#there's SO MUCH to say abouy all of them
chrissdollie · 9 months
Dad Bakugo x mom reader - I need more children in my life 😭✋🏾
def calls his kid "squirt" and "buddy"
in mY universe, he has a boy and a girl bc he needs the best of both worlds
we all know he wakes up really early, earlier than you even, so he's the one to check on the babies/kids every morning to see if they're ok :)
definitely keeps schedules of you and your kids days like exams, report cards, if they're going to a friend's house, etc
yk how most kids tend to be like "ewwww" whenever their parents kiss?? not ur kids nono. first of all, your son is the quieter one. not that he's not talkative, he just has a little bit of a hard time expressing himself. anyhow, his sister is very loud. but either way, they both think its sweet. your daughter even said something like "i hope my husband kisses me like that" once (when she was an older kid tho lol)
your son goes to talk to you a lot. he adores you so so much. but one day when he wanted to hang out with you, you weren't home. you were busy running errands while katsuki was at home watching tv. your son started crying and katsuki was like wtf?? eventually, your son grew accustomed to speaking to katsuki. as he got older, he actually talked to him more than you.
teaches your son how to be a man :,) katsuki knew he was bitchy in his younger years and he didn't want either of his kids to be like him. he taught them both manners and how to properly have a conversation.
little pitter patter of their feet ran into your guys' shared bedroom on christmas morning and began jumping your bed. katsuki groaned and rubbed his eyes aggressively. "it's christmas, mommy!" your little boy shouted. "wake up daddy!!" your daughter shouted in his ear. "alright alright you rugrats"
at your daughter's kindergarten graduation (idk if everyone had this but i did lmao), katsuki was tearing up and although he tried to hide it, he had to remain the strong one while comforting you while you bawled your eyes out.
p.s your daughter is the oldest
when she brought home her first boyfriend... ooo chile
i see a lot of people writing how katsuki would act up but tbh in his older years, i think he'd be a lot more mature. he'd greet the dude politely and treat him like he would any of her friends
btw lemme just say: your daughter is a mommy AND daddy's girl. she loves u both insanely
honestly while eating dinner with the boyfriend or something, katsuki would be very blunt and not pay too much mind to him LMAOO he'd be like "'tis is great, doll" as if you don't cook dinner every week and it's only when your daughter brings up how he wants to work at katsuki's angency, where he perks up
"oh shit, no kiddin'?" and you smack his arm lightly.
well this changes everything! he practically gave the kid his blessing. "welcome to the family son"
your son doesn't really care about them together, he just doesn't wanna see his big sis get hurt. lets say that your son is 15 and your daughter is 17. "so, bf/n. have you fucked her?"
you almost spit out your drink like a cartoon. your daughter is shook, katsuki's rage from UA is all coming back to him, and the boyf is scared for his life
you, katsuki, and your daughter have a little talk after dinner
"use condoms" kats stated. "i- WH- nono you can have sex next year." you corrected but ur daughter is like huh?? "wha why next year?" you scoff. "because you'll be a legal adult thats why." "no offense, momma, but that's really dumb. when did you and dad start having sex?" she folded her arms. katsuki shrugged. "like i said, use condoms."
you and your daughter gossip like crazy alr?? ur like the gilmore girls except you're married and didn't get pregnant at 16 (almost)
and this is nothing new to katsuki, he's heard u guys gossip trillions of times. but when he found out you guys talked abouy HIM TOO??
he busts into the room. your daughter squeals and runs behind you. "hi honeyy-" he shushes you, "you guys talkin' shit 'bout me?" "nope" you guys say in unison. "there's this other guy, uh.."
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logan-lieutenant · 11 days
Am i the only one who's kinda insulted colapinto immediately insults logan after he crashs the car or am i reading to much into it like?????? Why are you insulting the guy who was so nice to you? And if ur not insulting him then why are you joking abouy his crashes like there funny????
Here’s what I have to say about Franco:
I definitely spent too much time on this, but receiving this ask absolutely BEWILDERED me so I went on an internet spiral to find what on earth it could be referring to before I found it. X, Instagram, Williams App, Motorsport.com. I looked everywhere for any sort of comment or criticism that could be called an “insult” from Franco and he hasn’t made any sort of statement, on socials or interviews, about Logan at all. Which, considering the media/PR hellscape Williams has now roped him into, is definitely for the best.
What I think you meant– I think– was Franco’s radio message right after he hit the barrier. An apology. “Sorry about that, guys.” Now this is where I guarantee you, you are reading too far into it. Drivers are well aware of the consequences of damaging their cars, especially at the beginning of a race weekend. Especially when the whole world is watching with as much ridicule and scrutiny as Williams is receiving now. They know how much the damage costs. They know their teams don’t have bottomless resources. They know that they’re not the ones who are going to have hours or days worth of nonstop work to do to clean up their mess.
Crashing is shameful. It’s embarrassing. It’s like throwing up on someone’s favorite shirt and then watching them hand wash it. Drivers apologize on the radio after crashing more often than not, even in different tones/wording. Logan did not invent dejection, he did not invent self-loathing apologies, he didn’t invent apologizing on the radio after a driver-error impact.
I’m a huge Logan Sargeant stan. The August 27th news hit me like a battering ram in the chest and I’m still in the process of catching my breath. I get that it’s so easy to have a natural, almost overeager resentment for his replacement. The fact that Franco’s media personality, the costumes they put on and stick to throughout their careers to make themselves likeable and recognizable, is so opposite from Logan. Cocky, confident, smooth-talker, upbeat.
But he isn’t in charge of his own image, even, none of them are. He’s walking on eggshells because he’s going to be met with backlash and hate from ex-Williams fans, Logan fans, people who think he can’t be good as a rookie, people who love to underestimate him. He doesn’t have an inch of room to make some kind of public image mistake. Also, he’s not even 25? I still consider that a kid. He’s a kid, he’s learning, he’s gonna be reckless and ambitious and trip over some hurdles trying to navigate the monstrous traveling circus of F1 for the brief time he has.
Also, speaking of mistakes– because Logan, the driver he’s replacing due to James Vowles’ erratic leadership, was famous for crashes and not much else– Franco knows that he can’t afford to show any similarity to that sort of pattern or else he’ll be finished. He’ll be a laughing stock, a mistake, a disappointment, another reason to shout, “Why would you do this?!” to Williams as a whole. Just like Alex, his performance on track has to do more than just carry them forward in the championship– they need something shiny and sparkly and impressive just to cover up the horseshit back in the garage. What happens to Franco if he fails to meet that standard?
He gets maybe one crash. One crash to burn. A single crash could be rookie error, overexcitement, getting used to a new track, any number of excusable mishaps. Anything else? He’s history. And before his second race out of his Formula 1 debut, he’s burned straight through it.
Just because he comes across as optimistic, proud of himself, excited, ready to race onscreen doesn’t mean that everything’s totally fine behind his yes. He’s under enormous pressure. Monumental stakes are weighing on his performance as an F2 rookie, as an F1 rookie, in someone else’s car, for the last third of an already-in-progress season. This could be his only chance to make an impact, to show his talent. And Williams have made that as difficult as it could be for him. Which they’re good at.
Just because Franco is performing better than Logan doesn’t mean he’s a participant in the insidious nightmare that is Williams management right now. He’s just a young driver they could have thrown into the wrong car at the wrong time. Sound familiar?
tl;dr I will defend Franco Colapinto as a temporary Williams driver and support Logan Sargeant as a survivor of abuse and those two things can exist at the same time
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NPD culture is
AS A BONUS YOUR PARENTS GIVE YOU MIXED MESSAGES ON THEIR ATTITUDE DEPENDING ON IF THIS DAY YOU'RE A "genius child who knows numbers and can remember 30 facts about sharks every day" AUTISTIC OR A "unfunctional puppet who is out of energy and can't even write 5 words on her homework and only wants some peace and a nap and doesn't want to do any intellectual bullshit" AUTISTIC TODAY
It got less intense with time, though. As you grew out of elementary and out of middle school, people became more decent. Sure they don't like you, but they care abouy their reputation now. They know that if you see a weirdo you just have to wait until they're gone, that saying someone that you want them dead is rude, and that bullying is a waste of their precious time.
