#credence needs a hug
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
It's home. He's home and its late and its dark. he knows he should have been home hours ago, wishes he could have been but work finished late and then one deal ran into another and before he knew it he was an hour and a half from home at 1 in the morning. After the last deal was done Eddie made his way back in his van, eyes red and itchy with the overhwleming desire to close but painfully aware of the distance he had to drive. After a lot of cut corners and questionable driving he was finally pulling up to the trailer.
All he wants to do is sleep but even in his tired state he clocks the light on in the window. Knowing that lights don't just get 'left on' when there are bills to pay and mouths to feed Eddie enters the trailer quietly, hoping that its not an ominous sign. Hoping as well that this isn't the precursor to getting yelled at for being out late and not telling anyone…again.
As silently as he can Eddie pulls the door open and steps in side. So far so good, nobody has started shouting yet but as he turns he sees the lamp glowing beside the couch and can hear the radio on low. Comforting sounds of Eddie's younger years playing Credence Clearwater Revival. It is at this point Eddie catches the figures waiting in the dim light. Wayne at the end of the couch, hot mug of something in his hand. His expression is one Eddie is well used to, concentrated and contemplative, measuring the words he says and actions he takes. He's in his pyjammas but far from sleep. He's angled towards the figure on the couch next to him. The person, only translated into Eddie's head as 'human' after he deciphered half of the mass as blankets and hair, sits hunched over themselves and hugs their own mug in close.
Eddie takes a step forward, makes to sit down as Wayne talks slow and gentle 'Your boy had a bit of a fright son. Thought I'd break out the big guns and show him what we used to do when you first came home'
He doesn't say the rest, doesn't need to. When Eddie came to stay with Wayne the nights were endless. He'd wake himself up in tears, too scared to go find comfort incase he got pushed away but somehow Wayne always knew. Eddie would never be alone in the dark long before the hall light went on and Wayne was knocking at his door, offering hot milk and a distraction. Eventually the routine turned into going over old photo albums of Wayne's 'glory days' and then, the new additions after Eddie's arrival. It quickly became a fail safe for the both of them when the dark nights and silence were too much.
Which is how Eddie ends up here, sat close to the mass, Steve, a hand crept under the blanket that was quickly latched on to. A photo album is sat across Steve's lap and Wayne talks him through the story of his own high school band and then quickly moves on to the photo of Eddie knee deep in mud and arms out stretched ready to pull the photo taker into the mess with him, devious smile on his 10 year old face, a hint of the dungeon master yet to come.
The stories continue, ranging from photos of a young Eddie in rubber boots and a sun dress to Wayne in denim shorts and an awful sunburn as he points a spatula at the camera in a rustic looking kitchen. This ritual calms them all between the quiet laughter and tired gasps of surprise, eventually Steve's shoulders relax and Wayne's voice becomes somehow even more subdued. Eddie is fully leaning into Steve's space and the warmth between the three of them somehow heats the whole trailer.
They are all close to sleep when Eddie takes the album off Steve's lap and manages to force himself to stand, pulling Steve up with him and still swaddled in his blanket. Eddie makes to guide Steveto their bedroom when he's met with resistance. Steve pulls the blanket tighter to himself but shifts his shoulders back, almost as if to brace for a fight when he tilts his head towards Wayne ' Thank you. I- I've never...Just thank you' he's got his back to Eddie but Eddie can hear the crack in his voice, the battle to keep the emotion down, can see the slight tremour in the blanket as Steve works to keep himself together. Its all for nothing when Wayne stands and places a hand on his shoulder before bringing him into a forceful hug 'Son, you never have to thank me'.
Its a moment that Eddie knows will be seared into his heart until the day it stops beating. The two men holding on, however briefly, to each other, both understanding the other person that little bit more and sharing more of their soul in the process.
There's a pause as they separate and Eddie takes Steve's hand tugs him forward and lets him lead the way to the bedroom. Before he turns to follow Eddie catches Wayne's eye and they share a somber smile. Eddie's heart feels like its going to collapse on itself when he thinks about how Wayne doesn't understand the traumas these boys have been through but how that hasn't stopped him from being there for them.
It doesn't go unspoken, this feeling between Eddie and his Uncle. They find time, they always do, where they put their music on and talk in that unhurried way about what they've been doing, catching each other up on their lives and knowing the love is there.
For now, Wayne tilts his head up 'that's a good one you've got there son.' All the endorsement Eddie could ever want, caught in a few words 'now go to him and let me get my bed' its a grumbled statement that has more meaning than can be explained. Eddie gives a mock salute, knowing that the nightmares and stories will be re-hashed when the time is right. But for now the urgency has been tamed and the fire burns low in their hearts.
Before he gets to the kitchen there's a final 'and I need my sleep boy so don't get any ideas' from the couch. 'wouldn't dream of it old man'
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Playing Triaina Academy, my MC has no chill and wants to shout their love from the rooftops.
So, I gotta ask how the ROs would react to MC bragging to everyone available that they got the bestest partner to ever exist.
Thank you for reading haha. I'm sure there are plenty who can relate to your MCs plight. Let's see...
E quickly hops up behind you as you open your mouth once more, putting their hands over it before you can let loose another tyraid about the incomparable cuteness of your beloved neighbor.
"T-Thats fine! That's good! I think they get it! I-Its almost time for dinner, we should leave! Now!"
R smiles contentedly as they listen in on your boastful celebration, chuckling quietly to themselves, "It almost feels wasteful, to see so much excitement for someone as undeserving as me...I suppose I will have some large expectations to live up to."
L ducks away from the room as you make your excited announcements, fanning the heat from their face as they overhear your bragging. They can't help but smile to themselves as you talk of their superiority. "Oh, MC...if only I could find words worthy of you, I would return your praise tenfold...One day, I shall..."
V shifts their body uncomfortably as attention begins shifting onto them. They stare back at the pairs of eyes turning to them, a hand already hovering over the grip of their handgun. "Vacate the premises, before you become an obstruction to the commander.
