#there’s no spark or romance with someone who lives 10 hours away
oglegoggle · 1 year
-My coworkers genuinely appreciate me and want to be engaged in my life
-The folks at my fave diner are legit starting to consider me a friend
-Some rando was making fun of me and taking photos of me while I ate breakfast this morning
-I’ve learned that the pharmacy has been explicitly lying about not being able to fill my testosterone
-I’ve been denied interviews for literally every single job I have applied for. Literally 45 of them
-My sister asked me if I want to play MineCraft then disappeared to spend the day with her friends instead (again)
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bisamwilson · 2 years
one line, any fic
tagged by @novasforce (thank you, caitlin!!!)
no pressure tagging @thatmexisaurusrex @firstelevens @livingincolorsagain @jemgirl86 @saryasy @jules-of-the-crown @vampire-grayson @yammz @samcky @logicheartsoul
rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
i have 41 fics on ao3 currently, so i just picked every fourth fic! there’s some nsfw text below (all underneath the cut!)
1. (it’s your kiss) hey princess - E, sambucky, 66.7k 
Bucky pulls him in for another kiss before he goes, something Sam really hopes becomes a habit. “Sweet dreams, princess.”
2. stuck a feather in his hat - T, sambucky, 4.8k
“What can I say?” Bucky says, dragging a comb through his hair in an effort to make it look halfway presentable. “The first thing he did after making sure I was fine was poke fun at me, and I’ve got a thing for people who won’t take my shit.”
3. nothing but blue skies from now on - E, sambucky, 5.2k
“That’s because I know you,” Bucky says, the tenderness in his voice a delightful contrast to the force of his hips. He leans in, changing the angle in a way that runs sparks up Sam’s spine, and kisses him slow and sweet. 
4. cowboy casanova - M, sambucky, 1.9k
He knew Bucky had a cowboy hat complex. Sam’s never gonna let him live that one down.
5. curled around his finger - E, sambuckyquin, 3.3k
Bucky moves one of his hands from around Joaquín’s middle until he finds his crotch, pushing the heel of his hand in until Joaquín whimpers. “Like I said, flyboy. Romance.”
6. all of the while it was you - G, sambucky, 4.1k
Bucky says thank you when Sam hands his drink off to him later, but neither of them mention the conversation from the other night. After he’s grabbed his drink, he leaves, off to do whatever Bucky does after he gets his coffee.
He tips 25%.
7. (what is love) baby don’t hurt me - T, sambucky, 1.2k
“You can hurt Steve,” Sam says, his voice tight. “You can’t hurt your soulmate though. You don’t remember the fight from about an hour ago, obviously, but I can fill you in now. Basic gist: every one of your punches rolled right off me, just like how every one of my punches rolled right off you.”
8. put some mustard on it - G, sambucky, 2k
He doesn’t plan on proposing, still waiting for some conversations he wants to have but refuses to initiate—and no, he hasn’t told his new therapist about this because he knows she’d make him initiate them all—but he takes comfort in the ring in his pocket, that he’s going to ask someday and that he’s pretty sure Sam’s going to say yes.
Someday comes sooner than he thinks.
9. i slithered here from eden (just to sit outside your door) - E, sambucky, 8.6k
They did make him miss his angel something fiercely, though, more so than he already had. A few of them had sweethearts back home, and Bucky would catch them writing or reading letters, hiding their sighs and their tears; he knew intimately what it felt like to miss someone so bad it ached, to be suddenly ripped away from the best constant in their lives.
10. you were an army officer, and i just a rockette - E, sambucky, 11.1k
He looks fucking hot.
There’s really no other word for it. His chest, broader than Bucky’s, fills out the halter top nicely; his pecs almost pop out of the low cut collar, something he knows Bucky is going to take advantage of. His thighs have always looked fantastic in a skirt or short shorts, and the nylons are accentuating them even more. He rubs his own hand down one of them, shivering a bit, and wonders if Bucky’ll wrap his hands around his thighs and squeeze, fascinated by them as he always is. He doesn’t know if he’d rather them end up around Bucky’s waist or around his face, maybe both, but he knows they’ll look great either way.
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Best Draco/Hermione Fics Dramione Shippers Read in 2020
A few days ago, I asked you what were the best Dramione fics you'd read in 2020. Here's the huge list of your excellent recs (in alphabetical order):
A Creature Most Unusual by JMilz: Draco Malfoy is on a mission. Unfortunately, Hermione Granger catches him in the act. When she sees that he has adopted a rather unusual magical creature, she becomes determined to make sure he takes care of it. Little does she know, the animal may hold her key to eternal glory . . . and a whirlwind romance. M, 9 Chapters, 24,460 Words
A Little More Alive, Far Less Lost by MGL_Dramione_Lover: After Draco's post-war trial, he finds himself attending his 8th year at Hogwarts with Hermione. As remorse and acceptance replace anger and hate, the old enemies begin a friendship that sparks into much more than they ever hoped for. Hermione's goal as Head Girl is to banish old prejudices and unite the school while Draco's only wish is to become a man worthy of her love. M, 22 Chapters, 84,823
A New Light by mithrilstarlight: Draco spent six years doing his best to keep his head down. Then he runs into Hermione Granger. Turns out, they actually have a lot in common.Chapters posted M/W/F. T, 18 Chapters, 33,876 Words
A Second Look by RiverWriter: Her best friend's life was a mess and she would have done anything to make things better for him and his sons. So, when she found her former enemy in a similar situation her heart went out to him as well... and the beautiful blond baby in his arms didn't hurt his case. It was certainly enough for her to give him a second look. M, 30 Chapters, 127,243 Words
All that is Rare by smithandbarrowman: In the wizarding world, it has long been assumed that men are Alphas and women are Omegas. However, when Hermione Granger discovers that assumptions are rarely factual, her status as one of only a handful of female alphas that has ever existed has men falling at her feet.But there’s only one man she wants, and like the male alphas before her, the hunt is on until he bears her mark. E, 31 Chapters, 119,755 Words
All the Wrong Things by LovesBitca8: Sequel to "The Right Thing to Do" - Draco's POV. Part 2 of the "Rights and Wrongs" series. E, 24 Chapters, 160,297 Words
All You Want by senlinyu: Eighth Year at Hogwarts was supposed to be Hermione’s. And it is, just not in the way she expects. Omegaverse fic. E, 36 Chapters, 172,651
apples & cream by LovesBitca8: She could have taken her things and gone through his Floo without a word. She could have ignored him on Monday morning, as though last night had been no more than a fever dream and too much Firewhisky. But she’d come back to bed. Inspired by the lovely NikitaJuice's "apples & cream." E, 1 Chapter, 1,426 Words
Beginning and End by mightbewriting: Years. Broken into months into weeks into days—into hours, minutes, seconds—into moments. Simple at one end, complex at the other. In Draco’s experience, moments, even when simple, had a habit of becoming irretrievable. Moments grew, stretched, multiplied into ages and eras that defined whole stretches of measurable time. Draco regretted several moments in his life, some within his control, some without: all of them irretrievable in nature. At a certain point, wedged between ‘what-ifs’ of his own devising, he’d stopped trying to keep track of those regrettable moments: now and then, pushing and pulling, coming and going, beginning and end. Moments were only moments for just as long. After that, he had no control. A Draco POV prequel to Wait and Hope. E, 48 Chapters, 242,100 Words
Bells on a Hill by HeyJude19: Left by his fiancée a month before the ceremony, Draco never got his dream wedding, so agreeing to assist Granger with her own wedding planning to distract himself from his broken engagement seems like a great idea—though Draco probably shouldn't fall in love with the bride-to-be. Based very (very) loosely on The Wedding Singer. T, WIP
Bending Light by scullymurphy: Draco Malfoy was in exile, though they called it protection. It was the summer after sixth year and he'd taken Dumbledore's offer, defected to the other side and been sent away to a small town in Italy for his troubles. No magic, few rules, and not a lot to do - until Hermione Granger showed up. M, WIP
Break for me by Ada_P_Rix: COMPLETE _______________ "-I told them this wouldn’t work.” He cut in through gritted teeth as he kept his eyes on Hermione, making her pulse quicken and she couldn’t help but clench her thighs together at the rough, husky tone of his voice. He didn’t miss it; his eyes landed on her thighs and they darkened even further. “I can’t help her when all I feel like I want to do is pin her down and fuck her into the mattress.” _______________ Hermione gets into a little accident at work and is infected with a hybrid potion created to cause certain heightened side effects. Draco offers to stick around to give his work partner a little support ... if he can Occlude long enough to resist her... E, 7 Chapters, 45,107 Words
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm: For a moment, she's almost giddy. Because Draco Malfoy's been ruined by this war and he's as out of place as she is and — yes, he has scars too. He's got an even bigger one. She wonders whether one day they'll compare sizes. E, 51 Chapters, 148,908 Words
Bring Him to His Knees by Musyc: Draco is on the case of a murderer, but to investigate, he needs a fake relationship - and a kink club play partner. When Hermione volunteers to take the role, both do their best to maintain the lie without letting each other know the truth: neither of them are acting. E, WIP
Calendar Boys by anne_ammons, Nadiapolyakova (Rijaya83): She had thrown out the idea on a lark, but now Hermione Granger was tasked with bringing the charity calendar to life. What was one more thing on her list? An art/writing collaboration between nadiapolyakova and anne_ammons - twelve photos and a piece of the story behind them. M, WIP
Cherry Mint by dirtymudblood: "He could smell her. Even multiple train cars away, he could smell her. Except, Draco didn’t know who she was. He ignored his natural instincts to pant like a dog and follow the scent to the omega in the beginning stages of heat. Instead he willed himself to rub his knuckles against the rough wood of the table in front of him." E, 27 Chapters, 58,081 Words
Dark Water and Dying Eyebrights by bexchan: One of them is desperately trying to remember their past while the other is forever trying to escape theirs. It's seven years after the war and Draco has managed to avoid almost everyone from Hogwarts, living a lonely life on a small island, far away from the wizarding community. But a familiar face in a cafe window capsizes his world into chaos. Dramione. EWE. Memory fic. M, WIP
Difficult by provocative envy: COMPLETE: "I should," I repeated. "But I don't want to." And then he smiled, and I was wrecked. HG/DM. M, 30 Chapters, 87,041 Words
Don't Look Back by Onyx_and_Elm: It’s the smell of it. Chemical. Bitter and sharp as a raw edge on metal. Just a hint of it as she passes him at breakfast — but enough to stop her dead, mid-step. There is Wolfsbane in his tea. E, WIP
Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time by monsterleadmehome: She scoffs. “If you must know, he ‘elected’ me because he thinks our shared animosity will keep you in check. He’s also not worried about you trying to shag me as a distraction.” He leans back, stubbing out his cigarette on the banister. His eyes rove over her from crown to toe and back. She lifts her chin and tries not to shiver. “Well, he’s right about that.” Lucius Malfoy hires Hermione Granger to whip his son into shape so he can find a pure-blood bride and receive his inheritance. What could go wrong? E, 10 Chapters, 48,092 Words
Draco's Gift by TriDogMom: Draco gives Hermione a gift because of an instructional YouTube video. M, 1 Chapter, 1,705 Words
Dragon in the Dark by GracefulLioness: The battle is won, Voldemort is dead, but the war is far from over. In the new Death Eater regime, Draco Malfoy does what he must to survive and keep his mother safe. Now a highly trained assassin, Draco has learned to think of his targets as inhuman beings, but when he is tasked with killing someone from his past, he can no longer hide from the horrors of the world around him. E, 31 Chapters, 164,782 Words
For a Present Under the Tree by grace_lou_freebush: When Draco and Hermione eloped, the Wizarding World turned against them. Hermione is stuck in a low level, low paying Ministry job with no hope of upward movement. Draco can't even convince someone to hire him. Now, it's Christmas, and Draco knows Hermione deserves the world - or at the least a Christmas gift. He finds the perfect hair comb to replace the horrid Muggle brush she's been making due with, and he'll do anything to afford the paltry present so he can have something to put under the Christmas tree for his wife. Making a beeline for the jewelry box containing the hair combs, Draco rifled through them, landing on an ivory comb with queen anne rose carvings and gold filigree detailing. He brought it to the startled shopkeeper and set it down gently. Pulling his sixth generation Malfoy heirloom pocket watch from his coat, he shoved it in the wizard's face without second guessing himself. "I would like to make an exchange." E, 1 Chapter, 10,141 Words
Fortuitous by MrsRen: Recently divorced Draco doesn't believe in the ideology of having one true love. He certainly doesn't expect to meet his match in a Halloween themed coffee shop, but fate has a peculiar way of giving you just what you need. M, 13 Chapters, 93,695 Words
Fuck, Marry, Avada by Lilian_Silver: Some years after the war, the gang meets up at the Leaky to play a silly game, with very real consequences. E, 1 Chapter, 3,106 Words
Give Me An Hour by RZZMG: As the war continues to rage on around them, Hermione Granger decides to seduce fellow Order Member, Draco Malfoy, one night while at Grimmauld Place... and everything between them changes after that. Fic follows the "five times" trope, and is dedicated to raspberryjukebox. One-shot. A/U-Extended War scenario. Dramione. Drama-Romance-Hot Shag! COMPLETE! M, 1 Chapter, 3,251 Words
Good Girl by arabellaleyes: Hermione is tired of their normal routine in the bedroom. What will happen when she asks Draco to spice things up? One-shot. Complete. M, 1 Chapter, 9,000 Words
Hindsight by floorcoaster: It's a New Year and Hermione decides it's time to make some changes. T, 12 Chapters, 167,694 Words
How to Love Thy Neighbour by WhatSoMalfoy: After her relationship with Ron falls apart, Hermione attempts to juggle a personal muggle life with a professional wizarding one. After encountering her high school nemesis in the most unlikely place, Hermione adds another ball to the juggling mix. M, 14 Chapters, 41,992 Words
How to Move On by longdistance: It's been nearly a decade since the war. A long time since she locked herself away. A long time since he faced his mistakes. She's what he wants. He's what she needs. It's time for both of them to figure out how to move on. M, WIP
Hydrotherapy by eilonwy: Draco finds a trip to the showers after playing Quidditch... enlightening. E, 2 Chapters, 7,163 Words
I Choose You by melanoradrood: At the end of Fifth Year, Hermione finds out why It is that none have approached her with a Marital Contract, the only way she can remain in the Wizarding World after Graduation. It has already been signed by her Magical Guardian, someone she has never met - she is to be the next Lady Malfoy. A year and a half later, she is a married witch, but still, Draco Malfoy, who had chosen her above all others, had not spoken of it. In fact, they barely spoke at all. And when trouble heads their way, Hermione means to change that. Really, she means to change a lot of things. E, 5 Chapters, 24,527 Words
Isolation by Bex-chan: He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP. Now complete with epilogue. M, 49 Chapters, 284,050 Words
It Happened in Egypt by bionically: Wandless in Egypt: Draco's stranded in Egypt, but luckily, there's a Granger in sight. Now, if only he could be prevented from strangling her. Fun times abroad: It was supposed to be a leisurely solo trip down the Nile. Hermione didn't factor in one blond man from her past and all his drama. Then, of course, there's the fact that everyone's after him. Much hilarity ensues. Maybe. *** A rom-com adventure/mystery featuring two unwilling partners on the run from Lucius Malfoy, alien-hunters, Muggle police, and local wizards engaged in a civil war. T, WIP
Love and Other Misfortunes by senlinyu: Draco Malfoy is dying. He's part-Veela and needs his mate to survive. Post-war, Hermione Granger is a workaholic, up to her eyeballs in legal activism on behalf of Magical Beings, and hasn't yet noticed that Malfoy is the Magical Being who needs her most. “Because I don’t want to be saved by you just because you feel like you have to.” He was properly furious now. “I’m in love with you." Hermione stared at him. She knew but somehow hearing him say it made the air shimmer with magic. "I’m in love with you,” he said again, despairingly. “And that means I want you to be as happy as you possibly can. And you won’t be, not with me.” M, 23 Chapters, 98,584 Words 
Manacled by senlinyu: Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.Now illustrated by Avendell. E, 77 Chapters, 370,473 Words
Measure Of A Man by inadaze22: To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man. E, WIP
Meet the Malfoys by raven_maiden: 4 Works, 21, 442 Words
of flavoured names and coloured sounds by Pink Panda (Ejacyeolation): "He doesn’t question it at first, the fact that sounds have colours and words have flavours. He grows up with it, grows up seeing powerful ruptures of colour when his mother plays the piano and softer, translucent bursts when the people around him speak. His father’s voice fills his vision with sombre oranges and lilacs while his mother’s is a pleasant mix of delicate greens, blues, and greys. The word father tastes like wet wood and the word mother tastes like the pumpkin juice the house-elves frequently serve him."In which Draco just wants to know what colour Hermione's moans would be. He also wants to know if her skin would taste as sweet as her surname or maybe as intoxicating as her given name. E, 2 Chapters, 10,351
Once Upon a Night by longdistance: One night will change everything. M, 17 Chapters, 57,444 Words
One and Done by PacificRimbaud: Hermione Granger has a career she loves, friends she can depend on, and a nice set of hand towels for her new flat. She's single and tired of tiresome men, but that doesn't stop her from wearing beautiful lingerie underneath her serious Ministry skirts. Or having pictures taken in naughty knickers. Just once. For herself. Draco Malfoy doesn't get upset at the sight of blood, which is good, because he sees a lot of it. What he doesn't see a lot of is Hermione Granger in her unmentionables. Usually. A series of meetings and mix-ups in which one cannot possibly mean done. E, 4 Chapters, 35,011 Words
Our shared silence by Vofastudum: She wakes up one morning and everyone is just gone, vanished like they never existed at all. Everyone but Him. And in this silent solitude, he's all she has. Hermione and Draco alone in empty castle. Mystery and a plot twist you didn't see coming! EDITED 10/2020 M, 17 Chapters, 40,149 Words
Pinned by bionically: Draco doesn't know what he's expecting when he follows Blaise down a dark alley, but it certainly isn't this. For a man with an addictive personality, this isn't going to turn out well. Assigned trope: Voyeurism *** Or, a chance encounter with a frizzy-haired witch from his misbegotten past in the last place anyone should have expected to see her sets Draco's disordered life on its ear. The path to redemption is truly paved with unexpected surprises. E, 20 Chapters, 110,886 Words
Really Sell It by RoseHarperMaxwell: Draco's having a rough eighth year, and Hermione's going to make it better for him. "Well, it’s clear what needs to happen.” She gripped his chin, tilting his head to make sure she hadn’t missed any injuries, before looking straight into his eyes. “You’re my boyfriend now.” *Featuring fake dating, exhibitionism, and sex-positive Hermione Granger. Submission for Farewell to Summer: The 31 Flavors of Smut Fest. E, 1 Chapters, 7,612 Words
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19: How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger. The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence. Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore? E, 51 Chapters, 312,315 Words
Remember Us As War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox: Following the devastation of the Battle of Hogwarts, The Wizarding Population Growth Act is put into effect. All witches and wizards will be matched with their most compatible partner. Failure to comply will not be tolerated. Survival is key. Hermione reminds herself of this. Survival. She can fix this, if only she can survive. The war has made this a task she is equipped for. Marrying Draco Malfoy will hardly be the worst thing she's ever endured. M, WIP
Ring A Ring O' Roses by Gallivant: Dark Magic, Dark Wizards and a mysterious and deadly Dark Flux, which, in the wrong hands, has the terrifying potential to mass-murder Muggles and Muggle-borns ... It’s been fourteen years since the end of the Second Wizarding War and the Wizarding World is settled, stable and seemingly safe… Hermione Weasley has it all: a loving family, a successful career - and happiness… of sorts. But a series of unexpected events is about to turn her life upside-down, threatening those she loves, fatally undermining the peace between worlds that has prevailed for centuries … changing life as she knows it, possibly forever. If working with Draco Malfoy was the last thing Hermione Weasley ever wanted, falling for your enemy was the least expected. A quest to thwart a magical weapon of mass destruction has devastating consequences. A race to save the world, becomes a race to save themselves… M, 65 Chapters, 527,141 Chapters
Set Fire to the Rain by HarleyQuinn1317: What happens when the one you're destined for is the last person you should ever be with... When the Ministry of Magic asks for volunteers for their Marriage Initiative, Hermione Granger must come to terms with the one terrible deed she committed during the Second Wizarding War. Can she find it in her heart to forgive herself and finally learn to let love in? E, WIP
Sex and Occlumency by Graendoll: Hermione didn't escape from the war unscathed, and when she finally decides on a solution to her problems she's left to explore it on her own. A chance encounter with Draco Malfoy sets her world on it's head and leads her down a path towards healing that she would never have anticipated. E, 18 Chapters, 65,079 Words
The Art of Seating Etiquette by inadaze22: Hermione believes that every problem has a solution, and that solution can be found in a book. That is, until Draco starts sitting to her right every Friday. She has no answers until help comes in the form of an unlikely source: Ron Weasley. E, 1 Chapter, 9,734 Words
The Auction by LovesBitca8: In the wake of the Dark Lord’s triumph over Harry Potter, the defeated must learn their new place. Hermione Granger, former Golden Girl, has been captured and reduced to human chattel. Sold to the highest bidder as the top prize at an auction of Order members and sympathizers, she is thrust into the rabid, waiting hands of the Death Eaters. But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help—and hope—seem to arise from the most unlikely of places. PART 3 of the RIGHTS AND WRONGS series. E, 41 Chapters, 325,702 Words
The Binding by Curly_Kay: “Okay, what we know so far.” Hermione listed, "One, our magic is drawing us together. Two, we can use each other’s wands. Three, there were actual sparks when you touched me."After an infant binding ritual magically joins Hermione and Draco to counteract the Black family blood curse, they must navigate the secret binding through their years together at Hogwarts. E, 35 Chapters, 175,451 Words
The Carnal Club by Ada_P_Rix: COMPLETE The Halloween Ball is fast approaching with Hermione at the helm.... What a delightful time to suddenly learn of a centuries old secret sex-game club that is currently ran by a Blonde haired Slytherin. Oh, and it only happens once a year every October, when the winner takes all at the Halloween Ball ...The First Rule of Carnal Club: You do not talk about Carnal Club. E, 8 Chapters, 43,306 Words
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by Speechwriter (batmansymbol): The night that Harry and Dumbledore return from the cave, the Death Eaters are delayed from reaching the top of the Astronomy Tower for one more minute. Draco Malfoy lowers his wand. A Deathly Hallows rewrite in which Draco accepts Dumbledore's offer to fake his death and go into hiding with the Order of the Phoenix. T, WIP
The Erised Effect by Ada_P_Rix: Hermione and Pansy work in a shop together. Draco, Harry, Theo and Blaise all work together at the Ministry. They all meet up every Friday at the pub to have drinks. Pansy has a new fantasy potion that she likes to call 'The Erised Effect' that she's keen to try out on willing participants ... Boys are so easy to manipulate when alcohol is involved .... E, 13 Chapters, 88,852 Words
The Fallout by everythursday: Hermione learns about growing up through the redemption of Draco Malfoy. E, 49 Chapters, 310,229 Words
The Figures of Figuring Out by Vofastudum: You were the biggest riddle in my life. You were the one I couldn't figure out. You were the only thing I couldn't find a pattern to. You were something I couldn't look up from any book. Unwritten, with no instructions. And I was used to finding solutions! Post-war eight-year secret romance. Edited 12/2020 M, 13 Chapters, 26,951 Words
The Flat in Bath by Ada_P_Rix: Loosely inspired by 365 Days...-- Malfoy grabbed her chin, forcing her to look directly at him. “Don’t you dare, Granger...” He told her roughly as his intense gaze bored into her own. “I fucking forbid you to come until I’ve had enough of you...” Draco caught her cheeks now between the fingers of his free hand and then snapped her head to the side and licked her earlobe, trailing down to her jawline. “...one flutter of those delicious walls of yours and you’re going to wish you never opened your legs for me.” -- __________________ Hermione is kidnapped during a raid and taken captive by someone who doesn't plan on 'torturing' her in the conventional way... E, WIP
