#these two assholes stole my song
midniterose · 1 year
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catslvrr · 9 months
bound 2 (falling in love)
danielle marsh x fem!reader | one shot
Synopsis: Good news: Danielle has agreed to be your pretend girlfriend for Christmas so Haerin can stop extorting you of money. Bad news: Danielle is a bit too good at being a pretend girlfriend.
Contains: suggestive and threatening jokes, cursing, obligatory mistletoe scene
Song: Gingerbread Lover — Ivoris, Chevy
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“I’m so screwed,” is what you say as you plop on the booth across from Minji.
She makes no movement to greet you, engrossed in some YouTube video titled ‘How Ceramic Tiles Are Made’. She’s never expressed any interest in tiles nor has any history with tiles, but this is not anything unusual for Minji.
She’s also playing the video at an uncomfortable volume, not necessarily on full speaker, but loud enough that the people on the next table over could hear and possibly be annoyed at.
You start digging into your chicken Caesar salad and smile to yourself in amusement as you spot Minji’s finished plate of it as well.
The two of you made a pact to eat healthier. Issue is, there’s this one dessert place two streets down that makes some bomb biscoff cookies, and you always catch each other there at least once a week. There’s a silent agreement that this does not break the pact.
You both sit in silence for a few more minutes until the video is finished — you eating and Minji watching.
Minji takes a loud sip of her hot chocolate when the video transitions to an obnoxious outro. “You were saying?”
You retell the story to her with a mouth full of food, and there are occasional offtopic segues, as there always are.
To sum it up: Your cousin Haerin is a force of evil and strangely has a good memory. Allegedly, you made a wager with her when you were both nine years old that you would get a girlfriend to bring home for Christmas when you turned eighteen.
And apparently, if you didn’t find one, you would have to pay her a hundred dollars.
Two things strike you as absurd: that younger you somehow thought you would be charming enough to get a girlfriend, and that younger you somehow thought you would have a hundred dollars just lying around to spare.
And for some reason, Haerin decided to never remind you of this wager until, of course, yesterday. You obviously didn’t believe her, but it was kind of hard to argue with Haerin.
Not because she’s good at arguing, but because she just stands there with this look in her eyes that makes you uneasy. So, you didn’t bother questioning her because you know there’s no escaping this fate.
So now, you have just a few days to find a girlfriend, because there was no way you were paying money. 
There’s also the matter of pride, too.
“Yeah,” you finish off your monologue. “I texted Hanni if she could be my date, but she just ignored it and sent me some TikTok of a stupid looking dog.”
Minji steals a piece of grilled chicken from you, to which you step on her foot under the table. You pull back your feet in time before she can return the favor. You get a glare instead.
“And Hyein?”
A notification ding stops you before you can speak. You lean forward to look at your phone. “Speaking of Hyein…”
Hyein’s text reads, I think I found someone for you! You two meet at the usual cafe at 12 tomorrow :)
“Okay,” you start. “Good news or bad news first?”
Minji thoughtfully chews on another piece of grilled chicken that she stole. Your plate of salad somehow now sits in the middle of the table instead of right in front of you. “Bad news.”
“Well I want to say the good news first,” you wave the fork in your hand dismissively. You’re pretty sure Minji mumbles “asshole”, but you ignore that as well.
“Good news,” you declare with a smile. “I found a girlfriend.”
Minji is unimpressed.
“Bad news,” you sigh. “I have to talk to said girlfriend who is a stranger.”
She is still unimpressed. “This is why nobody wants you. You don’t talk to anyone outside of us.”
“You don’t get it. It’s part of my mysterious vibe,” you grumble petulantly.
“Well, if you don’t want to socialize like a normal person,” Minji is folding a serviette into some sort of disfigured airplane. “Then consider paying Haerin that one hundred bucks.”
“I would never,” you fold your arms. “And even if I would, I can’t, because I literally only have 76 dollars in my bank account.”
You text Hyein back: you’re the BEST i love u so much xoxoxoxoxo
Minji tries to throw her tissue airplane at you, but it flops unceremoniously into your now empty bowl.
She sighs. “I guess I’m paying for lunch.”
“It’s your turn anyway.”
And that’s the end of the conversation, or at least the conversation concerning your predicament. You both spend the next hour babbling on about recent life updates and rehashing the same old stories over and over again.
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“How do I look?”
You have your phone set upright by leaning it on this worn red panda plushie. Its head is permanently twisted after you and Haerin fought for it as kids and ended up ripping it in two, which led to your mom having to stitch it back together. She didn’t do a very good job, clearly.
You see Hanni, or what you think is Hanni, squint at the camera. “Like a bunch of pixels. The connection is so shit that you look like those wendigos from Until Dawn.”
“I’m sure you look fine,” Minji chimes in. This is the first time that she’s spoken since the call started (the call has been going on for half an hour), her camera pointed at her ceiling, and you’re pretty sure she’s half asleep.
“Thanks,” you say. “And I’m pretty sure it’s your WiFi, Hanni.”
You think she’s arguing back, but it’s all a garbled mess, and then the call drops. (It was definitely your WiFi.) You check your appearance one last time before you make your way to the cafe.
The cafe is named “Spill The Beans”, which you find appropriate, because that’s all you ever find yourself doing there. The walk there is a bit long, but the decent prices and good quality make up for it.
Plus, it means that most people would rather go to a cafe that’s closer, so this one has a bit more of a ‘if you know, you know’ vibe to it.
You’re also friends with one of the workers there, and she occasionally sneaks you a free pastry, or even better, gives you gossip about one of the regulars. You smile when you see her signature blonde hair through the window.
The cafe is decorated for Christmas — tinsel stringing on the top and bottom of the windows and cutely drawn candy canes and baubles stuck on the panes. There’s also a cardboard cutout of a snowman holding a coffee cup sitting next to the door. You hear the muffled voice of Mariah Carey.
Your entrance is announced by the light tinkling of the bells. You make your way to the cash register to greet a familiar face.
“It’s beginning to look a latte like Christmas!” Yunjin sings as she twirls clumsily, broomstick in her hand as a microphone. You are forced to stand there and watch this. For some reason, she’s adamant on greeting you with a coffee pun everytime you come in. She has yet to crack a smile from you.
“Stop it,” you groan, scanning the cafe and checking who’s in. There’s only four or five people in right now, most of whom you recognize. She holds the last note, with an unnecessary vibrato, for a few more seconds.
“So,” she leans toward you with an eyebrow raised. “Anything new or interesting you wanna share?”
“Asking for gossip?” You deadpan. “Is that how you take orders now?”
“Just curious,” Yunjin says nonchalantly. “You’re never here alone.”
You give her a scowl. “Don’t act like you don’t know why I’m here.”
There are some things that you can be sure of in life. You know how the saying goes: death, taxes, and Yunjin being all-knowing. She and her little army of spies (spies being her co-workers) are the most nosy people you could ever meet.
You’re pretty sure they consider eavesdropping as their main job, and that the cafe is just a means for them to satisfy their curiosity. (Again, an extremely appropriate cafe name.)
She grins cheekily, dropping her voice to a whisper and tilting her head. “She’s on that table.”
You follow her gaze to the table against the window, where a girl who seems around your age is staring outside like she’s the protagonist of a coming-of-age movie.
Yunjin slides you a slice of a carrot cake and winks. “On the house. Good luck!”
You grab the plate off the counter and slowly make your way toward your future fake girlfriend.
“Hi,” you clear your throat awkwardly as you slip into the seat opposite her. “Danielle, right?”
She enthusiastically nods and smiles. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You slide the plate of carrot cake towards her, to which she gratefully accepts. “Has Hyein filled you in on everything?”
“Hm,” Danielle taps her cheek. “Christmas party, a wager, and me as a fake girlfriend?”
“Sounds about right,” you hum. “Not to be nosy, but is there a reason that you’re doing this? I mean, you’re not getting anything in return.”
“Hyein did say she’d owe me a favor,” she answers with a hint of amusement. “Which I’m sure will come in handy one day. You’re also cute, so it’s a bonus.”
You internally wipe a proud tear. God bless you, Hyein. You make a note to get her something snazzy for Christmas. You were so thankful for Hyein that you didn’t even process the last sentence.
You then realize that you’re just spacing out and probably look a bit crazy, so you quickly clear your throat. “So, we should probably come up with our origin story and all that.”
“We should,” Danielle agrees.
You scratch your nape awkwardly before pulling out a notebook. You have this secret theory that notebooks are a hoax and people just pretend to use them. Which is a bit contradictory for you to say, because you’re using one right now. But you still hold onto that belief.
“So, when did we first meet?”
She seems a bit taken aback by the presence of the notebook, but her face quickly relaxes into a smiling one. “What are your interests? Maybe we share some and that’s how we met.”
“Actually,” you proudly flick to the back of the notebook. “I have prepared for this question.”
It reads: About Me
I like staying indoors
I go to the cafe sometimes
And that cookie place
Cats are cute
“Wow,” Danielle says after surveying your notes. “This is a very… extensive list.”
“Anything that can be used for our story?”
“Let’s just say we met at the cafe,” she decides. You nod in agreement.
“And who approached who first?”
“Definitely me.”
You frown and stop writing. “Why definitely?”
“I mean,” Danielle gestures at you vaguely. “We have to make the story realistic.”
“I hope you mean that because I’m too irresistible, not because I can’t talk to anyone.”
She smiles. “…Right. That’s exactly what I meant.”
“Excellent,” you say, continuing to pen down the story. “So, let’s say about three months ago, give or take, you entered the cafe for the first time. And then you saw me, sitting there all cute and pretty, and you knew you just had to ask for my number.”
“And because I’m never here alone, I’ll just say Minji was in the bathroom. I gave you my number, and then we instantly hit it off.”
“And Minji is…?”
“Oh,” you pause. “She’s a dumbass. Don’t worry about her.”
“Okay,” Danielle says slowly. “And our first date?”
“We’ll get to that in a sec,” you tap your pen. “Tell me about yourself.”
“I,” she heaves out as she bends down to reach into her tote bag. “Have also prepared.”
She slaps a folder on the table that resembles a police case file. You feel a sudden wave of affection crash over you. You immediately open it in anticipation.
It’s an in-depth profile of Danielle. There is the technical stuff, of course: name, date of birth, star sign, MBTI. Then, there’s the ‘favorites’ section: color, animal, season, time of day.
“Oh wow,” you run your fingers over the page. “This is more than I expected.”
You turn the page. There’s a ‘fun facts’ section, although you’re not sure if it’s considered fun. Example: “I once broke a tooth from trying to eat a rock. I also choked on it and my friend had to perform the Heimlich maneuver.”
“Oh wow,” you say again, louder this time, and out of concern more than awe. “Was this when you were a kid?”
“No,” Danielle blinks innocently. “Just last year.”
She is fucking insane. How on earth did Hyein find her?
The last page features results that she got from various UQuizzes, like “what romance trope is meant 4 you?” (ironically, she got fake dating) or “which ‘-core’ aesthetic are you?”
“I’ll make sure to study this when I get home,” you stare at the pages in astonishment.
“Sure,” Danielle smiles. “I was thinking our first date could be at the local arcade.”
A memory of Hanni breaking the buttons and joystick of a fighting game flashes in your mind. The joystick somehow flew and hit a worker in the face. To this day, you still have no idea how it happened.
Regardless, you always look back at the memory fondly, especially because Hanni didn’t even end up winning, despite putting her whole body into smashing the buttons.
“Haerin will know that’s a lie,” you grimace. “I’ve been banned from that place for three years now. Long story.”
She looks curious but continues anyway. “How about a classic dinner?”
“Hm,” you purse your lips. “There’s this amazing Korean restaurant that’s a 10 minute walk from this place.”
“And you’re not banned?”
You laugh and shake your head. “No. They make this amazing jjajangmyeon. I’ll have to take you someday.”
“Sounds good,” Danielle’s eyes twinkle. “I think that’s good enough for now. Anything else I should know?”
“The party is on Christmas day, of course. It’ll just be a dinner and some party games, nothing too serious. After the party, our work is all done!”
“And Haerin,” you hesitate. “She’s nosy. But not in an ‘asking questions’ way, but in a staring way. So we have to act really good if we want her to believe us. Like, a real couple and everything. Like-”
Her laugh cuts you off. “You can say PDA, it’s okay.”
You cough and turn to the side to hide the heat rising in your cheeks, but when you look out the window, you see an odd sight.
Across the street, on a bench, there are two suspicious figures sitting. Suspicious meaning wearing sunglasses, a coat, and a scarf despite it being hot today. Suspicious meaning Minji and Hanni.
No fucking way, you think. Those little fuckers.
“-you okay?” Danielle waves her hand in front of you.
“Huh?” You quickly turn back. “Yeah, it’s nothing.”
“I love physical touch,” she admits, although somewhat shyly. “So I’m okay with hugging and holding hands.”
“Good!” You reply stiffly. “Great. Awesome. All done.”
There’s a mix of confusion, concern, and amusement on her face. “I’ll see you soon?”
“Yes,” you slide your phone across the table before opening her file in front of your face to hide your embarrassment. “Let’s text in between so we get used to talking to each other too.”
The two of you exchange numbers and you watch Danielle leave with a smile and a wave. Minji and Hanni proceed to shuffle inside the cafe, sighing in relief as they take off their ‘disguise’.
“Oh my god,” Hanni whines, resting her cheek on your outstretched palm. “I thought I was gonna die outside.”
You retract your hand in disgust, but not before flicking her forehead. “You’re sweaty. And you deserve it.”
“So how did it go?”
You recount everything that happens. Minji makes you pay for her lunch. You now have 46 dollars in your bank account.
When you get home, you hug your red panda plushie and turn on your phone to see a text from Danielle. You spend the next few days talking to her, your feet kicking in the air and a stupid smile on your face.
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The day of the Christmas party has arrived. It’s due to start at six in the evening, and exactly three hours before that, Haerin sends you nothing but an ominous text: I will be awaiting you and your girlfriend’s arrival.
You roll out of bed and get ready in the morning, and read through Danielle’s file one last time. You’ve annotated it, adding sticky notes and highlighting it, which is more work than you’ve done for the entirety of university so far.
You make sure to put the matching reindeer headbands that Danielle suggested on before leaving. You drive to pick her up and you try not to weigh the meaning of the warmth blooming in your chest as you see her.
“Hi girlfriend,” Danielle puffs her cheeks out and smiles as she gets in the car. It’s awfully cute.
“Before I forget,” you reach over into the glove compartment to grab a little box. “I got you a Christmas present.”
Danielle gasps, eyes shining as she opens the box. It’s a gold necklace with a sun pendant. You remember her eyeing it when you went out to the mall.
You don’t expect her to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
She also takes out a little box from her pocket. “I also got you a present.”