Before you can get to the second phrase of your prepared speech on the greatness of tsunderes, a hand has already palmed your skull with enough pressure to turn a walnut to dust, dragging you outside. "What the hell do you think you're telling people? Are you that desperate to dive into your grave, dumbass? Because you're already 5 fucking feet deep, and my foot in your skull will be the last one you need."
M takes your boasts a step further, giving credence to your talk with a soft kiss in front of everyone. What the crowd doesn't witness is M's heated whispering in your ear, or their listful bedroom eyes, "If you're...that...excited...I can help...solve that...for you...you know...someplace...less crowded..."
Unfortunately, Raven had already made their rounds announcing their newfound, loving relationship with a bond that will never be broken as long as they live. When you try to give your boasts, they seem almost scared. Raven appears, waving off your confusion.
"No worries, my love! I just got a little...carried away! I was just so happy! But some people tried to ruin the occasion...you understand, don't you? I think it was just a little accident!"
S throws an arm over your shoulders, pulling you into a rambunctious side hug while in the middle of your confession, "Ya'll here that? This guy says I'm the best! Ya know what I say to that? I'd say there ain't no one I'd rather have watchin' my back. How about a toast, to good times, and better friends! Cheers!" The entire bar follows suit, cheering happily as you sink deeper into the depressive realization that this friend zone may be inescapable.
F folds their arms, staring an intense hole into you. The silence between you creates an oppressive atmosphere until they speak.
"Do you understand the fragility of the situation you've caused? Is there any sense in your head, of the target you paint on your back? Do you have any idea..." F pauses, composing the shaking in their hands and providing themselves a moment to breathe deep. Their voice is quiet and defeated, "Do you have any idea what the depth of the loss would be, should the worst come to pass due to your recklessness? Think, you fool."
----- thank ya for the ask! I hope you enjoyed reading haha
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tgmsunmontue · 10 months
Another Time (Chapter 4/14)
Summary: Jake wakes up in Rooster's body about ~30 or so hours post-Mission and they have to deal with it. They're adults. Apparently.
(Posting on Tumblr, chapter a day until it's complete (currently 14 chapters already written), after it's complete I will post it on AO3 once a day until it's completed there as well).
                The travel back passes in a fugue state, too long to be anything other than exhausting. He’s sitting beside Coyote who had just passed him Hangman’s packed duffel with a smirk and Bradley had taken it gratefully. He’s gone through the absolute emotional wrecker in the last seventy hours and he’s pretty sure the only reason he’s not falling apart is because his physical injuries are currently not something he needs to worry about. They’ve just ticked past the twenty-four hour marker and he’s ready to give this some serious thought. He somehow wants to get Hangman back to his place, both actual Hangman and the body of Hangman. He’s trying to formulate reasons, excuses or a plausible story when he realizes that they’ve landed and disembarking. Phoenix and Bob are shepherding/supporting Hangman and Rooster scrambles to follow, throwing the duffel over his shoulder.
                “He needs to go to the hospital,” Phoenix snaps and Bradley frowns, because he knows that.
                “Yeah, I was going to take him there and then take him home.”
                “Home?” Phoenix asks him, one eyebrow raised and Rooster realizes then that Hangman would have no idea that he has a house off-base.
                “Yeah, he gave me his keys,” Bradley says, and it’s an outright lie because he pocketed them automatically when he’d packed his duffel earlier but it suits the moment, although he can tell Phoenix is suspicious, although the fact he pulls the keys from his pocket adds credence to his claim. Hangman looks pale and sweaty and Bradley wonders if the ibuprofen he had twenty-four hours ago was the last time he had painkillers, the vibrations in the COD wouldn’t have helped anything. “He’s under strict orders to go directly to the hospital…”
                “He is. And I will take him there.”
                “Oookay. Yeah. Sure,” Bradley agrees, because he learnt long ago not to argue with Phoenix. “I’ll get a lift back to his place and then meet you at the hospital with his car so I can bring him home.”
                It’s a compromise, and Hangman isn’t known for being so accommodating but this places him in his own fucking house, able to look after Hangman as he suffers the pain of dealing with Bradley’s body post-mission and he’ll take his wins where he can. He watches Maverick trail after them and wonders if Ice has directed him to have a full check-up as well. Hopefully anything Hangman says can be put down to pain, exhaustion or being drugged to the gills; because he expects that to happen. Drugs that is.
                He returns the hug Coyote gives him, tells him he’ll see him soon, and they have a further debrief tomorrow, although he has no idea how that’s going to work when he has no idea what the fuck Hangman was doing while he was chasing after Mav… Fuck. Hangman having to try and justify his actions without knowing anything. Ugh. What a shit show. He’s glad someone is driving him and is even gladder when he’s standing outside his childhood home, the sense of homecoming still there despite the emptiness. He takes the time to shower, shaves and tries (and suspects he fails miserably) at styling Hangman’s hair before heading to the hospital. He’s not got many options in terms of clothes in Hangman’s duffel, but dark jeans and one of his own Henley’s make him feel a little more comfortable. He’s off the clock.
                He gets to the hospital and follows the instructions to the fracture clinic, where both Mav and Hangman are being seen. Phoenix is sitting in the waiting room, and he makes himself comfortable in the chair beside her.
                “They good?”
                “Both had x-rays, and then Mav mentioned that some of his injuries were probably old, from a different ejection a few weeks ago. Bradley vommed everywhere, so they drugged him up with anti-nausea and some morphine. His ankle is fucked and the way they were talking about it was making me feel queasy so I excused myself.”
                Bradley doesn’t even know where to start with that flood of information. TWO ejections. Fucking hell. And his ankle is apparently fucked, which doesn’t tell him anything. He pats Nat on the shoulder and murmurs about going in to check on them and she mutters a good luck under her breath, clearly thinking him a fool. He pushes the door open and both Mav and Hangman look to him.
                “Looking good Hangman…” Hangman slurs and Bradley wonders if he’s even aware right now of what he’s saying and who to. Bradley starts the automatic reply though, feeling near hysterical amusement bubbling through him.
