#they agreed on their chosen pumpkin
yesimwriting · 8 months
Hi there!
If you accept requests, could you write a Halloween themed fic about y/n, Billy and Stu?
Like them going out to choose their costumes and decorating Stu’s house for a party, stuff like that
Hope you are doing well! Thank you very much ☺️
A/n omg i loveee holiday fics and halloween <3
You're staring down an aisle of plastic faces etched into neon bases. The differences between them are superficial, just a variety of colors and two or three alternainge expressions. Nothing distinct enough to warrant this level of analysis and yet...
You decide on one from the top shelf. Orange with simple triangle eyes and a double toothed smile. A classic.
You place your chosen plastic pumpkin into the cart that's slowly but surely being filled up by Halloween decor that's only somewhat cheesy. Okay, to be fair, the contents of your pile range in their levels of cheesiness...but still, mostly non-cheesy and perfectly fitting for a classic Halloween, high school rager.
There's nothing about Billy's voice that's worth getting. No soft lilt to indicate teasing or harshness to imply actual judgement. It's the factualness of the statement that leaves you doubting your choice, even though nothing about this is that deep. "What?"
Billy lets out a partial sigh, irritated by the way that fondness pinches his chest. There's something soft about your question, like his opinion on your choice of decorations could actually crush you. It soothes that part of him that's always searching for a reason to believe that those around him are flighty. "You just--you spent so much time looking and then you picked the orange one."
Shrugging, you place a hand on the side of the cart. "I was deciding."
"You picked the poster child of pumpkins." A pointless stance for a pointless argument. You beam at him and Billy starts to feel a little less ridiculous for entertaining this.
Still smiling, you start, "Pumpkins have poster children?"
"Hey, sweetheart." Stu appears halfway down the aisle.
You blink, instinctually squeezing the side of the cart tighter in your shock. For someone so larger than life, Stu can move quietly when he wants to. "Stu." Carefully, and only somewhat halfheartedly, you try to shrug him off. "Did you at least find the cups?"
Stu lifts his free arm, showing you the plastic covered set of solo cups. "You give me a job, babe, I get it done."
Billy rolls his eyes, "Since when?"
Stu scoffs, fingers pressing into your upper arm a little more firmly. "Since Y/n asked." His hand shifts up and down your arm. "Maybe if you looked like her, I'd listen to you."
There's nothing inherently wrong with the gesture, but there's an undertone of stiffness in his touch. That paired with the way Stu's attention remains on Billy makes you feel a little more like a prop than equal participant in the conversation. Deciding to shake off the feeling, you poke Stu's side.
"Ouch." A sound that's forced out much too harshly. Stu retracts immediately, like he's in agony. "What? I was complimenting you."
You roll your eyes. "I barely touched you."
"I'm wounded." He makes a show of clutching his side. "Kiss it better?"
Billy sighs, shifting his attention towards you, "We can't take him anywhere."
You nod understandingly, "We really can't."
Stu scoffs, offended, "Fuck you guys."
"We're kidding." Your concession comes quicker than usual, but you really don' mind giving in to keep the peace right now.
Today has been fun in that simple way that people forget about around middle school. Stu had called last night and mentioned something about wanting to up his party game for Halloween and a few things about decorations. He insisted that he couldn't go with just Billy because Billy has the decorative taste of someone that's color blind. Even though that's the strangest insult you've ever heard, it made you laugh and you agreed to tag along to cancel out any potential color vision deficiency.
They picked you up the next morning, swinging by your usual coffee place before stopping by a grocery store and then finally, the Halloween pop up store.
"You can't be mad," you mumble, "I need your held defending my pumpkin." Stu blinks, a little too surprised and confused to know how he wants to react. You gesture towards the cart as if that should answer everything. "Billy called it basic."
"I said you spent a long time looking at different pumpkins just to pick the orange one."
Stu turns his head, giving you a look that makes it clear that he has no idea how you've been putting up with this. "It's a classic."
"Thank you."
Billy's eyebrows pinch together. He's aware that there are few things you could say that Stu would publicly disagree with, but there's nothing to oppose. "I didn't--" He sighs again, giving in, "You should get a friend."
You tilt your head slightly in a way that's hard to read. "I'm not eight." Even though your tone leans towards argumentative, you walk towards the shelf and grab another orange pumpkin. This one's eyes are ovals, not triangles, and its dark smile is more lopsided and smaller. A variant that sticks close to the source material. "Two does look better, though."
With the pumpkin debacle settled, Billy begins to push the cart forward. You and Stu remain about two steps ahead of it, pointing out different decorations from time to time, most of them unserious suggestions.
"What do I have to do to get you in this?"
That sentence, coming from Stu, is enough to make you scared to turn around. The only reason you eventually do is because you can't justify staring at the wall that's stocked with costume add ons--fangs of both the glow in the dark and regular variety, cellophane wings, horn and halo headbands. You're also painfully aware of the fact that the more you resist and fluster, the more Stu will commit to his bit.
So you force yourself to remain casual as you look behind you. He's holding up a prepackaged angel costume that makes you feel like you're offending some religion by just looking at it. A corset top, small, frilly skirt, and white fishnets. It's not so much that makes the costume feel like something that belongs on stage at a failing Vegas show, it's the material and the styling.
"Uh..." In a way, you're glad that he decided to make the joke about something so blatantly not an option, because there's no way he's serious. It makes joking back easier, a little safer. "...Have a roll of one's ready?"
He doesn't miss a beat, "Deal."
Now that sounded a lot more genuine. You blink, struggling to hold your ground. Instinctually, your attention flits towards Billy.
"You should've known what he'd do with a stripper joke."
It's only a partial out, but you appreciate it greatly, "I have no one to blame but myself."
Stu scoffs. "I'm not that predictable."
You and Billy exchange a look. Stu pouts, turning enough to hang the plastic packaging back on its metal hook.
Instead of reminding him that if anyone should be offended about that last joke it should be you, you decide to shift focus. Your attention falls on the consistently growing contents of the cart. It might be a little much, but Stu's house is large. You'd need this many things to make the whole space feel decorated.
"You think we're good or are we missing something?"
Billy tilts his head downwards, taking an unofficial inventory of the cart's contents. It's more for your sake than actual interest. "You didn't get the lights. The twinkly ones."
There's something about hearing Billy say the word twinkly that's more entertaining than it should be. You smile despite yourself. "Say twinkly again."
He glowers, "No."
Billy starts pushing the cart, nearly running over your toes. You bounce back quickly, holding onto the side of the cart like a little kid as you follow him forward. "Why not?"
"The way you asked."
Rude. "He's no fun."
Stu turns his head just enough to look back at the two of you, "Billy?" His hand latches onto the front of the cart. Now, all three of you are clinging to the shopping cart like pre-schoolers that use those plastic rings to stick together. "He's moody."
The comment is meant to dig at you. "I didn't say that."
You'd never say that. If anything, oversimplifying Billy like that is one of your pet peeves. He likes to come off as a little closed off, but it's not such a basic teenage boy thing on him. You've never said anything explaining your defensiveness...you don't even think you'd be able to put it into words, but with Billy, any pretext of angst feels like a type of shield.
"He's just above entertaining me now."
Billy's eyebrows draw together sharply. "Now?"
Reaching the end of the aisle, Billy starts to turn the cart. It's a little awkward to make it around the corner without anyone releasing the cart, but you manage. "We all have to out grow our friends at some point."
"Mhm," he hums dryly, "Especially the dramatic ones."
Eyes widening, you turn on your heels to glare at him. He keeps his head angled downwards, a few strands of hair falling forward to hide the brunt of his reaction. That doesn't stop you from seeing part of his smug smile. If Billy's casualness wasn't always welcomed, you'd likely be a little more annoyed.
"The you that corrected the barista that misheard my coffee order before I could would have never spoken to me like that."
"That was this morning."
You shrug off his response, deciding that a comment about simpler times would over extend the bit. You're in the right aisle now, anyway, shelves full of decorations that require hooks or nails or something else to keep them attached to the wall.
Stu wanders away from the cart, picking up a cardboard box that displays a picture of purple lightbulbs strung up on a suburban house. "These?"
You shake your head. "Too bright, I think they're meant for outside." Stepping towards the shelves, you pick up a rolled up cord of smaller, darker purple lights and another set of boxed lights. "You need... mood lighting."
The cord for the boxed ones are way too long for a living room or kitchen and the bulbs seem way too bright and project a harsh, unflattering orange in their picture. The label on the other set says that they alternate between dark blue and purple and the bulbs are shaped like stars. Definitely a winner.
You look up, ready to say as much, but the words cram their way back down your throat before you can. Stu's closer than you realized, a lot closer than you ever expected him to be.
"Mood lighting?" You know that dropping your head and backing away would only make this worse. Stu likes to know when he's getting something. "What's the exact mood?"
He's grasping at straws in an attempt to fluster you. While mood lighting may hint at something suggestive, it's obvious that you meant the kind of chill, dim lighting that makes people comfortable yet energized. Party lighting. You should say that, laugh off his proximity and his energy. But for whatever reason, you can't quite think.
You press your lips together. "Exact mood," you repeat, still a little unsure, "I had more of a general mood idea."
Stu takes a partial step forward before extending his hand. He takes the wound cord, gently pulling it from your fingers. Slowly, he undoes the thick twist tie holding the cord together. You watch, more curious than you'd like to admit as he unravels it. With no warning, Stu pulls the string of lights over your shoulders.
He takes his time adjusting the string of lights over your shoulders. "I get what you mean."
Warmth you don't get crawls up your neck. It has to be about looking weird in a secluded, but still public, aisle. You tilt your head, trying to ignore that feeling you can't name. "You're tangling them."
"They're fine," he dismisses easily, twisting a part of the cord between his fingers. "We'll get Billy to untangle them later."
You laugh at that. Stu frees you from the confines of the string lights. Billy throws a look at Stu as he halfheartedly rolls up the lights before dropping them in the cart.
"So I'm un-fun and the light de-tangler."
You walk towards him before Billy can fully start pushing the cart again. "I take it back." You reach forward and squeeze his forearm without thinking twice about it. "You're fun." Billy briefly stiffens, gaze trained on what's directly in front of him. "Sometimes."
