#there’s been many different takes on their character and dynamic over the years but imo this is the most interesting and closest to canon
alister312 · 2 years
okie alister. tell me. why gregstophe 🤨. give me a movie pitch for ur blorbo i want to see it like u do :>
There are many reasons “why gregstophe” BUT let’s see if I can give a relatively quick sales pitch—
Is “opposites attract” a trope you enjoy? Good news, this ship is for you! On one hand you’ve got Gregory: an impeccably mannered, Harvard Yardale-educated Brit with strong morals and a passion for politics and revolution. Then on the other hand there’s Christophe: a dirt-loving, God-hating French mercenary with a penchant for fighting everyone and saying wild shit at socially inappropriate times. However, they are friends (or at least allies) and seem to be among the only people the other respects. This begs the question: why? Are they different around each other, when they’re alone? Softer, perhaps? Do their walls come down, no need for pretenses? Do they bicker, or is it what they do more like banter? Maybe they’re only opposites on a surface level.
Are you a Les Mis fan? Because these two are just (as i once saw someone put it) Walmart-brand Enjolras and Grantaire, and many of the tropes those two have get brought into Gregstophe. Namely, Christophe’s unwavering devotion and loyalty to Gregory’s fight for freedom. Even if he doesn’t quite believe in the cause himself, he believes in Gregory enough to give his life. Honestly even if you aren’t a Les Mis fan (like me, i’ve only ever seen the bad movie adaptation once), you can see hints of this in the BLU movie. Christophe refuses to help the main boys rescue Terrance and Phillip until Gregory’s name gets mentioned and then, as Christophe dies, he sings a reprise of Gregory’s song. That sounds like textbook unwavering devotion to me.
Do you like playing around with religious themes and imagery? I do, and again they are perfect for that. Half of Christophe’s screen time is him talking about how much God hates him (and he hates God) and Gregory’s song “La Resistance” heavily implies that his morals are based in Christian beliefs. I personally like expanding that further into classic Catholic Feeling Repression™️. The self makes for such a good antagonist narratively and WOW do they just scream two characters whose greatest demons are their own expectations they heap upon themselves.
Lastly, there’s the mercenary route that many people take with them. Christophe canonically is one and Gregory is often rewritten as one (it’s not a hard leap), which leads to SO many possibilities. There’s the high stakes risk of dangerous jobs which could be just the thing to help feelings bubble to the surface. There’s the physical hurt they can experience and the angst that comes with it, often paired with patching wounds or miscommunication in worry disguised as anger. There’s the “we’re business partners, we can’t have romantic feelings, we have to be detached and professional especially in a dangerous field such as this” repression you can add (perhaps ON TOP of the religious repression). And you don’t even need to have them be mercenaries! They could be spies instead, or revolutionaries (which is what they really are), and you would still be able to use all those tropes. Sure you can do that with any ship but these two have that good good canon confirmation to fuel headcanons.
NOW— did they ever actually interact on screen? Well. No lol. The closest we have is the confirmation that they know one another via Gregory having Christophe’s address on his person and Christophe trusting the main boys once they mention Gregory sent them. Also, a draft of the script for the movie had them interacting on screen and Christophe alludes to him and Gregory having rescued canadian prisoners together before. You’re gonna need your imagination but the groundwork is there!! It’s a ship so ripe with potential it makes me insane.
so… yeah! viva la gregstophe 🏳️‍🌈
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psychicsolanum · 2 months
I have so many thoughts after finishing it.
yet I feel so empty lmao.
I'm gonna put my disorganised rambles under a read more if anyone is interested and/or wants to scream with me about it
umbrella academy is one of, if not, my favourite show ever made for its storytelling and unique art direction yes, but mainly its characters and their dynamic, like everyone who loves this show.
i love the fluffy sibling relationships and how their trauma affects how they live and behave with one another. everything is built off of the characters!! it's never revolved around love interests unless it made sense and I really loved that. patch (mostly), dave, ray, lila and even Delores tied into the main cast's arcs and pushed the plot forward in a way that I thought was really satisfying and didn't take away too much from the family dynamics that the show focuses on.
so why did they choose these random romantic relationships this season to focus on? I thought the twist about Ben's death was actually great and unexpected personally, (and i loved seeing the kids go out on a mission; i always wanted more flashbacks to their childhood) but to boil it down to a virus that made him fall in love with someone he just met? that's so boring and so unlike anything they've done before imo!
also what happened to sloane lmao. I know basically nothing about behind the scenes stuff but what was the point of having her and Luther get together last season if they had no plans, I'm guessing they must have and the actress didn't come back?
and I feel like hargreeves' grand plan that caused everything in this show to happen feels so anticlimactic now. I mean I guess it literally meant nothing now. this feels like life is strange all over again but worse lol.
Klaus! thank god he exists in this series. what a breath of fresh air any time he was on screen. i never thought i'd be so relieved they threw him into another side quest lmao thank god he wasnt burdened by the main plot too much. I don't mean to say I'm completely happy with what they did with him, they started this arc of like, not letting his powers define him and finish his transformation that he's been continuously going through since s1, but because the show ends with everyone killing themselves it just kind of fizzles out? still love him and his careless whimsy, i thought the way he got his powers back and the scene following it was really good. as always wish they explored it moreeeeeee ughhhhh. Omg they never did anything more with the void or God either. I loved that stuff :(((((((((((
I cant even think about the five and lila stuff without getting mad so I'm just gonna say: fuck you for that. what the fuck were you thinking. why. why. why. in my head five is aroace and moves on with his life, maybe takes up golfing idk. who cares. anything else. HE LITERALLY SAID "I WANNA FUCKING KILL HIM" ABOUT DIEGO IN THE LAST EPISODE?!?!?!?!? and he hid the way home to her children from her for months???? I like the very end of the plotline where it explained founder five, very Loki, but that could have been accomplished without the 7 year romance...............
I think the 6 year time jump reallllyyyyy did not help this season at all. it just led to all the conflict with Allison being resolved instantly and her only story being the one klaus is living with. also wtf was going on with her powers why did they just give her telekinesis thats way more boring than her rumours! I like the tiny bits we got with klaus and allison but it was so short! with the time jump we missed so much development, most of them feel like completely different characters for no real reason. the only thing we know about luther is that he became a stripper, and viktor owns a bar in canada i guess??? these guys were most of the main plot in season 1 and they were so one dimentional this season. i feel like we barely got to get to know Claire or Diego and lilas kids which would be fine if the rest of the plot going on with the other characters was good and engaging, which i felt it wasn't. I don't even know the kids names apart from Grace, which is very cute ill give them that.
The show ended with the main cast doing a group suicide. ceasing to exist. none of them getting to heal.
I'm sorry I don't want to be a hater and I really do hope that some people loved this season but im just so sad lol. i liked the first couple eps and I really love these characters, judging by twitter I'm not alone in my disappointment though lmao. what was the potential s5 gonna look like?!?!?
I loved klaus and Allison a lot and we got little snippets of greatness, I want a spinoff of them now!!!!!!!
I'm excited to hear other people's opinions, maybe I'll see other perspectives and feel a little better haha.
klaus 4ever 🖤☂️🖤
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i finally finished dual destinies. i had fun, but. it's not good. i think most fans agree, the 3d models and colours are ugly, the translation had a lot of basic errors, but the most frustrating part is the story. there's good ideas but they try to juggle too many characters and stories and it ends up being muddled.
so this is my. not how i would 'fix' dual destinies because tbh if i was really trying to fix this game i would simply say it should have been an actual sequel to aa4. but how i would rearrange the pieces to make it a more cohesive game on its own.
overall changes:
no more dark age of the law. it's so fucking stupid "the dark age of the law started 8 years ago" does the original trilogy mean nothing to you. you're telling me dl-6 was the glorious age of the law get a grip. this added nothing to the story just say blackquill was wrongly convicted that happens EVERY GAME
no more turnabout academy. i'm sorry turnabout academy fans but it's too mixed up with the dark age of the law and frankly doesn't add anything. i feel juniper should have been playing a similar role to larry in aa1 as the tutorial defendant and a familiar face later
the central problem with dual destinies is that it can't decide if it's an apollo game or athena game or a phoenix game, and that makes the story weaker. so i would make it a game about the relationship between apollo and athena. since that's our central story thread, phoenix doesn't get his badge back until the very end of the game, giving those two more time to shine in court.
let's go case by case:
turnabout countdown
the main change i would make here is that athena is the lawyer the whole time. her having a breakdown because she has to do it alone and phoenix showing up is fine imo, in fact i like that athena has to deal with her ptsd in almost every case. but then it steals athena's moment by having her give up and phoenix take over, and also means that in the tutorial case, phoenix the one who needs to have the law explained to him when there's a rookie lawyer standing right there? honestly bizarre choice from the writers.
i would flip it so phoenix doesn't have his badge and can't take over, but shows up to provide emotional support in a mia-like role, which allows athena to continue defending with his help. the rest can progress as it was.
monstrous turnabout
again i liked this case and i don't think too many changes need to be made. However. trucy was so incredible sidelined in this game she's apollo's weirdgirl but she just dips at the first moment of tension, supposedly to 'look after jinxie' but then we never see her again. i'm fuming. if you want to replace apollo's weirdgirl, at least put some effort into it.
i would have apollo, trucy and athena investigate for this case together. athena and trucy have very different approaches to investigation. i'd like to see apollo and trucy have their dynamic disrupted by how direct and full speed ahead athena is at all times. maybe even argue about it a little. but by the end, they accept athena as the new member of the agency and get the not guilty verdict together, after which, maybe trucy hands the weirdgirl torch to athena and says she'll have more time for magic this way or something. in my vision, this is a game about apollo and athena's friendship, so that friendship has to feel earned, and this was the best place to do that.
turnabout academy
like i said, i would get rid of this one. its purpose in the plot is twofold: develop the character of juniper to how we meet her in turnabout countdown (which i think was unnecessary) and to hammer in the point about the dark age of the law (which i think was actively stupid)
instead. we needed a case where clay was the defendant. the way they introduced clay was so incredibly lazy my mouth dropped open. how is the player meant to feel any emotion about clay's death if he's just a random character? if they created a case where apollo was defending his best friend instead of athena defending hers then cosmic turnabout would have hurt.
i can't be bothered to come up with a whole plot but i would say the case wouldn't be space related, and would have a situation where someone confesses for someone else, as all the major cases do. we finish with a successful not guilty verdict and clay inviting them to his space launch (this would give athena a more concrete reason to be at the space centre and make her a more plausible suspect later)
cosmic turnabout
okay. here's where i start rearranging things. the first change i would make is instead of skipping straight to trial, keep the investigation segment for this one. it wouldn't have to be long, but i think instead of waiting until right at the end to reveal why apollo quit the agency, it would have been way more effective if the player sees athena lie.
think about it. by ace attorney convention, the defendant's always innocent. as players, we know this, and i never doubted athena's innocence for a second during turnabout tomorrow. what an insane metagame would it be if the player also doubts athena's motives. if we have to do the same mental gymnastics that apollo does. it would actually introduce something new in this game that's a fresh and interesting take on the ace attorney concept.
first trial can proceed the same way, but during the next investigation segment i would split it in two- in one half we play as athena and phoenix, and in the other we play as apollo and trucy, while they discover stuff like the footage of athena leaving the space museum for example. again, this makes the player suspicious of athena along with apollo.
but then you might think, okay but when athena gets accused who is going to defend her?
turnabout tomorrow
this is where there would have to be some mixing things around and a good dose of ace attorney bullshit but in turnabout tomorrow i would remove edgeworth entirely (i'm sorry i also thought the wrightworth banter was entertaining but in the interests of sticking to our core theme) and have apollo be the prosecutor. aura likes him and he has a reason to think athena did it.
then athena has no lawyer friend left to defend her (insert line about her being all alone and having no allies) but i would have blackquill act as her defence attorney. yes he's a prosecutor but we've had a prosecutor do the defence before and it's not even a real trial. because athena and blackquill are both suspects in metis' death there would have to be some shuffling while they work on defending each other. i would also have phoenix as the hostage in this situation rather than trucy, so he can offer support to the defence over the phone or through a robot, but this is still athena's case, and her moment to shine.
i'm aware this is a wild shuffle, but if i stick to my idea of this game being about the relationship between apollo and athena, the last trial should be apollo vs athena. it's not just about the truth of the case, it's about them breaking and repairing their trust. all those lines about how prosecutors and defence attorneys work together to discover the truth would be so sick if they were about the friends who we've been watching grow apart as they mend their relationship by discovering the truth.
after the fulbright reveal they can still swap out. blackquill becomes the prosecutor and apollo and athena take down the phantom together on the defence, reaffirming their friendship once again.
yes i mostly removed phoenix and completely removed edgeworth. that's because their presence was extraneous to the game's plot and themes and every time either one of them made a comment about the dark age of the law i was seized by the urge to punt my computer into a wall.
i did enjoy some parts of dual destinies and from what i hear the production was a bit rushed and all over the place- if capcom really did want to leave aa4 behind i really wish they'd put more thought and time into making this a good standalone game, instead of. constantly bringing back OT characters to overshadow the ones we already had.
