#these works range from recent to a couple months old
fallen-moss · 1 year
Art dump of some recent works cause I didn’t feel like making separate posts for all of them :p
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gucciwins · 1 year
hi angie :) i was wondering whether you could write a little blurb based off an idea i’ve had recently? so harry and (yn) are a new couple and every time they go out (yn) is super conscious of how she acts and what she’s wearing/doing because they’re in public and harry just wants to calm her down :(( i feel like new boyfriendrry would be so gentle and kind :(
hope you enjoy this 2k blurb, sweets 🤍
Y/N really liked Harry.
He was funny, charming, and intelligent. Harry loved discussing the books she was reading and, to her surprise, would go on to purchase them so he could also share his thoughts with her. They were introduced by a mutual friend, stating they would get on well because of their love for poetry. Y/N wasn’t one for meeting new people–let alone being set up but Dezzie promised she wouldn’t regret it. Harry was told he’d be meeting his perfect match, and Dezzie was not wrong. Y/N had been someone straight out of a storybook with her perfect hair and a laugh that made his heart skip a beat every time he heard it. Harry was absolutely smitten. 
They started with one date that turned into three, and soon enough, Y/N and Harry were talking every day, trying their best to work their schedule to fit each other in. One time a week was not enough for either of them. With more dates, there was more time together, and before they knew it had been a month of dating. 
It’s not been three months since they met, and they’ve never been happier. Harry feels secure and loved in his relationship. He knows Y/N protects him as he does her. Y/N came in with her heart guarded high, but Harry crumbled her walls too quickly, and she knew she had no chance against him, so she let herself go into this relationship with an open mind and heart. Y/N knew that while Harry shielded their relationship, it wasn’t impossible to stop random fans from taking photos even when Harry asked them not to or to be trailed by paparazzi on a date night. Harry did his best to protect her, and Y/N knew he was doing everything he could. Being a new couple and someone no one knew about, it’s as if everyone was trying to find the skeletons in her closet. They were all waiting for her downfall. 
Harry had promised her it would die down, but it seemed overnight there were articles of her everywhere, from the shops to every social media outlet. Y/N didn’t actively look for them. She knew it wasn’t good for her, and family members would send them her way. Old high school friends who still had her number began asking to hang out with her. Her parents sent her the articles because a nosy neighbor would text them. It’s as if no one was watching out for her. 
She felt it was her against thousands and felt herself beginning to lose. 
Y/N had a bad day, and all she wanted to do was wallow in bed, though she had already planned a date night with Harry. She would hate to cancel on him, so Y/N dragged herself to shower and got ready. While Y/N loved dressing up, the article she got sent today was about how outdated her style was and that it all looked well-loved–which meant worn out. Y/N made a decent income enough to keep a roof over her head and indulge in gifts occasionally, but she was conscious about the clothes she bought. Y/N didn’t support fast fashion; instead, she loved trading clothes with her friends or spending a day at the thrift shops with her grandmother, who always loved a good bargain. Today, all her clothing did not feel good enough, and she decided that her well-loved oversized leather jacket and black flares would do. A simple black top underneath when she got too hot in the restaurant. Y/N was lost in her head that she didn’t hear her doorbell. She broke out of her trance when her phone rang. It was him asking if everything was alright. 
It would be now. 
Time with Harry always healed Y/N because she knew he was worth it. It was still early days nearing the three months of dating, but Y/N knew she saw a long future with Harry. She opened the door and found him with a bouquet of bluebells. Her absolute favorite, she thanked him with a kiss and told him she’d only be a second. 
The drive to their favorite restaurant was quick, the chatter about their day making time go even quicker. Y/N always loved hearing what Harry was up to because their lives were very different. Y/N worked in the publishing industry, where she edited manuscripts daily in an environment she enjoyed while Harry was world-known. He was working on his next album, and with no future tour insight, he was available to spend more time with her. Y/N’s family, specifically her older sister, would ask why Harry doesn’t post her online because, quoting Heather, “if he doesn’t post you, he clearly must not like you.” Y/N would defend Harry to her dying breath. Most of her family didn’t realize how much Harry deserved privacy. Yes, he’s a public figure, but doesn’t owe anyone anything. Harry had told her he would if she wanted him to; honestly, Y/N was fine living in their own world with Harry’s closest friends knowing. 
Everything was usually good, with Y/N being in public. She’d order her favorite food, sometimes a burger or pasta. It always filled her up, and she’d take the leftovers for lunch the next day. Y/N never thought anything of it, not even when she was with Harry, but fans of Harry began to take photos of them in restaurants. They criticized her meal choices, how she held her fork and even her posture. It’s as if everything she did was something to laugh at her for. Y/N wasn’t the most confident person growing up, but she learned about self-care and respecting herself over time. Y/N grew to explore her fashion sense, began to speak her mind, and saw life with a brighter outlook. It wasn’t until she had what felt like a million eyes on her that she began questioning her every move. Suddenly, everyone had become someone to be wary of, and she hated thinking like that. 
Their waiter greeted them with a smile, showing them to a table. Y/N frowned because their usual waitress, Karla, was out tonight. Harry squeezed her hand in assurance, and Y/N knew it would be fine. 
“Uhh–I’ll do an iced water,” she smiled timidly at the waiter, not wanting to order alcohol or soda.
Harry looked at her confused but didn’t question it. When they returned to take their order, Y/N ordered a Caesar salad, stating she had a late lunch at work. Harry ordered her favorite pesto pasta and a plate of tilapia for him. Harry began worrying because he noticed she kept looking around and was fidgety with her hands. She kept slipping the ring she wore on her pinky that Y/N got gifted for her fifteenth birthday on and off. It’s a sign she’s nervous. He hadn’t seen her do that with him since their first date; she excused herself to the restroom before he could ask her. 
He sits back in his chair confused, until he sees a quick flash in the corner of his eye. 
A camera. 
It would be minutes before that made its way online. Harry waved down his waiter, asking him to make their food to-go as quickly as possible. Harry stood up to go to the bathroom, needing to check on Y/N.
“Y/N,” he knocks on the door. He hears the sink, but no reply. Harry tries the next one. “Y/N, sweetheart. It’s me.” The lock of the door turns, and she lets him in. He finds her eyes red, but her mascara looks intact, almost as if she had reapplied it. Harry feels defeated. He knows this hurt is his fault, even if partially. “Oh, my love. I’m sorry.” 
She shakes her head, brushing off his words, “what are you on about?” 
Harry places his hands on her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks, trying to comfort them both. “Baby,” he sighs. “Don’t have to pretend with me. I’m supposed to be taking care of you can’t do that if you’re not honest.” 
Those words are enough to break her open. Y/N sets forward and falls into his arms. She forgets everything outside, all those people looking at her and judging her because she knew she’d be safe here with Harry. “It’s been a hard day,” she whispers. 
“That’s okay,” he assures her. “We’ll go home. Make you a cuppa and eat dinner in bed.” 
“But the crumbs,” she mumbles, remembering his dumb rule.
“Fuck it. It was a stupid rule.” 
Y/N giggles, and it lightens the tightness in his chest. She’s calming down and feeling better. “I only got a salad,” she pouts. 
“Got the pesto for you, silly girl.” 
Her eyes lighten up, “you’re perfect, Harry Styles.”
“Only for you.” 
Harry gently kisses her lips, knowing she’s still sensitive. Y/N surprises him by replying eagerly, but he slows her down with a slight nip of her bottom lip, and she moans. A simple kiss wasn’t supposed to get this heated. He pulls away and sees her pout on full display instead of giving in like he usually would; he pecks her lips and guides her out of the restroom after slipping her bag on his shoulder. 
“My bag looks good on you,” Y/N teases quietly. 
Harry smiles at her, “yeah, think I should model for Baggu?”
“Only if they let me take the pictures.”
“No work would get done with your pretty face.”
“What’s that mean?” She looks at him with a sly smile, already knowing his response. 
“That you are a pretty distraction.” 
Before she can respond, Y/N realizes they’ve made it to the hostess stand, where their food awaits them all packed up. Harry slips out two hundred dollar bills and passes them forward. “Have a good night.” Harry walks them to the car, and she’s thankful no one is outside. He opens the door for her and lets her slip in. Harry sets her bag on her lap and reaches around her to buckle in her seatbelt. Y/N softens at his actions because he’s always been gentle and careful with her from the moment she met him. It’s never changed. 
“Harry,” she calls for his name softly. 
“Yes, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” she tells him honestly. 
“Nothing to thank.” Harry presses a kiss on her cheek. Then, he puts away their food and drives them to his house. Y/N turns in her seat to look at him. He sends her a wink at a red light but keeps his eyes on the road. Y/N rests her hand on top of his, resting on the clutch. Harry feels the butterflies return, and Y/N’s touch makes him feel grounded. 
Harry knows what he feels for Y/N is not something he’s ever felt before, which makes him want to protect her even more. His feelings are growing, and it’s why he knows what Y/N is growing through is something they have to deal with together, or he might end up losing her. At the end of the day, he will do whatever is best for her. Even if it means Harry not being in her life anymore. 
He ushers her inside from the clothes, telling her to get comfortable while he gets dinner sorted out, but she tugs on his hand to stop him. 
“Y-y-ou don’t want to talk?” Y/N asked, confused.
“You sure?”
Y/N knows she needs to stop keeping everything tucked inside. She wants to share how she’s feeling because if anyone would understand, it would be Harry. They walk over to the couch and sit next to each other. If Y/N moved another inch, she’d be in his lap. Y/N can see Harry is itching to pull her into him but is holding back. She appreciates it and does the next best thing: hold his hand tight. 
“Being in the eye of the public is something I’m sure no one can prepare for, but right now, it’s all gotten too much. I don’t go online anymore because there always seem to be new photos of me. My phone constantly blows up with texts from people I stopped talking to after secondary school. My family sends me photos of every headline, asking me if they’re true,” Y/N blurts it all out. Harry listens intently as she shares how she only feels comfortable around him and her three friends from university. That support keeps her going, but he knows it will only break her down if she continues to listen to everything around her. 
Harry pulls her into his arms, letting himself comfort her, but he knows it’s also for himself. He repeatedly kisses her temple as he whispers he’s got her. “Sometimes even the people we love hurt it. It’s okay to take a step back from them.”
“But they’re my family,” she defends. “I can’t.”
Harry knows it’s hard, but he needs her to understand she’s hurting more because of it. “Listen, sweetheart. We can talk to them together and set boundaries, but what they’re doing is hurting you. I-I can’t take that.” 
“What do I change?” 
“Nothing, you live normally. You can keep everything online private if you want. You’re allowed to live your life. Not a single person has a say in it. Not even me,” he emphasizes. “Your phone number would be good, though.” 
“Was thinking of that,” she confesses. “Do you think the media will die down?” 
Harry grins, “Of course. We're such homebodies. They’ll forget we even exist.” He kisses her nose. “Together. We’ll do this together if you want?” 
Y/N wants Harry in her life. She never once thought of letting him go. “Together.” 
“Good, now give me a kiss.” He pats her ass. “We’ve got food to eat and movies to pick.” 
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ahhhh! i was the anon who requested the most recent hotch!daughter fic! tysm for writing that. the most adorable thing ever <3!!!
is it ok to have a sort of follow up on that fic? maybe reader comes back and forces hotch and all the bau members to play princess tea party with her during their lunch break haha?
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter Reader Pt 2
Request : ahhhh! i was the anon who requested the most recent hotch!daughter fic! tysm for writing that. the most adorable thing ever <3!!!
is it ok to have a sort of follow up on that fic? maybe reader comes back and forces hotch and all the bau members to play princess tea party with her during their lunch break haha?
Start of recap...
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
End of recap...
Third person pov...
A couple months after Hotch and Haily get a divorce. Haley has the kids most of the time and Hotch gets visitation rights, little Y/N loves spending time with her Daddy.
It was a typical day at the FBI academy for Aaron Hotchner, the team's stoic leader.
As they were reviewing their case files and strategizing for their next case, Hotchner's phone rang. He picked it up and on the other end was his ex-wife, Haley.
Hotchner's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound of his two-year-old daughter, laughing in the background.
The spending if her voice grew louder, she had come closer to the phone.
"Hi daddy!" She squeals as she sees his contact. Hotch let's a smile fall on his lips. "Hi baby, you want to spend the day with me and the team?" He asks the young girl.
Hotch immediately pulls the phone far away from his ears as his Daughter screams in joy shouting into the phone. "Yes yes yes!" Hotch laughs at how excited the little girl sounds.
After getting the phone back, Haley explained that their original babysitter had called in sick and she had an important meeting she couldn't miss, Jack had school so She asked if Aaron could take care of Y/N for the day.
Despite his busy schedule, Hotchner couldn't say no to spending time with his daughter. He quickly made arrangements for Y/N to come to the BAU office and inform the team that they would have a special guest for the day.
As the clock struck 12, Agent Hotchner was in his office, going through files when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.
"Come in" he called out, not looking up from his work.
To his surprise, it wasn't one of his team members, but his 2 year old Daughter
Y/N standing in front of him with a huge smile on her face.
"Daddy!" she exclaimed, running towards him.
"Hey, Princess have a safe trip" Hotch asked, lifting her up in his arms. The energetic girl smiled and hugged his neck. "Yep I did, can we play daddy?" she asks the man, giggling.
Hotch chuckled, "i'm sorry sweetie, but Daddy has to work right now. Maybe later, okay?" The H/C girl pouted, but before Hotch could say anything else.
she suddenly let out a loud giggle and ran out of his office. Hotch shrugged, thinking it was just a phase and went back to his work.
But 5 minutes later, he heard more giggling and the sound of his door opening again.
This time, it was the whole BAU team following Y/N who was dressed in a pink princess dress with a tiara on her head.
She was holding the young Dr's hand who was smiling, Y/N still loved Spencer the most apart from her Daddy of course
"Hotch, we have a problem" Rossi said, a serious look on his face but trying to hold back his laughter.
Hotch raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?" Everyone one of them after trying to keep a straight face.
"Morgan found this little princess wandering around the bullpen, claiming that she was here to play with you" JJ explained, trying not to laugh
Before he could say anything, Y/N ran towards him and tugged on his shirt. "Daddy, I wanna play tea party with you and your friends!"
Hotch looked at his team, trying to hide his amusement. But seeing their pleading faces, he knew there was no way he could deny his daughter's request.
"Okay, just for a little while" Hotch said, putting the little girl down and joining the others in the break room.
Y/N clapped her hands in excitement as she dragged Spencer out of her Daddies office and to the found table room.
She then passed out plastic tea cups and saucers to everyone. "You're the queen, Daddy!" She said, placing a tiara on Hotch's head.
The team couldn't help but laugh as they pretended to sip imaginary tea and have conversations with the little princess.
They even played make-believe with her, pretending to be princes and princesses in a magical kingdom.
Hotch was the Queen, Rossi was the King, Y/N of course was a Princess, Spencer the court magician, Penelope the fairy God Mother, Derek a Knight, JJ and Emily were princesses with Y/N.
For the next hour, the BAU team forgot about their stressful job and just enjoyed the innocent fun with their bosses daughter.
Hotch couldn't remember the last time he laughed this much, and seeing his team bonding with his daughter made his heart warm.
As the lunch break came to an end and they had to get back to work, Y/N hugged each team member tightly, thanking them for playing with her.
"Thanks for saving my princess, Hotch" Derek said, high-fiving him as they all left the break room.
Hotch smiled, feeling grateful for his team and their willingness to be a part of his daughter's little tea party adventure.
From that day on, whenever little Y/N would visit him at work, the team would always set aside some time to play with her.
Hotch couldn't be happier, knowing that his daughter was being raised in a loving and supportive environment.
The end!
I hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait. Finally got around to writing this. Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1100
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Undaunted (NSFW) ft Sejeong
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Author’s note: when I started this piece it was meant to be a fun romp but because Mr. Riordan has tied so much of being a half-blood to being neuro divergent a lot of old wounds invariably brought up and I had a lot to say… more so than usual. So bear with me on this one it’s a long one. 13 k words or so.
I always thought that isolation suited me more than unity or coalitions, believing I could handle anything alone. I've never been more glad to be proven wrong.
Sejeong and I were recent acquaintances. I had been working as a videographer for her entertainment company for four weeks now, spending hours on photo shoots, behind-the-scenes videos, and assisting with music videos and audition tapes. She was bubbly and energetic, a bit much for my taste, but she didn't push me too hard, so I continued working with her. I respected her dedication to her craft—whether acting, modeling, brand ambassadorship or singing—as she always strived to embody each role with utmost dedication. It was inspiring.
At the end of an early day's shoot, she approached me for the first time with genuine interest. Aware that my stern demeanor often kept others at bay, Sejeong boldly asked, "You're Val, right?" I nodded slowly, skepticism palpable. Sejeong smiled warmly and said, "Great, you're coming for coffee with me after this."
Her determined look made it clear that refusal wasn't an option. Before agreeing, I needed to understand her motives.
"Sure, but on one condition," I replied. "You tell me why."
Sejeong tilted her head, maintaining her innocent smile. "Because, silly, we've been working together for months, and I don't even know your name," she said matter-of-factly.
I narrowed my eyes; Sejeong mirrored me, realizing her oversight.
"I barely know yours either," she retorted. "Plus, what if there's an emergency and you need to be found? I think they'll need more information than tall stocky African American man,” Sejeong expanded
Her response eased my skepticism. I followed her to a nearby coffee shop where she remained bubbly and smiling throughout—concerning traits in my experience. People like that were either hiding immense pain or were super evil. As we ordered, she insisted on paying.
"I'm sorry, I just have bad luck when I don't pay for meals," she explained.
I shrugged, "It's no big deal. Plus, this isn't a meal. I got a hot chocolate, and you got coffee."
Sejeong relaxed at my logic. As we sat down, she steepled her hands and asked, "So, tell me about yourself."
This was the first time I took a good look at her, and she was stunning. Despite being a couple of years older, she exuded an aura of ease that made me feel oddly comfortable like I could drop my guard. So, I acquiesced to her prodding.
"Just a normal guy from Cali, I guess. Mom, Dad, and two sisters."
"Oh, are you the oldest, youngest, or middle child?" she inquired.
"I'm in the middle," I responded.
"Cool. I'm the youngest," Sejeong shared. I nodded, surprising her.
"Wait, you know?" she asked, puzzled.
"I did my research before joining the company. Plus, I'm a casual K-pop fan, and you're considered royalty," I explained. Sejeong smiled.
"So, are you a fan of mine too?" she teased.
I shrugged, "I like your acting, but your music isn't my thing."
Realizing too late that I should have been more tactful, I tried to clarify, "Not that it's bad objectively; it's just not my taste."
This only seemed to make it worse, and Sejeong began to pout. "So, you hate my music?" she asked, hurt.
As the situation escalated, I searched for a way to salvage it. Thankfully, a blonde angel came to my rescue.
"Unnie, leave this poor guy alone. Can't you see he's flustered?" Somi intervened as she approached our table. Beside her was a young man in our age range named Ivan. Sejeong turned to Somi, smiling.
"Ah, Somi, can't I have a little fun?" she teased, hugging her friend. Ivan and Somi joined us, and the atmosphere shifted from a business introduction to a casual hangout among friends. Feeling out of place, I listened as Ivan, Somi, and Sejeong chatted and bantered like old friends.
As they talked, a server brought over a plate of food "on the house." While they were engrossed in their conversation, I managed to sneak a few bites, hoping to leave some for them. After ten minutes of rapid Korean dialogue, I excused myself to the restroom. Inside, I splashed water on my face, trying to clear my head.
"When you go back out there, you're going to tell them, 'Hey, something came up, and I have to head home,'" I rehearsed aloud. I failed to notice other occupants in the restroom, but I did hear the telltale rattling of a hydra's tail. Turning back, I found a Lernaean Hydra staring at me.
We locked eyes, and I tried to defuse the situation. "Hey, let's not fight. We can casually cross paths and not kill each other," I proposed, but the hydra lunged at me anyway. I dodged its attack and summoned the "Pyretic Claws of the Storm Beast," slashing at the hydra’s heads until I managed to defeat it. The hydra attempted to regenerate from burning stumps until it finally exploded with a loud "pop," leaving me covered in its guts and slime.
Behind where the hydra stood, Sejeong, Ivan, and Somi stared at me with intrigue.
"You're a demigod, like us," Sejeong declared.
Over the next few days, Sejeong insisted on introducing me to her other demigod friends. These meet-ups usually came with a free meal, so I reluctantly accepted. The friends included two more couples: Levi and Heejin, and Gahyeon and Preston. Levi and Preston were friends of Ivan. I tried to keep my distance both emotionally and physically, but Sejeong always pushed me back into the center. Her reasoning was always along the lines that demigods shouldn’t be alone. Rationally, it made sense; I just didn’t like it. My dad had intentionally raised me away from all of this when my mother left, so I was conflicted. After meeting everyone, we started doing group hangs, the first of which was today.
When we reached the outside of Somi and Ivan’s apartment, I stood frozen. Sejeong noticed and smiled at me.
“Everything alright, Vally?” she asked. I remained silent, prompting her to furrow her brows.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I don’t like this, but I can’t place why. Everything about crossing this threshold makes my skin crawl and makes me want to smash something,” I responded.
Sejeong listened and then asked, “Weren’t you raised around demigods?”
I shook my head. I had met others before but never more than a handful of times. Sejeong’s eyes widened as she listened, prompting her to ask, “Wait, so you’ve survived all this time with no training and no support? Do you even know your godly parent?”
I resisted the urge to scoff. My situation was unique, despite being normal for me, so scoffing at her served no purpose.
“Yes, Seji. My mother claimed me before I went to college and gave me the ‘Claws of the Storm Beast.’ She told me, ‘You’re on your own. I can’t protect you anymore,’” I explained.
Sejeong looked befuddled before asking, “Who the hell is your mom? That sounds terrible.”
I thought about lying but realized it would serve no purpose, so I told the complicated and strange truth. “My mom is Zeus. Long story short, Hera thought a good punishment for his sins would be to live as a woman for a few years. During one of those years, Zeus met my dad, who was separated from his wife, the lady I refer to as my mom, and they had me. She dropped me off with my dad and came back occasionally to chat with him until he reconciled with his wife.”
I watched as Sejeong’s brain broke hearing that. I didn’t blame her; the same thing happened to me when I first heard it.
When she recovered, she asked, “How have you been surviving all this time without being trained? And what is the ‘Fangs of the Storm Dragon’ you mentioned?”
Her response seemed odd to me, but I humored her. “I learned to fight from TV, specifically wrestling and action hero shows. The ‘fangs of the Storm Dragon’ is my weapon, given to me by my mom. It was designed and crafted by my mom with elements from each major betrayer god.”
Sejeong nodded and said, “We are getting you trained as soon as possible.”
I raised an eyebrow, confused as to why Sejeong didn’t respond further, which frustrated me. I had told her all this stuff about me, yet I still didn’t have much information about her. Before she could open the door, I asked about her godly parent and how she survived. She was so taken aback by my story that she was super open about hers.
“My dad is Loki. He claimed me when I was young, but I was already training with other demigods at that point,” she answered.
I nodded at the foreign concepts and feigned understanding of what that was like, yet I remained frozen still.
Sejeong smiled then said, “Tell you what Vally if you come with me right now I'll let you be alone all next week.” I know her words were meant to comfort but they brought a sense of unease within me as I found myself saying,
“No! I like spending time with you…I have grown accustomed to you being around.” I said the rational part of my mind says she still has the potential to be a highly dangerous individual but my emotions presented an intense dichotomy.
Sejeong smiled at me and then said, “If you wanted to date me you could have asked.” she smiled as she watched me short-circuit for a few seconds before opening the door and leading me inside my hand in hers.
The atmosphere in the room is jovial, with friends hanging out and goofing off. It is oddly charming. Sejeong leads me to a spot next to her as we huddle around a hot pot. I take out the Kobe beef and other various meats I brought, along with some veggies and a couple of sushi rolls for palate diversity.
Ivan, Somi’s boyfriend and son of Bacchus, says merrily, “You brought all this for us? Dude, you are the best.”
A smile creeps onto my face. “Well, yeah. Someone has to make sure you don’t poison us with alcohol.”
Sejeong turns to me and cracks a smile. “Oh, was that a joke I heard? I thought Mr. Serious didn’t understand jokes.”
I look at her and reply, “Well, maybe you just aren’t funny?”
Somi, daughter of Aphrodite, laughs, putting me further at ease. Heejin, the daughter of Tsukuyomi laughs too, and stares at me. Not in a particularly menacing or emotionally charged way, but in a very observant way, as if she is trying to figure me out.
Eventually, she asks the question I think she’s been wanting to. “So, Val, who is your godly parent?” The room grows silent. Feeding on the excitement and atmosphere, I reply, “Take a guess.”
Sejeong laughs before telling them that they would never guess it, even with a million hints. I agree but give them the first one.
“She is not who you think it would be.”
Sejeong compliments my hint, saying how good it was as the group begins to guess.
“Morrigan. You kinda radiate her energy as a scary powerhouse,” Levi, son of Tyr says.
I shake my head.
Gahyeon, daughter of Daji, says, “Hmm, well then, my guess is Izanami.”
I shake my head again, surprising everyone. I see Preston, son of Minerva, eyeing me intently.
“It’s your mom, correct?” he asks.
I nod.
“What pantheon?”
“Greek,” I respond.
Preston eyes me, then says, “Huh, you seem way too powerful to be just the son of a Greek goddess. We thought you were stronger than that. Based on how you carry yourself and the static always around you, I’d say Zeus, but that can’t be right.”
At this point, Sejeong loses it. She begins laughing uncontrollably and smiling, making everyone present look at her. Then it clicks.
“Your mom is Zeus,” Somi says. She pauses, then adds, “Yes, we love a girl boss.”
I turn to Sejeong, confused, but she is all smiles.
“How?” Heejin asks, baffled.
“Well, I—” I begin to answer, but time seems to slow down until the air stops. I look around to see everything frozen.
“So, you finally found a home?” an older, feminine voice rang out, instantly recognizable. My fists clenched and my jaw tightened, mirroring the way she used to stand when preparing for a confrontation.
I turned to face my mother. She looked older than the last time I saw her, but still undeniably her: dark skin like mine, long dark brown hair streaked with white, and those piercing gray eyes. Her stance was identical to mine, a stance of readiness and defiance. Everything I hated about myself reflected in me.
“How have you been, DuVal?” she asked, her tone calm yet fierce. It was a voice I had often used to mask my vulnerabilities. I stared in silence, feeling a storm of emotions rise within me. Her gaze held a mix of emotions—bottled rage, the same rage I saw in myself, always simmering just beneath the surface.
“I see you’ve found a home.” Her words were careful, layered with meaning. I kept my guard up, watching her eyes flick from me to Somi, then Heejin, and finally to Sejeong. When her gaze returned to me, it was with a knowing look.
“This one, she’s the one you like,” my mother said confidently.
My fists tightened, my eyes never leaving hers. “Why are you here, Zeus? To remind me of all the times you weren’t?”
