#there's a lot I dislike about this however I'm too lazy to change anything.
rayix · 10 months
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Winter cups :3
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moonfromearth · 1 year
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200 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!!
It's honestly so amazing to me that somehow I made it to 200 followers! You're all so sweet and I appreciate everyone that's taken the time to interact with my posts and I promise I have new stuff in the works that'll be released soon 😉
So, I did this poll to see what everyone would want and it was so fun to hear from so many people thank you everyone who voted! Sim dump was the clear winner!!
Anyway, included are eight cc free young adult sims! They all have set skills and careers because I think it's fun but you can do whatever you want with them as long as you don't change skintones (bonus information about each below the cut as a "guide" because I like coming up with their characters)! I also had too much fun picking out likes and dislikes so... There are a lot 😬
P.S. If in the library it shows up as having cc I swear there isn't any I don't know why my game likes to mark it as having cc even when there isn't I'm sorry for any confusion.
Feel free to tag me if you ever use them and I hope you enjoy!! 😁😁
Download Link [Google Drive]
[Sim info below cut!!]
Parker Daley - Friend of the World, Erratic, Creative, Vegetarian - Bubbly and eccentric Parker is the life of any party! A fashion designer who loves anything "stylish" (which is just anything she likes, pretty much). Parker is completely unpredictable which makes her an interesting companion. A city girl all the way.
Lilah Dumas - Computer Whiz, Cheerful, Geek, Lazy Lilah is a very "you only live once" kind of person. She doesn't spend too much time dwelling on just about anything, and will drop whatever doesn't bring her joy in a heartbeat. As such she was determined to make one of her hobbies into a career, and amassed a decent following for herself as a streamer.
Raj Pandey - Fabulously Wealthy, Perfectionist, Mean, Self-Assured Raj grew up always knowing he'd join the family business, and the atmosphere of wealth and status, as well as the most expensive education obtainable, has turned him into a stuck up character. He appreciates a well crafted insult. In fact, he's not averse to the occasional argument debate (as long as he wins). Despite these traits he's managed to get himself adopted into a group of friends who, though often annoy him, have become an important part of his life.
Sonny Oswald - Friend of the Animals, Socially Awkward, Animal Enthusiast, Neat Sonny is a sweetheart and I love him. Awkward and shy, he's more comfortable around farm animals and plants than he is around people. Only is closest friends get to see how kind and fun he can be. One day he'll move out to the countryside and start is own farm, but for now he's working his way through the gardening career (baby steps, right?).
Lucas Esparza - Nerd Brain, Noncommittal, Bookworm, Adventurous Lucas's two goals in life are to gain infinite amounts of knowledge for himself and leave a trail of broken hearts as he travels the world to get said knowledge. That makes it sound like he's a horrible person which is because... Well he is, but who doesn't need a villain in their game? I'm sure he has his good qualities, however, I honestly love him for being the absolute handful he is.
Keira McDaniel - Painter Extraordinaire, Gloomy, Maker, Music Lover A bit of a "tortured artist" character who enjoys spending hours painting/crafting in her studio with music playing constantly, blocking out the rest of the world. Keira is very sensitive, and feels the emotional weight of everything around her very intensely, channeling it into her art.
Joslyn Lancaster - Country Caretaker, Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, Glutton Joslyn is a very meat and potatoes kind of gal. She lives for the simple things in life, working the ranch, riding horses, and a good meal. It's never occurred to her that there might be more to life, and the world, outside of the ranch, because what more could she need?
Gabrielle "Gabby" Moran - Leader of the Pack, Insider, Snob, Cat Lover Gabby is a fine and polished young woman, growing up in a life of luxury, and the champion English rider in town. She's very aware that she is the best at something, and it's boosted her confidence (*cough* ego) to astronomic levels. Quite the gossip, she loves to be out with friends, gossiping about the latest scandal, but when not there she's tending to her horse and preparing for her next competition. Despite the facade of the popular mean girl she puts up, Gabby cares very deeply about horses and her career, and takes it very seriously. She also loves spending time with the barn cats when they're around.
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lonelylonelyghost · 6 days
Watched 4 episodes of Fateful Love.
On the bright side - I really get why people were raving about the old-school feel of this drama. Pretty cool.
The guy from Snowfall is here, which is also great:
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And these two are very cute:
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But regarding the other things... Please, allow me to be a hater for a little bit.
Usually when I like a piece of media, I let it get away with a lot. But if I don't like it for whatever reason, then I tend to nitpick very small things that only builds up my dislike even more. I know that it's not objective at all, but the personal taste in art can never be so.
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I understand that the aim of this cdrama is pure entertainment, just to watch our main heroes be badass and competent, wreck havoc and have a good ol' time. It's not claiming gritty historical realism (just look at the props and set design) (my eyes almost started bleeding when I first saw that dagger istg), it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy where people just wear vaguely historical gowns, and I'm as usual in my habit of overthinking.
FL thinks that this world is just her hallucination, so naturally she feels indifferent towards anyone and can behave however she pleases. And people surrounding her feel like caricatures, cardboard cutouts because they're not real, so logically I understand it.
But like, why should I care about anything then? The characters should make me invested in their fates at least a little bit, no? It's similar to the Double, where a highly competent couple achieve the highest level of badassery humanly possible, and I should like it, I really wanted to, but neither of the characters felt real, so after watching 20+ episodes I still ended up feeling absolutely nothing.
And I know that it sounds incredibly weird, but my biggest complain for this drama so far is that ML just doesn't walk like a person living in historical times would.
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He walks like a contemporary person would in our real-life settings, only here instead of a business suit he's wearing royal robes. And there's a difference between a historical character acting relaxed in their robes, and a character that just doesn't know how to behave in those clothes. In the case of ML it's the latter, and it just looks wrong.
Usually I don't really pay attention to this kind of stuff, because it's just body movement, but now this small aspect is changed and it caught my eye instantly. I understand why FL moves the way she does - she's literally a transmigrator, but unless the Fourth Prince is also secretly from another time, it doesn't make sense.
ML is supposed to be a powerful and intimidating figure, a great general and a prince to boot. But to be seen as such while adorning a historical costume, you need to behave like that costume and setting are the most natural thing to you. But the way that ML's mannerisms are, it just feels like a bad cosplay.
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Plus, when they show ML bowing to the emperor, they only show his knees, which is so strange? Was this just an... interesting editing choice or did the actor not want to bow down on screen?
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There are more little details that ticked me off and I could pinpoint, but I'm lazy and I don't want to spend so much time on things that I don't like.
If you like this drama, then great! I wanted to like this too, but alas. The vibes are off...
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dewipersikkk · 4 years
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I'm a bit curious with this "Blue butterfly" effects shown in the OVA: Lost Girls. So I did my research meanings of blue butterflies. I know the OVA is kinda unrelated to the original manga but perhaps it may foreshadowing something(?)
From my own findings, most of the articles said it symbolize meaning of life, acceptance, happiness and so on. Some of the articles said spotting a blue butterfly is very lucky because it is view like "Wish granter"?
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"Meaning of life" - We all know Eren is always be the sole purpose for Mikasa(Currently) to live and to fight. He's the reason for her to stand and fight,fight and fight. I don't want to focus with Eren's pov since it's well..'common knowledge'........If you get what I mean
I'll use my "Shipping goggles" for this analysis and will focus more on Rivamika❤.
"Symbol of acceptance"
Mikasa POV
From the start of SNK, we all know Mikasa dislike Levi because of Eren's trial. However, their relationship development throughout the manga has change from dislike/hate to trust/respect.
In the uprising arc, Mikasa has shown she accepted Levi as her captain, trust his decisions and she even obeyed his commands. Not like the Mikasa in the past arc, she's a bit stubborn.
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For the final arc, Mikasa seems to be more respect/care/trust for her captain. She's also becomes more mature when she's around with Levi, example, she's focus more on the objectives rather than blindly thinking about Eren like she used to do.
Levi's POV
From my opinion, Levi gained his trust to Mikasa in Uprising Arc, he respect her as his comrade/soldier/protege and Levi do trust her to fight alongside Mikasa. In the data book, Levi has shown to be concerned about Mikasa BUT he did trust her (not fully) to be with his partner-in-crime and also...MOONLIGHT AND THE CARRIAGE SCENEE.
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In the final arc, Levi accept Mikasa's command to bring her to Eren and he don't even hesistate.
Bonus : His eyes sparkles when Mikasa asked him. Perhaps he's ready for the action or maybe feeling appreciated? HA
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It's not only Mikasa who grows but Levi too, which is acceptance. Levi is not the type of person who easily accept command from people except for Erwin (At first, he was violent with Erwin) and Mikasa.
"Symbolize luck"
-Mikasa is a very lucky and she nearly died by female titan if not Levi saving her that time. He also prevent her to go reckless or doing something thag blinds her to save Eren Eren Eren which could cost her life or comrades. One of the articles said,
"Seeing or holding it can have a calming effect on a person"
The blue butterfly reflects Levi a lot since yeah he's always be the one to calm her besides Hange.
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Not only to control her reckless-ness BUT he always advice/guide Mikasa to control her emotion when it' comes to Eren (Somewhere in the early manga).
Levi is always be there with Mikasa and she's should be lucky to have him by her side😂. Levi is truly the guidance of her life.
Last but not least, the below article.
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-I'm sure Mikasa will survive from the hell hole. She will be free from anything like the blue butterfly including her attachment with Eren. She could still love Eren but her attachment will be no longer there. She deserves freedom as well as Levi. Freedom which they can do anything on their own will. From all of the analysis, Levi is capable to protect,care,guide and MAYBE even bring Mikasa happiness and joy that she's striving for. Maybe the BLUE BUTTERFLY effect is her fate? Happiness,joy,acceptance,luck and freedom in the end of the day? And also the meaning and purpose of her life?
The butterfly effect have NO relations with Rivamika development but its meaning have relations to Rivamika. Parallels, relationship development and so on. Perhaps Levi is Mikasa's blue butterfly? Who knows?
AND THIS IS ONLY A DUMB THEORY MADE BY MY OWN BRAIN HAHAHA. I wish I could write more but I'm lazy.
So thank you for reading!
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Hi ya! Is if okay to ask for a matchup? I saw one of your recents and I honestly really like them! Plus, after scrolling some, it seems we have similar interests so I'll be hanging around for a while. 😄 I hope you're doing well!
I'm a heterosexual female who's an INTP 5w6. If I had to label how I look it'd be "Casual Walmart". Just give me the same clothing in different colors and a pair of shoes. I don't care for looks. Also, the same goes for people too. I care more about a person's character, personality, and their actions towards the people around them. I can't stand people who think they're better than everyone and treat potential friends like tools. Moving on. 😅
To a stranger, I'm either the quiet shy type or the grumpy antisocial introvert. It takes a while for me to become comfortable around people and it takes longer to be friends or in a relationship. So a lot of people don't get to see the real me. I'm actually outgoing when I'm with close friends or relatives. I'm more expressive about my favorite things or when talking to friends. I don't feel uncomfortable asking them questions that are usually "wrong" to ask in general. I will drop everything if it means helping that person, within reason. I'm not afraid to be bluntly honest when it's needed. "Loyal as a dog" until the person proves repeatedly they ain't worth it. I'll just leave or keep a long distance if that's the case. There's much more but that would be a book worth. 😂
I can make some pretty awful dad jokes. I enjoy teasing my friends and younger siblings. (I love being the oldest. 😁) I enjoy photography, writing nonsense after midnight, stargazing on my truck, playing video games, collecting Marvel/DC (anything), and the smell of pine trees after a rainstorm. My main dislikes are cats, anyone that repeatedly hurts my family or friends, messes that can be easily cleaned, and needles.
