#these people look like fools now don't they
ihopeiexplode · 2 days
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📱 “Two Fools Inlove” [←Previous | Next→]
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"you know you didn't have to bring anything right?"
"yeah I know, just felt like bringing something"
"what's in it?"
"food what else dumbass?"
"coming from you probably someones head"
"wow very funny."
As he gave you the bag you were greeted with some desserts, homemade ones to be exact
"I thought you were bad at cooking?"
"Ive gotten better"
"sure you have..."
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"What am I looking at?"
"isn't the statute pretty??"
"I guess? All I see is some naked woman"
"you clearly don't understand art..."
"how do I not understand art when I literally paint, do poetry and calligraphy"
"you expect me to believe that?"
"wait your serious?"
"did you think im not?"
"I find that hard to believe..."
"what hobbies did you think I had??"
"dunno tormenting people maybe? You seem like the type"
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"I don't know how to bowl"
"how? It's literally so easy just throw the ball and there"
With that he'd toss bowling the ball to you as if it was nothing??
The moment he tossed it you immediately moved to the side
"your being dramatic it isn't that heavy"
"I'd break it myself if you keep acting like a drama queen"
You'd roll your eyes before picking up the ball from the ground and throwing it into the bowling lane, as you did,, however you didn't even manage to hit a single bowling pin..and when Sukuna saw it he immediately laughed at your failed attempt
He'd pick up another ball and hand it to you as he stood behind you
"you're doing it wrong, here"
With that he'd manhandle your body into a proper stance, once he was finished he backed up and told you to throw
And when you did you managed to hit all of the Bowling pins as you did so you immediately jumped and giggled
Sukuna was about to find it adorable but you just HAD to act cocky. When you did he immediately flicked your head
"you wouldn't have done it without me, don't act to confident"
"can't a girl dream?"
"yeah but you can't"
"wow okay.."
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"Sukuna what are you doing here?"
"Yuji asked me to come along to watch him skygazing"
"I'm surprised you agreed"
"didn't had a Choice"
"how come?"
"our mom told me I can't leave him alone, which is ridiculous he's perfectly fine by himself"
"speaking of wheres Yuji?"
"he ran into Megumi so he's having some quality time with his 'bestfriend', anyway why are you here?"
"just felt like it"
"what's so good about skygazing your just looking at stars what's so good about it"
"do you always have to be bitter?"
Both you and Sukuna would be sitting on the blanket you laid out on the floor as you two sat close to one another while looking at the stars, till you spoke
"you know Sukuna, I've been thinking"
"didn't know you had a brain"
"I'm kidding, continue"
"I guess you aren't really that bad, you fare un to hang out with, surprisingly...I thought I wouldn't have that much fun spending this much time with you but guess I was wrong"
"so what were friends now?"
"dunno, if you want I guess"
He wants to say something so badly. But he knows once he does his feelings would spill out. And he doesn't wanna do that right when you both are finally on good terms.
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Sukuna and uraume would be talking to one another as they sat down on a nearby chair
"how's things with y/n?"
"I guess it's okay, I went skygazing with her yesterday and she sorta confessed how I'm not that bad,"
"looks like you have a chance"
"chance for?"
"a chance to get with her? What else? It's obvious you like her"
"don't be ridiculous. Why would I like her?
"why would I like someone like y/n, the only reason I'm doing this is for the project nothing else, it's not like I care, let alone have feelings towards her"
"if anything when she told me her little confession I was on the verge of laughing, she really is pathetic isn't she? As if I'd be her friend"
"After this is over I'll just stop talking to her, simple,"
He's wondering why he's saying all of this? He knows he likes you but he won't admit that. He won't admit he's been chasing after you for years. He won't admit how he liked you despite how you felt about him. Sukuna isn't some pathetic loser he won't beg. He won't act desperate
After Sukuna finished talking he'd noticed how quiet they became, before he could ask what was wrong he heard a sound behind him, and when he turned around he saw you...
You stood behind him as you just stared at him wide eyed with your fist clenched, you were a fool to think a person like Sukuna would change, why would he ever change? It's still the same Sukuna deep down no matter what he does.
"how much did you hear?"
"all of it."
[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: be honest does this sound like Sukuna atp...he's so out of character I'm about to jump off a cliff
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb
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arthursdolly · 1 day
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𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 (𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝒙 𝒉𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓! req by @luds69 . afab/fem!reader . hyperfem!reader . reader is a dancer . all fluffy and cute
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god, arthur hasn't felt this exhausted and stressed since... blackwater? it was now getting to him, to say the least. getting away from lawmen, the pinktertons, and even trying to process that some of the members have died, it was rough. well, it always has been. this line of work wasn't for the weak. this a tough work.
he had to get out from camp for a bit. just a while, to clear his head. and this night, he did just that. he'll go through saint denis again.
he or dutch missed anything while the two of them were scoping around, anyway. arthur was just trotting through the warmly lit city. he didn't like it that much, meant more lawmen he had to be aware of, but it's not a problem. unless someone starts on him or realises who he is. he just had to keep a low profile. he had to be careful.
what felt like hoours of basically distracting himself with his outlaw life, a poster caught his eye. it was a theatre poster, nothing big but he was curious.
a poster of dancing girls in théâtre râleur. his eyes gazed at every girl, and yet his heart skipped a beat once he saw urs. u were so pretty, pretty as a picture. he thought u should even be the star of the show. goddamn, the fool that he was. it wasn't like him, and yet here is.. walking to the theatre. hoping that he'd see u. even for a glimpse...
there u were. having the absolute time of ur life as u danced around with the other girls, with the most genuine and beautiful smile that graced ur lips. he kept his gaze on u, not like his attention would be rippes from u anyway. and u couldn't see him anyway due to the spotlight, giving the people what they want as entertainment.
once u and the girls finished, u ended it with blowing a kiss to the audience. which got all the right reactions of whistles and cheering.
u were sitting in front of a vanity mirror, re-adjusting ur makeup before leave to go home. ur brain kept thinking back to that certain cowboy u saw in the audience. he looked so handsome... the way his gaze remained on u! oh, ur heart could explode at the thought. making u feel all funny inside.
“hey, miss? jus' wanted t'tell ya that i liked yer show the night.” u heard behind the door. a sort of.. rough tone.
it was like the universe knew ur thoughts perhaps? maybe? “oh thank ya, mister. means a lot.” u reply in that giggly tone of urs. u have lacked a little of company for a while so its not wrong if u just- “do you... wanna come in 'nd talk more?” and then silence occurred for a few moments. “... sure. i don't mind.”
and here u are. laughing and talking with a man in ur dressing room. arthur morgan, he was. u didn't see many people like him before. he looked like he lives out there instead of being cooped up in a city like u. he was like a breath of fresh air. “ive never met a man like ya, mister morgan.”
"yeah?" he's never met anyone like u either. the way ur all dressed in pink frills, pink lace...
"yeah... your different to other men that have come to see me after shows. i like talkin' to you.” u say softly before moving ur hair out ur face, adjusting the pink bow in ur hair. he looked away for a moment. he wasn't the type to handle compliments well. “ah, thank ya, miss [name]. it ain't nothin'.” he replied, dismissing his actions. “would you come to my next show? it's tomorrow night.. i'd like to see ya again.”
arthur wanted to. he so wanted to see u again. again and again. but his life... isn't so easy. it's more rough, tough, and life threatening. he doesn't want u to know about it. he can't have u wrapped up in that. he should say no- “'course. yer good at what u do.” he'd go to hell and back if it meant he'd see that pretty smile of urs again.
“hope im not being too forward, but... you're quite the handsome man.” did he hear u right? did u just call him handsome? no.. no way u did. he looked down, hising his flustered face. “ah... ain't nothin' of me. yer the pretty one, miss [name].” god, what was he saying? he could die of embarrassment of right now... “thank you, mr morgan.”
good lord, u were really the most beautiful lady he's ever seen.
the start of a new friendship, maybe?
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orecana · 3 days
behind those walls.....
Lucas/wong yukhei x feminine male reader
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(note: if you don't like feminine male reader or anything in this fic, please click off the fic.)
this was requested by a person i would to like to keep anonymous because the internet is cruel and i don't want that to happen to anyone as well. i'm finally back with another fic at least. i'm a bit too busy nowadays but i made time to write fics for you guys who keep supporting and reading them, which im grateful for btw. i hope you guys enjoy this one too!
lucas opens the door to his house, groaning in frustration as he puts his bag down onto a nearby chair as he sits on a sofa. he sighs before resting and shutting his eyes, attempting to doze off for a while.
"had a rough day? or did your hookups scatter away like the rats they are?"
hearing that annoying yet familiar voice makes him open his eyes again as he sits up straight and looks at them.
y/n was sipping his cup of tea wearing his white pajamas as he tilts his head at lucas as if he's asking for lucas to answer his earlier question.
lucas only groans another time as he was reminded of his failed hookup encounter. the girls all tried to hookup with him. even though he played along with them, they immediately left him when they saw the size they had to deal with, which is making him shake his head.
y/n listens carefully as he sips his cup of tea while leaning against the kitchen counter. lucas and y/n.........have a weird relationship. they met one day in school when lucas was going for a smoking session. y/n just straight up walked up to him and asked for a cigarette. lucas was hesitant at first but when he looked at y/n a bit closer at that time.
he was wearing the shirt of the school uniform but for the bottom part he was wearing a mid length black and red skirt paired with heels. he was still gesturing his hand towards lucas, asking for a cigarette as his other hand is on his vest.
lucas just tossed a cigarette to y/n who lights it up with a lighter hidden under his skirt. he stands near lucas and begins smoking as well.
lucas looks at y/n curiously as to why a person like him would be......... like this. he had almost thought gays would be annoying or stupid but from their encounter earlier, he can safely say that y/n is none of those. the way he carried himself and those enticing lips pressing itself into the cigarette.
"would you stop looking at me like a lovesick fool?"
lucas immediately noticed the sharp tongue the other got, but he didn't back down. throwing away his cigarette into a nearby garbage bin, he walks up to y/n and places his hands on both sides. y/n only looks up at lucas uninterested as he keeps smoking his cigarette. lucas leans in as he looks at y/n in the eyes.
y/n sighs as he takes out his cigarette and throwing it into a bin before he grabs lucas by his shirt, pulls him down and kisses him. they eventually found an empty and secluded classroom where they had sex. eventually this became a normal occurrence, lucas has a pretty high reputation for being the popular boy as well as a playboy who goes through girls like changing clothes. of course, some never work out and whenever that happens they would make out and have sex. no strings attached...............
y/n sighs again as he looks at lucas's face. it looks so hollow and so.....empty. even if it doesn't look like it, lucas and y/n have a close relationship. there are things that only they know about each other or things only they can tell about each other. just like now for instant, y/n knows that there is more to the story than a failed hookup. he knows lucas like the back of his hand, he would never get THIS upset over a failed hookup.
he puts his hand over lucas's chin and drags it to his face. lucas looks a bit surprised as if he didn't expect y/n to do this. y/n might be a girly fag or a disgusting disease or whatever the people call him, but that doesn't stop him from living life as he could.
