#these were so fun to answer and I feel motivated to write again thank you aaaaa
sonata-in-ink · 1 year
Hello, hello! Pistol, spear, and bow and arrow, please! 😁
Why, hello and thank you!
Pistol: which character has your favorite introduction?
Hands down, Theo from a currently untitled WIP. At the time of his introduction (which is also the introduction of the story), he's cold, he's mightily confused by what's happening, and golly, he just realized he hasn't even ate breakfast today. Definitely not a good time to find yourself mixed up in some odd business with fae creatures! It's been incredibly fun to write.
spear: what is at the heart of the story? Hmm, in general or mine? I would say for in general, the answer varies depending on the one who writes it. For the one I'm working on mentioned above, it's extremely undeveloped so I've got an inkling of the underlying message(s) my brain is trying to go with it, but i'm not sure it's entirely coherent yet.
bow and arrow: which of your settings would you most like to visit?
Oh, the little town I created in Thistledown for sure! And if someone offered me the chance for a short visit to Bree's Hollow in Torches They Carry, I'd take it.
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nr1chaedickrider · 2 months
love me or leave me tonight
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Does love survive hatred?
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angst, angst and angst ; also smut!!! is this even fluff.. ; vampire!sana ; vampirehunter!reader ; violence and stuff ; blood and bloodplay ; sana is manipulative lwk?? ; bondage ; sana has a back tattoo ; degradation ; forbidden love ; friends to ???? ^_^ ; inspired by first kill ; mentions of murder ; voyerism ; happy (very very late) birthday @cry4mina (thiswas supposed to be your bday present), you were probs the person that motivated me the most for writing this so thank you, not proofread!
men dni.
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It feels like your wrists are tied together, not being able to move, not at all.
The way she looks at you makes you shiver in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Please.." you beg her, in such a pathetic tone nobody would be able to make fun of you, instead they would feel bad for you.
Sana always described herself as being different than the others though.
If it is because of her fangs or just her behavior in general that makes her look like a monster, you don't know for sure.
You crush the empty beer can and drop it on the floor. Sana hands you a new one and you thank her with a brief nod.
You open it with a crack and take a sip, feeling the fizz and tasting the slightly bitter taste.
It's pretty quiet before you start talking.
"My family is causing stress again.
"Should I pretend to be surprised?" she asks with a light laugh, you laugh a little too.
"Is that why you have bruises and scars?" she adds, looking at the injuries on your face and neck.
Sana - the only person who knows your secret, that you were born into a family of vampire hunters.
"One of the strongest vampire families is said to be here in town," you answer.
Sana - the only daughter of the most famous vampire family.
She knows all your secrets - you know none of hers.
She nods, as if she understands what you are going through.
She lifts her hand and gently strokes the scar on your cheek.
You blush slightly at the close proximity of the two of you.
Just a little more pressure and it would start to bleed, Sana thinks to herself.
She pulls her hand away before she thinks any more about it, before her feelings take over.
Her feelings have always been stronger than her.
Her feelings control her, it has always been like this.
"I love you" the words glide easily over her tongue, a smile on her lips.
Even if it's just a whisper - it's a dream for you, as if nothing could happen, nothing could stop you.
Like teenagers in love (that's what you are, teenagers).
"Really?" you ask, in some way you're sure she means it, but you just want to hear it again.
She nods, "I love you so much" she repeats with the same smile.
You take her hand in yours, your thumb gently stroking the back of her hand.
She looks down at your hands, then up at you.
You look into her eyes and move closer.
A kiss.
Gentle, slow, romantic, simply full of emotion.
Full of love.
When your lips part, you both giggle a little, but then you continue kissing.
Further, further, and further.
When your lips (finally) part again, you are both completely out of breath. Your cheeks are slightly flushed.
You both sink into the mattress as you push Sana into her on her back.
She continues to giggle, almost unable to stop, just like you.
You lean over her and kiss her neck. The contact of your lips on her cold neck makes the hair on her arms and neck stand up, her fingers digging into the sheets as you suck on her pulse point.
"Honestly, I have no idea what exactly to do," you confess as you sit on top of her, your hand toys with the hem of her oversized shirt (or rather, your oversized shirt).
"Me neither" she replies with a laugh.
You smile like an idiot as she says this. "Now come here" she says and pulls you down to kiss you again.
You mumble a "may I?" against her lips and tug lightly on her shirt, she responds with a nod and lifts her arms over her head as you pull the shirt over her head and drop it on the floor next to you.
You kiss her soft, smooth skin and take off her sports bra. Your hands slowly massage her breasts, Sana moans slightly and her body presses against yours to feel you and your hands even more and even better.
You slowly kiss further down, over her ribs, her thin stomach with a slightly trained six-pack - down to the waistband of her shorts.
You look up to her and make eye contact.
"Please" she says under her breath, you nod in response, knowing what she wants from you.
You pull them off her, as well as her underwear (that already has a damp spot on it).
You stare at her pretty pussy, you can't help but giggle a little at the view infront of you.
You come closer, inhaling her sweet scent before diving in.
Sana twitches a little at your sudden action, her hands flying to your head in just a second and gripping your hair, leaving a delicious burn.
Your tongue licks her clit, drawing eights on it.
You hope that you're doing a good job, desperately trying to remember how the women in porn do it - how they pleasure the other and making her moan like crazy.
You stop overthinking when Sana lets out a louder moan though.
Your tongue finds her hole, entering and exiting her a little.
need your fingers" she moans out.
You smile a little as you part your mouth from her core, now rubbing circles on it with your two fingers.
You kiss her again, your pointer finger dipping into her wetness, making her moan out loud, not being able to kiss you back normally.
Her hands grip the bedsheets, a few veins peeking out from her hand.
You stop kissing her, going down to her neck and leaving wet kisses on it, kissing over the few marks you've left and adding even more to it.
Your second finger enters her, making her let out a high pitched whimper.
Her hips meet your pace and start grinding on your fingers, searching desperately for the pleasure she needs.
"I'm so close... please-" she whimpers, you smirk against her skin and take one of her erected buds into your mouth.
A few thrusts, your thumb on her clit, and your tongue on her nipple send her over the edge as she comes with a loud whine.
You slowly pull your wet fingers out of her, licking them clean as you watch her breathe heavily.
"That was so... wow-" she breathes out.
"You're cute"
Love is not forever.
After you met Sana, you actually wanted to think that it was something for eternity.
It would never die out, you would never think of anything but love.
Love, love, love.
Maybe it is really made to last forever - only that after a while you'll love in a different way.
Desperate love.
Loving sadness.
Loving even though you don't really want to.
This love consumes you, makes you think of nothing else but that.
Every situation can remind you of love.
Your brother's death also reminds you of it.
His body lies in a field, in complete darkness.
His eyes open, his gaze full of emptiness.
"What... what happened?" you ask, a slight tremor in your voice.
Your father exhales before answering you.
But instead of telling you like a normal person, he kneels down next to your brother's head and turns his head to the side.
A scar on his neck.
Two holes.
Blood residue next to it, completely dried.
Your mother and sister hug each other, tears running down their cheeks.
"Was it the new vampire family?" you ask.
Stupid question.
It was Sana," he replies.
He nods.
You laugh a little, full of frustration.
"It's not funny-... she would never-"
"You can never trust vampires." he says with a stern tone.
He's serious.
Sana, your best friend, your girlfriend for several months.
She killed your brother.
You look at your brother, then at your family.
Your legs move faster than you can think.
You run away, run in a direction you know only too well.
Sana's house.
You take the back entrance to her garden (which you already know well enough) and come across her sitting in a chair.
She looks at you in shock as you look at her.
"Y/n- what are you doing here?" she asks and stands up.
"Is it true?" you ask back, your voice a mixture of fear and anger.
She doesn't say anything at first, but then realizes that you mean exactly what she's been trying to forget since last night.
She nods slowly.
She doesn't deny it, she doesn't try to explain herself.
Whether it's even possible to explain yourself.
Your hand grips the handle of your pocketknife tightly, your hands trembling slightly.
"Y/n... I wanted to tell you... but my parents-"
"They forbid me to see you, but I went ahead anyway because I love you"
You listen to her, for some reason hoping she'll say something good - even though you know that nothing can make this situation any better.
"He was my first victim," she says after an awkward, tense silence.
Her first victim?
"They made me bite him... as punishment"
"I couldn't help it"
"You couldn't help it? What are you saying... Sana, I thought you loved me"
"Where is your common sense?" you ask her, your voice louder and full of despair.
You run towards her, your knife pointed at her as you try to hit her chest.
She dodges quickly, twisting your arm behind your back as you let out a small cry of pain and let the knife drop.
"Y/n..." she says with concern.
Her grip is as if she doesn't even want to do any of this, as if she's being forced by something.
"It's better if you leave," she adds.
She lets go of you (or rather, tosses you) as you fall on the ground, the wet grass soaking through your clothes as you feel the cold.
You look up at her, full of fear.
This is not the Sana you know.
It doesn't feel like you're looking at Sana Minatozaki.
At this moment, it feels like you're in front of an evil person.
Like in a nightmare.
You grab the knife on the floor next to you and stand up quickly, your eyes on her one last time before you run away.
She looks after you, sees your body getting smaller and smaller before you disappear behind a hill.
A tear runs down her cheek, and as she turns around she sees both her parents looking down at her through the second floor window.
Their expressions are cold and disappointed.
Just like always.
And you, you don't stop running.
You run on and on, without a destination, without any idea where you want to go.
Just away from here -
Away from Sana.
The music is loud as you walk into the club, your jeans are loose around your waist, your white t-shirt is slightly cropped so that your stomach can be seen a little.
You sit down at the bar and watch the other people dance.
The last time you were here was several years ago,
with Sana.
You were younger back then, still in school, no idea what you wanted to do in the future.
Now you're older, and you know what your goal in life is.
To kill Sana.
To get your revenge.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the bartender asking what you would like to drink, you order a beer and he gives you one and then moves on to other guests.
You drink a little and feel the fizz, tasting the slightly bitter taste of this variety.
The taste reminds you of the countless times you have drunk with Sana.
You look around a little before you see something that almost makes you drop the bottle on the floor.
Sana pushing someone against the wall.
Short black hair, lots of tattoos -
She has no idea who exactly she's dealing with.
You leave your bottle at the bar and walk slowly towards them both.
Sana kisses her hard and aggressively, full of energy.
And you can guess why she has so much energy.
Before you can get any closer, Sana turns her head in your direction while turning the woman's head to the side so that she has perfect access to her neck.
Sana grins at you.
And suddenly her lips are stained dark red with blood.
She flashes her fangs at you, completely covered in blood as she slowly licks them clean.
And suddenly she's just gone.
In a millisecond she has bitten her victim, and in a millisecond she is gone without leaving a trace.
Your victim falls to the ground as you run to her to help her somehow.
But it's too late.
You look at her neck and see the same scar you saw on your brother.
While the crowd tries to take care of her, you disappear from the club.
A sigh leaves your lips.
"I'll help you," she says, her thumb stroking the back of your hand as she smiles at you.
You have an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, you feel sick and you're not sure if you should do this at all.
Or if you want to involve Jihyo at all.
She's 10 years older than you - an old acquaintance from your family and a vampire hunter just like you.
She was also your first love.
Actually, it was just a little crush, maybe you mistook it for a close friendship, you were quite young.
The plan of the two of you was pretty simple - go to Sana's house and capture her if possible (you don't want to think about the possibility of killing her).
If your information is correct, her parents are no longer alive.
Rumor has it that she killed them herself.
To be honest, you wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
Jihyo and you make your way to her house, equipped with various weapons.
It is dark, 10 o'clock in the evening. The night is still and quiet.
If only you knew it would change quickly.
You enter the house through the garden, Jihyo has always been good at picking locks.
Your pistol in your hand, you look around carefully as Jihyo walks ahead of you.
She turns right, you look behind you for something, but then you hear something fall.
You turn around quickly and see that "something" is Jihyo.
All you can see is her legs sticking out from behind the wall. You run to her, kneel down on the floor next to her, but the moment you look up-
Sana hits you and you fall over.
"Where am I?" you mumble, your head aching as you open your eyes.
You see Jihyo lying on the ground, just a few meters away.
You run to her, or rather, you try to.
Something sharp cuts into your skin and you bite your lip.
You look down at your arms and see that you've been tied to the wall with barbed wire.
"Fuck-" you breathe out, trying not to feel the pain.
You only have your bra on, Sana has undressed you a little, probably so that you only feel more pain.
You try to move as little as possible and look anxiously at Jihyo, who, thankfully, is slowly waking up.
"Jihyo!" you say, she looks at you, then looks around.
This makes you look around.
You realize you're both in a rather large basement.
Jihyo is fully dressed, but her hands are tied behind her back.
Before you can warn her about the corpses you've noticed, the cellar door opens and Sana comes down.
"You're awake, how nice," she says with a smile.
"And Y/n? How do you like the barbed wire?" she asks.
"Fuck you" you just reply, Sana laughs but doesn't really pay attention to you, not like she has her eyes on Jihyo.
And part of you has an inkling of what's about to happen.
Sana sits down on a rather large chair, and with a small wave of her hand, Jihyo lands on her lap, her back against Sana's chest, her eyes locked on yours.
"I really haven't had such a pretty girl on my lap in a long time," Sana says, her hand slowly stroking Jihyo's arm.
You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down somehow. The situation you, or rather Jihyo, are in can quickly become life-threatening.
"What do you want?" you ask, looking at her and she starts laughing again.
"Blood," she replies. Short, concise, without any emotion. The smile she had on her lips a few seconds ago has disappeared.
She is serious.
Jihyo is still looking at you, her eyes full of fear.
But her look of fear changes. And you don't know what to think except "what exactly is happening here."
Sana whispers something in her ear, and the fear in her eyes disappears.
Sana's hand moves on her body, and then she stops right on Jihyo's core.
Before you can do anything else, you realise what is happening.
And how it's to late to save Jihyo.
You feel like your eyes are fixiated on Sana and how Jihyo sits so obediently on her lap. You're not able to shift your gaze. It's like there is only them - and you're watching them like a movie. Like a perfomance that was made just for you - and you can't stop looking.
This was made for you, and the way Sana forces you to watch them.