God, she even prepared it with a nice ribbon. You unwrap it to find a silver bracelet with a moon pendant. You think you’re a tiny bit delusional for thinking that you two were meant to be, but you let yourself live in this fantasy just for today.
“Oh my god,” you grin. “We’re matching now.”
The both of you put on your respective gifts before you start the car. You instinctively pass her your phone to pick a song. Of course, she puts on Christmas music. You glance at her as she takes out her crochet supplies.
“What are you working on?”
“Nothing much,” Danielle says. “Just a little cat to add to your car. It’s kind of plain.”
Her thoughtfulness makes you feel an out-of-body experience where you want to scream your lungs out and melt into a gay puddle.
You manage to get out one word. “Cool.”
The two of you pass the time by quizzing each other and ironing out the fine details of your ‘relationship’. And belting your hearts out to Christmas songs.
The drive is only an hour or so, and there’s a tender feeling encompassing you as you truly realize that it’s Christmas. Spending time with family is always nice. Receiving presents is too.
You only see Haerin a few times a year, and Christmas is one of them. Despite your bickering and her foreboding aura, she’s still somewhat endearing.
Danielle looks out the window in excitement as you draw closer to Haerin’s house. There’s a large blow-up Santa set up on the lawn that they reuse every year, and a bunch of other generic Christmas decorations.
You can already spot Haerin in the window of the house staring at your car.
Pretending to check your phone, you mutter, “She’s watching us. Let me open the car door for you.”
Danielle only responds with a giggle. You dash outside the car in record time, open the back to get your cookies and presents, and open the car door for her, as planned.
She surprises you with a kiss on the cheek. You’re sputtering and blushing, and she has to drag you toward the house (and lock the car for you).
By the time you come to your senses again, Haerin has vanished.
You heave out a long exhale and your gaze flickers to Danielle. You find that her eyes are already on you. If there was a person who could embody the joy and comfort that Christmas brings, you think that it would be the girl in front of you right now.  
“You ready?”
Danielle brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. For a second, you indulge yourself in the yearning of your heart and pretend that this is all real.
“Of course.”
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Inside the house is chaotic as always. Everyone’s rushing to finish wrapping gifts, preparing the food, putting plates and cutlery on the table, setting up the TV to play Mario Kart, the usual.
You take Danielle around to introduce her to everyone, and you feel slightly guilty as everyone fawns over her. Haerin is the last person you find.
“Haerin,” you say. She nods in acknowledgment. “This is my girlfriend, Danielle. Danielle, my cousin Haerin.”
“Nice to meet you,” Danielle gushes, letting go of your hand to hug her. “I’ve heard so many stories about the two of you and your adventures.”
“Don’t trust those stories,” Haerin says. “She probably changed it to make her look better.”
You whip your head around. “What the f-”
Danielle winks. “Don’t worry. I know how much of a loser she is.”
You take a deep breath in and force a smile. You must maintain the jolly Christmas spirit.
Haerin gives Danielle a once over before nodding mysteriously. She then stalks off to who knows where. Danielle looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
You pat her shoulder. “That’s a good sign.”
“That felt surprisingly easy…”
“Oh no,” you laugh. “We’re just getting started. They’re going to try separate us-”
With perfect timing, you hear your name being called before you’re dragged into the kitchen.
“Be a dear and help us with the food,” your mom says kindly. (You know this is a facade.) You accept your fate and place down the cookies before starting to cut the vegetables for the turkey.
You try to keep an eye on Danielle, who’s now putting ornaments on the Christmas tree with your other relatives.
The Christmas tree has been around since you were a baby, and if you look closely, there's pieces at the back that is slightly charred. Haerin pushed you, you tripped on your own feet, crashed into the tree, and it fell into the fireplace. Alarms went off, neighbors left the house in a panic, the firefighters were called… it was bad.
You strain your ears and try to hear what questions your family are asking Danielle right now, and you hope it’s nothing too over-the-top or personal. She seems to be taking it well though. Your aunt keeps bringing you new things to do and speaking loudly in an attempt to distract you.
“First girlfriend, huh?” Your mom nudges you with her shoulder.
“Yeah,” you laugh awkwardly. “I’m so lucky, right?”
“She seems good for you.”
You pause your chopping. “It’s only been five minutes, Mom.”
There’s a gleam in her eyes. “That’s all I need. And you finally have a reason to go outside for once.”
You roll your eyes and continue chopping. Your aunt comes in at one point, and together, the two of them grill you about the details of your relationship. The words fall out of your mouth just as you rehearsed.
It’s around half an hour later when you’re finally reunited. The dinner is delicious, as always, and it all feels so good.
The light squeezes on your arm, resting her hand on your thigh under the table, making sure you get the crunchy potatoes because that’s your favorite — it feels so good.
And none of this is real, but as you listen to Danielle bantering with your family, your feelings start to feel more real.
The realization sets your heart aflame, just like the fireplace once did to the Christmas tree.
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You’re leaning on the kitchen counter, nursing a can of Sprite as you watch Danielle squeal over Mario Kart (she just got hit by a red shell).
Haerin joins you. She doesn’t announce her entrance but you can sense her presence.
“No money for you,” you smirk.
“No. I guess not.”
Hell yeah. Your bank account is safe. “What do you think of her?”
“She seems too nice for you.”
You elbow her ribs. “Be nice. It’s Christmas.”
“…I’m happy for you.”
“Oh Haerin,” you muster up a sweet voice and open your arms out for a hug. She grabs a knife and holds it in front of her. Nevermind. You take multiple steps backwards.
The race is over, and Danielle finishes in a whopping seventh place. She turns around and looks for you, and smiles when your gazes lock.
You tilt your head, and she tilts her head back in response.
“I’ll be back,” you slither out of the kitchen. “The girlfriend calls.”
You think you hear Haerin scoff but you’re too busy focusing on Danielle. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah,” she says. “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Oh,” you cough. “Sorry, I’ll show you the way.”
You try not to stumble as you hear someone call out “don’t run off and make out!” Thankfully, Danielle takes it well and isn’t weirded out.
You’re unsure if it’s weird to wait outside, but you do it anyway (from a respectable distance) in case she needs anything. When she’s done with her business, the two of you make your way back to the living room, and your worst nightmare (but also a dream deep down) comes true.
Haerin is standing there, with her stupid mischievous smile and Rudolph’s nose on, holding some DIY fishing rod. At the top of that rod hangs a mistletoe.
“Haerin,” you hiss. “Put that down.”
She closes her eyes and pretends she doesn’t hear you. It’s like everyone’s telepathic, because suddenly everyone has their attention turned to you, and they’re egging you on.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
This cannot be real, you think. This is some skit or a sick joke.
You turn to Danielle awkwardly.
“A cheek kiss will be enough,” you say apologetically. “We don’t have to-”
She cuts you off with a kiss — a chaste one, but it shocks you nonetheless. You can barely hear the cheers of your family over the pounding of your heartbeat.
Haerin eventually brings you back to Earth by smacking your face with the rod, and everyone’s back to doing whatever they’re doing.
“Sorry,” you see Danielle’s worried face as your vision starts to refocus. “Was that too much?”
“No,” you blurt out. “I’m sorry. Because I actually like you but I just realized that twenty minutes ago and I have to tell you now because I don’t want you to think that I’m using you-”
“I know,” she laughs, grabbing your hand to squeeze. “Me too.”
You blink. “Oh. Cool.”
“…So we’re real girlfriends, right?”
“Yes,” she pokes your nose. “We are.”
“Awesome! Because I was going to ask you to be my fake girlfriend again for New Year’s.”
She rolls her eyes and pulls you back to the living room, and you finally understand, for the first time, all the cheesy Christmas songs.
God bless you, Hyein.
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454 notes · View notes
flashbangstars · 8 months
NCT dream as people you met on public transport
as someone who lives in a big city this was simply fitting
he took the last seat as you both got on at the same stop
he made awkward eye contact as he notices you standing infront of him as he was sitting
and them proceeded to look at you ever couple minutes while he was sitting
he had headphones in, but with how shit they were you could hear the justin bieber songs leaking through and he was now on his 6th jb song
it was like he literally had just a jb playlist
every time the train would stop for a station he would pull one earbud out and look around wildly and then once he realized it wasn't his spot he would put the earbud back
when you had zoned out staring off into the distance you felt a poke at your leg.
"you can have my seat when I get off"
#1 jb stan was being a gentlemen
you weren't sure if he was aware, but he had been loudly humming the songs as they past and he currently was halfway through one less lonely girl
when the train slowed to your stop, jb stan shot up abruptly leaving less than 2 inches between the two of you
and like screeched a little bit?
Running towards the exit of the train and waiting for the doors to open
once they opened he darted across the platform to the same train on the other side going the opposite way
Justin bieber boy missed his stop too lost in the jb sauce : (
your usual go to is putting ur backpack on the seat next to you, (because you get enjoyment from being an asshole)
two stops into your commute, shorty came up to you and pointed at your backpack
you took your airpod out and looked up
"can you move your bag
no "please", no "is it ok" NOTHING
you begrudgingly moved your bag onto to your lap
he sat down next to you and put his own headphones on
the good news was he smelled really good
like sophisticated richness
like he owned a yacht and went to expensive restaurants
you just usually stole whatever perfume your roommate left out in the bathroom (with permission)
and why are the mean looking bitches always hot??
He looks like he perpetually sucks on lemons, but I want him!
halfway through the ride you had been zoned out and knew your stop wasn't for a bit, you felt a tug at your bag
your ass clenched in fear, cuz like am I being robbed??
looking down slightly you watched as ice prince was mindlessly playing with the keychain that hung from your bag that was in his space
you didn't move a inch as if not to spook him (jesus christ hes not a fucking animal)
he then snapped out of it and dropped the keychain and looked up quickly to see if you noticed, not expecting you to be already looking
he flinched a bit and eyes widened
"oh.. I'm so sorry" he apologized putting his hands up
you reach down again and grab the keychain he had been playing with and hold it up
"I got it from gas station because I thought it was cool"
his small hand slowly creeped down again to grab the keychain once more
"oh, It looks really cool" he said softly and played with the charms
you two then spent the rest of the trip talking about the trinkets on your bags
he was on the train when you got on, he was sitting at one of the double seats by the door
when he saw you get on he moved his sports duffle from the seat next to him onto the floor and gave you that look of "you can sit here if you want"
he had on those big over ear headphones and a giant ass hoodie n sweats
if you were being honest he was kinda hot
when you sat down next to him it was incredibly hard to not make awkward eye contact with him as he was beside you
it was semi hot outside since it was the end of spring and so you both were in shorts
you had that weird skin to skin contact at first and I think it sparked some sort of carnal desire
very much so a inside us there are two wolves moment
you couldn't even tell anyone about your experience because he could see your screen and you didn't have one of those privacy ones!
you had to suffer in silence, job harder than the soldiers : (
when your stop came, you went. reach above and pull the line, but he beat you to it and reached his arm over you doing it first.
well now you just had to follow him home!
You had 10 stops before yours, and you were sitting in front of the lit up board that tracked the stops.
your roommate got on usually 5 stops after you to join you otw home so you weren't worried about missing the stop
You put headphones in and leaned your head back to escape the harsh bright lights of the train.
30 minutes pass and you open your eyes to your roommate sitting on the side opposite you with a devious ass look on her face
the rest of your body wakes up from your power nap and become aware of the weight on your head and your arms
you had fallen asleep and wrapped your hands around the arm of the guy next to you..
and you had rested your head on his shoulder...
what the FUCK DO I DO NOW?
A Midst your panic you notice the weight on top of your head....
you slowly snake your hand out from his arm and check your phone.
you had 67 notifications in your groupchat...
opening it, you find 7 pictures of you and this literally STRANGER asleep on each other.
waitttttt.... whys he kinda hot......
this actually may not be bad!
love and affection FOR THE FREE?
lemme take my ass back to sleep
the next time you woke up you had been repositioned now with your head on your friends shoulder
damn how fucking hard did you sleep....
you look around and nap stranger had disappeared
you felt your heart clench at the loss of your momentary wattpad relationship, mourning the hot man who had fallen asleep on you
becoming aware of your limbs again you tighten your grip around your phone and bring it up to check the notifications to find a bright yellow post it note stuck to the screen
"thanks for the nap : ) 999-999-9999"
this was a major win for women everywhere
the bus in the morning was this like devastating liminal space
it was cold
the lights were bright
and you kinda wanted to get hit by the bus
because of how early it is, you usually were one of the only people on the bus
today two stops in a fucking mens model on on the bus!!
sir what are you doing in this metal prison!
he sat in the back on the raised portion while you stayed in the front
you glanced up to look at him again, because.. shit if this was going to be the highlight of your morning you would take it
but when you looked up you made direct eye contact with him
playing off smoothly you did the thing where you kinda look to the side ish
looking back again you make eye contact AGAIN
as you two hold this prolonged eye contact, he raised his hand and waVED?
yall hear that meowing??? thats just my puss- GUNSHOTS
you wave back and smile your best "Im a innocent girl, but can take it like a champ" smile
and watch as he grabs his bag and stands
ur ass clenches thinking this will be the last time you may come across prince charming, but then unclenches when you realize it is also your stop
Getting up you follow ahead and go to the door exiting. walking down the street in the early morning listening to some fuckass songs trying to make the reality of 8 am classes seem better
when a hand grips your shoulder
21 years of being a woman and also a anxious mess you scream and turn around with your hands up
just to see sexy man from bus!
sexy man from bus what are you doing here?
"i am so sorry, you just didn't here me calling, so I just grabbed you I don't know why I did that, especially you're a woman alone, I don't know why I didn't think of that first?.."
sexy bus man was now rambling
"its ok!!" you say trying to put SBM (sexy bus man) out of his misery
"oh uh, well you left this on the bus, when you got up I think it got stuck on the seat, and i figured since we got off at the same stop I would just grab it.."
rambling seemed to be a common occurrence for SBM
looking down you saw the familiar hello kitty keychain you had on the back of your bag that you spent way to much money on a claw game for in his hand
"thank you sexy bu- SIR"
"..... your welcome"
it was 7am on a Wednesday night and bro just got on the train in a pair of sunglasses on.
it was almost never that serious
it was in the morning and you were waiting for a friend and saving a seat hence the double seat with one side with your backpack
the sunglasses walked down the aisle and stopped at your chair.
not even asking, he grabbed your backpack with his grimy hands and moved it to be next to you, then sitting down opposite
you literally felt your eye twitch because like HUH?