"what's wrong lucas? even a braindead person could tell that you're not doing well"
lucas doesn't answer as he tries to pry y/n hands off of him with an annoyed face. y/n only sighs as he lets go of lucas's chin and goes to the kitchen so he could wash the cup. lucas follow him from behind, wanting to get something to eat. he looks at y/n calmly washing the cup he just drank from.
although lucas will never admit it out loud, he does find y/n pretty. his pretty face and those fluttery eyelashes and those (your eye color) eyes. lucas feels something rise up in his heart and he knew what it was. He denies it immediately though. he can't be............ he has a reputation to keep, he can't................
y/n places the cup into a cupboard before taking a glance at lucas who is currently mentally scolding himself. he looks away for a bit, feeling a bit of tears staining his eyes before he dries it with his fingers before going up and nudging lucas.
"come on, go to bed. we have school tmr."
lucas was about to protest but sees y/n gives him that "look" making him scared
"I said..............Go TO BED!"
"why are you at my house right now anyways?"
"because i can and i will bitch, now get your ass to bed before i make you."
"make me"
y/n only sighs and pulls out his hairclip before pushing a button on it. the hairclip increases in size a bit before a small needle appears from the clip. lucas felt a sweat drop down his face as y/n stares at him menacingly.
all you can hear in that moment is the sounds of lucas screaming and begging for mercy while y/n is just scolding and roasting the shit out of him.
the next day at school, lucas was going to school on his bike as usual when he looks at his right and saw y/n walking there with his earphones on. he never noticed it before but y/n features were even more prominent right now since he did some make up. his eyes looks even brighter that compliments his school uniform except this time he's wearing an extra long skirt.
lucas felt that feeling in his chest again as he tries to block it out and focus on getting to school. y/n could only notice that familiar bike as he sighs and walks a bit faster to school. a simple 'you fool' was the only thing he muttered as he also focus on getting to school as fast as possible.
lucas felt like he was on drugs or at least that what he felt like... he keeps noticing y/n's features that he didn't before and everytime he does it he felt that thing in his heart which he absolutely despises, he cannot feel like this. they were friends nothing more!
infuriated lucas decided to go to the club again after school, thinking that hooking up with people will lift up his mood, he walked into the club and looked around, searching for potential hookup. a girl approached him and he decided she would be that person as they made out and went into a room. he was ready to fuck the girl but.... he couldn't get erect. no matter how hard he tried and then... he remembered y/n's face. he was immediately erect which didn't sit well with him as he got frustrated again and left the room and the club entirely.
he storms into his house again in frustration as he marches towards his room. he sinks into his bed as he stares to the ceiling. he shouldn't feel like this at all! why changed?! why did he suddenly feel like this?
he groans and just showered, to possibly cooldown. after he was done, he puts on a sleeveless shirt and collapses onto the bed, unknowingly dreaming of y/n being next to him.
the next morning he rode his motor to school again but this time he didn't see y/n on the road, which was weird in his opinion. they leave home at almost the same time so lucas would have definitely noticed him. he has this itching feeling that something is gonna happen so he hurries to school.
the moment he parked his motor, he heard someone scream and the sound of an impact. quickly he rushed to the area and he saw y/n being knocked into a wall by a bunch of bullies. he was about to rush in but then y/n looked at his direction and secretly signals lucas to stay there before y/n kicks the bullies in the stomach one by one. the bullies fall to the ground, groaning in pain as y/n stomps the ground with his heels that made the ground below it breaks. the bullies were scared and ran.
lucas wanted to run up to y/n but y/n only looked his way one more time before he goes back into school, leaving lucas there to stare at him with a hurt heart.
after school ends, lucas was getting on his bike to go home today, before he heard a familiar voice.
"i haven't seen you go straight home after school in a while, lucas"
he turns back to see y/n standing there with his school uniform and heels. he looks at lucas with a look that lucas can't decipher. lucas felt that pang in his heart again..... it had became too much at this point. he tried to invite y/n to sit on the motor with him, but y/n was no where to be seen. he looked everywhere around him, but gave up after not seeing him at all and drove home, unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching him from behind the gardens.
2 months has past, lucas tried to date girls as he used to, but the lingering feeling of y/n always make him unable to continue dating those girls. he also slowly found himself accepting the deep feeling inside of him. y/n was the only person who knew the "real" him, who stayed and took care of him. lucas smile unconsciously as he leaves class again for the day and looks at his phone. his eyes widen at the date.
it's y/n's birthday today.
he actually got excited, for the first time in his life, he has something to look forward to. he drove his motor to go to the mall to get something for y/n, unaware of the approaching car because of his excitement.
y/n just got out of school after his dance classes ended when he heard a murmuring among the students. curious, he listened and he wished that he wouldn't have had to hear that.
"did you hear? lucas is in the hospital!!"
"he got into a traffic accident while going somewhere."
y/n skin crawled immediately after he heard that. he immediately dashed out of school before using his phone to both call the nearest taxi and to track down lucas's location. y/n was kinda protective of lucas even if he doesn't know it himself, he secretly placed a tracker on the earrings he bought for lucas on his birthday, one that lucas will always wear no matter what.
y/n rides the taxi as he looks at the tracking device on his phone and tells the driver the location of the hospital. he was sweating buckets, he cared for lucas very much, even if he never showed it.
"you fucking idiot!"
y/n finally arrives at the hospital as he hands over the amount of money the driver needed before running into the hospital. arriving in front of the desk, he asked for lucas's room number which the nurse provided as he rushed there immediately.
he pushes the door open and sees lucas on the bed. the monitor showing his heartbeat at a stable condition. sighing in relief, y/n sits down on one of the chair in the room as he watches lucas sleeping form.
call him terrible for thinking this, but he thinks that lucas getting into this accident was good for him maybe. lucas has been grumpy nowadays, it's good now that lucas is sleeping peacefully.
y/n holds lucas's hand as he continue to stare at lucas. y/n would never admit it out loud, but he is kinda proud to have taken care and fell for lucas. he was the only one who saw him for who he was.
lucas squirm as he felt pain all over his body and slowly open his eyes. he opens them as he takes in the white ceiling and the surroundings.
"finally awake?"
hearing that familiar voice, lucas looks at his left and saw y/n sitting on the chair, holding his hand. lucas couldn't help but smile seeing y/n.
y/n suddenly stands near his bed as lucas prepares for whatever is coming and closes his eyes, but he felt arms wrapping around him and a quiet sob. quickly, he wraps his arms around y/n as well as they just stay in that position for a good amount of time.
"visiting times are over!"
y/n sighs as he releases from lucas and looks at him in the eyes before giving lucas a quick peck on the lips before grabbing his bag and going to the door. lucas who was stunned by the sudden kiss, immediately shouts for y/n to stop.
"what are we now? that peck....wasn't like any of our previous ones"
y/n turns around and look at lucas dumbstruck face and only gives a smile. "whatever you want it to be" before going out of the door, leaving a dumbstruck lucas who can't stop smiling after hearing that.
(i know the ending kinda sucks but i think.......this suits their relationship. what comes after? .....you guys can fill in the blanks with what you want.)
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Who | jeon jungkook & min yoongi (+18)
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Genre: One-shot, Smut, Non-Idol!AU, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Love Triangle
Word count: 8.3k
Summary: Once you, Yoongi and Jungkook were inseparable, but a conflict between the three of you has broken your friendship. It was especially you who were mad with your ex-friends and the situation escalated even more after you estranged both Yoongi and Jungkook. 3 months have passed since you last talked and although the three of you are neighbours, you pretend not to know them...
Warnings/Themes: virgin and petty/jealous y/n, jungkook’s a bit of a brat, yoongi really likes to look, a whole lot of swearing, threesome (M/M/F), dirty talk,grinding, oral (m and f receiving),yoongi and jungkook are pretty unserious,a bit of fingering and breast play, double penetration, squirting, unprotected sex (do it in your dreams guys, only in your dreams…)
Author’s note: it’s my first smut ever guys, so I let my mind go wild without really thinking straight lol so be gentle with me 🙏🏽
Yoongi and Jungkook ignore your presence as they keep yelling at each other.
Jungkook: "You told me you didn't care!!!"
Yoongi: "I didn't and I still don't..."
Jungkook: "Don't act so innocent! You really think you did nothing?"
Yoongi: "Yes, I haven't done shit... You're scolding me like I committed a crime"
Jungkook: "No, no, don't pretend like I'm in the wrong! You acted all nonchalant and then you pull shit like that"
Yoongi: "It's not my fault she likes me back. We're trying this out"
Jungkook: "Shut the fuck up, you said you DIDN'T CARE!!!"
Yoongi: "And I don't... Like I said before, I gave her a chance"
You're quietly seated in front of the kitchen counter, disappointed that they're even arguing over such a mediocre thing. The things people do for love, you think.
Y/N: "Can we please turn it down, I beg you"
You're ignored another time, but now you're even more stressed out, laying your head on the counter in frustration.
Jungkook: "Wow, what a great fucking friend, like it makes the situation any better..."
Yoongi: "Don't be mad at me Jungkook, she likes me and not you... Go cry about it"
Jungkook: "I can't believe you don't see how fucked up that is!!! After all those years I told you I liked Jia and you never showed interest in her, now you're telling me you're giving her a fucking chance?!!!"
Yoongi: "Yes, because she doesn't like you in the first place and I think she's hot"
Jungkook: "You're a fucking dick Yoongi, I-"
Both jump at your sudden outburst. Usually, when they fought, you sat down and quietly listened until you had to intervene and calmly remind them not to scream at each other.
But this time it's different. Now, you're also the one screaming at them and both your friends were taken aback by it, especially Yoongi who has a clear confused frown plastered on his face.
Y/N: "You're getting all worked up over a girl who, not only doesn't like you, but also used you in every imaginable way; and you, Yoongi, you aren't acknowledging the fact you stabbed your best friend in the back for a damn hook-up you're trying to disguise as a serious relationship... Both of you need to apologise to each other, NOW!"
They're speechless and surprised by your sudden and honest intervention.
Jungkook: "She... She never used me, Y/N..."
You don't respond, simply giving him an annoyed look.
Yoongi: "And Jia is not a hook-up"
You roll your eyes.
Y/N: "You can fool yourselves, but not me..."
They're aware you're going to confront them to shut down all their claims, so they simply stay quiet, wondering what more you have to say.
Y/N: "... How come you never brought her on a date, but every time you see each other is at yours, fucking shamelessly like me and Jungkook don't hear you through the walls? Also, Jungkook, have some fucking self-respect, will ya? Jia has always asked you to do her photo shoots FOR FREE and promised you to go on a date with you, but she never did."
Jungkook: "Why do you care so much?..."
Yoongi gives him a glare. Jungkook is clearly offended by your criticism, but Yoongi knows being passive aggressive towards you isn't the smartest idea, especially when you're clearly in the right.
Y/N: "Oh, I don't know... Because for the past few weeks you've been going at it, ignoring my advices, my presence overall, and every time we see each other you are talking about Jia- I mean, fighting over Jia. Don't you think about how I feel being in the middle of all of this?"
Jungkook: "For fuck sake, not everything is about you Y/N!"
Y/N: "Excuse me?!!"
You get up, frustratedly going towards both of them. Unlike Yoongi, Jungkook looks way too confident, like he's sure he can convince you that you're wrong.
Y/N: "Then why the fuck do you even call me in the first place, uh?"
Jungkook: "'Cause I want my best friend to back me up..."
Yoongi: "Jungkook, stop"
Jungkook: "Shut the fuck up, Yoongi! Y/N, he stole Jia from me..."
Y/N: "And that's the problem... That's all you care about: you care about Yoongi 'stealing' Jia from you, not both of them betraying your trust. In every single argument, you only talk about how she was meant to be with you like she'll ever give you a chance"
You almost break down telling him all that.
