#these numbers are nice but I need to know what the people think of blorbo A please
woodenela · 1 year
I just fucking love how you get to know people in fandom.
You'll be standing in your garden like "I love watching character A suffer" & suddenly a stranger slides up right to your doorstep, goes "Same. Check this shit out!"
They show you the most vile things including char A & you go "Oh neat! Thanks I love this and I love you" & from then on you are in this ✨together✨ :)
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rochenn · 1 month
ohh hello there 🍈+ 🫐
Eyyy thank you! :D
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Am I supposed to choose just one blorber? Cruel, but also LET'S FUCKING GOOOO
Dooku. Man. To get some technical stuff out of the way, I think he has a castle in the Serennian hills that isn't an egg-shaped chrome dome. A *really* nice one made of painted stones and wood. Old. Full of portraits of his ancestors and with a stupid whimsical garden that has only become more whimsical ever since he stopped hiring people to trim it. I also think he has a room full of traditional swords in there. Steel blades, all types of lengths and edges, and he knows how to wield each and every one of them to perfection. That room has been collecting dust for a while, though. It comes up in Gone with the Light and I'm VERY excited to write that segment! Hehe
And I just love his inner world - or lack thereof. Old fuck in a castle who can't seem to keep anyone around for one reason or another, but he never makes himself acknowledge the pattern that's so obviously there. His internal monologue is so tasty to write, partially because he's his only hypeman, and also because he has no idea who he is unless he forces himself into the Sith grindset. That way, he doesn't have to think about all the painful stuff so much. Between the genuine revolutionary intent of his younger days, his Jedi upbringing of even younger ones and his present holding on to Sith teachings for dear life, he is lost. There is so much MEAT to him and whatever the hell is going on inside that thick skull man <3 The loneliness and denial always comes up in some way
Also, a more basic headcanon: he's a BIG eater. That body needs a lot of energy even in his old age, considering its dimensions and what he does with it. Back when Qui-Gon hit his growth spurt they could hit a pantry the way the locusts hit the fields of Egypt - in contrast, Dooku deliberately under-eats in official company. Diplomatic dinners, long-winded negotiation meetings, the days he inevitably has to spend with Sidious, you name it. The Republic has an abundance of overly indulgent Senators and Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy, very much does not want a reputation like Orn Free Taa's. Whenever we see him in canon there's a 50/50 chance of him being hungry as fuck (I am convinced of this because it amuses me greatly)
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
DEFINITELY the Dooku & Asajj dynamic! It's the sort of juicy but under-developed part of canon that you'd expect to have a couple hundred fics, and among them some of those lifechanging longfics. You know the type. But tragedy strikes... we're not getting that for these two. There's barely anything. I am planning to rectify that because they make me insane and I need to drag more people into the insanity pit with me until the numbers add up. I swear I'm already following every single person who has ever been unwell about them in the character tags augh
Thank you for the ask! <3
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bentosandbox · 5 months
Ambience Synesthesia tutorial blog
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rambled this out because I didn't have inflight wifi otw home and the turbulence was too crazy to draw
Buying the ticket
erm so they only dropped the tickets like slightly less than a month before lol kinda insane
The concert tickets were sold on Damai so you need a CN number or know/pay someone with one who'd buy it for you which is what I did by recommendation (A tier 1280 + 400 'service fee' [apparently it would have been cheaper if they only helped you half way or something but i wasnt gonna risk running into a payment hiccup so]) Iirc they sold it in two batches but I don't remember the ratio split between first and second wave…
I got a ticket for 5/5's afternoon show (so the second last performance), I DID meet an oomf who said they managed to snag a ticket for themselves on their own (without a Professional Ticket Snatcher) so its not too impossible to attain on your own I think??? (I didn't get a CN number until like 2 days before I flew back home soo)
Professional Ticket what?? Uhhh apparently there's a whole industry/scene for this you look for listings on xianyu/taobao etc for people to buy on your behalf, you have to give them your real name and identification number (so for foreigners it'd be your passport number) for verification purposes during entry so yknow yea
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getting there
You could cab directly to the venue but my friend signed us up for the free shuttle bus (they had freebies last year but not this time) and before we boarded they gave us like free water and bread (apparently free raincoats too on rainy days) which was nice of them but also insane because. the venue doesn't allow you to bring food/drinks in so a lot of people were leaving A LOT of unopened bottles near the gate and I saw a venue staff just throwing them all into the bin (HOPEFULLY JUST TO CARRY THEM AWAY IN ONE GO AND NOT FOR STRAIGHT DISPOSAL….) They drop you off near the venue but you don't go in directly, there's a 'Doctor break room' where most people are seated waiting to be ushered in batches into the venue, but also a lot of people standing around on one side of the room swapping/offering merch
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merch swap
ive been told this is a very concert culture thing but i feel like its kind of different because a lot of these are so high quality ike…you could sell them at Artist Alleys but here they are just distributing for free if you have a E2 60 blorbo lmao or whatever (there seems to be a tiny…? minority that prints official art but most of them seem to be handdrawn/made)
i was too unprepared for this lol i did exchange some of my old stickers (missed out on a collapsal plastic fan bc my brain lagged when the guy asked me and i went to my auto 'sorry i dont have any merch' response' :( regretted this bc the room got a little hot from the amount of people in there and i was wearing like 3 layers with that fan on my mind)
from people watching a lot of trades are arranged beforehand on weibo/other sites unless you're willing to yell WHO WANTS TO TRADEEE/anyone wants freebies (a lot of people were also wearing 'Feel Free to Swap Merch/Ask for Freebies' tags) which i was definitely not brave enough to do lol… met up with an oomf i got to know from last dec when i attended an arknights only and they gave me some birbs and charms (bottom of post), there was someone who got a free LGD zine and charm from me bc i posted on wb that id give a free copy to anyone with a Mod 3 swire/swummer LMFAO
I had 2 more people to meet but, uhhh so I bought an esim for mobile data and it would intermittently lose signal here and there which was a little annoying when getting coffee but it just died entirely when i reached the venue and it was kind of Dire because i was waiting for one more friend who was coming over from the fes and i couldn't contact them lmao. told the friend i came with to go in first because I thought if my food got confiscated at least my oomf could see it beforehand LOL
waited outside in a light drizzle for an hour trying to trouble shoot my data to no avail and ended up borrowing a staff's wifi hotspot to get my entry qr code (I actually bought a second data roaming plan on my local sim but i quite stupidly did not check the country coverage and only learned later that night that 'Asia' doesn't cover China kuxiao) she was so nice i was (bow emoji) so sorry to trouble you im a stupid gaijin and she was like no its ok enjoy shanghai!! pien
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spent a good 30min next to this board praying for data to no avail
the show
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erm anyway because of that clownery above i more or less missed the first piece (the one w the goated hoho) but at least i wasnt the guy next to me who went for a bathroom break right before starset came up
The live singing this year was definitely an improvement I think… I can't really remember the setlist off the top of my head but I'm sure someone else has already listed it out, there were a couple of new pieces that weren't related to the concert groups like a Babel/Kazdel?? one sung in Latin, a Victoria…? one (in victorian ofc) also an Amiya (? just remembering by the visuals they used lol) one in Japanese
ohh yeah so almost every track would start with like a faction logo transitioning in from 3d to 2d which was cool but also amusing because it was honestly bringing quite the 'I will Make Your Company Logo Into 3D Fiverr' vibes
Since I missed the first piece idk if any of The Dreamer(s) got 3D models but The Pilgrim(s why are they all singular) had Kaltsit playing on that piano (there was also a replica of that piano on stage the white one complete with 'Arknights' text on it lmao) and Siege being cool running around in 3D (and ofc Eureka during her denpa number) it was very cool but man... its a pity the other characters in the group just get their live2d png during the beginning and effectively get sidelined lool compared to say Phenomenal Agents idk if i like this tradeoff but that eureka bit was so good sheesh #NOVAFIVE⭐ULTRALIVESWEEP
The other stuff was really great too looking at you Lone Trail medley…!!!!! I might be wrong but I... assume... you're encouraged to karaoke bc they always show the lyrics on screen… I couldn't even hear myself anyway but it was very fun singing songs you can't get on joysound/etc with a whole crowd going at it too (even if most of them would only sing 1-2 lines of the chorus)
Mary Clare did Radiant (they had the lyrics scrolling on the sides very cool) and iirc the Throne group's song...? Radiant was so fun live
Starset did Monster > Telescope and when the latter ended they were like Bye! and we(?) started yelling ENCORE--awkwardly because idk how they do it here (I was half expecting it to be JP style 'an-call-roo' but a bunch of us just yelled en-core en-core here and there until they returned to perform Infected) speaking of yelling.. between every piece when they had to switch sets people would just yell memes or skill names (like Dage's) to pass the time or sth i barely caught half of whatever they were memeing about
did i forget to mention anything else uhhh originium rock turntable for Guide Ahead's boss theme/Dossoles Lobby and they had IS4 medley live throat singing very cool also the dancers they got for silbenherze's boss theme good stuff...
iirc after starset was like a behind the scenes video of how HG prepared for AS and a recorded lowlight video saying some stuff that i forgot LOL just some thank you message basically. 9.5/10 bc no missy/shu EP live
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i just realised i forgot to display all the merch from the A tier ticket but w/e. light stick photo ft. merch swaps/gifts from friends and strangers 🥹 (the iffy lenticular card was literally dropped into my bag by an iffy coser (wearing the LT outfit..?!) while waiting for the cab LMAO)
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actuallyitsstar · 3 months
headcanon asks for Maverick: 4, 9, 13, and 20 + Goose?
