#there would be nothing underneath. there's no human face there. && i guess it makes sense too with the Larger ghostface lore; anybody can
death2you · 1 year
apart from there being a void underneath ghostface’s mask a cool art motif, it could actually have a bigger meaning if it were true in the larger dbd lore
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madds-is-ace-trash · 1 year
Nightwing why are you warring a cape? Well for the baby of course! Dcxdp
This takes place in the same universe as my fic Mother of the storm and her star child.
A few years have passed and Danny is completely settled in and moved to bulhaven with dick. Eventually around the time he’s Turing 9 he insists that he wants to go out at night with dick. Dick is hesitant but Danny insist, pointing out how his abilities would make him the perfect recon detective. Dick can no longer argue when Danny beats both Damian and Cass the first day of training and he is out out in the field.
Danny hose out in his ghost form and picks the name phantom because it feels right and now nightwing patrols with a bird if his very own for the first time in a while. Danny is very good on patrols, he sticks close to dick often clinging to him and hiding behind him when dick is interacting with people. He’ll often turn invisible but it still doesn’t fell like enough to dick. He quickly released that he missed the cape and the layer of securing it added when Damien was his Robin.
So nightwing starts wearing a cape, and the people of his city starts coming up with all sorts of theories for the sudden change. The range from him practicing because he’s taking over the cowl to him hiding new gadgets. Very few have seen Danny and those who have are often not believed because, “nightwing had glowing eyes under his cape!” Is not very believable.
He doesn’t wear the cape all the time just when he has Danny, the cape is long the outside is black but the inside has a blue and black feather design so it looks like wings when he glides. It has a feature where it retracts in to a role on his back when he need more freedom of movement. And I’m addition to the cape he now has an extra loop hanging form his belt for Danny to grab on to as the hop rooftops. (Danny can will him self to weigh nothing so dick tends to pull him along as he floats any way)
As the news of dicks sudden costume adjustment is circulating he has to come to the watchtower with B for a mission. Danny tags along hiding in his cape like all the Robin had before him with Bruce. Meanwhile Bruce is totally not going all mushy over his grandson he is totally normal about this. All of the Leagers keep giving dick looks.
Until flash finally ask
Wally: so um nightwing what’s with the cape? I thought you hated them?
Dick*with a bright smile across his face*: it’s for my shadow!
Wally: your shadow? How is a cape ganna hide your shadow.
Dick: no not my actual shadow it’s to hide my bird.
Diana: your bird?
*Dick flares one side of the cape revealing the feathered pattern underneath but nothing else is visible hidden under the cape*
Wally: I don’t se-
Dick: whistles like a bird call
Danny slowly fading in to view giving the league a small wave as he scrambles to hide behind dicks legs: Hello
Hal: really Bruce another one!?
Dick Smiling at the small boy in his cape before closing it : nope this one’s all mine!
Meanwhile John Constantine who is present for this mission is freaked the fuck out. Because that kid with the flowing white hair and glowing freckles is definitely not human. And worse than that from what he can sense it’s pretty darn powerful to. He watches as all of his coworkers are working to get the boy out from hiding cooing over him.
Clark: he’s looking a lot better nightwing
Wally: Waite you already new about him?
Clark: yes the boy is nightwings child I’m guessing he only is just now joining the team
Diana: what’s your name little one?
Danny poking his head out of the cape: phantom my name is phantom
Fuck why was that name familiar? Oh shit that’s right John had heard rumors of the new ghost king and a prince milling around the infinite realms this must be the little ghost prince. How the fuck did dick end up with him? Waite sups said that was dicks kid, hold did dick?
John: ha Oh my god! You crazy fucker you fucked the ghosts king!
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nkirukaj · 1 year
I Want You, Simon
So here’s the deal, I’m in love with Simon Petrikov and I need more content of him existing in a romantic sense, so I’m writing a multi-part fic.
Pairing: Simon Petrikov x Fem! OC
Warnings: implied sexual feelings I guess?
Genre: Angst and Fluff I guess?
Word Count: 1.07k
(Sorry, I’ve never done this before lol)
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Simon Petrikov was tired. Traveling the multiverse trying to save the world of his new adopted daughter and looking for the love of his life that had become a cosmic deity, Simon didn’t really know what to do with himself on th regular. He spent all this time being poked and prodded at his work/home, and since having weekly meetings with the Minerva bots, and moving to a more secluded area; he noticed that his restored sense of self didn’t cure his loneliness. Maybe it had something to do with him not leaving the house after moving, and not calling anyone? Eh, probably not, right? Everyone has their own issues to deal with, they didn’t need to be burdened with his.
Sitting on his couch finally watching something other than ‘Cheers’ is where he was when he got a call from his first adopted daughter, Marceline.
“Simon!” she said in that same warm tone she always used when speaking to him, it always made him smile
“Hi Marcy,”
“So I’m performing at the Candy Tavern tonight, you gotta come see me!”
“Of course Marcy, I wouldn’t miss it for anything!
“Great, I’ll have a surprise for you when you get there!”
“A surprise? Wait Marcy hold on-”
“K bye Simon, see you there!”
He slunched down into his couch knowing that whatever she had planned for him was something he was sure would throw him for a loop.
Walking through Ooo was a new experience every time he did it. On this walk, he noticed a butterfly with a happy face on it. It filled him with a sense of comfort, seeing it flutter.
When he arrived, he slipped through the crowd towards the bar and ordered his usual. Of course he was willing to support Marceline in any way that he could, but he wasn’t feeling as social lately. He scans the crowd to see all types of beings, non-humans and humans alike. After all this time, he still felt slightly out of place. Through the busy noise of the packed tavern and the dim lights, Simon was able to focus on the spotlit stage, and the sound of a finger tapping on the mic, center stage.
“Hello Candy people! You all know me! I’m Marceline the Vampire Queen”
Many cheers are heard throughout the venue “But for the first time ever, I will be performing with the wonderful and talented Samira!”
Simon’s eyes darted over to the woman ascending the stage stairs. Short with long, curly, black hair, brown skin and…thick. She wore a neon green crop top, with a slightly longer orange cropt top underneath, jean shorts and a black wired necklace.
“Hi, I’m Samira, you might know me, but I’m here to sing a Pre-Mushroom War song, backed up by the one and only Marceline!” Her voice was rich and smooth, not soft, but with a bit of a raspy quality that made her seem hard, while her words made her feel soft.
Simon’s eyes were wide and fixated on this mystery woman.
“Who is that?”
“Dude, she just said her name,”
Simon did not respond, only kept his eyes on this woman with a thickness he had never experienced.
“So let’s get this started!” Marceline shouted before strumming on her axe bass.
An employee removes the mic stand and Samira presses on her necklace and her voice echoes throughout the venue.
Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you
Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on Mother Nature
Everybody wants to rule the world
She sways her body to the music and his eyes can’t help but follow.
It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help me make the
Most of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
Thick, thick, thick. That’s all that was running through his mind. He felt his face go hot and his throat fill his collar. He tried loosening it with his finger, but it did not help. What is going on?
There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world
I can't stand this indecision
Married with a lack of vision
Everybody wants to rule the—
Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it
One headline, why believe it?
Everybody wants to rule the world
All for freedom and for pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
The music fades out slowly and Samira stands center stage with Marceline as they bow together.
“Goodnight y’all!” Marcy shouts at the crowd
with another strum of her ax bass. Samira waves at the crowd and descends the stairs. Marceline plays her out.
“I love you Samira!!” Candy people shout “Samira!!”
Samira navigates the crowd, walking closer towards Simon, and he turns his face to hide the red overtaking it. She walks past him, slightly bumping his shoulder and doing a double take towards him that he doesn’t notice. And exiting the venue. Simon shivered from the touch. He lifts his head slowly reeling from either the performances or the drinks.
“So what’d you think Simon?” Marcy threw her arm around Simon’s shoulders
“Who was that?” He turned toward her and ran his hand through his hair
“Dude,” said the same Candy Person from before, “Is this guy listening?”
Marceline laughs “Who, Samira? She’s a friend of mine from the Human City. Surprised you’ve never seen her. I’ve been teaching her old songs but this is the first time I’ve played with her. She’s a really great singer, right?”
“Well yeah, but she’s so-“ he cuts himself off from not knowing what words to say
Marcy smirks and raises an eyebrow “She’s so what Simon?”
He shakes his head, as though to clear it. “Nevermind. I have to go. Great show.” He later Marcy on the back then scurries out the door.
The cool air greets him like an old friend, he basks in it, cleansing himself of the thoughts he’d had just a minute prior. After his fourth or fifth exhale, he felt a slight weight on his shoulder, and as he glanced at it, saw the same butterfly from earlier.
Chapter 2
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r41nc4ndy · 5 months
My love for you.
Oliver x Alice
This is just a short FF I thought of while listening to Day 1 by Red Velvet!
Ngl, was originally gonna be more gorey but I wanted to try something fluffy~
Also, English isn‘t my first language 🙁.
"Alice..? No way, she’s horrifying!"
"You mean Alice..? I‘m not risking my life! She‘s not even human!"
"What do you mean? She‘s a demon!"
That‘s all he‘d ever hear.
Alice is dangerous, Alice is a monster, Alice is a demon, Alice has no mercy for anyone.
Never ever would anyone dare to utter a nice word about Alice.
For him, it was quite the contrary.
"Oliver? I suppose he can be a troublemaker at times, but he‘s funny otherwise."
"Oliver‘s smart! He never fails school!"
Of course, there were the few that would call him a mean bully, but never more than that, since in their eyes, he was nothing more than just a bully. But that‘s not as extreme as being called a demon.
Even though it all had its reasons.. he wasn’t gonna deny it, Alice was a murderer. Messed up. I mean, she literally kills students to eat them! What‘s not crazy about that?!
But.. he didn’t care about that. He saw her as his love, his girlfriend. He saw a kind princess underneath all that ice cold exterior. So what if she‘s a cannibal murderer? He doesn’t care about small details like that!
He loved seeing her everyday, he loved seeing her face light up as he approached, with it with no gift. He loved waking up and knowing he was gonna see her that day. He loved hearing her melodious voice talk about the little fly she saw today. He loved her.
His voice rang out, the name 'Alice' rolling off his tongue smoother than butter on pancakes.
From the shadows, two bright red eyes shone. Ones that are like bright rubies shining in a cave.
"Guess whooo?~"
"Oh, dear. You talk like those princes you told me about."
Alice calmed down as soon as she noticed it was Oliver who called out to her.
She got up from her place, walking over.
"What brings you here this time?“
"Awh, shucks! You already know why!"
Alice cracked a slight smile, her mood brightening up more as she heard Oliver talk.
"To; See your one and only dearie?"
She repeated the words he usually tells her, replacing the 'my' with 'your' so it‘d make a bit more sense to her when she said it.
This made Oliver happy, feeling quite honored that she‘d remember his words.
He always felt happy around her. Don‘t get him wrong, his friends made him happy too, as well as his family! But Alice was a different kind of happiness, in a good way.
"Guess what I brought you?~"
"A leg?"
"Wrong! Even better!"
".. Dearie, I don’t like guessing."
This earned a chuckle from Oliver, who just handed her the box. It smelled rancid, rancid like blood rancid. But Alice didn‘t care about such details.
"Open it!"
Alice opened the box, finding two layers in it. A note, a separator and underneath a pigs heart. How romantic~
Alice was obviously overjoyed by this, she always was when it was Oliver. She happily ate the heart as Oliver invited himself inside and closed the door behind him. He sat down at the usual spot he sat at, with Alice joining him.
He leaned himself against Alice and started talking. About what? Just about anything. Anything his brain could come up with at the moment.
Alice in turn, listened to every word he told her. She loved the way his eyes would light up whenever he talked.
This time, he was talking about some spider movie. Apparently, it’s part of a bigger 'web' of movies he really likes as well. She‘d love to go on a cinema date with him someday..
Just like any other evening, they spent the time together. Talking, laughing, sharing those quiet moments, she loved it. She’d never trade these moments for anything.
She would never admit this, but..
Oliver was the melody missing from her lyrics.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
If you're not too busy with asks, can I request something?
Wholesome dad Alwin with a young reader who was raised by monsters? It doesn't matter the species, but I just think that'd be cute
I can try!💖 Hope you like it! Always love to write for dad Alwin, but sorry if it kind of sucks
Born of The Forest
A group of wyverian riders bring back a child they found in the Wendwood, but the situation is far from normal.
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“Has the patrol not returned yet?” Alwin asked the elder, walking over the stone bridge towards the smaller wyverian. The elder was just coming to terms with Zellard being gone, and Alwin having took over as top rider. He jumped a little at the sound of Alwin’s voice.
“Hmm...not that I know of. But they better hurry...a rain is beginning to fall.” Maolo said as he glanced up at the skies. True to what he said, raindrops began to fall from the sky. Alwin could feel the droplets gently dusting his face as a cool air began to settle.
“I hope nothing is keeping them.” Alwin said and the elder hummed in agreement as they both watched the village gates. Little did they know, there was one thing that was keeping them. One thing that would change Alwin’s life.
You were a young child who has grown up in the woods of Alcala since forever. It was a wild pack of jaggi that raised you. Jaggia had strong maternal instincts, so when they found you as a baby they chose to raise you instead of eat you. It really could’ve gone both ways. 
But with the outcome that was chosen, you were raised with a pack of wild monsters. You were never around humans and acted like a young of the pack alpha. You ate like them, made sounds like them, and behaved like them.
So much so, you tried to bite the hand of the wyverian rider who thought he was saving you. Buy hey, they figured children always get lost in the Wendwood.
However, they eventually managed to snatch you from the pack and take you back to Rutoh...
“Ah, there they are.” Alwin stated with a relieved smile as the group of three riders came through the village entrance. However, they all seemed out of sorts, and when Alwin came closer, that’s when he realized there was a child with them.
And not one from Rutoh.
“Hey...Hey calm down!” Alwin heard the rider shout as he pushed through the crowd that began to surround the situation. Upon getting a closer look, Alwin saw that you were indeed a young human. One with some rather violent tendencies as you lashed out at the man holding onto you, the monstie underneath all in a stir.
“What’s going on?” Alwin asked, but suddenly, you went for him with your teeth bared like an animal. Luckily, you weren’t strong enough or quick enough that Alwin couldn’t grab you beneath the arms and hold you away from him as you thrashed, his eyes wide with shock.
“We found this kid out in the Wendwood, surrounded by jaggi. Thought they were in danger but...” One of the riders started to explain, rubbing the back of her head, just as confused by the situation as other wyverians seemed to be. The crowd began to leave the situation, mostly out of fear or disturbance, not liking having to see a child like that.
However, Alwin guessed what was going on here.
The way you were acting was animalistic, attacking people you viewed as threats. You haven’t said a word since arriving, appearing like you couldn’t speak at all. Your looks were disheveled and wild-looking, and you appeared rather malnourished. And the way you looked at him...like you’ve never seen a person before. That confirmed it for him.
“This child was raised by monsters.” He said, his looks becoming less shocked and more pitiful as he stared at you. All the wyverians looked at each other in confusion.
“The jaggi took them in and raised them like a pack member...they grew up without any influence from another person. This is why they act so feral.” He explained and now it was starting to make sense for everyone. However, the realization of how dire the situation actually is now raised another question that one of the rider’s voiced.
“What do we do with the child?”
Alwin thought about that. Returning you to the pack is probably what you would prefer, but the wyverian knew that it was no life for a human. The conditions, the diet, the everything...it would kill you. Here in Rutoh, Alwin knew it would be a lot of work, but you could live normal. You weren’t too far gone to the point where you couldn’t learn.
“They can stay with me.” He said with a soft smile, looking at you. Everyone started to whisper to each other in shock, but ultimately, no one had any objections. The elder wanted to say something, but seeing how Alwin looked at you made him stay silent.
He’s never seen the young wyverian look so hopeful at someone, not even Red.
So Alwin took it upon himself the difficult task of taking care of you. It was very difficult at first. You wanted nothing to do with him or this place, constantly lashing out. And maybe not so good for him, but you knew how to walk, considering jaggi walk on two legs. It made you more maneuverable and harder to deal with. He couldn’t look you in the eye or do much of anything. But he kept calm and kept talking to you in a soothing voice, hoping it would calm you and get you to trust him. 
But one day, he was struggling himself. It seemed you weren’t changing at all and he was losing hope.
“Please...please understand that I want to help...” Alwin pleaded from his place at your doorframe. You had gotten to stay there, and recently, your wild ways have dulled to isolation and you usually were huddled up in the corner with your back to the wall.
You only shuffled slightly at the sound of his voice.
“You don’t belong in that world. You belong with people. Those were monsters...” Alwin said again, but he knew you didn’t understand. As far as you were concerned, the jaggi pack was your only family.
“Yes, I know they saved you and raised you, but you must see that you are different...you’re like me.” Alwin plopped onto the ground in defeat, sitting cross-legged as he brought his hands to his face, shaking his head slightly. 
But something in his words...stirred you slightly, and you turned around to look at him. This man who’s become a constant in your life.
You didn’t understand much of what he was saying, but seeing him so depressed, well, it impacted you. It made you feel icky yourself. He hasn’t harmed you, so you figured he couldn’t be that bad of a man. But this was the first time you’ve seen him like this, and perhaps against your better judgment, you began to crawl towards him, brows knitted in concern.