Jungkook: "Are you fucking serious, what do you want me to say?"
Y/N: "I want you to apologise to each other and ghost that bitch!"
The silence is loud and before Yoongi can say anything, Jungkook shouted...
Jungkook: "You know Y/N, you should shut your damn mouth! You're the fucking bitch who's being overly jealous because you can't get laid..."
And there you completely lose it. Not by yelling or screaming. You start crying... At first, you refuse to look vulnerable in front of them, but you would've never expected this from Jungkook. He knows very well that feeling undesired is one of your insecurities.
Y/N: "Wow..."
Yoongi is baffled by Jungkook's remark and looks like he's about to beat his ass for good... But he's completely frozen, not sure what to do when he sees you crying for the very first time after a decade of friendship.
Y/N: "You know what?... I'm done. Good luck with Jia. She's such a sweet girl and I guess you both deserve her after 10 years of putting up with a nosy, virgin bitch, am I right?"
Jungkook: "Wait Y/N, I didn't really mean it, I just-"
Y/N: "Oh no, you meant it all right... Both of you are dead to me"
You take your purse and storm off Yoongi's apartment without looking back at them.
Both feel guilty, realising just then how they treated you for the whole month.
But they don't stress too much over it, thinking everything is going to be resolved the day after like usual.
But from that point on, you don't respond to their messages, or pick up their calls and when you pass each other inside and outside of your building, you ignore them, as if they're just any other neighbour.
Jungkook: "Hey Y/N!"
He waves at you.
Y/N: "Who are you?"
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3 months later…
Your best friend, Vivienne (for short Viv) is taking all the space of your bed while you're trying not to fall on your ass as you stay still on the edge.
"Viv, can you close your legs?" you say as you slowly turn to the other side to face her "You're taking up all the space"
Seeing that she isn't even moving an inch, you force yourself to move her legs to the other side. As you do, you take a peak at the alarm clock on the night stand and see that it's 6 PM.
"Viv, at what time was that party?" you ask, trying really hard not to fall asleep before she gives you an answer.
"Whatever, the party starts at 8... We still have plenty of time" she replies, still half asleep.
You grunt as you force yourself up from the bed as you try to drag your friend out of bed too.
"Girl, it's 6... Get your ass up"
"Already?..." she whines in a sleepy and raspy voice "Just a few minutes ago it was 3 PM"
You roll your eyes, annoyed that she is putting a lot of effort in resisting you, keeping a firm hold onto your best friend's arm until she could get herself up. She definitely doesn't look happy at your violent method of waking her, but that's the only effective way to do so.
As Vivienne lazily walks towards the bathroom to splash some freezing water on her face, you open the closet to pick both of your outfits: yours is a simple black tight dress while your best friend's is a white one. Nothing too glamorous or shimmery.
The party you're going to is a simple gathering between high school friends, a reunion of some sort, but you know very well that it's not going to be a formal type of event: there's going to be a DJ you know who frequently plays at night clubs and raves and, obviously, a lot of alcohol; also, considering the party will be held on a huge yacht, you know people will start going crazy... Thank your scholarship for letting you in one of the most prestigious private school in your country!
The sound of water running from your bathroom takes you by surprise. Vivienne said she wasn't going to take a shower, but from the sound of it she was bullshitting.
"Viv!" you yell out to make sure she hears you "You said you weren't going to shower!"
"Girl, you forgot we cooked seafood for lunch!"
You take a strand of your hair to check if it's even necessary to wash yourself again: they smell good, like well seasoned prawns. You sigh and close your eyes as you lay your back on the bed. You're disappointed in yourself because you already washed your hair this morning, but now they're smelly again. 
"I gotta shower too, so hurry up or we're going to be late!"
She simply yells out a "yeah" without saying anything further.
When your mind slowly drifts away from reality as you feel your friend's absence, you take your hair mask and apply a good amount on your hair. You also glance at your dress and an uncomfortable realisation pops on your mind. Having cooked seafood for lunch isn't the only thing you forgot today: you know those two are also going to be at the party.
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Now you're both ready: squeaky clean, smelling good, and well fit into your clothes. Your make-up is also as simple as your dresses are, both of you opting for a clean girl look.
As you take the front seat of the car, Vivienne notices your gloomy expression and chuckles. You snap your head towards her direction, almost mad that she immediately understands you're concerned.
"What's with that face?" she asks as she starts the car.
"What did I do now?" you ask her, defeated.
"You usually talk a lot before these type of outings... Because of the excitement" she says all happy as she focuses on the road.
"Drive" you reply dryly.
"Don't avoid the subject girl... It's very obvious that something's bothering you"
"Look, I'm fine... And I'm definitely going to enjoy tonight" all you say clearly feeling forced.
"Doesn't look like it" she chuckles, giving you a quick smirk to let you know you're not fooling her "The fact you're this moody means that you're not gonna take the alcohol well and I really don't want to deal with your ass tonight"
You scoff at her statement, getting pissed by how well she's reading you at the moment. You just turn your head the other way to face the window, trying your best to ignore the topic.
However, it doesn't take you long to fold. Thinking you could see them there makes you very uncomfortable.
"It's because of them" you look down as you fidget your fingers "They're probably going to be there"
"Oh baby, are you being for real right now?..." she says with a soft voice, but still in disbelief "Over them? You're this grumpy?"
"I don't wanna see them... I've done my best not to bump into them" you say almost furiously, but restraining yourself from screaming your lungs out "I won't let them ruin this night..."
"Honey, look at you... They already did" she says with pity "Beside we haven't seen them when we went out. They probably decided not to go"
"I really hope so Viv" you close your eyes, resting your head on the seat "But considering how well I managed to avoid them these past three months, they might as well surprise me with their presence once we get there"
"Wait..." she pauses for a bit, replaying the long walk you both took to get to her car "... The reason why it took so long for us to get to the underground parking lot-"
"Yeah..." you say, faintly audible but still enough for Viv to hear the shame in your voice.
"Girl, I get why you feel this way, but you can't pull shit like this..."
You look at your best friend's disappointed face, feeling guilty for making her walk all those stairs with her heels just for your pathetic fight you had with Jungkook and Yoongi.
Vivienne is absolutely right. You think you gave yourself some peace after ghosting them for three whole months, but the reality is that you put even more pressure on yourself just so you could pretend that your ex-friends were completely out of your life.
You had to do something about it and you're scared about what that might imply.
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Like always, you're one of the few who arrived early, but you weren't at all surprised considering that rich kids rarely care about being on time. Vivienne could've warned you about that, she's a rich girl after all, but she knows that getting there early means there's going to be plenty of food she can eat all by herself. And she's right.
Going on the yacht, she immediately heads towards the buffet, munching on a few snacks and drinking some juice.
You're busy exploring the almost empty boat, having to greet and have small talk with some of your former school mates. No sight of Yoongi or Jungkook. And you're hopeful that is going to be like that for the rest of the night.
You stop your track at the deck which is still full of staff that are helping the DJ with his set, the speakers and the lights. A few other people are there, laughing like crazy as they keep sipping white wine. Now the party is getting a bit more alive as more people are showing up.
Vivienne later catches up to you, offering you a glass of champagne and some cubes of Parmigiano Reggiano that you gladly accept.
It's then that you hear an annoying voice coming from behind you. You almost forgot that bitch existed.
"Hey, Y/N" Jia greets you with her wide smile "It's been a while, how are you?"
"Very good, thank you" you say, trying to be as civil as possible "What about you?"
"Oh, nothing exciting really... Still trying with my modelling and acting career, but it's been pretty difficult recently, you know?" she says with a weird expression, expecting you to know what the hell she's talking about.
"Umm, no, sorry... I don't get what you mean"
"You know, I just... Can you, like, tell Jungkook I need his help?" Oh, so that's what this bitch is trying to get at "I really don't know what happened and, whatever happened, I get it, it's none of my business, but he stopped contacting me all of a sudden and it's been really difficult for me. I need new shots for my photo book"
"Look, I'm pretty sure you can contact him through Instagram or go to his website, you don't need me"
"I tried, but I got no response"
You can't keep up the act anymore.
"Then he might not want to hear anything from you" you say with clear bitterness in your tone.
"I beg your pardon?..." her facade drops instantly.
"No offence, but you owe him A LOT of money, don't you think?" I raise my eyebrow.
She doesn't bother to respond. She walks away, going back to her group of friends, stomping away like a child who couldn't convince her parents to get her favourite toy. Vivienne, who clearly enjoyed the show you put up, giggles with you as you take a sip of champagne.
"Ain't no way that guys like Yoongi and Jungkook gave her any attention..." Viv says as she wipes off her tears of laughter.
"Pretty rich girls like her can get away with anything, until they show off their shitty personality" you laugh "Glad that Jungkook cut her off"
"Well..." she raises her shoulders "Would you talk to him now that you know he avoids her?"
"Hell nah..." you scoff.
She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disapproval.
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You surprisingly haven't drank as much as you expected, unlike Vivienne who is dancing crazily with her glass full of alcohol, spilling all over her hand. She linked with a cute girl and started flirting with her right away. She has a weak spot for goth girls and you soon realise that you're probably going home alone tonight. Not that it bothers you, you can do the same thing right now, but you're scared of bumping into them.
Y/N, you're so fucking annoying. You promised yourself that you were going to enjoy this night. Get your ass up and have fun!
You quickly get up from your seat and stop a waiter to get two glasses from his tray. You swallow them like shots and walk fast towards the dance floor.
For a few minutes, you're swaying your hips all by yourself, focusing on the loud music. However, it doesn't take long for you to catch someone's attention: behind you, you feel a pair of big hands wrapping around your waist, his body moving with yours to the rhythm, thankfully without completely grinding on you like a mad dog.
You raise your hand to touch the back of his neck, being needy for a simple touch that you've rarely gotten in your life. Not that you can blame others for this. That's actually what you want. You're a celibate and promised yourself to be intimate exclusively with the people you really care about. But deep down you still have your desires, so feeling a bit of physical affection is exactly what you need now.
You know that, whoever that is, he won't get anything more from you.
"Fuck, I've never seen this side of you..." you hear a familiar voice whispering close to your ears.
You instinctively jump and turn around to make sure you aren't hallucinating, but it's him, in all his glory: Min Yoongi. The asshole who betrayed his friendship for some pussy.
You look around to see if there's any easy way out from the crowd, but you're out of luck. You're stuck with him, completely clueless of his intentions.
"Can't ignore me anymore, can't ya?" he grins as he brings you closer to him.
"Fuck you Min Yoongi!" you yell out "I'm only talking to you because I have no other way to go!"
He doesn't give you any snarky reply back. He just hugs you and hides his face in the crook of your neck, your skin getting wet because of his tears.
"I'm so fucking sorry Y/N..." he muffles with a weak voice you rarely hear from him "I've missed you so much... And the fact that it all happened over someone so insignificant makes me ashamed of myself"
It's so strange to hear him so vulnerable and all teary eyed with you. He's the type of guy who'd always be there for you and be the shoulder when you cry, but he has never shed a tear himself.
You caress his head, your cheek resting on top of his soft raven hair. You put all of your pettiness aside and decide to be there for him, acknowledging that you probably hurt him a lot by ghosting him.
Although he has had his fair share of faults during the debacle, it was actually Jungkook who wronged you. Yoongi technically hasn't done nothing too bad to hurt you. You mentally slap yourself for not reconciling with him earlier.
"Yoongi, don't cry when we're on the dance floor" you say sarcastically to improve his mood "Where were we?"