"excuse me? I'm waiting for someone, they literally just got on at this stop"
sunglasses perked up the slightest and directed his gaze towards you "I don't see them"
you literally felt your eye twitch again and you chest tighten because of the audacity
your friend at that moment walked into the car, prompting you to point and say "okay well she's here now, you can move"
to which sunglasses shrugged and and said "I'm comfortable, why are you so opposed to sharing?"
you heard your friend laugh in disbelief and your eye twitched AGAIN
Your friend squished in next to you and you ended up sitting across from Sunglasses
your thighs were burning from you sitting tightly so your knees wouldn't brush, and your resolve to stare at him until his exploded was dwindling
with a huff you relaxed and felt your knee nudge his and cried a little inside but dealt with it
When the train arrived you got up and walked out of the seat before he could and went to your bus stop
sitting at the bend you felt a tap at your shoulder and looked up
GASP it was sunglasses! without sunglasses!
GASP why was sunglasses kinda hot!?
GASP wait why sunglasses here?!!!
Sunglasses smiled a bit and put his hand out "I figure I'd introduce myself, since we had such a lovely time on the train together, I'm Chenle"
you could feel how wide your mouth was hanging in disbelief and you stared at the surprisingly well manicured hand in front of you
but deciding against your morals, you shook his hand and introduced yourself
"nice to meet you Y/N, you wouldn't mind if we sat together on the bus right"
The train during rush hour was a fucking nightmare, your class ended at 4:50 and the only line that could take you to your apartment from the university is the most popular one
when the door open you pushed in to the train and literally no seats were open.
you gripped the railing and tried to widen your stance a bit to keep stability
the train started and apparently the conductor was having a bad fucking day because he was fucking stomping on the breaks
each stop jolted you so aggressively that you feared for your life and dignity if you were to fall on this here train
after about three stops of fighting for you life, your hand was beginning to be slip from the sweat on the railing and your arm was throbbing from tensing for the last 20 minutes
all of a sudden the conductor hits the break once
...your hand slipping from the railing
and then hits it again a second time
.........you lose your footing
you fall backwards and close your eyes waiting to land embarrassingly on your ass.
you fall on the seats behind you
you feel a hand out of instinct grab your waist to stop you from falling more and another hand goes on your thigh to stop your legs.
opening your eyes you make eye contact with someone.....who honestly looks more scared/embarrassed than you are??
He looks like a guy around your age and is staring at you with these dark eyes as if you were taking your last dying breath in his lap
"are you okay" he asks sounding... once again more embarrassed than you were!???
"I'm okay! thank you!" you say still sitting bridal style in his lap
neither of you moves
like he still is deadass cradling you right now in public
"uh can I get up...?" you say and you watch his face flush red all over
"OH yeah, I'm so sorry" he says unhanding you
you stand in front of him and grab onto the loop in front of him
and..... you both spend the rest of the train ride avoiding eye contact because you both turn red when you do meet eyes.
im going to proofread later pls excuse if it seems like im illiterate
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idontknowanyonesblog · 2 months
Guys I’m so sorry for my inactivity, I know that I have a few requests and I’m working on those but I’ve just been super tired lately 😭
As a little apology I’d like to present you my general head cannons for the bayverse bots (AOE and TLK)
•Super sweet like I mean this mech would travel galaxies for you. He takes I love you to the moon and back to a whole other level.
•Once he accidentally saw you changing and he literally covered his eyes and ran away while making embarrassed little wiring sounds
•He LOVES taking you out on drives. It’s his favourite way to spend time with you. Drive through the countryside? YES! Drive through the mountains? ALSO YES! He just loves driving around with you.
•He seems like the kinda mech to play some corny ass love song if you’re upset. You could balling your eyes out and he’ll just start playing a song and you just look at him like “Are you actually serious right now?” But it’s okay cus he loves you so much and you love him.
•This one’s just for fun
One time Crosshairs mentioned something about having more “fleshies” around here and Bumblebee through a very large piece of scrap metal at him. Crosshairs literally tumbled down to the ground.
•He’s such an asshole like it’s really infuriating. Not asshole in like a mean way but if you do something remotely embarrassing he’s gonna remind you about for months. If you have allergies (like me😕) he’s probably gonna laugh his ass off as you repeatedly sneeze and say something along the lines of “this isn’t funny…” and the fact that your voice is all is all messed up just makes him laugh harder.
•He can actually be really romantic. I know he can’t take you out for a candle lit dinner but he’ll take you to beautiful places in nature and you two will just sit there and talk. He loves to take you stargazing, it’s just so peaceful. Half the time he isn’t even looking at the stars though, he’s just looking down at you with a smile.
•He’ll pick a fight with anyone, like I mean anyone. He even gets into fights with Drift (and normally looses). His favourite person to pick a fight with is Bumblebee though, he just loves to terrorize that poor yellow mech. You have apologized to Bumblebee on multiple occasions for Crosshairs actions.
•He’s actually super lovey dovey but won’t admit it. He’s constantly complimenting you and asking if you wanna spend time with him, he’s always carrying you around and holding you as if your going to disappear if he doesn’t cling to you for dear life
•This one’s just for fun
He stole one of Hounds grenades once and was like “Hey watch this!” and when you told him that it wouldn’t be a good idea to throw a literal explosive at a bunch of old cars he was just like “Nah I got this.” Well he blew up a large quarter of the junkyard that day and Cade was very pissed.
Drift (MY MAN😘😻):
•Drift is everything you could possibly want in a man. He’s so nice, caring, charming, nonjudgmental, handsome, intelligent, considerate, loyal and excellent at listening. However he does have a bit of a temper problem and can be quite stubborn.
•Drift hates seeing you upset, he will never forgive himself if he makes you cry. He’d do anything to make you feel better. If you’re upset he’s there to listen and give you advice.
•He loves taking walks with you, it’s his favourite thing to do and if you don’t wanna walk he’ll gladly carry you on his shoulder. If you wanna meditate or be with him while he’s meditating you better get ready for your wedding day because you basically just asked him to marry you.
•He adores you with all his spark, he thinks that he doesn’t deserve such a beautiful being like you. Get ready to constantly get showered by compliments and poems about how much he loves you. If you ever for once say something about how your insecure Drift will fix that in seconds! He’ll kiss you softly while murmuring praises to you until you have to say that you’re 100 percent fine now.
•For fun:
The mini dino bots were annoying him once and he tried to slice them in half. He almost succeeded until you walked by and all 3 of the little creatures hid behind you. Drift just kinda stared at you with a guilty expression, his sword still high in the air ready to strike. He sighed put his sword back as you scolded him for trying to kill the poor things.
He’s not very romantic sorry guys😭
But he tries…sort of. He just doesn’t see the need in taking you out somewhere for a date night. If it bothered you and you told him about then he would actually put in some effort. He wants you to be happy so he’ll put aside his feelings on sappy romance and start taking you out on long drives through the countryside.
He’s really funny so if you ever feel sad just talk to him. He’s also good at giving advice, like surprisingly good at it. He’ll just give you a really good piece of advice and then act like he didn’t even say anything at all.
Sometimes he just drops random lore whenever you tell him story. Once you’re done talking he’ll just say something like “oh yeah that reminds me of the time I once killed 3 decepticons with my bare hands.” And you’ll just stare at him dumbfounded.
For fun:
One time Drift was pissing him off with his haikus and stuff so Hound grabbed his sword and just chucked it as far as he could. Drift just stood there, watching as his sword flew to the other side of the junkyard.
Once they heard the sword crash down into a pile of scrap metal Drift just gave him a nasty look and sighed before walking away to go get it back.
Bonus points because the sword almost Crosshairs.
He’s romantic but not in a cheesy way, more of in a “Let me buy you a very expensive bottle of wine so that we can take it back to your place and drink it over a candle lit dinner.” kinda way. Definitely a gentleman through and through.
He cares about you so much that it’s almost a little too much. He wants to know that you’re safe and sound, that you can sleep peacefully every night without a worry in the world.
He loves listening to you. He loves your voice so much. He’ll put you on his shoulder and let you ramble for hours. No matter what you wanna talk about he just wants to listen and be there for you.
For fun:
One time Bumblebee convinced you to go on a drive with him but he ended up speeding and running away from the cops. You called Cade and told me what happened and of course he snitched to Optimus. When the two of you got back Optimus was not very happy with you guys. Bumblebee got scolded for a good 20 minutes and you just ran away before Optimus could even bring up the situation.
Hot Rod:
Hot Rod is such a cutie, he’s so kind, loving, caring and romantic! He’s the definition of a true gentleman. “Hey Hot Rod can we go on a dri-“ you don’t even have to finish your sentence because he’s already in his alt mode.
He always talks about how much he hates his French accent but you love it. It’s charming, cute and it just sounds so good to you. He knows you love it and he uses that to his advantage. Whenever he wants something he’ll start calling you by amour and chérie.
He’s SO romantic, he could possibly be even more lovey and sappy than Bumblebee. Since he lives in a big ass castle where he can roam freely it gives him a larger variety of things you guys can do.
For fun:
You were in your room once and he came to see you, he tapped on the window and it just completely shattered. You jumped up from your bed and looked over at him and he stared at you awkwardly. For a while you just gave him a disapproving stare until he apologized and said he’ll find a way to fix it.
By the way guys I’m so sorry for not being active for a few weeks, but I promise I’ll get back to writing very soon!
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asteroidzzzn · 1 year
pairing: rockstar!ellie x bartender!reader
warnings: cursing, smoking, eventual sexual themes, ellies kinda an asshole, reader is delulu (are u sensing a pattern here)
songs in this chapter: arabella - arctic monkeys
word count: 1.6k
a/n: every authors canon event is writing a band au, its my time now.
summary: the fireflies is a new band consisting of three people. after being cheated out by their former bassist, they needed to find a replacement, and quick. who better than you, the cute bartender that hasn't touched an instrument in years?
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you stumbled through the hot crowd of drunken bodies, searching for the side door. dozens of people were rushing to the stage where the new up-and-coming band was performing, making it even more difficult to push past.
you heard someone tap the mic, followed by a raspy chuckle which caught your attention. you paused in the crowd to briefly observe the band.
"hey, we're the fireflies, welcome everyone! before we start, i'd like you all to give a round of applause to jesse chang on the drums," a man with dark hair flipped and threw his drumsticks with his fingers while wearing a smug smile, having girls in the audience cheer and scream. showoff.
"dina woodward on the keys," a woman with thick eyebrows and her hair in a messy knot on the top of her head waved to the crowd.
"and of course, me, ellie williams, as the lead singer and guitarist," she played a quick riff, and the crowd cheered once more. "now, you may be wondering, where's our bassist? well, that bitch, abby anderson, stole our ideas and tried to take all the credit for two whole albums for herself."
there were scattered murmurs amongst the crowd. your curiosity was strangely piqued, despite already having a strong judgement towards band members. you had found them to be shallow and selfish because how could someone be in the music industry without being at least a little bit obsessed with themself and an asshole?
ellie continued, "so, excuse me if this song is a little off, we're in the process of finding a replacement for her, but the show must go on. this one's called arabella," she turned to jesse, "whenever you're ready."
jesse started up the song, ellie joining in with a few flicks on her guitar. dina's hands danced on the keys, creating an uneven yet flowing melody, and setting the mood for the song. ellie adjusted the mic, and began singing lowly.
arabella's got some interstellar gator skin boots,
and a helter skelter 'round her little finger, and I ride it endlessly,
ellie closed her eyes as she sang, furrowing her eyebrows with extreme focus. somehow, she had the ability to sing beautifully while expertly playing the guitar, and making all of it look like it was the easiest thing in the world. it was as if she'd been doing this from the moment she came out of the womb.
you found yourself mesmerized by the way the lyrics fell through her lips.
she's got a barbarella silver swimsuit
and when she needs to shelter from reality
she takes a dip in my daydreams
in the blink of an eye, ellie's fingers shifted from ghosting over the strings to quickly strumming. jesse tapped the symbols like a metronome as ellie's voice rose, evolving into an intense, almost shouting level.
my days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
that little lady sittin' on the passenger side
it's much less picturesque without her catchin' the light
the horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes...
you refused to acknowledge the way your eyebrows shot up and cheeks flushed as she drew out each of her words into a low whihne.
jackie, your coworker, found you in the crowd and slapped her palm on your shoulder, removing you from your trance.
"hey, i thought you were on your break? y'know, you don't need to stay in here," she needed to raise her voice because of the sudden cheering that had erupted from the crowd. your focus darted back to the stage to see ellie's head thrown back, having a guitar solo.
you quickly snapped your head to jackie, attempting to sound as nonchalant as possible. "just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, i'm heading outside right now," you swiftly left jackie behind and found the exit, drowning out the sounds of ellie practically moaning into the mic.
you groaned when the door slammed shut, falling back against the cool brick wall. you pulled a cigarette and lighter from your pocket. you shielded the flame from the heavy wind with your hand, inhaling deeply as soon as it was lit. you exhaled heavily, feeling the drums from inside pulsing.
you didn't know many things about ellie williams. you knew she was in a band, she could sing, play guitar, and you were very sure about one thing in particular. she was really hot.
you took another inhale. you knew nothing could ever happen between the two of you. you screwed your eyes shut with embarrassment when you briefly entertained the idea of speaking to her.
you wondered what she would say, if she would give you that smug smile she gave the audience. but maybe that look was reserved for screaming crowds that were basically on their knees for her. i'd be on my kne—
your disturbing thoughts were overdriven by the fear that your break ended. you pulled out your phone to check the time. two more minutes. you decided you should go back inside. you opened the door and made a dash straight behind the bar, pretending the band didn't even exist.
after four more hours of making ice-cold drinks until your hands became numb and dealing with gross old men hitting on you, you said goodbye to your coworkers to finally head home.
you pushed open the side door, trying to open a new pack with your lighter in between your teeth.
are you kidding me?
ellie emerged from the backstage exit, jesse right on her tail, yelling loudly.
"that was the worst we've ever done, ellie! i know you didn't notice because you're so fucking focused on yourself as always, but we need a bassist and now! we can't perform without one again, that was a shitshow!"
ellie simply rolled her eyes. "dude i'm trying to find one. you want me to fucking snap my fingers and conjure one out of thin air?"
your hands quit working on removing the plastic, staying quiet and eavesdropping on their conversation.
ellie halted in the middle of the alleyway just as dina walked in, dragging the instruments outside.
"thanks for all the help, dickheads," dina chuckled, but her face dropped when she saw jesse and ellie's furious expressions.
"um, i'm not actually mad, i don't mind carrying the stuff," she trailed off when ellie shoved jesse's chest.
"if you want a bassist so goddamn bad, find them on your own. just because i started this band doesn't mean you can't pitch in every once in a while," she spat, and jesse scoffed loudly.
"you're ridiculous."
dina set the luggage down and placed herself between the two.
"guys, this isn't the time to be talking about this," she guided them to the side of the narrow road. "you've been blocking that poor girl from getting out this whole time."
all three of them found your eyes and stared. you stared back with your nails digging into your pack, lighter in your mouth.
"um, i'm fine," you mumbled, stepping out of the dark corner. "jus tryin to get this open," you lifted the pack before getting back to your work on it.
dina approached you while ellie and jesse remained silent. "here, let me help you with that," she used her canines to rip a hole in the plastic, then slipped her nail in and pulled the whole covering off.
