#fantastic beast: the crimes of grindelwald imagine
theaskywalker · 6 months
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Imagine being Jacob's sister and Newt asking you to help your brother feed the Mooncalves
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iridecsense · 2 years
his brother’s keeper - m. 
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 ⤷ summary: after yet again pining for his brother’s girl, newt finds himself stuck between his brother and the woman he is in love with...quite literally.
𓇬 word count: 8.0k 𓇬 pairing: theseus scamander | fem!reader | newt scamander 𓇬 genre: smut, porn with a little plot  𓇬 rating: 18+ 𓇬 warnings: profanity, depictions of spiked drinks 𓇬 kinks: voyeur, cuckholding, breeding, creampie, menage et toi, oral (fem recieving), anal mdom/femsub/msub 𓇬 author’s note: Something you can think of as a sequel to rumors, or a stand alone one shot. I will definitely not see the pearly gates after this, I am so sorry in advance! I may be a bit rusty so please be gentle and accept this late Christmas gift as a New Years surprise. Expect more from me soon. ;)
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     It was usually in conditions like these, when the streets of London were slick with cool wet, and the biting cold spread mist from hot mouths filled the air, that made a time meant for cheer and love, one of desolate solitude for those less fortunate. Whatever the circumstances may be, it is in these times Newt Scamander often found himself alone. Though, if you were to ask him yourself he would deny the accusation and snarkily ask if one could ever be truly alone when surrounded by magnificent creatures. Despite the best efforts of his brother, who cared for him most earnestly, Newt hadn’t spent the holidays with him in years. 
      He had his reasons to be sure. Back when Theseus was engaged with his childhood friend Leta, there was no doubt an awkwardness. The younger Scamander brother was in love with the Lestrange girl. To see his brother have what he had longed for since he first met her put a strain on his heart. Newt was not bold in any sense of the word. Being forward with a woman never came easy to him. When he’d lost the chance to win Leta’s heart he swore that when he found himself enamored by another woman he would make it clear to her his affections.     In came Tina Goldstein, an American auror who he found himself entangled with on a trip overseas. He felt something for her—a kind of attraction that was different from the one he felt for Leta, but an attraction nonetheless. Tina was tall and beautiful and treated him with more respect than anyone ever had. But even that effort fell short. Tina had become more dedicated to her work and her sister. There was no room for him in her life at the moment. The two drifted apart succeeding the events of Grindelwald's rally in Paris. He returned to London, and she to her own affairs.     That had been nearly three years ago. Newt did well on his own, he felt. His creatures keep him busy enough. Getting through the day was easy. The nights were the hardest. At night there wasn't anything busying his mind from thinking of you.     Newt started to believe he was cursed to always fall in love with women he couldn't have. Whoever it was must have been especially cruel to make him fall for his brother’s girlfriends. That could be the only explanation. Otherwise,  he was just a sick, perverted man who desperately needed therapy. Little did he know two things can be true.    It wasn’t as though it were intentional. When it came to Leta, he had loved her first. Theseus just happened to get her. You, however, was something he did not expect. He was acquainted with you, only knowing and conversing with you when Leta was involved, considering you were her friend. It wasn't until she died that he got to know you better. During that time, Newt stayed with his brother and swore to stay by his side and help him and the ministry in capturing Grindelwald. Theseus grieved, and Newt was there to care for him, and so were you.     You would come by with food and insist on helping clean the apartment. The gesture was kind, especially when you were going through your own grief. Newt wondered if you used your kindness and instinct to help others as a way to distract yourself from the pain you truly felt. He was able to prove his theory right after many nights alone, drinking gin and fire whiskey, when he got to know you more intimately.     Theseus never knew, but in those first few months he spent grieving, Newt had grown rather fond of you. You were funny, kind, a great cook, and you listened to him, something no one else really did. The day he discovered your relationship with his brother he was disappointed, to say the least. Once again, Theseus had managed to take someone else he cared about. Newt often wondered how different things would have been if he had kissed you that night as you so desperately wanted him to. The same night when you had drank one too many gin and tonics and found the Scamander family album hidden in Theseus’s bookshelf. That night you somehow wound up on top of his lap, flipping through embarrassing baby pictures and evidence of his pubescent awkwardness. You were too drunk to notice how tense he was underneath you, or how with every shift of movement, or every laugh you chuckled, your ass pressed against his crotch.     When you came across a picture of Newt his mother had taken of him on the first day working at the Ministry when he was sixteen, you gushed over how ‘adorable’ he looked. Newt blushed. Then you said something he didn't expect.     “I see what Leta meant. You were always cute.”     Newt didn't know what to say. You positioned your head on his shoulder to look up at him. Newt was never good at eye contact, but he found it hard to tear his eyes away from yours.     “You have pretty eyes,” you slurred suddenly with a smile stretched across your lips. He could smell the alcohol on your breath your faces were so close.     “So do you,” he said, surprising himself with his own brazenness. It was true. You had two pretty (e/c) eyes like none he’d ever seen, even when they fluttered and stared blankly up at him in an intoxicated daze. But it was only with the help of the three glasses of gin he had earlier that helped him say it aloud.     Your smile grew wider. Your hand went to cup his left cheek. “I never understood Leta,” you mumbled. “How could anyone look past you?”     He’d wanted it so bad. To feel your lips against his would be his greatest reward after all he’d been through, after all his shortcomings. If he were a lesser man he would have taken advantage of your drunkenness. But you could barely sit up on your own, and he couldn’t tell how long it would be before you lost consciousness and fell asleep on the couch as you had done several times before.     “Kiss me, Newt,” you asked. “Please.” It was the first sentence you hadn't slurred since the gin entered your bloodstream. In a moment of weakness, his hand caressed your cheek. His thumb swiped over your bottom lip and he heard your breath hitch in your throat.     You were so beautiful and there you were, begging him to kiss you. Begging for something more by the way you pressed your body into him and looked desperately at his lips through half-lidded eyes. And maybe if he had four gin and tonics instead of three he would have given you what you wanted. But he was more sober than you and he respected you far too much to take advantage of you in your current state. What he had to do afterward took all his restraint.     The next day you greeted him in the kitchen with the same kind smile you always gave him as you prepared breakfast. The matter was never brought up again and Newt assumed you simply didn't remember. He saw no point in bringing it up himself. Before he knew it, it was too late. Theseus had set his eyes on you and wasted no time claiming you as his. Newt could not touch you, no matter how badly he wanted to.     And so, once again, Newt found himself in love with his brother’s girl. Constantly keeping her on his mind, constantly yearning for her, but always stepping back. He was still close to you, which only made it harder.     For the past year, he’s kept the secret of that night. But that wouldn't stop him from thinking of it, and all that could have been, just as he was doing now, lying in his bed with his hand wrapped around his cock. If only he could have you with him now and feel your skin on his, taste the salt of your sweat, and feel the heat of your body. He could only imagine. But even in his imagination he was the happiest man on earth. Theseus must have felt like God.     Unbeknownst to him, he would get a taste of that feeling the very next day. In the morning when he woke up, he found an owl waiting for him with a letter. It was an invitation, from you no less, to join you and Theseus for a Christmas dinner later that evening. In truth, Newt had been so busy tending to his creatures the past week he had forgotten how close Christmas was approaching, let alone that it was Christmas Day.     