                “I am good Rooster, – ”
                “Too good to be true,” Hangman finishes and Bradley throws back his head and laughs.
                “Man, you are high.”
                “He sure is. Was talking about the time he fell off a horse and broke his arm as a kid. He’s never ridden a horse.”
                Bradley nods and smiles, feeling a little manic, because Seresin probably has ridden a horse. He wants to ask Mav how he is, but he’s not him right now. Fortunately the doctor enters the room and she’s looking between the three of them.
                “Are you here to take him home?” She asks, gesturing toward Hangman.
                “Yeah, is he good to go?”
                “As good as we can get him. We’ll want to do another CT in 24 hours once the swelling has gone down further.”
                “Too good to be true…” Hangman mumbles and Bradley’s lips twitch.
                “Are you staying with him?”
                “Uh. Yeah. He’s, we’re, uh… yeah.”
                Fuck. Mav is watching them both, soft smile on his face and Bradley wants to offer… something. Anything. Whatever he says though is not going to come across right, is going to cement firmly whatever assumptions Mav is making about him and Hangman. Which might not actually be misplaced in a few months’ time but right now… it’s just too much. He takes the discharge papers and listens to the instructions about pain meds, concussion protocols and asks for a pen so he can make a few notes. Says he can pick up the script easily enough. Or even ask Phoenix to do it.
                He can worry about Mav later.
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
@inklings-challenge here is my contribution for day 20's prompt "spirit."
This is less of a story and more lore/worldbuilding--a ghost story from the castle where Rietta lives.
The castle that Rietta lives in is haunted. 
At least, that���s what some people say. There are various different stories, but the most common claim is that Queen Cadelle, who is buried in the church on the castle grounds, still walks the corridors upstairs.
Cadelle was queen of Faysmond during the fifteenth century, a time of political upheaval. While her husband the king was at war, she and her three daughters were sent to live at a remote castle for their safety. Several months later, she gave birth to a son. The delivery was difficult, and Cadelle was ill for a long time afterward. When she finally recovered, she found that during her incapacity all of her children had been handed over to her brother, one of the warring dukes who had recently gained the upper hand in the conflict. Her husband had been killed in battle, and now the crown belonged to her infant son, and the real power belonged to whichever of the dukes had the child in custody. Cadelle determined to go herself on horseback to take back her children but was caught and taken back to the castle as a prisoner. She was kept there as a sort of in-reserve bargaining chip until her death at age thirty-six from unknown causes. Some say she died of a broken heart, for she was never allowed to see her children again.
The story goes that when Cadelle rose from her bed after her illness, she asked to see her baby and when her ladies explained that he was not there, she ran from the room to her children’s nurseries, looking for them with increasing franticness and screaming as she realized they were indeed gone. Years after her death, castle staff reported seeing a woman with long, loose hair in a white nightgown roaming the upstairs corridor in great agitation, always culminating in entering one room in particular, where screams could be heard and anyone occupying that room, especially if young, would feel icy fingers on their shoulders as they lay in bed. This woman was believed to be Cadelle, seeking her lost children.
Of course these were all rumors, but they were prevalent enough for the castle to be seldom in use as a royal residence and considered not a wholesome place to raise children. Tietra’s decision to bring her daughter to live there as an alternative to the royal court was met with criticism, but she saw no sense in giving credence to such ridiculous tales, and she did her best to conceal the story of Cadelle’s ghost from little Rietta lest it scare her.
But Rietta, who—desperate for company—spent a great deal of time with the castle staff, eventually came to hear the whole legend by the time she was about seven or eight. Rather than scared, she was fascinated. She longed to catch a sight of Cadelle’s ghost, for she was certain that all the poor sad woman needed was someone to love her. Rietta wasn’t sure if ghosts could be hugged, but she meant to try.
Even though her room was on a corridor said to be on Cadelle’s route, Rietta had never seen or heard her—which was puzzling, since Cadelle was supposed to mistake any child for one of her own and try to seize them. So Rietta tried to get Cadelle’s attention by crying in bed at night. But her efforts were never very convincing, and the only woman who responded to them was Tietra, who questioned her about what she was doing. Rietta cheerily described her plan, and Tietra explained to her that the stories weren’t true and the real Cadelle was dead and buried and the best that they could do for her would be to say a prayer at her grave the next morning. And they did.
Rietta never did encounter the ghost. But she came to be very, very familiar with Cadelle’s grave, which she kept supplied with flowers.
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dave-me0wstaine · 11 months
arghh i just need a short fic/imagine about dave hugging the reader right and telling them everything will be okay after they tell him they're depressed 😕
hello my love!! im so sorry i didn't get to this sooner, but i absolutely love this idea! i feel like dave would be a surprisingly warm source of comfort. externally, he doesn't seem like the type to give credence to these sort of issues, but truth be told, he's quite compassionate bc he's also dealt depression, in addition to other things.
like he'd be so so sweet, giving you anything you needed or wanted. he'd hate to leave you alone, but if you said you needed the space, he'd give it, albeit begrudgingly. so, when you say that you need physical comfort, he'd be over the moon, glad to know that you're not pushing him away during your time of duress. like i imagine the two of you would curl up on the couch or in bed, surrounded by blankets that dave's gathered for you, and he'd hold you in his arms, rocking you gently back and forth. his hand would be caressing your hair, and shushing your cries if need be, giving you small kisses here and there, telling you 'it's gonna be okay, sweetheart, i promise."
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I want to make a request for a fic about Maurice and reader.
The idea is this: after having exposed Maurice and his lies nobody in school wanted to be associated with him, except Reader.
One day, reader finds Maurice in his room crying and cover in bruises, this is because some kids cornered him in the hallway.
Maurice tries to get rid of his tears and tells reader that he is ok, that he just had a little accident in the way back his dorm. But reader knows he is lying, so they approaches him and gave it a hug, telling him that from that day on they were going to protect him and won't let anyone hurt him again.