The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon: The War is won, and Hermione Granger is back at Hogwarts as an “Eighth Year”, feeling reckless and determined to shed her prim bookworm persona. She will do as she pleases, and anyone who doesn’t like it will see the business end of her wand. Also returning is Draco Malfoy, universally hated but determined to restore his family’s name. Hermione’s hopes for a quiet school year are quickly dashed as she contends with mischievous First Years, killer plants, enchanted hair accessories, a totally inappropriate Moaning Myrtle, renegade Death Eaters, a nice vampire, a poorly named study group, a depraved party, and mysterious, threatening blood messages on the castle walls. We have redemption, partial redemption and (sadly or hilariously) no redemption at all. Throw in a snarky, disturbingly attractive Draco with his own secret agenda, and we have a very slow-burn Dramione with a side of who-dun-it. COMPLETE! M, 81 Chapters, 271,830 Words
The Library of Alexandria by senlinyu: The Library of Alexandria is not for just any witch or wizard. Many bookworms may try but few are permitted to pass through its doors. The books residing there are ancient and powerful and, if one happens to make a mistake, the consequences can be rather—novel. E, 6 Chapters, 26,383 Words
The List by AureliaBlack90: After her divorce, Hermione decides to get out of town to recover from the pain of her lost relationship and the miscarriage she suffered a year previously. She arrives in the Cotswolds depressed and aimless but compiles a list of things to do that she hopes will help her get back on her feet. In the midst of her journey to find healing she keeps running into Draco Malfoy, who is nothing like she remembered him. He invites her into his world, and Hermione finds exactly what she was looking for - in the place she least expected it. E, 10 Chapters, 70,526 Words
The Manuscript by alexandra_emerson: Five 1/2 years after the war, in the middle of a big fight with Draco, Hermione finds a manuscript. It’s a retelling of her and Draco’s love story, written by him. She never realized how much he was struggling before she read his words. Snippet: I could spend my whole life apologizing to you Hermione, and it would never be enough. Post-war, angst-filled Dramione with a happy ending. M, 21 Chapters, 154,918 Words
The Memory of You by PotionChemist: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fell in love against all odds, but there was one big problem — he was already married. Pressured, Hermione does something she promised herself she would never do again and erases their affair from his memory. Completely devastated, she avoids seeing Draco or the Malfoys at all costs. But is their love too strong? Are they inevitable? What will happen if he finds out about their previous relationship? E, WIP
The Mountain and The Sea by AlexisDanaan: Hermione Granger was perfectly happy with her life, her job as a Healer Trainee, her ugly cat and her cute little house in the countryside. And then Draco Malfoy had to go and mess that all up, typical git. Post-Hogwarts, EWE, OOC, creature!fic. E, 12 Chapters, 40,441 Words
The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae: The Ministry takes action against the remaining prejudice in the wizarding society and asks Hermione for help. “What do you want? Money? Power? Name your price, Granger. I’m not about to let pride get in my way when an Azkaban sentence is on the line.” M, 15 Chapters, 45,807 Words
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale: Twenty years after the battle of Hogwarts.... Harry is head auror and is worried about cases where Muggleborn children meet with accidents, Ron is a famous Quidditch keeper. Both haven't talked to Hermione for ages and certainly not to her husband, Draco Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy struggles with a curse, and Neville and Luna try to stay friends with all. The key to solving the problems may lie in the past, a time nobody really wants to revisit and some can't. T, 111 Chapters, 237,745 Words
The Potioneers by omnenomnom: They need each other unfortunately. Hermione has tricked Draco under her tutelage, arrogant attitude and all. But she would be simple to think he would accept it quietly. They have both have secrets to hide, old wounds better left to fester, and a world full of mermaids, dragons, and magic to explore. T, 53 Chapters, 196,559 Words
The Pretense by Colubrina: Voldemort died, but the Death Eaters live on. Hermione Granger traded herself to Draco Malfoy in exchange for safe passage for core Order members. Now he's pretending to love her, Narcissa is pretending to believe that, and Hermione is walking a tightrope behind enemy lines as she figures out what is going on. Unfortunately, people fall off tightropes. (no non-con) T, 50 Chapters, 108,164 Words
The Right Thing To Do by LovesBitca8: Hermione felt the pounding in her ears again. She would see him for the first time since the Great Hall, gaunt and stricken at the Slytherin table with his mother clutching his arm. She hadn't meant to look for him. Not in the corridors, not beneath the white sheets of the fallen, not on the way to the Chamber of Secrets with Ron, but she was a stupid girl. E, 36 Chapters, 174,911 Words
The Seven Year Witch by TheLastLynx: A boy and a girl have been meeting – coincidentally – for seven summers. While they pretty much hate one another most of the year, for those secret summer moments, they manage to see each other in a different light. But will that be enough to bring them together? A Dramione story about growing up and changing perspective, told along - and in-between - the lines of canon. M, WIP
Thirty Times Lucky by galfoy: "Granger, I can't hire you on any longer," Draco said. Hermione stared at him. Losing her job might actually mean losing the War, and she had to bargain, but there was literally nothing she had that he would want. Or was there? M, 2 Chapters, 7,128 Words
Traditions by raven_maiden: She straddled him slowly, still biting her lip, her hands on his shoulders. He held her hips tightly as he stared up at her. “So beautiful,” he whispered, and she flushed prettily, like she always did from his compliments. “You never need to hide from me.” ** Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy fell in love during the war. One year later, they're heading home for the holidays so he can finally meet her parents. There's just one teeny little problem: her parents think they're both Muggles. E, 14 Chapters, 68,767 Words
Waifs and Strays by Kyonomiko: War leaves a lot of orphans in its wake. Hermione is one, by her own hand, and she struggles with the realities of her situation. When she finds an orphaned familiar, it seems meant to be, giving and receiving comfort helping to heal her fractured heart. Unfortunately, the animal is actually a wizard, and he has his own issues. M, 31 Chapters, 118,152 Words
What You Think Is Right by icepower55: Six years after the war, Hermione parents are dying and her marriage to Draco is crumbling. Nothing seems logical in her life anymore. Her healer tells her to start writing about it, so she does, as a way to figure things out, and remind herself along the way. Hell is proximity without intimacy -Dante's Inferno M, WIP
When the Bell Tolls by everythursday: As a Dark revival begins to rise four years after the war, Hermione Granger is placed on the assignment of putting an end to them – and her first task is to recruit the Ministry's best hope and last option in the form of Draco Malfoy. E, 20 Chapters, 148,033 Words
Wreck by JMilz: Serving as Minister for Magic, Hermione Granger is finally at the peak of her career. With a beautiful family, a successful book, and the public on her side, her life should be a fairytale. Unfortunately, there is trouble in paradise, and when Draco Malfoy pays her a visit, she begins recalling their history and questioning her marriage. The reality is: every relationship is hard. M, 53 Chapters, 187,992 Words
Thanks to every person who contributed (I hope I've mentioned everyone. If not, let me know. 😊): @certified-arsehole @fedonciadale kiwim22 @really-sad-devil-guy endless-musings @headfullofnargles @pinksunsets-world @rosseliz01 @dramioneden @all-consuming @elricsister @injailoutsoon12 reclusivebird @mariakov81 @notthatchhavi @mordanbooqs @haaatch @hpsassenach @ybaeby @farmgirl-in @coyg-81 @eiramrelyat metterschling-plus-two @a-maidens-fantasy @sansacat @vofastudum @lexayeon @1800-rewrite @aneiria-writes @anonymouslydramione 
It took much longer to compile this list than I thought it would. Hopefully, I didn’t skip anything. 🙈
Happy New Year. May it be better than the previous one and full of great Dramione fics and fanarts! 🥳🥳🥳
And here’s the 2019 list: https://dramioneficrecommendations.tumblr.com/post/190216354767/what-is-the-best-dramione-fic-you-read-in-2019
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knivesareout · 3 years
take on the world - chapter one
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Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, bad jokes, flirting idiots and Tom doesn’t exist.
Summary: A whirlwind romance takes you by surprise when Frankie rescues you.
A/N: Well, here is the beginning of what is going to be a BEAST of a fic. There will probably be around 8-10 chapters in total and I’m already working on the next one (aka where the smut is). I will warn you all that this is going to deal with some heavy subject matter as we go along but I’ll put up proper warnings when they come. I hope you all enjoy and you can read it on AO3 here.
There was a special place in hell for people who set their friends up on blind dates.
This wasn’t your first, or even your fifth, blind date in the last year that you’d agreed to go on to appease a happily married friend. This time it was Jessica’s husband’s co-worker who she’d shown you a picture of and you had wearily agreed, nodding as she told you how great he was.
He was in fact, not great, as he was now 30 minutes late and counting despite the numerous texts you’d sent him.
Thankfully the bar you were currently at was only a quick 10 minute walk from your apartment, a small miracle you were glad for. Surely you could stumble back the couple of blocks to your place if you decided to drown your sorrows in shots of tequila, a couple beers, and maybe a fruity drink or two if you were feeling spendy or particularly sad.
The bar was loud and, of course, overly crowded. It was a Saturday night after all.
Most tvs around the room were playing various baseball games at top volume with the season having only started a couple weeks prior. It wasn’t your favorite sport but you knew enough to keep up, eyes fixated on the Red Sox game just to the left of you.
“Need a refill?”
A cough sounds in your ear and you turn, realizing the question was meant for you. The man who’s taken up residence on the bar stool next to you is waiting for an answer, a distressed ball cap tugged low over his face and you wish you could see him better.
“Oh,” you laugh awkwardly, glancing down at the empty pint glass and back up again. When did you finish that? “Yeah, I mean. I need one.”
The man just nods, motioning the bartender over and he wordlessly clears your glass and sets a new one in front of you as well as one in front of the man next to you.
Muttering a quiet thanks to the bartender, you turn to the man in the cap and smile. “Thanks. Didn’t even realize I’d gone through it so fast.”
The man nods with a shrug of his shoulders, a slight smile on his face. “No worries. You looked like you were sucked into the game and figured I could help. I’m Frankie, by the way.”
Giving him your name, you reach a hand for him to shake- which he does. Rough, calloused hands envelope yours in a tight squeeze before he drops them with a cough.
You realize he must’ve been watching you before, if he knew you were with an empty cup.
Normally that was something you would find creepy because you were clearly alone, or at the very least weird but for some reason it’s endearing on this guy. Frankie. Out of the corner of your eye, you try to take in his features without being obvious, his attention now turned to the same game you’d been watching only moments before.
Dark hair curls outside of his baseball cap, a dimple embedded into his cheek on the right as he smiles. Patchy facial hair covers his jawline, bits of grey catching the light as he tilts his head back to take a swig of his beer and you wonder how old he is. At first you would’ve pegged him around your age, but now getting a somewhat better look he might have several years on you.
“Were you waiting on someone?” He asks, turning to you with his voice raised. A group of men are shouting in the back of the bar near the pool table and you wince.
You nod, downing half of your beer and swiping at your mouth. “Yeah. Blind date. I should know better but I can’t tell people no and he was cute.”
Frankie just laughs at your honesty, “So he just didn’t show?”
“Yep. Never had one that just didn’t show up. Figured I might as well get drunk to commemorate the occasion. Or commiserate. Either one.” You bring your glass up to his and cheers, shaking your head incredulously.
“His loss.”
You turn to Frankie with a raised brow, lowering your glass to watch him slowly check you out. You feel hot all over and clear your throat, teeth tugging on your bottom lip.
“What about you then? Here alone or did you ditch someone?”
Frankie presses a hand to his heart, fake wounded at your jab. “You already think so little of me? I was here with friends but they bailed on me,” he explains. “Saw you by yourself and thought we could both use the company.”
His answer puts you more at ease and you finish off your second beer of the night.
“So, figure I gotta ask. How old are you?” It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things but if things are heading in the direction you hope they are, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable if you’re too young.
He seems startled by your question, like it’d never occurred to him to ask and he falters before answering. Did it make him uncomfortable?
“You know,” Frankie starts with a chuckle. “Normally, I’d be offended but I’m not. ‘M 42.”
Nodding, you blow out a breath that you didn’t realize you’d be holding. “Newly 30,” you tell him, bringing your refilled drink up to click against his own.
The age reveal doesn’t seem to bother him, at least from what you can tell. You’d never cursed your age before until now, hoping it hadn’t put him off.
You turn on the barstool to face Frankie, hoping to break the tension.
“So I have just one question for you, Frankie.”
He nods, turning to face you and waiting for you to continue.
You hold up a finger and place it on his jaw near his mouth, the one spot not filled up by wiry grey and black hair. His eyes are wide at your touch and he’s tense.
It was something you’d noticed right away when he sat next to you, your attention drawn to it for whatever reason. His terribly patchy facial hair was endearing.
“Why is this the perfect place for a kiss?”
The way Frankie looks when he laughs makes your heart ache in the best way. He tosses his head back, mouth wide as he tries to contain his laughter. His dark eyes crinkle, nose scrunched up at your blunt question and you retract your hand, satisfied with his response.
“How much have you had to drink?” He manages to get out between wheezing while he catches his breath.
“Couple shots of tequila while I stupidly waited. Two beers now, thanks to you,” you nod at the empty glass. “I might be drunk? It’s hard to tell, honestly. I think I’m fine.”
“So you’re just normally like this?” Frankie laughs, tilting his head. His fingers drum on the side of his almost empty pint glass, something you wonder is a nervous tick.
You push your empty glass away, hoping it’ll get the bartender’s attention and it does. Ordering Frankie another beer and a vodka cranberry for you, you turn back to him. “Guess so. If it’s too much though, I can pretend you never came over here and finish the game by myself.”
“Not what I meant,” he’s quick to tell you. “Just wanted to know what I’m getting myself into is all.”
Silently your lips tick up in a smirk and you start on your drink, turning your attention back to the game.
Over the next hour, you get to know Frankie and vice versa. He’s ex-Army; out for the last couple of years and he’s slowly getting back into the real world. Explains how he doesn’t have any family in North Carolina but all of his buddies live here, so he moved.
Frankie’s a helicopter pilot, giving city flyover tours to people coming in from out of town. He doesn’t love it but he loves flying so it’s enough for him, he tells you. You can see it in his eyes how passionate he is about flying and it makes you grin.
In turn, he asks about you. Normally you wouldn’t give up so much information about yourself to someone you don’t know all that well but Frankie has slowly started to feel like anything but and you feel guilty letting him give you so much only to get nothing in return- so you tell him. Maybe too much. About how your job working at a law firm is the most boring thing, especially when you had no interest in law. Which in turn sparks up his question- what do you want to do? That ends up setting you off on a tangent about your love of photography but how hard the industry is to break into to do it professionally or at the least get paid for it.
“Here, hang on.” You tell him, sliding your phone out of your back pocket and pulling up your Instagram. Social media was, normally, the bane of your existence but you used the app for your photos and nothing else, you tell him. He nods like he understands, telling you he isn’t much better technology wise.
Frankie’s quiet as he scrolls through your feed. He’s slow about it too, clicking on a few to see them bigger, and you bite your lip in anticipation at what he might be thinking. It’s nerve wracking to show anyone your passion and you manage to finish off your drink while he’s still scrolling, waving off the bartender as he asks if you want another.
“You’re fucking talented as shit, you know that?”
His response catches you off guard and you can instantly feel yourself getting warm at his compliment. It feels different, coming from him. A stranger who’s slowly becoming something more.
“You’ll have to let me take your picture some day,” you shoot back, kicking your dangling foot against his.
“You don’t have pictures of people on there though,” he’s quick to point out, handing you back your phone.
“Well no, but that doesn’t mean I don’t. It’s hard convincing people to hike with me is all.” Nature photography was your niche but you could already envision photographing a portrait of Frankie on a mountain with the sun illuminated behind him.
Frankie finishes off his beer and sighs loudly, turning to you with his brows raised. “Well, we’ll have to plan something then won’t we?”
You’d known that was coming and still, your stomach fills with butterflies as he all but asks you out. To see you again beyond this dark, crowded bar that smells like smoke and sweat.
Frankie asks if he can walk you home once the bar tab has been paid an hour later- he’s even covered yours too, in apology of your ruined date and unintentionally crashing your plan to wallow in self-pity afterwards.
“I’m just a couple blocks down,” you tell him, pulling your jacket tighter around your shoulders to combat the cool, spring breeze.
“No worries. Can’t complain about getting to spend a little more time with you,” he says cooly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
The line is smooth and cheesy but it still puts a smile on your face, which you’re sure was its intended effect.
You chuckle, turning to him so he can see the roll of your eyes. “Smooth, Casanova.”
Frankie puts his hands out in front of him in defense, scoffing at your jab.
“Cut me some slack, alright. Haven’t even dated a woman in years, let alone spent hours interrupted and talking with one,” he explains, knocking his shoulder with yours.
The little touch is something weirdly intimate and you cough, looking at him with a skeptical eye.
“I find that hard to believe, Frankie,” you chuckle, “You’re a good looking guy. Can even hold a decent conversation. No dates? Really?”
He shakes his head, shrugging. “Wasn’t in the right headspace for it. And now that I am, I just so happen to meet you and who knows. Was it fate?”
You spot the teasing tone of his voice immediately and you shove him lightly as you start to approach your apartment building. “You’re an ass,” you tell him, giggling as you try and pull your keys from your pocket, fingers fumbling and they drop to the ground with a clang.
You both reach down at the same time, heads knocking together and you can’t stop yourself from laughing. Laughing so much your chest aches with it and you can’t breathe, tears pricking the corner of your eyes and you glance over and Frankie’s no better, clutching his stomach as you both sit on the ground around your fallen keys.
“We’re a fucking mess,” you manage to get out between left over laughter and catching your breath.
Frankie lets out a loud breath, trying to calm himself and he nods in agreement. Picking up the keys, he hands them to you and stands, offering you a hand that you gladly take and try to steady yourself once you’re safely back on your feet.
“You alright?” He asks, running his hands over your hair and brushing at the crown of your head. As if he’s inspecting you for any injuries and you hold your breath.
The best you can manage is a nod, eyes flicking to meet his and you search them for any sign that he’s feeling exactly what you are.
He is. Expressive brown eyes that tell you everything you need to know.
Frankie sighs, pulling his hands back from your face and groans. Kicking at the pavement and mumbling quietly to himself.
Has the moment passed? Did you not react how he was expecting?
Turning back to you, he gives you a self-deprecating smile. “We’re drunk,” he explains. His tone is apologetic and you wonder why he’s saying the words if he feels bad about them in the first place.
“Maybe a little,” you agree. “Doesn’t mean I haven’t had, what I’m sure is, a much better date than I would’ve if that guy had shown up.”
You can tell your words mean something to him. It’s like he’s got this loose energy that he doesn’t know what to do with. Like he wants to shout and scream and run down the street. It makes you want to know more about him- what he’s thinking, how he’s feeling.
Bouncing on his toes, Frankie hurriedly pulls out his phone from his front pocket and hands it to you. “I wanna see you again. Put your number in there?”
The phone is old. Flip-phone old and you laugh as you figure out how to program your number in there, adding your name along with a smiley face at the end before handing it back over to him.
“I had a really great time tonight, Frankie,” you promise him, fiddling with your keys. “Thank you for saving me from what was probably going to be a terrible night.”
“Me too,” he agrees, pursing his lips.
It’s like he’s deciding his next move and it catches you off guard when he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek.
Once there’s a fair amount of distance between you, Frankie heads down the sidewalk and waves. “I’ll call you,” he tells you, calling over his shoulder.
“You better,” you yell back.
Your grin is huge and you’re sure he can see it, even as he continues to walk backwards, watching you, and he disappears into the night.
Frankie calls the next day.
Phone numbers that weren’t saved in your address book were usually sent straight to voicemail but there was a nagging feeling deep in your gut to just answer it so you move to the edge of the sidewalk and out of the crowd and pick up.
You catch a sigh and Frankie’s voice sounds over the speaker, bringing a smile to your face instantly. “Hey, it’s uh. Frankie. From the bar last night?”
Laughing a little, you nod to yourself. “Yeah. I remember you. Almost knocked me out when we bumped heads trying to pick up my keys.”
“Oh good,” he sounds relieved and you glance around as you wait for him to speak again, hoping the conversation was more than just chit-chat. “I know we just saw each other yesterday but I was wondering if I could see you again. Tonight maybe? If you don’t have plans. It’s fine if you do, I just thought I’d ask.”
He’s rushing through his words and you can tell instantly that he’s had to psych himself up to call you from his nervous tone through the receiver.
You don’t have plans and you’re more than eager to see Frankie again. Wondering if last night was a fluke and hoping that it wasn’t. Relationships weren’t your forte but maybe this was the exceptiontion. He was the exception.
“Yeah, I’d really like that Frankie. Just wanna meet me outside of my building around 7?” You chew on your lip nervously.
“Yeah,” he tells you. “That- that would be great. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you chuckle. “Bye Frankie.”
Suddenly thankful that you were done running your errands for the day, you headed back home with a grin on your face that didn’t seem like it wanted to leave. Cheeks aching, you wondered what and if he had anything planned.
It had been too long since you’d gone on any sort of date. A real date; something planned and thought out unlike the blind dates you were used to. Frankie didn’t seem the type for a typical dinner and a movie, and something about that idea had you even more excited to see him. Everything about the situation with him was unpredictable: the chance meeting at the bar, to the walk home where you laughed harder than you could remember. There was clearly something there between the two of you and it was exhilarating.
The rest of your day was spent cleaning and daydreaming about the night you might have with Frankie. You wondered if this was how it was supposed to feel when you liked someone. The concept was foreign to you, your relationship history basically nonexistent. Was it possible that he was just as nervous as you were?
As 7pm rolled around, a text sounded over your phone and you leaned over on the counter to see Frankie telling you he was outside. Grabbing a light coat on your way out, you took a deep breath and locked the door behind you. No turning back now.
Frankie was dressed similarly to last night. Jeans, a t-shirt and a tan jacket that looked like it’d seen better days. His hat was missing and his hair looked soft, the ends curling around his ears. You greeted him with a smile as you walked out of your building and he nodded, rocking back on his feet.
“This isn’t weird, is it?” He asks, nodding his head as you both started to walk left down the sidewalk. “The fact that we met last night and we’re seeing each other again?”
You chuckled, “It’s weird in the sense that I’ve never done this before. Any of it. But no, to answer your question. I wanted to see you again and I am, so.” Shrugging, you turn to listen to him as you both continue to walk, keeping to the side.
“Yeah, me too. I mean, I’ve met people in bars. Women. But it’s usually a one night kind of thing-,” Frankie stops himself and groans, running a hand down his face in embarrassment. “That sounds bad. Fuck.”
“Ain’t no shame in the game, Frankie. I’m not here to judge you,” you promise, pausing as you wait for the crosswalk sign to turn white so you can cross the street. “Where are we going, by the way?”
Frankie waits to answer until you’re both safely across the street and heading further into downtown, the crowds getting thicker and you push yourself against his side so as not to lose him. His arm finds its way across your shoulders to keep you close and he answers, leaning his head down closer to your ear. “There’s this bar and arcade thing down a couple more blocks that I figured we could spend some time at. Maybe head to the park after that and walk around. See where the night takes us?”
It’s easy to tell he hasn’t quite planned this out and something about that makes your heart race. He really had just wanted to see you, planning this as he goes only so you can spend more time together.