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drawnaghht · 1 year
About the ship tags poll... Ah, sorry for not specifying ^^; I did post that the poll was about Yuichi x Rise!Leo specifically.
Tumblr media
I actually want to do a separate one for Leosagi, but this one was specifially just for Leoichi/Leochi! (or, me using mostly my own made-up tag, YuiNardo)
TL;DR - Leosagi and Leoichi/Yuinardo are separate ships :D technically we don't have this problem with other fandoms with newer versions of characters, or even with other ships like Donsagi, but since Yuichi Usagi is a separate character from his ancestor, Miyamoto Usagi, it would make sense to have separate ship tags as well. Especially since the tags already exist anyway, so why not use them per ship? It is also more respectful to both older and newer Leosagi fans and fans of both Usagi characters. I am all of these myself, so hah, this is all silly fanstuff, but I'd just prefer the separation bc the ships are too different to share a tag + it's easier to sort and find fanart/fic later if there are separate tags. So Leosagi poll will go up later!
Longer explain: there was discussion around it a year or more ago, + posts here and there on tumblr mostly, about how technically Yuichi Usagi x Leo is a whole new ship bc Yuichi Usagi is a whole new character from the Samurai Rabbit show... and how maybe it's good to use just the one tag for it? So the oldest unique name/tag for them seems to be Leochi/Leoichi. Since Miyamoto Usagi x Leonardo is an older ship that's been around for 19 years since the '03 turtles show and Leosagi has been the tag/ship name that stuck with that, it's a separate ship. So are the tags associated with it, such as Katanashipping and older tags (which I haven't seen people use anymore.) But people saw the similiarities of the two Usagi's (family after all, lol, but I wonder if there's something else simmering under there), and started tagging the newer ship as Leosagi too, almost as an umbrella term, since we'd briefly had 12!Leosagi as a ship, and people just like the dynamic that the 03 show introduced, but people liked the new TMNT cartoon too.
ROTTMNT didn't have any Usagi eps tho, so - some Rise fans had started making their own Rise versions of Miyamoto Usagi as well, well before the Samurai Rabbit show. And this new ship clashed with that a bit, because people were either taking the character of Usagi from the show and just giving him book/2003 Usagi's personality (so continuing what Rise!Leosagi shippers were already doing, but confusing the pool of thoughts there bc it's a new character w a new name). So the fans who use tumblr and draw/write for the ship got upset that this new ship was taking over the tags and clogging the tags with just Yuichi x Leo content. There’s also the distinction that og Leosagi in 2004 is a ship where they’ve interacted in canon - Usagi exists next to the TMNT in the cartoon, and I consider 03 Usagi a whole separate version of him because they seemed to have changed his backstory a bit + made him younger to match the turtles. There’s also history of the characters interacting in the comics, because their creators Peter Laird and Stan Sakai were friends and Leo is Stan Sakai’s favourite character of the TMNT. Yuichi x Leo is a crossover ship however. so the new ship was a surprise.
Perhaps at first, it was kinda fun to see new art or fic, but then I guess people started getting annoyed for how many fans were using multiple tags and including Leosagi in their posts too, even when Miyamoto Usagi is not there.  A lot of people treated the two ships as the same or made the name an umbrella  tag, which I sorta did too at first bc what, it’s not like there’s guidelines pinned to the start of a tag page on tumblr, are there? So imo, it’ll just sort itself out eventually the more people start using the unique tags exclusively vs the old tag. Sliderbunny was the Miyamoto Usagi x Rise!Leo tag for a while, but that's also become mainly used for the newer ship. I’m not sure if tumblr shows the contents of tags from over a year ago anymore, but there are most likely blogs still active which jave those older posts with tagging prior to Samurai Rabbit coming out on Netflix.
I'm more annoyed personally that people also mis-tag the characters and the book/show. They are not interchangeable! So yeah, it's been a whole many-posts-long discussion over this ^^;;
I also made longer posts thinking abt these myself but I'm not gonna link them here cuz these are just general polls of curiosity. But you can find them under "ship tags" tag on my blog if you get curious. RABNerd28 on youtube made a very succinct (imo) video about this topic as well, which summarizes many of the issues the older shippers find when going online to see content for their favourite ship.
I actually have no idea where Leoichi or Leochi came from as ship tags or why there are two spellings of it (almost like "two pronunciations" lol), but so far, it's a pretty popular tag. So there seems to be no need to double-tag it with Leosagi, when it's 2 different ships. I find it also that whatever the fan content for 2003 Leosagi or just Leosagi is in general, it would be nice to just respect fans who made the ship popular at first, when TMNT03 aired their Usagi eps in 2004. I actually shipped this too back in the day and still do, so for me personally, it's nice to have separate tags just so I can find things better on my blog + so if people who don't like one ship, they can always block the tag and not see those posts from me. Or just general consideration ^^ I think we don't have this discussion around the other usagi ship tags bc well, there are a lot less posts about these other ships both on tumblr and elsewhere, maybe the fans don't have the energy to argue about this?
Another result of earlier discussions and the general tag-clogging, lots of people also dislike the show and the character of Yuichi Usagi. I as a fan of both show and comic, really don't like that, so that's one more reason why using separate tags is better - so at the least: Leosagi and Leoichi separately.
i still prefer my own made-up tag bc it's more unique + sounds fun. also reasons why I made my own unique ship tag: fans make Yuichi really OOC in their art/fic, or they haven't seen the show or the flat-out hate the show.... which is all fine, ordinary stuff even, as far as bigger fandoms and fanworks go. folks make Rise Leo OOC often too, but no one bats an eye. But hey, it's just other fans having fun with concepts and ideas. That's what fanworks are. Transformative fiction. People can change anything they want. But I personally like the show and character, and I like the Usagi Yojimbo books too. So reading/watching and making theories and in-character or just plain meme/funny stuff is how I have fun.
whatever the reasons for the tag names, for this poll I just piled all the reasonable ship tags I could find for it (i.e. used in at least 2 posts) just to see what people use the most. seems that Leoichi is winning so far, which makes sense as it is easier to pronounce.
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kiisaes · 2 years
Hey! So I read your post about my hero academia, the one where you talked about having a weird fatherly connections towards it and I wanted to ask you about what aspects you don’t like about the series? I share a lot of your sentiments but I do think it’s probably more than mid series? A lot of the details and writing I like and I think is considerable better than other shounen mangas. Anyways sorry for rambling. I just wanted to know what aspects you liked on the series and the ones you didn’t like.
Also complete side note: I absolutely love you’re art it’s so beautiful you’re and really skilled drawer!
sure! and thank u anon!
i want to preface this by saying that everything here is my opinion. media analysis is inherently subjective and something i think is bad might be something you think is good. considering how mha is not a shounen that's universally applauded for any or all of its writing choices, it's expected that you and i may perceive this content differently. doesn't mean i'm right and you're wrong and vice versa, it's just a different individual take on the source content.
also, even though i think mha is "mid to mid-good" (as quoted from my textpost) i don't use "mid" as either an insult or in a "it's so average it's bad" way. i know that word has been fucked over bc ppl automatically assume that something being mid means something is bad or bland or boring. it's a middle of the road series with a good share of flaws and strengths, and it doesn't particularly stand out as anything incredibly amazing or awful. just an average to decently good story, and its level of quality fluctuates throughout its run.
at the end of the day, i do like mha. despite what i think of it, it's a series i hold close to my heart and one i can enjoy even without a critical eye. if i didn't, i wouldn't have been making content for it for 2, almost 3 consistent years.
anyway, stuff i like + stuff i don't like under the cut: (warning: VERY LONG)
mha stuff i do like:
deku. he is my little boy
for the most part, horikoshi's character writing is one of his strongest abilities. characters like bakugou, shigaraki, and dabi (and honestly the todoroki family as a unit) are some of the most compelling characters in a story like this. they're allowed to be complex, dynamic and a blend of virtuous and damning traits. they match the overall themes of mha, which is that the sheer concept of "good vs evil" is surface level at best, and that placing people into strict boxes blocks them from everything else that they are. basically a complete "fuck you" to viewers who must condemn a morally grey hero/villain, for example. even less morally grey characters like ochako (imo) are still fun twists and explorations on their given character stereotypes. however i'm obligated to say "for the most part" because hori's superb character writing only matters when he gives those characters time to breathe and actually exist. i'll get into this more later
horikoshi's art is fantastic and undoubtedly his greatest attribute as a mangaka. i firmly believe that, as far as shounen art goes, there aren't any that can rival mha that are also at its global reach. there's never a single moment where i read a chapter and go "wow that art wasn't incredible" because that's not possible. he utilizes his art knowledge so effortlessly and brings out so much in every panel he makes. the manga art never feels dull. i'm so insanely jealous and in awe of him. i guess i could be biased when making this point but i find it hard to genuinely hate his art. it's so polished every time
this is a smaller point that adds to the last one but i do appreciate how he draws women. not when he's using them for uncomfortable gags, but just in general. there's like, actual meat on their bones. they have realistic body proportions (for his style). many of the women are "chubbier" than other shounen women, and a good amount of them are buff as FUCK. it feels like hori puts the same amount of effort into drawing his female characters as he does his male characters, even if he might not dignify that writing-wise
as a fellow comic artist, i absolutely love his understanding of comic language. it's small details like his onomatopoeia reminiscent of western superhero comics that really tie the presentation together. each panel is full of life, with characters and backgrounds working together in the most effective ways. i can't remember what tumblr textpost brought this up, but he also loves playing around with panel borders. he spices them up by using different subjects or objects to split up panels. and this was more of a strength earlier in the series imo, but his pacing was also pretty quick and resourceful. it shows to me that he truly loves creating manga and knows when it's the right time to visually deviate from the norm. again, i'm truly envious of how he can do this. i only hope to reach his level someday ...
this is definitely a biased point, but some of the series' arcs/storylines are some of my favorite ones in fiction. these include the tournament arc, the kamino rescue arc, the overhaul arc, twice's death, and anything relating to the todoroki family. obviously i'm only listing a handful of examples here because i think nearly every arc has its good moments that i can comment on. but when i think of good mha storylines, i think of these first
i also think that mha as a whole is a fun series that knows how to laugh at itself. there's nothing more awkward than a story that takes itself way too seriously, but the content itself is poorly written or not interesting. thankfully, horikoshi doesn't really fall into this issue
there are canon lgbt characters in this series. even if that's kind of a low bar atp (considering how only 1 out of the 3 play a consistently important role), a win is a win is a win. especially in mainstream shounen, beggars can't exactly be choosers.
mha is a story about systemic societal injustice, which is a lofty concept to tackle. thankfully the story is about powers being the norm so the whole "i'm born better than you because i have abilities" is less of a status quo rejection and more of a status quo enabler. as a story concept, it's a good basis, doesn't seem too hard to comprehend, and opens the door for nuanced storytelling and discussion. i think hori does this well at the start of the series. but as the story goes on... uhhh. i'll talk about it.
mha stuff i don't like:
man do these women have basically nothing interesting to do. i complimented how they're drawn earlier, but with the exception of a few notable ones, a lot of their characters pale in comparison to the men. it's even sadder considering that the amount of women in mha is significantly lesser than, so 5 important female characters is like, 1/4 of the female cast. 5 important male characters is like, 1/12 of the male cast. idk i didn't count the amount of characters in this series but it sincerely feels this way, especially if you remember that there are definitely more than 5 important male characters at any moment throughout this series. and when female characters do have their time to shine, there's a 50/50 chance that they die, get gravely injured, or lose limbs. which normally isn't an issue in a battle shounen like mha, but out of the important character deaths in this series, a fair amount of them are women. midnight, magne, and star and stripe have pretty anticlimactic deaths too, to add insult to injury. lady nagant talked her shit then exploded. she's still alive but like ... what? did these characters have to be treated this way? i can't really think of any important male characters who get introduced then axed from the story like this, except for maybe stain (though he's a far more important character narratively). the reason why i bring up this really lengthy point is not because i think horikoshi is actively misogynistic. i just think he falls into the trap that many shounen mangakas face, which is that male characters are more interesting to a male dominated audience. hence, female characters usually get thrown to the side. there are some important women in mha that stand toe to toe with male characters, like toga and ochako, and there are definitely certified girlbosses like mirko and yaoyorozu. but god do i wish i could add more women to this list without having to think really really hard.