Eyo @comic-gamer02!!! Thank you for the compliments and I have a feeling we could get along well and fast ^^ I hope you enjoy this <3 🌘🖤life and love~🖤🌒
patience invites… log 1 - friends 🌹
+ As we all know, Jack or EJ is an introverted person or being or demon boy. He is also one of the ’doctors’ in the creepypasta household. + However, he is actually an ambivert! I headcanon that for him and no one can make me change it òuó + He looks like an introvert because he’s just lazy to interact with the people around him. + You on the other hand, is quite different from him. He’s lazy to talk, you’re uncomfortable to talk to the ones around you. + So there you were, all alone, on a single couch in the living room. His favourite spot to sit in the whole damn world. + He notices that you sit there a lot and just do…basically nothing. + Besides sitting and staring or playing with whatever you were holding. + He doesn’t mind, he’s just weirded out to why. + You didn’t talk to anyone at all. I mean, everyone was there…including Slenderman. But, you were just…silent. + Until! Jane asked what you wanted to watch. ”Uhm…whatever?” you said with an awkward smile. + Well guess what, there is a movie called ’Whatever’ from the year 1998. + However, you grew familiar with the creeps. As the days go by, you got more comfortable with them and you interected with them more often. + EJ notices. One day, when you were sitting on his favourite seat in the world, he said, ”Hey, that’s actually uh my sofa so…” ”..oh..*you got off and went*” He just watched you go and he sat on his sofa. + HOLY CRAP WERE YOU EMBARASSED. + Why? You sat at his sofa almost everyday without knowing it was his. You babbled abd babbled to Jane about it. ”I SAT ON HIS SOFA. HIS. SOFA.” ”uhuh, and I don’t see the-” “THE PROBLEM. IS THAT I WAS QUIET FOR SUCH A LONG TIME AND JUST WELL, SAT THERE!” ”uhuh..first thing first, calm down,” + so you went up to him and apologised, he had his mask off at that time. ”Oh..it’s nothing..” he said with a small cute smile and pats your head. + OK, ANOTHER EMBARASSMENT BECUASE HE JUST PAT YOUR HEAD SOFTLY RIGHT AFTER HE GAVE YOU A PRECIOUS SMILE + oo crush~ + You babbled again to Jane, and she concludes.. ”You have a crush on him huh?” ”,,ò>ó,, duh” + Lucky you, he wanted to be friends. But he didn’t straight up tell you of course. He just showed you he wanted to, with actions. + He hang out with you often, walking around, having lunch, accompanying you after midnight. + teach him to play video games please. It’s not that he’s never played, he’s just really bad at it. ”What’s the triangle icon for,” ”It’s-“ ”What about the square?” ”That’s for-“ ”Is the circle supposed to be pressed?” ”Let.me.finish.” ”ok” yeah, xbox controllers can be very confucing huh? + He’s soft spoken af. + Your outgoing, helpful, and expressive personality, he’s jealous of it. The good kind of jealous (>u<) He really admires thet about you.
love is in the end log 2 - lovebirds ❤️
+ who confessed first? Kinda, you. + It was excidental. You didn’t mean to tell him that he was adorable. ”Why should I take the rabbit ears off?” ”Just do it!*you attempt to take it from his head*” ”*chuckles and grabs your wrist* Why?” ”BECAUSE YOU LOOK ADORABLE AND MY CHEEKS ARE BURNING” ”o- then why would I?,” ”JACK!” ”pfft-“ + He is a tease! (ahhh) + he may be soft, but he is very very over—protective. He will ’mark’ you, with your consent of course. + He advices you to think before literally dropping everything just to help someone, ”You yourself is way more important,” he’d tell you that. + Your blunt honesty makes you look strong and confident. He loves that about you. + But! That does not mean he will not interfere with your problem. He will stand either behind you or glare at anyone that has a problem with you. + (Why do I feel you are easily flustered? Maybe you are) he literally loves to tease you, probably a 24/7 hobby (ahahah) + he’ll sometimes take pictures of you sleeping and put it on your mirror or show you when you wake up. ”This is one of the cutest photo of you..” ”Really? which one— I AM DROLLING IN MY SLEEP IN THAT ONE!” ”Exactly!” ”JACK!” + When you go stargazing, he’d probably bring a telescope with. He really loves to admire you when you stargaze because when you do, your eyes outshine the night sky itself. You’ll be laying on your back while this man on his side, looking at you. + ”Are you even stargazing?” ”No..” ”Why?” ”Because I’m moongazing…” ”The moon is not out Jack..” ”yeah, but if I were to call it ’stargazing’ it wouldn’t fit the name…” ”Why is that?” ”Because there are a lot of stars and one of you..so,hence..moongazing..” + I see him as a Marvel fan, but, he would also be interested with DC. ”Wait…Batman has 4 Robins?” ”Yeah, wait, no, he has one,” ”Then who’s Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake..” ”They WERE his Robins..” “Ohhh..damn..he really loves orphans huh..” ”lmao what” + He doesn’t understand why you dislike cats but he just shrugs it off. Ok, he’s a ’doctor’. Therefore, he keeps needles in a place where only he knows where. + He will love you endlessly. Peppers kisses for fun. Cuddle when bored. You two, very wholsome. AF.
<< here you go! Your cat dynamic!!>>
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HIYO! I am so sorry this took so long ^^” Hope you have a great day and Take Care! <3
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Hello! Is it okay if I ask for a monster match? If it isn't just delete request!
So em... Biologically I'm a/my pronounce is a she/her. I'm 5'3 or 5'4 (not sure). I'm a heterosexual (but I look gay as f-). I love studying arts (music, architecture and etc.). A bit of history nerd and sometimes (almost every time) overthinker. I keen watching TV shows, anime, documentaries and honestly anything. I'm a wierd combo of introvert & extravert. Prefer staying at home and living my 'raccoon in the dumpster' life. Veeeeery touchy (with concent ofc). That type of a person to hold a frog, call it Garry and claim that it's your knew friend. (Love snakes, spiders and a lot more of wild animals that a lot of people dislike). Good looking flying living creatures are my weakness.
A bit about my look (spoiler I'm fabulous) ((maybe)). I have short dark brownish hair. Blue and green eyes. Small chest and a good looking 🍑. Prefer mens clothing (POCKETS AND FREEDOM TO THE WAIST) but I don't mind feminine.
I'm searching for someone a bit of opposite of me (looking opposite too but honestly doesn't really matter), so he could push me sometimes when I get too lazy or smt. And sometimes to walk me bc my home is my fortress (again home dumpster racoon). Preferably WAY taller then me (I need a pillow). Someone that can tolerate my sometimes (a lot of times) childishness. I don't really care about what type of monster he is. As long as he ok with me being me.
Thank you ahead! ♥️💓
Levi - M Harpy x F Human (Reader) // SFW Monster Match
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Anon monster match <3 I hope you love him!
Matches under the read more!
Content: SFW/Citrus; flirting, intimate embraces (cuddling, kissing), mentions of dating/courtship, creating a nest, use of endearment “sweetheart”, allusions to sexual intimacy
Masterlist // Monster Match Info + Masterlist // My Ko-Fi
Levi approached you first.
Though after his confession of being captivated by you - returning to the old museum in the hopes of stumbling into you once again, no recollection of him came to mind, and you would have remembered him.
Who wouldn’t?
Delicately feathered, shimmering with navy tips and darkened to near ebony closer to his chest. Long legs with talons clicked on the polished floor, but only the presence settling carefully beside you had roused you from staring toward the hanging artwork.
As rare as days out were of your own volition, you would never tire of reading the plaques and learning more with each visit. You hadn't moved for almost an hour when soft feathers tickled against your arm and in his attempt to create distance, they ruffled and stroked closer.
He may have approached you first with his chest puffed out and his head turned to focus only on you, but you were the one to speak, undeterred from staring at the wall opposite.
"Do you like it? This piece?"
His breath left him in a quiet exhale, enough to finally lure your attention to the broad expanse of his frame - failing in curling himself smaller, tracing the gentle sloping of his forehead down to his nose with a warmer stare.
In a voice as gentle as him, the stranger, as he was then, rasped, "sorry?"
"It's nothing special, is it?"
Rising from the low bench had you leaning against him - for the slightest and most fleeting of moments, relishing in the heat of his feathers, before he stood with you.
So close, his wing extended like a guiding arm, you couldn't help but reach to trace over them until he trembled.
Overstepping hardly made the best first impression, with little idea of how sensitive his wings may be, but the harpy stepped closer, lips curling. "Walk around with me?"
Your decision was made even before asking, "how much do you know of the artwork?"
"Very... very little."
Many afternoons passed in a close embrace, though you were hesitant to have him accompany you home. For however much you adored a day out, you loved time spent indoors far better, and the evening came around by your invitation to share your favourite films with him.
Even still, you doubted he enjoyed them.
(You had a slight suspicion he watched them not only to have you tucked against him, but to see your delight in whispering the memorised script.)
The incredibly brief tour of your open-plan home led you into your bedroom to change into something comfier, hesitating there too long.
You returned to a sight you'd never forget, and one reinforcing the love you had for him.
"Do you mind?"
Levi bounced unsteadily on his thin legs, surrounded by a mess of cushions and blankets; a hastily arranged nest. Using those same sheets you had readied earlier on the sofa, too, and you were struggling for words.
"We've had our days out," he murmured, extending an arm to draw you close. "Now, I just want you. Is that okay?"
You tiptoed to whisper, "perfect."
Some weeks felt longer than others. Little could rouse you now beyond the dimensions of your bed - not even the quiet ringing of your phone. The screen would brighten with the warm photo of dappled feathers, your boyfriend reminding you of your plans for the day. 
You hadn't forgotten.
He never left your mind.
Though the gentle knocking at your door made you turn deeper into your pillows. When the door creaked open, your smile tucked into the sheets soon to be pulled from your body. 
Not too long ago - not long enough after your first date, really, you had gifted Levi a key of his own. His courtship passed quickly and you were smitten, but he had opened the hastily folded tissue paper and frowned.
"Oh. Oh, I... thank you." 
By reflex alone, you moved to snatch the key, already rasping, "it was a mistake-" 
Feathers tickled your cheeks, lips soft against yours. His laughter never failed to soothe your nerves and he spread his arms wide around you. "I already have a key. I walk you home almost every night. Who do you think unlocks the door?" 
With it official then, it warranted a sweeter kiss, and the same greeted you now with warm hands coaxing you from the sheets. His quiet sigh resonated like a sharp twinge in your chest until you remedied it by stroking up through his feathered chest, just how he liked. 
"You coming out today, sweetheart?" 
Little more than a whine was your answer, a pout beckoning a kiss. Routine warned of quiet tutting - of pleading and compromise (often in your favour), but today you wanted nothing more than to finish the documentary you started the other night with him, not to go outside. 
Arms slipping beneath you earned a scowl. "I'm not going." 
Levi grinned. "Looks like you're going somewhere." 
This became the compromise; an understanding that though you loved to waste the day drowsy and warm, the nest he added to with every visit in your lounge welcomed you both. There was less chance of talons dragging against your legs, and more space for him to nestle tight. 
"We'll have a quiet day today," he murmured. "Next weekend, we're going somewhere nice. My treat - you can't say no." 
"We'll see." Levi pinched your waist and you smothered your smile into his wing, only for it to widen when his breath caught. You slipped your fingers lower down his stomach. "That's next weekend. Right now, we're laying together, and I still have too many clothes on. Want to help with that?"
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serodev · 3 years
Hello! Congratulations on your milestone!
Can I have a matchup please?