Billy hates the wave of fondness that that's trying to crawl its way out of his chest. "Like when I'm untangling string lights?" It's meant to be sarcastic in that biting, casually detached way.
If the shift in tone bugs you, you give no indication of it as you smile at him. "And some other times."
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joelswritingmistress · 7 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 20
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
You knew it was going to be a challenge, but the plan you had in mind to fight for Joel's integrity and expose the Champagne family was something you had to carry out.
Across from the coffee shop on the quaint little street was the annual Mischief Night Movie Marathon on the town green, drive-in movie style with a giant blow up screen. To discourage kids from throwing eggs and soaping windows the night before Halloween, the town had created an event that seemed to draw in bigger crowds every year. People brought blankets and lawn chairs. Prior to the start of the movie there was a pumpkin carving contest and all of the jack-o-lanterns were lined along a stone wall that bordered the green.
From five to seven o'clock there was a tiny tots hour and the movie Monsters Inc was played for all the young kids. From seven o'clock until eleven, two horror movies played for older crowds that were picked by the townspeople through social media polls in September. The chosen movies for that evening were Trick 'R Treat and Halloween II.
You sent a group text to Jess, Winnie and Chrissy filling them in about what had happened, and they agreed to meet you down in front of the coffee shop.
For the time being you laid low with a beanie hat pulled down over your ears and a hood over that. To your knowledge, Vic and the other assailants had yet to be tracked down; and so you tried your best to go a little incognito.
The carefree nature of the kids' hour across the street made you smile. Moms and dads helped lift giant pumpkins with goofy faces onto the stone wall as kids jumped for joy in their costumes. The gathering was great for the community and you envisioned, just for a second, that one day you might be one of those moms with a little one of your own.
"Hey!" Chrissy was the first to run up to you and made you stumble back with the fierceness of her hug. "Are you okay?"
You knew she'd understand. She had been the only one you hadn't talked to directly about you and Joel.
"Yeah," you half-lied, but you weren't about to say no, "Yeah, I'm okay."
Chrissy pulled back, still holding you by your arms and looked you in the eyes. "I am so sorry I said what I said about Joel that night we all talked. I had no idea.." She shook her head and pulled you back in for a hug. "Is he okay?"
"He's still in the hospital but he's going to be okay," you told her.
"This is so scary." Chrissy still held you firmly in place. "I am so so sorry you had to go through all that."
"It's okay," you assured her.
Your other two roommates joined you by the coffee shop and you all exchanged similar words.
"So, what's the plan?" Jessie asked. "We want to help."
"Thank you, guys." You let out a deep breath. "I'm just waiting on one more crucial piece to the puzzle." You reached into your pocket and removed your phone to check the time.
"What piece?" Winnie asked.
"I had to rely on.. someone else."
They all looked at one another, wondering if anyone knew who or what you were referring to.
"Steve?" Chrissy asked, her eyes bugging. "Like Steve, Steve?"
You nodded. "It was a last resort but he has the in's that nobody else does. And believe it or not, I think he's true to that badge enough to make this happen."
"I thought you said he was a jerk."
"He is.. kind of," you said, "Or maybe that was me just being annoyed by all of his quirks." You shrugged. "We weren't exactly a love match, but I think deep down he's a good person."
I hope, you thought silently, checking the time again.
Monster's Inc. was wrapping up and the line of jack-o-lanterns stretched nearly the entire length of the wall, each with their own faux candle that left a series of orange glows. You needed the video before the start of Trick 'R Treat. Based on the schedule, you knew that left you about twenty minutes.
"What exactly *is* the plan?" Jessie asked.
You took a deep breath, sending a little cloud of smoke into the air. "Steve is getting me the footage from a security camera that shows what really happened last Halloween. It shows the truth, no ifs, ands or buts.. no gossip. Joel was attacked by Johnny when he was attempting to change his flat tire. Johnny choked him out with a chain and in the struggle of Joel fighting for his life, the two of them fell down a little embankment and Johnny broke his neck. The surveillance video shows all of that, and that's why Joel was charged with nothing."
Your three friends stood them staring at you as if they were watching a suspenseful movie unfold.
"There's footage?" Chrissy asked, her mouth hanging open.
"Yes." You nodded. "And tonight, when ninety percent of the town is here, I'm going to show them."
"Holy fuck," Chrissy said. A smile spread across her face. "That's insane."
"How are you going to do that?" Winnie asked.
You glanced over her shoulder toward Steve, who looked nervous as hell, as he wandered toward you, glancing around in all directions.
Relief filtered through your body. He came through. Your plan was going to work - you thought.
The girls followed your gaze and when Steve got wind that you were all staring at him, he puffed his chest a big and pretended to be paying attention to the Halloween gathering across the street.
"Steve." You gave a wave. His hand looked tight and ridged as he waved back. His face matched his posture.
"Hi, Steve." Chrissy gave a small smile and he nodded once at her before staring directly at you.
"They have a computer that's attached to the projection here," Steve informed you. He reached into the pocket of his shirt and pulled out a small, black disc drive. "The department transferred the footage onto multiple drives. This one should work on any computer. It's just an HDMI."
When he placed the disc into your palm you looked at it for a long moment before finally closing your fingertips over the top of it.
You let out a deep breath knowing the magnitude of what was about to happen. "You think you can distract them enough for me to swap this out before they start the next movie?" Your eyes scanned the small team you had standing in front of you.
"We'll do whatever you need," Jessie said with a nod. The girls all nodded and Steve let out a sigh.
"You do know what's on the line for me, right?"
"Yes," you said directly to him. "And I promise you, you won't regret helping an innocent man get the justice he deserves. This town needs to know the truth." You added, "I'll never tell anyone you got me this. No one would believe you would anyway, with our history."
There was a long silence as everyone contemplated what their role could be, before Steve finally said, "I'll distract them at the podium," then added. "And you do what you gotta do."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee @shayna-d-clown @bbiophiliaa
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incognitopolls · 8 months
do you get a lot of submissions for the same questions? if you get a submission similar to a poll you’ve already done, do you post it, or discount it? are there submissions that follow the guidelines that you choose not to make into polls? if so, what sorts of factors might cause you to reject or pass on a poll?
this blog is great by the way, thank you for running it :-)
I do get a fair number of repeat submissions. A lot of those have been for things that are actually still in the queue, so there's no way for people to know that it's already been submitted. Simple answer: if it's a repeat, I ignore it.
More nuanced answer: If it's basically the same as a poll that's currently in the queue, I'll check if the repeat submission adds any options or details to the question, and add those to the queued poll if possible. If it's a different question in the same vein or if one question is broad and one is narrow, I'll probably run each one separately. If it's a repeat of something that's already been posted, I'll ignore it.
The exception: The handful of questions that were posted very early on this blog had a very small response pool. Some of those questions have been resubmitted recently and I've decided to repost them since they'll likely get quite a bit more traction now.
Other rejections: There are occasional submissions that are not repeat questions but which I choose not to post, yes. The vast majority of submissions get posted, but some things I've chosen not to publish have included:
Polls that are clearly copied from another poll/tournament blog, e.g. "who did you vote for in Best Blorbo Of The Year?". I think the results on the Best Blorbo Blog answer that question already, and I'm not interested in being involved in tournaments.
Polls that I think are going to stir up genuine harm, invite violent or hateful speech into the comments or my inbox, or trivialize serious current events.
Polls where the submitter is just fishing for people to agree with their unpopular opinion, e.g. "who else thinks that pumpkin spice lattes suck?". When I can, I'll try to spin these in a more neutral direction, e.g. "what's your opinion on pumpkin spice lattes?", but that's not always possible.
For the most part, though, people submitting polls have been considerate, which I appreciate! Like I said, the majority of submissions do get posted.
And thank you/you're welcome!
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sterekbros · 8 months
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in memory of Trevor the pet frog (1674 words) by Winchesterek Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
For @sterekfests Fall Fest theme Haunted House, @sterekweek-2023 theme Only Just Begun & @sterekweekly word Magical
Stiles looked down at himself assessingly, not really sure how to feel about his outfit. He knew he didn’t look terrible, but he also looked pretty normal, too. Just like he did every day. Jeans with a T-shirt and a plaid over-shirt.
He was about to go on his first date with Derek freaking Hale. The hottest guy to date that he’s ever laid eyes on. And to think they’d met when Derek visited his family’s pumpkin patch. With two adorable kids, his niece and nephew. Stiles never asked how old they were, but he knew they were in elementary school. Maybe in second grade. So, young enough to think that pumpkins and Halloween were still cool.
He gave himself one more once over and grabbed his phone to check the time. It was almost 7 p.m., which meant that Derek would show up soon to pick him up. Stiles had never been so nervous in his life to go out on a date. Then again, he’d never been out with anyone as hot as Derek, either.
The doorbell rang and Stiles jumped, hurrying down the stairs.
“I got it, I got it!” he assured his parents as he shoved his phone into his pocket. He made sure he had his keys and his wallet too, before rushing to the door and opening it.
Stiles grinned, feeling his cheeks flush. “Uh, hi.” He was so awkward sometimes and he hated it.
“Hey,” Derek replied, his smile almost blinding. “You ready?”
“Uh, yeah—yeah.” Stiles gave a spastic wave to his parents and walked out of the door before they could come over and grill Derek for all the information that Stiles didn't even have himself yet. He closed the door behind himself, which caused Stiles to press closer to Derek, invading his space. Derek didn't seem to mind, though. “Did you want me to drive?”
Derek didn't move away, if anything, he seemed to step closer to Stiles. “Yeah, sure. Since you did pick the date location, after all.” Derek’s eyes seemed to twinkle as he gave Stiles another one of those smiles that made Stiles weak in the knees.
“Hopefully you like it…” Stiles pressed closer to Derek, forcing Derek to step back so they could move off of the porch and away from the door. Derek let Stiles walk ahead of him and followed him toward the Jeep.
“Do I get any hints at where we’re going?” Derek asked, pushing his hands into his pockets, and walking close to Stiles.
Stiles swore he could almost feel the heat of Derek’s body against his, even though they weren't touching as they walked. “Well, it’s supposed to be a surprise and if I give you hints then you might guess what it is.”
Derek chuckled and Stiles smiled, letting that sound settle him. He really wanted to hear Derek laugh more. He liked how happy Derek looked when he laughed, especially when it reached his eyes.