You will always know that people hate you. They showed you that when you were supposed to learn how to interact, so now that's what you learned. You know that you have to do your best to be treated like a person. You know that everyone still treats you like trash and hates the very existence of you but by occasionally throwing in something redeeming you can try to survive a day. You know that your parents are your friends, as long as you perform well and are a good daughter they can show off like a medal. You know that your peers are your friends, as long as you're funny but not like you really are good but not best not best but not horrible communicable but not clingy but like things they like but don't like them too much but express some emotions but not too much wtf but talk to them but not speak too much and speak enough and do enough but not too much but you know what forget it, just be a comic relief to keep them entertained (but not genuine or they'll hate it). You know that teachers are your friends but... Oh, they're not, sorry. They're like parents, but don't care about your success, they're more unstable than children and more crushing than parents and you have no idea how to suck up to them in a way that makes them treat you well
You figured the world out! Except you fucking didn't.
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skania · 1 year
Hai Kanae!
I really like your opinion about Akane and about her dynamic with Aqua! If you don't mind, would you like to share your opinion and also your analysis about chapter 97? Because there's so much I want to know. Aqua said she would like Akane no matter what (people translated this as a fake and Aqua is lying).
But before that Memcho said Aqua was obsessed with Kana (chaper 83). Idk, but obsessing is not healthy for a relationship especially if it is a romance. Obsession is a negative form of love, that's all I know. If we compare it to Akane-Aqua's relationship when they were dating for real it looks healthier. Because Kana always makes Aqua return to his trauma about Ai. Aqua is always too much to think to keep Kana safe and to not let Kana have same bad thing like Ai. Idk if it's because he really love Kana, seeing her as a romantic route. But, all i know and what i see it's just Aqua scared for something happened like Ai. His trauma and his guilt bring him to act like that. More like a shadow of Ai when he look at Kana. In chapter104 is proof that Aqua feels guilty towards Kana (scandal arc). He thought back to when Memcho said Kana got into the idol world because of Aqua. That's why he paid for his mistake by covering up Kana's scandal by exposing the fact that he and Ruby were Ai's children.
When Aqua says that he don't have anything to Kana same like he says that thing to Akane. But he looks unsure about that (Doesn't have anything to Kana chapter102). And after that there's chapter108 and chapter117.
Notes; And for tittle chapter107 they use "Friends" in Japanese 友達( Tomodachi). We can use it to their rationship. But we never see about tittle Akane-Aqua. relationship.
He says the same thing to Akane and Kana he doesn't have anything to do with them because he want to ravenge. Both of them doesn't have to include to his revenge. But there is chapter108 and chapter117 he putting Kana on his revenge. There's chapter116 when Aqua want to reminding (again) Akane not to do anything dangerous. But when Aqua knew that Akane wanted to stop his plan, Aqua or rather Goro challenged Akane.
Akane side; Aqua remembering when he picks Akane up to the studio on a rainy day (chapter97) he said it's was his happy day but the other side Akane thinks that Aqua got smitten to Kana(chapter87). But here (chapter97) Aqua used that memory with Akane as his happy day. I think you right about Akane doesn't know about her own worth. Because she always put someone else first. Also when Memcho talks about his relationship with Akane(chapter108) Aqua said he doesn't need that kind of relationship again (a boyfriend and girlfriend things). Because he had thrown away any naive thoughts about being happy. he made up his mind on this in chapter98.
Note: And for the latest chapter, Aqua has seen Ruby as Sarina so far. I don't know why I'm glad that Akane didn't remind Aqua of his past and his guilt in the past. Akane doesn't remind Aqua/Goro of someone from his past.
I'm sorry if i make you confused abouy my question (T_T). I just want to know about your opinion and analysis.
Hi anon! Thank you for your kind words!
If you don't mind, would you like to share your opinion and also your analysis about chapter 97?
Definitely! I'm planning to write a post about it, I just need to find a way to organize my thoughts. I'd also like to write a post about Aqua's "Freedom" period first because I think that it contextualizes that chapter a lot. I'll probably end up talking about Chapter 108 too because it's super intriguing!
I'm glad you mentioned Chapter 102, though!
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It may be just me, but Aka guilt-tripping Aqua about Kana left a bad taste in my mouth. Not because Memcho wasn't right, she was 100% correct. I'd even argue that the fact that Aqua seemingly didn't realize that he is the one and only reason Kana became an idol shows how big a disconnect there is between Kana and his idealized version of her. Since Kana has the qualities that would make her into the idol Sarina strived to be, the idol Aqua projected onto Ai, he convinces himself that he didn't do anything wrong by manipulating her into becoming one, because of course Kana will be an incredible idol. Except Kana never wanted to be one in the first place.
What I don't like about it is how it infantilizes Kana by acting like Aqua bears all the responsibility for her own choices—Aqua, who is already guilt-ridden enough as it is. It also sells Kana short, because it pampers the unhealthy dependency Kana developed on Aqua when it's the very hurdle Kana needed to overcome.
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Kana would've been so grossed out if she had heard that conversation 😂
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She knows that while Aqua is the one who forced her hand, she is the one who ultimately made the choice. She owns it and chooses to see all the positives that came out of it.
So while that scene was pretty important to make Aqua aware of the disconnect between his biased perception and Kana's reality, it felt like adding yet another burden on a guy who's already carrying the world on his shoulders lol
Notes; And for tittle chapter107 they use "Friends" in Japanese 友達( Tomodachi). We can use it to their rationship.
Indeed! But to play devil's advocate, the title comes from Kana's "you're my precious friend" line—which in turn comes from the line the love interest says about the heroine in Sweet Today 😂
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I don't know why I'm glad that Akane didn't remind Aqua of his past and his guilt in the past.
Me too! Akane playing Ai turned out to be a great thing, because it allowed Aqua to clearly separate Akane as person from Ai lol
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monstersinthecosmos · 8 months
so idk if you've talked about this before but i was thinking about how some of your sheith fics take place in the same sort of headcanon universe where keith and shiro first got together when shiro was actually kuron and ttsr! majorly diverges from that! i love the flavor of both possibilities LOL but i'm just wondering in what ways this timeline difference changes how you view/choose to portray their relationship in each scenario! and i don't think we'll get that far in ttsr! (I'M SCARED TBF) but just in your mind palace i also wonder how you think it plays out when shiro comes back as a clone! does kuron even know they're a thing? does keith notice any differences in how he acts? IS HE FREAKIER AND MEANER IN BED LOL? sorry i feel like i send you so many asks abouy ttsr! BUT I GENUINELY THINK ABOUT IT EVERY DAY LMAO. literally it's the sacred texts!!!!
Fgkjfdlg OMG I haven’t actually talked about this at length before because a lot of people don’t notice or don’t comment on it and I don't think anyone has ever asked! 😊
(This is going to contain some mild spoilers for my fics but THE CLUES ARE ALL THERE if you’ve read them before! Proceed with caution!)
SO YEAH LIKE. Not ALL of my Sheith fics fit these two timelines but I have a few versions of how Sheith hooked up that all live in harmony in my mind so sometimes I draw on these and it’s fun to play with them by adding more at different points in time or from different points of view.
