#there's also mileage points which... also comes from gacha
what I meant by my post about the boys not appreciating Yuu enough is about the trauma they inflicted on them and the lack of compensation we get because trauma=not guilty.
We just let them get away scott free without them facing serious consequences and get little to nothing in return. I got inspired by this post https://rose-tea-and-strawberries.tumblr.com/post/720285231576465408/justiceforyuu
So what are your thoughts on this?
[Referencing this post!]
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Mmm… 🤔 While I do think the post linked is an interesting read (and OP does make valid points), I think a lot of it goes back to the nature of TWST’s design vs what the individual desires. It’s very easy to self-insert (meaning everyone’s mileage with the characters and plot will vary greatly), and with it being a mobile gacha game, there are definitely some limitations and design philosophies that must be adhered to in order to keep content flowing and thus keep the game profitable.
However, I don’t agree with some of the points suggested (whether by OP or by Anon), particularly that TWST presents “trauma = not guilty” and that Yuu should somehow be “compensated” or given something in return for the troubles they went through. To the former point, I completely agree that the boys’ punishments are far too light for what they’ve done (in OB form). As for their behavior pre-OB (which is, admittedly, still shitty)… I mean, we came into this game knowing the characters are twisted from villains, of all things. We shouldn’t be expecting them to be Super Nice and Empathetic to begin with, no? (So of course Riddle will be insulting Yuu’s background and lineage, Trey’s a bystander, etc.) It doesn’t excuse the behavior of course (it’s still objectively bad), but I thought we came into TWST expecting it??? Like it’s a major part of the draw…
I also believe TWST does a decent job at explaining the OB boys’ trauma while not excusing them because of their trauma; funnily enough, a major theme in book 1 was Riddle being held accountable for his actions for once. (This isn’t limited to just his OB behavior, but rather extends to prior; he was clearly harming his own dorm members well before Yuu got involved with Heartslabyul.) The OB boys were eventually punished for their actions, but because the sentences are relatively light, that’s perhaps where the “trauma = not guilty” perception of the fandom comes from. As I said before though, I think this can easily be attributed to TWST being constrained by the mobile game format (ie it has to be snappy); the light novel is able to expand on the consequences in greater detail.
The game devs likely don’t want to linger on how badly the OB boys truly acted because that could hamper their bottom line (ie endearing the characters to us enough so we sympathize with them and spend money). If they keep demonizing the boys or continuously bring up their literal murder attempts when they were fully lucid and aware of themselves (Leona almost sanding Ruggie, Vil trying to poison Neige), it looks “too” bad on the characters’ part. We also can’t haul the boys off to serious rehabilitation facilities because they need to be physically present to return for the subsequent book—and, of course. You can say “they didn’t get punished severely enough”, sure. But what exactly would that “more severe punishment” being called for entail, especially without disrupting the current story’s flow and not harming the OB boys further in the process? There are practical real world game design and business reasons for this.
To address the Yuu should somehow be “compensated” part, well… I’m not entirely sure if I understand it?? Thinking about it logically, what “compensation” are we looking for? Firstly, no compensation, in my opinion, is worth the anguish that “earned” it in the first place. Compensation will never make up for the mental scars 😔 Secondly, it implies that people are “owed” something for the general bad attitudes they’re given on a daily basis, which is not in any way how real interactions work. Some people will just be assholes to you, and we have to deal with it and move on. In the cases of the OBs and some events (like being kidnapped and basically held hostage in book 4), yes, those are much more serious and should be treated as such. But again, what exactly are we looking for here as “proper” compensation? Is acknowledging one’s faults and mistakes, and saying sorry for it and working toward being “better” not enough? What about the money Vil gives in book 5; is that also not enough? Where do we draw the line? When is it finally “enough” compensation? It’s so poorly defined and there’s no “blanket” compensation that would satisfy everyone and anyone 💦 I would personally be happy just knowing that the other person is aware they’ve done wrong and are taking that vital first step to changing. That’s very difficult to do, especially considering the pride of the average NRC student, so I commend them for at least doing that.
TWST’s story isn’t one that focuses on condemning people for their flaws and errors, but giving them a chance to recognize their wrongs and to grow from them. Its story promotes restorative justice over punitive justice. Overly punishing measures and reparations have proven to not smooth over “bad behavior” in real life; it’s something people need to consciously and actively work toward, so of course it’s going to be a hard process.