The thought of spending an evening with you was enticing. It was Theseus’s presence that made him second guess. He loved his brother, that was no question. He probably loved his brother more than anyone else in the world, which is why he could sit silently as he continuously watched him have everything he ever wanted with no protest. That didn't mean it was easy. It was hard to see you with him, even harder than when he had to endure Leta with him. At least then he had Tina as a distraction. Now there was only you and he could see no one else better than you.     Had it been Theseus who sent the letter he wouldn't have agreed to stop by. He might not have even replied. But since it was you, and only because it was you, he sent an owl confirming his arrival.     On the other side of things, you were ecstatic. It had been some time since you'd seen Newt and you considered him one of your closest friends. You knew Theseus would love having his little brother visit for Christmas and felt it would be the perfect present for him.     You had told Newt to come a couple of hours earlier than when you would be expecting Theseus. When you opened the door you greeted him with a bright, toothy smile and open arms. Newt hugged you back awkwardly and stepped inside.     “Everything is cooking in the oven now,” you said. “I’m just finishing up the pie for dessert. Come, have a drink in the kitchen.”     Newt followed behind you. You looked adorable in the tacky red and green Christmas sweater you wore over your long white dress. You made him a drink and started on your creme pie.     “It’s so good to see you, Newt,” you told him. “I was afraid you couldn’t make it. I know how busy your creatures keep you.”     “It’s good to see you too,” he replied. “Bunty insisted she stay and help while I am away. She claimed she had no other plans.”     You pouted your lips. “That’s awful!” You said. “You should have told me! I would have gladly invited Bunty over if I knew. No one should be alone on Christmas.”     Newt smiled softly. There you go again, always thinking of others. As the two of you sat in the kitchen you caught each other up on your lives. Things were going great for you, Newt discovered. You had recently gotten a promotion and received a medal for your efforts spying abroad for your department and gathering intel on Grindelwald and his acolytes.    Newt told you about his own travels abroad, searching for and rescuing creatures whenever he could while doing his own work for Dumbledore to support the cause. He told you stories of the places he’d been and the creatures he’d seen, even promising to let you visit his home to see them for yourself. “They’d love you,” he said.     Before he knew it, the two of you were sharing a glass of wine on the couch while the food kept warm. Then you shared another, and another, and another while you both waited for Theseus to return.     “He works later these days,” you tell Newt. “There’ve been days where he doesn't come home at all. Just stays up there, drooling over papers in his office. I worry about him sometimes.”     “That’s my brother,” he says. “Always working harder than anyone else. Always having something to prove. In some ways I’m jealous.”     You chuckled. “Jealous? How so?”     “He’s always so,” Newt paused, searching his brain for the right word. “Dedicated. Determined. He sets his mind on something and won't stop until he does it. He’s always been like that.”     You turned to face him next to you on the couch, sitting on your legs and propping your elbow on the back of the couch to lean your head against your hand. You peer at him quizzically. “But you’re like that too.”     Newt scoffed. “No I’m not,” he chuckled as he took a sip of his wine.     “Yes, you are!” You insist. “You’re very determined and dedicated to your animals. You have done things many others are too afraid to do; all to protect the things you love. Even Theseus admits you are much better suited to be an auror than he is.”     Newt raised a curious brow, a coy smile on his face. “Really?”     You nod. “He’s very amazed by you—admires you, even. As do I. You’re very brave, Newt. No one is more determined or dedicated than you.”     “There is one person,” Newt muttered.      “Who?” You asked, genuinely curious about his answer, prepared to playfully berate him for his humbleness.     “Theseus.”     “Well, he doesn't seem to think so,” you say.     “But he is,” Newt quipped, whipping his head to look you in the eye. The energy in the room shifted, and though both your brains were fuzzy from wine, you could tell the moment had gone from playful to serious.     “He is,” he continued. “He wanted to become head boy and he did. He strived to be the best auror at the ministry and he is. He wanted Leta and he got her, and when he wanted you, he got you.”     You were silent as you listened, unsure of where exactly Newt was going with his ramblings.     “I could never do that,” he admitted. “If I could, you would be with me now, not him.”     Now it was the wine talking. You were surprised. Newt’s face was red, but at this point, it wasn't clear if it was because he was embarrassed, frustrated, or tipsy.     “What do you mean, Newt?” You asked, your voice soft and sweet. His expression softened, and he looked at you in such a way your heart fluttered in your chest.     “You are so beautiful,” he proclaimed, making your face burn hotter than it already was. “I should have told you that a long time ago. If I were as forthright as Theseus I would have told you I loved you the night we almost kissed a year ago on this couch.”     Newt chuckled at your stunned expression, unable to say a word. “You don’t remember, but you were beautiful then too. You sat right here in my lap and you held my face in your hand and begged me to kiss you. I would have if you weren’t intoxicated. I wanted to talk to you about it the next day but you had already forgotten—”     “I didn't forget,” you spoke finally. Now it was Newt’s turn to be surprised.     “What?”     You put your wine glass down on the coffee table and scooted closer to Newt on the couch. Your knees touched his thigh, but neither of you moved.     “I didn't forget,” you repeat, clearer this time. “We were drinking while Theseus was asleep in his room one night. I had found your family album and we looked at it together when I asked you to kiss me.”     Newt frowned. “If you remember then why didn't you say anything?”     “I was embarrassed,” you reveal. “When you didn't kiss me I thought that I made a fool of myself. That you rejected me. When you didn't say anything afterwards I figured that was it. That you just wanted to forget and stay as friends.”     Newt couldn't believe his ears. All this time you had remembered that night and thought he held no feelings for you. He was spiraling in his head, you could tell by the way he distantly stared into his glass of wine.     “Newt?” You called out to him, taking his glass and replacing it with your hand.     “This is what I mean,” he said finally. “I wasn't determined. If I were like Theseus I would have talked to you regardless of whether or not I thought you remembered. I would have told you how wonderful it felt holding you in my arms and how desperately I wanted to press my lips against yours and taste you on my tongue. I would have told you how much I love you.”     Your stomach turned excitedly at Newt’s words. You squeezed his hand tightly. “Newt...”     He stopped, realizing what he just said. “I...I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I don’t know why I’m saying these things.”     “That would be the veritaserum in the wine,” said a deep voice behind him.     Newt turned around and found his brother, Theseus, standing under the archway to the foyer.     “Theseus,” He stammered and quickly stood to his feet.     “No need to get up, brother,” he said calmly. “It wasn’t as if I didn’t know.”     On the couch, you held up the wine bottle and inspected it. “How did veritaserum get into the wine?”     “I drugged it,” Theseus said simply as he walked past Newt and took a seat across from the couch in an armchair.     “Why the hell would you do that?” You asked Theseus angrily.     “Because this morning you said Newt accepted your invitation to dinner. Because I knew the real reason why Newt hasn't visited me in months is that he feels guilty for loving you knowing you’re with me,” he explained. “And I didn't want to have a Christmas dinner with a brother who resents me and sulks across the table pining for you. So, I put veritaserum in the wine I knew you wanted to drink tonight and left the two of you alone, hoping my baby brother would finally confess his feelings. And he did! Now we all know.”     You shot up from your seat and glared at Theseus. “This is cruel Theseus. You had no right!”     “I will admit it was slightly unethical, but I don’t see the harm in it. Aren’t you glad that Newt confessed his feelings?”     “Yes,” you answered instantly, though, of course, not of your own free will.     Theseus then turned to Newt. “And don't you feel better having finally told her?”     “Yes,” Newt admitted.    Theseus smiled. “Good! Now everything’s better.”     “You aren't upset?” Asked Newt.     Theseus looked at him as though he were confused. “Why would I be upset?”     “You’re not upset that I’m in love with your girlfriend?”     