#they are as real as the Queen of England 😂
teenage-monster · 9 months
I swear nothing will convince me that Oingo Boingo is made up of real people. I mean, all the members look like cartoon characters in one way or another. I JUST REFUSE TO THINK THEY ARE REAL. I mean even the names sound cartoonish. Seriously, whose last name is Elfman? Or Bartek? Avila? Schneiderman? TURNER??? Naaah they can't be real.
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telomeke · 6 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
I was tagged by @lamonnaie at this post here. Thanks for tagging me! 😍 It was such fun to read your responses; now here are mine. 🥰
do you make your bed?
Never ever. I'm pretty messy, and if I don't watch my hoarding tendencies I will morph into the worst pack rat. But I like a bit of clutter around me; I think it helps my creative side since my output (whether at work, or writing on Tumblr) is always tidy and tidied up to a fault, which can stifle creativity (at least that's what I tell myself! 🤣).
what's your favourite number?
Don't have one. However (even though I like to think I'm not superstitious) if I can I'll try to avoid the number 13 and anything with 4 in it...
what is your job?
Not gonna get too specific, but my work involves design, project management and construction.
if you could go back to school, would you?
I was too stressed out at school to want to repeat the experience. But I wouldn't mind a bit of time travel back to advise my younger self not to take things so seriously! 🤣
can you parallel park?
Yes. Not well, but the car will be fully in the lot eventually. 👍
a job you had that would surprise people?
Some minor modeling jobs when I was younger. Hush! I don't like to talk about it. 🤫 You wouldn't think it to look at me now (me 🤝 Ricky Gervais 😂).
do you think aliens are real?
There are too many planets out there for our little blue marble to be the only habitable one, so yes I do think there are aliens out there. I just don't think we've been visited by them yet though! (Aylin doesn't count. 🤩)
can you drive a manual car?
Yes. Mom taught me how to drive in one... until the day I jammed on the accelerator when she said "Step on it" and I almost up-ended us into a ditch. Then I was sent to driving school instead. 🤣
what's your guilty pleasure?
Ooh. It's this bad boy here:
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Sadly I've been over-indulging, so chocolate is now banned from the house for the foreseeable future. I'm still lusting after it though. Other guilty pleasures: I do like a good nightcap, so any (gluten grain-free) alcohol makes me light up – cognac, cabernet, sherry, sake, port... (But I don't always know my limits, so this is now banned too.) And a steamin', stonkin', trashy BL every now and then (bonus if there's a nice muscley actor for me to get all googly-eyed over – shoutout Gap Jakarin!). 😁🥰
I like art and have fanboyed over beautiful tattoos before – but I'm put off by the permanence of them, so I have none myself. Don't like the idea of not being able to change them much once they're inked in, because I will always be wanting to change things up if I were to get one. And no, even for looking at I prefer an uninked bod over an inked one. It takes a lot of work to get a body in shape, and I can't understand someone wanting to cover up the results of their hard work at the gym. 🤷‍♂️
favorite color?
A deep, rich blue most of the time. But when the mood hits, I like a bright, bold red too.
favorite type of music?
My tastes are a bit eclectic, leaning lighter and not challenging. Anything with a strong melodic line will get me hooked. Bonus points if the lyrics can come together with the melody to tell a story, and elevate it even more. So – pop mostly, but I also like R&B, soul, light jazz and the odd heartfelt country ballad or foot-stomper (go Queen Bey! 😍). Also like things with a nostalgic bent (I melt at Karen Carpenter, Seals & Croft, and England Dan & John Ford Coley). And then throw in a couple of show tunes in there for good measure! My YouTube playlist is all over the place – Sheila Majid, New Country, Renaissance, Nunew, Miley Cyrus, Streisand, Li'l Nas X, Ayumu Imazu, The Carpenters, Clean Bandit, so many others, all side-by-side.
do you like puzzles?
I love them, especially word and logic puzzles. I'm always shouting over Pat and Vanna. 🤣
any phobias?
Oddly, not the usual suspects, but I'm a bit phobic about birds. They're just creepy up close, even though I find them fascinating and beautiful with a bit of distance. While the bog-standard creepy-crawlies don't bother me one bit – I'm the one always getting called in to whack the roaches and chase away rodents. I dream of getting a cobalt blue tarantula as a pet (but that's not going to happen for various reasons, alas).
favorite childhood sport?
I wasn't that sporty growing up (classic bookworm) but I did enjoy a bit of soccer when I got to play. But I guess my favorite was probably swimming, though I didn't compete.
do you talk to yourself?
All the time. There's a nonstop monologue going on in my head and I've been known to startle people by accidentally voicing that conversation out loud. So I've learnt not to do it around others. 🤣 And no I'm not hearing disembodied voices; it's just me keeping myself company (plus I find it helps me focus my thoughts).
what movies do you adore?
My all-time favorite: Cinema Paradiso; it really pulls unabashedly at the heartstrings, but then again I'm a sentimental fool and love it all the more for that. That's also why I like Love Actually, especially the scene where the repressed Jamie (Colin Firth) travels to Portugal in order to confess his feelings to Aurélia (Lúcia Moniz), having realized he loves her despite the language barrier, and doggedly learnt Portuguese just to make his declaration – and then he finds out that she, lovelorn and bereft, learnt English just in case ("just in cases") he came back. 💖 And my second favorite is from the other end of the spectrum, actually quite a bit before my time as well: Hello Dolly! 😆 Don't judge... A couple of songs in there are really amazing – Love is Only Love and Just Leave Everything to Me especially (which are not in the stage version) are mindblowingly good. The former is almost pithy in its bare-boned purity, all about looking at love without sentimentality while reprising themes heard earlier on in the musical; the latter has the among the cleverest lyrics set to music I've ever heard:
Streisand is in fine fettle portraying a campier, more youthful incarnation of Dolly. Such a shame it was not better received. The costumes are spectacular too.
coffee or tea?