Alwin was surprised to feel your skin on his when you reached up to touch his hand.
Upon looking up, Alwin was able to look into your eyes for the first time without you getting feral with him. They were a beautiful shade of e/c. He was beginning to think you were unsavable, but this sudden calmness, it gave him hope. However, what happened next...he will never forget.
You spoke to him for the first time. Your very first word was his name.
It was enough to nearly make him cry. If anything, it brought a smile to his face as you gazed at him with care. In a parental sense, you mimicked him; smiling back instinctively when you saw his smile. You could say this was the first time you guys truly bonded.
“Y/N...Your name is Y/N...” Alwin soon said, gently placing his hand in yours, interlocking the fingers to show that you guys weren’t any different. This time, you smiled all on your own, and slowly moved closer to him.
That led to the very first hug.
As years went by, it would be hard to believe that you were ever raised by wild monsters. You could talk, act like a person, and didn’t eat any raw meat or growl at people. I mean, you still had some tendencies like getting uneasy when people stare you in the eye or snapping at the monsties when they get to close. But Alwin did a good job in raising you.
You still thought of your original jaggi family, thanking them for saving your life. But more importantly, keeping you alive to this point. 
Because in the end, it was truly that wyverian who gave you a shot at a real life.
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cream-and-tea · 2 years
LAY ME DOWN. chapter seven excerpt. unedited. featuring: a tumble through a (very magic, very dangerous) painting which leaves pallas and agnes somewhere they shouldn’t be. agnes being very disoriented and pallas being very condescending. vague fucked-up-magic-library shit.
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[Transcript under the cut]
been having a lot of fun with The Library lately so i thought i’d share this scene where i get to show off some description :)
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-).  @vellichor-virgo​ @nicola-writes​ @doctormoss​ @gerbermatter​ @cactusprincewrites @houndmouthed @muddshadow @aeipathys @just-wublrful @midnights-melodiverse @corkywantstowrite @paradisiacalshroud @andromedatalksaboutstuff
“What was that?” Agnes wheezes in horror, propping herself up from the dusty carpeted floor.
“Midnight on Sixteenth Street. Modern art. You’re lucky I showed up, did you even check for a label?”
She doesn’t get time to respond as a hand grabs the front of her blouse and drags her bodily upwards. Her feet leave the ground, hair floating up around her face as if underwater, gravity vanishing as the room twists and unravels again, showing rotating starscapes in the spaces between shelves and paneled walls. And then it’s over in an instant and she’s left on her feet, staring dizzily into Pallas’s razor-edged, annoyed little face. They let go of her, doing a very good impression of someone who hasn’t just faced certain death in a twisting star-vortex and come out completely unscathed. 
“What was that?” 
“Bit slow on the uptake here,” Pallas says blankly, taking a second to scan the room. The purple carpet embroidered with constellations, the dark wood of the walls, the shelves upon shelves of milky crystal, most carved into balls but others dangling and uncut, and still others shaped delicately to look like stars or eyes. “You’ve just fallen into some storage space, prophecies if I had to guess.”
At this Agnes can only say, utterly broken: “What?”
Pallas brushes past her with a disdainful snort, their massive jacket flapping like wings on a bat. “Don’t gawk like an idiot, they’re ancient and entirely unimpressive. Seven-hour ritual requiring a true name and burning an entire remnant, and what do you get? Nothing but smoke and mirrors.”
Agnes turns to gawk like an idiot while Pallas presses a single finger to the iris of one of the carved-glass eyes, staring as the foglike substance trapped within it plumes and billows at the touch, forming vague shapes and patterns before they pull away. The neat label underneath the eye reads Baroque, Lilith, 1958. Pallas scoffs. “No wonder the method isn’t taught anymore.”
Agnes briefly considers that maybe she’s still floating in space, that her feet haven’t quite touched the ground. She’s lightheaded and frazzled as her begothed saviour glides by with a beckoning hand, making their way towards the exit. She just stands, wide-eyed and dazed, not really able to move. 
“How– wha–“ She searches for words that won’t come to her tongue. A thousand wonders, a million unanswered questions. “How did you even find me here?”
“I’ve been following you since you left your room.” Pallas replies simply. “I knew something like this would happen. Do you have any other pressing questions before we leave this sad monument to human desperation?”
Agnes blinks. “If you knew something like this would happen then why didn’t you do something when the- the art started to eat me!?”
Pallas spins to face her in a whirl of thick black coat and short black hair. “I didn’t think you’d go tumbling into the first clearly unlabelled painting you came across! My apologies for assuming you had a modicum of common sense in that thick skull of yours.”
“And you expect me to know that like it's just normal or something?” She blurts suddenly, without even meaning to. It comes out something like a yell and sends waves of pain down her throat. Pallas sighs in response, pinching the bridge of their nose between two fingers.
“No. But I expected you to at least exercise some degree of caution.”
There’s a buzzing under Agnes’s skin, a weird kind of restless frustration that she can’t put words to. She opens and closes her mouth, then looks down at the star-spattered carpet, meeting Pallas’s eyes is making her feel twinges of vertigo, she can’t hold their gaze for long. More than that is the fact that they’re probably right. Just because she got a bed and a warm bath doesn’t mean this place is any safer than the forest. At least in the trees you know what’s trying to kill you, here it could be anything lurking in any dark corner or high shelf, looking completely harmless and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The woman in the dark said it wouldn’t be easy. She needs to be careful if she wants to survive, needs to stick close to this person and their bloody magic that cuts to the bone. That’s the only way to stay safe. Agnes nods silently, hugging her arms around her chest, and feels Pallas shift even though she’s not really looking at them. She’s yet to see any emotions from them that aren’t absolutely terrifying and mildly annoyed, so she must be imagining the relief that relaxation seems to bring. 
“Again,” Pallas needles, turning and resuming their pace to the hovering exit-painting. “Any more burning questions for me to answer before we get out of here, or are you done for the day?“
Agnes considers, fiddling with the soft orange-brown knit coating her arms.
“Where’re my clothes?” She finally asks, falling into limping step behind Pallas, chancing a single glance upwards.
“Probably burned, or vanished.” They put a hand and foot into the painting's floating frame, boosting themself up into it. “You don’t exactly need them anymore.”
Agnes looks down at the white blouse, thick cardigan, and pants tucked into brown lace-up boots, adjusts the red bandanna in her hair. There's a sick pang, a roiling deep in her stomach. Her dress and sweater were rough, but they felt like home, and now they’re gone just like everything warm and safe is also gone.
Not everything, she reassures herself, fingering at the tiny cross around her neck.
“You coming?” The person perched in a painting looks at her with hurricane eyes, one pierced eyebrow raised. Agnes starts, and nods, and hurries forward as fast as her hurt ankle will allow. Pallas vanishes in an instant, and when she hesitates just in front of the backwards Midnight on Sixteenth Street a pale hand slips back in, warping the mirror-image like ripples on water. Agnes only has to pause for a second before taking it, multitude of rings cutting into her palm, and letting herself be dragged through. 
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thejdogga · 10 months
Very post A Cascade of Stars but the events are mentioned.
Anyway enjoy! I haven't written in a while
The metal clangs as my boots make their way through the hallway towards the airlock. I fix my black hair and make sure my helmet is secured tightly. Quick beeps sound as the code for the door is entered. The keypad lights up green as the door opens with a hiss. I step within and very familiar with the process I let the chamber decompress. After what seems like an eternity later the outer doors open, letting the cold void of space grasp at my suit, not that I can feel it underneath. I see another space suit sitting on the balcony edge, its gaze facing away from the station into the void. The suit is certainly filled with the only other member left on this station, my boyfriend.
I sit down next to him and take in the view he is gazing at. It is calm and beautiful as ever, in all my years on the station I have never gotten bored of the sight. Except today the view is lacking most of its stars. As I look on occasionally a star will fizzle and disperse before disappearing. At first i didn’t believe it, stars should be dying in violent supernovas, and definitely not at this rate. But all the reading confirmed it. The stars are dying. There is only an eighth of the stars in the sky as there was just a few month prior. I finally turn my head to my partner and he catches my gaze and looks back, he opens his mouth,
“Guess that crazy prophet was right huh?”
I exhale through my nose and look down, “Yeah, I guess so. Still don’t know how they knew” I look back up to the stars, “Who would have guess the head death of the universe was going to be so fast paced?”
“Hah nobody! The science doesn’t agree with it, yet I guess the science doesn’t agree with the Dis Aster event either. Humanity is lucky we survived that two hundred years ago.”
“Barely.” I remind him. “Only those well underground like doomsday preppers or those rich people that were lucky enough to have any warning.”
“True. I guess this is the second time the stars have disappointed us? The first they got too powerful and attacked. The second is right now, our defenses to subdue them seemed to be too effective.”
“You really think that’s the reason?”
He shrugs, “Only one I can think of that makes any sense. How else could they go from being all powerful supernatural beings to this” He throws both of his hands outwards in front of him to the void.
“Woah, the board is heavily out on them on them being supernatural beings-”
Sigh “Point is, all we know is that they gained some kind of sentience and descended on earth. We don’t even know if they meant to wipe out humanity.”
“Well the media treats it like they meant to. But, it’s not like it matter now, they are dying.” We both go silent for a while before he speaks up again, “Hey babe… you think we will survive this? I mean humans lived past the last star event so maybe there’s hope?”
I open my mouth before closing it again, taking my time to think about it. “Well, last time we barely made it. A lot of us will probably die. We should be fine for a few years, our station is nuclear powered, and we use that to power the agriculture facilities, water we distil after mining it from asteroids. We can probably gather a few of the other staff members back to the station too, after they finish spending their ‘last days’ with their families. A lot of them probably won’t join us though, maybe a few could bring their families?”
“Hm, as much as I don’t want newcomers to drag us down I guess we do need just normal people to get us going again. If we want to be one of the foundations for humanity’s next era?”
Sigh “As much as I do not want that responsibility I guess we kind of have to. Most people planet side rely on the sun. Stations like ours are the only human settlements not dependent. We are lucky for that, two hundred years ago we had nothing like us as a backup. Maybe we can contact a few of the other stations to join together? Start some kind of town.”
His brown eyes look into mine and I feel his fingers slip between mine and interlock, “Well,” He looks back out and leans his head against my shoulder, “Whatever we decide to do after the end of everything we can figure out later. For now Let's enjoy the stars while we still can.”
0 notes
kokushiboublackgf · 2 years
Her Strong Warrior
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Summary: On a quiet night Kokushibou stumbles upon someone who he wasn’t expecting but doesn’t regret it one bit. (Black reader fanfic and reader is a demon) Wrote this cause I realized that we don’t have enough fanfics for this man, especially Black reader fanfics so I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Smut so if you’re uncomfortable about that don’t read this. MDNI. Cum eating, bj’s, some mentions of blood, all the usual stuff that comes with smut I guess???
Kokushibou smells something unusual as he walks underneath the shining moonlight. The smell, although very strong, is also very tempting and so the samurai decides to follow after it, slightly curious about where it is coming from. As he walks deeper in the forest the smell becomes thicker and he can almost taste the sweetness of the scent that’s invading his nose. Eventually he comes across an abandoned shed and can hear whimpers and panting coming from inside the abandoned building.
Pushing the door open he is met with the sweaty naked figure of a melanated woman on her hands and knees. Upon Kokushibou opening the door the woman, who is actually a demon just like him, looks up and sets her brown eyes on him. The woman is no ordinary demon, she is his master’s companion, and Kokushibou almost feels like he’s witnessing something he shouldn’t see. He has no doubt that if his master were aware of this, he would face the worst type of punishment imaginable. Her eyes show nothing but desperation but as soon as she makes eye contact with the six eyed demon, they become lustful. A growl escapes her mouth and before Kokushibou realizes it, he is pushed to the ground and has his arms pinned down by the wrist above his head.
His eyes widen at her quick movement, mainly because aside from his master, no other demon is strong enough to bring him down like this, and he goes stiff as she places messy kisses on his neck and face. It feels wrong to have this happen and as soon as he tries to move her off of him she tightens the grip on his wrist before whimpering and hiding her face in his neck.
“Please…help me…please Kokushibou…” you whisper into his ear. He internally groans at the sound of your voice saying his name. Aside from your looks, your accent clearly indicates that you are not from these lands, so the sound of his name coming from your mouth excites him for whatever reason.
Managing to free himself from your grip, he reaches out cradle your head and sit up, with you seated in his lap. It feels weird to do this. He is Upper Moon 1, the strongest demon after Muzan, a demon that instills fears in humans and other demons alike, yet here he is attempting to provide some sort of comfort to you.
“Allow me…to take you to his lordship. He would be able…to help you” he tries reasoning with you.
You immediately lift your head and stare right into his eyes, shaking your head.
“Need you now, I’m ovulating” you pant.
Kokushibou goes blank for a minute, processing what you have just said, eyes widening a bit. He’s brought back to his senses when you seize his lips and moan against them, deepening the kiss as the seconds go by. He knows that he should probably pull away and put some distance between the two of you but he’s also curious about what might happen next.
Pulling back from his mouth you look at him with your brown eyes that are practically gleaming in the darkness of the shed and smile so that your fangs are exposed. You reach out to hold Kokushibou’s face in your hands, your sharp nails caressing his face ever so slowly.
“Your master tells me that you were once a samurai. A warrior as strong as you would have had women on their knees begging to have your children where I’m from” you breathe out softly before grinding your naked cunt against his kimono and hakama pants. Kokushibou tenses before letting out a soft moan at the feeling of you grinding against him. How long has it been before he last lay with a woman, before he had his release, and gave into pure lust and pleasure? Surely this would be okay right? 
“Allow me to take care of you Kokushibou” you whisper before crawling off of him and moving to untie his hakama pants. Sitting up Kokushibou raises his eyebrows and moves to place his katana away but close enough for him to grab it if he needs to. 
As you take his black hakama pants off you place soft kisses on his inner thighs and bite down in some places drawing some blood, before licking the wound. Kokushibou bites his lips and tries to sit still. Eventually the pants come off and she wastes no time in freeing his cock. 
You practically drool at the sight of his cock. It’s long, there are veins all over it and when you hold it in your hand you can feel its heaviness. But none of that scares you. In fact, it excites you and you can’t help but let out a moan at the feeling and sight of his manhood. In all your centuries of being alive you have never seen something so beautiful. It makes you want to take him all at once in one go.
You start to stroke his cock while maintaining a firm grip on it and give a long yet slow lick on the head of his manhood before sucking on it ever so slowly. Kokushibou tenses and breathes deeply, gripping onto the floor to keep himself grounded. He can’t remember the last time he experienced something like this, especially since becoming a demon. His gaze becomes heavy and lustful watching you focus on giving his manhood attention. When you take him deeper into your mouth while continuing to stroke him he lets out a deep moan. He can’t stop his hips from jerking forward to match your rhythm and speed, even as your fangs lightly graze his manhood.
The room is filled with the sounds of Kokushibou’s panting and your slurping, combined with both of your moans. As you continue to suck him off you can taste what is most likely is cum leaking from the slit on top of his manhood. You go half drunk just from that small taste and let out a desperate groan while still sucking him off. Determined to taste and swallow every bit of his cum you play with his balls, squeezing and massaging them while also going up and down on him. That seems to send him over the edge because before you know it, Kokushibou lets out an incredibly loud groan and jerks his hips forward rapidly before releasing an incredible amount of cum into your mouth. 
It’s so much that it starts to spill out of your mouth and onto your breasts but that doesn’t bother you one bit. You continue to swallow all the cum that’s in your mouth and still on his cock, grinning and moaning at the taste. You haven’t been able to experience something like this in almost two centuries and you can’t wait to have the rest of him. You take a look at him and see how he has his head tilted back, eyes closed, and is breathing heavily. You know that he still has more in him. He was a former samurai, Muzan’s strongest demon right after himself. This is just the beginning.
Crawling onto his lap you grab the back of his head and bring him in for a kiss, letting him taste himself on your lips. The action has him opening all of his eyes in shock but as he feels your tongue prodding at his lips for permission, he opens them and the both of you moan at the action. You pull back and start tugging on his purple kimono and he immediately moves to take it off. Pushing it off his shoulders you marvel at the sight of his muscles and feeling a bit mischievous you even play with his nipples for a bit, tugging on them with your fingers. You let out a small laugh when you hear his breath hitch and feel his strong large hands come to hold you at your hips.
“I need you to take me right here and right now. Fill me with your seed. You would do that for me, right Kokushibou?” you whisper while running your hands through his dark hair.
In theory he should say no. He should get up and leave and beg for your mercy and his master’s mercy, but the both of you have gone so far that there is no point of return.
“Allow me…to help” he mumbles into your dark locs. You try grab his cock to get yourself ready to line yourself with his manhood but Kokushibou has different ideas.
He carefully lays you on the floor while cradling your head before he pulls back a bit and squeezes your hips. You take in his long dark hair, his six eyes that hold the kanji ‘upper moon 1’ and his strange but beautiful red marks on his face and reach out to hold his face to bring him in for a kiss. Biting down on his lips you draw some blood and a small groan from him before licking it and deepening the kiss.
“Well what are you waiting for” you mumble against his lips.