“Fair.” Derek’s smile was soft and he followed Stiles over to the driver's side of the Jeep. Stiles paused and glanced at Derek, brows furrowed.
“What? I can't open your door for you because you’re driving?” Derek asked, reaching for the door handle without waiting for Stiles’ response.
“I didn't say anything,” Stiles replied, trying not to smirk as Derek opened his door for him. “Thank you,” he added before climbing into the Jeep.
Derek closed the door and quickly rounded the Jeep to hop into the passenger seat. “Next time I’ll let you open my door,” he said with a teasing tone that made Stiles laugh.
“For sure,” Stiles agreed. “Can't let you make all of the romantic moves around here.”
“Definitely not,” Derek agreed and buckled up.
Stiles started up the Jeep and buckled up, taking a deep breath, and headed off toward his chosen date spot. He really hoped that Derek liked where he was taking him.
They chatted about mundane things as Stiles drove, like their favorite colors and foods, where they’d gone to high school and a little about what their childhoods were like. Nothing too deep yet, but Stiles was happy to learn as much as he could about Derek, even if they were just little things like the name of Derek’s childhood pet. Which was a tree frog named Trevor.
Stiles pulled into a parking lot, littered with other cars and people, and the fragrant scents of baked goods. He parked and killed the engine, looking over to Derek. “Well, this is it.”
Derek looked around, taking in the place. “Are we at the Fall Festival?”
Stiles blushed and ran a hand through his hair. “Uh, yeah. I thought maybe we could hit up one of the haunted houses and see what else they had going on here. My friend Lydia said they had some great caramel apples at one of the food stands.”
Derek seemed to bristle. “Haunted house?”
“Yeah, they have one here. Umm…” Stiles paused, studying Derek. He didn't seem excited about the prospect of visiting a haunted house. “It’s not like a real one, it’s just one where people jump out at you. No real ghosts.”
Derek chuckled nervously. “I might prefer the actual ghosts.” He cleared his voice. “I, uh—when I was a kid I had a bad experience at a haunted house and I haven't been in one since.”
“Oh.” Well. That was a bust, then. Stiles drummed his fingers on his door and then shrugged. “Okay, then let’s do something else. There’s plenty to do here. We can check out a few games and see what they have to eat. I’m sure we can find something.”
Derek seemed to relax and that made Stiles feel a little more at ease. The last thing he wanted Derek to do was to hate their first date.
“Yeah, that sounds a lot better,” Derek replied and gave Stiles a shy smile. “Thanks…”
“Of course. I want this to be a great night for both of us. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable. A haunted house isn't that important to me…” Stiles let the unsaid ‘unlike you are’ hang there between them.
Derek blushed and Stiles gave him a small smile before getting out of the Jeep and rounding to the passenger side. He opened the door for Derek, trying not to grin but he couldn't help himself.
“So, I guess it’s my turn to open your door.” Derek’s chuckle echoed Stiles’ as Stiles stepped aside and Derek climbed out of the Jeep.
“Thank you. You’re such a gentleman.” Derek’s tone was light and teasing as he stepped into Stiles’ space and Stiles closed the Jeep door. It made Stiles nervous and excited at the same time.
“Come on…let’s see what trouble we can get into,” Stiles replied, nodding his head toward the festival.
“After you.” Derek motioned with his hand and Stiles took the lead as they walked through the Fall Festival.
There were games, tents and stands with food and produce for sale, live music playing, a pumpkin village that Stiles was way too excited to visit, and a few gardening workshops that Stiles dragged Derek to despite Derek’s faked reluctance.
All in all, it was a nice night. And Stiles tried to focus on winning this game so he could get Derek a prize. He held the fake gun loosely, trying to stay relaxed, and when the bell rang he squeezed the trigger. The balloon in front of him grew and grew until it couldn't anymore and another bell rang. Derek was laughing and clapping behind Stiles and Stiles pumped his fist in the air. “Which one do you want?” Stiles asked, face bright with the largest smile he’d had in a long time.
“Uhhh, let’s do the frog,” Derek replied, pointing.
“We’d like the frog, please. That one,” Stiles told the game attendant. They handed the frog over and Stiles turned to proudly present an overly large frog to Derek. If he could beat his chest without it being cheesy, he would.
Derek laughed and took the frog, its limbs flailing everywhere as he tried to hold it without looking ridiculous. “I love it. Thank you.”
Stiles was so high on winning the frog that he took a chance to step forward and captured Derek’s lips in a kiss. When Derek didn't pull away, Stiles leaned into it, one of his hands moving to cup Derek’s bearded cheek as they kissed, soft and slow, taking their time and enjoying the moment.
As they parted, Derek was smiling against Stiles’ lips as he said, “Wow. That was—”
“Yeah…” It was something Stiles hadn't expected to feel. A warmth in his chest and his heart fluttering at kissing Derek. He smoothed his thumb along Derek’s cheek, stepping back only a bit. “Did you want to get something to eat?”
What was he supposed to say after a kiss like that? Let’s go to my Jeep so you can fuck me? Stiles would totally be okay with that, but this was more important. Derek was special, not some random hookup that he’d never see again. He wanted something more with Derek, even if this was only their first date.
“Turkey leg? Or maybe we can get some pie,” Derek offered, his hand moving to take Stiles’ hand in his and threading their fingers together. “We might have to take the frog back to the Jeep, though. I don't want him to get damaged while we lug him around the festival.”
“What are you going to name him?” Stiles asked as they began to walk.
“Trevor, of course. In memory of my pet frog.” Derek chuckled and hefted Trevor onto his shoulder as they walked hand in hand through the festival.
It might not have been the date the Stiles originally planned, but it was still magical. Perfect, even. In its own way.
And Stiles couldn't wait for their next date, even if he never wanted this one to end.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
How reaction of them to someone flirting with your S/O? (Satou Matsuzaka, Mikasa, Shouko Nishimiya, Tadano Hitohito, Shoko Komi, Aoko Kirino)
Seeing someone flirt with their S/O
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Satou, Mikasa, Nishimiya, Hitohito, Komi, Naoko ]
[ Happy Sugar Life ] [ Attack on Titan ] [ A silent voice ] [ Komi can't communicate ] [ Pumpkin Night ]
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So you have chosen death, huh?
If im being honest I never get when someone is being flirty with me, i don't even know if that have happen 😶
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Satou Matsuzaka
Satou isn't discreet with her affectionate and love for you, and being in a relationship with you made her even more clingy because since you love her too she doesn't see why she should hide her love
She isn't going to take this well, she doesn't like this at all because that person is trying to get in the way of her and her beloved partner, is pretty obvious that you two are together so she will take this as a personal offence, the more that person insist on their flirting the more angry she gets
If that person had approached to you while she wasn't there with you she will try to calm down a little, but if that person had approached to you when you two were together she will get really mad, how that person dare to flirt with you while she is there by your side?
As much as she hates this bitter taste that this person is letting her, first she will try to make it obvious that you two are a couple (mainly because she doesn't like getting mad or agressive in front of you) clinging onto you and calling you by cute and chessy nicknames trying to make it clear, but if that person persist she will get really mad
Also, it would depend on the person, if they are just saying some compliments and they is even being respectful then she will go easy on them, may even agree with what they say, but if the person is being vulgar or even invasive she will start threating them, again she doesn't want to get agressive but this person start to annoying her too much
If you don't mind it too much or even don't realice that they are actually flirting Satou will be mixed between relief and confusion, she is glad that you don't care for the flirt but why? it doesn't get you a bitter taste too? She will ask you about it later with a pout, she doesn't like the idea of someone else hinting on you (but will laugh a little if you didn't noticed it)
But if the case is that this person is making you uncomfortable she will react quickly, at the very moment she notice your uncomfortable expresion is like something had acitvated on her, a protective instinct get onto her, but it would depend in how much that person have done, if had made you a little uncomfortable she will ask them to go, but if you are too uncomfortable she will threaten that person (she can tell how uncomfortable you are for your body language), and if that person had dare to touch you then you will have to hold her back before she really hurt that person
In the other hand, if you reject that person she will be more calm (but still glare at that person), and if you tell that person that you have a beautiful girlfriend her reaction will be completely different, forgeting at all about the other person and just getting flattered for what you did
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Mikasa Ackerman
It could be a little difficult for others to tell what relasionship you two have, yes Mikasa is really caring and tent to stay by your side all the time, but she does that to the ones she apreciate the most, so it could be easily to misunderstood it, and to Mikasa that doesn't matter for her the important is that you love her and that you don't forget that she loves you too
Mikasa is really protective over you, and that leads her to be rather jelous too, although she try to stay calm and be more rational she won't like at all seeing someone flirting with her partner
Her first reaction is being annoyed, and you can tell for her expression since she stare at the person intensely, specially if you two had been together when the person started flirting (she isn't really clingy or to physicaly affectionate but because of this she will cling to your arm and don't let you go for a while), but if she weren't there when the person had approached then she will came directly to you, trying to make obvious that she is your partner, either way she will glare at the person (she practically does it unconsciously)
If the person were being rather polite and kind with the flirt then she will be go more easy with that person (but still she doesn't like it too much), but if the person had being invasive or even vulgar she will be furious, but she won't do more than intimidate that person and threatening them with death, she will for sure scare the hell out of that person and when they had go away will try to calm down (and will get a little shy for a while with you, but is almost not noticeable)
If you didn't mind much the flirt of that person she will be uncomfortable with it, she doesn't like the idea of you liking someone's flirting, and will act a little cold with you for a while (you will have to reassure her that you love only her), but if you were uncomfortable she go in full protective mode and will be even more mad at the person (even if they were respectful with the flirt), but if the case is that you didn't even notice it she will be confused but a little amused for it (she may even laugh a little for it)
If the person apologize for flirting with you, either for the boldness or because you were uncomfortable that will help her calm down a lot (mainly if that person were polite, if they apologize because they get scare at her she will stay mad), she may even apologize too for reacting so aggresibly
And if you ended up being the one who reject that person that will make her calm down quickly, she doesn't think much of it but make her feel proud that you don't need her to "defend yourself" there (she still are protective though), but if you remark that you already have a girlfriend that you love she will get flustered for it (she likes hearing you talking about her so lovely, even if she doesn't say it out loud)
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Shouko Nishimiya
Even if you two aren't too open or obvious with your relationship is still noticibly that you two have an special relasionship for the way you two act around each other
More than jelous Shouko is insecure so this situation will make her feel a little uneasy, and because of not being able to heard she won't be able to fully understand the situation, so she goes more for what she sees