One of them is STAR EATER timeline which started with Star Eater and includes Zero Hour and another fic called The Alternative that I wrote for a zine but I haven’t posted it on AO3 because tbh the zine process upset me so much that I don’t want to look at it anymore to make it AO3 ready lol.
The other is TONIGHT THE STARS REVOLT timeline which includes TTSR -> Minuit -> and the Femsheith fic as we circle the moon which is FEMSHEITH TTSR. (This is the order they were posted in, but chronologically it would be TTSR -> as we circle the moon -> Minuit).
And like, when I first started writing Sheith fic, I’d just spent like 2 years writing VC fic full time, and for the most part I try to keep all my VC fics in the same timeline. Mostly just for fun! It’s become like a creative challenge to me to like keep continuity between fics or hide Easter eggs. So I had written Star Eater as my first Sheith fic and then when I wrote Zero Hour I just thought it would be fun to keep it in the same timeline the way I do with VC. But idk I feel a lot freer writing Sheith than I do VC so it was also inspiring to branch out and not stick to the same formula every time.
Something about Sheith too is there’s SUCH a wealth of fic in the fandom and we’ve read so many hundreds of versions of them as a couple and how they got together and everything and like, you gotta understand that I have like 100 fic ideas on deck at all times and I know I don’t have time to write all of them, so I tend to like weed out ideas to prioritize and budget time for if I think I can say something interesting and maybe subvert some of the common fandom tropes. So yes sure, Sheith are soulmates, yada yada, but WHAT IF THEY WERE FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS AND IT WAS AWKWARD ! Or WHAT IF SHIRO NEVER MADE A MOVE UNTIL IT WAS KURON DRIVING BECAUSE KURON WAS LESS INHIBITIED? Listen I’m a slut for angst, too, so like. I’m not really good at writing fluff and it’s not my first choice as a reader, either, so I wanna ask, like sure yada yada soulmates but what if it hurt, or what if it was messy? How can we make this dark and fucked up? Lol
So these two premises are like, places I’ve put a lot of thought, and I think a lot about how that affects their relationship long term and what it says about them. And I think they offer a different flavor, so when I have an idea or I’m in a certain mood, sometimes I think “this would be really nice in whichever timeline.” And a few of my fics they hook up after the war, too! So it really depends like what flavor I’m going for that day and how badly I want to traumatize Keith LOL
But for example, like, TTSR was born in my brain as like misc smut prompts but I thought “It would be subversive if they were FWB" because at the time I never saw canonverse fics where they were FWB, I’d only seen it in AUs. And then when I wrote Minuit it was for the prompt party and my prompt was about Keith nursing Shiro to health after he gets his body back, and I WANTED it to be crampy and uncomfortable and awkward, and I WANTED Shiro to feel guilty and self conscious, and so I thought setting it in TTSR timeline would add to it because it adds that element of like, IS THIS TOO INTIMATE? IS IT TOO SERIOUS? It also includes some flashbacks to when Kuron first shows up, and how he and Keith navigated being around each other, but his memory is sort of fuzzy and he’s disoriented.
I REALLY love thinking about the sort of like, dubcon aspects of Keith fucking Kuron, too, because neither of them are truuuuuuuly consenting. Keithisn't fucking the person he thinks he's fucking, and later on Shiro is bound to be kinda violated knowing that his identity was stolen for it. And would Kuron want to fuck Keith if the Galra wasn't telling him to? I also like the idea that Kuron is not a perfect copy, and maybe he’s bolder, maybe he’s more aggressive, etc. So maybe he did make moves that Shiro didn’t, and Shiro comes back and can’t believe what went on while he was gone. In Star Eater universe it’s sex and in TTSR universe it’s the ilu confession. It's quite violating to everyone involved!
And in both universes I’ve tried to float the idea that Keith could tell something was wrong, or different, but he just assumed it was The Trauma ™. Like Shiro comes back a little bit off, he’s getting migraines, and Keith GETS IT. Keith has also (canonically) made Shiro’s safety his own responsibility, so I wonder if he feels so guilty that he fucked up that he’s not going to push on it. In Zero Hour this takes the shape of Keith not wanting to talk about Kuron at all to real Shiro because he feels so fucking embarrassed that he didn’t notice, and in as we circle the moon (s)he’s struggling the entire time trying to figure out if Shiro needs space to get better or if this is going to be the new normal and how tough the love should be.
One of the reasons re: Kuron why I decided I wanted a clean slate after Zero Hour too is that I kind of regretted the way I interpreted the Kuron lore when I wrote Zero Hour; canon is a little bit unclear about how it works and whether or not Kuron is “dead” or gone from the body. I decided afterwards that I liked the idea of them having to share the space and sort of integrating with each other, which is why I wrote it differently in Minuit. In Star Eater timeline, Kuron’s entire personality is basically AI programmed on what the Galra could map of Shiro’s brain, and WITHOUT GETTING INTO JUNK SCIENCE EXCUSES FOR THE WHY, I just thought maybe it might leave sort of “impressions” in the body, which is why Shiro can sense residual, disjointed memories. I imagined these things like imprints or phantom sensation in his brain, perhaps in the vein of epigenetic trauma.
But in TTSR/Minuit timeline, Shiro is in there WITH HIM and it’s a matter of trying to cooperate who’s in the driver’s seat. I haven’t written this further but I imagine that Real Shiro will one day simply become New Shiro which is him and Kuron sort of integrated as one person; this is why I wrote the scene about him dreaming about a cherished childhood memory except that he’s inserted a twin into it. He will learn to share and accept that Kuron has all his same memories and his own soul, whatever that means.
AND TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS LOL SORRY FOR MEANDERING but I do imagine Kuron being freakier and meaner LOL. Is this grounded in canon or am I making excuses to be kinky? Reader’s choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can justify it by, again, asking if the Galra made an imperfect copy. Because like he IS different! The show communicates this to us by the subtle changes to his character design. And I think about like, the Galra designing him and programming him for a purpose, which is GET CLOSE TO THE RED PALADIN, and I wonder how that might push him in areas where Shiro would’ve been more reserved.
And like what might the Galra get wrong about human psychology and American culture? WHAT ARE GALRA MATING RITUALS? As the BIG BADDIES of canon they come off as being aggressors—even Lotor, who believed he was acting for a greater good, was committing atrocities LOL—so how does that change when they try to build a human personality and human intention? WHAT IF IT’S LIKE JURASSIC PARK WHERE THEY PATCH DNA GAPS WITH GALRA SO KURON IS LIKE AN ALPHA OR SOMETHING HAHA. But no really like what if he’s more virile, what if he’s more confident, what if everything he does is based on some soul-crushing subconscious instinct to BE CLOSE TO KEITH at any cost!!!
These ideas take many forms in my mind, which is why I need multiple versions with multiple answers LOL.
But TTSR Kuron knows they’re a thing, because I think the Galra were sort of downloading/studying Shiro’s consciousness through his arm the entire time he was alive, right? So up until the very end he’d have Shiro’s memories. He will know they hooked up, and he will know how Shiro felt about it. In as we circle the moon (s)he breaks the ILU to Keith in the pilot’s log because she thinks she’s dying and her entire soul is crushed that she never saw her relationship with Keith through, not just for the half of her that shares Shiro’s feelings but also the other half that exists solely to get to Keith.
Star Eater Kuron knows that Shiro has been pining for a while and is the one who is brave enough to make a move!
ANYWAY THIS WAS QUITE LONG AND RAMBLING but I hope I answered your questions LOL.