Coffee (or rather the caffeine it contains) is my drug of choice, and I drink buckets of it. But I like a good cuppa when I'm feeling nostalgic and/or sentimental, because tea is what I drank a lot of growing up – at my gran's there would be a perpetually-replenished, giant kettle of dark, bitterish Oolong on the sideboard for whenever you felt like some (which was often), while at home there was always a big pot of tea on the table in the morning, that would then be set to chill in the refrigerator after breakfast. I would always have an ice-cold milk tea with the papers when I got home from school, and it was my favorite daily ritual.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
A paleontologist – like a lot of kids I loved dinosaurs, and I can still rattle off the names of the more well-known ones (including every one in Jurassic Park 👀). But that got pushed aside for more practical considerations later. Still wish I'd explored my second childhood ambition more though, which was to be a writer/journalist. Maybe that's why I like posting so much on Tumblr! 😍
Onward tagging (too many people as usual, but no pressure to play if you don't want to or can't 🥰): @hughungrybear, @relativelydimensional, @neuroticbookworm, @wen-kexing-apologist, @waitmyturtles, @airenyah, @twig-tea, @solitaryandwandering, @recentadultburnout, @lurkingshan, @grapejuicegay,@bengiyo, @urikawa-miyuki, @pickletrip, @suni-san, @kattahj, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @7nessasaryevils, @imminentinertia, @befuddledcinnamonroll, @pandasmagorica, @nihilisticcondensedmilk,@shortpplfedup, @rokklagio, @thegalwhorants, @brazilian-whalien52, @callipigio, @respectthepetty, @corettaroosa, @colourme-feral, @virtualtadpole, @aroceu, @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas, @delesaria-blog, @dribs-and-drabbles, @inventedfangirling, @jiirotu, @visualtaehyun @happypotato48,@akawrites000, @kleopatras-cat, @dc-alves, @toschistation, @lovelyghostv
I've been tagged by others in various tag games over the past few weeks but have been too busy with work to be able to play. 😭 Not gonna post half-assed replies if I can help it, but then I'm always beset by dread thinking people might assume I'm ignoring them for whatever silly reason. But I just haven't had the time until now.
If you've tagged me and I've not responded, please know that I really wanted to but I just kept getting sidetracked by urgent deadlines. (In fact, my drafts folder is full of half-written tag game responses that are too far beyond their use-by date to ever see the light of day. 😮) So to any and all who see this, please accept my apology for not replying to your tags and invites, and if you'd like to play along with this one even if I haven't tagged you directly (and you have the time for it) – please do so! I'd love to read your responses! 😍
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Heyyyy do u have any wlw/GL film recs it can be dramas movies anything at this point im so desperate 😭
Hello!!!! Thanks for the ask! I love the topic haha. I'm going to give you 8 recs, I hope you like them! (synopses taken from imdb) The Handmaiden / 아가씨 (2016) A woman is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress, but secretly she is involved in a plot to defraud her
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I don't think I've watched this movie since it came out, so my memory is a little fuzzy. I remember thinking it was brilliant and entertaining; I found the plot and characters to be compelling and I was really rooting for Lady Hideko to get a happy ending. The cinematography is so delicious, as is the romantic tension between the lead female characters. However, I did find the sex scenes to be a little... not to my taste but my opinion might have changed in the last few years
Colette (2018) Colette is pushed by her husband to write novels under his name. Upon their success, she fights to make her talents known, challenging gender norms
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A Historical biopic about the life of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette. It's another movie I haven't seen since it came out but I also enjoyed it. Although married to a man (who is also a dickhead), Colette has relationships with women, most notably, Missy, who is male presenting. (I don't remember if Missy's gender is ever defined in the movie, so I'm not sure if "women" is the correct term to use when describing them. I might be misgendering them as the real-life Missy, Mathilde de Morny, did go by Max/Uncle Max in their later years.)
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The Favourite (2018) In early 18th-century England, the status quo at the court is upset when a new servant arrives and endears herself to a frail Queen Anne
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Here we have another biopic, this time it's about the relationship between Queen Anne, Sarah Churchill, and Abigail Masham. I adore this movie! It's soooo fantastic to see queer women be so ruthless, cunning, terrible and desperate. Gosh, I love how love and ambition are depicted throughout. It's fantastic! All three female leads are excellent.
Atomic Blonde (2017) An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents
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Charlize Theron plays a bisexual baddie in a spy action movie where she is hunted down by James McAvoy?? Yes please and thank you!
Shiva Baby (2020) At a Jewish funeral service with her parents, a college student runs into her sugar daddy and ex-girlfriend
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This is one of my favourite movies. It is a horror dressed up as a comedy. THE INTENSITY is sooo unreal that it inspired me to write an original story! I love everything about it! Plus, YES to bisexual and sex-work representation!