She sighed, a mixture of sadness and frustration in her expression. “I know I haven’t been the mother you needed. My actions—or lack of them—have caused you pain. But I’ve always watched over you, DuVal. Always.”
“Watching from a distance isn’t the same as being there,” I retorted, my voice rising. “You left me to fend for myself, to figure out who I am and what I’m supposed to do. And now you just show up, expecting what? Gratitude?”
Her eyes softened. “What was I to do? Beg your father not to break you despite being adamant about making you like everyone else? I don't beg. I told him the ramifications of pursuing ‘rearing for your special needs,’ but he didn't listen. No matter how many teachers and mentors I sent your way, dropping hints about embracing your heritage, he ignored me. Only your mother listened.”
I tensed. “I didn’t agree with my dad on a lot of things, but I believe he did his best.”
“He didn’t know what I was or what it would cost,” I added.
“You believe that? Then why would he root you so deeply in his faith despite having met me and our chats? Why only mention me when he kicked you out? Has he ever apologized for that? If this is about abandonment, he’s as guilty as I am. No, this goes deeper. You hate me because I remind you of all your failed attempts to be normal, despite knowing you’re not. Well, let me be the bigger person and say, ‘I’m sorry I burdened you with such gifts.’”
“Do you expect me to be grateful for this condescending apology?”
“I don’t expect gratitude. I know I don’t deserve it. But you need to understand the weight of your heritage. There are threats on the horizon, and your power is needed.”
I shook my head, the storm inside me brewing. “I’m nothing like you. I don’t want to be.”
“You don’t believe that. I see it in your heart and your eyes. Your appetites are like mine. We share the drive to lead, and to have power. You just refuse yourself. Why not let yourself run wild and let experience temper you? It will be the only way you will learn control.”
Her words brought a splitting headache as my rage and emotions threatened to spill out. Zeus looked to Sejeong and said, “Have you even kissed her yet? Or are you fighting your attraction to her as well?”
Her words were scathing. I thought of a clever comeback, but she was always quicker. “I mean, she is your type—cute face, bubbly personality, sizable assets, and older than you. Why haven’t you made a move?” she prodded.
“Shut up,” I said.
“If you just let yourself be free, you wouldn’t stumble over your words like that.” She bemoaned, “Stop holding back,” she demanded.
She stepped closer, her presence both comforting and overwhelming. “You are more like me than you realize. The strength, the rage, the desire to protect those you care about. It’s all there, DuVal. Embrace it.”
I shook my head defiantly. “Oh really? So you expect me to believe your heart doesn’t ache that she’s not yours. Maybe I should take her.” I broke for a moment, I admit she was pressing all my buttons.
“Touch her and I’ll rip your throat out. She’s mine!” I growled, and my mother was all smiles.
“See how good that felt? I could feel the conviction, the passion, the courage in your words there. Surely it felt good to tell me off, to stake your claim, didn’t it?”
I stood straight and readjusted my posture, and my mother groaned.
The room seemed to pulse with her words, the static in the air intensifying. I glanced at Sejeong, her frozen smile a stark reminder of what was at stake. Could I turn my back on this part of myself?
“I don’t need your help,” I said, though the conviction in my voice wavered.
“Perhaps not,” she replied softly. “But you need to know the truth. The path you’re on is fraught with danger, and you can’t face it alone. Think about it, DuVal. Think about who you want to be.”
I clenched my fists, feeling the energy crackle around me. “I want to be someone different. Someone better.”
“You can be better, DuVal. Better than me. But not by denying who you are. Our power, our drive, it’s a part of us. Channel it, control it, and it will make you stronger. You’ve always had the potential to surpass me, but you have to stop fighting yourself.”
She reached out, placing a hand on my shoulder. The touch was electric, a jolt that sent shivers down my spine. “Embrace the storm within you. Use it to protect those you love. Don’t let fear hold you back.”
I looked into her eyes, seeing a reflection of my struggle. The same determination, the same intensity. “I don’t want to be like you, but I can’t deny what I am.”
“Then don’t deny it. Use it. Be the leader you’re meant to be, not the one you think you should be. Lead with your heart and your passion. It’s not a weakness, it’s your greatest strength.”
I took a deep breath, the storm inside me calming slightly. “I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I ask,” she said, her voice softening. “Just remember, you’re not alone in this. You have people who care about you, and who will stand by you. Don’t push them away.”
As she stepped back, I felt a strange sense of relief and a flicker of hope. Maybe I could find a way to balance the storm within me, to use my power for something good. But it would take time, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to fully embrace that part of myself.
“Think about it, DuVal. Think about who you want to be,” she repeated, her eyes locking with mine one last time before she turned and walked away.
I stood there, the static in the air slowly dissipating, and looked at Sejeong. She gave me a reassuring smile,
With that, time resumed. The room filled with laughter and conversation once more, but my mind was a whirlwind of confusion and unresolved emotions. Noticing my change in temperament, Sejeong squeezed my hand, grounding me in the moment. I had a lot to consider, and even more to decide. So I did the thing I knew best.
“I have to go. I just remembered I had something to do,” I said to everyone. Sejeong stood up in front of me as I tried to leave.
“DuVal, what happened? You were cracking jokes and having fun, and now you have to leave. What gives?” The rest of the group surrounded me. Their faces showed concern, but I couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. I tried to get around Sejeong, not realizing at the time that the children of Loki could shapeshift. One moment I was trying to politely get around her, the next I was facing a polar bear. At that moment, I would have rather dealt with Sejeong.
I began to suppress my surging fight response but was failing, as evidenced by the manifestation of "Abyssal Claws of the Storm Beast" in my hands. Realizing her tactics weren’t working, Sejeong did the smartest thing: she shifted back to her normal form and brought me down to her level, hugging me. My heart stilled as the storm inside me began to fade. She tilted my face up from her chest and, with a wicked smile, said, “Feeling better? Or do you need more time cuddling with Samantha and Rachel?” All the tension and emotional turmoil I was processing disappeared at that moment. I stood up and smiled at her. She smiled back before guiding me back to the party.
A few days later, we wrapped filming for a major project, and Sejeong took me back to her place. She booted up her PS5 and started playing FF7 Rebirth. I watched her play but didn’t try to backseat game her. I smiled as she triumphed over a particularly grueling boss in the middle of the game. She looked over to me with a smile, but the fatigue was getting to both of us. I felt my eyes droop and my head fall. The last thing I remembered was her saying, “Omomo.”
I dreamed I was overlooking a vast expanse of sky, the scene cautiously calming. I turned to see my mom. She was smiling, but her presence stirred the emotions I had been burying deep inside. My eye twitched involuntarily.
“Why do you hate yourself so much?” Zeus asked, her voice gentle yet piercing.
“What?” I responded, taken aback.
“You wallow in self-loathing. It’s concerning, yet you hide it well. Why?”
“I don’t understand,” I said, feeling a lump form in my throat.
“Every time we talk, I can see into you, just as you can see into me. I see your hatred of yourself for not being like others, for feeling destined for destruction rather than creation. You wish you could tear yourself apart every day, but you can’t because your body won’t let you. You repress the ferocious, fervent, royal side of you because you’re ashamed of it. Shame others taught you. You are a king. Why do you let them diminish you?”
“That’s a very out-of-touch way to view people,” I retorted, but Zeus wasn’t swayed.
“You and I both know these people don’t want to lead themselves. They want a wise and tested leader to guide them, to make the hard choices so they can live freely and safely. So what are they if not peasants?”
Her words hit me harder than I expected. I wasn’t ready for this confrontation.
“Oh, you weren’t expecting your mother to challenge you like this, were you? Well, buckle up. This is just the beginning. You endure these miserable and intolerable creatures who engage with you as if they’re your equals and bear their injustices, yet wonder why they don’t accept you. No matter how much you defang and claw yourself, the truth remains: you aren’t like them. They know it and will continue to remind you of that fact. So why bother with them?”
“Because a true leader…” I began, but Zeus cut me off.
“A true leader leads ahead of the pack, where it is the loneliest. Stop acting like one of them. You’re better than them. You and that girl are better than this. You should be running the world together. That much is certain.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked, frustration boiling over.
“Because you crave validation from sources that can’t give you the praise you seek. These people are not your peers, no matter how much you want them to be. So stand proud and ferocious. Let your rage and power out. Stop holding back because others can’t see your intentions. Let your desires guide you, not your mind. Your mind will only blind you, telling you who you need to be to survive, not who you are meant to be to thrive.”
I sat there, feeling competing desires rise within me, a storm of emotions I’d been trying to suppress.
“Don’t shame yourself for what you want. Want it, Chase it, but don't meander with the sheep it will only weaken you.”
I stared at my mother, her words slicing through the barriers I had meticulously built around my heart. The storm within me raged, conflicting desires crashing like thunder and lightning. I felt the familiar pull of shame, but also a strange, burgeoning sense of clarity.
“Mom, it’s not that simple,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. “I can’t just embrace this…this side of me. It’s dangerous. It’s destructive.”
Zeus’ expression softened, but her eyes remained fierce. “Dangerous? Destructive? DuVal, you are my son. You carry the tempest within you, but you also hold the power to control it. You are not just a force of destruction; you are a beacon of potential, of leadership, of hope.”
I shook my head, the weight of her expectations pressing down on me. “You don’t understand. I don’t want to be a monster. I don’t want to hurt people.”
“And you won’t,” she replied firmly. “You have the heart of a protector. But denying your true nature only weakens you, and makes you vulnerable. You need to find balance, to harness your power without letting it consume you.”
I took a deep breath, feeling the air crackle with the tension of my emotions. “How? How do I do that?”
Zeus stepped closer, her presence overwhelming yet comforting. “By accepting who you are, all of who you are. You are both human and divine. Embrace your heritage, not as a burden, but as a gift. Let those you care about see the real you, not the mask you wear to hide your fears.”
I felt a tear slip down my cheek, mingling with the faint sparks of static. “But what if they reject me? What if they can’t handle it?”
She gently wiped the tear away, her touch warm and grounding. “True friends, true allies, will stand by you, no matter what. And those who don’t? They were never meant to be part of your journey.”
I closed my eyes, letting her words sink in. The storm within me began to calm, not because it was gone, but because I was starting to accept it as a part of me. “I’ll try, Mom. I’ll try to be who I’m meant to be.”
Zeus smiled a rare, genuine smile that filled me with a sense of hope. “That’s all I ask. Remember, you are not alone in this. We are connected, you and I. And there is strength in that connection.”
As her image began to fade, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The dream dissolved, and I woke up in Sejeong’s apartment. The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room.
Sejeong was still asleep, her face serene. I watched her for a moment, feeling a surge of affection and gratitude. She had seen a glimpse of my true self and hadn’t turned away. Maybe, just maybe, I could learn to embrace all parts of myself and find the balance I so desperately needed.
Carefully, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the window. (unsure how I got there from the couch) The sky was clear, a soft blue expanse stretching out before me. For the first time in a long while, I felt a spark of hope, a flicker of possibility. I didn’t have all the answers, but I had a direction, and a path to follow.
The decision to be honest with those who mattered most felt like a heavy weight lifting from my shoulders. I returned to Sejeong, lying peacefully in her sleep. Despite her serene appearance, she began to shuffle uncomfortably, her hand reaching out as if searching for something. On instinct, I took her hand, and the frown that had creased her face melted back into her typical smile.
I stayed with her like that for a while, watching her breathe and feeling the warmth of her hand in mine. When she finally woke, her eyes met mine with a clarity that took my breath away.
“Sejeong,” I said softly, my heart pounding.
“Yeah, Val?” she responded, her voice still thick with sleep.
“I like you,” I confessed, the words tumbling out with a mix of anxiety and relief.
Sejeong’s lips curved into a playful smile. “Well, are you going to do something about it?”
Without hesitating, I cupped her cheeks in my hands and kissed her. Her lips tasted faintly of the spicy ramen we’d shared earlier, a perfect mix of heat and comfort. As our kiss deepened, my mind began to blank out, and all I could focus on was the insatiable desire coursing through me.
Her hands moved to my shoulders, pulling me closer. The intensity of the moment seemed to charge the air around us. Static electricity crackled, making the tiny hairs on my arms stand on end. Sejeong’s touch was grounding, pulling me back even as my emotions threatened to overwhelm me.
When we finally pulled apart, her eyes were bright, a mix of amusement and something deeper. “That’s more like it,” she teased, her fingers tracing the lines of my jaw.
I smiled, feeling lighter than I had in days. “There’s so much I need to tell you, Sejeong. About my mother, about what’s coming. But right now, I just wanted you to know how I feel.”
She nodded, her expression turning serious. “We’ll face whatever comes together, Val. But you don’t have to carry everything on your own. I’m here with you, every step of the way.”
Her words settled something inside me, a reassurance that I wasn’t alone. We stayed like that, wrapped in each other’s arms, as the world outside continued to turn. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Sejeong smiles, but right now I think I need a bit more of your affection.
Sejeong’s eyes narrow as she brings me in for another kiss.
“Don’t think,” she said and my brain cleared of all thoughts the only thing that remained was lust and affection for her in the moment. She gave me a sexy and sultry look that made me want to see how far I could bury my dick into any of her holes. She goes in for another kiss then says, “Come on Val bare your fangs . Hunt! Let it all just this once,” she said instead of fighting my instincts and urges I run with them I tear into Sejeong’s hoodie and eventually we stand naked in front of each other.
I marvel at her bush. Which causes her to be uncharacteristically shy. When she tries to hide though I spread her legs open and plunge my dick inside of her pussy. Sejeong moans as I spear her, her eyes look up to mine and she smiles, “take me,” she implores me. I begin to thrust gently in and out of her. Hoping to find a tempo she likes. I emphasized slow and deep strokes as she seemed to like when I touched her womb. Her pussy envelops me with the most pleasant feeling of tightness that I can’t help but continue pleasing her. I watch as she comes undone from the pressure and she reaches her peak.
She moans and then looks up at me with a wild look in her eyes before pushing me to be under her. She begins to bounce on my rod with the fury of ten suns.
“Yes, Yes, fuck yes,” she moans as I feel her walls tighten to milk me for all I’m worth. The longer I last the more ferocious she becomes and eventually I lose to her and she has me cum all over her tits. She smiles before taking a long lurid lick and saying, “Delicious,”
The next day, I woke up in a muddled haze that cleared slightly when I saw Sejeong sleeping comfortably beside me. She looked serene, and I smiled, realizing just how much I loved her. That intense feeling was one of the many things my father had said we shared: the capacity to feel deeply.
As if sensing my thoughts, Sejeong turned to me with a bright smile. "Morning, handsome," she said. Her bright eyes looked into mine, and she leaned in to kiss me. I followed her lead, savoring the moment. "Okay, time to get up," she said.
"Okay," I responded. We got ready, and I made her coffee just the way she liked it. We watched the sunrise from a bench near Sejeong's apartment, and as the dawn broke, I felt a familiar presence.
I turned to see my mother approaching slowly but with intent. When she came into view, she appraised Sejeong and me. Sejeong looked at Zeus, then at me, and said, "I see the resemblance. That steely gaze, the commanding aura. You must be Zeus, although last time we met, you looked a little different."
Zeus looked at Sejeong, confused. "Daughter of Loki? How so?"
Sejeong laughed. "Oh, so that way of speaking is genetic. Well, Queen of the Skies, you had less of this," she pointed to her chest, "and you had something between your legs."
My mom looked up, and Sejeong laughed again. "Wow, Val got a lot from you," Sejeong chuckled. I turned to her, and she explained, "When you recollect Zeus, you look away as your mind goes over the memory."
I laughed. "Are you enjoying this?"
"Oh yes. I love seeing my boyfriend puzzled. He just has the cutest focused face."
"You're surprised? You've been at my beck and call for the past few weeks, and we've gone on three dates. We are boyfriend and girlfriend," Sejeong asserted. I gave a worried look.
"Am I that readable?"
"Not at first glance, but after seeing your heart and all your quirks, I've thumbed through your book a few times."
I groaned, making Sejeong laugh. "Come on, Vally, just accept it."
When she said that, Zeus chuckled. "You remind me of Val's father with that."
I turned to her, on guard. Sejeong noticed and squeezed my hand to calm me down.
"What do you mean?" Sejeong asked for me.
"Well, the playful teasing and compassion, for starters. But this makes me realize, Val," Zeus chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement and pride. "You know, our taste in partners is remarkably similar. I see so much of what I admire in Sejeong. She's strong, yet kind. Fiercely independent but deeply loyal. Just like your father."
I clenched my fist, my mom's praise for my father hitting a nerve. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't hold back. "If he was so great, then why did you leave him and me?" The sky darkened lightly at my comment. Zeus's intense glare bore into my eyes, but I didn't back down.
Zeus sighed, sitting down next to us. "It's complicated, Val. Your father and I... we had different paths, different destinies."
Sejeong, sensing the importance of the conversation, moved closer, her hand finding mine for support. Zeus noticed the gesture and smiled faintly.
"Your father was a good man, Val. Strong, principled, but also... mortal. Our worlds were too different. As a god, I have responsibilities and burdens he could never fully understand or share. And I could never be the partner he needed because of those obligations."
I frowned, trying to piece together the fragments of my childhood memories. "But you loved him, right? Why wasn't that enough?"
Zeus nodded, her eyes softening with a hint of sadness. "Love is powerful, but it's not always enough to bridge such vast differences. Our relationship put him in danger and exposed him to things no mortal should endure. And as much as I loved him, I couldn't let my presence continue to put him at risk. It wasn't fair to him, or you."
My jaw tightened, but I didn't interrupt. Sejeong squeezed my hand gently, offering silent support.
"I had to make a choice," Zeus continued, her voice heavy with the weight of her words. "I chose to protect him by leaving, hoping it would allow him to live a safer, more stable life. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, but I believed it was the right one."
"Much like you with that Ishtar priestess. Speaking of, how did the curse turn out?" Zeus asked.
"It's been removed, thanks," I responded coldly. Zeus laughed.
"Good," she said with a smile. Sejeong, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "It's clear that your father loved you both, Val. But sometimes, love means making sacrifices for the greater good, even if it hurts."
I turned to Sejeong, her words resonating deeply. Then I looked back at Zeus, a sense of resolution beginning to form. "I understand now. It doesn't make it any less painful, but I get why you did what you did."
Zeus reached out, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, Val. And remember, even though I had to leave, I never stopped caring about you. I never stopped watching over you."
“So, this is the famous Sejeong,” Zeus said, her voice carrying that familiar mix of calm and intensity. Sejeong looked up, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of Zeus. I could see her assessing my mother, taking in the same dark skin, the long brown hair streaked with white, and those piercing gray eyes that seemed to see right through you.
“Yes, and you must be Zeus,” Sejeong replied, her voice steady but her eyes flickering with curiosity and something akin to recognition.
Zeus smiled, a small, knowing smile that sent a chill down my spine. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the woman who’s managed to capture my son’s heart.”
Sejeong glanced at me, then back at Zeus. “The pleasure is mine. I’ve heard… a lot about you.”
“I’m sure you have,” Zeus said, her gaze shifting to me. “DuVal has always been quite the storyteller.”
I could see Sejeong studying us both, her eyes darting between Zeus and me. She had a keen eye for detail, and I knew she was picking up on the similarities—the way we both stood with a certain tension, the way our eyes could pierce through someone’s defenses, the way our voices carried a similar weight.
“You two move the same way,” Sejeong observed, her tone curious. “It’s like watching a reflection.”
Zeus chuckled softly. “Well, he is my son. Some things are bound to be inherited.”
Sejeong nodded, but her eyes narrowed slightly as she continued to watch us. “But there are differences too. Val is… softer, I think. More willing to show his vulnerabilities.”
Zeus’s smile faded slightly. “Is that so? I always thought strength came from hiding one’s weaknesses.”
Sejeong shook her head. “No, I believe true strength comes from embracing them. From being honest about who you are.”
Zeus looked at Sejeong with a new level of respect. “You’re wise beyond your years, Sejeong. Perhaps you’re the influence DuVal needs.”
Sejeong smiled a warm and genuine smile that seemed to light up the porch. “Maybe we’re what each other needs.”
I felt a swell of pride at Sejeong’s words, but also a pang of something else—fear, perhaps, that she would see too much of Zeus in me.
Zeus stepped closer, her eyes fixed on Sejeong. “Tell me, Sejeong, what do you see when you look at DuVal?”
Sejeong didn’t hesitate. “I see someone who’s struggled, who’s faced immense challenges, but who’s still kind and caring. Someone who’s trying to find his place in the world.”
Zeus nodded slowly. “And do you see the same in me?”
Sejeong paused, her eyes thoughtful. “I see someone who’s powerful, but who’s perhaps forgotten what it’s like to be vulnerable. Someone who’s built walls to protect themselves.”
Zeus’s gaze softened for a moment, a rare display of vulnerability. “You’re very perceptive, Sejeong. DuVal is lucky to have you.”
Sejeong smiled again. “And he’s lucky to have you, too. Even if he doesn’t always see it that way.”
I looked at Zeus, seeing a flicker of something in her eyes—pride, maybe, or a hint of the love she rarely showed. It was a fleeting moment, but it was enough to give me hope.
Zeus smiled faintly, her gaze lingering on Sejeong. “You have your father’s eyes, but your mother’s spirit.”
Sejeong tilted her head slightly, a question in her eyes. “You knew my father?”
“Oh yes,” Zeus chuckled softly, “I’ve known Loki for eons. He’s quite the trickster, your father. Always up to some mischief or another.”
Sejeong raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. “And how do I compare?”
Zeus studied Sejeong for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. “You are different from Loki in many ways. He revels in chaos and thrives on unpredictability. You, on the other hand, bring a sense of stability and clarity.”
Sejeong nodded thoughtfully. “I suppose I inherited my mother’s influence. She valued honesty and integrity above all else.”
“That balance serves you well,” Zeus noted, a hint of approval in her voice. “Loki may be a master of illusions, but you see through them. That’s a rare gift.”
Sejeong smiled warmly, a genuine expression that softened the tension between them. “Thank you. I try to use it wisely.”
Zeus nodded, her gaze shifting to me. “And DuVal? How does Sejeong influence you?”
I glanced at Sejeong, feeling a swell of pride and admiration. “She… grounds me. She sees through my walls and challenges me to be better.”
Zeus’s eyes softened, a hint of maternal pride flickering across her features. “You’ve chosen well, DuVal.”
Sejeong looked between us, sensing the unspoken history and emotions. “There’s a lot you two share,” she remarked softly. “But there are also differences.”
“Yes,” Zeus agreed, her gaze returning to Sejeong. “You are a blend of both worlds, Sejeong. Your father’s mischief tempered by your mother’s wisdom. It’s a potent combination.”
Sejeong smiled gratefully, acknowledging the complexity of her heritage. “I’ve learned to embrace both sides. It’s what makes me who I am.”
Zeus nodded and got up. she turned to us and asked, "So what's next for you two love birds?"
"I am taking my feral boyfriend to Camp Half-blood to hopefully make him less feral,"
"Good luck He's worse than Heracles in that regard."
"it will be fine."
True to her word, four days later I was flying back to the States with Sejeong to help with counseling at the camp. The camp had grown tenfold, now housing a myriad of pantheons and incorporating their various practices and traditions. We arrived a few days early, along with the rest of our half-blood friends.
On the taxi ride from the airport to camp, Levi leaned over and warned me, “So, um, we might have spilled the beans about you coming with us, and, uh... well, the Huntresses are coming because Thalia wants to meet her ‘little brother.’ I know you aren’t comfortable with the spotlight, so I figured you should know.”
Sejeong groaned. “I told you all not to tell anyone. I wanted only Chiron to know to avoid the circus.”
“To be fair, we told everyone he was coming before you told us not to,” Somi pointed out.
“I told you all not to do it in the same call,” Sejeong said, exasperated.
“Yes, but it was 5 minutes, 54 seconds, and 32 microseconds later. I had already told my entire cabin by that point,” Heejin replied.
Sejeong rolled her eyes, annoyed at her friends' lack of restraint.
When we got to camp, I noticed an immediate change in my attitude, posture, and temperament. I felt an overwhelming hostility. Sejeong picked up on this and squeezed my hand, hoping to calm me. Instead, it only intensified the rising desire I had for her. I managed to squeak out, “Seji I don’t like this place it gives me weird vibes.,” Sejeong nodded and then said
“It will be okay Vally we’ll get through this one day at a time.” As we enter the camp there is a huge crowd waiting for us. I can feel the gazes and hushed whispers as we pass through. The first to approach us was a dark-haired green-eyed young man a little older than me, and a blonde-haired girl with piercing gray eyes who walked with him.
“Hi, I’m Percy Jackson,” the dark-haired man said, “this is Annabeth Chase.” Sejeong walks over to Percy and Annabeth to give them a big hug. Percy and Annabeth happily received the hug before saying to Sejeong, “Long time no see,” Sejeong nodded before mentioning how she had become quite famous. Percy and Annabeth seemed proud and pleased by this. They looked behind Sejeong where I stood,
“You must be Duval,” Annabeth said. I nod and she laughs
“You don’t look much like Zeus,” Percy says bluntly. I chuckled before responding
“Well can’t control that,” I responded Percy and Annabeth laughed before leading me to the Councilor’s cabin. When we get inside they lead me to the room and bed I’ll be in for the next few weeks.
After I set my stuff down I headed outside to hang out with Sejeong. I noticed quite a few of the crowd were still following, which made me more uncomfortable, but Sejeong shooed them away. As we approached the Loki cabin, its unique design became more pronounced. Twisting vines intertwined with intricate carvings of mythical creatures adorned the wooden structure, giving it an air of mystery and whimsy. Sejeong knocked on the door, and we waited for a response. The sounds of laughter and chatter could be heard from within.
The door creaked open, and Asumi stood there with a bright smile. "Sejeong! It's so good to see you!"
Sejeong stepped forward, embracing her half-sister warmly. "Asumi! I've missed you. How have you been?"
Asumi stepped back, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Come in, come in! We have so much to catch up on."
I followed them into the cabin, feeling slightly out of place but curious. The interior was just as eclectic as the exterior, with colorful tapestries, mismatched furniture, and an assortment of trinkets and oddities scattered about. It was a lively space, reflecting the playful nature of its inhabitants.
Sejeong and Asumi settled onto a worn but comfortable-looking couch, and I hovered nearby, unsure of where to sit. I decided to perch on the edge of a nearby armchair, trying not to intrude too much.
"So, what's the latest gossip?" Sejeong asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.
Asumi leaned in, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Well, you won't believe what happened last week. Marcus from the Hermes cabin pulled the most epic prank on the Ares campers. He switched all their weapons with rubber replicas. The look on their faces when they tried to practice was priceless!"
Sejeong laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Classic Marcus. What else?"
Asumi glanced at me briefly, then continued, "And then there’s been talk about the new arrivals. Everyone’s buzzing about a certain son of Zeus who's causing quite a stir."