Nickname : Sissi
Name : Cyrine
Appearance : 5'4 ace/heteromantic gemini girl ambivert.Dark brown hair/eyes(glasses) a little chubby/muscled and pale skin+permanent smirk/smile/ neutral face. My style varies a lot (always comfy) but I never wear dresses heels/makeup. I love to imagine outfits with symbols from fandoms or my own drawings so I have a rather unique style who changes a lot
About PDA : I love it but I get flustered easily so I will take time to initiate it but will welcome it other wise especially in private (I love cuddles)
I'd like to be matched with a demon (I am curious as to who I'll get)
Personality : .Sassy sarcastic a little naive but I have a backbone (don't bother flirting with me and if you feel that I am flirting with you which happens a lot then it's just my personality and on the rare occasion I notice they have to confess or I won't believe it) ,calculative,protective,creative,expressive,,tsundere,manipulative,a devil's advocate,prideful,charismatic,smartass,bookworm,daydreamer,a little insensitive/blunt because I'm more on the logical side so I don't really understand or recognize emotions,vengeful,mischievous,a huge tease,open minded,very curious,gets annoyed easily,impatient so kind of a bad temper,observant but not romantically,sadistic to a point but my conscience prevents me from doing these acts.Indifferent to many things,open minded,morally...unique. With my friends I am either laughing, goofing around or annoyed. Those who don't talk to me see me as a nerd aggressive smart and blunt person ( even prideful) and strangers as a polite sweetheart. But I am a chaotic good/neutral. I notice a lot of details because I don't let my guard down even if I daydream plus I have a photographic + sound memory and they work very well in all situations which can be a bother when I try to concentrate which is difficult for me because I get distracted easily.
Dislikes: I hate injustice and fight for my beliefs. I have trust issues so I never talk about my problems and will use humor when confronted. Daylight. Cooking. Slow things or people. When I get teased a lot (yes I am a hypocrite here). People who don't pay attention to a conversation and then ask to repeat it more than once. People who change side easily and always criticize forgetting themselves. I tend to be aggressive and expose an annoyed face easily (I am moody), plus I hate orders and love pressing people's buttons it's funny(in a fun way rarely in a mean one) unless it's a sensitive subject
Likes: I love cats/laughter/sweets/pranks/dark humour/ a true crime and Supernatural enthusiast and I love science especially concerning space, chemistry, robotic and psychology. Books, sleep, drawing and video games too. Oh and debates I love them. Surprises too I hate routine and runs away from it
Hobbits : Reading, getting lost in a book, drawing, learning, debating, daydreaming, sports (fighting ones), art (music/drawing/writing) and video games
have some bad habits like biting my nails (I just got rid of it)/lips and moving my leg up and down because I am always nervous, disorganized room/sleep and eating schedule plus I am lazy. Of course if someone tried to address my problems I will change the subject or use humor. I don't understand a lot of references because I'm either too lazy to watch or I don't care/predictable. Also I might try to hide it but I am very competitive and a sore loser
Thank you! 🌓
Note(s): Tbh, I find it hard to comment anything to this, sorry!
I match you up with...
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» To be honest, Kaigaku clicked almost straight away as I was reading your personality. I've never met someone who counts themselves as tsundere, but I definitely think that Kaigaku has a thing for those kinds of girls.
» I think that there are a lot of things that happen to clash between you two, but in the end, I'm sure that you guys can make things work. However, as we all know, Kaigaku will press your buttons as well.
» I think that the relationship isn't going to be that healthy, to begin with, but it's not going to get any worse unless you actively try to ruin it.
» When it comes to your likes, I think that Kaigaku will spend most of his time either playing video games or talking about robotics with you because he definitely seems like a guy who would enjoy those things.
» Another thing I like to note is that you two will end up visiting fast food places more than you'd like to admit because neither of you likes to cook.
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diesukitsuki · 3 years
Hi Novah! While you are busy ordering, let me give you a gift. I'm here to deliver the first NSFW (lol not really explicit, only suggestive) thing I've ever written. Honestly, I'm pretty nervous and the words took me by surprise, but I wanted to share it with you. This is my gift and maybe there’s another one in the way! From your 💜 anon
law + mist + scientist (bgk!)
Your career as a scientist in the kingdom of Prince Izuku ensured no unexpected events would happen. Your well-organized schedule, your own research lab, no problems in sight.
I mean, except for that damn judge.
Judge Bakugou had something against your person, of that anyone was sure. Except for the Prince. Katsuki, according to him, was just weirdly showing affection by yelling, making strange gestures, and unexpectedly visiting you all the time. There was no doubt that these “gestures of affection” were anything but affectionate.
It was sometimes difficult to keep the lab clean (due to obvious circumstances, experiments made a lot of mess), and he seemed not to know how to knock on the door before entering, complaining about something here and there. But his rule book was always in hand when he gave a good scolding, and that always seemed so silly. He was used to creating rules and breaking them. And then, creating new ones.
"Those books are in the wrong order," "Are you so stupid that you can't organize those containers properly, dumbass?" The scoldings went on and on, with each unexpected visit. In any case, it looked like he was a crazy man changing his mind all the time. As a result, you organized the books and containers in such a way that he left you alone. However, the next time you received a visit from the judge (who looked more like some lazy man, in your opinion), he reorganized the books, again.
In your desperate efforts to get Bakugou into trouble, to beg him to stop, and in some way keep your job away from him, he claimed that it was merely his perfectionism attacking him, that nothing terrible had happened. According to Izuku, the blonde was just acting like that to get your attention. It's like a silly little boy picking on a girl and pulling on her hair when he's in love with her.
So collaborating with him will likely give the man what he wants, and he will stop. That's it. The perfect plan.
Only, actually, it wasn't the perfect plan. Men are greedy, and they easily give in to any pleasures given to them. As soon as you started paying attention to his advances, he only appeared even more and more. Bakugou started acting like a hungry man who had been given a meal and now kept coming back for more.
Or a lazy cat, as you liked to consider him.
Of course, your submission to his crazy orders didn't last long. Too unstable, and as much as working with instability was your duty as a scientist, people were another matter. It was no use asking the Prince for anything anymore, either. If you wanted peace, work yourself against the judge and his rules of running after you like a lost dog.
In fact, you found it cute. But it was also a headache sometimes.
“Judge Bakugou, can you wait? I’m trying to work." your voice filled the abandoned laboratory, except for your figure and the impatient man.
"No, I can't wait. Tell me, asshole, why are you avoiding me?" a direct question, indeed. But it wasn't as if you had much interest in answering. "Hey, stop mixing up your crap and answer me!"
You rolled your eyes behind the goggles. While your back was turned to Katsuki, he grew less and less patient by the minute. Since running your hand over his head and being nice didn't work to get him off your back (in fact, it seemed to make things worse), you found yourself forced to ignore him once again. You didn't dislike him at all, in fact. He was tall, handsome, and consequently, a distraction. Your claim was that you hated him so much he never left the corners of your mind, always lurking in your subconscious.
A loud noise caused you to turn around after something fell against the floor. Since you ignored his question, he began throwing books off the shelves.
"What the fuck?" You shouted as you rushed to put the books back in their place. "If I answer you, will you let me work?"
Without saying a word, he simply shook his head in agreement. You sigh as you cross your arms over your chest, as if in defense.
"You're constantly after me, and you seem to be completely desperate to have me." instead of giving a real answer, you teased him. With his confused expression, you giggled. “What’s the matter? Did you think I wouldn’t notice? Your face is red. Embarrassed of getting caught?"
Your tone had a hypnotizing effect on him. He couldn’t help but think how dumb you would get with his cock deep buried in your insides. You were messing with him, but of course, after being such a brat, you just assumed he would leave you alone.
This is why it was so impressive how he got you against the wall, with a look on his face that revealed his intent. He was about to fuck your brains out, and you knew that.
Perhaps you knew what you were doing all along.
Actually, maybe it was in fact your actual plan the whole time. But now you would discover the consequences of that.
- 💜 anon
omg now i can’t wait for your other works to come in 👀👀
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thoughtfulpaperback · 3 years
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Am I the only one who thought that the breaking of Jordan's Curse was weak as heck? I'll go into further detail about why I didn't care much for it but I feel that it is the main reason I am giving this episode a 7/10. It was solid as far as entertainment goes, but it wasn't as exciting to me as some past episodes have been.
Anyways I guess I will continue on to the dislikes now.
1) The end of Jordan's curse
Okay y'all, I get the poeticness of jordan being released from his curse by convincing a projection of Florence with his whole the past can't be changed and I am not going to be a violent person/I'm different. My whole issue with this is that the whole curse said you had to balance the scales of justice and that was kinda of exciting to think about how the show was going to go that route and what it might mean as far as tasks go.
This was a decidedly weak way to end a potentially exciting curse. Because the curse wasn't actually "broken" Jordan was released from it.
And on that note, I also have issues with that logic. So the spell was just a simple containment gone wrong because of Jordan's curse....so why was Florence real in it?. Like it is technically trapping then in thier heads in a way. You telling me that Florence's spirit just hangs around in Jordan's mind?
Well since the curse made the spell go haywire that's why Florence was there.....
Okay so this curse can bring back the dead in your mind?
Its magic its fine however they try to explain it. I just wish they'd (the writers) would put more effort into making it make sense in the show. Not in the Q&A section of thier social media pages/interviews.
I am honestly getting tired of having to be Sherlock Holmes all the time and me having to discuss and question on go back to previous episodes to figure out how what they did makes sense in canon. It's exhausting.
And listen, I know that people might see this as negativity, but in the spirit of the episodes message, am I saying it. The writing does not need to be exceptional, but it shouldn't be lazy.
The audience shouldn't have to put in all the work to figure out what's going on. It be one thing if we trying to solve a mystery or speculate on where the show is going , but in general solutions to problems should make sense and be connected to what you've already set up. They spent so much build up on the idea of this curse and the price of "balancing the scales of justice" to have the curse ended all in a simple spell gone wrong narrative. Again, if they felt it was the best to have Jordan released from his cure rather than "break it" thats cool but not in a containment spell gone wrong. I personally didn't need an action scene or anything, but maybe in a spell/plotline actually related directly to the curse. It just came off as an easy out for the writers.
2) Introducing Josefina as a possible recurring character.
Don't hate! I love Josefina as a character and would love to see more of her......but this plate is already full. I have felt it a lot this season, but felt it was a nit pick not worth mentioning because I didn't expect it to get worse, but I am just going to say it.
Every episode has like three or so storylines. And while I dont mind them when they are all equally interesting and feel not too split, I feel that sometimes its too seperate and dis jointed. Its too much time apart and not enough together time. The more character they have introduced the more they have split the stories and I just would prefer that we'd see more together time than separated.
That's kind of what I complained about season two. That it was too much of everyone doing thier own thing that it felt off.
Thats said all I mean is that either they need to figure out how to write in a less disjointed way or to drop some characters. Which would be sad since they have spent a lot of time in the two recurring characters (Jordan and Abby) they already have.
I dont know exactly where they are going with Josefina or if she is going to be as recurring as Jordan and abby or if its more like a few episodes or just one more.
I would like to see more, but I dont trust the writers.....I feel like I say that a lot and that's sad.
1) issue of the episode: Exceptionality
I have nothing to say other than thank God someone said it. It's exhausting being pressured into being a "model minority".
2) Josefina
Love the idea of the character and getting to learn more about Marisol and her side of the family.
Also like the idea of witch training. We never actually got to see the PO3 Learn about magic and study magic all that much. Even on season 1 a big issue I had was that they never really put as much effort into showing how the ladies are going about learning and training to fight demons/evil. The training orb was a simple way to do so but we didn't get to see very much of it. It was all mostly assumed off screen.
3) Language issues
I like that they brought up (briefly) the whole language issue in the Latinx community. So I assume most of us know it but ill just go through it a bit.
There are many different voices in the community and there are some that believe that the language (Spanish and/or other native or native based jargon) are essential to the experience. Some go as far as to say you can't really consider yourself latinx if you dont speak Spanish.
