#these took me a couple days
cheridraws · 2 years
more 20s detective au!!!
I finally got the designs for some of the main characters made!! :)) These are obv subject to change but I really like these so far
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also some info + misc
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Now I just gotta get the designs for the other worked out (phew boy)
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There are many new friends on the archive, and many are young and have only known social media, which is why I wanted to say something!
Ao3 does not have an algorithm! It isn't a social media site, it's an archive.
Posting fics on Tumblr isn't the same as posting fics on Ao3
Ao3 is like a giant virtual bookshelf, and everyone is able to add their own stories to the bookshelf, all stored with different tags and different fandoms. Works are automatically sorted by newest to oldest, but filters, looking at bookmarks, and using the search function can change that.
Certain works are not pushed to the top like social media posts. More kudos and reads don't push a single work to more viewers by some algorithm. Unless otherwise filtered, works will be at the top of the page based on how recent it was posted.
Smaller fandoms get less views, less kudos, less bookmarks, and larger fandoms get more simply because of the number of people inside the fandom.
Ao3 is a giant virtual bookshelf- there is no algorithm, and there is no man behind the shelf pushing certain books forward.
Happy reading, and if you'd like to have more people notice a fic, why not share it with them! Send a dm to a fandom friend and it might turn into one of their favorite fics!
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aeonsofthoughts · 23 days
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this isn't really anything, just wanted to draw my girl
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volaenii · 11 months
Wide eyed, you look at me. Set on fire in a silver dream
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Close up for details!
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jesterjaxx · 3 months
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❣️Fuzzy Friends Page One❣️
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cipher26 · 1 year
It’s also really funny to me that this is the second campaign in a row that Marisha specifically designed a character that wasn’t supposed to be romantic and failed epically and immediately.
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fictionadventurer · 10 months
There's something about reading really great writing that's so relaxing. You can just sit back and let the words wash over you, knowing that you can trust the writer.
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prince-liest · 2 months
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I am having perhaps an excessive amount of fun with this one.
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geminison · 9 months
When i said get better by alt-j was for Corvo and Jess I wasn’t joking
A bittersweet little story about how the future empress of the isles met her loyal bodyguard (and immediately had a crush)
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spoofyleaf · 1 year
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He’s so silly, proving his immortality via decapitation!
(Please,, click the image for better quality, I beg of thee)
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osaemu · 3 months
so uh funny story guys. i lost interest in anime men
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heeliopheelia · 10 months
I need a little hc about aftercare w/ enha hyung line coz they all seem to be mean in these smut stories ☹️
So starting off with HEESEUNG:
-i'm sorry but this bitch would be so exhausted afterwards, he'd most likely fall asleep if not for you shaking him awake and telling him that you both could use some shower
-that kinda wakes him up and soon the two of you would be in the bathroom, lazily washing each other up
-pls he'd love to use his soap and shampoo on you bcs you smelling like him is so hot to him for whatever reason
-he'd throw one of his t-shirts over you and then swoop you up from the floor, carry you to the bedroom and cuddle the shit out of you until the both of you were asleep
I deeply belive that JAY is the king of aftercare:
-i'm talking preparing you a bath, carrying you in there and then drying you and dressing you up kinda stuff
-cause you're his lil princess after all right? how tf else is he supposed to treat you if not like the most cherished and precious thing in the entire world?
-would literally drown you in kisses and soft words as he'd caress your body with your favorite loofa
-would do everything you ask him for - food? done. cuddles? done. movie? done. whatever you want - it's yours
JAKE is such sweet baby but:
-i feel like he gets so talkative after nearly breaking his s/o's back LMFAO
-like you would be laying on his chest and he would be chatting your damn ear off, hands stroking your hair until he notices you're not responding to him at all and you actually fell asleep on him
-he'd coo at you for a second (would 100% snap a pic of you) before gently pulling you off of him so that he could clean you up quietly
-he'd quickly go to the bathroom to grab some towel and dampen it with warm water, then come back and wipe you clean while trying his best not to wake you up
And lastly we got SUNGHOON:
- his aftercare i feel like would be the simplest one but still sweet nonetheless ☝️
-he'd feel so bad after seeing how much he's tired you out pls
-he'd wipe you up with the first better thing that stumbles upon his hands - which happened to be some of your make up wipes but well as long as it works what's the difference, right? ://
-no he'd be sweet don't get me wrong, he's trying i promise 😭 he'd kiss and cuddle the hell out of you afterwards
-probably has some cookies stacked in his nightstand just for you <33
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thekidsarentalright · 3 months
I think it was you who had people sending in fic recs a while ago? do you or anybody else have stardust era recs? I'd like to read some after tour ending
yeass it was me who had people asking for/sending fics recs a bit ago!! i def do have Plenty stardust era recs, here you go!: - cryptophasia by earlgraytea68 (4k) - bring the cow(boy) out and cock them guns by northernattitude (4.8k words) - i am thinking it must be love by beacollapsingstarwithme (1.5k) - backless black dress soaked to the skin by i_love_bingo_hat (11k) - when the party ends by intocooperstown (1.5k) - time is luck by fulltimeproblem (22.8k) - you are the song stuck in my head by dogboytrohman (2.8k) - two guys, one spotlight by earlgraytea68 (3.4k) - happily ever after (below the waist) by dogboytrohman (1.8k) - head scratches are for lovers by anonymous (900 words) - your heart is my only home (come closer) by wedontfightfair - better off as lovers (and not the other way around) by 27_royalteas
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becauseplot · 10 months
Penciled Lines
(Cross-posted on ao3, if you prefer to read it there. Reblogs still appreciated!)