If the person had approached you when she wasn't there she will have a hard time trying to come to you, not wanting to interrupt you, so it would be the case that she approach because she sees that the person is making you uncomfortable or becouse is being intrusive or touch you, or either because the person had go away (they just had give up or you had rejected them)
If the person had approached you when she was with you she neither understand much of what they are saying, so she will hold onto your clothes and shyly look at you expectant, like trying to ask you what are they saying with the look
If the person were being polite and respectful she could easily think that you two were chating about trivial things, but if the case is that the person get too close to you and even start to touch you she won't like that, it makes her feel uneasy seeing someone treating in a not so friendly way to her partner so she will put herself between you two, trying to prevent that person from touching you and even start to rush so you two get away from them
Shouko doesn't know exactly what happened or how she should help you, but if she sees you uncomfortable or the other person start to be disrespectful she won't just stand there watching
Either way at the end she will ask you about what you were talking with the other person, and if you explain to her that they were flirting with you she get worried and nervous in a second, you will have to help her calm down, if you didn't mind it too much that will confused her a little but doesn't pry, in case you didn't noticed that the person had been flirting neither of you will know it (unless you tell one of your friends about it)
If you tell her that you had rejected them because you have a girlfriend that you love and respect she will be so flustered and flattered
She will stay a little shy for a while after this, because she doesn't like that someone had been flirting with you and because she wasn't able to do much for help you
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Hitohito Tadano
If you two aren't too open with your relationship or don't show it much to others it won't be too obvious your relationship, aside from how caring or shy Hitohito are with you
Hitohito isn't someone who gets jelous quickly, he is more rational and he is already used to unusual situations, but still the fact that someone is flirting with you make him umconfortable, he can understand that you are really awesome and people could feel atracted to you but he doesn't like it too much
If the person had approached when you were alone he will stay calm, this could be a misunderstood or something so he just approach to the two of you and try to solve this situation calmly, but if he was there when the person started to flirt with you he will be annoyed for it since this is an offence to him too
He will try to help you and solve the situation calmly, explaining that you two are already together, he isn't someone resorts to violence or react aggresibly, if the person back of or even apologize he will try not to thing much on it and continue with whatever you were doing (keyword try) but if the person continue flirting he will start to get mad, they are being disrespect and he isn't planing to just watch them do it, he will try to stay polite while confronting the person but you can see that the more that person insist the more he gets mad and uncomfortable
If the person were being polite with the flirtation he won't mind it too much and will stay calm, but if the person started to being invasive and even touch you in no so friendly way he will get more agressive (out of instinct), he get more protective and will use force to pull them away from you if he needs it (he will apologize to you later for acting like that or for not helped you earlier)
If he noticed that they are making you uncomfortable he will be more quick with his reaction and probably more pushy with them too (depending in how uncomfortable they were making you). If he noticed that you didn't mind the flirtation he will get jelous, but will try to hide it (not too well), thinking that maybe you like it and wondering if he should do things like that, but if you didn't even noticed the flirtation he will be shocked at first, but he find it rather funny (he probably won't explain it to you)
In the case that you had rejected the person he will feel a little flustered, even if you had troubles to do it or made it shyly he somehow admire you for it, and if you emphasize that you already have a boyfriend that you love nontheless he will be so flustered he will be stuttering for a while with a big blush on his cheeks
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Shouko Komi
Since Shoko is so anxious that will make difficult for you two to be open with your relationship, but is noticible how much she relay on you or how she clings to you, so that could give hints
More than jelous, Shoko could be really insecure so she isn't going to take this to well, not like she will be agressive towards that person but it will make her doubt herself
If that person had started flirting when you were alone in the moment she sees you two she will wait nervously, thinking that maybe you two are just talking and she doesn't want to interrupt, but the closer they gets to you or the more nervous/uncomfortable you seem the more nervous she gets, she even start panicing thinking that they are trying to intimidating you and she wants to help you but doesn't know what to do
In the case that the person had approached when you two were together she started getting nervous even before they started talking, and just by hearing that person giving you compliments or saying different comments about you confused her at first
If the person were being polite with the flirtation then she won't do much, either because she doesn't fully understand or because she is just too shy to say something, but if the person were being vulgar or invasive with you she will panic, and without even thinking it much she will try to help you, when she finally gets the strength to do so, she puts himself between the two like trying to protect you, and since whenever she gets anxious her gaze is intimidating that will help
Also, if you were feeling uncomfortable with the flirtation she will panic in the moment she notice it, that will lead her try to help you, what lead her to be intimidating and scare the person unintentionally, but if you seem to not to bothered for the flirtation she will feel nervous and later when she is alone in her room she will be wondering if you had liked it and and if you'd rather she be like that from time to time too
If you had rejected that person remarking that you already have a girlfriend it will take her a moment to fully understand what happened, but when she does she become a flustered blushing mess
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Naoko Kirino
Naoko is really affectionate even before you two start dating, it would be pretty obvious that you two are together
Naoko isn't exactly possessive or jelous, but that doesn't mean she likes seeing someone flirting with her partner, so even if she tries to stay calm she could get a little bit agressive
She can admit that you are an amazing person so it would be normal that others are atracted to you, so if the person started flirting when she wasn't there she could understand and will try to solve this calmly, but if the person approached to you when you two were together she will be annoyed for this, she is rather clingy so it could be obvious that you two are together
If the person had been rather polite and kind with whatever they say Naoko won't mind it too much, she probably even agree with what they are saying (and she has no problem with saying it out loud), but if the person is being invasive she wont be as calm, she will get mad, taking it as an offence but she will hide it, the more the person insist the more mad she get and that will lead her to confront that person and even play with them, Naoko could be intimidating when she wants so she will start by telling them things like that you probably will never be with someone like them you have a better taste to ended up insulting them directly (how much she plays around it would depend in how much they anger her)
She will be quicker with confronting the person if they were being vulgar or if they were making you umconfortable, and Naoko never leave them the oportunity to touch you, since the very moment the person tryied to even take even just your hand Naoko had put herself between you two
If you didn't mind the flirtation that is what will make her feel jelous and she will pout while claims you about it after the person go, asking if she isn't affectionate enough or if you prefer that person, but she does in a playful way (she may even make you make it up for her). But if the case is that you didn't actually noticed the flirtation she will laugh at it and calls you baby or too inocent
And if you were the one rejecting that person saying that you already have a girlfriend she will be flattered and will be more clingy and bubbly for a while after this incident
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xreaderbooks · 1 year
The Shadows of Our Love |6|
Chapter 6 | In the Shadow of Rumors
Pair: Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: Group date at the three broomsticks, Sirona gives Y/n some advice
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1.2k
a/n: picture not mine, all credit to the creator
Links: Playlist - Wattpad - AO3
Chapter 5 - Series Masterlist - Navigation - Chapter 7
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"Have you heard all the fourth-year girls talk about the new sixth year?" The sweet tune of your designated Hufflepuff sings as she sits in the chair beside you.
"New sixth year?"
Imelda groans, "Insufferable the lot of them, honestly."
"He's quite-" Poppy hesitates, thinking a little too much before she speaks, "attractive. I can see the appeal."
"Do you fancy him?" You never heard the girl compliment a member of the male species before.
She stutters, "No! Of course not, simply pointing out what everyone else sees."
You try to recall a memory of meeting the new sixth-year boy, "I haven't seen him."
"L/n, he is literally in our Ancient Runes class," Imelda looks up from picking her nails in boredom.
"Who is?" Garreth pulls a chair from a table nearby and seats himself between you and Poppy after setting the drinks he brought with him. Leander followed in tow with three more and a pumpkin pasty served on a plate.
Garreth slid a butterbeer to Poppy first and kept his to himself, Leander then distributed the rest of the drinks to you and Imelda. He mistakenly handed you the pumpkin pasty to which you scrunched your nose and set it in front of Imelda.
Imelda narrows her eyes, "Why are you looking at my desert like that?"
"She hates pumpkin," Garreth answers for you.
"Blasphemy!" She picks up the fork and cuts into it. "Almost as blasphemous as you not trying out for quidditch."
After a full month of attempting to persuade you to try out for the Quidditch team, Imelda had given up.
"If we lose because of your inconsideration, I will hold a grudge." Imelda points her fork at you threateningly.
"Boy, does she," Leander who had been uncharacteristically quiet had spoken only to be immediately glared at by her.
"I didn't need your confirmation, Prewitt."
Your eyes widen in amusement at the pair, they were always at each other's throat, increasingly so because of the upcoming season. Leander was a part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and Imelda was a part of the opposing team, She was as competitive as it got and he was a smart ass, and not in a clever way... It made for an interesting pair.
Very 'diverse' from the words of Sirona who was surprised at the large groups you came with on the Fridays you all agreed to. It was always you, Garreth, and Poppy. Until the Quidditch season officially started; Imelda joined, Natty (whenever her mom allowed her), Nellie, Leander (who Garreth felt guilty if he didn't invite him), Amit, Everett, and Samatha.
You invited Ominis, but he had chosen to 'detach himself from the tomfoolery' as he said. You knew it was partly an excuse not to leave Sebastian alone.
It was always whoever was available to come that week and it was always a different kind of fun that you enjoyed, it helped keep your mind off of the heavy things on your mind.
Poppy gasped and stared at the door, glancing at you and at the person who walked through the doors of The Three Broomsticks. "That's him."
A boy who appeared to be around your age, with blond hair that was smoothed down and away from his face, he wore a dark waistcoat- no jacket- accentuating his build, with his white blouse tucked neatly into his breeches. You had to admit there was something striking about him, it could be his eyes, stormy blue.
He met your gaze and winked, you looked down at your butterbeer that had hardly been touched and lifted it to take a sip, distracting yourself from the heat that rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment.
"Merlin, he's a bit full of himself isn't he?" Garreth leans back in his chair. Imelda lets out a 'ha', and you give her a questioning look.
"If you'd bothered to stop complaining in Runes class for two seconds, you would realize that he's had his eye on you for a while now."