Her hand goes past Jihyo's underwear, and suddenly Jihyo is moaning so softly for her. The look on her face just full of arousal.
She has been manipulated.
Something you learned early on - when training to be a vampire hunter.
There's nothing you can do, when you've been trapped under a vampire's spell. Except for one thing -
hope that you won't die.
In Jihyo's case right now, you're not sure what is going to happen in the end.
So you continue watching them, you watch Sana kissing Jihyo's neck, the intoxicating smell of her blood is problably already driving her crazy.
She continues fingering her, her movements speeding up.
She has no intention of giving pleasure to Jihyo - she just waits for the right moment to bite into her neck.
When Jihyo is moaning louder though, and her body twitches closer to Sana, she knows it's happening.
You know too.
"Jihyo!" you yell out, in hopes you're able to somehow get her out of this trance.
It was already to late.
Sana bites into her neck, begins to suck and moan at the fresh taste. 
Jihyo screams for help, and you can do nothing but watch as a tear flows down your cheek.
Her lifeless body drops to the ground as soon as Sana is done with her.
She licks her fangs with a smile, smirking at you like she did the night you first saw her again.
She comes closer, taking your jaw into her hand. 
"You can't replace me that easily." she whispers seductively.
"What do you mean?" you ask, but she just shakes her head.
"I'll see you soon" she replies, and your eyes fall shut.
When you wake up again, you are lying in your bathtub.
You try to move, but notice the pain in your arms from the barbed wire.
You lean your head back and take a deep breath.
To summarize, you watched Sana finger Jihyo and then bite and kill her. Afterwards she tells you that you can't replace her, and now you're here.
Sana knows where you live.
Jihyo is dead.
To say you're overwhelmed is an understatement.
But you know exactly what you have to do, whether it's for you or for Jihyo.
Find Sana.
As you slowly step out of the bathtub, a thought occurs to you.
The evening gala of big companies. If anyone is going to be there, it's Sana.
You take another look at yourself in the mirror.
Your black suit fits a little loosely, but hides your scars well.
You get into your car and drive to her house.
How convenient that everything happens in her house.
When you get there, you look around.
There are already a lot of people there and as you walk in, you see various bosses probably talking about certain deals and wanting to do business.
A waiter comes up to you and offers you a glass of red wine, which you gratefully accept.
The taste is bitter, dry, but somehow it reminds you of blood.
How ironic, you think to yourself.
You walk around, having conversations here and there.
"I thought this event was for people with companies," someone says, and as you turn around, you see her.
It's Sana.
Her grin is like a shiver running down your spine.
"I'm not here to conduct business," you reply, drinking the rest of your wine.
Your lips are slightly red and you smile at her.
Your grip on the glass tightens, and before Sana can do anything, it shatters in your hand.
A waiter quickly comes to help you and removes the shards from the floor, you thank her but say you can take care of it yourself.
Drip, drip, drip.
The blood dripping from your hand drives Sana crazy.
"Oops," you say, but before you can turn around and walk away, she grabs your wrist and pulls you along.
Only now do you notice that she has a tattoo.
A pretty big one.
Your eyes are focused on her back, and the kind of detail the tattoo has.
It's as if it reflects her nature.
One side is sunny. You could even describe it as quite cheerful. If you just look at that side, you're just impressed with the work that's been done. You can see the colors and how they flow together. Everything fits well together.
The other side, however, is the complete opposite.
It's dark, makes you nervous. You get an unpleasant feeling when you look at it. The main colors are black and red. It's like a horrible painting, something you would see in a museum and think to yourself "what was the artist thinking?". The longer you look at it, the more scared you get.
But you can't think about her tattoo for long as you are pushed onto a bed.
Sana sits on top of you and the memories of your first time come flooding back.
The only difference is that Sana was tender and sweet, not cruel like now.
Your bleeding hand is still in hers, and maybe you could even see the water pooling in her mouth.
You know that you should be afraid, or that you should hit her, she killed Jihyo, your brother, and she almost killed you.
But in this moment you feel nothing but the will to feel her everywhere.
And she didn't even manipulate or influence you in any way.
You look at her, and then -
you press your hand more towards her.
And she understands what you want from her.
The smirk on her face appears again and pulls you closer.
She closes her eyes and starts to lick the blood of your hand.
For her, this is the best meal she could ever have. To be able to taste your blood was always a dream of hers.
And so she continues doing that, moaning a little when her tongue touches the red liquid coming from your veins.
She does it like she was starving for her life. Like she lived her life for exactly this moment.
She parts from your hand, leaning her head back slowly as if she would be on a high.
When she looks at you again, her pupils are dilated and the look on her face is full of arousal.
You can't blame her, yours is too.
She fumbles with the buttons of your jacket, you push her hands away and do it yourself, just to end up almost ripping it off your body and throwing it on the floor.
She looks at your arms, the way there are marks everywhere because of her.
"Fuck" she curses under her breath, pulling down the zipper of your pants and pulling (or rather - ripping them) off your body.
A groan escapes your mouth when she touches you, squeezes parts of your body that got your mouth hanging open.
A low "need you" leaves your mouth as Sana starts kissing you everywhere, leaving marks all over your body (surprisingly she's not biting you).
She comes closer to your core, and your need to feel her tongue on you is growing stronger and stronger. Your mind is clouded with the thought of her, it feels like you tried to hate her the whole time while you just need her to fuck you.
At this point, you don't even know if you're still in control of your body or if it's Sana.
No matter what, you don't care.
And when continues eating you out, all messy and again, like she was starving, you grip her hair and push her even closer.
Your thighs just pull her closer, trying to feel her even deeper.
The moans that leave your mouth can problably be heard from outside, but you or Sana both couldn't care less.
The way she licks up ever drop of your juices in hunger, her nails digging into your thighs, scratching you and leaving little marks, droplets of blood escape your veins.
You cum into her mouth with a loud moan, your head leaning back and your eyes roll back.
Sana always thought you were beautiful, but right now, in this moment - you definetly are the prettiest.
She doesn't give you any time to calm down as she rises and shoves two of her fingers inside of you, making you grip the bedsheets in surprise.
Your moans loud and messy, your skin covered in sweat, the blood on your thighs that's oozing out of the cuts drives Sana even crazier.
She continues pumping her fingers inside of you, and she leans forward, dragging her tongue over the cuts.
A moan escapes her mouth, and then, she leans closer to you and kisses you, with her lips stained with the dark red liquid.
You kiss her back, but your mouth hangs open when she adds another finger, filling you up.
You two don't even need to talk, the only way you two communicate is through her messy and needy touches - and your desperate moans.
All desperate - for her.
She never stops moving her fingers.
In, out. In, out.
Here faster, there slower.
You already lost every sense of time, like you're lost in the moment.
Your body twitches in sensitivity. Like it's fragile and Sana is overusing it.
You clearly are overstimulated, but Sana just can't stop herself.
Looking at her, seeing how her eyes are fixiated on your naked body, you ask yourself if she is even in control of her own body - or if something, someone else took control.
She doesn't leave you enough time to overthink, when your eyes are met with a black silk cloth.
The last thing you saw.
You stare at her grave and only now do you realize how stupid you are.
The stone you sit on is cold. Your eyes focus only on her name.
'Park Jihyo'
A sigh leaves your lips.
Are you disappointing her? Is she looking at you and thinking, "What the hell are you doing?"
Does she think you should be ashamed?
For having sex with Sana,
But even worse -
That you somehow still love Sana.
She killed your brother, she killed Jihyo - so many innocent people.
And despite everything, you can't seem to get rid of your feelings for her.
Your thoughts are always about her, your dreams are all about Sana.
You don't know which feeling is stronger - the hatred for her, for all the things she has done.
Or the love - the memories you can't let go.
Her soft lips on yours, the way her arms held you while you cried.
It makes you break down completly.
All those years you were away, it was all about Sana.
You wanted to get stronger, to beat her, to kill her.
But now it seems that you just want to be with her.
The night is dark and cold, everything reminds you of the night you found your brother dead.
The same place, the same time, the same loneliness you felt in your heart.
Instead of running to Sana to confront her, she came to you.
Instead of a calm conversation, you have a knife in your hand.
Her gaze is cold, you're not sure if you can read any emotion in her face.
That would be the word you would use to describe her right now.
"What do you want?" she calls into the night, as if she doesn't know where you are.
As if you were looking for her, she speaks as if she had no plans.
"You came here," you answer, trying not to show any of your feelings.
"You confuse me," you say.
She looks at you questioningly.
"I confuse you?" she repeats.
You nod.
"Why are you doing all this?" you ask, but when she tries to answer, you keep talking.
"You come with me... you listen to me when I talk about how the pressure from my parents is getting too much... you don't tell me that you're a vampire." You take a breath and feel the tears in your eyes. You feel this uncomfortable feeling like you're going to throw up. You feel dizzy.
You are overwhelmed.
"You kill my brother," you begin to say, "You kill him, your first victim, because your parents want to punish you?" you laugh a little. Saying it sounds so unbelievable. So grotesque.
"Then, when I come back here after years, I meet you in a bar and you kill someone."
"You kill Jihyo and make me watch."
"And then?-
You have sex with me as if you would love me."
Tears are streaming down your cheeks, you can't stop laughing because this is all so frustrating to you.
You open your mouth to say something else, but then you are pushed to your knees.
Without Sana even touching you.
It feels like your wrists are tied together, not being able to move, not at all.
The way she looks at you makes you shiver in fear, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Are you doing too much or are you genueinly scared of her?
"Please.." you beg her, in such a pathetic tone nobody would be able to make fun of you, instead they would feel bad for you.
Sana always described herself as being different than the others though.
If it is because of her fangs or just her behavior in general that makes her look like a monster, you don't know for sure.
"Can you just stop talking?" she asks you.
Her expression looks different than how it looked like earlier, instead of the emptiness in her face, it looks like she's letting her emotions take over.
You don't know if this should make you even more scared.
But a part of you, a little part,
thinks, or rather, hopes, that she will behave like a decent human.
That she will behave like the girl you loved.
Or still love.
"I did it all for love." she answers.
Quick, short, but instead of that cold tone in her voice, she sounds...
You look up to her, unable to speak.
"I love you"
She loves you?
Loves you?
"I'll never stop feeling the guilt for what I did to your brother"
"But i can't lie to you and say that i regret doing what I did to Jihyo"
"Because all I ever wanted-
was you" 
She breaths out, like she just confessed the worst thing in the world.
"I always looked for you, when you left town"
"I searched for you, because I wanted to be with you"
"Despite you hating me"
She lets out a sigh.
"I did what I had to do for you to notice me" she stops talking.
She gets down on her knee, right infront of you to match your height.
Her thumb caresses your cheek, before moving your face to the side to expose your neck to her.
The strong of smell of your blood hits her nose like chemicals.
The intense smell that drives her crazy.
You shiver in fear, not knowing what is going to happen.
She stares at your neck, and the way your veins are so visible, like they're calling for her.
Everything she ever dreamed of, was to taste your blood.
But she doesn't want to bite you because of that.
She opens her mouth, flashing her fangs.
You try to somehow escape her spell, so that you can save yourself, but it isn't possible.
She sinks her fangs deep into your skin, you let out a scream when you feel her sucking your blood out of you.
You're finally able to move and try to grab her arm to somehow get her to stop.
"I don't want to die" you whisper, your voice full of weakness.
Until you realise -
Sana isn't planning on killing you.
But to make you a vampire.
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bratzforchris · 7 months
Hi! I hope this isn't too weird, but I was wondering if you could write a fic where Matt is autistic? I see myself a lot in him and the podcast episode where they kept calling him "Miserable Matt" made me think about myself a lot. So maybe a fluffy hurt/comfort fic where he just gets tired of it because it's something he can't help and reader helps him through it with his special interests? It's okay if not! Thank you 💞
My Person, M. Sturniolo
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Summary: In which the best cure for everything is cuddles and special interests<3
Pairing: Matt x gender neutral reader
Warnings: Mentions of autistic meltdown, going nonverbal, Nick and Chris lowkey suck here 😭
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Thank you for the request! Please remember that my writing is fictional--I am not saying or assuming that Matt is autistic and I definitely don't think Nick and Chris would act this way in real life. It's just a story :) Now, please enjoy 💚
“Miserable Matt” this and “Miserable Matt” that. It was almost sickening the way he was constantly the target of Nick and Chris’s jokes. Deep down, Matt knew his brothers didn’t really mean any harm, but that didn’t make his feelings any less hurt. He never purposely tried to be sad or depressing when they were filming, it was just kind of the way his natural personality was. 
Being autistic, his voice tended to have a flatter affect than most people’s. Even when he was filled with autistic joy, his voice rarely got louder or higher. Usually, his brothers were quite understanding of his disability, always standing up for Matt and making sure he was treated fairly, but then there were days like today, where they were filming an episode for Cut the Camera, and Nick and Chris just couldn’t stop the jokes from rolling off their tongues. 
“I dunno,” Matt said quietly, but with a smile, fidgeting with his hands. “I just like to be alone sometimes. It gives me the creative freedom that I don’t always get from other people, y’know?” 
“Oh here we go again,” Chris snorted. “Miserable Matt back at again with his depression poetry.”
“That’s not poetry.” Matt grumbled, trying to hide the hurt in his voice. 
The triplets were currently discussing where they got their video ideas from, and how they stayed motivated to make content, even when they didn’t feel like it. Of course Chris and Nick had ‘normal people’ answers, like going out with friends or going on vacation. But being autistic, Matt didn’t recharge that way. He preferred to be alone to gather his thoughts and reset his mind. So of course, that was made fun of. 
“So, what do you guys think about the edits people make of you?” Nick asked. “Love or hate them?”
“It depends,” Chris shrugged. “Some of them make me think ‘Damn, I’m fine’, but others are kinda…weird. No offense, guys!” he threw his hands up quickly, smiling at the camera. 
“I like them. I think it’s sweet that someone takes time out of their day to edit me.” Matt smiled. 
“Yeah,” Nick groaned. “Cause yours are all sad and depressing and ‘poor baby Matt’ while a song from folklore plays in the background.”
“That is so not true.” Matt protested. 
“‘Poor Matt and his autism’ while some sad song plays in the background. You like it because it validates you.” Chris chuckled. 
