#these people’ and then i was like ‘he’s in love with lawrence. obviously’ and Then because i like em i had to make it requited. obviously.
joyflameball · 3 months
Why was Meatly surprised that Sammy so popular he's literally skinny canonically blonde shirtless has suspenders ties you up tries to kill you and is tragic what did you expect people to NOT wanna fuck him
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I think out of all the characters I have that I don’t know what to do with, Em and Lawrence are the most frustrating to me because they’re so developed and I like them so much but I have solidly no idea what story to put them in
#like when i first conceived of them they were just charles’s schoolfriends lol. but then they grew backstories and personalities#and then i started thinking like ‘well why are they even friends when they’re so different? why would em who is quite moral be friends with#these people’ and then i was like ‘he’s in love with lawrence. obviously’ and Then because i like em i had to make it requited. obviously.#and now it’s like. i have these men. and i also have perry and quincy and august (and a few others but no one is ready for that conversation#in the same universe. and charles isn’t even really in their universe anymore?? like he can be & i still headcanon that he and em would be#besties but he and lawrence would be frenemies. because actually charles would want to fuck em and em would be oblivious#but lawrence Would Not but also wouldn’t be able to piece together at first why he was angry about it#so like. there’s that? but that isn’t really a story. that’s just some bullshit#like i don’t have a genre or anything for them. i mean i have a setting. i know where they went to school. but do i want to write a boarding#school story at the age of 27? no. no i do not#and like for some reason (in my mind at least) these two just do not work in any kind of fantasy setting. like they repel vampires#and werewolves and angels and any of my other usual fallbacks. it doesn’t work#it either has to be a period piece or d*rk *cademia as much as i hate that term for what the internet has done to it#like those are the vibes. or crime?? but i also want romance#i honestly feel like the most likely thing these two would do that’d lead to a story is lawrence would murder somebody#and em would immediately unprovoked offer a fake alibi and when questioned about what he and lawrence were doing together panic and say ‘sex#and THEN they’d have to pretend to be fucking to get the police off their back. like that’s so Them it hurts#lawrence is like ‘you realise you’re an accessory now’ em’s like ‘i don’t care. if you’re going to prison i’m coming with’#they are a package deal. they are so disgustingly codependent it’d be absolutely miserable to be in the same room as them#and i love them <3#personal
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kaleldobrev · 10 months
Happy Anniversary
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Dean celebrate your 18-year wedding anniversary
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Cursing (6x), Fluff
Authors Note: Happy 18th Anniversary to Supernatural which aired on September 13, 2005! In honor of that, here’s a cute little AU where reader and Dean celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary | Neither one of them are hunters | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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March 2000 – A frat house in Lawrence, Kansas
You stood leaning up against the living room wall, a red solo cup in your hand filled with a liquid that was some kind of alcohol mixture (you were told it was fruit punch and vodka – but you couldn’t be 100% sure cause it didn’t taste like either to you). You felt incredibly hot and sweaty despite the tank top and short shorts that you were wearing; the amount of people packed into each room was claustrophobic to you – and you weren’t someone where something like that normally bothered you.
Your roommate (the one that dragged you here saying that it would be fun) was nowhere in sight. This was your roommate’s idea of fun – not yours, this was far from your idea of fun. You didn’t mind being social if you had to be, but all you wanted to do was just be in bed right now watching some TV eating a giant bowl of cereal; your usual dinner of choice when you were too lazy to actually cook anything (you absolutely loved having breakfast for dinner – despite what your roommate thought).
As you stood against the wall thinking of things you much rather be doing, you almost didn’t notice a man coming to stand next to you, he too with a red solo cup. You turned to look at him briefly, flashing him an acknowledging smile so you didn’t have to talk to him – despite him being a rather attractive man. You turned again to face the crowd and took a sip out of your cup. The sound of a man’s voice caught your attention, but you had no idea what he said due to how obnoxiously loud it was. “Did you say something?” You practically yelled to the man next to you – who for some reason was wearing a heavy ass leather jacket that looked obviously too big on him. “And why are you wearing a heavy ass leather jacket in here? I’m wearing a tank top and shorts and I’m still fucking hot.”
A smirk formed on his lips. You really are fucking hot, Dean thought to himself. “I said,” he leaned in close to your ear so he wouldn’t be trying to yell over the music and the crowd, “What’s up.” He then leaned back and took a sip out of his own cup which seemed to be a much darker liquid compared to what you were drinking. Whiskey maybe? You didn’t really know any college students who drank whiskey. You guessed this guy did though.
“Oh!” You said, quietly laughing to yourself. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
“It’s alright. It’s hard to hear anything given how quiet it is in here.” He joked.
“Oh definitely.” You joked back. “To answer your question though, not much. I uh, I didn’t want to come.” You answered. “Sorry, is this your frat?”
The man scoffed. “Fuck no.” His response through you off, almost as if he was offended that you even entertained the idea of him even being a part of a frat. “I just know a couple of guys here. Frats aren’t really my thing.” He took another sip from his cup, finally smelling the whiskey on his breath. “You in a sorority?”
“Yeah, no.” You replied, sounding almost as offended as he did. “Nothing against sorority girls, but it’s not really my thing.”
“So, why are you here?” He asked, seeming genuinely curious.
“My roommate dragged me here. She’s the one in the sorority and her boyfriend is one of the frat bros from this house.” You finished the rest of your drink. “This isn’t really my idea of fun. I’m not a…party girl.” You almost mumbled the last two words.
“What is your idea of fun?” Again, he sounded genuinely curious. Maybe he wasn’t looking to just hook up – it was weirdly refreshing.
“Honestly?” You asked, and he nodded. “Anything but this.”
“So if I were to recommend pool or foosball, would that be something you’d find fun?” His suggestions intrigued you.
“Is that what you find fun?” You asked raising a brow, giving him a small smirk.
He grinned back, he too finishing up his drink. “Sweetheart, I can make anything fun.”
“Oh really?” Your voice intrigued. He simply just winked. “Listen, I don’t normally do this kind of thing –”
“Flirt?” He asked bluntly.
“Yeah…That obvious?”
He shook his head. “A little but, to be fair, the reason I came over to talk to you is because I thought you were hot.” You must of given him a look because he chuckled. “What?”
“Nothing just…never been told I’m hot before.” You admitted, it was his turn to give you a rather confused look.
“I don’t believe that.” He replied. He pointed to your cup. “Done?” He asked now reaching for it.
“Yeah.” You replied, handing him your empty cup.
“Are you busy Tuesday night?” His voice sounding a little nervous, yet confident.
“No, why?”
“Want to go on a date? I know a bar just outside of town that has foosball and the best bacon cheeseburgers you’ll ever have.” You did like the sound of that. “Unless foosball and bacon cheeseburgers aren’t your idea of fun.”
You gave him a smile, not wanting to admit to him that those two things were actually your idea of fun. “Well, you did say you can make anything fun.” You said, your tone teasing.
“So is that a yes Sweetheart?” You didn’t like the nickname, but gave it a pass considering how hot he was.
“That’s a yes.” You smiled, holding out your hand. “I’m Y/N.”
He took your hand in his and shook it firmly. “Dean.” He said, flashing you one of the best smiles you’ve ever seen.
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September 13, 2023 – Y/N & Dean’s House in Kansas City, Kansas
You woke up to the sound of your alarm – 7:15am on the dot, and let out a tiny groan. You had no intentions of getting up for at least another hour; hating that you actually set an alarm – especially since you purposely took this week off. You felt Dean’s bare arm wrap around your waist and bring you closer to his chest, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. The stubble actually feeling weirdly nice on your bare shoulder. “Good morning.” You said, your voice lazy.
A single kiss was placed on your shoulder, the feeling making you slightly shudder, giving you goosebumps. “Morning Sweetheart.” He replied sounding just as lazy. “I thought you weren’t setting alarms.”
“I forgot to unset it.” You answered. You didn’t have to look to know he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah.” He replied, sounding like he didn’t believe you. “So, what’s the plan for today?”
“Have rough sex in bed.” You replied, your tone joking but at the same time, this was something you knew you or him wouldn’t actually mind doing today.
“Oh?” He asked. “You know, I do like the sound of that.” He kissed your shoulder again before you turned to face him.
“Why do I hear a but coming?” You asked.
“But…I do have another idea.” He said.
“And what’s that?”
“You remember The Bunker right?” He asked. How could you ever forget? It was the bar that Dean took you on your first date over 23 years ago. You nodded. “Well, I talked to the owner the other day and mentioned that we went there for our first date over 23 years ago and well…I took a shot in the dark and asked if he would be able to close the bar for the night…just for the two of us.”
You raised a brow. You were both impressed and confused. “How much did this cost you?” You asked. You hated that that was the first thing on your mind.
“Nothin’.” He answered almost too quickly. It sounded almost too good to be true.
“Nothing?” You asked in disbelief.
“Nothing.” He smiled.
“Alright. I trust you.” You said.
In reality it did cost Dean something, but it wasn’t money. In exchange for renting out the bar for the night for just the two of them, he agreed to fix the owner’s car.
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September 13, 2023 – The Bunker Bar in Lebanon, Kansas
The bar looked exactly as you had remembered it – and smelled just as it did all those years ago. Although you and Dean used to come here almost every single weekend during your junior and senior year of college (you would make a weekend trip out of it), the two of you eventually stopped coming as frequently once you and him moved to Kansas City. The last time you and him had come here was probably 15 years ago. “So, we have the whole place to ourselves uh?” You asked, looking up at your husband – wearing something similar to how he dressed on your first date. It amazed you that he had actually remembered what he had wore. “I don’t normally fuss when it comes to outfits but…I really, really wanted to impress you.” Was something he told you during your wedding vows years later. Although he wanted to impress you, he still wore something similar to how he normally dressed, but the burgundy-colored shirt over the top of a black t-shirt and dark wash jeans was a look that was probably one of your favorites on him. His hair was even slightly gelled the same way.