“The park can get a little murder-like late at night,” you point out with a laugh,
“That’s true. Well, we can always just see where the night takes us after we play a couple of games then if that’s alright?”
“That’s the part where you’re supposed to tell me you’ll protect me,” you poke a finger into his side and laugh. “But yeah of course, Frankie. Whatever you wanna do,” you reassure him. “I’m just along for the ride.”
The bar slash arcade was… something. You weren’t sure what you were expecting but it wasn’t what you walked into. The building was packed to the brim; loud noises, slots and different game noises sounding from every corner, and a small bar was tucked in the left corner with a tv playing what looked like The Shining above it.
“Have you been here before?” You raise your voice, balancing yourself on his shoulder to get closer to his ear.
He nods shouting back, “Yeah, once. Came with a couple of buddies of mine. They’ve got some cool retro games in the back that we used to play as a kid. Everyone loves air hockey too, right?”
You can see the air hockey table he’s referring to. The black light makes everything under the table glow and it reminds you of the arcades off of food courts that most malls used to have. The skeptical feeling you had when walking in seems to fade away and suddenly you’re excited, wondering why you hadn’t been here before when it was so close to your apartment to begin with.
“Once the table clears, I wanna play,” you say, tugging Frankie towards the back where you see a racing game that looks familiar.
Frankie exchanges a few bills for tokens while you hold the two racing games and once he’s slid in the appropriate amount, it’s immediately turned into a competition.
As the screen starts to countdown to your race, you turn to him quickly with a proposition. “If I win, you buy me a beer.”
“I was gonna buy you one anyway,” he tells you, shaking his head as if he’d do anything less. “But alright. If I win, you have to give me a kiss right here.”
He annoyingly points to the empty spot on his jaw where his facial hair didn’t seem to grow, that you had drunkenly pointed out the night before, and you can’t help the loud bark of laughter that escapes your lips as you quickly nod. “Deal.”
You’re almost tempted to lose once the race starts, just so you can kiss him there. But deep in your gut you feel like there’ll be plenty of opportunities to kiss him there in the future so you don’t hold back. The routes feel familiar as you and Frankie virtually drive through them and you’re sure you’ve played this game before, years ago.
As you both reach the last lap and the finish line, you just barely win and pump your fists as you cross. The screen declares you the winner in big font, a trophy spinning in circles and you turn to Frankie. “So, about that beer.”
You two end up at the bar for a little over an hour. The barstools surrounding the area are a hot commodity and once you and Frankie are sat down, you’re reluctant to give them up, especially with the bartender keeping your drinks filled without having to ask.
Frankie tells you about his friends. Benny, Will, and Santiago. How they’ve kept him going since returning back to civilian life. He says they’re all one big support group to each other, knowing that even if it feels like there’s no one you could count on, one of them is always around. There’s a tightness to his voice when he talks about them, like he can’t believe his luck that he has such supportive friends. The clear despair on his face has your chest aching, and you squeeze his hand in comfort.
It makes you yearn for a friendship like that. Most of your friends are married and it’s harder to relate to them when you’re single and living in the city while they’re still living in your hometown with a couple of kids. You tell Frankie as much and he sympathizes and points out that you have at least one friend in the city now, shaking off the emotions of such a heavy conversation.
“Looks like the air hockey table is free,” you nod, seeing the table free for the first time that night.
Frankie nods, standing up to grab his wallet. “You grab the table, I’m gonna close out the tab.”
You quickly walk over, grabbing the two handles and knock a few tokens into the machine when the lime green puck pops out. Frankie joins you a few seconds later, grabbing his handle and standing opposite you.
“So, what are we competing for this time?”
You think for a moment, “Well, I don’t think I need another drink. What about if I win, you have to cook me dinner sometime this week? Maybe Wednesday?”
Frankie seems taken aback by your suggestion but readily agrees. “I can do that. And if I win, you have to cook me breakfast Thursday morning.”
His offer isn’t lost on you and you toss the puck onto the table with a smirk as the air starts to push it around. “You’re on.”
The match is filled with trash talk as you two play. You even manage to gather a small crowd of people around you, cheering you both on. It’s close. For every point you get, Frankie’s one step behind you. Your wrist is starting to ache and the countdown starts on the side, signaling the end of your game in the next 30 seconds.
“You’re gonna lose, Frankie,” you taunt, scoring another point and he tosses the puck back on the table and shoots it towards you as you block it, sending it back across the table.
Except you lose. By a point.
There are cheers for Frankie and slaps on the back as another couple takes over the table and you both move to the side to watch.
“I can’t say I’m all that mad that I lost,” you tell him honestly, glancing up and locking your eyes with his own deep, brown ones.
“It was kind of a win-win for both of us either way,” he agrees, nudging his arm with yours. “So, another date Wednesday night?”
You nod quickly, “Sounds perfect.”
--- Frankie walks you home a few hours later.
After the arcade, you both grab slices of pizza from a small place down the block and walk around, grease staining your fingers and tongues burnt from being so hungry.
Most people are tucking themselves back into their beds at the late hour, your watch showing it was coming up on 2am as you both approach your building.
“A successful first date, I think,” you turn to him, arms wrapped around yourself as the wind turns cold around you. You sniff as your nose starts to drip, scrunching it up and Frankie laughs.
“I think you’re right,” he agrees, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you against chest in a hug.
You savor the warmth as you press your cheek against him, then turn your head. “I should go inside. And you should head home, it’s so fucking late.”
Untangling yourselves, Frankie shoves his hands into his pockets and knocks his arm against yours. “I’ll see you Wednesday?”
Nodding quickly, Frankie shoots you a smile and turns, jogging across the street to where his truck is parked.
It’s like seeing him walk away pushes something inside you, itching to see him just once more and you call out to him quickly before he can get in his truck, “Frankie! Wait! I forgot something!”
He turns to watch you run across the street as he stands in front of the driver’s side door, looking at you curiously once you’re stood in front of him.
“What did you forget?”
“This.” And you lean over to press a kiss to the bare spot along his jaw, the sparse hair around it tickling your lips and you pull away with a grin.
Turning to glance both ways before crossing the street you call behind you, “Goodnight Frankie!”
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
The Cowboy - Part 10
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Summary: Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all.
Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x female reader
Genre: cowboy au / drama / romance / if you squint there’s some enemies to lovers up in here.
Warnings: Jung Jaehyun is a cowboy, need I say more? (a bit of angst and drama, and it sometimes might feel like you’re reading a Nicolas Sparks book, so I’m told lol) -- swearing, and I’ve never been to a rodeo in real life so I probably didn’t make a fully realistic scene, so don’t hate me, it’s fiction lol
Word count: 2281
This series will be updated every Thursday and Friday.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
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It truly was another world. The country music was playing live from the stage nearby and the endless row of stalls selling assortments from horse gear to food overstimulated you. You had lost Avery in the crowd, the tall man crossing paths with a group of women from high school.
Jaehyun smirked. “He’s always been the popular one.”
“And you the troublemaker?” you offered and Jaehyun laughed, shaking his head.
“You’re the troublemaker. How do you propose I deal with worrying about you when I’m warming up Trickster soon? Maybe you should come with me.”
“I’ll be fine exploring whilst you do that. I’ve seen you ride so much now, I’m convinced your butt is a perfect shape to mold to any saddle seat.”
“Well, you should know, having seen my butt how many times now?”
“Jaehyun!” you gasped, slapping his upper arm and looking around yourselves. You relaxed, realising you saw no familiar faces nearby.
He seemed to read your mind. “Avery knows about us. He’s helping me out by keeping his mother clueless.”
“Would anyone else come from Blayne today?” you asked, and Jaehyun shook his head.
“Not really. It’s more so people from the town over that will. And whilst you’re a household name in Blayne, you’re not on familiar terms yet with others. Which means…”
“Which means?” you repeated, grinning when Jaehyun reached for your hand, interlocking your fingers. You looked down at the gesture. “I felt that tremble, Jaehyun.”
“What tremble?” he feigned innocence for only a moment. “Maybe I have some butterflies about today. I want this to go well.”
“It will. I know it will.”
“Because I have your support?” he teased, and you shook your head, trying not to roll your eyes.
“Because it’s a passion of yours. I can tell you want this opportunity.”
“It would be real nice. Joey told me if I qualify, he can help me with the training. I’ll need to find extra time to do it, maybe travel to his barn a few times a week for evening training but it’s doable.”
“You’re so cute, you know that?” you said, recycling one of Jaehyun’s lines. He picked up on it and laughed. “I like seeing you this hopeful.”
“I’m hopeful about us too.”
“You are?”
“If I win today, my Dad will be pretty chuffed. Maybe we could tell him about us.”
“No more acting like teenagers over this. We’re grown adults, Jaehyun. Regardless of if you win or not, let’s tell him. I’m planning on meeting with him on Thursday for my business proposition, so if that goes well, I doubt he’ll have any concerns about us.”
“This is my Dad we’re talking about. There’s a whole lot about him, about us, that you don’t know.”
“Are you hiding someone in the attic?!” you asked, gasping dramatically. Jaehyun rolled his eyes. “You’ve got an entirely different life kept behind closed doors? How about being the culprit to-”
“Here you two are,” Avery interrupted, eyeing your linked hands with high interest. “Is this why you wanted to come today, Y/N? Away from the prying Blayne eyes, you can finally go on a date with your beau?”
“A date?” you pondered before looking up at Jaehyun. He grinned. “We’ve been on a few of those already in Blayne.”
“And no one knows that you two are together? Woah, I’m impressed with how well you’ve covered them up.”
“Not for long,” Jaehyun announced and you smiled happily, nodding in agreement. “But I am mighty glad you’re back, Avery. Can you keep an eye on this one? I’m sure if left to her own devices, some of the sellers in the market here will have her pulling out money she doesn’t need to spend.”
“You’re insulting my judgment so easily!” you called after Jaehyun’s departing back.
Avery grinned. “Well, you chose him over me. I’ve been doubtful of your taste this whole time.”
“Avery McConnell?”
Spinning to see another woman approach you both, you grinned. “He’s all yours. I’m going to go watch from the stadium.”
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An hour had passed by, and you were struggling with the concept of being at a rodeo. On one hand, it was thrilling to watch but also reckless. You knew there was a danger behind the sport, as there was with most sports. But you didn’t realise how easy it was to fall off at this calibre of competition.
You gasped as a young girl, no older than fifteen hit into a barrel and her horse was deep in the turn, losing its footing and the pair fell, the horse landing on top of her. With bated breath, you watched as she managed to get back to her feet, albeit with an evident hobble.
“Your first time?” an older woman asked knowingly, and you nodded. “Not from around here?”
“Originally from the city,” you admitted sheepishly, and the woman laughed.
“Called that by a mile.”
“Do I stand out that much?”
“You’re no country pumpkin like me, that’s for sure.”
“Ah.” You looked her over and smiled. “I think you’re lovely.”
“I wasn’t meaning how we look, love. You’re here to support your boyfriend, aren’t you?”
“How did you know?”
“And he’ll come out here soon, and you’ll be the type to cheer. Don’t. It’s really tacky and could throw him off. Do you even know what barrel racing is about?”
“Some. There’s three barrels, and you have to make it through the sequence with the fastest time and without touching them.”
“It’s a dangerous sport. The horses are trained athletes. It might be all over in fifteen to seventeen seconds, but during that time, it’s a race against their life. They need to move without any issue, carry the weight of their rider perfectly, and dig deep to get around and then gallop off again. And the riders are just as focused. It’s more than just a sequence. Everything counts.”
“Wow, and he had a chance to go pro for this?”
She laughed loudly then. “All cowboys will tell you that, sweetie. Who are you rooting for?”
“Jung Jaehyun,” you mentioned and her amused expression dropped, scooting closer to you. Leaning back from her sudden invasion of your space, you laughed weakly. “Is that a problem?”
“Oh, he’s good. He’s back on the circuit? He took time off ever since the fire. I didn’t think he’d be back to this level.”
“What fire?”
“Blayne’s fire,” she replied, her eyes now peeled to the catalogue, checking out Jaehyun’s details. She gasped. “Joey Newman’s horse?! He didn’t come to mess around today.”
You smiled politely at the woman, slipping into your thoughts. You knew this was a big thing for Jaehyun, but was he that big of a deal in this world? The new information explained the nerves, but he had downplayed this to you all day long. The barrel racing was one of the last sports on the schedule for this rodeo, and for hours beforehand, Jaehyun had assured you it was like a training event. Yet, this woman now had you believing otherwise.
“Can I ask something?” you enquired, coming out of your reverie and the blonde woman nodded. “What happens if he makes the top five today?”
“He’ll be scouted. Perhaps he already is getting calls. He held the fastest time for five years straight in this region. Everyone wanted a piece of him before his father pulled him out.”
“Pulled him out?” you breathed, blinking rapidly. “Why did he-?”
“How about you ask your cowboy that you’re having a fling with all about it, once he’s done racing the clock, if you have further questions.”
“It’s not a fling,” you corrected and she smiled sadly at you.
“Darl, I was dating Billy Burke. You might not know that name but everyone around here did. He went pro, won the Nationals and become a million dollars richer.”
“A million dollars?!”
She shrugged. “I was pregnant with his baby at the time he got offered to go pro. We were supposed to get married. But, you know, it was his dream to go pro. When given the choice between love and the race, he chose the latter. So what if he has money? He has all that fame now too. All I have is his kid who hasn’t met his Daddy once. Let me warn you, cowboys might charm you with their country hospitality but they all have bigger goals than the farms they run back home. Once Jaehyun is given the chance, he’ll forget that Blayne even exists.”
“I doubt that,” you defended. “I’m sorry to hear of your circumstances, and even if Jaehyun and I end, I can confirm Blayne means more to him than-”
“You really don’t know what he did to Blayne, do you?” Pity for you emerged in her eyes. “What do you know aside from his body then?”
Getting up, you stormed out from the bleachers you had been sitting upon, feeling foolish for being so worked up by a stranger. Before you could leave, however, Avery leapt up towards you and clapped his hands together. “He’s next up. Where are you going?”
“Oh, I uh, need fresh air.”
“Worried about him falling off? Don’t be. He’s the best here today, you’re about to see it. No one else can go from being a farmhand to a decent barrel racer without practising than Jaehyun. Come on, you can get air after his run.”
Nodding numbly, you allowed Avery to push you along, taking a seat again. Avery greeted a few of the people around you, and you watched the horse and rider before you now, finishing their run with ease. You looked to the sidelines, wondering where Jaehyun was.
“I thought you said he was next.”
“He is. He’ll be making his way in any second now.”
The grating voice of the commentator muted as soon as you saw the spotted horse come racing into the arena, your eyes peeled on the pair heading towards their first barrel. Clasping your hands together, you watched on intensely, praying Jaehyun and Trickster would make it around safely.
The woman had been right. It was a sport that relied on precision and speed. You had always considered a minute to be such a short period of time, but as the seconds went by, you found yourself changed. Every second counted now.
Jaehyun and Trickster rounded the final barrel and galloped to the exit, Avery’s screams and sudden shaking your arm jostled you out of the blur that had been your vision towards the end.
Fifteen seconds was all it took to give you clarity on your feelings.
“He made it! That lucky son of a bitch!” Avery rejoiced, and you stood up jarringly, walking down the aisle to the exit. Avery was still full of energy at your side. “He’ll be cooling Trickster down, Y/N. Come this way to the holding pen.”
You followed along in a slight daze, your heart thumping with the thoughts within your head. You disregarded all the information, the warnings that stranger had given you. When you saw Jaehyun walking the heavily breathing animal around and patting his neck, you almost broke into a run to reach the side of the pen faster.
Noticing your arrival, Jaehyun grinned and walked the horse over. “Well, what did you think?”
“I think I’m in love you,” you announced sincerely.
“After seeing only one run?!” Avery joked, but Jaehyun’s expression grew serious, not shifting away from yours even as he continued to walk the horse around.
Distractedly, Jaehyun called out for the groom of Joey’s ranch and dismounted, walking over to you and ducking under the metal bar that separated you from him. “You mean what you say?”
You nodded, choking on the sudden emotions that had come with your confession.
“You can’t take it back after I give you this chance, Y/N. You mean it?”
“I love you,” you repeated, and that was all it took for Jaehyun to crash his lips upon yours.
There was no thought to the professionals around you, nor Avery who had stepped aside to give you albeit a tiny amount of privacy. You didn’t care at all who watched you lock lips with Jaehyun right now.
Because it felt right.
You hadn’t expected to arrive in Blayne and find yourself looking in different directions for your life. It had always been well-planned out. You would build your career and work hard during these years, so when you had achieved all you set out for you could relax into love and create a family.
The country didn’t work like that. The values were so different from what you had experienced in your fast-paced life. And now that you had been given the opportunity to slow down a little, to take in the world outside of an office and not be attached to a screen day in and out, you were finding your desires were changing too.
You liked the idea of waking up in someone’s arms and falling asleep whispering sweet nothings to one another. During those fifteen seconds, you imagined your life without Jaehyun in it, and it made you want to do absolutely everything in your power to remain at his side.
You meant the love confession. You had never spoken of love to another person before. It was liberating, fulfilling. As Jaehyun burned his lips into yours, you knew he felt the same.
It hadn’t been long between you. But this summer romance was shaping your world more than you believed it had for his parents all those years ago.
You couldn’t imagine going back to the city now.
Part 11
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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gagmebucky · 4 years
hiiii i wrote this awhile ago but took it down because i was 👉🏼👈🏼 embarrassed about it (because i do not have the skill to pull off peter parker) and sorta still am but everyone’s been so nice to me about it i thought the best way to repay the kindness by posting it for those who did like it 😅 (originally inspired by spider man 2 with andrew garfield but loosely set in the 2018 issue of the amazing spider-man.)
in which the guys are making fun of peter and accidentally see a video of him fucking you. (includes avenger!peter x girlfriend!you, peter’s pov, voyeur!steve and voyeur!bucky, a sex tape featuring d/s dynamics, bondage, praise kink, exhibitionism, unprotected sex.) 
do not repost.
Despite being twenty-one years old; a proper adult who lives with his high school sweetheart, a photographer doubling as a seven-year veteran vigilante in the dangers of New York, Peter Parker is still considered as a super-powered amateur to his seasoned peers. 
Nonetheless, given his success in countless battles in the state, country, world and even galaxy-wide, he more than qualifies to hold the title of Avenger; it’s official now. A laid-back induction ceremony and his very own identity card: a sturdy rectangle, shiny with full clearance and all. Yet, as an official member, his teammates still treat him like he’s that same goofy, out-of-his-depths sixteen year old.
To be fair, yes, his style of heroism isn’t the most serious. He favors levity in the face of danger, a cheeky flare with smart quips and an infuriating grin. Even after taking a beating from the worst of foes, his demeanor never wavers because in the end, he wins. The villains are slayed and the people are saved, even comforted by the boyishly confident way he works. 
But beyond that persona, he has grown into a skilled warrior. On that note, he wants to be regarded as such—at least, to a certain extent. The jokes and teasing, poking fun at his age or the shenanigans he gets himself into, don’t bother him. No, his playful wit handles it with relative ease, and he’s a good sport about it. The only thing that he’d want to see change is some recognition that he isn’t a naïve kid anymore and is fully capable of taking charge when needed.
With his recent acceptance into the gifted pantheon, he’s intent on making that known. The jesting can continue but he wants it to be with an understanding of his capabilities. Luckily, a perfect opportunity has presented itself to showcase his abilities: a training session. 
He’s late. And yes, he knows that’s probably not a good impression to make.
In his own defense, it isn’t technically his fault. He forgot that you, his personal alarm clock (amongst other things), left early this morning because you volunteered to help his aunt move. Four years of mornings and nights, he’s gotten used to—and prefers—your languorous wake-up call.
Without your reminder, he regains consciousness fifteen minutes after the scheduled time and ends up scrambling to the compound. In a flurry, he throws on his suit—unknowingly backwards, he realizes later—trips at least three times over his own footing before he finally springs out of the balcony with webbed bursts.
When he reaches his destination, Captain America and the Winter Soldier are unimpressed; mid-simulation, it powers down. Both super-soldiers whirl around to face him, fixing raised eyebrows at his disheveled arrival.
He adjusts his now front-facing suit and shuffles forward into the space with as much confidence as an interrupter can have. “H - hey, guys,” Peter greets sheepishly and manages what he hopes is a charming smile, absentmindedly fidgeting with his phone. “Lookin’ good for a couple of geezers.” 
Unfortunately, Steve Rogers is not charmed or disillusioned from the tardiness. “You’re late, Parker.” His arms fold, and he shakes his head when punctuating his disapproval with an echoing, “Again.” 
Thankfully, to his right, more relaxed and cool, Bucky Barnes steps up. “C’mon, Stevie. Y’can’t be that surprised,” he chimes in matter of factly, contrasting against his friend with amusement sparkling in his blue eyes. “What’d you expect with Parker?” He gestures at the younger superhero. “Kid’s gonna be late to his own wedding.”
(Beside the point, but worth noting, he will not be late to meeting you at the altar. That is, of course, if you accept when he pops the question. Which is going to happen relatively soon, considering he has the ring in his nightstand drawer.)
The consult seems to relax him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right and—Peter, you—seriously, man?!” Steve sputters the last bit when he glanced over to see him blatantly check the notification that’s vibrated in his hand (on the device that is ruled to be stowed away during training). “Now the phone?!” 
Even though he shouldn’t, being on thin ice with Cap and all (pun not intended), Peter’s gaze flickers down to see your contact name appear on the screen, and he can’t resist. While Bucky guffaws a laugh at his audacity, he’s swiping up to pull up your text thread. 
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:37AM: spider boyyyyy you’ll never guess what i found in a box labeled ‘peter’s junk’ ;;;)
peter, 10:37AM: those magazines are NOT mine and i don’t know how they got there.
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:38AM: not quite but close, naughty boy
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:38AM: for a man who depends on keeping secrets and a penchant for home movies, you might ought to keep a lock on your phone unless you want someone to see me like this...
> you 😛❤️🥰, 10:38AM: (video attached)
Immediately, he recognizes the pornographic thumbnail. One glance, and he’s remembering the first couple of times you guys explored the exhibitionism side of things. It was at the end of his freshman year of college and taped on a phone he thought he had lost. But he must've forgotten it at his aunt’s house, and she tossed it in the box until you came along. 
Although there’s been plenty more made, he recalls that one being a shared favorite, his especially. When long-distance duty calls, it was his go-to media. The angles, your face and body beneath the lights, the sounds it caught, you once asked if he considered switching to cinematography instead of photographer
Subconsciously, his teeth run over his bottom lip, feeling that blazing spark of desire igniting in the pit of his gut, partially at the memory and partially at what’ll happen once you guys can re-watch it together; his thumbs start typing away with that message.
“Peter!” Steve’s exasperated voice snaps, but to no avail—the real gall of the youngster, or the effect of you. His weight shifts toward his best friend, and he nudges him with his elbow. “Kids these days!” The hundred-something year old’s gaze cocks a brow back over. “Is that why you were late? Blowing off training to text your girlfriend?”
The text delivers with an audible bloop. Finally, his concentration gives, and he can look up, though his expression is clueless from the last minute. “Huh?” His brain registers what he missed, and he winces. “Sorry, Cap. My bad.”
Bucky chuckles. “Give him a break, Steve,” he faux comes to his defense, a teasing quality underlying his tone. “He’s young and in love. It’s not his fault he’s pussy-whipped.” He cracks him an antagonizing grin as Peter rolls his eyes. “He can’t go an hour without sending those little weird pictures with heart eyes, or she might not know he’s thinking about her.”
“As if you know anything about romance, old man,” he fires back and presses past them with squared shoulders, correcting him quite seriously: “And they’re called emojis, by the way. But that’s not what I was doing, if you want to know so bad.”