“That’s not true!” Matt was starting to get teary eyed, but he couldn’t help it; he was sensitive. “Some of them are nice.”
“Miserable Matt’s gotta watch sad edits of himself to fulfill his aesthetic.” Nick laughed. 
All was silent for a moment, until Matt finally spoke, looking at his brothers with watery eyes. “Why are you guys so mean to me?”
“Matt, come on. We’re joking.” Chris rolled his eyes. 
“But it’s not a joke,” Matt whispered, avoiding their eyes. “You guys use me as the butt of the joke all the time. ‘Matt’s too quiet’, ‘Miserable Matt’, ‘Matt and his anxiety’. It’s annoying, okay?”
“It’s just a joke, Matt,” Nick tried to explain calmly. “We don’t mean any harm.”
“Do you? Because last time I checked, making fun of someone’s disability or mental health problems is harm.” 
“Don’t be like that, bro.” Chris tried to put a comforting, ‘olive branch’ hand on Matt’s shoulder. 
“No,” Matt stood up, throwing his headphones off. “I’m done. Finish recording without me.”
The boy quickly exited the room, leaving a stunned Nick and Chris in his wake. Matt didn’t usually lose his cool like that when he knew the camera was rolling, but he hadn’t been sleeping well lately and the last thing he wanted was a recording of him bordering on a meltdown. Even if it could be edited out, he really didn’t want that immortalized forever. They were embarrassing enough as it was. 
Matt retreated to his room, anxiously playing with the tangle that he kept in the pocket of his hoodie for when he needed a fidget toy. The calm, woodsy aesthetic of his bedroom relaxed him somewhat as he stepped inside his safe haven. It wasn’t enough, though. He needed someone who got it, who knew it was like to feel different. And so, he pulled out his phone, quickly texting you.
Matt: babe, can we go to the park?
You looked up from your book when Matt’s text came through. As an autistic couple, you had set up a ‘code word’ for when either one of you felt like they were on the verge of having an autistic meltdown, and that was Matt’s. You quickly gathered your things, speeding over to the triplets house as Matt sent you a flurry of texts, somewhat describing what had happened.
When you let yourself in with the key they had given you, Nick and Chris looked up, surprised by your entrance. “Where’s Matt?” You asked. 
“In his room.” Chris mumbled, not looking up from his phone. 
You didn’t have the energy, nor were you in the mood to deal with the boys right now, so you quickly pushed past them, hurrying up the stairs. “Can I come in, sweetie?” You asked when you reached Matt’s door, knocking softly. 
You were quite worried about the silence until your phone pinged with a text of mhm from Matt. You realized that meant that he was probably nonverbal at the moment, and you hastily let yourself into the dark room. Matt had drawn the curtains, turning on one small lamp with a soft, orange glow. Your boyfriend was huddled up under his weighted blanket, headphones on and softly stroking Mr. Wrinkleton’s fur. You let out a breath when you noticed that he seemed much more relaxed than when he had first texted you, but that didn’t stop you from missing the tear tracks on his cheeks. 
“Hi sweet boy.” You spelled into his palm as you softly set down on the bed beside him. 
Matt grabbed his communication cards off the nightstand, riffling through them for a moment, before he showed you the one that said ‘Can I have a hug?’. Without another word, you pulled your boyfriend into a deep pressure hug, knowing they were his favorites. They made his body feel perfectly aligned and usually helped calm him after a meltdown. After a moment, Matt pulled out of your grip, slipping his headphones off. 
“We don’t have to talk about it, hun. We’ll work it out with Nick and Chris later, okay? You just relax, baby,” You said gently. “Are you hungry, hun?”
Matt shook his head, grabbing your palm and spelling out ‘I just want you’ in your palm since he didn’t have a card for that. You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. This was one of your favorite parts about being a neurodivergent couple. You just got each other in a way that other people didn’t. You could sit in companionable silence and never feel awkward or bored. In your embrace of him, you noticed that Matt had slid a card towards you that read ‘Can we watch nature videos?’. 
One of Matt’s special interests and overall favorite things, was nature, but especially the forest and woodland animals. He could watch the soothing videos of the forest in its natural state for hours and not get bored, which had led you two to make a special card just for that when you were making his communication cards together. Your boy smiled as you stood up, grabbing the remote for his TV, before flicking it to one of Matt’s favorite, ten-hour-long videos of the forest and its animals on YouTube. 
“I love you, babe.” You told him as you both got comfortable under his large weighted blanket. 
‘I love you!!!!!’ Matt explained, showing you a card. 
The extra exclamation points had been at his insistence. He insisted that he loved you more than anyone else and needed you to know that. You couldn’t lie when you said that that had made you smile. You were each other’s first significant other, and Matt made you feel so completely special. Even now, as you laid here together, not speaking but cuddling as you watched videos of chipmunks and deer, you knew that Matt was your person. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @oobleoob @mattsfavwh3re @melguilbert @idek3000hi @faygo-frog @mayhem-72
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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catch1ngmoths · 1 year
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Summary: fem reader with a smooth voice. You’re used to making people stutter nervously. The band just met you, your interviewing them and their all flustered and stuttering as you tease them but it’s all fun an games ;3
A/n: I’m sorry this took me so long to write! I’ve had like no motivation so I’m so so sorry!! So in the request it says like Connie from big mouth (aka mommy) so I kinda made y/n talk like Connie so I hope you guys enjoy! (๑>؂•̀๑)
Requested by my love, @bunnysenpai31
𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪
You were getting ready in your dressing room, as you run your hands down to straighten your dress. You were sent to interview tokio hotel today and you were pretty excited. You walked down the hall and stopped at the closed door where tokio hotel was inside waiting for you.
You took a deep breath as you cracked open the door and walk in, sitting down in your spot next to one of the crew members. “Hello boys, how are y’all today.” You say with your intoxicatingly sweet voice. Their eyes were already wide from seeing you but once they heard you’re voice they blushed.
“O-oh! Er yes, we’re.. we’re doing great!” Bill says taking charge in the group. Tom narrows his eyes at you as he looks you up and down. Georg can’t take his eyes off you as he scans your face, heat rising in his cheeks. Gustav smiles as he plays with his fingers. Heart beating faster every time you spoke.
“Good..” you say dragging out the “o”. “Okay so let’s start.. are you boys starting on any new albums?” You continue with a soft smirk looking at all of their reactions. “Yes! Yes we are, tho we don’t want to spoil the name of it yet!” Bill says looking at you with red cheeks.
“Hmmm.. that’s okay love” you say looking back at the sheet of paper in front of you that’s holding the questions to ask. Bill smiles wide as he hides his face in his slender hands. “Well, any new women in y’all’s life?” You continue, looking at them through your lashes.
Tom speaks now, “i might if you don’t have any…”Tom pauses as you stare at him, making his heart flutter. “ m-men in your life..” He says winking at you and leaning forward. You giggle softly making the boys hearts speed up. “C’mon now baby, don’t get all shy on me now.” You say with a laugh.
They all smile at the nickname and laugh with you. “Now, gustav.. this next question is for you.” You say turning your attention to gustav who widens his eyes in shock and nervousness. “O-okay, what is it.?” Gustav says playing with his fingers again.
“Who is your inspiration, that got you into drums?” You ask leaning forward and giving him all your attention. “I-inspiration? A-ah yes! Uh it was my father.. h-he helped me practice.” He answered, looking at you with a nervous smile. “Ah your dad huh. That’s so sweet” you respond, flipping your hair to the back of your shoulders.
“T-thank you! Your sweet.I I MEAN! Your hobby is sweet too- heh.” Gustav says closing his eyes in embarrassment as he laughs with the rest of the band. “Ah your to cute gustav.” You say as you flutter your eyes at him sweetly. They all look at you as if they hypnotized by you.
You ask them around 15 more questions, their faces all a bright red when you spoke in your smooth and intoxicating tone. None of them ever took their eyes off you as you asked them questions. Around 20 minutes later after asking most of your questions you smirk and look twards Georg. “Okay last question.”
“Georg…how would you describe your fans?” You speak, your smooth voice and beautiful face making Georg feel a wave of confidence. “Well I would say, sweet, kind, amazing, and just wonderful.. are you a fan?” He asks with a sly smirk. “Well of course love.” You answer, your siren eyes lifting upward as you smile. “Then they’re also beautiful.”
“Awe Georg you flatter me sweets.” You playfully blow him a kiss as you slowly stand up. “Well that’s it for the interview.. I hope you all enjoyed.” You smile walking out as you turn and wave quickly. “Holy shit.” Bill says leaving his head back. “Tell me about it.” Georg says closing his eyes and smirking.
𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪𓆩⚝𓆪 𓆩⚝𓆪
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vilz · 8 months
hello obviously there isn't anything i can really do to control this (unfortunately i deleted a bunch of posts BEFORE turning off reblogs on them) but i would prefer that people did not circulate my posts from this blog any more... i appreciate that people are kind to me about my art, but that is just my request i suppose. this blog is unprivated now, and if you'd like to see what is still up you can look at them here. my ask box is also open but i will not be making any art posts here from now on. here is a little preemptive faq:
why did you leave?
i didn't feel comfortable or happy posting on this blog any more!
do you still make art? do you post it somewhere else?
yes. but i've been pulling away from posting very much online, and the things i'm interested in drawing nowadays are generally more private, so i won't be directing anyone there or anything. i don't consider my new blog to be a continuation of this one.
i know your new blog!
that isn't really that surprising since i didn't honestly put great effort into concealing it or anything. we are probably not friends, so i hold no sway over you, but i would still prefer you did not share it or treat me as if i am still "vilz who posts fnaf art". i'm just a whatever blogger who blogs about whatever things. also to be frank i do not think my new blog has anything that interesting for people who followed for the kind of art i used to post here. this is not an invitation to say "it is interesting!".
we are friends!
if we have not been in direct, mutual conversations i highly doubt that. i'm sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings.
why did you delete all your self ship art?
people seem to enjoy my self ship art a lot, which is very flattering, but i don't want people to be looking at them any more. i realize that they are still rebloggable and are still circulating around, which is nobody's fault but my own, but i would prefer they were not shared any more. i can't really do anything about it and i also don't blame anyone for reblogging those posts since it's obviously not something they would know, but yeah.
i saw your art on pinterest!
i did not and do not consent to my works being put on pinterest. the art from "vilz" has not been uploaded by me to any other website besides tumblr. if someone is posting my art from here on a different platform, they are doing so without permission.
i saw you on magma!
i still join magma boards sometimes lol. it's a fun site.
what about your ocs?
they are still my ocs. sometimes i still draw them. currently, i do not have any plans of posting my oc art online ever again. i would prefer that people did not reblog the oc art i have posted to this blog.
what about your fics?
all of my fics are still up on ao3 anonymously. they are: small mercies obscura floriography baying of lambs scrape bitch, bastard, bullshit almost human a dream, recurring countdown i'm very flattered and happy that people have left kind comments on these. thank you very much for reading the words of an amateur and for sharing an experience with me.
are you going to finish your uncompleted fics?
i would really like to say yes, because i care a great deal about aspects of them, but it's looking pretty unlikely. i lost all my files (and my calmlywriter key !!! always save your emails and receipts, everyone!!!) and also it's hard to feel motivated about them now. i guess i will leave this up in the air just to soothe my own feelings but in reality the answer is Probably Not.
are you going to post new fics?
i might, because i've been in a writing mood lately, but please don't expect anything. if i do, they will be anonymous on ao3. i will not post about them here or on any other blog.
i really liked your posts and blog!
thank you. i'm glad that people could feel that way about the things i made and thought about stuff i care about. irregardless, i would prefer that people did not share my old posts from this blog.
i will do it anyway.
i cannot stop you, so there isn't really any point in pleading. i just thought i'd make a little info post for people who are inquiring. after this, there won't be any "posts" from me. if there are relevant questions or messages i might reply to them or just update this post.
thank you for reading and for enjoying my blog. goodbye !!!
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sokkigarden · 1 year
dancing with our hands tied (part iv)
jamie tartt x female reader // nsfw 18+ // fwb
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masterlist // read on ao3
summary: an emotional spiral sends you to jamie's doorstep… again
word count: 3k
this chapter took it OUT of me but i actually think this might be my fav chapter so far?? eeeee excited to share w you guys :) thanks to @hopefulromances for challenging me to write and trade feedback last night! sometimes u just need a lil extra motivation 😩🫶
“Hey, you’re friends with Jamie, right?”
You looked up from where you were sitting at your desk to find Zach in the doorway. You were startled by his appearance. 
After getting drinks last week, you’d gone back to his place and fell into bed. He was fun and flirty and you both had a good time, but once it was late, he asked if you needed a ride home. You’d left after calling a ride, trying not to overthink it. It was just the beginning after all.
But it had been a week since then. Zach had been keeping his distance at work and hadn’t been responding to your texts that much. You figured he was busy with the new job, so you kept yourself busy as well. But that didn’t resolve the sinking feeling in your gut.
And now Zach was standing in front of you. Asking about Jamie Tartt of all things.
“Huh?” You knew you sounded dumb but you weren’t sure why Zach was asking if you were friends with Jamie.
“Did I do something to upset him?”
“What?” you sputtered. “Um, I don’t think so.”
Despite your confusion, you had also noticed Jamie’s coldness toward the new nutritionist. Richmond had a big facility and a lot of people employed, but after Ted Lasso brought his camaraderie and positivity to the entire club, it was easy to see when someone was being off-putting. 
Since last week, you hadn’t spoken to Jamie outside of your scheduled physio treatments. You weren’t typically alone during your appointments, and it was always after his ludicrous amount of training which left him tired, so you hadn’t had the chance to talk to him much.
“Maybe you’re reading too much into things?” you suggested. “He’s always been kinda rocky– you’ve heard the stories.”
You didn’t mention that those stories were from more than two years ago. You didn’t mention that he had been much better in recent months. 
“Maybe….” Zach replied, scratching the back of his head. 
You clearly didn’t have the answer he wanted, and the room fell into silence. You looked back at the work you had open on your computer screen, before taking a deep breath and being brave.
“Hey, so I had a fun time last week,” you started with a smile. “Would you, maybe, want to go out again?”