“We sure do.” He smiled, admiring you. If he was being honest with himself, he never thought he’d be here right now with you. He didn’t think the date was going to go anywhere, despite it wanting to. He really thought someone like you would never of given him the time of day. “I really thought you were fucking with me when you asked me out and told me I was hot.” Was something you said to him during your first date. “I would never fuck with someone like this.” He reassured you.
“Think the bacon cheeseburgers are just as good as we remember?” You asked.
“I think so.” He said almost too quickly, but then rethought his answer. “Then again, I think I’ve only ever had them when I had a few drinks in me already.”
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The two of you did your best to try and re-create your first date you had together all those years ago. Playing pool, foosball, indulging on bacon cheeseburgers, chili fries, mozzarella sticks, and beer. Despite loving all of this food, the two of you didn’t eat this food all at once – you knew both of your stomachs were going to hurt the rest of the night or maybe the next day, but neither of you seemed to care.
As the two of you were sitting at one of the tables, empty plates and baskets of food surrounding you, you opened up your purse and took out a box, handing it to Dean. He looked at you and started wiping his hands on a napkin in front of him. “What’s this?” He asked.
“Your anniversary gift.” You replied with a smile. “I know it won’t be as extravagant as this but, I still hope you like it.”
“It’s from you. Of course I’ll love it.” He winked, taking the box from you. He shook the box, trying his best to try and figure out the contents of the box. It sounded almost empty – which confused him.
“Just open it.” You said. “Trust me.”
“So bossy.” He winked, and you rolled your eyes. Unwrapping the box, it was plain and white, almost the size of a necklace box. Lifting the lid his eyes went wide. “No fucking…Y/N.” He looked up at you, and he was grinning from ear to ear.
“Season tickets.” You smiled. “I know you’ve been wanting them for a while.” You said.
You had gotten him season tickets for the Dallas Cowboys – his favorite NFL team, despite living in Kansas his entire life, then again, you too had lived in Kansas all your life and you were a Patriots fan.
Dean leaned across the table and kissed you, the two of you smiling into it. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” You replied back. “Happy Anniversary.”
“Happy Anniversary.” He smiled back, the two of you kissing again.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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Doctor Who wilderness years tumblr simulator
👤 theother-deactivated
Can't stand this toxic ass account anymore. I'll have to make a new blog
👨‍🎓 thetasigma follow
Everyone come follow me over here
7 notes
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🚬 fitz-kreiner
I'm sick and tired of the lack of nuance on this website! Having a dream about your mate where he's naked and your butts touch and generally thinking about having sex with him all the time does not make you queer!!
0 notes
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🦋 eighth-doctor
I can't stand faction paradox. I bet their leader is a nasty ugly bitch
👴 grandfather-paradox follow
I bet you feel silly right now
📖 lawrence-miles follow
Everyone forget this happened
1.999 notes
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👨‍🔬 third-doctor
My weed guy: this one is called Dust, youll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yea yea whatever
2h later: the tardis walls are bleeding human blood. some weird guy here is psychosexually obsessed with me
6h later: A tear Sarah-Jane? No, wait a moment-
100 notes
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Because you like #doctorwho
🙎‍♂️ the-stranger follow
Hi guys welcome to my new account. I'm just a traveller who tries to help people around the galaxy with my friend : )
🙎‍♂️ the-stranger follow
Turns out I was wrong about that. Here's an essay on why terrorism is necessary and okay
Read more
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🕰️ minister-of-chance follow
"aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go apeshit?" no, actually, there are severe consequences to this type of thinking. We must always be aware of our higher responsibilities and act accordingly
🕰️ minister-of-chance follow
5K notes
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🖼️ the-real-isaac-greatorex follow
Everyone here is just hating on me because I'm gay. Tying people up killing them and drinking their blood is my hyperfixation
🪨 lez-shaw
Get P.r.o.B.e.d idiot
4 notes
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🦋 eighth-doctor
To be honest I sometimes feel like I might benefit from some love and romance
🚃 realwildthyme
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy doctor 💁‍♀️💖
22 notes
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⛏️ benny-summerfield
Just one good day. Can I just have one normal day around here
💸 braxiatel follow
☂️ seventh-doctor
Afrrrrraid not
🦑 random-grel follow
Bad Fact: no. Die.
9K notes
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👥 og-chris-cwej follow
Apparently I'm going under cover as an Australian. What's a good Australian name? I'm just gonna go with Bruce
✈️ tegan-jovanka follow
I swear to fucking god you gay little cunt
500 notes
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🌱 sam-jones
Let's play never have I ever. I'll start. Never have I ever killed someone
🦋 eighth-doctor
I think this game sucks
📺 compassion5 follow
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inbarfink · 9 months
I mean, the thing about Zim is that despite what he might say, he is absolutely capable of love and affection. It’s just that he only expresses it to a very select assortment of people.
First and most obvious one is probably his relationship with the Tallests. Which tends to be a lot less just a ‘loyal soldier duty bound to serve his leaders” and is coded a lot more like…. “Child overeager to please his neglectful parents”. I mean, the entire emotional crux of ‘Enter the Florpus’ is built on this. 
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Zim isn’t just motivated by a pure ideological belief in the Irken Empire’s conquest, or by the desire for the fame and accolades that come with being a successful Invader. I mean, those ARE factors. Zim is both a true believer in Irk’s imperialist ideology and very interested in feeding his ego. But he’s also looking for a more personal sort of emotional validation specifically from the Tallests. One that he’s desperate for, but we know that he’s never gonna get.
(And that’s not just because Zim sucks. Even if he could somehow stop being a walking disaster area and a giant millstone around the Empire’s neck, that desire for the Tallests’ love would still be a fool’s errand. We’ve all seen how they treat poor Skoodge.)
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In addition to that doomed attempt at an emotional connection, Zim can sometimes be kinda affectionate with his various robotic minions, which obviously goes back to the whole…
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Yeah, that.
And that same episode ends with him having a very similar sort of response to Robo-Dad and Robo-Mom picking him up.
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And then there’s, of course, his M-Lab Robot Minions in 'Enter the Florpus'. All named - and all grieved by him. 
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His extreme reaction to Lawrence specifically dying shows he did apparently see them as individuals.
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But as far as we can tell both the Roboparents and the Robot Army are not, like, sapient? I mean, AIs like GIR or the Computer are characterized as basically Machine People - but these robots barely seem more sapient than my laptop. And as much as I love my laptop it’s not gonna, like, love me back.
Speaking of GIR, he’s another example of someone Zim shows genuine care for. I mean… he can absolutely be pretty mean to him at times…
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But any sort of kindness from Zim has to be graded on a Curve because he’s so terrible. ‘Hobo 13’ demonstrated to us very well just how horrible Zim can be to his subordinates - rude, inconsiderate, pretty much deliberately sacrificing them not just for his personal gain but also just for his own petty amusement. 
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And it’s notable that’s not how he treats GIR. Who he expresses actual concern for…
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And he pretty easily acquiesces to GIR’s capricious desires even when he clearly sees them as Stupid and frivolous. 
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This scene is especially notable. I mean, this is Zim actually feeling bad about the fact that he made someone cry and trying to de-escalate the situation. Maybe for other characters a moment like that would be no big deal, but this basically the softest Zim has been through… all official IZ media. And it was a scene with GIR.
 And meanwhile GIR himself… didn’t really register any of this - either Zim’s frustration or his attempts at sort-of comforting him, because he was only sad about having eaten his cupcake and not being able to eat it more. 
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Because that’s the thing, while GIR does have some level of affection towards Zim at times…
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He doesn’t really show that same level of care. I mean, in pretty much all of these examples, GIR puts his own desire to give Zim physical affection over Zim’s clear discomfort and disgust. And in general, while GIR vaguely acknowledges that Zim is his master - he often disregards or ignores Zim’s orders and requests. And not just when it comes to being ordered around in yet another evil scheme -
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But also when the situation is just clearly basically hazardous to Zim’s very life. 
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(Which is very much in contrast to Zim, who, again, is actually emotionally invested in GIR’s safety)
While some of GIR’s inability to fulfill Zim’s commands can be attributed to his lack of mental focus and general stupidity - his absolute lack of care and regret about these situations seem to imply that, like, GIR might follow some of Zim’s orders when they seem fun, and he might like Zim in the sense that GIR is generally incapable of genuine malice. But GIR is never going to care about Zim, as a ‘Master’ or as a friend, as much as he cares about his own hedonism.
And of course, we all know that if GIR was capable of actually focusing on anything and remaining grounded in reality - he would very quickly realize that he actually hates Zim quite a bit. 
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And that’s, like, the whole Tragedy of Zim. He is a being capable of kindness and friendship - but he always ends up only caring about beings who will never care about him back.
Due to Irken indoctrination and also self-inflicted due to his own ego (like, it is no coincidence that the People Zim Actually Cares About are the two beings Irken ideology obliges him to acknowledge as his superiors and then a bunch of robotic minions who are supposed to be 100% obedient to him.) Zim only loves those who will not love him back.
Except for Minimoose. That relationship is 100% wholesome.
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astro pt. 5
(I think it’s part 5😭)
* As a Venus conjunct pluto, Im so jealous of my cousins w Venus trine Pluto. They can easily become popular and have women drawn to them without as much drama.
*gemini rising babies are so much fun they smile so much as babies (shoutout to my niece and little cousin🥰)
* i have sun conjunct Neptune and people have compared me to a fairy
*cardi b has venus in the 8th (and a Scorpio venus i think) and she paid to get two strippers offset cheated w beat up. Scorpionic women + cheaters are a baddd combination.