The reaction(s) Yuu has to the events going on around them are only as serious as individual fan interpretation makes them out to be. Official depictions thus far (manga, game, light novel) have not strongly indicated that Yuu has had any extremely adverse thoughts or feelings regarding the treatment they’ve experienced at the hands of their peers or any stress related to not being returned home. It’s also not clear (especially in the game) just how much physical involvement Yuu has in battles. Because TWST itself does not frame or portray these events as having super serious impacts on Yuu, that also informs the fans that absorb this content (so they, in turn, will usually also not take the story’s impact on Yuu all that seriously).
The interactive medium of the game (which is the main form people absorb TWST content by) plays such a crucial role in how Yuu is portrayed. Because Yuu is so inherently tied to being the player’s avatar/self-insert, there are limitations to the overt nastiness Yuu takes and their involvement. The manga and the light novel feature new versions of Yuu, yes, but these interpretations are wholly separate from Yuu (the game one). The manga and light novel Yuus can be treated as their own characters and not self insert vehicles, therefore there is a degree of separation between the player and the manga and light novel Yuus. This is why the manga Yuus are more shown to be more active in the story (most notably getting involved in battles). This is why the light novel Yuu is shown receiving more bullying (from mob students) than is depicted in the game. The manga and light novel are NOT interactive mediums, and they don’t have to worry about potentially alienating or offending players who self insert as the game Yuu. Game Yuu is intentionally kept vague for this reason; we aren’t necessarily meant to interpret that game Yuu gets as involved or is treated as harshly as what other mediums depict.
I really don’t think we (the audience) are meant to interpret most of the things (game) Yuu experiences as being deeply traumatic or scarring. In most instances, Yuu is either ignored or they act very nonchalant about what’s happening (groaning or joking about how “oh, not this again!”). The worst injury I can recall Yuu ever getting is when Grim scratches them at the end of book 5. They barely even ever bring up going home or the worry of not being able to get home (not counting very early and very late in the main story when it is plot relevant, or the occasional event story to shoehorn Yuu’s presence in). The game in particular glosses over any potential negative ramifications on Yuu’s part because endearing the boys (who often are Not Nice) to the player is an important component of the gacha model. You can’t have the players despising the characters because that doesn’t encourage spending money to roll for them on banners or to throw money at merch.
I also want to add that many people make Yuusonas to have fun and to escape into a magical world (which is likely reflected in the nonchalance Yuu demonstrates toward going home for most of the story); it’s far more common to see these lighthearted takes because I can’t imagine many people want to self-insert being deeply traumatized by the same magical boys they’re likely big fans of. If you personally want to make or to see a Yuu that becomes traumatized and jaded from what happens during their time in Twisted Wonderland, then yeah! Go for it! All the more power to you. Just remember that this isn’t a universal take.
All of that being said, we come back to something I’ve said time and time again: since Yuu is such a blank slate, you get out of it what you put into it. This means every person’s individual interpretation of the events and how Yuu engages with and reacts to those events may differ wildly. It’s all in good fun, just try to be cognizant of canon vs fanon, as well as others (who may have very different interpretations of the same events and characters).
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pgtitta · 2 years
Tokyo ghoul re invoke mod apk
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This is honestly more of a competitive whale's game. I feel like if a game needs to go to such great lengths to give out something for free, it's having problems. There is an event coming up where you get a +9 Six Devil, and IIRC four more +9 5*s for free, but they'd still need investment. A few months ago they have introduced another system called Companions, which essentially need to be pulled from the gacha, and allow some Mercenaries (including soon the Six Devils) to be merged up to +15, which hugely shifts the metagame again. They have their own legendary Books and you get fewer of those. The bigger problem are the Legends, particularly the Octos and Six Devils. Merging goes up to +9, but you can either use dupes or Books, and you can get about half a dozen of them per month. It does have Mileage, but it takes quite a bit of it to turn it into a 5* selector ticket. If you are not interested in PvP there is very little here for you and the rates are not great. It has multiple arenas - Novice (no 5*s allowed but highly centralized), regular Arena (anything goes), Underground Arena (live PvP, essentially you take turns putting Mercenaries on the board), and Guild War.