Theseus pursed his lips in thought before shifting his eyes to the half-empty bottle of wine. Standing to his feet, he walked towards the coffee table and grabbed the bottle by the neck. He took a swing of the truth-spiked wine and put it back down.     “Why don’t you ask me again.” He said.     “You’re not upset that I love y/n?” Newt once again asked.     Theseus smiled almost tenderly at his brother. “No.”     The older brother walked back to his chair and sat down, leaving you and Newt stupefied. “I do, however, wonder how you feel, darling.” He said, now turning his attention to you.     You furrowed your brows. “Me?”     “Do you love Newt back?” Asked Theseus.     Newt’s eyes fell on you. Your mouth opened and took a breath in preparation of your answer, but it closed as soon as it happened. Your glare on Theseus sharpened.     “What are you playing at, Theseus?”     “Don’t try fighting it,” he said. “You won't be able to lie so just answer. Do you love him?”     Your eyes flickered over and connected with Newt’s, who was looking at you expectingly. Your eyes softened and the tenseness in your shoulders fell away.     “Yes,” you whispered.     Newt couldn't believe his ears. Everything happening at this moment felt surreal. Just a few minutes ago he thought he had embarrassed himself once again, having confessed his feelings to his brother’s girlfriend right in front of him. He was prepared to be punched and thrown out and for his brother to hate him for the rest of his life. But instead of being angry, Theseus was encouraging him. He encouraged you and finally, he got to hear you say words he’d only dreamt of you saying. You loved him. Oddly enough, despite how it came about, Newt couldn't be happier.     “Kiss her.”     Newt was pulled from his thoughts and his shared gaze with you. You both turned and looked at Theseus who sat cooly in the armchair.     “Didn’t you hear what she said?” He asked. “She loves you! Stop standing there like an idiot and kiss her!”     “Theseus—” you began to speak, but Theseus stopped you.     “It’s okay, love,” he assured you with his gentlest voice. “Let him kiss you.”     The energy in the room for the second time that night, all because of Theseus, who ironically was the calmest person in the room. But there was something about the aura permeating from him that domineered over everyone else. His gaze burned into them as he stared, waiting for Newt to do as he commanded.     Every part of him wanted to turn around and walk out the front door and never speak of this again. He would go home and lay in his bed and do his best to fall asleep and forget everything that happened here tonight. Every part except the one that wanted to turn to his side, take you in his arms, and kiss you the way he should have that night. It was that part of him that won over all his better judgments.    In an instant, Newt’s lips were on yours. He held your face in his hands and pressed his body flat against yours. You were taken aback. You’d even yelped when his lips first touched yours. It was a while before your body finally relaxed and you closed your eyes, leaning into the kiss. Your lips began to move with his and he felt your hands lightly grip the sides of his waist, still unsure.     Theseus leaned back in his chair and said nothing as he watched. Newt’s tongue darted from between his lips and licked a stripe over your own. Your mouth opened for him willingly and he wasted no time exploring your mouth. He moaned at the taste of you. The feeling of your tongue swirling around his made his cock twitch in his pants. You could feel it against your thigh and your breath hitched in your throat.     “Don’t stop,” ordered Theseus with his hand over his pants, palming at the growing hardness straining against the fabric.    Newt kept his mouth on yours, only moving his grip around your face down to your hips. Your hands fisted the fabric of his shirt and you pressed your body into him, yearning to be closer. Newt stumbled back until the backs of his legs hit the couch and he broke away from the kiss to sit down. He spread his legs outwards and pulled you down onto his lap. You straddled his waist and his hips bucked upwards, longing to connect. A soft moan fell from your lips and he swore hadn't heard a more beautiful sound. Soon lips were back on yours.     “Tell her how pretty she is, Newt,” Theseus instructed.     Newt pulled from your feverish kiss and pushed your hair from around your face. “You’re so beautiful, y/n,” he said. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes dilated with lust. Your lips twitched into a smile as you began salaciously grinding your hips against him, feeling the bulge of his dick against your slick heat. Newt hissed and watched you from below, moving his hips along with you, admiring your form hovering above him as you pulled your sweater over your head and threw it on the floor.     “Show him just how beautiful you are, sweetheart,” Theseus commanded. His voice was low and husky. He watched the two of you closely, palming his own arousal.     It was of no concern to the two of you, however. Newt was so encompassed by you he could barely pay any mind to his brother watching across the room. Of course, there were thoughts screaming in the back of his head telling him how fucked this whole situation was, but they were nothing more than muted whispers compared to you rubbing against his cock.     Just as Theseus commanded you showed Newt how beautiful you were when you took a hand and pulled down one of the straps to your white dress and freed your arm, repeating the same to the other. Taking his hands from your waist you brought them to your chest and helped him pull your dress down around your waist, revealing your breasts.     You felt Newt’s cock jump at the sight of you. He could only stare slack-jawed as you placed his hands over your beasts and guided him in pressing them against each other in a continuous circular motion while you rubbed your clothed clit against him. Your soft pants filled his ears as his low grunts filled yours.     “Newt...” His name fell breathlessly from your lips.     He had pumped his cock to the thought of you moaning his name many times before, but it barely held a candle to what it felt like to hear the real thing. Your name fell from his lips just as easily and he once again captured your lips in a heated kiss while he massaged your breasts.     Across the room, Theseus had his hand wrapped around his cock, slowly sliding it up and down as he watched his girlfriend shamelessly hump his little brother. You were the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. The way your hips moved against Newt could rival even the best of strippers. Your pretty moans filled his ears and he couldn’t help but reminisce about the many times he'd made those same sounds come out of you. To hear it in person is a gift. To feel your lips was a blessing. To feel your tight cunt wrapped around his cock was the best thing a man could ever feel. There is no greater present than fucking you, and Newt didn’t even realize that Theseus had just given his brother the best Christmas gift a man could ask for.     “Tell her what you’re thinking, Newt,” Theseus breathed.     Newt licked his lips. He did his best to gather his thoughts which were wall focused on you.     “Go on,” you said through shaky breaths. “Tell me.”     Newt moaned and pressed a trail of kisses on your bare shoulder and neck. “I’m thinking about how amazing you are,” he grunted out. “I’m thinking about how long I’ve wanted you and how good it feels to finally have you.”      You loved hearing Newt praise you. You loved the feeling of his hands and lips on your hot skin.  “Keep going,” you urged, moving your hands up his chest to unbutton his shirt.     “I think you’re perfect. I think that Theseus doesn't realize how lucky he is to have you,” he said boldly, piquing both your and Theseus’s interest. “You should have been mine. I would take good care of you—f-fuck!”     You had reached the top of his pants and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his hardened length. He wasn’t bigger than Theseus, but he certainly was thicker. Your hand slid up and down his shaft, only stopping to collect the precum leaking from his tip on your finger to put them in your mouth. He watched in awe as you licked and sucked your fingers clean.     “God, I want you,” he growled in your ear as your hand reached for his cock. “I want to be inside you. I want to feel you,” he said through labored breaths.     “Give him what he wants, love” Theseus spoke up. “Let him feel you.”      You sat up on your knees and hovered over his hips. Pulling your panties to the side with one hand you used the other to guide Newt’s member to your center. Both your breaths caught in your throats when he entered, stretching you open with his thick cock. Feeling you around him was unlike anything he could ever dream or hope. You were slick with arousal and he easily slid in and out of you, filling you up in all the right places. Your moans filled the room as Newt sucked on the supple skin of your neck. His hands and fingernails dug into your soft skin as he held you close and it felt as though the two of you were the only ones in the room.     