You pout, "Not my fault that class is bloody impossible."
"Not the point," She glances to the side and back at you in an annoyed manner. "Everyone's been talking about it."
That couldn't have been true, you would have heard about it by now. At least, you would think so, the students at Hogwarts did not know how to keep the whispering to themselves, it was easy to hear all the hot gossip when the people talking about it thought you couldn't hear them.
"She's right," Poppy pipes in and flushes, "It's kind of why I brought him up in the first place. Sorry, I just wanted to know what you thought of him, but as you can see now- It was true about what I said earlier."
That he was attractive- he sure was, you wouldn't say blonds are your type, but there was something alluring about him.
"Perhaps you should introduce yourself- officially," Imelda teased at the end.
You thought about it but you didn't know what to say, perhaps you could mention that you were both in the same class? You didn't even know he was in any of your classes. You wouldn't be able to play it off because you don't even know his name.
You were saved from having the interact with him as he had been handed a wrapped pastry, he paid and left.
Imelda tilted her head as if to say 'There you go, missed your chance.'
In the time you were debating what to do, you finished your mug, instead of staying at the table and listening to the teasing- you went to get a refill.
"How's it going, my young friend?" Sirona takes the mug you set on the counter and fills it from a barrel not so far from you.
"I'm well, Sirona, it's been a while since we've talked." You mention, feeling slightly guilty that in all the times you've come here, you've barely chatted with her. "How have you been?"
She returns the mug- now filled and wipes her hands on her apron before leaning her forearms on the wooden surface. "A bit worried, if I'm honest."
Your expression was puzzled as you asked her, "What's wrong?"
"It's the Hamlets, people going missing or being attacked, some are even saying poachers are staying out of areas they normally love to hunt." A solemn look on her face, "It's beginning to feel like last year."
At those words, you feel the hairs stand from your arms, and a shudder ran down your spine that you had suppressed. "Could it be?"
"Can't be sure, Lodgok was the one who had warned me about how rough things were going to be last time."
Your heart clenched, and guilt and sorrow bubbled in your chest, "I'm so sorry-"
"It is not your fault, Y/n," She moved out from behind the bar. "I'm just trying to warn you to be careful, something is brewing- they wear masks and they are following a pattern of the people they attack. Officer Singer claims they don't know what it is yet but I'm not so sure that is true."
Masks. Masks, masks, masks.
Following a pattern, the group who fought you relentlessly last time had killed a specific two or three from the pack of Ashwinders.
These were the same people who attacked you not so long ago, they had drained you, their fighting style was intricate and precise and with motive. What it was- you had no idea but you would find out.
"Now, don't go getting any ideas now- I know you've been quite helpful to wizarding kind but you are still just a child, Y/n- live." She squeezed your arm before giving it a pat and going back to work. 
a/n: sebastian content will be coming don't worry
Chapter 7
@vanivivs - @aqueennia - @wt-fxck - @therealppboy
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
Baby first halloween (modern au) 4/4
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Happy Halloween month or spooky scary skeleton season, here is the started my first Halloween holiday or month one shote. I hope you all enjoy it.
avatar holiday masterlist
Fall had finally arrived and soon the holiday of Halloween will be coming as well. This was one of the many holidays that you had celebrated with your husbands and wives, and they enjoyed celebration the holiday with you as well. It had soon started off as friends and soon lead to celebrate as a couple. Now life had changed for everyone as now the couple had welcome two new additions to their family, their sons that had been born last years and had yet to celebrate the holidays with their parents.
y/n " well my little ones you are in lucky as today we will be celebrating something new for the both of you" neteyam and aonung were in their baby rest, as you pop them on the nose making both boys laugh and smile.
y/n " well you two will be celebrating the holiday of halloween with me and your mommies and daddies"
y/n " see this is pumpkin and we will either carve it into Jack-o'-lantern and put a candle inisde , and we also get to dressed up for fun and eating candy"
y/n " so what do you two wanted to be ghost,pumkins, or monsters"
????? " I hope you are not deciding costumes without us" you soon turned around and saw your wives and husbands standing there,
y/n " good morning my loves"
ronal " we see you got the kids ready for day"
y/n " well I was already up there were some stuff I need to cover and I heard them waking up, and you alll went to bed late last night"
neytiri " yes work has been so much lately and sleep as become short"
tonoari " so you are getting the kiddos into Halloween"
y/n " we'll I'm trying to and it seems like it working"
Jake " well you are their dear mama" Jake soon kissed you right check making you smile at him, soon the babies gibberish had gotten all five adults attention.
neytiri " hey baby did you bah for mama this morning"
y/n " they have been good all this morning"
ronal " that good to hear so what are we going to dress you two as for your first Halloween something cute or hero like"
tonowari " I still can't belie we will be celebrating Halloween with them this month, it going to be amazing"
Jake " you know we should take them to the festival that always hosted this month it will be fun, and I know your mama and mommies will love to have more pictures of you two"
y/n " hey we should do that we agreed to do that when we had kids, and now look where we are now" you husbands and wives looked at you and they seem to agree with what you had to say.
ronal " well that seem to be something we can all agree on but no costumes chosen until later on tonight"
y/n " sure"
neytiri " because we have some idea she might like to where and we want to be helpful as well"
y/n " fine but this not going to stop me from trying some costumes on them"
Jake " we can agree on that love"
tonowair "ahh we are going to be late for work we will see you later tonight"
y/n " bye my loves have a good day"
neytiri " good and when we get home we can also plan any things to do during this month, and decorate the home" you had kissed your mates goodbye as they soon left. When they get home that night it seems like all four of them had costumes for the boys to wear, every getting a chance to prove their costume was the best of the boys first Halloween. That the end of the day nothing could be denied among the couple and it gave the couple a chance to have good pictures and family bonding.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Let’s say in an AU were you could “recruit” the bishop after you defeated them (Basically what happened to Narinder)
Could you write some Headcanons of Hecket Dating one of the Cult members (reader) who helps her adjust to her new life. Plus, helps her reconcile with Narinder.
OH I love those AUs!! Wish we could have recruited the bishops like all the other mini-bosses, Witnesses, and Narinder
When Heket was first dragged into Lamb's cult, you were among the few members to welcome her.
It's a surprise, considering she remembers plaguing you and others with starvation in front of their leader as a show of power.
So it’s a rather tense and awkward first meeting for everyone, especially since Leshy is there too. She started chastising him for his failure, but Lamb put a stop to that.
She quickly realized she wasn’t above this “false god” anymore. Just a servant like you, her brother, and (eventually) her other siblings.
With nowhere else to go, she stayed in the cult and distanced herself from everybody, her arrogance barely waning. 
Lamb healed her throat out of generosity (as they also cured Leshy’s blindness), but she still despised them and barely listened to their orders.
Many were afraid to approach her. That was understandable. Yet you did so willingly, helping her adjust to life in the cult. All you asked for in return is her friendship (which she begrudgingly agrees to).
You’d take her to events in the temple, hanging out near the back. Although anytime Lamb performs the harvest ritual she just scoffs and rolls her eyes, muttering how that used to be her job.
Heket’s never felt hunger like her followers did, so she panics a little upon experiencing this for the first time. But you calm her down by sharing your bowl of food with her.
As much as she hates to admit it, Lamb’s cooking is...adequate.
She gets closer to you more and more, slowly bringing down the walls she built around herself....eventually realizing that you’re the only one in the cult who makes her happy and feel like she belongs.
When she sees a marriage ritual take place, she gets a little jealous of Lamb and their chosen spouse, wondering if you and her could have something like that.
But it’s you who made the first move, asking her out with a bouquet of autumn leaves and mushrooms. She eagerly accepts the confession, barely able to hide her smile of relief.
“Dates” consisted of doing tasks together within the cult, but during missionaries you two will venture through Anura, with Heket reminiscing over the land she used to rule.
Its residents aren’t hostile to either of you, instead bowing in her presence. And in the rooms with her stone statues, she admires them for some time before catching up with you.
Concerning the bishops' opinions on the relationship: Leshy approves 100%, Kallamar was shocked and asked “who are you and what have you done with our sister????”, and Shamura threatened you with “break her heart and I'll make a war break out within your cult”. Regardless, they came around to support you two.
When Narinder arrives on the scene, he’s beyond shook.
“Lamb wtf you never told me about this-”
"My, oh my..so the Red Crown has abandoned you at last, dear brother."
"....watch your words carefully before I cut your throat again..sister."
Yep, these two will bicker nonstop. But you'll do your best to reassure Heket that he won't hurt her again (likewise, Lamb ensures there's no heavy quarrels between the bishops and him).
Heket's gonna BEG Lamb to let them battle it out in a fighting ritual but you stop her from making such a request.
"Not everything has to end in a fight, sweetheart."
"But it's how everything begins-"
"Nope. C'mon why don't we tend to the pumpkin patch?"
Indeed you managed to wrap the ex-bishop of famine around your finger/claw. But she didn't mind it so much.
It's fair to say you're her better half.
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I think this is pure PR, why scared video after we found out she back in PT , why article released after his trailer dropped, why did pap walk and Chris looked like shit was next to him, why they walked around and ready to take more shots, why he let go of her hand after finishing taking photo, and why pumpkin pictures?? 🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️/
Let me remind you two things everyone likes to forget because it’s important to keep things grounded:
1. Them doing PR or trying to control the narrative doesn’t necessarily mean it’s only pr, there are PR couples that do PR and real couples that do PR because at the end of the day they’re celebrities and they have marketing teams, why they decide to manage things the way they do? Idk, for all we know Chris might be THAT insecure.
2. Chris looks uncomfortable with her in public. Okay? what about it? Do you think that for them to have a relationship it has to be like Jack and Rose on titanic? Romeo and Juliet? it could be shitty for all we know. Idk why people are shocked that Chris might have chosen a shitty gf, or that he might not have an ideal bf behavior
Lastly, I just wanna say, just bc someone thinks this isn’t only PR it doesn’t mean they are rooting for them. I know I’m not, but the strictly PR doesn’t hold up too well either.