#Tokyo ghoul re invoke mod apk how to#
Planning how to squeeze more damage out of my roster is enjoyable too.īrown Dust on the other hand is hard PvP focused. The big draw here for me honestly is the fun dialogue and zany events - I think the story is underrated. The packages and Devil Pass are comically overpriced so I don't bother with them and never have, but nothing is giving the feeling that you really need to spend at all, unless you want to be at the top of arena (Devil Rumble). Nevertheless there's a reason it's commonly recommended alongside AL and GFL as one of the most F2P friendly games. PvP is highly centralized - 3 specific Childs are more or less mandatory the higher up you go so you only have leeway in two slots for variety. I'm fully F2P and have no issue being in the top 5% for World Boss damage, which uses 20 Childs at once. The maximum uncap a Child can have is +6. If you play long enough it's more than feasible to have the entire common pool roster, at which point you either pull for Boost childs for events like World Boss or for dupes to unlock higher skill grades. There are events going on nonstop that either reward 5* tickets, copies of the event Child, or crystals. It also showers you with premium currency (from the dailies alone you can get 900 crystals and a 10x pull costs 2700). If this information is not provided, the newsletters will not be made available.Well Destiny Child has a 3% 5* rate which I wouldn't exactly call "brutal". Required information is indicated by an asterisk. In the event of a dispute, you can refer the matter to the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés). You may exercise these rights at any time by using the unsubscribe link in the newsletters or by e-mail. You have the right to request, access, rectify, delete, oppose for legitimate reasons, and transfer all of your data, as well as the right to formulate specific and general instructions concerning the storage, deletion and communication of all post-mortem data. This data is stored until you revoke your consent, and is intended for use by Bandai Namco's services responsible for customer relationship management. Such data processing is carried out only with your consent.
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sylhea-raemi · 3 years
What are the cookie run whales I'm so confused
I reeeaaalllyyy don't think I'm the right person to ask that, as I would not be able to answer that correctly since I only just started playing ovenbreak literally just days ago
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woman-respecter · 2 years
do u have any tips for making job stuff bearable?
crabsolutely! disclaimer this is coming from a cs/stats major so your mileage may vary. another disclaimer I’m 22 and have mostly just done internships so take it with a grain of salt. this is also for white collar because when i wasn't working an office job i almost got fired for getting in fights with my boss
experience rejection. this is obvious and it sucks but know you will be rejected like 97% of the time before you get to the interview stage. it isnt personal, think of it like a gacha. for my 2021 internship i applied to nearly 100 places, got 3 interviews, 2 of which resulted in offers.
do a little bit of job searching every day instead of doing it all at once. turn on notifications on linkedin with filters for the type of job you are looking for
fuckkkk cover letters. only do a cover letter if you really want a job and/or think you have a good shot. imo the time it takes to write a cover letter is not worth it, you're better off filling out more applications with that time. also they are psychological torture.
Speaking of things that are more worth your time than cover letters, tailor your resume to jobs. It will drive you crazy if you do it every time so only do it for select jobs
If a recruiter contacts you GO FOR THAT JOB. see if they can put in a referral for you or give your resume priority. This will significantly boost your chances of getting an interview
BIG ONE: if you're a woman or minority look for programs or job listings targeted for that group. these often have less applications so your chances are better. often times these will also be more accommodating for your diverse needs. my first big internship was through a company's autism spectrum program and it was great.
Apply for unpaid, even if you don't want to do them. Use them for valuable interview practice.
Interviewing (this is what I’m really good at)
Make a list of talking points you want to hit in the interview, and look for opportunities to get them in. This will help give you structure
Start learning the common interview questions for your field. prepare answers for them.
RESEARCH THE COMPANY. know what they do. the most common question is “why do you want to work for x”
Smile and be enthusiastic. This sounds dumb but it helps with making a positive impression
Prepare questions for your interviewer, it shows interest and will help you know if the job is a good fit for you
Calm yourself down in whatever way is most effective for you. Remember this isn’t life or death
Plan for a little treat after your interview. It is surprising how much this helps get you through it
Working the actual job
1. Get on good terms with your boss. I learned this the hard way. fake interest in his affinity for hiking or whatever
2. Keep expectations low. Say you’ll get something done in a much longer time than it would take (but not so long they think you are an idiot). If you have a ton of time, discreetly goof off before you turn your task in so the expectations don’t get too high. Don’t follow this task if you want to move up quickly but its great for internships. This is my work-life balance.