Bend it like Beckham (2002) Two ambitious girls, despite their parents' wishes, have their hearts set on careers in professional soccer
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Yes, the main character ends up with the male love interest. But this movie is still soooo queer! Jess and Jules are gay for one another, I don't make the rules! Kiera Knightley wanted them to be together and so did everyone else. If they ever made a sequel (which they should), it could be about them reuniting and getting together. I watched this movie soooooo many times growing up.... lol Calamity Jane (1953) The story of Calamity Jane, her saloon, and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok
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Another biopic but this time, it's a musical haha. Okay, yes, Jane ends up with a man and yes, the real Calamity Jane was married twice in her life to men. But when I watched this as a child, it awaken something in me. The movie is so queer-coded, I could see it even as a little child who didn't know what queer was yet. I haven't seen it in over a decade, maybe more, but it left a huge impression on me. Plus, The Windy City and A Woman's Touch are absolutely certified jams. (side note: when I watched A Woman's Touch for the first time, I remember thinking that I wouldn't mind living in a cabin with my best "gal friend" 😂) Now for a TV show I watched growing up (when I was WAY too young to be watching something so adult) that made me feel the feels:
Sugar Rush (2005) 15-year-old Kim has just moved to Brighton and developed an earth-shattering, hormone-surging crush on her new best friend, Sugar
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Coming-of-age/ sexual awakening stories aren't always my thing anymore, as I don't care to watch teenagers exploring their sexuality but I watched this when I was 10(??), and it was very important to me. It's not a very good show and is probably considered to be super outdated now, but I found it formative. Plus, when I was growing up, there weren't any (not from what I can remember) shows or movies with a lesbian lead wanting to be in an interracial relationship with her best friend. It's an important part of queer TV history. Plus, it has Andrew Garfield playing one of the wettest male characters ever lol
Thanks again and I hope you like my recommendations! 😊
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
nice article:) and a funny bit 😂
How Ève Périsset adapted perfectly to Chelsea
The first Frenchwoman in history to play for Chelsea, the 27-year-old defender finds PSG this Thursday evening in the Champions League, to testify to her good adaptation to England
Entering the legend of Les Bleues on July 23, by transforming with aplomb the penalty of victory during the quarter-final of the suffocating Euro against the Netherlands in Rotherham (1-0 ap) , Ève Périsset now wants to write that of the Blues.
After going around the question in France, playing successively for OL (2009-2016), PSG (2016-2020) and Bordeaux (2020-2022), the 27-year-old defender dared to leave her zone. of comfort by signing for Chelsea in early June, a first for a French player. While she will find PSG this Thursday evening at Stamford Bridge, in a final for first place in Group A of the Champions League, Périsset quickly fell in love with her new life in London.
The adventure however began like a whirlwind, since she had not even had time to unpack her boxes in London, mid-August, that she was already going on tour in the United States. Barely returned to England, Périsset then joined the selection. “After two and a half weeks of post-Euro holidays, the recovery was sporty, that's clear (laughs) . But since mid-September, I found my marks, I settled in my house, ten minutes by car from the Cobham training center (south-west of London) ”, she relates, little disturbed. by the weather but who sometimes feels the "lack of French bread" .
Dithyrambic about the evolution of women's football in England (see L'Equipe of October 19), highlighting an "extraordinary enthusiasm" , a "very homogeneous level" and "top infrastructure, with real billiards everywhere" , Périsset plunged into this new bath all of a sudden. “The first home game against Tottenham, in a friendly, I took an ankle sole, with stitches in the key. It was a welcome message to Anglet Erre”, she laughs. “Then we were supposed to play our first in the Championship at Stamford Bridge, against West Ham, but the game was postponed due to the death of the queen (September 8). It was a very special time, the whole country was in mourning, with the face of Elizabeth II everywhere. I really understood where I was, ” continues the new Chelsea player.
Not always a starter at the start, his place in the eleven is now almost assured
Close to the Czech Katerina Svitkova, who arrived at the same time as her, the Frenchwoman knew how to be accepted despite the language barrier, overcoming the shyness that could have slowed her down when she started out as a pro: "In the locker room, they listen to French music, including Djadja by Aya Nakamura, so I sang that for my hazing. I did 10 seconds on my own, then the whole team came with me. »
Not always a starter at the start, Périsset's place in the eleven is almost assured now, while she alternates between the right side of the defense, and a right axial position when Chelsea play five in defense. The staff are waiting for her progress in English so that she can completely free herself, but immediately flashed on her fighting qualities. Admirer of coach Emma Hayes, in place for ten years, an "extraordinary character, always with a smile and with a real touch on the game" , Eve the Londoner has found her new Garden of Eden
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Suits on Netflix and the birth of a new Sinner! by u/Lolliiepop