*gwenyth Paltrow recently got body shamed and told to eat but shes also has a Pisces rising. They usually are very thin or have fragile looking bodies
*first house is also personality and my experience w Pluto in 1st people they are very very dominant. They’re friends follow them around, they’re used to getting their way, they have eyes on them at all times which can give them bad anxiety.
*Mars in the 2nd house men have some niceeeeeee voices like they’re so deep you can pick their voice out in a crowd
*I’ve seen Chiron in 11th be bullied as kids and grow up and become bullies. Also they might have a traumatic relationship with being in front of a camera. (Avoiding recording themselves or taking pictures)
*Virgo risings have some cool moms (sag in 4th)
*also Aries in 11th can get told they do too much on social media (posting too much or over sharing)
* I notice famous women who people claim are everywhere (basically overexposed) or in too many roles for actresses usually are Lilith dominant. (Ex: Jennifer Lawrence, GiGi Hadid, Megan thee stallion, Anne Hathaway) are they overexposed or are y’all just jealous?😭
*venus in the 1st can lead to jealousy it’s not always love and admiration. For ex: my friend saw this guy around our dorm and thought he was cute so she followed him on ig. Mind you a lot of girls in our dorm thought he was attractive (he had pluto in 1st) and many talked about him😭 well my friend saw his gf on his page and obviously left it alone but his gf picked her out of all the girls who lusted after him to be threatened by. Well his gf was an early degree cancer Venus and my friend has a Gemini Venus at 19 degrees so her Venus was in my friends 1h. She was clearly bothered by my friend specifically following him because she found her to be attractive.
*Three girls who talked about me behind my back and tried to bully me all had Aries venuses. One had my rising conjunct her Venus exactly.
*ONCE again mercury pluto are liars idk if it’s because they think they can get away w it or what but Sza has a conjunction and my good sis lies for no reason
*aqua Venus women are usually bisexual or lesbians
*Doja cat is a good example of Uranus-asc. I have a tight orb sextile and I’ve worn adventure time doc martens, strawberry earrings, bright orange hair. Think of Harper from wizards of waverly place.
*a good song for that aspect is “Secrets” by Mary Lambert. “I rock mom jeans, cat earrings, extrapolate my feelings”😮‍💨
*sun conjunct asc could make someone resemble their father or act just like their dad and I think Doja does resemble her father a lot
* also she has Saturn in 5th and her father was an actor/performer. Also she complained about working too much and many people w this aspect feel like the fun is delayed and comes after work or they very strict on themselves in fun environments. Let loose yall💕💕
* my favorite mercury sign is Taurus😭 they have beautiful voices but the way the cuss people out is so iconic to me (ex: azealia banks)
*it’s messy to bring him up after doja but idgaf😭 Joseph Quinn has mars conjunct Uranus. A lot of eddie munson’s mannerisms were erratic and I think mar-Uranus plus his aqua placements made eddie so great at the role.
*also I notice a lot of heartthrobs or men twitter went crazy for at some point have aqua placements (timothee chalamet, Harry styles, Justin Bieber, Joseph Quinn, Noah centineo, Pedro pascal) it’s opposite of Leo so I think people keep forgetting the attention magnet can go for aquas too esp online.
*since i mentioned the show another example of Venus-Neptune synastry could be Mason and Alex. All the art references, him hiding what he really was until he couldn’t, and the fears of cheating and deceit.
*a mix of Virgo, libra, and Leo can make someone the person who tries to help everyone. They will bring you food if you haven’t eaten and also lecture you but it’s coming from a good place. I think people forget how sweet Leo placements can be (ex: Bella hadid for someone who grew up w money she’s very humble and you can see this in multiple instances. For example sza thanked her for helping fix her hair at the met gala)
* she also have Venus conjunct ascendant which I think makes someone’s Venus traits stand out. I’ve noticed people w Venus square their ascendant don’t really openly express love for people and can even get called “cold” esp by family members.
*She also has Saturn in the 7th which could mean dating older partners or partners w cap placements. The Weeknd was older than her and he has a cap Venus + mars.
*certain placements can get away w a lot. Chris brown has a history of abuse yet women seem to still support him (moon conjunct Venus). He also has mars opposite Uranus which is a temper problem indicator
* fixed risings 🤝 pixie cuts/bobs (ex: Marilyn Monroe, Halle Berry, Zendaya, demi Lovato)
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Why Don’t You Put on a Show
This is a fic for anon who sent in this request, I hope it lives up to your expectations and it’s at least somewhat what you were after. I know next to nothing about Playboy so I’m pulling most of this out of my ass lol
Part 2: When It Rains, It Pours  
Minors DNI
Contains: Rockstar!Eddie x Reader, All smut right at the end, Protective!Eddie, Honorifics/ Petnames (Sir, Babe, Baby, Sweetheart, Princess), Dry Humping, Strip Tease, Oral fixation, Slight Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader, Slight Degradation/Name-calling (Slut), Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Some Aftercare
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You had been relaxing with Eddie in a moment of downtime, he was sat on the couch strumming away on his acoustic guitar working on something new for Corroded Coffin. You were curled up with a book, glancing at him every so often admiring his look of concentration, his little tongue poking out between his lips. The moment is interrupted by the phone ringing and you move to answer it.
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“Ok, yeah. Thank you. Bye.” You hang up the receiver in the cradle a little shellshocked.
“Who was that, sweetheart?” Eddie pauses his strumming to ask, looking over to you.
“So… uh… I just got a call from someone at Playboy. They want me for a photoshoot.” You explain numbly.
“What?!” He exclaims incredulously.
You rush to assuage any of his concerns, “They’ve said it will be very tasteful, nothing to worry about. And we’ll be doing an interview too, you could… you could come with me for support.”
“No, I won’t let you.” He says firmly.
You cross you arms over your chest, tensing at his response, “Let me. Let me, hmm…it’s not up to you to let me or not. I am my own person and I am sick and tired of all the rumours people keep spreading about me… about us.”
“I’m just trying to protect you, y/n. You don’t know what it’s like doing these interviews. They pick apart every word you say, twist it around so it means something else entirely. I don’t want you to have to go through that, people aren’t entitled to you, or us… or… or…”
You soften at his tone, moving to sit beside him on the couch, rubbing his arm, “I know, babe, but maybe this’ll help satiate everyone’s curiosity, maybe it’ll die down after this.”
“I just don’t want you getting involved in something that could hurt you, there are people out there that can be so nasty. You know how people were to me before all of this, I don’t want anything like that falling back on you.”
You grasp his hands between your own looking into his eyes deeply, “People already say some shitty stuff about me babe, I know. I can ignore it, what’s some random person on the street matter? I’ll be ok, I want to do this.”
“You’re sure? There’s no talking you out of it?” He persists.
“Yep, I’m sure, I’m gonna do this interview. Really stake my claim on you, shout it out to the world ‘I love Eddie Munson’ and maybe that’ll finally shut everyone up.” 
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The two of you stand before the sprawling mansion, “It’s very ‘Gothic-Tudor’.” You muse, staring up at the impressive detailing.
Eddie wraps an arm around you drawing you closer and pressing a kiss to your neck, “You wanna live in a place like this one day?”
“Oh, god no what would we do in a place this big?”
He smirks devilishly, “I think you know what we’d be doing in a place like this…” he wiggles his brows at you suggestively before continuing, “…sex, I mean sex.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Obviously you mean sex Eds. When are you ever not horny? Jesus.”
“Jesus ain’t got nothing to do with it babe, I may have the hair but that’s about it.”
You give his shoulder a shove, “Oh, ha ha real funny guy you are. Come on let’s head in.”
He grabs your wrist as you turn towards the door, tone shifting more seriously, “You sure you’re ready for this? No going back once everything is out there.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure.” You assure him.
“Alright then, let’s go.” He gives a sweeping gesture, indicating for you to proceed and follows along behind you.
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The man who greets you at the door introduces himself as Lawrence, he’ll be the one conducting the interview. As you step into the great hall, you can see straight through to the terrace on the other side and the backyard beyond, to your left there’s an ornate double staircase, chandelier dangling from the ceiling before it. You are led through an archway to a living room, you take in the art on the wood-panelled walls before taking a seat with Eddie on the three-seater couch.
 “Ok, so the way we’re going to do this is, Mario is going to take y/n for her photoshoot.” Lawrence gestures to the man who has just entered the room.
“Now y/n is definitely the focus of this issue, but we were hoping we could get a few questions in with Eddie over here, while we have him.” He turns gesturing to your boyfriend.
“Once the photos are all done, y/n can join us for her interview. How does that sound?” He glances between the pair of you waiting for a response.
 You’re a little nervous, shifting uncomfortably, you thought you’d be able to have Eddie there while the photos were being done. He gives your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze before answering for the pair of you, “It’s not exactly what we expected, but yeah that’s fine, right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I’ll be ok.” You say more to him than the interviewer.
“Great! That’s perfect.” Lawrence claps his hands together and Mario motions for you to follow him, you drop Eddie’s hand a little reluctantly and rise from the couch.
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You’re led to a bedroom that’s been decked out for the photoshoot, lighting, those white reflectors, a backdrop screen, camera positioned on a tripod, the works. A team of people stands waiting with a rack of risqué outfits, another waiting to do your makeup, you’re feeling a little overwhelmed but they guide you through explaining, “You have a very mysterious image and we want to bring that out with these photos. How do you feel about…”
 The whole process passes by in a whirlwind, you feel like you’re barely absorbing anything they say, just reacting. Before you know it you’re slipping back into your own clothing and heading back to the living room.
