#they DID NOT understand the assignment
cherylblossom · 7 months
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#Book!Lucy Gray singing 'Pure As The Driven Snow' AFTER Coriolanus kills Mayfair Lipp
“I know you killed Mayfair to protect me. Me and the rest of the Covey.” She rested her forehead on his chest. “I'll never be able to thank you for that.” He stroked her hair. “Well, she's gone for good now. You're safe.”
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Me seeing Anderson turn up in the OG Hellsing anime:
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six-of-cringe · 11 months
Once when I was in college I needed a picture of my fish for an assignment, but the fish lived at home so I text my brother to send me a picture and he asks "how close of a picture" and I say "pretty close" and he sends me this
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lu-sn · 3 months
Vegas herds Pete into the shower, hand warm against the small of Pete’s back, and guides him under the spray.
Vegas always prefers his pets to be clean. He has herded Pete into this shower many times during their safehouse stay: he would yank Pete in by the wrists, and he would loop Pete’s chain around the towel hook on the wall, and he would shove Pete in. He’d turn the water to scalding, heft the shower head in his hand, and hose Pete down like an animal.
This time is different. Vegas sets the temperature to a pleasant warmth, and he follows Pete in, and he cards through Pete’s hair with one hand as he runs water through it with the other.
This goes beyond clean. Vegas wants Pete to feel good.
Pete’s eyes are wide and dazed as he looks at Vegas.
“If I’d known you’d get like this, I would have fucked you days ago,” Vegas says.
Pete blinks, then bares his teeth.
“There you are,” Vegas murmurs. “Close your eyes.”
He washes Pete carefully, making sure to scrub at his scalp and get behind his ears, but when he directs the spray further down, Pete hisses.
Pete’s chest welts are a bright, angry red.
Vegas moves the spray away from Pete’s chest on instinct. He studies Pete for a moment, and then flicks it back.
Pete shudders.
“Yeah,” Vegas says. “You like that.” He flicks the water back and forth as Pete’s face twists beautifully. “You liked it when the wounds pulled as I fucked into you, and you like it now when I make them burn. You like the hurt.”
He crowds Pete close against the shower wall, and stares at the way Pete’s eyes waver.
“You like it here,” he whispers.
Pete shudders again.
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Your most recent comic gave me an idea…
(music man rabid ruin variety)
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cosmichearter · 1 year
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"Monsters must be people too, so oh geez!"
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keirahknightley · 2 months
I miss so much the presence of the athletes in the middle of the stadium watching the ceremony and waving their flags and partying and taking pictures 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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callisteios · 1 year
would you like to be a god? take this uquiz to find out what sort of god you'd be
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iamumbra195 · 5 months
Live picture of my reaction every time I see someone make a headcanon that Tyler is an irresponsible student like this kid isn't trying his best to keep his grades up really high while being a star athlete to get a college scholarship, despite being stuck in a nightmare dimension with creatures that want to kill him for seven whole hours every day and not knowing if he or his sister will survive long enough to actually have a future:
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"Do you know you're described in history as the most beautiful woman that ever has or ever will be able to control men with just your beauty?"
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murasakibonnet · 1 year
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Sparring Match
April matching Casey’s (I speak in capital letters and two !’s) intensity.
Inspired by @ditzyblues’s art. She has the cooliest of art styles and so much soft!Casey content 🥰
I think we were robbed of April-Casey content and it genuinely bothered me so much that April called her Cassandra in the movie. Cassandra (‘my friends call me Casey’) Jones. 😤*confused hand-gestures* WHaT.
Bonus Doodle:
Pt. 2
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study-core-101 · 6 months
making this post to hold myself accountable
tommorow i will catch up with all my assignments tommorow i will catch up with all my assignments tommorow i will catch up with all my assignments tommorow i will catch up with all my assignments tommorow i will catch up with all my assignments tommorow i will catch up with all my assignments
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luimagines · 1 year
How do you think the chain would react to finding out the reader is very touch starved and they refuse to initiate any kind of contact unless necessary?
Sure can do! It'll be in headcanon form. I hope you don't mind.
Content under the cut!