Suits on Netflix and the birth of a new Sinner! My traitor of a husband has been binging Suits the last few days. He knows I hate TW but we’ve never really talked about why. He says ‘baby come watch the queen with me!’….I told him my soul will not occupy the same room as her and I have refused to utter a word to him about her. He laughs and keeps watching. I’ve been in our room reading over the past few days and here are some comments he’s come in to say over the last few days:Jesus Christ she’s a baaadddd actress!she a fkng whore (with a Scottish accent- thanks outlander!)-omg she’s doing my man Mike dirty!-holy shit she’s really doing my man Mike dirty…I hate her!I wasn’t kidding…she really cannot act!didn’t you say she was a bitch to ‘your Queen’? Maybe I will sit down and listen to everything…when I’m done with the show.-I googled that whore and did you know she was a prostitute on BOATS!-I want to throat punch her just looking at her face!-she totally sucked someone’s sick to get this part…I’ve literally never seen someone who is this bad at acting! -omg (I think he found us sinners) you don’t know half of the shit she’s done IRL! She’s dirty! He never means this in a good way…a dirty girl is someone he would never even consider even drunk.I googled and the real princess, the pretty one, Kate….she’s gorgeous and you can tell she’s not trashy like this chick.-okay I’m sorry for calling her a queen and for calling her a princess. You are right.-why does she still have a title? Does she still have a title?-that Prince she married is a no better than she is…the king should banish both of em from England! These are all random comments made during his bathroom breaks or when I go out to the kitchen. I haven’t responded with anything but looks. I thought you all would get a kick out of this.Last year when the Queen passed away I was glued to the TV. I cried and it broke his heart. I’m a history buff, and an American…but I can appreciate when I am witnessing what will be in future history books. Plus I had/have a great admiration for the Late Queen. What a magnificent woman she was! He ordered me a QEII shirt and a jar of totally unrelated candies but they say Queens Delight on the fancy jar and a tiny tiara with a condolence card. Anyway, I haven’t had to breathe even a whisper from my lips…he has become a sinner all on his own. Congratulations honey! 😂 post link: https://ift.tt/Td6q8G7 author: Lolliiepop submitted: September 10, 2023 at 04:11AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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yokohamabeans · 2 years
Do you know japanese right? I have a question. So Chifuyu says the first person he ever respected was Baji and he always call him Baji-san, so he is always polite while talking about him/to him? He uses informal speech with everyone else? I read the manga in Spanish and I watched the anime in Spanish dub and Japanese with Spanish subtitles and although in Spanish we do have a way to differentiare between formal speech and informal speech Chifuyu speaks to Baji informally like he does to everyone else so I wanna know if in Japanese he was more polite when talking to him or if he just called him Baji-san but spoke to him informally
Hey anon! I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get back to you on this, life kinda got in the way!
TLDR: Yes, Chifuyu speaks to Baji more politely than he does to anyone else!
In fact, in the Chifuyu / Baji flashback, Chifuyu straight up said that Baji is the first person he's ever used 'keigo' (aka respectful language) with. This is evident in his general efforts to make his speech more polite (e.g. using his -desu/-masu, though I'd say it's really -ssu/masu), and also like you mentioned, calling him 'Baji-san'. He doesn't speak like this to others (i.e. Takemichi), who he uses very casual ('plain' form) with.
(Also, before Baji revealed himself to be a badass to Chifuyu by beating up Mandara and his goonies, Chifuyu was more casual and informal in his speech to Baji. The change only happened after Chifuyu's official proclamation to follow Baji.)
Though, I have to add that Japanese honorific speech has several layers that vary in how formal it is, and Chifuyu's 'formal speech' to Baji isn't even what I'd call truly formal. It won't fly in an actual formal setting, so don't go thinking that he's speaking like Baji's the Queen of England 😂 If anything, Chifuyu is being 'sloppily polite', though it's not because he's not putting in any real effort in being respectful to Baji. In Japanese, how formal you are with someone also implies how distant or close you are to the person you're speaking to (and the hierarchical relationship between you two), and considering Chifuyu's position as a 'delinquent', I can see how he isn’t using ‘proper’ keigo/formal speech.
I hope this helps! (I'm not sure if my explanation is coherent enough here. 😅)
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somin-yin · 3 years
Hiii so i actually started playing romance club thanks to you and i finished Heavens Secret and so far i love the game! The writing reminds me of the good Choices books. Do you have any other Romance Club stories you highly recommend? Cus I heard a few do suffer from bad writing (like Queen in 30 days or something?)
Hiii!! Welcome to the RC train, I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far ❤️😂 Heaven's Secret was a masterpiece but luckily there are some more awesome stories I can recommend:
Shadows of Saintfour: This is one of my favourite stories. It's horror genre so if you liked It Lives Anthology then you will probably like this one too. The plot is not the same of course but it's the same genre. This story is awesome for real, the characters, the LIs, the settings, everything and you can romance the villain too if you're into villains.
Legend of the Willow: This is one of my favourite stories too. It's fantasy genre and it's about a geisha who can turn into a kitsune (nine tailed fox, if you watched Naruto, you may know about it already), it combines Japanese mythology, Japanese culture and magic. You get to travel with samurais and ninjas. Shoutout to my fellow Takao stans who have the patience to wait for him, I may replay for Shino-Odori tho 😂.
Path of the Valkyrie: I'm loving this story so far, the genre is fantasy and adventure and about Norse mythology. I love how they show us the creatures, gods, characters and different worlds from Norse mythology ❤️ Loki is romanceable but shoutout to my fellow Liod stans 😂.
Dracula Love Story: The genre is supernatural with horror and historical elements. It has a reincarnation plot too. What I like about this story is that it's very mysterious and the representation of the Ottoman empire is actually accurate, unlike in Choices where they made Hamid's mom speak Arabic 😭😂.
Love from outer space: This is one of my favourite stories too, the genre is sci-fi, the story is very fun and the group dynamics is awesome, the characters have chemistry between each other and two of the LIs are aliens ❤️ tho I went for my beloved smart human Todd, shoutout to my fellow Todd stans 😂.
Rage of the Titans: The genre is fantasy and it's about Greek mythology, the story is new so I can't tell for sure what it's about but so far is looking interesting and very mysterious. This caused controversy among the fandom but I LOVED the fact that they made Hades x Persephone a lesbian couple 😂 shoutout to the ones who want to romance Pierce.