and to add onto the previous, shallow, unimportant characters only gain backstories when the narrative demands for it. horikoshi used to write characters revealing their intentions and history in relatively natural ways, like with ochako and her goal to become a hero for money. it kind of came out of nowhere, but it's a valid conversation a teenager would have with other teenagers. in context, it was revealed normally. i'm not sure when these reveals turned forced, but i remember seeing kirishima's backstory and being like "well .. would this have ever been told to us if kirishima wasn't a main character in this arc?" this isn't against kirishima's character; i love the guy and i think his history was short but contextualized his personality really well. but with the recent shoji backstory reveal i could only think, "wow. horikoshi must be really glad he made a mutant character to project this theme onto, huh." it didn't feel like shoji was ever meant to have a backstory — not to mention a very depressing one — but he got one this late in the series run because it was convenient for the plot. perhaps i'm a cynic and this isn't an issue for others, idk. that being said, i think characters like shoji and even star and stripe and lady nagant could have benefited from more natural character developments, maybe with more time given so it doesn't feel like a weirdly convenient reveal.
i just really fucking wish mineta would die already. like get kicked into the sun or blown up with TNT or run over by a car or something. he's less of an openly creepy loser than he was in the beginning of the series, but i'm sure that's because he literally doesn't have the luxury to be creepy at the moment. he's one of the least appealing gag characters that never grows and changes as a person. and he got a backstory before kaminari. can you fucking believe this shit? why does horikoshi keep entertaining this bullshittery— oh yeah. i just remembered that the girls were perved on quite a bit in this series, which wasn't funny and moreso uncomfortable for a lot of readers. like, i know it's shounen, it's animanga, fanservice is kind of the unfortunate norm. but by god, do we need a series poster child for pervy, male-gaze behavior?
i commented earlier about mha's themes and that i think, at least at the start, hori had a good grasp of what he was writing. framing society's systemic flaws and failures in a wacky superheroes vs villains story is not only clever, but makes this actually serious topic accessible to those who might think social-cultural politics are too intimidating. he sets this up starting from deku and bakugou (oppressed and privileged), then adds onto it with stain (heroes who retain the status quo by seeking money and status are not true heroes, because they don't help those in need). shigaraki is thrown into the mix along the way (society fucks over the underprivileged, even those who want to do good, which breeds more villains and in the real world, more criminals) and his little league of villains all have their own stories (spinner: those who don't look like the masses are cast aside, harassed and villainized; dabi: if you don't live up to cruel expectations established by society and parroted by those in your life, you might as well be worthless; toga: any unconventional worldviews and actions are deemed scary and evil; magne: trying to conform to a rigid society as a queer person is fucking hard, man). there's also endeavor (even though you're in a position of power and respect, it doesn't automatically make you a good person). these are all GREAT, and are super compelling set-ups for mha's overall themes: that society should change somewhat, villains are a product of this flawed system, there aren't fully good people nor fully bad people, rehabilitation/growth is good, and true heroes aren't identified by title, but by actions.
these themes are quite apparent throughout mha's entire run. but i feel like the further it goes, the less horikoshi knows how to verbalize them. the latest mini arc dealt with spinner vs shoji in a strangely awkward clash of ideals. spinner is seen as a martyr who really just wants mutants to be accepted into society, and his status rallies up those who have also been hurt. shoji retaliates by... telling them to stop? by saying this isn't the right way? because he was fortunate enough to be in this position, he suddenly has the authority to tell those like him to find a better way to get their voices heard? what, should they all just become heroes? haven't we established that the society they all belong in is fucked up, and that drastic change must be made? i understand what horikoshi is trying to say but it's... off. like the point is there, but the execution is clumsy. shoji even says something like spinner's revolution setting them back 30 years, which is so fucking bizarre to say, and would certainly raise eyebrows in the real world. it sounds like villains can express their grievances with society but they can't dare revolutionize. otherwise, they'll be silenced/ignored again. it's the whole "violence breeds more violence" belief, but there's more to that that should be explored. man, i dunno.
i'm harping on this one story instance but recent mha is riddled with well-meaning but clumsy storytelling like this. and since the narrative relies on these complex, nuanced themes, it's jarring when the nuance falls through. if mha is about breaking harmful norms, why do they still dictate the execution? hori did it so right with deku and bakugou, their relationship being a definite high in the series. but i truly don't how he'll treat the villains at the end of this arc
ok tumblr's telling me to shut up anyway these are my thoughts. again, even though i've rambled so much about my dislikes, i think mha is still a fun and enjoyable series. it misses the point sometimes, but it doesn't detract from its successes. either way my opinions should not rule over how you consume the series. it's always important to form your own opinions!!!
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hi again, previous anon here. Sorry if the ask came off as offensive, that was not at all my intention at all. I just wanted to give examples to illustrate the point I was making. Obviously, I know you know both book and show canon though imo your perspective on Lestat seems much more informed by the books than the show. 😂
My point was that telling show only fans to go read the books is not really a valid take because the show is a separate thing and the characters are very different. The books do help to gain a bit more context and understanding in some aspects, but any good adaptation should stand on its own and not require prior knowledge of the source material. The show is no exception.
I did read your post about the hints that Lestat cared about Claudia and I agree with a lot of it, especially in the earlier years and that Lestat was very hurt by Claudia's rejection of him.
But to me, his aim was always to win Louis. That was his priority, Louis. He says it in episode 5—it was never you. Claudia was just a means to an end at first and then eventually becomes an obstacle he needs to eliminate—which, again, is a totally different dynamic than in the book.
I think Lestat meant what he said, that Claudia should have never been made and Antoinette would make for a better companion. He is that delusional and spiteful by the time episode 7 comes around. He thought he could convince Louis to leave Claudia behind because he knows Claudia will never stop trying to undermine him
I was rewatching the 1994 film the other day and I was struck by the scene where Claudia comes to Lestat at the piano to offer the poisoned twins and she wraps her arms around him and leans her head on his shoulder. This tiny moment is such an indicator of the major difference from the show because show Claudia would never do something like that with Lestat. We almost never see any physical affection between them, and part of that is because Claudia is older, of a different race (with all the implications that carries if Lestat were to be physically affectionate to her in public) but also because in the later episodes, Claudia is simply not his child anymore.
I'm curious to see where they take it in season 2, but personally, I would find it very weird if show Lestat was to cry over Claudia's dress like the book version does unless they do some serious retconning.
My perspective on Lestat is much more informed by the books because we haven't seen Lestat on the show yet, and that has been said again and again and again. Taking the show's Lestat in season 1 at face value is just... what can I say.
The characters are somewhat different, by setting and race changes, yes, but the core traits of them remain the same.
And quoting episode 5... and especially the "it was never you"... sorry, but it has already been said that there will be major retconning incoming (in show, episode insider and interviews), and you obviously have not read my takes on episode 5.
Tbh you harping on the race point makes me have a bad taste in my mouth. I've heard that too often not to listen up here. Yes, public displays are one thing, obviously, but there were many, many little things. Pet names. Attention. And comparing the movie and the show here is a moot point, too - the movie was Louis' view though the camera was more neutral (Louis wasn't even in the room for that embrace iirc), but the show tells us a lot through Claudia's diaries. Totally different viewpoints, resulting in totally different displayed situations.
I guess you'll find it very weird then. Have fun with it.
Oh, and re the "recommend to read the book" thing - I guess you mean this ask earlier. You might wish to recognize the tone in that and the following asks. I recommended the books there because THEY said this was in line with the books - and I disagree there, decidedly.
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emilynthephoto · 2 years
This is just me wanting to express myself. I haven’t gotten to express myself much publicly lately b/c A: I’ve been too busy, B; my ADD brain doesn’t allow my thoughts to come out coherently (you may have only caught me on a good day, maybe, that’s a big maybe) C; sometimes I do feel a little anxious about expressing my opinion. But no one should feel that way as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. However, it’s the way the world is so I accept my anxiety over it.
It doesn’t discount what others feel. I’m not special in any way. I cried over the fact that I have anxiety but I don’t take medication and I let bad habits in my anxiety & ADD put roadblocks in the way of what needs to get done this weekend. So honestly, I’m a hot mess so in my view maybe my opinion isn’t worth much. But, I have a need to get stuff off my chest, because it’s one of those things my mind just obsesses over. Not a healthy habit. No amount of yoga or meditation is going to squash it out 100%.
This I hope this is a picture of what it means to be human. Sometimes my fandom experience doesn’t feel like I’m human to the rest of my world. I don’t want to be judged for any of this. But I know I’m going to be. It’s the price I pay for being transparent.
And I understand not feeling like you can express yourself or feel like you are left out because of your personal feelings and opinions. I’ve been there several times this year within this fandom. Currently I’m choosing to stay in the state of overall enjoyment for the show, because the latter gave me too much anxiety and depression. It was honestly too toxic for me to stay in that mental state. It was too much suffering for me. (please note that I feel that way about my own personal self. I am not telling anyone to do what I do, remember- I’m a hot mess. Don’t do what I do)
Expressing our opinions like we do today seems like it is creating a division in the fandom. But, look, you can’t express your opinion without someone else coming at it with a different perspective. It’s really just a challenge to come together and see from both sides, and be understanding.
Many people were irritated with something today. So you expressed yourself. Go for it! But, I’m also irritated with something. So I’m going to express it. But, I want you to challenge me to look at it with a different perspective. Might i get my feelings hurt in the process? I might. But, I’m okay with that. Based on prior experiences, I’m strong enough to keep moving forward. And honestly people are gonna continue to have their personal opinions for their own reasons, because they have different experiences. Let’s just remember that.
Look, we all have our favorites. I have mine. And Lucy is one of them. I love my girl, Lucy!
But, the root down in the main reason I love this show, and it’s because of the dynamic and fun family vibe each character works and shares their lives with each other. The ensemble of it all, you know. And so I’m uncomfortable with seeing this character versus this character mentality. It makes my heart hurt. I understand that not everyone watches for the same reasons I do. People are going to watch for one character, and one character alone. And if that suits you, by all means.
But, i’m still going to express how I feel. So one more thing.
I love my girl, Lucy. I love her! But, I’m tired of hearing this constant pity party for Lucy. Please be aware this is my view- IMO, this is not the Lucy show. And while we’re at it, even though he is the lead this is not the Nolan show either. It is an ensemble cast. Am I willing to admit that in some pockets of the show it seems more like him than others, yes. But, that’s the way the show is designed and I’ve accepted that and decided to shut up about it for the most part. I love that it has become a little bit of everybody.
A small edit: I am not trying to be insensitive to Lucy’s trauma when I’m talking about the pity party. She seems like she’s walking around like no one loves her. I guess that’s what everyone sees. (Tim rejected her in her eyes i guess, she doesn’t understand the shit show they walked into that he’s trying to swim to calmer waters until it’s the right time, Lucy doesn’t have Jackson but she is able to make new friends) and it invites the pity. And I guess after the comments today, I just kind of had enough of it. I understand feeling alone, but I guess no one really gives me pity because it’s not what I need, they give me tough love —more on that below.
The fact that we are talking about Lucy so much, means progress. I love it! I love that we are concerned for her. But, she’s gonna be okay. And this is a TV show people, and we don’t need to get our panties in a twist because a television show. (by the way, I’ve felt this way myself, I’ve felt so connected to the characters at one point I do get my panties in a twist and get a little feelings hurt. This is honestly more for me, because in about two weeks it’s gonna happen to me and all of this just to keep me in check. I’m not talking to anyone particular. It’s just self-talk, really. Honestly, if you know me, i’m so random on here. This is still being human, right? Okay, I’m moving on.
The fact that she’s being talked about means that wheels are turning for her story currently. It’s happening. We didn’t really get to see her front and center in S4. Her story had more to do with Tim and their relationship. There were small moments for her but for the most part it was Chenford. Am I complaining about that? No! But, I understand the desire to have a little more of her. Though, I think with an ensemble cast, you can’t always have everybody’s story front and center. You have to have bits and pieces and parts, here and there. I think that we’re getting that bigger story for Lucy here now, but I don’t think it will always last. I think it will change it up with other characters from time to time. And I love that. It means you get a slice of a different flavor/character.
Here’s one more thing I’ll say about Lucy. it’s what I perceive about her. In S4 she pushed to be Tim’s aide. That reason could be two-fold. To get her a promotion and to spend more time with Tim. She seemed content enough with that time with Tim to not pursue other things like Nolan did. Is that the fault of the writers? It might be. But, haven’t we all been where Lucy is? Content to stay in a status for a certain period of time. A lull point in life. So maybe it’s not a fault. Maybe it was to show the effects of her DOD and losing Jackson set on her. She seems like a character who is trying to figure things out. She hasn’t actively tried to pursue being a detective, yet. In reality, I guess, would she even be ineligible? We know Nolan wouldn’t be for TO. It was only put in there for TV sake. She hasn’t expressed to others how her voice isn’t being heard except in 418 and that was remedied. I think for the most part, people do listen to her. I would love for her to pursue being a detective. But, honestly, if she’s gonna pity on herself, and allow others to pity on her, I want someone to give a her a little tough love. I love that moment in 417 when she just acknowledged that she survived and she’s gonna be okay, all on her own. It felt like she gave herself closure on that chapter.
There was a certain Tim vs. Lucy narrative in 402 that bothered me but I’ll leave that for a recap of the episode if I ever get to it.
