#there's no way THAT image is getting outta my head soon
gojoux · 1 year
Just woke up from one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. Crazy for me 'cause, I somehow slept anxious about the upcoming leaks in 3 days, AND it just gave me the worst possible vision of his death COME ON now I can't sleep 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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shoyastars · 2 months
My 100th Post! 🥳
Ok long story short, I couldn’t get the image of this outta my head!
Ray x GN/ Reader
The proposal of a lifetime.
Yes its something other than my oc x ray, not to mention you guys are probably tired of it by now hehe!
Let’s begin.
Ray was always protective of your love and always patient as he could with you, when you were ready to love again, especially after double vision, you weren’t entirely sure what you were getting yourself into. However… one day by someone mysterious, the NAHA’s wrong doings were brought to the public eye and somehow Ray escaped the binds of it all, and the NAHA had to have a rewritten system. Ray got the news that he would only be needed if truly necessary, which was when aliens attacked, it did still annoy him but it was a bit fair due to some of the hero’s still a bit inexperienced with the said situations. However, he was able to not have a chains attached or be bothered, due to the new staff knowing his power, he could possibly destroy everything if they were to try anything. Ray was not free from the governments eyes but was able to have a good once of freedom he’s never had before. He mostly spent it with you. You were his tie to humanity, and if you weren’t here at all he would’ve destroyed humanity at this point…. But he never did. He felt more human more sane, all thanks to you. As he said to you before, you were his binary star.
Soon going on dates without worry and able to spend more time with you as days pass, he realized he wanted more. More than just a simple title as a lover. He had it planned out, a nice picnic somewhere nobody else would interfere and no one to ruin the mood, he wore something special for the occasion even texting you to put on something nice. He flew you out because he was too excited to simply drive. When you both landed you were more skeptical than ever, first the blindfold, then him flying? Something was definitely up with him.
“Ray, what are you planning?”
He let out a soft chuckle as he let you down carefully.
“Wait and see, I picked out a perfect spot just for us.”
He lead you by taking your hands and guiding you. When you both stopped you heard him go behind you and take off your blindfold, due to the darkness your eyes had to adjust to the sunlight a bit.
When you’re eye’s focused, you saw a beautiful site, a lakeside picnic. You were a bit speechless.
“I- I don’t know what to say…”
He walked in front of you and gave you a passionate kiss.
“No need, you’re face expression says it all star.”
“But… why all the way out here?”
You crossed your arms and smiled a bit you knew exactly by now if it’s something worth Ray dressing formally for then he has something up his sleeve.
He smiled and let out a soft laugh.
“I just can’t hide anything from you now a day can I?”
He put his hands in his pockets.
“What If I wanted to enjoy the view?”
You scoffed and turned a bit as you weren’t believing that.
“Hmph! And I thought we agreed not to hide things from each other again.”
Ray saw his chance and took it. He took a deep breath, scared out of his mind.
You were wondering why he was so quiet now.
“Maybe if you turn around it would be more clear.”
When you did, you were met with him on one knee. He took out a small box, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Was this all truly happening or was it all just a dream?
“Star… you’ve changed my life, in ways I’ve never thought it could, depending on it being good or bad for me. You were most important. You made me realize I could be more than what I thought I was.”
Ray opened up the box to reveal a beautiful ring, it wasn’t too flashy or anything outrageous. Your emotions were pouring over at this point, your hands over your mouth, tears practically in your eyes, it was happening. You weren’t dreaming. It was real.
“Would you… like to fulfill a greater purpose for us?”
You couldn’t help but kneel to the ground on both knees, you were so happy, you were questioning why you were crying. Was it the fact you didn’t think you’d find someone like Ray to begin with? Or we’re you so sure you’re villain career would’ve ruined any chance for you to have a happy married life?
Ray starts to worry, his hand shaking as he was going to check on you.
“Star, are you-“
Without warning you hugged him along with a passionate kiss on the lips, Ray couldn’t help but feel both relief and joy. The little box still in hand as he wrapped his arms around you as you kissed, when you pulled away you were still crying tears of happiness laughing as you knew you weren’t dreaming at all, it was all real, he was real, this was real.
“I’m assuming that’s a yes?”
“Yeah haha!”
He took the ring and put it on your ring finger, you couldn’t help but laugh as you saw it fit perfectly, weeeelll actually it was a bit loose but that’s a problem for later.
“Wait… I thought we couldn’t…. Wouldn’t the NAHA?”
“The new head said hero’s personal lives should remain personal. And they knew if they were to try anything on me I’d practically have to deal with them personally.”
“Personally? Wow Ray never thought you’d be that intimidating.”
He shrugs.
“They just realized how much of a problem it would be if they were to make an enemy of me I guess.”
You’d playfully nudge him, causing him to laugh a bit.
At that moment he had so much love for you he wasn’t even worried about what could possibly come next. He knew exactly what he wanted, a future with you. You were his star, and he was willing to take a chance with you, might as well go all the way.
“Now come on, it’s a picnic for a reason, I bet you made the food yourself since this was oh so secret.”
You move over to the blanket set out of you two of you.
Ray smiled as he then goes to join you, enjoying the rest of the day together.
In a world he was brought in, he thought nothing was worth saving, till he saw you petting that cat.
He knew there would be something about you, knowing something about you was bound to change something within him he didn’t know needed to be changed. Or felt….
He felt love
He felt beloved
He felt…. Human.
He was simply… Ray
He forgot he was Binary Star that day.
He was ready for anything now more than ever.
You were ready more than ever to.
Come at you and him, you were ready for it.
Ready to face the world.
The end
Please be sure to know this was inspired off of @smxhyphy
Due to the picture!
Without this picture This beautiful scenario would of probably never existed 😩
I hope you all enjoyed! Be sure to support the artist of the commission!
And as always if you want to give me criticism for my writing be sure to put it in the comments!
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maochira · 1 year
Yooo Maoo it's the fear of needles request person again. I loved the write for Kunigami chigiri and shidou tysm!!!! Is it okay if I ask for a similar one but with father figures Noel, Chris, and Lavinho? I can't get the idea outta my head😅
Oh my it's been so long since I wrote that ahahah😭 But I'll gladly write it for the father figures as well!!
The same thing but with Kunigami, Chigiri and Shidou
Requests open! - father figure coaches masterlist
Tags: gn!reader with a needle phobia
You told Noa about your needle phobia many times already, so as soon as you mention having an upcoming blood test he gets very worried about you. He's seen you getting anxious only over an image of a needle, so he can't even imagine how anxious you are knowing you'll have a blood test done soon. You don't even have to ask, he just tells you he'll come along when they take your blood and promises he'll be on your side. When you were at the doctor's, it hurt him to see how anxious you got and that he wasn't able to do much except being there and helping you to hold still.
When you asked Chris to come along when your doctor takes your blood, he was very confused. He didn't know about your phobia and at that time you were a bit afraid to tell him. He agreed to it anyways because he promised to always be there in case you need him. As soon as he saw you shaking and crying from only seeing the needle, Chris immediately knew why you asked him to come along. He was a bit unsure on what to do, so he gently held your hand and kept telling you it'll be over sooner than you think. When it was over, he was very proud of you for getting through it!
Lavinho didn't take your phobia that seriously at first. When you told him about it, he joked about it a lot but in a way to make you more lighthearted about the topic. He didn't realize how serious your phobia was until you started crying because his jokes made you think about your next doctor's appointment too much. Lavinho had the right intention but wrong execution and of course, he felt very sorry immediately and tried to comfort you. He also insisted to come along when you go to your doctor for your next blood test. He just sat there and talked to you for distraction and made sure you didn't even get to look at the needle.
Snuffy already got worried when you mentioned your upcoming blood test before you even said anything about your needle phobia. He noticed you were nervous when you told him about the doctor's appointment, so he kind of sensed you were afraid of needles. As soon as you confirmed his thought, Snuffy talked to you about your fear and what exactly makes you so afraid of needles. Regardless of what caused your fear, Snuffy insisted he would come along to your appointment. He didn't talk much the entire time, but he was focused on helping you feel at least a little bit safer.
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jungle-angel · 5 months
Lessons In Sunday Dinner (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: It's a warm spring night and one of your close family friends has invited you and Calvin for dinner where you learn that some family roots run deep
Warnings: Family history, mentions of birth and parenthood etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @ateliefloresdaprimavera
Notes: I got the idea for this from one of my favorite children's books, "Chicken Sunday" by Patricia Pollaco. I found it in a bookshop a few weeks ago and this little idea had popped into my head.
You and Calvin couldn't have been more excited at Henny's dinner invitation. Cal's mother and father would have come, however Six-Thirty and Rosie were needed at home, the puppies still new to the world and needing constant attention from their parents.
You and Calvin headed up the steps of the old red-brick Victorian that belonged to Henny and Paul King, her climbing roses and the bougainvillea in full bloom and alive with the constant buzzing of bumblebees.
You rang the doorbell and were met with the sound of barking from Curly, her little black Scottish terrier. "Curly get it on outta here!" Henny ordered loudly. "Go chase the rats outta the garbage cans or somethin."
Curly shuffled aside and zoomed up the stairs. "Well, well look who decided to show on up!" she laughed as she opened the storm door.
"Hi Henny," you both greeted, hugging her warmly.
"Come on in," she said. "We've got alot of work to do before dinnertime. Cal, if ya'll want, you can put Ellen in the living room with Betsy and Ruby. Paul should be back in a little while."
Ellen was put in the playpen with Henny's granddaughters so they could play together. As soon as Paul was home, he and Calvin retreated to their secret little hideaway to work on some sort of afternoon project, leaving you and Henny to handle Sunday dinner prep.
"So what's on the menu Henny?" you asked.
"Just a little family tradition honey," she answered. "A little something my Grandmama used to call 'Chicken Sunday.'"
"Uh-huh," said Henny. "That was her thing, she'd never miss a church service nor did she miss Sunday dinner. And if we dared to even miss one Sunday dinner with the family, she'd threaten to beat us blue."
You made a face at the image that had suddenly popped into your head. "Sounds like she was real strict."
"Oh she was," Henny explained. "Only because she knew what it was like to have been in a family that was split up. All she ever wanted in life was for us all to stick together. Didn't always happen, but we tried our best."
"I'm sorry Henny," you said, feeling a little sad.
"Oh don't be sorry honey, it ain't anybody's fault," Henny assured you. "It's just the way it was. Now, if ya'll don't mind helpin me a second, we need to head out back and gather some stuff outta the garden."
Excitement flared within you at the notion. Henny's garden was legendary and the envy of every neighborhood shrew who just didn't have the green thumb.
"Go on now honey child, it's best if you take your shoes off," Henny told you, leaving her own near the kitchen door. "That's what spring and summer were made for."
You laughed a little, leaving your shoes next to Henny's. The garden looked absolutely gorgeous, everything so green and having grown so tall. The wildflowers were everywhere with bees flitting from one to the other while the vegetables had grown tall and ripe with peppers, tomatoes, onions, beans, turnips, cabbages, lettuces, carrots, cucumbers and all sorts of herbs and spices. The strawberries were already beginning to grow ripe along with Henny's berry bushes but the hazelnuts still had a bit of a ways to go. The sunshine and the heat of early afternoon had made everything perfect, as perfect as a Sunday could be.
"So what are we gathering Henny?" you asked her.
"Well," Henny answered. "First we're gonna need some fresh garlic and the potatoes. Then we're gonna need broccoli and collards for the sides."
You and Henny set about, gathering whatever it was you needed from the garden. A warm breeze blew by, the windchimes gently clanging in the breeze while the birds sang and the smells of her garden wafted up your nose. You gathered as much of the broccoli and the collard greens as you could pick, the greens themselves already up to your knees.
"Aw honey that should be enough," Henny told you. "Don't let your basket get overfilled now."
Once everything had been gathered, you and Henny went right back into the kitchen to begin preparing dinner.
"Now this," she said, removing the chicken legs and thighs from the fridge. "Was Grandmama's secret. She'd let the meat brine overnight in buttermilk and then roll it in all the flour with the herbs and spices from her garden."
"Because when it soaks overnight, the brine is absorbed into the meat and chemical reactions occur that allow the flavors to lock in," you explained.
Henny smiled and shook her head with her hands on her hips. "That is your husband talking for sure," she laughed.