(sorry for my bad English xd hope I explained well :"3)
you're totally fine, I hope I understood this ok and that you enjoy it!!
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After what happened between MAURICE and Soma, as well as the knowledge of all the bad things Maurice has done becoming public, nobody at university wants anything to do with him.
No one aside from you, that is. While some people ridicule you as foolish for still choosing to spend time with him, you don’t really care. Some of your friends tell you it’s going to ruin your reputation by continuing to associate with him, but so what? If anyone gives a care about your reputation, they’ve proved they only led credence to gossip and nothing else.
And, all things considered, the heart wants what it wants. Despite knowing that Maurice has made some mistakes, manipulated and hurt people, you can’t help still liking him. He had no one now, no one other than you, so you’re not going to simply abandon him.
The evidence is right here, that you come to see him in his dorm often. Whether it’s to help each other with coursework, do each other’s makeup, or just read and talk when there isn’t anything else to do.
When you come in today, he’s sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. His uniform jacket is off, allowing you to see a couple of black-and-blue marks on his arms, several down by his wrists and one or two more on his forearms. You’re unsure if he knows you’re even here, because you can hear him sobbing into his hands, and if he knew you were here, you don’t know that he’d be that open about it. He hates looking vulnerable, which you suppose is the reason he likes to wear makeup in the first place.
“Maurice?” You close the door and settle down next to him on the bed. “What’s wrong, love? What happened?”
There’s no denying that something happened. Bruises don’t just pop up unbidden on someone’s arms. You have a sneaking suspicion of what most likely took place, though you’ve no way to prove it. Hopefully he’s honest so that you can go to the headmaster with names.
Almost violently, he tries to pull away from you. “No! No, don’t… don’t touch me. I’m fine. You don’t always need to make a fuss, you know?” It’s like a mirror of the way he reacts when he wants you to look at him. Praise and attention are things he basks in, enjoying when you fawn over him; as soon as it turns to pity and concern, he switches to trying to hide.
You frown, moving away from him for a moment. Obviously you can’t just leave him be. At the same time, though, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. You’re trying to comfort him. “Well, if you don’t want me to fuss, you might consider telling me what happened to your arms.”
His hands come down a bit, enough so that you can see there are streaks on his face from his makeup running as he cries. Some of it also looks… very deliberately smudged. You can practically form a picture of what happened in your mind rather than having to guess. “It’s… nothing. It’s nothing,” he repeats, like he’s trying to convince himself rather than you. “I-I just… was on the way back here, and smacked into the wall.”
… Does he think you’ll fall for that excuse? Isn’t that the same one that beaten women use to cover for their husbands?
You don’t buy it. For him to have bruised himself like that on a wall, the wall would have had to possess fingers. Someone hurt him, but you don’t believe he’ll tell you who.
After a moment of quiet, you scoot a little closer to him on the bed, and gently wrap your arms around him. Hopefully he won’t push you away again. Though he does struggle a little, whimpering and trying to get out of your embrace, he stops fairly quickly upon realizing you’re not going to let go that easily.
“Don’t lie to me,” you murmur. “You should know better than to think you’ll get away with it. But it doesn’t matter.”
You give him a squeeze, and a light kiss on the top of his head. “No one’s ever going to hurt you again, alright? Not while I’m around. I’ll protect you so that nobody thinks they can mess with you.”
Part of you thinks he wants to protest ― to ask why he should be protected from the same kind of crap he used to do to other people. To tell you he’s just finally getting a taste of his own medicine. That it’s fair for people to hurt him now that he’s no longer able to wear his makeup as if it’s a suit of armor.
Instead of any of that, he turns weak in your arms, and buries his face into your neck, and starts to cry harder.
No matter what else, you’re going to take care of him.
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lichoulychou · 9 months
Cornelia Street
Actor! Credence Barebone x Actress! Reader
Summarization: After you finally confronted about how you feel to Credence, he finally realised what he had done wrong and its starting to guilt him down to his core.
Warning: More angst!, second chances, realisation, Credence changes, reader is trying to move on but can't.
Again if you haven't read the first one please read it. The first one, the title is "You're losing me"
I'm gonna do the pov for credence in this one🥹😉
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Ever since you finally told him the problem it had hit him harder than any punches he had received. It hurt him so much, he couldn't believe himself. Did he really let himself do this to his precious girl? He missed you so much. The situation had changed him to the point he had to take a break in working, he'd been drinking and doing stuff he'd never do when he was with you.
Everytime he got drunk all he could think about was you, all he could mutter was sorry and your name. He couldn't handle it, he misses everything about you. If he could have another chance he promises that he wouldn't let anyone get in both of your relationship's way.
Again he was drunk, and he suddenly thought about how he should text you. He picks up his phone and tried to contact you but instead is met with a "This person has blocked you", he couldn't believe it. This made him sober up quickly. After reading that he began to think of what he could do to talk to you in person or not, when he finally made up his mind he had decided that he needed to talk to you in person.
To say that you had been devestated was an understatement, you couldn't move on at all.
Everything you had done you could only think of him, every single turn it was full of him. It's been months since you both had broke up, around 5 months ago.
You couldn't move on easily, after all he is your first love, your first kiss, your first partner in crime, Your first everything. As much as it had hurt you, you knew you shouldn't go back, because once a cheater, always a cheater, right?
Back to Credence's POV:
I went to every place that I think she would be in, where we always would be in. As I looked and looked all I could see is the memories we had created together. God I hate myself for hurting her, she deserves everything. She doesn't deserve all the pain I put her through.
As I though about all the stuff I had regretted, I saw her, My Everything. My Glyndel, As soon as I saw her, I chased after her yelling her name, "(NAME)! (NAME)!" .
She turns around looking around upon hearing her name, when she saw me her eye's turn wide, the phase of her walking going faster like she'd wanted to run away from me. When I catched up to her, I grab her arm and turn her around, so I could see her beautiful face.
"Credence.. " She whispered like my name was a forbidden word to be used, her eyes started to water, her lips quivering. She was trying to fight the grip I had on her, I couldn't let her go, the fear of losing her crept onto me.