Newt’s name sweetly slipped past your lips. Yours flittered through the air from his own. His hips rolled into yours with a precision you had no idea he was capable of. If he’d allowed it, the two of you would have lost yourselves in each other, forgetting the third presence in the room. But that wasn't going to happen.     Standing from his seat, Theses moved towards the couple and took a seat next to them on the couch, his hand still wrapped around his dick. “Does it feel good, my love?” He asked you.     “Yes,” you breathed.     “Does my little brother make you feel good? Do you love the way his cock stretches your tight little hole?”     You moaned at his dirty words, lulling your head back as Newt's lips wrapped around your nipple. “Y-yes,” you stammered, your hips rocking faster against Newts. “I love it. I love the way he feels inside me.”     “I know you do,” Theseus hummed, his breaths hastening. “You want him to make you cum don’t you, baby?”     You nodded excitedly and Theseus smirked.     “Newt, help her cum,” he said. “She likes it when you speak to her. It turns her on hearing all the dirty things you’re going to do to her.”     “Is that true?” Newt asked you once he pulled his lips from your pert nipples. “You want to hear all the things I want to do to you? Like how I’m gonna fuck your sweet cunt until you’re shaking a quivering under me? How...How I’m gonna fill you up so full with my cum you’ll end up with twins!”     He and Theseus laughed.     “See,” Theseus chuckled as he lifted the fabric of your skirt to reveal the sight of Newt’s cock pumping in and out of you. “She likes it! Look, she’s so wet your cock is soaked!”     Newt looked down and marveled at how wet you were. You took him so well and his cock disappeared inside you with ease. Newt held the skirts of your dress up so he could watch—so they could both watch.     Theseus’s hand rubbed the inside of your thigh. “Do you want me to touch you too, baby?” He asked politely.     You opened your eyes to look at your handsome boyfriend. He had long since undone his tie and unbuttoned his own shirt. His large cock was being tugged by his right hand and you nearly drooled at the sight of it, suddenly missing the feeling of having it shoved down your throat. You loved it when Theseus touched you. His hands were always precise, knowing exactly where to pinch, caress, and stroke. Like how he was rubbing your thigh right now, knowing how sensitive the skin on that area was for you. Your eyes connected and you ached seeing how dark his once baby-blue eyes had become.     “Yes,” you nodded.     Theseus wasted no time pressing his fingers on your aching clit. He rubbed your most sensitive part while his hand teased his own cock. Between his fingers and Newt’s dick plunging deep inside you, your body buzzed with pleasure. The air in the room grew hot and sticky and a symphony of soft moans, grunts, and pants melded with the sound of skin slapping against skin and the slick wetness of your dripping cunt. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening and your eyes shut, desperately chasing that feeling.     “Are you close, darling?” Newt asked once he felt you tighten around him.     “Y-yes!”     Theseus’s fingers rubbed faster to help you get there. “Watch her, Newt,” he urged. “When she comes, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see.”     Newts darkened hazel eyes trained on you. His grip around the dress wrapped around your waist tightened and her wrapped it around his arm and held your hips steady. His hips snapped upwards, changing pace. You bounced on his cock, your moans growing louder and louder.     “Cum for me, please,” Newt begged, now reaching his own release. “Let me see it. I want to see it. Show me, my love. Show me how beautiful you are when you cum. Please show me.”     He pressed open-mouthed kisses on your chest and neck, his eyes never leaving your face. Theseus’s breaths quickened as well, his pace on his cock matching the pace of your hips rising and sinking on Newt’s member. One of your hands wrapped around the base of Newt’s neck, taking a fist full of his hair. The other grabbed Theseus’s wrist and held his hand in place over your clit. A few more pumps and several flicks was all it took for your body to seize up, tightening around Newt's cock as your whole body trembled. Your moans caught in your throat, struggling to escape. The knot inside your stomach had broke and you came harder than you ever had in your life.     Newt came not long after you, sputtering your name as he did so and holding your hips down, burying his dick deeper inside you and making sure every drop of his cum spilled inside. “F-fuck,” he choked out.     Theseus had cum too, clear, white ribbons of his seed spilled into his hand and onto his abs. He wiped up what had spilled with two fingers and held it up to your lips. You were still dizzy from your orgasm, but it didn't stop you from obediently opening your mouth to suck Theseus’s cum from his fingers. Newt watched as you did this. Your skilled tongue licked and wrapped around Theseus’s long fingers promiscuously, ensuring you cleaned up every last drop.  It was enough to get him hard and twitching inside you again.     “That’s a good girl,” praised Theseus with a smile on his lips. “Isn’t she a good girl, Newt?”     “The best,” Newt agreed.     Theseus pulled his fingers from your mouth and replaced them with his tongue by reaching up and pulling you into a deep kiss. It was slow and purposeful, as if he were trying to show off in front of Newt who had no choice but to watch uncomfortably as your tongues swirled passionately in each other’s mouths, earning your soft whimpers. Inside, he hated how much it turned him on.     As you both pulled away, you captured Theseus’s bottom lip between your teeth and playfully tugged it away before letting go. Theseus’s hand quickly flew to tightly wrap around your neck, keeping your eyes trained on him. He smirked. “Look at you, darling. Still asking for more. Aren't you tired?”     Your hand reached down to grip his cock as an answer, making him laugh. His grip around your neck tightened.     “What? Was my brother’s cock not enough for you? You need to have mine as well? Or perhaps you want us both at the same time. Is that it? You need me and my brother to fuck you senseless like the greedy little cock whore you are?”     You clenched at the thought of having both Scamander brothers filling you up at once. Newt felt it and your increasing arousal started to drip down his balls.     “I think she does,” said Newt. “Will that satisfy you, my love? If Theseus and I fucked you within an inch of your life and pumped your selfish cunt full of cum? Tell us you want it.”     You’d never seen this side of Newt. You didn't even think he was capable of saying such filthy things. He was always so sweet and temperate, being shyer than demiguise. But here he was, spurring you on with his debaucherous words. It only made you want him more.     “I want it,” you say and salaciously grind your hips into Newt, making him hiss due to how sensitive he still was.     “Beg,” Theseus demanded. “Tell us how badly you want it.”     Your cheeks burned red hot from embarrassment. Theseus smirked mischievously because he loved watching you squirm. You always begged so nicely for him with your pouty lips and round doe eyes. His little princess. He only wanted Newt to see and appreciate it too.     “Please,” you begged shamelessly. “I want to feel you both inside me. I need to feel it. I want it so bad. I want to make you both feel good.”    “You want to make us feel good?” Theseus repeated. “Such a sweet little girl you are, wanting to please us. But we all know your secret.”     Theseus turned to Newt. “Should we give her what she wants?” He asked.     Newt looked up at your pleading eyes, so sweet and innocent despite them begging for him to fuck you. How could he ever deny you?     “Yes,” he said finally. With that, Theseus picked you up with ease and carried you upstairs to the bedroom. Newt followed behind and once Theseus placed you on the bed he began fully stripping himself of his clothes. Newt followed his brother’s actions, closing the door behind him and peeling off his shirt and pants. You watched them under the candlelight, admiring the two beautiful brothers and their different bodies.     You’d seen Theseus naked a hundred times before but it never ceased to excite you. He was large in every sense of the word. He was tall and had a wide, muscular chest with strong arms and thighs to match. Newt’s body was new and different. Newt was tall as well, only a couple inches shorter than his older brother. Surprisingly, Newt was more muscular and lean. His abs were more pronounced and taut in comparison. Both brothers were freckled, the younger of the two having more of them with accompanying scars. They were beautiful. Having two gorgeous men naked in front of you made you feel nervous and self-conscious. Without realizing it, you had pulled your dress up to cover your body. But Theseus was having none of that.     