#there was exams and then i went on this vacation..
jackyjackdraws · 1 year
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I know I draw these two sleeping a lot but the poly relationship between them and sleep is one of my favorite OTP'S
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daily-basil · 2 months
Ok I got a submission about it so I'm gonna do a quick update--
I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF DAILY BASIL! Literally everyone is busy right now. I am Attempting to make daily-basil doodles in anticipation of reopening the blog, but basically several other mods are either busy, on vacation, artfighting, or otherwise unable to contribute right now
I've been trying to draw some Basils so that I have a few to use when we do reopen the blog entirely but it has been a Struggle. Apologies for the hiatus going on for much longer than I had anticipated oops
- mod snuuy
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steelthroat · 1 month
First time staying at the hotel of a theme park (against my will, but that's a long story) and... it's so weird??????
Like I feel like I am not supposed to be here, how do I put it... it screams luxury but I a... childlike/childish way????
And I feel restless, like something is wrong. Uncanny.
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gabriestat · 7 months
OK SO. since i feel like we have the same taste in movies i wanted to ask u which are your fave movies !! (and also how was passenger bc i saw an edit you reblogged yesterday and thought mmmm maybe this is worth watching...)
passanger was so much better than i expected!! i thought people on here liked it based on vibes™ (and that it's kinda gay. quite so, if we are being honest) but actually the characters are quite nuanced & i really enjoyed how the conflict progressed. i would 100% recommend it to you, honestly it really deserves the thriller label because i was very tense during some scenes lol. but ultimately i laughed with the movie it's ridiculous (good ridiculous, not bad ridiculous) during some parts
anyhow moving onto your other question: i don't watch that many movies (for whatever reason i find easier to watch shows now) but if i were to say my favorites, they would probably be stoker, there will be blood, memories of a murder, natural born killers, the nice guys, saw, phantom of the opera (this one is mostly out of nostalgia), crimson peak and company of the wolves.
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autism-corner · 9 months
oh well
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ghostofhyuck · 5 months
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Deja Vu
It’s been months since you two broke up and Jeno got a new girl now. She’s pretty, nice, and exactly his ideal type. And yet, the ghost of you still lingers, maybe because Jeno brings her to the places you two used to go. 
Deja vu? Maybe. Or it’s just Jeno’s not over you. 
Word count: 2.2k
Tags: angst, fluff, ex to lovers (?) cheating if you squint really REALLY hard.
Song inspiration: Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo
AN: TDS3 D3 Jeno went topless and it was a sign for me to finish this fic. 
Also this is part two of this fic. Read it so that you can have more context, but this can still serve as a stand-alone. 
“So, where is this ride going?” you asked. 
“If I told you, it’ll ruin the surprise,” Jeno replied. A smile plastered on his lips as he took a quick glance at you before focusing on the road. 
It was five in the afternoon. The sun’s slowly setting, and the sky’s painted in its godly gold. It’s bright and warm, as the sun’s shine passed through the window of Jeno’s Ford Mustang. You just finished your last exam for the semester. After nights of cramming and chugging down coffee, you’re finally free from the semester. Vacation is just around the corner, and what’s the perfect thing to celebrate the end of semester other than celebrating it with your boyfriend?
You watched as Jeno drove smoothly across town, going down the coastal area where the sunset’s more pleasing to watch. You slide across the bridge and the next thing you know, the sun’s following you through the long bay of your town’s beach. 
Jeno knows how much you love the beach. It’s a safe place for you where you can get away from your university. So you two just usually hangout around the coast. 
Your boyfriend parks the car near the baywalk. He quickly turns off the engine, and just like the usual thing he does, he leaves the car first and opens your car for you. 
“You don’t always have to do this, you know that?” 
“But I want to,” he said casually just like the way his arms wrapped around your shoulders immediately, pulling you closer to him. You only smile as he gives you a small kiss on the head. 
“So, where are you taking me?” you asked once again. 
Jeno only hums as he stops, that’s when your eyes widen at the shop in front of you. 
“No way!” you shouted. 
“They just opened yesterday, so why not celebrate with a cup of yoghurt?” Jeno smiled. 
“Oh my god, I’ve been craving for it for so long!” you shouted. 
Jeno only smiles, internally patting himself good job. He knows everything about you, and he knows how lately you’ve been obsessed with yoghurt. Whether it be a drink or served in a cup, you’ll love it somehow.
“Did I ever tell you that I love you?” you asked your boyfriend who only lets out a chuckle before stealing a kiss on you. 
“I love you too bub, now come on, it’s a do-it-yourself, so get as many toppings as you want.”
When you entered the shop, you immediately separated from your boyfriend, eager to have a cup of yoghurt. Jeno watched as you grabbed a large cup before going to the yoghurt machine. He was smiling ear to ear as you moved to the topping and sauce section, picking carefully your toppings because you’re still a picky eater nevertheless. 
Eventually, he joins you as he grabs a medium cup and picks some toppings that suit his taste. After weighing the cup and paying for the dessert, the two of you went out where an al fresco area can be found. You two sat at the corner, digging on the delectable treat that you two are having. 
The sun is setting and you’re halfway on your cup, you could only stare at the sun. feeling overwhelmed but in a good sense. You finally finished your semester and your boyfriend brought you to a yoghurt shop. You couldn’t help but to smile. Things are better and you just feel so lucky to be here right now. 
“Having deep thoughts again?” Jeno asked, knowing that you tend to space out sometimes. 
“No, no deep thoughts,” you told him. “Just happy right now.”
“Oh really?” Jeno teases, “can I ask why?”
You only smiled, “of course because school’s over, and I have my handsome boyfriend treat me my favorite dessert at the moment.”
Jeno only smiled, gazing at you lovingly. He wonders if days are going to be like this. He likes this life of his. In this town where it’s just you and him, in a small yoghurt shop, with the sun setting on the background. 
And as Jeno stares at you, he couldn’t help but be in awe. Thinking how lucky he is to have a girlfriend like you. 
Your attention shifted to him, making him stare at you even more lovingly.
“Jeno,” you called out. 
“You’re spacing out,”
“What makes you think of that, yn?” 
Jeno’s eyes widened. 
“Who’s yn?” 
The girl in front of him is not you. Her hair is in a different shade, falling along her shoulders, unlike yours who you usually tie in a messy ponytail whenever you’re eating something. She’s pretty, definitely pretty that it can make anyone turn their head. 
They stared at each other for a minute. That’s when Jeno realised that your name slipped onto his lips. 
Fuck. He thought. That’s when he remembered. It’s been months ever since you two broke up. Months after that night that was full of frustrations and arguments. Jeno barely recalled what you two argued about but he knew that you were crying and instead of comforting you, he stormed out of your place.
You two didn’t break up that night officially, you called it quits over a text three days later. Instead of calling you, Jeno lets it be. Thinking that you two were just never meant to be. 
Unlike you, Jeno found it easy to get over you. He’s a charming guy, so it was quick for him to find another girl that he can love again. 
Or so he thought. Because as he stared at the girl in front of him, he couldn’t believe that he called her by your name. 
“Nothing, it’s nothing, sorry,” he quickly apologised. Shifting his attention to the melted yoghurt on his cup. 
Maybe it was his fault. For bringing her to the places you two went. Jeno knows that there are a lot of places where he can bring her, but why does he always end up in the coastal area? On a particular yoghurt shop that you love? 
Jeno couldn’t help but to question it. He thought that he’s over you but it seems like the ghost of you still keeps on haunting him. 
You who’s always cheery. You who always have a certain sweet treat every semester. You who loves bringing your polaroid camera and taking photos of the people you hang out with. 
You, who was there for Jeno. Who loved him despite his flaws and even though he is lacking in some parts, you ignored it and loved him nevertheless.
He wasn’t perfect, but you weren’t looking for a perfect boyfriend. You love Lee Jeno no matter what. And you always say that to him. 
“Hey Jen, I’m done here, should we get going now?” Jeno snapped out once again when she spoke out again. 
He stares at his yoghurt. It’s all melted and doesn’t look appetising at all. He then glances at the sun and it’s barely touching the sea. If it was you who’s with him, you two will wait until the sun sets and set out when the stars are in the sky. 
But you’re not with him anymore, and he’s with a new girl. Who’s pretty, who’s nice, and is exactly his ideal type. Jeno had accepted it, after all. It’s not only him who’s moving on. He knows that Mark Lee’s making a move on you. He watched as you laughed with him over a cup of coffee a few weeks earlier. 
So it seems like you two are moving on. Good for you. He thought. You deserve someone better than him. While he knows that there are no other girls that can surpass you, Jeno hopes that at least for his side, he can be a better man for his new girl. 
The ride home was nothing but an awkward tense. Jeno keeps on glancing at her, who’s too busy on her phone. If it was you, your eyes would linger on the view outside — even though you’ve grown up in this area, you always love staring at the view. But at some time, you’ll shift your gaze at Jeno, who’ll reciprocate your giggles with a soft chuckle. His free hand lacing around your fingers, never letting you go until you reached your place.
“Watch out!” and luckily, Jeno stepped on the brake quickly. His eyes staring at the dog that just passed by. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t —” 
“No, of course not! The dog suddenly jumped out of nowhere,” she said in a soft tone, smiling as she pats Jeno’s shoulders. “You prevented it too, and there’s no accident that happened, so it’s okay.”
Jeno could only let out a sigh. Somehow, he feels like blaming himself because of the incident, if it wasn’t him thinking about you, then maybe he’ll be more concentrated on his drive. He tried to focus on the road, but you’re in his mind no matter how hard he tries to shake the thought of you. 
He didn’t notice that he just reached her place. It was as if he was driving out of instincts. 
“Thanks for dropping me off,” she said, smiling. 
“No worries,” Jeno only said, and before she left, she gave Jeno a soft kiss on the cheeks. Jeno watches as she gets out of the car, walks through her apartment and closes the door. 
But Jeno couldn’t move from his seat. He doesn’t know what to do. Frustrated, Jeno lets out a sigh as he rests his head on the headboard. He doesn’t want to fuck up. He already ruined your relationship, he couldn’t bear to ruin another one too. 
“I’m so stupid,” Jeno whispered. He opens his eyes and looks at the road. He knows that deep inside, he’s not yet ready to enter another relationship. It’s too soon. 
Not when you spent three years together, and broke up abruptly. Throwing everything you two had. Never had a decent closure or even a proper apology from each other because of what happened that night. No. The only thing Jeno wants more is to find closure from you, and perhaps, in the better light, 
you two can finally move on and find someone better. 
Jeno knows that partly, it’s his fault that things went downhill. So it's up to him to fix everything. He turned on the engine, and without any hesitation, drove to a familiar route that he memorised by heart. It was a gamble, but Jeno was willing to see the outcome of his indecisive decisions. 
As he reached your place, Jeno didn’t hesitate to turn off his engine, leaving his car as soon as possible. 
He walks towards your apartment, a sense of familiarity welcomed him. It felt like home and Jeno tries to brush off that feeling — that odd sense of missing a place that has been a home for him for years. 
Jeno stops in front of your door. He lets out a deep sigh before knocking on the door. For a minute, no one answered.
He knocks once more. Two, three, four loud knocks, in hopes that it can be enough for you to open the door. 
But within a minute, no one answered. Jeno took it as a sign. That maybe closure isn’t for you two. Jeno tried to ease his beating heart — he didn’t even notice that it had been beating abnormally ever since he arrived at your place. 
So he turned his heels around, walking a few steps when he heard the door open. 
“Jeno? What are you doing here?” 
As he turned around, Jeno was shunned. 
There you are, with your hair in a mess, wearing your favourite cinnamoroll-patterned pajamas. He saw how your round eyes became wider as he made eye contact with you — both yearning for something. 
“I…I —” Jeno decided to go near you. “I just, want to ask you how you have been.” 
That was stupid. That was so fucking stupid. Jeno’s mind was barely functioning when those words slipped out of his mouth. 
But you didn’t take it into something. You were just surprised. Jeno’s in front of you. The sense of familiarity to the man in front of you is still there. His scent, presence, and the feelings you had for him. It’s all still there. 
And you don’t know why, but maybe you just wanted to see if he still loves you. 
Because instead of answering him, you grabbed him by the neck and smashed your lips onto his. 
But in a quick second, you realised that what you did was stupid. You broke out of the kiss, and yet your hand remains on his. 
Jeno’s gaze shifted from a surprised one to something more familiar. Lovingly. You knew that stare, you’ve always loved that stare of his. You know that because you’re the only one who he gave that gaze with. 
And the next thing you knew, his lips crashed onto yours. You couldn’t help but to kiss him back with more intensity. His arms instinctively hold your waist as you attempt to balance yourself. He pushes you backward, making you two enter your apartment without breaking the kiss.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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🧸I manifested my summer vacation to extend but I manifested it in 2019. I was skeptical while making this post since I manifested it years ago but I thought others could read my post , get inspired and develop belief in themselves and manifestation.
🎀I wanted to my summer vacation to extend , school would open within one week , we had exam in the second week💀. Someone told me that they would not extend holidays since we had exam in the second week but I did not let their opinion affect me . I kept believing and persisting in the thought that school would extend summer vacations and they had no option. One day before the first day of school , my personal account got hacked and there was no notice from school about summer vacation extending . Was I heartbroken ? YES! Did I give up ? NO !! I still felt that they would extend summer vacation . The next day, I had to go to school 😭, however , I was not discouraged by the 3D reality , I persisted and believed that they would extend holidays. Guess what ? They did . Yes , I went to school , however they said that they extended our vacation and school would open from next week. I was on cloud nine 🤩
🧸Lessons you should learn from my success story
-Never get discouraged by other's limiting beliefs or the 3D reality , keep persisting in your desires.
-When the 3D reality is showing you something you do not like , ignore it and keep persisting in the new story .
- Don't question the HOW , just believe and persist.
🎀I was not aware of tumblr at that time , I did not ask any other blog for "help " . I did not question myself if I was doing everything right . I did not pay any coach to help me manifest 💀. I applied whatever I knew about manifestation. You do not need anyone except YOU to manifest . Please BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and BELIEVE IN YOUR MANIFESTING ABILITIES. Things will work out in your favor in the end , keep believing and persisting in your desires. Don't depend on any blog or coach , just apply what you know , manifest your desires and LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE !! 💗💗
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All Thanks to You - T.Nott
Summary - At first, Theo found her gifts sweet and kind but the longer they went on the more they annoyed him. He had the false assumption that she was chasing after his money and status but he was very wrong. He didn't realize how wrong he was until he overhears her sticking up for him in library.
Pairings - Theo Nott x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Use of Y/N, female reader, profanity, stress
Author's Note - I'm getting through all of my requests slowly but surely, this will probably be my first and last post of the day. I'll try my best to keep banging these out but unfortunately today was my last day of spring break and my vacation from work. Thank you for being patient!
Based off the request by an anon
Expect delays in my posting! My semester has started and I am taking 4 classes! Please be patient with me!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
It was almost disgustingly obvious how much she liked Theo, except to the boy himself. It had taken him ages to figure it all out. He thought it was weird at first, he was always getting baked treats, a seat saved, books that he ended up loving and notes sent to him. Then, it started to annoy him, he thought that she was just trying to get to him because of his status and money. That of course wasn’t her intention but he didn’t figure that one out until he overheard a conversation, one revolving around him and all of his flaws and untrue rumors.
He was about to jump in himself until the sweet voice of the girl sending him all of these good things chimed in. 
“That’s not true at all. Theo is so kind and sweet. He cares so much about his friends and only acts cold to people like you because you believe and spread all of these bullshit lies. He’s not rude, he’s not unnerving, he especially isn’t ugly or gross to girls. He’s sweet and kind and loving and a great person and if you can’t see that, then don’t consider me your friend anymore,” She ranted before packing up her books and walking away, not expecting to bump into the boy himself. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, I’ll get out of your way.”
“Wait,” He pleaded, having every expectation of her walking away but she stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, “Thank you for sticking up for me. I know I said your gifts were annoying but I don’t really think that. I honestly thought you were after me for money or to boost your status or something, I shouldn’t have assumed that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. You’re a good person Theo. I’d love to talk more but I really have to go study for the potions exam,” She told him.
“Study with me, I have an O in the class, I can help you.” The smile on her face brightened the room, making his heart skip a beat, a smile finding its way onto his own lips.
“Okay! I know the best spot in the library,” She chirped, grabbing his hand and leading him to the top floor into a quiet corner. The two of them studied together for nearly an hour before she spoke again, “How in the fuck do you make a draught of the living dead again? I can’t remember anything right now, my brain is fried,” She groaned, resting her forehead on crossed arms.
“You need a break, love. Let’s go to the kitchen and get some food from the house elves,” Theo offered.
“Won’t we get in trouble?”
“No, I’m friends with the prefects on duty, let’s go before they change shifts.”
The whole way down to the kitchen, the two were holding hands, neither of them had even noticed until Draco stopped them in the stairwell leading down to their destination. “What do we have here? The infamous Theodore Nott holding hands with his admirer?”
“Oh shove off, we need you to cover the kitchen while we get food,” Theo told his friend, still holding onto her hand even though they were caught.
“What’s in it for me?” Draco asked.
Before Theo could open his mouth, Y/N answered, “Pumpkin pasties, green apples and cauldron cakes. I see you eating those a lot so I assume you like them?”
“You assume correctly, fine, let’s go lovebirds.”
Holding up her end of the promise, she got Draco his favorite sweets, snacking with the two Slytherin boys. The blond boy had taken a liking to her, finding her genuine, funny and observational. The bond between Theo and Y/N had grown and only got stronger by the day. It was no surprise to any of their friends when they started dating not long after studying together. 
They continued to have study dates until the day of the Potions exam. She was extremely nervous and Theo was nervous for her. They didn’t get to see each other until dinner that day. Taking her usual spot next to Theo at the Slytherin table, casually sliding a paper to him. He furrowed his eyebrows before opening the paper, the red ink stared him right in the face.
“You got an O?! Bellissima, that's amazing! I’m so proud of you!” Theo exclaimed as he hugged her tightly, placing kisses on her head.
“All thanks to you, handsome,” She smiled at him.
Theo kissed her deeply on her lips causing groans and gags around them. Neither of them having a care in the world other than her O.
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whorekneecentral · 9 months
A Sandy Christmas
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Sugar Daddy!Jenson Button x Fem!Reader
Warnings: the iconic sugar daddy JB, college aged reader (over 20), expensive vacations, gift giving is his love language, you're both soooo all up on each other, the use of daddy both in a sexual and non sexual context, thanking him in good way ;), oral (m!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), hair pulling, some old man teasing at the end.
Word Count: 1,714
Author's Note: this is for my og jenson girlies that were here from the start, dedicated to the anon that sent in the first sd!jb ask cause you started all of this pookie!!
merry smutmas series
Jenson takes you on a dream vacation over the holidays but still makes sure you’ve got a gift to open come Christmas morning.
Exam season is killing you, mentally and physically.
Every bone in your body hurt from being hunched over at your desk for 18 hours a day and your brain felt like it was going to explode if you kept it up for much longer.
Jenson knew as much and he also knew your exam schedule; he couldn't bear to see his girl like that so he did the one thing he did best.
He whisked you away the moment your final exam was over. He knew it'd be a welcomed distraction given that you'd be returning home for the new years; your obnoxious sister was getting married to her high school sweetheart - you'd rather fall down the stairs than attend the wedding but Jenson promised to take you in to trade your car for a new one if you went.
To be fair, he did just get you the car 2 years ago but he figured he needed some sort of reward to get you to go. If he could join you at the wedding, he would but alas he can't.
Sunny Bora Bora was a welcomed distraction; the sunshine, the beaches, the endless cocktails and cock, were keeping you happy.
The first few days were you and Jenson rolling around in bed, lazing and eating whenever, barely getting dressed and spending sun up to sun down on the beach. You had everything you needed right there.
Despite it just being you and Jenson, he rented a whole villa. All the privacy in the world for you two; it was more so, so he could fuck you anywhere he liked but I digress.
Christmas morning and you're woken not by the sunshine but the feeling of Jenson's stubble on your neck.
"Merry Christmas, pretty girl."
You hum, a hand on his jaw. "Merry Christmas, Jense."
"C'mon, I have something to show you." He whispers in your ear, not giving you a moment to gather yourself. Instead he pulls you out of bed, his hand in yours as you sleepily follow him though the villa.
There's a massive Christmas tree by the windows, right in the middle but that was there when you arrived. What wasn't there before were all the gifts surrounding the tree.
"Jenson," you stop, looking at him. There's a grin on his face. "You didn't."
"I couldn't let Christmas pass without giving you a gift." He smiles, kissing your temple as he sits on the couch.
"We agreed that this trip was my Christmas gift."
"But the trip is for me too, so it can't count. Loophole baby," he raises his eyebrows, almost as high as his ego. You huff, "this is more than a gift, Jenson."
"You're a good girl, I'd buy you the world if I could." He tells you, smiling as you kiss him.
"I don't need the world, Jenson." You tell him, sitting in front of the tree. There are at least 20 bags and boxes neatly wrapped and set under the tree.
"I'd still buy it for you, princess." He smiles, taking a sip of his coffee as you unwrapped your gifts one by one; Gucci, Prada, Van Clef, Louis Vuitton - you name it, it was under the tree.
You had no idea how you'd get it all back home.
You thank him, doing a little try on haul as you unwrap the gifts. Jenson smiles, sitting comfortable as he watches you model your gifts for him.
"Happy?" He asks, patting his thigh. You sit yourself on his lap, an arm over his shoulder as you lean into him.
"Beyond happy," you whispered against his lips. "Thank you daddy."
"Anything for you, baby."
The two of you go about your day, you'll be leaving your little paradise tomorrow and returning to reality so you were trying to soak up the last of the sunshine. Lazing by the water, you watched as Jenson attempted to surf, gave up and decided on a swim instead, the man came back to kiss you, dripping the sea water all over you.
You push him away, giggling as he tries to grab at you. You rolled away, getting up and running from him; Jenson chased you down the beach right back to the villa.
Jenson planned dinner for the two of you, a little restaurant not too far from your villa. You wined and dined, chatting about his work and your plans not to strangle your sister with her veil. He assured you that you'd be fine and that as soon as the wedding was over, you could return home to him.
Upon returning, you decide to pack. This way you two could spend more time in bed in the morning rather than having to rush and pack then.
Jenson's back is to you as you bring in the last of your presents from the living room. He'd manage to fold what you had brought with you into the one suitcase opposed to the two it was in originally and had been trying to fix your gifts into the empty one.
He feels your arm wrap around his waist, fingers drumming against his midriff as you watch him put the boxes into the suitcase.
You're on your tiptoes, a kiss pressed to his jaw; Jenson thinks it's innocent enough and yet, he feels your lips drop lower. From his jaw to his neck and your fingers are pulling at his shirt collar, trying to expose more skin.
"Sweetheart," he whispers, swatting away your wandering hands. "We need to pack."
"Mhm hm," you turn him to face you, your hand on his jaw when you kiss him. Jenson leans on the edge of the bed, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you into him
He was easy like that, a kiss from you and he's like putty in your hands.
He watches as your fingers trail down the front of his shirt, sliding under the hem of it. Jenson takes that as his hint to take it off, tossing it on the floor somewhere. Your hand wanders further down, brushing over the cold metal of his belt. 
Jenson smiles, pecking your lips softly. "Let me thank you," you whispered against his lips. His brows furrow, "what for?"
"Everything," you tell him, sinking down onto your knees in front of him.
Jenson undoes his belt and the button, “open.” 
Without hesitation, your mouth opens and you’re looking up at him once again. He slaps your tongue with his cock softly, waiting for a reaction. The slight curve of your lips was enough for him to know it was okay. A hand tangled in your hair, pulling and pushing you, setting the pace. 