I think TTSR exists as a trilogy in my mind, and I hope that the huge gaps between updates don’t leave anyone DYING because I’m going to follow canon so there's not a huge mystery where it will go. You can also get an idea of where they’re going by stitching clues together from the other fics. I have no idea if or when I’ll find time to WRITE A WHOLE TRILOGY (please just let me finish TTSR first LMFAO) but I always imagined TTSR ending around when Shiro dies, the middle fic being about Kuron, and the third as the post-S7 story that I have to make up myself because I don’t accept S8 LOL.
MAKE OF THAT WHAT YOU WILL but that’s basically the questions I ask about these guys and how it informs where fics go and if I’m in one mood or another or think one timeline or the other will serve a story I want to tell, I’ll set it there!
and OMG don't apologize for sending Sheith asks, I think all this stuff is like bursting at the seams of my brain and I'm always happy to yell about it!!!
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abimee · 1 year
Extremely important question. What’s Althaea’s favorite Barbie movie.
THE BARBIE DIARIES!!!! but a LOT of people dont know abouy the barbie diaries, so if we're talking strictly like the super magical fantasy ones like nutcracker and such that more people know about id say Island Princess :]
funnily enough i had many like, original drafts of my joke au where Althaea somehow manages to appear in modern times eorzea (usually hand waved away as ''the wol collected enough shards of azem that they accidently re-awaken), and one of the original drafted ideas was that when Althaea appears, she has entirely no recollection of who she once was Because she lacks her azem crystal like how emet was using the crystal memories for the ones he woke up, so not only does althaea Not Remember any of her shard selves, but not much else about her amaurotine self either besides some basic facts and the way they used to live, so while she has no clue who she is In Specific, shes also amazed by this world she's woken up in that feels nothing like what little she remembers
She gets found and taken aboard a pirate ship thinking shes some castaway or poor soul thrown off board, and she only continues to amaze and endear the captain of a ship (a lonely but faithful duskwight woman), as she soons finds out Althaea has no understanding of Anything in the modern worl of eorzea; she has no idea what ships are, why people wear such different outfits, etc. I entirely based it off the song I Need to Know from island princess v
I've thought about coming back to this, because originally in the story the pirate crew were going to attempt to pass her off as a princess/woman of royalty from Ishgard to the people to swindle an immense amount of money from various people through some sloppy plots, and the duskwight captain tries teaching her how to pretend to be a princess. It's a secret ger crew doesn't know, but she was adopted by an Ishgardian minor noble house and never knew her true family or if they even wanted to give her up, and she always hated ishgardian nobility, so she left dodge before she was even twelve summers old and became a pirate's deckhand in lominsa to escape the suffocation of just Not Knowing the truth of things, and this is why she can understand Althaea's situation so well; she too feels like she dosnt know who she truly is, but shes trying to make her own image and rised to become her own pirate with her own crew to fill in what a lack of family and belonging left in her
Althaea does get pretty good at pretending --- so good actually with the captains training, that the word of an ishgardian noble daughter re-appearing in eorzea from a pirate ship makes its way back to Ishgard, and the captain's family believe it is their daughter and call for althaea to be returned to ishgard at once. they agree, if not just to get them off Althaea's back whence they realize Althaea doesn't look their missing chilD
BUT when they finally meet and the family exclaims that althaea IS their missing child, the captain becomes rapidly suspicious of whats happening, and soon Althaea and her get wrapped up in an intricate lie to see what the captain's family wants with Althaea
The problem is in the same breath that the captain and crew are now suspected of having stolen Althaea away from them, or at least heavily suspicous for having a lost noblewomen living with them, and the captain and her crew have to go under hiding so that they wont be found out and taken to trial while also staying close to Althaea and making sure nothing happens to her. to do THIS the captain and her crew scatter across eorzea, while the captain shadows as a duskwight miner whos come from the twelveswood to make some money. Through this chaotic mess the captain is now without her crew, the woman shes grown to be extremely fond of, and all shes worked hard for just to fabricate another false self; but she wants to help Althaea out of the mess she put her in, and Althaea sneaks to one of the mining caves to tell her that she's willing to see this plan through and uncover what the captain's family is doing, no matter the cost.
It becomes a sort of princess and the pauper esque thing that gets sort of funny and complex from here but the basic is that the captain's family has always struggled to have children, so when their adopted daughter disappeared they thought this was the end of their house and their name, so when a random ishgardian noble daughter re-appeared they scooped her up immediately to use her to carry the name, and immediatly began seeking suitors for this child hoping that it will bring in the money and stability they lost long ago
they do find a few suitors, lowborns with decent wealth from trade and a few minor house nobles seeking to merge their families, that are interested in Althaea's hand. One of the most prominent suitors that comes to visit Althaea though is from a man out of town --- he is no ishgardian, no noble, his name carries no weight, but he is wealthy and seeking a wife, and he can bring wealth to Althaea's family if not to make up for a lack of a name to carry her on. Her ''family'' disregards him immediately, but Althaea finds him incredibly sweet and kind, and Althaea routinely meets with him after her tea times with possible suitors to get to know him more. however, Althaea does not want any sort of marriage to go through --- not because shes lying about her place as the lost noble daughter, but because she has grown affectionate towards the pirate captain, and it doesnt feel right to make a fool of another man giving her his heart in this way.
realized im just rambling about a random oc au and idek if you know anything about ff14 so im going to stop here before this post becomes a mile long ARCK
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Seeing this ask really did make my day thank you so much, anon- I started to type a super long response for this, but I accidentally closed it, so I am just going to talk about a little bit
These are the characters I'm talking about
Orpheane/Orpheus/Orphettuccine Alfredo used to absolutely love worms on strings before the string on her appeared. She has a whole collection and enjoyed giving each worm their own personalities and playing with them. They made her feel like she wasn't alone, but unfortunately, after being cursed to turn into one when the string on her is pulled, she started to hate them. Funny enough, after they stopped bringing her joy, she started to cry all the time. She probably relates way too much to Spiral of Ants by Lemon Demon
Charming is a gay theater kid who is also a nerd who deserves to be shoved in a locker. Her favorite item ever is her bowtie, and if she's ever without it, she will start to panic. She likes to stim by adjusting her tie with her paws, but sometimes, as a nervous tick, she either sticks out her tongue or shoves a paw into her mouth, and bites. Despite not needing to drink or feel a need for any other biological functions, she still feels thrist. She probably kins a lot of characters who happen to be my favorite from their series.
Vedas is usually very shy and nervous, but sometimes, when she feels comfortable, she is all for playful banter. A way she stims is shaking her head and gearing the bells on her hats ring. Like Orpheane, she had a collection of carousel music boxs and was also cursed to turn into a little figure like the ones you'd find on one, but she still loves and enjoys them. She always loves all amusement park rides, like merry-go-rounds, rollercoasters, waterslides, etc. and will talk for hours about them to anyone who will listen.
Maskky always refuses to talk about herself, but the one thing she will tell people (But refuses to elaborate on) is that "You know how in some media there's a group of someone there's usually the one who was obviously like a mascot? I was basically that!" Despite not giving anymore context on that, she seems to be very proud of this. Also, Maskky is epic and a transgirl.
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mandrake-arya · 3 years
Okay so I've never spoken about FMA in this account, not on first person, I'm always kinda shy but I think I made a quite interesting thought: at the sixth year in the fandom and the third time I fall back into the rabbit hole after having left it as a dormant fandom for a while, I finally noticed something I really, really should have noticed sooner: the parallels between my probably favorite FMA villain -I hate him but he's WONDERFULLY written- and my favorite character(s): Bradley/Wrath, and Greed and Ling, so I'm gonna share it and then disappear into the void.
Let's start.
Wrath/Bradley says he doesn't even know who is he now, if the human soul is somehow still alive or not, if Wrath is Bradley or Bradley is Wrath. Instead, Greed and Ling keep different personalities and instead of suffocating each other they learn to cohoperate and respect each other, rubbing off on each other in a good way, learning and becoming better, especially Greed (an homunculus learning so much from a human, something the other homunculi greatly despite, especially Bradley himself, even though he's the only other human based homunculus.)