I felt my cheeks heat up, and I looked down at my hands, pretending to be fascinated by a loose thread on my shirt. Sejeong reached over and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Yeah, that's DuVal," Sejeong said, glancing at me with a smile. "He's been handling the attention pretty well, all things considered."
Asumi's gaze softened as she looked at me again. "Well, it's not every day we get someone like you here. It's a lot to take in, I bet."
I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Just trying to find my way, you know?"
Sejeong and Asumi continued their conversation, discussing various camp activities and the latest drama among the campers. I listened attentively, occasionally chiming in when they mentioned someone I had met or an event I had attended. Despite feeling like a bit of an outsider, I found myself enjoying the lively banter and the sense of camaraderie between the sisters.
As the afternoon wore on, more campers filtered in and out of the cabin, each one stopping to say hello and share a laugh. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and I started to relax, feeling more like part of the group.
At one point, Asumi excused herself to grab some snacks from the kitchen, leaving Sejeong and me alone for a moment. Sejeong leaned closer, her voice low. "Are you okay? I know this is a lot."
I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm good. It’s nice to see you with your family. You seem so happy."
Sejeong's eyes softened. "I am. And I want you to feel welcome here too."
Before I could respond, Asumi returned with a tray of cookies and drinks. "Here we go! Help yourselves."
We spent the next hour chatting, munching on cookies, and sipping on lemonade. The initial awkwardness I had felt began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of belonging. Asumi was genuinely kind and welcoming, and I appreciated how she made an effort to include me in their conversation.
Eventually, it was time to head back. As we stood to leave, Asumi gave me a warm hug. "It was great to meet you, DuVal. Don't be a stranger, okay?"
I returned the hug, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thanks, Asumi. I'll be back."
Sejeong and I got ready to leave the cabin, as we were walking back towards the door. She looked up at me, a satisfied smile on her face. "See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?"
I shook my head, smiling. "No, it was nice. Your sister’s great. Thanks for bringing me along."
Sejeong slipped her arm through mine, and as we were about to leave, I heard a familiar voice screech out, "DuVal?"
My face landed directly into my palm as I hoped that the voice wasn't who I thought it was. I turned around to see Cassandra—my ex-girlfriend, daughter of Loki, and Exalted of Ishtar. She looked at me with disdain, but with Sejeong here, she tried to mediate.
"Oh, you know Val?" Sejeong asked Cassandra, surprised.
"Know him? I used to date this motherfucker," Cassandra said lividly.
I shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant, though I could feel the tension in the air.
"Don't you shrug at me like you didn't do anything! We were together for two years, and you left me when it got hard."
I chose my next words extremely carefully so I didn't set her off. "Cassie, we were emotionally abusive to each other, by your admission. You kept pushing me away. I got tired of it and lashed out. I felt bad, I apologized, and do you remember what you said?"
"Don't you dare bring that up! It's not my fault you didn't remember correctly."
"See, you say that, but...you know what? Forget it. I don't care anymore. Let's go back to ignoring each other," I replied.
Cassandra slapped me, and I held my tongue. Fighting the urge to retaliate, I turned to leave the cabin.
"That's it, run away like you always do," was the last thing I heard.
I tried to be the bigger person. Please believe me when I say that.
"I can't believe I cared so deeply for something so pitiful," I muttered, looking at her with a mix of disdain and apathy. It all hit me at once—the hurt, the anger, the realization of how toxic our relationship had been. Sure, we had some good times, but as we got closer, she pushed me further away.
I walked out of the cabin into the afternoon, where it was sprinkling. The gentle rain was oddly soothing as I tried to put as much distance as possible between Cassandra and me. I could hear Sejeong yell something from the cabin, then slam the door before chasing after me. She was visibly shaken by whatever had happened. When she caught up to me, she said, "Tell me what happened. All of it."
So I did. I told her how we met in college, bonded over shared trauma, and how we fell apart after I transferred. I explained how our relationship began to deteriorate, how Cassandra's indecision and emotional turmoil led to every relationship of hers degrading over time, and how every boy she got entangled with ended up hating her. I didn't, though. I felt bad until I just didn't feel anything anymore. The only thing that hurt was the good memories we had, but even those had faded.
I made sure not to paint myself as just the good guy. I was honest about how I was a significant part of the reason it fell apart. I had my faults and failings.
Sejeong looked at me intensely, seeing me for the flawed person I was. She hesitated, then said, "I am going to need some time to process this. Can I talk to you later?"
I nodded, and she gave me a small smile before walking away.
I watched her retreating figure, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. The rain had picked up slightly, each drop feeling like a small pinprick against my skin. I walked aimlessly, trying to clear my head.
Eventually, I found myself at the edge of a small grove, the canopy of trees offering some shelter from the rain. I sat on a fallen log, replaying the confrontation with Cassandra over and over in my mind. The bitterness in her voice, the sting of her slap—it all felt too fresh, too raw.
As I sat there, I couldn't help but reflect on the cycles of pain and anger that seemed to define my past relationships. Cassandra was a stark reminder of a time when I was lost, unsure of myself, and reactive. But now, with Sejeong, I wanted something different. I wanted to be better. I skipped Lunch and Dinner as I sat there trying to get back to my calm but I just couldn't do it. while I go over my time with Cassandra I remember Zeus and my dad both saying before I got entangled with her that she was bad news.
Hunger got the best of me, so I headed to the mess hall for dinner. On the way back, I grabbed my cap to hide my face, not wanting to draw any more attention. Once inside, I found a quiet corner away from prying eyes and sat down. Following the rituals of all the other campers, I began to eat, enjoying the rare moment of silence.
That was until someone approached me. I looked up to see a stunning Native American young woman with the coolest green eyes I had ever seen.
"You're a new face," she said politely.
I chuckled and replied, "I guess that's correct. DuVal, but my friends call me Val, and we are friends now."
The young lady smiled. "Val... I like it. The name's Piper." Piper reached out her hand. I took it and shook it. She smiled again before sitting next to me.
"You know, you don't look like a child of Zeus," she observed.
I chuckled. "Well, Zeus was very different when she was my mom."
"Oh, Zeus is your mom. That's wild, but I kind of see it."
"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, I used to date Jason Grace before he died a few years back," Piper said, her face growing somber.
I gulped uneasily until Piper smiled. "Ah, don't worry about it. It's not your fault. You didn't know," she said reassuringly.
I shrugged, and Piper laughed before asking, "Not a big talker, eh?"
I nodded. "Fair enough," she said, looking down at my hands and then back at my face. "Are you okay? Your hands are trembling."
I looked down and noticed she was right. "A little nervous is all," I replied, my voice shaking as I heard the whispers around me.
"It's him. The Orphan. The Child of Zeus. Where's Sejeong? Why is he all alone? Why is he so quiet?" The whispers were quickly silenced when I stood up to leave. As I did, I accidentally bumped into Thalia. The remains of my food spilled all over her, and she looked up at me. When our eyes met, we both recognized each other.
"Oh, you," she said. I held my tongue.
"So, you're the big shot everyone is talking about."
"I am so sorry. I'll get something to clean that right up," I stammered.
Thalia looked at me with a focused expression. "No, it's fine," she said, though it didn't seem like it. "Come on, sit with me and the Huntresses. I want to meet my new 'little brother.'"
My mind raced as I found myself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Reluctantly, I sat down with Thalia. The Huntresses eyed me curiously as I put my hands down by my legs to stop them from shaking.
"So, tell me about yourself. I've only heard bits and pieces," Thalia said.
"Um, I do photography and videography," I replied.
"Oh, okay. And how long have you known you were a half-blood or that there were others like us?"
"Uh... I knew since I graduated high school a few years ago, but I didn't know about this community until deep into the pandemic when I was constantly hounded by monsters," I explained.
Thalia furrowed her brow. "Is everything okay, brother? You seem uncomfortable."
"I... I don't know. I don't belong here," I said, standing up to leave.
"Sit. We aren't done," Thalia said firmly. Her Huntress friends surrounded me, so I sat back down.
"What's wrong? What's got you so shaken?" Thalia asked, her tone softening. Despite her warning, I attempted to excuse myself again. This time, lightning struck in front of me, and the rest of the camp faded away. I turned back to see my mother, Zeus, staring back at me.
“Why are you running?” she asked pointedly.
“My children don’t run away,” she accused.
“Yes, we do. Jason ran from Piper, Thalia ran away from you, and you ran from every responsibility you didn’t want,” I retorted.
Zeus's eyes glared at me, but I wasn’t going to cower.
“I hide and run from everyone because deep down I know no one will truly like me or understand me. That’s the burden of power and knowledge. When you truly have agency and the strength to make wise choices, people resent you. The cowardly judge you and I’m sick of hiding behind a handicap. I’m sick of reducing myself so others can feel at peace.”
Zeus looked at me, surprised. “I never knew you felt that way.”
“Please, I’m your son. I want everything I can grasp and things I can’t, but my father taught me restraint and control. Do you know what it’s like to have the fathomless desire to take anything you want but need the wisdom to know why you can’t? The part of you that’s inside me wants everything under the sky as mine but the human part of me holds me back and I’m sick of fighting myself, but I can’t because the world is too small..”
Zeus looked at me with wide eyes, “so what are you going to do about it?”
“Let the part of you that’s inside of me out and take what I want,” I said.
Zeus' eyes narrowed as she stared into mine and she asked, “What do you want now,”
“To not be bothered,” I said, and as I finished talking the camp faded back into the light and I realized that everyone was staring at me. I figured they must have seen that whole exchange based on their expressions. I roll my eyes and then go to leave when Thalia stops me this time by throwing her javelin. I sigh and then she says,
“Please stay. I just want to talk,” the punk-like edge she had in her voice was gone and was replaced by a genuine feeling of concern. I sigh and say,
“Can we do it elsewhere without so many eyes?” Thalia looks to the rest of her huntresses and they nod so she nods back to me. I nod back and we agree to meet at one of the hills privately after dinner.
I go to our designated meeting area after leaving the mess hall, and wonder why I had that vision with Zeus earlier. She had to have known why I was like this right? I think to myself. A few moments later. Thalia comes from the bushes and smiles at me. I give her a thumbs up and she sits next to me.
“Crazy right?” She says breaking the silence. I nod and say
“Look I’m sorry for my outburst earlier I've just been in a bad headspace since I got here,”
“No, I get it. the scrutiny everyone has with watching you hoping you mess up I completely understand. Jason, Percy, me, and now you all feel it,” Thalia said contemplating.
“I just wish I could create some space where I could be me and not stand out ya know?” I responded somberly. Thalia nodded and eventually responded
“You remind me a lot of Jason. You are more reserved like he was but also I sense a hesitance in your presence that he never walked with. It's interesting,” she said. I smiled as we sat looking up at the stars silently just enjoying the time. Eventually, we go our separate ways and I turn in for the night.
After lunch, I found myself alone. The crowds that had been trailing me since my arrival had finally dispersed, and my friends were all busy catching up with their own family and friends. Thalia wouldn’t be arriving until tonight, so I couldn't meet her just yet. With time on my hands, I decided to explore the camp to get a better feel for it.
My wandering eventually led me to a secluded waterfall area. The serene sound of rushing water was a welcome contrast to the bustling camp. The air was cool and misty, and the sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. I could sense the presence of others nearby, but no one approached me. I was content with the solitude until a feminine voice broke through the tranquil sound of the waterfall.
“You know it’s dangerous to be this far out alone. Anyone could do bad things to you.” The voice was calm yet carried an underlying authority.
I turned to see an older woman standing a few feet away. Her gaze was strikingly similar to Zeus's but carried a more "maternal" quality. Her presence was commanding yet oddly comforting.
“I like to think that I don’t invite that type of challenge,” I replied, meeting her gaze. “I try to put good in the world and hope to get good back.”
Her expression softened at my words. “I’ve never known a child of Zeus to be so introspective.”
“Well, not all of us can be reckless heroes like Jason, Perseus, Heracles, or the legendary Thalia,” I said with a hint of a smile, feeling a bit more at ease.
The woman’s gaze focused on me, her eyes searching. “Something tells me that’s not your style.”
I nodded. “Nope. I’d much rather enact a strategy that guarantees victory with minimal collateral damage. Huge battles usually mean no one truly wins.”
She smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from her. “May I see?” she asked, pointing to the camera hanging around my neck.
I shrugged and handed it to her. She carefully examined the photos, her eyes lighting up with appreciation. “You have quite the eye for capturing life in motion.”
I couldn’t help but grin with pride. “Thank you, Hera.”
Hera looked up at me, pleasantly surprised. “Hm, you’re smarter than you look,” she admitted, the atmosphere around her shifting from intense to gentle.
“I try my best,” I replied modestly.
“You’ve surprised me, DuVal. I thought you’d be like the rest of my husband’s children, but you’re not. Stay that way; it will serve you well.”
“Thank you,” I said, genuinely touched by her words. “I intend to.”
Hera handed back my camera and sat beside me on the rock, the sound of the waterfall creating a soothing backdrop. “Tell me, DuVal, what drives you? What makes you different?”
I took a moment to gather my thoughts, the roar of the waterfall filling the silence. “I think it’s the understanding that power isn’t just about strength. It’s about knowing when to use it and when to hold back. It’s about empathy and restraint.”
Hera nodded, a thoughtful look in her eyes. “A child of Zeus practicing restraint? You are truly an anomaly, DuVal. You remind me of the best parts of Zeus. His intelligence, his strategic mind... but you also have something more. A kindness, perhaps. Why is it that you share these qualities and the others don’t?”
I looked at her, trying to read the emotions behind her words. “I don’t know. For me, I’ve always been like this. Blame Ultraman, I guess. I appreciate the kind words, though. It’s been an interesting time these last few weeks reconciling with my mom.”
“Oh, that’s right. Zeus had you when he was a woman,” Hera recollected. “That was a peculiar time. I thought it a grand punishment and that he would learn respect for me. To some degree he did, but all it did was drive a wedge further between us. I suppose that’s what led to him or her, at the time, meeting your father.”
She smiled, a mix of pride, sorrow, and nostalgia in her expression. “I believe you are on the right path. And remember, DuVal, it’s not just about what you inherit but what you choose to become.”
As we sat there, I felt a strange sense of connection with Hera. Despite her initial antagonism, there was a bond forming—a mutual understanding and respect. The weight of her words settled over me, heavy yet reassuring.
“Sadly, that’s already been decided. I became a monster,” I said sadly, the reality of my past actions pressing down on me.
Hera’s head tilted, confused. “Why do you think that? Because you don’t have a place with them?” She gestured to the camp. “Just because you weren’t raised like they were doesn’t make you a monster. You move with a gentleness and wisdom that I don’t see others move with. Just earlier today, with the other daughter of Loki, you chose the softer path when you easily could have returned all the venom she sent you.”
“Ah, Cassandra isn’t bad, and besides, that would be begging for more bad to come my way,” I replied.
Hera smiled. “You’ve surprised me, DuVal. I thought you’d be like the rest of my husband’s children, but you’re not. Stay that way; it will serve you well.”
“Thank you,” I said, genuinely touched by her words. “I intend to.”
Hera’s eyes twinkled with a rare warmth. “You’ve earned it. Now, go and make the most of it.”
With that, she stood and began to walk away, leaving me with a renewed sense of purpose. As I watched her go, I knew that this moment had changed something fundamental in me. I wasn’t just the son of Zeus; I was my person, ready to forge my path.
Suddenly, Hera paused and turned back towards me, a contemplative look on her face. “DuVal, one more thing.”
“Yes?” I replied, curious about what else she had to say.
“Your perspective on avoiding unnecessary battles, on protecting others... that’s something I’ve seen too little of among the gods. It’s a quality that will make you a better leader and, perhaps, in time, a better god.”
Her words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. The idea of becoming a god had always been an abstract concept, something far off and intangible. But hearing it from Hera made it feel more real, more possible, and honestly, the idea repulsed me.
“I’ll do my best to live up to that,” I said, my voice steady.
Hera nodded, satisfied. “I have no doubt you will.” With that, she turned and disappeared into the trees, leaving me alone with my thoughts. A little while later I walked back to the councilor’s cabin where a new camera and a note waited for me.
“A hero is more than the weapon they wield. A leader is more than those they control. If you are truly a monster then maybe a monster is needed to guide us out of the night and into the dawn.” I chuckled as I read the note before I heard Sejeong behind me.
“Ooh, what’s that ?” She asked noticing the camera
“A gift I think,” I responded
Sejeong smiled as she closed the distance between us “Ooh a gift from who?”
“Hera I think.” Sejeong laughs as she looks at the camera before handing it to me to add it to my bag.
“You love that camera bag huh,” Sejeong noted
“Why do you say that?”
“I never see you without it.”
“Well I have approximately 5 grand stored in here,” Sejeong eyes popped as she heard the number
“I understand then,” she said with a smile before removing said bag to pounce on me and bombard me with kisses. I happily accepted her advances and let her conduct her “affection train” on me. Her kisses began to shift from chaste to hungry.
Sejeong lifted her shirt revealing her breasts. They were remarkable as always I palm both and began to kiss her more but something was off. I could tell something was eating at her. Like she was forcing herself to do this. As if trying to find her footing, but she couldn’t,
“What’s wrong,” I asked
“It’s nothing. it’s just,” Sejeong started
“Cassandra?” I finished. Sejeong nodded
After she had enough, she cuddled next to me and asked a peculiar question, her voice barely above a whisper, “DuVal, am I a bad person?”
I looked into Sejeong's eyes, seeing the vulnerability and self-doubt reflected there. I understood what she meant by this, the weight of her lineage and the expectations placed upon her. I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully.
“Sejeong, due to the position you are in, absolutely not. You’ve been trying your best under difficult circumstances, and that’s all anyone can ask for. I understand,” I said softly, my voice steady with conviction.
Tears welled in her eyes, and she leaned into me, seeking comfort. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly. “You are not a bad person, Sejeong. You have a kind heart, and you care deeply. That’s what matters.”
She sniffled, burying her face in my chest. “Thank you, Val. I needed to hear that.”
As we sat there, the room growing quieter, I felt a sense of finality settling over us. The weight of unspoken words and unresolved feelings hung in the air. This was the end of our romantic relationship, but not the end of our connection.
I gently lifted her chin, making her look into my eyes. “Sejeong, you’ll always have a special place in my heart. We may not be together in the same way, but I’ll always be here for you. As a friend, as someone who understands.”
She nodded, a small, sad smile forming on her lips. “I feel the same way, Val. Thank you for being here, for understanding.”
We sat in silence for a while, just holding each other. The unspoken promise of continued support and friendship lingered between us, a comforting presence amid our parting.
Eventually, she pulled away slightly, wiping her tears. “I should go,” she said softly. “But this isn’t goodbye.”
“No, it’s not,” I agreed, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll still see each other, still be there for each other.”
With one last hug, she got up and left the room. I watched her go, feeling a mixture of sadness and relief. This was the right decision, for both of us. As I sat alone, I took a deep breath, letting the emotions wash over me. This was the end of one chapter, but the beginning of another.
End of Part I
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Celebration: 88,978 Words in One Day!
Just yesterday, a few other LU writers and I, Hot Cheeto Hatred, hosted our first ever monthly (hopefully) Write-a-thon! This event ran on June 4 from 12 am EST to 12 am EST, with one goal in mind---write as many productive words within that day as humanly possible. Words included in the final marathon count ranged from storyboarding, fic writing, editing, answering comments, journalling and homework---basically, any words that furthered yourself, the writing community at large, or your stories. We utilized either the Discord Sprint bot or self-reporting to collect the numbers at the end. Everyone involved gave it their all, with most of them being present for most if not all of the run time as they were able, and I'm so proud of their dedication towards their craft. Anyways, here's the final breakdown of the numbers below, as well as the awards and titles earned by each participant, as decided by the discord server (and myself at random).
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Now onto the awards:
I am pleased to report that @not-freyja (Freyja above) won the "Writer of All Time" Award, pulling ahead with 20,565 of our total words. What an accomplishment! Freyja participated from dawn to well, dawn, and they absolutely deserve all praise and awe.
I'm giving myself, @hotcheetohatred (Cheeto), the award "Writer of Some Time," as I fell behind our lovely Freyja by a mere few hundred words fifteen minutes before the clock struck midnight. Next time, Freyja, next time...
The "Actually A Writer" award goes to @marcusdoodlesalot (Marcus), who, despite the name, DOES actually write, not just draw! Who would have thought. Not Freyja, that's for sure.
The "Early Bird" award goes to @lerikwrites (Lerik), who solely sprinted in the wee hours of the morning (my time, at least). Terrible. Good job.
"Star Commentor" goes to @elle-rosewater (Eliot), because I stole most of her words for the count from my own comment section in the BDOR Prologues. We love you, Eliot :3 Can't wait to see you next month.
"Cheerleader" goes to @la-sera, who gave us much encouragement throughout the day. I stole your 19 words from you saying you were excited to read Estelian's work. Hope that's okay, because I really wanted to include you---you provided a lot, even if you didn't write with us this time <3.
@whumpitywhumpitywhumpity (Dowsemaxxer) earns "Spirit-ed Storyboarder" for all of his lovely, informative talk on Spirit and just what makes him so great as a rather underappreciated LU boy.
Two awards next! "Chief Editor" and "Most Student" both go to @unexpectedstormy (Stormy) for faer work on getting. stuff. done. Fae did a steady amount of work, so proud.
"Editor (of Word Count) in Chief" goes to @tashacee (Tash), who, at reporting time, was scrounging up 100 and 200 word bits like spare change while I desperately tried to do math. I love you, never change.
The title of "Specter" goes to @somer-writes (Somer), who logged in very few sprints, but participated with the rest of us and pulled up at the end with a whole 7.5K words and a bunch of fics to post at the end, with a lot of it being Ghost AU! He's amazing.
The award "Better Late than Never" goes to our resident artist and recently turned fic-writer @estelian-01 (Este), who joined only in the last half of the marathon but managed to pull a whole 4K! Pictures might be worth a thousand words, but Este wrote a couple more anyway.
@across-violet-skies (Riv) gets the title "Mover and Shaker (of Blorbos)" for managing to participate and get quite the hefty wordcount only a DAY after moving. They're a trooper, that's for sure.
@anime-obsessed (Vio/Nene) earns the award "Most Old School" for writing with pen and paper for most of the day. Please go rest your wrist after all of that.
The award "Head in the Clouds" goes to my bestie and beloved beta reader @needfantasticstories (Skip), who spent the day listening to music and writing Skyloft drabbles. I am nervous/excited to see if those drabbles turned out fluffy as a Loftwing, or perhaps into something more angsty.
@noorahqar (Qar), my lovely fragile Victorian wife, earns the title "Chatty." You know why. But you were there nearly all of the run time, and so engaging and encouraging throughout---a blessing to us all. And even then, you managed to pull so many words. I'm impressed.
And finally, @rosehipandroots / @rosetintedtears (Rose) receives the titles "ndskanefnre" (self chosen) and "Birthday Santa." The first was borne of panic of being asked to choose a title---the second of her relentless effort to get her birthday fics done. Great job.
I'd like to thank everyone that I tagged for participating in the write-a-thon, and thank all of you for helping me draft this post as well. If I messed up any word counts or details or pronouns, you want to request a title/award change, or I missed someone, please DM and let me know! The next Write-a-thon will be held on July 1 from 12am to 12am GMT, and we'll be trying to beat our record. Can't wait to see all of you then!
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You come across something you never expected.
(A.n: Buckle up everyone, cause this and the next chapter are going to be a little dark. I swear crack and fluff are on their way!)
Tw: Murder, details of murder,animal death and blood
CH-5 : Could this day get any worse?
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You slowly walked up to the spider, examining it. The spider was also looking at you with its..mismatched eyes? Are spiders supposed to have mismatched eyes? The spider was almost as big as your plam. It had a pink heart shaped fur on its back.'Huh, that's cute..' you thought. You still weren't a big fan of spiders. Though nor did you like to kill them. "I'll...just leave you be for now I guess?" You said while awkwardly scratching your neck. You didn't want to risk getting it outside for it to jump on you. Having the cockroach jump on you was enough for one day. As long as it didn't do any funny stuff, you should be fine right?
You walked back to your chair, Keeping a cautious eye on the spider. Part of you believed looking at it intimidatingly will make it fear you and not come close. As you sat on the chair, you could almost swear the spider rolled it's eyes at your antics but you were probably just imagining it.
"Alrighty then..time to get to work!" You said to yourself. You decided to put some songs as your background music while you worked. Picking up your phone, you started the first song that came up, which was 'Inside of every demon is a rainbow' from hazbin hotel.
You found out about Hazbin Hotel about a few months ago and it has been living rent free in your head since then. Luckily enough, it's first season will air in a couple weeks and you absolutely couldn't wait to watch it. You adored the whole crew, especially alastor. You were kind of a simp for him to be completely honest. You also listened to hunicast's past hazbin hotel live streams too. They absolutely made you lose your shit from laughing sometimes and sometimes made you melt like a puddle with their flirting. You sorta could understand Ashley's pain. You were sad that you didn't find the live streams sooner.
You started to work while humming with the song. This time you had to edit some drafts about a murderer on loose that's terrorising everyone recently. His name was apparently Elias Adler. He was in 26-29 year old range. He had long blonde hair, and bags under his blue eyes. He also had a piercing on his ear. Police hasn't been able to catch him yet. But they did manage to catch one of his accomplices. They learnt about his name from there.
Unfortunately they couldn't get any other information out of him since Elias wouldn't share any personal information with them. Police suspected the guy was just a another tool for him to get what he wanted. He has committed 16 confirmed murders till now. They were able to identify the murders being done by him due to how violent the scenes were. Bloods and guts everywhere, head half separated from the torso, multiple stab wounds and more.
Police were close to catching him one time. But he slipped them, though it cost him a bullet in his left arm. He was last seen about a couple of kilometres away in a town from where you are currently. Police are searching everywhere currently to catch this man. Police promised large amounts of money if anyone could give them any clue about this man. You sighed, people could be so rotten sometimes in this world....you prayed from the bottom of your heart for this man to be caught as soon as possible.
Somewhere,a man inside a van sneezed as he was patching up his wounds. "For fucks sake, I don't need to catch cold right now" he cursed.
As you started to edit the next topic of your work. You failed to notice all the animals inside the room freaking out about the song you blasted .'How..how is this possible..' Charlie whispered as she heard her song from her recent interview come up. Never in her whole life she expected her song to be played on earth.
Others were freaking out too. Vaggie quickly flew in front of your phone to check what was going on. 'Is this us...? Why do we look so.. cartoony? This is from 'Hazbin Hotel?? How do they know what we are working with??' Vaggie screamed. 'Does that mean people are spying on us??' Niffty asked. 'But hey this could be good guys! What if we convinced them that we are actually these demons. Then she could help us figure something out right?' Charlie said with hope.