The stifled gag was enough for him to pull back, giving you a moment to catch your breath. 
His eyes fixed on you as your lips wrap around his cock, his chest dropping and raising with each breath.
He can’t help but notice the lipstick on the base of his cock, your head bobbing up and down. Jenson's hand pulls your hair away from your face, letting you set the pace.
His hand turns over and you feel his knuckles brush along your cheek. “Like being on your knees for me, hm? My good girl.” 
The praise hits you straight in the core, only making you go faster. Your cheeks hollow as you bob your head up and down. Jenson's hips buck, your nose brushing against him. 
His head falls back against the couch, breathing out a string of explicits as you hollow your cheeks. “C’mere.” He pulls you off him slowly, savouring the feeling of your tongue sliding up the underside of his cock.
You kiss him, the moan slipping from your lips as he manhandles you.
“Turn around,” he whispers against your lips, a hand on your hip as he turns you around to face the bed. 
Your arms are propped on the mattress, holding yourself up. He pushes your dress up, bunching over your hips. His hand slips between your thighs, fingers brushing over your panties and your head drops forward. 
Panties pushed to the side and Jenson reached forward, a hand tangled in your hair to pull you up, forcing you to look at the reflection in the window. His other hand holds your hip once he pushes into you. 
“See,” he mumbles to himself, glancing down between the two of you before his eyes meet yours in the reflection. “Look how pretty you are,” he whispers, kissing along the back of your shoulder as his hips dig into your ass. 
The knot in your stomach tightens when his hand on your hip slips down between your legs, reaching for your clit. He barely moves his fingers before your own hand reaches down to rest on his. The feeling of his fingers pulls your attention.
"Please daddy-" you're cut off by a moan and by Jenson pushing you down onto the bed.
You prop yourself up on your forearms once again, eyes fixed on anything but what he was doing. 
He could feel you clenching around him, pushing back into him for more.
“Shh, it’s okay baby, I know.” He tells you, thrusts getting sloppier by the second.
The two of you in sync, Jenson's chest pressed to your back as you came down from your orgasm. He peppered kisses all over your back, rubbing your side softly. He leans to press a kiss to your neck before pulling out slowly. 
You can feel Jenson wiping your thighs and between your legs, cleaning you up before fixing your dress. You're still facedown in the mattress, too fucked out to even think about moving at the moment. He senses as much, giving you a push by the ass and up onto the bed you went.
The clink of his belt comes from behind you, the man fixing his pants - you assumed he'd be joining you in bed but instead, you heard some sort of shuffling behind you.
Rolling you, you see that Jenson had resumed his packing from before.
"You know," you start, sitting up. "Most men your age are dead to the world after a fuck like that."
Jenson laughs, walking over to you. His hand cups your jaw, "I'm not like most guys my age."
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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killuintense · 11 months
❝ two fools in love ❞
rookie!leon kennedy x fem!reader.
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summary: just you going to look for Leon at the police academy.
content: 1.3k words, pure fluff, a little little bit of angst (reader miss leon), comfort, subby and cute Leon ofc.
note: the calm before the storm (I plan to do a longer one shot of angst :p)
It was Friday afternoon and the weather was colder than you expected, especially when you left the warmth of your home. You were walking through the crunchy autumn leaves that intruded on your way to the police academy, where an anxious Leon was waiting for you.
You hadn't seen him since Monday. He had kissed you goodbye with a lazy, clingy kiss —just like him— at the door of your apartment, promising to see you again at the end of the week. And finally that moment had arrived, giving you a feeling of excitement that ran through your whole body with enthusiasm. It had been difficult for both of you at that new stage in your lives, where the blond would have to go to an academy every month and only leave to see you on weekends, where both would spend from Friday to Sunday glued to each other without being able to separate for a second. But then everything would end and they would have to say goodbye. Sometimes you would accompany him, and sometimes he would leave alone, but not before sinking into your arms and filling your face with kisses, making sure you could not forget him for the remaining week.
You wondered if he thought of you as much as you thought of him, because it was suffocating to walk into the apartment and smell his scent even when he wasn't there, to walk by the refrigerator and look at the pictures of the two of you on that last vacation you had. Leon would circle your waist with his lips pressed to your neck and yet you were still able to see his smile and his little eyes slightly narrowed as you held the camera turning that selfie into a beautiful memory that you needed to see often to be strong and keep holding on to his arrival, reminding you that he loved you more than he could surely show. Although sometimes he was very messy, and you ended up finding in the least expected place some of his notebooks with reminders about some element that he should take into account for the physical exams they took at the academy every so often; his handwriting was as strange as he was, cursive leaning to the side as if his mind was faster than his hands. And as the days went by you refused to put in the washing machine the last T-shirt he had worn before he left, which held his cologne and his warmth. His smell of roses, so particular but masculine, and you could only remember the desire to devour him every time you saw him again, standing like a pathetic child who only expected your approval for everything, who blushed even with your slightest pampering or compliment. He emanated that warmth in which you wanted to sink and die, to die in the happiest way of all, where you never let go of him and only remained in love with him and his love.
You thought the nights were the worst, and sometimes you struggled to choose which was harder, the coldness of the bed or the coldness of your body, without his arms around you, without his silly jokes with that sleepy and tired but mellow voice, with his lips leaving wet kisses on your face and neck. You stroked his hair, that soft clump of golden hair, somewhat dull at times as he whispered that he loved you, and down your spine ran a shiver that made you giggle like a fool, asking him to stop even though deep down you knew he wouldn't because you really didn't want him to.
He was so naughty, always doing what he wanted and getting away with it, behind that silly and pathetically shy attitude, always letting his hands travel a little more than the coverage of your nightgown, squeezing and biting the way you loved it. It was too much to see how delicious you were in his eyes, the way you managed to elucidate in her eyes that there was never enough of your body to satisfy his hunger. That's why the nights were empty without his company, but so full of warmth when he was there, so full of that hungry love he gave you.
Now, in the distance you could see him, saying goodbye to his companions who were also greeted at the entrance by their families or partners, some of them leaving alone as well. But he was lucky enough to know that you would arrive at any moment, stealing a smile as he looked around like a puppy anxious to meet his owner. He was too cute for your heart to bear it a second longer, so you decided to cut his waiting short, jumping behind him while hugging him by his shoulders, having to slightly tiptoe because of the height difference "Waiting, big boy?" you murmured with your voice choked in his neck giving him a soft kiss, making him not hesitate a second longer to turn around and wrap his strong and chubby arms around you, which always knew how to hold you with determination.
"My love" he said happily, hugging you, feeling that that torture was finally over. And, no lie, Leon was an exaggerated person by nature, dramatic as shit; he looked at the little picture he had taken of you every time he felt that his stay at the academy was like being in a war, and your picture smiling at him was the only light in his path (that day the major Krausser made him wake up at 4 a.m. and he felt he was really dying). "I missed you so much..." he said after a sigh of relief, squeezing your waist before seeking your mouth desperately, giving you a kiss loaded with pleasure and welcome, those kisses that felt more meaningful than any other because they had the genuine desperation of needing you in order to feel alive. He pressed you against his body as his tongue caressed yours, dominating the kiss by his eagerness to have his way with you, leaving you the opportunity to suck on his lower lip with mellowness before pulling away.
"Wow, did you miss me?" you resist, stroking his face and squeezing his cheeks. You always made sure he was well fed, you hated the idea that in his training they weren't attentive enough with the food and made him go hungry, but his cheeks were always fluffy, his arms strong and his legs and chest... you found yourself more than you'd like looking at him morbidly, wanting to squeeze him so badly. And well, why deny that more than once he scolded you for biting him too much in those places where a simple kiss didn't do his figure justice.
"I'd say the same about you" he murmured against your cheek while in his tone you could feel his playful chuckle. Both of you glued to each other with decorum and that was one of the things you liked most about Leon, he wasn't ashamed to show you your love in front of anyone, not his academy mates or strangers, he was proud to have such a fucking beautiful girlfriend and denying it would make him an idiot. And he could be a dramatist, but never an idiot. "I feel like my stomach is going to explode if I don't give her some of those delicious hot chocolate pancakes you always make" you resist as you look into her bambi eyes, big and blue. Your legs were working too hard not to bow down to him because of the tenderness he caused you, but you really couldn't help but be weak in front of that blond.
"Leon you look like a giant baby asking me to make you a snack" you laughed, biting his cheek with desperation before hanging on his shoulders to stare at him, your gaze surely reflected that overflowing love you had for him "But you're my baby so let's go get those pancakes" you feel his happiness hit your face at the moment a smile of complacency feeds your ears.
Disentangle themselves from that smothering embrace but soon it doesn't take long for him to take your hand and entwine it with his, gently caressing your knuckles. You start walking towards the apartment amidst banter and fleeting kisses, you sometimes gently tap his shoulder when he tries to kiss you but you run your face to spite him, and Leon swings his hands together, sighing like a fool in love. They were both fools in love.
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ch3rryflav0ur · 2 months
Songs that I like as Enhypen's fics: H.S.K.T
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-> pairing : horny!jungwon x fem!reader
-> warnings : dirty talk, swearing, praising, blowjob, handjob
-> +18 only
-> Masterlist
How much do you think of me? Hm, honestly
Wish I could open your heart
Just tell me in words
There's no need to look around
Don't pay attention to other women, look at me
Twenty years of being a virgin doesn't affect Jungwon at all, I mean, he had done a lot of things like kissing, touching and stuff but the real deal is that he never enjoyed that much like he was always hungry for something he can't even understand...also because he never had the chance and don't rush himself.
At some point of his life he though he was asexual or somethin but that though change when one night he beat his meat thinking about other woman while he was watching porn.
He likes sweet scents like coconut or vanilla.
This weekend has been amazing since exam season are finally over, he finished all his exams with A+ and compliments from all the teachers, like always.
"Good job Jungwon, your parents must be proud of you" his teacher said to the young boy and he only smile politely to Mr Jeon.
He likes dumb shirts with stupid phrases like "I love milfs"
He is always been a top student, always stayed extra hours studying in the library or coffee shop alone to keep his mind quiet, he hated internal silence. But don't misunderstand him, he loves parties, love-hate hook up culture, loves to smoke weed sometimes in the living room of his friends while they drink cheap beer and play call of dutty until sunrise, playing basketball, helping his grandmother on the weekends taking care of her small tomato garden. He knows what a good balance is.
He likes long skirts and the tanning of the bikini strap since today.
That's what he though the first time he saw you in the kitchen of his grandma, you were on your back trying to get something you couldn't reach, Jungwon walked up behind her and noticed how the girl's body tensed when she felt someone behind her. She smells sweet, he though.
"You should ask for help if you can't do it alone," Jungwon said, reaching for the package of ramen she was trying to pick up.
"I see you've already met" said the older woman carrying a bag of fruits, which Jungwon quickly helped her with.
"Grandma, I told you not to carry any weight," said her grandson, scolding her.
"Jungwon, this is Y/n, our neighbor" her grandmother said smiling at the girl with curly hair and glasses.
"Hi, your grandmother always talks about you, I'm Y/n, one of the next door neighbor" said the young woman while looking at Jungwon.
"I'm Jungwon, nice to meet you" he said calm, of course he knows her, he's been moaning her name these days. "Thanks for always help my grandma"
He likes the girl next door.
Love, a usual selfishness
I'll raise the level between us
Have you seen a woman like this before?
I got what you need
After the little Talk, Y/n left some cherries on the kitchen as thanks for the kimchi that Jungwon's grandmother had previously treated the girl. Apparently all this time her grandmother and Y/n have been exchanging food because she had never tried korean food and since his grandmother was enjoying her free time she had before returning to Korea for a few weeks of vacation.
"woonie, tomorrow when I leave before you go to class, give Y/n this bag " her grandma said to Jungwon "And always be kind"
"I know grandma" Jungwon said to the old woman "I Will miss you" Jungwon hug and kiss her warm cheek "call me if anything happen, I'll go out for a while"
"Don't buy cigarettes or I won't leave you anything in my will Yang Jungwon"
"don't said that!" Jungwon scold her again.
Indeed, he went for cigarettes and mint gum.
Three days passed until Jungwon's grandmother reminded him if he had already delivered theq package to Y/n. Jungwon lied to her and said yes, quickly pulling up his pants after having been masturbating for almost an hour, it's been an hour and he still horny, a virgin loser.
Jungwon took a shower, he put on some gray sweatpants and a plain white shirt , perfume and before leaving the house he heard the ring bell only to find y/n in front of the door, cute make up, two lower ponytails, smelling like coconut, holding a cloth bag and her tits almost exposed with the dress she was wearing, Jungwon almost closed the door on her face involuntarily but stayed still, his gaze on her breast.
"Do you like my watermelons?"
"I said, do you want some watermelon?" Y/n ask as she shows up a glass tuper with fresh cutting watermelon and Jungwon sighed calmly, trying not to sound paranoid.
Y/n entered the house and left the fruit in the refrigerator while Jungwon looked for the package that his grandma had prepared for her.
"My grandma told me to give you this" Jungwon said trying not lo look at her chest. He didn't know what was inside of that box but when she opened he recognized four bottles of plum wine, he smile, It was handmade.
"What is this?" Y/n ask with a confused look to Jungwon, getting closer to him "What is written here? Is this korean right?
"It means Plum wine" he replied as he feels her boob on his arm.
"Drink with me, wait...You're over 18 right?" she asked opening a bottle looking at him.
"i'm 20" he said
"Aww you're a baby"
"how old are you?"
"I'm 23" both of them laugh at each other , jungwon make fun of her with the phrase "aww you're baby" in an ironic tone and then start drinking in the livin room, the wether was hot, the fan was on, bag of chips open on top of the table while she laughts at Jungwon's stories, touching his arm occasionally ,she was very touchy, he though.
Y/n saw a photo album under the little table and she began to take a look, seeing various people in that album, many places, traditional costumes, too many pictures and so much cultural differences for her was intriguing, little baby Jungwon looked so cute and everytime he shows her a photo with his parents, his eyes are pure nostalgic. She loves how Jungwon explains everything to her with many details.
I bet you can't forget my voice and my charms
Your hands, I held onto that moment
Baby, you make me, your hands stroking down from my neck to my back.
And those drowsy eyes.
Don't you want me? 
I've got you a present, take it if you care
After two bottles of plum wine it's not Jungwon's fault you fell sleep on the coach looking so helpless in his lap, her head was on a pillow under his lap and he had the perfect view of your breast and lips, his breathing became heavy, you still aware tho.
"do you think i'm pretty?" she ask with her eyes closed making jungwon gasp.
"yes" he replied right away and she chuckle.
"have you ever had a girlfriend Jungwon?" Y/n ask tipsy again
"No" he replied "I mean I did a lot of things it's not tha-
"it's okay" she open her eyes and stared at him with an innocent look, big black doe eyes with long eyelashes "You don't have to explain anything"
It's not that Jungwon wanting you to suck his cock and stuff you up with his kids but actually that is what he needs right now.
"close your eyes" she said as she get up covering Jungwon's eyes, He was about to complain until he finds himself covering his own eyes with red cheeks . "Don't open them yet". The boy was nervous, his hands felt sweaty and he couldn't figure out what she was doing, he can only feel that sweet aroma getting stronger...like if she is gettting closer, his pulse began to increase when he felt a hand on his shoulder and something cold on his lips. Jungwon removed his hands from his eyes and he see how Y/n was holding a fork with a piece of watermelon to jungwon's lips.
"Fuck it" Jungwon takes her arm to bring her closer, the fork fell on the floor, they both look at each other and Jungwon approaches to kiss her unprepared , feeling her gloosy lips and how his body trembles, it was a messy sloppy kiss. "stop playing with me please"
Y/n was surprised how she suddenly felt his strong arms, she was cornered on the small sofa, his shy gaze on her, he was so cute like that "let's go to your room" she whisper and he nooded quickly as he stand up, the nerves were eating him up inside, he heard the footsteps behind him, Jungwon's room was on the second floor, once he arrived at the room, Y/n looked around and see a lot of posters of anime, movies and pop rock bands "do you like the driver era?" She ask
"I love them!" she said as she sits in his bed "I always forget....
"...When do flowers bloom" Jungwon finish the lyrics of the song feeling less nervous.
Y/n patted the side for Jungwon to sit with her, he obeyed her "you look nervous." She said slowly while pressing his chest with one hand to lay him down on the bed, he let himself fall gently then she climbed carefully on top of him sitting on his prominent erection, feeling him hard rock underneath her panties, she gasp "you're hard already?"
She leaned closer to his body, bringing their lips together again, her tongue caressing his with slow and sensual movements as she feel how Jungwon caressed her cheek firmly, as if she was going to leave at any moment, she move her hip grinding on him wanting to feel him more, getting wetter just from the friction between her panties and her pants.
"Don't move-e" Jungwon panted as both of his hands grap her ass embarrassed
"why not?" She ask innocently
"stop teasing" at this point Jungwon is trying not to cum so fast to not look like a pathetic teenager.
"what do you want me to do?" She asked playing with the silver pendant that hung from his neck, it was rectangular and had a sun, behind it were two initials, YJ
"suck my cock" he whisper as his cheeks become red
She left the pendant, placed herself on her knees between his thighs while Jungwon made himself more comfortable on the bed, her delicate hands slid up his thighs, reaching the elastic fabric of his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear and her eyes opened without saying a word. Jungwon watched as she bit her lower lip.
It was long and veiny with a pink tip. She took off her glasses putting them on his bedside table as the boy only pray for his own sanity.
Without saying nothing she start strokin his cock slowly making Jungwon moan at the sudden touch, her tiny hands tried to grap the entire length of her length as she started licking his mushroom tip for a couple of seconds, eyes on him never looking away and in one go she put it all in her mouth, nose and lips colliding with his pelvis making the boy whine louder " fuck fuck just like that y/n" the girl was used to it and kept moving her head up and down as she felt Jungwon whimper her name constantly, almost panting.
Jungwon's hands held the two small pigtails and without thinking he abused her small throat with his swollen cock, in and out constantly causing grotesque sounds, leaving her breathless feeling the precum, his tip touching the end of her throat making her gagging, he tried to move her away but Y/n didn't let him, making him understand that It was okay if he cum inside her mouth, in any case, he didn't have much time to think about it clearly because the sensation was too overwhelming, making him release his seed in less than a second in her warm mouth, she cough and he opened his eyes finding himself cumming in her throat and her face with rosy cheeks, makeup smudged, catching her breath and wiping the remaining semen on her face with her fingers only to lick them in front of him.
He gulp.
She stood up, adjusting her dress, took her panties off so smooth and put them in one of his drawers "try not to cum too much when you think of me" she put her glasses again, fixing her hair a little and leave him in his room half naked, confused and most importantly, horny again.
"i'm fucked up" He said as he fell onto the bed
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starminzoo · 3 months
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╰┈➤ when they see you in summer dress (hyung line)
warning: slightly suggestive, no smut tho, slight mention of foods
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* ˚ ✦ Hongjoong
the promotions for their new album was finally put to a stop, giving the members relief of some days to enjoy themselves after all the energy and time they have poured out. and this was the perfect opportunity for a vacation with your loved one, you and hongjoong arrived 2 days ago in Maldives for a peaceful vacation, today was a very sunny day but not too hot just perfect for stroll in the city in the afternoon as you got ready in your room while joong was near the small pool you had in your resort his legs dipped in the cool water his face adorning a pair of sunglasses along with a pair of white shorts and a white t-shirt. he looked ethereal.
you checked the time and went outside by the pool to leave for your planned activity. you tapped on his back to announce your presence. just as he laid his eyes on you his eyes widened with delight as he takes in the sight of you looking radiant in a summer dress. He couldn't help but smile, feeling his heart skip a beat. "damn darling you challenging the sun now" he smiled at you as you blushed at his words "i will buy you more of these dresses so you can keep blessing me with such a view" you pecked his lips in response "only if you promise to rip it of my body later" he smirked at you in agreement as he pulled your into him by grabbing your ass "oh baby I promise to do worse then that" he snapped back as slammed his lips into your neck kissing and nibbling on it slightly hands roaming all over you body to feel you, take you in.
* ˚ ✦ Seonghwa
finals week was finally over and you couldn't wait to sleep and just laze around in your apartment watching Netflix but your boyfriend had other plans. just after the final exam day he had messaged you for a date at the new cafe just two blocks away from your apartment building. you were beaming with happiness to finally meet him as the exams kept you both busy and at the bay of your sanities. you checked yourself in the mirror for the last time your pink summer dress flowing around you as you twirled in it giggling at yourself (self love first bestie). as you opened the door of the said cafe there he sat eyes roaming around to take in the beautiful interior of the cafe.
When you elegantly walked in the cafe hwa couldn't move his eyes from your figure. The sunlight catches your hair, and the flowy dress accentuates your graceful movements. As you approached him, a soft smile spreads across his face, and he rises from his seat, his long legs unfolding like a gentleman from a bygone era. He takes your hand, his fingers intertwining with you, and pulls you close, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. "My goodness, you're a ray of sunshine," he whispers, his voice low and husky, his breath caressing your ear. "This dress was made for you, and you alone. You're a work of art, my love." he guided you both to the table he was previously sitting on you expected to sit in front of him but he surprised you by guiding you to the seat next to the seat he was occupying. Seonghwa couldn't help but steal glances at you, his eyes shining with adoration, his heart beating faster with every passing moment. "do you got any plans for tonight love" a soft 'no' leaving your mouth as you were too busy with the blueberry muffins "good because I got plans for us ahead" he whispered near your ears sending shivers down your spine as his hand rested a bit to close to your clothed core but as you started at him in shock but he just ignored your stare pretending to be more focused on his beverage.
* ˚ ✦ Yunho
finally the day has arrived and you couldn't wait to have some fun time with your besties. you guys have been forming a plan for a lunch together for a long time but it was always postponed as everyone is as busy with their lives but finally the time has arrived for the postponed planned to be accomplished. currently it was 1:00 am and were just putting some touches to your appearance while glancing outside your room to your boyfriend as he was sprawled out on on the couch of your shared apartment playing games on the playstation you had already informed him about your lunch out so just needed to remind him so didn't got worried. you grabbed your purse and other necessary things and headed towards the couch to announce your departure to your "babe I will be going now ok love ya" you kissed his forehead and pat his hair just as you were about to leave he grabbed you by your thigh and twirled you backwards.
you were stunned by the sudden action but as your eyes landed on his face which had light blush on the cheeks and jaw hanging open "gorgeous what are you wearing" you confusingly replied "uh... a dress I guess" his hand was still on your thigh "what i know that what wow you look breath taking baby" he replied eyes roaming on your figure. he looked fucking hot checking you out "do a twirl for me" and that you did a bit confused and astonished, but as you again looked him in eye there was a glint of mischief "i can see your panties gorgeous" you gasped "what no the dress isn't even sh-" "baby blue with lace around them right gorgeous, my favorite" he claimed as he pulled you in his lap, he chuckled seeing your tomato red face "ok I am going to change and then head out" "no gorgeous don't, stay with me and if you want I can take the dress of" he whispered while kissing your jaw. well the outing plan was postponed more for awhile.
* ˚ ✦ Yeosang
you and yeosang had been talking about having a picnic for awhile but you both waited till he got some days off for awhile from his office. just as he announced about the short break he was taking you guys were planning about the picnic you were going to have the next day. as the picnic day arrived all the essentials were ready and in the car and you both were just ready to head out, as you came out the walk-in-closet and checked yourself in the mirror for the last time but didn't notice someone checking you out too "pretty you look so gorgeous in this dress, I don't know what more shinny you or the sun" you blushed at his comment " you look gorgeous too babe" you complimented him back with a light peck to his lips which turned into a passionate kiss soon but you if you wanted to have the picnic you had too leave now. you pulled away slightly lips still hovering his " we need to go sangie" much to his dismay.
you both headed out and left for your destination which was about 15 minutes away from your house it was a gorgeous park filled with tall green trees, huge land of fresh grass, a beautiful lake with white as pearl swans. you laid out the picnic mat and placed a basket filled with food and cold beverages. you both talked, laughed, ate, clicked a few pictures and enjoyed the view together. you didn't realized how fast the time passed and now it was time to departure. but there was something odd about yeosang's behavior he seemed hurried well as soon as you guys reached home you were pinned against the door yeosang kissing your neck away littering it with small love bites here and there "fuck I wanted to be inside you so bad baby, fuck you need to wear these dresses more pretty". well you sure were gonna wear more if you can achieve such a reaction from him.