Sorry, but that makes no sense to me. Why trying to sell a happy in love couple when you can't show it. Why calling a pap when you look like a forced child going to a museum? If you want to sell it, you have to perform as a couple. And if you are just a shitty real couple, then you don't arrange a papwalk. But I agree with you that there are real couples with PR elements (for me it was Jenny)
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
This is an old tag by @talesofsorrowandofruin
I'm leaving OPEN TAG - with words - green, cat, skull, melt, and point
My words were: lock, faster, skin, burn, teeth
“I promise, dear Bella, that all of it will be quite painless.” A lock of her golden hair twirled around his finger.  “Possibly even enjoyable.  It all depends on you, and how much you are open to.” Adriel let his thumb sweep her cheekbone.  He would not press nor rush a thing with her, but the attraction and draw between them was undeniable.  There was little doubt within his mind that by the end of the evening, his lips would be on hers and she would be within his arms.  Not something he would apologize for or turn down.
"He's right.  Like your friend Delilah, she will need to become immortal and reside in Imperium." Arch agreed.  It seemed new residents were multiplying faster than rabbits in the Palace.  Or chinchillas, given the gardens newest residents. 
“I haven’t asked.  I’m trying to find a way to get in there and take on her personal guard.” Leviathan wasn’t going to get in an argument, or let Beelzebub see how much he was getting under his skin.  “And I have been informed that there are some new residents at the Palace, it’s even expanding for it.”  Now Leviathan was smirking as he pointed to the new wing on the table before him.  “I am considering getting rid of a few of my spies, let some of my more trusted ones take care of them for me.  Eliminate loose ends.  The next few weeks will be critical…” A devious smirk came to his lips as he watched the movements beneath him on the mystical map.  No one would know what hit them…
Fuck, he was in trouble.  The name he’d chosen for her was right.  She was going to burn him every chance she got.  “For you, I think I can control my bachelor slob ways.”  He moved a bit closer.  “You’re not gonna bring in those damn wax melt things and make it smell like pumpkin spice and mint chocolate are you?  Decorate it kawai stuffed animals?” One of his hands landed on her hip and he waited for her to react,  but all he got was a narrow eyed smirk.  
Leviathan’s teeth ground at the reminder of how sideways that whole operation had gone.  “We’re still working on that.  She’s determined to get Leandre back, and I do believe that she has managed to bring Gabriel into the fold of our arsenal.”  Leviathan’s smirk grew.
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @blind-the-winds @shipping-through-eternity @outpost51 @inkspellangel @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story
Please ask to be +/-
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bananarose · 9 months
FFXIV Write - #21 "Grave"
I started writing something angsty and then I decided - no, actually, I wanna write something fun! So I chose to write about All Saint's Wake, and what some of my characters might be getting up to during the celebrations!
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Banana rounded up as many of her companions as she could (the ones who would agree, anyway) and made her way to Gridania for the All Saint’s Wake celebrations. Some of them had refused to wear costumes, but she convinced most of them to dress up for the occasion to some degree. For herself, she had chosen a pumpkin-themed costume. Little brown boots, an orange set of overalls over a slightly lighter orange shirt, all topped off with a green bow atop her head. She even smelled somewhat like a pumpkin, having helped pick and carry a bunch of them to the amphitheatre earlier in the day. 
She always enjoyed helping setup for events like these, and there was almost always some crisis or another that needed solving anyway. So she would check in with Mother Miounne in the Carline Canopy, and the usual event organizers if she knew them, inquiring on what she could do to help. Any and all crises had been averted at this point, and they were all free to enjoy the festivities.
Banana’s friend Lhili, whom she had trained with at the conjurer’s guild, had chosen a witch costume this year. Black dress with spiderweb accents, some rather less than sensible boots, complete with a witch hat, specially tailored for her miqo’te ears so she would be comfortable. 
Banana was rather proud of the costumes her friends had chosen, especially the ones she had helped with. Like the costume she had picked out for Lavandin. She was quite proud of that one. He was decked out in the frilliest, cutest maid dress, special-ordered from none other than Tataru Taru herself. 
The three of them decided they wanted to check out a haunted house they had seen advertised, situated in Gridania’s Lavender Beds. After a short boat ride full of laughs - and some stolen bites of candy - they walked hand in hand (in hand) down the pathways, looking for the correct address. Eventually they found it, a rather normal looking house from the outside if a bit dark and dreary. Upon entering they were met with a ghostly greeter who, silent as the grave, gestured simply to the stairs beyond. 
The first rooms of the house were well-decorated, dim, with an eerie atmosphere. They weren’t scary per se, but it felt as though they had stumbled into the abode of an actual vampire or some such creature of the night. Slowly, before they realized it, the rooms they were walking through were becoming… wrong. Furniture was askew, as if something had warped the shapes. Wallpaper appeared to be dripping down the walls, exposing worn, old wood underneath. There were unsettling noises surrounding them; skittering and whispering, and they couldn’t see where the sounds were coming from. 
Suddenly, a CRACK of lightning overhead! The three screamed in unison as there was a flash of light before the room was plunged into darkness. The skittering got closer. The whispers, more persistent. They stood, huddled together in the dark for what felt like an age. Until eventually, they saw a small speck of light coming closer to them. As it got closer, they discovered it was a lantern, held by a cloaked figure, a figure who beckoned them closer with their other gloved hand. The three looked at eachother, before nodding nervously and following their newfound guide.
The cloaked figure led them through more rooms of the house, which seemed to contain far more rooms than the outside would suggest. Gradually the rooms became less and less warped, until they began to resemble the first rooms they had walked through. They collectively sighed a breath none had realized they were holding - causing the three of them to laugh at themselves. It was just a haunted house afterall. 
Eventually they were led back to the entrance of the house, and they thanked their guide before cloak disappeared into shadow - and the figure was gone. They hastily thanked the greeter as well, who cracked a creepy grin at them as the group left.
Another short boat ride, this time complete with ghost impressions, and they were well on their way back to Gridania to meet back up with their companions, to enjoy more All Saint’s Wake festivities.
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Divider Credit - @cafekitsune
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They Call Me Wicked (That Makes Me Glad) (pt 3/?)
[<<First],[< Prev],[Next>]
Word Count: 2,028
Rating: Teen
Pairings: none in this part
Warnings: child abuse, threats of violence and mutilation, evil plotting, deadnaming
“Pack your bags, Kiddies! You’re going to Auradon!” 
“What!?” Patton screeched, breaking the stunned silence that had fallen over the room.  
Maleficent shot him a warning sneer, so he immediately reeled in his… shock? Anger? 
“You four,” Maleficent said slowly, daring any of them to interrupt her again. “Have been chosen to go to Auradon Prep as part of Prince Janus’s new initiative to reform the children of the Isle.” 
“Mother,” he ground out, unable to help himself. “I’m not going to some prissy boarding school full of pretty pink princesses–” 
“And perfect princes!” Roman swooned. Patton flared a wing out to cut him off.  
“Yeah, and I don’t do uniforms — unless it’s leather, ya feel me?” Remus cackled, moving his hips suggestively.  
Patton flared his other wing out in front of Remus — the twins were not helping.  
“We’re not going!” Patton insisted, his fear of what Prince Janus and Auradon would do to them when they realized they couldn’t be reformed outweighing his fear of what his mother would do to him for talking back. His mother he knew, but Auradon? Complete unknown.  
“You’re thinking small, pumpkin,” Maleficent purred, seemingly content to let the insolence slide. For now, at least. “It’s all about world domination! Queenie!” She snapped her fingers in Evil Queen’s direction. “The book!” 
Roman’s mother passed her a history book — it was one of the ones that Auradon sent over with the intention of having it taught in school. Usually, they were just vandalized by anyone who came across them; this book was no exception with several pages ripped out and the front cover covered in scribbles, but the page Maleficent showed them was pristine.  
“This is the Fairy Godmother’s magic wand, it’s the only thing that can bring down the magic barrier keeping us trapped on this godforsaken, magic-blocking island. You will go to Auradon. You will find the Fairy Godmother. And you will bring me back her magic wand. And if you refuse, you’re grounded for the rest of your life, mister.” 
She said it so casually, but the hard look in her eye let Patton know exactly what she meant. He tried to suppress any reaction to the threat, but he couldn’t stop the involuntary twitch of his wings — made all the more obvious by the way they were still spread out to his sides in front of the twins.  
Maleficent’s smirk grew at the blatant show of fear.  
“It’s all about you and me, baby boy,” Maleficent purred sweetly, as though she hadn’t just threatened to mutilate him. “Do you like watching innocent people suffer?” 
“Well, yeah,” Patton answered, though whether he meant it or not, he wasn’t quite sure. “I mean who doesn’t?” 
“Then bring me the wand! With that wand, and my scepter,” she gazed lovingly at the staff that hung on the wall over the doorway. The magic barrier had taken away any of the power it once held, but Patton knew from personal experience that it could still leave quite a mark. “I’ll be able to bend the forces of good and evil to my will!” 
“Our will,” Evil Queen corrected. Few people on the Isle could challenge Maleficent so directly, but while Evil Queen didn’t have quite the status that Maleficent had, she had more than her fair share of influence amongst the population of the Isle.  
“Our will, our will,” Maleficent agreed dismissively. “Bring me the wand Patton; we’ll get matching ‘Hers’ and ‘His’ crowns.  
There was no choice but for Patton to agree, but Maleficent’s eyes started glowing green anyway, the way they did when she wanted to have a test of wills — agreeing without rising to the challenge would be seen as weak, and Patton couldn’t seem weak, especially not in front of an audience. Patton met his mother’s eyes head on as his own began glowing blue.  
Meeting her challenge was difficult; every second his gaze was locked with hers was excruciatingly painful, and he’d never quite shaken the thought that she could read his thoughts during this, but he thought tooth and nail for every millisecond he could hold on, and he wasn’t about to roll over now.  
He lasted about ten seconds — a new record — before he was forced to turn away.  
“Fine,” he spat. “I’ll go to Auradon.” 
“Perfect!” His mother cackled. “I win!” 
“Father,” Logan said slowly, speaking for the first time once it became clear that Maleficent was done talking. “You are… alright with this?” 
“Well…” Gaston rubbed his chin consideringly, putting thought into this plan for probably the first time. “I’m not a fan of the ‘school’ part… or the ‘Auradon’ part… and if Belle isn’t here, who’s going to clean my clothes or cook my food? Why did I agree to this again?” 