Which is bonkers in my mind because (as in episode with Maggie) latinx people face similar issues based on thier appearance and last name whether or not they speak Spanish. There are many latinx people who do not speak Spanish and yet it is assumed they do.
No being raised in a Spanish speaking (or other native language) household does open you up to different experiences (language erasure, ESL school experiences, etc) those aren't soley latinx and shouldn't be a "admissions" requirement.
Macy letting Harry go to Abby alone (I am to be that secure that Abby aint gonna try it)
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Maggie mad that Antonio swooped in because he speaks Spanish - that ain't his fault take notes.
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Brujeria wasn't stigmatized until the colonizers
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"Stay for that whiskey"
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halloweenismyfav · 4 years
《 Here's Mallory's relationship list! Up next is Thorn's. I included my other OCs here too, along with RSA! (You can clearly see which ones I've thought of more) This is a long one, so buckle up. 》
Mallory Robinett's Relationships
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Riddle Rosehearts: Mallory has a strange fascination with Riddle. She was a Disney gal when on Earth, Alice in Wonderland being her favorite movie they made. She kinda hated the Queen of Hearts since she was all high and mighty, but when she saw Riddle...all she thought was "omg smol tsun tsun". After his overblot, she held him close and allowed him to hide his tears. Riddle finds her obsession fascination with him a bit odd, but he's seen weirder in his own dorm, so he just lets her do her thing and is her friend nonetheless.
Trey Clover: "Big brother Trey". That's pretty much it. One time, Mallory told Trey about chocolate-hazelnut wafers and how she loved them back on Earth, so he made them for her after. She was delighted and it's become tradition for them since. He's basically her big bro. It's pretty wholesome.
Cater Diamond: Mallory finds Cater a bit annoying, she won't lie. She just finds the whole "influencer" thing a bit odd. Other than that, she doesn't entirely mind Cater. They don't talk all too often however, so they don't know each other too well. Mallory hopes to have that change before they graduate or before she goes home.
Ace Trappola: If these two are seen together, you may wanna run. Mallory and Ace are pretty much inseparable after finally getting along during Heartslabyul's episode. Mallory will admit, she finds Ace attractive, and she's said it to him before on a couple occasions. She may feel more than just that, but she doesn't like love and stuff like that, so she tries to ignore her rapidly beating heart whenever she's with Ace...
Deuce Spade: Deuce is one of the few people who sees Mallory's sweet side. She always makes sure he stays in line and if he starts to go all delinquent-mode, she pulls a "pull it together major". Of course, that's only if he starts to go overboard. Mallory knows what it's like to feel like a disappointment to a parent, so she reassures Deuce that it'll get better if he's truly wanting to be better.
Thorn Valley: Oh, these two despise each other. The only thing they can agree on is that they dislike Leona and that's pretty much it. Some people at NRC like to say they're like an old married couple(mainly Cater) and they always have to clarify that they hate each other. They can tolerate each other during events like Fairy Gala and such, but even then, they'll still bicker.
Leona Kingscholar: Another person Mallory hates! She finds Leona's laziness a menace, while he gets a kick out of annoying her. Their relationship is similar to how Vil and Leona act to put it bluntly. They do have similar humor though, so it's strange whenever someone else sees them laughing together.
Ruggie Bucchi: One time Ruggie stole her sandwich and she makes sure he'll never live it down. Knowing he had a rough time back in the Afterglow Savana however, she tones it down by a lot. She knows he's a gremlin, but she also knows that he's a human like anyone else and tries to treat him with some kind of kindness and respect. They don't talk all too often, but they've talked enough to be considered a bit more than acquaintances.
Jack Howl: He gives her piggyback rides more often than you would think, but it's always cause she asks if he can. He can't say no to her face, he doesn't know why, so he goes along with it. He finds her more as his sister than anything, Mallory finding the feeling mutual. She loves to hang out with him and Epel, but the one time that Jack offered her to come with him and Vil to jog, she backed up ten feet and said no.
Azul Ashengrotto: Mallory was infuriated when Azul took Ramshackle away from her and Grim for those couple days. She was doing that thing where she was telling Adeuce and Jack to "hold her (nonexistent) earrings" or to "hold her back". After finding out his backstory however, she softened, even if only by a bit. Her relationship with him got better after Scarabia's incident.
Jade Leech: Mallory doesn't like Jade, but she doesn't hate him either. He's probably the most tolerable person in Octavinelle to her. She was also close to slapping Jade once. She doesn't interact with him too often, so she can only go off of how he was during Octavinelle and Scarabia's episode.
Floyd Leech: Floyd is the vain of Mallory's existence. During the Octavinelle episode, she almost slapped him into oblivion. She honestly can't tell who she hates more, Thorn, Leona, or Floyd. He's constantly trying to "squeeze" her like he does with everyone else and she can't stand it. She doesn't like to talk to him and tries to avoid him when she can.
Marius Seymour: Mallory doesn't entirely mind Marius. She kinda finds his sadistic-ish personality a bit annoying, but she's learned that it's a reoccuring thing in Octavinelle. Marius' sadism isn't as bad as the other three. She lowkey ships him with Ashe and isn't shy about it. She finds him kinda fun to be around and likes to eat with him at lunch from time to time.
Kalim Al-Asim: The first time she talked to him, she knew that he was so precious and was wondering if he belonged at RSA. He's also one of the few people to see Mallory's sweet side. She can't bring herself to be sarcastic with him, so she acts almost entirely different with him. It basically goes as such...
Mallory: *being all sweet it Kalim*
Everyone else: Wow...
Mallory: What?
Everyone else: You're just so nice to him...
Mallory: Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me to yell?!
Everyone else: No-!
Jamil Viper: Mallory's...indifferent to Jamil. She almost slapped him after his overblot, yes, but she doesn't entirely hate him. She knows he was in Kalim's shadow for so long, so she doesn't have too much against him. She still isn't happy with how he treated and hypnotized Kalim, but she tries to let it go as much as her heart and brain will let her. She doesn't talk to him much after his overblot, but if she needs to talk to him, she won't throw a tantrum.
Vil Schoenheit: At first, Mallory thought that she'd hate Pomefiore, especially Vil. But...she saw and heard how much effort it took for Vil to get to where he is now, so she has a lot of respect for him. For Ghost Marriage, he chose an outfit for her so that she fit the theme of the event and she actually liked his outfit choices. It was a dress, which she tends to hate, but she genuinely enjoyed wearing it. She may not talk to him a whole lot, but she respects him greatly. After his overblot, that respect and empathy went up even more.
Rook Hunt: Mallory, like many others at NRC, finds Rook weird and creepy. She already found the fact that he has photos on his walls creepy, but then he lists off her, ADeuce and Grim's height, class, and seat number. She tries to avoid him at all costs, similar to Floyd. She hates how he randomly pops up behind her and the others too.
Epel Felmier: Mallory loves Epel! She likes to hang out with him, Jack, and Deuce. She's trying to learn how to carve apples, though she's gained many cuts on her fingers because of it, the cuts always bandaged up by Epel. Since she's taller than him, she likes to use him as an arm-rest from time to time, much to Epel's demise. All in all, she adores him and wishes the best for him.
Ashe Aspen: Mallory finds Ashe fun, but they don't talk as often as she'd like. He's really tall, so she likes when he gives her piggyback rides too. She's witnessed his truly scary side, and she's sworn to never make him mad since. Similar to Ruggie, they may not talk much, but they've talked enough to be considered a bit more than acquaintances.
Idia Shroud: Best of friends. Specifically BGFFs, "Best Gamer Friends Forever". Idia introduced Mallory to a bunch of games in Twisted Wonderland and she couldn't put them down. They talk whenever they can and everyone is shocked when Mallory says she's Idia's friend. She likes his hair a lot too.
Ortho Shroud: Mallory finds Ortho like the younger sibling she never had but always wanted. She always makes sure he's ok, telling him that he can come to her if he ever needs to talk. She also thought that he did amazing during the VCD Auditions.
Malleus Draconia: She knows for a fact that if she was still her same seven year old self, she'd want him to give her a piggyback ride so she could hold his horns. Mallory finds his innocent outlook on some things adorable, but more in a sense of "wow he's pure" rather than romantically. For the most part though, their relationship is the same as it's portrayed in the game.
Lilia Vanrouge: They have a relationship like Mallory does with Riddle, just flip it around. Lilia seems to be fascinated by her, seeing as she's a human from another world while he's a fae who's lived for hundreds of years. She may be taller than him, but he always floats above the ground so he's at least her height. She finds him fun to hang with, so she's fine with his strange fascination.
Sebek Zigvolt: She finds him too loud, but she appreciates his devotion to Malleus. Sometimes it concerns her, but other than that, she respects it. They don't talk often, but she kinda wants that to change soon. Other than that, he's the member she's the least close to.
Silver: They're cuddling buddies and don't even know it. Mallory spends a lot of time in Diasomnia, so naturally she is close with the dorm's members. She likes to crash in Silver's room at times, so that's how they became secret cuddle buddies.
Dire Crowley: Mallory finds it kinda fun to toy with Crowley, but found it incredibly annoying when he left to go on vacation during Scarabia's episode. Although it's something she'd never admit, Mallory sees Crowley as that fun and strange father she never got to have.
Divius Crewel: She hates him with a lot of her being. She hates how he treats them all like dogs. However, when there are those few times he's nice to her and makes sure she doesn't make an explosion in Alchemy, she's thankful.
Mozus Trein: She finds his class pretty boring, but she loves playing with his cat. She does appreciate when Trein gives her extra help if she doesn't understand something revolving around Twisted Wonderland's history.
Ashton Vargas: Mallory is a bit indifferent to Vargas. While he can be nice to her, she finds him a bit odd. She does however appreciate how Vargas makes sure she takes care of her physical and mental health.
Libi Koko: Libi and Mallory are pretty much the best of friends. Since Libi is one of the few females in NRC with Mallory, it feels nice that she can talk to someone who understands some issues they may have that the guys don't. They have a lot of inside jokes and, again, Libi is one of the few poeple who have seen Mallory's sweet side.
Che'nya: Prank duo, right here. If they're together, it's like an Ace and Mallory situation, but worse. Since they go to different schools, they can't talk often, but they managed to exchange numbers who knows when just a bit after the Heartslabyul incident. Sometimes, Che'nya likes to give Mallory hugs, but he's always invisible and know one except Mallory can tell he's there. He likes to tease Mallory a bit, much to her slight demise, so she's started to do the same. It's an endless cycle now.
Neige LeBlanche: Mallory already adored Neige the first time she met him. Her first thought was "he's baby. I must protect". They may not talk often, due to being in different schools, but they exchanged numbers to ensure that they still had the ability to talk. Neige is in a situation similar to Kalim in terms of how sweet Mallory is.
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - woah! shy guy is a bear now!
Oyasuminasai! Or Ohayoo! Or Konnichiwa! And if you were wondering, yes, I am taking Japanese as my language. So if I ever find a way to incorporate Japanese into this, I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! Sorry, sore subject.
Anywho! I'm sorry for taking too long to update. I was lazy and didn't feel like it. It's as simple as that. I also found some REALLY good fanfics to read recently, and they are super long and have sequels so yeah you know how that is, right?
Now on with the story! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
"Well, this makes our job a whole lot easier," Percy said.
Percy looked around and saw all of the avengers besides "Thor." Magnus had told them what the real Thor looked like, and from what they saw on the news, this version of the guy was not the real one. Annabeth had theorized that they were aliens who had taken to calling themselves gods when Percy had asked about it. Whether they were real or not, Percy still immediately disliked gods in any form.
"What are you doing here, Mr. Jackson?" Director Fury asked, leaning onto the table.
"Yeah! What are you doing in my tower?" Tony asked, finally tuning into the conversation.