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heyy hope you enjoyed it let me please know your thoughts as it's my first time writing and english is not my first language so for any mistakes I am sorry
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stayconnecteed · 10 months
❪⠀🪐. hot chocolate⠀𓏔⠀bangchan⠀❫
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☆ㅤbarista!bangchan x afab!reader ( i wanna be yours oneshots )⠀★⠀9.1k words
( i'm sorry if this sucks, i know it's long. have a nice day cuties ♡ )
synopsys: every time you tell someone that you don't like coffee, the reaction is total incomprehension, even indignation. but when your university classmates leave you standing at the café where your crush works, you decide to order a coffee to try to avoid looking bad and end up making a fool of yourself. warnings: i think fluff bangchan needs a warning by itself because woah you can become addicted. but a part from that, there's a brief mention of death while talking about korean mithology, reader is a very introverted and insecure person ーexpect a lot of sad thoughts :(( but felix is here to save the day and hopefully the rest of the story is a little bit of idiots who have a crush on each other.
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You were stressed because the first semester was about to end, you had Christmas vacations around the corner, exams approaching at an overwhelming speed, and yet one of your teachers had given you two last-minute projects, one practical and one theoretical. Luckily it was in groups, and your best friend, Hyunjin, had included you in his after a quick pleading glance, assuring you some peace of mind. Not that he was very good at the academic aspect ーnotes, exams, homework and studying in generalー, but he made up for it with a great sense of aesthetic, and managed to make all your projects really visually appealing. Also, your other two friends were very nice and very good at the subject, so whenever you didn't understand something they would always offer to explain it to you with a big smile and kind words.
If they had a flaw, unfortunately, it was being late absolutely everywhere. And perhaps an unhealthy addiction to coffee, although that was not so much a flaw as a general characteristic of the vast majority of students. Sadly, neither of the two suited you at the moment, when you found yourself in front of the most famous coffee shop on the entire campus, all by yourself, after you had been forced to walk more meters than you were willing to do on a normal day, as they didn't show up at the appointed time. Having to enter without his company was not what worried you, but what you would have to face once inside.
To say you hated coffee would be an exaggeration. In fact, during exam week you would have a couple of cups to avoid falling asleep over your notes on those endless nights of studying, or in the middle of class, but it just wasn't your favorite flavor. You hated the taste. Too bitter, the unpleasant aftertaste instantly drying your mouth and lingering on your tongue as an annoying reminder of the beverage you had just tasted. You always grimaced terribly when you took your first sip, something that anyone watching you found absurdly funny, and then, as you swallowed, even with your eyes closed, a shiver would run through your spine, as if your body recognized the drink and reacted to it.
The problem was that 5STAR was a coffee shop that specialized in coffee. They had scones, and cookies, and brownies to go with it, but they didn't make smoothies or juices. And you usually only went there with Hyunjin, who had been responsible for asking if they could make hot chocolate that first afternoon you had met to study there, a couple of years ago, before he had even started working in the establishment. You had been so embarrassed that it had taken you quite a while to return, and since then you had always left it up to him to order for you, after you had made sure that the barista who was serving was either him or Felix, the blond, freckle-faced Australian you went to class with, because you had never felt judged by his smile upon discovering that the chocolate was for you.
But now you were alone, on the sidewalk, and the time you had spent looking inside the place was starting to look weird. Your options were simple: go in, order a hot chocolate, sit down to prepare the subject and pretend it was the most normal thing in the world, or go in, order the first coffee you saw on the menu hanging on the wall, sit down to prepare the subject and wait for Hyunjin to come through the door to ask him to drink it. Obviously, you chose the second option, too tempted at the thought that someone might judge you, so you closed your eyes, took a breath of air, and pushed open the heavy glass door, praying that the barista who was serving at that moment wasn't the cute guy who, you had to admit, you had a little crush on.
But there he was, behind the counter, with a friendly smile plastered on his face, his dimples appearing and disappearing as he moved his lips to talk to the customer in front of him. He had decided not to put on the beanie he usually wore almost every day, and his thick curls spilled over his head, giving him a more relaxed look, in contrast to the serious outfit that was the café's uniform, with black pants and T-shirt and beige apron. You knew relatively little about him, such as that his name was Chris and he had been at the same college you went to, but shooting him quick glances whenever you went and he was there was your favorite hobby.
You cleared your throat, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear in a nervous gesture and stood in line, fiddling with your phone case, pulling out a corner and putting it back to pretend your hands weren't shaking. You didn't normally get so nervous about social interactions, but it was true that your natural shyness and introverted nature have given you more than one bad experience. And the fact that you were going to talk to Chris for the first time only made your anxiety skyrocket, because you know you weren't able to control what you say. Your mind went on autopilot, and all you' were left with was remembering for weeks the nonsense you had blurted out, unable to change a single word. You tried to formulate in your head the phrase you're going to use as the queue slowly moved forward, your gaze locked on the way you move your feet as you walked.
"Hello?" you heard, lifting your head so fast you feared you'd hurt your neck. Great, you were so distracted you didn't notice when it was your turn.
"Hi" you replied, forcing your eyes to fix on his and stopping them from roaming over every feature of his face. Fixing on his but blinking normally, you reminded yourself, clearing your throat again.
"Good afternoon" he repeated, his voice soft and gentle, one of his hands already over the screen to take down your order. "What will you have?"
"Oh..." you murmured, trying to rescue from your memory the phrase you had prepared. Don't say hot chocolate, don't say hot chocolate, don't say... "Hot chocolate."
"Huh?" he asked, his lips parted and his eyebrows furrowing in adorable confusion. You realized your tone was too low and he probably hadn't heard you correctly, though it was clear you had said something, denying you the chance to make up another answer to cover your mistake.
"Hot chocolate" you whispered again, glancing at the three people behind you, trying not to let them hear. You noticed the heat flushing your cheeks as you spoke, "Can you, uh, can you say it's something else?"
"Excuse me?" you couldn't help but watch his frown deepen even more, and you made a panicked face, trying to find a convincing excuse that didn't expose your null extroverted abilities or how poorly you had approached the conversation. Chris realized almost instantly how it was affecting you, and reached a hand over the counter to caress yours, relaxing his features. "Hey, hey, I just don't understand what you mean."
You heard the hammering of your heartbeat all over the place, drowning out the background noise as it rumbled in your ears, or in the muscles of your hand that were in contact with the barista's skin, but mostly in your chest, at such a volume that for a moment you feared all the café would be able to hear it. You swallowed saliva with difficulty, your mouth suddenly completely dry, and tried to formulate something that made a minimal amount of sense, "I'd rather not drink coffee, but I don't want those in the back to know that I ordered hot chocolate."
And then you saw him flash that smile you loved so much, trying to stifle a laugh, and he nodded, withdrawing his hand from above yours to write it down.
"Don't worry, I'll personally take care of your order" he assured you, his eyes glinting at the screen, biting his lip unconsciously in a gesture of concentration. "A mocca coffee, then, right?" he said, raising his tone a little.
"Yes" you replied, avoiding his gaze, shyly, when he shifted it slightly towards you to ask for your name. You set your phone down on the marbled surface of the counter to rummage through your totebag for your wallet. "It's to take here, not to go."
"Oh, then I'll bring it to you at the table when it's ready," he announced, leaning on his forearms to look down at you.
"But..., how much is it?" you asked, confused, the wallet open in your hands, a few coins on your palm.
"It's on the house" he answered you, his dimples accentuating.
The warmth in your cheeks spread across your face, and you made a little bow, knowing that you must have been flushed to your ears. You didn't bother struggling to hide your smile, and hurriedly put away your wallet, grabbing your phone and mumbling some kind of nervous thank you. When you turned around, your face out of Chris's gaze, you sighed, placing your hands on your cheeks to calm down a bit, and looked around for some table to sit at. The one you normally occupied was being used by a girl, but there were few people at that time, so you chose a nearby one, assuming Hyunjin wouldn't mind, and once everything was ready you started to take out the material.
You had brought your laptop, of course, and had printed out some ideas you'd had, sketching in the margins how you intended to cover the visual part 一although that was taken care of by Hyunjin. But you knew he was a bit chaotic, so having a base for what the presentation would look like always came in handy. That day you were going to prepare the theoretical part, in which you were to choose a song and a theme, write a long document stating your reasons, and then prepare a performance in which you would narrate some typical legend of the country through dance. As if you had the mental capacity to create a choreography from scratch at this point of the semester.
You knew it was going to be a relatively short meeting, because you were all out of time, so you entertained yourself looking for songs that would inspire you for the theme you had chosen, the Jeosung Saja. To tell the truth you had no idea about Korean mythology, but you had spent the whole afternoon looking for ideas on the internet and that was the most likely to present a good dance. They were messengers from the afterlife, those who guided the dead to the afterlife. You had read that they were usually represented with a black hanbok, and they also appeared in some dorama that had become famous, so you could develop a dark aesthetic, as Hyunjin liked so much.
You were so engrossed in rereading what you had written on your laptop screen, and in the list of songs recommended by the teacher, that you didn't notice that Chris had left the cup of chocolate on the table. You had to contain the pout you wanted to make, because you were sure he hadn't said anything to avoid disturbing you. It smelled wonderful, and he had left you a plate with a buttery croissant next to the hot chocolate, with a folded paper napkin that read "a mocha for the lovely girl at table 8 :))". Your lips began to curl into a smile as you took the napkin and carefully tucked it away in your planner, unable to stay focused on the music anymore.
Just as you had taken the cup in your hands, the temperature of the porcelain fighting the coldness of your skin, and warming your throat as you tasted it, Hyunjin and Felix entered the room, a chaos of laughter and exclamations, Sunwoo following closely behind, engaged in their conversation. You pretended to wince angrily, frowning and hastily putting the cup down on the table to cross your arms over your chest, giving Hyunjin a dirty look. When the boy noticed your state he hurried to sit next to you, his chin resting on your shoulder, mumbling various apologies about his delay.
"It was my fault, Ynnie," stated Sunwoo, setting his backpack on the table and sitting down across from you. "We were practicing the dance in Professor Park's class and there was a sequence of steps that kept going wrong for me."
"Don't worry, Woo" you replied, snuggling up next to Hyunjin, like always when you were together. "I'm doing it to annoy him."
"And what are you going to complain about if you got your chocolate?" you heard him mutter, picking up the cup to steal a sip from you.
"No thanks to you" you whispered back, taking it from his hands to drink yourself.
"Oooh, come on, don't be like that" he protested, his head resting on your shoulder, rolling his eyes, which managed to snatch some laughter from Felix. At your silence he turned just enough so he could make eye contact with you. "Are you really mad?"
"But?" he asked, knowing from the way you were that you weren't going to let on how much it had upset you if that had been the case.
"I had a hard time" you muttered, hiding behind your cup. "Neither Felix nor you were here to save me from having to ask for it myself."
"Whose turn was it today?" Sunwoo spoke up, turning to Hyunjin as he pulled out his own laptop.
"Chris" you replied, your cheeks reddening again.
"Oh" Felix said, before cracking a smile that hid how much he was dying to let out a squeal of excitement, "oooh."
"Oh, what?" asked Hyunjin, peeling slightly away from you and frowning in confusion.
"Nothing" you ended the conversation with a warning gesture to Felix, who pretended to run a zipper over his lips, and handed out the printed sheets of paper with the information you had found the previous afternoon, trying to get started on the project. "Well, I had thought about..."
"No, oh, what?" repeated Hyune, completely ignoring the written words and dividing his attention between the freckled boy in front of him and you, "what does he know that I don't?"
"Dude, if you don't know it's because you're just blind" Sunwoo stated, focused on the information, with a gesture of disbelief on his face.
"Guys, please" you requested, avoiding looking at Hyunjin and glancing back down at the sheet. "As I was saying, I had thought of basing our dance on the legend of the Jeosung Saja. You have a summary there, but I'll comment quickly: we can create a story from scratch about someone's death, and have two of us act as the Korean messengers, who let him say goodbye to the love of his life before guiding him to the afterlife, or something like that. I don't have the music yet, but it sounds like a good plan."
"It says here that we'd have to look for some black hanbok" Sunwoo pointed out, as you nodded, and shared a look with you, implying that he approved of the idea, already looking for ways to carry it out.
"Actually, I had thought of something else" Felix muttered, his fingers fiddling with the paper nervously. "Ehm, I read an article yesterday about these... Korean ghosts. They're called Gwisin, and there are four types, like us, there are four of us. There's Cheonyeo, which is the virgin ghost, Mul is the water ghost, Chonggak is the single man ghost, and Dalgyal is the egg ghost. There's only one girl, so it seemed perfect to me. It still has dark aesthetics, because they are wandering spirits of humans who have died with unfinished business, and also to record the dance we can talk to my friend Jake, who is doing a degree in photography and is good with cameras."
"I was going to propose Han or Chris to help us with the music" Sunwoo added, "because with all the time they spend glued to their laptops they're sure to have some track we can use, and we don't even need lyrics."
"Oh, it's actually much better than my idea, Felix" you agreed, closing the tab with the information you had searched for and starting to research about the Gwisin. As you read, you brainstormed, rambling outloud. "We can connect the lives of the four characters, do four solos that blend together, and add minutes of duets until, at the end, all four spirits end up accomplishing the unfinished business they had and do a final scene together"
"Yes!" exclaimed Felix, excited. "Just what I had thought. They've made scary movies about the Gwisin, but we can give it a dramatic twist. The virgin girl was an unrequited love of the water ghost, for example. We're going to have to get a pool to shoot the moment when he dances, you know, when he drowns and dies."
"That can be the start of the dance" proposed Sunwoo.
"I offer it to be me, if you want" said Felix, "I don't mind getting in the pool in December. I have enough experience in cold water, from when I was in Australia."
"Perfect" you affirmed, glad that you had gotten the job on track so well in such a short time. "I think we can go straight back to the studio to prepare the music, what do you think, Hyune?"
He had been uncharacteristically quiet throughout your talk, head resting on the back of the seat and gazing blankly, taking small sips from the cup of hot chocolate, with absent-minded gestures. You could almost see the gears turning in his mind, as he slowly nibbled at the croissant Chris had left for you. There was something that had been bothering him.
"I need a coffee," he muttered, leaving your empty cup on the table and ignoring your question, "would you like another chocolate?"
"Hyune..." you mumbled, confused at his attitude.
"I'll order it to go, don't worry" he added, grabbing his backpack. "I think Han is at home and has the 3racha equipment."
You shrugged as he stood up, and you then began to pick up your laptop and notebook, shoving them into your bag in a hurry to keep up with Felix and Sunwoo, who had hardly had to put anything away. Sunwoo had his own laptop already in the case, and Felix was folding the paper you had printed out, carefully, to tuck it between his notebooks, into his backpack. The three of you headed outside, to wait for Hyunjin, while Felix ran a hand around your waist, trying to coax information out of you.
"So..., Chris, huh?"
"Can we talk about how Hyunjin is mad for talking about it in front of him when he doesn't know anything?" you replied, giving him a loving punch on the arm. "Drop the topic."
"But it's the first time you've talked to him!" he protested, pouting, "I want to know everything!"
"YN is right, Lix," Sunwoo supported you, to which you shot him a grateful look. "Hyunjin is our creative soul and he hasn't blurted out a single word, that says a lot about the situation."
"I'm going to have to tell him about the crush, anyway" you stated, making the decision on the spot, leaning against Felix, "because it's not fair that he doesn't know."
"I don't understand why you haven't told him yet" he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Hyunjin and Chris work together" you explained, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "and besides, they're close friends."
"So does Felix" Sunwoo reproached, frowning.
"Felix keeps my secrets" you confessed, resting your head on his shoulder with a smile. "Hyune is too much of a gossip to keep that sort of thing to himself."
"If you tell him it's a secret he sure won't let it out" Felix muttered, defending his friend.
You glanced inside the shop, where Hyunjin was leaning against the counter, throwing his head back every time he let out a laugh, while Chris was talking to him, moving fluidly between the machines, preparing the order with expert hands. You couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at his familiarity. You weren't used to feeling this way about your friends, but the way Hyunjin's eyes twinkled at the jokes the barista would drop with a serious gesture and then burst into adorable laughter made you wonder if you hadn't been a little blind to their interactions. You tried not to think too much about it, but you had always had very bad luck with your crushes, something that had only increased your insecurities, and had forced you to keep a low profile on such matters.
"YN?" murmured Felix, one hand caressing your shoulder in an affectionate gesture. "You know he wouldn't say anything, right?"
"I know, it's just..." you lost the thread of your words, absorbed in the scene unfolding behind the glass, Chris reaching for a black marker to write something down on one of the take away cups, Hyunjin too busy searching for his wallet in his backpack to notice.
"Whatever you're overthinking right now isn't true" you heard the freckled blond say, drawing your attention back to him. "It's not the first time you've broken your own heart by heeding unrealistic assumptions you've got stuck in your head. Trust Hyunjin, he would never hurt you on purpose."
"I know," you repeated, turning to face away from the café, but avoiding making eye contact with him, "but I don't... I know and I repeat it to myself, but sometimes I just don't listen, even if it's true."
When you looked up, your eyes beginning to fill with tears you didn't intend to shed, Felix was giving you a look full of understanding. You had few friends as close to your heart as he and Hyunjin, but between Lix and you there had always been a kind of connection built on a common bond, as had been the constant insecurities that only you were able to keep from escalating.
"Let me know when it's like this," he asked, his hand leaving your shoulder and running down your arm until it came to fidget with your fingers, "give me a sign, or look at me. I'll remind you."
You nodded, resting your forehead in the crook of his neck, letting yourself be comforted by his touch, and managed to muster a smile as he tried to give you a hug but your totebag blocked his way. You saw him pout, and you let out a laugh, being interrupted by a shy cough from Sunwoo, who had taken a couple of steps away to give you privacy.
"I'm talking to Han and he asked me what kind of music we're looking for" he explained, pointing to his phone, "in case he can go looking through the songs they have already done or half done, so we don't have to start something new."
"Oh, sure" you said, frowning in a thoughtful gesture. "I'd say something dark, wouldn't you?"
"No doubt" Felix seconded, nodding at your words.
"And since the main choreographer is Hyune, add elegant and heart-wrenching as well" you straightened your figure, watching as Sunwoo typed hurriedly, his fingers speeding over the screen, "if what we're going to narrate is a story of unrequited love, and death, we'd better do something dramatic."
"A hot chocolate!" exclaimed Hyunjin, pushing the door open with his hip, both hands busy with the take away cups. "A hot chocolate for you, and coffee for me."
"Thank you, Hyune" you whispered, leaving a kiss on his cheek as he handed you the cup, again grateful for the warmth emanating from it.
"Looks to me like it has a message, Ynnie" Felix said to you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, pointing to the letters you could guess under your fingers. You noticed how your cheeks flushed again, moving your hands so you could read all the words, and recognizing Chris's neat handwriting.
"What the hell are you talking about?" exclaimed Hyunjin, rushing over to you to try to read it first. "What does it say?"
"Thought you were really cute, leave my number here" you murmured, starting to crack a big smile, savoring the words as you said them, your heart skipping a beat when you saw that he had drawn a smiley face again and you imagined him, showing his dimples.
Hyunjin had repeated it again aloud, and you heard Felix stifle a gasp, holding his hands to his mouth, his face the vivid image of surprise. Sunwoo had merely let out a laugh and shook his head, as if he didn't believe what had just happened, still holding his phone in his hand. When you looked up, you found disbelief tinting Hyunjin's eyes, one of his hands still holding your arm from when he had rushed to read message over your shoulder.
"Oh," you breathed, causing Felix to snort.
"That's all you're going to say?"
"What do you expect me to say?" you replied, a soft chuckle bubbling up inside you.
"At least say hello to him through the glass," Sunwoo suggested to you, tilting his head in the direction of the café, which was at your back, "the poor guy looks like he wants to turn into a giraffe, from how much he's stretching his neck this way."
You turned your head as soon as you processed what Woo had just said, listening to Hyunjin complaining if that had anything to do with what Felix had said when you had confessed that the barista who had served you was Chris. Just as your friend had said, Chris was resting his hands on the counter, his body almost hovering completely over the surface, trying to figure out what your reaction had been. The moment you made eye contact, and gave him a shy smile, he couldn't help but turn with a jerk, suddenly suddenly busy with a non-existent order.
"Ynnie has a cruush" Felix crooned, causing Hyunjin to open his mouth in a gesture of exaggerated drama that you totally deserved.
"And you weren't planning on telling me anything!" he exclaimed, indignantly.
"She was literally going to tell you now" Sunwoo interjected, helping you balance the tragedy, "but Chris beat you to it."
"I have to tell Changbin" commented Felix, picking up his phone, "now he owes me money."
"You were keeping a bet on them?" asked Hyunjin, pouting. "Did everyone know but me?"
"Hyune, YN doesn't know how to pretend" explained Felix, resting a hand on his shoulder as he reached for Changbin's contact, "Changbin only needed to spend a few minutes with her at the café to figure it out."
While they started a new argument on the topic, you brought the glass to your lips, wanting to taste that drink that you liked so much, and that now that you knew that Chris had prepared it with so much love, it had become your favorite. But as soon as you took a sip and the bitter taste of coffee settled in your mouth, you pushed the glass away, trying to avoid looking into the coffee shop with a confused gesture, and taking the cap off, as if you wanted to make sure that what you had just drunk was definitely not chocolate. But when you breathed in the unmistakable smell of coffee, you noticed how your chest contracted. And suddenly you saw, as if in slow motion, the interaction Chris had had with Hyunjin while you waited, the adoration with which the barista had watched your friend laugh. How he had taken advantage of just when Hyunjin wasn't looking to write the note in his coffee, all those times you had caught them talking and they had fallen silent in your presence. How, yet again, the guy you'd fallen for chose someone else over you, another crush that ended badly, and it pained you to look back and only see a trail of stories in which the only heart that had ended up breaking was yours.
"Hey, let's get going, shall we?" proposed Sunwoo, getting your attention.
You listened as Felix and Hyunjin agreed with him with small nods, but without letting go of their playful bickering, taking off walking towards the apartment where the latter lived with Han Jisung. You had heard them, but all your enthusiasm for the project had vanished, leaving in its place a constant stinging in your eyes, which struggled not to tear up in the middle of the street.
"YN, aren't you coming?" asked Hyunjin, stopping everyone when he realized you weren't with them, that you had stayed behind.
You managed to shake your head, a small movement that was enough to make your friend frown, taking a couple of steps towards you. You tried to compose yourself, ignoring your feelings 一at least for the moment一 and swallowed before formulating the first excuse that came to mind:
"I'm... not feeling too well, guys" you stammered, intensifying your gaze towards Sunwoo, who was the most likely to let you go without asking too many questions.
"But a moment ago you were perfectly fine" Felix muttered, and you noticed his eyes on you, trying to unravel the hidden reasons for your departure.
"I'd rather go home" you said, in a whimper, the warmth of the glass that had comforted you so much a few seconds ago suddenly burning your skin, "you guys can choose the music. It's Lix's idea anyway, it's only fair that he gets to decide."