I’m really trying to be careful at making sure I am clear that I’m expressing my opinion, because sometimes people latch onto people’s opinions as absolute truth. I made a tweet today that got a lot of likes and retweets along with other tweets that had the same perspective and I can imagine how that made people who had the opposite opinion feel . Like their opinion didn’t matter. The only parting thing I can say is, that it does matter. I hope that we can listen to each other’s feelings and opinions and come together to understand.
Okay, now I’m gonna go get some work done.
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altocat · 2 years
Soooooo if Zack and Seph were friends in Crisis Core, why did Seph turn on him at all? It seemed kind of abrupt imo
Lots of CC feels abrupt, much as I adore the game. I don't blame the writers, as the game itself takes place in Zack's perspective and has to juggle his relationships with LOTS of different characters in a way that gives the player just enough time to get a feel for each dynamic. It essentially has to squeeze a lot in one sitting with limited time for a smaller-scale game. Hopeully, Reunion might space things out and add a bit more details.
As for your question... (WARNING: LONG lol)
This is all my personal headcanon, mind you, as I've established in previous fics and writing.
Barring the theory that Sephiroth is being manipulated and swayed by Jenova (which I definitely adhere to, at least in the case of Nibelheim), I believe that, after Genesis' betrayal, Sephiroth completely disregarded all of his feelings towards any lingering relationships.
You have to understand that, around the time of the Nibelheim Incident, Sephiroth had been essentially betrayed three different times. First with Genesis, then with Angeal, and then with Lazard (who I don't think was his FRIEND per se but they definitely seemed to have a friendly/respectful working relationship). He's sleep deprived, exhausted, was already feeling ready to abandon his job and titles, and just had his best friend essentially spit in his face, call him a monster, tell him that he's a lab experiment, and then ask for a one-sided favor. He's not in good shape at all, especially after he finds out the truth about his origins (AND also figures out Gast was involved which seems to distress him).
Sephiroth's life, in more ways than one, is a story about abandonment. First Lucrecia. Then Gast--who could have very well been a father figure based on how reverently Seph speaks about him. Then his two best friends. His boss. Everyone and everything he ever cared about. All gone. And the ones who come back only come to hurt him.
Which brings us to Zack.
Throughout CC, in the scenes in which they are together, Zack is friendly, but also assertive around Sephiroth. He's respectful towards him and has a lot of his usual positivity and energy, but he also isn't afraid to call him out either. And Sephiroth, as Nomura said in a recent interview, greatly appreciates that. I think it's why he's very patient and kind towards Zack overall. He might view him as a piece of Angeal, with Genesis' ambition mixed in. A piece of his vanished friends, someone who treats him like a human being.
So why the betrayal?
Because Genesis and Angeal were his only real loved ones. People he trusted, people who he was growing sicker and sicker worrying about, people who he was ready to leave Shinra for. He refused to fight them, gave them time to escape, never spoke ill against their transformations, and never stopped believing in them. Even after the death of Angeal, Sephiroth still had no ill feelings towards Genesis. Not until Genesis directly hurt him at the reactor. But by then, it was one blow too many.
In the end, Sephiroth lets go of Zack. Just another human connection. Just another traitor. And if not now, then surely later. Another backstab. Another bit of grief to add to his growing collection over the span of two years. If he can finally be with Mother, and finally reclaim his birthright, what use are humans? Why would he ever trust someone he knows will betray him and leave him like Genesis and Angeal? Why should he bother at all when all humans have ever done is manipulate and hurt him? Zack is probably manipulating him too! Zack was probably IN on it! Zack probably planned everything from the beginning! Just like Shinra did. Just like ALL humans did! Humans conspired against him, experimented on him! Zack HAS to be in on the experiment too! All humans are!
On and on. I explored this mindset at the tail end at AMT but basically, Sephiroth's mind is gone by the time he goes on his bender in the library. And by the time Zack comes to find him, there's nothing left of himself. He's completely lost it and there's no going back.
Do I think Zack could have saved him? Maybe. If given the right timing and the right words. And if they'd gotten out of Nibelheim and away from Jenova. I think she probably intensifies a lot of his emotions after "awakening" the cells within him and so there's no telling how easily Zack could persuade him if she's got her claws in. One thing I do think is that Zack did care about Sephiroth and never wanted this to happen. I think there was a Dissidia game where Zack confronts Sephiroth and is STILL distraught about what Sephiroth has become. I don't think he hated Sephiroth, even after what he did. He was willing to take Seph out and put an end to it, but I think he mostly just wanted to end the madness. He said himself that Sephiroth is no longer the Sephiroth he once knew.
So yeah. Drama, ugly emotions, a LOT of paranoia, and trust/abandonment issues basically ended what could have very well been a meaningful friendship. I'd like to think Seph would have found a new friend circle through Zack and Cloud and could have healed in time, had they gotten out before the crazy shit went down. It's a small tragedy that I wish more people thought about when it comes to Crisis Core.
In the end, Sephiroth felt he had no one left but Mother. And thus, nothing left to lose.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Rhodey/Tony ship being less popular! I did a quick search and saw something about the actor change, which is super valid; I'm interested in hearing more too, tbh. If you're open to talking about it, of course. If not, feel free to ignore this. :)
I don't mind at all.
I'm a big fan of a number of ships with a black guy that were either unpopular or the less popular option. Many of them strike me as falling into fairly similar patterns, not just with the ship itself but with what the other "rival" ship is like and various other fandom dynamics.
Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs from Miami Vice are buddy cops with a super intense relationship of the kind where they spy on each other's girlfriends because they're always insanely suspicious of them and are forever ditching people the minute the other one wants something. The big ship in the zine days was Crockett/Castillo. That's partly due to Edward James Olmos being smoking hot in the 80s, but you basically never saw Castillo/Tubbs, and a lot of the comments C/C fans made were like "I don't think Tubbs cares about Crockett enough". There was a lot of coded talk about Tubbs being "full of himself", which basically means a black guy who doesn't have false modesty as a cultural value. The thing that annoyed me the most was all the C/C fics that act like they're buddy cops. If people are there for daddykink with the stern boss wrecking Crockett, I get it. (And those zine fics are extremely hot.) But to take a series with a zillion sets of buddies, including some for Castillo, ship a non-buddy ship and then go on about the buddy vibes... just... guys... have you heard yourselves???
A lot of ships where people think "Man, if he hadn't been black, this would have been huge" fall into similar patterns. The black guy is almost always the Sane Best Friend rather than the Single Perfect Tear Woobie. Plenty of ships, like Sam/Steve from MCU, further have the problem that the black guy is a side character who doesn't get the development of some of the white leads.
Tony/Rhodey strikes me as being a little different. It shares the problem of Rhodey being a side character while other white leads got a lot of development, and he's another Sane Best Friend to a compelling white hot mess, but it had some other things going on too.
Ships and fanon often form very early in a fandom's history. I know they used Rhodey some after I stopped watching, but the part of MCU I did see is where a lot of the fic trends came from for years afterwards. Iron Man 1 has some potential shipbait with Rhodey searching frantically for Tony, but all of that good shit is erased, IMO, by him being recast for the next movie. Since the majority of fic writers were just MCU fans, not comics fans, this is like a whole new character.
Maybe if he'd been styled the same and acted the same, it would have been less jarring, but IM2 Rhodey is also a dad sweater-wearing wet blanket who gets handed the humorless Nagging Babysitter role. This is not sexy. It is not shippy. Pepper got a bit of it, but she also got a lot of canon romantic development with Tony. Rhodey just got shafted.
Compare to elsewhere in MCU: Sam was presented as a hottie with a snarky sense of humor. A lot of people walked into TWS eager to see Bucky come back and walked out being more interested in Sam. It didn't lead to a ton of fic, but there was more Sam/Steve than Tony/Rhodey, and there was a lot more buzz.
Race isn't irrelevant, but Tony/Rhodey shippers crying about how racism sank their ship are just wrong. Fandom was never going to go for the unfunny babysitter over the zillions of other dynamics available.
I didn't keep up with MCU, but Sam went on to get his own buddy team up with Bucky, and Rhodey got... what? Not much that I heard about.
So yeah, I think we should lay most of the blame at canon's door relative to a case like Miami Vice or Psych.
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interact-if · 3 years
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Day 5 of the interviews! let’s give it up for Ligia! :chinhands:
Ligia, author of Love the Guard, Be the King
Latino Heritage Month Featured Author
Mathias' heart has been bleeding since his father, the former King, decided to punish you for his mistakes. As the youngest child of a lesser bourgeois, you were raised in the castle, between the King’s cruelty, the Queen’s friendship, and  Mathias’s kindness (or supposed kindness?).
Now, more than twenty Carnivals since your arrival, the King is dead and the Queen’s sickness  worsens each day. As the azure taint spreads in the kingdom and the Opalean Wars come to an end, it’s Mathias’s time to sit on the throne.
Will the docile Prince become a kind King, a violent Monarch, or a ruthless Tyrant? Will you have any say in it? And how much will your relationship change?
Love the Guard, Be the King Demo | Author’s Kofi | Read more [here]
Tags: historical, romance
Q1: So, tell us a little bit about the projects you’re working on!
With pleasure! Right now, I’m working on three main projects. My personal Visual Novel project, “Love the Guard, Be the King,” a second Visual Novel I’ve been secretly working on with a good friend for the past 10 months or so, and I also have an ongoing book series about hot, quirky supervillains—but I’ll focus only on the first two cause that’s what we’re here for, right? Hahaha.
LtGBtK is a really intimist experience, focused more on the MC’s and RO’s character arcs and how we can change depending on our experiences and how we feel about them. The entire plot happens in only four days, but it takes into account almost 30 years of history—basically Mathias’s (the only RO) entire life!
“Crystal Library” has mystery, romance, magic, 6 ROs, and a ton of memorable scenes already. I’m working on the graphics and the programming for this one, while Coco Nichole (@dreamybard), one of my favorite writers ever, is the brilliant mind behind the plot and all of CL’s characters! I can’t wait to share this one with you all. Romance is optional in both. :)
Q2: What excites you most about using interactive fiction? What are some of the biggest challenges?
What I LOVE and FEAR about all types of interactive fiction is how it invites players to, on a much deeper level, be part of the narrative. When reading books, we all work hard to translate beautiful sentences and scenes into images in your head. We interact with it, yes, but when playing IFs, we also explore the narrative in a different way; we have so much more agency over what happens! We sometimes have different paths to choose from, beautiful illustrations to unlock, or character traits that change depending on our choices… it’s amazing, and, IMO, it’s a very unique way to experience narratives.
But it’s also very complex, very demanding, and it can easily get out of hand if you give the players too many options/branches to follow, mainly when working with small teams or, in my case for LtGBtK, alone. *takes a deep breath* I just hope I’m doing a good job. .-.
Q3: What has been something in your project you’ve had to do a weird amount of research for?
Besides programming lol basically everything. For LtGBtK, I’m trying to create this weird fantasy with a modern-medieval society (?), so I’m constantly researching medieval customs, traditions, tools, and weirdly specific stuff like socks. Did people wear socks in the medieval era? What were their playing cards made of? When was ice cream invented? How did they shave? How did kids become knights? What were their perfumes made of? And soaps? What did they eat? How different was their wine? And what kind of materials or slang or fabrics can I use, and what can I change without completely breaking immersion?
 And then I shove all that into a pot and adapt it to a world where Mathias can literally put the world on fire with a wave of his hands. ♥
Q4: Which of your characters is most like you? How?
I think I’m a mix of them all, but mainly Mandra and Rafa (one of my main characters in my supervillain books). They have wildly different personalities and stories, but those two have clear views of the kind of person they want to be, they’re not afraid of their soft sides, and they are ready to work hard to become good at what they love. Rafa has a specially strong connection to her brother, like my siblings and I, and Mand is often locked in an eternal state of wanting to be alone and wanting to be surrounded by family/loved ones, so I guess we meet there too!
Q5: Does your heritage influence your characters as you create them? (How? Why or why not?)
Yes! There are the very basic ways, like habits, names, food, family dynamics, settings (mainly in my books, which are all very Brazilian), and Holidays. And then there’s a more personal way that I’m not entirely sure I can explain because I lived in Brazil for 28 years, and I’m not sure I can put that into words. The classics of our literature are different, Art, architecture, and music developed differently, my country was violently colonized and still faces the results of that violence (including but not limited to structural racism, classism, misogyny etc), I learned some Capoeira in my physical education class at school, we call non-Brazilians “gringos,” and so on. This is my normal, and this is what my characters would see as normal too, because I don’t know any different.
At the very core, all my characters are influenced by my country’s history, by our relationship with other countries, and by the values my parents taught me, passed down to them by my Indigeous-Spanish-Portuguese-German foremothers/fathers. :P
The main, more palpable way my heritage influences my characters, though, is through humor and theme. I think Brazilians have a very specific, sharp, and often very smart kind of humor that, IMO, stems from the type of history our country has, and the way we look at life, sometimes translating pain into humor. As for themes, I usually write about what makes me angry... and there’s a lot in Brazil’s history and modern society that causes me that. :)
But all I know for sure is that I want to show the world Brazilians are much more than samba and soccer.