He crawled over to you on the bed, moving your hands and pulling your dress back down to your waist. Newt sat on the bed as well and pulled the dress down the rest of the way, discarding it on the floor. Theseus trailed kisses up your stomach, chest, neck, and face until he reached your lips. He kissed you passionately and tenderly, reaching for your right hand to intertwine his fingers with yours while Newt peppered soft kisses up your legs and thighs. Their attempt at relaxing you and distracting you from your thoughts worked, and you melded with them both.     “Theseus...” you whispered against his lips because you knew how much he liked hearing it. He shushed you, pecking the corners of your lips.     “Just relax, darling,” he muttered. His hand left yours to grab your thigh, spreading your legs apart.     Newt’s kisses lingered on your inner thigh, nipping, sucking, and biting the sensitive flesh. You trembled under their touch, not sure what to expect next. Theseus hovered over you on your right, covering you with kisses and massaging your breasts while Newt neared dangerously close to your core.     “Such a sweet girl,” Theseus said between kisses.     “I wonder if she tastes just as sweet,” said Newt.     “She does,” Theseus confirmed. “But you’ll just have to taste for yourself.”     The sudden feeling of Newt’s warm tongue licking a licentious stripe along your heat made you gasp. He kissed and sucked on your lower lips, occasionally darting his tongue in and out of your entrance. He licked up and down your dripping cunt before finally swirling his tongue around your clit. Your hips bucked and twitched as he drew figure-eights with his tongue over your sensitive bud. Theseus held your right leg while Newt held down your left, ensuring you kept your legs open for them.    “F-fuck, Newt,” you sighed and closed your eyes, resting your head back into the fluff of the pillow.     Theseus was sucking the skin at the crook of your neck, determined to leave a mark. His hand on your thigh trailed closer and closer to your center until his skilled fingers reached your entrance under Newt's chin. He easily slid his longest digit inside and curled it upwards, instantly finding that spot he knew so well. He pumped his finger in and out, making sure to brush against your g-spot. Soon he added another finger and quickened his pace. Between Newt’s assault on your clit and Theseus’s fingers deep inside you, you were ambushed by another orgasm. White flashed behind your eyes and your hips spasmed. Newt sucked on your clit and Theseus vigorously fingered your hole as you rode out your high until you became too sensitive to touch and begged them to stop.     “No, no, no, baby,” Theseus muttered in your ear. “We can’t stop now,” he said. “We haven't ‘fucked you within an inch of your life’ yet.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. They weren't done with you yet.     Newt came up from between your legs and kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “Can you taste it?” he asked. “Your sweetness. I can’t get enough of it. I don’t think I ever will.”     Your lips chased his, wanting him to kiss you deeper. You were sandwiched between the two men, Theseus at your back, and Newt before you. You felt Theseus’s cock press flush against your ass while Newt's poked between your legs.     “Are you ready for us, darling?” Theseus asked as he nibbled at your ear.     “Yes,” you answered against Newt’s lips before he slid his tongue back down your throat.     Being as gentle as they could, the two brothers eased their cocks inside of you, introducing you to a whole new sensation. You had never been stretched out like this, with two cocks filling your holes at once. It was strange and slightly uncomfortable at first. They knew this, which is why they took their time, distracting you with their mouths and whispering sweet nothings in your ear, and ensuring you were okay.     “You’re doing so well,” they’d say.     “You feel so good.”     “You’re so wonderful, darling.”     “Are we hurting you, sweetheart?”     “Relax for us, my love.”     Theseus’s hand once again found your clit and he began lightly circling it with his fingers to give you some relief. It didn't take long for it to work and your body opened up for them with ease. They pushed deeper inside, inch by inch until they were fully sheathed in your flesh. They both whispered their own set of curses, letting out soft grunts and moans as they began slowly rocking their hips into you.     “Fuuuck,” Theseus moaned. “This ass is so fucking tight. You’re being so good for us, darling.”     “So, so good, love,” panted Newt. “You make us feel so good.”     Your high-pitched mewls and pretty sighs were like music to their ears. They completely engulfed you, body and soul. The world simply slipped away and nothing else mattered besides them, Theseus and Newt, making you feel better than you had ever felt before. You couldn't get enough of them, nor could they get enough of you. You were intoxicated by their scent, their bodies, and their moans. In your minds, you all tried to comprehend how lucky you all were to be in this moment. Nothing could be better than this. Nothing.     “This is it, isn't it?” Theseus panted in your ear. “Your secret. You’ve always wanted this. To have your holes stretched out by our cocks. Does it excite you, my darling, fucking two brothers? One just wasn't enough, was it? You had to have both. Well, now you have it. Now you’re taking our cocks like the good little girl you are, just like you wanted because we decided to give it to you. You should thank us. Go on and thank us, darling. Tell us how much you appreciate being filled up and fucked, blinded by your own pleasure.”     “T-th...Thank you,” you choked out, tears brimming your waterline. “Thank you so much! I wanted this. I always wanted this!”     “Good girl,” Newt praised, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “Such a good, good, girl for us. We’re glad to give it to you...Whatever you want, y/n. Whatever you want—a-ah!”      Newt’s thrusts got faster and sloppier, as did Theseus’s. They both worked hard to bury themselves deep inside you. It came to a point where both their cocks were brushing against your g-spot, one after the other. You felt the knot in your core again, that delicious, evanescent knot tightening, ticking like a bomb about to explode and send you to your euphoric escape.     “Oh, God!” You gasped, digging your nails into the skin of Newt’s back and Theseus’s thighs. “Don’t stop! P-please...right there! S-Shit, I love you!” You proclaimed. “Both of you. God, I love both of you so much!”     This seemed to excite them even more, something you didn't know was possible. They thrust into you faster than they ever had before, their winded breaths filling your ears.     “I love you,” Newt breathed. “So...so much...More than anything.” He kissed your lips.     “I love you too, darling,” grunted Theseus. “My sweet girl...Always.” He kissed your lips too.     In that moment the three of you bonded, body and soul. You all came at once, their bodies falling flush against you, twitching in satisfaction. For a while you just lay there as they held you and listened to the sound of their breaths while you waited for the sweet, buzzing feeling to dim. When it did, Theseus got up to fetch a towel from the bathroom, leaving you and Newt cuddled up on the bed, whispering sweetly to one another. They helped clean you up and embraced you with their warmth. You just stared at them, sharing kisses, twirling hair, giggling, holding hands, and gazing lovingly into their eyes. There wasn't much to say. You all knew. You didn’t need to say it. You could feel it in the room. You were complete.     “Do you smell something burning?” Theseus asked suddenly. You and Newt sniffed the air and your eyes widened like saucers.    “THE FUCKING TURKEY!” You gasped, and struggled your way out from between your two lovers, picking one of their shirts from off the floor to cover yourself as you ran downstairs to save what was left of your forgotten Christmas dinner.     Newt and Theseus smiled to themselves and chuckled. There was an awkward silence as they lay there alone, both unsure of what to say or do next.     “I do know how lucky I am, by the way.” Theseus was the first to speak.     “I know,” said Newt.     Theseus turned to his brother. “You can be lucky too...If you want.”     Newt blinked, not fully believing he’d heard what he thought he heard.     “She loves you,” said Theseus.     “She loves you too,” Newt reminded him.     “I know. And we both love her.”     “And we both love her.”      It was as simple as that.     “Thank you, Theseus,” said Newt.     Theseus scoffed and playfully pushed Newt’s shoulder.     “Happy Christmas, Newt.”     “Happy Christmas, Theseus.”
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
Ok but imagine newt and you having some "intimate" moment and when newt turns to his nightstand to turn on the lamp (so he can go to the bathroom without tripping on his own feet) he just sees Teddy -who's slowly putting a stolen coin into his pouch- staring right at his soul. idk why put i laughed my ass off thinking about it
You have written a very funny and sweet script. I like it.😊🥰
Reader and Newt are resting in their beds after a sincere and loving union. New sits up in bed to get water. However, he turns on the lamp so as not to be clumsy. Meanwhile, he notices that Teddy is on the nightstand trying to get the coin.