✨ send me a blorbo + a number for a headcanon! ✨
⇢ 4. driving headcanon
i remember reading a fic once quite some time ago (for the life of me i cannot find it or remember what it was called or who it was by) where post-reconciliation mav and bradley need to go somewhere in kind of an emergency and mav gets into the drivers' seat of the bronco. and bradley is like woah. hold on. i thought mom always said you couldn't drive??? and mav is like, no, she said i shouldn't drive, which is Different (tm). and then proceeds to give bradley the most harrowing ten minutes of his life. and boy if that doesnt summarize my thoughts on mav's ability to drive, then tbh, what does 😅
no but seriously. he does probably drive kind of terrible. not like, unsafely, or in a way that is like. Actively Harming people or something, but if you are a passenger in a car maverick is driving then you are aware of the 'oh shit' handles and you are using them. he's always liked to go fast and he's always felt Pretty Confident in his own reaction times and ability to maneuver and he is not going to prioritize a few minor traffic laws over Doing What He Wants.
also, he taught himself how to drive when he was a teenager because no one else was doing it, probably in a vehicle owned by a foster parent whose car he was not authorized to be driving and he definitely got into trouble for this and paid for it later. due to this, he didn't actually get his license until much later than that- after meeting goose, in fact. my personal favorite take is that goose had to help mav with actually getting his license (stuff like when to signal and when to check your mirrors for merging and what types of turns/parking/etc the instructor was going to ask him to perform during the driver's test), though mav new how to drive physically just from getting into a car and figuring that shit out. i like to headcanon that mav had a permit for his motorcycle before this, though i'm not sure that it makes much sense realistically, because i know that most states these days require you to have a driver's license before you can even consider having a motorcycle permit (let ALONE a motorcycle license), but hey, i don't really know how to find out about the motorcycle permit laws in the late 70's in california or wherever they were at the time, so. i have taken creative liberty, lol
⇢ 9. general physical contact headcanon
hands down, in my opinion, mav is a physical person. he spent the majority of his childhood without it, and he gained somewhat of an aversion to it when he was young. outside of the context of the occasional romantic escapade, he did not experience any physical contact after his mother passed that wasn't negative, except for a few nice foster families that he didn't have the blessing of staying with, and even then, those are bittersweet memories, because they were brief and padded by worse things, and it's a little melancholy to think of what ~could have been~. so, admittedly, he's relatively opposed to the idea of physical affection of any sort by the time he meets goose. in fact, he's pretty much opposed to all affection by the time he meets goose. it's what defines their initial meeting and their first few flights together. mav is determined to shake goose off of his tail, to fly so fast that he loses him somehow, even though they're strapped into the same aircraft. he's cynical and certain that the entire world is out to get him, and goose is just the opposite.
goose is a sling-an-arm-around-your-shoulder, sit-on-the-couch-leg-to-leg-close with your friends, ruffle your hair in a slightly-annoying-but-also-endearing way as a greeting, hug-you-tight-before-you-say-goodbye-even-if-we're-both-men-and-it's-the-80s kind of guy. it's just another thing that initially makes mav raise his hackles and lash out. it's not because mav is diametrically opposed to this kind of affection. in fact, arguably, he craves it, and he's never had it, and physical touch is one of his primary love languages (platonically and otherwise). but goose is persistent and kind and fierce, and he's the kind of guy to find a lost kitten on the side of the road and decide right then that he's keeping that cat forever, no matter how much work it is, without even considering what it's like to raise a cat- only in the context of goose's life, the cat is Maverick and the rest is history. goose breaks down maverick's trust issues and fear and loneliness slowly and determinedly by just being himself and treating mav how he would want to be treated because that is his nature, and because he doesn't give up. mav learns to be a good friend and a dedicated member of a ~family~ from goose, and it's because mav already is a good person who has love to give, and goose is the first person to encourage and not punish him for it.
in the context of life, even after everything- after goose dies, through bradley's childhood and teenage years, through his developing friendship with the flyboys and being woven continuously into the family by carole and later the others as well, even after losing bradley, after meeting hondo- mav remains a tactile person. it's one of his primary ways of showing affection. you can see this in the movies- how often he and goose sling an arm around each other, grab each other's shoulders or arms, the way he sits with his arm around carole in the diner, the hug to ice at the end. and in tgm, too; in the hug for sarah and for ice, the hand on ice's leg and the laying with penny and talking and the (of course!!) multiple hugs to bradley at the end. it goes both ways, too; it's one of the more important things that the others can do for mav, that he'll process and understand.
plus, mav can find a way to misinterpret or talk himself out of even the most direct affection/compliment/etc, but he will understand a hug, or a hand on his shoulder. it's the primary thing that used to calm him down in the midst of a panic attack or after a nightmare, the first thing he'd reach for in greeting getting home off a deployment, the primary language that he speaks in relationships. in a way, he passed this along to bradley, too, by participating in making the bradshaw-and-company family so tactile, though perhaps it's a little less natural for bradley due to his own years of self isolation. but he was always sure to make certain bradley knew he was loved, in words and in actions. he never wanted bradley to grow up unsure of such affection, like he himself did.
there's a long span of time when mav is alone, for the most part. after bradley leaves, before the mission. he has the flyboys, but they are all scattered and confined to just letters and phone calls most of the time. more consistently, he has ice, but there is the distance and the lack of postings nearby and the increasing business of his wingman's life as he is moving upward through the ranks and meeting and marrying sarah and having kids. there is hondo, with whom he becomes very close, but hondo is not the most physically affectionate person, and mav knows how to respect others' boundaries in that regard. it's not until post-mission and post-reconciliation that he is fully able to unpack his ways of thinking and loving, to begin living a life where he gets to love and be loved consistently again.
with bradley, with the daggers, in his rekindled friendship/brotherhood with the other flyboys, many of whom are retired or moved on to other careers but who are happy to catch back up with the little found family they'd built over the years. maverick is a hang-off-your-shoulder-why-he-tells-you-a-story, hugs-in-greeting-and-goodbyes, rest-a-hand-on-your-arm-or-at-your-back, squeeze-your-hand kind of person, because he always has been, and also because it's the love language that makes sense to him, that he's always known how to speak and understand, that he learned from the other half of the single most influential relationship of any context (other than being a parental figure to bradley but that is Different) he's ever experienced, the one that still defines so much of his adult life even three plus decades later. it works out very well for bradley, who is desperately touch starved after fifteen years of self-isolation, and who is still reveling in the concept that it turns out mav loved him the entire time and the whole mess was of his own creation, and lives in disbelief of that love and affection all the time. he can overthink and twist-into-anxiety anything that mav says, just about, but there's only one way to interpret a hug. he and mav have that in common- as it turns out, much to his chagrin and also his comfort, they have a lot of these things in common, after all.