You laughed with her as you set to prepping the rest of the food. "So this was Grandmama's tradition huh?" you said, chopping up the garlic.
"Mmmhmm," Henny nodded. "She started it after she got her freedom. She opened up a little corner restaurant in Savannah and ran the place almost fifty years, right up through the Depression. She was real business savvy you know. She had a wealthy oilman come through her joint once and had said that if he could, he would've offered her a job, but Grandmama told him outright that if he did, nobody would be able to run the place and the food would be no good."
You laughed a little as Henny told you more stories about her grandmother and the little hole-in-the-wall place that her and her husband had run for almost fifty years. "Must've been a hell of a place."
"Oh it was honey," Henny said, chopping up the collards. "It was good cookin and good company. Everybody in the place looked forward to Chicken Sundays 'cause sometimes it was all they could afford."
"It was?"
"Uh-huh," Henny replied. "Times were tough in Georgia and there wasn't alot for anybody. Grandmama had to work with what she had and selling her chicken dinners and meals in general, were what paid the bills."
As soon as the chicken had been put in the hot pan of olive oil to fry, you let the potatoes boil and the collards cook away. Into the oven went the airy scratch rolls, all coated with flour and the whole kitchen smelling delicious.
When the dinner hour finally came, you, Calvin and Henny's family all gathered out on the porch, the warm, sunny weather too perfect to be trapped inside. The food was delicious as always with Paul having broken out a bottle of the house white for everyone to share.
"Henny, you and (y/n)really outdid yourselves," Calvin remarked. "Best dinner ever."
"Just you wait till next week," Henny told him. "We'll be doin spaghetti and meatballs if you're up for it."
You and Calvin met each other's gazes with that mischievous look in your eyes, not forgetting the last time you and him had been invited to a spaghetti dinner at Henny and Paul's.
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gren-arlio · 1 year
I'm back after a small break. Welcome to Waku Puyo Extras.
Hello everyone, I'm alive once again after taking a small break and from posting on a Wednesday. It's been a bit, but I think we'll be back on schedule now. Might throw a funny image or the sort down here every Extra, IDK.
I want Extras to be more casual than the others, so besides the actual translating part, expect me to be more informal and joke around more.
First things first, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who reads these. Wasn't expecting so much support from the community, and it was a fairly good motivation boost, so I feel more confident than ever about what I do now.
With that thing outta the way, I think I'll start this post by something simple: Revisions from previous episodes. Obviously, when I started, I wasn't so great at this, so I made a couple of mistakes, notably:
Schezo (unfortunately) doesn't call Rulue a bitch in the first episode. Wish he did but alas, he doesn't. Instead, by an anon telling me, he more calls her a "Meat-headed woman," or something along the lines of "All Brawns and no Brains."
This also goes for episode five, where Schezo first hears Doppelganger Schezo. While yes, he does call Doppel "Kisama," a very rude version of saying "You," with how Puyo is, I don't think they'll be hard swearing anytime soon. I believe it's more of "You little..." or just "You," though any Puyo translation experts can correct me on that one.
This post will have two things:
A new video. It's a short one.
The Menus for the shop, provided by @kirstenonic05. Special thank you to you.
With those minor things out of the way, time for the first actual part of this:
A whole new video.
It's not a long one at all. It's fairly short compared to the rest.
This was the Witch and Succubus thing from my Retrospective. It's fun.
Schezo says "Hm? There's no one here..." at the start.
Succubus Refight: (23:30, defeat at 25:25)
Witch Trade Offer: (27:25)
With that, this'll be the Read More section of the blog.
Succubus Refight: (23:30)
It's you again!
Why are you so happy about it?
Hey, how does that remotely sound happy?
You're not very honest, so your sense of joy is very twisted.
Don't decide that on your own!
As usual, you're still shy...You okay? You can be honest with yourself. ♡
Leave me alone!
With that, I want you to be my servant. ♡
What's the "Why" then! I've had enough!
Well...guess I'll have to force you to be mine.
Oi, oi, that's the woman's line!?
Come on, be mine!
No thanks!
(After her defeat, she says "Ahh...I can't take it anymore..." and then when Schezo opens the chest, it says "Schezo got a book.")
Witch Trade Offer: (27:25)
Dang (or Damn)... it wasn't here either...
But what exactly is this Grimoire?
Ahh ♡ (Here we go again.)
There she is again...
You...I want it. ♡
Ugh, you're persistent! I'm not getting undressed here!
...I was going to say "I want that Grimoire that you have," you know.
...Though of course, I'll take your clothes too. ♡
(Hm, is this grimoire really worth that much?)
[Text says Give or Don't Give. They say Give.]
...I finally have my hands on the "Meteor Grimoire".
...Yes, in return, I'll give you a copy of the "Areiado Special Grimoire".
...Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
...Oh, and as for your clothes, I'll get them later. (WE WENT 3 SENTENCES WITHOUT CLOTHES BEING MENTIONED. HUGE DAY.)
"The Areiado Special Grimoire"!? Well, let's see if it's true...(it was.)
For the past 3 years I've had this image of Witch from Puyo Tetris saying "SHE will turn you into HORRORS BEYOND ALL COMPREHENSION." and never understood it. Now I do.
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(Maybe someday there'll be a remake. Or I'll remake it IDFK. This single girl has given me like 3 sleepless nights from translating, so thank her for that. Still my 3rd favorite character)
That's the small translation piece out of the way, now it's time for the good part.
Thanks to Kirstenonic helping me out, I've now been able to translate the menus of the shop. You'll still be a bit confused by some stuff but its better than nothing, I hope.
There'll be no timestamps for this.
Here's how it goes:
The player goes into this menu, and this happens: (this part will look odd.)
Welcome to the shop.
Icons appear, from the left side being:
[Cash held: 58]
And the right being:
Player clicks buy.
What do you want to buy?
The left now shows:
Page 1:
Magic Crystal:
A mysterious crystal that revives you when you hit 0 HP.
Curse-Breaking Scroll:
A scroll that removes an equipped curse (I assume debuff.)
Scroll of Light:
A scroll that makes floor traps, magic circles, and scrolls disappear.
Nothing will happen if you drink it. Its just water.
Hermits Wine: [Unsure of the name.]
Restores MP by 50.
Restores HP by 50.
Green Potion:
A potion that restores your status at the cost of half you HP.
Page 2:
Delicious Herbs: (It also says Grass but I'm going with Herbs. Replace Herbs with Grass if wanted.)
Edible Herbs. Might cause a stomachache.
Gentian Herbs: (Type of flower.)
Herbs that make your strength go up by 1.
Cotton Herbs:
Herbs that make your skill go up by 1.
Zoysia Herb: (Or the No-Mow flower. Both being the same. Had to study a bit about flowers.)
A herb that increases your magic by 1.
Happiness Herb:
Herbs that increases your luck by 1.
Spinach: (...Is it spinach?)
Slightly restores HP.
Mental Herb: (Slightly unsure of this name.)
A Herb that restores MP.
Antidote Herb:
Herb that cures poison.
Page 3:
Geranium Herb: (Another flower.)
Herbs that make you stay afloat for a while. (...What?)
An ordinary apple that'll fill your stomach.
Golden Apple:
Level up by 1. A mysterious apple.
Curry and Rice:
A normal bento that'll fill your stomach.
Super Spicy Curry and Rice:
A bento that makes you feel full, but halves HP.
Large Curry and Rice:
A very filling bento.
Special Extra-Large Curry and Rice:
A bento that'll make you full.
Don't overeat it.
Ice-Storm Grimoire:
A grimoire that allows Arle to learn this spell.
Page 4:
Palm of the Fire/Water God: (They have the same description.)
A manual Rulue can use to learn this special skill.
The player then goes back to buying to see Momomo lines.
Momomo: (In order.)
What're you going to buy?
I don't think you have enough money. How about something else?
That'll be 30G. Will you buy it?
There's no reason not to buy it.
After that, they go to sell.
What are you selling?
Showing the menu, it's:
?Medical Ring
?Medicine (Back to back.)
Ring of Fire (1)
They click one of the ? items.
What're you going to do?
Menu pops up with:
[Sell, <-
Break Curse
Unidentified things are worth 1G. Is that okay?
(They say yes, and leave.)
Thank you for your continued patronage.
Hope to see you again. (At the very end.)
That's episode 1 of Extras. Bit scuffed, but it'll ease in. Have a few things planned for next time. And remember, if you want anything specific from the game translated, let me know. I'll try my best.
That'll be all. Thanks for tuning in.
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burnwater13 · 5 months
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Mandalorian, Din Djarin, stands in a room filled with meat (heads) hanging from hooks, with the Darksaber ignited and held in his right hand. Bodies of people are strewn on the floor. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Episode 5, Return of the Mandalorian. Concept Art by Brain Matyas. Calendar from DataWorks.
Din Djarin had pretended that nothing special had happened while Grogu was away at Luke’s Jedi Sleep Away Camp. Since Grogu had no reason not to believe the Mandalorian, he let it go. Their reunion had been exciting enough and, what with one thing and another, he hadn’t asked the bounty hunter or anyone else what he’d actually done during that time. 
Of course that all changed when Grogu agreed to go to the Mos Eisley Food Fair with Peli Motto. His dad had agreed to let Grogu attend the event with Peli, knowing how much they both liked foods, especially foods that no one else would eat, even on a bet. The Mandalorian was going to stay at the garage and work on the N-1. That ship always needed something done to it. It was no where near as resilient as the old Razor Crest had been. 
“Yeah, well, I’m sorry ‘bout that kid. I tried to find him one of those old rust buckets, but a lot of them are out of service. Seems like the New Republic is cracking down on ‘em for some reason. Probably yer dad’s fault. Now that Naboo starfighter is a beautiful ship, if a little finicky, but anything this of beauty has the right to be that way. Why I was just tellin’ Majordomo…”
That’s when Grogu tuned Peli out. He’d learned that as soon as she brought up the Twi’lek who worked for Fennec and Boba that she wasn’t going to stop talking about him until he showed up for their next date. Unfortunately, Grogu knew that next date wasn’t taking place for at least two more days. Uff. He was going to hear a lot of stuff about what makes for a good partner that he was sure he was way too young to learn and probably would be his whole life.
He turned his thoughts away from his companion and began to wonder what the best and most interesting foods were at the festival. Frankly, he was somewhat surprised that he hadn’t been asked to be a judge for the event. No one on Tatooine had as diverse a diet as Grogu. 
They entered the queue to access the fair grounds and Grogu continued to ignore Peli and focus on the food as they crept forward slowly. He had to admit that he was a bit surprised that she was taking the slow pace of the line well. Usually she bustled ahead of folks, explaining that she was joining another group, was visiting the event organizers, was one of the event organizers and the like in a continuous stream of words that made Grogu wonder how she managed to say so much without passing out. 
“It’s all in the rhythm, Kid. Breathe in, talk, breathe out as you talk, breathe in as you talk. I learned it from my old man. Ha! That man could talk ya outta yer own wallet!” At least that’s what she told him the first time he marveled at her super power. 
But she wasn’t doing any of that kind of talking while they waited in that line. Instead she had managed to reach a point of describing the people she had bought the N-1 from, knowing that they had no idea what they had and therefore didn’t know it’s value which was just what she liked. Opportunity. Sweet, delicious credit filled opportunity. 
“And yer dad almost spoiled it all insisting that he needed something more practical. Can’t imagine why that mattered. Not like he was ever bringin’ anyone in warm. That scar on his leg came from goin’ after that Klatooinian, what’s ‘is name. I guess usin’ that Jedi toy he got isn’t as easy as it looks. Any how, he followed my advice, which is always good advice and you two lucked into that N-1.”
Grogu tugged on Peli’s leg coverings to get her attention as she launched right into a detailed description of the N-1’s engine control system and all the tweaks she had implemented. 
“Huh? Whaddaya want kid?”
Grogu coo’d and grumbled his question at her. He knew he couldn’t trust himself to use any Gal Basic to ask his question he was so surprised.
“Whaddaya mean he didn’t tell ‘ya ‘bout it? Uff. Mandos, every one of ‘em filled to the brim with stories and an absolute aversion to sharin’ them.” Peli pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Are ya sure ya wanna hear ‘bout it from me? I don’t have that kind of time kid, if we’re gonna eat our credits’ worth here.” Peli pointed toward the rapidly filling fairgrounds.