"Are you sure?" asked Hyunjin, coming up to you, putting the back of his hand on your forehead, like a worried mother would do with her baby.
"Mm-hm" you held out the coffee cup, unable to hold it for much longer, for him to take, and made the mistake of looking at Felix before blurting out a "this is yours" directed at Hyunjin.
You cleared your throat, placing the straps of your totebag more comfortably over your shoulder, and muttered some sort of goodbye before turning and running away, not quite witnessing the way Felix had snatched the cup from Hyunjin to check its contents, and letting out a frustration-laden sigh as he realized what your train of thought had been.
The rest of the afternoon had not been very relevant. You had work to do, like everyone else, and you were also one of those people who wanted to get all your notes done before the Christmas vacations, so you used to spend all December writing again with better caligraphy all the topics you've learned throught the semester. You didn't want to collapse yet, you preferred to keep your head busy, trying to pretend that nothing had happened until you couldn't take any more. In any case, you had already entered that stage where you began to belittle your own thoughts, doubting that your response to the situation had been the right one.
Or, if you stopped to think about it long enough, you could almost see your insecurities swirling around your heart, suffocating you from inside your own chest. That's why you had immersed yourself in the most difficult subjects, praying that filling your head with information would empty it of stupid reasonings. And you had succeeded in your purpose, at least for as many hours as possible, until you heard your phone ring between the couch cushions and snapped out of your self-absorption to answer it.
"Yeah?" you mumbled, your mouth dry from having gone so long without speaking, not paying attention to who was calling you at that hour.
"Ynnie" you heard Felix say, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. "How are you?"
"How am I?" you repeated, clearing your throat and straightening your posture, as if he could see you and you had to play the role of carefree teenager. "Fine. Well, stressed about finals, but like everyone else, I guess, right?"
The laugh that escaped your lips without permission sounded too fake, and you closed your eyes, wincing, because you knew it wouldn't be believable. You obviously knew Felix wasn't an idiot. He'd probably realized you'd left for a compelling reason, and not exactly because you'd suddenly been struck by a migraine or a tummy ache. You considered lying and saying that you'd had your period the day before; he knew perfectly well that you had a really bad time the first few days. But it wasn't going to be worth it.
"You know that coffee..." he started to explain, his tone totally serious, as if he was telling you off.
"Stop" you interrupted him, standing up, your notebooks and papers strewn across the table, being ignored, as you paced around the room like a caged lion. "I don't want to talk about it, don't bring it up, please."
On the other end of the line, Felix made eye contact with Hyunjin, who was sitting next to him, listening to the whole conversation, and let out a long sigh, "Okay" he agreed, unable to force the conversation, "but remember what I told you, okay?"
"Yeah, whatever" you whispered, trying to avoid having to give an answer. "Did you call me to talk about that?"
"No, actually" he stated, and your lips curved into a sad smile at the emptiness you felt when you realized he had dropped the subject, just as you had asked. You didn't know if it was relief at not having to deal with the situation, or if you were hurt at how quickly he had given up, "It's about the music for the project."
"Do you guys have the song yet?"
"We need you to choose it," you had spoken practically at the same time, the silence that followed the cacophony of voices heavy on your shoulders, and Felix held his breath, waiting for an answer he didn't know if it would come.
"You can send me an audio of the options Jisung has, can't you?" you asked, hoping your friend wasn't asking what you knew he was going to ask.
"He has them on his laptop" he added, without actually explaining what he intended for you to do.
"Aren't you with him?" you frowned in a confused gesture, not understanding what was going through his head, "can't you ask him to put them on?"
"I'm at my place" he confessed, and you heard the movement of clothes as they brushed against each other, you guessed he had gotten up from wherever he was sitting, "Hyune and I came over after talking to Han because he had to meet his group from his AV Tech class. But he's going to stop by later, in case you wanted to come."
"Ah," you breathed, suddenly understanding. Probably what he wanted was for you to get out of your apartment, perhaps intending that you wouldn't be able to resist the pout on Hyunjin's face when you were told that the coffee scene had been a misunderstanding. You could agree to the former... The latter was more complicated.
"We can order your favorite pizza, and then you can stay over," he proposed, taking the risk that such insistence would push you away, "what do you say?"
You contemplated your options. You could use Seungmin, your roommate, as an excuse, but Felix was capable of texting him to confirm your alibi, and no one could resist Felix. Deep down, you knew you were going to end up going, but for a few seconds you allowed yourself to imagine what you could say to him to get him to leave you alone. You took a breath of air, leaning against the hallway wall, and closed your eyes tightly, trying not to think about how much you could come to regret your decision.
"But you have to promise me one thing," you announced, hearing Hyunjin's celebratory whispers on the other end of the line, "we don't talk about what happened this afternoon. Not today, not ever."
Felix snorted, against the idea, considering another way to approach the conversation to get you to stop thinking about it, but since he had shared with Hyunjin the plan he had developed while Han was showing them his music, and the boy was completely lacking in any kind of censure, he couldn't stop himself from exclaiming, "Okay! But you come!"
Felix heard you mutter a farewell before hanging up, and he stared at his friend with annoyance written all over his face. He knew that, although the way he had said it had sounded suspicious, Hyunjin had done it for everyone's sake, but he couldn't help but give him a murderous glare for not letting him have his way. The boy shrugged, unfazed by his antics, and rose from the bed, arching his eyebrow in his direction, ready to have the last word:
"I hope you time it right and this goes well."
When you arrived, fifteen minutes later, wrapped in a thick coat and one of your colorful scarves, but with your pajamas underneath, the pizzas had already arrived. You saw them on the kitchen counter, filling everything with a delicious aroma of bacon and cheese, when Felix opened the door with a smile. You lifted your backpack with a condescending grimace, implying that you had brought a change of clothes and your overnight kit, agreeing to spend the night in his apartment, and he let out a chuckle that almost managed to break the imperturbable facade with which you had decided to wear.
"Hyune is choosing film" he informed you, helping you take off your coat to hang it in the closet.
You tried to ignore the sting you felt in your chest at the memory of the circumstances under which you had said goodbye to Hyunjin, and promised yourself to make it up to him somehow. He didn't deserve to deal with your feelings like that, not when it wasn't his fault that your crush was onto him. So you headed straight for the small living room, where your friend took up the entire length of the couch thanks to his height, and you threw yourself on top him gently, letting him give you a hug as he chuckled awkwardly, his lungs taking in less air than they let out thanks to the extra weight of your body on top of his.
"What do you have in mind?" you asked him, looking at the television screen, and the endless possibilities the audiovisual platform offered.
"I haven't really chosen between Alice in Wonderland and Nightmare Before Christmas" he acknowledged, following your gaze, locating the second one he had mentioned in the bottom corner.
"Mmm, which of the Alice versions are we talking about?" 
"The first one" he told you, "the live action one."
"Oh, put that one on, please" you asked, trying to adopt your best pleading face, pouting in the same way you had seen Felix do so many times. You watched as he erased what he had written on the browser and followed your instructions, while you basked in the warmth of the fabric of his hoodie against your cheek, and his arm across your back. You could have stayed there, half asleep, for the rest of the semester, for the rest of the year even, if it hadn't been for how loud the bell had been when it rang, Hyunjin straining underneath you.
"That must be Jisung" you surmised, getting up much to your dismay, "I'll go open the door."
Felix was too busy in the kitchen, hands full of brownie batter, so you walked down the hallway back to the front door, peeking through the peephole to make sure it was Han on the other side. But your breath caught as you recognized the features of the barista you'd seen just hours earlier at 5STAR. You opened your eyes wide, not knowing how to react, and peeked into the kitchen to ask Felix. To your surprise, he was already watching, confirming to you, as soon as you saw his apologetic smile, that this was all his doing.
You decided not to say a single word, and focus on calming your racing heart before facing an interaction with Chris again. The doorbell rang again, jolting you out of your self-absorption with a scare, and you hurried to unlock the door, opening it with a smile that you liked to think it was normal.
"Hello" you said to him, proud that your voice sounded more confident than you felt.
"Oh" he breathed, his surprised eyes roaming over your features, "hi." You saw him flash a beautiful smile, and raise his hand to wave at you, as if he were a little boy excited to meet a new friend. "The lovely girl from table 8."
"That's me" you replied, opening the door wider so he could come in, "thank you for inviting me to the chocolate, I don't know if the croissant was tasty or not because Hyunjin ate it, but I bet it was."
Mentioning your friend's name just to see how he reacted had been a pathetic move, but you hadn't been able to stop yourself. If you could turn back time you would have bitten your tongue, though, after watching his ears blush at your words, proving you right. You swallowed the knot in your throat when you heard his giggles, and he walked into the apartment, taking off his coat.
"I wouldn't say it's my best recipe, but thanks for the confidence" he commented to you, and you took his coat, just as Felix had done with you, to hang it in the closet. You tried not to make it too obvious the way you checked that he was still wearing his café uniform, the sleeves of the black t-shirt tracing his arms. "I'll have to let you try it on another time, then, so you can give me your opinion."
You gave him a strained smile, standing there in the middle of the hallway, and when you saw Hyunjin poke his head out the living room door to see what was going on, you indicated to Chris that Felix was in the kitchen by pointing him to the room, and seizing the opportunity when he went to greet his friend to return to Hyunjin, sitting with your back straight against the backrest, pulling your legs up until your knees were pulled up to your chest.
"You guys are a bunch of assholes" you whispered, staring at the TV screen, not really seeing anything.
"You know how Felix is" Hyunjin answered you, resting his head on your shoulder in an affectionate gesture.
"How am I going to...?"
"YN!" exclaimed Felix going to his room, "Take care of putting the brownies in the oven, please!"
"Oh, my God, I'm going to kill him" you muttered, closing your eyes tightly and dropping your head against the couch.
"Fighting" your friend said to you, giving you a sad smile and a small kiss on your cheek.
You let out a long sigh before getting up, and started to look for Felix around the part of the apartment where you thought his voice had come from, to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing. You guessed he was in the bathroom, the sound of running water audible from outside, and knocked on the door.
"Lixie, you know I love you very much" you began, taking a breath to start to tell him off all the decisions he had made so far in his face.
"I know I'm not your favorite person right now, Ynnie," you heard him speak, his voice muffled by the water, so you assumed he was taking a shower, "but there was an incident with the chocolate and I stained everything. Chris is trying to fix it, but I needed to take a shower."
"How much time do I have to set the brownies for?" you asked, surrendering, your shoulders tensing at the thought. The sooner you accepted that you weren't going to get out of interacting with your crush and Hyunjin at the same time, the sooner the night would pass and the sooner you could get back to your normal life.
"I've already left the temperature on! It's only twenty minutes!" he exclaimed, "You're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever" you muttered, retracing your path to the kitchen, only to find Chris rummaging through the cupboards. "What... what are you doing?"
The boy startled, jumping a little on the spot, and banging his forehead against the corner of the door, which made you choke back a scream and run to him, your hand pressing down over his in the area of the bump and you reacted with a startled "Are you okay? Oh, God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" to his whine.
"It's okay, really" he answered you, fully flushed, suddenly aware of how close you were to him.
"No, no, it's not okay at all" you affirmed, taking a couple of steps backwards looking for the fridge with your eyes, only to bend down to grab some ice cubes from the freezer and wrap them in a clean cloth, approaching him again. You grabbed his wrist gently and removed his hand from his forehead, assessing the damage before resting the wrapped ices carefully over the bump. "You sure have a terrible impression of me."
"That's not true" he whispered, cracking a small smile, avoiding your gaze out of embarrassment.
"I'm terribly sorry, really" you repeated, unable to say anything else.
"It could have happened to anyone, don't worry."
"What were you doing, anyway?" you asked, your hands still busy, one with the ice and the other one with your fingers closed around his wrist. When you noticed, you tried to direct him to take the cloth himself.
"From what Felix explained to me, he was so nervous he must have mixed something wrong, and then I don't know how he did it but he ended up with half the batter all over his shirt and arms," he explained to you, leaning on the counter, "I was trying to find chocolate to make it better. I'm not the best pastry chef, but working in the café has taught me something."
You looked over to where the bowl Felix had used was, and saw next to it the mixer you had bought him for his birthday, a few drops of mixture on the surface and more on the floor.
"It was his first time using that mixer" you assumed, trying to stifle a chuckle, "I'm sure he miscalculated the power and it blew all over."
The laughter Chris let out was music to your ears, and when you turned to look at him you realized how close you were to him. There were barely inches between you, and your legs were practically intertwined. You cleared your throat, parting slightly, and made eye contact with him, letting yourself be absorbed by his tiny brown eyes, which matched his dimples, narrowed into two crescent moons.
"There's no more chocolate, by the way" he told you, remembering why you were in that situation.
"I can go out and buy more" you solved, fully intending to go grab your wallet and leave, realizing how whipped you were for him.
"No way, it's my thing, I should go" he rebutted, massaging his forehead from time to time.
"You're hurt" you pointed out, looking for more reasonings, "you're not going to beat me if you pick a fight with me over this".
"Oh, believe me I am" he replied, leaving the ice cubes on the counter and heading for the hallway, "you do what you want but I'm going to get dessert somewhere."
"Then you're not going alone."
You left him looking for his coat in the closet as you went to tell Hyunjin what you were going to do, your friend still lying on the couch scrolling through his phone, probably on TikTok. His face was the mirror of pure surprise and disbelief, before he grinned mischievously. You rolled your eyes and turned your back on him, leaving him there and grabbing your own phone on the way, meeting Chris in front of the door. He had your coat in his hands, and helped you put it on. You then made sure you had your spare keys in your pocket and walked out of the apartment.
"Not to put you down, but... you are aware that you're in your pajamas, right?" asked Chris, his ears blushing as he realized it, slyly tracing the curves of your hips.
"Yeah, it's okay," you said, oblivious, making a nonchalant gesture, "it's not the first time I've done this."
"Where do you plan to go?" you heard him coming down the stairs behind you.
"There's a bakery a couple of blocks from here that closes pretty late, so we'll get there on time" you explained, leading him out of the building.
"So it really isn't the first time you do this" he confirmed, a soft giggle escaping his lips.
"Yeah, it's pretty fun" you said, remembering all the times you'd done it, more than once with your friends, rain or shine, "it's closer to Hyunjin's house, so we usually go from there, but yeah."
"Oh, you guys seem pretty close" he commented.
You tried not to let your wince show, not understanding why you always ended up mentioning the dancer in your conversations with Chris. The time was approaching when he would start asking you questions about Hyunjin to find out more about him, and you didn't know if you would be able to handle it.
"Yes, we have been together for a long time" you confirmed, trying to reveal as little information as possible, "he is someone very dear to me".
"Whenever I see you you're with him" he continued, his shoulder brushing next to yours, "at the café, I mean".
"He's the one in charge of ordering the chocolate for me" you confessed, changing the subject. "You make great chocolate, by the way. I couldn't tell you today, you dropped it off and left."
"You were so focused I didn't want to disturb you" he acknowledged, letting out a soft laugh.
"I guessed as much" you affirmed, noticing the streets you were passing instead of glancing sideways at him, as you were dying to do, "I also noticed the napkin."
"The nap...? Oh!"
"Yeah, oh," you repeated, your laughter awakening butterflies in his stomach, "people don't usually flirt with me like that."
"Fli- ehem, flirt?" he stammered, his face suddenly red with shyness. He hadn't expected you to be so direct with the subject.
"Well, not flirting," you corrected yourself, realizing your mistake, "but you have a lot of rizz."
"You're not the first one to tell me that" he nodded, clearing his throat, "my sister calls me Chrizztopher to mess with me."
"I like your sister, then" you acknowledged, reordering your thoughts to figure out how to phrase your question, and find out finally if you were going crazy or you were just insecure, "but... well, not that I'm complaining, but you still shouldn't waste it on me."
"Waste it? On you?" the conversation was losing all meaning to him, his brow furrowing more and more in confusion.
"Yeah, you know" you tried to explain, trying not sounding as bad as you felt, "focus it all on the person you like, instead of random girls."
"But... I'm already doing that" he protested, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, halting your walk, "the chocolate...".
"The hot chocolate was nice of you, but I'm talking about Hyunjin."
"What the hell does Hyunjin have to do with you?" he exclaimed, incredulous.
"With me?" you asked, your heart stopping at the possibility his words were offering you. "But... the message in the coffee, wasn't it for Hyunjin?"
"What message?" you were looking into each other's eyes, for the first time without any shyness on either side, both trying to understand each other.
"The message on the coffee cup that said you thought Hyunjin was cute" you replied, shoving your hands in your coat pockets, fiddling with your phone case to calm your nerves. "The one with you phone number".
"Did I write the message on the wrong cup?" he lamented, unable to believe his bad luck.
"The wrong cup?" you repeated, unable to process what was happening.
"I've had a crush on you since you first walked into the café" he stated, deciding to tell his biggest secret just so he could make it clear what was going on.
"I... Yeah, there's not much more to say" his nervous laugh snapped you out of your shock, blinking to look at him again, this time with a clearer mind. "There's not a thing about you I don't like."
The silence that settled between you, you running your eyes over his features, your heart pounding, him not knowing if it would be a good idea to approach you, or if you needed space at that moment, waiting with his breath caught in his throat, not knowing if his feelings were reciprocated or not. You raised one of your hands, rubbing your forehead, unsure of how to interact after his confession. You decided to clear your throat and let the words flow, after all, even if you made a fool of yourself, it couldn't get any worse.
"Me too" you paused, still hearing your heart thudding in your chest, and then continued, "I have a crush, I mean. On you, yeah."
"Yeah" you confirmed, more at ease, moving closer to him.
Chris took the initiative and intertwined one of his hands with one of yours, looking at you softly and warmly, his smile provoking the same reactions from you as before, but now with the reassurance of knowing you weren't the only one who felt this way.
"What do you recommend from the bakery then?" he asked, taking you by the waist to continue walking beside you, both of you embracing each other.
And before you even answered you knew you would buy anything he asked for, even if you didn't like it, even if he didn't verbalize his desire to buy it. Only because you were as head over heels for him, as he was for you.
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© stayconnecteed 2023 · do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms
412 notes · View notes
subskz · 1 year
ʚïɞ butterfly bandage - 02
note: this is part 2 of a series (part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5)
content: bang chan/reader, university au, reader is female and referred to with she/her pronouns, themes of soulmates, slight angst, slight hurt/comfort, themes of death/grief over a friend, mentions of past unhealthy relationships, nsfw scenes
18+ content: sub chan, dom reader, soft smut, unprotected sex (no condom, but reader is on contraceptives), praise, body worship, riding, light choking, under-discussed kinks (both parties are consenting), light possessiveness, biting, teasing, lots of begging, aftercare
word count: 15.8k
You didn’t want to go home.
Final exams were just a week away, and summer break would follow soon after. For anyone else, it would bring about a much-needed relief, a moment to breathe after the grueling interim leading up to the end of the semester. For you, however, all that awaited was a looming, unshakeable sense of dread.
You hadn’t returned to your hometown for nearly six months now, choosing instead to spend all of your vacation time on campus, pouring yourself into assignments and studies far sooner and far more vigorously than required. But summer break would be an exception to this new, comfortably avoidant routine of yours. The excuse that you were busy became significantly less convincing when you had no classes to attend to, and you were certain that your parents wouldn’t let you get away with not visiting home for at least a week or two, especially when the trip was less than an hour by train.
It would be the one year anniversary soon, of the loss of your closest friend. The memory was still too fresh in your mind, the wound was still wide open and festering. You hadn’t given it proper time to heal—or, any time to heal, for that matter—instead having grown accustomed to slapping on a temporary fix and replacing it only when deemed absolutely necessary. Just enough to get by, to keep yourself together.
It wouldn’t be that easy to ignore once you returned home, though. Not even close. Every flickering streetlight, every newly blossomed tree, every crack in the sidewalk that had once been so reassuring in its familiarity, was laced with memories of her. They were memories that used to make your life brighter, warmer; like a glowing ball of light you carried around in your chest wherever you went. Now, they only stung.
The sound of your phone vibrating against the nightstand snapped you out of your brooding. You reached out aimlessly for it through the darkness of your bedroom, squinting as the harsh screen light nearly blinded you in the process.
A familiar flash of gray was all you needed to see to open the notification with embarrassing haste.
chan 🐺 (3:08 a.m.) let’s go here!
For a brief moment, you were at a loss, then, the link to a nearby bungeoppang shop followed.
chan 🐺 (3:09 a.m.) their custard is so sooo sooooooo good
chan 🐺 (3:10 a.m.) akskdnsnsksjsjsk
You were grinning before you even finished reading his messages, fondness flooding your chest in place of the heavy, melancholic fog that had been occupying it all night.
you (3:11 a.m.) yummy~ we can go during finals week as a pick me up!
chan 🐺 (3:11 a.m.) yuo’re awake,??
you (3:11 a.m.) that’s my line!
Just as you were typing out another response, your screen changed to signal Chan’s incoming call, making you scramble upright in bed. You should’ve come to expect it by now, but even so, it still felt just as new and exhilarating as the first time that wolf emoji had popped up out of the blue. Predictably unpredictable.
His greeting came the instant you picked up, oddly cheerful considering how late into the night it was.
“Hi, Channie,” you said softly. “Y’know, I think I’ve got you all figured out.”
“Oh?” Chan sounded taken aback. “What do you mean?”
“You’re only a phone guy when you should be asleep.”
Confusion melted into amusement, and you could hear the grin in his voice when he replied. “Hm…maybe you’re right,” he agreed. “But what’s your excuse, then?”
You paused. “I guess I’m only a good texter when it comes to you.”
The shy giggles that filled your ears didn’t disappoint. They made you feel light, carefree; like everything that had been responsible for keeping you wide awake for the past three hours was suddenly so trivial in the face of his laughter.
“So, what are you up to?” you asked.
“Trying to trick myself to fall asleep,” he said it like a joke, but you could feel the weariness behind his words. It tugged at your emotions in a way that you knew all too well. The urge to help him, to take care of him.
Your heart welcomed it, but your mind rejected it, and you were more keen on letting the latter call the shots these days. So, as naturally as it came, you pushed it away.
“By thinking about bungeoppang?”
Another giggle. “Well, more like thinking about things I wanna do with you.”
You held your breath to avoid letting a reaction slip out, but there was no way to repress the butterflies that fluttered to life in your stomach. Thankfully, Chan didn’t seem to notice. It was the one thing about you he could never quite catch, like his obliviousness to his own charm stood in the way of an otherwise razor-sharp intuition.
“How about you? What’s got you awake?”
You could clearly envision the attentive eyes and curious head tilt accompanying his question. It almost made you want to answer without restraint, to share all the thoughts that you’d been needlessly torturing yourself with for days now, rotating over and over in your head until they snowballed into something out of your control.
You stopped yourself just in time. He didn’t need to hear something like that at this hour—or, ever, really.
“Just thinking about the summer.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, and you hoped it’d be enough to get past his scrutiny.
“Oh!” he chirped. “Are you excited?”
Absolutely not. “Kinda,” you were grateful he couldn’t see your expression. “More excited about it than finals, anyway.”
“It’ll be fine!” he said confidently. “Just two more weeks, and we’re free, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “I’m gonna miss our study sessions.”
Chan had switched from the astrophysics track after his spring semester of senior year—cutting it close was an understatement—so any classes you’d be taking for your final term in the fall would be completely new territory for him. You didn’t doubt for a second that he might try to continue tutoring you and Changbin regardless, but after finding out how hard he’d been pushing himself to help you with subjects that he already had experience with, you couldn’t in good conscience allow him to do that to himself again.
Not that you needed the study sessions as an excuse to see him anymore, but still, you felt strangely wistful about it.
“Me too,” he hummed, as if his mind had drifted to the same place. “That reminds me, you left your sweater here the other day.”
“Oh! I didn’t even notice.”