"Darling, I-, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for what I had done. Please forgive me, please give me a second chance, I still love you alot, I'm not ready to lose you." I said trying not to cry, still having the same firm grip i held on her.
She had started tearing up too, she stopped fighting my grip, "C-credence look I'm so sorry, but I think we shouldn't try again, please just leave me be.."
She whispered through the sobs, it hurt me that I had hurt her so much, and that's when I realised, I might not have the chance to be with my girl again, it shattered my heart into pieces.
"Please give me another chance please..? Just give me a month to try again?" I said begging her.
"Fine, one month, that's all you'll get and the last you'll get" She said in a hurried whisper.
I smile softly and hug her gently "Thank you, thank you for giving me another chance."
I'm finally back!! I had a long break, school has been stressing lately but I swear I'll try to update you guys more.♥️
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inastarlesssky · 9 months
Okay so here's my actual thoughts about The Crimes of Grindelwald. That last bit was like me processing really quickly what I thought but this is a more...in-depth thing. Not promising a play by play analysis of the plot and everything but what I thought of the story in general and more specifically about the dynamics of Newt + Leta, Newt + Tina, and the Credence plotline.
Okay so last night, I finished Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and I didn't think it was such a bad movie. Not the best, for sure, but I have seen worse. I was just struck by how much was going on. . .there was the overall Grindelwald's evil agenda and him being a creepy af villain. Kudos to Johnny Depp for pulling off the creepiness. And the costume designers/makeup people. All of that (his appearance, and the man's acting job) contributed to very much "This guy is Bad™ and he won't hesitate for a second to do what needs to be done". Though I am still wondering what the hell happened to his eye to make him look weird like that. Was he born that way? (I haven't read the books but I might one day.)
I liked the escape scene; the rain, and the Thestrals were pretty neat but I might have appreciated some explanation or reference (was it referred to in the previous movie, Abernathy's abilities?) Or was it Grindelwald making it possible to switch places with him in the coach? I mean cinematically, it was kind of neat, but I was really confused. Same with the part, later, when Abernathy shifted from looking like a woman to himself to get inside the Ministry. I'm just used to seeing wizards use wands, given that we see that in HP. Granted, okay, some of them just don't, like Graves/Grindelwald in the first movie when he just did with magic with a swish and flick of his hand...but still.
Then there was the whole bit about Dumbledore enlisting Newt's help to find Credence. Not gonna lie, though I liked Dumbledore a bit in the HP movies, I didn't like the idea that he was foisting off on Newt this job. Newt asks him at one point, "Why can't you do it?" and we later find that he can't fight Grindelwald because of a blood pact. Understandable, but Idk I just feel like Dumbledore just doesn't want to get involved. For whatever reasons that may be (perhaps I'll discover this in the third movie...) Which brings me to the point at the very end of the movie, when Newt brings him the phial containing their blood pact thing. When he asks Dumbledore if he'll destroy it or try to, the latter says, "Maybe, maybe" in a way that seemed very much to me like a "I'll tell you maybe but it's a Slytherin way of saying 'no'." I'm not trying to bash Dumbledore here, trust me, this is just what I think of him from these actions.
This little sideplot of Credence and Nagini...it didn't really grab me. Maybe he really is like this, but Credence just seems very mopy and I'm not sure how to put it....he doesn't really make me feel any particular way about him. Like it's different with Grindelwald and Newt.
Okay I see him, he looks like trouble,
Lie after lie spills off his tongue,
He's vicious and all of the above = he's bad and I don't like him.
He's a little spacey but he knows what he has to do.
He says he doesn't want to take sides, but his heart is in the right place, and he will devote himself to the good.
He's quirky, he looks quirky and there's just this awkwardness about him that makes him endearing = you develop a soft spot for this guy.
But Credence? I pitied him in the first movie for how he suffered, but I just don't think I understood his character enough in this movie to feel anything more.
Okay, now about Leta and Theseus. I was downright confused about the relationship with Theseus and Newt tbh. In one moment he's hugging him and offering him assistance and then at the Ministry, he looks like he legit wants to kill Newt, and I think Newt even makes a remark about that. But then, at the very end, they hug because well, they've both lost Leta.
As for Leta....I wasn't sure what to think about her and Newt As I said before, there's that flashback to Hogwarts where we see her upset because of the other girls' bullying, and she runs off and finds Newt with a raven chick. Then Newt finds her and takes her to see a Bowtruckle (was that Pickett by the way, or just one of the Bowtruckles that he'd found in that tree there?), and it's sweet because we see just so how tender he is. And he's looking at her with a kind expression, but I didn't get the impression that either of them had anything romantic, really. I think I was just really confused.
The Newt and Tina part of all this....So personal note here--I sort of just initially started shipping them because they looked like they could be a thing. In the first movie, he was sort of just thrown into an adventure with her and they had to figure everything out. The last scene of FB had me thinking, will they, won't they? Then, in CoG, when Queenie tells Newt that Tina thought he was engaged to Leta and thus started dating Achilles, the camera goes to him and I saw him maybe a little devastated, disappointed, at the news. He pretty much visibly deflated, and then we see him looking for how to find her, to explain the truth. Why would he be so desperate to do that if he didn't actually care how she felt about that?
I also picked up on that part when they're in the safehouse, and they're taking care of Yusuf. Whenever Tina calls him 'Mr. Scamander', he just has this look on his face...like he feels the distance she's putting between them. Then there's also the scene in the French Ministry. Newt was basically scrambling to explain to her that it was a mistake, that in his words, he wasn't truly happy or engaged, despite what she thought. I felt like it was pointed, when he said that to her. She asks him "Are you here to win [Leta] back?" and he answers with "I'm here to--" to what? To win Tina back? Maybe.
Newt: Please don't be happy. No, I--sorry, I don't--obviously I want you to be, and I hear that you are now. Which is wonderful. What I'm trying to say is, I want you to be happy, but I don't want you to be happy that I'm happy because I'm not. Happy. Or engaged. Tina: ...