Smirking a bit, Kokushibou gives you one more kiss on the lips before pulling back to line his manhood with your cunt. At the sight of your very wet cunt Kokushibou feels his cock get hard and leans down to press his face into your lower region. Relishing in the sounds of your moans he licks and sucks on your clit and entrance, moaning at your taste and feels himself getting drunk just on your taste. The feeling of his tongue suck and prodding down there almost sends you over the edge and has you moaning so loudly you’re convinced all of Japan can hear you. 
Feeling like he’s had enough Kokushibou gives your cunt one final lick before grabbing his manhood and lining it up with your cunt. He’s somewhat concerned about possibly hurting you but as if you were reading his mind you reassured him.
“Don’t worry I’ll be fine, I’ve done this before several times. Give me your all” you say confidently giving him a lustful gaze. He makes a note to ask you what you mean by that when all of this is done.
Pushing himself into your cunt he lets out a long lustful moan at the feeling of your cunt taking in his cock. You gasp when he starts moving in and as he goes deeper you howl, not in pain but in pleasure.
He starts moving slowly but little by little he starts a faster pace and the both of you are grunting and moaning, kissing each other and grasping at each other as if this moment would end any minute now. 
It’s been many years since the both of you last laid with someone and lost yourself in pleasure. Demons are known for losing themselves in hunger but the same goes for pleasure and lust. Two demons hungry for blood and flesh are dangerous but two demons hungry for some pleasure are even more dangerous. 
It doesn’t take that long before Kokushibou feels his cock being squeezed by your walls and he furrows his brows ann grunts at the feeling. It only makes him wanna keep thrusting and bury himself further into your cunt. Letting out a shaky moan Kokushibou releases his seed and continues to thrust into you as he feels your walls milk him. You are practically drunk at this point and your eyes roll back as you feel his seed continue to be released into you.
After what feels like hours Kokushibou stops his thrusting and keeps his arms planted beside your head and closes his eyes as he tries to catch his breath. The room is silent except for the heavy panting coming from the both of you. When he opens his eyes he sets his gaze upon your drowsy eyes and rubs his thumb against your cheek.
“Mmm’kay, just kinda tired,” you tell him sleepily.
He nods and tries to pull himself away from you but feels your hand grip his strong arm. 
“Stay here with me…please?”
He doesn’t hesitate and turns the both of you around so that you are laying on his muscular chest, cock still inside you and cum leaking out and dripping down your thighs.
“I had meant to ask…what you meant…when you said you had done this…several times and what…triggered your ovulation” Kokushibou says while continuing to hold you in his arms. He almost wants to smack himself for even uttering those words. If you’re offended you don’t show it, especially when you let out a hearty laugh.
“I didn’t even remember saying that my goodness!” you laugh out. “ I suppose other than Muzan no one else knows this, but I’ve birthed several children in my homeland as a demon” you say ever so casually.
Kokushibou raises his brows when he hears you say this. As far as he knows demons here in Japan can’t birth children, not even the female ones. Aside from his master and the upper ranks, they are the only ones capable of turning people into demons. It’s the closest thing to reproducing demons.
“You seem kind of shocked. Before I left my homeland I birthed eight strong children, all ruthless and powerful in their own right and in order to get pregnant I slept with various powerful men throughout the land.” Sighing lovingly you pull yourself closer to Kokushibou. “The last time I laid with a man was nearly a century ago and it was almost as if my body didn’t feel the need to lay with someone and carry a child.”
“But then tonight while I was on a random stroll I started to feel the tell tale signs of ovulation, the sweatiness, tingling sensation down there, my nipples getting hard and before I knew it I threw myself into this shed and ripped my clothes off of my body to get some relief. If you hadn’t shown up I’m sure Muzan would have came and we would have done the very same thing the both of us did tonight.”
Kokushibou hums, processing everything you said. He doubts he got you pregnant despite the amount of cum he released and that is still in your body because of his manhood still inside you. His blood is mainly made up of his master’s blood and cells. All demons are connected to Muzan but then again you’re a demon from another land with a different blood composition but who knows what could happen. That thought instills a sense of dread at what would happen to him if and when his master finds out about this.
“Hey don’t worry about Muzan. I’ll explain everything to him, you’ll be alright” you tell him lovingly while caressing his cheeks.
And that is where he finds himself right now, kneeling before his master inside the Infinity Fortress, ready for any painful punishment that will most likely come his way.
“So you laid with my partner and defiled her? How far you’ve fallen, upper moon 1” Muzan says with no emotion.
“I told you before that it was necessary. It was more than helpful” you whine to Muzan, gripping onto his arm.
You’re no longer naked and sweaty. You’re dressed in a beautiful royal purple kimono and your long locs are held up with various pins and jewels. You look absolutely stunning.
“Is that so?”
“Yes! Now leave him alone already.”
Muzan hums before taking your hand in his, ready to have Nakime transport the both of you outside of the Infinity Fortress.
“Perhaps next time I’ll have you join us should she go through one of these cycles again” Muzan says ever so casually. 
Kokushibou’s eyes widen before he lifts his head to see you wink at him before he hears the sound of Nakime’s biwa being strummed and you and his master are gone just like that. He smirks at the thought before he is also strummed out of the fortress. 
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wroteclassicaly · 3 years
May I Taste Your Sin
(Michael Langdon x Female Reader)
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Pairings : Michael Langdon x Female Reader
Warnings : Language, smut, blood, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex, blood play, & period sex.
A/N : This fic has been a loooong time coming! I’m sorry it’s taken me this long, but now that I have inspo I wanted get this out for y’all! The warnings are obviously self-explanatory, so skip this if you don’t like the contents it’s gonna contain! Michael Langdon eats human hearts, and he’s a demon, before anyone starts to fuss over this, lol. I’m sure menstrual cycles with his partner would be a dessert to him!
Enjoy! This one is pretty intense, so I’m nervous about it! I also have more installments with different characters coming in the next few days! :)
Check out where I first posted the teaser for this fic, and check out these period sex headcanons I wrote for Michael!
He keeps staring at you. You try to move about, do your tasks, even attempt conversation with people you’d tried so hard to avoid these past several years. Your abilities to function like the human being that you are, seemingly vanish whenever the tall honey blond is within your exhausted proximities. You aren’t sure if you’d like to let out the loudest echoing scream and see where it ends up in this place, or let your wildest carnal urges guide your hormones into a literal sticky situation. Or, at the very least, let yourself fantasize about seducing him in your own self-created version of reality.
You’ll have to settle on the latter, unfortunately. Pocketing the cream colored dish rag, you place the last row of finely printed novels on the book shelve. Your fingertips linger, attempting to find a portal through their leather cover tops. Your tongue slicks your parched lips, neck stretching to crack out the tension. You aren’t trying to do anything but stealing some relaxation, when a largely hot hand is pressing a knot-out in a knead on your shoulder - clasping, settling a risky purchase.
You don’t have to make an educated guess to know whose hand that belongs to. He practically spews out his control and ownership of this place every chance that he gets. Biting down a venomous sigh, you coerce yourself into a turn around - gathering an eyeful of Langdon’s fancy black vest. That’s not good enough for the King, apparently, as he fits his pointer finger underneath your chin in a tuck, thumb pressing against your jaw to tilt your gaze to his own.
“Did you forget your manners, Miss Y/L/N?”
The way his shining eyes are sizing your attention, captivating your unwillingness to comply to how Langdon makes you feel - it can’t be humanly possible, can it? There’s that possessive ache that begs you to launch ownership over him and his entire body. Why is everything so widely dramatic whenever he’s around? Is he just full of himself or is it something way more than you’re aware? A crackling parch winds its pathway around your throat, sealing your breath in.
Nothing comes from between your lips. You’re frozen solid, legs a weightless press. Each touch this... man brings upon your body is like a bass thump - pumping you towards his secretive rhythm. All you can do is sway with the beat. Langdon smirks coyly, his other hand resting behind his back in an idle grace.
Neither of you dare utter a word. However, Langdon is seemingly content in making you squirm and you try to focus on everything but his perfectly crafted jawline, and how eagerly you’d suck on it if asked. You swear you can hear your heartbeat galloping off, so strong that it can tear your heart right out of your chest along with it. His colorful eyes glance over you in a brief stamping sweep, lingering at your sore breasts and your waistline.
What is he even doing...?
“Excuse me, but Ms. Venable did not authorize any private conferences with the help.” A cold and steel - grasped voice chills your bones down, dusting your cheeks with a reddening humiliation.
You haven’t even so much as spoken to Langdon, yet it feels like you two have been clawing and scratching at each other all over this fucking outpost, riding one another until you can’t fathom walking upright. You still can’t speak, but Langdon takes care of that for you.
“Interesting, and did Ms. Venable give you permission to waltz in here when you weren’t requested or required, just to give a meaningless order?” Langdon is mildly amused in his question, his hand still paused on your chin, thumb now swiping in a tickling drop with his fingertip - along your jaw.
Ms. Mead looks comical in her brief attempt at forming a snappy comeback, only to go silent in defeat. You take this tension as your escape line - quickly edging from the sacred confines Langdon has built for you two, and you all but run out the door. You’re clutching your shirt collar, punching a two pounce path up the staircase and to the help’s quarters.
Chores now, panic later.
Five minutes. Five fucking minutes in this place that you’ve served without question, complaint, for nearly two years - is all you want. But as the heavy handed rasps of Mead’s knuckle bones beat on your bathroom door, you know that is a simple pipe dream. Her low voice is harsh with you, making your headache unfold into a full blown migraine. You shift uncomfortably, knees knocking together, thighs sore against the cool porcelain seat below you.
Langdon must’ve massively pissed her off... Good.
Your palms collect purchase to your cradle your face, your eyes glistening with tears, throat burning with frustration. It hurts too much to stand upright this time. Normally women would lose this in stressful situations. Add the apocalypse and barely eating, you’d peg it normal to receive nothing. However, your predicament is much worse, fucking you over once more.
Your body welcomes Mother Nature each month. Unpredictable, yet there. Heavy, excruciating. You could list on and on reasons that don’t amount to much. You’re stuck with a part of you that won’t ever come to fruition.
Not in your former life, especially not in this one. Another reminder that carries an award winning irony. Sighing, you peer down at the red dish rag you were given. Literally on the rag, what a joyous harmony. The elites of course, are given the tampons and pads.
You have to use scraps of fabric you’re forced to wash in the bathtub if you move too fast or sneeze. And on your heavy days when you haven’t the time to stop your duties to wash and air out the towels, things are much harder. At least before the apocalypse you had chocolate, feminine products, a warm shower to take your time in, movies to curl up with, and a place of your own to cry where no one could hear you. You sniffle, hormones locking down your heart.
Most recently the outpost had welcomed the cooperative leader Langdon. He had interviewed everyone but you, uninterested, only flustering you a few times. Him being here just makes your period a more unwelcome storm. This morning as you were passing him on the landing of the staircase, delivering the bath towels to elite rooms, he stared at you. Right into you, nostrils flaring, tongue rolling out to slick his plump lips, blue eyes darkening.
Then there was this afternoon. How could I forget...?
The encounters were over quicker than they took place. Still, his acknowledgment of you didn’t bring your interview, nor did it promise your application for the sanctuary he preaches about. Forcing your tears to bank, you stand with your dress skirt and apron held up, staring at the stained rag in your panties. You turn and flush the toilet, eating back around to the shock of your fucking life. There, just feet in the from the doorway, is Langdon in all his glory.
It makes you swallow harshly, stomach drawing off the butterflies that have grown claws. You feel winded. His ring covered fingers bring an object to your sights. A thinly wrapped stick. You don’t answer, you don’t move, you don’t protest him approaching until he’s directly in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You try, a mere whisper betraying your bravery.
“Helping you,” He answers simply, a heated slide crossing his mouth. You can practically taste him, damn near swaying forward.
You start to snap back into your senses, ready to cover your remembered modesty back up. He grasps your wrist, a hungry look soft in his features. “Will you let me?”
You’re shaking, body on fire at him touching you, you try to keep your legs from clenching, that want. You know what will occur if you let yourself. He is gentle with you, admiration clear. Why? You don’t understand this.
“You’re bleeding, I know.”
Jaw unhinged, you stand upright, his fingers still ghosting your skin. An unlucky movement on your part, the warmth spills from you and you look down between your thighs in horror at the red lines running down your legs, pattering against the floor. Langdon is breathing heavily, practically panting, stunning you once more. His other hand grips your cheek, thumb swiping your lip, eyes not breaking contact from yours.
“Do you know how good your cunt smells? Every pathetic person in this outpost is starving and you have the best meal between your fucking legs.”
When your silence stretches on, Michael nudges forward, careful with you. “May I feast?”
It’s all too much to handle. Having him talk to you, you speaking to him. And now this? How? You begin to grow dizzy, hands trembling as you try to pull your clothing back up. Langdon’s hands grip your wrists.
“Please don’t do that.”
You want to stun him incredulously, backhand him. None of that is happening, not even the urge. Instead, your want for him is magnifying beyond any feigned ignorance. Your tongue slides out across your lips, teeth biting down on your bottom lip in a brisk chew. Langdon hooks his middle finger between your teeth, releasing your lip and combing the blood across in a coppery gloss.
Your chest is startled, rising and falling in quivering quakes, ears hearing a static rush. Everything inside of you is alive and crying out in need to be sated. Langdon grips you around the waist, lowering his forehead to rest atop your own, his middle finger - still doused in your blood - slithers past his own lips, which close in a sticky suckle. A vibrating moan pummels his throat, causing a constricting swallow that showcases his Adam’s apple.
If I could only just lick that...
Langdon is sly and devilishly cunning to a fault - fast in his next movements. He presses a designer boot down over your skirts, successfully preventing them from being made up. “Leave them here for someone else.”
“I... I can’t. This is too much, Langdon —“ He chuckles at the formality.
“Since I can see your womanhood running from between your legs, I suppose it’s only fair that we skip some formalities, don’t you agree, Y/N?” Your eyes are probably wider than necessary - a cartoon like sight. He’s used your full name in an authoritative command, leaving no room for question. “And you may call me Michael.”
It’s all a little more frantic from this point. He gives the slightest of information, and you see your skirts and panties gliding across the floor in a winded push. Michael brings that wrapped item back into your eye-line. “We won’t be needing this for a while.”
“I didn’t say yes.” You try, swallowing a weak, whimpering stifle.
“But you didn’t say no, did you?” That shit eating grin. He has you and he is all too aware - elated to the brimming brimstone of hellfire you’re about to bestow upon yourself.
Your insides melt into the trenches of red hot, raw ravishment. Michael drops his left arm down, hand palming his hardening cock through black slacks, eyes encouraging you in a chained bind. “Let’s go and make a mess in my room.”
Now or never. No more of this, back to reality, maybe some place better. You’re spinning in a foiling encasement, precipice wide and open - hungry to pull you under. And you dive in, you let it all go. Michael looks satisfied, sharing something with himself that you don’t know... yet.
Taking Michael Langdon’s hand, you’re led into the unknown.
Langdon leads you down his own separate corridor, your free hand scolded for trying to hold yourself over your uniform.
“I want you to make a mess.” Michael says.
You hope that you’re not the one who will be paying the cost for your own said mess, or cleaning it up. If it’s up to Venable - you’ll be licking it, all the way to her high heeled boots.
Once inside the confines of Michael Langdon’s bedroom, you take the time to look around, enjoying the perks this situation is bringing. The room isn’t any different than what the purple elites get here, it is bordering on a more... lived in feel, which is ironic when you consider that Langdon hasn’t been here like everyone else has for the past three years.
Guess he’s just more comfortable? He does look like an English vampire half the time..
On that note, a particularly harsh cramp antagonizes your uterus, causing you to clench your abdomen, choking out a acidic slice. “Fucking demonic cramps.”
Michael - now clad in his all black ensemble, minus the overcoat - chortles, knotting his fingers together behind his back and strolls forward, wetting his lips as the firelight crackles a sparking soundtrack. “It’s ironic how you refer to it as “demonic”, when Satan really has nothing to do with this. I mean, it’s not on him that humanity failed their pitiful guidelines for sobering temptation. Wasn’t it your lord and savior that bestowed this curse upon you?” He finishes, giving a head tilt to your unhinged stun.
“Are you religious?” Is all you can come up with.
Michael sneers, looking slightly offended. It fades seconds later. “Depends on your definition of religious, and then there is what one believes in. But I guess you can say that I’m devoted to... a certain cause.”
“Were you this mysterious before the apocalypse, or is that why the cooperative gave you the job?” You try, a discomfort crackling at your inner thighs.
They’re probably smeared... And not just with blood.
“I bet you’re uncomfortable.” Michael teases, snapping his fingers at the fireplace. Did your eyes betray you, or did the flames flicker?
You want to give a snappy comeback, but it feels unwise. You nod like the sap that you are, nails biting your palms. Your heartbeat has begun to accelerate, a visible sight beneath your apron. Langdon guides himself to step in front of you, leather shoes drumming across the floor beneath. Every sound in this forsaken room is flowing through your eardrums - Michael’s scent on the tip of your tongue.
You need him. More than your body has to have the air that filters underneath this mausoleum. You’re so unsteady, eyes brimming with the smoking arousal, blocking common sense. Michael catches you as you collide with his chest, wrapping your fists into his vest. His blue irises are disappearing to a canyon of night sky - lavish black so sinful that it steals the breath from your lungs.