The brunette tilts his head thoughtfully, and small hackles arise for reasons he doesn’t understand, or pay attention to. “You know, I do want to know really badly,” Bucky decides and poses a question to his left, “Wouldn’t you, too, Steve? Aren’t you curious what his girlfriend sent that was so much more important than training?”
The blond mimics his actions and clicks his tongue. “Yeah, I am.” 
Peter’s eyebrows pinch while his skin tingles and the hair on the back of his neck stands straight up. “What—” Before his senses process it, one of the super-soldiers plucks his phone out of his hands and darts back beside his best friend. His jaw drops as he tries to follow after him. “Bucky, you asshole—”
“Some spidey senses, huh?” The Winter Soldier lifts it high over his head, utilizing his six-foot stature against his five-ten like elementary school bullies do and older siblings to their juniors. “Haven’t ‘cha heard about sharing with the class?” He laughs and practically stiff-arms him to squint up at the screen. “Aw, he can’t wait to see her. What’s it been, more than two hours since you two saw each other last?” 
Conceding to the height difference, Peter stops his physical efforts and diverts it to someone reasonable. “Cap, you gonna help me out here?” he addresses the entertained onlooker in the most friendly voice he can manage. 
“The kid’s got separate anxiety not just from his girlfriend but phone too, Buck,” Steve drawls with a lopsided curve of his lips. He side-steps Peter to stand next to Bucky, and for a second, he thinks he’s on his side despite the tease, but he simply adds a stern, “So be careful. You don’t want to break it, or Parker will have a fit.”
Peter crosses his arms and scowls. “Ha, ha,” he retorts dryly, only somewhat amused by their banter. He tilts his head up at them, and the duo look thoroughly pleased with themselves. “You know, you guys are kind of dicks.”
“No, we’re your mentors, kid,” Steve corrects with a wink and rests his arm on his friend’s shoulder. “This is a lesson. No phones—” He jabs his thumb back in reference to the device’s unlocked screen: “—when you’re supposed to be training.” 
“Yeah,” Bucky chimes in upon glancing up from his phone. “And a little advice, women don’t like clinginess. Try being a little more stern and see how that works for you. If you’re able to manage that. But I won’t hold it against ya if you can’t.”
“Uh-huh,” Peter patronizes with a bob of his head, biting back a response pointing out the hundred-something year old’s inexperience. Instead, he focuses on the electronic readily loaded up with some private content. With that, he decides to do the rational and mature thing and ask nicely. “Noted. So, uh, can I have my phone back now?” 
To his shock, Bucky merely flashes a smirk and his thumb scrolls half-heartedly over the thread. Thereafter, he leans toward Steve and raises his cell for him to see. “Oh, look, it’s a video,” he teases. “What could Y/N send that would take priority of training?” 
There’s an unspoken let’s see then a metal finger taps the play button. Before Peter can think, much less react, Captain American and the Winter Soldier are watching how he effortlessly renders his pretty little girlfriend into a cute nonsensical yet eager mess— 
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In his point-of-view shot, the ratio holds in portrait view in a bid to capture every bit of you. Above you, the camera focuses on you and your beautifully debauched state beneath warm lighting where it’s unalienable that the camera was made for you. 
Your eyes are dilated brightly, desperate with desire as your lashes flutter up at him. A sheen coats your features and glistens like glitter at the highest points of your face while the shape of your face is framed by your stretched arms. 
Your wrists are bound over your head, splotched with expertly sprayed strong, white webs. The mesh sticks them together in a criss-cross, comfortable but nearly impossible to break out of, fixed in place atop his headboard. The tautness tugs a mild strain on your figure so your breasts are jutting out like an offering, and it’s obvious he’s taken advantage of it. Darkened marks adorn your glowing complexion, peppered across your décolletage with imprints of his teeth; including your nipples, sucked swollen and tender. 
The angle trails down until it reveals the sight of him mercilessly pounding inside of you. His better-than-average girth is sliding in and out of your tight channel; slicked in shared translucent essence, creaming around the base, your inner walls visibly clinging to his cock with every backward stroke. His hand splays on your mound, using his thumb to abuse your engorged clit. He easily keeps the sensitive nub pinned under his control despite your wildly twisting hips. 
Like the display, the soundtrack is equally obscene. Loud, your stuffed depths gush and squelch as skin slaps rhythmically. Your breathy, wanton moans overshadow both, drawn out whimpers, almost nonsensical other than the syllable of his name. A melody of neediness, you sound so fucking pretty, (depraved, like a whore, you once told him during your little film marathon with a sly smile), and for him specifically.
The frame pans upward and confirms you look just as good. A perfect mess, unhinged by the skilled ministrations of your boyfriend. Passion beads on your forehead like reflections off of a diamond. Panting, your lips are plumped from kissing parted with mewls of pleasure. 
“P - please—I need to—can I - I please—” You’re begging like the sweet little thing you are, incoherent babbling the result of his excessive edging. Of course, you know better than to give into the sensations ravaging you; instead you ignore your visceral desire and ask him for your release. “Peter, please!” 
A deep chuckle vibrates behind the camera as his big hand slides into view, trailing over your jiggling tits to the slope of your throat. “Maybe,” he says breathily and grasps the line of your jaw between his fingers. “Open your mouth first, babe.” 
No more preamble necessary, you follow his direction, your pink tongue flat over your Cupid’s bow. Immediately, a long string of his saliva drips into view and onto your taste buds; the vulgar act is accepted with a swallow and a quivering moan of, “T - thank you.” 
“Good girl,” he praises huskily, and the voiced approval has you visibly shivering. “Alright, then, pretty girl. Make it good for me, and c’mon—”
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Before your otherworldly reckoning washes over you and his teammates can watch your bliss immortalized in film, Peter snatches his property back. 
Not much force is necessary as Bucky’s grip has been stunned loose. A dark expression permeates on young hero’s face but not because of embarrassment; if he was still nineteen or eighteen, he would’ve been mortified that his titular superiors caught a depraved glimpse of his sex life, on both his and your behalf. Rather than, there’s just a flit of annoyance when he folds his arms.
“Shit,” Bucky is the first to speak, exhaling the swear raggedly. His blue pupils have widened in obvious attraction, dilated dark, blinking rapidly as if it’ll help calm him down from the clip of you, his innocent seeming girlfriend, all ruined and begging. “Parker, fuck, I - I didn’t know you got down like that.” 
There’s a swell in his chest, pride beating steadily while he remains reticent-faced. He prefers you keep your bedroom activities secluded there. Yeah, he likes to be in control and you like to be controlled but it’s only in a sexual nature. Yet, their reactions—stunned, embarrassed and viscerally affected—surges smug satisfaction he’s never known before through his veins. 
Even the prestigious Captain America is bothered, though he may try to hide it. He clears his throat, a flustered pink coloring his cheeks. “Peter, uh,” he says, barely maintaining the confidence to look him in the eye after witnessing his girlfriend like that. “We - we shouldn’t have invaded your privacy like that.” 
“Uh-huh,” is Peter’s response, a hint of a smirk curling on one side of his lips. “Why don’t you guys call me after you’re finished with your cold showers, and we can actually train. Until then, I’m gonna go to my girl who’s more than eager to handle mine.” He pauses. “Maybe if you guys ask nice enough, I might let her show you how well I’ve trained her.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 9
Aaaaaand chapter 9 is here.
Aelin and Lysandra have a very interesting conversation.
Aelin and Rowan have a fun day at work and their relationship evolves a bit more.
Elias does not have the brightest of the moments... but hey, the poor man is competing against Rowan. I'd be nervous as well if I were him.
A couple of things about updates. Chapter 10 is faaaaaaar from being completed So I highly doubt I will update tomorrow. I am coming back home late from work so it will be Wednesday. Also, I ran out of the chapter I wrote quite easily at the beginning (That's why the speedy updates) so I will post a bit slower, but don't worry. I want to keep posting regularly.
Well, that's all the announcements.
Happy reading <3
After the bad storm the town was slowly returning to normality. The emergency services had worked non stop to fix the power cut and to re establish the phone lines. Rowan had decided to open a bit later that day since he was still helping out his aunt to clear up her place and gave Aelin the morning off. Knowing that it was Friday and that Lysandra was off work, she decided to give her a call. She hadn’t heard from her in a while and she missed her friend. “Hey stranger,’ said Aelin in greeting “Do you still remember me now that you have a boyfriend?” “Always. Aedion still does not know that he is the third wheel and that you are my only love.” “I miss you.” Aelin confessed and Lysandra picked up her sad tone immediately. “Un-oh what happened?” “Remember when I told you that I had not yet found a sexy Scottish guy?”
Lysandra laughed. Her friend had been teasing her non stop about that. “Yes. Forget the asshole down here and get a move on.” “I lied.” Aelin took a breath “I have two.” Over the phone she heard Lysandra gasp loudly “Tell me everything.” Aelin started pacing around the living room. “Scottish man number one is called Elias. He is mr Nice Guy. He is sweet, intelligent, funny and let’s not forget good looking.” She could just imagine her friend reaction on the other side of the phone. Lysandra was probably on the couch, her legs on the coffee table and a notebook in her hands to take notes about her love life. “Did you have sex with him?” Lysandra could not contain her excitement. “No, Lys!!” “Just asking… why not? Especially if he is so hot.” Aelin stopped in front of the window staring outside and mulling over an explanation. “Because of Rowan.” “Ah… let me guess, he is Scottish man number two.” Aelin sighed and Lysandra took the sound as a yes. “Ok, what’s his deal?” She could ear her friend munching on something. Sweeties of some kind, she bet. Aelin picked up pacing again “We… we had a very bumpy start. He basically hated me, but we are on the mend.” She picked up the last book she took home from the shop. “Sure. Sure. Is he sexy as well?” “He is… so handsome that it hurts. He has silver hair and the most amazing green eyes I have seen in my life.” She closed her eyes for a second and pictured his face and a timid smile appeared on her face. “Silver as in grey? Damn, is he old? Are you contemplating a May-September romance?” “No. His hair is silverish and is as old as me.” “Sexy.” Commented Lysandra laughing. “He has a bookstore and I work at his shop.” She confessed in the end and waited for Lysandra. “You do not.” “I do.” “So extra sexy bonus.” A massive extra bonus. Not only he was extremely attractive physically. She was drawn to him intellectually as well and that was a turn on. They could talk about books for hours, something she had never been able to do with Chaol as he read the only genre of books she hated: crime. “But things are complicated. He has baggage too.” And she knew that was just an excuse to justify her indecision. “Who doesn’t, Aelin. Especially if he is close to you age. What do you expect? If he is as hot as you say, of course he has been with other women.” Aelin sighed again “It’s more complicated than that.” “And I assume you can’t choose.” Lysandra was always spot on. “I… Lys damn…” she felt so frustrated by the situation. “Let it go, darling.” “Elias… is easy to be with. He is aloof. He has baggage as well but he laughs about it. There is very little drama with him. He makes me laugh and he is caring.” “But?” “We kissed but.… it felt wrong. The kiss was good but it just felt wrong.” She had thought about it for a while. Being with him had been easy. Their adventures had been fun and when he was nice to her and it was okay but it never felt fully right. “And what about Rowan.” “I am not sure where we stand. We are both stuck, but when I am with him I feel things, emotions that not even Chaol gave me. He feels right, Lys.” “Have you smooched?” “No. We held each other, he kissed my head. He gave me his hoodie.” She felt like a schoolgirl at her first experience. But maybe there were some advantages to going slow. “I think I have feelings for him. Big damn scary feelings.” “How big?” “I want to kiss him. Badly. Run my hand through his hair. And his arse, Lys… damn that man has the most amazing arse ever.” Lysandra laughed “What about his hands?” “Let’s just say that I want them to do the most despicable things to me.” Lysandra laughed hard in Aelin’s ear “someone is really horny. And Elias does not make you feel like this?” Aelin closed her eyes for a moment and thought about the times they kissed and although the kisses had been good, they had not awakened the same fire. “Nope. I like him but no… not even a spark.” “You want Rowan, Aelin. This is quite clear.” And Aelin knew Lysandra was right. “I don’t want to hurt Elias. He has been nothing but nice to me.” “Ae, you can’t keep them both. From what you told me it sounds like you like Rowan more, but I can’t be the one telling you what to do. You are there and have to decide. Whichever way you go one is going to suffer.” She missed her friend deeply. Lys had always helped her when she was in trouble with something. They were good at brainstorming and Lys had the power to show her what she didn’t want to see. “There is a reason why I always ask you when it comes to men.” Lysandra scoffed “How’s Aedion?” “He is coming over later.” And Aelin laughed. She was happy that Lysandra had finally what she wanted. She deserved it. “So you’re going to spend your day off having sex.” “Oh no, we’ll have lunch and dinner too. Don’t worry.” Aelin looked dat the clock and discovered it was time to go to the shop “hey babe, gotta go. Rowan is expecting me at the bookshop. Thanks fro the chat.” “I am here. Whenever you need me. Just keep me posted.” “I will. Love you.” They said goodbye and Aelin hung up. Then she ran for the shower.
Half and hour later she was on her way to the bookstore. The chat with Lysandra had helped and she thought she had finally made up her mind about which man she wanted by her side. But her heart was not at ease yet. She was not sure if Rowan wanted to be in a relationship again, especially now that they worked together. What happened with Lyria had shaken him a lot she did not think he was ready yet and she was not going to push him. But still, she could not stop thinking at how close they had been the day before. How she had held him at the window. He had not pulled away from her but indulged in the contact with her. Without realising it she had reached the shop. “Morning,” “Nice hoodie.” He said to her pointing at what she was wearing. He had brought back the hoodie after he went back to his place and found her asleep on the sofa as he had ordered. “I think so too.” And she snuggled in it “A guy gave it to me.” ‘How dare he?” Aelin grinned and joined him at the counter. His eyes were alive and the lines of his face were soft, she just wanted to go on her toes and kiss him. badly. “How’s Maeve’s shop?” Rowan nodded “all fine. Fire dept say it’s safe for her to go back to business as normal.”
They were still speaking when a group of tourist made their way into the shop. “Hi,” Aelin greeted them “Let me know if you need something.” A moment later she spotted the shy kid hiding behind his father’s leg. She kneeled in front of him and offered him her hand “Hi, I am Aelin.” The boy’s head peaked out and stared at the woman in front of him. “Marcus.” He replied timidly. “That is a very great name.” And the boy smiled back and moved away from his father. “Do you like books?” The boy nodded. “Can you read already?” Aelin guessed the boy was either four or five and although some kids would start to read at that age it was still a bit early. “Very little.” Answered the father I still read to him at the moment, but he is learning and he is making good progress.” “I think I have something for you.” Aelin stood and went to the kids section and grabbed a book then went back to the family. Kneeled again and gave the book to the boy “This is for you. I think you will like it, if you can’t read it ask your dad, okay?” And brushed her hand in his dark hair. The boy gave her a toothy grin. The boy nodded and in the end he gave her a huge hug and thanked her. “Do you and your husband have kids yet?” The man asked looking at Rowan when he said the word husband. Aelin froze. She turned to Rowan who was laughing silently in his corner while following the scene. “No, not yet.” “Well, you seem a natural around kids. It will help you when you have them.” Aelin stood and let the family continue browse until they left and she and Rowan were alone again. As soon as the shop was empty Rowan folded in two and erupted in a wild laugh. And he kept laughing until he had tears in his eyes. Aelin stared at him from the other side of the counter with her arms folded at her chest. “What’s so funny, husband?” “Your face, wife.” And slowly the laughter calmed down and Rowan began breathing again “I am sorry that was hilarious.” The last spark of laughter bubbled on his lips. She ran to him and started tickling savagely until Rowan wiggled free and ran around the shop with Aelin chasing him. If any passerby saw them from the window they would have thought they had gone insane. He then turned and his hands were ready for his round of tickling. “You are a dead man, Whitethorn.” And Aelin began running until he caught her and pinned her to a bookcase and tickled her. “I yield!” She shouted. She lifted her head and noticed that Rowan’s face was mere centimetres from hers, his pine green eyes sparkling with mirth. He took her breath away. She squeezed out and went back to the desk “I am paying for that book.” “You don’t have to. It was a nice gesture.” She folded her arms again “You might be stubborn but I win, husband.” Rowan’s heart skipped a beat again at hearing her calling him like that. No matter how hard he tried to keep his distance from her, what happened in the shop a few minutes earlier was the clear example of why he couldn’t. Somehow, in a matter of a short period of time she had manage to steal his heart. And he didn’t want to let her go. The bell woke him up from his revelry and Aelin went straight to help the customers. She had been an amazing help. She was fantastic with people and would take her time to offer suggestion to customers looking for idea. She was good at listening and giving the right recommendation. Something that Lyria wasn’t, said his treacherous mind. Sneakily he observed while she was discussing with a woman one of the books in her hands. A realisation sneaked in his heart. He was in love with her. Utterly and completely in love with her. A part of him was terrified at the idea. He recoiled from his thoughts when the woman Aelin was speaking to reached him at the counter with four books. He laughed internally, Aelin was good for business as well. The woman paid and left. “You convinced to buy four books.” Aelin had a smug smile on her face “She had no idea which one to choose but she was intrigued by all of them I gave her a reason for each book for why they were good. In the end she took them all.” She flicked her braid “I am amazing that way.” Rowan lifted his eyebrow in doubt. “Plus, I think she was flirting with me.” Rowan’s eyes bulged in surprise at the statement. “She kept touching my hand on purpose and brush her fingers against it.” She joined him at the counter “Maybe I should chase her and try my luck with a woman.” Rowan froze and his brain betrayed him with some non work friendly images. Aelin burst out laughing at his reaction “You just pictured me having sex with her.” “I did not such thing.” He tried to regain some composure. She moved closer to him and her face was very close “You did.” She winked at him “Imagine me all you want.” Her voice was soft and it sent shivers down Rowan’s spine. Then she went back around the shop tidying up where customers had moved things. Rowan stood in silence realising that she was shamelessly flirting with him.
The afternoon had been busy and they had quite a nice flow of customers. Aelin had worked her magic again and Rowan had a massive grin by the end of the day. “I guess tourist season is starting.” She joined him and she was now wearing his hoodie and a flutter of joy and smugness reached his stomach. “Hug me.” She said surprising him. “Uh?” “Your smell is fading. Hug me so I can top it up. Come on.” She opened her arms in welcome. A moment later she was in his arms, he held her tight, with his chin leaning on her head and he breathed in her scent. She smelled of jasmine and lavender. He only let go when she told him. “Good, I should be fine for a couple of days. But once I wash it you will have to wear it for a while.” Rowan bowed “Of course m’lady.”
She and Rowan had just closed the shop after a long but fun day when she got a text from Elias asking her to meet him. He was down at his usual parking spot and waiting for her. “See you tomorrow.” Said Rowan, touching her hand briefly. Aelin almost grabbed his hand back, craving contact with him. She said goodbye and started walking to the marina. In the distance she spotted his car and he was leaning against it as usual. He was wearing a suit. Probably just came for work. And yes, he was handsome but she noticed that her feelings did not go past that. No spark, no heat. Aelin sighed, she had her answer. She had felt a spark for him at the very beginning, but as soon as her feelings for Rowan had mutated, so had the ones for Elias. “Hi stranger,” he greeted her. He moved toward her for a kiss but Aelin swiftly moved to his side and kissed him on his cheek. The brutal realisation that she didn’t want his lips on her anymore hit her like a train wreck. She noticed his reaction and felt guilty. She had to find the courage to talk to him, to explain. “How was your day?” Aelin asked trying to keep the conversation innocent. “Boring and tiring, and I missed you.” He grabbed her hand and she had to fight the urge to pull back. “I have this effect on people. They can’t stay away from me.” She joked but something passed in his eyes. “That you do.” He closed the distance, an arm sneaked around her waist and pulled her into a brief kiss. Aelin almost pushed him back. She couldn’t. She just couldn’t anymore. When he let her go, she took a step back just to put some distance. “I need to go away for work for a week. I have to be down in Glasgow and I am flying out tomorrow.” Surprise washed over her at the news. She had a week to think about how to break the news to Elias. How to let him down gently without hurting him. That was good. That was really good. “Still too early for dinner, fancy a walk around Lews castle grounds?” “Okay.” She wanted to say no, she had a book to finish and she was dying to discuss it with Rowan but in the end she accepted and they walked in the direction fo the grounds. Always making sure there was a bit of distance between them. She felt bad when h noticed the disappointment in his eyes. Damn, she was a horrible person. Then he noticed her University of Glasgow hoodie. Rowan’s hoodie “I thought you studied in London.” And pointed at the writing. Shit. Shit. Shit. “It’s not mine. It’s Rowan’s…” anger flashed through his eyes. That flicker of emotion had been impossible to miss “I was cold and I left my jacket at home and he lent me his hoodie.” Liar. “What did he study? Book science 101?” And anger rose in her at the comment. “He did bushiness management.” Her reply was almost a growl. “You know quite a lot about him all of a sudden, even share his clothes.” “Where are you going with this, Elias?” Her fist clenched and unclenched at her side. She had punched a man once she had no problems doing it a second time. “We work together. We talk.” “I don’t like the guy, okay?” He confessed. “Ah, but you liked him enough when he helped you pick my book about Callanish. You had no problem with him picking the perfect present and making you look good.” Shock was all over his face “How do you know?” “I am going home. I am tired.” She turned around but he grabbed her hand. “Aelin…” “Have a good week in Glasgow.” She freed herself from his grip walked away and leaving him down at the marina. Round the corner she breathed out and a sob broke out of her. Quickly she walked home and once the door was locked behind her, she slid down the door and sat against it and cried.
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phoebe-lou · 4 years
A Forgotten Birthday
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Number Five x reader
Summary: After saving the world from the apocalypse, Five struggles with living a simple life causing a strain on his relationship.
Word Count: 2009
5...4...3...2..1! Happy Birthday to me.
Sunlight shone throughout my room, and a gentle breeze drifted through the open windows. Looking over at the clock which now read 6.00am, I allowed a smile to grace over my lips. I had been restless all night and had been sat up worrying about Five like usual. I hoped today would be different, giving both of us one day to take a break from his obsessive apocalyptic nature.
Rolling over on my side, I was shocked to find the other side of the bed empty and Five's early morning 'signature' coffee missing. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I peeled back the duvet and groggily trudged over to the bathroom. After gently splashing some cold water over my face and brushing my teeth, I tossed my crazy-ass hair into a messy bun like a boss, and began the trek to the kitchen.
Expecting to be greeted with breakfast and a fresh cup of coffee, I found non other than a half-naked Klaus passed out on the table, and Five no where in sight. For fucks sake. I rolled my eyes and began making Klaus some breakfast as he'll need some hangover food to soak up all the alcohol. I decided to just throw in some toast and pour a glass of orange juice, as Klaus began waking up and mumbling something about his ass and chocolate pudding?
"Morning sunshine." I said with an amused smile on my face, whilst Klaus began to groan and pulled himself up into a sitting position.
"What rude bitch opened the blinds this morning?" He said after accepting a glass of orange juice I handed him.
"That would have been you, and your amazing Picasso skills last night I'm guessing."
Klaus looked up at the blinds to see that someone had cut them up to make some clothes, since there was underwear shaped holes missing.
"I was wondering what I was wearing, it's definitely not yours or Allison's."
"I think the yellow 'blind' underwear, really complements your eyes." I laughed winking at him, as I took the toast out and began buttering it.
"So what year is it again?" Klaus mumbled as he began munching on the toast I put in front of him.
"You mean the date Klaus?."
"Yeah that."
"It's __________ (insert birthday🥳)."