3. Befriend your coworkers, especially the more experienced ones. They will have valuable advice
4. If you start getting really sick of the job, immediately start looking for another one. This may suck if you arent, like me, addicted to linkedin but its better than a job sucking your soul out
5. Get over your fear of emails whats the deal with people being afraid of emails here
6. Keep a goal in mind at all times, weather it be just doing well at what you are doing, getting a promotion, or going to another company. Keep in mind that you are gaining relevant experience
7. keep your resume updated for when opportunities arise so you don’t have to feel stressed about it later
Hope this helps and sorry it took so long I forgor that i saved it as a draft haha
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This is just a notice from the Editor, but while we do have these snazzy new pet cosmetics and stuff coming with the new updates accompanying the new update jelly shapes since Hydrangea Cookie’s pet first received a costume not connected to a Legendary Costume, the costume for Floral Froglet was confirmed to be locked behind a premium pass which requires a payment of $10 USD to access. That, and you already needed to have the combi Cookie (Hydrangea in this case) maxed to level 15. Depending on the rarity of the actual Cookie for which the pet’s costume is being offered, you could be spending as much as $30 USD for a legendary Cookie’s pass as we saw with Lotus Dragon (whom I will be covering soon alongside Ginseng. I didn’t forget, I just didn’t have time recently) and Lotus Polliwog. These costumes do not provide a buff unlike Cookie costumes, so these are PURELY cosmetic costumes like the jelly shapes.
So, what does that mean for us on the blog? For all the stuff in-game that is either suggested or confirmed to be locked behind a purchase requiring real money, we will not go into great lengths to explain it. We might mention it briefly if at all, but we will not implement major explanations such as those covering things like how we explain how Cookies behave. Why? If you are someone that doesn’t spend money on the game for personal reasons, or if you only buy select items that pique your interest, then these miscellaneous offers will just pass you by without a trace, and all you can do is watch.
In Conclusion: If you want to buy these packages and offers, then feel free to buy them. I will not stop you. I will just limit coverage of such features for the sake of the player base that doesn’t express interest in these offers. It’s just… $30 for a premium pass that highlights one Legendary’s Epic pet’s costume and the price only increases because they offer a lot of rainbow cubes, crystals, gacha keys, and coins? Some people will say it’s worth it, while others… not so much. Keep in mind that if you get the $30 premium pass for Lotus Polliwog’s Drakeling Emissary, you will ALSO need to upgrade Lotus Dragon Cookie (A Legendary) to level 15 before the pass expires, which is not an easy feat if you aren’t prepared to buy packages.
Why is it hard without packages or purchases? Because that ultimately means unless you get super lucky in the Gacha, you’ll most likely have to spend 4,500 Guild Coins for one copy to unlock, then you need to buy 35 more copies at 5,000 Mileage Points each (That’s 175,000 Mileage total, in case you were curious). Because mileage only stacks at 1 point per Crystal spent on Cookie/Pet Gachas, you would have had to have spent a total of 175,000 Crystals (including both prior to the purchase since you last depleted your mileage, and any crystals spent before the pass expires) to accumulate the mileage needed to max Lotus. Unless you saved for this moment over the course of weeks or months, I do not foresee Lotus being maxed before the offer expires.
If you have anything else to ask about why I am doing this for the blog, leave your question in the ask box, and I will answer your questions up-front for everyone whenever I can (and IF I can, as some questions I don’t know the answer to). Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you continue to rely on us to bring you Cookie Run news on Tumblr.
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doctor-roman · 4 years
So now that basically everyone I follow on tumblr has moved from magic to Fate, I have just one question before I follow suit: Is it gay? Because I have the big gay and mtg hurt me once times too many
Fate draws on historical figures for its roster, so it’s all up to whether or not the actual historical figures were gay (and we all know how historians like to erase LGBT history when it comes to the text books), but the main appeal is that the characters like you.
I’m not currently aware of any characters who have the hots for each other (outside of historical couples like Caesar and Cleopatra, Sigurd and Brynhild, etc.), but you can find a character and raise their bond level to a point where they will like you, regardless of your gender.
Which is to say, your mileage may vary. A lot of it is up to personal interpretation, but if you find a character you really like and use them enough, they’ll get the hots for you. It’s a really self indulgent game in that regard.
Also, a word of warning: a lot of the artists are horny as fuck and it shows in a lot of the character designs. So if that’s not your thing, tread lightly.