"hope you don't mind i put my mouth on it..."
"nah, i don't care," you shook your head, dropping your lighter into your hand and taking the pack. "you want one? unless you mind that i just had it in my mouth," you flashed a small smile while lighting the cigarette in your mouth.
dina snickered, "doesn't matter to me," she took one and leaned in, allowing you to light it for her.
you noticed ellie and jesse in the background glancing between each other and you and dina.
"i'm dina, that one's jesse, and she's ellie."
you nodded. "i'm y/n, i actually work here."
dina smiled and lifted her eyebrows. "oh no way, that's awesome!"
"yeah, i've been bartending for three years now."
dina gave ellie and jesse a quick look, and turned back to you, slightly more serious now.
"hey, sorry if this is too straightforward, but we're looking for a new bassist. you know anyone?"
you could have mentioned your brother, who built guitars for a living and regularly took gigs playing at restaurants. or any of your old band members from high school. they would have been a perfect fit. and you wouldn't get another opportunity like this again. you would have to be content with just observing while they were the ones on stage.
and yet, the words slipped out before you had a chance to think about them.
"i can play, a bit."
"oh, wait—" dina began, but the two lurking further away from you decided to finally join the conversation.
"are you serious? really?" jesse asked, excitement clear in his expression.
you nodded, suddenly very shy. "well, i haven't in years so i'm not the best, but i could just be a temporary fix until—"
ellie interrupted. "you don't have to be the best, just don't suck, yeah?"
dina and jesse simultaneously hit her shoulder from each side.
"ellie! be genuine," dina hissed.
ellie threw her hands up, jaw slacked. "i am! i actually am," she quickly swatted away dina and jesses hands that were ready to attack again and turned to you.
"i really—we're really grateful. this is truly so helpful to us. so, thank you."
you smiled and looked at each of them. dina slung her arm around you to show you off.
"see how easy that was, guys? you're welcome, by the way."
ellie and jesse muttered half-assed thank yous while looking everywhere except dina's proud face.
dina patted your shoulder and grinned. "welcome to the fireflies, y/n."
oh god. what have you gotten yourself into?
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a/n: woahhhhhhhh wow y/n is delulu whats new? im rlly excited for this story i have so many cool ideas!!! yay!! (*✧×✧*) hope u enjoyed this!
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ittybittyluci · 6 months
Bro How’d I Do This?
If I had a nickel for everyone my favourite character in a Hellaverse show:
- Was played by an actor I previously knew about and adored
- Had white skin with red facial markings
- Had like black/dark grey arms and legs (Luci’s are accessories I’m pretty sure, but still the black limbs on white body base is like MMM)
- Became increasingly hotter the more clothing they removed (I’m a simp for jacketless Luci and ripped shirt Fizz)
- Sang my favourite songs of said show
- Was famous in said show but didn’t really enjoy it
- Had a tragic backstory
- Was not mentally doing okay
- Had really cute shortened nicknames
- Was expected by the entire fandom to be an asshole but ended up being just the most adorable little guy
- Completely stole the show for the little amount of screen time they have gotten so far in their respective shows
- Had fun powers/abilities that tickle my brain fantastically (Luci’s pretty golden magic and wings and demon form, and Fizz being like ultra-stretchy 1000. You can’t tell me both of those aren’t completely enjoyable)
I’d have two motherfucking nickels, which isn’t a lot, but HOW THE FUCK DID THAT ALL HAPPEN TWICE?! (And all of that is just canon shit! There are so many more ways they connect in my headcanons)
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luvtonique · 7 months
I just woke up and I chose violence let's go.
Look all I'm sayin' is
If you're gonna attack AI generative art
You should, for the same reason, attack Toby Fox.
The reason I've seen the most for people not liking AI is that it's not "Real art" and that it "Takes jobs from artists" and that it "Steals from other artists"
Well, then, let's talk about how Hopes and Dreams by Toby Fox uses fake Violins to mimic a symphony orchestra. Toby could have hired a real orchestra but he used a fake one and y'all came in your drawers over it.
Why'd nobody ever lift a finger to cover social media in how Toby Fox doesn't deserve to make money because his song "Undertale" uses a fake guitar that sounds just like a real one? He could have hired a musician to play guitar but he didn't! That cost a REAL guitar player a job, didn't it?
And how come when it was found out that Toby Fox stole entire lietmotifs from other games like Kirby n shit, y'all had like 600,000,000 excuses to defend him?
I don't dislike Toby I think he's amazing, like 100/10, one'a the brightest examples of a success story of all time and one of the nicest most pure-hearted people on earth who made two of my favorite games of all time and a ton of my favorite music. Spider Dance has been my ring tone for like 8 years.
I'm just saying, the literal same reasons I see people attacking AI gen art is shit that Toby does, all of it, and y'all worship Toby for it but attack artists.
And neither here nor there, but hear me out?
Y'all will say you're in defense of artists keeping their jobs and their livelihoods which is so very noble of you, but if an artist draws shortstacks that are just a little too short, or if an artist utilizes AI, or if an artist draws Rose Quartz skinny, or if an artist draws Sans and Frisk getting a little too Frisky, or if an artist votes for Trump, or if an artist says a dirty word you don't like, or if an artist draws a black person that looks just a little bit too stereotypical, or if an artist draws a lesbian character getting fucked, or if an artist doesn't believe in gender identities, or if an artist doesn't put trans characters in their graphic novel, or if an artist makes a sexy character with butt-jiggle the protagonist of their video game; Y'ALL ARE COMPLETELY OKAY WITH SAYING THAT ARTIST SHOULDN'T BE MAKING MONEY, AND BANDWAGONING A HATEMONGERING BRIGADE AGAINST THEM.
Spare me this "We hate AI because we care about the jobs of artists" shit, you lying scoundrels. You don't care about my job! You've tried to cancel me like 500 goddamn times, got my Patreon frozen twice, got my PayPal frozen over 100 times even right in the middle of conventions, flooded my stream chat and spammed the N-word in chat trying to get my Twitch banned, flooded my Discord multiple times with links to CP trying to get my Discord banned, and you have entire Discord servers literally called things like "Jay is an asshole" and "The We Hate Jay Society" (YEAH I KNOW YOU FUCKERS EXIST, HI, HAVE FUN SCREENCAPPING THIS).
My artistic career has been under fire for the past 12 years because I draw things y'all disagree with, have opinions you don't like, and have family members who vote for politicians you think are the boogeyman that's the cause of all your problems (and haven't disowned those family members). With all due respect, when I hear "We hate AI because we believe in fair wages for artists and want to protect the jobs of artists" I just wanna strangle your lying ass.
You hate AI because it's popular to hate AI.
AI is like a prosthetic robot arm that helps you carry the groceries, and disabled people like myself (rheumatoid arthritis) benefit from its uses greatly (such as being able to draw backgrounds much easier which has greatly improved my art and INCREASED MY COMMISSION REVENUE DUE TO MY ART QUALITY IMPROVING [But y'all don't care that AI helps artists earn more money, you hate AI because you claim it's hurting artists' ability to earn money]), but you're so hung up on people using the robot arm instead of their real arms that you think you're some crusader against injustice.
You aren't.
You're just looking for reasons to attack people, it's what you do. I've been dealing with y'all looking for any goddamn reason to attack someone that you can muster for the last 12 years, hell even before that I dealt with you types. You just want to hate, you want to be prejudiced so fucking bad that you look for literally any reason you can possibly find to make some vaguepost about how much you hate an artist and post it to Reddit, and then when you get called out, get so surprised that I found your bitch ass that you start pretending you didn't mean any ill will, and start pretending that you're someone else in the most pathetic attempt to dodge blame I've ever seen.
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[Context: The OP of this post accidentally revealed who they are on Tumblr, and then when I called them out on Tumblr, they pretended they were someone else because they were scared I was gonna out them on Tumblr and they tried pathetically to cover their ass, and even politely said "I never wanted to garner hate against you" when they literally posted "I hate the way he draws women" on r/mendrawingwomen and flooded the comment section (mostly now deleted) with how "disgusting of a person" I am, while I was in the comments politely giving context to the shit he was saying about me, and he started getting furious when other people were liking my art and agreeing with me instead of him. I have like 600 screencaps of all the cringe this guy spewed, but I'm not gonna post it all because it's tangential anyway. Case in point? This guy's blog is absolutely covered with how much he hates artists for drawing things he doesn't like, and he regularly posts about how AI is taking jobs from artists. Not gonna out his blog, but that's who he is. A shining example of exactly what I'm talking about. "I hate AI because it takes jobs from artists!" "THIS MAN-THING DRAWS WOMEN IN A WAY I DON'T LIKE AND HE'S A DISGUSTING PERSON, EVERYONE JOIN ME IN HATING HIM AND TRYING TO RUIN HIS REPUTATION AND THEN WE CAN CELEBRATE WHEN HE LOSES HIS JOB!!!"]
Like, y'all can sit there and act like you're defending me and artists like me all you want, you're liars. You're boldfaced fucking liars. You are disgusting. It's completely pathetic watching you attack a tool that can be used to improve our art, and claim it's in defense of the authenticity of our art and the continued financial stability of our artistic careers. Fucking give me a break.
You're looking for people who say positive things about AI art so you can attack them and feel justified because it's popular to attack them.
All while sitting there and gladly swallowing the cum of any musician who makes amazing music with synths, fake symphony instruments and autotune.
"We care about the jobs of artists."
Long as those artists fall in line with your opinions and only draw things that agree with said opinions, right?
Wouldn't wanna care about the jobs of "problematic" artists who draw "offensive" stuff or vote for politicians you don't like.
Final note: This isn't even an attack against any political opinions or activism or anything like that, but I'm being realistic here because these are the people I see brigading against AI art. It's not me saying those people are dumb for having their opinions or political standpoints or being activists for their beliefs, it's me saying those people are the ones who are constantly attacking AI art in "defense of artists," while in the same breath attacking artists for not sharing their political standpoints or also being activists for the same causes. If you truly, truly cared about the livelihood of artists, you'd stop attacking artists' livelihood for disagreeing with you. Or for that matter: Any reason. Stop attacking artists' livelihood, or stop pretending you care about it. Be consistent, at least.
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arrowofcarnations · 1 year
Happy O’Knutzy Week, everybody!!! WOOT WOOT
All credit to @lumosinlove for the wonderful characters we’re celebrating this week, and huge thanks to @oknutzyweek2023 (@awanderingdeal) for organizing the fest!
And a special lil’ thank-you to @fruitcoops for thinking up the greatest possible name for Finn’s owl, which I shamelessly stole for this. xoxo
Day 1: Proposal (A1)
Finn saw a lot of things on his evening rounds as Head Boy: shortcuts and secret passages (handy), countless portraits (befriended), teachers in dressing gowns (unsettling), and no shortage of classmates fooling around in the dark (mostly overlooked, unless you happened to be an asshole). It hadn’t even been two months since the start of his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, but three nights a week of the same hour-long trek plus all the time he spent doing this as a prefect meant that this was already old hat. Even a rogue suit of armor or quarreling pair of ghosts couldn’t cure Finn of his boredom some nights, the library’s restricted section serving as his only salvation.
Tonight, though, Finn was grateful for boring. It meant he could try and wrap his mind around everything that had happened this week.
The announcement of the Triwizard Tournament. Dozens of witches and wizards from two foreign schools walking through the doors of the Great Hall with their chaperones. First the Ilvermorny group in their blue-and-red robes fastened with gleaming gold knots, then the group from Beauxbatons swathed in pale-blue silk. The songs, the speeches, the furtive giggles of his classmates as cute newcomers caught their eye.
And then the goblet. The rules and warnings. Dropping a scrap of parchment into its blue flames while his friends cheered him on, and doing the same for them. Giving Thomas a playful shove and saying “It’s gonna be you, Talkie, bet my fucking broom on it.”
He hoped Talkie wouldn’t take him up on that.
Hearing McGonagall announce Finn O’Hara as Hogwarts’ champion was surreal. He’d barely registered the applause, the joyful shouts from his friends, the back pats and hair ruffles from his fellow Gryffindors. He was happy, sure, but mostly he was…surprised? Confused? He didn’t know. It’d just happened so fast, and it was still happening fast—the first task would take place in one week. In one week, he’d be standing in the middle of the pitch, but not to play quidditch. He’d be doing—well, Merlin knows what, but he’d definitely be playing to win, putting his skills to the test against the other two champions.
Leo Knut and Logan Tremblay. His competition. June had heard from Percy who’d heard from some Beauxbatons bloke called Saint that there were some ruffled feathers over in the Ilvermorny camp about Knut being picked, as he was still sixteen. He’d looked just as shocked as Finn had felt when his name was called, mouth falling open and blue eyes going wide. Finn didn’t know anything about Tremblay yet; he’d also looked surprised for a second before ducking his head to adjust his hat. When he’d looked back up, a small smile had softened his expression, and Saint and a tall brunette boy on his other side were jostling him and talking in a fast flurry of French.
Tremblay looked strong. Finn supposed that was one thing he knew about him. Knut did, too—but Finn was an athlete, he could keep up with them. Besides, it wasn’t all about brute strength. If chapter seventeen of Hogwarts: A History was anything to go by, the tournament would test their mettle in loads of ways.
Finn rounded a corner and found himself in the easternmost wing of the castle, close to where temporary dorms had been conjured for the visiting students to stay in through the spring. He was about to find a comfy ledge and dive back into that chapter when he saw a flash of something in the moonlight.
“Really?” Finn muttered, tailing whoever or whatever it was with long, quiet strides. He wasn’t in the mood to tell off a fourth year on a dare or a sixth year meeting up with their girlfriend.
What he didn’t expect when he ducked around another corner and illuminated the hallway with a nonverbal lumos maxima was to come face to face with—
“Tremblay,” he blurted out.
Dressed down as he was in loose pajamas, he looked much more approachable than he had at the welcome ceremony. His eyes were wide as he whipped around to look back at Finn, looking startled and caught-out; but then his green eyes narrowed as he recognized him, sizing him up with crossed arms and a defiant tilt to his chin.
“O’Hara,” he replied. It wasn’t exactly friendly, but Finn liked the way his name sounded in his mouth anyway, how his accent curled around the H and made it sound brand new.
And Merlin, those eyes were green. He’d have to learn to ignore that.
“Merde, point that somewhere else. Unless you’re trying to blind your competition.”
“What? Oh, fuck. Sorry.” Finn lowered his arm so the light scattered across the floor. Then he realized he was apologizing to someone breaking the rules, so he added, “Don’t need to blind you. Could just let McGonagall know you snuck out and let her chuck you out of the tournament by your ears.”
Tremblay scowled handsomely, which Finn hadn’t been sure was possible before this moment, and took a step toward him. “You’re out, too.”