Drizzling off your tongue is a hesitation. “Won’t we get into trouble...? Venable -“ Those rough fingertips hold a softness that hushes your lips, denting.
“Can watch me with my face buried into your cunt. The humiliation will arouse her.” Michael answers in his own finish.
You aren’t sure why, but that grates your mouth into a sneaky grin, shared with Michael’s, sensing that slapping throb at his phrases. He pinches your chin, nuzzling your head to the side, his lips sloping a map across your neck. His towering physique backs you by knocking his knees into your thighs, delivering you to the edge of his bed. You drop like wild weights, looking towards the ceiling, trying to take a deep inhalation. Langdon crouches, pants rustling as they tighten around his temptingly thick thighs.
He tuts in a scold, chiding you furthermore. “You will watch what I’m getting ready to do to you! Is that clear, Y/N?”
You don’t answer fast enough, Michael’s hand wrapping around your throat, eyes burning hellfire through you - dusting your bones to ash. Your throat is wet with the clingy, unshed tears. Fuck, you have to be filled up until you’re hollowed out. Michael is languid in grace, hand toppling into your lap, joining his other.
“Take down your hair, Y/N.”
Like a puppet, you obey your new owner. Unwrapping the pointed bun, you shake your locks free, sighing in an eased tickle.
“What a good and obedient girl that you are. Those who obey, shall reap the riches.”
“Why are you doing this?” An ignorant question on your part.
“Because,” As if it’s the most simple answer in this broken world, Michael let’s his hands start to unbutton his vest, carelessly sending it, his attention not wavering off you in the slightest. “I’m hungry.”
A literal moan comes from you, making Langdon hiss through his through his milky white teeth. He resumes his former position, hovering.
“Spread.” Michael says, a quaint wonder adorning him, his palms sliding up and down your legs to feel you part them. The blood is mixing some fucked out potion with your creamy arousal for him, and he knows it, has it right into your tremble from the exposure.
Your skin is steaming in scrapes, responding so vulgarly to Michael, that he is hooking his wrists under your knees, bouncing the flesh into his awaiting hands, and claiming. He hoists your legs over his shoulders to arch you to his idea of perfection. You should be protesting, in a shambled shyness. That is gone, no place here. Michael let’s his nose rest in the crease of your thigh, crudely sniffing like some beast.
His sopping tongue finds a striking stroke along your ruby red, damp thigh.
Closer... He’s getting closer...
When you can’t feel that warm and snide air he possesses, you lock to load a question. Michael is shedding himself of his remaining clothing in a cocky crawl. His hair curtains his face as he sees you seek out his cock - thick and heavy, weighted and wet with pre-cum.
“Finish taking off your clothing.” You’ve never done something so fast in your years alive.
You have to admit, being so vulnerable like this - naked and bleeding, it has you buzzing.
Michael outstretches a veined forearm, the back of his rings swirling in desiring dances across your breasts. “Do these hurt?”
Your lashes are slicked in perspiring tears, the tired soreness harassing your chest. He has his truth. His trim form bows to you once more, placing your legs back where they belong. He knuckles a pressing push into your abdomen. “Bear down.”
It isn’t an accident this time, it’s not a discreet secrecy. Michael wants you this way. All of you. Finding a confidence, you give yourself a high and sink your fingers into his hair, toes tickling his shoulder blades in a forwarding nudge, doubling down on your muscles. That warmth spills out of you and Langdon takes you, tongue parting your swollen folds. He regulates his tongue in wet paints, licking and sucking everything you give him.
“Please—“ You’re already begging. It’s so fucking intense and intimate that you can’t formulate your own damned name.
“Are you really going to ask, or would you just like to feel good?” Michael vibrates, his mouth visible and shining crimson as he seeks you out between your slippery thighs.
It’s outright feral. His irises are coal black, blue lost in some combing canyon that’s crumbled around sin. His digits prod at your sensitive opening, being accepted moments later. His lips close over your clit, tongue slithering back and forth to assist his beckoning fingers. He gathers more from you - his purpose.
That quenched fold starts to seize you early on, your pattering breaths signaling the orgasm that is about to tear the screams from your fucking diaphragm. Michael’s hand smacks and rolls your swollen breast - permission granted. That’s all it takes and you’re falling back onto the mattress, back arching in a lined drag, pussy flattening against his mouth. He jerks you impossibly closer, your vision whiting out into dark spots. You tangle your fingers further into his luscious strands, holding, pulling.
In the midst of close recovery, Michael is plowing you with a short lived let down, his mouth leaving your pussy. You can’t complain, no time available, as his hips slot in a frazzled fit between your legs. His pelvis is tense, sheathed in sweat. His chest smashes your breasts, his hand reaching down to guide his cock inside you. You can’t speak, but cling tightly to his back. He growls a sound that you’ll never forget, the fire bursting behind him, flames licking the rocked cove that houses them.
His mouth is covered in your essence, your cunt bathing his dick with each violent thrust. It’s pouring in drenches, salty perspiration, pooling blood - both of you losing yourselves in the mess. Michael props himself up, digging into a dipping slam, meeting your mouth in an ending kiss. His hair tickles your shoulders, nose nudges your now blood caked mouth, and he gives the warning.
“Spill your fucking curse all over me!” And you come undone, glued to him in puzzled entrapment.
Your thighs are wrecked, his bedsheets useless, and then there’s Michael, who forces you to look at him and really see him. There’s only black in his eyes. You sputter a disbelief, bracing. His mouth parts, tongue flicks across to gather more, leveling off into his jagged movements. He swells inside your cunt, dousing your walls in his warm cum.
He doesn’t leave you, not even when it’s over. He simply takes you with him. You aren’t sure where you get the courage to speak - body shaking and shivering.
“What... Michael, who are you?”
He cups a hand over your cunt, rolling onto his side, keeping you held to him. He lightly blows away a pesky lock of your hair, then maneuvers another behind your ear.
“I’m the man who’s going to save your wretched existence.”
Tag list : @littledemondani @dark-mei-rose @fckinsupreme @angelicmichael @icylangdon @ritualmichael @sojournmichael @celestialrequiem @instinctsxbaby @infernwetrust @ferndolan @9layerdevilfoodcake @bloodcoatedeclipse @wormycircumstance @antichristsxbox @xavierplympton @xavierplymptons @ramona-thorns @lovelylangdonx @langdxn @codyarchives @dailylangdon @codyfernuk @langdonsjoyy @7-wonders @blakescoven @holylangdon @bitchchatter @suspiriva @taskmastter @kitty4860 @ladynuwanda @langdonsexual @sammythankyou
2K notes · View notes
yunho-1999 · 3 years
Nothing is what it looks like
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pairing: religious!mark × bold!femreader
words: 2.7k+
summary: after being used by Mark you and Jaemin come up with a plan to take revenge on the boy, ruining his whole reputation.
genre: smut
warnings: mark is a big meanie again, like really, oral (m receiving), chocking, cursing, creampie, voice recording, revenge, hair pulling (?), fight (kind of), drunk mark, slapping, and probably way more
"Mark!" the boy turned around hearing his name being called out, and just like that a punch was delivered onto his face.
"What the actual fuck Jeno!?" he yelled holding onto his nose, as it started bleeding.
People were already staring at the two boys, stopping whatever they were doing before. Fights always seemed to caught everyone's attention.
"You're an asshole Mark. A fucking disgusting human being, I don't even know why people like you. Should I tell everyone what you just did? I bet you wouldn't like that would you? But they deserve to know, they deserve to know that you just-" before he could continue he was pushed to the ground. 
"Shut the fuck up Jeno, just leave. Right now." Johnny looked down at the boy on the ground, his voice sounded stern, making Jeno extremely confused. Was he really going to defend Mark once again?
"And what if I don't? Why do you always try to protect him? He doesn't deserve it." he stood up from the ground, unfazed by Johnny's death stare. "I'm telling you to leave, if you don't I'll make sure you never come back to the team again." 
"You know what, fuck you both. Like really. One day, everyone is going to know how much you suck" he pointed at Mark "and you" he now looked at Johnny "I really thought you would have more sense, but I guess you don't care either." and just like that he left.
His head full of thoughts, most of them about how he could let everyone know that Mark, wasn't as good as he looked like.
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Next morning you woke up still on top of Jaemin, now noticing Haechan besides the both of you. And you couldn't help but sigh. You felt so pathetic for what happened last night. You let Mark use and humiliate you. That never happened to you before. You had one rule, and it was self respect. But yesterday it was all gone. Just because you loved him. But was it worth it? Was it worth being treated like that?
Your thoughts were interrupted when the man underneath you started moving, he was awake. 
"Good morning nana" you whispered and he smiled lazily at you caressing your hair gently. "Good morning babe. How are you feeling today? Better?" he tilted his head and you frowned.
"Not really... I feel very stupid for what happened. I shouldn't have let him use me like that" you laid your head back onto his chest and he sighed. "Y/n don't feel so bad. You weren't thinking straight. He took advantage of you in every way. He knew you liked him, and he knew you were slightly drunk, he took the opportunity. And that's fucking messed up. Like really" he frowned "We should do something honestly"
"What can we possibly do Jaemin? Everyone thinks he's the perfect good boy that doesn't do anything wrong. He has a reputation, and that's gonna be really hard to break down" you looked up at him just to see a smirk all over his face "What's your mind up to?" you smiled.
"Okay, this may sound kind of insane. And if you don't want to, I'll think of something else. But you have to sleep with Mark again. Just, this time, we'll record everything. Maybe not visually, but his voice. Because you know it's pretty recognizable. And then we can send it to everyone. All of his mean spirited words. That's going to ruin his reputation. No matter how much he tries to deny it. We will have the audio to back it up. We can be the ones humiliating him. What do you think?"
Jaemin's idea was risky, in every aspect. Maybe Mark didn't even want to sleep with you again. And honestly, you weren't sure about doing it either. But at the same time if it went well, it would all be worth it. Finally people would realize what an asshole he was. Just like you did last night.
"I think it's risky as fuck, but I'll do it. I want everyone to know the truth about him. Because he has definitely done this to other girls before. And I don't want anyone else to suffer because of him" you nodded slightly.
"Then let's do it bestie. I'll help you with everything, and if you end up changing your mind. Please tell me okay? We can do something else" he smiled at you and you did the same.
"I think we should go already" you said and he nodded "yeah, you should also put your clothes on" you grimaced at that, reminding yourself that you were still naked.
"So, my dress was ripped up by Mark..." Jaemin pouted and then placed you down on the bed before standing up "Then let's steal some clothes from Haechan, he won't mind anyways. And if he does. Fuck him" he shrugged. 
You laughed at that seeing how Jaemin went towards the wardrobe. He grabbed some pants and a shirt before collecting your underwear that was on the floor. "Here. I'll be downstairs okay?"
You held onto the clothes and nodded. Dressing yourself as soon as he left the room. The clothes were slightly oversized, but it was better than wearing absolutely nothing.
You looked to the side, just to see Hyuck there, completely passed out. He probably drank too much yesterday, as always. He just didn't know how to control himself when it came to alcohol. Too much was better than nothing he would always say.
After getting dressed you ended up leaving with Jaemin, the both of you deciding to have breakfast together before parting ways. 
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Today was the day. And you were terrified. What if it didn't work out? The plan had so many loopholes and everything could go wrong. But at the same time, you could get revenge on Mark. For everything he'd done to you and other people. He was fake, and everyone should know that.
You entered Jaemin's house, and of course loud music was playing. At the end of the day he needed an excuse to bring Mark over. And winning the game was an excuse to make a party and bring the team and more people together.
This time you barely drank anything, as you needed to be sober to conclude the plan you and Jaemin had made. Jeno had absolutely no clue about all of this, because if he knew, he wouldn't let the two of you do it. He protected you the most out of all the people in the world.
"Are you ready?" Jaemin whispered "Yeah" you answered and he smiled widely "Go get him, he's pretty drunk already. I saw him wobbling around to get to the bathroom. So he should be around there" you nodded gently. "Wish me luck" you breathed heavily before making your way towards the hallway, where the bathroom was.
There you saw Mark coming out of the bathroom, all smiley and giggly. He was definitely drunk. And you needed to take advantage of that.
You approached him and he looked at you with a frown, his arms going to his chest as he crossed them "You again? Didn't you have enough already?" he leaned closer to you, his nose touching yours.
"I didn't, I was expecting more from you" you pouted tilting your head slightly.
His hand went towards your neck and he gripped onto it tightly making you whine "More? Really? Does the little slut need some teaching? Are you that needy that you came back for me again?"
You wanted to roll your eyes at his words and tell him to fuck off, but that wouldn't make your plan work. As everything was being recorded with your phone right now.
"Yes, please" you closed your eyes as the grip tightened, a creepy laugh leaving Mark's lips, making you shiver.
"Where the fuck is the bedroom here?" he said while dragging you by the neck, opening and closing a few doors before finally finding the guest's room.
He pushed you inside of there and you decided to kneel down, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.
"Do you even remember what I told you the other day? Does your stupid little brain remember?" he asked closing the door. "I do" you answered confidently. Making him smile.
"Then this is going to be easier for both of us" he went closer to you, holding your head with both of his hands "I'm going to use this filthy mouth you have whore" he looked down at you with hooded eyes.
He took off his pants and underwear and immediately thrusted into your mouth. Without even warning you. Because of course, he didn't care. He only cared about him, he was selfish. And you just realized that.
Everything you felt for him before was now turned into hatred. You felt ashamed for even liking him before. He didn't deserve anyone liking him. And even less loving him. He needed to get a taste of his own medicine. And that's what you were doing. Every single thing he was saying to you was being recorded. Every single mean word and insult was being caught by your phone. And soon enough every one would know what he was really like.
He kept on moving his hips as fast as he could, not even caring about the tears in your eyes or the way you gagged every time he hit the back of your throat.
Soon enough his movements started becoming sloppy, and he was close. But he didn't want to come in your mouth this time, so he pulled out. His hand left your head and went to his cock, moving it at a fast pace before cumming all over your face.
"There you go. Fuck- You like being used like this don't you? Like the fucking whore you are. I can't believe you didn't have enough the first time. You're such a fucking slut I swear to God. And I told you not to tell anyone and you still did didn't you?" he held your face harshly squishing it as much as possible "I got punch in my face because of you bitch. Because that fucking filthy mouth can never be quiet. You either suck dick or run your mouth. When I fucking told you not to." he slapped you. Loud and clear. That definitely was going to leave a red mark, and that would just be more proof against him.
"I fucking despise you so much. How can someone be so worthless like you? You don't care about anything. You don't care about your reputation. You don't even care about yourself. That's why you only have one friend. Because honestly, who would want to be friends with someone so pathetic? Even Jaemin used you. Don't think I don't know about the time you two slept together. Because Hyuck tells me every single thing. You can't hide anything from me you bitch. Now get on the bed and take your clothes off" he let go of your face and you almost started sobbing. But you couldn't do that. You had to continue. Just a little more, and everything would be worth it. 
You got to the bed and took everything off, making sure your phone was hidden inside of the pocket on your jeans. He thought that he knew everything, but in fact. He did not. Not everything was what it looked like. He had no clue about why you and Jaemin hooked up. And he definitely didn't know that his reputation was about to be destroyed once you got out of there.
He got on the bed and pulled you to him by your legs. He thrusted into you with force, making you yelp. He immediately placed his hand on your mouth while frowning. "It seems that you forgot that I don't want anyone knowing that I fucked a dirty slut. You don't want my reputation to be ruined sweetie. Remember, I can ruin you."
Oh if only he knew, that the one that was ruining someone was you. He wouldn't even be able to deny everything he was saying and doing.
He started moving at a brutal pace, you could barely hold in your moans, even if you tried, it was really difficult. So you opted to let out little whimpers, barely even audible. 
"Fuck- I'm cumming-" he mumbled while his movements slowed down a bit, his hips faltering on the rhythm. And after a few more pumps he came inside you, a grunt leaving his lips.
Just like last time he pulled out of you and left. He left you there all alone. Once again feeling like shit. You placed both of your arms on you face a shaky breath coming out of you. It was finally over. Everything was done. The plan worked. But somehow you felt empty.
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"So... Are you ready?"
"More than ready." you answered before clicking the send button. It was done. You had sended the audio to everyone you knew from campus. And Jaemin did the same. Now you guys just needed to wait.
"I'm so scared" you looked at your friend, laying your head on his shoulder "don't be. Now everyone will know the truth. You did amazing babe, really" he placed his hand on your thigh and caressed it gently. Trying to calm you down.
In the next hour your phone and Jaemin's kept getting notifications from all sorts of people. Some couldn't believe it. Others were shocked. And some were definitely disappointed.
No one expected that from Mark, the goodie two shoes, the christian boy that swore that sleeping around was a sin, the one that didn't even curse because it was bad. That just made it more clear, that looks, were definitely deceiving.
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Mark had just woken up, his phone practically blowing up with notifications. Making it very hard for him to sleep. He was about to silence it until he read what everyone was talking about. His eyes widening with shock.
He immediately unlocked his phone and started hearing the audio, cursing to himself. You played him, in every single way possible. You ruined the only thing that mattered the most. His reputation. 
"Fuck. This can't be happening" he sighed while closing his eyes. Frustration all over his body. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't. Probably everyone had listened to that audio by now.