Missa wakes up, and he thinks he might be doomed. This doesn’t scare him nearly as much as it should.
Missa is awake early—by his own metric, anyway. His nocturnal nature causes “early” for him to mean “early night” and not “early morning.” Regardless, “early” means that Philza is not asleep yet, still going through his nightly rituals. “Early” means that Philza is sitting up in (his? their?) the bed, pillows propped up behind him, notebook in his lap, sketching away.
And when Missa wakes up to the soft scritch-scratch of a charcoal pencil on textured paper, his forehead just so happens to be brushing Philza’s hip.
Missa can hardly breathe.
Oh no.
He knows that if he gives any indication that he is awake, Philza will stop sketching, close his notebook, shift himself over until he is politely seated on his side of the bed, and greet Missa with a friendly smile. Philza has done it before, when Missa wakes up early. That’s how Missa knows he’ll do it again.
Thus, Missa can hardly breathe—his breaths have to be the slow in-out of sleep. He can’t so much as twitch, either. He has to keep quiet and play dead or else he’ll be found out. Seen. Caught living the lie.
“Husband,” Philza calls him. They’re not married. They share a bed. They’re hardly ever in it at the same time. They have a son and a daughter. Neither of them know Missa very well. Philza has had an extra set of armor and a skull on his backpack for months, waiting for Missa. Missa doesn’t even know Philza’s last name.
Philza is a good man and a good friend—and Missa doesn't deserve him. Still, he takes what he can get. Curls around it. Hoarding every innocent kindness Philza extends like a starving creature: the generosity of a backpack fully stocked with equipment; the trust Philza places in Missa to watch the kids when he’s asleep; and now, the courtesy of not moving his hip from Missa’s forehead to ensure his “sleeping” isn’t disturbed. Missa clutches all of these little offerings in his greedy claws and hugs them into his chest, even as the guilt eats away at him.
Because, regardless of the lack of mutual feeling, he loves Philza. He loves him so, so much, and that is why he is doomed. He can’t afford to lose what little he has. He can’t cross that line. 
So Missa lies beside Philza, forehead pressed against Philza’s hip, pretending to sleep so he can imagine that they’re not just lying in bed together, but lying in bed, together; and later, when Missa truly wakes, he will sit on his side of the bed and look at Philza’s face soft with sleep and think about how lucky he is that he still has a side-of-the-bed to begin with.
Missa doesn’t mean to drift off. When it starts to happen, he’s hopelessly torn between shaking himself awake and thus giving himself away, or remaining how he is, silently fending off the inevitable. In the end, Missa clings to that scritch-scratch sound of Philza’s pencil on the paper for as long as he can before the fog at last pulls him under. 
Eventually, he dreams. In fact, he dreams of the calloused fingers he dreams of every night, hands like his own, an artist of Death, cradling and shading the contours of his face—a softness dashing charcoal across his jaw, and over his cheekbones, and perhaps on his lips, too, if he’s lucky. Defining every edge of him.
A deep sigh. Phil stops sketching as Missa shifts in his sleep. He tilts his head up so that the tip of his nose is now just nearly brushing against Phil’s hip. The motion disturbs the wild splay of his dark hair, revealing more of his face: eyelashes, cheeks, warmth. Tender blush of something Stygian and otherworldly. New.
Phil’s lips tilt upwards. He turns to a fresh page, and he starts again.
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quirkle2 · 3 months
first amv be nicies to me about it or else
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itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
one time my mom was talking about something, I don’t remember what, and she said “have you ever known the poverty of having nothing to say?” and when I say nothing has ever punctured my heart quite like that statement
#I don’t even fully know why. also I don’t think she even meant it how I took it#but there is just some part of me that does believe that that is the greatest poverty#when there are no words in your mind or heart. no phrases—nothing to rely on or fall back on#and you just have to struggle with the human condition and be able to express none of it#and I know that not everyone uses words like I do or relies on them that way but people need some words. they need something#this is why a) I never make fun of those Instagram accounts that are all cheesy inspirational quotes or whatever because people are trying#they are REACHING#also b) that’s why villains who are wordlessly violently destructive make me cry#because it’s just like—-yeah I can understand turning to violence if I didn’t have expression#if I couldn’t get anything out#also also this is not related but I watched some movie or tv show the other day (and I cannot for the life of me remember which one it was)#but there was this couple on a date and the girl asks him to complete all these proverbs after she gives him the first half#because ‘a man who knows his proverbs can’t be all bad’ and it shook. Me. To. My. CORE.#also also!! this is why I teach! it’s the heart of it for me!! And why I make them memorize poetry. like.#and put quotes on the board every day. like. You will have words and images in your mind and your heart from my class if I have anything#to say about it#anyway sometimes my mom says things and casually devastates me#and I think (I think) she was just talking about the poverty of having no news because nothing is going on#and so you have nothing to share with someone. and she was talking about my Grandma and how sometimes she was just so sullen and quiet#but it’s just because there was nothing to say#anyway anyway anyway that is also why the one time on the phone my grandma said who has known the mind of the Lord —shook me so much#because she never really said anything. words were not her thing and she never quoted anything#and suddenly her saying this line of scripture that said more than any words I’d ever said —one of the defining moments of my life#tbh. anyway this is very long I’m sorry. I have woken up this morning crying about this. idk.
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