Grogu really wanted to scold her about finding the food more important than the story, but considering how often he did that to absolutely everyone else, he put up with it. He pointed to the entrance and sighed.
“Okay, okay. I can see that y’er itchin’ to hear the rest.” Peli dropped her voice down to an almost whisper. “Now, I can’t vouch for all the details. I didn’t go there with him. But I did see that patch on his outer layer and mentioned that if he needed a tailor I knew a good one. He got all crabby with me, nothing new there, and said that if he wanted a tailor he’d bring one in warm. I gotta tell ya kid, I laughed out loud at that. Anyhow, he said it happened when he brought Kaba Baiz in cold. Like ‘head in a bag’ cold. Uff. Glad he didn’t bring that thing back with him. Klatooinian blood is hard to get out of everything. I once dated a Klatooinian…”
Peli stopped talking as soon as Grogu yelped like he’d been stepped on. He hadn’t, but he didn’t want to hear anything about dating Klatooinians. Uff.
“Dank Farrik! Will ya watch where yer walkin’? The kid is delicate and I’m not explainin’ any marks or dents on ‘em. You can explain it to his dad, the Mandalorian.” Peli barked at the stocky person standing just in front of them. 
Grogu tried not to giggle as they watched the man quickly leave the line, looking all around for Grogu’s dad. 
“I gotta remember to do that more often. Any how… where was I? Oh. Right. Apparently, in order to put together enough credits for the N-1, your dad went back to bounty hunting and collected a real bad actor named Kaba Baiz and he used that crazy Jedi sword to do it. Never could understand why Jedi used ‘em. Nothin’ but trouble. Any how, if you were thinking that delivering a head in a bag was bad, another one of those Klatooinians wasn’t that lucky. Now, that better be enough because I don’t want to ruin my appetite. Have your dad tell you about it. Frankly, I think he was missing you a lot and just wasn’t dealing with it well, but don’t tell him I said that. I don’t want to see him cry again like the last time I said anything about it. Hey! Here we are. Come one let’s eat!”
Apparently the person Peli had threatened told folks to let them through or a Mandalorian would be coming after them. The crowd had been happy to part and let the two of them cut through the line like a lightsaber. Grogu guessed that the rest of them had heard Peli’s story already and didn’t want to wind up cold or in a bag. He supposed that made sense, but he could have told them that he’d never known his dad to carry any bag with him since Grogu returned to Tatooine. Grogu had wondered why, but he was pretty sure he understood it now. Somethings did not need to be reused or recycled.
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eorzeashan · 2 years
I *still* don't know if I'll get around to it but for Eight's Alliance Alert, if you are Nine, you are given a codeword by the Minister at some point: entropy.
He says to use it wisely. Someone will fight for you without question if you do, on their honor as a fellow Cipher. Whether you accept the person who arrives is up to you. For some reason, the Minister looks profoundly sad saying this. You think nothing of it.
When you arrive, Eight explains that his duty was to chase after Jadus--your loose end, and now, he's tied to him for the rest of his life. That was how he escaped most of ImpIntel's restructuring. The others either weren't so lucky, or were reabsorbed into the system under a new master. How's the galaxy without Intelligence, Nine? Lonely, isn't it? It's not quite the same without them. The old man, the Watchers. But we get by.
Why Jadus? You want to ask, buried under layers of old dread and loathing from those dark times.
Why not? Eight answers. He's my mission. My mission is my life. And now, it's yours.
You are faced with a choice:
> Reject him. "I can't trust you." 'You don't have to. I gave my word to Keeper.' "I don't trust him, either." 'You're a funny one. Don't worry about it. When you're in a pinch, I'll come. You can go back to pretending neither of us exist.'
> Accept him. "You want to get away from here?" 'If there's drinks and sun where we're going, sure.'
> But leave Jadus. 'Ah.' He stops following you. 'I can't. He's a part of me.' Your blood chills.
> ... "Is he controlling you?" 'No,' Eight says, all smiles and a light like the glint off flinty obsidian in his eyes, 'but it might be all the same to you and yours.' You shift uncomfortably.
[Face Jadus. Again. Continue at finish what you started]
[No way. I'm outta here. Scroll all the way down to Oh Hell No]
> I need to finish what I started. 'It's not your burden to bear anymore. You can leave.'
> It's for me.
'Then I won't stop you,' Eight says, with a tone of finality that speaks of what weighs heavy on the soul, 'but we'll go together.'
> You walk into the darkness of the cave to confront your fears.
It's so dark you can't see your hands in front of you. You stumble, but a firm hand grips yours and leads you on, even as your nerves sing of the end. You hang on like your life depends on it.
The walk is long. The path is sharp and cutting. At the nexus, you feel him.
You can't see him, but your paranoia pieces together the image of him as you first met him; impossibly towering, unassailable, rising from the depths. As your fear rears its ugly head, so too, does the great leviathan of the past.
"We meet again," Jadus echoes. His voice sucks out the marrow from your bones. It freezes through your pores, metallic, toxic, lifeless. You think you will never scrub it from your body. "Object of my hatred."
> Oh hell no. (alternate) You grab Eight and drag him onto the ship to get the fuck out of dodge. You'll consider nuking the planet from orbit as soon as you're a few lightyears away from that psychopath. End.
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13: Blood
When Noah and I arrived at the scene, he barely had the car stopped before I bolted from it, trying to barrel my way through authorities. I watched in horror as I saw Victoria's lifeless body being whisked away on the gurney, quickly hoisted into the back of the ambulance. The doors slammed shut, and I fought with all my might to get through the two police officers who had their arms linked through mine, holding me back. I eventually gave up once they lifted me off the ground effortlessly, sitting me down on the steps leading into the bar. Sirens wailing and blues flashing, they sped off with my best friend.
"Is she going to be okay?" I demanded from the officers in front of me. "We can't really disclose that information, Miss," one of them answers me sternly. I stood up, throwing myself right in his face. "That is my best friend," I spat out at him, pointing my arm in the direction the ambulance went. "She has me as her emergency contact in her phone, so I'm pretty sure you can tell me something!" He puts his hands up defensively, "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the scene if you don't settle yourself." "Are you fucking—" Noah reaches me after finding a place to park, putting his hands on my shoulders to walk me away from the officer. "I know you're stressed and this is scary, but please calm down. We don't need them cuffing you for assault on an officer," he warns, staring me dead in the eye. I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest. "Really, Noah? She's my best friend, they have to tell me something!" "C'mon, take a walk with me. Breathe," he pulls a hand from my chest, guiding me away from the bar.
As we walked, I couldn't help but look at the scene. They had the area barricaded off, cruisers flanked on both sides of the road with their lights flashing. The sedan that had hit Vic sat with its windshield brandishing a crack, spider webbing across the majority of the glass, the center tinted with crimson. It made me sick to my stomach knowing that her head was what most likely caused that. Her body must have landed several feet ahead of the car, noting that a dark puddle had formed there.
There was so much blood.
With the amount that had accumulated there, there was no doubt that she had split her head open. All I could picture was her lying there unconscious, limbs mangled, her breathing shallow as her blood pooled around her. I closed my eyes and tried to shake the image I had forming in my mind, covering my face with my hands.
I feel Noah's arms engulf me, holding me close as I tried to contain myself, breathing deeply. He runs his hand through my hair, tangling his long fingers at the nape of my neck as he massaged the area. I drop my hands from my face, snaking my arms around his torso, holding him snug against me. I inhale deeply through my nose, breathing in Noah's fresh scent, hints of cedarwood slowing my racing mind. I huff against his chest, picking my head up from him once I felt like I had calmed down enough.
He tips my head towards him by my chin, giving me a sympathetic smile, "She's going to be okay. Vic is tough as nails." I let out a sad chuckle, "Yeah. She may be headstrong, but that doesn't help much when you get hit by a car." "Positive thoughts, Olivia. Worrying about it isn't going to help anything." "Easier said than done, Noah," I roll my eyes. "I don't even know what injuries she has. I gotta get up to the hospital to see her." I tried my best to push past him as if I can make it there on foot, but he grabs my arm and brings me back into his possession. "I really don't think that's a good idea right now. They're gonna have to assess what's going on with her, and if it's really serious, there's no way you're going to see her anytime soon." "Okay, yeah," I sigh, nodding as I accept his words. "Let's just get outta here, I guess."
I found myself sunken into Noah's couch, legs crossed and bouncing erratically while I was anxiously chewing on my nails. I was trying my best to distract myself, watching the boys play a heated round of Uno. Folio was in the lead, having only one card in his hands, a smug expression plastered onto his face as he waited for the right moment to throw his card down. The card he had was a Draw Four, and when he placed it down, all of them started yelling at him.
"You can't do that as your last card, dude!" Jolly scolds him. "Yeah? Says who?" Folio retorts, standing up to grab the instructions from the pack. I sighed, placing my elbow on my knee and hang my head in my hand while they bickered. Normally I would find this to be amusing, but I was so stressed about Victoria, the unnecessary arguing was really getting on my nerves. "Well, fuck," I hear Folio whine. "I guess you were right, I'm the asshole." "I fucking told you, dude. Pick up four cards." "This game sucks," he mutters.
I stand abruptly, sighing harshly as I made my way out of the living room and into the kitchen. I could hear them questioning my reaction, but I didn't care to explain myself. Instead, I headed straight into the fridge, relief washing over me as I picked up a Modelo and cracked it open. Just as I was about to take a sip, Noah makes his way in, his eyes zeroing in on the beer in my hand. He shoots me a disapproving frown, causing heat to rise up my neck with embarrassment. I looked at the can in hand, deciding against it and placed it on the counter.
"I'm sorry," I whisper. "That was stupid of me." He crosses the kitchen and gives me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder. "I understand; it's been a stressful evening." I look up at him, tears starting to form in my eyes as shame takes over. "You're disappointed in me, aren't you?" His face softens as he places a hand on my cheek, "No, God no. I just wasn't expecting to see you with a beer—" he cuts himself off, shaking his head, "nevermind. I'm proud of you for putting it down, though." He gives me a sympathetic smile, running a thumb under my eye to whisk away the tear that had escaped. I gave him a small smile as I wrapped my arms around him and stood on my toes, giving him a kiss.
After a moment, he breaks away and gazes at me longingly. "I love you, Liv. I'd never be disappointed in you for any setbacks—recovery is not linear. Ups and downs are to be expected, and I'll try my best to be here for you through it all," he reassures me. Another tear escapes my eye as I take in his words, "You are incredible, Noah. I don't know what made you care about me so much, but God, I am so fucking grateful," my voice starts to crack, trying to hold back a cry. "I love you, thank you for all your support."
"Now what did I just walk into?" Our moment was interrupted by someone making their way into the kitchen suddenly, causing us to break apart from one another. There stood Ruffilo, arms folded over his chest with an amused smirk plastered on his face. I felt my face heat up, embarrassed from being called out for some odd reason. He lets out a laugh, continuing his trek to the fridge, "Gotta say though, I saw it coming. Have you seen the way he looks at you, Liv?" "Dude, shut it," Noah chuckles, shoving him playfully on the shoulder.
I picked up the beer I had set aside and offered it to Nick, to which he accepted with a 'thank you', before I turned my attention back to Noah. "You think enough time has passed to go see Vic?" "I don't know," he replies hesitantly, rubbing the back of his head. "I still don't think it's a good idea to go up there yet, Liv." I huffed and roll my eyes in response, making my way out of the kitchen. I could hear Nick quietly ask him what my problem was before I made it out the front door, irritated all over again.
I made it to the end of the driveway by the time Noah jogged over to me and stopped me from going any further. "Liv, don't be like this. It could still be hours before you're allowed to see her—" "You know damn well that if you were in my shoes and one of the guys were in her situation, you'd be up there!" I hissed at him, throwing my arms out. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, bobbing his head shallowly in agreement. "Alright," he sighs, fishing his keys out of his pocket, "let's go."