His eyes still red and swollen, a slight smirk appears on his face as it darkens.
"I've always been curious about your fun side..." he chuckles.
You shut him up by pressing your index finger on his lips and you rest your arms around his shoulders. You dance to the music again, forgetting your overly worried past self who wanted to avoid him at all costs.
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With a tap on your screen, you check the time on your cellphone: it's 11 PM and you have passed majority of your time with Yoongi.
Then a notification popped on your screen:
Viv - "girl, soery but I gitta go "
"yhsi horl is too cute to be trie"
You chuckle at her spelling mistakes and you start tapping on the screen:
You: "No worries girl"
"I'm also occupied myself 😉"
Viv: "😈😈😈"
"Somones gettin railed tonught"
You roll your eyes at her dirty thoughts, but at the same time you can't blame her for your poor choice of emoji.
"Are you really texting during a party?" the voice of your favourite man taking you by surprise.
"Oh hey" you take a sigh of relief after his sudden jump-scare "It's just Viv who found herself a hook up and left earlier"
He takes a seat beside you and carefully puts down a tray with full shot glasses on the table. You shake your head in disbelief looking at the clear liquor.
"Fifteen shots? Just the two of us?"
"Three. Jungkook's here too... Somewhere" he says as he looks around for him but with no avail "I'll call him"
"No Yoongi..." you grab his wrist tightly, not letting him reach for his phone "I don't wanna see him"
"I thought we were good..."
"Yes, WE are good, not me and Jungkook" you remind him "I didn't forget"
"He is really sorry" he says as he cups your face "He misses you and has only thought about reconciling with you ever since the fight. Give that fool a chance"
The last sentence is followed up with a laugh, but you just give him a death glare.
Understanding that you're being absolutely serious about ignoring Jungkook for the whole night, he passes a few good minutes staring at Jungkook's contact number, contemplating whether to call or just listen to your wishes.
But then again, luck is never at your side and in a blink of an eye, Yoongi is standing up to give a dap to Mr. "Jealous-Bitch-Who-Can't-Get-Laid".
As he lets go of Yoongi's hand, Jungkook freezes at your sight: it's seems like time stopped and you're stuck staring at his big doe eyes. You still replay that night, feeling your insides boiling from fury, but you can't deny how weak he makes you feel when he makes those cute guilty expressions. You hate it and love it at the same time.
"Hey-" but you immediately interrupt him.
"And who are you exactly?" you tell him coldly as you look elsewhere.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook" he answers with a chuckle you don't give in return "I know you don't want to see me"
"Then fuck off.." you call him out with a death glare.
Jungkook looks close to lose it in front of you, but instead he kneels in front of you with his head down, almost looking like he's begging for your mercy and proposing to you at the same time.
"You were right all along Y/N" he says quietly "I stopped contacting Jia and every time she reached out for me, she kept mentioning her damn photo shoots"
You're glad he finally understands how much of a manipulator Jia is, but you still haven't forgiven him for his insult. Almost in a desperate attempt to get your attention, he lightly grabs your hand as he rests his elbows on your legs.
"I reflected deep on my actions and I realised that I only projected my insecurities onto you..." feeling intrigued, you turn your head to see Jungkook looking up to you "I am actually the jealous bitch who can't get laid"
You grin at his confession.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that... Can you repeat that, please?" Jungkook sighs, putting all his pride away.
"I am the jealous bitch who can't get laid" he repeats.
A quiet laugh escapes your mouth and Jungkook, instead of whining, just looks at you and smiles. He missed your laughter, your smile, everything of you actually, for a very long time. He hugs you warmly, taking in the scent of sweet vanilla that he always loved. However, you lightly pull him away.
"I'm still bitter Jungkook, don't hug me" he simply laughs it off because he's glad you're not ignoring him anymore.
Yoongi is seated beside you and looked at the both of you with a huge smile on his face. He's used to be a third wheel, not because he isn't an important friend of you, but because you usually bicker and fight with Jungkook. And he missed that.
"Okay you two..." you and Jungkook shifting your attention to Yoongi "I brought fifteen shots of Vodka... Let's not waste any of it"
You three simply smirk at each other.
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It's 2 AM and the taxi driver is mainly focusing on the road, but there are times where he glared into the rear-view mirror because your laughter is way too loud to ignore. Kids are wild these days, he thinks.
The three of you were okay with five shots each, but then you kept adding more and more. Clearly none of you are in the right conditions to drive. But, as expected, Yoongi was stable enough to call a cab to get you back home.
The ride is filled with jokes and nonsensical discussions between you three, which is hell for the man steering the wheel, but it's exactly what your friendship needs at that moment.
Fifteen minutes later and Yoongi is paying the driver while you and Jungkook are heading inside the building. It doesn't take too much for him to reach both of you, who are barely able to open up the door without cracking up after a few failed attempts to pull.
Thanks to Yoongi's resilience, you make it to Jungkook's apartment without any mishap and he quickly helps both of you towards the couch before grabbing three cups of water.
Although you are pretty drunk, you aren't to the point of vomiting. You just feel very light and giggly.
"Do you want to know something, Y/N?" he says as he takes a sip of his water "Jia approached me tonight and she was... Desperate"
"Oh tell me about it..." you laugh "She came up to me and was like can you tell Jungkook...? and I was like shut your damn mouth, gosh"
"You're going to love what I'm about to tell you then!" he scoots closer to you "At first she begged me like she normally does and then... She said she'd suck me off for free pics"
"Ain't no fucking way!" you cover your mouth while simultaneously hitting him on the chest "What the fuck did you do then?"
"I told her to ask Yoongi" he chuckles to himself.
It's then that Yoongi appears, putting his arm over your shoulder with a grin on his face.
"Not gonna lie, I kinda miss her mouth"
"Eww, we don't want to know that" you try to reach his mouth with your hand to shut him up. He leans back with a playful smirk, satisfied to see the funny expression on your face.
"Look, men have their weakness..." he sarcastically replies "Jungkook would say the same, though he never got head from Jia"
Now it's Jungkook who tries to silence him by pushing his leg up against his friend's chest, but Yoongi is far enough to dodge it. You laugh until all of you have tears falling down yours eyes.
Then the laughter died down. Maybe it was the sudden mention of Jia or it's just the liquor hitting you late, but the three of you are quiet as quiet can be. In the silence, you slowly realise that you're suddenly back to normal, as if nothing happened. As if Jungkook never said what he said. As if you never ignored them.
"It fucking hurts my insides" they say nothing at your sudden words, both of them confused and looking at you like you're just saying gibberish. They both feel cringy at the situation, but maybe that's what happens when you haven't talked for three months.
"It's so fucking unfair" you continue "Both of you drive me crazy to a point I can't even recognise myself sometimes"
Both of your friends stare at each other for a good minute before taking you in their arms to comfort you: Yoongi let's you lay your head on his chest, while Jungkook is hugging you from behind as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
Their heat, their breath, their scent... It's starting to bother you more than usual.
You stand up from the couch, feeling overwhelmed by the two giving you so much special attention. You deeply sigh as you stay still, your back facing them.
You suddenly feel Jungkook's muscular body wrapping around you, his lips giving you light pecks. What is he planning to do? You turn around and push him away, just to see both of them looking at you very confused.
Shit. You're the only one who's seeing it that way. You genuinely don't know how to act right now and your mind goes straight to booze, thinking it could numb whatever emotion your feeling inside, so you run to the kitchen, taking both of them by surprise. You desperately search for some alcohol until you find a bottle of whiskey inside the mini fridge.
"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?" Yoongi says as he gently grabs you by your shoulder "What happened?"
Jungkook is standing beside him, looking puzzled just like his friend is. You just stare at them with a bottle of whiskey in your hand, trying to let out some words. But they don't come out.
You replay everything in your head: them fighting because of Jia, why you ignored them for three months straight, your unexpected reunion... The realisation hit you like a truck and you wished you didn't drink as much as you did tonight. If you were sober you wouldn't have reacted this way. You would've had more control over your thoughts.
Your mind is a bit fuzzy, but their image is still clear as day: Jungkook's soft features paired with a muscular build, tattoos and piercings; and Yoongi's sharp eyes paired with soft features, his skin, his lips, his hair...
In films, this is usually the part where the protagonist has to choose who she wants to spend her entire life with, but you want to kiss them both so bad. This is a nightmare.
"Maybe I should sober up" you stare him straight into his eyes as you hold on tight to the bottle.
"You're right" Yoongi says as he takes it away from you "Maybe you can do that without whiskey"
Yoongi puts it back inside the mini fridge and, along with Jungkook, he helps you sit on a stool near the kitchen counter.
They keep repeating "are you all right?" and it's honestly starting to get on your nerves, but they're just worried about you now. Your mood has drastically switched without them doing anything and they're scared of having offended you another time without knowing.
"Can y'all be quiet for a second..." their mouths immediately close at your order "I need to process some stuff and you're not helping at all"
"What can we do?" Jungkook says as he lightly puts his hand on your waist.
Not pushing your buttons. That might be a start.
"Nothing" you sigh as you glance at his veiny hand.
The wind and cars passing by your neighbourhood are the only sounds filling the room. The boys look at each other, telepathically saying they should do something to get your mind out of whatever you're thinking. But you open your mouth first.
"I overreacted" you look at the floor with gloomy eyes "Not because you ignored me, but because of Jia"
They look at each other again with eyes wide open. Are you going to apologise to them? They think.
"I saw both of you getting in such an altercation over this girl and I got scared" you confess as you now look at both of them with teary eyes "So I left before you could do that to me"
They are left speechless as you try your hardest not to cry in front of them. Yoongi puts a hand on your shoulder, but you quickly brush it off of you.
His touches tempt you.
"I know... I'm weird- No" you pause, swallowing some of your saliva in an attempt to hold your tears "I'm fucked in the head"
"You're right, it's weird and kind of fucked up" your eyes widen as you directly stare into Yoongi's, assuming that you have messed up big time "And so is Jungkook attempts to kiss you throughout the night"
"Bro, what the fuck!" Jungkook raises his eyebrows, taken aback by his best friend exposing his ass.
"And what's more fucked up is that it only makes me want to make out with you more"
Now it's you and Jungkook who are staring at each other, pretty dumbfounded by Yoongi's peculiar kink. But deep down, even the youngest feels the same. He doesn't have the courage to do anything because he thinks you're going to find them extremely weird and ghost them again.
"Would you mind if I kissed you?" Yoongi whispers into your ears, sending shivers down your spine doing so.
Jungkook is sitting there, still processing the situation but hiding his smirk, kind of enjoying the show Yoongi is putting. You turn your head towards Yoongi's and immediately feel his small, soft lips on yours.
Moaning onto the kiss, you make yourself comfortable being held in Yoongi's arms. Jungkook is still watching it all, how your kiss, from a gentle and almost innocent one, becomes a passionate and lustful one.
Doubt overcomes your mind at the best part, stopping him as you feel his tongue getting more active. Yoongi protests with a curse and Jungkook frowns at the sudden interruption.
"You guys do remember I have set morals and values for myself?" I remind them, taking a more stern tone "This is so fucking disrespectful to my dignity"
Yoongi giggles at the sentence he's heard.
"You mean, the fact that you're celibate? That you'll give all of you to your one true love?" Jungkook asks as he chuckles in disbelief.
"Y/N, now you're being the delusional one" both of Yoongi's hands on your shoulders pull you closer to him "You just confessed that you want to kiss the both of us and now we're the ones disrespecting your dignity?"