Sins of London: The genre is supernatural (with horror elements possibly). It's set in Victorian England and you have to fight monsters. MC is a thief and despite being a new story, I'm already loving this MC, she's not the typical goody two shoes, she's a badass and very sassy. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds but it has started strong ❤️ shoutout to my fellow Sherlock romancers 😂.
Sails of the Fog: The genre is adventure with elements of fantasy. Despite the fantastic elements the story portrays piracy and the period of time very realistically unlike in Distant Shores so it's something that should be considered before reading. If you can get behind it, it's a story full of adventures.
Chasing You: The genre is mystery, finding out who committed the murder in season one. I really like the characters in this story and specially the banter between Alexander and Sammy 😂
And last but not least:
Sophie's ten wishes This story is just stating so I'm waiting to see how it develops but so far it's being a fun and if you like slice of life genre you may probably like it. Shoutout to my fellow Daisy stans, she's the bestest and I'm whipped ❤️ perhaps I'm biased about this story and I'm only reading it because of Daisy but when you see her, you won't be able to blame me.
For diamond mining I recommend: Queen in 30 days, The Flower from Tiamat's fire, Wave Patrol, Seduced by the Rhythm and My Hollywood Story since those are the ones that suffer from bad writing 😂
I haven't read Moonborn so I wouldn't know how to rate it. If you read one or some of the stories I mentioned, let me know what you thought about them ❤️ and omg sorry for the very long post 😅
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coralcatsea · 2 years
A: Your current OTP.
Arthur with either Gilbert or Alfred.
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
PrUK, EngGer, RUKUS, Americano, AmeLiet, PruLiet. Feel free to ask me why!
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
I don't wish I shipped anything.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Roleplaying, I think.
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
I came up with the crack ship France x Yzma, drew a picture, and occasionally try to promote it for no reason.
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
I've been in Hetalia for ten years now. Never left.
G: What was your first fandom?
Tokyo Mew Mew, if only roleplaying it with my own friends I already knew in real life counts. If not, then Hetalia.
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
I: Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
No, but they certainly make some of my ships look bad.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over Tumblr.
Good Omens.
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
They're like people in any other fandom. Some fun, some frustrating.
L: Your favourite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Art of my redesigned version of fem England. OR art of fem PrUK with my redesign of fem England and canon fem Prussia. OR art of fem USUK with my redesign of fem England and my redesign of fem America. I would be...😍🥺✨
Then, for fanfiction...PrUK or PrUKUS smut with England topping. 👌
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
My cousin got me into Hetalia.
N: Your favourite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Hetalia. So many unique styles, so many AUs, so much creativity. It's not perfect, but no fandom is.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
[Insert random song] [insert OTP because I'll imagine them to anything]
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Disney Fairies/Hetalia crossover
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Giripan because I never really found justification of chemistry. They make good friends, but I don't see many depictions of them as such, let alone lovers.
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
There's always at least one person who also ships even my rarer ships, but the hardest to find content for is stuff like PrUKUS and PrUKmano.
S: What's a headcanon you have?
Arthur LOVES the ocean. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't care. Dangerous or not, he finds it fascinating.
T: What are your favourite male/male ships or female/female ships?
USUK, PrUK, EngGer, Engmano.
I don't really have Hetalia female/female ships unless you count the same ships when they're all girls, which of course includes EngBela. But non-Hetalia? Raven Queen x Apple White has been growing on me. I kind of like Catradora and Scorptra, but I also have mixed feelings on them and feel they should probably get therapy first.
U: What are your favourite male/female ships?
EngBela, AmeBela, Link x Midna, Flynn x Rapunzel, Entrapdak...
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
PrUKUS, PrUKmano, PrUKGer, USUKBela, GerUKUS, AmeLietmano.
W: 5 favourite characters from 5 different fandoms.
- Groose from Skyward Sword
- Carmen and Devineaux from Carmen Sandiego (they're tied, okay)
- Shego from Kim Possible
- Eda from Owl House
- Entrapta, Catra, and Scorpia from SPoP (another tie)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Aaravos x Viren 😂
Saiki x Coffee Jelly
I kind of like InoTanZen or whatever it's called from Kimetsu no Yaiba.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Attack on Titan.
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on Tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
I sometimes feel like USUK has to be shared secretly in a dark alley since it's so **problematique** 😆
Antis really believe their perspective/interpretation of a relationship between fictional landmasses is the only one that exists. They're convinced it gives them a free pass to act morally superior and insult people just because they're mad it's getting attention. In the end, though, that says more about them than it does me, and I have nothing to be ashamed of so long as I act like a reasonable individual.
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weirder asks: everything ending in 3, please!
3: Do you leave the window open at night?
God I wish but we have storm windows on the outside so they can’t be opened
13: When was the last time you ate?
About 2 hours ago my mom and grandma and I got Blizzards at Dairy Queen on the way home from a used bookstore
23: How do you feel about chilly weather?
THE BEST. I LOVE IT. 10/10. The chillier the better, I was truly made for windy nights and brisk days and cardigans and blankets and warm tea, not humid and buggy sweaty all the time nonsense. Ideally I’d live in coastal mountains in New England.
33: The last adventure you’ve been on?
Oh, my heart, I haven’t had the time or energy for a real adventure in so long. The only one coming to my mind is last October when I hiked up to the abandoned cornfield half a mile behind my house to pick horse nettle berries for my Halloween spell (pictures of the field and the berries attached)
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43: What’s your take on spicy foods?
I’m so very Irish, unfortunately mild salsa is the absolute spiciest I can handle 😂
Thank you so much!!!