After arguing with Noah the whole ride to the hospital on whether or not he should join me, I found myself standing at the front desk alone as the receptionist looked up Victoria. When she clarified my identity and relation to her, she still didn't allow me to go visit her, claiming I wasn't on her list of visitors. I kept pressing the situation, reiterating that I was her emergency contact for a reason due to her family not being within the state. That's when she hit me with a blatant lie of 'there isn't a room/bed available for her yet, therefore there is nowhere to visit her'. Fed up, I stormed out of the hospital and started my journey towards town.
I wasn't sure how long I had been walking, but the anger boiling within me pushed me to keep going. I felt like the whole world was against me seeing Vic, and I felt like I was letting her down because of it. I know it wasn't my fault, but I know she would want me there with her. What was driving me nuts was the fact that I didn't even know what kind of condition she was in. How severe were her injuries? Was she in a stable condition? Was she in a coma? Was she alive? The thought of her passing brought tears to my eyes, my chest tightening as I tried not to cry.
Finally making my way downtown, I take note of the time that was displayed at the front of a bank; it was a few minutes before 10 pm. I had a few minutes to spare before the stores closed up for the night and quickly entered into one a few doors down. I grabbed the first 375ml bottle my eyes landed on, brought it to the counter and paid for it, slipping back out into the night. Shamelessly, I twisted the cap off and took a swig, the alleviating burn of the vodka warming my throat. I sighed with relief and took a larger sip this time, making my way across the street towards the commons.
I settle into a bench, leaning my head over the back of it, staring straight up at the stars shimmering bleakly while listening to the hum of the occasional car driving by. It reminded me of all the times Vic and I would come here after she closed up the bar, talking and laughing about whatever came to mind as we mowed down on McDonald's. We haven't done that in a long time, and it made my heart ache knowing that there's a possibility it wouldn't happen again. I take another drink from the bottle as my phone rang in my pocket, answering it blindly.
"Hey, how's it going?" It was Noah. "I'm still in the waiting room," I lie, hoping he wouldn't hear the traffic that passed by. He sighs, "Alright, well if you get tired of waiting, just give me a call and I'll come pick you up." I nod as if he could see me, "Thanks, I will." We end our short conversation, and I'm immediately plagued with the guilt of lying to Noah. There was no way that I could hide the fact that I was drinking; whether he could smell it or hear it in my voice, he could always tell. I shrugged, taking another pull from the bottle, figuring it wouldn't matter if I stopped now or later, he was still going to know. I bring my legs up on the bench and stretch out, enjoying the comforting buzz I was starting to feel radiate through me. I take another swig, a satisfied smile forming on my lips as I closed my eyes and absorbed the peace around me.
The next thing that I knew, I was being shoved awake, my name repeatedly called out urgently. When I opened my eyes, I was met with an unusual scowl on Noah's face, the glimmer void from his eyes. With my heart leaping into my throat, I sat up slowly, my view spinning from the bottle of vodka I had consumed. When I looked up at him, he was seething, and the fear of what his reaction would be washed over me.
I stood up, wobbling as I tried to find my voice for some sort of explanation. He shook his head and wrapped an arm around me, guiding me back to his car. When he sat me down, I whimpered a quick 'sorry', tears spilling down my cheeks when he only clenched his jaw and made his way over to the driver's seat. He drove me back to his place in an excruciatingly quiet ride as I cried knowing that he was, in fact, disappointed in me. This was a down, and judging by his actions, I wasn't so sure if he was going to be here for me while I went through it.
|Chapter 14|
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Those Eyes: Rise! Leo X OC
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Chapter 6
When I grab the key, the light fills the entire room. A low vibration hums in my ears as I begin to lose consciousness.
• • •
I fall hard on my back with a thud. Glancing around, there’s nothingness. The same nothingness from my dream.
“That was not a dream.”
Jumping to my feet, I shout, “Who said that?”
“You know me.” The voice claims. “We’ve been more than a dream. But you cannot remember—and for some parts—nor do I…”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Where am I? And who are you?”
What is happening to me? What is this place and who am I talking to? One minute, I’m in the hotel. The next—
“Our thoughts are one, Lala. I know everything that you think and vice versa. But I promise you, there is nothing to worry about and everything will be explained soon.” The voice says.
“What… what do you mean you’re more than a dream?” I ask.
The same blue light shines in the distance, a warm breeze flowing towards me.
There’s a brief hesitation before I begin to walk towards the now pulsing light. After a few moments, I’m able to view where the light is coming from.
Before me is an orb containing a glowing blue wisp. The orb itself has a ring around it, the same material around my neck. Attached to the ring is some sort of black web-like substance that stretches from all angles into the dark void.
“What is this?” I say barely above a whisper.
“My prison. Our prison.” The voice slight whimpers. “I’ve been stuck here for twelve (12) long years imprisoned by external powers. I was bested, and now you are the only one who can free me. Once I am free, we will truly be one and destroy those who have wronged us for so long.”
I take a step back, surprised by the voice’s words. “Destroy? Destroy who?”
“You know who.”
I shake my head. “I don’t want to destroy anybody. If we’re one, you know what The Foot have put my through. My whole life has been about destroying and building back up the same thing, but in their image. I’m sick of destroying.”
“When I said our thoughts were one, I didn’t mean we thought the same. You’re pacifistic while I am vengeful. Are you not? Do you not feel angered by what everybody has done to you?” The voice raises its tone.
“The only thing that angers me is everybody telling me what to do and how to feel!” I yell at the wisp. “I can never form my own thoughts or opinions without feeling bad about it. I’m not a bad person for not thinking the way you all want me to!”
“Lala, soon I will break out and no one can tell us what to do.”
“That’s the same thing the Lieutenant says. Get me outta here now! All of you fucking suck!”
“Think about it, Lala.” The voice says before the the wisp’s light becomes overpowering and I shield my eyes.
I gasp as I lurch forward. I’m back at the hotel and around me are blue flames accompanied by a hole blown through the wall. Various debris are scattered around the room and into the hallway where there are more blue flames.
The fires dance irregularly in a way that makes my stomach churn.
I think I’m gonna be sick.
With the glass and bars busted out, I escape through the window and sprint off into the direction I hope my apartment is in. There’s no time to gather my surroundings or open a GPS or focus on street signs. My only desire is to tell the Lieutenant to either change his reward for bugging the turtles or get somebody else to do it.
The “future” me in my past dreams was so pleasant. I enjoyed the blue flames and the way they made me feel. Now I hope to never see another one again.
* * *
I throw on a hoodie and pull the strings tight, my hair blocking my vision. I turn my TV on and turn up the volume to an unreasonable level. My leg can’t stop bouncing when I plop onto the couch and stare at the random channel.
The Foot are on their way. I know it.
The Lieutenant won’t be happy. One (1), because I didn’t properly clear the building. Two (2), because I won’t complete his little Watergate scandal mission.
Several hours ago, I wanted to know what was hiding behind the ring. I wanted to know what was being hidden from me for so many years. Now that I know what it is, I’d rather keep it on for the rest of my life.
The voice or whatever it is said it was vengeful. It wants to hurt people. It wants to hurt The Foot and maybe more people who have “wronged us”. Believe me, if I could get a lick or two (2) on the Lieutenant or The Brute, I would. But not because someone else wants me to do it. I’m tired of doing what everybody else wants me to do. I want to do what I want to do. I want to be able to control my own life. I don’t even know what I want to be when I turn 18.
I gasp as a loud banging sounds from my right. When I shoot a look over to the noise, I sigh in half exasperation and half relief. Leo’s subtle smirk somewhat calms my thoughts, but I’m soon confused.
How did he find my apartment? Did he follow me from the hotel? It wouldn’t be the first time he’s followed me around, but I can’t help but feel irritated.
I roll my eyes and stare back at the screen. He only raps louder, copying my annoyed expression.
With a loud groan, I stomp over to the window and shoot it open.
“Leo, what’re you doing here?” I say harshly. “How did you even find me?”
“A great ninja always knows where to find people.” The turtle responds confidently.
I furrow my eyebrows. “That doesn’t make any sense. Come inside before anybody sees you.”
Taking a few steps to the side, Leo swoops inside my apartment. I close and lock the window behind him.
He gawks at my living room. “Nice,” he accentuates the “i”, “someone’s got taste.”
“Don’t get comfortable. You can’t stay here long. But again, what’re you doing here?” I question him.
The turtle pretends to be offended. “Well excuse me for checking on the damsel after a whole building blew up. Your lack of understanding hurts me.”
He came to check on me? Like, just to check on me?
My cheeks start to grow warm. “Leo, look, what happened back there sucked, but I don’t need you to check up on me. I’m fine—Leo!”
I barely finish my sentence before he stalks through the hallway leading to my bedroom and bathroom. He opens my bedroom door, letting himself in.
“Ooh, is this your room? Swanky.” He comments. “I thought you were some sorta robot. Like you’d recharge at a factory or something.”
I roll my eyes again. “Nope. I’m human. Now, like I said—”
His eyes fix on my Yari leaning against the wall. I try to grab it before he does, but he’s ridiculously fast.
“Woahhohoho, is this the thing you pointed at me? Sick!”
“Yeah, it is. Put it down.” I snatch it from him and place it back against the wall. “Don’t touch my things.”
Leo groans as he throws himself onto my bed. “What’s got you in a mood? You were so much fun a couple days ago. Now you’re being boring.”
He thinks I’m fun? Or was fun?
“I am fun. What’s ‘got me in a mood’ is some random mutant turtle following me to my house, barging in, and touching all my fucking stuff!”
Leo sits up and looks at me sternly, his usual cocky smile gone. “Hey, you let me in. And I already told you I was just making sure you weren’t dead. I don’t see what’s so wrong with that.”
I cross my arms. “Why do you care if I’m dead or not? You don’t even know me.”
Silence quickly fills the room as Leo and I maintain eye contact for several seconds. Soon enough, his glare softens and retreats to the floor.
I sigh. “I think it’s best you leave now.”
“Nuh-uh.” Leo stands up and walks to the doorway. “We’re going out until you get fun again.”
Get fun again? I snicker. “No way. I have to stay here.”
“For what?”
Damn. I can’t even answer that half-truthfully. “I’m having people over and they aren’t used to seeing giant walking talking turtles.”
“Well ditch them, cuz we’re gonna be out on the town.” Leo unsheathes his Ōdachi and faces the hallway. When he slashes the air, a blue circle rips through the living room ahead of us. The blue clad turtle turns toward me and offers his hand.
“Come on, I promise you won’t regret it.”
• • •
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dajaregambler · 1 year
HeliosR - Lock On The Lost Night - Chapter 4
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Translation of chapter 4 of the event ‘Lock On The Lost Night’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Keith: There’s “Angels of Thurs'' written on the back, know anything ‘bout it?
Bar owner: Hmm, I feel like I have seen it before somewhere, however…
Bar owner: Go this way and there's a church a little bit further ahead. Perhaps you had also gone there?
Keith: Church? The hell would we be doing in such a place…
Keith: Does that ring a bell for ya?
Brad: Would have mentioned it already if I did.
Brad: Either way, with no clues being found here, our only option left is to go check it out.
Brad: Sir, thank you for hearing us out.
Bar owner: Again, my bad that I couldn’t do more for you fellas. Be careful on your way there
Keith: Haah… N’other round of walking, eh. I’m begging ya, don’t just start pulling outta nowhere
Brad: That’s my line. Let’s go.
Keith: Ough, look at ya pulling right after I said that!
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Keith: So this is that church the owner mentioned
Brad: It’s the kind you often see around town from the looks of it.
Keith: Ain’t something I enjoy, this whole atmosphere of holiness……
Keith: That stained glass though… Is that an angel? Kinda resembles ya
Brad: How even
Keith: The expression, or all of it? Its prudish vibes fits ya to a T
Brad: ………
Keith: Why do angels usually got that image to them anyway?
Keith: Wouldn’t hurt if there was some angel that’s just an old man in a trench coat, yanno
Brad: …..If you have the time to ramble about futile things, then search for clues too.
Keith: Yeah, yeah
Brad: Has nothing come to mind yet?
Keith: Nope, not at all. Don’t think we came to this kinda place though….
Priest: Excuse me…is there anything wrong?
Keith & Brad: ….!
Priest: ….H-handcuffs?