He was doomed. All the work he had put to maintain his status absolutely ruined. There was no way back now. Everyone knew what he did. All the things he kept a secret, weren't hidden anymore. And that irritated him to the point he couldn't even do anything. Anger just built up in his body.
He wanted revenge.
But in all honesty, he couldn't do much. You weren't like him. You had nothing to hide. Everyone knew how you were, without any dark secrets behind. You were basically safe from him.
He couldn't do anything against you. And that was driving him insane.
'good luck trying to get your reputation back ;)' was the last message he read before throwing the phone on the bed side table.
He felt useless, as he couldn't do anything. All of his hard work, for nothing. 
"it's what you deserve honestly" he heard from the door and looked up, just to see Doyoung there.
"Oh shut the fuck up" he rolled his eyes and turned to the side, back facing the male.
"I told you to stop. Or to at least stop pretending before it was too late. And now, you got what you deserve" he shrugged his shoulders.
"You just got owned son!" he heard in the background, Jungwoo definitely was the one who said it. And it just made him more annoyed.
"Can you guys just leave me alone? I'm not really in the mood for anything right now. My whole reputation is completely gone, and I have no clue on what to do. I just- need to be alone" he grunted hugging onto his pillow.
"I think you need to apologize. Specially to y/n I heard the audio, and man, you're really mean-spirited towards the girl..." he frowned.
"I said leave me alone Doyoung. I don't need your stupid opinion. I didn't ask for it"
"Okay then Mark, enjoy your loneliness."
♡。・゜  ♡ 。  ・ ゜ ♡ 。・゜♡ 。  ・
a/n: I hope this is what everyone was expecting or at least you like it :(
NCT Masterlist
→ part one: Looks can be deceiving
→ part three: It looks like I'm sorry
Main Masterlist
❥ taglist: @babyphattt @aaasteroidsky @2centlove @queenrachelpink @pukupukupawpau @dazzledsohn @sibehpoor @jaebyul1 @trivianamjin @heartnebula2501 @chenlewifey @paledeputydonkeysalad @il4ndr3wauhm @yixingtion @smuchsmut @legbouk @byjunseo @jeongyunoenjoyer @mrkyangs @tyongpoetry @marklee-wife-renjun-whore @bockhyun
→ couldn't tag: @haechaniewatteyeo @hyuckshinee @taeyongbong @chitaprrrr @axaeee @hheehhehe @ipegmarklee
633 notes · View notes
wri0thesley · 3 years
Could I get some Gojo face sitting please 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 Maybe with a chubby reader?
fool for love - gojo x reader (2.25k)
gojo asks you to try something, and you can never say no to him. 
(warnings: nsfw, afab reader, fem pronouns (pet names). explicitly chubby reader, mentions of worries about weight/body. cunnilingus/facesitting)
Sometimes you think it’s a good job that you and Satoru Gojo are a couple; you’re absolutely certain that nobody but you would put up with him. You’re totally convinced that you’re the only fool in the world who sees his arrogant smirk and the thrust of his chin and the cocky set of his shoulders, listens to him go on and on about himself and about his work and about his strength, and wants to kiss him instead of kill him.
You do kiss him, coincidentally. A lot. Partly because when he’s kissing you, he’s not running his mouth – partly because the taste of his lips on yours and the feel of his hands on your waist, pulling you in, is addictive. You can’t get enough of him – and luckily, it seems that he can’t get enough of you either.
So when Gojo had thrown out this suggestion, casually, as if he was asking you what you two were going to order for dinner that night (you’ve never seen Gojo make anything more complicated than a ramen cup), it had not taken you long to agree.
Faced with it, though – Gojo situated on the bed, arm stretched over his head, grin on his face – you begin to wonder if maybe it’s such a good idea.
“Don’t back out on me now,” he says, the cocky grin not leaving his face. “I’ve been dying to taste you for hours.”
You shift uncomfortably on the other side of the bed, suddenly horribly aware of the curves of your body. No matter how Gojo’s words send a thrill through you – you know from experience he’s good with his tongue – you can’t deny that you’re a little afraid.
It’s easy to forget the difference between the two of you when he’s got you pressed underneath him on the mattress, cock plunging in and out, mouth hungrily kissing every patch of skin he can get at. When Gojo looks at you with his hair falling in his face and his eyes like starlit galaxies, you feel beautiful – but you’re not sure if you’ll feel quite the same way straddling his face.
He sees the way you bite your lip, the anxiety beginning to show in your gaze – and Gojo softens. You see him like this rarely (he’s proud more than he’s caring), but he’s shown this side of him to you every so often, when something has made you draw in on yourself. One of his hands wraps around your bare shoulders, pulling you to face him.
“Hey, doll,” he says, pressing his nose against yours affectionately. “What’s got you pouting, huh?”
“I . . .” You swallow. You feel so embarrassed admitting it! Gojo has never said anything about your body beyond how much he loves having your hips to hold onto, how he loves your thighs wrapped around his waist, how soft and warm you are tangled up beside him in bed – but your insecurities always seem to flash back up at the most inopportune of moments. “I’m just . . .” You blink, biting your lip. Your voice comes out in a soft breath. “I’m worried I’ll be too heavy.”
Gojo’s eyebrows draw in. You must have seen him without anything shading his eyes a hundred times now, when the two of you are in the bedroom, but you are still knocked back by just how pretty he is – the constellations in his irises, the fan of his white eyelashes against perfect skin. The expression makes his mouth jut out, so kissable that it takes your breath away.
“You’re not going to hurt me,” he says, as if the very idea is laughable. “I could lift you over my head right now--”
He reaches for you as if he’s going to do it, arms locking about your waist – the tension breaks as he effortlessly pulls you back, your body landing on top his. He doesn’t so much as let out a ‘whumph’ of air at the sensation of your body hitting his.
“I’m the strongest, remember?” There’s more than a note of swagger in his voice; he is so very proud of that accomplishment. You suppose he has every right to be.
“I guess,” you breathe, and he makes a soft harrumphing sound before his fingers twist into your hair, pulling you close to him to kiss you.
“You guess?” He sounds mock offended against your lips. “I guess that means I’ll have to show you exactly what I mean, huh?”
A nip at your lower lip; his hands roaming your bare back, stroking the curve of your ass and hips. Everywhere Gojo’s long fingers touch leaves a trail of fire behind, like he’s branding you with the pressure of his fingertips. You imagine them leaving glowing trails behind the colour of his eyes – but the coil of heat that they’re helping stoke, low in your belly, is more red than anything else.
“How’re you gonna do that?” You breathe against the softness of his mouth. He tastes like sugar; he always does. You can’t get enough of him, dizzy and breathless. You would gorge yourself on him if you could.
“Take a seat on your throne, princess,” he grins, letting his head hit the pillows hard. His pale hair spreads out all around him like a halo as he moves a hand from your hip to tap his mouth with his fingers. “And find out.”
You guess it would shut him up. Gojo’s mouth can’t keep moving if he’s got you occupying it. And you also can’t deny that the thought of it – riding his face – is more than half of the reason your inner thighs are slick with your arousal. Still . . . what if you really are too heavy for him?
Gojo murmurs your name softly – you meet his eyes again, and you see softness and tenderness reflected in them, despite the fact that his mouth is still shaped into a cocky smirk. You know if you say no, he probably won’t push you. But . . . you don’t want to say no. You push yourself up from his chest.
He’s still wearing his underwear, and you wonder if he can sense how damp you are where you briefly straddle him – because you can certainly feel how stiff he is, the outline of his cock pressing against silken boxer shorts (yeah, of course he’s a silk underwear kind of man – you’ve seen them countless times, but just how Gojo that particular detail of him is never fails to make you smile).
“Okay,” you breathe. “I hope you’re comfy.”
Gojo’s face splits into a grin as you move yourself, your knees suddenly either side of his face, his cheeks pressing against the softness of your thighs.
“Babe,” he starts to say, “I’m absolutely the com—mmppf--”
His gloating is cut off by you sitting on his face. The whisper of his breath across your heated folds as he’d spoken had been too tempting, your sex feeling like it was pulsing in time with your heartbeat – and so, you’d given in. Using your hands as leverage on the headboard of the bed, you’d sunk fully onto your knees and muffled Gojo’s words.
Oh, God.
Your mind blanks out at first, as Gojo’s tongue goes at you hungrily. For his first hungry licks at your core, he’s voracious – he seems to want to drink you up like fine wine. Gojo does not drink – you know this very well – but if he could get drunk on your slick, you think he’d already be unable to stand up. One of the hands on the headboard goes to tangle in the fluffy strands of his pale hair instead, and he looks up at you for a moment, pausing with the flat of his tongue pressed against the throbbing bud of your clit.
The sight of his eyes between your thighs almost pushes you over the edge there and then – looking down at him feels like tumbling down a rabbit hole, like you’ll never be able to pull yourself out of their lovely depths. He makes a soft noise against your folds that has you practically vibrating, your toes curling – and you realise it’s a question.
Maybe he’s asking you what’s wrong, maybe he’s asking you if you want to stop, but your mind is all hazy from the feeling of his mouth on you. So all you do is tug at his hair and gasp, your hips rolling forward against him to try and coax his tongue into flickering across your clit like you’re longing for it to do.
“Satoru,” you whimper, voice all thin and reedy like a prayer, and Gojo does not need any more encouragement than that to return to his work.
Gojo’s hands rest on your hips and even you feel small for a second, the length of his fingers and size of his palm almost overwhelming. There’s so much power in the way he holds you – so much strength behind the casual clench of his fingers into your plush. He keeps you anchored there as he uses the flat swathe of his tongue to lap at you all at once, briefly teasing your entrance before he twirls his tongue around your clit like someone licking whipped cream off of a fancy dessert--
He’s caught you watching him do exactly that out of the corner of your eye many times before, and grinned at you widely with a hungry murmur that he’ll devour you in exactly the same way if you want him too.
Does he not need to breathe?
You lose track of how long you’ve been sat on his face for. You can’t think of anything else with the warm, wet muscle of Gojo’s tongue teasing you. He thrusts it in and out of your entrance, making your entire body jerk and your walls try and cling to him, constrict around him. He flicks his tongue so fast over the bud of your clit that you can’t understand how he does it, it can’t be human to move that fast--
All through it, the tension tight in your stomach is getting hotter and tighter and needier, like a instrument's string being tuned to its breaking point.
You can barely breathe. There’s nothing but Gojo’s insistent lapping at your core, the thrust of his tongue in and out of your channel (has Gojo’s tongue always been so long? It feels just as good inside of you as his fingers always do, but different--). Your hips are rocking and grinding against his face against your will, your fingers twisting into his hair. You’ve lost your senses completely in the chase of your release, hovering tantalisingly close--
Gojo gives your clit one final, soft lap, the barest hint of his teeth against the hood and you burst into bloom for him like a flower. The string snaps and heat floods your body, Gojo’s name escaping you in a wail. Fireworks burst into being behind your eyelids.
Gojo’s tongue follows through, coaxing you through the soft, gentle aftershocks of your orgasm even as your thighs are trembling and your grip on the headboard is beginning to loosen. If it weren’t for his hands on your hips, you would probably fall forward and hit your head on the wall, passing out – but Gojo’s assessment of his strength wasn’t for naught, and your spent body is being pulled down so your heated cheeks are pressed against Gojo’s firm chest. You blink up at him in your exhausted, pleasure-drunk state--
The entire lower half of his mouth is dripping wet, glinting with your arousal and his own drool from how hungrily his tongue was going at you. But his eyes are as sharp as ever, drinking you in like you’re the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen – as if he can’t believe that you’d ever doubt yourself.
Nobody would believe you if you told them how Gojo gets, sometimes – if you told them about the smile-softened eyes and the softer words, the way he holds you like a precious treasure that might break at any moment. He leans down and strokes some hair from your eyes, almost lazy.
“I told you I was the strongest,” he says, and even though it’s a boast, his voice and manner is so soft that you barely register it. You’re smiling up at him like a fool. Maybe it’s foolish to love him as much as you do – but if it is, you don’t want to be clever. You don’t want to be anything but his, here, in his bed, sprawled out across him, lazy and sated.
You kiss the bit of his chest directly beneath your lips lazily, needing to express your affection for this arrogant, gorgeous, irrepressible (perfect) man.
He sighs at the contact, shifting – and you’re reminded of what’s currently lying beneath his own underwear, hot and needy and thick. It’s a testament to Gojo’s willpower he hasn’t mentioned it yet.
You smile at him. One more minute of relaxing on his chest – of having your hair played with, of getting to look at him . . . and then, you’ll see to that.
Gojo’s eyes are just as gorgeous when you’re knelt between his thighs as they are when he’s trapped between yours, after all.
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uncouth-the-fifth · 3 years
so glad you got a tumblr couth 🥰 ik you said something about wanting to take ask requests on here, so do you have any smut damian hcs?? :D
I'm guessing you just mean general hcs, so here are the ones I think about most when I write:
at first, Damian has no experience, doesn't want experience, and overall imagines sex as a form of manipulation or conquest. his thoughts on sex are initially unhealthy, but with enough time around good examples like his s/o, those thoughts start to change.
there's bragging. lots of bragging. before Damian even has sex he fucking brags about being good at it, bc he's stupid like that. but to his credit, Damian does know human anatomy so well that he can nerve strike ppl... which means... he definitely doesn't get lost yk 😳 I don't think he brags to ppl he's not comfortable with. He's definitely more of the type to be like, "Of course I'm proficient—pleasuring a woman is mind-numbingly simple."
(if he can think of 980 ways to kill someone w his bare hands then he's has to know at least 20 ways to pleasure them. right?)
when Damian does find the right person to begin with, I think of it two ways:
1. if they're more experienced than him, he'll complain a lot, but he desperately wants to perform well and ends up listening to all (most) of their commands. he talks himself up a lot, but underneath all that he's nothing but soft and nervous. there's not much that Damian isn't skilled in, so he's extra aware of where his failings are. he lets you touch him first. but even if you know more than him, he makes a point to remind you that he's a very, very quick learner. your experience is quickly matched. all he needs is a moment to muster himself, then it'll be your turn on the bottom ;)
2. if his partner has the same amount of practice as Damian does, he will take initiative. he will treat it like a science experiment in the most literal sense, documenting your reactions to his every touch, trying to measure what you like the most. maybe he'll ask to undress you, just so he can marvel at you up close. Damian is a total control freak, too. he wants to be on top, wants to control the pace. every social part is new to him, more so than it would be for a normal person, which leaves him feeling unprepared and nervous. it's when you're pressed close together that those feelings start to loosen. not even he can be truly prepared for the first time, and since his life is so ruled by preparation and the future, that sense of timelessness is really pleasant. he doesn't have to be good the first time, because it's not a test.
(but... he is good. very good. he's not too gentle, but still sweet, giving you time to breathe and kissing your nose ridge when you hiss at his stretch. Damian has never been this close to someone before - he secretly adores it).
i don't see him thinking much about himself until after the first time - his happiness almost comes as a sort of side effect of sex, not a deliberate product. Damian is the grave opposite of selfish (he's not at all kind to himself), so he thinks of himself more as a tool in the process to pleasure you. his mouth is for you, his hands are for you, and his dick is definitely for you too.
after further practice, his s/o kind of trains him to want it for himself. Damian does want to fuck you (desperately), his brain is just programmed to shut away any good feeling. every time he lusted after you, admired you in a sexual way, or thought about you dirtily, his mind just didn't take it.
but when he experiences sex for the first time, it shocks him how intimate and romantic it can be. this whole time, he figured it was more of a mechanical process that ppl pretended was good to make themselves feel better. but Damian's first time is fucking awesome.
it's very healing for him. once Damian realizes that it's a good thing, he fixates on it. he reads articles and books about sex, he makes sure you have it around two times a week (his research suggests that this is the best for a couple of your standard), he mixes it up each time so you don't get bored of each other. it's the total opposite of killing, so Damian pledges a piece of his soul to it.
on accident, he becomes a sex god.
in some versions of canon he's been genetically modified from birth to be "perfect" (in the human-made sense), so his endurance is insane. for this reason I hc him as being very big, which only makes him more of an asshole when it comes to bragging. now, he can actually back it up.
his favorite place is the shower, because of the easy access, the cleanup, and the blatant romantics of it. your hair is slicked to the back of your necks and water runs down your faces as you kiss, like you're dancing in the rain at the end of a romance film. he gets to undress you. he gets to run his fingers through your hair. his shower faces the mirror, so he can make love to you against the glass with a great view. and the soap - fuck, the soap. if he's lucky, you'll let him do the cleaning, so Damian can caress and stroke the white, foamy bubbles down your chest and belly... if you're not joining him in the shower, it's definitely something he thinks about. in detail. with his cock in hand.
alternatively, the couch (because any sitting sex position drives him wild), counters, desks, poolside or in nature. you've never survived a picnic with him.
in general, Damian seems like a cranky partner, but it only takes him a few minutes to start moaning like he means it. he would rather be romantic and slow, giving you his cock inch by inch, than fuck you rough. but he's not opposed to a little bruising.
he's definitely not opposed to oral. in fact, it's his speciality. Damian opens and closes the session with his tongue inside you, and often uses it as a destressor. He's very "hard working."
it takes him a while to work up to a blowjob, but admittedly, he loves the dark feelings he gets from it. Damian loves to see you on your knees. when you hold him in your mouth, the temptation to choke his dick further into your throat is killer. he loves how you gasp for breath once he releases you, chest heaving, his cum drooling from your lips. he loves when you blink up at him all dizzy, when you call him pretty names.