'And ya think this girl will take kindly to know that she has four demons under her roof? Hah, that's the fastest way for us to get kicked out toots' Angel snickered from the back. 'Although I hate to admit it, Angel is right about it hon.' Vaggie said flying back to Charlie. 'She would just get freaked out more. We need more time to decide what to do. Especially since somehow we are... cartoon characters on earth. She might not believe us'
Charlie looked at you humming and singing her song with delight, then back at Vaggie. 'I..suppose you're right.. let's wait to see where this goes!' Charlie said with enthusiasm. Though a part of Charlie's heart felt a bit warm seeing you liking her song so much, especially since how she was treated for the song after the interview.
You worked about 2 hours before you decided it was time to take a break. Taking a big stretch, you closed your laptop and stood up to make a cup of coffee. You let out a yelp to find out that all the animals are standing right beside your chair together, except the puppy. You didn't even notice when the spider came down and sat beside your chair. You carefully tip toed around the spider, not wanting to set it off and went to the kitchen.
After taking your coffee and spending your time doing random stuff, it was already afternoon. You decided it would be nice to go out for a walk. Also the sheep could use some fresh grass to eat from outside.
You packed some snacks in a bag and also your drawing pad in case you felt like drawing outside. Then your eyes came into contact with your pocket knife and a pepper spray in the drawer. You used to keep them just to be safe while walking around alone in town at night. You wondered if you should take them. After thinking for a bit, you shrugged, why not, better safe than sorry, even kinda in the middle of nowhere.
Wearing your bag, you picked up the puppy and called out to your ewe as you opened the door. The ewe came running after you. The moth came too and again sat on your head. You locked your door and looked at the ewe only to find the spider was sitting on its fur. You walked around for a bit and then sat on a side of a field and watched while the sheep and the puppy were running and playing with each other. A small smile came to your lips as you picked up your tab to draw a quick sketch of the adorable sight in front of you.
Suddenly a cat approached the puppy and the sheep, mewing loudly. They both stopped playing and started to listen to it. Within seconds they rushed to you. The puppy started to bite and drag your pants leg.
"Ow,hey,hey, what's going on?" You said standing up. The puppy barked at you and ran a bit ahead and stopped to look at you. You took it as a sign that it wanted you to follow something. You began to follow the puppy who was now running alongside an old looking cat. You were weirded out of your mind but decided to push it away, what if the puppy found its owner and wanted to show you. After walking through the woods for some time, both the cat and the puppy stopped in front of a large bush. The puppy started growling and the cat started hissing. The sheep which was following you stopped behind you too. It was like they all sensed some kinda danger in front of them.
Giving them a worried glance you walked in front, pushing the bush out of your way, you came across a sight you never expected to see in a million years.
There was the big deer from before. Now its body was painted with red and had a lot of wounds. In its antlers were some pink gooey looking things covered in blood that you guessed were the guts of some of the wolves that were lying in the ground right now. It looked tired and almost ready to give out at any moment. The ground around them was splattered with blood as well. There were only two wolves left standing. One of the wolves was closing in on the deer, while the other locked eyes with you and started coming your way.
You could feel your heart beat out of your chest as you clutched your bag tightly. How the hell did you fall into this situation??
(A.N: In any case you guys don't know hunicast, I highly recommend checking it out!! Especially to alastor simps, check out hunicast's alastorcast, I promise you won't regret it~)
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hungermakesmonsters · 7 months
Catch Me If You Can
Chapter Nineteen
Plot summary : When your friend interviews for a position at Anvil, you have a chance encounter with Billy Russo. He takes you for coffee and, by the time you’re done, Billy decides he’s anything but done with you.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R 
Chapter Rating : R - some smut
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] There's some smutty behaviour and vague descriptions of a panic attack. And lots of angst. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : ~3.9k
A/N : Five weeks after the heartbreak of the last part (sorry again for that). As always thanks so much everyone who's reading every week and all the new people, you're all awesome!
Chapter Nineteen
The next week passed as something of a blur.
After leaving Anvil, Karen had taken you back to her apartment and, after listening to you sob for an immeasurable amount of time, she led you to her guest room. And that was pretty much where you stayed for days. Your phone rang and buzzed; he tried to call hundreds of times, sent countless messages before Karen took your phone and blocked his number because, despite how much he’d hurt you, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
A couple of days later he turned up at Karen’s door - she didn’t let him in and you didn’t speak to him, you just heard them arguing while you fought back tears.
You hated him for how broken he’d managed to make you feel, how pathetic and weak you felt because you’d been stupid enough to believe that he could ever feel anything for you. But, as much as you hated him, there was a part of you that still loved him; a part of you that would always love him, a part of you that was worried about him, about how he was handling all of this.
After the first week, you managed to pull yourself together enough to go back to work, knowing that you needed to start earning back the money that you’d given to the PI. You stayed with Karen a little while longer before she told you that you could go home, that Billy understood that you didn’t want to see him and he wouldn’t bother you anymore. That didn’t stop you from changing your phone number though.
The welcome home you received from Tammy was awkward at best but, to her credit, she tried to make you feel better. And, soon enough, you fell back into your old rhythm of working all day and spending your evenings alone in front of the TV. After three weeks, it almost felt like the last few months had never happened and that Billy Russo had been nothing more than a fever dream. 
Eventually, things got easier; you didn’t cry yourself to sleep every night and didn’t wake yourself reaching for his body beside you. It still hurt to think about him - you were certain that it would always hurt - but it became easier to not think about him at all.
Until it came to pick the photos that you wanted to print for your show.
You’d wanted to just cancel the whole thing, but you knew you needed whatever money you could make from it. And there he was, one of the best candid shots you had, catching him as his lips were pulling into a smile - he’d been laughing at something Karen had said during his interview all those months ago. You didn’t want to use the picture but you couldn’t not, not when it was technically one of the best photographs you’d taken recently. Karen had given you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and, somehow, you managed to not break down.
Your brother had asked you to go to Connecticut to stay with him for a while and, without Billy as a reason to say no, you found yourself agreeing. A fresh start was just what you needed, but first you needed money, and that meant using that photo, even though it broke your heart every time you looked at it.
By the time the show rolled around, it had been almost five weeks since you’d last seen Billy so, really, you weren’t expecting what came next. 
Things had been going well, the first hour of the show had been good, everyone seemed to like your work and, for the first time in weeks, you felt almost good about yourself, like things were finally starting to get better.
And that’s when you saw him.
Your heart stuttered in your chest at the sight of him, standing in front of a photo of himself, his back to you. His shoulder ticked upwards and, from nowhere, you felt that pang of sorrow in your gut, remembering how his shoulder had been hurt. But there was something else about him, something that felt off. He seemed almost slouched, he looked defeated already before anything had even been said.
Karen appeared at your side, her eyes quickly finding him. 
“I’m sorry, I already told him to leave,” she tried to explain, keeping her voice low, obviously trying to avoid causing a scene, “I can get Frank to come get him so you don’t have to deal with him -”
“No,” you caught yourself saying, shaking your head, “it’s - it’s fine, Karen.”
“You don’t have to talk to him,” she offered softly.
“I think I do. I need this to be over.”
She looked at you for a moment and, obviously, she still had plenty she wanted to say to you but, for whatever reason, she decided not to. She just gave a nod. “I’m here if you need me.”
You hoped that you wouldn’t need her, you hoped that the small amount of peace you’d managed to cultivate over the last five weeks would be enough to face him and finally draw a line under everything that had happened so you could both move on. Moving slowly, you approached him and stopped beside him. 
He gave you a cursory glance before letting his gaze drift back to the photograph. 
“You’re the only person who’s ever made me smile like that,” he told you, already sounding defeated, like he wasn’t there to fight you, or fight for you.
“Maybe you’d be able to smile more if you weren’t always expecting the worst from people,” you answered softly, finding yourself looking at the picture, at the lit-up and carefree expression on his face. It made your heart ache to know he was hurting now, even if he did mostly bring it on himself.
“Yeah, that’s what people keep telling me,” Billy sighed.
A silence fell and you both let it linger, neither seeming to know what to say to the other. It felt like there was an insurmountable chasm between the two of you, instead of just three feet. You had thought that you would have more to say to him, you thought you’d vent your anger and frustration, and tell him all the things you couldn’t quite say the last time you’d spoken but, now, you just felt empty. It felt pointless. Billy had left a hole in your life and you weren’t sure you’d ever recover from it.
“I’m sorry,” he finally muttered. “I know it doesn’t mean anything now and it doesn’t fix what I broke, but I - I shouldn’t’ve jumped to conclusions, I should’ve talked to you first.”
“Is that all you wanted to say?”
“No,” he hesitated awkwardly, finally forcing himself to look at you, “I thought you should know that I read the file...”
It should have surprised you half as much as it did - you’d left him with a file containing decades worth of information on you, of course he looked through it. But, still, the thought made you feel light headed. Even now, when he no longer meant anything to you, you didn’t want Billy to know about your past.
“I need some air,” you muttered, turning and heading towards the fire escape. Billy waited for a moment before deciding to follow. 
You pushed the heavy door open and stepped out onto the metal balcony, shivering the moment the cold air hit your skin. Billy followed after, letting the door close behind him and, suddenly, everything felt so quiet. You looked down at the street below and, then, looked up at the ominous clouds - anything to avoid looking at Billy.
“I would have helped pay off the PI if you’d told me,” he finally broke the silence.
“I told you, there are things about my past that I didn’t want you to know,” you pulled your arms across your chest as you turned back to finally face him, trying to ward off the cold.
“You didn’t have to tell me about any of it. I still would have helped.” He told you with that oh-so familiar stubborn tone. “There’s nothing in that file that changes how I feel about you.”
(Feel. Present tense.)
You shook your head.
“It’s not that simple, Billy. That file doesn’t tell the whole story and even if it did, I didn’t want you to know.” As much as you might have wanted to, you couldn’t keep the frustration from slipping into your tone. But, still, you were taken aback - you’d always assumed he’d want nothing to do with you if he found out anything from your past.
“I’ll never ask. You never have to tell me, I -”
“Billy -” you tried to interrupt him, tried to stop that train of thought before he got too carried away, but it was already too late.
“Just tell me how to fix this. I’ll do anything.”
“I don’t think you can fix this.” You told him and your stomach knotted when you saw a flicker of pain on his face.
“So you won’t even let me try?”
“I think it’ll hurt too much if you do.”
Another silence fell and you watched as Billy struggled, obviously fighting with himself, trying not to say the wrong thing and ruin this. You hated seeing him like that; you’d never seen him look so uncertain and unsettled.
“You’re not the only one in pain,” he finally muttered, “what you said, about me being able to turn my emotions off, that - I can’t do that, not with you. Not with us. Not having you in my life hurts too much; I can’t sleep, can’t eat. I keep playing that moment over and over, wishing I’d done things differently...”
“I don’t want to make you feel like that but -”
“I know I fucked up, I know I promised you that I wouldn’t but -” for a second he looked like he was really struggling to get his thoughts in order and force the words from his lips, “- but you don’t know about my past and the shit I’ve been through either. It’s hard for me to trust people.”
You realised that he was right; you didn’t know much about his past, not really, and you’d never really asked. Beyond the snippets that he’d told you about his childhood and his mother, and what little you knew about his relationship with Krista, you never really tried to find out anything about him. Honestly, you’d always just assumed that he was like you, that he wanted to keep his past in the past.
But, looking at him now, maybe that wasn’t the case.
“Maybe that’s why this would never work,” you sighed.
“Don’t say that,” his eyes found yours and he looked at you like it was the only thing he was certain of, “just because this isn’t easy doesn’t mean we should just give up.”
“You did give up, you thought I -”
“I was wrong, and I’m so fucking sorry, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop fighting for you.” He dared to take a step closer to you.
The way he was looking at you caused a shiver to run up your spine. You could see the desperation in his eyes and, a part of you, still wanted nothing more than to reach for him, to just give into the moment. But you had too much self-respect for that. (Or maybe it was fear, maybe you were just scared of taking him back and him hurting you again?)
“You said you loved me,” his voice turned softer and the space between you seemed to shrink even more.
“I shouldn’t have told you like that.”
“You didn’t mean it?” His voice threatened to break.
It would be easy to lie, to say you hadn’t meant a word, but you couldn’t bring yourself to hurt him like that. You stayed silent for a few seconds, letting the question and your indecision hang in the air between you.
“Of course I meant it, I just - I shouldn’t have blurted it out like that,” you sighed heavily, “I was hurting and I said it because I wanted to hurt you back.”
“It did hurt,” he confessed quietly, “but it hurts more knowing that you feel like that and don’t even want to see me.”
“Billy -” you tried, but there were no words. There was nothing that you could tell him to  change any of it or make either of you feel better, it felt too late for any of that.
“I can’t let this be over,” he told you, and the silence that followed felt deafening. The air between you seemed to crack with the sort of tension that you wanted nothing more than to ignore and push aside. Despite everything you’d told him, something inside you wanted him to fight for you, wanted him to prove you wrong and show you that he could love you despite what he now thought he knew about your past. 
When you didn’t immediately tell him no, when you didn’t tell him that things were over, you allowed him hope that prompted him to move. 
Before you knew what he was doing, Billy had cleared the small distance between you, kissing you so suddenly that all you could think to do was respond. You got caught up in the moment, fingers tugging at his hair, pulling him against you. It felt so good, so right to be in his arms again, that you barely noticed him lifting you, sitting you on the cold railing. Your legs parted instinctively, letting him press closer still as the kiss turned hungry and desperate, and you could feel how the moment was already affecting him.
You didn’t even realise that he’d undone his zipper until you felt his cold fingers slide beneath your dress and up your thighs, pulling your panties to the side. Every shred of common sense you possessed told you to stop, to tell Billy to stop, but when you felt his cock start to nudge its way inside you, all you could do was moan against his lips and grip his shoulders as he filled you inch by inch.
Of course, you knew it was wrong to give him any hope that he could repair your relationship - just one more inch, you told yourself, then you’d tell him to stop - but it wasn’t long until every throbbing inch of him was buried inside you. And it felt good. It felt better than it should. Even the ache of your walls stretching to accommodate him after so long without him felt amazing. You’d missed the feeling almost as much as you’d missed him.
“Billy -” you uttered breathlessly against his lips, not getting the chance to say much more before his tongue slipped between your lips again. You let him kiss you, let him slowly draw back his hips before pitching forwards again and drawing another moan from you, your walls slickening around him, coating his cock and letting him move with ease. “Billy,” you tried again, tugging his hair, trying to make him look at you while your pussy continued to tremble as he moved, “Billy, we can’t -”
“Yes we can,” he kept moving, the wet heat of your body betraying you. Your mind wanted to say no, but your body and the way it moved against him said yes. “Tell me you don’t want this.”
He kissed you again and, this time, it was almost enough to break your resolve, the steady thrust of his hips filling you with his cock so deeply that you almost lost your mind. Moaning against his lips, your back arched, legs wrapping around his hips as you took him deeper. Yes, you wanted to moan, fuck me harder.
“Billy, stop -” you managed to gasp, finally coming to your senses.
Billy stopped immediately and you felt his body tense beneath your hands. He didn’t pull out or put you down but, similarly, you didn’t release your hold on him. You could still feel him throbbing, just as unfulfilled as you were.
“Tell me you don’t want this,” he repeated, his forehead pressed against yours, lips lingering so close that every word he spoke caused them to brush against yours. “Tell me you haven’t missed me.”
Of course he wanted to try and talk while he was still inside you and all you could think about was how you were practically dripping all over his cock. It wasn’t fair - it almost made you want him to finish before having the difficult conversation with you, but you knew that if he came inside you, or if he made you come, you’d never be able to turn him away.
“Of course I missed you, Billy,” you sighed, “but you hurt me, and fucking you isn’t going to fix that.”
“Then tell me what is,” he asked in an anguished tone that you’d never heard from him before.
“Put me down.”
Finally, he relented, pulling out and lowering you back to the ground, leaving your body aching and empty, unfulfilled and wanting. He turned from you to fix his clothes and you did the same, waiting for him to turn back, but the moment never came.
“You said you loved me,” his awkward and broken tone said it all, betraying his agony, and your heart sank, knowing that you’d just let things become a hundred times worse.
“I do, but what you did was -”
“You think I don’t know how fucked up it was?” His breath caught uncomfortably and you saw him shudder as his fingers ran through his hair. There was shame in his voice as he continued; “when Frank told me he caught you paying the PI, I felt like I was dying, it hurt so much. I thought you were -”
Another ragged breath escaped him and his hands moved to grip the railing.
“I told you that I couldn’t do this if you didn’t trust me,” you told him, trying to fill the awkward silence.
“I know and I’m so sorry,” his voice turned strained, like he was struggling to speak, and not just because of how upset he was.
You’d seen this before, that night in his bedroom. Panic, anxiety; he was struggling. But, as much as you wanted to reach for him, to hold him until it passed, you knew he wouldn’t want that and that it wouldn’t get you anywhere.
All you knew for certain was that you couldn’t keep doing this.
“Tomorrow at noon, meet me at the coffee shop you took me to the day we met,” you offered as calmly as you could manage. “We can talk then. I can’t promise that things will go back to how they were, but we can at least talk, okay?”
“Really?” He still kept his back to you.
“Really,” you told him, knowing you needed to leave before you dared to reach for him. “I need to go back inside, are you gonna be alright?”
“I’m fine,” he forced the words in one shuddered breath.
“You’re not fine, Billy. And, I think maybe that’s something we need to talk about tomorrow too.” He didn’t answer but you heard him force another breath. “Just... go home and take care of yourself, okay?”
Billy grumbled something that you didn’t quite catch, but you knew you couldn’t stay any longer; for his good and your own. But, still, against your better judgement, you reached for him, softly placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. For a split-second, you were sure that you felt him relax, but the moment you let go, that awkward tension filled his body again. 
Between that moment and pulling open the door, you changed your mind about leaving him at least a hundred times, hating leaving him like that, not knowing how long the episode would take to pass or if it would pass at all. But Billy wasn’t the only one who was hurting, and all the pain and emptiness that you’d spent weeks trying to overcome came flooding back, leaving you feeling more broken and miserable than ever.
The door closed behind you, separating you and Billy, and leaving you feeling just as alone as you’d felt after leaving Anvil that day. You froze, torn between going back to Billy and walking away, filled with an aching and a longing that only he could cause, and stuck with a terrible realisation; you still loved him, you were still in love with him, and no amount of pain or heartbreak would ever change that.
“Are you alright?” You didn’t notice Karen at your side until she spoke and you struggled to think of a way to answer her. Her eyes drifted to the door. “Is he out there? What did he say to you? Did he upset you? Do you want me to -”
“No,” you finally managed to force the word, “it’s fine he just - he needs a minute and then he’s gonna leave.”
As shaken as you were by everything that had happened, you didn’t want Karen marching onto the fire escape and making Billy feel worse.
“What did he say to you?” She asked, placing a hand on your elbow and slowly leading you away from the door and towards the bathroom so you could pull yourself together in private.
“He said he wants to fix things and that he’s sorry.”
“Did you tell him about Connecticut?” She asked as the bathroom door swung closed behind you both.
You let out a sigh, leaning against the sink and looking at yourself in the mirror for a moment. It hadn’t even crossed your mind to tell him that you were planning to leave New York and, once Karen had mentioned it, you felt sick. You’d agreed to meet him for coffee tomorrow, you’d given him a reason to hope, and that had been needlessly cruel of you.
“No, I didn’t...” you reluctantly admitted.
“You need to tell him,” Karen told you with an enviable certainty, “I know he hurt you, but it’s not fair to let him think he has a chance to fix things when you’re leaving.”
“I know, I just...” you shook your head, “what if I’m wrong about him? What if leaving is the wrong thing to do?”
“Only you can decide that. Billy is - he’s complicated and I don’t think that’s ever going to change. I can’t tell you what to do, but I know you shouldn’t stay unless you’re certain.”
“You’re right,” though your tone gave away how much you hated it, “I can’t keep expecting him to change for me.” You took a few deep breaths and returned your attention to the mirror, taking a moment to fix your hair. “I guess I should get back out there and try to sell some pictures.”
“Atta girl,” Karen smiled, “you get back to selling and I’ll go see what’s left behind the bar for us.”
When you stepped out of the bathroom, your eyes moved the fire exit for a second, wondering if he was still out there, but you quickly pushed the thought away; you’d see him tomorrow and, this time, you’d tell him that you were leaving and that it was over between you. The thought made your chest ache, but that ache was bearable, unlike the pain he’d caused you. 
Forcing a smile to your lips, you started doing the rounds, talking to anyone and everyone who wanted to know about your work, distracting yourself from thoughts of Billy and tomorrow.
Chapter Twenty
END NOTES : I can't say anything because I don't want to spoil anything that's going to happen. But, if anyone is interested, this fic is now about 80k long and there's only (maybe) five chapters left (which is to say I have five planned but whether or not some of those will need breaking up into smaller chapters idk).
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part and that it caused less emotional whiplash than the last one (sorry again for that). Thanks for reading, and thanks as always for the likes, comments and reblogs. And, if you're new to this story, hello and thanks for giving it a look! <3
If you want adding/removing from the tag list let me know (I know it’s not working for everyone - if it’s not working and you don’t want to miss a chapter, I post every Friday around 7:30pm gmt)
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imsadstuff · 2 years
50 days to fall in love - A Jeon Jungkook fic
Synopsis: A New Variety Show, 50 days to fall in love reality show follows different couples around for 50 days. The six couples are set up with eachother based on a scientific compatibility test, the test assumes that 50 days is the perfect time to fall in love with someone. Let’s watch as these young people navigate through life and love. Word Count: 12k+ Pairing: Jeon Jungkook and reader Genre: fluff (tooth-rotting fluff), some very light angst and slice of life Authors note: I've been obsessed with Asian dating shows, so I wrote a fic about them because that's the way my brain works. please don't be a ghost reader!
Episode 1
“Hello, I’m Jeon Jungkook” Jungkook greets the camera cheerfully taking a seat.
“Can you briefly introduce yourself?” the interviewer asks and Jungkook companies sitting straight in his seat.
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, 27 years old. Many of you may remember me as a child actor in multiple movies and tv shows. I don’t act as much anymore, I set up a production house with my friend so I’m more of a director now” Jungkook says looking off-camera.
“What about hobbies?” “I have a bunch of them, I do boxing, I’ve been very into motorbikes lately, videography used to be a hobby, now it’s my job, also food, I love food,” Jungkook says with all seriousness making even the production crew laugh.
“What would you describe as your ideal type?” Jungkook thinks for a good few minutes before answering this.
“Someone considerate and worth sharing my life with, I like someone who’s passionate about something, it doesn’t have to be work but I relate better with people who have this fire within them. I like the tsundere type, to be honest, someone who’s cold to others but warm with me” the last part makes Jungkook giggles at the last part.
“This is the compatibility test, 102 range-based questions, please answer them diligently” Jungkook’s a little too shocked when he’s handed the booklet. “102 questions? Can I get a 100% match?” he asks curiously going through the questions.
“Hello I’m ___” you say to the camera sitting down.
“Can you introduce yourself a little bit?” “Sure, I’m ___, 26 years old. I recently moved back to Seoul to be closer to my family.” you smile a little as you say that.
“I moved to New York for university when I was 18 and left New York at 25 as a Stock Analyst. I currently run a hedge fund with my father, my job is pretty much what defines me right now” you confess a little mortified about it.
“What about hobbies?” “I've been trying to cultivate new hobbies, I play tennis like once a month, I’ve been doing pottery for a few years now, I’m pretty good at it and, um, I collect expensive whiskey” you laugh as you say the last part.
“What kind of men do you date?” this question is a thinker, “I’d say boring” this honest answer makes the producer laugh too much. “It’s not really a negative thing, I’ve dated men from my industry and people in finance can be very boring. All the blame doesn’t have to be on them because I’m pretty boring too, in the past I’ve never really put effort into my relationships because work has been my only focus” you answer confidently sitting straight in the chair.
“Are you ready to put effort into your romantic relationships?” “Yes, it’s not that I have a problem being by myself, but it would be nice to have someone who helps you get through the day. Plus, I’m kinda the boss right now, so my workload is much more relaxed” the last part makes you laugh a little too much.
Your hands are a little clammy as you walk up to the restaurant, first dates are nerve-wracking enough, a first date with cameras just makes you more nervous. Jungkook arrived ten minutes before you, he can see you walking up to the table from the corner of his eye. Rubbing his hands against his jeans one last time, he stands up and greets you politely.
“Did I keep you waiting?” you ask the very handsome man in front of you. “No, I arrived early, my father says on time is late,” Jungkook says nervously sipping on his water.
“I like punctual guys,” you say and Jungkook smiles widely, feeling much better about this.
“Good for us I guess,” he says reading the menu to distract himself. “Do you drink? This place makes amazing cocktails” Jungkook says trying to get a read on you.
“Of course, I drink, I think I’m going to get an old-fashioned, there are very few places in Seoul that do a good old-fashioned” you can’t stop your nervous rambling at all.
“You must’ve lived abroad,” Jungkook asks closing the menu, he knew what he was going to order even before he got here.
“Oh yeah, shit, we didn’t really introduce ourselves,” you say and Jungkook can’t help but giggle at your nervousness.
“I’m ___, 26, I work in finance,” you say more interested in hearing what he has to say.
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, 27, and I’m a director” Jungkook’s waiting for you to recognize him but that hasn’t happened yet.
“A director, that sounds interesting, what kind of projects do you work on?” you ask seeing the server approach the table.
“I’ll have an old-fashioned with Ribeye, medium rare with a side salad, can we do french fries for the table?” you ask looking up at Jungkook and he takes a second to shake his head yes. Jungkook isn’t as confident as you were while ordering his food, he’s still awed by it. 
“Are you okay with walking, those heels seem kinda high?” Jungkook asks a little too concerned as you walk out of the steak house with him.
“Just make sure I don’t trip and hurt myself” you joke, feeling much more confident around him.
“Aye Aye captain” he jokes along too as you both walk down the pavement, walking towards the Han river.
“I was supposed to go to NYU too but couldn’t because of a project” Jungkook shares following up on your question about college earlier.
“That’s too bad, college degrees are going to be obsolete anyway,” you say honestly and Jungkook does the same thing he's been doing all night, looking away from you for a second with the biggest smile on his face.
“I haven’t been on a blind date in years” you confess stumbling a little and he catches you right away, his hand lingering around your waist for just a second.
“This is my first blind date,” he says and you turn to face him, shocked and outraged.
“With the way you look and how charming you are?” you say standing still and he does so too, with the river beside you.
“Good to know you think I’m hot and charming, but a blind date just never happened for me” “Glad to be your first,” you ask turning around and walking ahead of him again.
It’s around 2 am when the cab stops outside your apartment complex. Jungkook was supposed to be tired by now, but he was somehow more excited.
“So, will I be seeing you again?” you ask him as he leans on the cab. “Will I be seeing you again?” Jungkook turns the question around on you and you nod confidently.
“I’ll need your number then” he had been thinking about a moment to ask for your number all night, and now was perfect than ever.
“What should we do next? Definitely, something that doesn’t require you to wear heels” Jungkook helps you from stumbling over again, his hand feels hot even though he’s not touching you.
“It’s not me, it’s these messed up pavements, I can run in these” you defend yourself pushing some of your hair away.