You can't say anything back. They're right and there's no need to lie to yourself or to them even further. Your dignity was long gone as soon as you started imagining both of them taking turns with you.
"So... Where were we?" Jungkook says after that long awkward silence, suddenly turning you around with a swift motion to make you face him.
Jungkook easily picks you up and puts you on the kitchen counter as he leads your passionate kiss. Yoongi, with both his elbows on the counter watches you attentively, especially how your hands are running all over his chest and abdomen.
After sometime, Yoongi gets up and leaves the kitchen. After you hear the sound of the stool's stem getting dragged on the floor, you pull away and look at Yoongi leaving. Jungkook immediately shifts his attention to your neck, licking and biting on your sensitive spots. You start to moan and your head instinctively tilts back as you enjoy his warmth with closed eyes.
"Jungkook, Yoongi left..." you quietly tell him in between your moans.
"His choice" he says before continuing to nibble onto your neck.
You slightly push him away to stand up and follow Yoongi. You take Jungkook with you as you pull his hands in yours.
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Heavy breathing. Glistening skin. Bodies rocking against each other, making the bed creak... It all happened in a span of about fifteen minutes or more after you followed Yoongi to Jungkook's bedroom.
You're straddled on top of their laps, you facing Jungkook and your back against Yoongi's chest. You've been grinding on Jungkook's crotch like a cat in heat and Yoongi's being humping you from behind like there's no tomorrow, you three already undressed with only your underwear on.
"Fuck, this feels so good..." you let out along side your breaths.
It's the first time you got this intimate, but it exceeded your expectations, considering you're having a "ménage à trois" as your first time. And with the same people you considered your best friends.
"Yeah, just like that" Jungkook mumbles into your ear as he places his hands on your hips to help you rub your clothed core back and forth on his erection.
Yoongi groans, stopping all of a sudden.
"Fuck, I was about to bust" he chuckles as he lays down on his back.
You stop your movements to look back at Yoongi, smiling at how cute he looks all messed up: now his bulge is perfectly displayed for you. You start to wonder...
"Didn't you say you missed Jia's mouth?" You ask playfully.
"Yeah, why?" he nods, already sensing what you are about to do.
"Well, I'm about to change that"
With one swift move, you turn around to face his black boxers who are covering is hard on. Without any precaution, you forcefully push the hem of his underwear downwards, having him push his hips up, his big cock almost hitting your chin as it sprung.
You've never given anyone a blow job, but your bestie is your "sex sifu", especially when she gets drunk and one night she taught you how to give amazing head: first step, suck your cheeks in, because that's how you prevent from hurting him with your teeth; second step, take it slow and help yourself with your hands if needed and make sure to salivate on his dick; third step, the scariest one, if you want to take it all in don't breathe, look at him straight in the eyes and make sure he hears you choking on his cock.
"Fucking hell..." Yoongi groans as he gently puts his hand on top of your head "Stop stop stop"
He grabs a fistful of your hair to pull you away and he looks at you with a seemingly angry expression.
"Are you really a virgin?" Jungkook laughs as he's pumping his huge hard cock at the sight.
"It's Angie" you breathe out as you turn to look at Jungkook "She made me try on those colourful long lollipops"
"Freaky" he smirks "Let me give you something in return"
Jungkook hugs you and picks you up to turn you over on your back, so now you're laying on top of Yoongi's chest. Not wasting a second, he kisses your inner thighs for a few seconds before taking all his tongue out and licking you from your hole to your clit, the feeling making you vibrate uncontrollably.
Making this sensation even more extreme, Yoongi starts massaging your bare breasts as he gives you hickeys all over your neck and shoulders.
"Shit..." you whimper as you feel your high getting nearer as he's eating you out like you're his last meal... But then he stops.
"Not now, you're going to cum on our cocks" he says as he crawls towards Yoongi.
You force your head to look behind you even if you're already tired from all the teasing. You see their fist placed on top of their palms and they chant: "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
You immediately hit their hands in anger, not believing what you've just witnessed.
"Are you being fucking for real?!" you scold them.
"We can't put both of our dicks in you, can we?" Yoongi smirks at his own question.
"First of all, that shit made me dry as hell" you tell them coldly "Second of all, I get to decide"
Before making any move you look at both of them attentively. Who deserves it, you ask yourself. And without any hesitation you reach for Yoongi and pull him on top of you.
He looks at you with surprise and then he looks at Jungkook with a bit of guilt. You turn to face your younger friend too, who's a bit saddened by the fact that you chose him so quickly without even thinking twice.
"Kookie..." you caress his cheeks "You're just as important to me, don't forget that"
He hums, looking down as you notice his dick going soft because of your rash decision.
He really doesn't want this to affect him this much, at the end of the day he's having so much fun tonight. But you choosing Yoongi right away triggers his biggest insecurity out: being the second choice.
Jungkook isn't in the mood anymore, his body shifting from the center of the bed where you are all lying to the edge of the bed.
Yoongi doesn't waste a minute to switch you positions, your back on his chest like before as he start to circle his fingers on your clit, making you face Jungkook.
"Yoongi... What-" you can't bring yourself to finish your sentence as your core becomes sensitive at his touch, Jungkook watching with his eyes wide open. He's confused to say the least. He thought Yoongi was going to take all of you as soon as you pulled him towards you.
"Don't you want to fuck this tight little pussy" Yoongi gives Jungkook a dark smirk.
"She doesn't want-" you interrupt him.
"Kookie, please..." you plea with your mouth agape and your eyelids lazily opened.
The sound of your whimpers, the wet sound coming from your pussy and Yoongi's long fingers glistening with your cream is a wonderful sight for him. It doesn't take him long to get hard all over again.
Jungkook gets closer to you and immediately picks up both of your legs to put them over his shoulders. Yoongi laughs at him.
"Be gentle bro..." he reminds him "It's her first time"
He doesn't care about what he says at all and only focuses on rubbing the tip on your entrance. You let out a soft moan hearing the wet sounds of him rubbing you with his cock.
"I'll go slow" he gently puts his hand on your hand to comfort you before placing a kiss on your forehead "Tell me to stop if it hurts, okay?"
"Just put it in" you beg.
After you hear the both of them chuckle at your eagerness, Jungkook slowly makes him way inside of you as he looks deep inside your eyes.
You wince at the unfamiliar and uncomfortable feeling, but surprisingly you can take all of him without screaming. As soon as he's balls deep, he stops.
"You all right?" Jungkook asks kindly as Yoongi kisses you on the neck and massages your breast.
You simply nod before putting your hands on his ass as you start moving your hips up and down. He sighs at your action, being completely amazed by how hot you look under him.
"Baby, don't tempt me" he warns you.
"Fuck me" those two words are music to his ears and it only darkened his mind even further, making him lose control completely.
He starts to go in and out of you in a moderate rhythm, controlling himself just enough to make sure you're adjusted to his size. But you keep whining and whining, hitting his chest over and over again as you tell him to go harder and faster.
It's still too much for you to ask. He doesn't listen to your wishes because you don't know what you're getting yourself into. You just lost your virginity a few minutes ago. You have no idea how intense getting pounded can be. But Yoongi, being a little devil as usual, continues to tell him otherwise.
"C'mon Jungkook... She's begging for it"
Hurting you is one thing he doesn't want to do tonight. Especially after what he has said to you a few months back. But her loud whimpers don't help him at all and Yoongi won't shut the fuck up until he ruins you. So after a good five minutes trying to romantically slow fuck you, he comes undone and slams his hips against you.
Your breasts jiggle at the impact, making his thoughts even more crazy and uncontrollable. He holds onto your legs more tightly and starts pounding you, hard and fast without any hesitation.
You start becoming a moaning mess and just then you understand why he held back so much. It doesn't hurt even a bit, but the pleasure is indescribable and so addicting, it feels like you've just delved into something forbidden and that you should stop him. But you want more.
Yoongi is holding you still, preventing you from moving too frantically, his whole body feeling the strength of his friend's hips hitting you.
That's not the only thing Yoongi feels though: your body shakes and trembles from the rough thrusts as your moans become more breathy. You're about to cum and he gets even more excited just thinking about it.
A few more slams and your body arches and vibrates between their bodies, your back getting closer to Yoongi and your hands pushing Jungkook's chest away.
He groans but hasn't cum still, but, out of mercy for you, he stops to let you breathe in and breathe out slowly. You look at the ceiling, not believing that you got rough fucked by Jeon Jungkook. The same guy who told you can't get laid. Guess who's wrong now.
"You good?" Yoongi gets your attention, looking concerned first, but then giving you a lustful gaze after you let him see your messed up face.
He immediately looks at Jungkook, who's quietly enjoying the cock-warming, giving him a knowing look.
"Weren't you the one telling me to be gentle?..." he scoffs.
"After railing her that hard, I'm pretty sure she'll like it" you hear Yoongi talking about stuff you don't understand while Jungkook seems to catch on pretty quickly, which frustrates you.
"Tell me!" you order them.
Both of them just laugh and Yoongi gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"Will you let me fuck your ass?" he asks like he said something completely innocent.
You look at him taken aback at first: Jungkook, still inside you, hasn't finished with you yet, and now Yoongi wants to do anal. What have you gotten yourself into, you ask yourself.
But you can't deny you're intrigued and that they look so hot caging you between their bodies.
One last glance and you nod, accepting his naughty request. It doesn't take much for him to slip his dick in your other hole. You yelp. Now this actually hurts. But you're just getting wetter and Jungkook can attest to that.
It also doesn't take much for your younger friend to start moving into you too, his thrusts sloppier and harsher than before.
By now, you're sure you're a masochist because how come you love the sensation of pain this much. Your ass feels so tense and your body tells you to reject this feeling. Yet here you are: heated, your pussy leaking with your juices and feeling something build up inside of you.
Jungkook's and Yoongi's skin slapping against yours is making you needier than expected and that's when you witness yourself transforming into a damn water fountain: you squirt all over as they both thrust into you. This doesn't make them go slower, going even harder on you, feeling the water splashing against Jungkook's abdomen.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum..." Yoongi says before slowing down his pace. Unbeknownst to you and Jungkook, he's come inside of you.
Jungkook is near his high as well and after slamming your g-spot a few more times, he also comes undone, realising his warm seed inside of you.
You feel both the boys hugging you tightly as you lay down catching your breath, caressing both of their heads and making sure they both receive sweet kisses from you.
Everything becomes a blur and all you can mutter are the three words "I love you" before completely drifting to sleep.
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You've never felt happier in the morning. It's strange because after the three of you had to wake up to clean yourselves up and change the bed, you expected to wake up grumpy from the lack of sleep.
But you're between Jungkook and Yoongi who are still cuddle to you as their mind are busy in dreamland. You smile and let out a sigh of relief.
Suddenly, the door bell rings. It's 10 in the fucking morning. Who the fuck rings at 10 in the fucking morning?
You tiptoe out of the room and towards the door, making sure not to disturb their sleep although you're obviously frustrated. You press the button to see who it is through the doorbell cam. And you see her. You roll your eyes and you let out a frustrated groan.
That bitch is taunting you.
As you're about to press the speaker, you feel a hand placed on your waist and a familiar hand presses the button for you. 
"I'm sorry, whoever you are. We don't let strangers in" Yoongi chuckles after his line delivery.
"C'mon... Jungkook's cooking breakfast" all you do is smile in silence and take his hand as you both mark your way to the kitchen.
But then it hits you.