I hc he has a very subtle mommy kink, doesn't mind a little bondage or knife play, loves lingerie or you in his clothes, and would probably die happy if you choked him with your thighs.
he'll fuck you for genuine hours, all he wants in return is some cleanliness. you lay down a towel, you keep a bowl of hot water nearby, and he'll go crazy on you.
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did i just bingeread everything you posted? absolutely. do i regret it. absolutely not. ✨you are an amazing writer!!!💕 And while we’re at it can i request a scenario where Niragi goes crazy and scares his s/o really bad but he gets kinda soft and tries to comfort them later? If that makes sense haha And also a giant thank you for writing in gender neutral!!🥺💕
Thank you so much for reading my fics! I’m honestly really flattered haha 😅 Here is you’re request!
Comfort From A Tormentor | Suguru Niragi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Niragi (ft. OC)
Summary: Niragi tries to comfort you, his S/O, after you witnessed his murderous behaviour for the first time
Warnings: toxic relationship, blood, murder, graphic violence, pushy behaviour, reader watches someone being killed, going into shock, panic attack, quite intense trauma, slight abuse of power
Word Count: 2.4k
*reader is gender-neutral
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You always knew that Niragi wasn’t the kindness at The Beach, which was quite blatantly obvious. When people heard you guys had gotten together and were now in an established relationship, you had many people express their concerns privately with you, labelling him as an evil and violent character. You always shook it off, because you’d seen nothing of the sort during the time you had spent with him.
The worst you ever saw him say or do was a threat, or a short punch to the ribs as a warning, but even then the victims usually deserved it. You hadn’t experienced one of Niragi’s ‘outbreaks’ that people have discussed with you about. You started to believe it was all rumours to keep you away from him until he lost it one night in front of you, causing you to believe everything you had been told about him.
It was a usual night at The Beach, people parading around the pool and filling their brains and sinuses with alcohol, allowing them to forget their shared hardships for the evening.
You sat in a small booth that was excluded from the rest of the crowd. Your head was leaning on Niragi’s broad shoulder as you watched everyone dance to the blaring music. You felt the bass vibrate through the ground and in your chest, making you excited from the fun atmosphere.
Niragi lifted his hand and pet your head softly. “You okay little mouse?” he checked, bringing his face closer to yours and placing his lips on your cheek. You turned your head towards him and brushed your lips on his. “Yeah, I’m just tired,” you whispered. Niragi smirked and rubbed his hand along your bare leg. “We can go to bed soon, let’s just stay a little longer.”
Niragi shifted underneath you and stood up, making you lean back against the cushioned backrest. “I’m going to get a drink,” he stated bluntly before picking up his rifle from the small table that sat in front of you. “Don’t let anyone touch you otherwise you’ll regret it.”
You felt uneasy at his threat, but you knew if you just listened to him he would never carry through his brutal promises. He wasn’t that hard of a personality to figure out.
You watched as he strolled away towards the bar, leaving you by yourself and cold in the booth. You moved your eyes from him and looked around to everyone else, watching a few people jump into the pool and laugh together. You wished Niragi had less of a important placing at The Beach so he could relax like everyone else instead of constantly having to deal with stupid drunken dickheads causing trouble.
You looked over towards the bar again to see if you could spot Niragi, but couldn’t see him from where you were sitting. You needed to go to the bathroom and you were wondering if you could make it before he returned. You shrugged your shoulders and stood up on your feet to leave. It wouldn’t be that long, and besides if he did some back to you not being there, you were sure he wouldn’t mind. It’s just the bathroom.
You quickly made your way past the few crowds of dancing bodies. The smell of sweat and alcohol filled your nostrils as you pushed through, making your face scrunch up in disgust. No matter how long you spend there, you would never grow used to the party smell.
You made your way to the lobby to get to the bathroom located there. It was a quiet walk and hardly anyone was in the halls. It made you more calm, knowing that no one was around to bring you a hard time.
But unfortunately, you thought too soon. As you arrived at the lobby and were crossing the main lounge area, a young man with jet black hair and blue board shorts stood up from one of the couches. You failed to notice him earlier due to him being hidden behind the backrest.
“Oh hey!” he exclaimed your way excitedly. “I thought you’d come here. I saw you drink a rather large cocktail earlier so I just guessed you’d show up some time soon or later.”
You froze in shock, looking the man up and down with confusion written on your face. “What?”
He shook his head as he slowly made his way over to your frame. “Forget it. I wanted to get you away from your psychotic side piece so I could get a chance with you without being killed.” His smile was a bit too creepy for your liking, bringing an unpleasant tingling feeling up your back.
You stepped back as he attempted to reach out and grab your hand. He slowly recoiled with a frown on his tanned face. You shook your head and hands, denying his movements towards you. “No thanks actually. I’m not interested,” you insisted, turning your back to try and escape into the bathroom.
You felt your heart drop from the sudden grip on your wrist, pulling you back towards the annoying man and into his chest. He lifted your chin so you were looking at him and crashed his lips onto yours.
You panicked, ripping your arm out of his grip and pushing him away from you. He stumbled back a bit before smirking at your angered expression.
“What the fuck was that?!” you screamed at him, wiping his saliva off of your mouth in disgust. “Did no one ever teach you what no means?!”
Before the man could respond, a piercing sound of gunshots rang through the room. You covered your ears and dropped to the ground in fear of being hit. You looked towards the man and saw him crouching as well with a few bullet marks scattering the carpet around him. They barely missed him.
You kept your head down low in case of another load being shot at any moment, but you were grabbed by your upper arm and pulled up roughly after a few short moments. Niragi stood there, angered expression on his face and tightening his grip on your arm. You felt your blood pumping with adrenaline from his movements.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he hissed into your face, being way too quiet for your liking.
You didn’t know what to say. Your words were trapped in your throat, being held there by the shock of the gunshots and Niragi’s anger towards you.
“I told you to not let anyone touch you. And how hard is it to stay in one place for five minutes?!” His fist moved from your arm to your jaw, holding it tightly so you would face him. Tears were developing in your eyes. You tried to stop them from rolling down your cheeks in fear of angering Niragi more, but the pain throbbing in your jaw made it nothing but more difficult. This wasn’t the Niragi you knew. He’s never laid a violent hand on you before.
“Niragi, stop,” you whimpered out, holding onto his wrist that was hurting you. “It hurts.”
“I don’t care. You deserve to be hurt after not listening to me.” Niragi finally released his grip from your jaw. You dropped to the ground, clutching your face in pain and letting out quiet sobs. The look in his eyes was menacing, making him seem unpredictable. You were terrified, pushing your legs against the carpet to separate yourself from his tall frame.
You watched as he turned away from you and walked towards the young man, who scrambled to his feet to try and run away. But Niragi leaped towards him and grabbed his shoulder before he could do so. He pulled him back harshly onto the ground and placed a boot on his chest, keeping him there. The man struggled until Niragi held the barrel of his gun against his forehead, making the petrified man freeze underneath him.
You watched in horror as he leaned down and pressed harder and harder on his bare chest, making the defenseless man cry out in fear of breaking a rib. “You’ve made a huge mistake my friend,” he growled, sticking his tongue out and showing off his piercing. “You dare touch what’s mine, you suffer the consequences.”
You leant up against the concrete wall, feeling too weak and in shock to stand up. You cried and screamed as you watched Niragi stamp his foot incredibly harshly on the man’s head several times. Blood poured down the side of his face and he put his hands up in defense, which deemed useless against Niragi’s strength. Niragi didn’t stop, moving his aim from the man’s face to his chest, hands, stomach, groin and thighs. His screams of pain and suffering echoed around the room, ringing in your ears and making your heart ache. Yes, he did attempt to force himself onto you, but hearing another human screeching out for help when you could do nothing was one of the most painful things you could ever inflict on an empath such as yourself.
You shook violently and covered your eyes with your hands, not wanting to see anymore. You wanted to disappear, to evaporate into the wind. You wanted to wake up back at home, in your safe warm bed from before the Borderland. You felt sick from the contrasting differences between the world in your head and the one you were physically in. Why couldn’t you just fade away?
You felt a presence in front of your shivering form, and you slowly peeled away your hands to reveal the abuser in front of you, looking into your eyes worryingly. Your stomach dropped from catching a glimpse of the blood splattered lightly across his attractive features. You felt nausea building in your stomach, making you want to throw up.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” Niragi lifted a hand and tried to place it on your cheek, but you flinched away violently and screamed as you crawled onto your hands and knees, attempting to quickly escape him. It was deemed almost impossible to do considering the emotional state you were in at that moment. You just watched your lover beat a man until the light left his eyes, you weren’t going to recover from the shock quickly.
You cried as he grabbed your ankle and roughly pulled you back. You struggled against his grip and tried to shake his hands off of your shoulders and waist desperately. You were terrified that he was going to hurt you, beat you until you were dead just like his other victim.
“Baby! Why are you so scared?! Hold still!” Niragi cried, attempting to hold your thrashing body against his to quiet you down. He was feeling desperate and helpless, what was happening to you? You’ve never done this before. He thought maybe you were in shock and thinking that he was the man trying to force himself on you.
“Y/N! It’s me! I’m here, you’re okay!” he cried in a frightened tone. He managed to pull you roughly by your waist into his lap and held the back of your head against his chest area. He began to shake himself, being so worried about your emotional state. He felt you suddenly stop struggling in his arms, hearing your soft sobs of fear against his shirt.
“What’s going on baby? You’re scaring me,” he groaned into your neck. You shivered against him, feeling too weak to even push yourself from his chest. You could do nothing but sit in his lap, terrified of the man who was attempting to comfort you.
“It’s okay. He’s gone now. He can’t hurt you anymore,” he cooed, stroking your hair in an attempt to calm your rapid breathing. He let out a shaky breath, being on the verge of tears. He felt his heart rapidly pumping in his chest, thumping against his ribcage. He was at least comforted at the fact that you were back in his arms, away from everyone and everything that wanted to separate you from him.
He leaned his head back and looked at your face tucked into his chest. He saw your tight hands scrunching his black and white button-up into themselves, making him feel soft at how vulnerable and small you looked.
“It’s okay baby. I’ve got you. I’ll always protect you.”
You tried to level your breathing, listening to Niragi’s heartbeat to focus on something else other than the fact that he had just murdered someone in front of you.
Everything everyone had said was true. Niragi was purely an evil person, filled to the brim with violence and murderous impulses. You repented your doubts so badly, wishing that you had listened. But you chose to give him a chance to be a good person for once in his life, and he threw it out the window. Only now, you couldn’t escape him. You had to now live with being the object of a murderer’s desires.
You felt Niragi snake his arms underneath your knees and shoulders gently, standing up from the ground with you in his arms. You clutched onto him from around his neck, tears still slowly travelling down your face.
“Let’s get you to bed, hmm? My little baby must be so tired after all that.”
‘After all that’. He said it like it was nothing more than a bad day. Your boyfriend just killed someone in front of you and then just forced you back into his arms. This wasn’t a bad day, it was a traumatic experience that would stay with you for the rest of your life, remembering every detail and image of the event vividly.
“Niragi,” you mumbled. He glanced down to your weak frame, face going soft from the tired expression across your features. “Shh, don’t speak. Just go to sleep. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.” He leaned down and placed a tender kiss to the top of your head.
You didn’t want him to be there when you woke. In fact, you didn’t want to wake up at all. You felt miserable and defenseless in his arms, wishing for nothing more than to wake up and for it to be all some horrific dream.
But you didn’t wake up, because it was your reality. Niragi’s delusional, obsessive and abusive mindset was nothing new anymore, it was normal everyday life for you from then on.
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darkmulti · 3 years
King of Hell
Series : part 1
Pairing: demon!Jungkook x human!Female Reader x demon!Taehyung x demon!Jimin
Genre: Angst & Smut
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: SHAIWJW, IVE BEEN “WRITING” THIS FIC SINCE LAST YEAR, HOLY FUCK. Anyways I hope you enjoy this shitty story:)
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These are the warnings for the entire series!! This is a dark fanfic that is not meant for everyone! If these warnings trigger you, please leave!!
Smut Warning(s): multiple smuts, cockwarming, face slapping, saliva kink, thigh riding, humiliation, heavy degradation, dacryphilia kink, threesome, anal, blowjob, somnophilia kink, mirror sex, choking, spanking, hair pulling, rough sex, mix of ddlg, sleep sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, begging, small bits of praising, marking, fear kink, cum shots, cum eating
Other Warning(s): possessive!Jungkook, blood, murder, torture, physical abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, submissive reader
I’m probably missing something...
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew this was wrong. But did she care?
The girl laid supine on her boss's desk, sore legs bound around his torso, caging him in. His hand gently kneads her sensitive breast, earning soft moans from her. She grabbed his tie and tugged on it until he leaned down and passionately kissed her. The man gently pulled her up and swiftly wrapped his shapely arms around her body. She pulled away first, eager to catch her breath.
The excessive tension in the overheated room was unbearable. Her head remained low in embarrassment while her boss burned her with his gaze. To break up the tension, she awkwardly clears her throat and hops off his desk. For some reason, she desperately wanted to apologize but stopped herself. From what she remembers, her boss was undressing her with his eyes, so she let him have it. Deciding she’s not going to apologize, she frantically pulled up her skirt and opened the door to leave.
However, her boss was faster than her and instantly closed it again. He cupped her cheeks and attempted to kiss her again, but she stepped away. “I’m sorry, Dr. Kim. It’s getting late and my apartment is far from here, so I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Taehyung scowled at her. It was insulting to him. No one has ever rejected his touch. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and flung her onto his desk. She groaned in pain, protecting her injured side. Taehyung clutched her face and attached his lips onto hers, kissing her like it was his last time. She instinctively kicked her legs at him, but that made him more belligerent.
“Stop! Leave me alone!” She yelled, throwing her hands against his chest, trying to get him off. Unfortunately, she was no match for him. Taehyung pinned her down without a struggle and pulled her skirt down again. “I tried being nice, princess. But now you’ve gotten on my nerves.” He growled, forcing his cock in, despite her screaming at him to stop.
A sadistic smirk appears on his face as he picks up his pace. His warm cock fitted inside of her perfectly. It was like they were made for each other. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, enjoying the feeling to the fullest. While Taehyung was on cloud nine, the girl was bawling her eyes out underneath him. “T- Taehyung! Stop! It h- hurts!” She sobbed uncontrollably, breath hitching. Her vision started to blur as she felt her energy drain out of her writhing body. She's never endured this much pain.
Taehyung grunts as he pushes himself forward one last time before cumming in her. “Fuck! You feel so good, baby.” He leaned down and licked her tears away. He then created a trail of hickeys along her jawline, down to her collar bone. “How about another round, babe?”
“No, no! Please, no! It hurts!” She hiccuped, putting her hands together. “Please, Dr. Kim. I’ll do anything except for this! I c- can give you money… if you’d like.” Taehyung couldn’t help himself. Watching her beg for mercy was a turn on. “I don’t need your filthy money, slut. Now stay still or else you're fired.”
He ruthlessly entered in again. She let out a painful whimper but didn’t dare to move because her job was on the line. Taehyung held her hips down and quickened his pace. The helpless girl was fighting off the urge to push him away with all her remaining strength. Soon enough, her legs trembled on their own as ripples of forced pleasure went through her body. More tears gathered in her fearful eyes. A minute passed, she was still sprawled on his desk, catching her breath. “C- can I pl- please leave now?” She faintly whispered, on the verge of passing out.
Taehyung pulled her ragged skirt up then pulled her upright. He moved her hair out of her face and tenderly caressed her cheek, admiring her face. “You won’t tell anyone about this, understand?” She sobbed but nodded her head. “Good… get your stuff, I’ll drive you home.”
“No, sir. It’s okay. I’ll call a taxi. You can go home.” Taehyung’s eyes darkened. He grabbed her neck and squeezed it. “You’re making me repeat myself, Y/N. You out of all people should know how much I hate doing that. Now for the last time, get your shit and I’ll drive you home.” He took a step back and followed her to her office. She quickly grabbed her purse and jacket, then they both headed out.
The car ride home was silent. She didn't dare to speak a word. Not after what he did to her. All she could do is keep her head down and play with the hem of her shirt. Taehyung glanced over at her here and there, but he too didn’t speak a word. He looked in his rear view mirror and spotted his best friend sitting in the back, staring at “his” girl. “Keep your eyes off of her. She’s already taken, Jungkook.”
Y/N flinched when Taehyung started talking. “Huh? Are you talking to me?” She asked, confused. Red flags were popping up but she couldn’t exactly jump onto the highway. She bit down on her lip and waited for a response. “Took you a while to detect my presence, Taehyung. I thought you could do better.” She immediately turned around and saw a man sitting in the middle seat, legs spread apart. His long, jet-black hair almost veiled his eyes, and he was covered in tattoos. “Who the hell are you?!” She slightly yells, clearly startled by the man. “I wouldn’t raise my voice if I were you, sweetheart. Anyone who disrespects me will regret it for the rest of their life and afterlife.” Jungkook mockingly said, confusing the girl even more. She turned to Taehyung for an explanation, but he simply rested his hand on her thigh. “Calm down, angel. I won’t let him hurt you.”