Zach suddenly looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in the treatment room with you. You tried not to let the feeling in your gut sink even further, but you could feel the smile falling off your face.
“Oh, um, I’m gonna be busy for the next few weeks, so….” he trailed off.
You pressed your lips into a firm line, nodding once. You didn’t need to hear anything else; he was clearly not interested in pursuing you further. 
The insecurities that had lingered for a week resurfaced from the corners of your mind. You’d gotten your hopes up again, and he clearly wasn’t on the same page. It was fine. You were getting the brush off. Nothing you hadn’t experienced before.
You just wished you’d known this wasn’t going to be anything when you went into it. It had taken time, with each heartbreak, but you thought you had built up walls to prevent yourself from getting hurt again. 
“Okay, yeah,” you said, “Don’t worry about it.”
Zach gave you a smile that looked more like a grimace before leaving you alone.
How had everything gone to such shit?
There’s a reason you’d made it clear with Jamie that your relationship was just sex. If it was explicitly just sex, then you wouldn’t let yourself form an emotional attachment. No point in letting your brain drift into romantic feelings. It never worked out anyways.
Thinking of Jamie brought you back to the first thing Zach said. Was there a reason Jamie was being a dick to him? You hadn’t seen them interact much other than at the bar last week. While you had wanted to bite Jamie’s head off at first, by the time you had a chance to say something, he had left. There was a lot left unsaid.
And if here was anything that would get your mind off things, it would be bickering with Jamie. 
You checked your watch, realizing most of the players were gone by this time of evening. You finished up the report you were working on. It was probably time for you to head home too. 
And maybe you’d pay Jamie a visit on the way home, too.
Not even twenty minutes later, you were knocking on Jamie’s door unannounced. You hadn’t been there since last week, but there were no cars except his parked outside, so you assumed he was the only one home. 
When he opened the door, he seemed surprised to see you, his face going through about half a dozen different expressions before settling on raising his eyebrow in question.
“Stop being a dick to Zach,” you said in lieu of greeting, walking into his home. 
Jamie shut the door and pursed his lips. He clearly hadn’t expected to be instantly berated, but it was easier to act mad at Jamie than deal with being upset with yourself.
“Aren’t I a dick to everyone?” he asked.
“No, you aren’t,” you rolled your eyes, and said in a smaller voice, “Not anymore.”
You crossed your arms. “But you are acting like an asshole to Zach. Everyone sees it.”
Jamie scoffed, shaking his head. 
“Sorry,” he said, with a defeated tone, “You can tell your boyfriend I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Now it was your turn to sound defeated, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
Jamie’s face perked up at that.
“Oh yeah? Thought you two were gettin’ cozy. Gettin’ drinks at Bones and Honey.” 
If it was anyone else, you’d think he sounded jealous, but there was no reason for Jamie to be jealous over you. He was just poking your open wound at this point.
You huffed out a breath of air, letting your arms fall to their sides. 
“He brushed me off,” you said, “If we didn’t work together, he probably would’ve ghosted me by now.”
All the frustration from the past few hours, the past few days, the past week, felt like it was bubbling to the surface. It wasn’t even like this was a new thing. You were just tired of the same thing always happening. Even when you tried to protect yourself, you still ended up getting hurt.
You were so focused on blinking rapidly to dispel the tears in your eyes that you didn’t notice Jamie wrapping you in a tight hug. You stood frozen for a moment, before wrapping your arms around his torso and nuzzling your face into his shoulder. 
The hug was so tight and warm and surprising, but it made you feel the best you’d felt in weeks, months. You didn’t even realize you were fully crying until you moved slightly and felt the wet patch of fabric on his shoulder. 
You pulled away a bit and tried taking some deep breaths, while Jamie brushed his fingers through your hair. As soon as he whispered your name, you pulled back further, still enveloped in his arms. 
“Sorry, sorry, I know this isn’t what we normally do,” you said. Your relationship consisted of arguments and sex, not tears and warm hugs. 
He shook his head, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. “What’s wrong?” 
The tender tone, the soft look in his eyes, the delicate physical contact, made you start crying all over again. He gently led the two of you over to the couch, sitting down with you in his lap. 
“I just–” you sniffled, and it all came spilling out. “I just don't know what I'm doing ever. Everything I do seems wrong. I try to go after the things I want and it's never enough. I give too much, and yet not enough, and- and it's all shit.” 
Jamie’s brows furrowed together as you stared at his face. You focused on the line of his jaw and the grooves of his nose instead of his eyes. You didn’t want to meet his eyes. His hand gently grasped your chin to direct your gaze.
“You’re okay,” he murmured, as you held eye contact. “Things are hard, but they’ve always been hard, and you’ve made it through. You deserve good things. You’ll get them. You have them.” 
Those words were tender and sweet and all you wanted to hear, but a part of you refused to let yourself believe them.
“Yeah, okay,” you rolled your eyes lightly. “I guess.”
He let out a huff of frustration, before rearranging you to straddle his thighs. His arms squeezed your shoulders, but not in a domineering way; it felt soft, comforting. 
His hands were warm as they ran across your skin to your cheeks, holding your face to keep your eyes connected. He wiped the tears from your cheeks. His face held a hundred emotions and you weren’t sure what to make of any of it. 
“You have me,” he said.
You took a sharp intake of breath at his words. The words burned into your mind.
It was true. You did have Jamie. And he had you. In some sort of way. And for now, it would be enough.
He placed a soft kiss to your forehead, and then to both of your cheeks, lingering so close you could feel his exhales and swore you could hear your heartbeats in the space between. 
Then, he seized your mouth in a kiss, and it was like no other kiss you’d shared with him. While others were passionate and full of angry emotions, this was full of something raw, something untethered to your pre-existing idea of Jamie.
As you explored each other's mouths, you found yourself grinding against his lap, letting a moan out as you felt overcome with emotion. His hands ran through your hair, and you flexed your fingers under the fabric of his shirt, feeling the expanse of warm skin on his stomach. 
You tugged his shirt over his head, which broke the kiss, but you took the moment to take a breath. He kissed your cheek, your jaw, your neck, as he moved to remove your shirt as well. 
“Fuck, angel,” he said, and it felt like you were seeing each other for the first time.
It didn’t take long to remove more clothes, explore more of each other, before you finally sat down, feeling his dick slide into you. 
For a brief minute, you were frozen, breathing in each other’s air, staring at each other, taking in the moment. Then, he’s rocking into you and you’re meeting his thrusts, but it's slow, it's choppy in a heavenly way that you didn’t realize could exist between the two of you. 
“This feel good, yeah?” he asked, and you replied with a whimper of an affirmation. “Tell me this dick makes you feel good.”
“It does,” you managed to say, “You make me feel…”
He moved his hips in a way that made you see stars, leaving the last of your sentence unfinished. You scraped your nails through his hair, hearing something like a growl at the back of his throat. The sound spurred you on, rocking your hips with more determination.
“That’s it, baby, that’s a good girl,” he panted, reaching to connect your lips once more. 
You wanted to swallow him whole, wanted this moment to never end. His words were hot, but also flooded you with a different kind of warmth. You wondered if he even knew what he was saying. 
He tore his lips away after a moment and while you tried to gasp for breath, his next words made you nearly come on the spot.
“My good girl,” he whispered across your ear, before gripping your hips and focusing on where the two of you were connected.
The possessiveness in his voice tracked fire through your veins. 
You were close. You had to be. Despite how much you wanted to make this last forever, the heightened emotions were making things too much. You were feeling everything so intensely. 
He knew you were close, as he said, “Hey, look at me.”
You caught his eyes, watching each other’s faces as you finally came. Your jaw hung open, gripping his shoulders. You clenched around him as you rode out your high, and he came soon after. 
You sat there for a few moments, listening to your breathing and heartbeats mixing together. 
His hands drifted across your back in lazy motions as you nuzzled your cheek into the crook between his shoulder and neck. Jamie’s heartbeat was in his throat, his pulse racing. You could barely process everything you were feeling. What must he be feeling?
You had definitely calmed down after your spiral earlier this evening. Being with Jamie seemed to make everything else melt away. 
He readjusted you on his lap and pulled up his underwear. He grabbed his shirt from earlier and slipped it over your head. He cleared his throat, but didn’t fully pull away from you.
“I know you usually leave but,” he picked you up as he stood from the couch, “Not lettin’ you go home and spiral more. You’re staying tonight. Come on.”
He led you upstairs to his room, grabbing some new clothes from the dresser before guiding you into the bathroom. 
You didn’t do anything as you watched him turn on the shower and wait until the temperature was hot. It had been a while since you’d been in a shower with someone else, but you had a feeling this wasn’t going to be like those times. 
As soon as the shower was a good temperature, he stepped in, beckoning you to join him. He was offering without forcing you. You fought the smile creeping onto your face at his gentle expression. 
He guided you under the stream of water, combing his hands through your hair and lathering it with shampoo. The entire bathroom filled with the familiar smell of his hair products, and you felt a sense of satisfaction at knowing your own hair would smell like his soon. 
You took turns washing each other, nearly silent the entire time. It was an intimate act, and you found yourself clinging to Jamie maybe even more than earlier. 
You could feel the trails of tears across your cheeks from earlier wash away, but you could now barely remember why you’d been crying. Over some boy at work? You were all wrapped up in Jamie in the present moment. 
But this is what you’d been afraid of all along. This thing with Jamie was no longer just sex to you. And you’d known from the beginning, that if you let yourself fall for Jamie, it was over. He would ruin everyone else for you. 
What, with his silly outfits, and funny yet frustrating conversations, and the way he seemed to know your body even better than you did. 
You doubted this was anything else for him, you didn’t fit the profile of people he dated, you told yourself not to get your hopes up. You had shoved those feelings in a drawer at the back of your mind and hoped if you told yourself it was just sex, you wouldn’t fall for him.
But somewhere between the arguments and the sex, you held real conversations with him, confided in him, looked forward to seeing him each day.
Maybe it was already too late. The thought had your eyes welling up with more tears, but luckily you were facing the shower wall, as he rinsed the conditioner out of your hair. 
By the time the both of you were done, the tears had subsided, and you turned around to give him a watery smile. 
When you stepped out of the shower, Jamie wrapped you in a fluffy towel and your heart squeezed at the domesticity of it all. 
“Better?” he asked.
You nodded. You were feeling a lot better. Even if you were finally acknowledging the romantic feelings wedged deep inside of you. Even if those romantic feelings ended up being your downfall.
He grabbed the clothes he’d brought into the bathroom and divided them between you both. Two pairs of sweat shorts and two t-shirts. You knew you were going to drown in the fabric before you even put them on. You were proven right as he slid the shorts up your legs and tied off the drawstring to keep them up. You both chuckled at the sight.
After brushing your teeth, stealing some of Jamie’s skincare, and drying your hair, you didn’t have any objections as you both got into bed. He pulled you halfway across the mattress, to wrap his arms around you in the middle of the bed. 
“I’ve got training with Roy at four a.m., but I’ll be back before you wake up. Usually get back for breakfast around seven.” Jamie mumbled as he turned off the bedside lamp and wrapped his arms around you.
“Four in the morning?” you asked, “What are you going to do, bury a body?”
He chuckled, “Wouldn’t put it past Grandad, but no, we usually just go for a run.”
You shook your head at the absurdity. Even though you worked at the football facility, it was easy to forget that Jamie was a professional athlete when it was just the two of you, tucked away beneath his sheets.
As you felt yourself getting sleepy, you traced the tattoos across Jamie’s forearm in the faint light, feeling his breathing deepen as he drifted off to sleep. The lull of his exhales across your earlobe soon brought sleep to you as well.
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cybiirz · 11 months
hello! i really enjoyed your wrio drabble <33 can i request another fluffy and/or suggestive drabble with his grace? thank u so much!
Ahhh omg my first ask!! This honestly somehow motivated me to write something so please feel free to leave any requests that you’d like! But please kindly read the rules first and thank you so very much for asking! <3
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Wriothesley x Gn!Reader
Sypnosis : As someone who loved scenery and water, you opted to take your friend who you hadn’t seen for 5 years to admire such landscape with you. But even being near water managed to rekindle a fire within the both you.
WC : 1.1K
A/N : Ok so just in case you can’t really get the feeling of the imagery I attempted to create, if you listen to “I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship”by Studio Killers since it gets that playful, kind of banter feeling I tried to make then that’d be great. Honestly this whole thing is just self indulgent and probably very corny but whatever..no seriously it’s acc cheesy but still read pls <3
“Hurry, you’ll miss the best view!” You yelled towards Wriothesley who was following closely behind. Right now, you were running to the sandy parts near the waters of Fontaine as the night sky blanketed the nation.
“I’m only a few steps behind, you’re a slow runner you know?” He retorted from behind you. You looked at him over your shoulder before scoffing in response.
Finally, after a good 30 minutes of going through hoards of hillichurls and abyss mages, the two of you had managed to make it towards the somewhat-beach. Just as you were about to step into the sand, you threw your shoes and socks to the side, before pulling up the pants you wore.
Wriothesley simply stood on the grass, arms crossed as he watched you play around with the small waves that crashed against your ankles. You had a beaming smile on your face as the cool night breeze brushed your face. Realising that Wriothesley wasn’t with you, you turned around and was disappointed at what you saw.
“Seriously? I brought you here to at least have some fun. You look like a strict father watching his kid flirt with another kid or something,” You exaggeratedly mocked his actions before smirking at him. He rolled his eyes before sighing.
“I’m already taking a night off from the Fortress. And doing childish things like this wouldn’t be worth my time,” The warden replied with a tired tone. Your mouth fell open before you strided over to him. Once you were in front of the man, you pulled him down by his tie so that you were now face to face.
“Yeah but you took that night off to spend with me and we haven’t seen each other for 5 years. Do me a favour, and just have fun, for crying out loud,” You groaned to him. After he didn't answer, you scrunch your nose before you went back to the water.
After hearing a deep exhale from him, you soon heard him taking off those hellish boots whilst he pulled up the cuffs of his trousers. Your hand was on your hip as you stood still and watched the ripples in the water before a hand grabbed yours.
“Hey, I’m sorry for being that way,” Wriothesley said almost solemnly before bringing you close to him by dragging your arm. “I’m just getting used to you finally being back,” He added before going quiet. It was silent between the two of you as he stared at you and you to him.