"Yoongi" Yoongi immediately stops his track to listen to you "He didn’t wear the fucking protection..."
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A Moment of Distraction
Gale x OC!Tav
Genre: hurt/comfort with just a dash of angst
CW: bodily harm, injury, blood, gore
A/N Here's June of Doom, Day 5! This time with the "It's not as bad as it looks." prompt paired with the "Bite" and "Swelling" prompts. Just some delicious battle aftermath for Gale and Summer this time around (there's plenty of time for more heart-wrenching angst). @juneofdoom . Also don't call out my absolutely wrong use of the Infernal language, I kinda have my own tweaked version of it so if it doesn't check out that's why.
The stench of blood and guts hangs heavy in the air. Summer once heard someone say that one never really grows accustomed to this scent but she is starting to doubt the truth of that statement. By now this smell accompanies their little ragtag group's everyday endeavors. The sticky, slimy sensation on their skins, the taste of copper in their mouths, the red staining their vision...
Luckily, they seem to be competent enough to ensure that most of it doesn't belong to them. In the beginning, Arwen had expressed with Summer her worries over taking in so many strangers. She was fully convinced the two of them would have to pull all of the weight and babysit a bunch of stumbling, incompetent fools, before being stabbed in the back by at least one of them (to be completely fair Astarion didn't make such a good first impression)... but she was wrong.
Sure, some of them aren't really physically strong, but not one of their new companions is a damsel in distress, that's for sure. It's been a while since Summer's last felt like this. Confident in her allies' ability, not having to constantly keep an eye on them for fear of having to rescue them while she tries to fend off the enemies. The fight is getting to her head, she is entering that particular mind space where everything blends together in one seamless dance. The crushing of bones, the slicing of skin, the stabbing of bodies and the clashing of metal all together in one blurry cacophony. Summer would like to think of herself as a good person, but it's at times like this when she has doubts. No matter how many people call her a hero, a friend, a good fucking person... she likes all this. Likes the fighting, the warm splash of blood on her face, her claws ripping through flesh and the smell of burning skin... her enemies falling at her feet as she triumphs. She wonders if this is Doskan's doing, or if she is just a fucked up person deep underneath. The heat of the fire and the raging inferno inside of her soul makes her hope the former explanation is more accurate than the latter.
Maybe it's this freedom to slash and bash without fear, or her ever-present internal crisis that dulls her perception, but the core of the matter is that all of a sudden something heavy smashes into her, throwing her to the ground with a fierce, deranged growl. A sharp pain explodes in her left shoulder, spreading through her arm and chest, and more warm and sticky blood pours onto her red skin. Her blood. Goddamn gnolls.
She finds herself wrestling with the beast, gripping at its muzzle to try and pry its maws from her poor shoulder. She manages, and the rest of her efforts are spent trying to push the snarling creature off of her, but the pain shooting through her shoulder makes it impossible for her to put her whole strength into it. She sees herself getting a faceful of sharp teeth, but before her grotesque imagination can become a reality, a bright, blue and purple light flashes from somewhere at her right, followed by a loud boom, and the ferocious gnoll is blasted away with a yelp. It crashes into a nearby rock wall and then limply falls to the ground. Dead.
"Summer!!" Gale's frightened voice reaches her ears even through the ringing in her head. Fuck, that was loud. She sits up with a groan, grimacing at the painful sensation now spreading through the entire left side of her body. "Ffitch", she curses when she sees the gaping wound in her flesh that's dripping blood and soaking her clothes. Great.
"By Mystra's mantle, what happened back there??" he exclaims as he wraps an arm around Summer's back in order to keep her propped up. "Ah, I guess I slipped up" she says sheepishly, grinning at him through the pain. "It's not funny!" he bites back with a surprising amount of anger, catching her off guard.
"Woah, Gale, I'm fine. See? Still breathing, still here among mortals-". He shakes his head in disapproval at her words, urging Wyll over so he may help him lift her up to her feet. The last gnoll has just been slayed, and now everyone is gathering around with varying degrees of worry plastered on their faces.
"Oh come on guys, don't look at me like that..." she looks around with a dash of confusion and perhaps even a little bit of annoyance. She's not annoyed at them, in truth, but at herself for being such a klutz in the middle of a battle.
"Okay, don't just stand there like a bunch of idiots. Let's find a place to camp and get Summer the help she needs." Arwen's harsh voice is the first to cut through the awkward silence and the uncertain shuffling of hands and feet. After that they all act swiftly, camp is set up rather quick and Summer finds herself laying down in her tent with Gale and Shadowheart sitting at her side. The cleric is in dire need of rest and that becomes apparent when her attempt at healing Summer's wound fails miserably. Unfortunately all the group has left is a small potion of healing so... traditional medicine it is!
"Go and take a rest Shadowheart, I can perfectly manage to tend to Summer's wound on my own this time around." Says the wizard as he grabs the healing kit from Shadowheart's hands. She'd insist on helping, but right now she feels like she'd best leave these two alone or Gale will have a nervous meltdown. "Very well, but Arwen will punch you in the face if you mess it up. No pressure." She says with her snarky smile before getting up to leave the tent. Her little quip would usually pull at least an amused smile from him, but not this time.
Silence falls between Summer and Gale, and it's definitely not the usual, comfortable quiet that comes between them whenever words are no longer necessary.
"I need you to take your shirt off" he say with a sigh, his hands tightening into fists in his lap. She'd normally crack a flirty joke at him for saying something like that, but for some reason she feels like that might not be the best idea right now, so she does as she is told, unfastening her corset and pulling her blood-stained shirt off of herself. At least it didn't get stuck in her horns, she thinks. That would be embarrassing.
It's subtle, but she hears Gale's breath hitching in his throat as soon as her wound is uncovered. She notices the tension in his body and how his agitated expression turns into one of pure worry. Summer is quick to look down at her shoulder and then back up at him again.
"It's not as bad as it looks" she says softly, propping herself up on her elbows. Gale's eyes snap to her face at her words and he opens his mouth in what she can only assume to be bewilderment.
"Not as bad as it looks?? Look at it!" he gestures to her shoulder with wide eyes, flabbergasted by her behaviour. A full bite mark is embedded in the flesh of her shoulder. Even though the blood has stopped flowing, the wound is of a dark crimson color that somehow looks even more sickening on her naturally red skin. Had the gnoll gotten a better grip on her, a good chunk of her flesh would be missing right now. As if that wasn't enough, the skin around the wound is swelling and getting irritated. It ain't pretty.
She huffs a little in exasperation, but doesn't find it in herself to actually be annoyed at him. Actually she is quite endeared, but she'd better not say it out loud right now.
"I mean to say that I am okay. I mean, it hurts like a bitch, but I've definitely had worse before. This is nothing compared to other things that happened to me." She tries to smile reassuringly at him, but he definitely misses it as he's already fully focused on treating her wound.
"You're not okay. You're hurt. And I, for one, fail to see why you would be so reckless in front of a pack of gnolls! I expected better from you Summer! It was right there, you couldn't have possibly missed it! Honestly! What if you- you...! What if you didn't-" he stumbles over his words, suddenly failing to find what he wants to say to her, and Summer feels his hands tremble while he patches her up. Before Gale knows it, she is grabbing one of his hands and bringing it up to her lips, then down to press against her chest. Right there, her heart beats strongly in her ribcage. "I am okay." She repeats with more sincerity in her voice, staring right into his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize what it must have looked like to you when it happened. I didn't mean to scare you".
A trembly sigh falls from his lips and he slowly relaxes, suddenly feeling incredibly tired. "Just... please be more careful next time. I saw you, you were... absent." This time it's her turn to sigh, perhaps to gather the courage to acknowledge his correct observation. "I was. I'm sorry. I promise I'm not trying to be so reckless while we fight." She smiles at him, and this time he returns the smile, even if wearily.
"Gods, don't do that to me..." He leans his forehead against hers. "My heart can't take losing you. Hells, even seeing you hurt proves to be too much sometimes." She answers with a small, breathy laugh, her eyes shut in contentment at the contact with him. "I know. But I hope you know that the only thing stronger than my will to live is my will to come back to you at the end of the day, no matter how gruesome the battles become. You won't get rid of me so easily, Gale of Waterdeep." She grins at him with that sparkle in her eyes that simply makes him melt like butter in the sun.
"I couldn't ask for anything better." His smile turns warmer as he cups her cheek in his large hand. She leans her face against the warmth of his palm, sighing softly. Then, her eyes crinkle again and another grin curls her black lips. "That was an impressive rescue by the way... got me all hot and bothered." She jokingly wiggles her eyebrows at him and he huffs in amusement, leaning back as his eyes roll in exasperation. "Of course."
Her contagious laughter can be heard even from outside the tent, much to the group's relief.
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songsofadelaide · 1 day
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"Oh, so the one percenter Officer Hibino and Captain Ashiro were childhood friends?"
You knew better than to partake in office gossip, but it was difficult not to hear things when everyone had been talking about the Third Division's new recruits. They say this year's crop is one of the best, and there was a prodigy in your midst, too, in the form of Director General Shinomiya's daughter, Kikoru. There was no doubt that the girl looked up to her as well.
It wasn't new hearing how many young bloods decided to join the Defense Force because of the cool and level-headed Captain Mina Ashiro, but her astronomical rise in rankings did not come as a surprise to many of the top brass. She had raw yet rough talent— the kind that had to be honed and sharpened like a blade meant to kill.
Ashiro was a genius. A diamond in the rough at first, but now a polished centrepiece of the crown that is the Japan Anti-Kaiju Defense Force.
It's hard to believe now she once looked up to you as her senpai. She still does, but you just don't let it get to your head. While you were glad she overcame her exhaustion ever since Director General Shinomiya took a special interest in her and her abilities, there was no denying that something inside her snapped. She would still rest her head on your shoulder every once in a while when you occupied the baths, and you could find the semblance of her tender, younger self, her lips curved to a small smile at times before she eventually shook it off.
"Does it get tiring?" You once asked her as you sank into the warm baths yourself before the fatigue from today's training further settled in your bones. You could tell that a sigh wanted to leave her lips, but she shook her head instead. "It does, but... knowing everyone gets a night of restful sleep is worth it."
What frustrated you wasn't the fact that she overtook you. It was the fact that she had to be at the top all alone.
They called you a burning star. You reached your prime way too early and burned out fast— and eventually condemned yourself to a fate of mediocrity, never overcoming the wall that both saved you from crashing even deeper and slugged your growth.
It was always the same result for the last few years. You try not to look crestfallen when you hear Okonogi encouraging you through your comms. It was no wonder you hit a dead end as a platoon leader. They say people your age should be more accomplished— perhaps a vice-captain... But you didn't dare aspire. Aspiring was for dreamers, and more ideally and realistically, for those just starting out in the force. Old-timers like you don't get to dream anymore.
"I'm not fooling anyone... It's been years since I had my shot at a promotion. I'm not getting any better, either..."
You didn't understand why you were so hung up on the whole thing, either. Ebina was content with how things were, or at least he tried to be... But you would both be lying to yourselves if you said outright that you didn't feel the least bit threatened by the rising stars of the Third Division.
On a particularly warm night, while everyone else was already at rest, you reflected on the events of the day on the base rooftop, your can of black coffee nearly drained as a sigh that gradually turned into a grumble escaped your lips.