“How about rock, paper and scissors to decide what we do next?” you suggest and Jungkook has to restrain himself, you’re perfect, a little too perfect for him. He loses immediately pulling a paper while you pull a scissor.
Lola: Jeon Jungkook in a dating show might heal the world
SaggitariusQween: Jungkook’s already fallen in love, he doesn’t need the 30 days
Zzzzz: Get in line Jungkook, I too have a crush on ___
Yesto: their chemistry is off the charts
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Episode 2
“What? Are you doing this show for real?” Namjoon asks Jungkook noticing all the cameras in his apartment.
“Of course I am, I can’t keep third-wheeling Aera and you for the rest of my life,” Jungkook says applying some moisturizer on his face.
“Which date is this? What’s she like?” Namjoon asks sipping on his coffee and lounging on the sofa.
“Second and she’s so cool, she’s outgoing and funny and just so confident,” Jungkook says walking into the living room while applying some lip balm.
“The strangest part of the date was she didn’t recognise me, or she did and she was too polite to mention that,” Jungkook says going through the stack of paperwork Namjoon brought.
“Isn’t that kinda great tho, she isn’t interested in you because you’re Jeon Jungkook, she’s interested in you just because”
Namjoon's words are ringing in his head as he drives to the location you texted him, it’s a pottery studio. Jungkook opens the door with his hip while holding onto the coffee he picked up on his way.
He catches you inspecting a plate when he startles you with a gentle tap on your shoulder. “Good morning!” you greet him excitedly forgetting about the ceramic plate.
“Morning, I got us coffee, did you have something to eat?” he asks handing you your warm latte, he remembered your coffee order.
“I did have a granola bar on my way here, you want one?” you ask getting a bar from your handbag and Jungkook chuckles taking it happily. 
“It is frustrating how bad I am at this” Jungkook whines for the millionth time struggling with clay.
“You need to be gentle Jungkook” “I am being gentle ___” “No you aren’t, take a deep breath, be softer,” you say as your hands come around him and he immediately goes gentle.
A glass-like structure forms around within seconds and Jungkook looks up at you while you’re laser-focused on the pottery.
“How are you so good at this?” Jungkook asks as you’re both washing your hands,
“My mom taught me, she used to make handmade pottery” you say as Jungkook wipes his hand.
“You’re amazing at it, can we switch the stuff we made because I really want this bowl-plate thing you made,” he says handing you a fresh napkin.
“Sure, what colour do you want it to be,” you ask wiping the streaks of clay off your arms.
“What colour do you like” Jungkook asks getting another towel.
“A sage green, might look cute, might look like shit,” you say and Jungkook points to something on your face.
“Is it clay?” you ask still missing a spot. Jungkook reaches for your cheek, swiping the mark away, a simple touch sending shock waves through your body. 
“So, after our first date like any normal person, I looked you up on Instagram,” you say and Jungkook sits up straight, sensing what’s coming.
“And I knew your name was familiar but I hadn’t joined the dots yet, why didn’t you tell me that you’re super famous,” you say looking up at Jungkook sitting across from you.
“It didn’t come up naturally, and I really didn’t want to rub you the wrong way by bringing it up” he answers cautiously fishing for the perfect piece of fried chicken.
“Is it a deal breaker?” he asks peaking a look at your face and to his surprise, you mouth a no.
“I was surprised in a good way, I’ve only dated guys whose jobs are similar to mine, that leads to similar lifestyles and hobbies, and two similar people dating are like two trains headed straight towards eachother, it is going to be a catastrophe” you take a beat to look at him and he has a neutral look on his face.
“We’ve led very different lives and we can learn from eachother, our lifestyles are very different so it will push each of us out of our comfort zone a few times, but it’s nice, it’ll keep us active. What do you think?” you turn the question around on him, laughing to help with the awkwardness.
“I completely agree with the similar people being a trainwreck waiting to happen, but the life philosophies and principles do need to coincide to have a long and healthy relationship,” Jungkook says as you both completely abandon the lunch.
“I was a little worried about you not being into me and my job,” Jungkook says about what he’s been thinking about since the first date.
“You’re so smart and confident, you know what you want and don’t want and I was worried I was in the don’t want column,” Jungkook says sipping on his coke and you look at him with the biggest smile ever.
“It’s shocking how good you can read me and if you were in the don’t want column, I wouldn’t be here” 
“What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” you ask Jungkook as you’re walking to his car.
“I am meeting up with my tattoo artist to finish off a piece and then I have to go glass shopping,” Jungkook says adjusting his shirt.
“Glass like a prescription?” “Yeah my doctor wants me to wear glasses instead of lenses for a while, what do you have planned today” Jungkook knows you don’t work on Saturdays,
“nothing, might pick up some candy on my way back and watch a documentary” these plan don’t sound that bad to you, this is what you do on most your weekends.
“Wanna join me?” you agree immediately and the production sends off you with vlog cameras. Jungkook seems familiar with the tattoo parlour like he’s spent hours here.
“Do you have a tattoo?” Jungkook asks removing his shirt and revealing an arm full of tattoos, also a very lean torso.
“I do, but my parents don’t know” you whisper this, feeling the camera Jungkook mounted a few centimetres away.
“Where?” he whispers back with a sly smile. “Upper thigh” you whisper leaning closer to him.
“Oh” he shies away immediately looking away. “Do you want to get any more?” he asks as the tattoo artist starts with the tattoo.
“Maybe, I’m a little indecisive about the design and I feel like I’m going to regret them, do you regret any of these?” you ask taking a seat by him.
“Yes, but I’ve gaslit myself into believing they aren’t” Jungkook confesses with a giggle. 
“My eyebrow piercing did hurt, my lip one not so much” Jungkook tells trying to comfort you.
“Why did you remove them?” you ask as the person marks a point on your nose. On a whim, you’ve decided to get a nose piercing because why not.
“For a movie, I was bored of them anyway” Jungkook says as you wince seeing the pin ready.
“I’m just going to pierce it, might hurt like a prick but it’s only going to last a few seconds,” the technician tells you and you feel your heart sink, your pain tolerance is bad.
“It’s going to be fine, you don’t have to go through this” Jungkook says in order to reassure you.
“No, I should have bigger fears in life than needles hurting me,” you say clutching onto Jungkook’s hand tight as the technician pierces you. Jungkook can feel how much it hurt you because of the way you’re holding onto him.
Jungkook can’t take his eyes off you as he’s driving you back, “What?” you ask and he looks away smiling.
“You look hot” it just slips out, Jungkook doesn’t feel as embarrassed about it.
“I wasn’t hot before the piercing?” you tease and Jungkook gets defensive immediately.
“No, um, that’s not what-” “I’m messing with you,” you say laughing and patting his arm as he stops outside your apartment complex. Jungkook’s quiet as he opens the car door for you, he leaves all the cameras in the car but forgets that you both have your mic packs on you.
“I had so much fun today,” he tells you, leaning against his car. “I did too,” you say pushing some of his long hair away from his face. The both of you are barely recorded by the camera still rolling in Jungkook’s car. The camera almost doesn’t catch how close the two of you are standing.
“Let’s have many fun days like today” you suggest looking at him. The camera doesn’t catch Jungkook holding onto your hand, grazing your hand with his thumb. 
Lola: I was hoping for a ghost moment and got it
SaggitariusQween: we support people maturely talking about what kind of relationships they want
Zzzzz: I agree Jungkook, ___ is hot
Yesto: the sexual tension is off the charts
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Episode 3
“I just touched down in Incheon, I’m going to get a cab and sleep for a few hours” you talk to Jungkook over the phone, dragging your luggage.
“Alright, don’t get a cab, I’m waiting for you at arrivals” it’s hard not to spot Jungkook with a team of cameramen around him.
“I thought you were joking, I can’t believe you actually came” you skip a little as you walk closer to him still on call.
“I haven’t seen you all week, I was starting to forget you” Jungkook catches you off guard with the hug, but you lean on him for just a little while.
“I was just in and out of meetings for four days, I’m so sleep-deprived I’m starting to shake,” you tell Jungkook buckling in the car.
“Just sleep a little, your place is an hour and a half away” he didn’t drive to the airport either, he came here straight from set.
“No, I want to catch up with you. What did you do all week” you say as the driver changes lanes.
“I’ve been on set all week, the movie is in the last week of shooting” Jungkook’s a little sleepy himself, it’s 4 am, he’s supposed to be asleep right now.
Jungkook knocked himself out before you, you turn off the lights as gently as you can. Hoping the camera doesn’t catch you blushing like an idiot seeing him asleep. Somewhere along the way, after minutes of swinging and stirring awake in the car, you lean on him for the support, but also the warmth. 
Jungkook gives up after a few attempts to wake you up are futile. Removing his seat belt, he brings his arm around you and you get comfortable immediately, this new warmth is also what stirs you awake.
“You stayed up to come to pick me up and I immediately fell asleep,” you say moving a little away from him while his arm stays put.
“Don’t worry about it, I feel much better knowing you got some rest” Jungkook says yawning behind his hand.
“What are we doing later today?” you say bending down to get some water, Jungkook is about to move his arm when you lean back like before.
“Bowling and wine bar, are you tired, do you want me to change the plans?” he asks and you mumble a no, falling asleep again.
“No, I just need five hours of sleep and coffee” “Have a big lunch or you’re going to be shaking because of coffee again,” Jungkook says with a smile, recalling a text from you.
“Yes, what time is it?” you ask reaching for his hand, his hands feel a little heavy, maybe you’re just too tired. “I’ll see you in 12 hours”
Jungkook’s body still feels a little sore as he’s walking up to the bowling alley, he feels a lot less tired as he sees you shaking your head to the music.
“I thought about making bowling a little more fun, we make a bet,” you tell Jungkook the minute he sits down.
“Bet, sounds fun, do you have something on your mind” “I do actually, whoever wins gets to design a tattoo for the loser,” you say and Jungkook perks up all excited.
“___, let me remind you, getting a tattoo removed is very expensive and painful,” Jungkook says arrogantly as he picks up a ball. “Jungkook, let me remind you, I am very bad at drawing,” you say throwing the ball and the ball completely misses.
You eventually do end up catching up with Jungkook, barely because this is the last round and Jungkook is leading by 8 points.
“___ last chance for you to recall the bet and let me win” what you’ve realised today is just how competitive Jungkook is, it’s kinda hot.
“I’d rather watch you lose,” you tell him and he throws the ball, backing away in anticipation he jumps and shouts scoring a perfect strike.
“So, do I get to decide on the placement and size too?” Jungkook doesn’t feel tired at all right now, as he drapes an arm around your shoulder.
“I don’t like you a lot right now” “Does that mean you liked me a lot more before this” “That’s not what I said” you’re a little huffy as you pick up your handbag but Jungkook takes it from your hands immediately.
“That’s what I’m choosing to interpret ___”  he teases you a lot more as you walk to the wine bar, you don’t mind it, you like it, you feel the walls coming down. 
Jungkook doesn’t want to look at your phone as it lights up with notifications, but he can’t help but sneak a look when he sees a strange notification.
“Why are you on tinder?” he asks more with fascination and you look at him embarrassed.
“I forgot to delete my account” you are a little clumsy picking up your phone but he stops you with a gentle pat on your hand. "You don’t have to” “No but I want to” you open the app to the hottest man’s profile right there.
“Wow he’s hot, I’d swipe right on him”  Jungkook says scooting closer beside you.
“I wouldn’t, first his bio says here to make friends and the glasses don’t pass the vibe check,” you say and Jungkook looks at you horrified.
“Explain the glasses and vibe check thing ___” Jungkook says very seriously,
“A lot of serial killers wear these glasses, and I’ve seen a lot of crime documentaries, so it’s a no for me,” you say swiping right and another profile appears.
“Thank god he doesn’t have glasses,” Jungkook says sarcastically taking a big swig from his wine glass.
“Yes, he is actually kinda hot, a picture at the library, a picture with a dog, his hobbies include pottery, same as mine, I’d swipe right,” you say teasing him and Jungkook scowls turning off your phone for you.
“Good thing you don’t need to” you snicker as Jungkook avoids your eyes, red with a tinge of jealousy and wine. 
“Dogs are cute but you know what’s cuter?” Jungkook asks you, very clearly a little intoxicated.
“You?” you state dumbfoundedly, not as drunk as Jungkook. “You think I’m cute?” he asks struggling with the seatbelt, you nod helping him with it.
“Puppies are even cuter ___ and I’m picking one up from the shelter next week,” he says flopping his head back and hitting it.
“You’re a clumsy drunk,” you say placing his head on your shoulders. “I’m going to spoil that dog so much, we’re going to go on hikes, I’m going to be a fit dad” Jungkook rambles on, getting comfortable on your shoulder.
“Would you join me and my son for a hike ___?” Jungkook asks lifting his head up, but it immediately flops down.
“As I said on our first date, I’d rather die than go on a hike,” you say and Jungkook whines, very cutely.
“What if I asked cutely, will that change your mind about hikes?” you turn your face a little and realise just how close Jungkook’s lips are to yours.
“Maybe, but in return, I’d want you to help me move” “You’re moving?” Jungkook perks up again, hitting his head much harder again.
“Yes, but I want you to stop moving so that you don’t hurt yourself,” you say and Jungkook snuggles just a bit closer.
“So, when am I meeting your boyfriend?” Hara asks chewing on a slice of pizza. You’d known Hara for over a decade now, she was the closest thing you had to a sister, other than your sister.
“Jungkook’s not my boyfriend, we’ve only been on three dates,” you say picking out mushrooms from your slice of pizza.
“Three dates, how is the sex,” Hara asks in a teasing tone and you swat her arm, feeling a little conscious of all the cameras in your apartment.
“We haven’t had sex yet, we haven’t even kissed” you confess with a small voice, looking at the floor all embarrassed.
“Dating in Korea is very different than in the states, I’ve definitely kissed guys after the first date” you saw chewing on pizza while also packing up some stuff.
“Just kiss him if you want to, you don’t have to overthink it so much” Hara gets right to the point, that’s her style.
“You have so much fancy lingerie” Hara shouts from your closet.
“This is fancy stuff, how much did you spend on this?” she asks looking you dead in the eyes.
“I bought these my first year working, I’d just gotten a massive Christmas bonus and my boyfriend had dumped me, I wanted to buy “something for myself”, I’ve never actually worn them”
“Try 'em for me!” Hara doesn’t let you get in a word till you’re hiding in your bathroom, slipping into a babydoll sleeping set.
“It’s so sexy, sure uncomfortable to sleep in but sexy” Hara says as you peek open the door ever so slightly, making sure none of this is in the camera frame.
“Wear this and you’ll have Jungkook kissing you all over” Hara teases you and you take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror, it had been a while since you’d felt sexy. 
It was around 1 am when Jungkook called you, by this time Hara and you had stuffed yourself of pizza and soju, she was already knocked out in your bed.
“Why are you still awake?” Jungkook’s surprised that you picked up his call, you’re knocked out by now.
“Hara came over and we just talked about a lot of stuff and I couldn’t fall asleep” your voice booms in Jungkook’s car as he parks his car.
“Is everything alright?” “Yes, everything is more than fine, are you home?” “No, I’m downstairs” it doesn’t take you too long to spot Jungkook’s car, he always parks at the same place.
“Are cameras rolling in your car?” you whisper to Jungkook as he rolls down the car window.
“Yes” “Are you wearing a mic?” Jungkook finds your questions adorable as he says no. Jungkook gets out of the car and you’re sure none of you is on camera, you forgot about the camera in the backseat.
“Why are you so jumpy today?” Jungkook asks you and you rope your arms around him, coming on tiptoes to come face to face with him.
“I don’t know what the rules of dating are in Korea, and I really don’t want to scare you away because I really like you,” you say truthfully and Jungkook snakes his arms around your waist, you’re stumbling already.
“Rules about what?” he asks and you’re starting to regret bringing this up.
“About what the acceptable pace for a relationship is, about kissing, about sex” Jungkook wasn’t expecting this, it takes him a second to come up with an answer.
“___, um, you don’t have to worry about these rules, you just have to ask me and if we’re on the same page, then, um, we’ll go forward with it,” he says chuckling nervously and you lean even closer.
“Alright, um, cool-” you stop speaking when he pulls you even closer, his face centimetres away from yours. Jungkook feels oddly confident knowing you’re both on the same page, and he doesn’t let him think himself out of kissing you. He picks you up a little as you kiss him intensely, smiling against his lips. 
SaggitariusQween: god, when is it my turn to be happy
Zzzzz: them trash talking to eachother is cute but you know what’s even cuter, THEM KISSING EACHOTHER
Yesto: I don’t know if I want to be Jungkook or ___
Ester: their chemistry is seriously something else
Wallu: here because I saw a clip of the show on Twitter and now I’m HOOKED
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Episode 4: 
Your morning is not off to the greatest start. First, it was moving day, you hate moving. Second, your dad showed up, bright and early, because a dad can always help with moving, his words not yours. Thirdly, your mom showed up, because she wanted to spend quality time. Fourthly, Jungkook was on his way and wasn’t picking up your calls.
To summarise, your divorced parents do not get along are over at your apartment and, Jungkook’s going to meet them like this for the first time.
The bell rings and you rush to open the door before your mother can, “Good morning!” Jungkook’s a little too cheerful as he pulls you by the waist, ready to plaster a big kiss when you move your head away.
“My parents showed up because why not, they’ve already fought twice about things that went wrong on their wedding day, it’s kinda intense and I want you to-”
“___, are you not going to introduce us to your new friend” your mother surprises you, Jungkook still holding onto you, till he process and drops his arm around you immediately.
“Hello,” Jungkook says politely bowing a complete ninety degrees and your fathers yells in the background about how your mother had packed something wrong. Jungkook was not ready to meet the parents, but he was more unsettled by how anxious you looked.
“Dad, I really don’t think there’s a correct way to stack boxes” you’re trying really hard not to snap at anybody right now.
“Hey, how about you and your mother drive up to the apartment with the small stuff and your father and I’ll ride there with the truck” Jungkook suggest handing you his car keys.
“You don’t need to do that, he will ask you some questions you won’t want to answer” you whisper to him but Jungkook hands you his handbag and a few other stuff. “I’ll be fine” 
Jungkook wasn’t fine, he was very close to shitting his pants. Your father is a tall, quiet man, Jungkook wants him to like him so much but at the same time, he’s terrified of him.
“You look young, how does one become a director this early?” your father asks Jungkook who’s sandwiched between the driver and your father.
“Well, I’ve been working in the industry since I was 12, so I had a lot of connections in the industry,” Jungkook says and the driver gasps recognizing him.
“Oh my god, you’re the kid from Memories” the driver lights up with excitement.
“___  works hard, she not going to give up her career for marriage or kids” this question takes Jungkook by surprise.
“We haven’t discussed this, but I’m not expecting her to” “Most men don’t feel confident about ___’s success, are you intimidated by her success” Jungkook’s starting to realise what you didn’t want him to spend one on one time with your father.
“I feel intimidated by ___, not because of her career or success but because she’s confident and I’m not” Jungkook hadn’t really vocalized his feeling about you to anyone yet, it’s insane to think that he’s talking to your father about it.
“Are you confident about ___?” it is too early for Jungkook to know that, it’s barely been a month since your first date. That’s been his issue in the past, not being able to match his partner's pace and keeping them waiting till he figures out his feeling. 
“Mom, I need you to stop bothering dad and just let him build this dresser, don’t you have pilates right now” it’s been a long day of mediating between your parents, and you feel guilty for wanting them out of your house.
“And did you don’t need to help me with this stuff, I can do it, Jungkook will help me with it” “___ don’t build furniture with a man, it means that you’ll share it with him someday” your mother interjects and Jungkook quietly listens to it all as he arranges your kitchen.
“What is so wrong with it mom, Jungkook’s a kind guy I don’t mind the thought of sharing furniture with him,” you say with defeat,
“___ he’s famous, famous people are shallow, he’s too handsome, handsome guys cheat,” she says looking straight at your father.
“It’s been fifteen years, when will you get over it” your father sighs putting away his tools.
“You both are very difficult to love” you mutter to yourself, walking out of your room and watching Jungkook diligently wipe your crockery, you don’t deserve him.
“Just go home, today has been a disaster,” you tell Jungkook taking the napkin from his hands.
“So, I was thinking because pizza for dinner, are your parents, going to stay,” Jungkook says scrolling on his phone and you tug on his arm to get his attention.
“Why are you still here? Aren’t you uncomfortable?” you ask and Jungkook cracks a smile before answering you.
“I am ___, it’s way too early to meet parents but I don’t care because I like you,” Jungkook says earnestly and you look at him awed. You were expecting him to ghost you after today,
“You do?” you ask coming between him and the counter. “I do, do you?” Jungkook asks you, very nervous about your answer. “I do like you,” you say looking Jungkook right in the eyes, you feel sure about this. “You do?” Jungkook asks you again, you peck his lips softly before answering him. “I do and so do you” Jungkook has stars in his eyes when you pull back, “I do,” he says kissing you again.
“You guys getting married or something, what’s with the I do’s?” the magical moment is broken by your mother and Jungkook doesn’t push you away this time. 
“I haven’t been in front of the camera in a while, I mean I have for the show, but not for photoshoots,” Jungkook says anxiously as they’re setting up for another set of pictures.
Jungkook’s being featured by Forbes for being an entrepreneur thirty under thirty. He didn’t expect his production company to take off, he expected it to be a blip in his career before he gave up and went back to acting.
But one of the films he directed is up for a few oscar awards and he can’t believe it. “Have you been liking filming the show?” the interviewer asks him between shots.
“It’s definitely pushing my comfort zone, but it’s been fun so far,” he says as the stylist sets his hair before the last few shots.
“So, I just texted him asking him his plans and true Jungkook fashion, he hasn’t checked my texts yet,” you tell the cameraman finding Jungkook’s green room.
“Is he bad at replying to texts?” the cameraman asks and you nod furiously.
“It’s because his phone is on silent when he’s on set, he usually calls and gives me individual answers to all my texts” you’re a little giddy talking about him. The cameramen leave the camera’s behind as they’re notified that Jungkook’s arriving soon. You’re all by yourself, thinking and rethinking the last month.
“___?” Jungkook’s a little confused by the dim lights and candles in the room.
“I wanted to surprise you before you left for Japan, you have to leave in four hours right?” you ask standing up and checking your watch.
“Yes, DID YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?” you shout frightening him a little.
“Yes, I wanted to look presentable for the photo shoot,” he says as you run your fingers through his hair.
“It was presentable before, you looked so romantic” Jungkook can’t help but notice how pouty you are about the hair change.
“Do I not look good anymore?” Jungkook asks taking a look at the spread of food, a lot of it looks homemade.
“You look all hot and sexy but not romantic, it’s like a triangle of what you can achieve with a haircut, it can either be sexy and romantic, romantic and hot, hot and sexy, but not the three of them together” Jungkook loves when you say the most ridiculous things so seriously.
“So, the gist of all that is you think I’m hot and sexy,” he says with a teasing tone, pulling you closer with one swift move.
“The food’s getting cold, you need to eat” you feel nervous and Jungkook looks at you all smugly.   
Jungkook and you had been super busy all week, but to make up for it Jungkook had made big plans for the night. It would be your first month since your first date, it would also be the day he officially asks you to be his girlfriend. Instead, he was sitting by himself in the omakase restaurant you really wanted to try out. You pick up Jungkook’s fifth call, you had been knee-deep in documents for the last two weeks.
“Hey, where are you? Are you stuck in traffic?” Jungkook asks walking away from the camera.
“We had plans tonight? I totally forgot” those words leave your mouth and break his heart a little.
“You forgot?” he asks with a small voice, moving even farther away from the camera.
Lola: is this their first fight or are they breaking up
SaggitariusQween: ___ is so right about the triangle of haircuts
Zzzzz: do we know if ___’s dad is single
Yesto: This started out so well and ended so bad
Wallu: I can’t believe I have to wait till next week
Dontlook: ___’s mom is an absolute diva and I’m a fan!!!
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Episode 5:
“You forgot?” Jungkook asks you as you leave the conference room.
“I’ve been in and out of meetings with my lawyers, I’ve been accused of insider trading” you whisper the last part even tho the office is mostly empty.
“Are you alright? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Did you have dinner?” you’re floored by the fact that Jungkook wants to take care of you even tho you stood him up.
“It’s just been overwhelming and I’m so fucking scared” you’ve been acting tough all day but it all is starting to get to you.
“I am so so sorry for standing you up Jungkook, I promised myself I wouldn’t let my job ruin my relationships but here we are” you close the door to your office and lay on the floor.
“___ this is a problem that’s out of your control, you don’t need to be sorry” Jungkook reassures you going back to the table and picking up his keys and jacket. He keeps you on the phone all the while he’s driving to your office.
You’re sitting on a bench outside your office building, the streets are dark and empty.
“I’m so sorry for today, I can’t believe I forgot” you apologise again as Jungkook walks out of his car.
“Hey- did you get fired?” Jungkook asks referring to the box filled with stuff beside you.
“No, I’m taking a leave of absence for a month while the internal investigation completes” you stand up defeated and put your stuff in his backseat. Not wanting to have this conversation on camera, you pull him, as away as you can.
“I’m so scared” you finally let your guard downs a few tears expecting your eyes immediately.
“What if they find the allegations to be true, what if I end up in jail” you ask and the cameraman zooms into the both of you.
“None of that is going to happen” Jungkook tries to reassure you but nothing is helping you right now. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you can feel the fear seize you.
“You’re the best boyfriend, running to me even when I let you down” the words come out of your mouth without much thinking and you both realise what you just did.
“I mean, we haven’t talked about our labels, but if your first thought after I stand you up is to make sure that I’m okay, you’re an amazing caring guy and you deserve someone better than me, someone, who never forgets-” Jungkook shuts you up with a deep kiss, the amount of feelings he has for you scare him, but he’d rather be hurt than not give you his hundred per cent. 
Jungkook and you spend the rest of the weekend off-camera, you’re starting to feel a little better between all the calls with your lawyer and Jungkook doing everything in hopes to make you feel better. You’d been staying at Jungkook’s place this weekend, it was all very pg 13.
“Jungkook parents and my parents, if you’re seeing this, first off don’t and secondly, it was a very g-rated sleepover” you talk to the camera as you make breakfast for the both of you. You were too busy cutting fruit when Jungkook surprises you by snaking his hands around your waist.
“You’re making me breakfast, I have the best girlfriend in the world,” he says with his hoarse voice, snuggling into your neck.
“When did you wake up?” he asks still hugging you as you plate the fruit.
“A few production members were here to set up these cameras, now your parents are probably going to see this,” you say pointing to the cameras.
“Hello mom, I have a great girlfriend don’t I?” Jungkook plays along, helping you get everything to the dining table.
“So, what are your plans for today?” you ask him as he munches on the egg sandwich.
“I have a few work meetings and I have to be done reading a few scripts, what are you up to?” Jungkook asks watching you sip on your coffee.