Then, your lips curved up before you laughed. “I knew you’d give in,” You hummed out.
“Woww…I guess I should’ve expected it,” The warden uttered before the two of you chuckled again. But once more, silence befell your pair. Wriothesley’s eyes flickered to your lips as yours did his. But then a much larger wave slammed against you, reaching up to your knees.
“Right, come on I need to show you!” You exclaimed before running deeper into the water. You heard him shout to wait but you ignored it. You guessed that he assumed that the view would be above water but he was sorely mistaken. Clasping your hands together, you took a dive straight in.
Slowly, your eyes opened to see Wriothesley still at the surface. But then he mumbled something along the lines of “For archons sakes…” before he dove in after.
You grabbed his shoulder before swimming around him and coming close to him again. You then pushed off of him and began swimming further down.
He followed closely as you began to swim towards a skull-like structure, almost one of a dragon-like-creature. Once he saw the rays of moon reflecting against it, his head cocked to the right just the slightest. The fish swam in sync as the sea plants danced with the water’s flow.
He turned his head towards you, seeing how you were dazed at the scenery in front of you. It was almost like there was no thought in your head, other than fully absorbing the beauty that stood before you. But it seems he was doing the same, unknown to you.
A very small smile overcame his face just as you turned to him. Your expression beamed as you signalled to him what he thought to which he replied with, “Yeah, it was…gorgeous. Now let me take you somewhere,” As he grabbed your hand before taking off towards the surface.
As you reached above the water, the two of you sprung out and took a deep breath. You then faced him before holding his shoulder with one hand. He then pointed to the sky as your eye followed, only to see the moon reflecting down on you and him. It was so simple but so…eccentric? Majestic? Divine? There was no way to even describe it.
After snapping back to reality, you realised that Wriothesley was looking at you. Not intensely, no. Rather, there was a more relaxed feeling to it. His hand reached up and moved some hair that was stuck to your forehead. The two of you then simply swam there, basking in the scene around you.
His hand gently caressed the back of your neck as your left hand held tightly onto his shoulder. Time felt slow now as you both leaned in. It felt like a millennia before your lips finally landed on one another. And it was like two pieces of a puzzle coming together.
The kiss was slow but there were so very many feelings being poured out into it. Ones of love, desire, longing and hundreds of others but you were too lost to think. Finally you two parted, still keeping your eyes trained on his lips.
Unsure of what to do now, you simply looked up and gave him that same smile as you did back at the beach.
“Archons, I could have that smile stare at me day and night and I'd never get bored,” He murmured. You gagged jokingly at the cheesy line as he chose to just grin. And before you knew it, he desperately dived in for another as he cupped your face in his hands. A kiss, not a swim…
After him getting over that little patch of his, your foreheads slowly joined together as you held each other and bathed in the afterglow of your love finally being confirmed. Being separated for 5 years and coming back certainly managed to relight some old feeling which the both of you thought you had gotten over.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten our shoes back at the shore.” Your shoulders immediately tensed up.
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scrollonso · 6 months
First Kiss (Race 3)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.5k words, angst, hurt/comfort) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I was worried I wouldn't have motivation to write this but i got it done in one sitting LMAO}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Thankfully Mark listened and stayed far away from him while the drivers were getting interviewed, leaving the rookie to just have to answer a few questions from smaller journalists.
It was nice to not be swarmed and just asked questions about his dad but he did wish he could've spoken to Fernando again before quali, seeing how much fun he seemed to be having with Mark.
Quali was decent, he got 7th so it wasn't anything spectacular but it was in the points. All he had to do was keep his spot or better and he'd count it as a good race
Before he could even reach Nico's side of the garage he heard a voice call him, though it wasn't the one he expected
"Alright, Stroll, you're the only one left" Mark announced, earning a groan fron the younger
"Mark please" He begged, not entirely serious but also not wanting to get interviewed anymore
"Fernando will but you dinner if you let me interview you" Lance wasn't one to turn down free dinner.
"What am I doing?" Fernando asked, finally reaching the garage
"Sure" Lance laughed, neither him nor Mark answering Fernandos question as the three of them left the paddock
By the time they reached a restaraunt Fernando had pieced together what exactly he was doing but he didn't really mind, the three of them had paid about the same amount while going around Australia together so it wouldn't kill him to treat the two to a little dinner.
They got seated not long after entering, Fernando and Mark in chairs while Lance sat across from them in the booth
"So, Lance. You ready for your interview?" Mark asked, having no plans on really interviewing him
"Shh," He said, bringing his finger to his lips "After Nando pays" Lance laughed, hoping Mark wasn't serious because the last thing he wanted to do after his second favourite part of the day, eating dinner (talking to Nando is first), is be interviewed.
Last nights dinner went well, Lance liked having friends, Karting had kept him from having too many growing up so having friends in F1 was a nice feeling, it gave him something to look forward to outside of the car.
Today was race day and all Lance wanted was to keep himself in the points.
He walked out of his drivers room, race suit tied around his waist (he couldn't be bothered to keep pulling it up), as usual Fernando somehow managed to completely ditch his garage and get away with it just to wish him good luck.
"Lancito, good luck today, let's see if we can get you on that podium, eh?" He smiled at him, elbowing him slightly
Lance loved seeing Fernando away from Media, he was completely different when the cameras were off, by this time in the season Lance had read the articles, seen the blogs, watched the interviews, people were convinced Fernando was some mean winning machine, he was a winning machine, yes, but the last thing he was was mean (at least to Lance.)
"Thank you, Nando, but don't be too hurt when I beat you" He flashed Fernando a cheeky grin, he wanted to beat him of course, all racers want to win, but a part of him knew that wouldn't happen
The cars all lined up and then started the formation lap, as it ended someone had already spun. Lance knew this was gonna be a hectic Grand Prix and it hadn't even started yet.
Lance stared anxiously at the lights ahead of him then everyone took off, the Australian Grand Prix had begun.
Nico was involved in a minor collision on the first lap with two other drivers, causing him to lose his rear wing, Lance was told over the radio that he was fine so he wasn't too worried, the two had gotten used to not finishing by now.
The safety car was deployed then recalled in two laps but then a driver crashed and it was deployed again. Lance was annoyed, why even bother to take it out if it was just gonna be out not even ten laps later.
They got about 20 laps in when cars started to pit and to Lance's surprise he took the lead, he was leading a Grand Prix, he heard instructions over his radio to take care of his tyres, with better cars coming back out with fresh ones he had to defend like his life depended on it.
He wasn't surprised when Fernando took back the lead, he wasnt sure why but he wasn't exactly mad about it either. He managed to build up a decent gap ahead of the driver behind him and asked if he should pit, he was advised not to so he stayed out.
On lap 32 there was another safety car, he took the chance to finally pit, getting into the pit lane first, the race starting behind the safety car again with him just behind Fernando, for the first time he had a chance to be on the podium with him, he was overjoyed at the idea, if his first podium was with Fernando he was sure it would he a memorable one.
On lap 35 the safety car was recalled but literally one lap later it was out again, they might as well have a safety car out all race at this point.
Two more cars retired after the last safety car was recalled and Lance made it to the final lap, he had managed to stay in 2nd for the past 34 laps, it was insane to him, his engineer tried not to say too much but it was obvious how excited he was for him, and now all he had to do was finish.
He had four corners left, then three, then two... then his engine blew. The car right behind him had been covered in oil and the safest thing to do was pull off the track, ten meters away from his first podium.
"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry, I was almost there, I'm so sorry, I'll try harder in San Marino-" He kept apologizing, wondering if he had made the right choice, wondering if the team would be mad at him
"Lance, It's okay, you're the driver, right? Do what you feel is best, if this is what's best then it's fine." His engineer consoled him, the canadian having a hard time not crying
He finally reached the garage, taking off his helment and his balaclava, his eyes red as he talked to his engineer at the back of his side of the garage, not noticing as the tears began to fall
"Fuck, Brad- I'm so sorry, I feel like i fucked up. I could've kept going, I should've, I almost got us a podium, I was so close." He gasped as he spoke, the Canadian distraught as he thought about his team being mad at him, what if he lost his seat because of this? The media already doesnt like him what would they say now? Was Brad lying about not caring?
"Lance, Lance it's okay, no one is mad at you for keeping yourself safe" He promised, speaking to the boy as if he was a child, which wasn't too far off
Lance couldn't respond, all he could do was cover his face, embarrassed at the reality of him sobbing after a DNF, he didn't care the other times.
Lance got himself together before Fernando came looking for him, not saying a word before dragging the rookie out of his garage
"Nando-" He started, Fernando moving them behind the Racing Point garage "Fernando what-"
Then he hugged him, without saying a word he just hugged him, arms tightly wrapped around the rookie as he sunk into his arms, unable to stop himself from crying again
"Fuck, Nando" He choked out "I feel so stupid"
"Shh, is okay, Lancito" He spoke softly, hand stroking the taller mans hair but at that moment the thing he felt was big. He was embarrassed, trying not to cringe at the reality of him crying in another mans arms but all that mattered was he felt safe in them "You did well, am so proud"
Lance hummed, sniffling as he kept his head in the crook of Fernandos neck "I'm sorry, Nando," He practically whispered "I wanted to be up there with you"
Fernando knew that, he was upset to hear Lance was no longer behind him, all he wanted was to celebrate with him, he was looking forward to it for the whole race and now he's stood there with the younger man a complete mess in his arms, he hoped San Marino would treat him better.
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kingofpopmj · 7 months
Conscious Decision
Part 3
July 15th, 1988
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Katherine and I spent the day together exploring London. She suggested we do some shopping before having lunch. Of course the moment she pulled me into a bridal boutique I knew she had an ulterior motive.
“This would look stunning on you!” Katherine complimented as she pointed out the gown on display.
“Mama Kay, that’s a wedding dress.”
“You should try it on.” She cheered. “It’ll be fun!”
“It’s beautiful but I think I’m going to pass on that.” I laughed off her comment.
“Michael was looking for you last night. He did not buy the jet lagged excuse.”
“Well, I’ll see him tonight.” I said as I guided her towards the exit.
“He fired Tatiana.” She said nonchalantly.
“She’s a sweet girl but her crush on Michael was getting out of hand. My poor boy was so embarrassed. He had no idea she would do that.”
“Is he okay?”
“I think seeing his best friend would have helped.”
“Oh you’re making me feel bad on purpose!”
“You’re always the first person he runs to when something goes wrong. Yesterday, however, was the first time you weren’t there. It did a real number on him.”
“I’m sure he’s fine.”
“My boy is experiencing the beginning stages of losing the woman he loves. He is in no way shape or form fine.”
“He doesn’t love me in that way and he’s not losing me. I just needed a break to be alone and avoid any further damage to our friendship. I didn’t mean for my actions to come off as selfish. I’m sorry.”
“Here we go again with all the friendship hoopla.” Katherine rolled her eyes shaking her head. “You are not just friends-“
“We almost kissed. On opening night.” I blurted out. “He ran away from me and hid from everyone.”
“Oh, I see.”
“That’s why I said I think we were wrong.”
“I’m never wrong.” She said sternly ignoring my confession. I couldn’t help but laugh at her stubbornness.
“Y/N! There you are!” Michael shouted standing from his make-up chair. “Finally!”
“Your mom and I had a girls day.” I smiled hugging him. He kindly asked for the room and his entourage dispersed.
“How is the jet lag?” He asked suspiciously.
“I’m fine. I just need some rest.”
“You didn’t even stay for our after show ritual.”
“It’s tradition!” He spoke over me. “Why did you leave?”
“I didn’t feel well.” It was partly true. He continued to study my demeanor.
“Tatiana.” He stated. “I didn’t- she wasn’t supposed to do that. I’ve never been so humiliated in my life.”
“I’m really sorry that happened. You didn’t deserve it.”
“You know.. every love song I write is about you.” He muttered.
“What?” I stared at him but he didn’t repeat himself. He closed the gap between us pulling me into his chest.
Each time the wind blows
I hear your voice so
I call your name
Whispers at morning
Our love is dawning
Heaven's glad you came
You know how I feel
This thing can't go wrong
I'm so proud to say I love you
Your love's got me high
I long to get by
This time is forever
Love is the answer
Michael softly sung into my ear as he swayed us back and forth. He held me for a moment longer before leaving a lingering kiss on my temple.
“Michael?” I spoke gently.
“I have to finish getting ready. Can you help with my hair? You’re the only one that does it the way I like.” He smiled pulling me across the room to his vanity.
I watched him as he excitedly gathered all the tools and products I would need. Every time I think we’re on the same page he throws a curveball. It makes it even worse that he just changes the subject as if nothing happened. As I began styling Michael’s hair my mind drifted off to how he makes me feel. When he holds me like that it’s impossible to hide my emotions. Michael is my home. When he holds me I feel complete. He’s the only person I truly feel safe with.
“I love hearing you sing.” I said as I fixed his hair.
“Thank you.”
“I love that song. It’s really beautiful.”
“It’s one of my favorites. It’s like it was in my head my whole life and all I needed to do was write it down.” he met my gaze through the mirror. “It’s inspiring being in love.”
“In love?” I broke our eye contact and tried to focus on his hair. “That’s sweet.”
“Are you in love?”
“Because I think you are.” He turned to me placing his hands on my hips. “Please tell me that you are.” He stared at me expectantly as he rises from his seat.
Here we are again.
Our chests became connected as I felt his fingers slip under the hem of my shirt leaving a strong tingling feeling along my hips. We were admiring each other’s lips and yearning for what came next.
“I am.” I finally spoke.
“Y/N, I-“ there was a loud obnoxious knock on the door as it swung open.
“Oh-oh- I-I’m so sorry” Greg stood there with an apologetic look on his face. “ I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“It’s okay.” Michael said. “What is it?”
“Princess Diana is on her way. They want us all in place for her arrival.”
Michael looked at me and I gave him a nod. He looked nervous as his lips met my cheek and he hugged me tightly.
“We will talk later.” He stated hopefully as he moved towards the door.
“I’m so sorry.” Greg mouthed before closing the door leaving me alone.
“This next song is very special to me. It comes from my heart.” Michael spoke as the lights began to dim. “I’m going to perform it a little differently tonight. I hope you don’t mind.” His beautiful voice filled the stadium.