"Holy shit!" Klaus shot up, knocking his chair over and throwing the toast to the ground. Then sassily marched over to me, where he pulled me into a giant bone crushing hug. Jesus how does he wake up so fast?
*Meanwhile Ben just rolls his eyes*
"There is way too much Klaus and Y/N in here, this early in the morning." Diego huffed as he began filling up the kettle, not even bothering to comment on Klaus's attire.
"Good morning to you too Antonio Banderas." Klaus laughed and high-fived me.
"Besides it's only 7.00am." I smiled.
"Oooo whose got your panties in a twist?."
"Anyway, Happy Birthday Y/N." Diego huffed.
"Awww you remembered, I knew you loved me really." I said forcing Diego into a hug which he eventually gave into. Suddenly another pair of arms wrapped around us. Diego became alarmed and shouted "What is wrong with you?!"
Klaus innocently smiled "I just wanted to be part of the moment."
"What's wrong with who?" Trust monkey boy to enter at this moment.
"I'll take this as my leave." Diego shrugged Klaus's arms off him, then subtly tilted his head at me, towards a card he placed by the microwave. Before marching off, after I gave him a beaming smile and a wave.
"Happy Birthday kid."
"Thanks Luther but you know I'm 28 years older than you."
"And your even more immature than Klaus, and trust me that's saying something."
"Rude. Hey don't agree with him Ben, you're supposed to be on my side." Klaus began to have a one-sided argument with 'Ben.' While I took this as a chance to slip out the kitchen and get ready.
*2 hours later*
Yes I'm high maintenance, and looking this gorgeous takes a while.
I finally finished my outfit my adding my new moon necklace, which was a birthday present from Luther (that was probably picked by Allison).
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I sprayed some perfume and let my h/c  hair fall down. Mission was ago. Find Five. Get drunk. Party. Have an awesome birthday. Go back a few steps and whoop Five's ass for no breakfast in bed. Perfect.
I looked through the entire house, where there was no trace of him so decided to head over to Griddy's Doughnuts. As I opened the front door, I walked into Allison and Vanya who immediately wished me a Happy Birthday and began planning a girls night out. Just what I need after putting up with all this shit, Five keeps throwing at me.
*Flashback* - Warning Mild Smut ⚠️
I was lounging across Five's bed pretending to read this boring romance novel, whilst Five was consistently writing long, complicated equations all over his wall. I wasn't expecting this is what he meant when he invited me over to spend sometime together. My patience was wearing thin, as I tried to tell myself that he was just not used to having a life outside of the apocalypse. But I went through it with him, so if I can learn to adapt, he should to.
Sneakily looking over at him, I came up with a plan to draw his attention away. Gently placing the book on the bed, I slowly walked towards him and placed my arms around his neck. It was no shocker that he immediately tensed up and his brows began to frown deeper.
"What do you want Y/N?"
"Not much." I whispered in his ear, as I ghosted my lips over his neck. "Just a little bit of attention."
Five sighed and tried to focus on the equation he was working on, which had now proven difficult as I began to pepper kisses along his jaw.
"Come on, enough."
I ignored him and began to drag my soft kisses down his neck, sucking a little harder until I found his sweet spot. Got you.
"Y/N...." He drifted off, as the pen dropped from his hands.
"Hmm?" I smirked and began grasping at his dark hair.
He finally turned around and smashed our lips together sloppily, as our tongues began fighting for dominance. He obviously won. His hands began to gently slide up the bottom of my top, just resting above my hips as he began to draw circles on my skin. Suddenly blue sparks surrounded us as I found ourselves teleported onto his desk.
He shoved all of his work out the way and began making out with me again. I gradually lifted my arms up, as he began to pull my top off...
My eyes fluttered dreamily as I looked over at Five who was frowning at me.
"For gods sake, did you fall asleep?! I wanted some help with these equations as you're the only non-idiotic person I know. Ugh forget it, of course it doesn't matter if there's another apocalypse." He whined sarcastically, and turned back around, continuing his work.
Five's writing came to a stop and as I launched my book at the walk near his head.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted, finally exploding with frustration.
"You're an ass." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes and teleported away, probably before he did or said something he'd regret.
I preferred dream Five.
*Flashback over*
Arriving at Griddy's, I locked the car and walked over to the entrance and went inside. Surprise, surprise my 'affectionate' boyfriend was sat with a mug of coffee writing equations on napkins.
"Well, well, well good afternoon handsome." Five looked up irritated and forced a smile.
"What is it?" Was he joking?
"I thought we were going to spend the day together, you said you had something planned last week."
"We'll have to reschedule or something."
"Hahaha very funny grumpy-ass." He didn't look very amused, as he sighed and took a long sip of coffee.
"Can we talk later, I'm kind of in the middle of something?"
Alarms were going off. He had forgotten. Maybe he needed a little more convincing and a few hints.
"Well today is kind of a special day." He looked blankly at me before he gave me a genuine smile.
"Is it national coffee day? Thanks for reminding me gorgeous." He smirked and winked. Was he for fucking real?
"Maybe you should get some cake with that coffee."
"The sweetness ruins the bitter taste I like." You bitter old bugger.
"Isn't there something you're forgetting Five? Some sort of special day, for a special girl."
"Shit. You're right. Meet me at the house in 20 mins." With that he teleported away. Well my work here is done. I'm expecting a decent last minute party though.
After wasting 30 mins shopping, I decided to head back and see what Five had done. As I entered the house it was really quiet, until I reached the living room....
Where Five sat lounging on a sofa drinking margaritas with Dolores.
"Well when you say about a special day for a special lady, I remembered-d that it's been some years years since we found the lovely-y Dolores." He smirked cheekily at me and offered me a glass.
"Are you drunk?"
Just at the wrong time everyone came rushing in with party poppers, and balloons shouting 'SURPRISE.' I looked down to the floor with angry tears burning down my cheeks, I couldn't believe him. Everyone could sense the tension in the room, except for Five who still looked completely clueless.
"What's goin-n on? He slurred.
"Check the calendar..." I whispered.
I couldn't stand everyone looking at me with such pity so I went straight to our room, crying myself to sleep early.
*A few hours later*
I woke up to knocking at the door.
"Go away."
Hearing the familiar sound of Five's special jump I buried my face into my pillow.
"Can we talk...?"
"Please... Y/N."
"Can we just..."
"WHAT?!" I hissed, ripping the duvet off me to glare at him.
He straight away noticed my red, blotchy face, and long tear lines causing my mascara to run down my face.
"I'm sorry..." With that Five burst into tears. I'd only ever seem him cry twice so I wasn't sure what to do.
"I'm sorry-y... I've j-just been trying-g to be ready f-for something bad to happen-n again, as I know the c-commission wants order-r. We've both been-n to hell and b-back, and I can't imagine-e loosing you. I j-just wanted to keep-p you safe, but I've b-been so wrapped up in d-doing all these possible equations-s, that I've p-pushed you away.... Then I've been-n so preoccupied that I forgot-t your b-birthday..."
"Oh Five." I wrapped my arms around him as he began to sob into my chest. I whispered soothing words as I gently rubbed his back.
"You'll never loose me, and I'm not upset about my birthday that much. I honestly just miss spending time with you, and can't believe you prioritised coffee and a manikin over me you ass!" At this Five chuckled and began to calm down.
"You know I don't say it enough... but I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Five."
"Did you want to have that amazing party you've been telling me about?"
"Actually can we just spend the rest of today cuddling and watch a move?"
"Anything you want love."
"You were totally jealous of Dolores."
"Shut up Five."
Hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think 💖☂️
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linkfms · 3 years
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☠️    *   what  is  up,  party  people  !    i’m  jojo  (  she/her  ),  23,  and  in  the  pst  timezone.    it’s  been  a  while  since  i’ve  been  in  a  group  so...  pls  bear  with  me.    anyway,  under  the  cut  you’ll  find  more  info  on  resident  emo  boy:  link  !   i’m  so  excited  to  write  with  u  all,  and,  if  u  ever  want  to  plot  give  this  a  lil’  like  or  send  an  im  over  @  yea right#4256  !
lincoln  “link”  seong  was  spotted  in  the  fashion  district  adorning  prada  combat  boots,  with  some  airpod  pros  on.    they’re  most  likely  listening  to  when  you  were  young  by  the  killers.   you  may  know  them  as  @hyperlink  or  as  that   jeon  jungkook  lookalike.    their  twenty - fourth  birthday  just  passed.    while  living  in   tribeca,   they’ve  gained  a  bit  of  a  reputation.    they’re  known  to  be  erratic  but  on  the  other  hand   vehement.    wonder  if  they’ll  be  the  next  person  to  hit  the  headlines.   (  cis male  &   he/him  )
full  name:   seong  hyunjae  (  성  현재  )    /    lincoln  seong.
nickname:  link,  and  will  probably  only  answer  to  link  !
age  &  date  of  birth:   24  &  november  21,  1996.
hometown:   born  in  busan,  south  korea,  but  moved  to  jefferson,  connecticut  in  2006.
current  location:   tribeca,  new  york.
education:  completed  high  school  and  attempted  first  semester  of  university,  but  decided  to  pursue  music  instead.
occupation:   drummer  for  indie/alternative  rock  band,  my  time  (  sound  is  similar  to  bands  like  the  killers,  the  1975,  and  paramore  ).   also  is  an  affiliate  with  an  esports  organization  !   doesn’t  play  competitively,  but  streams  and  creates  content  for  them  weekly.
sexual  orientation:   pansexual  &  panromantic.
gender  &  pronouns:   cisgender  male  &  he/him  pronouns.
↳     THE  BACKGROUND:   BIOGRAPHY.  (   tw:  mentions  of  alcoholism  &  abuse  )
seong  hyunjae  (  later  given  the  english  name  lincoln  seong...  thanks  linkin  park  !   )   was  born  in  the  heart  of  busan,  south  korea.    his  parents  married  at  the  age  of  21,  due  to  the  cultural  expectations  of  having  a  child  born  out  of  wedlock.    while  things  seemed  to  be  smooth  sailing  for  a  while,   the  couple  realized  the  real  struggles  of  adulthood.   financial  issues  came  into  play.   stress  from  working  multiple  jobs  every  single  day  took  a  toll  on  their  mental  health,  as  well  as  their  relationship  with  each  other.   link’s  mother  began  to  develop  an  alcohol  addiction,  and  her  abusive  behavior  came  following  after.   their  home  was  falling  apart,  with  four-year-old  link  falling  asleep  to  muffled  screaming  and  glass  being  thrown  on  the  next  room  over.   his  father  was  able  to  withstand  it  for  a  while,  but  he  drew  the  line  after  coming  home  from  work  to  see  large  cuts  on  the  side  of  his  son’s  thigh,  and  a  bruise  forming  across  his  cheek.   that  was  when  he  knew  his  wife  was  dangerous.    so,  one  night  when  lincoln’s  mother  as  at  work,  he  packed  his  belongings,  grabbed  link,  and  left  without  looking  back.
for  a  while,  it  was  just  the  two  of  them.    they  found  ways  to  make  it  work,  and  despite  the  fact  that  it  was  a  constant  struggle,  his  father  never  wanted  link  to  lose  his  childhood.    in  fact,  his  father  gave  him  everything  he  could  give   —   but  most  importantly,  as  cheesy  as  it  sounds,  his  unconditional  love  and  support.    as  someone  who  lost  his  own  parents  young,  he  made  sure  that  link  would  never  feel  like  he’s  being  deprived of  that,  ever.   they  created  this  tight-knight  bond  because  of  that,  which  can’t  ever  be  broken.   and  now,  link’s  fondest  memories  always  involved  spending  time  with  his  father.    one  favorite  memory  of  his  involved  morning  jam  sessions  after  breakfast.    link’s  father  was  previously  a  lead  guitarist  in  a  garage  band  with  a  few  of  his  high  school  friends,  so  while  he  was  playing  riffs  on  his  electric  guitar,  eight-year-old  link  would  be  banging  the  coffee  table  with  plastic  straws.   
when  link  was  about  ten,  he  and  his  father  sold  all  of  their  belongings  and  moved  all  the  way  to  jefferson,  connecticut  for  a  job  offer  that  he  couldn’t  refuse.   fast  forward  a  few  years,  and  he’s  a  teenager  in  high  school.    growing  up  link  was  more  of  an  introvert,  and  would  spend  his  time  in  the  computer  lab  playing  video  games  or  browsing  in  online  forums.   he  was  a  regular  in  this  my  chemical  romance  forum  (  under  the  username  @hyperlink  ),  and  made  a  lot  of  his  lifelong  friends  over  there.    one  of  his  online  friends  jokingly  suggested  one  afternoon  that  they  should  start  a  band  over  their  nightly  skype  call,  and  while  it  was  initially  shrugged  off  as  dream  more  than  an  arm’s  reach  away,  my  time  was  born.    link  had  to  endlessly  plead  his  father  to  buy  him  a  secondhand  drum  kit  off  of  craigslist  for  christmas.   but  once  he  found  it  under  their  tree  that  year,  it  sparked  this  drive  in  him  to  learn  and  practice  nonstop. 
their  first  official  band  practice  happened  a  day  after  link’s  high  school  graduation  (  which  was  also  the  first  time  everyone  saw  each  other  in  person  !   ),  and  they  spent  that  entire  summer  making  music.   at  first,  link  only  thought  of  it  as  a  hobby...  since,  he  was  attending  his  first  year  of  university  that  fall.   but  after  playing  their  first  few  shows  and  making  all  these  memories,   he  couldn’t  keep  the  band  in  the  backburner.   he  dropped  out  not  too  long  after  to  pursue  his  music  career  full-time.   moved  out,  spent  the  next  few  months  working  long  shifts  at  the  local  amusement  park,  and  shared  one  two-bedroom  apartment  with  his  bandmates.    one  of  their  songs  went  viral  one  crazy  night,   and  the  next  thing  they  knew,  they  were  being  signed  into  a  record  label.   now  ?   they’re  one  of  the  biggest  alternative/indie  rock  bands  out  there  with  multiple  platinum  records,  sold  out  world  tours,  and  millions  of streams  each  year.   their  time  finally  came.
link  definitely...  gets  babied  a  lot   (  by  his  bandmates  and  his  fans  ),   and  he  uses  that  to  his  advantage  :]   because  of  that  he  gets  away  with   a  lot  of  things,  but  it’s  usually  with  things  that  are  small  like  eating  the  last  slice  of  pizza  and  it  would  be  justified  with  “  no  he  is  a  growing  BOY  he  NEEDS  it  !  ”
that  being  said,  he  eats  nonstop.   the  guy  carries  a  sandwich  bag  full  of  cheerios  wherever  he  goes.   his  friends  know  that  if  they  can’t  finish  eating  something,  they  can  always  donate  it  to  link  for  a  good  cause.
when  my  chemical  romance  announced  their  reunion  tour  in  2019,  he  threw  his  phone  across  the  room  and  cried.   my  chemical  romance  (  with  green  day  and  linkin  park  as  a  close  second  !  )   are  his  all-time  favorite  bands,  and  a  lot  of  my  time’s  sound  is  heavily  inspired  by  them.
when  i  tell  u  that  this  man  is  so  chill,  i  mean  it.   like  things  could  LITERALLY  be  on  fire  and  he’d  be  like   “  just  throw  some  water  on  it  it’ll  be  fine  😎  ” ...  he’s  not  the  type  to  worry  about  things,  and  is  more  of  a  go  with  the  flow  type  of  person.   he  doesn’t  even  need  to  be  zooted  to  be  like  this.   KJFGDG
being  in  the  band  and  a  part  of  the  entertainment  industry  caused  a  small  shift  in  his  personality.   maybe  he  just  blossomed  ?   who  knows  !   but  because  he’s  been  exposed  to  the  rockstar  life,   he  was  able  to  open  up  more.   he’s  always  seeking  thrills,  big  or  small,  and  won’t  have  the  time  to  think  about  the  consequences  for  his  actions.  
because  the  my  chemical  romance  forum  that  was  once  his  second  home  shut  down,   he’s  since  moved  on  to  reddit.   social  media  isn’t  really  his  thing  (  and  his  fans  always  get  mad  at  him  for  posting  a  selfie  once  a  month  then  dipping  ),  but  catch  him  on  subreddits  making  comments  or  starting  fights  for  the  sheer  entertainment  of  proving  someone  wrong. 
this  might  sound  bad  but...  he  still  can’t  wrap  his  head  around  the  fact  that  he  isn’t  ?   financially  struggling  anymore  ?   even  if  he’s  already  bought  a  house  and  two  luxury  cars  for  his  dad,  he  still  gets  ticked  off  if  he  sees  something  small  like  an  APPLE   that  is  marked  a  dollar  and  a  few  cents  over  the  usual.   he  catches  himself  using  things  until  they’re  ABSOLUTELY  worn  out,  and  still  leeches  off  of  his  bandmates/friends  when  he  can.  <3   also,  if  something  is  broken,  he’ll  be  the  type  to  figure  it  out  and  fix  it  himself.
people...  don’t  exactly  remember  the  last  time  he’s  slept.   it  could  be  the  insomnia   (   it’s  definitely  insomnia,  thx  childhood   trauma  !   )  but  it’s  almost  gotten  to  the  point  where  he’s  afraid  to  fall  asleep  on  his  own.   he’ll  always  try  to  find  ways  to  sleep  in  someone’s  company,  even  if  it’s  just  him  crashing  on  a  couch  while  someone  is  watching  tv  right  there.   if  he’s  alone  though,  he’ll  always  try  to  find  ways  to  distract  himself  like  stream  for  10  hours  straight.
speaking  of  trauma...  he’s  also  scared  of  relationships.  after  witnessing  the  way  his  mother  treated  his  father,  he’s  cautious  of  history  repeating  itself...  but  with  him.  so  whenever  he  catches  himself  even  falling  for  just  a  little,  he  dips.
his  life  revolves  around  the  4  m’s:   marvel  movies,  minecraft,  music,  and  my  chemical  romance.   that’s  it.
a  link  😏   to  his  pinterest  !   also,  i  don’t  have  any  wcs,  but  if  we  plot,  i  promise  i’ll  use  my  big  brain  to  brainstorm  something  with  u.  <3
18 notes · View notes
wayhavenguide · 4 years
Book One, Chapter 9
Choice 1
I’d introduced myself with enthusiasm, and the two of us hit it off straight away.
People +12%
Optimist +6%
Teamplayer +12%
Verda Relationship +3
His obvious intelligence was… imposing, at first, but I eventually realised he’s a really laid-back guy.
Deduction +8%
Optimist -6%
Teamplayer +8%
Verda Relationship +2
We were both focused on work, but got to know each other in time.
Deduction +12%
Optimist -8%
Teamplayer -12%
Verda Relationship +1
Another science-minded colleague was just what I’d needed; we bonded over our shared interest.
Science +12%
Optimist +12%
Teamplayer +8%
Verda Relationship +3
We’re on good terms, though our relationship has always been more good colleagues than friends.
Optimist -12%
Teamplayer -12%
Choice 2
Choice 3
If the Detective chose tea or coffee at the cafe, they will go to take a drink from their cup only to realize the dregs have gone stale.
If the Detective chose water at the cafe, they will go to take a drink from their cup only to realize their glass is empty.
Choice 4
“If I’d realised the time, I wouldn’t have kept working.”
By the Book -10%
“My mind’s been so all over the place. I didn’t realise I was here so late.”
By the Book -10%
“That’s not exactly unusual for me.”
By the Book +10%
“A detective’s work is never done…”
By the Book +10%
“So are you.”
No effect
Choice 5*If the Detective found the dock worker’s anchor pin
“I was hoping it wouldn’t be someone local.
Sarcastic -8%
“Ah yes, he was always such a delightful piece of work…”
Sarcastic +8%
“We’ll have to bring him in.”
Impulsive +8%
“I knew the guy was a waste the first time we arrested him.
Charming -8%
“None of this makes him the actual murderer though.”
Impulsive -8%
“I’m sure I can get him to talk with my charming ways.”
Charming +8%
Choice 5*If the Detective found out about the chanting
Impulsive -8%
“I will keep them safe.”
Impulsive +8%
“Nothing like the entire town relying on me to help with my stress levels.”
Sarcastic +8%
“Maybe they should help themselves instead of just relying on me.”
Charming -8%
“They’d better be mentioning my charming smile too.”
Charming +8%
“I hope I can live up to their expectations…”
Sarcastic -8%
Give a shrug. “Doesn’t bother me much what they think.”
Friendly -8%
Choice 5*If the Detective learned about the blood transfusions
“Every time we get a step forward on this case, another thing stops us.”
Sarcastic -8%
“Okay, yeah, this really did just get weirder.”
Impulsive +8%
“We better keep this quiet. A normal murder’s bad enough—but this could cause another panic.”
Impulsive -8%
“On the bright side, maybe we’ve discovered a new species! Or at least its blood…”
Sarcastic +8%
“I wonder how I’ll charm the mayor, once he learns the case has stalled.”
Charming +8%
“When the hell is this case ever going to get moving?”
Charming -8%
Choice 6
“Okay, but just one drink!”
Heart +6%
Triggers the Douglas path
The Detective goes out for drinks
“Yeah, you’re right. I deserve a good time during all of this!”
Heart +12%
Triggers the Douglas path
The Detective goes out for drinks
“I suppose it would be good to get a sense of the mood of the people at the bar.”
Heart -8%
Triggers the Douglas path
The Detective goes out for drinks
“I better not. I can’t imagine the mayor being too happy if he hears I went out during all of this.”
Heart -12%
Triggers the Bobby path
The Detective stays at the office
“I would like to… but I can’t. I really need to finish these reports.”
Heart -10%
Triggers the Bobby path
The Detective stays at the office
“No thanks. I’m too tired. I’m just gonna finish up here and then head home.”
Heart +8%
Triggers the Bobby path
The Detective stays at the office
“I’m not really a ‘going out’ kind of [person], you know that.”
Heart -8%
Triggers the Bobby path
The Detective stays at the office
If the Douglas path is triggered, Douglas will be more integrated within the story, while Bobby’s role will be limited. If the Bobby path is triggered, Bobby will be more integrated within the story, and Douglas’s role will be limited.
Choice 7
...totally wasted. The drinks have been going down so easy!
Impulsive +16%
If the Detective said they were only going to have one drink, Tina will tease them. If the Detective said they deserved a good time, Tina will say they’ve definitely had one. If the Detective said they were going to get a sense of the people’s mood, Tina will ask if all the drinks have made them forget about work.
...completely sober. Drinking is not the best idea in case I need to be called in.
Impulsive -16%
If the Detective said they were only going to have one drink, Tina will remind them, pleading them to have at least one with her. If the Detective said they deserved a good time, Tina will say that they haven’t even touched any. If the Detective said they were going to get a sense of the people’s mood, Tina will say it’s a shame they haven’t had even one to forget about work a bit.
...completely sober. I don’t drink, or only very rarely.
If the Detective said they were only going to have one drink, Tina will remind them, pleading them to have at least one with her. If the Detective said they deserved a good time, TIna will say that they haven’t even touched any. If the Detective said they were going to get a sense of the people’s mood, Tina will say it’s a shame they haven’t had even one to forget about work a bit.
...a bit tipsy. I’ve tried to pace myself.
Impulsive +6%
If the Detective said they were only going to have one drink, Tina will tease them. If the Detective said they deserved a good time, TIna will say they’ve barely had enough to cover the outing. If the Detective said they were going to get a sense of the people’s mood, Tina will ask if all the drinks have made them forget about work.
Choice 8
Determines the Detective’s Hair Length (Permanent)
Choice 9
“You were the one who did all the blabbering!”
Friendly +8%
“Stop that talk. I’ll be tearing up in a minute.”