⇢ 13. nickname headcanon
mav is not necessarily the type to give new nicknames to people he knows, but he is absolutely the type to use people's nicknames. always ice, never iceman and almost never tom, usually sli instead of slider and never ron, care instead of carole. he's full of even more nicknames for bradley, though, and that came from goose, actually- goose was absolutely the originator of all the nicknames and terms of endearment. it was honey and hotshot and kaz (a nickname for ice that ice "hates" but does in fact allow with minimal glaring). goose is the creator of half the names that bradley gets- baby goose and brads and gosling. mav just keeps using them, and more of them, of his own creation, eventually sneak into his vocabulary, because he learned how to love and be loved via goose, initially, at one of the lowest points in his life, during the time that he was still formatively figuring out how to transition from a child to an adult, and their friendship shaped him forever. inadvertently, it means goose helped to shape bradley, too- since mav was there, and goose didn't get to be.
as far being called nicknames, he's alright with that. as long as he knows that it doesn't come from a place of making fun of him, or of distaste. if he senses that its in good fun or as an expression of friendship/good faith/etc, he'll lean into it. slider has long since bullied him with things like shortstack and trouble, for example, and he's allowed it. if it were a stranger and the tone were just a little different, well, he's started fights over much less. besides, mav is a nicknames sort of person, when it comes to his identity. he's never felt much like peter. "pete" was a scared, skinny kid with no designs on his own future, shuffled around with little to no positive experiences, defined by negative experiences and being duke mitchell's kid, the one who got thrown out of the academy and beat up in school and locked in the closet at the boys' home and chased out the front door of a foster home or two. he never did like pete very much.
maverick, though it started as an insult-turned-callsign-that-stuck, is dangerous and confident and sure of himself, capable and strong and cool. maverick is something that he became on purpose, that gave him agency. he pushed himself to become maverick and make the insult something of his own, to finally take control of his own narrative, because he couldn't control what people said but he could control what it meant- and that's been the name he prefers for a very long time now. very few people in the movies- even of the people who are civilians and not fellow officers- refer to him as pete. he is almost exclusively maverick or mav, and that is 100% by his preference.
⇢ 20. relationship with/thoughts on: goose
goose is and always will be mav's brother.
i read a post recently about how we as readers/writers/etc can do a disservice to the different kinds of platonic love and relationships that exist by trying to shoehorn all platonic relationships into a "they're siblings!!" archetype when there are so many other options out there, and i 100% agree with that- so i want to make it clear that when i say mav and goose were brothers, i mean that intentionally. mav and ice were best friends, ride-or-die, dedicated and as close to each other as anything, but goose was mav's brother in all but blood, maybe even moreso than if they had shared dna. goose was genuinely the first person in the context of mav's adult life (and by that i mean after he finally got into the navy, which to him is the defining line between his ~childhood~ and adulthood) to treat him with respect and love and kindness. mav learned much of what he knew about life and relationships and how to express and understand himself through goose, his older brother, the one who swooped in to protect him and teach him and stick by him, and he didn't even have the privilege of knowing goose that long- as we know. they met and they fell into their relationship fast. it took a while for mav to warm up to goose, of course- but setting even that aside.
and, well, we all know how mav feels about goose, these days. i know someone, in real life, who did lose a sibling when they were both young, and it really is much the same thing. goose still defines a lot of the things about mav, and the memories of him and their time together are still some of maverick's favorite. he still looks at something and thinks "goose would love that", he still has an experience and wishes he could tell nick about it, he still lives his life with the concept of goose right there by his side, even though the man has been gone for thirty some odd years. of course everyone handles grief and loss differently, but it makes me think of the experiences and people i have seen and encountered/read about who have lost siblings, too- the permanence of brotherhood, even in the wake of the impermanence of life.
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impishtubist · 1 year
Fanfic writer self-appreciation! Answer this, then pass the ask along to your favorite writer, your mutuals, or just someone who needs to answer it. If I were to read one fic of yours that best reveals who you are as a writer, or the one you’re MOST proud of, which fic should I read?
First of all, thank you anon, you have no idea how demoralized I have been lately re: writing and how nice this was to receive <3
I don't normally do self-appreciation stuff, but I took a tour through my fics today on a whim after receiving this ask, and have reached some Conclusions. So you're getting a whole ass essay, buckle up.
I really fucking adore missing-scene fics. I write them the most, and I read them the most. But after taking a tour through my 200+ fics, I think the stories that reveal who I am as a writer the most are actually the long, plotty, post-canon ones.
I happened to re-read my As a Desert in Bloom series yesterday (Star Trek: VOY), which is a post-Endgame Chakotay/Tom fic, and you know what? I rocked it with the world-building and all the OCs, and there was also a good deal of plot there. I normally hate OCs in fics that I'm reading! But I am nothing if not a hypocrite, and they appear in a decent number of my fics.
RIP to the OC I killed off in the second fic of that series, you were my favorite blorbo.
Price of Memory is another one. I count this as post-canon because it takes place 15 years after Timeless (and, er, 12 years after Endgame? Something like that), even though that timeline eventually gets changed. Angsty men falling in love even though they know they're going to change history and erase it all? Hell yeah sign me up! This is another one where I did a bunch of worldbuilding and had a bunch of OCs and a bunch of plot.
In the Bleak Midwinter, A Memory That Never Forgets, and An Age of Silver are all post-canon Sherlock fics that do - you guessed it! A bunch of worldbuilding and have a bunch of OCs and are extremely plotty.
So what I have concluded here is, the fics that most reveal who I am as a writer have lots of plot, lots of OCs, and do a bunch of worldbuilding. Which would explain why my real jam is writing original fiction, and fanfic is just what I do on the side.
Okay this was super interesting and not at all surprising, but in 13 years of writing fanfic, it's something I've literally never thought about. So now I need to go take a break and stare at a wall and contemplate my entire existence.
Thank you for this ask, I'm gonna go put it in some other people's inboxes now 😂
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pepsiiwho · 6 months
Oh, you KNOW I was made for the hate wins ask game. Could I get uhhhhhhhhhhhh 1, 5, 6, 7 & 16, please? <3 I would ask you more, but I feel like that's excessive, and I need to get to work now. Okay, love u, bye, see you when I get home <333
sigh. Don't touch me.
I don't have a single fandom I'm known for or particularly attached to right now, so ill just jump around as i feel.
I am self appointed idiot who makes every character i get my grubby little hands on ooc. Because of this, I can't say for sure that any characterization I see of my faves is objectively WRONG because my own ideal version of them is surely not right. Now, having been an adult and saying all this I can say with the utmost confidence this award must go to Claude Von Riegan [FE3H] just by virtue of how he's probably one of the more popular characters i adore and as such gets the brunt of the bullshit.
I hate when people write him as this flirty, overly charming guy. Claude cannot flirt his way out of a clear bag and he is paranoid as shit. He isn't seducing your white prince and dragging him down to the dark (ha) side. He also doesn't strike me as someone who's deeply curious about other house's gossip because he actually cares. Claude stays in the know because not knowing is a blind-spot he can't allow himself to have. Screams. its whatever.
Worst discord I was ever in ... hard toss up between the ye-olden HQ discord servers or the one dmcl one I was in? Surprisingly, as far as I experienced it, both had very nice people in it on the whole. But the sad truth is too many cooks in the kitchen fucks up the simple soup-- which is to say, having so many other fans with different [WRONG] interpretations was annoying.
I can't deal with not having complete control or like, a general understanding with the people around me in fandom discussions so these servers were just, by their own nature, places I was never meant to be in. [Spits] What do you mean CLAUDE would wanna join the BL class. Go to hell.
Short answer? sylvix. Long answer? Regardless of the fandom, the fans of the biggest most accepted ship [canon or otherwise] will always be the loudest and most annoying imo.
When you've never had to work for your food you get comfortable fast and complain more. Its a natural byproduct of being lucky enough to deeply enjoy the lowest common denominator. In most cases, regardless of fandom-- whatever reigns supreme brings the biggest headaches with it. But If this is still too general then... mmm.. people who ship objectively canon ships because their imaginations can be too small and they'll find rare-pairs odd, weird or even stupid to be into. Many a time I've had someone tell me "they've never even spoken tho.." as if that was a needed component of every ship. They're tiresome people with tiresome arguments. But it's whatever <- she is the most annoying bitch alive.
This one is really interesting honestly. I'm usually pretty ambivalent about anyone that isn't in the blorbo pile or the poison pit.... but.... maybe Dedue or Ferdinand? Dedue because f3h fans racism and Ferdinand because he was always someone shipped with Hubert and little else. I think its sad, both ,men have so much going for them too. I'll put Tsukishima on this list as well because he was my number one and ruined by fandom. Actually no put like 90% of the HQ cast here actually hq Fandom sucks ass and ruins every cool guy. it's a bitch.
God. I'm such a hater.,... this could really go on forever... Okay, I swat at the hornets nest for this one. fics over 100k. 9 times out of ten, they're not good. Quantity/=/ Quality. Usually most of the word count is just used for shit you didn't even come to the story for. That's fine, I respect any writer who can even make that much of ANYTHING, but people who can read it (and more so ACTIVELY search for it) are odd to me.