I just want to lay next to you for a while
You look so beautiful tonight
Your eyes are so lovely
Your mouth is so sweet
A lot of people misunderstand me
That's because they don't know me at all
I just want to touch you
And hold you
I need you, God I need you
I love you so much
Michael’s intimate intro to ‘I Just Can’t Stop Loving You’ caused chills to travel down my spine. The longer I kept my eyes on him the more I thought about our moment in his dressing room earlier. There was so much emotion behind it. I just wanted to know what he was thinking. I took a moment to look out into the full stadium. The audience was lit up with thousands of lighters hovering over the sea of fans.
We all gathered backstage after the show to celebrate. I didn’t realize how many people would be here or how loud it was going to get. Nonetheless, I was really enjoying myself, I was sitting with the band when everyone suddenly went silent. I followed their stare and saw the man of the hour.
“Dance with me.” Michael held his hand out and I gladly accepted.
“You’re my favorite dance partner.”
My comment went unnoticed as Michael stared off. His grip on me tightened as we danced in silence. He placed my arms further around his neck pulling me closer to him. Two songs went by without a word from him.
“Michael?” I poked his cheek getting his attention. “What’s going on up there?”
“Nothing.” He spat. He never snapped at me. It made me feel awful. His coldness triggered me deeply making me feel insignificant.
“What’s your problem?”
“I asked you to dance with me why do you feel the need to pester me.” I stepped away immediately looking at him as if he was a stranger. “Y/N-“ he said softly reaching for my hand.
“You’re being so ugly to me.” I shook my head walking away leaving him standing alone. I shoved the dressing room door open swiftly gathering my belongings.
“Jet lagged again.” I heard Michael’s mocking voice behind me.
“No actually at the moment I’m extremely fed up with you.”
“Yes you!” I pointed at him as my vision became blurry. “Why would you ask me to dance just to speak to me like that? You’ve never treated me like that before.”
“No! I wanted to dance with you because- I just- some of the guys from the crew were talking about you. I couldn’t- I tried to keep my cool but they were saying- I didn’t like it-“
“Wait.” I wiped my eyes. “You asked me to dance so no one else could?”
“I-“ he was frozen in place and I felt myself begin to tremble from how angry I was.
“You know what Michael. How about you figure out what you want because I can’t handle this anymore. One minute you’re serenading me asking me if I’m in love and the next you’re acting like this. You keep saying all these things and I have no idea how I’m supposed to take them because you never explain. It feels like you’re toying with me and it isn’t fair. Do you know how terrifying it is to be in love? The thought of losing that person destroys you because he’s one of the most important people in your life. Every time he gives you a shred of hope that he may feel the same he disregards it just as quickly- and it doesn’t even matter because to me- to me he is everything. He’s my everything. This back and forth is- it’s mentally exhausting Michael, but I’m still here.” I frantically caught my breath, Michael’s wide eyes brought me to the realization that I said way too much. He remained silent. I wanted to evaporate. Silence. I just shook my head brushing past him.
Nothing was going to be the same ever again.
July 16th, 1988
A bright golden beam of sunlight streamed through the curtains seeping through my eyelids. I sighed pulling a pillow over my face. It’s too early for this. The events of the last two days begin running through my mind as I closed my eyes. I’m a complete mess. If I could stay in bed all day I would. Michael was giving me so many mixed signals but, after last night, I’m afraid he may never speak to me again. I sat up throwing the pillow across the room with force.
“You weren’t aiming for me right?” My head snapped to the side to see Michael standing in front of the window looking out at the London sky.
“Michael!” I yelled pulling the comforter up to cover my pajamas.
“I brought us breakfast.”
“How did you get in here?”
“French toast! Your favorite..” he sang placing the take out trays on the table.
“How long were you watching me sleep?”
“I got extra syrup and fresh strawberries.” He danced taking a big bite of a strawberry.
“You scared me! Why are you here this early?”
“I knew the only way you’d listen to me is if I showed up unannounced and brought food.” A smile spread across his face. “Come on sit.”
“Give me a minute.” I sprinted to the bathroom and softly shut the door behind me. I brush my teeth and wash my face but my nerves are still through the roof. Michael’s here in my room acting suspiciously normal. I focused on my breathing as I walked out back into the room.
“My mom.” He stated as I took the seat across from him.
“She had a spare key. I was just answering your earlier question.”
“Oh, then yes.” I smiled taking a bite.
“I was aiming for you.” I answered sticking my tongue out.
“Ha. Ha. Ha. I have a comedian for a best friend folks!” He announced to an imaginary crowd.
“What would you like to talk to me about?” I asked laughing.
“I need you to promise me something first.”
“What is that?”
“I need you to let me say everything I need to say to you without interrupting me.”
“Is everything okay?” His tone beginning to make me nervous.
“I’ll explain everything.”
“I promise. No interrupting.” I held my hand up letting him know I took the oath seriously.
“Well, I want to thank you for visiting me. It’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. This tour has been incredible, but I have missed you very much. It’s just- everything is better when you’re around.” He slid his hand onto the table slowing inching it towards me. He gave me a small smile and I knew exactly what he wanted, so I placed my hand in his. “I know I’ve been all over the place and I’m sorry. It’s just- it’s such a tough situation. I would never intentionally toy with your feelings. I know that’s why you were avoiding me. I understand why and it’s okay. It was just for a few hours but knowing you didn’t want to see me was the worst feeling in the world.”
“I’ve kept something from you for a few years now because I truly believed it was for the best. It was easier when we were kids. We didn’t have to worry or stress. Once I got to the age where I understood my feelings it became more difficult, but not impossible. I told myself it was better to have you as my best friend than not have you at all. I wanted you in my life. I need you and I hate the idea of my feelings ruining our friendship. Then, my career took this incredible albeit insane turn. All the hard work, struggle and pain of my childhood was finally paying off, but it came at a cost. I’m constantly ridiculed, bullied and betrayed. They all misunderstand me because they don’t know me. I’m just a punchline to them.” He places his hand over his eyes leaning his elbow on the table in attempt to conceal his watery eyes. “I knew I had to protect you from this world. The media attacking you. The paparazzi stalking you. I couldn’t bear leaving you vulnerable to it all. There has always been an excuse. And they all seemed like great excuses. It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized it was fear holding me back. The fear of losing you, but let’s face it you aren’t going anywhere and neither am I. Y/N, there is nothing in this world that is worth keeping my distance from you.” His hand fell from his face and landed over mine.
“Y/N, I could never close my heart to you because it’s yours. It has always been yours.”
“I’m terrified but I think- I hope you want this too. I hope you want me- us.”
“I know what happened opening night hurt you. I know because if I had to watch some schmuck kiss you… or dance with you…” he paused his rant shifting in his seat “I would loose my mind. It would break me.” He squeezed his eyes shut softly shaking his head back and forth. “I could feel your pain. I could feel the ache in your heart. I could feel your tears. It was unbearable. I never want to be the cause of it again. Ever.”
“The reality is if we become more it will change your life in an instant. I pray that you feel I’m worth it as much as I feel you are. I know you are. It won’t be easy, but I vow to do everything in my power to keep any harm from coming to you. I will always protect you.”
“Lovely, in all the ways I’ve pictured my life, you are always in it. You and I are inevitable. We are predestined. It’s in the stars. Everything in me chooses you. You are it. You’re the dream of all dreams. You’re my dream come true. I love you. I love you infinitely.”
Michael’s shoulders relaxed as he let out a deep sigh. He stood up and pulled his chair over to sit beside me. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. My Michael.
“I um- that was probably too much to throw at you all at once. Goodness it’s hot in here.” He started playing with his hair and I knew he was panicking.
“Can I talk now?” I whispered. He hesitantly nodded.
“Michael, please look at me.” His eyes were closed and he shook his head no. “Michael”
He didn’t move and I could tell he thought I was going to reject him. My hands landed on his broad shoulders, his eyes still closed as I ever so gently turned him towards me. I tried to focus on my breathing as my hands traveled to the back of his neck. My fingers running through his curls. I took a brief moment to catch my breath before I leaned in.
As our lips met, a strong bolt of electricity ran through my body. I felt his hands tenderly cup my face as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against mine with a gentle urgency. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no excuses - no fears.
Surprisingly, the thought of being pressed up against Michael never crossed my mind, but now that it was happening, I didn’t want it to end. Michael’s hands were strong as he affectionately caressed my body. Our lips slightly parted - our breathing heavy - our gazes falling onto one another. Michael didn’t waste time letting his eyes travel. His breath hitched as he lustfully scanned my legs on either side of his hips.
“Oh lovely.” He quickly caught my lips again gripping the back of my thighs. He stood up carrying me with ease as he moved over to the bed.
I felt the plush mattress form to the curves of my body as Michael hovered over me leaving sweet kisses across my collarbone.
“I love you Y/N” he mumbled against my skin with each kiss.
“My entire life...” he stopped and adjusted himself to look into my eyes. “My whole life I’ve been completely in love with you.” The corners of his lips curved up and he buried his face into my neck. “Michael, I love you with my whole heart.”
“Please don’t let this be a dream.” Michael pleaded.
“This is real.” I smiled finding his lips again. “This is happening.”
“Y/N?” He said against my lips.
“Yes Michael?”
“Can I take you on a date? A real date. Just the two of us. Tonight after the show.” He moved to the space next to me as we both shifted laying on our sides to face each other.
“I would love that.”
“I want to kiss you forever.”
“I would love that.” I repeated flirtatiously.
“My girl.” He smiled leaning his forehead against mine. “You’re my girl..”
“Oh I am?” I teased.
“I would like you to be mine. Do you want to be my girl?”
“Hmmm.. let me think.”
Michael began singing and my heart melted further with each lyric.
You know how I feel
I won't stop until
I hear your voice saying
"I do"
Michael watched me intently waiting for my answer. He leaned closer and I smiled kissing him deeply “I do” I said against his lips.
This thing can't go wrong
This feeling's so strong
Well, my life ain't worth living
If I can't be with you
I just can't stop loving you
I just can't stop loving you
And if I stop
Then tell me, just what will I do
I just can't stop loving you
There it is part 3!!!
Ahhhhh! Maybe part 4?
I hope you all enjoyed this rollercoaster lol
Let me know what you think. Also, should I put together a tag list?
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blnk338 · 2 months
Notice of Hiatus
As you may have noticed, after returning from all my fun work and school, I dipped out for a bit, and I want to explain it briefly. In my attempt to reread (and therefore get back into) RWYS, I found myself further away from my writing than when I initially wrote it. It's not that I dislike how it turned out, or even don't want to continue it, it's just I don't have the same motivation to write. I thought I did, but as it turns out-- eh, not so much.
I understand all of you were excited to have me back and believe me, I have loved reading all of your kind messages, asks, and comments, and I therefore don't want to leave you hanging and wondering why I haven't posted anything.
As of today (7/29/2024), all of my fics are on an indefinite hiatus until I get more time and/or motivation in the future to write for them. Ultimately, posting work that I feel like I half-assed or don't feel passionate about feels like a backstab to all of you, knowing how much love I had previously poured into my fics.
I want to answer any and all of your questions about my fics, including spoilers for the (so far) unwritten endings. Please feel free to send asks (rather than DMs so that all can read, but of course, I'm not going to bar you from contacting me directly) about anything, and I'll do my best to respond to them.
Before I add anything else on, thank all of you again for how much love I received in my time writing. I made so many genuine friends and had so many wonderful interactions, I cannot thank you all enough. To those who I talked to every day, to those who lurked, I wish all of you the very best.
Until next time :)
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oblivious-idiot · 1 year
The Only Exception
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Summary: George was never the most touchy feely person, but when you get Ghost-touched, he can't help but come to terms with his feelings.
A/N: this was kinda fun, it was really nice to have a bit of motivation to write again! sorry for the wait, but i hope you all like it <3
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, ghost-touch (book version - non-fatal), mentions of injury/burns, swearing
Pairings: George Karim x fem!Reader
Word count: 2k
Taglist: @waitingforthesunrise @neewtmas @givemea-dam-break @wellgoslowly @ikeasupremacy (if anyone wants to be added/removed let me know!)
George wasn’t exactly the most touchy feely person in the world, but he was most definitely the caregiver, the mum friend of 35 Portland Road if you will. He didn’t tend to mask his disappointment or grumpiness when he had to look after Lockwood or stress clean when he’d done something reckless. But when it was you, he did it without a second thought - almost subconsciously he would trail after you and make sure you had everything you needed.
"Alright, Lucy and y/n take the left side of the building, George and I will take the right side. We'll meet back here in half and hour, agreed?" Lockwood said as he adjusted his rapier belt as everyone assed the map of the abandoned shipping warehouse "Remember, we could be looking for two sources tonight," George added in "try not to let yourselves get distracted." "Yes boss" you say as you shoot him a salut and chuckle "We'll be as quick as poss, just try not to get lost - we all know what Lockwood's sense of direction is like." Lockwood's eyebrow shot up at the comment and Lucy couldn't help but laugh too "She's not wrong."
When you answered the call for the case yesterday morning, it just sounded like your usual 'abandoned warehouse by the thames that the owner is too afraid to go into because of all the loud and perilous noises they hear'. You wrote down the address and agreed to check out the premises as soon as you could before handing the note to George for further investigation.
"What did they say? Just disturbances?" George asked "Just disturbances." you nodded in confirmation "They mentioned about how sometimes they hear stuff in multiple parts of the building, so there could be a chance of more than one visitor or even a poltergeist?" "I'll head to the Archives and see what I can find out, thanks y/n" George said with a smile as he took the note, your fingers brushing with contact. Your breath hitched and he quickly stood to grab his orange coat and headed to the door.
George came back later that evening looking rather defeated by his research, explaining that there was very little about the warehouse other than a couple of workers had died due to a fire and getting trapped. "Hmm, sounds absolutely thrilling" Lucy said grimly as she sipped her tea at the kitchen table, but Lockwood had a devilish smile as always "Let's go and check it out tonight, what's the worse that could happen?" "Uh, that we'd be under prepared" "Or we could die" both you and George chipped in, but Lockwood merely swatted away the comments.