“Bold of you to say that, Taehyung. You really think you can take me on?” Jungkook challenged.
“To keep her by my side, I’d knock you over without hesitation.” Taehyung said with a dull expression on his face.
“Don’t tell me you have feelings for this girl. Man, you keep letting me down. First living in the mortal world and now, falling in love. What’s next? Marriage? Family planning? Pathetic, Kim Taehyung. If Jimin were here, he’d be laughing his ass off.”
“If you have nothing nice to say, leave. I thought you didn’t enjoy the mortal world.”
“I don’t, I just wanted to see what my dearest friend is up to. I’m astonished, however. You managed to keep that unpleasant side of yours a secret.”
Taehyung glanced at his girl. Her face was pale and if you looked closely, she was shaking. Taehyung stroked her thigh in a soothing manner, signinally her to calm down. Out of fear, she clings to Taehyung’s hand tightly. This didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook. He sensed her fear the moment she sat in the car. He enjoyed watching her crumble apart in the passenger seat. She looked vulnerable and afraid, he wanted to ruin her innocent looking face.
“Stop gawking at my girlfriend, Kook. Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“No, I actually don’t. Next month, I’ll be announced king, but until then, I’ll hang around you and this lovely princess.”
From that point on, Taehyung knew he couldn’t leave her alone. If he did, Jungkook would 100% hurt her or even worse, mark her as his own. Jungkook’s one selfish bastard. He will always put himself before others. Taehyung immediately knew Jungkook was attracted to her; he could tell just by observing the way Jungkook looked at her. But he wasn’t going to let Jungkook have her too. Originally, Taehyung was supposed to be king, but Jungkook was stubborn and wanted to fight for the title. Taehyung didn’t want to fight his best friend, so he willingly surrendered.
30 minutes later, he finally arrived at her apartment. She quietly thanked Taehyung for the ride, then got out. However, Taehyung turned off his engine and got out of his car. “I’m staying with you tonight.” Without question, she nodded her head and grabbed Taehyung’s hand. She was terrified of what was going on. Of course she wanted an explanation, but Taehyung seemed to be protecting her. Therefore, she thought it’d be the best to stay with him until she knows exactly what’s going on.
She opened her apartment door and set her purse and jacket on the table. “I’m gonna go shower… Make yourself at home... I guess.” She mumbled the last part and headed to her bathroom until Taehyung stopped her. “Mind if I join?” Taehyung hinted he needed to talk to her so she said yes. Meanwhile, Jungkook plopped down on the couch with his arm behind his head. “Got any bourbon?” He yelled and she responded, “the cabinet behind you has all the liquor I own.”
Taehyung pulled her into the bathroom and hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry! I fucked everything up for you.”
“Taehyung, what are you talking about?” She worriedly asked. Taehyung looked at the door then quickly turned the shower on. “We have to be quiet. He might hear us.” “Please tell me what’s going on! Who is he? How did he get inside your car?!” She whispers as calmly as she can. “His name is Jeon Jungkook. Next month, he'll be announced king of hell. He’s a very powerful demon and currently, he’s looking for his queen. Someone who can be the mother of his children and someone he can somewhat tolerate. Y/N, he has his eyes on you. You need stay around me, so I can protect you. I know I hurt you not too long ago, but trust me on this one. Jungkook has anger issues and if he gets a hold of you, you will be his punching bag for eternity.”
“Demon? King of hell? Are you hearing yourself right now?” She whispers louder, being unable to control her anger and concern. “I’m not lying, Y/N. How else did he get into my car. Do you remember our conversation in the car? He said he didn't like the human world.”
“What about you? What are you?!”
“I’m a demon too.”
“Prove it because I don’t believe-” Taehyung towers over her and his eyes turn black. His teeth become insanely sharp and black, thick horns start coming out of his head. She stood there, staring at his true form. She reached out and touched his cheek which was freezing cold. “Demons are real?” She faintly whispered. “Take your clothes off. He’s coming.” Taehyung’s out of his clothes in a blink of an eye but she didn’t want to remove her clothes. Taehyung heard Jungkook getting closer, so he ripped her clothes off and pushed her in the shower. He followed behind and pinned her against the wall, kissing her forcefully. “He’s looking through the door, pretend you're enjoying it so we're unsuspicious.” She surprisingly listens and returns the kiss. Taehyung picks her up, and she wraps her legs around his waist, allowing him to enter her. “Moan loud for me, baby.” The girl digs her nails into his shoulder and releases her needy moans.
Jungkook was standing in the door way, watching Taehyung fuck the living out of her. What he would do to be in his position. A part of Jungkook was telling him to kill Taehyung and take his place. However, the other half of him knew that it would create a war between the Kim’s and the Jeon’s. Centuries of feuds have been going on between the two families and it finally ended when Taehyung’s father made a peace offering and Jungkook’s dad happily accepted. From there on, Taehyung and Jungkook grew up together as best friends. Jungkook stopped himself from making a big mistake but continued watching the two fuck.
Taehyung came in her one last time before pulling out and cleaning her up with some water. She clung onto Taehyung because she had no more feeling in her legs. Her clit was burning from the overstimulation, but she wasn’t complaining because it felt so good. He carried her back to her room and wiped her body off with a towel. Jungkook went back to the couch and tried to relax his mind. For some reason, her moans kept playing in his head and before he knew it, he was hard. “Shit!” He angrily muttered.
After tucking Y/N in, Taehyung came to the living room to see what Jungkook was doing. Jungkook was leaning on the balcony railing, staring at the full moon. “If you want, you can crash at my place.” Taehyung said, fiddling with his house keys. “Nah, I think I’ll stay right here… By the way, your girlfriend is hot. If she ever wants to have a threesome, tell her-”
“She doesn’t, Jungkook. One man is good enough for her.”
“That’s too bad. Well, tell her if she gets tired of you she can come to me any time and anywhere.” Jungkook cockishly smiled, raising one eyebrow. “Stop with the jokes, will you?” Taehyung's voice got deeper because he’s had enough of Jungkook’s irritating comments. “I’m going to bed now. Sleep on the couch or wander on the street, I don’t care. Just don’t kill anyone.” Taehyung said before leaving Jungkook alone on the balcony. “I'll try not to.”
Taehyung opened the door and saw Y/N struggling to fall asleep. He quickly got into her bed and pulled her into his comforting embrace. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here now.” He carefully laid her face on his chest then ran his fingers through her smooth hair. “I love you so much. You don’t even know how long I’ve been watching you.”
“How long?” She whispers back. “First year of university was when I first saw you. Ever since then, I’ve been looking out for you.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around his body. “Why didn’t you talk to me?” Taehyung smiled, remembering why. “I’m a little shy.” She climbed up his chest and kissed him on the lips. “Is he gone?” She asked, tracing lines on Taehyung’s chest. “He’s gonna crash on your couch. Sorry about him, sweetheart.”
“It’s okay.”
Soon, silence took over the room and the girl fell asleep on Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung continued to play with her hair and trace her back until the door slightly opened. He saw Jungkook in the doorway and sighed. “What do you want now?”
Everything happened rapidly. The door swung open and all Taehyung saw were 2 red eyes staring him down. Before he could react, Jungkook knocked him out and pinned the girl’s body down. He entered into her sore cunt, causing her to wake up. As soon as she saw Jungkook’s face, she started to scream and fight. “Stop! Taehyung, help me!” She shook Taehyung’s body, but he was unresponsive. “What did you do to him?!”
“Shut up and cooperate with me or else I’ll take you to hell.” Jungkook swiftly got into a better position and let his raging boner free. The bed frame began banging against the wall harder and harder each time. Y/N was in a state of shock. She didn’t know what to do. Jungkook viciously thrusted into her and held her down by her neck. “No! Please! Stop!” Jungkook flipped her around and took her from behind. He spanked her ass multiple times, leaving his hand print on her skin. He pulled out and got up from the bed, dragging her along with him. “Look at yourself, you fucking slut.” Jungkook pulled her hair and forced her to look at herself in the mirror. “Watch me fuck you, slut. If I see your eyes aren’t open, I’ll slit your family's throat and send you pictures.”
“No! No! Please don’t! I- I won’t close my eyes, I promise.” Jungkook thrusted in again and had no mercy on her. Tears were rushing down her face but didn't once close her eyes. Jungkook deliberately went faster seeing if she could handle the pain. It took a lot out of her, but she didn’t want to put her family in danger so she listened to every order. Jungkook continued fucking her hard. He could sense the fear that was taking over her body. She was shaking and silently crying, but it merely encouraged him to go faster. At last, he pushed his whole length in and came deep inside her. She squirted around him and collapsed on the floor. “No more, please” “Get on your knees, now!” She whimpered but got on her knees. Jungkook didn’t waste a second to shove his whole cock in her mouth. He grabbed her face and started fucking her throat as fast as he could. After some time, hot cum was running down her throat as he finally pulled out. The poor girl was choking on her own saliva when Jungkook clutched her hair and spat in her mouth.
Jungkook wanted to go for another round, but someone hit his head, knocking him out. Jungkook fell to the floor, revealing a conscious Taehyung. He immediately picked her off the floor and hugged her tightly. She started sobbing on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, baby. We have to leave.” He quietly spoke. Taehyung quickly cleaned her up and gave her some warm clothes to wear. He carried her out of the apartment and into his car. He quickly dialed someone’s number and stepped on the gas.
“Jimin! Take your fucking brother back to hell. He’s lost his fucking mind. He knocked me unconscious and raped my girlfriend.”
“Holy shit! Where is he?”
Taehyung quickly informs Jimin of Jungkook’s location.
“I’ll pick him up. Just find a safe place, Tae.”
“Yeah, I will.”
After receiving the call from Taehyung, Jimin rushed to Jungkook. He was still on the floor, passed out. “How hard did you hit him, Taehyung?” Jimin muttered before bringing Jungkook back to hell and chaining him up.
Jungkook woke up with his head pounding. He groaned and looked at his surroundings. “What the hell?” He spoke in a raspy voice. “Wake up, brother. Taehyung informed me you were up to no good.” Right, that bastard Taehyung, he thought. Memories of last night came rushing to his head and he couldn't help but smile. “Where’s Y/N?” Jungkook asked, replaying last night in his head. “Y/N? As in Taehyung’s girlfriend?”
“Don’t call her Taehyung’s girlfriend. Soon, she’ll find her way back to me.”
“Brother, I knew you were absurd, but fucking Taehyung’s girlfriend? Really?”
“You’ve never seen her before, so you won’t understand. But as soon as you get close to her, I ensure you, you won’t be capable of controlling yourself.”
“I’ll see for myself.” Jimin said before getting up and closing the heavy metal door, leaving Jungkook alone.
1 month later
After the incident with Jungkook, Y/N and Taehyung got into a serious relationship. Every single day, Taehyung worked on becoming stronger to protect his beloved. He felt remorseful for placing her in this kind of situation, so the least he could do is protect her. Y/N was deeply in love with Taehyung. At first, she kept telling herself she only wants him around so he can keep her safe, however she couldn’t help herself. She let go of what he did in the past and focused on the present.
“Taehyung! I’m home!” Taehyung pops his head from the kitchen and she swiftly runs into his embrace. “I missed you.” She pouted her lips and kissed him. “Guess what?”
“I missed you more.” She giggles at his response and pecks him all over his face. Taehyung picked her up and sat on the couch with her on his lap. A sweet make out turned into a heated one quickly. She tugged on his shirt then removed it for him and he did the same for her. “How about we try something different?” Taehyung placed her on one of his thighs and placed both of his hands on her ass. “Ride my thigh, angel.” She started moving slowly, unsure of how it might feel. Once her clit started getting some stimulation, she kept going faster and faster, falling apart in Taehyung’s arms. She clenched and came around nothing while Taehyung attacked her tits with his mouth. He left a trail of hickeys all over her upper chest. Taehyung came in his pants just from watching her and feeling her juices leak onto his thigh.
They both eagerly kissed each other until Y/N pulled away. “Can we go out for dinner? I don’t feel like cooking today.” She panted, playing with Taehyung’s hair. “Of course we can.”
The long-awaited day had finally come. The crowd was larger than it ever had been. Everyone came down to watch the ritual and pay their respects to the new king. Torches were pointed downward, symbolizing death. In the middle of the stadium, there was a massive platform. On the platform, there was a throne, a crown, a pentagram and a tied up angel for the sacrifice. Jimin and his father stood side by side, wearing black suits. The crowd went silent when everyone detected a compelling, cold presence. Jungkook revealed himself from the shadows in his true form. He was shirtless with only a thin fabric wrapped around his waist. He walked to the platform and laid down on the pentagram. Everyone knew, this was the beginning of a new chapter.
Moments later Jungkook was screaming in pain. His body became a portal for all the previous kings. They were passing their abilities down to him, resulting in Jungkook's chest and back being burned. Everyone in the audience stood up and started chanting. Jungkook sat upright and headed towards the angel who was pleading for mercy. He manipulated his sharp nail and slit their throat, killing them in a matter of seconds. He attached his mouth onto their neck as the chanting got louder. The warm, thick liquid gliding down his throat was incredibly addictive. Jungkook could feel his power triple in seconds. He tossed the deceased angel away like a rag doll then faced his people. He stretched his wings and grew out his horns.
“I am honoured to be your new king. Thank you to everyone who came to watch the ritual. Please know I’ve acknowledged your presence and respect. I greatly appreciate it.”
Everyone applauded for Jungkook. Surviving the ritual requires an enormous amount of strength. Jungkook has proved to everyone that he is worthy of being king.
“Are you ready? I feel like I’ve been waiting forever.” Taehyung said, sitting down on the couch. He was dressed up in his black suit and tie, looking flawless like always. 5 minutes had passed, and he still hadn’t heard a word from her. “Angel? What’s taking so long? Do you need help with your dress?” Taehyung walked back to their shared bedroom only to see Jungkook holding her down with his sharp nail on her neck. “I’m giving you two options, Taehyung. Let me have her, and I won’t hurt her or, she dies, I take her back to hell and torture her for eternity. What will it be, Taehyung?” All Taehyung saw was red. Without realizing, he changed into his demon form and attacked Jungkook. He managed to get him off of her, but strength and power wise, Taehyung was no match. Jungkook punched him over and over, until his nose and jaw was broken.
“Fuck you, Jungkook. I let you have everything! I gave it all up for you because I wanted to be a good friend! One good thing happens in my life and you fucking take it away!” Taehyung yelled, managing to punch him one last time. Y/N sprinted off the bed and rushed to Taehyung’s side. She didn’t care that Jungkook was there, all she cared about was Taehyung. “Taehyung! You’re bleeding! What should I do?! Should I call the ambulance?!” Taehyung looked into her eyes and his heart softened. Tears were streaming down her face. She was actually worried about him. Even after he revealed his true form, she stayed by his side. Does that mean she loves him? Taehyung slightly smiled. “I’ll be alright, love. I’ll heal by tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t.” Jungkook interjected as he got up and kicked Taehyung’s head. “STOP!” She screamed, protecting Taehyung with her body. She wrapped her arms around his head so Jungkook couldn't kick him. “C- can’t you see he’s hurt?! Leave him alone!” She bawled. “I’m not going to leave him alone until he makes a decision. So Taehyung, what will it be?” Taehyung wrapped his arms around her waist, refusing to let her go. “There are billions of other people in the world. Why do you want MY girlfriend?!”
“Don’t question me, Taehyung. Now give me her, or I’ll have to forcefully take her.”
Y/N started sobbing on Taehyung’s shoulder. “Please don’t take him away from me. I love him. Please don’t.” She begged, her tears staining Taehyung’s shirt. Jungkook was slowly starting to lose his temper. He massaged his temples then grabbed her arm, prying her off and away from Taehyung. “If you don’t come back with me to hell, I’ll kill Taehyung right here right now. Or better yet, I’ll make you help me kill him.”
Y/N began to shake. “Please don’t hurt him. I’ll go back with you.”
“No! Y/N he’s going to hurt you! Jungkook you can kill me but leave her alone after I die. You break the promise and will die too.”
“No, Taehyung! I can’t let you die! You can’t leave me alone!” Jungkook pushed the girl back and kicked Taehyung in the stomach. “If you want her so badly, you’re going to have to fight me.” With that, Jungkook turned around, picked her up and disappeared. “NO! Shit! Shit!” Taehyung cursed at himself.
Once again, he failed to protect his love.
Uhhh, hi🤠
This is terrible and I’m sorry if it doesn’t live up to your expectations. I completely understand because many people have been waiting for this fic to release and it’s not even good. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed what part 1 has to offer. At first, I didn’t want to make this into a series because I’m very inconsistent. However, I had a sickening plot in mind that I really wanted to do, so the next best option was to make this into a series.
I know, not a lot of Jimin was in this, but the next couple of parts will have him.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Idea for a drabble:
Luz making a redo of the Tunnel of Love for Amity.
A Do-Over for Something New
Amity has dated Luz for six years.
Six wonderful years filled with love, respect, trust, and especially antics. And all of the above being the reason why Amity agreed to put on a blindfold and let Luz lead Amity to a 'secret surprise.'