Was this him trying to tell her something? I'm not sure. We don't see much more of them talking like this later in the movie because of everything else that happens. I'm kind of a little bummed about Queenie, though...I mean she was never my favorite character, but I liked her. Except when she crossed over to Grindelwald's side, I was like "No! You're better than this." Jacob was, understandably, upset. As for Leta's fate, that was unfortunate. When she said I love you, that was for Theseus, her fiancee, no? That's what I thought at least.
And in the end, Credence is supposedly Aurelius Dumbledore, surprise. A LOT of stuff happened in this movie that I think could have been either two movies or not stuffing so much into one. Like it had promising points, but it was just too much. At least too much to take in at 11 at night before going to sleep, imo. It wasn't too bad though. I'm looking forward to the 3rd movie!
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lafiametta · 2 years
I have a theory. Hear me out.
Maybe Elliot and Daniel are both dead but their minds have been uploaded to "the cloud" via some type of micro-chip that they had in their brain so Danny boy and Elli boy are only alive virtually but not in reality...
Daniel and Maura were married and they did have Elliot together but then they died. Maura met Eyk and got remarried. 🤷‍♀️
An intriguing idea, Anon, but I don't know that I'm totally sold. In the simulation, Daniel seems to be taking a very active role (hacking into the mainframe and changing the code), but he still seems powerless in some regards (he can only throw himself in front of the bullet headed towards Maura and gets the crap beaten out of him by that English stoker). Elliot, on the other hand, can stop time and reappears from the dead after he's been thrown off the ship by Iben. Essentially, I think these differences between them give greater credence to the idea that Elliot is dead, but Daniel is alive.
Now if the underlying rationale for this theory is to free up Maura so she can be with Eyk, then I don't think you even need to go there. The way that Maura and Eyk interact over the whole season supports the idea that they had some sort of connection (HUGS. TOUCHES. LONGING. STARES.), but they didn't necessarily have to be married. The connection could be there from before the simulation, or even from going through simulation after simulation together. I'm definitely an Eyk x Maura shipper, though, don't get me wrong, and I'm super curious about what's going to happen to them in Season 2! (*manifesting Season 2 into the universe*)
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cicidarkarts · 11 months
Find the Word
I was tagged by @tales-from-nocturnaliss and you can find her post here!
Rules: scour your writings and Find the Word!
Words I was given: Beloved, Silence, Mourning, Star 🖤🖤🖤 <<Beloved>> (Robert Terwilliger x OC) For the past two weeks, Robert had walked with her down the slope and parted ways at the parking lot. To have that gone made the wind blow colder at her side.
Past her beloved garden, the night seemed heavier, oppressively blotting out the streetlights. Still, she tried to shake off the ominous feeling as she reached into her bag for her newest read. She past the corner of the library, then stopped when someone caught her eye. Though his face was covered in darkness, his eyes glinted oddly like two glowing pinpricks.
"Lilith," he said, voice haggard and thick. "Mason?" she asked. "What are you doing here?" "I needed to see you."
He stepped closer, and she shuddered at his appearance. His sallow skin brought out his bloodshot and bagged eyes. His once kempt face was dotted with rough and sandpapery stubble.
"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice quivering, legs frozen to the spot. "I really like you, Lilith. But you keep rejecting me over and over, and I don't know why. But that guy—that felon? You and him together—" Mason grabbed the sides of his head like the very idea of it caused him pain. "It's so frustrating!"
<<Silence>> (Ominis Gaunt x OC) "Don't sympathize with me!" He snapped. "I don't deserve it! I purposefully hurt those people; I wanted them to suffer so I didn't have to! And my family and I tortured them ruthlessly—we destroyed them! They were tortured and killed all because I wouldn't stop my family. Their blood is on my hands!" He hugged himself, shuddering and trembling. His breathing hiccuped as his sobs broke through. "I'm such a coward…"
Credence didn't register that she'd gotten up until after she embraced Ominis. He turned to face her, his arms around her waist and back. She comforted him in silence. In his state, she didn't think any words could help, so she let him cry, sure from the intensity that he'd been holding onto his guilt for many years. She understood the lament in his tears, the horrible bleeding wounds being strong brought. The sound of it made her own wounds open as she cried quietly alongside him.
<<Mourning>> (Legend of Zelda) Ozavo leapt at Link, fist clenched as his other hand snatched Link's shirt. "What the hell is wrong with you!? You killed him!" Link held his eyes shut tight, trying to block out the horrible vision of Alfonse's blood on his hands. "Ozavo, stop!"
But the Rito didn't listen to Neeko. His fist bashed Link's face, once, twice, three times. Agony shocked his senses, but the pain by Ozavo's hands was nothing in comparison.
Ozavo wasn't finished. "I'll kick your ass! I'll–I'll–!!"
Link hit the ground with Ozavo on top of him. Punch after punch battered his face and jaw. He had no will to stop Ozavo. Why should he? Why should he, when he deserved it.
The beating stopped. Link opened his eyes to see Neeko holding onto Ozavo's arm, tears rolling down both of their faces.
"Stop it," Neeko pleaded. "This isn't what Alfonse wanted. He was being controlled by Ganondorf. Link didn't want to—" "Shut up," Ozavo spat, voice cracking. "You think I don't know that!? You think I can just let it go!?"
Hot tears burned across Link's wounds. The face of his friend as his life drained away had dug itself deep into his memory. He felt Ozavo and Neeko's pain. And he sobbed just as much as they did. Ozavo collapsed with his face in Link's shoulder, mourning the loss of their friend.
<<Star>> (Butch DeLoria x OC) "Sorry," she said preemptively as she typed up her password, "it's a little messy."
The door slid open revealing the piles of books she left on the kitchen table. Even on the couch, a place where she was supposed to relax, gave away signs of her obsession with space: rolled up charts, textbooks, and a clay model of the moon half-finished with a few craters and lack of paint. She headed straight for the kitchen to get some food ready for them.