Percy smirked, and Annabeth knew what he was about to say would be offensive to somebody, but he spoke before she could stop him, "We're here to do your job."
Tony scowled, "Listen here, kid. We deal with serious threats, and we don't have time to help you. Plus, we're the Avengers, and you're kids."
Annabeth narrowed her eyes, a small blow to her pride being felt, "Unless you want to die, you need our help. We deal with this stuff on a daily basis."
Okay, so they don't really deal with it on a DAILY basis, but close enough. Besides, the guy's ego needed to be knocked down a peg. Annabeth was even thinking about showcasing their skills to prove their worth.
"I think we got it handled, kids," Steve said, holding out a placating hand.
Piper thought it was the perfect time for her to butt-in, "Oh really? So you know where the green fire comes from? And how to put it out?"
At their silence, Piper gave a smug nod, "Thought so."
Fury saw this getting out of hand, so he brought it back on-topic, "Mr. Jackson! I asked you a question. Does your answer mean you are offering your help in this case? And does that mean this is a part of your world?"
Annabeth and Percy seemed to be having a silent debate with each other, and it seemed that Annabeth was winning. And when Percy answered Fury, it was obviously not what he wanted to say.
"We are here to help however we can. This is equally a part of our world and yours," he said, voice monotone like he was reading from a script.
Annabeth seemed satisfied with his answer, but she also wanted to add her own part, "We would also prefer that we keep our involvement as inconspicuous as possible. The gods know you guys have trouble with that."
"Hey! I take offense! And did you say 'gods'?!" Tony exclaimed.
Everyone ignored him, and only paid attention to what Steve said: "Are we really going to be bringing kids into this, Fury? I don't like this."
Fury sighed, and answered on his way out for the second time, "Yes, we're doing this. Get acquainted with each other, no fights, same expectations. And I don't care if you like it or not, Rogers, we're doing this. Jackson! Can I speak with you outside?"
Percy nodded and followed him out the door.
"What do you know that we don't? Are you telling them what you are? Are the other kids in there like you?" Fury rounded on him as soon as the door was closed, speaking in a whisper.
Fury didn't know what could be considered an insult to these new gods. He was treading in unknown territory here.
"We don't know much more than you, probably. And no, we're keeping what we are a secret. We're all the same, though," he answered, choosing his words very carefully.
Percy suspected that Tony Stark had eyes and ears everywhere, and would no-doubt try to figure out their secret on the first night. His job was to make sure that didn't happen.
"Be careful, Jackson. These people don't like secrets," Fury warned, walking away without another word.
Percy tried not to take the man's words too seriously. Doing that would just distract him from the quest. They needed to deal with these bombings quickly, and then go their seperate ways from the Avengers. Telling them their secret was NOT a part of the plan.
With a deep, preparing breath, Percy reentered the meeting room. Inside, he found both groups glaring at each other in silence. It was clear that nobody trusted each other, and that needed to change. If they were going to fight together, they needed to have some semblance of trust. Without that, they weren't going to last that long.
"Hey, guys! Why don't we start with introductions! I'm Percy," he said, clapping his hands together.
It was clear that nobody was buying his cheery mood, but at least Hazel was willing to try.
She said, "I'm Hazel."
"I'm Piper, and that idiot over there is Leo. We've forbidden him from speaking, so he's not able to introduce himself," she stuck her thumb in Leo's direction, who was literally bouncing on the balls of his feet.
It was a miracle that he hadn't caught on fire yet, honestly. Usually, at least his nose will start smoking when he gets too excited.
"Jason," Jason introduced.
"Hi. I'm Frank," Frank said, nervously twiddling his thumbs.
Annabeth's glare intensified when she said, "Annabeth. Not Annie, or Beth. Annabeth."
Percy smiled, slinging an arm over his girlfriend's shoulders in hopes of calming her down. She was way too high strung in the moment when they all needed to be relaxed and open.
The demigods looked at the Avengers, waiting for their introductions. Some of them didn't really need it, but it was nice to be formal.
"I'm Captain Steve Rogers. It's a pleasure to meet you all," Steve nodded his head in greeting and pointed to each Avengers respectively, "This is Dr. Bruce Banner, Clint, Natasha, and I'm sure you know Tony Stark."
"Of course they do, Capsicle. Why wouldn't they?" Tony gloated.
Annabeth rolled her eyes, but Leo couldn't hold his tongue any longer, "Oh my gods! There are so many things I need to ask you about! Why did you keep the name Iron Man when the suit is obviously made of a nickel-titanium alloy? Why don't you protect the arc reactor more? With the amount of power that thing holds, you'd think you would take bet–"
"Leo! Shut up!" Piper yelled, charmspeak weaving through her words.
His mouth immediately shut and was physically withheld from opening again. Piper seemed satisfied with her work when Leo attempted to speak again, but his lips weren't moving.
"Gods, I love charmspeak," Frank murmured under his breath.
"I know, right? But sometimes it can get a little annoying. Like when she doesn't realize she's using it, and then you do exactly what she wants, no matter what? I mean, that's a little..." Percy trailed off, realizing he had let his ADHD get out of hand, "Sorry."
Annabeth fondly smiled up at him.
"Can we get back on track, please? How are you kids going to be able to help us?" Clint asked, speaking up for the first time.
"Can we address what this Leo guy just said?!" Tony exclaimed.
"We have...special abilities that make us fit to deal with these kinds of things. Usually, we'd deal with this on our own, but...this is the first time it's been done like this. Our people don't usually work with your type of people," Annabeth ignored Tony, hating to admit that they were different from the mortals.
"What kind of abilities?" Natasha asked, scepticism lacing her words.
The demigods shared looks with each other, all evidently asking Percy and Annabeth what they should do. Their decision was to show them.
"They're hard to explain, but we can show you. It might be easier to be somewhere with more room, though," Percy answered, looking around at the small space they were all standing in.
"We can do this in the living room. I need a drink, anyways," Tony said, exiting without waiting for a consensus.
The rest of the group followed him, albeit a little reluctantly in some cases. Percy made sure to pull Annabeth to the back so they could talk. He was worried about his control. His powers did not like to be used in small areas. The ocean did not like to be restrained to precise movements. That's what he was worried about, and he told Annabeth that.
"I'm not sure about this, Wise Girl. I still haven't really had enough practice since 'that place,'" he whispered.
Annabeth pecked him on the cheek, "You'll be fine. I trust you, but you need to trust yourself. I know you have control over your powers. Just look at what happened at the Brooklyn Bridge!"
He was still tense, but her words did have some effect. He was at least willing to try now, even if he refused to do anything big. He would only do something basic enough to prove he was capable, but nothing dangerous. Percy wasn't Leo; he wasn't in this to show off.
"Now let's catch up. You know we can't leave Leo alone for long," she cracked a grin, trying to defuse even more of his tension.
Percy forced his troublemaker smirk back onto his face before lacing his hand with Annabeth's, and walking in the direction the others had gone. They found them in a large room with a very open-floor plan. Off to the side, they could see Tony fixing himself a drink at the bar. Everyone else was sitting on the unnaturally-long couches, the Avengers on one and the demigods on the other.
Everyone seemed to be waiting for the two to join them to start. That or none of them had the guts to go first. But with Leo there, it was most likely the first option.
"Who wants to go first?" Annabeth asked as she and Percy sat down.
Leo seemed to be pleading with his eyes, and Annabeth, for some reason, decided to pity him and let him go first. With a simple nod of confirmation, Leo shot up from his seat and went to the side, where there was more room.
"Keep it low-key, Leo," Jason warned, knowing full-well nothing his friend did was low-key.
"Of course, Lightning Boy! I get it!" Leo reassured.
He positioned himself in a square stance before lighting his whole body on fire. If it was possible, Leo defied expectations of how not low-key he could get.
"Oh! Somebody put it out!" Bruce exclaimed, rushing over to Leo.
Before anyone could start dousing him in water, Leo turned it off, revealing himself free of burns. Luckily, he had been wearing one of Calypso's fireproof outfits, so his clothes had stayed intact. His skin was covered in a thin layer of soot, and his hair was letting off some smoke, though.
"Tada!" he proudly said.
Tony's interest seemed to be piqued, "That was awesome! How are you still okay? Is it some sort of mutation?"
"Something like that," Annabeth answered for him, fearing that Leo would let something slip on the first day.
She knew there was a high chance that their secret would be revealed at some point, but she wanted to prolong the mystery as long as possible. That meant constantly watching what the others said, especially Leo and Percy.
"Frank! You're up next, bud!" Leo pointed at the chinese teen.
Frank seemed to shrink in on himself slightly before convincing himself to stand confidently and walk over to replace Leo on the scorched floorspace.
"I'm not really sure what to do, so...I'll just do this," he said, before turning into a guinea pig and back quickly.
Percy shuddered, bad memories flooding in. He would never look at celery the same way again...
Tony did not seem impressed, "So...you can change into a rodent? How's that gonna help us?"
Frank straightened up again before staring right at Tony as he turned into a grizzly bear, raising on all fours and letting out a growl. Tony seemed to be in a state between fear and curiosity, but before he could speak again, Frank turned back and walked back to his spot on the couch between Jason and Hazel.
"I stand corrected," Tony muttered before going and taking a seat himself, a brown drink in hand.
"I guess I'll go next. You guys have kinda already seen what I can do, but I guess I'll showcase it again," Piper said, standing up but not moving to where Frank and Leo had.
She looked around the room and its occupants before choosing her targets, "Tony, pour your drink in your lap."
Tony got a dazed look in his eyes before he robotically moved his glass over his lap, tipping it to the side and letting all of the liquid drop onto his legs. When it was all gone, he snapped out of his fatigue and jumped up.
"What the hell happened? Who did this?!" he explained, looking down at his pants.
Natasha actually SMILED, "I like her. We need more girls around here, especially ones who can do that."
Tony turned to glare at Piper, "You did this!"
Piper only smirked smugly in response, "Yep. I did. Now, sit back down."
Tony complied immediately, causing his team to break out in laughter.
"We call it charmspeak. Only Piper can do it," Annabeth informed the Avengers, "Jason? Why don't you go next?"
"Alright. I can't do anything too major, since we're inside, but I think I have an idea," he said, moving to the same open area.
He glanced around before zeroing his gaze on a power outlet in the floor. He reached out a hand in its direction, and slowly, a string of electricity snaked its way out of the outlet. It built in his hands until it was in the shape of a ball, and then he stopped gathering it. He tossed the ball between a couple times before throwing it at Tony's chest, causing his arc reactor to glow brighter.
Jason smiled and went to sit back down again, "That's what I can do."
"Cool," Clint commented, "What about Hazel?"
"I can do this," Hazel stated simply, breaking a chunk of concrete off the floor before placing it back in place.
She didn't even move from her spot, the only part of her moving was her arm. She made it seem effortless, but if more attention was paid, someone could see that a beat of sweat had formed on her brow. Unnatural minerals, like concrete, were harder to control.
"Impressive," Steve sat forward, "What about you, Annabeth? What can you do?"
Before she could explain that she didn't have any powers, Percy answered for her, "She's a genius. Plus, she can fight, like, really well."
"Very eloquent, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth teased, but her smile was thankful.
He knew she was self-conscious about being the only one in the Seven without a demigod power. But he also knew that she didn't need it. She was the best at everything else already.
"I'll be testing that later," Tony said, clearly telling the truth.
Annabeth sat up straight and looked him right in the eye, "Looking forward to it."
"The only one left is you, Percy. What can you do?" Natasha inquired.
The superspy had noticed that the boy had tried to sink into the background. He was uncomfortable with answering the question, and that meant that it was worth pressing for. She wasn't afraid to do it, either. Natasha didn't like that Fury had kept something from her, and she was determined to find out the full story.