Warrior is going to probably be the one to mention to the others that they need to ask and respect it if they get rejected
Warrior is also tempted to put hand son shoulders and ruffle hair but he’s a lot better at repressing it than some of the other boys
It’s not something he’s going to question if he learns it
Reader just gets treated like a soldier from then on
Sure Warrior will still be calm and collected and not at all use his commander voice
But he’s going to keep his hands to himself
Perfectly cordial as he smothers down any brotherly instincts
Again- he’s not cold even if it’s easy to get that impression with how much he’s been keeping his distance
But he’s still 100% willing to throw hands with anyone who makes them upset
Or throw hands with anyone who tries to get into their personal space without their permission
Is he projecting his personal guard training?
Warrior is always going to ask first when he needs to touch them
Or maybe just tell them where he’s noticed something so they can handle it on their own
In reality he doesn’t know what to do r how to handle the situation but he’s going to try his best
I think Twilight would be very torn about it
He’s not as big on touch as some of the other guys but he’s first instinct when he’s comforting a person it to touch them
It’s instinctual to him so he’s not always aware of it
At the same time he wants to have them feel comfortable around them 
He’s not fully aware of what being touched starved is
As a concept he can understand it, but he’s grown up in a very warm and loving place where hugs and hand holding were common place
Even if it was just a pat on the back of a hand on the shoulder
So naturally Twilight copies that in his day to day interactions with the people he cares about
He may need to be reminded on more than one occasion if Reader wants him to back off
He’ll do his best to not take it to heart
But it’ll hurt him on the inside to think that anyone would not be deprived of it for so long but then also deny it until circumstances say otherwise
It’s not something he can fully comprehend 
But he’s willing to work with Reader in that case
He’s aware that it’s not something someone would just talk about and everyone has different paths that they’ve taken in life
He’d struggle in the beginning and slowly work his way toward a middle ground for the two of them
But it’s going to make some work on Reader’s part as well
Legend is probably going to be the last person learns this
He’s also touch starved but he’s not going to go out of his way to touch people
He probably doesn’t realize it until it was one of those ride or die moments 
That being said, I think he would notice that they would shy away from touch no matter who it came from
Which is no biggie
It doesn’t faze him- just “alright, cool, no touchy, got it”
And then he just never asks questions
So he doesn’t know why for a really long time
Legend isn’t going to judge or bat an eye about it and even then when he learns about it eventually he’ll shrug it off
“Alright dude, good to know, let me know if I cross any lines”
End of discussion
He will, however, also be their greatest defender
Somebody standing too close? He pushes them away
Somebody reaches out? He blocks them
If anyone so much as looks like they’re going to try something Legend is going to put himself in the middle of it
I can guarantee it  
Another one in the don’t touch me club
Don’t get me wrong he’s still ok with physical touch
But he’s very selective in who gets to touch him and who he can touch on a casual basis
Family is typical- and he’s adopted all the boys so that’s fine
Strangers? Nope
Friends? Hard maybe. It would depend on the situation
Granted, he’s doesn’t really let people know that he doesn’t want to be touched
He’s so done with everything and anything life can throw at him that he’s going to take it in stride and ignore it the best that he can
When he notices Reader is in a similar boat to him he’s going to single them out when they’re alone
It’s nothing bad, don’t worry
But he’s going to ask what’s up just so he has a better idea of what’s going on
No one likes to hear from someone who’s got the wrong idea
He’ll be tactful with it and try to gauge information without going into anything too personal
Then he’ll gives tips and some pointer to let others know to keep their distance without making a scene or hurting their feelings
Basically it’s a  “Welcome to the club. Here’s your badge and here’s how to let people know you have with without showing it to them.”
That kind of fatherly pep talk moment
Effectiveness depends on Reader on at point
The worst of them hands down
His hands are on every one so much and he doesn’t even know it
He is the dude to koala people in his sleep
Wild is very clingy by nature and there’s very little that can stop him once the ball is rolling
That being said- he will stop cold turkey once mentioned
But he’s going to be curious
Did he do something wrong?
Was it something he said?
Was he in trouble?
Oh, it’s nothing personal? Then rock on my guy. That’s fair. My bad.
Hands to himself now
He’s trying really hard to be cool with it and not make Reader uncomfortable
But I’m going to lie and say that he’s on top of it 100% of the time and that he nails every interaction
As much as he would like that to be the case- it isn’t
Please be patient with him. He wants to learn to be better
Alright. Cool with him
Won’t engage in contact
Will keep a wide berth to pop the personal space bubble
Does not question it
He’d probably think about it though- even if he smothers those thought down
It’s none of his business anyway 
Besides he’s not shy of cutting people off from getting into stuff they don’t need to know- how can he just assume it doesn’t apply to him?