You are smiling at this sweet scenario. Moments with Newt are never boring.
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lilacsnid · 3 months
𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀, theseus scamander
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beautiful thinking; a well mind. 
Cursed to a life of darkness, Charlotte Gray's sight was stolen from her by the very hands of a man who was meant to protect her. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, an innocent glimpse into the arcane mysteries of her father's world had sealed her fate, condemning her to a life without light. 
Being drawn together by the threads of fate, Charlotte and Theseus forge an unexpected bond, their paths intertwining in ways neither of them could have foreseen.
𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
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day 15: Newt's magical creatures collection
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pair: Newt Scamander x reader
summary: Newt showing y/n(she/her) his incredible collection of magical creatures
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You had always known Newt Scamander to be passionate about magical creatures, but nothing could have prepared you for the wonder awaiting you inside his case. As he led you down into the magical space, your breath caught in your throat. It wasn’t just a collection of creatures; it was an entire world filled with creatures you had only read about.
Newt’s eyes sparkled as he introduced you to each one. From the playful Niffler, who immediately tried to snatch the bracelet off your wrist, to the majestic Bowtruckle who curiously peeked out from behind Newt’s shoulder, every creature had a story, a history that Newt shared with such enthusiasm.
As you knelt beside a baby Occamy, Newt watched you with a gentle smile. “They’re not so different from us, you know,” he said softly, crouching next to you. "They just need a bit of care and understanding.”
You nodded, feeling the soft warmth of the Occamy curling around your fingers. "They trust you," you murmured, looking up at him. "You’ve given them a home."
Newt’s cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked down, brushing a hand through his tousled hair. “I suppose so,” he said with a shy smile. “I’ve always felt more at ease around them than people.”
You could see that now, how much love and care Newt poured into looking after his creatures. It was in every careful movement, every soft word he whispered to them.
As you spent the afternoon together, learning how to feed the Mooncalves and watching Newt soothe a nervous Erumpent, you realized something else. It wasn’t just the creatures that drew you in—it was Newt himself. His kindness, his gentleness, the way he saw beauty in creatures others might fear or overlook. You couldn’t help but feel your heart swell with admiration for him.
Before you left the case, Newt hesitated, his hands fiddling with the edges of his coat. “I’d like you to come back,” he said softly. “The creatures… they seem to like you.”
You smiled, feeling warmth bloom in your chest. “I’d love that, Newt.”
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layce2015 · 2 years
Fantastic Beasts (Newt Scamander x Female!Reader) Fic Masterlist
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Fantastic Beasts And Where To Fine Them Masterlist
Crimes of Grindelwald Masterlist
Secrets Of Dumbledore Masterlist
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prettybillycore · 1 year
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Pairing(s): Thomas Shelby x Original Character
Universe: Peaky Blinders / Fantastic Beasts
Summary: Veela and Seer- a powerful combination of traits for one person to have. Edith Lillian Scamander falls in love with a young Thomas Shelby while working in a nurse’s ward during WWI. Will her feelings be requited, or will she be doomed to pine over the man of her dreams for eternity hopelessly?
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 0.4k
Warnings: none
Read on AO3 or Scroll down to read it right here on Tumblr below the cut!
Most days started the same for her, and she was tired of it. The boredom had finally gotten the best of her. Lilli had worked for the Ministry of Magic as a potential auror since her late teen years, but her work had become incredibly formulaic now that the war had ended. 
Before the war, she didn’t mind the patterns of her work. Things felt like they were formulated and well-planned. In other words, she felt comfort in the normalcy of her life after graduating from Hogwarts. She went to work every day with her brother and went home to her Slytherin fiance at the end of the night. 
But that was before the war. That was before she met Thomas Shelby. 
When the war started, her brothers were both called into the armed magical forces, which nearly sent her over the edge. The final shove was when her fiance, Lucretius Malfoy, was called to serve. She couldn’t bare the idea of her three boys all away fighting while she sat and twiddled her thumbs at home. No, that wouldn’t work, so she joined the force as a healer. Of course, the force was happy to have her– everyone wants a seer with remarkable healing magic as a nurse. Her family was not happy when they heard the news, but they were spread out over the wide reaches of the world fighting; they couldn’t stop her from joining. 
When the third year of fighting rolled around, Lilli was switched to a mixed magic/muggle ward in France. She knew how to hide her powers well in healing elixirs and the secret usage of magic-dipped bandages. This is where the trouble started– it’s when she met Tommy.
Since the war’s end, she’s felt her heart call out for Tommy. She knew it was selfish– she had a perfect life planned out for her in London. But she couldn’t ignore the sparks she felt in her chest when Tommy’s letters arrived in the mail. She also couldn’t ignore how she read them by candlelight after Lucretius went to bed. She tried to convince herself that it was just a taste of his own medicine; he wasn’t exactly faithful to her. No matter what way she twisted it, she felt guilty for her actions, and she knew she couldn’t carry on like this. 
We’re coming up on a year now, Lilli. Why do you still write me back?
She knew that he had a point. Why was she still writing him back if she had a life in front of her? She decided he needed to know. 
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4theseus-s · 2 years
theseus: what happened to jacob?
newt: he died
theseus: he what?
newt: he died, but he's okay
theseus: ...can you please clarify
newt: clarification is for the weak
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
My Fantastic beasts oc's
Seraphina Prince
Age: 29
Personality: cautious, protective, intelligent, aggressive, motherly, distant, caring, strict, serious, cold, strong-willed, brave, loyal, observant, calculating, determined, passionate, patient, calm, devoted, confident, stubborn, cunning, blunt
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Species: Witch
Blood status: Pureblood
Family: Bertram (father), Oksana (mother), Octavius (twin brother), Benedict (husband/dead), Eileen (daughter)
School: Durmstrang
Durmstrang house: Wolverine
Patronus: Raven
Occupation: Durmstrang graduate, agent of Dumbledore, author of "The theory of magical arts and objects"(unpublished), Cursebreaker
Love interest: Phillip Kincaid
Jewelry/items: silver wedding ring w/ a black gem (given by Benedict), crow feather necklace (given by Octavius), picture of Eileen and Benedict, her wand
Extra: Seraphina and her twin brother Octavius both went to the Durmstrang institute due to their parents' demand. After they graduated, they both were encountered by Gellert Grindelwald, who managed to convince both the twins' parents to join his cause, but the twins wanted no part of it. Then Albus Dumbledore found the Prince twins and managed to convince them to join his fight against Grindelwald and his followers in exchange for the safety of their family. Seraphina was also married shortly after she graduated to a German Pureblood named Benedict, who was Eileen's father. Seraphina and Octavius were given the role of spies for Albus and they infiltrated Grindelwalds cause and turned ths tides of the war in Albus's favor. After Gellert was confronted along with followers, the twins were marked as traitors and their parents were taken away to Azkaban and the war resulted in Benedicts death, and due to Seraphina and Octavius's parents investing all their money to Grindelwald's cause, the twins were left with nothing so after the war, they immediately went to work to keep themselves afloat
Octavius Prince
Age: 29
Personality: intelligent, calculating, observant, confident, stoic, caring, quiet, blunt, sarcastic, independent, cunning, patient, calm, level-headed, protective, stubborn, nice, creative, artistic, strong-willed, selfless, cautious, courageous, passionate, loyal
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Species: Wizard
Blood status: Pureblood
Family: Bertram (father), Oksana (mother/dead), Seraphina (twin sister), Benedict (brother-in-law/dead), Eileen (niece)
School: Durmstrang
Durmstrang house: Ucilena
Patronus: Crow
Occupation: Durmstrang graduate, Spy for Dumbledore (formerly), Potion master and Dark arts theorist
Love interest: Theseus Scamander
Jewelry/items: Raven feather necklace (given by Seraphina), picture of his sister and niece Eileen, black leather bracelet, his wand
Extra: When Octavius and Seraphina first became spies, they both knew what they were up against, but what they did not prepare for was betraying their own parents and Octavius seeing his own sister becoming a stranger to his own niece and losing her first husband. After the war, both the twins went into work almost immediately to scrounge up money to keep themselves going, Dumbledore even offered free education for Eileen as a way of saying 'thank you' for their services. Just when they thought they were done and everything was starting to feel normal for them, Grindelwald escaped, the twins were re-called and both Octavius and Seraphina's new adventure took them all the way to New York in America and getting involved with an eccentric Magizoologist and his strange new group of friends.