Sarcastic +8%
“Yeah, it’s not the same without having you around.”
Sarcastic -8%
“We still see each other all the time at the station.”
Easygoing -8%
“Oh, don’t go getting emotional on me!”
Charming +8%
“We’ll just have to hang out more often to make up for it.”
Easygoing +8%
Give a simple nod.
Friendly -8%
If the Detective had anything to drink, A will wrinkle their nose and say that they’re inebriated. If the Detective hasn’t been drinking, A will ask if they were planning to become as inebriated as Tina.
Choice 10
Choice 11
“I think [A]’s disapproving glare is chaperone enough!”
Team Unity +4%
F Friendship +1
“I don’t tend to get out much myself.”
No effect
“Might be nice to get to know you guys out of a professional atmosphere.”
Team Unity +4%
N Friendship +1
“Less of a chaperone, more of an enabler.” Wink back.
Team Unity +4%
F Friendship +1
“I’m not sure. I barely know you all.”
No effect
“I’m all for getting out of the office. In whatever capacity.”
Team Unity +4%
F Friendship +1
“Actually, I would mind.”
Team Unity -6%
Choice 12
Determines who you fetch drinks privately with
A Friendship +1
Choice 13
“That’s the point—to lose yourself for a few hours in the noise.”
Impulsive +6%
“I agree. But not everyone is like us, always thinking about work.”
Sarcastic -6%
“Life shouldn’t always be about work. You have to let loose sometimes.”
Easygoing +6%
“Wow...I bet you’re a real blast at parties.”
Sarcastic +6%
“Let them have a little fun. You might even enjoy it!”
Friendly +6%
“I suppose you’re right. People in our line of work have more responsibility than most.”
Impulsive -6%
“Work is important, but it doesn’t always need to happen in an office.”
Friendly +6%
Choice 14
“Sorry. You get that one, and I can manage the rest.”
A Friendship +1
Shiver at the sudden sparks which run over my skin at the touch. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
A Romance +1
If the extended N Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or N Romance is 4 or more, they will catch N staring over at A and the Detective, frown, and then turn their focus to the ground.
Smile and move my fingers further over [theirs]. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
A Romance +1
If the extended N Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or N Romance is 4 or more, they will catch N staring over at A and the Detective, frown, and then turn their focus to the ground.
Pull hand back and reach for the other glass instead.
N Friendship +1
Choice 13
“Glad I could help.”
Friendly +6%
“I think it’s going to take more than one night out to cure some of your team of their problems.”
Sarcastic +6%
“You all do seem rather...tense.”
Impulsive -6%
“It’s not a good idea to rely on others to help you relax.”
Easygoing -6%
“I think I needed some time off badly too.”
Sarcastic -6%
Simply nod.
Friendly -6%
Choice 14
...I say, “Thanks for helping me with the drinks.”
N Friendship +1
...I shuffle closer to [N], a smirk on my face.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
N Romance +1
If the extended A Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or A Romance is greater than 3, the Detective will catch A staring over at N and the Detective, their jaw set tightly, before glancing away quickly.
...I’ve leant closer to [N] than expected, a heat settling over me when I realise. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
N Romance +1
If the extended A Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or A Romance is greater than 3, the Detective will catch A staring over at N and the Detective, their jaw set tightly, before glancing away quickly.
...I tap my foot impatiently, waiting for the drinks.
No effect.
M Friendship+1
If M Romance is above 3, or if the extended M Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, M will call the Detective a nickname. “Handsome” for male detectives, and “sweetheart” for female and non-binary detectives.
Choice 13
“How unexpectedly loyal of you.”
Impulsive +6%
“I’m sure they’re always so appreciative of your cheerful presence.”
Sarcastic +6%
“You should focus more on your own interests.”
Easygoing +6%
“Then why don’t you go back over there?”
Charming -16%
“You guys are obviously close.”
Sarcastic -6%
“That’s...not what I expected you to say.”
Impulsive -6%
Choice 14
“I was only trying to help, jeez.”
M Friendship +1
“Maybe you could show me what else you can do with it then.” Smirk.
M Romance +1
“Like you could do better.” Blush at the suggestion—the idea is more exciting than expected.”
M Romance +1
Sigh and give up on conversation.
No effect
F Friendship +1
Choice 13
“Work can enliven the spirit if it’s something you enjoy.”
Sarcastic -6%
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I like work, but there has to be a balance.”
Friendly +6%
“I don’t know. I’m happy spending most of my time at work.”
Easygoing +6%
“Most people have to work. No point in lamenting something you can’t change.”
Easygoing -6%
“If I had enough money, I would never work again...that would certainly enliven my spirit.”
Sarcastic +6%
“Work is work. It’s never going to be fun.”
Friendly -6%
Choice 14
“Nice try, but you’re going to have to look for distraction from someone else.” Chuckle. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
F Friendship +1
If F Friendship is above 2, they will throw their arm around the Detective’s shoulders.
“Maybe I shouldn’t stay if I’m such a distraction…” Smirk back. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
F Romance +1
If F Romance is above 2, they will throw their arm around the Detective’s shoulders.
I blush at the suggestive tone, though I can’t dampen the thrill it sends through me [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
F Romance +1
If F Romance is above 2, this opens up additional dialogue options where the Detective can choose how they react to F offering their arm to escort them back to the table. None of these options have any effect.
“How? I’m your work colleague. Surely I would just remind you even more of work.” [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
If F Friendship is above 2, they will throw their arm around the Detective’s shoulders.
“If you don’t move your gaze, you won’t be thinking of anything much longer.”
No effect
Choice 15
“I can handle myself!”
No effect
“Maybe you should give me a little credit. I’m pretty capable, you know.”
No effect
“You’re an ass.”
No effect
“I wish you all had been there.”
Team Unity +4%
“You know, for a moment tonight, I thought you were actually a decent person…”
No effect
“Thanks for trusting me, [A].”
No effect
“Oh, well... thank you for looking out for me.”
Team Unity +4%
Don’t deign to reply.
No effect
Choice 16
Choice 17
Choice 18
If the Detective found out about the chanting, they will hear voices talking about finding them, not killing them, bringing them.
If the Detective found the anchor pin, they will see the suspect Tina discovered, not looking much like himself.
If the Detective found neither, they will run into a group of figures that block their path.
Choice 19
Try to grapple the attacker. [STAT CHECK]
If Combat is 25 or higher, their training will kick in and they will successfully charge the attacker.
If Deduction is 20 or higher, they will see a metal sign and successfully throw it at the attacker, knocking them down.
If the stat check fails, the Detective will try to knock him down, but the attacker doesn’t move. The Detective gets knocked down, hurt, and the attacker shifts their focus to them instead of Douglas.
Try to get his focus back on me. [STAT CHECK]
If People is 25 or higher, the Detective will start saying the chants and it will trigger the attacker to resume its mission and come closer, allowing Douglas to escape.
If Science is 25 or higher, the Detective will try to make a lot of noise and successfully draw the attacker’s attention.
If the stat check fails, the Detective won’t be able to think of anything that could draw the attacker’s attention, and just tells Douglas to run away.
Try to place myself in between Douglas and the attacker.
No effect
I don’t know what to do! What the hell is going on?
No effect
Choice 20
If the Detective had any drinks, they will have difficulty regaining their bearings during the fight.
Choice 21
Try to distract them. [STAT CHECK]
Team Unity +6%
If Science is 25 or above, or Deduction is 25 or above, the Detective will use their car horn to debilitate the attackers, and Unit Bravo will take them down.
If the stat check fails, the Detective won’t be able to think of anything to distract them with, and will get dazed. When they come around, Unit Bravo has taken care of the assailants.
Try to fight them. [STAT CHECK]
Team Unity +6%
If Combat is 25 or above, the Detective will work with F and they’ll successfully fight off the attackers.
If the stat check fails, the Detective’s attacks will fail and they’ll get dazed. When they come around, Unit Bravo has taken care of the assailants.
Try to talk them down. [STAT CHECK]
Team Unity +6%
If People is 25 or above, the Detective will try to talk to the attackers and it will seem as if they’re getting through to them. As they’re distracted, M will go around and knock all of them out.
If the stat check fails, the Detective will get dazed while trying to talk to the attackers. When they come around, Unit Bravo has taken care of the assailants.
Hide and wait until it’s over!
Team Unity -6%
Choice 22
“Someone better tell me what is going on. Right now!”
Heart +8%
“You realise none of what you just said makes any sense.”
Heart -8%
“I’m going to assume there is a lot more going on with this case.”
Heart -8%
“Oh, I really hope this is all a dream…”
Heart +8%
“What is going on? Who are they!”
Heart +8%
If A Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If N Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If M Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If F Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective.
If the Romance points are below 4 with all of the Love Interests, N will be the one to catch the Detective.
If Bobby is the Detective’s ex, they will use their nickname for them. If Bobby is the Detective’s ex friend, they will use their first name. If Bobby is an acquaintance, they will use their title.
“How did you get past the front desk?” 
Impulsive -6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
“Oh joy...it’s you.”
Sarcastic +6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
[If Bobby is the Detective’s ex] “Don’t call me that.”
Easygoing -6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
[If Bobby is the Detective’s ex-friend] “It’s Detective [Surname] to you.”
Easygoing -6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
[If Bobby is the Detective’s ex or ex-friend] “It’s a surprise to see you here.”
Easygoing +6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
[If Bobby is an acquaintance] “A surprise to see you here, [Ms./Mr.] Marks.” 
Easygoing +6%
Charming -6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
Sigh, but smile politely. “Do you need something?”
Charming +6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
Wait for [them] to continue.
Friendly -6%
If Bobby Relationship is 0 or 1, the Detective will roll their eyes.
Choice 8
I’m going to need a drink to get me through this conversation. Pour drinks.
No effect
Hell, why not?
No effect
I suppose it’s the polite thing to do.
Bobby New Relationship +1
“If you want one, you get it.” Don’t drink.
No effect
“You’re not going to be here long enough for a drink.” Don’t drink.
No effect
“Definitely not.” Don’t drink.
No effect
“That’s probably not a good idea. Sorry.” Don’t drink.
Bobby New Relationship +1
Choice 9
“You’re not reporting. You’re creating delusions to sell papers.”
No effect
“Actually, I don’t have an opinion on what you’re doing.”
No effect
“You’re making my job ten times harder.”
No effect
“Wow, something we actually agree on.”
No effect
“You have your job. I have mine.”
No effect
“You’re only reporting what’s going on. I suppose I can respect that.”
Bobby New Relationship +1
“I’d enjoy it if I wasn’t the one getting bad press from it.”
Bobby New Relationship +1
Wait for [them] to continue.
No effect
Choice 10
“It’s an act. [They’re] obviously trying to get me to spill something.”
Optimist -12%
[If Bobby is an ex or ex-friend] I think [they’re] genuine. I’ve never heard [them] speak like this before.
Optimist +18%
Bobby New Relationship +1
[If Bobby is an acquaintance] I don’t know [them] that well, but I still think [they’re] being genuine.
Optimist +12%
Bobby New Relationship +1
I’m not sure...better play it safe.
Optimist -10%
Choice 11
“Work is important, especially in what we do. We can’t just clock off.”
By the Book +6%
Heart -6%
A Friendship +1
“‘Fun’? I think I used to know what that meant…”
By the Book -6%
Heart +6%
“You all seem to have an important job. It makes sense why it would take up all of your time.”
By the Book +6%
Heart -6%
“I do wish sometimes I had chosen a career that let me have more free time.”
By the Book -6%
Heart +6%
“Maybe you should force them out to have fun—for their own good.”
By the Book -6%
Heart +6%
“I’m all up for us all going out some time. We should totally blow off steam.”
By the Book -6%
Heart +6%
F Friendship +1
“I’m sure we’ll get free time when this is over.”
By the Book +6%
Heart +6%
“Our work is necessary, but there has to be a balance or we’ll just burn out.”
By the Book +6%
Heart +6%
N Friendship +1
Choice 12
Determines the Detective’s Hair Length (Permanent)
If the extended A Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or A Romance is 4 or above, the Detective will think they caught A watching them stretch. If the extended N Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or N Romance is 4 or above, the Detective notices N’s gaze flicker to them while they’re stretching. If the extended F Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or F Romance is 3 or above, the Detective will catch F’s gaze on them while they stretch and see them smirking. If the extended M Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or M Romance is 3 or above, the Detective catches M watching their motions closely as they stretch.
Choice 13
“I can handle myself!”
No effect
“Maybe you should give me a little credit. I’m pretty capable, you know.”
No effect
“You’re an ass.”
No effect
“I wish you all had been there.”
Team Unity +4%
“Thanks for trusting me, [A].”
No effect
“Oh, well...thank you for looking out for me.”
Team Unity +4%
Don’t deign to reply.
No effect
Choice 14
Choice 15
Choice 16
If the Detective found out about the chanting, they will hear voices talking about finding them, not killing them, bringing them.
If the Detective found the anchor pin, they will see the suspect Tina discovered, not looking much like himself.
If the Detective found neither, they will see four unknown figures breaking through the windows of their office.
Choice 17
A Friendship+1
The Detective will help A
N Friendship+1
The Detective will help N
F Friendship+1
The Detective will help F
M Friendship+1
The Detective will help M
If A Romance is 4 or higher, A will snap their lips shut to stop themself from saying something unexpected.
Choice 18
“Well, thanks for clarifying that!”
No effect
“I’m just your job?” I wish I wasn’t so attracted to [them]. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
A Romance +1
If the extended A Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or A Romance is 4 or greater, A will try to clarify that that’s not what they meant.
Frown and glance away. Somehow, those words sting harder in my chest than expected. [RELATIONSHIP CHECK]
A Romance +1
If the extended A Romance scene was triggered while on patrol, or A Romance is 4 or greater, A will try to clarify that that’s not what they meant.
“My job is to protect others, too.”
A Friendship +1
Shake head and say nothing.
No effect
Choice 18
“Oh crap! I’m so sorry!” Get up.
No effect
“Maybe we should just stay here a while longer…” Smirk.”
N Romance +1
Blush deeply and quickly clamber off. “Sorry…”
N Romance +1
“You’re lucky you have me around to save you.”
N Friendship +1
Get up.
No effect
Choice 18
“I’m all good. Thanks.”
No effect
“You could always do a thorough check-over...to make sure I’m not injured.” Smirk
F Romance +1
“I’m all right, thanks.” I find myself unable to look away from [their] gaze.
F Romance +1
“Yeah, I find falling on my ass always helps me feel heroic.”
F Friendship +1
Just nod.
No effect
Choice 18
“Well, uh, thanks…”
M Friendship +1
“You hoping for something more than a thank you?”
M Romance +1
Glace away as [their] gaze makes my breath speed up. “...Thanks.”
M Romance +1
“...I helped you first.”
No effect
Say nothing and look back to the fight. 
If M Friendship is above 0, M Friendship -1
Choice 19
Try to distract them. [STAT CHECK]
Team Unity +6%
If Science is 25 or above, or Deduction is 25 or above, the Detective will use the fire alarm to debilitate the attackers, and Unit Bravo will take them down.
If the stat check fails, the Detective won’t be able to think of anything to distract them with, and will get dazed. When they come around, Unit Bravo has taken care of the assailants.
Try to fight them. [STAT CHECK]
Team Unity +6%
If Combat is 25 or above, the Detective will work with F and they’ll successfully fight off the attackers.
If the stat check fails, the Detective’s attacks will fail and they’ll get dazed. When they come around, Unit Bravo has taken care of the assailants.
Try to talk them down. [STAT CHECK]
Team Unity +6%
If People is 25 or above, the Detective will try to talk to the attackers and it will seem as if they’re getting through to them. As they’re distracted, M will go around and knock all of them out.
If the stat check fails, the Detective will get dazed while trying to talk to the attackers. When they come around, Unit Bravo has taken care of the assailants.
Hide and wait until it’s over!
Team Unity -6%
Choice 20
“Someone better tell me what is going on. Right now!”
Heart +8%
“You realise none of what you just said makes any sense.”
Heart -8%
“I’m going to assume there is a lot more going on with this case.”
Heart -8%
“Oh, I really hope this is all a dream…”
Heart +8%
“What is going on? Who are they!”
Heart +8%
If A Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If N Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If M Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective. If F Romance is 4 or above, they will run to catch the Detective.
If the Romance points are below 4 with all of the Love Interests, N will be the one to catch the Detective.
41 notes · View notes
best10datingguide · 3 years
Online Dating: 10 Rules to Help Find Your Ideal Partner
We all know that online dating is the easiest way to meet a partner in the digital age - but is it really that simple?
Is there any guarantee that even with the best dating site in the world, you're going to stumble into an ideal partner who you'll want to be with forever? 
How do you know you're choosing the best free dating apps in USA states that aren't populated by scammers and hookup daters?
 The key is to have a clear idea about what you want and where to find it!
 In this guide, the Best10 team runs through our ten online dating rules to find your happy ever after (without the stumbling blocks along the way!).
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Rule One: Use Online Dating Apps Purposefully
 Ok, so here a common scenario: 
You're tired of being single and seeing all your friends loved up.
Now is the time to work on finding a relationship, so you join a dating site.
You're not sure whom you want to meet or what that connection would look like.
You spend hours scrolling, swiping, pretty bored of the whole process.
Three months later, you've had a couple of lousy dates, an inbox full of Randoms, and have dropped a few bucks on a subscription - with zero results. 
Let's go right back to step one. If you don't know what you're looking for, it's not time to join a dating site!
Assess whether you're after love, romance, long-term commitment, marriage, casual dates, fun, and thrills, or something altogether different.
Being purposeful means you'll choose the best dating site in the world for your relationship aspirations and start on a much better footing.
Rule Two: Make Your Profile Personal 
So many dating sites have handy nudges to help you skip past your profile creation and dive right into the good stuff - but it's a common mistake if you're genuinely looking for a partner! 
Your profile is your opportunity to make a great first impression, so make it count. 
Don't try to emulate anything that doesn't speak to your truth. We're not all hilariously funny (present company excepted, obvs!), and we don't all want a 2.4 family - so be authentic, and you'll match with people who truly meet your requirements!
Rule Three: Take a Fresh Profile Pic 
Next up, your profile image holds similarly heavy weighting in meeting someone perfect. 
Take a new photo, so it's up to date.
Smile! Positivity attracts positivity.
Never use photoshop or filters - a date that doesn't like you as you are isn't for you.
Update it regularly, or whenever the mood takes you! 
The best free dating apps in USA states are crammed with attractive people, so it's not a competition to find the hottest selfie possible. Instead, it's about showcasing your personality and demonstrating the person you are.
Rule Four: Send DMs at Will! 
One of the easy mistakes to make with online dating is sitting back and waiting for the perfect guys or girls to rock up in your inbox. 
Now is NOT the time to be shy! 
Found someone who looks nice, or you could imagine yourself on a date with? Send them a message! 
You have nothing to lose.
Rule Five: Don't Send Generic Messages 
Nine out of ten messages start precisely the same way. 
Hi, how's it going?
Hey, are you interested in a chat?
Hiya, we matched! 
There's nothing wrong with any of those sentences, and we get that it can be nerve-wracking to try and think of a killer opening line! However, if you can be exciting and engaging, you'll instantly stand out from the crowd. 
Mention something about this person's profile that makes you think you might be a good pair or ask a question about where they live or what sort of relationship they're hoping for.
Rule Six: Practice a Gentle No 
Let's be clear here - your time is precious. You aren't obliged to respond to every person who messages you. If there isn't a spark of attraction, it's not going to work out. 
If you're like me, the urge is always there to be polite and chatty, just because it's human nature. 
However, do that with online dating. You can fall down a rabbit hole of hundreds of chat messages with people you have zero intention of meeting - and potentially miss out on that perfect person who got lost in your cluttered inbox! 
You never have to be mean or dismissive. 
But, practicing a kind but firm refusal is a vital skill. That could be, 'Thanks so much for the message! But, unfortunately, I don't feel that we're a good fit.' 
Dating burnout happens when you're trying to message too many people too often. Set yourself a limit of, say, three people, and focus on the conversation, so you're engaged in it and not creating a second full-time job for yourself.
Rule Seven: Be Genuine and Honest 
Leading on from the ability to say no, you've also got to keep it real with people you are interested in! 
Of course, you don't want to be discussing your shoe size, childhood memories, or bank details with any old person online, but you do have to be open to honest conversations. 
If you're authentic rather than guarded, you'll find it much easier to establish a genuine connection.
Rule Eight: Progress to a Date When it Feels Right 
There is no right or wrong answer as to when it's time to meet up in person. 
If you've met someone online who feels like a real prospect, there's little point in endless DMs if you think that you're ready to date and get to know each other in real life. 
Likewise, waiting for weeks to meet can put a tonne of pressure on the situation that all but guarantees it's going to implode!
Rule Nine: Don't Spend Time Trying to Force It 
So clearly, you're the most eligible person on any dating site you join - but don't take it personally if every single dater doesn't feel the same way! 
If someone isn't interested, hasn't responded, or goes cold, put on your boots and walk right away.
Rule Ten: Give it Time 
Online dating works, but it isn't magic. 
You might be fortunate and meet a to-die-for person on the first day, but let's face it - you're as likely to win the lottery. 
Take it easy, don't rush, and stop putting pressure on yourself to transform your love life instantly
1 note · View note
Next-Door Neighbours : Chapter Eleven
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A Liam Fanfic, A Niall Fanfic, MA Rating
New neighbours, new drama. Sometimes what you need is the last thing you’re looking for.
1- This fic is written by Julie ( @paynesqueen​ ) & Livia ( @horansqueen​ ) 2- Julie will write the odd chapters and Livia the even chapters 3- This fic will have romance, drama and smut.
Chapter Eleven by Julie (paynesqueen)
It was everything she thought it would be like and she hated that; she wished he had been a bad kisser or that there wouldn’t have been any sparks when he kissed her. But the moment his lips crashed on hers, she was lost. The kiss was long due and it showed as he pulled her to him and she just melted into it. It took a moment before she finally pushed him away and succeeded to put some distance between.
“This can’t happen again, Liam.” She said licking her lips. “You’re with Lisa and that’s that.”
“Just like that? Julie there is something between us. Aren’t you just a bit curious to see where it could lead? Why do you always have to be scared of what you can’t control?” He exclaimed annoyed with her reluctance.
“This isn’t about that, Liam. If things would have been different maybe we could... but now we can’t. We just can’t.”
“Give me one good reason that isn’t because I’m with Lisa. As much as it would suck for me to dump her days after getting back together, I think that you’re making this a bigger issue than it is.” He argued.
“Because I helped Lisa winning you back.” She shouted.
For a moment, Liam just stared at her without saying anything. He expected a lot of replies from her, but never this one. He was trying to make sense of what she just said. There was no way she could have done what she said, right?
“H-how?” That’s all he could let out.
“She came by the building a few days after you moved in. She introduced herself to me wondering if I knew who you were. Told her yes and that we were sort of like new friends. We ended up talking and she told me what happened between the two of you and she really wanted you back so I offered to help her. I mean, I didn’t tell her what to do or say, but I tried to give her some advices.” She answered him as she paced the sidewalk.
He grabbed her hand to stop her and she looked at him. He didn’t ask why she did because he knew the reasons; the same reasons she has given him since they first met: she didn’t believe in relationships.
“Imagine you dumping her and she ends up finding out it was because of me. No, I can’t be the reason you decided to end things. You need to go through with that second chance, Liam. I don’t know the future, but I know Lisa and you deserve to see it to the end; no matter what is that end. That’s why this can’t happen again.”
She withdrew her hand from his and ran into the building. He just stood there watching her until he could no longer see her. He understood her point of view, but it didn’t matter. He wanted to be with Julie and that no matter what happened, he knew his future wasn’t going to be with Lisa. He took out his cell and dialled the number he knew by heart.