“Well Remus isn’t going either!” Jafar suddenly spoke up. “I need him to stock my store.” 
Remus pulled out the cracked gravy boat from earlier — though Patton didn’t remember him grabbing it from the pile before jumping out the window — and tossed it up to his dad, who immediately began rubbing the side manically.  
“Dad!” Remus called. “I already tried.” 
Jafar’s gleeful expression turned sour and he threw the gravy boat at Remus’s head. Remus took half a step to the side and the ceramic boat shattered on the concrete behind him.  
“Roman’s not going anywhere until we take care of these pimples!” Evil Queen sighed, descending the stairs and pushing Roman into a chair so that she could get a better look at his face. “You need to look perfect if you’re going to bag a handsome prince, with a large castle, and a mother-in-law wing!” 
“And lots and lots of mirrors!” Roman agreed giddily.  
“Do I have to do everything!?” Maleficent roared, now the only one on the balcony as Jafar and Gaston had followed Evil Queen down. “This isn’t just about world domination; this is about revenge!” 
She stormed down the stairs to challenge the other villains on their level. For all their evil, for all their cruelty and villainy, they still flinched at Maleficent’s ire.  
Despite her foul demeanor, Patton relaxed slightly — her attention was off of him, and as he’d agreed to do what she wanted, he’d likely avoided a severe punishment.  
(He might still bear the brunt of her annoyance at the other villains later, but at least then he could take solace in the fact that it wasn’t his fault.) 
“Revenge on Snow White and those horrible little miners!” 
Evil Queen huffed.  
“Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie!” 
Jafar hissed.  
“Revenge on Beauty and her Beastly husband who locked us all up here in the first place!” 
Gaston snarled.  
“They’ve enjoyed their ivory towers for too long!” Maleficent continued. “They’ve forgotten who we are! Why they should still cower at the very mention of our names! And if they’ve forgotten, we’ll just have to remind them! EQ! Give him the mirror!” 
Evil Queen rummaged around her robes before finally pulling out a little mirror, hardly larger than a compact, but with an ornate silver frame.  
“It’s not what it used to be,” she sighed, handing it to Roman who took it with a look of awe.  
“Your magic mirror,” he whispered, gazing into it reverently.  
“It will help you find things,” Evil Queen explained.  
“Like a prince?” Roman asked excitedly.  
“Like a brain?” Remus muttered.  
“Like my waistline,” EQ chuckled.  
“Like the wand! Hello?” Maleficent demanded. “Revenge? And you!” 
Patton did his best to not react as his mother suddenly turned on him once more. She wasn’t interested in him though, instead gliding past him towards the kitchen where she pulled open the freezer door.  
The freezer had been broken for as long as they’d had it — but the fridge part worked, and on the Isle, that was really something. Broken or not, Patton knew that opening the freezer was forbidden; he had no idea what she kept in there.  
Maleficent spun around, clutching a large, ancient tome in her hands.  
“This is my spell book; it doesn’t work here, but it will in Auradon.” She held the book out for Patton to take, but right before his fingers made contact she snatched it back, holding it delicately to her chest. “If this book is in any worse condition than it is right now when I get it back — if even one page has a crease that it didn’t have before — you will regret it. Do you understand?” 
“I understand, mother,” Patton said, holding his hands out to accept the book. “I won’t let you down.” 
“I know you won’t, pumpkin,” Maleficent said softly — it would almost have been sweet if there wasn’t just the slightest look in her eye as she cupped one hand gently to Patton’s cheek. She pressed the book into his hands, holding his gaze the entire time (though not a test of wills this time). “I know you won’t. Now get packed, the car gets here in an hour.” 
A limousine pulled up in front of Maleficent’s castle fifty-eight minutes later. There were no cars on the Isle, so even if the limo hadn’t had the Auradonian crest on the door, there would be no doubt where it was from.  
A crowd of Isle residents gathered around it to gawk, each leaving a sizable gap between themselves and the car… just in case. A few shoved others closer just to see what would happen, but even when there was no kind of backlash, they would scramble back as fast as they could, unwilling to push their luck.  
At exactly 1:00 pm, the driver’s door opened, and the crowd suddenly found themselves unable to get any closer to the vehicle.  
The driver stepped out. He was tall and broad, with shimmering, translucent wings and slicked back dark hair. He wore a neatly tailored black suit and impenetrably dark aviator sunglasses. If he weren’t so clean, he could have easily been one of Maleficent’s henchmen.  
He showed no reaction to the crowd gathered around his vehicle, instead he calmly walked around the side, opened the door in the back, and stood beside it. Waiting.  
Seconds later a tall, lithe figure darted their way through the crowd — no one moved for him, but he easily managed to navigate through narrow openings. Just as he reached the invisible barrier around the car, Gaston’s voice rang out.  
“Get back here you little–!” 
Logan didn’t hesitate, passing through the invisible barrier and throwing his bag through the open door of the limo, darting in after it a moment later. He wiggled his way to the front of the cabin so that no one could just reach in and drag him out. They’d have to fight him to get him out.  
Remus flung himself through the open-door seconds later — much less dramatically as no one had been chasing him.  
“Your daddy’s piiiiissed!” He teased, glancing out the window to find Gaston pounding on the car’s barrier.  
“He’ll get over it,” Logan said dismissively. “He’ll probably drink enough tonight to forget I exist at all.” 
“I like you when you’re salty! What do you say you and I–” 
“Disgusting,” Roman groaned, hopping to the car at the exact worst moment. “Logan’s too good for an unwashed swine like you. You know, if you spent more time with me and mom then we probably could have taken care of your…” Roman waved at him vaguely. “Everything.” 
“Mom and me,” Logan corrected.  
“Well if you’d spent more time with dad and me,” Remus shot back. “You probably wouldn’t be such a weak little priss! In fact–!” 
“Shut up, both of you,” Patton muttered climbing into the car last. His back was aching from the ‘demonstration’ Maleficent gave him of what was in store for him if he failed her after the others had left for their own hovels. “You’re giving me a headache.” 
“Make me proud, baby boy!” Maleficent called to him from behind the invisible barrier.  
“I will!” Patton answered just before the driver shut the door.  
A moment later he’d gotten back into the driver’s seat, and the limo was off.  
Off to Auradon.  
I 100% stand by the fact that Gaston is a creep who would name his ‘daughter’ after ‘the one who got away’
I enjoyed writing this chapter so much ^_^
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives @misunderstood-shadowling
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u-ntitled-s-eries · 2 years
Subway Bosses + Detective!Reader - Spooky Month Part 1
“Sorry, guys; I won’t be able to make it to Elesa’s party. I’m on patrol duty.”
For a split second, the pair of smiling faces in front of you falter in enthusiasm before twisting into something more closely resembling skepticism.
“You’re still required to go on patrols as a detective? I would’ve thought the department would assign… well, patrol officers.”
You smile and shrug. It’s a fair question. “It’s Halloween night in the city. Lots of parties with lots of people.”
“Can someone else cover for you?”
“I wouldn’t count on it; the department’s already stretched thin.”
Not to mention you had already agreed to the night shift weeks ago; if you had known a supermodel was going to invite you to a costume party, you would’ve declined the job. Or at least chosen an earlier shift. As is, you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone willing to walk around the city in the middle of the Autumn night, just so you can have fun.
Across the table, Ingo does his best to mask his disappointment with a contemplative hum before glancing down at his drink. Meanwhile, Emmet sinks a little deeper into his chair, a small pout replacing his usual smile. Despite the twinge of guilt that comes from seeing your friends so disappointed, you can’t help but laugh at their behavior. Halloween really is for all ages.
“I’m sure you guy’ll have plenty of fun without me. Besides, we’ve still got the rest of the month. Let’s enjoy it while we can, deal?”
Emmet visibly perks up at your offer, struggling to keep the frown on his face before he chuckles.
One evening, Emmet came to you for help with trying on some face paint for his costume. Apparently he had tried it himself previously, but the end result looked less like blood and more like he’d tried eating a cherry pie without the use of his hands; you would have to ask Ingo if anyone in the station took a picture. And while you’re no make-up expert, you certainly know your way around blood and wounds. Suffice it to say, Ingo got a good fright from seeing his brother with fake blood running down his face.
You may or may not have done some pumpkin carving over the weekend. A matching pair of pumpkins, the same size, shape, and color. Each had a set of eyes, a nose, and a mouth, though one was sporting a rather festive smile, while the other had a spooky frown.
The Gear Station is decorated with all sorts of lights and colors, and some of the depot agents have begun wearing make-up and little accessories to celebrate the creepy season. This has inadvertently lead to several kids commenting on your “detective costume”. You don’t really mind the kids that think you’re dressing up, though something doesn’t sit right with you whenever someone says your costume doesn’t look “cool enough”. Perhaps you should ask Elesa for some fashion advice the next time you see her.
You were working at the station one day when Ingo all but shoved a half-empty bag of candy in your hands and, with a deathly glare, instructed you to hide the bag and guard it with your life. Five minutes later, Emmet approached you and asked if his brother passed by recently. You made an offhand remark about him wanting to inspect some of the cars, and that was all Emmet needed to hear before he ran off. You quickly got on the next train, deciding to ride the lines for an hour. Maybe two, just to be safe.
So. Many. Movies. Many an afternoon and evening have been spent discussing horror movies and debating over which is the best one, suffice it to say, you’ve yet to see conclusion in the near future. How anyone can stomach over the top gore and gratuitous content is beyond Ingo’s comprehension, and, according to Emmet, the time spent sitting through a slow-building thriller is rarely worth the payoff.
As per yearly tradition, the amusement parks have been given a Halloween makeover. The usual technicolor rainbow of the coaster tracks has been swapped out for dark purples and sickly greens, with cutouts and masked actors popping out as your cart travels along the rail. The scares are a lot less effective when you’ve got someone on either side of you, joking about how they’ll keep you safe. The ferris wheel has been left mostly unchanged, but the view from above during the night lets you truly take in all of the decorations and costumes as people travel around.
Although you might not be able to spend Halloween night with your dear friends, there’s still plenty of time to enjoy the season before the month’s up.
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doodle-do-wop · 2 years
(don't mind me just gonna hop onto the train late)
credit to @superbcoffeedrinkersubparwriter for the Gallagher version of the prompt list made by upsidedownwithsteve
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Why did it have to be pumpkins?