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skippyv20 · 4 years
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Balmoral Anon PG Vignette #6🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Balmoral Anon
BALMORAL ANON 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈…… “ good grief Sydney , all that fluffing about with Tarquin has put my bloody knee out, get the Bloody Tiger Balm” ……… “ indubitably sir” ………… “the Queen has retired for the night sir “ ……… “ well it’s been a challenging evening Sydney,I hate bloody photographers “ … “understandably sir”…… “ I think refreshments are in order Sydney “ … “ I have the trolley ready sir “ … “ what’s on Netflix ? “…… “ has one watched The Crown sir”… “BLOODY HELL SYDNEY!!!”
Thank you😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Entertainment purposes 
Aug 8/20
💜💜💜💜💜💜🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Thank you dear Balmoral Anon🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💜💜💜💜💜
August 8/2020
Vignette #6
 Have you ever had a day where you had to do some thing that was quite important, but you know that the person that you had to do it with was going to be very difficult and uncooperative? Well if you think about it for a little bit, that’s pretty much how every day of her Majesty’s life has been for a few years now ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha or more than a few years ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Does it mean they do not  love each other? No of course it does not. They both value duty and honour and all those things which she possesses in spades. They have devoted their lives to this. However he has retired. He retired a few years ago, and with the exception of a few weddings or other such things like the gathering of unhappy people where he attends and does his duty, he feels that he may know has “done his bit”,as he has said in the past and now he has retired. So in all fairness being all kitted out, dragged in for yet another photo session 📸🎥for an archive portrait, he feels it is not necessary. However, just in case he had forgotten,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂he actually is still married to the Queen of England and the Commonwealth! Ha ha Ha ha ha Ha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah serious I’m sorry. Sorry kids before when I used to hand type you had to put up with all my word mistakes and when I was laughing at something you would not know, but now I guess I cannot hide it ha ha Ha ha ha. With the teamwork of her Majesty, Sydney and Tarquin the photographer, and Himself the deed was done. There is now a lovely photo for the archives. Oops,  I forgot I forgot to mention there was also a great deal of help from 🥃 🥃 🍺🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂. So finally Tarquin has packed up his equipment and has silently left the palace.🎥📸
It’s a very chilly evening ,9°C ,the 🔥 fire is going most definitely! Flames dancing, the crackling of the wood ,the smell of the burning and the heat emanating from the fire warming the room. There just is is nothing like it. There’s no substitute for a real fireplace the smell, the sound and the warmth in so so comforting. We are in Himself’s room, he is trying to get out of his kit, not kilt, but his kit, his whole outfit. Oh I love old music 🎼 and this comes to mind. This is an old world war one song which l used to play and sing with patients. It goes, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile 😊smile 😊smile 😊,While you’ve a lucifer 🔥 to light your fag, 🚬 smile😊boys that the style! What’s the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile, so,pack up,your troubles in your old kit bag and smile,😊 smile 😊smile😊!How many of your kids you know that song? Music 🎼 I cannot tell you how many times I have sung that song and played it on the 🎹 piano. You might not know lucifer, 🔥 back then was a lighter. My whole life until quite recently a fag 🚬 has always been a cigarette! My dad called them that, my sisters called them that, everybody in my family did. It goes way back to world war one and maybe even further back than that. And yet another word has been misappropriated in a derogatory way. Anyhow I still call them fags  🚬 that’s all I know..  anyhow I digressed from kit. Himself is in his room trying to get out of his kit. He is tired and he’s aching. That’s what I kind of wondered yesterday probably all that messing about caused some some of his grumpiness is related to pain and I have a little sympathy for you Sir, I have more than a little sympathy for you. 😖☺️Sydney quietly enters the room and lays out a nice set of clothes for him much more informal.  He begins to help him get out of his fancy dress kilt, to put all the items away. Himself start speaking to Sydney. All that fluffing about with Tarquin 📸🎥has put my bloody knee🦵out. See about that tiger 🐅 balm. Sydney quietly replies indubitably Sir and goes to fetch the tiger 🐅balm. It is always kept near for it is frequently needed.Sydney returns with the tiger 🐅balm in hand and himself is sitting on the bed 🛌.Sydney goes to work with the tiger 🐅balm and gently massages it into his knee.  If you’re not familiar with tiger 🐅 balm it’s a one of these over-the-counter pain relief cream that you can rub onto your arthritic joints some people find it quite effective. Himself begins to feel some relief from the pain he’s feeling. He’s 99, a very proud man, not one to moan about pain. So some of his irritability is from pain I have no doubt of that. However I also I have no doubt that his personality is a very Alpha male I shall say to put it to put it nicely ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Sydney informs Himself that her Majesty has retired for the night. He replies it’s been a long evening, a very very long and challenging evening.I hate bloody photographers, just hate bloody photographers. 📸 🎥 Sydney knows only too well over the years what this is like and he replies understandably Sir.
Himself is now dressed in night clothes some nice gray slippers light gray night shirt and oh lovely lovely dove gray robe. He is much more comfortable now. His knee 🦵is starting to feel better and where do you think his mind wanders to? I wonder hmmmmmmmm, thinking about what could it be? Aaaah, He comes up with it, Sydney I do believe some refreshments 🥃🍺are in order! As usual, dear Sydney is 10 steps ahead of Himself! He replies, I have the trolly already sir! So they head down to the lounge where the TV is. But more importantly that is where the trolly is definitely! 😁🥃😁🥃😁🍺😁🍺😁What’s on Netflix Sydney, what’s on Netflix? Has one watched The Crown Sir? Now Sydney knows very well that they have watched The Crown  on Netflix and the last thing Himself wants to talk, read, watch or think about is the royal family duties. I don’t know why Sydney is ‘poking the 🐻 bear’ so to speak, but he decides to poke the bear Ha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Sydney you’re playing a dangerous game ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Himself knows very well that Sydney knows very well they have watched it and he’s just putting it in as a little bit of am irritant or as a jab.  And Himself’s response is a loud spine tingling bellowing BLOODY HELL SYDNEY!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sydney had quietly left the room.  to be  continued……..