 When you are reunited with Eddie, he moves to stand beside you pressing a kiss to your cheek, “How was it babe?”
“Uh… it was good, I think. It all went by so quick, I’m not sure I even had time to take it all in.”
He rubs your shoulder, “That’s ok, you ready for the interview now?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
He leads you back to the couch, Lawrence grins at you and you give him a small smile back, before beginning hesitantly, “I… um, I’m not really sure how this is supposed to go. I’ve never done one of these before.”
“Just answer the questions, be yourselves and have fun… I’ll take it from there.” He replies, that doesn’t sound too bad you think to yourself.
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“Ok, y/n how do you think you’re handling your new found fame along with your boyfriend’s rocket to stardom?”
 “It has been kind of a wild ride. I don’t really know why anyone is interested in me. I mean he’s the rockstar… I’m just like his little groupie, like I don’t really have anything to do with the band.”
 Eddie interrupts to add, “Oh, sweetheart you are so much more than that, I don’t know what I’d do without you… without all your support and love throughout all of this.”
 He turns to Lawrence, “You know, back when we were only performing at that little dive bar just outside of Hawkins. To no one mind you, but a handful of sloppy drunks with nothing better to do. She was out there putting together posters and making shirts and singing our praises to anyone that’d listen. She was our number one fan from day one. Well, that was after I finally convinced her to come see us play.” He chuckles.
 You feel yourself beginning to flush with embarrassment, “Oh shush, that makes me sound so bad… so desperate.”
 “No, it doesn’t, I think it’s cute.” Eddie says, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
“Yes, very cute…” Lawrence mumbles offhandedly scribbling away in a notebook. “Do you have a favourite Corroded Coffin song, y/n?”
 “Oh, that’s a hard one…” you giggle, “I love all their songs really, but a favourite… hmmm, I’d have to say it was the one Eddie dedicated to me on their first album.”
 He scribbles a little more before looking up, “So, everyone is dying to know, how did you two meet? How did all of this start?”
 “We, uh… we actually met in high school. Started dating our senior year,” you look to Eddie for support and he nods, squeezing your hand in his breifly, “Eddie had to repeat his final year a couple of times and I became his tutor and friend at first. I know a lot of people thought he was dumb because of that but that is so not true, he is soooo smart, just has a little trouble concentrating sometimes.”
They let you continue rambling, “And he is so talented, I mean clearly… but I remember one time we were sitting in his bedroom, he was sat on his bed strumming on his guitar along to a song he put on the radio. He’d said it was some new song by Metallica he was trying to learn. His hair was gathered up all low, messy in a hair tie, a pencil tucked behind his ear. Every now and then he’d pause the cassette, to make some notes in the book beside him, his tongue poking out between his teeth. I just couldn’t look away, I remember thinking ‘how could someone be this pretty’.” You sigh and look up at him.
 Eddie gapes at you, “Babe, that was way before we even started dating, I had no idea.” He chuckles then continues in a teasing, singsong voice, “You had a crush on meeee, that’s embarrassing for you.”
You slap him playfully, “Oh, shut up we are literally dating it’s not like you didn’t have a crush on me… and you’re the one that admitted it first so ha.”
You poke your tongue out at him and he does the same.
 “Awww, you were high school sweethearts that’s so precious.” The interviewer responds in a patronising tone. “Do you think you guys will last? How do you handle all these women throwing themselves at your man?”
 You feel a heat rising in your cheeks, tensing at the question. You ball your hands into fists trying to control the emotions that threaten to overwhelm you, he’s definitely hit a sore spot for you, one of your biggest insecurities. Eddie places his hand over yours rubbing gently before springing to your defence. 
“That was a very rude question, how dare you imply I would cheat or leave the love of my life for some stupid hookup. I love my fans, don’t get me wrong, but that is never happening.”
The interviewer presses on, “Yes, of course, but we want to know how she feels. It must be hard even-”
Eddie cuts him off firmly, “No. If you continue with this question we are leaving.”
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Lawrence throws his hands up in defeat, “Ok. Ok, I’ll stop. So, how do you think your relationship affects the band?”
 The next question does little to brighten Eddie’s sour mood, but he answers, “Well, I for one think it’s great. She gives us all so much support, she inspires me and I think that is great for the band. They all love her too, she’s like family to them.”
 Lawrence turns to you, “And how do you feel about it, y/n?”
 “I don’t know I’ve never really thought about it, I just… I guess I just want whatever’s best for them, whatever that entails. I am so proud of all of them and all their hard work, it’s really paying off for them.” You answer honestly, if a little shakily.
  “So, you’re not worried about having a Yoko situation?” He presses.
 “What? No, why would I be worried about that? I would never do anything to interfere with the band.” You answer slightly taken aback.
 “What’s he mean, babe?” Eddie whispers in your ear, a little confused.
 “He’s talking about Yoko Ono and John Lennon, people say that she’s the reason The Beatles broke up.”
 “Ok, man what the fuck?” Eddie jumps to his feet, “Are you really that desperate for some scandal, some little juicy tidbit that isn’t even true? Why can’t this just be about us, who we really are? You know either way the issue is gonna sell. No one cares about the shit that you write anyway.”
 “Then why are you here?” Lawrence counters.
 “Because she thought… you know what never-mind we’re leaving.” He grabs your wrist pulling you from the couch and stomping away.
 “You know what they say, any publicity is good publicity…” Lawrence shouts after your retreating forms. Eddie pays him no attention dragging you out of the mansion.
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You’re speechless for a moment but when you get back out to the front door as it slams shut you tug on his arm bringing him to a halt.
“Eds, what if… what if they don’t run the issue? What if all of that was just for nothing?”
“That ass will probably find a way to work our little storm out into it, spin it like we’re the bad guys. Or maybe he’ll just make up some other lies it doesn’t matter to them really as long as they get their cut.” He scoffs.
“Come on let’s get back to our room.” He huffs out.
You spend the rest of the trip back to your hotel in silence, Eddie quietly fuming, you sitting there numbly.
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He opens the door to your room ushering you in and closing the door behind him, turning to face you and sighing, “How’re you doing?”
The floodgates burst and tears stream down your cheeks, he pulls you into his arms and you blubber into his chest, “He was so mean… I di-didn’t think it would be like that… so confrontational…so demeaning…”
He rubs soothing circles into your back, pressing kisses into the top of your head, “I know. I know, it’s ok. Don’t pay any attention to what that idiot said. I love you. I’ll never leave you. You are the best thing in my life.”
“Y-you promise?” You ask shakily, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Oh, sweetheart of course I do. And you know me man of honour, man of my word.” He jokes.
You giggle, breaking out into a watery smile, “How do you do it Eds? Why do you do it?”
“The interviews, the publicity? It’s hard, but I love the music more and that feeling of stepping out onto a stage and performing… it’s exhilarating. It’s also good to have people looking at me like I’m not just some loser freak-”
“Hey, what have I said about calling yourself that?” You admonish him.
He waves a hand dismissively, “Yeah, yeah. But the rest that’s the price I gotta pay and I hate that I gotta drag you into that. Tried so hard to keep you away from that part of my life.” He sighs heavily.
You lean back into his chest and he rests his head on top of yours, you mumble into him “I wouldn’t trade it for the world, you know? I love you, Eddie. I have always loved you. I hope you know I’m here for you when this stuff does get bad.”
“I know, it’s good to hear it though.” He sighs.
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“Guess what came in the mail today…” He waves an envelope in your face as you step through the door.
“Uhh… I don’t know were we expecting anything?” You hum searching your memory for some clue.
He pulls out a glossy magazine and you see your own image staring back at you, along with the words ‘Inside the lives of rockstar Eddie Munson and his Mystery Girl’. You cringe, “Oh god! That’s out now? How bad is it?”
“Nah, not yet. We got an advanced copy, didn’t bother reading that stupid article, who gives a shit what that asshole has to say about us…” He lets out a low groan, “…but babe I looked through it and God damn is it sexy. Those photos of you, so hot I almost couldn’t wait ‘til you got home.”
“What do you mean, I wasn’t even doing anything in those photos… you definitely have more racy photos of me than that.”
“Yeah, but you’re in Playboy that’s really fucking hot, my girlfriend’s a model.” He grins at you broadly.
You giggle, smiling back bashfully, “Shut up!”
He pounces on you, kissing you fervently, groping at your ass.
“How about we take this to the bedroom?” He grinds his hard length up into your clothed core and you whine nodding your head against him.
He leads you to your bedroom, you don’t need to see him to know he’s grinning from ear to ear.
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He sits on the bed grabbing your hips and pulling you to stand between his spread thighs. You lean into him and tilt his head back, pulling him into another kiss, your hands fisting into his curls. His tongue slides over yours insistently as he reaches around you, kneading the swell of your ass between both hands, you feel the hard press of the rings around his fingers. The two of you break apart gasping for breath, he’s pulling you to sit, straddling his lap. You move to steady yourself with your hands on his shoulders, but he grabs your wrists holding them crossed behind your back. He uses the leverage he has over you to pull you against him, conveniently dragging your mound over his persistent erection. Repeating this action over and over as your head falls against his, your eyes flutter closed as you moan breathily.
“That feel good, sweetheart?” He teases.
You hum with a nod, “Mmhm… so good.”
He chuckles at your response, “It’ll be even better once we get rid of these clothes.”
With the grip on your arms, he pulls you further down his legs til you’re just resting on his knees. You whine and open your eyes to look into his, his dark pupils encapsulating majority of his irises.
“How ‘bout you put on a show for me? Just like in that magazine.”
“Absolutely. If I got the real thing in front of me, why would I bother with anything else?”
“O-ok…” he lets you pull away from his grip, sliding off his lap, “…wait here a minute.”