"Hmm. Maybe I should consider that fox-faced Vice-Captain's joke and retire early. Even though I know he doesn't mean it... But 30 is way too late to get married, no matter how I look a—"
You were so deep into your self-loathing that you didn't notice the new recruit approach you with his own canned drink in hand. "What? Are you planning on getting married, Platoon Leader?"
"Gah! O-Officer Hibino! Where did you—"
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just wanted to ponder a bit but I heard you, uh, talking," Kafka said with a crooked smile and hands raised in defence. "What're you saying, though? Don't you know how much skill it takes to raise your combat power to that level? Let alone maintain it..."
"Maintaining combat power is one thing, but not being able to grow any stronger is another. Every single one of the new recruits is eager to skyrocket to great heights. I'm sure you're no different, seeing as you want to... to stand next to the Captain if I heard you right the last time," you stated with a clenched fist, the coffee can only slightly crumpling in your hand. "Personally, I feel like I've... stopped growing a long time ago. Platoon Leader is all I'll ever achieve and I..."
I feel so pathetic.
"Does it really matter? Where you stand and all... Ranks are good and all, but I think carrying yourself with pride is more important," he answered you without missing a beat. There was a shine in his eyes you hadn't seen in a long time. "I know everyone calls you a burning star, but that's not what I heard from the Vice-Captain and Min— Captain Ashiro."
"The Third Division stands because of its pillars, but cornerstones like you are important, too. The Captain referred to you as such," Kafka stated with the same crooked yet comforting smile. You've only had a handful of interactions with him, but you confirmed soon enough that he had a kindness that seemed to melt away your worries. "Besides, a burning star is still a star. It's still a dazzling celestial body, regardless of what people say about it, regardless of how burned out it is."
You had to admit that he was pretty cute, too. Then again, Tae would point out that you've always had a weakness for hard workers, so it was only a matter of time before your stupid crush was discovered— Who the hell does this guy think he is? Giving me hope, of all things.
He was a burning star, too, but he burned so bright that you couldn't look away. Maybe he wasn't a burning star. Maybe he was a beacon. Either way... A burning star is still a star. He said it himself.
"Don't retire just yet, Platoon Leader. You're a cornerstone, after all. The Captain needs you still. Besides, don't you want to see us new recruits storm the floor at missions?"
Hope was the last thing on your mind, but Kafka had an abundance of that shine in his eyes that made it hard to look away.
"Soshiro-kun was right about you," you said with a small smile closely followed by a sigh of defeat. "You're way too upbeat for someone who's only at 1%!"
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— The Raid on Tachikawa Base
"Tell me something good, Konomi-chan. How's everyone else on the field at the moment?"
"Platoon Leader! You—"
You could sense the shock in Okonogi's voice even through your slightly garbled comms.
"Y-Your unleashed combat power is—!"
While that wasn't exponential growth, that was still growth. The first of its kind you've had in years.
"A-Are you okay, Platoon Leader? Your heart rate is increasing!"
"I-I'm fine, Konomi-chan!" You stammered right back, an uncharacteristic flush on your face that your subordinates swiftly took notice of. They hardly had the chance to tease you about it when you groaned to yourself as you fiddled with your firearm. "What the hell am I getting all worked up for?..."
Your combat suit made you feel steamy all over, the heat reaching your joints anew. The surplus of power coursed through your every vein and fibre and made you surprisingly tactless. "I'm hardly at her level!"
Right from the start, you knew that you were competing with a monolith. A phantom from the past... and the present. Mina wasn't your competition. You made that clear to each other from the start. But when you remember the unusual smile that graced her face for a single moment when Kafka gatecrashed the Presentation of Enlistment Certificate Ceremony with that stupid declaration of his—
You were competing with the shadow of the Captain of the Third Division in this stupid thing called love, of all things!
The static in your comms cleared up, followed by Kafka's voice filling your ears, his tone both solid and encouraging, filling you with hope once more.
"Platoon Leader! Don't compare yourself to her! Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Just remember that you're Captain Ashiro's cornerstone! You cover for her in places she can't reach, right?!"
Static, again, before Okonogi sends out a command for your platoon.
"We'll need you on the field soon, Platoon Leader! On the Vice-Captain's order!"
"Let's get to work, then!" You declared to your subordinates with a smile that did not suit the situation. But seeing your improved numbers filled them with the same hope that theirs will rise, too. "How could I forget that burning star's still a star?"
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lilacjk · 5 hours
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : jungkook x reader
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: yandere, best friend to lover, jungkook is a hotty, angst
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: keep a tissue box with you guys
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 : He loves bieng my friend ,but he has girlfriend who he loves ....could this possibly change him from your close friend to a distant person .. And 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘤𝘰mfort
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 :-
𝗔/𝗻: first all i am so sorry, so so so sorry.. I know it took this long but I just had a lot in plate this past time....i hope you enjoy 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀
You cried, cried until you slept that night everything was blurry . For days you felt like you were sick nothing was making you happy you didn't wanted to live.
You felt utterly used Ridiculous.
Days after your argument with him. You ran into him at the grocery store .You went there so you could distract yourself after being shut in your apartment for 9 days . You were angry , you clearly were but then again you were naive you wanted to have a civil conversation. If it was to end you wanted to end this all on good terms.
"Hey" you greeted him, nervousness evident in your voice." uhh...hi" He could possibly see dark circles under your eyes it caused an uneasy feeling inside his heart. " Kook... Umm I wa -"
You were cut by an utterly annoying female voice you wished you never heard " jungkookie ... What is she doing here" . This bitch "I thought you said you ended your shitty friendship with her " that was your last straw, you knew she was the one that caused the drift between you and jungkook .
But you never thought he will bring the argument you two had in this way to her.. Clearly stating that he ended... "Oh , so you really wanted to end this up.. That's why you brought that shitty excuse of being busy " You said, not being able to control your emotions further. " Nari.. This is not what I meant.. Listen to me"
He sounded somewhat panicked" Stop stop it " You ran past him out of the store not being able to listen anything moreHe ran after you. He wanted to keep you away from him but reason and things where different than it was looking.. He held your hand turning you so you could face him " Listen to me, nari I don't want you to do anything stupid ".
"Shut up .. I am Fucking stupid… I’m so fucking stupid,” you cried.“Do I really not matter enough to you? All these years of being your best friend and… and this is how you treat me? I know you’re busy, I know work is hard. But college is hard too, people aren’t nice all the time and sometimes I wish I could call you, but I don’t want to bother you at work,” You cried harder
." Nari.. Please " You never screamed at him, you didn’t scream at anybody. You were always so soft, so gentle and tender. You were understanding. But Jungkook hurt you .More than once.And you were tired of it.
“I’m so sick of the person I love more than anything, hurting me like this… if this is how you’re going to treat me then I don’t want to be your friend anymore,” you said, voice breaking.“No, nari , please! Please don’t do this, I love you so much, just things are not straight right now nari, please!” He said, tears in his own eyes.
“Goodbye, Jeon… hope it’s worth it,” you said, turning to leave.Jungkook froze, his cheek stinging but he could hardly feel it over the agonizing pain that flared in his chest.He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.He was a fool…And he’d lost you for good
Months passed and Jungkook stayed far away from you.No texts.No calls.But even after four months apart, you still couldn’t delete his number from your phone.
You couldn't bring yourself enjoying something or even talking to people . Its hard trying to ignore the pain in your heart but it's just there not going anywhere.. No matter matter how much you try you miss him, you really do You were now at the club waiting for your date to come , it weird being there alone.
It's not that you have come here first time but it's first time at club without jungkook. The volume of the music playing at this club was enough to blast your earbuds. The sweaty bodies clinging to your skin and the body odour in the air filling your nose trills was giving you ick. Sure, people are getting wild as time passes by but the dim lights was making it more sensual contrast to the atmosphere.
And there you see those dark eyes you wished you could just ignore staring at you , first at your face then at your outfit. It was the same outfit you suggested to buy just to tease jungkook cause it was way to reveling and he refused saying he don't want some weird guys ogling at you.
But after your fight you just found yourself doing everything that he refused to , out of annoyance just like you are doing now. He knew you didn't know he was there but your dress that was something he knew you did to irk him. “Hey! Y/n?” someone’s voice calling out to you make you came out of your thoughts.
When you focused, you saw your date standing a few foots away from you. You guys goes on a date some days ago, it went well and he suggested you should go on more dates with him, he would love that. He genuinely showed his interest towards you, even confessed to you that he likes you, very much. You were just feeling so sick of jungkook staring at you as if he will eat you . So without even a second thought you hugged your date.
If jungkook was there with his girlfriend enjoying why can't you. Jungkook is pissed, so much so that he goes straight to the seat he was occupying before, where his friends were seated and chugs down two shots in one go. Why is he so mad? He don’t know. Does It bothered him to see you with another man? Yes. Does he want you to stay by his side rather than that pathetic little piece of shit? Abso-fucking-lutely YES!
Jungkook just shrug it off as he took another shot which go straight down his throat, burning it in it’s way down. He doesn’t seem to find the reason why you like this men? Let alone date him? As much as he know, you’re not someone who is interested in these stuffs, so why now? It confuses and bothers him at another level.