 Q6: What is something you love to see in interactive fiction?
Other people! In the same way I add my history and worldview to my creations, I always approach stories thinking that there’s a whole, well, history behind them. And I love that! Also, I adore choices that feel impactful + good friendships and family relationships + soft romances with mutual respect. ♥
Q7: Any advice to give?
Hmm. Be proud and celebrate who you are and where you’re from. Learning and understanding the world inside us is a life-long process, so it’s always a victory to discover new pieces of ourselves. :) Also, if you can, talk to people that come from different cultures than yours to expand your worldview, don’t be afraid to be soft (the world needs more kindness), and please study personal finance. Seriously. XD
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I feel like you've given most spn related things some lil spice but I always love the spice on this : hot spicy take on the "Dean is the most horrible character and ruins everyone's life and Sam and Cas are poor little meow meows who only do bad things sometimes because tyran Dean farted in their direction" takes that are not really only said by anti-Dean peeps ? Obsessed with that incredible thesis and would love the added spice ❤
I really try to respect other people’s opinions, and I believe there are a wealth of ways to interpret a story, and I think that’s a deeply beautiful thing. This applies to interpretations I don't agree with and outright dislike as well. That said, some opinions are simply and objectively bad, dishonest, and/or demonstrably false, and I truly do not believe you can sit down and honestly watch through the show with an open mind about all the characters, truly pay attention to what they do, say, and believe, and come to the conclusion that this show is about an evil manipulative abusive man terrorizing his pure and sinless brother and friend. It is an interpretation built from cherry picking facts to suit an ugly, miserable theory, making Mount Everest out of a bunch of the tiny mole hills, making the worst possible presumptions of feelings and intentions, and holding characters to completely different standards in order to neatly divide them into "abused" and "abuser" in a way that, frankly, fetishizes the abused person. I despise this interpretation of the story with every fiber of my being, and I have absolutely no respect for the opinion of anyone who peddles it, regardless of who they cast as villain/victim (because people have also done this with the others—it’s just more “popular” to do it with Dean... I mean... does anyone else remember how people were shitting on Sam after his emotional reaction in 14.12? Calling him an evil abuser? Because I do).
The thing that always gets me about this take isn't just how dishonest, unfair, mean-spirited, and compassionless it is in its treatment of Dean’s feelings, circumstances, and intentions... but how deeply reductive and offensive it is toward Sam and Castiel, sucking away their identities to turn them into effigies to mourn for their sad, Stockholm syndrome-esque attachment to their "abuser". Further, it grips the heart of the show—the relationship between Sam and Dean, and then the relationship among TFW as a whole—in a tight, uncompromising fist and pulverizes it. It literally rips out the heart of the show (the RELATIONSHIPS) and replaces it with something unprepossessing of any merit: A miserable, 15 years long story about a malicious abuser getting away with terrorizing those closest to him for his entire life, while his poor abuse victims suffer through until they die for him/happy to be reunited with him because they “don’t know any better” and never ever learned better, I guess. What a stupid, sad sack of a story.
Castiel is a thousands of years old celestial being who has literally beaten Dean into the pavement under no form of mind control, and has shown over and over again that he will do whatever the hell he wants, regardless of whatever Dean thinks about being sidelined. If he thinks whatever he is doing is in Dean's best interest, he literally does not care how Dean feels about it. He will nod and smile and then fly off and swallow thousands of souls with Dean begging him not to, shove Dean out of the way to attack the big bad, leave Dean alone in Purgatory, refuse to come out of Purgatory so he can self-flagellate, fly off with the angel tablet, help Sam with the Book of the Damned, let Lucifer possess him without anyone's knowledge or agreement, come into Dean's room under the guise of apologizing for ghosting him so that he can steal The Colt out from under his pillow and murder someone, decide not to murder that person and still prevent Sam and Dean from helping by knocking them both unconscious, get himself killed, make a deal to trade his life for Jack's and never tell anyone, hide information and worries and ignore phone calls, ghost Sam and Dean, and bicker and fight with Dean as if they are a married couple. Love sickness and feelings of worthlessness (which Cas has a wealth of reasons to feel—many of which aren’t even related to Dean but to his heavenly family) are reinterpreted as the result of some sort of constant, terrorizing emotional abuse. Power and authority that Dean does not actually have is forced into his hands by these fans. Maybe listen when Cas says, “Hey—not everything is your fault.” Maybe listen when he says “I loved the whole world because of you”, calls Dean a role model, says he enjoys their conversations, offers to die with him and dies for him multiple times. Maybe treat these feelings as genuine and valid and HIS and not as the delusions of some poor manipulated baby. 
Sam is framed this way even more often than Cas, and it's a damn shame, because what I typically see is this: Sam’s development into a mediator and peacemaker is twisted and reinterpreted as coming from a place of weakness and/or fear. Rationality, maturity, wisdom, and compassion are not the traits of a scared, powerless child. They are the traits of a mature adult, who has been beaten down by life, and fought and raged against his circumstances, and somehow come out of it with more kindness and understanding and strength instead of less. He has made his own decisions whenever it was possible, within the set of circumstances doled out to him. From telling his dad to go fuck himself and going to college, to getting back into hunting to avenge Jess (NOT because of Dean—Dean took him home without complaint at the end of the woman in white case), to continuing to hunt after their father died because he wanted to feel close to him (Dean was actually weirded out and sort of disgusted by this), raging and fighting to save Dean from his deal against Dean’s wishes, continuing to hunt and working with Ruby (directly against Dean’s dying wish), drinking demon blood, jumping in the cage, leaving hunting to go be with Amelia, coming back to hunting to save Kevin, fighting with Dean over what he had with Amelia and threatening to leave if Dean didn't shut his mouth, leaving Amelia to go back to hunting (Dean ultimately suggests he go back to her—Sam chooses to stay), trying to kill Benny, demanding to be the one to do The Trials and saying he is going to SURVIVE them—that being the ENTIRE POINT, losing that resolve in a fit of depression but choosing to drop the knife, demanding space from Dean (and being given it), fighting to save Demon Dean who didn’t want to be found or saved, using the Book of the Damned against Dean’s wishes, telling Charlie that this is what he wants—that he used to want normal but now all he wants is to hunt with Dean and that he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he can’t have that, unleashing the Darkness in his desperation to keep Dean with him and even saying, “I would do it again” in the aftermath, saving the town being destroyed by Amara, getting into The Cage with Lucifer, leading a team against the British Men of Letters, nurturing Jack, punching Dean in the face when he was going to sacrifice himself, leading more hunters, wielding a gun against Chuck... and that’s just some highlights. Sam Fucking Winchester does not need your bullshit about him being some sad, scared, helpless baby lorded over by mean old Dean who has never let him do anything he wants. 
Yes, in the text itself, there is jealousy and resentment at times, and there is legitimate and righteous anger on Sam’s part on a few occasions. There is blame cast on Dean by Sam for some of these choices/circumstances. Some of those moments where Dean is blamed are legitimate, and some of them... frankly, are not. Within the framework of the fucked up dynamics of the way they were raised, Sam and some fans bristle when they feel Dean is casting himself as the parent he is not, but Sam also has been guilty in the past of trying to reframe himself as Dean’s child when things got tough. Neither of them is responsible for the origin of that dynamic, but they BOTH have responsibility to change it, and they both, ultimately, succeed in doing so. For Sam, his part comes in recognizing and learning to fully own his own choices. Recognizing that he is not a child, and he is certainly not Dean’s child, and it isn’t just “Mummy—loosen the grip”, but Sam has to too—not claim independence only to blame Dean for his choices when his own decisions have an ultimate outcome he is unhappy with. That is a legitimate arc that Sam goes through imo, but he comes out the other side of it, and he and Dean relate to each other much better as peers from then on—and I’d like to note that throughout the entire series, when they don’t relate as perfect peers and teammates, it isn’t always Dean “bossing Sam around”, but Sam also trying to sideline Dean and yes—boss him around. And when they lied and hurt each other and yes, even manipulated each other, Dean most certainly wasn't always the one doing the lying and hurting and manipulating. Always, always, ALWAYS, they both had an understandable point of view, and it was complex, and you could understand why they made the choices they did, even if you thought of those choices as being wrong ones. 
I also would like to point out (because this is basically what I see all of the time) that Dean being hurt by someone or simply voicing his feelings or opinion is in no way abusive or manipulative. Dean is certainly charismatic and loved and his returning love and respect is often deeply desired, but he is not an actual siren, who bends people to his will simply by speaking or being. People are, in fact, able to tell him “no”, and frequently FREQUENTLY do. Further more, no one is owed his affection, his unwavering loyalty, or his trust. He has a right to his boundaries, regardless of if it makes some poor sad sap feel deprived of the “wellspring of coveted love” while he works through things. He can be hurt and angry, and he can wear his heart on his sleeve at times, and he can be flawed, and broken. [Insert Castiel's speech from 15.18 here]. So can Sam. So can Cas. None of them are manipulating each other by virtue of getting angry, feeling hurt, being traumatized, needing space, or having differing opinions or feelings. Sam didn’t punch Dean in the face in 14.12 because he's a cruel, manipulative abuser trying to force Dean under his thumb. He didn’t work behind Dean’s back with Ruby, insist on doing The Trials, beg Dean to use Doc Benton’s alchemy, use the Book of the Damned to cure Dean, pump him full of blood to cure him of being a demon despite the fact that it might kill him, or scream at him and fight him for wanting to get in the Ma’lak box because he “doesn’t respect his autonomy” and “wants to control him” and “doesn’t respect his right to his own body”. He did it because he loves him desperately, and Dean could stand to fucking hate himself less, and he fiercely wanted Dean to live even when Dean didn’t want to or couldn’t picture what that could be like. He didn’t force Dean to do anything simply by opening his mouth to voice disagreement and swaying Dean when he did so. Now reverse that. 
Cas didn't beat Dean into the ground in season 5 because he wanted to terrorize him into never going against Castiel ever again. He didn’t go behind his back dozens of times, sideline him, go MIA, all because he wanted to manipulate and control Dean and punish him. He didn’t throw sassy remarks at him to shatter his self-esteem. Now reverse that. 
Anyway, fuck "X is abusive” interpretations. 
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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(Perfect artwork for Modern Love, by @cambiodipolvere)
Today is the day of one of my favorite people! And I totally resent @tackytigerfic and Starry for almost sharing the same birthday, god the STRESS 😂 Tacky is my first and closest fandom friend. We clicked together so fast and easy that sometimes it feels like I’ve known her all my life, like we’re two dog moms living in the same neighborhood who happen to read fic in their free time. Despite our conflicting time zones and crazy schedules we manage to chat every other day, tagging and sending each other all kinds of stuff, coming together to cry scream about a brilliant fic we’ve just read or shaking our heads in embarrassment at every other unnecessary bullshit post. Tacky’s bright and wise energy uplifts my spirit even on my moody days, and makes me grateful for her friendship and for this fandom life. Okay so this got long and I had to put the rest under the cut:
It’s such a lovely and precious thing, to have someone with whom you can share every single thought that crosses your mind, your scariest, most embarrassing, petty or disturbing idea, without fear of being shamed or judged by it. I trust Tacky with all my heart to hear me out, share a joke or a piece of advice, even on the (rare) occasions when we don’t get the same perspective - that doesn’t happen often when it comes to Drarry, as we are taste twins!
Tacky my darling, you’re such a good person, and such an incredible friend. Thank you for introducing me to this lovely community, for being my safe haven and your unique self, with so many qualities I admire and feel inspired by: kind, witty, earnest, wise, and so very human. I love your humour and empathy, and your chill yet no-nonsense personality; I love your talent and how articulated you are; I love your passion for Drarry, and how you let this emotion inform the way you navigate the fandom and create for it. And god, but you’ve been creating some of the most beautiful content I’ve seen in these recent years! I’m permanently in awe of your ability to write Drarry in any shape, format or length, transforming even the most ordinary moment into an extraordinary and meaningful piece of character or relationship development. You know how you mentioned yesterday that some authors change the way you feel about a ship in a deep, definitive way? Well, you are that author for me. Your works made me fall in love with M-rated contemplative romance, and also allowed me to fall in love with Harry in a way I never thought it was possible before.
Some people - myself included - got to know you through the fun and intriguing A Lick and a Promise, others through the atmospheric and sensitive Modern Love, others through your contemplative and heartbreaking short form. Each story has its merits and purpose, and all of them share a Tacky trademark: the heartkick factor! Your talent has no limits and goes across different genres and tropes, that you explore with a bold twist full of personality and heart. And even more impressive is your consistency at always raising the bar - every new fic of yours becomes an instant fave and makes me think “wow I thought Tacky couldn’t get better yet here we are”. Seeing how your writing evolves as you find your narrative voice is a beautiful and humbling experience, I feel so lucky!