Finn walked forward, too, matching him step for step. “I’m on rounds, Frenchie.”
Neither stopped walking until they were in each other’s space, sizing each other up. Finn didn’t know when Tremblay had gotten hold of his wand, but they were both drawn, now, Finn’s still illuminating the hallway.
Somehow, Tremblay still managed to be intimidating while wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants and having to look up at Finn. “You don’t—”
“Oh, fuck.”
Both of them jumped, Tremblay wheeling around and Finn gaping over his shoulder at the sudden intrusion. Standing at the end of the hall, also in pajamas, was the third Triwizard champion.
The absurdity of the situation startled a laugh out of Finn. Tremblay looked over at him, then back at the new arrival.
“Knut,” Finn said, gesturing with his free hand as if to welcome him to the corridor. “Join us. We’re either about to have a duel or sneak down to the kitchens for a cuppa. Haven’t decided yet.”
Knut did in fact join them, but didn’t draw his wand, walking with an easy sort of confidence that gave him the air of someone older than he was. “I vote tea,” he said with a sigh. Up close, Finn noticed his eyes were just as striking as Tremblay’s, but instead of a sea of green, he was drowning in an ocean of blueblueblue. “It’s too late—early?—to knock y’all on your asses.”
Tremblay snorted. “Je vais vous assommer tous les deux avant que vous ne puissiez cligner des yeux.”
Knut just smirked. “Essayez-moi, shortcake.”
Tremblay aimed his wand and Finn put his hands on each of their chests, holding them apart. “Oh-kay, let’s cool the hell off, shall we? Did you two forget you’re breaking curfew?”
Tremblay backed off as Knut cocked an eyebrow at Finn. Finn put out the extra light from his wand and tapped the Head Boy badge on his lapel with the end of it.
“Damn,” Leo said quietly, leaning back against the stone wall behind him. He sighed again; Finn suddenly noticed the dark circles under his eyes. 
“What are you doing creeping around the castle, anyway?” Finn asked, though not unkindly.
Knut gave him a tired smile. “Couldn’t sleep.” He looked at Tremblay, who was still eyeing them like they might bite. “You?”
Tremblay hesitated for a second, then nodded, casting his eyes downward. “Same. It’s—not home.”
Finn let that hang in the air for a second as he thought about what to do next. Walk them down to McGonagall’s office was the “right” answer, but part of the whole Head Boy thing was using one’s best judgment, right? Which meant making exceptions. Still, they weren’t his classmates. Worse, they'd be spending most of the year scheming up ways to beat him at every task.
But now that Finn was really looking, Tremblay had shadows under his eyes, too. Guess that made three of them.
“Right, look,” Finn said, pocketing his wand to signal that he wasn’t itching for a fight. He extended a hand to Knut. “Finn O’Hara, from Galway, ‘ve got an annoying older brother and an owl called Archimedes.”
The smile Finn got this time was a little brighter as Knut shook his hand. “Leo Knut, spelled like the coin but sounds like the lizard. I’m from Louisiana—New Orleans. I have a lot of pets back home, but I could only bring one, so my frog Kermit is here.”
They both turned to look at Tremblay; Knut’s—Leo’s—grin turned wry and Finn waggled his eyebrows until he rolled his eyes, smiled, and shook each of their hands. “Logan Tremblay, from Nice. I have three older sisters, and my cat Simone probably took my spot in the bed while I’ve been out.”
They all looked at each other for a moment, the last of the tension bleeding out of the air around them. Finn had made exceptions before, and his heart told him to make one tonight.
“I know we’re meant to be enemies or something, but it would be pretty shit if you got banned from the tournament before I could meet Kermit and Simone,” he said. “So, boys: a proposal. No reporting each other to teachers, no sabotage, no fights. Yeah?”
“A truce,” Leo said, sounding a little surprised. “Kind of you. I’m not going easy on either of you in the tournament, though. I’m here to win.”
“Leo Knut-like-the-lizard-not-the-coin, I’d be insulted if you did.”
Finn was starting to like Leo’s laugh.
Logan only hesitated for another second before nodding. “We’re all here to win,” he agreed. “But...ouais. Fine. Truce.”
Finn clapped him on the back just to made him scowl again. “Love the enthusiasm, Tremblay. Now—kitchens?”
Leo nodded eagerly. “Kitchens.”
Logan eyed him. “Do they have mint?”
“Oo-way, Frenchie, whatever you want.”
“Shut the fuck up. Allez, let’s go.”
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agentravensong · 11 months
hello, fellow hatchetfield fans! here are my stray nerdy prudes must die thoughts, which i'm going to try to keep brief (she said, before spending an hour writing this)
the production level of the show as a whole really blew me away. the lighting; demon!max's costume and makeup; even the way it was shot and edited felt even more electric than past shows
this is the only one of the full-length hatchetfield musicals to have one consistent antagonist throughout (black friday has linda but half the leads don't know about her at all until the climax, plus there's wilbur and wiggly). and i gotta say, max's actor really killed it. hilarious, terrifying, and even with moments of nuance. he repeatedly stole the show.
some of the songs are already stuck in my head. off the top of my head i can't think of any that stood out in a bad/unmemorable way (though i could just be forgetting them, lol). ruth's song in particular i think is gonna really stick with me once i listen to it a few more times.
and i love the way the "i'm not a loser" motif gets used throughout the show. the closest any of the songs got me to having the visceral reaction i have to "did you know that i wanted to live with you" in "not your seed" and the bridge + ending of "let it out" ("i've never been happy...") was when richie sings that line right before... well.
speaking of richie: as a paul stan, what this show proved to me more than anything is that when jon matteson plays a sympathetic lead (or side character - hi daniel/stopwatch), he will always break my heart. he's just. really good.
thinking about how in the last of the originally planned 3 hatchetfield shows, initially conceptualized as the first, jon's character is the first one to sing, whereas in the first of those shows, conceptualized as the last, the whole crux of the musical is him refusing to sing, the audience essentially waiting for the moment he breaks and does it. thinking about how the opening of npmd tells us richie is going to die, already dying, already dead, while the opening number of tgwdlm tells us paul is the target, the Doomed Hero, the "star of the show" "destined to go viral" [read: get infected], whose story is going to be told, already written.
thinking about how singing dooms paul, and how richie singing "i'm not a loser", reigniting max's ire, is the final nail in his coffin.
...i'm normal.
there's a lot of meta jokes and nods of that sort throughout the show. maybe a few too many? like, at a certain point, as a fan, i do feel like i'm being pandered to a bit.
i liked the lords in black's scene, it was a lot of fun! it's always great to see jon get to let loose with crazy characters, and the others were great too. but i do wonder how it plays for people who haven't been following nightmare time stuff. like, i get that in one world this was our introduction to these characters, but even in that world, i wonder if including all five of them with their specific names and allusions to their individual deals is a bit too much for what the plot of this show needs. there's something to be said for not showing all your cards right away.
on the other hand, i feel like the paulkins coffee scene actually fully earned its inclusion: because when pete comes in asking for his hot chocolate, it reads differently when we're coming at it from having followed his perspective up to this point versus having been following paul in tgwdlm, in a way that strengthens both scenes. it's a nice reminder that emma and paul can be... rude, i guess. assholes, even (she really didn't need to spit in it). that idea of perspectives affecting how we categorize people arguably even plays into the themes of this show! how about that.
ah, yes, Themes. there are Themes to be drawn out of this show about the experience of high school, especially in an intertextual comparison to how tom and becky talk about their time in high school in black friday. something about how the two of them see it as this idealistic time they want to go back to, whereas the teens (the nerds/outcasts) in npmd sing that they'll "still despise it when [they're] gone". something about how in ruth's solo number, the fantasy future she imagines for herself (even in the context of it being a performance for an audience of no one) is of a standard, arguably dreary, middle-aged existence. there's definitely stuff there to be dissected.
and also there's arguably a theme of continuing cycles of cruelty, brought into focus by the ending, but also implied with the way the adults failed the kids (see max referencing his dad belittling him).
...but also, i feel like they could have done more with that.
that's my one big thing with this show, and it could very easily just be that the genre of this show isn't as much my jam, but i'll say it anyway: i wanted more from the characters, and more emotional weight in regards to certain things.
like, between this and tgwdlm, i think tgwdlm is still the better written show. there's just, a subtly to the characters there, a grounded human-ness, that i didn't quite get from all of the teens here.
as much as i clearly have a soft spot for richie, that's mostly on jon; as written, there really isn't much there, beyond "anime nerd" and "generally nice kid who wants to be liked". the scene right before he dies is comedic in how obvious it's setting things up, but its obvious-ness also makes it feel kind of cheap in terms of pulling on the heartstrings. similarly, ruth is initially just a gimmick (though hers at least ties into a deeper insecurity) and only gets her real moment of depth right before she dies. neither of them feel like they have much affect / haunting presence on the surviving teens once they're dead, past the initial shock of the reveals of their deaths.
and steph and pete are good, but... idk. i wanted a bit more from each of them. if they got to have a talk like paul and emma before "join us and die" - not even for the sake of the romance, but just for the sake of giving us more on each of them outside of their basic stereotypes and the romance - that would've helped, i think.
grace was great, though, no qualms. initially there was a part of me that was disappointed that the stereotype max was pushing on her about her being secretly repressed and horny was in fact true, but the way it gets used makes up for it, and in between max's death and when that specific thing comes up again in the climax, she gets to do a lot with the two conflicting sides of her personality, wanting to be good but having a capacity and arguable instinct for scheming and ruthlessness.
(also, as i mentioned earlier, max has a surprising amount going on, especially once you get into the Implications)
it could just be that i see those depths in the tgwdlm cast because i've had more time to chew on that cast, and that in time i'll see these teens in the same light. but i don't think it's just that.
i think part of it is how there are so many jokes about the teens being nerdy prudes (really, mostly just nerds). and like, that's part of the point, obviously, that they were being forced into those boxes and that they were still people with the potential to be more. but... i don't know if the show does enough to really make that point. again, richie doesn't really get to be more (and it's not for lack of time - there's a good amount of show before max comes back as the demon and kills for the first time).
in tgwdlm, the mains are all arguably based on stock characters, but they have more depth through their relationships. look at ted, the stock asshole sleazeball, who's shown to feel genuine remorse when he loses people he loves, in a way that contextualizes his bitterness. and there's a lot less highlighting of the stockness of them in their show than there is of the teens in npmd.
and the thing is, i think the cast of npmd at their foundations are more likable than the cast of tgwdlm (see the earlier point about emma and paul being assholes at times). they had a lot of potential. but i don't think enough of it is realized for the majority of them. the edges the tgwdlm cast has are part of what makes them compelling, and it's something the teens (minus grace) are largely missing.
the thing is, i know the fandom is going to see that potential and run with it. i know that they're gonna develop the teens' characterizations and relationships. i know they'll get into the trauma and the implications from everything that happened to them in the show. i know they'll get into... pete's survivor's guilt, and steph losing her dad(!!!), and what richie and ruth could have been, and all that. i know that they'll fill in the gaps. because that's what fans do. i guess i just wish there weren't so many gaps to fill. or, that the gaps wouldn't take so much effort from them to fill.
again, i acknowledge, maybe i'm expecting too much from the genre of show this is. it doesn't need to have A Point, i guess, it can just be fun, a comedic horror slasher in musical form. and it is fun, a lot of fun! ...but, tgwdlm was also a lot of fun. not as bombastic, for sure, but i'd say just as humorous. and it was also incredibly tightly written, and satisfying, with strong character arcs for multiple leads. it had commentary on musicals, on what makes a protagonist and what it means to be one, on conformity and institutions of authority, on romance even (you could do a very interesting aromantic reading of this show, trust me). and with a show that's titled nerdy prudes must die, that is About high school, there's, similarly, a lot you can do. and there's a fair amount of seeds planted there. but i don't think it all quite coheres. and it could've, if they really wanted it to.
...i did not keep that brief. ah well. i might disagree with half of this by the time i wake up tomorrow, i just needed to get it out of me. tl;dr, in my opinion, this show is stronger than black friday, but tgwdlm is still my favorite. all the cast and crew put a lot of love into this production and it really shows. i had a great time! :D but i'm always going to overanalyze things i care about as much as i care about the hatchetfield universe, and hence, here we are.
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ochrearia · 6 days
Biff and YS sillies.
Shakes these two violently. If anyone gets to be the big brother and little brother dynamic first it's these two and that's me being entirely biased towards my own BF but like IVE ALREADY BEEN WRITING THESE ASSHOLES INTERACTING FOR MONTHS IN POPR SO IT MAKES SENSE
I also almost gatekept this? But then I remember most of you guys here only found me off of Poly Propaganda so like. Why would I gatekeep a BF you guys are familiar with reading about
BFs in this drabble: PoPr!BF (Biff, mine) Yourself (YS)
Perhaps he was just losing his edge. Or maybe the world was starting to be kind enough to let him feel like a person again. Either way there was something so incredibly tempting about pushing buttons when Yourself knew he could get away with it. He was good at getting away with a lot of things. “The incentive is in your reactions, Biff. You want me to stop being obnoxious right back at you? Stop reacting then.” 
“See this is on you, really, because I may not be smart but I can recognize the potential to be the worst little shit imaginable with the information you just gave me.” Biff grinned, flopping over YS’s chest intentionally. “And since we’re the same person it’s very likely that any of the ways my buttons can be pushed are the same ways yours can. As you have already proved by pushing a bunch of mine with no prior knowledge.”
“Ooh, big words from the little man.” YS continued to tease instead. He didn’t want to admit at any point that Biff was possibly his favorite, because that wasn’t fair to the others. They’d just known each other the longest, and while they all had the same potential for it, Biff was really the definition his mind jumped to when he thought of the two words ‘little brother’. He wasn’t saying that out loud for shit.
“Patronizing me is going to be your worst mistake.” Biff threatened, grinning wildly. “I think you need to be knocked down a few pegs, you massive asshole. If my buttons are similar to yours then this isn’t going to keep going well for you. No one knows what pisses me off more than me! Meaning I know how to piss you off too.” The smaller fished his phone from his pocket, pushing his elbows against the silly counterpart’s chest to prop himself up. YS watched with a raised eyebrow as he typed something.
“Oh that better fucking not be the watermelon song.”
“What’s wrong with the watermelon song?” Biff asked innocently as the aforementioned song started blasting from his phone at full volume. “Gee, I don’t know about you, but you know what pisses me off? A strong earworm that I know won’t shut up for at least a few days.”
YS had half a mind to shove this dickhead off of him. That was, at first, something he’d thought was a difference between them- how affectionate Biff was, and how he was keen to show that affection by being touchy. Though in reality it hadn’t been a difference at all, something which having met all these other selves has proven. Apparently he gave really good hugs. Something less known was that he stole away just as much comfort from them as he was intending to give. Contact was nice when your body was always cold for as long as you could remember. Pushing him off would just mean more cold, again.