I've been worrying on this for a few days and mellowed out since I started so nothing is tooo grating or bitchy here. Look guys I'm kind and sweet forever. Enjoy. Huzzah.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
The Buried Dagger 3
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Malcador is peak "hard man doing hard things"
and a significant number of the Imperium's evils can be directly laid at his feet but at least this guy actually feels intelligent oh so rubio somehow saw what malcador has planned for after horus is defeated and that's why ugh Garro pro-Imperium POV so, Malcador killed all the Sisters and now his powers aren't dampened any more It would have been nice if they hadn't been used as mere props for this book...
oh, so, Erebus messed with Rubio on Calth and turned him into a sleeper agent because Chaos told him he would be useful ok! sure! huh, malcs decided to fix his brain rather than kill him Rubio wakes up Malcador: the Sisters were programmed to kill me and you saved my life by killing all of them oh boy, rubio is going to become one of the first Grey Knights :/
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mortarion:….i'll worry about that when it's an actual problem also don't worry, typhon! soon the emperor will show up and you'll have a whole galaxy to commit war crimes against!
i. really typhon???? typhon: hey you know how the overlords turn dead people into golems with dark magic? typhon: what about we turn ourselves into golem like creatures typhon: also if you asked it of people they totally would do it oh joy war crimes typhon: i captured this overlord let's experiment on him
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it was this far back
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I smell emperor shenanigans
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imperium warning! imperium warning!
mortarion 🤝 guilliman getting extremely angry and losing all sense of tactics and charging in and getting people killed oh boy the emperor appeared and everyone is Excite
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the emperor actually has enough savoir faire to bring food to places???? mortarion is deeply sus
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emps had very bad timing oh we get the meeting!
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"im from the government, and i'm here to help"
man the emperor is actually being…halfway decent? except for the whole empire thing also "i came here looking for you" was the wronggg thing to say haha Wait, he's a telepath, right? That's one of his powers right? You'd think he'd be better at figuring out that he's making conversational missteps
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mortarion: we don't need your glory or your charity emperor: we could do terraforming uwu mortarion: where have you been this whole time?? mortarion is also uninterested in his origins. he's a child of barbarus smh!!!! lmao oh no
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well no one came out of this encounter looking like an angel but i am, obviously, more sympathetic to mortarion here and not just because he is blorbo ….and not just because Imperium Bad what kind of ultimatum is that????
wh okay the awful truth about wyntor malcador found a dying eldar in the webway and rescued him and somehow….put his soul in a human body so he could have someone on his level to talk to and confide in???? and he keeps killing himself (wyntor) and malcador keeps bringing him back this sure is a plot im reading all right
also this whole thing is interspersed with wyntor thinking about all the ways he could kill himself like this is a time when i really wish books had warnings
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malcador literally made himself a person to use for emotional labour
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This is messed up on a new and special level
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wh?????? i cannot believe im saying this but i am so grateful to return to the plague ships in the warp
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nice going, mort
mortarion: even i am tainted as someone with chronic illness this attitude makes me feel a bitter well of negative emotions and the fact that they're all gonna get bit in the ass for it does not actually act as consolation mortarion is exposed to chronic illnesss: the grimdark 40k version
Ok I have some missing bits for like...2 posts ago lol
“We will have peace once we’ve finished conquering the galaxy” “A task we started of our own initiative” I think it’s implied they did it to try and get rid of chaos Or at least that was a big reason
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The more of the Horus Heresy I read the more I like the alt background for the emperor where he’s not the ancient dude but he’s the last remaining Man of Gold And a warlord from the age of strife so this is all he knows
back at it again mortarion is visiting typhon and yelling at him and uhhh not good
typhon: we're walking the same path im just ahead of you typhon: the whispers in the warp gossip about you
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typhon: you will be assimilated mortarion attacks! typhon uses his turn to put down 3 cards and summon shadow daemons
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ow and then mortarion realizes the typhon he knew is gone ;-;
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unfortunately, nurgle UH OH TYPHON STABBED HIM WITH A KNIFE which a) has extra pain effect b) i think it's an evil knife Mortarion pulls out a pokeball from his belt "Daemon! I choose you!" he orders the daemon he had captive that promised to obey him to kill typhon and then uhhh
i gotta admit i did not expect this to happen daemon: yeah so my oath to nurgle supersedes any promises i made to you. lmao. and mortarion gets a front row seat to typhon's daemon ascension and it's very gross and also uncomfortable and painful
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sorrow found me when i was young
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sorrow waited sorrow won
yes i am associating Mortarion with The National based off of a one-liner about him having a deep voice, why do you ask
typhus: every step you've taken was planned to lead you here i'm starting to see the connection with the plot on terra because this book is about despair
going back through the godblight stuff rn and ow
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i guess i'm going to have to finish the book but honestly im getting the impression there was basically zero way to get out of the situation once the navigators were killed or maybe even before that
time for more flashback
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im waking up to ash and dust i wipe my brow and i sweat my rust im breathing in the-
in frustration, a hidden sniper shoots the radio
ngl this whole segment is a huge mood as i am finding a resemblance to various chronic illness-induced incidents
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welp i really am wondering how we got from here to mortarion locking necare in his clock in 40k im guessing necare will team rocket blast off again oh hey emperor interrupt
to be continued...
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withacapitalp · 2 years
this got so long i'm sorry lol. that post about jonathan hurting steve just reminds me of my number one issue w steve and jonathan/nancy becoming closer which is that the onus is almost always placed on steve to make amends and take that first step w/little to no emphasis on that effort being reciprocated. like, steve apologizes to jonathan for everything in s1 (as he should) and saves his life twice. whether or not you think jonathan should apologize for how intense the fight got is up for debate (i would just like acknowledgement of how seriously he did/almost did hurt steve) but steve def deserves an apology for 1)the photos (which he never got - obv he broke the camera but then he also bought jonathan a new one all w no actual apology to steve on jonathan's part, it wasn't only nancy's privacy he invaded) 2) the fact that he slept w nancy knowing she and steve were still together (which he literally verbally acknowledges when nancy says she waited for him or w/e). that second one obv also goes for nancy bc she also doesn't apologize to steve for leading him on for a year while having feelings for someone else then cheating on him. this isn't me saying jancy are terrible ppl and entirely unsympathetic (nancy is obv v traumatized and struggling w barb's death tho this does not excuse the way she treated steve) but they both did some fucked up shit to steve that ppl rarely make them acknowledge or even feel bad for, which creates a v unbalanced dynamic imo.
Oh boy this did get long!!
So this might just be curating different fandom experiences, but I don't personally see a ton of Steve being the one who has to make amends in fandom or Jonathan and Nancy not having introspection on their pasts. In canon I totally see that though, and it's a lot. Like I think they're all just really human, which I love. They fuck up, and they mistrust, and they have to learn and grow into being close. It isn't automatic.
I think like.......here's my thought process. Apologies are nice. Apologies are good. The right thing to do is always to apologize if you feel like you've wronged someone.
But I also think Steve wouldn't accept it.
Okay I'm putting the rest under a read more because I'm going on a little meta rant on Steve Jonathan Nancy and why apologies are a complicated thing for them and ultimately not what any of them really need.
First Steve because he's my blorbo. Steve is a really interesting character. He has this veneer of extreme self confidence that hides a really soft core of a person that ultimately experiences a significant amount of rejection. He has this brittle exterior that's bitchy and snarky and gives as good as it gets, but things touch him in a deeper way that I think is easy for a lot of people to ignore. I could totally see Jonathan awkwardly trying to bring things up to maybe try and apologize only for Steve to be like nah man we're fine! It didn't work out no biggie, I'm aok, you guys work together and we didn't.
Steve is constantly searching for validation and love (Implied because his parents are neglectful or at the very least have an extremely bad marriage that would be enough to add layers to anything) I think that the bullshit conversation really impacted Steve in a significant way, but if he shared that, then he's leaving himself vulnerable to getting hurt again, so he would do everything in his power to truly make everyone think he's okay, even potentially making himself think he's okay too, when deep down he isn't.
I alsoooo don't really think that Nancy or Jonathan necessarily feel bad. If Steve is pushing so hard to say he isn't hurt, then eventually I could see them not thinking too hard on it. Jonathan because in canon they aren't really friends obviously (Which is a goddamn travesty by the way I wrote an entire series of fics because I hated that they weren't friends) and Nancy because Nancy is an extremely self focused person.