A few days had passed and Julie felt like a car had run over her. She had called in sick not feeling like being surrounded by people, especially happy couples booking their romantic getaway. Yes, it was petty but right now, she just felt numb and didn’t want to deal with anything. She hated feeling this way for a guy she had known for a short period of time. She was sitting on the couch just staring in space when her sister appeared in her view. Livia had been trying to get her to talk, but she clammed up. She wasn’t ready to talk about the mess she was in; a mess she created but still.
“I could cancel you know. Louis would understand.”
If Livia ended up not going to this weekend getaway with Louis because of her, her best friend was so going to kill her. Plus, she really didn’t need a sitter. Being alone was what she did best after all.
“No. You are going with Louis. I’m a big girl, Liv. I’ll get over it.” She assured her.
“Julz, I have never seen you like this before and even though I know its normal behavior, it’s scarier when it comes from a sister who always acted like she had a cold heart.” She had argued.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just need some time for myself. I’ll be back to be the cold hearted one before you know it.”
“I hope not. I want you to be happy and I think it’s time that you let someone make you happy. I mean, maybe it won’t be Liam, but you deserve someone who will sweep you off your feet.”
“So do you, sis. I hope you find the answer you’re searching for.” Julie replied before hugging her. “Now go before Louis actually believes you changed your mind.”
And with that, Livia was gone and now the apartment felt emptier. She sat on the couch wondering which movie marathon she was going to indulge herself with for the weekend when her phone rang. She saw Liam’s name on it and she quickly turned off her cell. Liam had called her a few times since that night, but she ignored each of his calls.
She needed time to be able to pull herself back into some kind of protective shell. She was willing to admit that she often wanted to say screw it and just go to Liam and ask him to break things up with Lisa, but she restrained herself. She felt like she was punishing herself for her role in this story. Perhaps if she hadn’t been so afraid of what he could do to her walls, maybe she and Liam would be somewhat casually dating right now or maybe not. Maybe they would have slept together and be done with it.
She was debating between eating ice cream and making a pizza when there was a knock on the door. When she opened it, she stood there frozen.
“Hey Julie!” Lisa said. “Mind if I come in?”
Julie’s heart was suddenly beating faster and as she tried to put on her poker face, she let Liam’s girlfriend in. She wasn’t sure what she was doing at her place and she really hoped it wasn’t for more advices because she didn’t think she would be able to do so.
“What’s going on?”
“Liam broke up with me because of you.” She went straight to the point.
“Don’t bother with you didn’t do anything and all that crap. I know you didn’t. It is how it is and Liam explained to me your situation. I mean, I can’t blame you for falling for Liam no more than I can blame you because Liam fell for you. I just wanted to make things clear with you.” She added. “We talked for hours after he told me and I realized that we both held on to this second chance for the wrong reasons. I’m not saying it doesn’t hurt or that I no longer love him, but I think that this second chance was never meant to be.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Look Julie I’m not gonna lie that when he told me why he was breaking up with me, I was mad at you. I was ready to come here and hit you for lying to me. I was fucking upset about it, but Liam explained to me and I’m not saying that I’m totally cool with you, but I can understand your reasons for helping me.” She sighed. “By helping me, you were helping yourself to avoid having to deal with your feelings.”
“When I helped you, Lisa, I didn’t even know what I felt for Liam. To be honest, I knew it was stronger than what I usually allowed myself to feel, but I didn’t know just how much. When you came to me, I only knew him for a few days and the way he spoke about you, I knew he still loved you so I thought it was my chance to make sure I wouldn’t have to find out. It hit me pretty hard just how much I did care about him when I learned you two got back together. I’m still not sure what to do with it. I didn’t want to be the reason you two broke-up.”
Lisa let out a small laugh; “But you are. I mean, he told me how you fought him about how he should be staying with me and all that crap, but in the end, it wouldn’t have done us any good to continue being together when all he thought about was you. I know you wanted to do the right thing, but honestly, if Liam hadn’t decided to ignore your demand, we might have had a worse break-up than the first one.”
She might have been right, but Julie really believed in what she told Liam that night. Right now, she wasn’t sure if she was happy or sad that he didn’t listen to her. She felt so exposed and she didn’t like it one bit. She wasn’t used anymore to show her raw emotions.
“Look, I’m not here to give you my blessings because it’s really isn’t up to me what happens next between you two, but I wanted to let you know that I knew. Because knowing Liam, he was probably going to forget to tell you that and I feared that you wouldn’t give him a chance if you thought you were betraying me or something.” Lisa went on. “So overall, the reason why I came over is to make sure that all of this wasn’t for nothing.”
Julie looked down at her hands because she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know whether she was relief or not that it was all in the open like this.
“I don’t know what happened to you or if something happened to you for you to fear relationships so badly, but if there is only one advice I can give you is that Liam is worth getting over your fear. So next time, just answer his calls or better yet, go to him.”
And with that Lisa left her apartment. Julie stood in the middle of her living room for a while after she was gone. For the first time since she met Liam, there was nothing actually stopping her from pursuing this besides her own fears. But Lisa was probably right; she should give Liam a chance. Maybe it wasn’t going to last since the sexual tension had been so present that maybe once it’s gone, Liam and her won’t have anything left keeping them together. She snorted, slightly aware that she was sure fishing for a new reason to not go knock on his door.
“I guess if I’m going to see Liam, I better shower.”
Liam was growing more and more impatient, but Lisa told him to trust her and even though most normal guys wouldn’t trust their ex-girlfriends to help out, he trusted Lisa. He just hated not knowing how she planned to help him out with Julie. He called Julie quite a few times since that kiss and each time, he wanted to tell her that it was over with Lisa; that he chose her, but he didn’t want it to be said over the some voicemail. He wanted to tell her in person.
Telling Lisa everything had been hard. It was a really long conversation that he hopes he never has to redo. He could tell that she went through a lot of emotions. She cussed him and she cried and eventually, she seemed somewhat at peace with his decision. It was probably the most honest talk they ever had. He hadn’t asked for her help with Julie, but she insisted. She promised that she wasn’t trying to double cross him and he believed her. A part of him would always love her that’s for sure, but his heart was fully open for a new beginning; one he hoped was going to be with Julie.
He was seconds of just saying fuck off and going to knock on Julie’s door when there was a knock on his. He never got up so quickly in his life to answer the door. Julie stood on the other side looking so unsure that it made him feel even more nervous of the outcome.
“Hi!” She said. “Can I come in?”
He didn’t say anything, but he opened the door wider and she came in. She looked so unease that he feared why she was there.
“Lisa came to see me today.” She finally spoke. “Told me you told her that I was the reason you were breaking up with her which I might say was really a stupid move of your part.”
“I’m so-” He started and then realized he was not sorry. He had said what he had said; “No, I’m not sorry actually. You were once again deciding what you thought was best for me without even thinking that maybe continuing my relationship with Lisa was a big mistake. I’m crazy about you or at least you drive me enough crazy that you’re all I’m thinking about. I don’t know what the future looks like. Maybe in a week, we would be both bored out of our mind with each other, but I’d like to try and see where it could lead us. So no, I’m really am not sorry that I broke up with Lisa and told her the reason why.”
She didn’t say anything and he hated it. He couldn’t read her face at that moment and it felt like an eternity before she finally did something. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she let her gesture say what she couldn’t say. When she pulled his face towards her, he showed no resistance; wanting this kiss as much as her. This kiss was just as intense, as demanding as their first one. His hands found their way around her waist and closing any gap that could still be between their bodies, deepening the kiss. Soon enough though, he needed more than just kiss her and he was fairly certain that she felt the same way. He lowered his hand until they reached her bum and in a quick movement, lifted her from the ground. With some uncoordinated moves, he succeeded to bring them to his bedroom where he lowered them on the bed.
He groaned against her mouth as he was dry humping her like an eager teenager. He wanted her so badly that he didn’t know where to start. He wanted to be inside her so much, but he also wanted her to beg for him. She seemed just has in a hurry as him to get this started as her hands grabbed the hem of his shirt to pull it off.
He pulled away to help out and as he looked at her, he knew he needed to hear her say the words. He needed to know for sure if only to know that this wasn’t a one-time thing.
“So we are trying?”
“We’re trying.” She smiled before pulling him back over her.
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eijiroukiriot · 5 years
okay okay okay consider: right near the beginning of their Extremely Pining phase kirishima decides he’s gonna be brave! and live without regrets and all that! so he straight up asks bakugou out. and bakugou - who is HELPLESSLY pining but is still trying to convince himself he’s not in love with this idiot he is not weak enough to blush and shake when he sees someone who he can barely stand to call his best friend - JUST manages to hide all that and say no
and kirishima’s like “oh man what?? i thought we had a good thing going, i was feeling the sparks” and bkg, feeling Caught, scoffs “you think i’d say yes to a weak proposal like that? try again when you can actually make me wanna date you”  
which does NOT put kirishima off because That’s Not A No. right there and then he declares “okay then just you wait!!! i’m gonna woo you SO HARD you’re gonna fall head over heels for me” 
and bakugou laughs. brushes it off with an “i’d like to see you TRY”. but kirishima is a very young very gay little man with and endless energy supply so what i’m saying here is that he literally goes in full force and does Research (all the research comes from articles like ‘how to get that special guy to fall for you’ and ‘10 ways to flirt that your crush just can’t resist’ and they’re all from teen girl magazines most of which he stole from mina) and becomes a flirting Monster
but also (and this is important): he’s STUPID. and desperate. and throws away any semblance of shame he still had.
he’s already touchy - from that day forward he swings his arm around bkg’s shoulders every single time he sees them. no fear or reservation whatsoever. or hi-fives him and laces their fingers together. sometimes if he’s feeling particularly brave he’ll tackle-hug him and then pick him up bridal-style (that one isn’t met as passively as the others). and any time he does something like that he’ll say something dumb like “hey bkg! looking extra manly today” or “was today arm day? because your biceps feel even more rock-hard than usual” 
his list of pickup lines is fifty pages long 
there’s one day where he laughs at literally everything bakugou says (this nearly gets his mouth blown up). one day where he experiments calling him katsuki like it’s no big deal. one day where he asks if bkg wants to hang out and bkg says “this better not be some dumb flirting attempt” and kirishima’s like “of course it is” and pops in Love Actually (it’s april) because it’s the only romcom he’s ever seen
they’re studying together for a math test and every time kirishima gets a problem right he’s like “awesome! date me?” and bkg says no every single time but for the entire two hours he does not stop asking. every time they make plans from then on out he says “sick then it’s a date! can’t wait for our date” 
he spends a full hour watching youtube tutorials on how to wink
at kaminari’s suggestion he starts calling bkg his future boyfriend. bkg comes down for breakfast and he’s like “hey it’s my future boyfriend! good morning” or he wins a practice match in training and kirishima yells “YEAH THAT’S MY FUTURE BOYFRIEND!!!” which actually results in a few people taking it the wrong way and being like “oh didn’t know you two were together congrats!” 
he asks mina for suggestions on what he should do and she says “kirishima sweetie i love you but i can’t be the first person to point out that you look like That” and he’s like “hm i think i’m doing pretty good how much further can i go” and comes to class the next day in a full 3-piece suit w his hair down and is like “i mean everyone feels like changing it up every now and then right haha nbd” and bkg does not look at him all day
absolutely nobody knows what’s going on when he sets up his weight training stuff in the common room at five p.m. sharp one tuesday - right when bkg usually starts cooking his dinner, mind you. bkg takes on look at the setup and snorts and walks out the front door saying he’s getting convenience store food tonight
no one even knows where he GOT that much paint, or how he managed to paint BAKUGOU WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME on the OUTSIDE of the classroom windows. on ua’s 4th floor. 
and any time they are in proximity of each other kirishima tries to hold bkg’s hand. he even gets jirou to trade seats with him and reaches for bkg’s hand across the aisle every five minutes which disrupts class every single time
one morning it’s raining and kirishima’s standing by the door waiting for bkg to put his shoes on and bkg stares at him and says “what, do you not have an umbrella or something”
kirishima realizes if he didn’t they could walk TOGETHER and SHARE an umbrella and it’d be ROMANTIC so he very conspicuously breaks his umbrella over his knee and says “no” (bkg runs ahead without him and kirishima gets to class completely soaked. his last-ditch plan to go around shirtless all day is forcibly shut down by aizawa the second he arrives. “(flexing) hey bkg haha it’s kinda chilly in here i wonder why-” “kirishima. put on a shirt or it’s detention” “yes sir understood sir”) 
at one point bkg asks him “jesus CHRIST why are you even still TRYING aren’t you EMBARRASSED” and kirishima’s like “not at all because i know one of these days you’re gonna say yes!!!!” 
but here’s the OTHER catch: bakugou is having a blast. no pun intended. because ohhh he likes kirishima so much but he’d never ever ever say that he wants to be romanced like this. his crush is bending over backwards and making a fool out of himself trying to get him to DATE HIM already and he is having so much fun getting to be so close to him but still having a reason to laugh at him and pretend like he Isn’t dreaming abt him.
this goes on for weeks enough that everyone kinda already sees them as a couple and it doesn’t end until one day while they’re hanging out kirishima (who has even started to see this as more of a game than anything) yells “bakugou!! i need a favor and it’s urgent!!! i need you to kiss me RIGHT NOW” and bkg just goes “ok” and smorches him right on the lips
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hpswl-cumbercookie · 5 years
Ballet!Lock Rec List
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And we’re back! This week I would like to offer for your perusal, an amazing selection of ballet!lock fics! Ballet!Lock in my opinion is a vastly underappreciated trope that I happen to adore. If you’ve never read it, I urge you to give it a shot, because it is so much fun. If you have read Ballet!Lock before, I hope these recs help you find more amazing stories to read. Feel free to squee over these with me at any time, I will happily accept fanbuddies. Anyways, here are my searches that I used, although some of these recs did come off of my bookmark list. Search 1 Speaking of my bookmarks list, if for some reason, you cannot find a rec list of mine on my blog, every fic that I rec can also be found in my ao3 bookmarks list under the title of the list.
Brooklyn Heat, Summer Jazz by Zigster aka @zigster-ao3
Words: 42k Chapters: 10 Rating: Explicit
"There was, however, one thing that made it easier to stay on his piano bench every day. One thing that kept John Watson showing up to class on time, every morning at ten with a large thermos of honeyed tea and a conviction to see a job well done. His name was Sherlock Holmes and he was the most confounding and extraordinary thing John had ever come across - the most exotic of birds and the most unattainable of men."
A ballet and jazz-centric AU
Blond Barista Seeks Dashing Ballet Dancer: Inquire Within by prettysailorsoldier
Words: 44k Chapters: 1 Rating: Explicit
Between classes, his job at a local cafe, and being captain of the rugby team, John Watson's life is plenty stressful enough without the addition of a mysterious ballet dancer he can see through the windows of the dance studio across the street, but, somehow, he can't bring himself to mind.
For Dreaming and for Dancing by ReaderWriterPoet
Words: 1.9k Rating: Mature
Sherlock is retiring from the stage and only one thing is absent- his boyfriend of seven years, Captain John Watson.
ILYSB by Coldersongs
Words: 6.5k Rating: Mature
John's worked his entire life for his opportunity to become his full rugby-playing potential.
Sherlock's the graceful dancer that he falls in love with.
(Just another rugby playing John and dancer Sherlock fic)
Coming To See The Show by meandmybrokenfeels
Words: 719 Rating: Gen
Sherlock invites John to see one of his solo performances.
Sign Please by green_violin_bow
Words: 3.5k Rating: Teen
Sherlock lived in John's room on campus last year, and now John keeps having to sign for weird parcels from one Mycroft Holmes. One day, enough's enough, and he goes to find the intended recipient of two (separately-delivered) smelly old boots, a fake passport and visa, a highly professional-looking set of lockpicks, and a fresh human brain...
From a Tumblr prompt by @alexxphoenix42 - thank you so much, hope you enjoy!
Take Me To Church by Daziechane 
Words: 6.5k Rating: Mature
John’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he clocked in for another shift.
Sherlock’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he stepped into 221B.
Entree Adagio Variation Coda by tiger_in_the_flightdeck
Words: 10k Rating: Teen
Sherlock is injured on a case, and John blames himself. It's his job to keep him safe, and he failed. Determined not to allow himself to fall behind again, John takes up training.
Meanwhile, Sherlock follows suit and goes back to dance. The perfect way to communicate for two men who can't bring themselves to say the words they've been thinking for so long.
Props by LadyKailitha
Words: 16k Chapters: 8 Rating: Mature
When ballet virtuoso, Sherlock Holmes gets a table at the fanciest restaurant in town for his mother's birthday, he didn't expect the maitre d' to give his table away to rugby champion, John Watson. John, gracious as he is good-looking, offers to share the table.
Sparks fly.
Atelophobia and Arabesques by dreadpiratewatson
Words: 4.5k Rating: Teen
Sherlock Holmes takes ballet very seriously. He has an audition lined up with the Royal Academy of Dance, and he's willing to do anything to get the position, and be absolutely perfect, even run himself into the ground.
John Watson has something to say about that.
The Dancer and the Captain by Mssmithlove
Words: 17k Rating: Explicit
Ballet has always been Sherlock's first love, but when a certain rugby captain starts hanging around, well, that may just change.
Waldosia by milou407
Words: 2.5k Rating: Gen
(n) A condition characterized by scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there.
Waiting for you outside - JW
Sherlock felt as though a weight had been lifted off his chest, and he felt an enormous smile break across his face.
Overture by dreadpiratewatson
Words: 29k Chapters:14 Rating: Mature
Sherlock Holmes, a shy, aloof ballet dancer, loves ballet, and ballet only. He tried it once, being in love, but after humiliation and heartbreak, he swore it off forever. Then, John Watson comes along, and turns his world upside down The kindhearted rugby captain sits on the studio floor just inches from him, laughs at his dry sense of humor, waits for him after dance, and drives him home afterwards. Sherlock wants him, but how can someone so undeserving and incapable of love think that someone as wonderful as John Watson would ever love him back?
Many Things by imaqualady
Words: 499 Rating: Gen
Watson's bringing his girl to practice, or, at least, that's what the boys think.
His First Bow by RoseGoldAmpersand
Words: 1.5k Rating: Explicit
Sherlock's just finished his first professional performance, but his high is sobered by his suspiciously absent boyfriend.
Relief in Breathing by Brokenpitchpipe
Words: 5k Rating: Teen
He can’t believe this- this is Sherlock Holmes, for god’s sake. The boy who can be found smoking the last of the day’s pack of cigarettes at lunch hour. The boy who rides a bloody motorcycle to school and back. For fuck’s sake, he’s pretty sure that Sherlock Holmes is in one of his classes, but hell if John’s ever actually seen him there.
And he does ballet?
Out of Step by prettysailorsoldier
Words: 13.5k Rating: Explicit
Prompt: Balletlock, with Sherlock dancing in The Nutcracker as the Nutcracker, and John is a stage guy, and they start a showmance or something - bestcoastisthewestcoast
Prompt: Nutcrackerlock! - anon
John is surprisingly at peace with the recent changes in his life, taking a job as the rugby coach at a secondary school after being discharged from the army, but, when he finds out being part of the school community also means helping out with the annual Christmas production, he's slightly less keen on the whole affair. That is, until an old pupil of the dance teacher shows up, a man by the name of Sherlock Holmes, but will their backstage romance be a box office hit, or a grade A blunder?
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
10 Dates | The First Date
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Summary: Kim Junmyeon was the epitome of a perfect catch - he was successful, handsome and everything you currently didn’t want in a man. Yet after agreeing to his request to give him 10 dates in total to change your mind, you realised you might have been looking for someone like him all along.
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon x reader
Genre: dating au / romance
Warnings: none
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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It hadn’t been a horrible date. Conversation flowed freely between you, and you could tell he was genuinely listening to you when you spoke. The food was delicious and his smile had made you return the gesture more than once. In fact, if you were to simply look at the man, he was absolutely gorgeous from head to toe. You could tell under his pale blue shirt that hit up the gym regularly and was in good shape.
Despite being the CEO of a multi-million corporation, he was easygoing, polite and humble. He was sheepishly honest, from his life goals to how his last date had ended like. He shared the same morals as you seemed to, the same bad humour, and it turned out you even grew up in the same area when you were younger. To anyone else watching on, it would appear that you had finally found your perfect match during this animatedly spoken first date.
However, Kim Junmyeon didn’t make your heart race.
He didn’t make you weak at the knee or excite you enough that this could go any further than dinner. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him, it was just that… he reminded you too much of yourself. And that was the whole reason you were feeling rather deflated right now despite your well-timed smiles and polite gestures.
Because you had hoped to find someone who was the opposite.
You had dated one too many guys who reminded you of yourself that you were now looking for someone more daring. Definitely spontaneous. The type of person who you were uncertain about with what could happen next both as a couple and on an adventure. With Junmyeon, you could see what the future held all too easily. It would be sweet, romantic even. And then you would fall out of love again, uninspired to continue with someone who felt like a copy carbon version of yourself once the honeymoon period was over.
You didn’t want that any more, and further, you didn’t want to put Junmyeon through that either.
He was far too sweet to dive into a relationship with, fully knowing that one day you’d simply be looking at a companion and not sparked to jump into his arms and head off to the bedroom.
Call it a late quarter-life crisis if you will, but you craved someone who would wreck you a little, and show you the wild side of life since you had lived on the straight and narrow all this time. You were successful from your diligence and you hadn’t ever tasted anything outside of long hours of hard work. There had been no detention in school, no late assignments and definitely no failure. And whilst all those things in the past would have given you an absolute heart attack, now, you realised you were fully grown and had nothing but accolades on your office wall to show for it.
You needed to shake up who you were.
Kelsi had been wrong in telling you that Junmyeon would be the guy to do that for you.
Still, he hadn’t done anything wrong. And instead of sending an SOS to your best friend when you were freshening up in the bathroom between dinner and dessert, you waited until the meal was completely wrapped up before leaving. The last thing you wanted was to play this guy.
“It was really lovely meeting you,” you enthused, smiling warmly. “Thank you for such a lovely meal.”
“It wasn’t what you wanted though, was it?” Junmyeon replied, his eyes regarding you with a glimmer of hope.
He wanted you to convince him otherwise, even if your standoffish body language right now was speaking volumes. He knew there would only be one date as well.
“It’s not that I don’t think you’re wonderful, because I do,” you mentioned, grappling with a way out of this. You didn’t want to make an excuse, he deserved better than that. Rearranging your purse’s strap over your shoulder, you nodded. “However, I don’t think it would be right to meet with you again.”
“I see.”
“I wish you all the best, Junmyeon,” you stated, thrusting out your hand for him to take. He was torn as he stared at your extended hand, knowing if he took it that would signal he accepted this. That this dinner had essentially become an interview and one he had failed to entice you to accept him. You silently implored him to reach forward and smiled when he seemed to do so. And then he lifted his hand up to his hair instead, avoiding the business transaction-like farewell.
“You too, Y/N. Do you need a lift or?”
“I can get myself home.”
“Of course you can,” he agreed distractedly, blinking a little too fast.
He was crushed.
Turning, so Junmyeon could recompose himself without you staring on intently, you nodded. “Drive safely.”
You then began to walk off at a normal pace as not to offend him any further. Your heart was thudding in your chest from your cold response to the man, even if you knew you had done the right thing. Still, you didn’t like disappointing anyone and had the shoe been on the opposite foot, you knew you would be much the same as him. You could commiserate with his dejection.
Your phone vibrated in your hand and you glanced at the screen to see the incoming message. Unlocking the device, you swiped into the message and then pressed the call button in the corner.
“So, how was it?”
“Kelsi, he was too wonderful!”