He settled for roughly ruffling his little brot- Biff’s- hair instead. “You’re- okay what’s a good word that would actually make you mad… I’ve exhausted the punch power of things like ‘dumbass’ and ‘shitter’ by using them too often. They’ve lost their meanings.”
“I have literally done nothing wrong and you’re mean to me for no reason.”
“I’m adding ‘a big fat liar’ to the list by the way.” YS snarked back immediately. “Turn this shit off, I’ve already heard this damn thing several times too many for my lifetime.”
“Mean to me.” Biff repeated, not turning it off and just lowering the volume instead. “Can’t believe you’re such a fucking Battleblock Theater hater.”
“I have literally never played that game and I never want to because of you and this song. Turn it off or I’m shoving you away and you will leave back through the mirror without a hug today.”
“Fuck!” Biff swore, mad that his attempt to push YS’s buttons was instead ending in more of his being pushed. “You’re such an asshole! Big, stupid, dumb fuckin’! Jerk!”
YS burst into laughter, rough with disuse. Low snickering that was prone to snorts as he tried to breathe between them. He wasn’t one to laugh very much, and even when he did it was only for a few seconds at a time. It was incredibly rare for him to go on an actual giggle fit, not even believing he still could after everything. Then again, he’d also believed he would never get to feel warm again either. Or that he’d never get to see the colors of life in anything other than sad, depressed, washed-out hues. Things change. There’d been so much bad change to face in his life. He’d forgotten what good change was like.
It was like the sun. Bright and warm. Life giving.
“I don’t think I’ve gotten to hear you laugh for that long before.” Biff said, turning the playful atmosphere in a more serious direction. “That’s not to make you self-conscious by the way, don’t you dare start thinking that shit. Sorry, I tend to blurt things out before thinking, but like, honestly. The others aren’t fully sure how to be affectionate with you on the same level I do, because it’s kind of weird in a way, acting brotherly when that’s literally just yourself, but I know they think the same thing. It’s kind of… I don’t know, crisis inducing? To look at another version of you and know you’re so… sad. Eh, maybe not crisis inducing. Fuck I don’t know words. It makes us sad. That’s probably the most straight-forward way I can say it.”
YS’s laughs faded, shadowed eyes watching the other carefully. There was a very easy and negative takeaway he could get out of those words alone but he knew that wasn’t what Biff was trying to get at. Making assumptions before having the whole picture only led to more problems. 
“You’re smart. Surely you caught on to that by now. You’re seeking us out with the intent to help because it’s the next best thing when you’re so clammed up on your own self that you can’t give everything you give to us, to yourself instead. You’re not going to get away with that without us giving back. So of course seeing you so sad makes us sad. But it’s okay! We’re going to help fix that.” He said matter-of-factly. How confident.
YS huffed out one last chuckle. “All of you are so confident about solving problems you’ve never actually faced. Somewhere along the line I suppose it’s endearing but you’re all incredibly dumb and misguided.”
“I’ve faced them.” Biff reminded. “Not physically. But I have… faced them. Seen everything you lock in your head because you think you have to contain it alone. And I know you’re still mad at me for doing that. You just never fucking talk, man. All of us dumbasses come to you all vulnerable and you fix that but you don’t let yourself get vulnerable. What are you afraid of?”
Don’t you know? Though he never really did say it out loud. There were a lot of things he didn’t say out loud. He was scared of hurting them. They knew that. He was scared to lose them too. Something about the double meaning of losing himself made him uncomfortable.
“...Are we okay?” Biff continued suddenly, voice softer and more nervous. “It’s been weeks since I, I guess, betrayed you in a way. Took your magic and used it against you. I knew it wasn’t what you wanted and did it anyway.”
A flash of him, pounding against the glass of a mirror he couldn’t walk in, because Biff had purposefully avoided anything reflective. His face, always so pale and sad, shadowed out and hung low, but rolling tears still visible, kept company by a panicked and upset grimace, teeth clenched so tight they could shatter.
Had it all been a mistake?
“You disappeared on me for a while after. Scared me. I knew I deserved it, you were so angry when you came to take your baggage back. You stopped showing up in my dreams even. I deserved it but it still scared me. I wondered if we’d ever talk again after a few days.”
Biff was right about one thing. He had been angry. Furious, really, though it wasn’t all directed at him. They hadn’t really talked about it either. The days he had been avoiding Biff were the days he decided to reach out to even more selves- he didn’t need to know that though. That would probably just make him feel some sort of venom towards the others. YS didn’t want that. All of them getting along was important too.
“But… are we okay?” Biff repeated, lips stuck in a frown. “I guess I can’t really ask for forgiveness if you really don’t want to do that. But I need to… know where we stand so I don’t overstep. Hell, I’ve probably been overstepping this whole time…”
This dude worried too much.
“You are annoying.” YS started, almost laughing at the look of shock that caused. “You are. But I’m not saying that as a bad thing. You’re annoying that you care so damn much about my opinion of you. We’ve had this conversation before about your GF and Pico. You lost all your confidence in the face of them not thinking highly of you, in a dream. You know what that’s telling me? That you somehow care about my opinion as much as theirs. Don’t you think that’s a bit overdramatic?”
“Not if it’s the opinion of my big brother…” Biff mumbled. He hadn’t meant it to be loud enough for the other to hear, a reply to himself born from a need to say something in rebuttal. The other had definitely heard though.
YS didn’t think the grin on his face could get any wider without his head splitting. “We’re okay, you fucking idiot.” Big brother huh? Guess that whole changing my nickname in the groupchat thing wasn’t just a joke. I’m not entirely sure if that should make me this damn happy. I think I’d be even happier if the rest started calling me that too… “If everything ended after one shit choice then none of us would be here. None of us, because all of us are prone to shit choices with the small amount of brain cells we have collectively. So yes, we're okay. Just don’t fucking do that again.”
“You got it, bossman.” Biff teased, steering the atmosphere back to silly. “Good to know I’ll still be getting my hug before I leave.”
“So long as you don’t push any more of my buttons before then.”
“No promises!”
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
Hello, its my first time requesting something so could I get some friendship Headcanons with the monster with a gn reader who can channel the powers of yokai?
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So I took a completely different approach with this, but I hope you like it! Also I used a lot of imagery from this fandom wiki article!
(cw: fight scene, slight violence, kitsune!luffy, fluff, food)
(a/n: i have no idea about japanese mythology, so all of this has been based off my cursory internet searches! i'm more familiar with faerie lore tbh)
Songs: "Starsick" by Maude Latour
"I'm booooored," your yōkai spirit friend sighs out, hopping up your back to drape himself dramatically across your shoulders. You nuzzle into his soft fur, letting his scarlet tails flick around you angrily.
"Well, I'm sorry, but we're not there yet, Luffy," you scratch the kitsune behind his ears. He's in fox form, having shapeshifted back to ride on your shoulders instead of walk. He paws at the diamond dangling from your earlobe. The scarlet fur scratches against your chin. You wave him away, "Stop it."
He groans. His little red paws start playing with your loose hair, instead. "Luffy!" You chide, and he groans again in agony, sliding off your shoulders to melt into his human form again.
Luffy is a kitsune, having gained a tail for each hundred years he's been alive: Luffy has eight. They say the wisest kitsunes have nine.
He stalks in front of you, hands in his pockets as he walks backwards. The dirt path is littered with rocks and stones, but he deftly avoids stepping on any tripping hazards. Stupid spirit magic.
"When are we getting there?" He asks again, whiny. You roll your eyes.
"Another three miles, Luffy. Keep walking."
"Uggghhhhh," he drags his feet, turning back around to face forward. His foxy grin catches you off-guard, and you stumble. Luffy snickers, surely aware of your stupid mortal crush on this spirit fox.
"We have to walk," you point out, catching up to him on the dirt path, "Because someone broke our only other means of transportation."
"Stupid rowboat," Luffy mutters, kicking a stone. Two of his tails flicker into existence, shortchanging his disguise from agitation.
"Stupid Luffy," you counter, flicking him in the forehead. He whines, frowning at you as he rubs the now slightly red spot. You sniff. "Besides, it should be good for you to stretch your legs. You've been fox-form for a while now, huh?"
Luffy nods, stepping in place beside you. He stares at the sky, sparkly eyes tracking clouds as they race across the sky. "Gonna rain soon," he says, ominously.
"How can ya tell?"
Luffy shrugs. "Dunno. Just can," he sharply glances behind you, and something aggressive flashes in his eyes. "Get behind me," he whispers, and you do. Your hand goes to the knife at your belt, but Luffy's already balled his hands into fists.
"Hey, asshole!" Your spirit guide calls, staring at the bushes along the side of the road. Something rustles from within them. You gasp slightly, stepping back. Your heel snaps a twig.
Suddenly, a red-gold blur lashes out at Luffy, startling him slightly as he stumbles backward. You give him room, now fully drawing your knife. Luffy curses, ripping at the thing that's now clawing at his face.
You surge forward, stabbing at the thing as it scrabbles around your friend's head, suffocating him. The thing cries, yelping in pain as it hops away from Luffy's now-scratched up face. Anger burns in his dark eyes. He stalks forward, holding up his fists.
"Bad foxy," he accuses, spitting on the ground. The thing, which you now see is another kitsune, hisses at him.
"What the fuck," you breathe, shuffling behind Luffy a bit more. He crouches down, staring at the fox as it hisses and spits into the ground. He tilts his head.
"Oh!" He apologizes, suddenly softer and more earnest. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize! Who stole it?"
"Stole what?"
Luffy shakes his head. "His star ball," Luffy explains, as if that made any sense to you.
"Star ball?"
"Life force ball," he turns back to the kitsune, who only has one tail. "You're pretty young, huh?" He asks, holding out his hand.
The kitsune growls, but doesn't attack. Doesn't run away, either. You frown. "Does he need our help?"
Luffy grins.
"Of course."
The fox's name is Ember.
"Hi Ember," you say, sliding a tangerine slice his way. The kitsune yaps at you, but gobbles up the fruit without a second thought. You lean against the trunk of an oak tree, while Luffy translates the poor spirit's story. You grimace. "Sorry for stabbing you," you say, softly. The knife hadn't left more than a scratch, but you'd still offered to help patch it up. The fox had refused, but you hope the time spent together will let him change his mind. Luffy sits cross-legged in front of you, nodding seriously as the fox tilts his head back and forth, chewing on the squishy orange slice.
"So, a traveler stole it?" He repeats, flicking his eyes to you, "We're chasing a traveler right now, in fact. What did they look like?"
The fox flicks his ears in answer, and Luffy nods. "Sounds like the same guy. Long, sharp claws? Weird feet?"
The fox yaps, jumping up and down. He nods. "Y/N and I are gonna go kick his ass for ya, okay? We'll get your star ball back."
You slide another tangerine slice his way, but Luffy intercepts it. He chews the citrus loudly, with his mouth open. He tilts his own fox ears, now completely visible in his mortal form. They flick scarlet over fluffy black hair. You scan the length of Luffy's lithe form, bent forward as he starts playing with the younger kitsune.
"You're gonna have so many tails one day!" He's saying, giggling as he lets the kitsune play-fight with his fist. He loosely muzzles him, before letting him frisk away to snap his jaws and laugh. Foxes laugh, loudly. Luffy joins in. "You'll have as many as me!" He grins, crossing his arms with pride. He lets his eight, flickering tails pop into existence. They're white at the base before fading to dark red at the tips. His ears are red, too. His paws are red in fox form, but his hands are the same honey-tone as the rest of him as he is now. Half-boy, half-fox. All smiling and silly. His eyes crinkle up like crescent moons.
The child-fox gapes at his display, jumping around in excitement. You stand, having finished your tangerine. "Let's get started!" You suggest, tossing the orange rind off to the side. The smaller fox snaps forward, closing its jaws around the peel before you can stop him. He swallows it in one gulp. You roll your eyes.
"Luffy junior," you huff, sticking your hands in your pockets as you walk back to the road. Luffy follows after you, the junior in question now riding his shoulders. "Why doesn't he change shape?"
Luffy stares at him, while the kitsune chitters. "He's really only a teenager," Luffy explains, catching up to you. His shoulder bumps into yours, and a spark shoots through your stomach. You clear your throat.
"Can you not shapeshift til you're older?"
"Well, ya get better at it," Luffy smiles, meeting your curious gaze with mischief in his. His nose crinkles. "But everyone can shapeshift no matter how old they are. But ya can't," his face darkens, and the kitsune on his shoulder croons sadly. He scritches his soft-gold ears.
"Ya can't shapeshift without your star ball," Luffy continues, "It's like, your essence of life. And ya gotta keep some of your spirit safe while ya change shape. And now that someone has it, he can't safely turn back and forth. Plus! It's really hard to get your own star ball back yourself." Luffy's eyebrows pull down hard over his eyes.
He looks furious.
Luffy's voice turns dark, and raspy, "Because he now has to follow the orders of whoever stole his ball. He's completely under some human's control." Luffy spits this out like stones in the street. He clenches his hands into fists. You bump your shoulder into his. He meets your eyes, questioning; his jaw clenches.
"We're gonna kick that guy's ass," you smile. Luffy grins, beaming from your confidence in him, as well. Even the kitsune's ears perk up.
"We're gonna get your star ball back."
"Here," you hiss, crouching below a gnarled tree root. Luffy sneaks in behind you, rustling the bushes as he goes. You glare at him to be quiet, and he grins sheepishly.
You roll your eyes, but don't answer. You turn back to the scene in front of you: a man in a hooded green cloak, crossing his legs in front of a campfire. By the time you all had caught up to him, the sky had already darkened for night. The traveler throws back his hood, grinning at the small bauble in his hand.
A shiny white star glows in the center.
You gasp, softly, and Luffy growls. The kitsune huddles back against the tree root, waves of anger pouring off of him. You turn to meet his eyes, reassuring him with a slight grin. "Don't worry," you whisper, brandishing your dagger by your bent knee. "We'll get it back for you."
The kistune nods, and hides farther back in the undergrowth.
Luffy grunts, and springs forward.
You curse, but chase after him.
Luffy flies at the traveler, all fists and teeth, before you dive in to steal the traveler's bag for yourself. He had stolen your sketchbook, after all. Luffy snarls, half-feral, with arms and legs both stretching out to kitsune claws. His ears are flat against his head, and his tails are whirling around in anger. The traveler lets out one, loud cry, before falling to his knees. He slumps over, defeated.
Luffy grins, and bends to pick up the shiny star ball.
"We should get outta here," he says, sparkling, "Before he wakes up."
You head back home, kitsune safely rescued. The orange fox-spirit had taken his star ball back gladly, insisting he now owes you a favor, but Luffy waved him away.