Not selfish. I think it's important to make the distinction between selfish and self-focused. I don't think she's intentionally doing things to hurt the people around her for her own gain, but she thinks about how things effect her and how things impact her first and foremost. Not even just with Steve, but with everyone. A good example of this is in season three when she cost Jonathan his job too with her sleuthing. Her boyfriend who is in a very bad financial situation at home and could have really used a job that actually pertained to his interests and might have lead to future relationships in his industry. She didn't feel bad about that, she was too focused on the injustice to her. Even something as simple as never knocking when he's in the dark room and ruining his pictures over and over.
She just doesn't think about other people, which makes sense! She's a teenager, she's a privileged person, and she's smart as all hell. She gets extremely focused on doing the 'right' thing (according to her rules and her mind because she knows she's smart and thinks she's the smartest in the room always) and she misses doing the best thing a lot of the time.
For Steve, someone who is clearly extremely not self focused-which is also not a great way to be because extremes never are- and Jonathan- Someone who has been forced to put his family first his entire life- that is always going to be a point of conflict in her relationships with them.
But I don't know if we've ever seen Nancy give a genuine apology in the show, and I honestly doubt we ever would. It's not in her character really. But! Regardless of all of that, apology isn't really the end goal. Saying your sorry shouldn't be the end of something. I would much rather see Nancy Steve and Jonathan grow into people with more empathy and ability to own up to their shit/call people out on their stuff in the future rather than rehashing their past again. Unfortunately I have a feeling season five is gonna be a lot of rehashing lmaoooo
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kakashihasibs · 1 year
the character everyone gets wrong
sweaty soggy noodle man kakashi is who this is all going to be about so. I don't think everyone gets him wrong. a lot of people do but it's usually bc they're too horny to care lol
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
have you seen him? have you felt his vibes? he is lazy by nature and recoils away from most physical contact that isn't necessary to do his job (and even he doesn't seem to enjoy it). there are like 7 total people he even lets see his face (while knowing it is his face) and most of them are dead by the time he is 13. hang out? sure. do nice domestic couple things? sounds lovely. get naked and fuck? so an enemy can kill him or a loved one while he's distracted? no. he probably has tried scheduling his shits and showers with gai so he's never actually vulnerable. he's also so ace.
Aubu kakashi: "Tenzō I need you to stand outside the bathroom while I shit." baby tenzō: on it boss (thinks this is completely normal bc he is also in anbu)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
uhhh that kakashi would not only have sex but would want you to call him daddy. that nearly 50 year kakashi who has never worn sunscreen in his life shouldn't actually look old/older. that a young looking kakashi is a health looking kakashi.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
lol that insinuation that looking young is healthy
5. worst discord server and why
i have never been in a discord server longer than a few days. idk.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
facebook dude bro fans whoops i misread this. i thought it just said fans. but shipping fans? idk kakairu is a notp for me but the fans aren't overly annoying? maybe the painfully ooc readerx shippers. I haven't seen many in a while tho so
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Iruka lol but only when shipped with kakashi. annoying loud-mouth chunin. whatever dude.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
kakashi fucks and gai doesn't
9. worst part of canon
it's naruto man. everything after the land of waves arc lol
10. worst part of fanon
the bumbling husband and nagging wife characterizations from the kakairu fanon.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
bruh lots idk lol
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
tenzō T-T
13. worst blorboficiation
i'm pro blorbo. i am rotating these fictional men in my mind at all times.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i don't know.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
fangs v-v and scars.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
people who love kakashi but don't give a shit about gai. those two are like a packaged deal in my mind. can't have one without the other. they are eternal rivals after all.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
sometimes i just really need a deep dive into kakashi's head. i love the character study type stuff.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
younger gai and tenzō bumping into each other bc they're both watching kakashi stand at the memorial stone bc they're both worried.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
there is nothing i am mad/ashamed/horrified about but if you're wondering yes i do enjoy the fanarts of kakashi in bondage. lol
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
the flashbacks are out of control. my memory isn't great but it's not that fucking bad holy shit girl
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk i feel like the parts of fandom i interact with are pretty realistic about how good something in Naruto is
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Yaknow how Obito's dream that naruto sees is Obito is back in konoha and becoming hokage but Rin is still dead? like what does obito wish had changed? I think it's if Minato had recognized him. I think Obito was actually praying and hoping for Minato to realize who he was fighting. Obito had a seal on his heart. Minato could have saved him if Minato pulled his head out of his ass for more that 5 mins at a time.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
none. my kakashi stubbornness knows no bounds
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idk kakashi discourse is easy for me to ignore.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
none. i love hatefulness drama and kakashi.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Hi there, Alamut!Bonnie with non-Alamut question here. If Lucy wasn't killed when she was, and reported the oncoming Catastrophe to Templars, do you think they would have thrown in their lot to help access the Temple, or tried to turn it into opportunity that grab more influence?
Alamut!Nonny! It's nice to hear/read from you again!
Oh man. I read this one and my brain immediately went "HEY, LISTEN!" so buckle up 'cause this is half-me rambling on how it could work and half-actual short fic. (with my personal headcanon at the bottom)
First of all, we'll have to look over what needs to change so that Lucy isn't killed in the end. For this one, do we go for:
Desmond manages to fight off Juno's control
Desmond still stabs Lucy but she survives (the others managed to administer first aid and get her to a hospital perhaps? Maybe Desmond manages to resist just enough to hit her somewhere less fatal?)
Either way, I personally think we should still put Desmond in a coma because:
Desmond fighting Juno/the Apple is canon, whether he wins or not doesn't change that fact
AC Revelations deserve to exist for Clay, Ezio, and Altaïr
Desmond learns of the Grand Temple because of Tinia's message that Ezio got from Altaïr's last memory seal
(Altaïr is my blorbo and I will find ways to throw him into anything I write regardless of what it is, no, I am not sorry)
Lucy's survival will have a butterfly effect, that's for sure.
For one, everyone will be wondering why the hell Desmond just tried to kill Lucy? Was he being controlled? Did he learn something?
And Bill will step in because Desmond is in a coma, the leader of their cell was just targeted by his son and something fishy is going on, that's for damn sure.
And the target of his suspicion is Lucy.
Rebecca and Shaun will side with Lucy, of course, because they've known her for a while.
Bill will not.
Bill will remember Daniel Cross. Of how Abstergo managed to use him as a sleeper agent and how the carefully built foundations of the Modern Brotherhood collapsed because of everything Daniel Cross gave Abstergo after killing the last mentor.
Bill was there. Bill lost so many people during the Great Purge. Friends, allies, colleagues. Every day, he would look at his phone and try to tell himself that his wife hasn't called him meant that the Farm was safe.
That Desmond was safe.
But, now, Desmond is in a coma after trying to kill Lucy.
Was it the Apple? Was it Desmond himself?
Regardless of which is true, Bill knows what must be done.
Lucy is kept in a locked room. No windows, nothing in the room itself that could be used to escape or worse. She is stripped of all her gadgets and her clothes are replaced with a hospital gown that they stole on the way.
Rebecca and Shaun will protest, of course. So Bill issues them an order.
Find out if Lucy Stillman has been compromised.
But Bill doesn't end it there. He calls an Assassin he trusted more than anybody else. He calls up Gavin Banks and orders his crew to do the same.
And he adds another order.
Find out if Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings have been compromised as well.
Rebecca and Shaun try to prove her innocence but they're not stupid. They start seeing the inconsistencies. They start seeing information Lucy kept from her reports.
They start to think that there's more to Clay's death than what Lucy wrote in her report.
And then...
They find out the emails she sent to Vidic with the fake William Miles email address.
Shaun is the one who tries to say it must be a mistake, maybe Lucy got duped by similar email addresses. Rebecca is the one who doesn't believe that because they both know Lucy isn't that stupid. The timestamps made it clear that Lucy was in contact with both email addresses at the same time.
It's not a smoking gun.
But it's damning enough. And they're both loyal to the Brotherhood enough to present it to Bill.
Gavin and his crews find more evidence. More inconsistencies.
Not with Shaun and Rebecca, of course. (Although, the number of crazy conspiracies Shaun has written was a bit worrying.)
All of these were to Lucy alone.
Everything they find points at one thing.
Lucy Stillman is a traitor.
So when Bill interrogates Lucy with Rebecca, Shaun and the entirety of Gavin's crew listening in, they're not surprised when Lucy finally admits it. Shaun and Rebecca don't want to believe it but they also know they need to face the truth.
Lucy betrayed them all.
Against everything they got, Lucy has no other choice but to admit it.
She will try to deny at first, of course, but the isolation made her realize something important.
Everyone is ignoring the most important thing right now:
The impending catastrophe that destroyed a civilization more advanced than they were right now.