New flash- it does and he lives by it
A huge advocate of taking accountability for your own actions 
So if he sees someone not being called out for bad behavior or unwanted advances, then he’ll gladly do it instead
Some boys are quiet protectors and will watch from behind Reader to see how they handle the situation
Four is not
It’s admittedly his greatest strength and his biggest weakness
He’s quick to jump to conclusions unfortunately so Reader might (read: will) talk to him about it
He means well on all sides
But it’s not something he’s accustomed to handle on his own
It either goes well or badly- there is no in between
One of his main love languages is physical touch and it doesn’t take long for anyone to figure that out
His hands are on someone almost at all times and is going to extend to Reader more often than not
He’s not the worst of the group but he’s right on his heels
Because it’s so natural to him he might not notice a flinch or pulling away
It honestly depends non what has his attention and how violent it might have been
That being said- he seems the kind of guy to ask to work with it
Work towards desensitizing so that there won’t be a problem in the future
Because he would like to hug them or just have a hand on Reader’s shoulder without being rejected time and time again
At this point it’s going to be up to Reader to decide where they go with it
They can meet Hyrule halfway and so on and so forth 
Or they can keep refusing him in the end (But this option is the Break Hyrule’s Heart Option- so do with that what you will)
If Reader is adamant to keep Hyrule at an arm’s length then he’ll have to accept it but he might also pull away emotionally as well
It’s harder to connect to a person you’re forcing yourself to stay away from
If Reader agrees with slowly being ok with touch, Hyrule is going to have to work on dialing it way back
He’s willing to do that, but that’s still a decent amount of work on his part
Another guy who’s very casual with touching so he may need to be reminded more than once
However he’s very perceptive in this regard
One flinch or a subtle pull away and he pulls back like nothing ever happened
It’ll so natural no one would think that he saw anything
He won’t ask questions, he won’t pry, he won’t even think too much about it
He just takes a mental note of it and moves on with his day
He’ll find other way to show that he cares about Reader that doesn’t include touching
If there’s a moment where he’s going to touch Reader, he’d want to announce it to them first and give them ample tie to react the way they want to
Instead of letting initial reactions put anyone off
It’s in the air if Reader notices that Sky has put two and two together
A lot of people think that Sky is a bit oblivious that’s not true and it couldn’t be farther from the truth
His mind can be like a steel trap if he focuses and considers it serious enough
His personality throws people off sometimes because of it
Sky is going to watch how Reader interacts with the other guys and with people outside of their group
He puts together that it’s nothing personal very quickly because of this
That being said, he’s may not be as forward in blocking unwanted attention like some of the other boys, but he’s on the look out regardless
Has no idea what that means
Will ask all sorts of questions 
Handles it very maturely
Better than half the group if I have to be honest
It’s almost like actually talking to someone and having decent communication can lead to better results in the long run
Always asking if something is ok to do
Will ask if Reader is ok with being around a lot of people and will warn them if need be
You know, like going into cramped market places and such- where bumping shoulders is almost unavoidable
He offers to act as a buffer if Reader would want him to be or to even stay behind if Reader would rather avoid it entirely
It doesn’t always work out that way but Wind knows lots of ways to distract people from the worst of it
If anything he’s great at being live bait- even if it’s for the things unseen
Has the tendency to be a bit too excited though- he can’t help it being a 13-year- old boy
So if he grabs Reader without warning or taps them without thinking about it, Reader might have to reel him back again
He’ll apologize but he’s definitely better than a few boys in the group
Won’t bother is looking out Reader otherwise though
Jury’s out if it’s just because he thinks that Reader can handle themself or if it’s because it’s just on entirely on his radar yet
But both is a probability as well
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cent-scratchnsniff · 10 days
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i wish to be your shadow , forever behind you , even if i am not good enough
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plus some extra. they are quite literally metal boxes. i wonder how large they are in actually. im assuming human size? i also never realized just how complicated hokma's was.. i think its all the gears
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thelostgirl21 · 4 months
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You had one job, Radovid!
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👌︎☜︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ 🏱︎☼︎⚐︎ ☜︎☠︎👎︎⚐︎ ✋︎💧︎ 🏱︎🕆︎☠︎😐︎✏︎ 🏱︎☼︎⚐︎ ☜︎☠︎👎︎⚐︎💧︎ ✌︎☼︎☜︎
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