"Just pay us for it next time!"
You wished Luffy had actually asked for some money, but oh well.
Now, you're both seated across from each other on your living room mat. You shift on the tatami, steaming bowl of rice held in both your hands. You breathe in: delicious.
Luffy devours his rice in one fell swoop, sighing heavily as he leans back. He scratches his hand through his hair. "Good job today, y/n! Thanks for helping me rescue that kit’s star ball.”
“Welcome,” you say, scraping the bottom of your bowl. And then, “Do you have a star ball?”
“Duh,” he says, fishing the glowing orb out of his pocket. Your eyebrows raise, but you say nothing. He twirls it deftly in one hand, tossing it up before catching it again. It glimmers gold in the lamplight.
Crickets chirp in the night, and you stand up to head to bed. “Cmon,” you say softly, leaning down to scoop a now-fox-form Luffy into your arms.
He purrs happily, wriggling around in your hold until you dump him unceremoniously onto the bed. He curls into a ball on the pillow, snoring immediately.
You curl in beside him, and let sleep take you.
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go-go-devil · 4 months
2, 11, 17, 37, 47 for patches and 5, 6, and 19 for wayne hylics! (sorry that's a lot. keeping you occupied.)
Hell yeah, two of my favorite bald guys! And don't worry, I have enough to say about both of them to fill up these answers ;-)
2: A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Patches met with Solaire and very likely regrets losing his trust, which is why he encourages us to "keep him by [our] side" even if he thinks the man's an idiot. I'm still genuinely shocked the fandom largely ignores this piece of actual canon dialogue, or misinterprets it in bad-faith takes. Just because Patches is an asshole doesn't mean he's irredeemably evil, c'mon guys...
11: Faceclaim for the role
No one honestly. In fact, I am so attached to Patches's phenomenal voice acting that I would only accept William Vanderpuye himself to play him in a unnecessary live-action adaptation of any soulsborne title even though he doesn't really look much like him.
17: Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I had mentioned in another ask post that I associate the song "Hyena" by Rancid with him since I think a lot of the lyrics fit him very well. There's some other songs that make me think of him too, but several of those tend to be so specific that it's hard for me to communicate my thought process unless I go into a mini essay about how they connect for me (and I'm not just talking about the songs that I associate with the relationship between him and my oc Leiurus)
37: What they really think about themselves
In many ways, Patches truly does see himself as legendary rogue who's forsaken the Gods and their worthless treasures. He feels entirely justified in his neverending quest to punish clerics and those who exhibit a similarly greedy nature which fills his ego enough to help him maintain a positive attitude and never lose heart, even as the world decays around him
On the other hand... I feel he's also self-aware enough to know how lonely he is. Whatever those clerics did to him in the past must have truly been traumatic because this fucker has some severe trust issues. Even in DS3 when he finds ONE other person he respects and wants to be friends with he doesn't even have the balls to admit it to them, instead forcing himself to keep a distance and only saving them whilst wearing a disguise so they won't recognize him.
There's a part of me that even thinks his desire to trick non-clerics comes from a sense to test whether or not they have the tenacity to actually survive in this dangerous world without going hollow, just so that when he does beg for forgiveness and becomes their "friend" he knows they won't leave him too soon after
47: Their dream job
Being unemployed and kicking landlords and missionaries down holes to steal their money >:-)
5: Best personality trait
Unfortunately Wayne doesn't exhibit THAT many personality traits in both games, but his casual demeanor I've always found very endearing. He's just so damn chill and cool even when faced with great peril, and has such a deep respect for his friends. I also adore his little anarchistic quips whenever he stole something off the ground in Hylics 1 and really wish they had brought that back for 2, though him raiding Blerol's treasury in 2 does help fill that niche I suppose
6: Worst personality trait
A severe case of ennui for his place in the world, and the endless cycle of fighting his opposite to which he feels trapped in. Despite my history of Hylics angst writing this is actually canon, but I can't elaborate on this for you yet because you haven't beaten Hylics 2
19: Vices/bad habits
I like to imagine Wayne's greatest sin is sloth. Sometimes he'll lie in bed for hours upon hours because he can't bring himself to do anything, even if he wants to do something. There are also times where he'll choose to linger just a little too long in the Afterlife; letting the purgatorial tranquility overtake his senses until it almost melts his body into terrestrial juice
Most often all it takes is for his friends to come pay him a visit to get him out of his funk, but lately after the events of H2 he's begun to feel more listless than usual...
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hellcheersource · 1 year
Fic collection
I'm sure we all love getting to see our girl Chrissy finding her independence and ditching Jason for a *significant* upgrade. If there happens to be a little bit of an overlap? Well that's just between friends. So here's a little collection of fics where Chrissy has her cake and eats it - cheating on Jason with Eddie. Because who wouldn't?!
Getaway Car by @bumblehumblebeee
Chrissy Cunningham is pregnant.
Which is a problem considering she's got an (asshole) boyfriend who believes she's a virgin saving herself for marriage.
All of Chrissy's carefully laid plans to leave Hawkin's with Eddie after graduation comes crashing down when the liquid in that tube turns pink and their carefully concealed relationship?
Well, it's hardly an immaculate conception...
She said to me, forget what you thought by @majicmarker
Dangerous game, flirting with Jason Carver’s girlfriend. Max might be impressed, except that she thinks it’s actually exceptionally fucking stupid.
But… Well. Chrissy looks really happy, bright smile and big laugh, and if it’s Eddie’s puppy dog heart eyes behind that? So be it.
It’s really none of Max’s business.
*Most of this is told from Max's POV, which is super cute and original and I love it*
Dirtbag by Betts
“Eddie,” Chrissy says, looking away like she’s shy, like he hasn’t dicked her down in every way imaginable a thousand times. “We haven’t seen each other in a year. Don’t you want to get caught up before we start?”
Is that how she sees the obligatory pre-fuck small talk? Getting caught up?
“Health, good. D&D, good. Band, good. That’s all I’ve got.”
“You’re telling me nothing interesting has happened all year?”
“I’m thirty. Nothing interesting happens ever.”
Or: For fourteen miserable years, Eddie has been the other man. But by 1998, he can no longer pretend it’s just a sex thing.
I’m not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you by @adelaideelaine
The seniors at Hawkins have to take dance as part of their phys ed class. Turns out being a musician comes with a certain sense of rhythm that ends up having Eddie paired up with Chrissy.
One, I'm biting my tongue Two, he's kissing on you Three, oh, why can't you see? One, two, three, four...
Spirit Stick by @gingertumericlemon
Somebody stole the Hawkins High Spirit Stick, and nobody thinks Chrissy Cunningham can get it back.
Except Eddie!
Author note is: Can you imagine how embarrassing it is for me to have written 14 pages inspired principally by Kirsten Dunst's reading of the line "I AM only cheerleading" in BRING IT ON
*Personally I think the author is genius for turning that one line into this gorgeousness that does not go where you expect it too AND has a kick ass female OC*
Scotty Doesn't Know by @hellfireheathen
“You two were practically drooling over each other.” Jeff agreed, playfully shoving Eddie with his hand. “Just don’t get our asses kicked if you do decide to hook up.” And just like that… maybe Eddie wasn’t entirely delusional, after all.
*you know the song... you can guess the plot. We love these two idiots*
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dietmountaindewbae · 2 years
iv. cigarette breath
alex turner x reader 
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word count: 3016
summary: During a rehearsing session, you and (early eyct) Alex test each other to the limit.
warnings: smut
song recommendation: angel by massive attack
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ 
Sitting on the corner with amps piled high Alex saw the last person on earth that he wanted to see, she was playing a sweet melody that immediately turned bitter when he closed the door shut making a lot of noise.
"Hey" You whispered, still concentrating on the variation you were playing, it was nice very soft, and you thought it accommodates the mood of the day, slow but bright, "Where's the rest?"
"Well... The girls' flight got delayed, and Miles had an interview today he's flying here on Wednesday...you're stuck with me" He shoot a cigarette from the box directly to his mouth, you nodded and kept playing around with the guitar, "Oh, so you don't talk now" He walked closer staring at you up and down arms crossed and his dark shady gaze, you tried to ignore him but then he unplugged your guitar abruptly.
"Hey! what the fuck is wrong with you?" You tried to grab the plug from the ground but he grabbed it first, lifting it from the air, now it was your turn to cross your arms, "I thought a nod was a good answer, Alex, can you stop being a prick for a moment now please?" You never really understood why you and Alex annoyed each other that way, you were like two little kids who pulled each other's hair or stole their toys just to have a piss but they always ended up with a sour look spread on their faces.
"See, we're gonna be stuck together so let's try to get along for once" He lowered the guitar plug to your reach, you were about to grab it but he pulled his hand back, "Do we have a deal love?" He accentuated love with such hypocrisy that it made your eyes roll.
"Yes, Alex" This time you grabbed the plug but he ruined your moment so you put the guitar aside.
"Very well!" He clapped his hands, "Can you play the bass and the drums I'll take care of the rest" He grabbed the red and black Jazz master you were playing a few minutes ago and you took your place on the drums, Alex fixed the mic stand, "Let's practice a bit before we start so you know...we can get on the same lane"
"Asshole," You said under your breath.
"I said sure!" You smiled brightly at him.
"Right, let's start with used to be my girl, and get that look out of your face, you can get wrinkles" He turned around and winked his eye, the cigarette he had on his mouth was carefully hung between the strings on the neck of the guitar, you began to count, you still had a frown on your face even angrier now, you wanted to throw the stick at his head but of course, you didn't wanna ruin his slicked-back long hair, or hurt his painfully sharp jaw.
A few miserable minutes after the song finished, you kept rehearsing more songs, alternating the drums or the bass, sometimes the guitar and piano, but mainly the drums, you got a few compliments from him, and he stated that your guitar playing wasn't as miserable as your face.
"Alex, baby," You said with gratitude, "Can you stop?"
"Stop what? The hips?, you know that's nearly impossible" He swung his hips with that sassy attitude, making you giggle but very subtly, "Is that the glorious sound of laughter I just heard from you?" He turned around on his feet so dramatically, eyebrow curved and you hid your smile.
"No, it was just the sound of disgust, now please let's just continue"
"Nah, let's just take a break for a few" He sat on the couch putting the guitar aside, spreading his legs like he owned the whole couch.
"You want a beer?"
"Now you're talking babe, bring 'em" He drawled, babe my ass, you quickly went to the fridge cracking up the bottles with a knife, I mean...who does he think he is to call you babe? your boyfriend or what? you were far from being his babe, very fucking far from...
"Fuck!" You grunt in pain after the edge of the knife scrapped the back of your hand, you turned the water tap on, washing your hand off, a bit of the blood that came off.
"Who said fuck? I'm here oh...fuck, you can't even open a beer for fucks sake" He chuckled, and you glanced at him with such anger his smile went south, "Reyt you know..."
"Take the beer Alex, is just a small cut" You insisted and he stared at you, exhaling loud.
"Let me help you, there's a first aid kit on here" He got on his knees opening up the lower cabin, "Here it is" You could see part of his Calvin Klein underwear as he stretched his back to grab it, he got up from the floor fixing his hair back with his fingers, he turned off the water and walked with you to the couch, "I'm gonna take some alcohol and then just put a band-aid on it, it will be fast" He took the cap out of the bottle and grabbed your other hand.
"I don't need you to hold my hand you know that" He grabbed it a bit stronger, not letting it go, "I'm not gonna cry I'm not a baby"
"But you act like one" He put the alcohol on your hand, making it sting but your face was serious, then he grabbed a cotton ball and took out the excess with it, lightly tapping your skin, "Tough girl, aren't you?"
"Don't call me baby, I'm not your baby"
"Never said you were...but you could" He always made you roll your eyes, his voice sometimes sent shivers across your body but you hid them very well or so you thought, "All done"
"Good" He finished putting a band-aid on your hand, "Thanks," You said a bit grateful for it, after all, he did help you.
"And that's progress, you're welcome" He gave you his beer and grabbed the other one from the kitchen, "But you know, it is kinda nice to see you smile, just a bit" He chuckled smiling from the side.
"Thanks?" He offered you a cigarette from his red Marlboro box, you smiled and grabbed one, you lit your cig with his silver zippo, and he put another one in his mouth, making little circles with the cigarette smoke as he exhaled, "How do you do that? I always wanted to learn how to do it"
"Circles? Well it's easy you put your lips together and move your throat, kinda like giving a blow" You faked a laugh while Alex smiled, you took a long drag, putting your lips together and moving your throat as he said, circles forming with the smoke, "You're an expert" You cough and laugh at the same time.
"Fuck off" You chuckled.
"You are" His arms extended his fingers lightly grazing your shoulder, "I'm an expert on something similar" You scoffed and rolled your eyes. What did he mean by that? You knew what his words meant but why was he saying that to you? he was looking at you up and down, checking you out.
"Nah, don't play those games with me" He licked his lips before moving closer to you.
"And why is that, babe?" That drawl he made with his tongue whenever he called you baby made you feel something this time, your body was drowned to his, and his the same way around, each time getting closer.
"'Cause I might beat you in it" Your face was inches apart from his, you could see it in his eyes, that spark of lust lit up from the darkest part of his heart, his fingers drew circles on your thigh, each time going higher and higher, you never thought you would say this ever, "Wanna play with me?" You whispered on his lips, and his hands took a hold of your neck like a perfect necklace.
"I'll play with you" His lips pressed against yours gave you a rush of ecstasy, and you shivered, gasping for air as you kissed him roughly, you quickly undid his belt but he was faster to take your little denim shorts off, and his hand traveled up your back taking your bra off in the blink of an eye, God was he greedy.
His body weight on top of yours made you lay down on the couch, you were almost naked, your pink bra barely hanging onto your chest since he had already taken out your shirt, he was fast to get you naked, and he began to decent so slowly, this time he took your bra out taking one of your tits in his mouth nibbling and sucking your nipple, while he kneaded the other one in circles, moans dared to escape your mouth and your legs rubbed together but he was a hungry beast, he separated them with his knee pushing upwards, his fingers sneaking and creeping inside your panties, you could already feel him so hard underneath his jeans, at the same time you unbuttoned his skin-tight jeans you felt his fingers teasing your clit, "I guess I'm gonna win, you're too weak for it, I bet you already fantasized about me fingering you like this, do you touch yourself at night think bout me, babe?" Your cheeks blushed so hard at the way he said these honest words, your body answered before your mouth did, a rush of wetness damped his fingers, but you didn't want him to win so easily, you had to make it harder, to make him harder.
"And you? You don't jerk yourself off thinking about me? Getting on top of you, watch me take you deep, bet you are the one who fantasized about this moment"
"And I bet you can feel how hard me cock gets for you" You gasped when he pushed two fingers inside you, "So tight, bet you can take me whole" You were so close by now it was almost embarrassing how this man could make you finish in just five minutes, so before things came to an end for you, you wrapped your legs around him, pushing him forward almost falling off the couch but he held you tightly to his body, "Fuck I almost won"
"Almost pretty boy, but it's not over yet..." You panted.