“You must’ve been distracted by something,” he sang.
You let your chuckle slip out this time, more than ready to indulge him. “Well, there was this really cute boy there. Do you think he’d be willing to give it back to me?”
“Ah…” his attempt at teasing you backfired so spectacularly that he went silent for a moment. “He was cute? I don’t believe you.”
“Cute enough to kiss,” you confirmed.
You registered a sudden rustling sound on the other line, followed by the faintest squeak, as if he were physically unable to contain his giddiness. The thought of it nearly had you burying your face in your pillow yourself. You wished you could see him.
“Then,” he swallowed. “He might give it back to you, for a kiss.”
The memory of his lips on yours washed over you all at once, so vividly that you could even recall how his soft cheeks had felt cupped in your palms and how his shaky breath had fanned over your skin.
“Is that a promise?” You held out your pinky in the darkness. It buzzed with warmth, and you wondered briefly if he was mirroring your action on his end, or if it was just the lingering heat that he’d left on you.
“Promise,” he breathed.
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
The final lecture of PHYS 408: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, more or less went exactly as you had predicted. No review for the final exam, no rundown of what to expect, and certainly no heartfelt announcement from Dr. Choi, letting you all know what a joy of a section you’d been to teach. If it weren't for the date and time of the exam scribbled on the whiteboard behind him, you might’ve thought he’d forgotten about it altogether.
He’d droned on for the first hour of class, delivering your last lesson of the semester with the same perpetual stiffness as day one, then had so generously granted the remaining 15 minutes as free time for studying amongst yourselves. Changbin appeared ready to bolt the moment the words left your professor’s mouth, but you’d stubbornly convinced him to stay just a bit longer and study with you. It was more for his sake than anything else, considering he’d only attended one of the two final exam reviews with Chan.
Changbin, it seemed, had other plans, as he hadn’t let a minute pass by without getting distracted from the task at hand and trying to start a conversation with you.
“By the way, you'll be at the get-together won’t you? Before the summer ends.”
You looked up from your notes, already sensing some kind of trap being set up.
“And by get-together you mean…?”
Changbin’s lips curved into a sheepish half-smile; caught, even with his careful phrasing.
“Well, I guess it’s more of a party.”
You made a face. You’d been to a handful of parties the past three years of your university experience, each one having been more unpleasant and suffocating than the last.
“I’m not sure, Bin. Not really my scene, y’know?”
“It’ll be your scene if I'm there, trust me.” Changbin lifted his head with a grin, and you might have rolled your eyes if his overblown confidence wasn’t so endearing.
“Uh-huh,” you played along. “Now I'm just itching to go.”
“Doesn’t the bond we’ve built these past months mean anything to you?” he whined. “It could be our last chance to really hang out!”
“It’s not like we’re dying, Seo Changbin,” you said, unimpressed. “I know for a fact that you’re taking the same Experimental Physics section as me next semester because we both put it off.”
Changbin clicked his tongue, shutting his book dramatically—which made no difference, really, considering he hadn’t read a single line of text from it. “Alright, fine. You’ve made it clear how little you value our friendship today.”
Just when you thought he’d accepted defeat, he continued.
“And of course,” a devious glint crossed his eyes. “It wouldn’t change your mind if I told you a certain friend of mine was coming?”
Ah. Despite your vigilance, it appeared you’d fallen right into his trap anyway.
“A certain friend?” you echoed. It came casual, but inside, your mind was swarming with countless possibilities. You hadn’t yet told Changbin about everything that had transpired between you and Chan, and you weren’t sure if Chan had mentioned anything to him either. The issue wasn’t so much that you were afraid of how Changbin would react, it was more about preparing yourself to deal with the theatrics of it all, the internal battle between horror and smugness that was sure to ensue inside him; because, on one hand, he’d been right, but on the other hand, he’d been right.
You could already picture it: scolding and teasing all at once, “I leave you alone with my best friend for one night and you kiss him!?”
You would never hear the end of it.
“A certain Bang Chan,” he elaborated, looking a bit disappointed when you didn’t give him the reaction he’d hoped for.
Knowing that Chan would be there admittedly piqued your interest, but not in the way Changbin seemed to think. You were more so curious as to what would draw him into such an environment—if he would be in his element, or awkwardly out of place. He was a social butterfly, sure, with a friends list that could probably fill up your entire Theoretical Methods notebook, but even so, a college party just wasn’t the kind of pastime you’d imagined him to indulge in all that much.
Still, you could be wrong. You simultaneously felt like you knew so much about Chan, yet so little. It was like you could envision the completed puzzle of him in your mind, but still didn’t quite have all the pieces in your hand.
With a start, you realized that Changbin might mistake your silence for something else, and you forced out a response before he could get too suspicious.
“Chan’s going?” you asked. “Is that his kind of thing?”
“Hm…not usually,” he tapped your pencil against the tabletop, as if it required deep thought. “At least, he’s not big on drinking and all that.”
The surge of satisfaction you felt in being correct came so strong that you were almost taken aback. It went hand in hand with that ever-present desire to know him, every part of him, better than anyone else.
“So, what’s the occasion, then? Because I know you’re not exactly a party animal yourself, Mr. Principles.”
“I’m the life of any party I go to.” He said it so seriously that you couldn’t help but snort, earning you a defensive swat to the shoulder.
“But, you do have a point,” he admitted once your giggles had died down. “It is sort of a special occasion.”
You leaned in, fully immersed now. He was being uncharacteristically roundabout today, and when that signature, shy smirk crept up on his face, you knew there was definitely something else brewing under the surface.
“It’s an event for the student music organization here on campus, so we get to do a little showcase.”
Your eyes widened. “We? As in 3RACHA?”
He simply beamed, the look of pride on his face speaking for itself.
“Bin! Are you serious!?”
For once, you were the one turning heads in you and Changbin’s direction, but you couldn’t find it in you to feel self-conscious about your outburst. “Like, a live performance?”
He wiggled in his spot, clearly basking in your excitement. “Just one song, but, yeah.”
“Still, that’s amazing!” you piped. “You should’ve just said that from the beginning, you know I’ll go if it means seeing you perform.”
“I know,” he scrunched up his nose, the embarrassment finally starting to get to him. “But I didn’t wanna flaunt. Modesty is key, after all.”
You shot him an amused look. “Is that one of your principles?”
“The most important one,” he said proudly.
Though you were less than enthused about attending a party of that magnitude, in that moment you felt nothing but delight bubbling up in your chest; for Changbin, for yourself, for Chan. You wondered what his reaction to the news had been like, if he’d broken out into that thousand-watt smile of barely-contained glee, or if the prospect of sharing his music in front of so many people had reduced him to a panicked mess, scrambling to get everything in order to put on the best performance possible.
The clock struck 9:15 a.m. to signal the end of your final lecture period. Naturally, you and Changbin hadn’t gotten any studying done, with his little announcement serving as the nail in the coffin for your motivation to work. As you gathered up your belongings and rose from your chair, an unexpected wave of nostalgia overtook you. It was likely the last time you’d be sitting in it, given that even the most absent of students would be showing up on the day of the final and taking any spot they could find. In a weird way, you were going to miss it. Some of your most miserable recollections from the semester were associated with it—stress, exhaustion, confusion, pressure—but it had brought about some of your most cherished moments as well; some of your most cherished people.
Changbin seemed to notice the sentimental expression on your face, and he gave you a gentle nudge as you strolled together out of the classroom.
“A lot has changed since that first day, huh?”
“Yeah,” you let your shoulder bump against his. “It has.”
You hoped, desperately, that it was the start of something better.
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
In the end, you and Chan hadn’t been able to line your schedules up even once throughout finals week to make room for your bungeoppang date. Amidst the storm of projects, presentations, exams, and papers, the two of you barely found time in the day to fulfill basic necessities, let alone to hang out with one another. You were particularly worried about the self-care situation on his end, already well-acquainted with his tendency to neglect his health whenever he was swamped. All you could do was send short, uplifting messages every few days, encouraging him to get some rest before the sun came up.
The dangling promise of fish-shaped bread (and, of course, the boy that came with it) had carried you through the week more than you’d like to admit, and by the time your last exam of the semester came around, your patience was on its last legs. You turned in your Astronomical Techniques test with plenty of time to spare, scurrying out of the lecture hall and making your way to the campus gym as quickly as your feet would allow.
Pushing open the doors to the natatorium where you and Chan had agreed to meet, you were immediately hit with the stinging scent of chlorine and thunderous sound of overlapping splashes. You scanned over the area in search of his familiar face, overwhelmed by the sea of identical swim caps. When you spotted him at last, he wasn’t emerging from the locker room like you’d expected him to be—freshly showered and, most importantly, clothed. No, instead, your eyes landed on him just in time to witness him rising from the pool, muscular arms hoisting his body up the ledge and sending streams of water cascading down his broad shoulders and back.
You froze, too mesmerized by the sight to even think about looking away before he could notice you. He pulled his swim cap off along with his goggles, shaking his wet curls free and confirming that it was, in fact, Bang Christopher Chan standing shirtless before you.
It was almost laughable, how your heartbeat picked up to an alarming speed, hammering faster in your chest the more you studied his figure. The full curve of his pecs, the toned ridges of his abdomen, the lean dip in his waist, disappearing into his swim trunks. His skin was glistening and almost annoyingly untouched. You wanted to sully it, to leave it marked up and littered with traces of you.
A sudden squeak of your name snapped you back to your senses. With how intensely you’d been staring, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you that Chan’s head would whip around in your direction, as if he could physically feel the holes your gaze had been burning into his skin.
“Y-you’re here!” he stammered. A part of you wondered if he might’ve done this on purpose, secretly hoping for you to find him like this when he’d suggested that you meet up with him after practice. But, judging by the way he shrank into himself, arms flying up to cross over his chest at the speed of light, he was just as mortified as you were.
You took a breath, forcing yourself to get it together. “I guess I finished my exam earlier than I thought,” your voice sounded steady, at least. “Sorry for sneaking up on you.”
Chan shifted his weight from side to side, eyes darting between you and the floor. “No worries,” he chuckled awkwardly. You made a point to avoid looking anywhere but his face for the sake of his comfort, but the way his ears had flushed a very obvious shade of red was just as distracting, if not more.
He cleared his throat. “Uh, we’re done for the day, anyway. I just gotta shower, then I’m all yours!”
You wished he hadn’t phrased it like that. “Sure, take your time.”
You managed a quick smile, turning towards the bench on the far end of the pool so he could walk to the locker rooms without worrying about covering himself up.
As if that whole altercation hadn’t been embarrassing enough already, it took the entirety of the ten minutes he spent in the shower for the adrenaline rushing through your veins to finally ebb.
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“I can’t believe you just did that.”
It was the first time you’d ever really heard Chan whine—childish and pouty in a way that could give even Changbin a run for his money.
You giggled triumphantly, waving the bungeoppang in his face to really rub it in.
Chan had made the grave mistake of offhandedly telling you what he planned to order as the two of you chatted on the way to the shop, and when he’d whispered to you that he was going to run to the bathroom as you were studying the menu, the opportunity that presented itself was just too perfect for you to pass up.
Instead of waiting, you’d lined up on your own, praying that you would make it before he returned. In the end, you’d succeeded, ordering for him and yourself and paying for both portions just in the nick of time, much to his horror.
“This upset over my first win?” you taunted. “I didn’t know you were so competitive, Channie.”
He huffed, pressing his lips together in a way that made his cheeks swell. The good-natured twinkle in his eyes remained, however, and he eventually accepted the pastry in defeat. “Still, thank you.”
You softened. “Of course. It’s the least I could do.”
The two of you slipped into the nearest booth, settling in across from each other. Chan looked ready to devour his order within seconds of sitting down, but before he could, you reached out, bungeoppang in hand, as if proposing a toast.
“Here’s to getting through finals alive,” you declared.
He grinned, tapping his bread against yours. “Cheers!”
You bit into your share, the light crispness of the crust blending perfectly with its filling. Chan had been right about this place’s custard; the way its flavor flooded your tongue was nothing short of heavenly.
“Oh my God,” you mumbled. “This is so good.”
He let out a blissful hum of agreement. You glanced up to find him already halfway done with his share, cheeks stuffed and lips puckered as he chewed happily away. A stray drop of custard had stuck to the corner of his mouth, right next to the curve of his dimple, and it took everything in you not to lean in and kiss him right then and there.
Chan’s eyes fluttered open as he swallowed his massive mouthful, and you straightened up in your spot, trying to pretend like you hadn’t just been daydreaming about eating custard off of his face.
“By the way,” you began. “Changbin told me you guys are performing at the end of the summer?”
“Ah…” he brought his bungeoppang up to his nose, like he hoped to disappear behind it. “Yeah, seems like it. It’s not a big deal, though, really.”
“It is! I wish you’d told me, I definitely don’t wanna miss it.”
His gaze peeked up above the half-eaten bread, and you might’ve thought he was just playing coy if the look in his eyes wasn’t so adorably hopeful, searching your expression for a sincere show of interest.
“Of course,” you said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Plus, Bin would never let me live it down if I did.”
“True,” he grinned. “Would you believe me if I said I wanted to tell you?”
“I was just kinda embarrassed about it,” he chuckled. “Dunno if I’d be able to face you after.”
Something about the way he said it nearly made you melt. How very like him, to feel self-conscious about performing in front of you before it’d even happened. Unable to help yourself any longer, you reached forward and brushed your thumb along the edge of his lips, scooping up the drop of custard—though, really, it was just an excuse to touch him.
Chan looked caught off guard for a moment, fingers flexing around the pastry in his hand. Then, the smile was back on his face, even wider this time.
“You’re so cute,” you murmured. “If you say that, it just makes me wanna see you more, y’know.”
He reached up to fiddle with his piercing, both dimples now on full display. “Will you be back in town by then?”
“I’m gonna be here for most of the break, actually,” you confessed.
His eyes lit up. “You serious?”
You nodded, praying he wouldn’t ask you to elaborate.
“So am I!” he beamed. “I’m doing an independent study, so I won’t have the chance to go home.”
It dawned on you for the first time that Chan’s family was, in fact, still living in Australia while he attended university. You hadn’t even considered the possibility that he might not be visiting them over the summer. That same, familiar ache touched your heart again—it must get lonely for him. Here you were, purposely avoiding your hometown at all costs, when he was likely longing for his.
“Oh no,” you frowned. “Not even for a short trip?”
“Nah.” He waved his hand, seemingly unaffected. “But it’s alright. I’ve got you, and my buddy Felix will be here for a while, too.”
Felix. Another name you’d heard thrown around by Chan and Changbin on more than one occasion. He was yet another junior that Chan had managed to befriend somehow, and, just like him, he’d grown up in Australia. It eased your mind a bit, knowing that he and Chan at least had each other when everyone else was home for the holidays.
“But what about you?” He cocked his head. “Any reason you’re staying?”
The dreaded question. This time, you couldn’t depend on the safety of a phone call to keep him from gauging your reaction.
“I just prefer it here, I guess.” You picked at the paper wrapping of your bread, hoping to sound nonchalant. “There’s some stuff I don’t wanna deal with back home. But, knowing my parents, I’ll probably still go for a week or so.”
Suddenly, the look on his face wasn’t quite so bright. It was subtle, just a fleeting crack in his typically bubbly demeanor, but not lost on you. Whether it was the mention of your parents or your vaguely cynical response that had brought about such a strange reaction, you weren’t sure, but you berated yourself for being responsible for dampening his mood, even if it was short-lived.
“I get that,” he said softly. “Let’s have a good time here together, yeah?”
Chan didn’t speak any further on the topic, but somehow, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he resonated with what you’d said more than he was letting on.
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Three days into your visit back home, you came to fully accept the fact that you were in way over your head.
From the moment you’d stepped off the train, hit with that warm, familiar air, tinged with the scent of pine, you could already feel it picking away at you. The trip from the station to your house, which you’d stubbornly chosen to make by foot, was full of bittersweet sights, sounds, and smells that had shaped you growing up, with each one tugging your seams loose just a little bit more. It felt akin to whiplash, a harsh dive into the deep end of reality after the past month you’d spent with Chan, stuck in a giddy haze.
Thanks to him, the harsh sting of summer had become more of a dull ache, not quite fading altogether, but soothed into something more manageable, at least. With Iseul, Changbin, and all your other friends returning home for vacation, you’d breezed through the entirety of June almost exclusively in Chan’s company. More often than not, Felix would join in as well, making for an unexpectedly pleasant dynamic among the three of you. You’d taken a liking to the boy in no time—it was impossible not to, when he had a smile like the sun and an infectious sort of vitality that brought joy to even the simplest of activities. He was a bit more reserved than Chan, at least around you, but he had a similar kind of warmth, the kind that was sure to enamor anyone he crossed paths with.
Between movie nights (more superhero movies than you’d ever thought existed), day trips to the beach (with Chan, thankfully, taking your sanity into account and wearing a tank top at all times), and far too many baking sessions (some successful, most failed), what you’d initially feared to be a month of nothing but heat and misery had turned out to be some of the best weeks of your life.
It was only natural, of course, that the universe would follow them up with a week that was carefully crafted to send all that happiness you’d built toppling unceremoniously to the ground.
The pit of guilt you’d felt in your stomach about avoiding home for so long increased tenfold with every comment from your parents and relatives, joking about how you were too busy, too good for your family to waste time on them anymore. You almost wanted to be upset, because you knew they knew. But you also knew that they meant well. In their minds, they were doing you a favor by not addressing it, not daring to so much as utter your friend’s name around you. It was much easier to pretend like everything was okay. That was what you’d been doing for the past year, after all.
Still, no matter how hard you wished you could ignore it, the pesky, human desire for seeking solace in others persisted. You needed to release, to lift the top off the pressure cooker you’d kept so tightly sealed for so long.
You needed to talk to someone. But the only person in the world who you could’ve opened up to about losing her, was her.
Your thumb lingered over Chan’s contact, now on your fourth minute of debating whether or not you should throw caution to the wind and call him. You wanted to hear his voice rambling on, his absent-minded humming of whichever song was stuck in his head that day, his laughter.
With a deep inhale, you swiped out of your phone app, opening up your messages instead.
you (8:13 a.m.) hey it’s been a minute! how are u?
A response, almost immediately.
iseul 🪷 (8:13 a.m.) awful horrible miserable
you (8:14 a.m.) hello??? what’s going on?
iseul 🪷 (8:14 a.m.) family is driving me crazy and i hate men i also might be fired???? idk yet
You frowned, trying to process the unfortunate string of messages unfolding on your screen. You didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be having a worse time than you right now. It brought you back to your senses, reminded you of your place. Self-pity never suited you, anyway. Your sympathy was much better off reserved for others.
you (8:15 a.m.) oh my god? do you want to talk?
iseul 🪷 (8:15 a.m.) ugh yes i’ll ft you later at a family gathering rn 🤢 hate it here
you (8:16 a.m.) we’re in the same boat remember the right answer to every question is that ur focusing on ur studies
iseul 🪷 (8:16 a.m.) literally gonna be using that one all day ugh literally kill me
you (8:17 a.m.) being nosey is just how they show their love~
iseul 🪷 (8:17 a.m.) they should show their love a little less
you (8:18 a.m.) lmaoo
you (8:19 a.m.) btw do you still want me to look over that paper for your grad school app?
iseul 🪷 (8:19 a.m.) omg….. omfg yes i totally forgot omfg i’ll send it to u when i’m free pls read it fix it make me sound smarter
With the way Iseul was typing a mile a minute, you were certain you’d be in for an earful when you talked to her later. Strangely enough, it lifted a bit of weight off your shoulders. Maybe you could focus on reviewing her essay and offering her advice on the many, many issues she seemed to be facing as a way to take your mind off the growing itch in your skin.
That was all you had to do, really. Make yourself useful, keep yourself preoccupied with something at all times until you could return to campus and restart the process of tucking away every memory associated with the previous summer from scratch.
It was just a matter of holding yourself together. Just one more week.
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In the back of your mind, you couldn’t help but think that a day like this one shouldn’t be quite so sunny.
The sky was bright and spotless, an endless expanse of soft blue without so much as a single cloud daring to interfere. Some might say it was a good omen, a sign that you were being watched over with a smile, but to you, it almost felt like a taunt.
Still, the nice weather at least meant that your walk to the cemetery wouldn’t be met with any unexpected rain. Your mother had offered—or demanded, rather—to drive you if you weren’t going to drive yourself, so as not to keep your friends waiting; but much to her exasperation, you’d refused. You had an important stop to make along the way, anyway, one that both fueled your apprehension, and eased it.
It had officially been a year now. A year since you’d lost your best friend, a year since you’d ended your relationship, a year since your sense of self had become muddled. Nothing in the city felt like home, anymore. It had belonged to the both of you, and with her gone, there was nothing left for you.
A sudden call of your name nearly made you jump out of your skin. You looked up from the concrete, shocked to find that you’d zoned out long enough to have reached your destination without even processing it. Your eyes raked over the worn-down stand, once a pure, striking white, now chipped and rusted with age. Still, it brought a smile to your face, the first real one since you’d arrived home.
“Is that really you, kid?”
Steeling yourself, you lifted your head fully to face the man before you. He looked the same as ever, albeit with a bit less hair on his head, but his kind eyes and jovial smile hadn’t changed one bit, they never did.
“Hello, Uncle Geun,” you greeted. “How have you been?”
Gruff, booming laughter met your ears, and you were pulled into a bone-crushing hug before you knew it. The smell of his colorful apron, musky from the heat, but not unpleasant, sent a wave of sentimentality crashing over you. It took everything in you not to tear up the moment it touched your senses.
He was a man that had watched you grow up, in the truest sense of the words. Over a decade ago, on this very street, you’d rounded the corner with a bit too much energy on your way to school, slamming into another little girl and sending you both toppling onto the unforgiving sidewalk. You’d managed to come out of it with just a skidded palm, but she, on the other hand, was bawling the instant she’d recovered from the initial impact.
Even as a child, you’d gotten the feeling that she was being a bit too dramatic about it all, sobbing about how her knees hurt and how her new jumper was ruined. Regardless, your stomach twisted with guilt, and when you saw that your apologies weren’t getting through to her, you’d done the first thing your little mind could think of, scurrying over to the nearby flower vendor and asking if he could spare you a gift for her. His smile had been just as grand back then as it was now, his laughter just as boisterous as he picked a chrysanthemum from his stock and handed it to you.
The second you’d shoved the round, yellow flower in her face, her crying came to an immediate halt, tears drying up and sniffles dying down, as if on cue. She accepted it with a smile as bright as the flower itself, pulling off a few petals for you when she noticed the scrapes on your hand.
You’d continued the walk to school side by side, and by the end of the day, the two of you had come to a mutual agreement that you were now, officially, best friends.
You blinked rapidly, hoping your expression wouldn't betray you when Uncle Geun finally pulled away from the hug.
“It’s good to see you,” he beamed. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“That’s all you, Uncle. Even the flowers are jealous.”
Another raspy burst of laughter. “Clever as always.”
“Maybe that college education is worth something,” you joked.
His grin grew impossibly wider, silver tooth gleaming in the sunlight. “We’ve all missed you,” he said. “Doesn’t really feel like the summertime without the sight of you walking around the city with—”
He cut himself off at just the right instant. You felt a light pang in your chest, but you forced yourself to keep smiling.
“Well,” he cleared his throat. “You girls were always a joy.”
“We had a lot of great memories because of you,” you replied quietly.
An uncharacteristically somber look crossed his face, and your eyes fell back to the ground.
“So, what’ll it be, today?” he began, trying to put the pep back in his voice. “Don’t tell me you’re just here to give the old man a visit.”
“Chrysanthemums, please,” you requested. “They’re for her.”
You unzipped your bag, reaching in to pull out your wallet. Before you could even prepare your payment, however, his calloused hand rested over yours, shooing it away.