Bradley says he doesn't know which soul suffocated which, if the human soul was strong, if it was suffocated, he knows he was just as angry as Wrath and so they fought, and this is similar to how Ling always was greedy just like Greed (Greed himself called him that,,,), but that drew them close and helped them respect each other, instead of fighting, and so Ling managed to survive and to talk with Greed; plus, Wrath never chose anything, not really, he always was in the facility and/or with the homunculi, while Ling and Greed are all about free will??? Ling freely accepted Greed, and Greed always stood up to the Father, refusing to follow him, while Wrath never chose anything, he just followed orders.
The only thing Wrath ever chose was his wife, that made up "family", and this is maybe the only real similarity between the two human based homunculi: Greed openly chose his family, the Devil's Nest first and then Ling, Ed and the other chimeras, they were /his/ and he always was attached to them, and this put them apart again, because Wrath always refused to actually consider Mrs Bradley his real family, staying true to the homunculi, while Greed totally refused the homunculi, always staying true to his real family, his chosen family, when he had free will and memories.
And so did Ling, he always fought for his people, his country, his dreams, wanting to change things, not to stay tied to the old ways.
Wrath always despised humans despite being their leader, he always looked down on them. Greed never despised them, he respected them and he had real friends in the chimeras, he came to respect and befriend Ling, admiring humans, even while working with the homunculi, and Ling always fiercely defended them, while Wrath considered them useless despite having been one??
Ling always fought for the humanity, and Greed even let him speak back to Wrath, admiring him and the humans, and... desperately wanting to be their friend, despite his pretending, he wanted a place among them, unlike Bradley who had a place among them but despised it, seeing them only as a mean to an end.
And then there's the leadership thing, and we're talking more about Bradley and Ling here, the ruthless Fuhrer and the young prince ready to give up everything to become Emperor and protect everyone. Wrath thought that a leader should think for himself and not for the people, for the "greater purpose", seeing his people only as pawns, while Ling always firmly believed that a leader exist for his people and owns them everything, he always saw his people as people, more than worthy, he never left them behind, not when Lan Fan was hurt, not even when Foo was dying. He always fought for them and though that a ruler should be devoted to his people, he wanted to become Emperor for his people, to help them and protect them, at the point that he decided to protect /everyone/, not only his clan, in a way that Bradley would only think of as weakening -and this is the beauty of Ling's character, he instead always thought this was a strenght, the power of protecting others, instead of a weakness. He despised Bradley and his way of ruling, because a ruler so selfish and who looks down at his people isn't worthy. He sees the ruler as the protector of the people, not the people as a mean to an end for the ruler.
And then let's think about the physical confrontations of the two homunculi: in the end, they always were opposite, they fought lots of times. Bradley killed the first Greed's family, even making fun of him caring for them. He always despised
his "humanity" and his care for the chimeras, bc he saw through Greed's bullshit act of "I don't care" and considered him weak because of that, even if instead Greed was /strong/ because of his relationships, even if even he didn't saw it, they gave him the strenght to cut off the ties with the homunculi, not just once but twice, and to stand up.
He despised Bradley and his arrogance, and moreover his servility to the Father, and stood up against him even in the brief period in which they were on the same side.
And then we go to Ling. I already talked about his first confrontation with Bradley, his hate for his way to rule, the way the two leaders despite each other and consider each other weak -Bradley is selfish, Ling wants to protect everyone and hates Bradley thinking about the people as a burden-, but I think it's still super interesting their fight and their confrontation, because Ling actually manages to stand up to him and prove that he's not weakened by his people, even though he has to learn about sacrifice -that leading to him accepting to become an homunculus, but that's another story-.
The next time Bradley and Ling/Greed confront each other Greed and Ling are already one, and Bradley despise humans, and Ling talks back to him, and Greed lets him, actually showing to respect him and the human, at the point of giving Ling more freedom than expected by an homunculus, despising Bradley's arrogance instead.
And then, Greed regains his memories, and who does he goes to fight? Exactly, Bradley. Because he killed his family and he didn't give any explanation and he's hurting and he's angry because he barely remembers them but he lost them because of Braley and he hates him. And then it's both Greed and Ling against Wrath, because he actually recognizes Ling's skills as well as Greed's, and they manage to escape.
And then we go to their last fight: Greed and Ling and Foo against Wrath, and Wrath kills Foo, and both of them suffer, bc the man was Ling's family and Greed admired him, as he does with humans, and so they fight together, Greed lets Ling use all of his power and protects him, and they both fight and tell the people to go away, they both /protect the humans/, they both care.
But this is excalating in one of my usual rants about Greed so let's skip to the last thing: the death of the two homunculi.
Wrath dies in a long fight, it takes lots of them to take him down (and even if I love his last confrontation with Scar, the fight between the two nameless men, I kinda think Greed and Ling had the right to deal the final blow), but he dies peacefully, thinking about his wife, his only choice, and maybe, only maybe, regretting that illusion of a family. He dies accepting, finally, that there's something beautiful, in the human life he could've had.
Greed dies for the others, for his family, accepting them and the idea of belonging to them, the only thing he ever wanted. He dies peacefully as well, saying goodbye to his friends, who will now have a chance: Ling will become Emperor, Ed will defeat the Father. He dies knowing himself and what he wanted, he dies whole, without regretting the life he's had, just happy that he's had it and that he can call them his friends. Both the homunculi die peacefully, but while Bradley kinda remains detached from humans, even accepting the idea that his human life wasn't so bad (because he never fully embraced it), Greed gives himself totally to his friends, sacrificing himself and dying satisfied, happy. In the end, almost human.
Also I don't know how to end rants but Bradley was number 12 at the facility and Ling is the 12 prince of Xing and this isn't actually something but I still think it's kinda interesting so if you're still here at the end of this rant CONGRATS
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metanoia-adventures · 4 years
#i think im broken#or more messed up than i thought#this drop in mental health has really shown me that i am.... a very needy and hypocritical (???) person#i kinda talked abouy it earlier but like... i need comfort? i need a hug from a non family member that i trust and respect and whom i know#loves me and i dont have anyone lile that#and it's shitty as fuck because when i think about being in a relationship with someone like that i panic#i say why the fuck would i do that and i try to think about something else because the reality of being with someone else terrifies me#the surface idea of it is really nice and i think i really want that but once i think further on being in the relationship i think#no way in hell and i hate it because i feel like a fucking hypocrite#but im lonely#im so lonely and have no one to physically comfort me because of my hypocritical issues and my physical aint big on physical touch#(nor would i actually go to them woth this)#and it sucks because my anxiety has been making me feel like if my friends arent texting me then yhey hate me and im wasting their time#and i know thats wrong but it also feels like it isnt and i just.... fucking hate it#plus jajaja my dudes when i think of who i want physical comfort from it's chan all the way and i hate feeling like that???#i hate feeling like im depending on him too much and whatever because im some delusional person that doesnt see it but like fucking shit#i want a hug from him#a really long hug so i can stop being a needy stupid and annoying person and so i stop feeling sad and lonely#but that will never be ppssible which makes me sad and then mad that im even sad about iy and it's just a full cycle#om a mess and im scared to actually look into why because the reasons i already see make e so embarrassed and upset because i let them hape#im tired of it and i want to sleep and wake up without anxiety and depression bit i cant.#in conclusion im a fuvking mess of a dubass and want to cry#personal
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noora-s-nook · 4 years
Things are so fucked up.