So she pleads with Bill and tells him that, right now, the best chance they all have of saving the world is to join forces. To use Abstergo's resources to find whatever it is that Minerva wanted Desmond to find.
The supposed Temples...
That's when Bill reminds her.
"You already told Vidic about it, didn't you? About Minerva's warning to Desmond. So..."
"Why hasn't the Templars done anything? Why hasn't the Templars reach out to us by using you?"
That makes Lucy pause.
Why haven't they?
Lucy did manage to send word to Vidic beforehand about Minerva's warning and they took pictures of everything Clay drew and wrote before he died. Someone must be in charge of checking what they all mean.
So... the Templars must have known. Must have had an idea of what was going to happen.
Even before Lucy sent them Minerva's message to Desmond.
So why haven't they done anything?
Someone might say that maybe they're doing something. Maybe they're racing to find POEs that would save the world.
Maybe they never bothered to suggest a truce with the Assassins because they knew the Assassins would never agree to it. Not after everything that had happened in the past years. Not after the Great Purge.
At this point, there will be a debate among everyone who heard Lucy's interrogation. Some will argue that a truce could be possible, that they should try for the sake of the world. Another side would focus on everything Abstergo (and the Templars) had done and how they cannot be trusted.
And that's when Desmond will wake up and tell them about the Grand Temple.
====== Ending Rambling ======
Yeah, I'm 'ending' it there. Sorry? XD
But here are some of my notes concerning Abstergo and how possible this what-if scenario is (headcanon-wise).
First of all: there's no way the Templars don't know about the Catastrophe. At the very least, they should have an idea about it and, with the lax security Desmond's cell had considering Lucy is in charge of it, Lucy had ample time in AC: Brotherhood to send them a message.
This email pretty much tell us that Vidic (and the Templars) did know about it. (from AC wiki)
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They had 'suspicions for years' and they had 'decades'. Whether they knew the entire sun going whoosh at them, that's debatable but they knew that something big and dangerous is going to happen on Dec 21 2022. The short amount of time left implies that (or, to be a devil's advocate in my own writing, it could actually pertain to the deadline that Rikkin gave Vidic in AC1 XD)
This means that they kept it a secret for a reason.
The Templars want total control of the world for different reasons. Some like the Borgias wanted it because they believed it was their birthright or because they wanted power/riches. Others like Sofia Rikkin believe in the Templar cause because they believe humanity is imperfect and that imperfection must be changed so that the world could achieve true everlasting peace. Others like Robert de Sablé and Haytham Kenway pushed for control because they believed that humanity needs to be controlled as they are too stupid or powerless on their own. Then there are those like Berg and Cross who had no choice but to join and stay with the Templars for personal reasons (Berg's daughter, Cross' brainwashing and dependency on the Animus to keep his mind intact, etc)
The Templars as they are now, as Abstergo, are united by their desire for control and to profit from it but their reasoning behind that desire vary depending on the person.
However, all of them are under the Inner Sanctum. The Inner Sanctum has the final say in Templar (and Abstergo) activities.
And you know who is a member of the Inner Sanctum?
Warren Vidic.
The same Vidic who sent the email above to Lucy just weeks before the incident with Juno.
The same Vidic who told Desmond in AC1 that he agreed with the Assassins' way of killing a few evil people to save thousands but believed that they didn't go far enough and that the entire human race needs to be 're-educated'.
This meant that Vidic did everything in AC3 knowing that the world would end on December 21. He would rather spend months searching for Desmond than suggest a truce between their two warring factions.
And the other members of the Inner Sanctum either supported him (Rikkin and Cross) or did not make any attempts to stop him.
When you asked if they would help the Assasins or not?
Honestly, they could have had. Lucy didn't need to survive for that. She already gave them enough inside information about what's going to happen.
And they still decided to continue this whole Assassins versus Templars.
My best guess is that they already had a plan in motion and the Assassins weren't needed in it or would not agree with the plan.
Either their 'The Eye' project (not the Isu's The Eye) where they shoot out an Apple to space was not just meant to 'reprogram humanity' but also provide some kind of protection (kinda like how Abbas in AC Revelations got the Apple to send out waves of energy every few seconds that will throw Altaïr off)
There was already an alternative plan that didn't involve any POE at all. A plan that will not save the world but will let them (and their 'chosen people') survive the catastrophe. In the same way Minerva and Juno informed Desmond that the Grand Temple can protect them from it and how there will be other people who survived too in their 'alternate future', it's highly plausible that Abstergo also had a similar idea. Bunkers perhaps or they may use Temples they already have under their 'protection'. Something that would keep them safe from the sun and help them survive the aftermath.
Either way, the Templars would have never joined forces with the Assassins to save the world. Warren Vidic's actions from AC1 to AC3 showed where the Templars stand in that scenario.
... Unless... someone in the Inner Sanctum says "fuck Vidic and fuck this shit" and go behind the other Inner Sanctum members' back to contact the Assassins.
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quinloki · 8 months
okay first and foremost I want to say you're totally valid for saying law runs cold bc he gives me the vibe of someone who puts their cold feet on you under the covers and I love comparisions between the two doctors, they literally have a bday one day apart it's so cute
idk what really prompted my train of thought but I was thinking how jarring it would be for the difference in tempature if yall were involved at the same time like warm hands followed by cooler hands replaced again by the warm hands not so much tempature play (tho ace/sabo could def do that I feel) but just the initial contrast hands or other things >>
and now you've given me even more people to think about cause like…
all the hot cold combos that come out of ace/sabo/kid & marco/law are very very yummy so thank you for adding those two in there
okay but as someone who doesn't always handle heat well ace/sabo/kid probably need to be balanced out by one marco/law or I would probably die
like I need ace especially to stay far away from me in summer bc I just know he's clingy and I'm such a baby when it's hot outside already nvm that walking space heater being in close proximity just carry around a spray bottle to keep him away (useful in the winter tho)
OH ALSO I can't actually decide if no devil fruit sabo would run hot or cold. They tend to have him in cooler colors/tones I think to offset with ace visually but I feel like he'd run warmer especially around the scars but idkkkk I can't decide
man my brain has been so ping pong-y lately I just have so many blorbos rocking around up there at once it's WILD how do you deal with this T____T
Law puts his cold feet on you when you're both in bed, but the cool sensation feels good, and somehow he always manages to find some knot or tight place that could use it. Eventually the two of you even out on body temp from the contact and when you wake up in the morning you're tangled in his limbs. Whether you run over warm or not, you run warmer than him.
Ace Sabo and Kid.... hmmm now there's an interesting threesome. >.>
A nice thing about Kid is if he knows he runs too warm for you, he can just bring in and switch out cool (or cooled) pieces of metal to help keep you from overheating. (he's such a sucker for his love when he falls that I can see him making a prosthetic arm with a cooling system in it so he can hold you and help keep you cool.)
Poor Ace getting Sad Puppy because he can't snuggle, finally just tosses you into an ice bath until you're shivering and then hugs and snuggles you for a good hour and warms you back up. Not the most ideal way to cool off (Though I can see the Moby heading to a winter island if a particularly long number of hot days piles up on the crew.)
No Devil Fruit Sabo probably runs fairly neutral. I can see his scars feeling warmer, but not by too much.
xD Also I don't know how to respond to that last one, but I suppose I do have quite a few of these guys rummaging around in my brain. It's kind of like a computer though, there's only a couple active windows at a time, and the background programs are fairly easy to ignore until I switch my focus (for whatever reason).
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pantrymilk · 11 months
Telling u about my blorbo so u can kin assign them a Weezer song (might do more than one; this looks like fun)
The number one thing that gets me about my lil guy is that their anger is justified and rational but for some fucking reason no one else in the narrative seems to think so. Like. They're generally pretty empathetic and a kind person but for some reason whenever they get upset for a very valid reason (which tbf, is very often) it's like, "woah! You're not being nice right now! That mean you fucked up and that's something you need to fix." And that just makes me. Hurgh. Squeezes them
I've thought about this long and hard sooo
Paper face - blue deluxe
The angriest sounding weezer song, tho the lyrics are kinda eeehh.. we can do better
Hash pipe - green
Another angry sounding song, this time with more topical lyrics I think?
Oh come on and kick me
You've got your problems
I've got my eyes wide
You've got your big Gs
I've got my hash pipe
All my favorite songs- OK human
This is the song with the lyrics that fit the best I think, which is unfortunat becuase oh boy is this a Joy's Chamber-Pop Tune.
