately want to be him. he is probably not a specific person, he is more of a concept.
the first thing you're going to do is take his hands, or maybe hug him, or maybe stand at an awkward distance wanting to hug him like men do and you're going to say "thank you for letting me know something was wrong. thank you for showing me that what everyone wanted me to be wasn't the right fit. thank you for teaching me that there is a happiness i can find and what it looks like."
the second thing you're going to do is kill him, maybe as quickly as possible and maybe with painstaking care and maybe by using claws and teeth to put all of your hurt into him. and you must do this before you try to become him. because he is more of a concept, and you are a specific person.
i am not the best person to ask this question of. i am not a man. i am a guy, i am a dog, i am a thing, i am. i have divested myself of the responsibility to be what polite society considers a man, because the idea, broadly, of a man is not me and trying to become that idea will not make me more me. and this advice comes mostly from that very biased experience.
the "a man" you want to become is impersonal, and it is an ideal that will never be satisfied because you have likely built walls around the concept of manhood that fundamentally exclude yourself.
better questions are "what will make me happy" and "how do i become myself."
if you are asking me this you are presumably a man, and you will become a man by becoming yourself.
ymmv. as stated, i'm just a guy, not a man.
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un-pearable · 10 months
species don’t exist — i mean, obviously, they do. but they aren’t objective. species are (as most things are) a cultural construction, a coalition of humans deciding where and when to draw what lines. constantly in debate: did you know paleoanthropologists are unintentionally incentivized to claim to have discovered entire new genera along the path of human evolution because they are more likely to generate media buzz and gain desperately needed funding. thousands of plants may be categorized together but a centimeter’s difference in skull thickness warrants an entire new genus name. we are more genetically similar to chimpanzees than they are to their fellow non-human primates, but due to the rules of Linnaean taxonomy humanity will never be collapsed into the same genus as them because the rules dictate that the older genus name prevails: humanity would never accept becoming Pan sapiens, especially not after it took decades for it even to be accepted that humans were a part of the taxonomy in the first place. even the most basic of criteria we’ve used in the past to decide where a species stops and starts continues to be debunked - fish from entire opposites of the world can produce fertile offspring. analogous evolution can find lines that split millions of years back creating critters that would be side by side in a disney cartoon. categorization is a eternal battleground of western scientific standards requiring universalized objective qualifiers vs. the futile efforts to recognize the unmeasurable amounts of nuance held in traditional ecological knowledge — versus the fact that, inevitably, it all boils down to a vast continuum contained within only a few percentage points of variation in the squiggly lines that tell the cells of everything on the entire globe how to eat
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asking honestly: how do we address conspiratorial thinking in this fandom without people getting their feelings hurt?
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cruelsister-moved2 · 11 months
cant tell you how fulfilling and comforting it feels to be in a classroom full of women being lectured by a woman on the work of other women about subjects who are also women like i just got a small taste of what men are experiencing every day of their lives its intoxicating
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tweedfrog · 11 months
Both Dany and Sansa being children and yet being continuously described as beautiful and YET the only men who are explicitly "attracted" them outside of their titles are creepy fkn old men like Jorah and Petyr.........jail. hell even.