"Um...well, I can control water, basically," he answered, squirming under all of their gazes.
"Can you show us?" Steve asked, tone gentler than Natasha's was.
"I guess. It'll be something really small, though," Percy responded.
He saw that there was a vase full of flowers and water in the corner, and he chose that as his example. He held out a slightly-shaking hand in its direction and called the water to him. The familiar tug in his gut was almost indecipherable when the water trickled out and into the air. It did the same thing as Jason's electricity when it formed a line to his hands before forming into a ball. Percy held it above him, eyes narrowed in concentration, and willed it to become the shape of a small spear. He focused his attention on a spot between Clint's open legs and through the water-spear at that area. It hit its mark and dissolved on impact.
After it was over, Percy let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. That had been far too easy to do, and it worried him. His powers were growing, but he didn't want them to. He had to concentrate on only that small amount of water so that he didn't accidentally burst the pipes running all throughout the walls. When he wasn't using his powers, Percy could contain his reach and not make anything explode, but when he let the water in, it was like a sensory overload. You would be surprised how much water runs through a skyscraper.
"Yeah. That's what I do," Percy shrugged, sitting back down and choosing to ignore the awed stares he was getting from most of the Avengers.
"He's just being modest! He can do so much more awesome stuff! Like when he and Jason created–" Leo began.
"Leo! Stop talking!" Piper yelled, noticing Percy's discomfort.
Leo would have been grumbling if he could open his mouth, but he couldn't.
"Those are some basic abilities we have. We are all trained in combat and in various weaponry. I'm best with a dagger, but I can use just about anything you give me," Annabeth steered the conversation away from Percy.
Her boyfriend sent her a grateful look.
"Can you show us a little something?" Natasha asked.
"Sure," Annabeth answered, pulling a celestial bronze dagger (not the one Luke gave her, of course) from her thigh-strap.
She aimed it at the small space under Tony's arm, and quicker than anyone but a demigod could notice, she threw it with perfect accuracy. It lodged itself in the couch in that small space, not even nicking Tony one bit.
"Hey!" Tony exclaimed, eyes widening.
"You're fine," Clint rolled his eyes.
"So...yeah. That's us. You'll learn more about our fighting styles as we fight together, but that should be enough for now. Well, you should know one more thing: Percy can't use a bow. At all. Don't even let him NEAR one. Got it? Good," Annabeth said.
"I love you, too, Wise Girl," Percy remarked.
"Uh-huh," Annabeth mumbled teasingly, leaning into his side.
Ω ♆ Ω
I hope you like this chapter! I'll try to be better at updating, but we both know that's a lie. This would not be possible without my beta reader, nightskywithrainbows, so show them some love by reading their stuff on Ao3. Remember to comment, follow me, and like! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
other chapters :)
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a-trainers-tale · 4 years
Hello there! I'd like to request a paid pokemon team description if you please! I had previously sent in the ask for the free one but changed my mind and decided to pay for one instead. Hopefully that's alright. Lol. So where to start. I'm a 21 year old female Leo. Personality wise, I would basically boil it down to, I’m an amiable introvert. I’ve always been really shy and quiet around strangers, maybe even a bit cautious of friendships as I’ve had too many experiences in the past of (1/?)
toxic friends. However, once I perceive a person to be real and genuine, I can open up to them easily, becoming who I truly am around them: fun-loving, excitable and talkative. I have MBTI personality type INFP also known as The Mediator, which makes sense as I'm definitely the peacekeeping type. In my small group of friends, I'm basically the one who keeps them from getting into fights with each other or other people. I'm also the one who diffuses situations. I myself dislike conflict and (2/?) will do everything in my power to actively ignore it, which may be one of my downfalls. For more positive traits, I have a high level of patience, meaning that I won’t give up on people easily even if everyone else has. I’m also very nurturing towards the people I love. I love raising people up and giving them all the support and affection I can. I’m definitely a hugger. However, more negative traits include my stubbornness and pride. These two go hand in hand really. I pride myself in my (3/?) ability to lead and keep a cool and level head when stuff hits the fan but sometimes even a situation can be too much for me and I’ll quickly begin to crumble. However, in an effort to still appear as the cool, kind leader everyone looks up to, I’ll straight up lie about how I really feel and oftentimes will refuse help. This isn’t just with feelings either. It’s with anything from homework to projects, etc. It’s probably worth mentioning that I can also be incredibly lazy sometimes. My (4/?) bursts of hardworking spirit can often be met with equally long periods of me just going, “Meh…” My hobbies and interests include my top three: Drawing, writing and playing video games. I draw mostly cartoon looking things with maybe a dash of anime sprinkled in there. There’s definitely a lot of video game fan art in there too. When it comes to my writing, I generally like to write a lot of fanfiction (the non-cringy sort. lol.) about different video games and of course, I write my own (5/?) do, so much so that sometimes the story never even gets written. My favorite kinds of video games range from adorable friendly things to horrifying video games. Things like RPGs, strategy, action, horror, etc. I don’t have any consoles so I mostly play PC and mobile games. My top three favorite franchises are Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I also enjoy Minecraft, Destiny 2 and Tomb Raider. I’ve also been playing Pokemon since Generation 2 with my first game (6/?) Pokemon Silver. Other things I love include baking, reading (especially history), movies (love studio ghibli, anime, horror, action, thriller, comedy, etc.), TV shows about true crime, history and the paranormal. Speaking of, I'm a huge fan of the paranormal and come from a family of people spiritually sensitive to those sorts of things. I also love animes like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hetalia and My Hero Academia. My favorite music includes hardstyle, edm, pop, 80’s/90’s hits, etc. (7/?) My favorite artists consist of Gorillaz, Melanie Martinez, Fleetwood Mac, Journey, etc. I also love going on hikes, swimming and just getting to experience nature. I will admit, I’m a kid who loves to snooze. Sometimes when there’s nothing else left to do, nothing’s better than curling up in bed with the blinds closed and room freezing cold with a warm blanket. I think the reason why is because I’m a vivid dreamer. Most of my inspiration comes from the things I dream up of and my dreams (8/?) always provide me with what may not be obtainable in real life. I’m currently going to school to become a preschool, elementary school or daycare teacher. I’m glad knowing that someday, I could make a difference in a child’s life with my kindness. I love Pokemon because it's given me a sense of joy all these years later after initially discovering it as a child. It's the one thing that had always stuck. This had been a lot of asks but I hope it's enough. Thank you for your time. (9/9)
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Trainer class: Nurse
You have a naturally nurturing and caring heart and mind. You like to be able to help people and take care of people, this comes from both a genuine desire to help and also a likely subconscious desire to hold that kind of power in any relationships you have. You have a lot of patience and are willing to wait for things. Nurses do not initiate battle, they will wait for people to come to them directly, and after the battle will heal their opponent's pokemon. This is similar to how you approach your relationships with people, you wait for them to come to you and then dedicate yourself to listening, helping, and diffusing problems. Some people might not really understand you and think that your way of life seems boring or irritating but the way that you view it, helping others is also helping yourself. By not going out of your way to be a rockstar pokemon trainer, you are able to better focus on what you care about, namely helping those who need help and bonding with your pokemon who are safe in your care. Your determination comes and goes, some days you are content to relax with those closest to your and your pokemon, but other days you are out trying to find new methods of helping trainers and pokemon alike. You are creative in how you help pokemon and you pride yourself on your work when you are feeling passionate
Starter: Chikorita
Your starter pokemon is Chikorita. Like you, Chikorita really loves laid back activities and taking naps. Chikorita is often found sunbathing and relaxing in comfortable spots outdoors. Chikorita spends a lot of time looking for the perfect nap conditions and once it finds them it is hardpressed to leave before having its fill of a wonderful afternoon nap. You and Chikorita spend a lot of time relaxing and napping together, and you bond over enjoying simpler activities. Chikorita's lower energy makes it a good fit for you, and it doesn't often pick fights so it will never be a cause for concern for you. 
Partner: Steelix
Steelix is also a very patient pokemon, living for over 100 years sometimes, these pokemon will slowly become harder than diamonds. Steelix is also a very stubborn and very individualistic pokemon, which makes it somewhat of a challenge for you to get it to work with your other pokemon sometimes. You relate to your Steelix's desire to hole itself up in a cave somewhere and ignore any responsibility it may have, but you also relate to how it very often pulls itself out and helps out the rest of your team with you. Steelix is also fiercely protective, you so never have to worry about your other pokemon getting into trouble with Steelix around.
Team: Meganium (starter), Bastiodon, Darmanitan (zen), Dragonair, Hatterene
Hometown: Icirrus City, Unova
Your hometown is Icirrus City in the Unova region. This town is very humid and covered in wetlands, so most of the buildings are on higher ground and there are a lot of inclines. This town is also nearby Dragonspiral Tower, which is the oldest building in Unova and is said to be the home of legendary pokemon Zekrom and Reshiram. Because of your early life consisting of brave trainers venturing here to seek these legendary pokemon, and people fighting over the right to study and unearth these pokemon, you came to realize that you prefer to stay out of the mess most of the time and sometimes help people stuck within it. Your dedication to yourself and your pokemon is very rooted in your decision when you were younger to live a simpler life than a lot of the people who came through your hometown. You also gained some creativity due to growing up in an area that required creative architecture. Your experiences with rather difficult terrain and an interesting social climate made you the kind of person you are, namely that you keep your head when things get weird and you are willing to wait and be patient when others are more inclined to rush in head first.
Battle style: Slow and steady wins the race
You are a very patient and slow battler. You take your time and are very cautious. You tend to come overprepared, with lots of healing items and stat boosting items. Your pokemon are not necessarily hard hitters, but you prioritize their ability to be reliable and predictable for you to use. You prefer pokemon who will consistently do a set amount of damage, for instance, over a pokemon who might or might not do a ton of damage in one hit. You prefer pokemon that work well in groups, you like a team that can work together and help each other over individualistic and self reliant pokemon. You help your pokemon learn to work together and learn to love being a team instead of competing with one another. You enjoy being able to take your time in battles and observe your own pokemon and your opponents for areas they could be more creative or more consistent. Your pokemon all trust you deeply and know that if they take any damage or have any conflict they can't solve themselves, you will be there to help them out of their bind and comfort them after the fact. 
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So like, this is something that a lot of my EC friends and I keep circling around and getting into arguments over, but what do you think is the best order for someone to go through Evillious in, especially if they're a complete newbie? A lot of the arguing tends to boil down to release VS chronological order, and while I tend to prefer release order for newbies, I'm wondering what your thoughts on the matter are.
Typically, I favor release order most strongly, however I am willing to admit that it’s a complicated issue–primarily in that, while I think release order is the best for keeping confusion levels low, mothy has written and created the series with the expectation that some people are coming in halfway, or may not have access to other materials.
I…had a lot to say and I may have rambled so it’s all under the cut.
The basic argument for release order that I stand by is simple. You lose out on a LOT when you go out of order, particularly in terms of emotional impact for twists, payoff on foreshadowing, understanding of callbacks, etc. Certain things are supposed to be a mystery for a while and some tidbits are a wink and a nudge towards earlier story installments. It’s also easier to really get the themes of the overall story if you go in order as well–Like I’ve said in the past, the themes of the Daughter of Evil series in particular are reflected in the broad scale of everything mothy does with Evillious.
I also think it’s easier to connect with the characters if you go in release order too–Elluka, for example, is much harder to sympathize with in the Venomania and Conchita novels, as she does very little and is very callous and lazy about it (overall she tends to be a bit of a Failure Hero out of her own lack of initiative). But if you’re already familiar with the more heroic person she is in the DoE series, then her appearances later on in these two novels is more a fun callback and an interesting comparison to who she was before she developed any close friendships. Initial impressions are important, and they stick with fans (or at least, people like me) for a very long time in media consumption. This also stands for subversions of a character, such as with Gallerian–if you put all of his content together, then you miss out on all the slow development that establishes “this is a pretty evil scummy guy”, which gets upended when you read the novel later on, which focuses more on his heroic youth.