"Can I take the blindfold off yet?" Amity asked, a smile bright on her face.
"Not yet," Luz told her, "We still got a little bit to go, so keep those peepers hidden."
"This seems a bit much for an anniversary gift."
"It's a six-year anniversary gift! Excuse me for wanting to go all out for the woman I love. Besides, I have to at least try to top your present."
"I bought you a heart-shaped pendant," Amity said with a chuckle, still entertained by her girlfriend's exaggerations all these years later.
"It is still a pendant that I will hold close to my heart, so--" Luz blew a raspberry. And Amity may or may not have rolled her eyes underneath the blindfold.
She may not have been able to see, but her other senses did tell her enough that they entered some kind of building.
No, a house.
By the familiar scents of old feathers and apple blood, Amity knew where they were.
"My surprise is in the Owl House?" she guessed.
"Close," Luz said, "but no cigar."
"Human expression."
"Got it," Amity nodded.
"Six years, and I'm still tripping you up with my lingo."
"It's a fairly strange lingo, to be fair."
"Uh-huh, sure."
Another door opened, and Luz and Amity started going down some stairs.
"Who hides a surprise in a basement?"
"The smartest kinds of people. And stop peaking!"
"I'm not peaking!" Amity protested with a giggle, "I'm just picking up on my surroundings. That's what you get for dating the smartest witch on the Isles."
"Well, smartest witch on the Isles," Luz stopped them, "We're here. You can take your blindfold off now."
Amity did so, looking around the musky old basement of the Owl House and saw...nothing.
At least, nothing that had stood out as a romantic gift.
"I don't get it," Amity confessed, "What's the surprise."
"Oh, the surprise isn't here," Luz explained, "I just felt like you shouldn't wear the blindfold for this part."
"What part?"
"This part," Luz then wrapped an arm around Amity's waist, held her close, stomped on a pressure plate, and before Amity knew what was happening, the floor opened up beneath them. As they fell, Amity clung onto Luz for dear life, screaming all the way down until falling into a pile of pillows waiting for them at the bottom.
"...Luz," Amity said, her voice a little strained.
"Yes, mi amor?"
"It's all a part of the surprise," Was all Luz told her. Luz then stood up and offered a hand. "Ready to see the rest?"
"...This surprise better be a diamond that's bigger than my own head," Amity glared, taking Luz's hand, "Or, at the very least, two hours of cuddle time."
"We can cuddle at home," Luz said as she helped Amity up. "This is something that needs to be done here."
Luz led Amity away from the pillows onto what seemed like a dock. Amity wanted to voice her curiosity some more, but just when she opened her mouth to speak, bright pink lights flashed on, revealing...
"...The tunnel of love?"
"Surprise!" Luz cheered with jazz hands.
"It looks...exactly as it did six years ago," Amity noted, "Aside from a few scorch marks, that is."
"Hehe, yeah, well," Luz shoved her hands into her jean pockets, looking bashful, "I wanted a...redo, you know. Like, if I had just stayed in the boat and...let things be, I probably wouldn't have hurt you back then."
"Hey," Amity walked up to Luz and gripped her shoulders, "It's ok. You couldn't have known. Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably downright die from embarrassment. Still, I don't know why you're so upset about it. It was six years ago."
"Yeah, but it was also the start of our relationship," Luz explained, digging her hands deeper into her pockets. "And, well, I want to get things right this time. Would you let me?"
She then freed her right hand out for Amity to hold. Amity looked at the palm before her, smiled, and clasped her hand around Luz's.
"Of course."
"Cool," Luz let out a breath, "Cool, cool, cool. Uh, follow me."
Luz then tugged Amity along to the swan boot that, for reasons beyond comprehension, still had Hooty's face on it. As they both sat down, with Luz on the left side of the boat and Amity on the right, the boppy love song started, and the boat began to move down the tunnel.
As they floated safely through it, hand-in-hand, Amity looked around the somewhat fixed animatronics, noting the few dents and scorch marks that adorned a couple of them.
"You really did a number on this place," Amity quipped.
Luz only chuckled nervously, holding Amity's hand tighter while the other was still clasping around something in Luz's pocket.
"Are you ok?" Amity asked.
"Oh, yeah!" Luz nodded vigorously, "Just, uh, do me a favor and...pay attention to the signs."
"Ok..." Amity then faced away from Luz to look at the signs and banners around them. Most of it was the usual affair.
One read, "I wuv you."
Another said, "You're a cutie!"
And one banner, held by two cupid statues, also with Hooty's face on them, read, "Amity Blight, will you--"
But by the time she got to those last two words--Those two heart-stopping words--Amity's breath hitched in her throat, eyes going wide and hand gripping tighter to Luz's. When Amity looked over to her girlfriend, she saw that Luz was looking at Amity from the corner of her eye, trying to judge the witch's reaction.
Luz took in a deep, calming breath and then let it out. Looking more relaxed, she pulled her hand out of her pocket and held out a small black box. And when she opened it, Amity felt tears trying to escape from her eyes as she stared at a gorgeous ring with a blood-red diamond on it.
"I-it's not exactly a-as big as your head," Luz stuttered, her voice a little high-pitched, "But, um, well--"
Luz took a break for another calming breath. Getting that done, she looked straight at Amity, face full of determination.
"Amity, six years ago, I told you that I have no idea what my future holds, only knowing that it would be so cool if you were in it. And, the more time we spent together, the more I realized that I do want my future to have you, no matter what. So..."
Luz freed her hand from Amity's vice grip to take the ring out of the box and held it out.
"Amity Blight...will you marry me?"
Amity beamed. Positively beamed, with tears now falling from her face.
"YES!" she shrieked with glee, "Yes! Yes, of course, I'll marry you!"
Luz sighed with relief, a smile of her own growing wider on her face as she once again took Amity's hand and slid the ring right on her girlfriend's--Her fiance's finger.
Once the ring was put on, Amity grabbed Luz and pulled her in for a searing kiss. One full of want. And love. So much love.
After pulling away, Luz and Amity grinned at each other tearfully.
"I love you so much," Amity all but sobbed.
"I love you too, mi amor," Luz said back, pulling Amity back in for another kiss.
And another.
And--yeah, they were basically making out now. And didn't stop. Not even when the boat made it to the end of the tunnel.
"Ok," Luz mumbled, trying to pull away, "I would love to continue this, but the others are waiting for us. I have them out there now to tell them the news, good or bad."
"Don't care," Amity said between kisses, "They can wait ten more minutes."
"...How can I can argue with that?"
"You can't. Now, come here."
And sure enough, it would be twenty minutes before Luz and Amity got out of that boat and into the plethora of cheers, congratulations, and hugs waiting for them on the other side.
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demigodreading · 3 years
Saving Mini Benson Pt:1
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Request: From @youngjusticeimaginesus​:  Hi, I was wondering If maybe you'd be willing to do a oneshot where Olivia's daughter gets kidnapped by Lewis instead of Olivia?
Summary: That’s right my favorite peoples... This is going to be a two part mini series because there was no way everything that I needed to say could be done in a one-shot! I won’t go into much because I don’t want to give it away but please note THIS PART IS A DOOZY! The next one may be worse but still this arc made me cry in the show and I cried writing this
Characters: Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, Nick Amaro, William Lewis, Donald Cragen, Reader
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: MAJOR Violence, Guns, Cigarette Burns, Episode Spoilers, Alcohol, Smoking Weed, Mentions of Shootings, Death, William Lewis, Mentions of torture... (I Think that covers it but if it doesn’t please let me know)
Word Count: 2320 (Like I said.. there was no way this was gonna be just a oneshot.)
And with that all being said: Let’s jump into it.
Olivia and her daughter rarely fought but when they did neither one wanted to admit the other one was right. Olivia loved and hated her daughter for being so similar to her. Even now as she watched the miniature version of herself stalk the interview room the exact same way she would send her heart racing. Usually the similarities would result in a smile but not today. Today Olivia’s vision was a deep red as she confronted her daughter.
“Y/N you were caught smoking weed underneath the bleachers during class! So not only did you break one rule you broke two!” Olivia shouted, folding her arms.
“Wow glad that you know how to count,” Y/N mumbled looking out the window.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Look mom I just don’t get what the big deal is? It was one joint. One class!” Y/N retorted, throwing her hands up, “I am a straight A student who has a full ride scholarship to Harvard.”
“Yes, because Barba stuck his neck out on the line for you and put in a glowing recommendation,” Olivia spat, “What you did was careless. You could have ruined everything that was given to you.”
“You know for once in your life could you ever be fucking proud of me! I do everything that I can do to make you proud and yet at the end of the day I am never fucking good enough for you.”
“That’s not…” Olivia went to argue but was interrupted by Cragen opening the door.
“Olivia we got a problem. I need you right now,” He said, then shut the door without waiting for an answer.
“Just go save another poor unfortunate soul mom. Don’t worry about your daughter.  I’ll pick up my own pieces like I always do,” Y/N said, wiping tears from her face as she grabbed her coat.
Y/N stormed from the room before Olivia could stop her. She made her way through the precinct eyes trained to the floor as her mother’s voice rang out, “You better head straight home Y/N!  We are not done having this conversation and you are grounded!”
Choosing not to say anything, Y/N merely raised her hand in the air flipping her mother off before the doors shut with a loud slam behind her. Tears made dark spots on the concrete as Y/N made her way back to their apartment. Even the noises of the constant car honks and people screaming couldn’t drown out the voices in her head today. Failure. Waste of space. Stupid. No one. Unwanted. Unloved. 
It was the repeated song that kept her feet moving forward until she finally placed her key in the lock. She threw her bag by the kitchen island and threw her keys on the counter. She was about to turn on the living room light when a noise caught her attention. 
“Hello? Hello?”
As she turned the corner her vision was filled with the sight of a gun pointed right at her temple. A smirk crossed William Lewis’ face as he looked at Y/N, “Ah welcome home Little Benson. I was hoping that it would be your mother who was walking through the door but I guess you will have to do.”
Y/N went to scream but instead Lewis jammed the gun against her throat, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. One small slip of my finger and your mom will be left with a new kind of art all over her walls.”
Y/N let a single tear roll down her face before Lewis’ gun made contact with her skull and the whole world went black.
Olivia had already tried to call Y/N twice but it kept going straight to voicemail. The last known location had been their apartment so at least she had the sense to head straight home. The guilt in Olivia’s stomach was insurmountable. Watching her daughter explain that she never felt like she lived up to her standards. Olivia had promised herself when she had Y/N she would never end up like her mother. Yet there she was shaming her child for one mistake. Y/N was more than just a good kid, she was excellent. She was smart, beautiful, humorous, kind, and so much more. She was everything Olivia could have ever hoped for. Knowing that her daughter thought she wasn’t proud was the worst pain she could have.
After the third call Olivia finally decided to leave a voicemail, “Y/N I know you are mad but I need you to know something. I am proud of you and will always be proud of you. You are the best daughter and the most amazing human. I was rough on you early. Please let’s talk through this. I’ll be home soon with your favorite Chinese. Just don’t do anything stupid? I love you.”
When she hung up the phone she placed her head in her hands and let out a large sigh. Fin placed a reassuring hand on her back, “Liv, it is going to be okay. She is just being a teenager.”
“No Fin, you should have seen her. It was like I was physically taking her heart out and ripping it in front of her. I should have never said those things. I didn’t mean any of them… I was just upset.”
“She knows, they always know.”
Olivia merely shook her head and began to gather her things to head home. She walked out of the precinct without a goodbye and headed down the street to Y/N’s favorite Chinese place. They knew what she was going to order as soon as she walked in the door asking where Y/N was. Liv pushed off their question and scrolled through her phone as she waited for the food. Y/N’s phone was still off giving Olivia an eerie feeling as she finished the walk to the apartment. 
Once inside she noticed Y/N’s bag on the floor and her keys on the counter. There was a sudden rush of cold air that made her notice the window that was open to the fire escape. She shut it quickly and then moved to Y/N’s room. The door was still open with everything the way she had left it that morning. Once her calls were unanswered Olivia opened the window again crawling onto the fire escape. Sometimes Y/N would go to the roof to watch the sun slowly crawl behind the buildings.When she reached the top however she was met with an unsettling emptiness. 
Olivia reached for her phone to call the only person who was able to calm her anxiety lately, “Amaro, Y/N isn’t here. I can’t find her. What if something happened to her?”
“She probably just went to a friend’s house to get away,” Amaro replied stirring the contents of his drink, “She will be back in the morning just to relax. Sleep off the anger and come back with a clear head tomorrow.”
Liv pondered this suggestion over and over deciding what she should do. When the silence became too long Amaro interjected again, “Liv, I’m serious. You two had the biggest blow out that I have seen in awhile. Give her time to be mad at you and think. If you smother her she might only push further away from you.” She thanked her partner for the advice and then shoved her phone back in her pocket taking a sweep of the roof once again. Finally she slowly made her way back to the apartment shutting the window with a slam before locking it. Olivia wandered over to the kitchen moving the cereal that covered the top of the fridge to get to her secret cupboard. From the opening she pulled a large bottle of her favorite red wine. She popped the cork and decided to forgo a cup taking a long swig directly from the green glass. A large sigh escaped her lips as she plopped down on the couch going over the events of the day in her head.
As the contents of the bottle slowly drained till there was nothing else Olivia realized her fears were all coming true. She was becoming her mother. A woman she never once wanted to be. Three empty bottles later she finally curled under Y/N’s sheets crying into her pillow until she finally was able to fall asleep.
The next morning when Y/N did not return and her phone was still shut down all bets were off. Olivia was furious but more importantly she was terrified. Something was horribly wrong. Her morning was spent talking to Y/N’s two best friends and searching their houses for her. When that search was unsuccessful Olivia went to the school hoping Y/N had gone there. However, she had been absent all day and there hadn’t even been a call to excuse her from the day. 
When the morning bled into the afternoon Olivia was running around the city to all of Y/N’s usual hangout spots. The search of the library told her that Y/N hadn’t been there in over a week. The local bakery hadn’t seen her in three days. The coffee shop where Y/N always bought Olivia’s coffee when she came to see her at work had seen her two mornings ago but nothing since then. Even the old lady that had Y/N over twice a week to help her with errands and chores around the house hadn’t seen her. 
It was dark by the time that Olivia fell into her desk chair at the precinct. With her head in her hands she let the tears fall. A whole day was gone and there was still no sign of her daughter. If she had been kidnapped they were running out of time and losing it quickly. The longer she was out there the longer the person had to get away with whatever they wanted.
The squad huddled around in Cragen’s office looking at Olivia curled over her desk. Rollins was the first one to speak, “I bet you Lewis has something to do with this.”
“And what makes you think that?” Amaro asked, “There are plenty of people who could have a vendetta against Liv.”
“It’s just a feeling.”
“Yeah well have you ever considered the idea that maybe Y/N just ran away,” Amaro retorted.
Fin, Cragen, and Amanda all turned towards Amaro, shocked. Cragen was the first one to speak, “I know you haven’t been here long Amaro but this isn’t Y/N. Something is horribly wrong and we are going to figure out what is going on. Fin and Amanda go check out Lewis’ usual hiding spots. I’ll take Liv through her apartment once again to see if we missed anything.”
“And me cap?”
“Amaro… you stay here and set up a tip line,” Cragen responded curtly and then they all disappeared to find where Y/N had disappeared to.
Y/N woke with a jolt as she felt cold water splash her face. She was met with Lewis staring only a couple inches away from her face. He grinned and grabbed Y/N’s chin as she tried to look away, “Well well there. Looks like someone is finally awake. Feeling thirsty?”
Y/N nodded her head yes waiting to scream as he curled his fingers around the edge of the duct tape. As he was about to pull it away he jammed a gun against Y/N’s throat, “Make any noise and I will shove this gun straight down your throat.”
Finally when he pulled the tape away Y/N spit right in his face, “Just shoot me already if you are going to threaten me with it.”
“And miss out on all of our fun Mini Benson. I think not. There is plenty that I want to do to you before then.”
Y/N began to panic as Lewis lit another cigarette. She remembered the way the others had burned against her chest and sides. She had lost count after twenty perfect circle burns and after the second pistol whip to the face she had passed out a second time, She couldn’t go through all of that again.
“My mom knows I am missing and she will be out looking for me. Just let me go and she will never have to know that you did it. Please,” YN begged.
“What is she going to think about that bruise on your face? Or the marks on your skin? I can’t let you go… plus I know that you both fought before you came home. I bet you that she thinks you just ran away and are leaving her,” Lewis chuckled.
“How.. how did you know that we fought?
“This lovely voicemail your mother left you,” Lewis said, placing your phone against your ear.
Tears began to run down Y/N’s face as she heard the apology her mother had sent her. Damnit! Why did I have to fight with her? We could have avoided all of this. Is the mantra that ran through her head as Lewis slammed the phone against her head and threw it at the wall.
“She isn’t coming for you,” Lewis snickered.
“Please… just let me go. I will do anything.”
Lewis pulled his gun and placed it against Y/N’s scalp, “You are still bargaining with me? Really. We are way past that baby.”
“I am the daughter of an NYPD detective. A decorated well known detective. My mother, her partner, her squad, the entire department will hunt you down. You think that you’ve put people through hell. It will rain back down on you.”
“You know what… let it rain,” Lewis said and then hit Y/N once again making her world go black for a third time. 
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