I’m really grateful for being active in the fandom at this moment in time, because that allows me to read and engage with your brilliant work, and to have you as a dear friend. I can’t wait to see what comes out of your beautiful brain next. It was an impossible job choosing a single fic to rec today, so I decided to do a belated Tacky reclist! Naturally these are my personal and biased must-reads, and I urge everyone to go check these beauties right now. Feel free to include your own favorites too, and don’t forget to leave them some appreciation.
Happy happy birthday my darling Tacky! This fandom life wouldn’t be the same without you. I hope you have the amazing day you deserve!
Between the Power Lines (2020, M, 3.2k)
The road trip fic you didn’t know you needed. I got utterly immersed in the heartbreaking quietness of this, feeling like a witness to an ordinary yet poignant love story. Such tender intimacy, such character development, such lovely American aesthetics with barely any dialogue. This is, IMO, the fic that reveals Tacky’s triumph in storytelling.
Even the Night (2020, M, 3.4k)
This fic has a surreal atmosphere, those Midsummer vibes unbelievably sexy and intoxicating linked to the sensorial experience of fumbling together in the night. Masterclass in tension building, a silky and languid dream-like affair.
Aim for my Heart (2021, M, 3.4k) - Harry/Draco/Ron
One of the most sensitive and stunning portraits I’ve ever seen of a poly/triad relationship, this fic packs so much character and longing! It’s a privilege to watch Ron and Draco’s tentative dynamics through the smitten eyes of the one person that loves them like no one else: Harry.
The Long Fall (2021, M, 3.6k)
I can’t even write about this tender domesticity without getting a lump in my throat. Best opening scene I’ve read in years, and a refreshing way to approach both mpreg and parenthood, painfully honest and lovely. This became an immediate comfort read for me, and it’s probably one of the fics I revisit the most.
Mortal Frame (2021, M, 6.6k)
This thrilling, fast-paced spy story left me breathless since the first paragraph, gods what an immersive ride! I’m so here for Drarry on the run, sharp and urgent with danger but mellowed by the silent trust and tender intimacy only Tacky can master. Major bonus points for the brilliant take on the Horcrux hunt plot line!
Last Offices (2020, M, 6.7k)
Oh, this fic 💔 I tend to avoid MCD but there’s something so deeply fascinating about body washing rituals that I caught myself mesmerized by this. I just couldn’t put it down, so emotionally compromised I felt. There’s a sort of strange comfort in the heartbreak of doing one last act of service out of devotion to someone. This fic inspired so many difficult but lovely feelings in me, and one of them was hope. Only Tacky could possibly achieve that!
Our Little Life (2020, M, 7.2k)
Inventive and singular, this story hit me straight on the solar plexus and left me speechless as I saw the (clever, magical and bittersweet) plot unravel. Such a fabulous take on alternate universes and all the angst potential behind it. Come and bask in the yearning melancholia of a short yet intricate and perfectly executed plot.
And One to Play (2019, E, 21k)
What a fun and delightful fic, I can’t have enough of pining Harry losing all sense of propriety when faced with a hot, competent and pragmatic Draco. This has fab dynamics, unhinged protectiveness, even more unhinged attraction between two idiots who can’t keep their hands off each other. A must-read for any Auror partners fan!
A Lick and a Promise (2019, E, 55k)
Hot, BAMF Professors carefully balancing a fuck buddies situation while solving a Hogwarts mystery, do we need anything else? I certainly do not. This fic is so fun and intriguing and immersive, with amazing supportive cast and a delicious get together feat secret shagging and oblivious pining. Love it!
Modern Love (2020, E, 61k)
My favorite read of 2020, this fic is a love letter to Drarry and will always hold a piece of my soul. Sensitive, wistful, tenderly aching and so very romantic, this is a Muggle Draco triumph with a superb Harry, exquisite slow burn and a side of suds comfort. I promise it will be impossible to listen to Bowie again without thinking of this love story.
Bonus: five stunning drabbles!
Something in the Way (2021, T, 119 words)
“Up,” he said, and Draco, sick with love, raised his arms above his head and allowed Potter to slide the jumper on him, big hands stroking it flat over Draco’s stomach until they both shivered.
Stir-Up Sunday (2020, M, 300 words)
“I want you always,” he said, tugging again on the fine curling length of it. “Is it okay to say that?”
Whalebone Arch (2021, M, 722 words)
“Are you still not talking to me?” Draco steered Harry towards the crisps. “Do I have to suck you off in the loo to cheer you up?”
Semiplume (2021, T, 923 words)
“Did you know,” Harry murmured, and he put his arms around Draco, fearless. “I’d be your mate. If you needed a mate, I mean.”
Relic Radiation (2021, M, 927 words)
“You’ll kill me,” Harry said, and Draco turned his face towards the darkened sky, lunar pale, his profile some stupid unearthly thing—a flaring blazar, a supernova—in the light from the kitchen window.
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nabrizoya · 4 years
RoW Theories and Things I Want to See
with RoW literally a few weeks away, here’s some theories your way. 
this is Really long. like, really very long; mind you. 
Nikolai might become a disabled character.
It’s just the vibes. If we can take reference from the Too Clever Fox story, there’s a line that says “...and his [Koja’s] fur never quite sat right the same...”, which might hint at it (mostly bc i don’t want him to die). Also if this is indeed possible, it can be used to address ableism if it exists in this universe, especially since Nikolai is someone in the highest position of power. 
Zoya will experiment the shit out of powers. 
Idk why the synopsis says that using her powers might be a great deal, which tbf will be because she is truly the most most powerful atm; but Zoya wouldn’t mind taking the step outside of the old norms and bend the orders until they serve their purpose. That’s the entire goal rly.
But all along, she will consciously keep herself mindful to not hunger or discharge her power in a way that may cause harm. She knows the tyranny of the Darkling and the ways he employed. She knows better. 
More character depth to Zoya. 
Given the excerpts, the book does seem to explore Zoya’s infinite grief. And of course her Suli heritage, which a great part of the fandom consistently wants to shadow what with the talk “white features/ part Ravkan” bs. 
But there’s more. I hope RoW will show Zoya’s dilemma (that was alr hinted in KoS) she has with the power she holds, the responsibility she has with having that power + using it in the way that will not be detrimental to her and the country. It will be a great way to portray her self-awareness and doubt and insecurity. She is a good leader, that much is told in text but not shown. There’s character development from the end of R&R until KoS that makes her evolve from a what she was then to the capable and mature 22 year old she is in KoS. 
Of course all of their capabilities will come to light in RoW but I think Zoya and the agency to her as a character will play an integral part. More so because Zoya is to be the conduit to reversing the current Grisha orders, which runs in parallel with the fact that she needs to go back, go back to the roots of her Grisha knowledge and roots of her i.e. her unending grief and trauma. 
She will need to forgive herself while also dealing with the guilt and anger she may have caused due to her position and power. All of this while dealing with her own complex and contrasting emotions due to her own trauma.
Nikolai is held for treason. 
The word of allying with The Darkling may be out and that is enough reason for the entire country to turn against him. The secret about the monster causes issues more than enough already, and this will plunge the country into deep political turmoil and threats to security. So RoW will be more politically driven. That said...
There’s no overt war. 
By this I mean that there will not be war on the battlefield, both armies or more charging at each others’ enemies and such. Ravka cannot afford one either. The excerpts have already proved that. There will be skirmishes akin to a war scenario, but a complete battle like the last battle in R&R? Like a final battle? That’s not going to be there, I think… What I’m assuming might happen is that the Fjerda and Ravka will take a possible Cold War route, if it isn’t already the case they’re already dealing with atm. 
Ravka’s monarchy will collapse. 
It may become a democracy or any other form of public or majority vote. But the monarchy (as well a possible dictatorship, esp with the Darkling returned) will be eliminated. ...Or so I hope, since it has been alluded to in KoS. 
But that poses many problems. With no one line for the throne, let alone with a crime so dark like a blot on Nikolai’s skill (of taking the Darkling’s help), it is possible that Ravka will shun it, right alongside being torn about it because Nikolai has been, for the best of his ability, a good King. All of this in line with the Resistance rising in West Ravka. 
This ties in with the court matters, especially if I want to hold the further points I make true. The resolution to acquit Nikolai of his charges requires a testification forth a jury which will then make a decision about his motives and future. 
Zoya as the Interim Head. 
After all of this, Zoya’s point about Ravka not accepting a Grisha Queen will be true after all, because there will be no monarchy to welcome such an arrangement. 
But Ravka will need a good and trustworthy leader despite Grisha powers and Zoya is the best person to take care of that. The comment “...becoming a steady leader...” and the “Welcome home, Commander,” were there in KoS for a reason (and this is what I think it will link to). 
That being said, there’s more nuance to this than my summary. Zoya is a character of colour. That—in addition to the already existing threats, objections and possible question of capability in the position—ill play into how she will be able to discharge her responsibility. It’s not going to be convenient.
EDIT: taken from a reblog/addition to the og post:
A smoother/more structured transition
Once after the monarchy collapses and a leader must be chosen, it will not be Nikolai. Nor will it be Zoya, though she might serve as an interim head. What I assume might be possible is that someone older is chosen, someone older and loyal and with the proof of knowledge and service to the country. Possibly by majority vote or elected by a council.
Instead of the sudden change, this can be a smoother (if that can even be said about such a major political scenario change) or more structured. I also say this because a. if Nikolai is indeed charged (and later acquitted), firstly his political career will already hold a blot if the word about using the Darkling as a resource is out and secondly, he’s way too young to serve as the leader (by modern standards, sure, but like, the required age will be set while drafting the constitution? currently its 35+).
Instead, the current cast can become representatives (which Zoya would already be, (mostly the head of the) international committee that safeguards the Grisha all over the world) and the Triumvirate will be dissolved. (it should be, tbh)
And hey, b. after all of this, they can and kind of need to take a step back. Nikolai and Zoya will be able to truly explore their relationship, given how Nikolai mentions how he wouldn’t marry unless he’d have had the chance to court someone and marry someone he barely knows nor knows him. For Zoya’s part, she does know Nikolai but surely probably not the extent of openness that a healthy relationship has, and on Nikolai’s part, he admits he barely knows her beyond as a General except for just little things about her.
They could be able to realize and work on their feelings while alongside being involved with the workings of the country and the constitution.
“One day you will overstep and I will not be so forgiving.” 
Need I say more? Something that Zoya does will cost her Nikolai’s goodwill and we know Zoya knows her practicality and the extent to which she will unapologetically move if there is threat to the country and its King. She will do what was right and required. 
A major part of that line ties in with Magnus Opjer and I think with the confidence in the versatility of her powers, Zoya might as well move w/o any word to the Triumvirate to eliminate the most direct threat to the throne. This will bring splits in Nikolai and Zoya’s relationship. 
How this tension between them will be resolved without compromising either of their values, without playing into fandom stereotypes and others must be carefully handled. All of this while showing the best of their dynamicity, practicality and priority as they carefully pull out just those weak sticks of the jenga without putting the whole country into trouble. And with a war in plain sight, they’d know better than pointlessly argue and would rather see how the two of them are wrong. This ordeal will bring out just how condensed power is in the current scenario, imo. 
Importance on the way women have shaped history. 
Something that KoS has already set precedence for. Zoya being a PoC, Nina taking into account of the sufferings of women she comes across and the consistent ‘Who will remember them?’ will be elaborated on further. As for how it is done and how well it is done, that remains to be seen. 
Baghra is alive but maybe not thriving bc she’s stuck in the Ice Court. 
They entered a chamber where an old woman sat with her hands chained, flanked by guards. Her eyes were vacant. As each prisoner approached, the woman gripped his or her wrist.
A human amplifier. [...] But the Fjerdans used them for a different purpose – to make sure no Grisha breached their walls without being identified.
Kaz watched Nina approach. He could see her trembling as she held out her arm. The woman clamped her fingers around Nina’s wrist. Her eyelids stuttered briefly. Then she dropped Nina’s hand and waved her along.
Had she known and not cared? Or had the paraffin they’d used to encase Nina’s forearms worked?
- Chapter 22. Kaz; Part 4: Trick to Falling, Six of Crows.
Nina will be the one to free her and together they might wage a war from Djerholm together.
This gets even more interesting because we know the anguish and scorn that Baghra feels for her son at the same time; she understands the wrongness that he used to seek and will continue to. Zoya does take Baghra’s name at the Fold when she mourns and rages over how people forget the destruction and most importantly, forget the women. Baghra could be the symbol of the stag as the art piece depicts, or will be shown with relation to the Darkling’s powers.
As for how she will play into the story, perhaps she will be the one to help reverse and find the roots of the orders, in the sense that changes the perception of the Grisha powers for the Grisha as well as the common folk of Ravka. She is the only other person other than Juris and the Darkling to have the age of eras together, knowing Ilya Morozova, and she will be instrumental in giving Ravka an advantage over Fjerda. Either that or she will help in scrubbing the prejudices of Fjerda slowly away with whatever powers she has left. Or both. 
Alina will reappear, but will not contribute to the plot significantly.