Keith: !! Uuh, yer a priest, eh? We ain’t anyone suspicious here, no sir. These handcuffs are from how we messed around yesterday, putting them on and all that
Brad: On top of that, we dropped the key somewhere due to our carelessness. We’re in the middle of looking for it, but have you perhaps seen anything resembling a key for handcuffs nearby?
Priest: No, I cleaned the place this morning and haven’t particularly seen anything like that.
Brad: I see…
Priest: Did you happen to come to our church yesterday?
Keith: Aah~ We both got a bit too drunk and ‘cuz of that we don’t remember it all too well
Keith: This rosary is our only lead which is why we’re here…
Brad: “Angels of Thurs” is engraved on the back.
Priest: Quite a strange rosary, isn’t it? Hmmm, nothing comes to mind…
Keith: I see. Thought that at least the owner of it would know
Priest: My apologies I couldn’t be of any use.
Brad: Same goes for us, our apologies for taking up your time.
Brad: People have come to gather. I suppose it’s time for mass soon.
Brad: We’ll only be in their way if we stay here. Let’s head outside
Keith: Haah… Back to where we started from…
Keith: Didn’t find any clues in the end
Brad: It’s most likely we didn’t go to that church yesterday.
Keith: Then what’s up with this rosary? Don’t recall hearing ‘bout some name like “Angels of Thurs” either
Brad: …….
Brad: Let’s try getting in touch with someone who could have his hands on such information. 
Keith: Gathering information, eh. Which means---
TL note:
In part one I had TL’d 木曜 to thursday since that was the result I kept getting, however I think Thurs is more fitting. It’s been rectified to Angels of Thurs 
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feverinfeveroutfic · 2 years
like blood from a stone | chapter thirty
(ao3 title: here comes your man)
"outside there's a box car waiting, outside the family stew, out by the fire breathing, outside we wait till face turns blue. i know the nervous walking, i know the dirty beard hangs out by the box car waiting... take me away to nowhere plains." -"here comes your man", pixies
I stayed in Santa Cruz right after the official wedding date, and I was able to find a place to stay as well, with Jeff Becerra and his fiancé Larry LaLonde in their hotel room over by the water’s edge, rather far removed from the rest of the party, which I thought was interesting. I had gotten lucky with them, all because I had given Jeff that boost into the chapel the first night. There was a pair of beds in their room, after all, and I was more than obliged to take the offer. It had been a long couple of days, and so much had happened! I was eager to lay my head down for a round of sleep.
Indeed, before either of them could say anything to me from the neighboring bed there next to me, I had fallen asleep the very second my head landed on the pillow. I lay there flat on my chest with one arm over the edge of the mattress and my other arm tucked underneath me. All the while, I had slipped into a dreamless sleep, and I never woke up until Larry opened the curtains on the other side of the room.
I flinched and cracked my eyes open, albeit with a bit of pain in there for a fleeting moment.
I was also greeted by Jeff’s smooth-lipped smile right in front of my face within mere seconds.
“Wake up time!” he declared.
“Already?” I muttered; my voice muffled by the pillow underneath my head.
“It’s six-thirty, Joey,” Jeff told me as he nudged a lock of hair behind his ear. “Let’s get a move-on outta here before check out time—we gotta be at school soon.”
He raised his head away from me and gently patted my ass and the back of my thigh. I closed my eyes, and I was about to fall back to sleep, when I realized he was my playing my ass like a pair of bongos.
Larry burst out laughing at that.
“The hell are you doing?” he demanded.
“Playing Joey’s rear end to the beat of ‘Holy Hell’ until he gets up,” Jeff replied without a waiver to the tone of his voice, and he continued to hammer on me as if I was his drum kit. I finally rolled over onto my side, and he treated me to another little light pat on my right side before I rolled all the way over onto my back. I rubbed my eyes and sat up there on the bed in front of them with my bare legs stretched before me.
I glanced up at those two boys, the two of them already dressed in their black leather jackets over plain white shirts and faded denim jeans.
“Shall we carry you out the door to our car, our liege?” Larry suggested in a singsong voice.
“Nah,” I assured him with a shake of my head. I ran my fingers through my curls, and I swung my legs off the surface of the bed: I noticed my dress draped over the back of the chair before the table on the other side of the room. My heart hammered inside my chest as I climbed off the mattress and slung the dress over my shoulder.
“You’re not even gonna wear it?” Jeff asked me with a little chuckle.
“Nah. We're going to be in the car, after all.”
Without another word, we padded out of the room together, and Larry handed in the key card at the front desk all the while: soon, we were back on the road again, that time for the road which led north out of Santa Cruz into the southern side of the Bay Area. I had been acquainted with the little streets through the southern part of San Francisco into San Jose as well as Dublin, but I still had to bear witness to the other sights this part of California had in store for me.
And yet, even as I behaved as the tourist for these two boys in the front seats before me, with Jeff behind the wheel notwithstanding, I still had that memory in mind. Not the memory of the wedding, but of what I did not believe Alex had seen for himself once we parted ways.
I could hardly shake the image of those two boys out there in the water, though, especially as we made our way out of the city and along the water’s edge.
But there was something else that happened that night, though, something that I would never forget, and I had no idea as to whom to tell it to, either. It carried so much juice inside of it, that I knew that I would go for a long time without any full refills of my cup.
It happened right after I had made my way off the beach, and I watched Chuck and Alex head off to the corner behind me. Once they had disappeared in the shadows, I headed the other way, around the other side of the chapel, mainly to find out where Jeff and Larry had headed off to afterwards because I had lost track of Eric and Louie and I knew I needed a ride home to Dublin. I knew that they had attended the wedding, but as far as I knew, they had gone out to play afterwards given they were both Alex’s age and in his classes.
I lifted the bottom hem of my skirt as I walked along the street, and I peered down every alleyway that I could find. As far as I knew, Jeff and Larry had gone out of the wedding as well.
Neither of them had said a word about where they were staying up to that point, and thus, I just assumed that they would be hanging out in one of the alleyways in the neighborhood there. My fingers flexed against the fine velvet of the skirt underneath me. I tripped a few times, nevertheless, but I had to keep on looking. I was stuck in a strange town with no money and no set of wheels at my whim, either: I needed a ride back to the house in Dublin, or back to the Bay Area so I could gather my things and perhaps find a path back to New York somehow. I had a feeling that I was going to frequent the Bay Area often, however: I merely needed a way back home to upstate New York for the time being just to catch my breath and maybe find a way to bring my life back together.
As I reached the end of the block, voices caught my ear. I stopped right in my tracks: I was about half a block away from the corner and the main artery away from the chapel when I heard them talking amongst each other.
It was getting dark, so I had a hard time telling where they were, but I held still and closed my eyes, and I paid close attention to the sound of those voices over the faint sound of the traffic before me.
I recognized that bout of hearty laughter, and it wasn’t from Alex. I turned my head to the right to the alleyway across the street: nothing there. But then they came in clearer and clearer at the corner in front of me, right across the street.
Thinking quickly, I glanced around the block in search of a place to hide.
The voices floated closer and closer towards me by the time I spotted the stack of wooden milk crates to my left: luckily for me, the only light came from the bright golden lights of the Boardwalk, which stood rather far behind me at that point.
I leaned back against the wall and crouched down to the cold asphalt beneath me. I kept the base of the skirt still up over my ankles: the noise from the street proved to be loud enough for me to do a little bit of shuffling before I headed out of there. There was a bit of crinkling inside of my hand, and I looked down to find my letter to Chuck still inside of my palm. I held it close to my chest as I heard his voice surface from around the corner behind me.
I held still as I paid attention to what he was saying.
“So, what do you think about the wedding later on?” Cliff’s voice caught my ear, much to my surprise.
“What, mine and Alex’s wedding?” Chuck asked him.
“Yeah. Like, are you nervous at all or—?”
“I really don’t know how I feel about it, Cliff,” Chuck confessed. “Here, let’s cross—”
There was a pause, and then I caught the sound of footsteps beyond the milk crates. They were right there, right behind me, right by the milk crates, and they never even saw me. I closed my eyes as I waited for them to bow in there or something—
“Anyways, I don’t really know how I feel about it,” Chuck repeated.
“Well, do you love him?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you love him?” Cliff repeated.
“Well, I—guess I do,” Chuck replied sheepishly.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean, I do love Alex,” Chuck clarified. “I love him as if he’s my kid brother and, boy, he is cute.”
“Oh, yes, I definitely think so,” Cliff proclaimed. “Those long black curls, that little gray streak in his hair, those big blue eyes, that wiry little body...”
“Thing is, I feel more of a connection with someone else, to be perfectly frank with you,” Chuck replied in a single breath.
“Like whom? You can tell me.” He lowered his voice and yet, I could still hear him as clear as day over the noise of the street. They were literally right in front of the milk crates. Should one of them turn the other way, they would probably see me right there. But then again, they probably wouldn’t because there was too much darkness, and I kept too quiet right there.
“I don’t want to say,” Chuck confessed.
“Please? You can tell me.”
“Well, I just think of James’...” He cleared his throat. “...you know, behavior, towards Lars and Kirk.”
“You know about that?” Cliff asked him, taken back.
“Wait, what?” I mouthed to myself.
“That’s what I've heard anyway,” Chuck admitted.
“Where’d you hear that?”
“From Lars. He and I were talking, and he mentioned something about James not making it to their wedding because he was uneasy. I asked him and he said it’s because of some sort of hang-up he has with the whole arrangement and how we all are. He looked pretty down about it, too, like it bothers him. It's like James wants nothing to do with it—it's one with Greg in that he’s got a girlfriend, but James seems more indignant towards it all. I don’t like it, either, but for a different reason.”
“So, he’s going to impugn an entire system because he thinks their wedding was a bad idea?” Cliff demanded.
“Yes, apparently so.”
“Wow,” I mouthed again, careful not to make any noise.
“You know, now that you react like that, Cliff, I feel a little more comfortable telling you.”
“Go ahead,” Cliff encouraged him. “Tell me. Tell me how you feel.”
There was silence. I held still with my back to the wall behind me. I pursed my lips. I clinched the letter to Chuck himself in my hand. I tried to not think of speaking out because I knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Silence, followed by shuffling. I never moved a muscle as I caught a glimpse of Cliff staggering back towards the wall in front of me. I only saw a faint silhouette of his head and shoulders, complete with that cowboy hat on his head, but I knew it was him. And I knew it was Chuck kissing him right on the lips. There wasn’t much light so it wasn’t like I could see everything.
I knew what they were doing, out in the open, out in public.
Cliff let out a soft moan as Chuck bore down on his neck and shoulders. He tilted his head back and the crown and brim of his hat brushed up against the wall behind him. He barred his teeth and followed it up with a shuddering groan as Chuck made his way down his body towards his crotch. How I longed to see Chuck there before him. But I caught the sound of a zipper going down; he then breathed harder and harder as Chuck blew him, right there, on the spot, on the street, five feet away from me.
He was shrouded in shadow, but I knew what was going on from the faint looks on Cliff’s face and the shuffling of Chuck’s feet underneath him.
I dared not move a muscle as Cliff quickly came for him right on the spot.
“Daaaaaaamn, dude, you’re hung like a horse!” Chuck declared with a cough and a little spat.
“That’s what I’m told,” Cliff sputtered. “Want to come back to my room for another round? Another slower round, rather?”
“Nah, I have to be back at my room—Alex is going to be back there any second, and I have the room key.”
There was another pause, followed by Cliff’s zipping up his jeans once again. More silence, followed by a low whistle. “Where’d he even go, anyway?” Cliff asked him.
“I don’t really know,” Chuck confessed. “It was like he ducked out during the reception, and I’ve been looking for him ever since. He complained of his back and his ass hurting, but he obviously went out and did something.”
Cliff chuckled at that, and then their footsteps moved away from the milk crates.
I held still until I was certain they had gone from there, and then I poked my head out from behind the milk crates.
It was then I spotted the little cherry of a cigarette across the street. Under the faint light from the brick building across the way, I recognized that smooth long hair and that black leather right at the corner before me.
He paused for a second, and then I waved at him.
“Who’s there?” he called out.
I hurried up towards him, complete with a holding onto my skirt and my letter to Chuck. Once I came up to him, he nodded at me and showed me a smile.
“Ah, yeah, Joey!”