“Hara is going to take me on a girl's day to help make me feel better, we’ll go window shopping, try on clothes we’re never going to buy and go day drinking” you try and sound a little excited about today, first Monday without work.
“So, I have a crazy plan. I’m going to LA for a week tomorrow for some work commitments, how about you come along?” Jungkook suggests, picking out all the apples from your bowl of fruits, he knows you aren’t a fan of apples.
“Really? I don’t want to bother you during work” you say and he furiously shakes his head.
“The work is a few parties and galas, I’ll have so much more fun with you there”
“I don’t have fancy Hollywood clothes, you should go by yourself” you try and push him away a little, wanting to wallow in your misery for a while.
“Here, I know you are more than capable of buying stuff for yourself but I want to spoil you.” Jungkook hands you his black card like it’s nothing. 
“You need something low cut ___, show off those amazing pair of-”
“Can you be a little less crass and give me that dress,” you say opening the changing room curtains and taking the low cut dress from Hara’s hands. There will be four total events you’ll attend with Jungkook, so you need four outfits with two alternates. Hara is great at shopping so you get the outfits done in no time. Next up is heels.
“I just need one comfortable pair of heels that’ll go with all the outfits,” you tell Hara as she sits you down ready to make you try a thousand shoes.
“No, absolutely not, when your boyfriend hands you his credit card to spoil you, three pairs of heels are a minimum” Hara next brings you to a nail salon,
“I never have the time to get my nails done, these look cute” you show off your freshly painted nails as Hara drives you somewhere.
“Where are we going next, my place for wine and sushi?” you ask enthusiastically and Hara nods her head no.
“I didn’t know I needed a haircut,” you tell Hara as you walk into the salon. “Today is not about your needs, it’s about spoiling yourself” 
Jungkook and you weren’t expecting any of this press at the airport, you’re clutching onto his arm close as you make your way through.
“Are you alright?” he asks you as the flashes go off very frantically.
“I just wish I had put on some makeup if I knew there was going to be press” you joke as you go through security.
“You look absolutely stunning” Jungkook isn’t big on PDA but he really wants to hold your hand right now. It’s like you can read his mind as you lace your hands together while picking out some snacks.
“Let’s play the balance game” Jungkook suggests picking up the stack of cards production handed you earlier.
“Summer or winter” the both of you answer winter together, “Passenger or driver” Jungkook answers driver while you answer passenger, “That’s good to know,” Jungkook says picking up the next card.
“Plans or surprises” You both have different answers again, he goes for surprises while you go for plans,
“I can plan surprises for you then” you reassure him picking up the next card.
“Words or actions” this one is a thinker but you answer first, “actions because words can be empty sometimes” “I prefer actions too” the options keep getting harder, till you’re both stumped thinking about this one, “Passion or stability” “I don’t think I could choose either, passion is very important for a long term relationship,” Jungkook says and you nod in agreement. 
“We need to stay awake if we’re beating this jetlag” you shake Jungkook for the nth time on your drive to the hotel, it’s a bright morning but you’re both still on Seoul time.
“How about just a cat nap before we have to start getting ready for the event,” he says resting his head on your shoulder.
“Nope, we need to set the cycle right and go to sleep today at a reasonable time so that we can enjoy the rest of the trip,” you say and Jungkook groans snuggling closer to you.
“You can be a little annoying when you’re reasonable” Jungkook is very close to falling asleep, he loves the way your hair smells.
“That’s rude” it’s hard for you to be awake too, Jungkook’s a little too warm.
“I just said a little, the rest of the time you’re attractive, very very attractive” he smiles as you snuggle closer, very close to falling asleep. 
“Jungkook, wake up! It’s six pm already, WE FELL ASLEEP” you shake Jungkook awake and he sits up in bed all groggy.
“six pm, SIX PM!” he jumps out of the bed checking his phone.
“What time is the car arriving?” you ask taking out a million things from your suitcase.
“In forty minutes, you get ready here, I’ll get ready next door in my manager's room” Jungkook stumbles picking up today's suit and you rush into the restroom for a much-needed shower. Jungkook’s struggling with his tie when you emerge from the restroom, ready in twenty minutes.
“Do I look like an oscar nominated director's girlfriend?” you ask and Jungkook gasps at how beautiful you look.
“You definitely do, I can’t believe you’re my girlfriend. You’re so fucking beautiful” Jungkook has an awestruck look on his face, the same one he had on your first date.
“Let me help you with that,” you say taking the tie from his hands. Jungkook takes out his phone, taking a few pictures and videos.
“You’re very good at this, how many exes did you do this for?” he asks teasing you as you fix his collar.
“None, I went to a private school with uniforms that had actual ties,” you say as he takes a few more pictures. 
“I haven’t socialised in a while, I forgot how exhausting it is,” Jungkook says as you feed him some of your chicken.
“You guys are very adorable,” Jimin says from beside you, he’s an actor and you’d been talking his ear off all evening because you don’t know anyone here.
“Aren’t we” Jungkook says pulling your chair closer to his. “I don’t want to be single either, do you have any single friends ___” Jimin says very seriously.
“I have a friend, she’s single but she’d eat you alive” “Hara?” Jungkook asks and you nod furiously sipping on your whiskey.
“I think they’re both the same kinda intense tho?” Jungkook suggests and you disagree, “He’s not her type tho, she likes men who hate themselves for some reason, Jimin is very sure about himself” there you go again saying the most ridiculous thing with all seriousness.
“So what, you’re not Jungkook’s type either, yet he’s sappy about you” Jimin says and you turn around to Jungkook with a quirked eyebrow.
“What is your type then Jeon Jungkook?” “She’s two tables away, she’s quintessential Jungkook type,” Jimin says before Jungkook can shut him up, not to your surprise she’s a tall, beautiful model.
“It was just a fling, I could never emotionally connect with her, but I can with you” he says kissing your cheek.
“I believe you,” you say caressing his thigh.
"So, about your friend Hara, when are you introducing us” 
“I’d marry these tacos” Jungkook says growing as he takes another big bite, it was the third event and the both of you escaped early to get some food.
“How do you know about this place?” he asks and you chew quickly,
“After my parents divorced, my dad moved to LA and my mother moved to Seoul, so I’d spend summers here”
“There’s so much I don’t know about you, tell me more” “I went to a boarding school for five years, my sister named her son after our pet fish because she lost a bet to me-” “Woah wait, hold up, what is your nephew’s name?” “Henry” “Why would you name your pet fish Henry?” Jungkook asks rolling up his sleeves.
“I had the biggest crush on this boy in my class, his name was Henry,” you say and Jungkook sighs cutely.
“What was the bet with your sister about?” “It’s too soon for you to know Jungkook, we’re trying to fall in love with eachother and that would just sully my image in your mind” you both laugh as you say that.
“Tell me something I don’t know about you,” you ask Jungkook as you’re both staring at the ocean.
“I had my first-ever kiss on camera, I’m a little claustrophobic, and other than for editing purposes, I’ve never actually sat down and watched any of the movies I’ve directed” you turn around to look at him,
“Why? They’re masterpieces, I cried for an hour after I got done watching Metropolitan” “Really, an hour? Also masterpieces?” “Yes, the movie so accurately portrayed the loneliness of living in a big city, that scene where she lays on her apartment floor crying by herself as the camera moves away showing an empty apartment, that hit a little close to my heart. I thought I’d never tell you this, but I decided to move closer to my parents because of that movie” a tear escapes Jungkook’s eye and you’re quick to wipe it away.
“You, um, wow, really, my movie touched you like that?” “Yes, and a million others too, you’re great at what you do. Do I need to remind you how gosh darn amazing you are” you try and cheer Jungkook up, poking his cheek. 
“My lady, can I have a dance with you?” You both had just gotten back from the last event of the week, a Forbes event. You both had a few too many drinks tonight, maybe that’s why he looks extra charming right now.
“Sure, my lord” you giggle playing along with him. The soft music sets the right tone as you rest your head on his chest. There’s silence in your hotel room as you both sway, you don’t know what love feels like, but your heart feels content and happy like it’s never before. Jungkook twirls you around, only to pull you even closer.
“So, I got us another room next door, one without cameras,” Jungkook says plastering a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
“Really?” you ask pulling away to get a good look at his face.
“Yes, only if you want to” “I want to” you reply a little too enthusiastically. Picking you up bridal style, he kisses you one last time before he walks out of the frame. 
Lola: Jimin is right, they are adorable
Zzzzz: Jimin get in line, we all want to date Hara
Yesto: This is going so well, too well
Ester: why can’t we get the sex on camera too, we’re too involved in this relationship anyway
Wallu: ___ had had such an interesting life
Dontlook: ___ talking about how much Jungkook’s movie affected him, just want he needed to hear
Kth: Can’t believe we just have two episodes to go
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Episode 6: 
“I can’t believe you convinced me to take a hike,” you say holding bam in your arms.
“It was a barter babe, I helped you move, and in turn, you agreed to go on a hike with me and my son,” Jungkook says cooing at bam, he’s the smallest, cutest, puppy you’ve ever seen.
“Come on, it’s going to be so much fun, we’ll see the sunrise,” he says putting one of his airpod in your ear and blasting cheesy pop music.
“I’ve been updating my Instagram so often since we started dating, you take too many pictures of me,” you say as Jungkook is taking pictures of bam and you.
“Things are good, so good, too good, it’s a little self-sabotaging but I’m starting to worry about why things are so good” you confess to him as you’re climbing down the stairs, maybe hikes aren’t that bad.
“What’s the worse that could happen?” “We could have a major fight” “Then we would fight, talking about it, you can’t expect a relationship where there aren’t disagreements, as long as at the end of the day we still want to be with eachother, we’ll be fine” 
Jungkook had the great idea to throw a dinner party for all your friends instead of meeting them at different times.
“What if our friends don’t get along,” you ask him while struggling with a chain.
“So many things you’re worried about in that smart head of yours, what if things work out, have you ever thought about that” Jungkook says taking over with the jewelry.
“You really balance me out Kook,” you say looking at him through the mirror while he too, struggles with the chain.
“This should not be this difficult” he groans as the bell to your apartment rings.
“It must be Hara, she’s a master at this” You’re not wearing a chair for this dinner because Hara showed up one martini in and suddenly the hook was too small. On the plus side, everyone’s laughing, joking and getting along, especially Hara and Jimin.
“Oh my god, you’re handsome,” you say as Jungkook introduces you to his friend Jin.
“Jungkook, lock this one down, she has taste” Jin plays along shaking your hand.
“Okay that’s enough, you’re married and you’re dating me” 
“Okay, what did you tell Jimin because he’s been giving me some serious hints,” Hara asks you as you pour yourself another drink in the kitchen.
“I told him that you’d eat him alive,” you say as you watch Jungkook talking to a few of your friends.
“Like sexually-” “No, like emotionally, I’ve seen you with guys and if you do make a move on Jimin, just remember that he’s a dear friend and Jungkook holds grudges,” you say as Namjoon enters the kitchen with an empty glass.
“Alright” Namjoon hasn’t talked to you a lot, Jungkook thinks highly of him and you’re worried he doesn’t like you.
“Can I make you another drink?” you ask and Namjoon nods, still quiet.
“When Jungkook told me about the show I wasn’t very worried because he can be a little spontaneous, but I’m worried now because he’s actually fallen for you,” Namjoon says sipping on his drink.
“I don’t want to scare you or anything but I hope you’re sure about your feelings, I care about him a lot and so do you” he continues speaking but you’re still stuck on his last sentence. 
“How do you know if you’re in love with someone?” you ask your mother and she takes a long sip of her coffee.
“You just know when you are in love with him ___, is he constantly on your mind, does he make you feel better about yourself, do you see a future with him and does it feel right” your mother lists and you massage your head, feeling a headache coming.
“I’m just so, I have so many feelings for him and we’re so great together but what if the fairytale ends” this makes your mother frown.
“Is this because of your father and I? We might not be married to eachother but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him anymore” “You love him, still?” “Not on most days, but we spent our youths together, we raised two confident, beautiful daughters. The concept of loving someone is selfless, you give and give until you can’t anymore. Maybe you’ll get hurt in the process, maybe you’ll find the love of your life, you just need to trust the process” she says with a reassuring pat on your hand.
“What if I hurt him, I think I’m more terrified of hurting him than me getting hurt” Namjoon’s words are still ringing in your mind.
“Darling, you might, but you need to stop worrying about what might happen. Focus on what is happening right now instead, you’ve met this incredible guy and you’re both crazy about eachother, focus on that” 
“So, ___, thoughts?” Jungkook’s gathered his hyungs at his apartment tonight, it was pretty easy to lure them with the promise of fried chicken and beer.
“She was hyping up your movie all through the dinner, she enjoys a good whiskey and is very charming, and we know for sure that she doesn’t indulge in insider trading, she’s kinda perfect for you,” Yoongi says taking a big swig of his beer.
“Are you sure about her feelings for you?” Namjoon asks the important question everyone has been thinking about.
“Yes,” Jungkook says confidently and Namjoon follows up with a how.
“She suggested we make Wednesday date night a thing, she’s been clear with her feelings and emotions so far, she leans on me for support and lets me do the same, and, um, not to be sappy but each second I spend with her feels meaningful” Namjoon is a little satisfied with Jungkook’s answer.
“Have you guys talked about marriage and kids? It’s really important to be on the same page about this stuff, and no you can’t change eachother mind about this” Jin says sternly, “We haven’t talked about it yet, it’s only been like a month and a half” he says getting a little defensive.
“There’s no rush in bringing it up yet, but wherever you do, talk about it in lengths because it’s important” he takes note of what Jin said. 
“Okay, let’s talk about the important stuff, is the sex good?” Jimin asks and multiple people groan at the same time, a few cushions are thrown in his face.
“It’s mindblowing” Jungkook mumbles and Namjoon and Jin stand up disagreeing.
“You are like a little brother to me why would I want to know that” “I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT” Jungkook’s giggling at how outraged the two are and Yoongi’s question only adds fuel to the fire,
“Is the sex good or does it get better every time” “It gets better every time” 
“How was your week? Wait what’s different?” you ask as Jungkook walks up to you.
“I’m dressed like you, the sweater, longline jacket, so many accessories, the boots, I’m dressed like you and I kinda like it” Jungkook twirls around for you and it’s shocking how accurate he is.
“Where did you get the boots from? Absolutely love them” “I stole a pair from Jimin hyung, he has too many pairs to notice one missing,” he says walking along with you, his hand draping across your waist.
“So, I just had coffee with my mom and worked out four times this week, what a productive week,” you say sarcastically as you take your seats.
“I don’t love it when you talk about yourself like that, it’s been a tough month for you, cut yourself some slack,” he says massaging your arm.
“Thank you,” you say kissing his cheek, “For what?” Jungkook asks as the lights in the stadium go dimmer.
“For being kind to me when I’m not” the concert crowd reves up with the first song.
“You’re very precious to me, I’m always going to be kind to you” you’re glad how easy it is for Jungkook to vocalize his emotions because you wish it was that easy for you. To just say a million things you feel as you both dance and sing around, you wish you could just vocalize how you feel. 
Lola: ___ talking to her mother about love, made me call my mother
SaggitariusQween: Namjoon looking out for Jungkook, what a sappy bunch of dudes
Zzzzz: Jimin getting pillows thrown in his face for asking relevant questions
Yesto: Jungkook reassuring ___ is the kind of support I need
Ester: ‘So, ___, thoughts’ was sucha relevant question
Wallu: please I’m hoping to god they end up together, I’ll stop believing in love if they don’t
Dontlook: I don’t know why I’m more curious about Hara and Jimin
Kth: Can’t believe we just have one episode to go
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Episode 7: 
It was the final week of the show, it was also very close to d-day, and you were freaking out about it.
“I’m just going to focus on work, I have a shit ton of it to get through” you tell Hara as you’re driving her to work.
“So, do you or do you not want to know more about my first date weekend with the guy you set me up with” “correction, I did not do that so when this thing ends in a colossal mess, I don’t want to be blamed for it,” you say sipping on your coffee while stopping at a red light.
“What does a first date weekend even mean?” you ask driving again and Hara snickers a little too gleefully.
“We went on a first date on Friday, ended up at his place and spent the rest of the weekend together,” she says throwing you a wink, telling you exactly what they did the entire weekend.
“At first, I just thought he was hot and had a great ass, but we talked so much. I think he’s the first guy after Eric that I’ve emotionally connected with” Hara says while she’s texting the mentioned guy.
“Eric, your high school boyfriend,” you ask very shocked, “Yes, he might be the one ___” she says with a dreamy look on her face.
“Just take it a little slow, play it safe, we don’t want you getting hurt again” “Life is too short to always play it safe ___” 
“I promise you don’t have to go through this, we can just forget about this” Jungkook has been trying to talk you out of the tattoo for a while now, but you’re willing to go through it.
You handed the tattoo artist a cute drawing of the winking emoticon Jungkook made, very similar to Jungkook’s own tattoo.
“It’s kinda silly and cute like you” Jungkook worried, he was worried that the tattoo might hurt, that you might change your mind, that you might regret it. You’re getting it done on your right, upper inner arm, and you’re scared about it hurting too much.
“Just relax and sit back, it’ll be done in a few minutes,” the tattoo artist says and you exhale really loud as the pen touches you for the first time,
Jungkook can feel the pain based on how hard you’re clutching onto his hand.
“So, I’m thinking about changing apartments?” Jungkook says in an effort to distract you.
“Really? your apartment is pretty big already” you say clutching your lip in pain.
“Yes, but I want a house with a backyard for bam” “You’re such a great pet owner, Jesus fucking christ” you don’t get used to the pain, rather it gets worse.
“And I um, want a garden to grow some flowers and vegetables, my dad’s great at gardening stuff and I want to have a hobby in common with him” Jungkook keeps talking and you’re starting to relax just a bit.
“Because I can’t for the life of me learn how to golf, it’s such a boring game” “You’re such an amazing son, I hope our kids learn that from you” 
Jungkook ignored the insane thing you said all through the time you get your tattoo done. He doesn’t bring it up as he’s driving to dinner.
“Okay, that was a super insane thing to say this early in a relationship” you finally address the elephant in the room and Jungkook can’t help but giggle at your anxiousness.
“I was taken aback for a second too, but um-” “I was in so much pain that the talking filter in my mind was broken, I am so sorry,” you say as he stops at a red light.
“You don’t need to be sorry, but it’s cute to think that you think of our future, our kids” Jungkook’s trying to make this all easy for you by teasing you but it only mortifies you more.
“Why did I say that, I want the earth to open up and swallow me” you cringe all over and he can’t help but laugh.
“It wasn’t that bad, I was thinking about bringing up the topic of kids and you just dropped it like an atom bomb,” he says and you hit his arm hard.
“Can we cancel dinner, I’ll just take a cab home” you suggest and Jungkook nods a no aggressively.
“On the other side of cringe is a fun evening ___, we’re going to eat sushi and go sing some karaoke”
“I didn’t know we were doing karaoke” “We weren’t but I just added it to today's agenda”
“Holy smokes babe you’re so off-key,” Jungkook says as you very passionately sing a prince song.
“I like it when you call me babe, babe” truth be told, the sake you had with dinner is hitting hard right now.
Case and point, the complete bench is empty but you take a seat on Jungkook’s lap.
“I noticed, the first time I said it your eyes lit up. You tested the waters with Kook too but I like babe better, babe” he says browsing through the music selection, looking for the perfect song.
“I also would like to try honey and sweetheart, those are such classics too,” you say and Jungkook finally selects a song.
“Honey, I’m looking forward to all the new nicknames to come, my sweetheart,” he says as you stand up to get some water.
“That sentence didn’t make sense grammar-wise, but love the sentiment” he surprises you with a quick twirl, you almost stumble but he catches you as he starts singing.
“I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more. Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweetheart of yours” Jungkook sings sweetly and you look at him with the most love-sick look, you’ll never be the same kind of happy you are today. 
“I can’t believe it’s been fifty days already, time went by too quickly” Jungkook sighed sitting in the same conference room he sat down for the pre-filming interviews.
“___ and you have been the only couple out of the six couples who stayed with their initial match till the end,” the interviewer tells and Jungkook gasps with surprise.
“We were too perfectly matched already” Jungkook can’t help but brag a little.
“During the early dates with ___, did at any point you feel like changing your partner?” the question makes Jungkook think of the earlier dates.
“I was very fascinated by ___ on our first date, and with the gradual growth that we had I was only more curious to know more about her” Jungkook answers honestly and the interviewer nods with a smile.
“Do you think 50 days is enough time to fall in love with someone?” he giggles before answering this one, “I think I fell for her when we were in LA, she was such a champion for me through the complete trip. If I were to pinpoint the exact moment, it’d be the second she told me how much my movie affected her.” Jungkook can’t stop smiling, he’s a little giddy to see you. 
“I think around date number three I realised how much Jungkook’s out of my league, but at the same time, I so badly wanted him to be interested in me” you answer the interviewee's question about any time during the month you felt insecure about the relationship.
“Do you have any regrets at the end of these 50 days?” she asks and you sigh sitting back in your chair.
“I wish I had been more vocal with my compliments and feelings towards him, he always tells me how beautiful I am, how I’m doing better, I wish I had been a little less scared of being forward with him”
“Did you fall in love with Jungkook, if yes, when?” you take a good few minutes to answer this question, “When we went to the concert, that’s when I fell for him. My professional life had been in the gutter, to put it gently, and Jungkook told me I was very precious to him, and there was this sinking feeling in my heart, I knew I was down bad for him” a tear rolled down your cheek as you talk about that.
“Jungkook left you this” it’s a card that tells you where he’s waiting for you. 
“It was very easy to guess your favourite place in Seoul Kook, you should have made me work a little harder for it” you spot him sitting on a bench facing the Han river.
“I didn’t want to make you work for it at all, I’m very impatient today,” Jungkook says like he isn’t impatient all the time. Jungkook lifts you a little off the ground when as he hugs you, your laughter feels like music to his ears.
“So, before we talk any further, I have something for you,” you say handing him a very plain envelope.
“You wrote me a letter?” he asks and you nod, letting him read the letter you poured your heart into.
I am not the best at saying what I’m feeling, so I’ve decided to write them down. This list might seem like a weird way to share how I’m feeling but that’s how my mind works.
1. I love how caring you are, and how at times you put me first even when you don’t need to
2. I love that you cry while reading books, it shows how kind-hearted you are
3. I love how you are patient with me and our relationship, even when it’s frustrating at times
4. I love how passionate you are about your work, it shows how much you care
5. I love how reassuring you are, and how you remind me to be gentle with myself. 
6. I love your voice, you could be a singer in another life
7. I love the way you kiss me, I could never get tired of it
And, most importantly, I love you. 
PS. if this reads a little too cringy, we will never speak of this letter again, capiche?
Jungkook’s floored as he’s done reading the letter, you wipe a few tears from his face.
“Never thought a list would make me feel like this” he jokes putting away the letter and circling his arms around you.
“Lists can be very inspirational, especially when written by me” you play along avoiding his eyes.
“___, look at me,” he says pulling your face up with a gentle touch on your chin.
“I love you, I love you in a way that frightens and excites me, I love you” Jungkook kisses you passionately at the end of his sentence, he can feel you smiling against his lips and he doesn’t want to stop. 
Lola: not gonna lie, the list broke me
SaggitariusQween: They’re so in love, I’m so happy for them yet for some reason I want to run into traffic.
Zzzzz: The nicknames are so darn cute
Yesto: I understand ___’s need to want kids with Jungkook asap
Ester: them talking about the moment they fell in love with the biggest smiles, made me a little too happy
Wallu: Hoping this couple lasts long because I couldn’t believe in love if they don’t
Dontlook: Okay, just checked their Instagrams and they’re all over each other’s pages, glad they’re still in love
Kth: Can’t believe there’s not going to be another Jungkook and ___ episode
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A year later…
The bed is empty and cold when you wake up, putting on a robe you wince because of the morning light as you walk downstairs. Jungkook’s humming by himself as he flips the omelette, he knows better than to cut up fruit, after last night the both of you need a big, hearty breakfast. His plans to surprise you with breakfast in bed are ruined by you hugging him from behind.
“I hate waking up with you not in bed” you mumble against his bare back and he chuckles turning around to face you.
“I am sorry, but in my defence, you were supposed to be asleep so I could be the perfect boyfriend,” he says kissing you on the lips.
“You are already a perfect boyfriend,” you say kissing him with a smile on your face, the perfect moment is broken up by the toaster going off.
“So, happy first anniversary,” Jungkook says and you look at him all puzzled and confused.
“Our anniversary isn’t for another month, that’s why we planned the Paris trip for next month,” you say and he frowns his eyebrows.
“No, we’re going on the trip next month because of my scheduling issues and a year ago today, we went on our first date” Jungkook has a lot of things prepared for today.
“I thought our anniversary would be the day I accidentally called you my boyfriend and you went along with it”  you made sure to mark that date in your calendar, never wanting to forget it.
“How do we decide on this?” “Rock, paper and scissors” you suggest and Jungkook complies immediately. Like always he pulls a paper and you pull scissors,
“How the fuck do you always win? What kind of witchcraft is this?” he groans with outrage.
“So, Our anniversary is next month but I’d still like those gifts. I on the other hand didn’t get you any gifts because like we decided, our anniversary is next month” you snatch the small bag from his hands, it's jewelry for sure. 
“What, is this a ring? Are you proposing? How dare you just hand me my engagement ring like it’s a random cup of coffee” you’re the one outraged this time but he just laughs sitting up in his bed.
“First off, you literally stanched the gift from my hands and just open it,” he says and you gently open the velvet box. It’s not a ring, it’s a pendant, a replica of the pendant your grandmother gave you and you lost a few years ago.
“Oh my god, this is the sweetest thing ever, my god you’re sweet. I love you” you say pecking his lips and he’s still fixated on the small bag.
“There’s more to it, look inside” you find a polaroid picture of Jungkook and you from a year ago, behind it reads, ‘Let’s move in together the card and the gift makes you tear up a little.
“I don’t have a gift for you yet Kook, it’s arriving next week and it’s not as sentimental as this one,” you say cuddling closer to you. 
“You’re the only gift I need ___, other than the vintage camcorder you’ve already bought me”
“I knew Jimin is too weak to keep a secret” you groan about the ruined surprise.
“Hara’s made him weak, can’t believe they’re pregnant” Jungkook sighs as he’s looking back at the year, it’s been a life-changing year.
“I know we’re too busy to have a kid right now, how about we have very protected sex in our bed” Jungkook suggests pulling you in his lap.
“Our bed” you aw about the fact that you’re both moving in together while Jungkook leaves a trail of sloppy kisses.
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
Baxter sat in his car for a long while, thinking. Drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, leaning back against the headrest, absentmindedly fiddling with the radio -- anything to slow his mind down.
He was in the parking lot of a dance studio. A dance studio where he'd signed up for lessons. Lessons that were set to begin in just a few minutes.