“This one’s on the house.”
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You never made it to the cemetery.
However necessary it had felt for you to visit the flower stand and see Uncle Geun, the toll it took on your state of mind was far heavier than you’d ever anticipated—and you’d anticipated. Your conversation with him had left you disoriented, a strange ache pulsing through your body. Whether grief or nostalgia was at its core, you weren’t sure.
With blurry vision, you’d texted your friends that you wouldn’t be able to make it and returned home, clutching the bouquet of flowers close to your chest. In a matter of twenty minutes, you gathered up all your belongings, tossed them into your hardly unpacked suitcase, and arranged to take the first train back home. Your new home, the one that felt right for all the wrong reasons.
Despite your parents’ adamant protests, you stood by your decision to leave. You promised to make it up to them with another visit, and after almost an hour of arguing, the hollowness of your voice finally seemed to get through to them. Disapproving but ultimately understanding, they’d quietly allowed you to go.
The train ride was a blur. You didn’t remember much of it, and only when you approached the front door of your apartment at last did you feel the fog in your head begin to clear just a bit. As you dug around for your keys, you realized for the first time how stiff your hand had become. You’d kept it wrapped tightly around the chrysanthemums for the entire trip home, not loosening your death grip even once.
The heavy sigh of relief you let out as you stepped into your apartment was cut short when you registered an unexpected figure standing near the window. Even in all your shock, you didn’t have the energy to call out louder than your usual volume.
His reaction was priceless, yelping in fear and spinning around at a breakneck speed. You were lucky that he at least managed to avoid dropping the watering can in his hand and send it crashing to the floor.
“Y-you’re here!?”
The fact that it sounded like a genuine question when you were standing right in front of him shouldn’t have endeared you so much. You placed down your bags, praying that your exhaustion wasn’t as obvious as it felt.
“Surprise,” you nearly cringed at how weak it came out.
In all your turmoil, you’d completely forgotten that Chan had offered to water your plants for you while you were gone. Though, to be fair, even if you had remembered, you wouldn’t have expected to stumble in on him doing so at near midnight.
“Welcome back!” His face broke out into a radiant smile. It felt more like home than anything you’d experienced the past week. “Are those new flowers for me to water?”
Despite everything, you smiled back at him, placing the bouquet on your countertop and padding over to him. He opened his arms in an instant, and you fell into them, squeezing him tighter than was probably necessary and earning a cute, tiny grunt.
“Thank you, Channie,” you simply said. His warmth enveloped you and his scent wafted over you, freshly-washed laundry and the fading, sweet citrus of his cologne. “It’s good to see you.”
“I missed you,” he sucked in hesitantly through his teeth before continuing. “But, is everything alright? I thought you still had another few days.”
“Yeah. Just a little change of plans,” hoping to lighten the mood, you added, “Guess I can’t be kept away from you for too long.”
You knew he wouldn’t buy the excuse, but he giggled anyway, shoulders vibrating against you as the melodic sound graced your ears. A part of you had initially been horrified by the prospect of Chan catching you like this, but now, all you felt was an overwhelming sense of calm.
Reluctantly, you pulled back to face him. His eyes were drowsy—nothing new there—but there was a healthy complexion to his skin. He looked just a bit tanner than the last time you’d seen him; he must’ve spent a lot of his free time at the beach.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here,” he didn’t let go of you, even after the hug had ended. “Felix will be, too. Pretty sure he secretly thinks you’re a better baking assistant than me.”
You let out a hum of amusement. “Can’t say I blame him when you steal all the chocolate chips.”
He puckered his lips into a pout. Not truly upset, but enough for you to lean in and press an apologetic kiss to them. You would’ve taken any opportunity to do so, anyway.
His breath caught in his throat—you’d quickly learned that it was inevitable, no matter how many times you kissed him—but he returned it instantly, melting into you like he’d been itching to do from the second you’d arrived. It was something you hadn’t fully adjusted to yet, how impossibly soft his lips were. They demanded all of your attention in their fullness, moving against yours with a timid sort of vigor.
You hadn’t expected it to be more than just a light peck, but once you’d gotten a taste of him, of his warmth, you couldn’t help yourself. It was his fault, you decided, for diving into you with such unabashed eagerness. Your teeth grazed delicately along his lower lip, and he opened his mouth to let out a sweet, airy sigh.
The feeling that you’d so narrowly escaped on the night you’d first kissed him took hold of you yet again, so strong in its grip that you worried you may not be able to ignore it this time. Your hands roamed down to his abdomen, brushing over it just enough to feel the outline of his muscles beneath his clothes. You remembered the sight of him in the natatorium that day—toned stomach and soft hips, smooth, irresistible skin that looked like it hadn’t been marked a day in his life. You wanted all of it, all of him.
Chan angled his head to further deepen the kiss, nose bumping against yours in the process. You felt his lips curve into a shy smile, and another sound escaped him, almost like a squeak.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you finally found it in you to break the kiss. When his eyes blinked open, he looked adorably lost, gaze falling right back down to your lips as if to ask why you’d stopped. He swayed just barely under your hands, and you strengthened your hold on his waist to steady him.
“You look like you’re about to fall over, Channie,” you teased.
“Sorry,” he chuckled breathlessly. “My heart’s kinda racing.”
It was such a sincere admission, so simple and honest. Even if you couldn’t already tell what he was thinking on your own, he wore his heart on his sleeve. Or rather, he held it out in his hands, offering it up to you.
You let go of his waist to lock your fingers with his. You’d grown used to the heat by now, but everything else you were feeling in that moment made it burn just as much as the first time you’d touched him. With just a light tug at his arm, he was following you to your bedroom, clutching your hand a little tighter.
“Is this better?” you asked, settling down on the bed with him.
He ducked his head, too flustered to respond. Playfully, you lifted two fingers and placed them on his neck, as if to check his pulse. You pressed down into his skin, and he nearly gasped. If it hadn’t been racing before, it certainly was now.
“I-it’s been a while,” he meekly tried to explain.
Given how his body reacted to your every little touch, you had no trouble believing it. You couldn’t deny how much it excited you, too. He was such a sweet boy; you felt a need, a hunger, to see the most intimate parts of him, to see what pleasure and vulnerability and desperation might look like on such an angelic face. You wanted to make him a part of you, to engulf him and protect him, to take on his emotions and forget about yours.
Driven by a newfound urgency, you all but crashed back into him. He met your fire with equal enthusiasm, parting his lips to let your tongue slide against his—hot and wet in a way that made the both of you shiver. Your hands began roaming again, feeling up the broad expanse of his shoulders, his chest, his arms. You palmed and squeezed at them to your heart’s content, as if to make sure the moment was real, to make sure he was real. It was still hard to fathom, that the man you’d been dreaming about for almost three months now was here in your bed.
You trailed further down in your touch, fingers sliding under his loose shirt and palms flattening against his skin. Suddenly, Chan tensed, retreating from the kiss just enough to speak, but still close enough that his lips brushed against yours with every word.
“W-wait,” he stuttered out. “I don’t…I didn’t…”
You paused, fearing for a moment that you’d misread the situation. He had said it’d been a while, after all. Maybe he wasn’t ready. Maybe he wasn’t used to moving this fast; you certainly weren’t.
“Is something wrong?”
“I don’t have protection,” he warned quietly. “I-I didn’t think…”
Despite every cell in your body crying out in protest, you pulled back to get a proper look at him. His eyes were dark, pupils blown wide and putting his longing on full display for you to see.
He seemed to be struggling with getting his sentence out, so you guessed for him. “You didn’t think this would happen?”
He averted his eyes. “Just…didn’t wanna assume anything.”
Cute, cute, cute. He was so painfully cute.
“I’m protected,” you reassured him. “You don’t have to worry.”
Even if he had brought contraceptives, against your better judgment, you weren’t quite sure if you’d be content with using them. You wanted all of him, skin on skin, every inch. Nothing else would satisfy the burn, the ache that had been burgeoning inside you since the day you’d first met him.
“You don’t have to worry about a thing,” you pressed your forehead against his. “Let me take care of you, Channie.”
The sound he made in response, low and needy in his throat, set something off in you. Miraculously, you managed to prevent yourself from digging your nails into his stomach, just to relieve some of the tension that was consuming your body at an alarming rate.
Instead, you took his chin between your fingers, tilting it up. “Is that okay with you?”
Chan swallowed, so hard that you could see his adam’s apple bob in his throat. “Yeah,” he breathed. “I c-can pull out. Just tell me when, please, and I’ll listen.”
He said it so earnestly that you pressed your thighs together. You had no plans to tell him, and you got the feeling he understood that from the look in your eyes alone.
“You’re good at listening, aren’t you?” you cooed.
He nodded, eyes squeezing shut when your hand came to cradle his head. “I’ll be good for you,” he mustered up the courage to say it, grateful for the lack of eye contact. “Whatever you want, I’ll do it.”
Good for you. The words made your heart sing. He was already so good for you just existing. He was perfect for you.
“Whatever I want?” you brushed your thumb up and down his cheek. “Everything I want is already right in front of me.”
A blush crept up on his face, dusting it that unmistakable rosy shade that was so Chan. You felt his skin heating up as he nuzzled into your palm with a flustered laugh, and you took the opportunity to gently guide him down, resting his back against the bed. With bated breath, he watched you come to hover above him, his hands bunching nervously at the bedsheets. You slipped your fingers back under his shirt and began tugging it up his torso. He stiffened, but still raised himself slightly off the mattress to allow you to pull off the garment.
The moment your eyes landed on his bare upper body, he was looking away again, chest rising and falling rapidly in anticipation. You rested a hand over his left pec, feeling up the defined muscle and his heartbeat along with it.
“Beautiful,” you murmured.
Chan stammered out something that sounded vaguely like a protest, but he didn’t have the chance to finish before you were leaning down and pressing a kiss to his neck. His response was immediate, tilting his head and baring his skin to you. Your mouth traveled along his jawline and down the column of his throat, sucking and nibbling at every spot you touched. By the time you reached his collarbones, he was already squirming in barely-concealed want beneath you, and you stole a glance at him to find him biting down hard on his lip in restraint.
“You’re so beautiful, Channie,” you dragged your teeth along the curve of his chest, and his hips shot up into you. “I can’t believe I get to see you like this.”
“Please,” he buried his face in his hands. It was adorable, but not as adorable as the sight of embarrassment and pleasure twisting his features. So, you rested your hands over his and pulled them away, pinning his muscular arms above his head and rendering them powerless.
“You said you’d do whatever I want, right?” you began. “So, no hiding.”
His eyes glazed over with lust, so taken by how exposed he felt below you that he almost forgot to nod.
“And,” you continued, lowering yourself to speak right into his ear. “No holding back, okay? I know you have a pretty voice, let me hear it.”
“I…” for a second, he appeared at a loss for words. “O-okay.”
“Good boy,” you let go of his hands, dragging your fingers lightly down his biceps and watching him shudder. You readjusted your position to resume your earlier ministrations, kissing down the valley of his chest and fighting the temptation to sink your teeth into it—hard. You wanted nothing more than to leave his skin red and bruised and blossoming with love bites, but you knew you probably shouldn’t when any marks you made would be clear as day to his teammates during swim practice. Instead, you settled for pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses along his body, grazing his skin with your teeth just enough to appease yourself without leaving a lasting trace. The softness of your lips pressed against the lean ridges of his abs, making for a contrast that neither of you could get enough of.
“Such a pretty baby,” you mumbled, licking a stripe down his stomach and feeling his muscles contract under your tongue. “My pretty baby boy.”
It slipped out like an instinct, and before you could stop to wonder if it may be too much for Chan, a long, shaky moan met your ears.
Oh. He was loud.
Suddenly, his frantic attempts to suppress himself made perfect sense. You had a feeling that he hadn’t let completely loose yet, either. Heat pooled in your stomach at the thought of what kind of noises you could draw out of him. You couldn’t wait much longer.
“Do you like that? Baby boy?” you asked sweetly. Chan raised his hips off the mattress as your fingers danced delicately along his sides, soothing and exciting him all at once.
“M-mhm.” It was all he could get out without making another mortifying sound.
“Tell me what you like,” you swirled your tongue around his belly button, slowly approaching his v-line. “Tell me what feels good.”
“All of it,” he gasped. “All of you.”
You smiled against his skin, and your lips found the waistband of his shorts, allowing you to see for the first time just how much he meant it. You’d been so focused on attending to his upper half that you hadn’t even thought about the state of him down there. He was hard, fully hard. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was leaking in his underwear by now. It almost made you feel a tinge of guilt, leaving him neglected for so long; but his building desire was palpable, and it fed into your arousal like nothing else.
Mischievously, you gave his bulge a kittenish lick. Chan all but jolted, hand flying over his mouth a moment too late to mask his hiccup.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, angel,” you promised, fingers dipping under the elastic of his waistband. “So good, you won’t be able to think about anything else.”
“Oh, God,” he whimpered. “Need you.”
“I’m right here, Channie,” you pulled his shorts down in one go, removing his underwear along with them. He hissed through his teeth as the air hit his exposed length, cooling the drops of precum that had dribbled from his tip. Carefully, you took him into your hand, licking your lips when you felt him throb at the contact.
“Poor thing,” you feigned sympathy. “You’re so worked up.”
You knew it took everything in Chan not to bury his face in the sheets. Instead, he bucked up into your grasp as a wordless plea, struggling to gain some kind of friction. His body was just as honest as he was with his words. Every subtle shift in his expression, every sensitive twitch of his body, every poorly concealed sound—they made it so easy to understand what he was feeling. He made himself so easy for you to take apart.
Gently, you gestured for him to sit up. It took him a moment to process the command, and you couldn’t help but think he looked akin to a lost puppy, blinking his foggy eyes in confusion before clumsily willing himself upright. You ushered him back until he was resting against the headboard, slipping off your own shorts and underwear and settling into his lap in one fell swoop.
“You’re not the only one, though,” you drawled, taking his cock back into your hand. You pressed his tip just barely against your heat, allowing your wetness to mix with his precum. “Do you feel it?”
A desperate groan rumbled in his chest, going straight to your core. “Y-yes. Please, let me feel you. Wanna make you feel good, too.”
You hummed playfully, circling the head of his dick around your entrance and gathering up more of your essence. His thighs jerked up against yours, a weak apology immediately following it. Just to tease him further, you stopped what you were doing and turned your attention to your own shirt, taking your sweet time in slipping it off your torso and discarding it.
The ache between your legs was almost unbearable at this point, but the way Chan’s breathing picked up when he realized what you were doing made it all worth it. You unclasped your bra from behind, letting it slip off your shoulders and exposing your bare body to him.
His stare dropped, locking on the sight of your chest with a shaky inhale. A mere few inches separated you, but he gazed at you like you were untouchable, like he could only admire you from afar. It made you giggle—even now, he was still so shy.
“Are you ready, Channie?”
He looked back up at you with a nod, and you almost wished he hadn’t, because the pure adoration swimming in his eyes effectively sent the last of your self-control crumbling.
You lined him up with your entrance and sank down on his cock all at once. The gasp you let out was only rivaled by the sound of his own cry, loud and shameless, like he himself didn’t even realize it was coming from him.
Heat rippled throughout your entire body, stronger than you’d ever felt it before. It held the exhilaration of something new, yet the intimacy of something familiar, and it set every one of your nerve endings ablaze. You clenched around Chan the moment you connected with his base, taking in his size and shape, wrapping yourself around him; all of him, just like you’d wanted.
He surged forward with another strained noise, head falling into your chest and nestling into its softness. You rested a hand on the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his curls and placing your other hand on his shoulder.
“Mine,” you whispered.
Vaguely, you heard it, timid and breathless, mumbled into your skin. “Yours. ‘M yours.”
There was no way to hide how the words affected you, not when your walls tightened around his cock in a way that made him tremble. It almost made you wonder if he knew about the burn, about the inexplicable need to make him a part of you—or, rather, to take him back as a missing part of you. Did he feel it too?
You took a few moments to calm yourself and adjust to the feeling of him buried inside you. It felt right, like he was made for you. Like you were made for each other.
Every twitch of his length tested your patience more and more, and you knew that he himself must be hanging on by a thread by now. His hands hovered awkwardly above your hips, fingers flexing as he tried to decide what to do with them.
“You wanna touch, Channie?” you urged. “Go ahead.”
He peeked up at you from where his face was burrowed, as if to ask for the permission you’d already granted. You gave him an encouraging smile, and he took hold of your waist at last, squeezing tentatively.
“Th-thank you,” he stuttered.
He was thanking you. You didn’t think you could conjure up a more endearing, a more devastating detail if you tried. It made your heart melt and your arousal skyrocket. You needed to ruin him.
“You’re so cute,” you purred. “Hold on tight, okay?”
He pressed the pads of his fingers a bit deeper into your flesh. Using your grip on his shoulders for leverage, you lifted yourself off his cock bit by bit, relishing in the feeling of it dragging slowly along your walls. Without missing a beat, you snapped your hips back down, both to elicit a response in Chan, and to satisfy the immediate need to be full of him again. You succeeded in both, engulfing every inch of him even tighter than before, as if your body didn’t want to let him go a second time.
“A-ah, fuck!”
It sounded so strange coming from him, sweet voice cracking with a whimper, but so, so delicious.
“Is it good, Channie?”
You repeated the action, gliding up and down with ease thanks to the arousal that was all but dripping down your thighs at this point. Each bounce coated his length with slickness, creating messy, wet sounds that were sure to make his ears burn.
“Feels like I’m on fire,” he threw his head back, mouth falling open to give you a breathtaking view. “So—ah—good. You feel so good, so warm.”
You puffed out a giggle, unable to get a word in amidst his babbling. Instead, you picked up your pace, fueled on by his reactions as the pleasure steadily overwhelmed him.
“So beautiful, I—” he gasped. “Need you.”
Your heart swelled with affection; he was already so far gone. “I’ve got you,” you ran your fingers through his hair and he practically keened. “You’re doing so well for me, Channie. You’re perfect for me.”
Half-lidded eyes blinked up at you, and he subconsciously tugged at your hips, trying to pull you closer.
“I’ll be good,” he repeated his earlier vow. “You can even be m-mean to me, I’ll be good.”
The words caught you by surprise. Still, you kept your expression calm, something to ease his mind amidst the slew of sensations clouding it. You slowed down to trace your thumb along his cheek, so delicately that if he didn’t focus hard enough, your touch would be lost on him.
“Do you want me to?”
Remembering how he’d reacted earlier, you let your hands slide down to his neck, resting them there experimentally without pressing down just yet. Chan let out a whine, the vibrations of it making your palms tingle.
“There, please,” he tilted his head even further back, bumping it against the headboard. “Wanna feel you everywhere.”
Your stomach flipped, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you wrapped your fingers completely around his throat. It was thick, pumping with life. You had to use both hands. Chan bit his lower lip in anticipation, another low whine spilling out of him.
Taking great care in your movements, you began riding him again, lifting yourself on his cock, then sliding back down just as you squeezed at the sides of his throat. You didn’t want to hurt him—not really. You just wanted to toy with him a bit, watch him squirm under your fingertips. You wanted to push him to his limit, then guide him safely right back to you.
“Let me know if it’s too much, okay?”
“Y-yes,” he managed. “I will. Promise.”
The response was so immediate, so desperate, like he was afraid you might change your mind and stop. He throbbed inside you when you applied more force to your grip, almost sounding relieved in the airy moan that escaped him. You watched, fascinated, as his face flushed a shade deeper, whether from arousal or shortness of breath, you weren’t quite sure.
To better control your grip on his neck, you halted your bouncing to switch to a slower, deliberate grinding of your hips instead. Chan jerked up beneath you, the newfound rhythm pressing your walls against his cock and making him dizzy.
You contracted your fingers around his throat repeatedly, adding and removing the slightest bit of pressure to match the rocking of your hips. His tip brushed against your sweet spot, and you let out a soft moan that only seemed to bring him closer to his breaking point.
“Oh, God,” he groaned. “W-wait…slow down, please. ‘M getting close.”
“Slow down?” you tilted your head. “Why? Don’t you wanna cum, baby boy?”
He squeezed his eyes shut, and you loosened your hold on his neck so he could speak properly.
“Wanna finish with you,” he slurred. “Wanna make you feel good, too.”
You should’ve expected it. Of course he would have such an earnest, such an adorable reason to ask something of you—it was Chan. Even at the height of his pleasure, he was still thinking of yours, making sure you were enjoying yourself as much as he was. It spread an unbelievable warmth in your chest, different from the intense, sultry heat brewing between your bodies.
It also made you want to mess with him.
“Don’t worry, Channie,” you dragged your nails along his neck, not enough to draw blood, but enough to scratch, to make him shudder beneath you. “I feel good just watching you fall apart like this.”
His hands stayed latched to your hips, following them with every tortuous rock, but making no attempt to try and stop your movements. Despite that, his pleas didn’t let up, demanding in the sweetest, most polite of ways.
“Please,” his voice grew more frantic. “I’m really not gonna last, please, please.”
His whines chipped away at your resolve more than you let show; each one buzzing his vocal chords beneath your hands. He sounded so helpless, like he might burst into tears if he didn’t bring you to a climax with him.
“You sound so cute when you beg,” you marveled, sinking the pads of your fingers into his skin to feel his hammering heartbeat. “Maybe if you keep it up, I’ll change my mind.”
Much to Chan’s dismay, you continued your grinding, and you could see the concentration written all over his face as he fought to hold himself together. His hair had grown damp with sweat, face flushed and glistening from all his efforts. He looked so wrecked already; you could only imagine what it’d be like to see him cum.
You leaned in and kissed him. His lips were puffy and glossy and right there. It earned a cute mewl of surprise from the man, and it turned up in pitch when you took his lower lip between your teeth and nibbled. He let go of your hips to wrap his arms fully around your waist, trapping you as close as your bodies would allow.
“So—mmph—close.” His tongue slid against yours, jumbling his speech even further. “Please, please, please!”
You tugged at his plush lips one last time before breaking the kiss. “Gonna cum, angel?” You clenched around him, encouraging him to let go. “Don’t hold back. Empty inside me like a good boy.”
“Oh my God.” Chan’s whole body tensed beneath you, head dropping right back into your chest with a choked sob. You felt his cock pulse wildly inside you, and soon after, the flood of his release. Coupled with the moan that spilled out of him, drawn-out and broken and still so loud despite being muffled by your flesh, you were almost sent over the edge yourself.
“That’s it, Channie,” you played with his hair as his climax rippled through him. “Look at you, filling me up so well. Good boy, good boy.”
It was almost devious, the way you stopped moving like he’d so hopelessly been begging for, only once he’d come down from his high. He slumped against you, his pants gradually dying down into cute, content sighs. When he finally found a strong enough grip on his consciousness to speak, it came whiny, sulky.
“Not fair,” he mumbled into you. “Wanted to finish together.”
He lifted his head, and you broke out into gentle giggles. The expression on his face would’ve been one of pure bliss if it weren’t for his very prominent, very effective pout.
“Can I count this as my second win?” You tapped his nose.
He huffed, but the beginnings of a smile tugged at his features, betraying him. “Please, let me do something for you.” He glanced down at the spot you were connected, wetting his lips. It made your core clench in a way that you knew he couldn’t miss. “Let me make you feel good.”
“I do feel good, Channie,” you insisted, and you meant it. “Better than ever, actually.”
Though the guilt didn’t fade from his pleading stare and furrowed brows, he at least seemed to believe you. He studied your face for a split second longer before leaning in, nudging his nose against yours to ask for another kiss.
You could’ve easily stayed that way for the rest of the night, savoring his warmth, the fullness, the wholeness that you felt when nestled into each other in every possible way. But judging by how sensitive Chan was, you knew there was a very real chance of him getting hard again, and regardless of how much you wanted it, neither of you had the energy to go again. Reluctantly, you hoisted yourself off of his length, sharing a flustered exhale with him when some of his seed trickled out of you and dripped on to his thigh.