And then, there’s the little thing I was talking about a while back, where a lot of content is set up to ease you into the more complex “lore” of the series without giving you information overload. Daughter of Evil primes you for the Vessels of Deadly Sin while still keeping a plot of political intrigue as its focus, SCaP introduces the endgame premise of the world being destroyed before the Deadly Sins of Evil series gets to it in Muzzle of Nemesis, etc. Skipping around a lot can be jarring and sudden, especially chronological order with OSS considering all of the red herrings, reveals, and mystery that still surrounds it.
As a note, I’m sure my bias is showing–I haven’t listened to a lot of the songs in a long time, but I dearly love the novels. So a lot of my opinions are sharply colored by that. Hence why I’m using the novels as examples a lot. I really dislike the mindset that the novels are more like “bonus content”, unnecessary, or are somehow a separate and independent series from the songs. And some songs are better if you consume them at a certain point between the novels (ex, DOG is better after the Conchita novel, Handbeat is better after Praeludium as a teaser to Praefacio).
I also don’t like the concept of “arcs”, incidentally. I myself have used it as a way to neatly group together certain events and characters, but I feel like it provides an expectation that Evillious can be easily cut into distinct, equal parts, and it can’t. Daughter of Evil (the “Pride Arc”) is four novels while each other “sin arc” excepting Sloth is one (leading to a lot of accusations that DoE is overbloated despite having initially been an independent novel series that came before anything else). Only some of the novels have a demon contractor as their protagonist. It also gives the idea that all the parts of the songs and albums are going to inevitably be made into novel form, and that’s not necessarily the case. The “Theater Arc”, as many fans call it, is only briefly touched on in the novels (leading to a lot of disappointment that it wasn’t explored more in depth in Master of the Heavenly Yard despite for all intents and purposes only existing as a framing device for the albums and songs).
But, again, those are very subjective opinions, and mothy is still making content even now so my views might change as he continues to develop on the story.
To get back on track, another strong argument in favor of release order is a practical one–mothy has changed his story over the years. He’s made retcons, changed some ideas, tweaked a few things, etc. This is just fact. I think he’s often very good at smoothing things over, but there are definitely points early on that don’t fit now. It’s, to be brief, very confusing for a fan to read recent content with what’s currently canon and then after that read older content coming from a different conception of the series. So, to reduce that kind of thing, it’s best to read the older content first.
All that being said, mothy clearly didn’t make the entire series with a roadmap of where every single installment fits. He explores content based on what he’s interested in making, with certain ideas falling by the wayside or others being brought up later on. Sometimes he releases something to establish backstory that he maybe should have brought up sooner (like Trinity and the thing about Arth being a mud golem). Sometimes he takes an old song and revises it or adds things to it in subsequent releases. So, it’s not like you’re breaking some authorial code if you listen to a few songs out of order, especially considering that most of them are consumable by the nonlinear, confused mess that is the internet.
Not to mention, as I said up front, mothy writes Evillious with the expectation that some people will miss certain installments or come in halfway–I was one such person, I only started to get invested after the release of the Gift novel. Most of his work maintains twists for other series (such as, for example, SCaP going to great pains to keep most of the Deadly Sins of Evil series’ twists secret, like Margarita being Eve and Venomania being Cherubim). Most of his novels will exposit key information in case the reader didn’t have access to anywhere else that it’s explained, most notably Gift and Pierrot going over OSS album backstory as it ties so directly into the plot twists therein. …Etc.
In conclusion: Release order is best. But, it’s a large and complicated series and it’s been worked on for over a decade, so it’s not unexpected or out of the question that sometimes you get your hands on certain things out of release order. And a lot of people like different parts of it, so maybe they might not be interested in some content but hone in on others. That’s their prerogative.
It is, also, impossible to consume the series the way it was made. A new fan isn’t waiting for releases like the rest of us. And most untranslated content is inaccessible to English fans (a problem I’m working to solve albeit).
Just. Please, please don’t go in chronological order, I’m begging you. Evillious is NOT the kind of series where that works. Mothy is still actively making the story as we speak with the chronological end already finished, so really it’s impossible to do.
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ladyjaneasher-blog · 7 years
Hey I came across Philip Normans book and as I'm not familiar with him I was wondering what was wrong with him as a lot of people seem to dislike him
short answer:
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pictured here is philip norman writing anything ever.
long answer:
i honestly don’t know where to even start, dear anon. it would be easier for me to list what isn’t wrong with philip norman. i can’t tell you what people as a whole dislike about him, but i can tell what i dislike about him. my immediate kneejerk reaction to your question was this poem of norman referencing paul published in the sunday times in the early 70s:
O deified Scouse, with unmusical spouseFor the clichés and cloy you unload,To an anodyne tune may they bury you soonIn the middlemost midst of the road.
to paraphrase a comment i read on heydullblog a while ago: nothing like a biographer hoping for the speedy death of one of his (later) subjects. 
it exemplifies my problem with norman: he’s made a living out of holding a grudge for the pettiest reasons. he envied paul, not only because he was “good-looking” (and boy, does he veer off into paragraphes about paul’s “doe-eyes”, “angelic” “delicate features” only “saved” from girlishness by his “five-o’clock-shadow”) but also for his “mounting riches” and his dating of “a classy young actress”. his envy turned into outright dislike for paul. norman saw paul’s failed relationship with jane as his “public sense of duty” weakening; he blamed paul for the end of the beatles, felt that he had turned into a “self-satisfied lightweight” and you can almost feel his satisfied glee whenever he feels that paul’s life veers of its “perfectly polished-rails”.    
i’ve read a few books by norman – most recently paul mccartney: the life – and excerpts of others, and each time i’ve come to the same conclusion: norman comes across as a very peculiar mix of a self-importantance, jealousy and nastiness. much like other authors of his caliber – sounes comes to mind – he seems to have been motivated by these emotions that had left him embittered enough to write books, rampant with confirmation bias, one-sided accounts, mistakes, snipes, digs and disproven or outdated anecdotes, hardly offering any new insights. yet i don’t want to dictate how you think about norman, so i present to you some pearls of wisdom by our dearest of beatles biographers to make up your own mind about how much he’s on the mark – or how far off:
“Barrow later discovered that when they’d signed their management contract, Paul had told Brian that if the Beatles didn’t work out, he was determined to become a star on his own.”
‘[And] unlike John (and Brian), Paul did not seem to have any half-concealed demons to deal with.’
“Over the next six years, Barrow would realise that the inexhaustible geniality Paul showed the world was not always replicated in private.”
“[…] Frieda Kelly[…]” (throughout the entire book, I might add)
“With the Beatles brought a radical change of image, illustrating the vastly altered demographic of those who were now with them. On the Please Please Me album cover, four cheery, unabashedly working-class lads had grinned down a stairwell at EMI’s Manchester Square headquarters, with Paul’s good looks barely noticeable. Now they were shown as solemn, polo-necked faces half in shadow against a plain black background, less like pop musicians than a quartet of Parisian art students. It was an ambience which suited none of them better than Paul, that one-time art student manqué.”
[1968/1969] “John had always been recognised as an uncontrollable maverick, but being a Paul fan involved a strong feeling of proprietorship. Like so many tut-tutting aunts, the gate pickets now observed the change from his former dandified, fastidious self; the bushy black beard, the perceptible weight-gain, the baggy tweed overcoat he seemed to wear all the time. To the fans, it signified how ‘she’ [Linda] had got her hooks into him; what it actually signified was that he was happy.”
[1968/1969] “His [Paul’s] personal life thus replenished and stabilised, he now turned his attention to replenishing and stabilising the Beatles after their ordeal with the White Album.”
“Knowing now just how much McCartney meant to Paul–and feeling a twinge of compassion for one who’d never before invited such an emotion–Ringo talked the others into reinstating its 17 April release.”
In the same week, Stella’s first collection for Chloé was shown in Paris with the help of her ‘mates’ Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Yasmin Le Bon. Paul and Linda were both seated beside the catwalk: he [Paul] in the novel position of applauding someone else, she still with close-cropped hair, the result of prolonged chemotherapy, which gave her face a new gentleness and repose.
The order of [Linda’s] service was as meticulously planned and arranged as a McCartney album tracklist.
However, when the Beatles made the Decca tape, Best had still been with them, so was due a share of royalties from ten tracks used on the Anthology. The first he knew about it was a phone call from the one who’d been so keen to get rid of him [Paul] –the first time they’d spoken since it happened.
all of the above quotes – and keep in mind: these are just a select few that i had at hand from a book that spans around 800 pages of much the same quality of writing – are from paul mccartney: the life, published in 2016(!!!). while norman proclaims to have had a change of heart over the years from his previous assessment of paul in shout!, which he in the very same breath during promotion claims wasn’t really anti-paul:
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…it rings hollow. to the point of where i’m not the only one wondering about how much he truly means his words, and how much of it is simply trying to save face in light of his waning monopole on being an authority when it comes to beatles history. he still heavily relies on the same old tired clichés: paul the master manipulator of all around him lacking heart and substance, paul the ambitious starlet ready to sacrifice everything and everyone, determined to make it big, paul the stingy boss of wings, paul the borderline abusive husband to linda’s dichotomy of easy american groupie vs fraught shy housewife trying to escape her domineering husband by way of her career as a photographer and writer. some of them may perhaps contain a kernel of truth, but norman seemingly lacks the ability to acknowledge nuances and the willingness to dig deeper, search for other viewpoints, or consider context. 
he still uses every other opportunity to get his digs in no matter how macabre it may be in the light of events he’s referencing as evidenced by his description of linda’s funeral procession; he, at times, solely relies on people with questionable motives like peter cox for entire chapters without questioning a thing they are saying, or letting the reader hear other voices to provide a more balanced view; he lacks the insight into his subjects as portrayed by his claim that paul’s weight gain and drastic change of looks from ‘68 to ‘70 was brought on by being “happy” with linda or his equally outrageous claim of ringo never having felt a “twinge” of “empathy” for one of his closest friends; paul and john’s relationship is reduced to a rivalry that even to john’s last breath was defined by one-upping each other. although, is it perhaps no wonder considering that paul mccartney: the life seems to be mostly a copy/paste job of his previous books (here a part of shout!, here a part of his john biography).
the less said about shout!, published in the early 80s, the better. suffice it to say that during its promotion, norman titulated john as “three-quarters of the beatles”. yes. i repeat: the less said, the better. it’s only sad that this book helped shape entire generations of authors that would buy into norman’s narrative and perpetuate it decades later.
yet my excerpt of philip norman’s books simply don’t do the man’s tastelessness and scope of grudge-holding justice. for your reading consideration i present you philip norman’s letter to paul from 2005 as well as his obituary for george harrison and his complete dismissal of ringo from an interview in 1987.
to not let this already too long post end on such a note, i feel obliged to throw in this quote by mark lewisohn, who was partly motivated by norman’s… skill, to research the topic on his own:
Mark Lewisohn: “I came to meet Philip Norman. He wanted to meet someone who was a kind of studious Beatles fan, if you like. And when we met it became clear that there were certain areas of the story he was unclear of. There were certain areas that were cloudy. And I said I would research them for him. I was 21 and he said, yes, that would nice. So I still had a job, but in my weekends and evenings I did this research for him. I was so intrigued by the findings, that I just carried on after that. I gave him what he wanted and then carried on researching and I haven’t stopped to this day.”DK: “By the way, what do you think of his book, Shout!? I don’t mean to be putting words into your mouth, but your intent, I think, is to correct a lot of mistakes that have become fact as a result of other people’s biographies of the band. Could you bring that into perspective?”Mark Lewisohn: “Well, when I was less mature, I did want to correct other people’s errors. Errors always offended me, particularly when they resulted from laziness. And I had always wanted to correct other people’s errors. But I’ve grown up, a bit, since then, and with these three books I’m writing, I’m not interested in correcting anything. I’m just telling the story from the beginning. I am starting fresh. And along the way, I am debunking myths right, left and centre. But I am not pointing out what they are, because it is not relevant. Shout!, when it came out in 1981, just after John Lennon was murdered, was the second Beatles biography, with the first being the Hunter Davies biography which came out in ‘68. And it was reckoned by a lot of people to be better than the Hunter Davies book. And because I am in it, and because I was young, and because I was blinded to it, I thought it was a great book. And a lot of people do. It is so stylishly written, and all of that. But the older I’ve got, the more I see where I can no longer agree with my original opinion. Well, Philip Norman came up to me at a recent event and said he professed himself unhappy with some of the things I’ve been saying about his book, so I need to be delicate here. But I do think that it is out of date. It left scope for the job to be done again. That book has had 30 years in the sunshine, but it is in no way the definitive book. I am hoping to write the definitive book that is a lot more comprehensive and is also much more deeply rooted in research.“
mark lewisohn: beatles researcher extraordinaire and classy thrower of shade.