"George, how 'bout you knock up something for dinner, y/n can you head out and get some more supplies? And Luce and I will pack up the bags" Lockwood said as he rose from his chair "mm, sounds like a splendid idea" you reply with a sarcastic tone, one that made George chuckle.
The evening went as smoothly as it ever did before a spontaneous case. Lockwood was over confident, George was frustrated and underprepared, while both you and Lucy were just disappointed and exasperated. It was often like this when it came to cases, Lockwood was always overzealous and eager to get any case done as soon as possible, while George (and everyone else) always preferred to spend a little more time preparing, especially if they had more than one visitor to deal with.
You finished packing up the duffle bags with any new equipment and prepared to leave for the case. George continued looking over any last scraps of information on the location while you fiddled with the hem of your jacket sleeve. "We'll be fine, don't worry about it" Lockwood said as he entered the living room where the team were waiting "We have everything under control, we're fully prepared, everything will be fine!" he shot everyone a charming smile and pulled on his coat. "If you have to repeat how 'fine' we're going to be, usually it means we won't be" George grumbled as you all left the house.
When you and Lucy headed off through your side of the warehouse, you instantly felt the temperature drop around you as you got further into the building. "Hear anything?" you asked Lucy, your hand resting on your rapier hilt, the hairs on your arm beginning to stand up "Crackling, I think? And faint screaming" "Oh lovely. Tonight is going to be a joyous." you sigh, eyes constantly looking around for any clue to a source.
Before you knew it, you heard the soft *brrb brrb* sound of your electronic watch. Half an hour had gone by already, and the warehouse was still bitterly cold. There was hardly time to head back to find Lockwood and George before the two of you felt malaise creeping into your bones, the rapier feeling heavy on your belt. "Lockwood! George!" Lucy called in a sing-song voice as you finally willed yourself to move from your position, placing down your duffle bag to retrieve your iron chain.
Not even a minute had gone by before the boys were by your side, but it felt like an age. "It's definitely over here, you can see the flame patterns all over the walls" you point out to them as you pull out a pack of gum, the awful smell of smoke and metal that had accumulated was starting to get to you. "Any sign of a source yet?" Lockwood asked but you both shook your heads "Right, let's get searching then."
It didn't take long for the visitors to make themselves known, which explained the suddenly heavy presence of ghost-fog and icy temperature. Just like you and George had suspected, there was two of them, both covered in horrible burns and peeling flesh. "What are you getting Luce?" Lockwood asked "They're angry, that's for sure. Nothing specific, just a lot of pain." Before Lucy could get anything more, one of the Wraiths dived for them, only to stop just before the iron chain that laid on the ground. Suddenly you realised you and George had subconsciously taken ahold of each other when the wraith charged, only to quickly separate from each other.
After some time fighting the visitors, rapiers dancing in the air and chains cutting through Other-light, George had finally managed to secure a source, but as he did the other Wraith charged at him. Without even a second thought, you pushed George out of the way of the visitor before it made contact. "Y/n! What the hell!" George screamed at you before seeing the ectoplasm covering your shoulder. "Shit shit shit. Lockwood! Lucy!" George cussed as he rummaged for a syringe in the closest bag to him "George please tell me we have adrenaline still" you groaned as you held your arm "Here! Hold still y/n" George said as he brought the adrenaline syringe over to you, panic and worry clearly present in his voice. George injected the shot into your arm and suddenly everything went dark.
When you awoke, it took you a second to figure out where you were, before slowly realising you were home, in your bed, back at 35 Portland Row. You sat up, looking over to your bedside table to notice a glass of water, painkillers, and a note 'Take these when you awake, I'll bring you some food at 12. George x'. You tried to stretch over, suddenly realising your shoulder and upper arm were completely stiff.
You slowly traipsed downstairs to the kitchen only to find George busying himself with the stove. “Hey” you said, though it came out as more of a croak “Hey, why aren’t you in bed? I was gonna bring you some food” George replied, a look of worry still present on his face “it’s okay Georgie, I’m fine” “You’re clearly not fine, y/n. You got ghost-touched. You need to rest.” The comment from George confused you. You don’t remember getting ghost-touched? “I don’t quite follow?” you let out a confused laugh, to which George let out a sigh and walked over to you. He hesitated at first, but then gently pulled aside your shirt collar to show your icy blue shoulder.
George's fingers were blazing hot against the skin of your shoulder. "Bloody hell y/n, you're freezing. Hold on, let me find out the hot water bottle" he said hurriedly, quickly looking through almost every kitchen cupboard before finding it. It was only then you quite realised how cold you really were, quickly rubbing your arms together to prevent shivering. "Here, this should help" he said with a pained smile as he handed you the filled hot water bottle and a cup of your favourite tea "Thanks Georgie... don't forget about the stove though.." you nodded towards the oven "Oh bugger!"
"Alright, here's a blanket, a fresh hot water bottle, and a hot chocolate. Do you need anything else?" George asked as he placed a tray with biscuits down on your bed, your fever caused by the ghost-touch had gotten worse as the day went by "Sit with me?" you asked, though it came out more as a whisper as you gave George a soft smile. "I-, uh-, yeah sure" George's cheeks began to grow pink under his glasses as he scooted onto the bed next to you.
The rain softly pattered against the window, which you were grateful of as it soothed your pounded head "Lucy told me what happened on the case, that I pushed you out of the reach of that Wraith" "mm" "I would do it again, just-so-you-know" you told him softly, your words mumbling together as you rested your head on his shoulder. Initially, George tensed up at the sensation, being someone who wasn't very touchy feeling or quite aware of his feeling for you, but he quickly calmed and leaned into you "I hope you never have to, the less I have to look after you the better" "You say that but you love looking after me really" you poke him playfully and shoot him a devilish, slightly delirious smile.
George let out a gentle sigh "No, you're right. You're kinda cute when you're sick" he said as you fiddled with the bed sheets, slowly taking one of your hands in his. You looked up to meet his eyes, which had completely surrendered to you "Just promise me you won't do it again?" he asked, his eyes scanning your face "Oh Georgie, you know I can't do that." His hand slowly reached up and brushed the stray hairs out of your face "No, I guess you've always been a bit reckless." Before your feverish brain could process what was happening, George cupped the side of your face and gently pulled you into a soft, gentle kiss. Your breath hitched as your lips parted, cheeks burning red "I-, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me-" George began to say but you cut him off "If you get ill now Karim, you can only blame yourself" you teased before you wrapped hands around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. You couldn't help but smile into the kisses, his hands gingerly tracing over your bruised arms and hips, your fingers teasing as his curls, all of which was making your more dizzy than you already were. When the two of you finally broke apart, George looked almost as delirious as you felt, his lips puffy and hair slightly scruffier than usually, but with the softest smile he could've given you.
"For once, being ill might actually not be so bad" he chuckled.
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notnights · 4 months
I want to share this Jax idea I got after ep 2.
I think Jax is the most aware of the dangers of emotional attachment. Now, time for me to explain. I thought it was really curious how he didn't laugh at Pomni for her loss and he is the mean one. On my part, my instant reaction to the Gummigoo death was of laughter for two things: Pomni's expression and the fact that the world created for the adventure and all of the NPC it contains are erased once the adventure is over. Basically, no matter what adventure happens, what changes you did to improve the lives of NPCs or if you were the MVP. Everything is meaningless in the end, in that case the only thing that matters in the long run are the other players, but they can abstract and will be sent to the basement to never come back again.
Jax is the one that accepted the way of the circus, a game to have fun, and what is more fun and thrilling than unnecessary violence pumping adrenaline through the veins? After all, once the adventure is over everything will be gone. He will never meet the NPC he harmed again, perhaps the same model, but I bet they won't keep their memories, in such case will it be the same NPC? Even if they keep their memories, the adventure is over and they will be gone (Could also be why he is focused and active to complete the adventure instead of just doing nothing or doing something else entirely).
Going back to “aware of the dangers of emotional attachment”, I will bring, and pray it wasn't Goose and the VAs fooling us, how each time a fan asks about Jax's reaction to being given affection the answer is that he is repulsed by it. As stated before, the only things that stay are the other members, but in this stressful situation where they have been stripped from their names, freedom, logic and some basic human things; feelings of closeness can appear, that's when he applies the logic “nothing matters” as a way to keep them at distance, being also mean with them in a “you don't matter” attempt. That way, he earns their hate and feels more justified in his behavior. He does this without a fear of being truly left alone as the fact that all of them are stranded on the same game means they will inevitably meet again, everyday. So, the others have to be forgiving of his actions and he can just get away with whatever he does.
In conclusion, explaining my headcanon was the perfect way to practice my essay writing skills, and that Jax is maybe the most sensible of the cast so he takes seriously his job to protect his feelings through a barrier of violence and rudeness. I am open to explain more if asked, thanks for taking a moment to read this, have a nice day.
— Anon E(ssay)
Yeah it’s possible Jax is very much on the spectrum of “is awful as both a means of entertainment and to push any potential attachments away.”
He’s awful because it’s fun for him and if nobody likes him because of it well less pain for him in the long run. Everyone’s just a fun little toy for him that he can easily toss around and throw away.
In theory anyway because sometimes people still get attached to their toys. Example if Gangle is Jax’s favorite punching bag, it’s terrible but she’s still his favorite punching bag. Even if he did nothing but torment Kaufmo the entire time and Kaufmo hated him, Jax still felt Kaufmo’s loss one way or another. Sad little Jax trying his best not to get attached when in reality he’s just getting attached in a different kind of way. A way that ultimately still leaves him lonely.
Right now it’s hard to say what exactly motivates Jax’s behavior. Maybe he secretly cares, maybe he pushes others away like this to avoid attachment, maybe he’s just an asshole. Maybe we’ll find out one day, but it’s fun to think about in the meantime.
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lovemetsumu · 1 year
baby, can’t you see? ; miya atsumu x f!reader
˚₊ ⸝⸝ ⟶ tags: bestfriend!atsumu, sfw, one-sided pining, fluff, unrequited love, hurt, slight(?) angst, slow burn(?), not happy ending (room for part two), lots of unsaid feelings, regret, reader is an airhead, pre-time skip to post-time skip, contains manga spoilers.
˚₊ ⸝⸝ ⟶ word count: 1.5k+
˚₊ ⸝⸝ ⟶ notes: been listening to taylor swift’s folklore and evermore a lot lately that i got so motivated and inspired to write again after three(?) years so this fic is dedicated to her <3
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you’ve always seen him as your best friend. you and atsumu go way back to when you were in high school. the two of you were classmates, being coincidentally placed in the same section in your last year at inarizaki. you were sat next to him as you both have surnames starting with the same letter (because, of course, your professor wanted you to be alphabetically arranged), and eventually becoming best friends with him and his circle of friends (mainly his twin brother and suna, and the inarizaki men’s volleyball team).
he always wants you to come along when the group goes out together (with you being a massive lazy person preferring to go home). he’d be dramatic about it. he’ll make that stupid face with a pout, fake-cry, and would plead—beg even, and told you, “how ‘bout this, i’ll go with ya to your house and leave that damned bike of yours, then come ride with me. i have plenty of space here in front for ya, hmm?”, then you think about it.
you didn’t seem to notice how atsumu held his breath in that moment as his nails dug through his palms, raking his brain for lost prayers and thought, ‘please, please, please, say yes.’ atsumu looks at you in suspense waiting for your answer, ‘just this one time,’ he follows. though that’s not true. he’d beg for you to come every single time if he’ll have to.
seconds go by, then a minute or two, and you finally said, “fine, but i don’t want to hear you complaining that you’re tired ‘tsumu.” his grin broke out and his arms were suddenly around you—spinning you—like a scene straight out of a movie. atsumu puts you down and ruffles your hair, “c’mon, what’cha waiting for?” while wearing the brightest smile you’ve ever seen on him.
time flies when you’re having fun, people say, because the sky is dark and stars are out and atsumu told your friends he would bring you home and for them to go on without the both of you. so for now, it’s just you and him riding through the country lanes.
the night is quiet, calming, and serene, neither the two of you talked as you pass the plains of hyogo illuminated under moonlight. you were tired, exhausted, choosing to rest in between his arms as your back pressed against his chest, and atsumu thanks the heavens that you’re tired, because if you weren’t, then you would notice how fast his heart is beating, how his breath trembles, and how his lips slightly quiver—all of that from just being close in proximity with you. so when atsumu finally got home he went straight to his room and laid on his bed. he closed his eyes and hoped, wished, and prayed that he could forever live in that perfect moment in time.
but then you’ve always seen him as your best friend, even now when he’s a pro-player for the MSBY black jackals. atsumu invited you to an after-game party the team would throw when they won, and besides, his teammates were dying to meet the girl atsumu was always talking about.
“ya’ ready to come in?” atsumu asked, waiting for you to nod before he opened the door to bokuto’s penthouse—the host for tonight.
“don’t shake omi-kun’s hand, he’s a germaphobe and would leave you hanging,” he tells you as you both navigated the crowd with his hands placed at your back—not wanting you to get strayed from him. he leans in again towards your ear so that the music wouldn’t drown out his words, “ignore both hinata and bokuto when they’re trying to pull you in to their antics,” he pulls away and you laugh.
“you’re mean ‘tsumu,” you say as you lightly slap his arm.