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You disappear into your closet, re-emerging shortly with something clasped in your hands.
Eddie leans back on the bed, resting on his elbows as he watches you curiously, “What’s that you got there, princess?”
“You’ll see.” You reply evasively, making your way over to your vanity. You slip a cassette into the radio on the vanity, pushing some buttons…
 ♫Step inside
Walk this way
You and me babe
Hey hey♫
 You turn back around to face him and he laughs bodily, “Oh babe, you had that queued up perfectly, if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve said you planned this.”
You give him a sly smirk, “Maybe I did plan this… well not exactly like this, but you know… I had it on standby.”
“Oh, so my dirty little girl wants to strip for me… interesting, well go on the song’s not gonna last forever.” He smirks back devilishly.
You sway your hips to the music, running your hands over your body, slowly moving towards him. You strip off your clothing piece by piece, teasingly, seductively. You move to straddle him once again, now only clothed in a matching black lacy bra and panties set adorned with little pink bows, one nestled between your cleavage the other at the middle of the waistband.
“So, you weren’t planning anything today huh? What’s this then?” He hooks a finger into the waistband of your panties.
You pout back at him, “Just wanted to feel cute today, that’s all.”
His fingers move to toy with the bow positioned above your crotch, “Well, you are. Look at you all wrapped up, bows and all, just like a little present. And it’s all for me.”
 You whine, dropping your forehead to rest against his nodding against him, mumbling, “Mhmm, all yours, baby.”
  He pulls you into another heated kiss as you grind down against him, the music continues in the background, another song having started up. You tug on his shirt whining into his lips, he pulls away hooking a hand in the collar of his shirt slipping it over his head smoothly. You latch onto his neck kissing and sucking your way down his chest leaving red marks in your wake. When you get to his pants, you’re unbuckling his belt without hesitation as he looks down at you pupils blown wide and with a lopsided smirk. Just as you’re rolling down his boxers to follow along with his pants, he’s pulling you back up, “No time for that now.”
You pout at him, “Awww, but why?”
“’Cause if I don’t get my dick in that wet, little cunt of yours I might just explode. You can suck my dick some other time.”
“You promise?”
He huffs rolling his eyes “God yes, just get over here.”  
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He drags you onto the bed, flipping you over so that he’s hovering over you. He presses soft kisses into the swell of your breasts, his hands snaking around you to undo the clasp. He tosses the bra over his shoulder pausing to suckle at your nipple and nipping on it gently to your strung-out moans. “What… what happened… to… to ‘no time for that’.” You pant out as your hands twist into his curls.
“I’m getting there.” He mumbles grinning against your skin before continuing to trail teasing kisses towards the elastic of your panties. He grips the fabric between his teeth dragging it down your legs, before popping up proudly grinning with your panties still clamped between his teeth.
You snatch them away from him tossing them across the room, “Alright, that’s enough come on and fuck me already.”
“Ohoho, someone’s got bite. Settle, or you won’t get anything.” He reprimands you.
“Yes, sir.” You mumble back faintly, eyes downcast.
He presses you back into the mattress, drawing back down between your thighs with his head, “Just want a little taste, ok.”
He runs his tongue between your folds, collecting the slick that has gathered there, “Oh baby, you’re always sooo wet for me… so sweet too.”
He plunges his fingers into your heated core, you can hear his rings clink together at your entrance as he pumps them in and out slowly, they come away sticky with your juices.
“Wanna taste?” He presses his fingers to your lips, not waiting for an answer, “Come on suck on them, you wanted something to suck on, didn’t you?”
Your mouth falls open of its own accord, tongue darting out to lap at his fingers and he replicates his earlier actions, dragging his fingers in and out of your mouth. You whine around the digits, your tongue swirling around them as you imagine sucking on his cock.
“That’s it sweetheart… alright enough now.” He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and you pout back at him.
“Don’t look at me like that… ok, maybe I’ll let you suck on them some more later.”
You grin at him with those words, humming in response, “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolls his eyes, but you know deep down he enjoys it just as much as you do.
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Gripping his shaft at the base he drags the head along your folds briefly nudging at the bundle of nerves that sets you shivering in anticipation. You don’t have to wait too long before he’s plunging his length into your wet heat, your walls stretching easily to accommodate his size. He grinds into you firmly with a groan as his head falls forward, eyes fluttering closed and drawing your lips into his own in a burning kiss. You whine into his lips as the motion of his hips stimulates your clit even further, “Move, please.”
He pulls his hips back accommodating your request, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in, “Like that?”
“God, yes… please… just like that.”
He chuckles darkly, repeating the motion a few more times before his hips slow into a steady roll.
“You know every guy in the world is gonna be jerking it to you when that magazine comes out.” He teases and your walls flutter around him, “Oh, you like that do you… thought you were my little slut-”
“Yes Eddie, I’m yours… only yours.” You gasp.
“Then why does the thought of other guys get you going so much hmmm?” He presses his thumb into your clit in lazy circles.
“Dunno…” you whine.
“That’s ok, I like it too… knowing that I have something everyone wants and it’s just mine… all for me… they can all dream, but this little pussy belongs to me.” He punctuates each sentence with another thrust. You’re tightening around him, lust coiling in your belly like a spring just waiting to release.
“You’re close, baby… I can feel it, the way you’re squeezing around me. You wanna cum?”
“Yes, please sir… need it…” He’s right, you are close, so close, you can feel little shocks of electricity emanating throughout your limbs. Right on the precipice, just need that little push.
He groans, “Love the way you beg for it, do it again.”
“Pleasepleaseplease sir… Please let me cum.” Your whines jumble together, tears gather in the corners of your eyes.
“That’s it cum for me, baby.” He growls.
That’s all it takes for you to come apart on his cock, screaming his name and he’s following along right after you spilling his seed into you as your cunt grips him like a vice. He collapses on top of you, both of you panting heavily, you relish in the feeling of his weight pressing into you, pinning you to the mattress.
“God, I love you Eds.” You breathe out.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He mumbles in your ear.
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You feel him shifting, about to roll over, but you wrap your arms around him keeping him in place.
He looks down at you curiously, “Can we just stay like this for a minute?” You sigh.
He brushes a hair out of your face, pressing a kiss to your temple gently, “Of course we can princess.”
You stay there until his cock is softening and slipping out of you, your combined releases dripping out between you onto the bed. He hums into your hair, “Come on, lets get cleaned up now.”
He’s pulling you off the bed gathering you up in his arms and carrying you into the ensuite.
He lets your feet fall to the ground and you lean against him as he begins running a bath, adjusting the temperature to suit and adding some bubble bath liquid. As you wait for it to fill, he rubs along your back soothingly, “Well, that was something wasn’t it, babe?”
“That was amazing Eds, always is with you.” You hum back.
The bath is mostly full and he helps you in, sliding in behind you, still leaving the tap running to fill even further. He scrubs a loofa over your body pausing as you lean forward to shut off the water. Then proceeds to wash your hair, massaging your scalp comfortingly. Once he’s finished his routine you return the favour, giving him the same treatment.
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firehouse-subs-fr · 4 months
is there firehouse subs lore
Oh sweet little anon, yes there is (my memory is horrible but I'm gonna try to recall everything that I remember) ((might also make a few things up on the spot))
This is probably gonna be a long post so I'm gonna do a cut thing or whatever it's called
I'd actually call most of these these fun facts rather than lore but they're practically the same thing so whatever
● ANY pronouns, no preferences (most people just call me he/him)
● Pansexual/panromantic
● Bottom We DO NOT speak about that day
● "Birthday" is October 10 (actually just the day Firehouse Subs was founded)
● Funds firemen/the fire brigade, loves arson
● Acts mean (sometimes), really just a sweetheart
● Acts tough (somtimes), really just a pathetic weakling
● Self-proclaimed archnemesis/rival of Subway (Lego Batman & Lego Joker kinda relationship??? Perhaps) ((I LOVE THAT MOVIE RRRRAAAHHH))
● Has attempted to kill Subway on more than one occasion (fails miserably everytime)
● Friends with a smart anon named Quests, met them on the day we do not speak of
● Whatever Gabe says/makes about them is canon, that means EVERYTHING (I am putting all of my trust in Gabe)
● Gloats about being the best sub place (insecure??)
● No self-preservation
● Sir Lawrence
● Cool fire dude with sick shades (based off of Gabe's art) ((I ABSOLUTELY ADORE GABE'S ART RRRAAAAAHHHHHH))
● Uses a box full of leeches as punishment for those who dare anger them
● Has a child with Subway from a whole different dimension named Fireway (DIDN'T DO THE THANG-DANG BANG WITH SUBWAY, FIREWAY JUST KINDA POOFED OUTTA NOWHERE)
● Doesn't really have any enemies with anyone else besides Subway (not that they know of atleast)
● Enjoys calling Fireway strange little nicknames like Meatball and my little bundle of nightmares
● Gets excited over small things very easily
● Has approximately no bitches (genuinely can't tell when and/or if someone is flirting with them, nor can they flirt back)
● Superiority complex and inferiority complex at the same time???
● Likes little critters and bugs (one of Gabe's headcanons, therefore it's canon) ((it was correct anyways))
● Enjoys making subs for people, and also giving out cookies
● Has made some pretty strange subs before (some weren't even subs??)
● 👹 favorite emoji (obviously)
● People pleaser
● Making a collection of all the corpo gimmicks they can possibly find (aka following them)
● Only confirmed weakness is dragonfruit (oww ow ow it makes my tummy hurt)
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mirroredmemoriez · 29 days
Got bored so it's time to yap about Saw characters, today on the chopping block is Gabriela! Mainly Gabriela is compared with either Adam or Amanda, for similar and also different reasons. When it comes to the comparisons, with Adam it's usually down to the fact she and him both ''won'' their traps but were both still killed at the end (Also their wet pathetic demeanour said with all the love)- Then with Amanda, it's how both were drug addicts... Amanda basically seeing herself in Gabriela and seeming to root for her to win.