All my favorite songs are slow and sad
All my favorite people make me mad
Everything that feels so good is bad, bad, bad
All my favorite songs are slow and sad
I don't know what's wrong with me!
That's all I got! I hope one kf these three resonates good, I hope ur guy gets to be mad and validated soon :))
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2rocksandastoner · 1 year
Mario: You’ve never played video games and you don’t really know who else to choose. If that’s not the case, then wtf is wrong with you
Luigi: You recognize that Luigi is #1 and that he deserves better. You’re pretty cool
Peach: You’re a 5 year old girl who’s only playing because your mom forced your siblings to let you in, you’re a female twitch streamer that probably sucks at the game but you still have a really good setup and view count, you’re a trans girl looking for euphoria, or you’re a roseboy
Daisy: You recognize who the superior princess is (if this is the case you probably hate Peach), OR someone took Peach before you could get to her and now you’re salty
Yoshi: You’re cool, probably have quite the appetite, and like how cute and carefree he is. You would die for Yoshi. You may also really like Kirby
Birdo: Trans rights, nice
Wario: You watch Family Guy unironically and like offending people for fun. You’d call someone a snowflake no matter what, even if they cried after you stabbed them. You’re a scumbag cis teen boy who’s totally about to cheat, especially if playing with little siblings/cousins. You need to touch grass urgently, but even more so if you’re an adult. You also think racism/bigotry in general is inherently funny. It’s not and you’re probably a walking red flag. How do you sleep at night
Waluigi: You’re jacked and get so many bitches. You’re a god at the game. Your friends adore you, you have an enormous dick if applicable, and you’ll get into a great university but will never get into Smash. Or you’re just in it for the meme and this is your entire sense of humour and it’s annoying 😐 Either way, you may be kind of a loser, but the font of loser may vary. You may also cheat at the game every so often but you’re not the salty type like Wario
Toad: You’re really annoying. Like, it’s your whole personality. You do have potential as a person unlike most people who play Wario, but this is still becoming a problem in your day to day life. Please seek help buckeroo, it gets better.
Toadette: You’re either a little girl or a grown man. If you’re neither of those, you’re cute, do you want my number?
Koopa: You’re scrawny and quiet. You also may not have much of a personality. You may also be a bit of a simp. Do you wanna pick another character?
Dry Bones: You’re scrawny and quiet but also kinda hot. Want my number? Also you may be alt/emo and have fringey hair and you probably don’t have the best diet but who am I to judge
Goomba: …did you hit that one on accident? If not, have you been doing okay mate? If I were to take a wild guess, you just need a blorbo in your life and happen to have questionable taste. Idk man but you’re difficult to read and I don’t like it
Hammer Bro: You’re a teen boy (likely cis) who wants to stand out from those who play Koopa (though you’re not much of a simp). You may also be kind of a dick like those who play Wario (though you have plenty of potential to grow and change as you get older), and you fight your friends with sticks for fun. You also may have had a nerf or sonic phase, and may also like metalworking, cars, or other stereotypical cis male stuff. You would probably call me a slur.
Boo: See Dry Bones, but you may not be scrawny. You’re a bit spooky, quiet, and intimidating at first but really really cool. You don’t smile a whole lot but you’re chill. You dye your hair a lot. Want my number?
Blooper: what
Kamek/Magikoopa: You’re probably a mage in any RPG game. Speaking of which you’re probably a nerd and probably not very into Mario Party. I’d still probably have a short lived crush on you. Keep your nerdy lil head up, fren
Shy Guy: You’re a shy guy yourself, or the feminized version of Shy Guy lives in your head rent free and also you’re trans. Regardless you’re kinda quiet, and you’re cool but either don’t see it, or you know it and (this may or may not be related) you’re kinda quiet (if related, it’s likely because that’s how some cool kids do it. Whatever floats your goat, man.) You’re chill/laid back
Spike: You just wanna be cool like the older cousins you’re playing with because they’re your favourites and you never get to see them, but you’re loud/talk too much and might be kind of annoying. Don’t worry, we know you’re trying your best. Keep smiling, friend :)
Monty Mole: You like to remain somewhat anonymous and blend in with the crowd. Everyone you play Mario Party with questions you, but you understand Monty. Monty probably understands you too in a way
Pom Pom: I have your social security number. Wtf is wrong with you? Where did your life go wrong? You’re certainly not okay in the membrane (as Lily would say). Stop
Bowser: Hey Daddy, I ain’t nobody’s butler but what kind of sandwich do you want me to make you? Pls take my number, there’s a chance you’re a red flag but the green flags who play Bowser are good enough to risk it all for 😍
Bowser Jr: You’re me. You also really like the Koopalings and wish you could play as them. Bowser Jr is your little blorbo and you love him to death. You’re cool. If that’s not the case, you’re the little sibling or cousin that nobody wants to play with because you’re a sore loser and a brat (and you know it and take pride in pissing everyone off) but everyone has to put up with you bc your parents/relatives/etc said they have to. If you’re an adult and fall within the latter category, you’re horrible to smoke with and you tend to get no bitches (I get bitches and run a stoner podcast loved by the rocks and our lovely listeners, it does get better mate) (link in pinned post to both the podcast itself and the trailer if you wanna listen to something stupid, we really appreciate your support!! <33)
Rosalina: You’re not as cool as you wish you were (at least not in your eyes), but your taste in women (if applicable) is pretty good. You want to be like Rosalina irl. Out of the main 3 Mario Girls, if Rosalina is your favourite, Daisy is likely your second favourite
Donkey Kong: You would rather play as Funky Kong, which is a red flag in itself, or you have big dick energy and are either jacked or <5’3”. Also, 🎶 D.K… Donkey, Kong… 🎶
Diddy Kong: You’re like the Toad players but think you’re special. You will either grow up to be homophobic just like your father, or you’re a trans preteen. You like arson and jetpacks, and you have may have trouble growing facial hair if applicable
Something feels missing here but I tend to be able to read people really well, lmk if you guys want one with every Mario Kart character :3
Bonus, Koopa Kid: damn youre old
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
If an anti likes your favourite character, it is not your favourite character anymore. It is a different person, I saw it from Uehara fans and Tsurugi fans specifically and can I rant about it? Because I need to bitch about it (Mf wrote a one drabble and think he is a master of characterization despite not doing it well)
People often forget characters are here to tell a story and if a character is ACTING LIKE A JACKASS for the themes of the story, therapy wont save him, or he is not going to fucking cry for getting a hug, or he is not getting fixed by a catholic's opinion. He was getting a new toxic mentality who cost him his other friends (I think Kinji's mentality affected Tsurugi in WORSER ways but.. this is a other story to tell)
Or if you think that seemingly "nice" character can fix someones wrong ideals in for their betterment you quite get the character wrong because despite his heart was in a good place, his opinions is even colder than Tsurugi's in longer context despite his opinions were true.
Life comes with prime numbers and context of your life, you needed to discard the prime numbers so Tsurugi did it with Teruya and Rei, 3 is a prime number but when he did it, you guys think he was a jackass despite of that pointing out think Kinji does in chapter 3
"Discard prime numbers, wasnt I done the same Tsurugi?"
I think erasing his fucking gray morals erasing the impact of the chapter 3. At least for me but here we are I bitched enough. What do you think about it?
Listen, I will be FOREVER salty about how not only was Taka fucked over by Kodaka, the fandom fucked him over in the opposite way.
There were so many ways you could have written him out of the story and done him justice, and they capitalized on none of them. I could write a 5 ways to kill off my boy and one way you absolutely fucking should not have.
Lowkey jealous of people who only read fanfic, so they don't know their blorbos are WILDLY ooc.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
For the Writing Asks, 2, 4, 10, 14, 15, 24, 33, 48, 51, 71, 76, and 77 (sorry if this is too many!)
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Usually just from What Iffing canon, I think, but that's a good question. A surprising number of my longfics are historical AUs or dystopian AUs, so I think probably What Iffing the world in which the story takes place, and asking how it would affect the characters -- I always want my characters to be in-character/canonesque even in an AU. I HATE OOC AUs. What's the fucking point then?? And I'm never interested in straight-up Modern No Powers AUs for any fandom. (Which makes it weird that I wrote so much boy band fic in my life, who are, really, just modern boys without any powers except the power of Charisma and Homoerotic Beauty.)
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
Ooh, I feel like it's not a conscious choice. There are WIPs in my folder that I really love! And I want to finish them! But the stars are not right. I want to finish my TOG/The Good Place AU so badly! I want to finish In Screaming Color! But no. Steve/Joyce, apparently.