“i’m serious,” he stated before he finally spots them at the second floor railings above the mezzanine. he guided you up the stairs to where his teammates were and introduces you as his best friend, trying not to frown at the word because it reminded him of his place in your life. though, he knows it’s his fault for being too scared to confess, scared you don’t feel the same, but at same time scared that you like him too because if the two of you ever got in a relationship and break up, he’ll lose you forever, so he continues to choose the path in which you’ll always be with him.
atsumu stayed by your side for the entirety of the party. he would always make sure to include you in the conversations and in the photographs being taken. he’d notice when you were being quiet and would ask if you’re tired and would want to call it a night. you shake your head and smile, and he’d put his arms over your shoulder and pulls you towards him, making sure you’re comfortable and never feeling left out.
and after the party atsumu made sure to bring you home safely to your apartment. he walks you up to your door; the both of you drunkenly laughing in the late hours of the night as you recall highlights of earlier’s event. you reach your steps and he stands right in front of you at your apartment door. atsumu stills for a second, eyes hazy with a lopsided smile, “what?” you ask dragging the word, and he just shakes his head and pulls you in for a tight embrace. atsumu kisses your forehead—like he always does when parting ways with you—and his lips linger a little, breathing you in at the same time. ‘she smells so good’ that’s what he thought. you were filling him in every sense that he almost says those three words, thinking this is the perfect time while you’re there in his arms. but you spoke out, “take care when you drive home ‘tsumu,” so he steps back and smiles, “i will.”
you come inside and close your door just as he starts his car engine. atsumu sighs frustratedly and runs his hands through his hair, wondering when will he ever have the courage to tell you face-to-face, so instead he honked his horn three times before driving—signifying the unsaid words that hang from his lips.
and after all that you’ve always seen him as your best friend. even when he pulls up at your office building post-practice on valentines day. he told you through text that he wants to eat at osamu’s onigiri miya, ‘my treat’, he said and would fetch you after work.
you got in his car and sat at the passenger seat, making yourself comfortable as you greeted him in all smiles, “happy valentines!” you say and he returned your greeting, “yer’ gifts in the console,” he said while driving, and as expected, it was your favorite starbucks drink. he would buy that for you every valentines day since the day you met him, ‘casual gift’, that’s what he always told you. but then he’d buy you a thousand roses if the circumstances were different.
“like clockwork ‘tsumu,” you smiled and kissed him on the cheek, “and that’s my gift for you.”
he lets out a chuckle as an attempt to cover up the change in his tone, how hard his grip was on the steering wheel, how his vision seems to blur, or how everything ceased to exist except for the ghost of your lips on his skin. you do this every damn valentine’s after he gives you your drink. he thought he came prepared, but no, because he realized it’ll always hit him like the first time.
and when he was finally eating osamu’s famous onigiri he steals a look at you, thinking that he wouldn’t spend valentines day any other way, though it will be a million times better if this isn’t just casual.
but something changed that day and it strikes you without warning as you laid in bed—sleep not dawning even when it’s way past twelve. you ask yourself, ‘have i only seen him as my best friend?’ you thought about everything atsumu has ever done for you, how he treats you differently compared to other people, how his eyes light up brighter for you, smiles wider for you, and his mood seems happier for you. his lingering hugs, longing stares, hell, his ‘casual’ gifts holds all the answers.
so now gone are the days when you’ve only seen atsumu as your best friend, eight years after you first met him. you’re in the crowd of his game—japan vs argentina—with atsumu playing for the national olympic team. he’s a monster in court and you’re left blown away for every set or serve that he does, and even with all of that, he never fails to spot you amidst the thousands of people watching him. so when the game was finally over you ran to him and he picked you right up and spun you around—just like when you were back in high school.
“i’m so proud of you ‘tsumu,” you whispered.
“i wouldn’t be here without ya’.”
but you couldn’t prepare yourself for the ache that would come a week after as he introduces you to a girl, “we just started dating,” he said. atsumu has never told you about a girl before and him presenting her before you means that this really might be something. you put up a smile, though it doesn’t reach your eyes—your heart feeling like it’s being ripped a million little times.
‘are we just meant to best friends?’, you ask yourself, wishing you had realized earlier back in time how atsumu felt, silently mourning what the two of you could’ve been.
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© lovemetsumu
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exaltedfuzz · 5 months
HI I LOVEEEEE your Art I LOVEEEE your ema! I wanted to ask if you've played aa6 and your thoughts on aa6 ema! I really like that they brought her back and i really think they balanced her personality well by making her more upbeat because of her job, but shes not wholly optimistic either. I really like her relationship with prosecutor sadmadhi throughout the game too! I feel like there's a scale in emas mind from Most to least acceptable prosecutor men and on one end is Miles edgeworth, the other is Klavier gavin, and sadmadhi is in the middle. if that makes sense lol. I just think she talks like she doesn't like him, but she goes along with him way more than she would if Klavier ever asked her to do half the things he asks of her. Also I think it's really interesting that aa6 had ema and mayas first canon interaction! that was interesting to me because ema was sort of designed with Maya in mind and lana and mia obviously have some history, I think it was time for their sisters to meet too. sorry for the Long ask but I just treasure your interpretation of these characters so much!
Hi! I recognize your username from my notifs. Thanks for the support, and for your ask! 🫡 Glad you like the Emas!
I have mixed feelings on SoJ, but Ema is my favorite part of it. I like her a lot in it. She's still got a bit of the edge from AJ, which is nice to see. I like some of her new sprites too, like the swaying thinking one and the 🥺 one. Much prefer her munching sprite from AJ though. The shovelling snacks into her mouth is much more Ema. I also really don't like her official full body art for SoJ.
Unfortunately, Nahyuta doesn't really interest me... His design is too complex to do silly drawings of, for one. I feel like their dynamic was a little underdeveloped, a bit shoehorned in. It's a shame, because their backstories set up a possible dynamic that could be quite interesting, since Lana and Nahyuta kind of have the same motivations - writing team missed a trick. Also, I think Ema would have realistically been grumpier about having to fly halfway across the world every few days. It didn't reeeeaaally feel organic to me. But I do like the idea of their dynamic.
I like the way Maya and Ema interact, even if it's brief. Implies that they have met before, and they're friends, which is cute, though I wish it was a little more delved into. I feel like Maya's characterisation in SoJ is kind of boring. Not as bad as Pearl got it, but still nowhere near as good as she was in the trilogy. Honestly, the whole game falls flat for me when you compare it to the emotional weight the trilogy and AJ have. I really like some of the cases though. And Ema's mini games are great as always. Except the bit with the suitcase which lagged out my 3DS and made me restart it twice, haha. (Though, again! Her mini games were kind of better in the other games!!!)
So, to answer your question, I do like Ema in SoJ. And, despite my criticism, I do like SoJ! Just not as much as the other games in the series. When you play them all in a row, it feels kind of disappointing. I think it's because it's not on the intimate, domestic scale of the trilogy, which is where I think Ace Attorney really shines. (Case in point: Bridge to the Turnabout)
Super happy to see her in another game though, she's really fun, exactly what SoJ needed, and I'm really glad she was the detective they went for. Also, the outfit they put her in for the DLC cutscenes at the wedding is really really good. They were cooking with that one.
I'm really happy to hear you're interested in my interpretations, it means a lot. They're characters I've grown quite fond of.
This turned out quite long. Haha
Here's Ema and Nahyuta for you:
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elfen-alcibiade · 1 month
Hi Alcibiade!
This was actually halfway through as a reply to a comment you gave me, but it got long and I felt like I should write it down properly, so I'm sending it here.
There is no doubt that you have a great sense of design, and I actually feel that I have much to learn from what you've drawn. I admire your sense of balance, creating an impression of the whole while still having a little fun with the details.
When I was in art prep school, my teacher said that a good art is one that the viewer's eyes can't stop moving to different points on the canvas, and I feel that feeling from your art. I feel that your art is not something that people look at for a moment and then lose interest in, but something that people's eyes stay on.
As always, I am very much looking forward to the art you will be posting! 💖
Hi Asaka! I hope you're doing well ^-^
First of all, thank you for taking the time to respond to me like this ! You're always so polite and kind, I hope that I don't look like a total savage from your point of view because of some lack of politeness on my side. x')
I am extremely flattered and thankful of what you said here !! <3 I got on tumblr to be able to exchange thoughts and share about my interests with people online through my drawing posts, and I'm so glad to see that you like my posts, exchange with me and have so many things to share yourself! I want to thank you a thousand times for all these conversations and for your wonderful compliments!! 💖💖💖
Before I got on tumblr, I was drawing everything by hand and I was lacking of patience and some sense of perfectionism. Sharing things on the internet really helped me with that, because I always felt like people enjoyed my posts when I put my heart in it, so I don’t post much but I try to draw things that can be enjoyable for people who will find it ! From that perspective, I feel like I have a lot to learn from the way you draw and your love for pretty details !  And when I draw with ink and paper again, I really see the improvement. x)
You are a very kind person and the comments you leave me always cheer me on, and it always gives me a lot of motivation, so I’m really glad to hear that you appreciate my art like that ! You were here from the start of this blog and it really means a lot to me ^^ I hope that I don’t take too much space when I leave comments or anything, please always feel free to not answer me if you don’t feel like it, it’s never going to be a problem, of course. :)
Here is a small bonus, because I wanted to add a drawing to this response x) ! I’m still working on my MariAli comic, so I’ll probably make another post about it soon !
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sourle · 1 year
Oops, I accidentally did a writing ask in the wrong account. My bad!!! You can ignore it!!
But if you are still open to the idea can I have a romantic MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, and Macaque (Separate if you can) with a werewolf reader (who can go by any gender) who is afraid of love?
Like they were hurt so many times by family and friends that they don’t trust love? And the lmk person wants to help them but also falls in love with them at the same time?
Hope this wasn’t confusing!! And have fun with it!!
~ 🐺 Anon
Oop sorry if this like months late, was taking off time on Tumblr writing because motivation died.
This man feels bad when he founds out you tell him and the rest of the crew with your problem. Being one to grow in a loving environment. He couldn't really understand it but tries to help.
He's there when you needed someone and listen to your problems and help you with it.
Often spending time with you after work! And most of it is just you both stargazing on the roof or from your house backyard.
He shows affections in a physical way, i guess you could say he's one to love touches from people. He often pats you on your head or behind your ear, that's if you're comfortable with it. If not then just a back pat.
Loves to hold your hand because Man! Look at those paws! And look at those adorable paw beans!
With being longer and hanging out around you often he slowly falls for you and your antics. He adores you from afar and been thinking to confess but he knows that you're still not yet ready and afraid you might reject.
One day you guys were hanging out and you confess to him, after all those time and years spending time together and MK trying to make you open up. You're finally comfortable to start loving again, he gleefully accepted it and a cuddle session was held back at his apartment:)
Being one to have some slight parents issues and relationship with them aren't that stable, she understands your problem the moment you told her. Being one to stand her ground she helped you with it and get it through with you.
She usually shows affections the same as MK but a mixed with words. She compliment you before patting your head or grabbing you hand to kiss it just to tease you. But if you're uncomfortable with physical touch, she still can compliment you and show how beautiful you are to anyone she encountered.
She spends time with you when she got nothing to do or when being bored. Usually at the Anti-gravity arcade or at sandy place to enjoy tea with him or play with the cats and help sandy takes care of them.
You being a werewolf doesn't really bother her, it might shook her the first time she saw you in your werewolf form but she just thinks it's cute afterwards and compliment you on how soft and beautiful your fur are!
The moment she realizes she has fallen for you she immediately confesses to you. At first it was a hesitant answers from you, but when you accepted it and told her that you're ready to have hope on love again thanks to her. She was really happy and celebrate by eating at Pigsy's noodle shop, going to the arcade, and to the mall and at the end of the day and cuddle session in your house!
Red son
Being one to have lack of love from his parents himself, he understands how it is to have nobody to love or depends on.
He got much to say but helped you by spending time with you, with him asking for your help with fixing his car and other stuff.
When you're having a thug time, he's there to helped you and cover for you. He shows love by physical touch so most of the time he just pats your back.
Now on you being a werewolf. He was amazed to say the least, being a demon himself having another demon as an 'aly' was great. He doesn't mind much if he hears you howls at night.
You probably live with him or something sincerely he insisted on you living with him and his parents, since your company will definitely help the atmosphere around. Definitely not nother reason.
When he found out he has fallen for you, he was hesitant. Thinking you might not feel the same and reject him when he confess, so he decided to just keep it to himself.
After a year or so, it became too much and started to be obvious. Both his parents notice it and encourage him to confess to you if you are really who he loves the most and wants. You being oblivious doesn't notice.
With him asking for your help on fixing his car yet again, both you and him confesses at the same time. Now you both are pretty much a couple. He loves to pat you more often now or snuggle onto your neck, for comfort or just to give you love and affection.
Sun Wukong
Ok, this man have no idea how to help. I mean it's sun Wukong we're talking about, the man who avoided responsibility. He will definitely just shrug off your problem like a B he is.
Hear me out! You cannot tell me this dude will definitely intertwined both you and his tail when he wants attention.
He will definitely wrapped around his tail around your neck to tease.
He's one to love with words. So expect alot of flirt, compliment, and such from this man! That's just how he shows his affection!
Being the sage he is, he just a lay back monkey with nothing to do than train MK and probably organized the room that's filled with many stuff he stole during his journey.
Will spends time with you watching the sunrise and sunset from the mountain in flower fruit mountain or his cloud.
The moment he realizes he has fallen for you, he denies it at first. You're just a friend, right? You think of him just a friend to be with.. nothing else.
He keeps on trying to convince himself that he doesn't like you, he doesn't love you. But your smile and your adorable purr and beautiful smile makes his heart go `Badup Badup.'
After a few months of being silent, he finally accepts it and confessed to you. You stand there and stare at him with wide eye unmoving makes him nervous and having some second thoughts before you hugs him and admitting that you love him too.
He doesn't care you're a werewolf or not, he's glad that your his and he is yours. Glad that he kinda get you out of your comfort zone and tried to love again because of him.
Ok this man has experience things and F one. He understands why you stop having hope on finding love or anyone to trust. Making you distance with your family and locking yourself, he understands those in a degree.
He comes at your house at night once a day to comfort and talk to you. He may not be the best to gave advice but he's there to listen to your rant.
This man has been lonely his whole life after the 'incident'.. so he might be the most touch starved out of the one in this list!
So he show comfort by putting a hand on your shoulder, rubbing your back, and maybe patting you with your consent.
You both loves the night, so that's the time you both spend together the most. Hopping from rooftop to another top of a building, watching the star and moon dancing in the sky, enjoying the night breeze, and all that stuff! Maybe even having night picnic at a Mountain!
Macaque doesn't have any opinions on you being a werewolf, you're just being you and he accepts that. He just adore your ear and how they twitch once in a while.
Loves to boop your nose as a tease! Try to bite him and it'll became a tag game!
He fallen in love with you after you telling him you finally opened up and start to have faith in love again. And tell him how he helped you to escape and to see the light.
He kept the feelings well hidden and until then, when you confessed to him he didn't expected that! I mean you also good at hiding your feelings and the moment he heard you love him he was flustered and stunned.
He accepted you and hugs you before smothering you with some kisses before you both went back at your place to cuddle the rest of the night.
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