"Man, you really are into space," he said, gazing now at her ceiling whereupon she hung her previously made sun and several clay asteroids. "It's so cool," she said, crushing the packet of mac n cheese in her grip to avoid spewing too many space facts. Butch shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so. Black holes are pretty cool." "I love black holes," she said, grinning wide as she poured water into her pan. "The way that a star can get so dense after its inevitable supernova— um, well, yeah. It's neat."
She held her breath. Please stop talking… When Butch didn't respond, she resumed breathing. 🖤🖤🖤 Yet again, I have no one to tag that Nocturnaliss didn't already tag, but wanted to join in the game anyway. If you see this and want to join, your words are:
Words given: Grief, Tombstone, Wolfen, Rapture
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 52: it's bad were running
(that's not bad grammar it's a PUN)
omar going after travis' coffee
oh they were serious about no sponsors, I thought sam was gonna jump in at the end
split party SPLIT PARTY
critrole scent collection when
…don't let sam do it tho
imogen turns into a snake
just dunk chet in a snowbank it's fine
chetney pockopea the snow nomad
laura's raspy voice is still attractive, sorry laura
something something the last of us joke
"this is getting weird"
pls contact my boy
(they will not contact my boy)
so just completely incommunicado
I don't know why ashley's quiet little "still dogshit" made me giggle but it did
time to make a snow pit
NOT A SHOEBILL creepy muppet motherfuckers
"they're cute in the way sun bears are cute"
[aabria voice] hate it. hate to have learned it.
chetney what
that's flora, travis, fauna is animals
too big, disapprove
white eyes blue lizard
oh no letters
Shield of Help
panic zaps
"baby is tired!"
It's Bad We're Running
(It's Bad, Were Running)
and then the cave collapsed in on them
"I've seen this mistake made before" YEAH
pause game for hugs
slayer's take style!!
I like aabria's braids, the blue is cute
not the ✌️ selfie
help I'm attracted
I have had them for fifteen seconds and if anything happens to them
sam why
"roll better!"
"why didn't I fight for that last campaign?" "it's the only thing you didn't fight for!"
"I would not assume all automatons know each other, that would be bad" "we have a handshake"
"can I be laerryn?"
"shut up, CERRIT"
I wasn't looking at the subs, I assume that's the spelling
"I'm going to fly - " "- away"
it IS deanna
aabria just divorcing every player
erika's gonna kiss every player, aabria's gonna divorce them
it's an ACRONYM
frida tripleclass??
that's too many, put some back
travis just CRACKING
we're not talking about the flesh tongue
"I've never heard him so quiet. Thank you."
zombie ex??
"I was brutally killed! I got better."
midsommar festival
aabria's coming for me again, I didn't consent to this
"he kept a promise"
"I have stew!" my roommate playing red dead online
laughter recordings?? that's either cute or creepy I can't tell yet
"I will never let you die :D"
"you're the main character"
"aabria is available on twitter"
"you should save it for someone who needs it" "I did" T_T
fcg no
oh, they're a scout
roll to remove face
natural 1: face comes off but it's not supposed to
I'm just picturing sevika from arcane and her knife arm
"no attention on me right now please"
"I. Am. Freaking. Out. 😎"
that's some forceful recruitment
"why do you believe a god gives you purpose?" fearne: YEAH
letters istg
"we understand time"
"I don't put much credence in what a god wants"
again, not sure if the laughter thing is creepy or cute
laura eating at the table, just like old times
"I cursed him!"
not the tony stark hologram
"do I need to roll high or low? I need to tell my dice"
"we'll teach you how to use dice sometime"
"those aren't numbers" "that's my handwriting!"
that's an extremely cool way to do a psychic knock-knock, I'm disappointed there's no chance it was ever gonna work
wait when were people trying to give themselves electrical scars, stop that
No Thoughts Only Stew
"I have fallen a lot today" "it's because you're behind me and can't concentrate"
death ward jealously
I don't know how I feel about a mango bundt cake
mango frosting mb
"what's a mango?" [miguel roadtoeldorado voice] and where was he keeping it?!
there's a pocket plane inside his chest with a full michelin-starred kitchen
"you can dream?!" "you can bake!"
"I've never dreamt with anyone before" gay
"I am the night"
rogues are whatever
oh fuck that guy
the music is murdering me
"I left on bad terms" "why?" he murdered santa
"why the kneecap?" "it was at eye level"
knees are the worst, I want them patched out in the next update
gonna fight aabria in a parking lot while sobbing uncontrollably
"it's been like ten years for me, I still got it"
"please don't make me roll for heart attack"
roll for titties
"does he grow?" "ALL over" "that's not necessary"
"I smirk in monsterfucker"
"getting the five rows in tetris"
"we've had this fight a lot so you can be a part of it now"
"I have never believed in anything more than I believe in you" lays in the floor with my tenrose feelings
lays in the floor with my the silt verses feelings
someone inverted imogen's y-axis dslkfjsl
"y'all just keep saying neW SHIT"
this feels ungood
[stargate voice] the giant aliens
I don't know if they're giant, it's just what pops in my head every time
"this is bad but I know you're not" oh I enjoy that a lot
oh calming down from tactile
"chet you got deep faked!"
werewolf vs robot, this summer on syfy
emotional damage :(
"I'll get him out the old-fashioned way!"
I zoned out for the whole last fifteen minutes
werebot? WEREBOT??
the way ashley yeeted mister and matt just caught him dslsldkfs
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kscriba · 2 years
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"Did you knock them out of the water?"
"Yep. One big cannonball and they were blown away." Harriet pulls on her seatbelt and picks up the phone Ty hands her. "What's this?"
"A video for you to watch. Harper wants to talk to you privately, too, but she figured her words would have more credence if she did this first."
The video is four minutes long, the thumbnail showing Harper and Masami in a seated embrace. The title is, "The Truth."
The video starts out with Harper, alone at her desk. 