Phillip Kincaid
Age: 30
Personality: serious, brave, clever, loyal, dominant, sarcastic, protective, creative, observant, headstrong, smart, strong, determined, cunning, bold, playful, stubborn, kind, aggressive, reckless, rebellious, flirtatious, arrogant, competitive, passionate, headstrong
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Species: wizard
Blood status: half-blood
Family: Iris (mother), Sanders (father), Aurelius (uncle/dead), Pamela Silverthorne (aunt-in-law), Astrid (cousin), Astara (cousin/ twin to Astrid), Anthony (cousin), Eden (cousin), Isabella (cousin), Rietta (cousin-in-law/ married to Astrid)
School: Ilvermorny
Ilvermorny house: Wampus
Patronus: Wolf
Occupation: Ilvermorny graduate, MACUSA (formerly), private eye
Love interest: Seraphina Prince
Jewelry/items: his wand, scarf w/ his house colors, a small bag w/ magic related case files, a silver ring
Extra: Phillips mother Iris was his uncle Aurelius's younger sister, and when they got the news that their uncle was killed by one of Grindelwald's followers, they were all devastated and rarely went to London except for the holidays, but they always assured them that they always had a place in New York City. After he graduated from Ilvermorny, he fought in the war alongside his cousin Astrid, and Theseus Scamander and went back to New York, where he lived in his flat and worked in the MACUSA until he started his own private eye career with Astara until the whole Grindelwald obscurus business. He then soon joined Astara on her cases regarding the magic world, its creatures, and people and promised to look after Astara for his aunt Pamela. He also quit his job at the MACUSA and supported muggle and witch relationships
Astara Silverthorne
Age: 27
Personality: clever, creative, intelligent, observant, headstrong, brave, persistent, driven, stubborn, protective, confident, methodical, skeptical, kind, caring, artistic, patient, bookish
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Species: witch
Blood status: Half-blood
Family: Pamela (mother), Aurelius (father/dead), Astrid (twin sister), Anthony (younger brother), Eden (younger brother), Isabella (younger sister), Rietta (sister-in-law/married to Astrid), Phillip (cousin), Iris Kincaid (aunt/ Aurelius's sister), Sanders (uncle-in-law)
School: Hogwarts
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Patronus: Panther
Occupation: Hogwarts Graduate, Private wizard investigator
Love interest: Newt Scamander
Jewelry/items: Her wand, dark blue feathered earrings, travel papers, grey satchel with a raven pendant on it, looking glass, picture of her family
Extra: Astara was a student at Hogwarts along with her siblings. She was one of the brightest students at Hogwarts and was good friends with Leta Lestrange. After she graduated from Hogwarts, she wanted to be a detective for wizard-related cases, so she created her own business as a private eye in London, but then she decided she wanted more of a challenge and went to New York in America and lived with her cousin Phillip who lived in New York. At first, it was slow going, but when Newt came into New York and an obscurus started killing people, making the magic world known, she got her adventure and got closer to Newt. Back in Hogwarts, she had a huge crush on Newt and his connection with the magical creatures of their world, she even studies cases regarding the magical creatures, like selling them illegally, even wizards or wizard children. Her twin sister is a Gryffindor and an Auror, she is also married to a curse breaker and supports her twin sister's choice in career, her little brother Anthony is Gryffindor and a quidditch player for the Chudley Canons, and her other brother Eden is Slytherin and works for the ministry of magic, and her youngest sister Isabella is still in Hogwarts and is a Hufflepuff and is planning to be an Herbologist. Her mom is also a retired Auror, while Iris works for the MACUSA and lives in America with her uncle Sanders
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theaskywalker · 1 year
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Imagine bonding with Newt due to you taking care of a baby Occamy
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, i need to get this off my chest
Spoilers this is not about the ASOIAF Universe, it's about Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts cuz i have been re-watching these movies and i had to research about the yanderish side of the characters here on tumblr
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Why? The amount of spite in that story and some...lacks of accuracy with the og story too
All of that combined made me just want to read it to see if the ends is worth the trauma...
And until now it's not-
And sadly there aren't many yanderish stories on Harry Potter (Or at least good ones)
So here is me thinking on taking the role, and then i remember i still have shit to finish here in ASOIAF
Anyway, thank you for reading my insane ramble
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
Newt Scamander with a reader who never saw snow before? They're on London when the first snowfall happena and the reader is so amazed and has that sparkle on their eyes (they also look like a child running around the snow while trying to keep your balance, making snowballs, snow angels and all the fun stuff)
Newt melts at the reader's childlike joy and desire. He does not neglect to play snowballs, make snowmen, make snow angels, sled and skate with the reader. He takes lots of photos. It can even use magic to make the reader have fun with more snow. After spending time in the snow, they will have a delicious feast with Jacob's sweets and hot chocolate.
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saintsenara · 3 months
Since we just had a Snape/Grindelwald ask, thoughts on Voldemort/Grindelwald?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i get why there are lots of girlies [gender neutral] who love this as a really dark, fucked-up smashing-two-megalomaniacs-together-so-one-can-betray-the-other sort of thing.
but i just think it's much, much funnier if it's a flop.
the differences between voldemort and grindelwald really get played down in deathly hallows [i've not seen any of the fantastic beasts films - and so i imagine what follows bears little to no relation to how grindelwald's aims are written in that trilogy, which doesn't suprise me because the plots of the films sound incoherent], largely as a way to amp up the comparison between the death eaters and the nazis [which - and i will eventually get round to this meta - is not the analogy being used in the previous six books, all of which pluck their villain archetypes from britain's own history...] and to dial down how explicit an analogy for hitler grindelwald is evidently intended to be, thus making it less horrifying that dumbledore was in cahoots with him and hermione still basically tells harry to get over how disgusted he is by that...
but their aims and approaches are demonstrably different. grindelwald is a political figurehead - a dictator and a murderer and an apparent genocidaire, absolutely, but still the public-facing symbol - and creator and modifier and driving force of his own ideology.
voldemort is a terrorist kingpin, a paramilitary leader - also a murderer and a genocidaire, but someone whose role requires him to remain in the shadows - directing his operations in secrecy, never being fully clocked at the scene of the crime - and whose ideology [prior to deathly hallows when - as i've said - these differences collapse and the death eaters become less interesting as a result] is spread more subtly and insidiously than grindelwald's - not with overt propaganda, but with subliminal messaging, with the exploitation of existing community faultlines, with networks of loyal servants whose connection to voldemort can [intentionally] never be fully proven, with lucius malfoy patting snape on the back as he's sorted into slytherin...
grindelwald - undoubtedly - would consider voldemort a small fish [that rita skeeter claims in the press for her biography of dumbledore that voldemort exceeded grindelwald in impact doesn't have to be taken as fact, so much as it's a classic british way of thinking about the world - you will find many people here who genuinely believe more damage was caused to britain by the nazis than to france].
voldemort - in contrast - would consider grindelwald an idiot, beholden to the establishment, whose plans failed because they too closely resembled the existing political and social structure of the wizarding world, rather than seeking to completely undo it and make it anew in his own image.
the only way to make it work is - of course - to add dumbledore in as the third.