Thank you PG!  You are a great storyteller!  Much appreciated!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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mbrainspaz · 5 years
DOLITTLE more like DO-not
As a person who enjoys things like alt-history maritime adventures, YA fantasy, animals, and Robert Downy Jr, I really wanted to like Dolittle. Unfortunately it’s not so much a feature film as it is a series of mashed-together catchy trailer clips with no real story or emotional depth (except what it desperately tries to wring out of the opening narration/animation, over and over and over and over again). It’s truly frustrating to watch such a high budget production executed so poorly on every front. Well, except the animal animations. Props to the animal animators. They did better than Lion King or any of the other recent Disney nonsense. If they’d had a good story and script to work with, maybe they could have made something out of it.  The main character is your typical YA white boy protag with zero personality. He’s part of the story because: 1. He Shows An Ounce Of Compassion Toward Animals. 2. ... that’s it actually. That’s his entire character. His family doesn’t even really pressure him about it, they’re just... politely confused (the writing was noticeably at its worst here too). But Dolittle’s parrot decides that’s enough to make him Chosen One Material. So naturally Gentle-Boy (I don’t remember his name) RUNS AWAY FROM HOME TO BECOME DOLITTLE’S SON INSTEAD. Hokay. 
If you thought Dolittle was the main character... nah? He’s more of a mysterious mentor figure even though the story never really makes up its mind about whether it wants to invest more effort in Dolittle’s perspective or gentle-boy’s. You get a surprising amount of the villain’s perspective too, which isn’t to build sympathy with him--it just happens that way because the plot has to get us up to speed on his evilness as fast as possible so it can spend more time on dragon farts later. 
Which brings us to the whole... what feels like a B plot but is actually the central conflict... plot about the Queen being poisoned by a mustache-twirling villain who--actually he was one of the highlights of the movie once you realize it’s a dumpster fire that’s just going to keep on burning. Turns out the queen can only be saved by a magical fruit. So they set out to find the 'impossible to find’ magic fruit, have one conflict with the villain, stop on an island, get captured, escape, and... you know what never mind. It’s literally Voyage of the Dawntreader meets the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean but worse. Infinitely worse. They get the fruit, obviously, but not without first performing a dragon colonoscopy. Yeah you read that right. 
Moving on-- One of the most irritating things for me, personally, was the inconsistent blend of plausible animal behavior and complete nonsense for quick (stupid) laughs. There’s no reason it couldn’t have had great lessons about understanding animal behavior even though it’s technically a fantasy setting with dragons. How To Train Your Dragon handled that beautifully. Dolittle didn’t even try. They had the perfect opportunity to teach kids about animal behavior and animal care in a fun fantastical setting, and they blew it on jokes about having a dog drag its butt across the floor. 😂 LOL Get it? Because ‘haha animal do weird gross thing for no reason lol.’ There’s the whole movie in a microcosm. 
I guess the central theme was ‘overcoming grief,’ but it wasn’t so much addressed as repeatedly glossed over for the sake of way too many scenes of animals cutting RDJ’s hair. (There were at least two. That’s 2 too many.) For a good movie that deals with this theme go rewatch Up: ✔️ Better story, ✔️prettier, ✔️relatable characters, ✔️talking dog,✔️ interesting villain, ✔️actually uplifting and inspiring, ✔️zero dragon anal procedures
I’d wrap this up with something about the ending but I gave up on it before I got there. Pretty sure they save the queen, because there isn’t any ‘will they--won’t they’ nuance to this story at all. Gentle-Boy probably marries the Princess Plot Device and becomes the king of England, then bans all hunting, thereby dooming his erstwhile peasant family to starvation. The End :) 
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
omg I'm from england!!! it's so cool that you're learning about that haha I honestly hated history so I salute you for doing it at university level. surprisingly tho, I was really good at it and never scored less than a 90 💀 I performed best in the subject I hate most, I hate how the world works sometimes. but I dropped it to pick up additional maths anyway.
mine was for my group financial statements module, it was an analysis report on the financial position of a company and a discussion on how goodwill should be treated in the accounts. it was pretty fun bc I had to dive deep into the company and their accounts, I felt like a real business woman 😂
also you're in so many dance teams that's awesome!!!! what type of dancing is it?? also well done on the competing!!! I'm happy it was successful!!! tbh the only dancing I do is kpop dances lol, and I've also started learning belly dancing which is so fun!!!
I understand how bittersweet that can be ❤ I hope you have a great time at the ball tho, that sounds so fun!! and I hope you're feeling better too, competing must have been so tiring so rest well and get better soon !!!