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jaebam · 4 years
could you answer all the gif maker questions too? i'm very interested 😅
omgshfs interested in my thoughts????? okay only bc its u 🥺🥺
2. What is your least favorite set you’ve made?
ohhhh i don’t really know 😔 since i post so much it’s difficult to remember what i’ve done gshjfhsfj
3. Which of your sets has the most notes 
on this blog it’s this one 🥺
5. What is your favorite movie/TV show to gif
i don’t really gif anything other than got7 at the moment but i used to gif a lot for tmi/shadowhunters!! 😌➰
6. What is your least favorite movie/TV show to gif
hmm i used to dislike giffing the tv show reign bc the lightning was wack from my memory fhsgjh and most scenes were usually just the same yellow background thing and i couldn’t really figure out how to make all those color spam sets i used to make from their eps
10. What was the first gif you ever posted
oh i recently went back and checked and it’s this one from 2011😳
12. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed
man idk gfshhj i’ve giffed a lot of embarrassing things 
13. Where or from whom did you learn to gif
i learnt from reading and following a lot of tutorials posted here!! and then i regularly checked resources blogs like yeahps to see what the trend was hgsfhhsj
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets= How many gifs do you prefer in a set
i used to mostly make 8 sets when it came to giffing before this blog, but now i really like 4 sets (which i raaarely made before this blog)
18. For the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what your preference
when it comes to gifmaking it takes a lot of time to figure it out aesthetic wise for me, so it’s mostly just for the laughs atm!! but for my main i used to only do it for the aesthetics hehe <3 (b/w sets forever in my 🤍)
21. PSDs or original coloring for each gif 
i do have a base psd that i mess around with for all gifs and i could probably do it from memory but we’re lazy!! however since i color correct with curves layers they always turn out different anyway
22. What fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
got7 💚
23. What is the thing you gif when you don’t have anything else you want to gif
ooooohhhh i don’t really know, like older got7 performances maybe 🤔?
24. 480p 720p 1080p? What is the minimum quality you’ll gif from
ahh well i used to not care abt the quality and just giffed whatever but if i had to choose now i’d say 720p perhaps? 
25. Old dimensions or new dimensions and why
omg i used to be one of the petty ppl that wouldn’t change to the new dimensions for MONTHS but i like the new ones even tho they don’t make sense jdhhjfh and i don’t really know why, maybe bc i think it looks better ?? not sure hgfhs i just do 🥴
26. How many unposted sets are in your drafts right now
hmm like 20 maybe? most are unfinished and some are just finished sets that i haven’t figured out how to caption HGSHFGS
27. Have you ever made a set, decided you hated it and deleted it? What was it
i don’t really delete any but i do dislike a lot of them i just never go back and check so in my mind it’s like i never made them in the first place ✊
28. Have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
no i don’t think so!!
29. Have you ever posted a set, realized you made a mistake later but it was already too late
omg yes all the time!!!! but i go back anyways and edit the post even tho it’s too late to keep my mind at ease 💆‍♀️
30. How frequently do you like to post
i gif A LOT nowadays hfsghd and i don’t really have a preference i just gif whenever i can bc it’s fun
31. Do you schedule/queue posts or do you post right after you’re done
i do both! 
33. Do you like to/can you make edits and graphics too or only gifs
yes!!!! i think i enjoy making graphics/edits more bc it shows my aesthetic more than gifs do but i do like making gifs too hehe it’s just a bit repetitive sometimes so i like making graphics to try to be a bit more creative 😋
36. Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it
i usually have something specific in mind 👩‍💻
37. What sets if any do you have planned to make in the future
omg i have a a folder of things i wanna gif so there’s actually a lot i have in mind but i probably won’t get to it for a while hsghfj i do plan on making another how got6 treat baby bam and for yugyeom and youngjae too tho!! one day 🤞
38. What are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet
oh mannn i don’t really know 😩
39. How often, if ever, do you delete old sets that you don’t like anymore
i don’t think i’ve ever deleted a set 😟 it’s mostly bc i want to have the opportunity to go back and see how much of a change i’ve made 
40. Why do you make gifs
bc i think it’s fun!! i enjoy the coloring process 😌 and to annoy the got7 tag gsjjhsfjgh
41. What is your least favorite part about your gif making process
hmm i don’t really dislike any of the steps.... maybe making the layers ? i don’t really know ghfshjs i’m used to giffing and the process so nothing really bothers me
42. How is your gif folder organized? Is it organized at all?
ppl have gif folders 😧😧????!?!?!??!!!!!???!??!
43. Do you keep videos forever or delete them once you’re done giffing
it depends honestly... i mostly delete videos after a long while or transfer them to a usb bc my laptop memory is really bad 💔
44. Ever had a gif become a meme? Would you like that if you haven’t
uhm i don’t think it has? and i haven’t really thought about it but i don’t think i’d mind
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
fortunately not yet!! ❤️
46. Ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set
sometimes u guys compliment my work in the tags and it makes my heart soar and turn mushy every time 🥺🥺
48. How would you describe your giffing style
hmmm colorful? very vibrant?? 🌈✨
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first giffing
omg SO MUCH!!! like a whole lot hgsjfh
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peerless-soshi · 7 years
for the salty ask meme: 1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 16, 20, and 27, all for Danganronpa. I'm really sorry it's so many, I'm just really curious and like hearing people's salt.
Never apologize for sending me many questions. I am a talkative person, I love those rare occasions when I can let the words flow. I put it under read more because it’s long and, you know, contains unpopular opinions. Let the hater killing game begin. 
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
I was thinking about it and Komaeda/Mikan is probably my most “what?” pair on this list. It doesn’t mean that I completely don’t understand it, I can imagine why some people like them together: he is sick and dying, she is a nurse who loves people depending on her, she was taking care of him and Souda was even ashamed when he realized that Mikan had to undress Komaeda to put him in his hospital gown. Ok, I get it. And cracks are pretty normal for any fandom. But honestly? The disproportion between time they spent together and how popular this ship became turns out to be really huge. Another pair that comes to my mind is Komaeda/Nanami. The reasons are pretty much the same as above. I noticed that DR fandom likes shipping together victims and murders but aside of their final trail, Komaeda and Nanami have no scenes. They hardly ever interact and again, I know that some people simply like cracks, and it is fine. I’m just surprised that both pairings are much more popular than I could expect. 
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Komaru/Fukawa. I don’t have any problem with them as a pair but I don’t ship them romantically. Romances are cool and shipping is fun, yet sometimes I get sad when I see how people ignore friendships. I believe in power of platonic love and hardly ever touch two characters who state many times that they are friends. Even Kodaka wrote that he wished to show growing friendship between two girls. For Fukawa this relationship is extremely important because she was in love before but she had never a friend. I feel that romance takes something away from them?On the side note, I’m kinda angry at how fans keep calling them lesbians. Seriously, you can ship them and say that Fukawa is bi. It doesn’t kill anybody.  
4.Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Do I have a real, hated and cursed NOTP? I don’t think so. Sure, there are some pairs I dislike but I don’t hate anything with burning passion. Besides, my nope-ships aren’t particularly popular. Like, I hardly ever see romantic Junko/Mukuro or stuff like that so I have no reasons to be salty. I’m too good for this meme.  
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? // 13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I decided to answer both questions together because my opinion about a disliked character is also rather unpopular. Imagine me cleaning my throat, hahaha - Tsumiki Mikan. I’ve never hid that I’m not her biggest fan and I have a bunch of problems with her. Maybe I wouldn’t be so strict and call Mikan my most hated character - Hanamura and Hiyoko’s free time events were testing my patience too - but my other disliked characters are less popular and Mikan usually takes high spots in popularity polls so choosing her seems to be the most controversial for salty asks  Whenever I see Mikan I also see wasted opportunities. I didn’t like her attitude; Mikan had an annoying seiyuu, high-pitched and crying voice (you can laugh but after the third trail I had a headache because I was so done with her screaming. I’m not lying. This is something I’ll never forget), I also disliked her tendency to panicking and crying. Later we learn that her behavior comes from difficult past and this is really interesting, and I like it. But I also think that Mikan is an extremely passive character. When I first started Danganronpa, I disliked Fukawa, I was annoyed by Kuzuryuu. And now they both are among my most loved characters. I like them because they have changed a lot and I was missing it with Mikan. It’s a shame since I enjoyed watching her during investigations, when Mikan was more confident and helpful. I hoped to see her like that in the main gameplay. However, at the beginning of new chapters she was a crybaby again. As if writers didn’t want her to be more comfortable around people. My other problem with Mikan is how she became so oversexualized. I admit, it happened especially in anime but the game also used her as a fanservice character and this was something I hated. I know that many people didn’t mind it as much but showing a character who was most likely a victim of sexual violence as a fanservice character was a little off for me. And I was so disappointed by her murder case… Tsumiki would make a perfect killer - she was shy and looked innocent yet her fascination with injuries and free time events were giving that dark vibe. Her motives could be great. And, for me, they weren’t. Now again, I know that many people enjoyed her trail and didn’t mind the fever but personally I found it to be lazy. Why couldn’t she have as complicated and interesting reasoning as Peko, or Tanaka, or Komaeda? Why couldn’t she make decision on her own, have doubts, whatever? It was some deus ex machina, Mikan magically became crazy for the plot twist. It’s a little long but I’m generally salty about Mikan because she could be one of my favourite characters yet there are too many points in her writing that disappointed me.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
I would delete the second season. The end. And more seriously, the thing I disliked the most was probably the whole brainwashing part. If I could change it, I would show Junko being that charismatic mastermind that she was supposed to be and manipulating the students, using their love and insecurities, waking up something dark in them. 
Another thing I would love to the see is DR2 cast being main antagonists of the Future Arc. Instead of Naegi fighting in a totally pointless battle, I would change that part with Despair coming to the Future Foundation on their own and made Naegi search for them.(I actually still want to write it as a fanfic ;) )
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Hinata/Nanami. I… just love their free time events. I love watching them together and being awkward, playing game, supporting each other. Hinata and Nanami were so innocent, sweet and good that I will never stop mourning this pair. 
27. Least shippable character?
Hifumi and Hanamura. But to be fair, it was probably the writers’ intention; they are blunt, keep saying inappropriate comments about girls, have dirty minds and as if to mark that they’re supposed to be gross, are also designed as less attractive than the rest. Honorable mention goes to Togami because seriously? Togami? In love? Taking someone as his equal? Promising love? It’s too hard to imagine, hahaha 
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