Ten minutes later, the two of you were laid side by side in your bed, staring at the ceiling with your hands brushing delicately against each other.
“This…” Chan spoke up suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence. “This isn’t a usual thing for me.”
You couldn’t deny the relief you felt upon hearing it. The answer to a question that had been floating in the back of your mind without you even realizing. It was selfish—meaningless, too—but you felt it all the same.
You were well past the point of pretending like your relationship with Chan was something ordinary, anyway. Whatever existed between you, it was magnetic and burning and inevitable, almost like you had no choice in the matter. In fact, that had to be the case, because if you’d had a choice, you certainly wouldn’t have let yourself fall into him so hard, or so fast.
“Me neither,” you admitted.
You heard the sheets rustle next to you. “Really?”
There was the faintest smile in his voice as he continued, and it made you wonder if he was indulging in the same, selfish satisfaction as you. It wouldn’t be a surprise, considering the way he seemed to mirror even the most intimate parts of you— parts that you barely even knew of until you saw them reflected in him.
“Yeah,” he breathed. “I…I’m never so…quick?” You could tell he was trying to choose his words carefully, but there was only so much he could do when his emotions were still running high and his head was still in a haze. “It can take months, e-even longer sometimes, for me to—”
“I don't think you’re easy, Channie,” you teased. “If that’s what you’re worried about.”
You turned your head, just in time to see that rosy tint spread across his cheeks, still visible even in the dim light. It was a sight you might get addicted to.
“I just want you to know that this means something to me,” he said softly.
Something gripped you, dropped a pebble in the calm surface of your lake. You didn’t have much time to think about it though, to worry about finding a window to break out of before you were past the point of no return. For tonight, you let yourself lean fully into that persistent flame.
“It means something to me too,” you murmured. “I wouldn’t have done this with anyone but you.”
Chan let out a shy hum, going quiet for a bit before stroking your pinky finger with his.
“So,” he began. “Are you ready to tell me what happened?”
You tensed slightly in your spot. You’d hoped he would’ve forgotten about it by now, or, at least, been too busy basking in the afterglow to bring it up again so soon. The endorphins that had been flooding through your system ebbed just a bit. This moment was too precious to sully by thinking about it—about him.
Suddenly, it felt all too reminiscent of what had transpired exactly one year ago; the first and last time you’d ever tried talking to anyone about the loss of your friend. It had been with someone you’d thought you loved, someone you’d thought loved you. And maybe, he really had believed that he loved you, too. You’d never know, now.
Imbalanced didn’t even begin to describe it. Imbalance was the balance of your relationship; you’d provide everything, and he’d take it all. The roles had come so naturally to the both of you that you’d never once questioned them, or where they might lead you.
He needed comfort, you liked comforting him. He needed support, you liked supporting him. He needed someone to depend on, you liked being depended on. Equal exchange, the perfect dynamic on paper, and—for the most part—it had worked. You didn’t really have the chance to notice how thin you were stretching yourself, because he was happy, and that made you happy.
One simple question was enough to shake that foundation, however, enough to expose how fragile it all really was and send it toppling to the ground in the ugliest of ways. A question that, in all its simplicity, hadn’t crossed your mind until you were all but forced to confront it last summer.
If your relationship was built solely on your ability to accommodate him, what happened when you couldn’t accommodate him anymore?
You were always encouraged with the most deceptively sweet words to open up to him, to share your thoughts and feelings and troubles the same way he did with you. But every single time without fail, his reaction made you want to seal your mouth shut, never to have the audacity to utter a single word about yourself again.
“I regret asking” or, “Well, now I’m just depressed” or, “Let’s talk about something else” or, sometimes, even nothing at all. You soon came to find that the role you had taken on wasn’t just to his benefit, it was to your detriment. You were a mere footnote in his happiness, and nothing could ever break that mold.
“My best friend died.”
“Oh,” he’d said. “Are you serious?”
“That’s horrible.”
You’d nodded, sensing instantly that you would’ve felt better if you’d kept quiet.
“I don’t really know what to say.”
You shut your eyes, unsure of what you’d expected from him in the first place. It was pathetic, anyway, to hope for words of comfort that you knew would be hollow. Nothing could’ve made it okay, especially not anything he could offer you.
“That’s okay,” you replied. “You don’t have to say anything.”
A deep breath, and then, a glimpse of weakness.
“Just…stay with me, please.”
The request had sounded so unnatural coming out of your mouth, like it was a phrase you were learning to say in a foreign tongue for the first time. You winced at yourself, but it was already too late to take back.
“Oh, yeah. Sure.”
The two of you had sat in silence for some time. It could’ve been seconds or hours, and you wouldn’t have known the difference. His hand rested on your back for part of it, running up and down in a motion that you used to calm him down when he was upset. Eventually, though, he seemed to have decided it was a lost cause and awkwardly removed it.
You still weren’t quite sure how you’d managed to hold back your tears that day. But your sniffling and sobbing being the only sound echoing throughout the deathly silent room had been the last thing you’d wanted; you already felt vulnerable enough just letting him see you like that. You didn’t want to break in front of him, and you were certain he didn’t want you to either. A crack in you meant the absolute shattering of him.
After shifting around uncomfortably in his spot for a few moments, he finally spoke up.
“Maybe this isn’t the best time, but does that mean tomorrow’s off?”
It took several seconds for you to process the question. You wondered, briefly, if you’d imagined it at first, or if he really was just that horribly out of touch with reality—with you as a human being.
You wanted to glare at him, to ask him why that would even be something to consider right now, let alone ask about, but miraculously, you’d restrained yourself.
“Yeah. I might need a few days.”
More silence, and then you felt his weight lift from the cushions next to you. He avoided eye contact as you raised your head to look at him.
“I should probably go.”
A pang in your chest. “Why?”
Please don’t. You’d desperately wanted to add.
“I feel bad. Like, I shouldn't be here,” he mumbled. “Just…let me know when you’re feeling better, alright? Love you.”
And then he left.
A few days later, he’d texted you like he always did. No question of how you were, no condolences, and most definitely no apology. He’d said he missed you—which, you’d come to learn long ago, was never just an honest expression of attachment when it came to him. It was a signal, a sort of code to let you know there was something he needed from you. He didn’t just miss you, he missed what you could do for him.
Another week passed, and you’d broken up with him. It was unusually cold of you, doing something so drastic through text, but you couldn’t find it in you to even leave your apartment, let alone face the maelstrom of emotions that were sure to unleash if you’d met him in person. You’d experienced it once before, the first time you’d tried to end things. Crying, begging, apologizing, all so profuse yet so hollow.
The second time, his guilting and false assurances hadn’t worked, or rather, they might have if it weren’t for the distance between you. If you’d tested your conviction in front of his distraught, teary face, swearing that he wouldn’t be able to live without you, you weren’t so sure you could’ve gone through with it. He looked so innocent, so harmless, you’d never guess that he’d be the one to suck the life out of you without a care in the world.
When the usual tactics didn’t work, he’d resorted to anger. In a way, you understood—he was hurt, and no matter how hard you tried to spell it out for him, he simply couldn’t comprehend all the ways he’d hurt you first. He hadn’t done anything, but that was exactly the problem.
As much as you wished you could’ve brushed it off, it had stuck with you. The accusations that you were a liar, a manipulator who promised him boundless love and care only to rip it away with cruel indifference once he’d come to rely on it. Even now, you weren’t entirely sure if he’d been wrong, and that in itself was enough to make you want to lock away your heart and toss out the key for good.
But here, you had Chan. The boy who could be carrying the entire world on his shoulders, and still offer to take some of the weight off of yours. The boy who could be struggling to keep his own head afloat, and still pass you his life preserver without a second thought. The more time you’d spent around him, the more you’d come to witness firsthand just how much he did for everyone, even people he wasn’t particularly close with—from small, thoughtful acts that might go unnoticed, to favors so arduous that they left him physically and mentally drained. All with the sweetest of smiles on his face.
You wanted to be the reason for his smile, not for his weariness.
“I told you,” you said lightly. “I just wanted to see you.”
“C’mon,” Chan giggled. “I know it’s more than that.”
You wondered just how much he knew. You wondered if he knew better than anyone else. Despite the complicated thoughts unfolding within you, you grinned, turning on your side to look at him. “I promise I’ll tell you later, okay?” You held out your pinky for good measure. “Right now, I don’t wanna focus on anything but this.”
Chan curled his finger around yours, the glow in his eyes rivaling the moonlight peeking through your blinds. You must’ve thought about how beautiful he looked a million times throughout the night, but now, faced with his tousled curls and his puffy lips—still reddened from all your kissing and biting—and his gaze that was watching you like you’d put the stars in the sky, it was all you could think about. He made it so easy, you mused, to focus on nothing on him.
You tried to snap yourself out of it. He was sweaty, he was sticky, most importantly, he was exhausted. He must be uncomfortable, laying in all the heat and perspiration that had accumulated in those sheets—thirsty, too. You unhooked your pinky from his and rolled off the bed with a bit too much haste, catching his attention.
His expression changed as he watched you rise to full standing, taking some time to stretch your spent muscles before searching around for your discarded top.
“Oh. Should I get going?”
It came quiet, demure, and it made you whip your head around.
Chan paused, uncertain. “I-I mean…do you want me to leave?”
“Of course not,” you said instantly, just short of sharp. You were almost afraid to, but regardless, you asked, “Unless…you want to?”
“No,” his reply came just as fast. “Not at all.”
You had half a mind to ask him why he would even think you’d want him gone, especially given the conversation you’d just had, but you were too distracted by the look of pure bewilderment on his face. You didn’t understand it, nor did you like it.
“I’m just getting a washcloth and some water,” your voice softened, and it seemed to get through to him, at least.
“Oh,” he repeated. “Okay.”
It was followed by a small, bashful nod that eased your concerns just a bit. You padded to your bathroom and shut the door behind you, trying not to keep him waiting for too long as you cleaned yourself up and prepared a towel for him. His eyes followed you curiously when you stepped out and passed him on your way to the kitchen, retrieving two water bottles before finally joining him on your bed once more.
There was a short delay when you offered the water bottle to Chan. He blinked at it, as if it were some kind of unknown object, before thanking you quietly and accepting it from your hands. You told yourself he was probably still just a bit dazed, but it was hard to ignore the tinge of worry that pricked your mind.
As he tilted his head back to drink, your eyes fell down to his neck, admiring the way his throat bobbed with every gulp of water. The skin around it was blooming with noticeable, red marks along the lines you’d dragged your fingernails. It made you cringe slightly at yourself. You must've been more lost in the heat of the moment than you’d thought.
“How do you feel?” you checked once he’d downed half the bottle. “Does it hurt?”
You gestured to his neck, and he raised a hand to brush his fingers over the tender skin. “It doesn’t hurt,” he gave you a reassuring half-smile before adding, “I like it.”
You tried not to let the words affect you, to make you pounce at him and take him all over again. Instead, you took hold of the washcloth you’d prepared and pressed it to his neck. The water you’d soaked it in was warm, but it still felt cool to the touch when pressed against his burning flesh. He sighed contently, eyes drooping as you rubbed the reddened areas, taking great care not to irritate them further.
“Wanna lie down for me, Channie?”
“Ah…” He looked away, already leaning back despite the hesitance in his voice. “I-it’s okay, you really don’t have to.”
“I want to,” you said simply.
Chan seemed to sense the sincerity behind it, as he laid himself out the mattress without any further objections. Sheepish, but willing. Carefully, you began dabbing the towel at his face, wiping away the sweat from his forehead and making his eyes flutter shut. His muscles visibly relaxed as you moved further down his body, rubbing his neck, his shoulders, his chest, his stomach, his hips—you left no inch unaccounted for. The warm water you’d soaked the washcloth in calmed his every nerve-ending, so soothing, it almost distracted from how hyperaware he was of your every touch. 
His breath caught in his throat when you brushed over his thigh to clean up the mix of fluids that had begun to dry up on his skin, legs threatening to squeeze shut.
“You’re so sensitive,” you remarked.
He shifted slightly, an awkward chuckle escaping him. “Sorry.”
“It’s cute,” you gave him one last once-over before removing your hand, satisfied. “How are you feeling?”
“Good. Really good.” he blinked up at you lazily, a silent invitation for you to stop fussing over him and settle down next to him in the sheets at last.
You placed the washcloth on your nightstand, collapsing into the plush pillows with a sigh of your own. Chan scooted closer to you within seconds and, chest swelling with fondness, you opened your arms for him to nestle into. Even in all your intimacy, the two of you still couldn’t get enough of each other, filling every curve and gap between your bodies and interlocking your legs. You pressed a kiss to the top of his head before wrapping your arms around him, leaving no room for doubt that you wanted him there.
“Good night, Channie.”
“G’night,” it was barely audible, but even so, you could still hear the faint tremor in his voice. “I…thank you.”
Your eyes flickered down to him one last time before sleep overtook you. For a fleeting moment, you could’ve sworn you saw a wet gleam brimming in the corners of his eyes.
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
In retrospect, going out to buy groceries on a Sunday afternoon probably wasn’t your smartest move.
After you and Chan had awoken the morning prior—or, just you, you weren’t sure how much sleep he had really gotten—groggy and ravenous only to find an alarming lack of food in your apartment, you wanted to restock as soon as possible. In your defense, you hadn’t been home for over a week, and even before that, you’d been spending a considerable amount of your time out and about with Chan or at his apartment. Still, it was embarrassing enough for you to not want a repeat of the situation, especially given how often you’d make a point to scold him and Changbin for not eating substantial meals.
You’d trudged to the nearest convenience store with a list of basic necessities typed out in the notes of your phone, only to soon discover that you’d be lucky to find anything you were looking for judging by how packed the place was. The state of most shelves was enough to make you think people must be preparing for some kind of apocalypse unbeknownst to you. Frowning, you made your way over to the prepared meals section, hoping to at least find something to get you through the next few days. As you maneuvered past the suffocating amounts of people, the sight of a familiar face across one of the aisles stopped you in your tracks.
A sharp, sculpted nose bridge, eyelashes swooping out like a ski slope, and a slight lean in his posture. Lee Minho. You hadn't expected him to even be back in town yet, let alone to be running the same foolish errand as you at this hour (all for the sake of cola, apparently, if the ridiculously large stash in his basket was any indication).
He seemed to have noticed you just a split second before you did him, fixing you with a stare so sharp that you had to blink a few times to make sure you weren’t imagining it.
You weren’t.
His eyes were dark and unwavering, boring into you with an intensity that made you feel as if you were the only two people in the store—and not in the romantic, heart-fluttering kind of way. It was more like everyone else had scattered the instant they’d sensed the tension, leaving you to fend for yourself under a glare that singled you out with an almost predatory accuracy. You waited for the reveal, the cheeky smirk that always followed, but it never came.
Minho didn’t like you.
He really, really didn’t like you.
You felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. At the same time, however, he’d never really given you a reason to, and you liked to think you weren’t dense enough to completely miss it if he had. Suddenly, you found yourself re-evaluating every interaction you’d ever had with the guy, scanning and analyzing your conversations down to the most minute of details to try and recall if that same coldness he was emitting now had ever been present before. You thought back to the last time you’d spoken to him, just a week into summer break before he’d gone home. The two of you had started up a short, innocuous chat about the current anime he was watching, and outside of his very serious claims that it was undoubtedly the best of the season, nothing else about it really stood out to you.
You’d even taken his suggestion and watched it in your free time—one of the many, many distractions implemented in your visit home—and you’d planned on sharing your thoughts with him when you saw each other again. With the look he was giving you now, though, like he hoped you might spontaneously combust if he focused hard enough, you got the feeling he wasn’t exactly interested in hearing what you had to say.
Minho turned his head, preparing to leave the aisle without acknowledging you any further. Despite every one of your instincts telling you not to, you followed him, too consumed by curiosity to ignore whatever kind of message he’d been trying to send with just his eyes. You needed to test things out, to be absolutely sure. You needed to know what had changed since the last time you’d spoken to him.
Well, realistically, you knew what had changed. One very major, very undeniable thing had changed. But that couldn’t be it—could it?
“Hey, Minho!”
He might not have bothered stopping if it weren’t for an older woman passing in front of him with an overloaded cart. You squeezed past the rows of people as quickly and respectfully as you could, managing to catch up with him just in time.
It was a bit harder, you noted right away, to mitigate the effects of his stone-faced expression up close. He gave you a terse nod.
“You’re back in town?”
His face changed just barely, trading out stoicism for something a bit more amused. “Very observant.”
You forced out a light laugh for the sake of extending the conversation, just long enough to get a proper read on him. “How was your vacation?”
“Fine,” he shrugged, adjusting his grip on his basket. “Not long enough.”
“I feel that,” you made a noise of sympathy, as if you hadn’t spent the past two months counting down the days until the fall semester began.
“How about you?” he was at least polite enough to return your question, but for some reason, it didn't really sound like he was asking. “Had fun?”
You barely caught it—a sneer. He definitely knew. It made your stomach flip a bit, if you were being honest, but you managed to keep a straight face.
“Yeah,” you replied evenly. “Me, Chan, and Felix made the most of it.”
“I’m sure.”
In your efforts to talk to him, you seemed to have accidentally stumbled into some kind of one-sided staring contest with this guy, because he hadn’t broken eye contact even once from the moment you’d strided up to him.
“It’s a shame,” he continued casually. “That you won’t be coming over anymore.”
You paused. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t tell me you’re planning on using Chan as a tutor this semester, too?”
Something about the way he said it, the way he phrased it, made it difficult for you to keep up your composed front.
“Of course not. He’s done enough for me already.”
“Good,” Minho hummed, and though it appeared to be in agreement, it only put you further on edge. “He’s graduating after this term—you know that, right? So, playing hero for you is the last thing he needs.”
You narrowed your eyes. For a brief moment, you wondered if he might actually be jealous of you, if he somehow saw you as some kind of threat. But you dismissed the idea almost as soon as it came—the look Minho was giving you wasn’t of someone who was threatened, it was the look of someone who was threatening you.
“Why are you talking to me like that?”
“Like what?” he cocked his head innocently.
“Like I’ve done something wrong.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” he dismissed. “Maybe it’s just your guilty conscience?”
You wanted to be annoyed, to call him out for how he was behaving in a way that he couldn’t twist. The problem was, he was being so fucking weird. You couldn’t even fully understand what he was trying to get at, or what his angle was. You weren’t even sure if he had an angle outside of just trying to get a rise out of you.
The corner of his lips curved up into a smirk. Just like the day you’d first met him, it was pure trouble, only now, it was missing the playfulness you’d come to know.
“What’s with that face?” he chuckled. “I’m only joking.”
Whatever this situation was, you decided you’d had enough of it.
“You’re usually funnier than that,” you said curtly.
At that, you dipped your head, stepped to the side, and walked past him, determined not to let the strange feeling bubbling up inside you reach the surface.
Minho’s stare followed you as you stalked off, piercing into your back. Even after you’d rounded the corner into another aisle, the chill of it lingered on your skin.
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hotteoki · 5 months
meet uglys with stray kids (hyung line)
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pairing: skz hyung line x reader (no prns used)
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, humour
cw: language, throwing up/sickness, mentions of alcohol
wc: 1.9k
notes: it's been way too long since i've written stray kids fics... this was originally going to be arguments with skz maknae line but it got too difficult to write so here's a new fic! hopefully i can get maknae line out by 18th! p.s. this wasn't proofread at all so i'm sorry if it's ridden with mistakes...
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chan (방찬) – greeting the new neighbour but turns out he slept at 5 last night
you had heard from jeongin, who lives across the street, that you’re getting a new neighbour
he had texted you about it mid conversation when telling you how to handle his house while he’s gone for his week-long vacation
truth was you hadn’t even considered greeting your soon-to-be neighbour
one, what if they hated you and you would have to be stuck with them for ages?
the only reason you’re even friends with jeongin is because he went around the neighbourhood holding up a cat asking if anyone lost it
(turns out it was a flea ridden stray but you both took it to the vet nevertheless)
two, you were quite comfortable laying in your bed
but ten more annoying texts from jeongin saying you should greet them because he did was enough to get you to make your way to their house
knocking on the door, you feel your palms get sweaty
you’re already regretting this
after one or two minutes of standing outside, you internally yell at them for making you look like an idiot
you’re about to leave until the door opens
revealing a man in his mid to late-twenties
wearing nothing but a tank top and sweats
with very prominent biceps 
that are being put on display right now
you’ve probably been ogling at the man for a while now 
shaking your head a little, you smile warmly at him
“hi, i’m your neighbou-”
 “what time is it now?”
you blink a few times
you had just been interrupted by this hot neighbour, and his attitude was a little too sour for your liking
you aren’t sure which to address first
so it ends up with you going– 
“what time is it now?”
he enunciates 
you pull out your phone
“right. 9:20am and you’re already banging on my door”
you’re thrown so off guard
“i’m sorry, what?”
to be honest, you’re getting fed up with his condescending tone
“stores are up and running and kids are playing in the park playgrounds, maybe you’re the problem here”
you cross your arms, cause who does this man think he is?
this time it’s his turn to shake his head
“fuck- i mean- i’m sorry, i just- i slept at like 6 last night- or morning, and i just-”
he rubs his face
“i’m sorry”
you smile, a little strained
“it’s fine. i’ll see you around.”
even after him apologising you’re feeling slightly petty
so you turn around and begin to make your way home
chan feels horrible
except he’s running on like 3 hours on sleep so he honestly can’t process anything
so in his last efforts he grabs your arm gently
“wait, i’m sorry. c-can we- can i make it up to you over lunch tomorrow? you can show me around as well”
you contemplate 
he did seem genuine enough
so you nod, smiling
“that sounds nice, what’s your name again?”