TW for the tags: suicide
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pop-punklouis · 3 years
Hmmm even with Harry's charimas and talent, a lot of stuff he has achieved are thanks to his management or team.. you dont get that far ahead or that many praises by the big leagues without shaking some hands and thats where Jeff and his team come up. Take Abel/The Weeknd for example.. the amount of stuff he sells, how popular and how big he is but he still doesnt get the same praise or opportunities as fast as Harry got as a solo artist... it has taken him years for that. Every publication is salivating when writing abouy Harry like he is Jesus Christ second coming and that is partly to how well connected his team is and how they pitch him. They are after the money though bc I doubt Jeff was following 1d on tour back in 2014 and 2015 without already thinking of the coins Harry was gonna make them so wonder how it will end in the long run. People forget he was around way before he was publicly there for work
of course. management and artist teams are a vital part of an artist’s success and the opportunities/doors that are open to them including media, events, publications, film etc. revolve heavily around that— especially when you have a name like the azoff name backing you as they are hollywood royalty. harry is so intertwined with jeff and the azoffs in general, business wise, though, that i find it hard to believe he would part ways with full stop. would love to be wrong, but i have a hard time seeing it happen.
also, just want to say that i don’t think everything jeff and/or the azoff name has done has been awful. i actually believe that there are a lot of things his management can be praised for over the years. they’ve been able to help harry achieve a lot of things and doing it alongside a family friend/those he trusts is something you don’t find a lot in the industry. from what i’ve gathered from harry is that trust and loyalty is vital to him which is why he keeps a certain group of people around him that prove that they are trustworthy and loyal far longer than he probably should. so, i believe it is more difficult for him to step away from those people even when his team and his image has become less than savory for the better part of the last couple years.
i believe there’s just so many factors at play here that we just aren’t privy to and will never be privy to, to understand his dynamic with his team and the choices that are being made— doesn’t mean i have to like them at all bc a lot of the recent shit that’s gone on… i have very much not been a fan of. it just means that things will never be black and white with harry styles and harry styles™️. it will always live in this grey area, and i just manifest better things for him going forward and the strategies and choices that are made by him and for him.
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violetjedisylveon · 3 years
Mom: Definition; Everything
Summary: Short story of Jacen's thoughts on Hera and his late father Kanan.
Word count: 702
Warnings: Hera sadness,
A/N: Happy Kanera Week everyone!
Kanera Week 2021 - Day 7: Free Day
This is my mom.
Her name is Hera.
And she's everything.
She is the greatest mom ever!
She spends all the time she can with me.
I like it when she's here.
When she's not here, Abi will be with me.
Abi takes me to see the wolves. I like the big white one best, he always licks me and lets me ride on his back.
I hear adults talk abouy mom when she's not here. Abi usually sends me out before I hear too much.
They talk about stuff like how great she is.
I've heard people say that she's 'the best General and Pilot the Rebellion has.' and 'She really knows how to fight the Empire.'
I don't really understand those but I know that fights bad guys when she's gone. I don't know what she's a General of but it's still cool when people call her 'General Syndulla'.
I know she's always fighting hard to win and she wins a lot of fights.
I like it when she wins.
That means she comes home.
She looks so happy at home.
I like it when Mom's happy.
I like it when she comes home.
Sometimes though, mom's not happy at home.
She used to cry a lot.
But only when she thought I wasn't listening.
She still tells me she's sorry.
I didn't really know why for a while.
She says that she's sorry for not being here all the time or being able to take care of me well enough.
She tells me she's doing the best she can and she's sorry she's not enough.
That's the part I don't understand.
She says she's not enough.
Not enough?
She's more than enough!
She's the greatest.
She's all I need and she's all I want.
She's my mom.
She's the best
I don't need anyone else. Not even my dad.
I know that my dad is gone and mom tells me all the time how much he loves me.
I know that I look like him more than I look like my mom.
I know that it makes her sad sometimes, dad being gone.
I try to make it better for her.
There are days when she just seems so... miserable.
I don't like those days.
But sometimes they lead to good things.
One of those days Mom told me about dad.
She said he had two names but the one everyone knew him by was Kanan Jarrus. He was a Jedi Knight amd he fought with Mom, Abi, Eb, Chop amd Eer.
Eer is gone too, that also makes mom sad but Abi says she's gonna find him! I'm excited to meet Eer, maybe he can tell me things about Dad that Mom can't.
I don't like pushing her.
Oh! One time my friend asked me what one wish I would make and I told him 'I wish that Dad was here and Mom was happy'.
I still want that, I wish Mom didn't get so sad. I wish I got the chance to meet him. Just once I want to see Mom and Dad together in person.
Abi has a holophoto of them together, that's my favorite photo.
I understood why she's said once Abi explained it to me.
Abi said Mom gets sad because Dad is gone and she's not here with me as much as she could be and...
Because everytime she leaves she risks not coming back.
Abi told me that she can't handle those feelings. And she misses dad.
That's why Mom gets sad, she's scared and doubts herself.
She doesn't have any reason to be though.
I don't need a dad, I mean, it'd be nice to have one but I don't need one.
I just need my Mom.
She's always been there ans no matter what happens when she works, I know she'll come home. I don't know how but I never have to worry.
She'll come home.
She always does.
My name is Jacen Syndulla.
My dad was Kanan Jarrus, he was a Jedi Knight who died protecting his family.
And my mom is Hera Syndulla.
She's a General in the rebellion.
She's the best mom ever and she
For clarification, Abi, Eb and Eer are what Jacen calls Sabine, Zeb and Ezra cause he couldn't say their names right when he was really little and the nicknames stuck.
Happy Kanera Week!
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galaxietm · 2 years
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so with my newest muse, Katarina Clae.s being added, i’m giving her a genshin verse. so here’s some headcanons for her verse!  i’m sorry to all mutuals with Genshin muses in advance for this source of chaos but i’m also excited for this verse for her
- she’s about 24 / 25 in this verse & has a geo vision (Keith has a Geo vision as well) - basically- she was born & raised in Mondstadt, her family took in Keith when they were kids as their own and they’ve been inseparable ever since. - Katarina & Keith were studying for various things (possibly to eventually undergo training to be knights or to be diplomats, Katarina is terrible at studying and hates it so honestly, it was probably your basic academy stuff)  - Due to her mother’s connections with the Ragnvindr family, Katarina and Keith regularly took trips to the Dawn Winery. Yes this resulted in Keith, and most likely Diluc chasing after her in the fields. Katarina probably dragged Kaeya along with them.  - as for connections, i'm meaning it in the sense of “Katarina's mother probably knew Diluc's mother and Crepus, so most likely she kept positive relations with him and supported the winery”. - she got her Geo vison when she was 15 she and Keith were training with their self-defense teacher and woops (although Keith had unlocked his at a very early age; when he was as young as Klee- no Katarina totally isn’t jealous, where did you get that idea) - when she & Keith were abouy 17 / 18, they graduated from their studies. shortly after this, Katarina was struck with the desire to travel across Teyvat and see as much as she could. It wasn’t an impulse- but it did cause her to turn to her brother after getting permission from their father and say “I’m going and Anne’s coming with me and you can’t change my mind”. So, partially spurred on by their mother as well as his own despite to help keep Katarina out of trouble, Keith agreed to go with his sister and her personal maid as they began their travels. the trio eventually returned 4 - 5 years later.  - honestly, Katarina’s favorite place to visit on their travels was 100% Inazuma. however, she also loved the scenery of Liyue and the way the villages they visited were full of kind people. - Katarina mostly resides in Mondstadt, however, she still travels around Teyvat often. sometimes she helps her father with diplomatic travels (with her brother Keith not far behind to make sure she doesn’t mess up) other times she travels for leisure. - despite being fairly chaotic, Katarina truly means well and has a good heart and that’s no different in this verse.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Friends to Lovers with Tony Stark
Tony Stark x reader
a/n: i make bad decisions and then write immediately after, hope this didn’t absolutely suck
prompt: anonymous: “Headcanons going from best friends to lovers with Tony Stark”
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meeting one another way back in the day, children on wildly weathly businessmen
actually forced to play together while your parents were in business meetings
you ended up resenting each other
mostly because every time you had to see each other, it got boring really fast
and your parents shit talked his parents constantly so you accepted that it should just be that way
YEARS later you and him reconnected when you attended MIT
“son of a bitch, what are the odds? tony goddamn stark”
“the odds aren’t in our favor, i guess”
not only were the two of you in assigned seats for the semester, you were also lab partners
but then you realized that you two were feuding for no reason and you actually enjoyed each others company
in this setting, your friendship thrived
“dude, i cant believe that we spent our entire childhood despising each other”
“yeah, y/n, you really missed out. i’m a motherfucking pleasure”
“oh, shut up, tony!”