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Almost always multiple until I get close to a hard deadline (for a big bang or an exchange, etc.) and then I go, "Shit, I need to focus on the one thing," and then I do. But I generally always have 4 WIP documents open at a time -- daily drabbles that I should get back to soon, another themed drabble set of some kind, a shortish one-shot, and a longfic.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
I can ONLY write at my desk these days. I try to write in coffee shops sometimes but I get very !!!! about Other People Seeing, even though it's not like I'm ashamed of anything I write? I did manage to write a bit on my vacation with @soundssimpleright back in October, which was nice. But I legit once went to a week-long writing retreat out in the middle of the Vermont woods with a bunch of National Book Award finalists and fancy people, and I just played Nancy Drew the whole time because my brain wouldn't let me write at Not My Desk. It was so bad. It was so bad. I mean I loved the retreat, 10/10 would go again, but I got nothing done.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
I get the most done either first thing in the morning (4-5AM until work) or late at night (2-3AM until I fall asleep). These days I mostly write early in the morning before work.
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I feel like it's not a conscious choice, which probably means that I'm making the easy choice and not challenging myself. I mean, do we not all write from Our Blorbo's POV? I think maybe the writerly answer is that I write from the POV of the character who will undergo the greatest metamorphosis in the story, but again, that's usually just Blorbo. I know though that in my original work, I generally always write the first draft in completely the wrong POV and then someone much smarter than me reads it and goes, "V, you did the thing again where you went out of your way NOT to have to write any conflict by having it in this POV," and I go, "Shit," and then I never finish it because I hate writing conflict.
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most?
LMAO we all know that I love a 100-word drabble. For non-drabble stuff, I still like Round Numbers. 1,000 words, 5,000 words, 10,000 words. I like Round Counts even though it doesn't make any rational sense.
48. Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
Currently, my favorite character to write is Steve Rogers, but that's pretty emblematic of my Favorite Character To Write For Fanfiction in general -- I like the Noble Hero Guy who puts duty ahead of himself to the point of self-destruction and doesn't realize that the people who love him want him to survive the fight more than they want him to win the fight. Your Steves. Your Poe Damerons. Your Percy Jacksons. I also like a good Tortured Resilient Angry Woman, like your Yelenas and Natashas and Wandas and Quynhs and Rachel Elizabeth Dares. In non-fanfiction stuff, I only write women. So.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
I definitely read more smut than I write, but otherwise it's not that different. I still hate a no-powers Modern AU generally speaking, and I 99% read canon-adjacent stuff. The only AU I really ever read is A/B/O that still takes place in the canon universe (like Marvel is still Marvel, the genitals are just different, or whatever). I read more angsty stuff than I write, too, I think, but having just said that, my THG stuff is all dark as fuck and that's the fandom where I read the darkest angst, so maybe not.
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
I go through phases with reading a lot of fic for a month and then reading none for a month? So writing, for sure, I do a lot more consistently and spend more hours per day on. I'm currently in a reading-actual-books phase so I'm not reading much fic outside of a few WIPs that I'm subscribed to, but I know that will change and I'll be in a fic-only reading phase soon enough. But I try to spend at least two hours a day writing. Try. I don't always succeed.
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
HA! I just cry. The biggest pressure that I get on my writing other than internal is my dad being super angry all the time that I haven't published original fiction yet, so. I cry.
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
Ooh, that's a big question. I think the shortest, most immediate answer that came to mind is that it's the natural extension of how I interact with media, just naturally -- I can never consume anything and NOT wonder what happens next, or what came before, or what if X had happened to [Character] instead of Y. Fanfiction is the way to explore answers to those questions. I truly cannot fathom consuming A Media and NOT wondering those things upon finishing. Like, it boggles my mind when people can consume A Media and then just be like, "That was enjoyable, I'm gonna go not think about it ever again." WHAT?!?
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
I have more incorrect quotes for the ocs. Have at them.
Iris: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for thirty minutes can't? Alister: Seconded.
River: I love you. You're the best big brother. Did I ever tell you congratulations on Kaibaland? Are you doing something different with your hair? It looks nice. The-- Seto: What do you want. River: Nothing! Can't I tell you how much I love and appreciate you without you thinking there's an ulterior motive? Seto: Mhm. Sure. Ten minutes later River: …Hey, Seto, would you mind driving Mokie, Rebecca and me to the movies?…and buying our tickets and snacks-- Seto: slams his hands against the laptop I KNEW IT-
Kat: Sometimes, I feel like a loaf of bread. Kat: Everyone keeps taking a slice of me until all that's left is two crusty pieces that no one wants. And I just want to scream, "Appreciate me, damn it!" Kat: But I don't. Why? Because my mother always told me that "Nice girls shouldn't make a fuss" and now I'm a FLIPPIN' DOORMAT!
Maddox: You need to stop this jaywalking crap. Joey: Miss me with that gay shit. Maddox: What gay shit, the law!?
Yugi: Why are Kat and Bakura sitting with their backs to each other? Iris: They're fighting. Yugi: Why are they holding hands then? Iris: They get sad when they fight.
Kat: Please, I'm begging you, go the the doctor! Bakura: I'm sorry, is this our stab wound? Bakura: No. Stay out of it.
Iris: Seto has no survival skills. His need to win has replaced them. Yugi: That can't be true. Iris: calling out Hey Seto! Race you downstairs-- Seto: jumps down from a couple stories above Seto: proceeds to jump through the window, doing a superhero landing pose Seto: Seto: I won. Iris: WE'RE ALREADY DOWNSTAIRS YOU IDIOT--
Maddox: First date idea is we go out for coffee and then the date lasts the entire weekend and then we move in together by the end of the month. Rishid: By the end of the week.
Alister: We should get married. Iris: choking on her coffee We should? Alister: Yeah, because if I'm your husband I'll never be asked to testify against you in court.
At a Stevie Nicks concert Kat: What do you think she's gonna play next, Max? Pegasus: I don't know, but if it's Edge of Seventeen, back up, I need some twirling room. Song starts to play Pegasus: Ah, this is it, this is it! Back up back up back up! Pegasus: starts to twirl
Chelsea: We've never met Joeys parents. But, judging from Joey, I think it's safe to assume they're-- Chelsea: --And this is nothing against Joey, we love Joey-- Chelsea: Monstrously stupid sewer people.
Vance: to his kids and the Yugi gang This weekends safety brief; Vance: Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Vance: Don't end up in the hospital, newspaper or jail. Vance: If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Vance: Have a good weekend.
Before that one big gang road trip Maddox: Alright, listen up, before we go any further, I'm gonna lay down a few rules, alright? Maddox: Commandment number one; shut the hell up. Maddox: Commandment number two; there's nothing I can do about the sun! Maddox: Commandment number three; there are no more jolly ranchers! They're all gone! Maddox: Commandment number four; when we pass a billboard, please don't read it out loud. Maddox: Alright? Now, c'mon, let's get going!
Weevil: None of those words are in the bible. Kat: Psalm 119:105. "And Jesus said unto his followers, should a manlet incel attempt to mainsplain the blockchain to a girlboss, may she waste his time and yassify his blorbos." Weevil: HE DID NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.
Serenity: Why are you sitting in a circle of salt? Kat: crossing her arms Oh, my boyfriend's a vengeful demon ghost and I'm mad at him. Serenity: concerned Oh, no! Bakura: trying to ram through the invisible barrier it made You can't sit inside that barrier forever! Kat: You stop doing your blood harvests and THEN we'll talk!\
Wes: to Bakura So, just chill out. Drink a seven up. Eat a moon pie. Wes: Quit murderin' people.
Gozaburo: You are annoyingly vain. Kat: Lmao you'd be surprised at how much I actually hate myself.
Kat: What if we went to dinner…not as friends? Kaiba: As enemies? Kat:
Yugi: Is he always like this when he loses? Iris: Oh, yeah. You should have been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum. Seto: YOU BUMPED THE TABLE AND YOU KNOW IT!
Having to face off against Ziegfried Maddox: chuckles darkly Maddox: I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, priviledged, effete, soft penised debutante. Maddox: You wanna start a street fight with me, bring it on, but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets. Maddox: You don't even know my real name! Maddox: I'm the fucking lizard king.
Bakura: holding out a diamond necklace to Kat It's not stealing; it's secret borrowing.
Joey: Have ya ever been told you can be a lil intimidatin'? Iris: Yes. Every day of my life since kindergarten.
Iris: Are you saying I'm your favorite hot mess? Alister: Actually, I'm my favorite hot mess. But you're a close second.
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