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Eddie Redmayne: In one version of the script, I saw him which kind of there were all these fans, screaming fans at the door and Newt can't really cope with that.
Alison Sudol: There's always a lot that goes into the preparation of making a film that doesn't actually end up on screen. In order to figure out, like how you got there, yeah, I mean I know I did a lot of thinking and imagining and searching farther back even up like how Queenie grow up and why she makes certain decisions that she does in this film and, you know, the kind of fights that we [Queenie and Jacob] might've been having in a sort of like issues that have been building up in their relationship. Also the love is very easy. The love is very clear between them, but just like seeing how things sort of escalating.
Katherine Waterston: Well, I mean...
Eddie Redmayne: She just hooked up with some other guy.
Katherine Waterston: I was in New York waiting for this guy who said he was gonna come with his book when he finished.
Eddie Redmayne: Tried. Five times.
Katherine Waterston: Then I catch word that ye'all gets famous and all marries. [Eddie: No, no, no, no.] So that was a hard blank to fill.
Eddie Redmayne: So she went on to date some strapping American Auror.
Katherine Waterston: Well, look kiddo, one tries to move on.
Eddie Redmayne: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Callum Turner: Was it a date... or Queenie just said it was a full on romance or just a date?
Katherine Waterston: I think it was cut out of the film- the explanation for that right?
Eddie Redmayne: A full on romance I reckon.
So you actually know something kind of a bit more about that relationship?
Eddie Redmayne: Yes, right.
Katherine Waterston: No, but I just talked about how with the guy didn't like magical creatures, so I threw a drink in his face.
Eddie Redmayne: Yeah.
Callum Turner: Sounds like a character.
Katherine Waterston: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Eddie Redmayne: That's my girl !
Callum Turner: ... carrying the torch for someone else.
Katherine Waterston: [I gotta] break your heart, but you might still be carrying the torch.
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day 21: late-night astronomy
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pair: Newt Scamander x reader
summary: Newt’s gentle and introspective nature would suit a quiet, stargazing moment with y/n(she/her)
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The chill of the evening air clung to the stone walls of Hogwarts as you and Newt climbed the steps to the Astronomy Tower. Your breath puffed in small clouds, and Newt’s soft voice filled the silence between you, his gentle words always soothing.
“I’ve always found the night sky fascinating,” he murmured, eyes glancing up at the stars as you both reached the top. “So many creatures thrive in the dark. It’s their world, you know? A world full of life, even when everything seems so still.”
You smiled, watching him as he spoke with that familiar, quiet passion. His love for all things magical and wild always drew you in. Tonight, however, it wasn’t creatures or plants that captured your attention, but the twinkling stars above.
Laying a blanket down on the cool stone, Newt gestured for you to join him. You settled beside him, close enough that your shoulders brushed, the warmth of his body easing the bite of the night air.
The sky stretched out endlessly above you, and Newt pointed out constellations, his voice soft, like the gentle rustling of leaves. “There’s Orion… and over there, that’s Canis Major. Magical creatures have been linked to the stars for centuries. Even the centaurs believe the stars hold prophecies.”
You turned to face him, the glow of the moon catching in his soft brown eyes. His face was calm, but there was an underlying intensity, the kind that only appeared when he was fully immersed in something he loved. The night, the stars, the quiet—this was Newt’s element.
“It’s peaceful here,” you whispered, letting your hand drift to rest beside his. His fingers, always so steady when handling creatures, hesitated for a moment before gently brushing against yours. The smallest of touches, but it sent warmth through you.
Newt glanced down, his usual shy smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “It is, isn’t it? I think… I think I rather like sharing this moment with you.”
The stars twinkled overhead, but all you could focus on was the steady rise and fall of his breath beside you, the unspoken bond growing between you in the silence. Beneath the vast, infinite sky, it felt like it was just the two of you—small, but not alone.
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graaaaaayy · 3 months
2024’s books (goal: 150)
The invisible life of addie larue - VE Schwab*
Champion (legend series) - Marie Lu 
Rebel (legend series) - Marie Lu
The wise man’s fear - Patrick Rothfuss*
The return of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle 
The love hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood*
Loathe to love you - Ali hazelwood 
Twisted love - Ana Huang 
The kite runner - Khaled Hossini
I am the messenger - Markus Zusak 
Lightlark - Alex Aster
Fourth wing - Rebecca Yarros
Everything everything - Nicola Yoon
The false prince - Jennifer A. Nielsen 
The runaway king - Jennifer A. Nielsen 
The shadow throne - Jennifer A. Nielsen 
Love, theoretically - Ali Hazelwood*
Iron flame - Rebecca Yarros 
A thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hossini 
The lost symbol- Dan Brown
The gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue - Mackenzie Lee
Dance of thieves - Mary E Pearson
The lady’s guide to petticoats and piracy - Mackenzie Lee
The nobleman’s guide to scandal and shipwrecks - Mackenzie Lee
Vow of thieves - Mary E Pearson 
The kiss of deception - Mary E Pearson 
The heart of betrayal - Mary E Pearson 
The beauty of darkness - Mary E Pearson 
The shadows between us - Tricia Levenseller 
My sister’s keeper - Jodi Picoult 
The cruel prince- Holly Black*
The wicked king (RR) - Holly Black* 
The queen of nothing (RR)-Holly Black* 
Scythe - Neal Shusterman 
Slaughterhouse five - Kurt Vonnegut 
House of earth and blood - Sarah J Maas
House of sky and breath - Sarah J Maas
House of flame and shadow - Sarah J Maas
The bride test - Helen Hoang
Shatter me - Tahereh Mafi
Destroy me - Tahereh Mafi
unravel me - Tahereh Mafi 
ignite me - Tahereh Mafi
Restore me - Tahereh Mafi
Defy me - Tahereh Mafi
If he had been with me - Laura Nowlin 
Fantastic beasts and where to find them - JK Rowling 
The brothers Hawthorne - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald - JK Rowling
The hate u give - Angie Thomas
Fantastic Beasts : The Secrets of Dumbledore - JK Rowling 
Sword Catcher - Cassandra Clare
Twelfth Night - Shakespeare
fracture me - Tahereh Mafi
imagine me - Tahereh Mafi
Legendborn - Tracy Deonn
bloodmarked - Tracy Deonn 
Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao
The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes
Morrighan: the beginnings of the remnant universe - Mary E Pearson 
Boy - Roald Dahl 
Going Solo - Ronald Dahl
Bride - Ali Hazelwood
The true love experiment- Christina Lauren 
Auntie Mame - Patrick Dennis 
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
Holding up the universe - Jennifer Niven 
The American Roommate Experiment - Elena Armas 
the dictionary of lost words - pip williams 
An Abundance of Katherines - John Green
Restart - Gordon Korman
Youve Reached Sam - Dustin Thao
A darker shade of magic - VE Schwab
Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus 
Caraval - Stephanie Garber 
Legendary - Stephanie Garber 
warm bodies - isaac maron 
Breathless- Jennifer Niven 
The Grandest Game - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
The Atlas Six - Olvie Blake
80/150 books, last updated august 14
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