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She's likely is most peoples fav new character coming out of Saw X, she has the most content produced out of all of the other introduced characters for example. However, I think one thing I don't always agree with from my own perception is how she's painted to be almost an angel (Within the fandom)? Gabriela is by no means an evil person, it's very easy to be sympathetic to her situation and I don't think that's a bad thing. But also- SHE IS IN HER TRAP FOR A REASON? Just the same as Valentina and or Mateo or someone like Adam/Amanda.... But the reception she gets to me at least seems different. First I'll get it out of the way that this is slightly due to the fact she's shipped with Amanda, which I do believe shipping generally sometimes changes fandoms perceptions of characters or tries to put them more so into labels? With that said, I also am aware of power imbalances between the character (Such as Mateo being the one who supplies Gabriela oxycodone even if he states in the movie he will no longer be doing so going forward).
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It's hard for me to exactly pinpoint and or explain why I think this is when I look at peoples portrayals slash discussions of her character... If I had to narrow it down, I believe it's because I feel as though people don't put the same effort into analysing characters and exploring the nuance of them when it isn't a VERY VERY beloved/popular one- And the argument to that is screen time, which does make sense? We get more of a feel for characters such as Amanda, John, Mark, Lawrence and yada yada, due to them being recurring characters... Then with Adam, even though he dies in the first movie? That first movie is solely focused on his and Lawrence's story mainly and not multiple characters, so the audience forms more of an attachment to him and his personality... However! I personally love looking at all characters so here I am. To me and likely everyone, Gabriela is a young and lost woman... She's basically going through what we as the audience would assume as the roughest patch of her life. She seems to be pretty early 20s and is obviously stated to be a drug addict, joining Cecilia's scam to feed her addiction with any money she gets paid with. Outside of this, we have no backstory to any previous occupations and or her education. Nor do we have any insight to friends and or family. This probably comes down to screen time and also the fact exploring any of this wasn't central to the story and the portrayal of her character- But generally, this paints Gabriela to be a quite isolated person outside of the scam. Personality wise, it goes with out saying Gabriela would have a manipulative streak from all the scamming and needing to be able to source drugs. Interacting with John she uses very basic speech to interact and lie to him, but in reality she seems to have no issue speaking fluently in English. It makes perfect sense with the knowledge she is apart of The Pederson Project, Cecilia wouldn't have chosen someone who's terrible at lying or putting on a façade at the end of the day. This doesn't make her an evil person though, as I've said before. Even though Gabriela is choosing to source her money by being a simple pawn in a big scam- She still holds noticeable humanity to a degree, seeing as she encourages those around her in traps and has a more considerable reaction to their deaths than compared to someone like Cecilia. I think when it comes down to the cancer patients before John, Gabriela had the thought process of out of sight out of mind and would probably not dwell too much on the ethics of what she was doing.
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I think one thing for her character I'd have wished to see, is more interactions with people outside of a drug transaction and scamming an old man.... Oh and obviously outside of being in a death trap too- It isn't exactly an issue, but I think people spend too much time comparing or labelling Gabriela's character as a version of Adam or Amanda, more so than her being a separate person? Don't get me wrong, she very much so is a good comparison to make between the previously stated characters. However, I think I more so see her as a domino effect and even a symbol than being very alike to Amanda or Adam. Gabriela is one of the reasons Amanda starts losing belief in John's philosophy, which through that results in her murdering Adam.... In these ways? Amanda becomes what Cecilia was in that moment and within Saw X, Cecilia and Gabriela were a minor foil for John and Amanda too.
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There are so many what ifs with her character and how that would impact the story moving forwards. What would've happened if Gabriela had just died in her trap? What would've happened if she survived her trap- Or if she had never been tested in the first place. She as a character is one of the biggest stepping stones (whistles at myself) in the franchise when it comes to the outcomes of others, as her death is a catalyst to Amanda's future erratic behaviour and killings.
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But enough about Adam and Amanda- I can't likely explain this well either, but Gabriela gives off Laura Hunter vibes so much... And both of these women I just feel so bad for at the end of the day? Them and their fashionable coats... The wettest eyes and demeanour. Anyways! These are all just my opinions, you don't have to agree with them of course but I like yapping and discussing things like this, so feel free to reblog or comment if you've got your own opinion on what I've brought up here. If you've read this far down- Thanks? HAHAHAHHAH
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argumate · 2 months
so I watched The Hunger Games and I thought it was pretty fun! I mean come on, it's fun, right? but obviously the actual hunger games part of the hunger games is the least interesting part I think; like it's a battle royale scenario where kids have to slaughter each other and that's very shocking and all but in terms of the structural role it plays in the movie -- and even more so the sequel movie -- it mostly just functions as a series of action set-pieces needed to space out the rest of the plot.
but yeah, fun! it had a lot of fun with the aesthetic, mixing up Rome and Cleopatra and Leni Riefenstahl and Frontier America and War On Terror and the names! so many silly names: Haymitch and Cinna and Caesar Flickerman and Peeeeta and President Snow and all the Roman names, Seneca Crane, very fun.
I think Jennifer Lawrence was great as Katniss: she was properly not genre savvy, impatient and irritated by the proceedings, preoccupied with her own issues, excellent at what she does and uninterested in what she doesn't, forced further out of her comfort zone by the need to socialise and be agreeable than by the need to kill or be killed.
Peeta was an excellent character too, very reserved, self-contained, strategic, and devoted to Katniss -- or was he? he was, right? surely--
the best scene in the movie for me was their time together in the cave, where they act out a cliched romantic moment that you would see repeated in dozens of similar films beat for beat, except its authenticity is completely undermined by the fact that they're in a reality TV show and trying to sell that romantic narrative to the inescapable audience -- and their lives depend on it working!
I think that was a wonderful moment, it adds layers of interpretation to the scene and the rest of the movie, and it's a great parallel to the dilemma that many young people face in less deadly circumstances: do I actually like this person or are they just there? are we being thrown together by a narrative that doesn't care for us as individuals, or do we actually have a meaningful relationship, or want one? am I in love or just horny? do I care about them or am I just being polite?
Rue was lovely, poor Rue.
how about that Cato dude huh, what an asshole he was; yet at the end he redeems himself as a character (he's still an asshole, but now he's an interesting asshole) by recognising that the game was never his to win, that he was typecast in the asshole role from the beginning, that he too was being exploited even as he exploited others, and (as they acknowledge in the sequel) the real enemy is the people running the game, not the other players.
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emily-mooon · 4 months
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Here is just some bands/music artists I think Neil and Stacey would listen to that I’m going to explain my reasons for thinking this under the cut
Neil- I think he’d be into New Wave and some 80s pop. It’s all cause of the new order shirt. I also put the band Sloan there for the same reason as new order cause he wears one of their shirts. Stacey would get him into David Bowie and The Monkees in my little headcanon. Also obviously Sexbob-omb is there cause he is their #1 fan outside of Knives.
Stacey- She is a 60s music fiend. I like to think that Lawrence introduced some more 60s bands to her after she got into The Beatles. She of course listens to Coldplay cause she is the most normal person in the cast and would in fact have a “basic” taste in music. She also is a big Spice Girls fan. Brining my Bowie fan headcanon here cause she would in fact like early Bowie and you cannot change my mind.
So to put it simply (and with some other commonly established headcanons I’ve seen floating around):
Neil likes New Wave, emo, and alt music that in some cases can be weird, and Stacey likes 60s rock, pop, and more well known alt bands.
Feel free to ask questions if you’re wondering about a certain band or music artist and want to know a more in-depth reason as to why I headcanon either Stacey or Neil liking them. I’ll be happy to answer cause I love talking about music and some of the people or bands in there I listen to myself in my daily life!
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Diggers: Hey, love! Everything alright?
Forget Me Not(obviously agitated): No. Why?
Diggers: You've been staring into space for the past ten minutes.
Forget Me Not: Ah...
Diggers: Care to tell me what's wrong?
Forget Me Not: ... Why is there a human in the suitcase?
Diggers: I'm sorry?
Forget Me Not: The little one who likes mushrooms, he's human. Why is he here?
Diggers: Um... Because Vertin allowed him to be here?
Forget Me Not: But he's human! Humans are dangerous, and do absolutely no good. All humans deserve to be removed from existence. So why is he, a human, here?!
Diggers: You still have some prejudice in you, I see.
Forget Me Not: ... Sorry, I just-
Diggers: No, no, I understand. It can be hard to change your view on the world, and of other people. It takes time, and it's very easy to fall back into prejudice without realizing it.
Forget Me Not: Do you... forgive me?
Diggers: Are you going to make an effort to change?
Forget Me Not Lawrence: ... I want to, yes.
Diggers: Then I don't see why not.
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thedemises · 2 months
. . .  LONGING! featuring bennett!