Zoya understands that the truth she knows about the Darkling is very minimal not enough to end him for once and for all. It makes sense that she will probably consult Alina for it. So, Malina appearance, possibly at the orphanage. Alina will not directly contribute to this war, but she will play a critical role in defeating the Darkling.
Besides, Alina —and Baghra— are the only ones who know that there has only ever been two Darklings. Zoya did sense, multiple times during KoS, that the Darkling is damn old. Yuri mentions it. And while it is not outright specified, the fact that Zoya thinks that she realizes just how ancient Lizabetha is in context of meeting the Darkling is enough proof for her to seek more information about the age and the older skill of the Darkling. 
And I think it goes without saying that I want to hope that the Darkling and Alina will not meet. Pls, she’s had enough. 
Lada is the lost, other friend that Zoya refuses to bury. 
“She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend.”
Liliyana is dead, we know. But there’s no other mention of Lada except for the “wondering what happened to the pug faced girl.” Lada is possibly a part of the group of women and a Grisha returning to Ravka from Fjerda, exploited by the parem. She might die being unable to withhold the sheer torment of the parem induction, which will devastate Zoya because Lada was also the closest she’s had to a family with Liliyana. 
Either that or Lada is already dead or dies some other way, and Zoya cannot bring herself bear the grief of losing her. 
Cameos: Inej and Jesper. 
The most likely of the crows to appear in RoW are Inej and Jesper and they’ll play equally important roles in the plotline. Here’s a breakdown of why:
Inej has taken the responsibility of becoming a slave hunter, and it makes sense for Inej to make an appearance in the book, given that there’s going to be a ship taking the Grisha from Fjerda to Ravka. 
The women aboard are vulnerable and require immediate attention, which Inej will immediately zero in on. She will have enough reason to suspect both Leoni and Adrik on the ship, especially when the jurda parem is still a secret. Leoni and Adrik cannot give that information away because they don’t trust Inej (and have no reason to either). Inej won’t trust them either, not until she understands that the reason why the women are being taken to Ravka and for what reasons. 
Which gives her excellent reason to step in, try to analyze the situation and help the women accordingly.
Here’s an exciting thought though. Once after the entire misunderstanding is overcome and Inej understands (esp. if Nina is brought into the conversation and security and secrecy of the conversation is ensured), there may be discussion about how the Grisha might find a safer space in Ravka.
Inej’s appearance might also extend to playing a pivotal role in giving Zoya the confidence to seek her heritage and where she hails from, to embrace the part of her past and forgive herself and others for her mistakes. 
Grisha finding a safer space in Ravka will mean that Inej can pitch Jesper’s case for him to Zoya. Being the highest authority who takes cares of the responsibilities of the Grisha, Zoya will be the best person to talk about this with. 
And so, here comes Jesper. 
For one, I wish Jesper and Leoni interact, talk and just bond like the iconic siblings they would be. <3 But more than that, Jesper plays very integral to the plot for more reasons.
Jesper’s arc will parallel Zoya’s. Both of them are new to their powers in their own individual sense; Zoya is trying to use her new powers in a way that hasn’t been done before, thereby breaking the Grisha orders of powers and Jesper (assuming he has decided that he might want to learn and embrace his Grisha powers) is learning them afresh. 
This journey of them trying to embrace, learn and relearn and reject older norms and experiment really work in tandem.
That will lead us to a further (plot) theories. 
Ties with Novyi Zem 
As of the KoS end, Ravka has no support from anyone atm. Sure the Kerch will provide funds but Ravka has no real allies. Here’s where Novyi Zem and Jesper come in. 
We know Novyi Zem is a new country and also that it is the second safest country for the Grisha in the universe. As of KoS, their agreements are not renewed and they would be since between Kerch and Novyi Zem, Ravka was forced to pick Kerch. Yet Ravka needs their help in acquiring jurda for the antidote. 
So here’s the deal: Ravka will get their jurda but at many conditions that the Novyi Zem will impose on Ravka to not let exploitation get in the way. 
The conditions imposed could be (these are just some at the top of my head but I hope there are more to ensure the safety and security of the Zemeni, in Novyi Zem and in Ravka too) : 
Naval support from Ravka
We know of the Zemeni ships and ofc Nikolai has been hard at work trying to develop plans to use the sea to its fullest advantage. While the news of the izmars’ya isn’t public, Zemeni can place a condition for technical aid from Ravka since Ravka does have the technical knowledge it can dispatch as a condition.
A Grisha School in Novyi Zem
Think about it. Ravka, despite being the safest place for the Grisha, still isn’t entirely safe. Not all Grisha become soldiers in Ravka, they have a choice to abstain but those who are training are still recruited a honed for purpose alike preparing for war, especially the teens and preteens from the time of the Civil War. The training does take a lot of time. Ravka intends to make a home first and then service, but at the moment, while the Grisha are provided safety, it’s not assured in the best sense. Both the facts about a home and service are in precarious positions atm.
TL;DR: Ravka isn’t entirely safe for Grisha therefore the Grisha themselves too are not + Ravka is war torn. 
So what happens? 
One of the conditions as the next best country that serves as home to the Grisha, Novyi Zem may put forth the prospect of building a Little Palace like institution for the Grisha in Novyi Zem. It sounds morally wrong in the sense that the Grisha there will also be trained for war, but the war will end and soon, the Grisha will not be subject to serve for something but engage in economic activities as anybody else with the progression of time.
All of this won’t happen immediately either; learning their powers, honing it in the way that is unocnventional from what it had been pre-RoW and that transition + the building of the establishment in Novyi Zem and laying foundation for the  transnational panel or committee for Grisha that Zoya talks about will all take so much time. 
A few Grisha representatives from Novyi Zem can learn at the Little Palace and by the time the construction of the institution is done in Novyi Zem, these Grisha, along with other willing Grisha who either want to return to the country they were born in (like Leoni) or are offered to teach in a different country can do so too. 
There will be stricter terms so as to not ensure exploitation and possible colonization in these nations. 
Zoya mentions in one of her chapters that eventually there will be a need for the a  transnational panel or committee for Grisha. Jesper can Zoya can make it possible, adding in other countries to the panel slowly as the war recedes. 
Kaz and Wylan? 
Least likely to make an appearance, in my opinion. I think they’ll be mentioned plenty of times or brought up once and given great importance for how they can help in the side plot. 
Shu Support: 
This is more a hope than an actually theory dfbkdhjadfh but Makhi might have to step down from the throne because Ehri will take the place; either as a Queen (no...) or she might oversee the process of strengthening Shu Han and finding a leader (if she doesn’t want to become one herself). 
Ehri is capable, more than capable despite the little we know of her from the last chapter in KoS. All I hope is for an understanding and friendship between Nikolai and Ehri (and the subsequent cancelling of the marriage duH) for this to happen. She has little interest in statecraft but with the time she might spend with Nikolai, she might change her views. Even if not then she still gets the happy ending she deserves with Mayu (which is canon at this point rly).
Emotional Development or Breakdowns
Okay but I really, really, really hope we get to see all the three protagonists lose their shit and deal with their trauma, seek help or trying to stop isolating themselves or anything else they do to cope? Nina, Zoya and Nikolai, all of them cry, all of them get to completely lose it, let themselves be human and healthily cope and learn to rely on the people they trust the most. Like the sheer power and potential to show the myriad of ways to deal with grief, sadness, stress and more and make use of the trio’s backgrounds to show healthy and diverse ways of helping themselves, by letting themselves and others help them is just *combusts* Incredible! 
That being said, can I also ask for moments of fear and desolation from the side characters too? Impending war isn’t small business, it will take its toll on people, and all these reactions just cement their fears and what they value the most so. pls. Humanizing them rly. 
The Saving Each Other 
As much as I mostly kinda hate this trope, there are traces in the KoS that Zoya might be the one to end Nikolai’s affliction. On the other hand, there is talk of Nikolai helping Zoya control her powers which seems counterintuitive when you consider that Zoya knows that there is a line that she must never cross and that she is very, very careful about it and will continue to be. 
They can instead be the ones who motivate each other in times of distress as they always do (as shown with how Nikolai tries to gain control over his monster during the burning thorn ritual in KoS, allowing himself the vulnerability but also knowing that giving up will be unforgivable to both himself and Zoya as well) but I seriously do not wish for each other to be the ones directly ending one another's misery. Or perhaps this is just a fear imo that Leigh wouldn’t even take the route of (in which case, thank fuck).
Stab Stab Stab 
Zoya gets the chance to kill the Darkling with the rest of her friends. After all, Darkling does call them all his old friends. Just Julius Caeser him all the way and put a bow tie on the book. *chef’s kiss* Everybody deserves a second chance... at ending a tyrant when it fails the first time. 
So far, this is it. Rule of Wolves is in less than a few weeks and im- asdfghjkl. not Ready. i’m more Worried than Ready.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Another reason why Dick and Jason as Cain and Abel 2.0 is the Siberian tundra of hot takes for me, is while you will always be able to find some instances of shitty dynamics between any two characters as old and established as they are, the TRULY most-often repeating pattern of these two is IMO the following:
- Dick, even when estranged from Bruce and in his own words having not heard from him in seventeen months when he first meets Jason post-Crisis, and thus even when he is very much not secure in viewing Bruce as family and Jason as family by extension of that....Dick still reaches out to extend an offer of brotherhood and support to Jason, making it about their connection through Robin, rather than any connection through Bruce. He doesn’t impose, he doesn’t pressure, he doesn’t make it an obligation....he simply puts it out there, says I’m here for you if you want me to be, and that’s that.
- Jason, even when estranged from Bruce and not having interacted with a single Batfam member in over a year post UTRH, and thus even when he is very much not secure in viewing Bruce as family and Dick as family by extension of that, due to Bruce’s actions at the end of UTRH and how that was perceived by Jason.....Jason still reaches out to Dick in New York, in an admittedly weird and shitty storyline that’s wtf in so many ways.....but in one specific way affirms that they are still brothers. In a lot of ways, Brothers in Blood can be seen as Jason deliberately antagonizing Dick, pushing all his buttons in ways only someone who really knows him would know how to do, as if seeing how far he can push Dick.....not unlike how Jason essentially tested Bruce in UTRH, when attempting to determine or feel convinced that Bruce actually loved him. 
And Dick responded to antagonization with antagonism, he was pissed, he was upset, he didn’t make any attempt to pretend otherwise with Jason or soften just how much Jason was getting to him....but at the end of the day, when Jason was in danger, Dick still came for him, and thus Jason still had his answer. And that’s why its significant that just like Dick first extended that offer of family when he didn’t have to, when it didn’t even seem to be there between him and Bruce, now it was Jason who first made mention of he and Dick being family after his return. Even though family didn’t seem to be there between him and Bruce anymore, he sought out Dick to see if - in his own words - they could still be family...and he felt he got his answer and it was yes. Thus he left Dick with a message saying just that, and didn’t wait around for a response, because he didn’t need one anymore than Dick had needed one that night on the rooftop when Jason was fifteen. It was about the offer. Not whether or not it was taken.
- But it was taken, because when even in the midst of the epically shitty Battle for the Cowl storyline in which most everyone was OOC in some way, particularly Jason, at the end of it all, it was Dick and Jason on top of a train, with Dick holding out his hand and begging for his brother to take it, to let him help him, no matter what he’d done or how much they disagreed. Despite everything else, at the end of the day Dick still reached out for Jason and said he was still there and always would be.
- And its all over the place elsewhere too.....its in how even in the New 52 when Jason and Bizarro and Artemis need help with a case, Jason reaches out to Dick for help and Dick comes, even if both of them grumble and gripe about it and snap at each other. Or how even pre-ADITF, its Jason sneaking out to help the Titans rescue Dick from the Church of Blood even though they didn’t go to Bruce for help. I hate so much about Grayson #12 and how the return from Spyral went down, but nevertheless, it was Jason who caught himself and made himself change his wording from his first instinct of calling Dick his brother, instead calling him ‘another Robin’.....again a declaration of family that Jason wasn’t making anywhere else to anyone else at that time. Etc, etc.
Dick has killed for this brother. Jason has let himself be vulnerable with this brother in ways he never is with anyone else, even after feeling rejected by everyone else. Both have named each other family and affirmed that they felt that way even when they currently didn’t feel that way or that connected to anyone else in their family. Both, in fact, tend to go out of their way to seek each other out and affirm that they’re still family precisely AT the specific times when Bruce isn’t a big presence in one or both of their lives, or even a presence at all.
These are two brothers who in my take have never been defined by “waah, Daddy loves you more than me” because they’re too often busy being defined by being brothers IN SPITE of Bruce. He was the catalyst for making them brothers, but he has never since then been a requisite for them being brothers, or their brotherhood conditional on where they stood with Bruce or anyone else.  
Apart from one or two specific stories, usually taken wildly out of context and embellished to extremes, Dick and Jason’s history across decades has been of establishing the precedent that no matter what happens between them or with the rest of the family or how long its been, one of them will ultimately always reach out to the other and in turn the other will always reach back. They’ve proven time and again that it doesn’t matter how mad they make each other or how pissed off they are about something the other did or how much they don’t agree with what the other is doing, they will still come every single time the other asks them to, and there’s nothing the other can do that will ever result in them turning their back on them and not running to their rescue when they know the other is in danger.