What were you going to do now, have drinks with your date, kiss him or.. going to take him to your house and let him take your virginity. Now he found himself getting furious. But was he even getting himself so worked upMinutes passed, and then hour..... You were still with that guy visibly drunk as hell , and ready to go with him to probably fuck... That was the last straw for jungkook-
𝓘 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝓾 𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓽 ... 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓽 🦢☁✨
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adore-gregor · 2 months
study smart not hard (altough both is best actually) this saying is so true
#my advice#but this saying is sooo true#i know some people at uni who study for exam so long and hard but then fail or just barely make it :(#like what are you doing? i don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't have to be this difficult#i don't understand how some people can study for an exam for 2 weeks or even a month and still fail and i don't think they're stupid#or i don't see myself as particulary smart#but i guess they just waste their time a lot and i realized studying effective is so important#now everyone is a bit different and has to find what works best for them but there are certain techniques which are proven to work well#there is so much information on the internet on this look it up seriously#it made my life sm easier i never struggled in uni like i did in school and i get good grades#and if i ever struggled a bit it was because i started so late it was almost impossible to pass 😂#which is why to do both is still best 😂#but i actually always made it and i never failed an exam at uni (which i studied for)#(two i was fooled into to just try without studying bc it's easy lol)#i mean i shouldn't speak too soon but i already made it through some of the most difficult of my studies#ofc it depends on what you study how well this works but i'm speaking for myself#i once passed an exam with a B studying only 2 days as one of the best students while others studied 2 weeks#and got worse grades or failed#still studying only 2 days is stupidity don't do it 😅#so the techniques i find very helpful are ofc exam questions probably the best one#if there are none make your own#then blurting for which there are different ways but i like to just go over a topic and then write down everything i remember#then fill the gaps#quizlet is also great it's an app which allows you to create cards and then tests you in creative ways#videos can be helpful as well for summaries and using summaries in general is normally enough it saves you sm time#normally you don't actually need to know everything but you should be careful it's not a bad summary leaving out too much 😅#and i also like mindmaps bc i'm a very visual person#but all those tipps are mostly for remembering information so it doesn't work so well for other fields of study#well i hope this is somewhat helpful idk 🙈#oh and reading texts over and over again is the most useless in my opinion i don't remember much at all and it takes sm time
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Processing some things
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Also the fact that he's crouching with his hands on his knees is so cute to me for some reason?? He does this in another episode too - the one where Chakotay finds a symbol on an unknown planet...it's just so adorable to me. He could just lean down but no. Also of course his fingers are spread again - GOTTA utilize the whole hand whenever you do ANYTHING (if you're Tuvok)
#anyway. he's so pretty I'm gonna bite my arm off spongebob style.#Tuvok in the Maquis: I'm gonna spy on these criminals but also?? I'm gonna try out a new eyeshadow look.#Tuvok calling Neelix 'sir'....one and only time v_v treasure it Neelix#Do these replicators make clothing? (yes.) Will they make me a uniform like yours~?? (No. They most CERTAINLY will NOT. <3)#<- also Neelix is naked and Tuvok brought him a towel in a way that was very theatric but also very 'lets dry you off'#like...not just handing it to him#I love Neelix's scrappier early seasons vibe <3<3#I also like whenever he was like 'GOD these Starfleet people are a bunch of BABIES...eat the damn leola root. It's good for you~!'#I FROGOT KES WAS HELD CAPTIVE BY THE KAZON???? KES ARE YOU OK???#Kes: I'm told I'm too curious...it's my worst quality~ <- and then the writers never let her out of sickbay#In my ideal world Kes & Neelix are like brother and sister (harkens back to Neelix's lost family and gives a slightly more sympathetic#reason for his overprotectiveness which would now not be romantic jealousy but still something he had to let go of for them to truly be#friends) and also Kes tried every work station aboard Voyager...every episode she's somewhere new but her MAIN job is still in sickbay#Kes is in a pseudo cult and she said nu uh I believe in a different pseudo cult and I love that for her#Kes: I don't want to be dependent on the caretaker!! (reasonable) Our people have magical mind's abilities that allow us- (ok Kes)#just bc she was right doesn't mean it's not a WILD thing to think HEhehehe#SNRKEHEHEHE HARRY STOP TOM CAN'T TAKE THIS#Tom: How can I let down the only friend I've got~? / Harry: Friend? What makes you think I'm your friend~? / Tom: -sobbing into his pillow-#Neelix saying 'Well...the fool needs company!' ok <3 I'm twirling my hair a little....got a bit of rizz...#literally an hour ago he was willing to leave them all for dead and now look at him#OUG hTom Paris the racism....ough the racism...not even the fantasy alien kind.......oaaau ugh oh it hurts the real world racism.....#TOM NO STOP TALKING!!! TO M NO THE RACISM - TOM PARIS !! TOOOOM!!!!! <- walter white screaming meme#(remembers its Harry's FIRST mission) a different kind of pain....#Janeway and Tuvok holding hands: We're so fucking doomed. This is a terrible position and we have to do what's morally right but#by doing this we're going to be trapped here - maybe for the rest of our lives and not just us but the entire crew. But we have to#do this horrible thing BECAUSE we're good people.#<- not enough attention is paid (including by me bc I forgor) to the fact that Tuvok was with Janeway when she made that decision#and backed her up...just a sad little moment to themselves#OOF Tom...three for three on the racism....TOM#Neelix's sales pitch...yeeAAAH~!!
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savage-rhi · 4 months
#looking at the mental health and therapy positions open in my area#therapists are leaving left and right that a clinic i used to work at that treated me like utter shit is almost offering 140k in salary#to keep folks retained#i remember just a few years ago the max a therapist made there was 75k#seeing other places too where its like 67 to 85 an hr with sign on bonuses upward to 5k#its not a good sign professionals are leaving in droves#but damn it do i wish i had my license already so i could hop on and not live in poverty for a hot minute#im not fooling myself based on how inflation and the economy is running if you make over 100k its gonna be like making less than 45k#cause we getting gutted#but still god damn it#i got 2 and a half more years to go#fuck if i made that much right now i could get out of debt and spend a good chunk on people that need it#cause i don't need much else to keep my ass happy#this is the little flag that gives me hope#I'll be able to make a living doing something i love and helping people and getting my damn fucking bread#if i could make a living full time writing tho that would be fucking amazing#same thing with my voice over stuff too#god theres so much i aspire to do i got the ambition for it alright#but i got the disability that makes me take ten steps back and i live in a capitalistic hellscape that wants me tired and exhausted to where#i can't accomplish anything else but keeping the machine going#i feel like my writing sucks lately thats probably just burnout but god damn#this got bleak#k magenta can go fuck itself lets reword this jay#you're gonna get your license you're gonna have SOME FUCKING STABILITY you're gonna help people you're gonna be content and#you're gonna get your mother fucking bread that you've been promised#magenta mother fuckers magenta
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angeltism · 4 months
god i fucking hate spa.rkle sm . most shit i'm seeing says she's being racist against roman.ians , but . . . considering roman.ians are . white europeans ? and i haven't heard of much oppression towards roman.ians . I kinda doubt it ?? but you know what people whose oppression i've heard plenty of in roman.ia and who sound similar enough they constantly get confused with each other ? roma . who were enslaved for fucking centuries and to this day still face horrendous oppression in roman.ia . is she . is she fucking racist towards the h.sr version of part of my heritage . hoyo can i kick her can i please kick and punch her please please please pleaaaase pl
#➳ the fool speaks#i mean even if she just hates eastern europeans For Some Reason (roman.ians) that's still her being a racist bitch abt my heritage#<- roman.ian AND rom.ani#i deserve to kick her into the sun i think#also would this mean aven.turine is . rom.ani ? he's pale and blond . which wouldn't be toooo accurate i think ?#but ykw even if he is meant to be rom.ani n nawt roman.ian . and I'm right with all this . I don't expect hoyo to actually make someone fro#somewhere that is supposed to be based off of a culture and people that originates in northwestern india#have an ounce of color in their skin#he might also just be roman.ian but ?? then the slavery comments that I've seen around don't rlly make much sense .#but um !! idk this is going off of screenshots I've seen and what people r saying about aven.turine and her n all that so#n i haven't played in a while so idfk what's going on in the plot . this is just me being pissy about the possibility of a culture that's#still getting fucking oppressed horrendously and forgotten about and Not Even Having Their Oppression Taught To Others getting used . and#now a fucking . anime girl that I've already seen people saying they'll empty their wallets for n calling her their ''waifu 🥺''#is being a racist piece of shit abt it . like . i find it a bit distasteful. no ? like racism can and should be shown in media#but . . . don't . don't try to sell the racist character ? don't make them look cool ? like ? am i overreacting idfk i just hate spa.rkle#SHE EVEN HAS A STUPID NAME#WTF ''ah yes this racist ableist piece of shit let's name her fucking SPARKLE'' ????????? fucking hell i dont like her i hate her#if she's playable or becomes playable I deserve to punch everyone who spends on whatever her banner is in the jaw . sorry#tw slavery ment#tw racism ment#ask to tag
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sing-you-fools · 6 months
I love when I search for something and the search function is like "hey I'm not gonna tell you this but I went ahead and included a bunch of relevant terms in the search for you, too! we'd hate for you to miss anything!" like wow the internet is so good now right?
what I searched: Freddie Purrcury
what I got: a whole fucking lot of monarchy memorabilia
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mccoys-killer-queen · 9 months
Seeing Kix's last ever live show Part 2- the show
So yes, I drove 3 hours to Columbia, MD just to get my heart brutally torn to pieces and left in the rain. By the time Kix actually came on the alcohol i chugged started to hit (it took like an HOUR) and it made me wanna scream at all the photographers to go fuck themselves
TL;DR- it was underwhelming?
they opened with Atomic Bombs- which was bittersweet I guess but I love it when they open with Hot Wire the most
seeing Ronnie made me so happy
since my seat was literally as far to stage left as you could go, the concrete steps were right next to me, as was a rail, and i could stand on the concrete and hold onto the rail and go nuts
that is until a security person told me to stop fgeoirngerngfdnd
in the moment i had fun but as soon as the moment was over it was back to heartache
Steve never opened up his shirt which was disappointing
when they did Midnite Dynamite there were BIG COLUMNS OF FIRE ??? SHOOTING OUT FROM THE HUGE HIGH UP PLATFORM THEY HAD ?? I was at least 30-40 feet away from it and i could FEEL THE HEAT
same thing goes for huge spark fountains (except for the heat part)
they did three medleys of obscure songs (but I'm gonna be honest I didn't recognize most of them)
the first medley, they did Body Talk and as soon as they started playing it, Steve stuck his finger down his throat like he was trying to make himself puke from hearing it rtgnnsadiofifearf
every medley was basically Steve judging the songs on whether he likes them or not it was funny
seeing the girl money glasses for the last time ugh concerts will never be the same if they're not kix
Steve always leads up to Scarlet Fever with "this song is about dirty diseases" or something like that, and he said something about "you gotta wear a condom to not get those diseases but condoms are no fun right they're just not fun"
the Itch and the crowd singalong and Steve always picking on people never ever fails to crack me up
when they played For Shame, Steve walked into the crowd and walked around and shook people's hands and gave hugs and stuff and the second he started singing while doing this i fucking lost it and tears were running down my face it was so bittersweet it was like he was trying to thank every individual person
idk why I always forget about Cold Shower when it's like the sluttiest of all slut songs
Ronnie did the guitar solo leading up to Cold Blood and I'm sorry Ronnie but I'm used to Bob and I like Bob's solo better but seeing Ronnie finally in the place where he was supposed to be this whole time was bittersweet
big balloons falling from the ceiling
confetti cannons and one not going off until the next song
Steve doing more jumping than normal during Blow My Fuse
i wish Steve did the full feature length Yeah Yeah Yeah monologue
^^that was their last song
i always forget how much steve says "aiight"
when their set was done, Steve introduced some people in their crew and management
when everyone walked offstage, and really only steve was left, he imitated Porky Pig and went "t-tha-th-that's all, folks!" and left the stage.
imo the setlist could've been a lot better bc a lot of their hard-hitters were cut (like Hot Wire, Same Jane, Kix Are For Kids, Sex, etc) but i guess the medleys were more important. The show also felt really short? It was under 2 hours and imo the whole thing felt really underwhelming, like I was expecting a huge extra long super exciting show but this was like... below average? Like yeah there were more stage effects and two guest members and three medleys but- it just didn't make it feel any more special than a normal Kix show, yknow? It almost felt like they were in a hurry to finish (the set feeling quick made it feel like this, not their actual performance. In fact- this entire rushed retirement seemed like they were in a hurry to retire...).
I don't know if it's because I wasn't at the barrier like I always am for Kix or the fact I had my heartbreak on pause or what, but to me it just felt really underwhelming? I went back to my hotel afterwards feeling similar to how i felt in my hotel after the last night of M3; dumped.
I'm still in shock that it's all over, and that it ended this way- with absolute silence and a soul-crushing shame. I can't ever forget the fun I've had with Kix over the past year, though. I just wish to god it had ended differently.
EDIT: I was trying to kill Mark with my mind last night. Tried to shoot lasers from my eyes. When he walked offstage he walked in my direction and I glared at him as hard as I could. I knew he couldn't see me, let alone recognize me, but he was looking in my direction.
EDIT #2: after steve walked through the crowd and went back on the stage, he said "that was fun. i hope none of yall have herpes *wipes hand on his shirt* I got that when it first came out!!"
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kris-ate-the-chicken · 10 months
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me opening up tumblr today (the new layout happened)
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studebakerhearse · 11 months
Yeah, okay, some of you are plainly stating that you don't understand the point of the SAG-AFTRA strike. Like the human suffering bit does not matter and it's just reduced to people wanting to end the concepts of film and television. Develop perception
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pochapal · 1 year
email sending had a bad outcome gonna need 1 million business days to recover
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