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contains! . . . genshin impact, BENNETT!!!, possibly ooc bennett, awkward bennett, eula lawrence mention :O, kinda angst kinda fluff, one-sided love, unrequited love, idk romance properly 😃, gn! reader, second person pov, reader is not the traveller but implied to be the traveller's other companion besides paimon, reader is mentioned to not be the most expressive (though is mentioned to be kinda overprotective at one point??), reader likes someone else but that someone else isn't really hinted to be anyone but feel free to imagine that character as someone ig, reader is quite reasonable and considerate as they decline and let down bennett's confession and they stay friends with him (bennett still likes them romantically tho even when his feelings are never gonna mutually reciprocated). notes! . . .  (this was supposed to be a drabble but got carried away 💀 this idea just randomly popped up at 3:19 AM of 4/15/24-) can we just have readers who aren't like too expressive?? I know there are some works that have the reader whose personality is more introverted, but there's kind of barely any :// and im talking about where the reader is not very expressive here but not to be mistaken or considered as cold or aloof 😧 kinda like albedo or smth-
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“if only they'd look at me like they look at them...”
amongst the many people who reside around and about, bennett obviously isn't the most luckiest person to walk on teyvat since fate had other plans and gifted him the curse of bad luck for the entirety of his life.
though at least he had some luck to have some friends there for him—especially having you around. you weren't the most expressive, quite like miss eula, yet did what you can to show your appreciation for the friendship others have made with you throughout your journey. sure, your expressions (or, therefore lack of) were difficult to read but bennett couldn't care less—he knows you care.
and he kind of likes that aspect of you.
bennett knew you wouldn't be here on mondstat for long since you and the traveller have a long way to go until the traveller has found their long sibling, yet he secretly wishes to have you stay here for a little longer than the intended time.
though he isn't good with it, but he tries to. however yet clearly, love wasn't within his reach as lady luck never seems to stick around him.
you love somebody else.
you likesomeone else.
not him—of course—some person has already taken your main interest, so it's evident that bennett doesn't have much of a chance to confess.
you already have somebody in mind that you feel attracted to; and bennett's heart aches with an ugly feeling blooming in his chest, but he doesn't have anything to do something about it.
sitting nearby with his elbows rested atop his knees as bennett's cheek is pressed against his balled up fist that he leans against ever so slightly, the boy quietly chews his bottom lip as he stares at your direction with a look in his green apple-eyed gaze. longing. longing for every action you take.
he longs for the way you give subtle feather light touches to person you're fond of. he longs the extra quick glances you give the oblivious individual when they're not focusing on you. he longs for your careful and gentle words of affirmation and reassurement. he longs the softened gaze you fixate on the person beside you, seated slightly a bit closer than intended yet making no movement to shuffle away. he longs for that expression you don, your checks lightly flushed and batting your lashes as you glance to the side a few times but not too obvious to be pointed out so quickly by your crush.
bennett longs for the way you look at them like that—he dreams that one day, you'll stare at him the same way you gaze at them.
however, when will that day ever come?
“uh.. can i tell you something..?”
a vibrated hum coming from you was what bennett got as a response, signalling him to continue whatever he'll tell you while as you efficiently work on a report that is needed to be done soon—of course, you don't waste time to do your paperwork almost immediately.
behind you awkwardly stood bennett, ears and checks flushing in such shade of pinkish red that one would assume he might be ill from travelling through dragonspine just to get to your current location, where'd you be inside your work quarters. y'know, working. but fortunately, the boy luckily wasn't sick with a cold he could've accidentally caught.
“err...” bennett starts uneasy and not sure with whether if he should say it or should he not, nervous with uncertainty of how you'd reply and possibly express about—you're quite unpredictable, after all.
“... ithinkireallylikeyou.”
for once you blink almost dumbfoundedly and halted the movements of your hand that firmly grasps the quill pen, an inch away from creating another black stroke against the paper's flat surface. with how he spoke with such haste, you didn't quite catch what he nervously chirped out loud, but yet you still managed to piece together what he'd been attempting to say. he doesn't notice the way you nonchalantly stare at the almost finished report before you, considering your back is faced towards him.
“... you like me?”
“yeah,” bennett shuffles nervously, his body swaying a little as he glances down at the floor, “i like you. I really do.” he repeats it again, voice trailed off at the end like he's mumbling instead and you quietly blink at one random spot on the paper that you were staring at, the pause in the conversation stretching too long to be even considered comfortable.
... hm.
hm, huh? ... wait, just ‘hm’? is that all? bennett's questions all were left unanswered because, well, he was internally monologuing after all. who would even hear him and his scattered thoughts besides a mind reader? not that there is one that he knows of.
“well,” you begin after clearing your throat, just to break the silence yet you still don't turn your back to even glance at him, “it must've ache to have feelings for me while having the knowledge of my romantic interest focused on a different individual.”
yeah, it did. “uhm, yeah. i do know that you have feelings for someone else..-”
“yet you still decided to tell? knowing of the expected rejection either way?”
after finishing the last words of your report, you stop writing and change your position in your seat to where you can face bennett so you can confront him properly.
“look at me,” you state to the boy with a head of short pale hair whose eyes were directed downwards at his feet, as if too embarrassed to look at you with a proper gaze—or perhaps he didn't listen to your words at all as he probably was too focused on his scrambled thoughts circulating crazily in his head.
your own eyes squint at this, facial expression staying unchanged but you seem to appear a bit impatient as you lowly utter to him, “look at me properly, bennett.”
said boy's head shoots up at his name being called out, looking alarmed at the tone you used and you, unfazed, took this as a sign to continue.
“i don't reciprocate your feelings—” well, he already expected that kind of response. “—and I consider that it is good that you've told me, about your interest in me that were previously contained but now let out to someone who can be trusted with whatever you were hiding.”
“it's good to not bottle up your own emotions, and I'd feel guilty if it took you some lasting time till you had the courage to inform me of your romantic feelings. i hope you'd seek for someone else who'll appreciate you as much i do.” with a ghost of a sincere smile on your face, bennett goes quiet. he takes in all of your words into some deep thoughts and consideration. you're reasonable with your words and quite considerate, you're like that with most people you'd come across—depending on your overall mood.
(as your friend, bennett also knows about the... (over)protective trait that you possess; and there wasn't a time he could recount of you showing even the slightest ounce of hesitancy whenever a friend of yours is in anything that could and would be considered a sign of danger.
he still recalls the day he'd been verbally insulted by a guy who wasn't content with what bennett unintentionally had done this time caused by his own bad luck—only for said guy to abruptly stop the moment he saw you standing from behind bennett and glaring at his direction with a look in your eye that silently indicates, “shut the fuck up,” while holding what seems to be a bowl containing mysterious and possibly not-so harmless glowing thick liquid that had bubbles forming and popping at the surface. the smell was toxic, even from a mile away one could still sense the scent of the smell—that was how bennett knew you were right behind him when he saw the guy suddenly freeze up on the spot).
bennett understands why you'd prefer not to be with some boy given the burdening gift of bad luck (even if that actually wasn't the case—you're mostly unfazed), he still is upset but at least you politely turned him down than outrightly declining him on the spot.
“I do have my hopes up of being your friend still,” you added, to which bennett briefly nods at before lightly shaking his head and waving hand side-to-side as if to decline such thing.
“no no- of course we'll stay as friends! i'm glad that you let me down that lightly there and didn't feel disgusted when I told you that.”
you shake your own head as well, “nonsense. why would i ever act irrationally? to something such as that? i have encountered few people throughout my travels where they'd attempt to do the same thing as you did, but i would always be certain and straightforward when refusing to reciprocate their attraction towards me. making immoral decisions is not my cup of tea.”
his hands subconsciously fidget with his glove's fingertips as he dons a small smile featuring on his lips, a short chuckle almost coming out of him if he weren't trying to stop it while he listens to every word you speak from you heart. gazing up, bennett turns to you, “yeah, thanks.. i'll be going off now, see you later.”
in response, you pay him one last nod before turning your back to give attention to your work once again as you utter a “shut the door as you go.” under your breath. the boy does what you asked; he left the room and closed the door in the process, the steps of his boots are muffled and grow quieter the further away he is from your door.
... yeah, perhaps only in his fantasies will that ever appear to exist, he supposes. he still likes you, even after accepting the fact that you'll never see him in that perspective.
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own. ━━  word count: 1,736.
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panelshowsource · 6 months
Who would you like to see on BFQOTY that has never made an appearance before?
okay i always take these kinds of asks too seriously but pls bare with me!!
when it comes to panel shows there is a spectrum of preparation: on the far left is a show like mock the week, where literally everything apart from a very smol amount of relevant banter is pre-prepared by the panel (they're given the news stories & scenes we'd like to see ahead of time, the standup categories are chosen around their pre-written bits, and so on); and on the other end of that spectrum is a show like big fat quiz, where the only thing you really prepare is potentially a team name. so — to answer this question i'm thinking about people who are very willing and very good at joining in, people who will comfortably banter with jimmy, people who don't always wait their turn to speak (which works better on a show like, say, 8 out of 10 cats). obviously jimmy throws to each team whilst the teams' answers are being revealed, but for the show to really succeed you need a lot more chat and goofing around and camaraderie than that — so who are some of these confident, friendly, funny people?
well let's get this out of the way we need victoria on bfq right? it helps a lot she's irl pals with jimmy so their dynamic is very comfy and she would probably have so much to say about the news or even admonishing the amount of tiktok-related questions LMAO it's great to imagine her with david but also what about team victoria and lee mack?? THE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE IT
nicola coughlan, graham norton, alan cumming, catherine tate (omg catherine and lee...please GOD...), huge davies, get me a doctor let's go jodie whittaker baybay or our man ncuti, would love to see some drag queens like miss lawrence chaney and the viv of course but there are sooo many amazing uk drag stars, kathy burke, ed gamble, morgana robinson, maggie aderin-pocock
get me my man. joe wilkinson. put him with roisin and one white onion
fuck it go big or go home: jennifer saunders and joanna lumley, fry and laurie(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), tennant and sheen (or tennant and tennant frankly georgia ily), the mighty boosh???
wildcard answer jordan north and william hanson? is that just me? i know jordan has done celeb juice a few times and he was great but i also know in my soul william would be fucking good on a panel show, and their friendship is too sweet
cheating but i'd love to see guz khan back on but with a different partner? i fockin love sarah but strategically speaking for lulz imo that year i think it should have ben judi & guz and sarah & jonathan. i understand wanting to change it up and give us new kinds of teams but i don't think those were the people to do it with. also bring back charlie brooker i have charlie brooker withdrawals........ (charlie on wilty in a couple weeks!!! ahhh!!!)
i'd love to see so many people!!! okay i am done with the longest response ever (do you guys ever read these like 'girl just answer the question')! what about you?? who do you want?