And it was there that I had to tell him that I needed a place to stay the night. And luckily for me, he and Larry were more than happy to have me in their room for the night: they had an extra bed, and I wanted a warm shower as well. Add to this, they were headed back up to the Bay Area bright and early because of school and everything.
But what happened back there, right in front of me, was something that I knew there was no way I could save it for my diary. I hated having to resort to gossip but there were some things that I simply could not keep under lock and key. Or perhaps I would have to resort to keeping it in the safety of a journal of some kind. No one knew what was happening, and as far as I knew, it was no one’s business but that between Chuck and Cliff. It was like how I had been sworn to secrecy to keep Chuck and Alex away from the prying eyes of the world while they scurried about in the ocean with that canoe.
But then again, Chuck and Alex’s wedding was this weekend. If there was some funny shit going on, they had to know, especially if James wanted to impugn an entire system for no reason.
Fast forward to the ride back to the Bay Area, and we had reached the crest of the hills that overlooked Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay, I knew I had to tell someone.
And since Jeff was there right in front of me and behind the wheel, the man who helped me out of the street as I helped him with a look into the chapel, I knew in my heart that I had to keep it with him.
We stopped at the crest of the hill so Larry could use the bathrooms up there before we dove back down into the Bay Area. Once he had ducked into the brick men’s room off to the side, I leaned forward and rested my bare arm on the top of the driver’s seat.
“I have to tell you something,” I started in a low voice. Jeff turned his head towards me, to which stray strands of that mousy brown hair sprawled over his shoulder and down onto his back, these fine little ribbons of hair from his head.
“What is it?” he asked me, and I swallowed down the nervous feeling in my stomach.
“But I want you to know that it’s crazy juicy. It's the biggest surprise that I have seen since I got here. It's such that—I don’t really want you to tell Larry about it. I want it to be between you and me.”
“I won’t tell a soul,” Jeff vowed as he shifted around in the seat for a better look back at me.
I closed my eyes and bowed my head. It almost made me sick to think that Chuck was in the arms of not one other man, but two others. He had his arms around both Alex and Cliff, and I knew for a fact that neither of them knew about the other with him.
“What is it? What is it?” Jeff stopped and gaped at me, complete with his eyebrows raised high on his brow. I opened my eyes and peered over my shoulder for a moment, and, once I knew we were alone, I thus returned to him, and the look of concern plastered on his face. I pursed my lips, all to try and not upset my stomach, or my heart for that matter.
“Chuck... Alex’s Chuck, Chuck Billy—”
“Yes?” he asked in a near whisper, to which he bowed his head a bit.
“—is having an affair with Cliff.”
“Cliff Burton? Metallica’s Cliff?” Jeff was stunned by that, and I nodded my head.
“Yeah. I caught him with my own two eyes last night. He and Cliff. Together. With their arms around each other and kissing as if they were the newlyweds.”
“Holy shit.” He ran his fingers through his hair and looked off to the side with his other hand pressed to the side of the seat. “Did you take a picture?”
“No, I didn’t take a picture,” I scoffed, although I secretly wished that I had had a camera on hand all so I could show it to him. Then again, it was too dark, so it wasn’t like I could do it with ease, anyway. “It was too dark. But I heard everything, though. I saw them in the shadows right behind me. The look on Cliff’s face. The sight of Chuck’s head right at the base of his neck.”
“Oh, my god.” Jeff peered out the window to ensure Larry was still in the bathroom, and then he returned to me. “Does Alex know at all?”
I shook my head. “Nah, I doubt it. He was off with that other Chuck—Chuck from Florida—I caught them out in the ocean with a canoe. I assume you know about the two of them given you guys are classmates and whatnot.”
“Oh, absolutely,” he replied, nonplussed. “Lar and I are both sworn to secrecy on that, but we both have our fears about it getting out, though.”
“I doubt it will,” I assured him. “If Chuck—fiancé Chuck—doesn't know what’s happening there, I doubt Alex knows about his affair with Cliff.”
Jeff shook his head. “There are way too many Chucks.” He then snickered at that.
“I know, right? One of them should, at the very least, go by Charlie or Charles or—you know, something.”
“We could refer to them by their initials,” he suggested. “You know. Chuck, the one Alex is marrying this weekend, is C.B., and the one whom he has a soulful connection can be C.S.”
“Hey, yeah!” I declared. “That’s a splendid idea.”
Jeff then rubbed his hands together. “Okay, so—C.B. doesn’t know what’s going on with Alex and C.S.”
“Yes,” I replied.
“And Alex doesn’t know what’s going on with C.B. and Cliff,” he continued.
“At least that’s the assumption,” I said with a shrug. “I should also mention that Cliff’s initials are C.B., too.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he replied with a small sigh. “We should have a special nickname for him—like I see us getting confused with their initials later on down the line.”
I paused for a second. “Orion, maybe?”
“Hey, yeah! Makes me think of Orion’s Belt.”
“We should have code names, too,” I suggested.
“Like what?”
“I dunno, what do you think?”
“I could be J.B.,” he suggested, “but then again, you’re J.B., too.”
“The J.B.’s,” I said, and he chuckled at that.
“Larry and the J.B.’s,” he laughed, and I laughed along with him. And then he knitted his eyebrows at that. “Wow. So, C.B. is having an affair while Alex is having an affair with C.S. It almost feels like ‘tit for tat’.”
“It kinda does,” I confessed. “But I don’t really want anyone to know, though.”
“Oh, sure, sure,” he promised me. “Like I said, Lar and I know about Alex and C.S., and I doubt C.B. knows about them.” He then paused. “Question is, how do you feel about it?”
I sighed through my nose.
“I love both men,” I told him. “C.B. and Alex. I feel a soulful connection with the former, and the latter is just too cute for words. I love them both to death. I wish I could have both.”
“What about C.S.?” he asked me, and I shook my head.
“I don’t really know him too well,” I confessed.
“We ought to invite him over to our place for coffee at some point,” he suggested. “Me and Lar, and you can join us if you want. Get to know him before the other shoe drops with either of us, because Lar and I are engaged, too.”
“Aw, really?”
“Yeah, ‘cause we’re both in a band together, remember?” He cracked me a smile.
“Indeed, you are.” I raised my gaze to the bathrooms outside the car, right as Larry himself surfaced from the doorway there. “And here comes your prince now.”
Jeff turned his head and with a quick gasp, he set his fingers on the base of the key in the ignition and switched on the engine. He then turned his head back to me.
“No one knows anything,” I told him right into his ear.
“No one knows anything,” he vowed, and the passenger door swung open, and Larry slid back into the car. He rubbed his clean-smelling hands together as well.
“Alright, gentlemen, let’s get a move on!” he declared, and Jeff shifted the car out of park, and I leaned back in the seat. And as we reached the crest of the hill and returned down to the Bay Area below, I started to wonder if Eric and Louie even knew what had happened to me because they were my ride to Santa Cruz before then. It was just one of many things that I had to do once Jeff and Larry rolled into Berkeley and the parking lot of their high school.
“Are you gonna be alright?” Larry asked me as they climbed out together.
“I’m sure of it,” I promised him as I pulled my dress over my head and shoulders once again. “Do you guys know where Eric and Louie live?”
“Yeah, they live—uh, not too far from here, actually,” Jeff told me as he pushed the driver’s seat forward for me. The rising sun washed over our heads, and I looked across the parking lot to the campus gates. I recognized Alex’s gray streak as he hurried up the sidewalk.
“There goes Alex now,” Jeff said to me in a low voice.
“Yeah,” I agreed, and then I cleared my throat since Larry was still right there on the other side of the car. “So, you were telling me where they live?”
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echos-girlfriend · 2 years
Jesse x reader
Song series list
Master list
Based on - Poison ~ Bell Biv DeVoe
(Song lyrics)
Mature themes
If you haven’t heard the song I recommend you listen to it
Fiery, saucy, decadent. That’s what you were. Something Jesse couldn’t deny himself. As you swung yourself around the pole.
Your winks.. the way you licked your teeth and lips. Animalistic.. erotic. Jesse couldn’t get the image out of his head.
Can't get it outta my head
Miss her, kiss her, love her, wrong move you're dead
He managed to drag you away with him. In a booth all by yourselves. Beautiful.. he told you you were beautiful.
Your lips touched his face, his neck, any flesh that wasn’t covered by armor. His hands touched every inch of your form. You were the best thing in the world
You'll think she's the best thing in the world
She's so fly, she'll drive you right out of your mind
Going into the back room. The deep dark.. eyes wide with lust. Hands over bodies and lips melting together.
Clothes flying from bodies. This wasn’t passion.. it was a need. A dirty, lusty need.
Steal your heart when you're blind
Beware she's schemin', she'll make you think you're dreamin'
“Your so beautiful”
“You’re so handsome.. keep going.”
“More! Please more”
And he gave her more. He couldn’t help himself.. he knew this was just a one night stand but he wanted to see you again.
You'll fall in love and you'll be screamin' dreamin'
Just as soon as you were in his arms. You were gone. The night over and day replaced it.
Jesse was left alone. By himself.. oh but that woman.. Jesse thought. She was an amazing. But she was poison.
That girl is poison (Poison poison)
Never trust a big butt and smile
Poison (Poison poison)
She's dangerous
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eatnightmares · 25 days
1.15 the end of the beginning :)))))
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“I remember mostly sensations” GOD HOW OLD WAS SHE WHEN THIS HAPPENED??? she said her parents were killed a year after she was born but it seems like she's able to speak full sentences here so she has to be at least 5-6...then again she says the radio is talking about them but the newspapers have already moved on so it feels like there's some timeline confusion here hrkshgl
“She had no other options” immediately defending her 😭😭 oh i’m so sick. you were a baby. you were just a baby.
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“I remember feeling surprised that it smelled just the same from inside as it had from the outside" GOD. CHRIST. WHETHER YOU’RE DOING THE FEEDING OR THE ONE BEING EATEN IT'S ALL PART OF THE SAME MACHINE. AND SHE'S A BABY.
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classic nana glass moments 😬👍 (she does change and it does last and she does it by being the bravest person on planet earth i love you carpenter)
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HEAD IN HANDS HEAD IN HANDS CARPENTERRRRR (did they talk after? did they say what they needed to say? did you tell your brother you love him carpenter?)
(also very crazy about how nana is always singing + drowning song, music as a negative thing in carpfaulk's lives that they still try to associate with positively)
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something about the angels coming but not feeding. something about nana and the cairn maiden both being described with long fingers. something about “unworthy vessel”. let’s explode
(side note. this is carpenter to me.)
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the girlies 🩷🩷 and carpfaulk both being so impulsive hrifhdi…
“everywhere else we’ve been haunting” yeah…oh the ways they will remain…
may your peace walk on with you for awhile…the last time they see each other until s3…everything they both go thru in regards to losing and gaining gods…
carp being in so much pain here 😭 babygirl it's only s1 how do u live as long as u do...
carpenter bringing a weapon to confront faulkner s1 vs having the chance to take cull's rifle and just giving it back before she goes to see faulkner in s3. “wish i had the same confidence in myself” whatever whatever whatever.
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bites my fingers off. how many lights in glottage.
brother caring is the Only thing that matters. (and looking for the trawler man’s reflection…ooaaauugghhh...buddy you're not gonna like what you see soon...)
i've never seen anyone draw them in the silly little bumper car but it's such a good mental image maybe one day i'll do it myself... (not to be on my utena shit but. them spending the whole season in a car. sitting in this little kids car as they admit they don't know what they're doing and are in fact very bad at what they try to do. very tous*i motorbike scene of them. censored bc i don't like them <3)
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carp trying to be nice but in some way encouraging him on the path he's taking...
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carpenter and her brothers insatiable needs to kill themselves for a god that doesn't care about them :)
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MAN...THEY'RE SO CLOSE...they get it but what can they do...why should he hate us because we turn our backs...AT LEAST WE COULD BE ALIVE TO TELL THEM HOW IT HAPPENED...
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MADLY FURIOUSLY JUBILANTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i forgor her cover name is her moms name oh carpenter...making yourself a monument carrying your loved ones everywhere...
every single one of them died for you and thought it meant something!!! and here comes my new brother ready to do the same!!!!! but at least he'll die cursing your name!!!!! I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!! I'M NOT DYING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY LAST DEATH RATTLES MOCKING YOUR NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"faulkner, *pray*" delivery got me like yes ma'am 🫡🫡 outta my way sibling boy i'm boutta get it
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anyone else in this thread constantly thinking about how carp is the only one of the main 4 to not explicitly be said to be suicidal at some point but she has some of the most moments of Implications.