And lastly; just be aware that you’re not 100% guaranteed a lot of the more powerful characters, as the game follows a gacha system. If you’re not careful, you very well can develop a gambling addiction, as these games are prone to do. Like, straight up, the practice is predatory. So be extremely careful and guard your wallet.
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geekysweetie · 7 years
Love Nikki - Dress UP Queen - Anime Mobile Dressup Game Review
Nikki is back in an all new game, and this time, it even has English voice acting. As you may recall, I reviewed  Hello Nikki Let’s Beauty Up awhile back on my blog. Sadly, that game closed its doors a few months ago. As I mentioned in that original review, there were a ton of other Nikki dressup games available in the app store, but none of them had the gacha, rpg, and quest mechanics that I enjoyed so much in Hello Nikki – Let’s Beauty Up.
So I was left Nikkiless for a long time; until one day, I saw a Facebook ad for a new Nikki Game, Love Nikki Dress UP Queen. Love Nikki Dress Up Queen is extremely similar to the old Hello Nikki – Let’s Beauty Up. It’s also extremely similar to Romantic Diary, much more similar to Romantic Diary when compared to the similarities between Romantic Diary and the old Hello Nikki – Let’s Beauty Up, which were admittedly, already pretty similar.
Other Dressup Games you should check out include Line Play, Pokecolo (formerly Pokemini), CocoPPaplay, Miitomo, Dream Girlfriend, Animal Boyfriend, Moe Can Change, Outlander Princess, Dream Boyfriend, and Lady Popular.
Now onto the review!
Title: Love Nikki Dress UP Queen
Genre: Dressup Game
Developer: Suzhou Nikki Co.,Ltd
Publisher: ELEX Technology
Price: Free with Optional In-game Purchases
Where to Get:
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/…
Google: https://play.google.com/…
Release Date: May 05, 2017
Overall Score: 66/80 83% B “Very Good Game for Girls”
Geeky: 1/5 – The only real reason to play this game is because it’s so mind numbingly cute. Cute as it may be, it is full of bugs – It actually does not run well on my Iphone 6S with IOS operating system 10.3.2 – I can’t see the menus in the dressup, and can’t view tips. I can only access clothes by searching for them by name. Because of this, I play, whenever I can on my PC with a bluestacks emulator to play the android version. I could not get past the tutorial on my Iphone because I couldn’t click where it wanted me to click. And there are still times when I will click and it will be nonresponsive.
If they fix that IOS issue (and yes, I’ve already tried the built in fix utilities), then I’d probably be inclined to give the Geek score a 3/5 because it does feature online play, ranked leader boards, events and quest mechanics, and other interesting features to make it much more than “just” a dressup game.
Edit: Geeky 3/5 – They have fixed the above mentioned bugs (awhile ago, I just forgot to update this). As mentioned the game is more than “just” a dressup game, it features tons of events and online play with other players, as well as limited edition items, a story, quests, and crafting and other features.
Sweetie: 5/5 – So many cute outfits, events, and the characters are all cute. Just packed to the brim with cuteness.
Overview: 10/10 – Love Nikki Dress UP Queen takes a lot of what made Hello Nikki Let’s Beauty Up so much fun and throws in a few new surprises as well. If you login each day you get all kinds of rewards, basic login rewards, as well as ongoing event rewards, and other goodies. If you compete in the Stylist Arena you can get ranked against others and earn more rewards. The Arena is broken into seasons and the scores reset with new seasons which help new players catch up. You can enjoy the story mode by challenging various NPCs, or you can dress up freely – the choice is yours. With so many ways to play, Love Nikki Dress UP Queen is sure to keep you coming back.
Gameplay: 7/10 — This would be close to a perfect 10 if they could fix the game breaking bugs that exist on the IOS version right now. If you’re playing the android version, then you don’t need to worry about the negatives I’ve mentioned earlier in this review. I just can’t give “gameplay” a high score in good faith, when the game is so buggy (almost unplayable) for IOS users right now. Your Mileage May Vary depending on your device and what version of IOS you’re running. You can also switch freely between both the Android and IOS versions by linking your facebook account and have access to your same account and items in both versions of the game.
Edit: 10/10 The Above Bugs Have Been Fixed.
The actual gameplay itself is super solid. As mentioned under overview, there’s several different gameplay modes to choose from, and you can also craft, decompose, dye, and modify your clothes.
Like Hello Nikki Let’s Beauty Up, the main objective of the game is to collect different articles of clothing, and layer and combine them to create new outfits.