Everything had happened so quickly -- the month before, he'd reconnected with his old flame from the summer he spent in Sunset Bird five years ago, and in doing so, he'd suddenly found himself thrust into a friend group. His former fling had ended up with an old friend, Derek, who he got along with swimmingly. Cove had warmed up to him, Terry was, as always, easy to get along with, and Miranda was getting more comfortable around him. Xavier, his own professional connection, had also turned into someone he could call a friend. It was an incredible shock to the system, but a nice one.
During the painful process of opening himself back up to things he'd thought he'd never have, Baxter began realizing just how much he'd closed himself off. His life had become a series of routines with no real joy in them, and he'd pushed away everything that could have possibly made him happy because he believed he didn't deserve it. A big thing, of course, was dancing -- it had once meant so much to him, but he'd let it go, along with everything else.
Now, he wanted it back.
It was funny how fast things could change, but still, he couldn't undo all the emotional bindings that had taken him years to put on himself overnight. He glanced at the clock, seeing it was just a few minutes until the lesson was supposed to begin, and began thinking of reasons not to go inside. He'd almost convinced himself when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
When he pulled it out, he saw a text from Xavier: "You can do it! Proud of you!"
They could have been being cheeky, he wasn't sure, but still, it felt good. He couldn't remember the last time someone had been proud of him, if they ever had been, and Xavier was right -- he could do it. He could do this.
Before he could change his mind, he pulled his keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car.
Baxter made it inside with just a little time to spare, and he took a moment to take in his classmates. He'd signed up for the first lesson that worked with his schedule, a beginners ballroom class. He wasn't a beginner, of course, but he wanted to dance, and he knew his skills would be rusty.
There were several older people, many of them talking in groups. Some younger couples were there, and he saw a few shiny engagement rings -- he could spot soon-to-be-married couples a mile away at this point.
And then there was you.
You were the only other person there without a partner, so he made his way over to you -- of course you'd be paired together, so, ever the gentleman, he wanted to introduce himself.
There wasn't much of a chance to chat before the instructor began the class, but he learned a few things about you then. One, that you were, in fact, there alone -- you'd recently moved to the city and you didn't know anyone. Two, that you had no dancing experience whatsoever. And three, that you were completely and utterly charming.
If Baxter had been paired with anyone else, there's a chance he may have regretted taking the beginners class. The first order of business was mastering a simple box step, something he could almost literally do in his sleep. But as you put your hand in his, only meeting his eyes briefly so that you could watch your feet instead, he didn't have any regrets.
By the end of the class, he'd lost count of how many times you'd stepped on his toes, and his palm was damp with the sweat from yours. But his hand had gotten comfortable in its place on your back, and your laughter rang sweetly in his ears.
He was happy.
The instructor ended things far too soon for his liking -- after mastering the box step, or attempting to master it, the class moved on to the basics of the foxtrot, and after a few songs, class was dismissed.
"Thanks for dancing with me," you told him, stepping back from him and giving him a grin. "And sorry about your feet."
"It's quite all right," he said, matching your smile. "I've been hurt far worse."
"Still, maybe I should give you my number? In case you need to bill me for any medical expenses."
His breath hitched, and he felt his cheeks getting warm. It wasn't an unusual occurrence for someone to flirt with him, far from it, but what was unusual was that he liked it. He liked it very much.
"That would be smart," he responded, pulling out his phone. He handed it to you, and as you were adding yourself to his list of contacts, he added, "Perhaps it would also be prudent to meet again, just to discuss what's happened so that we could avoid any legal action?"
"Legal action?!" you exclaimed. He didn't know you that well, not yet, but it seemed like you were biting back a smirk. "Surely we can come to an agreement before it gets that far."
"We could discuss it over dinner. Are you free tonight?" he asked.
The joke was over, but you were still smiling, and so was he. You stood like that for a moment, not paying any mind to your classmates trickling out of the studio until you were alone together.
"I am," you told him, your voice a bit softer.
"It's a date then."
After making the plans, you finally parted ways. He went back to his car, a bounce in his step that wasn't there earlier. When he got in, he pulled out his phone again, scrolling through his contacts. It had gotten so much fuller than it had been just a few months ago. It was a good feeling.
He looked at your name, knowing that it was too soon to text you but finding himself wanting to talk to you again anyway. Instead, he pulled up his texts with Xavier and typed out a quick message:
"I did it."
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raven-awed · 2 years
Defense Lessons
Professor Aesop Sharp x fem reader
Summary: Sharp offers Defense Against the Dark Art lessons to J. Pippin’s new employee.
A/n: Couldn’t resist writing for this sexy professor. I’m hoping to write a part 2! Thank you @minichrismd for the help!
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*Not my picture
Professor Sharp opened the door to his office and shuffled in. With a flick of his wand the candles and lanterns illuminated.
His office was immaculate, as usual, a potion master's paradise. His shelves were stocked full of every ingredient imaginable, from Ashwinder eggs to Wormwood essence. There wasn’t a single conceivable potion he wouldn’t be able to brew with this stock.
He sighed, glancing down at the full bag he lugged into Hogwarts with him and dropped it carelessly onto the floor. Slowly, he moved to the attached closet, glaring at the door before pulling it open. A frown formed on his face as looked at the crammed shelves and the materials spilling over onto the ground.
Sharp was completely aware that he didn’t have the space for any more ingredients, but he couldn’t resist stopping at J. Pippin’s when he saw that y/n was tending the counter.
That’s how this whole mess started in the first place.
Roughly a month ago he had gone in to purchase Dugbog Tongues, as he no longer felt up to venturing into the Forbidden Forest to hunt down his own. Afterall, he wasn’t a spry wizard anymore, unable to maneuver through the thick woods or climb like he used to, especially with his limp.
When the door chimes had rang over his head, he wasn’t greeted by the familiar face of Mr. Pippins, but the warm smile of a lovely stranger. The gruff professor nodded politely as she welcomed him in and introduced herself as Mr. Pippin’s new assistant.
Her good mood must have been infectious because he soon found himself making small talk with her. She had easily impressed him with her potion’s knowledge and her eagerness to learn and improve. Perhaps if his students were more like her, he’d have more hope for the future.
He huffed again, looking at his recent purchases on the floor. Now everytime he found himself in Hogsmeade, he made some sort of excuse to see her. He dragged a hand over his face, he was too old to be acting like such a fool. He shouldn’t be getting so worked up over a pretty face anymore, even if she was pleasant to talk to.
Grabbing the new supplies from the floor, he unceremoniously shoved them in the closet and slammed the door shut. He’d deal with that some other time.
In fact, a certain red headed Gryffindor came to mind, he’ll be overjoyed the next time he sneaks in here to steal ingredients. Sharp could just let him know everything in the closet up for grabs, but it was more fun to make him work for it. That Weasley boy would rob him blind if Sharp isn’t careful.
The week progressed as usual, lessons, potion brewing, sending students with minor burns or cuts to the hospital wing. One student had managed to singe his eyebrows off, it was probably the most memorable event of the week.
By the weekend, Professor Sharp was ready for a break, he went to the Three Broomsticks by himself and had a few drinks. He didn’t see y/n on his way over when he passed the potion shop, just Mr. Pippin assisting a couple of customers.
He sighed as he finished his last drink of brandy, setting the empty glass on the bar and rising to his feet.
The autumn air was brisk and the sun was beginning to set as he started walking back to the castle. On the bright side, he saved a few galleons by not spending anything at J Pippin’s, that man already has enough of his salary.
As he slowly headed back to the castle, Sharp froze when he spotted y/n walking towards him, or to be more precise towards Hogsmeade.
A wide friendly smile made its way on her face as she waved at him. “Good evening, Professor Sharp!”
He nodded, “Evening.”
She looked a little less composed than normal, her hair a slightly out of place with leaves sticking out, she was wearing pants instead of her typical uniform she wore at the shop, and there was mud caked onto her boots.
“Did I miss you at the shop?” She asked, her voice was light and sweet. “I was just out collecting some ingredients in the forest.” She held up her sack.
He shook his head, “I’m already set for the week with ingredients.” And probably for the rest of the year, he thought to himself.
They continued to walk towards each other, meeting halfway. Sharp narrowed his eyes and immediately pulled a handkerchief from his coat pocket, “You’re bleeding.”
“Oh?” Y/n blinked in surprise while the older man began to clean the blood from her temple.
“What happened out there?” He asked firmly, on the outside he appeared as calm and collected as ever, but he’d be lying if he said that his pulse didn’t start racing at the sight of y/n hurt.
“Poachers,” she answered quietly. “Didn’t know I was so close to their camp before they attacked.”
Sharp frowned, lifting the handkerchief to get a better look at the wound. The cut was long and gushing blood, there also appeared to be some dirt mixed in.
“I’m alright, really I am,” she tried to reassure him, placing her hand on his.
“We should go to the hospital wing, have the nurse check it,” he suggested.
“It’s just a scratch-“
“There are all sorts of things out there in those woods, could get infected if you’re not careful,” he explained. “Come on.”
“But I should really take these back-“
“Your health is more important,” Sharp pointed out. “Parry will understand.”
Sharp escorted y/n to the castle and up to the hospital wing. He lingered while she was examined, sitting quietly with his brow furrowed, while he mulled things over.
It wouldn’t be reasonable for him to ask her not to go back, especially with her line of work. Perhaps he could suggest that next time he could accompany her, however, as a retired auror he knew that dangerous witches and wizards were everywhere, not just lurking in the Forbidden Forest.
From what he had seen y/n had proven to be a capable witch, skilled at potions and quite knowledgeable about other subjects, maybe with more support she could learn to properly defend herself. She most likely knew the basics, but he could show her a few more advanced spells, help her be prepared for next time.
Sharp cleared his throat, his dark eyes locking onto hers as the nurse finished treating the wound. “Starting next week, I’d like to offer you lessons.”
Y/n lifted her brow and tilted her head, “Potion lessons?”
“Defense against the dark arts lessons,” he stated, rising to his feet. “With some practice, I’ll have you ready to take on any dark witch or wizard.”
He acquired a practice dummy from Professor Hecat and brought it up to his classroom. He flicked his wand and all the tables and potion stations moved to the side clearing the space in the center of the classroom.
They met once a week for lessons, Sharp taught y/n advanced spells that were not part of the basic curriculum as well as strategies he had used back when he was auror. Sometimes two seemingly unrelated spells could be a powerful combination if used in the right order at the right moment.
Sharp’s main goal was to get y/n more accustomed to using these spells, make it so it was second nature for her to defend and attack if posed with a threat. The only way for that to happen was practice, lots and lots of practice.
Her nerves and discomfort were apparent from the beginning. Her hand would tremble slightly each time she attempted to produce a combat spell.
“Defensive magic wasn’t exactly my favorite while in school,” she explained one day as Sharp pushed the practice dummy in front of her. “Was always too much pressure, too much risk, I didn’t want to accidentally hurt anyone.”
Sharp sighed, “Unfortunately the world doesn’t share that mindset, cause out there,” he gestured to the window, “There are plenty of witches and wizards who couldn’t care less who they hurt, and if you’re not prepared, you’ll wind up injured again or worse because of one of them.”
Y/n nodded, taking his words in, she hadn’t shared with him how shaken up she had been after the attack. In all honesty, she was quite scared that something like that would indeed happen again.
“Let’s retry that spell,” he directed. “And no holding back this time. It’s important to have conviction when casting, remember that.”
Y/n practices the spell a few more times, getting better with each turn. She wondered if Sharp is this patient with his actual students; she had graduated from Hogwarts before he took on the role of Potions Master.
“You’re improving,” Sharp pointed out as they finished for the evening. “I’ll see you next week.”
“Good night Professor Sharp,” y/n smiled, heading towards the door.
He frowned for a brief moment. “Y/n?” He called.
“Yes,” she answered, spinning around on her heels to face him.
“You know, it’s unnecessary for you to call me ‘professor’,” he said, his hands clasped behind his back. “You aren’t my student.”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right,” y/n pursed her lips for a moment. “Mr. Sharp…?” She addressed him, but unsure as the words left her mouth.
“Aesop would suffice.” His eyes remained as cool as ever, but in truth the matter had been bothering him for quite sometime now. Her referring to him as Professor Sharp presented a hierarchy when there shouldn’t be one, or at least he didn’t want her to think there was one.
“Oh, alright,” she responded, a little wide eyed, heart fluttering more than it should. “Good night Aesop.”
A barely noticeable half smile formed on his lips as he prepared his classroom for the following morning, it even remained as he retired for the night.
In the weeks that followed, Sharp observed y/n’s growth, she had become more confident and casted spells with ease. But besting a dummy in the safety of a classroom was nothing like a real duel.
“Today we will be doing something different,” he explained while shucking off his coat and laying it on the back of his desk chair.
Y/n tilted her head, face heating up as Aesop also removed his tie and vest. “What did you have in mind exactly?”
“Dueling,” he answered with a smirk.
Her face fell, “Me duel you?”
His smirk grew, “I’ll go easy on you, but this is the best way to see how you’d fare in an actual fight.” Aesop drew his wand, “Ready?”
Y/n raised her wand but she hesitated to cast a spell, Sharp, however, didn’t.
“Expelliarmus,” he shouted.
“Protego,” she responded just in the nick of time, deflecting the curse.
Flashes of lights lit up the classroom as the duel evolved into a dance as they circled each other. There wasn’t a single pause or lull between spells.
“Depulso!” Y/n blinked in surprise when the spell actually landed, sending Aesop flying back. Immediately she rushed over.
“Aesop!” She knelt beside him, her hands cupping his face as he groaned slightly. “Are you hurt?”
Her touch was so light and gentle as she cradled his head. It had been quite a long time since anyone touched him like this.
Looking up at her so close to him, his face began heating up. Sharp cleared his throat, “I’m fine.”
“Looks like you can hold your own in a fight,” he commented, rising to his feet and dusting himself off. He frowned for a moment as his own words sunk in. “I suppose that means you don’t need anymore lessons,” he explained solemnly.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she agreed, with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
They both stood at the doorway, realizing that they wouldn't be seeing each other anytime soon.
Sharp could try to go back to the shop, but he knew after spending so much time in his classroom that she had noticed his well stocked shelves. He racked his brain for another excuse to spend time with her but he was drawing a blank.
He sighed, glancing at y/n, she had probably had other things to do tonight, “Well, good night-“
“We should get drinks!” Y/n chirped, interrupting him. Her face revealing her excitement over the prospect. “To celebrate and as a thank you!”
“As a thank you?” He asked, raising a brow.
“Yes! For teaching me how to properly defend myself! Nothing big,” she rattled on. “Just drinks and maybe dinner. Does next week work for you at the Three Broomsticks?”
Aesop smiled, “See you next week.”
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dayseternal-blog · 6 months
Fanfic you ve been reading recently? Love your tastes btw!
:) You sent this months ago, but here are the fics that I've been reading recently, like this August/September:
"The Mission" by Lunawrayth - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. It wasn't that Hinata never expected to work with Naruto, just never on a mission quite like this.
-I check this one for updates so often. at least once a week, but more like multiple times a week.
"thus a silenced memory" by @keroppri - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Eight years flown on by and Naruto makes his return to the city where he once fell in love, only for him to leave hollow and broken after she was persuaded to leave him. Plagued by her memory at every corner, a chance meeting changes fates, minds, and hearts. Thus he tries to silence the memories. Inspired and based on Jane Austen's Persuasion.
-ahhh loving the yearning angst of unrequited love (but it's actually requited) in this fic.
"Amaranthine" by @opttagoyeo - Rated T, Various AU, Series of unrelated one-shots. A few drabbles/ideas ranging from fluff, confusing, humor, and angst regarding the most iconic and popular canon couple of Konohagakure, Naruhina.
-just started reading this! Full of cuteness.
"After Office Hours" by Pandora_Imperatrix - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto is lonely after Sakura and Sasuke left the village to travel together, he keeps leaving the office later and later, things start to change after one night when his secretary Hinata and him share a couple of vending machine beers. In this AU Naruto becomes Hokage a lot earlier than in the manga and The Last never happened.
-It's been years since this was updated, and recently Pandora updated and just finished it!!!!!!
"Friends with benefits" by @pastillesch - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. "I'm dumping you" --Naruto blinked once. Twice. "But we're not even together". It was more a stress relief than anything romantic, really. A hobby one would say. And now it was time to search for a new hobby. Or at least a new partner for this kind of hobby.
-Another one that I was super excited to see updated again!!!!
"Casual Touches" by Lunawrayth - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. It's the casual touches that do it.
-Since I'm really feeling Luna's style, I checked out this story, too, and it's super cute. Love it.
"Fairy Tale" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots" by @makuro767 - Rated E, Fantasy AU, Two-shot. Naruto moved to an old family home to start anew and found an unlikely existence in his backyard...
-I am a total sucker for this type of size difference au. Like, it's just such a weird trope. It's just so weird. I love it. Makuro767 does a wonderful job with it!
"Love Is Not A Cage" by @nightowl27-writer - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. When Naruto comes back to his senses after the battle with Pein, the first thing he remembers are those baffling words she said just before she nearly died for him, and he NEEDS to hear them again. Will the truth set them free? Or are some confessions too much for the soul?
-that recent update killed me. In a good way. but oh man.
"Hinata (Mirror, Mirror)" from "Chicken Ramen for the Pervert's Soul" by @wickermayne - Rated E, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Naruto rolled his eyes at the purchase asking why she needed it and complained about how much room it took up, but Hinata enjoyed modeling different dresses in front of it, loved how it let her see all the many different angles. And that seemed to keep Naruto quiet enough about the mirror.
So, I guess it's been months since I worked on this list. Because it's nearing the end of March 2024 now. And up at the top, apparently I was last working on this list in September 2023. And at that time, it had been "months" since the asker sent this. Well, here's the ones I've been reading recently:
"clash of possession - naruhina" by @powerful-niya - Rated E, Yakuza AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. In the heart of the yakuza underworld of Tokyo, the passing of Hiashi, the leader of the Hyūga clan, does more than just break Hinata's heart, but it exposes her to vulnerability. Seizing the opportunity, the ruthless Naruto, Uzumaki clan leader, targets not only the conquest of the Hyūga clan but also wishes to claim Hinata as his most prized possession, no matter the cost.
-It's been awhile since I read an irredeemable Naruto, and Niya's not lying when she calls the characterization ruthless!!
"Prey" by @sessakag - Rated E, Modern/Gangs AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Following a midnight chance encounter with Hinata Hyuuga, a smitten sociopath, Naruto Uzumaki, tries his hand at romance, determined to make her fall in love with him the only way he knows how.
-it's the mystery of Hinata's background that really fuels this piece for me. Icing on the cake is Naruto as a wonderfully sexy and dangerous stranger and the sexual tension between them that is absolutely exquisite.
"Paper Rings" by Its_Levioooosaa - Rated E, College/Soulmates AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. In a world where soulmates are found after a touch and after a brief moment of pain, resulting in a red loop circling the first knuckle of each person's pinky finger. Fating the two people together and leaving it up to them to decide what their relationship will be. Hinata had just stopped at her friends for a piece of pizza, little did she know that she'd be leaving with a soulmate.
-It's a cute premise and I can't wait to see what happens next! I love a good soulmate AU!
"Wanting More Than A Poolside View" by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Just a Sukumizu fetish scenario where Hinata is the target of a panty thief and recruits Naruto to investigate himself.
-I've been loving all of Bunny's updates this year, but I'm really hoping for an update on this one....or Narutoland haha, but I dunno what it is about High School NaruHina and their immaturity, it's just so fun!
Kay, that's all. If I don't post this now, I never will lol.
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rustyram035 · 5 months
My favourite moment from my work🥺😔
Winter came to Skyrim unexpectedly, and ironic as it may be, in the vastness of these lands it actually existed. Of course, in the eternally icy parts of summer or spring there was no noticeable change, except that the snow thawed slightly, clearing the roads ahead for caravanners, and maybe also in Dawnstar, the catch of local fishermen slightly increased, although, however, there was plenty of fish at other times. But Falkreath and Whiterun stood decorated with a white blanket, and only Markarth could boast that it was never covered by snow.
Winter... it seems like it lasts forever, no matter where you go, the cold greets you everywhere. There has been almost no luck with contracts lately, and in the last months of keeping the calendar it turned out that there were at most five, and maybe seven. In general, they were executed quickly, because they did not represent anything special, say, like the recent assassination of the emperor. But since the Night Mother was silent, this could only mean that it was time to take your traveling bag with you and continue to wander around idle through mountain ranges and unexplored places, which seem to be never less, each time turning the wrong way, or reading the sign incorrectly, It turned out that there were a lot of caves and abandoned forts. No matter how sad it was to leave the shelter, there was nothing special to do there, which is why everyone scattered to their own corners, occasionally gathering to talk. And of course, prayers. The prayers took a huge amount of time, but only if the Keeper was completely satisfied with it, the Listener quickly got tired of this mournful monotonous muttering under his breath.The Night Mother herself was probably not delighted with this, because she answered with a heavy sigh, clearly hinting that she would not endure Cicero’s next sweet speeches about her deathly beauty and power. The fire slowly burned out, lazily throwing the flame onto the new brushwood thrown to it, in the night its flames cast furious shadows, dancing on the walls and steps of the old mound. Snow fell slowly, but the travelers under the canopy did not notice it. A wonderful view opened up, with the tundra stretching out in the distance. How long did this journey take? Definitely more than a month, because speaking of winter, she definitely caught them on the road, and it seemed like it was time to go back, because the bags were bursting at the seams from the junk they found.
-The guards are talking about a camp of outcasts that is hidden in the mountains,- with these words he circled the place on the map, -or so... Riften, look, the map is almost empty, we rarely go to the Rift, and just imagine how much there is there...
The Listener leaned back on a sack filled with hay, which conveniently lay among the barrels where they settled. Drowsiness took its toll, from time to time he plunged into dreams about how they would come across some other mound and, entering its cold belly, I would find thousands of riches and take nothing, let the dead bury their gold Cicero only grumbled sleepily, wrapping himself up in his raincoat, which he took from some bandit, and now in the coldest weather he always dragged around in it
-Well, just a couple more mounds and you’ll like it, I swear by Sithis, -the vampire whispered enthusiastically, hugging him to himself.
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My sweet boys🥺💗
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frostironfudge · 1 year
Silhouettes In The Spotlight - Bucky Barnes - Chapter Sixteen
Summary: Bucky Barnes has worked immensely hard to have a filmography expanding across genres and garnering accolades from critics, peers and fans. Y/N Y/L/N, with her debut novel (fan-fiction turned New York Times Bestseller) has two other best sellers under her belt. Next is her highly anticipated fourth book lined up for release. SHEILD Productions has acquired the film rights to her debut novel and they want Bucky Barnes to play the lead (aka himself) by any means necessary. This story is about angst, lust, heartbreak, and love. After all fairytales only exist in books and movies right?
Warnings: fluff, smidge of angst(nothing major), feels, sm/ut, dirt y-talk, or/al f receiving
Pairing: Actor!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist || Fic Masterlist || AO3 || Fic Playlist
Chapter Fifteen || Epilogue (TBA)
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Who Was The Best Dressed At The Starlit Premiere of Steve Rogers’ Ghosted? Take A Look At Our List.
Are Y/N-James Red Carpet Official? Maybe Not! Bucky Barnes Walks Friend’s Premiere Carpet Solo.
Fans Have Gone Into A Meltdown, Bucky Barnes and Loki Laufeyson Are Just The Tip Of The Cameo Iceberg In Ghosted
Dolores Launches Podcast After Win Against Alexander Pierce, ‘Raise Your Voice’ Ratings Through The Roof As Panellists Range From Big Names Of Hollywood To People Needing A Platform To Raise Their Voice.
Sharon Carter Issues Public Apology To Atone For Her Scathing Comments And Support Of Horrible Hollywood Executive. 
Ace and Loki No Longer Together, Old Pictures Of The Couple Resurface As Fans Are Not So Shocked At The Pair Calling It Quits.
Author Y/N Y/L/N’s Fans Left In A Lurch Over ITIMYIMDO Movie, Is It Happening Or Not? 
Here Is What Director Natasha Romanoff Said Six Months Since The Project Has Shut Down In A Recent Podcast Hosted By Dolores.
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You had noticed a change in Bucky. It wasn’t a bad change just it left you confused but he distracted you enough that you would forget about it. Now, however, as you watch his cameo in Ghosted; a sort of olive branch extended towards your boyfriend and Loki by Steve.
Bucky’s hand on your thigh and the smirk on his face illuminated by the movie playing on the screen affirm your suspicions. He meets your gaze, raising a brow when you narrow your eyes at him.
“Don’t act coy.” You warn him, he feigns innocence yet again. The man shrugs then gazes back as he squeezes your thigh.
“Bucky.” Your palm covers his larger one.
He ignores you, watching his scene play out.
You lean in closer, “Or should I say, ‘God’?” 
His sharp inhale has you smirk, “Is this why you always got even more cocky when I moaned ‘oh God’? Did you pretend I was calling for you? Praying to my God?” You tug on his earlobe.
“Feather.” He warns as you trail your fingers along his inner thigh, you trace them back to his knee. 
“Yes, God?” 
“Feather, I will not hesitate to fuck you right here in this corner.” He uses a warning tone.
“Is that a promise?” You tease, you watch him meet your challenging gaze.
You watch as he slides down, kneeling, spreading your thighs apart. You scramble to shut them. He wouldn’t allow it.
“Bucky!” Your hissed whisper turns into a whimper as he cups your mound, the slit of your dress giving him access.
“Shh, Feather. We won’t get caught, that is if you pray to your God.” He whispers then kisses your knee before parting your legs, eyes moving between your cunt and you, a pleased expression on his face illuminated by the screen. 
You look around the corner, seats were in the last row, no one was along your row. It was perfectly private. You feel his warm breath against your already dripping folds. Warmth but the fear of being caught also coils in your stomach.
Bucky cups your chin making you look at him, brow raised in question.
“Have you seen yourself tonight?” You reason, he chuckles, returning and placing a kiss to your clit. You bite down on your lip. Hand gripping his hair and the handle of your seat.
Bucky moans at your taste on his tongue, lapping at every drop. The way your thighs squeezed his head only urged him onward. Fuck, you taste divine.  He hadn’t expected himself to enjoy the moment you had uttered the three words when he was between your thighs right after shooting his cameo. 
The whimpered and greedy ‘Oh God yes,’ at first it was something he found amusing that it turned him on so deeply. Slowly he found himself priding in you calling out to one of the names he was given. 
Raising his right hand to your bitten lips, he watches you whine low, noticing the same ring he wears on screen, your lips part like his good girl. Your mouth is warm, wet and so greedy as you coat his fingers. 
His fingers slowly sink into your needy cunt, clenching around his dexterous fingers. Bucky teases you, moving slowly. Nipping at your folds when you tug at his hair demanding for more.
He toys with you, bringing you close to your edge and then distracting you with soft kisses and the feeling of his beard rubbing along your thighs.
“Please,” Your whisper is sounding fucked out when all he’s done is tease you. 
“Please what, Angel?” He smirks when you clench around him yet again, “You like that name?”
“Please, James–,”
“Not what I want to hear tonight, Y/N.” He pinches your clit.