"It's just beginning" He finished your words, it's fun to play with him, and mostly how you let him play with you thinking it was so easy and he would win at the very beginning, but it was time for you to grab the freak by the leash, he took his jeans off and while he kicked his black Chelsea boots off, the tip of your cherry red nails caressed his skin, you stroked his cock running your fingers all across him, you felt how big he was, but when you took him out your face was pure shock, but you still smiled to him.
"Too big for you?" He teased, his thumb stroking your cheek, your hand grabbed his hand and you took his middle finger inside your mouth, fiddling with the ring on his pinky, as you sucked it.
"I'm a big girl" You began to stroke him slowly, your thumb going in circles on his head, "Is this how you do it?"
"Feels good, doll" He was breathing so heavily, his cock hardening with each stroke, he stared at you, just admiring your face for a couple of moments, he knew he liked your blushed cheeks, your long arms, the small curve on your waist, your hips, the thighs, and especially that look on your face as you stroked his cock, he hated to like you so much, and you hated to like him the same way.
You pushed your underwear to the side, and rubbed the tip of his cock on your clit in small circles, your moans mixing with his, "You didn't answer me though", You panted, "Is this how you jerk off thinking bout me?" He grinned and his cheeks blushed, but as he opened his eyes he looked at you taking your hand away for a moment, he put his hand on his cock.
"You wanted to know, so now you'll see" He began to move his hand up and down very slowly, teasing himself but it only lasted for some minutes until he increased his pace, the veins of his neck, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth, his messy long sweaty hair, the sighs, his cigarette breath, it all piled up making you get up on your knees and show him how you do it.
You gathered up your wetness and began to rub your clit in circles, your knees felt very weak as he jerked his cock off faster with angst, "You never looked so beautiful" He said, he stared at your hand moving at the same speed as his, "God if you could only know the things I would do to you"
"If you want me, show it to me" He pushed himself up, looping his arm around your waist, your knees on the cushions, and his hand gripped your wrists back he put your hair on the right side of your neck, his hot breath tickling your ear, his lips began to suck on your neck your legs unconsciously rubbing together, nipples hard you bet you were already dripping wet as he exhaled leaning in to whisper something on your ear, "I'm not gunna holdback babe, just want you to know, that I want you so bad" Your heart was gonna beat out of your chest as he said those words, his hand gripped your ass very tightly taking you by surprise, he pushed himself inside you so deep it made your legs shake, "Come on baby, don't let your knees give up so easily" At this point, you couldn't form a sentence, it was only his name that you could say as he thrusts so hard inside you, skin on skin you felt his chest was covered in a cold sweat, his hips pushing forward your body harder until he stopped for a moment to breathe.
"Keep... g-going," You said between breaths, "Alex keep going" he smiled, his hand whipping your tears away, but you kept looking at him hopelessly.
"Is it too hard for you babe?" You denied with your head, "Good"
"Not hard enough" You panted, he decided to show you what hard is, so this time he picked you up from the couch, back pressed against the wall, he picked your legs up slipping his cock inside you with no struggle, one hand on the wall the other grabbing your ass so hard, your body jumped up each time he fucked you each time deeper and harder, making sounds when your skin collided with his, your fingers intertwined on the back of his head, the look on his eyes made you shiver, "Alex I'm gonna..."
"Come with me, smother me cock with your cum", He speeds up smiling as he saw your eyes roll back, your nails digging into his strong shoulders, he made that tingle spread up in your whole entire body, but somehow you wanted more so you pushed your hips forward as best as you could, "Love I'm gonna cum inside you if you don't stop"
"I want it you know I do," He thought about it for two seconds, smiling because he never thought this would happen, you always begged for him to stop with his jokes now you're begging him to not stop and to finish inside you.
"Show me how much you want it" He held you in his arms, still buried inside you, he sat on the couch you were fucking before, your hips rolled back and ford slowly, you were trying to catch your breath, he smiled to himself because he liked how you were struggling to move, he fucked you up, and he truly did, your mascara was runny, your lips made a red pout, your chest the same color as your red nails, he decided to help you grind your hips against his body, he knew it would only take a few grinds before he was completely done because, in the same way, you fucked him up too.
"Come on, give it to me," You said in despair, repeating those words over and over again, holding on to the couch, grinding your hips harder and harder against him, until he lifted his hips up feeling your walls being covered in his cum, "Fuck" You breathed out, Alex was panting just like you were when he was fucking you up against the wall, his cheeks red, and his jaw twitching, his lips dry, still sweating cold, when you felt him come down from his high, you kissed him passionately, and he gave it back but this time a sweeter, it was a true honest kiss, not meant to provoke him, it's something your heart told you to do, he laid you down on the couch hugging you close to him.
You were slowly drifting off to sleep until he poked your shoulder, "I'm craving an ice cream sandwich, wanna come to get some with me?" You burst into laughter, making him smile, nudging his nose on your cheek.
"Are you laughing cos I said cum?"
"Nooo! But that makes it funnier" You giggled, and smile brightly at him, caressing his cheek with your thumb, his hand slipped to hold yours and kiss your palm, "You know what? I do wanna get some"
"Get some what exactly?" His eyebrows jumped up and down.
"You're dirty" He nudged his head to the side, "You do want more?!" You said in utter shock.
"I mean, after the ice cream sandwiches, I could be down for another round if you insist" That cheeky side of his began to grow on you, it annoyed you before but now it makes you giggle.
"Fine then, but you drive I'm too tired"
"And your legs don't work"
Thank you for reading, and thank you for all of the love you give to my writing, i appreciate very much, if you have requests for more chapters feel free to comment them or text me privately, it’ll take a little bit for me to post them since i have other chapters scheduled to post before them but i’m 100% working on them! love you <3
what do we think about shorter stories?
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imaginative-123 · 9 days
Part 1 of Flo's V8 Cafe 2007 Remake
I deleted Part 1 from 2022 bec I couldn't reedit it so I copypaste the info here and combined the links.
So I decided to make my own AU of an alternate universe of Cars humanizations, so I set in the year 2007 since according to the Lightning McQueen Piston Cup wins, he first won in 2007, so I imagined since he's celebrating his win, what would he also do in his free time? So I based him on Steve Harrington who's working in Scoops Ahoy in Stranger Things S3 bec the two both had in common, they used to be assholes towards others until they have a change of heart. So in this version since Radiator Springs were starting to get more customers after McQueen's first Piston Cup win, Flo's V8 Cafe rooms were starting to restructure to give more customers more space. Flo was also hiring more waiters, waitresses, janitors and cooks for multitasking. So McQueen convinces his girlfriend Sally that since he's on racing break, he wants to try a new gig of being a waiter at Flos V8 Cafe and attract more customers due to his popularity and persona and by this time he's no longer Lightning McQueen his name is Montgomery McQueen or Monty for short bec he gains more confidence to say his real name despite other people or even his closest friends were weirded by his real name bec he wants to set aside his painful past of hiding his real name. Although Sally and Doc prefer his real name rather than Lightning's name, bec he realized that the people closest to him would accept the real him for who he was.
So Sally agrees with his decision including Doc, and he's gone through training at Flo's until he gets accepted and hired as a waiter, as he was about to try his new standard waiter uniform but instead the next day of his job he couldn't find his uniform and the other 5 sets of it and it was gone missing, so Flo couldn't find another set of available uniform for him and told him that the only available alternate outfit is the sailor outfit, McQueen was shy when he revealed his outfit to his friends including Sally and Doc and they told him he looks cute and fresh, and McQueen denies that he looks cute. So throughout day and until afternoon he serves food and chats with the customers that the cafe gains more customers than it ever was bec of McQueen's presence. It wasn't until later he learned the truth that the reason Mia and Tia who were waitresses were giggling at him bec he figured out that they stole his uniforms and replaced it with a sailor outfit of the 80's to make him look more popular bec they figured out he looks better than the standard uniform to gain more customers so Flo's V8 Cafe can gain more popularity and also combined with McQueen being popular in the racing community. It's not until Mia and Tia discovered that McQueen learned the truth when he heard about their conversation and that's where he decided to confront Mia and Tia about the uniforms and they both admitted that they stole his uniforms bec they didn't tell him sooner that the truth is that they prefer him wearing the 80's uniform bec it was barely being used for a long time and they figured that it fits on him, and both of the twins apologized for what they did and for stealing his uniforms as a replacement for the 80's sailor uniform, and McQueen accepted their apology and he told them next time they should be honest about it and that they shouldn't take someone's uniform without their permission and he told them that they needed to return his uniforms and both of the twins promised that they will return his uniforms after cleaning up Flo's V8 Cafe. Later that night, McQueen would never forget those memories and he still enjoyed dancing with Sally with the song playing on the background that is Footloose during the rest of the night, while he and Sally were both using roller skates to dance as if they were both enjoying and spending their time as a couple while the rest of Radiator Spring's community and customers enjoy dancing, eating and singing. Then by 12 am, after cleaning the place, the Twins returned his uniforms and promised to McQueen that they would not repeat what they did again, and McQueen appreciated their response for being honest, and it was also him believing that they would learn from their actions.
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So for the setting of Flo's V8 Cafe I based it on Disneyland Cars Land of the interior of the place and its rooms but it disclaimer it wasn't super accurate bec in my ver Flo's place went through restructuring to give more space in her place so I used aspects of the interior of Flo's V8 Cafe in real life and since her cafe is based in the 50's I decided to also base the 50's cushion chairs and metal tables in the '50s including the checkered tiles with b/w and g/w colors and the text font and colors were arranged to human food bec the original text was about cars food to just make it appropriate.
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The picture on the left behind Fillmore and Sarge was the photo between Flo and Ramone in their glory days back in the 50s and 60's colorized. Flo's hairstyle was based on the women of the 60s since she's a showgirl of Motorama girls I want her hair to stand out and her turquoise shiny dress was based on the time era and I based it on the song Hit The Road Jack of 4 black women singing while the black guy with aviators was singing and playing the piano.
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And a deleted scene from Cars shows Flo wearing a pink feathered boa while singing in front of Ramone and McQueen and I decided to use that concept and apply to her outfit
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As for Ramone, I based it on 60's groovy outfits since I believed Ramone would be the type to impress and dance with his wife
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The reason I used the song Hit the Road jack bec when I see the music video I always imagined Ramone playing the piano and singing alongside with wife as a form of love and respect for each other alongside jazz music.
As for Monty's outfit, I fused Steve and Robin's Scoops's Ahoy sailor outfit to fit Monty's outfit except it's colored turquoise mixed with grey.
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For Mia and Tia I based it on 50's diner waitresses
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For the roller skates since it's called CarHops although it's used more on Drive-ins, I believed it can be used in Flo's V8 Cafe for faster service and used as a playful dance while roller skating
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Even Mia and Tia had to teach their crush, McQueen, how to do proper roller skating since in my headcanon they as humans would have knowledge about that, and McQueen had to be careful of not spilling food by avoiding tripping anywhere.
For Flo's V8 diner food I based it on these images including in real life Flo's V8 Cafe
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Although the food is not depicted accurately in Cars Land since this is my own version
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strawberryazzy · 4 months
So the other day I made myself a series called "Karaoke week" it's a Leo and Aizen (my OC) series! Basically...
Leo runs into his favorite and famous singer Aizen while on his way to going out to Karaoke night with his best friends the two end up being partners after Aizen reluctantly agrees to join Leo and soon a spark was fired and Leo was head over heels for the popular singer...
Achem anyways so there was this one specific song I wanna use (It's a song fic PLEASE. I've already had to explain it SO MANY TIMES 😭😭💀) but its "Stupid in love" and it was Leo's first choice during their turn ^^
Uhh...Here I'll just..*Cutely types chapter two instead of copying and pasting it like a normal person*
"Come on princess it'll be fun!" Leo said after putting the CD of the song in and handed the microphone to Aizen who chuckled nervously.
"Are you sure I mean it's a little..." The girl replied and tapped her fingers against the microphone awkwardly as Leo blew a raspberry guestering for her to join him as the lyrics appeared on the screen
“Ugh the audacity of this thing to think I need lyrics!” Leo scoffed as Aizen giggled and she was starting to zone out and her ears started ringing fuck fuck fuck! Not an anxiety attack! Now? During all times?
Aizen was about to give up and bury herself in pillows before the sound of Leo singing caught her attention...
"Know it's a little soon, maybe..But I'd go anywhere you take me long as you're calling me, baby they can all call us crazy.."
And that's when it hit Aizen in the face.
She knew Leo was good at a LOT of things but singing? Yeah that was a HUGE shocker. Anyways the way Leo's voice sounded it was.. comforting and God he sounded HELLA good for someone who doesn't sing often.
Aizen perked up a bit before joining Leo for the second verse.
"Hi! You came baby I've been waiting for you all day so lean my way and let me just take away all the pain, I know it's a bit soon for vows paper rings are good for now but no I'm already down the aisle cause I'm so stupid in love..."
Leo smiled at his crush and grabbed her hand intertwining them and stared into her eyes the chemistry was there and everyone in the room knew it.
"let's get married in Vegas we don't need a guest list I don't wanna think to much..Let's get matching tattoos I don't wanna think it through baby I'm so stupid in love book a flight to Paris to run away what you think about sharing our last name? Let's get straight to I do I don't wan a think it through baby I'm so stupid in love"
Both Leo and Aizen were singing their hearts out ignoring the cheering that was happening, his eyes were locked onto hers and vice versa. They never wanted this moment to end, Leo never wanted this moment to end..He was so in love with this girl he'd thought he'd never have the chance of singing with her and now he's living his dream he was in cloud nine and Aizen was his grounding.
The duo were unstoppable, powerful together. Hell Leo would DIE for Aizen- maybe that was a little TOO much whoops...Ah whatever Leo didn't care he was just enjoying this moment like anyone would!
When the song was over Leo chuckled softly and placed his thumb over her chin and caressed her cheek before peckither on the lips officially saying he and Aizen had her again stole the spotlight like he had planned.
Aizen on the other hand was SPEECHLESS she stood there her face completely red and she felt hot before she looked away from Leo and then unfortunately she couldn't keep her eyes off of him and scoffed "Your a jackass you know that right?"
Leo laughed in return and flicked her playfully on the nose, "Yeah yeah I'm YOUR jackass though" He giggled as Aizen rolled her eyes and before she could move her best friend Jennika pulled her into a tight hug, "That was amazing Zen!!!" She complimented before Jennika stared Leo down giving him the
"don't touch my best friend you asshole." Look and Leo cringed before sighing and walked over to their twin brother snatching a ten dollar bill from their hand smirking.
And for once Leo's life was going the way he wanted it to..
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