Cuz, y’know.
They’re brothers.
RIP to Cain and Abel, but Dick and Jason are different.
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raviposting · 3 years
Okay so I’ve seen a lot of conflicting responses to Buddie this episode, from it being clear to people that they’re getting together, to thinking the writers have unintentionally messed things up to thinking it’s purely queerbait.
And I get the different responses, I do - tbh I’m somehow in two camps, where I simultaneously believe it’s a slowburn but I also think it’s bait. And those are two very different opinions to have and it got me thinking about why we have these different responses as fans to the possibility of a queer ship (namely two men who would presumably be bi/pan) being canon. 
While people talk about how it’s just people wanting two characters to kiss or entitled fans - sure, that’s existent in every fandom, but I think there’s also a very real fear from queer fans who don’t want to get their hopes up and I d on’t love how the conversation has shifted to calling queer fans stupid for having hope, so I kind of wanted to break it down into 3 aspects that I’ve noticed: 
How writers portray bi characters and why that makes fans hesitant to have hope
What queerbait actually means as a concept
How much “slowburn” has changed in procedurals
1. How writers portray bi characters
Something I’ve thought about a lot are the bi characters I’ve seen on TV - Darryl (CEG), Sara Lance (Arrow), Lucifer (Lucifer), just to name a few. These are great characters imo and I think you’d have a fun time watching but a thing to note is that all these characters were established as bi within the first season of their respective shows and they all fairly quickly fell into a clear romantic ship as well (with the exception of Sara as she spanned multiple shows). It may have taken time for them to say the word bisexual, but it was still clear these characters were queer fairly quickly on. You could maybe argue that Lucifer was a slowburn, but then (while it does not take away from him being bi/pan so do not use this as an excuse to be shitty about him) it’s a m/f ship which is still not the point of my post, to find a m/m or f/f ship that has that same treatment.
Some writers have done it - like for Valencia in CEG, or Petra in JTV - when they saw that fans read them this way, but trying to find those characters were few and far between, and when I looked at popular queerbait ships (whether or not they actually are queerbait) it’s usually ships where the characters are largely viewed as bisexual. A lot of times this also comes with pushback from both straight and to be frank, other queer fans as well. Straight fans don’t always see the signs that queer fans do, so to them a queer character who hasn’t been explicitly clear from the start comes out of nowhere. And what I’ve seen from certain queer fans are concerns that people aren’t appreciating the canon queer characters in a show - and I think there is a conversation to be had about that, but I don’t think the response should also be about then demanding less representation for people either. 
If we go back to 911, people talk a lot about how it has canon queer characters, which it definitely does - Michael, Hen, Josh, Karen, and David are all canonically gay/lesbian and that’s awesome, and we absolutely should talk about fans (white fans in particular) ignoring these characters. It also does not change the fact that none of these characters are bisexual and that is the representation people are looking for. Both of these things are true - these characters are often under appreciated in canon AND people deserve bisexual representation. They don’t contradict each other and to act like one negates the other does a huge disservice.
And even if a character was made bisexual in the canon text we don’t get that slowburn. This may be true for things like Leverage, or LOK, but there’s also a real fact of censorship that affected these shows and the fact that general audiences may not understand the queer text tjat the writers intended. It doesn’t make the writing any less wonderful or the ships any less poignant or beautiful or important, and there’s ofc shows like She Ra that made this more obvious (or the.....mess that was Supernatural that made it. Half true?) but these are still real things that should be acknowledged on why people are so hesitant to call it slowburn - because it’s something most queer fans haven’t SEEN DONE, because m/f ships will get that care for slowburn when it’s done but it’s not done for m/m or f/f ships in that same capacity.
2. What queerbait is
This one’s fun because I don’t think many people understand what it is, but queerbait is very dependent on the intentions of the writers/creators/etc. - which tbh can be hard to gauge, because a genuine intention that ended up not happening or someone baiting fans or someone trying to support all ships and not be rude all have very different intentions but to a fan who only sees bits and pieces of this person on social media, it can be hard to gauge.
Honestly with how much the 4th wall gets broken because of social media now I’d personally say we’ve probably moved into a different definition of queerbait - unintentional vs intentional - because we’re at a point where a show knows what ships are popular and at what level of excitement fans are for it - but that being said, there’s still a clear spectrum of intent. And imo? I don’t think 911 has that intent of queerbait - whether it’s a slowburn or they have a different vision for buddie that I (probably) won’t agree with remains to be seen, but this show usually treats its storylines with care. Are they perfect at it? No, definitely not, I definitely think that they’ve dropped the ball a few times (especially with just how many characters they have lmao), but they also clearly do their storylines with earnest and with genuine care for these characters.
Is 911 getting them together? I want to say yes. I don’t think this was always the plan, just something that they decided along the way, but I also don’t think that changes anything about the ship. A lot of people point to Tim Minear being vague about the ship, or the actors and their interpretations, but 1. We have no idea what they’ve been told about Buddie moving forward and 2. No show runner is going to spoil their show that much. 911 may be keeping quiet because they have a different plan for buddie, sure, but also maybe because they’re still figuring out how exactly they want to do this and/or they want to make this slowburn and don’t want to give it away.
3. Slowburn in procedurals
I feel like this is something that procedurals have started shying away from, but slowburns used to be very common - Bones, Castle, their ships didn’t get together for literal years, but that’s just not something that many shows do nowadays, even for m/f ships. Even things like Deckerstar will have the characters get together after ~3 seasons and explore the relationship onwards, whereas a few years ago, y ou’d pr obably be watching a sh ow and it’d take them 7 seasons to get together. My assumption for this is that shows are afraid  of getting canceled, but there’s been a pretty big shift in getting a couple together after say, 6 seasons to now getting them together about halfway through the show. I don’t think either one is bad or good - in good writers’ hands, either can be amazing - but that shift has made it so that a lot of younger fans in particular, I think, don’t fully recognize slowburn when they see it.
911 as a show tends to run pretty fast - it kind of has to with its depth of characters they have - but when they do have slower running storylines they really do make use of that as well. Bobby’s addiction is something that’s always going to be present in his character, May’s suicide attempt was brought up again front and center after 3 seasons, even Chim’s dynamic with the Lees was brought up again and it was reinforced again that they’re his family. There are certain storylines that have to be continuous and aren’t a one and done type of thing, and that includes Buck and Eddie, especially if you want to establish them as queer to a general audience who doesn’t think about these things.
And honestly, despite my fears, I think they are laying groundwork there. We have Buck learning to be more confident in his relationships, we have Eddie ready to date and learning to follow his own heart, we have Buck and Eddie both establishing that Buck is family and will always be there for Christopher. These are pretty big steps to do for a ship and we’ll obviously have to see how the show goes forward but they’ve already insinuated Eddie and Ana are breaking up, I’m sure Taylor and Buck may last a season and be over, but we do have to see what this next season brings. Do I think they’d say this? No, definitely not.
911 is a show with good viewership, but there’s always a possibility they can’t continue with their season and then their promises would feel like a lie. Or they may still be hammering out the details as this season hasn’t been written. Or they may just simply not want to spoil their show,  or they don’t want people criticizing a story before it’s finished, all of these could be reasons. The showrunners, writers, actors, ultimately they owe nothing to us as a fandom to potentially spoil their series, or do something, change it or their schedule for it, and get accused of bait. 
But it also doesn’t change why fans are wary of this storyline either, and I wish people would have more nuance and compassion for fans who are worried about queerbait (whether they think it’s not queerbait and dislike people worrying about it or if they do and are calling people idiots for believing it). There’s a lot of reasons why fans are wary and don’t want to have hope, and it’s not necessarily about 911 specifically as it is a pattern of writing seen in other pieces that have fans worried. These things can all coexist and I wish we as fandom in general could acknowledge that, because pretending that they don’t and criticizing each other/people’s intentions or knowledge when they have certain expectations also doesn’t do much to help.
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htmlerror · 3 years
☕ + wfa
i do not like wfa with ham, i do not like it, sam i am.
I have a lot of problems with Wayne Family Adventures. The idea for it is solid enough, but the execution is. bad. I've put my thoughts below the cut because this got long, so I hope you don't mind me going in depth on my feelings.
Duke Thomas as a POV character - I'm plagerizing heavily from my convo with @phamtai about this. Def check them out for more info and better insights than mine into the character. Duke is extremely well established in canon despite only having been around for a decade or so. Remarkably, it's taken until WFA to butcher his character. Duke in this series is too polite. He's too clueless. He's been presented as the Relatable Kid archetype that he doesn't fit. In canon, Duke has never not been self-assured. He's a relatable character, yes, but not because he doesn't know what's going on. He has experience as a hero long before the batfam became involved. And since then, he's bonded with them. WFA doesn't show his connection with Cass, his dynamic with Bruce or Jason, and completely ignores his conflicts with the family. In a supposedly family-focused product, those are damn near cardinal sins. He may as well be a totally new character. Duke has been watered down so much for the sake of this series. WFA could be a vessel to explore so many things about him that we don't see a lot of on the regular page. We could see a dive into the parallels between him and Bruce, the full psychological impact of losing his parents, epecially in contrast to Jason, how his world view and morals differ from Batman's, the daily consequences of his powers, or the fallout of his mourning independently for the friends he's lost. But those would be interesting angles WFA doesn't seem eager to explore. If you can't imagine a version Duke punching a cop just because they're a fucking cop, you're doing it wrong. Another issue is, unfortunately, Duke's role as the only Black batman member. I shouldn't need to explain why it's problematic to be showing his as constantly less knowledgeable and presumably skilled as the other bats. (No, it doesn't matter that Dick and Damian are drawn with dark skin. Dick has been written as a white man for nearly his entire existence. The person who retconned that is notoriously racist and has spent years defending her inclusion of sexual assault in her writing. I have no issue with Dick being Romani, but just changing the color of his skin is not the way to do it.) DC has recently had a push towards inclusion, on the page an behind the scenes. This is good, of course. Though if they really are committed to representation and inclusion, it needs to be an effort seen across the board. Faux pas like this paint a pretty obvious picture.
The Webtoon format is shit - Webtoon is a great platform for indie writers and artists. It's not my style of content, but I get the appeal. IMO, it's ridiculous to accept a professional comic publisher shitting out 12 page fluff pieces. Yes, the weekly comic format has been phased out for a reason. Yes, halving the workload is a possible way around that restriction. But there just isn't a good enough reason to do it. It's a pretty obvious ploy to seem "hip" and "get in with kids these days." It's lazy and frankly kind of embarrassing. For anyone who doesn't know, a standard comic book is usually 24-28 pages. This isn't an arbitrary number, it's part of the format for the art form. That length allows for necessary plot developments in a serial story line while also giving the characters, themes, and artwork time to breathe. Furthermore, it's what most comic readers have come to expect over the decades. Halving that wouldn't necessarily be a problem, there are plenty of examples of well made shorts out there, but coupling that WFA's love affair with single panels and splash pages is a major issue. Say you make a 12 page comic with 4-6 panels per page. You have 48-72 panels to work with. You can sit a compelling story into that, with or without heavy dialogue. But bring that down to 12-24 panels, and you have one of two options: either 1) ultra-compress your narrative or 2) reduce the plot to compensate. Ignoring the formatting choices, WFA is a convenient reason for DC to keep the worst of the status quo in the bat titles. There's no need to acknowledge criticism of Bruce's treatment of his family when they can simply point and say "Jason's throat hasn't been sliced open here! And look, Damian hasn't been left with the crushing guilt of his grandfather's death! We even let Tim exist as his own character!" WFA doesn't change anything, it shows that DC is aware of its problems but would rather outsource them than put in the work to fix it. There's a special kind of rejected feeling that comes with being told "I hear you, I just don't care.
Fandom isn't bad, but - Everyone is familiar with the incorrect quotes format by now. Sometimes they're funny, most of the time they tend to over-saturate. WFA is like if a incorrect batfam quotes blog was a comic. It's a steady supply of one-liners and references, sure, but it lacks any real substance. If that's what you like, I can't fault you for it, but it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. The way the batfandom has piled onto the "this is the best thing ever" bandwagon is concerning to me. There has been good batfam content in canon, you just need to know where to look for it. The lack of critical analysis of the project and dismissal of critiques is always an alarming pattern, but the way WFA has come to be the odd face of the fandom is just bizarre. It's everywhere, as you know if you've ever tried avoiding it. Thinking about WFA being the default interpretation of these characters makes me nervous. They lack the depth their canon counterparts. I don't care if you enjoy WFA, I do understand the appeal of it, but for the love of the gods, take it down from it's pedestal.
WFA is... fine. It's yet to commit any sins too egregious, but, like all DC properties, it's a ticking timebomb. I won't be surprised when it goes off, and I can't say I'll be sad to see it go. Ao3 has better content, anyway
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