“Well what’s wrong with that?” your best friend enthused and you groaned out loud as you walked towards the closest bus stop. Taking a seat, you shook your head at no one in particular.
“I didn’t feel anything.”
“Well, it was only the first date, Y/N.”
“Normally you feel something though, don’t you? Something has to entice you forward, to -- oh my god.”
“Oh my god? What does that mean?!” you vaguely heard Kelsi say as your hand slowly dropped away from your ear, your eyes rounding with surprise.
You hadn’t expected this.
Junmyeon had evidently run all the way to you, holding up a hand to ask for your grace as he caught his breath. And then he stepped closer, his eyes determined. “Give me another chance.”
“What? Junmyeon, I-”
“I know you’re probably thinking why is this guy hanging on to me when I said I wasn’t interested. It must make me look a fool but I really enjoyed tonight. I don’t know exactly what your reason is for thinking there’s nothing more to explore, but I feel differently. Let me show you more. Let me take you on ten dates.”
“Ten dates?” you echoed, your mouth then moving without words actually forming.
Junmyeon pressed on whilst you attempted to register his request. “It’s not a losing aspect. If I didn’t think there was something worth trying for, I would let you walk on by. I still will now if you feel strongly that it’s not something you want to try. But I do hope you’ll consider my offer.”
“We’ve already had one date and-”
Junmyeon nodded immediately. “Okay, let me have nine more with you. Just humour me on this. I really think we have something.”
You hated being put on the spot like this because you knew what was going to come out of your mouth. You could see how genuine he was about getting to know you more, and the guilt within you washed away the feeble arguments that had formed. You couldn’t see a way out of this situation without causing a scene.
And so, you stopped chewing on your lip, your deliberation complete. “Ten dates in total?”
Junmyeon relaxed, nodding again. “If at the end of it all you still feel inclined to say no, I won’t ask anything more of you. Right now, if I didn’t ask for another chance, I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life.”
Your gaze grew curious at his admission, wondering what he was seeing in his head about you that you couldn’t quite comprehend. You were, however, aware that your best friend was listening on to all of this, Kelsi all but screaming at you to accept.
So you smiled and nodded in agreement. “Alright, let’s see where the next nine dates take us.”
Part 2
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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kim-seungmine · 5 years
stay inside the hourglass
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title: stay inside the hourglass
characters: reader x felix of stray kids
genre: slice-of-life (growing up is hard y’all), romance, gap year
warnings: mentions of drinking, kind of felix-centric, this has the ugliest title ever, sometimes dialog-heavy
word count: 4475 words
summary: time is about to eat him alive and felix wonders if it’s better to leave things unsaid. 
a/n: so here it is, the story based on chronosaurus and 19. i honestly don’t know if it’s good enough because i’m not in my best condition now but i hope you can relate and find comfort (and motivation!)
Seoul, D-90
“What is this?”
“Your birthday present.”
“I said I didn’t want presents, did I?”
“You did.”
“So why bother—”
“So you’ll always remember me. The one who still gave you presents no matter how many times you said no.”
Felix chuckled, staring at the small white box you forced him to take. He opened it, taking out a keyring you specially made for him. He could guess the meaning behind each pendant; a star because you adored his constellation-like freckles, a mosquito because his only talent that you acknowledged was his ability to imitate mosquito noises, a four-leaf clover because his name literally meant luck.
The last pendant, however, was something he didn’t expect. An hourglass. He stared at it long, racking his brain so he didn’t have to ask you what it meant. You were going to nag at him for hours for not getting it right and he hated it.
That, and he just didn’t want to disappoint you.
“What does this one mean?”
He didn’t want to disappoint you, but he also really had no idea. You smiled, watching the sand slowly trickled to the lower part of the chamber. “I’ll tell you later,” you chirped before flicking his forehead. “Happy birthday, Lee Yongbok.”
Felix would’ve flipped if it was anyone else who hurt him and called him Yongbok. But this was you, one of his very few true friends in Seoul, and he would keep you by his side for a lifetime, even though he knew that time would eventually eat him alive before he could tell you how much you meant to him.
“Okay,” he replied, already used to you and your so-called mysteriousness.  He opened his drawer to take out his airpods case. You instantly pouted as he attached your keyring to it while he just grinned at you. “You really know how to disappoint me,” you mumbled.
“Everyone knows you only use your Beats earphones, dipshit. You can’t fool me!”
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Felix didn’t know which part of “I don’t wanna celebrate my birthday this year” that his friends failed to understand, but there was nothing he could do when Seo Changbin dragged him out of their shared apartment later that day, telling him that everyone threw him a party.
“You don’t even need to change, you’re already wearing black.”
“There’s a dresscode?” Felix snarked. “Even I didn’t know about that.”
Changbin sighed as they stopped in front of Bang Chan’s apartment, which was only 2 floors above theirs. Lee Minho opened the door, the glint in his eyes indicated that he was already drunk. He grinned, patting Felix’s back before smooching his left cheek. Changbin quickly maneuvered his way in and abandoned his housemate who was now struggling to get out of Minho’s tight embrace. “Are you sad now that you’re 20?” he slurred. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Look at me!” Felix removed Minho’s arms from his shoulders, giving him a pat on the shoulder as he slowly lost consciousness.
Walking to the living room, Felix finally realized what kind of party his friends threw for him. Black balloons were sloppily glued to Chan’s gray curtain, most of them already scattered on the floor. The host had covered his white sofa with a black cloth and exchanged his usual glass table with black wooden table. Someone had written “HAPPY MOURNDAY FELIX!” on the whiteboard pinned on the wall. He assumed it was you, since it was written with a bright red marker instead of the blue ones that Chan owned.
His eyes caught a glimpse of empty boxes of pizza and bottles of soju on the floor, causing him to scoff. His friends threw him a party but didn’t even wait for him to come before actually starting the party. “Hey Felix!” Chan yelled, smiling from ear to ear from the other side of the living room. Felix gave him a distracted wave since he finally saw you, playing Charades with Hwang Hyunjin while sitting on the countertop.
“O—oh! I know this one!” you yelled, biting your lips in frustration. “Come on Y/N we played this set before!” Hyunjin groaned, proceeding to give you more hints. Felix chuckled, knowing how much you hated losing to Hyunjin.
“Aladdin!” Felix quipped, laughing as you whipped your head at him in utter despair. “Don’t be so proud.” You punched his stomach playfully. “This just means you spend too much time watching cartoons.”
Felix placed his hand around your waist loosely, unable to contain his amusement at your rambles. He swore to God he had tried to keep his distance from you, to draw a straight line between best friends and something more. It never worked—especially when you didn’t push him away—but maybe Felix never tried hard enough, and he hated himself for that. Hyunjin gave him the look, which roughly translated to, “Stop being a dick and just confess!”
“Felix, play with Y/N. We gotta prepare your cake,” Hyunjin announced, winking at the birthday boy before dashing to the balcony, where Kim Seungmin was taking photos of the cake with his new Canon camera.  
“You have really nice friends,” you commented, shaking your phone so it showed a new word. Felix bit an imaginary apple before collapsing on the floor, his eyeballs rolled to the back of his eyes. “Snow White didn’t pass out like that, you’re so dramatic,” you said, smiling as he pretended to offer you the poisoned apple.
“So did you join the photography club?” he asked. You furrowed your brows, trying to understand what he was acting out. “Tiana?” you murmured. He nodded, signaling at you to move on to the next question. “Well,” you started. “I did. Seungmin was very persuasive.”
Felix darted his eyes to the drunken Minho who was fast asleep on the couch. “Did you tell your parents yet?” Your voice was barely a whisper, breaking Felix’s heart into pieces. This was the conversation he dreaded to have; he wanted to enjoy his last few months in Seoul without thinking that he wouldn’t meet you ever again.
“I did,” he answered, glancing at the word Peter Pan written on your phone screen. “Mum said no, but my Dad said he’d consider.”
“When are you leaving?” You no longer held your phone up, shoving it back to your jeans pocket instead.
“In three months.”
You huffed, resting your head on his shoulder. “Is this why you’ve been so gloomy these days?” you pointed out. Felix rested his head on top of yours, the familiar warmth of your body calmed his senses. “Who knows I’d get so attached to dumbasses like you guys?” he attempted to joke.
Last year, all Felix wanted was to figure out what his passion was and explore Korea. His parents were ecstatic because their son finally showed interest in his home country and let him take a gap year, with a condition that he’d enroll in university as soon as he returned to Sydney. He stayed with his aunt, accidentally met Chan at a restaurant where he struggled to order kimchi fried rice with his super limited Korean, and then he introduced him to all his close friends—including you.
Fast forward to a year later, Felix now lived with Changbin who desperately needed a housemate, got a part-time job at Ediya Coffee, discovered a burning passion in dancing, had 8 annoying brothers, and was helplessly in love with you.
“What did you tell them?” you said quickly, as if wanting to stop yourself. Felix pulled away to look into your eyes that he already got used to seeing at least 10 hours a day. “I told them I want to stay here and major in dance.”
“You did?”
“What did you expect me to say?”
Chan carried the black cake (Felix wasn’t sure if it was edible) while the others sang for him. “Blow the candles! We don’t give a shit whether you want to do it or not, you have to blow candles on your birthday!” Han Jisung said. Seungmin snapped a photo as Felix closed his eyes to blow the colorful candles.
“Thanks guys, although I specifically said not to do anything today.”
“Y/N wanted to throw you a party, and they specifically said not to care about anything you said.”
You shrugged. “This isn’t even a birthday party, this is a funeral.”
“Goodbye 19!” Seungmin fake-wailed, dunking Felix’s face into the cake. The others clapped, smearing each other’s faces with whipped cream. You giggled, trying to run away but Felix caught you by the waist before squishing your cheeks with his palms.
“Ah, you’re back!” you exclaimed, looking into his eyes in a way that always made his heart stopped for a while. Felix wondered if you ever looked at anyone else the same way, but for now, he felt a bit reassured. You looked at him like he had stars in his eyes (in this case, his cheeks, but now they were all covered by whipped cream anyways), and at moments like this, Felix thought that maybe he wouldn’t lose you.
“I’m… back?”
You paused to step away from Changbin who wanted to ruin your face more before glancing back at him, still with that loving gaze Felix wanted to take a picture of and hang on his wall.
“The sparks,” you pointed at his eyes. “You’re happy again.”
The rest of the group turned to look at him better, and by the look on their faces, Felix knew they agreed with you.
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Seoul, D-57
“Yongbok-ah, your Dad is calling!” Changbin shouted from the kitchen. Felix sighed, dragging his feet to where his phone was located. He didn’t need to answer the call to know what his father was going to say.
“Hi Dad.”
“Your Mum and I have talked. Are you serious with dancing?”
Changbin gave him a concerned look as Felix’s face hardened. “Yes,” he answered, firm and clear. “I have thought about everything, Dad. I want to dance. And I want to stay here.”
His father sighed on the other line, his Mum yelling something that sounded like, “That naïve boy knows nothing!”
“Have I ever disobeyed you before?” Felix argued. “I just want to do something that I love. That’s right, I was clueless when I first got here, but I’m not the same boy anymore. You guys can trust me.”
“I don’t know, son. You got good grades, why don’t you try challenging yourself?”
“Dancing is not easy, Dad.”
“We know that. Just, come home, okay? We’ll discuss this later.”
Felix let out a frustrated groan once the call ended. Changbin sat across him, opening a can of beer. “You know things won’t work out if you keep being like that, right?”
“Like what?”
“Like this. Snobbish and stubborn.”
Felix met his housemate’s eyes, biting his lips when he realized how serious Changbin’s eyes looked. “All you do is mopping around everywhere while you only have a few months to be here. Y/N and the others are trying to make you as happy as possible, and what have you done?”
“I never asked you guys to do any of that for me.” His tone was harsh and Felix regretted it as soon as those words slipped out of his month. Changbin got up from his seat, throwing the empty beer can to the trashcan.
“You’re right,” he answered. “You never asked anything but we did it anyways. Why? Because we think of you as our friend. Do you even realize how much Y/N has done for you?”
“It’s not my fault that I have to leave! It’s not my fault that I like Y/N, and it’s definitely not my fault that I can’t tell them that,” Felix challenged. Changbin shrugged, taking his jacket from the nightstand before walking out.
“None of this is your fault,” he agreed. “But acting like you’re the most unlucky person in the world and doing nothing to change that isn’t right either. Especially when feelings are involved. But you do you, man.”
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When your name appeared on his phone screen, Felix wasn’t sure whether he wanted to cry in happiness or bang his head on the wall. He hadn’t seen you for weeks, and it wasn’t that he tried to avoid you, but he had been dancing any chance he got. He begged Minho to take him to every of his gig to observe, but after the second gig the dancer officially asked him to join his crew. But the truth was, he did kind of use it as a reason to reply to your messages late.
Felix had no idea how to face you and hid his feelings. Maybe he didn’t have to, but it would be unfair. He tried to ask Chan what to do, but his Sydney mate only said that all he needed to do was listen to himself. A very cliché, movie-like answer—although it wasn’t exactly wrong.
Another message from you came in, and as much as Felix wanted to make this easier for you (and him), he missed you a lot. So he replied, got out of his bed, and sprinted to your place.
“Can we order pizza?” he said as soon as you opened your door. You nodded, looking somehow surprised at his presence. “I thought you weren’t coming,” you mumbled, letting him in. Felix slipped into the pink slippers you specially prepared for him whenever he came over, and somehow, he felt like he was home.
“Where are the others?”
You plopped onto your beanbag, scrolling through movies on Netflix that had “zombie” in the titles. Felix took a seat beside you, watching you read the movies’ descriptions. “Jisung has a date—”
“Oh that’s surprising.”
You chuckled. “Changbin and Woojin are at work, Chan is busy composing for—wait. You didn’t read the group chat?”
Felix scratched the back of his head as if he had been caught. He hadn’t been really talking to any of his friends except Minho since his fight with Changbin. “I-I,” he stuttered. “Probably accidentally turned the notifs off.”
You frowned, but was quickly distracted as you finally found the movie you wanted to watch—which didn’t have any correlation to zombies. “I wanted to believe you, but I think you’re avoiding us. Am I right?”
The movie had started playing, but you shifted your gaze to him. “What’s wrong? Are you upset because we threw you a party when you said you didn’t one? Are you upset with me?”
Felix shook his head. “Not at all, but things have been pretty… complicated.”
“Mind to elaborate?”
“I’m leaving soon.”
“We’re fully aware of that, Felix.”
He ran his hand through his hair, desperately trying to form words that wouldn’t make him sound like an ungrateful asshole. “Yeah, it’s just—it’s hard. I want to stay, but—”
“Do you really want to stay?” you whispered, pausing the movie before giving him a stern look.
Felix felt his body burning—why was it so hard for you, Changbin, his other friends, and his parents to understand that he never wanted to leave? That he had found a new home which could be scary, but also beautiful?
“Oh God. First Changbin, now you. Why won’t anyone believe me?!”
You tried to blink your tears away, which broke Felix’s heart because he knew how much you hated crying in front of other people.  “Because you’re not fighting for it, Felix! You’re not fighting for us or even yourself and suddenly I’m not sure about anything anymore. Time never slows down for anyone!”
Now you were sobbing, your head hung low. Felix threw his arms around you, rubbing your back slowly as you let out everything you had been holding in. You didn’t say anything for the rest of the night, not even when he said he would come over again later.  
When Felix reached his aunt’s house at 2:48 AM, still wearing your pink slippers, it hit him. Out of all things he was afraid of, disappointing you was what he feared the most. Sadly, just like how this world worked, the one you were closest with was always the one whom disappointed you the most.
Felix had become that person for you, probably since a long time ago and he only realized it now. Tears started rolling down his cheeks, and before he could stop himself, he was already sobbing the way you did a few hours ago. He cried and cried and cried until his eyes felt dry and his throat felt raw.
He didn’t feel any better.
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“You’re earl—wait what happened?!”
Minho panicked as he spotted Felix entering the dance studio with a camcorder and swollen eyes. The latter only shook his head and waved his camcorder. “Minho, can I record myself dancing for the rest of my time here?” he asked.
“Sure you can, we usually record ourselves anyways, but why?”
Felix smiled, turning on his camcorder and setting it next to Minho’s laptop before warming up. Minho joined him, and the stretching session soon turned into a flexibility showoff. Both of them laughed when Felix managed to do a perfect split and surprised himself.  
“Seriously though, why are you doing this?” Minho repeated, waving to the camera.
“I want to stay here.”
Minho ran to his laptop to play a new song. “Isn’t that clear?” he teased, glancing at his friend.
“Yeah, but not clear enough.”
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“Y/N I need to tell you something,” Felix rasped the moment you opened the door. You made a way for him to enter your flat, ignoring his Converse that he forgot to wear on his way out yesterday. Before he reached the living room, you stopped him. “Leave them in the bathroom, they’re dirty,” you said, pointing at your slippers he was wearing.
“I’m sorry,” Felix responded. “For the slippers, and for everything.” He stared at them before taking them off. “I didn’t want to disappoint you, but I did just that, didn’t I?”
Felix cupped your face, automatically wiping the corners of your eyes when he noticed you tearing up. “You were so bright, like these slippers,” he whispered. “I did everything with you, but forgot to take care of you. Too scared to show how much you mean to me. Now you’re even crying in front of me.”
“I didn’t want to say I love you because I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to stay with you. I didn’t want you to be sad, but maybe I didn’t want me to be sad. I know this is too late and I’ve kept you waiting for so long, but I love you.”
“I really want to stay, I really want to be with the others, I really want to dance. And most importantly, I really want to be with you, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make that happen. I’m sorry that the fight with Changbin and you needed to happen before I came back to my senses, I’m—”
You caught his lips with your fingers, chuckling at how much he resembled a fish with his lips puckered. “If you’re sorry, wash the slippers yourself, okay?”
Felix whined, but walked towards the bathroom immediately. “Wait, there’s no ‘I forgive you Felix?’, ‘I love you too, Felix’, ‘Please stay with me, Felix’?” he protested, pouting as you returned to your room.
“Make sure to turn off the lights when you leave, Yongbok!”
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Seoul, D-15
“Where’s the submit button?”
“There, bottom right.”
“Goddamn it, Felix it’s right. there!”
Changbin grabbed the mouse from Felix and scrolled down, clicking the submit button. “Okay, it’s done!”
“Now what do we do?” Felix asked, plopping back to his bed. “The announcement for early admission is still two months away, I feel so empty now.”
“Still no words from your parents?”
“Well they said we’ll discuss this again if I get accepted.”
“What if you don’t?”
“I’ll apply again? The new semester won’t start until next year anyways.”
Felix had decided to apply to one of the most prestigious Arts colleges in Korea after recording all his dance practices and competitions (he only joined 2, but Minho was kind enough to let him be the center for all of them).
You opened the door with a loud bang, your eyes twinkled even brighter than usual. “What happened? Did they respond?” Changbin muttered, getting more excited as you nodded rapidly.
“Who responded to what?” Felix frowned, but both Changbin and you ignored him and were busy talking among yourselves. “They’re gonna tell him soon. We did it!” you shouted and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Guys, what’s going on?!”
You finally looked at Felix who looked lost and betrayed. Changbin punched his biceps with a huge grin on his face before leaving with no words. As soon as the door was shut, you jumped to his lap, curling your arms around his neck.
“Mind to tell me what’s making you so happy that you forgot about me and hugged Changbin instead?” he said, failed to keep his sarcastic tone since your eyes twinkled with so much joy he hadn’t seen for quite a long time.
You released him, running to his balcony—where you two often hung out when it wasn’t too cold or too hot. Felix followed you, taking your extended hand before pulling you into his arms. “Come on, babe,” he begged. “I’m dying here.”
“You’re going to stay here,” you stated, adjusting your position so you could look into his eyes. “Stay… where?” he asked, completely dumfounded.
“Here. With us.”
Felix tightened his hold on you as his legs wobbled. “WHAT?! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?”
You took out your phone from your pocket and played a video for him. “We took turns to record you during your last few months here, starting on your birthday. I thought that the only way to convince your parents that you love it here is by showing them.”
The video showed Felix on many occasions with you and his 8 friends; during his mournday party, during a movie night at Chan’s flat, during a dinner Felix’s aunt invited you to, during the random but entertaining dance battle with Minho, and also during a totally mundane afternoon with Changbin. 
Felix knew he was happy with all of you, but he never realized he was that happy. He felt his eyes brim with tears when he got to the last part of the video, in which he played Charades with you on his birthday.
Felix was the happiest with you, and he never wanted to let go.
“How in the world did you guys do this?” he sniffled, pulling you back to his embrace. You pulled him even closer, listening to his heartbeat. “How in the world did you not notice?” you giggled. Felix laughed along with you, pressing a kiss on the top of your head.
“I asked your aunt to contact your parents, and they allowed me to send the video,” you explained. “They called me this morning and told me that you don’t need to go back.”
“They told you before they told me?”
You slapped his back. “We dedicated a masterpiece for you and this is your response?”
“Sorry,” Felix winced. “And thank you.”
Felix pulled away, melting as you smiled at him. “Well done.” You patted his hair. “You’ve practiced so hard, I’m proud of you.” 
His heart clenched a little bit when you said that you were proud of him. That was exactly what he wanted to hear, but at the same time he wanted to hear more.
“And I love you.”
You gave Felix a quick peck on his lips and he desperately wanted to have your lips on his again, but he decided to stay still. You finally said that you loved him; that was all he needed to hear.
“You won’t ever have to doubt me anymore,” he said. “I’m not going to promise that I will never make you sad again, but I promise that I’ll always try my hardest for you. For us. I’m not going to hold back anymore, okay? Even if we’re running out of time.”
You were about to give him another peck, but he stopped you. “Speaking about time, will you tell me about the hourglass pendant you gave me? Can you tell me what it means now?”
Felix showed his phone to you, causing you to yelp when you found out that he had removed the said pendant from the original keyring and attached it to his phone instead. “Well, you’ve said it yourself,” you began. “I didn’t expect you to know what it means because it feels so personal.”
“Hourglass represents time, a reminder for us that time doesn’t stop for anyone, that everyone in this world has limited time. Time will catch up on us; we’ll run out of time and die, but I don’t care about that. Our time is limited, and I want to spend my limited time with you.”
“Is there anything else you want to say?” Felix asked after you stopped talking.
“I want to listen anything you say about time with that pretty voice of yours, but I also really want to kiss you.”
“Oh alright, kiss me then. But tell them to close the curtain first, please.”
Felix darted his eyes to the window, perplexed when he saw all of his friends standing there watching him and you. “No way!” Seungmin shouted, lifting his phone. “We have to show your parents this!” Hyunjin and Minho whistled along with the rest of the boys, causing Felix to hide his face on the crook of your neck.
“I was the one editing the video and I have many clips of your ugly faces that I won’t hesitate to post,” you threatened, still with a sweet smile on your face. The boys groaned, letting Chan drag them outside.
You caressed your boyfriend’s hair while he was muttering about how embarrassed he was. “You were acting so cool a few minutes ago, wanting to kiss me and all. Where did that Felix go?”
He lifted his head, his cheeks still a bit flushed. “Do you still want me to talk with this pretty voice of mine or—”
As soon as Felix captured your lips with his, everything that happened the past few months didn’t matter anymore. You were right there in his arms, mumbling about how you doubted that this was his first kiss because he was “so damn good in this.” His heart felt light and warm, and while he knows that this was only the beginning, he wasn’t afraid.
Felix was finally ready to confront time, to make every second of it worth the pain.  
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more a/n: if you’ve reached this part, congratulations and thank you, as always! i’m sorry if felix can be so frustrating here, but that’s the whole point of this story: to allow him learn and grow from his mistakes. 
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