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what if i died forever. the editing of "i close my eyes/i keep my eyes open" is soooooo good
something about the offerings left behind...state of Prior Happiness...that really is all he ever gives...
paige being a bit of what instigates the political conflict to begin with teehee...
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mason when i get my hands on you. but also how faulkner would've gotten what he wanted if he died here. lol. (but man all the different versions of the story...rose crest moments...)
"but what else can you do, but keep on going? just keep limping on" OH CARPENTER OH CARPENTER OH CARPENTERRRRR
"gods for sickness. gods for good health." in sickness and in health. promised bride. ☝️
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if anyone needs me i'm going to kill myself forever 👍
(on vacation so i won't get to s2 for a minute but i'm def relistening to it too once i'm back!!)
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the-mocking-robin · 2 months
The sky darkened with the blocking of the sun, the unfathomably huge figure looming over the horizon and soon engulfing the once day-lit sky. It's golden orbs looked down upon the Earth with an uncaring, indifferent fire as it watched the foretold chaos unfold with it's coming. The chorus of horrified screams, the blood spilled in an effort to appease him, the looming sense that humanity was never safe, never alone and never truly mattered.
"Uh, excuse me?"
The being stared on.
"Excuuuuse me. Calamari head. Do you mind? You're in the way."
... In the way?
"Of the sun? Yeah. Some of us are using that."
And like that, all horror, fear and sense of doom... had settled into confusion.
Only half the world could even see this creature properly, and much fewer still could tell that it'd stopped to look for anything.
I suppose I would be, yes, in the position that would be blocking your central star.
"Well, do you mind moving?"
How anyone could tell someone was talking was a mystery to most. Others -- properly educated on such matters or not -- correctly assumed there was some sort of telepathic link established. Everyone had been unified in global fear and despair, and connected with the Elder God in a way that eliminated speech limitations and understanding.
For once, the whole world was connected for one singular purpose.
Who seemed... gently contemplative of how to respond.
"You're being rude."
Right. Humans. They didn't have eons to contemplate immediate communications with one another. Their lifespans were so finite.
You are aware of that to which you speak.
"Yeah, we all know, now move. Some of us are farming, tanning, gathering solar energy -- we don't have time for your dick measuring nonsense."
Though your actions do not confirm your acknowledgement of my being, I can sense no deception in your mind in this regard. You are, if anything, very familiar with my visage.
"Yeah, I've seen it plenty of times in porn."
I.. Had not anticipated those images to come from your mind.
"Are you reading my thoughts without my consent? Fucking creep."
The back and forth grows more confusing the longer it goes on. From threatening to call the police on the Elder God -- "Where's the Green Lanterns when you need them!?" -- to reducing the fearsomeness of the Elder God in front of nearly the entire human population of Earth.
There's some unusual body language as the conversation goes on, for half the world to see and the whole to experience. A mind they were once sure didn't care about them and could never relate to their struggles or perception, now seemed... embarrassed. Tentacles wrapped close around the central dome of it's head, even as it's body floated still and seemingly unmoving before the planet and it's moon, safely on the other side of the planet.
The conversation -- or, more accurately, one-sided scolding -- had seemed to last forever and also seemed too fast to keep track of. It'd been so ludicrous to even conceive of, that for a long moment, the world had fallen silent.
And then... a laugh.
And another to follow.
Was it the hysterics kicking in again? Was the absurdity of it all simply too much to consider in seriousness?
It didn't matter. Soon the world was consumed with an all new wide spread mania. Laughter. Humor. Surrender to the preposterous. Mocking and relieved and all at once the most human an Elder God would manage to be, holding most of the singular species hostage in it's mind.
It didn't matter what Cthulu had decided to come to Earth for, anymore. Whatever was happening in that moment, it wasn't worth it. The deep shame and humiliation of mocking, lighthearted and dismissive humor and finally shooed the tentacled beast away, not too long before the ominous pair of green lights shooting across the now renewed daytime sky.
"Yeah, get outta here, ya boob."
Cthulu cringed and curled into itself, those last words lingering in it's mind as it left the solar system, escorted and recited intergalactic law through it's own telepathic mind.
0 notes
priestessofspiders · 2 years
I used to be a burglar.
I know what you’re thinking. Just from the title, you’ve probably got your own mental image of what kind of person I am. You probably either see me as some sort of lowlife scumbag who deserves whatever they got, or as an innocent victim of the system, forced into a lifestyle they never would have chosen if they had any other options. I’m not here to whine about my sob story of a life, or to apologize for my crimes, that’s not what’s important. I’m here to tell you about the last house I ever burgled.
I was careful, y’know? I didn’t treat burglary as a quick way to get outta debt or something like that, it was like a career to me. That’s probably why I’d never gotten caught. I’d spend days just studying an area, looking at different houses, figuring out my strategies. Older rich folks were always the best targets. The young tech millionaires with their fancy smart homes and elaborate security systems were way too risky, but some retired grandma who thinks a bolt on her door is gonna keep out folks like me? They were practically asking for it.
Anyways, the last house was a bit of an odd one. I was walking through the suburbs, looking for the next place to break into, when lo and behold, I saw it.
The house itself was fairly plain, just your standard cookie cutter suburban home. That wasn’t what interested me. The bizarre thing was the garage. It was fully open, no car, and there was a single metal chair and a trophy case on the inside. No other form of decoration, no toolbox, no storage, nothing, just a metal chair and a trophy case. Looking closer, I saw what looked like dozens of medals, trophies, and other sports paraphernalia.
Now, for one thing, nobody ever keeps a garage like that. I’ve burgled dozens of homes, and never before had I seen anything even remotely similar. There’s always an old bicycle, some cardboard boxes, etc. I decided to keep my eye on the place for a couple days, just to see if anything fishy was going on.
I watched the house like a hawk for 3 days, but nobody came in or out of it. Eventually, I figured that the owner must have headed off on vacation and forgot to close the door. Finally, I figured I’d just walk in and take the stuff.
I waited until nightfall, just in case any neighborhood watch freaks were around just waiting to report me for suspicious behavior. At about midnight, I got out of my car with a large sack and approached the open garage, a single bulb on its ceiling providing a bit of illumination in the sea of night. For a moment I just stood in front of the house, contemplating how easy this was.
I’d like to say that I had a bad feeling, or maybe the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, but I didn’t. The only thing running through my head was that I almost felt sorry for the poor schmuck I was about to rob blind.
I crossed the threshold into the garage and approached the case, peering around to see if there was anything I missed from the outside. The only thing I could notice was that the open garage door had a strange texture on the underside, kind of a chessboard pattern of squares made up of alternating vertical and horizontal ridges. It didn’t really seem relevant, so I ignored it.
As soon as I reached the case, eyeing the numerous trophies and medals, there was a strange metallic sound from behind me. I whirled around only to see the garage door rapidly closing. I sprinted towards the exit, trying to get out in time before it shut, but the door was strangely fast, way quicker than your average garage door. All I got for my trouble was a bump on the forehead after I ran face first into the strangely patterned paneling.
I looked around the garage for a button to open the garage door, but with no luck. The walls were barren, there wasn’t so much as a light switch to turn off the single incandescent bulb that hung over the metal chair.
I was horrified that the owner of the house would arrive to find me in their home. I wasn’t a very strong person, and the thought of either needing to fight someone off or get the cops called on me was utterly nerve wracking. I tried to grab the chair as some sort of a makeshift weapon, only to find that it was bolted into the floor. Instead I reached inside the display case, grabbing the heaviest looking object I could find.
To my surprise, the hefty looking trophy I grabbed turned out to just be cheap plastic. I reached for another, only to find the same thing. Looking closer, each of the medals and trophies were just cheap plastic or wooden replicas, spray painted a lustrous gold.
Seeing as my options were limited, I simply waited by the door leading into the rest of the house, fists at the ready. I hoped that I’d have the element of surprise on my side, that maybe I could get a swift punch in and run out through the front door once the owner was reeling on the floor.
I waited for ten minutes before I realized nobody was coming. Feeling a little stupid, I tried opening the door to the rest of the house. I figured maybe the garage door closed automatically due to a motion sensor or something.
It didn’t budge. I tried slamming my shoulder into it, but only succeeded in hurting myself. It felt like there was a barricade on the other side. I walked over to the garage door, rubbing my sore shoulder and swearing under my breath. I tried to lift up the door with my bare hands, only to find that it seemed to be locked in place. I suddenly became aware that I was completely trapped in this person’s garage.
I never brought my phone when I was “on the job” so to speak, I was always worried the cops will use it to trace my location or that it would ring while I was in the middle of pilfering some geezer’s coin collection. Now however, I was starting to wish I had some form of communication, then at least I could have tried calling a buddy or two to try and get me out of this mess. Instead I was just stuck.
Time passes slowly when you don’t have much to occupy yourself. For the first day or so, I remember I was pretty violent. I smashed up that trophy case as best as I could, and I shouted until my throat was hoarse. I pounded against both the door to the house and the garage door itself. Any fear of getting caught was rapidly overwhelmed by a desire to survive. By the second day, I figured out what that strange paneling on the garage door was. It was soundproof tiles. I gave up on yelling pretty soon after that.
Do you know how long a human being can last without water? About three days. Its not like I brought a water bottle with me while breaking into peoples’ houses, so I knew I wouldn’t last long. That’s what finally broke me, that’s what made my willpower evaporate. By the time my captor finally decided to show himself, I could barely move. I didn’t even react when he jabbed me with a needle and everything went black.
When I woke up, I found myself tied down in the chair with some cheap, nylon rope. I immediately tried to struggle free from my bonds, but I couldn’t move, not even an inch. Its not like I was anaesthetized, I could still feel the coarseness of the rope and the cool metal of the chair, but it was as if my mind and my body were completely disconnected. My eyes strained in their sockets, and I saw two separate IV drips running into my arm. One was full of some sort of clear liquid, while the other was an opaque red.
The guy who knocked me out was nearby, humming to himself as he stood over a card table. I didn’t get a good look at him earlier, I was too delirious from dehydration, but now I could focus enough to get a fairly clear view of my tormentor. He was short, maybe 5’5” or 5’6”, with pale skin and a shock of blond hair. He was wearing all black, from his boots to his shirt, with surgical gloves on his hands. Well, almost all black, anyway. When he turned around, I realized he was wearing the white collar of a priest. Most of his face was covered with a surgical mask, but I could see his eyes. Dear God those eyes. As long as I live, I never want to look into eyes like those ever again.
There was this look of sadistic hunger in them, a horrible, evil desperation. The excitement in his gaze bordered on sexual, and I was suddenly horribly aware of how utterly helpless I was.
It took me a moment to notice the objects he was holding in his gloved hands. In his right he clutched a cheap hacksaw, and in the other he held a blowtorch. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t move even an inch. My eyes began to search around the room wildly, desperately seeking a savior, something to protect me.
But there was nothing. I was completely, entirely alone.
The man shuffled towards me, seeming almost nervous in his disposition, like some shut-in geek trying to ask his crush out on a prom date. Even through his mask, I could hear him lick his lips before speaking.
“And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell” said the man in an airy, high-pitched voice. Almost reverently, he gently placed the hacksaw against the wrist of my right arm. For a moment he just held it there, looking into my eyes as I stared into his. I tried to beg him to stop with a look, but again, all I could see was that awful, predatory need in his eyes.
He began to cut.
People talk about agony, about pain. They step on a nail, or break their finger, and they wail and cry and whine. They don’t know jack about pain. They don’t know what it feels like to have a jagged, serrated blade rip through their flesh like a piece of raw steak. I couldn’t even scream, I just had to sit there as I felt a part of myself be severed. I sat in perfect silence as I felt a blade tear through my bone, denied even the right to cry out from the suffering being inflicted upon me.
I barely even noticed when he used the blowtorch to cauterize the wound.