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stag-bi · 2 years
what a whiplash going to see my 2016 tumblr dash (as linked in that last post) and getting slapped in the face w full blown ace discourse 😭😭😭
#i was an exclusionist too lmao i was so pissed as if hordes of cishet aces were coming to Invade Our Spaces?????? CRINGE#i still have beef w the split attraction model when non-aspec ppl use it ON BI SUBREDDITS CONSTANTLY TO DISCOURAGE ANY SELF-REFLECTION#like telling newly out bi's their internalized homo/biphobia is just an inborn trait that cant be helped so dont bother looking into it :)#thats more of a personal pet peeve than anything though#honestly the whole discourse was so stupid and the fake stories and moral panic coming from it was ridiculous#u kno whats real and can be trusted? peoples own experiences and interpretations of themselves. and that needs to be respected and accepted#i got so fed up w the dehumanizing and circlejerky nature of the exclusionist side. not to mention the victimhood complexes and the#black and white thinking that were being normalized by the entire discourse. and the essentialist thinking and public shaming#identities are not inherently above examination and there needs to be a balance between inclusion and exclusion in any context#bc both have negative and positive sides when applied to any group or identity. it should be approached w common sense#i wanna veer away from any generalizations and approach things on a case by case basis#but when it comes to someones personal identity and their lived experience. thats none of my business whatsoever#no matter what. basic respect is believing ppl when they say who they are. thats the bare minimum of interpersonal acceptance#fighting against that in order to uphold some us vs them dynamic is straight up awful#if you cant respect someone bc you cant personally understand their experience youre stuck on the wrong thing#you shouldnt need to relate to someone in order to treat them w kindness and empathy#if you need to find someone relatable to accept their validity then youre not genuinely someone accepting of differences
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demaparbat-hp · 1 year
Are you writing Cutthroat? I’m curious about more. Are you making a fandom wiki or family trees?
I am currently working on refining some aspects of Cutthroat before beginning to write the actual beast. To be honest, I hadn't thought of making a Fandom wiki for it. The blood relations between some of the characters are quite complicated, and building Family Trees might help me out a lot, so thanks for the suggestion!
I'll include a summary of the AU under the cut, so you can get a general idea of what it's about.
Cutthroat AU:
Harrison Silas Sayre doesn't hate Wool's Orphanage—that is Tom's, his brother's, job. Tom Marvolo Riddle hates Wool's as much as he hates his dead mother, which is saying a lot. Unfortunately for them, they seem to gravitate around the Orphanage. Though that might have something to do with the ritual they performed there fifty years ago.
Exactly seven months after Tom Riddle's birth, a baby arrived at Wool's Orphanage with a single letter stating his full name and date of birth: Harrison Silas Sayre, July 31st, 1927. The two boys were different from other children—special, as Tom often said, so it was no wonder they found solace in each other while growing up as brothers.
The Wizarding World had no idea what it signed up for the day the twins' Hogwarts letters arrived.
During their seven years at Hogwarts, they became close with the Black sisters: Dorea, a Slytherin like Tom, and Cassiopeia, who was in Ravenclaw with Harry, though in different years.
Cassiopeia was creepy. She worshipped Tom, though that might have something to do with the rumors about her weird Visions... Tom was a natural, charismatic leader, though he only had a meaningful relationship with his brother. Harry, instead, formed a close friendship with Dorea right from the start. They were always seen with each other, much in the same way Cassiopeia could always be found trailing Tom.
I could say a lot of things about them, but I think the most important event is the ritual Tom performed at 18—a ritual Harry was forced to participate in. Ideally, the ritual would allow them to live forever, an anchor of one another, until the end of times... But vital blood was needed.
Fifty years later, Lily Evans' and Regulus Black's research took them to a set of Caves near an abandoned Orphanage. They had spent years after James' death looking for any clue about the mysterious dark lord who was steadily taking hold of the Wizarding World from behind the stage. Only few were aware of his existence, except for his followers (Peter and the Mark in his scalp was a somber reminder of that fact), but nobody knew a single thing about the actual person.
In the Caves, behind a blood protection that Lily was surprisingly able to pass through, there was a black crystal coffin. Within, a sleeping young man had a snake resting on his chest. The snake watched as Lily and Regulus got close and, slowly, began to eat its own tail.
Ouroboros, they recognised, and the boy woke up.
His green eyes were exactly like Lily's, and there was a gruesome scar decorating his throat, as if it was sliced open once upon a time...
Like I said before, I could talk about Cutthroat all evening. It's very, very extensive and writing a summary for it is a difficult task for me. You can, however, ask questions, in case you're curious about something specific. Or if you want to know more about some characters, or their family trees or the plot...
Anyways, hope this was not too boring to read, and not too long of an answer. Thank you for asking! Knowing there's someone interested in this AU makes me motivated to do my best and keep working on it. Hope you have a good day!
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copadjacent · 1 year
Patrick Jane 🤝🏻 The Doctor an aversion to firearms
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