"Hi, everyone. I know with a title like this, everyone's going to click on it and think it's a joke. It's not. I have something I need to share with all of you. I've been lying to everyone. 
"Ty and I are not a real couple. We spend time together, and go to events together, but we're not in love. We never have been. We got together as a strategic tactic. For Ty, he was tired of the reputation as a playboy. For me, I was attracted to his status. And this past year, this worked out for both of us. My follower count skyrocketed, I was being invited to events I never even dreamed up. As for Ty? He and his family stopped getting harassed on the streets. He was able to finish his degree without being accosted by women in the hallways. That's all he ever wanted—peace, and privacy.
"But things changed. Ty fell in love with someone. Someone I care about. Someone I've hurt through my actions. Someone I want to say I'm sorry to. And that's not all.
"You see, another reason I started this fake relationship, even though I didn't know this at the time, is because… There's someone I'm in love with. And I worried about the reactions of my long-time fans and followers. People started making suggestions, writing long blog posts explaining how the two of us were involved. And I panicked. I wasn't ready for the world to know about something I hadn't even figured out yet.
"For the longest time, I've been in love with Masami. But it wasn't until after I was in a relationship with Ty that she developed feelings for me. At that point, things were already working out so well for me. So I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.
"But that ends now. If you followed me because you were interested in my relationship with Ty… I'm sorry. I understand if I get mass-unfollowed. But my life isn't as perfect as I make it out to be. Even with the 24/7 streaming, there are things I hide. But I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to make the people I love do that anymore.
"I want to be selfish and ask for two more things. The first is that you respect Ty's privacy. It's all he's ever wanted. If he decides to make a public statement on this, that's his choice. But I'm making this statement with his consent.
"Finally, please don't badger me about my orientation, or call me your lesbian or bi queen or icon or anything like that. All I know is that Masami is the only person I've ever been attracted to or want to be with. I don't want to think about labels, or having to be a good representation of a certain community."
"But feel free to call me your lesbian queen!" Masami laughs, poking her head in the frame. "Sorry, I got all emotional watching that. I love you—!" The video cuts off as Masami tackles Harper with a hug, their smiles squished together.
Harriet stares at the screen until the phone turns off. "It was more of an explanation than an apology, but it's a start. You wrote most of it, didn't you?"
"Some of it," Ty says, eyes on the road.
"Mhm? You wrote the line—let's see, what was it? Oh, right, the girl Ty fell in love with."
"Actually, it was Ty fell in love with someone. No mention of a girl. Could be a man for all you know."
"Are you going to tell me you love me, or do I just have to hear it secondhand from Harper?"
"Oh, you mean the way I heard that you love me?" He pulls into a parking spot and nods towards the restaurant. "Let's go. You can tell me all about how much you love me later."
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ao3feed-grammander · 2 years
A sweet choice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aqdEJoG
by Letalin
Заявка с Tumblr: немного взаимодействия заботливой мамочки Ньюта и Криденса
Words: 1059, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone, Original Percival Graves, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein
Relationships: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone & Newt Scamander
Additional Tags: Cinnamon Roll Newt Scamander, Protective Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone Needs a Hug, and he gets lots of them, Protective Original Percival Graves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aqdEJoG
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raven-black102 · 4 years
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I just came up with this. Hope you guys like it.
(Y/n)'s POV
I frown slightly as I watch one of the children curled up on the wall watching the children play around with each other. "Something wrong Credence?" I asked him softly as I look down at him. He looked at me silently as I gave him a close eyes smile.
"May I set with you?" I asked him softly as he looks at me slightly scared and with a small glint of hope. He scoots over slightly letting me set next to him.
"Are the students bullying you?" I asked him looking at the students running around in the playground. "None of them want to play with me." He said softly causing me to nod my head. "What a shame. I think you would've made a great friend." I said as I place my hand on his head and mess up his hair.
"Y-you think so?" Credence asked looking at me with a glint of hope. "I know so. Come on. Its almost time to go back inside." I said getting up as I whistled gettimg the kids attention. "Students its time to head back to class!" I called out as I see them all running towards me.
Time Skip
I frown slightly as Mary grabbed Credence on the wrist tightly. "Excuse me Ms Barebones." I said getting her attention as I saw Credence bottom lips quiver. "Yes? Was Credence being bad?" She asked then glared at Credence causing him to flinch. "Oh no. He is the best in the class. But umm... you shouldn't hold him like that. You're only hurting him." I said causing her to sculff at me.
"Ma." Credence whimper causing my heart to squeeze in pain. "I'm not your mother!" Mary said as she was about to hit Credence. Out of instinct I grabbed her hand and pushed her away from Credence letting him hide behind me. "How dare you?!" Mary yelled then slapped my on the face.
"Me?! How dare you try to hit a child! Your the wicked in this world! I'll get Credence stuff and he will no long be your problem!" I hissed as I glare at her. "You really want a kid whos a freak?!" She snarled causing the rage to building up. "His not a freak! His not like you or the other kids! His unique. You're just to jealous to admited it." I said as I placed my hand on Credence head.
I could feel him shake as Mary glared at me then left the class room. I quickly turned around an took Credence hand inspecting any injures. "Don't worry Credence I'll be taking good care of you okay." I said softly as Credence started to cry. "Your okay. I got you." I mumbled as I picked him up and took my stuff.
"Can you turn off the lights for me?" I asked as I faced the class room letting Credence see the button to turn off the light. He pushed it turning the lights off causing me to softly smiled as I turned around and walked through the door. I closed it with my foot and made my way outside to my car.
"Where are we going Ms (L/n)?" Credence asked me causing me to chuckled as I placed him on the passager side. "To get your things and then to my place. And please just call me (Y/n)." I said as I started the car and drove off towards the ophanage.
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Credence Barebone✨
Soon on my IG art account!
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cagefreebirds · 5 years
Credence, picking up some swooping evil venom: “What does this do?”
Newt: “Oh, it erases bad memories.”
Credence, setting it down carefully: “I’d only remember like, 2% of my life then!”
Newt: *deeply distressed*
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