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det-loki · 7 months
A messy collection of my thoughts and theories for episodes one and two of 'a murder at the end of the world' :
• starting off with The Doors, already a yes from me
• this is my, hmm, sixth rewatch of both episodes? maybe more? Anyway, darby is warm colors, bill is cool. love this detail.
• The Silver Doe, silver earrings. I'm convinced Darby's earring means something. I've seen others speculate that it's reference to a hourglass. it's also similar to the logo of Andy's company.
• We meet Bill in the motel room and that is when I immediately knew I was a goner for this story. sue me, Harris Dickinson is handsome. I also love his terrible haircut
• Harris and Emma's chemistry is INSANE
• "Lee. She doesn't need my help." Oh, but maybe she does Darby. I don't trust Lee's husband in any way, shape or form
• When Darby stumbles down the (poorly made) stairs and bill asks her if she's alright? listen, i love them a whole lot. even if it's common decency to ask
• creepy fucking basement.
• bill protecting darby. BILL PROTECTING DARBY!!!
• was bill shot? did the person shoot themselves?
• I feel like importance of tattoos and meaning might come into play (darby looking at crime scene photos but also bill's and darby's)
• also during the scene where darby is being messaged by Andy's assistant, someone on reddit theorized that the letters on darbys open tabs are a code. Maybe?
• The health check before boarding the plane is raising red flags for me. Mainly the cheek swab. I dunno
• Alice Braga! You gorgeous human
• Martin reading Darby's book right in front of her is a little bit strange for a multitude of reasons but I'm definitely reading too much into most of my thoughts about it
• Darby's attention to detail is so good and such a wonderful element, considering the storyline
• Grimes.
• The closeup on Martin's nightmare on the plane. Obviously a deliberate camera choice. But whyyyy
• Flashback to Bill in the bath. I assume it's after they were confronted with the gun. Bloody rags and dirty water, Bill seems physically okay. previous point, was he shot?
• "I think this is both too much and not enough."
• Camera/Darby lingers on fisherman.
• Ray makes me nervous
• Oxygen tank to Lee's room. Strange. Food to Lee's room that Zoomer accepts, strange. Lee cleaning up the broken glass and making eye contact with Darby. very strange.
• The deep fake talk with Oliver about how you can make anyone say anything will definitely come back later. isn't audio recorded in every room or did I misunderstood that in ep 2?
• Lee and Andy are not selling me on a happy marriage. Back to maybe Lee does need Darby's help.
• Bill appearing at dinner. Was he late or early? the way bill and darby look at one another make me melt
• Also, as Bill sits down, Sian says 'definitely not him' meaning Andy didn't invite him, Lee did. And we later learn that Lee and Bill knew eachother. (how tf did darby not know that if she is such a fan of Lee. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEANNN)
• The lighting plays a huge roll. The halos above Darby and Bill at dinner
• I too would choke after seeing bill again for the first time in six years
• Lee's toast, 'to finding a way out.' And then Andy saying, 'together.' ???
• Zoomer. Robot child? Bill's kid? strange little dude nonetheless. (Zoomer doesn't/can't eat. Lee and Andy looking at one another while Zoomer and Bill play. darbys smile as she watches them. then the face bill makes after zoomer is called to sit down. and the way he responds to question of how old he is???)
• The pool scene. These people are so cliquey. yuck
• Darby punching bill and then immediately asking him for a drink. I get it. Also the way he looked at her after she punched him. Lovesick.
• Bill telling her how he loved her book, oh my God. "Really tough and fragile at the same time" fucking incredible line.
• Bill and Darby flirting
• "I need to tell you something." Insert Jennifer Lawrence clip, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!
• Darby runs into Marius, the hotel manager when she goes to Bill's room. Suspect but maybe too obvious?
• Bill asking her to stay as he dies. Holding hands through the glass. Him smiling at her. It's all too much for me.
• So much blood for someone overdosing? Head wound.
Episode 2:
• Darby's book in Bill's room covered in blood. Is that Bill's copy or Martin's from the plane?
• Everyone is very insistent on getting Darby out of Bill's room.
• The tea going to Bill's room. More broken glass
• Lee comforting Darby is very nice
• Rohan (fisherman) is the only one visibly upset and reacting like a human being told about a death
• Andy and Sian are acting like Darby is overreacting about his cause of death
• Andy saying that bill wouldn't want them to go home and quit. Dude, you didn't know him. Kick rocks.
•  Again, Andy and Lee are giving me bad vibes. Lee fawns around him, he speaks over her/for her
• Lu Mei seems uncomfortable when she says she'll stay, seemingly intimated by Andy or fearful of his reaction if she did say she wanted to leave. Therefore I don't think anyone is comfortable going against him. Power imbalance. Darby seems to pick up on this
• Darby going to see Bill. Her frantically asking Ray questions with obvious answers but she craves the validation that she isn't wrong about what she suspects....I'm so sad
• Bill's tattoos are so interesting and I crave meaning
• "Someone killed you."
• My knowledge of injectable drugs all comes from 90s rock musicians, so take that as you will. The needle in Bill's room is the strangest thing I've ever seen. It looks like a diabetic tester needle. And no fingerprints.
• Lee also going to Bill's room. The plot thickens (I need to re-create her outfit in this episode it's so good)
• Is Lee telling the truth about what she was actually looking for? Also her giving Darby advice. I very much like them teaming up together
• "Don't get caught."
• Is it possible that Andy/the hotel is fielding the internet? like when darby can't look up a hack for the doorbell cam. is this an ignorant question? Perhaps.
• Darby and Bill flashback! when bill offers to come pick darby up and she immediately freaks out and runs away from the conversation...I have never felt more seen or understood. me too, girl, me too.
• Do Lee and Bill having matching line tattoos on their forearms???
• Happy birthday Darby 🥺🥺🥺
• 04/14/2017 Zoomer's birthday.
• Darby has doorbell cam footage. employees have towels. noted. David on a phonecall.  Bill 🥲 (not wearing his ring) Ziba hears something, looks frightened and leaves. Bill's door opens from in the inside, hallway wall is illuminated.
• Bill's smile when he meets Darby in person for the first time. I LOVE THEM!
• Creepy mask person, go away!
• the diner darby and bill meet at is called Ray's
• I believe in love at first sight because of them.
• Frank Ocean. That's all.
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novemberwasgrey · 1 year
Xavier Thorpe-centric headcanons (featuring Wenvier)
Because I ship them and I stand with Percy Hynes White. I will probably post more of these later. Team Xavier to the end of times.
‌Xavier’s middle name is David.
‌He was born on August 28th. It’s the only summer day Wednesday tolerates.
He lives in New York.
‌He has a difficult relationship with his father, that we know of. He always hopes it gets better and for his dad to reach out and not prioritize his work for once. He always ends up disappointed. Wednesday hates Vincent Thorpe’s guts.
His mother passed away when he was eleven. He rarely talks about it but he loved his mother deeply and she was amazing. She was an artist like him.
‌Xavier has a green eyed black cat named Shado. It was his mom's and he kept it despite his father's attempts to get rid of it. He is quite the old jaded cat and usually hisses at everyone who isn't Xavier. That's until he meets Wednesday: he's basically all over her purring when she's at Xavier's. She'd like to chase him away when he's too clingy sometimes and she's trying to read but she can't resist those green eyes. And we all know how much Wednesday must love green eyes.
‌Obviously, Xavier loves Arctic Monkeys and Chase Atlantic. His favourite song is Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys.
‌He's very good with kids. Which Wednesday once thought could be handy in the future. The minute she realized what she was thinking, she wanted to hit her head against the wall for becoming like her mother.
(TW: eating disorder/body image) ‌Xavier struggles with eating sometimes because he used to be overweight. He didn’t start running out of pleasure: his father forced him to lose the weight because "having a fat son wouldn't be good for his image". Again, Wednesday's still waiting for Xavier's permission to curse his father.
‌Xavier is a huge fan of The Hunger Games series, he read the books and watched the movies at least ten times. It's partly why he chose to practice archery. Definitely has a celebrity crush on Jennifer Lawrence. He made Wednesday watch all the movies with him and she actually didn't hate them.
His second obsession is Star Wars. His ringtone is Cantina Band. Wednesday hates Star Wars.
‌Xavier is this annoying person who has multiple hidden talents. Obviously, he's a very good painter, but he's also a great piano player (his mom taught him), he's an okay dancer, and he's not that bad at singing even though he mainly does in the shower. But since he's modest or thinks it's not that great, people usually randomly find out about it. Ajax always acts falsely jealous like "Dude you can do literally everything, I hate you", but he's also the first one to exclaim "oh you need someone who can do that? Xavier's like so good, you should ask him!"
Wednesday was impressed (although she was careful not to show it at first) when she found out he could play the piano and they've definitely both played piano and cello together.
Speaking of Ajax, him and Xavier are basically brothers and we all know it. They met when they arrived at Nevermore the same year when they were twelve and they've been inseparable ever since.
I have a very clear vision of Xavier barging in Ajax's room after he and Wednesday get together like "it's official, bitch!" and they're both gloating like two tall idiots, so proud that they're dating the two hot best friends from Ophelia Hall
Wenvier headcanons here
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