- 🌻
UK GANG RISE UP!!! not in our traditional way of imperialism, colonisation, and the perpetuation of racism, xenophobia, and exploitation, but simply in the sense that woohoo let's put the telly on and have a custard cream
waitwaitwait additional maths like admaths fsmq??? i did that in year 11 and it was so much fun, but bro maths at a level was HARD!! i did further maths for a year, but i had to drop it in y13 bc i was dying of maths death lmao
woahhhh business baby!!! woman in stem!!! let's go accountancy!!! honestly that sounds so so interesting but definitely hard work, so i applaud you and your big brain 🤯🤯
i do quite a lot of dancing - ballet is my favourite, plus tap, jazz, and contemporary 🕺🕺 my mum put me in lessons when i was little and ig i've just never stopped! granted, i've never been one of those people who's, like, A Dancer (and i have so little flexibility lmao), but it's so much fun and i love it sm 🥰
ooooh kpop dances always look so cool but i am Not a hip-hop or commercial dancer Whatsoever, so i've never really tried it.... kpop dancers always look like they're having so much fun, yk?? plus it's always hype when you're watching it 🤩🤩 and omg belly dancing?? GO OFF QUEEN!!! that kind of thing takes a lot of coordination and musicality - miss 🌻 really said 👑👑👑
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maxverstepponme · 3 years
I do slightly doubt Brackley anon is actually from Brackley. IMO some of the things they say don’t quite add up // If I’m being honest I don’t believe Brackley anon any more than I believe my mother is the Queen of England. And she’s not. At least that she told me anyway 😂 /
Glad it wasn’t just me 😅 p.s I’m actually the one dating Danny Ric 😉
For real? 👀
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djbigbrooklyn · 3 years
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Talk about a trip down memory lane!!! If you know you know!!! I am personally grateful to @videomusicbox Definitely influenced many decisions I made! Y’all make sure you check this out. It’s a lot of substance in there. That being said… I wanna give shout out to Mr Ralph McDaniels to @nas to my kids to my peoples sat down to my peoples outside ah ah ah to #brooklyn , #queens , #manhattan , #bronx , #statenisland , #longisland , #newyorkstate the #eastcoast the whole #westcoast #midwest #downsouth #australia #england #africa If you know you know!! 😂😂😂😂😂 Real talk… check it out you’ll enjoy it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CXfKEzONOFN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gotham--fc · 3 years
I think they play tonight at 7 et, it said on thier insta! (This is a lil late but we move)
True I don’t think Canada will get rid of the leafs but they need to make it cooler like. Split it into provinces and territories and have like a design or landscape. And I didn’t know you still see yourself as a colony I thought it was like we’re best mates 😂😂 I didn’t realise the commonwealth still see them selves as colonies 😂🤦‍♀️. I’d say GB should use thier coat of arms (maybe they should) but like the GB one is really nice, every time I wear it I get compliments on it 😂😂. I wanna collect more international jerseys tbf.
Oh yeah you gotta put the body on the line, I mainly did then cause I knew there was no way I could successfully poke check so I just took away where she was shooting 😂😂🤦‍♀️.
And no hockey Canada doesn’t it’s so sad cause they’d make a killing if they did cause you guys are a lot of peoples second fave national team after their own country.
Ooo I like that one but I’d get the black one bc black Canada jerseys ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yeah I get you, I don’t really understand the whole anthem thing growing up not listening to it that much outside special occasions. Like I’ll be honest I don’t know it outside the main verse. And like cause I watch lots of hockey I know the Canadian one better than my own 😐😂-not the us one tho cause they don’t beat Canada when I watch 😤😤😂 and I stopped watching the GB v USA game as soon as the whistle went cause I don’t wanna see them cellying .
That’s sound I was just double checking. I’m fine with anything tbf, dude is fine. My hockey team (my womens one) all call each other boys, fellas and lads so I wanted to check cause I’m just so used to those terms being used like they’re neutral and they’re not and I forget that 😂😂🤷‍♀️.🏒
You’re so right they played tonight 😂 I am so busy with school I will not be able to watch them until whenever they play the us next, is it the 15th? Idk but whenever it is is the next time I can watch
Yeah like do something funky with the jerseys, like maybe they wouldn’t be so boring if the base colours weren’t just plain one colour you know? Have a multi colour jersey or have designs all around the jersey you feel? Like let’s step things up
We don’t technically still see ourselves as a colony but we’ve never really gotten real independence, like our head of state is still technically the queen, we have a Governor General to represent England, and (I’ve been learning about this forgive me) when we were a colony we were focused on exporting our natural resources to help with the empire and stuff and now we’re still only an exporting natural resources country like we haven’t tried to find something else and that’s why we’re never gonna stop using oil because it’s the one thing we still have to export (at least until the trees grow back in 50-100 years and we can cut them all down again)
Okay hockey Canada we need to have multiple chats then about how you’re handing the jersey sitch okay? And like not all Canadians live in Canada, people move but still wanna support, and there’s still non Canadians, like you said, that want a Canada jersey, smh hockey Canada smh
I do love a black jersey I think I’m drawn to white because I’m finally an adult which means my mothers ban on me owning white clothes has finally ended so now all I want is white 😂 (I got stains a lot as a kid it was a valid ban)
Oh I know all the words to oh Canada and the star spangled banner I almost know oh Canada in French too (the only french I know) and I can do parts of it in sign language, they made us learn it in French and English and sign language as kids but then they changed the signs for it so now I don’t know it all, oh! I can also play it on sax too
Oh yeah I feel that in my head everything’s gender neutral but then someone will be like can you not call me that and I’m like oh shit that’s a gendered work I’m so sorry, I should start calling everybody my homies or comrades or something 😂
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winelover1989 · 3 years
only thing that can make the roaring 20s wilder is if the queen of england's death instigates a civil war but more like a real housewives reality show war in the "royal family" than a war war 😂
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