In the Story Mode, you will explore various maps; each point on the map presenting a brief story and new dressup challenge. You will be shown tips as to what styles or feelings your outfits should evoke, then you will face off with the NPC where your outfits will be scored on various standards such as warmth, liveliness, purity, maturity, sexiness, casualness, etc. depending on what the challenge calls for.
You’re also able to learn new skills as you level up which boost your score, or negatively impact your opponent’s scores when used in battle.
You will receive a letter grade and corresponding reward F through S rank for each challenge. Some maps may require you have a high amount of high ranked challenges to progress to the next map. Other maps may let you by with a C or higher.
  In the Stylist Arena, you are paired with other real people playing from all around the world. Unlike Romantic Diary, there is no limit to how many pieces of clothing you can carry into the challenge. You (and your opponent) will have access to all of your items in every arena battle. You can rise to the top of the leader boards each Arena “Season” to get top rewards.
  In Free Dress you can just put together whatever outfits you would like and have fun without worrying about meeting certain challenge requirements.
Be sure you look at the events, quests, and get your sign in bonuses every day. Click everything you can click; there’s so many rewards that it can be easy to miss some awesome freebies here.
Don’t forget to also collect your free gacha items each day. This is your chance for free rare items! Treasured items are good, but Super Treasured items are even better!
You can also earn retired / out of print outfits for linking your Facebook account or referring friends! So many ways to get free stuff – YAY.
Story: 7/10 Love Nikki Dress UP Queen has a new story to explore. Legend tells of a kingdom ruled by fashion battles. These fashion battles even have the ability to determine who will rule each kingdom as its king or queen. In the latest fashion battle, there was a tie, between a Princess, and a common girl. The Princess was very beautiful and refined with dark hair. The common girl had long pink hair, after the last fashion battle, the pink haired girl mysteriously disappeared, and the Princess became the new Queen. She ruled her kingdom harshly and brought about an age ruled by her cold blade. Nikki finds herself somehow in this strange kingdom, with her talking cat, Momo. Nikki shares an uncanny resemblance to the pink haired girl of legend who could challenge the current queen. Nikki will make her way to meet the queen while encountering strange new characters who either want fashion advice, or want to battle (in a fashion battle that is). – The story is there, and this time it’s even fully voiced, but it’s still not terribly interesting or engaging
Characters: 7/10 – all of the characters are voiced, have their own unique sense of style, and all of them are super cute, but it feels like they’re just there to keep you moving from point a to b, and of little story significance.
Graphics: 10/10 – Pastel pink is everywhere. Everything about this game is girly, feminine, charming, cute, and kawaii AF. The ability to layer items, from dozens of different “item slots” makes the dressup possibilities almost endless. The amount of different items also is mind boggling.
Music:5/10 – Meh, just average. It’s there, it exists, I just don’t pay much attention to it. It doesn’t get on my nerves, unlike many mobile games that I have to play on mute, but it’s nothing too impressive or memorable either.
Voice Acting: 8/10 – I’m torn on this — It’s the first Nikki game to have voice acting in English — or “first English Nikki Game to Have Voice Acting” period – by that, I mean that Hello Nikki Let’s Beauty Up removed ALL the voice acting from the original game before bringing it to North America – not only did it not have English Voice Acting, but it also removed the original Japanese Voice Acting as well! I was really disappointed by this.
So I’m really really happy that the new Nikki game is fully voiced – I would have liked for it to have included an option to keep the Japanese voice acting — Or if I could only choose one or the other, I would’ve preferred the Japanese voices. But I know there are royalties and licensing fees associated with doing so…
The English voice acting is actually… for the most part… not bad…. I’ve met a few questionable characters but on the whole, overall, most of the characters’ voices seem to fit well and deliver a decent performance that is not cringe worthy or over dramatic. I actually kind of really like some of the characters’ voices in fact. So yeah, we have voice acting, and it doesn’t totally suck, so yay lol.
Overall Score: 66/80 83% B “Very Good Game for Girls”
NOTE: if playing the Android version or if they ever fix the bugs in the IOS version, the score would be closer to: 66/80 or 83% “Very Good Game for Girls”
Edit: Bugs have been fixed.
Love Nikki – Dress UP Queen – Anime Mobile Dressup Game Review was originally published on GeekySweetie.com - Geeky & Kawaii Anime, Tech, Toys, & Game Reviews & News
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