How no one has heard the two of you baffles you, but the way you feel full yet empty and so needy it takes a back pedal.
“Please, my God, please.” Your mouth parts as his fingers pick up pace, “Sing for your God, Angel.” Metal fingers move past your lips, you moan around them as the sounds of explosions fill the theatre. 
Your arousal floods his mouth, Bucky moans more, savouring every last drop. Licking you clean, he then sits back in his seat, licking the remnants of you off of his fingers. 
“You’re a menace.” You whisper, holding your hand out for your panties. 
“Oh you will get those back after round two in the car or bathroom whichever we make it to, first or maybe we stay back here.” He promises, palm wrapping around your neck and he brings you closer for a deep kiss.
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Boneless is how you feel when you fall against him.
“God, Bucky,” You mewl against his shoulder as the coarse hairs graze your clit.
The deep groan against your sternum has you jolt in Bucky’s arms. Aftershocks thrum through you. The entire evening spent falling apart for each other.
His palms squeeze your hips before they trace up your back, cobalt eyes trace your flushed face. Gaze travelling along your kiss bitten skin to where you sheath him.
Bucky moans yet again at the mess coating the two of you. 
“Feather, you’re beautiful.” He cups your cheeks, you laugh still out of breath in the slightest. 
Bucky smiles at the sound he causes, your nose brushes against his when you move to kiss him. 
Sparks bloom in your chest, your heart surging at the man who harbours it within his hands is yours, that he loves you back, and is everything you hoped for and more. Your hands move over his chest, left hand tracing over the scars of his shoulder not shying away, not retracting your touch but loving every inch of him.
Bucky runs his fingers over your hair, drawing you closer. Fingertips move along your back and arm, thumb tracing over your quill tattoo. He sighs in content, the woman he loves in his arms. 
A rumbling sound has the two of you pause. Bucky laughs, cheeks turning red as his hunger manifests.
“Cmon I think we left the take out on the kitchen island.” You move to get off of him, Bucky spins your world around. You’re laying on your back staring up at him. Mirth decorates his features.
“James.” You’re about to chastise him, but he cuts you off by kissing your forehead, then your temple, cheeks, your chin and then nose.
“You make me very, very happy, Feather.” Bucky declares, kissing your lips again to seal his words.
“I love you.” Is all your tightening throat allows you to say, “I love you so much, James.” you cup his face between your palms. 
“You’ve made me feel happiness that I never thought I could feel again.” He says, eyes forming tears.
“You’ve made me feel happiness that I only thought existed in the fictional worlds I create. You, Bucky Barnes deserve every bit of happiness to be yours always.” You wipe the tear from his cheek.
“It’s with you.” He leans into your touch, forehead touching yours.
“By your side.” You promise him.
Bucky’s lips find yours again, moulding you against every inch of him, needing you close. 
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“You know, I admire how you stood up against a bully like that pathetic low life.” 
You look up from your laptop to the person speaking. The coffee shop was supposed to be secluded. The person wears a uniform, name tag reading their designation of barista, name Nandini.
“It wasn’t me alone.” Your statement is true, you weren’t alone, several before you, several after you and several kept safe now.
“True, but if you didn’t agree to stand up it would be one less person, maybe one less testimony would make the difference. I know it’s been seven months now. I um, didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories. I actually… I used to read avidly, but I well life caught up,” They look down and you notice a worn copy of the book that led to your journey as an author.
“I know how that feels.” You add with a gentle smile, “Would you like me to sign it?” 
“If you don’t mind, I, there is a lot in this book that I connected with, my boyfriend he stays continents away. Sometimes I felt you were writing about us. You wrote about the struggles, not just the happy stuff.” She chuckles handing you her book.
You open the title page, writing her name and a short message and handing it back. Nandini smiles looking at the message.
‘Dear Nandini,
Rhys and Doll combated the distance, so can you and your love. 
Sometimes life gets hard but it gets better, I promise you that much. 
Thank you for reading my words, thank you for giving this book your love. Most of all, thank you for your kind words.
“Thank you.” She says walking away.
Your phone rings just as you pack up your things an hour later. 
Natasha’s contact displays, you answer, “Hey–,”
“How soon can you get to BW?” She cuts you off.
“Um, Is everything okay? I can be there in twenty minutes…” You look down at your watch.
“Okay, see you!” The line cuts off, you stare at the device.
Bucky was still filming for a movie in Philadelphia. You text him about your plans. Sam replies from his phone saying the shot is ongoing but he would let him know.
When you head into BW it’s all bustling, the aftermath of SHIELD turning into HYDRA then its conversion into Hill Productions when Maria took over had opened up space at BW to seize the opportunity. Over the course of the past seven months several changes had occurred, right from the management changes at the production house to the freedom finally handed over to Steve and Bucky. 
The money they had been paying over years to get out was reimbursed to them, statements issued by the executives taking responsibility for exploiting them and taking accountability while easily blaming Alexander so they would not be penalised worse than him. 
Yelena waves you over to the conference room while attending a call, the room is dark and she urges you to sit on the chair and the flat screen TV illuminates, music plays and then you watch as Bucky’s scenes for your book adaptation play. 
Watching him as Rhys never failed to enrapture you, his scenes with Loki move you and then you notice it’s the first video-call scene with Doll. You frown, noticing it has footage of you. 
From the practice scenes because Dolores was not one bit professional. The video continues, with scenes with Ace, Loki and Steve as well. Even the video call with Tony Stark is edited to show one interaction between Doll and himself.
The video ends and the lights turn on, you turn to face Natasha, Maria, Nick, Yelena, Loki and Steve. Bucky and Sam’s faces are on an iPad via a video call you stare at them all blankly.
“So?” Nat grins at you hopefully.
“So?” You counter, looking at the blank screen and then back at her.
“What do you think?”  Steve asks, you shrug.
“I’m confused, are we going to commence shooting again? Or are we releasing this for the fans?” your response has everyone facepalm.
Nick Fury stares at you, “We want you to play Doll.”
There is a beat of silence broken by your nervous laugh. They cannot be serious.
“I’m not an actress.” You reason at the absurdity.
“Y/N, you’re the perfect Doll.” Natasha adds, “This is what you all were supposed to see at the meeting.”
“Nat, you have to be joking–,”
“She isn’t, you’re perfect, Feather. Longer footage was shown to a test audience and they loved you.” Bucky adds, you stare at him.
“Bucky, I, this is, there are scenes that are harder than these…” You point to the TV.
“We even showed test audience footage of these same scenes with Dolores. They thought you had better chemistry and timing with all members of the cast. This wasn’t even when Bucky and you were actively together.” Natasha adds on.
“We believe you can master those with an acting coach.” Yelena offers, you stare at her.
“I’m… I’m just a writer.” You stare at your hands.
“Nat, play the first meet scene.” Bucky requests and watches as you look up at the screen.
This was your favourite scene to write, them finally meeting, you watch as Bucky and you click within the roles. It's not you and Bucky on screen, no. It’s Rhys and Doll, showing their love story to those who want to watch, bringing their love alive for the world to see.
“You see what I mean?” Bucky’s voice is what you latch onto, you nod.
“What about the other… well scenes…” Your eyes move to Steve and back to Bucky.
“Intimacy coaches and we can always fade to black on the sex scenes.” Natasha assures you, “Look we’ll make this as PG-13, we just want you on board. This is your story to write and show. The writers are willing to rewrite. It will take a while but we can recommence shooting. Of course the entirety would have to be done again since this is tainted production house footage.” 
“What if I say no?” You ask, Nat’s smile falters but she keeps a smaller one in place.
“Well then we would start to search for an actress to play Doll to her authentic description as the author wrote.” She smiles, “It’s no pressure at all.” 
“Are you sure?” You look at the established actors in the room and then at Nat and then the producers. 
Finally you look at Yelena.
“I think you can do this, plus after the awful reviews we need people to forget you’re an author before reminding them with your next release.” She winks at you, the joke of finding another job was long running since the plan was set in motion to tank the ratings of your previous release.
“Alright, but this is the only movie I will ever act in, understood?” You warn everyone as a cheer breaks through.
“That's my girl.” Bucky cheers, sending a flying kiss your way.
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Over A Year Later.
“Alright people, places, good, good.” Natasha calls out, watching the monitors, she gives you an encouraging smile and takes a deep breath, “Lights, Camera, Action!”
Palms sweaty, you watch as Dolores stalks closer to Bucky. Kate watches along as the entire scene plays out. 
Expletives dripping from her vocabulary and Loki apologising profusely. Bucky pushes Dolores away and notices the video call. 
You cut the call, not wanting to deal with the ordeal. Pushing your ringing phone aside the blue eyed man’s picture turned down and curling up against your pillow, tears brimming over. 
You push away Kate’s soothing hand. 
“Cut!” Natasha yells, “Well done everyone, I think we have it, so this brings all distant scenes to an end. We can pack up for the day.”
She praises giving thanks to everyone. 
You wipe your tears. Sniffling as Bucky comes onto set to hand you the box of tissues. 
You look up to him for notes, he’d been your acting tutor over the past year along with other professional coaches. Although Loki had been the one to teach you how to cry on cue. 
“Perfect.” He wipes an escaping tear, Kate coos at the two of you. 
“You guys are so cute.” She beams, “Just who I pictured Rhys and Doll to be, dreams do come true.” 
“Several of your dreams are coming true, Kate Bishop.” Yelena’s voice smoothes over, a knowing smile on her face as Kate and her exchange glances.
“Yelena,” Kate nods, swallowing and tucking her fringe behind her ear.
“Kate,” Yelena sends a smirk her way.
You look up at Bucky, he nods, reading your mind about the two of them. He was glad Kate had been hired to play Doll’s best friend replacing Ace. They were approached to play the role but backed out after apologising. Projects weren’t scarce for them. Easily finding work on the enemies to lovers book turned into a mini series penned by you.
Kate walks off set, her shoulder brushing against Yelena’s making the latter grin sweetly. You coo at her and she glares at you. Bucky laughs heartily. 
“I came to check in, tomorrow are intimate scenes with Steve.” She reminds you and you nod.
“We have rehearsal scheduled this afternoon with the intimacy coordinator, closed set.” You find Bucky’s hand and he kisses your palm.
“You’re going to be okay, it’s been switched around so no nudity for anyone.” He explains, it was a part of his new contracts now, he wouldn’t be doing heavy loaded sex scenes in any of his remaining projects. 
“You’re going to be there right?” You ask yet again.
“As long as you want me to be there, Feather. Plus if you get done with Steve earlier we can practise.” Bucky wiggles his brows, you giggle.
“Practise our scenes or practise–,”
“You know what I want to practise.” He huffs, cheeks slightly red.
“You’re still scandalised!” It amuses you, you didn’t think the scene you had come up with was that spicy in nature.
“Feather, I did not expect that to come out of your mind.” He blinks then shakes his head in disbelief.
“May I add something to your thoughts of that scene?” You ask, with the way he licks his lips you know he’s thinking of it.
“You inspired the dirty talk oh and that thing with the choking and then him fucking into her even when she’s all worn out by him, asking for one more, I know you got one more in you baby. Then when she says, ‘Do you have one more in you? Want to fill me up to the brim? Till you make a mess of my pretty thighs?’ You’re the muse baby–,”
“Fuck.” He groans, “Don’t,” 
“Why not?” You say teasingly, leading him to his trailer. 
“Because you aren’t leaving my bed. For however long it takes,” Bucky has you trapped between the door of his trailer and his strong chest.
Towering over you, you watch as his darkened gaze drinks you in, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. 
“How many did she give him?” His knuckles trace from your cheekbone to throat.
“F-Four,” You stutter as he leans in closer. 
Bucky smirks, watching the way you respond to him, “I think you have six for me, Feather.” 
You mould against him as his lips touch yours, arms pulling you close. 
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“You are sure you’re comfortable?” Steve questions. It is a flashback scene between his character and yours; making out that would end with Steve’s shirt on the floor and the screen fading away. 
You look from the couch where the scene would take place to Steve and nod. Then gulp. Nerves getting to you. 
“Hey, look at me,” Steve walks over to you, “You can do this okay? We practised the kiss, it doesn’t look awkward anymore. You’ve been training for this, if you want we can have Bucky to this scene and CGI–,”
“We don’t have the budget for CGI.” You shake your head amused.
“I’ll get on board as a producer.” He winks grinning as you laugh.
“Places!” Natasha calls out.
Your eyes move to Bucky, he raises his thumbs to cheer you on. 
“You okay? Need more time?” Steve enquiers.
“No I’m okay, let’s get this done.” You square your shoulders, taking a deep breath.
Steve and you are positioned outside the door in front of the camera. Wanda would be following in as the scene was more raw and frantic. The shot was to represent the first love and betrayal doll experienced. 
Flowing from the couch makeout to the hotel scene where she catches Steve on a date with another woman. 
“Lights! Camera! Action!” 
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Almost Two Years Later I Think I Met You In My Dreams Once Is About To Hit Theatres Here Is Everything You Need To Know About The Filming Of The Movie
Stars Who Were Almost Offered Roles In Author Y/N’s ITIMYIMDO
Some Fans Not Pleased About Author Turning Into Actress, See The Posts Here
Bucky Barnes Announces Break From The Silver Screen, Will Return To Promote Slated To Release Movies
Steve Rogers Back At The Writer’s Desk! See Snippet Of Murder Mystery He Is Said To Co-Author With Y/N
Bucky Barnes Shares Pictures Of Y/N On His Instagram And Look At The Sweet Puppies They Have Adopted
Powerhouse Duo Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova Share Snaps From Their Wedding! Steve Rogers Attends With Mystery Date 
Loki Laufeyson Spotted Out Celebrating Latest TV Show Success. Awards Line Up On His Mantle At The Emmys. Friends Join The Actor In This Happy Moment
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A.N.: thank you to everyone reading till now we just have the epilogue to go!
Taglist: @stevesmewmew @elle14-blog1 @crazyunsexycool@sebsgirl71479 @pandaxnienke @slutforsexyseabass@eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @pandaxnienke @vampire7595 @buckyinluv @almostcontentcreator @calwitch
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minniethemoocherda · 1 year
Sins of the Past: Brown Eyes
Summery:  A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. In this chapter, Tech finds himself constantly running into the one and only Phee Genoa.
A/N:  I have fallen head over heels for Tech x Phee! Tech deserves some love! And Phee is so cool! I had to write a chapter about them! I hope this fluff makes up for all the previous load of angst as for once this chapter does not contain any warnings! I hope you enjoy! And Happy Bad Batch Finale Eve everyone! I can't believe the season is almost over already! Thank you so much to everyone who's stuck around with this fic since season 1! Or if you started reading in season 2! The amount of support I have gotten from this fic has been unbelievable so again thank you! Xxxxxxxx
Tech had always been good at spotting patterns. Whether that be in art or maths or people. And recently he had begun to notice a pattern emerging in regards to one person in particular.
It all started when he and his brothers were fixing up Cid's bar. Bolo and Ketch had gotten into an argument with another couple which ended up with the two of them getting thrown across the bar into the wall. Cid had brought them in to fix the old wooden panelling.
Whilst they worked, the bar was supposed to be closed. But that didn't stop a woman with dark skin, golden coiled hair and an upturned smile from walking in. Tech was about to inform her that they were currently closed, when Cid brushed him off, saying that the woman was an old friend of hers that had recently moved back into town. Her name was Phee.
Tech hadn't given their first interaction much thought. She had hung around the bar, chatting to his brothers whilst she caught up with Cid but besides calling him Brown Eyes, they didn't talk much.
The bad batch had made a habit of going to Cid's bar for dinner on Thursdays as it was one of its quieter days so Cid gave them a personal discount if they came. Not long after their first meeting, Tech noticed that Phee had also begun to make a habit of appearing on Thursday's, to hang around with Cid and enthral Omega with tales of her exploits as a treasure hunter. At first, Tech assumed that as a close associate of Cid, Phee was also taking advantage of a personal discount.
But then she started making an appearance at their jobs sites as well. Not seemingly on Cid's behalf, just to tell more of her tales whilst they worked. Tech didn't mind her presence as she never distracted him from his work and he had to admit that he did find her stories entertaining if outlandish. At the time his new hypothesis was that she was simply making up for lost time by catching up with Cid after being away for so long.
And then she showed up outside of Omega's school.
Tech was waiting to pick up his little sister when the familiar voice called out across the playground.
"Fancy seeing you here Brown Eyes!"
He turned around and as expected, leaning against the school fence stood Phee.
"Good afternoon. I'm here to pick up Omega. What are you doing here?" He asked, as she made her way over to him.
"Well I'm here for my niece." She replied, "Ain't that a coincidence huh?"
Tech was starting to put the pieces together that their continued meetings were probably more than a coincidence.
But before he could delve deeper into that thought, the school bell rang out across the playground, shortly followed by the hordes of children.
In the past months under their care, Tech had become quite adapt at picking out the blonde head of his younger sister out of a crowd. He soon spotted Omega running across the playground towards him along with a similarly aged girl with familiar coiled hair and dark brown skin who had to be Phee's niece.
The girl leapt into Phee's open arms. Tech was impressed by the treasure hunter's strength. He knew how deceptively heavy growing children could be.
After a spin, Phee settled them back onto the ground.
"Allow me to introduce Lyana!" She said with a dramatic bow. Lyana gave a welcome wave to Tech.
"A please to meet you." Tech said.
Phee, stroked her hand over the Lyana's head. Although her eyes were on Tech, she appeared to be subconsciously detangling some of the girl's curls. Lyana was smiling at her aunts antics like she was the greatest person in the universe.
Until this moment, Tech hadn't fully realised how good Phee was with children. He knew that she was an engaging storyteller with the exploits she would tell Omega about but he hadn't noticed until now all the extra exaggerations and efforts she would put in to make the child laugh. In fact Phee was very good at a lot of things. Tech had seen her off handily complete her brothers' maths without calculator a calculator as she wondered around their building sites. And she was still the only person who gave him a challenge when playing chess at Cid's bar.
And it wasn't until this moment that he found that the rings of gold in her hair, made her eyes shine like amber.
Tech took his glasses off, to ensure that it wasn't just reflections of the glass. But if anything, the lack of glass only made them shine brighter.
He was so distracted by them, that it took him a minute to tell that Phee had continued talking.
"Now we just need to find something to do to until your Daddy is done with his meeting." Phee was saying to Lyana.
"Maybe you could watch a movie?" Omega suggested. "Tech is taking me to the cinema to see the first Pirates of the Caribbean because they're re-releasing it for its tenth anniversary and I've never seen it!"
"Then you are in for a treat!" Phee exclaimed with her usual enthusiasm. "That's my favourite film of all time!"
"Perhaps you would like to join us?"
Tech wasn't aware he had spoken until he found all three sets of eyes turned to him.
Omega was giving him the same look that his brothers often did when they were around Phee that he hadn't quite deciphered the meaning behind yet. So he turned his focus back to Phee who's ever present smile had settled into something softer.
"Oh Brown Eyes, I was starting to think you'd never ask."
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how do you know your human friends?
Illusion: Oh oh! I know! Andy and Raf are cousins and they got chosen for a special ro-bo-tics program a couple years ago!
Andy: yeah, and we just decided to stay here.
Illusion: i thought the program was longer.
Raf: Oh, it is. Its an after school program. Andy ages out next year though.
Andy: its not faaaair!! Miko, Jack and you get to stay!
Raf: I'm the only one in the program right now. Miko and Jack are because of their parents.
Andy: Damn nepobabies...
Illusion: What does a dam have to do with them?
Andy: uhhh. Forget that. bye!
Illusion: Huh?
Raf: ignore them. Do you know how Spike, Carly and Chip came to be here?
Illusion: Uhm... i wasnt here yet. I got here a few months before you guys. Let's go find Bee! He's the oldest.
Raf: I thought that was Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.
Illusion: The twins are younger. Aren't they?
Raf: I thought Arcee said they were just slightly older than Bee.
Illusion: Hm... Well, we're still going to Bee, i like him better.
Raf- Bee!
Illusion- Hey Bee!!
Bumblebee- Yeah? What's up guys?
Illusion- Why are Spike, Carly and Chip here?
Bumblebee- Uhm... huh? Because they work here?
Raf- Illusion means how did they start working here, or something.
Bumblebee- Oh! Spike started coming here when he was a kid, his mom and dad are engineers here. It was supposed to just be a one time thing, cause his parents didn't trust him to be alone at home, so he came here after school for a week. He started to come here even after his brother graduated high school and he was trusted to stay home alone. He liked it here, especially because at the time Chip had started coming here for the same program you and your cousin are here for.
Raf- The program is that old?
Chip- I only heard the last part, i take offense to that, I am not that old! You are 14!! this wasnt even 10 years ago! I was 15 when i was accepted into the program! Im 20!!
Raf- You are old though.
Chip- I have never hit a child, but I am so close to right now.
Carly- Why is Chip about to hit Raf?
Bumblebee- He called Chip old.
Carly- If he's old what does that make me?? Im 2 years older than him!
Raf- Also old.
Carly- I think Chip had a good idea.
Spike- Ok, both of you stop. Hes a teenager, and the youngest human here, he's going to be arrogant.
Bumblebee- Oh yeah, and Carly came here when she was... 18 i think?
Carly- Huh? Why are you wondering about when i came here?
Illussion- For the ask blog!
Carly- Oh! Yeah, I started coming here when i moved here for university! I would have loved to come here before, but I guess the program is only available to people that live in the nearby city, since its only a couple miles from here. Plus the program is limited to like, 5 people from the university. The past couple years, no one has qualified for the program besides me, Chip and Spike. For college kids, its like an unpaid internship the first year, and you can work up to getting a paid internship, and you have a job once you graduate! I recently graduated, so i started working full time here.
Spike- I just have one more year of the internship. Carly and I specialized in different types of engineering so we won't be working together, but we will work in the same area.
Raf- But, Chip isnt an engineer, why is he here?
Chip- You know, you're still in slapping range. *sighs* I'm a computer science major. I help integrate the Cybertronian technology with ours.
Illusion- So you work with Jazz and Blaster?
Chip- Yeah, or anyone that has monitor duty in the bridge. Jazz is like, spec ops, so he isn't there all the time, Blaster is the one mostly in charge of them.
Illusion- Oh!
Chip- We do important work.
Illusion- I have a question.
Chip- Yeah?
Illusion- Why are Jack and Miko here? They aren't in any of the programs you guys mentioned. They always hangout with us when Andy and Raf are shadowing the adults.
Spike- Oh, those two are here because of their parents.
Illusion- But why?
Spike- Jack's mom is a nurse, she was hired back when... Jack was like 13? His mom worries, so she asks him to come here after school. She used to pick him up, but several autobots volunteered to do it for her, so she didnt have to worry. And Miko, her parents were transferred here from japan. Miko was like... 12. They saw that there were a couple kids here already, so they just started bringing her here. She gets picked up after school along with Jack, Andy and Raf.
Illusion- Oh so they don't do anything.
Spike- I mean, they sometimes shadow their parents, but not in an official manner.
Illusion- Freeloaders?
Bumblebee- Ok, who taught you that word?? You always struggle with words that are that long, how did you say it right the first time??
Illusion- Andy calls Miko and Jack that all the time.
Spike- Ok, I think I should talk to Andy about appropriate ways to treat her classmates.
Illusion- but you just said they arent in the program.
Spike- Not here, but they are in the same school. Hey Carly, aren't you the one in charge of them?
Carly- Yeah, but when its their free time, I'm off teacher duty and do my normal tasks.
Raf- Do you even know how to be a teacher?
Carly- Chip?
Chip- Yeah?
Carly- Hold my earrings.
*end transmission*
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Some people are leaving states with anti-trans or anti-LGBTQ+ laws and relocating to LGBTQ+ friendly states like Illinois. They said it's an issue of safety.
A realtor and some local organizations said they've seen an uptick in people looking to move to the Land of Lincoln to escape anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in other states. That includes one father who told the I-Team his family is moving to Illinois because he believes it will help ensure his son's well-being and safety.
"As a parent, you have one job, love your kid. That's your only job and your kids telling you something over and over and over again. If you love them. You believe them," said Mark, who asked that his last name not be used.
His family is moving to Illinois for the sake of his 7-year-old son, who is transgender. To protect his son's identity, Mark is using another name, Connor.
"Connor just wants to be a boy. And so, you know, we weren't dismissive, but we were sort of quiet about it the first couple times Connor said this. And we would listen to him and say, you know, 'We can deal with that later. You're a little young.' But it became sort of a common thing. Maybe once a month, that maybe once a week," Mark said.
Mark and his wife and their son are leaving Kentucky and moving to the Chicago area due to anti-trans legislation recently passed there.
"The first concern is around teachers or other employees of the school being able to deadname my child or misgendering them," he said. "Second concern is use of a bathroom. Either they'll have to use the nurse's bathroom or the bathroom that is not their gender, so that would out them. A third concern is around medication. So doctors in Kentucky will lose their license if they treat my son."
Gender-affirming care for minors will also be banned in Kentucky by late June.
"So that means we have to travel across state lines to get medicine," Mark said. "And my fourth concern is what law comes next. And what harsher penalties and loss of right will my son experience."
Mark is working with realtor June Allen-Smith to find a home in the Chicago area.
"So a lot of people have already done their research and they know that they just have to leave the place that they live in now where the laws have already started to restrict their lifestyle," said Allen-Smith, a lesbian who serves the LGBTQ+ community. She said she has another client moving to Illinois from Indiana to escape anti-LGBTQ+ bills there.
One Indiana bill banning gender-affirming care for minors goes into law July 1.
"I feel that they have an ally, they have someone who understands what they're going through, some of what they're going through, because I can never understand every complexity, but I have an insight into the reality into the community of issues that we face," said Allen-Smith.
The ABC7 Data Team looked at anti-LGBTQ+ legislation across the country and found that in 2023 alone, state legislatures have introduced more than 400 anti-transgender bills. About 100 failed in the legislature, more than 60 have passed. The rest are still pending. There are also dozens of other anti-LGBTQ+ bills targeting gay and lesbian rights and bills attempting to limit any discussion of sexuality at school.
"Indiana has 18, Missouri has 48 and these laws range from a variety of different things; outline mentioning of LGBTQ+ history, barring transgender kids from participating in sports, preventing trans people from accessing care to transition, appropriately banning books related to this area and so on, and so on," said Terri Ross, executive director for Illinois Legal Aid Online who has been monitoring anti LGBTQ+ legislation across the country.
Ross's organization helps people legally change their names or gender identity markers. She said some of those clients in other states are also looking to relocate, to get away from anti-trans or anti-LGBTQ+ laws.
"It's definitely real, right. The fear is real. The intimidation is real," Mark said. "Because we have to uproot our family. I was born and raised in Kentucky. I'm less than two hours from the place I was born. And I don't want to leave, but I can't stay."
Mark and his realtor said they have an offer in on a home located in a Chicago area suburb that is LGBTQ+ friendly.
The I-Team also reached out to Equality Illinois, which said it's seeing an uptick in people reaching out to them about relocating to Illinois for similar reasons.
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