Carl considered himself a simple guy. He didn't ask too much of life. He wasn't too tall, too short (thank the Lord). He wasn't prom king back in high school but he wasn't a social outcast either. He was perfectly in the middle. The best candidate for a boyfriend! He wasn't picky about anything.
Except pumpkins. He hated pumpkin. Everything about them drove him nuts, the smells, the shapes, the way people put them in everything during the fall!
Now this wasn't to say he hated fall, he just hated pumpkins. Fall was the perfect time of year for an average guy like him and even better for a boyfriend like him. I mean come on, you can give your super awesome, super smart girlfriend your coat and be all suave like the guys in the movies.
You could cuddle with said super awesome, super smart girlfriend instead of doing anything else. Have tea and watch Hocus Pocus. Rake leaves in big piles so her little brothers can cannonball in. Fly kites with the autumn wind.
So many options for perfectly romantic dates....and yet Carl's here...in a pumpkin patch, surrounded by hundreds of tiny, stinky, orange pumpkins.
"-And if you scoop out the seeds and leave them to dry you can use them too for-" Anna chattered on as she spoke to her brothers, half crouched as she held a pumpkin in her arms. Her brothers listening intently as she told them everything she knew, their eyes light up like candles and their head bobbing like bobbleheads.
Carl sighed. Anna Fetterman was the strangest girl in town, going off every year every since middle school to some strange snooty school in Virginia, coming back every summer bolder and brighter. Nowadays she’s off with the air force or something, getting ready to fly off to new adventures. 
She could’ve chosen any boy in the whole wide world, but she chose Carl. And he wasn’t complaining one bit. She was just so...Anna! She was clever and knew more about anything than Carl and his whole family combined. She was crafty and a wiz in the great outdoors(even if she managed to uproot every rock she came by). 
Anna and Carl, they were what people called soulmates, sweethearts since the summer Anna climbed a tree to retrieve his kite. Carl would do anything for her at the drop of a hat. Even stand in a pumpkin patch for an hour as she explained pumpkins to her little brothers, Wally and Parker. 
“-Right Carl?” Anna asked and turned to look at him and Carl froze. 
Quick! Quick! Quick!
“Uhhhh yep!” He nodded and gave her a thumbs up. When it doubt? Agree. 
Apparently his flawless plan left him in the dust as Anna stared at him in bewilderment as Wally and Parker race off down the rows of pumpkins in search for whatever it is two 5 year olds want out of stinky pumpkins. 
Anna turned and stood up, tucking the pumpkin in her hands under one arm as she dusted the other off on her jeans. Carl froze and he wondered for the millionth time if she could read minds or something. Whenever she looked at him what that knowing gaze of hers he either cracked or she figured it out herself. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked and gently reached out, taking his hand in hers and he shivered from the cold that shot up his arm. 
“You’re freezing.” He deflected because while Car didn’t go to a fancy school and wasn’t a hotter, female Sherlock Holmes, he did have at least some brains. And a grandma who drilled chivalry into his brain.
So he took his time taking his jacket off and then his hoodie, handing them to Anna who stood patiently waiting in her simple grey shirt since Wally stole her aviator jacket. 
“Do you not wanna talk about it?” Anna wiggled into his hoodie and jacket and Carl held her pumpkin(even the texture was gross). 
“It’s just...” He tried and his brain stopped for a moment and he put the wretched fruit down and gently pulled her hair out from the hoodie. 
“Carl.” She warned and he knew time was up. Carl took a big breath and then let it out, readying his nerves of cotton and then rested his head on her shoulder as he revealed to her his humiliating secret. 
For a moment...she said nothing at all as the words floated quietly around them and settled into the earth. 
“You don’t...” She trailed off and Carl nodded against her shoulder, too scared to pull back and see her face. 
“Carl?” And he caved, he pulled back to face her and was met with a sweet smile, sweeter than any tart or treat ever created in the whole wide world. Her hands reached up and cupped his faced and he couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned into her touch and covered her hands with his, kissing her palms. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered but Anna shook her head, brown curls flying softy around her. 
“No, I should’ve realized I just...” She struggled and Carl tried to help.
“Didn’t know because every October you’re in Virginia?” She blinked and then blushed, and Car decided he liked the pink that dotted her cheeks. 
“Yeah,” She whispered and then looked over as the boys called her name. She bit her lip and while he was no Sherlock, Carl did his best to be a good boyfriend. He knew what was going on in that big brain of hers. 
“Let’s find a nice pumpkin for Wally and Parker,” He suggested and before Anna could protest staying the field any longer now that she knew, he kissed her and left her speechless. “It’s their first Halloween with their big sister.” 
Anna shifted her weight, thinking, calculating but Carl knew better than to let her come up with a convincing argument. He kissed her again, softer this time and then begun to leave a trail of quick soft kissed down her jaw and to her neck. 
He felt her relax against him until the boys called her name again and she stood up straighter than a stick and Carl took her hand and dragged her over to her brothers as she sputtered and said words Carl was sure weren’t English. 
After picking out two more pumpkins Carl had to make a quick run to his car after realizing(with surprise) he forgot his wallet inside but when he started his jog back over Anna and the boys were walking his way, pumpkins in hand. 
“Sorry I thought I-” He started but then paused, he looked at Anna then smiled. “Nevermind.” 
Now, Carl isn’t one to keep secrets from Anna but he knows she had it. Even if it was in his back pocket, tucked safe and secure he knew Anna had managed to slip it out so he’s run to the car and be free of the pumpkins. And he’ll never admit it, but he was thankful for it. 
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storm-of-silver · 1 year
Character Card - Slate
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[Image ID: Slate, a calico tom with green eyes. There is a prominent black marking on his face that resembles a mask. Art by The_Void_Vessel on TH. End ID]
Name(s): Slate Born: Pre-Final Light Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him Faction / Role: Followers of the Lynx, Leader
One of the two leaders of the Followers of the Lynx, Slate was never well received among his peers, despite being the leader by blood. He had been taught everything he needed to know on how to lead- everything but how to treat the Followers like people, and not like numbers.
After Polarbear, the kinder and softer of the two, had been effectively elected as leader by the members, the two agreed to work together for the benefit of their faction. This bond has proven unshakable and formidable, even in the face of the Final Light- and even in the face of Polarbear's manipulations and eventual murder of Maia.
Polarbear [ Dual leaders and partners, somewhere between platonic and romantic ]
Pumpkin [ Parental figure through Polarbear. Cares for her deeply, but entirely because Polarbear cares for her ]
Heart of Ember [ Neutral, thinks she's too naive and hopeful ]
Call of Dreams [ Pities her, but is overall neutral. Secretly thinks she could've done more to prevent the Final Light ]
Grew up with the knowledge that the Followers of the Lynx were his to rule over, and was taught ever since he was a kitten on everything he needed to know.
When his parents passed and leadership fell to him, he lead with an iron fist. He led efficiently, but without any 'love' for the cats he watched over. Eventually the Followers became sick of this treatment and elected Polarbear as leader in his place.
Slate became bitter- at Polarbear for being chosen as leader despite being a fumbling fool in actually leading, at the Followers for rejecting him, and at his parents for failing to 'properly' teach him.
Polarbear respected Slate and acknowledged his claim to leadership though, and offered him a deal to lead together. Slate agreed, but only because he saw it as the only way to regain his status. The two would decide as a duo how to lead and what choices to make, their opposing personalities complimenting one another.
Slate and Polarbear became extremely close, although never say what their relationship actually is. Slate refers to Polarbear as his 'partner' and openly acts kinder and softer around him, but when questioned about what Polarbear is to him, will snap and get upset. The Followers have given up on figuring it out.
After the Final Light, Polarbear confessed to him that he was doubting their role as protectors of their fragment. Slate had also grown worried that any cat could challenge them, and the two agreed that voting would be much stricter. Slate believed a stricter, more harsh vote would help choose a better commander in the end.
When Maia was found dead though, that changed. It didn't take long for him to realize Polarbear had set her death up, although he never spoke a word to his partner about it. Maia's death went against what they had agreed to. What use was a vote if they just killed whoever voted against what they wanted? Slate couldn't bear to lose Polarbear though, and even as the death ate away at him, he continues to stay by Polarbear's side.
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arthuriangodel · 1 year
A simple knock on the doorframe of Godel’s room, a warning before Trey makes his way through the open door. He lacks a delicate hand for wrapping anything, and little in the way of gift-giving instincts outside of his wheelhouse of talents, so he’s chosen to play to his strengths: a green box rests in his hands, a white package bow stuck on top.
“Surprise, although I think I gave myself away from the jump.” Trey’s only a little bit sheepish—he hadn’t taken the surprise part too seriously from the start. Didn’t see the need, and he’d rather just focus on the parts that mattered most. The quality of the letters, for one—negligible for interest, but Godel had entertained his ramblings all the way through—and the gift.
“I agree with you about moderation (maybe not so much about the leftovers) so I hope that in mind, these cookies will last you and your daughter a few days! It’s a mix of white chocolate peppermint cookies, sugar cookies, and a few pumpkin cookies with a sugar glaze, to mix the flavor variety up a little bit. They’re not the fanciest, and it’s a little hard to corner the cafeteria kitchen when everyone’s this busy, but I did my best.
“Hope the last few days of the year don’t give you too much trouble, and thanks for entertaining the letters, Professor.”
The knock came as a slight stirring for the bundled-up professor as he looks up from his book, which seems to be centered on something concerning health. There's also a small box by the window, which has the faint aroma of potatoes. Placing down the book, he gives a smile to the incoming student and stood up. "You have me surprised for a second, I'll owe you that much," he says humorously. He takes a peek at the present, mostly examining the handiwork and giving a small, good-natured sigh. It's clumsy, but it's certainly fitting for the student.
With the mention of cookies, the professor's eyes lit up. "Why, you shouldn't have," he says as he accepts the present. "Rose would definitely enjoy the sugar ones." He then goes to the side and places it next to the box. "Well, I managed to finish up grading the final exams, it's now a matter of making sure the next year's plans are written up." He nods with a grin. "And thank you for the cookies. Merry Christmas to you and if you're looking to send another letter or to talk to me in person, you can always go to my office."
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