pulling all nighters because the two of you get distracted by each others presence often
“y/n, try and catch the popcorn in your mouth. say ‘aaaahh’”
“oh, shit. wait, okay. ahhhhh” *throws popcorn and hits your eye* “wait, one more time!”
some wild nights on the town, occasionally stumbling back to your dorms after a few too many drinks
sometimes tony goes out on his own and calls you when he can’t make it home
“hh-ey se—” *burps* “sexy. could you maybeee, i dunno, i need some. some help getting home”
“same place as last time?”
“yeahh, that’s the place.” *hic* “im gonna throw up”
“i have the bucket in my backseat”
and yeah, he calls you sexy when he’s drunk, you just deal with it
he also forgets his keys a lot so thats a whole other mission for you
being bored as hell on school breaks because you have to go back to your families and hear them complain about one another (and ofc report back and make fun of your dramatic ass parents)
but one day you got a call from tony over winter holiday and you were excited to hear his voice until it seemed a little shaky
“hey? everything alright?”
“not...not really. i’ve got some bad news. really bad news...”
he could barely get his words out after that, but he told you his parents had been in an accident
you immediately left your house and drove hours to go see tony, this was his moment of need
mysteriously not long after that, your parents suffered a similar fate
the two of you took over your companies and had much more reasonable meetings, a wonderful partnership, indeed
but you were still two childish idiots at times
you’d bring each other to parties and shit
“you guys have met y/n, right? my date?”
“yep, this is tony, my date”
ongoing joke
ofc you two have done some shit on dares
i firmly believe tons of ppl have dared you guys to make out and who are y/n l/n and tony stark to turn down a good dare?
“what’s he taste like?”
“those goddamn blueberries he’s always eating”
he always has snacks always
several headlines have been speculation on whether or not you two are dating
tony drives you around tons
wants to “show you a good time”
blasting music while speeding down the road
honestly? sharing hotel rooms just bc you feel safer together
especially after he disappeared for so long
“oh my god, tony, i was worried sick abouy you”
“have you written my obituary yet? i gotta read it before i do anything else. how will i be remembered?”
“shut up and give me a hug, you asshole”
playfully making fun of each other
him showing you his “greatest creation” which was a battle suit (which was actually pretty badass)
“i want one”
“no way, this is my baby. you cant have my baby. unless you wanna have my baby” *wink wink*
ah, pepper likes when you’re around bc you distract tony from her and get him back on his work
and happy likes you because tony’s less paranoid around you
you’re like his second bodyguard but you dont get paid
CANT forget rhodey he cant stand you only bc you remind him of tony
but overall you’re alright
you CANNOT HELP but laugh at tony when he does something unfathomably stupid!!!!
even if hes in immediate danger you sometimes cant stop laughing (but that might just be panic.)
as the avengers came up, you weren’t invited on that “business trip” >:(
instead you got to accompany pepper on some stark/l/n business and ended up seeing tony nearly die on live tv
the second you saw him again, you couldn’t tell if you were happy or furious to see him
“you son of a bitch, stark! you had me so worried that you weren’t gonna make it, i might as well kill you myself! don’t ever do something so stup—”
tony kissed you
but like, for real
not as a joke
it seemed right, so you kissed back
“yeah, i missed you, too. can we go get some dinner and catch up?”
“wait, that was..?”
“long overdue, i know”
wasn’t long before the tabloids got ahold of some more “tony x y/n” content
and the lovely rumor was confirmed at a press conference!
“mr. stark, is it true that you and y/n l/n have an official relationship?”
“hell yeah, it’s true! you heard here first, folks! y/n and i are an item! and i fuckin’ love them!”
you made the cover of 5 different magazines 😌
you supported tony on his adventures but you wanted in
“really, after what happened in new york? well, i guess you saving my life on the battlefield would be kind of hot...sure. we’ll give it a shot”
“nuh-uh, tony. i’m in whether you like it or not!”
“that’s why i love you, you do it all. even when i don’t want you to”
engineering your own tech for yourself and others to help on missions
you did surprisingly well
tony had some issues that needed resolving though...like flirting during fights
“wow, y/n, you look great from this angle” *gets hit by some projectile*
“hah! serves you right!”
seriously, you guys were an iconic couple
and it helped that you guys were already so comfortable with each other, the two of you knew exactly what the other was thinking, it was baffling that you guys didn’t actually have powers
but tony was still tony and he had a problem putting you in danger, he was most comfortable with his arm around you
avengers parties and other dealings kept you busy busy busy
but you always made time for one another
and had tons of fun wherever you could
one might even say you and tony were...endgame (im so sorry)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @praellee // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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beck-a-leck · 3 years
I need advice and didn't know who to go to but you. When you're trying your best to improve yourself for self-worth but others mock you, how do you maintain a positive attitude? Should I try expressing my emotions or hiding them? I am so sorry to ask this question, but I don't know what to do at the moment
Oh, Nonny, that's honestly a really tough question, and I'm sorry you're going through that. *hugs* I'll give what advice I can, but I'll be the first to admit it might not be the best advice.
I've been through something like this, as I think many people have, so of it helps to know, you aren't alone. Things will get better with time.
My first advice would be to dump the people who are mocking you, if you can. If these people are your friends, they're being very toxic about it. If you feel able to, have a conversation. They may not realize what in their head is gentle friendly teasing to you is hurtful mockery. The same can go if they're your family as well. If they are your friends/family they won't want to hurt you, and will hopefully change their behavior. If they don't, for your friends - dump them. They aren't respecting you or the boundaries you've established in your relationship, and those aren't the kind of people you want to stay friends with. If it's your family, separating yourself from them may be much harder. It's a lot easier if you're a completely independent adult and you can up and remove yourself physically from them and just Not Visit them. When you are reliant upon your family for a home or transportation, or you're still a minor it's a lot more difficult. I don't have any advice for navigating a toxic family, but I know there are plenty of people out there who Do have that experience to work off of and can provide better help than I can. Best I can say is set your boundaries and be firm about what behavior is and is not okay with you.
You are worthy of respect. Always.
If the people mocking you Aren't your family and friends, then... fuck em. I'm going to paraphrase what (i think) is a dr. Seuss quote. "Do what makes you happy. Those who mind don't matter. And those who matter won't mind." In other words, stop allowing other people to determine your happiness.
I know. It's easier said than done. It will take lots and Lots of practice. But really. What does any random person's opinion of you matter when what you are doing is making you a happier, better person?