“i’m chan, what’s yours?”
and after you give it to him, he repeats it outloud, testing it out
the giddy feeling in your chest rises unwillingly 
and maybe that lunch turns into a date, and maybe that date has a follow up, and maybe that follow up turns into a relationship
and maybe jeongin spends the rest of his life saying “i told you so”
but that’s a problem for future you to handle
minho (민호) – vomiting on him while drunk
you were initially against following jisung into the club
but he insisted you need to live life, and that it’s a saturday and you need to, quote unquote
to be fair, exams just ended and you have been spending the last couple of months holed in your room studying
so you agreed
he promised you he would look after you
don’t trust a drunk jisung
half an hour in and you’re absolutely wasted
you can’t remember when you stumbled into the toilets
but you’re hitting your fist on the door, yelling for whoever was inside to:
probably not the best way to tell someone to hurry up 
but fortunately for you, the door opened
but not so fortunately for you, you vomit all over the guy
whose first reaction was
“what the actual fuck?!”
in his defence sober you would probably have reacted the same way
but again
you’re wasted
so you yell back at him
“what the actual fuck back to you!”
you push him aside and continue vomiting into the toilet bowl
minho’s conflicted 
does he help you? even though you puked all over him, he still feels bad that you’re clearly trying to vomit but aren’t steady enough to support yourself
so he sighs, cursing under his breath
he hastily wipes clean his shoes and squats down to hold you by your shoulders so you’re facing the toilet bowl and not the floor
you would’ve thanked him if you aren’t hurling your guts out right now
after what feels like hours, you’re finally done
and minho washes his hands quickly, ready to leave
except you tug weakly on his pants
he blinks, squatting down to hear you better
you clear your throat, a bit more sober now that the alcohol is out of your system
“m’sorry. i’ll- i’ll pay for the- the- the cleaning”
minho brushes the sweaty strands of hair from your face
“yeah you better”
his tone is soft, though
like he’s careful not to upset you
cause you look like you’re about to burst into tears
you smile weakly
“you’re soooo hot”
okay maybe you aren’t fully sober yet
he’s thrown off guard 
“um… thanks?”
you giggle drunkenly
“you probably get tha’ a loooot”
he tilts his head, not sure how to respond
“i… guess?”
you shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts
“ca’ i get your n’mber?”
it takes him a few seconds to understand what you’re trying to say
which is a little awkward because he’s essentially just staring at you
you clear your throat to break the silence
“t’ like… pay for your clean’ng”
he nods, finally understanding
“yeah, sure”
and that’s how you got your future boyfriend’s number
he brings it up every now and then just to see you get embarrassed
which he thinks is absolutely adorable :(
changbin (창빈) – he left the tap on and water leaked into your apartment ceiling
you’re minding your own business
flicking through different films to decide what to watch
well, you were
until a drop of water drips on your tv
at first you thought you were hallucinating
except another water drop falls on it
so you look up at the ceiling
because you’re confused as hell??
you notice a huge splotch of water 
and it won’t stop dripping
you’re about to scream 
this is a brand new tv and they do not come cheap
so you calculate which apartment was upstairs
and sprint up
you’re surprised the elevator button didn’t break from how hard you’re pressing the button
you run to the perpetrator’s door, knocking on it rapidly
you’re about to yell for them to open their door until you feel a timid tap on your shoulder behind you
swinging around, becoming face to face with a very attractive, very muscular, but very scared looking man
“c-can i help you?”
you normally would’ve been nicer to strangers, except this man is literally breaking your tv
“you have a water leak and it’s breaking my tv!!!!!” 
he begins to panic
“i’m so sorry!! i must’ve left the tap on or something i-”
he’s rambling while he unlocks his door
you peek over his shoulder when he opens the door
there’s… no water at all?
he seems confused too
but then he walks over to his bathroom, opening the door
aaaaand there it is
a pool of water immediately spills out, creating a puddle around him
he quickly turns off the overflowing tap, smacking himself in the forehead with his palm
“god… i’m so, so, so sorry… if your tv’s broken i’ll… i’ll pay for a new one”
he rubs his eyes, looking at you apologetically
“i’m really sorry for this whole mess”
you stare at him expressionlessly
“i’ll check to see if it’s broken… uh… i’ll text you if it is, or something”
you’re thinking of what to do 
you’re definitely not getting distracted by the sight of this attractive man in a tight-fitting black tee that compliments his torso nicely
he nods, “yeah i’ll uh, i’ll give you my number so you can… yeah, here”
he’s holding out his contact page
you copy down his number on your phone
smiling awkwardly, you turn around and wave goodbye
but of course, your messages with him won’t end with a “tv’s not broken! :)” 
hyunjin (현진) – my dog hates you so i hate you too
it’s a regular friday afternoon
you clutch your dog’s leash in your hand, bopping your head to the beat of the music blasting in your earphones
you didn’t even notice her happily running over to another dog
until you take your phone out to switch to another song
you look up momentarily and did a double take
cause why on earth is a tiny chihuahua full on ATTACKING your dog 
she never stood a chance
she runs back to you and hide behind your legs
you take out your earphones to tell the chihuahua’s owner off
except he looks even more terrified than you
you stare at him, waiting for him to do something
he seems to snap out of it and pulls his chihuahua away, leaning down to give him a snack for him to calm down
you give your own dog a few pets to soothe her before looking back at the chihuahua’s owner
you didn’t get a proper look at him before 
but now that you have
he’s hot
but after seeing how scared your dog is
you can’t help but get a little annoyed at him
you might have been giving him the stink eye subconsciously because he begins to apologise profusely
“i’m sorry, he’s not very fond of people… or other dogs… or me… he’s not very fond of anything in general, if i’m honest”
he’s stumbling over his words
and even though you’re still miffed
you can’t help but feel a little bad for judging him
“yeah, that’s fair enough”
there’s an awkward silence that you’re pretty sure your dog can sense too because she starts whining
so you give him one more smile
“well, see you around”
hyunjin decides he’s not going to fumble the bag
because you’re seriously the prettiest person he’s ever seen in his life
“wait! what’s your name? we could… i don’t know, get some coffee some time?”
he wants kkami to bite his mouth off
he doesn’t even know what he’s saying anymore
you purse your lips
his dog ≠ him you suppose
so you nod and give him your name
he grins at that
“i’m hyunjin”
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networks: @kflixnet k-labels kbookshelf @neverendingdreams-net @straykidsland @k-films pirateeznet
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Twenty-Two
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Twenty-Two: Summer Break Days
Summary: Saiki's vacation plans are interrupted by idiots, but at least he gets some time with (Y/N).
            (Y/N) sighed and put their head down on their desk. “Finally. Exams are over, and it’s summer break.”
            “But they won’t let us out of school early,” said Saiki.
            “Any plans outside of relaxing?” said (Y/N).
            “We agreed to watch Pride and Prejudice,” said Saiki.
            Feeling their cheeks warm, (Y/N) smiled. “You were really being serious?”
            “I don’t joke,” said Saiki.
            “Awesome! Then how about we do it—”
            “Hey, Saiki, (L/N)!” Kaidou and Kuboyasu appeared behind them. “Do you have a minute?”
            Saiki nearly scowled as his time to make plans with (Y/N) was interrupted, but he prevented himself from doing so. The sooner we hear them out, the sooner they’ll leave us alone.
            “Do you want to get a motorcycle license with us over the summer break?” asked Kaidou.
            “Let’s get one together,” said Kuboyasu.
            Well, I’m done listening. I have no interest in a vehicle that can only go as fast as my brisk walking speed, thought Saiki. “I don’t have the money for one, so no.”
            Kuboyasu nodded in understanding. “It does cost a lot.”
            “When is the course?” asked (Y/N).
            Kaidou showed them to days, and (Y/N) shook their head.
            “I’m doing a course in confection arts those days, so I’m not free,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s too bad,” said Kaidou.
            He and Kuboysasu walked away.
            “I protected my vacation,” said Saiki.
            “Are you seriously not going to do anything with anyone other than watch a movie with me?” aid (Y/N), chuckling.
            “You’re the only one I want to hang out with,” said Saiki matter-of-factly.
            (Y/N) fought back the blush and tried to remain their usual, jovial self in the face of such a statement from Saiki. “That’s sweet, Kusuo.”
            “Ignore it,” said Saiki. (Y/N) just laughed.
            Mera was the next person to walk up and speak to them. “Do you have a minute?” she asked the pair. “Do you want to work with me over the summer? It’s a bit far, but…”
            “No thanks,” said Saiki.
            “It depends, what type of job is it?” asked (Y/N).
            Curse (Y/N)’s kindness, thought Saiki.
            “All you have to do is take suspicious pills given by suspicious researchers at a suspicious laboratory and sleep!” said Mera brightly.
            “Oh, sorry, Mera, but I can’t risk messing up my taste buds since I work so often with food, and medicines have a tendency to skew taste if you get sick,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “That was your problem with that idea?”
            “Aw, okay, (L/N). What about you, Saiki?” asked Mera.
            “It’s too far away.”
            Gloomy, Mera left them and went to ask more people. Saiki and (Y/N) decided to get up and head into the halls to wait for the bell to go off to let them leave since exams had finished.
            “Oh, Saiki, (L/N), I was just looking for you!” said Hairo, smiling. “Do you want to join our club’s summer training camp?”
            “Hairo, we’re not in your club,” pointed out (Y/N).
            “Two members canceled, but we don’t want to waste trip money,” explained Hairo. “What do you think?”
            “We’re part of the Occult Club, and it’s doing something,” said Saiki, completely lying.
            “Oh, that’s too bad. Have fun,” said Hairo, walking away.
            “I didn’t know we had something with the Occult Club,” said (Y/N), tilting their head.
            “We don’t, and we didn’t even want to be a part of it, so we’re not going if Toritsuka does plan something,” said Saiki.
            “Normally, I’d say we should give it a try, but it will be one of Toritsuka’s ideas…” said (Y/N), trailing off.
            “Exactly,” said Saiki.
            “Saiki! (L/N)!”
            “Speak of the devil,” remarked (Y/N).
            “We don’t need to listen to him,” said Saiki, taking (Y/N)’s wrist and pulling them away from Toritsuka.
            “Hey! Let’s have an Occult Club training camp!” said Toritsuka, trying to catch them.
            “Toritsuka, what would the point of a training camp for the Occult Club be?” said (Y/N).
            “I need help getting with Arisu!” said Toritsuka.
            “You’re already using her first name?” said (Y/N). “That’s familiar.”
            “He’s just being weird,” said Saiki.
            “Pleeeease?” said Toritsuka. “It’s called Operation Spirits: Love-Struck Arisu and Popular Reita.”
            “That’s a terrible name,” said Saiki.
            “But you did tell Hairo we were doing something with Toritsuka,” whispered (Y/N).
            Unfortunately, (Y/N) was right. Still… “I still won’t go.” Saiki walked off.
            “If you’re not going, I’m not,” said (Y/N) brightly, following him.
            “Hey!” exclaimed Toritsuka, offended at Saiki and (Y/N)’s lack of enthusiasm to help him.
            “You still have a free break!” said (Y/N), grinning.
            “Don’t jinx it,” said Saiki.
            “Oh, Saiki!” said Teruhashi, running up towards him. “I was hoping to see you before break. Saiki…do you have any plans for summer break?”
            I can’t say no to her if she wants to go out, everyone would get angry. Saiki hated social norms.
            “I happen to have tickets to the amusement park opening up,” said Teruhashi. “Would you…would you want to go with me?” She glowed and smiled.
            Saiki froze, trying to find a way out of it. (Y/N) glanced at the tickets and smiled apologetically at Teruhashi.
            “Oh, I’m sorry, Kokomi, but Kusuo and I made plans for that day,” said (Y/N).
            “O-Oh? You did? The two of you?” Teruhashi glanced between the two, and Saiki was alarmed by the thoughts going through her head.
            “Yep! We’re having a movie night. I’m sorry,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s alright. I understand. I, um, yeah.” Teruhashi couldn’t get the courage to ask for Saiki to go with her another day. If she did, it would mean she was interested in spending time with Saiki and not just “happening” to ask him. “Have fun!” She hurried away.
            (Y/N) sighed and frowned. “I hope she gets over her crush soon. It would be healthy for her to like someone who could like her back. I hope they aren’t obsessed with her, though. She deserves someone who likes her for her, not her beauty.”
            Saiki was amazed that in one swift move (Y/N) had saved him from going on a date and getting attention because it was wish Teruhashi and simultaneously wished for Teruhashi to have a wonderful love-life. They really were too nice.
            “Saiki! (L/N)! There you are,” said Toritsuka, catching up to them. “Come on, let’s do a training camp!”
            “Enough with the club,” said Saiki.
            “Wait, you decided not to go?” said Hairo, appearing out of nowhere.
            “Uh-oh,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki patted Toritsuka shoulder and gave Hairo a peace-sign.
            “Oh, you’re coming? Great!” said Toritsuka excitedly. “It’ll be the first and second of August!”
            “I suppose we are,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “That’s awesome, since our training camp is the third to the ninth,” said Hairo instantly.
            “I can’t, sorry,” said (Y/N). “I need time to do my summer homework.”
            “Too bad, but I guess you have to be a good student. Saiki, I’ll put you down for going, okay? It’s in Tooi-cho!”
            Hairo ran off.
            “Hey, the job I told you about is in Tooi-cho, too!” said Mera, appearing out of nowhere and looking at Saiki happily. “And it starts on the tenth and lasts a week!”
            Poor Saiki’s free time was quickly filling up.
            “You’re getting a job, Saiki? Then you’ll have money for the course and a motorcycle!” said Kaidou.
            “You can get a license with us,” said Kuboyasu, smiling.
            Every single day of Saiki’s break was filled up with activities with people. He nearly deflated, and (Y/N) patted his back in consolation.
            “If you need the time off, we can move our movie night to a different time,” said (Y/N), not wanting to intrude on Saiki’s need for time alone. They knew that recharging from social interactions was imperative to maintaining mental health.
            “No, I want to have the movie night,” said Saiki stubbornly. It was the only thing he’d want to in the first place. He refused to give up that.
            (Y/N) smiled. “Then I’ll make sure it’s a relaxing night. No need to stress yourself out. I’ll make some snacks, you just have to show up, okay?”
            Saiki really did think (Y/N) was an angel, and he needed to find a way to thank them for their endless generosity and patience.
            Summer arrived, and the first day of Saiki’s long, people-filled break began with Toritsuka’s Occult Club shenanigans.
            “Welcome to the temple!” said Toritsuka, showing the Occult Club around the temple he lived in. “This isn’t my house, but my dad knows people here, so they are letting me stay.”
            “Wow, so cool!” exclaimed Makino and Yumehara.
            “I bet his dad kicked him out,” muttered Saiki.
            “If not, it’s hard to believe someone so perverted was raised in a temple,” remarked (Y/N).
            “This way is my room,” said Toritsuka, leading them into a hall and opening a sliding door. “Come on in.” He grinned, hoping to get a good reaction from the attractive people in the room (mostly Makino, though).
            Saiki tuned out of his thoughts, exhausted with the romantic ideas floating within them. Unfortunately, he landed on Yumehara’s thoughts about having a chance to get with Kaidou tonight. Sighing, Saiki tried to block out everyone’s thoughts. Everyone’s romances were so dramatic. He’d prefer something simple, natural, domestic. He hoped that was something (Y/N) would prefer, too, instead of any drama. Maybe the movie night could become something more…
            Yare yare, now I’m doing it.
            Night arrived, and Toritsuka led the group to the woods, letting the moon rise high over them as midnight arrived.
            “Many people go missing in this forest,” he said mysteriously. “In the dead of night, the members of a murder-suicide family appear and drag—ack!”
            Saiki had flared the flame of a candle to stop Toritsuka from telling a fake story to scare everyone. The candle sputtered out.
            “This is not the place for games,” said Makino, trembling. “I can feel many dreadful spirits.”
            “Hey, don’t worry. I was born in a temple,” said Toritsuka, winking. “Now, let’s begin the test of courage!” He gestured to the dark path behind them. “We will take this path in pairs.” He grinned and patted Makino’s shoulder. “Lets just go with the flow and make our own pairs.”
            “Sounds good!” said Yumehara, grinning and grabbing Kaidou’s shoulders. “It would be a waste of our time not to!”
            “It’s almost like they planned it with one another,” whispered (Y/N).
            “They might have,” said Saiki in agreement.
            “Hold on, I want to be with Saiki or (L/N),” said Makino.
            “I want to be with them, too,” said Kaidou.
            “What? Why Saiki and (L/N)?” cried Toritsuka.
            “Kaidou is kind of helpless, and you’re a little weird,” said Makino. “So it was a process of elimination.”
            I was hoping to go with Kusuo, thought (Y/N), a little disappointed. Was it the exact same tactic as Toritsuka and Yumehara to get closer to their crush? Absolutely. Did they still like the idea? Of course.
            “(Y/N) and I are going together,” said Saiki firmly, and (Y/N) perked up.
            “If we can’t decide, let’s draw lots,” said Toritsuka, breaking a few sticks and putting them in his hand. “Those who get the sticks of the same length will pair up. Saiki, you can go first.”
            Saiki and (Y/N) exchanged a look. Saiki would definitely be using his powers to make sure they were a pair together (because they were friends. Best friends. Not because he had a crush and wanted to be closer. That would mean lowering himself to Toritsuka’s standards).
            “Saiki got a short one. Arisu, you’re next,” said Toritsuka. Makino pulled out a stick. “You got a medium-length one. Next is (L/N).”
            (Y/N) pulled out the other short one and smiled. “It’s you and me, Kusuo.”
            “Next is Chiyo,” said Toritsuka. He looked urgently at the middle one, and Chiyo pulled it out.
            “I got a long one,” said Yumehara, smiling.
            “My turn,” said Toritsuka. He knew which one to choose to get to walk with Makino and eagerly pulled it out. His eyes widened. It was another long one. “Wha—” Toritsuka looked at Saiki.
            “You were getting on my nerves, so I switched them,” said Saiki directly to Toritsuka’s mind.
            “That was you, wasn’t it?” said (Y/N).
            “I think he deserved it,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled, and Saiki found any flitting bit of remorse or pity he had go out the window at the lovely sound of their laugh.
            “Alright, Chiyo and I will go in first…” said Toritsuka, depressed.
            “Yeah…” Chiyo was equally gloomy.
            Makino began to chant for their safety while they walked into the woods, and Kaidou cowered near a tree nervously. (Y/N) and Saiki just watched.
            “So, what’s going on?” asked (Y/N).
            “They’ve abandoned their crushes and decided to like one another,” said Saiki.
            “That’s sudden,” said (Y/N), blinking.
            “Is it so easy for people’s feelings to change?” Saiki didn’t think so since his own were so steadily pointed towards (Y/N), never straying. But he was different, and although he didn’t care about what Toritsuka and Yumehara did, he wanted to understand if (Y/N) was also changeable (even if he didn’t know what their feelings towards him were).
            “When it’s not a really strong attachment and surface-level, yeah,” said (Y/N). They smiled at him. “But if it’s a deep affection, then no. Real love is constant.”
            Love. (Y/N) and Saiki both fell silent as soon as that word settled in the air.
            (Y/N) had never said that word or even thought it, but now that it was there, it felt true. It felt right. Their feelings for Saiki were constant and deep. They never faltered, and even through his flaws, they still cared. They accepted Saiki for who he was completely, and they never had their feelings waver. (Y/N) loved Saiki.
            Saiki blinked as he thought over the word. He knew what love felt like. He felt it for his mom and dad, for his grandma and grandma, and even, occasionally, for his brother. But that was familial. What (Y/N) spoke of was romantic. And he had to admit, it made sense. It felt…correct. He wanted to be around (Y/N). Their company was calming, never a hassle or a hindrance. He sought them out. He loved every quality they displayed, never ceasing to be amazed by their kindness whether it was aimed at him or others. He was thankful for their patience and understanding when he was rough and cold to others and hid his powers. He never wanted to lose what he had with them. But he also felt that his own feelings wouldn’t be lost. Saiki loved (Y/N).
            Pausing outside of (Y/N)’s house, Saiki took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure why, this was just hanging out with (Y/N), he did it all the time. However, this felt…different. He supposed it had to do with his realization—he loved (Y/N). Still, Saiki refused to let the intimidating grandness of that word scare him away from being friends with (Y/N). Besides, he had suffered his entire summer with idiots, he wanted to enjoy himself with (Y/N).
            He rang the doorbell, and a few moments later, (Y/N) opened the door. They wore a pink apron—dusted with flour and sugar from years of baking—and a wide smile.
            “Hi, Kusuo! Welcome!” said (Y/N), letting him in. “I’m almost finishing preparing everything, but the movie’s set up if you want to wait on the couch.”
            Saiki nodded and held up the cardboard in his hand. “I brought chocolate-covered strawberries.”
            (Y/N)’s face lit up. “I love strawberries! Thanks, Kusuo.” They laughed and closed the door as they walked farther in. “But I am surprised you didn’t buy coffee jelly.”
            “I know you like strawberries,” said Saiki. He’d chosen it for them.
            “It’s sweet of you to think of me,” said (Y/N), ducking their head and turning away so Saiki wouldn’t see their blush. “And if you had gotten coffee jelly—” they turned back around with a tray in their hands “—we would’ve had too much.”
            Saiki stared with joy in his eyes at the tray of coffee jelly, and (Y/N) laughed at his excitement. “We both thought of each other,” they said, putting the tray down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
            “We did,” said Saiki, simultaneously honored by the care with which (Y/N) had put together the coffee jelly and ashamed he hadn’t put more work into his gift for (Y/N).
            But then they sat down, apron off, eagerly opened the box of strawberries, and bit into one. Humming in delight, (Y/N) smiled with sparkles around them. All of Saiki’s doubts went out the window. He had made them happy. That was what mattered. (But he wanted to do better, make them happier, acknowledge he cared for them).
            “Delicious,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Saiki could only stare at their smile before nodding and taking a bite of their coffee jelly. His slight smile as he ate it was all the compliment to their talents (Y/N) needed.
            “Do you want to start the movie?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded.
            “Get ready, this is important education for you,” said (Y/N), settling back in their seat beside Saiki and pressing play on Pride and Prejudice. “And if you like this, we’re watching the BBC series.” They smiled at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll bribe you with more sweets.” (Y/N) just wanted to spend time with Saiki, peaceful and quiet. Domestic. Loving.
            Saiki didn’t say it out loud, but he had to admit that he didn’t need sweets to keep him around (Y/N). His love was that deep.
            “I love that movie,” sighed (Y/N) as the film ended. They popped the last strawberry into their mouth. “What did you think?”
            “It was nice,” said Saiki. Since he couldn’t read (Y/N)’s mind, he hadn’t gotten spoiled. “I liked Lizzie and Mr. Darcy. They made a good couple.” Much less silly than my parents for sure.
            (Y/N) grinned. “That’s what I think! What was your favorite part?’
            Saiki paused and considered. “I liked when Lizzie spoke to Wickham after finding out the truth. She was clever and made her point.”
            “I thought you’d like her wit since you’re so sarcastic,” chuckled (Y/N).
            “What did you like?” asked Saiki.
            “I like the whole thing, but my favorite part is that they change for the better.” They beamed. “Lizzie and Darcy acknowledge their faults and become better people. I think that’s great and super healthy. I try to do that as much as possible, too.”
            “You are a good person,” said Saiki, completely honest. “You’re nicer than me and everyone else.”
            “That’s sweet, Kusuo, but that doesn’t mean I can’t improve. Everyone has flaws, but that’s okay. We’re supposed to grow,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “…What a nice notion,” said Saiki, mulling the idea over. Changing for the better, growing as a person… “How do you do that?”
            (Y/N) patted his shoulder. “You don’t need to worry. For all your grumpiness, you’re a really good person. You help out your friends, keep them in line when they’re about to do something stupid, and are always looking out for others even when you claim they’re just annoyances.”
            “They are,” said Saiki.
            “Sure, but you could be way meaner. But you choose not to be,” said (Y/N). “Because you’re a good person.” They laughed. “And I know that for a fact because I wouldn’t hang out with anyone who was mean to others.”
            Saiki’s gaze softened as he looked at them. They thought so highly of him…His heart warmed at the care and affection in their voice. Saiki reached up and touched the hand on his shoulder.
            (Y/N) looked at him and blinked. Their laughter died away as they saw the look in his eyes they couldn’t quite read. “Kusuo?”
            “You’re too kind to me. I don’t tell you that I’m glad to have you as my friend, I barely do anything for you, but you’re still kind. To me. To everyone. I think that makes you the best person I know,” said Saiki.
            Shocked and flustered by the speech, (Y/N) turned pink. “I—uh—wow.” They looked at him a little shyly. “Thank you. But really, Kusuo, you don’t need to say all that. I know you’re my friend, and I know you like being my friend, too. I don’t doubt that. You don’t need to force yourself to be so vocal if that’s not your way of showing your friendship.” They leaned into his touch slightly, their fingers twining with his.
            “I’m speaking because it’s true,” said Saiki. “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t.” His hand settled around theirs and lifted it. He held it, not letting go, and looked at them. “You’re…You’re someone I care about. Someone that makes my days better. I don’t show it as much as you deserve, but—"
            Beep! Beep!
            The alarm of the oven went off, and (Y/N) and Saiki jolted apart in shock. Their hands fell apart.
            “Oh, crap, the cookies I put in!” cried (Y/N), jumping up and running over before smoke tried to escape and set off the fire alarm.
            Saiki stared at the hand that had been holding theirs and then looked back up at them. Something had almost happened. Something was about to be said. They had gotten so close to something changing between them.
            And sweets, of all things, had betrayed Saiki.
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