After he was finished with my hand, he shuffled over to the table again, setting down his saw and blowtorch. Tears were streaming down my face, but I still couldn’t move or speak. He came back with a cordless soldering iron, and started burning something into my forehead. I could feel each letter as he worked, tracing a message written in pain upon my own flesh. When he was finished, he set down the soldering iron and produced another syringe.
“One day” the man spoke, loathsome satisfaction infesting his high-pitched voice, “you will thank me.” With that, he once again jabbed me with a needle, and everything faded to blackness.
I woke up on the side of a road next to a hospital, screaming in agony. Fortunately, whoever that freak was, he seemed to do a fairly good job of keeping my wound clean. There was no infection, and he wrapped it up tightly with gauze before dropping me off on the road.
I told the police what happened of course, and they looked into it, though begrudgingly. I heard one officer mutter out “If you ask me, they got what they deserved” as she left the room. I didn’t care. I don’t give a damn what the pigs think of me.
They didn’t find anything substantial of course. Oh sure, there was enough evidence to prove my story. The chair, the hacksaw, a puddle of blood, they were all there. Hell, even the soundproof paneling was still in place. But there wasn’t a trace of the man who did this to me. The house was apparently the property of some real estate company, it was supposed to be up for sale for all they knew. Of course, nobody had been to the property in a couple weeks, so they figured someone broke in and set up shop.
I don’t really think the cops tried too hard to look for my captor if I’m being entirely honest. In their eyes, it was just one more crook off the street. I got arrested shortly after, and was charged with multiple counts of theft. At the advice of my lawyer, I plead guilty, and I’ve been in prison ever since.
After all, who is gonna take the side of someone with the word “THIEF” branded on their damn forehead?
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ttheriddlerr · 3 years
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summary : in which, fez and you get yall shit together !
warning : not proofread sorry !
pairing : fezco x black!reader !
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was the only word ringing through your head as you put on a longer pair of pants and made your way downstairs. he had called you so many times what if something happened, what if he was hurt, what if he was dead.
the thought made you wanna throw up, thinking of living in a world without him wasn’t fun. no matter how many times you guys argued or fought.
once you got downstairs you grabbed a water and your keys and rushed out the door. your ma wasn’t home yet which was good, or maybe she left already? it was pretty early so you didn’t really think about it.
opening the driver side door you plopped down and put the car key in its slot. slamming the door shut as you turned the key. your curls were all in your eyes and your skin was slightly glowing from the sun. it was no time to try and look pretty, you just wanted to make sure your fez was okay.
once the car turned on you reversed out your parking spot and sped off.
soon enough you were at fezco’s crib, you were nervous to say the least. you heart was beating out your chest, you drank some water before getting out the car. you hands trembling a little bit but nothing too much.
you knocked on the door to be met with a very angry looking ashtray. at this moment you realized you fucked up.
“yo [name] i don’t know what the fuck you did to my bro fez but fix that shit.” he said, you could hear the aggravation in his voice.
you walked in and instantly was hit with fez sitting on the couch with bloodshot eyes.
“yo. where the fuck was you last night.” his voice deep and stern, you were even more nervous than before.
you hands shook as you messed with you pant pockets.
“i uh i left the party last night-“
“with who?”
he kept staring straight at you, but that got you angry. how can he sit here and act so hypocritical? as if he wasn’t basically fucking some girl on the dance floor. remembering the image of them both made you sick, you felt as you had to vomit up your guts.
“why you wanna know? you ain’t seem to care last night.” you stood you group, a stern look on your face and a hand on the hip.
“we not doing this right now [name]. so who did you leave with?” now you was getting agitated, who was he to speak to you like that.
“nate jacobs, he walked me home and we smoked while you were out fucking some white girl.” your skin burned with aggravation, if you were white you’d be able to tell.
“bruh i ain’t fuck her. it was just a lil friendly dancing while i was looking fo’ yo’ ass.” looking for me? looking for ME? he thought he could play with you and you wouldn’t notice.
“bro you was not looking for me. you looked me UP and DOWN while dancing with her fezco. i ain’t no motherfuckin dummy.” you walked closer to the couch he sat on and he sat up.
“bro you trippin. get the fuck out talk to me when you not on your bull shit” oh it’s bull shit now? you thoughts were literally at a thousand miles a second.
“alright fez whatever, speak to me when you ready to actually commit to me. i’m outta here.” your voice got louder as you spoke to him, you were gonna show him not to fuck with you.
you walked back to the front door looking back at him once and then looking over to ash.
“yo ash tell me if you need anything, i’m not built for this today. see you around lil grown.” and with that you closed the door.
you didn’t even mean to say all that to him, you were just so angry. you understand why he acted how he did about nate but jesus could he give you a break? he literally was grinding on the girl and all you did was smoke with nate. a thought came to you head, you knew how you were gonna show fezco to not fuck with you.
getting back into your car and turning it on you drove home.
it wasn’t a long drive from fez’s place to yours but once you got home you called up nate.
“yo nate come over i need help with something” you said over the phone and he muttered a quick okay and hung up.
any second now he’d come into your room and you’d explain the plan.
“yo what’d [name] whatcha need?” a sly grin on your face and nate’s just looked confused
“i have a plan to get both our partners to take us back, BUT you have to trust me!” exaggerating the but because this plan could go south quick. very very quick.
“bruh you better not be pulling some bullshit-“
“it is infact bull but just listen!” your head moving forward as a way of threatening him but it just made him laugh.
“okay okay, so we go to this party being hosted tonight and i know they will both be there for SURE! me and you dance together for a little fez gets jealous and comes and snatches me away and maddy comes to you and y’all you know-“
“yeah yeah i get it [name] but how do you know this is gonna work.”
“simple, my boyfriend hates you guts and your girlfriend hates mine!” you exclaimed and held out your hand for him to shake
“deal mr jacobs?”
“uh fine deal.”
he gave in, you plan was in full motion now.
“okay the party is tonight at six pm, i’ll drive us since you can’t drive for anything that why you always walk” you giggled and he tried to argue but you tuned him out
“oh and wear something seventies themed! that’s the party theme! best of luck jacobs! bye now!” you exclaimed as you went to lay back down but nate sat next to you
“oh no you don’t we are going shopping because i don’t have anything seventies themed. who the fuck has that these days?” you gasped, you closet was FULL of seventies, eighties and nineties themed clothing!
you hit his shoulder and shouted “i do!! i have some male clothing too so let check first!”
you waltzed over to your closet and pulled out a case from the floor and moved it closer to your bed
“alright here we go, have a look inside playboy.” you said opening the lid
minutes went by of nate looking through the bins in silence while you drifted off into your own mind. you loved fezco, shit you love him. but did he love you? you loved him, ash and even his ma. he was a good looking man, but he had a soft heart for those around him. the way he’d look at you every time you snuck out for him or when you guys would just sleep around all day.
tears threatened to leave your eyes but mate broke you out of the little trance you were in.
he had on a brown pair of pants an open white shirt and a long ass sweater looking thing.
“so what we thinking?” he asked and you clapped your hands at him
“round of applause for you mr jacobs, your fit is groovy! now take it off and don’t forget to be here by six!” you yelled as you pushed him out your room.
finally the peace and quiet you needed, but this time the quiet wasn’t comforting. it was loud and brutal. your mind went back to fez, oh how you missed him. he was just a lil stupid white boy but he was your stupid white boy.
you and him always looked so good together, you with your amazing attitude and him with his nonchalantness. the contrasts between both of your skins didn’t even matter when you were together.
he loved you either way, no matter what color you were. 
a tear slipped past your eye and a laugh let itself out your mouth. then you broke down crying, screaming and cursing yourself for being so stupid. you love him, you love him so much.
you were pretty sure your screams could be heard throughout the whole neighborhood, but you kept crying.
you usually didn’t break like this, you usually kept it in. but you love his man he was your everything. tonight you were gonna get him back no matter what. that was a promise.
after a while you calmed down, you looked over to the clock and it was five twenty-seven. you had more than enough time to get ready.
you got off of your bed and grabbed the outfit you were wearing, a jean jumpsuit with a strapless bra underneath. the jumpsuit was decorated with little flowers, hearts and smiley faces.
once you laid the outfit out you hopped in the shower, washing every part of your and making sure your hair got at least a little water in it.
hoping out you went back and started to get ready, starting first with your makeup. nothing too flashy for this event just a very shimmer but transparent eyeshadow, some lip gloss, highlighter, concealer, you know the rest.
by the time you were done perfecting your look you hair was dry which meant one thing, afro time!
since afros were so iconic back then and still are now you decided why not try and rock one? nothing could go wrong!
you used the pick to pick out your hair and make sure your afro was shaped nice. trying to avoid it sticking to your lipgloss because hair and lipgloss on lips don’t mix well.
one you were done those things you grabbed your jumpsuit and slid it on, not forgetting to put your bra on.
the jumpsuit was tight in all the right places sure to make fez go crazy over it. so now you waited for nate to come and knock on the door.
while you waited you took some pictures and posted them to your instagram story captioning it “do you remember the twenty-first night of september!”
fezco was the first to view your story, you knew he was probably drooling right now with how good you looked!
you heard the knock and put on your platforms that matched with everything, grabbing your keys and heading out.
nate looked decent, you’d hope fez at least put a little effort into his outfit.
“alright let go rock this party” you exclaimed loudly and go into your car
once you bro arrived to the party you seen everyone was sticking to the theme, and everyone looked great honestly.
you could hear the music from outside as you walked in with nate, immediately spotting rue and jules dancing with one another.
you ran up to them and gave them hugs, making sure to compliment the both on their outfits.
“someone come with me to the kitchen i don’t wanna go aloneee” you whined and jules excused herself from rue and grabbed your hand
you both ran to the kitchen, in need of a drink because this week has been something already.
“i wanna blackout so bad i don’t even remember anything from today” you said and jules nodded in agreement
you both took a couple shots together, and grabbed solo cuts and filled them with cranberry and vodka. you were in for a great night with this drink.
heading out the kitchen with jules a song you both knew started to play, you looked at each other smiling to each other.
“wanna dance?” jules asked
“duh!” you said in a higher pitched voice
you both started to sway to the beat of the song, getting closer and closer.
jules grabbed you hand as your back was to her, and you both kept dancing. you sipped on your drink and the music just made it better.
the way you were grinding against jules made it seem as if you were together but nope just two friends dancing while getting intoxicated.
that was then you seen nate and maddy dancing you plan was working, now you just needed to see fezco.
you and jules favorite part was coming on and you both giggled.
your backbones was laying against her chest as you both kept dancing, your curves definitely were more noticeable while dancing.
that’s when you looked up and saw fez from across the room and man did he look worked up. you sent him a sly wink and a smile, knowing you’d win this little game he had going on.
you let go of jules and whispered something to her in which he nodded, you started making your way towards fez. your hips moving as your walked closer to him.
once you got to him you asked
“hey big guy wanna dance?” that’s all he needed to hear before crashing his lips into yours.
a stupid smile on your lips as you deepened the kiss and your hands went onto his back.
“ma you’re such a tease, can’t wait to get you gotta here.” he whispered, in on honesty you had the hots for him.
“shush shush none of that, let’s dance” chugging the rest of your drink you started to dance with him.
as you both danced you made your way to the kitchen him trailing not far behind you.
think time you filled the cup with pure vodka and chugged it, you face turning into a sour expression but soon calming down. you wanted to get drunk tonight, not just tipsy, drunk.
this went on for a while, you’d both dance around the house and end up back in the kitchen with you drinking some type of alcohol. until you started to tumble and fall over your own two feet, fez knew you had enough.
he called for ashtray and said that they were leaving, with you tagging along of course.
“so y’all made up?” ashtray asked fez
“in my books we did, i don’t know about hers” but you were already over the whole ordeal from earlier you just wanted you fez back.
you afro had depuffed by now and your makeup becoming smudged. you laid down on the back seat of the car letting the fresh air from the open window hit you.
“fez… fez… fezzzzz” you moaned out to try and get his attention
“yes ma? what’s up?” he question eyes still on the road, but only one had on the steering wheel and one on your leg.
“i love you, i hope you forgive for earlier.” you said as you started to drift into a sleep that would definitely leave a headache in the morning
“of course i forgive you ma, forever and always” was all you heard before you fell asleep.
a/n : part 3 maybe 🤔?? anyways don’t be afraid to cmmt, repost, and like!!
part 1
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