I'm going to offer advice assuming you're young, Nonny, still in high school or younger. If this doesn't apply, you can skip it. School popularity means Literally Nothing after graduation. Seriously. People stop giving a shit when they reach adulthood. (Or. Most people do. There are some people who peaked in hs and their whole life revolves around those 4 Very Short years) there is a lot of growth and maturity that happens to peolle between the ages of 18-22. Your life journey doesn't end at high school graduation. And I know when you're in school, it seems endless because you're trapped in the same building with the same people all day, every day, and they are basically your entire social structure. And depending on how big the school is, I can almost guarantee that there are Far More people who either Give 0 shots abouy what you're doing, are quietly rooting for you, or even more quietly envious if your bravery to be yourself. The people who don't have anything better to do than judge and mock others are a very small, if vocal minority. Things can, will, and do get So Much Better after high school. My advice from before stands. If they're your friends: talk to them. If they're not: fuck 'em. Don't let them determine your happiness and self-worth.
If you happen to not be school-aged, and none of the above advice applies, I have one last but to offer. Assuming your friends Aren't the ones making your life difficult, or at least not all of your friends, find one you are comfortable being open about personal things with and turn them into your cheerleader. Obviously, this does need to come with an open and honest discussion with them, make sure they have the capacity to take on this role. It's difficult to be someone's emotional support, particularly when you're dealing with something yourself, so having the kind of relationship where you check in with each other before venting can save A Lot of hurt feelings on both ends. Just a quick "hey, can I vent to you?" Or "i'm feeling blue, can you help cheer me up?" before you unleash everything can go a long way. And it's okay to have several s"upport friends" out there. Maybe you have a friend who knows your irl problems. And maybe there's an internet friend you go to when you need some fandom cheerleading. And, as is important with all relationships, make sure you're not only dumping your problems onto your friends' laps, let them vent to you. Cheer them on when they're nervous or when something good happens.
And one final bit of advice, to help stay positive, surround yourself with positive people. This kinda ties into the good support friends bit, but really, exercise your power in filling your life with things and people that make you happy. Dump bad friends, avoid toxic family when you can, ignore the people who don't matter, when you're on social media Freely Utilize the blocking tools at your disposal. Stay away from threads and people who stress you out (or whole websites). Block people who make you unhappy, stay away from tags that make you feel bad.
You need to curate a space around you that makes you feel better with people who also make you feel better. The world is not always a kind place, but it's easier to navigate when you have a safe harbor to return to. Sever the link between shame and guilt and pleasures. Guilty pleasures don't exist, if something makes your brain release the Happy Chemicals then embrace that shit!
You have to put in some work to curate a happy place for you and fill it with the things and people that make you feel good about yourself. The world is not always a kind place, but it's so much easier to navigate when you have a safe harbor to return to.
And my final, Final piece of advice. If all else fails, Spite is a Perfectly Valid reason to do something. Someone tells you you can't/shouldn't/won't do something? Nurture that little seed of Spite and say "fucking watch me." They can die mad about it.
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
okay first up on the list: sukka
bear with me this is all just the background info because this is a fic i started MONTHS ago but gave up on. its a five n one fic but heres all the relevant background info:
suki and sokka met their freshman year of highschool. suki was an annoying know it all of a freshman (hello im projecting onto suki here) and hahn was the sexist jerk who say behind her. sokka was hahns best friend and followed him around like a little puppy. suki knew that sokka was just repeating everything hahn told him ab women but sokka took it and ran with it to look cool for his friends.
naturally, suki and sokka do not get along. suki constantly calls out hahn for his bullshit, sokka defends him, and sokka and suki get into fights while hahn sits back and watches. its even worse because suki and sokka see each other everywhere. student council. musical rehearsal. his hockey practice is right across the street from her job. they are on the same coed soccer and track teams. they have the same classes. they literally are always around each other.
sophomore year comes around and sokkas no longer friends with hahn. partly because his arguments w suki got him to realize he was being sexist. partly because hahns a dick. partly because hahn tried hitting on his girlfriend yue.
sokka apologizes to suki for freshman year and suki is like its fine i got too heated sometimes too and sokka was like well yeah if i were you id wanna rip my head off too dont apologize. suki and sokka are kinda sorta friends now.
junior year yue moves away and sokka is really upset about it. they broke up because they felt they were too young for long distance but it still hurt. suki along with the rest of sokkas friends (sup gaang) are there for him. suki and sokka are friends but they still arent super close yet.
OKAY NOW ONTO THE FIC ITSELF (im so sorry for long posting but i love sukka)
5 times sokka drove suki home and one time suki drove him
1st ride: sokka offers to drive suki home from a club meeting after overhearing her talking to toph about how her cars in the shop and her mom cant get her until an hour after the meeting ends. she accepts and they drive together. theyve hung out before in group hangs n stuff but theyve never rlly been just the two of them. its nice. sokkas a fast talker and gets very animated and invested in their conversations. they dont wanna stop talking so they just keep driving around town, never too far away from sukis house, for an hour before finally dropping her off.
2nd ride: similar story as before. suki needs a ride home and sokka offers. theyre convo is still very fun and interesting but a lot of the trip this time is actually them just singing songs in the car together and just jamming out. sokka tells suki that her voice is rlly good. suki never heard sokka sing before because he only did tech for shows, but hes not half bad himself. will suki start imagining singing duet with him after this ride? no absolutely not. will sokka? yes absolutely. (jk they both think ab it sukis just in denial)
3rd ride: at this point suki has stopped driving her own car to school and instead has her mom drop her off. her mom doesnt mind, she likes getting to talk to her daughter in the morning (and she knows damn well shes got a crush on that boy who drives her home) and sokka just asks her if she needs a ride, he doesnt wait for her to ask him first anymore. this talk is fun but more serious. sokka keeps asking about suki and her identity as bisexual. suki thinks hes gonna be weird about it but then during a lul in conversation he admits that he thinks hes bi too. lots of comfort. yes ik im projecting onto suki in this fic but this car ride wouldve been MAJOR projecting onto sokka time ayoooo.
4th ride: suki is at a party and hahn is there and sokka isnt and suki is getting pissed off by hahn and wants to leave but she cant drive herself home. she calls sokka and he comes to get her even though its way too late. shes a little drunk still and tells sokka ab hahn being a dick. sokka wants to turn around and “talk to him” but suki is like shut up sokka youd lose that fight and sokka laughs and says not with u by my side to back me up. suki doesnt know if shes drunk or something still but sokka looks really good under the light of the streetlamps they drive past.
5th ride: suki has taken it upon herself to refer to sokka as her chauffeur since he drives her everywhere now. he rolls his eyes and grumbles about it but he always assures her that he doesnt care and that he likes their car rides together. its towards the end of the year and prom is coming up and neither of them have a date. sokka hatches the perfect plan and instead of walking with suki to his car from the school, he tells her to meet him there instead because he has to talk yo a teacher abouy something (lies he got out of class early cuz mr piandao is the goat and sokka needs to set up). when suki gets to his car hes got a whole promposal set up and is holding a sign that says “i know im an excellent driver, but lets get a real chauffeur for once. prom?” and of course she says yes.
suki didnt want a chauffeur for prom. instead she offered to drive the two of them there instead. sokka keeps making jokes about how hes terrified to be in a car with her because of how much katara has complained about sukis driving (i drive fast so suki drives fast deal with it) theyre on their way back from a prom after party and suki is taking sokka home. its quiet and peaceful but sokka wont stop staring at her. “what” she asks “nothing. youre just... really.. pretty. i guess.” hes so awkward. poor kid is so flustered but suki likes it. “yeah ur not to bad urself” “i really like you suki” “i like me too” “im serious” “i know sokka” “so what do you think?” she can see hes nervous now “i thought you were supposed to be smart. im surprised you didnt notice how much u like you too.” “wait really?” his eyes light up “of course dumby. i literally stopped driving to school as an excuse to hang out with you more” smoocie smoocie ensues.
badda bing badda boom: sukka fic.
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